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2016.10.16 00:17 tayfife skijoring

Skijoring with a dog is a sport in which a dog (or dogs) assist a cross-country skier. One to three dogs are commonly used. The cross-country skier provides power with skis and poles, and the dog adds additional power by running and pulling. The skier wears a skijoring harness, the dog wears a sled dog harness, and the two are connected by a length of rope.

2014.02.21 16:10 confluencer conspiracies that actually exist


2024.06.09 12:58 the_cosworth Suggested acumatica reporting integration?

I run a team of ~45 construction personnel. My previous leader was sold on and we've fumbled through it as best as possible. In the meantime we've switched from Dynamics to Acumatica.
Acumatica seems to be the way to go with our source of truth and perhaps using as a 'front end' for reporting. We've had a lot of speed issues creating custom reports and dashboards in acumatica.
That said, I don't like overall. I'd love to drop it. Are there other suggestions people may have for a dashboard which might fulfill the same purpose? PowerBI, SharePoint, were two others that came to mind.
My staff is really anxious about the idea of losing their tasks and projects at a quick glance.
submitted by the_cosworth to ERP [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:57 yogendra-oliver What are the Advantages of Having HACCP Certification in Food Business

What are the Advantages of Having HACCP Certification in Food Business
You may hear the acronym "HACCP" used for safety-related matters. The Certification is well-respected worldwide. The importance of delivering safe food to society and effectively decomposing food risks has led to the call for HACCP. If we care about the public's health and safety regarding the food we eat, then every food business must get this accreditation.
HACCP Certification ensures that food being made, kept, transported, etc., is safe for the general population to eat. All food industry organizations, big or small, are subject to HACCP.

What is HACCP certification?

The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) Certification is an official document that shows the food vendor or processor follows all the rules and regulations for safe and healthy food. As a food safety management system, HACCP like ISO Certification is well respected. It calls for well-thought-out strategies to assess risks and provide solutions.
If there is a risk of contamination in the food or its packaging, the HACCP System can help you find it and put controls in place. It details what needs to be done to fix things if the restrictions aren't reached.

Who needs to get HACCP certified?

Every food operator involved in these kinds of operations is required to have HACCP Certification. Obtaining HACCP Certification is Essential for the Following Organisations:
Anyone involved in the food industry, whether a manufacturer, distributor, retailer, restaurant, caterer, food storage facility operator, principal food producer, operator engaged in food packaging and preservation, etc., must have HACCP Certification.​

The HACCP Certification Validity and Cancellation

The HACCP certification has a 12-month to 3-year validity period. During the certification process, issues will be resolved after consulting with the company's auditor.
The Certification can also be canceled or revoked by the appropriate authority following the proper processes. After receiving HACCP Certification, the organization must consistently follow and maintain all connected compliances. Therefore, HACCP must be followed up to the present day.

Top Benefits Of HACCP In Food Industry

Below are the top benefits of implementing HACCP in the food industry:

Keeping Food Safe from Potential Dangers
This is where HACCP shines. To guarantee that the food is free from physical, chemical, and biological dangers, the HACCP criteria must prepare it. Maintaining precise temperature standards and personal cleanliness is further aided by this.
Assures adherence to the Food Laws
The Indian Food Safety and Standards Act regulates the country's food regulations. HACCP Certification, which ensures compliance with food and safety requirements, can help businesses easily achieve FSSAI certification.
The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system aids in preserving food throughout its lifecycle, from manufacture to consumption.
Aides in Making Food Production More Consistent
One of the HACCP principles is Finding Critical Control points that can guarantee food safety. This aids in the standardization of food processing and offers remedial actions to guarantee that the standards are sufficiently upheld.
Customer Retention
When products are prepared according to HACCP guidelines, consumers may rest easy knowing that they are not putting themselves at risk of disease. As a result, customers are more likely to choose that food industry.
The Company's Improved Goodwill
Due to its excellent reputation for dependability, the HACCP-compliant firm has a leg up on its rivals in the food market.
More Reliable Investments
A company's ability to raise capital is directly correlated to its reputation in the market. A well-respected company is more likely to attract investors from all over the world.
Financial success
In comparison to other industries, a company's bottom line will look higher when it has a reputation for reliability, superior customers, and excellent investors. Additionally, the company can avoid court battles over consumer protection statutes.​
Obtaining this Certification, an essential part of ensuring food safety can benefit businesses in several ways, including adhering to regulations, making their products safer for consumers to eat, and expanding their reach in the market.
submitted by yogendra-oliver to u/yogendra-oliver [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:55 seii7 How do you come to terms with the world going to shit?

Recently I've been considering lifestyle changes regarding trying to be more eco-friendly and buy things from more ethical sources. Unfortunately this lead me down a path of very deep anxiety and stress, because I realized that most things we buy/consume can be lead to displacement of groups of very poor people, (what is essentially) slave labour, ecological destruction, etc. Not to mention all the packaging of our groceries, hygene products, etc. that effectively isn't recylable really. And this isn't even mentioning how even if I were to somehow completely eliminate my consumption of unethically made products and reduce my eco-footpring to virtually 0, that would amount to jack shit considering I'm one drop in this ocean. This kind of thinking basically spiraled me into thinking about all the bad shit going on that's more "apparent" to us in the west, like the increasingly shitty political situation in my country (Hungary), the economy going to shit and inflation, etc. and of course a ton of my own personal problems.
I just feel so tired and done with it all. Before writing this post I spent 10 minutes bawling my eyes out, even though I very rarely cry. I don't want to participate in anyone's harm or exploitation, be it humans or animals, but it just seems impossible for me to actually do something about it. I feel like even calming myself down and accepting this whole thing as something out of my control is just selfish and achieves nothing at making things better, my emotional reaction just seems to me to be the "correct" one despite it being inherently irrational, but it's also unbearably painful.
So to make my post at least a little constructive, my question is: How does a stoic become detached/dispassionate about the world around them and humanity as a whole going to shit and so much suffering happening every day and not being able to do anything about it? I know stoicism generally emphasises participation in society and supporting your community as much as you can, but when you're so aware of how powers infinitely larger than you are causing so much suffering all over the world, how can one be detached/dispassionate and satisfied in merely "doing one's part"?
submitted by seii7 to Stoicism [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:54 Sweet_Mango345 Happy on my own again, a bit of what I’ve learned and done so far

