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2024.06.09 15:01 ibid-11962 Worldbuilding and Touring [Post Murtagh Christopher Paolini Q&A Wrap Up #10]

As discussed in the first post, this is my ongoing compilation of the remaining questions Christopher has answered online between August 1st 2023 and April 30th 2024 which I've not already covered in other compilations.
As always, questions are sorted by topic, and each Q&A is annotated with a bracketed source number. Links to every source used and to the other parts of this compilation will be provided in a comment below.
The previous post focused specifically on inspirations and other media. This installment will focus on Worldbuilding and Touring, how Christopher constructs his worlds, and how he goes about promoting them on tours. The topics aren't actually linked, but they both fill up around half a post and so are being joined here. The next and final post will focus on miscellaneous questions about the real world.


Creating Magic Systems
Did you have a research process when you were writing the Inheritance Cycle? I put a fair bit of thought into the story itself of the Inheritance Cycle, and then some general stuff as to the society and just kind of where things were in the world before writing it. I put a medium amount of thought into the magic system before I started writing, and then as I wrote the implications of it became much more apparent to me, and I really sort of dove deep into it. In retrospect, were I to create a fantasy world from scratch now, I would really put a lot of attention into that magic system and the society beforehand, just to have a good feel for that before I even start chapter one. I would put more restrictions on the magic too. I think the more restrictions, the more interesting, even the more realistic in some ways. [3]
If I were designing a magic system from scratch nowadays I would put way more restrictions on it because I find that the limitations are useful, I don't want the characters getting overpowered, but also just from a storytelling standpoint, incantations, rituals, spells, prayers, potions, all of those mechanical things are just kind of interesting and of course they give lots of opportunities for things to go wrong if you don't follow the correct steps. So I think if I were designing magic from scratch right now I'd put a lot of restrictions and rituals associated with it. So costs, more costs. [25]
What kind of hacks do you have to developing a magic system? Once I have a general idea of the setting, whether science fiction or fantasy, the first question I ask myself is how does it diverge from physics as we know it? Because that is a fundamental question that's going to determine what is possible in this world. It might determine what's possible with warfare, with politics, with industry, manufacturing, travel times, it could affect everything depending on what type of divergence you have. In the World of Eragon, the divergence is that living creatures have the ability to directly manipulate energy using their minds. The reason for that is kind of handwavy, although I have an explanation for it, but that is the divergence and then I tried to be as consistent and physically possible with it at every step of the way past that. When people play games you always get people who are looking how to exploit it. "What's the most I can get out of this game? What's the most I can do?" That's basic human nature. Science is a speedrunning nature I think. So the same sort of thing. You assume that if magic existed there's going to be someone sitting in their basement who's absolutely obsessive about it and is going to figure out every single advantage that that divergence gives them. And you have to be realistic and work that into your world and say "Well people aren't stupid. They are going to figure this out and use it in this way, and what are the implications, socially, physically, and everything else?" Once I have that then you can think about society and culture and everything else, but that basic physical difference from our reality is just to me fundamentally important to understand before I even begin to write. [25]
With standalones you're not dealing with continuity or what rule did you break or things like that. That's interesting, because I would say that writing a sequel for me is faster than writing a standalone. At least for me, the more I know the characters and the world, the faster, like I don't have to do the groundwork of creating a magic system, creating a society, creating the gods and the history. All that's done for me, so I can just slip into it like slipping on an old glove. [33]
Creating Religions
A socio-political religion in your world helps drive characters or stories or die-hard fanatic characters forward. How do you go about developing those? Have the courage to let your characters actually believe the things that they are supposed to believe. If you look back historically people really did truly believe these different religions and different systems. Too often I think with modern stories we have people only giving lip service to the supposed belief and instead having very modern attitudes toward it which perhaps doesn't always work. That's understandable if you want a character to be relatable to a modern reader, but there are so many examples of interesting belief systems throughout the world. To me that's something fascinating to write about. But the main thing is just accept that when people truly believe something they're genuine about it and then you can follow that from a logical and storytelling standpoint. What I'd also say is, if you're writing about something that is very different from your own belief system, assuming it's not like completely evil, to try to approach it with a sense of charity. With the understanding that everyone is searching for meaning and understanding. I've always had a soft spot for the old television show Babylon 5, because although I don't believe that the creator J. Michael Straczynski is religious, he writes all of his characters with great sympathy and understanding, he's never cynical about it, and he's not putting up straw man arguments or criticizing any of the characters. He's like "They're searching for meaning. They're struggling with the great questions as we all do, and each one is trying to solve those questions in their own way." And I always really appreciated that he wasn't being cynical about it or really shallow. [25]
Creating Languages
Did you think of the ancient language, not just as a mechanic, but also as a parable of our own language? I was thinking about how language itself feels like magic to me. You can write a story, you can convey information. Language in many ways is our greatest tool and makes us human along with, I would argue, our hands, our ability to manipulate objects and use actual tools. But one without the other wouldn't really work and wouldn't allow us to be a technological species. We could have language with no ability to handle tools, and then we wouldn't be what we are now. But I find language fascinating and I find the function of language incredibly interesting. And there is this idea in the real world going back to the beginning of time, that to name something is to understand it, and gives you a certain amount of power over it, whether that's a person or a physical object. And the ancient language is just taking that idea seriously. And I'm not the first author or tradition to do that, but is it a parallel? Is it a metaphor? I don't know if I'd go that far, but it definitely ties into the use of language and my ideas about it. What's crazy to me is there is a theoretical arrangement of words right now that would give us a massive breakthrough in science and physics. There's a theoretical arrangement of words that were I to write it or anyone else would influence how people think about the next presidential election to such a degree that it might actually changed the election. These are all theoretically possible and you can think of many many other things that you could do with language. We just lack the knowledge of what those arrangement of words are, and so we're constantly clawing our way toward new knowledge and new uses of language. [19]
The languages that you were playing around with in The Inheritance cycle, they were Germanic, Anglo Saxon based? The ancient language, the magical language, is based very strongly on Old Norse, which of course is Germanic or related to Old High German. The Dwarven language was invented pretty much from scratch although it is an agglutinative language like German is. And then the other languages have not appeared very much in the series. They're just little scraps here and there. To be clear, I am not a linguist, and I have not devoted the time and energy to developing these in a formal or rigorous way, the way that Tolkien did. Tolken was a linguist and that was his forte. I got far enough down that path while working on the Inheritance Cycle that I really began to appreciate how every word has a history and that history is inexorably tied to the history of the land. It's often said that Tolkien created Middle-earth just to explain his languages, as a setting for the languages. Which isn't entirely true, but there is truth to that. That's what I was encountering and I was realizing that I could spend 20 years, 10 years, just working on the languages and building this out. It might have been a worthwhile venture, but the tradeoff would have been no more books published during that time. I want to tell a story. [28]
What I would do these days, or what I did with other languages, is come up with a couple of words that sort of had a general feel that I liked and then extrapolating from those invented words, figuring out what consonants and vowels and clusters thereof that I wanted. Come up with some more sample words based off that and then start working out some grammar. Grammar is probably my weakest spot since at the time I wasn't really aware of non-English grammar systems and I've put some more attention in that since then. [34]
The language and culture that you describe in the books seem very real. How do you start inventing a language? You shamelessly steal from Germanic mythology and Scandinavian mythology, just like Tolkien did. But I'm no linguist, I did my best, I have a copy of the Nibelungen up on my shelf along with the Eddas, and I based one of my languages on Old Norse, which gave it a nice sound and feel. So the main thing is picking things that make sense for your world and then trying to be internally consistent. [2]
Creating Maps
At what point in your writing process do you start creating the map? I've created the maps at different times in different books. At first I thought I didn't need a map because I thought that a good book should be perfectly understandable without a map. You shouldn't need to rely on anything outside of the text in order to enjoy it. And I still think that's generally true, but a map can add a lot. So for Eragon, I did it partway through the book. If I were to do a stand-alone fantasy novel, I would definitely want to work out the maps and stuff before writing it. [12]
The map for Eragon, the original black and white map, I did about halfway or a third of the way into Eragon. My idea was, and I still kind of believe this, that a well-written book shouldn't need a map in order to understand the story. You should be able to keep your bearings just based off the text. What I ran into though was that I was getting lost in the world myself with the amount of places and things after a certain point. And so I drew a map. [34]
For me I think if you're creating something in the real world obviously that gives you certain constraints and certain advantages but if you're starting with something from scratch, I find creating a map right up front is really helpful because your story is not going to visit every square inch on your map so by filling in those other details on the map you're going to get more story ideas and also ideas for potential conflicts, travel distances. It all feeds into the realism of the story as well as potentially future stories. It's fun stuff. The downside is you could spend your whole life worldbuilding. There's a there's a book from World War Two called Islandia, and the guy just spent his whole life creating this island and its culture to the point of working out the actual layers of geography of stone in the island. I've never actually read the book, I don't know if it's any good, but I know it was fairly popular when it came out. [25]
What hacks do you have for for creating geography and points of interest within your world? When I was creating the map for Alagaësia I actually used a old National Geographic Atlas and traced over various coastlines and then distorted them and pasted on top of each other in order to get sort of a natural feeling coastline. Please don't compare the island of Vroengard to the outline of Greece. Please don't do that. And then you have Robin Hobb who just turned Alaska upside down for her map which I always love because I've lived in Alaska twice. I think she told me that she never actually expected the book to get published, but then she got stuck with that because everything was tied to the geography that she started with. [25]
I think that a good map ought to have lots of points of interest, and the tricky bit is, without getting so detailed that it becomes cluttered. You see that sometimes with real world maps, like atlases and stuff, where there's a ton of place names, city names, river names, road names. All of which are useful and necessary, but it can actually visually get in the way of the art, perhaps the artistic effect that you would want a fantasy map to have in a book or a movie or even a game. [12]
There are world generators that you can just click through. It's really easy nowadays with technology to build worlds just by snapping your fingers. Even with those tools, if you have the time and inclination, I think there is some benefit to redrawing or painting the maps in your own style. I don't know about you, I love seeing when the maps are from the author themselves. I remember Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn by Tad Williams. Tad did all the maps himself, and I love that. Even if it's imperfect or a little amateurish it just gives it a really nice feel. I love Tolkien's original art for the same reason. [25]
Creating Dragons
You are the creator of your own world. Do you feel that you have follow certain canons of fantasy worlds, for example, dragons have four legs and wyverns have two? Or do you feel that you can practically do whatever you want because it's fantasy and you create everything? Yes and no. No because I have already established rules and traditions and precedence in The World of Eragon, so I have to be consistent with that. But if I were writing a new fantasy, I would not feel beholden to any tradition. If I wanted to write a world where the dragons have three legs or feathers or something like that then I would feel free to do that. That's the great thing about speculative fiction is it gives you the freedom to write and create whatever you want to. The thing is when you have a genre where anything is possible it actually reveals the limitations of your imagination. And there are very few authors, myself included, who really make full use of that. But at the same time, limitations can make your fiction more interesting. I think it's important to pick some limitations and that will help actually improve the quality of your work. [7]
Why did you decide to have your dragons have a saddle? I was around horses growing up. And the thought of actually physically being on a creature with very hard scales was rather terrifying if thought about in a practical sense. And so it just seemed to me that there had to be some protection. [33]
When you're writing fantasy and you include dragons, especially a dragon rider fantasy, depending on how many there are there, it's actually quite a difficult thing to not solve all your problems with dragons. I think the solution to that is you focus on the problems that dragons present, which balances out the advantages. And of course people are smart, whether we're talking about humans or elves or dwarves or any other invented species. If dragons were real, you'd come up with counters to them, whether it's a bunch of giant ballistae on your walls, or building domed fortresses, or building underground. You would come up with solutions and it would negate those advantages. And that's always my issue with writing fiction with dragons in the real world. If it's a slightly more modern, then you have to ask, well, why isn't everything different in history? Like if dragons were a constant part of our world, architecture would be different, warfare would be different, politics would be different. Well, no, politics would be the same. What am I saying? [30]
I'm sure all of us have seen the fantasy paintings of like a knight in armor with a lance on a horse facing off against a dragon. Now, to be fair, a lance moving at a decent speed at a horse galloping will have enough kinetic energy behind it to punch through just about anything. It could do a lot of damage. But any decent sized dragon would move so fast and be so strong, you wouldn't have a chance with a lance. You'd need a giant crossbow. That'd be your only choice. The size of a dragon, intelligence of a dragon. Until you get to projectile weapons, you have no chance. [30]
We all know what any creature gets when they bond with a dragon. They get a dragon. But why would a dragon create that bond? Why would they do it? Is it the bond, is it their nature? I think for me, having other species bond with the dragons was essentially a way to keep the dragons from getting wiped out. Because dragons are such a huge threat. If you imagine in the real world, we don't suffer giant predators to be constantly predating and disrupting our world. We remove that threat. Especially if there's magic involved, the ability to remove that threat gets even bigger. So in a way I viewed the bond between rider and dragon as essentially self preservation for the dragons, if not the other species as well. Without some sort of symbiotic relationship, coexistence becomes very, very difficult. That, or the dragons have to be smart enough to just essentially remove themselves from the world and live off in the far off places. But that gets really difficult when you start considering how much they need to eat. I remember reading the Live Ship Trader series and I remember the end of that spoiler alert where it's become clear that true dragons have returned now. And it really was kind of an oh crap moment because you start thinking about what that actually means for there to be dragons in the world again. It's kind of like Reign of Fire. [30]

