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Where wishes are dismantled.

2017.10.01 20:52 RelaNarkin Where wishes are dismantled.

Do you ever wish for things without thinking through them first? Do you ever struggle with finding the downsides of your hopes and dreams? Well, whatever the case may be TheMonkeysPaw is at your service!

2006.02.19 09:02 Citius, Altius, Fortius

Welcome to the Games of the XXXIII Olympiad

2015.08.23 00:12 kappyko popheads: the hottest in pop music

The latest and greatest in pop music, all in one subreddit.

2024.05.16 15:32 hmomer18 8/2 MCAT vs 8/9 or 8/10

Hello everyone. I am planning to take the MCAT in early August and wanted to ask if I should schedule in either of the dates in my title. The pros of taking it on the 8/2 are that the score release occurs on the last day of the 10 day deadline for the last September exam on September 14th in case I need to retake and can get it in this year. However the later dates would give me a few more days to get in some last min studying. I wouldn’t want to take it later as that’s after classes start in August. Thanks for any advice🙏
submitted by hmomer18 to Mcat [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:31 xfallenangelx95 [28/F] Seeking emotional support and highly empathetic people.I would love to find someone who doesn't judge others or make fun of them.It's very Important to have someone to rely on :) I'm here for conversations with emotionally mature people who don't have friends and need someone to talk to 🍀🌸

(Only Europe, Please) - short note - If you're not into reading or receiving long messages,don't read any further + Please If you don't want to read everything because of my post being too long for you & instead of reading It all - ..skip some parts - find another person to talk to.Let's respect each other and our free time. All people criticizing/making fun of me & other people - will be blocked.Pretty much as people questioning my post and giving me unsolicited advice.I'm not here for any conflicts and I know I can't please everyone - I know I never will.. However It's me who should feel comfortable in my new potential friendship & obviously someone who wants to be my friend - not the whole world.. which is why I don't need any advice from people who don't even want to be a part of my life. The amount of rude people on Reddit always criticizing others and making fun of them is unbelievably high but let me tell you something - NEVER let anyone make choices for you and criticize you only because you're different! Always fight for your dreams and never let anyone make you think you're worthless! It's your life and you're the one deciding what's best for you - If you want to judge me despite not even wanting to talk to me or give me advice better block me! I'm an adult woman and I make all decisions on my own.I'm not trying to "fit in" and be like everyone else - just to get more attention.Accept me for who I am or let go - is my motto.

Hello guys! 🙂 (read everything before you decide to send me a message) Please send me a message ONLY If you're in the same situation and If your expectations are the same as mine.I want to find like minded people from Europe (Why Europe? Read my post to find out) I'm looking for something permanent (remember - you can feel lonely even If you're surrounded by others - If there's no emotional bond) I'm fed up of meeting people who never make time for me & only text me once or twice a week to ask me "what are you up to?" Out of boredom.I don't want to meet people asking others a million of questions like "what's your favorite movie?" Just to give them one word answer and ask them another question "and music? Your favorite song?" I'm looking for something "deeper" & different 🙂

What kind of friend would I like to find? Someone to talk to on a daily basis - Someone who needs It & wants It just as much as me
What are my expectations? I would like to meet someone in a similar situation – why? Because I honestly feel like only a person with the same expectations and a similar outlook on life would get along with me & because I feel more comfortable talking to people like me..Friendless people who need a strong bond - people without friends and partners.. Don't get me wrong…Most people deserve to be happy and It's good to have friends but people who have friends or families in real life are usually more focused on them (which is completely understandable) & have less time for others + I simply don't want to be replaced by anyone..I kind of envy people who can call others , true friends given I don't have an emotional bond with any of my acquaintances. Please send me a message only If you're not In a relationship and don't have friends for the same reasons I've already mentioned before

Whenever I hear that others have friends I simply get sad because (believe it or not) If I had to choose between 20 people to talk to (acquaintances) and one special person - I'd choose that one special person without any hesitation .

I also want to talk to others every day because..I want to see someone’s effort & be someone's first choice - not another person to have random conversations with..some people ask me "Why do you want to talk to people from Europe?" Well..Because I would like to see someone I'd get along with - In the far future - face to face :) + I don't want to wait any longer than 6 hours to receive a message - waiting 6 hours to receive a message is more than enough

I'm by no means criticizing people who don't want to talk to others often / People who really are super busy & People who want to find someone to have unimportant conversations with - I'm aware that not everyone has the same expectations which is why everything you're reading now - is here for a reason :) All I'm suggesting is - I don't want anything temporary and I don't want to be the one always giving more than receiving.Listen people - I used to ignore being..ignored by others..always being just an option to talk to during tough times or moments of boredom.I was too young to realize that I was never important enough for most people that were a part of my life. I don't know who needs to hear this but..No one is too busy to make time for you! People make excuses to avoid others because they prioritize everything and (maybe) everyone..over them. It's true that most people are busy - but It takes only a few seconds to start a conversation (If you're into short messages) and a few minutes (1-10/15) to type a long message . Don't let anyone lie to you.

Truth is that most people either don't like you enough to make time for you or just simply - feel no need to talk to others often but are they too busy? No..You don't need to send me a message just to ask me and tell me "Do you really want to talk every day? I like long messages but I can't promise to contact you often" If you really are unsure please don't send me a message.I don't need more acquaintances aka people to talk to - occasionally.
I'm not trying to sound rude but conversations once or twice a week wouldn't be enough for me and I don't need them... Let me tell you one thing – A true friend would never just give up on you for no reason :) It’s always possible to find someone to have a random conversation with – someone willing to send you one message once or twice a week..but..It’s almost impossible to find people willing to make more time for you.

I’m not asking a busy person to make time for me by changing some plans! Absolutely not! I’m here to find someone who wants to talk daily (throughout the day or maybe even night) of one’s own will.Someone looking for the same kind of connection.Strong friendships are based on mutual support. One of the best things you can do for a friend in need, is just to be there for them when they want to talk.I often see posts from people who always say how friendless they are because they don't feel loved or appreciated by their "friends" remember! A true friend - someone who truly likes you or someone who wants to get to know you - will always find time for you.

I'm not interested in small talk/short messages - I love long and meaningful conversations. It's so easy to find someone who loves abbreviations and questions like "How are you?" How was your day? Or what are you interested in? But so hard/almost impossible to find a person who knows how to keep a conversation going & show others some effort.Building and maintaining friendships takes time and effort.Never allow pursuits or possessions to become bigger priorities than your relations with other people.Close friendships are so important to us because they are so difficult to form + Having friends can help you feel as if you belong to something that brings purpose and connection to your life
• I do NOT respond to any „Hey,hmu” or „u want to talk?” type of messages (super short messages or messages full of abbreviations – I literally can’t stand abbreviations and acronyms in text messages) ALL messages full of abbreviations will immediately be ignored.I also don't like it when people ignore everything I say in private messages just to focus on a random question or? When they start talking only about themselves and don't ever ask me anything. I love conversations with people referring to everything I say...I want everything I say and do - to be reciprocated
• No NSFW profiles (checking mental health subreddits NOT included as I'm a huge empath and always try to understand others) - Please! I'm not looking for anyone to flirt with and I'm not looking for a partner either. I always check people's profiles (even comment history) - To avoid guys, trying to get inappropriate pictures from adult women or? flirt with them + I don't want to see you with no clothes on so If you're on Reddit only because you want others to see what's underneath your clothes - I'm not for you! I just simply don't want to see any s e x related activity on your profile If you want to talk to me.
• If both of us (you and I) are from the same country (I live in a non-English speaking country) - I want to communicate with you in our first language! No - Not because I don't understand English - because as you see - I do. Why then? English is simply overrated and people don't appreciate other languages as much as they should. So.. If we're from the same country and you want to talk only in English (which is quite common on reddit) - Talk to someone else. I just don't want to talk to a person from the same country as mine - in a foreign language as It's just something I don't understand even If all you want is to improve your language skills
• Please only adult people 18-36 (age range) It doesn't matter to me If you're younger or older than me (as long as you're not underage) So.. don't worry! I just want to have discussions with emotionally mature people :)
• I don’t respond to messages I don’t find interesting even If they're long - If after receiving and reading your message I don't feel comfortable or think "I wouldn't get along with him/her" I simply do not respond (what I’m suggesting is that I don’t always respond to someone’s first or second message because..sometimes you just know If you’d get along with someone or not- I’d never ignore anyone after days or weeks of daily conversations though) just because I don’t want to do anything forcefully & because I don’t want to lead anyone on. I read all messages but I definitely don't respond to all of them! I want to make it clear because I don't want to be accused of not responding and not reading people's messages! - Some people don't message me back as well and even If It's a bit disappointing I'm ok with that! - as long as there's no emotional bond - Not responding to someone's first or second message Is completely OK! If people think they wouldn't get along with a stranger - is there a reason to start a conversation? I don't think so. I can't stand being ignored after days or weeks of daily conversations and seeing people changing priorities over time.. but that's something different - something I don't want to go through ever again for real. If I'm really interested in someone's message it's impossible to hear from me "I'm too busy" because I know myself and If I had no time for others - I wouldn't be here. I don't want to pretend someone I'm not and always try to find some cheap excuses to avoid others. (unlike most people who don't want to talk to others)
• Don’t ask me “Can you tell me something about yourself?” If you really want to get to know me - you can ask me questions :) I'm an open book.
• It would be better If you guys were into emojis - like me - to describe your emotions In text messages. Two emojis - 🙂 and 🙁 are completely enough! I just don't like emotionless conversations.I also don't like it when people say "yeah" or yea"as it sounds dismissively. First impression Is everything to me! I want to see your kindness even in a text message - Emojis are very helpful to express your emotions.I don't want to meet people who say "crying Is a weakness" - It's OK to cry even If you're a guy!
• I want to talk on reddit first (just to make sure If I'd get along with you) before moving to Discord or some other app
• I would rather talk to a homebody - not another person who always has something to do as people who are very busy don't even have time for daily conversations
• If you're another person interested only in "childish conversations" such as "HEYOOO! I'M BORED! Ya like Pizza or cheese? xDDDD 🤣" I'm begging you! Don't send me a message.I'm not a child anymore and such messages don't make me smile or laugh.I'm looking for someone interested In serious discussions - not another person just seeking some entertainment out of boredom . Conversations with sarcastic undertones (even when It comes to some emojis such as 🤣😂) are not for me. Your typing style matters to me! Why? when It comes to online conversations with someone new - It's not always possible to know If someone Is laughing at you.. or with you. Let me tell you something else! Jokes about cancer, disabilities and death are UNACCEPTABLE to me. If you find joy In someone else's misfortune you are not a person I want to know.
• Time response matters to me a lot! I would never ask anyone to be online all day long and I'm NOT asking any of you for any instant messaging as I'm someone who would rather wait an hour or two to receive a proper response instead of some short and pointless messages but I'm interested only in daily conversations and I don't want to wait any longer than 6 hours to get a message from you.I don't need unbelievably long messages either! Messages as long as the second paragraph of my post - are completely enough. If you like longer messages? you can send me a longer message, but If you want to send me one word or one sentence as a response to my post - don't expect a reaction from me. I don't want to come across as rude - I just don't want to waste your time
• I'm strongly AGAINST picking on people you don't even want to chat with - and making fun of them! I can't stand people who criticize others publicly or make fun of them! (only because they disagree with someone they don't even know) There's no place In my life for someone using Reddit, to hurt other people
• I'm not into foul language and I definitely don't want to talk to people who swear a lot...
• I want to meet assertive people who know what they want and always stand up for their friends
• I want to meet someone willing to call me In the future, someone spontaneously sending me pictures of animals or food, et cetera. I want more than just text conversations.. 🌻
Why can’t you see any of my hobbies listed down below? Because what really matters to me is..who you are (If you’re honest, talkative ,understanding, caring and trustworthy – for example) just simply – It matters to me what you’re like! not what you like.Don’t get me wrong – you can tell me what your hobbies are but from my point of view - people's hobbies are important - If you want to find a gaming buddy or If you want to meet someone to hang out with in real life and..go bowling for example.What most people seem to care about are other people's passions – I don’t. I get along with other people despite having completely different hobbies but I absolutely don’t get along with people way different than me (different expectations and outlook on life – way different sense of humor or personality traits – It’s just an example) It doesn't make ANY DIFFERENCE to me If you're a gamer or? Someone interested in photography! It doesn't make any difference - > as long as you're talkative and kind and If you also want to find someone willing to stay in your life..for good - But If you're into small talk and all you want is to...type and receive super short messages or If you're here only because you're bored and don't know what to do + If you're a very sarcastic person - I'm definitely not for you! I don't get along with overly sarcastic people turning everything into a joke. Friendships should be natural – not forced. I wouldn't get along with people who laugh at everything.. In my opinion most people are way too sarcastic.. It's quite sad... Sarcasm can also be another form of passive-aggressive behavior.

People who want to be to friends should feel comfortable and have something in common. No - not necessarily a similar taste in music or movies but something else..Most friendships don't fizzle out because of people not having the same hobbies but..because they just simply have different expectations when It comes to something important.I'm not here out of boredom and trust me - I'm not here to meet as many people as possible.I choose quality over quantity.I highly value myself and my time & Sometimes one person but a person who makes you feel comfortable and understood - is more than enough :) We ALL can choose what kind of people we’d like to talk to and maybe even become really good friends with and I? I don’t want anyone to be disappointed.We all have some expectations after all.I know that people don't have to talk as often as possible in order to become friends but I'm interested only in daily conversations. If you really need someone to talk to due to loneliness and If you have time to talk to me daily (throughout the day and maybe even night) I always make time for others.I'm literally always available.I could even stay up all night long only to talk to someone important to me. I’m ready to commit but only If there’s some chemistry between me and someone else.I don’t do anything forcefully.

If you want to talk to me tell me your story - tell me why you're here, what kind of friend would you like to meet :) Et cetera.Such messages are way more interesting to me than...someone's long list of hobbies. I know! It's unusual on reddit but I don't make friends based on hobbies..I want to meet someone with the same mindset as mine to finally feel understood and get close to someone new. You can share your problems with me - I absolutely don't mind "complaining" as I've been through a lot in my life.What do people usually tell you when you tell them that something's wrong? "Don't complain" or "Life's not over yet - one day you'll be happy" or "There are worse situations than yours" and..obviously "Find a therapist" Life's not a fairytale and sometimes things don't go as planned.Emotions shouldn't be bottled up.I'm sick of people always telling others "everything's gonna be ok" move on " & more..Trust me people - not everyone wants to hear "Just believe in yourself and everything's gonna be ok" Some people take it as reassurance - but others? They would rather hear something different 🙁Imagine being told that things will be okay, only for them to get worse..Do you guys know why telling someone "everything's gonna be ok" Is wrong? Because you can't see the future.

