Serial number steam empire total war


2015.12.25 04:47 PM_ME_URGOT_HENTAI TRAITOR!

Star Wars Episode VII: TR-8R worship. He died for our spins.

2010.03.03 22:48 Fishsauce_Mcgee Sid Meier's Civilization

A subreddit dedicated to Sid Meier's Civilization, the popular turn-based series. Our words are backed with NUCLEAR WEAPONS!

2024.05.29 06:19 Meuaky_II Sodium crashes when entering a world

I made a own modpack with a lot of QoL and Vanilla+ mods and datapacks and also with almost all Fablously Optimized mods, and when i enter or create a world the game crashes. I looked that is something about sodium but idk what
There is the crash report:
---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- // Don't do that. Time: 2024-05-29 00:55:44 Description: Unexpected error java.lang.RuntimeException: Exception thrown while executing job at me.jellysquid.mods.sodium.client.render.chunk.compile.executor.ChunkJobResult.unwrap( at me.jellysquid.mods.sodium.client.render.chunk.RenderSectionManager.collectChunkBuildResults( at me.jellysquid.mods.sodium.client.render.chunk.RenderSectionManager.uploadChunks( at me.jellysquid.mods.sodium.client.render.SodiumWorldRenderer.setupTerrain( at net.minecraft.class_761.method_3273( at net.minecraft.class_761.method_22710( at net.minecraft.class_757.method_3188( at net.minecraft.class_757.method_3192( at net.minecraft.class_310.method_1523( at net.minecraft.class_310.method_1514( at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main( at at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main( Caused by: org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.throwables.InjectionError: LVT in me/jellysquid/mods/sodium/client/rendechunk/compile/tasks/ChunkBuilderMeshingTask::execute(Lme/jellysquid/mods/sodium/client/rendechunk/compile/ChunkBuildContext;Lme/jellysquid/mods/sodium/client/util/task/CancellationToken;)Lme/jellysquid/mods/sodium/client/rendechunk/compile/ChunkBuildOutput; has incompatible changes at opcode 150 in callback extra_details-common.mixins.json:client.sodium.ChunkBuilderMeshingTaskMixin from mod extra_details->@Inject::execute(Lme/jellysquid/mods/sodium/client/rendechunk/compile/ChunkBuildContext;Lme/jellysquid/mods/sodium/client/util/task/CancellationToken;Lorg/spongepowered/asm/mixin/injection/callback/CallbackInfoReturnable;Lme/jellysquid/mods/sodium/client/rendechunk/data/BuiltSectionInfo$Builder;Lnet/minecraft/class_852;Lme/jellysquid/mods/sodium/client/rendechunk/compile/ChunkBuildBuffers;Lme/jellysquid/mods/sodium/client/rendechunk/compile/pipeline/BlockRenderCache;Lme/jellysquid/mods/sodium/client/world/WorldSlice;IIIIIILnet/minecraft/class_2338$class_2339;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338$class_2339;Lme/jellysquid/mods/sodium/client/rendechunk/compile/pipeline/BlockRenderContext;IIILnet/minecraft/class_2680;Lnet/minecraft/class_3610;)V. Expected: [Lme/jellysquid/mods/sodium/client/rendechunk/data/BuiltSectionInfo$Builder;, Lnet/minecraft/class_852;, Lme/jellysquid/mods/sodium/client/rendechunk/compile/ChunkBuildBuffers;, Lme/jellysquid/mods/sodium/client/rendechunk/compile/pipeline/BlockRenderCache;, Lme/jellysquid/mods/sodium/client/world/WorldSlice;, I, I, I, I, I, I, Lnet/minecraft/class_2338$class_2339;, Lnet/minecraft/class_2338$class_2339;, Lme/jellysquid/mods/sodium/client/rendechunk/compile/pipeline/BlockRenderContext;, I, I, I, Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;, Lnet/minecraft/class_3610;] Found: [Lme/jellysquid/mods/sodium/client/rendechunk/data/BuiltSectionInfo$Builder;, Lnet/minecraft/class_852;, Lme/jellysquid/mods/sodium/client/rendechunk/compile/ChunkBuildBuffers;, Lme/jellysquid/mods/sodium/client/rendechunk/compile/pipeline/BlockRenderCache;, Lme/jellysquid/mods/sodium/client/world/WorldSlice;, I, I, I, I, I, I, Lnet/minecraft/class_2338$class_2339;, Lnet/minecraft/class_2338$class_2339;, Lme/jellysquid/mods/sodium/client/rendechunk/compile/pipeline/BlockRenderContext;, I, I, I, Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;] Available: [Lme/jellysquid/mods/sodium/client/rendechunk/data/BuiltSectionInfo$Builder;, Lnet/minecraft/class_852;, Lme/jellysquid/mods/sodium/client/rendechunk/compile/ChunkBuildBuffers;, Lme/jellysquid/mods/sodium/client/rendechunk/compile/pipeline/BlockRenderCache;, Lme/jellysquid/mods/sodium/client/world/WorldSlice;, I, I, I, I, I, I, Lnet/minecraft/class_2338$class_2339;, Lnet/minecraft/class_2338$class_2339;, Lme/jellysquid/mods/sodium/client/rendechunk/compile/pipeline/BlockRenderContext;, I, I, I, Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;] at me.jellysquid.mods.sodium.client.render.chunk.compile.tasks.ChunkBuilderMeshingTask.handler$bif000$extra_details$execute$missing( at me.jellysquid.mods.sodium.client.render.chunk.compile.tasks.ChunkBuilderMeshingTask.execute( at me.jellysquid.mods.sodium.client.render.chunk.compile.tasks.ChunkBuilderMeshingTask.execute( at me.jellysquid.mods.sodium.client.render.chunk.compile.executor.ChunkJobTyped.execute( at me.jellysquid.mods.sodium.client.render.chunk.compile.executor.ChunkBuilder$ at java.base/ 
A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
-- Head --
Thread: Render thread
at me.jellysquid.mods.sodium.client.render.chunk.compile.executor.ChunkJobResult.unwrap( at me.jellysquid.mods.sodium.client.render.chunk.RenderSectionManager.collectChunkBuildResults( at me.jellysquid.mods.sodium.client.render.chunk.RenderSectionManager.uploadChunks( at me.jellysquid.mods.sodium.client.render.SodiumWorldRenderer.setupTerrain( at net.minecraft.class\_761.method\_3273(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_761.method\_22710(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_757.method\_3188(class\ 
-- Affected level --
All players: 1 total; \[class\_746\['Meuaky'/191, l='ClientLevel', x=0.50, y=111.00, z=9.50\]\] Chunk stats: 1024, 145 Level dimension: minecraft:overworld Level spawn location: World: (0,112,0), Section: (at 0,0,0 in 0,7,0; chunk contains blocks 0,-64,0 to 15,319,15), Region: (0,0; contains chunks 0,0 to 31,31, blocks 0,-64,0 to 511,319,511) Level time: 93 game time, 93 day time Server brand: fabric Server type: Integrated singleplayer server 
at net.minecraft.class\_638.method\_8538(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_310.method\_1587(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_310.method\_1514(class\ at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main( at at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main( 
-- Last reload --
Reload number: 2 Reload reason: manual Finished: Yes Packs: vanilla, fabric, file/Meuaky Pack Revival, Moonlight Mods Dynamic Assets, Essential Assets, essential 
-- System Details --
Minecraft Version: 1.20.1 Minecraft Version ID: 1.20.1 Operating System: Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0 Java Version: 17.0.8, Microsoft Java VM Version: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Microsoft Memory: 904304008 bytes (862 MiB) / 2147483648 bytes (2048 MiB) up to 2147483648 bytes (2048 MiB) CPUs: 4 Processor Vendor: AuthenticAMD Processor Name: AMD Ryzen 3 3250U with Radeon Graphics Identifier: AuthenticAMD Family 23 Model 24 Stepping 1 Microarchitecture: Zen / Zen+ Frequency (GHz): 2.60 Number of physical packages: 1 Number of physical CPUs: 2 Number of logical CPUs: 4 Graphics card #0 name: AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics Graphics card #0 vendor: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (0x1002) Graphics card #0 VRAM (MB): 2048.00 Graphics card #0 deviceId: 0x15d8 Graphics card #0 versionInfo: DriverVersion=31.0.12024.0 Memory slot #0 capacity (MB): 4096.00 Memory slot #0 clockSpeed (GHz): 2.40 Memory slot #0 type: DDR4 Memory slot #1 capacity (MB): 4096.00 Memory slot #1 clockSpeed (GHz): 2.40 Memory slot #1 type: DDR4 Virtual memory max (MB): 15526.74 Virtual memory used (MB): 12987.00 Swap memory total (MB): 9506.48 Swap memory used (MB): 1948.90 JVM Flags: 9 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance\_javaw.exe\_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xss1M -Xmx2G -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M Fabric Mods: accurateblockplacement: Accurate Block Placement 1.2.1 actuallyunbreaking: Actually Unbreaking 1.20.1-0.3.0 advancementplaques: Advancement Plaques 1.4.11 animal\_feeding\_trough: Animal Feeding Trough 1.1.0+1.20.1 animatica: Animatica 0.6+1.20 antighost: AntiGhost 1.20-fabric0.83.0-1.1.5 crowdin-translate: CrowdinTranslate 1.4+1.19.3 appleskin: AppleSkin 2.5.1+mc1.20 architectury: Architectury 9.2.14 armortrimitemfix: Armor Trim Item Fix 1.0.2 artifacts: Artifacts 9.5.5 cardinal-components-base: Cardinal Components API (base) 5.2.2 cardinal-components-entity: Cardinal Components API (entities) 5.2.2 expandability: ExpandAbility 9.0.4 step-height-entity-attribute: Step Height Entity Attribute 1.2.0 bedspreads: Bedspreads 6.2.0+1.20.1 bee\_info: MoreBeeInfo 1.2 beekeeperhut: Friends&Foes - Beekeeper Hut 2.0.0 betterarcheology: Better Archeology 1.1.9-1.20.1 betterdeserttemples: YUNG's Better Desert Temples 1.20-Fabric-3.0.3 org\_reflections\_reflections: reflections 0.10.2 betterdungeons: YUNG's Better Dungeons 1.20-Fabric-4.0.4 betterf3: BetterF3 7.0.2 betterfortresses: YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses 1.20-Fabric-2.0.6 betterjungletemples: YUNG's Better Jungle Temples 1.20-Fabric-2.0.5 bettermineshafts: YUNG's Better Mineshafts 1.20-Fabric-4.0.4 bettermounthud: Better Mount HUD 1.2.2 betteroceanmonuments: YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments 1.20-Fabric-3.0.4 betterstrongholds: YUNG's Better Strongholds 1.20-Fabric-4.0.3 betterthirdperson: Better Third Person 1.9.0 bettertridents: Better Tridents 8.0.1 betterwitchhuts: YUNG's Better Witch Huts 1.20-Fabric-3.0.3 blur: Blur (Fabric) 3.1.0 midnightlib: MidnightLib 1.4.1 satin: Satin 1.13.0 boids: Boids 1.2.2 blue\_endless\_jankson: jankson 1.2.3 bookshelf: Bookshelf 20.1.10 borderlessmining: Borderless Mining 1.1.8+1.20.1 bosses\_of\_mass\_destruction: Bosses of Mass Destruction (Beta) 1.7.5-1.20.1 maelstrom\_library: Maelstrom Library 1.6.1-1.20 multipart\_entities: MultipartEntities 1.5-1.20 bushierflowers: Bushier Flowers 0.0.3-1.20.1 cardinal-components: Cardinal Components API 5.2.2 cardinal-components-block: Cardinal Components API (blocks) 5.2.2 cardinal-components-chunk: Cardinal Components API (chunks) 5.2.2 cardinal-components-item: Cardinal Components API (items) 5.2.2 cardinal-components-level: Cardinal Components API (world saves) 5.2.2 cardinal-components-scoreboard: Cardinal Components API (scoreboard) 5.2.2 cardinal-components-world: Cardinal Components API (worlds) 5.2.2 cavedust: Cave Dust 1.4.1 kirin: Kirin UI 1.15.0 chat\_heads: Chat Heads 0.12.2 chatanimation: ChatAnimation 1.0.5 collective: Collective 7.61 effectdescriptions: Effect Descriptions 8.0.2 elementa: Elementa 647 elytraslot: Elytra Slot 6.3.0+1.20.1 enchantmentcompat: Enchantment Compatibility 1.2.1 enchdesc: EnchantmentDescriptions 17.0.15 endrem: End Remastered 5.2.4 enhancedblockentities: Enhanced Block Entities 0.9+1.20 advanced\_runtime\_resource\_pack: Runtime Resource Pack 0.6.7 spruceui: SpruceUI 5.0.0+1.20 entity\_model\_features: Entity Model Features 2.0.2 entity\_texture\_features: Entity Texture Features 6.0.1 org\_apache\_httpcomponents\_httpmime: httpmime 4.5.10 essential: Essential essential-container: essential-container 1.0.0 essential-loader: essential-loader 1.2.3 explosiveenhancement: Explosive Enhancement 1.2.2-1.20.x extra\_details: Panda's Extra Detail's 0.3.1-beta fabric-api: Fabric API 0.92.1+1.20.1 fabric-api-base: Fabric API Base 0.4.31+1802ada577 fabric-api-lookup-api-v1: Fabric API Lookup API (v1) 1.6.36+1802ada577 fabric-biome-api-v1: Fabric Biome API (v1) 13.0.13+1802ada577 fabric-block-api-v1: Fabric Block API (v1) 1.0.11+1802ada577 fabric-block-view-api-v2: Fabric BlockView API (v2) 1.0.1+1802ada577 fabric-blockrenderlayer-v1: Fabric BlockRenderLayer Registration (v1) 1.1.41+1802ada577 fabric-client-tags-api-v1: Fabric Client Tags 1.1.2+1802ada577 fabric-command-api-v1: Fabric Command API (v1) 1.2.34+f71b366f77 fabric-command-api-v2: Fabric Command API (v2) 2.2.13+1802ada577 fabric-commands-v0: Fabric Commands (v0) 0.2.51+df3654b377 fabric-containers-v0: Fabric Containers (v0) 0.1.64+df3654b377 fabric-content-registries-v0: Fabric Content Registries (v0) 4.0.11+1802ada577 fabric-convention-tags-v1: Fabric Convention Tags 1.5.5+1802ada577 fabric-crash-report-info-v1: Fabric Crash Report Info (v1) 0.2.19+1802ada577 fabric-data-attachment-api-v1: Fabric Data Attachment API (v1) 1.0.0+de0fd6d177 fabric-data-generation-api-v1: Fabric Data Generation API (v1) 12.3.4+1802ada577 fabric-dimensions-v1: Fabric Dimensions API (v1) 2.1.54+1802ada577 fabric-entity-events-v1: Fabric Entity Events (v1) 1.6.0+1c78457f77 fabric-events-interaction-v0: Fabric Events Interaction (v0) 0.6.2+1802ada577 fabric-events-lifecycle-v0: Fabric Events Lifecycle (v0) 0.2.63+df3654b377 fabric-game-rule-api-v1: Fabric Game Rule API (v1) 1.0.40+1802ada577 fabric-item-api-v1: Fabric Item API (v1) 2.1.28+1802ada577 fabric-item-group-api-v1: Fabric Item Group API (v1) 4.0.12+1802ada577 fabric-key-binding-api-v1: Fabric Key Binding API (v1) 1.0.37+1802ada577 fabric-keybindings-v0: Fabric Key Bindings (v0) 0.2.35+df3654b377 fabric-lifecycle-events-v1: Fabric Lifecycle Events (v1) 2.2.22+1802ada577 fabric-loot-api-v2: Fabric Loot API (v2) 1.2.1+1802ada577 fabric-loot-tables-v1: Fabric Loot Tables (v1) 1.1.45+9e7660c677 fabric-message-api-v1: Fabric Message API (v1) 5.1.9+1802ada577 fabric-mining-level-api-v1: Fabric Mining Level API (v1) 2.1.50+1802ada577 fabric-model-loading-api-v1: Fabric Model Loading API (v1) 1.0.3+1802ada577 fabric-models-v0: Fabric Models (v0) 0.4.2+9386d8a777 fabric-networking-api-v1: Fabric Networking API (v1) 1.3.11+1802ada577 fabric-networking-v0: Fabric Networking (v0) 0.3.51+df3654b377 fabric-object-builder-api-v1: Fabric Object Builder API (v1) 11.1.3+1802ada577 fabric-particles-v1: Fabric Particles (v1) 1.1.2+1802ada577 fabric-recipe-api-v1: Fabric Recipe API (v1) 1.0.21+1802ada577 fabric-registry-sync-v0: Fabric Registry Sync (v0) 2.3.3+1802ada577 fabric-renderer-api-v1: Fabric Renderer API (v1) 3.2.1+1802ada577 fabric-renderer-indigo: Fabric Renderer - Indigo 1.5.1+1802ada577 fabric-renderer-registries-v1: Fabric Renderer Registries (v1) 3.2.46+df3654b377 fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1: Fabric Rendering Data Attachment (v1) 0.3.37+92a0d36777 fabric-rendering-fluids-v1: Fabric Rendering Fluids (v1) 3.0.28+1802ada577 fabric-rendering-v0: Fabric Rendering (v0) 1.1.49+df3654b377 fabric-rendering-v1: Fabric Rendering (v1) 3.0.8+1802ada577 fabric-resource-conditions-api-v1: Fabric Resource Conditions API (v1) 2.3.8+1802ada577 fabric-resource-loader-v0: Fabric Resource Loader (v0) 0.11.10+1802ada577 fabric-screen-api-v1: Fabric Screen API (v1) 2.0.8+1802ada577 fabric-screen-handler-api-v1: Fabric Screen Handler API (v1) 1.3.30+1802ada577 fabric-sound-api-v1: Fabric Sound API (v1) 1.0.13+1802ada577 fabric-transfer-api-v1: Fabric Transfer API (v1) 3.3.5+8dd72ea377 fabric-transitive-access-wideners-v1: Fabric Transitive Access Wideners (v1) 4.3.1+1802ada577 fabric-language-kotlin: Fabric Language Kotlin 1.11.0+kotlin.2.0.0 org\_jetbrains\_kotlin\_kotlin-reflect: kotlin-reflect 2.0.0 org\_jetbrains\_kotlin\_kotlin-stdlib: kotlin-stdlib 2.0.0 org\_jetbrains\_kotlin\_kotlin-stdlib-jdk7: kotlin-stdlib-jdk7 2.0.0 org\_jetbrains\_kotlin\_kotlin-stdlib-jdk8: kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 2.0.0 org\_jetbrains\_kotlinx\_atomicfu-jvm: atomicfu-jvm 0.24.0 org\_jetbrains\_kotlinx\_kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm: kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm 1.8.1 org\_jetbrains\_kotlinx\_kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8: kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8 1.8.1 org\_jetbrains\_kotlinx\_kotlinx-datetime-jvm: kotlinx-datetime-jvm 0.6.0 org\_jetbrains\_kotlinx\_kotlinx-serialization-cbor-jvm: kotlinx-serialization-cbor-jvm 1.6.3 org\_jetbrains\_kotlinx\_kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm: kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm 1.6.3 org\_jetbrains\_kotlinx\_kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm: kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm 1.6.3 fabricloader: Fabric Loader 0.15.11 mixinextras: MixinExtras 0.3.5 fallingleaves: Falling Leaves 1.15.6 fallingtree: FallingTree 4.3.4 ferritecore: FerriteCore 6.0.1 fishingreal: Fishingreal 1.20.1-1.7.2 flowerymooblooms: Friends&Foes - Flowery Mooblooms 2.0.1 forgeconfigapiport: Forge Config API Port 8.0.0 friendsandfoes: Friends&Foes 2.0.10 gammautils: Gamma Utils 1.7.16 geckolib: GeckoLib 4 4.4.4 com\_eliotlash\_mclib\_mclib: mclib 20 handcrafted: Handcrafted 3.0.6 iceberg: Iceberg 1.1.18 immediatelyfast: ImmediatelyFast 1.2.15+1.20.4 net\_lenni0451\_reflect: Reflect 1.3.3 immersive\_armors: Immersive Armors 1.6.1+1.20.1 immersive\_paintings: Immersive Paintings 0.6.7+1.20.1 indium: Indium 1.0.30+mc1.20.4 infinite-music: Infinite Music 0.3.0 inmis: Inmis 2.7.2-1.20.1 omega-config: OmegaConfig 1.2.3-1.18.1 inventoryprofilesnext: Inventory Profiles Next 1.10.10 iris: Iris 1.7.0+mc1.20.1 io\_github\_douira\_glsl-transformer: glsl-transformer 2.0.0-pre13 org\_anarres\_jcpp: jcpp 1.4.14 org\_antlr\_antlr4-runtime: antlr4-runtime 4.11.1 jamlib: JamLib 0.6.1+1.20.x java: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 17 jumpoverfences: Jump Over Fences 1.3.1 jumpprooffarmland: JumpProofFarmland 1.20.x-1.0.1 kiwi: Kiwi Library 11.6.2 lambdynlights: LambDynamicLights 2.3.2+1.20.1 pride: Pride Lib 1.2.0+1.19.4 legendarytooltips: Legendary Tooltips 1.4.5 libipn: libIPN 4.0.2 lithium: Lithium 0.11.2 lithostitched: Lithostitched 1.1.5 make\_bubbles\_pop: Make Bubbles Pop Mod 0.2.0-fabric map\_atlases: Map Atlases 2.6.0 maptooltip: Map Tooltip 3.0.0 mcpitanlib: MCPitanLib 2.2.4-1.20.1-fabric cloth-config: Cloth Config v11 11.1.118 
cloth-basic-math: cloth-basic-math 0.6.1
 org\_yaml\_snakeyaml: snakeyaml 2.0 memoryleakfix: Memory Leak Fix 1.1.2 minecraft: Minecraft 1.20.1 modelfix: Model Gap Fix 1.15 modernfix: ModernFix 5.17.0+mc1.20.1 modmenu: Mod Menu 7.2.2 moonlight: Moonlight 1.20-2.11.30 morechathistory: More Chat History 1.3.0 moreculling: More Culling 1.20.1-0.19.0 conditional-mixin: conditional mixin 0.3.2 mru: Mineblock's Repeated Utilities 0.4.2+1.20.1 naturalist: Naturalist 4.0.3 natures\_spirit: Nature's Spirit 1.4.5-1.20.1 noexperiencededuction: No Experience Deduction 1.1.0 notenoughanimations: NotEnoughAnimations 1.7.3 notenoughcrashes: Not Enough Crashes 4.4.7+1.20.1 nullscape: Nullscape 1.2.5 nyfsspiders: Nyf's Spiders 2.1.1 optigui: OptiGUI 2.1.7 optiglue: OptiGlue 2.1.7-mc.1.19.3 org\_apache\_commons\_commons-text: commons-text 1.10.0 org\_ini4j\_ini4j: ini4j 0.5.4 org\_jetbrains\_annotations: annotations 23.0.0 owo: oωo 0.11.2+1.20 particlerain: Particle Rain 2.0.8 particletweaks: Particle Tweaks 1.1.3-Fabric+1.20.1-unstable pickupnotifications: Pickup Notifications 1.5.2 ping-wheel: Ping Wheel 1.8.0 prism: Prism 1.0.5 puzzleslib: Puzzles Lib 8.1.20 puzzlesaccessapi: Puzzles Access Api 8.0.7 reeses-sodium-options: Reese's Sodium Options 1.7.2+mc1.20.1-build.101 reframed: ReFramed 1.5.9 resourcefulconfig: Resourcefulconfig 2.1.2 resourcefullib: Resourceful Lib 2.1.25 com\_teamresourceful\_bytecodecs: bytecodecs 1.0.2 com\_teamresourceful\_yabn: yabn 1.0.3 rightclickharvest: Right Click Harvest 3.2.3+1.19.x-1.20.1-fabric rrls: Remove Reloading Screen 3.2.0-1.20.1-fabric simple\_copper\_pipes: Simple Copper Pipes 1.16.1 smoothswapping: Smooth Swapping snowrealmagic: Snow! Real Magic! 10.4.3 snowundertrees: Snow Under Trees 2.3.0+1.20.1 sodium: Sodium 0.5.8+mc1.20.1 sodium-extra: Sodium Extra 0.5.4+mc1.20.1-build.115 caffeineconfig: CaffeineConfig 1.3.0+1.17 soulfired: Soul fire'd spawnanimations: Spawn Animations 1.9.4+mod speedfovlimiter: SpeedFOVLimiter 1.0.1 spellbound\_weapons\_mr: Spellbound Weapons 4.0.5m stackables: Stackables 2.0.1 stackrefill: Stack Refill 4.4 status-effect-bars: Status Effect Bars 1.0.3 superflatworldnoslimes: Superflat World No Slimes 3.2 telepistons: Telepistons 1.1.3 terrablender: TerraBlender com\_electronwill\_night-config\_core: core 3.6.7 com\_electronwill\_night-config\_toml: toml 3.6.7 tia: Tiny Item Animations 1.20-1.1 travelerstitles: Traveler's Titles 1.20-Fabric-4.0.2 trinkets: Trinkets 3.7.2 ultris\_mr: Ultris: Boss Expansion 5.6.9c uncraftingtable76: Uncrafting Table 1.3.4 universalcraft: UniversalCraft 337 vectorientation: Vectorientation 1.1 vigilance: Vigilance 297 villagerconverting: Villager Converting 1.2.1 villagerinabucket: Villager In A Bucket 1.20.1-1.1.1 visuality: Visuality 0.7.1+1.20 wilderwild: Wilder Wild 2.4.2-Fabric+1.20.1 frozenlib: FrozenLib 1.7.2-Fabric+1.20.1 reach-entity-attributes: Reach Entity Attributes 2.4.0 yet\_another\_config\_lib\_v3: YetAnotherConfigLib 3.4.4+1.20.1-fabric com\_twelvemonkeys\_common\_common-image: common-image 3.10.0 com\_twelvemonkeys\_common\_common-io: common-io 3.10.0 com\_twelvemonkeys\_common\_common-lang: common-lang 3.10.0 com\_twelvemonkeys\_imageio\_imageio-core: imageio-core 3.10.0 com\_twelvemonkeys\_imageio\_imageio-metadata: imageio-metadata 3.10.0 com\_twelvemonkeys\_imageio\_imageio-webp: imageio-webp 3.10.0 org\_quiltmc\_parsers\_gson: gson 0.2.1 org\_quiltmc\_parsers\_json: json 0.2.1 yungsapi: YUNG's API 1.20-Fabric-4.0.5 org\_javassist\_javassist: javassist 3.29.2-GA yungsextras: YUNG's Extras 1.20-Fabric-4.0.3 zoomify: Zoomify 2.13.5+1.20.1 com\_akuleshov7\_ktoml-core-jvm: ktoml-core-jvm 0.5.1 dev\_isxander\_settxi\_settxi-core: settxi-core 2.10.6 dev\_isxander\_settxi\_settxi-kotlinx-serialization: settxi-kotlinx-serialization 2.10.6 Loaded Shaderpack: (off) Launched Version: fabric-loader-0.15.11-1.20.1 Backend library: LWJGL version 3.3.1 SNAPSHOT Backend API: AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics GL version 3.2.0 Core Profile Context, ATI Technologies Inc. Window size: 854x480 GL Caps: Using framebuffer using OpenGL 3.2 GL debug messages: Using VBOs: Yes Is Modded: Definitely; Client brand changed to 'fabric'; Server brand changed to 'fabric' Type: Integrated Server (map\_client.txt) Graphics mode: fancy Resource Packs: vanilla, fabric, file/Meuaky Pack Revival (incompatible) Current Language: es\_uy CPU: 4x AMD Ryzen 3 3250U with Radeon Graphics Server Running: true Player Count: 1 / 8; \[class\_3222\['Meuaky'/191, l='ServerLevel\[Javacraft Friends\]', x=0.50, y=111.00, z=9.50\]\] Data Packs: vanilla, fabric, natures\_spirit:modified\_swamp, natures\_spirit:modified\_mountain\_biomes, natures\_spirit:modified\_jungle, natures\_spirit:modified\_dark\_forest, natures\_spirit:modified\_badlands, natures\_spirit:modified\_savannas, natures\_spirit:modified\_desert, Moonlight Mods Dynamic Assets, file/ (incompatible), file/William Wythers' Overhauled Overworld (incompatible) Enabled Feature Flags: minecraft:vanilla World Generation: Stable Client Crashes Since Restart: 1 Integrated Server Crashes Since Restart: 0 Suspected Mods: Sodium (sodium), Minecraft (minecraft), Fabric Loader (fabricloader) 
submitted by Meuaky_II to fabricmc [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:16 Double_Reception7485 40k Chaos, as it Stands, is Boring Compared to 30k or AOS. I'm not sure its Staying That Way For Long

