Word list word list ie


2008.03.18 22:11 WordPress

The place for news, articles and discussion regarding WordPress.

2017.11.15 18:11 bokurai Technically the Truth

For information that is technically true, but far from the expected answer.

2011.06.03 22:55 Howlinghound What's The Word: For when you can't think of the word you need

Welcome to whatstheword, a community where users help each other to come up with the [perfect, best, ideal, most suitable] word or phrase. Earn community karma by submitting a comment that OP indicates solves their post.

2024.06.09 15:41 kurapikun How are some people able to write super fast?

I subscribed to a fic around March, and I haven’t been able to keep up because the author has been updating fast. Chapters are pretty long and very well-writte imo The fic isn’t pre-written. I’m amazed by OP’s work, but I also can’t help wondering, how do you guys do it? How do you manage to churn out so many words without feeling burned out?
submitted by kurapikun to FanFiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:41 mobofob What if DFV is the anonymous person in PleasrDAO?

Hear me out and i'll explain where this idea came from.
So i was watching the meme movie in reverse order and the section with Fight club, Moon Knight and Dave Chapelle (starts around 39min 50sec) got me thinking. My interpretations and thoughts/speculations are the following:
Fight Club:
Moon Knight:
Dave Chapelle:
So to summarize: when DFV was cornered by the media he might have looked to crypto as a tool to be able to utilize his new found wealth and fight back. It makes all the sense in the world to me that he would search for a solution in Web3 because of the anonymous nature of Blockchain. Maybe he has been working with PleasrDAO and that explains why he seems to know something big is coming, without having Gamestop insider knowledge.
The beauty of blockchain is that it connects the world frictionlessly; it's common for Web3 projects to send out 'airdrops' or perks to holders of NFTs/coins from other projects as a way to reward and connect communities with common interests. In the same sense PleasrDAO found a way to reward GME holders without necessarily being involved at all with RC or Gamestop. That would explain how there still has been no official word from Gamestop about Wu-Tang.
It seems pretty genius to me, because if it goes down this way i don't see how anyone can get in legal trouble for it. It would not be an official dividend like has been speculated, but it could provide irrefutable and solid proof of the existence of synthetic shares. It would be a story that the media simply can't ignore. And that seems to me like the best, most peaceful and legal way to force shorts to close.
submitted by mobofob to Teddy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:41 LetterGrouchy6053 'The wheels of justice..."

Steve Bannon, the man who makes back-alley derelicts look like the belong on the cover of GQ, will soon be entering prison -- but only for four months. But the real story is he is under indictment and facing trial in New York for a much more serious matter that will put him back in prison for at least another ten years. You see he convinced the boneheads who were sending Trump money to send money to him, too. And like Trump he misappropriated the funds (A nice way of saying he stole some of it), so it's a reservation at the GrayBar Hotel for him.

Trump, where do I begin? Already convicted in New York, at least three more criminal cases are looming over his head. I said at least, because there are multiple states where a whole raft of his associates have already been indicted and will face trial for their efforts to undermine our democracy -- and where Trump is only listed, or will be listed as an unindicted co-conspirator, they're just waiting to dot the I's and cross the Tees before his ass will be dragged into Court with the rest of the traitors.
Trump will end his days in prison, where they do not serve BigMacs.
Alex Jones is a sobbing mess as he is stripped of all his assets for his despicable treatment of the Sandy Hook parents.
Giuliani filed for bankruptcy and now has to dye his own hair.
Peter Navarro is in prison.
In Arizona, Mark Meadows, Michael Roman, Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Christiana Bobb, Jenna Ellis, James Law, and Boris Epsteyn are all facing trial.
In Wisconsin, Kenneth Chesbro (who already pleaded guilty in Georgia and agree to cooperate) will soon be tried.
In Nevada, Michael McDonald, Jessee Law, and Jim Hindle will be tried for their crimes
In Georgia, Trump, Giuliani, Eastman, Jeffrey Clark, Sidney Powell. Jenna Ellis, Mike roman, Ray Smith, Robert Cheely, Trevian Kutti, Harrison ford, Stephen lee, David Shafer, Shawn Still, and Scott Latham will all face a jury of their peers with no hope of acquittal
In all these cases, all these future felons will feel the sting of justice, there is no way around it -- it's inevitable, their trials are scheduled -- and they will pay in full for all the times they laughed at us, demeaned us with their actions, and thought they could get away with treason.
Sit back and watch as these rats all squeal on each other.
Do not despair, the American justice system will prevail.
submitted by LetterGrouchy6053 to MAGACultCringe [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:41 Ill-Animator-4403 If you search ‘kkk’ on reddit /r politics come up ninth on the list

If you search ‘kkk’ on reddit /r politics come up ninth on the list submitted by Ill-Animator-4403 to interestingasfuck [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:41 DigitalUnlimited AITA for marrying someone else?

