1 guy and a jar video

Darth Jar Jar: The key to all this.

2015.10.31 15:09 onemananswerfactory Darth Jar Jar: The key to all this.

This subreddit is dedicated to exposing and discussing the consistently shady and ambiguous nature of Jar Jar Binks, and the expanding (Darth) Jar Jar theories created by fans of the Star Wars prequels. If you want to know more then please read the pinned post: "The Darth Jar Jar Holocron (updated)"

2016.03.29 16:39 steelbeamsdankmemes Are you seeing this shit?


2015.01.26 07:06 iamthatis Apollo App

Apollo was an award-winning free Reddit app for iOS with over 100K 5-star reviews, built with the community in mind, and with a focus on speed, customizability, and best in class iOS features. It started development in late 2014 and ended June 2023. Dev's Mastodon: https://mastodon.social/@christianselig Twitter: https://twitter.com/christianselig Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/selig.bsky.social/ PayPal: tipjar@apolloapp.io Website: https://christianselig.com

2024.05.16 22:15 Individual_Strain_94 ABYG If I go out with a straight guy friend while being in a situationship

ABYG If I go out with a straight guy friend while being in a situationship
I have a guy friend (26M) whom I met 1 year ago and we always hang out together going for drinks and eating dinner if our schedule allows. However, recently got into a situationship who I really like the guy (28M), but the problem is we don't define the relationship yet cause he wants to take things slow. We didn't really define yet if we were exclusive and I'm still not really sure if he really was into me in the same level as I am cause he goes on and off. Recently, he goes off the radar and ghosted me. I learned that he left me cause I always go out with my guy friend and got really jealous when he learned we went on a day trip to a city (just a spontaneous drunk trip). He never opened it up to me and the trip happened when we were still in early stage of talking (probably a month or less). Now, everyone was blaming me cause it was my fault and I shouldn't have went on a trip with my friend.
P.S. I just wanna know your opinions regarding this and to learn as well. Hopefully, if I went back to dating and put in this kind of situation again I'll know what to do and not be ignorant anymore. Also the guy (28M) ghosted me completely and ignored me even if I tried to share my side. (I honestly really likes him and he is a really really nice person)
Ako Ba Ang Gago If I go out with my other straight guy friend while being in situationship? Honestly for me hindi kasi he knows the guy din naman and mutual namin kaya akala ko they were both cool to each other. Also, I know sa sarili ko na I know my boundaries and genuine feelings ko sa situationship ko. However lahat kasi ng tao sa paligid ko tingin na gago ako for doing that like “very gago move”.
Thank you!
submitted by Individual_Strain_94 to AkoBaYungGago [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:14 Etiekyed I created a Youtube Transcript Search App!

I created a Youtube Transcript Search App!
Hello Swift,
I just launched an app that searches YouTube by Transcript. I created it for those who want to find the full length video of a short video clip on TikTok, Instagram, or Snapchat, but had no clue what the video was titled or who posted it? With Invenio (the name of the app), all you need to do is type in a few words from the clip, and our AI powered app will search through over 1 Billion YouTube videos to locate the original video within seconds.
The app's design is very minimalistic. You can perform a broad search that searches every video on the platform, or you can filter down to a specific channel's videos. This comes in handy trying to find that specific clip from a podcast channel, which hour long videos. It will also tell you the second that the phrase is said in the clip.
I created it as a tool to help myself, and now others, find the full length videos to popular video clips, then to create unique edits, and post them on TikTok to generate $1 per every 1,000 views it received. Then I realized this can have more use cases.
Let me know what you think! I have a 10 free search trial, and then I charge a monthly/yearly subscription.
submitted by Etiekyed to swift [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:14 SV_GANG What kind of pedal/effect is he using?

Hi guys! So there’s a video I really like of high schoolers playing AC/DC Back in Black and at minute 0:25 (before the actual song starts, this is like an intro they made) you can hear a pretty cool effect that I would like to know how is it called and what pedal does he uses for that. I’m a newbie so I’m not familiarized with pedals yet, so I wanted to ask :)
submitted by SV_GANG to Guitar [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:14 Hasta_Manana_ Would it be weird to send my attractive coworker a message on Facebook?

I (29F) started a new job about a month ago. There’s a guy (30ish-M) who works in another department, who I find very attractive. We haven’t officially met yet and we don’t see each other around very often, as we work in different departments. We’ve had two brief interactions:
  1. I held the door open for him when he was coming in behind me one morning. He said thank you; I said you’re welcome.
  2. I offered him the rest of my French fries at lunch one day. He accepted, said thank you, and I said you’re welcome. Note: I didn’t just seek him out for this; I initially offered the fries to the two other ladies in my department who were in there at the time. One of them suggested I offer them to him or another guy in his department.
I sent him a friend request on Facebook over the weekend, and he accepted. Would it be weird to message him? If so, should I approach him at work instead? As mentioned before, we don’t cross paths often, so this might be difficult. If not weird, what should I say? He is single by the way, according to his Facebook.
TLDR: Should I message my attractive coworker on Facebook whom I’ve only had minimal interactions with?
submitted by Hasta_Manana_ to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:14 Zestyclose-South-460 Apple user switching to PC : Need help to build

Hi guys,
Since i decided to start my gaming youtube channel, my macbook pro 2014 wont do the job, so i was thinking about buying a mac studio M2 Max but when you want to add Ram or storage you have to pay 999999$ extra for small things.
So im just gonna switch to pc and build a better beast at the same price.
My needs in term of the pc build are :
Do you have advices for the build that suits those requirements ?
Thank you guys !
submitted by Zestyclose-South-460 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:14 KP6fanclub Estonian basketball star Henri Drell: NBA superstars are just normal guys