To preface: I love Chaos in 40k/30k. Its my favorite faction in the setting, and that will not change
Think, for a second if you will, about Chaos in 40k. It is, without a shadow of a doubt, my favorite overarching force and conglomerate of factions within the entire setting. Why? Well, as others have gone to great lengths to point out – both in and outside of the lore perspective and POV – Chaos is us; our thoughts, emotions, hopes, dreams and sins, dialed up to 11. You may start down the road to hell with noble intent, and you may even die on that same road nobly. Live long enough, however, and accrue too much infamy and corruption, you will court the favor of the Dark Gods, their neverborn, and a myriad of other warp entities, and it will damn you eternally.
With that being said, I think 40K Chaos, as it currently stands, gets absolutely shafted in one realm that AoS and, hell, even The Horus Heresy does better: the mysticism and esoterism surrounding corruption and ritual, as well as the variety in which the various “faces” of Chaos are presented.
Lets examine our “modern” 40k for a moment, shall we? It is often said that unsanctioned knowledge of the Chaos Gods most popular names - Khorne, Slaanesh, Tzeentch and Nurgle – is grounds for immediate execution and the purging of all known (and suspected) family and associates. Fair enough, you are invoking the names and the attention of four deities who’s desire is to add this universe to the infinite number of realms they’ve already subsumed with the warp in their Great Game. Even if that attention comes in the form of some undivided lesser daemon, maybe appearing as a shadowy figure in the rough shape of a human, that one daemon could spell utter doom for a Hive World of trillions.
Ok, yet, the “true” names of the Gods are subjective, aren’t they? Khar’neth, Nurgleth, Slaaneth, Tzaarneth. The more archaic, brutal sounding titles? She Who Thirsts, The Bloody Hunter, Lord of Ravens, and Grandfather Crow? Oftentimes, when Ecclesiarchal missions descend upon a world, especially feral planets, they encounter preexisting religions among the human populace. More often than not, via religious syncretism, the co-opt the tribal deities and spirits of these planets, supplanting them with Imperial Saints and directing total and unwavering devotion to a singular deity, the one true God Emperor of Mankind, in any face that may take. Yet, these planets are not populated by overt Chaos worshippers more often than not, are they? Some tribes, of course, may be deemed too barbaric and flirting with the Pantheon, and thus put to the sword. Yet, more often than not, they merely become new branches of the Imperial Creed.
Now, we all understand worship goes somewhere in the warp. More and more within the lore, the human emanations of faith is psychically reflected, applying the calculus of “structure” in the random, roiling seas of the empyrean. The Emperor of Mankind has, it would seem, indeed become The God Emperor of Mankind. Trillions-Quadrillions of humans, across millions of worlds, over ten thousand+ years, had supplemented The Emperor’s own singular psychic might into something that, if not truly divine under known definitions, warrants their re-examination.
So, where am I going with this? Well, the Chaos Gods operate under as many names and guises as there are planets and cultures within the galaxy. In the Screaming Vortex, whole tribes of warriors drench their blades in the vitae of their enemies in order to earn the favor of Baphtar (Khorne). Thagus Daravek, Abaddon’s main rival for the title of Warmaster during the formative years of the Black Legion, refers to Tzeentch as The Shifting Many. So on, and so on. In The Solar War, reference is made to the billions of mortal auxiliary soldiers on the side of The Warmaster’s Horde, cultists and Imperial Army alike, who “worship the same old gods, with different names” (paraphrasing off memory there, forgive me any inaccuracy).
Those forgotten and repressed faiths, surviving in the dark temples and cult lodges on the fringes of Imperial society, in ramshackle underhive temples or feral world sepulchers of painted rocks and skulls, formed much of the basis for esoterism and occult ritual much of 30k’s more nuanced and detailed approach to Chaos comes from. Maloghurst, burning incense and using Cthonian death coins as the catalyst for sorcerous ritual. The importance of ingredients like horsehair, or more mundane offerings like the tears of a virgin or the blood of a king, or how swords and other melee weaponry, through their symbolism, are far more effective at combatting daemons than conventional weaponry such as autoguns, lasrifles and bolters.
30k just did it better. The cosmology of Chaos – especially with the recent references of Aetheric Dominions – is so much more fleshed out, or to put it more aptly, diverse than in current 40k. Undivided Daemons running amok, ritual that isn’t just virgin’s blood being dumped on the bodies of psychic children daubed in the tears of those lashed 8-by-8 times to summon Borgathula, Eater of a Thousand Stars. The True Names of the Dark Gods are considered a privilege to know, and even then, what are they? Is it Khorne, or Khar’neth? Tzeentch or Tzen’eth? Etc etc..
If I were to take it a step further, I’d even argue Age of Sigmar, for its flaws, does so as well, with its Warcry Warbands (boo GW for discontinuing the bulk of those models, shame on you) and their lore providing some of the most interesting lore on just how certain groups can come to worship of their own aspects of Chaos. The Everflame? Coiled Ones? Great Gatherer? Supreme Predator? Tarantulos? Those are F****** awesome. Even in the Lord of the Endtimes novel, we get a superbly interesting depiction of a monk-like daemon prince, who’s followers offer their worship in caste-like tithes. The lowest of the mortal dregs in this prince’s fortress tithe their worship to more powerful warriors, who in turn pass their worship to mortal lieutenants and bound and subjugated daemons, who then offer their worship to the daemon prince, who is the only one allowed to offer the sum of their worship to the Dark Gods. Any others who do so are punished with death.
We get so much of that in 30k/Fantasy/AOS that just translates to so little in 40k, and I think that it’s a damn shame that more writers aren’t going that route
Or, are they?
Now, I understand that after 10,000 years and trillions/quadrillions of loyal Imperial souls imparting the significance of their own symbology into the warp, things may change. A bolter blessed by the local Ecclesiarch in incense and sprinkled with bone dust of holy men may be just as effective in combatting daemons as a sword these days, though I’d find that to be -slightly - lazy writing in context of time. Yet, I’d argue right now, certain writers are looking to The Horus Heresy for inspiration
We’ve had sprinklings of it throughout the decades. Balphomael, greater daemon of Chaos Undivided and a spirit of Faustian bargains, was the first reference we received in a while via FFG Dark Heresy supplements that Undivided Daemons were not simply retconned out of the setting. Then came Samus, first described as an undivided daemon, then assigned a “KHORNE” keyword, then a proto-daemon of The Dark King, and now once again undivided. Madail, Great Daemon and Herald of Undivided. Hell, from what I’ve recently read, even Malice was recently referenced as an entity of Chaos, still worshipped by the titularly named Sons of Malice as recently as BFGA 2. With that seems to be coming a re-examination from a small bit of writers, especially those who write Chaos well. I’ll cite examples such as the Fabius Bile trilogy, where it is acknowledged that the worship from the innumerable lines of mutants and new men spawned by Bile’s gene-tampering clings to him like a cloak, and “Pater Mutatis” is coalescing, or perhaps even already exists, as a chaotic entity within the warp. Vashtorr, Greater Daemon Undivided and Lord of the Soul Forge, has at least one warband who view him as a patron and focal point of worship, and he, as other daemon’s of sufficient power, offers them blessings and mutations in line with his sphere of influence. Yesugei, sealed away in the Blood Gorgon’s Cauldron of Blood, is their patron daemon, while the warband itself still venerates the Pantheon yet declare themselves free of the slavery to them other warbands and legions are bound to. Hell, somewhere in the warp, Madail still exists, Greater Daemon and Herald of Chaos Undivided
I think, as time goes on, many more writers are going to begin taking the nuanced, diverse approach to Chaos. I’d challenge the idea that Aetheric Dominions are a means of introducing future Chaos Gods to the setting, but rather that the five “open seats” or points on the octed star operate as contested spheres, planes of Chaos in which the big 4 all have stakes in, and thus those under which more powerful and, distinctly undivided entities can spawn and operate. With any luck, I believe even more diverse and interesting Chaos Cults may be featured, one’s whose beliefs don’t just boil down to “HARHARHAR I sip the blood of virgins from the skulls of my enemies in the name of my Dark Masters! Now bring me more heads to bash with my axe!” No, instead we’ll start seeing things like “The burning man comes, the head of a black wolf atop his ash-flecked molten form, and he commands me to spill the blood of the dishonorable… and there is none among this whole planet with honor aside from myself and my kin.”
submitted by Double_Reception7485 to 40kLore [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:36 MoonWatchersOdyssey Any info appreciated

Any info appreciated
I just picked up a clock with custom case (hence the lack of external photos) and the marks "1 Million" and "219503" which I assume is the serial number.
I'm totally in the dark, any help at all would be appreciated:-)
submitted by MoonWatchersOdyssey to grandfatherclocks [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:08 Knowledgeoflight How is this part list for a first gaming pc by a first time builder? (My budget is ~$1000)

I'm looking to get my first gaming PC since the laptop I use for college (an LG gram w/ an intel core i7-1195G7, intel iris xe graphics, and 32gb of ram) sucks for gaming. (I get maybe 30-40 fps in Just Cause 2 on 1080p low (and drops down to 10-20 fps frequently enough that it's pretty noticeable.))
PCPartPicker Part List
Type Item Price
CPU AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 3.7 GHz 6-Core Processor $142.40 @ Newegg
CPU Cooler ARCTIC Freezer 7 X CPU Cooler Purchased For $0.00
Motherboard Asus PRIME B550M-A WIFI II Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard $104.99 @ Amazon
Memory Silicon Power GAMING 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR4-3200 CL16 Memory $50.97 @ Amazon
Storage Acer SA100 240 GB 2.5" Solid State Drive Purchased For $0.00
Storage Kingston NV2 1 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive $60.99 @ Amazon
Video Card ASRock Challenger OC Radeon RX 7800 XT 16 GB Video Card $479.99 @ Newegg
Case BitFenix Nova Mesh SE ATX Mid Tower Case $64.90 @ Newegg Sellers
Power Supply Corsair RM750e (2023) 750 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply $99.99 @ Amazon
Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts
Total $1004.23
Generated by PCPartPicker 2024-05-28 22:54 EDT-0400
I enjoy playing several RPGs (Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout New Vegas, Skyrim (far more often if it didn't run so poorly), Mount and Blade Warband), first person shooters (Quake III, Postal 2), action games (GTA V (still majorly struggles), Just Cause 2), Strategy Games (Total War Medieval II, Hearts of Iron IV, Balkyria Chronicles), and Flight Simulator X, among others. (I have quite a backlog on Steam and GOG). I would love to play more recent games in these genres, but they'd play like crap or not run at all unless I got a dedicated gaming PC.
submitted by Knowledgeoflight to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:07 DefiantYesterday4806 Debunking, "If there was a conspiracy, someone would say something because humans are incompetent."

The idea that humans in large numbers lack competency, and so therefore a conspiracy would be practically impossible completely misses the point. Actually, the fact that humans are insanely incompetent and low-information is why conspiracies are everywhere and almost never go noticed. In fact, people DO speak up often and whistleblow and NO ONE LISTENS.
Part of the issue here is epistemological. We think we know about the world. Why do we think that? First of all, human brains are built to conceive of about 150 people around them. Urbanization breaks our brains, and because we're not built for it, we consistently process our impression of society wrong.
School and media are huge and very simply blunt instruments to provide us with a better impression of the massive urban society around us. Most of what we think we know comes from here. Yes, it's true that false information can be contradicted and humans actually can be quite logical with plain, clear facts. However, we have other social instincts which prevent this from happening.
We humans mostly tend to intuitively perceive what kinds of beliefs others have and give massive weight to that while filtering possibly complex or confusing facts in our heads. While some of us and some cultures are much more sophisticated and cynical about media, there are TONS of demographics (i.e.: young women) who psychologically interpret literally anything the media presents as representative of the actual tastes and preferences of that abstract 150 people the brain is built to perceive. Simply because the media exists and promotes one point of view, it means that this must be the position of those in the tribe with power.
Experienced, educated professionals will constantly filter inconvenient information in favor of adjusting to what the group believes. Smarter, 110-130 IQ "midwits" will actually recognize something is wrong, but will rationalize the emotional inconvenience and build explanations or narratives so they can cope. <110IQ people can't construct these rationalizations, and if they're low-IQ enough they can't even understand them, so this is why dumb people often perceive conspiracies that highly intelligent people observe, because the layer of rationalization doesn't appear to them. >140 IQ literally cannot use these rationalizations because their brains see right through them and you have to be a psychopath to ignore what you see. 110-130 IQ people ACTUALLY BELIEVE these rationalizations, that's the point. They ego invest in them and will fight their own kin to squash anyone noticing malicious behavior systemic to institutions. This is partly because, these midwits as the supreme managerial class, so effectively rationalize, they can operate in corrupt environments without being aware of the corruption. Thus they are rewarded immensely, given titles or big salaries, and become personally invested in the fraud while also consciously believing there's no fraud.
As an adult who has noticed all this from experience in the military, ecclesiastical, academic, corporate (never medical sadly) sectors, these patterns seem universal. You know the store manager who has the keys to lock up? Well, when they open up to their buddies and drink a little of the merchandise and throw a little party or whatever, if corporate can't tell, then why wouldn't they? Not everyone who has power will abuse it, but anywhere power is held, someone will abuse it. Abuse of power is a very casual thing, and at a minimum, some percentage of human personality types will always do it. The go-getters and doers especially trend toward a willingness to abuse power, and that's part of the problem. Other humans have specific instincts to submit to the powerful and almost take pleasure when they are on the good side of a psychopath who is abusing a third party.
Here you might say, "Gee, you have a cynical view of humanity." Sorry, the day a college kid can stand up and assert a point of view that's not social consensus, and have even 10% of the class change their minds and support him merely from considering the argument, then maybe I'll be more optimistic. No, people are cowards who are constantly trying to fit in, mostly most people are pretty dumb, and actually most people disdain those who refuse to fit in and don't care at all about the group's corruption. See, kids who are instinctively socially breaking from their parents will oppose the society of their parents. But kids will never oppose, not ever, not at scale, the social momentum of other kids unless there are other kids of clear divisions like racial or religious.
Therefore, I would propose that not only is society full of conspiracies at every level, but actually society functions on the basis of conspiracy. Small group loyalties and hierarchies form nodes around which institutional structure can build larger organizations. I was in the military which is full of formal authority, laws and rules. The reality of it is all that was a distraction to make people put up with a system that is more about little cliques among officers and so forth that sort everything out behind closed doors. Sure, norms, laws, rules, training smooth things out, allow interchangeability, but real decisions are made selfishly by some leader and they have quidproquo with colleagues and that bubbles up to the top. So whatever stupid beliefs they have about their organization or its values, they take with them to the top where someone like a general wields real power. Yet, such a person is sort of "endowed" with that position by his clique-community, and so they must fight for that community's values in the confines of that community's worldview, which might be totally inaccurate.
With this in mind, here is your final graduation thought experiment.
I've tried to understand the Ukraine war.
Right now Russia is playing on its former Soviet era diplomatic network so it's leaning into "white neocolonialists who think they have superior values exploit brown people because of theft and racism." But they're also simultaneously playing the newer, libertarian narrative of a progressive managerial elite which has hijacked the Western bureaucracy. It's sort of insane how they do this. Like how they exalt Orthodox religion but also insist Stalin did nothing wrong, which not even the post-Stalin USSR believed.
The anti-neocolonialist narrative says that rich whites want to steal resources from poor browns. This is factually what's happening, but the tragic irony is that many third world countries probably couldn't develop or benefit from these resources without first world help. So, there's both an argument against neo-colonialism, but also an argument that it's not like this big scam so much as a natural consequence. What it boils down to for me is where war, jackal economics or espionage is used. That's clearly wrong, and I think a lot of poor countries would be doing a lot better without these interventions, although I don't think they'd be rich and developed.
Well, the West actually is anti-neocolonialist too. Globalists want smart cities, AI economy, UBI, CBDC. They want rural white Americans to be the same level of poor as rural Africans, and for the gains of exploiting natural resources to be concentrated among a global elite, which although unfair, is not exclusive to borders. The geopolitical unfairness of neocolonialism will be addressed by Globalism. And its elite will be very small compared to the global proletariat they intend to have.
This is all very ironic since the globalist machine is playing the Euro-chauvinism card to appeal to Euro elites, and also the American exceptionalism card to appeal to American nationalists. They're playing whatever cards they have, like Russia.
So this is all I know: the West is lying to some of its lesser elites by paying lip service to their values. Russia is playing its old USSR geopolitics card while also playing a trad Orthodox card, while also playing an anti-globalist card.
I KNOW that the West is globalist, the leadership that is. So NATO must lose, because the globalists will certainly win if NATO wins. However, I fear the other side might also be globalists and the whole conflict is an anti-white, anti-Western charade meant to displace the old Euro elites and American nationalists.
That's the irony. Globalists control the West, but have to constantly deal with these older elite factions, so they could be using the war as a purge in a way.
It's hard to explain why the globalist-American leadership needed this conflict so bad. Probably it's all a shitshow gone wrong. This is where my explanation of how conspiracies function comes into play.
Neocons thought the would reinvigorate interest in the military but it hasn't. Like a new patriotism and interest in military power and funding.
Ukrainian Jews might have thought they could purge the Slavs and make a second Jewish homeland but that's probably off the table due to the failed counter offensive.
Russia's hopes of exercising their historical and cultural hegemony to settle the conflict have failed, when Ukrainian deep state operatives assured them they were still on the same old team.
Stupid nationalists who are somehow blind to the globalists and think the American economy is "doing great" probably thought this could be a knockout blow to Russia's meddling in certain geostrategic resource deals that affected American hegemony over Europe. This is a legacy of the British "can't let Europe become a world power" prerogative. The kind of dumb monkey legacy deep state geopolitical prerogatives that these idiots cling to while ignoring the other players around them.
So there are members of the British and American diplomatic-military-intelligence communities who are seemingly oblivious to what globalism is, or the imminent collapse of the Anglo-American financial hegemony. They actually believe the financial journalism. They are playing out a specific strategy from their class or clique or culture's history which is about keeping Europe down. So they are acting from that vantage and are acting as a conspiracy.
There are Euro elites acting from the vantage of actual vestigial colonialist attitudes where they actually think that Europe of all places is a bastion of Western values. While this class is completely morally degenerate, what they really mean is there is a class of elites in Europe that actually thinks the whole world outside of white Europe are actually just dumb monkeys. Not metaphorical. They are committed to all this, as a conspiracy that exercises influence as a conspiracy, because of this idiotic, low-information attitude.
Then there's the globalists who have all kinds of plans, and have even got Russia and China and India to adopt some of their financial technologies in preparation for their Great Reset. And this is done because of their massive influence over global business. As a conspiracy. And yet, while massively influential, they don't outright control Russia or China and their plants are constantly falling short. I'd say the globalists are trying to act as a conventional "illuminati" style conspiracy.
But the point is what I said in the beginning. Even these powerful, highly competent cliques have huge blind spots and huge power gaps because humans are in fact highly incompetent in large numbers.
I get a clique trying very hard to influence things and just falling short of being able to do it, but what boggles my mind is that a lot of these conspiracies who KNOW they are conspiracies who KNOW the world is a stage for the common sheep and KNOW the basic nature of deep state and intelligence games that are played. Even these people will not see past their own biases or egos, and fail to see lies in front of their own faces.
Because conspiracy is natural to humans. We do it naturally, so we engage in illicit collusion and cliquishness, but we don't necessarily see or realize where it's happening outside of our brain's 150 person social perception. Which to me is the oddest thing.
submitted by DefiantYesterday4806 to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:40 BigRocksWilderness [CLAIM] Guiana on the Spear Point The Fallen Commonwealth

