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2024.05.15 07:10 SnooAdvice771 Writing a letter to a person for closure I'll never receive.

Dear C,
I loved you. not in that wishy washy lifetime holiday movie kind of way either. I truly loved you. I knew when I met you I could possibly fall. I tried not to, stayed away. didn't want to rock any boats. I think it was that expression of what I believed to be a love of life. the smile and lighting up eyes. I don't know. It's hard to put my finger on. you just had that air about you.
Became friends. shared secrets. shared sorrows. I didn't expect to become what I thought was that area of close friendship. To then get feelings though we lived so far apart. it hurt when I realized it was more than feelings of friendship in my chest. trying so hard to shut if down. not let myself be swept up into something. Love is a lot like the ocean though. one cannot sway it's currents as one cannot halt the rotation of the Earth.
It was turmoil it couldn't be, though I wished for us to fall into each other, hold you tightly to me and feel ourselves melt into each other. You had inklings I know. never said anything, we never discussed it. you moved even further away. I thought perhaps I could move on. I didn't. perhaps that's when I should have noticed. not that you were with someone but that perhaps you were not really my friend.
permission to send flowers but sending them to your work. speaking on the whatsapp. instead of texting. letting me feel confused about your feelings with me yet no resolution. I didn't want to lose you so I said nothing. that was pathetic of me. I think just a way to let myself be taken advantage of again later.
losing touch, regaining communications. losing touch again. Honestly I should have realized sooner but one becomes blinded by their own feelings. It came to a head a year and a half ago. Nearing christmas I found myself this particular year in a deep depression. Even years after tragedy it still hurts. I saw through posts you recently had a family tragedy as well. I wanted to make sure you were ok.
We agreed to meet up for dinner at my place what was that? the 22nd? the 23rd perhaps. So glad to hear from a close friend, feeling a sense of happiness. looking forward to something. braving the grocery stores less than a week from Christmas. I got a bunch of ingredients settling on a fancy style pizza and poached pears. something fun, not romantic (I didnt want to give the wrong vibes) even got a new sauce pan just to make a great red wine reduction for the pears lol. It was all set. I had a bottle of moscato d asti too. just a dessert wine. I even handmade the damn dough. It did turn out pretty decent, the pizza cooked. pears soaking in sugar water. yet
Yet it was 4:00 and I hear nothing, I had that nagging feeling
no Surely she wouldn't.
5:30 I had no word. perhaps a little later dinner. afterall I did not set the specific time.
6:30 and I messaged you to get an apology. I'm so sorry.
She told me her grandmother's memorial was that day. they released a balloon even.
I was crushed. deflated much like that balloon after a week of floating I'm sure. It seemed like an airtight excuse. Or at least one if I questioned would make me an asshole. I may be an ass but C I'm no asshole. I told you I understood but it didn't end there.
for over six months, six months it went on like this. I sent flowers twice actually when I thought I overstepped, made you mad at me. I rememembe getting very sick in Februaury and aplogizing for looking you up to send the damn flowers, feeling guilty of being some type of creep. You didn't mind. Hell I forgot to mention I had a Christmas gift from the previous years I couldn't get to you due to covid.
