Jenny masche parents

Kele Okereke: his works

2014.04.01 01:09 alxcia Kele Okereke: his works

This subreddit is focused on Bloc Party's Kele Okereke. Everything related to Kele is being currently posted on Bloc Party's subreddit. However, many BP fans dislike Kele's current endeavors and projects; that's why I considered fair to create this subreddit.

2024.06.09 04:43 prossm Is my Jenny Lind Cradle from before 1987 safe?

Important details!
More context: I'm a new dad! This is the cradle I was in when I was a baby. I was born in 1987, and I think my parents got it within the year before I was born. It's a classic Jenny Lind cradle and can either swing gently, or a pin can hold it in place. It's a beautiful piece and I'd really like to use it for my newborn in a few months.
I just saw an advisory to avoid getting cribs that are older than 10 years. I got nervous, but after researching why that suggestion exists, it seems like none of the safety concerns apply to this cradle. It seems like it's just a great and wonderful heirloom to pass on to my son.
Am I missing anything I should be concerned about?
submitted by prossm to newborns [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:09 Double-Emotion8076 [HIRING] North America/Europe. Are you looking for a flexible job where you can work from home and make a difference? We’re hiring chat support agents to join our team, and we welcome applicants of all experience levels!

Why join us?
What you'll be doing:
Interested? Send me a message on Telegram - JennySwank to apply!
submitted by Double-Emotion8076 to thesidehustle [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:19 whydoyouflask Great Grandparents name

I'm not going to ask about granparents names because we all know that a passwoed security question. But i was realizing i'm not sure about my great grandparents names and if any would be good for my baby coming November. A lot of like old names. I know somewhere deep in my family line, i uave a man names Karl Karlsson, but thats about it. Are there any names deep in your family tree that you thought were weird, interesting or cool?
I actually remember my paternal grandmothers parents names were Emil and Jenni (pronounced yenni)
Would love to hear yours.
submitted by whydoyouflask to namenerds [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 10:59 Double-Emotion8076 [HIRING] North America/Europe. Are you looking for a flexible job where you can work from home and make a difference? We’re hiring chat support agents to join our team, and we welcome applicants of all experience levels!

Why join us?
What you'll be doing:
Interested? Send me a message on Telegram - JennySwank to apply!
submitted by Double-Emotion8076 to hiring [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 03:53 VeryFroggers My Sim's eyes just changed colour

My Sim's eyes just changed colour
I always wondered why this sim (grandchild of Jenny and PT9) was born with brown eyes, when none of his parents had them. His dad is an alien hybrid with black eyes, and his mum is a human with grey eyes. The only person in the family with brown eyes that could think of, was Glarn Curious, who would have been this sim's great grandfather. Anyways, I just changed his hair in the mirror and his eyes are black now. Weird. Pretty sure his mum has one of the broken face templates too, so he might even change again when he's older. Little shape shifter.
submitted by VeryFroggers to sims2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 22:33 __tmk__ [QCrit] FADING BONDS, Women's Fiction, 97K, new letter

Dear Ms. Agent,
Fading Bonds asks how a young woman can untangle the snarled threads of her life while losing her mother’s love to a terminal disease. My debut manuscript is women’s fiction, complete at 97,000 words.
Seeking validation she’ll never get, Jessica Blue struggles through life as she nears 30. Her misogynistic ex-husband stalks her demanding a second chance. She’s close to losing her low-paying job as a bookkeeper in an office that smells like asphalt. And drinking doesn’t make the nightly phone calls with her widowed mother any easier to swallow.
Esther’s tumble into dementia forces Jess into the role of caregiver. As she navigates the minefield of caring for a parent with Alzheimer’s, Jess’s life spirals out of control, along with her drinking. She feels the parent-child roles reversing, grieving at watching her mother disappear day by day.
When a night of drinking and drugs ends with a friend’s fatal overdose, Jess has to decide what to do about everything in her life — and whether she can accept the consequences.
My main character shares the struggles of Jenny McLaine in Grown Ups, by Emma Jane Unsworth, and supports a loved one with Alzheimer’s like the wife in We Are Not Ourselves, by Matthew Thomas.
Thank you for your consideration.
Yours cordially,
submitted by __tmk__ to PubTips [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 22:29 johnniebeanie not sure what to do

I don't know what to do
I am 20 going to turn 21 this year, living in England. I am pre everything and I am completely lost, I have been looking for a job for almost a year now with no luck every day my body gets more masculine because I cant afford hrt and I can't dress fem or do anything I want to do to express myself since I still live with my parents and I am not out to them and they're opinions on trans people aren't very good. Like do I just keep waiting??? I am losing so much sleep over this and I just wanna give up idk what to do I cant even let the emotions out because I can't cry I always get to tears but it won't come out.
I have made some progress I got an interview for a retail job next week and I am currently in the process of getting diagnosed for autism. I was at university but I couldn't handle it and dropped out this was the time I realised I was actually a girl. I hope to go back to uni one day.
My name is Jenny btw :)) my reddit username is my deadname I really should make a new account
submitted by johnniebeanie to transgenderUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 20:34 johnniebeanie I don't know what to do

I am 20 going to turn 21 this year, living in England. I am pre everything and I am completely lost, I have been looking for a job for almost a year now with no luck every day my body gets more masculine because I cant afford hrt and I can't dress fem or do anything I want to do to express myself since I still live with my parents and I am not out to them and they're opinions on trans people aren't very good. Like do I just keep waiting??? I am losing so much sleep over this and I just wanna give up idk what to do I cant even let the emotions out because I can't cry I always get to tears but it won't come out.
I have made some progress I got an interview for a retail job next week and I am currently in the process of getting diagnosed for autism. I was at university but I couldn't handle it and dropped out this was the time I realised I was actually a girl. I hope to go back to uni one day.
My name is Jenny btw :)) my reddit username is my deadname I really should make a new account lol
submitted by johnniebeanie to MtF [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 20:06 mothplushie Once Hellcats predators, now Confident Chris’s gf and mods⁉️

Once Hellcats predators, now Confident Chris’s gf and mods⁉️ submitted by mothplushie to protestscientology [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 20:06 mothplushie Once Hellcats predators, now Confident Chris’s gf and mods⁉️

Once Hellcats predators, now Confident Chris’s gf and mods⁉️ submitted by mothplushie to protestingScientology [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 15:32 Double-Emotion8076 [HIRING] Are you looking for a flexible job where you can work from home and make a difference? We’re hiring chat support agents to join our team, and we welcome applicants of all experience levels!