Please keep in mind this advice is coming from someone who had a 3 year relationship that was monogamous and with the hope of marriage. Ended it because he lied, emotionally cheated, disrespected and humiliated me and then chose his addiction over me. That’s the perspective I’m working with. So, take it for what you will.
Here’s the most helpful things I’ve learned & done to reach this point.
1) Make sure you’re seeing the relationship and people involved for what it was and what they did, rather than how you felt it was. Take your feelings out of it. Imagine your friend is telling you about a couple they know through a mutual. Completely detach and just tell yourself the story of what happened between two people. Focus on actions, and things that happened. No intentions, or feelings, just what went down. Does the couple sound problematic? Are you left thinking “yeesh, what a mess..”? It’s really easy to fall into the trap of “they were so perfect,” “we were so good together,” “they were the love of my life..” It wasn’t perfect if it ended. Maybe you were good, okay, it still ended. Okay, maybe they were your love- but you still have life left to live. They were your love, for a time. Why would you condemn yourself to not knowing any other love for the rest of your life? That’s sad. You might know love again, though different, it might be better. Don’t trap yourself in a delusion or a sadness, or it will never end. Be real with yourself and your situation. Recognize the roles you each played. Don’t focus on fault. Focus on accepting that the relationship simply failed.
2) Keep a journal, voice recordings, anything to just vent your emotions to and keep a record of your breakthroughs and then return to read. How do you know if you’re actually healing or if you’re stuck in a cycle if you have no way of keeping track of your progress? Yes, it’s not linear. Bad days will be there. But if the downs are consistently DEVASTATING, and the number of good days are not growing, are you actually healing? Compare yourself today to yourself from yesterday. When you feel bad, go back and read your breakthroughs that led you out of it. It’ll help keep you on your path and keep your logic in check.
3) Realize the power of your choices. I want to preface this by saying I struggle with Major Depressive Disorder (severe, diagnosed). I start every morning having to ask myself what reason I’m living for that day. And yet, I’d still consider my life to be full of joy. Is that every day that it’s joyful? No. Especially the fuck not when the breakup was fresh. The point I’m meaning to illustrate here is that, even in my case, where my brain does it’s hardest to convince me there’s no point to anything, even living, you can still experience joy in life. And a big part of that is because of the choices I make. It is definitely the easier choice to decide to lock myself in my room, starve and waste away. I used to live like that. I could live that way again if I chose to. But it sucks. It sucks ass. If you want to stop being miserable, then choose to. Going on and on about how you’re miserable won’t change it. You have the power to put on music that makes you feel sexy, and dance in the living room topless. Pick up that video game you love again. Get yourself a Baja Blast. Go to the dog park. Start keeping track of how many people with yellow shirts you see and make it a competition with your friends to collect the “most yellow shirts seen,” I don’t know. Get silly with it. Or don’t, if that’s not what you like. Or stay miserable. Check your ex’s socials obsessively. Keep unnecessary contact. Keep doing them unreciprocated favors. It’s your choice of how you live your life.
4) Find your self-respect. This one’s a harder one and will be different for each person. Personally, I made peace with my childhood traumas. Not every person will need to do that, in some cases of trauma, it’s actually better to forget. I’m not going to say “love yourself,” because while love and respect go along together, they are not the same. First, ask yourself what respect looks like to you. Then ask, are you doing those things for yourself? Are you worthy of that treatment? Why or why not? What would make you respect yourself? Are the expectations of yourself realistic?
5) Keep doing, keep going. Keep moving forward! Sadness, anger, disgust, betrayal, desperation- whatever it is, use it to move forward. Don’t worry, we’re not in Star Wars- use the dark side of the Force to your heart’s content IF it pushes you forward. If it however makes you kill the younglings, attack your best friend and lose your limbs- if it brings you and the people around you down, then it’s not the way for you. Keep a schedule to look forward to, or just anticipate. Move forward with time. Having a sense of a timeline helps to stay out of a cycle.
At the end of the day, you know your situation and life the best. Use your own judgement, and make your own decisions.
submitted by Sweet_Mango345 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:54 SchizoMitzo I have a strange urge to "relive" my homeless experience again

5 years ago I was homeless in the UK for a period of 2 years and during that time I travelled around the country, hopping trains and sleeping rough in various locations. Hospital grounds, parks, beaches, forests, cemeteries, rooftops, church doorways, under bridges, any random place that was quiet and sheltered from the wind / rain.
At the time I hated it because I was broke af and miserable because I was involuntarily homeless, but now I'm not homeless anymore, in work, have decent income and have stabilised myself. For the most part I completely forget I used to be homeless but occasionally I'll go on google maps and look up all the areas I went to, like the exact locations that I slept, the towns / cities I visited, the beaches I chilled at, the supermarkets I begged outside of and relive the memories of those times.
Well I'm kinda getting the urge to "relive" that experience for real again but voluntarily this time, not right now but at some point in the future. I feel like taking a couple months off work and hopping trains again with my pack, tent and sleeping bag and just revisiting all those places I called home while I was homeless. I want to go back to the exact locations I visited and sleep there again with my sleeping bag.
Obviously I'd have money this time around so won't need to beg or anything and I could spend more time actually exploring those cities rather than simply begging for money / trying to survive but I do have the urge to sleep rough, on the hard pavement with just a sleeping bag or grass with a tent.
Is this weird?
submitted by SchizoMitzo to homeless [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:50 HollandOats2020 AITA For being mad at my wife for accepting a ride from a random man