Promoting The Books

Touring Hazards
How did you do on your book tour? It was a lot. It was a lot. I did 50 days of touring last year between Fractal Noise and Murtagh. Obviously the majority of that was for Murtagh. And of course I had a couple other trips in there as well. I went to New York Comic Con. I had one or two personal trips. So there was a lot of travel last year. My goal is to not have as much travel this year. In general, the book tours were awesome, great crowds for the Fractalverse, enormous crowds for World of Eragon/Murtagh. I don't normally talk about this stuff, but since we're past it, it doesn't matter. I started touring for Murtagh November 6th and then got home for good on December 16th. But there's always a risk of getting sick while you're traveling. And I did pretty well in the US leg of things. And then over in Europe between the jet lag and not sleeping- I had a really amazing dinner, one of my publishers took me out to a three star Michelin restaurant. The problem was the dinner started at 8pm and didn't finish till midnight. And there were two or three desserts, and the last dessert was full of coffee, and I didn't realize it. Absolutely full of coffee. And I did not get to sleep until like four in the morning. And I only had three hours of sleep that night. So I think I got sick the day after as a result. I got so sick on the European tour that at one of my stops I had to call paramedics to my hotel room at 2 a.m. because I couldn't breathe. Ended up with bronchitis for the first time in my life. But I'll have you know, I did every event. I didn't miss a single event. I managed to do all my presentations and made it through in one piece. I've never, never backed down from doing an event, even while bleeding. Can you tell us a little bit about the time that you were bleeding in an event? Well, I was in Europe. I was touring for Inheritance, I'd already toured North America, and then I started in Europe, went to UK, and then I went to Australia and New Zealand. But first country was Germany, and I think I did Munich and Cologne, and then I ended in Berlin. And in Berlin, they had me in this wonderful theater that's like over 100 years old, which is very rare in the city, considering all the bombing during the war. And I'm backstage, which meant down in the basement of this theater. And there's like 500 people out waiting for me to make an appearance and there's someone introducing me and they say my name and everyone starts clapping. And of course you want to get on stage before the applause dies down. And the way you got onto stage in this theater was through a set of stairs. And it really wasn't even steps. It was almost like a ladder and it was wood. And the steps were so old that they were basically hollowed out from all the people that have gone up and down it over the years. So I'm scrambling up this and about halfway up, my right foot slipped off the edge of one of the steps because it was hollowed out and full speed, full strength, full weight, I slammed my shin into the edge of one of the steps, stumbled forward two more steps and did it a second time. But momentum, adrenaline, I keep going, I get up on stage, I waved to everyone. And fortunately for me, because I was speaking to a foreign audience, they had me sitting at a table with a translator and a presenter. So I got to sit down and the table kind of hit everything from view. And I start the presentation, start the event. And after about, I don't know, five minutes, I'm thinking to myself, okay, I've banged my shin before. We've all banged our shins before, but this really bleepin' hurt. So I looked under the table and the whole front of my jean leg on my shin is soaked with blood. There is blood dripping onto the floor and my sock is soaked with blood. So I poked my translator, the presenter next to me that I was doing a couple of events with, and I said, "Hey, look at this". And he glances under and his face just goes white. And I'm colorblind and I saw his face go white. And he said, "Do we need to call an ambulance?" And I'm like, "No, no, we're going to do this." So I did an hour-long presentation. And then I got up and managed to quickly limp over to a signing table. And no one really noticed that I wasn't feeling so hot. And I got behind the signing table, and I signed books for 400 or 500 people. And the funny thing is, I was traveling with this foreign rights agent publicist for Random House named Jocelyn, who was just an absolute beast of a woman. I love her to death. You have to understand, she did a European book tour with me while eight months pregnant. The woman was and is just very impressive. But she grew up on a farm. German family in the US, grew up on a farm. So I showed her my leg when I was sitting down to sign and she just looked at me and she said, "You need to go to the hospital?" I said, "Nope". She said, "I knew you were country. Good man." Slapped me on the back. So I finished signing and then I went back to the hotel and I had to get into a tub of water to soak my jeans off because the blood had dried and glued them to my shin. And the problem was I had a dent all the way down to the bone. And I really should have gone to a hospital because, sorry for the gory details, but what happens is when you get a dent like that, you lose the fat under the skin between the skin and the bone and it doesn't come back unless you get an injection to help it puff out and heal. And I didn't do that because I was on tour, there was no time. So the next day I had to fly to pretty sure it was Barcelona for the St. George Book Festival, which is a walking festival. So you have to walk from bookstore to bookstore in the city and do signings. But that was a bit rough. That actually took over a year to heal properly. I still have that dent. Stuff happens. I've heard some crazy stories with other authors. I'd rather it's my blood, not the fan's blood. [32]
Touring Difficulties
We've got blood and sweat, any tears from tour? On occasion. The biggest one is just being away from home. And if anything is a bit off for whatever reason, you can't just pop home and hold someone or do this or do that. It's just difficult to be that far away from home for so long. [32]
If you're not familiar with book tours, the way it often works is that you fly to a city, you get to your hotel room, you have a little bit of time to freshen up, maybe get some food and then you go to the bookstore and you do your event. And it has to be after people get off from work, so it tends to be a later evening event. If you have a large number of people show up, that means that that time spent talking and signing pushes fairly late in the evening. You go back, you get dinner, and if you're a semi-introvert like so many authors tend to be, you need some time to decompress, which means you probably stay up a little too late reading or writing. And then in the morning, you got to go get another airplane flight and go to the new city. All of which is fine, but going to the airport, doing those flights, with the time it takes to go through an airport these days, it means that the schedule has very little time in it. When I toured for Fractal Noise, the publisher one of the days had me fly from Tampa to Portland and I still had to do an event that day. Which I agreed to. It was my own fault because they had everything on the East Coast and I said, "Well, what about the West Coast? You know, I have readers on the West Coast. They need to get a chance to get a signed book." It was my own fault. But that can get rough when you're doing it for weeks on end at a certain point. You just can't recover. A day off? What's that? But it's a good problem to have. That people want to see you and want to read your books. It's an awesome career to have. [1]
I'm also a big fan of coffee naps. So I will drink a cup of coffee, usually my second cup of coffee, and then I'll go take a nap, and I will nap for about 30 minutes, because after 30 minutes the coffee wakes me up. And I find that 15 to 30 minutes is the perfect length of a nap for me, and if I go past that, I need to sleep for about three hours, because otherwise I get into the middle of a REM cycle, and if I wake up in the middle of a REM cycle, I'm just like groggy and drugged, and I feel worse than if I hadn't napped at all. And then of course, if you're on book tour, the way I have been for a while, you gain the ability to just close your eyes at any point and take a 10 minute nap 15 minute nap anywhere, and it at least helps you stay upright. [19]
Meeting Fans around the World
You just got back from the U.S. leg of your book tour — who’s making up the crowd? The readership is broad and probably older than it was back in the day. There are still a lot of 8-year-olds, but now there are grandparents, too. I’ve even met some kids who’ve been named after the characters, which is pretty amazing. Because people have been reading the series for so long, I tend to get a mix of incredibly detailed, hyper-focused, deep-dive questions about some of the lore, but also some more general ones about Eragon’s name. [16]
I'm sure you hear personal stories all the time especially at your readings and your your appearances. It must be lovely, and I guess overwhelming to connect with your fans. That's a good way of putting it: lovely and overwhelming. Everyone has their own personal history with these books. I have people showing up who named their children after the characters, or who've gotten tattoos. Oh my goodness, what's the one you get? Multiple Saphiras, Aryas, Rorans, a couple of Eragons. As a writer, you want people to read your stories, enjoy them, be affected by them. If they're affected so strongly they name their children after your characters, you feel pretty good about it. [28]
Are your European fans different from your American fans? I actually haven't met any children here who are named after characters from my books. That seems to be an American phenomenon. The language barrier sometimes makes it a little more difficult to talk to European fans. But the love for Eragon is just as strong in Europe as it is in the US. This is not your first time on tour in Europe. Is there something you're missing here? I actually noticed that hotels in Europe usually don't have ironing boards or irons. This is standard equipment in America. [24]
My great-grandmother was from Sicily and then my grandfather was from Bologna. I just found out recently that my grandfather as a child was tutored by Fellini's wife. [7]
My grandfather was the stereotype of an elderly Italian gentleman. He had a mustache, he cooked spaghetti and he made the most amazing red sauce for the spaghetti. He used too much profanity. He was quite the character. [35]
Amsterdam is a beautiful city, but if I had grown up here I would probably still have written fantasy, but it would probably have influenced the type of fantasy I write. [23]
I was just in Stockholm on book tour for my latest book. And I've sold a really large number of books, proportionally in Sweden, and I'd never been there before. And I was kind of curious what their thoughts and feelings were on it, given the fact that I have shamelessly pillaged, Anglo-Saxon Scandinavian mythology for my own work. And they said native Swedish authors don't write using their own mythology, they go into the more literary veins and they import and translate other authors who are writing about Scandinavian mythology and they enjoy it immensely, but it doesn't seem to be a homegrown thing for them, which is rather odd, I think. [30]
Old Norse is not so far from German, do you speak a little bit of German? I understand a fair bit. When I've done presentations in Germany, I've had children ask me questions in German, and I can sometimes understand the entire question without translation, but I only speak a few words. [Host 2]: Let's try it. Can you ask the next question in German? Of course. Oh dear. [speaking quickly] Herr Paolini, wie viel von ihrer Vision für die ganze Serie hat sich mit der Zeit verändert? Hat es sich überhaupt verändert? Denn wenn man sich die frühen Werke anguckt, erkennt man, dass sehr viele Sachen aus den frühen Werken in den späteren wieder auftauchen. So dass es eigentlich unmöglich sein kann, dass sie das nicht von Anfang an komplett geplant haben? Translation please. That was not fair. But funny. Yeah, I was just asking, when you started writing the book, and it became not just one book, it became a whole world, it became a series, and I don't want to spoil anything, but if you read the first books and you read the later books, stuff comes up again, and it seems like you actually knew where it was going when you started writing, which is again insane because you were 15. Is that something you just got lucky, or did you really plan for a whole series when you started writing the first one? I planned because I tried writing some stories before Eragon, and I never got past the first five or ten pages because I didn't have a story. I would only have an inciting incident, like a young man finds a dragon egg in the forest. Well, fun, awesome, but that's not a story. So Eragon and the series as it was, was a writing exercise for myself to see if I could outline, plot, and then write at least the first book of a series. So yes, if you read the first book, Eragon, there's actually a scene, a dream sequence in the first book. And it is the very last scene of the last book. And I did that specifically so that I could point to it and say to my readers, "See, I knew what I was doing." But of course, it isn't the last book now. [2]
Before he finished signing them all he asked if I read Fractal Noise, I said yes. He then asked how I liked it. I said I liked To Sleep far more. And to be fair I did. But I could've been a little more less brunt about it. All in all I'm sorry Paolini. I hope you see this. Dude -- No need to apologize! I was the one who put you on the spot. I was just curious about Fractal Noise as it's pretty different from what I normally write. That said, I'm a big boy, and it doesn't bother me in the slightest if someone prefers one book over another. [R]
Have you been on TikTok? How do you find it? I have an account that my assistants post content on for me because I don't have the time and I don't want it on my phone, but it has been a really useful way to connect with readers, and I had a lot of people who came up during my book tour end of last year, who said that they found out about the events I was doing from the posts on TikTok. [33]
Outside of the tour, did you do anything to personally celebrate the release of Murtagh? No. Not to sound blase, but this isn't my first book I've released. Going on the tour is the celebration. Getting to meet the fans. It's an enormous expenditure of energy, time, effort, and it's very joyous and touching and meaningful for me. And I think for a lot of the readers. So that's the celebration. My team and I, we all kind of take a moment to pat ourselves on the back every time a book comes out and then it's back to the grind a bit. Also, I got to celebrate my 40th birthday while on book tour, and I got to celebrate it with my editor, my publicist, my former publicist who's been with me since the beginning. So that was really nice. [32]
Being an author is like the best kind of semi-celebrity, because nine times out of ten, no one knows who you are, you can live a nice quiet life, and then you get to go out and meet people who like your work. And that's a real treat. I grew the beard partly to keep people from recognizing me. But then I've had it for so long that it doesn't work anymore. And I got tired of shaving. But the problem is the beard takes so much time and effort to take care of it, it doesn't save me any time. [1]
Did your hat end up getting fixed post-tour? Yup. Fixed it myself with a rivet. [T]
Any advice on how to wear a pirate's hat without it being weird? It's very simple. There's one ingredient. You wear it with confidence. That's all. [36]
Signing Books
People people don't maybe don't realize what an endurance race it is, especially when when books are this big and successful. Like the amount. I once did 9,280 books in an afternoon and a half at a warehouse. I had nine people helping. I stood. I find that if I stand, I don't use my wrist. I can isolate the arm. And I just had someone shove it under me, someone pull it out for me, and everyone else was boxing, unboxing and flapping. But it hurt. It really hurt. I dropped my first name this past year. For the first time in a 20 year career, I finally dropped my first name. Did you feel defeated? Yes. But I have kids now and I just could not afford the time and the strain on my body. I actually got two typewriters. I got really bad inflammation in my right thumb from all the signing and I find that typewriters alleviated that. Also heavier like mechanical keyboards seem to help. So I know like Robin Hobb has suffered some severe problems with her hands with the amount of typing she's done over the years. So yeah, it is an occupational hazard. [33]
I have to say, signing 30,000 sheets is SIGNIFICANTLY harder than mining or placing 30k blocks in #Minecraft. Lol. [T]
Do you have a PO Box or something? I’d pay shipping both ways to have you sign my books. P.O. box is listed on Just include return shipping, please. :D Alternatively, you can arrange signed copies through Conley's Books & Music in Livingston, MT. [R]
If I send a book to a P.O. Box and pay for shipping there and back, would you sign it? Yup. Address is on [T]
submitted by ibid-11962 to Eragon [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:00 PoisonPanc4ke The Talos Incident: Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Hangar Bay 2

