How to get rid of trapped air in chest

TrueOffMyChest, a place for people who need to speak their mind

2013.10.21 08:59 chupacabra_whiskey TrueOffMyChest, a place for people who need to speak their mind

A place to get personal things off your chest. Not for opinions, not for relationship advice, and not for preaching.

2010.04.15 01:59 astonsilicon United States Air Force Reddit

Community for current and past members of the US Air Force.

2008.01.25 05:02 Productivity

Tips and tricks for being more productive!

2024.05.16 17:21 CardiologistAny3576 One year postpartum & seeking advice for my partner with ADHD

So, yes, I'm an outsider. I don't have adhd, but, oh, boy, does my husband. He has adhd, dsps (Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome), and Bipolar ii. He's medicated, has a counselor, is constantly seeking new solutions (shout out to blue light blocking glasses & light therapy glasses), and just generally tries really hard.
That said, as his partner, I've been the one to wake up every day with our daughter for a year. If I ask him to watch her so I can shower, clean, or, ya know, breathe, he obliges, but quickly gets distracted or hyperfocused & she ends up wandering back to me.
He is our household breadwinner, so I obviously super appreciate him for that! But I do also work, and do the vast majority of housework, and am the primary caregiver for our daughter.
I guess: I 1000% believe all of his struggles & I generally try to be as compassionate, understanding, & supportive as I can be. But I want to shower more than three times a week. I want to have maybe an hour a week to myself to read or freaking scroll social media (typing this while my daughter's trapped in her high chair eating breakfast lol) or just be silent & still.
How can I speak to my husband and/or help him to be a more involved dad? He adores our daughter & is so sweet with her, but I'm definitely with her 85%+ of the time.
TLDR How do I help my adhd husband be a more attentive, involved dad?
submitted by CardiologistAny3576 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:18 Puzzleheaded_Tip0 Confession of a survivor of sexual violence (or not?)

So.Okay. This is my first post on reddit. I didn’t think that I would ever go from a faceless observer to a person who talks about his problems. I would also like to say that English is not my native language, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes.
Honestly, I don’t know why I’m writing all this. Why am I deciding to tell you. Is it because I want to speak out, or because I want support and advice, or maybe all together? In fact, I’m just tired.
My story is sure not new. It is not long. Not shocking. Perhaps this cannot even be called sexual violence, or violence as such. However, after so many years, I am returning to that horror again. Again I cannot sleep and think adequately. It feels like all the life has been sucked out of me again.
This happened when I was either 7 or 8 years old. I don’t even remember now. We then lived in a rural area, and due to the lack of peers, my best friend was an adult girl who lived next door. I don’t remember how old she was either. Then, at that moment, she felt like she was quite an adult. At least 17 years old. Now, rationally, I would give her about 14-15. I was a rather lonely child. I often tried to be away from home because of my tyrant stepfather who lived with us at that time. To put it mildly, he didn’t like me.
I spent almost all my time with this girl, let's call her Kate. We went to school together, and I often went to visit her. Her family was also not very prosperous. Her mother, who often drank and was away from home, her father, whom I saw only once, and her great-grandmother, who lay practically dead in the same place. Motionless, like a statue.
One day Kate asked me what I knew about porn. I was confused to say the least. It's not like anyone had told me about it before.
Having heard my answer, she promised to educate me on this matter, because I am “already such a grown-up girl” and should be cool. And all the cool girls watch and know what porn is.
I, not really understanding what this meant, agreed with her. After which Kate called me once again to her home.
I don’t remember what happened during those couple of hours that I sat with her. Now only sketchy pictures of my “enlightenment” are being reproduced in my head. Dozens of videos of a cruel nature, with elements of rape and torture. Masturbating Kate, whose face certainly showed excitement, her laughter in response to my horror. I remember that I begged her to stop. I begged her to let me go home. However, she only said, “You want to be cool and grown up?” including another video. So we sat there for about an hour or two. I don’t remember my trip home, nor do I remember the feelings.
Since then and to this day, I have an ambivalent relationship with sex and porn. I hate them with all my soul. But I also often catch masochistic and sadistic fantasies. Sometimes I act as the victim of these swarms. Sometimes I act as the punisher. These thoughts often don’t leave my head. And I understand that they are unhealthy. However, I just can’t get rid of them. I often suffer from nightmares. I hate when people touch me and any hint of intimacy. However, in contrast to this, this destructive crap still lives in my soul. Sometimes I have hallucinations. I wouldn’t say that this is the most shocking event in my life. No, I’ve seen all sorts of crap. However, to this day, shame lives inside me for what happened and is happening. self-hatred and misunderstanding what the hell happened. I wouldn’t call it sexual violence. Still, in my case, they just forced me to watch a couple of videos. So why can’t I still let this go? Why can’t I still tell anyone? I don’t know.
Thank you for listening to me. While writing this text, I felt a little bit better
submitted by Puzzleheaded_Tip0 to u/Puzzleheaded_Tip0 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:18 LastKardax Reflecting on Novelty and Design in TFT Sets: Insights and Thoughts on the Past and Future. (From a nobody's perspective)

Hey everyone! I'm a TFT streamer and Competitive player, hit challenger every set since 4 (not this set! I'll tell you why). I've never posted on Reddit, but I felt like I had too many things I wanted to break down and have a conversation about. These thoughts were just too much for a Twitter post, and I'm really curious to hear how everyone else in the community feels :)!
Disclaimer: I love everyone at the TFT team, and have immense respect for everyone on it, and I know for a fact they all strive to make a product they are proud of. This post is out of love for the game.
  1. Novelty in TFT / Set Mechanics: Regarding Novelty in TFT / Set Mechanics: In recent sets, it's clear that the TFT team is determined to create unique and memorable moments for players, which I appreciate. However, in their pursuit of these moments, they seem to have lost sight of the essence that made TFT so magical from the start.
We can all agree that Set 10 was a huge breath of fresh air coming off the turbo-boring set that was 9.5 where everyone equipped URF legend and popped tome 2-1 and prayed. Set 10 is, in my opinion, one of the greatest sets ever designed. Everything aligned perfectly and harmoniously (music pun!), the unit and trait design was near flawless, the set mechanic was a huge upgrade to Set 4/4.5's Chosen mechanic, and the 5 Costs really did feel like premium units. It was a homerun for TFT. (The numbers show that too for all you numbers people)
Moving on from 10 and coming into 11. It was glaring to me that in an attempt to reach the destination of creating novel moments in TFT they took the wrong road. Encounters might just be one of the worst types of game mechanics to ever exist (second only to shadow items). It's a disaster lottery draw every single time it shows up that you dread won't destroy the path that you calculated was the most optimal path based on what you've gotten so far in terms of units, items, augments, etc... The main reason why Encounters are bad game design is because they take away player agency in an unhealthy way. That doesn't mean that there can't be potential encounter type mechanics that borrow player agency that are healthy. It just means this one is bad. It's a lot of quantity over quality and it leaves the player in this weird middle-ground where they're not too impactful to create a sense of excitement and awe when they pop up, but they're just useful enough to be extremely annoying when they don't benefit you at all, and accelerate other people's boards. (Obviously this isn't ALL encounters, but definitely most)
  1. Unit and Trait design: Set 11 brings some of the most lackluster / boring feeling units and traits I've ever had the un-pleasure of playing. If you named all your favorite TFT units / Traits of all time do you think any of set 11's Units / Traits would make it into your S-Tier category? (Maybe Lissandra, but she's just a worse Set 6 Tahm Kench lets be real) and apart from the idea behind Exalted (It needs more work, but can be an amazing way of introducing infinite comps) not much in Set 11 stands out to me on that front. I'll delve deeper into a few things I don't want to bloat this post, but just know there's a lot more. Kayle is one of, if not the worst summon unit we've ever had in TFT. The idea behind build your own summon unit is fantastic and I genuinely hope they give this another go, but the execution was suboptimal at best. Sets 3 / 4 / 6 / 10 All had extremely life-like and memorable summons Giant Mech Garen that thrusts down sword into the arena, Giant Galio slamming into the arena and punching units to death, Bears and dragons to buff your team and fight alongside you, and even a Hecarim that gallops onto your board and buffs your team and slashes enemies. Summoned units SHOULD feel, sound, and look impactful, and not act like any unit I could buy from the store. Or else they just end up being a glorified 2 cost. Stats aside (I love stats, but this post isn't about them), my primary aim is to ensure a fun game before delving into statistical analysis. Kayle feels like a filler unit that you mostly just plop in the back and forget about, doesn't do much unless you hit the crazy (mostly unobtainable) 10 Piece trait. Speaking of unobtainable traits. It seems to me the TFT team has come up with this bandage solution of gatekeeping a lot of really fun and exciting moments behind these extremely hard-to-obtain 9-10 Piece traits. We've never had this issue in TFT; why are we now gatekeeping a lot of the exciting moments behind 100+ hours of playtime. You can tone down a lot of the exciting moments, and still keep them accessible, but challenging to obtain. You've done this for the longest time; why fix something that isn't broken. Personally, I think there needs to be a revaluation of what makes a Set engaging and fun, and what players really want to see and play around with for hundreds of hours way before you start delving into the mindset of "How do we add as much divergence, nuance, and novelty". Those roads can meet and intertwine, but they aren't the same road.
  2. Items, Augments, and Orbs!: Items - Here's a little brain exercise for everyone, what would happen in TFT if we removed all item components, and strictly dropped only Ornn anvils all game? (Take a minute to think before you click the spoiler!) If you guessed it would ensue chaos, bugs, and a balancing nightmare. OR be a hell of a lot of fun! you'd be correct both ways! (New portal idea!/s) Luckily for us, that isn't the case. However, I do think we've reached a point with items where we're too comfortable with what they wish to achieve on units, and this creates a dynamic where TFT units are always being designed with items in mind, and how the items would make the unit work. Rather than creating fun and engaging units in a vacuum and worrying about the items later. It's a scary prospect to experiment with the tried and true (Think back to Set 7 when they made Rage-wing trait experimenting with units that had a different fuel source than mana, but it was a total miss or when they created the dreaded Shadow items), but it's just food for thought. Just because you didn't get it right once, doesn't mean the idea is flawed, just means you didn't get it right that one time. A time where you definitely did get it right however, is Radiant items Look how those turned out! Some of the most beloved items of all time. This is sort of what they wanted to achieve with the new expansion to the Ornn anvil items, and support items. It's definitely a step in the right direction, but can definitely be explored more.
Augments - Augments really was a happy little accidental shift in TFT's life cycle. They created the perfect concoction of how to add an almost infinite amount of variability to a game that was missing just that. (Which also adds to why Encounters are redundant and frustrating) Since then they've time and time again created really fun and engaging augments each set, that without I'm almost certain TFT wouldn't be as popular as it is. Please keep doing this, this is really good. Another little thought exercise before we continue. What would happen if most of the Encounters were just turned into Augments instead? (Think a little before you click spoiler!) If You guessed it would just create a healthier way of interacting with said encounters. You'd be correct!
If you're trying to create a new set mechanic (encounters) it shouldn't overlap with something that already exists that's just better than the new thing you're trying to create (augments). However, getting back on track. It does feel like things have gotten a little too comfortable in the Augment space, and feels like there hasn't been much room for innovative change. There's an untapped reservoir right in front of you of infinite variability at your disposal. Why aren't you experimenting harder, instead of looking for other means of adding variability that will always be suboptimal to the one you've already created almost 6 Sets ago...?
Soft Sample Examples: A new type of Augment called Radiant Augments that provide a wide range of very strong / borderline insane combinations of items and stats, but the catch is after every player combat if you lose you can choose if you want to swap your Radiant augment with the player you just faced. (Like multiple random hexes of strong stats, or 3 tailored Orrn items / Support items, or given 3 zephyrs and knowing who you're fighting next or given a 2Star-dragon that adopts your top-most trait?!) (The design space is infinite)
Orbs - Lastly, I'd like to talk about Orbs! Orbs are a lot better, good job! That's all I have to say :)!
Thank you for reading this far into my post if you have. Again, this comes from an immense love for the game and the people creating it. I have nothing but positive interactions with Mortdog on Twitter / Discord and would appreciate if you guys keep it civil and friendly :)! I really do have a lot more thoughts, and things I'd love to share, but I feel like I've already bloated this post a lot! (Assassins, Higher Cost units than 5, Midsets, system changes, loot management, meta knowledge, Portals etc..)
I've just been really bored playing this set, and that's the reason I've retired from seriously competing or climbing for this one set, and I'm very keen to read what other people have to say about my thoughts, and looking forward to discussing it thank you!
submitted by LastKardax to TeamfightTactics [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:17 aguynamedsly I can't seem to cope with my experiences, can anyone provide guidance?