I asked if you were busy, You asked my free days. if you had the same day off and we made plans, without fail you would cancel or just not show. you would not message me. I understood-still understand helping family when they are sick. yet why not call? text? If I questioned it I was the bad guy. I'd always be the bad guy for simply questioning. I asked you if you didn't wish to be friends. to just reject me if that were the case. I just wanted to spend time together yet... yet even getting you to answer a text was a chore. why? I didn't obsess, I didn't stalk. I just wanted to spend time with someone I cared for. to help in any way I could.
Looking back it was rather pathetic of me. you're still the only person to make me act in that manner. You never rejected me. why? I needed that finality, that goddamned nail in the coffin to know for sure. I guess I just wasn't paying attention. You seemed to get out any way from visiting. spending time together. at a trusted friend's suggestion I proposed time after time neutral territory. coffee shops, restaurants, the book store. any public place.
I didn't know if you had issue with me personally, meeting a guy in his home? you agreed so many times to meet up to only ghost me. You did ghost me. repeatedly. You then said you didn't ghost me that you were staying late to get in the good graces of a new boss, just not answering me letting me apologize later.
I'm sorry C but having well established plans then not letting the person know you weren't going until after the fact. or not letting them know at all IS GHOSTING. SAYING IT'S NOT GHOSTING IS GASLIGHTING.
you ghosted me constantly, you gaslighted me. it hurt. If I didn't have blinders, if I weren't so fucking depressed I would have wisened to it. Instead I hoped and thought perhaps this time. not unlike those scratcher addicts wasting money hoping for that big payout.
You ghosted and gaslighted me. it hurt my self worth. perhaps I wasn't worthy of love nor frienship. a lingering trauma from my childhood you only reinforced in me. I think looking back on it you gaslighted me the entirety of our relationship. when that hit me... I don't know. From the same friend, she thought it a good idea to ask what I was to you. What type of friend am I to you? that was the question. was I just an aquaintenance? was I a close friend? was I just some person?
"of course we're friends" was my response. That wasn't the question though. Crushed. Angry. depressed. I tried still. yet you didnt acknowledge me. I think I grew bitter.
You ghosted me, You gaslighted me. You wouldn't tell me you rejected me even when I asked you to. I felt as though I weren't being treated as a human being.
To me you seemed to be acting like a narcissist or perhaps afraid? You were giving excused the same way the people who raised me did. classic text book narcissists.
C , I hate that a part of me loves you. I hate that what seemed like a relationship that meant so much to me perhaps didn't mean anything to you. I hate that I fell for someone who lies, who ghosts, nor treats me with the slightest bit of respect. I loved you but you only hurt me. loving you made me not feel good about myself. I wish
I wish instead of this rant I could tell you in a nicer way how I feel. That I then wanted to know you because I think it was more the idea of you I fell in love with. just a phantom. That I wished to find the depths of conversation only those like us could know. to find the depths of that well. to truly know one another.
I realize you'll never give an honest answer. I'll never have that chance to cook for you. the closest we'll be emotionally is being an unanswered call, empty chair, dinner for no one. I'll never share true intimacy with you. I remember you placing your head on my shoulder during the movie at the art museum. I wante to put my arm around you so much that night. it seemed innapropriate. I had no idea if she were your friend or girlfriend. I could not intrude.
I realized there are othes who see my worth. I'm more than just a text. people who see me. Yet a part of me lingers wishing. it's only a whisper now, something that still aches. I wished for closure. I'll never get it. I try to accept it. I can only move on.
submitted by SnooAdvice771 to u/SnooAdvice771 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:05 AutoModerator Word Salad Wednesday -- May 15, 2024

