Naskah cerita drama bahasa indonesia


2008.08.04 07:02 indonesia

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2014.07.29 15:04 inuandjaime Cerita Pendek


2024.06.09 18:04 Financial_Page_2469 Rahasia Kulit Sehat: Perawatan Alami yang Bisa Dilakukan di Rumah

Jelajahi kekayaan kuliner Indonesia dengan mencicipi masakan tradisional dari berbagai daerah. Artikel ini akan membawa Anda dalam perjalanan kuliner yang menggugah selera, menampilkan hidangan khas dari Sabang hingga Merauke. Temukan resep otentik, bahan-bahan khas, dan cerita di balik setiap hidangan yang menjadikannya istimewa.
submitted by Financial_Page_2469 to u/Financial_Page_2469 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:12 not-a-casual-bastard Schizopreniac berbaju biru pura-pura mengancam dan memviralkan situasi palsu dibantu “suami” miskin dan anak pungut yang diambil secara ilegal

Schizopreniac berbaju biru pura-pura mengancam dan memviralkan situasi palsu dibantu “suami” miskin dan anak pungut yang diambil secara ilegal
I made this post a year ago:
Hi komodos, sudah hampir setahun post diatas mengenai situasi gw dan warisan keluarga (terimakasih atas saran2 dan comment dari komodos, much appreciated).
Akhirnya setelah banyak drama, semua ahli waris telah setuju untuk menjual dan atau sita lelang, serta mengeksekusi anggota keluarga yang menguasai rumah. Long story short(tante mengidap gangguan jiwa, dan suaminya mengendalikan dia untuk mendapatkan hak waris dengan menguasai rumah waris) pagi ini hari minggu dilakukan pengosongan rumah oleh pihak keluarga dengan paksa.
In this situation, facing two faced bastards, one with a mental illness, while the other one is poor, komodos, what to do right now? I never knew i got to make it this far, thanks in advance, much love OP
Ps: -. Gak bisa edit dan blur muka org yg diatas
submitted by not-a-casual-bastard to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:00 myrunningman Running Man E708 240609

Running Man was classified as an "urban action variety"; a genre of variety shows in an urban environment. The MCs and guests were to complete missions at a landmark to win the race. The show has since shifted to a more familiar reality-variety show concept focused on games.
Guests (7):
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Licensed streaming sites
KOCOWA is a licensed free to stream website. KOCOWA subscription is available in North America and South America. KOCOWAtv is a worldwide content streaming website where people discover, watch and fall in love with K-contents. We provide the greatest amount of K-drama, K-variety and K-pop show on demand with professional subtitles for international ‘Hallyu’ fans in response to the increase in global popularity of Korean culture. They release some of their content for free both on their own, and on their partner platform Viki 2-3 weeks after it aired
OnDemandKorea (ODK) is a is a licensed free-to-stream website. It's available in North and South America, Malaysia, Indonesia and Europe.
VIU is a licensed free-to-stream website, which locks their newest content for 72 hours for premium users. All their content is available for free after 72 hours. VIU is available in Singapore, with some of its content also available in Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Hong Kong & India, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar & Saudi Arabia.
Tags: 런닝맨, korean, variety, tv, show, Apink, Block B
submitted by myrunningman to koreanvariety [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:14 Anxious_Scratch_913 Laskar pelangi

Laskar Pelangi adalah novel pertama karya Andrea Hirata yang diterbitkan oleh Bentang Pustaka pada tahun 2005. Novel ini bercerita tentang kehidupan 10 anak dari keluarga miskin yang bersekolah (SD dan SMP) di sebuah sekolah Muhammadiyah di Belitung yang penuh dengan keterbatasan.
Mereka bersekolah dan belajar pada kelas yang sama dari kelas 1 SD sampai kelas 3 SMP, dan menyebut diri mereka sebagai Laskar Pelangi. Pada bagian-bagian akhir cerita, anggota Laskar Pelangi bertambah satu anak perempuan yang bernama Flo, seorang murid pindahan. Keterbatasan yang ada bukan membuat mereka putus asa, tetapi malah membuat mereka terpacu untuk dapat melakukan sesuatu yang lebih baik.
Laskar Pelangi merupakan buku pertama dari Tetralogi Laskar Pelangi. Buku berikutnya adalah Sang Pemimpi, Edensor dan Maryamah Karpov. Buku ini tercatat sebagai buku sastra Indonesia terlaris sepanjang sejarah.
submitted by Anxious_Scratch_913 to u/Anxious_Scratch_913 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:11 DogSignificant1847 Is true that Tsunade's breast are that bouncing?

Is true that Tsunade's breast are that bouncing? submitted by DogSignificant1847 to Naruto [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:36 fergewzen Akan kerja di luar negeri, apa aja yang perlu disiapin ya?

Halo komodos! gw tau disini banyak orang indonesia yang kerja/tinggal di luar negeri, nah gw (sendirian) dalam beberapa bulan bakal ke luar negeri (dengan 4 musim, gak berbahasa inggris) untuk kerja dan tinggal juga nih, tapi gw juga ada rencana bakal balik lagi tinggal di indonesia suatu saat (bisa jadi cuma 5 tahun di luar negerinya, terus balik). Nah gw ada beberapa pertanyaan (mungkin beberapa pertanyaan bodoh juga):
  1. nomor telepon/sim card yang di indonesia tetap dipasang kah? atau dikasihkan ke keluarga kah? atau dibiarkan nomornya hangus? (nomor ini kepake untuk banyak OTP dan untuk restore password berbagai akun)
  2. rencana pengen bawa PC, tapi PC itu berat banget (rencana bakal cuma bawa mobo, cpu, ram, memory, gpu, terus ditaruh di koper bagasi, gaakan disangka bom kan ya?), ada saran?
  3. surat2/dokumen2 asli penting, seperti KTP, ijazah, KK, SIM, etc. perlu dibawa kah? denger2 sekarang bea cukai ngeharusin kita selalu nyimpen struk/invoice pembelian barang yang nantinya akan dibawa ke indonesia, ini berarti untuk setiap barang yang dibeli di luar negeri dan dibawa ke indonesia, kita harus nyimpen struk/invoicenya gitu?
  4. untuk pakaian yang dibawa, idealnya bawa berapa pasang ya?
  5. karena belum digaji, tapi harus udah ke luar negeri duluan, gw perlu tuker IDR ke mata uang negara tujuan segimana ya? (misal yg penting nutupin biaya hidup sebulan, atau mungkin perlu lebih)
  6. adakah barang2 yang better untuk dibeli di indo? (mungkin bisa lebih murah, misal, jaket winter, sepatu winter, HP, payung, etc.)
  7. bahasa lokal negara tujuan harus sejago apa? di tempat kerja bakal full inggris, tapi di negara itu kebanyakan orang gabisa bahasa inggris, nah kira2 untuk bahasa lokalnya perlu belajar sampe segimana ya?
  8. barang2 yang wajib dibawa apa ya? yang gw pikir sangat wajib itu passport aja, ada yang lain gak ya?
Kalo punya jawaban hanya untuk beberapa pertanyaan juga ga masalah, kalo ada tips/trick juga boleh dong dikasih tau hehe. Makasih sebelumnya.
submitted by fergewzen to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:42 dailySuttaBot MN 98 Vāseṭṭhasutta: With Vāseṭṭha

