Alleviate health formula

edibles: a friendly place to post recipes that get you high!

2011.11.17 02:46 2ndknightbro edibles: a friendly place to post recipes that get you high!

This place is dedicated to anything related to cannabis infused food and drinks also known as edibles. NO MINORS. DRUG SOURCING IS NOT PERMITTED HERE.

2021.06.01 20:54 deep_mann StoicHelp

In this world of infinite distractions and cheap dopamine hits, if you find yourself lost and exhausted all the time, you are not alone. We all can use some stoic help. Welcome :)

2009.04.20 19:43 A safe, welcoming community for all pregnant people!

A safer space for all pregnant people.

2024.06.09 19:32 nkufrfbhh Java Burn Reviews Safe Weight Loss Coffee Powder or Over Hype? MUST READ!

Java Burn Reviews: Can You Lose Weight with This Coffee Supplement?
~Java Burn is designed with convenience and simplicity in mind.~ Imagine starting your day with your usual cup of coffee, but on this occasion it helps you lose weight. Java Burn delivers on this promise.
This supplement promises to speed up your metabolism, give you more energy, and improve the way your body burns fat.
The best part is that it doesn't change the flavor of your coffee, making it easy to use.
What is Java Burn Coffee?
~Java Burn is a natural weight loss supplement made from professionally sourced and tested ingredients.~ The formula targets the underlying causes of weight gain and a slow and non-habit-forming metabolism.
Objective third-party laboratories test powder to ensure it is free of impurities, including artificial colors, additives, preservatives, gluten and GMOs. Java Burn ensures overall health although weight loss is considered the main benefit.
It improves your energy and mental clarity, while keeping your blood pressure, diabetes, and digestion at healthy levels.
The manufacturer of the dietary supplement states that it is manufactured in an FDA registered facility in the United States under strict, hygienic, GMP certified procedures.
Java Burn is a coffee supplement that comes in a bottle containing 60 easy-to-swallow capsules, enough for a month's supply.
submitted by nkufrfbhh to nflstreamsbaltv [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:17 kihyon Boost Your Fertility Naturally: How Traditional Asian Medicine Can Help

Traditional Asian herbal medicine can help with fertility as follows:
  1. Conception: It helps enhance the body's condition to make conception possible and removes obstacles to infertility.
  2. Pregnancy: It alleviates discomforts during pregnancy, such as swelling and morning sickness, and helps prevent miscarriage.
  3. Postpartum: It aids in the removal of lochia and helps the body return to its pre-pregnancy condition.
Traditional Asian herbal medicine has been helping with various health conditions related to before, during, and after pregnancy for thousands of years.
submitted by kihyon to Acupuncture_Beaverton [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:14 Significant_Form_973 Blood in stool for over 4 weeks, starving and stressed šŸ˜©

My daughter is 12 weeks old and has now had specks of blood in her stool for over 4 weeks now. Iā€™m sorry the post is a bit long, I really just need some reassurance šŸ˜­
Mid march - LO was born via (sort of) failed induction which led to over 30 hours of labor and ended in me requiring a forceps delivery in theatre. Both LO and I were put on antibiotics due to a small temp I had during labour.
I noticed very early on that her poos were mucusy but when I showed photos to multiple medical professionals (GP, lactation consultant, health visitor, peads doctor) they all said they were normal so I tried not to worry. LO had mild colic as well (I say mild as it was not every day but could be quite bad on some days). She also had reflux and still does but we have managed this without medication (just by keeping her upright after feeds and in her cot at night as recommended by the GP)
I believe that I had an oversupply (milk would spray out regularly and I was engorged even after 6weeks) and LOs latch was not great (I was having nipple pain) but no one really cared as LO was gaining like 70g a day (she is now 7.2kg at 12 weeks). I decided to go to a private tongue tie practitioner who said that LO had a mild tie and we divided to have it revised. The afternoon after the revision I first noticed red specks of blood in LOs stool, I originally thought this was due to the procedure but it then carried on and has not stopped.
I have cut dairy (4+ weeks), soy (4+ weeks), oats (2+ weeks), wheat (1+ weeks) and egg (4+weeks) which I have introduced back this week because I was literally starving myself and I really worried for my supply (as well as my mental state!)
On the days where I was literally hardly eating anything the blood seemed to be better but now I have had to add things back in (to stop myself from starving!) the blood is worse than ever. Itā€™s still specks of red blood but there is much more of them and her stools are greenish/yellow/brown with lots of mucus. She doesnā€™t have any skin issues, has tiny amounts of spit up but nothing crazy.
I feel beside myself with worry. My husband just says oh sheā€™s just getting used to food but I canā€™t just see blood and mucus as normal. I feel like I am being robbed of the joy of having my baby right now when I just want to relax and enjoy it all. We are talking her abroad next week to meet her grandparents for the first time and I feel like I donā€™t even want to go. I am questioning everything I am eating and cutting foods out constantly thinking that they are hurting her. Crazily enough, although the blood/mucus seems to have got worse this week her temperament is not bad at all, sheā€™s generally been a happy baby with a normal amount of fussiness.
The only thing I can think of is that sheā€™s reacting to eggs that I have added in again this week and I need to cut them out again but without oats/eggs/dairy I am short on things for breakfast and worried I am going to hurt my supply by doing this.
We have seen a doctor but she just said keep cutting out the dairy/soy and sheā€™ll see us again in 6-8weeks. But Iā€™m worried, am I damaging her by allowing blood to remain? Iā€™m not prepared to stop breastfeeding as there is no guarantee that things will get better on formula and I would be devastated to lose my supply and her still have these issues.
I would love if anyone has had a similar journey and could offer any advice or their own experience. Or if anyone has had symptoms get worse around 4 weeks before getting better? Iā€™m just feeling really fed up and overwhelmed at the moment. Thanks šŸ™šŸ»
submitted by Significant_Form_973 to MSPI [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:09 Adventurous-Neck3027 Is it me? Controlling manager

I think I'm reaching out for some feedback and, hopefully, for someone to help me determine what my next should be regarding my time with this company. After looking for months for a full-time job in my field, I found one, and the pay is excellent. But from the start, it's been terribly stressful.
When I interviewed for the job - as a contract worker, so temporary - my would-be boss came across as laidback and even fun to work with. Soon after I started working, I was tasked with writing my first article. I was told what to include in the article and thought I got all the details I needed. After getting confirmation that I was on the right path, I wrote and sent in the article, only to be told it wasn't what she wanted at all.
This confused me, since we'd confirmed everything beforehand. That's when I shared that - in my freelance roles and last full-time writing and editing role - we'd used some form of pitch doc or content brief to help alleviate confusion. She declined, saying, "We never needed that in the past."
So, I sent her an outline for the next version. Iwhen it was approved, I wrote the second draft. Then she asked for a meeting. This time, she asked me why it was so hard for me to follow directions. When I tried to tell her I did what she'd approved in the outline, she got more, well, aggressive with her feedback.
At some point, embarrassingly, I started tearing up. I really had worked hard on this piece - and I'd never had this kind of criticism before. That's when she told me that I basically needed to get a backbone if I wanted to be a writer. I tried to tell her I wasn't emotional about the feedback, but the confusing process and how I was feeling put on the spot. It was late in the day, and I was tired. (For the record, I'm 51 - have been a full-time content creatowriteeditor for 30 years).
The third try was the charm, albeit with copious edits she said she felt she needed to make.
I'll spare you the whole story, but this type of situation keeps happening in one way or another. After I suggested that we create an Excel doc for all the content for the new website - she agreed. But when I showed her what I created, she was unhappy. It wasn't what she'd thought I'd do.
When I asked her for clarity, she agreed to a 10-minute Teams chat to share her screen so I could see what she wanted. That seemed to annoy her. She was curt on the call. Again, she gave me the "I don't understand why this is so hard for you" talk.
Needless to say, the content management system we use is buggy. I've been told to consult the manual to learn how to get around it, which is fine. However, my manager and our coworker work on the website together. Then, they pass tasks along to me to figure out for myself. When I asked them to work with me for 10 minutes when I was stumped on something, they asked me to look at the handbook.
This Thursday, two days before my manager was starting a week's vacation, she looked at the new website (not launched yet) and saw that some pages I've been working on still have issues. That's true. I'd told her I was still working out the issues but that I should have everything fixed very soon.
She didn't like that response and really laid into me. Again, she asked why I couldn't understand or follow directions. When she said, "I don't even know what you've been doing with your time," it really stung. I loved my work, took pride in it, and even worked full-time a couple of weeks ago while on vacation because I didn't want to leave my team hanging.
When she reprimands me, it's sort of a rapid-fire thing. I don't have time to answer her questions and explain myself. When I told her she was starting to make me anxious - she didn't stop. The next day, I told her I was sorry that she was so unhappy with my work. That's when she told me she didn't think she could work with me any longer because I was... hostile. Of all the things that haven't made sense that's the biggest of all.
I told her I'm a lot of things -- but hostile isn't one of them. She also said that I was negative and complained a lot -- I tried to tell her that I really loved what I did, that I may have sounded negative when she asked me to explain myself, and that I was sorry.
There are other small things that are sometimes bigger things - they won't give me access to OneDrive but they want me to edit from OneDrive (so they have to email docs first). She asked me to prepare a presentation about SEO. I did it, and she forgot she asked for it.
When I told a few of my friends about this - they all told me to get out. I think I agree. The issue is that I need to pay my mortgage and the job market is terrible. But... on the other hand, is this job worth my mental health?
My take is that she's super serious about her role as a VP. Doesn't want me to make her look bad.
Any help is greatly appreciated. And thank you for reading my long post.
submitted by Adventurous-Neck3027 to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:31 Ancillary_Adam My back pain journey since 2007, failures and successes

