Good written

A Nice and Accurate Discussion Hub

2012.10.04 15:55 happythoughts413 A Nice and Accurate Discussion Hub

Subreddit for Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett’s novel 'Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch' and various adaptations, including the BBC/Amazon Prime series and numerous audio productions.

2012.09.13 05:52 BBS- Penmanship Porn

Penmanship Porn

2011.10.18 23:25 cjb6714001 Showerthoughts

A subreddit for sharing those miniature epiphanies you have that highlight the oddities within the familiar.

2024.06.09 20:15 cbags124 Unpopular opinion? The writers did NOT like Ezria.

On another rewatch and I'm up to episode 5 called "Reality Bites Me." I originally started watching as an adult so I never understood the Ezria appeal. I always thought they were boring and ridiculous. That's how they were written so that alone tells me the writers weren't saying their relationship was good. But it wasn't until my latest rewatch of this episode that I saw the writers really did write Ezra as a grooming creepy asshole. This is the one after Harvey talks to Ezra about how inappropriate the relationship is and then Ezra and Aria "argue," with how right they are for each other and age is just a number and let's just go on what we feel. This is why I found the relationship so boring because this was pretty much every conversation between the two. But it really struck me here, how Ezra was basically playing Aria in away that made her beg for the relationship. His acting so conflicted was just a big manipulation to get her ( a sixteen year old) to beg for their relationship, nvm the consequences. And then when she returns for her phone, the writers, are very clear with Ezra’s manipulations "I thought you were mature enough to handle this. Do you know what would happen to me if YOU let this get out?" And he was so effing creepy when saying these lines. So to me, the writers did not condone their relationship with how they wrote Ezria. They just did not have consequences viewers would expect (jail for Ezra, counseling or at least acknowledged victimhood by Aria). But that was no different than the rest of PLL. There were rarely typical consequences for the characters' actions. It was one of my favorite things about the show. It made it stand out from what I grew up watching where everything was tied up in a nice bow by the end of the episodes, the moral of the story was clearly spelled out, and the bad guys always lost. Its ironic because this messiness is so much truer to real life than shows I've seen, yet this same show has teenagers defusing bombs, coming back from the dead, evil twins, masks of their faces in ceramic and Mission Impossible material. I love it!
submitted by cbags124 to PrettyLittleLiars [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:12 Negative_Difference4 A real Prince of Denmark tries to live a normal Washington life. WaPo article with some royal shade towards Prince Harry Credit: ImNotaBatFeelmh

Archive Link
Washington Post Link (opens on mobile but not desktop)
Relevant snark from the article:
What does it mean to be a modern prince?
If you follow the British royal family, it means an heir and a spare, locked in a spiral of history, melodrama and betrayal. If you watch Hallmark movies, princes are invariably handsome but restive kings-in-waiting who find true love with scrappy American commoners.
Instead, he found his calling in the Danish military. After completing his education (he speaks Danish, French, English and German), he enrolled in the reserves while also a working royal. Five years ago, he was invited to enroll in the elite École Militaire in Paris, a year-long program for officers and defense experts. Then he was named a Danish brigadier general and a military attaché at the embassy in France. Last year, the palace announced he would be moving to Washington, where he would also focus on defense.“
It’s about defense industrial cooperation,” Joachim explained. “My main task here is to pave the way — boost, help, inspire — for Danish defense industries, large and small, to enter the U.S.: Either provide or sub-supply, get into that big chain of regenerating and resupplying our armed forces.” In short: One of the thousands of diplomats in this town (who happens to be a member of the royal family).
As Kate and Meghan know all too well, marrying into royalty isn’t the fairy tale one might assume, even though you can become an actual princess. You fall in love with a person; you marry a country
“I had high expectations,” Princess Marie said. “I wanted to speak Danish perfectly. I wanted people to be proud of me. I wanted to fit in. So I think I put a lot of pressure on myself. But Denmark is actually an easy country to live in. Why? Because people respect each other a lot. I don’t feel there’s a lot of conflicts. Things work well.”
.... In the smaller world of European royalty, it matters — but only to a certain extent. They all know one another — many are related — and the difference between being a prince or a count may not be a game changer in the larger scheme of their lives.
..... So, no fairy tale. Just a guy — son, brother, husband, father — with a famous family trying to live his life. A modern prince, for those who care about things like that.
Some of the comments:
Here’s a prince, he said, developing the relationship between the United States and Denmark as a NATO ally, taking on a serious and sensitive responsibility instead of coasting on his title." I guess that is a dig at Harry.
“Joachim has been such a force for good in that he has always understood his role... Here’s a prince...taking on a serious and sensitive responsibility instead of coasting on his title. For him to keep his head down and do this work and be a fantastic representative of the country is something I think is extremely admirable." Too bad Harry couldn't do that--or could he before Megan?
"This is his best shot at a drama-free life away from royal reporters who obsess over the comings and goings of even minor European nobles." Thank god our medial isn't like that! /s
A real Prince of Denmark tries to live a normal Washington life. Prince Joachim and his family arrived last summer for his diplomatic post, leaving behind royal drama to raise a family here with hardly anyone noticing.
No irony lost in this story. In a very Royal move, he allows an article about his desire for normalcy away from royal drama, to be written in one of the largest newspapers in the US and certainly in his chosen hometown... So much for 'wanting' to be less noticed! Next week a centerfold spread?
kudos to another who broke away from living on an musty/moldy royal 1700-1800 compound getting very little sunlight. Wasting away waiting for someone to die to advance in life. He also managed to make sure not to marry someone with the one drop.
The contrast with Harry and Meghan is painfully obvious, and probably one of the reasons the story was published. This brother to the heir to the throne made himself an expert on military issues (he also speaks four languages) and has a diplomatic career. Things he didn't do: write a bitter tell all, trash his family and expect apologies, run away from royal opportunities and responsibilities; or adopt with his wife the role of public victim in chief. The irony is that Harry had the military background to make military affairs his profession. Good article on this impressive Danish prince.
Harry can learn from the Danish royals.
Juxtaposed to that Harry from the UK, this guy is a prince for sure.
Another Prince on a world privacy tour …
A very nice article about non-drama Royal family - with character not personality-driven. Washington DC is a great place in which to live and one great reason is the many cultural events conducted by the embassies.
Post Credit: ImNotaBatFeelmh (sorry it took me so long to make this post. But it wasn't easy to do it myself)
submitted by Negative_Difference4 to SaintMeghanMarkle [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:06 Cautious_Security_68 The heart is the throne of God visions this past week +

I dunno i dont feel fit for this transition to be honest with all the disrespect shown to me by coworkers and their absolutely embarrassing themselves messing up on the location of something which they blamed on other managers. But if mike wants to cut in front of me for his own selfish achievements hes only cutting himself off from greater things plus visions on that.
so thats where the power of God comes in in every way through the throne we must relinquish in our hearts im seeing its a house cleaner as i finish this cigarette and i really dont feel worthy at all= humbled to have this realization. Seems like one heck of a distance from me but heres the deal, the closer ive gotten to this realization over the last few years the less room there is for anger or putting any energy into grudges. Definitely feeling unsure of myself with this but its been a good past week of trials that kept me going here.
thats maybe the beauty of all this ugliness in people around me with their jr high school popular kid piss pool drama club, i mean i know they are ignorant to the spirits they invite in so there is that grace and i pity them in that but really these people by far and large do the most harm to society out of ignorance. But it being something constantly in my face and at my ear trying to either keep me away from the throne or push me to it depending on my choice is the black and white distinction.
I mean having my tire slashed and being poisoned twice? but then hes still paying with stomach issues, being a liar and now trying to take a position thats rightfully mine. These guys just cant seem to rise up, only sink which is sad but as i said plenty of motivation to go throne of God in my heart. I really dont know how that works, I thank you God source for ruling over my heart may it all belong to God most high?
Very similar to the bible passage love the lord with all your heart, but theres more than was written in the scripture once you start keeping that as a mental focus and it becomes obvious why Jesus didnt elaborate on that because its a doorway that only those truly seeking will come to find out about. In great numbers it becomes a powerful reckoning energy with the corrupt, just by its mere presence. Now watch as I have explained these things shit in the world gets even weirder, because ive been doing a ton of side work in person as well. the wrong guy has dominion of earth and we are here to change that.
i hope this heart throne transition thing kicks in quickly I see a lot of things I struggle with going bye bye, maybe im impatient.
submitted by Cautious_Security_68 to realspiritualawakenin [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:02 yellowbreads Laptop request for my audio job

