Mcgraw hill complimentary trial

[MS] Prosopagnosia v. Cotard's Syndrome

2024.06.09 08:59 TheWorstThingy [MS] Prosopagnosia v. Cotard's Syndrome

Content Warning: This story contains themes of mental health issues, suicide and physical violence.
Prosopagnosia v. Cotard's Syndrome
My new doctor - a bright and friendly guy named Sarbjit - took the time to explain his diagnosis to me. He told me my condition was mental, not physical, but it was hard to pay attention to everything he said because my left arm was numb and rotting from the inside out. I smiled and nodded and then when I got home I looked up Cotard’s Syndrome online. Here is what Wikipedia had to say on it.
“Cotard's syndrome, also known as ‘Cotard's delusion’ or ‘Walking Corpse Syndrome’, is a rare mental disorder in which the affected person holds the delusional belief that they are dead, do not exist, are putrefying, or have lost their blood or internal organs.”
I don’t know. Sounded extremely strange to me. I just knew my left arm was dying. Maybe my liver too. I used my right arm, the good one, to open my mail. Most of it was just the normal stuff but when I saw the letter from the Supreme Court of the State of New York I got a little worried. I was here legally - a citizen for almost ten years now - and I knew my rights but being summoned to testify at this criminal trial was a bit unnerving. I didn’t like it. I just try to do my best in this life and mind my own business and not cause problems for others.
When my trial appearance date arrived two months later I took the subway downtown and left my assistant, Stavvy, in charge of the office that day. I sat there on a hard wooden bench in the courtroom all morning listening to the testimony of other witnesses but I wasn’t called to the stand until sometime after we returned from lunch. Eventually, the lawyer for the defense called my name.
She mispronounced it of course - people here always mispronounce Albanian names - so I wasn’t surprised when she called me Mister Shka-Rell-Eee. My surname is Shkreli, after the place where my family comes from, and the proper pronunciation contains only two syllables - Shkrell-Eee. I was trying to hold my left arm in place when she asked her opening question.
Where was I at the time of the murder?
“Well, Miss Anderson” - I pronounced it Ahnd-REE-Sawn, drawing out the first and last syllables while placing too much emphasis on the middle one, intentionally - “I am not entirely certain. That was over a year ago and I travel all around this city on a daily basis for my job. I work in computer repair and IT support and I have customers in all five boroughs.” (This wasn’t exactly true. I wasn’t really willing to travel to Staten Island.) We had spoken four months earlier when she informed me of the questions she intended to ask at trial but I was fairly oblique then and I intended to remain so now. I had bigger problems. Could these people not see that my left arm was rotting away?
She looked at me with a furrowed brow and briskly walked back to the defense table, picked up a leather-bound notepad and opened it.
“Mister Shkreli, when you and I spoke on June 18th you confirmed that you were just leaving a client’s office, TRG Commercial Realty, located at 223 Broome Street here in lower Manhattan at approximately 3:30pm that day, shortly before the incident at issue took place less than one block away. Is that not correct?”
I turned up my native eastern European accent a bit and repositioned my left arm in my lap. I could barely feel it at that point. What was wrong with these people?
“If you say so. Like I said, that was over a year ago and it was just another workday for me.”
She stared at me for a beat or two longer than necessary and then flashed a quick look towards the jurors before continuing.
“Well yes, Mister Shkreli” - again it was Shka-Rell-Eee - “You did tell me that and I do have a recording of our conversation, which you consented to before we began, if the court would like this to be entered into evidence?”
She looked at the judge and the judge looked at me.
“Mister Shkreli,” - he too pronounced it Shka-Rell-Eee - ‘Are you refuting the testimony that Miss Anderson is referencing during your preliminary deposition or can we just move on at this point? If counsel for the defense claims to have this recording I am fairly certain this is true. Will it be necessary to enter this recording into evidence at this time or are you willing to acknowledge Miss Anderson’s claim?”
I repositioned my left arm in my lap and nodded.
“That’s fine, Your Honor. As I said, it was just another workday for me but if Miss Anderson says that is what we discussed I am sure she is probably right.”
The judge nodded back at me. “Very good. Let’s proceed then.”
Miss Anderson walked back to the defense table and dropped the leather-bound notepad before continuing with her final question for me, looking annoyed.
“Picking up where we left off, Mister Shkreli, can you please describe for the court what happened immediately after you left the offices of TRG Commercial Realty at 223 Broome Street on the date in question, October 22nd of last year?”
I didn’t like the way that she was trying to fence me in but I wasn't particularly concerned. I had bigger problems.
“Well, like I said, I don’t really remember that day. There was nothing memorable about it. It was just another day.”
She stared at me for a few seconds then flashed a quick look at the jury box with her eyebrows raised before returning her attention to the judge. “No more questions, Your Honor.”
I was dismissed from the stand but asked to remain in the courtroom as she called her next witness; a small, frail woman from Queens about my same age named Maureen Stewart. She had an odd, twitchy nature about her. I wanted to get home. I wanted to relax.
“Miss Stewart, can you please tell the court where you were on October 22nd of last year at approximately 3:30 in the afternoon?”
The witness looked down for a moment and then glanced towards the judge before removing the slightly confused look from her face and responding in a semi-automated tone.
“Yes, Miss Anderson. At that time, I was just leaving my day shift at the FedEx Office Store (she pronounced it ‘Staw’ in her thick New York accent) on Broome Street and I was walking towards the station for the Six Train to begin my ride back home.”
The attorney for the defense took a momentary pause and then asked her next question.
“And can you please tell us what happened then?”
The witness looked down again and then looked back at the judge, then the jury and, finally, at me. I didn’t like the way she looked at me.
“Yes, as I was leaving my workplace I crossed the street and I remember walking past the entrance to a narrow alleyway where I heard a commotion taking place. It made me stop and look for a second or two but I didn’t want to get involved so I just kept on walking towards the subway and I didn’t think too much about the whole thing until the Homicide detectives contacted me a few days later after they pulled the security camera videos. I came down to the police station the day after that and gave my statement. That was just over a year ago.”
Miss Anderson took a moment to stare at me. I didn’t like that either. I adjusted my left arm in my lap. It was completely numb.
“Thank you, Miss Stewart. Can you please be a bit more specific about what you saw occurring in that alleyway?”
Again, the witness looked down at the floor and then her eyes shot all around the courtroom before she responded.
“Well,” she said, before taking a brief pause. “At first I thought it was just a little scuffle but when I saw the shorter man in the black jacket punch the tall man in the belly a few times I saw some blood starting to spread on the side of his white button-down shirt and I saw what looked like a small knife or something in the shorter man’s hand. The tall thin man looked like he was starting to fall. I remember looking around for a police officer but I certainly wasn’t gonna do anything about it by myself. I mean, what could I do? When I didn’t see no one who could help I just kept on walking towards the subway. I guess I should have done more but I was scared and I just wanted to get back to Forest Hills to pick up my daughter from daycare before five o’clock.”
I glanced at the defendant seated at the table on the left. He looked both hopeful and nervous at the same time, but in a subtle way, like he didn’t want to appear to be either. He kept his head down and never once glanced towards the jury box. Miss Anderson asked her final question.
“Thank you, Miss Stewart. And do you see the man in the black jacket who stabbed the victim, Mister Baronston, on that day last October here in the courtroom now?”
Again the witness looked down at the floor between her feet for a moment and then looked back up, right at me. I felt my blood stop flowing through my veins, or at least through my left arm and the top of my right leg, when she raised up her hand and pointed her index finger at me.
“It was that man, there,” she said.
Miss Anderson nodded and paused for a moment, satisfied, letting it sink in for the jury members. I was stunned. The stylish defense attorney in the toney, expensive clothing began walking back in my direction and she too pointed an accusatory finger.
“If it pleases the court, let the record show that Miss Stewart has identified Mister Jack Shkreli as the attacker who she witnessed in the-”
Just then the witness on the stand, Miss Stewart, pointed her finger at the judge without really looking at him and suddenly blurted out, “Or him. It might have been him too. I’m not 100% sure...”
Miss Anderson paused, clearly nonplussed, and just stared at her witness. The judge also looked baffled for a second or two and then leaned over and whispered something to his court assistant and the two of them shared a quiet smirk.
Then the witness pointed at one of the jurors, a man in the front row about my size.
“Or him. It could have been him. I’m just not sure...” Then she went silent, as did the rest of the courtroom for a few moments. The State’s Attorney, a heavy-set bald man, broke the silence pretty quickly as he rose to his feet.
“Your Honor, the State would like to move to dismiss this witness along with all previous testimony.” He paused briefly and took a deep breath, choosing his next words.
“While we appreciate Miss Stewart’s willingness to appear at trial today, I think it’s clear that her recollection of events is…uncertain at best.” He glared at the defense table for a moment, then added “I’d just like to remind the court that Mister Shkreli” - and God bless him, he pronounced my two-syllable surname correctly - “is not on trial here and if this witness cannot distinguish the man she saw that day from yourself or a random member of our jury panel I don’t think we can accept this testimony or any further testimony from this witness.”
He hung his head respectfully, with the tiniest little smile on his face. He already knew he had won this argument and the judge quickly agreed, telling the jury to disregard what they just heard. Miss Stewart was dismissed from the stand and the defense had no other witnesses left to call. Less than two hours later the jury returned a guilty verdict against the defendant on all counts and the courtroom was cleared. The sentencing hearing would take place at a later date and I was not required to be there. My right leg was starting to feel numb by then but I still managed to get back to the office in time for Stavvy to head home at the end of his shift to make dinner for his kids. His wife was killed in a car accident two years earlier. He was a hard worker and I really liked him.
That night, back at my apartment, I did some research online and learned about a rare mental disorder known as Prosopagnosia. Here is what Wikipedia had to say.
Prosopagnosia, also known as face blindness, is a cognitive disorder of face perception in which the ability to recognize familiar faces, including one's own face (self-recognition), is impaired, while other aspects of visual processing (e.g. object discrimination) and intellectual functioning remain intact.
It all sounded pretty strange to me but if the doctors say it’s real who am I to argue? Apparently it is well documented in the DSM-5. I don’t know if this is the reason why I was able to walk away from the courtroom without consequence at first but I think it is the most likely explanation. I only know that when I left my client’s offices at TRG Commercial Realty on that day just over a year ago and hailed a cab I was stunned and confused when Mister Baronston, a complete stranger with a hostile face, suddenly attacked me, claiming that it was his cab and not mine.
He was bigger than me, tall and thin but strong, and I would have just given up the cab and caught the next one but he was clearly already very angry about something. When he backed me towards the alley, shoving me and then punching me around my head and neck, my backpack tumbled open and I saw my wallet and phone and some other items come crashing out onto the pavement. It was just a stupid and unnecessary altercation, the kind of thing that probably happens on the streets of this city every day, sadly. Too many people, not enough space. I did my best to fight back and protect myself but he was a good deal bigger than me.
Then I was getting punched some more and thrown against the alley wall as people passed by, disinterested, and I just instinctively reached into my jacket pocket and pulled out the pen knife that has been attached to my keychain for years. Before I really knew what was happening it was open and then my right hand was growing warm and red and slick with his blood. Then I was moving again, not looking back.
What an odd thing. I remember seeing Miss Stewart stopping there on the sidewalk to look from the mouth of the alley that day. Of all the passers-by, she was the only one who paused to look at us, at me, right as I desperately punctured Mister Baronston’s rib cage for the fifth or sixth time with my little penknife and he began to drop, but she averted her gaze after a few seconds and moved on and then I was rapidly heading in the opposite direction. This is a huge city and I never expected to see her face again. Fortunately, she was apparently never really able to see mine.
Anyway, I have more important problems to worry about at this time. Stavvy received a letter from the Manhattan DA’s office yesterday ordering him to appear at a grand jury hearing next month related to my involvement in Mister Baronston’s death. He showed it to me. More importantly, my left arm is just about gone now, my right leg is quickly starting to feel the same way and in just the last day or two I have begun feeling that strange tingling sensation in the tips of the fingers on my right hand. I know my liver is failing. It won’t be long now.
I scheduled a meeting with my lawyer in the morning to legally put the business and the rest of my assets in Stavvy’s name in my will. I have no family here anyway and almost no relatives who I remain close with back in Albania or Montenegro anymore. Stavvy is a good man and he has kids to feed and I have already lived a full life.
So yes, I will just leave it all to him and after that’s done I think I will get the old Ford minivan that we sometimes still use for the business and drive it out to the George Washington Bridge while I am still able. I know that when I stop it and get out and leave it there on the center-span I will screw up traffic badly and inconvenience a lot of people but I can’t worry about that. I have to do what I have to do. There’s no point in waiting for this to get worse. I can barely feel the fingers on my right hand and I don’t have much time left.
Maybe I should have told the truth at the trial. I don’t know. I think I was just too distracted by all of my health problems. I didn’t really have any choice at the time. I don’t have any choice now. I’m actually surprised that I lasted this long. I was certain that I would already be gone a few months ago but I feel I have done my best with this life.
As my people back in Albania say, Mos pyet si vdiq, por si rrojti!
“Do not ask how he died, but how he lived!”
submitted by TheWorstThingy to shortstories [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:26 Aggravating-Math9619 100% moose spawn