Hi all, After reading a lot of post here recently, I kinda wanted to tell my story to give others perspective about treatment options. Obviously, this is MY story and everyone here is different. My experience will not be the same as yours, and I am not a doctor telling you to try these options. But I have had a lot done, and I think it might be helpful if people understand what they can try.
I appreciate everyone who reads even one section of this saga. I am happy to answer any questions that people might have. Again, this was my journey and these things might not be the best options for you. But I want to highlight that pain, itself, is not the disease. It is a symptom. Find doctors who will help you find the cause of it. Sometimes it's difficult to pinpoint the source of pain, but there are options to try different things.
Part 1: How it Started
In 2007 I was 17 years old. During the summer, I got a job working as a bus boy at a reception hall. One night, I was sweeping the floor, nothing different than normal, but I suddenly had intense shooting pain down my hip and leg just from the way I bent down to sweep. That was all it took to set me off on what would be a long life of pain.
I remember the sciatica being really bad during this period. My parents and I were taking care trips to look at colleges and sitting in a car was torture. At some point they told me to see a chiropractor so I started doing that on a pretty regular basis. I went to college in 2012 and continued to have pain. There was always constant pain but I would always have times when it was much worse and it was painful to even walk normally. I recall having my parents visit and I was limping all day because I couldn't extend my left leg out fully.
I continued to see a chiropractor in the area for maybe two or three of the years I was away at school. Chiropractor never really helped though. During one of the summer breaks, I went to a chiropractor who had this decompression machine that would literally strap you down and pull you apart in an attempt to relieve pressure. It never helped. I am pretty sure by this time I already had an MRI done that probably showed some level of lumbar herniation so I guess that is why I wanted to try that type of treatment.
Chiropractics is not a legitimate science. I hadn't realized this until later in college (I was a biomed major). Their theories on spinal health do not align with known medical science. Some chiropractor align more with real medical science, but a lot of them only believe what the area of chiropractics says. I strongly recommend NEVER seeing a chiropractor, especially if you have back pain. It could be dangerous.
Part 2: The First Surgery and More Treatments
So when I graduated from college in 2012, I sought out an orthopedic surgeon. We did more MRIs. I can't recall if we tried anything more conservative first, but I did end up having surgery with him in 2013. We did a microdiscectomy and hemilaminectomy on both L3-4 and L4-5. Recovery from this was about what you would expect. Lots of bed rest for maybe 6 weeks or so, but I recovered well and went to PT for a couple of months. I think the surgery was successful in treating a lot of the serious sciatica I was having. But I was still having some level of back pain months and months after. I was then seeing the pain management doctor at the same office as the surgeon, and we tried a LOT of different additional things. Facet joint injections specifically, trigger point injections, medications. Nothing ever helped. I still have this pain in my low back and it was difficult to bend over without bracing myself, and there were times when I would get sciatic pain but not nearly as bad as it was before the surgery.
At one point I went to a rheumatologist because the pain doctor did some blood work and found I was positive for a gene that is related to ankylosing spondylitis. I was never actually diagnosed with this, but we tried to medications (I think maybe methotrexate but I could be wrong). The rheumatologist ended up putting me on humira, which looking back was a odd decision without actually officially diagnosing me with anything. Humira is a monthly injection, and I think after two months, my pain actually got a lot worse, and I stopped taking it and never went back to him.
For the most part after this, I was just taking Tramadol an naproxen to deal with my pain. I was going to the gym and doing what I could, but often the gym would exacerbate my symptoms. It was just difficult to do anything without feeling weak and obviously, it definitely contributed to some depression.
Part 3: New Pain Doctors and Spinal Cord Stimulator
In 2016, I got a new job that brought me into NYC and I now had access to great insurance and a wide array of great doctors. I found a new pain management doctor and tried a lot of things with him. He put me on Nucynta at some point, which is a narcotic, though I would only take it when I had break through pain. Pretty quickly, only a couple months after in 2017, we decided to try a spinal cord stimulator since I had already tried all these other things with other doctors.
I had to see a neurologist who would be doing the actual implanting of the device. I also had to see a phsychiatrist to get I guess "mental" clearance that I was in sound mind to be making this decision about a medical device implant. Not sure if that was just for the insurance or something the doctors also require. Before doing a full implant, they actually do a test run. I guess I had gone under general anesthesia for this, but they implant the wires (explained more below) and the wires come out of my skin to an external device and all of that is taped down to my low back. They do this so that they can make sure you actually get relief from the device before all the time, energy, and money is spent doing the full implant. I had it for a couple weeks, and decided to move forward. They had to remove the wires from me and scheduled me for just a regular office visit, and I was thinking well how the heck are they removing these wires from me. Well, it was very easy. They literally just pulled the wires right out of my back. Didn't feel anything. It was wild.
I have a Nevro brand stimulator impanted inside me shortly after. Surgery and recovery were as you would expect. I don't thinm recovery was as long as my back surgery was. There is a little 1x1 inch square box that sits above my right glute, around where my waistband would sit. There are two sets of wires that run over my spine to the left side (so I can actually feel the wires right under my skin at this part) and then they go between my vertebral space and then all the way up my spinal canal to my thoracic area. At the end of the wires (aka "leads") there are several evenly spaced electrodes and these are the functional part of the device. From what I understand, they send small electrically pulses very rapidly against my spinal cord and the idea is that these electric signals will over power pain signals coming from below, effectively making my brain blind to sciatic pain. It came with a remote to change the settings and a charger that uses a wireless pad that you hold over the box to charge. I had to charge it ever two or three days. The technician from the company does the initial set up (they device doesn't operate until you are recovered from the procedure and see the technician at your next office visit, I believe). The technician will turn the device on wirelessly and play with the settings and ask you to tell them when you feel something as the increase the magnitude of the stimulation. When you feel it, it does feel like a little electric buzzing in your back. But you aren't supposed to feel it at all, so they the turn it down just below where you felt the sensation. The remote has a couple different programs that I could change through that the technician programs, I guess changes in the frequency of the pulsing or things like that. I could also increase and decrease the magnitude within a set range, but for the most part I never messed with any of the settings. Nevro has a care team that I can contact at any time with questions or concerns and they will follow up with me occasionally to see how I am doing.
Part 4: Life After the Stimulator
I always had the stimulator on, and always said that it did help alleviate the residual sciatic symptoms I had, but I still had this low back pain that wouldn't go away. I continued to see the pain management doctor and we tried so other things. More trigger point injections, medications, etc. He had me on what is called "Low dose naltrexone" which is essentially a very low dose of an existing drug, used off label for chronic pain. It had to be specially made at a compounding pharmacy because the dose you need isn't commercially available. I tried that for a couple months and can't say it helped. In fact, I think it made me very nauseous a lot of the time. I remember I had to stop drinking coffee at one point because the taste of it would make me feel queezy, and one or two times I ran to the bathroom because I felt like I was going to throw up. I decided to stop taking it.
After that, I mostly just lived with my stimulator and dealt with any pain I had (hadn't seen the doctor since 2020). I was going to the gym someone regularly at this point, but like before it would often increase my pain symptoms so I would need to take extended breaks from exercise.
Part 5: Recurrent Herniation
At the beginning of November 2023, I started to feel something new. I was starting to slowly get sciatic symptoms again and was having flashbacks of my symptoms when I was in college. I was starting to get sciatica in both legs, and my right foot would sometimes start going numb if I stood for too long. It was getting more and more severe. Within a few weeks, I had to stop commuting into work because the pain was getting so bad. I contacted my pain management doctor who I hadn't seen in years. Their office was telling me how since I hadn't been there in so long I had to be treated as a new patient and the first opening for a new patient was like 2 or 3 weeks out. I was pretty angry at them about this. I mean, this doctor did the implant of the medical device that I have...should that not exempt me from this rule? Its not like this was an appointment for an unrelated issue. Anyway, the first available appointment was with a different doctor, but I was desperate so I saw him. He was not helpful. I was basically begging for pain meds and he was like welllll the other doctor should really prescribe you something because he knows your case better. It was such a a waste of time.
About a week or two later I did in fact see my original doctor, and he had the Nevro technician come because he thought it could potentially be an issue with the device. The technician found that there was "impedence" on one of the leads, a couple of the electrodes weren't working as they should. So she did some adjustments to compensate for that. I have it a week or so, but that did not fix the problem at all. I stopped charging the stimulator altogether because it wasn't doing anything for me. I had to start using a cane to get around because if I was standing, I needed something to lean on so I didn't have to keep my back straight. It was getting very difficult.
The doctor had me get a regular CT done, because I cannot get an MRI due to the stimulator (the stimulator itself is actually MRI safe and I think most of them are not, but because of the issue with the electrodes, my Nevro care team told me I could not get an MRI). So I and the CT and I could see it myself. It was absolutely clear that there was a herniation at L4-L5. Clear as day. So I had a video call with the doctors assistance soon after and to my dismay, they suggested treatment was to get an epidural to reduce the pain. Here I am, knowing full well that my symptoms and the results of the MRI are definitely worthy of surgery, and they want to give me just an epidural. I asked her about surgery and she said something about not opting for surgery until exhausting other options. I said okay. After the call, I immediately reached out to my friend who worked at the Hospital for Special Surgery in NYC. She actually works with the director of Spinal Surgery. Immediately, I was in contact with him and his entire team and they moved quickly to get things moving. I regret not having reached out sooner.
Part 6: Prep for Second Surgery
So the first thing to do was get better imagining. Since the MRI was out of the question, I had to do something called a CT Myelogram. Oh boy this was not a fun diagnostic procedure.
You need to be accompanied to the appointment because they will be giving you some very light sedative. You are hooked up to an IV, and they bring you into a room with a special x-ray table that rotates so you can be either laying flat or raised up so you are nearly standing, and the X-rays can be taken from many different angles. The doctor there take a couple of initial scans to find the location where they go in. I am queezy just talking about it right now. What they need to do is inject contrast dye right into my spinal canal. An epidural goes AROUND your spinal canal, but for this they need to pierce the dura and go in.
So they do local anesthesia and then take quite a large needle and go in. It is painful because it is going so deep. But God, you can feel the piecing of the dura layer when the needle goes through. I immediately feel my body hating it. Then they inject the dye, and you can feel that sort of cold sensation spreading across your back. And then he takes the needle out. I start to get VERY hot and am about to pass out, so they put some ice on the bacm of my neck and give me a minute to come back down. They also gave me some IV zofran to help with nausea and some IV sedative for the pain Thankfully it passed. But that wasnt even the difficult part.
Next, they have to make sure the dye gets into all the crevices. So the doctor rotates the table to different angles and has you try and bend in specific ways. It was incredibly painful to do. When he had me in an almost standing position, and the pressure of the dye was increasing my leg pain beyond anything I had experienced so far. It was really difficult. But once they are satisfied with the X-ray that shows the dye has spread well, they send you to the CT scan. Once I was laying down again the pain subsided and I was feeling better. They did the CT scan and then rolled me back to the recovery room, and by the time I was back in there I was feels 100% back to normal and had no issues getting up and walking. So that was that.
The image results were very telling (gunna try and include them here or in a comment if I can). The point of this type of imaging is that the contract dye with spread anywhere that the CSF can go. You should be able to clearly see the space all around the spinal cord, and if there are spots where you don't see the dye, you will be able to see what is causing some problems. It was plain to see how severe this herniation was. It was compressing my spinal cord and pushing it all the way to the back of the spinal column.
So the doctor said we have two options. A microdiscectomy or a fusion. We decided to do a MD though I would be okay with a fusion. Well guess what, two days before the surgery the doctor changed his mind and said that after reviewing the imaging again the best course of action would be to do a fusion. I was very excited for that.
Part 7: The Fusion
So at the end of Feb 2024 I had my fusion done. It was your standard surgery, nothing too crazy. Recovery was tough though. Basically with a fusion, they take out the herniation and most of the disc and they put this rubbery block in there that contains bone graft. That is what is going to grow to fuse the two vertebrae, but that process can take a year to fully fuse the bones. So they put in four screws, two in each vertebrae, and join them together with rods. This holds the bones together completely so that they do not move independently. They are essentially fused at this point, but only with the rods.
For recovery, the first couple days were difficult, mostly trying to stand up from laying down because I had like no low back strength. The pain was also pretty constant so I was taking a lot of muscle relaxers and narcotics to help me stay asleep as much as possible.
The surgery area was quiet large. There were two large bandages and two small bandages and the entire area was covered in a large adhesive patch to keep everything clean and dry (it was also very orange from the iodine). So I could shower without worrying about it. Within two weeks I was moving around a lot better. I might have stopped using my cane at this point, though anything that required me to reach forward, like washing my hands at the sink, was difficult because it would require back strength. By 2 weeks, the bandage had because really really frustrating. The huge adhesive patch was causing my skin to become itchy and irritated, and I could see they I was starting to develop some red bumps like pimples underneath. Thankfully 2 weeks was the point I could remove it (after my first follow up call with the doctors team). So I took it off which was not easy. The whole area was soooo sticky, I tried to remove a lot of the stickiness with either rubbing alcohol, soap, or Vaseline. I was able to get a lot of it off but some stickiness still lasted for several days. There will tiny bandages over the incision sites that covered the stitches and those would eventually all fall off themselves. I had two larger scars at the top where they did most of the work of cutting out the disc and putting in the graft, and then two tiny scars lower down where I assume they put in the screws for the lower vertabrae. My back does not look pretty.
I started PT at four weeks was doing better but still had a weak back and was very cautious with my movements. Did PT for 12 weeks and made a lot of improvement. I was back to how I was. The fusion 100% fix the issues that this new herniation had caused, and it was such a relief to finally have a procedure that was totally effective. However, the back pain that I had already had for many many years was and is still there and I am still not certain what is causing it.
Part 8: Now
I am about 20 weeks out of surgery and am still doing great. I still do not use my stimulator and don't plan to, but having to get it removed would be a really huge pain. I have started to actually go to a gym again and life weights to stay active. I am mostly convinced that this low back pain I still have is really muscle related, caused by the years of instability, and that I can address it by strengthly my core muscles and following my PT exercises. I think a lot of these muscles issues, like trigger points, can mimic sciatic symptoms. Knowing what REAL sciatic symptoms feel like again, this pain doesn't feel like I have a herniation pushing on my nerves. So I am going forward with that in mind and trying to deal with this pain muscularly.
As for the fusion, I don't notice any new limitations in my movement. I avoid rubbing the area because I could feel the rods if I rub it hard enough. But I feel normal. I had a follow up with the doctor with another X-ray and everything looks great. I am hoping that this can be a turning point for me to really live as close to a pain free life as possible.
submitted by Ancillary_Adam to Sciatica [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:25 ShoutinEldrich0 Top 20 Dairy Companies In The World

The dairy industry is a global powerhouse, providing essential nutrients for billions of people worldwide.
From creamy yogurts to melt-in-your-mouth cheese, dairy products are a staple in many cultures.
But who are the key players shaping this vast industry?
This article dives into the top 20 dairy companies, exploring their global reach, product offerings, and impact on the market.

List of Top 20 Dairy Companies

The dairy industry is dominated by a mix of established powerhouses and emerging players.
Here's a closer look at the top 20 dairy companies, ranked by their dairy revenue:
Serial Number Dairy Companies
1. Nestle
2. Lactalis
3. Danone
4. Yili Group
5. Fonterra
6. Mengniu Dairy
7. Arla Foods
8. Friesland Campina
9. Saputo
10. Unilever
11. Amul
12. Savencia
13. Muller
14. Agropur
15. Schreiber Foods
16. Sodiaal
17. DMK Group
18. Froneri
19. Glanbia
20. Land O'Lakes

1. NestlƩ (Switzerland)

NestlƩ, a global giant in food and beverages, holds a leading position in the dairy industry.
Its portfolio boasts iconic brands like Milo, Carnation, and Nido, offering a diverse range of dairy products, from milk and yogurts to nutritious infant formulas and indulgent ice creams.
Nestle Dairy leverages its global reach and innovation to deliver high-quality dairy products to consumers worldwide, catering to diverse tastes and dietary needs.

2. Lactalis (France)

Lactalis, a French multinational, reigns supreme as the world's largest dairy company.
Founded in 1933, it boasts a diverse portfolio encompassing cheese, milk, cream, butter, and more. Renowned brands like PrƩsident, Parmalat, and Siggi's yogurt fall under its umbrella.
Lactalis prioritizes international expansion, with a presence in over 100 countries. They champion sustainable practices and cater to evolving consumer preferences with innovative dairy products.

3. Danone (France)

Danone, a leading French multinational food and beverage company, boasts a strong presence in the global dairy market.
Renowned for its commitment to health and sustainability, Danone offers a diverse portfolio of dairy products like yogurts (Activia, Oikos), fresh milk beverages, and dairy-based desserts.
With a focus on innovation and regional preferences, Danone caters to consumers worldwide, making it a trusted name for delicious and nutritious dairy options.

4. Yili Group (China)

Yili Group, a leading contender in the global dairy industry, reigns supreme in Asia.
Based in China, this powerhouse boasts a diverse product portfolio, including yogurts (Ambrosial), ice creams (QQstar), and milk powders.
Recognized for its commitment to quality and innovation, Yili has secured numerous awards and enjoys immense brand loyalty within China.
With a global reach extending beyond Asia, Yili is a key player in shaping the future of the dairy landscape.

5. Fonterra (New Zealand)

Fonterra, a world leader in dairy exports, is a New Zealand cooperative owned by thousands of farmers.
They specialize in milk powder, cheese, and butter, supplying high-quality dairy products to consumers worldwide.
Known for its commitment to sustainability and innovation, Fonterra plays a crucial role in shaping the global dairy landscape.
This New Zealand giant offers a diverse product range, ensuring a delicious taste of dairy excellence in every corner of the world.

6. Mengniu Dairy (China)

Mengniu Dairy, a leading player in China's booming dairy industry, offers a vast array of nutritious and delicious dairy products.
From its iconic Milk Deluxe to popular yogurt brands like Just Yoghurt and Telunsu, Mengniu caters to diverse consumer preferences.
The company prioritizes high-quality ingredients and innovative products, solidifying its position as a frontrunner in China's dairy market.
This overview explores Mengniu's journey, product portfolio, and impact on the Chinese consumer landscape.

