Testing absorption vitamin of


2012.03.02 17:24 Michigents

A place for fellow Michiganders to celebrate trees as well as everything else that comes along with living in Michigan - https://michigents.com

2019.02.21 16:27 bxbx19 Michigan Flower Geeks

Dedicated sub strictly for flower discussions, reviews, local prices and availability. For all those who really love to know what strain they're puffing on and discuss their experiences. Feel free to share pics!

2014.09.19 01:24 healthyalmonds Staphylococcus aureus bacteria colonizing the body: the unifying agent of acute and chronic disease

Staphylococcus aureus is a bacteria that can live in the nostrils, ears, mouth, tonsils, and skin. It may cause or be associated with your congestion, swollen lymph nodes, sinus problems, sore throat, eczema, rosacea, acne, cystic pimples, folliculitis, bowel disease, chronic fatigue, diabetes, lupus, weight gain, hair loss, and other diseases. Chlorhexidine, iodine, or Triple Antibiotic Ointment (Neosporin) may stop the Staph infection. See inside for more information.

2024.05.15 14:18 RevDrKC Nitric oxide?

I am treating my B12 deficiency with the help and insights from this group. Thanks! I am also getting curious as to the cause of my deficiency. I was cleared by gyn, gastro, and neuro without any significant diagnosis or even recognition of my B12 deficiency. When I asked about it, they told me it wasn't a problem and that shots would make my symptoms worse. I was offered anti-depressants and birth control pills. Glad I found this forum--I've been slowly healing with injections.
Back to causes: the worst of my symptoms (electric shocks, left sided numbness, hundreds of twitches a day, limbs falling asleep randomly, gastro symptoms, sharp shooting pains throughout my body, dpdr) correlated with using a nitric oxide nasal spray (NONS) as an antiviral. It is an OTC med in some other countries, but not in the US. I ordered it from the company. The neurologist couldn't find a connection between nitric oxide and nitrous oxide, but suggested that this NONS was my problem and that not using it would "cure" me. I have stopped using the NONS. My partner had also used this NONS and did not have the same problems I did. Because all of my symptoms lined up with a B12 deficiency, I looked at old tests in my medical chart. I had only had one, and it was in 2021. It was 220. Seems low! So now I am not sure about the potential role of the NONS in my deficiency. In 2021, I was eating animal products, taking a multi-vitamin, and using B12 energy drinks to get through overnights at the hospital (chaplain and ethicist, not medical). So I was kinda getting A LOT of B12.
I am not going back to using the NONS regardless, but I'm curious if anyone knows if nitric oxide impacts B12 metabolism. Is it really my problem? Or do I have a different B12 problem to figure out with docs when I have treated the symptoms without their help and can countenance finding one to work with?
submitted by RevDrKC to B12_Deficiency [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:58 Specialist-Abies-909 Advice needed

Hey Folks,
Posted in Microbiome too and if this is the wrong place for this please direct me to other pages!
Been having an issue that I need help with. For background I had this issue before and it went away with the Keto diet. Now I am off the keto diet for 5 months and it's back again. I am bulking currently so eating pretty much whatever I want however low carb in the week and a blow out at the weekend with takeaway and sugar.
Issues that i'm facing:
Thought it might also be useful to give a timeline of how I feel daily
I'm thinkin maybe H.Pylori or candida? I have ordered a test kit but thought id ask for any tips while I wait for that to arrive?
submitted by Specialist-Abies-909 to Biohackers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:54 elewson Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity: Blood Tests to Know

Hello everyone!
Today, we’re focusing on an important topic - celiac disease and gluten sensitivity. These conditions can significantly impact your health and quality of life. Understanding the blood tests involved in diagnosing these conditions is crucial for managing symptoms and maintaining good health. Let’s explore what celiac disease and gluten sensitivity are, the key blood tests for diagnosis, and how to manage these conditions.

What is Celiac Disease?

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder where the ingestion of gluten (a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye) leads to damage in the small intestine. This damage can cause a variety of symptoms and prevent the absorption of essential nutrients.

What is Gluten Sensitivity?

Non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) is a condition where individuals experience symptoms similar to celiac disease when consuming gluten, but without the autoimmune response or intestinal damage seen in celiac disease.

Key Blood Tests for Celiac Disease:

1. tTG-IgA (Tissue Transglutaminase Antibodies)

2. EMA (Endomysial Antibodies)

3. DGP (Deamidated Gliadin Peptide Antibodies)

Additional Tests:

1. Total Serum IgA

2. Genetic Testing (HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8)

Managing Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity:

  1. Gluten-Free Diet: The primary treatment for both celiac disease and gluten sensitivity is a strict gluten-free diet. Avoid all foods containing wheat, barley, and rye.
  2. Nutritional Support: Work with a dietitian to ensure you’re getting all necessary nutrients, as celiac disease can lead to nutrient deficiencies.
  3. Regular Monitoring: Regular follow-ups with your healthcare provider to monitor your condition and ensure your intestines are healing.
  4. Read Labels: Always read food labels carefully to avoid hidden sources of gluten.
  5. Support Networks: Join support groups or online communities for people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity for tips, recipes, and emotional support.

When to Get Tested:


Understanding the blood tests for celiac disease and gluten sensitivity is essential for diagnosis and management. If you suspect you have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, talk to your healthcare provider about getting tested. Once diagnosed, a strict gluten-free diet can help manage symptoms and improve your quality of life. If you have any questions or personal experiences with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, share them in the comments. Your insights can help others on their journey to better health.
Stay healthy and informed!
Hello everyone!
Today, we’re focusing on an important topic - celiac disease and gluten sensitivity. These conditions can significantly impact your health and quality of life. Understanding the blood tests involved in diagnosing these conditions is crucial for managing symptoms and maintaining good health. Let’s explore what celiac disease and gluten sensitivity are, the key blood tests for diagnosis, and how to manage these conditions.

What is Celiac Disease?

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder where the ingestion of gluten (a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye) leads to damage in the small intestine. This damage can cause a variety of symptoms and prevent the absorption of essential nutrients.

What is Gluten Sensitivity?

Non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) is a condition where individuals experience symptoms similar to celiac disease when consuming gluten, but without the autoimmune response or intestinal damage seen in celiac disease.