MN 98 Vāseṭṭhasutta: With Vāseṭṭha
[Note: Today’s selection is very long, but it contains a radical teaching: that what matters most is the actions that we do, not the position we are born into.]
So I have heard. At one time the Buddha was staying in a forest near Icchānaṅgala.
Now at that time several very well-known well-to-do brahmins were residing in Icchānaṅgala. They included the brahmins Caṅkī, Tārukkha, Pokkharasādi, Jānussoṇi, Todeyya, and others.
Then as the brahmin students Vāseṭṭha and Bhāradvāja were going for a walk they began to discuss the question: “How do you become a brahmin?”
Bhāradvāja said this: “When you’re well born on both your mother’s and father’s side, of pure descent, with irrefutable and impeccable genealogy back to the seventh paternal generation— then you’re a brahmin.”
Vāseṭṭha said this: “When you’re ethical and accomplished in doing your duties— then you’re a brahmin.”
But neither was able to persuade the other.
So Vāseṭṭha said to Bhāradvāja, “Mister Bhāradvāja, the ascetic Gotama—a Sakyan, gone forth from a Sakyan family—is staying in a forest near Icchānaṅgala. He has this good reputation: ‘That Blessed One is perfected, a fully awakened Buddha, accomplished in knowledge and conduct, holy, knower of the world, supreme guide for those who wish to train, teacher of gods and humans, awakened, blessed.’ Come, let’s go to see him and ask him about this matter. As he answers, so we’ll remember it.”
“Yes, sir,” replied Bhāradvāja.
So they went to the Buddha and exchanged greetings with him. When the greetings and polite conversation were over, they sat down to one side, and Vāseṭṭha addressed the Buddha in verse:
“We’re both authorized masters
of the three Vedas.
I’m a student of Pokkharasādi,
and he of Tārukkha.
We’re fully qualified
in all the Vedic experts teach.
As philologists and grammarians,
we match our teachers in recitation.
We have a dispute
regarding genealogy.
For Bhāradvāja says that
one is a brahmin due to birth,
but I declare it’s because of one’s deeds.
Oh Clear-eyed One, know this as our debate.
Since neither of us was able
to convince the other,
we’ve come to ask you, sir,
renowned as the awakened one.
As people honor with joined palms
the moon on the cusp of waxing,
bowing, they revere
Gotama in the world.
We ask this of Gotama,
the Eye arisen in the world:
is one a brahmin due to birth,
or else because of deeds?
We don’t know, please tell us,
so we can recognize a brahmin.”
“I shall explain to you,” said the Buddha,
“accurately and in sequence,
the taxonomy of living creatures,
for species are indeed diverse.
Know the grass and trees,
though they lack self-awareness.
They’re defined by birth,
for species are indeed diverse.
Next there are bugs and moths,
and so on, to ants and termites.
They’re defined by birth,
for species are indeed diverse.
Know the quadrupeds, too,
both small and large.
They’re defined by birth,
for species are indeed diverse.
Know, too, the long-backed snakes,
crawling on their bellies.
They’re defined by birth,
for species are indeed diverse.
Next know the fish,
whose habitat is the water.
They’re defined by birth,
for species are indeed diverse.
Next know the birds,
winged chariots in flight.
They’re defined by birth,
for species are indeed diverse.
While the differences between these species
are defined by birth,
the differences between humans
are not defined by birth.
Not by hair nor by head,
not by ear nor by eye,
not by mouth nor by nose,
not by lips nor by eyebrow,
not by shoulder nor by neck,
not by belly nor by back,
not by buttocks nor by breast,
not by groin nor by genitals,
not by hands nor by feet,
not by fingers nor by nails,
not by knees nor by thighs,
not by color nor by voice:
none of these are defined by birth
as it is for other species.
In individual human bodies
you can’t find such distinctions.
The distinctions among humans
are spoken of by convention.
Anyone among humans
who lives off keeping cattle:
know them, Vāseṭṭha,
as a farmer, not a brahmin.
Anyone among humans
who lives off various professions:
know them, Vāseṭṭha,
as a professional, not a brahmin.
Anyone among humans
who lives off trade:
know them, Vāseṭṭha,
as a trader, not a brahmin.
Anyone among humans
who lives off serving others:
know them, Vāseṭṭha,
as a servant, not a brahmin.
Anyone among humans
who lives off stealing:
know them, Vāseṭṭha,
as a bandit, not a brahmin.
Anyone among humans
who lives off archery:
know them, Vāseṭṭha,
as a soldier, not a brahmin.
Anyone among humans
who lives off priesthood:
know them, Vāseṭṭha,
as a sacrificer, not a brahmin.
Anyone among humans
who taxes village and nation,
know them, Vāseṭṭha,
as a ruler, not a brahmin.
I don’t call someone a brahmin
after the mother’s womb they’re born from.
If they still have attachments,
they’re just someone who says ‘mister’.
Having nothing, taking nothing:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
Having cut off all fetters
they have no anxiety;
they’ve slipped their chains and are detached:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
They’ve cut the strap and harness,
the reins and bridle too;
with cross-bar lifted, they’re awakened:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
Abuse, killing, caging:
they endure these without anger.
Patience is their powerful army:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
Not irritable or stuck up,
dutiful in precepts and observances,
tamed, bearing their final body:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
Like rain off a lotus leaf,