Farrah may be crazy but the girl does have a gift with words. We can't understand her word salad most days, and good news for you, we want to hear yours too! Please- share with us what has your knickers in a twist. Make it sound coherent, or don't, we won't judge. This is the place to let it all out and find some support for any situation you might need.

This is a hatter and judgement free zone. Take all the space you need, and give some grace here to those that need it. Word Salad Wednesdays are here for you when it might feel like the world is Hummus and you are Carrots (or whatever Farrah said).
submitted by AutoModerator to TeenMomOGandTeenMom2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:03 MikhailaKirov Weddings

My god, I'm so sorry this is going to be long...but I have to get this out and I have no one else to rant to except myself, so here I am...
TL;DR 1: Theyre expensive for no reason, stressful for no reason, and honestly I just think they're not worth the time...
I love my fiancee to death, but all I wanted to do was go to a courthouse, sign some documents and be married to this absolute beautiful soul that has graced my life. Then maybe take a month off and go somewhere special out of state that we've always dreamed of (Greece is a huge one! Lol), take a cruise somewhere with the money we've saved, or pay off some credit card/student debts..Hell, or even put down a down payment for a house we've always wanted/talked about, get a couple dogs/chickens we've wanted and just... bask in our life together.
But here we are spending 20+ thousand dollars and countless hours testing different fake flowers, trying to find outfits for the groomsman that fit the color palette (men's warehouse fucking SUCKS compared to getting exact colors at the womens bridal place!), frustrated, crying, figuring out how we want to set up the table decorations, aisle decorations, figuring out what to give as gifts to an event that we're fully paying for, what music to play, people aren't rsvping in a timely manner, hotels, venues, caterers, music, food, transportation, alcohol, day of planners, hair, makeup, etc, etc, ETCETCETCETCETCETCETCETC..
All for family that we hardly talk to on a regular, that we prob will continue not talk to on regular after all is said and done and alot of which don't even get along so seating arrangements are annoying to do. The next few months honestly can't come soon enough so all this can just be behind us and we can move on with our lives.
I want to be married to her, I want to hold her, I want to take her last name, I want to spend my life with her... I don't want a wedding, I don't want to go thru this wedding planning, I don't want to needlessly throw money away like this for a single night to appease the eyes of others, cause honestly that's all weddings feel like to me.
I'm not a fan of being the center of attention in any situation and just the thought of it makes me anxious having to do so for 6+ hours. Not to mention, our wedding party is spending their own hard earned money to fund our Bachelorette party and I feel AWFUL about it. I love and appreciate our friends for going out of their way but we're all in our early 30s now, life is basically established for everyone, everyone has things to do, jobs to work, some have children to take care of, some are in the army, life is so hard, I feel so bad...
My future wife (♡) is so precious to me, this is something she REALLY wants and dammit ill deliver lol, I never wanted to say no, I just wanted a happy compromise... she's been thru so much and denied so much in life I want to give her this, shes so sweet and caring of myself and others, always puts others before herself, truly a selfless soul...but this wearing us down...
Like I said, I don't really have anyone to rant this out to, everyone is so happy for us I'd feel horrible tearing this event down complaining to someone... We'll be married a literal day before our 8th anniversary and I can't wait for us to fully and completely call each other 'Wife' :)
TL;DR 2: I just don't like weddings.
submitted by MikhailaKirov to rant [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:59 Ok-Machine-5673 I think it’s a bug

I think it’s a bug
Because the Grimdagger+, I can free merge the card on the LAB. The units included Frosty,Moai,tonguesack and clawsmog (all units upgraded)
submitted by Ok-Machine-5673 to tavernrumble [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:59 GoofyTron69 Questions about GJN

How can I get it? Can I use/transfer credit cards or gift cards to get it? What is the conversion rate?
submitted by GoofyTron69 to Warthunder [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:58 TheElderAnimator I am young, and am seriously struggling with my own intellect.

As the title suggests, i am quite young, not sure i should share my exact age though. I am not trying to brag,
I have always been incredibly smart, and found many gifted classes too easy in my childhood, eventually to the point i viewed them as nothing more than extra work for the same boredom for 40 minutes(this will relate a bit later). And in any classes that weren't specifically for gifted students, i could normally keep my head down the entire lesson with headphones on, and glance over at what we were doing and understand it almost entirely, this kind of talent and ability left me completely without any need to study for the first 10 years of school, and as such, i never learned HOW to properly study, after about 4th grade, i decided to deny teacher requests to move me into gifted classes altogether, because i didnt want the extra homework for in my mind, the same amount of learning. I think this may have impacted me, because i find myself constantly worrying if it would have helped my future if i were to be in these classes.
I studied human behavior and earth science as well as physics from an incredibly young age, if i can remember as young as 5, and have always enjoyed math, i remember being able to do my sister's math homework in my head, which was four grade levels above me, and until incredibly recently, i hadn't learned a single new thing in math, or science classes, since i was in 1st grade.
I've tried to take multiple free IQ tests(dont judge me im broke) and well i know these aren't always accurate in measuring intelligence overall, i maxed out two of them, and got the second highest score possible on the third. Often times i feel like i am some sort of anomaly, and everybody else is an idiot around me, and i know this isnt necessarily true, and each person has their own talents, it seems like i am better than most people at just about everything.
Overall, i know i am smart, and i have always been talented in anything logic, or thinking, and i am confident in my own capabilities, however, i am starting to worry that my lack of development in terms of actual learning skills, may have a devastating effect on my high school career and into college, i am as my name suggests, planning on going into animation despite my zero skills in art, so i dont know how much studying will help in an animation college, but i am incredibly worried for my high school career!
P.S: if this post is weirdly written, or doesn't make sense at some parts, first off sorry for bad punctuation, second off, sorry for the bad writing, i hate going through and polishing text blocks.
submitted by TheElderAnimator to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:57 Separate-Airport-297 Farmland