Key Blood Tests for Celiac Disease:

1. tTG-IgA (Tissue Transglutaminase Antibodies)

2. EMA (Endomysial Antibodies)

3. DGP (Deamidated Gliadin Peptide Antibodies)

Additional Tests:

1. Total Serum IgA

2. Genetic Testing (HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8)

Managing Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity:

  1. Gluten-Free Diet: The primary treatment for both celiac disease and gluten sensitivity is a strict gluten-free diet. Avoid all foods containing wheat, barley, and rye.
  2. Nutritional Support: Work with a dietitian to ensure you’re getting all necessary nutrients, as celiac disease can lead to nutrient deficiencies.
  3. Regular Monitoring: Regular follow-ups with your healthcare provider to monitor your condition and ensure your intestines are healing.
  4. Read Labels: Always read food labels carefully to avoid hidden sources of gluten.
  5. Support Networks: Join support groups or online communities for people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity for tips, recipes, and emotional support.

When to Get Tested:


Understanding the blood tests for celiac disease and gluten sensitivity is essential for diagnosis and management. If you suspect you have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, talk to your healthcare provider about getting tested. Once diagnosed, a strict gluten-free diet can help manage symptoms and improve your quality of life. If you have any questions or personal experiences with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, share them in the comments. Your insights can help others on their journey to better health.
Stay healthy and informed!
submitted by elewson to BloodTesting [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:53 BirdWithShoes Best meat for vitamins if you have HI ?

Hi everyone, I was wondering what is the best and vitamin-rich meat if you're intolerant to histamine.
I hear a lot about grass-fed beef but in France, it isn't accessible everywhere... I've heard of calf-liver too (but I've read some people react to these too, but maybe it was beef liver for them, I wouldn't know)
So far, I only seems to suffer from HI so the standard low-histamine diet suits me. I mitigate the side effects with CBD and it helps a little. It seems a little difficult to get proper amounts of B12 though and the thing is, I know I'm deficient in it... Hence my interest in meats.
Does anyone have some suggestions with that ? I already supplement iron+vit. C and zinc, separately and I wish I could also have other things/food routines that may help me to heal from this.
I react kind of well to eggs although they sometimes seems to feed my candida (biotin from it I assume) But they seems to have good benefits for my energy levels.
Thanks in advance !
PS : I seems to have candida flare-ups that comes and go... Could be the origin of my HI as it reacs to natural anti-biofilms aimed at candida. But I wouldn't know for sure (I've been tested for UTI and my last doctor told me the infection was "beheaded"... He saw no bacteria, I'm guessing it was thanks to olive oil I took maybe...)
submitted by BirdWithShoes to HistamineIntolerance [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:20 punhnutrition Punh: The Mantra of Perseverance

Punh: The Mantra of Perseverance
SkinCare tablets
In today's world oftentimely consumers have nutrient deficiency due to environmental pollutants and nutrient deficient food diet. Also, due to the inactivities and long exposures to UV, our ability to collect essentials would be reduced as before fathers. That's where Punh enters the scene, a strong antioxidant products. In here, the emotive power will be leveraged to create an image for a skincare product which is really a little kind of encouragening phrase; it is more like just to give a fighting chance to try it one more time so that you can enjoy the amazing results you would see by using this product in case the bad days and their inappropriate moods make you feel like abandoning your skin goals. Each capsule is filled with a powerful concentrated blend of extracts from the plant and vitamins that increase regulated cell regeneration, brightening, and evening up of your tone. If you are tired of age spots, melasma, dark patches, or a tired looking skin complexion, Punch can help restore broken equilibrium.
Glutathione’s extraordinary properties: They’re More Than a Fad
UV rays and pollution chip off on our glutathione levels. It shows unwanted changes, like discolored skin with an uneven tone, and recent visible signs of aging. And yet, glutathione, the mother of all antioxidants, can help us turn back time on this damage. The glutathione attaches itself to free radicals and toxins and neutralizes them for elimination from your body. By supporting your natural detoxification process, glutathione shields your complexion from environmental threats. With ample glutathione levels, you'll enjoy a brighter, more even overall tone – revealing a youthful glow. True beauty comes from the inside – and that includes healthy skin. Although topical remedies may hide the symptoms, it is impossible to achieve the best from within. To boost your appearance, feed your body with a balanced diet filled with antioxidative fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. In addition, exercise and ensuring you are properly hydrated would also clean your skin up. Finally, love and accept your natural features and make sure to take care of yourself inside out. Let Glutathione and comprehensive skincare provide you with the stunning natural shine on your skin.
Dosage Tips
Dosage is one of the factors that cannot use the same "one size fits all" strategy for glutathione supplementation because every individual is different. Scientific studies demonstrate the effective-ness of 250mg-1000 mg for one another by oral glutathione daily, for individual variations, general factors like age or weight or existing condition of health influence resuts widely.
Skincare Tips:
Opt for a marvelous difference in your skin tone. Dullness gets wiped off from your skin, and your face sparkles with a healthy glow.
Stubborn dark spots and uneven pigmentation even out and you are just left with the type of skin that changes before your very own eyes. Even the texture of your skin also changed dramatically and visibly showed a lessening of wrinkles and fine lines. Features of your skin seemed to reflect youth, suppleness, velvety softness. The difference is the commitment to excellence. Right on through, the follow-through provides the next supplement to the long line. We are driven and spirited to provide your change with passion, giving it the power behind. This is so because of the quality and effectiveness, all with such a priority to the customers above all. Our formulations unveil the very strict scientific research, done by field leaders. It is all about the effectiveness of proven ingredients thoughtfully chosen by us and the combinations that have proper thinking behind them to bring visible and long-standing results, representing satisfaction to you. Our every formula for products comes with a backing of vast research and testing. Because of the fact that we ensure to analyze scientific studies with great care, making sure that we see which ingredients prove effective in helping you reach your goals, and what final result they are capable of producing. Our products are sure to evoke powerful, scientifically-backed ingredients and make sure that the results are real and measurable.
An experienced medical staff's competence is crucial for IV glutathione administration care. They become personal physicians to you and your health, look for the invisible interactions between your existing prescriptions and the new one and make sure the necessary dosage and method of intake are carried out properly. The decision to go ahead with the medical treatments requires the intervention of highly qualified medical practitioners with the /significance of expertise to steer clear of risks and boost the possibility of maximum benefits according to your individual circumstance. Always get your doctor's advice if you take any medicine or supplements that may interact or be prohibited by the doctor. Involvement with healthcare workers along the way is vital towards your safety and also so that the full potential of glutathione supplementation is reached
Visit the site - https://punhnutrition.com/skin-radiance-brightening-l-glutathione-astaxanthin-curcumin-alpha-lipoic-acid/
submitted by punhnutrition to u/punhnutrition [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:18 Turbulent_Ad3049 196 ng/dL to 523 ng/dL treating Lyme Disease