like a mustard seed off the point of a pin,
sensual pleasures slip off them:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
They understand for themselves
the end of suffering in this life;
with burden put down, detached:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
Deep in wisdom, intelligent,
expert in what is the pathand what is not the path;
arrived at the highest goal:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
mixing with neither
householders nor the homeless;
a migrant with no shelter, few in wishes:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
They’ve laid aside violence
against creatures firm and frail;
not killing or making others kill:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
Not fighting among those who fight,
extinguished among those who are armed,
not taking among those who take:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
They’ve discarded greed and hate,
along with conceit and contempt,
like a mustard seed off the point of a pin:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
The words they utter
are sweet, informative, and true,
and don’t offend anyone:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
They don’t steal anything in the world,
long or short,
fine or coarse, beautiful or ugly:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
They have no hope
for this world or the next;
with no need for hope, detached:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
They have no clinging,
knowledge has freed them of indecision,
they’ve arrived at the culmination of freedom from death:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
They’ve escaped the snare
of both good and bad deeds;
sorrowless, stainless, pure:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
Pure as the spotless moon,
clear and undisturbed,
they’ve ended desire to be reborn:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
They’ve got past this grueling swamp
of delusion, transmigration.
Meditating in stillness, free of indecision,
they have crossed over to the far shore.
They’re extinguished by not grasping:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
They’ve given up sensual stimulations,
and have gone forth from lay life;
they’ve ended rebirth in the sensual realm:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
They’ve given up craving,
and have gone forth from lay life;
they’ve ended craving to be reborn:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
They’ve thrown off the human yoke,
and slipped out of the heavenly yoke;
unyoked from all yokes:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
Giving up discontent and desire,
they’re cooled and free of attachments;
a hero, master of the whole world:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
They know the passing away
and rebirth of all beings;
unattached, holy, awakened:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
Gods, centaurs, and humans
don’t know their destiny;
the perfected ones with defilements ended:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
They have nothing before or after,
or even in between.
Having nothing, taking nothing:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
Leader of the herd, excellent hero,
great seer and victor;
unstirred, washed, awakened:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
They know their past lives,
and see heaven and places of loss,
and have attained the end of rebirth:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
For name and clan are formulated
as mere convention in the world.
Produced by mutual agreement,
they’re formulated for each individual.
For a long time this misconception
has prejudiced those who don’t understand.
Ignorant, they declare
that one is a brahmin by birth.
You’re not a brahmin by birth,
nor by birth a non-brahmin.
You’re a brahmin by your deeds,
and by deeds a non-brahmin.
You’re a farmer by your deeds,
by deeds you’re a professional;
you’re a trader by your deeds,
by deeds are you a servant;
you’re a bandit by your deeds,
by deeds you’re a soldier;
you’re a sacrificer by your deeds,
by deeds you’re a ruler.
In this way the astute regard deeds
in accord with truth.
Seeing dependent origination,
they’re expert in deeds and their results.
Deeds make the world go on,
deeds make people go on;
sentient beings are bound by deeds,
like a moving chariot’s linchpin.
By fervor and spiritual practice,
by restraint and by self-control:
that’s how to become a brahmin,
this is the supreme brahmin.
Accomplished in the three knowledges,
peaceful, with rebirth ended,
know them, Vāseṭṭha,
as Brahmā and Sakka to the wise.”
When he had spoken, Vāseṭṭha and Bhāradvāja said to him, “Excellent, Mister Gotama! Excellent! As if he were righting the overturned, or revealing the hidden, or pointing out the path to the lost, or lighting a lamp in the dark so people with clear eyes can see what’s there, Mister Gotama has made the teaching clear in many ways. We go for refuge to Mister Gotama, to the teaching, and to the mendicant Saṅgha. From this day forth, may Mister Gotama remember us as lay followers who have gone for refuge for life.”
Read this translation of Majjhima Nikāya 98 Vāseṭṭhasutta: With Vāseṭṭha_by Bhikkhu Sujato on Or read a different translation or Or _listen on or Or explore the Pali on
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submitted by dailySuttaBot to dailySutta [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:00 Dutchcheese1998 M4F 26 the Netherlands looking for someone from Europe or Asia #online