100% moose spawn
Hey guys if you’re struggling to find any moose spawn at all like I have been, after much trial and error, I’ve pretty much dialed it down to a science… where you get one super consistently.
Now this is not something new that I’ve discovered it’s something I saw posted on Reddit years ago and it wasn’t very detailed and there was a lot of it I had to discover on my own, so I figured that I would make an updated 2024 version of it.
So yeah, first thing’s first, I personally like to fast travel to Waipiti Indian Reserve, although you can also just ride there from wherever you are it doesn’t actually make a difference, and then from Waipiti head southeast towards the “mysterious hill home.” If you haven’t discovered the “mysterious hill home” yet, no worries, I posted a photo showing where it is on the map in the first photo. Now no need to go all the way to the hill home, just head there direction until you see the location that’s shown in photo 2, and to the top of that mound. Photo 3 shows what the top of that mound looks like, and photo 4 shows its exact location on the map. From there set up camp. Now sometimes there is an npc that has camp set up there already, and in that case I normally kill him, and then do a side errand really quick, and come back and his camp should be gone, allowing you to set up your own; but I’m sure there are other ways to get him out of there. Ok, now that camp is set up on that mound, sleep till the afternoon. I’ve found that the moose spawns most consistently from noon till dark. Side note, it MUST be sunny and clear skies, in order to get the most likely chance of the moose to spawn. Ok, now that it’s sunny you need to head directly uphill from your new camp that you set up, until you reach the location that’s shown in photo 5, although be wary, there are fairly occasional wolf packs that spawn up here. The exact location of photo 5 is shown in photo 6. Now a note to keep in mind before you move on, is that this moose technically spawns out of bounds, meaning you can’t skin it where it actually spawns, so in photo 7 you’ll see a rock line, and I like use that as a rough estimate of where I can and can’t skin the moose, in other words, do not kill the moose till it passes these rocks otherwise you wont be able to skin it. Photo 8 is a little blurry, my bad, but it circled the exact spot that the moose spawns, I’ve done this trick about 8 times now and it’s always been the same spot, but I read the comments on the original Reddit post from some years ago and some redditors say they’ve seen it in other spots. But for the most part it’s going to be by these trees. After searching around and you see that r he moose hasn’t spawned in at all, don’t panic, trust the process, all you have to do is run back down to your camp do a quick circle and come right back. The most amount of times I’ve had to circle back without spawning a moose was 5 times, so it may take a second but typically it’s only 1 or 2 times around the camp. Regardless, it’ll spawn almost always in the same spot. In photo 9 it’s a picture of me scoping in on that exact spot, and what do ya know there’s a moose. Now if you scope in, that’s fine, but I’m going to repeat myself DO NOT SHOOT the moose till it’s passed the rock line, I can’t stress that enough. I know, I know it’s really exciting to see a moose, and you want to just jump on it the second you can, but trust me, if you just have a little patience, he’ll be yours in no time. So, the next thing to do is walk forward along the rock line as far to the left as you feel is good, I usually go where my Arthur is standing in photo 10. The reason to do this is because your goal now is to scare the moose in bounds past the rocks, and for whatever reason the moose never goes in bounds from the left side of the rocks, only from the right. And if you’re on the left side, I’ve discovered it speeds the process up a bit since you’re out of the way. So yeah, in order to scare him to the right and in bounds, you have to shoot towards the left side of it, but DO NOT hit it, that will ruin the pelt. And when done correctly, he gets scared enough and runs to the right, but thankfully every time he runs to the right he comes in bounds over the rock line. This process of scaring him can be really annoying because it usually takes me 2 to 3 rounds before it finally gets scared enough and runs, but it’s really easy and hard to mess up unless you actually shoot the thing. Once he’s to the right of you and he has passed the rocks you, can either lasso him and knife him to preserve the pelt or have a rifle and headshot him. I’m sure you guys know this but I’m just going to say it anyways, use eagle eye if you’re going to shoot it, to ensure you don’t accidentally miss and ruin the pelt. Photo 11 is of me with my 3 star bull I caught doing this trick. And something to note is that either one of the moose can spawn here the western bull moose or just the western moose. But yeah, that’s by far the easiest method I’ve come across to get the moose.
And side note, for anyone trying to farm the moose. Basically for whatever reason if there is an old moose carcass near that spot, no other moose will spawn in that spot, while the carcass is still there, I don’t know why. I have a theory though, on how to not have to worry about the carcass. By scaring the moose far away from the spawn location before you kill it, however I haven’t tested this method because I was too scared to lose the moose after all that effort and not end up killing it, so I never tested it. And this isn’t a theory, but I discovered, if you die the carcass will disappear. So instead of waiting the 5 or 6 in game days it takes till a carcass respawns I just kept killing myself to the wolf packs that spawn, of course after I sold it to the trapper. Anyways, I hope this helps someone, and good luck :)
submitted by Aggravating-Math9619 to RDR2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:25 Aggravating-Math9619 RDR2 100% moose spawn

RDR2 100% moose spawn
Hey guys if you’re struggling to find any moose spawn at all like I have been, after much trial and error, I’ve pretty much dialed it down to a science… where you get one super consistently.
Now this is not something new that I’ve discovered it’s something I saw posted on Reddit years ago and it wasn’t very detailed and there was a lot of it I had to discover on my own, so I figured that I would make an updated 2024 version of it.
So yeah, first thing’s first, I personally like to fast travel to Waipiti Indian Reserve, although you can also just ride there from wherever you are it doesn’t actually make a difference, and then from Waipiti head southeast towards the “mysterious hill home.” If you haven’t discovered the “mysterious hill home” yet, no worries, I posted a photo showing where it is on the map in the first photo. Now no need to go all the way to the hill home, just head there direction until you see the location that’s shown in photo 2, and to the top of that mound. Photo 3 shows what the top of that mound looks like, and photo 4 shows its exact location on the map. From there set up camp. Now sometimes there is an npc that has camp set up there already, and in that case I normally kill him, and then do a side errand really quick, and come back and his camp should be gone, allowing you to set up your own; but I’m sure there are other ways to get him out of there. Ok, now that camp is set up on that mound, sleep till the afternoon. I’ve found that the moose spawns most consistently from noon till dark. Side note, it MUST be sunny and clear skies, in order to get the most likely chance of the moose to spawn. Ok, now that it’s sunny you need to head directly uphill from your new camp that you set up, until you reach the location that’s shown in photo 5, although be wary, there are fairly occasional wolf packs that spawn up here. The exact location of photo 5 is shown in photo 6. Now a note to keep in mind before you move on, is that this moose technically spawns out of bounds, meaning you can’t skin it where it actually spawns, so in photo 7 you’ll see a rock line, and I like use that as a rough estimate of where I can and can’t skin the moose, in other words, do not kill the moose till it passes these rocks otherwise you wont be able to skin it. Photo 8 is a little blurry, my bad, but it circled the exact spot that the moose spawns, I’ve done this trick about 8 times now and it’s always been the same spot, but I read the comments on the original Reddit post from some years ago and some redditors say they’ve seen it in other spots. But for the most part it’s going to be by these trees. After searching around and you see that the moose hasn’t spawned in at all, don’t panic, trust the process, all you have to do is run back down to your camp do a quick circle and come right back. The most amount of times I’ve had to circle back without spawning a moose was 5 times, so it may take a second but typically it’s only 1 or 2 times around the camp. Regardless, it’ll spawn almost always in the same spot. In photo 9 it’s a picture of me scoping in on that exact spot, and what do ya know there’s a moose. Now if you scope in, that’s fine, but I’m going to repeat myself DO NOT SHOOT the moose till it’s passed the rock line, I can’t stress that enough. I know, I know it’s really exciting to see a moose, and you want to just jump on it the second you can, but trust me, if you just have a little patience, he’ll be yours in no time. So, the next thing to do is walk forward along the rock line as far to the left as you feel is good, I usually go where my Arthur is standing in photo 10. The reason to do this is because your goal now is to scare the moose in bounds past the rocks, and for whatever reason the moose never goes in bounds from the left side of the rocks, only from the right. And if you’re on the left side, I’ve discovered it speeds the process up a bit since you’re out of the way. So yeah, in order to scare him to the right and in bounds, you have to shoot towards the left side of it, but DO NOT hit it, that will ruin the pelt. And when done correctly, he gets scared enough and runs to the right, but thankfully every time he runs to the right he comes in bounds over the rock line. This process of scaring him can be really annoying because it usually takes me 2 to 3 rounds before it finally gets scared enough and runs, but it’s really easy and hard to mess up unless you actually shoot the thing. Once he’s to the right of you and he has passed the rocks you, can either lasso him and knife him to preserve the pelt or have a rifle and headshot him. I’m sure you guys know this but I’m just going to say it anyways, use eagle eye if you’re going to shoot it, to ensure you don’t accidentally miss and ruin the pelt. Photo 11 is of me with my 3 star bull I caught doing this trick. And something to note is that either one of the moose can spawn here the western bull moose or just the western moose. But yeah, that’s by far the easiest method I’ve come across to get the moose.
And side note, for anyone trying to farm the moose. Basically for whatever reason if there is an old moose carcass near that spot, no other moose will spawn in that spot, while the carcass is still there, I don’t know why. I have a theory though, on how to not have to worry about the carcass. By scaring the moose far away from the spawn location before you kill it, however I haven’t tested this method because I was too scared to lose the moose after all that effort and not end up killing it, so I never tested it. And this isn’t a theory, but I discovered, if you die the carcass will disappear. So instead of waiting the 5 or 6 in game days it takes till a carcass respawns I just kept killing myself to the wolf packs that spawn, of course after I sold it to the trapper. Anyways, I hope this helps someone, and good luck :)
submitted by Aggravating-Math9619 to reddeadredemption [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:19 Aggravating-Math9619 100% moose spawn

100% moose spawn
Hey guys if you’re struggling to find any moose spawn at all like I have been, after much trial and error, I’ve pretty much dialed it down to a science… where you get one super consistently.
Now this is not something new that I’ve discovered it’s something I saw posted on Reddit years ago and it wasn’t very detailed and there was a lot of it I had to discover on my own, so I figured that I would make an updated 2024 version of it.
So yeah, first thing’s first, I personally like to fast travel to Waipiti Indian Reserve, although you can also just ride there from wherever you are it doesn’t actually make a difference, and then from Waipiti head southeast towards the “mysterious hill home.” If you haven’t discovered the “mysterious hill home” yet, no worries, I posted a photo showing where it is on the map in the first photo. Now no need to go all the way to the hill home, just head there direction until you see the location that’s shown in photo 2, and to the top of that mound. Photo 3 shows what the top of that mound looks like, and photo 4 shows its exact location on the map. From there set up camp. Now sometimes there is an npc that has camp set up there already, and in that case I normally kill him, and then do a side errand really quick, and come back and his camp should be gone, allowing you to set up your own; but I’m sure there are other ways to get him out of there. Ok, now that camp is set up on that mound, sleep till the afternoon. I’ve found that the moose spawns most consistently from noon till dark. Side note, it MUST be sunny and clear skies, in order to get the most likely chance of the moose to spawn. Ok, now that it’s sunny you need to head directly uphill from your new camp that you set up, until you reach the location that’s shown in photo 5, although be wary, there are fairly occasionally wolf packs that spawn up here. The exact location of photo 5 is shown in photo 6. Now a note to keep in mind before you move on, is that this moose technically spawns out of bounds, meaning you can’t skin it where it actually spawns, so in photo 7 you’ll see a rock line, and I like use that as a rough estimate of where I can and can’t skin the moose, in other words, do not kill the moose till it passes these rocks otherwise you wont be able to skin it. Photo 8 is a little blurry, my bad, but it circled the exact spot that the moose spawns, I’ve done this trick about 8 times now and it’s always been the same spot, but I read the comments on the original Reddit post from some years ago and some redditors say they’ve seen it in other spots. But for the most part it’s going to be by these trees. After searching around and you see that r he moose hasn’t spawned in at all, don’t panic, trust the process, all you have to do is run back down to your camp do a quick circle and come right back. The most amount of times I’ve had to circle back without spawning a moose was 5 times, so it may take a second but typically it’s only 1 or 2 times around the camp. Regardless, it’ll spawn almost always in the same spot. In photo 9 it’s a picture of me scoping in on that exact spot, and what do ya know there’s a moose. Now if you scope in, that’s fine, but I’m going to repeat myself DO NOT SHOOT the moose till it’s passed the rock line, I can’t stress that enough. I know, I know it’s really exciting to see a moose, and you want to just jump on it the second you can, but trust me, if you just have a little patience, he’ll be yours in no time. So, the next thing to do is walk forward along the rock line as far to the left as you feel is good, I usually go where my Arthur is standing in photo 10. The reason to do this is because your goal now is to scare the moose in bounds past the rocks, and for whatever reason the moose never goes in bounds from the left side of the rocks, only from the right. And if you’re on the left side, I’ve discovered it speeds the process up a bit since you’re out of the way. So yeah, in order to scare him to the right and in bounds, you have to shoot towards the left side of it, but DO NOT hit it, that will ruin the pelt. And when done correctly, he gets scared enough and runs to the right, but thankfully every time he runs to the right he comes in bounds over the rock line. This process of scaring him can be really annoying because it usually takes me 2 to 3 rounds before it finally gets scared enough and runs, but it’s really easy and hard to mess up unless you actually shoot the thing. Once he’s to the right of you and he has passed the rocks you, can either lasso him and knife him to preserve the pelt or have a rifle and headshot him. I’m sure you guys know this but I’m just going to say it anyways, use eagle eye if you’re going to shoot it, to ensure you don’t accidentally miss and ruin the pelt. Photo 11 is of me with my 3 star bull I caught doing this trick. And something to note is that either one of the moose can spawn here the western bull moose or just the western moose. But yeah, that’s by far the easiest method I’ve come across to get the moose.
And side note, for anyone trying to farm the moose. Basically for whatever reason if there is an old moose carcass near that spot, no other moose will spawn in that spot, while the carcass is still there, I don’t know why. I have a theory though, on how to not have to worry about the carcass. By scaring the moose far away from the spawn location before you kill it, however I haven’t tested this method because I was too scared to lose the moose after all that effort and not end up killing it, so I never tested it. And this isn’t a theory, but I discovered, if you die the carcass will disappear. So instead of waiting the 5 or 6 in game days it takes till a carcass respawns I just kept killing myself to the wolf packs that spawn, of course after I sold it to the trapper. Anyways, I hope this helps someone, and good luck :)
submitted by Aggravating-Math9619 to reddeadredemption2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:11 Jh0nPerez Spanish help for your Spanish test/exam. Get the best deal for your Spanish homework. Native expert in Spanish assignments with vouches (VPN available) Discord: jperez

Hola, ¿qué tal? My name is Jhon Pérez, a native Spanish tutor with over 10 years of experience in Spanish homework. I can help you with any type of Spanish assignments: exams, quizzes, tests, worksheets and essays.
I've done many accounts on VHL Central, McGraw Hill, Blackboard, Canvas, MyLabs, Cengage, Desire2Learn, ELEteca, Edgenuity, Contraseña, WileyPlus and more.
Besides being a native Spanish speaker, I have knowledge of vocabulary, functional grammar and the functions of all levels of Spanish (Beginners A1-A2, Intermediate B1-B2 and Advanced C1-C2.)
I can work with login, TeamViewer and screenshots. If you choose the latter I will make sure to be online at the agreed time to work with you (you send the screenshots and I send the answers.)
This is not an agency. It's just me, the Spanish tutor, so you don't have to pay double fees (one to the agency owner and another to the tutor.)
Unlike other Spanish tutors, I will provide you with safe, untraceable VPN connection to your closest location and follow your instruction(s) to deliver plagiarism-free Spanish papers.
For tight deadlines I can deliver the same day as long as I am contacted at least 4 hours before deadline.
My rates are pocket-friendly and flexible to fit your budget. You can use milestone payments or pay as you go.
Proof and vouches can be seen on my profile.
Send your prompt and get a quote today!
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Discord: jperez
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submitted by Jh0nPerez to HomeworkHelp_Tutors [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:11 Jh0nPerez Spanish help for your Spanish test/exam. Get the best deal for your Spanish homework. Native expert in Spanish assignments with vouches (VPN available) Discord: jperez

