Making a santa sleigh by hand

reddit Secret Santa

2009.11.10 18:55 kickme444 reddit Secret Santa

/secretsanta and Reddit Gifts were started in 2009 to provide a Secret Santa exchange for the Reddit community. On January 24, 2022, Redditgifts was officially closed and we are no longer running exchanges. LONG LIVE REDDITGIFTS!

2008.05.27 01:47 Happy Holidays!

For the people who love the time when the Christmas Holidays come around Santa comes and visits us and we celebrate Christmas!

2012.03.23 17:42 AegeanSea God of War

God of War is a third person action-adventure video game developed by Santa Monica Studio and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. God of War won Game of the Year 2018. This subreddit is dedicated to discussion of the games and sharing news about them. Or posting anything related to GOW really.

2024.05.16 22:20 rocket-boot How do I get my toddler to hold my hand in the parking lot?

My 2.5yo is going through an independence phase. He doesn't want help doing anything. Which is totally cool, I'm more than willing to wait while he slowly makes his way down the steps unassisted, or crawls out of the carseat by himself. But he's been refusing to hold my hand in the parking lot and while crossing the road. To the point where he will actually rip his hand away and try to run into traffic. When I dash after him to scoop him up and away from danger, he laughs like it's a game.
He obviously has no way to understand what he's doing is extremely dangerous. I try to explain to him that the rule for roads and parking lots is we have to be holding hands at all times, but I have no idea how to enforce it or introduce consequences when he pushes against that boundary. If I say "Ok we're not going to cross the parking lot and get into the car" he's more than happy to just hang around in the yard at daycare. Does anyone have any good tips for this behaviour?
submitted by rocket-boot to toddlers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:18 dopaminewellbeing Advancing Spiritually

Here are 100 Tips to Advance Spiritually on Your Recovery Journey
  1. Start your day with prayer, asking God for strength and guidance.
  2. Read the Bible daily, focusing on verses about healing and recovery.
  3. Join a Christian recovery group where you can share your journey with others.
  4. Memorize Scripture that speaks to overcoming temptation and maintaining faith.
  5. Keep a journal of prayers, insights, and daily progress.
  6. Attend church regularly to worship and connect with a faith community.
  7. Practice gratitude by thanking God for three things every morning.
  8. Offer your struggles to God in prayer, asking for His help to overcome them.
  9. Serve others through volunteer work, which can shift focus from self to service.
  10. Share your testimony with others to encourage them and strengthen your own faith.
  11. Find a mentor or spiritual director who exemplifies Christian living.
  12. Participate in Bible studies to deepen your understanding of the Scriptures.
  13. Practice forgiveness, letting go of old grudges and asking for forgiveness from those you’ve hurt.
  14. Avoid triggers and situations where you’re tempted to relapse.
  15. Maintain healthy boundaries in personal and professional relationships.
  16. Stay active to help manage stress and improve mental health.
  17. Eat a balanced diet to help stabilize mood swings and improve overall health.
  18. Get adequate sleep to ensure your mind and body are well-rested.
  19. Practice humility by acknowledging your weaknesses and asking for help when needed.
  20. Celebrate small victories in your recovery journey, recognizing God’s hand in each.
  21. Seek professional counseling if you struggle with underlying issues contributing to addiction.
  22. Pray for others facing similar struggles, which can deepen your empathy and connection.
  23. Participate in retreats focused on spiritual growth and recovery.
  24. Practice patience, recognizing that recovery is a journey, not a destination.
  25. Engage in regular self-reflection to assess your growth and areas needing improvement.
  26. Stay connected with supportive friends and family who encourage your recovery.
  27. Use your experiences to advocate for recovery support in your community.
  28. Develop a personal creed or statement of faith that you can turn to in times of temptation.
  29. Learn to recognize God’s presence in everyday life and lean on Him during tough times.
  30. Set realistic goals for your personal and spiritual growth.
  31. Practice mindful meditation focused on biblical truths and God’s love.
  32. Join a service project at church or a local charity.
  33. Educate yourself about the physiological aspects of addiction to better understand your body’s reactions.
  34. Encourage someone daily with a phone call, text, or email.
  35. Make amends where possible, as part of your healing process.
  36. Limit exposure to digital distractions to enhance your focus on recovery and spiritual growth.
  37. Read Christian literature that supports recovery and spiritual well-being.
  38. Create a peaceful home environment that supports your recovery.
  39. Attend workshops or seminars on Christian living and addiction recovery.
  40. Practice the art of listening to God and others, enhancing your empathy and understanding.
  41. Engage in creative activities like writing, painting, or music that express your journey.
  42. Develop a routine that includes time for work, rest, and spiritual practices.
  43. Seek opportunities to share your skills and talents with your church or community.
  44. Maintain a spirit of joy, finding reasons to smile and laugh each day.
  45. Dress modestly and respectfully, reflecting your dignity as a child of God.
  46. Be honest with yourself and others about your struggles and successes.
  47. Respect your body as a temple of the Holy Spirit by avoiding substances that harm it.
  48. Cultivate gentleness in your interactions with others.
  49. Take responsibility for your actions and their impact on others.
  50. Participate in community prayer groups or start one if none exists.
  51. Commit to lifelong learning about your faith and how it relates to recovery.
  52. Use technology for good, such as subscribing to Christian podcasts or recovery channels.
  53. Support others in their recovery, offering your time and presence as a mentor.
  54. Engage with nature, appreciating God’s creation as a source of peace.
  55. Maintain a clean and orderly living space, which can improve your mental clarity and peace.
  56. Honor your commitments to others, showing reliability and respect.
  57. Seek silence regularly, allowing God to speak to your heart without interruption.
  58. Pray before meals, thanking God for His provision.
  59. Participate in fasting as a form of spiritual discipline and focus.
  60. Practice saying “no” to non-essential demands that may lead to stress or temptation.
  61. Develop financial discipline, using resources wisely and avoiding debt.
  62. Attend a different community’s church service to experience the broader body of Christ.
  63. Watch or listen to testimonies of other Christians who have overcome addiction.
  64. Plan for challenging situations by having a strategy to maintain your sobriety.
  65. Participate in communal worship, such as singing hymns or contemporary Christian music.
  66. Adopt a spirit of perseverance, knowing that every day with God is a step toward recovery.
  67. Educate others about addiction, breaking down stigma and spreading hope.
  68. Take time off when needed to maintain your mental and spiritual health.
  69. Pray with and for your family, strengthening bonds and spiritual connections.
  70. Celebrate religious holidays with true spiritual fervor, focusing on their Christian significance.
  71. Visit historical Christian sites or take pilgrimages to deepen your faith.
  72. Incorporate Christian symbols in your home to remind you of your faith.
  73. Give anonymously to those in need, practicing the gift of giving without recognition.
  74. Join or form a support group specifically for Christian addicts in recovery.
  75. Use Christian apps that provide daily scriptures and prayers.
  76. Hold regular family devotions, integrating faith into your household’s routine.
  77. Teach a Sunday school class or small group, sharing your knowledge and faith.
  78. Partake in communion regularly, remembering Christ’s sacrifice and promise.
  79. Invite friends to church or spiritual events, sharing your journey and community.
  80. Maintain a prayer list, regularly updating and praying for the needs of others.
  81. Reflect on the lives of saints and other Christian figures, drawing inspiration from their faith and perseverance.
  82. Practice hospitality, opening your home to fellowship and community building.
  83. Engage in spiritual warfare prayers, recognizing and combating the spiritual roots of addiction.
  84. Forgive yourself and others, releasing bitterness and focusing on God’s mercy.
  85. Decorate your living space with verses and Christian art, creating an environment of faith.
  86. Observe a Sabbath rest, dedicating time each week to rest and spiritual renewal.
  87. Speak words of affirmation and faith to yourself and others.
  88. Consult with your pastor or spiritual leader regularly to stay on track.
  89. Embrace modesty in thoughts, words, and actions, focusing on purity.
  90. Conduct a weekly review of your spiritual and recovery progress.
  91. Be proactive in your church community, taking part in its activities and outreach.
  92. Learn to manage stress through faith-based practices like meditation and prayer.
  93. Teach about addiction and recovery in your church, spreading awareness and support.
  94. Maintain a balance between work, rest, and play to support your overall well-being.
  95. Create a vision board that includes your spiritual goals and inspirations.
  96. Participate in ecumenical gatherings, recognizing the unity of the broader Christian community.
  97. Implement a “media fast” periodically to focus more on your spiritual life.
  98. Pray for global issues and missions, broadening your spiritual concern beyond personal needs.
  99. Set up a prayer corner or altar in your home, dedicating a space for spiritual reflection.
  100. Routinely update your mentor or accountability partner about your progress and struggles.
submitted by dopaminewellbeing to ChristiansAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:18 a15minutestory [WP] Saying you dedicate your hunts to the Goddess Artemis started as a weird private joke to yourself. You never thought it would result in the actual goddess visiting you and asking to teach her how to hunt with a rifle. [Part 6]