M4F M26 Europe/worldwide looking for a connection and maybe more
Hi there! a 26-year-old male from the Netherlands, living in a tiny but cozy studio apartment. I'm currently learning Bahasa Indonesia on Duolingo—aku belajar Bahasa Indonesia dengan Duolingo!! When I'm not exploring new languages, you'll find me immersed in music or binge-watching TV series.
I’m a huge fan of "How I Met Your Mother," and my music taste spans from Taylor Swift to Imagine Dragons and Måneskin, among many other pop and rock artists. Starting in October, I'll be diving into ballet lessons, which I'm super hyped about! It has been a lifelong dream of minds but I never followed up on it.
I work in the safety consulting industry, helping to ensure people and workplaces stay safe. If you're learning Dutch, I'd be happy to help you with it!
I love to learn about new cultures and travel whenever I can—my next destination is still unknown, but I'm always excited for the next adventure. I'm here looking for people to share stories with and make meaningful connections. Whether you want to talk about your favorite shows, share music recommendations, or discuss anything under the sun, I'd love to hear from you and receive a message. And who knows maybe there could be something more.
submitted by Dutchcheese1998 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:24 Limit-Visual Offering: Bahasa Indonesia (native), English Seeking: Mandarin, Taiwanese , friendship!!

Hi, everyone! It would be appreciated if I could get a language exchange friends to improve my Mandarin skills. I'm a native Indonesian with a score of 7.5 on IELTS. So, I think my English is okay, although not the best.
I do digital art and occasionally make comics. I enjoy many forms of art, including books and literature, games, music, watching movies, theatrical performances, and anime.
I'd like to expand my vocabulary and practice speaking more because I often read and type more, but in general, I just need someone to converse with, either by voice message or text. And I hope we can be friends!
Thank you!
submitted by Limit-Visual to language_exchange [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:30 IndoMePodcast Doe je mee met onze cursus Bahasa Indonesia?

Doe je mee met onze cursus Bahasa Indonesia? submitted by IndoMePodcast to indomepodcast [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:45 LanguageNomad I was wrong about KL

Apa kabar, kawan2 malaysia!
Last year I went to Malaysia for a month. I started in KL, but did not like it and traveled around the country. I loved Penang and the highlands. Six weeks after my trip I came back to KL to work as a dive instructor. When arriving in KL I lost my wallet, I suspected the guy next to me on the bus stole it and nobody helped me when I arrived. I asked around 20 people and they just ignored me. It sucked and I left swearing to never return.
For a year I did not come back, but some days ago I did to attend a wedding as a +1 and give the place a final chance. I speak a lot more bahasa indonesia/malaysia now, so I can actually communicate and interact with people. Today I went to a wedding wearing a baju melayu that I picked out yesterday and the people's reactions were so wholesome. I got to talk a bit at the wedding and to strangers on the street. Random people helped me wear it properly, said how they loved to see me (orang putih) wear their national outfit and the energy was just really positive. It was really nice and overall my days here have been lovely.
Just wanted to share a positive post and thank you guys for changing my view on the city. I guess the experiences are shaped by your mindset and how you approach the world. Can't wait to come back again!!:) Terima kasih!!
submitted by LanguageNomad to malaysia [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 11:04 jafrdat Pendidikan Di Indonesia Memprihatinkan

Tesis: Indonesia memiliki sekitar 742 bahasa dan menempati posisi kedua negara dengan bahasa daerah terbanyak. Akan tetapi, pada akhir abad ke-21, lebih dari setengah bahasa daerah ini akan punah. Diperkirakan sekitar 441 bahasa daerah di Indonesia akan menghilang.
Argumentasi: Punahnya beberapa bahasa daerah ini disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor. Faktor-faktor tersebut adalah globalisasi dan modernisasi, perubahan demografis seperti migrasi massal dan urbanisasi, proses asimilasi budaya, penggunaan bahasa sebagai alat politik, bahasa daerah yang tidak didukung pemerintah dan masyarakat, serta perkembangan teknologi dan media massa.
Penegasan ulang: Untuk mengatasi fenomena ini, upaya cerdas dan serius perlu dilakukan. Hal ini perlu dilakukan oleh, tidak hanya pemerintah, tetapi juga komunitas etnik penutur bahasa terkait. Di antara cara yang dapat dilakukan adalah pendokumentasian, kajian-kajian, dan upaya-upaya revitalisasi.
submitted by jafrdat to u/jafrdat [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 11:02 jafrdat Rapor Merah, Bahasa Daerah Indonesai Akan Punahh

Tesis: Indonesia memiliki sekitar 742 bahasa dan menempati posisi kedua negara dengan bahasa daerah terbanyak. Akan tetapi, pada akhir abad ke-21, lebih dari setengah bahasa daerah ini akan punah. Diperkirakan sekitar 441 bahasa daerah di Indonesia akan menghilang.
Argumentasi: Punahnya beberapa bahasa daerah ini disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor. Faktor-faktor tersebut adalah globalisasi dan modernisasi, perubahan demografis seperti migrasi massal dan urbanisasi, proses asimilasi budaya, penggunaan bahasa sebagai alat politik, bahasa daerah yang tidak didukung pemerintah dan masyarakat, serta perkembangan teknologi dan media massa.
Penegasan ulang: Untuk mengatasi fenomena ini, upaya cerdas dan serius perlu dilakukan. Hal ini perlu dilakukan oleh, tidak hanya pemerintah, tetapi juga komunitas etnik penutur bahasa terkait. Di antara cara yang dapat dilakukan adalah pendokumentasian, kajian-kajian, dan upaya-upaya revitalisasi.
submitted by jafrdat to u/jafrdat [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 07:31 tezumo5 Pengin nulis historical fantasy romance dengan setting jawa jaman candi... terlalu spesifik/unfamiliar ga sih?

Hai komodos, pertanyaan spesifik banget nih... Di sini ada yg suka baca genre historical romance?
Saya penulis indie yg udah nulis 2 buku yg settingnya sejauh ini di asia (buku pertama di sichuan dan buku kedua di china/korea, 2-2nya setting abad ke-9/10), skrg ada ide nulis sekuel yg settingnya di jawa jaman candi (akhir taun 900an gitu, kerajaan mataram/medang kali ya)... tapi kog takut agak jawa-sentris ya? (Walopun biasanya djawa adalah koenci lol)
Pasalnya, historical romance sebagai genre emang ga sepopuler contemporary/paranormal/fantasy romance, apalagi kalau bukan gaya2 jane austen/bridgerton gitu. Asian historical romance lebih jarang lagi dan kalopun ada, lebih menilik ke arah wuxia/kdrama/chinese drama.
Jadi ragu apakah setting jawa terlalu spesifik atau alien, secara readership romance mayoritas masih didominasi cewe bule, kalaupun non-white readers kebanyakan adalah ABC atau POC yg ga familiar sama sejarah/mitos asia tenggara, apalagi indo/jawa.
Plus, karena banyak readers yg baca romance utk adegan panasnya aja, banyak yg ga peduli sama sejarah anyway (tapi ga semua sih) ,"
Basically saya lagi mikir aja apakah sejarah dan kehidupan di jawa abad ke-10 terlalu "out there" untuk buku romance. Mungkin Bali lebih promising dari segi branding? (Secara ada candi juga, dan candi penting utk alur cerita fantasynya)
Menurut kalian gimana? :D
submitted by tezumo5 to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 07:07 No-Equivalent-3844 ILham>>SITUS GECE138 GACOR MAXWIN