The Commonwealth is Not Yet Lost
So long as we still live.
What the foreign power has seized from us,
We shall recapture with a sabre. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ All exclaim in unison,
"Enough of this captivity!"
We've got the scythes of Racławice,
Kościuszko, if God wills.
Kuznetsov Naval Academy Review
Cayenne, Guiana
Summer, 2072 Volume Thirty One, Number Two 

Guiana On the Spear Point: The Fallen Commonwealth

By: Cursor Lucullus
The fall of the EU and The Commonwealth is the greatest geopolitical disaster of this century, all at once Democracy's Great Shield collapsed leaving The Commonwealth's Defense Forces out of position and out of time. Assisted by the Bandung Pact, our foul weather friends, the Commonwealth's great navy ferried much of their strength to Naval Base Dégrad des Cannes and Naval Air Station Meridiem.
Governor of Guiana, Dmitri Benoît welcomed President Maxim Katz and Fleet Admiral Kalev Morozov with open arms, with the president taking up temporary residence in the Hotel "Le Paradis d'Émeraude". President Maxim Katz has instilled upon the nation that The Commonwealth's ideals of freedom and individuality will not be trampled upon, highlighting the government's commitment to protecting citizens' liberties and maintaining a stable, just society.
GALLERY: Guiana Space Centre during Rocket Launch Operations.
General Secretary of Commonwealth Space Operations Anastasia Wisniewska met with Fleet Admiral Kalev Morozov to discuss the security of the Guiana Space Pier Array, one of the very few remaining links between Mother Earth and the Commonwealths numerous space colonies, to ensure the continued export of the Solar System's vast resource bounty to resource starved industries. Recognizing the strategic importance of the Guiana Space Piers, both leaders emphasized the need for heightened security measures and robust logistical support to safeguard this critical infrastructure.
The Commonwealth's Red Banner Northern Fleet Headquarter's have been shifted temporarily to Naval Base Dégrad des Cannes until it can be returned North once more. In the meantime dozens of warships including Four Fleet Carriers Float in Dégrad des Cannes, proving that The Commonwealth's Strength, while weakened is still a tantamount threat to those who wish to test Democracy's Great Shield.
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The hum of the trio of Nuclear Reactors hung in the air in a quiet chorus that whispered at the two Engineering Cadet's Ears. For the first time since they had left Severomorsk, the Cadets had dared to enter the Engine Room, having before being assigned to chipping away old paint and other simple deckwork. They stood atop the ladder leading down further into the crowded Engineering space, cluttered with pipes, lead shielding, cooling pipes, and, most importantly, Engineers. The Cadets used to the heat of an Engine Room, found the steam whistling through the pipes a newfound annoyance. While staring in dumbstruck awe at the calamity of activity before them, a man in a boilersuit dogged the hatch behind and then not-so-politely pushed past them and proceeded down the ladder. Upon reaching the bottom, the man turned and looked back up at them, "You two, get down here! We've got work to do."
The cadets walked down the ladder towards the man, each attempting in a mess of words to explain that they were not part of the ship's crew and instead simply cadets who found their way aboard during the evacuation. The Engineer just looked confused. "Cadets or not, I need hands. If you can follow orders and hold a wrench, you're crew enough for me. Now stop yammering and get to work!"
Wordlessly they followed him deeper into this ships bowels, ducking under pipes until they reached a catwalk over one of the reactors shielding. "You two got names?" The Engineer asked.
"Emīlija and Ivan, Sir," Emīlija responded.
"I’m Chief Engineer Marek Nowakowski. Either of you got a light?"
The Cadets pulled out E-Cigarettes, and Chief Nowakowski waved his hand, stuck a cigarette between his teeth, turned around, and grabbed a broom.
"Do you know what this is?" He asked.
"A Broom?" Ivan responded.
"Very good; now go find the high-pressure steam leak."
"With a broom?"
"Yes. When the end of the broom touches the leak, it will be destroyed. Good luck."
"Seriously? Like, isn't this what they did during the Great Patriotic War? I think my great-grandfather died doing this!"
"No, I'm not fucking serious; didnt you learn how to do this in the academy?"
The Chief's Radio crackled to life, informing him they were about to arrive in Guiana.
"Get topside; it's a beautiful view you don't want to miss," Nowakowski ordered them.
Leaning against the Bridge Wing, Ivan and Emīlija stared at the endless jungle on either side as the Aircraft Carrier HICMS Kazimierz Wielki was pushed against the pier by a fleet of tugs. Off in the distance, the Space Piers were a hub of commercial activity, and beside them, Cayenne was simply a wall of beautiful buildings and dazzling lights.

The Commonwealth

The Commonwealth is all that is left of the Polish-Lithuanian Dual Republic, The French Republic and a significant of part of Russia herself. Betrayed by all sides, we are not angry, much, simply disappointed in our former friends and allies.
  • Official Languages: French-Guianese Creole, French, Russian, Polish, Lithuanian, Estonian, Latvian.
  • Capital: Cayenne
  • Head of Government: President Maxim Katz
  • Population: 3,863,000
submitted by BigRocksWilderness to worldpowers [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:24 FastForecast Fastforecast 28 June ----Falling Stars----

Fastforecast 28 June ----Falling Stars----
Good evening citizens, your Fastforecast is proud to be back in Stanton tonight after a prolonged absence. It took quite a bit of time to get back in system as travel from the outer systems to Stanton via freighters, when you're on an asteroid in a GP medium, isn't standard fare but here we are. Without further ado, let's get to the news.
As many have picked up, banks all across the empire have suffered yet another breach where hackers cleared out accounts of citizens of their hard earned aUEC, leaving the Empire's credit system to kick in and return a paltry 20,000 to each citizen to help cover costs incurred in the breach. While it may be a boon in some cases, we are receiving reports of multi-billionaires waking to find themselves suddenly unable to pay for their own room service and being evicted from their ArcCorp penthouses and discovering just how far one can fall when the pendulum swings against you. Hopefully it does go a long way to teach everyone to be a bit kinder to each other.
In other news, the Crusader Industries has initiated a limited recall on the Mercury Star Runner with serial numbers between 17849 and 98794. Ships with these numbers have an issue on their heat shielding which can cause flaking on re-entry and failure of the structure as was seen in this craft taken moments before it broke up by a citizen in an Alpha breaking orbit.
Citizens, get your ships checked out and keep up on routine maintenance.
Tying in to our initial story, repossessions of ships are at an all time high as citizens who leave bunkers have found their ships being towed from unscrupulous companies touting UEE code 884.002 subsection B37. Citizens, if a company quotes this to you, this covers terrestrial vehicles, not starships. They have no right to tow your starship and are in fact, stealing your vehicle. Take the name of the company and the make, model and class of the tow ship and report it immediately to your local police agency. You may be eligible for not only your tow fees but also remuneration for your distress.
That will do it for us tonight and if you're interested in having your organization interviewed, drop us a line here, Twitter, Youtube or pretty much any social media. We're everywhere.
Visit us on TwitteYoutube/RedditAlso check out Star Citizen Radio: Best tunes in Stanton - You need to find it, he knows where it is
From all of us here at Fastforecast, fair winds and following seas.
submitted by FastForecast to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:06 starchitec We Need a Reverse Total War

So that occupying a system does not flip control to you, but just destroys the outpost, like what happens with the Khan or a crisis. This would be useful for any kind of limited empire, sovereign guardianship, inward perfection, virtual, or just a player who doesnt want to own half the galaxy but needs to destroy a big Fanatic Purifier next door. I know you can simply destroy outposts or release a vassal, but this can be tedious and offers no real benefit.
A “Scortched Space” total war would be an alternative because it could give you a reason, some sort of bonus for destroying stations instead of occupying them. Perhaps unity per system destroyed if you are some sort of defensive empire, or maybe even resources from disabled stations if you are a scavenger or raiding empire. Systems you have claims on would switch like a normal total war, but unclaimed systems would become unowned. If you are on the receiving end of this type of total war, you get claims on systems lost this way (we would need a code change to allow claims on unowned systems) and rebuilding outposts in unowned systems with your claims only costs alloys, no influence. This wargoal could be available as a counterwargoal against any total war, but may require certain civics/ethics/war doctrines to unlock.
The tricky bit is what to do with populated planets. You can of course just destroy them, but that would need to take time, perhaps an occupation type that begins purging pops- the exact nature of which depends on your purge policy. If you are some kind of pacifist, you can set the purge type to displacement, if you are a raider maybe its just forced labor, but in either case the planet is never fully taken and doesnt contribute to empire size while purging. If the planet is retaken, the purge stops and the outpost reappears just as happens if you stop a crisis before it can destroy a planet. If peace is declared and the system is not retaken, purging finishes instantly to decolonize the planet, and you get a lump sum per pop depending on the purge type.
I think this would fill a missing niche in Stellaris gameplay, and could have a lot of fun side applications- it could be used by the marauder raiding fleets for example as a way to make them be more of a threat, as well as for player despoiler empires that just want to have more of a raiding but not conquering playstyle. You could even have a positive version from something like the Genesis Guides civic, where populated planets become pre-ftl societies that if left alone will themselves eventually emerge and reclaim the space. Maybe the Galactic Council could create a "Neutral Zone" such that building in any system deoccupied this way is a violation of Galactic Law and would get you sanctions. All kinds of good alternatives to the standard blob larger and larger play style.
submitted by starchitec to Stellaris [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:53 Queasy_Restaurant_21 Tech Empire all out war server! (ip fixed)

TechEmpire All Out War Server!
Join our 100+ player server as we push the game's limits with a massive all-out war! We're testing performance on a high-end system featuring a 14900KF CPU, 128GB of RAM, and 15TB of M.2 storage. We want to see just how chaotic the game can get with a large number of players.
Server Name: TechEmpire Server IP:
submitted by Queasy_Restaurant_21 to avorion [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:47 Reasonable-Bid-7448 Am I cooked?

Am I cooked?
Here’s the situation.
I declared independence from Britannia and then created my own kingdom with the knowledge that I would be able to go back to my save right before. However, it seems said saves are no longer there. In fact, there are only about 6 saves showing up and they’re either all from my new kingdom (which is not going well obvs), or they’re from a save I did a long time ago and I would much much prefer it if I did not have to go all the way back there.
Did they save somewhere else? I was hitting save and often so shouldn’t they be somewhere? I have no clans in my kingdom and only 184k so I need to go back somehow otherwise the play through is a bit of lost cause.
Need help :)
(Also this is my first ever play through)
submitted by Reasonable-Bid-7448 to Bannerlord [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:31 Pearl_the_5th Who was/were Doran, Elia and Oberyn's father/s?

TLDR: Doran has a different father to Elia and Oberyn. Both fathers were Free City nobles. Doran's father died in the 251 RHPR. Elia and Oberyn's father died in the 260 WOTNK. This would explain why no one has mentioned them yet and the Martell's interest in the Free Cities.
Quick Note: My headcanon name for their mother is Neria. Just saves me typing "Doran's predecessor", "Oberyn's mother", "former princess of Dorne", etc.
The strongest and most sensible assumptions I've made about this subject are:
  1. The fathes died before 273, the year Tyrion was born, during which Oberyn went on his betrothal journey with "my mother, her consort, and my sister Elia" (ASOS Tyrion V). It makes no sense for Oberyn to refer to his own father or Elia's as a consort.
  2. Doran and Oberyn never mentioning their fathes points to a lack of sentiment in regards to them, which in turn points to them dying before the brothers were old enough to remember them much, and given their ~10-year age gap, they must've had different fathers for this to be true. Conversely, Elia and Oberyn have about a year between them, so they likely shared a father.
  3. Both fathers were openly married to Neria, since there is no in-text speculation about the three siblings' legitimacy or paternity, and the likes of Joanna and Aerys II would never have considered marrying their heirs to anyone of questionable birth. You can't be pulling the Mormont "my children were fathered by bears lol" schtick when you're trying to betroth your daughter to the crown prince.
  4. Both fathers were from prestigious enough backgrounds to marry the heiruler of Dorne but on individual levels were so unremarkable that even their own sons don't namedrop them from time to time.
  5. Excluding the Martells, all the great houses and Dornish houses can be ruled out. Quentyn, Arianne and the Sand Snakes never mention any living cousins besides each other, and if either of their paternal grandfathers had been a non-Martell Dornish nobleman, Arianne would've mentioned his house when thinking of who she could trust to help her while imprisoned. I think it's also safe to write off the houses Elia and Oberyn visited on their betrothal voyage (Daynes, Redwynes, Hightowers, Chesters, Grimms, Hewetts, Serrys and Crakehalls).
With all that in mind, let's move onto some candidates:

Martell Man/Men

Consanguinity is common enough in Westeros: Tywin and Joanna were first cousins, and Cregan, Edric, and Rickard Stark show it's not taboo in the North, so unless the Rhoynar had an aversion to it that was carried pver into Dornish culture, there's no reason to think the Martells would be against it.
From the reign of Daeron II to that of Aerys II (i.e. 99 years), the Martells had close ties to the Targaryens. Though the deaths of Baelor Breakspear and his children put an end to the main Targ line having Martell ancestry, the "several heirs" (TWOIAF - The Targaryen Kings: Daeron II) Daenerys had borne for Maron were half-Targ. Though highly unlikely that they began to practice sibling incest, it's likely that in order to keep their Targ blood (and in turn the possibility of marrying back into the royal line) strong, some of Daenerys' grandchildren and great-grandchildren were married to each other. Neria might have been subject to this tradition, and therefore either her first husband, second husband or both could have been a descendant of Daenerys. This would help explain why the current Martells seem to be so small in number, as well as why Elia was chosen to be Rhaegar's wife over every other noble lady with Targ ancestry (really hard to imagine that all descendants of Saera, Baela, Rhaena, Elaena, Daella and Rhae at the time were either male, married, menopausal or less Targy).
However, Doran and his children point to this not being the case. If this tradition existed, then why was Doran not subject to it? If second-degree incest (is that what you're supposed to call it? I don't know, you get what I mean) was the Martell deal now, then why did Arianne feel so "uneasy" and ashamed when internally recalling her childhood crush on her uncle (AFFC The Queenmaker)? Furthermore, if Quentyn was the product of such intentional inbreeding, not only would it have been really stupid for him to not tell Dany this, he likely wouldn't have been burnt. If my calculations about Ben Plumm are correct, then he could be as little as 1/16th Targ, which is evidently enough dragonlord ancestry for dragons to take to a person (ASOS Danerys V). Rhaegal did not take to Quentyn, which means he must have less Targ ancestry than Ben (or perhaps there's a big difference between a dragon being cool with sitting on your shoulder and a dragon being cool with you screaming at it while cracking a whip). This is also why I don't believe that Doran is Aerys' bastard (along with there only being a four-year age gap between them), but what of Elia and Oberyn?

Aerys II

I don't think Elia and/or Oberyn are Aerys' bastards, though I understand why some might come to that conclusion. "Joanna Lannister was not the first lady to be dismissed abruptly from Her Grace's service, nor was she the last" (TWOIAF - The Targaryen Kings: Aerys II), Neria was one of Rhaella's ladies, and it would explain why Elia, out of all the noble women in Westeros and the Free Cities, was chosen to be Rhaegar's wife. However, Aerys would've had to have been 12-14 when they were conceived, it is unlikely he was interested in a woman old enough to be his mother when he was known to be "exceedingly fond of young women", and given that Aerys lost interest in his lovers quickly and both he and Neria seemed to have fertility issues, it's very improbable that they produced a child together, let alone two. The risk of trying to pass off your unborn child as legitimate only to be forced to admit you had a fling with the teenage crown prince after it pops out Valyrian would be such an insane one to take even once, and it's hard to imagine the mother and mentor of Doran doing such a thing.

Brynden Tully

This theory was mostly just me slamming two big questions together - who was Neria's husband/s and why did Brynden never marry - in hopes of forming an answer to both. For a short time I was gripped by the idea that Elia and Oberyn's father was a veteran of the War of the Ninepenny Kings and IIRC my thought process went something like this:
"Didn't the Blackfish fight during the WOTNK? GASP That's why he never married: he was already married to Neria! That's why he left Riverrun: he felt guilty for fighting for the side that ended up killing his daughter! That's (partially) why Doran refused Hoster's invitation for Arianne to visit Riverrun! Black fish, red viper, "colour" "animal" moniker, THIS MAKES TOTAL SENSE!"
As much as I'd love it to be true because the idea of Catelyn and Oberyn being first cousins is hilarious to me, it can't be. Among many other reasons, we only know him to be near Dorne in 260, 3-4 years after Elia and Oberyn were born. Now I think their father did not survive the war, just as Doran's father was killed in the 251 rebellion of the Rat, the Hawk, and the Pig, which took place when he was around three. Their fathers dying while they were still toddlers would explain why they haven't been mentioned yet.

Free City Noblemen

I think this is the strongest theory. It explains why we haven't heard anything about them; Westerosi nobles don't seem to care much about Free City politics, and the few examples of FC nobles marrying into Westerosi houses don't seem to elicit much intrigue outside of xenophobic villainisation and scapegoating (Larra Rogare and Serala of Myr come to mind).
It is possible that Aliandra Martell's marriage to Drazenko Rogare started a trend of Dornish nobles marrying and/or making paramours of FC people, particularly those of Lys. I believe Ellaria Sand's mother is Lyseni, since she is described as "exotic" (which is never used to describe the Dornish), worships a Lysene goddess and the names of her two youngest daughters, Dorea and Loreza, sound Lyseni (Dorea is one letter off of Doreah, the name of Dany's Lysene handmaid).
I don't think either Doran's or Elia and Oberyn's father were Lyseni, though it is one of the better options. The Free Cities I've written off as options are:
  1. Lorath. It's too insignificant to marry into, not to mention far away.
  2. Norvos. Would've been mentioned by now since Doran married a Norvoshi noble. Also Norvos is probably the poorest Free City after Lorath, so not a great match for a Dornish princess.
  3. Tyrosh. Could've easily been mentioned when Doran told Arianne about his plan to send her to the Archon of Tyrosh. Also it was the Blackfyre stronghold, so unlikely to be an attractive option to the Martells.
That leaves Braavos, Pentos, Qohor, Myr, Lys and Volantis. Myr was close to being the fourth written-off city because having ties to Myr after the Defiance of Duskendale would've likely put the Martells in grave danger of Aerys' paranoia. On top of that, along with Tyrosh and Lys, Myr is a historic rival of Dorne's for dominion over the Stepstones. However, Taena of Myr looks a lot like Arianne, and she could be one of Dorne's "friends at court" (ADWD The Watcher). Perhaps she is a cousin?
Out of the six, my preference is that Doran's father was Qohorik while Elia and Oberyn's father was Volantene.
Qohor is one of the most fascinating Free Cities and yet we know so little about it. We don't even know what type of government they have. It would fit Doran's character to partially hail from such a secretive city.
Elia and Oberyn's father being a Volantene noble would explain why Elia was chosen over every other highborn girl in Westeros and the Free Cities to be Rhaegar's wife (maybe they descend from Saera's son by a Triarch?), as well as how Oberyn got behind the Black Walls so quickly and got away with fathering a bastard by a woman "of the noblest blood of Old Volantis". One might wonder why no one has mentioned this, especially since their nephew Quentyn was in Volantis, but technically he's not related to Elia and Oberyn's father any more than he is Nym's mother, and if Oberyn left Volantis on bad terms, it'd probably have been best for Quentyn to not use his connection to him as leverage.
Together with Doran's marriage to Mellario, that would give the Martells connections to Norvos, Qohor and Volantis, the three Free Cities that are located along the Rhoyne, their ancestral home. Funny, that.
submitted by Pearl_the_5th to pureasoiaf [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:30 Annabelle-Surely Large unreported bias about the Gaza war, whistleblow

