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2013.10.12 22:33 pixelement /r/PublicFreakout

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2019.03.06 04:38 carlossanchas SingaporeRaw

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2013.02.20 23:58 cosmosclover cracker bargel




This subject follows along from the general conclusion of infantilism, i.e. if we agree that infantilism exists in a culture that therefore all aspects of (such a culture) must be examined as to how they are impacted ‘by’ that infantilism, as: infantilism constitutes an undeveloped form of a thing; here (without covering absolutely every single aspect of it, as this could be a book in and of itself) we explore ‘sexual immaturity’ and its promulgation and consequences (of which we could easily make the case of the consequences as to be the cause of ‘all social ill’).
In an anthropological view; as if like we are looking at a chimpanzee colony, both procreation and familial-tribal child-raising takes place in our contemporary Western societies in a very clumsy sort of way; with the latter (i.e. the actual raising of children) not occurring at all, with the consequence of ‘arrested development’ – and usually we would recognize and name this, if we ever thought very deeply about it:
However, the notion that all of this could be reduced to and fathomed as ‘sexual immaturity’ is an interesting (and unexplored) avenue to approach these matters from; certainly the act of actual procreation is deliberately accidental (I mean here in the contemporary West) in that a Woman does “not seek a mate” and then become pregnant, i.e. she does not even the sexual act to be procreative, rather: she accidentally becomes pregnant (“it was a miracle”), having beforehand and all throughout the duration and beyond it a culture which is far detached from the physical reality of things and thus a new human is created with no forethought for its care or provision and no security net in place to provide for it and ensure its prosperity and intelligent up-bringing, and increasingly there are fewer and fewer intelligent older persons around who are capable of providing the education and care for that child as would naturally exist in the large familial-tribal unit of an extended family where, historically, we all came from and of which is still the norm across much of the world, (i.e. village elders who would otherwise raise the children up to be intelligent even if the Mother herself is too young to be a real parent - if we imagine as the species norm would be that most Women historically had their first child at around the age of fourteen or fifteen). Without, then, that familial-tribal unit to instruct and care for the child’s intellectual development and without either land to make a living from to provide tis economic development then we find a cursed life, that is: a life far more difficult than it otherwise ought be had it been born in a more wisely chosen environment.
My point here is that ‘procreation’ is considered almost never at all by our society as being the most basic step in the creation and promulgation ‘of’ a tribal unit; with procreation itself being left down to blind chance and more often either legitimately accidentally or feigned accidently so as to attempt to cement a relationship (see: divorce and break-up rates in the West), either way this is the material circumstance into which children are born.
To say, then, that not grasping this reality ‘is’ itself a product of sexual immaturity; i.e. a Woman who does not understand what a new human is, seems to me to be far more of an accurate view of the thing than to declare it as ‘sexual immorality’ as it is usually insisted by the Abramic types, as: rather obviously it is ‘Sexual Immaturity’ rather than ‘Sexual Immorality’ that is the really cause of (the above scenario), that is: it is not Men and Women knowing too much about sex but of Men and Women knowing virtually nothing at all and therefore absent of a practice and familiarity necessary for Sexual Maturity, with Sexual Maturity itself being the very thing declared to be Immorality - an irreconcilable paradox.
It seems to me, then, that the habits we observe of ‘accidental pregnancy’ are the natural occurrence in such an unnatural society; that is: a consequence of misplaced moralism over the vital mechanical sexual functions of the human body (a thing which may well dominate and drive our unconsciousness entirely) have been rendered so alien to our expression and consideration but of which are so incessant and irrepressible; that sexual release is habitually denied, I mean here societally (i.e. “it is not polite”), and only finds ‘permission’ to appear in extreme drunkenness in fits of frenzy, and so on, so that when procreation actually occurs it is sporadic and neither at that moment nor before it was the adult rational mind involved – again, this is plainly a consequence of ‘sexual immaturity’ ‘before’ it could ever be said to be a consequence of ‘sexual immorality’.
It’s worth considering, of our own society in contemporary times, how far removed we are from most of the world which practices arrange marriages in one form or another (i.e. whether we are speaking of large tribal units or smaller family units) and what the consequence of this is on our own communities being absent of that; that is: the most fertile years of our lives are not spent having gotten procreation out of the way by having five or six children by the age of twenty or nineteen (so that when the child is fifteen you might be thirty, which seems to be the age where the sexual drive begins to dissipate or has anyway lost its novelty), and instead (i.e. without of being match-made far earlier in life) procreation instead occurs – if it does at all – accidentally and well-past the most fertile and healthy years, with such children being often quite sickly and the strain on the body being significantly more risky to the Mother (haphazardly enabled only then by massive external resources which would not have been required at all beforehand). I do not mean to seem as if I am advocating “having five or six children by the age of twenty or nineteen” only that in our natural environment this has always been the way of the thing due to natural sexual exploration when we are at that age.
At the same time, at the beginning and at the end of this “waste of time” (as I would say) of those most fertile years in which our sexuality is forbidden to us; that culture which we examine here as being simply Sexual Immaturity, it has been the case that that “Immaturity” persists well into later life by those afflicted adults who were forbidden to practise their natural sexuality when they were at the age where they wanted to, that is that the culture and mentality of such persons subjected to such restrictions quite demonstrably can be shown to have regressed them to the point that, as then as adults, they dress as children, speak and think as children, shun adult responsibility and seem altogether to have matured intellectually no further than the age of twelve or thirteen years, despite physiologically and neurologically having surpassed far beyond that early almost larval-like stage of our development where the body and mind are both only partially formed.
Instead it has been the “dragging-out” of that childlike insensibility, again: to no useful outcome, which has by that point in time essentially mitigated most of their procreative potentiality in that 1) physically having children is then far more difficult for them, and 2) they are now twenty-five years behind where their familial-tribal unit might otherwise have been, i.e. they do not have five or six twenty year old children bringing in incomes to the Household (to purchase a Household in the first place if they did not possess one before) or working the land (or likewise to purchase land) so that their prosperity will not have developed beyond mere subsistence off of the external labour market so as to escape the poverty and dependency traps inherent in the cities – which nominally constitutes their entire existence ‘to’ escape such miseries. All in all it is a lot of hard work by that point and I could not help but notice, of my own generation and those slightly older, how this outcome would have been entirely altered and set on a more prosperous trajectory if, say, at the age of sixteen a couple had been put together and had a few children, as: by the age of twenty the best seeds would have been sewn and they would not have to even think about “having children” ever again which is itself a thing, I observe anyway, that is so daunting and bothersome later in life that it really is something better gotten out of the way as early as possible in the manner that we would have done quite naturally otherwise.
If the idea here is to build up that familial-tribal unit then this methodology serves the purpose in the most optimal manner; the adults are freed up and enjoy their liberties, the younger adults (i.e. the teenagers) are preoccupied quite happily fulfilling their single greatest biological urges to have sex as much as they like, and the population figures begin to climb up at a rate of replacement which is far superior, e.g. a thirty year old parent of a fifteen year old only has five years before that fifteen year becomes a physically matured adult ready to contribute to the unit, whereas by contrast a thirty year old parent of a five year old has a great longer time to wait for physical maturity so that the distance between the two age groups becomes fragile and thin the further it is stretched with a concurrent loss of replacement manpower by a space of ten additional years.
There is something to be said for the older more experienced Father, of course, I remember quite well that the children I grew up with whose Fathers were in their forties and fifties and whose Mothers were in their twenties or very early thirties were quite better-off in their disposition and intelligence (whilst those with older Mothers tended to be sickly in one way or another); simply put though I think it is more to do with the experience of age as the influencing factor than anything else and a functional familial-tribal unit would have this influence in far greater capacity.
If we add to this factor the notion of polygamy (something shunned as ‘pagan’ by the Abramic religions yet advocated for in their own holy books, indeed: it was the universal norm) then we find the whole circle being completed in that young teenagers do as they please with each other, becoming familiar with relationship and their sexuality, and then when they reach a more mature age they might marry each other or other people properly so as to begin families of their own; but that by that age they may well have produced several children already via multiple partners so that the actual ‘legitimate children’ (in the sense of inheriting land and titles) of a more formal marriage is superfluous to population replacement insofar as the tribe is concerned, as: they have already increased the headcount quite massively by comparison. It is worth mentioning here the legal problems of land inheritance and the seeming inability for people to ever work this all out amongst themselves as being one of the most desirable points of the introduction of some of the Abramic religions, when they first appeared, as rules were laid out of who could inherit (some rules more effective than others, some quite ruinous in fact) which provided a framework in perpetuity (but on the other hand, with all children being considered legitimate in some instances, i.e. the children of concubines, this produced the problem of “all children” being in competition for the single title or, in turn, a vast spread of land, i.e. a Kingdom, being broken apart “to make it all fair”: this did not differ in form from, say, Imperial China to the late Ottoman court whilst the European Monarchies to their credit, somewhat, temporarily solved the matter by the allocation of specific titles to be given to the first born, second born, third born, etc., and then bouncing back to the Monarch upon the death of that Duke to be allocated again – although some would say this is a feeble manner by which to govern large polities it differs not very much from the essential ‘oversight’ duties over local governments as practiced in the Roman Principate rather than direct-governorship over those provinces themselves).
The tribal influence in real terms upon children cannot be understated in its superior effects upon the character and long-term capacity of the children themselves (when compared to others); I have some experience in my own up-bringing with this and really the outcome (again: compared to the infantilism, i.e. arrested development, you will almost always find in the nuclear family type, which we might easily compare to factory farmed within four walls and a hen-pecking parental authority vs. free range) is a quite more matured and capable disposition (call it “street smarts” if you like; they follow what actually works rather than what is ‘pretended to them’ to work, which is typically nothing more than the parents own whimsical desires of the moment) amongst all the children when they are simply freed up from the poor influence of an unfit parent even without the good influence of a more fit parent of which, then, the fit parent itself could be determined to be largely superfluous, as: of their own accord they learn amongst themselves and become naturally fortified against being instructed into error by a witless or ill-inclined adult, whereas a child stuck under the thumb of a witless ‘parent’ has no means to disobey that witless parent without facing severe punishments and so there the child is sculpted into a helpless fool, later embittered in life and at the tender mercy of their peers, as: even as they might innately know-better (than to do the foolish thing their parent demands they do) they are forced nevertheless, either physically punished or emotionally coerced, into adopting the ‘silly walk’ and ‘dress’ of the witless parent, which is to say: they are forced into conforming toward the cultural idealism determined by the parent with no thought whatsoever for the practicalities of life, e.g. the matter of “how will my child earn a living” is addressed neither by parenting nor by schools thus begrudgingly selling themselves auction block of the labour market turns out to be the only method, whether they were deluded into thinking that their aspirations to be a professional athlete or an astronaut were entertained and encouraged for them at the expense of informing them about any other means of paying the rent or not.
I should say here that when I say “familial-tribal unit” I am broadly referring to any number of groupings, in whatsoever local forms they may take shape, but that the decisive factor, most chiefly, will be a large extended family network of which, if it ever needed to pool its resource together, would constitute a decent size force in land, resource production and manpower – but chiefly it is the possession of land which enables everything else:
More ideally, to my mind, it would resemble (or be very close in composition to) that Roman ‘Familia’ (the origin of the word ‘Family’ in our English) where a fairly large blood family of at least five generations inhabited in and around the same House or group of Houses (see: Palace, Villa and Manor Economy), with servants and adoptees and associates (business partners) likewise being considered as extended kin; altogether forming, as it were, a little nationality. In the sense of ‘Nationality’ it is, it ought be said, more a return to how we actually were prior to the ‘naming conventions’ of the 1700’s or so where the stupid surnames made up on the spot of many Europeans were forced into Law over what would have originally been clan and tribal identities and from which there came that fake sense of disparate ‘Nationality’ (i.e. cut off from tribe and forced into atomization; identity through a very small family unit alone) from which the misnomer of ‘Race’ would be made-up to lend credibility to. In many ways a great deal of the urbane ‘neurosis’, let’s call it, stems really from this absence of ‘true tribe’ with it having been eradicated either by the fecklessness of urban societies; societies of strangers and thieves, and also more directly via those religions which pretend to fill the void of ‘true tribe’ with their witless rituals and effete pretences – things which are a wet-blanket over true fellowship wrought in such a manner as comes in all reality perfectly naturally the moment the screws holding foolishness in place are undone and cast away – and really here, when we stack these observations together one upon the other, we are really speaking of a sound and strong society certainly immune to the shallow perversity created by denialism toward the basic mechanics of the human body – in addition to any other considerations which follow from that.