Could you do me a huge favor? 🥺Please accept my invite so that I can get free giftsCopy my code: 222556470
submitted by Separate-Airport-297 to TemuCodesUSA [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:56 thewindpasser [US, US] [H] Giratina V Alt PSA 9, many other alt arts and slabs [W] PP or Trades

-All singles based off tcgplayer market feel free to make offers. All cards are NM condition. The only trades I am looking for is gengar stuff.
-Sabrina’s Suggestion $110 shipped
Slabs: -Genesect v $120 shipped -Giratina v $450 shipped -Empoleon v $40 shipped -Alakazam ex $90 shipped -Gengar Mimikyu Chinese $80 shipped -Charizard topsun $65 shipped -Ice rider $55 shipped -Reshiram shine 1st $35 shipped
submitted by thewindpasser to pkmntcgtrades [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:55 Appropriate_Dance_47 2023 Chrome Base Set for Sale

2023 Chrome Base Set for Sale
FOR SALE: 2023 Topps Chrome F1 Complete Base Set (1-200) + 3 Full Insert Sets (Autos of 1977, Camber, and Speed Demons) (260 cards total)
Price: $50 USD + shipping (multiple available)
Feel free to message me if you’re interested for shipping quotes. Thanks!
submitted by Appropriate_Dance_47 to F1Cards [link] [comments]


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submitted by shaneka69 to mytarotreadings [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:50 OriginalMix8890 Redeem question (PH)

Wanted to ask how the Puregold and SM gift cards work? Since natanggal Gcash, trying to check the alternatives while I wait for it to come back 🙏
submitted by OriginalMix8890 to MicrosoftRewards [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:48 seewhyKai Drafted Deck and Moment Share Megathread: Dr. Boom’s Incredible Inventions Mini-Set Rotation Edition (May 2024—June/July 2024)

This megathread is for the Dr. Boom’s Incredible Inventions Mini-Set Arena Rotation which starts May 14 with Patch 29.4 up until maybe 30.0 which should come out sometime in late June or June 2024.
You can post your personal drafted decks or in-game moments to start a discussion, receive feedback, or just show off boring/crazy RNG moments during the Dr. Boom’s Incredible Inventions Mini-Set Arena Rotation.
An image/replay/writeup of your drafted deck or in-game moment is required but feel free to also include:
Individual image posts sharing/showing off a deck or moment are not allowed; please share those in this megathread.
Individual text posts are still allowed, provided that there is adequate writeup to warrant an individual post.
submitted by seewhyKai to ArenaHS [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:48 Generic_Username_659 Well, I caved. Still though, I managed to clear the wheel relatively quickly.