My wife went to get tires put on her car the other day. Before she could pay a storm caused lightning to hit a power line near them and cut the power so she couldn't pay with her card. Her only options would be to pay with cash or wait till the power came back on. She didn't call me, or text me, or anyone for that matter and decided instead to get in the car with a stranger who was also a customer and he took her to get cash. She didn't tell me about it until she got home and even then sorta "beat around the bush" about it. I got upset and we argued about it for two days straight, her position being "I don't understand what the big deal is, it was just a ride to an ATM." My position being "You could have been hurt, or kidnapped etc. and if I had gotten into the car with a random woman and didn't call you first you'd be mad at me." It's turned into quite an issue at this point and things are tense. I asked her how she thought I would feel about it and she says "I didn't consider that, it was just a ride to the ATM." I feel like she knew I'd be uncomfortable with it and that's why she didn't tell me until afterwards. (I realize this is just my POV of what happened. Am I overreacting?)
submitted by HollandOats2020 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:50 ClickOk7182 I’m a bit lost, struggling with escort addiction

So I’m abit lost, I wouldn’t say I’m in denial about things, I wouldnt be here if I didnt have an idea of what’s going on but to give a brief run down:
the problem
-i am in no major debt, but it’s more that I can’t save money, and it’s so frustrating because I cant travel or do anything.
where I am at today:
what I need help with:
i am lost, this week I have checked websites nearly every night, I haven’t seen anyone but I came close. I wake up every day with new resolve but also I fail when I can’t sleep and realise how lonely I am.
does Anyone have any advice on next steps? I am perfectly open to retrying Saa I would hope there’s other solutions as well though.
also excuse the formatting of this post, i was struggling to articulate my thoughts ( adhd) and I needed a loose template to write to.
thank you
submitted by ClickOk7182 to SexAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:49 psychosomaK The Burning of Irminsul: How Does it Relate to the Bigger Picture?

After the Sumeru arc ended, a lot of people (myself included) began to believe that the scene of Dottore burning Irminsul that was shown in A Winter Night's Lazzo was just metaphorical and represented the Tsaritsa's plans and/or the threat against Sumeru as a whole.
However, in March this year, Xiao Luohao (the chief editor for Genshin Impact) gave a talk at Fudan University and during this talk said that that wasn't a plot hole, but rather related to future content that had not yet come to pass. With this new information, we have to ask ourselves, why would Dottore or the Fatui wish to burn Irminsul?
I think that 4.7 gives us a couple hints.

1. It's All About "Fate"

The first thing I want to point out is that this WHOLE GAME is about fate, changing fate, being stuck with fate, etc... We've been getting hints of this from the beginning. In fact, "re-weaving fate" is the final step of our journey as the Traveler.
Transcript of Dainsleif speaking in the Travail Storyline Preview.
This isn't just the Traveler's goal, either. The fact that ALL major factions in the game are currently interested in changing fate seems to indicate that those who control fate control the world.
First, off, it seems that Celestia is the faction that currently controls fate. It's likely that the false sky and the constellations were part of the new "system" that was implemented by the Primordial One upon taking over Teyvat from the dragons.
Neuvillette's Character Story 5
We also know that only gods or extremely powerful beings seem capable of changing fate or escaping it.
Nicole (Hexenzirkel member) speaking to the Traveler in Inversion of Genesis.
Even then, there's only a slim chance, and as we can see from the events of the 4.2 AQ, not even an Archon can directly defy fate - it is still necessary to use "tricks" to get around it.
However, Pierro (and probably the Tsaritsa) doesn't seem to like that idea. I believe the "grand plan" of the Fatui is written out in the Mocking Mask, part of the Pale Flame set.
Mocking Mask description, Pale Flame set
Yet the Abyss, too, wishes to get their hands on a way to control fate. This has been revealed by the "Loom of Fate" operation. The idea of the Loom of Fate was first introduced in "We Will be Reunited", and it was described as a "fate-weaving machine".
However, Dain wasn't completely sure what it could do or what it was for.
From the 4.7 quest, Bedtime Story
But it is the lore drop in 4.7's AQ that really helps bring this all together.

2. Fate & Ley Lines & Irminsul

After confronting Caribert, who is in possession of the Loom of Fate, he explains exactly what the Loom of Fate does and how it can be used.
Traveler talking to Caribert in 4.7.
This is confirmation that the Loom of Fate can "weave" Ley Lines; while the exact meaning of that is unclear. It also seems as though the Abyss twin also doesn't yet know how to utilize it.
That being said, it immediately struck me as odd that this so-called "fate-weaving machine" uses Ley Line manipulation as its primary function. As we know, Ley Lines are basically the roots of Irminsul, and they feed Irminsul with vast amounts of information and energy.
Yet Irminsul is supposed to record what has already happened. How could it change fate? Didn't Inversion of Genesis demonstrate that even changes to Irminsul's records were unable to change fate? After all, that's what Nicole showed up to tell us in the first place.
In truth, I am unsure. Perhaps there's a bigger connection between the sky (and thus the constellations and fate) and the Ley Lines (and thus Irminsul) that we don't yet fully understand. There are a few things that would suggest this, but it's a bit shaky.
This is what Layla theorized...
There's also the visual and functional similarities between the "stars" that fell during the 1.1 Unreconciled Stars event and the Irminsul Fruit in the Energy Amplification Initiation event, as some others have pointed out in the past. I actually started going down a rabbit hole with this theory before 4.7 because of this and the above, but didn't feel confident enough to form a real theory until I did the new AQ.
It's also worth noting that both the constellation fragments and the Irminsul fruit fragments were both said to contain extremely highly concentrated elemental energy, and the item we use in the Energy Amplifier Initiation event is called a "Divining Disc".
Then again, these similarities might be purely coincidental. However, the Loom of Fate and Ley Line connection remains.