It must be considered quite seriously by the reader as to the overall influence, or lack thereof, of a tribal-familial unit as to what fills its place in the education of people otherwise and, as I began this text by considering for myself, how much of the ‘dysfunctionality’ can be attributed to the “lack thereof”.
Along with the cultural instance on sexual immaturity as to produce the consequence of delaying and drawing out for decades a fetish of normal sexuality which ought naturally be done with by a person after reaching the age, say, of maybe seventeen, there is the greater point which I am trying to relay here in this text of how many other aspects of ‘bad culture’ are singularly anchored to and thusly totally dependent upon that sexual immaturity – that is: we would be hard-pressed to imagine how really many of the pernicious scenarios in our contemporary society would even arise if that foundation stone of ‘sexual immaturity’ were removed from the equation:
For instance, how much of a ‘relationship’ is spent and sculpted (either by the Man or the Woman or both) on jealously and worry of the other ending the relationship for having found another person or another means to fulfil their sexual gratification? If a ‘relationship’ is based upon, let’s call this, “mutual masturbation” then at the heart of that is sexual immaturity of the mental age of maybe fourteen years whereupon a person has been sort of coaxed into dependency for orgasm on a third party; they are fraught and fearful that this should be taken away from them – it being so vital as like a mechanical necessity for either sex – that the entire content of their ‘relationship’ revolves around it; seeking it, coaxing it, demanding it, guarding it from be lost, and so on, of which I think it is not exaggeration to say that such concerns constitute 100% of the verbal interaction in such a ‘couple’; either outright or in the back of the mind so as to reinterpret all scenarios and verbal expressions as being related to that end-goal of maintaining the “mutual masturbation”.
Simply put this ‘relationship’, then, revolves around twenty minutes of sexual activity in a day – if that much (or even if every day), yet dominates the entirety of the mind; that is: the entirety of the ‘relationship’, when this action itself is something that a servant or a slave or a prostitute would be used for in many societies, with the ‘content’ of the marriage, say, being concerned more with running the business of a Household or concerned with procreation to produce legitimate children to inherit the business, the title, the land, whatever. My point here is that neither Man nor Woman are elevated or their dignity improved, somehow, by this absence of sexual maturity but rather that both are reduced; i.e. greatly lowered, to the cognitive and social standing of the “servant, slave, prostitute,” in that as far as they think of and conceptualize themselves as part of a Household at all it is singularly the concern with simple sexual acts which dominate their interpersonal interactions and their ideas about their own self; it is their ‘social currency’.
If this seems alien – I mean my observation on this – consider how much neurosis goes on in the daily grooming rituals of Women or those sad excuses for Men who “lift weights but cannot fight” (not to mention the ease at which a thin muscular physique bleeds out at the slightest of puncture wounds, see: Roman Gladiator training), i.e. whose only concern is that of admiring their own bodies in a mirror, this being intellectually identical to young Women. Is this not the mentally of a slave? If so, even if we shy away from saying it plainly, then we must ask “what forms the mentality of a slave (i.e. where does it come from)” – in the above equation a slave in a Household is more like an object fulfilling a function than He or She is a person with any autonomy (well, obviously there is no autonomy for a slave) so it is almost to be expected that in such an environment that the intellectual trajectory of an object-person goes away from externalities and becomes entirely absorbed with self-presentation and equates their social status from that, and if groups of such persons will set this to be the common culture; deriving status in that manner among themselves – although still these are slaves possessing no ‘status’ to speak of, as being object-people. This is evidenced also in victims of sexual abuse or those, in general, suffering at the hands of third parties whose autonomy is in some way or another restricted; that their singular focus becomes that of sexuality as like depression is “rage turned inward”, thus too it seems for sexual infantilism.
I cannot pass up this subject without mentioning a series of interviews describing, a thing quite novel to me, the notion of American Christian ‘Purity Culture’ from the point of view of those heavily indoctrinated into that; instilled with Catholic levels of guilt over the normal function of the body, who have then left their small churches or megachurches, or whatever, and spoken plainly about the mentality of those inside of it as relating to sexuality. It is a thing I think long suspected but seldom expressed that, as it was described, the mentality of such persons is that they are “horny all the time” due to the relentless guilt inculcated into them; that due to denialism of sexuality their ordinary sexual impulses are magnified to an incredible degree and that, consequentially, their entire being is animated by repressed sexuality so that their thoughts are ‘impure’ all the time whilst verbally they express strong denialism and shame over the thing. I think this is no real difference to any such religious malinstruction; be it Muslim, Jewish or Christian, in that the perpetual infantilism of their surrounding society stems first of all from their own bedrock religious culture (i.e. whatever religion which is at odds with the human body, etc.) were due to such ‘culture’ they never really get over, say, an early adolescent view of sexuality where they are driven entirely by it and never learn to overcome it, no pun intended, but utterly unrealized – which would take them leaving their religion – is that this process demonstrably brings out the absolute worst in their character and disposition with the process itself being the promulgation ‘of’ those very “Viceful thoughts ” that they claim to be “at War with in the world”, in other words: it is just they themselves who, for example, look at a young teenage girl (or god help us, a small boy) and thinks all manner of sexual rapacity – and that this animates them politically to campaign for restrictive legislation to be put into Law to police “all society” as if “all society” existed at their low level is an incredible thing to consider. But I do not think their broader societies are any exception to this, rather point here is that their broader societies are comprised of persons exactly like them; that the Christian or the Jew driven by a lifetimes shaming over their normal sexuality adopt, in turn, the most depraved expressions ‘of’ sexuality as a self-affirmation; that is: the extreme self-identification with a simple sexual action, for example, came to literally define a persons personality in such places to the point that (Americans anyway) seriously put out the notion during the late 1990’s and 2000’s that a fleeting sexual act 1) defines a persons entire character, and 2) it is also inborn, e.g. as like to say that whether you prefer this or that on the menu at a restaurant is something determined genetically; this is utterly stupid and utterly, in my opinion, a consequence of society which has not wanted to evolve beyond the ‘sexual immaturity’ of which physiologically seems to occupy a very small window of the middle to late teens and of which repression during those ages quite demonstrably creates madness and retardation – I mean that if their culture did not peripherally do this to them then the manner by which swathes of their cultural-historical institutions do this to them ‘outright’ by inculcation into this process in particular certainly does it to them, and merely it is the unwillingness to fully condemn these Religions and relegate these influences to the dustbin which keeps the entire thing ticking along with “just enough” of the population bent out of shape by it to present those same persons, seemingly confused as to where they came from, lumbering through the broader society and serving as examples of lunacy and degeneracy.
In short - and I may as well add this here also, the aim to abstain for a while from sexuality was a custom introduced by the Ancient Romans and was designed to heighten sexual pleasure; in effect, then, foreign barbarians coming to this culture much later on with nobody to really explain it to them ended up unwittingly engaging in what they would probably have recognized as ‘sex magic’ whereupon the denial of their own mechanical sexual function was ‘abstained’ by them; i.e. they saw the value in holding off on doing drugs or having sex for a while, – but they did not understand what the effect or the outcome of that was ‘intended’ to be in that one would abstain specifically ‘to’ heighten the senses toward that pleasure; and this is evidenced chiefly in the Lunar Orgies and the Fast/s of Ceres. Interestingly, Jesus himself in (i think the Gospel of Thomas?) mentions to his followers that “they will hate him for what he says now,” and that he says that “fasting brings out all the worst in them” – in other words, engaging in periodic abstinence will turn them all horny. Knowing this from a relatively early age it was no surprise to me at all why celibate priests ended up diddling children or member of their own congregation or why the most outwardly pious zealots proved to be the most morally weak people to be found as even with the most ‘clean’ example, let’s say, of a person who has never drank wine, for example, they have not ‘overcome’ that thing but have rather avoided ever experiencing that thing so that it will always be a novel temptation to them of which they will have no understanding of and which they can be leveraged by in various ways primarily due to their ignorance of which ‘experience itself’ would otherwise render them far more fortified against:
A good example here is the ‘pot scare’ of the early 1930’s in America when it was seriously believed by a wholly ignorant chunk of the urbane voting public that smoking cannabis (and drinking alcohol, for that matter) would turn a person into a serial killer, this is totally bizarre to us now, but notice that this was the same society whose moral standard was that “a table leg” should not be uncovered because it reminded them of a Womans bare leg – although here we might better understand why they were so preoccupied by thoughts like that (I think very seriously in their heightened state of perpetual arousal any little thing would send them to buggery of a farmyard creature)! Hilarious. But – notice also that this was the same society which was engaging in some of the most casually egregious inhumane criminality that history had ever seen, as if they ‘were’ high on narcotics and their rational senses dulled; I do not mean here to bring American notions of ‘Race’ into this as to be seen to ‘condemn Black Slavery’ in the fashion of my own day (although we mentioned family-tribe as a better form of so-called nationality earlier) but the ghastly images of actual Country Fairs where smiling families with children by their knees would pose for crude photographs with the charcoaled or bloated rotting carcass of a burned or lynched Man is beyond my ability to play-down or normalize. I mean here to say, that: far from the pretense of ‘clean mindedness’ of such persons about themselves that we find these same persons are the filthiest and most depraved characters around, being those few persons who walk amongst us who are actually capable of doing those inhumane things (again, see: Banality of Evil) as would be unthinkable to a person of normal rational healthy conscience. We might connect this, also, to the historical BDSM extravaganzas which took place in the Christian monasteries and public squares for many centuries where young Women were sexually tortured by celibate clergymen as to recognize how deep and quick a plunge it is from a person or their culture going from the denial of normal healthy sexuality into the kettled and sadistic gore fetish of outright murder.
It is always worth reminding the reader who wishes to minimize these more egregious aspects of the subject (as rape is still rampant among the clergy); which are consequential of sexual immaturity, that it was not ‘reason and rationality’ per se that stamped this out from European society but soldiers kicking in the doors of such Churches, Town Halls and Houses with muskets, rifles, long knives and grape-shot and physically eradicating the perpetrators and their willing congregations from America and France for the practice itself of sexually torturing a Woman and then burning the evidence on the fake pretexts of obviously made-up accusations of “she turned me into a frog” to actually be ended. That is to say that the ‘mentality’ and ‘culture’ which provided the framework for such inhumane activities was never formally realized or educated-out of a people, so to find it lingers along into contemporary times; animating the otherwise dormant farmyard animal-like character of such persons “like powers of evil”, is not surprising to me in the least. What was more surprising to me is that as so much of these religions are so obviously outright ‘evil’ that more persons do not speak of the intricacies of the things in such necessary detail these more ‘egregious’ cases would qualify, and then to spool back to discover the cause of every evil action in the mentality of every perpetrator – generally speaking, for instance, it will be a character with a disposition of infantilism and perhaps this is more easy to understand without needing to connect it to sexual immaturity though, to my mind, these are not distinct enough to warrant any separation; as: infantilism is always going to be immaturity and immaturity is always going to run concurrent with a lack of adult intellectual development where a mature and experienced view of a thing, sexuality in this case, has likely been within the powers of a person to have gleaned naturally through experiences – in which case there would be no argument with anything I say here, or of which such experiences have been prevented by external powers from being gleaned by the person in question; in which case they remain ‘as if’ they were fourteen years old with the allure of mysterious unknown sex acts utterly dominating their consciousness at all times and yet physically being thirty, forty, fifty years old – well past the age (certainly physiologically) where they should have gotten it all out of their system but of which they have not, chiefly because their experiences have been rather dull and monotone and so much social currency has been valued by it ‘being’ dull and monotone, e.g. monogamy, legal repercussions binding two people in place, the atomized kettling nature of the disconnected nuclear family unit, living amongst strangers in large cities where it not so simple as just going topless to change the local culture, control through the selective denial of the sex act itself (as William Reich and Esther Vilar both write on), the sexualisation of young people by adults, the accidental ‘perversity’ (in the real meaning of the word) of unfulfilled (or poorly fulfilled, or repressed altogether) sexuality and its effects on the brain and society, and so on and so on.
I am always inclined to think when considering this subject, and I may as well end this text in conclusion with this recurrent thought of mine, that ‘sexual perversion’ really begins in the mind of ourselves as young teenagers when the normal human body is leeringly presented to us as being something ‘illicit’, e.g. the breasts of Women are concealed in our society and so due to ‘hiding them away’ they become objects of mystery and fetish which they otherwise are not. I do not think this is deliberate reverse psychology (as god help us few enough people even understand the concept to understand what they do inadvertently) but it produces the same consequence of reverse psychology, whereupon quite arbitrarily a certain piece of the body, say, an ankle, is all of a sudden declared by a mad Adult to be “evil, sinful, lustful, of the devil,” when no such notion existed in the minds of people otherwise, as then: their natural curiosity is piqued by this imposition and so they develop a perversion dervied in chief part – as a sense of lewd pleasure – from bucking the arbitrary nonsensical imposition forced upon them by that dictate of which such a scenario never would have had cause to occur if not for that imposition having created it. I feel that this ‘perversion’ (again, in the real meaning of that word) stands in the way of a fully realized and fully pursued sense of actual sexuality and, from it, of a more resonant concordance between Men and Women whose interactions are otherwise thrown off balance by such impositions as they are dragged back down to sexual immaturity all the time; or into fear and jealously etc., as like a dozen avenues are presented in any conversation and virtually of them are strewn with piss, vomit and polyfoam which had no reason to be put there in the first place, or more accurately: it was put there through the carelessness of an atomized and witless peoples who knew no better than to do this to themselves but of which a familial-tribal unit would have drummed out of them quick sharp if for the actuality of nothing else than “we are all in this together” being something that is tangibly true and not merely shallow political rhetoric when it is said of a tribe vs. when it is said of a state polity comprised of countless strangers.