So a little about me. I (18m) am a northerner. A couple months ago my father died. He was a good man, always true to his word. When he died, I inherited his house and land. Unfortunately, he didn't "just die" he was murdered. When I learned he had been killed, I swore to get vengeance. It took some time, but eventually I managed to gather enough friends and extended family to accomplish this task. On our way to the southern parts, we hit a snag. There was a river, and the only way across was this bridge. Long story short, the man who owned the bridge said I had to marry one of his daughters in order to use it. At the time I wasn't thinking clearly, I just wanted to avenge my father as quickly as possible, so I agreed to marry one of his daughters sometime in the future. Later on, I met this beautiful girl with long hair and a kind heart. All thoughts of my arranged marriage went out of my head completely! I fell head over heels for her and we married shortly after, against my family's wishes. Now bridge guy has found out I married someone else, but he doesn't seem mad. He even offered to throw a party to celebrate my wedding! WIBTA if I attend, knowing that I've already married someone else and broken my promise?
submitted by DigitalUnlimited to AmITheAngel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:41 hihellohi37 Questions from an American

I have always been fascinated by the British political system (as well as cultural things) and have some questions. Some of these might make me sound like a dumb American, and I thank anyone who responds to my lengthy post.
  1. How much of an impact (if any) will Sunak leaving the D-Day ceremonies early have on the general election? I can see it is a huge story now, but if this happened in the states it would probably be a story for a few days until the next blunder from either candidate occurred. Will this be on voters minds in July still?
  2. How long do British general elections take? What I mean is that Sunak announced the July 4th election towards the end of May, so that’s about 6 weeks, do all elections have this sort of timeline? Or can they last longer or be shorter?
  3. I see there is controversy over Tory leader Richard Holden appointing himself to be a candidate for a safe seat. So I take it that MPs do not need to reside in the area they represent? In the US, you just need to be a resident of the state, but usually the rep is also a resident. It opens up allegations of being a carpetbagger and a primary challenge if you’re not.
  4. I still don’t fully understand the House of Lords. They are appointed by the outgoing prime minister? Or am I wrong? Is there a limit to the amount of peerages a prime minister can give? Can the House of Lords write legislation? Are peerages the same as an honors list?
  5. How biased is the press? I realize this question can open a can of worms, but I am not asking for an editorial. In the US, Fox is conservative, MSNBC is liberal, and CNN is accused of being one or the other. That’s mainstream, and networks such as OANN are hard right, perhaps akin to GB news (please correct me if I wrong).
  6. And finally, are crisps really that good?
submitted by hihellohi37 to ukpolitics [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:40 pondysthecoolestt [OH] is this fmla retaliation?

is this FMLA retaliation
hi all, i am taking intermittent FMLA for my disabilities appointments and my manager is now suddenly giving me bad performance reviews and micromanaging me extremely to the point where its impacting my health and i cant sleep at night thinking about it. prior to FMLA, i had independence over my job as long as i adhere to month and deadlines. last month was my first month on FMLA and i got all responsibilities in on time. and suddenly now for the second month randomly she is now telling me every morning a to do list of things that must urgently be done that day or that day before my medical appointment. it’s out of nowhere and ive never had performance issues before. i’m planning to go to HR. is this retaliation? it genuinely is impacting my health and making it a hostile work environment. these tasks were never urgent before for over a year of working there. is this FMLA retaliation? i have also been to HR for her before because she tried to deny my sick time and vacation in the past. should i go to HR?
submitted by pondysthecoolestt to AskHR [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:40 Myk1984 Further evidence that shows it was JD who left AH after she physically assaulted him following her birthday party.

30th April, 2016

AH flew from LA to NYC in preparation for the MET Gala
Christian Carino and JD had the following text exchange
CC: Hey, just wanted you to know that if I can help with Amber, I am here for you.
JD: Thanks, pal. Weird shit. X.
CC: The three of us are all in New York City this week. If you want to go to dinner and try to sort it out, I would set it up if you want.
JD: No. I think the proverbial dukey has hit the fan this time. Thanks anyway. Big mucho, JD.
CC: Let me try. Okay for me to try?
JD: I wouldn't bother my brother. It's sad but necessary.

4th May, 2016

CC: Hey, she's really in pain. I've seen her hurting before, but not like this to the point where it scares me. She's completely devastated. I know it isn't my place to say this, but she needs you to be there for her. Regardless of whether you guys stay together or not, she needs you as a friend and as a husband to get her through. I know you love her and would do anything to protect her. She needs you now. I love you both. We can talk today if you want. Please just reach out to her. Find peace for each other whether it means together or apart. Love each other through the process. Please, JD, help my friend. Love ya, C."