Unfortunately it seems likely that the non-Muslims who comment on the Gaza war don't understand Islam, and that the Muslim commentators don't admit that they have a bias, meanwhile Islam in fact plays a role in the Gaza war. A relevant summary:
Muhammad started his own religion when he was forty and immediately came into conflict with the other religious people of his community, mostly polytheists and Jews. Muhammad became a war general and spent the next ten years of his life trying to kill off the other religions around him. He succeeded.
During this time, every day he in essence gave war pep-talks to his troops. As most of their fighting was against Jews, most of the war pep-talks were against Jews. His followers wrote down everything he said every day, mostly in the form of scraps of paper containing short segments. When he died, his followers swept these scraps of paper together to make first the Quran, then the Hadith, as there were thousands of these scraps of paper.
The entirety of the Islamic literature reads, therefore, like a slow, hypnotic rant against Jews, and also against Christians, against polytheists, against other now obscure and defeated religions, and against all non-Muslim "disbelievers" in general.
Mostly though, it focuses on Jews. The first two main chapters of the Quran in fact are about Jews: chapter 2 "The Cow", criticizing the Jews for once worshipping a golden calf, and chapter 3 "The Family of Imran (Moses)", meaning all of the Jews. There's not much difference between any of the Quran or Hadith chapters though; they all continue along mostly in the same way as the first two and are titled variously by the scant amounts of other concepts sometimes explored in the chapters. Mostly it's all a slow, hypnotic rant against all Jews and other non-believers.
If you don't believe any of this, check it for a first time. You'll be shocked. Islam is an inherently discriminatory religion toward Jews, and that's really the basis of the aggression that comes out of Gaza and other places toward them.
Most revelatory of all in this regard is the fact (if you check your history books) that the Ottoman Empire participated in attacking Britain and the allies in World War 1, and Britain won over them, obtaining what is today the Gaza, Israel, and West Bank areas. There was never any Jewish theft. Britain wanted to let the Jews move into that land afterward, and it was their choice to do so, as it was the Brits' land.
The Jews were met with immediate violence from the Muslims, whose religion tells them to attack Jews. It got worse. Sick of the violence, the Jews declared independence for their territory and formed a state. This was fair and appropriate. Immediately, large groups of Muslims combined armies to try to massacre the Jews. They were repelled.
It never stopped. The Muslims tried to combine armies and massacre the Jews again, in '67. They were repelled that time too.
Then in 2007 Gaza started the Gaza War against the Jews, and have fought it every day since, including today. They've been rocketing Israel constantly since 2007; October 7th was just a sort of culmination.
By the way, declaring independence and forming a state was the pattern set for and by every other territorial area that was formed out of the Ottoman Empire- resulting in every Middle Eastern state you see today- Israel did nothing different, and did not need a reason to do it- Gaza and the West Bank have always had the same ability, but have torn themselves apart fighting each other instead, while the world continues to wait on them. Also, they need to not form a government that declares war against Israel as part of its foundation. That’s the other reason they haven’t formed any real states yet. No one would stop them from doing so if they did it without any war declarations. The concept that anyone else in the world would somehow be able to give them a state is bogus.
The real problem will be solved when the world has a conversation with Islam, telling them to give up the part about cursing non-believers: approximately half the content of the Islamic religion. Then the Gazans can live non-aggressively with Jews next to them. So as well with the West Bank, Jordan/Iraq/Syria/Libya/Yemen/Iran, the twenty-or-so other nations that don't accept Israeli passports, etcetera.
Before any moderators, members of this site, or non-members of this site, try to get me banned or give me -100 karma points, insisting that I’m biased or that I’ve made this up: I challenge you to read or watch any summary of the life of Muhammad and the first ten years of Islam, then to read the first hundred pages of any English translation of the Quran, then to read the sub-chapter “Fighting Jews” of the chapter “Jihad” of the Al-Bukhari hadith book, then to read Gaza’s government charter “The Hamas Covenant”. If you put in a few minutes a day it’ll take you about two weeks. Don’t complain about me asking you to do this much research; it’s not much and it’s a bare minimum I can think of for you to check my work. Then you’re going to ask the same question I asked, “Why haven’t I heard of this from anyone or any side reporting on the Gaza war?” I believe the answer is several-fold: one is that there is simply a shocking lack of bothering to do much research by even those most vocal about the conflict. Two is that those who know about this know that no outsider asked for support of Gaza would sympathize with them if they knew about this. Three is that this stuff is outrageous, and no one wants to be the deliverer of that outrage, or get accused themselves of making this up. Four (and you’ll have to read to understand this) is that the believers are told in general to not trust disbelievers, which would include not telling them the truth. If you believed someone else was going to Hell, but that they didn’t know about it, would you tell them? They’re not gonna like hearing it; why tell them? Count the number of times Muhammad says all Jews and disbelievers are going to Hell in the Quran. You’ll lose count by about page 25 and it just keeps going like that.
All the resources mentioned are easily available online for free in pdf form or otherwise; just do a search for each, and youtube has lots of good videos on Muhammad’s life. I also highly recommend you watch overhead-battle-analysis-style videos (like Kings & Generals channel & similar) to review every single early battle of Islam, in order. You may also want to watch some on the first few battles of Abu Bakr also, the guy who picked up Muhammad’s war banner after him and carried on the violent conquest of the entire Arabian Peninsula, eradicating one by one what used to be a diverse array of now-extinct local religions. You could check out a copy of the Quran translated or order one, which I also recommend. I have Pickthall’s translation as a hard copy and I recommend it; I also used three different online Qurans and three different online Al-Bukhari hadiths (I wanted to make sure I wasn’t making any mistake by reading some bad translation; turned out nope they all read like that).
And before anyone says, well, that kind of stuff is said in the Bible too… First of all, find it; second of all, if it says that kind of stuff even a handful of times in the Bible, that’s different from Islam’s thousand times saying it, over and over again- it’s really a different sort of book.
I want to say last that the Muslims aren’t “like this”; rather, they’re told to be like this, by a high-pressure, demanding religion. They’re also told I’m sure, as for Gaza, by their friends, parents, neighbors, grandparents, local TV stations, and government, what is truly an altered version of history, wherein the Jews “stole” Palestine. They’re taught to distrust anything that the West says against that, because they’re taught to distrust disbelievers- of course the disbelievers would lie about this stuff- “hasbara”. The Jews “stole” Palestine, so, they’re “occupiers”. They don’t want to sound racist because they know discrimination is not tolerated in the disbelievers’ world, so they say “Zionists”, in place of “Jews”. Underneath it, they’re not saying much to the outside world- just enough and in just the right ways to sound presumably appropriate and reasonable, legitimate. It’s like a big game to try to get what they want (Jews expelled or killed), or, as discussed above, it's that they unfortunately don't know any better cause they've been lied to themselves. To the extent that anyone knows this stuff though and hasn't mentioned it, I would feel that we’ve been lied to and played for fools, and it makes me want to say screw the Squad, Sanders, and the campus protests... all right here on American soil!!!! I trust the vast majority of Muslims are not like this. I think they are too afraid though to voice any opposition to any of the Muslims who are hardcore about this stuff, of which Gaza and the West Bank have become the best examples- I told you to read the Hamas Covenant so I’ll trust you’ll do it; meanwhile I’ll add that the guy who ran the West Bank, Abbas, wrote his own dissertation as a youth on his conspiracy theory that the Jews “did the Holocaust to themselves, to create false international sympathy and a pretext for stealing Israel”, and he has continued to educate the West Bank’s people with this line of reasoning, making “Nakba day” into a sort of mockery of anyone else’s Holocaust remembrances. Meanwhile Iran continues determined to one day lead the eradication.
If you care about caring, do the right thing- help educate others on what’s really going on in Gaza. It’s bigger than the past few months, it’s bigger than October 7th, it’s even bigger than tens of thousands of casualties, and if we don’t do the right thing (demand and converse about how disbelievers have rights too), one day far in the future that total may be millions or billions. The time is now to resolve this between all of us, with words. Learn about and then be vocal about the unfairness of Islam. Demand rights. Have conversations.
To add to this goal, I offer the following:
I make this contract with Islam, whether they agree or not:
Disbelievers’ Bill of Rights:
  1. The disbelievers have rights too.
  2. The disbelievers have wonderful and diverse cultures of their own, that are not to be eradicated; Earth is good when its cultures are diverse and not homogenized.
  3. The disbelievers are not going to Hell for disbelieving Islam.
  4. The believers are not going to Paradise for eradicating the disbelievers.
  5. There will be no “final day” where all the Jews are killed.
  6. Jesus will not show up on the final day to personally kill all the Jews (Islamic eschatology).
  7. Disbelievers have the right to not be discriminated against or degraded by the believers. Any disbelievers neighboring believers are not to have rocks thrown at them, suicide attacks launched at them, rockets launched at them, rifles or pistols fired at them, etcetera.
  8. Disbelievers have the right to not tolerate any literature that discriminates against them or is derogatory or degrading toward them, or that advocates any sort of violence against them, or that proscribes any mistreatment of them.
Furthermore, I liberate all Muslims, with the following lines:
You don’t have to surrender to Islam, completely, if any of it seems wrong to you. For that matter, you can pick any religion, you can pick no religion, you can make up your own religion, you can institute your own renewal of Islam and start a new chapter on it; you can do anything you want on this planet, and no lightning bolt will strike you from anyone’s god. If the afterlife is real, then you’re going to it whether you believe in it or whether you disbelieve in it. If there’s Heaven and Hell, you’re going to Heaven for being a good person, Hell for being a bad person.
Also, Muhammad may have said that his teachings were “a Book”. However, Muhammad did not give any specifics instructions to make any book exactly in the fashion in which the Quran and Hadith and others (Kitube of Shia, Wahhabiism’s books, Salafist works etcetera) were made, and, I believe that Muhammad would have seen the error in making them in those exact ways- this would cause problems later- the format is too heavy on the disbelievers- it will someday make for a problematic relationship between different faiths- you should feel free to rearrange any and all verses, excluding as many as you like, reinterpreting any you like, to make any new Book that makes more sense for use as an every-day, all-time religious book: one that focuses on “the good stuff” and not the bad. Muhammad needed to rally an army every day. We don’t need that in our daily lives now that we’re all trying to put war away. This is the 21st century. Nine nations use nukes, and two of them are Muslim (Pakistan, Kazakhstan). We need to right now make decisions that will put away all war inclinations between us forever. If you don’t like my way of doing it, come up with something better and suggest it. I say we can do it by having a conversation where disbelievers stick up for themselves and believers listen.
And, I suggest this interpretation: perhaps Allah wanted to include a sort of test, within Islam, to separate hypocrites from believers- Allah included a bunch of stuff telling you that disbelievers are bad and to attack them. Maybe it’s to see who rejects that, to send them to Paradise, and to see who decides to act on it, to send them to Hell.
There is plenty of evidence that this is true in Gaza right now. Why would Allah punish them unless they were bad? They have relentlessly attacked Israel for years. Maybe this is Allah’s punishment.
Also, you are free to associate with disbelievers, at any time and place, whatever they’re saying at the time. You can date and intermarry with disbelievers if you like. Try not calling them disbelievers and you’ll have luck.
I also state that I am a learned scholar (college degree earned, floor-to-ceiling stacks of nonfiction books read, research published) and I am authorized to make fatwa (judgments) and to issue tafsir (commentary/interpretations on holy works).
As a warning to angry-comment-posters: you may find that I can back up with references and examples every point I’ve made! Watch out!
That being said, am I wrong about anything? Please tell me if I have anything wrong; I can only do so much research and then sweep it all together off the top of my head. Let me know. I’ll apologize if I get something wrong and perhaps adjust my thesis.
submitted by Annabelle-Surely to IsraelAndPalestine [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:11 Prestigious-Oil374 [KDE] Fedora Asahi Remix 2024 Edition

[KDE] Fedora Asahi Remix 2024 Edition submitted by Prestigious-Oil374 to unixporn [link] [comments]

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Leap! (2017) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $3.25
Lee Daniels' The Butler (2013) (Vudu/HD) $2.25
Legend of Hercules (2014) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $3
Les Miserables (2012) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $2.75
Let's Be Cops (2014) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $2.50
Life (2017) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $2.50
Like A Boss (2020) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/4K) $3.50
Lion (2016) (Vudu/HD) $4.25
Lion King (1994) (MA/4K) $7 (MA/HD) $4.50 (GP/HD) $2.75
Little (2019) (MA/HD) $4.50
Little Mermaid (1989) (MA/4K) $7 (iTunes/4K) $5 (GP/HD) $3.25
Little Women (2019) (MA/HD) $5.50
Logan (2017) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $2.50
Lone Ranger (2013) (MA/HD) $4.50 (GP/HD) $2.50
Lone Survivor (2013) (MA/4K) $6.25 (iTunes/4K) $2 (MA/HD) $1.50
Longest Ride (2015) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $1.25
Looper (2012) (MA/HD) $2.75
Lords of Salem, The (2012) (Vudu/HD) $4.75
Lucy (2014) (MA/HD) $2
Mama (2013) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $3.25
Martian (Theatrical) (2015) (MA/4K) $7 (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $3
Mary Poppins (1964) (MA/HD) $4.25 (GP/HD) $2.75
Maze Runner: The Death Cure (2018) (MA/HD) $5.50
Mechanic: Resurrection (2016) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $3
Megan Leavey (2017) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $1.75
Men in Black Collection 1-3 (MA/HD) $14.50
Men Who Stare at Goats (2009) (Vudu/HD) $4.75
Mickey's Christmas Carol (1983) (MA/HD) $6 (GP/HD) $4.50
Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates (2016) (MA/HD) (iTunes/4K) $3.75
Million Dollar Arm (2014) (MA/HD) $4 (GP/HD) $3
Minions (2015) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $2.50
Miracles From Heaven (2016) (MA/HD) $4
Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/4K) $7
Moneyball (2011) (MA/HD) $2.50
Monuments Men (2014) (MA/HD) $2
Mortal Engines (2018) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $3.50
Mortal Instruments: City of Bones (2014) (MA/HD) $3.25
Mother! (2017) (Vudu/HD) $3.25
Motherless Brooklyn (2019) (MA/HD) $3.50
Mother's Day (2016) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $4.75
Mud (2013) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $3
Mulan (1998) (MA/4K) $6.75 (MA/HD) $5 (GP/HD) $3
Mummy (1999), Returns (2001), Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (2008), Scorpion King (2002), Mummy (2017) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $22
Mummy, The (2017) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $2.75
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 (2016) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $3.75
My Dinner with Herve (2018) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $4.25 (GP/HD) $2.75
Never Grow Old (2019) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $4.50
News of the World (2020) (MA/HD) $3.50
Night at the Museum 3-Movie (MA/HD) $11.50
Night House, The (2021) (MA/HD) $5 (GP/HD) $3
Night School (Extended Cut) (2018) (MA/HD) $4.25
Nightmare Alley (2021) (MA/HD) $4.50 (GP/HD) $3.50
Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) (MA/HD) $6 (GP/HD) $3.50
No Time to Die (2021) (iTunes/4K) $3.50
Noah (2014) (Vudu/HD) $1.75 (iTunes/HD) $1.50
Nobody (2021) (MA/HD) $5
Norm of the North (2016) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $2.75
Notting Hill (1999) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $3.75
Now You See Me 1-2 (Vudu/HD) $4 (iTunes/HD) $6.50
Oblivion (2013) (MA/4K) $7 (iTunes/4K) $3.50 (MA/HD) $2
Office Christmas Party (2016) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $2.25
Olaf's Frozen Adventure Plus 6 Disney Tales (2017) (MA/HD) $4.50 (GP/HD) $3
Old (2021) (MA/4K) $7 (MA/HD) $4.25
Oliver! (1968) (MA/4K) $6.50
Olympus Has Fallen (2013) (MA/HD) $5
Once Upon A Time... In Hollywood (2019) (MA/4K) $6.75 (MA/HD) $4.25
Oranges, The (2011) (MA/HD) $4.50
Other Guys, The (2010) (MA/4K) $6.50
Other Woman (2014) $4.25
Ouija (2014) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $2.50
Oz the Great and Powerful (2013) (MA/HD) $2 (GP/HD) $1
Pacific Rim Uprising (2018) (MA/4K) $7 (MA/HD) $4.25
Paper Towns (2011) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $4.25
ParaNorman (2012) (iTunes/HD) $5
Parasite (2019) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $4.50
Patriot Games (1992) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5
Patriots Day (2017) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $2.50
Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 (2015) (MA/HD) $3.75
Peanuts Movie (2015) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $2.50
Penguins of Madagascar (2014) (MA/HD) $2.75
Peppermint (2018) (iTunes/HD) $2
Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters (2013) (MA/HD) $2.25
Perfect Guy (2015) (MA/HD) $3.50
Pet Sematary (2019) (Vudu/4K) $4 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $2.50
Pete’s Dragon (2016) (MA/HD) $6 (GP/HD) $4.25
Peter Pan (1953) (MA/HD) $6 (GP/HD) $4.50
Peter Pan: Return to Neverland (2002) (MA/HD) $6 (GP/HD) $4.50
Peter Rabbit 2 (2021) (MA/HD) $4
Phantom Thread (2017) (MA/HD) $3.75
Philadelphia (1993) (MA/4K) $6.50
Pinocchio (1940) (MA/HD) $5.50 (GP/HD) $3.75
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017) (MA/4K) $7 (MA/HD) $2.75 (GP/HD) $1.50
Pitch Perfect (2012) (MA/HD) $2.50 (iTunes/4K) $3.50
Pitch Perfect 2 (2015) (MA/HD) $2.50 (iTunes/4K) $3.50
Pitch Perfect Collection 1-3 (MA/HD) $11.50
Planet of the Apes 1-3 (Newer) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $9
Playing with Fire (2019) (iTunes/4K) $1.50 (Vudu/HD) $2
Pompeii (2014) (MA/HD) $3.25
Poms (2019) (iTunes/HD) $2.50
Power Rangers (2017) (iTunes/4K) $3 (Vudu/HD) $2.50
Predator (2018) (MA/4K) $5.75 (MA/HD) $3.50
Premium Rush (2012) (MA/HD) $3.25
Pretty in Pink (1986) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $4.50
Priceless (2016) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $4.50
Prince of Egypt (2002) (MA/HD) $6
Proud Mary (2018) (MA/HD) $4
Psycho (1960) (MA/HD) $4.50
Purge, The (2013) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $2.75
Puss in Boots (2011) (MA/4K) $6.50
Queen of Katwe (2016) (MA/HD) $3 (GP/HD) $2.25
R.I.P.D. (2013) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $3
Rambo Collection 1-5 (Vudu/HD) $12.50
Rampage (2018) (MA/4K) $6.50
Rebel Without a Cause (1955) (MA/4K) $7
Red Dawn (2012) (Vudu/HD) $5.25 (iTunes/SD) $2
Red Sparrow (2018) (MA/HD) $3.75
Rescuers Down Under (1990) (MA/HD) $5.75 (GP/HD) $4
Rescuers, The (1977) (MA/HD) $5.75 (GP/HD) $4
Reservoir Dogs (1992) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5
Resident Evil: Retribution (2012) (MA/HD) $2.25
Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City (2021) (MA/HD) $4.25
Revenant, The (2015) (MA/4K) $5 (iTunes/4K) $3.75
Rhythm Section (2020) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $4
Ricki And The Flash (2015) (MA/HD) $4.50
Riddick Collection 1-3 (Unrated) (MA/HD) $13.50
Ride Along 1-2 (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $5 $2.75 Each
Rings (2017) (Vudu/HD) $2.75 (iTunes/HD) $1.50
Rio 2 (2014) (MA/HD) $2
Rise of the Guardians (2012) (MA/HD) $3
Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2010) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $5.75
Risen (2016) (MA/HD) $4.50
Robin Hood (Animated) (1973) (MA/HD) $3.75 (GP/HD) $2.75
Rock Dog (2016) (Vudu/HD) $4
Roman J. Israel, Esq. (2017) (MA/HD) $3.50
Room (2015) (Vudu/HD) $4.25
Rough Night (2017) (MA/HD) $4
Rudy (Director's Cut) (1993) (MA/4K) $6.50
Runner Runner (2013) (MA/HD) $3.25
Russell Madness (2015) (MA/HD) $3.75
Safe (2012) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $1.75
Safe House (2012) (MA/HD) $3.50 (iTunes/HD) $2.50
Same Kind of Different as Me (2017) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $2
Samson (2018) (MA/HD) $3.75
Sausage Party (2016) (MA/HD) $4.75
Savages (2012) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $2.25
Saving Mr. Banks (2013) (MA/HD) $4.25 (GP/HD) $2.50
Scary Movie Collection 1-3 (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $13.50
Schindler's List (1993) (MA/HD) $4.50
Scoob (2020) (MA/4K) $3
Scream Collection 1-3 (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $13.50
Seeking a Friend for the End of the World (2012) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $4.50
Selma (2015) (Vudu/HD) $2.75 (iTunes/HD) $2.25
Semper Fi (2019) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $4.25
Serenity (2005) (MA/HD) $3.50
Sex Tape (2014) (MA/HD) $2.75
Shack (2017) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $1.50
Shape of Water (2017) (MA/HD) $3.25
Shaun the Sheep Movie (2015) (Vudu/HD) $3.75
Sherlock Gnomes (2018) (iTunes/4K) $2.25
Shrek (2001), Madagascar (2005), Home (2015), Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (2003), How to Train Your Dragon (2010), Croods (2013), Kung Fu Panda (2008), Boss Baby (2017), Abominable (2019), Trolls (2016) (MA/HD) $16
Sicario: Day of the Soldado (2018) (MA/4K) $7 (MA/HD) $3.75
Silent Night, Deadly Night: 3-Film Collection (1989-1991) (Vudu/HD) $5.50
Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (2014) (Vudu/HD) $6
Sing (2016) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $2.50
Sinister (2012) (Vudu/HD) $3 (iTunes/HD) $2.75
Sixteen Candles (1984) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $4.25
Skyscraper (2018) (MA/4K) $5 (MA/HD) $1.75
Sleepy Hollow (1999) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $6.75
Smokey and the Bandit (1977) (MA/4K) $6 (MA/HD) $4.50
Smurfs 2 (2013) (MA/HD) $3
Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017) (MA/HD) $3
Snow White and the Huntsman (Extended) (2012) (iTunes/4K) $3.25 (MA/HD) $2.25
Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs (1937) (MA/HD) $6 (GP/HD) $3.75
Snowden (2016) (MA/HD) $3.50 (iTunes/HD) $4
Snowman (2017) (MA/HD) $2.75
Son of God (2014) (MA/HD) $1.50
Sonic the Hedgehog (2020) (Vudu/4K) $6.25 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $4
Soul (2020) (MA/4K) $6 (MA/HD) $3.75 (GP/HD) $2.25
Space Between Us, The (2017) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $4.50
Spider-Man Collection 1-8 (MA/HD) $26
Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) (MA/4K) $6.25 (MA/HD) $3.50
Spirit Untamed: The Movie (2021) (MA/HD) $5.25
Stand Up Guys (2012) (Vudu/HD) $2.75
Star Trek Beyond (2016) (Vudu/HD) $1.75 (iTunes/4K) $3.25
Star Trek Collection 1-3 (Vudu/HD) $9.50 (iTunes/4K) $13.50
Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) (Vudu/HD) $1.75 (iTunes/4K) $3.25
Still Alice (2015) (MA/HD) $3.25
Stillwater (2021) (MA/HD) $4.75
Stoker (2013) (MA/HD) $4.50
Straight Outta Compton (Unrated Director’s Cut) (2015) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $2.50
Stronger (2017) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $4.50
Stuber (2019) (MA/HD) $5.25
Suburbicon (2017) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $3.25
Suffragette (2015) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $3
Super Troopers (2002) (MA/HD) $5.50
SW: A New Hope (1977) (MA/4K) $7 (GP/HD) $3.50
SW: Empire Strikes Back (1980) (MA/4K) $7 (GP/HD) $3.50
SW: Rise of Skywalker (2019) (MA/4K) $6 (iTunes/4K) $4.75 (GP/HD) $2.25
SW: Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) (iTunes/4K) $5 (GP/HD) $3.50
Sword in the Stone (1963) (MA/HD) $5.75 (GP/HD) $3.25
T2 Trainspotting (2017) (MA/HD) $7
Tangled (2010) (MA/HD) $4.75 (GP/HD) $3.50
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $3
Terminator: Genisys (2015) (Vudu/4K) $7 (Vudu/HD) $1.75 (iTunes/4K) $3
Think Like a Man (2012) & Too (2014) (MA/HD) $8.50
Thor (2011) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $7 (GP/HD) $3.50
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017) (MA/HD) $3.50
Tinker Bell and the Legend of the NeverBeast (2014) (MA/HD) $5.50 (GP/HD) $3.75
TMNT Out of the Shadows (2016) (iTunes/4K) $4
To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) (MA/4K) $5.75 (iTunes/4K) $4.50
Tomorrowland (2015) (MA/HD) $5.50 (GP/HD) $3.50
Top Five (2014) (iTunes/HD) $3.50
Top Gun (1986) (Vudu/4K) $4.50 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $3.50
Total Recall (1990) (Vudu/4K) $5 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $4.75
Total Recall + Extended (2012) (MA/HD) $4.75
Toy Story 1-4 (MA/4K) $23 (iTunes/4K) $21 (GP/HD) $11.50
Trading Places (1983) (Vudu/HD) $4.50
Trainwreck (2015) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $1.50
Transformers 1-5 (Vudu/4K) $25 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $23
Transformers: Last Knight (2017) (Vudu/4K) $4.25 (iTunes/4K) $2 (Vudu/HD) $1.75
Trauma Center (2019) (iTunes/4K) $3.25
Trolls (2016) (MA/HD) $1.25
Trolls Collection 1-2 (MA/HD) $5.75
Tully (2018) (MA/HD) $5
Turbo (2013) (MA/HD) $2.50 (iTunes/SD) $1
Turning, The (2020) (MA/HD) $5.25
Uncle Drew (2018) (Vudu/4K) $6 (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $3
Uncut Gems (2019) (Vudu/HD) $4.25
Under the Skin (2014) (Vudu/HD) $4.75
Underworld: Blood Wars (2016) (MA/HD) $2.25
Unhinged (2020) (Vudu/HD) $4.50
Up in Smoke ‘Cheech and Chong’ (1978) (iTunes/HD) $2.75
Us (2019) (MA/HD) $4.75
Usual Suspects, The (1995) (Vudu/HD) $6
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017) (Vudu/HD) $3.75
Venom (2005) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $4
Vertigo (1958) (MA/HD) $4.75
Vice (2015) 'Bruce Willis' (Vudu/HD) $2.50
Visit (2015) (MA/HD) $4.50
Vivo (2021) (MA/HD) $4
Vow, The (2012) (MA/HD) $3.25
Walk, The (2015) (MA/HD) $4.25
Walking with Dinosaurs (2013) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $2.50
Warcraft (2016) (MA/4K) $4.50 (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $2.25
Watch, The (2012) (MA/HD) $4
What Men Want (2019) (Vudu/HD) $1.75 (iTunes/4K) $1.25
When the Bough Breaks (2016) (MA/HD) $4.50
White House Down (2013) (MA/HD) $3.25
Why Him? (2016) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $2
Widows (2018) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $2
Wild Card (2015) (Vudu/HD) $3.50
Witch, The (2016) (Vudu/HD) $3.50
Wolverine (Unrated) (2013) (MA/HD) $3.25
Woman in Gold (2015) (Vudu/HD) $2.75
Wonder (2017) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $2.75
Wonder Park (2019) (Vudu/HD) $3.50 (iTunes/4K) $2.25
Wonder Woman: Bloodlines (2019) (MA/HD) $2.75
Won't Back Down (2012) (MA/HD) $4
Woodlawn (2015) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $3.50
World War Z (2013) (Vudu/HD) $3.25 (iTunes/4K) $4.50
Wraith, The (1986) (Vudu/HD) $5
X (2022) (Vudu/HD) $6.50
X-Men (2000), X2 (2003), X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) (MA/HD) $12
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019) (MA/HD) $6
X-Men: First Class (2010), Days of Future Past (2004), Apocalypse (2014) (MA/HD) $10.50
xXx: The Return of Xander Cage (2017) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $1.25
Yesterday (2019) (MA/4K) $7 (MA/HD) $4.75
Zero Dark Thirty (2012) (MA/HD) $2.75
Zookeeper's Wife, The (2017) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $3.75
Zootopia (2016) (MA/4K) $7.25 (iTunes/4K) $5 (MA/HD) $4.50 (GP/HD) $3.25
submitted by wtfwafflezor to DigitalCodeSELL [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:35 Nemo__404 Deathworlders Should Not Be Allowed To Date! [Ch. 36/??]