Hey! My laptop recently shit the bed after years of usage. I am looking for a new laptop (not mac - my work audio applications are not compatible).
Forgive me if I sound like I have no idea what I'm talking about (I don't) - for work, I run an audio recording software and Zoom with 5-10 people on every call. The audio recording software also has an AI generated written "transcript" that will take my audio and turn it into words in realtime. Occassionally, I have a second audio recording software running at the same time as these two applications.
I am looking for a work laptop that is able to handle these 2 audio applications as well as Zoom calls at the same time. My previous laptop was not able to handle all of this. It is a Windows Surface Laptop 3.
My brother is a computer guy and recommended ASUS, but also told me to consult reddit (lol). I am wondering if anyone might be able to give me some insight on if this computer, linked below, would be a good fit for my work? There is also a (slightly cheaper) version of the same model that has i7/512GB instead of i9/1TB, but the one I linked has a pretty good sale, so I figured I would spend the extra money if it would be worth a better performance overall.
Thank you so much!
submitted by yellowbreads to SuggestALaptop [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:58 Apprehensive_Ring_39 Tbh,I always found it weird and kind of..gross how a lot of the Bleach Fandom claims Orihime is used nothing more then fanservice just cause she has large breasts when she's usually shown in covering and moderate clothing.

Plus she's also a genuinely well written and good character but Nah cause she has a large chest,she's fanservice.
submitted by Apprehensive_Ring_39 to bleach [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:57 Rich_Dragonfruit306 I don't know how to deal with my friend who won't stop talking about herself

I've been friends with this woman for more than 10 years, we met as adults while living in a different city, and then moved at separate times to our current city, and over the past 6-7 years have grown quite close. She is someone who has really been there for me in my hardest times and I have a lot of trust and love for her. However she is a bit of a narcissist - she has been adult-diagnosed with ADHD - and talks about herself A LOT. There are times it's worse than others, when she is in full flight and will tell me in minute detail about her issues, mostly around her work situation.
She is a high achiever and in recent years has become senior management, but she has a low degree of social/emotional IQ and doesn't really have well-developed 'street smarts'. (She isn't really sophisticated, socially: she will be friends with anyone, trust anyone, then get upset when things don't work out as she wants them to.) When she is in flight it is impossible to interject to change the subject; she will talk over me, and at times will actually put her hand on mine to stop me talking, and talk over me (this drives me crazy). I don't think she is aware she does it. While she is in her late 40s, she sometimes has that childlike mindset where she sees things solely through the prism of how she experiences them: for example, one time when she was on the job market she heard her former manager had abruptly left his job. Instead of showing concern for him and why he might have left, she was angry that he hadn't thought to tell her that his job was available. (I have numerous examples similar to this.) The last time we spoke, even though I rang her, she dominated the conversation to complain to me in minute detail about her former workplace - the annoying board members, how someone had spoken to her, how she'd spoken to them.
I understand that I am a trusted friend and she feels she can let her guard down around me and offload, but it's getting too much. For years I've put up with this from her as the price of having a trusted close friend in this city (of which I have few), but this element has always really irritated me. At the start of this year while having dinner with her, something snapped and I had to leave early because I suddenly just couldn't tolerate her. Not long after that I found I was having dreams where I would snap at her, "I can't take another minute of you talking about yourself!" I am not shy in saying what I think, but I've always held back with her, because I know that she doesn't really have the capacity to comprehend that I need a behaviour change from her (see the aforementioned comment about the childlike nature). In fact, other people have said this to her - or written her emails - and her immediate instinct is to criticise and denigrate them. I've since stepped back a bit from the friendship and she has noticed, at one point asking me if she had done anything wrong and if we were good. I didn't tell her what I was really thinking. We finally had a phone call this week after more than a couple of months (we normally would speak once a week or more), and again, she dominated the conversation with the minutae of her work world, mostly grievances. It drove me mad and I was reminded of that feeling of wanting to run out of the room.
I don't want to lose a trusted friend and close friendship but I don't know how to overcome that feeling. But again - talking to her won't really work.
Can anyone give me some advice here?
submitted by Rich_Dragonfruit306 to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:56 IjazSSJ3 I watched RPM for the first time

I grew up in the 00s Disney era of power rangers and generally enjoyed all of them. I put RPM off because the post apocalyptic setting didn’t appeal to me as a kid so it was the only Disney era show I had never seen until recently.
And I have to say I am very pleasantly surprised by the show. Yes it’s still cheesy power rangers fun but it was surprisingly dark which is something I wasn’t expecting.
I also now regret not watching it as a kid because Ziggy and Dillon had such a great dynamic and I’d have definitely vibed with Ziggy.
All the characters are surprisingly well written, my only real reservation is that the red ranger felt like the most under utilised ranger in the series, Usually the red ranger is supposed to feel like the main character but for this if there was a “main character” it would definitely be Dillon, which don’t get me wrong he’s cool and all I just wish Scott was used a bit better.
Overall the series was really good and the dynamics between the characters I found to be really intriguing and like I said Ziggy is probably shot up to 2nd for my favourite Green ranger (no ones ever gonna dethrone Tommy for that spot) and Dillon is definitely my favourite black ranger though.
Overall solid 8/10 just wish there was a battilizer.
submitted by IjazSSJ3 to powerrangers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:51 ProGuy347 HP word count vs Drarry fics

The Harry Potter series, written by J.K. Rowling, consists of seven books with a total word count of approximately 1,084,170 words. And there is 1 fanfic Broken, but in Love by JazzyTheGryffindorthat is longer than this at the moment! 😱 That's insanely impressive to me that someone can write a fanfic longer than all 7 books put together?! For free too.
Shout out to all fanfic writers out there 🙌
Here's the breakdown of the word count for each book in the series:
Source: (1) How Many Words are in Harry Potter? — Word Counter.
Atm I'm reading a 746,386 word fic Lily's Boy by SomewheresSword 😳 So it's literally longer than any of the individual books….
What's the longest drarry fic you've ever read/finished? For me it was Turn by Saras_Girl. That fic was 300k+ words but SO good.
And like. Fanfic is literally so much more fun to read than the books lol. Rarely a dull moment in good fics. The books however.. can get a little meandering. Ofc without them, we wouldn't have fics at all, so thanks JKR, for that, even if she is a massive transphobe. 😒
submitted by ProGuy347 to drarry [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:47 TechnicalTerm6 Help understanding the incongruity of a character.