May 5th, 2016

JD: What can I do, brother? I would do anything to take away her pain. I'd literally do fucking anything for her, especially from hurting. Though word on the street from NYC says that apparently she's all smiles, even bagged a meeting with Ralph Lauren. Aw, irony. Let me know. X, JD.
CC: I will call her later today. What city are you in? And just tell me you still love her.
JD: I'm in London and of course I love her. I would kill for her. At this point, I'm just not so enthused about dying for her over such ludicrous and petty wars.
CC: Okay. When are you coming home? I will get you together.
JD: I'm here until around the 15th and then in L.A. for like two days and then off for rehearsals and vampire tour. What the fuck is her deal, man? Did she tell you why we are where we are?
CC: Yeah, I've heard the story. I'm sure there are two versions. Here's what I know. You both love each other, and you both need each other, and you both need to change some behaviors if you want to be together. Simple as that. What are the two days you will be in L.A.?
JD: I'm back on the 16th, 17th, and 18th, but there will be no need for any of this at that point. I can only imagine what her version is, but I'm not going to live my life the way that I have been.
CC: Relax. Give me a minute. I'm going to get you guys to talk today, but you need to see each other sooner than that. But let's cross that bridge later.

May 7, 2016,

JD: Whenever mate. X
CC: Haven't gotten her yet. I'll let you know as soon as I do get her, but can't get through on your cell. Call me.

May 11th, 2016

CC: Hey, tried you. Change of heart. Are you still up to talk with her?
JD responds to message from David Heard
…’we’ve not spoken to one another since I left at 4.30am on the morning of the 22nd, her birthday, the argument , once again, brought her straight to that uncontrollable rage and she started throwing fuckin’ haymakers around again, I cannot allow ANYONE to believe that it’s okay to insult me, disrespect me and then feel as though she can apply violence to a situation that is already spinning out of control…’
Christian Carino Deposition Vol.2%20(OCRed).pdf)
Johnny Depp's Second UK Witness Statement.pdf)
submitted by Myk1984 to deppVheardtrial [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:40 Own_Astronaut7206 AIO for asking my guy why he would ask me if I wanted to go to a strip club as a fourth date?

I (F44) was dating a guy (M42) who seemed like he was a reasonable person. We had discussions about our relationship being closed, unless I “wanted a sister wives situation,” which I do not. Either we are open and supportive of each other wanting to sleep with other people (I am straight) or we are closed. He doesn’t get another girl if he’s not open to me having another guy. Before we started dating, my man asked for a topless photo. I told him no, that I was trying to be taken seriously. I did tell him that if he wanted a topless photo before meeting me, he could pay me 6.99 for such photo and we would probably never date. His response was, “I don’t pay for porn or to see girls naked.” Somehow, I was still interested in this man. We met, and he wanted something serious fast. Other than the topless photo comment, nothing this guy did or said gave me pause. He was super fun to be around and I was starting to fall fast and hard. Cut to a few weeks in, I ask him why he never sent me anything naughty but always demanded I send him notice if I did stuff to myself and wanted a booty pic of some sort every day. His answer was that it was his private time to get away and both his hands were busy. He made a joke and when I told him my question was serious, he told me he thought I was joking and did not mean to make me feel used sexually, but still failed to address the question appropriately or act like he would at least work on addressing my request. He would also immediately tease me when I sent something sexy, asking me who I was fantasizing about in said video… we were brand new and when I got confused as to why he’d ask that, because I made the videos for HIM, he treated me like I was stupid. We had conversations about not wanting to see people of the opposite sex rub up on each other. I couldn’t use the word train (like “I’m chugging along like a train to get my shit done so I can see you faster) because it conjured up images of a train being pulled on me, according to him. He told me he’d be the only penis I’d ever see again, and then almost next breath was “I’m gonna force you to watch open with me.” I just thought it was a part of his control kink… I won’t get anything sexual unless HE provides it. That wasn’t a deal breaker for me as long as he respected my boundaries. A few weeks later, he told me that before he met me, he wasn’t into mothers, because being a mother was a flaw to him prior to meeting me, but now he checks out every woman pushing a stroller or with a gaggle of kids. To me, this was a direct violation of being in a closed relationship because he was actively (not passively) checking out women (almost in a fetishized way) and mentally keeping his options open. I thought maybe I was overreacting in my head, maybe I’m too sensitive, so I sort of brushed off the comment. I really did want to spark back with, “oh that’s funny, everytime I see pigeon toed man, I feel the same way,” but I wasn’t trying to disrespect him because I was upset he had been so callous, because I really loved him and who cares if he’s got flaws? I do too. Then when discussing a safe word (his request) and I told him “stop” works just fine. He told me it wasn’t enough. So I said “banana” as in “I will fuck up your banana if you don’t STOP.” I did not tell him my reasoning, only the word. I did not threaten his dick verbally. He ignored the suggestion, and asked what to do if I am gagged and can’t respond. I told him I hope he would just check on my safety frequently and stop and get medical help if needed. He said, “right…so finish, then do CPR” This post makes it sound like he’s just a raging butthole, but I thought he had a great personality if you set aside his “jokes.” Easy to be around. He did wake me up most mornings telling me he felt insecure in our relationship but after talking to me, would say it was just his anxiety. I would have to constantly reassure him. Then as a fourth date, he decided to ask if I wanted to go to a strip club. When I said LOL WHAT? He sent me the definition of a strip club. When I said LOL I know what one is, why are you asking me that, are you bored with me? He told me he was going to “keep to himself the rest of the day because I was insecure and ruining his chance for a peaceful weekend.” He said we do nothing but argue (this was the first and not even an argument, just stating boundaries and asking why he felt the need to joke in such a manner, I’m tired of being the butt of all the jokes) and he couldn’t win with me, he was in a lose/lose situation with me and refused to resolve the issue. He then said he wasn’t breaking up with me, merely wanted an undefined timeline of a break where neither of us dated anyone else and I needed therapy because I’m unhinged and too insecure. I told him that him withdrawing is withholding affection and not appropriate for the situation. Even longer story short, it’s been over a week and still not even a single word from this man. Even if he thinks he didn’t break up with me, I say he did. Am I being overly sensitive (I’m neurodivergent and he knows this)? DIO?
submitted by Own_Astronaut7206 to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:40 DysfunctionalAI_ All Memories Location - Video Guide