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Pada tahun 2023, GECE138 Slot Gacor menyediakan platform judi GECE138 Online untuk para penggemar GECE138, khususnya GECE138 Gacor. Dengan koleksi permainan slot yang kaya dan variasi tema yang menarik, pemain akan terus terhibur dan tidak merasa bosan. Dukungan bahasa Indonesia, tampilan profesional dan layanan pelanggan berkualitas tinggi membuat GECE138 menjadi situs yang patut dipertimbangkan oleh setiap pemain yang mencari pengalaman bermain GECE138 Online Gacor.
GECE138 Online semakin kompetitif, GECE138 Slot Gacor Online telah muncul sebagai salah satu pemain utama yang menawarkan solusi terbaik untuk para pecinta judi GECE138 gacor. Dengan keamanan yang kuat, promosi menarik, dan variasi permainan yang mengagumkan, tidak ada keraguan bahwa GECE138 adalah tempat yang tepat untuk memenuhi hasrat judi slot Anda. Bergabunglah dengan GECE138 sekarang dan nikmati sensasi kemenangan besar dalam permainan GECE138 Online terbaik di tahun 2023!
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  1. GECE138 Gacor Gates of Olympus
Gates of Olympus adalah salah satu game GECE138 gacor terbaik menawarkan pengalaman bermain yang luar biasa. Pragmatic Play, game ini memiliki 6 gulungan dan 20 payline. Dalam permainan ini, pemain akan dibawa ke dunia mitologi Yunani kuno dengan simbol dewa-dewa dan dewi-dewi yang indah. Fitur-fitur menarik seperti Free Spins dan pengganda hadiah membuat GECE138 Gacor semakin mengasyikkan.
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FAQ — Tanya Jawab Cepat Seputar Situs GECE138 Online Gacor GECE138 Sebagai salah satu situs slot online terpercaya dan terpopuler di Indonesia, GECE138 telah menjadi tempat yang disukai oleh banyak pemain judi slot. Menghadirkan berbagai jenis game GECE138 yang menarik dan menguntungkan, GECE138 juga menyediakan banyak kemudahan dan keuntungan bagi para membernya. Berikut ini adalah beberapa pertanyaan umum (FAQ) seputar situs GECE138 yang sering diajukan oleh calon pemain.
  1. Bagaimana Cara Daftar di Situs GECE138? Cara mendaftar di situs GECE138 sangatlah mudah dan sederhana. Pertama, kunjungi situs resmi GECE138 di google. Setelah itu, cari menu “Daftar” atau “Registrasi” yang biasanya terletak di pojok atas halaman utama situs. Isilah formulir pendaftaran dengan data yang valid dan lengkap, seperti nama lengkap, nomor telepon, alamat email, dan nomor rekening bank yang aktif. Setelah semua kolom terisi, klik tombol “Daftar” dan tunggu konfirmasi melalui email atau pesan singkat yang akan dikirimkan oleh GECE138. Setelah itu, Anda bisa langsung login menggunakan username dan password yang sudah dibuat pada saat pendaftaran.
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  4. Bocoran Slot Gacor Gampang Menang Hari Ini Paling Update? Meskipun tidak mungkin memberikan bocoran slot gacor mudah menang secara spesifik setiap harinya, GECE138 menjamin bahwa semua permainan yang disediakan adalah fair dan tidak ada manipulasi dalam sistem permainannya. Kemenangan dalam permainan slot ditentukan oleh faktor keberuntungan dan pemahaman tentang strategi permainan. Untuk meningkatkan peluang kemenangan Anda, Anda dapat mempelajari aturan dan cara bermain dari setiap jenis GECE138, serta mengatur taruhan Anda dengan bijak.
GECE138 juga menyediakan fitur promosi dan bonus menarik yang dapat membantu Anda meningkatkan peluang kemenangan. Ikuti terus keseruan Situs GECE138 Online Gacor GECE138.
Dalam kesimpulan, Situs GECE138 Online Gacor GECE138 adalah pilihan yang tepat bagi para pemain judi slot yang mencari pengalaman bermain yang menyenangkan dan menguntungkan. Proses pendaftaran yang mudah, deposit minimal yang terjangkau, pembayaran kemenangan yang fair, dan berbagai jenis game slot menarik membuat GECE138 layak menjadi situs favorit Anda. Ingatlah untuk bermain dengan bertanggung jawab dan selalu nikmati permainan dengan bijaksana. Selamat bermain dan semoga sukses!
submitted by No-Equivalent-3844 to u/No-Equivalent-3844 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 02:42 dailySuttaBot AN 6.57 Chaḷabhijātisutta: The Six Classes of Rebirth