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2024.06.09 16:27 Berko1572 USA: Health Insurance Resources



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General legal landscape:

• Movement Advancement Project (MAP)

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Legal help with insurance:

• Trans Health Project

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• National Center for Lesbian Rights

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• Lambda Legal

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• Sylvia Rivera Law Project

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2024.06.09 16:26 Real_Licha Rule

Rule submitted by Real_Licha to 196 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:24 Simply_Quinn Come on down to South Park and listen to the talented Lawrence City Band in this performance of their Summer Band Concert Series. Tonight's theme is "Scintillating Sixties" conducted by Martin J. Bergee. This event is Free and open to the public. Date: Wednesday, June 19 Time: 8:00 PM Location: Sout

Come on down to South Park and listen to the talented Lawrence City Band in this performance of their Summer Band Concert Series. Tonight's theme is submitted by Simply_Quinn to LawrenceKSThingsToDo [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:23 Mean_Palpitation_171 Male 44, my abusive ex, my son and a real saga.

My first and defining relationship was with an older woman when I was 21. She was 37. I was attracted to her boldness and it was exciting to be around her at first. She was a heroin addict, and one day she was in the bed nodding off and I said I have to go and I left. I had sort of decided to break it off with her . Then a note came in my mail box...a letter which said in ransom note cut out newspaper lettering...I will take you from rags right through to stitches. I got scared and wondered who it was.i called her up and asked her. She didn't confirm or deny and seemed amused. She then offered to share some heroin with me if I ever wanted some. Even though I was freaked out something drew me back and I called her. We shared the heroin. Over the next few weeks she displayed odd behaviours like kicking me in public, verbal put downs and flirting in front of me with other men. I was too inexperience to walk away.i got sucked into it and the sex and intimacy made me fall in love. She became pregnant three months later. Because my father had killed himself when I was eight, I decided I need to be a good father to my child so I embraced the idea. I was a talented songwriter and musician and as the relationship started so did my career in the town. During her pregnancy she had moments of violence, such as threatening me with a baseball bat,hitting me over the head with a phone and literally clinging onto me as I tried to leave and held on until I fell over exhausted. Despite these outbursts we also had moments of bliss preparing the house for the child. She had the child, a son and I embraced fatherhood. She was highly strung and jealous of my females friends, and by this point I had become addicted to opiates after the heroin ran out. She could be calm and loving one moment and suddenly snap and become frightening and intimidating. Certain events like Christmas or Easter she would I variably snap and make a scene and I would cop the physical or verbal abuse. It was a strange time where we were raising a child and there were moments of bliss but also terror and confusion. Things went on like this for years until I finally had to get away. During this time she made it difficult to see my son. We got back together on and off but it would end when she would snap and I felt threatened. I made a final break after a bleeding stomach ulcer from my addiction to painkillers during which she kicked me while I lay on the floor for her to call and ambulance. I nearly died and was so scared I left town. During this time she made threats to harm our son and I was so worried. I didn't want to abandon my son but I had to be away from her. Eventually I went to rehab in another city and sorted out my issues properly. During this time she became a meth user and became neglectful and abusive to our son and psychotic and violent. My son came to visit me and my friends convinced me to keep him with me, despite me feeling powerless to do so. It was a hard few years but my son and I lived together and I was sober and healthy and while it wasn't perfect I'm proud I was able to give my son some refuge from her abuse and a good father figure in his early adolescence. I went to court and obtained parenting order.i took out DVO's against her to protect me and our son. He attended a wedding where she was there and despite me ensuring his protection( it was his half sister , he really wanted to go) she tried to grab him and ended up choking him with his tie and caused a huge scene at the wedding.i felt so guilty when I found out because I had let him down again. Unfortunately the parenting order stated he still see his mum, and she convinced him to stay with her one visit and there was nothing I could do. He was 16 by this point. I was devastated.But one year later he called me crying saying she had threatens him again. I decided to move back to hometown so he could live with me and finish school. It was a difficult time and I met a co worker who we became romantically involved, but she had alcohol issues and drank herself to death within two years of us falling in love. Meanwhile my son finished school and I see my ex now on the street and feel no more fear. This is enormous because for twenty years I was petrified of her. My son is now 21 and is in strife now ...he went to a party and hooked up with a girl , he thought it was consensual and it didn't go beyond kissing and light groping. The next day her friend convinced her it was sexual assault and the cops were called. My son is facing serious charges. This has been so devastating and stressful.he is handling it well enough but I'm concerned about the stress the prolonged trial will have on him. I am now 44 and feel like I've been robbed of the last twenty years, my prime years, by a woman who terrorized me and hurt our son. It still angers and enrages me , disappoints me, saddens me, I feel so guilty for what my poor son has been through. She is now an alcoholic and her health is severely affected. I no longer feel she is going to kill me one day which is what I thought for twenty years. She has mellowed in her age. But there is always that 'what if' in the back of my mind. I also feel robbed of a chance at my true calling which is music.i still achieved things but my time and energy was spent dancing around my son's mother's abusive behaviours. And living in response to them. I realise now I can finally be free. I still worry about my son but I can't rescue him now he is an adult. This feels strange. It has been my main purpose for so long. And now I am just in disbelief at all the events of my life. And wondering where to go next , what to do. I'm absolutely terrified of women now. I'm so tuned in to noticing any red flags and any sign of one sends me into panic mode. I hope to have a normal life someday, a normal relationship, and some happiness. I still find it so hard to forgive his mother for what she did to our son. Does anyone have any words for me? Thanks for reading.
submitted by Mean_Palpitation_171 to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:20 course-creator89 Considering Circle vs Heartbeat for "owned" communities

Some of our brands have outgrown basic Reddit, Discord, FB groups... and I want to add learning resources, and more customized experiences for our audiences. Also hopefully charge a premium membership!
It seems like Circle and Heartbeat are two popular, market leaders right now. Both actually look and feel similar, but here's how I'd describe the differences currently:
Circle is best for...
Heartbeat is best for...
This is want I've seen SO FAR... I'll keep this thread updated as I learn more, test it out and new features get released.
submitted by course-creator89 to coursesandcommunity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:19 Throwaway_Avatar [MD/US] My kid's new job is paying him illegally. What can I do?

My minor child recently started their first job last month. It's a nearby restaurant that our family likes and has been going to for years. They really like both the job and the coworkers, plus they have flexible hours and get free food. Recently, they showed me their first paycheck, and it immediately raised red flags. In particular, I'm almost certain they're being paid under the table.
I understand that at a minimum, the employer is in the wrong here, but my kid really likes the job and doesn't want to quit or get fired for rocking the boat. So, my question is: how do I thread the needle to protect my kid on taxes/etc. without sacrificing their first job? Second question: how would this scenario be changed come Oct 1 when the new paycheck rules come into effect?
More details:
submitted by Throwaway_Avatar to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:00 somebadmf ABOUT THIS CHANNEL

HIPS/MTO is an elaborate scam that stole millions of dollars investors. This group to clarify how they did it, who they targeted to provide/endorse them with free publicity and educate those who're still in denial although ripped off, to NEVER involve your friends and families into another scam in the future!
submitted by somebadmf to HIPS_MTO_IS_A_SCAM [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:55 destinyraids24 Fortnite keeps crashing