Estonian basketball star Henri Drell: NBA superstars are just normal guys
Team Two-Way player is a star back in homeland Estonia. A sweet humble guy actually. The road has been everything but easy - 95% people said "You will never make it to NBA court".
This only shows how minutes/games on a NBA court can go a long way even for a country basketball community as a whole.
Everybody hopes he can make it to a full contract - will see.
Estonia is a little over 17k square miles and 1,3 million people (northern Baltic State)
submitted by KP6fanclub to chicagobulls [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:13 Zestyclose-South-460 Apple user switching to PC : Need help to build

Hi guys,
Since i decided to start my gaming youtube channel, my macbook pro 2014 wont do the job, so i was thinking about buying a mac studio M2 Max but when you want to add Ram or storage you have to pay 999999$ extra for small things.
So im just gonna switch to pc and build a better beast at the same price.
My needs in term of the pc build are :
Do you have advices for the build that suits those requirements ?
Thank you guys !
submitted by Zestyclose-South-460 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:13 ReasonableDetective Steve August appreciation post

Lets take a moment to appreciate Steve’s work here. I see this man commenting every single day in this subreddit, helping people out, explaining, reassure people etc etc. If it wasn’t for Steve i would have gone completely mad… Costo ruined 1,5 year of my life, going crazy thinking i had heart problems even though the tests all came back normal. Every pinch in my chest gave me a panic attack.
Then i found this subreddit, the backpod, Steve’s videos and him explaining and helping people out every single day without making a dime off of it here on the sub. It all makes sense since then, it eased my mind and im sure the ones reading this too. We know what causes the problem now, how to fix it and if we need any help or reassurance we post it here on reddit and id it’s challenging enough Steve always pulls up to help. This man truly saved my life, it was that bad.
I’m gonna be honest, if i would have had costo for 7 years and healed myself, even though i knew everything about it since then, i would’ve forgotten about it after a few months and went on with my life. Steve didn’t. He is still here helping every single day.
Steve your an amazing individual, your changing/saving lives and you deserve all the best for all the work you’ve put into the research of this crazy and scary ‘condition’ and helping the people out! Thank you so much!
submitted by ReasonableDetective to costochondritis [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:12 PlasticComfortable96 FINALLY

Finally got a diagnosis. After a year of thinking I was slowly dying and getting loads of tests done I finally got diagnosed with POTS from the tilt table test. I’m a 29M and believe this was cause by covid. Thank you to everyone in this reddit community because I may have never even got tested. My brain fog is my worst complaint as it has been steady for 1 year now. Any info on fixing or alleviating this fog would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys 🙏🏼
submitted by PlasticComfortable96 to POTS [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:12 similarities Care questions about my succulents

Care questions about my succulents
I moved these from small 2 inch wide pots to these 4 inch pots about a little over a month ago. They are outside and get full sun in Southern California. I water them every about 1-2 weeks. The soil consists of some kind of regular potting soil just below the plants themselves since that’s what they came with , otherwise the rest of the soil is 1/3 Hoffman Cactus succulent mix and 2/3 perlite. I’m just curious what’s happening with their conditions.
In the first photo, the echiveria (?) there are a lot of leaves at the bottom that are dried out. I’ve heard that these plants will use some moisture from their bottom leaves in order to grow more roots. I guess this may be the case since I repotted over a month ago, but I wonder if I need to water this more often since they only get watered every 1-2 weeks.
With this pokey plant, there are some strange dried spots on them. I suspect some of it may be damage from when I was in another state with them and left it exposed to freezing temperatures. Anyway, I wonder what I can do to help this?
In the third image, there are two of the same plants except one looks healthy and the other is etiolated, sparser-leaved, and blander colored. How do I make this look more healthy?
With the cactus, are a lot of pups that grew before I put it in full sun so these pups are a little bit etiolated. Is it worth trying to grow these in a separate pot or will they just continue being elate grow these in a separate pot or will they just continue being etiolated as they grow bigger? Should I just remove these so that the main cactus can focus more and growing itself? Anyways, how should I care for this guy?
submitted by similarities to succulents [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:11 Signal_Shine5353 I can't switch the hotbars between classes. SHARING IS OFF!

I DO NOT HAVE SHARING ON EXCEPT FOR 7 WHICH IS JUST MY JOB SWITCH DISPLAYS. I switch between Arcanist and Reaper and the hotbar does not switch between them. For example, I move Hotbar 1 into the corner, save, and then switch to Reaper and Hotbar 1 for Arcanist is in the corner when it's not supposed to be there. I can't find a Youtube video that explains how to switch hotbars between classes.
submitted by Signal_Shine5353 to ffxiv [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:11 Inorai [Menagerie of Dreams] Ch. 18: Your Customer Service Sucks pt 1