Why join us?
What you'll be doing:
Interested? Send me a message on Telegram - JennySwank to apply!
submitted by Double-Emotion8076 to hiring [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 11:15 RepulsivePeach4607 Hiram - Our True Fashion Icons

Hiram - Our True Fashion Icons
Gustung gusto ko yun tandem nila Heart at Anne Curtis sa Hiram. Galing nila dun, ang ganda ng storyline at hindi OA ang acting nila. Ito yun nasa peak yun acting project ni Heart.
Talagang magkavibe sila at naging close friend. Sana magsama ulit sila sa isang acting project. 🩷🤍
submitted by RepulsivePeach4607 to HeartEvangelista [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 05:32 HadamGreedLin The Wizard

The Wizard submitted by HadamGreedLin to TheCoverProject [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:57 Aggravating_Pen948 My wife (F48) has been cheating on me (M41) while neglecting our three children - waiting to file for divorce but scared I won't get my children

Hi all, I (M41) just need to tell someone about this. I don't have anyone near me, and I feel like if I write it all out, then maybe it can clear my head. This will be long, but I am putting it out there because maybe if I get it written, then it will make sense to me.
So, I married my wife (F48), let’s call her May, in March of 2008. We met at a party through a mutual friend. She had graduated from a community college working as a paralegal, and I was finishing grad school for Biomechanical engineering. We hit it off right away, and within a few months, we decided to officially start dating.
May was great. She was pretty, smart, kind, and would give the shirt off her back if that meant that someone else would be warm. She has one sister that is important to this entire thing, I will call her Jane (F43). Jane and May were not very close throughout their childhood, but they became closer as they grew older.
When May and I had dated for a year, there was a conflict with her landlord and she had 30 days to leave her apartment. I obviously did not want her to be homeless, so we decided to move in together. Things were great. One thing I admired is how simple May wanted our life. Things were early, but we were seriously dating. We talked about kids, about moving to a different part of the country, what we wanted in life, and it was like we both checked off all the boxes.
When I finished my graduate degree, I proposed to May and she said yes. At this point, we had been dating for close to four years. Both our families were thrilled, and we ended up having a small wedding, saving most of our funds for the future. My parents paid for half the wedding, I only have one brother who remains unmarried but with a spouse so they wanted us to have an actual wedding. It was really fun, and it was one of the best days in my life.
After our wedding, we decided that we wanted to have kids. Additionally, I got a job with a big company which forced us to move about 14 hours away from where we met. This was very hard on May because she really loved her family, and she was used to having them right there when she needed them. However, we had talked about this prior to getting married, and if the right opportunity presented itself, then we would take it. And this was that opportunity.
So, we moved down to a southern city in the US with a great school district and relatively moderate housing prices. That is why we didn’t have such an extravagant wedding because we put a down payment down on a house. It was weird having a house and this huge job, but May and I took it in stride.
One thing about my work is that I am required to go on business trips. At first, it was for one to two days a week. However, as I progressed my way through the ladder, it soon became five day trips. From Monday morning to Friday evening. I felt bad because I knew it was difficult on May to have her husband away for so long, but I made sure we had constant contact, and when I got back, I wanted to make sure that I gave her all the dedication she deserved. Plus, the pay was really good for this job. I knew that if I could stick it out for a few years, we would have enough money to start looking into having kids.
Well, things changed when May called me multiple times when I was at the airport, getting ready to drive back home after my work week. It was odd because she would typically only call once or twice, but she then texted me frantically telling me that she needed me home asap.
I asked her what was wrong, but she said to get there when I could. I flew out of the airport, and what was typically an hour drive was closer to thirty minutes. My heart was beating so badly out of my chest, and I was worried that something bad had happened.
When I got back home, I flew through the door and it was completely dark. I started screaming for May but it was completely quiet for a few seconds. Until the lights came on and May was holding a cake with a simple plus symbol on it. I looked at her and was confused.
“What is this?” I asked, and then it dawned on me. I asked her if she was pregnant and she said yes. We hugged, cried, and were so happy to finally be parents. We hadn’t been trying but we also wouldn’t mind if we had children.
From then the next four years were an absolute whirlwind. We had three beautiful daughters, each one being about 18 months apart from one another. Things started to become crazy, with having little children and my work continuing to pick up. I tried my best to be attentive and lessen my work load to help care for my children. What I did was make it so my trips were actually in town so I didn’t have to travel. I would start early in the day, helping May wake the kids, getting them ready, and before I would leave, I would ensure that they were packed, ready for preschool, and good to go. I would then come back in the evening, around 600 to have a home cooked meal and spend time with my daughters before bed.
As the years progressed and my daughters got older, my work required me to increase my business trip days, and it was now every week that I was away Monday to Friday night. I would keep in constant contact with my kids, talking to them everyday. On the weekends, I would make sure that we would have either an activity with just the girls and I so May could get a break or all of us so we can have family bonding.
The girls became more independent, and May was thinking of going back to school to get a certification in real estate, but we always held off on the idea until the girls were in their early teens. I encouraged May to go for it, but she also said that it was too much work with the girls, and being a full time mom would make it difficult to get her certification. I didn’t argue with her on it because what she was saying was absolutely true; being a full time mom was incredibly difficult, and maybe when the girls were teenagers or pre-teens, then May could get the certification.
One evening, when the girls were in bed and May and I were in our room, she brought up the idea of moving. I was kind of surprised because I thought we both liked it where we were. Our girls grew up here, they had all their friends, all their interests, and they found this city as home. But May said that she was starting to feel suffocated and that this change would be the chance she could get to get her certification. She said it would be like a renewal. I told her that this would make my travel schedule even longer. Where we were was right near a major airport hub, so traveling was easy. But when I asked her where, she said she already knew where she wanted to be. It was right on the east coast, she said she found this house she liked, and maybe we could tour it on our next vacation to this area, in about two weeks.
I was kind of surprised about how much in depth she already knew where to go and it was apparent she had been thinking about this for awhile. I wanted to agree with her, but my thoughts were about our girls. Would it be fair for them to just suddenly uproot our lives and go to this place where they would have no friends or connections?
Two weeks later, we went on vacation. The girls were enrolled in tennis academy sessions, as all of them were very dedicated and loved the sport. We had some free time and decided to go check out the place that May had looked at. Again, I was hesitant, but when we went to the area, May fell in love. Seeing her so happy made me wonder if moving was the right idea. I mean, we had vacationed at this place twice a year for eight odd years.
May then grabbed my hands and looked at me saying that this was where she wanted to live. I told her that the houses were far out of our price range considering we have three almost pre teen girls that have to get to college, but she said she knew a house that would be right in our budget. It had been on the market for eight months and was heavily discounted. There also was an open house the next day, so we went there, and May just about was head over heels for this house.
And within two months, we had completely uprooted our lives and left. I thought we should have waited until the school year ended, but May was insistent to leave. We had talked to our girls, and they were fine with it. Though my youngest Lilly (F14) seemed to be taking the move really hard. I noticed it first at how quiet she was; she said she was fine with moving, but I could see how difficult it was for her moving to a new school with only a couple weeks left to go.
I sat down and talked with Lilly and she admitted that she said it was fine to move, but she felt like May had forced her to say yes. I told her that what she was telling me wasn’t okay, and that I understand her feelings and will talk to May about it. However, Lilly said to not tell her because it would upset May. Respecting Lilly's wishes, I didn’t tell May, but there was something in my heart telling me that something was wrong.
The school year ended and the girls were enrolled in a full time tennis program within our neighborhood. Everything was right there. We lived in a gated community with a huge tennis center, multiple pools, and right outside was a name grocery store. The girls were in biking vicinity for everything, and it felt like everything was going great.
However, I noticed that Lilly and our middle Daughter Abby (F12) were starting to become more distant from May and I. We assumed it was because they were pre-teens and liked their freedom. May then said that she wanted to get certification, and I told her to go for it and that I would support her. Also, the girls were most independent, plus the classes were in the evening, so May would still be there for our girls when she left (around 7pm) and got back when they were sleeping (around 11pm). I didn’t like the idea of leaving our girls alone for so long, but the area was very safe, and the girls had a neighbor right next door if anything happened.
