Bill of sale snowmobile ct


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2024.05.16 22:04 bbnbafuz am i on the right track?

i’m extremely lucky being 18m and not having to pay any type of bills because of living with parents, so i want to take advantage of my situation and want to know if what im doing is right. as of right now i make $15 an hour at a car wash, ive worked here for around 7 months and about to get promoted to assistant manager at $17 or $18 an hour im not sure yet. every other paycheck i’ll also get $200-300 in commission for sales, so ill be making prolly minimum $2600 a month. but with making $15 rn im putting away $400 a month into a roth ira, and also putting around $300 into an acorns account, using that as a saving/emergency fund. i jus turned 18 so i started that a little over a month ago and have a little over $600 in each of those investment accounts. i just want to stay out of debt and be prepared for my future. i also got a credit card which im specifically using for gym membership and gas, and paying it off at each month. im trying to build my credit score for when my girlfriend is out of college and we are looking for a house. im jus really trying to do the right thing and wondering if there’s anymore more i should do.
submitted by bbnbafuz to Money [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:36 cheesetomymac Big neighborhood yard sale and pop-up art shop in Homewood Saturday 8a-12p!

Make plans to come out for Forest Brook's Neighborhood Yard Sale! Neighbors will be selling a variety of items. Participating homes will have a balloon displayed.
Below is a list of participating homes:
1316 Forest Ridge Ct
1620 Forest Ridge Rd
1060 Forest Brook Dr
1068 Forest Brook Dr
925 Shades Glen Dr
936 Shades Glen Dr
941 Shades Glen Dr
949 Shades Glen Dr
1017 Shades Glen Dr
885 Delcris Dr
913 Delcris Dr
Artwork from AL Paints Things, Nowak Designs, Sunshine Handicrafts, and Melissa Gilmore will be at 929 Shades Glen Dr!
submitted by cheesetomymac to Birmingham [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:22 Routine_Ad5325 House is back on the market after surrendering contract and moving out.

Hi, I wasn’t sure how to title this so please bear with me.
We rented a house through a letting agency, and our tenancy was due to end in September this year. We were originally going to stay here until our tenancy ended and either buy a house or live with parents until we found a house to buy. At the beginning of the year, we found our dream house for sale at a great price and enquired, assuming it would take months, but 4 weeks later in February we had our mortgage approved and just had a few things to sort with our solicitor.
This happened much quicker than we could have imagined. I read our tenancy agreement which had a line that mentioned we could give 1 months notice to move out and end the agreement - but then realised this only referred to the end of the year when our tenancy was due to end, and instead we’d have to surrender our contract and still be liable for rent (it didn’t mention bills such as energy or council tax) until our original end date.
Our letting agent sent us the surrender of contract form to sign, and they began viewings on our property. It took a couple of weeks but someone was interested and the letting agent told us that they’d found someone, so we arranged our completion date and moved into our new home and handed the keys back on the old house.
We didn’t get any messages or contact about our deposit, so when we emailed our letting agent he just said that they were waiting for an invoice from cleaners that they had to bring in and he’d get back to us. 2 weeks later we still hadn’t heard back, and I drove past the house and noticed it was being advertised to rent again.
Sorry for the long story, but my question is that are we still liable even though we were told someone was moving in? I know something might have gone wrong such as their references but if we’d have known we would have pushed back on our completion instead of owing rent on one house and mortgage on another. Do you think they’re taking the time with the deposit because maybe they’re using that to cover the rent we would’ve paid? Would it be worse for us to stay silent and assume they’ll contact us?
Thank you for reading!
submitted by Routine_Ad5325 to HousingUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:10 One_Steak_9554 Side Hustle for car salesperson

I have been in Car Sales for the past 7 months and my dealership is pretty good to me. Traffic is very slow and I have gained a lot of marketing skills since I have started.
I need something to do in the evening until traffic picks back up. I am good at editing video and creating different ads.
I thought about mowing lawns in the evening but it seems very very over saturated where I live. It doesn't seem like there are many people doing any freelance videos.
I could also maybe look into editing for a YouTuber.. but I'm not really sure how to go about it.
I'm disciplined with the money I do have, just need more of it and I have kids and a house so my wife doesn't love the idea of my working in the evenings but the bills are adding up
submitted by One_Steak_9554 to sidehustle [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:47 RuthlessWolf Ok hear me out, Britain's housing market is on the verge of a collapse and no one is talking about it...