I never considered myself to be smart, but I never thought I was stupid. As Artemis and I left Athena's oasis, I couldn't help but ponder the enormity of what had just happened. My mind was beginning to clear up and reflection set in as I followed Artemis through solid objects, down rabbit holes, through fire, sleet, and bodies of water.
The fire didn't burn me.
The cold didn't freeze me.
The water didn't drown me.
To think that my stupid human brain caused me to err in judgement to such a degree that I would step into the domain of godhood where I didn't belong... all because I was horny. I cringed the thought away. Yes, it was the hottest thing that had ever happened to me, but the way Athena looked at me; it sent chills down my spine. There would surely be consequences for this, but Artemis had clammed up completely, and wasn't answering my questions.
"Artemis?" I whined. "Hey... I'm sorry. I didn't know this would happen."
She stopped in the middle of the woods. We stood surrounded by a captive audience of oak trees; it was eerily silent. She turned and cast me a long look before walking into one of the larger oaks. I sighed and followed her through it. On the other side, we were back in Thyra under a familiar violet menagerie of stars and planets. She had stopped, finally, sitting down and leaning back.
I stepped in front of her. "Artemis? What, umm... Whatcha doing?"
"Waiting," she said plainly.
I looked around at the desolate canyon.
"... Waiting for what?"
"Judgement," she sighed. "This will be the first place Father will look for me when he hears the news."
"You may know him as Zeus."
A little bit of sweat gathered around my temples. He was the main guy. Like the biggest name in Greek myth. Everyone knows Zeus. But judgement... what was about to happen?
"I thought we were going to go hunt some beast in the Underworld or something." I looked down at my rifle and ran my hand along the length of the barrel. "I was scared at first, but now I want to see what a weapon kissed by Hephaestus can do."
I scoffed. I didn't know where that kind of verbiage came from. Kissed by Hepheastus? What was I, a poet all of the sudden? When I looked up, she looked sick. Her face was sagging and her eyes were lifeless. She leaned back and laid flat on the ground, her arms and legs outstretched as though she were dead.
"I too was eager to hunt," she said in a forlorn tone. "But that was before, in my miserable judgement, I welcomed you into divinity."
That was the first time she'd confirmed it with her own lips and it struck me for the first time that this was truly happening. The weight of it fell on my shoulders and did my level best to suppress it down. I didn't want to think about the implications just yet.
"I thought it was just a blessing," I said, sitting down next to her. "I didn't know there was a limit..."
"Athena tried to pry you from my breast, but you were stuck to it like a stubborn babe. You refused to listen."
"I didn't even realize it!" I defended myself. "Why couldn't you have just blessed me in a different way? Why did it have to be so weird?"
"Each god and goddess may bestow blessings, but for each it is different, and tied to their domain," she answered. "I am the goddess of the hunt, but also of nature, childcare, and birth. My blessing is bestowed as such that reflects my divine purpose." She cast me an annoyed glance, "You are the one who has decided it is weird."
I set the rifle down in front of me and leaned forward, thinking carefully. I didn't want to dig my hole any deeper with Artemis. I didn't need her mad at me too. "I'm sorry," I said finally. "But on earth it's kind of a sexual thing."
"Your species is perverse," she said, closing her eyes. "Am I to blame for that too?"
"No!" I said quickly. "I'm not blaming you for a damn thing, but-"
"The blame lies with me entirely," she cut me off. "I brought you here. I took you to Athena's Oasis. I fed you the milk of the gods with my own breast. Who else is to blame but me? My father will certainly say as much when he finds us."
I swallowed. I didn't know what to do. I was in over my head; way out of my depth to such a degree that I wondered if maybe it was just a good idea to keep quiet and sit still. But I had one question that was burning behind my eyes.
"What's going to happen to you?" I asked.
She opened her eyes and stared at the sky as she contemplated. "... I suppose I'll be reduced to my base components and be remade a more capable daughter. They call it rebirthing."
"Artemis," I said softly. "That sounds like dying."
"There is no death," she refuted. "Only rebirth. I will be remade."
"Yeah, it still sounds like death to me," I pressed.
"It's the closest thing to death that goddess can experience," came a familiar voice from behind me. I turned to see Apollo walking slowly toward us. "Sister, sister," he chanted. "What have you done this time?"
I wasn't overwhelmed by his beauty this time, but I still felt my chest tighten. It was the same feeling as seeing an ex from a long time ago in a public space like the mall or the grocery store. A flutter of something that once was there, but nothing substantial.
"Word will spread," Artemis said, her voice cracking. "And when Father has discovered what I have done, he will do what is right, I am certain of it."
"Will he?" Apollo asked. "Because Father has never been one to overreact, yes?" His tone carried the faintest hint of sarcasm.
Artemis didn't respond.
"I can't help but feel responsible for all of this," I said, getting to my feet. "I'll accept full responsibility."
"That will not be up to you," Artemis said, sitting up and hugging her knees.
"You may assume all the responsibility you like," said Apollo, turning to face me. "But there is not a single god or goddess on Mount Olympus that will accept that. You were a simple-minded human when you erred. It is what your kind does. Would you curse an acorn for falling from a tree?"
"I get it, I get it," I rolled my eyes. "But it's not fair. Artemis didn't know I would fuck up the way I did. She doesn't deserve to die!"
"Make no mistake," Apollo said sternly. "It will not just be her, but Athena and Hephaestus for participating in this little charade." He turned his eyes toward the cracked canyon floor and sighed. "... And of course, I as well."
"No!" Artemis was on her feet.
"I will be punished for failing to alert Father to your wily machinations," he looked up at her. "I turned a blind eye. And I did it while Brian was still a human."
Artemis held his gaze for a second before turning and looking at me. "... The Fates," she whispered.
"The Fates?" I looked between the two of them. "What's going on?"
"Father will speak with the Fates," Artemis said as though in a panic, returning her attention to her brother. "They know all that is and all that will be."
"For humans," Apollo clarified, turning to me. "The Fates have no knowledge concerning the gods and goddesses. But everything that transpired around you while you were human will be a part of their knowledge."
"So Zeus will talk to them..." I began to put it together. "And you'll have no plausible deniability. They'll have seen you interacting with me here."
"Hephaestus and Athena as well," Apollo nodded. "None of us can deny what we've done here." He looked at his sister and scowled. "Because we trusted in her to know what she was doing."
This was a mess. A complete disaster of my own making. I was such an idiot. I should have known better than to trespass against the gods. For had I known that Artemis would pay such a price, I would have never chased such an audacious undertaking. I held one hand to my head and felt that same nausea that had overtaken me back at the oasis. My inner dialogue was changing. I was thinking in a voice that wasn't really my own. I could feel myself slowly changing somehow.
"Forgive me," Artemis said to her brother.
"He may," came another voice to her left. In the blink of an eye, a newcomer had manifested. "But I will not. I trusted you to know better, Artemis."
After only a moment, I recognized him. It was Hephaestus, but human-sized and not all glowy and scary. He also bore a nasty scar across the right side of his face. I hadn't noticed it in the shadowy forge, but it was distracting. He stared daggers at Artemis, his strong arms folded across his chest.
Artemis buried her face in her hands. "I did not mean to risk you all alongside me," she sobbed. "I am so ashamed."
"As well you should be," Apollo spoke furiously. "Father already detests Hephaestus. He will be rebirthed as well."
"He detests me," Hepheastus, turned to Apollo, "Because I dared to suggest he was wrong about something. Though, if you ask me, the old man has hated me from the moment he laid eyes on me."
"Stop, stop, stop," I lifted my hands. "Just... let's just think about this for a second. Why do we have to wait around for Zeus to find out?" I asked. "We could just, y'know, get out of here. Nobody has to be killed over this, we can just leave, can't we? He doesn't know anything yet!"
"You imbecile," Apollo seethed, putting his face inches from mine. "You know nothing about anything. Keep your moronic human notions to yourself for so long as they persist within you."
That broke my heart. I wrestled with the emotions that roiled within me. I took a step back and inhaled, holding the tears back. I wasn't going to cry. I was a grown-ass man. So why did I feel like a toddler in time-out?
"Actually," came a new voice from behind Artemis. We turned to see Athena caressing her chin thoughtfully. "While his primal human instincts compell him to flee... in this case, it might not be the worst idea."
"You've hit your head, yes?" Apollo asked. "You would take a human's side? So much for a goddess of wisdom. Take your council elswehere."
"Mind your manners, Brother," Artemis spoke up. "That is Athena you are addressing. You will hear her speak."
We all stood in a moment of tense silence. Athena began to pace around the gathered gods, patiently choosing her words before she spoke them.
"Father has had a hot temper as of the last few hundred years," she began. "Don't act like you all haven't been weary of him; that you haven't shared whispers of concern with your siblings."
Everyone turned their eyes away from her, as though unwilling to accept it. But I could tell from the expressions on their faces that she was telling the truth. Something was going on with Zeus, it seemed, but what? Why were his kids so afraid of him?
"He has been rebirthing gods and goddesses for small offenses as of late," Athena went on. "I, for one, have been living in fear of his ire for some time now. He is not the same as he once was."
"Do not speak ill of Father," Artemis came to Zeus's defense. "He is facing difficulties!"
"That is..." Apollo trailed off. "A hefty accusation," he said finally, staring the goddess down.
Athena stared back with equal ferocity. "Then why, Apollo, did you keep your sister's little venture to yourself?"
He remained quiet. I didn't know the gods bickered like this. I always assumed they were some big happy family just living in paradise, but it seemed like there was at least some degree of treachery afoot.
I winced.
"Your silence says it all," Athena smirked before turning serious. "What little empathy Father once possessed is gone. We can all wait around to be rebirthed to Father's liking," she passed her eyes over us. "Or we can flee. The worst thing that can happen to us is rebirth either way."
"I have yearned to leave his gaze for eons now," said Hephaestus. "I will join in an escape effort."
"There would be little effort required," Apollo announced. "There has never been an attempt to leave the pantheon. It would likely be as simple as walking through an open doorway. But this discussion is traitorous; blasphemers, each and every one of you."
"I will run with Athena," Artemis announced.
"Sister!" Apollo scolded.
"Athena is more than my sister, she is my best friend," Artemis balled her fists. "If it were anyone else who suggested it, I may not have listened. But Athena's wise words have guided me through great trials."
"I am with them," Hephaestus said to Apollo. "You can stay here with the accident," he eyed me angrily.
Artemis looked as though she wanted to come to my defense, but ultimately said nothing.
Another arrow through my heart.
"Hephaestus," I began my sentence without anywhere for it to go. "I... I might not be..." I flailed. Suddenly, I had a question. "Wait," I pointed at him. "Why can I understand you now?"
"Because, dear Brian," Athena answered for him, walking up to me and placing a hand against my forehead. "You are a god now. It doesn't matter whether Hephaestus likes it or not, you are divinity born of mankind."
"Well," I glanced around without moving my head. "What am I the god of?"
"She is checking," Apollo said. "Be quiet while she divinates your domains."
I felt a tingling sensation around my forehead. It tickled, and I couldn't help but giggle a little. It made Artemis smile and my heart soared.
"You are..." Athena spoke, closing her eyes, her concentration tightening. "The god of indulgence and isolation," she announced, opening her eyes and smiling at me. She removed her hand and stepped back, leaving me in a stunned silence.
"Did you just call me fat and lonely?" I blurted out.
Athena lifted her hand to her mouth and dimples manifested on her cheeks. Artemis did the same, but couldn't stifle her laughter. Apollo snickered and turned his head. I stood there with my mouth wide open as Hephaestus began to chuckle to himself. But he didn't look happy about it. He would smile and laugh before scowling it away, and then laughing again. The others adopted an expression not dissimilar to mine and stared at the god of the forge.
"I can't stop," Hephaestus managed between breathy laughter.
"By the stars," Athena murmured. "I don't believe I've ever seen Hephaestus laugh."
"Nobody has," Apollo said in equal wonderment.
"That is your sense of humor?" Artemis asked, aghast. "It is so... childish! So unexpected!"
"I have no sense of humor!" Hephaestus barked, finally getting his laughter under control. "He did something to me!"
"I didn't do anything!" I threw my arms up.
"Perhaps," Athena smiled at me. "He also holds the domain of humor. I didn't search for it."
"Great," I said angrily. "I'm 'Hilarious', the fat and ugly Greek god of comedy, I love it."
Hephaestus exploded in a renewed fit of laughter, once more prompting the others to laughter. I stood there in the center of it and frowned.
"Can we get out of here now?" I shouted.
They laughed harder.
This sucked.
Writing Prompt Submitted by u/blablador-2001
submitted by a15minutestory to A15MinuteMythos [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:17 Karma15672 I hereby apologize for my outrageous words and actions

I'm a glazer of every character, yet I doubted that Gojo would return. I thought that, despite the off-screening, Gojo's send-off in 236 was genuinely great (I can explain if needed). I was ready to put the fate of the world in the hands of everyone else, to let Yuji and Megumi get their comebacks, to watch as the new generation broke free of the constraints placed on them by the old laws.
Whether this is just Gojo haunting Sukuna in his last moments or if Gojo is really, truly alive again doesn't matter. He came back for one last show. I should've known death wouldn't be enough to make him miss seeing Sukuna's old, raggedy ass philosophy fall apart in front of his students.
So I'm sorry, and hope that I can still keep my role in this subreddit as a glazer of every character, including Gojo.
submitted by Karma15672 to Jujutsufolk [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:17 Leanna4197 Housing in/near east Austin?

So I’m looking for a place around 1k a month in/near east Austin. Unfortunately I got my ass handed to me by Covid and now have horrible credit:/ I’m looking for a place that is easy on credit/debt. I have an outstanding rental debt that I’m considering paying off to get a note of payment. The idea is to get that proof of payment and use it to get approved despite my credit record. Does anyone know of any property management places that will take proof of debt payment and bad credit? I make about 3k a month and can swing a deposit if necessary. I’m desperate 😅 If not, anyone need an under the table roommate? I’m 22F and very easy to live with- sort of like having a cat. Might see me, might not, but ultimately won’t really be a huge presence. Anything is much appreciated as my current situation is ending 5/30 :) THANK YOUUUU!
submitted by Leanna4197 to Austin [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:16 Shot_Broccoli8969 my ex hit me because i refused to give him a blowjob

this happened like a week ago but I'm still chocked and don't really know what I should do. I broke up with my ex a while ago and he hasn't taken that very well. We've gone back and forth a lot, but I remained consistant in the fact I didn't think it was a good idea for us to have sex anymore. I've tried to support him and not just completely leave him since his mental state isn't very good and he says he needs to be able to talk to me still.
He's very horny and claims he "cant control himself". He's forced himself on me multiple times, ignoring the safeword we agreed upon a few times calling me boring and making me feel ridiculous for safewording because it "wont kill me".
a week ago he did this same thing and choked me unconcious, when I woke up he held his hand on my cheek and told me to suck him off. at this point without thinking, I bit his hand. Before I could even think he landed a really hard punch right on my cheek, and after that my jaw began hurting a lot. it is finally better and im so glad i didnt have to visit a doctor since i dont know how to explain how it happened.
after that happened he apologised and said i bit him so hard it scared him, but he didnt let me go even after i kept telling him something was wrong and my jaw felt mislocated
im just confused about everything and ive never been hit like that by anyone before :( sorry this post is kind of meaningless I'm just sad i cant tell anyone avout any of this. my ex is a respected person among our friends and none of them know of his bad sides
submitted by Shot_Broccoli8969 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:16 Euphemia006 What is/are the best gameplay(s), according TO YOU!