Well, here I am. I've avoided sharing this for over a year, but I'm finding myself trapped - even though it seems like the strangeness has ended or gone covert - I can't seem to get past the experiences I had last year. I've held this all in since then, and it has to come out somehow.
It's really long. TLDR at the bottom.
February 2023
I picked a foolish battle with my employer - a large corporation known for poor ethics, corruption and crony capitalism. I went after them hard, determined to expose their wrongdoing, and got other ex-employees involved too. We went to the media, appeared on podcasts, but I was the one who took it too far. I flew too close to the sun and got myself in deep. My juvenile attempt at being some kind of brave robin hood hero got my colleagues and I tormented by private investigators. Everyone got followed, but only two of us seemed to have anomalous experiences, and I got the worst of it. They left my friends alone when they realized I was the one facillitating everything.
After being tailed home at 4am one morning, I immediately bought security cameras and set them up. You'd think I would've got the message and backed off, but I was angry over my privacy being invaded, and felt security with the support of my colleagues. I was determined to defend what I believed in, and I resented their brazen harassment and intimidation; it was clear they didn't mind using resources to spy on me. Maybe I shouldn't have spied on them.
There's a whole lot more to that nightmare, but I'm not posting this on whistleblowers; I'm here for a reason. Because I can't think of anywhere else to get the answers I'm seeking. I need help, and I want to talk to experiencers who can help me make sense of what happened, hell, I'll even settle for advice on moving forward, and getting the past shit out of my head.
I started noticing anomalies on the cameras I set up. It was strange and got my attention, but very subtle at first; it was more confusing than anything. I should mention my lifelong interest in aliens and UAP, quite literally as long as I can remember; but that interest dwindled after my teen years. I'm almost 30 and have real life shit to worry about, clearly.
Not even a month later, things were getting weird. I saw orbs split in two and three, merge back together and go right through solid objects. Right in front of my house. This kind of activity began happening more frequently (or I became more aware), until one night I noticed a drone-like object following my car. I went home, and sure enough, it stopped over the street in front of my house. I realized this must be something supernatural, as it was similar strangeness to what I saw on my cameras. Splitting apart, dramatic color shifts, and just plain bizarreness.
I left for work the next morning, it was still dark, and the orb was still following me from a distance; it wasn't too close, but it definitely wasn't far either - it just seemed like it was continuosly locked onto me. By this point, I'm getting concerned, and as a heroic whistleblower committed to getting to the bottom of anything and everything, I investigated. I realized these things really were following me. So I started documenting. They would come out of nowhere and into my field of view. I'd be laying in bed, watching TV, and an orb would float between a small gap in the curtains where it was obvious and I couldn't ignore it. I remember feeling disoriented if I stared at it too long.
By now I'm pretty worried about these ongoing events, but my curious cosmic side was intrigued. I didn't like what was happening, but I definitely found it fascinating and kind of cool. So I filmed. Every single day. I was followed by strange lights for six months straight, and it wasn't only happening at night.
I started seeing figures of light beings outside my house. Gray-type beings that looked like they were using magic or casting spells. I had never considered or believed in beings like this. I didn't really believe in demons, but that's the closest thing I can describe them as, like shapeshifting Jinn. But multiple types of entities, my house became a hotspot for strangeness I couldn't even fathom.
Many of the beings I filmed I noticed later when analyzing my videos. I would be filming one anomaly, focused on that, completely unaware of any activity right next to me. But I got better at picking them out over time. I was committed to studying my videos over and over, trying different color levels, shadows and contrast to better pick out the anomalies.
By now I had taken hundreds of videos on both my iPhone and security cams. I learned that my iPhone 14 had trouble capturing these things, even when they were stationary or nearby. My camera struggled to focus, and when I tried zooming in on an orb or entity, it would shoot my camera out of focus. I have some pretty cool shots of this happening. Whatever it was, it probably didn't care to be filmed. It was far too difficult to get a good shot. I have a solid phone model and was shooting in 4K; I would get a clear image, then try to focus on orbs/NHI, but end up with glitchy artifacts and static noise in my videos
I'll never forget the feelings and emotions I felt the next month. I was looking back at videos from April, and I found something I hadn't noticed from April 26-28. It looked like I was abducted. I filmed what looked like an arm come down from the trees, and it appeared to take me, or maybe take my 'astral' body? Then half of a gray's face briefly appeared in frame; it looks like the Gray on the cover of Communion.
The next video on my phone I didn't remember taking. Mere minutes later, it looks like I'm approaching a door I've never seen in my life, and my body goes right through it. Then I'm back in my house. Its a short three second clip, but it was definitive proof to me that I experienced high strangness, I just couldn't understand why. I still can't get it out of my head. Since then I've gone back and found more anomalies I had never noticed, and I'm really struggling with making sense of what may have happened. I don't get spooked easily, but I can't come to grips with this; I feel like I've been victimized, and I'm honestly traumatized just off the videos I took. I have no recollection of being taken or anything traumatizing happening. All I have to go off is what I captured, and the feelings I get every night when I go to sleep.
The blatant strangeness slowed down and had seemingly stopped by October, shortly after I retired from my whistleblower antics. The effects of whatever happened are with me every day. I think about it every day and night and fear it coming back. I wish I could have some level of closure, even if it isn't realistic.
Somebody here can help me. I'm certain the right person can make some degree of sense of the videos, and even a little bit of clarity would go a long way for me. What's more likely? Negative NHI harassing me for exposing corporate wrongdoing, or any NHI all of a sudden taking an interest in my everyday life? Is it possible for someone to weaponize paranormal forces against you? I truly don't know. I'm not satisfied with any of those possibilities.
The biggest thing I've grappled with is understanding the origins. Is it negative NHI being used against me? Could it be nefarious humans using advanced technology against me? Psychotronic weapons? How can you even differentiate?! I just can't tell. If you're an experiencer with an open mind and educated in different types of beings, please have a chat with me and look over my videos. I'd post them here but my house and my neighbors homes are visible in most of them. If you're just interested and want to take a look, I'll share a drive link with anyone, I just don't feel right posting these publicly yet.
Potentially harassed by negative NHI or advanced tech. Both are equally terrifying to me. Can't understand how or why this would happen. I'm seeking other experiencers with knowledge on different types of high strangess, anomolous beings/interdimensionals.
I have a bad feeling that somehow people are behind this.
Need guidance on moving forward if I can't find answers.
I have a bad feeling that somehow people did this to me. I really want to know if thats even possible. Thank you for reading :)
submitted by aguynamedsly to Experiencers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:17 aguynamedsly I can't seem to cope with my experiences, can anyone provide guidance?