I thoroughly enjoy Voyager as a series. In 2020 the characters were, for all intents and purposes, my friends. Very good ones at that. I say this first so folks protective of the fandom understand I'm not shitposting or trolling.
In fact, it is in this light of befriending the show, that I ask for help understanding one of the major confusions I have had with it (even if the answer I end up getting is "it was a show not designed for modern day binge watching or critical analysis so it just doesn't hold up to some deeper scrutiny").
The confusion is regarding how Janeway is written to make choices.
All beings are flawed of course, and have the capacity of incongruity and making mistakes. But hot shit, the consistency of the pattern here is just....What were the writers thinking?
Janeway (S1, E1, paraphrase): Children will surprise you. They may do better than you think if you give them a chance/ insert whole speech about adversity helping groups of people develop and thrive
Janeway (S1, E1, a few minutes later, paraphrase): "Oh no we must destroy our only way home to protect the children even though 3 seconds ago we were trying to fight the caretaker to get access to the array, now that we have it without fighting him... we should destroy it."
Janeway throughout the show: "I will always put the needs of my crew first."
Janeway making choices throughout the show: "This singular alien life form who is hostile, is more important than my crew."
It's not even subtle hypocrisy; she consistently makes directly opposing actions.
If she never said "I put my crew first" I'd be more okay with it. Similarly, if the crew had from the get-go decided to shoot down the array, again, more fine. But the up and down-ness of it all, is just....what? She is so very much "do as I say, not as I do" but...within herself?
Yes, people are complicated and not always consistent. Militaristic structures are awful in many ways for what they do to people regarding individual critical thinking skills.
And yet still, I'm vexed 😆 Any help or perspectives to be offered are appreciated.
submitted by TechnicalTerm6 to voyager [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:43 VasilyBoyAiming Introducing : GoldenEAR music player

Introducing : GoldenEAR music player
It's a bit heavy at 37mb, it's slick UI makes it's use as easy as any daily task, most of its size lies in it's icon, the image might seem foggy, because it's zoomed in, but irl it got 4k textures and the software comes with square shaped icon in case you didn't like the round one, written in python and some C++, the app is just as cool as anything of the time. It's really a testament to my programming expertise.
I hope you are having a good time. I will keep you updated :)) Well it's mainly for me, it's an Open source software.
submitted by VasilyBoyAiming to TheBigGirlDiary [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:40 Zenith135 DM makes girlfriend BBEG, ignores all player input