Greetings everyone I know that this question has been asked many times on the sub already. There is even the megathread by the great Xgondowan. But this time, I would like people here to share what they believe is/are the best gameplay(s) according to them.
What gameplay have you personally played, that felt really good controller in hands?
A gameplay you enjoy playing wether for exhibition or Master League or anyother mode?
I am particularly looking for a gameplay where the legend difficulty is not inhuman. A gameplay that you believe make the legend AI more "fair".
Please, suggest mods that can be used on:
Football life
Pro evolution soccer (Original)
Pro evolution soccer (CPY)
Thanks in advance.
submitted by Euphemia006 to WEPES [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:15 dopaminewellbeing 50 Biblical scriptures that address Overcoming Temptation and Addiction

50 Biblical scriptures that address Overcoming Temptation and Addiction, along with their texts:
  1. 1 Corinthians 10:13 – “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”
  2. James 1:12-15 – “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him. When tempted, no one should say, ‘God is tempting me.’ For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.”
  3. Matthew 26:41 – “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”
  4. Galatians 5:16-17 – “So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want.”
  5. Ephesians 6:11-12 – “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
  6. Psalm 50:15 – “Call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me.”
  7. 1 Peter 5:8-10 – “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings. And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.”
  8. 2 Peter 2:19 – “They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity—for ‘people are slaves to whatever has mastered them.'”
  9. Romans 13:14 – “Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh.”
  10. 1 Corinthians 6:12 – “‘I have the right to do anything,’ you say—but not everything is beneficial. ‘I have the right to do anything’—but I will not be mastered by anything.”
  11. 1 Corinthians 15:33 – “Do not be misled: ‘Bad company corrupts good character.’”
  12. James 4:7 – “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”
  13. Romans 6:12-14 – “Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires. Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as an instrument of righteousness. For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace.”
  14. Proverbs 4:14-15 – “Do not set foot on the path of the wicked or walk in the way of evildoers. Avoid it, do not travel on it; turn from it and go on your way.”
  15. Hebrews 2:18 – “Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.”
  16. 2 Timothy 2:22 – “Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.”
  17. Titus 2:11-12 – “For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say ‘No’ to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age.”
  18. Hebrews 4:15-16 – “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin. Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”
  19. Psalm 119:11 – “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.”
  20. Proverbs 20:1 – “Wine is a mocker and beer a brawler; whoever is led astray by them is not wise.”
  21. Romans 8:5-6 – “Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.”
  22. Ephesians 4:27 – “and do not give the devil a foothold.”
  23. Philippians 4:13 – “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”
  24. Colossians 3:5 – “Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry.”
  25. Psalm 141:3-4 – “Set a guard over my mouth, Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips. Do not let my heart be drawn to what is evil so that I take part in wicked deeds along with those who are evildoers; do not let me eat their delicacies.”
  26. Job 31:1 – “I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a young woman.”
  27. Proverbs 6:27-28 – “Can a man scoop fire into his lap without his clothes being burned? Can a man walk on hot coals without his feet being scorched?”
  28. Psalm 101:3 – “I will not look with approval on anything that is vile. I hate what faithless people do; I will have no part in it.”
  29. 1 John 2:16 – “For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world.”
  30. Luke 22:40 – “On reaching the place, he said to them, ‘Pray that you will not fall into temptation.'”
  31. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 – “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”
  32. Psalm 23:4 – “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”
  33. Proverbs 23:20-21 – “Do not join those who drink too much wine or gorge themselves on meat, for drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags.”
  34. Isaiah 40:29-31 – “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”
  35. 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 – “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”
  36. Luke 4:1-13 – “Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them he was hungry. The devil said to him, ‘If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread.’ Jesus answered, ‘It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone.’’ The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. And he said to him, ‘I will give you all their authority and splendor; it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. If you worship me, it will all be yours.’ Jesus answered, ‘It is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.’’ The devil led him to Jerusalem and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. ‘If you are the Son of God,’ he said, ‘throw yourself down from here. For it is written: ‘He will command his angels concerning you to guard you carefully; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’’ Jesus answered, ‘It is said: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’’ When the devil had finished all this tempting, he left him until an opportune time.”
  37. Romans 12:1-2 – “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
  38. Ephesians 5:18 – “Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.”
  39. Proverbs 27:12 – “The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.”
  40. Psalm 37:23-24 – “The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.”
  41. Philippians 2:13 – “for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.”
  42. Proverbs 25:28 – “Like a city whose walls are broken through is a person who lacks self-control.”
  43. 1 Thessalonians 5:6-8 – “So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be awake and sober. For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk, get drunk at night. But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet.”
  44. Proverbs 16:32 – “Better a patient person than a warrior, one with self-control than one who takes a city.”
  45. Isaiah 41:10 – “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
  46. Psalm 119:37 – “Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to your word.”
  47. 2 Corinthians 7:1 – “Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.”
  48. Psalm 1:1-3 – “Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers.”
  49. Proverbs 13:20 – “Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.”
  50. 1 John 5:4-5 – “for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.”
These verses offer wisdom and guidance for dealing with temptation and addiction, emphasizing reliance on God’s strength and the importance of spiritual vigilance and moral integrity.
submitted by dopaminewellbeing to ChristiansAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:15 tsf97 The original Ratchet & Clank Trilogy, even 20 years later, are my definition of an ageless wonder in gaming

Now I’m a bit biased as R&C was my first ever set of games, but having replayed the earlier games recently, I was astounded at how well they held up, even over two decades after launch.
The first game, despite being criticised for its bare bones mechanics compared to later games, took the platformer genre to a different level compared to Spyro and Crash etc. The presentation was incredible for an early PS2 title, with almost 20 unique worlds and graphics that are still decent even by today’s standards.
The worlds had branching paths incentivising a semi-open world vibe, with a sense of mystery into exploring those paths that often govern what makes a good open world title even today. One path may lead to a dead end due to you missing a gadget you require on the secondary path of another planet, and so forth. Backtracking can be a chore if it’s not done well but I think R&C struck the best balance of not hand holding you/telling you exactly where to go while also not leaving the player stuck, rather creating a thought-provoking feeling of “right, where do I need to go” and incentivising exploration in the brilliantly crafted biomes of each planet.
The story and humour still bang to this day, creating cool spins on accurate parallels between today’s society and the R&C universe, referencing themes like corporate greed and capitalism and so forth. Not to mention that all of the characters; Ratchet, Qwark, Clank, and so forth, all had very fleshed out motivations, rather than the cartoonishly evil antagonists we got in other platformers for the time.
I also didn’t dislike the mechanics; the lack of strafing and brutal economy system actually served as an additional element of difficulty rather than “jank”, you really had to prepare your strategy for fights rather than the later games where you can just go in guns blazing to most fights. The platforming challenges were also brutally hard and complex. I’m a pretty seasoned gamer and found most of the later games a cakewalk, but I died so many times in the first game, and it was my own fault. Overall I was expecting the first game to feel completely outdated but for a game released in 2002 it had me more invested in the mechanics than a lot of the bigger, badder, RPGs we get these days.
Then only a year later we get Going Commando, pretty much transformed the mechanical experience. Loads of RPG-lite systems like experience points and weapon upgrades based on usage, ship and arena combat, spherical moons (which are baffling to think about in 2003), and much more polished combat mechanics. I know R&C was a main priority for Insomniac back then, and development time/cost wasn’t as significant as it is nowadays, but it does astound me how they managed to take the game that much farther in the space of only 10 months’ development. Especially as they clearly listened to all of the gripes people had with the first game.
Up Your Arsenal obviously streamlined the formula away from platforming into being more combat-focussed to keep up with the trends of the mid-2000s, and while I did miss the exploration aspect of things, they doubled down on what made Going Commando’s combat so smooth. More weapon upgrades incentivising you to experiment and change up your playstyle more, more arena challenges, and the narrative still adhered to the theme of mirroring real life situations but in a more sci-fi and humorous manner that never failed to make me laugh.
Overall the original R&C trilogy are unique to me in the sense that they’re both fun to play as a kid, but replaying the games when older you have a completely different perspective as there’s so much mechanical and narrative depth that I missed as a child that I can appreciate now. Antagonists’ motivations, mature jokes that went over my head previously, how each subsequent game was iterated upon to drive a stronger gameplay loop, and so forth.
It’s no wonder that the formula hasn’t really been changed even for the newer games, barring stuff that wasn’t possible on earlier-gen hardware like the rift mechanics in Rift Apart. I still like (most) of the newer games, and in many ways they’re more polished and so forth, but the Pixar-esque hero story vibe and the more linear approach with fewer and less explorable biomes doesn’t do it for me as much.
submitted by tsf97 to patientgamers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:13 Altruistic-Actuary29 4 weeks into OE as a SWD

I have done OE as a SWD for 4 weeks now. So far so good. I’m handling it great. However just anticipating workload to increase every week from now.
For context: I’m in a senior dev role for j2 and mid-level dev role for j1. I have been at j1 for 2 years now and at this point, I’m just happy I’m still going. In 2 years I never got a pay rise but I’m really happy here. I just need money as my baby daughter is due soon. So went for j2 as a senior dev (world of unknown for me) and been here 4 weeks so far.
Personal experience: It’s so weird being a senior in 1 role and pretty much irrelevant in another role. Feel like Spider-Man. I kinda have to be a bit vocal in j2 but still enjoying it. I feel more respected because of the position I’m coming in as. It’s also a nicer culture as it’s fully remote and I have a very international team.
J1 is also great, I have no complaints about the people as they are super nice. I just feel they see me as an okay dev not great, my colleagues at j1 are very talented and I learn a lot from them. Again it’s quite an international team as we have a team in London and East Europe but more of a British work culture, which I also like to an extent. That good old saying comes to mind, ‘Always be the dumbest person in the room’.
Biggest issues: Mainly the meeting clashes. I have 2 days in the week where I will have meeting clashes between 9:30am-11am. I keep 1 earphone in for j1 meetings while muted / cam off. My team is usually cam off which is a plus and the meetings tend to finish early too. However, although j2 colleagues are pro cam-off, j2 meetings are a nightmare! It’s so unorganised, too many people in the call, too many unnecessary questions and you could get questioned at anytime. I’m more on edge with j2 meetings so I put more focus on it. It’s just about finding a balance. I feel like a “dev DJ” with both laptops side by side and having one hand on the volume, another one on the mouse ready to unmute.
You get used to it after a few meetings but as a tip to others, never lose focus!! A split second lapse in concentration and you could make a fatal mistake that will end your OE career, it’s nearly happened when I answered a question from a colleague in j2, my j1 meeting was ongoing and then I hear my name from my manager at j1… I didn’t respond and focused on j2. After I answered it, I unmuted j1 and said “sorry I was in the toilet, did I miss anything? And i managed to save it. Be careful! I realised as long as you keep your calm and don’t sound like someone’s got a gun pointed at your head; then you’re all good.
So yeh that’s my experience so far. If any new OEees wanna ask any questions, feel free!
P.S. This thread really helped me in making this life changing decision. There’s a lot of friendly and knowledgable people here. Thank you so much for all your contributions and good luck 💪
submitted by Altruistic-Actuary29 to OveremployedUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:11 Inorai [Menagerie of Dreams] Ch. 18: Your Customer Service Sucks pt 1