Fortnite crashes constantly
Ok yall I need some help. So I have tried absolutely everything to fix my crashes on Fortnite but nothing seems to help. I’ve gone through all of epics trouble shooting steps, I’ve redownloaded Fortnite, redownloaded my GPU drivers, I’ve wiped my entire computer and downloaded windows again on a completely new SSD, and I went and got a new power supply since that was the only thing in my pc that was lagging behind. It would run for about half a game now instead of crashing after trying to load into a match, but I still crash. If anyone can help please I’m open to anything. Here is my crash log as well
I have a 3060 graphics card and a 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700KF
Log file open, 06/06/24 20:48:43 LogWindows: Enabling Tpause support LogPakFile: Initializing PakPlatformFile LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../Engine/Programs/CrashReportClient/Content/Paks/CrashReportClient.pak attempting to mount. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../Engine/Programs/CrashReportClient/Content/Paks/CrashReportClient.pak. LogPakFile: Display: Mounted Pak file '../../../Engine/Programs/CrashReportClient/Content/Paks/CrashReportClient.pak', mount point: '../../../Engine/' LogICUInternationalization: ICU TimeZone Detection - Raw Offset: -5:00, Platform Override: '' LogConfig: No local boot hotfix file found at: [C:/Users/capit/AppData/Local/CrashReportClient/Saved/PersistentDownloadDiHotfixForNextBoot.txt] LogInit: ExecutableName: CrashReportClient.exe LogInit: Build: ++Fortnite+Release-30.00-CL-33962396 LogInit: Platform=WindowsEditor LogInit: MachineId=d2feb9ca43b987a7f17e3f9c6cb441b4 LogInit: DeviceId= LogInit: Engine Version: 5.5.0-33962396+++Fortnite+Release-30.00 LogInit: Compatible Engine Version: 5.5.0-33962396+++Fortnite+Release-30.00 LogInit: Net CL: 33299130 LogInit: OS: Windows 11 (23H2) [10.0.22631.2861] (), CPU: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700KF, GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 LogInit: Compiled (64-bit): May 29 2024 02:12:59 LogInit: Architecture: x64 LogInit: Compiled with Visual C++: 19.38.33130.00 LogInit: Build Configuration: Shipping LogInit: Branch Name: ++Fortnite+Release-30.00 LogInit: Command Line: "../../../Engine/Binaries/Win64/CrashReportClient.exe" "C:/Users/capit/AppData/Local/FortniteGame/Saved/Crashes/UECC-Windows-1BEB75294F7813FD42E110B67152CB8E_0001" -ImplicitSend -AppName=UE-FortniteGame -CrashGUID=UECC-Windows-1BEB75294F7813FD42E110B67152CB8E_0001 -DebugSymbols=......\Engine\Intermediate\Symbols LogInit: Base Directory: C:/Program Files/Epic Games/Fortnite/Engine/Binaries/Win64/ LogInit: Allocator: Mimalloc LogInit: Installed Engine Build: 1 LogInit: This binary is optimized with LTO: no, PGO: no, instrumented for PGO data collection: no LogInit: Presizing for max 100000 objects, including 0 objects not considered by GC. LogInit: Object subsystem initialized [2024.06.07-00.48.43:732][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ConsoleVariables] File [Engine] [2024.06.07-00.48.43:732][ 0]LogInit: Computer: JOSH [2024.06.07-00.48.43:732][ 0]LogInit: User: capit [2024.06.07-00.48.43:733][ 0]LogInit: CPU Page size=4096, Cores=12 [2024.06.07-00.48.43:733][ 0]LogInit: High frequency timer resolution =10.000000 MHz [2024.06.07-00.48.43:974][ 0]LogMemory: Memory total: Physical=31.8GB (32GB approx) Virtual=36.8GB [2024.06.07-00.48.43:974][ 0]LogMemory: Platform Memory Stats for WindowsEditor [2024.06.07-00.48.43:974][ 0]LogMemory: Process Physical Memory: 35.08 MB used, 35.69 MB peak [2024.06.07-00.48.43:974][ 0]LogMemory: Process Virtual Memory: 67.04 MB used, 67.04 MB peak [2024.06.07-00.48.43:974][ 0]LogMemory: Physical Memory: 12788.18 MB used, 19792.80 MB free, 32580.99 MB total [2024.06.07-00.48.43:974][ 0]LogMemory: Virtual Memory: 17217.33 MB used, 20483.66 MB free, 37700.99 MB total [2024.06.07-00.48.43:975][ 0]LogUObjectArray: 494 objects as part of root set at end of initial load. [2024.06.07-00.48.43:975][ 0]LogUObjectArray: CloseDisregardForGC: 0/0 objects in disregard for GC pool [2024.06.07-00.48.43:975][ 0]LogPaths: Warning: No paths for game localization data were specifed in the game configuration. [2024.06.07-00.48.43:975][ 0]LogInit: Using OS detected language (en-US). [2024.06.07-00.48.43:975][ 0]LogInit: Using OS detected locale (en-US). [2024.06.07-00.48.43:975][ 0]LogInit: Warning: No paths for engine localization data were specifed in the engine configuration. [2024.06.07-00.48.43:975][ 0]LogTextLocalizationManager: No localization for 'en-US' exists, so 'en' will be used for the language. [2024.06.07-00.48.43:975][ 0]LogTextLocalizationManager: No localization for 'en-US' exists, so 'en' will be used for the locale. [2024.06.07-00.48.43:976][ 0]LogInit: Using OS detected language (en-US). [2024.06.07-00.48.43:976][ 0]LogInit: Using OS detected locale (en-US). [2024.06.07-00.48.43:976][ 0]LogTextLocalizationManager: No localization for 'en-US' exists, so 'en' will be used for the language. [2024.06.07-00.48.43:976][ 0]LogTextLocalizationManager: No localization for 'en-US' exists, so 'en' will be used for the locale. [2024.06.07-00.48.43:976][ 0]LogPackageLocalizationCache: Processed 2 localized package path(s) for 1 prioritized culture(s) in 0.000061 seconds [2024.06.07-00.48.43:976][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: DepotName: //Fortnite/Release-30.00 [2024.06.07-00.48.43:976][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: BuiltFromCL: 33962396 [2024.06.07-00.48.43:976][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: EngineVersion: 5.5.0-33962396+++Fortnite+Release-30.00 [2024.06.07-00.48.43:976][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: BuildVersion: ++Fortnite+Release-30.00-CL-33962396 [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: Using libcurl 8.4.0 [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: - built for Windows [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: - supports SSL with OpenSSL/1.1.1t [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: - supports HTTP deflate (compression) using libz 1.3 [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: - other features: [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: CURL_VERSION_SSL [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: CURL_VERSION_LIBZ [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: CURL_VERSION_IPV6 [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: CURL_VERSION_ASYNCHDNS [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: CURL_VERSION_LARGEFILE [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: CurlRequestOptions (configurable via config and command line): [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: - bVerifyPeer = false - Libcurl will NOT verify peer certificate [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: - bUseHttpProxy = false - Libcurl will NOT use HTTP proxy [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: - bDontReuseConnections = false - Libcurl will reuse connections [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: - MaxHostConnections = 16 - Libcurl will limit the number of connections to a host [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: - LocalHostAddr = Default [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: - BufferSize = 65536 [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: CreateHttpThread using FCurlHttpThread [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogAnalytics: Display: [CrashReporter.Dev] APIServer = AppVersion = ++Fortnite+Release-30.00-CL-33962396 [2024.06.07-00.48.43:986][ 0]CrashReportCoreLog: CrashReportClientVersion=1.0 [2024.06.07-00.48.43:986][ 0]CrashReportCoreLog: CrashReportReceiver disabled [2024.06.07-00.48.43:986][ 0]CrashReportCoreLog: DataRouterUrl: [2024.06.07-00.48.43:995][ 0]LogWindowsTextInputMethodSystem: Available input methods: [2024.06.07-00.48.43:995][ 0]LogWindowsTextInputMethodSystem: - English (United States) - (Keyboard). [2024.06.07-00.48.43:995][ 0]LogWindowsTextInputMethodSystem: Activated input method: English (United States) - (Keyboard). [2024.06.07-00.48.44:034][ 0]LogSlate: New Slate User Created. Platform User Id 0, User Index 0, Is Virtual User: 0 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:034][ 0]LogSlate: Slate User Registered. User Index 0, Is Virtual User: 0 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:066][ 0]LogSlate: Using FreeType 2.10.0 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:066][ 0]LogSlate: SlateFontServices - WITH_FREETYPE: 1, WITH_HARFBUZZ: 1 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:080][ 0]LogStandaloneRenderer: D3D11 adapters settings: [2024.06.07-00.48.44:080][ 0]LogStandaloneRenderer: D3D11 adapters: [2024.06.07-00.48.44:080][ 0]LogStandaloneRenderer: Testing D3D11 adapter: 0. Description: 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060'. VendorId: 10de. DeviceId: 2504. [2024.06.07-00.48.44:177][ 0]LogStandaloneRenderer: 0. 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060'. Feature level: 11_1 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:177][ 0]LogStandaloneRenderer: Testing D3D11 adapter: 1. Description: 'Microsoft Basic Render Driver'. VendorId: 1414. DeviceId: 008c. [2024.06.07-00.48.44:179][ 0]LogStandaloneRenderer: 1. 'Microsoft Basic Render Driver'. Feature level: 11_1 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:179][ 0]LogStandaloneRenderer: Skip adapter. [2024.06.07-00.48.44:179][ 0]LogStandaloneRenderer: Selected D3D11 Description: 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060'. VendorId: 10de. DeviceId: 2504. [2024.06.07-00.48.44:275][ 0]CrashReportCoreLog: Initial state = Unknown UploadState value [2024.06.07-00.48.44:275][ 0]CrashReportCoreLog: Initial state = Unknown UploadState value [2024.06.07-00.48.44:275][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: DepotName: //Fortnite/Release-30.00 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:275][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: BuiltFromCL: 33962396 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:275][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: EngineVersion: 5.5.0-33962396+++Fortnite+Release-30.00 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:275][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: BuildVersion: ++Fortnite+Release-30.00-CL-33962396 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:309][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: Successfully opened minidump: C:/Users/capit/AppData/Local/FortniteGame/Saved/Crashes/UECC-Windows-1BEB75294F7813FD42E110B67152CB8E_0001/UEMinidump.dmp [2024.06.07-00.48.44:309][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: Modules loaded: 160, unloaded: 0 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:315][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: Symbol paths [2024.06.07-00.48.44:315][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: SRV*......\Engine\Intermediate\Symbols [2024.06.07-00.48.44:315][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Fortnite\FortniteGame\Binaries\Win64 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:315][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Fortnite\FortniteGame\Binaries\ThirdParty\NVIDIA\NGX\Win64 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:315][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Fortnite\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\Vorbis\Win64\VS2015 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:315][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Fortnite\FortniteGame\Binaries\ThirdParty\NVIDIA\Win64 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:315][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Fortnite\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\NVIDIA\NVaftermath\Win64 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:315][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Fortnite\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\NVIDIA\GeForceNOW\Win64 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:315][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Fortnite\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\Windows\XAudio2_9\x64 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:315][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Fortnite\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\DbgHelp [2024.06.07-00.48.44:315][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Fortnite\FortniteGame\Binaries\ThirdParty\Discord\Win64 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:315][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Fortnite\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\Ogg\Win64\
submitted by destinyraids24 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:51 logarithm-construct Better sub-network vs existing (Bluebook, Procore, Planhub)

Better sub-network vs existing (Bluebook, Procore, Planhub)
Hey all,
Some of you probably know me as the author of a few AI applications in precon posts
  • AI in precon #1 (link)
  • AI in precon #2 (link)
  • AI in precon #3 (link)
I’ve also written about the sublist problem in precon (why online sublists lead to spam ITBs).
  • An in-depth guide to finding subs to work with (link)
I’m working to build a better subcontractor network for the industry. Think of it as an updated Bluebook (better data, more vetted profiles, GCs know what scopes subs bid). There are existing sub-networks (Bluebook, Procore, BuildingConnected, Planhub, google maps), but they all run into similar problems.
  • Subs labeled as wrong CSI
  • No contact data to get in touch with estimating team
  • Hard to build curated sublists for specific project niches (e.g. luxury retail construction)
  • It’s actually not that useful for GCs to find vetted subs
For context, we built a national sub-database (50 states) with better data (CSI codes, union/non-union, project portfolios). Using the AI-techniques discussed in my previous posts, I expect the data to be a lot better. Planning to release this as a free-resource for all estimators in the US.
Before releasing this publicly, I was hoping to talk to a few GC estimators to understand their process/systems for finding vetted subs. This would go a long way to making this free national database resource useful for everyone in this community and all estimators in the US.
Would any GC estimators be open to letting me pick their brain in exchange for early access to this national database of subs? If so, just comment below and I’ll DM you.
Thanks in advance everyone
p.s. To give you an idea of this network
submitted by logarithm-construct to estimators [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:45 jmtyranny Feeling Frogy ; Savage Lands Tribbits

Feeling Frogy ; Savage Lands Tribbits
Adapted From- Tribbitites- Marvel Database;
I love alternate reality stories. I love them as their own stories more than when they are used as additional settings to put main continuity characters in. What If Elseworlds and the Exiles had such fun stories. All thriller and no filler. The setting premise, characters, and plot were most often compressed to a single issue, with any other getting only a few issues at the most. Marvel Multiverse allows narrators to deviate from established continuity and set their games within their own Marvel reality. Using any of the one-off alternate realities from these publications would be a fun springboard into game night.
This submission is not derived from a published alternate Marvel Earth but is inspired by this iteration process. I wanted to build primitive frog people, so I went digging for a close approximation of an amphibious species already in publication and thought of ways to twist it into what I wanted to make.

Savage Land Tribbits Nation M518

The surviving descendants of a species nearly eradicated by the Kree Empire, the Tribbits settled in the warm, humid conditions of the Savage Lands. Within a generation, most of their technology had fallen into disrepair; the few surviving pieces are cherished relics used by Tribbit shamans.
Origin Alien: Tribbit
Occupations Outsider


The Slaying of Tribbit

About 400 years ago, The Tribbit were a refugee people building a new home from the remains of an abandoned Kree outpost; they were discovered by an accuser retinue that summarily destroyed the outpost. The remnant of the Tribbit were scattered to the stars.
Several dozen survivors had loaded onto a ramshackle transport that was hurtled toward Earth’s South Pole. Navigational controls were largely disabled, preventing the refugees from landing the craft safely. Instead, the craft plowed into a clearing in the Savage Lands.

Becoming Part of The (Savage) Land

The Tribbits quickly established a territorial holding in the Savage Land. forming hunting parties to forage food for a new Tribbit community at the crash site. Initially wielding a technological advantage over the ecosystem, the refugees were unable to maintain their equipment, and after 25 years had passed, they found themselves at the same relative technology level as the rest of the inhabitants of the savage lands (Stone to Bronze Age)

Soothing Goodberry

In their exploration of their new home, the Savage Land Tribbits have discovered a previously unknown fruit with remarkable medicinal properties. This fruit has proven to be incredibly effective at treating radiation exposure, even completely suppressing the effects of Gamma radiation.


A Rare Find

A handful of clandestine organizations are aware of the existence of Goodberry. Each likely only possesses 1-3 berries they have acquired through Savage Land Contacts that have no idea where the berries came from.

Medical Advancement

Medical researchers have been fascinated by the unusual efficacy of goodberry. The implications of being able to more aggressively incorporate radiation safely into treatments would make goodberry an essential component in some experimental treatments.

Gamma Suppression

Goodberry’s potency against radiation extends to an ability to suppress the effects of gamma exposure. This includes power suppression in Gamma mutates. Goodbrerry temporarily removes Gamma Mutate powers appropriate to the dose applied.

Savage Land Tribbits

Tribbit Hunter Character 2

Origin: Alien: Tribbit; Occupation: Outsider
The Savage Lands' lush ecosystem allows most inhabitants to survive and thrive independently of agriculture; they tend to be well-fed through hunting and foraging. Tribbit communities are economically driven by their hunting parties.


Abilities Defense Noncombat Damage
Melee 1 11 1 3
Agility 3 13 5 4
Resilience 1 11 1
Vigilence 3 13 3
Ego 1 11 1 2
Logic 1 11 1 2
Health 30;
Focus 90


Run 4; Climb 4; Swim 2; Jump 4


Alien Heritage, Amphibious, Extreme Appearance, Obligation: Clan, Poor, Signature Weapon: Bow


Connections: Outsiders, Free Running, Fresh Eyes, Signature Attack (Bow), Small, Sneaky, Stranger



Accuracy 2, Evasion, Heightened Senses

Spider Powers

Jump 1, Wallcrawling

Ranged Weapons

Snap Shooting, Sniping


Since the Tribbits are part of the Savage Land ecosystem. Players may encounter Tribbit hunting parties while exploring and could trade with them for goods or information. They may also be able to assist the Tribbits with tasks or quests, or simply learn more about their culture and way of life.
Since the Tribbits are territorial, players might have to negotiate access to Tribbit lands or could find themselves in conflict with Tribbit hunters if they appear to be a threat. The Tribbits' unique knowledge of the Savage Land, including their discovery of the Goodberry, could also make them valuable allies or sources of information for players.

Plot Hooks

The Goodberry Hunt

A powerful organization has learned of Goodberry and its properties and wants to secure a large supply. They hire the player characters to venture into the Savage Land, locate the Tribbits, and negotiate or steal a cache of the valuable fruit. This could lead to conflict with the Tribbits, other interested parties, or the dangers of the Savage Land itself.

Tribal Conflict

Two or more Tribbit clans are at war, either over territory, resources, or cultural differences. The players could be drawn into the conflict, forced to choose sides or mediate a peace. This could involve navigating Tribbit politics, understanding their motivations, and potentially engaging in combat or other challenges.

Lost Technology

The Tribbits possess remnants of their advanced technology, now revered as sacred artifacts. One or more of these artifacts could be lost, stolen, or malfunctioning, and the players are asked to help recover or repair them. This could involve exploring ancient Tribbit ruins, deciphering their technology, and overcoming environmental hazards or hostile creatures.

Cultural Exchange

A group of outsiders, such as explorers, scientists, or missionaries, seeks to make contact with the Tribbits and learn about their culture. The players could act as guides, intermediaries, or protectors, helping to bridge the gap between the two groups and navigate the complexities of cross-cultural communication. This could lead to opportunities for trade, diplomacy, or conflict, depending on the goals and attitudes of the parties involved.
submitted by jmtyranny to MarvelMultiverseRPG [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:41 mobofob What if DFV is the anonymous person in PleasrDAO?