Hello Wayfinders of Reddit, I've made some videos on all the memories location of every character.
Timestamps and name of the memories are included in the description of every video so people can easily find the ones they're missing.
You can find the entire playlist here.
submitted by DysfunctionalAI_ to PlayWayfinder [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:40 antonl99 [Store] TOP TIER SHOP / CRAFTS / GEMS - 0.00 BFK Emerald/Ruby/BP/Sapp , 2x FN Dlore (one w Titan Holo on scope), MW T2 Kimonos, FN Gungnir, M9 BP/Ruby, Kara Ruby/Emerald FLAWLESS, Kara BP, MW Spearmints, Talon BP/Ruby/Sapp, 100% BFK Fade, 4x IBP AK Redline ST MW, BFK P2, FN/FT howl, HR Holo D Blaze

Hi dear friends, everything in my inventory is up for trade and up for sale.
I also buy/sell skins via Crypto/CSGOFloat.
Check out my CSGOFloat stall here, almost every high tier item is listed here: https://csfloat.com/stall/76561198021680043
(This List only contain items above $100 I have a lot more items in my inventory, check that out on my profile)
This list is not always up to date there is more unlisted items in my inventory! feel free to add me to discuss offers. The fastest way to get a response is to send me a direct trade offer through my trade link.
Tips to communicate with me: be informative on what you're interested in and if you wish to buy with cash/crypto or trade.
My discord: antonbeastskins
Links to my profile / trade offer
Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/antontrades/
Trade offer: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffenew/?partner=61414315&token=WGyxdHWU
Every item is up for trade, don't be afraid to send an offer! Buyout
★ Butterfly Knife Emerald - FN - 0.008
★ Butterfly Knife Sapphire - FN - 0.008
AWP Gungnir - FN - 0.06127217784523964
AWP Dragon Lore - FN - 0.03 Titan Holo Scope
AWP Dragon Lore - FN - 0.06
★ Butterfly Knife Ruby - FN - 0.006
★ Karambit Emerald - FN - 0.010
★ M9 Bayonet Black Pearl - FN - 0.022
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Ruby - FN - 0.015
★ Butterfly Knife Black Pearl - FN - 0.009
★ Karambit Ruby - FN - 0.015
★ Karambit Black Pearl - FN - 0.007
M4A4 Howl - FN - 0.007
★ Moto Gloves Spearmint - MW - 0.14
★ Sport Gloves Pandora's Box - FT - 0.32
★ Butterfly Knife P2 - FN - 0.01
★ Butterfly Knife P2 - FN - 0.02
★ Butterfly Knife P2 - FN - 0.02
★ Talon Knife Ruby - FN - 0.03
★ Talon Knife Sapphire - FN - 0.009
★ Sport Gloves Vice - MW - 0.12
★ Sport Gloves Hedge Maze - FT - 0.356
★ Sport Gloves Hedge Maze - FT - 0.323
★ Specialist Gloves Crimson Kimono - MW - 0.14 T2 Max Red
★ Specialist Gloves Crimson Kimono - MW - 0.12
M4A4 Howl - FT - 0.328
★ Talon Knife Black Pearl - FN - 0.029
★ Butterfly Knife Fade - FN - 0.032
★ Butterfly Knife Fade - FN - 0.009
★ Butterfly Knife Fade - FN - 0.064
★ Bayonet Sapphire - FN - 0.035
★ Flip Knife Emerald - FN - 0.068
M4A1-S Knight - FN - 0.026
★ M9 Bayonet Lore - FN - 0.004
★ Karambit Fade - FN - 0.009
★ Sport Gloves Slingshot - MW - 0.126
★ Sport Gloves Superconductor - FT - 0.257
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Fade - FN - 0.012
AWP The Prince - FT - 0.189
★ Flip Knife Black Pearl - FN - 0.025
★ Flip Knife Black Pearl - FN - 0.018
AWP Desert Hydra - MW - 0.08
Souvenir AWP Desert Hydra - MW - 0.07
★ Ursus Knife Ruby - FN - 0.006
★ M9 Bayonet Fade - FN - 0.007
AWP Desert Hydra - FT - 0.15
★ Skeleton Knife Fade - FN - 0.009
★ Butterfly Knife Tiger Tooth - FN - 0.010
Glock-18 Fade - FN - 0.010
Glock-18 Fade - FN - 0.001
★ Huntsman Knife Emerald - FN - 0.007
★ Karambit Marble Fade - FN - 0.018
★ Sport Gloves Scarlet Shamagh - FN - 0.061
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - MW - 0.14
★ Talon Knife Fade - FN - 0.019
★ Talon Knife Fade - FN - 0.008
M4A4 Poseidon - FN - 0.0138
M4A4 Poseidon - FN - 0.0299
★ Karambit Tiger Tooth - FN - 0.031
★ Sport Gloves Vice - FT - 0.194
★ Bayonet Gamma P2 - FN - 0.032
AWP Fade - FN - 0.014
★ Butterfly Knife Bright Water - FN - 0.054
M4A1-S Hot Rod - FN - 0.019
★ Specialist Gloves Mogul - FN - 0.06
★ Butterfly Knife Case Hardened - FT - 0.16
★ StatTrak™ Skeleton Knife Slaughter - FN - 0.01
★ Sport Gloves Slingshot - FT - 0.24
★ Skeleton Knife - - 0.38
AK-47 Jet Set - FN - 0.064
StatTrak™ AWP Containment Breach - FN - 0.036
★ Sport Gloves Nocts - MW - 0.13
M4A1-S Blue Phosphor - FN - 0.007
M4A1-S Blue Phosphor - FN - 0.006
M4A1-S Blue Phosphor - FN - 0.009
Desert Eagle Blaze - FN - 0.03
★ StatTrak™ Classic Knife Fade - FN - 0.05
Sticker Crown (Foil)
submitted by antonl99 to Csgotrading [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:40 MarcusTwist Best IPTV provider to watch formula 1, ufc, euro 2024 and more events