3. So Why Burn Irminsul?

We know that the Fatui are opposed to both the Abyss and Celestia.
Stainless Bloom, Pale Flame set.
The overarching goal is to "burn away the old world". This is told to us multiple times. Winter Night's Lazzo, The Polar Star, and the Shivada Jade Gemstone.
So, all other theories aside, we can safely assume that burning down Irminsul and the resulting destruction aligns with the Tsaritsa's goals as a whole. Whatever chaos that would cause in and of itself is hardly her concern, as long as the new world is pure.
But in light of the new information from 4.7, I think we can also theorize that burning Irminsul would interfere with the Abyss's ability to use the Loom of Fate to its full potential for whatever nefarious reasons they may or may not have. The Fatui would be interested in stopping both Celestia and the Abyss from having control, and if that's through fate, and the Ley Lines/Irminsul are one connection to fate and a tool that can be used to control fate, then yeah... They might want to burn it all down.
That being said, I have no idea if they'll actually physically burn it down. If so I hope Nahida is okay... lol. I also want to say that even though this task is associated with Dottore, I doubt that Dottore can or will wing it alone. I imagine this is an immense undertaking. It is also unclear if they CAN burn Irminsul, yet, or if they need the Pyro Gnosis or even all Gnoses to do so. We'll have to see. It's definitely end-game content, though.


  1. Celestia currently controls fate and by extension all of Teyvat. The Abyss and the Fatui wish to re-weave fate for their own goals. Fate will be the Traveler's to re-weave at the end of the story.
  2. The Loom of Fate can weave Ley Lines (note the wording similarity). Ley Lines are the roots of Irminsul. The Abyss twin now has completed the Loom of Fate but can't yet fully utilize it. Irminsul fruits and the stones that make up constellations (part of what controls fate of mortals) look almost identical. Essentially, there seems to be some connection between the stars and Irminsul that's unclear at the moment.
  3. The Fatui opposes both the Abyss and Celestia, so burning Irminsul would likely interfere with those two factions' plans or control. The connection between Celestia's current control of fate and Ley Lines/Irminsul is unclear at the moment, but we at least know the Abyss has this Loom of Fate and want to weave new Ley Lines using it. This may be part of the reason why Dottore might burn it. It's probably related to the goals of the Fatui as a whole.
Thanks for reading!
submitted by psychosomaK to DottoreMains [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:45 CowboyNumber4 The eSafety Commissioner is a thought control instrument

The eSafety Commissioner is a thought control instrument
For those unaware, Australia has a branch of their government called the eSafety Commissioner.
The job of the eSafety Commissioner was initially to help deal with cases of cyberbullying and threats to children.
Since then, they have overreached and banned information the government didn't like. This culminated in the attempted banning of a video from THE GLOBAL INTERNET, thankfully their lawsuit failed when Elon Musk refused to take it down - but it sets a dangerous precedent for the freedom of the worldwide web. Not to mention that they are still able to ban anything on the Australian internet with ease.
Where does thought control come into this?
A snarky protest poster, designed by yours truly
================================================== In order to form a thought, one must first have information to act as a seed.
In this country, we have an entity that selectively disallows information. (The eSafety Commissioner)
So, you could say they selectively allow what thoughts we are able to form.
It may not be some cool sci-fi mind-probe thought control, but they have the ability (and have proven that they will abuse the ability) to alter what thoughts are possible to form by controlling what information is possible to access.
The eSafety Commissioner must be stripped of its power. Unfortunately though, all the political parties on the poster have shown support for the eSafety Commissioner, so the likelihood of this happening is next to none. The most we can do is raise awareness / spread posters.
P.S. that bit about the World Economic Forum on the poster is because our eSafety Commissioner has been in discussions with the WEF for some time, quite publically boasting about plans for global eSafety too
I don't particularly like rebel news, but they're the only news who talk about the eSafety Commissioner i know of.
submitted by CowboyNumber4 to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:44 Hellodarkness_98 (Socialists) Why is the US/Israel being built on stolen land incredibly insidious when considering either of them and them only?

While I am not the most supportive of capitalism, I am not super knowledgeable about socialism so excuse any naivety.
What I think is fairly idiotic is criticism of the US/Israel most commonly being derided as countries built on stolen land in socialist or socialist leaning groups. And while I'm not defending the actions of either historically or now, I think its incredibly delusional to act like only the US is stolen land, when pretty much every nation is built of stolen land to an extent.
Example: Modern day Turkey, which basically stole the region of Anatolia (the vast majority of the country) from the Greeks and Armenians, and seemingly occupies North Cyprus for itself as a bonus. But when have socialists ever given Turkey shit for that (as in it being a common sentiment)?
Another example: Saudi Arabia has been found to have evicted many villagers who lie in the way of their dystopian pipe dream NEOM in their pursuit of a new (and superficial) reputation, and has also handed out death sentences to tribal people who opposed the project peacefully. It appears that socialists don't like modern day Saudi's actions and are pretty vocal at times, but I don't see them called out nearly as much online.
Oh yeah and their forgotten warmongering in Yemen.
Among countless other examples.............
The idea of land being able to be claimed or stolen is infantile and pure lies in my opinion. The simple truth is no one has an inherent, intrinsic right to any piece of land. I'd be willing to bet Native American stole the land from another group :///
As for giving land back and giving independence, that just won't happen. There's not significant group of common people that give that much of a fuck unfortunately and even less governing entities that would do that. For better or worse I may be one of those people.
At this point you can argue that every country is stolen land realistically. That isn't shilling for the US or Israel that's just fact. Assuming you think land can be inherently owned by one group or another which is another bit of BS logic by itself IMO (but I think that's more objective than opinion based).
TLDR: I think criticising the US/Israel specifically for being stolen land is goofy as shit; you can argue that for most modern nations and yet socialists seemingly don't care way too much about stolen land in countries beyond the US or Israel, making me think this is just grandstanding and pandering deployed by the white guilt people or political correctness* once again overriding reality.
*Political correctness referring to the seemingful reputation of Native Americans as a peaceful co-operative collective that respected "their" lands and were fucked over entirely by Europeans, when in actuality many Native groups engaged in regular warfare with each other, committed atrocities we'd nowadays classify as straight up war crimes, owned slaves, and ravaged the land they were on. Peaceful my ass, the only reason they look like victims to this extent is because they bit the curb against the European settlers. Talking about European settlers, their violence is known to not be the primary reason for so many Natives dying. It was disease that was the primary killer. Very different causes for death.
submitted by Hellodarkness_98 to CapitalismVSocialism [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:44 desposito55 ANG “TUNAY”