Well, here I am. I've avoided sharing this for over a year, but I'm finding myself trapped - even though it seems like the strangeness has ended or gone covert - I can't seem to get past the experiences I had last year. I've held this all in since then, and it has to come out somehow.
It's really long. TLDR at the bottom.
February 2023
I picked a foolish battle with my employer - a large corporation known for poor ethics, corruption and crony capitalism. I went after them hard, determined to expose their wrongdoing, and got other ex-employees involved too. We went to the media, appeared on podcasts, but I was the one who took it too far. I flew too close to the sun and got myself in deep. My juvenile attempt at being some kind of brave robin hood hero got my colleagues and I tormented by private investigators. Everyone got followed, but only two of us seemed to have anomalous experiences, and I got the worst of it. They left my friends alone when they realized I was the one facillitating everything.
After being tailed home at 4am one morning, I immediately bought security cameras and set them up. You'd think I would've got the message and backed off, but I was angry over my privacy being invaded, and felt security with the support of my colleagues. I was determined to defend what I believed in, and I resented their brazen harassment and intimidation; it was clear they didn't mind using resources to spy on me. Maybe I shouldn't have spied on them.
There's a whole lot more to that nightmare, but I'm not posting this on whistleblowers; I'm here for a reason. Because I can't think of anywhere else to get the answers I'm seeking. I need help, and I want to talk to experiencers who can help me make sense of what happened, hell, I'll even settle for advice on moving forward, and getting the past shit out of my head.
I started noticing anomalies on the cameras I set up. It was strange and got my attention, but very subtle at first; it was more confusing than anything. I should mention my lifelong interest in aliens and UAP, quite literally as long as I can remember; but that interest dwindled after my teen years. I'm almost 30 and have real life shit to worry about, clearly.
Not even a month later, things were getting weird. I saw orbs split in two and three, merge back together and go right through solid objects. Right in front of my house. This kind of activity began happening more frequently (or I became more aware), until one night I noticed a drone-like object following my car. I went home, and sure enough, it stopped over the street in front of my house. I realized this must be something supernatural, as it was similar strangeness to what I saw on my cameras. Splitting apart, dramatic color shifts, and just plain bizarreness.
I left for work the next morning, it was still dark, and the orb was still following me from a distance; it wasn't too close, but it definitely wasn't far either - it just seemed like it was continuosly locked onto me. By this point, I'm getting concerned, and as a heroic whistleblower committed to getting to the bottom of anything and everything, I investigated. I realized these things really were following me. So I started documenting. They would come out of nowhere and into my field of view. I'd be laying in bed, watching TV, and an orb would float between a small gap in the curtains where it was obvious and I couldn't ignore it.
By now I'm pretty worried about these ongoing events, but my curious cosmic side was intrigued. I didn't like what was happening, but I definitely found it fascinating and kind of cool. So I filmed. Every single day. I was followed by strange lights for six months straight, and it wasn't only happening at night.
I started seeing figures of light beings outside my house. Gray-type beings that looked like they were using magic or casting spells. I had never considered or believed in beings like this. I didn't really believe in demons, but that's the closest thing I can describe them as, like shapeshifting Jinn. But multiple types of entities, my house became a hotspot for strangeness I couldn't even fathom.
Many of the beings I filmed I noticed later when analyzing my videos. I would be filming one anomaly, focused on that, completely unaware of any activity right next to me. But I got better at picking them out over time. I was committed to studying my videos over and over, trying different color levels, shadows and contrast to better pick out the anomalies.
By now I had taken hundreds of videos on both my iPhone and security cams. I learned that my iPhone 14 had trouble capturing these things, even when they were stationary or nearby. My camera struggled to focus, and when I tried zooming in on an orb or entity, it would shoot my camera out of focus. I have some pretty cool shots of this happening. Whatever it was, it probably didn't care to be filmed. It was far too difficult to get a good shot. I have a solid phone model and was shooting in 4K; I would get a clear image, then try to focus on orbs/NHI, but end up with glitchy artifacts and static noise in my videos
I'll never forget the feelings and emotions I felt the next month. I was looking back at videos from April, and I found something I hadn't noticed from April 26-28. It looked like I was abducted. I filmed what looked like an arm come down from the trees, and it appeared to take me, or maybe take my 'astral' body? Then half of a gray's face briefly appeared in frame; it looks like the Gray on the cover of Communion.
The next video on my phone I didn't remember taking. Mere minutes later, it looks like I'm approaching a door I've never seen in my life, and my body goes right through it. Then I'm back in my house. Its a short three second clip, but it was definitive proof to me that I experienced high strangness, I just couldn't understand why. I still can't get it out of my head. Since then I've gone back and found more anomalies I had never noticed, and I'm really struggling with making sense of what may have happened. I don't get spooked easily, but I can't come to grips with this; I feel like I've been victimized, and I'm honestly traumatized just off the videos I took. I have no recollection of being taken or anything traumatizing happening. All I have to go off is what I captured, and the feelings I get every night when I go to sleep.
The blatant strangeness slowed down and had seemingly stopped by October, shortly after I retired from my whistleblower antics. The effects of whatever happened are with me every day. I think about it every day and night and fear it coming back. I wish I could have some level of closure, even if it isn't realistic.
Somebody here can help me. I'm certain the right person can make some degree of sense of the videos, and even a little bit of clarity would go a long way for me. What's more likely? Negative NHI harassing me for exposing corporate wrongdoing, or any NHI all of a sudden taking an interest in my everyday life? Is it possible for someone to weaponize paranormal forces against you? I truly don't know. I'm not satisfied with any of those possibilities.
The biggest thing I've grappled with is understanding the origins. Is it negative NHI being used against me? Could it be nefarious humans using advanced technology against me? Psychotronic weapons? How can you even differentiate?! I just can't tell. If you're an experiencer with an open mind and educated in different types of beings, please have a chat with me and look over my videos. I'd post them here but my house and my neighbors homes are visible in most of them. If you're just interested and want to take a look, I'll share a drive link with anyone, I just don't feel right posting these publicly yet.
Potentially harassed by negative NHI or advanced tech. Both are equally terrifying to me. Can't understand how or why this would happen. I'm seeking other experiencers with knowledge on different types of high strangess, anomolous beings/interdimensionals.
I have a bad feeling that somehow people are behind this.
Need guidance on moving forward if I can't find answers.
I have a bad feeling that somehow people did this to me. I really want to know if thats even possible. Thank you for reading :)
submitted by aguynamedsly to Experiencers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:14 _CeeMac_ Green slime

Green slime
I have had this tank setup for almost a year. Never had any issues until I got the plant in the front right corner from petco about a month ago. Now my tank is full of a green sludgey slime and the plant is barely hanging on. I decreased lights to 6 hours a day and it isn’t going away. What is it and how do I get rid of it? It’s taking over everything. I’m also a novice with this so sorry if it’s obvious what to do to solve the issue.
submitted by _CeeMac_ to Aquariums [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:13 branconay [M4A] [F4A] [A4A] your yandere find out the truth [yandere] [scary to sweet] [comfort] [possessive] [forgive] [kidnapped listener] mentions of [violence] [abuse] [threats] [murder] [blood] [A LOT of bruises] [drug]