Intro: An average salary of 34k while your rent is 2200 a month makes no sense whatsoever unless you have someone to split the cost. A combined household income of 48k and your rent of 2200 a month still make no sense because you got the rest to pay bills and food. Flats outside central london or poor quality builds. As of February 2024, the average house price in the UK is £280,660, and the index stands at 147.2.
Property prices have risen by 0.4% compared to the previous month, and fallen by 0.2% compared to the previous year. Number of completed house sales per month in the United Kingdom is falling but the price of homes are up 4.2%. Over 180 tech companies have laid off their employees in just the past 8 weeks. Retail is closing, employees are made redundant. Birthrate down 20% over the decade. How can i short this damn market and make enough to buy myself a decent shed?
More to come in Part 1
submitted by RuthlessWolf to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:39 Jealous_Ostrich5329 Feeling hopeless

I am a recent graduate with my BA in Communication and the job search has left me feeling hopeless. A big motivation of mine to go to college was that I enjoyed what I was studying and wanted a fall back, but I’ve never really been interested in a specific career other than possibly pursuing becoming a counselor. For now I am in a spot in my life where I could just use a decent salary - it doesn’t necessarily need to be my dream career, as long as it’s something that provides work life balance
I currently am working a remote position for a local company in a sales/logistics/event coordination role which barely pays the bills. I’ve also been with this company for 5+ years so I’m experiencing a lot of burnout. Any suggestions on good companies to work for, or possible entry-ish level jobs I should focus on?
submitted by Jealous_Ostrich5329 to Career [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:37 Motor-Ad-7227 my father can do no wrong

My father can do no wrong
For some backstory, my mother(48F) passed away 2 years ago and I(24f) took my dad(52m) in as he doesn't know how to take care of himself. My mom was the perfect woman. She took care of every aspect of his life, from laundry to paying his bills. All he ever did was go to work and bring back money. She loved him dearly and never left him even tho he never did anything she asked. I remember growing up and constantly hearing them scream at each other. My dad would berate her for literally anything she did wrong or what seemed wrong in his eyes. He never hit her tho. Just very controlling and manipulative. The stress gave her liver sirosis and she passed away from liver failure, she never drank. My dad was lost and depressed so me and my husband decided to take him into our guest bedroom for some time until he gets back on his feet. A year later , the problems started. He stopped his "good father act" and began to do to me what he did to our mother. Nothing i did was right. He berated me for minor things, like missing a spot when vacuuming. I started a small business and he would berate me and tell me i would never succeed, and i suck and im stupid. He started bringing his cars to our property. He is a mechanic and has some wierd obsession over easy fixes he can flip, so when he sees a cheep damaged car for sale, he must buy it to fix and resell. However he never gets to the fix and resell part, only the buy part. My husband kept his mouth shut out of respect towards me bcuz I love my dad and tried to believe he would change. But after the 7th car, husband put his foot down and said one has to go or he will tow them all. My dad was borrowing my car at the time and TOOK MY CAR somewhere to lessen the amount of cars on the property. Now, I have a lot of uncles and aunts from my dad's side, and I'm close with most of them. We call occasionally just to chat and catch up. I've told of few of them about the problems to ask for advice, he is their brother after all. Today, he was with one of my uncles and they got in a heated argument bcuz my dad was calling him stupid and berating him bcuz he was having some family troubles, saying stuff along the lines of "you're the man of the house, just smack your wife if she's being so annoying". My uncle was very angry and accidently shouted something like "this is why your kids complain about you being so hurtful and berating them!". My dad immediately called me to confirm if I go around "telling lies" about my father. I said I'm not having this conversation. He went off about how he only treats me with respect and if I said otherwise, then I am a serpent tongued woman who speard rumors and it will be the end of me one day. He said I won't be seeing him anymore if that what kind of lies I tell about him. He plans to leave for work before we wake up and come home late when we're asleep.
I'm genuinely hurt bcuz I know there is no point to telling him he hurts me bcuz I've brought it up before and he would just gaslight me about it and not even acknowledge my pain. I love my dad, even tho he is an absolute narcissist. I took him in, he doesn't pay any bills, I do his laundry, make his food, and clean after him. At this point I'm thinking of letting my husband deal with him as my husband would have ripped him a new one and kicked him out long ago if I haven't held him back. I know I'm a pushover and my husband always tells me that my kindness and patience will haunt me some day. My gut tells me I should hate this man as he has done nothing in my life but bring me pain and suffering. But my heart cries when this man is hurting. Even tho his hurting is fake most of the time, I still feel guilt and pain when he cries over something I say or do against him. I don't know what to do right now. Typing this now right after the last phone call with him. Very hurt
submitted by Motor-Ad-7227 to narcissisticparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:34 Interesting_Play_487 Was this to kind of an email to the governor