Hola, ¿qué tal? My name is Jhon Pérez, a native Spanish tutor with over 10 years of experience in Spanish homework. I can help you with any type of Spanish assignments: exams, quizzes, tests, worksheets and essays.
I've done many accounts on VHL Central, McGraw Hill, Blackboard, Canvas, MyLabs, Cengage, Desire2Learn, ELEteca, Edgenuity, Contraseña, WileyPlus and more.
Besides being a native Spanish speaker, I have knowledge of vocabulary, functional grammar and the functions of all levels of Spanish (Beginners A1-A2, Intermediate B1-B2 and Advanced C1-C2.)
I can work with login, TeamViewer and screenshots. If you choose the latter I will make sure to be online at the agreed time to work with you (you send the screenshots and I send the answers.)
This is not an agency. It's just me, the Spanish tutor, so you don't have to pay double fees (one to the agency owner and another to the tutor.)
Unlike other Spanish tutors, I will provide you with safe, untraceable VPN connection to your closest location and follow your instruction(s) to deliver plagiarism-free Spanish papers.
For tight deadlines I can deliver the same day as long as I am contacted at least 4 hours before deadline.
My rates are pocket-friendly and flexible to fit your budget. You can use milestone payments or pay as you go.
Proof and vouches can be seen on my profile.
Send your prompt and get a quote today!
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Discord: jperez
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submitted by Jh0nPerez to homeworkhelpNY [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:10 Jh0nPerez Spanish help for your Spanish test/exam. Get the best deal for your Spanish homework. Native expert in Spanish assignments with vouches (VPN available) Discord: jperez

Hola, ¿qué tal? My name is Jhon Pérez, a native Spanish tutor with over 10 years of experience in Spanish homework. I can help you with any type of Spanish assignments: exams, quizzes, tests, worksheets and essays.
I've done many accounts on VHL Central, McGraw Hill, Blackboard, Canvas, MyLabs, Cengage, Desire2Learn, ELEteca, Edgenuity, Contraseña, WileyPlus and more.
Besides being a native Spanish speaker, I have knowledge of vocabulary, functional grammar and the functions of all levels of Spanish (Beginners A1-A2, Intermediate B1-B2 and Advanced C1-C2.)
I can work with login, TeamViewer and screenshots. If you choose the latter I will make sure to be online at the agreed time to work with you (you send the screenshots and I send the answers.)
This is not an agency. It's just me, the Spanish tutor, so you don't have to pay double fees (one to the agency owner and another to the tutor.)
Unlike other Spanish tutors, I will provide you with safe, untraceable VPN connection to your closest location and follow your instruction(s) to deliver plagiarism-free Spanish papers.
For tight deadlines I can deliver the same day as long as I am contacted at least 4 hours before deadline.
My rates are pocket-friendly and flexible to fit your budget. You can use milestone payments or pay as you go.
Proof and vouches can be seen on my profile.
Send your prompt and get a quote today!
Email: [](
Discord: jperez
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submitted by Jh0nPerez to Essayprowriter [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:10 Jh0nPerez Spanish help for your Spanish test/exam. Get the best deal for your Spanish homework. Native expert in Spanish assignments with vouches (VPN available) Discord: jperez

Hola, ¿qué tal? My name is Jhon Pérez, a native Spanish tutor with over 10 years of experience in Spanish homework. I can help you with any type of Spanish assignments: exams, quizzes, tests, worksheets and essays.
I've done many accounts on VHL Central, McGraw Hill, Blackboard, Canvas, MyLabs, Cengage, Desire2Learn, ELEteca, Edgenuity, Contraseña, WileyPlus and more.
Besides being a native Spanish speaker, I have knowledge of vocabulary, functional grammar and the functions of all levels of Spanish (Beginners A1-A2, Intermediate B1-B2 and Advanced C1-C2.)
I can work with login, TeamViewer and screenshots. If you choose the latter I will make sure to be online at the agreed time to work with you (you send the screenshots and I send the answers.)
This is not an agency. It's just me, the Spanish tutor, so you don't have to pay double fees (one to the agency owner and another to the tutor.)
Unlike other Spanish tutors, I will provide you with safe, untraceable VPN connection to your closest location and follow your instruction(s) to deliver plagiarism-free Spanish papers.
For tight deadlines I can deliver the same day as long as I am contacted at least 4 hours before deadline.
My rates are pocket-friendly and flexible to fit your budget. You can use milestone payments or pay as you go.
Proof and vouches can be seen on my profile.
Send your prompt and get a quote today!
Email: [](
Discord: jperez
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submitted by Jh0nPerez to examhelprz [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:09 Jh0nPerez Spanish help for your Spanish test/exam. Get the best deal for your Spanish homework. Native expert in Spanish assignments with vouches (VPN available) Discord: jperez

Hola, ¿qué tal? My name is Jhon Pérez, a native Spanish tutor with over 10 years of experience in Spanish homework. I can help you with any type of Spanish assignments: exams, quizzes, tests, worksheets and essays.
I've done many accounts on VHL Central, McGraw Hill, Blackboard, Canvas, MyLabs, Cengage, Desire2Learn, ELEteca, Edgenuity, Contraseña, WileyPlus and more.
Besides being a native Spanish speaker, I have knowledge of vocabulary, functional grammar and the functions of all levels of Spanish (Beginners A1-A2, Intermediate B1-B2 and Advanced C1-C2.)
I can work with login, TeamViewer and screenshots. If you choose the latter I will make sure to be online at the agreed time to work with you (you send the screenshots and I send the answers.)
This is not an agency. It's just me, the Spanish tutor, so you don't have to pay double fees (one to the agency owner and another to the tutor.)
Unlike other Spanish tutors, I will provide you with safe, untraceable VPN connection to your closest location and follow your instruction(s) to deliver plagiarism-free Spanish papers.
For tight deadlines I can deliver the same day as long as I am contacted at least 4 hours before deadline.
My rates are pocket-friendly and flexible to fit your budget. You can use milestone payments or pay as you go.
Proof and vouches can be seen on my profile.
Send your prompt and get a quote today!
Email: [](
Discord: jperez
¡Nos vemos!
submitted by Jh0nPerez to AcademicHelp_net [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:27 StopSquark Legally-Distinct Locked Tomb TTRPG Ideas [misc]

Currently tossing around ideas for a Legally Distinct Locked Tomb TTRPG to playtest with friends. I'm thinking about borrowing mechanics from some existing board games and TTRPG systems (i.e. Burning Wheel and Kids on Bikes) but mostly skewing towards doing something new and setting-specific (i.e., not just reskinned D&D). My thoughts so far:
-Nine players vie to explore the spooky ruined Babylon Complex in order to learn the secret of Lichdom and gain the favor of the immortal Jamemaster (Ideally, this secret would be different in every campaign, and would consistent of nine mini-secrets and one final Grand Secret).
-Each player controls two characters, one Sword and one Sorcerer. The Sword must win fights for the Sorcerer to replenish spell points (two points regained for fights to the death, one point for fights to first blood). The Sorcerer can cut their total HP for the day to X% of their original HP total, rounded down, in order to give the Sword +(X/10) to all rolls. At the end of each day, sorcerer HP resets to full and they regain one spell point.
-Each player comes from a different Kingdom that specializes in different spells and swords. Every player can use all the different spell or sword abilities, but they get the ones from their specialty school for half off.
-A pointcrawl style exploration mechanic- the dungeon is a big flowchart (it's also haunted as balls).
-If both of your characters die, you can stick around as a Wraith and give bonuses or debuffs to the living players. You can communicate with the others but only by influencing the environment (rattling chains, moving crates, etc.) or by using a deck of cards with pictures on them (á la Mysterium). Maybe there are also expensive spells that someone else can cast to summon you that let you say one word, but that leave them vulnerable to being possessed.
-Locked doors! Keys! Trials to win Secrets! Mechanics for a traitor mode á la Betrayal at the House on the Hill! Double Bones with Doctor Skelebone!
What else would you want to see in this kind of thing?
submitted by StopSquark to TheNinthHouse [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:56 Arcenciel48 Anti-histamines - my experience

TL;DR 10mg loratadine twice daily and I feel human for the first time in 2 years.
Full version: My first hint of LC was about 6 weeks after my first (mild) infection in April 2022. I had what I refer to as a mental breakdown - a panic attack after being unable to formulate a sentence while trying to write an essay. This triggered ongoing panic attacks, depression etc.
Had the usual fatigue, brain fog etc, but at this point not noticeable PEM. After 3 months off work, I returned to a gradual increase of hours till I was back full time 4 months later. However, during this time the fatigue was terrible and if I did sleep it was completely non-restorative.
My job entails at least 2 weeks off after 10 weeks on, so I would find myself spending a lot of time resting and think I was getting back to normal, only to crash again when I went back to work.
I’ve always suffered from migraines (since I was 7 years old) but their frequency ramped up during this time. I was going to work, coming home nearly every afternoon with a headache, or waking in the early morning with a migraine and having to take a day off.
In Dec 2022/Jan 2023 I went on 2 trips, both of which involved a lot of walking. I noticed that I was tiring easily - walking up hills I would have to stop and take a break as my heart was racing and I was breathless. Although I’ve never been hugely fit, I have always been a fast walker who was able to bushwalk without much effort, so this was a noticeable change in my abilities.
In March 2023 I got myself a Garmin smart watch and noticed that my body battery and stress levels were terrible. Even when I was asleep. My HR would get up to 130-140 just going up one flight of stairs at work and my legs would feel like jelly afterwards. Sleep studies were normals, cardiac activity measured with halter monitor was normal. But I felt like poo on a stick. All I wanted to do was sleep.
Of course I was back and forth to the Dr with no real outcome or improvement. I had Covid again in Dec 2023 - I was on holidays at the time, so I had 4 weeks to “recover.” I felt okay - not great, still exhausted and unable to get refreshing sleep, but capable of functioning.
The catalyst for agitating for further diagnosis was when I went to a hockey trial at the start of the season (Feb 2024) and nearly passed out when my HR hit 180 during a drill (I’m a goalkeeper so I wasn’t even running). It took me a week to recover from this (off work) and at this point I started to noticed the PEM.
Great GP referred me to LC clinic and I started to really pace myself. Even so, the bone-deep fatigue would not lift. LC nurse recommended I up my water intake and include one dose of hydralyte daily. This made a small difference but not enough to give me hope.
After reading here about antihistamines, I decided I had nothing to lose. So I started taking 10mg loratadine twice daily. Within a few days I felt different - more focused, more efficient at work. I continued taking it and it’s now been nearly 4 weeks and the change has been incredible. Sleep is better (as compared to prior measurements on smartwatch), HR not elevating nearly as much. I can finally do the stairs at work without jelly legs. For the first time since 2022 I have been able to complete my work commitments without needing a weekend to rest after every week. And the more I feel like I can do, the more motivated I am, which is a sensation I haven’t felt for 2 years.
The ongoing test will be improvement in my exercise tolerance. I’m still playing hockey but train lightly and limit myself to one game a weekend.
If you read this far, I hope you can take some heart from my experience. I honestly felt like I was stuck with feeling rubbish for the rest of my life and the lack of hope was a vicious circle.
And all it took was 2 tiny tablets a day.
submitted by Arcenciel48 to LongCovid [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:46 Odd_Indication_5208 Hrolgar Hill-Splitter at Sovngarde

'twas end of shade-borne Hrolgar Hill-Splitter's toil, grit and pain. He laid bare and dead whilst in the hillock in the hoary rain.
He woke in strange lands, a windward form to be, Kyne's grave and bitter kiss had brought him to a knee. Soon, the lands of Sovngarde, Tsun's visage did he see.
And there at yon Whale-Bone Bridge did he incline to ask "where shall I find the shade of Shor, amidst his mighty task?"
Tsun sayeth to the beggar-king "The Son of Shor is not here, he is not our host. For as you know, to worlds below, he goes to gather ghosts!"
Tsun spake again to be just-sure the nature of his query "Why do ye think that Shor be here within this realm-so-dreary?"
Hrolgar cackled out with boorish-beam and tapped upon his head and told the Bear that he had thought that Shor was just as dead.
Tsun sayeth "Shor ever-waits the trials of the worlds he made before. The arrival of the twilight is the ending of the war."
Tsun sayeth once more "The arrival of the twilight is the ending of the war."
It was at this time that Tsun decreed to open up the door.
submitted by Odd_Indication_5208 to teslore [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:18 ricotito23 [USA-PR] [H] Switch,PS2,PS4,PS5,Xbox,Vita,3DS Games [W] PayPal