hello my dears, Today I come here with a new story, as always and completely free for monetization, and if necessary some parts can be changed since English is not my first language XD, I just ask you to put the link in the comments so I can appreciate your wonderful work (and for the few who like my fallout series, don't worry, it's only on hiatus due to lack of creativity) shall we begin ?
*dripping sounds*
*voice in the distance* sweeeeetie, wake up my sugar bunny, God, how you loved it when I called you that - no you WILL love it when I call you that again *the voice starts to become clearer* oh? sweetie! you woke up! you don't know how worried I was, I know what a sleepyhead you are end-
*sounds of chains*
hey hey hey stop it, stop struggling,These chains are very very tight, and I don't want to see my sweetie marked by chains *speaker's voice becomes serious* I'm the only one who can mark you, I'm the only one who can touch you *speaker gets close* I'm the only one who can feel you, your soft skin, your scent, I'm the only one who can feel your soul
*deep breath*
yes yes yes YES!, this is the stuff, Do you know how difficult it was to steal your hoodies? I had to wait for you to go to physical education and then sneak into the men's locker room, ugh all this just to have something that is already mine
oh? sweetie you were always so stupid, how am I going to listen to you with that gag on ?
*sounds of chains*
stop it, stop it now I TOLD YOU TO STOP
*speaker comes back to himself*
no no no no, don't cry please don't cry, you know I never meant you harm bunny boy,here let me just
there go, everything is fine, everything is fine, shiiiii, I'm a bunny, but none of this would be happening if you hadn't made the worst mistake of your life *litle slaps* *drawing knife* was the mistake of breaking up with me
*sounds of chains increases*
no no no, without struggling, you dug the grave, now you will be buried in it
*speaker runs the knife through the listener's clothes*
strange, you've never been one to wear long-sleeved shirts, hoodies yes, but never long-sleeved shirts,Did THE OTHER one say you looked good in these? ha I knew it, that's why you left me, for a slut
*speaker starts crying*
*speaker continues to struggle*
I SAID STOP IT *fabric tearing sounds* NEXT TIME THE KNIFE WILL CUT YOur- *speaker takes the listener's arm* bunny,your arm, why does he have this bruise
*listner starts crying heavily*
bunny... what happened ?, bunny why are you crying? I won't hurt you here
*speaker throws the knife away*
Bunny, I'm going to take off your shirt, okay?
*fabric sounds*
my... God, *The speaker's eyes begin to water* Bunny, what happened to you? You're all covered in bruises, IS THAT A SCAR? ok I'm going to take off the gag ok? but please bunny don't scream
*speaker takes off the gag*
hey, please calm down, I can't understand anything, bunny breathe, just breathe, calmer? Now please my love, tell me what happened to you, don't tell me that... Bunny, did you do this to yourself?
no? ok that's a huge relief, I don't know what I would do if you even thought about that kind of thing, but bunny, so WHO did this to you, I swear I'll hang them with their own intestines ,here let me just, *sounds of chains* Here we go, free from these chains, you're safe I won't hurt you uff
*listner hugs the speaker crying*
It's okay bunny, just please tell me what happened
so that was the reason, they surround you, corner you and then they threaten you, all out of envy, *the speaker starts to cry*, and I thought you just wanted to play with my feelings, but of course not, a bunny like you would never be capable of harming anyone.
I know, but can you say it one more time?
one more time
That's right, you love ME, only me
bunny, this experience just showed how you can't live without me, understand
Nooooo you can't, do you remember that time you saw an injured bird and you tried to bring it into your house? And what happened ? You let him loose and he ended up hitting the glass door and hurting himself even more.
I won't make that mistake, you'll be safe with me, it'll take a while for the dust to settle, so you'll have to stay here for a while, but I won't let you get hurt anymore my bunny
Of course we can get snuggle, all to see you happy, and later you will tell me the name of everyone who did this to you.
I know, I must have scared you, your little heart felt like it was going to jump out of your chest But you have to understand that you are everything to me, and that if you ever think about leaving me, all of this is just the tip of the iceberg of what I am capable of doing.
I love you too my sugary fluffy bunny, now I'm going to get you some water, and your favorite snacks
Oh, that bottle of water? let's just say that it's not water ha ha ha, and that's all you need to know *sound of water moving inside a bottle* ...
what is it then ? come on, let's say it would be the "last resort" to make you fall on your knees for me
You know how the energy of a bunny like you is, this was just to make *clears throat* you looser with that energy, that's all
No I wouldn't drug you, again, I would just, you know, make you more suggestive of some actions ha ha ha, but let's leave that aside, I'll be right back ok my cutie.
love you, just make yourself comfortable sit wherever you want, and you can use the covers to keep warm, and a cold night outside
Yea it's already night, like I said you were out for a looooooooong time, my eepy bunny boy well out I go.
submitted by branconay to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:13 SuperbExpert FUNNIEST STORY YET😭

Sam, the stoner from Alabammy, had a mind as foggy as the smoke from his joint. He firmly believed that dogs had the gift of gab, and he spent his days tryin' to unlock their secret language. His crew was just as hood as he was.
There was Cletus, who once tried to teach a chicken to square dance while blastin' "Chicken Noodle Soup" on repeat; Earl, who firmly believed that garden gnomes came alive at night and threw wild raves in his backyard, complete with holographic Tupac performances; and Bubba, who was convinced that he could communicate with aliens through interpretive dance to Lil Uzi Vert tracks.
Sam, with his perpetual bloodshot eyes, managed the Taco Bell on the block to fund his canine communication experiments. He’d stumble around the restaurant, slangin’ tacos and blarin' Chief Keef’s lo-fi beats on repeat, preachin' about how Keef was the creator of the universe.
“Yo, listen up, dawgs!” Sam would announce, his voice thick with smoke. “We gonna unlock the secrets of the universe with these tacos, man. And Chief Keef, he’s like, the mastermind behind it all.”
His employees would exchange puzzled glances wondering how he got manger , but Sam was too high to notice. He’d spend his shifts brainstormin' with his crew, their ideas gettin' wilder and more hood by the minute.
One day, Sam had an epiphany. “Yo, maybe Buddy ain’t talkin’ ’cause he ain’t got no beats to vibe to!” he mused, passin' the blunt to Cletus.
Cletus, with his chicken square dance experience, nodded sagely. “Maybe we gotta get him in the vibe, you know? Put on some sick beats, let Buddy feel the flow.”
And so, the Taco Bell parkin' lot became the stage for Sam’s latest experiment. He set up a makeshift studio, complete with a beat machine and a microphone. Buddy, the ever-patient pitbull, sat by his side, tail waggin' in anticipation. "Alright, y’all," Sam hollered, his voice cracking like a broken record, "we 'bout to make waves today. Buddy’s 'bout to drop bars so fire, even the aliens gonna tune in!" With Earl on the turntables, droppin' beats so sick they could cure the common cold, and Bubba bustin' moves that would make TikTok stars jealous, Sam pressed record and held the microphone to Buddy’s snout. “Yo, yo, yo, it’s your main mutt Buddy in the house!” Sam exclaimed, his eyes wide with excitement. And then, it happened. Buddy, channelin' the vibes of his stoner owner, began to rap. His words were like a fever dream, but the crew cheered nonetheless. As Buddy laid down his rhymes, Cletus couldn’t resist. He grabbed his pet chicken, slapped a cowboy hat on its head, and started square dancin' like it was 1899. The spectacle was off-the-wall, hilarious, and oddly heartwarming. Sam and his crew, with their outlandish ideas and street swagger, had created somethin' truly unforgettable. And just as the party was reachin' its peak, the unmistakable sound of Chief Keef’s lo-fi beats filled the air. Sam looked up to see the rap legend himself standin' at the edge of the parkin' lot, nodding his approval. “Yo, S,” Chief Keef said, his voice smooth as silk, “you and your crew got some serious vibes goin’ on here. Keep doin’ your thing, man.” With that, Chief Keef disappeared into the night, leavin' Sam and his crew to bask in the glory of their wild, yet legendary, adventure. As the stars twinkled overhead and Buddy’s rap echoed in the air, Sam couldn’t help but grin. Sometimes, the craziest ideas lead to the most unexpected—and lit—results. And so, Sam and his crew continued their quest for talkin' dogs, spreadin' joy and laughter like it was going out of style
submitted by SuperbExpert to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:13 Versatile_Kakashi When I try to time a IF command the app show me the message "There's a problem with this formula"

Does anybody know how to solve this problem ?
I typed a formula to verify the first number from a cell and it shows this message "There's a problem with this formula". What should i do in order to get rid of this problem ?
submitted by Versatile_Kakashi to excel [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:11 AidenSe My First Dying Succulents

My First Dying Succulents
So just to be clear, I’m a beginner at this and only just started to get into succulents this month. Well one day I went to Home depot and found a batch of 8 succulents for $18. (Thought was a great deal) Unfortunately it’s been raining a lot and it seems that Home Depot left many of the succulents were outside. So when I got home I decided to repot some of the succulents but I believe in the process I didn’t break the over watered soil enough when I went to repot these 2. Unfortunately they started to root rot and leaves turning black and falling off 😭. I am now trying the air drying method so hopefully I can save them. Any suggestions or help are welcome. I hope I can save my poor babies 🥺
The last photo is how they originally came.
submitted by AidenSe to succulents [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:11 xKzuki I’m starting to feel like the crazy one

Hey, must be my 8th or so post about this, I feel ashamed… I’ve talked about leaving every post, how I had a plan, I never stuck to it. I can’t leave her? We broke up 2 days ago, and I was the one to go back… we’re back together now… I physically can’t take it, it hurts too much, the guilt, the feeling of my heart ripping out of my chest. I can’t stand leaving her, what is it? Why do I keep going back? What is this need? This want? I’m so confused, I’m starting to feel like the crazy needy one and I hate it. I think of my life without her and how it would be more peaceful and free, with her all I feel is this feeling of wanting to leave, there’s happy moments, and we have been getting along more than ever, but I feel riddled with these thoughts. I’m starting to feel like the terrible person that she’s made me out to be. I do need to seek therapy and I’ve been finding means to, but every morning I wake up miserable, and she seems happy, she finally seems content to have me around in a sense although I waited all relationship for her to feel that way. It’s like trying to make something work out that just won’t, something I know won’t… any advice? Anything. Talk some sense into me
submitted by xKzuki to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:10 Unlaed Cozy Crest Demo is now available