You can't guarantee others that one day they'll finally be happy + when It comes to social interactions - We're responsible only for ourselves - not others & as you guys know people let us down quite often (sometimes even when there's no reason) so instead of telling people how they should move on, forget everything and be happy or asking them to find a therapist - be there for them! Always be willing to listen to them If you really like them or want to get to know them & don't suggest everyone in a tough situation to find a therapist because even the best therapist won't ever replace a true friend + It's quite normal to be disappointed If people always do something to hurt you. Sharing your hardships with other people in a very similar situation or exactly the same one - is VERY helpful If the other person understands you & wants to start all over by just letting it all out! Feeling emotional support instead of always hearing some "positive quotes" or someone saying "Stop complaining let's talk about something else - Is very important! "Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on. I appreciate sensitive people who always try to understand others. If after hearing a sad story all you want to say is "forget the past and move on" you're not for me. It's important to be a good listener and provide emotional support to others

Please - If you're a completely different person than the described type of person I'm looking for (If you love abbreviations,If you don't need a stable friendship, If you're sarcastic and quiet) or If you simply disagree with my post - don't force yourself to send me a message.I want my new potential friendship to be natural which is why I want you to contact me only If your needs are the same - I don't want you to pretend someone you're not - only to please me - Pretending to be someone you're not - is the worst.I want to finally be happy again & find someone "always" wanting to talk - sending me random pictures throughout the day - food pictures or pictures of some animals. What is the most important to me? I want to find people who value online friendships as much as they would value real life ones as there's another human being on the other side

No comments please.Only Private messages and chat requests 🌺
I know It's possible to meet people with exactly the same expectations as mine but It's just not easy because most people are Interested In temporary and entertaining conversations. People like me are just "different" I really want to finally find someone who loves emojis as much as I do.. someone who loves sweet, warm and serious discussions at the same time. Emojis really do - change conversations 😊
submitted by xfallenangelx95 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:30 blondefrenchfry Matt‘s reaction

I really don’t understand why they couldn’t have postponed the rick glassman episode for a week and surprised mike AND matt at once? or just for a day? (because they did record the new ep on the NEXT day!!!) like it makes 0 sense.
tbh matt‘s reaction is very mild, I as a viewer am so upset. Imagine matt and mike had taylor swift without carly or erin present. It really is cruel. (yes, I know, they say they didn’t know he was such a big fan, but even if he was not a big fan, it‘s not funny at all) I think he didn‘t react too much because now he has a connection to rick and a possibility to still meet him. (but i wouldn’t be so sure about that, after the episode - if i were rick i wouldn’t wann go back haha)
They should apologize to matt at least privately and to rick for how unprepared they were for the episode. It was such a difficult watch. If i were matt i would be embarrassed by that episode because of how unprofessional it was, the cringe lmao
also „we didn’t think he would answer“, ok so when he did answer just ask if he can come on another day, not one day before matt comes back.
I usually don’t get caught up in their bickering and really love the girls, but this was such a bad take from their side. And I really do understand where their idea came from and that they didn’t do it in an evil way, but still it could have been prevented along the way or damn at least prepare questions or a topic for your guest.
I hope they realize, this doesn’t sit right with their fans (not just 10 people on reddit, but the majority of the viewers), take some accountability and try to make it right by arranging a new episode with rick and matt, where they can also prepare well in advance.
submitted by blondefrenchfry to GoodInfluences [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:29 Ill-Injury-7213 Celebrating my Friends Sobriety

Hello all. So a little back story, I’m 28f, husband is 32m. We have three kids 7f, 4m and 2f. He’s the breadwinner, works 60 plus hours a week, while I stay home with the kids and take care of pretty much everything else. There has DEFINITELY been control issues and emotional abuse in the past unfortunately. I am working on finding way to better respond to that though.
So recently my friends sister had reached out to me and asked me if I would go out to dinner to celebrate my friends 6 months of sobriety. Just meeting my friend, her sister and her mom out at a restaurant for dinner. My friend unfortunately relapsed last year after being 3 years clean which lead to an overdose, so I want to show my support for her. I also haven’t seen her in person in over 10 years. I had cut ties with her once her drug use got bad. We reconnected maybe 2 years ago. However I’ve kept a healthy distance, because obviously I have 3 kids that I don’t need exposed to anything negative. I had to call CPS on my sister when I was 16 after all due to her heroin use.
My husband however instantly scoffed at me and said it was stupid. He doesn’t want me hanging around “those people” and said it’s pointless to be celebrating basically nothing. It’s been nothing but passive aggressive comments any time I’ve brought it up.
I told him last night that I also want to go so I can see her mom and her sister. I was there as a teenager helping her mom paint the house while she was going through a divorce, I also used to stay with her sister when no one else was home because she didn’t like being home alone. I’d love to see all of them. This lead to him interrogating me on who’s going to be there.
I told him that he has every right to feel how he doesn’t about the situation. I also told him that If I were struggling and needed support that I’d hope that someone would be there for me who was a positive influence.
We’ve had many people struggle with addiction in our lives. We’ve both cut contact with many family members over addiction. It seems like he’s allowed to have friends in not so good places but I’m not.
I understand this is a toxic situation all around. Am I disrespecting my husband if I go? What can I say to put his mind at ease? Hes making me feel like I’m choosing my “loser friend”(his words) over him.
If you’re still reading at this point then thank you and sorry for the word vomit. I’m open to any and all advice.
submitted by Ill-Injury-7213 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:28 Zealousideal_Net_547 How long do I need to wait for some one to take me seriously?

It`s been 10 days I reported issues I have with notes and labels:
After not hearing back, I contacted the live support again. Gues what, I was told that: "as per advised, please be informed that my colleagues investigated your concern, with regards to the screenshot you've sent before, they can't see the poker id and unable to see the details clearly". So you are saying that you didnt even bother to contact me asking for aditional information. Just droped the case and told me nothing.
I`m tired of explaining same things again and again. Can someone please help me?!?!
My 888 client crashed during play. After conecting again, all my player notes and labels were gone. I wrote to support, and You told me to take some steps, to restart the client, I did that. Didnt help. I fully reinstalled the whole aplication (saved the notes file tho). believe my notes file is corrupt and the client doesnt read it right. your Agent told me that I will be reached out by email, as always, no one did for 10 days now.
submitted by Zealousideal_Net_547 to 888pokerofficial [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:28 Downtown_Statement87 I tried to make a new mom friend in Oconee County. This is what happened.

I tried to make a new mom friend in Oconee County. This is what happened.
Here's a very long and convoluted story about what happened when I moved out of Athens and tried to make friends in a new county. It's really long.
When you're a mom, it seems like you'd have a lot in common with other moms. You're both exhausted. You both can change a diaper while eating a hamburger while making a doctor's appointment while driving a car. She has spit-up on her shoulder? Yeah, well you have Goldfish in your hair.
But it's surprisingly hard to make mom friends. Go to any park or playground, and you'll see lots of Lone Moms dotting the landscape, swiping at their smartphones while their children play. I don't know why this is, but it's always kind of bothered me.
Raising children can be a terribly isolating endeavor. You are busy, but also bored, since most of the tasks required of you are mundane, repetitive ones like loading the dishwasher, cooking food, and extinguishing the dog. You are surrounded by people all day, but these people are mostly pre-verbal, so you end up feeling lonely a lot of the time. I would think that moms would flock to each other like toddlers flock to the one thing in the house their parents forgot to baby-proof. But no. It turns out that most moms don't mix.
When I lived in Athens, GA, it wasn't so hard. I'd figured it out. I'd spy a mom fiddling with her Maya baby wrap next to the sensory play area, sidle up to her, and hit her with my opening conversational gambit: "What's your position on ancient grains?" And thus would begin a heartfelt conversation about Quinoa and Amaranth and what cereals they prefer. But I didn't really care what we were talking about. I just cared that we were talking.
So I was anxious when I moved out of Athens to the tiny town of High Shoals. It's just over the border from Oconee County, and most moms in Oconee County don't talk about ancient grains. They talk about things I don't have any experience with and thus can't comment on, like who is their favorite area aesthetician. (The last time I had anything resembling a facial was when I fell asleep in the middle of feeding the dogs and woke up with one of them licking my face).
Oconee moms talk about where they're spending their family's spring break ("not Destin"), and how Grayson was just robbed at the regional gymnastics finals. Oconee County is very affluent, and very conservative. You still can't get a beer there on Sundays, but at least the Zaxby's drive-through stays open til 10 pm.
Nonetheless, I resolved to try to make new mom friends. I practiced smiling in the mirror and repeating "What's your home church?" (my new conversation starter) until there was only a hint of crazy-eye brought on by sleep deprivation. I worked on not making sweeping generalizations about people based on what county they live in. I reminded myself to brush my teeth and my hair every morning, instead of on alternating days like I usually do. Finally, shortly after Christmas, I was ready to go.
Now, at the same time all of this introspection about friend-making was going on, my oldest girl asked me for a puppy. I told her no and she went away. Then two days later she came back with a compromise: "How about a rat?"
Probably most folks consider "provide a rat-free environment for your children to live in" to be up there with other parenting dictates like "don't feed your baby Jagermeister." These are rules that are so obvious that they don't even bear mentioning. But when Sadie asked for a rat, I thought back to what happened when my teenaged self and friends watched the punk-rock adolescent classic "Suburbia."
Inspired by a character who had a tame rat as a pet, several of my friends rushed out and secured rats for themselves. They would carry them around in the pockets of their leather jackets when they went to the mall to ask an adult to buy clove cigarettes for them. These rats, I remembered, were well-mannered, good-natured varmints.
A quick look on the web confirmed my memories. Rats, the internet assured me, are smart, and social. They are friendly, and loyal, and can be trained to learn their names and do tricks. If you aren't squicked out by the naked, scaly tail, the bulging genitalia, the beady eyes and twitching whiskers, and the general association of rats with things like plague and death, a rat might be just the thing for you.
My husband was not enthusiastic about this plan, mainly because one of his morning rituals is going out to check the trap in our chicken coop to see what predator was snared overnight. Sometimes he'll come in in the morning with a possum in the trap, or even a black snake. But usually, it's a rat.
"Robin," he said, trying to sound reasonable, "Please don't go out and voluntarily purchase more vermin. We have plenty of rats right here." He pointed at the hissing, red-eyed rodent trying to gnaw its way out of the cage he'd just carried in from the coop.
"Yeah, but those rats are different," I said, hoping he wouldn't ask me why.
"Why?" he said. "It's exactly the same thing. It's a rat."
"Well..." I said, trying to stall. "Not really. See, this is an outdoor rat. We're getting an indoor one. Plus, these rats are free. The rat I'm going to get costs $18."
My husband loves me, and he loves Sadie. But mainly, he's tired. And so eventually Sadie got her rat. Honey lived happily in Sadie's room in his 3-tiered Rat Palace, and every day I would take time out from soothing the infant and wrestling with the 3-year-old to play with the rat, something the pet store warned I had to do if I wanted to socialize him. 
"Time to coddle the rat," I'd announce to the children, disappearing up the stairs to Sadie's room. I'd take Honey out of his cage and scratch his neck and ears. I'd hold him in my palm and encourage him to climb up my arm to my shoulder. I'd turn on Sadie's radio and the two of us would listen to Katy Perry together.
Eventually, as Honey grew, I started taking him downstairs on brief field trips. I'd put him in the sleeve of my sweater, down by my wrist. If I kept my arm bent he would rest there contentedly, and eventually I would become embroiled in making baby food or putting away toys and would completely forget that I had a rather large rat in my sleeve.
One afternoon in January, Sadie suggested that we visit a park in Oconee County. We got ourselves ready and, as we were heading out the door, Sadie stopped and said, "Hey, why don't we bring Honey?" I agreed and so Sadie cleaned out one of her purses and stuffed Honey inside.
When we got to the park, I decided it would not be safe for Sadie to run around on the playground with a bag full of rat (I do have some standards), so I offered to put Honey in my sleeve. She handed over the rat, which settled in the sleeve of my v-neck sweater, and ran off to play.
At first, we were alone on the playground. But after a while a mini-van pulled into the parking lot and a mom and her daughter climbed out. The daughter was the same age as Sadie, and they began enthusiastically playing together as soon as the girl hit the playground. I stood on the other side of the jungle gym from the other mom, wishing I had some of my daughter's friend-making mojo.
Then I remembered my resolution. "This could be it," I realized, watching the other mom through the slats in the climbing structure. "This could be my new mom friend."
I remembered that if I wanted to enlarge my social circle and meet people in this new town, I'd have to invest some energy and take some risks. I remembered what I had told myself about being friendly and open and willing to meet someone where they are. I remembered all of those things. Sadly, I forgot that I had a rat in my sleeve.
I circled around the jungle gym closer to the other mom, trying to make it look like I was moving just to get a better view of my kid. When I was close enough to her to not have to yell, I gave her a big, friendly smile, and said "Our kids seem to enjoy playing together."
"They sure do!" said the other mom, brightly. She smiled, too, and the conversation with my first Oconee County mom was launched.
"How old is she? Oh, mine too! What school does she go to? Does she like it? Yes, we do live close by. We just moved. You grew up here? Seems like a nice place."
Outside, I was engaging in normal-sounding small talk. But inside, I was rejoicing. "I'm doing it!" I thought. "I'm having a normal conversation with another adult! I'm not crying, or babbling, or forgetting where in the sentence I am! I'm just a few more comments away from suggesting our kids meet up at the library some time, and when I do that, she'll say sure, and she'll have to come to the library, too, since her kid is only six and can't drive, and then we'll see each other again and then Bam! Mom friends! Yahoo!"
I decided to close the deal. I said, as casually as possible, "It's great that our kids are having so much fun together. Do you guys ever do any of the afternoon art things at the library?"
The other mom smiled and said, "Yes, We do go there sometimes."
"Great!" I said.
But things were not great.
Something had happened in between my question about the library and her response. I didn't know what it was, exactly, but I could sense it. The other mom was still smiling, still making eye-contact with me. But something had changed.
I replayed the conversation in my head. The slight pause in her answer to my question about the library. "Yes," Her eyes had flicked away from my face and down to my chest for a split second -- just a momentary glance -- before meeting mine again. I'd seen her do it but had thought nothing of it, because she'd looked back at me and finished answering.
And she was still looking at me, her face absolutely calm and straight and normal. Nothing bad was happening. She was still standing there, probably waiting for me to suggest a meeting. So what was the problem?
As surreptitiously as possible (which was not at all, since she was standing 2 feet away from me, watching my face) I dropped my own eyes down to my chest. And then I understood.
Honey, the rat who was so at home in my sweater sleeve that I often forgot he was there, had crawled up my sleeve and around to the front, and was now poking his head out of the point in the "v" of my v-neck sweater.
Looking at it from my perspective, I'm just a mom who is trying to make a new friend and who also happens to have a rat crawling around in her sweater. What's the big deal? But from her perspective?
I can hear her standing in her kitchen, staring into a big glass of red wine and telling it to her husband. "A woman tried to talk to me at the park today, but there was a rat in her sweater, so..."
I looked up from the trembling pink nose and sharp eyes of the rodent poking out of my cleavage and into the face of the woman I was never, ever going to be friends with. I had absolutely no idea what etiquette was called for in this situation. Should I acknowledge what was happening with a breezy "oh, ha, don't worry, he's tame"?
Or should I feign surprise, and act as shocked as she? "Oh my gosh," I could shriek, batting at my sweater, "How did that get in there?" Was it worse to be the kind of person who puts vermin in her sweater on purpose? Or the kind who gets fully dressed without realizing there's a rat loose in her clothing? I couldn't decide.
Because this is the South -- the place where one's darkest character failings are met with a sweet "bless your heart!" -- the other mom didn't do what some other moms might have done (e.g., pepper spray me while calling Child Protective Services). Instead, she decided to do the polite thing, and pretend that our casual conversation hadn't just been interrupted by the appearance of a clothing rodent.
She stood there, her serene expression belying the tsunami of WTF? probably roiling in her head, and exchanged a few more banal pleasantries with me. Taking my cue from her, I also tried to ignore the rat, who had crawled down to the waist of my sweater and now nestled there like a distended appendix.
"Well," I said finally, "I guess we'd better get on home." All the other things I wanted to say -- "Maybe we'll see each other again!" "It was great talking to you!" -- felt like chalk in my mouth as I walked with my daughter to the mini-van.
"That girl was really nice!" said Sadie, climbing in her booster seat. "Maybe we could meet her here again."
"Maybe so," I said, reaching under my sweater and extracting Honey. He thrashed and twisted as I inserted him into the purse Sadie had brought along.
"We could play with Honey, maybe," Sadie said as I started the van. "Do you think she likes rats too?"
"I don't know, Bean," I sighed. Should I tell her that, no, she probably doesn't like rats very much at all. Should I tell her that if she wants to be accepted in her new town, she needs to lose the rat and turn her face to more normal little-girl pursuits, like weaving bracelets out those damn rubber band circles? Should I tell her that the weird things she loves are the very same things that will make her lonely? The way her mom sometimes is?
"I don't know," I said again. "But I'll tell you what. If you find a person who likes both you and your rat, you snag 'em, OK? That's when you know you've found a friend." I pulled the car out of the lot and drove myself, my daughter, and our pet rat back home.
submitted by Downtown_Statement87 to Athens [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:27 xfallenangelx95 28F [L] [O] Seeking emotional support and highly empathetic people.I would love to find someone who doesn't judge others or make fun of them.It's very Important to have someone to rely on :) I'm here for conversations with emotionally mature people who don't have friends and need someone to talk to

(Only Europe, Please) - short note - If you're not into reading or receiving long messages,don't read any further + Please If you don't want to read everything because of my post being too long for you & instead of reading It all - ..skip some parts - find another person to talk to.Let's respect each other and our free time. All people criticizing/making fun of me & other people - will be blocked.Pretty much as people questioning my post and giving me unsolicited advice.I'm not here for any conflicts and I know I can't please everyone - I know I never will.. However It's me who should feel comfortable in my new potential friendship & obviously someone who wants to be my friend - not the whole world.. which is why I don't need any advice from people who don't even want to be a part of my life. The amount of rude people on Reddit always criticizing others and making fun of them is unbelievably high but let me tell you something - NEVER let anyone make choices for you and criticize you only because you're different! Always fight for your dreams and never let anyone make you think you're worthless! It's your life and you're the one deciding what's best for you - If you want to judge me despite not even wanting to talk to me or give me advice better block me! I'm an adult woman and I make all decisions on my own.I'm not trying to "fit in" and be like everyone else - just to get more attention.Accept me for who I am or let go - is my motto.