Experience the ultimate entertainment with IPTV4KPROVIDER - your gateway to the best IPTV service. Access premium channels and enjoy seamless streaming. Elevate your viewing experience with IPTV4KPROVIDER. 📺✨
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submitted by MarcusTwist to Youriprovidr24 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:40 startingwindows What’s my next move?

What’s my next move?
My friends Facebook got hacked last week. Until now I’ve mostly been bullshitting and trying to waste their time and making them think I might be interested while I figure out how I want to play this lol. Any advice on my next move?
submitted by startingwindows to ScammerPayback [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:40 original_maverik Joining the EV6 family!

Joining the EV6 family!
Howdy everyone!
Came from a 2018 Chevy Volt. Test drove an EV6 last Saturday and really feel in love with all the tech. Decided against new, as even with all the discounts (they were offering $7500 and sometimes an additional $1500, here in Dallas, TX) The depreciation hit compared to used seemed to be pretty high.
I found what I feel was a pretty good deal. 2022 EV6 GT-Line RWD with 57k miles for $26k+ttl. They listed it as CPO, but wanted $1500 to "activate" the policy, I declined. 1 owner, Texas owned all it's life. Bought from the same dealer I bought it from.
Seems to have all options except heated wheel, heated rear, and AWD. And while I would have loved AWD, the price on this seemed killer. I was sort of waffling away from it but my loan officer for my Credit Union even stated it seemed an awesome deal as his system was showing NADA value at ~$32k, which ate up some negative from the Volt (which has tanked in pricing).
Overall happy with it. Doing lots of research. First full EV. I welcome any tips or tricks!
Pic related: In with the new, out with the old.
submitted by original_maverik to KiaEV6 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:40 Interesting-Result45 H: trade list W: offers

H: trade list W: offers submitted by Interesting-Result45 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:40 Yeet_dat_meat69 On our wedding with my son, he confessed that he has been cheating on me but in fact, I'm also cheating on him with the emperor of HRE too. Should I tell to him ?!?!