Well, I caved. Still though, I managed to clear the wheel relatively quickly.
I swear, the Owl in 10 keys drew me in. Then I figured I might as well go for the wand too. Took another 27 keys for another grand prize, but then getting two within four keys made up for it. After that, I figured I might as well clear the board.
Luckily I'd saved up about 130 keys over the last few months, so I've still got 90 keys left to guarantee another clear wheel in the future. I also finally got to use some of my 84 VIP Madam Milkim tickets to get the alt outfits for free.
And the cheery on top was the four legendary cards I pulled with the gold keys from the wheel.
submitted by Generic_Username_659 to HPMagicAwakened [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:48 Practical_Ad7935 Need help

.10 cents away. Closest I’ve ever been. Please help
Can you accept my invitation so that I can get a free gift? Download Temu App and search the code below to accept my invitation! 234618634
submitted by Practical_Ad7935 to TemuNewUsersASAp [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:46 Practical_Ad7935 So close to winning

Only 10 cents away. This is the closest I’ve ever been. I’ll take anyone I can get!
Can you accept my invitation so that I can get a free gift? Download Temu App and search the code below to accept my invitation! 234618634
submitted by Practical_Ad7935 to TemuCodesUSA [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:45 Shadow_637 Fizz Referral Code - PK4F6 - 25$ Signing Bonus, Latest, Ontario, Canada.

Hey fellow Canadians! 🍁
Are you tired of the same old mobile plans with hidden fees and rigid contracts? Say hello to Fizz Mobile – the service that’s shaking up the Canadian mobile market!
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So, what are you waiting for? Join the Fizz family today and experience mobile freedom like never before! Check out our plans at Fizz Mobile and let’s start this journey together.
submitted by Shadow_637 to FizzMobile [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:44 BarryA101 Could you do me a huge favor? 🥺Please accept my invite so that I can get free giftsCopy my code: 186047494

submitted by BarryA101 to TemuNewUsersASAp [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:41 yeahchristhing GCR Referral Code ! Get cashback for online shopping. Get cash back and a $3 sign up bonus (Canada)

Great Canadian Rebates is extremely easy to use. To get started, register by following the link below, shop as you currently do and your rebates will be automatically credited to your Cash Back Rebate account. Great Canadian Rebates also has many great coupons, free shipping specials,and sales directly from the stores.
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You can also get a $3 sign up bonus.
If interested, you can get started with the links below.
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submitted by yeahchristhing to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:40 Sunflower0526 NEW USERS!! JUST 2 MORE

Can you accept my invitation so that I can get a free gift again? I have got a FREE GIFT here! Search the code below in Temu APP. 234164213
submitted by Sunflower0526 to TemuNewUsersASAp [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:39 Separate-Airport-297 Farmland

Could you do me a huge favor? 🥺Please accept my invite so that I can get free giftsCopy my code: 222556470
submitted by Separate-Airport-297 to TemuCodeExchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:37 ButteredPickle Joker Idea: The Inverter

Effect: Inverse the effect of surrounding jokers (immediate left and right)
Below is a list of how this joker would effect other jokers. I have bolded the changes to each effect to make it easier to see what is different.
I have italicized the effects that are only negative effects, I am not sure these effects should be included as a way to make this joker have downsides or not. On one hand its a cool idea because you need to manage the placement of this joker, but on the other hand this may be a very shallow complication to the gameplay of this joker and may not even be worthwhile. I would love to hear your opinions on this.
Also if there are (???) next to the effect I am unsure if this should be the inverted effect or not. The food items in particular I am unsure if they should get better over time instead of getting worse over time (and maybe if they do get better over time they should start as debuffs aka negative modifiers).
I will update this list with your ideas if they seem more cohesive or well thought out.
Also if anyone is interested in helping me turn this into a mod, please reach out. This idea is probably not going to leave my head until it gets implemented in some fashion. I have experience with coding and game development, but have never used love2d or looked into modding balatro)
Compatible Jokers (and new effect):
Thank you for your time lol
submitted by ButteredPickle to balatro [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:35 PuzzleheadedPear2836 Trading this glb account for a similar glb but with new Gohan or selling for a $20-$40 Nintendo gift card

Trading this glb account for a similar glb but with new Gohan or selling for a $20-$40 Nintendo gift card submitted by PuzzleheadedPear2836 to DokkanBattleTrades [link] [comments]