Hello guys! 🙂 (read everything before you decide to send me a message) Please send me a message ONLY If you're in the same situation and If your expectations are the same as mine.I want to find like minded people from Europe (Why Europe? Read my post to find out) I'm looking for something permanent (remember - you can feel lonely even If you're surrounded by others - If there's no emotional bond) I'm fed up of meeting people who never make time for me & only text me once or twice a week to ask me "what are you up to?" Out of boredom.I don't want to meet people asking others a million of questions like "what's your favorite movie?" Just to give them one word answer and ask them another question "and music? Your favorite song?" I'm looking for something "deeper" & different 🙂

What kind of friend would I like to find? Someone to talk to on a daily basis - Someone who needs It & wants It just as much as me
What are my expectations? I would like to meet someone in a similar situation – why? Because I honestly feel like only a person with the same expectations and a similar outlook on life would get along with me & because I feel more comfortable talking to people like me..Friendless people who need a strong bond - people without friends and partners.. Don't get me wrong…Most people deserve to be happy and It's good to have friends but people who have friends or families in real life are usually more focused on them (which is completely understandable) & have less time for others + I simply don't want to be replaced by anyone..I kind of envy people who can call others , true friends given I don't have an emotional bond with any of my acquaintances. Please send me a message only If you're not In a relationship and don't have friends for the same reasons I've already mentioned before

Whenever I hear that others have friends I simply get sad because (believe it or not) If I had to choose between 20 people to talk to (acquaintances) and one special person - I'd choose that one special person without any hesitation .

I also want to talk to others every day because..I want to see someone’s effort & be someone's first choice - not another person to have random conversations with..some people ask me "Why do you want to talk to people from Europe?" Well..Because I would like to see someone I'd get along with - In the far future - face to face :) + I don't want to wait any longer than 6 hours to receive a message - waiting 6 hours to receive a message is more than enough

I'm by no means criticizing people who don't want to talk to others often / People who really are super busy & People who want to find someone to have unimportant conversations with - I'm aware that not everyone has the same expectations which is why everything you're reading now - is here for a reason :) All I'm suggesting is - I don't want anything temporary and I don't want to be the one always giving more than receiving.Listen people - I used to ignore being..ignored by others..always being just an option to talk to during tough times or moments of boredom.I was too young to realize that I was never important enough for most people that were a part of my life. I don't know who needs to hear this but..No one is too busy to make time for you! People make excuses to avoid others because they prioritize everything and (maybe) everyone..over them. It's true that most people are busy - but It takes only a few seconds to start a conversation (If you're into short messages) and a few minutes (1-10/15) to type a long message . Don't let anyone lie to you.

Truth is that most people either don't like you enough to make time for you or just simply - feel no need to talk to others often but are they too busy? No..You don't need to send me a message just to ask me and tell me "Do you really want to talk every day? I like long messages but I can't promise to contact you often" If you really are unsure please don't send me a message.I don't need more acquaintances aka people to talk to - occasionally.
I'm not trying to sound rude but conversations once or twice a week wouldn't be enough for me and I don't need them... Let me tell you one thing – A true friend would never just give up on you for no reason :) It’s always possible to find someone to have a random conversation with – someone willing to send you one message once or twice a week..but..It’s almost impossible to find people willing to make more time for you.

I’m not asking a busy person to make time for me by changing some plans! Absolutely not! I’m here to find someone who wants to talk daily (throughout the day or maybe even night) of one’s own will.Someone looking for the same kind of connection.Strong friendships are based on mutual support. One of the best things you can do for a friend in need, is just to be there for them when they want to talk.I often see posts from people who always say how friendless they are because they don't feel loved or appreciated by their "friends" remember! A true friend - someone who truly likes you or someone who wants to get to know you - will always find time for you.

I'm not interested in small talk/short messages - I love long and meaningful conversations. It's so easy to find someone who loves abbreviations and questions like "How are you?" How was your day? Or what are you interested in? But so hard/almost impossible to find a person who knows how to keep a conversation going & show others some effort.Building and maintaining friendships takes time and effort.Never allow pursuits or possessions to become bigger priorities than your relations with other people.Close friendships are so important to us because they are so difficult to form + Having friends can help you feel as if you belong to something that brings purpose and connection to your life
• I do NOT respond to any „Hey,hmu” or „u want to talk?” type of messages (super short messages or messages full of abbreviations – I literally can’t stand abbreviations and acronyms in text messages) ALL messages full of abbreviations will immediately be ignored.I also don't like it when people ignore everything I say in private messages just to focus on a random question or? When they start talking only about themselves and don't ever ask me anything. I love conversations with people referring to everything I say...I want everything I say and do - to be reciprocated
• No NSFW profiles (checking mental health subreddits NOT included as I'm a huge empath and always try to understand others) - Please! I'm not looking for anyone to flirt with and I'm not looking for a partner either. I always check people's profiles (even comment history) - To avoid guys, trying to get inappropriate pictures from adult women or? flirt with them + I don't want to see you with no clothes on so If you're on Reddit only because you want others to see what's underneath your clothes - I'm not for you! I just simply don't want to see any s e x related activity on your profile If you want to talk to me.
• If both of us (you and I) are from the same country (I live in a non-English speaking country) - I want to communicate with you in our first language! No - Not because I don't understand English - because as you see - I do. Why then? English is simply overrated and people don't appreciate other languages as much as they should. So.. If we're from the same country and you want to talk only in English (which is quite common on reddit) - Talk to someone else. I just don't want to talk to a person from the same country as mine - in a foreign language as It's just something I don't understand even If all you want is to improve your language skills
• Please only adult people 18-36 (age range) It doesn't matter to me If you're younger or older than me (as long as you're not underage) So.. don't worry! I just want to have discussions with emotionally mature people :)
• I don’t respond to messages I don’t find interesting even If they're long - If after receiving and reading your message I don't feel comfortable or think "I wouldn't get along with him/her" I simply do not respond (what I’m suggesting is that I don’t always respond to someone’s first or second message because..sometimes you just know If you’d get along with someone or not- I’d never ignore anyone after days or weeks of daily conversations though) just because I don’t want to do anything forcefully & because I don’t want to lead anyone on. I read all messages but I definitely don't respond to all of them! I want to make it clear because I don't want to be accused of not responding and not reading people's messages! - Some people don't message me back as well and even If It's a bit disappointing I'm ok with that! - as long as there's no emotional bond - Not responding to someone's first or second message Is completely OK! If people think they wouldn't get along with a stranger - is there a reason to start a conversation? I don't think so. I can't stand being ignored after days or weeks of daily conversations and seeing people changing priorities over time.. but that's something different - something I don't want to go through ever again for real. If I'm really interested in someone's message it's impossible to hear from me "I'm too busy" because I know myself and If I had no time for others - I wouldn't be here. I don't want to pretend someone I'm not and always try to find some cheap excuses to avoid others. (unlike most people who don't want to talk to others)
• Don’t ask me “Can you tell me something about yourself?” If you really want to get to know me - you can ask me questions :) I'm an open book.
• It would be better If you guys were into emojis - like me - to describe your emotions In text messages. Two emojis - 🙂 and 🙁 are completely enough! I just don't like emotionless conversations.I also don't like it when people say "yeah" or yea"as it sounds dismissively. First impression Is everything to me! I want to see your kindness even in a text message - Emojis are very helpful to express your emotions.I don't want to meet people who say "crying Is a weakness" - It's OK to cry even If you're a guy!
• I want to talk on reddit first (just to make sure If I'd get along with you) before moving to Discord or some other app
• I would rather talk to a homebody - not another person who always has something to do as people who are very busy don't even have time for daily conversations
• If you're another person interested only in "childish conversations" such as "HEYOOO! I'M BORED! Ya like Pizza or cheese? xDDDD 🤣" I'm begging you! Don't send me a message.I'm not a child anymore and such messages don't make me smile or laugh.I'm looking for someone interested In serious discussions - not another person just seeking some entertainment out of boredom . Conversations with sarcastic undertones (even when It comes to some emojis such as 🤣😂) are not for me. Your typing style matters to me! Why? when It comes to online conversations with someone new - It's not always possible to know If someone Is laughing at you.. or with you. Let me tell you something else! Jokes about cancer, disabilities and death are UNACCEPTABLE to me. If you find joy In someone else's misfortune you are not a person I want to know.
• Time response matters to me a lot! I would never ask anyone to be online all day long and I'm NOT asking any of you for any instant messaging as I'm someone who would rather wait an hour or two to receive a proper response instead of some short and pointless messages but I'm interested only in daily conversations and I don't want to wait any longer than 6 hours to get a message from you.I don't need unbelievably long messages either! Messages as long as the second paragraph of my post - are completely enough. If you like longer messages? you can send me a longer message, but If you want to send me one word or one sentence as a response to my post - don't expect a reaction from me. I don't want to come across as rude - I just don't want to waste your time
• I'm strongly AGAINST picking on people you don't even want to chat with - and making fun of them! I can't stand people who criticize others publicly or make fun of them! (only because they disagree with someone they don't even know) There's no place In my life for someone using Reddit, to hurt other people
• I'm not into foul language and I definitely don't want to talk to people who swear a lot...
• I want to meet assertive people who know what they want and always stand up for their friends
• I want to meet someone willing to call me In the future, someone spontaneously sending me pictures of animals or food, et cetera. I want more than just text conversations.. 🌻
Why can’t you see any of my hobbies listed down below? Because what really matters to me is..who you are (If you’re honest, talkative ,understanding, caring and trustworthy – for example) just simply – It matters to me what you’re like! not what you like.Don’t get me wrong – you can tell me what your hobbies are but from my point of view - people's hobbies are important - If you want to find a gaming buddy or If you want to meet someone to hang out with in real life and..go bowling for example.What most people seem to care about are other people's passions – I don’t. I get along with other people despite having completely different hobbies but I absolutely don’t get along with people way different than me (different expectations and outlook on life – way different sense of humor or personality traits – It’s just an example) It doesn't make ANY DIFFERENCE to me If you're a gamer or? Someone interested in photography! It doesn't make any difference - > as long as you're talkative and kind and If you also want to find someone willing to stay in your life..for good - But If you're into small talk and all you want is to...type and receive super short messages or If you're here only because you're bored and don't know what to do + If you're a very sarcastic person - I'm definitely not for you! I don't get along with overly sarcastic people turning everything into a joke. Friendships should be natural – not forced. I wouldn't get along with people who laugh at everything.. In my opinion most people are way too sarcastic.. It's quite sad... Sarcasm can also be another form of passive-aggressive behavior.

People who want to be to friends should feel comfortable and have something in common. No - not necessarily a similar taste in music or movies but something else..Most friendships don't fizzle out because of people not having the same hobbies but..because they just simply have different expectations when It comes to something important.I'm not here out of boredom and trust me - I'm not here to meet as many people as possible.I choose quality over quantity.I highly value myself and my time & Sometimes one person but a person who makes you feel comfortable and understood - is more than enough :) We ALL can choose what kind of people we’d like to talk to and maybe even become really good friends with and I? I don’t want anyone to be disappointed.We all have some expectations after all.I know that people don't have to talk as often as possible in order to become friends but I'm interested only in daily conversations. If you really need someone to talk to due to loneliness and If you have time to talk to me daily (throughout the day and maybe even night) I always make time for others.I'm literally always available.I could even stay up all night long only to talk to someone important to me. I’m ready to commit but only If there’s some chemistry between me and someone else.I don’t do anything forcefully.

If you want to talk to me tell me your story - tell me why you're here, what kind of friend would you like to meet :) Et cetera.Such messages are way more interesting to me than...someone's long list of hobbies. I know! It's unusual on reddit but I don't make friends based on hobbies..I want to meet someone with the same mindset as mine to finally feel understood and get close to someone new. You can share your problems with me - I absolutely don't mind "complaining" as I've been through a lot in my life.What do people usually tell you when you tell them that something's wrong? "Don't complain" or "Life's not over yet - one day you'll be happy" or "There are worse situations than yours" and..obviously "Find a therapist" Life's not a fairytale and sometimes things don't go as planned.Emotions shouldn't be bottled up.I'm sick of people always telling others "everything's gonna be ok" move on " & more..Trust me people - not everyone wants to hear "Just believe in yourself and everything's gonna be ok" Some people take it as reassurance - but others? They would rather hear something different 🙁Imagine being told that things will be okay, only for them to get worse..Do you guys know why telling someone "everything's gonna be ok" Is wrong? Because you can't see the future.

You can't guarantee others that one day they'll finally be happy + when It comes to social interactions - We're responsible only for ourselves - not others & as you guys know people let us down quite often (sometimes even when there's no reason) so instead of telling people how they should move on, forget everything and be happy or asking them to find a therapist - be there for them! Always be willing to listen to them If you really like them or want to get to know them & don't suggest everyone in a tough situation to find a therapist because even the best therapist won't ever replace a true friend + It's quite normal to be disappointed If people always do something to hurt you. Sharing your hardships with other people in a very similar situation or exactly the same one - is VERY helpful If the other person understands you & wants to start all over by just letting it all out! Feeling emotional support instead of always hearing some "positive quotes" or someone saying "Stop complaining let's talk about something else - Is very important! "Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on. I appreciate sensitive people who always try to understand others. If after hearing a sad story all you want to say is "forget the past and move on" you're not for me. It's important to be a good listener and provide emotional support to others

Please - If you're a completely different person than the described type of person I'm looking for (If you love abbreviations,If you don't need a stable friendship, If you're sarcastic and quiet) or If you simply disagree with my post - don't force yourself to send me a message.I want my new potential friendship to be natural which is why I want you to contact me only If your needs are the same - I don't want you to pretend someone you're not - only to please me - Pretending to be someone you're not - is the worst.I want to finally be happy again & find someone "always" wanting to talk - sending me random pictures throughout the day - food pictures or pictures of some animals. What is the most important to me? I want to find people who value online friendships as much as they would value real life ones as there's another human being on the other side

No comments please.Only Private messages and chat requests 🌺
I know It's possible to meet people with exactly the same expectations as mine but It's just not easy because most people are Interested In temporary and entertaining conversations. People like me are just "different" I really want to finally find someone who loves emojis as much as I do.. someone who loves sweet, warm and serious discussions at the same time. Emojis really do - change conversations 😊
submitted by xfallenangelx95 to KindVoice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:25 UltimateTraders 5/16/2024 Daily Plays Almost up on BILL I did bid on PYPL YOU SOFI and PERI did not make a bid for AMC or GME still want to ride horses CVS CAR I will buyback PSEC or if it flies still have 5.90 wow OPRX was just 8 less than 2 weeks ago! Growth is real but speculative! So I have PRCH Any rate cuts?

Good morning everyone. So CPI is a 3.4. June of 2023, we had an amazing print of 3.0 Flat. I was pretty shocked and we had a good reason to rally… It did seem like we were ahead of schedule… Well we havent had a low print since! The end of 2023 many analysts were calling for between 6 and 8 rate cuts in 2024. I had been calling for 2… maybe 3… but the way things are going, we may get 0! Inflation is high still, GDP is running positive, unemployment is near 3.7-3.8%, earnings have been coming in good overall, near 5-6% earnings growth and 4-5% sales growth… the markets are at record highs…. This is not the data the Fed wants to cut rates… I do not see the Fed shocking the markets with another hike… but I see it is possible what they have been saying all along, while traders pushed false narratives..