Six days had passed since Aurelian's return to the Imperator Somnium. His wounds, tended with relentless dedication by High Lady Avicenna Ibn Sina, his personal physician, were nearly healed. Avicenna’s skilful hands had worked tirelessly to ensure the Emperor’s swift recovery. Archamus Cadwalder, now High Lord and Master of the Seraphim, remained a constant presence, never more than ten paces from his Liege unless commanded otherwise.
Both Aurelian and Cadwalder were heading to the ship's hangar bay to greet the returning Seraphim. "My Liege," Cadwalder spoke, breaking the silence that had settled between them, "forgive me, but I’m not sure the other Seraphim will take kindly to my appointment above them."
Aurelian paused, his left hand resting on the pommel of his blade. He traced his fingers along the cold, rounded steel, contemplating Cadwalder’s concern. "They are your brothers and sisters, and have been for many years. Perhaps... they might surprise you. Regardless, it is my command, and they will obey."
They continued walking, Cadwalder a few paces behind. The journey to the hangar bay was long, and they were only halfway there. As they passed, the ship's crew saluted them, either raising their fists to their chests or dropping to one knee. Aurelian acknowledged them with nods and smiles but did not break his stride. Their walk was mostly silent, the hum of life aboard the ship the only sound accompanying them.
After nearly an hour, they arrived at Hangar Bay 2. The space buzzed with activity: personnel rushed about, fuelling ships, performing pre-launch checks, and unloading cargo. Sparks flew from welding torches, and the magnetic thrum of fusion reactors filled the air. Voices rose and fell, commands being barked out and acknowledged. This bustling scene was just one small part of the grand machine that was the Imperator Somnium.
Aurelian and Cadwalder moved towards an empty landing pad, the crew and pilots saluting their Lord before resuming their duties. They stood apart from the commotion, a stark contrast in their imposing presence.
Aurelian, standing at 1.93 units tall according to Avicenna's recent examination, was a formidable figure. His well-built frame, olive skin, and stern demeanour commanded respect. His dark brown hair, shaved at the back and sides and plaited on top, was tied with leather straps and gold rings, a style from his homeworld. His black armour and red and black fur-lined cloak added to his imposing aura.
Beside him, Cadwalder, towering at 2.13 units, was even more physically imposing. His pale face bore six scars running down the right side from ear to cheekbone and a burn scar on his left temple. His head was shaved bald, and his stern face seemed perpetually on the edge of anger. His giant left hand rested on the pommel of an enormous greatsword, while a modified multitool was strapped to his right thigh. His long, pitch-black cloak trailed behind him as they walked.
As they reached the landing pad, a giant troop carrier in the black and gold colours of the Seraphim touched down. With a mechanical hiss, the rear ramp descended, and the hangar bay fell silent. The sound of giant armoured footsteps echoed as six Seraphim strode down the ramp. Clad in identical black armour with gold accents, their cloaks billowing behind them, they made their way towards Aurelian.
"My Liege," one of them spoke, dropping to one knee along with the others. "Your will is done. We received reports of your wounding en route back to the Somnium. We have failed you."
Aurelian watched them in silence for a moment before speaking. "You have failed no one, Deimos Malleus. You were carrying out my will across the stars. You did nothing I did not bid you to do."
The Seraphim remained kneeling, their discipline unwavering. The hangar bay resumed its activity, though quieter, not wishing to disturb the meeting. "Cadwalder, remove your helm."
"Sire," Cadwalder replied, the helmet releasing with a hiss to reveal his scarred face.
"You know this man well. He has been your brother in arms for many years. You have fought and bled together on many worlds in my name. And you have heard to reports, so it will come as no shock to you that without this man I would not be standing here today. And so, I have named him Archon of the Seraphim. Your leader, your Captain. Honour him."
Aurelian bid his Seraphim rise. Deimos looked at Cadwalder for several long seconds before stepping forward, their breastplates almost touching. "Archamus Cadwalder," Deimos said, almost a whisper, "thank you for performing the duty we were not here to. We are in your debt. And we welcome your appointment. Hail Archamus, Archon of the Seraphim."
The two clasped hands and saluted each other. Aurelian turned to depart, heading towards the massive doors at the rear of the hangar. Just as they neared the door, a ship came crashing into the hangar bay, the sound of screeching metal cutting through the air. Aurelian recognized it as one of the transport craft abandoned aboard the Talos.
"Seraphim," Aurelian commanded, "surround that craft."
"My Lord," a voice said, so weak it was barely a whisper, "I tried to make it to extraction. I tried. But—" With a heavy thud, the body to whom the voice belonged hit the metal deck of the craft.
Aurelian stepped forward, his Seraphim following suit, but he waved them to remain where they stood. He knelt beside the thin, unconscious woman on the craft, recognizing her as the comms adept from his search party. "Take her to the med bay," he ordered. "Tell them to put her in quarantine for the time being, but do not panic her." Two of the Seraphim immediately moved to carry out his command.
"Quarantine?" Deimos inquired.
"Yes, Deimos," Aurelian replied. "Archamus will explain what happened aboard the Talos, and you will understand the necessity of my command. We'll confer more once we're on the bridge"
Aurelian and the remaining Seraphim made their way to the exit of the hangar bay, their heavy armoured strides causing the deck beneath them to tremble.
submitted by PoisonPanc4ke to NMS_AurelianEmpire [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:59 Any_Royal8065 Netflix movie? I think??

I watched this movie I think on Netflix or Hulu a while ago and cannot remember the name for the life of me It was about this guy who went to the hospital for something (i think???) and has a crush on one of the workers. It was either his best friend or a girl he met at the hospital but she has cancer, and she comes up with the idea of him telling his crush he has it so she'll go out with him. They get into a fight somewhere in like the middle/end of the movie. The girl ends up passing away before i think college. I think that's what it was about, I cant really remember too much detail 😭
submitted by Any_Royal8065 to Whatsthismovie [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:57 Dazzling-Shallot-711 Attention seeker

He likes to cannonball into pools filled with people and kids. Got so much water in my ear last time it left a painful ear infection and took a week for the water to come out.
He fucking dunked me in front of everyone at a pool party while I was in the pool helping our scared toddler. I did everything not to lose it and scream in front of kids and strangers. Yelled in the car and got yelled at and told he was sick and tired of my drama. That everyone thinks he’s such a great dad because he loudly complains that he’s the only dad in the pool. Gaslights me into “I was just playfully pulling you in. Your head didn’t go in the water” and basically blaming me for it. He got my contacts, hair, and makeup wet and got water in my ears because he turned me under the water after he dove and tackled me.
Besides having a history of being on dating apps, unsuccessfully scoring girls, going into therapy to “fix himself,” he is now really invested in our daughter’s friend from daycare’s mom’s sex life and has been telling me and the other moms at daycare how her ex cheated on him with the teacher at school and all the maybe real or not real drama that went on. We discussed this at length and I asked him to please not share our childrens location with her because she shared her ex tried to kill her, was hacking her phone and reading everything, and she was getting a restraining order on him while calling him names like a psychopath in texts with my husband. I asked him if he digested that and to please keep his word. He goes yeah yeah yeah I understand only to text her the screenshot of a birthday party and the address we would be at without bothering to tell me the next day. He casually brings it up in public and I ask him what the point in having a conversation about it was if he was going to blatantly ignore me right after. Like why talk and talk and talk about this girl and continue texting her our children’s location. Why can’t he call her and tell her the address or even mention it to me when he’s asking for the invite. He yells at me to not raise my voice in public and yells at me basically telling me I’m dramatic for taking the information he said seriously. Blames me for not texting her myself. I don’t know this girl.
Goes to the party and spreads more rumors about her with other moms. Dunks me while lying about it. A mom calls him dad of the year because he’s in the pool with kids. Meanwhile he has not had a real job, dropped the ball on making plans for the weekend so last minute I needed to book our hotel for us to even get to the bday party. He doesn’t pay for a single item all weekend, I take us out to dinner during the week and buy our groceries every week. Buy almost everything the kids need. He scowls at me when I ask him to purchase a hot dog or hamburger for me while I wait with our excited toddler. Such an amazing dad. I get the door slammed and yelled at for not wanting to be dunked and getting mad.
Our daughter’s first tooth and letter for the tooth fairy are under her pillow. He went out last night and was supposed to come back with a present for her, along with dinner. He came back and told me the store is closed. The one store down the road but he couldn’t bother to drive anywhere else where stores are open (maybe less than 10 minutes down the street). Such an amazing dad. He is having a lot of fun sharing his friend’s (the girl from daycare was dating his friend from home) personal details with literally anyone who will listen about how he sought prostitutes, did drugs, etc. I sit there and remind him I found screenshots of escorts on his phone also when we are alone. It’s like he enjoys smearing his name. I remind him the only difference, at least that I know of, are he actually didn’t succeed (most likely due to having no real job or money and not because of not trying).
submitted by Dazzling-Shallot-711 to JustNoSO [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:57 ReportsStack Solid State Drive Market Size, Industry Trends & Growth Analysis from 2024 to 2030

The global solid-state drive (SSD) market, with a valuation exceeding USD 50 billion in 2022, is poised for even greater expansion, projected to witness a robust compound annual growth rate (CAGR) exceeding 15% from 2024 to 2030. This growth trajectory is fueled by a multitude of compelling factors driving the SSD market forward. Firstly, SSDs represent a significant advancement in performance compared to traditional hard disk drives (HDDs). Offering lightning-fast data read and write speeds, SSDs revolutionize user experiences by accelerating crucial tasks such as computer boot-ups, application launches, and data processing. This enhanced performance is particularly beneficial for diverse user segments, including gamers, content creators, and business professionals, amplifying productivity and efficiency across various domains.
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Market Trends:
Increasing Adoption of NVMe Technology: Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe) technology is gaining prominence in SSDs due to its superior performance and efficiency compared to traditional interfaces like SATA. The market is witnessing a shift towards NVMe SSDs, driven by the growing demand for faster data processing and reduced latency in applications such as gaming, data centers, and enterprise storage solutions.
Rapid Growth of Enterprise SSDs: The demand for SSDs in enterprise applications is experiencing rapid growth, fueled by the need for high-performance storage solutions in data centers, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence (AI) applications. Enterprise SSDs offer enhanced reliability, endurance, and scalability, catering to the evolving needs of businesses seeking efficient storage solutions for handling large volumes of data.
Emergence of QLC NAND Technology: Quad-Level Cell (QLC) NAND technology is gaining traction in the SSD market, enabling higher storage densities and cost-effective solutions for consumer and enterprise applications. QLC SSDs offer larger capacities at competitive prices, making them attractive for mainstream consumers and data-intensive workloads such as content creation, video editing, and data analytics.
Growing Demand for PCIe Gen4 SSDs: The adoption of Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCIe) Gen4 interface in SSDs is witnessing significant growth, driven by its higher bandwidth and faster data transfer rates compared to previous generations. PCIe Gen4 SSDs deliver superior performance for demanding applications, including gaming, multimedia editing, and high-performance computing (HPC), fueling their adoption in both consumer and enterprise markets.
Focus on Energy Efficiency and Sustainability: SSD manufacturers are increasingly emphasizing energy efficiency and sustainability in their product offerings. This includes the development of power-efficient SSDs with advanced power management features to minimize energy consumption and reduce carbon footprint. Additionally, there is a growing focus on using environmentally friendly materials and manufacturing processes to address sustainability concerns in the SSD industry.
Market Opportunities:
The solid-state drive (SSD) market presents several promising opportunities for growth and innovation. One significant opportunity lies in the expanding demand for SSDs in data center and cloud computing applications. With the exponential growth of data generated by businesses and consumers, there is a growing need for high-performance storage solutions that can handle large volumes of data efficiently. SSDs offer faster data access and lower latency compared to traditional hard disk drives (HDDs), making them ideal for use in data-intensive environments. Additionally, the emergence of technologies like NVMe and PCIe Gen4 further enhances SSD performance, unlocking new possibilities for accelerating data processing and improving overall system performance. Furthermore, the increasing adoption of SSDs in gaming, multimedia editing, and consumer electronics presents another avenue for market growth, driven by the demand for faster storage solutions to enhance user experiences and productivity.
According to the recent report published by RC Market Analytics, the Global Solid State Drive Market is expected to provide sustainable growth opportunities during the forecast period from 2024 to 2030. This latest industry research study analyzes the solid state drive market by various product segments, applications, regions and countries while assessing regional performances of numerous leading market participants. The report offers a holistic view of the solid state drive industry encompassing numerous stakeholders including raw material suppliers, providers, distributors, consumers and government agencies, among others. Furthermore, the report includes detailed quantitative and qualitative analysis of the global market considering market history, product development, regional dynamics, competitive landscape, and key success factors (KSFs) in the industry.
Browse the Full Report Discretion @
Geographically, the solid state drive market report comprises dedicated sections centering on the regional market revenue and trends. The solid state drive market has been segmented on the basis of geographic regions into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. Solid state drive market estimates have also been provided for the historical years 2020 to 2023 along with forecast for the period from 2024 - 2030.The report includes a deep-dive analysis of key countries including the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Germany, France, Italy, China, Japan, India, Australia, Mexico, Brazil and South Africa, among others. Thereby, the report identifies unique growth opportunities across the world based on trends occurring in various developed and developing economies.
The Solid State Drive Market Segmentation:

By Technology:

By Storage Interface:

By Form Factor:

By Storage Capacity:

By End-User:

By Region:

Leading participants in the global solid-state drive (SSD) market include Samsung, Western Digital (WD)/SanDisk, Micron, SK Hynix, Intel, and Seagate. These industry giants adopt diverse strategies such as expansion, fresh investments, service innovations, and collaborations to navigate market dynamics effectively. Moreover, these players actively seek opportunities for geographical expansion and acquisitions to harness synergies and secure a competitive edge in the market.
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Key Questions Answered by Solid State Drive Market Report:
About Us:RC Market Analytics is a global market research firm. Our insightful analysis is focused on developed and emerging markets. We identify trends and forecast markets with a view to aid businesses identify market opportunities to optimize strategies. Our expert’s team of analysts’ provides enterprises with strategic insights. RC Market Analytics works to help enterprises grow through strategic insights and actionable solutions. Feel free to contact us for any report customization at
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Company Name: RC Market Analytics Pvt. Ltd. Contact Person: Vijendra Singh Email: Visit us:
submitted by ReportsStack to u/ReportsStack [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:55 Sad-Perspective4702 Quick stat recap of a historic season for the KC Mavericks

Franchise Records
League Records
submitted by Sad-Perspective4702 to KCMavericks [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:54 Ok-Nature-3424 Looking for someone who is interested in finding a like-minded person

About me: Name: Ilya (Elijah if u want) Age: 23 Eng not my native btw, it’s ru
So I am looking for a close friend/ like-minded person with whom we will grow and support each other
If you: You don't smoke Don't drink Striving for a healthy lifestyle Not afraid of books Thinking about something more than a 5/2 job (especially entrepreneurship).
Then maybe we should talk
P.S. I'm not a freak, it's just what I'm interested in and what I plan to do with my life
submitted by Ok-Nature-3424 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:53 DavidMVang "AITAH for refusing to attend my friend's affair after they excluded me from their wedding party?"