Hi all. Figured I’d explain what happened it case it helps someone else here.
My health (26 y/o male) went downhill in 2020 out of nowhere. I’d always been a healthy person prior to being struck down with brain fog, anxiety, fatigue, and restless legs.
My primary car doc threw the kitchen sink at me test wise and the only thing that came back positive/unequivocal was Lyme. I live in New England and spent years exploring the woods in my teens so a probably had it for a while.
I was put on 28 days of Doxycycline, which only temporarily reduced my symptoms. I was then sent to a top neurologist at Mass General where I was told there was little more I could do for a Lyme, and that my remaining symptoms were due to damage inflicted by the bacteria (Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome or PTLDS).
So I went rogue: I read up on Lyme Disease and quickly realized it’s HIGHLY controversial in the medical field. The controversies center on whether PTLDS is due to a persistent infection - one that can survive commonly used antibiotics.
Here are the facts that I learned - and these are objective facts with peer- reviewed studies linked.
1) One in seven people globally carry Borrelia-specific antibodies, which indicate a current or dormant infection. Lyme is prevalent through much of America, Europe, and Asia.
2) There is a minority of credible infectious disease doctors who believe that disseminated Lyme cannot be cured with Doxycycline alone. Once bitten, it takes the bacteria only a few weeks to leave the bloodstream and travel into neighboring tissues. The doctor who penned the treatment protocol I followed believes that Lyme moves into intracellular compartments like other chronic infections (tuberculosis, q-fever, etc), which all require months of combination antibodies with intracellular penetration to eradicate. Perhaps this is why ALL doctors agree that it is paramount to treat the infection early.
So anyways, after visiting the Mass General Doctor, I sought treatment at a Function Doctor who ran further lab work. My total testosterone level was 196 before starting further Lyme treatment along with other concerning vitamin deficiencies.
My treatment consisted of 6 months of Clarithromycin + hydroxychloquine, followed by another 6 months of Tetracycline. My symptoms began to diminish after 3 months on treatment and are completely gone now. My latest test reading is 523.
This is not medical advise let me make it clear. I just wanted to say that it’s possible for a long-standing infection to lower testosterone. This is clearly what happened to me.
submitted by Turbulent_Ad3049 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:30 Specialist-Abies-909 Help Identifying an Issue

Hey Folks,
Been having an issue that I need help with. For background I had this issue before and it went away with the Keto diet. Now I am off the keto diet for 5 months and it's back again. I am bulking currently so eating pretty much whatever I want however low carb in the week and a blow out at the weekend with takeaway and sugar.
Issues that i'm facing:
Thought it might also be useful to give a timeline of how I feel daily
I'm thinkin maybe H.Pylori or candida? I have ordered a test kit but thought id ask for any tips while I wait for that to arrive?
submitted by Specialist-Abies-909 to Microbiome [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:11 doke-smoper How to pass a drug test

Just drink like a gallon+ of water an hour or two before the test. Make sure your pee is crystal clear. Straight water. Then take some B vitamins and drink a monster. This should add some color back to your pee, just don't overdo it or it'll turn green and they'll get suspicious.
I did this for an entire year of probation and I got away with it the whole time. Then, 11 days before i was set to be done, i got sent to jail by my probation officer. I sat in jail for 3 weeks before the judge saw me.
So there i am, in court, in front of the judge. It's my turn. I've been in jail for 3 weeks. He looks at me and greets me, then he pulls out this really long piece of paper. It was several feet long, like a scroll or something. I thought he was going to read me a list of every sin I've ever committed, but it was, in fact, a list of failed drug tests.
I had to start my year of probation over.
submitted by doke-smoper to stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:09 Usernamealwaystaken9 Odor WON'T GO AWAY

Hi. I am embarrassed and at my wit's end and angry at my body and I don't know what to do at this point. This may be long, and it is as much of a desperate plea for help as it is a rant at some points. It will definitely be TMI. I apologize in advance.
My vagina stinks by the end of the day, every day. Often it takes far less time to get stinky than "the end of the day". I would describe it as sometimes a strong ammonia, sometimes fishy, sometimes bitter smell that lingers in my pants and is horrible. I have done so much research and I can't figure this out. This has been going on for at least a year at this point, after a lifetime of never having an issue and having what I would consider a healthy vagina- generally either odorless or at most a little bit soumusty after a long day. I have an IUD which has been in place since 2020.
I got a call-in treatment for oral metronidazole before all this testing- a few days into treatment, I had one day of my formerly unstinky vag before I experienced wild, possibly unrelated symptoms and had to visit the hospital. I was told to stop my course of antibiotics then, and quickly Stinky Vag™ returned. I went to urgent care and tested for BV and STDs and came back clean. Then I went to my gyno and tested for BV, all the STDs, mycoplasma and ureaplasma, everything I've read about on reddit or medical studies or sketchy sites and it all came back clean. She referred me to some natural women's health place that doesn't take insurance, so I can't afford that and don't know that I trust that anyway.
I have tried lactic acid gel. I have used boric acid suppositories, at first daily when I was hoping for a cure and now only on occasion (they provide a short term break from the stink for the day after, but do not resolve symptoms and I was tired of dealing with leakage and PUTTING SOMETHING IN MY VAGINA EVERY NIGHT). I tried vitamin C suppositories. If you're thinking maybe it's because I keep putting stuff up my vagina, don't worry, I've had plenty of time in the last year to try nothing and hope my system self-regulated eventually. (It didn't.) I have switched to scent-free detergents. I use cotton underwear. I shower regularly. I sleep without undies. I assure you, I wash regularly. I have tried no soap and just washing with water, tried pH balanced (unscented) soap, then plain freaking Dove, and nothing has gotten me anywhere. I take a high dose of oral probiotics, and drink kefir and eat other fermented things. I drink water. I am sick of throwing things at the wall to see what sticks. I don't want to keep having to think about this.
Symptoms: Odor (aren't you surprised?) Sometimes when I wipe, the paper is very yellow. Odor is way worse if I've been sweating around my inner thighs (which is pretty much everyday I'm in public).
What's wrong with me? Why did all of my tests come back clean and yet my vagina. Still. Stinks. Please help me. If you know anything, any next step I can take, anywhere else I can ask, anything at all, please.
submitted by Usernamealwaystaken9 to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:25 calciumQs how likely is hypermagnesia as a sign of impaired kidney function and how to test this?

There is CKD in my family. For some reason the doctors won't test me and just keep ignoring me on this..
Do you know how common excess magnesium is from supplementation and if kidney problems are more likely?
Other than this, nothing seems to be wrong with the function based on basic "kidney function" tests..
I was taking magnesium but not high, so why would it be high? I tend to be deficient in most things which I am seeking answers on too.
I was taking about 400mg daily at first then for a long time was only taking 200 or 100 every day or second day then had a gap of months before my blood test. That's only 118% then 59% then 39% of the RDA.
And regardless, how would I take or maintain a vitamin D absorption combo if I obviously need or should stop the supplementary magnesium? So I guess it really really isn't meant to happen with supplements..?
The levels are not sky high but are high so I'll be keeping an eye on it. But it seems even a multivitamin could cause this if I take one.
submitted by calciumQs to CKD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:18 intentional_sea_ Suspected hydrogen sulfide sibo but test conflicting?