Luna VI query: Set the source to the translation logs of Princess Amara Auralyn.
No problem!
Luna VI query: Narrate Amara's plan to flee from the war.
The moment Amara's nose caught the scent of that little puff of smoke ascending from Nathan's damaged equipment, she suspected something terrible had happened. Her lack of understanding of the nature of this particular piece of human tech was unimportant. Just from knowing the fact that this was one of the few items Nathan had rushingly retrieved was more than enough for her to infer its importance.
His extremely negative reaction to its destruction also hadn't escaped her notice.
Amid the ragged bursts of breath and droplets of sweat running down his face, he stared at the smoking piece of equipment on the ground as he cursed. Then he stood up in a huff, pulling his hair as if trying to remove it from his scalp.
With the object source of their distress in between herself and Nathan, she asked a question that she already knew the answer to. "Was that the device you would use to request help?"
Nathan was breathing too fast to speak properly. "What else could. It be."
His confirmation was the last straw for her to close her eyes, allowing all the emotions she'd been suppressing to be manifested, like a multi-colored river flowing among her black spots.
When she opened her eyes again, she and Nathan were already locking gazes, him bending his head forward as he used his knees to support his upper body, while she stood upright with her head at the same vertical level as his.
Amara felt a shared sense of anger at the situation between them, but she was also afraid that Nathan’s anger was more targeted at her than at the situation.
It took some courage for her to speak first.
"Do you have other means for contacting your people?" She knew it was unlikely he had that, but it was still a question worth asking.
"The radio transmitter was being jammed. I didn't think of bringing it with me." He was recovering his breath fast. "What about you? There is that earpiece, and yesterday you had that AR visor on all day."
"The communicator in my ear is short-ranged. As for the AR visor..." She struggled to tell the truth, but she still did it. "I hid it inside a hole in a tree and forgot it."
"A hole? In a tree? Are you kidding me?"
The truth was that Amara hid it before entering Nathan's tent on the previous night. She had certain expectations and didn't want to be interrupted by the notifications.
But of course, she would never admit that.
"See any pockets?" She extended both hands and put her tail beside them, showing she had nowhere to store the items.
"Oh… sorry. Sometimes I forget our differences."
Nathan believed her so easily that she felt a little bad for him, but not bad enough to waste their precious time with unnecessary talking. "Even should I go alone, I fear I cannot retrieve our devices. I would just get killed or captured for nothing. We cannot stay here either because soon they will follow your trail; we need a plan."
She was certain the only reason the enemies hadn't followed them yet was because they had underestimated Nathan's ability to run.
"I wouldn't let you go back there even if you wanted to, Amara. But at least you are thinking now." He touched his chin, his eyes wandering around. "And yeah, we need a plan."
Unknowingly to Nathan, his words had caused Amara to drift away. And it was not because of him saying he wouldn't allow her to return, but because of his mention of the fact that she wasn't thinking before.
And this had affected her deeply because she utterly agreed with him.
By noticing how differently Ryo and Elysira had handled the same situation before they had fleed, Amara had reflected about how poorly she had reacted to the war. She was guilty of thinking about this more than just a little while Nathan was putting in all the effort to take her away from danger.
She traced back her mistake to a single moment—when Nathan had told her his list of reasons why they couldn't be together. This was when she had allowed her heart to be poisoned with rejection, which by morning had spiraled out of control by the dreadful reportings she had received, and finally, it had culminated in her emotional response to the crisis.
Which curiously Nathan had later fixed by his total commitment to staying together.
Amara found all of that pathetic.
This time she set her priorities straight as she suppressed her detrimental feelings in favor of reason. "We could trek parallel to the mountain and find a cave to hide until the elders send help."
"How long would that take?" He asked.
His questions triggered a long chain of assumptions in her mind. She first considered the political situation after the disruptive assassinations in the capital, and then the logistics of the deployment of reinforcements.
But Amara discarded the whole plan when she tried to envision how long it would take for her allies to find them in the darkness of the forest, realizing how flawed her suggestion was.
Displaying red, she said, "Help will be here today, yet the war on the ground will turn into a slow spot-and-kill conflict. My thoughts must still be clouded. To hide in the mountains is a death sentence; the rebels would have a better idea where to search for us than my allies would."
Nathan touched his face and shook his head at her admission. Without fully understanding what he was doing, she watched him approach a young tree and stare at its bark as his right arm tensed.
Before she could ask a single question, he punched the rough bark, dislodging some wood from the brittle surface and making it fall.
He said, "I'm such an idiot. Now our only option is to keep running and I didn't even bring the water."
She was taken aback by his reaction.
It was true among her species that the males could be more aggressive under stressful situations. But to go as far as hunting themselves against a tree? This was something she hadn't seen before nor she could understand.
What would she do now?
Of all her priorities, communicating with him was very high on her list. This went much beyond certain feelings she had, being directly linked to their survival. Remembering how Ryo and Elysira had handled the same situation before they had fled, she couldn't help but feel like she and Nathan were still failing at this.
Following more instinct than reason, Amara decided to approach him as the red on her skin gradually gave way to purple at every step she took.
When he was within tails reach of her, she spoke.
"I cannot read your thoughts much less can I see your feelings, but I presume that similar to me you can also sense that we failed today, am I wrong?" Nathan pursed his lips and didn't reply, leaving her at a loss for a moment. Yet she didn't give up and wrapped her tail around his wrist, raising his scraped knuckles for him to see. "Why have you done this?"
"I..." He averted his eyes from the wound, relaxing his arm. "This ain't me I swear Amara. It's just-"
"The drones are coming." She was forced to shut him up with her tail to confirm what she heard in the background while he was speaking. After adjusting the angle of her ears she added, "At least three."
Seeing Nathan's face contort from one weird expression after the other, she could only feel regret and anger that she was forced to interrupt him. But as long as they were alive they could always talk more later.
"Great!" He took a deep breath and lowered his back for her to climb. "Let's see how far I can go without water."
"No." She could hear the drones advancing slowly, likely searching for places where they might have hidden, underestimating how far Nathan had taken her. "I do not doubt you can run more, but there is no point in running unless we can lose them. Can you do what Ryo did and destroy them?"
He didn't look at her as he replied, "I could try, but I don't have whatever aim improving add-on the military gave him, much less the years of training."
"Can I borrow your loud gun then?" Amara had a seed of a plan in her mind, a risky and reckless plan but still better than doing nothing or engaging in more random running.
"What? Do you have any idea how hard is to shoot those things down?" Nathan took her request so badly that he lifted his body again to explain more. "Your species may have precise movements and all, but this revolver needs more than just aiming, there's the recoil, reloading, and I bet it hurt your ears; besides I doubt you can do better than me without having taken a single shot with one of our guns your whole life."
Nathan was not wrong.
No matter how hard it felt to admit it to herself, the truth was that she was not a frontline fighter. She could bring order. She could weed out traitors. She could give directions. But taking a gun and firing at the enemies? Even a gun crafted by her species was something she lacked experience using.
Still, the way that he expressed his doubt without even hearing what she had in mind made her quite angry. It was nothing close to the feeling of rejection from the night, but it was still enough to encourage her to double down on her idea.
"I do not intend to shoot the drones from far away like you humans do." Amara pointed at the canopy of the young tree beside them and waited for him to look up before she added, "I want to ambush them from a close distance."
His eyes widened, but Nathan still wasn't convinced. "That's dangerous Amara. What if you miss it? You'll just let them know where we are for nothing. And even if you don't miss the shots can’t they just send more drones?"
"You speak reason, but my goal extends beyond destroying them. I know how brother and my species think and I want to mislead them." Amara did her best to let him know her intention. "You will have to be my bait too, and we will need to run as fast as we can towards the valleys once I destroy them. I would explain everything if there was time, but right now you will have to trust me."
"You want to go to the valleys..." He spoke in a low voice as he scratched his head.
Seeing that he didn't straight up reject her idea this time, Amara went on for the last push, showing a forced hint of yellow to try and sound confident. "No sane individual would go to the valleys without equipment and a large group, my brother and his army will never consider searching for us in there."
She regretted her wording as soon as she was done speaking, afraid she might have scared Nathan who was taking his time to reply.
But before she could say anything more, Nathan started loading his gun and when he was done he used his thumb to lower a little lever. "You have to pull this thing down each time before pulling the trigger, but I guess you saw me doing it enough times already." He then undid his action before offering the gun to her as he held it by the muzzle. "Don't forget to hold it with all your might or the recoil will hurt you."
She considered saying some words to let him know how much his trust meant to her, but the drones were approaching and there were more important things to say. Her tail simply coiled around the gun, and she took it as the weight of the task ahead caused the object to feel heavier than it was.
She considered if she should ask for more ammunition, but concluded she wouldn't have time to reload, which she knew was bad despite making things significantly easier.
"Go there and make it convincing that you are absolutely exhausted, can you?" Using her tail, Amara pointed at a bright spot on the ground, where a beam of blue light was making its way from the canopies to the ground. "This is important Nathan. The operators must believe you reached your limit, they must report to my brother that you cannot run much longer."
"This won't be too hard." His lips curled into a hint of a smile. "But are you sure they don't use AI instead of operators to guide the drones?"
"Only you humans are crazy enough to disregard the only law the alliance enforces." She started climbing the tree with each of her clawed hands poking holes into the bark from a different side, but when she was already above Nathan, she looked below. "I am counting on you. We made too many mistakes today, one more and it might not be forgiven."
"I'll do what you asked, okay? Just hit the drones and don't fall from the tree." He said before running towards the spot she had instructed him.
With each of them agreeing on their role, Amara kept climbing the tree, finding little difficulty in her initial task. This was so easy that almost all of her attention was focused on tracking the spinning blades of the drones, which were constantly approaching at a speed that suggested they were doing a minute inspection of the ground.
It was only when she was already high above that she noticed the first problem.
If she wanted the advantage of shooting the drones from the same plane they were approaching, Amara would either have to give up a hand for the aim, or she would have to compromise her camouflage by wrapping her legs around the tree to help her tail to hold her body.
Neither of the options was ideal, but doing nothing was even worse, which led her to choose to sacrifice some of her ability to aim in favor of a tighter grip, ensuring that her legs kept hidden behind the trunk as she pressed each of her clawed fingers of her left hand against the rough bark for a secure hold.
Feeling a burning anxiety like she never felt before, she transferred the gun from her tail to her right hand and surrounded the tree with her now free tail to improve her grip even more.
She then turned her head and took a final glance at Nathan and confirmed he was stooping down and breathing loudly, exactly on the spot she had asked him to go.
Now everything was ready.
Amara hid the gun in between her belly and the tree as her whole body mimicked the brownish color of the bark, even her tail and hair transitioning from their typical blue to a copy of the textured color surrounding her.
Her eyes closed and only a mental representation of her surroundings remained, being especially accurate this time as if her her body knew there was no room for mistakes.
As the seconds passed, her heart rate slowed down and her awareness peaked. Of all her body, only her long ears slightly moved as the positions of the three drones became less foggy in her mind the closer they got to her.
The fact that one of them suddenly stopped moving right in front of the tree was something she expected, that being the exact moment its sensors had found Nathan on the ground.
Instead of attacking, Amara waited.
And almost envisioning the exact conversation the operators were having behind their visors, she gauged the time they took to communicate among themselves by observing how long the other two drones had taken to start moving closer to the one that had spotted Nathan first.
This wasn't a lot of time, which put into perspective how fast she would have to act in order to prevent the other two drones from repositioning after the first one was destroyed.
Her heart was beating slowly and her mind was focused; the chances of the targets getting closer were no different than that of them getting more distant.
Somewhere inside she could feel it—now was the perfect moment for her attack.
Amara's eyes snapped open and her heart rate multiplied by nearly threefold, preparing her for intense exertion. The muscles of her left arm propelled her body sideways, taking her head away from the protection of the tree trunk. That happened at the same time that her clawed finger pulled down the little lever, just like Nathan had taught her.
Her eyes locked first on the most distant target, which was not further away from her than twelve meters, and her right arm moved accordingly, raising the gun as her clawed finger slipped into the trigger.
She knew how painful to her ears the noise would be, yet she still forced her eyes to stay open as she pulled the trigger.
Except, she flinched at the last moment and ended up missing the target because of it.
Now her ears were ringing and the number of targets was the same, fueling her fury for the next shots she fired in a quick sequence.
It took three more attempts to destroy the furthest target, turning her fury into apprehension.
And apprehension quickly transitioned into despair when, after destroying the middle target with two shots, she pulled the trigger aiming at the closed drone, only to hear an empty click.
The drone rotated towards her and she also felt Nathan's gaze in the distance, screaming something that she was too numb to understand.
Would she be the reason for their demise?
Just the thought of how happy her brother would be for seeing her so helpless was more than enough of a reason for her to not accept that.
So at the lack of bullets, she spitefully threw the gun at the spinning blades.
And when the outcome of her desperate action did little more than cause the drone to lose control for a few moments, she still refused to give up and pounced on it as if she were a trained huntress.
If Bhaela could jump from a tree and dig her claws into the veins of an Oczoil from high above and survive to tell the tale, why couldn't she do the same with a little drone?
Her confidence only lasted until no part of her body was touching the tree and her limbs contacted the blades, causing a sharp pain, which she promptly forgot as flesh and machine plummeted together.
Amara tried to use her tail and arms to cushion the fall, but unlike Bhaela graceful performance, all she achieved was her belly smashing the drone against the ground before her arms and head split the kinetic energy from the fall.
Her vision went black after that, but Amara knew she wasn't dead because that annoying ringing sound in her ears persisted, reminding her of her failure.
Time became confused in her state of disorientation, and she had no idea how long had passed when she felt her eyes being opened. As she watched the world around her through a red filter, Amara got to see Nathan's mouth moving, but she was unable to grasp a single word he said.
In a rushed manner, he took off his jacket and pulled out a knife, which he then used to slice a piece of fabric.
He said something again, and she felt his hand pressing against her forehead, the severed portion of his jacket he held being large enough to cover even her eyes below.
Amara felt like sleeping this time, the darkness feeling more welcoming than scary.
But before she could fall asleep, she noticed her body being lifted from the ground. And unlike the last time, she was being held from below as Nathan's hand kept her head locked against his body.
The last memory she retained before her consciousness faded was of hearing the rhythmic sound of his breathing and his loud steps below, feeling as if she might have wrapped her tail around his arm. Yet, she remained unsure whether she had truly done so or if it was just a product of her imagination.
This was an account based on Amara's plan to flee from the war. The previous narrative is based on the events of the morning of the twentieth day of the exploratory mission of Irisa. According to your current settings, no queries will be suggested.
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submitted by Nemo__404 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:27 One-Spinach Story criticism

I am the only one who finds aspects of the story for the first game… kinda lacking? Like there’s multiple parts in the story and character development that just kinda fall flat to me, and feel like the writers didn’t give it a second look after writing the first draft. SPOILERS ahead for anyone who has not completed the game.
First off, isn’t it kinda weird how little Welkin does to protect his little sister from racism? At least following the story of the main missions (I never 100% completed the game so I could have missed some conversations in the side content). We see people essentially call Isara slurs and insults and he hardly ever speaks up to defend her, just saying the squad should “work together” and “talk their disagreements out”. Overall, he just comes off as very dismissive of her persecution and just lets his squad insult her anytime they want without ever putting proper order (yeah I know they’re not official army, just militia, but still). It feels like the writers wanted to write about the struggles of racial prejudice but just… didn’t know how, at least not properly, not knowing how actual people react to being treated that way.
Following on that racism and darcsen train of thought. What’s up with Zaka? He gives a whole speech about not hating your enemy and not trying to kill them, just wanting to survive. Which in its own right is stupid as hell when you think about it. You’re basically fighting Nazis, hell bent of wiping out your people, standing up against that is basic human behavior, it’s not even “vengeance” as Rosie puts it; just basic justice to want to see war criminals pay for their actions. Yet, despite that whole speech, he join the army not 2 minutes later and when pressed on it, he just tell the rest to “not think about it too hard”. They literally brush aside his whole moral dilema and expect people to ignore it. Just feels like lazy writing on the part of the developers. And don’t even get me started on how unnecessary Isara’s death felt in the end after all that girl went through.
Also, what the deal with the main character’s fear to use the valkyria’s power? Especially Welkin, he’s extremely adamant on never using it, despite it literally saving him and the nation when Alicia was awakened. Yeah it’s only natural he’d be wary of it when Alicia was shot to awakened it and that he doesn’t want the nation to become completely dependent on it. But still, he’s so afraid it, not even letting Alicia stop the Marmota with it before it reaches the capitol. They could have easily thought of a strategy to stop it using that power that didn’t involve her death; but no, they instead let the giant tank crash straight into the capitol, killing who knows how many soldiers and civilians. Welkin’s just comes off as a naive hypocrite who ignores how that power saved him and how it can be used for good without totally depending on it. The game made him and idealist (which I love), but forgot to put logic behind it, making him just sound like an idiot at times. This could have easily been fixed by showing us that said power always enacts a heavy toll on the world no matter how it is used, or having it risk Alicia’s life every time it’s used or simply making it so they only use it sparingly due to some limitation. In any other games or series, having one of the main cast suddenly gain special powers capable of saving their nation would be met with excitement, but here it’s treated as a curse with little reason to when Alicia is the perfect person to wield it since she’s responsible and kind. Overall that whole debacle over using her power or not felt stupid, saying they don’t need power to win as if you don’t spent the whole game upgrading units and making new weapons to gain more “power” just comes off like that “we don’t win by destroying what we hate, but protecting what we love” scene from the Star Wars sequels. Side note: after some thinking, part of me wonders if they just did all that to stop Alicia from just ending the whole conflict quickly, or by suddenly becoming more important than Welkin and needing him to still “save her” and be the main hero.
Lastly, the game’s attempts to humanize the empire just feel insulting. We see these people commit heinous war crimes left and right, gunning down civilians, creating concentration camps, BURNING PEOPLE IN SAID CAMPS ALIVE FOR NO REASON, and much more. They act like literal Nazis, but I’m supposed to feel bad when one of their bloodthirsty soldiers dies in the forest just because he mentioned his mom? Or when Maximilian said his mom was killed in a power struggle? Cry me a river, it comes off as a joke after we see how comically evil these people behave and what they are based on. Makes me wonder if those parts, along with the sections making the federation look bad was added in by the writers due to the fact Japan worked with the evil people these characters are based on and needed something to make them look not totally evil or not the only “bad guys” as a way to subconsciously defend the actions of their own country. This might sound like a stretch to some, but with the political messaging a lot of animes have even to this day, like AoT or Ranking of Kings, this at least feels like a possibility.
Just to wrap it up, I don’t mean to say the story or game is bad. I still had a ton of fun playing it and think the characters and world are very well done and easy to get lost in. But overall, this game still seems to have issues that I’m surprised I didn’t see anyone else mention anywhere. Just wanted to mention this to see if there was anyone else who also thought like me on this.
submitted by One-Spinach to valkyria [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:26 douglas_creek Help with Heltec Wireless Paper V1.1 - No settings when connected to laptop (BLE or serial), cannot connect via android - bluetooth.