I've been friends with Sarah for years, and when she announced her engagement, I was thrilled for her. I expected to be a part of her big day, but when she sent out the invitations for her bridal party, my name was conspicuously absent from the list. I felt hurt and confused, wondering what I had done to be excluded from such an important event in her life.
Despite my feelings, I decided to be the bigger person and attend her wedding with a smile on my face. However, during the reception, I couldn't shake off the feeling of being left out. I watched as Sarah and her bridal party laughed and danced together, feeling like an outsider.
Fast forward a few months, and Sarah and her husband are now hosting a housewarming affair at their new home. I received an invitation in the mail, and while part of me wanted to support my friend, another part of me felt resentful for being overlooked once again.
When I brought up my feelings to Sarah, she brushed them off, saying that she had to make tough decisions when selecting her bridal party and that it was nothing personal. But to me, it felt personal. It felt like she valued other friendships over ours.
So when the day of the affair arrived, I made the decision not to attend. I couldn't bring myself to celebrate with someone who had made me feel so insignificant. But now, I'm wondering if I'm the one in the wrong here. Am I the asshole for refusing to attend my friend's affair after feeling excluded from her wedding party?
submitted by DavidMVang to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:53 History_Geek123 Et tu Brute? Peacock-Shah Alternate Elections

11:18 PM, December 24th, 1952, Mayflower Hotel
Did Phil not do enough? Was locking up the fat old man and that crazy Cuban not enough to please the Blackshirts? Did the stress finally reach him? How could I have known that this would be the future that I would create? I can’t hide anymore, I must confront the monster I unleashed. I need to find a radio station…

12:00 AM, December 25th, 1952, WTOP Studios
“Mr. Lindbergh, I’ll count you down from 10 seconds until we are live, then the light will turn red and you will be able to speak. Remember, you only have five minutes. Good luck sir.”

10,9,8… How did it come to this? 7,6,5… Where did it all go wrong? 4,3,2… Why has God made my cross so heavy? 1…

“Good evening America, I wish I could wish you all a Merry Christmas, however certain events that have transpired in the last two hours have cast a shadow over our holiday season. One of the events I am referring to is the tragic shooting of President La Follette, who I pray is able to recover. The other event is the Vice President’s ongoing attempt to seize power and freeze the system. I know that this must come as a shock to many, but I abhor the rising tide of violence we have seen in this nation. For too long have I hid away, afraid to confront the demons I unleashed. Now, I must attempt to put things right, both with God and my fellow man.
When I assumed the office of President fifteen years ago, I could not have imagined what the fascist movement would turn into. Once a vessel for the strengthening of American government and society, a noble patriotic endeavor, it has become corrupted by ego and evil. I have seen the science I worshiped, and the aircraft I loved, destroying the civilization I expected them to serve. In the same way, fascism is now being used to destroy the America it is meant to serve. Musmanno, Tolbert, and the rest of the Blackshirts do not represent the best of us, no, they represent the worst of us, the basest and lowest of human emotions. They have shown that we Americans are a primitive people, that we seem to have little respect for the law or the rights of others.
Never was fascism supposed to lead to the destruction of those elements of American society that make us what we are. Never was there supposed to be thuggery and intimidation. For fascism to truly come about, it must come as the will of the people. Did I obstruct the counting of the votes when I lost to ABH? Did I refuse to concede the election? Did I attempt to call on misguided cultists to march on the Capitol? No, I accepted that the people, albeit narrowly, rejected my mandate, and so I left with my honor intact. This was the same course I urged my dear friend Phil to take, a course which I know the Vice President was not in favor of.
God made life simple. It is man who complicates it. The Lord has shown us the way to live our lives in peace and brotherhood, yet we choose to disobey, and by our disobedience, death and destruction continues to come into the world. When I saw the horrors of nuclear war, the newfound capacity that modern man has found to destroy their brothers and the Earth, I finally broke down and dedicated my life to the Lord. I am proud to name the Reverend Billy Graham as one of my closest friends. However, other friends, older friends, have been killed or nearly killed due to the monsters I have unleashed. Will lies dead because of an assassination carried out in the name of the ideology I brought to the fore of America’s consciousness, and Phil, our President, remains in critical condition because, in the end, despite all else he may have done during the last eight years, he was going to do the right thing and concede the election. The ghosts of the past haunt my mind, regret makes my soul shake and shiver, just as America’s soul cries out in despair as the daggers of partisanship are plunged deep inside it. Yet I remember, ‘for Godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted; but the sorrow of the world produces death.’
I have thought it strange that we talk least about the things we think about most. Such has been the case for me over the last eight years, however I cannot allow my most pervasive thoughts to go unspoken anymore. When the Blackshirts called for violence and let their inner beasts out at the ’48 Farmer-Labor convention, I hid away in my home, a coward. I could have said something then but chose not to. When the Blackshirts intimidated the opposition in the lead up to this now contested election, I once again chose to not confront the ugliness I helped create. This time I will stand up, and if I, in doing so, must rejoin the friends that I have lost amongst the ruins of my dreams, then let it be done. The Bible says, ‘Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.’ My sins are many, my virtues fewer, but when I meet the Maker, he will say to me ‘Well done, good and faithful servant,’ because in the end I finally stood up to evil. To all who hear me now, do not let our nation fall into the hands of thugs and madmen, do not let our nation’s spirit be torn asunder. ‘The Lord tests the righteous, but the wicked and the one who loves violence His soul hates.’ Have we forgotten the lessons that the Communist Revolution taught us? That violence is not the answer to political dissatisfaction. I implore the American people to not let this nation get ripped apart yet again because of the destructive words and actions of a wild few. I close with this quote from the late William Jennings Bryan: ‘These revolutionaries live and die by the creed of “might makes right,” but I present to you another creed, a creed that I hope you all will remember and retell to everyone you meet as we stand against these revolutionaries; Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it.’”

12:05 AM, White House
“Turn the damn radio off!”
“Yes, Mr. President.”
Sigh, “Et tu, Brute?”
submitted by History_Geek123 to Presidentialpoll [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:51 minorbyte ReBBL re-draft process

re-draft process

First off: the ReBBL re-draft rules.

second: post-season games do count towards your budget, but this is not yet implemented on

The process is started from your team page. There will be a button name redraft which will lead you to your teams pre-draft phase. In this pre-draft phase you can see how your budget is calculated.
The pre-draft phase will also inform you about issues that need to be fixed first, before you can actually start the re-draft. This are Rectruitable Journeyman, Expensive Mistakes and players that have reached their maximum in SPP and therefor need to be levelled up.
If there are no issues (left) to fix, the pre-draft page will show you Start Redraft button with which you can proceed to the actual redraft process.


The actual redraft process consists of three phases:

Build Phase

This is where you decide how you would like to build your new team. There's a mock option that allows you to select players without any implication. While working with the mock option turned on, no changes are saved server side.
Once you turn the mock option off, things are getting more serious. For most players this is not an issue, as you can toggle them be hired or not. Players that are Seriously Injured (read niggling injury) or are marked as Temporarily Retired behave differently when the mock option is turned off. Once selected you will get a popup window detailing what will happen if you continue. The bottom line for these players is that once you proceed/confirm the hiring of the player selected in the popup window, dice will be rolled server-side, and the player is bound to your roster. This is important to understand, as there are no take-backsies.
Changes also be made to staffing, meaning you can lower the amount of Apothecaries, Rerolls, Assisting Coaches and Cheerleaders. Dedicated Fans can not be removed.
Once you are satisfied with your build (be sure to have the mock option turned off), you can Confirm your re-draft.

Confirm Phase

So you're fiddling on with your team, you're happey with what you got and want to continue. Have your team join the ReBBL Redraft ladder competition. This is necessary so we can admin cash etc. If you've done that, hit the confirmation button.
Now will show you a popup window that where it gives you some information and will try to confirm your re-draft once you hit the confirm button. will either show you a toast (like a notication popup) that says everything went ok, or you'll get a toast detailing some errors, things you need to amend, like joining the ReBBL Redraft ladder competition.
If the confirmation was successful, will have:
The only 2 manual action you as a coach need to do, is buying the rookie players as indicated on your draft. And sack the players that are not drafted.

Validation Phase

When you have applied all the changes in-game to your team, you can continue the re-draft process by hitting the validate button. Now will compare your in-game team to what the team is supposed to look like according to the re-draft.
If everything checks out, your team will be marked as validated and you can use it to sign up.
If there are issues, will let you know.
Don't forget, once the re-draft process is started, you are not allowed to skill/level players until after their first game played in the next season
When you run into an issue, please ping majorbyte in the channel on discord. There will be bugs, so please be patient with him...
submitted by minorbyte to ReBBl [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:50 Square-Salamander591 Ship Doctor OC

Ship Doctor OC
Name: Fredrik C Nichol
Race: Human
Age: 28
Crew: Bear Pirates
Role on the Ship: Doctor
Goals: Keep his Crew alive
Weapon: A Pair of Scalpels
Haki: Profficient in Armanent and Observation Haki.
Devil Fruit: Tetsu Tetsu No Mi (Metal Logia)
Description: Nichol is a tall, lanky man with a lean physique, thanks to his constant work on the pirate ship. His skin is pale from spending most of his time indoors, and his hair is a wild mess of unruly black curls that he's long since given up trying to tame. His most striking feature are his piercing blue eyes, which seem to hold an unsettling mix of intelligence, determination, and a hint of madness. He wears a simple white coat over a black vest and pants, with steel-toed boots that allow him to navigate the ship's uneven deck with ease. His hands are adorned with intricate silver rings, and he carries a long, curved scalpel at his hip, ready for use in any emergency.
Background: Growing up in a port city, Nichol was always fascinated by the sea and the adventures that it held. As a young man, he found himself drawn to the life of a pirate, eventually finding his way aboard a notorious ship captained by the infamous "White Claw" Sabël. It was here that he obtained his Devil Fruit to become a Metal Human after eating the Tetsu Tetsu No Mi, which allowed him to manipulate, create, and turn his body into metal. He mastered the fruit until he was able to use it within his doctoring practices as well as in combat. Over the years, Nichol became an indispensable member of the crew, earning their trust and respect as he tended to their injuries and ailments.
Personality: Nichol is a charismatic and clever man with a wicked sense of humor. He's known for his quick wit and his ability to lighten even the darkest of situations. Despite his affinity for the pirate life, he takes his duties as ship's doctor very seriously, often going above and beyond to ensure the well-being of his crew. He's also fiercely loyal to Captain Sabël and would do anything to protect her and the ship
submitted by Square-Salamander591 to OnePieceOCs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:50 Direct-Caterpillar77 My boyfriend [32M] of 8 months tried to surprise me [30F] with a pet octopus. I freaked out at him, now he's not speaking to me