Things were going well until one weekend, when I was home in the afternoon making lunch, Lilly got back home and didn’t say hi to me. She had tears in her eyes and she went to her room, locking her door.
I was majorly concerned and went to Lilly’s door and knocked on it, asking her what was wrong. But she just told me to leave her alone. I told her that if she wanted anything, she could go to my bedroom.
After a few moments of silence, Lilly unlocked her door and it was apparent she had been crying. She looked around and asked if Mom was there, and I said no, that she was studying at the library (her certification licensing exam was coming up).
Lilly wiped her tears and hugged me just crying. My heart ached and I just hugged her back, not knowing what to do. Only then did I really notice how small she had gotten. Lilly was always a bit bigger in size despite doing lots of activities and eating regular and healthy meals. This summer, I noticed she had lost weight, but now I was seeing just how much weight she had lost. It had me concerned but I wasn’t sure what to say.
I asked Lilly what was wrong but when we released she just shook her head, said thank you, and closed the door. I was absolutely confused, unsure if this was just pre teen emotions or if something was really wrong. My first instinct was to call May and ask her what to do, but I wanted to honor Lilly’s wishes and so I didn’t call May.
However, I soon became curious and went to our garage where there were medical documents sorted away. I went ahead and pulled out Lilly’s annual physical documents and noticed how drastically her weight had gone down. At 12 she was 5’3 and 130 lbs and then at 14 she was 5’4 and 110 lbs. I knew something was really wrong, and something just didn’t feel right.
As I was putting documents away, my mind kept running. I went to the fridge and curiously checked the groceries we had in there. We had groceries, but I noticed that the stuff we had was entirely new. Obviously, with a family of five we had a lot of groceries, but everything was completely new, from the day before. I pushed it out of my mind, but I made a mental note about it.
Over the next few weekends, I noticed that Lilly became more withdrawn and our other girls were acting out more. They were still younger, but the tantrums were almost daily. It wasn’t just tantrums, they were screaming matches and lots of slamming doors and hitting things. This hadn’t happened until recently, and I noticed that Lilly often had to break up the fights and would manage to calm down her sisters better than May or I.
Suddenly, a few months ago, one morning, our youngest, June (F10) , woke up in agonizing pain and we were going to take her to the hospital. But May insisted that she will go with June, and I will stay home with our other two daughters so that when they got up, we could go to the ER and they wouldn’t be panicked.
I helped June to the car, and May drove off hurriedly. I went back indoors before I noticed that May had left her phone. This sounds like a bad movie, doesn’t it?
We had an open phone policy, and I was gonna look away before I saw a notification pop up. It was from her sister.
At first I was going to walk away, but I checked the message and my whole world changed. Her sister had been warning May to stop the affair because if I found out, it would ruin everything. Of course I was confused, what just happened?
Inclined, I scrolled back and looked in horror to see that May was admitting to her sister that she missed being with who we will call Derrick and that he made her feel so much like a woman when they were together. Messages said that she couldn’t wait for her library meetings with him and that she knew it was wrong, but she started to fall in love with him.
Hurriedly, I went out other messages and looked for Derrick, but there was no contact. I looked into a search bar and typed Derrick and low and behold, under a different alias named Jenny, there were nudes, sexting, and plans to meet up almost every evening of the week when I was away on business trips.
I was so disgusted and I didn't know what to do. But logically I needed to ensure I had this contact, so I wrote down the number and information and put the message screen back to her sister.
Suddenly, this life I had thought I was leading was crumbling down. An affair… for how long? Was it just him? Was it sexual? Emotional? Have my girls seen him?
So many questions running through my mind, and behind the anger, I felt blame. If I had spent more time with May, then she wouldn’t have to chase another man.
After twenty minutes, I woke up the girls and we all went to the ER. On the way, I got a call from the hospital asking if I was June’s father and I said yes, and it turned out she had acute appendicitis and was in surgery.
I didn’t relay this to my girls who were already sleepy, and we just rode in silence with my thoughts and this whole thing. I couldn’t be mad at the moment, I had to be there for June.
Thankfully, June was okay and was allowed to go home after three days. I took off from work for the week and spent as much time with my girls as possible. May had her exam coming up and she would say goodbye to me every night at 630. She wanted to kiss me goodbye, but it was always painful when I knew that she kissed “derrick” with those same lips every night.
On Thursday, when she left, Lilly came out of her room and came to my room. She was tired and looked like she had been crying. I asked her what was wrong and she admitted to me that she had seen Derrick before in our house. She said him by name. Lilly had been thinking of telling me for some time but was always so scared. However, she was sick of it. Not just that, oh no there was so much I was missing.
What Lilly said to me was heart aching. She admitted to me that ever since she was five, she had to play mom. May apparently locked herself in her room all day and either slept or ate. There were periods where Lilly wouldn’t see May for up to three days at a time. Food would get so low that Lilly would have to make three to four trips to the grocery store and back on her bike just to get a decent amount of groceries. She had been learning to cook but wasn’t very good at it.
Additionally, she felt like her mom never liked her. She said she had tried to talk to May on various occasions about depression symptoms, but her mom always said that what she was feeling was normal. Then, Lilly said she was worried about her weight to May, and May said that Lilly wasn’t at her “ideal” body weight yet and she needed to continue restricting meals.
Yes. You heard that right. She was telling Lilly to have one meal a day that being lunch. Lilly had tennis for six hours a day, biked close to 10 miles, swam for two hours, and then had to watch over her siblings.
I was sick. I wanted to throw things, I wanted to scream at May, I wanted to divorce her and sue her and everything was so red.
Lilly said she hadn’t told me because she was scared to. And god, everything now was making sense. I told Lilly that this would be last time that May anything like that to her, and that if she wanted, I could put her into counseling to talk about her feelings.
She begged me to not say anything or do anything or else it would ruin the family. She said that she would ruin the family. But I told her that this has gone too far. I told her I loved her and that I would make sure that she couldn’t be hurt anymore. She asked me to promise her, and I did.
It was when May got back that I wanted to tell her that I knew everything, but I decided to wait until the next day when the girls were gone.Well, the day came and when the girls were gone I confronted May about the cheating. She denied it at first, saying that I was being ridiculous and that she would never cheat on me. However, I had prepared for this. I had messaged her sister prior to our discussion and her sister had admitted to me that she couldn’t hide this any longer. I also had her “boyfriend’s number” written down.
When I asked May about the number, she denied it. But when I asked if I could put the phone number in the search bar for her phone, she hesitated greatly before giving her phone to me. I put in the number and the messages came up.
Suddenly, May was crying, begging me to not leave her and that I was everything to her. She would end the affair, that it was only because I was gone so much and she had to take care of the children. I then screamed at her asking her about the days she locked herself in her room. Where the girls had to ask friends for rides to their schools (two of them didn't have buses) because she couldn’t get out of bed.
I asked her why she didn’t get Lilly consoling, why Lilly had to be the mom that she wasn't.
May was crying and said that if I left her, she would take her life. To say I was surprised would be an understatement. May suddenly went to the kitchen and grabbed a large knife, putting it to her throat and threatening to take her life right then and there.
I pleaded for her to put the knife away, but she said she would only do that if I forgave her. She said she would stop the affair and be a better mother, but I had to forgive her to do so.
I said I forgave her and then she cried into my shirt saying thank you.
This was two weeks ago.
Now, I am not sure what to do. I have started looking into divorce attorneys and alternate places to go with my girls. My business schedule is so busy that it will be incredibly difficult for me to get remote work, but I have emailed my boss explaining my situation.
The issue I am having is that all our family is over sixteen hours away. I haven’t told my parents, I haven’t told anyone. Besides Reddit now.
I want to divorce May and take my daughters. I have found a cheap two bedroom condo that is on sale; I sent out an email asking the landlord how much it would be to move in as soon as possible.
I can’t mess with our accounts at the moment or else May will become suspicious. It’s so difficult having to do this because May has reminded me that I forgave her and that we should move on for the sake of the girls.
She apparently broke it off with Derrick but I think she’s with him. I feel stuck between a rock and a hard place. I hope to update when my boss gets back to me.
Sorry if this was a rant/ramble. I have no one to share this with in real life, and I feel like my world is falling apart. I am home right now taking a few remote days so I can watch over my daughter.
I don’t know what it is like being a single dad; I will have to fight tooth and nail to make sure that I even get my girls. May can easily concoct a story saying that I was abusive and that she should have the girls because I am often away on work and am not willing to co-parent with her.
I don’t know. Thanks for listening.
submitted by Aggravating_Pen948 to Infidelity [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:38 JerseyLibrarian Jersey City Woman Fights Book Bans and Threat at Hoboken Library