Selling my personal collection. Over 800 Games.
Sorry my bad english. Paypal ff.
Free Shipping over $100. More photos at request. Offers are welcome. Most of these Prices are based on Pricharting (and pricecharting price are inaccurate so sorry im lazy to put my prices for these 800 games) Offers are welcome Worst can say is no.There's a problem with letter T jumps to C in switch and vita to A. working on it. Also i have all 3 blaster master games. Want to sell them together with Slipcover.
Nintendo Switch
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim CIB+ 32.92 SOLD
1971 Project Helios New 15.41
AI: The Somnium Files CIB+ 60.5
ARMS CIB+ 30.5
Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion New 25.68
AeternoBlade II New 35.5
Afterparty New 38
Aggelos New 38.22
Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX New 18.98
Alwa's Collection New 25.62
American Hero New 40.49
Ancestors Legacy New 24.07
Annapurna Interactive [Deluxe Limited Edition Collection] New 230.00
Ape Out [Special Reserve] New 40.00
Ara Fell & Rise of the Third Power New 57.24
Arcade Spirits New 20
Archvale New 51.25
Ary and the Secret of Seasons New 12.52
Arzette: The Jewel of Faramore New 55.00
Assassin's Creed: The Rebel Collection CIB+ 17.48
Astalon: Tears of the Earth New 50.63
Astral Chain New 48.99 SOLD
Astronite New 19.48
Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & the Secret Fairy New 55.00 SOLD
Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness and the Secret Hideout CIB+ 49.5
Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness and the Secret Hideout New 60.1
Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle New 65.00
Azure Striker Gunvolt 3 New 48.5
Azure Striker Gunvolt: Striker Pack CIB+ 25.79
BUTCHER New 36.9
Balan Wonderworld New 11.77
Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Editions New 120.00 SOLD
Battle Chef Brigade Deluxe CIB+ 32.61
Battle Princess Madelyn: Royal Edition New 52.88
Black Bird New 55.5
Blade Runner: Enhanced Edition New 48.72 SOLD
Blasphemous CIB+ 108.49 SOLD
Blaster Master Zero III New 34.5
Blaster Master Zero II New 40.49
Blaster Master Zero New 44.14
Blazing Beaks New 30.02
Blazing Chrome CIB+ 65.92
BloodRayne Betrayal: Fresh Bites New 40.49
Bloodrayne 1 & 2: Revamped Dual Pack w/ Slipcover New 100.47
Bloodstained: Curse Of The Moon 2 New 28.49
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night New 21.23
Blossom Tales II: The Minotaur Prince New 46.48
Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King CIB+ 150.47 SOLD
Blue Fire CIB+ 28.49
Blue Reflection: Second Light New 59.83
Bomb Chicken CIB+ 38.14
Boy and His Blob New 50.49
Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling New 55.93
Bugsnax CIB+ 30.77
Burnout Paradise Remastered CIB+ 14.98
COGEN: Sword of Rewind & Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX 2 Double Pack New 80.48
Cannon Dancer: Osman New 54
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker CIB+ 30.49
Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions
Card Shark Collector's Edition New 40.00
Carrion: Special Reserve Edition New 40.00
Castlevania Anniversary Collection New 40.00 SOLD
Cat Girl Without Salad: Amuse-Bouche New 40.97
Cat Quest + Cat Quest II: Pawsome Pack New 49.5
Cathedral New 66.91
Celeste New 62.39
Chicken Police - Paint it RED! CIB+ 13.25
Children of Morta CIB+ 22.09
Children of Zodiarcs New 44.77
Citizens Unite! Earth X Space New 29.49
Coffee Talk New 42.15
Collar X Malice New 30.49
Contra Anniversary Collection Konami Version New 55.00
Cooking Mama: Cookstar New 36.11
Corpse Killer: 25th Anniversary Edition New 42.7
Cosmo Dreamer & Like Dreamer: Double-D Collection New 25.00
Cris Tales New 13.99
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion CIB+ 25
Crossing Souls - Special Reserve New 40.00
Crystal Crisis New 31.52
Cthulhu Saves Christmas New 45.17
Cult of the Lamb [Special Reserve] New 72.48
DARQ: Complete Edition New 38.97
DISTRAINT Collection New 33.76
DOOM Eternal New 89 SOLD
DOOM: The Classics Collection New 50.5
DOOM CIB+ 28.9
DRAINUS New 63.39
Dandara: Trials of Fear Edition CIB+ 41.29
Dark Devotion New 45.49
Darksiders Genesis CIB+ 18
Darkwood CIB+ 108.46 SOLD
Dawn of the Monsters New 50.36
Dead Cells: Return to Castlevania Edition New 32.01
Dead or School New 52.03
Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise CIB+ 16.77 SOLD
Deadly Premonition Origins New 38.03
Death Road to Canada New 40
Death end re;Quest New 41.97
Death's Door [Special Reserve] New 33.03 SOLD
Death's Gambit: Afterlife New 38.72
Demon Throttle [Reserve Edition] New 25.25
Demon Throttle [Reserve Edition] New 25.25
Demon Turf New 40.82
Demon's Tilt New 44.5
Deponia Collection New 83.14
Dex New 48.38
Digimon Survive New 20.95
Dimension Drive [Limited Edition] New 65.48
DioField Chronicle CIB+ 25.46 SOLD
Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories CIB+ 25.5
Disgaea 5 Complete New 39.5
Disney Classic Games: Aladdin and the Lion King New 18.29
Disney Tsum Tsum Festival New 26.55
DoDonPachi Resurrection New 55.38
Dodgeball Academia New 19.5
Doki Doki Literature Club Plus! New 20.00
Doom 64 New 45.45
Double Dragon & Kunio-Kun Retro Brawler Bundle New 52.83
Double Dragon IV New 33.97
Double Dragon: Neon New 50.49
Double Switch: 25th Anniversary Edition New 55.89
Downwell [Special Reserve Edition] New 60.00
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot + A New Power Awakens Set Used 25.00
Dragon Quest Treasures New 29.53
Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition New 40.00
Dragon Star Varnir New 45.49
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen CIB+ 24.74
Dragon's Lair Trilogy New 144.25
Dreamscaper New 44.72
Dusk New 44.49
Eastward CIB+ 20.3 SOLD
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim CIB+ 35.31
Eldest Souls New 45.5
Elliot Quest New 28.48
Enclave HD New 52.67
Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights New 55.00
Endling - Extinction is Forever New 25.76
Epic Chef New 15.57
Espgaluda II New 60.27
FAR: Lone Sails New 49.69
Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force New 48.41
Falconeer: Warrior Edition New 18.88
Fast RMX New 71.73 SOLD
Fatal Twelve New 44.49
Fault Milestone One New 28.49
Fight'N Rage New 45.49
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age New 31.61
Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes New 20.17
Flinthook New 45.49
Flipping Death CIB+ 28.39
Foretales New 19.29
Forgotton Anne CIB+ 35.49
Fran Bow New 111.48
Freedom Finger CIB+ 77.4
Freedom Planet New 57.39
Friends Of Ringo Ishikawa New 26.73
Furi CIB+ 48.64
Gal Metal: World Tour Edition CIB+ 17.69
Gato Roboto [Special Reserve Edition] New 40.00
Ghost 1.0 + Unepic Collection: Standard Edition New 30.00
Ghost of a Tale New 66.61
Going Under New 37.47
Golf Story New 82.75
Gotta Protectors: Cart of Darkness New 45.35
Grandia HD Collection New 82.51
Great Ace Attorney Chronicles CIB+ 30.98
GrimGrimoire OnceMore [Deluxe Edition] New 42.33 SOLD
Gunbrick: Reloaded New 24.68
Gunlord X New 90.00
Guns, Gore & Cannoli 1 & 2 New 140.00
Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX New 84.5
Gyakuten Saiban 123: Naruhodo Selection New 41.49
Hades New 39.19
Haven New 45.49
Heaven's Vault New 32.15
Hero Must Die. Again New 56.5
Heroland Knowble Edition New 18.63
Hollow Knight CIB+ 31.5
Horgihugh and Friends New 28.18
Hot Wheels Unleashed New 22.03
Hotline Miami Collection [Special Reserve] New 40.00
ITTA [Steelbook Edition] New 50.00
ITTA CIB+ 35.00
Ib New 55.46
Ikenfell New 42.56
Immortals Fenyx Rising New 15.22
In Sound Mind: Deluxe Edition New 21.81
Indivisible New 19.41
Infernax New 50.5
Inscryption [Special Reserve] New 200.00
Ion Fury New 35.35
Ittle Dew 2+ New 43.45
Jamestown+ New 50.98
Joe Dever's Lone Wolf New 65.54
Katamari Damacy REROLL New 23.45
Katanakami New 42.3
Kaze and the Wild Masks New 32.44
KeyWe New 25.49
Killer Queen Black New 16.13
King's Bounty II New 17.85
Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory New 20.59
Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning CIB+ 19.98
Knights and Bikes New 45.49
Kotodama: The 7 Mysteries of Fujisawa New 19.45
L.A. Noire CIB+ 29.99
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga New 20.48
LUNARK New 49.52
Lair of the Clockwork God New 39.13
Layers of Fear: Legacy New 147.86
Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III - Extracurricular Edition CIB+ 31.77
Legend of Tianding New 45.00
Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom New 47.46
Letter: A Horror Visual Novel [Limited Edition] New 73.75
Little Golf Journey New 29.62
Little Nightmares II CIB+ 20.75
Lonely Mountains: Downhill SRG#46 New 86.79
Loop Hero [Collectors Edition] New 40.00
Loop Hero CIB+ 25.00
Love Esquire [Limited Edition] New 90.5
LoveKami Trilogy New 35.00
Lumines Remastered New 32.5
MONARK Deluxe Edition New 37
Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope CIB+ 15.42
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order CIB 30.00 SOLD
Mato Anomalies New 19.73
Mega Man 11 New 20.48
Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection CIB+ 24.5
Megadimension Neptunia VII New 45.5
Mighty Gunvolt Burst New 44.45
Mighty Switch Force! Collection CIB+ 45.49
Ministry of Broadcast New 26.72
Minoria New 50.47
Miracle Snack Shop [Limited Edition] New 35.00
Missing CIB+ 35.5
Moero Chronicle Hyper New 90.35
Moero Crystal H New 50.77
Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight New 71.68
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate New 42.69
Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin New 31.49
Monster Sanctuary New 58.46
Monstrum New 38.5
Mother Russia Bleeds [Special Reserve] New 45.00
Mother Russia Bleeds [Special Reserve] New 45.00
Ms. Splosion Man CIB+ 31.98
Mulaka New 60.00
Mummy Demastered New 57.71
Murder By Numbers Collectors Edition New 80.36
Mushihimesama New 60.7
My Friend Pedro [Special Reserve Edition] New 45.00
NEO: The World Ends With You CIB+ 20.5 SOLD
Narita Boy New 45.55
NeoGeo Pocket Color Selection Vol. 1 New 43.06
Neon Abyss New 42.38
Neversong & Pinstripe CIB+ 37.5
New Super Lucky's Tale New 33.59
New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe New 39.5
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch New 26.5
NieR: Automata - The End of YoRHa Edition New 39.5
Night Trap: 25th Anniversary Edition New 56.06
Night in the Woods New 59.92
Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection New 50.42
No Man's Sky CIB+ 26.25
No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle CIB+ 35.92 SOLD
No More Heroes III CIB+ 15.5
No More Heroes CIB+ 40.5 SOLD
Ocean's Heart New 53.33
Octahedron New 45.43
Octopath Traveler II New 39.99
Octopath Traveler New 52.43 SOLD
Oddworld - Collection New 36.25
Okami HD New 32.99
One Step From Eden New 34.15
Oniken + Odallus Collection New 36.51
Opus Collection CIB+ 22.49
Ori: The Collection New 28.97
Othercide New 32.45
Outlast: Bundle of Terror / Outlast 2 CIB+ 250.00
Overlord: Escape from Nazarick New 35.97
Owlboy CIB+ 16.48
Oxenfree New 99.53
Panzer Dragoon New 40.5
Panzer Paladin New 48.13
Pathway New 27.6
Phoenotopia: Awakening [Premium Edition] New 114.25
Pikmin 3 Deluxe CIB+ 35.00
Pikmin 4 New 42.79
Piofiore: Fated Memories New 27.95
PixelJunk Eden 2 New 25.49
Pocky & Rocky Reshrined New 25.49
Pokemon Legends: Arceus New 41.19
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX CIB+ 40.5
Pokemon Sword CIB+ 30.26
Pokemon Violet New 44.5
Postal Redux New 25.5
PowerSlave: Exhumed New 55.00
Prinny Presents NIS Classics Volume 2 [Deluxe Edition] New 43.99
Prodeus New 40.67
Project Warlock New 67.14
Puyo Puyo Tetris New 17.5
Q.U.B.E. 2 New 51.32
Quake New 38.49
Radiant Silvergun New 58.09
Rainbow Billy: The Curse of the Leviathan New 23.82
Razion EX New 90.00
Red Lantern New 58.5
Republique: Anniversary Edition New 35.49
Return of the Obra Dinn New 58.18
Return to Monkey Island CIB+ 43.09
Return to Shironagasu Island CIB+ 28.5
Risk of Rain 2 New 14.7
River City Girls 2 New 50.5
River City Girls Zero New 44.49
River City Girls [PAX Variant] New 142.6
River City Girls CIB+ 80.23
River City: Rival Showdown New 30.49
Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos CIB+ 30.00
Roki CIB+ 30.00
Rolling Sky Collection CIB+ 20.00
Root Film New 34.09
Rune Factory 3 Special New 23.41
Rune Factory 3 Special New 23.41
Rune Factory 4 Special [Archival Edition] New 90.00
SENSEs: Midnight [Limited Edition] New 47.43
SNK Heroines Tag Team Frenzy New 29.15
Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin New 27.5
Sally Face [Deluxe Edition] New 224.81
Sam & Max Save the World New 43.5
Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space Remastered New 44
Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time New 70.48
Save me Mr Tako: Definitive Edition New 33.5
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game - Complete Edition New 32.49
Sea Horizon [Limited Edition] New 42.49
Sea of Solitude: The Director's Cut New 20.00
SeaBed [Limited Edition] New 135.38
Seabed New 40.42
Senran Kagura Reflexions New 129.74
Senren * Banka New 70.00
Serious Sam Collection [Switch Reserve] New 50.00
Seven Pirates H New 30.00
Seven Pirates H New 30.00
Seven Pirates H New 30.00
Shadow Man Remastered New 48.39
Shadowgate New 62.5
Shadowrun Trilogy New 45.00
Shadows of Adam New 34.49
Shadowverse: Champion's Battle New 21.95
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse Box 49.62
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse New 381.21 SOLD
Shantae and the Seven Sirens New 50.2 SOLD
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero [Ultimate Edition] New 38.2 SOLD
Shantae: Risky's Revenge New 38.51 SOLD
Shantae New 39.34 SOLD
Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn New 19.57
Shikhondo: Soul Eater New 34.44
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster New 25.5
Shin Megami Tensei V New 22.38
Shin Megami Tensei V New 22.38
Shining Resonance Refrain [Draconic Launch Edition] New 48.6
Silver Case 2425 Deluxe Edition CIB 25.00
Sine Mora EX New 23.02
Skelattack New 45.00
Slime-san New 43.74
Smile For Me New 30.00
Sol Cresta: Dramatic Edition New 45.48
Sonic Colors Ultimate CIB+ 15.48
Sonic Frontiers CIB+ 21.62
Sonic Mania New 16.51
Spiritfarer New 28.95
Splatoon 2 CIB+ 19.67
Splatoon 3 New 43.99
Star Wars Pinball New 19.72
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords New 59.79
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords New 59.79
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic New 60.49
Star Wars: Republic Commando New 26.45
Steel Assault New 48
Streets of Rage 4 New 33.45
Strife: Veteran Edition New 30.00
Subnautica + Subnautica: Below Zero New 32.49
Super Blood Hockey New 60.96
Super Bomberman R New 20.42
Super Mario Maker 2 CIB+ 30.48
Super Meat Boy Forever New 25.98
Super Meat Boy New 38.5
Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania New 13.48
Supraland New 33.75
Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido New 12.17
Taiko no Tatsujin Rhythm Festival New 15.5
Tails of Iron [Crimson Knight Edition] New 42.89
TakeOver New 47.41
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition New 30.41
Talos Principle New 40.00
Tandem: A Tale of Shadows New 20.48
Terraria New 24.66
The Messenger [Special Reserve Games Edition] New 280.00 SOLD
There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension New 53.51
Thumper New 45.45
Time on Frog Island CIB+ 17.43
Timespinner [Limited Run] CIB+ 77.28
Tiny Barbarian DX New 33.97
To The Moon New 67.98
ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove! CIB+ 49.86
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore New 66.72
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore New 66.72
Touryst New 60.00 SOLD
TowerFall New 45.5
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes CIB+ 24.99 SOLD
Treasures Of The Aegean New 17.98
Trigger Witch - Limited Edition New 57.66
Trigger Witch New 34.59
Trover Saves the Universe New 37.76 SOLD
Turok / Turok 2: Seeds of Evil Double Pack New 180.00
Twin Blades of the Three Kingdoms New 30.00
Two Point Hospital New 26.5
UnderMine New 51.08 SOLD
Unravel Two CIB+ 18.35
Unreal Life New 39.15
Unsighted New 47.2
Untitled Goose Game New 22.45
Valfaris New 39.64
Valis: The Fantasm Soldier Collection II New 50.5
Valis: The Fantasm Soldier Collection New 70.61
Valkyria Chronicles 4 New 66.81
Very Very Valet New 17.77
Wandersong CIB+ 33.99
Warborn New 16.6
Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus CIB+ 21
WarioWare: Get it Together! CIB+ 24.55
West of Dead New 39.1
Wizard of Legend New 55.00
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap New 39.14
Wonderful 101: Remastered New 23.5
World Ends with You: Final Remix New 53.95 SOLD
World Of Simulators New 45
Wreckfest New 25.5
Wulverblade New 68.83
Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna the Golden Country Loose 30
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Loose 30
Xtreme Sports New 50.5
Yoku's Island Express CIB+ 35.5
Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair New 35.5
Young Souls New 34.49
Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution CIB+ 17.69
Yuppie Psycho: Executive Edition (Elite Edition) New 45.49
Yurukill: The Calumniation Games (Deluxe Edition) New 20.73
Zombies Ate My Neighbors and Ghoul Patrol New 40.09
realMyst: Masterpiece Edition New 78.08
Armored Core Nexus CIB 105.33
88 Antarctica New 45.00
Antartica 88 [Variant Cover] New 185.5
Deadpool CIB+ 76.33
Death Park New 45
Death Park New 45
Death Park New 45
Death Park New 45
Digimon Survive New 16.55
Divinity: Original Sin II - Definitive Edition New 71
Doki Doki Literature Club Plus! New 21.17
Helldivers [Super-Earth Ultimate Edition] CIB+ 45.00
Minecraft: Story Mode - A Telltale Games Series - The Complete Adventure CIB+ 58.41
Outriders: Worldslayer New 18.48
Revenge of The Bird King New 31.99
Saints Row: The Third Remastered New 15.1
Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal [At the Seams Edition] New 60.49
Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal [Tailor Made Edition] New 47.99
Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash (No Shirt, No Shoes, All Service Edition) New 71.5
Shadow Warrior 2 [Special Reserve Edition] New 235.52
Super Perils of Baking Special Edition [SEGA Outerbox] New 120.00
Swords of Ditto: Mormo's Curse [Special Reserve Edition] New 40.00
Tamashii New 450.00
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan CIB+ 40.00
Valkyria Chronicles Remastered Steelbook Edition New 30.45
2064: Read Only Memories New 67.97
88 Heroes New 40.6
99Vidas New 125.97
Aegis of Earth: Protonovus Assault New 26.49
Akiba's Beat New 30.25
Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed CIB+ 25.49
Alone With You New 38.5
Amazing Spider-Man CIB+ 64.75
Amazing Spider-Man CIB+ 64.75
Angry Birds Star Wars New 20.48
Another World: 20th Anniversary Edition New 40.49
Antiquia Lost New 34.75
Aqua Kitty: Milk Mine Defender DX New 51.5
Army Corps of Hell New 23.99
Asdivine Hearts New 35.46
Astro Aqua Kitty [Limited Edition] New 64.7
Atari Flashback Classics New 60.61
Atelier Escha & Logy Plus: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky (Limited Edition) New 168.49
Awesome Pea Collection [Limited Edition] CIB+ 40.1
Axiom Verge Multiverse Edition New 56.56
Back in 1995 [Limited Edition] New 191.4
Bard's Gold New 33
Bard's Tale: Remastered and Resnarkled New 50.49
Bastion New 64.16
Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate CIB+ 23.67
Bit.Trip Limited Edition New 33.5
Bit.Trip Presents...Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien New 33.49
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon New 118.23
Borderlands 2 CIB+ 23.49
Breach & Clear New 308.01
Broken Age New 33.77
Bunny Must Die: Chelsea and the 7 Devils New 95
Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified CIB+ 22.29
Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified Loose 18.98
Chaos;Child New 45.61
Chasm CIB+ 60.49
Child of Light CIB+ 24.56
Claire: Extended Cut CIB+ 35.17
Code:Realize - Future Blessings Loose 14.9
Code:Realize - Guardian of Rebirth New 25.5
Code:Realize - Guardian of Rebirth 14.2
Conga Master Go! [Limited Edition] New 51.83
Corpse Party: Blood Drive New 58.77
Cosmic Star Heroine CIB+ 43.25
Count Lucanor [Signature Edition] New 144.47
Criminal Girls 2: Party Favors CIB+ 74.09
Criminal Girls: Invite Only CIB+ 54.49
Croixleur Sigma New 40.49
Cursed Castilla EX [Limited Edition] New 60.5
Curses 'N Chaos New 38.72
Damascus Gear: Operation Osaka New 40.51
Damascus Gear: Operation Tokyo New 41
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair CIB 19.41
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Loose 19.41
Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls New 31.5
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony CIB+ 58.89
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc CIB+ 25.97
Dariusburst: Chronicle Saviours New 47.38
Deadbolt New 42.44
Death Mark CIB+ 23.22
Death Tales [Limited Edition] New 40.4
Deemo: The Last Recital New 34.22
Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten New 37.86
Demon Gaze II New 74.66
Demon Gaze CIB+ 25.81
Demon Gaze Loose 22.22
Demon's Tier+ [Limited Edition] CIB+ 55.49
Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax CIB+ 25.5
Devious Dungeon - Limited Edition CIB+ 67.38
Devious Dungeon 2 [Limited Edition] New 84.5
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth CIB+ 65.9
Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited CIB+ 25.49
Dokuro New 52.94
Dragon Fantasy: The Black Tome of Ice New 34.5
Dragon Fantasy: The Volumes of Westeria New 40.49
Dragon Sinker: Descendants of Legend New 35.5
Dungeon Travelers 2: The Royal Library & The Monster Seal CIB+ 53
Dynasty Warriors: Next 16.66
EMMA: Lost in Memories [Limited Edition] New 52.49
Earth Defense Force 2: Invaders from Planet Space New 28.19
Exile's End New 39.65
Exist Archive: The Other Side of The Sky Loose 18.48
Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star Noble Phantasm Edition New 46.26
Fernz Gate New 30.69
Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster Loose 25.49
Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remaster New 61.19
Forma.8 New 32.5
Freedom Wars CIB+ 13.48
Furwind [Limited Edition] CIB+ 40.5
Futuridium EP Deluxe New 45.97
Gal*Gun: Double Peace CIB+ 32.34
Ghoulboy [Limited Edition] New 160.5
God of War Collection New 74.75
Grand Kingdom New 47.6
Gravity Rush CIB+ 44.5
Guard Duty [Limited Edition] CIB+ 47.38
Gundemoniums New 84.18
Gunhouse New 30.38
Habroxia 2 [Limited Edition] New 65.5
Habroxia New 129.94
Halloween Forever [Limited Edition] New 74.5
Hole New World
Home: A Unique Horror Adventure New 35.92
Horizon Chase Turbo [Limited Edition] New 76.81
Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational New 26.19
Hotaru no Nikki - The Firefly Diary: Limited Edition New 59.25
House in Fata Morgana: Dreams of the Revenants Edition CIB+ 99.5
House in Fata Morgana: Dreams of the Revenants Edition M+B 40.1
Hue New 40.5
Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart CIB+ 35.5
Hyperdimension Neptunia PP: Producing Perfection CIB+ 35.97
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 CIB+ 47.01
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 CIB+ 47.01
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2: Sisters Generation CIB+ 60.49
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2: Sisters Generation CIB+ 60.49
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth3: V Generation CIB+ 55.95
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth3: V Generation CIB+ 55.95
Hyperdimension Neptunia U: Action Unleashed CIB+ 43.81
Iconoclasts New 96.5
Indigo 7 : Quest for Love New ?
Jak and Daxter Collection CIB+ 50.49
Jet Set Knights [Limited Edition] New 100.5
Jet Set Knights [Limited Edition] New 100.5
Just Ignore them + My Big Sister Collection New 60.49
Kawaii Deathu Desu New 45.5
Killzone: Mercenary CIB+ 32.68
Killzone: Mercenary Loose 24.49
King of Fighters '97: Global Match New 64.81
Knightin' + [Limited Edition] New 60.45
Knytt Underground New 128.14
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Losse 11.33
LEGO Jurassic World CIB+ 13.44
LEGO Ninjago: Shadow of Ronin Loose 17.12
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens New 28.75
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens Loose 12.21
LEGO The Lord of the Rings Loose 10.49
La-Mulana Ex New 38.03
Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel (Lionheart Limited Edition) New 72.39
Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II CIB+ 57.82
Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel CIB+ 36.49
Lone Survivor: The Director's Cut New 42.49
Longest Five Minutes New 32.5
Lost Child New 56.03
Lost Cube [Limited Edition] New 50.49
Luckslinger [Limited Edition] New 60.41
Lumines: Electronic Symphony New 18.61
MUSYNX New 50.49
Mary Skelter: Nightmares CIB+ 92.87
MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies New 37.58
MeiQ: Labyrinth of Death CIB+ 25.39
Mercenary Kings: Reloaded Edition [Limited Edition] New 106.71
Metagal [Limited Edition] CIB+ 100.35
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection CIB+ 46.49
Metal Slug 3 New 115.48
Mind Zero CIB+ 20.48
Mooseman [Limited Edition] New 119.05
Mortal Kombat CIB+ 26.99
MotoGP 13 CIB+ 23.83
Muv-Luv Alternative New 66.95
Muv-Luv Complete Set New 90.5
Muv-Luv New 53.36
My Aunt is a Witch [Limited Edition] New 55.5
Mystery Chronicle: One Way Heroics New 27.94
Need for Speed: Most Wanted - A Criterion Game CIB+ 20.32
Neurovoider New 35.5
Nicole [Limited Edition] New 48.22
Night Trap: 25th Anniversary Edition New 58.99
Nova-111 New 28.67
Nurse Love Addiction New 59.18
Nurse Love Syndrome New 50.49
Nurse Love Syndrome Loose 15.49
Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas New 52
Octodad: Dadliest Catch New 46.36
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee - New 'n' Tasty
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee HD New 52.5
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD New 69.73
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir CIB+ 72.45
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir Loose 70.5
One More Dungeon CIB+ 60
Operation Abyss: New Tokyo Legacy
Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines New 93
Papers, Please New 115.47
Pato Box [Limited Edition] New 73.23
Penny-Punching Princess New 45.41
Period: Cube - Shackles of Amadeus New 54.65
Persona 4 Golden New 61.12
Persona 4 Golden Loose 25.37
Persona 4: Dancing All Night - Disco Fever Edition New 145.5
Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds New 53.5
Pix the Cat New 28.84
Plague Road New 43.4
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale New 31.74
Proteus New 36.49
Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk New 51.5
Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk New 51.5
Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly CIB+ 33.57
Pushy and Pully in Block Land New 70.45
Rabi-Ribi New 93.59
Rainbow Moon New 44.89
Ratchet and Clank Trilogy CIB+ 72.77
Ray Gigant New 102.84
Rayman Legends CIB 17.37
Rayman Origins CIB+ 16.71
Retro City Rampage DX [Re-Release] New 35.00
Revenant Dogma New 35.36
Revenant Saga New 29.44
Reverie [Limited Edition] CIB+ 43.49
Riddled Corpses EX New 40.49
Risk of Rain New 38
Rock Boshers DX New 29.34
Rocketbirds 2: Evolution New 55.5
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken New 43.2
Root Double [Xtend Edition] New 53.5
Root Letter New 46.11
Rose in the Twilight New 192
Salt and Sanctuary New 100.49
Salt and Sanctuary New 100.49
Saturday Morning RPG New 50.49
Sayonara Umihara Kawase++ New 67.33
ScourgeBringer [Limited Edition] New 59.97
ScourgeBringer [Limited Edition] New 59.97
Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus: Let's Get Physical Edition New 115.5
Senran Kagura: Bon Appetit! Full Course - Collector's Edition New 185.13
Senran Kagura: Bon Appetit! New 150.44
Senran Kagura: Estival Versus Endless Summer Edition New 115.48
Sense: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story New 155.5
Severed [Limited Edition] New 100.81
Shakedown: Hawaii CIB+ 36.85
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero CIB+ 37.5
Shinobido 2: Revenge of Zen CIB+ 38.67
Shovel Knight New 96.49
Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution 2+ CIB+ 76.26
Silent Hill: Book of Memories CIB+ 76.38
Sir Eatsalot [Limited Edition] CIB+ 53.08
Siralim 2 New 30.49
Siralim New 50.5
Skullgirls: 2nd Encore New 52.81
Sky Force Anniversary New 75.48
Slain: Back From Hell [Signature Edition] New 150.65
Sly Cooper Collection CIB+ 52.27
Smart as... CIB+ 9.67
Soldner-X 2: Final Prototype New 44.12
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed CIB+ 23.56
Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God [Limited edition] New 80.5
Soul Sacrifice Delta New 105.5
Soul Sacrifice CIB+ 17.36
Spelunky New 70.5
Spy Hunter CIB+ 24.31
Stay [Limited Edition] New 130.5
Stealth Inc: A Clone in the Dark (Ultimate Edition) New 29.13
SteamWorld Dig New 55.72
SteamWorld Heist New 52.97
Steins;Gate 0 CIB+ 29.49
Steins;Gate CIB+ 30.58
Stranger of sword city limited edition New 63.57
Super Hydorah New 47.9
Super Meat Boy New 60.5
Super Mutant Alien Assault New 34.9
Super Skull Smash GO! 2 Turbo New 42.35
Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls New 58.5
Swapper New 51.48
Swindle New 27.51
Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment New 65.48
Synergia [Limited Edition] New 110.49
Tachyon Project Limited Edition New 55.35
Takotan [Limited Edition] New 51.59
Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack New 50.24
Tales of Hearts R CIB+ 69.48
Tales of Hearts R 50.5
Task Force Kampas New 36.5
Tetris Ultimate New 70.47
Tetris Ultimate New 70.47
Thomas Was Alone New 33.5
Tokyo Xanadu New 49.32
Touch My Katamari CIB+ 33.72
Twin Breaker: A Sacred Symbols Adventure [Limited Edition] CIB+ 47.09
Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 CIB+ 31.21
UnMetal New 163.32
Uncharted: Golden Abyss CIB+ 27.23
Uncharted: Golden Abyss CIB+ 27.23
Undertale New 66.38
Unepic [Limited Edition] New 274.98
Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception New 72.27
Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth - Launch Edition New 36.5
Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth - Launch Edition New 36.5
VA-11 Hall-A New 79.91
Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkhuni CIB+ 66.81
Vasara Collection New 98.5
Velocity 2X: Critical Mass Edition New 63.05
Volume New 32.25
Walking Dead: Season Two - A Telltale Games Series New 22.61
Windjammers New 35.83
Winter's Daydream [Limited Edition] New 64.1
Wipeout 2048 New 31.24
World of Final Fantasy New 33.99
Xeno Crisis [Limited Edition] New 100.5
Xeno Crisis [Limited Edition] New 100.5
Xeno Crisis [Limited Edition] New 100.5
Xenon Valkyrie+ New 68.11
Xeodrifter New 44.2
Yomawari: Midnight Shadows CIB+ 33.71
Yomawari: Night Alone / htol#NiQ: The Firefly Diary CIB+ 40.5
Ys Origin New 56.4
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA New 72.34
Ys: Memories of Celceta CIB+ 25.99
Yumeutsutsu Re:After [Limited Edition] New 82.97
Yumeutsutsu Re:Master [Limited Edition] New 75.48
Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward CIB+ 15.5
Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma New 33.17
Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma Loose 24.51
Aliens: Infestation Loose 45.00
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Xbox -Dead by daylight Nightmare edition CIB $25 -Fortnite Last Laugh NEW $50 
submitted by ricotito23 to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:12 DeltaTester The complete TPB reading order for the entire Krakoa era