Suspected hydrogen sulfide sibo but test conflicting?
I’ve had sibo for what I imagine is a very long time now. I’ve been sick for many years and was always looking for an answer. Everything started with my digestive system. Gastritis, chronic reflux (all the time), poor absorption and severe weight loss, chronic fatigue, POTs like symptoms. The list goes on as it has become very systemic. I’ve had every test under the sun it seems. After a lot of research I thought I had sibo. I did a test and found out I had pretty high levels of hydrogen. Zero methane. I figured since my symptoms were so severe (spent a lot of time bed bound because of it) that I also had sulfide too but there is no test for that in the UK. I opted for the biomesight gut test instead. I believe it’s more likely to show (a snapshot) dysbiosis in the large intestine as it’s a stool sample, but correct me if I’m wrong. Anyway, this test seemed to show that I’m low on sulfide producing bacteria or at least the common ones (as far as I’m aware). So, can it be that I don’t have that then and it’s something else after all? Am I reading the tests wrong? Could hydrogen bacteria be just as severe symptom wise? Or could I have hydrogen sulfide bacteria in the small intestine that just wouldn’t show up on a stool sample by the time it travels down the colon?
I’m so confused, I’d be so grateful for some advice. Couldn’t fit all screenshots so ask if there are any other results I haven’t included that might be useful.
submitted by intentional_sea_ to HydrogenSulfideSIBO [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:11 isaacnewtonx40 DIM for high estrogen levels that are causing me depression?

I am a 25 year old male. I live a super healthy lifestyle. After years of supplementing with a variety of different vitamins minerals and herbs to combat my depression I decided to neurotransmitter test. It showed low catecholamines (dopamine epinephrine and norepinephrine). I further supplemented with tyrosine, phenylalanine, iron, b vitamins and more to allow for the conversion into the neurotransmitters I was missing. That didn’t do it so I went the next step and paid 350 dollars for a complete blood panel test. As you can see in the screenshots, my estrogen levels are clinically high. I did research and it makes sense why I’m always depressed, have mood swings, feel horrible at times, and have much lower sex drive. I am starting DIM supplementation now to inhibit the aromatization of testosterone into estrogen. Wish me luck
Btw the scale goes from clinically low, functional low, optimal, functional high, and clinically high. (From left to right)
submitted by isaacnewtonx40 to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:09 Diligent_Pen_3544 How bad are these results?

Really worried I am subfertile after these results. Bit of background, 40, m who went to see urologist about varicocele. This was confirmed as grade 2. He did a comet test on me after I confirmed my partner had a miscarriage at start of the year after falling pregnant first month trying. Results just came in:
Average comet score: 35 (0-29 fertile range) Healthy sperm: 34 (69-100 fertile range) Unhealthy sperm: 0 (0-3 fertile range)
I read online that average fertile man has 90% healthy sperm so I’m pretty gutted. Dr has said I can fix varicocele with embolism but it’s circa £10-£12k and he said it might not improve results. Also told me to stop my usual vitamins and just take impryl? Suggested we explore IVF. When I asked if we could get pregnant naturally again and if we’re at increased risk of miscarriage he just said maybe and he could not say either way.
submitted by Diligent_Pen_3544 to u/Diligent_Pen_3544 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:42 DrRitamari23 What is the Microbiome?

What is the Microbiome?
Digestion is arguably the most well-known function of the human gut microbiota. In addition to producing vital vitamins like vitamin K and several B vitamins, gut bacteria aid in the breakdown of food and the fermentation of fibers. Appropriate digestion and absorption of nutrients depend on a healthy microbiota.
Furthermore essential to immunological function are the gut bacteria. They interact with the immune system, control inflammation, and serve as a barrier against infections. Microbiome imbalances have been connected to a number of immune-related conditions, including inflammatory bowel disease, autoimmune diseases, and allergies.
submitted by DrRitamari23 to u/DrRitamari23 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:45 Zealousideal_Card326 Help Interpreting Recent Blood Test Results

I recently received the results of some new blood work from my doctor, and I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by the information. Unfortunately, I won't be able to see my doctor for a few weeks, so I'm turning to this community for some guidance.
Here's a bit of background: Following COVID-19 in 2020, I've been dealing with several health issues, including subclinical hyperthyroidism, insulin resistance, and PCOS with high testosterone levels. I've been experiencing constant symptoms like hair thinning, goiter, weight gain, hirsutism, rashes, flushing, and frequent illness. To manage these conditions, I've been prescribed Contrave and self treat with supplements like myo-inositol, spearmint tea, berberine, and a multi-vitamin. I see an endocrinologist who is reluctant to medicate and a holistic doctor who cannot prescribe.
Now, onto the recent blood test results. While my thyroid levels are finally optimal, there are several markers that are elevated and out of range, leaving me concerned:
WBC, Hematocrit, MCV, Platelets, Neutrophils Abs, Lymphs Abs, Monocytes Abs, EOS Abs, Immature Granulocytes (0%), Immature Grans Abs (0%), EGFR, Chloride
As usual, my insulin, glucose, and A1C levels are also elevated, along with my testosterone levels.
I'm reaching out to see if anyone here can offer some insight into what these results might indicate.
Or even just an idea of my doctor was looking for with these new tests.
I'd appreciate any advice or guidance you can provide. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.
submitted by Zealousideal_Card326 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:39 MixtureGrand Let's roast the contestants 😎

Jaswant wakes up every morning and runs behind the garbage truck. He has gotten used to following trash in Splitsvilla and can't get rid of this habit 🐕
Our secret agency RAW has hired Akriti for a secret mission. They are sending her to UK to get the Kohinoor back 🕵️‍♂️
Siwet has become a motivational speaker on "how to respect girls". His sessions are highly popular among the 10-12 year olds. They book the tickets for his classes and then Siwet cancels the session without refund and blames it on Anicka, Digvijay, Lakshay, Mummy, Trans folks, Neha ma'am etc 🤡
Deekila has started a new career as tantrik baba after Splitsvilla. It's going good so far bhaisahab. 🤪
Aniket came out of Splitsvilla and went no contact with Dikila for months. He returned one day out of nowhere and apologized to her and proposed for marriage. She said yes and now Aniket has gone missing again 💀
Arbaz said in an interview that Lions are polygamous. Viewers should cut him some slack for being a real Sher 🤡
Nayera and Anicka are being researched by a group of scientists for their super abilities to attract red flags 🧲
Kashish has not been feeling well since the show ended. Doctors did some tests and found out her vitamin A levels were low. Vitamin attention 💃
Add yours too 😂
submitted by MixtureGrand to splitsvillaMTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:20 ExtensionMajor2916 Neotonics Reviews: The Truth About Skin & Gut Health