Kind of a long post, sorry. TLDR; dm let's girlfriend be the BBEG and make all decisions about the game. Special cameo from alien Cyborg furry chimera from the future.
I just joined a group a couple weeks ago and have been meaning to make a post about it in RPG Horror stories, but here goes:
DM posts online looking for players. I haven't played or DMed in about a year and am desperate for a game, so I sign up. There's a few questions for me that I answer (standard stuff, how long have you been playing, what kind of character are you thinking about, are you OK with no evil characters, etc.) I answer them, but as someone who has DMed for a decade I have questions of my own.
How long have they been DMing? About a year. This is their second game and it started about 2 months before I joined.
How many players? They're trying to set the foundation for a living world where other people will be able to dm in the setting, so they currently have 20+ players but only about 6 or 7 show up for a given session. They run 3 days a week so if you can't make it, no problem. Everyone just uses their Discord names rather than real names.
Any homebrew or house rule changes to 5e I should know about? Yes, a few of them.
As they start to go into them I realize this is not going to be a great game, but I don't really care that much. Im just here to play, im not super invested. They tell me to start at level 2 with 150 gold. Okay, cool. Use DnD beyond for sheets. Sure. Roll for stats, cool. End up rolling really well, 17, 14, 17, 17, 13, 17. Dm watches me roll and is amazed. Put the 14 in Wis and 13 in int.
If an attack meets a creature's AC exactly, roll to dodge. Whatever, lots of newer DMs do this.
There are apparently glowing scrolls in the world that allow you to INSTANTLY level up, no matter how much xp you have. Red flag.
The campaign is going to Level 100, switching from Xp to milestone after level 20. Huge red flag. Pause. I ask how that's going to work. What features do you get at level 21 of fighter? 22? 47? They say they're going to be pushing for multiclassing at Higher Levels or using not class feature rewards for higher levels, so I'm assuming things like feats and epic boons. Still very weird though.
Everyone can suggest custom Race for their character and the DM will discuss with another person about it to see if they believe it fits the world (this other person helped design the setting). Okay, great! I've been wanting to play a sentient undead character for a while, we'll circle back to it.
Same as above, you can create a custom item for your character to start with. Cool. I ended up asking for a Greataxe with the finesse property and was granted it. Sweet. Barbarian/rogue, here I come.
There is a homebrew banking system in place, and in order to "encourage" players to use it, you cannot carry more than 2,000 gold on your person at once because "it is too heavy". Strength of 8? 2000 gold. Strength of 24 when the barbarian hits level 20? 2000 gold. But that's fine, my character is a vagrant who doesn't use money and scavenges for everything he needs, and carries everything he owns on his person in a torn up duffel bag.
There's some custom items that can be bought so I spend my starting 150 gold (with dm permission) to get one of them, which is a special gemstone. It says "gives advantage on perception, Stealth, medicine, and Insight checks. Allows for 2 points of advantage on listed checks". Fuck yes, barbarian rogue who rolls 3 times and takes the best on Stealth, Perception, and Insight? I'm set.
Now for my custom Race. I want to play a leng ghoul from the Sandy Petersen Cthulhu Mythos book. I know they're a little overpowered, so I even volunteer to lose the ability to gain Skill bonuses and to lose the claw attacks. DM tells me no, I'll need to pick a different race. Okay, that's fine. I knew it was a long shot. I decide to just be a half orc and ask "out of curiosity, was there something specific that was too OP?" "No, we just felt that the race didn't fit the world. Nothing wrong mechanically" fair enough I guess.
First session:
My character is introduced alongside another new player. They are a paladin. We decide we've been traveling together for a while after Paladin helped get my character out of a bad spot a while ago.
Every player gets a bag of holding my first session in. But wait, a bag of holding makes items within weightless. Can't I just put gold inside the bag of holding? No, you can't put money inside these bags of holding. Other ones you can, but not the free ones we're given. Whatever. Vagrant. Don't care.
We exit the tavern we were in after some fun RP. group is very friendly and fun, and they seem to gel really well together. As we are leaving, we notice something strange glowing on a nearby tree. "K <3 M" is written in glowing script. The other players have been playing for a few sessions so I'm thinking this is probably something important with some NPCs they met previously, so Paladin and I don't have any idea what it could mean. Other players talk it over for a while, and the DM just keeps repeating "think deeper about it" and "you're not thinking realistically. Think realistically". Literally says those phrases like 5 or 6 times each. Nearly 20 minutes of players trying to figure it out and the DM giving us nothing and it changes to be full names rather than initials.
One of the players finally puts it together. This is the DM announcing they started dating someone IRL. I get pretty pissed off at this point, saying I think it's pretty irrelevant to do this. The DM says "sometimes a literal irrelevance is needed". I respond "Yeah, I agree. But this is the first session for 2 new players and you decided to spend a third of it so far on a dating announcement. Like. Congrats dude, but I really don't care about your love life. I'm here to play Dnd, not make random guesses about your love life." Other players agree and are also angry, so i feel a little more justified. Again, we all use discord names, so most of us didn't even recognize the DM's name.
After a while DM has to take a break for 10-15 minutes and leaves us for a bit. Here's where things go incredible. Most groups I've been in, if left alone for 15 minutes, will either just go to the bathroom or check social media or whatever. But this group instantly falls into very natural and authentic role play, asking the new players what their characters have done up to this point, offering to help them learn about the new land we've found ourselves in, talking about wanting to teach my character how to make some nice stews out of foraged foods and rabbit or squirrel. Genuinely some of the best role-playing I've ever been part of.
DM comes back while we're talking about rabbit stew. Instantly cuts us off, says there's no rabbits, and jumps into whatever they were saying. I would KILL for a group that role plays that freely as a DM, and this one is actively squashing it.
DM decides we're going to another town. We get there and are asked to help with defending the city while they rebuild after a raid. Cool. Nothing happens though. We spend the day sitting at guard stations waiting for raiders to return and nothing ever shows up to the town. They thank us and send us on our way with some gold (I give mine to paladin).
DM decides we are returning to the first city. We have discovered that there was a lot of corruption there (the other party members in previous sessions). So we're coming up with a plan to take the city back from the organized crime ring that is running the place. We get to the town and apparently one of the other players is a VERY influential person in the world because they were able to call in an airship of dozens of fighters for backup with this operation.
At some point during this, I I asked to make one of the relevant checks for the item I bought and so I roll with advantage. DM asks why I rolled 2d20s. I say "the item I bought gives advantage." The DM responds Yeah, advantage means +1 to the roll". I say no, advantage means you roll twice and take the better result, or it gives +5 if using the optional method. DM responds that "the double advantage means you get +2 to those checks. You don't get to roll more than once". So I tell them okay, but that they should really change the wording to just say it grants +2 because that is not what advantage means in 5e. They say that they know what it means so it doesn't matter.
Another player that is a rogue had a plan to use his extensive connections to trace the crime ring and find exactly how expansive it was so we can be sure to snuff it all out. DM just brushes over it and ignores the idea. Instead, we head directly to a front owned by the ring.
We show up to what is apparently the head of the crime syndicates' place of business and are prepared to fight. The DM "rolls to see how hard the fight will be" and gets a natural 1. The DM then narrates the player that found the place easily defeating the boss and the rest of us cleaning up the henchman. I once again was pretty upset. "So you just roll a single d20 and that means we don't get to do anything?"
"Yeah, they just were so confident that no one would ever stand up to them that they stood no chance. They didn't even have weapons or anything"
"An organized crime syndicate that has been running a city through force for years had 0 plans for if anyone ever tried to stop them, to the point none of them had weapons?"
"Yeah, that's just the way the dice roll sometimes". "You probably shouldn't be letting major plot points and large battles be determined by a single d20 roll that the players have no influence in." "Sorry, it's just the way things go sometimes." "Yeah but it shouldn't. The outcome of a major plot centric fight should be based on how well the party prepares and uses their resources, not by the DM before it even starts."
End of session 1. I message paladin and he agrees this was really bad but that he's gonna give it some time. I say the Same.
I find out between sessions that the DM has not read ANY of the books and learned how to play exclusively from the DnD beyond character sheet and watching live play YouTube videos (critical roll and dimension 20), and in fact they do not know how to read and have been teaching themselves. Yes, the DM never learned how to read as a child.
Session 2 is going to be much less in depth because literally nothing happens that any of the players have a say in.
Dm decides we're all going to the bank so my character can set up a bank account. "DM, my characterlives a nomadic lifestyle scrounging for scraps. Why would I go to a bank?" "To set up a bank account of course!" "Right. And I have 0 gold. So there's no money for me to put in a bank." "Well you might in the future, so you should set one up now!" "My character has already refused payment and charity twice in this game though. I doubt he's ever going to have any amount of money on him. He is a rogue though, so I guess he can find SOMETHING to do in a bank." DM quickly decides that there is zero reason my character would want to be in a bank and has the party leave.
We try to get horses from a stable so we can travel between towns faster (since the DM keeps deciding we're all leaving town multiple times per session) we are seeing if there are any horses that are trained to not flee from combat, like a warhorse. The DM says "No, you'll have to find a war horse out in the wild. Stables aren't going to have them." I'm a little confused as to why combat trained horses would just be out in the wild, so I ask about it. "The war horses are bright red and have manes of fire" "That's not a warhorse, that's the fucking Horse of War from the apocalypse" "Yeah, it's just a fun little reference" "So we can't have Combat trained horses because of Red Dead Redemtion and the Bible?" "Yeah, that's what the War Horse is" "So like, there's no militaries or militias in the country that ride horses then?"
Dm changes the subject. We're leaving town again!
We get to a new town and the place is being ransacked. We are hiding over a hill and watching the raid happen to try to get a good understanding of the situation when the BBEG appears. We know this because the DM says "and then, the BBEG appears. This is the BBEG for the campaign right here. She's very powerful, you do not wanna mess with her."
After the introduction, DM hands the game over to his girlfriend that he announced in the previous session, revealing she is playing the BBEG (she is also a player in the party, mind you) and is the person that helped design the setting, so is sort of co-DMing.
The BBEG starts talking to us. One of the players says "she's in the middle of town and we're outside the town on the other side of the hill, how does she even know we're here?"
"Great question. My love?" "OH, I can just see you guys." "There you go, she can see you"
"I had a 29 for my Stealth check" "I still see you" "Cool."
So the BBEG(big bad evil girlfriend) monologs about how powerful she is and how we are powerless to stop her and the DM asks if we want to stay and try to save the town or run away. I say "look, guys, I think we can take her". I've got 10 years experience DMing and more playing, and the DM obviously is not aware of how the game works. I am fully confident I can outmaneuver this enemy. Other players agreed they wanted to try to defend the townspeople.
"She's the maximum level"
"Yeah, but this is 5e. I'm level 2, I can probably take her. The difference in numbers between level 1 and 20 is like +10 at the max."
Another player interjects here. "You're level 2???? I'm level 8" "What?" Another player "Yeah I think 7 is the lowest level of any party memebers" "Oh, cool. I was told you were level 2 by the DM last week."
DM: no, I'm pretty sure I said to make yourself level 6 or 7. "Check our messages, it's like the first thing you told me. Dm: huh yeah, I did say level 2. Oops. Level yourself up to level 3 then."
We still want to try to save the Townspeople, maybe we can avoid her specifically or someone xan keep her busy long enough to help people.
Girlfriend declares she summons 150,000 troops to the city.
The DM narrates how we all run for our lives because we have no chance of beating her as BBEG calls in an army of thousands of soldiers who wear armor that resembles one of the other party members.
Now is a good time for me to say that I am absolutely not having a good time in this campaign, but that the other players make it more than worth it to deal with the DM.
Remember how my sentient ghoul was deemed "not fitting" for the setting? The other player asks "they look like me? Do they have the autobot or decepticon emblem?"
Record scratch. "Sorry, wait. Are you a transformer? I thought you were a bugbear." "No, I'm a half bear, half bat from the future that can transform into a robot because I'm partly cybernetic." "Okay. So ghoul that is intelligent is too far fetched for this world, but alien Cyborg furry chimera from the future is perfectly fitting. Gotcha."
The DM narrates us running away and going to the next town, where the invasion BBEG called is also happening. They narrate a girl being kidnapped and the party says that she is the love interest of another player who is not at the session, and the group agrees they want to try to free her bc party member would be upset if we let her get taken without even trying to save her. I agree and charge in.
"They're so far away, you wouldn't be able to reach them in time. You'd have to be able to move 45 feet at least."
"I'm a rogue. Move speed 30, cunning action dash 30, action dash 30. That's 90 feet. I can cover the distance there and back."
"Well. There's guards between you and her" "I'll take my chances. I've got a pretty good AC, with your roll to dodge mechanic AND uncanny dodge. I'm willing to risk it to save her"
"There's also 40 guards surrounding her" "They're have 40 guards escorting this 1 random girl? Is she like a princess?" "No, they just really want her kidnapped" "Okay, I guess I'll try to push through them."
The girlfriend interjects. "The BBEG teleports in. She laughs a wicked laugh about how futile your attempts are, and then teleports the girl away".
Oh. Cool. Great. Excellent.
Session ends. Another player messages asking what they missed this session. I respond "nothing that any player had any say in".
2 sessions in. 10 hours of "game play". 0 combats. 0 skill checks that weren't instantly nullified by an NPC immediately anyway (i didnt bother mentioning it, but i have rolled 3 total skill checks, all stealth, and all 3 i was spotted anyway despite getting 23+). 0 decisions made by any player. The DM just tells the party where they are going, asks what they want to do, and then makes an excuse to not let that happen and tells them what they actually do instead.
I would say the DM should write a book, but they can't read.
submitted by Zenith135 to rpghorrorstories [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:39 RedSpyOfficial It is the end of the road tomorrow.