*🕹️ Cozy Crest Public Demo 🕹️ *
Demo is now out on steam, here is a link :
What to expect :
-Your farm (you can clean it up and plant there)
-Explorable area of 4km2
-Air ability (R or R1 in controller)
-5 Quests to get you started in the world
-Building system is available you just need to collect resources to build show us what you build in ⁠📺demo-feedback
-Few merchants available in the village
-You can add your items in the market chest and they will be sold overnight
-Bugs probably please report them here ⁠📺demo-feedback and i will try to patch them up
Demo will be updated throughout the time based on your feedback and as the game evolve.
Cozy Crest Private Alpha Build :
ton of people asked when we will have have a closed alpha version and here it's,
you will have exclusive access to latest game builds, special title, in game mentions and more check it out here, your key through Cozy Crest Patreon here :
this will also help support the game in the long run, so thank you for the support, also your pledges will transfer to Kickstarter later on so you don't need to get same package twice.
❤️ Looking forward to hear your feedback, thanks for being part of Cozy Crest ❤️
submitted by Unlaed to cozycrest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:10 AtlantiumAI SUPERLIGHT Episode 8

By Roc Hatfield
Excelsior Andriel and his staff move to the debark site on the blade where they will walk in space over to the Elo Eloahim. Ambassador Lucentel is awaiting the arrival of the group from the blade. He is speaking with the commander of his vessel as they look outside at the blade sitting 100 yards away.
Commander, what do you make of this vessel, the blade? Ambassador, I am aware of this design. It is manifest and therefore has many exotic accoutrements and capabilities. It has a trans-time drive system and many highly accurate weapons.
The commander pauses. Does it pose a threat to the Elo Eloahim, commander? Lucent Tell asks. As long as we are in the Aetherium domain, it poses no threat.
If it were to transpose into the Matterverse, it would be potentially lethal to us. The commander and Lucentel can see Excelsior Andriel and a group of Aetherians walking in space toward the Elo Eloahim.
Senator, I have Jason Anderson on the phone. Line one. You want to take it? Asked his assistant. Yes, thank you, Barks the senator. Jason, have you lost your fucking mind? Why are you talking to reporters? Well, if you must know, I am concerned about the effects of the Superlight device, and I think people should be aware. Besides, Hilliard fired me, so I have no allegiance, Jason adds.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. A bunch of babies. You people are so dramatic. Where the fuck is Hilliard? We have looked everywhere, and not a sign of him or his team, the senator says. I don't know senator, but I did get a call from him this morning early.
Where was the call from? Did you look? Asks Senator Abramson. Yes, I looked, and it was listed as caller unknown. He has gone into hiding and is using a burner or a call blocker.
Get me that phone, Jason. I can get someone at NSA to trace it back. Maybe we can get a lead.
Okay, senator, I can send it down express. It will be there tomorrow. You know, Jason, if you want that device in good hands, we have to find Hilliard. The senator huffs. I understand, Senator, Jason says. Send me that phone, and I will talk to you in a couple of days. The senator hangs up.
Airman Johnson has collected Brad, Nancy, and Walter, escorting them to the mess hall. As they enter, they see Captain Carpenter and two men at a table. They stand and greet. Barbara introduces everyone. Brad, Nancy, Walter, I would like you to meet Steve Ruddin and Oscar Tillman.
These guys are contractors to the Space Force Deep Black Division, the same guys that developed the TR-3 Black Manta you all flew on. They work on the infamous 17th floor, the bottom floor, and safest floor in the base. An intruder would have to navigate down through 16 floors through tight security to reach this floor and its secret projects.
These guys are going to help you set up your device. I have approved this as a Halo-class project, which means no spending caps. So, whatever you need, just ask, and it will be provided to you.
If the New Empire is interested in this thing, then we all are interested in it. Nancy, Walter, I know you may need some briefing to get you fully up to speed. Maybe Brad can fill you in later.
After lunch, I am going to have Steve and Oscar give you the 10-cent tour. Well, some of the toys they have down there cost a significant portion of the U.S. budget, off-record budget, Barbara says. We have been talking with these greys for years.
The Air Force prior to us. We never see the tall greys, always the little ones. That tells you something right there.
Your little black box has them freaking out, so we need to know why, and how to leverage from it. My job here is to oversee development of space technologies. The greys are so far technologically ahead of us. It would take thousands of years for us to discover half of that stuff. We have asked them to help us for years, and they have given us an old depleted ship, and some elements that are not found on Earth, but that's about it. Even their old scout ships are impossible to reverse-engineer.
We have been able to take a few components and use them. Back in the 50s, many of the big tech breakthroughs were reversed grey tech. They seem to be a race of thinkers and scientists.
They use some kind of black magic. I just call it that. They call it manifest. They are able to tell the quantum to build a spaceship, and the thing just 3D prints itself into existence. That's why their tech is so hard to back-engineer. There are no signs of any manufacturing, it’s like a living metallic body, no seams, rivets, nothing.
Just a wholly formed organic ship. Which brings me to the whole point of this meeting. If the superlight is an economic or ideological threat to the greys and their kind, we have a currency to trade in.
I am certain they could build one in a minute, that's not the issue. They don't want us to have it. It is an existential threat to their economy and how they profit from us as a species.
I have been thinking, since we were on that ship with the big grey Andriel, that the human race, and most likely many others, are creations, avatars, if you will made by the beings you are seeing with the superlight. It's all mind-melting information, but we need to learn more about these things, and how they affect our planet, and what threats they pose. You now have all the resources you need at your disposal.
So, let's get some answers in fast. Our very survival could depend on it. Captain Carpenter concludes.
The news of the superlight has been seen around the world. The news media have been featuring non-stop coverage of the story. Reporters have probed the White House, the Russians, the Chinese, the Vatican, just about every world leader for comment and analysis. U.S. President Andrew Walton Grant has fielded calls all day from far-flung world leaders.
His chief of staff Ben Chambers is hovering nearby. The president is on a video call with Russian President Nikolai Brezhnev. President Grant, I am very concerned that the U.S. has such a powerful weapon.
I have conferred with the Council on International Emergency Affairs, and they are quite concerned with the idea of this powerful device being in the hands of one country. Therefore, we demand in all manner possible that the United States bring this device to the Council, that we might understand this dangerous invention better. Sir, with all due respect.
Oh no, Grant thinks under his breath. When they start in with the all due respect bullshit, it means there is actually no respect. Grant mutes the call and speaks into his chief of staff's ear.
Do we even know where this fucking thing is? Chambers says, no sir, not really. Just stall him so we can figure this all out. Grant takes the mute off.
Nikolai, I am going to need some time to sift through this situation. As you know, this device we are talking about is owned and developed by a private tech company, and I will need their cooperation. The U.S. government can't just take it away, not without a court battle.
I am sure we can find a solution that benefits all parties. Thank you, Mr. President, Brezhnev says, adding, please notify us when possible regarding the whereabouts of the device. I have been briefed on the situation and know that it is in hiding somewhere, in the southwest part of your country.
Believe me, Mr. President, I will be able to tell you with high accuracy where the device is in a day or so. Thank you, Mr. Brezhnev, I look forward to our next call.
Benton, get the National Security Director and a couple Joint Chiefs, and Andy Newhall, Secretary of Defense up here, ASAP.
We need a plan, the whole flippin' world is pissed off at us right now. Oh, and who was that senator in those news reports you showed me? The President's asks. Senator Arthur Abramson, Democrat from Massachusetts, says the Chief of Staff.
Fine, let's get them all up here so we can sort this thing out, says President Grant.
The Grand Hall of the Elo Eloahim is opulent, jewel-like, rows of beautiful tables with hundreds of leaders and diplomats standing and seated. A large choir is singing on a grand stage.
Thirty individuals are creating a sound so colorful and emotional that it brings intense pleasure to the listener. No rhythm, just a continuous wave of sound, like a chorus of Angels. Ambassador Lucentel walks into the ballroom, accompanied by Excelsior Andriel and his entourage.
Everyone in the room stands, and the music gets louder and more state-like in texture. The group makes their way to the VIP table at the head of the room. Lucentel motions for everyone to be seated.
He speaks to the gathering, be not afraid, power and glory to the one. Greetings and peace to all those who are gathered here now. I am delighted to introduce Excelsior Andriel, Commander of the Guardian and Excelsior of the New Empire.
Boos and moans can be heard in the crowd. I am certain a number of you have concerns regarding the legitimacy of the New Empire, but must I remind you that it was and is the One that embraces this division in our society. We must embrace it as well.
Excelsior, please a few words. Thank you, be not afraid. Power and glory unto the One.
The two small greys that were sent to Earth to meet Barbara. Brad and Bill are trying different codes on an outside hatch at the bottom of the Elo Eloahim.
They are using a small pad to break in. The hatch suddenly flips open, and the little greys enter the giant ship. Down on these lower levels, it is not so jewel-like, very plain, just utilitarian.
They find a room with dozens of video monitors. They wave the pad in front of the video screens. Okay, let's go, one of them says.
They quickly leave the way they came in. A half-mile above on the command bridge of the Elo Eloahim, an officer, sees something on his monitor. It is the two greys walking into the power room down below.
Commander, take a look at this. The commander steps over and looks at the video screen. What is in that area? The commander asks.
That is a distribution node for the converters. Could the converters be disabled from that location? The commander ponders. I don't think so, commander.
However, the software that drives the matter converter is partially accessible from there. The commander calls out. Commander on duty to Ambassador Lucientel.
Commander, this is not a good time right now. The ambassador says, speaking quietly. I am sorry, ambassador, but we have had an intrusion.
Two New Empire operatives, dressed in maintenance robes, entered a very sensitive area of the ship. This could have the potential of putting us at a great disadvantage. Thank you, commander. Glory to the One. Commander, make urgent plans to return to Aetheria. Top speed.
It shall be so, ambassador. The sound of the old barge, moving up to speed, can be heard in the ballroom. The choir sing louder in order to be heard above the engine noise.
Excelsior Andriel leans to Ambassador Lucientel and says, so this is all an elaborate kidnapping scheme, ambassador. The ambassador chuckles, no, not at all Excelsior, but it was a real chance to collaborate. But your operatives broke into a sensitive part of the ship, and we feel it prudent to return to Aetheria.
Don't worry. I will provide you and your party a shuttle to return to your vessel. It has to be before we cross the border net, as I am sure you are aware. Go now. My staff will escort you to the hangar deck, snaps Lucentel The blade is now pulled alongside the Elo Eloahim and is pacing it.
Andriel and his group have boarded the shuttle and are exiting the Elo Eloahim. They can see a bright red net just ahead of them. The border net, only authorized Aetherians can cross over it into Old Dominion territory.
submitted by AtlantiumAI to u/AtlantiumAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:05 chickenhenbawk I’ve accepted I’m boring and monogamous