[Menagerie of Dreams] Ch. 18: Your Customer Service Sucks pt 1
Cover Art First Chapter Playlist Character sheets
The Story:
Keeping her store on Earth was supposed to keep her out of trouble, but when a human walks through her wards like they weren't there, Aloe finds herself with a mystery on her hands. Unfortunately for the human, her people love mysteries - and if she doesn't intervene, no one will. With old enemies sniffing around after her new charge, the clock is ticking to find their answers.
Hey, Miss Kanna.
Aloe showed me how to do this letterbox thing a little bit ago. Hopefully this gets to you. Otherwise, I mean, I guess you’ll never read this?
Rowen grimaced down at the page. Get to the point. Stop faffing about.
Anyway. We’ve been traveling, so I didn’t get a chance to write earlier. Thanks for all your help with the magic kit stuff, again. We still haven’t found an actual answer. We found out I can open the Heartgates, though. That seems pretty big. Just going to assume you know about all that stuff. Aloe doesn’t think it’ll be enough, but
He hesitated, pen hovering over the page. Was he just being naive? He didn’t doubt that Aloe was right, it just…seemed cruel. Surely the whole world couldn’t operate like that.
but I don’t know. It feels like it’d be pretty hard to wave something like that off? Are the Children of Ora or whatever really that single-minded about themselves?
We’re in Emerald Hills now, with that Lord Dilmat guy Aloe knows. If I can be honest a sec? I really don’t know how much I buy that he’ll help me. The lord guy seemed pretty disinterested once Aloe said he couldn’t keep me. Is staying here really a good idea? I do trust Aloe, but I don’t know. I don’t have that much time left. This feels like a gamble.
Not much time at all, now that they’d blown a few days traveling and getting set up. His all-too-short deadline was staring him down every time he closed his eyes. Could he really risk hanging around with some dude who visibly didn’t give even a single shit?
But what else could he do?
I guess it’s whatever, he wrote, shaking his head. I’m going to try and work the shop a little more. People here seem to speak English, but it’s not their go-to. It’s getting a little weird. They keep giving me looks. I need to find some sort of language textbook for Ereliit, but I’m a little worried. If there’s never been a human with magic before, you guys have probably never tried to teach a human before either. Right? So do I even have a chance in hell of learning? Would there even be anything in English?
He took a long, shaky breath. Just a worry. Do you have any ideas? I just don’t know what’s out there. But I’d like to try learning.
There. He’d talked about where they were, and he’d talked about Eswit, and he’d talked about his language battles. That just left…
His lips tightened. That just left the bit he really, really didn’t want to get into. But there was no getting around it.
I’m worried about Aloe. When we were heading into the Deeproads she started having this weird…attack. Glowy eyes, spouting nonsense, wouldn’t respond. She told me it’s because of her magic poisoning her, and she said it was a one-off thing from some kind of magic shock from coming back down here, but then it happened again last night.
She’s fine. I don’t mean to scare you or anything. She’s got that nightsbane stuff, and now that I know this is going to keep happening I can try and watch for it more. Or something like that. But she’s always a bit weird after she takes those potions. I just don’t really know what to do with all this. I just want someone else to know. Getting a little nervous.
Rowen took a shaky breath, closing his eyes for a moment. He hated tattling on her. If he was sick, the last thing he’d want was his friends spreading it around. But…someone needed to know. Someone that wasn’t him. What if last night happened again? What if she fell into another trance like at the aviary and he couldn’t wake her up?
No. Kanna needed to know.
The floor creaked overhead. “Rowen?” Aloe called. “Are you up?”
“I’m down here,” Rowen called back. Well. She was up early. The sky outside was still dark. He’d figured he had at least another half hour before she wandered out.
Quickly, he turned back to the paper laid out on the counter.
I’ve got to go. Aloe’s up and around, and I’ve got to get back to Emerald Hills for more testing. Lucky me. Fingers crossed they actually tell me something useful this time. It wouldn’t be down to luck. This time he’d make them listen. Thanks for listening, Kanna. Hopefully you actually get this.
He stood as the hallway above started to creak, hastily folding the letter up. She’d pointed everything out to him and run through a quick explanation. He just had to take this stamp, marked with a hastily-applied KANNA label, smack it onto the paper, and then put it in that wooden box. Close the lid, and-
Rowen jerked back as a flash of light erupted from beneath the so-recently-closed lid. Slowly he lifted the edge back up.
The box was empty.
“W-Well, that was easy,” Rowen said, grinning. Either the letter was on its way to Kanna, or he’d found a new handy-dandy trash can. All he could do was trust it was the former.
As he put the stamp back into the rack, though, his hand lingered on the wood.
He’d carried Aloe back to her room last night, was all. She’d been utterly passed out, and he wasn’t so frigid as to leave her out in the cold by herself. He’d felt weird about barging into her room unasked, yeah, but…well, he just hadn’t been able to come up with an alternative. She certainly wasn’t about to wake up.
Her bed had been rock-hard. He could remember it clearly, like someone had taken wooden planks and covered them in a few layers of comforter. He’d almost felt bad putting her down on it and walking away. Even the thought of it gave him a sore back.
As he’d turned, he’d caught a glimpse of a writing desk in her otherwise-barren room. There’d been a violin on it. And…a stamp, just like this. There hadn’t been a handy English label, so…he didn’t have a clue who it’d send a letter to. But there alongside it had been a pile of crumpled-up letters.
Someone Aloe wanted to write to, then—but couldn’t? But who? It would’ve been absurdly rude to pry further, so he’d just…walked away.
And now he found himself oddly curious.
The stairs creaked. Rowen glanced up, then gave a quick wave when he saw Aloe descending. “Morning. You’re up early.”
“Couldn’t sleep for shit,” Aloe mumbled. “Are you off?”
“Yeah.” Rowen grimaced. “Eswit wants me back bright and early. I’ve got to keep him happy for now.”
“Good kid.” Aloe gave him a quick smile, patting his shoulder as she passed. “Just stick with it. We’ll figure this out, I promise.”
He was sure she wanted them to figure this out. She might even believe that they’d do it. But belief in a thing didn’t make it reality. He needed to keep pushing. This was no time to sit back and take things easy. He smiled back, nodding, and stood. “I’m off, then.”
“Be safe,” Aloe murmured as he strode by.
He just kept walking, head held as high as he could, until he was out of the Dragon and alone again.
Aloe turned on her heel, giving the floor a long look. The sun was up and Rowen was off. The scholars would be able to help him. The question was, how fast? Would they be able to make a breakthrough soon?
She tried to keep her mind from scrolling through the calendar left to them. It wasn’t enough for them to solve Rowen’s mystery by the deadline—if they didn’t get back to Windscour in time to declare their progress to Envoy Jaian, she’d run a real risk of getting herself in trouble with the crown. She could defend herself, but…she didn’t want to give them any excuse to declare the deal null and void.
Which meant she really, really needed Eswit to get to work, fast.
Sighing, she straightened. A trilling whistle slipped from her lips. All around the Dragon, candles ignited, turning the morning glow into a comfortable brightness. The shutters on the front windows flew open, and through them, she saw the sign out front drop into place.
Well, they were open for business. Overhead, the sunbirds raised their heads, starting to trill amongst themselves.
“Don’t make yourselves trouble,” she said, giving the big guy at the group’s center a warning look and a pointed finger.
He only chirped at her, hopping to the side. She heard one of the eaves windows creak open, followed by the flapping of wings. Several of the others followed suit, vanishing into the outside world.
“Fine,” Aloe muttered, shaking her head. “Come back in time for dinner or you’re not getting any.” It didn’t worry her too much. Most of the dens had access to an exit if they wanted it, and all of them knew the signal for when she was packing up. There shouldn’t be too much danger toward them in a deeproads town like this.