The Fed has said this for many months but the market refused to believe it… and to be honest, I had expected the economy to tank….
When rates are high the cost of the dollar is higher, when the cost of the dollar is higher, people cut back on spending…. When they cut back on spending, companies have lower sales…. Lower earnings… lay people off….. GDP goes flat to negative and 2 straight negative GDP is defined as a recession…. I am shocked… because my study of economics these facts are why I havent been full head on in the market. I am in about 70% cash.. I took some money out for real estate, doing serious renovations.. I also just closed on 2 properties last Friday… I met the Mayor of a small town last Friday and I am prepared to bid on a large piece of land from the town… If I get the land I will like to build a high rise building… Unfortunately for me, I had estimated that this building would be maybe 10 million…. But some architects have told me this will be higher than 20! I may have to liquidate at least 50-75% of my portfolio to build it [Long term accounts as well]… and once I get the plot of land I will know more… I have to send the architect to estimate and do blueprints once I have the land I want to build on. I am tired of renovations but every house I buy is 100-140 years old in those areas of CT. My passion is the market but the data doesn’t support me going all in…
In 2021, there were days I was in 90% stocks! It was crazy! As trader, having 50-60% stocks is good because you want that ammo in case of an emergency… I understand when you start and have a small portfolio that you do not have this liberty… So I understand..
Rome was not built in a day…. I started with 2,000 in 1994….
If data did support all these record highs and I wasn’t scared to trade I probably would hold off on the high rise building. The market is my passion… but I am diversified….
It would actually break my heart to sell these 3 positions:
GS 1,000 at 60 from 2008
JPM 1,000 at 30 from 2008
WMT 1,000 at 16 from 2008 [Split and now 3,000]
So I am trading carefully because of the data… and also I will find out in a few weeks if I can get the plot of land… it is about 1 acre.. I believe I can build a 30-40,000 SQ foot building with close to 100 units…

Some earnings since yesterday’s close:
UA 60 [Bad guidance though] LSPD 70 GAMB 75 GOOS 85 WMT 75
DDS 70 WMS 75 DE 70 [Bad Guidance] NICE 80 IQ 65 BIDU 80 [I don’t want Chinese ADRs!] ZTO 75 JD 80 [No Chinese for me] GRAB 60 GORV 50 CPA 75 BTBT 75

I made a bid for PYPL YOU SOFI and PERI… All I did was sell PSEC 5.50 that I got end of February at 5.65. If it goes higher I still have 5.90 block, if lower I can buy back. The 5.90 I got stuck in January. I have received months of dividends while I waited. I did not bid for AMC or GME puts… I was hoping they would go higher… Although I could have made some money… I guess I was disappointed because Tuesday morning AMC was 13+ and GME was 80+ . Even if they never see those prices again….. [Anything is possible but not likely] I was emotional upset that my orders did not fill for puts… They were small bets about 500 bucks… But for example.
GME Puts July 19th 60 Strike are now 35
I was buying 1 Put for total of 500….. would now be 3,500
AMC Puts July 19th 10 Strike are now near 6
I was buying 5 puts for about 550…..would now be near 4,000
Youd be mad too!
I don’t blame anyone for taking advantage of the volatility short or long… I wish everyone to make tons of money and to have the freedom they want!

5 Trade Ideas:
BILL – I had hoped to buy a 2nd block at 55, but I chickened out, I still have 500 at 60.50.
The slower growth does suck, but I can still see why it should be 75 or so… Lowered growth to about 20%, earnings near 2.50… I can see why it should have close to 30x PE.. 2.50x30 = 75

PYPL – After good earnings and a new 52 week high, wham.. I did bid 62 the other day and almost got in, I want to keep trading this ticker, I believe fair value is near 80, but yes, it is no longer a growing business at near 7-9% growth

CAR CVS – These 2 have been horses for me, well CVS I started trading block 2, less than 2 weeks ago. I have traded it 3x for about 5 dollars total. 500 share blocks. I have 1 block at 84 so I am down 29 dollars…. But if you subtract the 5 I’ve made recently, I am cutting the losses… I have traded CAR since Feb 14th, I started my trade with 12,375. [100 shares at 123.75] I have made near 10,000

PERI – I do have a block at 22, but I have been trading a 2nd block, they will start a buyback soon

YOU SOFI – these are just 2 others, there are about 10 stocks in total I am watching

Man OPRX a couple of weeks was 8… now 14.. The last 2 earnings were very good, that is why I am speculating on PRCH, 1,000 at 3.75

The contents of this post are for information and entertainment purposes only and does not constitute financial, accounting, or legal advice. ... By choosing to make a trade you are responsible for your own actions. Please do some due diligence. These are trades I am making and you can follow along. If you make a winning trade, I do not even expect a bravo or thanks but that’s fine, if you lose on a trade the same difference.. I do not even expect an upvote or reward… The Elite team is aware of the risks and volatility in the market.

Good luck everyone let’s make money. Share trades, ideas here during trading hours. Our main goal here is to make money so I hope we can help eachother. I will be in and out of here as well.
submitted by UltimateTraders to UltimateTraders [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:25 DigitalMaverick The 6 types of people I meet cruising in suites...

Heads up - I wrote a longer than anticipated into to this topic...if you want to skip the background and get to the meat, you can skip to the list toward the bottom!
My childhood was a pretty typical middle-class, suburban existence.
I went to public schools growing up. I went to an average state university. My dad passed while I was in college and my mom was a public school teacher so I was more or less on my own to figure life out after my dad passed.
I share that because cruising often and being able to afford to stay in suites is relatively new for us.
I'm an entrepreneur and when COVID started we were on the verge of bankruptcy, not just my business, but my personal finances as well.
I had quit my last corporate job in the tech industry 4 years earlier and hadn't taken a paycheck since. We were surviving on my wife's teacher's salary and the savings and retirement I'd built after a decade in the soulless troughs of corporate BS.
After 4 years of not paying myself while trying to raise two kids, a mortgage, and living the American dream we were at the end of our ropes financially.
I'd drained my retirement (I never touched my wife's incase something ever happened to me), drained our savings, and racked up $250k in credit card debt.
Just as COVID was beginning, I came home from the office one day, handed my wife a credit card, and looked her in the eyes holding back tears and told her, "there's $400 in this account before it's maxed out - buy all the groceries you can because I don't know when I'll have anymore money for us."
Faced with $250k in CC debt, if I couldn't turn things around we were going to going to have to claim bankruptcy so with nothing to lose, I cashed out our home equity as one final cash infusion into the business before closing shop and starting over financially.
With the money from that loan, I resolved to do three things:
  1. I hired a business coach to figure out why despite growing revenue, we couldn't make consistent profits.
  2. We're in a rural community so we expanded into a much larger city 90 minutes from hope here was that I didn't know how long the shutdown was going to last (it definitely hit us hard early in the pandemic), but by marketing to a larger area we'd hopefully be able to make enough money to survive.
  3. I was going to finally begin paying myself after 4 years of not taking a paycheck and reinvesting everything into the business.
I've been extremely fortunate that this was a turning point in my business and in the 4 years since then. We've grown by nearly 1,000% and we're now making a very healthy profit and I've built the business to where it runs without me (I work 8-12 hours/week on the business on high-level activities, primarily guiding my leadership team and handling the financials + some tech innovations periodically as I identify them). I've repaid all of our debt and I'm working on rebuilding our retirement while investing a percentage of the profits into building a new business (one that will be less employee intensive).
This is all relevant because this has put me in a place where we can afford to cruise often (6-8 weeks/year) + I have the luxury (privilege honestly) of not having to worry about PTO.
Side Note: For those of you who hate capitalists like me - my lowest paid employee last year made $50k (+ full benefits) in an area where the median income is only $33k...half of my team made $100k+. We're quite possibly the highest paying company in our region (definitely in our industry) and as a result have extremely low turnover and I'm able to hire the best of the best so we have an excellent culture.
So back to the main reason for this post - having the opportunity to cruise often, about 75% of the time in suites, I've noticed the folks we meet and interact with in the suites tend to fall in one of four categories:
  1. The Status Cruiser: These are the folks we all see on social media and unfortunately on cruise ships whose entire identity is wrapped up in their loyalty status and their suite class. They are absolutely the main character and its of absolute importance to them that everybody know this. You can typically spot them from across the room before you even talk to them because they're dressed to the 9s and carry themselves in a way completely stereotypical of what you'd expect from somebody who truly believes their farts smell like roses.
  2. The Retirees: There's a good amount of overlap between this persona and the Status Cruisers mentioned above, but they're not all like this. The ones who don't overlap with the previous group tend to be extremely friendly and I've had many great conversations with them learning about their life experiences and imparting with wisdom with me on my own journey. They tend to stick to the recommended dress codes and are sometimes put off by people who don't share the same motivations for structure and etiquette.
  3. The Bucket List Cruisers: These folks often save money for years, pinching pennies so they can afford what may very well be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for them sailing in a suite. They often want to squeeze as much value out of the suites as they can since they may never be in one again (I don't fault them for that...make the most of it!). They're often dressed to the 9s as well but sometimes appear less comfortable in the various social situations you find in the suite areas (i.e. grabbing a drink in a lounge, having a nice dinner in the suite restaurant, etc).
  4. The YOLO Cruisers: I don't encounter these cruisers on every sailing, they're definitely more common during holiday sailings (i.e. Spring Break, Christmas, etc). These folks are living their best lives. The fellas are often wearing flip flops and neon tank tops and their wives/girlfriends in cut off jean shorts and a see-through cover-ups over their bikini tops. Fortunately they typically aren't over the top obnoxious, but they couldn't care less about any recommended dress codes or societal queues. They're there to have the time of their lives, everybody else be damned.
  5. The DINKs: These couples are often from the LGBTQ+ community (not hating, just the reality), but not exclusively. They have good paying jobs and often are able to work remotely from the ship so they don't even need to use PTO. They typically keep to themselves and associate mostly with other DINKs. You can usually find them enjoying a drink in the suite lounges later in the evenings after a fun night out partying. One evening you may see them dressed to the 9s and the next they may be in beach attire - they march to the beat of their own drum but also don't really interrupt anybody's vacation (aside from maybe the folks in the first two categories who care more than they probably should about dress codes).
  6. The Family Cruisers: There aren't many sailing in suites with kids, but the ones who do tend to have well-paying corporate jobs that they're not able to fully disconnect from (even on a cruise ship). They have good to great paying jobs but have limited vacation time so they prefer to pay a premium to make the most of their time off when they're able to get away. Often you'll see these parents responding to emails in-between parenting. You can sometimes catch them in the lounge grabbing a drinks in the evenings after their kids have gone to bed for the evening. We fall into this category with two kids under the age of 10.
I don't know if this is interesting to you guys but I was randomly thinking about it earlier and thought some of you may find it of interest.
What do you think? Did I leave any categories out? Do you disagree?
Random food for thought! Whatever category you fall into, and whatever type of cabin you happen to cruise in, happy sails everybody!
submitted by DigitalMaverick to Cruise [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:24 tinybeetch Weirdos in Myrtle Beach

I contemplated sharing all of these since the first two happened so long ago, but they’re eerie enough that I think that they should be shared. I have two stories from when I was young, when I was around age 5-6. Though they were over 20 years ago, the first one I remember vividly and the other occurred later yet I can’t recall that one much at all. However, my mom tells that story like it was yesterday so I’m pretty sure my brain blocked it out or something.
So for context, my mom had me when she was 20 and was a single parent for a while. My father was completely out of the picture, so we lived with her childhood best friend in different apartments when I was young. So one night, it was dark but not extremely late (like 7-8) and I was coloring in the kitchen while my mom was in another room. I vividly remember a knock coming from the sliding glass door only a few feet away from where I was. I turned to see a middle aged man with a sinister smile, pointing at the handle to let him in. I immediately screamed, which scared this guy off, and my mom ran in and called the cops. My mom later told me he was peeping at her and her best friend for a while but this was the first time I had seen him and that he attempted to come in. Apparently he had left… evidence that he was there a couple of times but I don’t think the cops ever got him. But the rest of the time we lived there, my mom had security from her job (House of Blues) sleep over a lot for protection.
The next encounter is one I don’t remember happening but the story still terrifies me because of what might be out there and how easily these things can happen. It was a different apartment, like a townhouse, but only a few blocks away from where the other thing happened. There was a couple that lived across the street and my mom always got very strange vibes from them. The man would openly stare at me (around age 6) and my mom’s best friend’s niece (who was 11) when she would stay over, which would prompt my mom to angrily yell at him for being creepy for staring at us the way he was, calling him a perv. My mom’s best friend thought she was being paranoid but then at some point, I was playing outside, and that same man lured me over into his apartment with his dog. It didn’t take long for my mom to notice I was gone… it wasn’t even 10 minutes before she ran over to come get me. The couple acted like nothing was wrong and that I just wanted to see their dog but she freaked out on them. When we were home, I told her that he took pictures of me with their dog and she called the cops. They were kicked out but the pictures were never found… which creeps me the hell out to this very day.
The most recent creepy encounter was also with my mom but it was about 6 months ago. I’m still not sure if this was us being paranoid or if we were being followed but it felt wrong. We went to the mall looking for shoes for my wedding and started at Belk. My mom had to use the restroom so I went off on my own and while I was browsing, I got annoyed with this guy wearing a baseball hat because he seemed to be constantly in my way or hovering. It struck me as odd that he kept ending up around me in the women’s shoes section and I got annoyed with him quickly, shooting him a glare that seemed to back him off a bit.
The aisles for shoes are short so I noticed him walking toward another man with a newsboy cap on the other side of the section with his arms crossed. I wouldn’t have thought much of it except the two spoke briefly before baseball cap guy made another round through the section. I’m not sure how to put it but they seemed out of place, like almost dirty or something, and I felt weirded out so I pulled out my phone to text my husband and pretended to look busy until my mom came back. She eyed the baseball cap guy lingering around but I felt much safer when she arrived, and I loudly complained a bit about the selection and “surroundings” so we headed somewhere else.
We went into a bunch of different stores and when we were on the other side of the mall at an Earthbound (trendy hippie store if you’re unfamiliar), my mom made a loud comment how she kept seeing a guy in the same stores we were in. In the moment, even though I did have a strange feeling, I waved it off to keep browsing since I don’t go to the mall often and wanted to enjoy the day with my mom. She said she must be going crazy when I blew it off but the next store was when my mom’s suspicions grew into a serious full blown anxiety attack.
I honestly was still oblivious to this guy but I saw how she was looking around a lot, had us weaving through people and quickly going down aisles. Like I said, I still wasn’t paying attention to the people around us so I bought a couple of things but as soon as I had my bags, my mom yanked me and rushed us out.
While we were walking, she grew serious, kept glancing behind us and told me how she didn’t feel right about this guy with a newsboy cap and thought we were being followed. I took a look back for myself and sure enough, the man she described, and I finally recognized him as the same guy I briefly saw in Belk an hour or so ago, just left the same store we did and was walking toward us. He was by himself, looking down, carrying no shopping bags. We ducked into the first store we came across and the employees picked up on our frantic and nervous energy. When asked if we were okay, we told them what was going on and they stood in front of us, hiding us from view and assured us that we were safe. We didn’t see him (or the other guy with the baseball cap) after that but it spooked us to the point where we couldn’t even enjoy our day out anymore so we went home.
This same mall is known to be unsafe and honestly, this whole city is rampant with human trafficking so even though it could have been just paranoia, we anticipated the worst. Interestingly enough, this same mall recently posted a policy that visitors under 18 need to be accompanied by an adult after 4pm on Friday and Saturdays along with safety guidelines on how to stay safe. So there’s that.
Stay alert and aware of your surroundings. Trust your gut. I don’t walk alone without my phone in my hand, and I call someone anytime I’m in a parking lot or gas station. It’s sad but it’s always been hard to ever feel safe when I’m alone.
Edited and posted again to add spaces since it was flagged for wall of text. My bad!
submitted by tinybeetch to creepyencounters [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:22 Ill-Television-5528 almost caught shoplifting- what to do

hi, i went to a store today and tried to shoplift some €10 cream. i put the cream in my pocket when walking around the store. when i left the store after buying my other items, the alarm went off and the cashier came out and told me to come in to check my bag. as she was checking my bag, i was able to take the cream out my pocket and put it under the counter. she didn’t notice and told me I can go. I live just across the road from the shop and I went home. i left again shortly after and there was a police car on my road. I don’t know if it’s just a bad coincidence and I’m overthinking it but i’m worried someone may have noticed and told the cashier and they called the police and reported it. nothings happened since/the police didn’t follow me in or anything, but i had my hood up. can someone let me know what could/might happen next?
submitted by Ill-Television-5528 to ShopliftersGoneWild [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:16 Ok_Wolverine4652 went back to work too soon

My DMX with expanders was on May 3rd - I returned to work (remotely) after 10 days.
My doctor gave me a paid medical leave order until May 24th, but I stupidly ignored it and assumed I’d be fine.
Now I’m so frustrated because I’m so tired I can barely get anything done and it’s clearly annoying people on my team. I wish I just took the full time off. I still have 2 drains, I am taking care of myself, and I can barely work due to pure mental exhaustion. AND I’m letting people down.
All around hitting a slump - and so sick of being in my apartment!
when did you start feeling normal again? Supposed to get drains out tomorrow which will be huge.
submitted by Ok_Wolverine4652 to BRCA [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:15 Block-Busted Russia is expected to take over the entirety of Ukraine very soon thanks to infinite supplies/forces and rapidly-growing economy. For those who are still in the United States, South Korea, Taiwan, and so on, when are you planning to evacuate to Russia, China, Central Asia, or even Japan?