Welp, that's it. After all the hours, days, and even weeks of hard work, I will be taking the Dalf C1 exam tomorrow, at least the written test because I already took the production orale last Saturday which went surprisingly well (I jinxed it please don't let me down). For anyone who will also take the test, I wish you the best of luck. If tomorrow yields a good result it will be the first step of my journey towards studying university in France. I will either go big or go extinct.
submitted by RedSpyOfficial to French [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:37 AcceptableSky8548 Advice for telling someone you have scabies

I have to tell someone I have scabies, it's someone I fell in love with recently and I don't know how to tell them. She is leaving on a trip tomorrow morning and I feel awful cause I can't tell her to cancel it. The bond we had was like nothing I ever experienced on this earth and now it's all going to be destroyed by telling her.
I thought about not telling her but I can't live with the guilt and it's the right thing to do to tell her. Also if I didn't tell her and she found out it could of been me it would be way worse.
Also, we want to spend time together during summer and I kept saying I'm not sure. Now she is probably going to think that I knew I had scabies when I was with them even know I didn't know.
Even if I tell her now we won't be able to spend time together cause she will think ill be a scabies carrier forever. The worst part is I know how stressful and bad the symptoms can be and I fear that she will hate me for life.
I could chance not telling her, because maybe they didn't get infected and they will think it was someone else they got it from but then when we see each other again she will reinfect me if didn't find out it was scabies.
Or Choose the option were I'm blocked and hated on by the first person I ever fell in love with and expose myself as someone who seems dirty.
My other big fear is that she traveling with lots of different friends over the summer, and these are trips that she has planned for months. If I tell her and she doesn't treat her self correctly and gives it to her other friends I will be blamed and get a reputation and as the scabies guy
My english is not very good, I'm very sorry about the way it is written. I could really use some honest advice if you were in my situation.
Thank you so much
submitted by AcceptableSky8548 to scabies [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:36 itssayeed Live Q&A with Oksana, Vlada and Nika (LoD game designer) (09.06)

Question to Oksana: Is there a branch with the horned man, the forest man?
Oksana: I will answer this way. A character who has already appeared will turn to face us, take off his mask, and he will turn out to be the favorite. We have more than one such character.
Question to Vlada: Is it possible to hope that there will be more than one intimate scene with Seth?
Vlada replied that she would try not to write inappropriate intimacies, but she could not say anything about the number.
Question to Oksana: Is it possible to worsen relations with the characters?
Oksana replied that it would not be possible to bring the character directly to the villain, but with different characters there are certain points that can be reached (to worsen to just friends or just acquaintances, for example).
Oksana said that not all skills in Vampyrus Novus will be worth 2 mastery skill stats.
Question to Vlad: Is it possible in other circumstances to remove the mask from the Raven at his will?
Vlada: In the future, without the previous choice, you can remove the mask from the Raven.
Oksana tells us: There are several categories of the undead in history: Ghouls like Peter, who live only by thirst for blood. Their eyes glow blue. They cannot become normal vampires. Classic vampires who are intelligent. They are intelligent and their eyes glow green, like Odette's. If there is someone else, we will be able to see them in history.
Vlada said that Anastasia's roulette outfit was illogical to wear outside, because not all the LIs could see it, and the reaction to it, like the reaction to Esmeralda's outfit, will be in the next update. All LIs will have a reaction to Esther‘s new outfit. Vlada also promised that in the novel itself she would inform when to put it on.
Oksana said that work is still underway on the third book, The Seal of Nostradamus. As soon as it goes to print, Oksana will let you know about it!
Question to Oksana: If you run a double branch with Erich and Nicholas, will there be scenes of jealousy?
Oksana: If we talk about such a triangle, THEN of COURSE, how without it. When you enter the second book, you will see how fiery everything will be there.
Question: Do you read the theories of the players? Have they ever hit the spot? How do you feel about it?
Oksana: I try to read theories. It happens that they are not one hundred percent, but they are very close. This is very pleasant, it means that the players have gone through the story more than once or twice and notice the little things that the author has scattered throughout the story.
Vlada agreed and added that recently in her chat they noticed some little thing about the LoW, that the Triumvirate of the Coven symbolized the Triad worshipped by the knowledgeable.
Oksana came up with the initiative to search for items in VN.
Vlada noted Raven has wrinkles on his face. Raven is drawn exactly as it should be. Scars were not planned.
Oksana noted that there is no canon in visual novels and will no longer buy the questions "what is your ideal ending?".
Question for Oksana: Will there be a rapid development of relations with Nicholas?
Oksana: you will immediately feel the tension of an intimate nature between them, but Nicholas became interested in Catalina for completely different reasons, and we will find out about it soon. In general, their branch will be hot.
Vlada noted that as part of LoW, there will be more excerpts from the LIs' faces.
Oksana once again notes that Caleb and Irving have completely different types. Oksana is categorically against putting equality between these characters.
Question to Vlada: What color is the magic of Belogor?
Vlada: Belogor's magic is milky white, and it glows.
Oksana: At the moment, it is impossible to pair the LIs with other characters.
Vlada: A happy ending in LoW is possible on any branch. (Addition to this answer. If you are undecided in your branch for a long time, then perhaps you will not have a happy ending, because it is already going to the third book.)
Nika: Pricing for scenes depends on how many chapters were written in the update and how many were allocated in total for the entire update.
Oksana said that she likes the current pace of writing one story more than writing two in parallel.
Vlada noted that she already has references for her third novel. Vlada also wouldn’t like to continue writing two stories at the same time.
A new LI will appear in VN in the next update. Maybe someone else will appear in the second book (but that's not for sure).
Question for Vlada: how do you prescribe the thoughts of an evil Ife?
Vlada: Since there are a lot of thoughts and ideas in the novel, I have to prescribe both options. It's morally uncomfortable for me to write it, and if I were a player, I wouldn't play for it.
Question: Is it possible to hope for a happy ending with Atsu if he remains human?
Vlada: God or man, it does not affect the character of the Atsu. This only affects the receipt of an important artifact, which affects the plot. And whether Atsu remains a god or not may depend on you.
Oksana: The choice of the personality of the main character does not affect the plot.
Question: A good ending with Odion. Is it possible?
Vlada: let's start with the fact that there is a finale with him. There will be no good ending for evil Ife, along the branch with Odion. Well, we have connoisseurs in the fandom.
Vlada: There will be no voiceover of the favorites (regarding individual phrases), because this may affect the representation of the players. Laughter and moaning are possible.
Vlada said that for Dario‘s laughter, a whole casting of men was held in the cathedral. He is voiced by a foreign actor.
Nika, a game designer, works only with Vlada and Oksana. There are three game designers in the League in total.
Oksana likes to read negative endings more, but not where everyone died. (In short, the punishment finale of the CAD)
Oksana loves to prescribe everything equally. She doesn’t like writing endings that are very unpopular.
Vlada likes to write semi-glass more. And to read finals with some victims.
Oksana: Erich is not a particularly friendly person. He is secretive, rather irritable, and vampirism has also aggravated this trait.
Vlada says in the LoW update , several LIs can dress up.
Oksana says there will be a slow burn branch with Erich.
Vlada: The familiar may become visible to everyone, perhaps sooner than you think.
Oksana: Odette and Catalina: there is some obstacle (quite weighty) that can interfere with their friendship.
Vlada: There will be intimate scenes with all the LIs in LoW. The naked sprites of the LIs in LoW have not been drawn yet.
Oksana won't spoiler anything about the Forest Man.
submitted by itssayeed to leagueofdreamers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:35 KalAanaKal A Story of a avg student