As a fitting commemoration to the celebration of Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month in May, Jersey City resident Jennie Pu is one of 40 “Movers and Shakers” selected this year by the Library Journal.
Pu, whose grandparents and parents were born in China, has been serving as Hoboken Public Library director for the past two and a half years.
And it was during that time that the library board, with an endorsement by the local government, declared itself a “Book Sanctuary” – the first in New Jersey to do so.
Since then, 22 other libraries around the Garden State – including Jersey City – have followed Hoboken’s lead – and three other cities (Fair Lawn, Maplewood and Princeton) – making New Jersey the fastest growing book sanctuary state in the U.S....
submitted by JerseyLibrarian to u/JerseyLibrarian [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 09:39 Aromatic_Leather_254 Things they forgot in the gossip girl series that really annoyed me

(Also could anyone recommend FanFic where they include Older Erik, Tyler and maybe even Yale. Idk i loved the sibling relationships in the book they seemed more relatable )
submitted by Aromatic_Leather_254 to GossipGirl [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 05:34 frvalne I need to bitch about my brown-noser SIL

I can’t take it anymore.
Quick back story:
My husband’s brother was married to a woman whom I loved. She was great! She got cancer in her mid-20’s and passed away and my BIL married new-SIL within 6 weeks.
New SIL, let’s call her Jenny, is a raging brown noser.
She has appointed herself the official boss of all things related to any activity or occasion concerning my husband’s family. Christmas is coming? Great! She’s choosing all the family activities and how they’ll play out. She’s heading up the gift exchange and theme. Then when my husband and I gift his parents a simple, small gift, she comes bursting into the house with 2 trash bags full of gifts for them. No joke.
Easter? She’s hosting of course. She’ll tell you what to bring. She’s in charge of the egg hunt.
If it’s your birthday she’ll send an overly cheesy text message to you telling you how grateful she is you were born, then she’ll send you an online gift certificate for pizza. It sounds “nice” but it’s over bearing. Especially because we aren’t close like that.
Anytime someone in the family has gotten married, had a baby, gotten engaged, she appoints herself head of the entire affair before ANYONE else has a chance to offer. Then she goes about handing out tasks and bossing everyone else around on what to do. She puts herself in charge of food, decorations, set up, clean up, everything.
When we go on a family reunion together, she plans the itinerary and wakes up and tells us what we’re going to do for the day which hike we’re going to go on and what time we’re going to meet for lunch.
Ironically, I’m the better event planner, decorator, but I never even get a damn chance to offer my help or ideas because the second a family finds out that there’s some event pending she is already IN CHARGE.
I’m tired of being bossed around. My husband’s family is pretty passive so you might say well it’s good that someone’s coming in and taking the reins. But I don’t like to have every holiday and every event commandeered by this woman.
I can’t take another 20 years of this.
Her overly ass-kissy ways make me not want to get together. Even if you make a small gesture, she will out do you times 10.
Last Christmas I was planning what gifts I was going to get my husband and she texted all of the sisters saying she wanted to plan for them to go on this fishing trip over a weekend in the spring. Well it was expensive and paying for that alone would have gone over my budget for my husband. So it was either have him join his brothers and brothers in law on that trip, and me forgo the ideas that I was planning, or have my husband be the only one not going so that I could get him some gifts that I had planned. So of course I felt pressured into ONCE AGAIN going with CEO Jenny’s plan.
I legit hate her guts at this point. But everyone else is so thrilled to have JENNYYYYYYY plan everything OMG isn’t she amazing!
submitted by frvalne to inlaws [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 00:22 Lem__Mann7 Who’s a character that became an unintentional movie villain to you?

An example of this would be a character who is supposed to be normal but you can’t stand. Jenny from Forrest Gump is one that a lot of people mention. Another one for me personally is Pam from meet the parents. She’s not completely unbearable, but I just hate how weird she acts around her family instead of defending her boyfriend.
The part where she tells Greg to go to her brothers room who he’s never met and borrow some of his clothes is so weird. Or how she flirts with her ex right in front of Greg. I understand it’s a movie and they have to overdo it but she still sucks. In her defense tho, Greg also lies his ass off constantly so he doesn’t do himself any favors. These are just some examples. Who are some characters you guys can’t stand?
submitted by Lem__Mann7 to movies [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 22:08 Spiritual-Secretary2 Candy Montgomery: Axe Murderer

Candy Montgomery, a Texas housewife, became the center of a shocking murder case in 1980 when she was accused of brutally killing her friend Betty Gore with an axe. The gruesome crime and subsequent trial, in which Montgomery claimed self-defense and was ultimately acquitted, captivated the nation and left a lasting impact on the small town of Wylie, Texas.

Candy Montgomery's Early Life

Candy Montgomery, born Candace Lynn Wheeler on November 15, 1949, grew up as an Army brat, moving frequently due to her father's work as a radar technician. As a young adult, she met and fell in love with Pat Montgomery, an electrical engineer at Texas Instruments. The couple married and had two children, a daughter named Jenny in 1973 and a son named Ian in 1974. In 1977, the Montgomery family moved to Collin County, Texas, settling in the town of Wylie. They built a home and became active members of the Methodist Church of Lucas, where Candy met Betty Gore. The Montgomerys appeared to be a successful and happy family, with Pat earning a substantial salary of $70,000 in 1977, equivalent to over $350,000 in 2023.