She was just reaching her chair behind the counter when the door swung open again. “Forget something?” she said, turning back.
Her eyes widened at the sight of a woman striding through, short and sturdy with thick, curly red hair and a wide-brimmed hat whose colors had been bleached with too many hours in the sunlight. Pouches ringed the belt on her waist, hanging down almost to her knees.
“Pardon me,” the new woman said, her voice gruff. “Had a lad all but pounding down my door ‘bout some new shop in town.” She leaned her head back, fixing a look on Aloe from beneath the brim of her hat, and grinned. “Thinkin’ it’s ‘round the time I should see the place for myself.”
Just as she’d thought, then—this was Lanioch’s apothecary. Exactly the sort who might be interested in the goods she sold. Aloe smiled right back, bowing with careful, deliberate respect.
“Madam Healer, I believe I have exactly what you need,” she said. “Whatever that is.”
“We’ll see about that,” the apothecary said, turning toward the Dragon’s shelves with a brisk step.
Aloe’s grin only widened. She wasn’t put off by the woman’s air and attitude, no. She’d expected this. The bargaining was the best part—and out of everyone in the town, this was likely to be her primary customer.
The game had just begun.
It was early enough in the morning for there to still be dew on the grass when he crossed over into Emerald Hills, but the lab was already bustling. The secretary Aloe had talked to before perked up at the sight of him, beckoning him over. She didn’t try to speak to him, though. Maybe she was too busy. Maybe he was just the human and didn’t rate a little morning chitchat. Hell, maybe she didn’t even speak English.
He let her usher him into the same lab room he’d been in before. It was just like he remembered it—but this time, there’d been a huge magic circle like something out of Fullmetal Alchemist scrawled all over the floor. There were tiny detailed elements throughout it that looked like someone had painted in with a tiny, hair-thin brush. “Paint, hopefully,” he whispered, giving the thing a contemplative tap with his foot as the secretary walked across the room atop it. If he messed up all their hard work they just might kill him after all.
The circle didn’t budge. With one last shrug, Rowen steeled himself and followed after.
Note-Taker and Box-Holder were there, he saw with a grimace. Both lit up at the sight of him—but as they hurried toward him, he saw Note-Taker pull something from his pocket. A vial, filled with clear liquid.
“No,” Rowen said, taking a step back as the pair charged him. The rest of the researchers scattered around the lab looked up at the firmness in his voice, but he refused to let himself back down. “I’m not going to drug myself. It’s not necessary.”
“You must hold still,” Note-Taker said. “It will…” He scowled, chewing on his lips. “Difficult,” he said at last—and held the vial out again. “Take.”
“I’ll hold still,” Rowen said, shoving his hands resolutely in the pockets of his jeans. God, he felt out of place here dressed like a normal person when they were all wearing their fantasy getups. “I’m not taking it.”
Note-Taker grimaced. He glanced to Box-holder, who shrugged.
Rowen stiffened as the two started talking in Ereliit. “And you can’t keep everything secret from me this time,” he said. “You have to tell me what you’re figuring out about me. That was the deal.”
The two erelin men looked back to him, and now the disdain in Note-Taker’s expression was clear. “No time,” he said. “We will handle. Sit.”
“Yes, there damn well is time,” Rowen snapped. “Look, you’ve got two choices here. You can either tell me what you’re learning or I’m not going to cooperate. Okay?”
He watched Note-Taker’s nostrils flare. The man was positively glaring down the length of his nose at Rowen now. “You are not-”
“We had a deal,” Rowen said. “With your boss. D’you think that Lord Eswit guy is going to like it if you drive me and Aloe away?” He jerked his chin higher, matching the asshole glare for glare. “All I’m asking is for you to talk to me.”
Box-Holder muttered something under his breath, still in that stupid language of theirs. But before Rowen could launch into them again, Note-Taker let out a groan. “Agreed,” he said, sounding like he didn’t agree at all.
He’d at least said the word, though. And he did still need their help to get some answers. So Rowen just nodded, letting the two men guide him to the center of the magic circle, and steeled himself for what came next.
By the end of it, Rowen understood why Note-Taker had wanted to drug him.
He didn’t have a clue what they were doing. He’d tried to watch and pay attention, but there was only so much he could do. He was plunked down cross-legged at the very center of the whole arrangement, with Eswit’s mages around the outer ring with their wands and staves. Every time they raised their implements, the circle under his ass started to glow with a frankly-worrying intensity.
And then the deluge would begin. Fireballs. Lightning bolts. Whirlwinds that whipped around him and blew his hair all astray. Bits of free energy, and shrieking rips of pure noise, and gouts of water that drenched his sweatshirt. He tried to stay still through all of it, gripping the insides of his sweatshirt pocket and closing his eyes against the worst of the onslaught. He’d promised Note-Taker he could manage.
But Christ it was hard. Sweat drenched his undershirt, and however strong his resolve had been at the start, he was mortified to find he was starting to shake a little.
All of the fear vanished when, with one last crackle of energy, the latest barrage faded—and the mages all turned away from him. “Is that it?” Rowen whispered.
Note-Taker was in the back of the room, scrawling away madly on a clipboard. The other mages were starting to encircle him, Rowen saw. And they looked excited. Bingo.
Legs still quivering beneath him, Rowen stood, banging his fists into his thighs until the tingling went away. “What is it? What did you find?”
The scholar closest to him glanced over, but turned back to the others just as quickly. None of the rest even bothered to look.
Note-Taker was beaming, though, and Box-Holder’s eyes damn near sparkled. Rowen’s anger deepened. They’d found something.
“Hey,” he snapped, striding closer. “What’d you-”
Note-Taker raised a hand, gesturing dismissively in his direction. A pair of the scholars turned, moving to block his way, but Rowen had expected that. Darting to the side, he ducked between a pair of Orran women—and snatched the clipboard out of Note-Taker’s hands.
You’d think the guy had never been bullied in school. He was slow to react, hands closing around open air for a second before he lunged. “Fucking-”
“Oh, so you do know some actual words,” Rowen said. He kept backstepping, circling the room until the exit was square behind him. “Look. You told me you’d talk. That’s all I want here.”
Note-Taker’s face contorted with anger. “Give it-”
“No,” Rowen said, holding the clipboard up and away from the Orran’s reach. “Just tell me what you guys found out, and I’ll give it back.”
Otherwise,” Rowen said, taking another step backward, “I’m going to take this back to Aloe to see what it says. And I won’t be coming back tomorrow.”
He waited, counting the seconds. The scholars had all frozen somewhere in the middle of his escapade, glancing at each other with worried eyes.
This was all a risk. He knew that. He needed these guys as much as they needed him—but maybe a little reminder that he could just pick up and go if they refused to play ball would do the trick. So he waited, eyes glued to Note-Taker’s face and nerves twitching for the slightest sign of counterattack.
Finally, the man scowled, letting out an irritated grunt. “Testing passive resonance,” he said gruffly.
“And?” Rowen said. “What’d you find?”
“Response value of five,” Note-Taker said. He spat the words out, then thrust his hand toward Rowen. “Give.”
“What’s that mean?” Rowen said. “Passive resonance. What is that? And what’s it mean that-”
“Did not promise tutoring,” the man hissed. He jabbed his hand forward again. “Give.
“Okay,” Rowen said. “Fine.” He’d gotten the important bits. Passive resonance, and it spat back a five. Passive resonance, five. Passive resonance, five. As long as he could get that back to Aloe, she’d be able to translate.
He slapped the clipboard down into Note-Taker’s outstretched hand. “Here. That’s all I wanted. Are we done for the day?”
The pair of head researchers glared at him, lips tight, but turned almost immediately back to their own work. One by one heads around the room swiveled away from him.
Guess that was his answer. Rowen shook his head, grumbling a little to himself, but made for the door.
Time to figure out what all the fuss was about.
submitted by Inorai to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:11 DarkestSurface Do I have hypomania?!