Hear me out and i'll explain where this idea came from.
So i was watching the meme movie in reverse order and the section with Fight club, Moon Knight and Dave Chapelle (starts around 39min 50sec) got me thinking. My interpretations and thoughts/speculations are the following:
Fight Club:
Moon Knight:
Dave Chapelle:
So to summarize: when DFV was cornered by the media he might have looked to crypto as a tool to be able to utilize his new found wealth and fight back. It makes all the sense in the world to me that he would search for a solution in Web3 because of the anonymous nature of Blockchain. Maybe he has been working with PleasrDAO and that explains why he seems to know something big is coming, without having Gamestop insider knowledge.
The beauty of blockchain is that it connects the world frictionlessly; it's common for Web3 projects to send out 'airdrops' or perks to holders of NFTs/coins from other projects as a way to reward and connect communities with common interests. In the same sense PleasrDAO found a way to reward GME holders without necessarily being involved at all with RC or Gamestop. That would explain how there still has been no official word from Gamestop about Wu-Tang.
It seems pretty genius to me, because if it goes down this way i don't see how anyone can get in legal trouble for it. It would not be an official dividend like has been speculated, but it could provide irrefutable and solid proof of the existence of synthetic shares. It would be a story that the media simply can't ignore. And that seems to me like the best, most peaceful and legal way to force shorts to close.
submitted by mobofob to Teddy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:39 bunklefoge uisrnsj

Dear Decision maker ; Your email address has been submitted
to us indicating your interest in our briefing . If
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Have you ever noticed how many people you know are
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305 ! This is different than anything else you've seen
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I'm rich many more things are possible" ! We are licensed
to operate in all states ! Don't delay - order today
. Sign up a friend and you get half off ! Thanks .
submitted by bunklefoge to Ulsdysa [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:39 boutell New US and Canadian CHAdeMO chargers in May 2024

Here are all of the new US and Canadian CHAdeMO (Leaf fast-charging) stations that rolled out in May, according to the Alternative Fuels Data Center. You can fetch the data yourself here. Feel free to report inaccuracies to the AFDC.
There were 124 new or updated charging stations in May 2024. I don't attempt to count individual CHAdeMO chargepoints because, unfortunately, the AFDC data does not specify how many chargepoints support CHAdeMO, so I don't want to assume too many.
For comparison's sake: in the US, there were 122 "new" (or updated) CHAdeMO stations added in May 2023.
Keep in mind that even EVGo has started to roll out stations where only some of the bays support CHAdeMO. This makes sense given that only Nissan still sells a CHAdeMO pure-battery-electric car in the US, and the newer Nissan Ariya model is CCS. The Mitsubishi Plug-In Hybrid Outlander PHEV also supports CHAdeMO.
Some of these chargepoints will be "refreshes," e.g. the provider replaced them with faster chargers etc. Some may be incorrect. This report is only as good as the Alternative Fuels Data Center data.
If you'd like to know about new chargers along your routes right away, or reading these monthly reports is just frustrating in your state, I've set up a free service that provides email notifications only when new stations actually open. You can sign up at I built it to help EV owners like myself (especially my fellow Leaf owners). You can pick other plug types as well.
For actual trip planning I recommend using PlugShare. This report is mainly useful to understand trends.
If you get a chance, do check out reported new stations near you and add PlugShare reviews, which helps everyone.
➡ AL (1) SEAM HYUNDAI BACKLOT 29736 Frederick Blvd Daphne, AL 36526 (1) HARTSELLE 1 STATION 1 (L) 214 Chestnut St NW Hartselle, AL 35640 (1) CAT CARD BK PHENIX CITY2 1135 East 280 Bypass Phenix City, AL 36867 ➡ BC (1) 7Charge - Langley 20250 88th ave Langley, BC V1M 2Y4 (1) WESTCOASTNISSAN WC NISSAN LV3 19625 Lougheed Hwy. Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 1Z2 (1) Alberni Chrysler - DC 2651 Port Alberni Hwy Port Alberni, BC V9Y 8P2 (1) YVR Parkade 3211 Grant McConachie Way Richmond, BC V7B 0A4 ➡ CA (1) Bay Area CoRoasters 2322 Fifth St Berkeley, CA 94710 (1) BWP EV CHARGE DCFC BWP LOT 1 110 West Magnolia Boulevard Burbank, CA 91502 (1) Danville - Library Parking Lot 400 Front Street Danville, CA 94526 (1) EV Connect Hardware Support 615 N Nash El Segundo, CA 90245 (1) G&M OIL G&M #194 2 6101 W Manchester Ave Los Angeles, CA 90045 (6) H&S ENERGY PM# CHEVRON 3 1050 Sunset Boulevard Rocklin, CA 95765 (1) ARCO 5731 - 805 Reed Ave, West Sacramento, CA 805 Reed Avenue West Sacramento, CA 95605 (1) 7Charge - Woodland 1670 E Main St Woodland, CA 95776 ➡ CO (2) CO ENERGY OFFCE GUNNISON PL2 202 East Tomichi Avenue Gunnison, CO 81230 ➡ CT (2) CROWLEY AUTO LEVEL 3 - B 238 Broad St Bristol, CT 06010 (1) MB OF DANBURY FRONT DC 1 1 Miry Brook Road Danbury, CT 06810 (1) MB OF DANBURY FRONT DC 2 10 Miry Brook Rd Danbury, CT 06810 (1) Applegreen Electric - RT 15 Fairfield NB Service Plaza 1396 Merritt Pkwy Fairfield, CT 06825 (1) Applegreen Electric - RT 15 Fairfield SB Service Plaza 4647 Merritt Pkwy Fairfield, CT 06825 (1) MANHONDA HONDA-CUSTOMER 24 Adams St Manchester, CT 06042 (1) Applegreen Electric - I-95 Milford NB Service Plaza I 95 Northbound Milford, CT 06460 (1) Applegreen Electric - I-95 Milford SB Service Plaza I-95 Connecticut Tpke Milford, CT 06460 (1) Applegreen Electric - RT 15 North Haven NB Service Plaza 14 Upper State St North Haven, CT 06473 ➡ FL (1) Waffle House Madison 145 SE Bandit St Madison Madison, FL 32340 (1) Certification 4201 Vineland Orlando, FL 32811 (1) OUC SHINGLECREEK DC 9939 universal Blvd Orlando, FL 32819 (1) PENSACOLA BGC STATION 1 5651 Pensacola Blvd Pensacola, FL 32505 ➡ GA (2) GEORGIA POWER MCRAE DC2 90 W Oak St McRae-Helena, GA 31055 ➡ HI (1) Hawaiian Electric Kona Office 74-5519 Kaiwi St Kailua- Kona, HI 96740 ➡ IA (1) Audobon Waspys Truck Stop 2079 U S 71 Audubon, IA 50025 (1) Hy-Vee Euclid 2540 Euclid Ave Des moines, IA 50317 (1) HYUNDAI STORE HYUNDAI S 4601 Singing Hills Boulevard Sioux City, IA 51106 (1) HYUNDAI STORE HYUNDAI N 4601-25 Singing Hills Blvd Sioux City, IA 51106 ➡ IL (2) ROSEN GROUP CPE250 2 789 S Randall Rd Algonquin, IL 60102 (1) KIA OF URBANA WELCOME CENTER 1111 Napleton Way Urbana, IL 61802 ➡ IN (1) Kokomo 1815 E Morgan St Kokomo, IN 46901 ➡ MA (1) 400 SUMMER ST 400 SUMMERP3-3 400 Summer St Boston, MA 02210 (1) DURAND CHEVY DURAND CHEV 223 Washington St Hudson, MA 01749 (2) NA208940 HND L3 A 88 Walkers Brook Dr Reading, MA 01867 ➡ MB (1) Shell Canada Ltd 1790 Highland Ave Brandon, MB R7C 1A7 (1) Federated Co-operatives Ltd (FCL) 3357 Pembina Ave Winnipeg, MB R3V 1A2 (1) Shell Canada Ltd 50 Sage Creek Blvd, Unit 400 Winnipeg, MB R3X 0J6 ➡ MD (1) BGE - Annapolis Visitor Center 26 West St Annapolis, MD 21401 (1) BGE - Bowie Park and Ride 15207 Major-Lansdale Blvd Bowie, MD 20716 (1) RFS 131 2703 Ocean Gateway Cambridge, MD 21613 (1) GENESIS BEL AIR JJGEN-EXT 3 1710 Harford Rd Fallston, MD 21047 (2) GENESIS BEL AIR JJGEN-EXT1 1710 Harford Road Fallston, MD 21047 ➡ MI (1) Midland 2029 S Saginaw Rd Midland, MI 48640 ➡ NC (1) 122 Turnersburg Hwy 122 Turnersburg Hwy Statesville, NC 28625 (1) GPM INVESTMENTS 3262 DC 2 310 College Rd Wilmington, NC 28403 (2) WINDSOR STA#1 STATION 1 105 Queen Street Windsor, NC 27983 ➡ NE (1) SDHYUNDAI S.W.HY 8350 South 40th Street Lincoln, NE 68516 ➡ NJ (1) Applegreen Electric - Connie Chung Service Area 1339 Broad St Bloomfield, NJ 07003 (1) 1433 Palisade Ave 1433 Palisade Ave Fort Lee, NJ 07024 ➡ NM (1) Enel X - Angel Fire Country Club 100 Country Club Dr Angel Fire, NM 87710 (1) Cumbres and Toltec Railroad 500 S Terrace Ave Chama, NM 87520 (1) Chiricahua Apache Plaza 20885 Frontage Rd Deming, NM 88030 (1) LAC DPU LOS ALAMOS MUNI 1000 Central Avenue Los Alamos, NM 87544 (1) Henry's True Value Hardware 17342 US-84 Los Ojos, NM 87551 (1) Enel X - Picuris Pueblo Visitor Center 201 A Pueblo Vw Rd Peñasco, NM 87553 ➡ NY (1) Reymore Chevrolet 2 746 N Main St Central Square, NY 13036 (2) SIDNEYFCU CICERO 1 8062 Brewerton Rd Cicero, NY 13039 (1) Applegreen Electric - Clarence Travel Plaza 4002 Ransom Rd Clarence, NY 14031 (1) Applegreen Electric - Clifton Springs Travel Plaza 3236 NY-96 Clifton Springs, NY 14432 (1) Applegreen Electric - Plattekill Service Area I-87 - NYS Thruway NB Plattekill, NY 12568 (1) Public or Dealer Use Station (DCFC) 18 Union Street Sidney, NY 13838 (2) ROCKLAND HYU STATION 1 55 New York 303 West Nyack, NY 10994 ➡ OH (1) EASTON WEST GAR CPE-2 167 Easton Town Ctr Columbus, OH 43219 (2) MURPHY PARK DC #1 356 Day Light Ln Powell, OH 43065 ➡ OK (1) GENESISOFEDMOND GOE1 14113 North Kelley Avenue Edmond, OK 73013 (1) TULSA HYUNDAI H SERVICE 9777 South Memorial Drive Tulsa, OK 74133 ➡ ON (1) WEST CITY HONDA WCH LVL 3 676 Dundas St W Belleville, ON K8N 4Z2 (1) Bourgeois Midland Nissan 760 Prospect Blvd Midland, ON L4R 0G3 ➡ OR (1) THB TEAM HYUNDAI 1 2250 NE Hwy 20 Bend, OR 97701 (1) Grass Valley Market 104 N. Mill Street Grass Valley, OR 97039 (1) Centennial School District 3424 SE 174th Ave Portland, OR 97236 ➡ PA (1) BENNETT HYUNDAI DC 1 1820 Cumberland St Lebanon, PA 17042 (2) MASCARIAUTOBODY EXXON 2 1700 Ferguson Road McCandless, PA 15101 (1) 3910 FILBERT 81BE7 51 N 39th St Philadelphia, PA 19104 (1) DIEHL SHARON STATION 2 1300 East State Street Sharon, PA 16146 ➡ QC (1) Canadian Tire - Chambly 3400 Bd Fréchette Chambly, QC J3L 6Z6 (1) Mercedes-Benz - Granby DC 1225 Rue Principale Granby, QC J2J 0M3 (1) BRCC - Île-Perrot - Grand Boulevard 110, Grand Boulevard L'Île-Perrot, QC J7V 4W8 (2) IKEA QUEBEC CITY CX7 3400 Av. Blaise-Pascal Québec, QC G1X 0E4 ➡ SC (1) 301 S Murray Ave 301 S Murray Ave Anderson, SC 29624 (1) 429 N Church St 429 N Church St Spartanburg, SC 29303 (1) 226 Mill St 226 Mill St Taylors, SC 29687 ➡ SK (1) Evergreen Nissan - Smart DC 4150 5th Ave E Prince Albert, SK S6W 0A5 (1) Shell Canada Ltd 275 N Albert St Regina, SK S4R 3C2 (1) Shell Canada Ltd 3206 Preston Ave S Saskatoon, SK S7T 0Y5 ➡ TN (2) GEA-1 STATION 1 (L) 885 W Andrew Johnson Hwy Greeneville, TN 37745 (2) BRIGHTRIDGE EV STATION 1 (L) 110 Cherry Street Johnson City, TN 37601 (1) MB OF MEMPHIS RETAIL 2 5401 Poplar Ave Memphis, TN 38119 ➡ TX (1) Brookshire TX 306 FM 359 S Brookshire, TX 77423 (1) WHOUSTON 250 HYUNDAI 1 16803 Katy Freeway Houston, TX 77094 (1) WHOUSTON 250 TUNNEL 12 16803 Katy Fwy Houston, TX 77094 (1) STEELEHYUNDAIKY STEELE CUSTOMER 24795 I-35 Kyle, TX 78640 (1) San Antonio TX 9510 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78240 ➡ VA (1) 703 England 703 England St Ashland, VA 23005 (1) HYUNDAI ROANOKE HYUNDAI 2 7300 Williamson Road Hollins, VA 24019 (2) DAIRY QUEEN STATION 2 433 N Main St Kilmarnock, VA 22482 (1) WMBG HONDA WMBH NEW PDI 7101 Richmond Rd Williamsburg, VA 23188 ➡ VT (1) Hannaford Bradford 586 Lower Plain Bradford, VT 5033 (1) Town of Brattleboro, Grove street 12 Grove St Brattleboro, VT 5302 (1) Essex Outlet Center 21 Essex Way Essex Junction, VT 5452 (1) Northshire Bookstore 4869 Main St Manchester Center, VT 5255 (1) Mill Street Parking VT 12 Mill Street Middlebury, VT 5753 (1) VSECU Montpelier 1 Bailey Ave Montpelier, VT 5602 (1) Springfield District 34 Precision drive North Springfield, VT 5150 (1) Quechee Mall 5573 East Woodstock Road Quechee, VT 5059 (1) West Street Parking Rutland 117 West St. Rutland, VT 5701 (1) Grace Cottage Hospital, Townshend 185 Grafton road Townshend, VT 5353 (1) Irasville Country Store 5134 Main St. Waitsville, VT 05673 (1) Hannaford Willston 78 Marshall Ave Williston, VT 5495 ➡ WA (1) 76 Fuel Station 4650 W. Werner Road Bremerton, WA 98312 (1) VOLVO CAR USA ISSAQUAH DC1 1460 NW Gilman Blvd Issaquah, WA 98027 (3) VOLVO CAR USA ISSAQUAH DC2 1540 NW Gilman Blvd Issaquah, WA 98027 
submitted by boutell to leaf [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:38 Topremech [Self-promo Sunday] Bevel - An iOS and Apple Watch app to supercharge your Apple Health data