On our wedding with my son, he confessed that he has been cheating on me but in fact, I'm also cheating on him with the emperor of HRE too. Should I tell to him ?!?! submitted by Yeet_dat_meat69 to CrusaderKings [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:40 Educational_Rope6434 $EGOD: The Meme Coin That's Ready to Take Over 🚀

$EGOD: The Meme Coin That's Ready to Take Over 🚀
Hey Degens,
Tired of the same old meme coins? So are we. Meet $EGOD – the rebellious, no-nonsense cousin of Doge. Yeah, you read that right. $EGOD is here to step out of Doge's shadow and make some serious noise.
Why $EGOD?
  • Built on Solana: Fast transactions, low fees. No more waiting for ages or paying through the nose.
  • Community-Driven: We're not just a coin; we're a movement. The Egod Army is here to dominate.
  • Elon Musk Approved: A while back, Elon Musk tweeted, "Doge spelled backward is $EGOD." If that’s not a sign, I don’t know what is.
  • Explosive Potential: We've hit some major milestones and with the Azbit listing this week, we're just getting started.
What’s Coming Up? We’re gearing up for our Azbit listing this week, which is a huge step forward. Our community is growing stronger every day, and we're ready to show the world what $EGOD is all about.
Join the Fun:
  1. Upvote and Comment: Let’s get this post trending.
  2. Join the Egod Army: Share your wildest memes and thoughts.
  3. Spread the Word: Tell your crew about $EGOD.
This isn’t just another meme coin – this is $EGOD. We’re here to shake things up and have some fun along the way. Ready to join the revolution?
Check us out: Dive Deeper: egodcommunity.com Contract Address: CjXMsPZGGvsaqTZAo1pNcp1qckriFRiYJBivHew87vHW Explore More: Linktree
Let’s take $EGOD to the moon and beyond. 🚀💪
submitted by Educational_Rope6434 to CryptoMicroInvestors [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:40 AvishJarvis Ackermann Percentage

During our suspension analysis, we came across a configuration that is giving us 92% ackermann percentage with 2900 turning radius at maximum rack travel. As per last year's design, it was 75% with turning radius 3300. And there is a lot of word in the air around me that, it is simply not possible or not feasible. Any word on that?
submitted by AvishJarvis to FSAE [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:40 AndiDragon [F4TF/NB} Princess Sees You, the True You [Trans Identity Story] [Medieval like-setting] [Closeted but seen] [Hiding your true self but being found out-in a good way] [Unconditional Love and Support] [Choosing to be free of shackles (metaphorically)] [Pet]

Hey there!
So this is my first ever script and is sort of based on some fantasy scenarios that I have been using to help myself sleep since going on HRT last year (Wooo!) A lot of Trans stories I see in the ASMR community are about those who are just coming out or are dysphoria comfort etc.
And since its Pride month I thought I may as well share one of my own comfort scenarios in case anyone else may also find it so
Since, for my own personal journey, I just wish that someone could have seen the me that I hid behind the shell and veneer I showed to the world for 16 years after coming to terms with being Trans back in High School in like 07-ish. And hence why this is written this way. Anyone enough about me
To be clear, the listener does indeed know they are Trans feminine/Non-binary. I have tried to leave that a bit ambiguous, using only they/them/their pronouns from the speaker in regards to the listener. I am also fine with ANYONE voicing this regardless of gender identity and changing the speaker to fit such (Eg; Prince instead of Princess) and with this being explicitly labelled for TF or NB etc. Just please give me credit for the script if used
You may monetise this on any platform, if you do please give me a link.
I would also love any and all feedback and constructive criticism. (Spelling is in Australian English)
I think that's everything, so THE SCRIPT!!!
First Extra Details:
-dashes- indicate sfx (optional)
Names in [brackets] are fine to change
Princess Lee=P
[Mira} is optional lines for a second voice if wished but are COMPLETELY optional and the script should work with or without them.
[Mira] and Princess [Lee] share 1 short line that either or both can speak.
K=Knight/unnamed listener’s lines, Obviously these are unspoken but have “marks” to illustrate them as separate.
-knocks on a door-
(slightly muffled)
Princess: You may Enter.

-Opening door creak-

P: Ah finally! You are the last one you know? Of course you do. I’m sure the disappointment of not being selected to be my personal guard has been spreading through all the other nominees as they returned to the barracks rejected, yes?

“K: It has your highness.”

P: (stifled chuckle) …Well then, take a seat on my couch, opposite me please. (give a few second pause for them to reach the couch and sit) As you may have guessed then, as the last potential candidate, you have been selected though to be honest it was always a bit, uh, rigged from the start?

“K: Rigged?”

P: Yes, you see, well, as I’m sure you are aware, all of us in the Royal Family already have our own specially trained Shadow. A personal right-hand to be our guard, our confidant…our friend. [Mira] over there on the recliner is mine…as again I am sure you are well aware. Apologies I am a bit more flustered than I thought I had prepared myself to be.

(Take a deep Breath)

P: You see these tests and checks we’ve been doing for the past month are … not really for choosing my additional guard for my time in the [Magic University] after all it is a very secure facility, and [Mira] would be able to accompany me to all classes and locations there anyway. Rather these were all tests to confirm whether my suspicions regarding you were true.