Things you need to know about the Iglesia ni Cristo (Church Of Christ)
  1. INC is neither a protestant sect/denomination nor a member of any interreligious organization. It is an independent Christian religion, the largest in Asia.
  2. INC is not a cult. Critics consider us as such because we dont adhere to what they believe as "essential doctrines of mainstream Christianity" like the Trinity and some just want to discredit the Church.
  3. INC holds worship services twice a week and we believe that attending this holy gathering is our obligation to God. Men and women have separate seats. Everyone is welcome to join us.
  4. INC doesnt believe in Trinity. We believe in only one God--the Father.
  5. INC believes in our Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that He is human in nature, the Son of God, God's messenger, made Lord and Christ by God, the only mediator to God, and the foundation where the Church was built. He is the founder, head and savior of the Church. We also worship him as instructed by God.
  6. INC believes that the Holy Spirit is not a God but a power being sent by God and Jesus.
  7. INC doesnt practice tithing. Members give voluntary offerings and donations. It is not true that this Church is only for the rich or middle class. It is also not true that our offerings only go to ministers and INC leaders. Besides buying properties, the church is able to continue building and renovating houses of worship worldwide because of the wise management of the Church Administration--all for the glory of God.
  8. INC believes that the BIBLE is the word of God, the sole basis and service to God. It is not true that we are forbidden to read the Bible, but what members shouldnt do is private interpretation. We dont have our own Bible version.
  9. INC believes that membership in the Church is necessary for salvation. We dont believe that salvation can be attained only by faith alone. It is not true that there is a membership fee when joining the Church, a Bible student only needs to finish the indoctrination process and undergo a probation period before getting baptized and officially becoming a member.
  10. INC believes that baptism by means of immersion is necessary for salvation. The Church doesnt baptize babies.
  11. INC believes that Jesus established only one Church. We dont believe that all churches belongs to God.
  12. INC believes that Jesus built a Church in the 1st century. It was named after him and it is the Church that he will save however, it had fallen to apostasy like what happened to the ancient Israel--God's chosen nation. The apostatized church is now known as the Roman Catholic Church.
  13. INC believes that Bro. Felix Manalo is God's messenger in these last days. He was the instrument on re-establishing the true Church thru biblical prophecies. We never recognized him to be the founder of the Church and to be greater than Christ. We dont worship him.
  14. INC believes that being a member of the Church is not enough to be saved. One should lead a new life, and obey all the teachings of God until the end.
  15. INC believes in the Day of Judgment which will take place in the second coming of Christ. We also believe in resurrection and the second death which is the Lake of fire.
  16. INC believes that it is the will of God for us members to love one another as true brothers and sisters. We treat each other equally.
  17. INC believes that unity is God's teaching that should be practiced and there should be no division within the Church. We also practice voting in unity in relation to submitting to the Church Administration. It is not true that the church asks for money or anything in exchange of support for political candidates and there is no bidding.
  18. INC believes in the separation of Church and State. The Church doesnt meddle in politics. Members are advised to respect and observe the rules of the government, as long as it is not against God's will.
  19. INC members practice discipline and orderliness. It is not true that members are murderers or violent people. Church members/officers/ministers/officials who are found to have violated Church doctrines and teachings are expelled.
  20. INC believes that God is against eating/drinking blood as food, live-in relationships, inter-faith marriage, homosexual unions, same-sex marriage, divorce, annulment, legal separation, extra-marital affairs, drinking alcoholic drinks, and taking of drugs.
  21. INC doesnt believe in Catholic Saints and we do not keep images/statues of them in our homes and chapels. We also do not believe in the Catholic teachings about Mary and the cross.
  22. INC does not believe in purgatory and we do not pray for the dead. We also believe that the dead should not be cremated.
  23. INC members are advised not to believe in ghosts, Feng shuis, magics, fortune tellers, spiritists and superstitions.
  24. INC does not celebrate Christmas, Halloween, All Saints day, All Souls day, Valentines day, Lenten Season and Fiestas that are associated on honoring Saints/Patrons.
  25. INC believes that ministers are the ones who have the authority to preach the gospel through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We members do not preach but only help in the missionary works as it is our duty to do so.
  26. INC members are taught how to pray and encouraged to pray everyday. We do not use the rosary and we do not pray in repetition (recited prayers). We do not perform the sign of the cross.
  27. INC members are taught to submit to the Church administration and church officers.
  28. INC supports the use of family planning and artificial contraceptives. The Church rejects rhythm/calendar method. It is against abortion, and assisted reproductive methods such as surrogacy.
  29. Church steeples/spires are not missiles and we dont believe that our chapels will fly up to heaven when judgement day comes.
  30. Church positions are not inherited most especially the Executive Minister and Deputy Executive Minister positions. Both are voted by the Church Ecumenical Council.
▪️Not join labor unions, fraternities, and sororities.
▪️ Avoid attending/participating in Christmas Parties, Junior Senior Prom, fiesta activities, worship services in other religions and other assemblies that are not in accordance to Church's teachings.
▪️Not imitate wrong doings and use of profanity.
▪️Lead a new life and follow Church teachings.
▪️Actively participate in Church activities.
▪️Do things properly and orderly when attending worship services.
If you have questions to any of these, you can visit the locale nearest you. Our ministers or evangelical workers will be glad to explain and assist you.
© INC UNITY 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
submitted by desposito55 to ExKultoPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:42 Ritrix3930 Mega drive/genesis model 1 flashing incorrect colours