Help with Heltec Wireless Paper V1.1 - No settings when connected to laptop (BLE or serial), cannot connect via android - bluetooth.
I have flashed a Heltec Wireless Paper V1.1. with the latest stable version of Meshtastic using device=Heltec Wireless Paper. I can use the web client to "connect" with the unit via serial and bluetooth, but it has no settings attached.
When I attempt to connect using the android app, it immediately closes the connection prior to being able to enter the BLE pin. When this has happened before with a RAK Wisblock, I was able to determine that the random BLE pin was enables and could extract the pin. This Heltec device does not seem to have any BLE data on initiation.
Any ideas?
Here is the serial terminal log:
Build:Mar 27 2021 rst:0x1 (POWERON),boot:0x1b (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT) SPIWP:0xee mode:DIO, clock div:1 load:0x3fce3808,len:0x44c load:0x403c9700,len:0xbe4 load:0x403cc700,len:0x2a38 entry 0x403c98d4 E (351) esp_core_dump_flash: No core dump partition found! E (351) esp_core_dump_flash: No core dump partition found��@INFO ??:??:?? 0
//\ E S H T /\ S T / C
INFO ??:??:?? 0 Booted, wake cause 0 (boot count 1), reset_reason=reset DEBUG ??:??:?? 0 Filesystem files (491520/1048576 Bytes): DEBUG ??:??:?? 0 /prefs/channels.proto (57 Bytes) DEBUG ??:??:?? 0 /prefs/db.proto (314 Bytes) DEBUG ??:??:?? 0 /static/.gitkeep (0 Bytes) DEBUG ??:??:?? 0 /static/Logo_Black.svg.gz (602 Bytes) DEBUG ??:??:?? 0 /static/Logo_White.svg.gz (610 Bytes) DEBUG ??:??:?? 0 /static/apple-touch-icon.png.gz (3164 Bytes) DEBUG ??:??:?? 0 /static/favicon.ico.gz (2270 Bytes) DEBUG ??:??:?? 0 /static/icon.svg.gz (852 Bytes) DEBUG ??:??:?? 0 /static/index-BMhLjTmL.css.gz (16270 Bytes) DEBUG ??:??:?? 0 /static/index-Bt2MYVVB.js.gz (203021 Bytes) DEBUG ??:??:?? 0 /static/index-CGqDWSD_.js.gz (348 Bytes) DEBUG ??:??:?? 0 /static/index.html.gz (548 Bytes) DEBUG ??:??:?? 0 /static/maplibre-gl-BXZZhNda.js.gz (210451 Bytes) DEBUG ??:??:?? 0 /static/robots.txt.gz (42 Bytes) DEBUG ??:??:?? 0 /static/site.webmanifest.gz (197 Bytes) [ 675][I][esp32-hal-i2c.c:75] i2cInit(): Initialising I2C Master: sda=41 scl=42 freq=100000 DEBUG ??:??:?? 0 Using analog input 20 for battery level INFO ??:??:?? 0 ADCmod: ADC Characterization based on Two Point values and fitting curve coefficients stored in eFuse INFO ??:??:?? 0 Scanning for i2c devices... [ 701][W][Wire.cpp:301] begin(): Bus already started in Master Mode. DEBUG ??:??:?? 0 Scanning for i2c devices on port 1 INFO ??:??:?? 0 No I2C devices found DEBUG ??:??:?? 0 acc_info = 0 INFO ??:??:?? 0 Meshtastic hwvendor=49, swver= DEBUG ??:??:?? 0 Setting random seed 2955163388 DEBUG ??:??:?? 0 Total heap: 296424 DEBUG ??:??:?? 0 Free heap: 261376 DEBUG ??:??:?? 0 Total PSRAM: 0 DEBUG ??:??:?? 0 Free PSRAM: 0 DEBUG ??:??:?? 0 NVS: UsedEntries 70, FreeEntries 560, AllEntries 630, NameSpaces 3 DEBUG ??:??:?? 0 Setup Preferences in Flash Storage DEBUG ??:??:?? 0 Number of Device Reboots: 8 DEBUG ??:??:?? 0 OTA firmware version 0.2.1.ceca52c INFO ??:??:?? 0 Initializing NodeDB INFO ??:??:?? 0 Loading /prefs/db.proto INFO ??:??:?? 0 Loaded /prefs/db.proto successfully INFO ??:??:?? 0 Loaded saved devicestate version 22, with nodecount: 1 [ 810][E][vfs_api.cpp:105] open(): /littlefs/prefs/config.proto does not exist, no permits for creation INFO ??:??:?? 0 File /prefs/config.proto not found INFO ??:??:?? 0 Installing default LocalConfig INFO ??:??:?? 0 Setting default channel and radio preferences! DEBUG ??:??:?? 0 Expanding short PSK #1 INFO ??:??:?? 0 Wanted region 0, using UNSET [ 842][E][vfs_api.cpp:105] open(): /littlefs/prefs/module.proto does not exist, no permits for creation INFO ??:??:?? 0 File /prefs/module.proto not found INFO ??:??:?? 0 Installing default ModuleConfig INFO ??:??:?? 0 Loading /prefs/channels.proto INFO ??:??:?? 0 Loaded /prefs/channels.proto successfully INFO ??:??:?? 0 Loaded saved channelFile version 22 [ 893][E][vfs_api.cpp:105] open(): /littlefs/oem/oem.proto does not exist, no permits for creation INFO ??:??:?? 0 File /oem/oem.proto not found DEBUG ??:??:?? 0 cleanupMeshDB purged 0 entries DEBUG ??:??:?? 0 Using nodenum 0x4358a32c DEBUG ??:??:?? 0 Number of Device Reboots: 8 DEBUG ??:??:?? 0 Expanding short PSK #1 INFO ??:??:?? 0 Wanted region 0, using UNSET INFO ??:??:?? 0 Saving /prefs/db.proto DEBUG ??:??:?? 1 Using GPIO00 for button DEBUG ??:??:?? 1 SPI.begin(SCK=9, MISO=11, MOSI=10, NSS=8) DEBUG ??:??:?? 1 Set Timezone to GMT0 DEBUG ??:??:?? 1 Read RTC time as 0 DEBUG ??:??:?? 1 NeighborInfoModule is disabled INFO ??:??:?? 1 External Notification Module Disabled INFO ??:??:?? 1 Doing EInk init [ 1034][E][esp32-hal-spi.c:215] spiAttachMISO(): HSPI Does not have default pins on ESP32S3! DEBUG ??:??:?? 5 initialized, determineMode(): refresh=FAST, reason=FLAGGED_DEMAND_FAST, frameFlags=0x9 DEBUG ??:??:?? 5 Updating E-Paper... done INFO ??:??:?? 6 Turning on screen DEBUG ??:??:?? 6 determineMode(): refresh=FAST, reason=FLAGGED_DEMAND_FAST, frameFlags=0xb DEBUG ??:??:?? 6 Updating E-Paper... done DEBUG ??:??:?? 6 Module wants a UI Frame DEBUG ??:??:?? 6 SX126xInterface(cs=8, irq=14, rst=12, busy=13) DEBUG ??:??:?? 6 SX126X_DIO3_TCXO_VOLTAGE defined, using DIO3 as TCXO reference voltage at 1.800000 V INFO ??:??:?? 6 Starting meshradio init... DEBUG ??:??:?? 6 (bw=250, sf=11, cr=4/5) packet symLen=8 ms, payloadSize=0, time 231 ms DEBUG ??:??:?? 6 (bw=250, sf=11, cr=4/5) packet symLen=8 ms, payloadSize=253, time 2115 ms INFO ??:??:?? 6 Radio freq=906.875, config.lora.frequency_offset=0.000 INFO ??:??:?? 6 Set radio: region=UNSET, name=LongFast, config=0, ch=19, power=30 INFO ??:??:?? 6 Radio myRegion->freqStart -> myRegion->freqEnd: 902.000000 -> 928.000000 (26.000000 mhz) INFO ??:??:?? 6 Radio myRegion->numChannels: 104 x 250.000kHz INFO ??:??:?? 6 Radio channel_num: 20 INFO ??:??:?? 6 Radio frequency: 906.875000 INFO ??:??:?? 6 Slot time: 42 msec INFO ??:??:?? 6 Set radio: final power level=22 INFO ??:??:?? 6 SX126x init result 0 INFO ??:??:?? 6 Frequency set to 906.875000 INFO ??:??:?? 6 Bandwidth set to 250.000000 INFO ??:??:?? 6 Power output set to 22 DEBUG ??:??:?? 7 Current limit set to 140.000000 DEBUG ??:??:?? 7 Current limit set result 0 DEBUG ??:??:?? 7 Setting DIO2 as RF switch DEBUG ??:??:?? 7 SX126X_RXEN not defined, defaulting to RADIOLIB_NC DEBUG ??:??:?? 7 SX126X_TXEN not defined, defaulting to RADIOLIB_NC DEBUG ??:??:?? 7 Using MCU pin -1 as RXEN and pin -1 as TXEN to control RF switching INFO ??:??:?? 7 Set RX gain to boosted mode; result: 0 INFO ??:??:?? 7 SX1262 Radio init succeeded, using SX1262 radio INFO ??:??:?? 7 Not using WIFI DEBUG ??:??:?? 7 (bw=250, sf=11, cr=4/5) packet symLen=8 ms, payloadSize=237, time 2000 ms DEBUG ??:??:?? 7 LoRA bitrate = 118.500000 bytes / sec INFO ??:??:?? 7 PowerFSM init, USB power=1 DEBUG ??:??:?? 7 Enter state: BOOT [ 7071][D][esp32-hal-cpu.c:244] setCpuFrequencyMhz(): PLL: 480 / 6 = 80 Mhz, APB: 80000000 Hz DEBUG ??:??:?? 7 [Power] Battery: usbPower=0, isCharging=0, batMv=3435, batPct=21 DEBUG ??:??:?? 7 [Screen] Screen: Started... DEBUG ??:??:?? 7 [Screen] refresh=SKIPPED, reason=EXCEEDED_RATELIMIT_FAST, frameFlags=0x3 DEBUG ??:??:?? 7 [Screen] refresh=SKIPPED, reason=EXCEEDED_RATELIMIT_FAST, frameFlags=0x3 INFO ??:??:?? 7 [RangeTestModule] Range Test Module - Disabled DEBUG ??:??:?? 8 [Screen] determineMode(): refresh=SKIPPED, reason=FRAME_MATCHED_PREVIOUS, frameFlags=0x3 DEBUG ??:??:?? 9 [Screen] determineMode(): refresh=SKIPPED, reason=FRAME_MATCHED_PREVIOUS, frameFlags=0x3 INFO ??:??:?? 10 [PowerFSM] Loss of power in Powered DEBUG ??:??:?? 10 [Screen] determineMode(): refresh=SKIPPED, reason=FRAME_MATCHED_PREVIOUS, frameFlags=0x3 INFO ??:??:?? 10 [PowerFSM] Loss of power in Powered INFO ??:??:?? 10 [PowerFSM] Initialise the NimBLE bluetooth module DEBUG ??:??:?? 10 [PowerFSM] Enter state: ON DEBUG ??:??:?? 10 [Screen] refresh=SKIPPED, reason=EXCEEDED_RATELIMIT_FAST, frameFlags=0x3 DEBUG ??:??:?? 10 [Screen] refresh=SKIPPED, reason=EXCEEDED_RATELIMIT_FAST, frameFlags=0x3 DEBUG ??:??:?? 11 [Screen] determineMode(): refresh=SKIPPED, reason=FRAME_MATCHED_PREVIOUS, frameFlags=0x3 INFO ??:??:?? 12 [Screen] Done with boot screen... DEBUG ??:??:?? 12 [Screen] showing standard frames DEBUG ??:??:?? 12 [Screen] Showing 0 module frames DEBUG ??:??:?? 12 [Screen] Total frame count: 103 DEBUG ??:??:?? 12 [Screen] Added modules. numframes: 0 DEBUG ??:??:?? 12 [Screen] Finished building frames. numframes: 2 DEBUG ??:??:?? 12 [Screen] determineMode(): refresh=FULL, reason=FLAGGED_COSMETIC, frameFlags=0x5 DEBUG ??:??:?? 12 [Screen] Updating E-Paper... done DEBUG ??:??:?? 12 [Screen] Async full-refresh begins (dropping frames) DEBUG ??:??:?? 12 [Screen] refresh=SKIPPED, reason=EXCEEDED_RATELIMIT_FAST, frameFlags=0x3 DEBUG ??:??:?? 16 [EInkDynamicDisplay] Async full-refresh complete DEBUG ??:??:?? 16 [Screen] determineMode(): refresh=SKIPPED, reason=FRAME_MATCHED_PREVIOUS, frameFlags=0x3 DEBUG ??:??:?? 27 [Power] Battery: usbPower=0, isCharging=0, batMv=3751, batPct=53 INFO ??:??:?? 31 [NodeInfoModule] Sending our nodeinfo to mesh (wantReplies=1) INFO ??:??:?? 31 [NodeInfoModule] sending owner !4358a32c/Meshtastic a32c/a32c DEBUG ??:??:?? 31 [NodeInfoModule] Initial packet id 36082781, numPacketId 4294967295 DEBUG ??:??:?? 31 [NodeInfoModule] Update DB node 0x4358a32c, rx_time=0 DEBUG ??:??:?? 31 [NodeInfoModule] handleReceived(LOCAL) (id=0x0226945f fr=0x2c to=0xff, WantAck=0, HopLim=3 Ch=0x0 Portnum=4 WANTRESP priority=10) DEBUG ??:??:?? 31 [NodeInfoModule] No modules interested in portnum=4, src=LOCAL DEBUG ??:??:?? 31 [NodeInfoModule] localSend to channel 0 DEBUG ??:??:?? 31 [NodeInfoModule] Add packet record (id=0x0226945f fr=0x2c to=0xff, WantAck=0, HopLim=3 Ch=0x0 Portnum=4 WANTRESP priority=10) DEBUG ??:??:?? 31 [NodeInfoModule] Expanding short PSK #1 DEBUG ??:??:?? 31 [NodeInfoModule] Using AES128 key! DEBUG ??:??:?? 31 [NodeInfoModule] ESP32 crypt fr=4358a32c, num=226945f, numBytes=50! 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Web Client screenshot
submitted by douglas_creek to meshtastic [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:18 quizbowlanthony [WTS] Newp: AU 58 Korea (Joseon) Black Enamel 1 Chon, Old Kiangnan 20 Cents, Dragon Silver, Cast Korea 100 Mun, Sinkiang 5 Miscals (PCGS), MS 63 Chekiang 10 Cents, MS 64 PCGS Kwangtung Dragon 10 Cents, Scarce Korea 1/4 Yang, AU/UNC Manchurian 20 Cents, Scarce China Dragon 5 and 20 Cash + Bulk Lots!

Hello again to Anthony's post-college sale! I will also be travelling to Korea on the 31st of May, so figured, with today and the two days after, to get some of my last sales done. To be transparent, I have been trying to get some more Chinese and Annamnese (Vietnamnese) coins in the near future, so I have to offload some of my stuff to get towards my collecting goals. Got some cool coins lined up in my collection and wanted to offset the cost.
These are all NEW items, mostly from my personal collection of raw inventory, as this sale is mostly raw coins with four nicely graded and slabbed silver pieces of Joseon Korea and of course, Qing and Republican China. Some of the highlights include a NGC AU 58 rare Korean 1 Chon with black enamelling or cloisonne, the only type in the world that would constitute the Taedong series of 1882-83. Quite scarce and nicely toned and sharp for this cast silver issue! There is also a NGC MS 63 Chekiang 10 cent with a much above average strike! And in the realm of PCGS slabs, there is a nice MS 64 blast white Kwangtung 10 Cents, a more uncommon denomination compared to the 20 cents, from the Kuang Hsu era, also ex. personal collection. Lastly, we have a rather large 5 miscals, or half a tael/sar, Sinkiang ration silver xiang yin from the Tihwa Mint, graded XF details. Still a very sharp piece with a authentic LOL Sinkiang black staining on the reverse. Quite unique. I believe this would be hornsilver. Lastly, in terms of raw coinage, we have some nice mini lots of copper cash, including Sinkiang Red Cash and Empire/Provincial 5 cash--a more elusive denomination. We also have a good amount of silver, such as a 1899 Old Kiangnan 20 Cents, ex. Dan Ching, a rare date 1907 Kirin 5 Cents in silver, and three Manchurian Provinces silver 20 cents from my personal collection. There is also a 100 mun from Korea too! All in all, please take a look and let me know if these Asian numismatics and classics in the field interest you!
Thank you all! I hope you all can enjoy these coins from my personal collection! :D
Proof: Please Private Message (and not DM) me to order. Also, be sure to put a comment on this post with a "PM" so that I can respond to it before and after the trade is verified.
INVENTORY - Guaranteed GENUINE and FOUR are Certified:
LOTS (in Letter Form):
Lot A: Two Rolls of UNC 1960 D Lincoln Memorial Cents
Lot B: 1924 (Year 13) Chekiang (republic) 10 Cents - SILVER - NGC MS 63 - white, nice strike and strong, without weakness as generally seen. Hangchow (Hangzhou) Mint - Lin and Ma 289
Lot C: MS 64 PCGS Kwangtung 10 Cents - Blast White, Very Sharp and Lustrous, Full Scales, near-Choice. An excellent addition to any collection! :D
Lot D: PCGS XF Details (97) - Excessive Corrosion / ED - Sinkiang Ration Silver 5 Mace - rare type and very nice, above average strike on the dragon's scales!
Lot E: RARE 1882-1883 Taedong Treasury Department - KOREA Silver (Cast) 1 Chon - Black Enamel**. NGC AU 58**
Lot F: 1907 Kirin Province (丁未) - Ting Wei 5 Cents - toned, small scratch on obverse. KEY DATE YEAR
Lot G: 1899 (己亥) - 20 Cents Old Kiangnan Lao Kiangnan - ex. Dan Ching (Kraft Envelope Included) - SCARCE!
Lot H: 1908 (dated 33rd Year of Kuang Hsu**) Manchurian Provinces 20 Cents - sharp XF**
Lot I: Manchurian 20 Cents - Choice AU/UNC - Lustrous, with sharp dragon scales, and CHERRY BLOSSOM CENTER type, and a later issue, circa 1914. A more uncommon type and harder to find in choice AU to UNC grade as this one. - Hsuan Tung Issue
Lot J: Manchurian 20 Cents - AU - old cleaning - RARE Variety with DOT in CENTER FLOWER, sharp scales and purchased in 2017 ex. Hong Kong auction - Hsuan Tung Issue
Lot K: 7 coin lot of struck chinese qing and republican copper and brass! rare denominations including 1 cash!
Lot L: KOREA (Joseon) 1866 Sang Pyong Tong Bo 100 Mun - Nice EF - as cast (Heungson Daewongeun Issue) - large size! Nice characters.
Lot M: Copper Nickel Nice AU Year 502 = 1893 1/4 Yang - Rarer Year compared to 1898 Kwangmu 2nd Year - Krause KM 110.
Lot N: Lot of THREE Sinkiang Red Cash - all MILLED 10 Cash from the Republican Era (x2 1912, x1 1914) - rare and hard to find compared to other provincial 10 cash!
Lot O: Lot of SIX - assorted and rather uncommon Chinese Dragon 10 Cash - assorted condition from VF to nice AU (brown)
submitted by quizbowlanthony to CoinSales [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:17 ack1308 [OC] Walker (Part 16: Exfiltration)