TLDR: Bevel is a holistic health app that makes your Apple Watch and Apple Health data useful. Comment below on why you want to use Bevel to get a chance to win a redeemable code to get your first year of Bevel Pro free.
Hey apple 👋,
I'm building Bevel, a next-generation health app that leverages Apple Health & Apple Watch data to help you improve your health, longevity, and performance.
Like many of you, I love my Apple Watch but have always been frustrated by the lack of functionality that Apple Health offers.
This led me to create an MVP and post it on in November 2023 to see if anyone would be interested. Within two months, with the help of the Beta testers, we rapidly built and iterated the first version of Bevel (back then, it was still called Superset). And in January 2024, we officially released Bevel to the App Store.
Since then, we've received tremendous support from the community and shipped multiple major features. Today, Bevel has the following functionalities:
My vision with Bevel is to build a companion that can help you improve your health holistically, from sleep to exercise to nutrition. To understand the human body completely, we must look at the entire picture, not just the parts.
We are giving away 20 codes to redeem Bevel for free for the first year. If you are interested, please comment below on why you want to use Bevel. We will pick the best answers, post the names of the selected users, and reach out after 48 hours of this post.
There are many features that are planned on our public roadmap. If you're interested, please join our community over at supersethealth.
Thank you!
submitted by Topremech to apple [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:34 seveninch4U Found this on Craigslist it seems legitimate but I just wanna make sure it's not a scam.

Yeah so this guy seems to be a little too eager to work with me wanted me to post a payment via friends and family through paypal to secure the apartment it's a basement apartment that's wheelchair accessible I don't know how that would work just sees kind of sketchy to me and I wanna make sure before I let go of any money whether it's a scam or not.
The Hideaway is a wonderfully clean, cozy and private, self-contained basement apartment attached to a larger house. The 700+ square foot space is located in the heart of SE Portland. An easy walk to SE Division Street provides all you might need or want, including great coffee, restaurants, brewpubs, vintage stores, boutique retail, theaters, parks, public transit and more. Groceries are just down the street at New Seasons store or People's Market. Located a couple of blocks from a designated biking corridor, with 'Biketown' bicycle rentals available three blocks away. The location is simultaneously urban and peaceful.
Neighborhood street parking is free and ample.
Our goal is to create a comfortable and serene space where you can relax after a day of exploring the city.
The apartment is ideal with a plush hotel style queen bed in the private bedroom, but can comfortably accommodate 4 utilizing the sleeper sofa in the living room.
As per City of Portland permit regulations, all guests must provide full names, address and license plate numbers (if driving) upon arrival.
This is a LGBTQIA friendly listing. We welcome all good people!
submitted by seveninch4U to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:32 boutell New US and Canadian CCS chargers in May 2024