I have been in and out of SSRIs for a year almost due to mental health problems, I have now on Setraline after using it for 1.5months noticed something weird.
I have these uncontrollable moodswings, I can be incredibly happy for a couple of hours or a day or so, and I mean I have a confidence boost by 1000%, strength boost 1000% what it feels like. I aldo tend to see much clearer and the colours are much more clear, music to my ears is much more nice and I generally speak and laugh more.
But then it goes back, Im myself but a little down, I dont enjoy anything, im constantly tired, never sleep enough. And then theres another phase.
Now this phase can come out of nowhere, it can last for an hour up to days, in this phase it feels like a huge tsunami of dread and darkness just came washing up on me like literally. In this phase i’m so derealized I start microhallucinating like stars. Everything is so much more blurry and it feels like I see the world through a shitty camera lens. I get much more upset and how angry I become over the dumbest things is really strange like I miss a bus and I run in the middle of the road to stop it, it doesnt stop and I destroy a stop sign while screaming, I overthink a lot, like a lot lot, I convince myself that my girlfriend cheats in the most dumbest ways and I believe them, anything she or anyone else does just gets me so upset.
I also have physical pains but thats just due to anxiety, I lose much more hair, part of that is that I have alopecia areata, but I havent lost so much hair in a long time, the stress is building up on me and it feels like im slowly touching grip of reality.
I also had a drug related psychosis around 2-3months ago that scarred me, that shit was the worst thing in my life like litteraly.
I just want some saying from you guys if you have experienced the same, is this hypomania or what you call it, is this normal should I check this out?
submitted by DarkestSurface to bipolar [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:10 jiba124 Golf Coaching / Fitting / Shops (Don't fall for the same things as me)