Mega drive/genesis model 1 flashing incorrect colours
I recently bought a mega drive model 1 as I prefer the looks of it over my original model 2. However I ran into an issue of the colours flashing and being all wrong in some games like super Monaco gp.
I tried resetting a few times to no avail, sometimes the video connection would even cut out. I had similar issues with street fighter 2. Although super Monaco gp seemed to only have issues during gameplay, whereas sf2 would only rarely have issues with the title screen (sometimes it’s ok).
I’ve attached screenshots from my model 2 to show its ok with it.
Everything on both systems is original. (They are pal systems) no mods at all, original power cables. Only the video cables are aftermarket composite cables for both systems.
The model number is 1601-05 for the model 1, and 1631-50 for the model 2.
Anyone know what the issue may be? I live in the uk so there aren’t really any stores nearby I can bring them to. Though I am pretty decent with a soldering iron, and do have a decent setup too as I used to repair game gears. I’m gonna cross post this as well to a few other places like console repair uk just incase anyone there knows what’s up. Thanks!
submitted by Ritrix3930 to consolerepair [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:42 WwwWario Something I like and dislike about every Zombies game

Big fan of all of Zombies. Here's a quick list of one like and dislike from (almost) all of 'em, except for the "spin-offs" like the DS game, as well as MW3, as I haven't played them. I will also try to not include any points of them introducing a new core feature or being inventive as a positive, but rather look at the games on their own.
WAW: POSITIVE: Atmosphere is almost unmatched in the horror category, where the tone is perfect for a "simple, dark story but with something sinister and deep hiding underneath". NEGATIVE: Simply the lack of polish. Bugs are present, Zombies collision isn't great, etc.
BO1: POSITIVE: Extremely great tone of the story. Here, the story present is (imo) the PERFECT blend of groundedness and mystery. Secret experiments, visual storytelling, and hints towards deeper secrets are all present without overdoing it or shoving it in our faces. NEGATIVE: BO1 has probably the overall weakest weapons in the series, damage wise, making weapons quickly drop off in usefulness and forcing you to earlier use of traps and wonder weapons alone
BO2: POSITIVE: Incredible variety in gameplay. You have everything from the open Tranzit, to Mob of the Dead and its incredible story-driven gameplay, to Buried being one of the biggest sandboxes we've ever seen, and more. It also has Grief and Turned, and has an amazing variety in weapons. Variety is BO2's strength imo NEGATIVE: Honestly, missed potential. Tranzit could have been so, so much more. Grief could have been greatly expanded, and so could Turned. We could have gotten more survival maps. The list goes on
BO3: POSITIVE: The overall strongest maps in the entire franchise, imo. The maps are colorful, extremely varied, PACKED with content and side quests and map-specific weapons, beautiful cutscenes, and more. NEGATIVE: Imo, BO3 has the overall worst weapons in the series. Not in terms of power, but in terms of how fun they are to use. So many of the base weapons feel like plastic, and feel way too similar to each other. Weapons like the VMP sounds like it's on mute when you fire it. It did get better with DLC maps, however.
AW: POSITIVE: Movement and the chaos. High rounds in AW Zombies feel chaotic and where you're always on your toes. It's hectic and surprisingly fun. NEGATIVE: All maps feel very samey. Atlas, all of it. The maps don't really stand out from each other at all.
IW: POSITIVE: The care and passion clearly being put in. You can see it in the amount of content each map has and their variety. It's clearly this was made with a lot of passion. NEGATIVE: The story. Even if it's supposed to be goofy and Scooby-Doo-like, I don't think it really nails it still. The characters imo are uninteresting, and the story doesn't seem to know if it wants to be taken seriously or not.
WW2: POSITIVE: Easily the unique PaP effects. Almost every gun does something unique when PaP'd instead of just becoming stronger, which is a MASSIVE positive, and makes almost all weapons exciting to use. NEGATIVE: Honestly... Strange game design choices. Such as how the PaP in Shadowed Throne cannot even be opened without explosives, making you almost stuck if you choose a Throwing Knife as your grenade. There are many of these design choices all around the game.
BO4: POSITIVE: Similar to BO3, this game has amazing variety in maps and gameplay. Everything from Blood of the Dead (which may just be the most content-packed map in the entire franchise) to the more simple Alpha Omega or Classified, we have TONS of variety in tone, difficulty, complexity, and even characters. NEGATIVE: The game taking water over its head. BO4 was a strange game. Factions were promised but never implemented. They tried to introduce a new story alongside wrapping up the famous Aether story. The budget was cut massively on the last two maps. You spawn with special weapons instead of earning them in-game. Overall just a "messy" feeling for an otherwise amazing Zombies game.
BOCW: POSITIVE: Easily the best movement and core mechanics we've ever seen. Moving around feels like a breeze, and the system of salvage, weapon rarity, support streaks, crafting table, and more all flow together perfectly. It gives you more to work towards than ever before, it gives points much more of a purpose than ever, the feeling of progress is better than ever, and it all works wonders together. NEGATIVE: The sheer lack of personality. If you compare CW's maps to BO1-4, it's a night and day difference. Going from something like Der Eisendrache and Blood of the Dead with rich atmospheres, characterse and features, to CW's maps is staggering. CW's maps are bland, lack personality, and have almost no unique side quests to grant unique features like previous maps do.
VANGUARD: POSITIVE: When it's good, it's VERY good - aka Shi No Numa. Polished, extremely satisfying, and amazing graphics. Shi No Numa is what Vanguard overall could have been. NEGATIVE: Everything else. The game was one of the most unpolished things I've ever played on launch, and even when much of it got fixed, the game still is extremely lacking in content.
submitted by WwwWario to CODZombies [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:42 Whatsy0ursquat I can't tell if my baby is getting enough milk and it's making me feel horrible