Sorry it’s so long 🫤
Thanks to u/Falco_FFL for posting the bills and stats in Colorado politics
I am writing to express my deep concern regarding Some House And Senate Bills which Are currently awaiting your signature. As a law-abiding gun owner and a responsible member of our community, I respectfully urge you not to sign this bill into law. This legislation, if enacted, would impose unnecessary burdens and restrictions on law-abiding citizens like myself, without effectively addressing the root causes of gun violence. Rather than focusing on punitive measures that penalize responsible gun owners, I believe our efforts would be better directed towards comprehensive solutions that prioritize mental health support, addressing illegal firearm trafficking, and promoting responsible gun ownership through education and training. Furthermore, such as increased background check requirements, restrictions on firearm purchases, etc.], which I believe would unfairly target law-abiding citizens without improving public safety. As your constituent, I trust that you will carefully consider the implications of this bill and its potential impact on the rights and safety of law-abiding citizens in our state. I urge you to prioritize evidence-based policies that address the complex issue of gun violence while respecting the rights of responsible gun owners. Thank you for considering my perspective on this important matter. I look forward to your decision and remain hopeful that you will choose to uphold the rights and interests of all citizens in our state. Sincerely, A Respectful Citizen Of Colorado.
House Bill 24-1174 increases the training requirements for concealed carry permit applicants and requires class instructors to be certified by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. This legislation is a solution in search of a problem, meant to harass gun owners and instructors by arbitrarily raising the qualification standards and likely the costs, despite not showing any existing deficiency in the current training standards.
House Bill 24-1348 mandates that firearms stored in unattended vehicles must be kept in a locked hard-sided container that is kept out of view or within the locked trunk of the vehicle. The bill creates civil penalties for infractions.
House Bill 24-1349, originally a 11.5% tax, the bill as amended creates a 6.5% excise tax on the sale of all firearms, firearm accessories, and ammunition in the state. If signed by the governor, the tax will be on the ballot for voter approval this Fall. California is the only other state to enact similar legislation.
House Bill 24-1353 creates a duplicative state level permitting system for federal firearm licensed dealers. The new permit imposes an unnecessary burden on these already highly regulated businesses while placing them at the mercy of potentially hostile state bureaucrats.
Senate Bill 24-131 expands Colorado's "sensitive places," also knows as gun-free zones. Although the bill has narrower definitions following amendments by the Senate, the bill is still a threat to law-abiding gun owners, and it is important to note that 94% of mass shootings occur in "gun-free" zones.
submitted by Interesting_Play_487 to COGuns [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:33 Motor-Ad-7227 My father can do no wrong