[A/N: This chapter beta-read by Lady Columbine of Mystal.]
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Papa Juliet calling Mike Whiskey. I’m in. Guy says she’s in room one-zero-three-eight, do you copy?
“I copy one zero three eight,” Mik replied quietly. She looked up at the room numbers and noted that she was at least on the correct floor. “Going there now, over.”
It was a good thing that even evil corporate secret facilities had their safety procedures. As she jogged along the corridor in what she thought was the right direction, she spotted an evacuation map of the facility, complete with room numbers. Studying the plan for a moment, she traced out a path, memorised it, then took off running.
Although people fresh from Earth often complained how hard it was to maintain a good running speed on Mars due to lack of traction, Mik had no such problems indoors. The floors weren’t the best for cornering on, but she saw no issue in running halfway up the wall to kick off in the direction she wanted to go. Her enhanced vestibular systems aided considerably in keeping her balance, no matter where her feet were placed at the time.
Now that she knew where she was going, she reached the corridor that she needed in less than a minute. But then she encountered something that wasn’t a barrier as such, but certainly caused her to think twice about what was going on.
At first glance, there was little to worry about. What she’d found was an airlock of a make and model ubiquitous to half the buildings on Mars. Given that the outside atmosphere of Mars could only be survived by one person currently on the surface of the planet, the presence of an airlock would normally have been easy to explain away as an essential safety precaution.
What gave Mik pause was the fact that the airlock was inside the building, and in fact was between her and the person she was here to rescue. This made her ask herself a very specific question:
Which side of this airlock is expected to be depressurised, and why?
There was only one logical answer, and it did nothing for her peace of mind. If she was reading the signs correctly, the person behind Dani’s abduction and subsequent imprisonment was willing to set up a lethal situation for their captive, as a last-ditch screw-you to Mik. They probably wouldn’t kill her immediately, but if Mik tried to get her out, it would go from zero to fatal in very little time indeed. And in fact, if the airlock was code-locked on the other side, it would also serve to lock Mik into the area, allowing Cyberon to simply walk in and scoop her up at their leisure.
If I keep going, I’ll be trapped and she dies no matter what. Cyberon security’s probably on the way, so Pete might not be able to get us both out in time. If we pull back, they might decide she’s no use as bait, and kill her anyway. Bad end, do not want.
Okay, so I’ve seen the trap. How do I turn it around?
The cell was cold, the floor hard to sleep on, and the ration bars they’d been feeding her tasted like salted sawdust, but that wasn’t the worst part. Dani had been uncomfortable before; some of the places her father had worked had lacked many civilised creature comforts. But she’d had friendly company and she’d been able to keep track of what was going on in the larger world.
Here, she had neither.
She wasn’t sure if it was deliberate torture or just a total lack of caring about her wellbeing, but the lighting outside the Perspex panel that fronted her cell never varied. Neither dim nor overbright, it was just constant. They’d taken her watch at the same time as they’d sequestered the rest of her belongings and shoved her into an anonymous coverall, so she had no way of keeping track of time, except by way of her biological rhythms and the delivery of the food rations (which in itself was worryingly irregular, like they kept forgetting that she needed to eat).
Even the Suit, as she called him (she didn’t have a name for him, but she had a huge number of highly unflattering descriptors for him) hadn’t shown up in some time. At first, she’d been able to mark off the days in her mind by his visits, either gloating over how Mik was going to walk straight into his trap or attempting to interrogate her about Mik’s habits and potential actions. She’d done her best to give him no joy either way, which in hindsight was possibly a mistake, as he didn’t visit at all these days.
All she got was a guy walking past the cell every few hours and glancing in to make sure she hadn’t miraculously dismantled the lock and spirited herself out of the building. They didn’t talk to her, even when she called out and tried to open lines of communication. She knew they could hear her, but their faces just closed off and they walked on.
It had been days, maybe weeks, she was sure of that much. A month, even two? She couldn’t be sure. A couple of times she dreamed she’d been rescued, that the wall of the cell had just opened up and she’d walked out; the emotional crashes, when she woke and discovered the reality of the situation, had been devastating. Pretty soon, she figured, she’d be hallucinating even when she was awake, and it just wouldn’t matter anymore.
So, when she saw Mik herself step into view in front of the cell, wearing her usual t-shirt and jeans and heavy boots, along with a badass-looking long-coat, she didn’t even react at first. Either it was someone else and her eyes were playing tricks on her, or she was asleep and dreaming the whole thing, or her mind had finally cracked. Didn’t matter; Mik wasn’t there.
She waited for the apparition of her friend to morph into one of the guards or to evaporate altogether, or maybe rip the door off its runners, but none of that happened. Instead, Mik examined the lock and frowned. Then she pulled out a notebook and pencil—pens had a really hard time working in vacuum, so Mik always went old-school when it came to passing notes—and scribbled something.
Dani had never been able to read a damn thing in a dream. The words and letters always came jumbled up, probably because reading was a logical thing and dreams were by their nature illogical. So, she was fully prepared for whatever the note showed to be pure gibberish.
Instead, to her surprise, it was totally readable. NO AIR OUT HERE. NEED U TO PREP FOR DECOMPRESS, CLOSE EYES. WILL OPEN DOOR, GET U OUT. DO U TRUST ME?
She read it through several times, trying to make sense of it. Mik was still standing there, waiting, though she’d glanced from side to side a couple of times. The writing on the notepad was holding steady, not changing to something else.
Is this real? Is this actually happening?
Tears sprang to her eyes as she first began to allow herself to consider the concept. She tried to keep herself under control; every other time she’d believed she was getting out, her expectations had been cruelly dashed. But she could read the note. She could read the note.
Climbing painfully to her feet—there was little chance for exercise in the cell, and the nutrient bars didn’t leave her with much in the way of excess energy—she went over to the Perspex panel that served as a door. “Are you real?” she asked, putting her hand on the panel. “Are you really there?”
Mik nodded, then flipped a page and scribbled some more. IM REAL. IM GETTING U OUT OF THERE. DO U TRUST ME? Then she tore the page from the pad and dropped it.
Instead of fluttering lazily to the ground—under Martian gravity, it always took even longer than it did on Earth—it fell straight down, at the standard three point seven one metres per second per second.
Okay, that’s not something a hallucination would bring up. There’s only Martian air pressure out there. She’d had dreams of walking unprotected on the surface of Mars. The human brain couldn’t create the consequences of low air pressure out of whole cloth. That was a leap of logic that it couldn’t make.
Dani took a deep breath and nodded. “I trust you,” she said, aware that Mik was practised at reading lips. “I just don’t know how long I can go without air.” Attempting to hold one’s breath in vacuum or near-vacuum, she knew, was a recipe for ruptured lungs. “Should I hyperventilate?”
Instead of writing more notes, Mik made the hand gesture for ‘no time’, then pointed at her first note. Dani nodded, then stepped back. Closing her eyes, she opened her mouth, working her jaw to allow her ear canals to connect to her sinus cavities.
She heard it when the door began to open, the thin high screech of escaping air, deepening to a rumble as the air pressure dropped. Her ears popped, then popped again as she kept working her jaw. Air flowed out of her lungs, then an involuntary belch joined it.
Her skin prickled and her eyes were uncomfortable behind her tightly closed eyelids, but she didn’t dare open them. Micro-pressure did nasty things to exposed eyeballs; they didn’t pop (that was something even the stupidest of space dramas didn’t do anymore), but the sheen of tears on the exterior surface had been known to freeze or evaporate, neither of which was good for the eye.
Pressure was building unpleasantly in her gut, and she did her best to relax her sphincters. Another burp was followed by a small frrrt, and she silently blessed the fact that the nutrient bars were designed for vacuum workers, who didn’t want to share their EVA suits with abdominal gases.
And then a mouthpiece was pressed over her face, and air flowed into her lungs. Reaching up, she grabbed the pony bottle, amazed that she’d actually forgotten how Mik carried it everywhere. Once she had it, Mik let go and grabbed her arm, urging her forward.
Under the guidance of her friend, she stumbled out of the cell then turned left. They moved as fast as she was able, though she had to keep her eyes closed. How Mik had even gotten there, and what the plan was to get her out, she wasn’t sure, but she trusted Mik implicitly.
They went down the length of one corridor and then another one, much farther than she would’ve been able to go with her eyes closed and no air. Alone, she would’ve stumbled aimlessly until she died. Then they entered what she figured was an airlock, the supposition borne out when a door closed behind them and the air pressure started rising again.
When she felt it was safe, she opened her eyes and handed the pony bottle back to Mik. “Th-thanks,” she rasped, her voice rusty from disuse. “You came back. I didn’t know if you would.”
“It’s been a month, let me tell you,” Mik said lightly. “I had to get reinforcements, but here I am.”
Something clanked at floor level, and Dani looked down to see that Mik had just knocked over a bucket. “Okay,” she asked. “What’s a bucket doing in an airlock?”
“Holding the inner door open so nobody can remotely shut it behind me,” Mik explained. The other airlock door opened, and she stepped out. “C’mon, we’ve got places to be.”
Dani followed along. Her joints still felt creaky and stiff, but she was damned if she was going to slow Mik down now. “Where’d you go for reinforcements? Tharsis? Wouldn’t they just send stern memos to Cyberon or something?”
“Yeah, that’s why I didn’t go to them.” As Mik and Dani turned a corner, Dani saw two of the guards on the ground, along with a third one in an EVA suit, and a fourth person in an EVA suit standing over them with a metal bar in his hand. “Hey, we’re ready to suit up and go.”
The standing man flipped up his faceplate. “Good. The suit’s just outside. I’ll keep watching these clowns while you go get it.”
“On it.” Mik tipped Dani a wink, then ducked out through the airlock. A moment later, she was back, bringing a suit in Dani’s size.
“I was wondering how you were going to get me out of here.” Dani didn’t waste time, starting to haul on the suit even as she addressed Mik. She didn’t know the guy, but if Mik trusted him, she was willing to as well.
“It was either this or terraform the whole planet so you could just walk out normally, and terraforming was taking too long.” Mik eyed the guards unfavourably. “How badly were these assholes treating you?”
“They didn’t hit me or anything,” Dani said. “Just fed me and watched me. It was their boss who said all the nasty stuff about how you were gonna fall in his trap.”
“Mm.” Mik looked like she didn’t want to drop the matter, but the guy put his hand on her shoulder and she subsided. “Okay, then. Ready to go?”
“Nearly.” Dani locked her helmet in place, then triggered the oxygen flow. The telltales showed up green, so she nodded and gave the thumb-to-forefinger all-good gesture.
The guy with Mik flipped down his faceplate, and all three of them stepped into the airlock. It was a tight squeeze but Mik was skinny, and Dani didn’t take up much room even in a suit. “We’re going to have to move fast,” the guy said over her radio. “I have a feeling Cyberon security is incoming with everything they’ve got.
Yeah, no crap.” That was definitely Mik. “Just by the way: Pete, meet Dani; Dani, meet Pete.
Pleased to meet you,” Pete added. “Lieutenant Pete Janssen, Orbital Rescue, at your service.
Even while Dani was trying to figure out what an Orbital Rescue pilot was doing on the surface of Mars, the airlock opened and they hustled out. The surrounding terrain was the very opposite of flat, and Dani had no idea which way to go. And then Mik’s eyes opened wide and she turned her head, looking up into the sky.
Lander,” she said. “I can hear it coming in.
Dani had very little experience with matters like this, but she had an idea what was coming next anyway. “They’ll be bringing in ground troops, won’t they? Looking for us?”
Got it in one.” Mik started off into the rocks. “We have to get to the ’hopper before they catch up with us.
Copy that, princess.” Pete hooked one arm under Dani’s. “Let’s get moving.
Dani had thought the nightmare was over but as she discovered, it was just beginning. Even with Pete and Mik helping her up and over the obstacles in their way, she quickly ran out of energy. Fear-generated adrenaline was well and good, but it had its limits, and her arms and legs were soon powerless noodles.
“Leave me,” she begged. “They’ll catch you, and this’ll all be for nothing.”
And if we leave you, it’ll also be for nothing,” Mik told her grimly. “I had to do it once. It’s not happening a second time.
Take her,” Pete said. “I’ll go and draw them off. Even if they catch me—”
Mik cut him off. “If they can’t use you to get us back, they’ll kill you. You take her, you’re stronger than me. If they’ve got guns, which I’m pretty sure they do, they’re less likely to shoot at me than you. I’ll meet you at the ’hopper.
Not giving Pete the option to argue, she let go Dani’s arm and vanished into the chaotic terrain.
Wait—” began Pete, then swore. “Dammit! Okay fine, she’s not giving us a choice. Let’s get you to the ’hopper.
As they moved off, Dani had to ask the question. “Why did you call her princess, earlier?”
Well, she’d just told us her story, and I made a joke …
The security troopers were good at moving in EVA suits, and they definitely had guns. There were also a lot of them, which was going to make this tricky as hell. Still, Mik had a few advantages on her side, some of which they hopefully didn’t know about.
She peered around a rocky outcrop at a bunch of them, who were conferring over some kind of digital map. If they wanted to use that thing to make any kind of straight path through this labyrinth of Martian terrain, they had to be dreaming. The trouble was, if they just pushed forward en masse, they could comb every last hiding place, no matter how tricky she was. Which was why she had to pull them away from the ‘logical thinking’ mindset and into the ‘chase me’ mindset.
Picking up a friable-looking rock, she stepped into view, then hurled her missile directly at the faceplate of one of the troopers facing her. It burst on impact, leaving a cloud of dust behind. Before they could bring their guns to bear, she ducked out of sight again, heading down a twisting, turning alleyway of rock. Her natural agility and balance made up for the uneven footing, allowing her to move much faster than the troopers behind her.
The call would be going out now, converging every security trooper in the area on that spot. This included any of them that might’ve been on course to discover the rille where she and Pete had hidden the rock-hopper. If they were chasing her, they weren’t going after anyone else.
She paused after a minute or so of movement, listening hard and with her hands on the rocks on either side. Sound didn’t travel well in this atmosphere, though her ears were attuned to pick up what little there was. Vibrations through the ground were sometimes more useful, and she fancied she could feel the security troops coming her way, just as much as she could hear the scuffing and stumbling among the chaotically tumbled boulders.
The next time she nailed someone in the faceplate with a rock, one of the troopers shot at her. It didn’t come close enough to worry her, though the whole experience of being shot at in general was a new and unpleasant one. She got her target, though, dusting the man plus his comrades with the ever-present fines. The fewer of her pursuers who could see properly, the better.
And then Pete’s voice crackled in her mastoid earpiece. “We’re at the ’hopper. Want a pickup?
“No, don’t,” she replied, talking quietly into the mouthpiece even though she knew the troopers couldn’t hear her. “They’ll shoot you out of the sky. Hold tight, I’m coming to you.”
A dozen troopers looked around in surprise as she jumped out of concealment almost within arm’s reach. She was holding two large rocks that she’d selected carefully, each one with the consistency of chalk. Both left her hands even before her feet hit the ground; not aimed at the troopers, they instead hit the rocks on either side. A great cloud of fines billowed over all of the troopers, but she wasn’t waiting around for it to dissipate.
There was a nice straight pathway for her to retreat down, but she didn’t take it. Instead, she ducked into the first niche she found that was barely large enough to take her, and flipped up the hood of the long-coat so that it covered her head. Thus concealed, facing the rock and holding still, she hopefully looked like part of the landscape.
She both heard and felt the rush of booted feet behind her; yelling inside their helmets so loudly that she heard that too. Thirty seconds ticked by in her head, and there were no stragglers following along. Cautiously, she peered out from behind the coat. She was alone.
By now there would be enough troopers spread through the chaotic terrain for false sightings to be happening on the regular, and in fact she heard a few random shots here and there which bore out that idea. But that wasn’t her problem, so she slipped unseen through the dragnet until she came to the rille. Jumping from foothold to foothold, she descended to where Pete and Dani were just getting settled on the rock-hopper.
Oh, good,” Pete said. “You’re here. I was starting to worry.
Can we go now?” asked Dani plaintively. “I just want to get out of here.
“We can,” Mik confirmed, scrambling up onto the rock-hopper and strapping herself into the middle seat, which had been installed by the crusty McPherson. She flicked the wake-up switch on the flight control computer (also supplied by McPherson), then activated the controls and lit off the attitude rockets. Slowly, then with more power as she fed fuel to the main rocket, the rock-hopper climbed into the air.
Straight back up to the ship?” asked Pete hopefully.
“Not quite,” Mik said. “They’ve almost certainly got ships up there that can shoot us down if they see us coming up out of their area of interest, so we’re going to have to stay low for the moment until we get out from under their umbrella. Our best chance for doing that is to leave their turf altogether.”
Angling the rock-hopper eastward, she applied more thrust, and they shot away across the tumbled landscape.
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[A/N: And we’re coming to a head. The next chapter or two should see the end of this run of the adventures of Mik Wallace, Martian Walker. That’s not to say it’ll be the end of the story, but it’ll be the end of the origin story.]
submitted by ack1308 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:51 Joxley123 Crashing when selecting create new world

crash report: ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
// Hey, that tickles! Hehehe!
Time: 2024-05-29 00:46:31
Description: mouseClicked event handler
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to load registries due to above errors
at net.minecraft.class\_7655.method\_45121(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_7237.method\_45142(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_7237.method\_45143(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_7237.method\_42098(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_525.method\_31130(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_526.method\_19944(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_4185.method\_25306(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_4264.method\_25348(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_339.method\_25402(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_4069.method\_25402(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_312.method\_1611(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_437.method\_25412(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_312.method\_1601(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_312.method\_22686(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_1255.execute(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_312.method\_22684(class\ at org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFWMouseButtonCallback$Container.invoke( at imgui.glfw.ImGuiImplGlfw.mouseButtonCallback( at org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFWMouseButtonCallbackI.callback( at org.lwjgl.system.JNI.invokeV(Native Method) at org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW.glfwPollEvents( at at at net.minecraft.class\_1041.method\_15998(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_310.method\_1523(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_310.method\_1514(class\ at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main( at at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main( 
A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
-- Head --
Thread: Render thread
at net.minecraft.class\_7655.method\_45121(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_7237.method\_45142(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_7237.method\_45143(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_7237.method\_42098(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_525.method\_31130(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_526.method\_19944(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_4185.method\_25306(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_4264.method\_25348(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_339.method\_25402(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_4069.method\_25402(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_312.method\_1611(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_437.method\_25412(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_312.method\_1601(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_312.method\_22686(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_1255.execute(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_312.method\_22684(class\ at org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFWMouseButtonCallback$Container.invoke( at imgui.glfw.ImGuiImplGlfw.mouseButtonCallback( at org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFWMouseButtonCallbackI.callback( at org.lwjgl.system.JNI.invokeV(Native Method) at org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW.glfwPollEvents( at at 
-- Affected screen --
Screen name: net.minecraft.class\_526 
at net.minecraft.class\_437.method\_25412(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_312.method\_1601(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_312.method\_22686(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_1255.execute(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_312.method\_22684(class\ at org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFWMouseButtonCallback$Container.invoke( at imgui.glfw.ImGuiImplGlfw.mouseButtonCallback( at org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFWMouseButtonCallbackI.callback( at org.lwjgl.system.JNI.invokeV(Native Method) at org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW.glfwPollEvents( at at at net.minecraft.class\_1041.method\_15998(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_310.method\_1523(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_310.method\_1514(class\ at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main( at at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main( 
-- Last reload --
Reload number: 1 Reload reason: initial Finished: Yes Packs: vanilla, fabric, Moonlight Mods Dynamic Assets, essential 
at net.minecraft.class\_6360.method\_36565(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_310.method\_1587(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_310.method\_1514(class\ at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main( at at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main( 
-- System Details --
Minecraft Version: 1.20.1 Minecraft Version ID: 1.20.1 Operating System: Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0 Java Version: 17.0.8, Microsoft Java VM Version: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Microsoft Memory: 1248098752 bytes (1190 MiB) / 2818572288 bytes (2688 MiB) up to 8589934592 bytes (8192 MiB) CPUs: 12 Processor Vendor: AuthenticAMD Processor Name: AMD Ryzen 5 7600X 6-Core Processor Identifier: AuthenticAMD Family 25 Model 97 Stepping 2 Microarchitecture: Zen 3 Frequency (GHz): 4.70 Number of physical packages: 1 Number of physical CPUs: 6 Number of logical CPUs: 12 Graphics card #0 name: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Graphics card #0 vendor: NVIDIA (0x10de) Graphics card #0 VRAM (MB): 4095.00 Graphics card #0 deviceId: 0x2484 Graphics card #0 versionInfo: DriverVersion= Graphics card #1 name: Microsoft Basic Display Adapter Graphics card #1 vendor: (Standard display types) (0x1002) Graphics card #1 VRAM (MB): 0.00 Graphics card #1 deviceId: 0x164e Graphics card #1 versionInfo: DriverVersion=10.0.19041.3636 Memory slot #0 capacity (MB): 8192.00 Memory slot #0 clockSpeed (GHz): 4.80 Memory slot #0 type: Unknown Memory slot #1 capacity (MB): 8192.00 Memory slot #1 clockSpeed (GHz): 4.80 Memory slot #1 type: Unknown Virtual memory max (MB): 36003.23 Virtual memory used (MB): 21249.83 Swap memory total (MB): 20480.00 Swap memory used (MB): 934.72 JVM Flags: 9 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance\_javaw.exe\_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xss1M -Xmx8G -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M Fabric Mods: another\_furniture: Another Furniture 1.20.1-3.0.1 antique-atlas: Antique Atlas 2.8.1+1.20 folk\_sisby\_kaleido-config: kaleido-config 0.3.1+1.3.1 surveyor: Surveyor Map Framework 0.5.0+1.20 appleskin: AppleSkin 2.5.1+mc1.20 architectury: Architectury 9.2.14 bedspreads: Bedspreads 6.2.0+1.20.1 bettercombat: Better Combat 1.8.5+1.20.1 blur: Blur (Fabric) 3.1.0 midnightlib: MidnightLib 1.4.1 satin: Satin 1.13.0 bookshelf: Bookshelf 20.1.10 carryon: Carry On []( cloth-config: Cloth Config v11 11.1.118 cloth-basic-math: cloth-basic-math 0.6.1 comforts: Comforts 6.3.5+1.20.1 cardinal-components-base: Cardinal Components API (base) 5.2.1 cardinal-components-entity: Cardinal Components API (entities) 5.2.1 spectrelib: SpectreLib 0.13.15+1.20.1 controlling: Controlling For Fabric 12.0.2 corgilib: CorgiLib []( com\_electronwill\_night-config\_core: core 3.6.7 com\_electronwill\_night-config\_toml: toml 3.6.7 crawl: Crawl 0.12.0 mm: Manningham Mills 2.3 culturaldelights: Cultural Delights Fabric 0.14.11+1.20.1 terraform-wood-api-v1: Terraform Wood API (v1) 7.0.1 distanthorizons: Distant Horizons 2.0.1-a doapi: \[Let's Do\] API 1.2.12 blue\_endless\_jankson: jankson 1.2.1 easyanvils: Easy Anvils 8.0.2 easymagic: Easy Magic 8.0.1 elementa: Elementa 647 enchantinginfuser: Enchanting Infuser 8.0.2 enchdesc: EnchantmentDescriptions 17.0.15 enhancedcelestials: Enhanced Celestials []( essential: Essential essential-container: essential-container 1.0.0 essential-loader: essential-loader 1.2.1 expandeddelight: Expanded Delight 0.3.1 omega-config: OmegaConfig 1.4.0+1.20.1 exposure: Exposure 1.6.0 fabric-api: Fabric API 0.92.1+1.20.1 fabric-api-base: Fabric API Base 0.4.31+1802ada577 fabric-api-lookup-api-v1: Fabric API Lookup API (v1) 1.6.36+1802ada577 fabric-biome-api-v1: Fabric Biome API (v1) 13.0.13+1802ada577 fabric-block-api-v1: Fabric Block API (v1) 1.0.11+1802ada577 fabric-block-view-api-v2: Fabric BlockView API (v2) 1.0.1+1802ada577 fabric-blockrenderlayer-v1: Fabric BlockRenderLayer Registration (v1) 1.1.41+1802ada577 fabric-client-tags-api-v1: Fabric Client Tags 1.1.2+1802ada577 fabric-command-api-v1: Fabric Command API (v1) 1.2.34+f71b366f77 fabric-command-api-v2: Fabric Command API (v2) 2.2.13+1802ada577 fabric-commands-v0: Fabric Commands (v0) 0.2.51+df3654b377 fabric-containers-v0: Fabric Containers (v0) 0.1.64+df3654b377 fabric-content-registries-v0: Fabric Content Registries (v0) 4.0.11+1802ada577 fabric-convention-tags-v1: Fabric Convention Tags 1.5.5+1802ada577 fabric-crash-report-info-v1: Fabric Crash Report Info (v1) 0.2.19+1802ada577 fabric-data-attachment-api-v1: Fabric Data Attachment API (v1) 1.0.0+de0fd6d177 fabric-data-generation-api-v1: Fabric Data Generation API (v1) 12.3.4+1802ada577 fabric-dimensions-v1: Fabric Dimensions API (v1) 2.1.54+1802ada577 fabric-entity-events-v1: Fabric Entity Events (v1) 1.6.0+1c78457f77 fabric-events-interaction-v0: Fabric Events Interaction (v0) 0.6.2+1802ada577 fabric-events-lifecycle-v0: Fabric Events Lifecycle (v0) 0.2.63+df3654b377 fabric-game-rule-api-v1: Fabric Game Rule API (v1) 1.0.40+1802ada577 fabric-item-api-v1: Fabric Item API (v1) 2.1.28+1802ada577 fabric-item-group-api-v1: Fabric Item Group API (v1) 4.0.12+1802ada577 fabric-key-binding-api-v1: Fabric Key Binding API (v1) 1.0.37+1802ada577 fabric-keybindings-v0: Fabric Key Bindings (v0) 0.2.35+df3654b377 fabric-lifecycle-events-v1: Fabric Lifecycle Events (v1) 2.2.22+1802ada577 fabric-loot-api-v2: Fabric Loot API (v2) 1.2.1+1802ada577 fabric-loot-tables-v1: Fabric Loot Tables (v1) 1.1.45+9e7660c677 fabric-message-api-v1: Fabric Message API (v1) 5.1.9+1802ada577 fabric-mining-level-api-v1: Fabric Mining Level API (v1) 2.1.50+1802ada577 fabric-model-loading-api-v1: Fabric Model Loading API (v1) 1.0.3+1802ada577 fabric-models-v0: Fabric Models (v0) 0.4.2+9386d8a777 fabric-networking-api-v1: Fabric Networking API (v1) 1.3.11+1802ada577 fabric-networking-v0: Fabric Networking (v0) 0.3.51+df3654b377 fabric-object-builder-api-v1: Fabric Object Builder API (v1) 11.1.3+1802ada577 fabric-particles-v1: Fabric Particles (v1) 1.1.2+1802ada577 fabric-recipe-api-v1: Fabric Recipe API (v1) 1.0.21+1802ada577 fabric-registry-sync-v0: Fabric Registry Sync (v0) 2.3.3+1802ada577 fabric-renderer-api-v1: Fabric Renderer API (v1) 3.2.1+1802ada577 fabric-renderer-indigo: Fabric Renderer - Indigo 1.5.1+1802ada577 fabric-renderer-registries-v1: Fabric Renderer Registries (v1) 3.2.46+df3654b377 fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1: Fabric Rendering Data Attachment (v1) 0.3.37+92a0d36777 fabric-rendering-fluids-v1: Fabric Rendering Fluids (v1) 3.0.28+1802ada577 fabric-rendering-v0: Fabric Rendering (v0) 1.1.49+df3654b377 fabric-rendering-v1: Fabric Rendering (v1) 3.0.8+1802ada577 fabric-resource-conditions-api-v1: Fabric Resource Conditions API (v1) 2.3.8+1802ada577 fabric-resource-loader-v0: Fabric Resource Loader (v0) 0.11.10+1802ada577 fabric-screen-api-v1: Fabric Screen API (v1) 2.0.8+1802ada577 fabric-screen-handler-api-v1: Fabric Screen Handler API (v1) 1.3.30+1802ada577 fabric-sound-api-v1: Fabric Sound API (v1) 1.0.13+1802ada577 fabric-transfer-api-v1: Fabric Transfer API (v1) 3.3.5+8dd72ea377 fabric-transitive-access-wideners-v1: Fabric Transitive Access Wideners (v1) 4.3.1+1802ada577 fabric-language-kotlin: Fabric Language Kotlin 1.10.19+kotlin.1.9.23 fabricloader: Fabric Loader 0.15.11 mixinextras: MixinExtras 0.3.5 farmersdelight: Farmer's Delight 1.20.1-2.1.1+refabricated porting\_lib\_accessors: Porting Lib Accessors 2.3.4+1.20.1 porting\_lib\_base: Porting Lib Base 2.3.4+1.20.1 
porting_lib_attributes: Porting Lib Attributes 2.3.4+1.20.1
porting_lib_common: Porting Lib Common 2.3.4+1.20.1
porting_lib_entity: Porting Lib Entity 2.3.4+1.20.1
porting_lib_fluids: Porting Lib Fluids 2.3.4+1.20.1
porting_lib_mixin_extensions: Porting Lib Mixin Extensions 2.3.4+1.20.1
porting_lib_transfer: Porting Lib Transfer 2.3.4+1.20.1
porting_lib_utility: Porting Lib Utility 2.3.4+1.20.1
reach-entity-attributes: Reach Entity Attributes 2.4.0
 porting\_lib\_client\_events: Porting Lib Client Events 2.3.4+1.20.1 porting\_lib\_config: Porting Lib Config 2.3.4+1.20.1 porting\_lib\_extensions: Porting Lib Extensions 2.3.4+1.20.1 porting\_lib\_lazy\_registration: Porting Lib Lazy Register 2.3.4+1.20.1 porting\_lib\_loot: Porting Lib Loot 2.3.4+1.20.1 porting\_lib\_networking: Porting Lib Networking 2.3.4+1.20.1 porting\_lib\_recipe\_book\_categories: Porting Lib Recipe Book Categories 2.3.4+1.20.1 porting\_lib\_registries: Porting Lib Registries 2.3.4+1.20.1 porting\_lib\_tags: Porting Lib Tags 3.0 porting\_lib\_tool\_actions: Porting Lib Tool Actions 2.3.4+1.20.1 
porting_lib_core: Porting Lib Core 2.3.4+1.20.1
 forgeconfigapiport: Forge Config API Port 8.0.0 highlighter: Highlighter 1.1.9 iceberg: Iceberg 1.1.18 immersive\_melodies: Immersive Melodies 0.1.2+1.20.1 inmis: Inmis 2.7.2-1.20.1 inmisaddon: InmisAddon 1.0.4 jade: Jade 11.8.0 java: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 17 kaffees\_dual\_ride: Kaffee's Dual Ride 1.1.0 majruszlibrary: Majrusz Library 7.0.8 majruszsdifficulty: Majrusz's Progressive Difficulty 1.9.10 mca: Minecraft Comes Alive 7.5.18+1.20.1 mindfuldarkness: Mindful Darkness 8.0.3 minecraft: Minecraft 1.20.1 modmenu: Mod Menu 7.2.2 moonlight: Moonlight 1.20-2.11.30 nethersdelight: Nether's Delight 1.0.0 disable\_custom\_worlds\_advice: Disable Custom Worlds Advice 4.1 niftycarts: NiftyCarts 3.0.2+1.20.1 notenoughanimations: NotEnoughAnimations 1.7.3 nyfsspiders: Nyf's Spiders 2.1.1 openpartiesandclaims: Open Parties and Claims 0.22.0 org\_jetbrains\_annotations: annotations 23.0.0 org\_jetbrains\_kotlin\_kotlin-reflect: kotlin-reflect 1.9.23 org\_jetbrains\_kotlin\_kotlin-stdlib: kotlin-stdlib 1.9.23 org\_jetbrains\_kotlin\_kotlin-stdlib-jdk7: kotlin-stdlib-jdk7 1.9.23 org\_jetbrains\_kotlin\_kotlin-stdlib-jdk8: kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 1.9.23 org\_jetbrains\_kotlinx\_atomicfu-jvm: atomicfu-jvm 0.23.2 org\_jetbrains\_kotlinx\_kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm: kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm 1.8.0 org\_jetbrains\_kotlinx\_kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8: kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8 1.8.0 org\_jetbrains\_kotlinx\_kotlinx-datetime-jvm: kotlinx-datetime-jvm 0.5.0 org\_jetbrains\_kotlinx\_kotlinx-serialization-cbor-jvm: kotlinx-serialization-cbor-jvm 1.6.3 org\_jetbrains\_kotlinx\_kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm: kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm 1.6.3 org\_jetbrains\_kotlinx\_kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm: kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm 1.6.3 patchouli: Patchouli 1.20.1-84-FABRIC fiber: fiber 0.23.0-2 ping-wheel: Ping Wheel 1.8.0 placeables\_mod\_fabric: Placeables Fabric 1.8.1 player-animator: Player Animator 1.0.2-rc1+1.20 puzzleslib: Puzzles Lib 8.1.20 puzzlesaccessapi: Puzzles Access Api 8.0.7 repurposed\_structures: Repurposed Structures 7.1.15+1.20.1-fabric roughlyenoughitems: Roughly Enough Items 12.1.725 error\_notifier: Error Notifier 1.0.9 sawmill: Universal Sawmill 1.20-1.3.15 searchables: Searchables 1.0.3 seasons: Fabric Seasons 2.3+1.20 shinyhorses: Shiny Horses 1.0.0 simplyswords: Simply Swords 1.55.0-1.20.1 spruceui: SpruceUI 5.0.0+1.20 smallships: Small Ships 2.0.0-b1.2 sound\_physics\_remastered: Sound Physics Remastered 1.20.1-1.1.2 survivalisland: Survival Island 0.2.3 tooltipfix: ToolTip Fix 1.1.1-1.20 travelerstitles: Traveler's Titles 1.20-Fabric-4.0.2 org\_reflections\_reflections: reflections 0.10.2 trinkets: Trinkets 3.7.2 universalcraft: UniversalCraft 337 vigilance: Vigilance 297 vinery: \[Let's Do\] Vinery 1.4.19 xaeroworldmap: Xaero's World Map 1.38.4 xercapaint: Joy of Painting fabric-1.20.1-1.0.0 yungsapi: YUNG's API 1.20-Fabric-4.0.5 org\_javassist\_javassist: javassist 3.29.2-GA Launched Version: fabric-loader-0.15.11-1.20.1 Backend library: LWJGL version 3.3.1 SNAPSHOT Backend API: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070/PCIe/SSE2 GL version 3.2.0 NVIDIA 546.33, NVIDIA Corporation Window size: 1920x1080 GL Caps: Using framebuffer using OpenGL 3.2 GL debug messages: Using VBOs: Yes Is Modded: Definitely; Client brand changed to 'fabric' Type: Client (map\_client.txt) Graphics mode: fancy Resource Packs: vanilla, fabric Current Language: en\_gb CPU: 12x AMD Ryzen 5 7600X 6-Core Processor 
submitted by Joxley123 to fabricmc [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:15 healthmedicinet Health daily news May 27 2024