I am not The OOP, OOP is u/NopetopusTA
My boyfriend [32M] of 8 months tried to surprise me [30F] with a pet octopus. I freaked out at him, now he's not speaking to me.
Originally posted to relationships
Original Post - rareddit Jan 10, 2018
I [30F] used to be a marine biologist who worked in an aquarium. But it's a very mentally, physically, and emotionally taxing job, and I burnt out after about five years. I work an office job now, which I like a lot better in about a million different ways. I sometimes miss taking care of the animals, but it was not worth all the other bullshit that came with it.
Cephalopods were my favorite animals to take care of, octopuses in particular.
My boyfriend [32F, dating for 8 months] was out of town visiting family for Christmas/New Years, but he came back on Thursday. We met that night at my apartment to exchange Christmas presents.
My present was big. When I unwrapped it, I was shocked. It was a fish tank. 50 gallons, apparently. Along with a couple hang-on-back filters, a heater, a light to go on top, two bags of sea salt, and some kitschy tank decorations. And that's it.
Then my boyfriend exclaimed, “Surprise! I got you an octopus!" I asked him what he meant, and he explained to me that he bought me an octopus as a Christmas present, and it was being express shipped overnight to my apartment!
As soon as he told me, I started to panic. I literally stood there going like, "I -- I -- I --" like I was a fucking cartoon character. My boyfriend then said something like, "We better hurry up and put this tank together!" like it's a TV stand from IKEA and he ordered me a new flatscreen or something.
I just started rambling. I don't have any RO water, there's no protein skimmer, these filters aren't big enough, I don't have space for a tank this big, where are we going to mix fifty gallons of saltwater, the tank isn't cycled!! The tank isn't cycled!! That octopus is going to die once we put it in this tank!
I told him that he needs to cancel the order. He needs to call whoever he bought that octopus from and cancel it. My boyfriend said that he can't, he got confirmation that they already shipped it out.
At this point, I was starting to get hysterical. Someone needs to be at my place to pick up the package, it'll freeze outside if the delivery guy just leaves it by my front door! I don't have any food to feed the octopus! THE TANK ISN'T CYCLED!
My boyfriend was trying to calm me down, and I kept yelling at him, "What are we going to do? What are we going to do when it gets here?" And he said something like, "I dunno, I thought you'd be able to figure it out?"
I had to really dig deep inside myself to find that part of me that would keep me level headed in similar scary, time-sensitive situations from back in my aquarium days. My boyfriend just stood there awkwardly while I wracked my brain.
I suddenly realized I could take it to our local aquarium where I used to volunteer, way back when I was first trying be an aquarist. Most everyone I volunteered for was gone, but I still knew two people who worked there.
Neither phone number I still had in my cellphone for those two people worked anymore, but I was still friends with them on Facebook, so I PM'd both of them and prayed. My boyfriend was still standing around awkwardly, and I told him that if he wanted to leave, he could. So he did.
Fortunately, one of the aquarists I used to volunteer for (he’s the curator now!) responded within about an hour, and I explained the whole situation to him and asked if they could take the octopus. He said he wasn't sure, but to bring the octopus to the aquarium tomorrow after it shows up anyway. Worst case scenario, we might be able to move it into a new bag with clean water, throw in some new hand warmers, and overnight it back to where it came from.
I called into work and explained the whole situation to my boss and why I needed to stay home the next day, and because I am so very lucky, she was understandable and let me take Friday off.
Anyway! Long story short, the octopus showed up in the afternoon. I raced to the aquarium, met up with the other aquarist I used to volunteer for (the curator was in a meeting) and thank God, he said they had some space in quarantine for an octopus. So we open up the shipping box and pull out a bag with this...this utterly fucking adorable little octopus. He was probably only a foot long arm tip to arm tip, he was all white with big eyes (probably because the poor thing was scared out of his mind). Not gonna lie, for a second there I was like, “...maybe I could get that tank up and running and then come back to get him” -- but that is not realistically feasible for me right now.
Then we passed him off to the quarantine team, and I apologized a bunch, and said thank you a bunch, and then went home and took a serious nap because I did not sleep well the night before.
So all this went down on Friday. It is now Tuesday. I have not heard from my boyfriend since Friday afternoon, when I texted him what I had done. He just texted back, “OK, that’s good to hear.” On Saturday, I tried calling him a couple times, but my phone calls just went straight to voicemail. I texted him again, this time apologizing for freaking out and yelling at him, but also adding that hey, you get why I was kinda justified in doing so, right? (Whiiiiich maybe wasn’t the best way to apologize :/) I don’t feel like I overreacted (or did I?) and I wasn’t necessarily mad about getting the octopus as a gift, just...scared? If we didn’t get it out of the water it was shipped in and into a cycled tank, it would die in a couple hours and that was a huge reason I left aquarium work. I couldn’t handle when animals would die. It would fuck me up for days...I guess in some ways, it’s still kind of fucking me up, a little bit.
So what do I do now?
tl;dr: Boyfriend tried to surprise me with a pet octopus! Which I immediately turned over to proper caretakers because I am in no position to take care of one! And now my boyfriend isn't talking to me. I don't know what to do here?
EDIT: OMG this exploded. I gotta go to bed, y'all, but thanks for all the great advice and the, uh, gold, apparently? I probably won't have much time to respond to comments tomorrow, but I'll definitely be back with an update!
On being scared where the BF ordered a live octopus from
I see where you're coming from, but there are actually a lot of reputable online fish sellers that I wouldn't hesitate to buy animals from. Lots of different aquariums buy their fish online and get them shipped overnight. Honestly, that's the only way you're going to get an animal like a clownfish in your tank unless you live in Indonesia or something.
But yeah...boyfriend did not buy the octopus from a reputable online merchant. When I saw the shipping label and the name of the business he bought it from, I almost started panicking again. But they did an OK job with it -- he was in a big bag with lots of water, hand warmers, and the water was only a little murky, which is typical for an octopus (since he probably inked at one point during his travels).
When I got home, I literally typed in "buy an octopus online" and this business was one of the first results. So I'm definitely feeling you on the "half-assed" bit.
OOP on if the BF listens
I mean, I feel like he listens to me! I realize I didn't talk much about our relationship, but I don't feel like there are any red flags or things I'm being willfully ignorant about (because that is a pattern with me, a pattern that I spent a lot of time in therapy trying to break, so...I hope I broke it!)
The thing is, I really love surprises, and he has successfully surprised me a number of times in our relationship. But they were smaller, more manageable surprises! Like he's shown up at my job with a dozen roses, and one time, he said he was taking me to a burger joint and ended up taking me to a fancy restaurant -- surprises like that! Not a fucking octopus!
Did the boyfriend buy any equipment the octopus would need
He actually didn't buy anything the octopus would need. He bought zilch. Those hang-on-back were for like...ten gallon sized tanks, not a fifty gallon, and you can't stick two of those on one tank and say that's good enough filtration. Also, no protein skimmer which is a MUST for cephalopods, because that's what cleans up the water if they ink. Also octopuses need a place to hide, a kitschy Spongebob Squarepants pineapple tank decoration isn't going to cut it. EDIT: Also! I just noticed there's no lid for this tank, so it could have easily crawled out! Jesus Christ, this thing is a death trap for an octopus!
It's just...he's usually so thoughtful and smart and it's just -- I'm so baffled! He just randomly bought a bunch of fish tank related crap! Who does that?! (besides my boyfriend, apparently!)
I want to do this! I want to tell him all this! But he isn't answering any of my texts or phone calls. Do I just wait for him to respond or do I keep bugging him?
"you can buy 'instant ocean' premixed and cycled seawater and immediately put live animals into it ( after you match the temperature to prevent shock). This stuff is damn expensive IF you can find it and its what that TV show uses where they dump everything in on the same day. I really dislike that show for making it look so easy. People don't factor in the cashflow and experience those professional tank builders have."
OK, real quick, I gotta correct you on this. Instant Ocean gets you salt water that's about as close to the ocean as possible salinity wise, but it's just salt and calcium and important trace elements, it does nothing to cycle a tank. When a tank is cycled, that means there is a bunch of bacteria that lives in your tank that eats the waste the animals produce. If that bacteria isn't in your tank when you put your animals in, they'll die within a day (unless they're a super hearty fish, like a carp or something). I also know this from personal experience: Instant Ocean does not cycle a tank. Man I wish it did! That's all we used at ALL the aquariums I worked at, and we always had to cycle a tank properly before we could put animals in.
As near as I can tell, those shows like Tanked are NOT doing anything right, watching those shows gets me so mad, because I'm like 99% sure they're doing stuff like using tap water instead of RO/DI, and since they build that shit in a day, it's definitely NOT cycled and they say shit like, "Oh, that shark keeps swimming in circles because sharks love to swim in circles!" and it's like NO THEY DON'T THAT IS NOT HOW A HEALTHY SHARK BEHAVES and I'm gonna get off my soap box now, getting off my soap box...
"Maybe you can set up some time for him to volunteer at the aquarium?"
I'm pretty sure nobody at that aquarium is gonna let me boyfriend volunteer there, since they all probably have been told why there's a random octopus in quarantine now, haha
submitted by Direct-Caterpillar77 to BestofNoUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:49 Direct-Caterpillar77 The woman who caused the death of my best friend just messaged me

I am not The OOP, OOP is [deleted]
The woman who caused the death of my best friend just messaged me.
Originally posted to TrueOffMyChest
TRIGGER WARNING: Accusations of sexual assault, suicide, depression, verbal abuse, harassment, death threats
Original Post - wayback machine Jan 6, 2023
My friend, Mark, killed himself 6 years ago because of a girl named Amy (a schoolmate) who accused him of SA. It caused him everything - his scholarship, most of his friends, and even most of his family members abandoned him. His own mother told him to die and burn in hell before going NC.
The only people who believed him were his dad and me. Why? Because the two of us were together all day playing video games in his dad's house (his parents are divorced) during the night Amy claimed that Mark attacked her. I was staying for a week in their house and the date Amy mentioned was the 2nd day of my stay.
Amy and Mark knew each other because they're both in the volleyball team of our university. She's not a classmate, she's not a friend, and she's not even an acquaintance.
According to the people I've previously talked to, Amy was involved in a girls-only night out with her dormmates. They've been having deep conversations and when Amy was asked if she ever had experience in being SA'd, she blurted out Mark's full name and a specific date and time.
After their night out, the other girls immediately spread this accusation all over Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, calling Mark a rapist. They even messaged some professors and the Dean of our Department.
Amy's family tried to press charges but the case was dropped after Mark's dad showed countless evidence proving Mark's whereabouts the entire day, including a video of me playing League of Legends (while he makes fun of me by being a shit player) taken by Mark himself that he posted on his Twitter during the exact time Amy claimed that Mark attacked her.
During all of this, Amy was nowhere to be found.
Of course, things didn't magically stop after proving that Mark was legally innocent.
After 6 months of enduring continuous violent harassment from Amy's family and her boyfriend, death threats both online and in person from schoolmates and neighbors, and being abandoned by almost everyone he loved, Mark took his own life in December 2, 2017.
People fucking celebrated his death because people still believed that he was a rapist.
It was one of the most painful experiences that I've ever had in my entire life. He was like a brother to me and he was one of the kindest and most awesome people that I know. The anger and the grief is still so freaking ripe in my heart even after years of therapy.
Yesterday, Amy messaged me after 6 years of silence.
The first thing she said? "I'm sorry."
She fucking admitted to randomly saying Mark's name because he was the first person she thought of. She panicked because she never had an experience in being SA'd and thought that she was "out of place" because most of the girls in that party had experienced SA before.
She told me that it was because she was "young and stupid." She justified herself by saying that she never thought that it would go out of hand because the other girls promised that their conversation would be a secret. She thought that Mark wouldn't be affected because they don't know each other and have very different social circles.
She was "too afraid" to say anything because her lie spread way too fucking much for her to control it. That was the reason why she wasn't nowhere to be found during those times where everything went to hell.
I asked her why she was telling me this and she told me that she had been feeling guilty for the past 6 years and thought that it was time for her to come clean because her therapist told her so.
Her family doesn't know. Her boyfriend (they've been together for 8 years now) doesn't know. Mark's family doesn't know. And all of the people who believed her didn't know. She only admitted it to me.
I'm so fucking angry that I can't even put it into words.
This woman killed my best friend and thinks that everything will be okay afterwards? She's the fucking reason a good person like Mark is now forever gone.
I haven't replied to her and I'm afraid that I would just say so many horrendous things to her. I don't want to tell Mark's dad because he's still going through grief and has spiraled deep into depression since Mark died.
I'm tempted to spread our conversation online, but I know that it would drag me down to the same level as her and her friends.
I fucking hate everything right now
submitted by Direct-Caterpillar77 to BestofNoUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:46 No_Marzipan_1230 Industrial Mage: Modernizing a Magical World Chapter 11 – A New Skill, Jack’s Request, A Strange Visitor

An engineer from earth blends science and magic to achieve greatness in another world where skills and levels reign supreme.