[Menagerie of Dreams] Ch. 18: Your Customer Service Sucks pt 1
Cover Art First Chapter Playlist Character sheets
The Story:
Keeping her store on Earth was supposed to keep her out of trouble, but when a human walks through her wards like they weren't there, Aloe finds herself with a mystery on her hands. Unfortunately for the human, her people love mysteries - and if she doesn't intervene, no one will. With old enemies sniffing around after her new charge, the clock is ticking to find their answers.
Hey, Miss Kanna.
Aloe showed me how to do this letterbox thing a little bit ago. Hopefully this gets to you. Otherwise, I mean, I guess you’ll never read this?
Rowen grimaced down at the page. Get to the point. Stop faffing about.
Anyway. We’ve been traveling, so I didn’t get a chance to write earlier. Thanks for all your help with the magic kit stuff, again. We still haven’t found an actual answer. We found out I can open the Heartgates, though. That seems pretty big. Just going to assume you know about all that stuff. Aloe doesn’t think it’ll be enough, but
He hesitated, pen hovering over the page. Was he just being naive? He didn’t doubt that Aloe was right, it just…seemed cruel. Surely the whole world couldn’t operate like that.
but I don’t know. It feels like it’d be pretty hard to wave something like that off? Are the Children of Ora or whatever really that single-minded about themselves?
We’re in Emerald Hills now, with that Lord Dilmat guy Aloe knows. If I can be honest a sec? I really don’t know how much I buy that he’ll help me. The lord guy seemed pretty disinterested once Aloe said he couldn’t keep me. Is staying here really a good idea? I do trust Aloe, but I don’t know. I don’t have that much time left. This feels like a gamble.
Not much time at all, now that they’d blown a few days traveling and getting set up. His all-too-short deadline was staring him down every time he closed his eyes. Could he really risk hanging around with some dude who visibly didn’t give even a single shit?
But what else could he do?
I guess it’s whatever, he wrote, shaking his head. I’m going to try and work the shop a little more. People here seem to speak English, but it’s not their go-to. It’s getting a little weird. They keep giving me looks. I need to find some sort of language textbook for Ereliit, but I’m a little worried. If there’s never been a human with magic before, you guys have probably never tried to teach a human before either. Right? So do I even have a chance in hell of learning? Would there even be anything in English?
He took a long, shaky breath. Just a worry. Do you have any ideas? I just don’t know what’s out there. But I’d like to try learning.
There. He’d talked about where they were, and he’d talked about Eswit, and he’d talked about his language battles. That just left…
His lips tightened. That just left the bit he really, really didn’t want to get into. But there was no getting around it.
I’m worried about Aloe. When we were heading into the Deeproads she started having this weird…attack. Glowy eyes, spouting nonsense, wouldn’t respond. She told me it’s because of her magic poisoning her, and she said it was a one-off thing from some kind of magic shock from coming back down here, but then it happened again last night.
She’s fine. I don’t mean to scare you or anything. She’s got that nightsbane stuff, and now that I know this is going to keep happening I can try and watch for it more. Or something like that. But she’s always a bit weird after she takes those potions. I just don’t really know what to do with all this. I just want someone else to know. Getting a little nervous.
Rowen took a shaky breath, closing his eyes for a moment. He hated tattling on her. If he was sick, the last thing he’d want was his friends spreading it around. But…someone needed to know. Someone that wasn’t him. What if last night happened again? What if she fell into another trance like at the aviary and he couldn’t wake her up?
No. Kanna needed to know.
The floor creaked overhead. “Rowen?” Aloe called. “Are you up?”
“I’m down here,” Rowen called back. Well. She was up early. The sky outside was still dark. He’d figured he had at least another half hour before she wandered out.
Quickly, he turned back to the paper laid out on the counter.
I’ve got to go. Aloe’s up and around, and I’ve got to get back to Emerald Hills for more testing. Lucky me. Fingers crossed they actually tell me something useful this time. It wouldn’t be down to luck. This time he’d make them listen. Thanks for listening, Kanna. Hopefully you actually get this.
He stood as the hallway above started to creak, hastily folding the letter up. She’d pointed everything out to him and run through a quick explanation. He just had to take this stamp, marked with a hastily-applied KANNA label, smack it onto the paper, and then put it in that wooden box. Close the lid, and-
Rowen jerked back as a flash of light erupted from beneath the so-recently-closed lid. Slowly he lifted the edge back up.
The box was empty.
“W-Well, that was easy,” Rowen said, grinning. Either the letter was on its way to Kanna, or he’d found a new handy-dandy trash can. All he could do was trust it was the former.
As he put the stamp back into the rack, though, his hand lingered on the wood.
He’d carried Aloe back to her room last night, was all. She’d been utterly passed out, and he wasn’t so frigid as to leave her out in the cold by herself. He’d felt weird about barging into her room unasked, yeah, but…well, he just hadn’t been able to come up with an alternative. She certainly wasn’t about to wake up.
Her bed had been rock-hard. He could remember it clearly, like someone had taken wooden planks and covered them in a few layers of comforter. He’d almost felt bad putting her down on it and walking away. Even the thought of it gave him a sore back.
As he’d turned, he’d caught a glimpse of a writing desk in her otherwise-barren room. There’d been a violin on it. And…a stamp, just like this. There hadn’t been a handy English label, so…he didn’t have a clue who it’d send a letter to. But there alongside it had been a pile of crumpled-up letters.
Someone Aloe wanted to write to, then—but couldn’t? But who? It would’ve been absurdly rude to pry further, so he’d just…walked away.
And now he found himself oddly curious.
The stairs creaked. Rowen glanced up, then gave a quick wave when he saw Aloe descending. “Morning. You’re up early.”
“Couldn’t sleep for shit,” Aloe mumbled. “Are you off?”
“Yeah.” Rowen grimaced. “Eswit wants me back bright and early. I’ve got to keep him happy for now.”
“Good kid.” Aloe gave him a quick smile, patting his shoulder as she passed. “Just stick with it. We’ll figure this out, I promise.”
He was sure she wanted them to figure this out. She might even believe that they’d do it. But belief in a thing didn’t make it reality. He needed to keep pushing. This was no time to sit back and take things easy. He smiled back, nodding, and stood. “I’m off, then.”
“Be safe,” Aloe murmured as he strode by.
He just kept walking, head held as high as he could, until he was out of the Dragon and alone again.
Aloe turned on her heel, giving the floor a long look. The sun was up and Rowen was off. The scholars would be able to help him. The question was, how fast? Would they be able to make a breakthrough soon?
She tried to keep her mind from scrolling through the calendar left to them. It wasn’t enough for them to solve Rowen’s mystery by the deadline—if they didn’t get back to Windscour in time to declare their progress to Envoy Jaian, she’d run a real risk of getting herself in trouble with the crown. She could defend herself, but…she didn’t want to give them any excuse to declare the deal null and void.
Which meant she really, really needed Eswit to get to work, fast.
Sighing, she straightened. A trilling whistle slipped from her lips. All around the Dragon, candles ignited, turning the morning glow into a comfortable brightness. The shutters on the front windows flew open, and through them, she saw the sign out front drop into place.
Well, they were open for business. Overhead, the sunbirds raised their heads, starting to trill amongst themselves.
“Don’t make yourselves trouble,” she said, giving the big guy at the group’s center a warning look and a pointed finger.
He only chirped at her, hopping to the side. She heard one of the eaves windows creak open, followed by the flapping of wings. Several of the others followed suit, vanishing into the outside world.
“Fine,” Aloe muttered, shaking her head. “Come back in time for dinner or you’re not getting any.” It didn’t worry her too much. Most of the dens had access to an exit if they wanted it, and all of them knew the signal for when she was packing up. There shouldn’t be too much danger toward them in a deeproads town like this.
She was just reaching her chair behind the counter when the door swung open again. “Forget something?” she said, turning back.
Her eyes widened at the sight of a woman striding through, short and sturdy with thick, curly red hair and a wide-brimmed hat whose colors had been bleached with too many hours in the sunlight. Pouches ringed the belt on her waist, hanging down almost to her knees.
“Pardon me,” the new woman said, her voice gruff. “Had a lad all but pounding down my door ‘bout some new shop in town.” She leaned her head back, fixing a look on Aloe from beneath the brim of her hat, and grinned. “Thinkin’ it’s ‘round the time I should see the place for myself.”
Just as she’d thought, then—this was Lanioch’s apothecary. Exactly the sort who might be interested in the goods she sold. Aloe smiled right back, bowing with careful, deliberate respect.
“Madam Healer, I believe I have exactly what you need,” she said. “Whatever that is.”
“We’ll see about that,” the apothecary said, turning toward the Dragon’s shelves with a brisk step.
Aloe’s grin only widened. She wasn’t put off by the woman’s air and attitude, no. She’d expected this. The bargaining was the best part—and out of everyone in the town, this was likely to be her primary customer.
The game had just begun.
It was early enough in the morning for there to still be dew on the grass when he crossed over into Emerald Hills, but the lab was already bustling. The secretary Aloe had talked to before perked up at the sight of him, beckoning him over. She didn’t try to speak to him, though. Maybe she was too busy. Maybe he was just the human and didn’t rate a little morning chitchat. Hell, maybe she didn’t even speak English.
He let her usher him into the same lab room he’d been in before. It was just like he remembered it—but this time, there’d been a huge magic circle like something out of Fullmetal Alchemist scrawled all over the floor. There were tiny detailed elements throughout it that looked like someone had painted in with a tiny, hair-thin brush. “Paint, hopefully,” he whispered, giving the thing a contemplative tap with his foot as the secretary walked across the room atop it. If he messed up all their hard work they just might kill him after all.
The circle didn’t budge. With one last shrug, Rowen steeled himself and followed after.
Note-Taker and Box-Holder were there, he saw with a grimace. Both lit up at the sight of him—but as they hurried toward him, he saw Note-Taker pull something from his pocket. A vial, filled with clear liquid.
“No,” Rowen said, taking a step back as the pair charged him. The rest of the researchers scattered around the lab looked up at the firmness in his voice, but he refused to let himself back down. “I’m not going to drug myself. It’s not necessary.”
“You must hold still,” Note-Taker said. “It will…” He scowled, chewing on his lips. “Difficult,” he said at last—and held the vial out again. “Take.”
“I’ll hold still,” Rowen said, shoving his hands resolutely in the pockets of his jeans. God, he felt out of place here dressed like a normal person when they were all wearing their fantasy getups. “I’m not taking it.”
Note-Taker grimaced. He glanced to Box-holder, who shrugged.
Rowen stiffened as the two started talking in Ereliit. “And you can’t keep everything secret from me this time,” he said. “You have to tell me what you’re figuring out about me. That was the deal.”
The two erelin men looked back to him, and now the disdain in Note-Taker’s expression was clear. “No time,” he said. “We will handle. Sit.”
“Yes, there damn well is time,” Rowen snapped. “Look, you’ve got two choices here. You can either tell me what you’re learning or I’m not going to cooperate. Okay?”
He watched Note-Taker’s nostrils flare. The man was positively glaring down the length of his nose at Rowen now. “You are not-”
“We had a deal,” Rowen said. “With your boss. D’you think that Lord Eswit guy is going to like it if you drive me and Aloe away?” He jerked his chin higher, matching the asshole glare for glare. “All I’m asking is for you to talk to me.”
Box-Holder muttered something under his breath, still in that stupid language of theirs. But before Rowen could launch into them again, Note-Taker let out a groan. “Agreed,” he said, sounding like he didn’t agree at all.
He’d at least said the word, though. And he did still need their help to get some answers. So Rowen just nodded, letting the two men guide him to the center of the magic circle, and steeled himself for what came next.
By the end of it, Rowen understood why Note-Taker had wanted to drug him.
He didn’t have a clue what they were doing. He’d tried to watch and pay attention, but there was only so much he could do. He was plunked down cross-legged at the very center of the whole arrangement, with Eswit’s mages around the outer ring with their wands and staves. Every time they raised their implements, the circle under his ass started to glow with a frankly-worrying intensity.
And then the deluge would begin. Fireballs. Lightning bolts. Whirlwinds that whipped around him and blew his hair all astray. Bits of free energy, and shrieking rips of pure noise, and gouts of water that drenched his sweatshirt. He tried to stay still through all of it, gripping the insides of his sweatshirt pocket and closing his eyes against the worst of the onslaught. He’d promised Note-Taker he could manage.
But Christ it was hard. Sweat drenched his undershirt, and however strong his resolve had been at the start, he was mortified to find he was starting to shake a little.
All of the fear vanished when, with one last crackle of energy, the latest barrage faded—and the mages all turned away from him. “Is that it?” Rowen whispered.
Note-Taker was in the back of the room, scrawling away madly on a clipboard. The other mages were starting to encircle him, Rowen saw. And they looked excited. Bingo.
Legs still quivering beneath him, Rowen stood, banging his fists into his thighs until the tingling went away. “What is it? What did you find?”
The scholar closest to him glanced over, but turned back to the others just as quickly. None of the rest even bothered to look.
Note-Taker was beaming, though, and Box-Holder’s eyes damn near sparkled. Rowen’s anger deepened. They’d found something.
“Hey,” he snapped, striding closer. “What’d you-”
Note-Taker raised a hand, gesturing dismissively in his direction. A pair of the scholars turned, moving to block his way, but Rowen had expected that. Darting to the side, he ducked between a pair of Orran women—and snatched the clipboard out of Note-Taker’s hands.
You’d think the guy had never been bullied in school. He was slow to react, hands closing around open air for a second before he lunged. “Fucking-”
“Oh, so you do know some actual words,” Rowen said. He kept backstepping, circling the room until the exit was square behind him. “Look. You told me you’d talk. That’s all I want here.”
Note-Taker’s face contorted with anger. “Give it-”
“No,” Rowen said, holding the clipboard up and away from the Orran’s reach. “Just tell me what you guys found out, and I’ll give it back.”
Otherwise,” Rowen said, taking another step backward, “I’m going to take this back to Aloe to see what it says. And I won’t be coming back tomorrow.”
He waited, counting the seconds. The scholars had all frozen somewhere in the middle of his escapade, glancing at each other with worried eyes.
This was all a risk. He knew that. He needed these guys as much as they needed him—but maybe a little reminder that he could just pick up and go if they refused to play ball would do the trick. So he waited, eyes glued to Note-Taker’s face and nerves twitching for the slightest sign of counterattack.
Finally, the man scowled, letting out an irritated grunt. “Testing passive resonance,” he said gruffly.
“And?” Rowen said. “What’d you find?”
“Response value of five,” Note-Taker said. He spat the words out, then thrust his hand toward Rowen. “Give.”
“What’s that mean?” Rowen said. “Passive resonance. What is that? And what’s it mean that-”
“Did not promise tutoring,” the man hissed. He jabbed his hand forward again. “Give.
“Okay,” Rowen said. “Fine.” He’d gotten the important bits. Passive resonance, and it spat back a five. Passive resonance, five. Passive resonance, five. As long as he could get that back to Aloe, she’d be able to translate.
He slapped the clipboard down into Note-Taker’s outstretched hand. “Here. That’s all I wanted. Are we done for the day?”
The pair of head researchers glared at him, lips tight, but turned almost immediately back to their own work. One by one heads around the room swiveled away from him.
Guess that was his answer. Rowen shook his head, grumbling a little to himself, but made for the door.
Time to figure out what all the fuss was about.
submitted by Inorai to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:10 Individual_Dance6806 Getting ready for SFRE. Starting from square zero. Fitness/General preparation advice

tl;dr: I want get myself in shape both physically and mentally to follow the 18x pipeline to becoming a Green Beret by ideally next year. Currently, I recognize that I need a better sense of direction and am looking for advice/tips/feedback on things that I could be doing.
I've recently acquired an interest in pursuing the 18x contract pipeline and going on to become a Green Beret. I've been absorbing a lot of information and resources on the matter. What I'm trying to do in this thread is get a better sense of direction on what to improve on and areas to work to improve my chances of getting approved at as SFRE, getting enlisted for an 18x contract and eventually going off to selection and the myriad of other things that are required.
As of writing this I'm currently 31 years, 5'11" and 150lbs. . Needless to say I'm kind of a string bean. I've never been especially active or pursued much in the weigh of sports, lifting, running etc. Today I did some cardio in walk/run intervals and it was difficult, but I got through it. I wouldn't say I'm in the worst shape ever, but obviously I have a lot of progress to make.
My main focus is increasing my physical fitness. Being able to run to the standards that SF requires and also meet the strength requirements. My plan is continue to train my cardio until I get to the point I comfortably jog for 30 minutes without stopping then I'll start adding in rucking and hiking longer distances in different terrain, dirt, sand, etc. and toughen up my shoulders/increase my endurance.
For strength training I'm starting off with some similar calisthenics routines to build some initial muscle and strength then move on to lifting free weights at the gym. Increasing my functional strength and overall health/posture in the process.
I'm also taking up a sport. Tennis seems like a great combination of cardio and hand eye coordination. I also just think it would generally be a fun sport to train that would supplement the rest of what I'm doing.
Obviously, there's a lot of progress to be made and I know I'm asking the obligatory "how do I get in shape" when I have access to the internet and there's countless other threads undoubtedly on this board that cover the topic. I suppose what I'm asking is that does this physical plan seem feasible?
On the other end of the spectrum, I know that selection comes down to more than just the physical standards. Those are essentially a prerequisite. I'm looking to learn and be as prepared as I can for the selection process. I'm going to enroll in a firearms course. Get a good sense of land navigation since that plays a huge role in the process. Some boxing classes and further my understanding of medical knowledge. I'm even considering playing airsoft/paintball as a way to get familiar with at the very least and elementary knowledge of some small unit tactics.
As far as applying what I am able to do in the immediate, I'm trying to do my best to excel in my life and at work. Trying to be a better team player. Trying to set a much higher standard for myself and make sure my department is functioning as high as it can.
My understanding is that the age cut off is 35. I would like to believe that I can get myself as ready as humanly possible come summer of next year with consistent training and studying.
I apologize if this post comes off as one long ramble, because it somewhat is. I'm feeling very motivated to pursue this and become the best version of myself I can. It's spilling over into so many different areas and has me moving around with an extra pep on in my step. I don't want this to be just a wild ambition that fades away so I'm making this thread in an effort to gather whatever advice, feedback or criticism it attracts.
submitted by Individual_Dance6806 to greenberets [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:10 Hefty_Fix_8416 WBW Spectactle Season 1, Episode 1 - Surprises after Surprises