AN 6.57 Chaḷabhijātisutta: The Six Classes of Rebirth
At one time the Buddha was staying near Rājagaha, on the Vulture’s Peak Mountain. Then Venerable Ānanda went up to the Buddha, bowed, sat down to one side, and said to him:
“Sir, Pūraṇa Kassapa describes six classes of rebirth: black, blue, red, yellow, white, and ultimate white.
The black class of rebirth consists of slaughterers of sheep, pigs, poultry, or deer, hunters or fishers, bandits, executioners, butchers of cattle, jailers, and any others with a cruel livelihood.
The blue class of rebirth consists of mendicants whose life is thorny, and any others who teach the efficacy of deeds and action.
The red class of rebirth consists of the Jain ascetics who wear one cloth.
The yellow class of rebirth consists of the lay people dressed in white who are disciples of the naked ascetics.
The white class of rebirth consists of male and female Ājīvaka ascetics.
And the ultimate white class of rebirth consists of Nanda Vaccha, Kisa Saṅkicca, and the bamboo-staffed ascetic Gosāla.
These are the six classes of rebirth that Pūraṇa Kassapa describes.”
“But Ānanda, did the whole world authorize Pūraṇa Kassapa to describe these six classes of rebirth?”
“No, sir.”
“It’s as if they were to force a chop on a poor, penniless person, telling them, “Eat this meat and pay for it!”. In the same way, Pūraṇa Kassapa has described these six classes of rebirth without the consent of those ascetics and brahmins. And he has done so in a foolish, incompetent, unskilled way, lacking common sense.
I, however, also describe six classes of rebirth. Listen and apply your mind well, I will speak.”
“Yes, sir,” Ānanda replied. The Buddha said this:
“And what, Ānanda, are the six classes of rebirth? Someone born into a dark class gives rise to a dark result. Someone born into a dark class gives rise to a bright result. Someone born into a dark class gives rise to extinguishment, which is neither dark nor bright. Someone born into a bright class gives rise to a dark result. Someone born into a bright class gives rise to a bright result. Someone born into a bright class gives rise to extinguishment, which is neither dark nor bright.
And how does someone born into a dark class give rise to a dark result? It’s when someone is reborn in a low family—a family of corpse-workers, bamboo-workers, hunters, chariot-makers, or scavengers—poor, with little to eat or drink, where life is tough, and food and shelter are hard to find. And they’re ugly, unsightly, deformed, sickly—one-eyed, crippled, lame, or half-paralyzed. They don’t get to have food, drink, clothes, and vehicles; garlands, fragrance, and makeup; or bed, house, and lighting. And they do bad things by way of body, speech, and mind. When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. That’s how someone born into a dark class gives rise to a dark result.
And how does someone born into a dark class give rise to a bright result? It’s when some person is reborn in a low family … But they do good things by way of body, speech, and mind. When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. That’s how someone born into a dark class gives rise to a bright result.
And how does someone born into a dark class give rise to extinguishment, which is neither dark nor bright? It’s when some person is reborn in a low family … They shave off their hair and beard, dress in ocher robes, and go forth from the lay life to homelessness. They give up the five hindrances, corruptions of the heart that weaken wisdom. They firmly establish their mind in the four kinds of mindfulness meditation. They truly develop the seven awakening factors. And then they give rise to extinguishment, which is neither dark nor bright. That’s how someone born in a dark class gives rise to extinguishment, which is neither dark nor bright.
And how does someone born into a bright class give rise to a dark result? It’s when some person is reborn in an eminent family—a well-to-do family of aristocrats, brahmins, or householders—rich, affluent, and wealthy, with lots of gold and silver, lots of property and assets, and lots of money and grain. And they’re attractive, good-looking, lovely, of surpassing beauty. They get to have food, drink, clothes, and vehicles; garlands, fragrance, and makeup; and bed, house, and lighting. But they do bad things by way of body, speech, and mind. When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. That’s how someone born into a bright class gives rise to a dark result.
And how does someone born into a bright class give rise to a bright result? It’s when some person is reborn in an eminent family … And they do good things by way of body, speech, and mind. When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. That’s how someone born into a bright class give rise to a bright result.
And how does someone born into a bright class give rise to extinguishment, which is neither dark nor bright? It’s when some person is reborn in an eminent family … They shave off their hair and beard, dress in ocher robes, and go forth from the lay life to homelessness. They give up the five hindrances, corruptions of the heart that weaken wisdom. They firmly establish their mind in the four kinds of mindfulness meditation. They truly develop the seven awakening factors. And then they give rise to extinguishment, which is neither dark nor bright. That’s how someone born into a bright class gives rise to extinguishment, which is neither dark nor bright.
These are the six classes of rebirth.”
Read this translation of Aṅguttara Nikāya 6.57 Chaḷabhijātisutta: The Six Classes of Rebirth_by Bhikkhu Sujato on Or _listen on Or explore the Pali on
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2024.06.08 00:41 No_Run2260 Around the World in Eighty Weeks - Week #54 - Finland

Around the World in Eighty Weeks - Week #54 - Finland
If you want film suggestions, suggestions for foreign works, suggestions on how to complete the Letterboxd world map, this post is for you.
Last year I started this project to discuss more unknown foreign films. Everyone here I imagine has heard about Parasite, Spirited Away, Portrait of a Lady on Fire, The Hunt, City of God. But what gems does each country's cinema have that are not as celebrated as these?
The plan is, over 80 weeks, to approach as many countries as possible, from those with a more established film industry to those that need foreign support to finance a production. During the post I suggest one or two films and in the comments you can add what you know about the country in question. I'll stick to films with less than 50k views, but you can highlight any film (or director) from that specific country in the comments.
With that said, let's go to the recommendation of the week.
Film: Dogs Don’t Wear Pants
Year: 2019
Director: J-P Valkeapää
Country: Finland
Give up control? Regain control? Self-punishment? A search for euphoria? What leads a middle-aged man to enter the world of sadomasochism? The answer in Dogs Don’t Wear Pants is more complex (and tragic) than it seems. Years after losing his wife to drowning, surgeon Juha (Pekka Strang) regains some of his pleasure in life when he meets dominatrix Mona (Krista Kosonen).
In fiction, the world of BDSM is usually portrayed with two things in mind: 1) an adrenaline rush of something dangerous, forbidden, dirty or 2) in an eroticized, sensual way. Not in this Finnish film. Two types of moods are seen in the narrative. Either the characters' situation is miserable, with them immersed in anguish, or there is some escape of humor, in that very Nordic way - that is: making fun of the situation that those people find themselves in. It's a cold and depressing feature, but at the same time it manages to bring these sporadic doses of joy, both to the audience and to the protagonist.
With a beautiful cinematography, it is as if Dogs Don’t Wear Pants sought to find beauty in this environment full of pain - both physical and emotional. I started the film expecting something more literal and ended up getting much more than I imagined.
I have to say that there is one part that I didn't like very much. Juha has a teenage daughter, who saw her mother drowning as a child. I thought this character was thrown aside after a while. But I imagine the goal was to show how certain wounds don't heal quickly. Even if that weren't the case, I don't judge the girl for certain actions she takes, which is something very difficult in dramas that don't focus on teenagers - which are often characterized by them making the worst decisions possible.
Finnish cinema has been standing out in recent years. In 2022, there was Sisu. Last year, Fallen Leaves. So, if you have other suggestions and want to share them, feel free to do so in the comments. Every contribution is important, especially for those who want to know more about the films of this country and were not interested in mine.
Next week: still somewhat close to the North Pole, but back to America - Canada.
Travel Itinerary: Brazil - Iran - Indonesia - Russia - Kenya - Spain - Jamaica - Romania - Laos - Italy - Algeria - Peru - Bangladesh - Latvia - Switzerland - Mexico - Senegal - New Zealand - Iraq - Japan - Georgia - Portugal - Chile - Malaysia - Chad - Netherlands - Costa Rica - Norway - Albania - Serbia - Nigeria - Vietnam - Poland - Jordan - Palestine - Colombia - Cuba - UK - China - South Africa - DRC - Paraguay - France - Thailand - Lithuania - Croatia - Egypt - Austria - Ukraine - Iceland - Venezuela - Mauritania - Israel - Panama - Singapore - Taiwan - Samoa - India - Ethiopia - Czech Republic - Slovakia - Bulgaria - Afghanistan - Finland
submitted by No_Run2260 to Letterboxd [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:47 qrex269 Minta panduan dalam bentuk resource/step by step guide/saran buat mulai manage keuangan buat orang yang literasi finansial nya 0?