The start of feed seems to go decent, I help him latch (I usually have to flip his lips bc they fold inwards) and he will feed for maybe 8-10 min each side well. Then he starts latching shallowly and de-latching and wiggling. I alternate holds but nothing sticks. If I use straddle hold he sounds like he can't breathe, cradle, cross cradle and football hold he will suckle a bit but flail his little hands, and wiggle.
I delatch to see if he's done but then he sucks his hand. Is hand sucking not always a sign of hunger? I've broke down so much worrying he's not getting enough, the only time I'm not anxious is when I feed him the measly 2 oz I had to power pump for an hour for because at least I know how much he's eaten.
Forgot to add, towards the time he gets wiggly and de-latching, he will stop and start sucking.. so even when I do latch him he just sits with the nipple in his mouth and occasionally suckle. If he's hungry he'd try harder? This is just frustrating as a FTM, the LC at the hospital were yes men who just told me that my latch was great and ignored my worries.
Also if I'm able to hand express milk out after feeding does that mean he's not emptying the breast?
submitted by Whatsy0ursquat to breastfeeding [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:41 Everettluoma27 From here to Armageddon (continuation)

From here to Armageddon (continuation)
A great many people of the United States are alarmed at the state of their nation today. The US is b becoming spiritually bankrupt as is the whole of gthw world. Each one of us must search our soul to determine our responsibility for permitting this state of degeneracy. Our greatest responsibility is to our family and the people with whom we come in contact. We must make sure that we don't fall victim to the evil forces that we find all around us. We must pray harder, realizing our dependence on Almighty God. We must work harder, realizing g that evil succeeds because "good men" do nothing.
I would suggest you go b ack and re-read the "community rules for revolution" a few times, also. It works in perfect harmony with the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. WE shall print them also as space allows. YOU MUST HAVE ACCESS TO HOW THESE THINGS COME UPON YOU AND HOW CAREFULLY THE EVENTS HAVE BEEN PLANNED---FOR CENTURIES, AGAINST THIS DAY.
While our focus is on the moral decay and upsurgenof political plunder of the world, let us share with you a "response" top articles regarding the Constitutional Law Center (CLC) participation in the "Military---Gay" situation.
The Constitutional Law Center responds to Pete Dexter and others who favor lifting the ban on the enlisting of gays into the military service.
Gene Dixon, director of the Sacramento branch of the Constitutional Law Center and author of then book entitled "COMMON SENSE, THE SECOND, WITH APOLOGIES TO THOMAS PAINE," has written and submitted this fresponbsb to Pete Dexter as a result of Mr. Dexter's column on Sunday, January 31, 1993.
Mr. Dexter, in your column of the above date you refer to the actions of President Clinton in promoting the removal of the restrictions of the gays in the military as the actions of a very brave man and such action is the decent and important action to take. You further castigated anyone who opposed this as being of a very bigoted mind.
The actions of President Clinton in this respect are not brave, decent and certainly not important at this time. Mr. Clinton is paying off a political debt to a very minority group that gave him 70% of their vote.
A history of that promise is outlined in our recollections of the several speeches that Mr. Clinton gave to various gay groups which led to his final commitment. Mr. Clinton's first speech to the gays was not this committing, but the promise occurred after he allowed himself to be manipulated into such a situation. Mr. Clinton made a number of promises prior to his election that were and are far more important to the economy of this nation than this commitment to the gays. To spend so much time and effort of his initial term on a matter that benefits few and outrages many is akin to stupidity and "fiddling while Rome is burning."
If the issue was one of discrimination, the answer is easily explained. The military is not a democracy and it was never intended to be a democratic institution. By its very need and nature it cannot be a democracy. If it were a democracy I could visualize the need for a vote and discussion before every battle.
The military discriminates in every possible way. They won't take you if you are too short, too fat, too skinny, too small, too smart, too dumb and in other physical and moral ways. Our military has become the most effective fighting force in the world and the greatest guarantor of our Constitutional rights based upon this concept of "discrimination".
There have probably always been a few gays in the service and undoubtedly some of them have served their country well, but they have not flaunted their lifestyle as normal and respectful. There are few things in life that you can perceive and view and declare to be normal and I would challenge anyone to find a more appropriate norm than the relationship of a man and a woman joined together too produce a family life style.
The gays would have you believe that this relationship is only the traditional lifestyle and they offer their lifestyle as an alternative. Their lifestyle is not traditional and it is not normal. It certainly flaunts the laws of Nature. When we talk to our children now about the birds and the bees and other things, the gays would have us tell our children of the alternative gay life style.
If it is not normal, its is immoral; if it is the result of a missing gene or one too many; it is abnormal. In either case, the military can consider the effect of introducing such a concept into the military.
It is not a lifestyle as it does not promote life. It is an existence that defies Nature and is based upon the concept of, "if it feels good, do it." It is totally self-destructive end not capable of reproduction of the species.
We have been so inundated in the past several years via the media that we are fast approaching the era of an AIDS epidemic and, from the information distributed, the major persons causing the spread of this virus are members of the gay community and particularly by the more aggressive members of the 17-25 year old age group. By chance, this group is most likely to want to join the military.
It is no secret but an open and known fact that sexual gratification is one of our most passionate and even uncontrollable urges. Does it make sense at all to force this environment among our sons and daughters of this same age group?
If we accept the views of the medical experts that the virus is undetectable and may lay dormant for as long as 10 to 15 years in a person's body and that in some cases it is transmitted by blood transfusions or saliva or other un known means, have we just not dumped on.our existing military the means to create an AIDS epidemic that might well wipe out our population.
There are other very practical reasons to keep the ban in place. Do you have to build separate facilities to house this group? What is the total tax bill cost to the taxpayer who is probably already out of work and wondering how to pay his bills?
What about rthw flamboyant gays? The ones who are convinced they are female? Do you accept them also, or do you discriminate within this group[?
Has anyone studied the inter-relation of the gays into the prison structure? The prisons have lived with this situation for years. What have been the results of that study?
The gays admit they are well organized, that they are well financed, that they are dedicated seed and disciplined and the have recognized their political power. It is time for the silent majority to recognize that this is not a fight of discrimination, but a fight to force the majority to accept their lifestyle as normal.
The Constitutional Law Center will not do this and this is why the Law Center will file a class action on behalf of any military person who does not want to live within such an environment. We will ask for individual damages to compensate every service person for the loss of his career.
submitted by Everettluoma27 to u/Everettluoma27 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:40 teller_of_tall_tales Troublemakers: A field of Poppys