Tuesday May 7th 2024
Wolstein Center, Cleveland, OH
WBW Presents: Tuesday Night Spectactle
This theme plays as KO comes down to the ring. Kevin grabs a microphone and says “CLEVELAND! 2 nights ago I had a classic match with my best friend Sami Zayn.. Then the Nemeth Brothers decided to get involved and for whatever reason chose me to win. Now tonight I am in the main event against Drew Mc-”.This theme plays and Drew McIntyre comes down to the ring with a microphone. Drew says “Kevin would you please stop worrying about my friend Nic. This is going to be your downfall my friend. Focus on our match tonight. We are supposed to have a 5 star classic but instead you're worrying about a cheerleader. But if you want to keep focusing on the Nemeth’s they are here!”. Drew exits the ring much to KO’s confusion. Nic and Ryan hop the barricades and surround KO on both sides of the ring. KO throws a strike at Ryan first but the number’s game catches up to him fast. Sami runs down but is intercepted by Claymore from Drew. Drew hits Sami with a Futureshock DDT on the ramp and throws him into the ring. Drew says “Get a referee down here. I got confirmation already its Sami Zayn vs my boy Nic Nemeth next!”. A referee comes running down to the ring as Drew gets on commentary for the match.
This segment takes 10 minutes (2:50 left of show time)
Sami Zayn w/ Kevin Owens vs Nic Nemeth w/ Ryan Nemeth
Sami is still down after the vicious attack from Drew McIntyre. Nic hits his 10 Elbow Drops going for the pin right off the bat. Sami kicks out at 2. Nic hits the ground in frustration expecting an easy win. Nic sets up in the corner for a Sweet Chin Music connecting! Nic falls into a pinfall. Sami kicks out at 2 and a half. Sami finally begins to fight back with a few strikes and goes for an Exploder Suplex. Nic lands on his feet. Sami turns around right into a superkick. Nic sets up in the corner connecting with another superkick. Nic then climbs the turnbuckle and goes for a big Elbow Drop. Sami gets to his feet and connects with a Blue Thunder Bomb out of nowhere going for the pin. Nic kicks out at 2 and 3/4 much to Sami’s shock. Sami lifts Nic up and hits a Exploder Suplex into the corner. Nic stumbles into the corner and Sami backs into the other corner for a Helluva Kick. Ryan grabs his legs and drags Sami into the turnbuckle. The referee was busy checking on Nic! KO grabs Ryan and hits him with a powerbomb onto the apron. KO turns around right into a Claymore Kick from Drew. Drew taunts KO and Sami as Sami turns his attention to Drew upset at him. Nic sneaks up behind Sami and hits him with a Zig Zag going for the pin. Nic gets the 3! Nic slips out of the ring as Drew joins him on the ramp. Ryan holding his back joins them laughing. KO checks Sami, staring up the ramp at Drew pissed off.
This match takes 10 minutes (2:40 left of show time)
Sami is seen backstage with KO. KO is pissed off saying how he is going to make Drew pay for this. Sami calms KO down and tells him to just be prepared for his match. KO agrees and walks off. Sami walks up to Mark Steel’s office door and knocks. Mark yells “Come in”. Sami walks in and Mark ushers for him to sit down. Sami says “Mr Steel you have to realize that if nothing is done the Nemeth Brothers will get involved in the main event”. Mark looks at Sami and says “I've already dealt with that. They were asked to leave the arena. And as such you will too. That way neither Drew nor KO will have unnecessary help tonight. Do I make myself cl-”. Drew bursts into the room and says “Mark I don't care if the Nemeth Brothers are there or not. Unlike Kevin I don't need their help to win”. Drew walks out as Mark and Sami stare at each other in shock.
This segment takes 5 minutes (2:35 left of show time)
Seth Rollins vs Carmelo Hayes - Round 2 of Winners Bracket for World Title Tournament
Seth and Carmelo begin circling each other. Seth offers a handshake and Melo takes it. Seth quickly rolls Hayes up for a quick kick out at 1. Melo and Seth both get to their feet at the same time and Seth laughs. Hayes throws a right fist sending Seth right to the ground. Hayes lifts Seth up and hits a Suplex into the Spinning Back Elbow combo. Hayes climbs the turnbuckle and hits a Fedora Frog Splash going for the pin. Seth kicks out at 2. Hayes climbs the turnbuckle again going for a Nothing But Net. Seth gets to his feet and hits Hayes with a Revolution Knee in mid air. Hayes hits the ground with a thud and Seth takes advantage with a Pedigree going for the pin. Hayes kicks out at 2. Seth backs into the corner stomping and preparing for a Curbstomp. Hayes throws Seth up into the air and hits a Samoan Drop on the way down. Hayes follows up with a Fedora Frog Splash going for the pin and getting a 2 and a half on Seth. Hayes doesn't stop as he climbs again and hits Nothing But Net going for the pin again. Seth kicks out at 2 and 3/4 which makes Hayes hit the ground in frustration. Hayes backs into the corner with his eyes glazed. He sets up to hit Seth’s curbstomp. Seth rolls out of the way and Hayes turns around right into a Spinning Elbow. Seth drops into the corner and hits a Curbstomp. Seth connects and goes for the pin. Hayes kicks out at 2 and a half. Seth hits the ground before throwing Hayes up the Turnbuckle going for a Falcon Arrow followed by a second Falcon Arrow. Seth climbs again going for a Frog Splash but Hayes rolls out of the way. Hayes quickly climbs the ropes going for a Nothing but Net but Seth rolls out of the way before connecting with a Superkick to Hayes while he was on his knees. Seth climbs to the second Turnbuckle and hits a super curb stomp right then and there going for the pin and getting the 3. Seth sits on his knees as the announcer announces his victory! Seth is going on to Round 3!
This match takes 15 minutes (2:20 left of show time)
Austin Theory and Grayson Waller ambush Seth from behind. MJF jumps the barricade and joins the assault when Laredo Kid, Myzteziz and Artemis come running down to the ring. They chase off MJF and A-Town Down Under before helping Seth to his feet. Seth grabs a microphone and says “Hey Max. I'll see you next week”. Seth stands tall with the Air Riders as MJF and A-Town Down Under retreat up the ramp!
This segment takes 5 minutes (2:15 left of show time)
This theme plays and out comes AJ Styles. AJ grabs a microphone and says “Last Sunday in Pittsburgh I lost everything. The Judgement Day attacked me before my match and broke my arm. Now I make no excuses cause at the end of the day I am the one who tapped out. But now I must focus on whoever wins next week to decide who will face me next week as well in the Second Round of the Losers Bracket. Whoever it is just know I will walk through the fucking fi-”. This theme plays and Finn Balor comes down to the ring with JD and Dom. Finn says “Next week I have to face the winner of the main event but before that. Thought I would pay you a visit. To make sure you remember.. THE JUDGEMENT DAY RUN WBW”. Out of nowhere AJ is attacked from behind by Chris Ridgeway. Judgement Day has a new member! This theme plays The Calamari Catch Kings theme plays and Chris Brookes runs down to the ring with the Lykos Gym. The Lykos Gym and Chris Brookes even the numbers and chase the Judgement Day up the ramp. AJ puts out a Bullet Club forever sign and CCK joins him! Judgement Day has bigger worries now as Chris Ridgeway’s first round opponent in the Battleground Tournament is in the ring with Judgement Day’s biggest rival!
This segment takes 10 minutes (2:05 left of show time)
The Riott Squad vs Shafir and Duke - Qualifier for 6 team Ladder Match for Women's Tag Titles
There are currently 3 titles without champions crowned. The World Championship, The Battleground Championship and the Women's Tag Championship. The latter is the only one not in a tournament. Instead there will be 6 qualifiers, 2 per spectacle. Where the winners are added to a 6 team ladder match. Tonight we get the first of 6 qualifiers as Liv Morgan and Ruby Soho team up once more in WBW to take on 2 enforcers of the ring in Marina Shafir and Jessamyn Duke. It starts with Liv Morgan and Ruby Soho on top. They have slightly more chemistry and experience allowing them to take the early edge. However as the match goes on it gets more balanced as the technical duo begin to roll in the later half. The match reaches its boiling point when Shafir locks Liv in an arm bar. Liv manages to get out, tossing Shafir into the ropes. Duke tags in but gets off the apron. Liv doesnt know as she hits a ObLIVion followed by a tag to Soho. Soho sets up and hits Shafir with the Soho Kick going for the pin. Duke comes out of nowhere and hits Liv with a German right onto Soho. Liv and Shafir both roll out of the ring as Duke drops into the corner. Soho stirs to her feet and Duke connects with a spear. Duke falls into the pin and gets the 3 on Soho. Shafir joins her in the ring as they celebrate one step closer to the Women's Tag Titles!
This match takes 15 minutes (1:50 left of show time)
After the match The Riott Squad attack Shafir and Duke from behind clearly upset about their loss. Lola Vice runs down to the ring with a steel chair and chases them off. Liv and Ruby retreat up the ramp as Lola grabs a microphone. Duke and Shafir stand at either side of her and she says “WE ARE THE HORSEWOMEN” to a massive cheer from the crowd!
This segment takes 5 minutes (1:45 left of show time)
This theme plays and the Rated R Superstar makes his WBW debut! Edge comes out to a loud pop. He enters the ring with a microphone and says “CLEVELAND OHIO! I HAVE BEEN ALL AROUND THE WORLD. I HAVE BEEN IN COMPANY AFTER COMPANY. AND NOW I'M HERE IN WBW. Man it feels good to be here. A Lot of great men in that locker room. The Judgement Day, Seth Rollins, Matt Cardona and Brian Myers. All these men I have history with. And all these men I suspect I will have a match with at some point in my tenure here. But enough talking cause I'm itching to step in that ring once again. So if anybody in the back wants a shot at beating one of the greatest to ever step in the ring, come out right now.. THIS IS AN OPEN CHALLENGE!”. This theme plays and out comes WBW’s newest star, A little less massive but still a great get, the ever talented Cara Noir!
This segment takes 10 minutes (1:35 left of show time)
Edge vs Cara Noir
Edge offers his hand for a handshake but Cara bats it away. Edge looks shocked and before he can react Cara hits him with an uppercut. Cara Noir begins hitting aerial offense in hopes to put Edge on the back of his feet. It works at first until he goes for a springboard knee and gets speared out of mid air. Edge stomps into the corner and prepares hitting a second more impactful spear going for the pin. Edge gets the 3 over Cara and stands tall after a 5 minute match!
This match takes 5 minutes (1:30 left of show time)
Edge stands up after getting the 3 on Cara Noir to a load of cheers! His head then turns to the ramp as This theme plays. The crowd pops once again as Randy Orton slowly descends down the ramp. He begins circling the ring like a shark. Edge prepares for a fight as Orton reaches the front of the apron. Orton acts like he's gonna jump up but backs off laughing at Edge. Orton turns and returns up the ramp and the only question of Edge, and the crowds, mind.. What is Randy Orton up to?
This segment takes 5 minutes (1:25 left of show time)
The System are backstage celebrating their title win when The Premiere Athletes walk up to them. Woods says “Moose I could care less what you think I want my rematch”. Moose just starts laughing at him and then says “You just lost the Scramble Match you're gonna have to earn that rematch”. Woods responds with “Oh don't worry i'm well aware which is why I came back here to inform Brian Myers. It's me vs him next, sanctioned by WBW Owner Mark Steel himself. Cya out there Champ”. Josh Woods puts his hand on Brian’s shoulder for a second before walking off. Daivari and Nese follow him out.
This segment takes 5 second (1:20 left of show time)
Josh Woods vs Brian Myers w/ Eddie Edwards
Josh Woods and Brian Myers circle each other as the bell is rung. They quickly get into a technical lockup which Woods gets the better of pushing Myers into the corner. Woods backs up as the referee tells him too and Myers takes advantage with a low knee. The referee yells at him but Myers doesn't care going for an early pin. Woods kicks out at 1. Brian continues his assault for a little bit before climbing the ropes going for a Heat Seeking Elbow. Woods rolls out of the way and tries to lock in a Knee Bar. He cant get it in properly and Myers escapes with a Enzuigiri followed by a Roster Cut going for the pin. Woods kicks out at 2. Myers climbs the turnbuckle and hits a Heat Seeking Elbow. He climbs up one more time to hit a second one once again going for the pin. Woods kicks out at 2 and a half. Myers hits the ground and is frustrated. He then lifts Josh up looking for a Taste the Danger. Woods drops down behind him and catches him in the Knee Bar. Myers screams in pain as he's in the hold for well over a minute before finally tapping out. Woods has just gotten a massive win!
This match takes 10 minutes (1:10 left of show time)
After the match Moose hits Woods from behind with his belt. Daivari and Nese try to intercept but the tag champs get in their way and the 2 teams begin brawling through the crowd and out of the arena. Moose now has Woods all to himself as he sets up Game Changer. This theme plays and the Monster Among Men runs down to the ring. He hits Moose with a shoulder tackle sending him flying. Moose quickly slides out of the ring and retreats up the ramp as Braun helps Woods to his feet. Braun and Woods stand tall as Moose stands at the top of the ramp outraged.
This segment takes 5 minutes (1:05 left of show time)
Mark Steel is backstage talking to KO. KO says “Why did you tell Sami to go home, It was the Nemeth Brothers and Drew getting involved not him”. Mark responds with “It is my job to focus on safety and wellbe-”. Moose interrupts him, as KO storms off, “Wellbeing my ass. Braun just showed up and attacked me. I demand retribution”. Mark says “That's funny cause he only came out to protect Josh Woods who you attacked first. Instead i've decided it's going to be Josh Woods and Braun Strowman next week to decide who will be the #1 contender for your WCW Intercontinental Championship. Oh and if you or any other member of the System show up.. You will be forced to vacate your title immediat-”. Josh Woods walks up interrupting “Next week I'm gonna beat Braun Strowman and then I'm going to make you regret attacking me tonight”. Woods walks off as Mark takes a deep breath clearly annoyed about being interrupted yet again.
This match takes 10 minutes (0:50 left of show time)
Stupid Youth Project vs Paige Sisters w/ Ella Envy - Qualifier for 6 Team Ladder Match for Women's Tag Titles
Alice Crowley and Billie Starkz team up to take on Pretty Empowered’s Kylie and Kenzie Paige. Alice and Kenzie have a powerhouse display while Billie and Kylie use their high-flying ability. Both teams wanted to win badly. In the end it comes down to a last second ditch effort from Billie to connect with a frog splash and pin Kenzie for the 3 count. They will be joining The Horsewomen in the 6 team Ladder Match!
This match takes 10 minutes (0:40 left of show time)
Drew Gulak and Alpha Academy w/ Maxxine Dupri vs Legado Del Fantasma w/ Elektra Lopez
This match is a very chaotic match so like the Women's Tag Qualifiers I decided to just give it a basic description. All potential encounters happen as everyone from each team fought everyone from the other team. In the end Maxxine and Elektra argue and Elektra lays Maxxine out. This takes Otis’ attention for one second and the Los Lotharios take advantage with double chopblocks. Garza forces Otis to his feet and hits a Wingclipper as Humberto hits a Suicide Dive wiping out the rest of the Academy. Garza goes for the pin and Gulak attempts to get involved when he's hit with a Canadian Destroyer by Aeroboy. Gable gets to his feet and attempts to slide in but Escobar grabs his legs as Garza gets the 3! Legado Del Fantasma stood tall together in the ring celebrating.
This match takes 15 minutes (0:25 left of show time)
Chad Gable begins yelling at Otis. Drew Gulak gets in the way and tells Gable that's not how you treat your student. Gable shoves him and Gulak delivers a stiff kick before locking in an arm bar. Otis gets to his feet dejected as Gable yells out “Remember No Matter What”. Otis mutters under his breath “No Matter What” before lifting Drew off Gable and sending him crashing through the barricade. The rest of Alpha Academy meet them on the ramp as LDF watches the chaos in awe.
This segment takes 5 minutes (0:20 left of show time)
Drew McIntyre vs Kevin Owens - Round 2 of Winners Bracket for World Title Tournament
We finally reach the main event. Sami Zayn isn't allowed to show up, nor are the Nemeth Brothers. It's just Drew and KO. The match starts with KO lunging at Drew with a stiff kick before hitting him in the back sending him to the ground. Drew rolls out of the ring but KO follows persisting on the attack as the count starts. KO bangs Drew’s head off the announce table before throwing him into the steel steps. KO follows and Drew manages to get to his feet connecting with a Claymore. Drew quickly ducks in the ring looking for an easy 10 count. Kevin gets in at 9. Drew persists on the attack hitting a Futureshock DDT going for the pin. Kevin kicks out at 1. Drew looks shocked and backs into the corner. Drew begins counting down from 3 and goes for the Claymore. Kevin catches him mid air and hits a Powerbomb on the spot going for a pin. Drew kicks out at 1. KO hits the ground in frustration as Drew stumbles into the corner. KO kicks Drew in the midsection before backing up. He turns around and goes for the cannonball but Drew moves out of the way just in the nick of time! Drew connects with a Claymore going for the pin. KO kicks out at 2. Drew gets in the referee's face and asks him why it wasn't a 3. KO takes advantage pushing Drew into the referee knocking the referee out. KO then hits Drew with the Stunner followed by a Powerbomb. KO goes for the pin but Drew kicks out at 2.. Not that the referee was up anyway. KO climbs the turnbuckle and goes for a frog splash. Drew rolls out of the way and connects with a second claymore as the referee gets to his feet. Drew goes for the pin but KO kicks out at 2 and a half. Drew hits the ground in frustration, confused how it wasnt a 3. Drew lifts KO up for a Futureshock when KO reverses into a stunner. KO then lifts Drew up but his knee gives out and Drew lands in front of him connecting with a Glasgow Kiss followed by a Futureshock DDT going for the pin. KO kicks out at 2 and 3/4 and Drew goes absolutely crazy dropping back into the corner and connecting with another Claymore. Drew isn't done as he drops into the corner a second time hitting yet another Claymore. Drew doesn't care as he drops into the corner for a third time and begins counting down from 3. KO gets to his feet and hits a pop up powerbomb out of nowhere going for the pin. 2 masked men jump the barricade with “3MB” shirts on and pull the referee out of the ring. KO gets the 3 before he realizes the referee is gone. The 2 men remove their masks and climb onto the apron on both sides, thus revealing themselves to be Heath Slater and Jinder Mahal! The crowd pops as Drew’s buddies enter the ring and go after KO. At first KO does alright but then the Numbers Game catches up to him when Drew gets involved. Drew drops into the corner and begins counting down from 3 as Jinder and Heath force the referee up and toss him into the ring. Drew connects with the Claymore for a 6th time in this match going for the pin. This time Kevin cannot answer the 3 count! Jinder and Heath join Drew in the ring as 3MB celebrate together!
This match takes 20 minutes (Show Finish)
submitted by Hefty_Fix_8416 to fantasybooking [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:09 Easy-Horse-2791 Unsure if I should be an Indie Game Developer as Career or Biologist