Neotonics Reviews: The Truth About Skin & Gut Health

Neotonics Reviews: Unveiling the Truth About Skin and Gut Health

Navigating the fusion of skin and gut health, Neotonics emerges as a natural supplement tailored to enhance skin health, ensuring a youthful glow by promoting skin cell rejuvenation and minimizing wrinkles, dark spots, and other aging signs. Its unique approach targets gut health as a pivotal factor in skin care, emphasizing the gut’s significant role in managing the skin’s aging process with its all-natural, toxin-free formula. Moreover, the Neotonics reviews highlight its efficiency and safety, backed by a 60-day money-back guarantee that underscores the brand’s confidence in their product.
With Neotonics, consumers delve into a blend of probiotics and advanced formula capsules captured in convenient gummy form, designed to not only support gut health but also contribute to overall well-being. Neotonics customer reviews often point to its ease of use, with the supplement being available in bottles containing 60 gummies exclusively on the Neotonics official website, ensuring a secure buying process. This commitment to quality and consumer satisfaction, combined with its manufacturing in a GMP-certified, FDA-registered facility, positions Neotonics as a standout choice for those seeking to integrate a skin and gut health supplement into their daily regimen.
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What is Neotonics?

Neotonics is a dietary supplement specifically formulated to enhance both skin and gut health. Here’s a breakdown of its key components and functions:
  1. Composition and Form: Neotonics comes in a gummy form, making it easy and pleasant to consume. Each bottle contains 30 gummies, with a recommended dosage of one gummy per day.
  2. Ingredients: The supplement is packed with a blend of natural elements, including Babchi, Inulin, Fenugreek, Lemon Balm, Fennel, Organic Lion’s Mane, and others. These ingredients are chosen for their effectiveness in supporting gut health and enhancing skin condition.
  3. Probiotic and Prebiotic Support: It contains 500 million units of beneficial bacteria along with prebiotics that help in maintaining a healthy gut microbiome. This is crucial, as a healthy gut contributes to improved skin health.
  4. Targeted Benefits: Neotonics aims to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, support healthy skin cell turnover, promote blood flow, and assist in achieving an overall healthy body weight. Additionally, it supports the digestive system and boosts energy levels.
  5. Safety and Manufacturing: Manufactured in an FDA-registered facility, Neotonics adheres to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). It is designed with safety in mind, containing no GMOs or toxins, which makes it suitable for regular consumption.
This comprehensive approach to both skin and gut health, encapsulated in a convenient gummy, makes Neotonics a unique supplement in the wellness market.
Click Here To Know Who Developed The Neotonics Formula
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How Neotonics Works

Neotonics operates on a multifaceted approach to enhance both skin and gut health through a series of interconnected mechanisms:
  1. Probiotic and Prebiotic Synergy: The supplement combines probiotics and prebiotics to balance the gut microbiome, which is crucial for overall health.
  2. Skin Health Enhancement: By promoting optimal gut health, Neotonics supports healthy skin from within, which includes promoting collagen formation and enhancing skin elasticity.
  3. Digestive System Support: It aids in balancing beneficial bacteria in the digestive system, which is instrumental in improving gut health.
  4. Comprehensive Health Benefits: Beyond skin and gut health, Neotonics supports digestive health, empowers the immune system, and maintains gut health balance.
  5. Nutrient Absorption: The unique blend of ingredients enhances nutrient absorption by promoting a healthy balance of bacteria in the gut.
  6. Vital Nutrients: Incorporates essential vitamins and minerals that aid in skin cell turnover and collagen production.
  7. Overall Wellness: Additional active components in Neotonics work synergistically to promote overall gut and skin wellness.
  8. Cellular Turnover and Inflammation Reduction: The supplement enhances cellular turnover, reduces inflammation, and rejuvenates skin cells, contributing to a fresher, more radiant complexion.
  9. Energy and Vitality Boost: Neotonics may also enhance vitality and boost energy levels, further improving skin health.
  10. Gut-Skin Connection: Targets the direct impact of gut health on skin health, promoting processes like skin cell turnover to reduce aging signs.
  11. Cell Renewal Process: Improves the effectiveness of cell turnover in the body, a process influenced significantly by the gut and its microbiome.
  12. Barrier Function and Immune Support: Enhances gut barrier function, supports immune health, and balances the gut microbiome.
  13. Hydration and Antioxidant Protection: Supports skin health by promoting hydration, moisture retention, and antioxidant protection.
This comprehensive action plan ensures that Neotonics not only targets skin and gut health individually but also enhances their interdependent functions for overall well-being.
Click Here To Know Who Developed The Neotonics Formula
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Key Ingredients and Their Benefits

Neotonics is enriched with a variety of natural ingredients, each selected for their specific health benefits to both the skin and gut. Here’s a detailed look at some of the key components:
  1. Babchi: Known for stimulating collagen production, Babchi enhances skin elasticity and reduces signs of aging. It also helps in skin rejuvenation and evens out skin tone due to its anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. Inulin & Dandelion: These ingredients act as powerful prebiotics, nourishing the gut microbiome and aiding in digestive health. They also protect the skin from external factors and support overall wellness.
  3. Bacillus Coagulans: This probiotic ingredient modulates the gut microbiome, promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria, which is crucial for both gut health and skin appearance.
  4. Fenugreek: Rich in antioxidants, Fenugreek supports skin health by aiding in tissue repair and collagen production, which improves skin elasticity.
  5. Lemon Balm: Known for its soothing properties, Lemon Balm reduces skin redness and irritation while also fighting acne-causing bacteria and promoting clear skin.
  6. Organic Ceylon Ginger: This ingredient boosts beneficial bacteria in the gut and offers protection against environmental skin damage, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.
  7. Slippery Elm Bark: It supports the stomach lining and helps in conditions like eczema and psoriasis by forming a protective barrier on the skin, which locks in moisture.
  8. Organic Lion’s Mane Mushroom: Offers long-term anti-aging effects by stimulating collagen production and improving skin elasticity. It also nourishes the skin with essential vitamins and minerals.
  9. Fennel: Aids in repairing body tissues and calms skin irritation, while also improving skin elasticity and reducing the appearance of fine lines.
Neotonics Key Ingredients and Their Benefits
These ingredients collectively contribute to Neotonics’ ability to improve gut health and enhance skin quality, making it a comprehensive supplement for overall well-being.