I’m 31 and had a run of relationships. I’ve gone about and had casual sex and situationships etc etc but generally I don’t prioritise sex when it’s not in the context of a deeper connection (I.e. I rarely have sex lol).
When it comes to dating I’ve tried to be open minded to more open situations but never because I wanted it. Only because it’s what I thought partners wanted and I thought I needed to be open to it to find a relationship. I totally get it! Being free to kiss and have sex with whoever you want etc etc! How liberating and free! And I support all those who choose this valid and exciting option.
But im accepting as I approach a new relationship that monogamy (at least in the beginning) is a non negotiable for me and that it’s ok that that’s the case. Sex has different meanings to everyone. Monogamy and polygamy/polyamory are all different frameworks for relationships that have their own pitfalls and benefits. Perhaps I’m just pretty introverted and private and that’s ok. It’s ok to ask for what you want and not to settle.
Sorry not a Q I just needed to get off my chest
submitted by chickenhenbawk to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:04 No-Preference5324 Leaking Pipe - Joist Drying Time?

Leaking Pipe - Joist Drying Time?
Found a leaking pipe, after trying various solutions in the bathroom above have started cutting into the ceiling below... And bingo!
Dyno are coming to sort that tomorrow, and I'll be removing the soggy plaster, especially along the enter wet length and to the supporting wall.
Wet bit of the joists feel the same as the wood that isn't wet, so I hope that's a good sign.
I've got a gym fan pointing up at the hole to get some air circulating - anyone any guesses on ballpark/approx how long the joists will take to dry?
Fucking houses!
submitted by No-Preference5324 to DIYUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:04 hylia-lolia [TOTK] anyone have any theories/headcanons about the lack of sheikah tech?

so Fujibayashi said that after the Calamity was sealed, the sheikah technology just. disappeared. and no one knows why. okay, weird. but whatever.
except the skyview towers and purah pad was supposedly built with reused sheikah technology. so apparently, most of the sheikah tech disappeared, except for the stuff needed for the sake of convenience. is it a ship of theseus situation where it doesn't count as sheikah tech anymore because of how much it has been changed? and what about the singular guardian that's still there? does that count?
the only other explanation is that most of the tech might have been dismantled. but there was a lot of it, so there should still be a lot leftover. plus there's the matter of the divine beasts. it's weird to me that people would be willing to get rid of the divine beasts considering the champions literally died in them. especially in zora's domain, where mipha is still remembered by the people there.
anyway. this was a bit of a ramble. Does anyone have any headcanons about what happened to the sheikah tech? i really want to be able to rationalise it in my head, lol. and please correct me if i got anything wrong!
submitted by hylia-lolia to zelda [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:04 AbroadIllustrious303 You must help homeland security !!!! please help the general

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY,MG Timothy J. Lowenberg, Adjutant General and Director State Military Department Washington
Military Dept., Bldg1 Camp Murry, Wash 98430-5000 USA.
Good Day To You: ,
I hope this email finds you in good spirit and in good health? because i am quite aware of your losses in the past years now through this security office intelligent track devices, it may surprise you that i am also aware of your Consignment Boxes Pursuit In Benin, Ghana, Togo, Nigeria, Spain, France, Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Korea and etc .My name Is Supp. Tony Jeh Johnson,the Current secretary of U.S Department Of Homeland Security , i am in charge to monitor all Foreign Transactions In Africa Europe And Asia and this kept me in constantly traveling round the world.
I have been in The U.S Department Of Homeland Security Secret Service now since The Government of President Barack Obama, monitoring the various transactions going on in Africa, Europe And Asia, most especially Consignments Cases, A.T.M Card Cases And Bank Transfer. I
do not intend to spoil your day or to put you under duress.
But you can not receive any of your Consignments Boxes, A.T.M Card And Bank Transfer pursuit, without a Clearance from this U.S Department Of Homeland Security. However, upon my arrival in Benin Republic after series of meetings with our President Barack Obama and United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, due to numerous complains from other Security Agencies from Africa Asia, Europe, Oceania, Antarctica,South America And The United States Of America Respectively, and against the Benin Government and Nigeria over the rate of Scam/Fraudulent Activities going on in these Africa Countries and around the World.
When i arrive in the Benin Parliament in Cotonou and going through all cases of unpaid funds, i found your Consignment Box Clearance File lying on the Foreign Affair Office Desk without any attention and on a thorough scrutiny, i discovered that your Consignment have been abandoned by your delivery agent. Meanwhile, i was made to understand that the Foreign Affair Office have tried to reach to you, but no way and they have made several attempts to contact your delivery agent but to no avail.
To my greatest surprise, during my recent routine Re-Checking, i personally discovered that your Consignment Content Declaration
Document (C.C.D.D)stated that your Consignment Contains Personal Effects meanwhile, it contains United States Dollar Cash Us$946Million Dollars, (Forty Million United States Dollars) which made it impossible for the Consignment to be delivered to you earlier before now.
Based on this personal discovery, i am contacting you now to let you know that with my position and power as the secretary of U.S Department Of Homeland Security and now i am presently here in Benin Republic to handle this matter of all unpaid foreign payment to their respective owners like you, i can assist you to legally clear your Consignment Funds and personally make the shipment to you on my
traveling back, but you must agree with the following conditions. Because i have called our office in Washington,Dc from here in Benin, who has been intercepting all your E-Mail Communications, telephone Text/Sms messages & all telephone Calls, with the help of Mtn, Tigo Vodafone And Airtel Network Benin.
I also received some information from our Homeland Security Office representing here in Benin Republic, they have confirmed about your emails, & other communications that you have been dealing and sending Money to people in Benin, Ghana, South Africa, Togo, Nigeria , UK & etc who claims to be the Western Union Directors and representative of other unofficial offices. You are also dealing with a Bank, and other names which i am still waiting to be forwarded to me from Our Office In Washington,Dc. My office authority have monitored all your dealings with those Hoodlums.
You are advice to from hence fort stop further dealings with all the above mentioned people, until we complete our investigation. Because your dealing with them is termed as illegal transaction. I wish to inform you that we the Homeland Security is on look out for all the above mentioned names, mostly those who claims to be the director of West African Debt settlement, Western Union And Money Gram And A.T.M Card offices and including the property recovery Benin. All these mentioned people are imposters, and we intend to apprehend them soon.
I want you to please stop communicating, and dealing with them until we complete our investigation. I wish to notify you about the latest development concerning your Consignment Box content of your total USD$946 Million that was already handed over to me today. Your Consignment Box content of your total USD$946 Million was assigned to me today after the meeting held between me and some of the top Parliament members of Benin and the Foreign Affair Minister in the Benin Capital Commecial Headquarters Cotonou, due to the delay by you as nobody has heared from you to receive your Consignment Box For Long time now.
Accordingly, we have waived away all your Consignment Box "Clearance Fees" and authorized the Government of Benin Republic to allow me fly with this your approved Consignment Box to make the delivery to you without any delay which they have agreed. The only Fee you will Pay to confirm Your Consignment Box received in your possession is the "Air Flight Weight Fee" of your Consignment Box which is the sum of USD$238.00 only.
In order words your Briefcase is with me now and i shall be coming to your country to make the delivery to you as soon as you sent me your below shipping details/Address where you will want your consignment be deliver to you.
Hence i hear from you also with the MTCN Numbers for the fee payment of the Air Flight Weight Fee of your Consignment Box which is the sum of USD$238.00 only, then, i will be coming along with your Consignment Briefcase Box content of your USD$946Million, but remember that as the secretary of The Department Of Homeland Security United States Of America, i am a Us Government Secret Security Agent and i have the power to go through any Airport Customs and security Agents without personal inspection or inspecting what i carry along.
And as soon as i arrive in your state, i will give you a telephone call and instantly send an email to you from my official Ipad Hand Computer which is always with me while traveling around the world so that you will give me a direction on how we can meet Face to Face and i will physically hand over your Consignment Box to you before proceeding back to to my official duty Post in the States.
As soon as i arrive, i shall call you on your Telephone Number following an email to you then when you immediately respond, i will Meet you in person, hand over your Consignment Box to you and all these will end once and for all now.
I have taken this assignment upon myself because i understand that you have really paid so much on the cost of these Delivery which i want to stop now, because, nothing was received by you. So be advised to contact me hence immediately you get this email now because, every thing has been done ok.
Once you send the money, try to immediately notify me with the Mtcn for easy pick up and for the immediate action on the delivery of your Consignment Box,for you to receive your Funds without any further delay Again . Since you was unable to receive it since .
Send the fee of USD$238.00 via Money Gram or Western Union Money Transfer using the below stated receivers name and information.
Please make sure you copy this information well to avoid mistake okay
Receiver’s Name:....: Emmanuel Ogbonna Country:. . . . . Benin City:. . . . . . . Cotonou Amount:. . . . . . USD$238.00 Question:. . . . . Update Answer:. . . . . . .Today Mtcn:. . . . . . . . . . Sender's Name . . . . Sender's Address. . .
As soon as you send the fee, make sure that you send me the MTCN numbers, senders name and other payment information. Once you send the Money, Try to immediately notify me with the Mtcn for confirmation and for the immediate action on the shipping of your Consignment and its Handing over to you. Also you are to forward to us any email that you have been receiving from people for proper verification and investigation before you deal with them okay.
I have a very limited time to stay here so i Will like you to urgently respond to this email message with the fee payment MTCN Numbers ok , my dear, this is the opportunity for you and you have to urgently comply so that your Box shall be deliver to you at your designated address. But remember that after (Some Days) you did not make the Payment, then i Will have not other option than to regard your funds as unclaim and divert it to Us Government Reserve Fund or to Benin Government Treasury. Please treat this as a matter of urgency.
submitted by AbroadIllustrious303 to ScamNumbers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:03 throwra_throw123 My (24M) Friend(24F) of three years has rejected me twice, after "getting over her crush on me", however now when I try and distance myself, she is getting her friends/our mutual friends to set us up on "surprise friend dates" and such. I'm not sure what to do?