TL;DR (18m) I was planning on going to college for game development but I don't think I want a career in that. I just want to do my own thing and hopefully get big. Biology seems cool.
I want to be an independent game developer. I have my own game idea and I'm really passionate about it. I’d make it even if I couldn’t make money off of it. It has a bunch of creatures based on real life biology, it's called speculative evolution. Kinda like Subnautica or James Cameron’s Avatar. Like alien animals and aren’t just monsters. I animate all the characters and creatures and want the game to have a hand drawn style like Hollow Knight.
Due to my interest in video games and digital arts / animation, I applied to an art school with a game design major, within walking distance from my high school. I visited it during my art classes and found the environment inviting. There were nice studio spaces and the students there looked really fun to be around. The Game Design professor was really nice to listen to during the Open House. All these together, alongside transportation issues led me to tunnel vision into this school. When I got the financial aid package, I started rethinking the idea of going. I assumed it would cover most of the cost since my family is low income and I have a lot of siblings. The school seems really nice but I don’t want to have 100K in student loans.
I didn’t apply anywhere else until recently. This year's FAFSA was delayed by a lot which made applying to other schools a bit tricky. I got accepted into a state school which offers more stuff too.
All the game developer layoffs and crunch time stuff, I don’t really think I want to do that. I of course want to make my own game. Like alone, in an apartment or my own little studio space or something. Being able to be a concept artist would be awesome, but it’s like super competitive and there’s also AI image generation. (eww I hate that) It’s scary good now, imagine how good it’ll be in 4 years when I graduate. Working on other people’s games would be cool, I guess. That’s not why I want to learn this stuff. I just want to do my own thing
Also looking at the art college’s class lineup, they don’t have anything not related to art. I like biology, paleontology and other earth sciences because I do lots of worldbuilding. I don’t get bored in stem classes like I imagine a lot of art school students do.
I’ve been thinking about a lot of other careers.
Dental Hygienists seem to make a lot of dollars without flexible hours, but I’ve also heard they have wrist pain which would make it really hard to draw.
Software Engineering is alright. Like I can tolerate it, but without the lens of video games, I don’t really care for it. The coding part of video games is not my spark, it’s more the artistic creative side. Also I hear that’s like the most overcrowded major everywhere. I know people who love coding like how I love paleontology, just researching it for fun.
Being a TV show animator seems really similar to being in a game developer studio. I also think I’d have to move to California or something. I don’t really want to move that far away.
Architecture seems kinda cool. I just heard you have to love it because you work overtime a lot and would get paid more for your effort in other fields.
Having some sort of biology job would be really cool. I’m not sure exactly what they do though. Again I saw you have to love it because it’s hard to find a job without a masters degree.
My art teacher is really proud of my work so far and it makes me happy. I will say though, considering something else as a career has made thinking about it so much less stressful. It can just be something cool I do and if it gets big, I don’t have to work anymore. Yahoo. I could also put hobbyist instead of professional in my bio, which looks cooler to me.
Working a trade sounds sucky because I’ve helped my friend at his family business at a warehouse once. It was okay but I don’t want to do that for a living. Lifting heavy stuff and getting kinda hurt. No thanks.
Also I’m aware I simplify a bit when talking about competition and stuff. The idea is that entry level jobs would be hard to get and those don’t really pay that well and I don’t want to feel like I wasted a college degree. I could be being dumb about AI image generation but any professional art people can let me know.
You can read about my student loan worries here here
And I can link to my for my 1 minute game prototypes if anyone is interested. My 2D Platformers with Krita Animations
Anyway what I’m asking for is your thoughts because I’m not knowledgeable here. Anyone with a biology degree, experience in the jobs I listed or whatever else (I don’t know, it’s why I am asking)
submitted by Easy-Horse-2791 to findapath [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:07 D_Luffy_32 Probably getting fired because I didn't bow down to management's power trip

I've been with a company for 3 years and the entire time I've been there upper management has disliked me. Despite me being a top runner in the company and always volunteering to come in early and stay late. (Because I like the extra pay not because I care about the company) They dislike the fact that I stand up for myself and my coworkers when we are treated unfairly. In one instance they made policy changes without informing us and then when we inevitably are upset why we're not getting the perks we had before I talked to them and they couldn't explain why we were no longer getting those perks and instead they told us to refer to the policy. The policy that says it had been altered a few months prior. Another time my coworker was getting punished for not taking breaks so they could a higher bonus on their check since productivity is paid out. I brought up the wording in the policy how it said "may take" for breaks and "must take" for lunches. That was shut down by saying policy is up to "manager discretion" and verbal policy holds the same weight as written ones.
Since those incidents I've kept a pretty low profile but have had a target on my back. When I applied for a supervisor position they said one of the reasons I didn't get it is because I was too combative. I figured I would never move up in the company since the reasons for not getting the job became personal not professional. So I just continued as normal working late if needed and being their go to for little things. I drive heavy machinery, something that I'm one of the few people who seem to realize is dangerous to be around. And I take extra care to be hyper aware of who I'm around when I drive. But I'm also well aware of my experience so I drive at top speed when it is safe to do so. Something that is only now an issue.
So to the issue at hand. They put up an arbitrary stop sign at a choke point / blind spot which sees a lot of traffic both on foot and on equipment. This was about a year ago. It has caused the area to be more dangerous than before because now people on foot do not watch out for heavy equipment and expect them to keep them safe. Nobody bothers treating it like a road stop sign, management included. People often do a rolling stop to see if anyone's around and go about their way. If it's apparent nobody is around then sometimes people will just go through. Management sees this first hand and never enforces it. Yesterday someone saw me and another person drive through and complained. They brought me into the office and basically tried to get me to admit to something but I had no idea what they were talking about. After that they finally said it was about the stop sign. They said it was an issue and I brought up what I stated above. They did not like that and took me off equipment for the day.
The next day I came in and they immediately took me into the office. Right off the bat they were aggressive. Bringing up what if scenarios to say I could've hurt someone, and making personal jabs saying I'm not "that good" at driving my equipment. Despite being in zero accidents in the last 2 years and some people being in at least one accident every few months. They also tried to make claims about me not having "remorse" for the hypothetical person who could have been hit. Acting as if the reason I drove through wasn't because nobody was there, but that it was an act of God nobody was hurt. They put me on "administrative leave" pending "investigation". And that I would be escorted out of the building and can't return until I'm told otherwise. They asked me if I had any questions and they refused to answer any of them. Such as, 1. "What exactly are you investigating?" Since I at no time did I deny drivjng through and the video footage was already seen of it happening. 2. "Why am I being singled out despite other people doing this?" Which they said I wouldn't know if I was being signed out or not as if it isn't obvious since I'm in trouble and nobody else is or has been. And 3. "Can I go talk to my HR representative and why wasn't an HR representative here in the first place?" Which was extra suspicious because they said no I can't go talk them. And that if I want to be difficult we can do this the hard way. Overall a bad interaction despite me remaining professional the whole time. I've seen other people go on "leave" 90% of the time they never come back.
So TLDR, my job of 3 years is putting me on "administrative leave" over a minor infraction that everyone does. Because I don't take their BS. In my company "administrative leave" rarely means you come back.
submitted by D_Luffy_32 to antiwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:05 NoCommunication7 My (22m) brother (30m) won't stop harrassing me over personal choices, what should i do?