The Science Behind Neotonics

The scientific foundation of Neotonics is robust, focusing on the intricate relationship between gut health and skin aging. This supplement is formulated based on extensive research that confirms the pivotal role of the gut microbiome in skin health and overall well-being. Here are the key scientific insights supporting Neotonics:
  1. Probiotic and Prebiotic Synergy: Neotonics contains 500 million units of beneficial bacteria, specifically designed to optimize the gut microbiome. This significant concentration of bacteria is essential for promoting gut health, which in turn supports healthier skin and enhances general vitality.
  2. Targeting the Root Cause: The aging of skin is intricately linked to gut health. Neotonics addresses this connection by targeting the gut microbiome, which plays a crucial role in the turnover of skin cells and the overall aging process.
  3. Scientific Endorsement of Ingredients: The formula includes a blend of nine powerful natural ingredients, each scientifically proven to support gut and skin health. This combination not only helps in treating the skin’s microbiome but also in slowing down the skin’s aging process.
  4. Enhanced Nutrient Absorption and Metabolism: By optimizing the gut microbiome, Neotonics enhances nutrient absorption and improves metabolic functions. This optimization is crucial for maintaining vitality and improving skin health, as confirmed by scientific studies.
  5. Cell Turnover and Gut Health: Research has shown a clear link between the health of the gut microbiome and the rate of cellular turnover. This relationship is fundamental to understanding how Neotonics works to improve skin health by influencing these underlying biological processes.
  6. Inulin’s Role in Gut Health: The effectiveness of Neotonics is further supported by evidence from the National Center for Biotechnology Information, which highlights the benefits of inulin. Inulin is a key ingredient in Neotonics that supports healthy gut bacteria, which is crucial for maintaining skin health.
These points collectively demonstrate the scientific rigor behind Neotonics, emphasizing its potential to significantly impact skin and gut health through its carefully researched and proven ingredients.How to Use Neotonics for Optimal Results
To achieve the best outcomes with Neotonics, adhering to the recommended guidelines is crucial. Below is a concise guide on how to effectively incorporate Neotonics into your daily health regimen:
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Recommended Dosage

  1. Daily Intake: It is advised to consume one to two gummies daily.
  2. Consistency: For optimal results, Neotonics should be taken consistently every day.
  3. Duration: Noticeable improvements in skin texture and overall health may be observed after 3 to 6 months of regular use.

Usage Tips

  • Flexibility in Consumption: Neotonics gummies can be taken at any time of the day, with or without food, offering flexibility to fit into any schedule.
  • Health Consultation: Always consult with a healthcare professional before beginning any new supplement regimen, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or are on other medications.
  • Monitoring Effects: If you experience any adverse reactions while taking Neotonics, discontinue use immediately and consult medical advice.


  • Bottle Contents: Each bottle of Neotonics contains 30 gummies, sufficient for one month of daily use if following the standard dosage of one gummy per day.
Neotonics Skin & Guts
By following these guidelines, users can maximize the health benefits of Neotonics, effectively enhancing both gut and skin wellness.

How Neotonics Promotes Skin and Gut Health

Neotonics has been formulated to target both skin and gut health, offering a dual approach that enhances overall well-being. Here’s how it works:
  1. Comprehensive Formula: Neotonics employs a holistic formula that not only improves digestive health but also enhances skin appearance and texture.
  2. Digestive Health Benefits: It supports the reduction of symptoms associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and helps to reduce constipation and intestinal gas, promoting a healthier digestive system.
  3. Skin Health Promotion: By nourishing the gut microbiome, Neotonics positively impacts skin health, leading to increased radiance, hydration, and elasticity, as reported by users.
  4. Energy and Vitality: Users have noticed improvements in their energy levels and vitality, which contribute to a healthier appearance and enhanced well-being.
  5. Natural Ingredients: The inclusion of all-natural ingredients ensures that the product protects against skin and gut damage while promoting a healthy gut microbiome.
  6. Skin Rejuvenation: Improved gut health directly contributes to skin rejuvenation, helping maintain a flawless and youthful skin appearance.
  7. Overall Health Benefits: Neotonics also aids in improving nutrient absorption, supporting cellular turnover, and contributing to hormonal balance, all of which are beneficial for both gut health and skin quality.
This multifaceted approach ensures that Neotonics not only targets specific health issues but also enhances the interconnected health of the skin and gut, leading to better overall health outcomes.

What Makes Neotonics Stand Out

Neotonics distinguishes itself in the market through several key factors that contribute to its popularity and effectiveness. Here are the notable attributes that make Neotonics stand out:

Unique Formulation and Safety

  1. Natural Ingredients: Neotonics is crafted using only natural ingredients, ensuring it is free from stimulants or major side effects, making it a safe option for daily use.
  2. Certified Manufacturing: The supplement is produced in an FDA-registered facility, adhering to strict Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), which guarantees the high quality and safety of the product.

Affordability and Value

  1. Cost-Effectiveness: Compared to similar products like My Way Up Skin + Gut, Neotonics is more affordable, providing a budget-friendly option without compromising on effectiveness.
  2. Additional Benefits: Unlike YourBiology Gut+, Neotonics offers extra advantages such as stress reduction and focus enhancement, all at a lower price point.

Exclusive Availability and Support

  1. Direct Purchase: To ensure authenticity, Neotonics is available exclusively through the official website, which helps prevent counterfeit products and ensures customers receive a genuine product.
  2. Educational Resources: With every purchase of three or six bottles, Neotonics provides two free e-books, adding educational value and supporting users in their health journey.

Environmental and Health Standards

  1. Eco-Friendly and Safe: The product adheres to environmental and health safety standards by being free from GMOs, harsh chemicals, and banned substances, which appeals to health-conscious consumers.
  2. Allergen-Free: Ensuring wider accessibility, Neotonics is formulated without common allergens and is non-GMO and hormone-free, catering to individuals with specific dietary restrictions.
These features collectively position Neotonics as a standout choice in the crowded market of health supplements, particularly for those prioritizing safety, affordability, and comprehensive health benefits.