This is the follow-up to my complete Krakoan single-issue reading order post, . This one is about how to read the extraordinary "Krakoa" story, which occupied all the X-Men comics from mid-2019 to mid-2024, in trade paperback form. (Marvel seems to have stopped publishing oversized hardcovers that aren't Omnibuses, so... be aware that there are some OHCs out there that duplicate some of this content, but this breaks things down in terms of TPBs.)
To head off the inevitable kvetches: you do not need to read all of this. There are a few crucial volumes (House of X/Powers of X, X of Swords, the three Hellfire Galas, etc.); beyond those, the idea is that you can read the series you like and skip the ones you don't.
I have omitted non-X-Men TPBs in which mutant characters appear, with a couple of exceptions (notably The Last Annihilation, because it's enormously fun, and Marvel's Voices: Pride, because that's where the first Escapade story lives). There are lots of guest shots, anthology stories, etc. set during the Krakoan era, but if you're reading in trade, I'm assuming you're really just interested in the X-Men-specific stuff.
The sequence within each section is only a vague order, except as noted; you'll be fine no matter what order you read in. (There's a thing that happens in X-Force vol. 1 that has effects in a few other volumes, for instance, but it's no big deal at what point you encounter it.)
Collected as a single volume; essential to everything that follows.
This period can be read "horizontally" (as Dawn of X volume 1-16, a set of paperbacks collecting all the X-related comics in approximate publication order) or "vertically" (just the individual titles that interest you from the following trade paperback collections):
A crossover between all the X-titles, collected as a single volume; it sets up all the Arakko stuff that follows.
This sequence is a whole lot of things that take place very quickly--it all happens during a two-week span. Again, you can follow it "horizontally" (Reign of X vol. 1-11) or "vertically" (any combination of the following trade paperback collections):
A big change happens here. The core of the 2021 Hellfire Gala has appeared as a paperback, just called X-Men: Hellfire Gala, that collects the Gala's four central issues (Marauders #21, X-Men #21, Planet-Size X-Men #1 and S.W.O.R.D #6); the Hellfire Gala - The Red Carpet Collection hardcover is those plus all the other issues that take place at the Gala, which are also spread out across Reign of X vol. 12-14. Note that Hellfire Gala - Immortal and Hellfire Gala - Fall of X are respectively the 2022 and 2023 events, not this one!
The period after the 2021 Hellfire Gala and before Destiny of X is the last time you've got a "horizontal" vs. "vertical" option. There are twelve volumes of Trials of X that cover almost all of this period (other than Inferno and X Lives/X Deaths, see below), but cut off midway through Sabretooth; if you're reading those and want to keep going with that story, just read the last two volumes in this section. As collected editions, it's any combination of:
Jonathan Hickman's farewell to the X-Men, collected as a single volume. Essential to what follows from Destiny of X onward, If you're reading "Trials of X," it fits neatly between volumes 6 and 7.
Another single volume: half a tour of Wolverine's history, half grindhouse sequel to Inferno. Yes, both Inferno and X Lives/X Deaths officially take place during the Trials of X period, but if you're reading in trades nothing will spoil anything before Destiny of X.
This is the one place where the way these are collected is genuinely frustrating. The actual structure of this period begins with X-Men by Duggan vol. 2 and the first halves of the respective first volumes of Immortal X-Men, X-Men Red, and Marauders by Orlando, plus almost all of Legion of X vol. 1. Then there's the 2022 Hellfire Gala; then there's a great big event, A.X.E.: Judgement Day, with which all of those series as well as Wolverine and X-Force connect; then every series gets to do its own thing for a little while until "Sins of Sinister" brings together strands from Immortal, Red and Legion. But the Judgment Day tie-ins aren't broken out into their own volumes, and in fact they're split across two volumes apiece of Immortal and Red... and Immortal vol. 2 leads directly into Sins of Sinister. Plus, there's a little string of revelations that make the most sense if you hit them in the following order: X-Men by Duggan v2, Immortal v2, and then (in either order) X-Men Red v2 and Legion of X v2, then Sins of Sinister. On top of that, Legion of X v 2 begins during Judgment Day and ends AFTER Sins of Sinister. Oof.
There is also a Judgment Day omnibus, which simplifies matters a bit, in its way.
I'd say the way to go, assuming you're reading a full TPB at a time, is that you probably want to read all of the following, in this order:
Then any combination you like of:
Then, definitely:
Then any combination you like of:
A couple of volumes that are crucial to what's after this:
Then any combination of:
...and a few volumes that aren't out yet:
And then, definitely:
None of this is out in trade yet, though all of it's out as single issues. The central part of the conclusion to the big Krakoa story is Fall of the House of X/Rise of the Powers of X, which comes out Aug. 27.
Beyond that, there are a few other forthcoming volumes that flesh out what's happening during Fall/Rise:
And that should do it!
Also potentially of interest: X-Men '92: House of XCII, which is loosely based on roughly the first half of the Krakoa story, but in the mode of the 1992 animated series!
submitted by DeltaTester to xmen [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:48 RobotTomPeterson KOIN 6 talks Hunter Biden criminal trial with The Hill