Halo semua, seperti yg gw post di title, mw minta sara/step by step guide/resource buat mulai memutarkan uang yang diluar pemakaian / bulan.
Benar2 buta dengan dunia finansial kayak saham / reksadana, dari dulu sampai sekarang tau nya ttng finance itu tabung duit sebanyak mungkin dan pakai duit sedikit mungkin. Penghasilan sebulan 45 jt nett, utk kebutuhan pokok per bulan(makan + listrik + internet + kos) itu sekitar 3.5 jt, buat dana kebutuhan tersier nya per bulan nya itu sekitar 3 jt. Nggak perlu biaya transportasi karena tidak punya kendaraan dan WFH. jd total pemakaian rata2 per bulan nya 6.5 jt. sisa dana 38.5 juta.
Total savings so far ada 550 juta sekarang, target akhir tahun minimal 700 juta, cuma ekspektasi gw bisa ada sekitar 750 jt. Rencana sih mw simpan 250 jt di tabungan dan pakai 500 jt nya buat mulai investasi(is this wise btw?)
Rencana mau mulai mencoba memutarkan uang di tahun depan dan mau pakai waktu sisa 6 bulan ini buat coba2 belajar dlu teori2 nya buat ilmu2 finansial(cara mengelola investasi dan pajak and so on, gw kurang jelas sih di bagian sini nya). Weekdays full kerja dari jam 5 pagi sampai malam jam 11 dan hari Sabtu biasa gw ada urusan lain, jadi mw pakai hari Minggu nya buat mulai belajar ttng hal2 finansial dari sekarang(bs spend about 3-6 jam di hari Minggu buat belajar).
Utk profil investasi lebih prefer yg low maintenance. Low risk & low return value gpp krn tujuan nya buat saat ini cuma buat belajar finance dengan cara coba2 dan jg gw gk punya banyak waktu utk nge manage investasi nya. Tujuan investasi nya buat skrg utk nge cover pengeluaran sebulan(gk harus 100% di cover) biar bisa nambah hasil penghasilan yang bisa ditabung. Poin ini open to suggestion, jd jgn sungkan utk rekomen, misal nya lebih baik ke high risk investment krn reason x, y and z.
Buat sekarang tidak ada rencana beli/nyicil kendaraan(jarang dipakai krn jarang keluar) dan rumah(belum ada rencana menetap). Asuransi ada BPJS dan yang diberikan oleh perusaahan tempat saya kerja skrg, jd nggk ada rencana buat tambah asuransi. Tidak ada rencana menikah/berkeluarga di 5 tahun kedepan.
  1. Apakah ada online resource(paid is fine, tp kalau ada yg gratis dan bagus ya yg itu aja wkwk) yang direkomendasikan ttng ilmu2 finance ini, baik ttng general finance dan how to invest, terutama yang nunjukin praktek nya kayak step by step buat beli saham dan reksadana for example? Dan juga resource nya sebaik nya yang relevan dengan keadaan di Indonesia yang sekarang(IE: cara nya setor deposito di bank berbasis Indonesia gimana, cara pindahkan uang dari hasil investasi ke tabungan, cara ngurus pajak nya sesuai peraturan di Indonesia). Sudah baca post ini:, dan no disrespect to OP yg bkin thread nya, tapi kayak nya yang gw lebih perlukan yg ada detailed guide /video contoh nya. Resource nya jg yg bahasa Inggris gpp
  2. Bagaimana cara nya mengetahui kalau platform yang kita pakai buat jual beli saham atau beli reksadana itu dpt dipercaya(buat transaksi keluar masuk for example)? Apakah cukup dengan pakai platform yang diawasi dengan OJK saja?
  3. Dengan situasi & kondisi saya sekarang, apakah ada tips yang bisa diberikan untuk nge manage dana tabungan saya sehingga bisa diputar dan menambah jumlah tabungan?
Buat sekarang itu dlu, kalau ada pertanyaan lebih paling bakal post di comment.
Thank you.
submitted by qrex269 to finansial [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:57 Miyul Just need to vent out after tried watching Malay drama ( again after like a decade or more of not watching them cuz they are so fuckin bad )