Background : I've been playing for about 2.5 years (38 years old now), shooting in the low to mid 80s. Decent knowledge about clubs. I've had about 6 different sets of clubs from different fittings done at club champion, PGA superstore, Golf Galaxy, Local course, and original sets bought on facebook marketplace and finessed by my first coach/teacher. (Northern California)
I've also spent over 10k on lessons from pretty much all the coaches from local golf course. Local coaches I've found online, coaching from golf shops, you name it. I wanted to improve fast.
So this is my rant, I feel like as a player, everyone here is to exploit and make their living from a game we love. A breakdown of each topic below.
submitted by jiba124 to golf [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:10 Paris1098 Marybeth!

We know you’re reading this and that’s a good thing. You took our advice to avoid using campground water for drinking and eating. Good Job 👍🏻
I almost puked watching you using your bare hands to hook up the septic. That’s disgusting 🤮. Go to Walmart and get some disposable gloves 🧤.
And don’t put your water hose on the ground when the end isn’t attached: I can guarantee you there’s pee and poop everywhere!
Remember that bug you couldn’t identify? How about snap a pic then have Kelbee search on the internet 🛜 Another missed opportunity to really learn things.
Again stop staging the videos, it’s obvious and crappy to watch. You tell K to use that sentence marker under the sentence which is wrong. That’s the whole point of it. Then you realize that, right? That tells the viewers you never used it.
Poor Batman, did you leave the AC on while in the Museum for an hour? Bet you didn’t. Please teach that child how to pronounce “R”. You need to work on that now so she doesn’t grow up talking like a baby.
I suggest you go back to basics with Math. She doesn’t know what 9 + 1 is 🙄.
Go get gloves Mary! I want to see them in your next video.
submitted by Paris1098 to MarybethMarr2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:10 Ordinary_Turn_9727 Suggest me Phone under both 40k Rs. and 25k Rs.category

My current phn RealMe GT Master edition. Due to persistent Green line issue and may be some water gets inside ..it got damaged So I want to buy a new phone
I thought if I buy a 38-40k range phn ,it'll last for may be 5-6 year. But one of my brother suggested just go with 20-25k range phn .. anyhow you'll change phones in every 2.5-3 year . So money-time wise it's better.Cz two 20k phn lasting 3 year each with new upgrades modifications little better than 40k phn with old upgrades( It could be a very dumb analogy of him😅, but I'm considering it)
So without getting much into the reason. I want you guys to suggest me Phones under 40k & 25k range Criteria: camera quality can be average I don't mind. But It shouldn't lag .a decent processor cz I play BGMI, COD (max 1-1.5 hour a day) and fast charging.( And please no greenline shit so avoid RealMe and OnePlus)
I'm also researching and end up considering some options...
I .40k rupees range , 1. Nothing 2 ( personal favourite, but no android 17 upgrade so what's the point giving 40k and getting till A16 upgrade...as I want to use it for long time)
  1. OnePlus 12r (Greenline issue.. everything else fine ... Still it's a big no due to that line thing.. open to hear other perspective)
  2. Samsung S23 fe ( Great phn but lagging issue , heating issue, charging didn't long last{not sure} )
If you've any other phn suggestions within this price range or may be out of these 3 .. please suggest
Also Suggest me Phn under 25k price range
Some of my picks
.1 nothing 2A ( but very new , any suggestions?)
  1. Motorola Edge 50 fusion (16th May will release, not sure how it ends up to be .. so no matter how good it is, but at first go I'm not gonna take the risk to buy)
Any other suggestions or out of these 2 would be appreciated
***** suggest me one phone each from both category. With a good processor, no lagg, fast charging and may be some other criteria I should consider!!!! Any suggestions would be helpful (Camera could be average, doesn't matter much)
submitted by Ordinary_Turn_9727 to PickAnAndroidForMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:10 TheNeighbourist Extremely quiet recording off one mic. Trying to figure out if its me or if there is a problem with the equipment.

I am trying to record a live performance of me playing acoustic and singing for video (recorded independently) and everything I record comes out extremely quiet.
I've recorded just my voice with the microphone right in front of my face to see if it was a distance thing but it still sounds very quiet. I turned the input all the way up on my interface and its a little better on volume but still quiet but not it also sounds terrible.
I am pretty new to this so I am not sure where to begin with trouble shooting the issue.
I am using an AT2020 plugged into input 1 of a Steinberg UR22mkII that connects to my laptop through USB 2.0. I am using cakewalk as the DAW.
Edit: I forgot to mention the +48v switch is on
submitted by TheNeighbourist to WeAreTheMusicMakers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:09 buck3m Paddle to the Arctic Ocean

Last summer I spent 2 1/2 months paddling the Mackenzie River system. I saw wolves and musk oxen and more. Here's a highlight video. Please check it out!
submitted by buck3m to Kayaking [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:09 Easy-Horse-2791 Unsure if I should be an Indie Game Developer as Career or Biologist