KOIN 6 talks Hunter Biden criminal trial with The Hill submitted by RobotTomPeterson to PortlandOregon [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:17 Superiorarsenal Race Report - Color Run 5k 6/8/2024

Race Information
Personal Information
Goal Description Completed?
A Sub 18:20 No
B Sub 18:40 Yes
Mile Time
1 5:47
2 5:59
3 6:16
Initially began increasing my mileage around the start of April from not having really done much running since October 2023 (Like 25 shorteeasier runs total between 10/2023-4/2024). Prior to October 2023 I was consistently running ~30-40mpw through the summer until September where I way over did it one week between lots of additional walking for a work step challenge and a long run that got a little out of hand effort wise (>50mpw spike that week, plus and additional 40+ walking miles) which caused some issues in my right knee. Took the next month off to make sure I could still run a marathon alongside my fiance, and took it easy from there.
There was about 8 weeks of proper training prior to this 5K, averaging 36mpw (Highest week at 41mi) running 6 days per week. Typical structure of 2 workouts + 1 long run (Furthest long run run at my pacing was 10mi, furthest run was with my fiance at ~12mi) with hill sprints, strides, and some tune-up time trials sprinkled in. Time trials included a 1mi (5:30) and a 2mi (11:32). I also ran a different 5k race 3 weeks ago instead of a tempo workout (18:32). Typically one of the easy/moderate runs each week I did with my fiance, which was on the longer side of mileage (7-12mi) but at a very relaxed pace for me (11-12 min/mi). Most of the training was on my own, but typically would run with a group at least once per week.
Non-running training included ~15min of morning yoga 5 days a week, 2 strength sessions per week focusing on bigger compound lifts (3-5 reps, 3-5 sets, 75%-90% 1RM for overhead press, squat, deadlift, and weighted pullups), and 3 general conditioning days (Typically focused on core/cardio with some strength element). This training was mostly in the morning, while runs were mostly in the afternoon.
No major special attention placed on diet/nutrition. Ate around maintenance calories, haven't drank soda in years, didn't drink much alcohol. Did pay slightly more attention to staying hydrated, which is always a weak point of mine.
Ultimately the mileage felt pretty good throughout and I remained injury free. I think the only issue was with some of the group running. One of the people I will somewhat frequently run with is in a similar speed range as me, but only running probably 20-25mpw 4-5 days per week and tends to push the pace a little harder on the days he does run. This actually provided a pretty good additional workout, with the pace existing somewhere between the faster end of moderate and a tempo pace. The problem would come when we'd run together the day after I had already done a harder workout, and it definitely stressed the legs significantly more (My right leg in particular, which I'm going to see a PT about). No return of the prior near-injury of the knee, which was a big success.
Took it slightly easier running in the week leading up, but probably not easy enough. Did a session of strides a little too hard (Turned into more of a workout), had one of those aforementioned "kinda a tempo run" runs with my friend the day after I had done a 200m repeat workout. Nothing special food-wise the night before (oven/frozen stuffed crust pizza) or morning of (bowl of cereal, freezepop).
Race warm-up included an easy 1mi followed by some dynamic stretches and form drills, capped off with a couple of strides 10min prior to race start.
The race was a bit of a shitshow right from the start. The entire front pack made a wrong turn within the first 100m due to no markings and improper instructions. Halfway through the first mile I was feeling pretty good despite the start frustration, until I totally wiped out on some slick mud/gravel taking a right turn. Fell on my right hip and skidded along my right leg, scrapping both of those up as well as giving me some scrapes on both of my hands. Got up quickly and got back to pace. I was already in front and despite the fall nobody had passed me. First mile was a bit too fast despite the fall, at 5:47, which I blame on the adrenaline from all the frustration in such a short period.
Mile 2 was the toughest. The adrenaline was wearing off and the pain from the fall was setting in. I was also starting to feel the slightly tired legs caused by the unintentional hard-ish workout a couple days earlier. After a couple of turns I started to hear 2nd place creeping up on me, and I was getting a bit paranoid about falling off and getting caught. Towards the end of the 2nd mile it sounded like he was very close behind me, but catching up to me must have really gassed him, because after mile 2 he had totally fallen off. I do appreciate that he caught up to me like that, as it forced me to focus in a little more and tighten up my pace, which I definitely would not have done had there been zero pressure from competition.
Mile 3 felt surprisingly good despite the being a longish hill midway into it (Where I definitely felt the week-of workout intensity) that only had a short/steep downhill. The poor direction at the start returned at the very end of the race, where the turn to the final 100m was coned off. There were two possible turns to get in, the one further on was not coned off, so I had to slow a bit to try and get the volunteers to inform me which entrance to take (The coned-off one, naturally...). Then it was a circle roundabout that you you could go either way to reach the finish, and the correct direction was not marked, requiring another slow down and slight direction change to figure out from the volunteers in the area. There was much more that I could have given in that final 100-200m (Really, even the final 400-600m but I didn't know the course and distance to finish after the hill). Finished in a frustrated 1st place with an 18:38.
Post-race thoughts
Ultimately I'm pretty happy with my performance. It was slower than a 5k 3 weeks ago (18:32, also 1st place), but I knew that course like the back of my hand, as well as being virtually entirely flat. Only being 6 seconds off that time despite the poor start/finish direction, the fall, and the hill comes off to me as a much stronger performance than the prior race. There was easily another 15-20 seconds to be saved on just the running mishaps alone, and I felt less tired/spent at the finish of this race. The organizers were pretty fun, and I walked away with a $10 giftcard, a cool crazy colored hair headband thing, and some fun socks. The scrapes will probably heal up pretty quick and the leg muscles themselves don't feel too impacted (we'll see what I have to say about that tomorrow morning on my 13mi run with my fiance).
Moving forward from here, this training was mostly as a prelude to more serious marathon training aiming for a sub-3 in about 1.5 years. Have done the distance twice, but never near a race speed for myself. Was probably in ~3:30 shape last October just doing long runs with my fiance who was training for her goal as part of my ~30-40mpw. There will be about 3 weeks of easier recovery as I have a wedding next week and 2 weeks of honeymoon travel where I'll probably only be doing an easier 20-30mpw. Then I'll be doing the 30-47mpw Pfitz half-marathon plan to hopefully go sub-1:25 come October on the same course as the marathon I'm targeting in 1.5 years. A couple weeks recover after that before steadily building mileage over the winter to ~60mpw before starting the Pfitz 55-70/12 5k training plan targeting a May 5k, recover for a couple weeks, then the 70/18 Pfitz plan targeting the marathon. I think it is accomplishable, but will require a lot of consistent hard work and dedication (Would love any tips here). Side goals that will likely be hit during this training will include: Getting back below a 5:00mile while also benchpressing 225lbs+ in the same week, and getting faster than I ever was in high school cross-country (Low-mid 17s) despite being older and much heavestronger (150lbs then vs ~175lbs now). I got to those speeds with only really training hard in season (Fall/Spring) and at ~30-35mpw likely, with very little running between seasons, so I'm excited to see what I can accomplish going much higher mileage with greater consistency.
submitted by Superiorarsenal to AdvancedRunning [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:49 dailyboombox [H] Humble, GOG & Others [W] Wishlist