How to Integrate Neotonics into Your Daily Routine

Integrating Neotonics into your daily routine can be a seamless and straightforward process. Here are some practical steps to ensure that you make the most out of Neotonics supplements for optimal skin and gut health:

Step-by-Step Integration Guide

  1. Morning Routine: Start your day by taking a Neotonics gummy with your breakfast. This helps in establishing a consistent routine and ensures that you do not forget to take your daily supplement.
  2. Set Reminders: In the initial days, setting reminders on your phone or using a pill organizer can help you remember to take your Neotonics gummy. Consistency is key to achieving the best results.
  3. Incorporate into Dietary Habits: If you have specific dietary routines like a smoothie for breakfast or a mid-morning snack, you can take your Neotonics gummy during these times. The gummies are designed to be easy to consume with or without food. Follow a stick diet like The Mediterranean Diet the best Diet for the past 10years and also The Keto Diet are 2 BEST DIET.
  4. Evening Routine: Alternatively, you can take your Neotonics gummy in the evening with your dinner if mornings are too rushed or if you prefer to space out your supplements throughout the day.
  5. Monitor Your Progress: Keep a health journal to note any changes in your skin and gut health after you start taking Neotonics. This can help you track progress and adjust your intake if needed.
By following these simple steps, integrating Neotonics into your daily routine can become a natural part of your day, supporting your health goals without disrupting your usual habits.

Comparing Neotonics to Other Probiotic Supplements

Neotonics stands out in the competitive market of probiotic supplements through several distinct features that cater to consumer needs and preferences. Here’s a detailed comparison that highlights its unique offerings:
  1. Exclusive Availability: Neotonics is exclusively available through its official website, ensuring that customers receive an authentic product directly from the source. This exclusivity helps maintain quality control and customer satisfaction.
  2. Pricing Strategy: Priced at $69 for a one-month supply, Neotonics is positioned within the premium segment of the market. However, the brand also offers significant discounts on bulk purchases, making it more accessible for long-term users.
  3. Customer Assurance: Offering a 60-day money-back guarantee, Neotonics provides customers with a risk-free opportunity to try their product. This guarantee reflects the company’s confidence in the effectiveness of their supplement and enhances customer trust.
These points illustrate how Neotonics differentiates itself from other probiotic supplements, focusing on quality, customer satisfaction, and accessible pricing.

Free Ebook Bonuses?

Along with every purchase of a set of 3 or 6 bottles of the Neotonics formula, you will get two different bonuses, which will help you enhance the different effects of the supplement.
Here are the complete details of the bonuses provided along with the bottles.
#1 Cellulite Be Gone: How to Banish Cellulite Naturally & Effectively at Home
Justice the name suggests, the ebook contains different tips and tricks that will help you to get rid of cellulite in your body effectively at the condor of your home.
Cellulite Be Gone: How to Banish Cellulite Naturally & Effectively at Home
#2 The Great Haior Reset: How to Grow Thick, Full, and Lustrous Locks
If you are looking for an effective way to ensure the health and proper growth of your hair, then this ebook will help you to get there faster.
The Great Haior Reset: How to Grow Thick, Full, and Lustrous Locks

Neotonics Price And Refund Policy Explained!

The Neotonics price details are as follows;
https://neotonics.com/video.php?affiliate=fanfan67 Neotonics Price
According to the Neotonics official website, all the purchases made from the website are covered by a 60-day money-back guarantee. This means that you are free to return the bottles within 60 days of the original purchase and receive a full refund on the amount that you spent on the purchase if it isn’t giving you the needed or claimed results.
Click Here To Buy Neotonics From Its Official Website

Conclusion and Recommendations

Through a comprehensive exploration of Neotonics, it’s evident that this supplement stands as a significant innovation in the pursuit of enhanced skin and gut health. Its unique formulation combines natural ingredients with scientific backing to target the intricate relationship between the gut microbiome and skin health, ensuring a holistic approach to wellness. The plethora of positive reviews and the robust scientific foundation not only underscore Neotonics’ effectiveness but also solidify its position as a must-consider option for those seeking to nurture their skin and gut health simultaneously.
In wrapping up, the multifaceted benefits of Neotonics, from promoting skin cell turnover to enhancing gut health, highlight its role as a key player in the wellness market. Its ease of use, combined with the assurance of safety and quality, make it an attractive choice for individuals looking to integrate a skin and gut health supplement into their daily routine. Encouraging further research or a personal trial could offer invaluable insight into its effectiveness, potentially paving the way for improved well-being and a better quality of life for its users.


Currently, there are no questions listed in the “People Also Ask” section for the topic “Neotonics Reviews: Unveiling the Truth About Skin and Gut Health.” If you have specific questions about Neotonics and their impact on skin and gut health, please feel free to ask, and I’ll do my best to provide you with informative answersNeotonics Reviews: Unveiling the Truth About Skin and Gut Health
Navigating the fusion of skin and gut health, Neotonics emerges as a natural supplement tailored to enhance skin health, ensuring a youthful glow by promoting skin cell rejuvenation and minimizing wrinkles, dark spots, and other aging signs. Its unique approach targets gut health as a pivotal factor in skin care, emphasizing the gut’s significant role in managing the skin’s aging process with its all-natural, toxin-free formula. Moreover, the Neotonics reviews highlight its efficiency and safety, backed by a 60-day money-back guarantee that underscores the brand’s confidence in their product.
With Neotonics, consumers delve into a blend of probiotics and advanced formula capsules captured in convenient gummy form, designed to not only support gut health but also contribute to overall well-being. Neotonics customer reviews often point to its ease of use, with the supplement being available in bottles containing 60 gummies exclusively on the Neotonics official website, ensuring a secure buying process. This commitment to quality and consumer satisfaction, combined with its manufacturing in a GMP-certified, FDA-registered facility, positions Neotonics as a standout choice for those seeking to integrate a skin and gut health supplement into their daily regimen.
submitted by ExtensionMajor2916 to u/ExtensionMajor2916 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:37 SadieDaBeannnnnnnnn I'm worried I have Dysautonomia

I was diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder, however I have a sneaking feeling that this diagnosis isn't right. And im worried about this. I'm 15, healthy other than my new onset of symptoms, don't smoke/drink, etc. At the hospital I've gotten tested for everything mins EMG/table test/spinal tap. Do all types of Dysautonomia cause death? And do my symptoms sound like Dysautonomia? I also want to know if it sounds serious or what kind of Dysautonomia that's possible!!!
*Clammy/ and purple colored skin and hands
*Nausea to the point where I couldn't eat (I'm ok now, still get nauseous but I have medicine for this)
*Trouble swallowing
*Blurry vision/constant right eye blurry now
*Breathing problems (shallow breathing)
*Sensitive to heat
*Slurring words (when episodes happen)
*Hard for me to stand during episodes
*Pins and needles
*Foggy memory
*Increased Anxiety (it's real bad)
*Excess sweating
+Plus more
I take nausea medication, vitamin d everyday, and nexium.
submitted by SadieDaBeannnnnnnnn to dysautonomia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:34 el-dee-bee Almost put on 5250 because of b12 deficiency