“K: What suspicions?”

[Mira]: Suspicions was probably the wrong word [Lee].

P: Oh no! I do not mean to accuse you of being a spy or anything of that sort! I trust with my entire being that you are more than loyal to this kingdoms’ people and my family. Rather I was referring to a … secret I believed you were withholding or, at least, one that you were not actively voicing or embracing of a more … personal nature to you. And if I am right, which I believe I am, then I fully understand. But before I say any more please know, whether I am right or wrong, this conversation will not leave this room. You are safe here either way. You have my WORD on that.

[M]: Both of our words.

P: You see, yes these tests have all been of a social engagement variety not only due to the environment at the [Magic University] not only to see how you would all behave as guards during such settings, but also as guests. After-all it is a primarily social form Academy, with the majority of students and teachers being women, and noble born ones at that. And as such rather than war rooms or sparring sessions, as you and the other knights would be used to, tea parties and balls are more of what would occur over the 3 years there.

[M]: You should probably elaborate more on the why not the school Lee.

P: Yes, you see this common knowledge was a helpful subterfuge for our actual tests. To see how well you could and would perform as the “guests” for the guards. And I do mean YOU specifically. Whilst we did pay attention to your fellow knights, it was mainly you we were paying attention to. How at the tea parties you sat so demurely and smiled, paying so much attention to the stories. Sitting with proper etiquette. How at the ball you hung back clearly uncomfortable in your suit … and your skin. Then when the dances came up, and we were partners… You let me lead.

[M]: Don’t worry, no one really noticed. Except for us, and even then, it is only because we were looking.

P: Your face during it. Your expression. You were so at peace. At all of these when you could fade into the background and enjoy yourself. Your face was always so … Happy. Whenever you didn’t have to play the knight. Having to be strong in front of everyone. Winning duels so that you can keep your hair as long as you like. Refusing promotions and the like so that you could stay safe and hidden. Turning down dates because they could only see the Strong Sir Knight resplendent in their masculinity…. But that’s not you is it? Not really.

[M]: Maybe you should start from the beginning Lee?

P: I began looking into year about 6 moths ago, when you turned down the promoting to lead your own platoon. I found it odd at first given that it would be quite an accomplishment for a knight as fresh as you into adulthood. But thought you were just holding out for something more or trying to just not be separated from your current squad yet. Being so involved in my own studies I didn’t think much more. UNTIL I was on a stroll through the gardens with [Mira] one afternoon as a break. When we came across you. Napping with your hair down in a very secluded spot. (warm giggle) with a cute flower crown and matching bracelet on.

[M]: No sword in view anywhere. Not often even a baby knight doesn’t trigger my alert or even “careful” radar. And ESPECIALLY one who has won even duels to keep their hair that long. Wouldn’t have seen you if we hadn’t decided to meander through the flower field

P: At first, we didn’t recognise you. You looked so different. So … androgynous and cute…. So feminine. So vastly different in comparison to how you hold and present yourself with the other knights. You were at so much peace then too. Not like the quiet conflict I realised you were showing all other times. In the following weeks we looked more into you as the sight became so burned into my memory.

[M]: Nothing too invasive. Well except….

P: [Mira] investigated your room in the barracks. Just a spot check. Comparing to the other knights. She didn’t go through your draws or anything. It was bare. No Decorations. No displayed gits or ornaments. Just some books, haircare products and a chess set. So barren and empty, in stark contrast to your fellow knights. No mirror either. Your Commander said you had it removed as it reflected the lights poorly and hindered your sleep.

[M/P]: But that’s not true, is it?

P: In truth, you find looking in the mirror to be stressful and/or weird. Like something doesn’t fit right. And it’s your reflection, isn’t it? It’s not what you see you as in your own head is it? It began to click for me at that time. Then we found out the knights had taken you in as one of their recruited volunteers from the Orphanage to help make space there for younger children. They took you in and raised you. Trained you to be the knight sitting before me. A path you would not have chosen otherwise, I’m sure.

[M/P]: Stuck in a role you do not want. With nowhere to return to. No other skills to utilise or survive on. Trapped.

P: But here is where I can offer you an escape. Another chance. Another way. First, I will let you know that no matter what, [Mira] and I will not be returning to the castle again. My Elder siblings can all fight for the throne, they are well aware that I will not come for it unless they hurt or threaten the people of our kingdom with malice. So this deal is a one time thing AND you must decide pretty much now. As such…

-clinking glasses-

P: In this vial that I will place to your right is a potion that will give you amnesia from the events of the last 24 hours. You will not remember this day, or this conversation [Mira] and I will claim that you tested a wine for me and discovered it was poisoned, saving me. We will leave the palace immediately with the rest of our wagon to [the Magic University], whilst you will be hailed as a hero and able to return to your current life.