So I would never describe this girl as one of my best friends, but we've gone through I would say 2-3 periods of "a heavy talking period" where she and I would be in that "friends who are basically dating but not" type of situation that gets stereotyped a lot? Timing never really worked out, at one point she tried to hookup with me a few times, however I rejected her advances/pretended not to notice them as I was in the final stages of a job offer out of state, and didn't want to just sleep with a friend and then move as I had real feelings for her. Last year, we both started to see other people, and basically only spoke once/ saw each other once the entire of last half of last year. Her last two partners were apparently incredibly emotionally abusive from what I hear (lots of yelling, she didn't have access to her phone, that type of thing). For purposes of this I'll call her Jennifer.
Both of our relationships ended around christmas (I think hers a bit before?), and we ran into each other at a mutual friends holiday party. Reconnected, started talking again. We hung out to get drinks 1:1, and while drunk I made the comment that I had always been surprised nothing had ever happened between us. She responded by telling me that she used to have a huge crush on me for a while, but had gotten over the feelings, and liked where we were as friends now.
At this point things got weird. We kinda stopped talking for a few weeks, until she randomly called me one night late. I tried to call back and she didn't respond for a few days when she finally called me back and asked me to go out with her and a friend. We went and she ignored me nervously the entire evening (basically mainly spoke to her friend and a nice gay couple near us at the bar the entire night). Texted me and said she had a good time, and then invited me out by myself the following night. I went, and we had a great time, though I didn't push the flirting. At this point I realized I was crazy into her after the years of friendship and had strong feelings. She invited me out or asked to cook me dinner almost every single night over the next week or two. One day, she cooked me food and brought it over to me. At this point I asked her what was up, she assured me she didn't see me romantically anymore, and I told her we needed to cool it as everything she was doing felt more romantic to me, and if she wasn't interested in trying for a relationship, I couldn't be in this weird emotional state for her.
I basically explained to her that I saw most of our friendship as these weird talking stages where we never committed to a relationship and then dated other people, and if she wanted to go out on a date, I'd love to, but our friendship over the years had never felt like a "true" friendship to me, especially as we only talked/were close when we were both single.
We stopped talking, and this is where things got incredibly weird for me. A few of our mutual friends and I had made plans for a weekend long trip to go to a city nearby, and she reached out to them and asked to join. We carpooled up as a group, and I didn't know how to act in the car or at all around her,so was just super friendly but didn't really engage in conversation and just tried to nap/ play on my phone. When we got there, I did my best to give her and myself space during the trip, though she tried to engage me in conversation several times. Eventually on the second day she got the hint I think after I bounced from the group entirely to go do some museums and stuff I knew they weren't interested in, and didn't invite anyone to join me.
When we got back one of her best friends who I haven't seen in almost a yeatalked to in almost a year invited me out to get drinks randomly with her and her bf. I went and had a great time, though she started to ask me "what do you think about Jennifer? Not sure where you are with her right now" and I nervously laughed it off and changed the subject. Then the following day another one of her best friends invited me to get dinner with her bf and her. I agreed as the BF and I had used to be super close, and they invited Jennifer along last minute (to me, apparently Jennifer had already known we were getting dinner for a bit) and they had reservations at a fairly nice restaurant for 4, like candle lit, and everything. I'll be honest this freaked me the hell out. I feel like I was super nice the entire time, though I didn't really engage in too much conversation with her as I got angry at myself for agreeing to go, since it was one of those situations where I felt like it was a "trap" before agreeing, and guessed that she would end up being there as it was so out of character for her friend to invite me to hang out.
Now a third one of her friends (one who I have met twice in total! I didn't even have her number) Texted me yesterday and invited me to a dinner party she's hosting with her girlfriend this weekend. I looked at the guest list, and everyone else was invited last week, including Jennifer and most have plus ones. I'm still really into her, and I can't tell if I'm reading into this way to much but the entire situation is now making me feel like she's working overtime to keep me as a friend in the weirdest way possible. I'm at the point where I feel like if I had just asked her out the one time I would try again, however I've asked twice, and it feels in poor taste to not just move on instead of trying a third time. I'm just not sure what to do or if I should call out the behavior. We still have mutual friends so not like I won't see her again, but I've tried to be honest and upfront about how I feel every time and I don't know. Should I just ask her friends what is up? Friendship is not something I can offer her, and I thought I was clear about that, but maybe I need to verbalize that again?
TLDR: Back and forth with a friend of two years. Reconnected, rejected twice. Now her friends and my mutual friends keep pairing us together and I don't know how to respond or act
submitted by throwra_throw123 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:01 BathApprehensive3269 How to find all file shares that have user permissions instead of groups

I have been tasked to find all file shares in our domain that have individual user permissions. We want to get rid of this practice and have users be part of groups, but the first step is to see how many and what specific folders have users with permission. Anyone know a specific way to do this?
submitted by BathApprehensive3269 to PowerShell [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:00 Routine-Operation234 Brother often told me “ I don’t know why mom doesn’t like you. It’s like she has always had something against you.”