Brutal Axe Attack

On June 13, 1980, 30-year-old Texas housewife and mother Candy Montgomery brutally killed her friend and neighbor Betty Gore with a three-foot axe. The shocking crime took place in Gore's home in the suburban Dallas community of Wylie, Texas. Montgomery and Gore were both married with children and lived in brand-new houses just a couple of blocks apart.The murder occurred at night after the two women had attended choir practice together at their church. Montgomery later claimed she had gone to Gore's house that evening to pick up one of Gore's daughters for a swimming lesson. An argument ensued between the two women about Montgomery's affair with Gore's husband Allan. Montgomery stated that Gore had attacked her first with the axe during the confrontation. In a brutal assault, Montgomery struck Gore 41 times with the axe, nearly decapitating her. Gore's infant daughter was found alone in another room, having been left unattended for 13 hours. The gruesome crime scene was discovered the next day by neighbors after Gore's husband was unable to reach her.Montgomery turned herself in to authorities 13 days later and was charged with first-degree murder. Her highly publicized trial was held at the Collin County Courthouse, with Montgomery's defense team arguing she had killed Gore in self-defense. After an eight-day trial, Montgomery was shockingly acquitted by a jury, sparking outrage in the community. The case became a true crime phenomenon and an enduring example of how an ordinary American woman could commit such a heinous act of violence.

The Candy Montgomery Trial

Candy Montgomery turned herself in to authorities 13 days after the murder of Betty Gore. She was arrested and charged with murder, but claimed she had acted in self-defense after Gore attacked her with the axe during a confrontation about Montgomery's affair with Gore's husband.Montgomery's defense team, led by attorney Don Crowder, employed a strategy that included a polygraph test which Montgomery passed, indicating she was being truthful about acting in self-defense. They also had Montgomery undergo hypnosis with psychiatrist Fred Fason in an attempt to recover memories of childhood trauma that could explain her violent reaction. Under hypnosis, Montgomery recalled a childhood incident in which her mother shushed her while she was in pain, drawing a parallel to Gore shushing her before the attack.After an eight-day trial, the jury deliberated for just three hours before finding Candy Montgomery not guilty of murder on October 30, 1980. The verdict shocked the community and was met with public outrage, as many felt Montgomery had gotten away with a brutal crime. However, her lawyers successfully argued that the prosecution failed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Montgomery had not acted in self-defense against Betty Gore's attack.

The Role of Hypnosis in the Trial

Hypnosis played a controversial role in Candy Montgomery's trial for the murder of Betty Gore. Montgomery's defense team had her undergo hypnosis prior to the trial in an attempt to enhance her memory of the events. Under hypnosis, Montgomery recalled details that supported her claim of self-defense, stating that Gore had attacked her with the axe first. However, the use of forensic hypnosis raised concerns about the reliability of Montgomery's testimony, as hypnosis can lead subjects to have false memories or become more confident in inaccurate recollections. While some jurisdictions allow hypnotically-refreshed testimony, it remains a contentious practice due to the potential for altering or implanting memories in witnesses.

Candy's Life After Trial

After her acquittal, Candy Montgomery and her family relocated to Georgia, where her parents lived. She expressed a desire to put the trial behind her and return to a normal life. In the years following the move, Candy and Pat Montgomery divorced.Candy later obtained a license to practice as a family counselor in Georgia under her maiden name, Candace Wheeler, in 1996. She maintained this license until it expired in 2012. Little else is publicly known about her personal life since the trial.The sensational nature of the case has led to several media adaptations of Candy Montgomery's story in recent years. In 2022, Hulu released the limited series "Candy" starring Jessica Biel in the titular role. HBO Max followed in 2023 with their own dramatized account called "Love & Death," featuring Elizabeth Olsen as Candy. These portrayals have reignited interest in the 1980 murder case and its aftermath, though the real Candy Montgomery has not publicly commented on them.

Community Reaction and Outrage

The acquittal of Candy Montgomery in the brutal axe murder of Betty Gore sparked outrage and disbelief in the close-knit community of Wylie, Texas. As Montgomery left the courthouse after being found not guilty, crowds chanted "Murderer! Murderer!" expressing their anger at the verdict. The victim's father, Bob Pomeroy, expressed his dissatisfaction, stating, "As far as I'm concerned, justice will be served. She has to live with it ... I wouldn't say I was happy with the verdict." The shocking nature of the crime, which involved Montgomery striking Gore 41 times with an axe, and the subsequent not guilty verdict left many in the community feeling that justice had not been served. The trial's outcome continued to be a source of controversy and debate long after its conclusion, with many questioning the validity of Montgomery's self-defense claim and the role of hypnosis in her testimony.

Enduring Fascination and Controversy

The acquittal of Candy Montgomery in the brutal axe murder of Betty Gore sparked intense public outrage and media scrutiny. Many in the tight-knit community of Wylie, Texas felt that justice had not been served, with crowds chanting "Murderer!" as Montgomery left the courthouse a free woman. The shocking nature of the crime, which involved Montgomery striking her friend 41 times with an axe, and her subsequent not guilty verdict left a lasting impact. Despite the passage of over four decades, the case continues to captivate public interest. The sensational details of the murder and trial have been revisited in recent popular media, including the Hulu series "Candy" and the HBO Max series "Love & Death", both of which dramatize the events. The enduring fascination with Candy Montgomery's story underscores the deep and unresolved emotions it stirs, as many still grapple with the question of whether a brutal murderer escaped justice.

Closing Thoughts

The brutal axe murder of Betty Gore by her friend Candy Montgomery in 1980 remains one of the most shocking and controversial true crime cases in American history. The vicious attack, which saw the 30-year-old Texas mother strike Gore 41 times with a three-foot axe, took place in Gore's brand-new house just a couple of blocks away from Montgomery's own dream home in the quiet suburb of Wylie. The crime occurred on the night of June 13, after Montgomery had attended choir practice nearby.Despite the savagery of the killing, Montgomery was acquitted of murder after her lawyers successfully argued self-defense at the sensational trial held at the Collin County Courthouse. In a stunning outcome that sparked public outrage, Montgomery avoided prison and later relocated to Georgia, where she eventually became a licensed mental health counselor under her maiden name of Candace Wheeler. The enduring fascination with this case, revisited in recent TV dramatizations, underscores the disbelief that such a brutal murderer could escape justice and rebuild a respectable life.
submitted by Spiritual-Secretary2 to wearetesters [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 21:08 Tundra-Queen8812 Something in our house

So in my childhood home growing up, my younger brother and I were creeped out a few times when we were home alone and stuff happened. Most of the stuff that happened never happened when my parents were there but only when my brother and I were alone. So we had a two story house and my bedroom was upstairs in the front part of the house. Quite a few times when my brother and I were alone we heard thumps and noises upstairs sounding like things falling over or even someone having a party and later when my parents came home and we were brave enough to go upstairs nothing would be out of place.
One evening I had my friend Jenny spending the night with me and we had just started to go to bed. I had my bedroom door closed and to get to my room you had to go upstairs, turn the corner, walk the hallway (wood creaky floor), and then come to my door. This is important because when you walk down the hall there is no way to sneak in or out due to the creaky floor. The flooring literally lets you hear every footstep.
Jenny and I are talking and we both hear loud distinctive footsteps come right up to my door and stop. Now I was cocky because I was sure it was my younger brother being a pain in the behind. I jumped out of bed and threw open the door and no one was there. I was a bit spooked but then I doubled down and ran downstairs where my brother was sitting with my Dad working a puzzle and started screaming at my brother. My Dad calmly looked at me and stated my brother had never left his side.
I came back upstairs and Jenny wanted to go home.
submitted by Tundra-Queen8812 to Ghoststories [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 22:11 NYCIndieConcerts LIVE CONCERTS IN NYC - June 2024