Ethan was just a plain old engineer, but everything changed when he was reborn into a world of skills, levels, and magic. With his advanced knowledge far ahead of the time period he finds himself in, this new reincarnated life will be much different than his last, especially because he can construct, deconstruct, and reconstruct runes—something no one else can do.
But with royal politics, looming tax collectors, a mountain of debt, dungeon incursions, cults, and hostile fantasy races mixing together into a cocktail of bullshit that threatens to bury his dreams; Ethan must bridge the gap between steel and sorcery to grow stronger. — What to Expect:
- Weak to very strong progression with a Sword & Magic MC that kicks a whole lotta ass. - Fast pacing. A balance of action galore, politics, kingdom building, and slow-burn runecrafting. - Fun, satisfying moments. An extra shot of happiness when reading. Hardcore wish fulfillment. Hyper competent MC. - MC will trigger an industrial revolution, abolish slavery, revolutionize magic, modernize agriculture, communication, commerce, textile production, education, transportation, sanitation, weapons manufacturing, leisure & entertainment, and medicine. - Dark truths of a medieval-esque society going under change.
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Chapter 11

Congratulations! You have unlocked the skill: [Meditation]!
Meditation – Level 1
Type: Passive
Effect: This basic meditation technique focuses on bringing your awareness to the present moment. By calming your thoughts and observing your breath, you create a state of inner peace that fosters the natural restoration of your mana. It’s a simple practice that can be maintained throughout the day, even while traveling or performing light tasks. However, that requires a higher level of the skill. Connections: [Meditation] has formed Connections with [Magic Sensitivity] and [Magic Perception], enhancing all three skills’ effects.
A smile spread across Ethan’s face. He continued his routine like usual, albeit with one addition: daily meditation. It took some time, but slowly—ever so slowly—the dull aches behind his eyes receded, replaced by a refreshing coolness as his mana regeneration speed increased. Meditation indeed helped.
[Meditation] — Lvl 1 -> Lvl 2!
[Magic Sensitivity] — Lvl 1 -> Lvl 2!
[Magic Perception] — Lvl 1 -> Lvl 2!
Unexpected bonuses! Ethan chuckled. It seemed even seemingly basic skills could have hidden relations. He closed his eyes once more. He had a feeling this was just the beginning.
Time passed, and he continued making rune motes. But a new kind of worry furrowed his brow. The novelty of handcrafted soap had its limits. The initial batch was sent to potential investors, nobles, merchants, et cetera—and it had indeed vanished like suds in a rainstorm. He’d even managed to train a couple of the more eager servants, turning them into his first, albeit slightly nervous, soap-makers. But scaling things up? That presented a whole new bar (pun entirely intended) of challenges.
First, there was the money issue. His pockets were starting to feel empty. Expanding his operation meant serious investment, something he could only take so far.
Investors. Ethan grimaced. The word conjured images of stuffy suits picking apart his plans with a practiced sneer. He shuddered. Funding everything himself was a pipe dream. He needed someone to believe in his vision, a knight in shining armor wielding a hefty bag of gold.
But the bigger challenge, the one that kept him up at night, was the production line. Hand-making was a labor of love, not large-scale commerce. He wanted a streamlined process—bubbling vats and efficient filling. Factories, of course, were out of the question. But the principles could be adapted, scaled down for his humble little workshop.
Large, sturdy vats, fire-resistant, and big enough to hold gallons of bubbling lye solution, were a must. Then came the pouring—tedious and time-consuming by hand but he would find a solution somehow. Safety, of course, was a large concern in his mind. Lye was a fickle thing. He needed proper ventilation systems, thick gloves for handling the caustic solution, and clear safety protocols practically drilled into his fledgling soap-making team. Maintaining quality was another worry. With increased volume, ensuring each bar possessed the same level of perfection became a concern.
Not to mention delays. Delays—that word was the entrepreneur’s nightmare. Machines breaking down, surprise ingredient shortages, unexpected problems in the production line… Ethan knew they were inevitable. He needed a buffer—a reserve of supplies and a maintenance plan to weather the inevitable storms. It was hardly rocket science, but the logistics of it all made his head spin.
Regardless, Ethan worked on the investor pitch, the design for the assembly line, the contingencies for delays—and with each minute, they solidified.
There’s so much to do...
Ethan ran a hand through his hair, standing inside the makeshift workshop they’d made to produce more soap. The latest batch of soap sat on the wooden table—smooth, white ovals that lathered luxuriously and left a hint of calming fragrance. The results were undeniable. Now, he had quite the amount of soap made already; it was time to get his creation into the hands of those who needed it most.
Selling within the barony was the easiest option. He could hire someone to hawk his wares at the market, catch the eye of housewives in need. But Holden was small, and the potential customer pool was limited. Not to mention folks knew him, and they didn’t trust him. Regardless, a well-placed stall at the weekly market would likely do the trick—meager returns, however, given that majority of the people were poor. Thankfully, they could afford it.
Ethan needed to be bold, however. The grimy hands of miners in neighboring Corinth, and the mud-caked travelers passing through the bustling border town of Westford—they all needed to experience the excellent product he’d made. Catching the eyes of a noble or two would be even better. Spreading the word beyond Holden presented a problem.
Trade fairs, perhaps. Grand events held a few times a year, attracting merchants from far and wide. The thought of securing a stall at the Westford fair, a place that would be teeming with potential buyers—and the biggest Bordertown that could arguably be called a city—was indeed enticing. But that would require waiting.
Nah, can’t wait. I need money. Merchants themselves would be it. Partnering with a reliable merchant who frequented the border towns could be a more strategic approach. He’d provide the soap, the merchant would handle the transportation and distribution, sharing the profits. But finding such a partner would be rather hard considering his reputation with the Merchants Guild...
Ethan sighed. He needed a plan that would push his soap beyond Holden and into the wider world. I should contact some of Theo’s friends...
Thinking of those “friends” that were indeed just like Theo if not worse, Ethan weighed his options, but settled for it regardless. He had no choice.
“Excellent work, everyone,” Ethan praised the workers, then walked outside where he boarded his carriage. Sitting down, Ethan looked at Roland.
“Roland. Send a letter to Hector asking if we could arrange a meeting,” Ethan ordered. “If he isn’t willing, contact every merchant of worth in Holden—contact the Merchants Guild, they will likely ignore me, given my reputation; however, even if one of them agrees to come, arrange a meeting. I will not be taking a bad deal, but we need to try anyway. Surely not all of them hate my guts...”
Roland looked doubtful of that possibility. Ethan coughed.
“As you wish, my lord.”
The carriage was going through the town to his manor when Ethan received a letter from Jack—through one of his undead ravens—regarding the base spell’s situation. The man had been using himself as the nexus, and the spell was working, analyzing the blight-organism’s patterns, recording them, sending them back to the nexus (Jack), and then those instructions would be sent to the base spell in every soap. The process was costing the man quite some mana, and he’d been requesting a mana crystal so he could make it the nexus instead of himself.
Mana crystals were unique, naturally forming gemstones that were imbued with magical properties They formed in regions with a high concentration of mana, often in places where the veil between the physical and magical realms was thin. These regions typically formed deep underground, in caves or ancient ruins, making them difficult to access. The formation of a mana crystal itself a slow process. Over centuries, the ambient mana in these regions coalesces and crystallizes, forming these precious gemstones. The size, purity, and power of a mana crystal depend on the concentration of mana in the area and the length of time it has had to form.
Procuring mana crystals was a dangerous and costly endeavor because it required skilled miners and mages to safely extract the crystals without damaging them or causing magical backlash—it could even be called magical cancer. Worse yet, they could explode. Thus, all the mana crystal areas were akin to area-51 back on Earth. Heavily secured, well-guarded, with possibly several types of magical alarms and defenses to detect intruders, and these mines were watched very, very closely by whoever could. Once extracted, the crystals must be carefully handled and stored to prevent their magical energy from dissipating. Due to their rarity, power, and the difficulty in procuring them, mana crystals were highly valuable. Often used in powerful spells, magical research, and as a power source for magical devices.
The flow of Mana Crystals into the market is strictly controlled due to their potential for misuse—though, if Ethan was being true to himself, it was most likely so the crystals could be sold at exorbitant prices. Though, the “official” reasoning by the mining guilds was that in the wrong hands, a mana crystal could be used to fuel destructive spells or create forbidden magical artifacts. As such, governments and guilds often regulated their sale and distribution, requiring permits and licenses for their purchase and use.
That’s why it’s quite understandable that a mana crystal would be the best nexus. Thinking so, Ethan rubbed his chin. However, mana crystals are expensive...
Ethan wrote back to Jack, penning his concerns and reassuring Jack that he would try to get his hands on a mana crystal as soon as possible. However, it would take time as they’re hard to come by. Not to mention, they cost a hefty sum, and Ethan lacked money at the moment. I need a way to make it absolutely certain that Hector will agree to be an investor. I also need people in the Merchants Guild backing me up—
As he was writing to Jack, Ethan suddenly had an idea. He paused, blinking, staring at the raven. Hmmm. I wonder if I can use these little guys to gather dirt on nobles. The morality of doing such a thing was questionable, and he would rather not do it, but he was in a world that required such actions if he wanted to survive.
Ethan leaned back into the soft backrest inside the carriage, a pensive look on his face as his mind raced with possibilities. He knew the noble houses of the kingdom engaged in all manner of unsavory dealings—corruption, bribery, smuggling, tax evasion on a grand scale, illegal trade in magical artifacts, forced labor in hidden mines, pregnant prostitutes, bastard sons and daughters, and even human trafficking. Heck, he was sure many secretly engaged in trafficking exotic Beastkin from the other continent. A cold disgust settled in Ethan’s stomach. Some Noblewomen with harems of human-looking Beastkin for their amusement. Men who lusted after feline Beastkin, keeping them chained and collared, using their enhanced senses for perverse pleasures. Sadists, the entire lot of them.
The children of these unions were another layer of tragedy. Then there were the barbaric collectors, humans who craved the immense strength of the Minotaurs, using them as gladiatorial entertainment or worse, in underground fighting rings where blood painted the cobblestones—heck, he was sure many were breeding monstrous Chimera for use in their personal fighting ring. The Beastkin weren’t livestock, they were sentient beings, their cultures and traditions as rich and varied as any human kingdom. Yet, here, in the supposed bastion of civilization, they were nothing more than exotic commodities to fuel the insatiable desires of some of the elite.
Lucianos Solarian IV, the Emperor, had outlawed Beastkin trafficking decades ago, and the punishment for defiance was a brutal lesson etched in blood. The first year after Beastkin slavery and trafficking were outlawed was etched into history.
Public execution wasn’t harsh enough. Traffickers were broken first—physically and mentally. Men and women alike. Weeks of torture were standard, designed to make them not only regret their crimes but also serve as a terrifying public reminder of the Emperor’s wrath. Ethan shuddered. He’d heard about men and women being flayed alive, their screams echoing through the city squares. They were forced to march through the city squares, stripped of their finery and any magical glamours that masked their appearance, stoned. Their crimes were announced to the jeering crowds, their faces branded with a mark signifying their depravity. They were then forced into hard labor, their bodies broken and their vanity shattered.
Surely, the Emperor was no kind man, and the message was clear: Beastkin were not slaves, not pets, not trophies. They were sentient beings deserving of respect, and the Emperor would tolerate no violation of their rights. Theodore’s father was the same, Obsidian was one of the better Kingdoms under the Empire. Heck, it could be said to be the best.
However, just like always, people still participated in sick behavior. Not everyone, to be fair. But a minority, still. And given how large the Solaris Empire was—and not to mention the other Empires that were worse than Solaris—there were bound to be dark secrets that they would do anything to keep buried. It was just how things were, and Ethan doubted it would ever end (the continent of Beastkin wasn’t any better; humans were the ones exotic there).
Thus, Jack’s undead ravens could be the perfect spies, slipping into noble manors and gatherings unnoticed, their beady eyes and keen senses recording every sordid detail. With enough incriminating evidence, he could blackmail these nobles into supporting his business ventures, ensuring they backed his proposals and used their influence to aid the common folk. Ethan would feel no remorse, regret, or apprehension for doing. The thought of wielding such leverage would give him a significant advantage when he inevitably threw his hat into the political arena. He refused to be a mere pawn, manipulated by those with wealth and status.
This way, he could control the game from the start.
However, a nagging voice in the back of his mind cautioned him. Using necromantic summons for espionage was hardly an original idea. Surely, some of the more paranoid nobles would have measures in place to detect and counter such tactics. He would need to tread carefully, lest the ravens be discovered and his plans unraveled before they began.
Still, the potential rewards outweighed the risks. With careful planning and execution, he could amass a wealth of compromising information, giving him the power to shape the kingdom’s policies for the betterment of its people. It was an ambitious gambit, but one he felt was worth pursuing despite the moral wound he’d receive from doing it.
Then, when the time is right—I can report them to the Emperor.
Ethan’s gaze drifted back to the raven, its lifeless eyes seeming to bore into him.
A wry smile tugged at his lips. Let’s see what secrets you can uncover for me, my little friend. Thinking so, he added a line saying that he would like to meet Jack sometime and talk about a “business opportunity”—after all, talking about such illegal activities that he was thinking of doing wouldn’t be wise over a letter.
A pleasant surprise awaited Ethan in his manor. A middle-aged man in simple attire paced within the living room. He had light, close-cut brown hair and brown skin. The stranger had sharp features, a salt-and-pepper beard, and a kind face that seemed easy on the eyes. Upon seeing Ethan, the man’s features stretched into a deeper smile as he bowed.
“Lord Theodore. I am Derrick. My apologies for the unscheduled visit.”
“It’s alright. I’m not sure if we have met before, Sir Derrick,” Ethan responded, glancing at Roland who appeared to have recognized the man. Roland gave Ethan a look that said I know this man, and he’s here for business.
“Indeed, we haven’t, my lord. I am Derrick, and I used to be a member of the Red Tower. I come here to talk about introductory books that you might interested in—and a far better deal that could benefit the both of us.”
Ethan raised an eyebrow, then smiled.
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Future of HUGEWIN
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HUGEWIN has disrupted the crypto betting industry with its innovative features, cutting-edge technology, and progressive jackpots. The platform's user-friendly interface and real-money betting options have made it a favorite among players, and its expansion into new markets and integration with other blockchain projects are expected to drive growth in the future. As the crypto betting industry continues to evolve, HUGEWIN remains a leader in the field, offering a unique and engaging experience for players around the world.
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submitted by Distinct_Mix5408 to AltcoinTalk [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:43 Alexis5899 I need your help/opinion/experience. (Ayuda)