GOG KEYS STAR WARS Battlefront II (Classic 2005) Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition Fallout 2 Fallout Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel Tomb Raider: Game of the Year Edition LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars The Lullaby of Life The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters - Deluxe Edition . . EA ORIGIN KEYS Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered Dragon Age: Inquisition . . HUMBLE DEC 2020 - 9 choices Children Of Morta The Beast Inside Indivisible Zwei: The Arges Adventure Zwei: The Ilvard Insurrection The Haunted Island, A Frog Detective Game Still There Struggling Path Of Giants . Overcooked! 2 - Surf 'n' Turf Pack (DLC) Overcooked! 2 - Too Many Cooks (DLC) . . HUMBLE NOV 2020 - 9 choices Darksiders 3 (might keep it) Crying Suns Darksburg Smile For Me Darkwood Tsioque Rover Mechanic Simulator Youropa Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt . . HUMBLE SEPT 2020 - 5 choices Vampire: The Masquerade - Coteries of New York Fun with Ragdolls: The Game Lethal League Blaze Evoland Legendary Edition Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair The Occupation . Golf With Your Friends - OST . . HUMBLE AUG 2020 - 8 choices Hello Neighbor + Hide and Seek Little Big Workshop Genesis Alpha One Deluxe Edition Automachef Through The Darkest Of Times American Fugitive The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters A Case of Distrust . . HUMBLE JULY 2020 - 9 choices Age of Wonders: Planetfall Void Bastards Railway Empire Yuppie Psycho Beat Hazard 2 Sigma Theory: Global Cold War Metal Unit Don't Escape: 4 Days to survive Verlet Swing Basingstoke EARTHLOCK: Festival of Magic . Vikings - Wolves of Midgard . . HUMBLE JUNE 2020 - 6 choices Supraland Felix The Reaper Men Of War: Assault Squad 2 - Warchest Edition Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones Remnants of Naezith Overload The Stillness of the Wind The King's Bird . Boundless . . HUMBLE APRIL 2020 - 7 choices Hitman 2 (might keep it) This Is The Police 2 Molek-Syntez Raiden V Director's Cut Driftland: The Magic Revival Turok 2: Seeds Of Evil Trüberbrook Shoppe Keep 2 Capitalism 2 . Train Valley 2 . . HUMBLE MARCH 2020 - 7 choices My Friend Pedro (might keep it) Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark Battle Chasers: Nightwar Exapunks Death's Gambit 198X Niffelheim AI War 2 Etherborn . . HUMBLE FEB 2020 - 5 choices Book Of Demons Eliza Shenzhen I/O The Hex Warstone TD Underhero Night Call . . HUMBLE JAN 2020 - 3 choices Graveyard Keeper Bad North - Jotunn Edition Whispers Of A Machine Mages of Mystralia (might keep it) GRIP (+DLC) . . DECEMBER 2019 HUMBLE CHOICE (9 choices) Blasphemous (might keep it) Ancestors Legacy Phantom Doctrine (might keep it) Dead in Vinland Horizon Chase Turbo Dark Future Blood Red States X-Morph: Defense Aegis Defenders Desert Child . . HUMBLE MONTHLY (DEC 2019) Sword Legacy Omen Soul Calibur VI Regular Human Basketball Fluffy Horde Chasm . . HUMBLE MONTHLY (JAN 2019) Darkside Detective Regions of Ruin Sundered Just Cause 3 XXL Edition . . FANATICAL - ALL STARS X BUNDLE Chroma Squad Infectonator: Survivors The Uncertain: Episode 1 - The Last Quiet Day Wick . . FANATICAL - COMMANDOS COLLECTION BUNDLE Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines Commandos: Beyond the Call of Duty . . FANATICAL - QUANTUM BUNDLE In Fear I Trust - Episode 1, 2, 3, 4 Fall of Light: Darkest Edition Gift of Parthax Shiny Codex of Victory The Watchmaker Haimrik Renoir . . FANATICAL - INDIE GEMS BUNDLE TRI: Of Friendship and Madness Crimsonland Donuts'n'Justice Beholder Dead Age Brawlout OPUS: The Day We Found Earth . . OTHER STEAM KEYS Blackguards Shooting Stars Edna & Harvey: The Breakout Mind Spheres Resident Evil Revelations InnerSpace Johnsgame Songbringer Fahrenheit Indigo Prophecy Remastered Mr Dubstep Hungry Flame Layers of Fear Asteroid Bounty Hunter Fahrenheit Indigo Prophecy Remastered Downfall Fly and Destroy InnerSpace Hungry Flame Neon Space 2 Duke of Alpha Centauri Still Not Dead FIVE Champions of Canaan Survive in Space Pankapu Complete Edition Callys Trials Cybercube STARWHAL Still Not Dead Gloom Frozen Synapse Prime Slash It 2 . . LEGACY GAMES KEYS (legacygames .com) Rose Riddle: The Fairy Tale Detective - CE 100 Doors Games: Escape from School Pearls of Atlantis: The Cove Criminal Archives: Alphabetic Murders - CE Lost Lands: Sand Captivity - Collector's Edition Unsolved Case: Murderous Script - CE . . OTHER KEYS Black Desert Key (playblackdesert .com) .
------------- WANT --------------
Wanted From Humble: Risk of Rain 2 The Callisto Protocol Nioh 2 There is No Light Disco Elysium Final Cut Trek to Yomi Doom Eternal Wasteland 3 Visage Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps And Beans 2 . WANTED DLC on STEAM: Winters Expansion for Resident Evil 8 Village Vergil playable character DLC for DMC 5 Season Pass for DBZ Kakarot . PayPal is GBP Currency, Fees are 2.9% + £0.30 make your conversion BEFORE making your offer
------------- REP -------------
IGS Rep Page
SteamTrades Rep Profile
submitted by dailyboombox to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:39 dailyboombox [H] Humble, GOG & Others [W] Wishlist

**I HAVE**
GOG KEYS STAR WARS Battlefront II (Classic 2005) Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition Fallout 2 Fallout Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel Tomb Raider: Game of the Year Edition LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars The Lullaby of Life The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters - Deluxe Edition . . EA ORIGIN KEYS Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered Dragon Age: Inquisition . . HUMBLE DEC 2020 - 9 choices Children Of Morta The Beast Inside Indivisible Zwei: The Arges Adventure Zwei: The Ilvard Insurrection The Haunted Island, A Frog Detective Game Still There Struggling Path Of Giants . Overcooked! 2 - Surf 'n' Turf Pack (DLC) Overcooked! 2 - Too Many Cooks (DLC) . . HUMBLE NOV 2020 - 9 choices Darksiders 3 (might keep it) Crying Suns Darksburg Smile For Me Darkwood Tsioque Rover Mechanic Simulator Youropa Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt . . HUMBLE SEPT 2020 - 5 choices Vampire: The Masquerade - Coteries of New York Fun with Ragdolls: The Game Lethal League Blaze Evoland Legendary Edition Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair The Occupation . Golf With Your Friends - OST . . HUMBLE AUG 2020 - 8 choices Hello Neighbor + Hide and Seek Little Big Workshop Genesis Alpha One Deluxe Edition Automachef Through The Darkest Of Times American Fugitive The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters A Case of Distrust . . HUMBLE JULY 2020 - 9 choices Age of Wonders: Planetfall Void Bastards Railway Empire Yuppie Psycho Beat Hazard 2 Sigma Theory: Global Cold War Metal Unit Don't Escape: 4 Days to survive Verlet Swing Basingstoke EARTHLOCK: Festival of Magic . Vikings - Wolves of Midgard . . HUMBLE JUNE 2020 - 6 choices Supraland Felix The Reaper Men Of War: Assault Squad 2 - Warchest Edition Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones Remnants of Naezith Overload The Stillness of the Wind The King's Bird . Boundless . . HUMBLE APRIL 2020 - 7 choices Hitman 2 (might keep it) This Is The Police 2 Molek-Syntez Raiden V Director's Cut Driftland: The Magic Revival Turok 2: Seeds Of Evil Trüberbrook Shoppe Keep 2 Capitalism 2 . Train Valley 2 . . HUMBLE MARCH 2020 - 7 choices My Friend Pedro (might keep it) Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark Battle Chasers: Nightwar Exapunks Death's Gambit 198X Niffelheim AI War 2 Etherborn . . HUMBLE FEB 2020 - 5 choices Book Of Demons Eliza Shenzhen I/O The Hex Warstone TD Underhero Night Call . . HUMBLE JAN 2020 - 3 choices Graveyard Keeper Bad North - Jotunn Edition Whispers Of A Machine Mages of Mystralia (might keep it) GRIP (+DLC) . . DECEMBER 2019 HUMBLE CHOICE (9 choices) Blasphemous (might keep it) Ancestors Legacy Phantom Doctrine (might keep it) Dead in Vinland Horizon Chase Turbo Dark Future Blood Red States X-Morph: Defense Aegis Defenders Desert Child . . HUMBLE MONTHLY (DEC 2019) Sword Legacy Omen Soul Calibur VI Regular Human Basketball Fluffy Horde Chasm . . HUMBLE MONTHLY (JAN 2019) Darkside Detective Regions of Ruin Sundered Just Cause 3 XXL Edition . . FANATICAL - ALL STARS X BUNDLE Chroma Squad Infectonator: Survivors The Uncertain: Episode 1 - The Last Quiet Day Wick . . FANATICAL - COMMANDOS COLLECTION BUNDLE Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines Commandos: Beyond the Call of Duty . . FANATICAL - QUANTUM BUNDLE In Fear I Trust - Episode 1, 2, 3, 4 Fall of Light: Darkest Edition Gift of Parthax Shiny Codex of Victory The Watchmaker Haimrik Renoir . . FANATICAL - INDIE GEMS BUNDLE TRI: Of Friendship and Madness Crimsonland Donuts'n'Justice Beholder Dead Age Brawlout OPUS: The Day We Found Earth . . OTHER STEAM KEYS Blackguards Shooting Stars Edna & Harvey: The Breakout Mind Spheres Resident Evil Revelations InnerSpace Johnsgame Songbringer Fahrenheit Indigo Prophecy Remastered Mr Dubstep Hungry Flame Layers of Fear Asteroid Bounty Hunter Fahrenheit Indigo Prophecy Remastered Downfall Fly and Destroy InnerSpace Hungry Flame Neon Space 2 Duke of Alpha Centauri Still Not Dead FIVE Champions of Canaan Survive in Space Pankapu Complete Edition Callys Trials Cybercube STARWHAL Still Not Dead Gloom Frozen Synapse Prime Slash It 2 . . LEGACY GAMES KEYS (legacygames .com) Rose Riddle: The Fairy Tale Detective - CE 100 Doors Games: Escape from School Pearls of Atlantis: The Cove Criminal Archives: Alphabetic Murders - CE Lost Lands: Sand Captivity - Collector's Edition Unsolved Case: Murderous Script - CE . . OTHER KEYS Black Desert Key (playblackdesert .com) .
------------**I WANT** ----------------
Wanted From Humble: Risk of Rain 2 The Callisto Protocol Nioh 2 There is No Light Disco Elysium Final Cut Trek to Yomi Doom Eternal Wasteland 3 Visage Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps And Beans 2 . WANTED DLC on STEAM: Winters Expansion for Resident Evil 8 Village Vergil playable character DLC for DMC 5 Season Pass for DBZ Kakarot . PayPal is GBP Currency, Fees are 2.9% + £0.30 make your conversion BEFORE making your offer
submitted by dailyboombox to GameTrade [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:03 Rayyy_babyy Does anyone have this book please

Title: Microsoft Office 365 - In Practice, 2021 edition Publisher: McGraw Hill Education Language: English
ISBN: 9781265659639
submitted by Rayyy_babyy to FreeTextBook [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 13:47 wiklr Oral History of All That (2014)

Originally From:

How ‘All That’ Became the ‘SNL’ for the Next Generation

By Steven J. Horowitz and Jill Menze • April 14, 2014
Twenty years ago, Nickelodeon took a chance by airing a one-off special that stretched into 10 seasons of sketch comedy. To commemorate the milestone, the show's executives, actors and guest musicians reflect on the first season of what would become an iconic series.
"Now it's just an introduction, before we blow your mind / The show is All That, and yes we do this all the, time." So went one of the opening lines of All That's unshakeable theme song, as delivered by Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes alongside TLC group members Rozanda "Chilli" Thomas and Tionne "T-Boz" Watkins. It was an introduction on Nickelodeon, a cable TV station that was taking a chance with one of its first sketch comedy shows, that set the precedent for a series that, over the next 10 seasons, would shift the course of television history.
Since its debut as a one-off special on April 16, 1994, All That continued on to become one of the only sketch comedy shows aimed at a younger generation. Series like Saturday Night Live and In Living Color found an audience in adults, but there weren't any shows that solved the riddle of what kids should be watching on Saturday nights.
In turn, All That became more than just a weekly ritual—it was a destination for kids, a virtual hangout dotted with familiar faces and recurring characters including Ear Boy, Miss Fingerly and Superdude. Created by Brian Robbins and Michael Tollin, the show first aired with a core cast—Angelique Bates, Alisa Reyes, Kenan Thompson, Kel Mitchell, Katrina Johnson, Josh Server and Lori Beth Denberg—that rotated in the years to come. Before the show closed up shop on October 22, 2005, it served as a breeding ground for future stars including Nick Cannon, Amanda Bynes and Thompson, who has been on Saturday Night Live since 2003.
Following the show's debut, it was picked up for a full season that began in December 1994 and became a staple on SNICK, a two-hour block of programming that also included Are You Afraid of the Dark? and The Secret World of Alex Mack. All That was a hit: It spawned the spinoff series Kenan & Kel, and later helped usher Nickelodeon into feature films with Good Burger, which starred Thompson and Mitchell as characters from the show.
But beyond that, All That was crucial in introducing kids to hip-hop and R&B, booking acts that parents would often consider too risqué for the preteen set. The first season featured an all-star roster of musicians who acted in and performed on the show including Brandy, Usher, Aaliyah, Da Brat, Coolio and much more. Throughout the years, its stage hosted A Tribe Called Quest, Destiny's Child, Britney Spears and N*SYNC. It became a conduit for musicians hoping to crack the youth market, and reciprocally educated viewers on the music that was soundtracking the nation.
Though it stopped producing new episodes almost a decade ago, All That left shoes behind that are yet to be filled. It takes a network to produce a lasting show, but it takes creativity and talent to cement its legacy. In honor of All That's 20th anniversary, a comprehensive oral history of the show's first season featuring the cast, executives and musicians who made the series come alive.