My father can do no wrong
For some backstory, my mother(48F) passed away 2 years ago and I(24f) took my dad(52m) in as he doesn't know how to take care of himself. My mom was the perfect woman. She took care of every aspect of his life, from laundry to paying his bills. All he ever did was go to work and bring back money. She loved him dearly and never left him even tho he never did anything she asked. I remember growing up and constantly hearing them scream at each other. My dad would berate her for literally anything she did wrong or what seemed wrong in his eyes. He never hit her tho. Just very controlling and manipulative. The stress gave her liver sirosis and she passed away from liver failure, she never drank. My dad was lost and depressed so me and my husband decided to take him into our guest bedroom for some time until he gets back on his feet. A year later , the problems started. He stopped his "good father act" and began to do to me what he did to our mother. Nothing i did was right. He berated me for minor things, like missing a spot when vacuuming. I started a small business and he would berate me and tell me i would never succeed, and i suck and im stupid. He started bringing his cars to our property. He is a mechanic and has some wierd obsession over easy fixes he can flip, so when he sees a cheep damaged car for sale, he must buy it to fix and resell. However he never gets to the fix and resell part, only the buy part. My husband kept his mouth shut out of respect towards me bcuz I love my dad and tried to believe he would change. But after the 7th car, husband put his foot down and said one has to go or he will tow them all. My dad was borrowing my car at the time and TOOK MY CAR somewhere to lessen the amount of cars on the property. Now, I have a lot of uncles and aunts from my dad's side, and I'm close with most of them. We call occasionally just to chat and catch up. I've told of few of them about the problems to ask for advice, he is their brother after all. Today, he was with one of my uncles and they got in a heated argument bcuz my dad was calling him stupid and berating him bcuz he was having some family troubles, saying stuff along the lines of "you're the man of the house, just smack your wife if she's being so annoying". My uncle was very angry and accidently shouted something like "this is why your kids complain about you being so hurtful and berating them!". My dad immediately called me to confirm if I go around "telling lies" about my father. I said I'm not having this conversation. He went off about how he only treats me with respect and if I said otherwise, then I am a serpent tongued woman who speard rumors and it will be the end of me one day. He said I won't be seeing him anymore if that what kind of lies I tell about him. He plans to leave for work before we wake up and come home late when we're asleep.
I'm genuinely hurt bcuz I know there is no point to telling him he hurts me bcuz I've brought it up before and he would just gaslight me about it and not even acknowledge my pain. I love my dad, even tho he is an absolute narcissist. I took him in, he doesn't pay any bills, I do his laundry, make his food, and clean after him. At this point I'm thinking of letting my husband deal with him as my husband would have ripped him a new one and kicked him out long ago if I haven't held him back. I know I'm a pushover and my husband always tells me that my kindness and patience will haunt me some day. My gut tells me I should hate this man as he has done nothing in my life but bring me pain and suffering. But my heart cries when this man is hurting. Even tho his hurting is fake most of the time, I still feel guilt and pain when he cries over something I say or do against him. I don't know what to do right now. Typing this now right after the last phone call with him. Very hurt
submitted by Motor-Ad-7227 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:31 Majabolis Stolen vehicle

About a year ago I traded my Chrysler 300 I had purchased off of FB marketplace that I never had gotten put into my name for a car that I did not know that was stolen, the situation left me with no car. I do not have a bill of sale anymore as I gave all evidence of a transaction occurring to the guy that I traded my car to. He gave me some paper that was printed with someone else’s name on it, and that’s how I found out the car was stolen. It seems to me like it was a joint operation between two individuals where one claims their car was “stolen” to the police in order to get their car back, while the “thief” gets whatever out of that “stolen” car such as in this case another car while the guy that claimed his car was “stolen” gets his car back entirely scot free. I live in Oregon and this all happened out of state in Washington. I did purchase insurance for the chrysler but because the car wasn’t in my name they couldn’t do anything like reimburse me for the incident because of that. The car was eventually found by police and was impounded. The police gave me the contact of the person that had the title in his name and he agreed to help me but was busy and the process of switching the title into my name would be too long and the vehicle was incurring impound fees out the ass so I decided it was not worth it to pursue obtaining that car. Do I have grounds for a law suit against the person that did this to me? I suffered great despair and sadness from the situation and I feel I have enough evidence to prove such in court, what should I do?
submitted by Majabolis to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:15 AliH93 Mortgage after a breakup

Hi everyone. I’m not sure if this is the right place to post this but I’m not sure what I can do. My Ex girlfriend and I bought a home together a year ago and she left me for someone else, no one is currently living in the home as we hadn’t even finished renovating it yet. It’s been on the market since October and we’ve been struggling to sell it, she’s now taken the house off the market and intends to live in it with her new partner and continue renovating it before putting it back up for sale. When we bought the house we signed a declaration of trust, she owns 70% of the property and I own 30%. I have continued to pay my 50% of the mortgage and bills as I’m legally obliged to in the terms of the mortgage deal but I’m obviously reluctant to continue paying anything if she’s moving into the house with her partner. I’m desperately looking for a way out of this whole situation as soon as possible and I don’t know what if anything I can do about this.
submitted by AliH93 to Mortgageadviceuk [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:16 emobabygirl vehicle finance and bill of sale

here’s the situation I co-signed a vehicle loan for my daughter’s grandmother about a year ago. Loan was around 50k. The loan was joint and my name and her name was on the loan. She did her own registration and insurance and payments and i was not involved in any of that.
A couple of weeks ago, she was in an accident (no injuries) however the car was totalled. Obviously it’s an unfortunate situation as insurance wrote off the vehicle and didn’t pay off the entire loan amount, and 17k still remains on the loan
Anyways, she does need a vehicle and asked me if i would be willing to co-sign again on another vehicle and they can combine the 17k negative equity. I said I would be willing to try. However the first car sales people we talked to couldn’t get a joint loan for us. only a loan in only my name. I do not want this
we try another place, i told them, i’m not willing to do a loan in only my name, as i’m not willing to deal with issues of registration and insurance and there’s 0 chance that i will insure the car myself and add her as a driver on my insurance. They keep saying, we can do the loan in your name only, and add her on the bill of sale so she can do her own registration and insurance.
Is this true? can she insure the car with her and my name on the bill of sale and ONLY my name on the actual vehicle loan/finance contract? it doesn’t make sense to me and i can’t find a clear answer
TL;dr : can you finance a car in your own name, put the bill of sale in two names, where the second person can then register and insure the vehicle in their own name without the first persons name on any of the registration and insurance?
submitted by emobabygirl to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:09 Technical_Anything80 Looking for ideas: 375k follower instagram account, $8k in ecommerce sales