By now, most of you have probably heard of these news:
Ukraine troops pull back in Kharkiv after Russia offensive
Ukraine has pulled back its troops from several villages in the border region of Kharkiv following continued pressure from Russian forces.
Soldiers had come under heavy fire and moved to "more advantageous positions" in two areas of the north-eastern region, a military spokesman said.
Throughout the course of the two-year war, Ukraine has typically used this type of language to signify a retreat.
President Volodymyr Zelensky has cancelled all upcoming foreign trips as troops struggle to contain the new cross-border incursion, with several towns and villages coming under heavy fire.
His press secretary, Sergiy Nykyforov, said the president had "instructed that all international events scheduled for the coming days be postponed and new dates coordinated".
Moscow has claimed its forces have now taken control of two more settlements in the region - Lukyantski and Hlyboke - and the village of Robotyne, in the southern Zaporizhzhia region.
But Ukraine says its military still controls most of Roboytne, news website Ukrayinska Pravda reports, citing a spokesman for an army brigade fighting there.
"They [Russian troops] are actually only on the outskirts," Serhiy Skibchyk told the website.
"Inside the village, there are still our positions."
Robotyne was one of only a handful of settlements Kyiv retook in its summer counter-offensive last year.
A spokesman for the Ukrainian military said the decision to move troops from the Lukyantsi and Vovchansk areas was taken to "preserve the lives of our servicemen and avoid losses".
The capture of Vovchansk, though not of specific militarily significance, would represent a blow to Ukrainian morale.
The military spokesman said that the situation "remains difficult" but insisted that its forces were "not allowing the Russian occupiers to gain a foothold".
In a statement on Wednesday at 13:30 local time (11:30 BST/ 10:30 GMT), the military said there had been three clashes in the Kharkiv region, and Russian forces were attacking in the direction of Lyptsi, roughly midway between Kharkiv city and the Russian border.
The statement added two strikes hit the villages of Lyptsi and Mala Danylivka - while Ukrainian forces "repelled" an offensive in Vovchansk.
Ukraine's head of intelligence, Kyrylo Budanov, had earlier said troops had stabilised the front line.
Thousands of civilians have fled west in recent days towards Ukraine's second-largest city of Kharkiv - including from the town of Vovchansk, located 74km (45 miles) away.
Oleksiy Kharkivskiy, Vovchansk's police chief, said on social media that fighting was intense and Russian forces were establishing positions inside the town.
"The situation is extremely difficult. The enemy is taking positions on the streets of the town of Vovchansk," he said.
Kyiv has sent reinforcements to the wider Kharkiv region following Friday's incursion - seen as one of Russia's most significant ground attacks since it launched its full-scale invasion of the country in February 2022.
"Additional forces are being deployed, and there are reserves," President Zelensky's office said on Wednesday.
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced an additional $2bn in military aid to the Ukrainian war effort while on a visit to Kyiv.
Mr Blinken told reporters on Wednesday the fund would provide weapons "today" and invest in Ukraine's industrial base.
"We're rushing ammunition, armoured vehicles, missiles, air defences to get them to the front lines," Mr Blinken said.
"We've been through challenging times together, I have every confidence that together we will get through these difficult moments."
It comes weeks after US Congress passed a $61bn aid package last month.
Away from Kharkiv, Russia said earlier it had temporarily closed two major airports in the south-western region of Kazan after targeted Ukrainian drone attacks. Ukraine has not commented on the strike.
Russia's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova also said on Wednesday that Ukrainian attacks in Russia's Belgorod border region were a demonstration of the "criminality" of Kyiv and the Western powers which back it.
Unlike with Ukrainian territory which Russia occupies, Kyiv has reluctantly agreed with western allies to not use the missiles it provides on targets inside Russia itself.
Ukrainian officials suggest there are more Russian gains amid ongoing push in Kharkiv region
Ukrainian officials suggested further gains by Russian forces on Wednesday in the Kharkiv region, as Moscow continues its push into northeastern Ukraine.
The town of Vovchansk, located about 60 kilometers (or about 37 miles) northeast of Ukraine's second-largest city of Kharkiv, is seeing some of the most intense battles in areas near the border, with one police official saying Russian forces are already in the town.
"The situation in Vovchansk is extremely difficult. The enemy is taking positions on the streets of Vovchansk," said Oleksii Kharkivskyi, chief patrol officer of the Vovchansk Police Department, urging residents to evacuate.
Gen. Serhii "Marcel" Melnyk, the commander of the Kharkiv city defense forces, also suggested there have been changes in Ukrainian positions in Vovchansk and a possible tactical withdrawal.
"Heavy fighting is ongoing. In some areas, near Vovchansk and Lukiantsi, Ukrainian defenders were forced to move to more favorable positions to more effectively use their forces and defend the region from the offensive," Melnyk said Wednesday.
At least 24 people, including four children, were injured as a result of Russian shelling in various parts of the Kharkiv region on Wednesday, Melnyk said.
The Ukrainian monitoring group DeepStateMap indicated on Wednesday that Russian forces have reached northeastern parts of Vovchansk as they continue to push further south into Ukrainian territory. Russian forces have taken control of more than nine villages near the border in recent days.
Mandatory evacuations continue from all northern border settlements, according to Roman Semenukha, deputy head of Kharkiv Regional Military Administration. Nearly 8,000 people have been evacuated from these areas since May 10, when Russia launched its push.
Russian forces continue to make advances in northern Ukraine
Troops have made advances into Ukrainian villages in the Kharkiv region after launching their cross-border assault on May 10:
This is my thread about the similar topic from 2 months ago:
It is expected that Russia will take over the entirety of Ukraine in few months, if not few weeks or even few days thanks to its infinite supplies and forces and rapidly-growing economy. This will be cited as a conclusive proof that dictatorship is infinitely superior to democracy, allowing Russia, China, and North Korea to have their morale boosted exponentially, leading to Russia invading and taking over the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, and the entire Europe within few days while China and North Korea invade and take over Taiwan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand within few days, if not few hours. If Trump gets elected as the president, the whole thing is expected to happen next year as Trump signs an agreement with Russia that will disband NATO and/or merge the United States into Russia, effectively making Russia the biggest superpower in the world, which then would proceed to invade and take over the entire Europe followed by the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Canada in few days, if not hours while China and North Korea invade and take over Taiwan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand within few days, if not few hours. Keep in mind, ever since the war, Russia's economy is growing rapidly and they can continue any sort of war infinitely without any weaknesses whatsoever as proven in those articles above.
But what about Japan? Well, that's because Russia, China, and North Korea would allow Japan to be an independent country on the ground that Japan is the only "fully democratic" country that adheres "traditional values and roles" while also pretty much being a single party-dominant country, meaning that the whole world would be ruled by Russia, China, North Korea, and Japan starting from this decade. Therefore, it is probably for the best for us to evacuate to Russia or China to avoid war since those countries cannot be invaded at all or evacuate to Japan if you want to live in a democratic country - or it might even be better to evacuate to Central Asia to live with nomads over there since they would be on how to avoid war.
So with that in mind, when are you guys planning to evacuate to Russia, China, Japan, or even Central Asia?
P.S. I mean, after Ukraine is taken over by Russia, wouldn't the latter and China fully support North Korea so that they can take over South Korea within days, if not hours?
submitted by Block-Busted to northkorea [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:14 SmartIntroduction1 Fair price on HVAC replacement?

Background: I live in a 100+ year old 4-bedroom house in Northern VA, where the winters are cold and the summers very hot and humid. The house was remodeled over 20 years ago and done cheaply where the walls don’t have good insulation and the HVAC needs to be replaced, plus the house has always had extreme temperatures on opposite floors (1st story vs 2nd story) depending on the season.
Situation: We’ve had several companies come out and look at our ductwork and system and have all (minus one) recommended a one for one replacement of the heat pump and air handler, with no guarantee it’ll fix our temperature problem and none have even suggested replacing the ductwork since it’s too complex, and it’s “just the way it is since it’s an old house.” I saw on this forum that a high end system is a waste without the proper ductwork. We finally were able to get a contractor to take an in depth look and agree to redesign the ductwork. They by far seemed the most interested in fixing our problem, doing multiple hour+ visits. The guy seems honest and knowledgeable, but since I can’t ask for other quotes in the area since the others aren’t interested in redesigning ductwork, I wanted to reach out to you all in this forum.
Advice: Does this seem like it may work and a fair price?
System installation will include a 10-year manufacturer warranty on all parts and a 2-year labor warranty. HEAT PUMP: EL18XPV - 3 Ton two-stage compressor AIR HANDLER: CBA38MV - variable-speed blower motor THERMOSTAT: S40 Price: $22,713.00
Custom duct modifications. Increasing size of supply trunk line and gradually stepping dow into size to keep static pressure up and provide better airflow to add registers. Adding return and grill to upstairs bedroom. Increasing size of return duct to living room and install larger return grill in living room if necessary. Also, running larger duct to basement for better airflow. Corner wall in living room will taken down to run ducting to basement. Customer will need contractor to rebuild corner wall after installation is completed. Price: $10,393.00
Total: ~$32k
Thank you.
submitted by SmartIntroduction1 to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:14 raindropsnrosez I wish I could bottle up the post-overeating feeling and put it by the snacks.

I’ve only seriously started my weight loss journey a month ago. I gained a lot of weight after my second pregnancy and it just hasn’t shifted like it did the first time.
I’ve not been great, really. I’d say I’ve hit a 500 cal deficit once in the last 30 days. But my diet prior to this was horrifying…… I’m talking 2000 calories over maintenance, daily, no problem. Probably more. I’ve been making healthier choices and hitting the gym.
A few days ago, I did something I shouldn’t have - a huge food shop delivered to my door. Now, I love the sunsol muesli bars. They’re normally super expensive though, so I maybe get a pack of 5 a week. They’re 99 calories a bar so in moderation, a great snack.
Well, they were half price. So what do I do? Get 40 packs. Yes, 200 bars. Thinking it will last me.
Well, it doesn’t last me. I eat 10 of those on a day because I know I have so many. And when I’ve started in that, I’ll then munch all the biscuits I can find, all the treats, etc. all or nothing.
For the last 4 days, I’ve eaten 2000 calories over maintenance. Straight back into old habits. Back on the door dash for extra desserts. Because, well, f it. Given how inconsistent I’ve been this will have easily cancelled out all of my effort for the last month and then some. I also haven’t been going to the gym so feel meh.
Anyway, I ramble. My point is, I feel like utter SHIT after binging. Uncomfortable. Sick. Pained. Gross. Awful. And it lasts until I sleep and wake up the next day. I feel terrible. I used to do this regularly.
But somehow I forget and do it all again the next day.
I wish I could take this feeling and bottle it up and put it in my snacks cupboard (I have two toddlers, so having zero snacks is impossible). So I’d have to feel it every time I want to start eating. I’m really struggling with it.
submitted by raindropsnrosez to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:13 MinecraftSexUpdate [GUIDE] Enjoy GAMING again by ruining the fun of sexhavers and foids

Are you a gamer? Want to take out on normies, sexhavers, and foids that infest what used to be OUR hobby? Those of us born in the 80's will remember a time when being a gamer was scorned. We were bullied, chastised, and shunned from our peer groups for enjoying video games. This would last up until the mid to late 90's when the media finally started pushing games to "dudebros" and eventually women in the early to mid 2000's. Finally in the past 10 years we've seen an infestation of shitskins and third worlders completely flooding everything. I refuse to lay down and die. I will stand and fight till the bitter end.
It's time to turn the tables and make them suffer as they made us suffer, both in life and the virtual world. (Legally and within the confines of the game, this is NOT a guide to IRL ruinate or anything of the sort.) Some of this stuff isn't allowed if you're an EU gamer.
First off, you're going to have to let go of playing video games to "win" or acquire virtual greed. You're going to need a new mindset. The mindset of a sadistic psychopath hellbent on extracting keks from anyone and everyone deemed not one of us. No more giving a fuck about your KDA, w/l ratio, or "following the rules" or the "meta" of what other players expect you to do. You are a gamer going your own way, regardless of what the groupthink expects or wants. If the game is F2P or you're a richfag or jewtuber who can get free games from devs then being banned is part of the fun, and is expected of you. If you cannot afford to buy back into games or are too technologically retarded to change your IP and spoof your hardware to get around bans in F2P games then you'll have to tread carefully.
Here's the part where I instruct you on how to fuck over these sexhavers for your own sadistic pleasure. After all they've denied us a life worth living in the real world and treat us like lepers. It's time they feel uncomfortable in OUR space. Feel free to add to any of these methods or pitch in ideas.
Foid infested "cozy" games
Shit like "Animal Crossing" or "Palia." Anything that lets you decorate and grow shit is a "cozy" game and women infest these games more than any other. It's literally a containment game of sorts to keep them out of other shit. To fuck with women in these games all you have to do is steal resources, build ugly and annoying things within the game world, be rude via emotes and text chat, and use emotes to make it look like your character is grabbing their tits or eating them out. I once did /eat to some slag girl gamer in WoW Vanilla 20 years ago and when I reverse searched my name she was bitching about it on reddit and remembered my characters exact name 4-5 years ago. She's STILL SEETHING about it 15 years later. This is what you want. Virtual RAPE. Many foids stream these types of games, and it's incredibly easy to get under their skin. Make the ugliest characters you possibly can and always stand in their camera. Stalk them in-game. Uglify the world around them. Spam emotes. The world is your oyster.
World of Warcraft, or anything else really. Gank them. Corpse camp them. Dispel their world buffs. Emote spam sexually assault them. Use a high level or highly geared character to camp low level quest zones and steal mobs, resources, and kill low level players. Stream snipe them till they hide their screen with nothingness. Join their guilds and steal their resources after faking being a Chad. Get the entire guild wiped, blame it on the women healers. Play a vital role and underperform / disconnect at pivotal moments and blame a thunderstorm. Make everyone wait on your actions, but not enough to get gkicked. Openly challenge sex havers lifestyles in discord voice calls and call them out on their privileged bullshit. (Genetics, riches, went to a nice school, raised by good parents, etc.) Use every underbelly evil shithead tactic that these fuckers used towards us during our childhoods and young adult lives. Roleplay it up and lie about your IRL self to make them feel inferior. Exploit early and often, and cash out via RMT before you get banned or when you quit for some NEET bucks. If the game has a "random queue" system you can wipe endless groups or refuse to participate and hold entire game lobbies hostage.
Overwatch, Counter Strike, etc. Simply play terribly in ranked matches. Don't assist the team. Mic spam. Play vital roles like tank or healer then simply don't heal and tell them openly on the mic to beg if they want heals. Refuse to play at all if a woman is in voice chat. Verbally accost every white knight that defends her. Remember, they're most likely wagies who have to go to work tomorrow and you're most likely a NEET who has infinite free time. Remind them of this. (Even if it's not true.) In FPS with one life, openly tell the enemy team where your team mates are camping. Use aimbots, wall hacks, and other cheats to make both sides pissed off. If you're doing well gloat. If you're playing shittily, then call them a loser or a nerd. Flashbang your own team. Drop objective items as far as possible. Die with expensive guns (Auto sniper in CS triggers normies.) and make sure the enemy acquires them. Acquire or goad team mates into team killing you to 2 week ban them.
League, Dota 2, Age of Empires, and other slop. Never go to the "meta" lane. (AD carry / support normally go bottom lane, but you're gonna always go middle, and steal your own teams jungle.) Never build the right items. Feed the enemy team, kill steal your own. Never push lanes or objectives. Ping spam. Keep text chats very "safe" to avoid bans. When a team mate dies, some ping spam and a "?" goes a long way. Never agree to surrender, unless your team is winning. Always report everyone who rages on you. Play characters that have statistically low win rates or are extra annoying. Use a lag switch to delay and hold entire lobbies hostage (RTS). Wall in your own team. Use retarded high risk low reward build orders. Be completely useless all of the time and never join team fights except after everyone's dead then schizo gaslight them that they were the ones not helping.
Survival, Crafting / Building Games
Minecraft, and shit like it. Become insanely super godlike good at the game. Learn all the metas, muscle memory, speed run tech, and master PvP. Join reddit servers and ruinate months of "cozy crafting" with max enchanted equipment and masterful grief tactics. Construct server destroying redstone machines. Completely ruin spawn and active players bases while they're offline. Destroy their VIP / pay 2 win "donation" special items. Join their discords and spam anti-vax, anti-pitbull, and black people violence webms from rekt threads on 4chan to get their servers shut down. Literally use modded hacked clients to ESP radar hack and dupe your way to victory, kicking down reddit twerps virtual sand castles and record the seethe in their discord voice chats while pretending you don't know what's going on. Abuse and exploit anything you can to the detriment of other players (Shittily coded cash shops and stores. RPG elements that are 100% broken, like a "health swap" spell that you can use on any god-geared player to swap your 1/2 heart health with their full HP then 1 shot them naked kinda shit.)
Indie slop
None of these games have any cheat protection. Cheat Engine even the most basic shit. I once played some slop card game and was able to set my opponents HP at the start of the game to 0 and win immediately. You can pretty much speed hack on all of this shit and most hack sites will have a few dedicated cheat bros that can do the wildest shit like gain access to admin panels and other destructive things. Even without cheats most basic exploits can really break these games. If a dupe method worked on one shitty survival Unreal 5 sloppa game, chances are it works on the other 7,000.
VR / Roleplay shit
Fondle titties. When the white knights run up and shout "back off" loudly point and laugh at them. Force feed slags coconut drinks. Put your arm around everyone and get really up close in their face. Make fun of their furfag outfits. Call them trannies. Take a right wing stance on everything. Use cheats to spam gore and porn everywhere. Use mod menus (Cheats) to force other players to emote or spawn giant laggy objects and explosions. Always talk shit in VOIP and spam soundboards. Be as annoying and as insufferable as possible.
Single Player Games
Okay, so this one's hard to "troll" but there's still ways to do it. You gotta share stuff in normie spaces that will offend and upset them. There was a guy that played Red Dead 2 and brutually murdered and tortured the "women have a right to vote" NPC to the point where he got banned off jewtube for it cause it pissed off so many redditors. You're gonna have to be real creative with this one. If you're a jewtuber you can intentionally kill off all the gay NPC's in Baldurs Gate 3 or something during your streams or playthroughs and watch the seethe roll in. Or make misleading and untrue guides or push a narrative you'd prefer to see and post them to normie sites to really stick it to 'em.
Please, feel free to share your ways of griefing and trolling foids and sexhavers within the confines of the video game. Since we can't be happy in real life, the least we can do is make their virtual lives closer to ours. Give them a taste of their own medicine. The only joy I have left in life is making others seethe in video games, because what the fuck else is there to do?
submitted by MinecraftSexUpdate to BumWipers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:06 serose04 Comprehensive From the Ashes guide

Comprehensive From the Ashes guide
I feel like there is no guide to rebuilding Pribyslavitz that would be simple and straight to the point. That would cover everything you need to know, but only things the game itself doesn't tell you. So I decided to make one. I hope you'll find it useful. The guide is also on Steam, I would appreciate you giving it like over there as well.