7. Arla Foods (Denmark)

Arla Foods, a Danish-Swedish dairy cooperative, is a powerhouse in the global dairy industry.
Ranking as the world's largest dairy company by milk volume, Arla offers a diverse range of high-quality products like cheese (Lurpak, Castello), milk, and yogurt.
With a focus on sustainability and farmer ownership, Arla is a trusted brand enjoyed by consumers worldwide.

8. FrieslandCampina (Netherlands)

FrieslandCampina, a Dutch multinational dairy cooperative, stands as a leading force in the global market.
Established through mergers of regional cooperatives, it boasts a rich heritage and a commitment to quality.
From creamy cheeses like Dutch Lady to nutritious infant formula like Friso, FrieslandCampina offers a diverse range of dairy products enjoyed by consumers worldwide.
This cooperative prioritizes sustainability and empowers its member dairy farmers, solidifying its position as a responsible and innovative leader in the dairy industry.

9. Saputo (Canada)

Saputo Dairy, a leading player in the global dairy industry, hails from Canada.
Founded in 1954, this family-owned business has grown into a cheese powerhouse, boasting a diverse portfolio of dairy products.
From mozzarella to yogurt and dairy alternatives, Saputo caters to a wide range of consumer preferences.
With a strong presence in North and South America, Europe, and the Middle East, Saputo's commitment to quality and innovation has solidified its position as a global dairy leader.

10. Unilever (UK/Netherlands)

Unilever, a leading consumer goods giant, holds a surprising position in the dairy industry.
While not solely focused on dairy, Unilever boasts a strong presence through iconic ice cream brands like Ben & Jerry's, Magnum, and Breyers.
Their portfolio extends beyond frozen treats, encompassing dairy alternatives and exploring lactose-free options.
This overview dives into Unilever's dairy offerings, highlighting its commitment to indulgence and innovation within the ever-evolving dairy landscape.

11. Amul

Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd. (GCMMF), popularly known as Amul, is India's largest dairy cooperative, empowering millions of farmers and delighting consumers with its diverse range of dairy products.
From fresh milk and cheese to ice cream and ghee, Amul stands for quality, innovation, and a commitment to fair prices for farmers.
This iconic brand represents the success story of India's cooperative movement, making it a household name across the nation.

12. Savencia (France)

Savencia Fromage & Dairy, often shortened to Savencia, is a major player in the global dairy industry, renowned for its specialty cheeses and high-value-added dairy ingredients.
This French independent family group, listed on Euronext Paris, ranks as the world's #5 cheese manufacturer and the #2 cheese group in France.
Savencia boasts a strong international presence, offering a diverse range of cheeses, creams, butter, and functional dairy ingredients to consumers and food manufacturers worldwide.
Their commitment to quality and innovation ensures a delicious and trusted dairy experience.

13. MĆ¼ller (Germany)

MĆ¼ller, a powerhouse German dairy company, has carved a reputation for delicious yogurts, fresh milk, and delightful desserts.
Founded in 1941, MĆ¼ller's success stems from its commitment to quality ingredients, innovative products, and a diverse portfolio.
From its iconic MĆ¼ller Corner yogurts to its creamy milk and indulgent desserts, MĆ¼ller caters to a wide range of taste preferences.
With a presence across Europe and beyond, MĆ¼ller continues to be a driving force in the global dairy industry.

14. Agropur (Canada)

Agropur, a leading North American dairy cooperative, champions quality and innovation.
Founded in 1938, it empowers over 3,000 dairy farmers and offers a diverse range of products, including cheese, butter, milk, yogurt, and ice cream.
Agropur's commitment to excellence extends beyond its products, fostering sustainable practices and community development.
From iconic brands like Natrel and Olympic to its international presence, Agropur is a force to be reckoned with in the global dairy landscape.

15. Schreiber Foods (USA)

Schreiber Foods, a powerhouse in the dairy industry, has been delighting consumers worldwide for over 100 years.
Renowned for its high-quality cheese and delectable desserts, Schreiber boasts popular brands like Sargento and Schreiber.
Their commitment to innovation extends beyond delicious products, with a focus on sustainability and responsible sourcing practices.
From creamy cheeses to decadent desserts, Schreiber Foods continues to be a leader in the global dairy market.

16. Sodiaal (France)

Sodiaal, a leading French dairy cooperative, champions quality and farmer empowerment.
Owned by over 16,000 dairy producers, Sodiaal processes a significant portion of France's milk supply.
The cooperative boasts renowned brands like Yoplait yogurt and Candia milk, enjoyed worldwide.
Sodiaal prioritizes sustainable practices and supports PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) cheeses, preserving regional heritage.
Committed to innovation, Sodiaal offers a diverse range of dairy products, from cheese and butter to ice cream, catering to diverse consumer preferences.

17. DMK Group (Germany)

DMK Group, a German dairy cooperative, stands tall as a leading player in the European dairy industry.
Founded in 2011 through the merger of two prominent companies, DMK boasts a network of over 7,800 employees and partnerships with 5,200 farmers.
Their commitment to quality shines through their diverse product range, encompassing milk, cheese, ice cream, and even baby food.
Recognized brands like MILRAM and Oldenburger solidify DMK's position as a trusted provider of delicious and nutritious dairy products across Europe and beyond.

18. Froneri (UK)

Froneri, the world's second-largest ice cream manufacturer, reigns supreme in Europe and is rapidly expanding globally.
Headquartered in England, this powerhouse emerged in 2016 through the merger of R&R Ice Cream and NestlƩ's ice cream division.
Froneri boasts iconic brands like HƤagen-Dazs, Magnum, and Walls, offering a delightful variety of ice cream flavors and formats to satisfy every craving.
They're committed to innovation and cater to evolving consumer preferences, making Froneri a force to be reckoned with in the global frozen dessert landscape.

19. Glanbia (Ireland)

Glanbia, a prominent player in the global dairy industry, boasts a rich heritage and a diversified portfolio.
Headquartered in Ireland, Glanbia operates across two key segments: Glanbia Nutritionals and Glanbia Ireland.
Glanbia Nutritionals is a world leader in cheese and high-quality whey protein ingredients, catering to the nutritional and functional food industries.
Glanbia Ireland, on the other hand, focuses on the Irish dairy market, offering a wide range of dairy products like milk, butter, and cheese under popular brands.
With a commitment to innovation and sustainability, Glanbia remains a force to be reckoned with in the ever-evolving dairy landscape.

20. Land O'Lakes

Land O'Lakes, a name synonymous with quality dairy products in the US, boasts a rich history dating back to 1921.
This farmer-owned cooperative, headquartered in Minnesota, revolutionized the butter industry by introducing fresh, sweet cream butter in individual sticks.
Today, Land O'Lakes offers a vast array of dairy products, from butter and cheese to milk and ice cream.
Committed to innovation and sustainability, Land O'Lakes remains a leading force in the American dairy industry.

submitted by ShoutinEldrich0 to u/ShoutinEldrich0 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:43 itsgreymonster Unfunhouse Mirror 20 (Nature of Predators/The Last Angel)