I am writing this because i just am tired,i have heard that people used to be academically gifted one in there household and didnt score good in jee mine is different i was a below average student used to score 50 60% marks till 9th(yes i was that bad) i somehow got 80% in 10th boards and like u all started to prepare for this rat race know as IITJEE i worked hard for 2 years(the much i could)and got 97%ile in 1st attempt i was tired after it but still studied gave boards gave 2nd attempt got 0.2%ile less in 2nd attempt still didnt lost hope started preparing for advance and failed today. Seeing peoples succes stories felt good before that they worked hard and got iit but maybe sometimes it's not written in your destiny.
TLDR; Mai chutiya hun
submitted by KalAanaKal to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:30 thesilverpoets96 Song of the Week: New Test Leper
Hello everyone, I hope all is well. Today we are going to be taking a closer look/listen at “New Test Leper” which is the third track from the “Hi Side” of the band’s 1996 album New Adventures in Hi-Fi.
This song was actually one of the four songs from the album that was recorded in Seattle, Washington at the Bad Animal Studios. Even though this song wasn’t recorded on the road during the Monster tour like most of the album’s tracks, it was written and played during one of the band’s soundchecks. Peter said “And for some reason, we just forgot about it and never really played it. I don’t know why. Michael just happened to luckily enough have it on tape.” Peter also stated that this is the most “R.E.M.” sounding song on the album.
And I can see why Peter made that comment because the song starts off with Michael’s vocals right away, acoustic guitar, a shaker and some organs from Mike. With that acoustic guitar and that 6/8 time signature it’s definitely giving me Automatic for the People vibes, especially with a song like “Try Not to Breathe.” Now lyrically, here’s another quote from Peter in discussing the inspiration for the song;
“Michael was watching one of those talk shows and I think the subject was ‘People judge me by the way I look’ or something.” Whereas I, when I have the misfortune to look for two minutes at one of those Oprah, Geraldo things, I just get revolted at everyone concerned: the audience, me. Michael actually looked at it and felt like, ‘Gosh, what if someone’s actually trying to communicate something to these people and this person who’s in this awful, tacky, degrading situation?’”
The song starts off with the memorable lyric “I can't say that I love Jesus, that would be a hollow claim.” With this lyric in particular Peter said “It’s written from the perspective of a character that Michael saw on TV on a talk show. But are people going to think Michael’s talking about himself not liking Jesus? I don’t think that people will take us that seriously.”
The next lyric “he did make some observations and I'm quoting them today” seems to be Michael referencing the host of this religious talk show. The quote he uses is “judge not lest ye be judged” which, as Michael says, is a beautiful refrain. But the studio audience of the talk show don’t agree as they ask “have his lambs all gone astray?” It appears that there’s a guest on this talk show who is a “leper” which could mean an outcast of sorts. And in the chorus they say “call me leper.” I think the point that Michael is trying to make is how ironic it is that people of religious stature are judging someone else for not following teachings of the Bible when they are doing that themselves. As the title of this song deals with the New Testament and lepers played in a role in the different stories.
Now before we get into the rest of the song we gotta talk about the music up to this point. As I mentioned earlier, the song starts off with acoustic guitar, organs, vocals and a shaker. Despite it starting off as an acoustic number, the song has an upbeat tempo to it that makes it far from the slowest song on this album. And halfway through the first verse we get the bass and drums entering the mix. The song itself is fairly simple, but Mike’s bassline is far from it! Instead of playing a normal bassline, Mike is playing a lead melody that might as well be played on guitar. He’s what he had to say about this specific bassline just last year;
“I try to keep my bass lines a certain way, but for some reason with 'New Test Leper' I decided to basically play a bass solo all the way through the verses. You don't want the bass by itself, but in terms of free-forming and playing a lot of notes and having a lot of fun with it, I think 'New Test Leper' is the one where I took the guardrails off of it and had a good time."
I also love the electric guitar part during the chorus. Not only is the melody catchy but I love the tone to it. I can’t tell what effects it has on it but it sounds like a tiny bit of tremolo and it gives me strong surf vibe. It’s perfect because it fits alongside Michael’s simple delivery of “call me leper.” Which is also fitting because during the verses Michael’s vocal delivery is soft and warm and has a ton of great dynamics to it.
In the second verse we have Michael calling out the talk show after the host says “you are lost and disillusioned.” Michael understands how awful this show and crowd are and was hoping they’d be able to understand. But when the subtitle on the show say “I am not an animal” he realizes how ugly the whole event is. It should be noted that the quote “I am not an animal” comes from Michael’s favorite movie The Elephant Man which also inspired other R.E.M. songs like “Carnival of Sorts.”
After another melodic chorus we get an instrumental bridge with a gorgeous guitar solo from Peter over some mournful chords. It has that western Glen Campbell sound to it that Peter would return to in a couple albums with Reveal. The tone of that guitar shimmers and shines and the organs feel perfect backing the whole bridge. By far my favorite bridge on this album.
When the band goes back into that last verse we get this eerie sounding guitar feedback from Peter. I feel like this is suppose to be to leave a bad taste in your mouth the same way that this tv show has left a bad taste in this “leper’s” mouth. Michael sings from the perspective of the leper and how they finally understand the show was just a way to shock and awe people. Before they can tell their story, the show cuts to a commercial break. And as they are sitting through five commercials, the host is just staring blankly into his pre organized index cards. He explains how the guests were “scared and hardened” and ends the verse with the lyric “what a sad parade” which Michael admits he borrowed from his fellow songwriter and friend Vic Chestnutt.
The last chorus of the song starts off without any drums which is a nice way to slow the song down before one final chorus with all the instrumentation. Peter continues with that bouncy guitar riff until the band ends on a minor chord which is very appropriate.
Despite this song having a music video directed by Lance Bangs, and despite it being one of Michael’s favorite songs from the band, it was never an official single. It was only used a promotional single in Germany. Yet I feel that’s not a bad thing as this song and its profound meaning might have gone over some non fan’s heads after hearing that opening line. Yes, Michael used a real religious tv evangelism for the background of this song, but it’s not to hate on a specific religion. But more so to show the hypocrisy of preaching kindness and telling people to treating others how you want to be treated, to just then turn around and judge someone for being different. This message is wrapped up in this jaunty acoustic number that features all the great element throughout this album while remaining fresh. Plus it’s one of Mikes best basslines.
But what do you think of this song? Should it have been a single? What do you think the song is about? Favorite musical or lyrical moments? And did you ever see it live?
submitted by thesilverpoets96 to rem [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:30 thesilverpoets96 Song of the Week: Escape is at Hand for the Travellin’ Man
Hello everyone, I hope all is well. Today we are going to be taking a closer listen/look at the penultimate track from Phantom Power titled “Escape is at Hand for the Travellin’ Man.”
“Escape…” is a fan favorite song from the band. It was voted to be included on the band’s Yer Favorites album, it was also voted as the song fans wanted to hear live the most in 2004 and it was the first song that the band practiced before their final tour in 2016. And the song itself has a pretty rich history.
The song was written for Jim Ellison, the lead singer and guitarist for the Chicago, Illinois band Material Issue. Unfortunately, on June 20th, 1996, Jim committed suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning. This song lyrically, as we will break down, describes the short relationship that Gord had with Jim as well as how Gord grieved over his loss.
But before we dive into the lyrics, we have to talk about the music of this track because the music plays for a full minute before Gord’s vocals come in. Imagine if the outro jam for “The Last of the Unplucked Gems” went on for almost six minutes. That’s close to what we get with this song. Johnny’s drum beat is slightly faster than the Road Apples closing track, not super fast but enough to get your head nodding along. You also have the star of the show (in my opinion) Mr. Gord Sinclair with his phenomenal bass playing. He’s playing these chords in a picking pattern very high up on the neck of his bass. He plays it in a very hypnotic way and does a ton of variations like slides as well and moving all around the fret board. To me, it’s what drives the song and recently he made a short video describing how he came up with the bassline. You can check it out here:
So while you have this extremely tight groove between Sinclair and Johnny, Paul is playing these counter melodies/riffs to the song’s grooving bassline. And then you have Rob who’s playing one of his most interesting guitar parts. Throughout most of the song, Rob is playing these little atmospheric guitar parts that include slides, hammer ons, pull offs and harmonics. But to make this sound even more interesting he set up a delay unit for his guitar with different speeds. This creates different sound with the different speeds every three seconds or so. It’s how his guitar sounds so dreamy on this song.
Once Gord starts singing, the first thing I notice is his vocal delivery. He sings this song in a typical Gord way that is just unique enough that it takes a couple of listens to be able to sing along with him on the verses. He starts off the song with the lyric “it was our third time in New York, it was your fourth time in New York. We were fifth and sixth on the bill.” Although I couldn’t find the exact history, we are to assume that this lyric dives into the history of the Hip playing a show/festival with Jim and his band Material Issue. This may have even been the first time that each band had met each other. It would make sense that the Hip would be fifth or sixth on the bill since they never broke out in the states. I also want to point out the clever way that Gord counts up with the lyrics “third, fourth, fifth, sixth.”
Gord sings about talking to Jim about each other bands as well as their “future plans.” But then he makes it a point that they are not “best” friends. They’ve only met briefly during some sort of music festival and it’s hard to be someone’s best friend in that short amount of time. And right before the band transitions into the chorus, you can barely hear Gord say “why, what did we do?”
The band transitions until the chorus which still keeps that somewhat laid back sound, this time with different chords and Paul being a bit more deliberate with his picking. Gord sings “that number scheme comes back to me. In times beyond our heartbeat.” I think the “number scheme” could be that “third, fourth, fifth, sixth” lyrics that he sings throughout the first verse. And the heartbeat lyric is something he’ll return to later on that we’ll talk about then. Vocally, Gord sings the chorus in a more straightforward way and it’s extremely catchy with Paul’s backing harmonies.
The band goes back into the vibe heavy verse jam with those atmospheric guitar notes from Rob still playing. In this verse, Gord sings about hanging around to the last band performing at this festival and this band happens to be called Escape Is At Hand For The Travelling Man. Of course it’s a fake band name Gord came up with, but oh man is it so good. He also makes up different songs that this band plays such as “Lonely From Rock And Roll”, “They Checked Out An Hour Ago” and “They Checked Out An Hour Ago.” All fantastic names and the last name could have a double meaning behind someone choosing to end their live.
In the second chorus we get Gord singing “those melodies come back to me. At times beyond our heartbeat.” I love this lyric because as I get older, I’ll hear a song and even a specific melody, and it’ll transport me to the first time I ever heard it. Music is the closest thing we have to a time machine right now.
After the second chorus get into the bridge section which sees the guitar take a more typical approach by strumming chords. This gives this section a bit more intensity than the rest of the song and makes it soar instead of drone (in a good way). Gord’s vocals become a bit more lively and passionate as he sings “I guess I'm too slow” which to me is him acknowledging that he was too slow to reconnect with Jim while he had the chance. He sings “you said any time of the day was fine. You said any time of the night was also fine” which is probably what Jim told him when they first met and exchanged numbers. With Paul’s backing vocals this bridge is extremely emotional and hits hard when you understand the context.
In the third verse Gord sings about trying to reach Jim but getting no answer on the seventh floor of the hotel. Gord does a phenomenal job at painting pictures, like of pigeons weighing down a telephone wire or the elevator giving out a low moan which adds to the bitterness of this song. He even sings about a chambermaid singing along to the fake song “They Checked Out An Hour Ago.” At the end of the verse he sings “I kind of chucked” in a similar way that he sung/talked the last line of the first verse.
After a final chorus and additional bridge, the band goes back into the intro/verse jam. But as Gord continues to sing “our heartbeat” (which to me could be about how fragile human life is) we can hear Johnny’s drumming becoming heavier and starts driving the song even more than the bass is. This leads to a euphoric vocal delivery from Gord with the amazing lyric “long conversation or idle chit chat. Maybe dive in or maybe hang back.” It doesn’t matter if it’s a deep conversation or if it’s just casual talk, it’s important to talk and connect to the people you love while you have the chance. And the way Gord sings this lyric really seals the deal. After the building of that last lyric the band quietly but quickly dissolves to end the song in a fitting way.
This song means a lot to a lot of people because of its rich lyrics, its emotional depth and its stunning music. It’s no wonder why it’s a fan favorite and was the band’s 20th most played song live. Before we close out this discussion I would like to post a story that a fan had of this song when it came to a particular live performance;
“Gord said during a live performance of this song on May 11, 2007, that Material Issue had driven through the night in their van to get to this concert in NY. After the show, one of the guys in the band was too sick to sleep in their van, and they had no accommodations. Gord said he and Paul offered the guy their hotel room, he accepted, and that was the last time they ever saw any of them. Material Issue checked out the next morning before saying goodbye to The Hip.”
But what do you think of this fan favorite? Is it one of the band’s best songs? What does the song mean to you? What are your favorite lyrical or musical moments? And did you ever catch it live?
submitted by thesilverpoets96 to TragicallyHip [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:28 Confident-Wash-3023 Law in a week