Here are all (*) of the new US and Canadian CCS (Level 3 fast-charging) stations that rolled out in May 2024, according to the Department of Energy. You can get the data yourself here.
These chargers are suitable for most new EVs on the market, except for:
  1. Tesla drivers who haven't bought the official CCS adapter yet. Certain older Teslas need additional work done to accept the adapter.
  2. Nissan Leaf owners, owners of the Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV, and some owners of older cars that also use CHAdeMO. If you drive such a car, see my matching post in .
Some of these chargepoints will be "refreshes," e.g. the provider replaced them with faster chargers etc. Some may be incorrect. This report is only as good as the Alternative Fuels Data Center data.
There were 255 CCS charging stations with a total of 606 chargepoints added or refreshed in May 2024, which is a major uptick in both stations and chargepoints. For comparison, there were only 226 new CCS charging stations in May 2023, with only 421 chargepoints. Things are trending upwards overall.
Some part of this is due to Tesla Magic Dock stations. Previously Tesla didn't report these to the AFDC as CCS, but now they do. And that makes sense because all CCS drivers can use them.
NOTE: most Tesla Superchargers do NOT have magic dock as of this writing (all those shown in this report should have it). I recommend using PlugShare to locate compatible stations for your vehicle.
(*) "What about other Tesla Superchargers? Can't everybody charge with NACS now?"
It's coming for many makes and models, and for newer Ford models as well as a few other manufacturers charging at v3 and v4 Superchargers is already an option with a free adapter from the automakers. GM should release their adapter this year. But since they are not open to all CCS vehicles, this report is not the place for them. Tesla's app provides the best guide to their locations, including locations that work with non-Tesla vehicles.
Other Notes
To streamline this post, multi-chargepoint locations are listed with the number of chargepoints first.
For serious trip planning, I recommend PlugShare. But by all means check out these reported new locations and submit reviews on PlugShare, which makes things better for everyone.
If you'd like to know about new chargers along your routes right away, or just prefer not to check this list monthly when new openings are rare in your area, I've set up a free service that provides email notifications as soon as they open. You can sign up at Or not! I don't really have a business plan here, I built it to help EV owners like myself. PlugShare has a similar feature.
➡ AL (1) SEAM HYUNDAI BACKLOT 29736 Frederick Blvd Daphne, AL 36526 (1) HARTSELLE 1 STATION 1 (L) 214 Chestnut St NW Hartselle, AL 35640 (1) 833 Eastern Blvd 833 Eastern Blvd Montgomery, AL 36117 (2) CAT CARD BK PHENIX CITY2 1135 East 280 Bypass Phenix City, AL 36867 (4) Baldwin County Highway Department 22070 AL-59 Robertsdale, AL 36567 ➡ AZ (1) FINDLAY BUICK GMC 1006 COMMERCE DR PRESCOTT, AZ 86305 ➡ BC (4) 7Charge - Langley 20250 88th ave Langley, BC V1M 2Y4 (1) WESTCOASTNISSAN WC NISSAN LV3 19625 Lougheed Hwy. Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 1Z2 (1) Alberni Chrysler - DC 2651 Port Alberni Hwy Port Alberni, BC V9Y 8P2 (1) YVR Parkade 3211 Grant McConachie Way Richmond, BC V7B 0A4 (2) TOTEM FORD LEVEL 3 DUAL 4631 Keith Avenue Terrace, BC V8G 1K3 ➡ CA (4) ARCO 7171 - 895 Grass Valley Hwy, Auburn, WA 895 Grass Valley Hwy Auburn, CA 95603 (10) Bay Area CoRoasters 2322 Fifth St Berkeley, CA 94710 (1) BWP EV CHARGE DCFC BWP LOT 1 110 West Magnolia Boulevard Burbank, CA 91502 (1) Acura of Concord 1340 Concord Avenue Concord, CA 94520 (10) Park & Shop 1679 Willow Pass Rd Concord, CA 94520 (1) Danville - Library Parking Lot 400 Front Street Danville, CA 94526 (8) Downey Crossroads 9501 Lakewood Blvd Downey, CA 90240 (6) EV Connect Hardware Support 615 N Nash El Segundo, CA 90245 (2) South LA Yard P2 786 S. Mission Rd Los Angeles, CA 90023 (1) G&M OIL G&M #194 2 6101 W Manchester Ave Los Angeles, CA 90045 (1) Honda of Pasadena Public 1965 East Foothill Boulevard Pasadena, CA 91107 (6) Rialto Marketplace Phase II 1530 S Riverside Ave. Rialto, CA 92376 (6) H&S ENERGY PM# CHEVRON 3 1050 Sunset Boulevard Rocklin, CA 95765 (4) ARCO 7161 - 1243 W March Lane, Stockton, CA 1243 W March Lane Stockton, CA 95207 (1) Ocean Honda of Ventura 6450 Auto Center Drive Ventura, CA 93003 (4) ARCO 5731 - 805 Reed Ave, West Sacramento, CA 805 Reed Avenue West Sacramento, CA 95605 (4) 7Charge - Woodland 1670 E Main St Woodland, CA 95776 ➡ CO (3) Fisher Auto 6025 Arapahoe Road Boulder, CO 80303 (2) CO ENERGY OFFCE GUNNISON PL2 202 East Tomichi Avenue Gunnison, CO 81230 ➡ CT (2) CROWLEY AUTO LEVEL 3 - B 238 Broad St Bristol, CT 06010 (1) MB OF DANBURY FRONT DC 1 1 Miry Brook Road Danbury, CT 06810 (1) MB OF DANBURY FRONT DC 2 10 Miry Brook Rd Danbury, CT 06810 (1) Bolles Motors Ellington 84 West Road Ellington, CT 6029 (2) Applegreen Electric - RT 15 Fairfield NB Service Plaza 1396 Merritt Pkwy Fairfield, CT 06825 (4) Applegreen Electric - RT 15 Fairfield SB Service Plaza 4647 Merritt Pkwy Fairfield, CT 06825 (1) MANHONDA HONDA-CUSTOMER 24 Adams St Manchester, CT 06042 (2) Applegreen Electric - I-95 Milford NB Service Plaza I 95 Northbound Milford, CT 06460 (2) Applegreen Electric - I-95 Milford SB Service Plaza I-95 Connecticut Tpke Milford, CT 06460 (2) Cody's Diner 95 Water St New Haven, CT 06511 (4) Applegreen Electric - RT 15 North Haven NB Service Plaza 14 Upper State St North Haven, CT 06473 (1) Vachon Cadillac Putnam 139 POMFRET ST PUTNAM, CT 06260 ➡ FL (1) Gary Yeomans Ford Villages 11660 U.S. 441 Belleview, FL 34420 (4) Randy Marion Cadillac of Jacksonville 4700 Southside Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32216 (2) Waffle House Madison 145 SE Bandit St Madison Madison, FL 32340 (2) Certification 4201 Vineland Orlando, FL 32811 (4) Orange County Multi Cultural Center 7149 W Colonial Dr Orlando, FL 32818 (1) OUC SHINGLECREEK DC 9939 universal Blvd Orlando, FL 32819 (1) PENSACOLA BGC STATION 1 5651 Pensacola Blvd Pensacola, FL 32505 (1) Maus Acura of North Tampa 11025 N Florida Ave Tampa, FL 33612 (6) 11700 Mezzo Dr 11700 Mezzo Dr Venice, FL 34293 Venice, FL 34293 ➡ GA (2) 464 Hwy 441 464 Hwy 441 Clayton, GA 30525 (28) QuikTrip - Tesla Supercharger 11220 GA-142 Covington, GA 30014 (1) GEORGIA POWER MCRAE DC2 90 W Oak St McRae-Helena, GA 31055 ➡ HI (2) Hawaiian Electric Kona Office 74-5519 Kaiwi St Kailua- Kona, HI 96740 ➡ IA (6) Ames Ford Lincoln 123 Airport Rd. Ames, IA 50010 (2) Audobon Waspys Truck Stop 2079 U S 71 Audubon, IA 50025 (6) LINDQUISTFORD FC 3 3950 Middle Rd Bettendorf, IA 52722 (1) Kimberly Car City 625 West Kimberly Road Davenport, IA 52806 (2) Hy-Vee Euclid 2540 Euclid Ave Des moines, IA 50317 (1) HYUNDAI STORE HYUNDAI S 4601 Singing Hills Boulevard Sioux City, IA 51106 (1) HYUNDAI STORE HYUNDAI N 4601-25 Singing Hills Blvd Sioux City, IA 51106 ➡ IL (2) ROSEN GROUP CPE250 2 789 S Randall Rd Algonquin, IL 60102 (1) Volvo Cars Lisle - DCFC 4325 Lincoln Avenue Lisle, IL 60532 (2) Watermark Ford of Marion 1910 W. Coolidge Ave. Marion, IL 62959 (1) Eagleson Automotive Center 520 Whittle Ave Olney, IL 62450 (1) Schimmer Hyundai 911 Shooting Park Road Peru, IL 61354 (4) Casey's #3336 - Troy 440 Edwardsville Rd Troy, IL 62294 (1) KIA OF URBANA WELCOME CENTER 1111 Napleton Way Urbana, IL 61802 ➡ IN (1) Wiers Chevrolet GMC 416 S. HALLECK DEMOTTE, IN 46310 (2) Hubler Ford Franklin 2140 North Morton Street Franklin, IN 46131 (6) 7321 Heritage Square Drive (US-JEF-252-3B) 7321 Heritage Square Drive Granger, IN 46530 (4) Kokomo 1815 E Morgan St Kokomo, IN 46901 (1) All American Cadillac 6580 W HOMETOWN BLVD MUNCIE, IN 47304 (1) Muller Acura of Merrillville 3301 West Lincoln Highway Merrillville, IN 46410 (4) Plainfield 1610 Reeves Rd Plainfield, IN 46168 (4) Ford Charge - Pearson Ford 10650 N Michigan Rd Zionsville, IN 46077 ➡ KY (4) Pilot Travel Center 41 3060 Owingsville Road Mount Sterling, KY 40353 ➡ LA (6) Tanger Outlets Gonzales, Gonzales LA Under Armour Entrance DCFC 2100 Tanger Boulevard Gonzales, LA 70737 (6) 290 Town Center Pkwy (US-NBD-2GZ-3B) 290 Town Center Pkwy Slidell, LA 70458 ➡ MA (1) 400 SUMMER ST 400 SUMMERP3-3 400 Summer St Boston, MA 02210 (20) Trillium Brewery - Tesla Supercharger 100 Royall St Canton, MA 02021 (1) DURAND CHEVY DURAND CHEV 223 Washington St Hudson, MA 01749 (2) NA208940 HND L3 A 88 Walkers Brook Dr Reading, MA 01867 ➡ MB (2) Shell Canada Ltd 1790 Highland Ave Brandon, MB R7C 1A7 (2) Federated Co-operatives Ltd (FCL) 3357 Pembina Ave Winnipeg, MB R3V 1A2 (2) Shell Canada Ltd 50 Sage Creek Blvd, Unit 400 Winnipeg, MB R3X 0J6 ➡ MD (1) BGE - Annapolis Visitor Center 26 West St Annapolis, MD 21401 (2) JONES CDJR JJCDRJ1&2 1506 Belair Road Bel Air, MD 21014 (1) BGE - Bowie Park and Ride 15207 Major-Lansdale Blvd Bowie, MD 20716 (2) RFS 131 2703 Ocean Gateway Cambridge, MD 21613 (2) O’Donnell Honda 8620 Baltimore National Pike Ellicott City, MD 21043 (1) GENESIS BEL AIR JJGEN-EXT 3 1710 Harford Rd Fallston, MD 21047 (2) GENESIS BEL AIR JJGEN-EXT1 1710 Harford Road Fallston, MD 21047 ➡ MI (4) Starbucks Bridgeport 6301 Dixie Hwy Bridgeport, MI 48722 (8) Midland 2029 S Saginaw Rd Midland, MI 48640 (2) Saginaw - TimeSquare Plaza 3430 State St Saginaw, MI 48602 ➡ MN (9) Apple Valley Ford 7200 150th St W. Apple Valley, MN 55124 (3) New Brighton Ford - DCFC 1100 Silver Lake Rd. NW New Brighton, MN 55112 (4) Apple Ford Shakopee 1624 Weston Ct. Shakopee, MN 55379 ➡ MO (6) 2300 Bernadette Drive (US-B76-SYZ-3B) 2300 Bernadette Drive Columbia, MO 65203 ➡ MS (2) 1410 South Gloster Street Tupelo, MS 38801 1410 South Gloster Street Tupelo, MS 38801 ➡ NC (2) 122 Turnersburg Hwy 122 Turnersburg Hwy Statesville, NC 28625 (1) GPM INVESTMENTS 3262 DC 2 310 College Rd Wilmington, NC 28403 (2) WINDSOR STA#1 STATION 1 105 Queen Street Windsor, NC 27983 ➡ ND (2) Luther Family Ford 3302 36th St S Fargo, ND 58104 ➡ NE (1) SDHYUNDAI S.W.HY 8350 South 40th Street Lincoln, NE 68516 ➡ NH (1) Hampton Ford Hyundai 177 Lafayette Road North Hampton, NH 03862 ➡ NJ (2) Applegreen Electric - Connie Chung Service Area 1339 Broad St Bloomfield, NJ 07003 (1) Bridgewater Acura 1231 U.S. 22 Bridgewater, NJ 08807 (6) 1433 Palisade Ave 1433 Palisade Ave Fort Lee, NJ 07024 (2) 171 Bay Ave 171 Bay Ave Highlands, NJ 07732 (2) Rossi Chevrolet Buick GMC 360 RTE 31 SOUTH WASHINGTON, NJ 07882 (2) Sea Pirate Campground 148 Main St. West Creek, NJ 08092 ➡ NM (1) Enel X - Angel Fire Country Club 100 Country Club Dr Angel Fire, NM 87710 (2) Enel X - Angel Fire Shuter Library 11 N Angel Fire Rd Angel Fire, NM 87710 (2) Cumbres and Toltec Railroad 500 S Terrace Ave Chama, NM 87520 (4) Chiricahua Apache Plaza 20885 Frontage Rd Deming, NM 88030 (2) Enel X - Northern New Mexico College 1135 NM-554 El Rito, NM 87530 (1) LAC DPU LOS ALAMOS MUNI 1000 Central Avenue Los Alamos, NM 87544 (2) Henry's True Value Hardware 17342 US-84 Los Ojos, NM 87551 (2) Enel X - Ojo Caliente Mineral Springs 50 Los Banos Dr Ojo Caliente, NM 87549 (1) Enel X - Picuris Pueblo Visitor Center 201 A Pueblo Vw Rd Peñasco, NM 87553 (2) Enel X - Village of Questa Municipal Parking Lot 2500 Old Hwy 3 Questa, NM 87556 (8) Western New Mexico University 1000 W. College Ave Silver City, NM 88081 (4) Enel X - Taos Municipal Parking Lot 122 Paseo Del Pueblo Sur Taos, NM 87571 (2) Enel X - Taos Guadalupe Parking Lot 205 Don Fernando St Taos, NM 87571 ➡ NY (4) Reymore Chevrolet 2 746 N Main St Central Square, NY 13036 (2) SIDNEYFCU CICERO 1 8062 Brewerton Rd Cicero, NY 13039 (6) Applegreen Electric - Clarence Travel Plaza 4002 Ransom Rd Clarence, NY 14031 (6) Applegreen Electric - Clifton Springs Travel Plaza 3236 NY-96 Clifton Springs, NY 14432 (4) Tradition Chevrolet 847 Canandaidua Rd Geneva, NY 14456 (12) Tops Friendly Markets - Tesla Supercharger 16 Jon J Wagner Wy Lagrangeville, NY 12540 (2) Sharon Chevrolet (Outside) 3687 NY-31 Liverpool, NY 13090 (1) WEST HERR AUTO WH NO L3-1 ABB 3850 Southwestern Boulevard Orchard Park, NY 14127 (6) Applegreen Electric - Plattekill Service Area I-87 - NYS Thruway NB Plattekill, NY 12568 (2) Public or Dealer Use Station (DCFC) 18 Union Street Sidney, NY 13838 (2) Service Building 366 West Merrick Road Valley Stream, NY 11580 (4) Acura Service Chargers 700 West Merrick Road Valley Stream, NY 11580 (4) Island Acura 3350 Sunrise Highway Wantagh, NY 11793 (2) ROCKLAND HYU STATION 1 55 New York 303 West Nyack, NY 10994 (4) Target Westbury #T1139 999 Corporate Dr Westbury, NY 11590 (2) Town of Westport 34 State Rt. 9N Westport, NY 12993 (1) White Plains Honda 61 Bank Street White Plains, NY 10606 ➡ OH (6) Ford Charge - Liberty Ford Brunswick 3101 Center Rd Brunswick, OH 44212 (2) KERRY FORD, INC STATION 2 155 West Kemper Road Cincinnati, OH 45246 (1) EASTON EAST GAR CPE-1 117 Easton Station Columbus, OH 43219 (2) EASTON WEST GAR CPE-2 167 Easton Town Ctr Columbus, OH 43219 (1) Mathews Ford DCFCs 1155 Delaware Avenue Marion, OH 43302 (2) MURPHY PARK DC #1 356 Day Light Ln Powell, OH 43065 (2) Diane Sauer Chevrolet 626 S St SE Warren, OH 44483 (4) Innovatures 7428 Tylersville Rd West Chester Township, OH 45069 (2) Germain Volkswagen DCFC’s 750 Polaris Parkway Westerville, OH 43082 ➡ OK (1) GENESISOFEDMOND GOE1 14113 North Kelley Avenue Edmond, OK 73013 (1) TULSA HYUNDAI H SERVICE 9777 South Memorial Drive Tulsa, OK 74133 ➡ ON (1) WEST CITY HONDA WCH LVL 3 676 Dundas St W Belleville, ON K8N 4Z2 (1) GM - Bean Chevrolet Buick GMC Ltd. ( To be Commissioned) 375 McNeely Ave. Carleton Place, ON K7C 0A1 (1) Bourgeois Midland Nissan 760 Prospect Blvd Midland, ON L4R 0G3 ➡ OR (1) THB TEAM HYUNDAI 1 2250 NE Hwy 20 Bend, OR 97701 (12) Seven Feathers 130 Creekside Rd Canyonville, OR 97417 (2) Grass Valley Market 104 N. Mill Street Grass Valley, OR 97039 (2) Centennial School District 3424 SE 174th Ave Portland, OR 97236 ➡ PA (1) A. Crivelli Chevrolet Subaru - DCFC 768 Allegheny Boulevard Franklin, PA 16323 (1) A. Crivelli Ford - DCFC 797 Allegheny Boulevard Franklin, PA 16323 (2) Diehl Cadillac Buick Cadillac 1687 West Main Street Grove City, PA 16127 (1) BENNETT HYUNDAI DC 1 1820 Cumberland St Lebanon, PA 17042 (2) MASCARIAUTOBODY EXXON 2 1700 Ferguson Road McCandless, PA 15101 (1) 3910 FILBERT 81BE7 51 N 39th St Philadelphia, PA 19104 (1) DIEHL SHARON STATION 2 1300 East State Street Sharon, PA 16146 (4) Ford Charge - Susquehanna Ford 150 Lancaster Pike Willow Street, PA 17584 ➡ QC (4) Canadian Tire - Chambly 3400 Bd Fréchette Chambly, QC J3L 6Z6 (3) Mercedes-Benz - Granby DC 1225 Rue Principale Granby, QC J2J 0M3 (4) BRCC - Île-Perrot - Grand Boulevard 110, Grand Boulevard L'Île-Perrot, QC J7V 4W8 (2) IKEA QUEBEC CITY CX7 3400 Av. Blaise-Pascal Québec, QC G1X 0E4 (4) BRCC - Témiscouata-sur-le-Lac - Galerie Témis 633, Rue Commerciale Nord Témiscouata-sur-le-Lac, QC G0L 1E0 (1) BRCC - Bornes Québec 919, Rue Notre Dame Ouest Victoriaville, QC G6P 7L1 ➡ RI (4) RI OER NEVI DCFC 2 290 Centerville Road Warwick, RI 02886 ➡ SC (2) 301 S Murray Ave 301 S Murray Ave Anderson, SC 29624 (2) 429 N Church St 429 N Church St Spartanburg, SC 29303 (3) 226 Mill St 226 Mill St Taylors, SC 29687 ➡ SK (1) Evergreen Nissan - Smart DC 4150 5th Ave E Prince Albert, SK S6W 0A5 (2) Shell Canada Ltd 275 N Albert St Regina, SK S4R 3C2 (3) Shell Canada Ltd 3206 Preston Ave S Saskatoon, SK S7T 0Y5 ➡ TN (6) Athens City Board of Education “Bus Barn” 219 Alford Street Athens, TN 37303 (2) GEA-1 STATION 1 (L) 885 W Andrew Johnson Hwy Greeneville, TN 37745 (2) BRIGHTRIDGE EV STATION 1 (L) 110 Cherry Street Johnson City, TN 37601 (1) Acura of Memphis 2611 Ridgeway Road Memphis, TN 38119 (1) MB OF MEMPHIS RETAIL 2 5401 Poplar Ave Memphis, TN 38119 (3) Honda 385 4030 Hacks Cross Road Memphis, TN 38125 ➡ TX (4) H-E-B #10 West Highway 290 West End of Parking Lot DCFC 7901 U.S. 290 Austin, TX 78736 (8) Brookshire TX 306 FM 359 S Brookshire, TX 77423 (4) Pilot Travel Center 367 2226 Fm-1903 Caddo Mills, TX 75135 (8) Texas A&M Lot 47 387 Polo Rd College Station, TX 77840 (1) Bruner Auto Group 224 Early Blvd Early, TX 76802 (6) Flatonia TX 709 N La Grange St. Flatonia, TX 78941 (2) H-E-B Grocery Company, LP 407 South Adams Street DCFC 407 South Adams Street Fredericksburg, TX 78624 (1) Russell and Smith Honda 2900 South Loop West Houston, TX 77054 (1) Willowbrook Mall Quotes DCFC 2000 Willowbrook Mall Houston, TX 77070 (1) WHOUSTON 250 HYUNDAI 1 16803 Katy Freeway Houston, TX 77094 (1) WHOUSTON 250 TUNNEL 12 16803 Katy Fwy Houston, TX 77094 (2) Wiesner of Huntsville 230 I-45 N Huntsville, TX 77320 (1) STEELEHYUNDAIKY STEELE CUSTOMER 24795 I-35 Kyle, TX 78640 (8) San Antonio TX 9510 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78240 ➡ UT (1) 275 N. Main St. 275 N. Main St. Richfield, UT 84701 ➡ VA (4) 703 England 703 England St Ashland, VA 23005 (1) HYUNDAI ROANOKE HYUNDAI 2 7300 Williamson Road Hollins, VA 24019 (2) DAIRY QUEEN STATION 2 433 N Main St Kilmarnock, VA 22482 (1) WMBG HONDA WMBH NEW PDI 7101 Richmond Rd Williamsburg, VA 23188 ➡ VT (2) Hannaford Bradford 586 Lower Plain Bradford, VT 5033 (6) 580 Canal Street (US-9L6-4AX-3A) 580 Canal Street Brattleboro, VT 05301 (2) Town of Brattleboro, Grove street 12 Grove St Brattleboro, VT 5302 (2) Essex Outlet Center 21 Essex Way Essex Junction, VT 5452 (2) Northshire Bookstore 4869 Main St Manchester Center, VT 5255 (2) Mill Street Parking VT 12 Mill Street Middlebury, VT 5753 (2) VSECU Montpelier 1 Bailey Ave Montpelier, VT 5602 (2) Springfield District 34 Precision drive North Springfield, VT 5150 (2) Quechee Mall 5573 East Woodstock Road Quechee, VT 5059 (2) West Street Parking Rutland 117 West St. Rutland, VT 5701 (2) Grace Cottage Hospital, Townshend 185 Grafton road Townshend, VT 5353 (2) Irasville Country Store 5134 Main St. Waitsville, VT 05673 (2) Hannaford Willston 78 Marshall Ave Williston, VT 5495 ➡ WA (2) 76 Fuel Station 4650 W. Werner Road Bremerton, WA 98312 (1) VOLVO CAR USA ISSAQUAH DC1 1460 NW Gilman Blvd Issaquah, WA 98027 (3) VOLVO CAR USA ISSAQUAH DC2 1540 NW Gilman Blvd Issaquah, WA 98027 (1) LITHIACJDR STATION 3 10701 North Newport Highway Spokane, WA 99218 ➡ WI (1) Kunes Country Cadillac 1231 East Geneva St Delavan, WI 53115 (2) GM - PALMEN BUICK GMC CADILLAC 7110 74th Place Kenosha, WI 53142 ➡ WY (2) Tyrrell Chevrolet 2142 W Lincolnway Cheyenne, WY 82001 
submitted by boutell to electricvehicles [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:31 mobofob What if DFV is the anonymous person in PleasrDAO?