Yeah, no shit. As early as I can remember she held great disdain for me. In my earliest journals, I’m talking around 2nd grade my entire journal would be complaining and expressing how much I hated my mom. I know teenagers hate their moms or whatever, but I was doing this at an early age. That must not be normal?
Me and her never gelled well. I learned at an extremely early age to fawn and become codependent to get her love. I was in middle school and would clean the entire day just for her to come home and notice me for two seconds. The next day I would repeat.
In highschool, she would allow me to act on risky behavior. For instance, she allowed me to drink and drive and meet a guy I had no business meeting with at 16. She never checked on me when I went out with sketchy characters. In fact she encouraged it. I remember her being happy when I told her who has asked me to hang out. I never understood why my younger brothers and dad always were mad at who I was hanging out with, when my mom was all for it. No wonder. I honestly don’t understand how she as a mother allowed me to do anything that I did.
When I went to college, I struggled so bad. Id call her and explain my pathetic troubles and she would spread my information far and wide. How helpless and meager I was. I had distant relatives come up and say “I don’t know why you chose teaching with as much anxiety as you have.” I was crushed. Where did she get this information from? I never told her anything or talked to her. My mom was airing out my very vulnerable information.
When my boyfriend of five years cheated on me. I had family reach out whom I barely if ever spoke to, in my pit of despair I opened up, and they screenshot my messages. I felt very exposed. It wasn’t fair to be exploited in my times of stress.
submitted by Routine-Operation234 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:00 _call-me-al_ [Thu, May 16 2024] TL;DR — Crypto news you missed in the last 24 hours on Reddit


Bitcoin fixes this
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NEW: Coinbase's Bitcoin reserve is currently ~267K BTC, down from 418K BTC in early 2024.
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Me right now
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Gone in 12 Seconds MIT Students Stole $25M Crypto in a US Criminal Case First Exploiting the Ethereum blockchain
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US DOJ Arrests & Charges 2 brothers for Conspiracy, Wire Fraud, & Money Laundering in Relation to MEV exploit in April 2023
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Error: *** Deployment Failed *** "IdentityVerification" -- unknown account. Migrating a smart contract on Truffle connecting to Geth nodes
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13 years ago today, a $110 million Bitcoin mistake ✨
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How am I this bad at crypto.
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USA Feds charge brothers in $25 million cryptocurrency heist that took 12 seconds
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Welcome ABLA BCH May upgrade
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BCHBULL is paying 6% (24% APR) to anyone who wants BTC exposure (hedge BTC/BCH pair). They can actually use the BCH network with low fees to do it rather than have their BTC stuck on centralized exchanges due to high fees. BCH does BTC better than BTC themselves.
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Biden threatens to Veto Congress and Senate resolutions, and allow the SEC to overrule the majority of the representatives of the citizens of the USA in crypto matters. Why have democracy when we can have SEC dictators forcing their will on the people?
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Kendu Inu is not going anywhere. Actually... it is. Its going to the multi billion market cap. With or without you. Im just recommending before you make your opinion take a look into our telegram. If you were an early shib holder you will see a loooot of similarities on how we build up the project.
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Breaking the Chains of Obscurity and Unleashing Pepe's Pet: $Nitefeeder
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GameStop CEO's doggo $TYLEE is about to take over the dog memes empire! Don't miss out
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Bitcoin Wipes Out around 5B Shorts
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First-Ever Robinhood Staking Service Goes Live with Solana at 5% APY
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Thoughts on the HODL mentality? Any promising long-term winners?
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El Salvador Launches Own Proof-of-Reserves Website to Track Its $360M Bitcoin Holdings
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Month 5 of funds kept hostage
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*Coinbase wallet swap not showing swap assets *
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*Fake emails *
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Binance Support Thread
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Fantom is now supported in Coin Wallet 🚀
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“SOL will never flip ETH, lol” … except SOL just exceeded ETHs total daily economic value
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Why Solchan Is a Beautiful Thing
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J.U.P Planetary Call #13: LFG Edition starting soon! Tune in to catch up on all things Jupiter Eco!
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Are you eligible for airdrops if you provide liquidity via osmosis?
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Transferring NIM tokens to Osmosis
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*What is going on with the stargaze price? *
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Algorand support spotted on Travala website
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Why you should care about developing on blockchain (App Developer Magazine highlights the importance of Algorand’s Python coding)
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Wayrus OG WiFi router sale is live
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APE Society is leaving Cardano. Thoughts?
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Do you have a plan in place for your family to recover your Cryptocurrency in case something happens to you?
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Today, 1430 utc, come to Gimbalabs 🏗 Open Spaces!
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*Imagine Monero is outlawed: An "Ichthys" Message Protocol might aid in its continued adoption and improve user privacy. *
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Obscure Constitutional Cases That Would Be Used To Erode Code is Speech--Excerpts from Coincenter
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*the_roaring_kitty vs DogeTesla faceoff.-- Comment preferences! *
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Looking for help on selling fast well I’m between jobs and this could really help. New to selling and would like to get rid of it as soon as possible
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New NFT drop Aphro Punkz x V1 on opensea
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submitted by _call-me-al_ to CryptoDailyTLDR [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:00 Internal-Paint-1613 sp9 or sx9?

Hey everyone, I can’t decide between these two subtypes, because I can relate to both very well. My core is definitely e9, I allign well with the motivations and everything. My MBTI type is ISTP, in a Ti-Ni loop most of the time since I’m kinda in the middle of my wtf years and I’m 17. My psychosophy/ap type is FLEV (3-4-1-1)
I’m just going to pure everything out here because to be honest at this point I don’t even know myself which points apply to which subtype. If needed I can list some other stuff in the comments.
Thank you for your help in advance!
The sloth manifests in me in just generally being lazy and I just like to do my own stuff, not really liking to be dragged out to do things I don’t want to do. If that happens I’ll be very grumpy. Other than that I’m pretty much always grumpy. I’m the happiest when I’m running or drawing or when doing some thrilling stuff with my friends. I’m get very frustrated when I feel hungry or when I’m sleepy and there’s any kind of noise around me. Hence why I sleep with earplugs on. I like being around my friends and I can relate both wanting to be with them all the time and wanting to have free time. With family I don’t really care tbh, there’s been always an argument going around with my dad that ‘I’m selfish and don’t care about anyone and I never call them’.
I’m pretty protective of my own room and stuff, my mom even gets scared of me because she always hears in my voice that I want to be left alone and don’t wanna let her in lol. I hate noises and being bothered while doing my own stuff. I get furious about these things. If I don’t want to do something I’ll mostly let others know but there are times when I don’t and just go along with them while thinking about when I can get home asap.
I relate very much to the merging part and I’d say I merged with everything throughout my whole life. That applies to crushes and hobbies as well. I kinda become a clone of them. If I like someone I’ll become like them, like ‘yeah their hobbies are cool, now I’m gonna do those and I’ll be cool and they will like me’. I can’t decide whether this is conscious or unconscious, I just know that there is always some kind of a motive there. I seriously just become like them. With hobbies it’s like ‘hey I do distance running, therefore I’m a distance runner and it’s my personality now.’
I have an ‘I don’t care attitude’ most of the time and I don’t like rules, I always had problems at school with that when I was younger. Even now sometimes. I can go into things without questioning. I’ve always been brave, my friends say that I’d be a gryffindor. Or gryfferin. They say I’m mostly a gryffindor but have slytherin traits too.
My anger is switches between controllable and uncontrollable, depending on the situation.
I dislike being helped by others and I like to handle stuff my on own. This applies to everything.
When I entered high school the first time my teachers immadiately liked me because I was smart and everything, looked pretty responsible, kinda looked like an enneagram 3. I was however exhausted by showing this fake persona that I had on for the teachers so I got rid of that.
Since my childhood was very shitty I’ve always been depressed with on and off episodes and that’s pretty noticable on my grades. I’m still above average in my class but one of my teachers called me out.
I’m both theoretical and practical, but imo theorising pointlessly is stupid. Ne users exhaust me. I like carrying out my plans, but still live a lot in my head. I’m pretty idealistic, but kinda realistic in that. I have plans that might seem very idealistic but I plan stuff that I know I’m capable of carrying out. I would never say that I’ll become a doctor because I know I wouldn’t like to study that much.
I’m fairly assertive but can also be socially awkward. When walking on the street getting catcalled I’ll shout at them and curse very much because I won’t let them take advantage of me and I get very pissed off. When I’m angry I think it’s pretty visible but not all the time.
I’ve been called bossy by my friends. They said that we do things the way I’d like to do them most of the time. Imo they just never take charge and I know how to handle things and can decide so I’ve always been the leader in my friend groups. I’m an amazing problem solver and I always know what to do if a problem occurs. That doesn’t really apply to relationships. I just swallow my pride and apologise or just cut them off.
With crushes I feel like crap I’m so embarrased but people say I don’t act weird. I’ve always been embarrased when talking about love, I never shared my crushes with anyone. It’s embarrassing and brings up an unnecessarily vulnerable side of me so instead I avoid it at all costs. I find these things very cringe but love reading fluff fanfics when I’m alone. Secretly I’m romantic and emotional. I can get really jealous as well.
I’ve always been the weird kid in my class with the weird interests but people liked me regardless because I was always the chill kid who helped anyone and was kind. I can also be blunt and inconsiderate randomly. I’ve always been pretty unapproachable and never had much friends, I think people can sense that I don’t really wanna be with them and I’d just like to mind my own business instead. I avoid crowds and hate (family)gatherings. With crushes though I have this longing that I wanna be close to them.
I can be alone for a pretty long time and enjoy it but that way I’ll become very isolated and used to it and don’t really like to go out again. I also become depressed.
I had a fairly addictive personality my whole life, I have exercise addiction (even though it’s much better than it used to be), I have a history with eating disorders, and I can easily hyperfixate on stuff. These hyperfixations come and go.
I care about my health a lot and do loads of sports, but when unhealthy my room becomes a dark pit, mom says it stinks and I sleep all the time. I’m lazy to do the dishes and I can eat from the same bowl multiple times. I got food poisoning from that two times. I always continue doing sports though.
I have a problem of cutting people off randomly when I get very pissed off. I’ve lost almost all my friends that way. I can get rid of relationships in a minute.
submitted by Internal-Paint-1613 to EnneagramType9 [link] [comments]