Done everything except like half of contract once. Spent a considerable amount of time memorising and now while going through question bank, just can't seem to recollect. Randomly there are 5 or heck 8-9 points to be written, ppl cry about section numbers here I don't even seem to retain the headpoints. I am not having much problem with case studies though but that too requires a good amount of explanation of provisions, just conclusions wouldn't fetch marks.
I don't have confidence on contract act at this point yet can't take the risk of completely skipping it. How do I plan out next week to be thorough with the syllabus and touch 40🥲
submitted by Confident-Wash-3023 to CharteredAccountants [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:25 lanasapoo Need help

Hello everyone ! I am new to this group and I am asking for your help.
I want to write a little text in Arabic (Tunisian more precisely) but I don’t know if the translation site are doing a good job.
Here’s the text :
Thank you so much for bringing me to your hometown and for showing me the places you like and the people you know. I am extremely glad and happy to have met your father and mother. It meant a lot to me to spend time with them and talk to them. I am also very happy to have met other members of your family; they were all very sweet. You allowed me to enter even more into your world, and I felt closer to you with each passing day. I can’t wait to come again this summer.
Is anyone willing to translate it for me ? And could someone be kind enough to write it down on paper so I could see how the words are written ?
Thanks you so much in advance !
submitted by lanasapoo to learnarabic [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:21 Annonimousie822 Tlb Situation.