You see, this is going to sound very contradictory, but throughout my life, I have had "paranormal" experiences. I have seen everything from shadows to deceased people making an appearance, orbs, and other things I can't explain. This has been happening to me since I was about 4 or 5 years old. I am currently 25, and from childhood until around 18, I experienced many "paranormal" situations, some more intense and disturbing than others. Although my family seems to have a history of these events, it makes me think. However, at the same time, I refuse to believe that these things have actually happened to me. But if there is something I hate more than being able to see these things, it's hearing them. Hearing them? Yes, that's what I want to address with this long introduction.
To those who believe in entities and such, have you ever heard incomprehensible whispers? Since I was 18, I hadn't had any paranormal experiences until around the age of 22-24. These recent events have affected my mental health, and while one of them might have been pure suggestion, the last one had no reason behind it.
Here's what I think was due to suggestion: my grandfather, in his last days or weeks before passing away, would tell me he saw a dog passing under the table in his house (I was taking care of him). I never paid attention to it because I knew the dogs were outside the house, and he described this dog as medium to large-sized. One afternoon, unlike before, I decided to look for this so-called dog, but unsurprisingly, I couldn't find it. Later that night, I had a dream that was vividly accurate to what was happening around me while I was dreaming. I was sitting, watching my grandfather, the TV was on a news channel, and suddenly this dog appeared. I was paralyzed and could do nothing but insult and try to scare it away. The dog bit my hand, and when I woke up a few seconds later, my hand felt cramped, a bit painful, numb, and tingling. Anyway, 90% of the incidents I've experienced have been at my grandfather's house (I used to sleep over from Saturdays to Sundays with him from the age of 4 or 5 until he passed away when I was 22).
When I was 16/17, I saw a very ugly woman looking at me menacingly through the glass of my door. I got scared and covered my head, and then I felt someone climb on top of me, preventing me from removing the covers. Since that day, I have never covered my head again. At 18, I worked at a 4-star spa hotel in a rural area where wealthy people would go to relax. On my first night, I was given a car to transport items needed by other employees, whether it was cleaning supplies or for the chefs. I also had to set the alarm for the event rooms. On my third day, around 9 PM, I was heading to an event room to deliver items because there was an event the next day. As I arrived with the cart (the event rooms had panoramic views, meaning the walls were made of glass), I saw a lady about 70-80 years old looking out from inside. I walked halfway through the room, greeted her as I passed the door, but got no response. The next day, the same thing happened. Only this time, when I turned around, the lady was no longer there, and I thought I was going crazy. Over time, I would be in places where the lights would turn on by themselves, I would feel scared to be alone, sometimes music would start playing on its own in other rooms, or I would hear noises in the kitchens. And this always happened when I was alone. On my last day of work, I told this entity, who other employees said was the owner's mother named Berta, "Well, this is the last time we see each other, but you won't be able to scare me anymore." Immediately after, I closed a metal hatch, and after taking a few steps, I heard a terrible noise as if someone had hit that metal door. Obviously, I was scared out of my mind, but I kept repeating to myself, "She can't win," and walked away slowly.

Now, in my new job, things have also happened... I work in a flour mill. One night, I finished my shift and had to stay for the next day. The power went out around 11 PM and didn't come back until 3 AM, at which point I went to take a shower. After a few minutes, I started hearing murmurs behind me that I couldn't understand. I thought they were my colleagues, but they weren't. Among these 3 or 4 voices, there was a female one, and that's when I realized I was actually alone. There are no women at my workplace, especially not at 3 AM. I let it go, thinking I was tired, but a few weeks later, around 7 or 8 PM, while I was using the bathroom, I heard these voices again inside my noise-canceling headphones. They are always incomprehensible, indecipherable whispers. Occasionally, a female voice calls my name.

...................................... ......................................
Veran, esto va a ser algo muy contradictorio, pero a lo largo de mi vida... he tenido experiencias "paranormales" he visto desde sombras hasta gente fallecida haciendo presencia, pasando por orbes y otro tipo de cosas que no se explicar, esto me pasa desde que tengo como 4 o 5 años, en la actualidad tengo 25 años y desde niño hasta masomenos los 18 años he experimentado muchas situaciones "paranormales" unas más intensas y pesadas que otras y, aunque en mi familia parece haber antecedentes de estos hechos... me da que pensar, pero al mismo tiempo me niego a creer que de verdad me han pasado esas cosas, pero si hay algo que odio más haya de poder ver estás cosas es escucharlas.. ¿escucharlas? claro, a eso quiero llegar con esta extensa introducción y es: gente que cree en entidades y demás, han escuchado susurros inentendibles? me ha pasado que desde los 18 no he tenido experiencias paranormales hasta masomenenos los 22/24 años, estos últimos sucesos han repercutido en aquel momento en mi salud mental, y la cosa es que una de ellas puede ser que haya sido pura sugestión, pero la ultima no tiene motivo a nada.
He aquí lo que yo creo que fue por sugestión: mi abuelo, en sus últimos días o semanas antes de fallecer, en su casa (yo iba a cuidarlo) él me decía que veia un perro pasar por debajo de la mesa, nunca le hacía caso porwue bien sabia que los perros estaban afuera de la casa y el describa a este perro como de estatura media/alta, el tema es que una tarde como nunca lo había echo me puse a buscar al dichoso perro, pero para sorpresa de nadie no lo pude encontrar, mas tarde esa noche sueño de una manera fiel todo lo que pasaba a mi alrededor mientras yo soñaba, yo sentado mirando a mi abuelo, la tele estaba en un noticiero y de repente aparece este perro y yo paralizado no podia hacer nada más que insultarlo y espantarlo, el tema es que me mordió la mano y yo a los segundos despierto y sentía la mano como cuando te acalambras, con un poco de dolor y muy adormesida y con hormigueo. En fin, 90% de sucesos que he vivido han sido en la casa de mi abuelo (yo iba a dormir de sábados a domingos con él desde los 4 o 5 años hasta que falleció a mis 22 años).
Luego a los 16/17 había visto a una señora muy muy fea mirándome de mala manera por detrás del vidrio de mi puerta, me asusto y me tapo hasta la cabeza, entonces siento que alguien se sube encima mío y no me permitía sacarme las sabanas de la cabeza, desde ese día nunca más me tape hasta la cabeza. Luego a los 18 yo trabajaba en un hotel spa de 4 estrellas que estaba en medio de una zona rural porque iba la gente adinerada a relajarse, la primer noche me dieron un auto para hacer traslado de cosas que pudieran ser requeridos por otros empleados, ya sea de limpieza o los chefs, también debía ponerle alarma a los salones de eventos. El tema es que una vez, en mi tercer día, a las 21hs me dirigía a un salón a llevar cosas porque al día siguiente había un evento, al llegar con el carro (los salones eran de vista panorámica, osea sus paredes eran de vidrio) veo a una señora de uno 70 y 80 años observando desde adentro, paso a mitad del salón y al pasar por la puerta la saludo sin recibir una respuesta, la cosa es que al día siguiente se vuelve a repetir la misma situación... Solo que allí al darme vuelta la señora ya no estaba y me di por loco, al tiempo estaba en lugares donde las luces se prendían solas, sentía miedo de estar solo, otras veces en otros salones la música se prendía sola o en las cocinas se escuchaban ruidos... Y siempre me pasaba estando solo, la cosa es que mi último día de trabajo le digo a esta entidad que según otros empleados era la madre del dueño del lugar, se llamaba Berta, en fin, mi último día de trabajo voy a las 18hs a poner la alarma del salón donde yo solía verla y le dije "Bueno, es la última vez que nos vemos, pero no me vas a poder asustar más" acto seguido, cierro una escotilla metálica y al hacer dos pasos o más sé escucha un terrible estruendo como si alguien hubiera golpeado esa puerta metálica, obviamente me cague en los pantalones pero en mi mente me repetia "ella no puede ganar" y me fui lentamente caminando de allí. Ahora en mi nuevo trabajo también me han ocurrido cosas...
Trabajo en un molino de harina, una noche había terminado mi turno y debía quedarme para continuar al día siguiente, el tema es que se corta la luz como a las 23hs y no volvió hasta las 3 am, horario donde fui a bañarme, al pasar los minutos comienzo a escuchar como murmullos detrás mío que no entendí que decían, pensé que eran unos colegas pero resultó que no.... Entre estás 3 o 4 voces había una femenina y es ahí donde me doy cuenta que en realidad estaba solo, en mi lugar de trabajo no hay mujeres y mucho menos a las 3 am, lo deje pasar pensando que estaba cansado, pero un día unas semanas más adelante entre los 19 y las 20 horas estaba orinando en el baño y vuelvo a escuchar estás voces pero dentro de mis cascos para el ruido, son siempre susurros inentendibles, indescifrables... Luego una voz femenina suele llamarme por mi nombre de manera muy ocasional
submitted by Alexis5899 to ParanormalEncounters [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:43 Seer-Ezekiel Vedic Astrology , Palmistry , Numerology & Tarot ✅

Hello everyone,
I analyze your Vedic Astrology , Palmistry & Numerology Chart.
My Service offers you Depth analysis of your life base on your Palm lines , Vedic Astrology , Numerology & Tarot.
I cover
Life Theme ✅
🎯This entails understanding the purpose of your life and your soul mission, the reason for your existence in this world. It also includes the lessons you need to learn in order to align yourself with the purpose of your life.
Careers ✅
🎯 Identifying Fruitful careers or jobs in which you will excel if pursued.
Marriage ✅
🎯In this section, I extensively discuss your marriage,
Such as
💫What kind of person will you end up marrying?
💫Where will you likely meet him/her?
💫How many serious relationships will you go through?
💫Appearance & Characteristic of Your Future Spouse
Major Influencing Planets ✅
🎯Your Previous, Current, Future Influencing Planet
💫What is your Previous & Current Influencing Planet & its Effects on You.
💫What will be your Future Influencing Planet & its Effects on You.
💫Effects of Significant Planets Coordinating Your Life & Your Personality
💫Additional Astrological Insights of your Inner self
🌟 Yearly Predictions 🌟
💫Precise Upcoming Year Overall Report of Your Career, Relationships, Health, Finances & More..
Palmistry ✅️
🎯In Palmistry,
Through palmistry, I read the lines on your dominant hand and provide insightful information about your past and future directions in life.
Such as
💫Your Childhood
💫Relationship with Family
💫Your Success & Life Factors
💫Your Inner Self
Numerology ✅
🎯In Numerology,
In numerology, I delve into,
💫The Energy you inherit with your Name
💫Birth Number Effects & its Influence on You
💫Fate Number Influence on You
💫Health Effects/Issues
Tarot ✅
🎯In Tarot,
By channelizing your current energy ,I will pull 3 cards and answer your questions that inclusively considering overall analysis for an accurate answers. 3 Questions Only [Charges will add on for more].
🎯 Price Accordance
🌟Depth Personalized Analysis + Numerology + Tarot 70 USD
🌟Depth Personalized Analysis+ Numerology 60 USD
🌟Depth Personalized Analysis + Tarot 55 USD
🌟Depth Personalized Analysis 45 USD
🌟Normal Personalized Analysis + Numerology +Tarot 50 USD
🌟Normal Personalized Analysis +Numerology 40 USD
🌟Normal Personalized Analysis+ Tarot 35 USD
🌟Normal Personalized Analysis 25 USD
🎯Via PayPal ✅ Zelle ✅ Cashapp ✅
🎯Via Venmo ✅ Wise ✅ USDT ✅
💢For Authenticity & Accuracy💢
📌Check Out My Profile Page
🕉 Do Not Hesitate to Chat , If You have questions regarding my Service 💯
submitted by Seer-Ezekiel to SafePaidTarot [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:42 Truth-or-Death1988 A Slave Is Not Greater Than the Master

Now go and write down these words. Write them in a book. They will stand until the end of time as a witness that these people are stubborn rebels who refuse to pay attention to the Lord’s instructions.
They tell the seers, “Stop seeing visions!” They tell the prophets, “Don’t tell us what is right. Tell us nice things. Tell us lies. Forget all this gloom. Get off your narrow path. Stop telling us about your ‘Holy One of Israel.’” - Isaiah 30:8-11
We must be willing to accept the truth if we are to claim that we abide in the truth, beloved.
Both God and His servants do not only speak what comforts us, but also that which challenges us and our ways of thinking.
But if we despise the truth that comes from God, here is what we can expect from Him:
This is the reply of the Holy One of Israel:
“Because you despise what I tell you and trust instead in oppression and lies, calamity will come upon you suddenly— like a bulging wall that bursts and falls. In an instant it will collapse and come crashing down. You will be smashed like a piece of pottery— shattered so completely that there won’t be a piece big enough to carry coals from a fireplace or a little water from the well.”
This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: “Only in returning to me and resting in me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength. But you would have none of it. - Isaiah 30:12-15
Wouldn't it be wonderful if we all learned from the mistakes of others, rather than many of us needing to learn by repeating the past?
Yet, Solomon spoke true:
What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. - Ecclesiastes 1:9
God tells us what we need to hear, not just what we want to hear.
God's truth prunes us, and this process is not always comfortable.
“I am the true grapevine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more. You have already been pruned and purified by the message I have given you. Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me.
“Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. Anyone who does not remain in me is thrown away like a useless branch and withers. Such branches are gathered into a pile to be burned. But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted! When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples. This brings great glory to my Father.
“I have loved you even as the Father has loved me. Remain in my love. When you obey my commandments, you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father’s commandments and remain in his love. I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow! This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you.
There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you slaves, because a master doesn’t confide in his slaves. Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me. You didn’t choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using my name. This is my command: Love each other.
“If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first. The world would love you as one of its own if you belonged to it, but you are no longer part of the world. I chose you to come out of the world, so it hates you.
Do you remember what I told you? ‘A slave is not greater than the master.’ Since they persecuted me, naturally they will persecute you. And if they had listened to me, they would listen to you. They will do all this to you because of me, for they have rejected the one who sent me.
They would not be guilty if I had not come and spoken to them. But now they have no excuse for their sin. Anyone who hates me also hates my Father. If I hadn’t done such miraculous signs among them that no one else could do, they would not be guilty. But as it is, they have seen everything I did, yet they still hate me and my Father. This fulfills what is written in their Scriptures: ‘They hated me without cause.’
“But I will send you the Advocate—the Spirit of truth. He will come to you from the Father and will testify all about me. And you must also testify about me because you have been with me from the beginning of my ministry. - John 15
We know that we are in the truth when the world hates us.
But if we only speak that which is easy on the ears, then who are we really serving?
Speaking the truth is not always a practice that is welcomed. We can expect to be despised for the sake of the truth, even by those we count as brothers.
Even your brothers, members of your own family,
have turned against you.
They plot and raise complaints against you.
Do not trust them,
no matter how pleasantly they speak. - Jeremaiah 12:6
In reality, those who only speak that which is pleasant to us may not have our best interests at heart.
We must practice discernment.
“Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. But beware of men, for they will deliver you up to councils and scourge you in their synagogues.
You will be brought before governors and kings for My sake, as a testimony to them and to the Gentiles. But when they deliver you up, do not worry about how or what you should speak. For it will be given to you in that hour what you should speak; for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you.
“Now brother will deliver up brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and cause them to be put to death. And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved. - Matthew 10:16-22
What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. - Ecclesiastes 1:9
There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. - John 15:13
And what more shall I say? I do not have time to tell about Gideon, Barak, Samson and Jephthah, about David and Samuel and the prophets, who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions, quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength; and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies. Women received back their dead, raised to life again.
There were others who were tortured, refusing to be released so that they might gain an even better resurrection. - Hebrews 11:32-35
And I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was committed to them. Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. But the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection. Over such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years. - Revelation 20:4-6
submitted by Truth-or-Death1988 to TrueChristian [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:42 Seer-Ezekiel Vedic Astrology , Palmistry , Numerology & Tarot ✅