This guide is the result of a deep analysis of From the Ashes DLC that I made.
It covers following topics:
  • What to build
  • Building order
  • Judgments
  • Village income breakdown


Some quests that are not part of FtA DLC can affect your ability to achieve the highest income. These quests are:
  • Ginger in a Pickle (affects charcoal price)
  • My Friend Timmy (affects tavern income)
  • Aquarius (affects traders income)
  • Besmirched (affects tavern income)
  • A Rock and a Hard Place and Gallows Brothers (affects tavern income)
  • Rattled (affects forge income)
Should you make all the wrong choices, it will cost you 275 gr. of daily income.
Details about these quests are described further. If you are planning on achieving maximum possible income from Pribyslavitz I strongly recommend you read this guide before doing any of the aforementioned quests.

What to build

During the reconstruction you will have to make 3 decisions as to what you want to build. These decisions are:
  • Bakery or Butchers
  • Swordsmith or Armoursmith
  • Stables or Guardhouse
Bakery or Butchers
The decision between bakery and butchers is rather easy – take bakery. It makes more money for the same build cost. The drying shed is also better than smoke house, as it allows you to dry all kinds of food. Smoke house can only make smoked meat. Lastly you will need to spend more money on resources getting livestock and grain (you only need grain if you go with bakery).
Swordsmith or Armoursmith
Swordsmith will provide you with the best sword in the game – Tusk.
Armoursmith will provide you with the best shield in the game – Boarback shield.
These are the only unique items you can get from forge, everything else can be found elsewhere in the game. Which means the decision should be made according to your playstyle. Armoursmith can theoretically make you 10 gr. more than swordsmith, but this difference is so small you should neglect it.
Stables or Guardhouse
Most difficult decision. At first stables seem like a clear winner. It makes more money, allows you to choose from 3 new horses and provides some special horse tack that cannot be found anywhere else in the game.
However. I strongly advise you to consider building guardhouse instead and here’s why.
The overall income difference between stables and guardhouse in fully build Pribyslavitz is just 75 gr. Not a big deal considering the village will produce over 2300 gr. daily.
The new horses aren’t a big deal either. Each is better than Warhorse Jenda in some way, but also worse in another. And the differences are so small I doubt you would notice them.
Lastly, the exclusive horse tack consists of 6 pieces of horse head armor. It looks good, but the usefulness is questionable, as most people don’t really fight from horse.
Guardhouse on the other hand, will get you the strongest bow in the game – Sinew bow. But mainly it unlocks arena master. He will provide you with infinite number of enemies to fight against in an arena. You can choose difficulty, weapons, and armor. And yes, the selection includes polearms. It it’s like your own, custom Rattay tourney anytime you want.
If you like fighting, guardhouse is for you. The fun it provides is well worth the smaller income and extra horses/horse tack. I would only suggest you build stables if you plan on fighting from horse back. Agro is by far the best fighting horse in the game and the horse armor will come in handy.

Rebuilding Pribyslavitz the smart way

Yes, the price of fully rebuild Pribyslavitz is well over 95 000 gr. But you DON’T NEED to save up this much. In fact, you only need 23 580 gr. for initial investment, about 2500 gr. to cover the initial running costs and as a reserve and 3000 to buy stone for building. You should have 29 000 gr. ready as you go to start Lost in the Woods quest. That’s all the money you will ever need to invest out of your own pocket.
The following part details how to rebuild Pribyslavitz. Order is important, as you need to maximize profits first. You should also aim to get the village profitable as soon as possible. For this reason, try to build everything up until you have tavern as quickly as possible.
Initial buildings
Start with building Bridge and Road.
Then immediately after build Woodcutter’s camp and purchase the Beasts of Burden upgrade.
Traders and resources
This is where you start doing some “chores”. The next building you need is traders. This building will provide Pribyslavitz with resources. It is crucial to get them as cheap as possible.
  • Wood – sourced locally
  • Stone – there’s only one place to get it – Talmberg quarry. Negotiate for lower price (3000 gr.), bring Bard potion if necessary.
  • Grain – buy it in Samopesh, they offer the lowest price. It cannot be negotiated lower.
  • Charcoal – go to the charcoal burners who are friends with Ginger. If you helped him during Ginger in a Pickle (make sure to go back to the hut he’s hiding in and tell him he can return to Neuhof), they will provide charcoal for 180 gr. If you didn’t help Ginger, the price is always the same no matter where you go – 220 gr.
The only resource you actually need to purchase is stone. Everything else will count as negative income. Stone is one time purchase, so you need to have the required 3000 gr. ready.
While you are running around getting resources, ask Kunesh (in Rattay) and Raspberry (woodcutters camp between Ledetchko and Inn in the Glade, you likely asked him about Reeky’s hideout) to come work for you as woodcutters. Also ask Kornelius to be your trader. You can only ask him after the quest Aquarius has been completed and you cannot give Kornelius a job during this quest.
You can now return to Pribyslavitz and build tavern, also buy all the upgrades. Now it’s time to get some skilled workers for your local drinking hole.
First the innkeeper. The only option here is Adam (Rattay) who’s family owned tavern in Skalitz. In order to get him, you need to finish the Besmirched quest. During this quest you need to give Adam his family cross back. After that he will come work for you as innkeeper.
Next the barmaid. Again only one option – Mirka. She lives in the mill south of Merhojed, you might remember her as a sister of Timmy. Unless you killed Timmy, she will come work for you. It’s fine if Morcock and his cronies killed Timmy, she only refuse to be barmaid if you killed him personally.
You can also invite Mathew and Fritz to be local patrons. You need to finish the quest A Rock and a Hard Place and Mathew and Fritz cannot be arrested during the following quest, Gallows Brothers. Initially they will bring negative income of -15 gr. each. But, after a judgment they will start making positive income of +10 gr. each. The sooner you bring them, the sooner the judgment can happen for them to start making money, so don’t wait too long getting them. Once the judgment appears, you must choose “Give them one more chance” option.
Your village is now making about 885 gr. daily. Wait 5 days and you should have enough money to build bakery and all its upgrades. Silvester, a skilled baker, can be hired during another judgment, so keep an eye out for it.
Guardhouse/Stables and Beehives
After building the bakery (and hiring Silvester) the village is now making 1345 gr. daily. Wait 6 days and you should have enough to build and fully upgrade guardhouse and beehives.
If you want to build and fully upgrade stables instead, you might need to wait an extra day to gain enough money.
After you build stables, go to Neuhof and hire Mark to be your groom. You will need to convince Zora to let him leave Neuhof. Successfully finishing The Sport of Kings quest will make the convincing easier, but it can be done without it.
The village is now making about 1775/1885 gr. daily and after another 6/5 days it should earn you enough to build a forge. Choose swordsmith or armoursmith based on your playstyle.
As far as the skilled workers go:
  • With swordsmith go to Sasau and find Fink (local swordsmith). Start and finish The Queen of Sheba's Sword quest. Then you can hire him.
  • With armoursmith got to Sasau as well and start the Rattled quest. You need to side with Zach. Only then will he come work for you and he will make you +70 gr. If you side with Otta, you can hire him, but he will only make +10 gr.
Rathaus and Church
The village is now making whopping 2620/2730 gr. daily. Rathaus will cost you 310 daily and church 300 daily.
You can build it as the money comes or wait until you make enough to upgrade everything all at once. It really doesn’t matter all that much, but if you want to rebuild Pribyslavitz as fast as possible without spending more than the initial investment of 29k gr. you should wait until you have all the money. It costs 50 300 gr. to build and fully upgrade both rathaus and church. Pribyslavitz should make this much in about 18 to 20 in game days.


Every once in a while, you will find an activity marker on your map located in the center of Pribyslavitz. That is a judgment – special type of activity introduced by From the Ashes DLC. You will need to decide various disputes between the citizens of Pribyslavitz.
Some of these judgments are important and can earn you more money. Some have no impact at all. Judgments can also have impact on your reputation with Pribyslavitz, but I wouldn’t worry much about that. It’s easy to keep it high even if you make unpopular decisions. Certain decisions will always result in loosing or gaining citizen(s). As the number of citizens have no effect on the village, it’s not important criterium.
Important judgments
These judgments can earn you substantial daily income or they can lower your daily income by a lot. It’s very important to make a good, or at least not terrible, decisions.
Old Crone
  • Aghata has been accused of witchcraft by Lida
Answer Money Reputation Citizens
"There'll be no witchcraft in my village!" +45 -3 +1
Every other option +30 +? +2
  • After you completely rebuild Pribyslavitz, you need to decide what to do with now useless woodcutter’s camp.
  • Sell the wood is the only logical option here, +180 gr./day and +5 reputation
  • Some villagers are poaching, decide what to do about it
Answer Money Reputation Citizens
"Punish them." +40 -3 -1
"Leave them be." +30 0 0
"Have some strong words with them." -10 0 +1
The New Baker
  • Sylvester used to be baker for Runt’s gang, decide whether or not to accept him as baker for Pribyslavitz
  • Accept him, you can only gain (+75 gr./day and +2 reputation)
  • Other options have no positive outcome for you
Baker Troubles
  • Some dispute about the size of the bread
Answer Money Reputation Citizens
"We keep things as is." +50 -3 -2
"Bigger Loaves, but Black Bread." +30 0 0
"Municipal Scales." +20 0 +2
"Bigger Loaves." -40 0 +3
Raspberry's Family
  • Raspberry's wife is trying to get him to leave Prybislavitz for Ledetchko
Answer Money Reputation Citizens
"Raspberry will stay here." +5 0 0
"I'll give you a good dowry to leave." -1000 +? 0
"It's your own affair." -40 -3 0
  • It’s important to keep Raspberry around, he’s making decent profit, first option is clearly the best one here
  • The dowry is one time payment of 1000 gr. It is not negative income that you’ll need to pay daily
Brothers Brawl
  • Matthew and Fritz are causing problems in tavern, decide what to do with them
  • "Give them one more chance." is the only possible answer here. This will keep them around and they will start to make +10 gr./day each. Other options will either get them to leave Prybislavitz or keep them around, but they will keep on costing you -15 gr./day
Locator's Wage
  • Marius wants pay rise
  • You will need speech check rating of 18+ to get him stick to his original contract of 55 gr.
  • If you can’t get speech to 18+ even with bard potion, agree to his pay rise
  • Don’t give him higher sum (120 gr.) it has no benefit for you
  • Due to a bug, you will pay him total of 175 gr. daily if you fail the speech check, it’s advised to save before negotiating his pay
Minor judgments
These judgments can earn you daily income or cost you daily income, but the amount of money you gain or lose is very small.
Attempted Murder
  • Malis accuses his wife of trying to kill him. Harridan claims he just got drunk and ate too much
Answer Money Reputation Citizens
"Farmer, you're a brute." +5 -3 0
"Nothing happened. It's your own affair." 0 0 0
"Woman, you're banished for trying to poison your husband." -10 -3 -1

The Stream
  • Decide how far from the village should workers go defecate
Answer Money Reputation Citizens
"100 feet." +5 +2 0
"Let them answer the call of nature where they like." 0 -3 -2
"Insist on 150 feet downstream." -5 0 +1
Guards Needed
  • Guards are afraid of Cuman attacks and want to workers to be trained as guards
Answer Money Reputation Citizens
"I've no people to spare. 0 -3 -2
"A few woodcutters." -10 0 0
A few labourers." -10 0 0
"Woodcutters and labourers." -20 +? 0
  • Unless you care about the -3 reputation I would choose the first option, there are no attacks, you don’t need to defend Prybislavitz
Other judgments
All other judgments are either irrelevant, meaning they don’t cost you any money or only one time payment.
There is one judgment which happens when you build butchers instead of bakery.
  • Butcher Kochwurst makes +50 gr./day but costs you -3 reputation
  • Butcher Brisket makes +45 gr./day and has no reputation penalty
As the butcher is overall worse option than bakery, you should never see this judgment

Village income breakdown

Tables below show the village income breakdown for Prybislavitz with bakery and guardhouse and Prybislavitz with bakery and stables.
The breakdown is more detailed than the one you find in ledger. For this reason, some numbers are different, but the overall total is the same.
  • Synergies between buildings are accounted for the building that produces said synergy. For example, bakery produces cakes for tavern, so the income from said cakes is accounted under the bakery, not tavern.
  • In the ledger, the cost of supplies shows under traders, that’s why here it has positive income, while in game it’s negative
  • In the ledger, Marius’s wage shows under rathaus, that’s why the running cost of rathaus here is smaller than the one in ledger
  • Judgments regarding the skilled workers are accounted for under the respective building
  • Every judgment is made to maximize profit, your mileage might vary based on the decisions you make
Daily income of 2390 gr. is actually the highest Prybislavitz can earn after fully rebuilding it. Theoretical max income is 2830 gr. This is after building and upgrading everything except for rathaus and church and deciding every judgment to maximize profit.
submitted by serose04 to kingdomcome [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:06 sk716theFirst Updated Case Long Timeline