Hear me out and i'll explain where this idea came from.
So i was watching the meme movie in reverse order and the section with Fight club, Moon Knight and Dave Chapelle (starts around 39min 50sec) got me thinking. My interpretations and thoughts/speculations are the following:
Fight Club:
Moon Knight:
Dave Chapelle:
So to summarize: when DFV was cornered by the media he might have looked to crypto as a tool to be able to utilize his new found wealth and fight back. It makes all the sense in the world to me that he would search for a solution in Web3 because of the anonymous nature of Blockchain. Maybe he has been working with PleasrDAO and that explains why he seems to know something big is coming, without having Gamestop insider knowledge.
The beauty of blockchain is that it connects the world frictionlessly; it's common for Web3 projects to send out 'airdrops' or perks to holders of NFTs/coins from other projects as a way to reward and connect communities with common interests. In the same sense PleasrDAO found a way to reward GME holders without necessarily being involved at all with RC or Gamestop. That would explain how there still has been no official word from Gamestop about Wu-Tang.
It seems pretty genius to me, because if it goes down this way i don't see how anyone can get in legal trouble for it. It would not be an official dividend like has been speculated, but it could provide irrefutable and solid proof of the existence of synthetic shares. It would be a story that the media simply can't ignore. And that seems to me like the best, most peaceful and legal way to force shorts to close.
submitted by mobofob to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:18 singaporeanwanderer Covered walkways from Teck Lee LRT station to SIT / JTC within Punggol Digital District

Covered walkways from Teck Lee LRT station to SIT / JTC within Punggol Digital District
Connection from Teck Lee LRT to the waterfront
A minimum 3.6m wide covered walkway shall be provided for seamless connectivity from Teck Lee LRT to the waterfront across the Punggol Digital District. This shall be seamlessly connected to the Campus Boulevard.
Covered Walkways/ Linkways
An all-weather pedestrian network, in the form of covered walkways, linkways and / or canopies shall be provided along the key pedestrian routes as shown indicatively in the UD Guide Plan. This shall take advantage of the existing terrain and the all-weather pedestrian connectivity shall be provided at 2 main datum levels:
  1. New Punggol Road/Bus Interchange level (RL 106-109)
    1. Along New Punggol Road, Punggol Coast Road, Punggol Close and Punggol Way.
  2. Campus Boulevard / Elevated Pedestrian Network level (RL 115-122)
    1. Along Campus Boulevard
    2. Along the key pedestrian route between Teck Lee LRT station and the waterfront
    3. Along part of New Punggol Road, connecting Campus Boulevard to the key pedestrian route leading to Teck Lee LRT and the Creative Cluster
The covered walkways/ linkways shall be at least 3.6m wide. The covered walkway shall be kept free from steps (wherever possible) throughout the entire length. Any level changes are to be accommodated by ramps. The covered walkway shall be kept free of structures and remain unobstructed and accessible to the public at all times.
Through-block Pedestrian Link
A minimum 6m and maximum 7m wide sheltered through-block link shall be provided at the following locations:
  1. At RL 107 from the bus stop along New Punggol Road to the waterfront promenade at RL 102.5
  2. At RL 109 between the Nexus and SIT’s entrance node
  3. At RL 109 to 110 between the Nexus and Bus Interchange
These through-block pedestrian links within the developments shall be kept free, unobstructed and accessible for public use at all times.
These links shall be at a constant level throughout the entire length. Any level changes are to be accommodated by ramps.
submitted by singaporeanwanderer to SIT_Singapore [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:15 smartybrome Unlock Your Learning Potential with These Free Udemy Courses! 09 June 2024

Udemy Free Courses for 09 June 2024

Note : Coupons might expire anytime, so enroll as soon as possible to get the courses for FREE.
And many more! Remember, coupons might expire anytime, so enroll as soon as possible to get the courses for FREE. – CLICK HERE to start learning now!
submitted by smartybrome to udemyfreebies [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:15 smartybrome Unlock Your Learning Potential with These Free Udemy Courses! 09 June 2024

Udemy Free Courses for 09 June 2024

Note : Coupons might expire anytime, so enroll as soon as possible to get the courses for FREE.
And many more! Remember, coupons might expire anytime, so enroll as soon as possible to get the courses for FREE. – CLICK HERE to start learning now!
submitted by smartybrome to udemyfreeebies [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:07 OwnNefariousness3908 Here’s another thread about VBA…except with examples.

I did some digging on this sub and found a number of useful threads on how knowing VBA can be a (sometimes) valuable skill to have as a chemical engineer. Unfortunately, though, I couldn’t find any threads that reflected the experience that I’ve had thus far. And to be honest, none of the threads that I scanned through even had specific experience or examples. But that’s kind of understandable given the sometimes confidential nature of our work.
Nevertheless, I ask you for a few minutes of your day to read through my experience. Maybe it will help you out in your role…maybe it won’t. But hopefully, you’ll have at least learned something (or got a good laugh out). So let’s get into it! And feel free to call me a hypocrite for this, but I’m going to be kind of general when talking about projects I’ve been a part of.
I recently graduated with a BS in Chemical Engineering from a college in the Midwest. Like most of the folks here, I did a few internships throughout my time in college and started building my technical and more importantly, people skills (which is something I struggled with…hence why I’m an engineer). And although I was aware of it, I never really had the opportunity to dive into automation using VBA during my internships.’s what you came for.
Write macros...but to do what?
Most tutorials online cover the basics of what is possible with Excel macros. And an overlooked functionality of VBA code is its ability to create files.
In late 2023, I was preparing for a maintenance shutdown of our manufacturing building. I was involved in projects that were completing installation during this shutdown, and I was responsible for all post-installation startup documentation. As some of you may know, this involves creating IQ sheets, OQ procedures, and sometimes PQ. Creating this documentation can be time-consuming and being a new employee only made things take longer. And it just so happened that I had to create a lot of documentation.
I didn't have it at the time, but I've since written a macro to do the following: (1) take user input on which documentation to create, (2) find most recent revision of template(s) for requested documentation, (3) populated templates where possible, and (4) save files as new documentation. From here, I'd only have to review the created documentation to verify that the populated areas are correct.
Automate SAP...huh?
From talking with college friends, as well as coworkers, it sounds like the public opinion on SAP is...not good. If you haven't heard of SAP, then consider yourself lucky. I'm obviously joking (kind of), but depending on your company's SAP interface, it might be your most feared or loved application. Regardless of what your SAP looks like, it'll have a built-in functionality called SAP scripting.
This functionality lets users record SAP actions (much like what can be done using the Excel recorder to create macros). The SAP recorder logs your actions as VBA code that can be pasted in a subroutine. Let that sink in for a can automate SAP.
So let's go through an example! Let's say you have to run a transaction code to export test results from production lots on a weekly basis. Running the transaction code takes you 30 seconds, but you have to run it for 20 lot numbers. With the data exports, you now have to clean it up and subsequently perform some form of data analysis on it (creating tables, charts, etc.).
Believe it or not...this process in entirely automatable and to do so would look as follows: (1) record yourself using the SAP recorder running the transaction code and exporting the results, (2) paste the exported VBA code into a subroutine and adjust it for variable declaration and for loop integration, (3) write a subroutine to perform the data analysis, and (4) write a subroutine to send the results as an email. Feel free to ask ChatGPT for help at any point throughout the process, but be sure to not share confidential information. With all of these subroutines written, you can create a "main" subroutine to call them in order and boom...the task that you've been doing every week for the last year is done with a single click.
Keep in mind that I had to omit some less impactful examples in an attempt to keep this post digestible. And for confidentiality reasons, I can't share screenshots of project files. But I'd be more than happy to answer any questions that y'all might have, whether it's about my journey with learning this stuff or how to get started yourself. I'll also be writing a Python post that mirrors this one but with Python-specific examples (which there are a lot more of).
Remember that we have so many tools at our disposal for automating redundant tasks, and you'd be doing yourself a disservice for not giving them an honest try.
“There is no learning without having to pose a question. And a question requires doubt.” - Richard P. Feynman
EDIT #1, 6/9: Reformatted as Reddit seems to not like indented lists. I removed a bunch of filler as I didn't feel like retyping it for what felt like the 8th time. And the verbiage might look different for the same reasons, but the content is relatively the same. I was finally smart enough to copy and paste the post to a .txt file, so editing it should no longer make me want to pull my hair out.
submitted by OwnNefariousness3908 to ChemicalEngineering [link] [comments]