-more glass clinking-

P: Whilst in this vial I will place to your left. If you choose this one you will come with us. We will still leave in the but in the morning, and you will have a new future and a chance to live. However, the reason we will leave in the morning rather than immediately? This is due to the vial containing a very potent potion that will flow your mana into me and WILL cause you to pass out. But by drinking this your mana won’t become mine but rather it will be…subservient to mine I can loan it or grow it with my own, but I will also be able to find you for the rest of our lives. And by choosing this you choose to become mine. For all intents and purposes you will be essentially be My Possession. My Pet. My Property. If you wish you can even be MY Princess. A new life and chance. But you must choose it.

**Give a 5-10 second pause here**

P: You are hesitating. Which in itself is an answer, isn’t it? Hey look at me. Here let me hold your face - Huh your check is so warm, and your eyes so beautiful... I promise you, By taking this yes, you will become mine, but that does not mean I will force you to become or do anything that you do not want to do. I want to you to be by my side yes. I want to watch you live and grow and become so much more than the knight-shell that sits before me. But YOU get to make that choice. I can only offer you it. As well as the unconditional love and support of having us there to help you become …well YOU.

-Glass clinking as the left vial is taken and drunk-
-Ruffling and moving as Princess Lee rushes to their side-

P: Oh, thank you for trusting me. Here Let my hold you as you drift off. I promise you that everything will be ok now. You can be whoever you need to be. And I will be there to love you my pet. Whoever you are. Whoever you will be. Tomorrow your new life, your true life can begin.
submitted by AndiDragon to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:39 Due_Construction_401 my beautiful king

my beautiful king submitted by Due_Construction_401 to DBZDokkanBattle [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:39 Monkittyruccia22 ‼️🆘URGENT‼️Tiny Hulk Hogan is now R/O on the EU list due to a cold! PLEASE pledge and share this little guy so a RESCUE will pull him. ‼️🆘🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️

‼️🆘URGENT‼️Tiny Hulk Hogan is now O on the EU list due to a cold! PLEASE pledge and share this little guy so a RESCUE will pull him. ‼️🆘🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️ submitted by Monkittyruccia22 to HelpMeowtShelterCats [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:39 Ad071 What makes the top 5 special (according to me)

A post about the top 5 that's not just "power" "super inner, super line shot" or "ball spin!" Alos lowkey my headcanon about how they were ranked.
  1. Ushijima - Form - His key feature in my opinion is his form. Even tired his form is still pretty much perfect. It allows him to always meet the ball at the perfect placement, allows him to switch from a straight to a cross because he always jumps with perfect form which gives him more time. The form also helps him generate more power because he's always spiking the ball at the perfect time. Yeah.
  2. Kiryuu - Body - The most well built of the T5, the strength training for his core and legs is what really allows him to spike every ball. People often just say "He can spike every ball no matter how low!" but to actually generate enough power to quickly jump through a one step approach high enough to meet a low set ball above the net and then still spike it powerfully - his body must be (and is) insanely well built and strong. People often talk about Ushijima when it comes to power, and while he IS strong, I also think his strength is more drawn out from his meticulous consistent form while Kiryuu, regardless of form, is still strong by virtue of just being THAT strong.
3 - Sakusa - Technique - Least known of the T5, but we can assume that what stood out about him is his technique. He, most likely, was similar to Takeru in that he consistently tooled blockers by hitting it off angles, but to a higher degree by applying his unique spins to his spikes. Hot Take but he was probably also the best server of the T5 as serving is the technique you can practice alone the most and Sakusa has been shown to be a germaphobe that gets obsessed with practicing things alone so yeah, probably the nastiest server of the bunch as well.
  1. Bokuto - Adaptability - Surprise! I'm sure reading this Bokuto's unique trait would be the most obvious, being his placement spikes but I think his adaptability is his most unique trait. While the other aces here really do have a set way of playing and rarely diverge, bokuto truly is a loose canon. He is the T5 ace that'd probably have it easiest to adapt to any team he plays in. Need a powerful spiker? He can do it. Need a calculating player that changes from tips, to cross shots to line shots to a resourceful rebound? He can do it. He's very amenable and, while he goes through his slumps, he bounces back and is always conscious enough after to adjust his game, even on the fly. Of course it also helps that his game is good enough to the point that he can do all sorts of spikes without much trouble.
  2. Aran - Combination - Aran was the hardest to think of. The others are quite distinct in their traits but his is more of a combination of them all but to a lesser degree. He is a strong Spiker with good form, he is adaptable virtue of playing with the twins, and he also has good form, even late in the game. He is probably the luckiest (and unluckiest) player on this list, as the strength of his team probably slightly hindered him from developing a singular, unique strength but also balanced him out as an overall all around Ace.
These are probably all very wrong and inaccruate (looking at you Aran) but yeah, my random thoughts.
submitted by Ad071 to haikyuu [link] [comments]