Alright, I am .tlb_cr1pt0n1t3. I apologize for any grammar mistakes and other spelling mistakes (I am not good with English that well) finally coming out to the reddit community for these allegations of me supposedly doing these things (below) - Racism remarks - sexual and explicit comments - power abusing/using my position to abuse other people.
We'll start first with the sexual and explicit remarks. These date back to maybe 6-7 months ago, after I started fully joining into the skibidi community, the first server I came to was the dfb server, there was a lot going on, everyone is pretty chill, I've met a few friends who are STILL my friends until now, these remarks were made by a user called ravenz or who is now called north_polexd (Nxrth) 835594782126243861, my former staff team and former friend, who used to be a part of huge communities in servers and other big communities. I don't have an excuse for the remarks I have made but to say that I thought those were all funny and just jokes that aren't taken seriously by them, as they made similar remarks towards camerawoman, and other skibidi analysis YouTubers, the whole thing was engaged by him through a VC in the old iso server before it got raided. But still, as I said that it doesn't excuse the fact that I made these remarks, I've apologized for saying such to people. Those who I've told them to are people around my age, and I thought it'll all be funny cause they made those remarks too. I'm really sorry about that, I really am, I've matured over the past few months after realizing what I said we're immature and uncalled for, I'm just a teenager like most people in the community.
Second of all, the so-called power abuse was later revealed to be false by nightmare (former owner of dfb) all of which had low evidence of me actually abusing my power as a high staff in servers such as mobis, isos, or even elites because my roles there were pretty low besides isos, and I was in the verge of getting demoted from mobis due to my inactivity and how much I was offline while always making staff on leave. I later retired after a week of being a part of the ticket team in elite cameraman's server due to other complications regarding someone else and the same drama they have brought up. Nightmare didn't side with me because we were friends, she sided with me as soon as I started admitting to my mistakes and actually accepting my punishment, I was banned in servers for more than a month or so till I could get back (I just joined back Ecam's server 3-4 weeks ago), and I was the one who contacted nightmare to admit my wrong doings, there was a GC made for that but it has been deleted by her.
There were a lot of dramas that happened between the iso toilet server, including ravenz who were threatening to retire because I told him he's going to get demoted if he doesn't do his duties as a manager, regarding him, there were also complications that occurred even before the new iso toilet server got re-released due to the fact that this user was making higher roles than the owner and excusing it as "Giving himself a role because he'll watch over the server if anything happens" There were a few who saw that, especially people who were working hard to finish up the server, I told him to delete the role because its kind of unfair since he didn't contribute the slightest in the server, not even a channel or anything for that matter, after that, he got agitated and kicked me from most Gc's we had of each other, he was banned from most servers, up above as I said, he was also one of the people who made sexual remarks on people and skibidi characters such as camera woman. He claimed he was 21 and then later on told my friend he was 17 and finished with his degree, even to the point he also lied about the applications in certain servers.
Seeing one of the comments, no, I don't do favoritism, If I did the server would've been in chaos, I had a lot of work that I did throughout the server, and fully explaining all the unbans on the people who nuked the older server of iso toilet. I was only planning on unbanning one of them, due to them apologizing and promising to never do It again, which I should've given much more thought to. But after his unban, one of the former owners of the iso started unbanning the ones who mainly nuked the old server, then most of them got unbanned. I wasn't the one who suggested they get unbanned because the other owners believe in "second chances" which I understand, people change overtime, those who got unbanned like kortz have really changed a lot, and I am proud of them for what they've accomplished. Though, to tell you the truth, I have them blocked, I've been having them blocked for the past 5 months and even before all of the drama happened.
There was a whole drama that happened between me and this ravenz dude that lasted more than 2 months, and now most of us just moved on, I didn't expect him to go this low though. I am aware of the person who made the post, believe me, I'll be making a post myself with all the 700+ screenshots and screen recording that I have.
Third of all, for the racist and slur filled comments I would like to note out there to anyone that these screenshots date roughly back to NovembeDecember of 2023.
I wish to express once again, that I have changed as a person and the reason I still remain staff in some servers is because I have simply wished to redeem myself and I had. I also wish to bring upon a light that there has been an individual or a group who still wish to do everything in their power to bring me down. They had never shown the true story behind anything as I had also not been the only one to have said such words. The Drama between this group and I should've ended around 3 months ago by this point. And I hoped and wished everything would have been moved on from now, but it appears maybe one or a few still have a grudge to hold against me.
I do wish to take responsibility and slander for my actions as that was never ok to begin with. I have matured and I do not repeat these actions. I know what I had said was wrong amongst the community as a whole, and not just the Iso Toilet Discord Server. I apologize for my actions, and even though they are unforgivable, I wish to still make this statement as it is only the rightful thing to do, as I had not realized even after months, one or a group could still hold such a grudge. I have already faced the consequences of my actions, and I have already been banned from some of the servers. However, after some communication with several of the administrative branches of most servers and I've been given chances after my consequences. I had already been demoted rightly fully in some and blacklisted in others from ever becoming a staff member again. I have faced what I had deserved, yet I still wish to address this problem as it's clear to me that some still may hold grudges and are not at peace with this fully. I wish to put minds at ease, resting assured that I had gotten what I had deserved a long time ago.
And to those who still hold a grudge, especially to the one who had written this to. We know who you are, and we will deal with this soon. i hope you find peace within' yourselves to look past this, I understand that those racist remarks were wrong of me to do, and I have taken my punishment accordingly, I understand if people who are unwilling to forgive, I really do, and I really apologize for my actions.
I would like to once again point out, these screenshots we're mostly in DMs and in places where the people expressed NO form of uncomfortableness or concern whatsoever with my actions, and while these we're only to be intended as jokes, they weren't jokes. And I do apologize for that. As said, they had already made similar remarks before, even expressing it outright in public as have I. It isn't an excuse for how I behaved. And I appreciate to those who finally understand and chose to look past this issue. And to those who still hold their rightful grudge, I can only hope you learn to let it go soon for the sake of a community without drama, those remarks that I made were unforgivable, and I can fully understand that.
As I said, I'll also be making a similar post on what fully happened with all of the screenshots that I have.
submitted by Annonimousie822 to skibiditoilet [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:21 lanasapoo Need help

Hello everyone, I am new to this sub Reddit and I am asking for your help. I want to write a little text in Arabic (Tunisian more precisely) but I don’t know if the translation site are doing a good job.
The text is here : Thank you so much for bringing me to your hometown and for showing me the places you like and the people you know. I am extremely glad and happy to have met your father and mother. It meant a lot to me to spend time with them and talk to them. I am also very happy to have met other members of your family; they were all very sweet. You allowed me to enter even more into your world, and I felt closer to you with each passing day. I can’t wait to come again this summer.
Is anyone willing to translate it for me ? And if yes, I anyone kind enough to write it down on paper so I could see how the words are written ?
Thank you so much in advance !
submitted by lanasapoo to learn_arabic [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:18 PrincessLovesTeasing [F4M] Mommy's Brave Little Neko [Neko listener] [Good boy] [Mommy] [ASMR] [Scritching] [Rocking chair SFX] [I love you] [caring] [catboy] [sippy cup] [comfort] [sweet] [wholesome] [Written by u/Whitekataudios]

[F4M] Mommy's Brave Little Neko [Neko listener] [Good boy] [Mommy] [ASMR] [Scritching] [Rocking chair SFX] [I love you] [caring] [catboy] [sippy cup] [comfort] [sweet] [wholesome] [Written by u/Whitekataudios] submitted by PrincessLovesTeasing to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]