I’m happy to provide more details if needed but will try to make it as short as possible. I (41 F) began to have some neurological symptoms last year which were getting worse, more frequent, longer lasting etc. Went to a local doctor over a few visits who ran test to start ruling things out like lupus rheumatoid arthritis etc. all normal. Symptoms getting worse now every day, I’m talking loss of bladder control, vision blurred some days, shaking legs, numbness in hands and feet and so much more. Dr says could be ms let’s order an MRI and referral to neurologist. Great MRI like 6 weeks later and neurologist October. Before MRI go to ER as directed by my dr due to other concerning factors. ER dr says sounds like MS you need to see a neurologist to which I say I am in October. ER dr ran ct scans all normal. Go get the MRI and earlier neurologist appointment. This is where ish gets wild. So happy but nervous to finally maybe get some answers. At apt I’m unwell my legs are shaking I’m emotional I’m sure not looking great with hollow eyes etc. nurse asks if I’m depressed to which I say sometimes yes it’s so bad and no one can tell me anything and it getting worse and who wouldn’t get depressed. Finally see the dr still visibly upset and emotional. Neurologist (70 w male) looks at my scans says nothing wrong asks if I’m depressed I say the same as above. He says I think we need to get your emotional state more stable which can help the physical symptoms and would I be ok to go next door to the hospital for a psych evaluation while he works on the medical side to see about additional testing. I say ok and he walks me into the er saying normally this stake 6 weeks to happen but he walks me there and talks to the staff he knows they would get it done today. Ok cool I’m about fast now as I’ve been waiting over a year. They admit me and have me put on a gown, weird but whatever. They come to put in an iv and I say hold up why do I need an iv I’m just getting an evaluation. Staring silence and then oh um I’m not sure going to have to check. Hours later ER doc aka which dr walked me in for this so I relay the neurologist name and he said oh Dr so and so is heavy handed with walking his patients down to try and get them admitted to psychiatric and then says they’re trying to decide if they’re moving me to the psych floor . EXCUSE ME WHAT? I’m dumbfounded and irritated. He says I can stay in er until psychiatrist can come down to see me. Four hours later he does tries to prescribe all these anti psychotic and depression medications blah blah. I talk my way via letting him know I’m pro therapy went for years. All the different modalities emdr blah blah. He says because I’m agreeing to fill the mirtazapine and outpatient therapy I can go. Then looks at the computer and says huh did you know your vitamin b12 is dangerously low and says they’re giving me an injection of b12 before discharging me. I get the shot and leave. Not 45 MINUTES later my legs stop shaking and aching and hour by hour my symptoms were seemingly disappearing. Is this a case of malpractice? Should I report at least the neurologist to the medical board so maybe it doesn’t happen to someone else?
submitted by el-dee-bee to MedicalMalpractice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:22 gomorra82 Vitamin B12 deficiency

Results from a blood test came back that I had a vitamin B12 deficiency. Upon further research online, it suggested that a severe vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to depression, paranoia and delusions, memory loss, incontinence, loss of taste and smell, and more. I need to eat more red meat.
submitted by gomorra82 to schizophrenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:12 Lanky_Animator_4378 What do you think about this topical formula?

Playing around with formulas and might try this out in. Trichosol Base from Fagron since it is hypoallergenic won't irritate the scalp etc and thus doesn't require sketchy corticosteroids
Thoughts on formula are as follows. Finasteride at 0.025% to equal 0.1-0.2 mg topical systemic absorption per perfect hair health formula for 70% scalp DHT reduction with < 20% serum DHT reduction estimated
Studies showing Minoxidil 0.5% + Tret has statistically significant results at 6+ months. I think Minoxidil is poison personally. Lowest dose possible to not affect heart
Fagron TrichoXidil is doing the heavy lifting as the growth stimulant here per Fagrons studies showing increased IGF-1 etc similar to minoxidil in a 2.5% vs 2.5% study they did.
Caffeine is obvious. Studies done on this showed 0.001% to 0.005% as the effective dose. No idea why some topicals use 0.1% which is 20x higher
Tea tree oil at super low dose to modulate hair, unclog pores, reduce inflammation. One of the few oils actually worth a damn. Used to treat cold sores etc.
Aloe and biotin I will throw out unless good reason to keep. Might ditch the Minoxidil and Tretinon too to beta test the TrichoXidil
Unclear if 0.025% Fin is strong enough without propylene glycol enhancing absorption
Aloe 0.05%
Biotin 0.05%
Minoxidil 0.5%
Tretinoin 0.01%
Caffeine 0.005%
Melatonin 0.003%
Tea Tree Oil 0.05%
Finasteride 0.025%
Fagron TrichoXidil 2.50%
There's a somewhat similar interesting formula here from Bayview Pharmacy
And a Brazilian pharmacy where Fagron products are bountiful
submitted by Lanky_Animator_4378 to tressless [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:52 c00chieluvr 7:51

  1. Autoschema & Consciousnesses: Autoschema represent fundamental components of existence; Consciousnesses embody sentient entities among the cosmos.
  2. Merits & Events: Objects are recategorized as Events; merits encompass events' physical and energetic characteristics.
  3. Warp vs. Merit: A Warp is an idealized version of a Merit, representing a desired manifestation "ordained" by a divinity.
  4. Mayora Singular & Menor Plural: Acknowledgment of inherent imbalance within all binary structure; one side inherently holds more power (mayora singular) than the other (menor plural) by consequence of organic imperfection.
  5. Engineers vs. Sphinxes: Agreeable consciousnesses are called Engineers, which drives focus to their agreeabiliy instead of their personal flaws or strengths [which are just a reflection of personal needs & wants in an archetype] & teaches the self to assume that harmony can be achieved with logical fact over unreasonable demand. Those disagreeable are termed Sphinxes, as their obfuscation & blockage are to be understood as redundantly harmful & mysterious, rather than someone to be overfocused on & dissected. This draws the focus on into refense [self-healing] rather than external conflict.
  6. Mutual Contravisms & Altruism: Altruism is generated when the divinity of the self chooses to equalize itself with the cosmos rather than overcome it, allowing for one to glean utopia. [[[This state is highly volatile & has yet to be tested +1x - focus on mutual contravisms allows one to be comfortably passive ((as opposed to 0d neutral?))]] This comfort emphasizes the belief in universal sacrifice for a common goal.
  7. Dynamic Energies: Yangs (Bounce, Whum, Dance, Whistle) are energized backwards [reflecting absorption inwards - ><], while Yins (Breathe, Stance, Stretch, Worship) are set forward [reflecting assertion outward - <>].
submitted by c00chieluvr to crazyramblings [link] [comments]