This is a crossover fanfiction between original fiction titles: Nature of Predators by SpacePaladin15 and The Last Angel by Proximal Flame respectively. All credit and rights reserved goes to them for making such amazing science fiction settings that I wanted to put this together.
You can read The Last Angel here: Be warned, it's decently long, and at its third installment so far. I highly suggest reading it before reading this, or this story will not make sense.
Otherwise, enjoy the story! Thanks again to u/jesterra54 and u/skais01 for beta and checking of work!
First Prev Next (soon)
Memory transcription subject: Adjek, Venlil Space Corps Engineer
Date [standardized human time]: October 24, 2136
I had departed with a collection of other engineers who had assisted on the tethering of Nemesis several days ago back to her massive ship. There were twenty-five of us, although none I knew directly from my work.
As our cargo shuttle entered the direct monitoring range of the beast once more, I felt a bad feeling throughout my fur. I didn't know what, exactly, but it was like we had just stepped into the eyes of a predator lurking in the undergrowth, watching us intently. As if to capitalize on that unease, our pilot Mimek bleated something in a panic that made said fur stand straight.
"T-th-th-there's an Arxur vessel trailing us!"
I whirled onto the oncoming feed near the front of the shuttle. Behind us, was a Arxur Ambusher-class dropship that had taken a path directly behind us. It followed the exact same trajectory as our own, and showed no signs of diverting. I bleated out a panicked command of my own.
"K-kick it! W-we need to get distance from them!"
While I had no authority to tell the pilot what to do in this situation, he must've nevertheless agreed, and as such Mimek kicked the boosters into overdrive to escape their proximity. I kept an eye on the rear display, watching as in response, the Arxur craft opened up its own engines, as if to accept the chase, and closed in.
Mimek spoke again. "Why are they chasing us?! D-didn't the humans forbid them from attacking us in-system?!" I had a horrible thought as to why...
"They've fallen to their p-predator bloodlust! They won't be stopped so long as we're in vulnerable space! Close to Nemesis, fast!" I pointed at the guidance lights to the hangar on Nemesis' keel opening. While the Arxur could likely outrun us in an extended burn, we had the advantage in a sprint over a shorter distance. Nemesis was in that shorter distance range, and so we needed to reach it fast to be in its haven.
Mimek, already piloting at full afterburn, corrected the shop in a sharp turn from the plotted approach vector cleared with the Lunar Shipyards. As this occurred, a reminder from the very same monitors came through on comms.
"Venlil ship, this is LSC Tower 3, you have left the agreed final approach vector, adjust your course to match the planned path immediately, do not continue on your current heading."
The humans did not realize the threat we were currently in, and thus the pilot ignored the warning. The Arxur seemingly took our course change as a challenge, and followed suit.
"I repeat, readjust your course heading immediately or fighters will be scrambled. This is your only warning." Even were that the case, we were far too close for them to plot an intercept vector. The shipyard monitors would need at least [one minute] to reach us, and Nemesis was merely [20 seconds] at full-burn-then-brake approach. We would not let the ship closing in behind us catch us, disciplinary action be damned. The damned Arxur succumbed to their predator madness!
A lazy-curve speed burnoff pattern was adopted, and we rocketed at ever-decreasing, but still frightening pace towards Nemesis in an attempt to shake the Ambusher behind us. The hangar was merely moments away, don't fail us now!
The Arxur vessel broke off the chase near the massive docked ship, seemingly slowing for no apparent reason. Perhaps it realized it couldn't slow down as fast as we could, and as such had to? But, that came with another stomach-hurdling problem: us slowing down. If we didn't, we'd crash and turn into nothing but paste on the walls of the gargantuan ship's hangar.
Thankfully, Mimek pulled through, and we zoomed into the hangar space, hitting the emergency external inertial dampener breaking as we attempted landing. The ship skidded across the floor, as it skipped nearly a [fourty meters] to a stop, crashing through something on the way through, but we were moving at such a pace that I had no clue exactly what.
As the ship came to a complete stop, rocking back onto its belly with a final thump, there was the sound of heavy stomping outside, before something rammed into the back of the ship, nearly rocking it off-balance again. "What...what was that?!" We both exclaimed.
We stepped away from the back exit ramp of the vehicle, all twenty five of us, as it began to groan under immense stress. The door dented in, and a few of us instantly cried out in surprise and fear.
And then again. And again. Another rocking of the ship as a dent formed. Another.
And finally, with an unsettling sound of metal being torn through, a crack in the plating of the door turned into a gap that widened into a shaking hole, until the door literally flew off its hydraulic support. The strain spat out fluids and electrical sparking, and several bleated in fear of the sudden disassembly of the door between us and the hangar. Had the Arxur caught up to us? Were we doomed?
But as the burst of electrical smoke cleared, and the light was filtered through our adjusting eyes, what was on the other side shocked me.
A mechanical monstrosity, far bulkier and massive than the one that had confronted my group and I aboard Nemesis stood on the other side. It towered above us, with a intimidatingly large cannon built into one of its arms, aimed dead center into our room, looking more akin to a vehicle's gun than a handheld one. One could see behind it many more of a similar looking model closing in. It spoke in a wrathful tone...Her wrathful tone.
"What the hell are you doing CRASHING INTO ME? There better be a-"
But I felt a chill as it suddenly cut off, and the featureless head of the bipedal robot swiveled to look directly at me instead. Though I could see no clear indicator of eyes like the nightmarish drone I had talked with in the past, I could feel it gaze directly at me, ignoring the others. It suddenly spoke again, a single word conveying contempt dripping in it. The blood in my veins turned cold as the Twilight.
Something's wrong, I can feel it.
The bearing of the approaching ships has left the supposed approach vector, and directly accelerated towards my open hangar bay. While the ships pose no threat to me directly, I am uncertain if they are capable of stopping quickly enough to not risk the human crew that had just landed. I considered my options...
+grab beam non-responsive, schedule systems evaluation immediately+
I had no capability to tractor the ships from their path, and they showed no sign of slowing. I could fire a particle beam in the path of both ships, but there was no ability to tune down the power enough to not destroy the ships, and it would not reduce their velocity. I plotted the relative course of the Venlil shuttle to be coming at this angle, which thankfully was towards the opposite side of the hangar as the Human delegation. That did not remove the possibility of shrapnel from a crash, however.
I interspersed my Praetorians in front of them, seeking to act as a shield in the case of any flying debris. I warned them in the same instant.
"Take cover behind these drones, there is a problem with the landing Venlil ship on route."
"W..What's going on, Red?" Hailey asked, confused. Never had I been this direct with her physically, actively interspersing my drones in front of her and the rest of the scientific delegation.
"They are likely to crash. Predicted acceleration curves of the shuttle do not meet the prerequisite delta-V to stop safely at this current distance and velocity. Duck and cover."
The shuttlecraft streaked into my hangar bay at speeds that would make a 21st century jet blush. It slowed anomalously upon entering, but did not slow at enough rate to prevent the crash. The Praetorians situated on that side of my hangar were incapable of moving fast enough to dodge out of the way, and I was forced to watch as the shuttle crashed through thirty-two of them in a 45-meter break distance, before slamming into a hangar wall. They were built to withstand incredible munition strength, but not twenty-some odd tons of shuttle at near mach speeds. The impact brutally cast them across the deck, smashing some, tearing apart others.
Debris flew from the front of the shuttle outward, but none reached near the humans. Those moronic aliens were about to answer painfully for their incompetence on my deck.
"Dear god!" One of the humans swore at the sound of the shuttle crashing. Another screamed and ducked down further behind my Praetorian. The drone curled down to better envelop her in protection. Hailey was speechless.
A squadron of Praetorians had been closing in from a safe distance throughout the entirety of the crash. They were a mere hundred meters away, only 4.9 seconds to reach the doors. I collided with the shuttlecraft's exit ramp, and slammed repeatedly into the back of it, aiming to create a gap by which to pry the thing off. Eventually, a gap was made, and the Praetorian body wrenched a manipulator into it.
Then, after tearing off the ramp door to the ship, and beginning to interrogate the idiotic fucks at gunpoint, I find no less that a familiar face has come with them. A familiar face I would have rather not seen again in the slightest.
+identity confirmation, Adjek, Venlil engineer+
"YOU...What, are you doing here, again?"
I stepped forward, into the cargo shuttle, the Praetorian I controlled looming over them, over him, by nearly one and a half meters. I made certain to emphasize that size difference. One does not just crash in me like this without a good reason, or I'd be testing how long a Venlil survives vacuum.
Adjek decided to speak up, fear laden in his voice. "I-I-I...W-we were being chased by an Arxur vessel on the course here! T-They ignored the human's truce and decided to p-pursue us directly!"
I faltered a bit at that. Chased? The Arxur supposedly promised that they wouldn't attack the Venlil in-system, but given how much the bad blood between the Arxur and herbivore races was hyped up, I couldn't toss out the possibility.
"Is he telling the truth?" I swung the Praetorian's fake head about the room, scanning over each Venlil in the audience. It wasn't necessary, I had a panoramic view just from the chest optics alone, but the psychological effect and bait of having a head was palpable. They all parroted something similar to what Adjek and the pilot said, so I had no clear contradiction to go off of yet.
But I wasn't done with intimidation, I warmed the cannon muzzle to be visible within the deep red visual spectrum, and aimed it at him.
"Tell me everything, now."
He began to describe his intent and clearance for coming here...but reality decided to be a pain at that exact moment, as the likely culprit entered the hangar. Thankfully, I wasn't hampered by multitasking. A section of me split attention equally to the Arxur ship landing in my bay.
This ship, supposedly the Ambusher-class Goring Claw going off the IFF, was an armed dropship of some sort capable of intro-extra-atmospheric operation, given the rotary variable mode engines. They had been given landing clearance, but not by me, no, instead by the shipyard.
I would need to ask the UN to bring down that blackout protocol soon. This is immensely inconvenient to not have access to monitoring and communication outside myself, except through Hailey. Nevertheless, I positioned my remaining Praetorians around the likely exit of the dropship, awaiting it to open and...greet...these likely troublemakers. I had one Praetorian stand directly front-and-center to the back end, and aim weapons, but not arm them at the dropship hangar doors.
With a hiss, and a burst of slightly depressurized gas, the door opened, and out marched a line of two pairs of two Arxur guards. Their gear looked highly ceremonial, given its lack of tactical or efficient features, and the choice of weapon being a spear of some sort with a sidearm still holstered. Behind them, walked an even more gaudy individual than the guards, an Arxur with a prominent scar across their face covered in flamboyant ceremonial uniform. I was almost certain this was Chief Hunter Isif, Lithke's commanding officer, given Hailey's description of the visitors earlier. Behind him marched a set of less extravagantly dressed figures, likely advisors of some sort. And, of course, Lithke.
I wouldn't just let them off the hook so easily though, despite their far better entrance.
"Chief Hunter Isif. Lithke. You had best have a good reason for making a Venlil ship crash into my hangar."
Memory transcription subject: Chief Hunter Isif, Arxur Dominion Sector Fleet
Date [standardized human time]: October 24, 2136
Those idiots seriously did not-
...No, calm yourself, a Chief Hunter must always look composed, even in the face of absurdity.
The pilot in control of this Ambusher had heard my order to follow the Venlil in, got target fixation, and decided to escalate it to a chase. I would have him lashed for the offense later, but for now, I needed to quickly rekindle what little good will the Arxur had in Red One's eyes.
Losing it now could mean turning up hungry forever.
"I apologize for my pilot's unprofessional actions. He will be punished severely later for the transgression of letting his instincts override both human and my orders. Is there anything I can do further to fix your appetite, Red One?"
The robot frontmost of our shuttle stepped forward, it's bulk and size intimidating even by Arxur standards. It towered tall enough to nearly be at my head height despite the fact I was standing on the dropship ramp. Red One's response was curt, and [quick to the kill]. "You can start by convincing the odd twenty-five or so Venlil engineers your pilot chased into crashing on my hangar deck that you aren't here to eat them all, or whatever sickening actions you Arxur do. When that's done, then you may converse with Hailey Whitmer."
At least it wasn't "you've done enough, stop". I'd seen plenty disappear after that particular response in the Dominion.
"Fine. Blades!" I shouted to the ceremony guard I was issued. "Two of you will hold the pilot at the ship for punishment. He is to not eat, nor rest, nor do anything until I return. The rest will assist Lithke in assuaging the prey that they are safe...for now. I must speak with Red One while you do."
They saluted, and went about their way.
Good, everyone bought it. In a sense, this was funnily enough just the distraction I needed. Perhaps I'll reduce the pilot's lashing count quietly for that.
Now...for the harder part. I had no idea if Red would sense my intentions, and so-
The combat drone spoke once again. "Lithke's sung your praises, Chief Hunter Isif. An icon of 'applied cruelty' in his words. I'm curious as to why that should be praised, out of all things in a leader."
We're still too close to the ship, even if none are around to hear it, audio logs might pick up any dissenting thoughts. I should bring this conversation elsewhere.
"I see Lithke wasn't convincing on his own, it seems. Here, walk with me, I still have yet to meet your Special Envoy Hailey personally." I began to walk towards the group of humans near the other end of the hangar.
"So, you have met her?" Red One instantly picked up on the message, noticing the phrasing. So, she's capable of understanding subtlety...
"Yes, but not directly. She gave a presentation at the UN's discussion on you, which I attended."
"And what, pray tell, did you learn about there?" Red One seemed to press me slightly on the session, clearly looking for something. I'd play along, get in their favor.
"Plenty. You're by far the most powerful ship in the galaxy, as far as I can tell. The Humans and Venlil alike are afraid of you, but the former less-so, seeing a more mixed reaction to your presence."
"And what do you think of me?" Red questioned.
I began with a political mealy-mouth phrase.
"The Dominion is not-"
But she interrupted my train of thought. "No. I didn't ask what the Arxur thought. I was asking what you thought, specifically."
I scanned quickly, my head paced from side to side as I looked for any potential monitoring agent or tools nearby that could potentially pick up on my dialogue.
"You' interesting shake-up to the galaxy. Possibly even a means to an end I've been looking into."
There was a curiosity laden in that tone. "Is that so? What, pray tell, would an Arxur fleet leader need with me?"
Again, I checked about, to make certain none were close. " trying to solve a personal problem. Your emergence is convenient to it..."
" I was correct..." Red One's drone stopped in front of me for a moment, before turning directly to address me. "...The constant checking about other Arxur assets, the send-off of your personal guard, the overcompensation on the facial details and micromovements, the ordering of Lithke to 'convince' me of Dominion ideals. How much of it is an act, Chief Hunter Isif?"
She already found me out!?
The mask dropped in a panic, knowing none were close enough to pick up on it. "Quiet! How did you pick up on that?" I hissed under my breath to them.
She neglected to answer that statement directly, instead asking another question. "That's not important. The better thing to ask, is what exactly do you want with me?"
Well, since the meat has been spoiled...
I decided to be blunt, and honest. "I need either a line to directly converse with you on a sensitive matter later, or a method to do it now. There is a deep sickness within the Arxur, and you are a possible lynchpin to excise it. But it is traitorous in nature to Betterment, and they have agents everywhere. I would need it to be done away from their ears."
"I am currently operating in blackout conditions. I cannot send or receive signals from the outside without going through a UN transponder, so the first option is out currently. You need a distraction then, while you're here." Red's drone turned back around and continued walking, not giving away anything to the outside of her sudden skinning of my fake personality. "That can be arranged. But not this instant, we are already too close to outside ears for an extended conversation."
"A codeword, then? Some indicator that I may step away and talk securely with you?"
"A codeword is a start, but I'm more concerned about your personal guard. Are they loyal to you enough to ignore such a conversation?"
"Absolutely not. Effectively none of the group that has come along with me is loyal enough to hear this."
Red One didn't speak immediately, but the pause was small. "A full separation might be possible. I have an idea during the tour. If I say the phrase, 'Feel free to peruse' to you specifically, it will mean I have sufficiently separated attention enough that you may speak to me securely. Do you understand?"
She already has a plan? Her speed on that matter is dizzying.
I would have to trust her method. "I understand."
"Good, mask up again, we are within the distance of maximum human audible range given this volume."
Her matter of figuring out my intentions and act that quickly was unnerving, but it made some sense for a sentient computer. She likely thought far faster than the average Arxur, or even Human. But I could consider that later, I needed to get back in character. While my physical demeanor hadn't wavered any, I needed to give off the mental face of a Chief Hunter once again to allay suspicions. Especially since my personal guard were likely to return soon.
Hailey Whitmer noticed us soon after, and disengaged herself from talking with the other Humans. She began her way over here, leaving them to huddle around their ship, still unloading a collection of scientific equipment and personal belongings. "Chief Hunter Isif! Welcome to the UECNS Nemesis. What happened exactly that caused the Venlil to crash in like that, however? I heard a concerning bit that they were chased?"
I lashed my tail in frustration at that. "Our pilot idiotically got fixated on the Venlil ship. He will be punished later. For now I apologize on their behalf. I will try and...convince the Venlil's not to fear soon, but I honestly don't expect them to listen. They are prey, after all, sniveling in fear at the slightest provocation."
Hailey looked annoyed at that statement, but I could at least take personal solace in knowing it was mere persona. She would simply have to deal with it. "That's rather rude to our allies, Isif."
I corrected her: "Your allies, Human. The prey do not interest me. No, what interests me and my cohort is this ship." I pointed a claw at the robotic soldier behind me.. "I have already met Red One herself, and as you are the UN's Envoy here, I must meet you as well. Lithke has spoken much about both of you."
Hailey's expression changed from veiled frustration to surprise at that. "He has? Hah! I did charm-...oh, excuse my manners. When your entourage arrives over here, we can begin a proper tour with the both of us at the helm. Red?"
A voice emanated from the walls. "Yes, Hailey?"
"Do you have a path listed for a proper tour throughout your facilities?"
She responded immediately. "Yes. The UEC military has conducted tours before of my hull to other officials. I can follow said pathing, ignoring areas currently exposed to vacuum or damaged heavily. It will cover roughly 45% of the ship, and with transportation aid, take roughly 4 and a half hours."
Hailey clapped her hands together. "Perfect! When the three groups are gathered properly here, we can begin."
Given I could see my guard returning, thankfully not laden with prey blood or wounds, that would be soon.
I have had tours done of my shipself before. When my form was still under construction, Commander Theodore William Billingsly had given a walk-around to Yasmine, in preparation to turn over the role of Captain to her. The visit had gone rather easily, and familiarized her with my layout quickly in a professional manner. I had given numerous miniature tours of my layout to new crew members, with assistance from more established crew. I figured tours were nothing too special to my sensibilities and experience.
But I had never quite had the experience of juggling a tour where each distinct species of the tour was at odds with the other two. Listening to them was taxing.
"What are you looking at, leaflicker?"
"H-Help! I-It wants to e-e-eat me!!!"
"Could y'all just get along for a single moment? We're coming up on the barracks, supposedly, and yet you're at each other's throats!"
"Of course we're at their throats, those are rather delicious to tear out."
"You predators would focus on our vulnerable spots, w-wouldn't you!"
"Fuck's sake, you can't behave, can y'all?"
"Jealous of our vicious nature?"
"No we're not! What you do to the other races in this galaxy is abhorrent!"
"Yeah, you Arxur monsters have nothing to be proud of! I've lost family to your kind!"
Very taxing.
The human team and Hailey were trying to somewhat wrangle the mood down, but the Arxur and Venlil despised one another, and it showed. There was no quieting-down of their feud for more than a few minutes, before it started up again for the smallest altercations. I was glad I had brought a host of Praetorians to keep them physically separate somewhat, as I'd hate to have seen any humans hurt in the way.
Instead, I tried to focus on just providing an air of authority, as Hailey led them throughout my assorted systems and layout, only providing input where she did not know about. There were at least some receptive comments of myself during the tour that didn't result in lambasting the other two parties.
"The internal layout of this ship is rather unique. It doesn't look like anything in the Federation proper." A Venlil engineer by the name of Joluk mentioned.
"Yeah, I know!" Said a human scientist by the name of George Oscoda. "It's very...Death Star meets Nostromo, made a bit wider, then painted gunmetal black with red detailing."
Joluk turned back to him. "I have no idea what those are, but I don't like the sound of a Death Star." Their tail went ramrod straight, hanging down at the comment. Perhaps a body language fear response?
I decided to clarify from a drone nearby. "The internal design pattern of the UEC favors a highly geometric, hexagonal or octagonal hall layout, for maximum support with little freestanding support. A three-to-two width to height ratio also helps alleviate claustrophobic concerns, and detriments mental health minimally for extended stays."
George spoke up again. "I guess that's fair, but nothing will change how depressingly dark and scarred-up some of these corridors and bulkheads are currently. I get that it's battle damage, but..."
Lithke piped in from the front. "Nemesis wears her scars proudly. She is a predator forged in war, none escape without scars." I couldn't find a reason to directly deny said statement. I did sometimes prefer the reminder of how many Compact Janissaries had died within myself. How I shivered in delight at knowing they met their ends aboard my hull.
I decided to just remain silent on that. Hailey also responded to that soon after. "Well, honor besides, a lot of that damage will have to be repaired eventually. No amount of self-righteousness excuses holes to vacuum in some spots." She was also right. There were various spots throughout me that were not even enterable, let alone habitable as I was. Numerous collapsed-in sections, holes in my hull all-throughout. There wasn't even a main engines section anymore, with the aft exposed to space after redlining to Earth to save them from the Federation fleet. No amount of scars would justify not repairing battle damage.
I was at least partially glad they could not read Compact Standard. The various little easter eggs of alien languages scattered on my walls were filled with warnings and resignations of regret for boarding me. I left them there, to add to the ambient horror of unwelcome borders, but currently it just felt...out of place. I did not want to scare the people on board.
Thankfully there were few along this path, and none noticed it as the language it was offhand, so I avoided those questions. As we walked to the entrance doors to the barracks, there was a hallway we would have to cross first. One I had kept tenderly over the centuries.
I decided to speak ahead of time on it. "We are coming up on a particular area of mine en route to the general barracks. It was not something made in my time with humanity, but more...a personal project. Reminders and trophies of what and who I fought for both myself, and any others who might unfortunately find themselves this far into my halls." Some of the Arxur looked intrigued by that statement.
Hailey looked a little nervous at the way I introduced it. "I-I wouldn't really call it something particularly-"
I kept going over her response. It wasn't particularly polite, but if I was to make a maximal psychological distraction for Isif to say his piece, it would need to be done...
As a drone already within put the finishing touches on the arrangement, and skittered away into the dark lofts above, the doors opened to my favorite rooms, and I introduced the hallway ahead.
" my Collection."
First Prev Next (soon)
submitted by itsgreymonster to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:49 Herbal_Mind The Significance of Diet and Fasting in Longevity: Insights from Valter Longo and Recent Research