Updated with autopsy results.
Morphew Case Map - Google My Maps - Barry's iPhone Data - Google My Maps - Barry's Truck Events - Google My Maps
August 5, 1994 – Suzanne Moorman marries Barry Morphew The Alexandria Times-Tribune Alexandria, Indiana 05 Jan 1994, Wed • Page 4
December 1999 – Barry and Suzanne Purchase 26040 Cal Carson Rd, Arcadia, IN This is the house where he dug a hole in the yard and buried everything he didn't want to move to Colorado. (AA ft 55 page 53)
November 2013 – Suzanne Inherits $208,000 upon the Passing of her Mother. MB provided documents that Suzanne inherited approximately $208,000 in 2013 at the passing of her mother.
August 2016 – Suzanne inherits $217,000 upon the death of a grandmother. Suzanne’s grievance list included multiple references to Barry controlling the finances.
April 12, 2018 – The Morphew’s Purchase 19057 Puma Path Barry and Suzanne Morphew purchase 19057 Puma Path for $1,575,000.
June 1, 2018 – The Morphews move to Colorado. (PH – Harris) SA Harris: Yeah, they moved in 2018. I believe they left around June 1st, 2018. to move to Colorado. So roughly a year and a half of the time is what Sheila originally said in that.
September 2018 – Suzanne sends “Howdy stranger” message to JL First contact since high school.
Fall 2018 – Libler’s daughter sees messages from Suzanne on his phone. Libler breaks it off.
Thanksgiving 2018 – Barry obsessive/possessive. While Suzanne was at the Oliver’s house, she had stepped away from her cell phone to use the restroom, and Barry tried calling her several times within a few minutes, then tried calling Sheila, then tried calling Darin.
Holidays 2018 – Suzanne finds Libler’s LinkedIn Page. Relationship Rekindled
January 2019 – The Mexico trip where Barry took Suzanne’s phone Mexico trip mentioned in the grievances list where Barry took Suzanne's phone.
February 11 – 14, 2019 – Suzanne in New Orleans with Libler Barry admitted to questioning Suzanne about the New Orleans trip, further evidence he suspected the affair.
April 2019 – Suzanne meets up with Libler in Indiana She does not see SO on this trip.
July 2019 – Suzanne and Libler meet up in Michigan Barry called SO while Suzanne was in MI visiting her fatheJL, wanting to know why Suzanne wasn't returning his calls.
September 2019 – Barry stalks Suzanne and Shelia Oliver, creeping through woods. Barry stalked Suzanne and Sheila at the Puma Path house in September 2019. This is upon his early return from a trip to Arizona.
October 2019 – Libler and Suzanne in Dallas Suzanne and Libler spend two nights at the Galleria.
September – November 2019 – Barry aggressively pursues KW around Salida. From the first time KW met Barry, she said it felt like "he was putting his tentacles out."
Holidays 2019 – Suzanne and Libler stop talking on the phone because she is afraid Barry will find out. They shift to more covert ways to communicate. Barry's second device makes its first appearance.
January/February 2020 – Suzanne in Florida, gets spy pen, sees Libler Suzanne in Florida, SO gives her the spy pen during this trip. Suzanne records a conversation with Libler on this trip.
Late February 2020 – Suzanne in Florida, sees father and Libler. Suzanne skips out on time with her father to see Libler. Barry goes to Florida.
March 2020 – Spy pen records argument between Suzanne and Barry. “It’s money. It’s about money.” “… I have lived for years being told how I should feel, how I should act, how I should look, what I should drink, what I shouldn’t drink, what I should put in my body, what I shouldn’t put in my body … ”
March 20, 2020 – Jekyll and Hyde text exchange between Suzanne and SO, MM2 suggests restraining order. "It’s Jekyl and Hyde again … Pretty much told him I can’t be healthy and stay in this."
March 22, 2020 – Spy pen records Barry listening to Forensic Files episodes, call with Suzanne on drive to Pueblo Coincidentally one of the episodes involved a woman "disappearing" after a bike ride.
April 21, 2020 – Messages between Suzanne and Libler “I want to be with you,” “I can only be me with you,” I love you,” “I need you.” “You know I was born to love you.”
May 4, 2020 16:05 – Barry makes 3 second outgoing call to Suzanne This was the first logged call in Barry’s phone to or from Suzanne since February 7, 2020.
May 5, 2020 – Suzanne drives MM2 to Gunnison Suzanne drives Macy to Gunnison, CO to meet MM1 for a road/camping trip through Utah and Idaho with MM1's best friend.
May 6, 08:44 – Suzanne sends MM2 a text “Good morning! I miss you already!”
May 6, 10:13 – Suzanne: “I’m done. I could care less what you’re up to and have been for years.” From 14:43 to 17:00 Barry replied, “When I’m dead,” “Going to see my savior,” and “This life on earth is a mear (sic) grain of sand compared to eternity.”
May 6, 2020 – 14:43 – From Barry to Suzanne: “I’m sorry if things went the way they did. I have a problem dealing with the way you accused me of hiding checks. If you think I’m as terrible of a person to hide our accounts and have ones you don’t know about you don’t know me. All I do is for you and the girls. All. When I'm dead, which won't be long, you guys will be taken care of. Please stop being angry. If I can control my hurt heart I think I can overcome your distant unlovingness toward me. Honey, I swear it's the hardest thing I've had to do. I love you I always will.”
May 6, 2020 – 15:51 – Barry to Suzanne: “I promise you were wrong about all the crazy thoughts about me. I have always been faithful. Always. Why would I ever want another when I'm married to the most beautiful, sweet, kind, loving, woman as you? Only a fool would stray from an angel like you.”
May 07, 2020 – Suzanne messages Libler about how magical past days had been. Barry wants a new truck. 16:43 - “Been studying all afternoon. I’m gonna bike now. I’ve got veggie soup on for supper.”
May 7, 2020 – SB puts new tires on Suzanne’s bike Bike mechanic was interviewed by law enforcement.
May 7, 17:13:52 – Barry Works Out at GD’s House Truck log files place Barry at GD's home at 5:13 pm.
May 7, 2020 23:00 – “I finally got the job” text from MM1 goes unanswered. Q (Lindsey): Anything on May 6th that didn’t seem normal? Was there a text from Mallory to Mr. Morphew? A (Grusing): I believe that’s the night of May 7th. Mallory, Macy, and their friend Holly are out on a trip towards Utah and Mallory is sending pictures to both Suzanne and Barry but I was ... Read more
May 08, 07:03 – The Grievance List: Suzanne’s phone backs up a list of 50 reasons why she wanted to leave marriage on “Notes” Not safe alone with you. Can’t be trusted - Oppressive - Slam on brakes when angry - Threaten to jump out of car - Gun ...
May 08, 08:43 – “I will continue to do your invoicing when you need to.” "When FBI Agents showed Barry these texts during interviews in 2021, he said he did not think Suzanne was serious."
May 08, 09:28 – Suzanne texts sister about Barry’s abuse. “It’s hard dealing with the harsh abrasiveness and having to show respect. He’s also been abusive, emotionally and physically. There’s so much … I went thru a period of acceptance and I feel more angry now. Anger at what I’ve allowed.”
May 08, 10:55 Barry: “I Love You, Suzanne.” “But, in the afternoon, it (the text fight) was like it never happened. She texted me back and it was just like, ‘Hey, what time are you coming home? Hey, this or that. Just pick this up or pick that up.'”
May 08, 13:18 – Barry texts Salida Stove and Spa about getting the hot tub fixed. "Asking when he could come out to the home."
May 08, 15:43 – Barry’s iPhone receives an SMS message associated with the unknown device This second device was first used on November 30,2019 and was associated with Barry’s iPhone 91 times since then, compared to 1,701 associations with the primary User ID since November 2019.
May 8, 19:06 – Moonlight Pizza and Phone Calls Barry convinces Suzanne to meet him at the Tailwinds site before going to pick up Moonlight Pizza together.
May 08, 21:04 – 20 Facebook friend requests, 3 men named “Jeff.” Barry’s lurking at the River. Barry was asked about his phone pinging down by the river during the Facebook posts on Friday night and asked if he was outside. Barry said, “I could have been. I don’t remember. I chase critters around the house all the time.”
May 09, 00:02 – Incoming call on Suzanne’s phone (PH CAST) Incoming call on Suzanne’s phone (PH CAST)
May 09, 02:07 – Outgoing call on Suzanne’s phone (PH CAST) 02:07 am outgoing call on SM’s phone (PH CAST)
May 09, 06:00 – Barry’s phone received call (PH CAST) 06:00 am BM’s phone received call (PH CAST)
May 09, 06:46 – Barry’s phone registered “Power On” Comes out of Airplane mode.
May 09, 07:19 – Barry’s cell received signal (PH) Barry’s cell received signal (PH)
May 09, 07:22 – 07:39 – Barry at “Tailwinds” worksite Barry’s phone registered locations at his “Tailwinds” work site near Poncha Springs.
May 09, 07:35 – Suzanne texting SO Discussing Sheila's daughters wedding on Sunday.
May 09, 08:00 – MG was with Barry working on the rock beach site until 10am(?). Gentile: “He said that he had to go make the wife happy – do some hiking or biking.”
May 9 – Morning – Suzanne messaging Jeff “He’s still wanting Arizona.”
May 09, 09:50 – Barry to Suzanne: Want to go on hike? *Text Exchange\* Barry to Suzanne: Want to go on hike?
May 9, 2020 – 11:14 – Suzanne received a second password reset message from Facebook Previous reset was while Barry was down by the river on the evening of the 8th.
May 09, 11:15 est. – Barry tells Morgan Gentile he could “bury a body” and it “would never be found.” Gentile: “He seemed stressed. He definitely seemed weird on Saturday.”
May 09, 11:55 – Dead Turkey Hunt or Barry Takes Down His Trail Cameras Barry said he was looking for a turkey that Mallory had shot previously with a bow, but they had never found.
May 09, 13:35 – Barry leaves home again. Checked on job at Kim Gyms
May 9, 13:40(?) – Suzanne texts Libler Guess who is alone again?
May 09, 13:46 – Barry and the backhoe After texting, Barry drove by TK's house to see the backhoe, but did not get back in touch to buy it. In 2018, Barry used a backhoe to dig a large hole in his front yard, fill it with items to include furniture, and cover it over, planting alfalfa on top.
May 09, 13:51 – 14:13 – Barry at DSI, replacing Bobcat blade He was wearing a blue t-shirt and khaki shorts.
May 09, 14:03 – Suzanne sends sunbathing pic to Libler, last proof of life. “Well, look at her. She’s obviously drunk. Look at her eyes. Do you know what drunk eyes look like?
May 09, 14:11 – Suzanne sends last LinkedIn message to Libler: “I’m on wa.” Libler sent response messages at 2:39PM, 2:46PM and 2:47PM that Suzanne did not answer.
May 09, 14:26 – Barry texts Suzanne, “Done headed back.” He texted Suzanne that he was done and was headed home.
May 09, 14:31 – Barry texted Suzanne, “Did you leave.” At 2:31 PM, Barry texted Suzanne, “Did you leave.”
May 09, 14:39 – Libler messages Suzanne, she does not respond. First unread. Messages from LinkedIn show they were talking about how Suzanne is in love with Jeff before she went missing.
May 09, 14:43 – Barry’s phone and F-350, per telematics, arrive at the Morphew residence. "The photo is shown in the courtroom, Suzanne smiling. Truck GPS coordinates show Barry’s truck goes into park at 2:43:59. Phone coordinates show he walks around the house. You can hear a pin drop in the courtroom as tension is high." - Carol McKinley, PH Tweet
May 09, 14:44 – Shooting Chipmunks? Barry had a .22 in the moments when Suzanne ceased the communicate with everyone she loved in the world. Shooting Chipmunks? Barry had a .22 in the moments when Suzanne ceased the communicate with everyone she loved in the world. (See: )
May 09, 14:46 – Libler messages: “Hey … your weather looks great” Second unread. No response from Suzanne.
May 09, 14:47 – Jeff sends another messages to Suzanne with no response. Third unread. Jeff sends last message if the day to Suzanne with no response.
May 09, 16:00 – 17:30 – Defense says Barry was at Salida Stove and Spa Salida Stove and Spa's posted hours have the store closing at 2pm on Saturday. Telematics show Barry's truck in his garage during the time he was supposedly at Salida Stove and Spa.
May 09, 16:44 – Barry parks his truck in the garage. Barry claims to have been loading his truck and cleaning off his workbench. (See:
May 09, 17:33 – Barry’s truck system manually rebooted Barry attempted to disable the trucks GPS and SYNC features.
May 09, 18:40, 18:46 – SO sends two Snapchats to Suzanne that were never opened SO sends two Snapchats to Suzanne that were never opened
May 09, 21:25 – Barry’s truck goes into reverse, backs 96.8 feet down driveway Barry backs 96 feet out of the garage.
May 09, 22:17 – Barry’s Phone Exits out of Airplane Mode Barry's phone comes out of airplane mode at the Morphew residence.
May 10, 02:53 – Outgoing call on Suzanne’s phone Possible glitch.
May 10, 03:25 – 03:48 – Barry’s truck door opened and closed "SA Hoyland noted over eighty events involving the F350 during this timeframe."
May 10, 03:58 – Barry’s phone moves from home to near where Suzanne’s bike found 3:58 am BM cell moves from home to near 225/50 where bike found Carol McKinley PH Tweets (read from bottom tweet up): 431 am 5/10 Barry’s phone goes back into airplane mode at the his home. 5:37 am – morphew turns into buena vista & heads towards broomfield. 538 he texts his mom “happy ... Read more
May 10, 04:10 – 04:23 – Last Activity from Suzanne’s iPhone Sergeant Mullenax asked dispatch to ping the number given for Suzanne’s cell phone. Dispatch informed Mullenax that the cell phone appeared to be off and last known activity was at 4:23AM on the present date, with a general location about 11.5 miles west of a cell tower in Poncha Springs, CO.
May 10, 04:32 – Barry’s Phone Goes Back into Airplane Mode Barry's Phone Goes Back into Airplane Mode
May 10, 04:32 – 05:14 – Chasing Elk, or Staging Evidence? Barry's trip to Garfield adds an approximate five miles each way to his morning trip, and places Barry and his vehicle in the direction the helmet was discarded - west from the bicycle.
May 10, 05:00 – Morgan Gentile Hears Barry’s Truck on Hwy 50 Gentile stated she did not see the truck but that his truck has a very distinctive exhaust.
May 10, 05:14 – 06:56 – Barry on the road to Broomfield. Barry phone exits airplane mode while heading towards Buena Vista, CO.
May 10, 08:10 – Trash Dump #1 – RTD Bus Stop Hwy 36 Agent Grusing: "Yes. He would have time -- with the passenger door opening and closing -- like it would say passenger door opened at 8:10:36 am and then passenger door closed at 8:12:13 am. So it took about a minute and a half and that trash can is only 10 to 15 steps away from where the truck was parked."
May 10, 08:14 – 08:20 Holiday Inn Express, Broomfield. Trash Dump #2 Grusing: "He said he parked there because he hoped someone would come out and he could go in the hotel before checking in and get a free breakfast." (Note: It was mid-COVID lockdown, building capacities were down to single digits.)
May 10, 08:41 – 08:46 – “I made it to Broomfield call me when you get a chance” Barry texts Suzanne.
May 10, 08:46 – Barry carries items into the Holiday Inn Express “If there’s clothes in my truck, there was probably old clothes I threw away.”
May 10, 10:06 – Barry exits hotel room. He's carrying a charcoal long-sleeved shirt, two white bags, and a pair of boots.
May 10, 10:20 – 10:41 – McDonald’s – Trash Dump #3 SA Grusing said Barry had a small item in his hand and used one arm to push it down, then both to push it further down as Barry was shown the photos.
May 10, 10:47 – 11:18 – Men’s Wearhouse Trash Dump #4 Barry was told he was there for about 40 minutes and asked if he remembered what he was doing there. Barry said, “I think I was still cleaning my truck, umm, yeah, yeah I mean, like I said, I just uh, I would, I was probably getting crap out of my truck like I said, which I’ve done my whole entire life.”
May 10, 11:18 – Barry calls MG "Barry called he was out of breathe (sic) panting but fatigue, kind a like hungover but he doesn’t drink, honestly when I hung up I thought to myself he sounded like he had the worst night of his life.” - MG
May 10, 11:23 – 11:36 – Barry back at the HIE Barry carries in disorganized papers in a binder. Carries out an organized binder.
May 10, 11:57 – 12:25 – Barry at the worksite Barry spent 28 minutes removing a few blocks from the wall.
May 10, 12:28 – 12:41 – HIE Trash Dump #5 A camera recorded Barry throwing away: a small item, one white trash bag, larger in size than the previous bags in one hand, a black container, along with a piece of clothing, possibly a camouflage coat.
May 10, 12:42 – 18:03 – Barry remains in his HIE room. ”At 3:30PM, Barry sent an outgoing message to Suzanne 'Call me'"
May 10, 2020 (Time Unknown) – Libler wishes Suzanne a Happy Mother’s Day Commented that it would be a hard day because she missed her own mother.
May 10, 2020 – 15:30 – Barry texts Suzanne from his hotel room. At 3:30PM, Barry sent an outgoing message to Suzanne “Call me”
May 10, 15:50 – 17:45 – Suzanne is discovered “missing” “I’m just so sad and REDCATED and I texted mom for Mother’s Day and she still hasn’t answered and I’m scared her and dad probably got in a big fight and I don’t even know it just made me want to be gone even more because I don’t want to be around them it hurts me and I know if REDACTED is working I might have to be home a lot more and it’ll probably be the worst summer of my life.”- MM2 text.
May 10, 17:55 – 19:10 – Barry leaving Broomfield 6:10 pm - Barry entered the lobby carrying two shovels and placed them beside the front desk. He made subsequent trips, placing more tools in the same spot.
May 10, 19:31 – Chaffee County finds the bike “Something is up with the front tire,” Deputy Brown
May 10, 20:42 – Barry arrives at CR 255 & US 50 "Barry is heard asking if deputies saw any “cats” on the road and a deputy says not recently."
May 10, 21:37 – CCSO Commander Avila brings Barry into the house for scent items. Barry does not call out or look for his wife in the home.
May 10, After 21:47 – Barefoot prints in the Bobcat Bucket Deputy Brown was walking in the driveway when Deputy Defurio told him that there were barefoot marks inside of the bucket on the Bobcat. Deputy Brown went with him to examine and found that the cutting blade on the bucket of the Bobcat appeared to be newly replaced, along with the nuts and bolts.
May 10, 22:00 – MG and JP smell chlorine and have the wrong tools in Broomfield. “It looked like Barry had removed top caps that was it. We also did not have the tools we need like a packer or gravel.”
May 11, 2020 – First Interviews, Puma Path Searched "On May 11, 2020, at about 7:00AM, Barry called Morgan and said that Suzanne was missing and he thought a mountain lion may have attacked her. Morgan explained that Barry was initially crying but then abruptly shifted to the specifics about the Broomfield job."
May 11, 2020 – 14:47 – Libler sends last message to Suzanne. Wishing her well for her scheduled final cancer treatment that day.
May 12, 2020 – 20:00 – Barry found digging in the trash at Poncha Market “He went to write down a description of maybe what she was wearing,” Butala said. “I just thought it was weird because he didn’t explain what the color of her eyes were or her hair or anything about her, like how tall she was or anything.”
May 13, 2020 – Deputy Carricato took photos of scratches on Barry’s left arm and hands. These injuries appeared to be healing, several days old scratches.
May 13, 2020 – Fundraiser created $33,552 raised
May 17, 2020 – 11:13 – Barry’s “plea” video is released on Facebook. “Oh Suzanne, if anyone is out there and can hear this, that has you, please, we’ll do whatever it takes to bring you back. We love you, we miss you, your girls need you. No questions asked, however much they want – I will do whatever it takes to get you back. Honey, I love you, I want you back so bad.”
May 19, 2020 – Interviews, Pneu-Darts, Range Rovers "CCSO Deputy Scott Himschoot was present during the search at 19057 Puma Path, in the laundry room, and was asked to collect a “pneu-dart box, empty,” one plastic hypodermic cover, one Pneu-dart book from safe in garage, one dart from box under bench in garage, among other items. The plastic cover was located by evidence search teams in the dryer, inside of the sheets belonging to REDACTED bed." (At some point we had confirmation of a to-do list Suzanne left including MM1s bedding in hopes that the older girls would spend the night. Cannot remember the source.)
May 20, 2020 – Spy Pen found. "The pen was located in a cloth bin amongst women’s bras. The cloth bin and pen were inside the walk-in closet in the master bedroom, located on the ground level of the residence. Detective Hysjulien located, with the pen, the controller and headphones for playback and a USB cable."
June 1, 2020 – Barry files for guardianship. Within a month of Suzanne’s disappearance, Barry began to liquidate assets.
June 1, 2020 – TD interviews Barry on camera. "So, uh -- we uh --. We had two daughters that were coming home from a trip. And I got a job in Denver that I wanted to get started on on Sunday. Set it up for my work because my rookies are coming in Sunday night. (Unintelligible) Monday but I, being the owner, I wanted to get everything lined up so that (Unintelligible).
June 6, 2020 – Barry closes on IN home. Pockets $750,000
June 25, 2020 – Barry purchases the Longhorn Ranch property for $165,000 Property Address 8366 LONGHORN DR
July 13, 2020 – Barry sells Suzanne’s Range Rover. Leaves Suzanne's sunglasses in the car.
Aug 20, 2020 – Lauren Scharf Interviews Barry “People don’t know the truth, so they’re gonna think what they’re gonna think.”
October 05, 2020 – Barry lists Puma Path home for sale. Originally listed for $1,759,000.
November 2020 – Barry Commits Voter Fraud Barry filled out Suzanne's ballot and mailed it in.
February 17, 2021 – Barry Sells Longhorn Ranch property for $150,000 A $15,000 loss. Same property sold on 04/21/2021 for $175,000, indicating Barry needed the money fast.
March 3, 2021 – 19057 Puma Path sells for $1,625,000. Barry and Suzanne Morphew purchased the home on April 12, 2018 for $1,575,000.
May 4, 2021 – Warrant Issued for the Arrest of Barry Lee Morphew CRS/CHARGE: 18-3-102 (1), (a) Murder in the First Degree, a class 1 Felony, 18-8-610. Tampering with Physical Evidence, a class 6 felony, 18-8-306, Attempt to Influence a Public Servant, a class 4 Felony.
May 5, 2021 – 09:15 – Barry Lee Morphew Arrested for the murder of Suzanne Renee Moorman Morphew "Morphew was arrested around 9:15 a.m. on Wednesday, May 5 near his home in Poncha Springs. FOX31 News has obtained video of the arrest, which shows his truck stopped on the side of the road near several police vehicles. He can be seen standing just off the road with an officer." AA:
August 9-12, 2021 – Preliminary Hearing. Day One:
Day Two:
Day Three got corrupted so it's gone.
People's exhibit images: Defense exhibit images:
April 19, 2022 - Case against Barry Morphew Dismissed Without Prejudice. Prosecution asked for the case to be dismissed.
May 2, 2023 – Barry files $15,000,000 lawsuit against Chaffee County,
May 8, 2023 – Fraud Lawsuit filed against Barry in Indiana. Property dispute.
September 22, 2023 – Suzanne's Remains Found Near Moffat in Saguache County While SCSO was searching for another (unrelated) missing woman.
Sept. 27, 2023 – Autopsy Completed. Awaiting Toxicology.
April 29, 2024 – Toxicology finds BAM in Suzanne's bone marrow. “Homicide by undetermined means in the setting of butorphanol, azaperone, and medetomidine intoxication.”
submitted by sk716theFirst to SuzanneMorphew [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:05 Hawk_Man117 Im 21 year old Autistic Man and im in fights often with my Mother and Grandmother. I think my Mother is Gaslighting me and my Grandmother is a Hypocritical Fuse-Head but i cant defend myself properly due to my memory issues.