Hello everyone,
I analyze your Vedic Astrology , Palmistry & Numerology Chart.
My Service offers you Depth analysis of your life based on your Palm lines , Vedic Astrology , Numerology & Tarot.
I cover
Life Theme ✅
🎯This entails understanding the purpose of your life and your soul mission, the reason for your existence in this world. It also includes the lessons you need to learn in order to align yourself with the purpose of your life.
Careers ✅
🎯 Identifying Fruitful careers or jobs in which you will excel if pursued.
Marriage ✅
🎯In this section, I extensively discuss your marriage,
Such as
💫What kind of person will you end up marrying?
💫Where will you likely meet him/her?
💫How many serious relationships will you go through?
💫Appearance & Characteristic of Your Future Spouse
Major Influencing Planets ✅
🎯Your Previous, Current, Future Influencing Planet
💫What is your Previous & Current Influencing Planet & its Effects on You.
💫What will be your Future Influencing Planet & its Effects on You.
💫Effects of Significant Planets Coordinating Your Life & Your Personality
💫Additional Astrological Insights of your Inner self
🌟 Yearly Predictions 🌟
💫Precise Upcoming Year Overall Report of Your Career, Relationships, Health, Finances & More..
Palmistry ✅️
🎯In Palmistry,
Through palmistry, I read the lines on your dominant hand and provide insightful information about your past and future directions in life.
Such as
💫Your Childhood
💫Relationship with Family
💫Your Success & Life Factors
💫Your Inner Self
Numerology ✅
🎯In Numerology,
In numerology, I delve into,
💫The Energy you inherit with your Name
💫Birth Number Effects & its Influence on You
💫Fate Number Influence on You
💫Health Effects/Issues
Tarot ✅
🎯In Tarot,
By channelizing your current energy ,I will pull 3 cards and answer your questions that inclusively considering overall analysis for an accurate answers. 3 Questions Only [Charges will add on for more].
🎯 Price Accordance
🌟Depth Personalized Analysis + Numerology + Tarot 70$ USD
🌟Depth Personalized Analysis+ Numerology $60 USD
🌟Depth Personalized Analysis + Tarot $55 USD
🌟Depth Personalized Analysis $45 USD
🌟Normal Personalized Analysis + Numerology +Tarot $50 USD
🌟Normal Personalized Analysis +Numerology $40 USD
🌟Normal Personalized Analysis+ Tarot $35 USD
🌟Normal Personalized Analysis $25 USD
🎯Via PayPal ✅ Zelle ✅ Cashapp ✅
🎯Via Venmo ✅ Wise ✅ USDT ✅
💢For Authenticity & Accuracy💢
👇 Feedbacks from Clients 👇
Reviews 1
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Reviews 3
Reviews 4
🎯Certified Achievement Here
🕉 Do Not Hesitate to Chat , If You have questions regarding my Service 💯
submitted by Seer-Ezekiel to energy_healing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:42 ppkpria_3 24M [M4F] Asia /US /Anywhere - LETS LIVE A DREAM LIFE TOGETHER

My name's K, A passionate individual for exploring new chapters of life. I'm mostly introverted and shy,but i can be very talkative when I get comfortable with the right person.Tbh i have never dated anyone so i am very new into this but I promise prefer to stay loyal and looking for somethingserious.I am just looking for a girl you loves me and will stay with me even in my good and bad days both.I am open to LDRS, I have decided i will fight for a relationship no matter how conservative my parents can be , as i am from asia. I can share my pic or you can ask me anything you want to know about me , i would be happy to answer.
My hobbies are cycling, research, exploring new places and trying new food etc,Beach is my my second love you will be the first 😌
I don't expect much from here but anyways posting because my heart said someday i will find the girl of my dream.
Anyways hope you have a great day and god bless you...! :)
submitted by ppkpria_3 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:41 Seer-Ezekiel Vedic Astrology 🎗️ Palmistry Available ✅

Hello everyone,
I analyze your Vedic Astrology , Palmistry & Numerology Chart.
My Service offers you Depth analysis of your life based on your Palm lines , Vedic Astrology , Numerology & Tarot.
I cover
Life Theme ✅
🎯This entails understanding the purpose of your life and your soul mission, the reason for your existence in this world. It also includes the lessons you need to learn in order to align yourself with the purpose of your life.
Careers ✅
🎯 Identifying Fruitful careers or jobs in which you will excel if pursued.
Marriage ✅
🎯In this section, I extensively discuss your marriage,
Such as
💫What kind of person will you end up marrying?
💫Where will you likely meet him/her?
💫How many serious relationships will you go through?
💫Appearance & Characteristic of Your Future Spouse
Major Influencing Planets ✅
🎯Your Previous, Current, Future Influencing Planet
💫What is your Previous & Current Influencing Planet & its Effects on You.
💫What will be your Future Influencing Planet & its Effects on You.
💫Effects of Significant Planets Coordinating Your Life & Your Personality
💫Additional Astrological Insights of your Inner self
🌟 Yearly Predictions 🌟
💫Precise Upcoming Year Overall Report of Your Career, Relationships, Health, Finances & More..
Palmistry ✅️
🎯In Palmistry,
Through palmistry, I read the lines on your dominant hand and provide insightful information about your past and future directions in life.
Such as
💫Your Childhood
💫Relationship with Family
💫Your Success & Life Factors
💫Your Inner Self
Numerology ✅
🎯In Numerology,
In numerology, I delve into,
💫The Energy you inherit with your Name
💫Birth Number Effects & its Influence on You
💫Fate Number Influence on You
💫Health Effects/Issues
Tarot ✅
🎯In Tarot,
By channelizing your current energy ,I will pull 3 cards and answer your questions that inclusively considering overall analysis for an accurate answers. 3 Questions Only [Charges will add on for more].
🎯 Price Accordance
🌟Depth Personalized Analysis + Numerology + Tarot 70$ USD
🌟Depth Personalized Analysis+ Numerology $60 USD
🌟Depth Personalized Analysis + Tarot $55 USD
🌟Depth Personalized Analysis $45 USD
🌟Normal Personalized Analysis + Numerology +Tarot $50 USD
🌟Normal Personalized Analysis +Numerology $40 USD
🌟Normal Personalized Analysis+ Tarot $35 USD
🌟Normal Personalized Analysis $25 USD
🎯Via PayPal ✅ Zelle ✅ Cashapp ✅
🎯Via Venmo ✅ Wise ✅ USDT ✅
💢For Authenticity & Accuracy💢
👇 Feedbacks from Clients 👇
Reviews 1
Reviews 2
Reviews 3
Reviews 4
🎯Certified Achievement Here
🕉 Do Not Hesitate to Chat , If You have questions regarding my Service 💯
submitted by Seer-Ezekiel to PaidTarotServices [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:41 ThisDudeisNotWell I read a Colleen Hoover book I know is bad (And kind of loved it)

Colleen Hoover's kind of become a bit of a meme online. I read one of her other books out of curiosity--- and I was so bored by it I honestly can't even remember which one it was, and it doesn't help that reading the descriptions of a few of her books, at least two of them are similar enough I can't tell which one it was. I just totally memory holed it. I think it had something to do with a guy burning down his girlfriend's house. I found it wasn't the fun kind of bad read.
I have no idea what possessed me to read her book Verity based on that experience. I had the ridiculously stupid plot twist spoiled for me maybe two years ago--- which, out of context is entirely underwhelming. As someone who reads a lot of horrors, thrillers, and disturbing lit in general I'd see this book pop up on a lot of goodreads lists in that general catagory, which knowing only what the twist was seemed kind of silly. I'm actually convinced now part of the reason why I had such a blast reading it was because I knew what the stinger was--- which catapulted this from an underwhelming thriller to (totally by accident on the author's part) just an absolutely fantastic dark comedy.
I will say I totally understand why people generally kind of don't like this book. That stringer at the end would feel like such a cheap rug pull if you were actually invested in the story in the way I believe the author wanted the reader to be. It doesn't really make sense in the narrative either. There's too many elements that don't add up to the final reveal, with no additional explanation. It also doesn't help that this book feels highly derivative of Daphne du Maurier's Rebecca. Not really enough to feel like it's dancing on the line of plagiarism by any means, but enough I wouldn't nessesarily disagree that spiritually it has a kind of rip-off vibe, if that makes sense. The actual content is reasonably different, but the story beats of Verity are very similar to Rebecca's--- all be it the bootlegged version of them. Doesn't help that both novels are named after the "other woman" character in both novels. The general flavor of this book is Rebecca, retooled in the essence of Gillian Flynn, written by Colleen Hoover, with her Colleen Hoovering all over it.
With that said, I do think there's some nuggets of genuine quality in this. I really wasn't impressed with the prose in the other book I read from her. They were very utilitarian in a way I'd call aggressively mediocre. There's nothing groundbreaking in this one either, but overall, I think there was some overall better execution in Verity. There's actually functionally two POV characters in this novel, one in the present day with the main protagonist, and one that's done in diary entries read by the protagonist in the narrative of a woman who is herself a writer in the story. The protagonist's narrative voice is very similar to that aggressive mediocrity I assume is Hoover's typical writing style, but when she's writing as the character doing the diary entries, there is some actual creative play with the pacing and overall flow of the writing I liked. I love it when writers flavor the tone of a scene by focusing on the kinds of strange details that stick in your mind you'll just forever associate and become like a totem to the feelings those experiences brought up in you. A symbolic manifestation of the kinds of moments that haunt you that taint mundane objects in your everyday life. Hoover struggles sometimes with conveying this without beating the reader over the head with it, but I like the ideas she creates with sensation and imagery. I was also pleasantly surprised that this book does have some pretty decent disturbing content in it. It's not remarkably extreme for people looking for that big thrill of shock and horror, but it's pretty tastefully upsetting. Less is more sometimes when it comes to making a reader feel uncomfortable, and I felt like there was a good balance of restraint and pushing the boundaries here. There's a bit of a drag with the repetition of a lot of the sexual content, but to some degree it even manages to keep that fresh. I would have liked to see more exploration in the exploration of the problematic mother-children relationship described, and I would have liked that element to be more at least thematically relavent to the present timeline plot, but it made me feel am enjoyable amount of disgusted--- if that makes sense. This is some genuine displays of talent when it comes to writing disturbing subject matter. I'm maybe biased, but even though Hoover seems to be more into drama and romance, I think she might actually be decent if she refocused her craft on writing thrillers.
The sticking point with this book however, is that it kind of just doesn't work if you're trying to take it seriously. The characters are shallow and not very likable in a way I don't think was intended. The characters don't act in ways any reasonable adult would. The plot hinges on some absolutely monumental degrees of failure to communicate to facilitate these unhinged misunderstandings. And a not insignificant amount of things happen it seems just to, I guess, prank the reader. There's just no other explanation for it. Part of the reason why the twist doesn't work is because it makes an already silly series of events make even less sense then they already did. And yet somehow, all of these things make the book kind of amazing if you're reading as a campy over the top melodrama. When you know what's coming, it all becomes this dramatic irony comedy of errors--- the climax being particularly lethal as pitch black comedy. The characters being so abstract from reasonable human behaviorleaves a lot of distance from the brutality of a lot of the content to a very fun kind of indulgence of violance. Like watching a slasher movie. Though I called this a "bad book," I feel like this is only a bad book in the ways the author intended. I genuinely love this book. A round of edits and revisions, this would genuinely be a great dark comedy with really not changing that much of the content. And that twist that doesn't really work as a twist, is actually a fantastic punchline. I even think that the kind of confused social commentary I think this book was trying to convey when it comes to the ways we vilify women would feel more bitting if this was a satire. It's striking similarity to Rebecca would feel more like an interesting commentary on that book's themes.
If camp-fests are your jam or you're in to ironic reads, I'd highly recommend Verity. It's pretty wild when you're going in to have fun with it. I would personally recommend you look up what the final twist is and bask of the absurdity of the things that transpire knowing that's what it's all leading up to, but even just being given fair warning not to take it seriously will make it way better.
submitted by ThisDudeisNotWell to books [link] [comments]