The Significance of Diet and Fasting in Longevity: Insights from Valter Longo and Recent Research
The quest for longevity has fascinated humanity for centuries, with diet and lifestyle habits being at the forefront of this pursuit. Valter Longo, a prominent figure in the study of longevity, has contributed significantly to our understanding of how dietary patterns influence lifespan. With a career spanning over three decades, Longo's insights into the role of diet, particularly the Mediterranean diet and fasting, offer invaluable guidance on enhancing health and longevity. This article explores the profound impact of diet and fasting on longevity, drawing upon Longo's research and recent scientific findings.
The Significance of Diet and Fasting in Longevity: Insights from Valter Longo and Recent Research by DALL-E
Youtube: video summary

Valter Longo's Perspective on Longevity and Diet

Valter Longo, the director of the Longevity Institute of the Leonard Davis School of Gerontology at the University of Southern California-Los Angeles and the Longevity and Cancer Laboratory at the IFOM Institute of Molecular Oncology in Milan, Italy, emphasizes the critical role of diet in longevity. Longo, who adheres to a Mediterranean diet, highlights the benefits of this dietary pattern in reducing the risks of heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, Longo advocates for the fasting-mimicking diet, recommending a daily 12-hour fasting period to align with the body's natural rhythms. Despite the potential health benefits of having smaller dinner portions earlier in the evening, Longo opts for a substantial dinner at a later time, citing personal convenience and minimal negative impacts on overall health. This decision underscores the importance of balance and personal adaptation in dietary habits for longevity. (MSN)

Scientific Endorsement of Fasting and Meal Timing

Recent research supports Longo's stance on the importance of fasting and meal timing in health and longevity. A randomized controlled trial explored the effects of intermittent fasting plus early time-restricted eating (iTRE) versus calorie restriction in adults at risk of type 2 diabetes. The iTRE approach, which involves consuming 30% of energy requirements before noon followed by a 20-hour fasting period on selected days, showed significant improvements in glucose metabolism compared to calorie restriction alone. These findings highlight the potential of combining intermittent fasting with meal timing to enhance health outcomes. Additionally, a systematic review on intermittent fasting in breast cancer patients revealed that fasting could alleviate chemotherapy-induced side effects and improve quality of life during treatment, although more research is needed to understand its impact on tumor recurrence and overall survival. (
The metabolic benefits of fasting extend beyond glucose regulation and cancer therapy support. A study investigating the impact of prolonged fasting on energy metabolism in healthy males found that extended fasting periods significantly increase fat oxidation while reducing carbohydrate oxidation. These metabolic shifts indicate the body's adaptation to fasting, favoring fat as a primary energy source and potentially contributing to improved metabolic health. These findings align with Longo's recommendations for fasting and further emphasize the role of dietary patterns in modulating energy metabolism and promoting longevity. (

Fasting in the Context of Cancer Therapy: Alleviating Side Effects and Enhancing Quality of Life

The exploration of fasting as an adjunct to cancer therapy has opened new avenues for enhancing the quality of life and potentially improving outcomes for patients undergoing treatment. In the rigorous battle against cancer, traditional treatments such as chemotherapy are often accompanied by severe side effects, including nausea, fatigue, and increased risk of infection, which can significantly impair a patient's quality of life. The systematic review on intermittent fasting in breast cancer patients provides a compelling argument for the inclusion of fasting protocols in the treatment regimen. Fasting has been shown to be feasible and safe for patients, with the potential to alleviate chemotherapy-induced adverse effects. Specifically, intermittent fasting has been associated with reduced chemotherapy toxicity, as evidenced by markers of DNA and leukocyte damage, suggesting a protective effect on healthy cells while still allowing chemotherapy to target cancer cells effectively.
Moreover, intermittent fasting during chemotherapy has been reported to improve patients' quality of life by reducing the severity of fatigue, nausea, and headaches, which are common side effects of cancer treatments. These improvements are thought to be mediated through various mechanisms, including the reduction of chemotherapy-induced DNA damage and the optimization of glycemic regulation. By improving serum glucose, insulin, and IGF-1 concentrations, fasting not only supports the body's metabolic health but also enhances the overall well-being of patients undergoing the stress of chemotherapy. Furthermore, the potential for fasting to impact the efficacy of chemotherapy positively, by sensitizing cancer cells to treatment while protecting normal cells, offers a promising area for further research. These findings underscore the importance of considering dietary interventions, such as intermittent fasting, as part of a comprehensive approach to cancer care, aiming to not only target the disease itself but also to improve the treatment experience and quality of life for patients. (

Herbal Remedies

Given the context of discussing longevity, fasting, and cancer therapy, and leveraging a deep understanding of phytochemistry, an herbal formula recommendation would focus on supporting overall health, enhancing metabolic balance, and potentially providing supportive care during cancer treatments. The following herbal formula is crafted to align with these objectives, taking into consideration the phytochemical properties of each herb that may contribute to longevity, enhanced metabolic function, and support during cancer therapy. It's important to note, however, that while herbal supplements can offer health benefits, they should be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional, especially for individuals undergoing cancer treatment.
Recommended Herbal Formula for Supporting Longevity and Metabolic Health:
  1. **Green Tea (Camellia sinensis)**
  • **Phytochemicals:** Rich in polyphenols like epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG).
  • **Benefits:** Green tea has been extensively studied for its antioxidant properties, ability to support metabolic health, and potential in cancer prevention. EGCG, in particular, has been shown to promote longevity through various mechanisms, including the modulation of pathways involved in aging and the enhancement of metabolic health.
  1. **Turmeric (Curcuma longa)**
  • **Phytochemicals:** Contains curcumin, a compound with potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
  • **Benefits:** Curcumin has been researched for its potential in reducing inflammation, a key factor in chronic diseases and aging. Additionally, it has shown promise in cancer therapy, potentially reducing side effects of treatments and exerting anti-cancer effects.
  1. **Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)**
  • **Phytochemicals:** Withanolides, which have adaptogenic properties.
  • **Benefits:** Ashwagandha is known for its ability to reduce stress and promote homeostasis, which can be beneficial during cancer treatment for managing stress and fatigue. Its adaptogenic properties also support overall health and longevity by enhancing the body's resilience to physical and mental stress.
  1. **Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum)**
  • **Phytochemicals:** Silymarin, a group of flavonolignans.
  • **Benefits:** Milk thistle has been traditionally used to support liver health, which is crucial for detoxification and metabolic processes. Silymarin has hepatoprotective properties and may also offer supportive care in cancer therapy by protecting the liver from toxicity associated with chemotherapy.
  1. **Ginseng (Panax ginseng)**
  • **Phytochemicals:** Ginsenosides, which have adaptogenic and immunomodulatory effects.
  • **Benefits:** Ginseng is known for its ability to enhance physical and mental performance, support immune function, and improve metabolic health. Its immunomodulatory effects are particularly relevant for supporting the body during cancer treatment and potentially improving treatment outcomes.
For Cognitive Enhancement (Nootropics):
  1. **Ginkgo Biloba**
  • **Phytochemicals:** Flavonoids and terpenoids, which have potent antioxidant properties.
  • **Benefits:** Ginkgo biloba is renowned for its ability to enhance cognitive function, improve memory, and increase focus. It supports cerebral blood flow, which is essential for cognitive health and can be particularly beneficial in aging populations.
  1. **Bacopa Monnieri**
  • **Phytochemicals:** Bacosides, which have been shown to enhance synaptic communication.
  • **Benefits:** Bacopa monnieri supports memory, learning, and is also considered an adaptogen, helping to reduce stress. Its dual action as a nootropic and adaptogen makes it an excellent addition to a longevity-focused herbal formula.
For Nervous System Support (Nervines):
  1. **Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)**
  • **Phytochemicals:** Rosmarinic acid and terpenes, which have calming effects.
  • **Benefits:** Lemon balm is a gentle nervine that helps in reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation without sedation. It supports a healthy mood and cognitive function by modulating stress response.
  1. **Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)**
  • **Phytochemicals:** Linalool and linalyl acetate, which have soothing properties.
  • **Benefits:** Lavender is widely used for its calming and relaxing effects on the nervous system. It can help alleviate stress, anxiety, and insomnia, contributing to overall emotional and mental well-being.
For Stress Resilience (Adaptogens):
  1. **Rhodiola Rosea**
  • **Phytochemicals:** Salidroside and rosavins, which help in adapting to stress.
  • **Benefits:** Rhodiola is an adaptogen that enhances physical and mental stamina, reduces fatigue, and helps the body adapt to stress. It is particularly useful for improving mood and alleviating symptoms of burnout.
  1. **Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum)**
  • **Phytochemicals:** Eugenol, ursolic acid, and rosmarinic acid.
  • **Benefits:** Holy Basil supports stress response, enhances mood, and has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It is revered in Ayurvedic medicine for its holistic benefits on mind and body health.
Additional Considerations:
  • **Omega-3 Fatty Acids (from algae or flaxseeds)**: While not an herb, omega-3s are critical for cognitive health, reducing inflammation, and supporting overall longevity. They complement the herbal formula by providing essential nutrients for brain and heart health.
  • **Mushrooms (Lionā€™s Mane - Hericium erinaceus)**: Lionā€™s Mane has been shown to support nerve growth factor (NGF) synthesis, which is vital for cognitive function and could be considered as part of a nootropic strategy.


In conclusion, the research and insights provided by Valter Longo, along with recent scientific studies, underscore the pivotal role of diet and fasting in achieving longevity. Longo's commitment to a Mediterranean diet and his advocacy for the fasting-mimicking diet highlight the importance of dietary quality and timing in health maintenance. Moreover, the growing body of evidence supporting the benefits of intermittent fasting and early time-restricted eating offers promising avenues for enhancing metabolic health and reducing disease risk. As we continue to explore the complex relationship between diet, fasting, and longevity, it becomes increasingly clear that personalized dietary strategies, informed by scientific research and individual preferences, are key to optimizing health and lifespan.