Saturday June 1

18th Ward Brewing New Colossus presents Summer Saturdays feat. Gardenia + Bloody Your Hands + Balloon Snake + The Coral Cables + Vicious Fishes 1pm, FREE
Trans-Pecos Backyard Matinee feat. Heavenly + Widowspeak + Franz Charcoal 3pm, $30
Berlin Little Fuss + Parents + Vvii + Looms 7:30pm, $15
The Broadway Upper Wilds + Mountain Movers + Bong Wish + Discreet Charms 8pm, $15
Brooklyn Monarch Marcyline + Bedridden + Velvet + Crate 7pm, $12
Main Drag A Very Special Episode + Catty + Power Pose + Blood of the Bull 8pm, $15
Maker Space (SI) Punk Rock Mini Golf feat. Mary Shelley + Dead tooth + The Dracu-Las + Engine Hyms Golf at 3pm, music at 6pm, $15
Market Hotel HEAVENLY + Trinket 8pm, SOLD OUT
Webster Hall Passion Pit + Matt Smith (Nervous System) pm, SOLD OUT
Purgatory Zine Release Party: "An Oral History of Brooklyn Transcore" feat. Beef + Chico Raro + Adult Human Females 11pm, $15

Sunday June 2

Union Pool Summer Thunder feat. Guerilla Toss (5:30) + PC Worship (3:30) 3:30pm, FREE
The Broadway Fat Heaven + QWAM + Bala Rise + Nostranders 8pm, $15
Gold Sounds TV Moms + Wifeknife + TitDickAss + The High Stride 8pm, $15

Monday June 3

Mathilde Granite to Glass + A Very Special Episode + Nihiloceros 7pm, FREE
Baby's All Right Grim Streaker + Pure Adult 10pm, $15

Tuesday June 4

Elsewhere - Hall of Montreal + Godcaster 9pm, $35
Forest Hills Stadium Hozier + Allison Russell 7pm, SOLD OUT

Wednesday June 5

Brooklyn Steel Microwave + Origami Angel + Heart Attack Man + Carpool Tunnel 6:45pm, $30
Gold Sounds PYNKIE + Retail Drugs + Laughing Stock + Mariah Houston 7:30pm, $15
Forest Hills Stadium Hozier + Allison Russell 7pm, SOLD OUT
Hart Bar Kira Metcalf + Ben Pagano + Robot Princess + Fury Young 8pm, $15
Rubulad Rat Palace Dust-Free Home record release show + Fair Visions + Wally + Moon Sand Land 8pm, $15

Thursday June 6

ALPHAVILLE Joyce + Church Crush + Lukka + The Plebs 8:30pm, $15
Elsewhere - Zone One Snarls + Sunshine Scott 8pm, $20
Knitting Factory @ Baker Falls Razor Braids Big Wave record release show + Strawberry Launch + Jane Lai 8:30pm, $15
Union Pool Benefit for NYS Mental Health Ass'n feat. Gustaf + Two-Man Giant Squid 8pm, $20

Friday June 7

Bowery Ballroom The Killers 9pm, SOLD OUT
Flushing Meadows-Corona Park Gov Ball Day 1 feat. Post Malone + Alex G + Goth Babe + Donna Missal + Blondshell etc. 12pm, $180/day or $360 for 3-day pass
Rubulad Happen Twice presents Quiet Light + Trophy Wife + Nara's Room + Jumplink 8pm, $15
TV EYE Fear City presents Oh Bondage, Up Yours! Vol. 2 (Day 1) feat. Miranda and The Beat + Judy and the Jerks + Mirrored Hell + Linda and the Losers + The Trashers + The Tasteless Treats + Badzy + Femcel 8pm, $30 ($50 2-day pass)
White Eagle Hall (JC) The Menzingers + Lucero + The Dirty Nil 8pm, SOLD OUT
The Wood Shop Saint Vitus presents Dosser + Glimmer + Wax Girl 7pm, $15
Mercury Lounge Gov Ball After Dark feat. Skizzy Mars + Hotline TNT midnight, $30

Saturday June 8

Flushing Meadows-Corona Park Gov Ball Day 2 feat. The Killers + Carly Rae Jepsen + TV Girl + Hippo Campus + The Thing etc. 12pm, $180/day or $360 for 3-day pass
Randall's Island Park Punk Island 16 feat. over 60 bands including 95 Bulls, Crazy & the Brains Crush Fund, Dead Tooth, Femcel, Francie Moon, Frida Kill, Rats en Zelo, Shred Flintstone, SKORTS, Timeless Clock, TDA and Tula Vera Noon, FREE
18th Ward Brewing New Colossus presents Summer Saturdays - Shoegaze Party feat. Book/Spirit + Glimmer + Talking to Shadows + Hesitant + Iceblynk 1pm, FREE
ALPHAVILLE Beeef + Namesake + DD Island 8:30pm, $15
Baby's All Right Genesis P-Orridge Tribute Concert feat. Mbrs of Psychic TV + Christeeene + David J (Bauhaus/Love & Rockets + Cynthia Sley (Bush Tetras) + Shilpa Ray + Laura Jane Grace + Tori + Wolf Time Wharp + John Jackson + more $25
The Broadway Friendship Quest 5 feat. Ogbert the Nerd + pulses. + Blind Equation + Ultra Deluxe + ok, cuddle + Wifey 6:30pm, $20
Knitting Factory @ Baker Falls Swansea Sound + Young Adult Friction + Jeanines 8:30pm, $18
Maker Space (SI) Punk Rock Mini Golf feat. Andy Ellison + Maker Park Radio Stars + Boz Boorer + Big Bliss + The Challenged Golf at 3pm, music at 6pm, $15
Music Hall of Williamsburg Say She She + Miranda & the Beat 8pm, $30
Sleepwalk Consumables + Ruby Lou + Opera 7:45pm, $15
The Sultan Room Ghost Funk Orchestra + ISTA + Arc of Quasar 8pm, $15
TV EYE Fear City presents Oh Bondage, Up Yours! Vol. 2 (Day 2) feat. Nikki Corvette + Hayley and the Crushers + Happy Body + FAFA + Silver Dagger + Phagocyte + Frida Kill + Tracy City 8pm, $30 ($50 2-day pass)
Union Pool Spencer Krug + Lillian King 8pm, $20
White Eagle Hall (JC) The Menzingers + Lucero + The Dirty Nil 8pm, SOLD OUT

Sunday June 9

Flushing Meadows-Corona Park Gov Ball Day 3 feat. SZA + Cannons + Beach Fossils + Geese + Hotline TNT etc. 12pm, $180/day or $360 for 3-day pass
Our Wicked Lady Jonathan Toubin's Sunday Soul Scream / TV EYE Takeover feat. Miranda & the Beat + Jarito & La Ondo + Mala Vista + Shop Talk + Gargoyle + All Cats Are Grey + Genuine Connection + Dita & The Hurricane 4pm, $20
Berlin onelinedrawing + Common Sage + Calling Hours 7:30pm, $15
Bowery Ballroom The Antlers + Okkervil River 8pm, $30
The Broadway The Macks + Shred Flintstone + Cinemartyr 8:30pm, $15
The Meadows Alien Ant Farm + Kaleido + Back From Zero 8pm, $25
Mercury Lounge Gluehead + Book/Spirit + Little Slugger 8:30pm, $15
Trans-Pecos Shadow Monster + Trash Boy + A Very Special Episode + The Black Black 7:30pm, $15