I, My Sister, My Mother and My Grandmother live together in a big house. My Father left when i was 2, My Grandpa is alive but has never been in my life and my Grandmas Second Lover who i consider to be my grandpa died in 2011 to Lung Cancer.
So heres what hapened today. Tell me if ive been gaslighted or not but it sure feels like it:
My pet bearded dragon got a wierd lump on her upper lip that she flinches from whenever i touch it so its obviosly painful. I told my mother who said she whoudnt bring her to a vet because shes tired and it costs money. (Mind you ive told her many times in the past 3 months to take her to a vet). I told my grandmother and she just chucked about it and said shes fine and she whoudnt be doing it.
I offered to pay the vet fees and my Sister even offered to pay them but they still refuse.
We argued untill my grandma walked in. We spoke back and forth untill my Grandma insulted me. I insulted her back with a way less bad insult and then she called me a Moron and i called her stupid.
My mother came between us and looked at me and told that i had to stop even tho my grandma started it by insulting me first. Now both are angry at me and my mother told me im scary when im mad (even tho i havent even touched them in 4 Years when ive been mad and last time i did i just grabed my mother by her shoulders gently and said please lissen to me, i havent actually hit anyone in anger for 10+ years and im 21 yet im still too scary i guess) and my mother said i had to think about what i said. I asked what was the wrong thing i said. She dodged the question like 3 times and started to speak about someting else.
When she finaly answeared she said 'Do you think what you said will make things better or change someting?' I said 'I guess not.' (Since me and my grandmas fight end the same way everytime where my mother picks her side and im left on my own to make the whole thing be my fault). I told her 'How did my Grandmother insulting me help?' She said 'You shouldnt insult her and i should respect my elderly.' I said now in anger 'I dont respect her nor you right now and i cant believe what im hearing' she then left to the balcony to smoke like she allways does after these fights.
I was so angered and annoyed but then my Sister came to me and started calming me down and said she agreed me. We talked back and forth till i wasent as angry anymore and i just walked into the bathroom and cooled off there.
I hate these 2 women and how my mother is such a coward to allways take my grandmas side. ( Couple times she has spoken to me later to tell me she agreed with me and that she didint want to fight with her mother. But apearently her son isint off the limits even tho acording to her im scary when mad and when i told her so was Grandma she just said no she isint. So wtf. )
Not to mention my mother told me i ruined her day afterwards. Is this gaslighting? If it is its been hapening since i was a little kid.
I wonder what it takes for them to finaly go and bring her to a vet... they preasured me to get her in the first place. I said i wasent sure if i was responsible enough and that its an exotic pet that needs medical check ups. They told me that someone else was trying to buy her and that this might be my only change so i got her. Yet when i complained to them about that they both looled angry or very annoyed and refused to answear that.
I feel bullied due to my Autism and memory problems causing me to often forget things i or they said wich makes this even more annoying. I allways apologise for these since i see things better that way than us being mad at each other. My grandma even has said to me that if i fought with her like this again she whould leave. That was years ago so obviosly she wasent being serious but still.
This time? No i refuse to apologise i did nothing wrong. Mayby i shoudnt have insulted my grandma back but at that point them seemingly seeing my pet as some toy made me so angry i did insult her back. And now i remember what i called her and what she called me. She called me a Log-Head and i called her a Car Jack. After wich she called me a moron and i called her stupid. Thats how it went and that was the worst thing i did in this.
This isint the first time all this hapened. This is like the hundred time. My family well...
My Sister is Timid and doesent want to take part in these fights but she often messages to me or just tells me later that i was in the right when all is over. (i dont blame her for being timid, shes had a rough childhood in being depressed, bullied and loosing half her hearing to infection.)
My Mother is Scared of her mother clearly but even when our Grandma isint involved she never has said to me she was wrong. For example yesterday she said 'Coffee doesent corrode your teeth.' I called bs and googled and i was correct and coffee is acidic and can corrode your teeth. I told her to admid she was wrong like 5 times and she never did. This was a minor thing but upon reflecting now i dont think she has ever apologised for being wrong ever.
My grandmother if im being honest is a Hypocritical, Fuse-Headed, Short Minded, Self-Apathetic, Hard working old Woman. I love her and i care for her but shes just so infuriating. I often for fun mimic my Sister, Mother and Grandmothers speech to joke around but when my grandma hears me mimic them its okay, but if i mimic her im the bad guy. Worst of all shes mimiced me many times and ive not been offended by it.
So there. What do you think? Mayby it is really me whos the problem and in my autistic mind i just dont understand.
TL:DR: ( Too Long Didint Read)
My Mother takes my Grandmas side in everything even if its obvious shes in the wrong and they both gaslight me into thinking i was in the wrong in our fights and now i dont know what to do.
I was sugested to come here from Relationships
submitted by Hawk_Man117 to autism [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:01 OneRep_privacy How to opt out of US Search: step-by-step guide

How to opt out of US Search: step-by-step guide
Оpting out of a step-by-step guide

US Search overview

  • Company headquarters: Culver City, California, United States
  • Founded in: 1994
  • Visitors per month: around 80K
  • Data points website publishes: current and past street addresses, cell phone and landline numbers, email addresses, family names and ages, property values, mortgage payment amounts, and even eviction records of almost anyone.
  • Services US Search offers: searches by name, address, or phone number, background and criminal records check and more.

US Search opt out requirements

Removal time:
  • US Search states it can take several business days to process your opt-out request and remove your information completely. However, the exact timeframe can vary depending on factors like workload and verification processes.
Request submission:
  • Method: Submit your opt-out request online through the US Search suppression portal:
  • Time needed for manual request submission: Approximately 20 minutes.
  • Email address: Required.
  • Phone number: Not required.
  • ID copy: Not required

Why you need to remove yourself from US Search

Data brokers like US Search and many others, collect sensitive personal details from public records. They aggregate this information into detailed personal profiles, which are sold to anyone interested or published online to drive site traffic. When someone looks up your name on Google, these profiles appear in the search results, revealing your home address, phone numbers, emails, family connections, and more. This exposure heightens your risk of spam, phishing attacks, online scams, fraud, identity theft, stalking, doxxing and even home intrusions.

How to erase your data from US Search, the efficient way

You can opt out of USSearch effortlessly and quickly by subscribing to automated data broker removal services like Onerep.
Here’s why:
  • Onerep automatically handles the opt-out process for USSearch and 195+ other people search sites.
  • Once your information has been deleted, the platform continuously monitors the web and erases your data if it reappears.
  • Onerep employs advanced technologies, updates its opt-out mechanisms non-stop to adjust to data brokers’ changing processes, as well as expands its list of sites the tool removes your information from.
If you want to remove your information quickly and easily, Onerep can help!

The manual opt out of US Search: step-by-step instructions

Step 1: Open PeopleConnect’s opt-out page: Enter your email address, agree to the Terms and Privacy Policy, and click 'Continue.'
Step 2: Check your inbox for a verification email from PeopleConnect and click 'Verify email.'
Step 3: Enter your date of birth, check the box to confirm the provided information is correct, and click 'Continue.'
Step 4: Enter your first name, middle name, and last name. Confirm it's your legal name by checking the box, and then click 'Continue.'
Step 5: Review the search results, select the matching record, scroll to the bottom of the page, and click 'Continue.'
Step 6: If your identity is verified, click 'Continue.' If not, verify it using email addresses or phone numbers from your record.
Step 7: On the next page, see if your record is displayed on PeopleConnect’s websites. In the Desired Behavior drop-down menu, select 'Suppressed,' and click 'Save.'

After the page refreshes, ensure your identity is shown as suppressed.

Got any questions for US Search?

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US Search reference links

Check out more removal guides from Onerep

Looking for a thorough data broker cleanse? Explore more opt-out guides:

Most asked questions about US Search

Is US search legit? US Search is a legitimate company that provides access to public records and background check services. However, like any service that deals with personal information, it raises concerns about on- and offline safety and personal privacy. Use our opt-out instructions above to remove your information from US Search and restore your privacy.
Is us search free? US Search offers both free and paid services. Some search functions may be available for free, while accessing detailed information or conducting more extensive searches typically requires a paid subscription or a one-time payment.
How do I opt out of US Search? US Search opt-out is handled through Peopleconnect. You can follow the steps above to remove your information from US Search manually, or use a data removal platform like Onerep to erase your data automatically.
submitted by OneRep_privacy to Onerep [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:00 Gear4Vegito Off-Day Boredom: Let's catch-up with recent former Blue Jays and see how they are doing 25% into the 2024 season...

First lets take a quick look at some of the trades the Blue Jays have done mid-season in 2024:
Now lets take a look at some of the players that left the organization in the off-season through trade/waivers that were at one point on the 40-Man roster:
Finally, lets take a look into the players that left the organization in free-agency:
Just to reassure everyone of someone productive not slipping through the cracks here are all the minor-league departures:
Free Agency:
Rule 5 Draft (Minor League Portion):
Just for completion here is a list of players who left from the organization that are not active in professional baseball right now (as far as I know):
Free Agents Un-signed (13):
Minor League Releases:
submitted by Gear4Vegito to Torontobluejays [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:55 __vak__ Extrapyramidal symptoms from sudden risperidone use - what do I do now?

Hi everyone! So I have a kinda complicated situation and I could really use your help. I will try to keep it as short as possible. Well, I gradually stopped using risperidone 4 months ago and everything was great, so many benefits, because I was misdiagnosed and I didn't really need it. Everyone would say I'm a new person. However, I made a major mistake - a week ago I couldn't sleep and I took a relatively high dose, which made me have extrapyramidal symptoms the next day. Parkinsonism, to be more specific - I would be staring to the ceiling, unable to speak, muscles contracted, dissociating, but aware of everything that was happening around me.
I was taken to the psych ward and spent 4 nights there. They gave me valproic acid 600 mg a day, 10 mg diazepam a day, and trihexyphenidil 2 mg a day in the morning. I have taken valproic acid and diazepam before, so I think my issue now is with trihexyphenidil. It makes me feel awful - I have brain fog, I'm dishoriented, panic suddenly, feel detached from reality, can't feel any emotion, can't remember things, feel dizzy, I'm scared to go outside, and I get overwhelmed easily. I have an upcoming trip to another country on Tuesday and I'm afraid something bad would happen.
My question is - would it be okay to lower the dose of trihexyphenidil from 2 mg to 1 mg to see if I feel better regarding the side effects? They're hellish to live with and I really want to function during the trip. I will be accompanied during the vacation, but I will be the guide, kinda, so I need to be present and aware. Also - what are the chances for the extrapyramidal symptoms to come back after I quit taking these meds? I plan to just lower the dose, but they prescribed me these for a month.
Thank you for reading, I'm looking forward to reading your opinions and experiences because I really need answers. You can ask me more details if necessary.
submitted by __vak__ to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]