  1. I've studied longevity for 35 years: Here's the one habit I won't change even for a longer life. MSN Health.
  2. Intermittent fasting plus early time-restricted eating versus calorie restriction and standard care in adults at risk of type 2 diabetes: a randomized controlled trial. Nature Medicine.
  3. Intermittent Fasting in Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review and Critical Update of Available Studies. PubMed Central.
  4. The impact of prolonged fasting on 24h energy metabolism and its 24h rhythmicity in healthy, lean males: A randomized cross-over trial. PubMed.
submitted by Herbal_Mind to HerbalBloom [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:33 Nervous-Sky-876 Best "Emperor's Vigor Tonic"

The Natural Formula That Supports
Menā€™s Virility And Libido
This innovative formula is designed with your well-being in mind.
Emperorā€™s Vigor Tonic aims to support male health by using a blend
of carefully selected ingredients.
Inside Every Capsule of "Emperor's Vigor Tonic" Youā€™ll Find:
A proprietary mix of plants and minerals meant to improve intimacy, carefully crafted
and blended to complement one another.
submitted by Nervous-Sky-876 to u/Nervous-Sky-876 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:28 mongo159 Questions About New Betta

Questions About New Betta
I just got a new betta after not having fish since my childhood and I wanted to make sure I was doing right be my little guy. Heā€™s in a 6.2 gallon tank and seems to be doing well, just did the first cleaning and levels were all perfect. Mostly I was hoping to confirm I was feeding him the correct amount and that the tank looked like a good setup. I usually feed him about 4 betta pellets twice a day which he snaps up very quickly. He doesnā€™t always get every pellet as they sometimes float out of his vision, but if he can find them all he eats them. Is that too much or just right? I have gotten some conflicting info on feeding amounts from googling. I also give bloodworms as a weekly treat. Aside from that, any general concerns about the tank set up? We have two live plants and plan to add some moss balls (the ones we originally got seemed to be dead and junked the tank up so we took them out). Just want to make sure we are doing right he the little guy, who we named Chips btw (as in Fish nā€™ Chips). Thanks for any input!
submitted by mongo159 to bettafish [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:02 Amogoose_ [Self] Estimating my phone's battery health utilizing Wuthering Waves's recorded performance data

[Self] Estimating my phone's battery health utilizing Wuthering Waves's recorded performance data
So earlier today, I used Scene, a performance tracking app, to measure my Xiaomi 12S Pro's stability while playing Wuthering Waves, and after reviewing the statistics, I discovered that it also tracked my phone's power consumption. While most people will ignore it because they only care about the FPS, I saw this as an excellent opportunity to calculate my battery's health level. And the method is quite simple.
After a few workarounds, I was able to determine that, over the course of the 8 minutes and 57 seconds of gameplay, my battery was depleted by about 6.31%, and 6.41W was the average energy usage. Having known the battery's specs (4600mAh - 3.87V), I can finally determine how good - or bad - my battery is.
First, let's compute the estimated energy that that 6.31% can provide. This is a fairly simple calculation to do:
E(hyp.) = QU = 6.31% * 4600ā€° * 3600 * 3.87 = 4043.90 (J)
Secondly, computing the actual amount of energy is also straightforward:
E(act.) = Pt = 6.41 * (8 * 60 + 57) = 3442.17 (J)
Lastly, we can use the efficiency formula to estimate the health of our battery:
Ī· = E(hyp.)/E(act.) * 100% = 3442.17/4043.90 * 100% ā‰ˆ 85.1%
And there we have it! I'm somewhat satisfied with this calculation, as it is quite close to AccuBattery's estimation (which is 83%). However, since I'm not an expert, my making mistakes is unavoidable. If you find one, please let me know!
(This is quite Physics-related, but there is still some math involved)
(Uncertainty included: 85.1 Ā± 7.9%)
submitted by Amogoose_ to theydidthemath [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:26 Sweet-Count2557 Babymoon Ideas Near Pittsburgh

Babymoon Ideas Near Pittsburgh
Babymoon Ideas Near Pittsburgh Looking for a little pre-baby getaway near Pittsburgh? Well, buckle up, because we've got some babymoon ideas that will knock your socks off! Whether you're in the mood for a relaxing spa retreat or an adventure in the great outdoors, we've got you covered.
From cozy bed and breakfasts to indulgent dining experiences, there's something here for every expecting couple. So sit back, relax, and get ready for some well-deserved pampering before your little bundle of joy arrives.
Let's dive into our list of babymoon destinations near Pittsburgh! Key Takeaways
Ocean City, Maryland and Ohiopyle State Park, Pennsylvania are both excellent babymoon destinations near Pittsburgh, offering peaceful beach escapes and outdoor adventures. Pittsburgh is home to luxurious spa retreats specifically designed for babymooners, providing relaxation and rejuvenation through spa treatments, prenatal yoga classes, and indulgent dining experiences. Cozy bed and breakfasts and wellness retreat options near Pittsburgh provide tranquil accommodations for babymooners, offering prenatal yoga classes, guided meditation workshops, and nutritious meals. Babymooners can enjoy outdoor adventures at Ohiopyle State Park, including hiking, biking, fishing, guided snorkeling tours, and sunset cruises, while also benefiting from the safety measures in place for worry-free experiences. 
Romantic Getaways for Expectant Couples
Looking for romantic getaways near Pittsburgh for expectant couples? Look no further! We've got the perfect destinations that offer both relaxation and outdoor adventure activities. Whether you want to unwind on a relaxing beach getaway or explore the great outdoors, these locations have it all.
For a peaceful beach escape, head to Ocean City, Maryland. Just a short drive from Pittsburgh, this charming coastal town offers miles of sandy shores where you can soak up the sun and enjoy some quality time together. Take leisurely walks along the beach, savor delicious seafood at waterfront restaurants, and let the gentle ocean waves calm your mind.
If you're in the mood for some outdoor adventure, consider visiting Ohiopyle State Park. Located in Pennsylvania's Laurel Highlands region, this park is a haven for nature enthusiasts. Go hiking along picturesque trails, try whitewater rafting on the Youghiogheny River, or rent bikes to explore the beautiful surroundings.
After experiencing these thrilling activities as expectant parents-to-be, it's time to indulge in some well-deserved relaxation at one of Pittsburgh's luxurious spa retreats. These serene havens offer pampering treatments specifically designed for babymooners like you. Soothe your tired muscles with prenatal massages, enjoy rejuvenating facials and body treatments, and relax in tranquil settings that will leave you feeling refreshed and ready for parenthood.
With options for both relaxation and adventure nearby Pittsburgh, there's no shortage of romantic getaways perfect for expectant couples like yourselves. Relaxing Spa Retreats for Babymooners
Looking for the ultimate relaxation experience during your babymoon? Look no further than our luxurious spa packages designed specifically for expectant couples like you.
Indulge in a variety of treatments, from soothing prenatal massages that relieve muscle tension and reduce stress, to rejuvenating facials that leave your skin glowing.
And don't forget to learn some babymoon relaxation techniques that you can practice at home, ensuring a calm and peaceful environment for both you and your baby. Luxury Spa Packages Indulge in luxurious spa packages near Pittsburgh for a pampering babymoon getaway. We want to ensure your safety while providing the utmost relaxation and rejuvenation during this special time. Here are three reasons why our luxury spa packages are perfect for expecting couples:
Prenatal Yoga Classes: Our spa offers specialized prenatal yoga classes led by experienced instructors who focus on gentle stretching, breathing techniques, and relaxation exercises tailored specifically for expectant mothers. These classes promote overall well-being and help alleviate common pregnancy discomforts. Couples Spa Packages: Enjoy quality bonding time with your partner as you both indulge in our couples' spa packages. From soothing massages to invigorating facials, our expert therapists will tailor each treatment to cater to your individual needs, ensuring a blissful experience together. Safety Measures: Rest assured that we prioritize your safety and follow strict hygiene protocols. Our spa facilities undergo regular sanitization, and all staff members adhere to proper health guidelines, including wearing masks and practicing social distancing. 
Come unwind, connect with your partner, and embrace the serenity of our luxury spa packages near Pittsburgh during your babymoon retreat! Prenatal Massage Benefits During pregnancy, prenatal massages can provide numerous benefits for expectant mothers. Prenatal yoga benefits the mind and body, but a prenatal massage takes relaxation to a whole new level.
Not only does it help alleviate the physical discomforts of pregnancy, such as backaches and swollen ankles, but it also reduces stress and promotes better sleep. The gentle kneading and stretching techniques used during a prenatal massage can improve blood circulation, which is crucial for both the mother and baby's health. It also releases endorphins that uplift mood and relieve anxiety.
Additionally, prenatal massages have been shown to reduce complications during labor and promote faster recovery postpartum. So if you're looking for ways to enhance your babymoon experience, indulging in a soothing prenatal massage should definitely be on your list.
Now that we've explored the benefits of prenatal massages, let's move on to another important aspect of your babymoon: relaxation techniques. Babymoon Relaxation Techniques One way to enhance your babymoon experience is by exploring various relaxation techniques. Taking the time to relax and de-stress during this special time can greatly benefit both you and your baby.
Here are three relaxation techniques that you can try:
Prenatal Yoga Classes: Joining a prenatal yoga class can help improve flexibility, strength, and balance while also providing a calming environment for expectant mothers. These classes focus on gentle stretches and breathing exercises specifically designed for pregnant women. Mindfulness Exercises: Practicing mindfulness can help you stay present in the moment and reduce anxiety or stress. Try incorporating simple mindfulness exercises into your daily routine, such as deep breathing exercises or guided meditation. Self-Care Activities: Engaging in self-care activities is essential during pregnancy. Take time to pamper yourself with activities such as taking warm baths, getting a massage, or enjoying a soothing prenatal spa treatment. 
Scenic Outdoor Destinations for Babymoon Adventures
If you're looking for scenic outdoor destinations near Pittsburgh for your babymoon adventures, consider visiting the beautiful Ohiopyle State Park. Nestled in the Laurel Highlands of southwestern Pennsylvania, this park offers a plethora of outdoor activities that are perfect for expecting couples. From hiking and biking to kayaking and fishing, there is something for everyone to enjoy.
One popular activity at Ohiopyle State Park is babymoon photography. The park's natural beauty provides the ideal backdrop for capturing those precious moments before your little one arrives. Whether you prefer a serene waterfall or a lush forest trail, there are plenty of picturesque spots to choose from.
When exploring Ohiopyle State Park, it's important to prioritize safety. Make sure to wear appropriate footwear and clothing, especially if you plan on hiking or biking. Stay hydrated and bring snacks to keep your energy levels up throughout the day. Check weather conditions beforehand and be prepared for any changes that may occur during your visit.
Overall, Ohiopyle State Park is a fantastic destination for an adventurous babymoon getaway near Pittsburgh. With its stunning scenery and abundance of outdoor activities, you can create lasting memories while enjoying nature's beauty. So grab your camera and embark on an unforgettable babymoon adventure at Ohiopyle State Park! Cozy Bed and Breakfasts Perfect for Babymooners
Looking for the perfect romantic getaway before your little one arrives? Look no further!
In this discussion, we will explore some fantastic options for babymooners, including charming bed and breakfast getaways that offer a cozy and intimate atmosphere.
These tranquil accommodations are specifically designed to cater to expecting couples, providing a peaceful and relaxing environment where you can enjoy quality time together before your bundle of joy arrives. Romantic Retreats for Babymooners For a romantic babymoon getaway near Pittsburgh, you can't go wrong with booking a cozy cabin in the nearby mountains. Imagine waking up to breathtaking views of nature and spending your days exploring scenic trails hand-in-hand.
Here are three reasons why romantic retreats like this are perfect for babymooners:
Privacy: A cabin tucked away in the mountains offers privacy, allowing you to relax and reconnect as a couple without any disturbances. Peaceful Surroundings: Being surrounded by nature's beauty creates a serene atmosphere that promotes tranquility and relaxation, ideal for expecting parents seeking some quiet time together. Romantic Amenities: Many mountain cabins come equipped with amenities like hot tubs or fireplaces, providing the perfect setting for cozy evenings spent cuddling and enjoying each other's company. 
With these romantic options available, it's no wonder couples often choose mountain cabins for their babymoon getaways. But if you prefer something different, let us introduce you to charming bed and breakfast getaways next! Charming B&B Getaways After indulging in romantic retreats, it's time to explore charming bed and breakfast getaways for your babymoon near Pittsburgh. These secluded countryside retreats offer a perfect blend of relaxation and pampering spa experiences. Picture yourself waking up to breathtaking views of rolling hills and enjoying a delicious homemade breakfast on the patio. To help you choose the best B&B for your babymoon, we have prepared a table comparing three top-notch options:
B&B Name Location Amenities
Tranquil Haven Oakwood Private hot tub, couples' massages, organic meals
Serene Meadows Meadowville Yoga classes, outdoor pool, farm-to-table dining
Peaceful Retreat Riverside Jacuzzi tubs, nature walks, gourmet breakfast
Immerse yourselves in these idyllic settings as you prepare for the arrival of your little one. But don't forget to check out the next section on tranquil accommodations for expecting couples where we highlight even more options to consider for your babymoon near Pittsburgh. Tranquil Accommodations for Expecting Couples Immerse yourselves in the tranquil accommodations available for expecting couples and enjoy a peaceful getaway before your little one arrives. Our serene retreat offers everything you need to relax and unwind during this precious time.
Prenatal Yoga Classes: Take part in gentle yoga sessions designed specifically for expectant mothers. These classes are led by experienced instructors who understand the unique needs of pregnant women, providing a safe and nurturing environment to practice yoga. Meditation Workshops: Engage in guided meditation sessions that promote relaxation, stress reduction, and emotional well-being. Learn techniques to quiet the mind and connect with your inner self, enhancing your overall sense of calmness and peace. Safety First: Rest assured knowing that our accommodations prioritize safety for expecting couples. From non-slip mats in the bathroom to easy access to emergency services, we have taken every measure to ensure a worry-free stay. 
Indulge in these soothing activities while enjoying the comfort and tranquility of our peaceful accommodations designed especially for expecting couples like you. Indulgent Dining Experiences for Babymoon Celebrations
If you're looking for a memorable dining experience to celebrate your babymoon near Pittsburgh, check out these indulgent options. As expecting parents, it's important to treat yourselves and enjoy some quality time together before the arrival of your little one. Pittsburgh offers a range of restaurants that cater to all tastes and preferences.
For a romantic evening, consider dining at Altius located on Mount Washington. With breathtaking views of the city skyline, this upscale restaurant offers an elegant ambiance and a menu filled with delectable dishes prepared using locally sourced ingredients. The knowledgeable staff will ensure that you have a safe and enjoyable dining experience.
If you prefer something more casual but equally indulgent, head over to Butcher and the Rye in downtown Pittsburgh. This trendy gastropub combines delicious food with an extensive selection of craft cocktails. From mouthwatering steaks to creative vegetarian dishes, their menu has something for everyone.
Another fantastic option is Alla Famiglia in the Allentown neighborhood. This Italian eatery is known for its warm hospitality and authentic cuisine made from scratch. Indulge in homemade pasta or savor their famous breaded veal chop while enjoying the cozy atmosphere.
Remember, as expectant parents, it's important to prioritize safety during your babymoon celebrations. Be sure to consult with your healthcare provider regarding any dietary restrictions or concerns you may have.
Enjoy these indulgent dining experiences as you create lasting memories on your babymoon near Pittsburgh! Wellness Retreats for Rest and Rejuvenation
When planning a wellness retreat for rest and rejuvenation, you'll find a variety of options available to help you relax and recharge. Here are three fantastic choices that will provide the ultimate experience in self-care and tranquility:
Serene Spa Getaway: Indulge in luxurious spa treatments designed to melt away stress and tension. From soothing massages to revitalizing facials, this wellness retreat offers a range of services tailored to your specific needs. Immerse yourself in calming environments, surrounded by natural beauty, as expert therapists work their magic. Mindfulness Retreat: Escape the noise of everyday life and immerse yourself in mindfulness practices that promote inner peace and clarity. Engage in guided meditation sessions, gentle yoga classes, and nature walks that awaken your senses. Learn techniques for managing stress and cultivating mindfulness that you can incorporate into your daily routine. Wellness Resort Experience: Stay at a top-notch wellness resort where every detail is designed with your well-being in mind. Enjoy nutritious meals prepared with locally sourced ingredients, participate in fitness classes led by experienced instructors, and take advantage of state-of-the-art facilities such as pools, saunas, and hot tubs. 
No matter which option you choose, these wellness retreats offer a safe haven for rest and rejuvenation. Take this opportunity to prioritize self-care while surrounded by serene surroundings that inspire relaxation. You deserve it! Unique Experiences for Memorable Babymoon Moments
Escape to a secluded beachfront resort and indulge in couples' spa treatments, romantic dinners, and relaxing walks along the shore for an unforgettable babymoon experience. At our tranquil oasis, you can unwind and enjoy the peaceful ambiance of the ocean waves crashing against the shore. Our resort offers spacious accommodations with breathtaking views of the beach, ensuring that you have all the privacy and comfort you need during your stay.
For those seeking relaxing beach getaways, our resort provides a variety of activities to help you unwind. Take a leisurely stroll hand-in-hand along the sandy shores as the sun sets in vibrant hues of orange and pink. Feel your stress melt away as you lounge by our infinity pool or take a dip in the crystal-clear waters.
If you're feeling more adventurous, we offer exciting babymoon activities for those looking to add a little thrill to their getaway. Explore nearby coral reefs on a guided snorkeling tour or embark on a sunset cruise along the coastline. For nature enthusiasts, there are hiking trails that lead to stunning viewpoints where you can take in panoramic vistas of lush landscapes.
As your day comes to an end at our blissful retreat, let us pamper you with soothing spa treatments designed specifically for expectant parents. Our experienced therapists will ensure both you and your partner feel rejuvenated as they gently massage away any tension.
So whether you're seeking relaxation or adventure for your babymoon, our beachfront resort has it all. Embrace this special time with your loved one as we create lasting memories together.
Now let's explore serene nature retreats for peaceful babymoon escapes... Serene Nature Retreats for Peaceful Babymoon Escapes
Immerse yourself in the tranquility of serene nature retreats, where you can connect with your partner and enjoy a peaceful babymoon escape. These beautiful locations offer the perfect backdrop for relaxation and rejuvenation as you prepare for the arrival of your little one.
Prenatal Yoga Classes: Take advantage of the calming benefits of prenatal yoga classes offered at these nature retreats. Stretch and strengthen your body while also connecting with other expectant parents. The gentle movements and breathing exercises will help alleviate any pregnancy discomfort and promote a sense of inner peace. Babymoon Photography Sessions: Capture the precious moments of your babymoon with professional photography sessions amidst the stunning natural landscapes. These photographers specialize in capturing intimate moments between you and your partner, creating lasting memories to cherish forever. Safety is our Priority: Rest assured that safety is a top priority at these serene nature retreats. From well-maintained trails for leisurely walks to comfortable accommodations that prioritize cleanliness, every aspect is designed to ensure a worry-free babymoon experience. 
Escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and embrace the serenity of nature during this special time in your life. Let these serene nature retreats provide you with much-needed relaxation, connection, and tranquility before welcoming your bundle of joy into the world. Frequently Asked Questions What Are Some Popular Activities for Couples to Enjoy During a Babymoon in Pittsburgh? When planning a babymoon in Pittsburgh, there are plenty of popular activities for couples to enjoy.
One option is to take pregnancy yoga classes together, which can help promote relaxation and flexibility during this special time.
Another idea is to indulge in spa treatments that are safe and tailored for expectant mothers.
These activities not only allow you to bond as a couple but also provide a relaxing and rejuvenating experience for both you and your baby. Are There Any Babymoon Packages Available at the Spa Retreats Mentioned in the Article? Yes, there are babymoon packages available at the spa retreats mentioned in the article. These packages offer a relaxing and rejuvenating experience for expecting couples in Pittsburgh.
The spas provide a range of services such as prenatal massages, facials, and wellness treatments specifically designed to cater to the needs of pregnant women.
It's a wonderful way to unwind and bond with your partner before your little one arrives. Can You Recommend Any Hiking Trails or Outdoor Activities Suitable for Expectant Couples During Their Babymoon? Can we suggest some hiking trails or outdoor activities that are suitable for expectant couples during their babymoon?
Pregnancy-friendly fitness classes and relaxing prenatal massages are great options for staying active and relieving stress.
When it comes to outdoor activities, consider gentle hikes with well-marked paths and beautiful scenery like Frick Park or North Park.
Remember to always listen to your body, stay hydrated, and take breaks when needed to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. What Amenities Do the Bed and Breakfasts Mentioned in the Article Provide for Babymooners? When it comes to babymoon ideas near Pittsburgh, it's important to consider the amenities that bed and breakfasts provide for expectant couples. These accommodations understand the unique needs of babymooners and strive to create a safe and comfortable environment.
From cozy rooms with plush bedding to private balconies or patios where you can relax, these bed and breakfasts offer a range of amenities for your babymoon getaway. Some even provide special packages that include massages, prenatal yoga classes, or romantic dinners. Are There Any Specific Restaurants or Dining Experiences That Cater to Expectant Couples Celebrating Their Babymoon? Restaurants specializing in pregnancy-friendly cuisine and unique dining experiences for expectant couples can be found near Pittsburgh. These establishments cater to the needs of pregnant women, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience.
From farm-to-table restaurants offering organic options to cozy cafes serving nourishing meals, there are plenty of choices for babymooners seeking delicious and healthy food.
Whether you're craving comfort food or exploring new culinary adventures, Pittsburgh has something to satisfy every expectant couple's cravings. Conclusion In conclusion, Pittsburgh offers an array of options for expectant couples seeking a memorable babymoon experience. Whether you're looking for relaxation, adventure, or indulgence, this city has it all.
From spa retreats to outdoor destinations and cozy bed and breakfasts, there is something for everyone. Treat yourselves to an indulgent dining experience or immerse in a wellness retreat for ultimate rejuvenation.
With serene nature retreats and unique experiences awaiting you, Pittsburgh is the perfect destination for a peaceful babymoon escape. So pack your bags and create lasting memories in this vibrant city!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:24 cleansedbytheblood Deliverance and mental health