Monday June 10

TV EYE Bloomsday + daneshevskaya + Lily Seabird 8pm, $15

Tuesday June 11

Berlin Anna Altman + Kait Eldridge + The Heart Attack-acks 7:30pm, $15
Bushwick Public House Husbandwife + Phantom Wave + Navel Grazr 8pm, $15
Radio City Music Hall WFUV presents Gary Clark Jr. 8pm, $45+
Sleepwalk The Sees + Karabas Barabas 7:30pm, $15

Wednesday June 12

Bar Freda Cash Bribe/DAD tour kickoff show + Challice + Deep Fake + Throbb Dylan 8:30pm, $15
Brooklyn Made Diary + Trinket + Starcleaner Reunion 8pm, $15
Music Hall of Williamsburg BOECKNER 8pm, $25
Unit J Buck Gooter + Centennial Gardens + STUY + Ships In The Night, 8pm, $15

Thursday June 13

Central Park SummerStage Kim Gordon + The Sun Ra Arkestra + Slauson Malone 1 5pm, FREE
Baby's All Right Bnny + Lionlimb + Sister 7pm, $18
Bowery Ballroom Raveonettes + Soap Horse 9pm, SOLD OUT
Our Wicked Lady Low Presh + Phantom Signals + Jelly Kelly + Boyscout Marie 8pm, $15
The Sultan Room Jimi Lucid + Heavy Halo + Arverne + Two Point Oh 8pm, $15
Webster Hall Saosin + Cove Reber + Secrets + Body Thief 8pm, $30
Baby's All Right Mind Shrine + Plastic Picnic + Benet 10pm, $15

Friday June 14

Bowery Ballroom Raveonettes + Soap Horse 9pm, $30
The Broadway The Umbrellas + The Smashing Times + Lightheaded 9pm, $15
Gramercy Theatre Aaron West and the Roaring Twenties + Future Teens 7pm, SOLD OUT
Main Drag Russian Baths record release show + Parlor Walls + Big Bliss 8:30pm, $15
Purgatory P.H.0 + Superswell + Alchemy + Toska 7:30pm, $12
The Sultan Room Short Porch + Good Time Mystery Vision + Nihiloceros + Locations 7pm, $15
Warsaw Protomartyr + Corridor + Fashion Club 8pm, $25

Saturday June 15

18th Ward Brewing New Colossus presents Summer Saturdays feat. Tygersounds + Real Burn + Outer Shapes + The Meeks + Hiding Places 1pm, FREE
Forest Hills Stadium Pixies + Modest Mouse + Cat Power 5:30pm, $60+
Heaven Can Wait Jenny Alien + Prophet Thaddeus + Rat Palace + slowtoe 7:30pm, $15
(le) poisson rouge Liturgy + Body Void 7pm, $25
Mercury Lounge Alex Orange Drink + Tall Juan + John Gallagher Jr. + Greensleeves 9:30pm, $18
Sony Hall Blue Note Jazz Festival feat. Sun Ra Archestra + Yo La Tengo 8pm, SOLD OUT
The Wood Shop Authentic Productions NYC presents Rebelmatic + Year of the Dragon (mbrs of Fishbone) + Butterbrain + Hecho en Brooklyn 7pm, $20
TV EYE Wild Yaks Monumental Deeds album release show + Shilpa Ray + Marked for Death 7:30pm, $17
Warsaw Los Campesinos! + Short Fictions + Los Eclipses 9pm, SOLD OUT

Sunday June 16

Bar Freda Balaclava + Shrudd + Jug & the Bugs + B.A.D.G.E. 8:30pm, $15
The Broadway Sex Mex + Cronies + Joudy 8pm, $15
Our Wicked Lady Jonathan Toubin's Sunday Soul Scream feat. Puzzled Panther + The Telescreens + La Banda Chuska 8pm, $15

Monday June 17

Elsewhere - Zone One Last Dinosaurs 8pm, SOLD OUT
Heaven Can Wait Torture and the Desert Spiders + Trophy Wife + The Living Roomers 8pm, $15

Tuesday June 18

Bowery Ballroom Bad Suns 8pm, SOLD OUT
Knitting Factory @ Baker Falls Hey Cowboy + Lightheaded + Nara's Room + Starcleaner Reunion 8:30pm, $15
Music Hall of Williamsburg Bonny Light Horseman + Alpha Consumer 8pm, $35
Our Wicked Lady Red Tank! + Desert Sharks + Big Band 8pm, $15

Wednesday June 19

Elsewhere - Hall White Reaper + Spiritual Cramp + Smirk 8:30pm, $25
Music Hall of Williamsburg Bonny Light Horseman + Bridget St John 8pm, $35

Thursday June 20

The Broadway Slomo Sapiens + Heavy Feather & The Magic Word + Jet Daisy 8:30pm, $15
Brooklyn Paramount WFUV presents The Church + The Afghan Whigs + Kristin Hersh 8pm, SOLD OUT
Music Hall of Williamsburg Pallbearer + REZN + The Keening 8pm, $25
Purgatory Hey Cowboy! + Lightheaded + April Fools 8pm, $12
Radio City Music Hall Future Islands + Ed Schrader's Music Beat 8pm, $40+
TV EYE This Is Lorelei Box For Buddy, Box for Star album release show + Zero Point Energy + Rom Com 7:30pm, $15
Webster Hall Camera Obscura + Photo Ops 8pm, $35
The Windjammer The Footlight presents Bob Piggins + No One and the Somebodies + Aisle Knot + Jupiter Boys 8:30pm, $15
Baby's All Right Airiel + Blushing + Bodywash 10pm, $15

Friday June 21

ALPHAVILLE Lola Star + Boyscoutmarie + Bruiser and Bicycle + Wiring 8:30pm, $15
Beacon Theatre Wilco + Cut Worms 7:30pm, SOLD OUT
Berlin Wrong Choice Records presents Hot Sweaty Summer feat. Blanket Approval + Niño Disco + Monarch + The Fictionals 7:30pm, $12
Brooklyn Paramount Dillinger Escape Plan + Car Bomb + Candy 7pm, SOLD OUT
Main Drag Music Stay Inside + Arcadia Grey + Summerbruise + The Big Easy 8:15pm, $15
Baby's All Right Been Stellar Scream From New York, NY album release show + High. 11pm, $15

Saturday June 22

18th Ward Brewing New Colossus presents Summer Saturdays feat. Gardenia + Bloody Your Hands + Balloon Snake + The Coral Cables + Vicious Fishes 1pm, FREE
ALPHAVILLE Uncle Skunk Uncle Skunk II release show + Wince + Screwbawl 8:30pm, $15
Bar Freda Castle Black record release show + Onesie + Le Big Zero 8:30pm, $15
Beacon Theatre Wilco + Cut Worms 7:30pm, SOLD OUT
The Bowery Electric Rock For Light: A Benefit for HR of Bad Brains feat. Eugene Hutz of Gogol Bordello + Jimmy G of Murphy's Law + more 8pm, $20+
Brooklyn Paramount Dillinger Escape Plan + The Callous Daoboys + Deadguy 7pm, SOLD OUT
Knitting Factory @ Baker Falls Kiwi Jr. + Ducks Ltd. + Culture Tax 8:30pm, $15
Knockdown Center Outline:Summer feat. The Armed + King Woman + Chat Pile + Cloakroom + Ragana + Couch Slut 7pm, $30
Mercury Lounge Mary Shelley record release show + Pons + Skorts 6:30pm, $15
Union Pool Couvo + Fina + Reclining Nude 8pm, $15