TL;DR (18m) I was planning on going to college for game development but I don't think I want a career in that. I just want to do my own thing and hopefully get big. Biology seems cool.
I want to be an independent game developer. I have my own game idea and I'm really passionate about it. I’d make it even if I couldn’t make money off of it. It has a bunch of creatures based on real life biology, it's called speculative evolution. Kinda like Subnautica or James Cameron’s Avatar. Like alien animals and aren’t just monsters. I animate all the characters and creatures and want the game to have a hand drawn style like Hollow Knight.
Due to my interest in video games and digital arts / animation, I applied to an art school with a game design major, within walking distance from my high school. I visited it during my art classes and found the environment inviting. There were nice studio spaces and the students there looked really fun to be around. The Game Design professor was really nice to listen to during the Open House. All these together, alongside transportation issues led me to tunnel vision into this school. When I got the financial aid package, I started rethinking the idea of going. I assumed it would cover most of the cost since my family is low income and I have a lot of siblings. The school seems really nice but I don’t want to have 100K in student loans.
I didn’t apply anywhere else until recently. This year's FAFSA was delayed by a lot which made applying to other schools a bit tricky. I got accepted into a state school which offers more stuff too.
All the game developer layoffs and crunch time stuff, I don’t really think I want to do that. I of course want to make my own game. Like alone, in an apartment or my own little studio space or something. Being able to be a concept artist would be awesome, but it’s like super competitive and there’s also AI image generation. (eww I hate that) It’s scary good now, imagine how good it’ll be in 4 years when I graduate. Working on other people’s games would be cool, I guess. That’s not why I want to learn this stuff. I just want to do my own thing
Also looking at the art college’s class lineup, they don’t have anything not related to art. I like biology, paleontology and other earth sciences because I do lots of worldbuilding. I don’t get bored in stem classes like I imagine a lot of art school students do.
I’ve been thinking about a lot of other careers.
Dental Hygienists seem to make a lot of dollars without flexible hours, but I’ve also heard they have wrist pain which would make it really hard to draw.
Software Engineering is alright. Like I can tolerate it, but without the lens of video games, I don’t really care for it. The coding part of video games is not my spark, it’s more the artistic creative side. Also I hear that’s like the most overcrowded major everywhere. I know people who love coding like how I love paleontology, just researching it for fun.
Being a TV show animator seems really similar to being in a game developer studio. I also think I’d have to move to California or something. I don’t really want to move that far away.
Architecture seems kinda cool. I just heard you have to love it because you work overtime a lot and would get paid more for your effort in other fields.
Having some sort of biology job would be really cool. I’m not sure exactly what they do though. Again I saw you have to love it because it’s hard to find a job without a masters degree.
My art teacher is really proud of my work so far and it makes me happy. I will say though, considering something else as a career has made thinking about it so much less stressful. It can just be something cool I do and if it gets big, I don’t have to work anymore. Yahoo. I could also put hobbyist instead of professional in my bio, which looks cooler to me.
Working a trade sounds sucky because I’ve helped my friend at his family business at a warehouse once. It was okay but I don’t want to do that for a living. Lifting heavy stuff and getting kinda hurt. No thanks.
Also I’m aware I simplify a bit when talking about competition and stuff. The idea is that entry level jobs would be hard to get and those don’t really pay that well and I don’t want to feel like I wasted a college degree. I could be being dumb about AI image generation but any professional art people can let me know.
You can read about my student loan worries here here
And I can link to my itch.io for my 1 minute game prototypes if anyone is interested. My 2D Platformers with Krita Animations
Anyway what I’m asking for is your thoughts because I’m not knowledgeable here. Anyone with a biology degree, experience in the jobs I listed or whatever else (I don’t know, it’s why I am asking)
submitted by Easy-Horse-2791 to findapath [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:08 Real-Mall-9632 Really need some advice/opinions on what I should do

Might be a bit long but I want to explain all the details so people can understand and answer better
Currently on about month 7 of a flair of mild-moderate pancolitis. This is my first diagnosed flair as I had UC symptoms in 2022 but they weren’t bad enough to effect my quality of life and I just ignored it and everything cleared up on its own in a few months. Fast forward to this year, another flair started in November, colonoscopy in February, started mesalamine which maybe helped 25% but didn’t provide further relief after a few weeks and was prescribed a 20 day prednisone taper starting at 20mg. I felt great during this time, about 75% back to normal, but as I tapered off symptoms returned. This led to me switching to Humira. I just finished my second “loading” dose last week and start the 40mg maintenance doses a week from today. So in total have been on Humira about 3 weeks and was told by GI to discontinue mesalamine once I started 40mg Humira. I seem to feel a little better the days after the injections which could just be placebo but still suffering from bad urgency, occasional blood, loose stool, and going about 10x/day
In all honesty I am miserable. This disease has destroyed my quality of life. I know Humira takes time, but I lost my patience and asked my GI for another taper of Prednisone. The same 20mg/20 day taper to take in the mean time while waiting for Humira to kick in. I have yet to start the taper, but this brings me to the main point of this post…
I leave for a week long trip to Costa Rica in about 3 1/2 weeks. Car rides, plane rides, traveling, etc. Everything this disease goes against. I don’t want to rely on Imodium during the trip and I don’t want to feel miserable. My question is… do I hold onto this prednisone taper and wait until around the trip to take it if I’m still flaring?? I hate the drug but it’s the only thing that noticeably helped. Or do I take it now and hope it kicks me into remission and Humira kicks in to keep me there? I am just miserable right now and start a new job next week which I know will lead to more problems, but the last thing I want is for this trip to be ruined by this disease and having to take Imodium daily to feel somewhat normal. Also, what are your guys experience with Humira? How long does it take to really kick in?
In summary, do I tough it out now and save my prednisone for the trip in case I’m still flaring, or start it now and hope I’m in remission the week of the trip with fingers crossed that Humira kicks in by then???
Thank you all.
submitted by Real-Mall-9632 to UlcerativeColitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:08 theonlymom Writers Guild Presents: "Stunning View" by LaudaddySmitten (theonlymom)