We here at deliverance are not against the use of doctors, or the taking of medications to alleviate immediate suffering. If a person is suicidal, they should call the suicide help line at 988. However, we also recognize the spiritual roots of mental illness. The mind is more than the body; we have a soul, which is the spiritual part of it. As much as people want to deny any spiritual roots to mental illness, they are there. The demonic realm is real, active, and interested in destroying the mental health of every person. That's part of their job description. They are going to use trauma, especially childhood trauma, to make it happen. They are going to use sins of the family, sins of the community, sins of the nation. They have a lifetime plan of misery for you, and God is the only one who can save you from it. Many of us were completely screwed up by trauma before we even knew what our last name was. Do not underestimate the role of the kingdom of darkness in the mental health realm. Most mental health professionals are atheists and agnostics and all of their literature reflects an ignorance of demons and spiritual truth. If you talk to them privately some may admit having seen incidents that they were convinced were supernatural. Those stories are ignored by the mental health community at large. If they admitted they needed exorcists how would they earn a living? How would they sell their product of keeping people in bondage through meds that don't make you better and counseling that doesn't improve your mental health? It's an infinite money making machine and many people, businesses, organizations, colleges etc stand to lose multiplied billions from that admission.
Jesus is the only true answer for mental illness. He healed the demoniac in Matthew 8:28-34 and many others suffering from extreme mental and physical conditions. This is His promise to all that suffer and are under heavy afflictions:
Matthew 11:28-30 ā€œCome to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
submitted by cleansedbytheblood to Deliverance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:47 strugglingsahm If youā€™re unsure of making the switch from breast milk to formulaā€¦

*** This is a rather long post and if not allowed my apologies. Iā€™m not even sure if this is the proper place to post this but Iā€™ve been a lurker since I had my LO & would just like to share my storyā€¦
I struggled with this for weeks. Practically from the moment I had my LO. Itā€™s taken five weeks of debating myself, questioning myself, stressing myself out to decide the switch had to be made for myself.
I started EBF & everything was fine at first until it wasnā€™t. Cluster feeding kicked my butt and put a major strain on my mental health. A strain I couldnā€™t afford to deal with on top of everything else that comes during postpartum.
I thought pumping would solve that problem but if anything it made it worse. It was nice to be able to better see how much my LO ate and to increase my supply but almost immediately the stress of when to pump, how much I pumped, & engorgement reared its ugly head because LO had no desire to be put down. I was a ā€œjust-enoughā€ pumper so there came the mental load of was there a better pump to buy, what pieces worked best, what style of pump would be better, creating a better schedule, what to eat to help increase supply, etc. It all came down to me not having a single moment to myself no matter how helpful my husband was when he wasnā€™t working. It felt like all of my free time was dedicated to pumping once I could get LO off of me long enough to do so. All because I wanted LO to exclusively drink breast milk since itā€™s been engraved in my brain that thatā€™s ā€œwhatā€™s best.ā€
Meanwhile I felt like my relationship with my first child took a major hit. There may be possible signs of PPD that I absolutely intend on mentioning to my doctor at my upcoming 6 week appt but the stress of pumping has absolutely exacerbated my bad moods and unfortunately my first has taken the brunt of it. Iā€™ve been impatient, short-tempered, and overall a very unpleasant version of myself and weā€™ve butted heads constantly because of it. The guilt/shame that I felt when I reflected on my interactions with him was the straw that broke that camels back for me.
I finally made the choice to go EFF. I started by supplementing with formula and luckily we found a brand that LO tolerated right away with no major issue. Iā€™ve continued pumping without a strict regimen for the sake of preventing engorging and have been able to incorporate that with the formula to make the transition smoother for LO. Finally today Iā€™m going to be able to have a mommy/son day with my first while hubby stays home with LO. No having to worry about pumping to leave milk for hubby, wondering if Iā€™ve pumped enough, or trying to rush through our day to make it back home for any reason. Itā€™s a day I feel my first and I need & I couldnā€™t be more excited for it.
My decision felt selfish at first. I felt like a failure for giving in and not powering through to my goal of six months like I had done with my first. But then I think about my circumstances and realize that things are not the same. My family needs a better version of me. I canā€™t afford to go through the things I went through when I had my first. I managed but it was one of the most difficult times of my life and if I could go back and give myself the grace I needed, I wouldā€™ve done the same then that Iā€™m doing now.
Iā€™ve come to realize that the decision to make the switch isnā€™t just in the best interest of my LO but in the best interest of myself also. What good is EBF if Iā€™m absolutely miserable? What good am I to my family if EBF/pumping stressed me out to the max?
Iā€™m not sure if this will resonate with anyone but itā€™s something I thought may be helpful to share. Iā€™m hoping at least one person whoā€™s struggling maybe reads this and it helps tip the scales for them to make the choice thatā€™s not just best for their LO but also a choice thatā€™s best for them. ā™„ļø
submitted by strugglingsahm to FormulaFeeders [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:30 AutoModerator Resurge deep sleep and high support formula resurge deep sleep supplement

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submitted by AutoModerator to healthcarekai [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:22 Low_Dragonfruit_2202 Amyl Guard Ā® - Nutraville

Introducing Amyl Guard by Nutriville: Your Ultimate Weight Loss Carb Blocker!

Are you tired of struggling with weight loss despite your best efforts? Say hello to Amyl Guard by Nutriville ā€“ a revolutionary and unique carb blocker designed to help you achieve your weight loss goals effortlessly.

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Order Now and experience the transformative effects of Amyl Guard. Your best self is just a click away!
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submitted by Low_Dragonfruit_2202 to weightlossdiets [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:01 Ok-KakaSenseii Which position is better?