Hi all,
I acquired an Instagram cat-themed meme page back in August of 2023 and it had around 150-170k followers. I forget exactly how many. It now has 373k.
Fast forward to November and I decided to launch an eCommerce store and post the usual product ads from AliExpress in the middle of carousels. Because it was approaching Q4, or was in Q4, it made a pretty good amount of money off the bat, being in the middle of November and all, and there were 3 consecutive days (day before, of/on, and after thanksgiving) where it made over $700 a day in sales (about half of that was profit).
Things continued to taper down at a completely even and balanced pace until this month / last month where I've made basically nothing, but had to keep spending on the Shopify plan / bills.
That being said, it did make a total of around $8-9k in net sales, about $5-6k in profit. Not a lot of money of course but it was actually enough to help me get a car so I appreciate that.
TLDR: It's just sitting there. Instagram has also recently changed their algorithm so I'm not seeing a ton of growth currently.
Any ideas on how I can revitalize this account's earning potential? I feel like there's a lot that could be done based on how successful (relatively speaking) it was in the past. I'll probably re-open the store come the fall again because that's when it seemed to be doing well.
EDIT: I'm also looking into selling the account. It would sell for $8-$10K because of the kind of followers it has (very active), some reels get tens of millions of plays, and a large portion are U.S. Followers. I'm US based. Trouble with that is there are so many sus/phishy looking, escrow-based 'Instagram account selling and trading' websites out there that IDK what to trust
submitted by Technical_Anything80 to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:01 BlueEyes294 63 here. Will the anger, frustration and/or impatience ever end?

I’m loving my body. Loving my life. All my fucks have dried up, fallen off and it is grand. I’ve a coastal home, wonderful partner, childfree, have an excellent dog, and enough money for a mortgage and bills. Need and want for nothing.
So why am I often so angry I could cry, scream, hit something? My frustration level is high most of the time. I’ve always been impatient but that is worse now.
I’m in better shape than anytime since my teens. I eat healthy and exercise. I’m in therapy.
I am alone 90% of the time as my partner works away, but after a lifetime in sales? I like being alone.
PLEASE can someone assure me this will lessen at least?
I just want to cry…..
submitted by BlueEyes294 to Menopause [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:11 Boricuaesyo I plan on selling a firearm to private buyer but he does not have a CONCEAL CARRY permit will a bill of sale be fine for state of GA

Just curious because he sent me message on Outdoortrader but only has 3 reviews anything you guys i recommend i do ? I am just worried on the guy I sell the firearm to commits a crime with it what happen to me just curious ??:?
submitted by Boricuaesyo to GAGuns [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:04 bbyfog Update on the BIOSECURE Act: Legislation Moves from the US House Oversight Committee to Full House and Senate Debate

Update on the BIOSECURE Act: Legislation Moves from the US House Oversight Committee to Full House and Senate Debate
The House committee has voted to approve the BIOSHIELD legislation and advance it to the full House and Senate for debate before it could be signed into law by President Biden. The purpose of BIOSHIELD law would be to prohibit US companies receiving federal grant money from working with four Chinese biotech companies, including WuXi AppTec and its sister company WuXi Biologic (here).
The House Committee summarizes this bill as follows:
H.R. 8333, the BIOSECURE Act, Rep. Wenstrup (R-Ohio) and Rep. Krishnamoorthi (D-Ill.): This legislation prohibits a federal agency from procuring any biotechnology equipment or service from a biotechnology company of concern. The bill also prohibits a federal agency from contracting, either directly or through a subcontract, with an entity that uses such equipment or service in performance of the contract. The bill places similar prohibitions on federal loan or grant dollars.
Chairman Comer (R-Ky.) said, "“This bipartisan, bicameral bill prevents U.S. tax dollars from flowing to biotechnology companies that are owned, operated, or controlled by China or other foreign adversaries. This bill is a necessary step towards protecting America’s sensitive healthcare data from the CCP before these companies become more embedded in the U.S. economy, university systems, and federal contracting base.”
In another news, Wuxi Biologics has now registered to lobby congress and is also counting on the Pharma trade group, BIO, for support.
STAT News. 15 May 2024. Wuxi Lobbing to Congress.
Related: impact of Biosecure legislation on CDMO business in US
submitted by bbyfog to RegulatoryClinWriting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:03 Capital-Disaster9263 Car trade in amount gets added to loan?