It started in my teenage years and has become worse, especially in the last few years when our tastes and opinions have drifted apart, he calls me fat, claims i always break stuff (a good example is the stairs, one day i said one of the steps felt strange and he fixed it by hammering in a nail, except that actually diverted the stress to the wrong part and the whole thing cracked, he has blamed me ever since because i'm 'overweight') he always tries to get into my phones, he tries to hack my iPhone for instance by showing it to my face or just pictures of my face.

A few months ago i bought a kilt and he has not shut up about that either, 'why do you want to dress like a woman?' 'we're not scottish' 'you're going to get yourself beat up wearing that' and he spews anti-kilt rhetoric in my face, today he asked me if i wanted a pride kilt, starting rumours that i'm LGBTQ+ is one of his favorite things to do.

He also harrasses me about my long hair, saying it's dirty, needs to be cut, or why i'm growing it long or making up rumours, he sometimes puts his hand in my hair.

He also spies on me, i ask to borrow his phone for something and go down his pictures, i find potshots of my computer monitor and my phone screen, i was just playing bitlife on my phone and he wasn't convinced, he kept asking me what 'website that is' and where i 'got the 101,000 euros from' he only realized when he googled it.

He hates my taste in music, doesn't like me singing and thinks i'm sexually attracted to a former member of one of my favorite bands.

I have a feeling the reason why he's been worse lately is because a few days ago i had to change the password to my youtube account, i got an email about a comment reply and it turned out he'd been using my account to argue with people and spam this one popular youtuber, honestly the comments reminded me of yayvideogames.

He's also very paranoid in general, always thinks i'm writing about him and demands to see everything i do on my computer, if i happen to change tabs just as he walks in he accuses me of hiding something and demands to see it.

Stuff of mine has been broken before too, like several fountain pens, he let a dog chew up a 50s esterbrook and hid the remains from me, he went through a hypergraphia phase of writing lots of things in my books and ruining the pages, he also once took an axe to my xbox controller because he lost a game.

I'll appreciate any advice on what i can do, what i can say, etc i think some of the harassment is bordering on assault especially touching my hair and clothes, i also have audio evidence of him telling me he doesn't want me wearing a kilt.
submitted by NoCommunication7 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:04 teucer_ My letter to the "Fiat Customer Care" department (FIAT Customer Disregard department)

Last year I purchased a used 2014 FIAT 500L with less than 60,000 miles on it. In the year I’ve owned it, I’ve experienced the following failures that have needed repair:
· Turbo failure
· Headliner sag / adhesive failure
· Exterior paint clear-coat failure
· Neutral safety switch Failure
· Rear hatch latch failure
· Alarm system programming failure
· Tire pressure monitoring system module failure
· Multi-air brick failure
· Driver sun visor failure (stalk became brittle, snapped)
· Passenger sun visor tension failure
· Rear license plate light assembly failure
· Coolant system component failure
The last of the latter listed failures (I’m sitting here thinking there HAS TO BE at least one other thing I’ve missed on that long distinguished list) required radiator replacement as well as upper and lower radiator hose replacement. Unfortunately, the upper radiator hose, part number 68261751AA, is on indefinite backorder as it has been for months. My car has likewise been undriveable for months as it requires said part to be operational again.
It’s one thing to make vehicles that are of low-quality, such low quality that the cost of repairing this vehicle far exceeds the (roughly) $10,000 I paid for it in only a year’s time. But, it’s another thing to manufacture vehicles…of any quality standard…but particularly those of FIAT standards where it’s well-known that replacement parts WILL BE NEEDED and OFTEN…..and NOT STOCK REPLACEMENT PARTS SUCH THAT DEALERSHRIPS MAY AVAIL THEMSELVES TO SAID PARTS WHEN THEY ARE NEEDED.
Are you surprised you sold a total of 602 new FIAT vehicles in the United States during the entirety of 2023? That’s a far cry from the 46, 999 units you sold in 2012. People thought back in 2012 they could trust FIAT again; surely they were not the same build quality as they were in the 1980s when you withdrew from the United States entirely, right? But, apparently, as stupid as the average consumer is, even they understood how bad FIAT quality still was and it showed by 2017 when sales began dropping to a tune of 26,492 units. Source:
When I talk to FIAT dealers, few and far between as they are in the United States, I see no new cars being offered. The sales reps say they are by special order only because the demand isn’t there. The truth of the matter is that not only consumers don’t want them but the mechanics at FIAT dealerships cringe whenever anyone brings a FIAT in for service and repair because even the factory authorized dealers have a hard time figuring out what’s wrong with these things. Places like Jiffy Lube won’t even touch a FIAT, not even for a simple oil change! Some extended warranty companies won’t even sell a policy covering these vehicles; is it a wonder why?
I had to go out and buy a second car while still continuing to may payments on this 2014 FIAT 500L, thus mandating I make two car payments in lieu of one that I can barely afford (thus why I bought the car in the first place, as valuation on used FIATs are understandably depressed as compared to other makes here) just so the 500L can sit for God knows how long in the dealer’s satellite lot and rot away under a tree while it futility awaits FIAT to ship a radiator hose. You’d think one would be able to use a generic radiator hose but no: that hose was made to be specific for that car such that I cannot even substitute a generic because of a fitting specific to the model! You have to be kidding me!
You all should be ashamed of yourselves, first of all. Second of all, I hope you pull out of the United States market altogether. Why stay here in the States if you are not wanting to put forward effort in stocking even the simplest of parts for the cars you do offer here? Even the parts that were available in the long list of those that failed that I previously enumerated only numbered less than a handful in availability, such as there having been one sole neutral safety switch that the dealer was able to see available in national inventory when that failed. As the dealership’s service manager put it: “It’s almost like they want these things off of the road”. I don’t think you all want these things off the road. In fact, I don’t think the cars you sell to U.S motorists even cross your mind after they drive off of the sales floor. FIAT simply does not care about FIAT owners and the cars they are attempting to maintain!
submitted by teucer_ to Fiat [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:04 kaindrac Layered set recompilation (warning, long post!)

Layered set recompilation (warning, long post!)
Hello everyone! It's been a bit of time since i posted another set, sadly this time i don't bring you any new mixes, but a recompilation of all the set i have in the sub to this day.
This idea came to me after roaming a bit among the old post and noticed that a lot of them had really outdated screenshots from the time i started to share the armors.Which is a shame because some of them are among my favorites, so i decided to retake new shots from all of them, putting more focus on the armor and not the background. Maybe try new models, and share a bit more info with those that may be interested!
Without further ado,! I hope you enjoy it!

1º: Dual and Change blade clockwork mix.
Original post:
The very first armor I posted in the sub, with the help of a great friend! (The first and only time I did a photoshoot with someone, sadly…) Nevertheless, after it, he lent me the look of his character to keep on sharing sets with everyone, so if you see this, thanks a lot!

Originally my set was the same shade of blue as other sets, but i had to change it.
2º: Passionate kulve armour mix!
Original post:
I love this one, the vibrant colors, the gold and blue combo, and how such different sets fit so well together to bring you your very own carnival! (I know that the Passion Set already does that, but i was never a fan of the head, legs and waist piece)
Something great about this one, since the chest piece is not colored it doesn't lose the original textures of the feathers! (You may have noticed that when you color some armor in World you lose most of the original details, most noticeable in some armors like this one) So the only thing left was to match the kulve pieces to the blue hues of the chest (the golden parts already match with the wings, so it was easy!)
In the original post you may see a green variation with golden wings, saldy that one requires mods to archieve that look, so i have discontinued it due to the new rules.

3º: Wildspire Dancers!
Original post:
In the original post you may find a few more colorfull variations of this armor, but the original was this one, i felt that it was incomplete, and since the only headpiece that is a veil comes with kulu monster parts that can't be changed I decided to discard it and make the gold mask makeup you can see in the images!
This set pairs awesomely with dual blades (my main weapon). I love the flow of the Shara waist strips and the bare legs, especially with the one-hit claw tenderize.
4º Clear sky, sunny day!
Original post:
Sometimes you want to keep things simple, yet be a shining beacon! This set main protagonist is its vibrant color and wild hairstyle!

5º: Leather-clad punk huntress.
Original post:
Because not everything is colourfull dresses, this is a set for the fanst of black leather! One of the most catching details is that you can get a glimpse of the colorfull stockin by the right leg thanks to the unbucled skirt.
Also, the shade that I chose for the armor was reddish following the standard look of the Great Giros chest piece, but for this set, you can change all those red pieces to your taste. In the original post, you can find a full black and gray variation.
Btw can you guess the model just by her hair color? It's not the one from the original post, but one i have used in other sets too. ;)

6º: Cold? It never bothered me anyway~
Original post:
Also known as "armored Elsa" Thanks to the various comenst that pointed that out and got the idea in my head.
AT velk may be the bane of the existence of many hunters, but thant to it i can show you this regal mix, for those that want to feel beautiful and elegant, but still want to be a badass warrior princes of the hoarfrost!
Warm and cold light comparison.
7º: The Sapphire Star's Guidance.
Original post:
My favorite set, if you have ever seen me in a hunt, was most likely with this one! I just love how the dress fits together, and by this mix you may have figured out that I really like the kulve beta + legs.
Sadly, since the textures crash hard, I had to use a waist piece to hide the seam, but i would have liked to have it as a single piece.
8º: Savage Demoness
Original post:
With this set, I started to make more custom makeup to fit the theme of the mixes.
You may have noticed that when you equip the layered version of this chest piece it lacks the red marks. That is because, for some random reason they decided to remove part of the armor when making the layered version, a nonsense thing, so for the photoshoot i used the regular chest piece.
Main set and helmet variation.
9º: Pale Moon Priestess.
Original post:
Beating this one photos was hard, since in the original post most of them were awesome, capturing the esence o mistery just as i wanted, but this time I wanted to show how the entire armor looks.
Lightning variation!
10º: Hellfire knight.
Original post:
For the fans of the heavy protection, a heavy plated huntress with fire in her eyes!
I always wanted to use the Glavenus armor, but the only piece i really liked was the chest. This set stood half-made in one of my presets until one day it clicked that the armor has a very close pattern with Zora armor, so I finally got it finished!

11º: Rath Heart Huntress.
Original post:
Winner of the community model poll by a landslide! The first time i used a model other than mine or my friends'.
This one was a total hit, as the character got a lot of attention ( Just remember the comments about the 8 screenshot...)
A regular day on a hunters life.
12º:Muse Golden Gown
Original post:
At first this armor didnt have the wyverian hears, I changed it for the mix, so if you have problems matching your character's skin tone, you could always switch to some other headpiece of your choice!
13º: Hoarfrost Huntress. (with variations)
First time i shared this particular preset with you guys, but before that i already shared a armor set in another sub that I still have to bring to this one. ;)
In this particular shot i bring you all three variations of the armor! What is your favorite?
14º: Bunny Girls Galore!
Original post:
Thanks to the help I got from other user in this sub I finally got a shade for the buff body legs that resemble something like stockings.
Give a warm welcome to the new additions to this set! In the original post, you can find variations for the helmet in case you are not really into bunny ears.