Angelique Bates (Cast Member): Known famously for her Steve Urkel impression, Angelique Bates opened the door for young black women in sketch comedy.
Chauncey Black of Blackstreet (Musical Guest): The namesake behind New York’s Blackstreet, Chauncey Black helped lead the R&B group to early ‘90s success with hits like “Before I Let You Go” and “No Diggity.”
Coolio (Musical Guest): The Compton rapper was riding on the success of his breakout single “Fantastic Voyage” in 1994. After Nickelodeon liked his appearance on All That so much, they kept him around to record the theme song to All That spin-off Kenan & Kel.
Da Brat (Musical Guest): The Chicago-bred rapper has released four studio albums, two of which went platinum, including her 1994 debut Funkdafied. With numerous hits and standout features under her belt, Brat appeared on the second episode of All That as an actress and performer, and later returned for two episodes in seasons two and four.
Lori Beth Denberg (Cast Member): As part of the original cast, Lori Beth Denberg appeared on four seasons of All That as well as Figure It Out and The Steve Harvey Show. In addition to acting, Lori Beth is an ordained minister and officiates weddings.
Katrina Johnson (Cast Member): An original cast member, Katrina Johnson stayed on the show for two-and-a-half seasons. While her acting roles have been few since her appearance on All That, she is currently a host on UnCensored Radio.
Kel Mitchell (Cast Member): A five-season veteran of All That, Kel Mitchell parlayed his success on the show into the breakout series Kenan & Kel and film Good Burger. He has since appeared on Sam & Cat and starred in the 2011 movie Dance Fu, which he also co-wrote and co-produced.
Alisa Reyes (Cast Member): During her three seasons on All That, Alisa Reyes made a lasting impression with her characters Kiki the Island Girl and Tinsel Teeth. Since then, she's continued acting with appearances on Six Feet Under and Boston Public, and is currently writing a children's book in honor of her mother.
Brian Robbins (Co-CreatoExecutive Producer): With a résumé dotted with acting roles prior to All That, Brian Robbins later worked on television shows including Smallville, One Tree Hill and Sonny With a Chance, as well as films including Varsity Blues, Hardball and Good Burger.
Dan Schneider (Executive Producer): After finding major success writing and producing All That, Dan Schneider has maintained a high-profile name in kids programming for shows such as Drake & Josh, Zoey 101 and iCarly.
Josh Server (Cast Member): The only cast member to remain on the show for all original six seasons, Josh Server went on to act on Drake & Josh and Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide. He recently returned to acting after taking a hiatus from the entertainment industry.
Rozanda "Chilli" Thomas of TLC (Musical Guest): As one-third of the multiplatinum group TLC, Chilli contributed to All That's theme song in addition to acting in a skit and performing on the series' first episode. The group would later close the first season with another appearance.
Kenan Thompson (Cast Member): Arguably the most famous of All That alum, Kenan Thompson went from the show to the Kenan & Kel/Good Burger franchise to Saturday Night Live, where he’s appeared since 2003.
Michael Tollin (Co-CreatoExecutive Producer): Alongside Brian Robbins, Michael Tollin debuted the first sketch comedy for kids on Nickelodeon. Additional credits include Kenan & Kel, The Amanda Show, Coach Carter and Varsity Blues.


Brian Robbins: Albie Hecht, then-President of Nickelodeon, asked me if there were any shows that I wanted to make. I knew that making a kid-version of SNL would be incredibly fun.
Dan Schneider: In 1993, I got a call from my friend Brian Robbins. Brian and I had been actors together as high school kids on a TV show called Head of the Class [ABC, WarnerBros., 1986–1991]. Brian had started his own production company, and he'd been talking to a friend of ours named Albie Hecht. Albie had recently become the head of development at Nickelodeon and had been talking with Brian about creating a new show.
Michael Tollin: Brian and I had a started our partnership with a handful of documentaries. We were lucky enough to win a few awards and get invited to festivals. We’d kind of been put together indirectly through Albie Hecht, whom we were both friends with and with whom my wife had done a TV series. I got married and moved to L.A. in the early ‘90s and Brian was making a transition. Famously, Albie called [my wife] and said Brian is looking for a producer. She said, “Right house, wrong spouse,” and put me on the phone.
That led to the show Magic Johnson’s All-Star Slam 'N Jam, a piece of sports TV trivia for sure, but it gave us an opportunity to work together. I had an idea for a documentary film which we sold to FOX with Wesley Snipes narrating, Hardwood Dreams. We were doing the show together in a very ad hoc seat-of-the-pants way, which became our style. When we landed Wesley Snipes, The Hollywood Reporter called and said, “We want to do a story,” and wanted to know the name of the company. We said, “Call back tomorrow.” [The production company became Tollin/Robbins Productions.]
We had made a few documentaries. Albie, who now I refer to as the Godfather of Tollin/Robbins Productions, called and asked us to do a mini Nickumentary. It was a half-hour documentary on a Nickelodeon touring road show with Mike O’Malley and Phil Moore as co-hosts, driving around the country on a bus. We had two days to shoot a half-hour show and make it look like we traveled all over the country. [We were in] Topeka, Kansas, for a full shoot. We’d say, “Hello, Topeka,” say cut, and they’d go backstage and change the show and say, “Hello, Rochester,” “Hello, Minneapolis.” We went all out. That was kind of a progression of things, Albie giving us a trial, seeing if these guys can pull it off. That show worked and it was kind of a chance to work together. [Then] Albie said, “I have an idea of a sketch show.”
Dan Schneider: Brian thought it would be a good idea to bring me in, and Albie agreed. At that time, I had solid acting career going, but I was between gigs, and when Brian talked to me about the idea creating a TV show for Nickelodeon, I thought it sounded like a fun "side job,” just to keep my busy for a while.
So, Brian and I started talking creatively about creating a sketch comedy show. I was a huge fan of Saturday Night Live, and as a younger kid I had also loved watching The Carol Burnett Show with my dad. I even had seen reruns of a show called Laugh In, which was popular in the late 1960s. I really loved sketch comedy, so the idea of creating a new sketch comedy show was exciting for me. The fact that it was going to be for a kid audience just made it a bit more challenging.
The idea was basically to produce a half-hour show that would usually feature three sketches, a couple of "runners" (short little sketches), and then at the end of the show, there would be a performance from an established music act. That was our plan, and that's pretty much how the show was for all 10 seasons. But we never had a rigid format for the show. We'd change it up a little, from episode to episode. That was one of the cool things about All That—there were no real rules. We could mix things up make the show however we wanted.
Brian Robbins: When we set out to make the show, we had no idea whether or not we would be able to find kids who would be talented enough to be the next generation of sketch comedians—Eddie Murphy, Gilda Radner or John Belushi. Our expectations were blown away by the talented kids who came to star on the show.
We did a national talent search and looked in different places and locations. We found Kel at an open call in Chicago, Lori Beth at a high school talent showcase and, later, Amanda Bynes at a kids' stand-up comedy night.
Michael Tollin: The great thing about the way that it was set out, we all realized casting was critical. Albie being very a producer-friendly executive, creative by nature, we were given the resources to have a very expensive casting period. Months and months of bringing in kids from all over the country. It’s kind of wonderful to especially see Kenan on SNL every week. Obviously Amanda [Bynes] has had a very interesting career. That was a really deep dive to sit there day after day, week after week, and try and discover kids and figure out the right chemistry.
I think it was always: find great kids who are winning, talented or funny, and build characters or sketches around them. I’d be lying if we had a vision of a certain number of these characters or that characters. We had a great writing staff, and the kids were so fertile and such a great source of humor.
Dan Schneider: We knew that casting was extremely important. In fact, we viewed casting as so crucial that we decided that I would not write the pilot script until we had our cast in place. That's very unusual in television. Almost always, you write the first show and then you cast it. But with All That, we wanted to hire the best kid comedy actors we could find. We decided that we'd do a nationwide talent search, find the best ensemble cast we could and then I would write the script, tailoring the sketches to the specific actors' strengths. I wanted to create characters that would be perfectly suited for the actors.
As for the kids we cast, they were all unknown at the time. Well, Kenan Thompson had appeared in one movie [The Mighty Ducks], but he was still pretty new, like the others.
Michael Tollin: [An important date was] January 17, 1994. We had dinner [at home] and I said goodbye and took the red eye [from Los Angeles] to Orlando, and I got to the hotel at eight something in the morning Eastern Time and didn’t have a cellphone. I got the sleep that I could and woke up and stumbled to a taxi. [I received a] message when I checked in [to the hotel] that was said your wife called to say she and your daughter are fine. That’s a pretty scary message. The Northridge earthquake had happened at 4:30 a.m.; it had been in the hour we were arriving. We were pretty close to it [in Southern California], as was Brian. The morning was spent figuring out how bad was the damage both physical and psychological. Should we postpone [the pilot shoot?]. I was trying to do the right thing. [My wife] was trying to do the right thing. Aftershocks ensued. She said, “I can’t believe you didn’t come home.” The show went on.
We took a while, we were really proud of it. [The show] went through testing, it went through conversation. It was a departure for Nickelodeon. There was no prime time Nickelodeon yet. It all sort of worked in the coming years. Nick put together a Saturday night block, [SNICK]. All That was kind of the flagship. [Eventually] we had pretty much the whole two-hour block: Kenan & Kel and The Amanda Show. A lot of stuff started happening, it was kind of amazing.
Dan Schneider: I didn't have any big expectations for All That because, at the time, I knew almost nothing about the world of kids TV. Creating All That was a ton of fun and I gave it my best because I wanted it to be good and successful. But I just considered it a temp job. I was an actor. I never thought becoming a writeproducer would turn into a full-time thing for me.
Anyways, after we made the All That pilot, about six months went by and I didn't hear much of anything from Brian or the network. At some point, I called Brian and asked him if the network was planning to pick up the show. He wasn't sure. Then I heard that the pilot "hadn't tested great." You see, whenever you make a new TV pilot, the network tests the show with focus groups. So, for All That, they got a bunch of kids—boys, girls, different age groups—and they let them watch the show, and then moderators ask them questions, sort of like a group review. I actually still have the results from those tests. Basically, the people who ran the testing wrote a report—a summary—and they said that while kids might like some aspects of the show, overall, kids wouldn't like All That. I think that's why nothing happened for six months. The pilot only tested "so-so,” so the network was nervous about picking it up.
Then, if I recall correctly, I heard that the president of Nickelodeon (at the time), a woman named Geraldine Laybourne, watched the All That pilot and loved it. She said something like, "This show is great. Why haven't we picked this up yet? Let's make it." Next thing I knew, we were back in Orlando, where we'd shot the pilot, and we were making a bunch of episodes of All That. It was a blast. I loved every minute of it.
Michael Tollin: Albie gets a lot of credit for the vision and the persistence. Kevin [Kopelow] was also the Nick executive assigned to the show, a third producing partner. [He was] very smart, very creative, got the show, was invested in the show. I look back very fondly and feel very grateful.
(... Continued in the comments, maxed reddit character limit)
submitted by wiklr to nickelodeon [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 13:46 Right0rightoh When she’s not doing date nights, hill climbs, auto-x, car shows, concours, rallies, or time trials, she’s racing! For some 71 years now!

When she’s not doing date nights, hill climbs, auto-x, car shows, concours, rallies, or time trials, she’s racing! For some 71 years now! submitted by Right0rightoh to Porsche [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 11:27 emertheawesome [QCrit] 'No Glory Here' Women's Fiction, Adult, 76K words. Attempt 1.2

Dear Agent,
Hello, my name is xxx and I’m a recent graduate of xxx, where I received a Master’s in Creative Writing. I am an active-duty military member who has traveled across the world. I used these experiences to write my debut novel, which I hope will be a good fit for your list.
‘No Glory Here’ is Women’s Literary Fiction completed at 76K words. Similar to xxxx, ‘No Glory Here’ exemplifies a young woman who finds happiness in straying from society’s conventional expectations.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Matchstick is an Air Traffic Controller, an airman, and she recently just left the United States for the first time in her life. Leaving behind her new husband, and a sexual assault trial she desperately wishes to forget, Matchstick navigates her new male-dominated work center in Tokyo, Japan. There she meets Andy, her divorced coworker, and the rest of her diverse military crew.
Struggling with the ever-widening emotional distance between her and her husband, Matchstick is forced to face the events that led to the sexual assault trial, and the fallout that made her desperately want to escape the U.S. Her growing friendship with Andy not only challenges what she knows about herself, but also the expectations placed on her by her overbearing mother, needy husband, and her mostly male coworkers.
Traveling between the arid, hot hills of Texas and the bustling streets of Tokyo, Matchstick is able to find a voice she didn’t know she had. Navigating what it means to be a motivated woman in the military, she discovers that who she’s meant to be is different than what she was raised to believe.
submitted by emertheawesome to PubTips [link] [comments]