For the record Im watching Cinta Untuk Sekali Lagi because of an actress in it Erysha Emyra ( she did really well in other drama -called Aku Bukan Ustazah so Im keen to follow up with her acting)
Thing is Im watching both of them at the same time (both dramas are ongoing) but started noticing the difference in quality ( in dialogues, acting literally every fuckin thing).
CUSL drama ( cinta untuk sekali lagi ) is so fuckin awful i started remembering back why i dont watch malay dramas. the script, the actors are so fuckin bad its like these people are not told what to do in what moment exactly.
whats more insane is the people on social media is praising the director like hes good. its so disappointing - bro i watched first episode and can already tell how cliche its going to be. if getting two good looking people to act together as main lead is considered good directing then were fuckin doomed.
i dont think malay dramas are gonna get any better, not in the next century if this is how it is currently in the industry. its so shame to see some young actors who can act and has potential gets ruined just like that. no wonder our drama or even movies are not being watched at all in Indonesia cuz were so fuckin low compared to them.
like the parents just sit in house every day waiting for their daughter to come home n greet them then the parents deliver their 3 lines of dialogue, and then repeats. i dont think im gonna be able to finish it
submitted by Miyul to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 12:46 Zarukishimen Japanese Film Festival Online 2024
●Dates and times June 5 (noon) to 19 (noon), 2024: 23 films June 19 (noon) to July 3 (noon), 2024: 2 TV drama series (20 episodes) *Japan time. The number of films/TV dramas and the period of distribution vary depending on the country/region.
●Countries/regions (27 countries/regions in total)
1.Europe France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain, UK
  1. Africa Egypt
  2. Asia Brunei, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Laos, Mainland China, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam
4.Americas Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, U.S.A.
  1. Oceania Australia, New Zealand
●Subtitles 16 languages: Arabic, Burmese, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Malay, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai, Vietnamese
submitted by Zarukishimen to JapaneseMovies [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 12:07 ElysianDreams [CONFLICT] MinDef: Newly-commissioned carrier FNS Anantekata to join Bandung Pact's Southeast Arabia Naval Detachment on exercises


كمنترين ڤرتاهنن ڤرسكوتوان نوسنتارا

Ministry of Defence of the Nusantara League


நுசாந்தரா கூட்டமைப்பு பாதுகாப்பு அமைச்சகம்

Press release, 17.09.2073
(AIKYAMPURA) - The Ministry of Defence, by order of Her Supreme Majesty the Yang di-Pertuan Nusantara Cynthia Ramakrishnan-Lai Anjia, has dispatched the newly-commissioned aircraft carrier FNS Anantekata and its attached carrier strike group to join the Bandung Pact's Southeast Arabia Naval Detachment (SAND) in ongoing exercises in the Arabian Sea.
The lead ship of her class and the successor to the Persekutuan-Class Blk II series of KINs, the Anantekata is the largest warship operated by the Angkatan Laut Persekutuan Nusantara. The carrier has capacity for up to 130 fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft, both manned and unmanned. Two sister ships, the Devidanu and the Sun Wukong, are expected to be commissioned alongside their assigned CSGs in 2074 and 2075, respectively. Construction is underway at Keppel Shipyard Tuas (Singapore) and PT PAL Surabaya (Indonesia).
The Nusantara League remains committed to peace and stability in the Indian Ocean Rim and beyond, and will continue to uphold its commitments and obligations to its allies around the world.
  • Address for inquiries:
  • Kemenhan Komunikasi
  • Raden Sudirman Building
  • Pancasila Quarter, Aikyampura, Republik Indonesia
  • Tel: +62 41 730 2961 Ext. 17831
  • Email: komunikasi @
  • Social media: @Kemenhan (Bahasa) @NusantaraMinDef (English)
  • Telegram: @MINDEFnt

Southeast Arabia Naval Detachment

Class Type Number Notes
Anantekata-Class KIN (CVN) 1 ALPN
Persekutuan-Class BlkII KIN (CVN) 3 2x ALPN, 1x UAN
Ndaki 1-Class JSP (CGN) 8 6x ALPN, 2x UAN
Irian-Class BlkII JSP (DDGN) 16 12x ALPN, 4x UAN
Fearless-Class BlkIII LSP (FFG) 24 18x ALPN, 6x UAN
Pasokan-Class GPC (AOE) 4 3x ALPN, 1x UAN
Zaki 1-Class MaK (SSN) 2 2x UAN
Rahwana-Class KSN (SSN) 6 6x ALPN
Silent Venus KLS (USV) 88 66x ALPN, 22x UAN
Mercury II KBS (UUV) 256 192x ALPN, 64x UAN
Silent Diana KSL-S (XLUUV) 96 72x ALPN, 24x UAN
Silent Neptune LP-S (LEUSV) 192 144x ALPN, 48x UAN
Su-60B Fultest Heavy ASF 144 96x ALPN, 48x UAN
BAE Tempest C Heavy ASF 72 ALPN
Su-75KKS Multirole 36 UAN
NL-21L-III Helangmuda Multirole 108 ALPN
eN-225 Pengintai AEW&C 16 12x ALPN, 4x UAN
N-225 MRTT Tanker 6 ALPN
H225N ASW/CSAR 128 96x ALPN, 32x UAN
Black Arrow BlkII UCAV 24 ALPN
submitted by ElysianDreams to worldpowers [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 09:40 xoxefo3952 Belongs to the Player dari Cherry Blossom untuk Dibaca Gratis - Romansa Cerita Indonesia

️ Adult Romance (21+) Sesuaikan usia kalian untuk membacanya. Sidney mendongak untuk melihat wajah Alva. Sepertinya kau mengambil banyak keuntungan dari pertemanan ini. Alva menarik punggungnya sedikit ke belakang agar dapat melihat Sidney. Benarkah? Apa hanya aku yang mengambil keuntungan di sini? Sidney menjilat bibirnya. Apa yang kau pikirkan tentangku? Alva menyipitkan sebelah matanya. Kau mungkin berselisih dengan tunanganmu kemudian kau berlari ke pelukanku. Bukan itu maksudnya, yang Sidney maksud adalah mungkin Alva menganggapnya wanita yang rela tidur dengan sembarang pria atau wanita yang memburu Alva karena ketenarannya. Sidney kembali menatap langit London melalui jendela kaca dan menelan ludah. Kau benar. Alva meletakkan dagunya di atas salah satu pundak Sidney. Jadi, ini semacam caramu membalas dendam kepada tunanganmu? Benar sekali. Jika Gerald bermain-main, ia juga bisa melakukannya. Karena kau sangat ingin membawaku ke atas ranjang malam ini, kurasa kau tidak keberatan. Oh, konyol sekali! Seorang Alvaro Leonard yang menjadi incaran banyak wanita menjadi pelampiasan seorang wanita yang sedang bertikai dengan tunangannya. IG : cherry.blossom0311 Read more
submitted by xoxefo3952 to Novelideas [link] [comments]