15º: The Endemic Life Researcher joins the hunt!
Original post:
A thematic photoshoot to showcase an armor that would fit our curious and intrepid endemic life researcher.
Tired of hunters not delivering specimens, she took matters into her own hands and jumped into the active hunt!
For this one i wanted to keep the theme of her interacting with monsters and critters as well as focusing on the armor.
Variation of the set with coral pukey pieces!
16º: Sapphire Empress
And finally the lates addition, both to the armors that I posted and the model, you may see more of her in the future!
Thank you for your time, if you have any question ask away!
submitted by kaindrac to fashionhunters [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:03 Unlikely_Candy_6250 [F4M] Receiving the Princess's favor (Script Offer) (Fantasy) (Medieval) (Friends to Lovers) (Princess speaker) (Knight listener) (Tournament) (Romance) (Confession) (Okay for monetization)

A knight's efforts in the tournament have garnered the attention of an old childhood friend, who also happens to be the princess.
You can edit the script or make more parts to it if you want. You can paywall it but please send me a link if you do.
There's a brief section at the beginning where another character (a maid) speaks. It's in italics and can be removed if you don't want to include it.
1,020 words.
I've done a princess script for ladies why not another for gents, lol. Feedback is welcome.
[Maid]: "Thank you for coming Sir Knight, the Princess is waiting for you inside."
"No, I'm afraid I don't know why she's invited you." \Giggles* "Although with how well you performed in the joust I'm hardly surprised she wants to speak to you, maybe to offer you a token of her favor? Something for you to tie to your lance."*
\Teasing* "I'm surprised someone as chivalrous and strapping doesn't have a hundred of such tokens already. If you like I'm sure I could find a glove to-"*
[Speaker]: *Opens door* "Ahem! Thank you for bringing him, now if you could excuse us a moment. I would like to speak to the man of the hour for myself."
*Closes door* "Good evening, Sir Knight. Thank you for responding to my invitation. I, wasn't certain you would. Hm? Oh, yes. You may kiss my hand if you'd like." *Listener kisses her hand.*
*Flustered* "I, err." *Coughs* "Commendations are in order for your performance at the tournament so far. I can't the last time I saw Sir Henry unhorsed in the joust like that. Although I would urge you stay cautious, there is another day of jousting yet to come. I wouldn't wish to see you harmed by your overconfidence."
"Hm? Oh, yes. You may kiss my hand if you like." *Listener kisses her hand.*
*Flustered* "I, err." *Coughs* "It's good to see you again, it's been a while. Nearly a year as I remember."
"Yes, you have my..." *Sighs* "I'm sorry as well. I shouldn't have said half of what I did and should've phrased the other half of what I said less brashly. I suppose I was as angered by my father's decision as you were, though I wouldn't admit it openly."
"It was a mistake, to throw away a lifelong friendship when you were only concerned for my well-being. I hope you can forgive me for it."
"Thank you, I forgive you as well. If it's alright with you could we, talk? The way we used for, if only for tonight."
*Laughs* "Yes, like in the garden. I'm surprised you remember, you used to hate how I dragged you there all the time. I'm convinced you'd have refused to come at all if I weren't your princess." *Coughs* "The princess, of the kingdom that you belong to, I mean."
"In my defense, I used to hate it when you invited me to go sword training with you." *Humorously* "I couldn't stand the way you disarmed me so quickly, every time. Neither could my father, as I recall, although I think he was more upset that I was spending so much time with you at all."
*Jokingly* "He must've feared we'd ride off and elope one day, leaving the kingdom behind." *Giggles*
"You've grown into a great knight. I'm impressed by how skilled you are." *Teasing* "I like to think I had something to do it with it. If only because you needed something to show off to me." *Laughs*
*Exhales* "I was surprised when I heard you'd be competing in the tournament, you, made your feelings on it quite clear the last time we spoke. About the way I'd allow my hand to be fought for by strangers, at my father's request."
"It's not the way I'd dreamed of being wed but it can't be helped. I'm the Fifth born of my siblings and third born of my sisters. There no alliances that need be struck, only fame and favor to curry with the people. Hence, this tournament is to decide my fate."
"I don't fault you for participating however, even if you don't hope to claim the ultimate prize."
*Shyly* "Or, do you?"
"I-I understand of course. Marriage to a princess would elevate you and your family to great heights. If that's what you want I'll support you."
*Listener grabs her hand* "M-my hand, why are you...?"
*Timidly* "I'm, more than a prize to you, aren't I?"
*Nervous laugh* "Excuse me I, need a moment.* *Happier laugh* "I never dreamed anyone would ever actually... Let alone that you'd..."
"No no! You haven't upset me, quite the opposite actually."
"Truthfully I'd, always held an interest in you. A romantic one." *Wryly "It'd have infuriated my father if we were to court and yet he'd probably have banished you if you'd broken my heart. So I, kept my interest to myself, as much as I was capable, I'm pretty sure my siblings caught on at some point."
"Which, I suppose would explain why they encouraged me to reach out to you. I was nervous but, I'm glad I did."
"Ahem, forgive me, but might I kiss you? I've wanted to for a while now."
*Laugh* "Not the romantic first kiss I used to dream of, and yet at the same time it's everything I always wanted. Thank you, for everything."
"It's not going to be easy though. I have faith in your abilities but this tournament's attracted some of the kingdom's finest knights. If you lose then we-"
"No, you're right. I can't think like that, not tonight. Not when we have so little time to spend together, we should think of cheerier things."
"Please, tell me about your travels. I've tried to keep track, even if from afar, but I'd like to hear of them from you."
*Fading out* "Is it true you've traveled outside the kingdom?"
*Fading in* *Laughter* "And the Baron still hasn't let you back in the city? Goodness, I'll have to write to him on your behalf."
*Sighs* "I'm afraid it's time. If you linger here any longer we'll certainly be caught. If it gets back to my father he might prevent you from competing in the rest of the tournament."
"I'm, frightened. If you don't win then... No, I don't want to think about that."
"Before you go! Here, take my glove, tie it to your lance or arm. I doubt my favor carries any tangible weight in the competition to come, but I want everyone to know that you have it."
"That you're the one I want to marry."
submitted by Unlikely_Candy_6250 to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:03 hopes_up_high Camping wristband pulled way too tight by someone falling in the pit during Breaking Benjamin

To the motorcycle-dealer man who helped me for over half an hour between Breaking Benjamin & Slipknot: thank you so much for being so kind and helping me remove my camping wristband! During the second Breaking Benjamin song, someone was falling in the pit and grabbed my wrist to stay up, but also yanked the wristband as tight as it could go. Who knew how indestructible those things could really be?! It took a while to get all the feeling back in my right hand once it was off. Glad I didn't have to leave before Slipknot since they are my all-time favorite band and we were still right by the pit, and you helped make that possible! It looked like the initial push at the start of Slipknot's set was pretty rough on you, your friend, and your son. I hope you made it out of that spot ok and got to enjoy the rest of the show!
submitted by hopes_up_high to welcometorockville [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:01 x3DCoder Archean is now on Steam - The New Multiplayer Engineering Sandbox (and Space Sim)

Hello, I am the developer of Archean, which just released on Steam today, in Early Access.
Archean is an immersive Engineering Sandbox and Space Sim. The game is set on Earth, 3 billion years in the past, in the Archean eon.
This is a challenging sandbox that can be played solo or multiplayer with dedicated servers. It also happens to be a full scale Space Sim but it doesn't force you to do space stuff.
This game (and custom engine) is developed by a single programmer (myself) in a small team of two.
This project is my baby, I've been working on it for more than 13 years, starting over many times, until the technology got to where it needed to actually make it happen.
It's priced at USD 19.99 but there is a 25% discount at the moment for the release!
NOTE: You require an NVIDIA RTX graphics card to be able to play it. It won't run on a GTX or an AMD gpu.
Current Features

Future Updates

Immersive Engineering Sandbox

We offer a very advanced, high precision build and engineering system with small resizable blocks from 25 cm to 4 meters. In this game, you have to connect components with actual cables/pipes for power, data and fluids. Build in-game live in an immersive way, not in an editor. Code your own logic in virtual computers, using pure code or a node-based visual programming system.


We have developed a new programming language designed to be easy to learn and optimal for in-game virtual computers. The game has a built-in cooperative editor with syntax highlighting and multi-cursor support, as well as a node-based visual editor to facilitate scripting.

Adventure Mode

In this mode, you begin with nothing in your backpack. You have to gather resources and craft everything you need. You start by hand, picking up rocks, build mining rigs, build automated machines and so on. Some resources are underwater, some are at the highest mountain peaks. It's up to you to build vehicles that can get there. The ultimate goal is to reach the Moon.

Native Ray-Tracing

Our innovative renderer is fully ray-traced with a great performance. This is not a eye-candy, it's actually a necessary feature for this game to even exist, because of its dynamic nature. Since the content will be mostly user-created and it's set to be moddable out-of-the-box, we cannot afford any artist-driven baked lighting, and with the full scale aspects with customizable solar system, we need the sun(s) lighting to be completely dynamic based on the real-time scenario, instead of tweaking shadow maps and reflection probes manually like other games do. The entire scene is rendered in a single ray-tracing pass with many recursive light bounces. This allows for realistic hard shadows, perfectly reflective mirrors and physically correct refractions. Just make sure you have an NVIDIA RTX graphics card and you're good to go.

Space Sim

The final goal of this game is to be a Full Scale Space Sim with the entire solar system. At the moment we have the Earth and the Moon, Orbital Mechanics and Re-Entry effects based on velocity. There is no artificial speed limit, so you can actually orbit realistically at 8 km/s. You can also dock with your friend's ship while in orbit, if you're good.
We have great plans for this game, and we swear by our 5 commandments:

1. Thou shall obey physics

It's NOT arcade-style and we do not underestimate our players. You must understand science or be willing to learn some physics. The game features realistic 6-dof space physics without any artificial speed limit. As far as we know, it's the only multiplayer space sim where you can dock with your friend's space station while in space at Full Orbital Velocity. This game is NOT meant to be a dogfight-style space shooter because that would not be practical with realistic physics.

2. Thou shall not see "Loading..."

Seamless transitions, no loading screens, EVER! From ground to orbit to another planet... it's all seamless. The game also happens to "load" pretty much instantly... For reference, in our Quadcopter video, the recording started BEFORE the game's executable was launched.

3. Thou shall not hit a wall

No fake boundaries. No skyboxes. No predefined paths. IT's a true Open World game, and it's all full scale. If you see a mountain, it's not a texture... You can just walk there and climb it if you have the courage... But I would just build a Rover or some kind of aircraft to get there faster. The moon that you see from the surface of Earth is the actual moon's terrain that you will land on, if you manage to build a good enough rocket, that is. The stars you see are individually rendered points in 3D space. It's not a skybox. But let's be honest you won't ever be able to reach another star.

4. Thou shall not be Thee

Immersive, first person controls and no cutscenes. There will NEVER be a point where the player loses control of their avatar to a cutscene or to some long animation. This game will keep a focus on First Person Immersion. Even though there is a 3rd person view available, it's mostly for taking screenshots, the game is not meant to be played this way.

5: Thou shall make sense

Everything has a realistic purpose based on science. Nothing should be fake, and in-game technologies must be at least plausible with some math behind it. This means that there is no such thing as magical artificial gravity. There are only two ways to have gravity in your spaceship when you're in space:
Also, there will be no Faster Than Light space travel. The math for a plausible Warp Drive would not allow that, but will let you multiply your acceleration quite a bit, in a way that you can travel up to 99% the speed of light.
I sincerely hope you'll enjoy this game a lot, as I did developing it and will keep enjoying working on it for years to come.
submitted by x3DCoder to IndieGaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:01 imlighterthanair Students at poor majority black schools don't deserve any help

I'm a substitute teacher in Florida, and I have been for about a year while I work towards my degree. I'm gonna start this off by saying most of the schools that I have been to have been perfectly fine; the students walk in normally, take a seat and converse quietly until I start instructing, at which point they quiet down and follow whatever instructions I give them. Even if there is talking during work time, I can generally trust that it won't get out of hand and that all the students will still complete the work given. Students at these schools actually respect educators.
The crazy thing is, when I say "these schools" I'm sure y'all think I mean affluent white majority schools; the reality is that a lot of the schools I teach at are majority Hispanic and not all that well off, yet they are still respectful and still show an eagerness to learn.
Every single majority black school I have been to has been a shit show. Students come into class running around, jumping, pushing other kids, walking in and out of class, blasting music, cursingbasically everything but respectfully walking in. Even after the bell rings, the students at black majority schools act like nothing happened; when I try to give my instruction, I am met with laughter and even louder talking.
Let's say I make it past that little hurdle and actually manage to give the instructions to the students. None of them take the initiative to do anything unless I am literally hovering over them every single second of the period. If they don't have a pencil, they will just sit there all class doing nothing. And their excuse? It was your fault for not giving them one in the first place. I am not exaggerating when I say NONE of them have any interest in learning. If I so much as look down for a second, it's back to mayhem in the classroom.
Every day that I work at a black majority school, I endure insults from multiple students (such as "fuck you nigga" or "I ain't doin' that shit bitch" in response to being asked to do a worksheet), witness twerking on a desk to Sexyy Redd's music, see at least three fights, and send at least ten students to the office (who by the way get sent back 20 minutes later doing the same thing that got them sent out).
The funniest part is I think liberal leaning people in this country tend to have this false belief that just because someone is black, they are automatically progressive and accepting. These kids I have seen at black majority schools say some of the most vile, disgusting shit I have ever heard. On the daily, comments making fun of rape, gay people, teen moms, and pretty much anything or anyone else you can think of. As an Indian-American male, I have ONLY experienced racism at these black majority schools. These kids will literally play stereotypical Indian music on a hidden speaker to mess with me, ask me if I have a job at 7/11, call me Mohammadyou get the point.
These majority black schools are not worth all the support and help that they get; their students do not know how to use it. These kids wouldn't try in school even if they were guaranteed a full ride to Harvard after.
submitted by imlighterthanair to ControversialOpinions [link] [comments]