Hi, sorry for asking this stupid question but I’m hoping to get some clarity on this. Last year I traded in my old car to get a new truck. The old car had a balance owing of 5810$ and dealership offered me 6k for it. I agreed to it and bought the new truck. The new truck with all the taxes and features came out to be 76k but on the bill of sale it shows dealer added $5810 to the loan amount and making my overall new loan to be 81k…. Does this make sense? I am thinking since the car had 5810$ balance and dealer bought it for 6k…it shouldn’t have been added to the new loan amount. No? This is really stupid question I know but I would like some clarification Thanks
submitted by Capital-Disaster9263 to CanadaFinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:57 Joe_Smith_Reddit Re-use of pictures of my house by a different agent

I sold my house a few weeks ago and the buyer is now listing it for sale (at a much higher price) using the same pictures that had been taken for my listing. The agent that sold my house gave them to the agent of the buyer who is listing now. It bothers me because it still shows on the walls pictures of me and of my kids. Is this allowed without asking for my permission or for the permission of the company who took the pictures? Although I did not pay directly the company who took the picture, their bill was added to the money that went to my listing agent. Is it my right to have the new seller use new pictures and not mine? Thanks
submitted by Joe_Smith_Reddit to RealEstate [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:48 megadave1988 CP locker policy makes Clark Howard show [Cedar Point] [Top Thrill 2]

Full Show: Clark Gets a "Sleazy" Sales Call and The Outrageous Cost of Vet Bills Right Now (
submitted by megadave1988 to rollercoasters [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:45 megadave1988 CP locker policy makes Clark Howard show

Full Show: Clark Gets a "Sleazy" Sales Call and The Outrageous Cost of Vet Bills Right Now (
submitted by megadave1988 to cedarpoint [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:30 thunderousfishass and data security

Has anyone else had an experience with someone calling them from and asking if you would like to sign up for their virtual credit card program? The whole situation was weird. The call was not from a San Jose number, and I had no way to verify the person was an employee of And the person on the phone relayed very specific information to me about a past invoice. The whole interaction was very unsettling. I still have not been able to confirm if this person is an actual employee of the company, or if this was some kind of 3rd party sub or sales person.
The whole thing made me feel like is being sloppy with my private financial data. So I am curious if anyone else has experienced this.
Note: I am not a resident of California or the EU, I am betting this would not have happened if I was.
submitted by thunderousfishass to Bookkeeping [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:28 IllustratorSimple635 Question about sales and defects (for those that sell for a living)

Question about sales and defects (for those that sell for a living)
Hi all, I’m still in the beginner phase of things, although I’ve been at it for a couple years and completed some good projects so far. I have seriously invested in tools and am looking to make some casual sales in the near future as a way to offset that investment.
That being said my current project is a good example of something I’d like to sell in the future (it is my first run and are being made as gifts). See pics for examples of the defects I’m talking about. I’m planing on squaring the holes off and filling with a small piece of wood glued in and cut flush etc.
My question is, if this were something you were making for sale or had been contracted for: 1: would you fix it in the way I described? 1a: would you discount it after the fix/list it as a defect? 2: would you scrap it/gift it and start over for the one for sale? 3: this is just slightly out of square but fits nice and snug. Is that also a reason to discount/start over if selling? 4: basically what is an acceptable amount of deviance from perfection
I’m a chef by trade and we “refire” things that are not up to snuff all the time in pursuit of perfection. We also discount defective items (steak cooked medium instead of medium rare) but generally that is a guest choice after the fact. “Would you like a new one or we can remove/discount it from the bill”.
Any insight into best practices or industry standards when it comes to defects from those that actively sell items would be greatly appreciated. I’d love any and all feedback here and/or resources you’d recommend for setting yourself up to sell online and insight into best business practices.
submitted by IllustratorSimple635 to woodworking [link] [comments]