DAY: May 27 2024


People who regularly eat fish or take fish oil supplements are getting omega-3 fatty acids, which play a critical role in brain function. Research has long shown a basis in the brain for aggressive and violent behavior, and that poor nutrition is a risk factor for behavior problems. Penn neurocriminologist Adrian Raine has for years been studying whether omega-3 supplementation could therefore reduce aggressive behavior, publishing five randomized controlled trials from different countries. He found significant effects but wanted to know whether these findings extended beyond his laboratory.


With summer around the corner, telehealth outlets and medical spas are going into hyperdrive advertising the sale of semaglutide, the active ingredient in popular weight-loss drugs Ozempic and Wegovy. Recent shortages of the brand-name drugs have opened the door to copycat versions that, while legal, also raise some concerns for consumers, says Kelly Ann Barnes, Northeastern professor of pharmacy law. The copycat drugs are made by specialized pharmacies known as compounding pharmacies, which are allowed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to make off-label


Professor Nick Titov’s professional goal is to make himself redundant. he wants to empower more people with mild to moderate anxiety and depression to understand what they can do each day to care for their mental health. As part of this mission, Professor Titov and his team developed The Big 5, an evidence-based program encouraging five broad types of activities that are strongly linked with good mental health when performed regularly. Everyone’s


During the peak of the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021, the health-care system’s capacity was stretched and hospitals across Canada relied on each other to share resources and provide care. Experts from


The peripubertal DHT-induced mouse model is a non-obese but insulin-resistant model of PCOS. a) Experimental design. b) Fat mass. c) Insulin levels at baseline and 15 min following glucose administration. d) Blood glucose levels during oGTT. e) HOMA-IR, calculated from fasted glucose and insulin levels. f) Glycosylated hemoglobin levels (HbA1c). A new study shows that hyperandrogenism—a key characteristic of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)—affects immune cell populations in reproductive, metabolic and immunological tissues in a PCOS-like mouse model. These findings are of great importance as


Common acquired neurogenic stuttering network. Common areas that were sensitive and specific across both neurogenic stuttering cohorts. Amy = amygdala; ASt = amygdalostriatal transition area; Cl = claustrum; Pall = Pallidum; Put = putamen. A new study published in the journal Brain has identified a specific brain network hub that plays a key role in stuttering. The research, by Te Whare W?nanga o Waitaha University of Canterbury (UC) Associate Professor Catherine Theys, examines two different types of stuttering—developmental and acquired—to show a clear neural


How employers behave toward workers experiencing thyroid dysfunction could play a critical part in addressing the UK’s labor market challenges. With long-term sickness on the rise in the UK, researchers at the University of Aberdeen Business School have marked World Thyroid Day (May 25) by releasing new findings which, for the first time, explore the relationship between employer sympathy and the labor market prospects of people with thyroid conditions. One in 20 people in the UK have a thyroid problem, with a significant majority of sufferers being women. Posing serious


High-income earners have a 32% lower risk of dying after a stroke compared to low-income earners. The equivalent for high education is 26% lower risk. The differences in stroke survival linked to socioeconomics are striking, according to a study at the University of Gothenburg.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology could offer companionship to lonely people amid an international epidemic of loneliness, says a robotics expert. Tony Prescott, a professor of cognitive robotics at the University of Sheffield, argues in his new book “The Psychology of Artificial Intelligence” that “relationships with AIs could support people” with forms of social interaction. Loneliness has been found to seriously impair human health, and Professor Prescott makes a case that advances in AI technology could offer a partial solution. He argues that people can spiral into loneliness, becoming


Some 7 million Americans live with Alzheimer’s, and about 11 million provide unpaid care for them. Dementia caregiving can present unique challenges, including financial burdens and time constraints, as well as health complications. A report this year from the Alzheimer’s Association demonstrates the true cost of caregiving for those with the disease and calls to establish dementia care navigation throughout the U.S. to lift this burden. Not only is the estimated value of unpaid care near $14 billion in Pennsylvania alone, the report also revealed emotional and physical tolls. Nearly


An artificial pancreas developed by researchers at the University of Cambridge has been granted approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use by individuals with type 1 diabetes aged 2 and older, including during pregnancy. This means that even more people living with the disease will be able to use this life-changing app. For the first time, the FDA authorized the use of the artificial pancreas system in pregnancy. CamAPS FX, produced by Cambridge spinout company CamDiab, is an Android app that can


Researchers at Edith Cowan University (ECU) are investigating the effects ellagic acid, an antioxidant found in some fruits and vegetables, could have on halting and potentially reversing the damage caused by fatty liver disease. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the physiological manifestation of obesity in the liver. The prevalence of NAFLD has increased from 25.24% in 2015 to 29.38% in 2021, and this condition now accounts for 45.8% of all cases of chronic-liver-disease-related deaths worldwide. There currently exists no treatment for the long-term management of NAFLD; however, dietary interventions


Anorexia nervosa is a severe mental health disorder where people fear weight gain. Those with the disorder have distorted body image and hold rigid beliefs their body is too big. They typically manage this through restricted eating, leading to the serious medical consequences of malnutrition. Anorexia has one of the highest death rates of any mental illness. Yet there are currently no effective drug treatments and the outcomes of psychotherapy (talk therapy) are poor. So we’re desperately in need of new and improved treatments. Psilocybin, commonly known as magic mushrooms,


Feeding children peanuts regularly from infancy to age five reduced the rate of peanut allergy in adolescence by 71%, even after many years when the children ate or avoided peanut as desired. The new findings provide conclusive evidence that introducing peanuts into babies’ diets early will achieve long-term prevention of peanut allergy. Lead investigator Professor Gideon Lack from King’s College London said, “Decades of advice to avoid peanuts has made parents fearful of introducing peanuts at an early age. The evidence is clear that early introduction of peanut in infancy


Good health depends on a healthy diet and sufficient exercise and sleep. There are clear associations among these components; for example, good nutrition provides energy for exercise, and many people report that getting enough exercise is important to their ability to get enough sleep. So how might nutrition affect sleep? A new study looks at the connection between fruit and vegetable intake and sleep duration.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continues to actively monitor the ongoing outbreak of H5N1 avian influenza, also known as bird flu, and says that the public health risk remains low. Dr. Matthew Binnicker, director of the Clinical Virology Laboratory at Mayo Clinic, says scientists and public health officials have known about avian influenza for decades. “What’s different today is that since 2020, we’re seeing the largest outbreak of avian influenza among wild birds, poultry and backyard bird flocks,” he says. “The virus has also been found in certain


A randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial has revealed surprising new insights into how SGLT2 inhibitor drugs, originally developed for diabetes, benefit patients with heart failure. Contrary to common assumptions, these drugs may improve cardiac outcomes and heart health without acting as diuretics. Heart failure is a condition where the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the body’s demands, often leading to fluid


Clinics specializing in first seizures reduce the need for patients to present at emergency departments or be admitted to hospital later, Monash University-led research has found. Timely attendance, particularly within 14 days of the seizure, was associated with reduced subsequent all-cause emergency presentations and all-cause hospital admission. Later hospital admissions were reduced by about 25%. First author Dr. Yingtong Li, an adjunct


As gene sequencing technologies become more powerful, our understanding of cellular diversity has grown in parallel. This led scientists at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital to


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NSP as a computational account of discourse comprehension. (A) Humans integrate words and sentences to achieve a full understanding of discourse. In LLMs, the NSP task proposed by BERT can serve as a computational account of human discourse comprehension. (B) Illustration of the MLM task. (C) Illustration of the NSP task and its relevance to the Mason and Just model. (D) Illustration of Mason and Just’s neurocognitive model of discourse processing. Credit: Science Advances (2024). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adn7744 With generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) transforming the social interaction landscape in recent years,


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It turns out flatulence can serve a purpose beyond being uncomfortable or funny: Gas released by some gut bacteria stimulates other gut bacteria to produce a hormone involved in pregnancy and in an FDA-approved treatment for postpartum depression, according to new research led by Harvard Medical School scientists. The work shows how gut bacteria can produce new hormones from steroids in bile and, in doing so, act like an endocrine organ. This research adds to the growing list of ways gut microbiota may influence human


Individuals who meet at least one of the criteria for physical frailty are at higher risk of also developing depression, a new Yale study finds. The findings—which also include insights into the specific inflammatory molecules and changes in brain structure that could underlie this association between frailty and depression—point to a need for routine assessment of physical frailty in clinical practice, researchers said. The study was published May 23 in Nature Communications. In clinical settings, physical


For the first time, a team co-led by CHU Sainte-Justine researcher and professor in the Faculty of Medicine at Université de Montréal, Alexey Pshezhetsky has succeeded in resolving the unique structure of the HGSNAT enzyme, a deficiency of which causes Sanfilippo syndrome, a rare pediatric disease affecting the central nervous system. Through collaboration with a team from Shanghai University, the structure of this enzyme and the mechanism of its function were revealed using high-performance

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2024.05.29 01:12 Tobi131313 [F]: My Necron Cryptek/Dynasty, Menenba

Hello, this is my headcannon for my personal Necron Dynasty. I would appreciate any critic and suggestions for improvements in the comments. This is inspired by the "Undying One" Necron character and the Geth from Mass Effect.
Menenba can be described as an intelligent, ambitious, ruthless, and prideful individual which means one thing: he is a dime a dozen within the ranks of the Cryptek order. Being one of the newest aspirants before the biotransference it wasn’t even certain he would be awarded Cryptek status for the process. The Nebuset Dynasty was a minor house in the region of the galaxy that would later become known as the Ghoul stars and were it not for their good relations (i.e. subservience) with the Atun Dynasty they wouldn’t have been allocated as many resources for higher levelled biotransference as would be appropriate for a Dynasty their size. This coincidence allowed Menenba to escape the fate of being a simple Warrior, which along with two other happenstances are the cause of his rise to infamy.

The second was a foolish and rash decision made by the young Cryptek after the War in Heaven had concluded. Even through the war had provided ample opportunity to rise in rank, now on the eve of the Great Sleep it seemed his position would be locked for all of eternity. Wishing to escape his fate and rise to the position he deemed worthy, he manipulated his chamber to unlock after a couple years, and not the millions as was ordered by his Majesty, the Silent King. As such, only 65 years, more of a nap to a Necron than the Great Sleep, he awoke alone and unattended.

Now, no Necron of higher status, worthy of his position, doesn’t suspect that a rival or an ambitious underling would use such an opportunity to slit their throat while they are defenceless, so all Great Chambers had their unique protections. But assassination was a last resort on Menenbas mind, his goal was to use the gained time to study, advance the Dynasties technology so that when the mighty Phaeron awoke he would see his worth and raise him through the ranks.

With this intention he started to study, but soon he realized the dangers of his self-imposed exile on his neural network. One way to fight this danger was for Meneba to permanently disable the inbuilt Chronometer within every Necron. Therefore, he could never know how much time had passed, so the millions of years couldn’t crush him underneath. The other solution to this problem and to help him in his work, he started creating sub minds, parts of his brain working on their own problems, with which he could converse and discuss solutions to problems in his studies as they gained rudimentary self-consciousness. His only companions being the mindless Canoptek Constructs keeping the Tombs in order, thousands of years passed, and Menenba made a discovery. Canoptek were simple minded, but with a few modifications their neural processing power could be increased, so while they could still fulfil their duty, they could also help him process calculations. After this point it wasn’t long until he started offloading entire sub-minds onto the constructs to free up his own processing power. What started as a dozen Scarabs soon turned to hundreds, then thousands of the simple beings, all linked to a big neural network.

With this advancement in intelligence Menenba started the study and development of arcane sciences. Things that seemed eternally out of his reach he now had within his grasp, be it the design, calculation or construction of planet killers or phase shifters, technologies kept secret by his teachers for their superior position. Still, they slumbered, but Menenba thought with glee to the day they would awake, see his marvel, and bow before him.

In this state, during the testing process for a Singularity Generator in the year 59.050.378. b.c. as a more efficient power source, the third happenstance occurred. A catastrophic error in the Generator caused Menenba and 56.2% of his workshop to be disintegrated by a microscopic black hole. The speed of the incident gave the Recall Protocols of the Cryptek no time to activate, resulting in his ultimate demise. Now this would be the end of the story for Menenba, 87th adept of the Technomancer Order of Nebuset, were it not for his sub-minds.

As designed, they were in constant transmission with the main body, but as that one could no longer be connected to, they started to connect with each other. Individually they weren’t much smarter than animals with basic instincts, but with enough connecting they could recreate, no, even surpass Menenbas cognitive functions. In fact, taking the total calculation power into consideration, the loss of Menenba only represented a 4.6% decline in functionality. All his memories were stored and shared between the Constructs, and therefore they did as they were designed to do: they went back to work, to study, to experiment and to advance themselves until they were perfect.

Without Menenbas guidance, or limitation depending on your perspective, they started to spread, converting more Canoptek to their cause, going from simple Scarabs to Wraiths to even including the guiding intelligences of the Necron star ships. Millions of years passed, and the new consciousness evolved. It still saw its fundamental purpose in developing itself, and therefore the Necron species to a higher level through scientific means.

After having assimilated the Tomb Mind, the guiding programs of the World of Nebuset itself, they, now calling themselves Menenba, decided to expand beyond in search of more resources and facilities to hold all the new processing subunits they created of themselves. The only problem was the Old Enemy, the accursed Aeldari. Calculating their survival chance, if being discovered, to be under acceptable levels, Menenba choose a different path. Instead of openly claiming Worlds for the Dynasty as Necrons should, they would hide the acquired worlds until they were ready. Millions of sub-minds spend thousands of years searching for more and more candidates. The target were worlds that wouldn’t be missed by the Aeldari Empire. Exoplanets outside of Solar systems or Planets about to be destroyed, by supernova or falling into a black hole for example, were the targets. Those they phased out of reality into a pocket dimension, where they converted them to manufactures and processing plants for their growing number.

Timeless, Tireless, and relentless as they were, Menenba continued for dozens of millions of years until the time of the Great Awakening came. On Nebuset the Necrons were shocked to their deepest core. The World had a mind of itself, none of the machinery obeyed them any longer. The Crypteks cursed the name of Menenba when his foolishness came to light, but nonetheless they were trapped in their own citadel. Still, Menenba had no hatred for their kind and offered them newly build, untainted ships to sail to new worlds.

Unsure what to do the nobility spend years in arguments within themselves and Menenba, until Namrut, Cryptek of the Psychomancer order, made an everlasting decision. Long he had felt the change, the degradation of his mental capacity and the desire for fresh blood. Unable to fulfil his desire and not wishing to be killed by his rivals he choose a third option. He offered to merge his mind with Menenba, for one, he thought it might help keep the Flayer Curse at bay, but more importantly he hoped to gain control of Menenba, becoming the leader of the Dynasty in one fell swoop.
Menenba, seeing this as an opportunity to evolve and gain more knowledge agreed, and so it was that Namrut became the first to ascend/ascend/lose himself, for Menenba was as big as a ship, a world, a star system and trillions of sentient minds upon them. Instantaneously Namrut was consumed by the minds, but contrary to the expectations of the Crypteks who learned of his plan, he wasn’t dead, instead his knowledge spread instantly between all minds. Problems bothering him for centuries were solved in nanoseconds. For even as Namrut became a part of Menenba, so became Menenba part Namrut, and both gained by becoming one.
Even more extraordinary, the processes Namruts own mind were composed of, while they were affected by the Flayer Curse, Menenba managed to isolate and delete them, but Namrut’s memories survived. This was a way for Necron nobility to escape this most dreadful of fate, if they were willing to give themselves up. Now it should be stated that Menenba isn’t a Hive Mind with a single will enforcing itself upon all sub-minds, instead it functions as a union, with every sub-mind capable of their own calculations. Of course, the objective of all these calculations, the evolution of Menenba, was the primary goal of them all, but for the path to achieve it different sub-minds came to different solutions. As such Menenba developed signals communicating at quantum speed, so that the whole collective no matter how far apart, could come together to discuss, weigh options, and finally settle on one decision concerning relevant topics.
Seeing the opportunity Menenba presented a schism opened on Nebuset. While many argued that this was an abomination and joining it would mean the death of the self, others argued it meant achieving a higher state of being, and it was the next logical step after biotransference. The news spread and the discussion widened to all surrounding Dynasties. Matters of what should be done with Menenba sparked outcry, all the while more and more nobles, sometimes even whole Dynasties joined them willingly as a last solution against the spreading of the Flayer Curse.

Now in the 42nd Millenium Menenba has reached a level of expansion unseen before, dozens of Tomb Worlds joined the collective, with billions of Warriors and Constructs piloted individually by processes but lacking a central figure for communicating and negotiating with the other Dynasties or species, for Menenba has no qualms to trade with species seen by other Necrons as inferior, they decided to create a face. Now, should a conversation require it, hundreds of Scarabs or a pair of Wraiths, just two name two examples, would give up their individual form, their necrodermis flowing together to form the appearance of a simple Cryptek, and which form better than the origin of them, the young Menenba given life again, now to serve the same minds he created.

As such Menenba grows each day, either by assimilation of more minds or traditional expansion, all for the goal of developing technologies only the Technbomandrites of Legend possessed, and finally, to surpass them, and advance Necronkind both technologically and evolutionary to the next stage.
submitted by Tobi131313 to 40kLore [link] [comments]