Sunday June 23

Union Pool Summer Thunder feat. Armand Hammer (5:30) + Cavalier (3:30) 3:30pm, FREE
Brooklyn Paramount Dillinger Escape Plan + Deadguy + Candy + Car Bomb + The Callous Daoboys 7pm, SOLD OUT
Knitting Factory @ Baker Falls Dogs On Shady Lane + Hello Shark + Sister. 7:30pm, $15
Our Wicked Lady Jonathan Toubin's Sunday Soul Scream feat. 95 Bulls + Prints 8pm, $15
Warsaw Ted Leo and The Pharmacists' Shake The Sheets 20th Anniversary + Ekko Astral 8pm, SOLD OUT

Monday June 24

Beacon Theatre Wilco + Cut Worms 7:30pm, $80+
Our Wicked Lady Penny + Nite Music + Hasty + Familiar Looks fka Big Oil 8pm, $15
TV EYE Fair Visions + Lukka + Diary + Endearments 7:30pm, $15

Tuesday June 25

Baby's All Right Echoes for Gaza: A Benefit Concert for Palestine feat. AceMo + duendita + Frankie Cosmos + many more 8pm, $110 ($20 for livestream access)
Bowery Ballroom Mdou Moctar + J.R.C.G. 8pm, $30

Wednesday June 26

Berlin Upper Wilds + Che Arthur + Blank Account + Silversun Pickups DJ set 7:30pm, $12
Mercury Lounge Lorraine Leckie & Her Demons + Grasping Straws 6:30pm, $15
Our Wicked Lady OP's Birthday Benefit Show all proceeds go to Willie Mae Rock Camp feat. Strawberry Glass + PYNKIE + Anna Altman + Catty + Toska 7:30pm, $15
Warsaw Mdou Moctar + J.R.C.G. 8pm, $30

Thursday June 27

Baby's All Right PRONOUN + Um Jennifer? 7pm, $20
The Broadway Rui Gabriel + Foyer Red + Kolb 9pm, $15
Brooklyn Steel Silversun Pickups 8pm, $45
Central Park SummerStage Ethel Cain + Teethe 6pm, SOLD OUT
Knitting Factory @ Baker Falls Bugsy + Scarlet Demore + Crush Fund 8:30pm, $15
Sundown Anika Pyle + Julia Blair + Trace Mountains + Slight Of 7:30pm, $15
The Wood Shop Collective Effort NYC presents Foxtails + Satón + Solace + Good for Willow 8pm, $15

Friday June 28

ALPHAVILLE Tennis Courts + Range Life + The Vaughns + Marigold 8:30pm, $15
Bowery Ballroom Quasi + Marnie Stern 9pm, $30
Brooklyn Bowl World Music Institute x Blue Note Jazz Festival present Os Mutantes 8pm, $30
Bryant Park Bryant Park Annual Emerging Artists Festival Day 1 feat. Chanel Beads + Mei Semones + Los Esplifs 7pm, FREE
Gramercy Theatre The Spill Canvas + Driveways + A Balance Between 7pm, $30
Heaven Can Wait Joudy + Tooth Lures A Fang + A Very Special Episode + The Planes 8pm, E$12
Knitting Factory @ Baker Falls New Colossus Festival x Super Bock present King Bug + Prewn + Arverne + Silent Mass + Ready Atlantic 7:30pm, $15
Music Hall of Williamsburg Middle Kids + Gordi 9pm, SOLD OUT
Our Wicked Lady Pop Music Fever Dream + Weeping Icon + QIRL + 973 Future Yook 8pm, $15
The Rockaway Hotel Say She She + Ghost Funk Orchestra 7:30pm, $30

Saturday June 29

18th Ward Brewing New Colossus presents Summer Saturdays feat. Gardenia + Bloody Your Hands + Balloon Snake + The Coral Cables + Vicious Fishes 1pm, FREE
Public Records - The Nursery RJD2 3pm, $30
Bryant Park Bryant Park Annual Emerging Artists Festival Day 2 feat. Horsegirl + Hannah Jadagu + Bloomsday + Greg Mendez + @ 7pm, FREE
East Williamsburg Econolodge Eye Roller + Navel Grazr + The Plebs 9pm, $10
Mercury Lounge Strand of Oaks (solo) + Lucas Rinz 6:30pm, $26
Mercury Lounge Strand of Oaks (solo) + Pat Finnerty 9:30pm, $26
Music Hall of Williamsburg I Am The Avalanche + BE WELL + Such Gold 7:30pm, $25
Our Wicked Lady SKORTS record release show + Tea Eater + Balaclava + Debbie Dopamine 8pm, $15

Sunday June 30

Tompkins Square Park Gustaf + Shred Flintstone 3pm, FREE
(le) poisson rouge W.I.T.C.H. + Rahill + Roge 7:30pm, $30
TV EYE Lip Critic + Shiverboard + Programmique 7:30pm, $20
Union Pool Cathedral Bells + Middle Part + Video Days 9pm, $15
The Wood Shop Actor Observer + Sharkswimmer + Sleepwell + Husbandry 7pm, $15
last updated 6/6 6:56pm
submitted by NYCIndieConcerts to u/NYCIndieConcerts [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:04 bubble_writes [QCrit] Adult Contemporary Romance, ACCELERATION DUE TO TRAGEDY (71k, first attempt)

Hi, all! Thanks in advance for any feedback you can offer on this query draft. I've been a lurker here for a while, and I've already learned so much from so many in this community. Much appreciated!
Dear [Agent],
I am seeking representation for my light academia adult contemporary romance, ACCELERATION DUE TO TRAGEDY. Featuring a bi4bi, rivals-to-lovers relationship, the 71,000-word manuscript merges the nerdiness of Jenny L. Howe's THE MAKE-UP TEST with the sweltering summer camp setting of Bridget Morrissey's THAT SUMMER FEELING.
Marlena Frank spent all four years of undergrad studying ancient Greek tragedies, but she never guessed her life would become one. With rejection emails from nine PhD programs stinking up her inbox, her only post-grad option is to work as a counselor for her favorite professor’s annual mythology camp for local middle schoolers—Camp Antiqui-Teens. Marlena’s not exactly a Kid Person, but even pool noodle Trojan War reenactments beat out the humiliation of slinking back to her parents wth zero career prospects.
Marlena plans to spend her evenings buried in books, bulking up her CV before the next application cycle. All she needs is a flashy independent research project. But it’s hard to stay focused on Euripides when her co-counselor is her former classmate Remy Olson, a hyperactive charmer who joked his way to a near-perfect GPA. Whose sunshine grin can’t make up for his recent acceptance to Marlena’s dream grad school.
Marlena knows Remy didn’t deserve that spot, and she’s obsessed with showing it. Even if he fooled the world of doctoral admissions, she can still kick his butt at Guess-That-God Charades. But soon, Remy’s honesty about his own scholarly insecurities begins to break down her resentment, and his passion for teaching antiquity forces her to question how much joy she really finds in academia. More lost than Odysseus, Marlena must reimagine the future she thought she wanted—or let her wounded pride push away the guy who just might be her Ithaca.
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