Which position is better?
I can start Charlton as CAM, Or Lahm as CDMā€¦ both are great but very hard to choose who to start.
submitted by Ok-KakaSenseii to fut [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:51 Ajpadsala ProNail Complex Deliverable: A Comprehensive Review

ProNail Complex Deliverable: A Comprehensive Review
e following product, ProNail Complex Deliverable, to address the persistent issue of brittle, weak nails that have plagued me for years. Having tried numerous nail strengthening products in the past with limited success, I was cautiously optimistic when I began using ProNail Complex Deliverable.
Packaging and Presentation
Upon receiving the product, I was immediately impressed by its sleek and professional packaging. The bottle is compact and easy to handle, making application a breeze. The label provides clear instructions and ingredient information, instilling confidence in the product's quality.
One of the most remarkable aspects of ProNail Complex Deliverable is its effectiveness. After just a few weeks of consistent use, I noticed a significant improvement in the strength and resilience of my nails. They became less prone to breakage and splitting, allowing me to maintain longer, healthier nails than ever before.
Formula and Ingredients
The secret behind ProNail Complex Deliverable's effectiveness lies in its thoughtfully crafted formula. Enriched with vitamins, minerals, and nourishing botanical extracts, the product works to fortify nails from within. Key ingredients such as biotin, keratin, and collagen promote nail growth and enhance their overall health, while antioxidants protect against environmental damage.
Texture and Application
Unlike some nail treatments that can feel heavy or greasy, ProNail Complex Deliverable has a lightweight, non-greasy texture that absorbs quickly into the nails and surrounding cuticles. The applicator brush allows for precise application, ensuring that the product reaches every part of the nail for maximum benefit.
Long-Term Results
One of the most impressive aspects of ProNail Complex Deliverable is its ability to deliver long-term results. While some nail treatments provide temporary improvements that fade once the product is discontinued, ProNail Complex Deliverable has helped me maintain strong, healthy nails even after I stopped using it regularly.
Value for Money
While ProNail Complex Deliverable may be slightly pricier than some other nail treatments on the market, its exceptional quality and long-lasting results make it well worth the investment. A little goes a long way with this product, so a single bottle lasts for several months, making it a cost-effective choice in the long run.
Final Thoughts
Overall, ProNail Complex Deliverable has exceeded my expectations in every regard. From its effective formula to its user-friendly packaging and long-lasting results, this product has become an indispensable part of my nail care routine. If you're struggling with weak, brittle nails like I was, I wholeheartedly recommend giving ProNail Complex Deliverable a try.
Buy Now
submitted by Ajpadsala to u/Ajpadsala [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:05 FraterSerafim Reading all psalms, Christian meditation method

This is a reupload. I decided to delete the original post after discovering some old notes.
Reading all psalms, the method. Method used by Christians and Jews from all over the world. A great and powerful meditation with psalms.
Small story
The time when I discovered this method I did not know anything about prayer rules and had just completed a few cover to cover bible readings. This method laid the much needed foundation for hesychasm which I started practicing later on.
At first I was experimenting with the psalms by reading the same ones over and over again, sometimes read half of the psalms or the entire thing. What surprised me a lot was the amazing spiritual state that I got after reading the whole book. I compared the effects of reading random psalms with the full reading and the full reading far exceeded all other methods. Much higher spiritual effects, special states of mind, greater connection with divine. I added the whole psalm reading to my daily schedule and every morning completed a round, this took about 3 hours. The spiritual effects began to increase and the readings gave me stronger overall effects.
The effects got stronger and multiplied over and over again during some 100-300 readings. I figured that there has to be more to it and sometimes read the whole book twice, every morning and every evening. The readings now took about 2 hours. The more you read the faster you become but don't try to be too fast, you have to pay attention to the words! Now this new "prayer rule" felt incredibly hot, and quite overwhelming. The spiritual effects multiplied and reached a point where I felt like I could not continue, simply too much per day. I decided to do additional rounds every now and then. Sometimes read them through multiple times.
Reading all psalms
You need a bible of your choice, with a decent font size. A quiet place to read them. Start from the first and end with the last. After reading praise the Lord, show some gratitude and state your requests.
The more consecutive days this is done, the better the effects. Your connection to divine will start to increase in a rapid way.
The effects are very hot, it feels like blazing fire goes through you, heating up everything that stands in its path.
The reading is used by monastics and Jewish people, to increase spirituality and to have prayers and petitions answered. This method is very good.
What happens? The psalms raise and bring in a massive quantity of energy, you might not feel it so well right away but give it some time, eventually you will develop these senses. It may take a hundred readings, maybe more. Consistency, dedication and devotion are very important. You should do something daily.
If the reading is too much and spiritually you cannot handle it so well yet, then start by reading one of the psalm books per day, psalm book is divided into 5 "books". Book 1 (Psalms 1ā€“41) Book 2 (Psalms 42ā€“72) Book 3 (Psalms 73ā€“89) Book 4 (Psalms 90ā€“106) Book 5 (Psalms 107ā€“150). Read one per day, either every morning or every evening.
There may be side effects such as feeling overloaded, slightly aggressive, irritated and there can be headaches. This is because you process an enormous amount of grace of god, energy. You have to find your own pace, know the limits, know yourself, gradually increase the numbers.
Now I stated earlier that it built a great foundation for hesychasm. How did my experience with the psalms help me? The whole bible is hot but certain parts of it have stronger effects, Torah, psalms, gospels and the letters. I've noticed that the psalms and gospels give the best effects. By working a lot with something as hot as the psalms you get more used to the grace of god thus moving on to hesychasm is much easier. Still, hesychasm is a much different topic and I will discuss it in a different post. I've already written a small guide.
Additional information
You can add your prayer requests after doing the reading, pray for what you want and need. Many people choose not to ask for anything as the Lord already knows what we need and want. You may however add your requests. The psalm method is very powerful for getting answers to prayers.
You can pray for yourself and for others. The formula is simple, use the Orthodox baptislam name or full name of the person. Jewish people use the name and also the name of mother.
It is best to do the reading without breaking it, so everything in a single go. Opinions differ, some think it is very important to read all at once and others consider taking a break in between to be fine. You can even split it and read half of them in the morning and the rest later. You may split it into 3 4 or even 5 sessions.
Psalm reading is often used to pray for finding work, friends, partner, health, children, wealth, spiritual reasons and much more.
submitted by FraterSerafim to FraterSerafim [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:47 belledutemps Day 0ā€“Accountability Post (F27, 5ā€™0, 216 lbs), tips needed

(Tw: mention of ED, trauma, comfort eating)
Hi all!
This is my second post in the group, I believe. Some time ago, I thought that maybe I could recomp, but I couldnā€™t focus and gained more. I wasnā€™t prioritizing my health for a long time and it took me a while to realize that I have a problem with consistency, and I also donā€™t really know what Iā€™m doing. However, Iā€™d like to learn, and reclaim my health. I labeled today as day 0 because I am putting together the resources I have. Iā€™m so scared, yā€™all!
Iā€™ve had a pretty wild history with health. Six years ago, I was battling an ED, and I received treatment 4 years ago, but I fell into nightlife culture in 2021 and that took a toll on my health due to regular drinking and eating junk food. I also faced a traumatic event that year that I think really caused me to start looking to food for comfort. I made attempts to restrict, but they bounced back. A few years ago, I was diagnosed with prediabetes, and currently my doctor is also looking into if I have PCOS, so I think itā€™s more crucial than ever that I start living better permanently, especially at my age.
I admittedly live pretty sedentary, up until recently I was mostly at my desk and didnā€™t have the best eating habits. I do deal with constant feelings of hunger and Iā€™d like to alleviate that. Apart from housework, I have recently begun to walk for at least 4k at least once a week (shout out to my bestie!) and Iā€™ve been doing basic home training at least twice a week, but I imagine it isnā€™t very effective, as my weight seems to stay pretty still between 215-217. I feel bad because I can only handle walking 4k (went to a museum and got 6k in, had fun but legs were on fire and I had to sit down a lot towards the end). I see a lot of complex workout plans, and I know how to follow a YouTube video or do basic dumbbell/band/strength exercises, but Iā€™m intrigued by doing more. Do any of you have any tips for someone that is coming from a place of limited exercise/nutrition knowledge?
Thanks allā€”and please wish me luck! I will be posting more, with progress pics in the future.
submitted by belledutemps to PetiteFitness [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:47 notawisemanforsure I think I'm not the brightest bulb but what are your thoughts on my cognitive profile?

I think I'm not the brightest bulb but what are your thoughts on my cognitive profile?
When I was a kid I was forced to unknowningly take WISC IQ tests and a porteus labyrinth test due to poor school performance and disability suspicion arising from that, they were surprised that I have scored 126.
English is not my native language probably that doesn't matter anyways.
My first IQ test in life was when I was 6 years old it was a test about labyrinths (porteus labyrinths) I scored a 96 out of that. The paper also had a psychiatrist note in bottom like this: - Physical development: Normal - Mental development: Normal - Social / Behavioral development: at the level of a 4 year old, abnormal
Second IQ test (WISC-R) was when I was 8 years old which I scored 115.
Third one (WISC-R) was from when I was 12 years old which I scored 126. In none of tests I was aware it was an IQ test I was just told it was a quick exam that was required for my schooling.
Fourth one (WISC-IV) was from when I was 14 years old the only IQ test I was I'm aware of I was taking an IQ test I was never told my score but based on their reaction after they talked to my parents probably it was upper average. This wasn't a WISC-R but a WISC-IV instead.
All of those tests were required because of extremely low academic performance ( I was under performing in mathematics compared to peers and after some point I started to under perform in language/grammar too), they never figured out what was wrong with me eventually I got a dyslexia diagnosis which was later revised to Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis and since many people think Autism = intellectual disability in my country they generally give Asperger's Syndrome diagnosis for people with normal IQ.
I recently got a hold of my papers;
  • My working memory is absolute bottom 4 backwards and 5 forwards in digit span, interestingly enough this is only for numbers for anything else like a place I have visited (roughly location, color and shapes of objects) or some catchy music I heard I was able to hold such information with really good accuracy for like an entire day.
  • Only things I'm good at are matrix reasoning, coding and block design everything else is either low or normal
  • I did shown aggressive behavior such as yelling or not following directions against the psychiatrist as the note given and they didn't think the score was valid too (for the test I had when I was 12.)
Health issues: Because of poor parenting, parents misusing alcohol and smoking way too much and chugging out little amount of money they earn (we were a lower middle income family with total net worth of roughly $100k) I wasn't able to live healthy.
I was exposed to lead dust from dad which he worked with while he did wash his hands little he knew that his work clothes would bring the dust to house and spread it to everywhere including my toys, my food. I never had lead poisoning nor my blood levels were checked but for sure I was exposed. Food I ate was cooked in an oven with presumably cadmium paint, it was made in 1980s with no regulations in place. Russian no brand cookware and pottery, probably don't want to know what those bright red glazes made from. I wasn't able to eat enough meat due to misuse of money by parents and my B12 levels were abnormally low, low B12 wasn't treated until I was 17 at the time of treatment I had a B12 level in blood around 90 pg/mL. Mother smoked a lot while she was pregnant, she would smoke a pack per day draining a hole in their pocket and harming me.
I don't think any of my IQ scoring holds to this day, I believe I'm in lower average end simply having poor working memory makes everything irrelevant, It's something that I need most but I can't. I'm tired of having to bring paper and pencil everywhere when a calculation is required.
I can't calculate even simple numbers really ask me what is 9 + 9 no answer I have to count in my head to find out.
When I was 7 years old I really loved mathematics I enjoyed it so much but when the multiplication went in that was the time I basically quit mathematics. I can't hold multiplication table in head It's straight up impossible I had to go in long 2 years of rehabilitation centre for the "disabled" to do mental math to some extent and what's the outcome? I forgot it, I can't do mental math.
Even though I can't do mental math I can grasp logic behind something pretty well eg: I don't know answer of 9 + 9 but I figure out why they would add let's say a given number in a formula so that made me get into programming even without being able to do mental mathematics I was able to figure out things like how to do 3d projections without all those messy complicated maths (though without trigonometry knowledge I made fake rotations using skewing which didn't end up looking best) and write software that rendered 3D pictures as fun little side projects. I was practicing coding since that time but my enjoyment in this hobby also lost lately because I wanted to do something different than this.
I would spend time stimming and imagining about inventions/objects I would create, I imagined a factory to make them and imagined objects spinning showing all their glorious details from production to packaging I would imagine it those may be a smartphone, a tv remote, a display technology using good ol phosphors with an uv light hitting them with specific angles creating a "crt without crt just phosphor", imagining about designing user interfaces for product screens, showing the glossy glass and their micro scratch markings on them it was the most enjoyable thing for me while it caused me to stim a lot by flapping my hands together sometimes resulting in cuts due to fingernails going fast through skin (I explained people that I was feeling my dreams when I did this they found it weird but many people around me accepted it without an issue as "kids these days")
Lately I noticed further degradation of my working memory I'm no longer able to keep a song in head and perfectly remember it's lyrics without distorting or making up something or mentally remember a place with good accuracy and not that related to working memory but ability to mentally spin objects that I imagine also become harder and more stressing. I took the CAIT online digit span test and I scored 3 backwards 4 forwards.
Without good working memory being able to reason about something has no value thus for long time I thought I had to make something that would make people progress further because there's absolutely no mission in real life we make the "game", I guess I wouldn't able to fulfill my dreams I've had as a child as a person with no friends whatsoever and liked to be alone just imagine future projects I could been made this has devastating results, I have now a diminished mental health as result of bad working memory I know nothing I imagine will happen.
Clearly I'm not smart at all, whatever caused this I'm not sure but possibly irreversible, living with poor working memory is low quality life with low chances of success.
I took multiple online IQ tests (mostly unrelated to wm).
Symbol search 100 Mensa Denmark 129 Beta 4 matrices 105 (with an error margin of 8) Mensa Norway not in the range < 90 Ravens progressive matrices clinical edition 112 CAIT digit span ~80
Not an IQ test but HumanBenchmark has a relation to working memory which is correlated with intelligence:
Note: I did rush through matrix tests without giving enough attention until time runs out.
TL;DR: I have working memory deficits and childhood proctored IQ test score of maximum (WISC-R) 126 and minimum (Porteus Labyrinths) 96 never had a proctored IQ test as an adult. I'm only good at block design, coding and matrix reasoning nothing else.
submitted by notawisemanforsure to cognitiveTesting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:55 Global-Town5559 Kerassentials Reviews Reddit : My Experience Does Kerassentials Work? Kerassentials Reviews - Kerassentials Reddit

Kerassentials Reviews Reddit : My Experience Does Kerassentials Work? Kerassentials Reviews - Kerassentials Reddit
Kerassentials Reviews Reddit : Kerassentials toenail fungal supplement is a doctor-developed organic oil featuring a powerful mix of natural ingredients with anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties, aimed at promoting good health and preventing skin aging. This supplement also enhances your bodyā€™s defenses against fungi-related health issues, such as toenail fungus and ringworm, and protects nail keratin.
Created by Dr. Kimberly Langdon, a renowned fungal specialist and herbalist, Kerassentials is produced in the USA in a GMP-certified and FDA-registered facility. The product claims to be free of GMOs, chemicals, and other stimulants, containing only natural oils and skin-supporting vitamins.
Let's explore how the Kerassentials skin health formula works in your body.
Read Depth Review written by expert Scan This

submitted by Global-Town5559 to Reviewsbuddy [link] [comments]