Stunning View

CW/TW: Canon-typical substance use- laudanum (but NO dub con); Rated Explicit (later chapters)
Summary Edinburgh, 1827 (end of “The Resurrectionists” minisode)
When Hell fails to notice Crowley’s Very Good Deed, he is left in an Edinburgh graveyard trying to navigate a world tilted by laudanum. Fortunately for him, Aziraphale has no intention of leaving him to fend for himself. And Crowley's compromised brain-to-mouth filter leads to a far more enjoyable evening than they expect.
Excerpt (you guys get a longer excerpt than tumblr, congrats lol) Crowley’s attention zeroed in on some words Aziraphale had just said that Crowley particularly liked, which were “come here”. He sauntered the long distance to Aziraphale, with an exaggerated sway to his hips, until he slammed into something, probably a tree. Blinking several times, he looked for the tree but only saw Aziraphale.
“Oh! Hellooooo”, he said while holding onto Aziraphale's shoulders to steady himself.
“Sorry ‘bout that, thought you were a tree.”
Aziraphale tutted. “Your depth perception is off, dear boy, and you can hardly keep upright. We must get you a place to rest until you've regained full use of your faculties. Allow me to help you.”
Crowley stared at Aziraphale through a long, drunken pause during which his brain's temporal lobe made an admirable effort to process words. It was mostly unsuccessful, but it could hardly be blamed for the visual cortex hogging all of Crowley's attention.
“You're so lovely!” He loudly blurted out with a toothy grin, before continuing. “You're like…glowy. Twinkly? No, 'bright’, probably. Oh I know the word- beautiful! You're beautiful. Beautiful Angel. Oh! And when you smile like that it's even better!”
Continue Reading on AO3
Artwork was done for this fic by Lex Arturo! Isn't it awesome!?
Thanks to my many betas! Main beta team: Olfactory Ventriloquism, u/happynachohologram u/Outrageous_Ring_5655
Astrophysics beta: u/Nosferatini
Chapter 1: u/fishey_me, u/SouthernFriedAmy, u/KotiasCamorra, u/likeafuckingninja, u/Yes-its-unholy, u/millship, u/Grouchy-Spare8611, u/ghst_signal
Also thanks to u/Bea-N-Art for the inspiring Laudaddy portrait I've been obsessed with since she made it
submitted by theonlymom to GoodOmensAfterDark [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:08 Alone-End-202 A+ Network+ Security+ Linux+ Cloud+ PenTest+ CSA+ ITF+, Server+, Project+, CTT+ CASP+ CySA+ Helper online Reddit Pay someone to take my Comptia exam Reddit CompTIA A guaranteed pass Reddit CompTIA A guaranteed pass Cost Reddit CompTIA A guaranteed pass Answers Reddit Proctored Exam Reddit

If you are unable to Handle your Comptia Certification Exam, get paid help from Online Helpers at Hiraedu!
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Ultimate Guide to CompTIA Certification Study Resources: Prepare for Online Exams with Confidence
CompTIA certifications are a great way to kickstart or advance your IT career. With a wide range of certifications available, it can be overwhelming to know where to start studying. In this blog, we'll provide a comprehensive guide to CompTIA certification study resources, helping you prepare for online exams with confidence.
CompTIA Certification Levels:
Before we dive into study resources, let's quickly cover the three main levels of CompTIA certifications:
  1. Core Certifications: Entry-level certifications covering IT fundamentals, such as A+, Network+, and Security+.
  2. Specialty Certifications: Mid-level certifications focusing on specific areas like cybersecurity, data analytics, and cloud computing.
  3. Professional Certifications: Advanced certifications for experienced professionals, such as CASP+ and PenTest+.
Study Resources:

Official CompTIA Resources:

  1. CompTIA Learning and Training: Download practice questions, exam objectives, and study guides.
  2. Certification Study Guides and Books: CompTIA offers study guides in both ebook and print formats.
  3. Online Learning Platform: Interactive online courses and study materials.

Free Study Resources:

  1. CompTIA Free Practice Tests: Get free practice test questions for CompTIA certification exams.
  2. Reddit Study Groups: Join online communities, like , to connect with others studying for the exam.
  3. YouTube Study Channels: Channels like Professor Messer and CompTIA offer video study materials.

Paid Study Resources:

  1. Udemy Courses: Comprehensive online courses covering various CompTIA certifications.
  2. Pluralsight: Interactive online courses and study materials.
  3. Study Guides and Books: Third-party study guides and books from publishers like Wiley and Sybex.

Additional Tips:

  1. Make a study plan: Set aside dedicated time to study and review material.
  2. Practice, practice, practice: The more you practice, the more confident you'll feel on exam day.
  3. Use flashcards: Flashcards can help you memorize key terms and concepts.
  4. Join online communities: Connect with others studying for the exam to stay motivated and get help when needed.
Preparing for CompTIA certification exams requires dedication and the right study resources. By leveraging official CompTIA resources, free study materials, and paid study resources, you'll be well on your way to passing your exam and advancing your IT career. Remember to stay focused, practice regularly, and join online communities for support. Good luck on your exam!
Additional Resources:
submitted by Alone-End-202 to CompTIA_ [link] [comments]