Go'mon stormed through the castle corridors. He'd sensed something slip beside him during his encounter with the vampire lord. It wasn't just that damned top hat with the thief's prints. No, it was more subtle than that, it was the sound of a gossamer chain rattling against cloth. He scanned every square inch of the hallways as he walked, slowly twirling the Warhammer in his off-hand as he calmly held the pistol muzzle-up towards the ceiling. He'd barely gotten a glimpse of what almost looked like mist as he stomped through the grand halls with paranoia-fueled, seething anger. Abruptly turning a corner he fired the revolver at what he thought was that pesky invisible parasite.
The shimmer shuddered and he switched to the visible spectrum to find out it was just a tapestry in front of a heating vent.
Go'mon let out an enraged scream, tearing the tapestry apart with his bare hands after casting his weapons aside in a fit of rage and impotence. The visage of Monarch D'vinn looking out from the top of a bombed-out hill in battered armor at the shattered remains of the once human-occupied city, being shredded like single-ply latrine paper by go'mon's molecularly edged cybernetic claws. Having spent his rage on the tapestry, he panted dramatically as his heart pounded in its cask. Turning around he let out another furious scream, howling madly as he scanned the hall with thermals. His Hammer and revolver had disappeared without a trace.
The sudden blare of a Klaxon made him pause as he adjusted his armor, forcing himself to calm down as he examined his molecularly edged claws. The main enemy was at the gates, he should go meet them.
Cassius' Heart pounded as he took shallow breaths, Go'mon's backplate inches from his own chest as he held onto the Hammer and Pistol for dear life. As the general strutted outside, Cassius moved in perfect synchronization, his left leg rising with the general's before being placed down in sync. He'd been practicing for weeks with the security droids at the mansion, practicing to keep inches from their backs without touching their metal carapace. Now he strutted behind perhaps the second most powerful being he knew like a silent specter. As Go'mon slammed through a door, breaking it into splinters, Cassius lifted his right leg and rotated out of the way just as Go'mon's tail would've brushed against his Calf, giving him away. As the General strutted out into the middle of the courtyard, Cassius used the various straps attached to his gambeson to affix the weapons to his waist before grabbing his Kama and weighted chain from a small pouch at his belt.
Cassius tossed the weighted end of the chain over the wall of the castle after a short run-up, wrapping the gossamer chain around his hands with each rapid step he took up the wall. Reaching the top, he unhooked the weight from the small bar he'd tossed it around quickly disentangling his hands from the chain. He groped the air on the outside of the wall until he touched the enchanted ladder the Top-Hats had left him. Sliding down the ladder, he spotted Drake sitting astride Barney in the middle of the street. The rest were nowhere to be seen but that indeed was part of the plan. Sprinting over, Cassius leaped onto Barney behind Drake and slipped Go'mon's revolver into the empty holster at his belt. Drawing out no reaction save for a few words from Drake, who didn't turn his head lest he give the gambit away.
"Good work Cassius, Fall back and get a gas mask on. We still don't know what's in those canisters because they inked out the labels."
Cassius slipped off of Barney's back and slipped into a nearby building before De-cloaking as he pressed himself against the wall next to a Warmonger who passed him a spare gas mask. He pulled it on and checked the seal before sitting against the wall as his legs jellied beneath him. His mouth was dryer than the scrubland as he accepted a Volunteer's canteen, drinking heavily through a port in the mask as he rode out the adrenaline crash. He glanced over to where their fighters had pried open a sewer access hatch and were dropping in, the smell of sewage souring the air. A few warmongers closest to the opening had comically attached wooden clothesline clips to their noses.
Caz lay atop the second-tallest building in Golgatha, trash and debris piled up around her for camouflage ash she drew a bead on the strutting Go'mon. Her god-given eyes were able to see the purple miasma that rose from him like mercury vapors. She didn't even turn her head as she softly asked.
The man with Heavy cybernetic augmentations pulled casually from a large pouch of grain alcohol, camera-lense eyes extending from his face as he chewed on a bullet thoughtfully. Slowly he stated.
"One thousand five hundred and sixty-seven meters, If you're keeping it under auto-ignition velocity, you should be able to hold it one mil above and..."
The sound of the bullet in his mouth getting chewed filled the air before he stated.
"Two mils right, wind fluctuates between us and the target, expect a half minute of angle deviation."
Caz adjusted her optic, bringing the point of aim directly onto her crosshairs. The man next to her had called himself "an Olympian" an old sect of bionically enhanced warriors from even before the betrayal wars. In the small amount of time she'd gotten to know the man, she'd found him palatable at the very least, soft-spoken with a touch of crazy, it was refreshing. She tried to ignore the artillery-sized rifle he laid behind, the barrel itself bigger around than a drainage pipe, a suppressor of equally massive size almost protruding over the edge of the building. She watched from the corner of his eye as he pulled the breech open to the side and selected a shell thicker and longer than her forearm with a fused tip. He rammed it into the gun with the same ease she loaded her flechettes with.
They both had different jobs despite sitting on the same roof. She'd take care of anything on two legs, and he'd handle anything that had an armored skin. From her vantage point, she watched as the Agri-bots moved into position, planting their artillery pieces against the ground in preparation to fire. They weren't using High explosives much to Remin and Destrier's chagrin, but with their attack plan, they couldn't risk collapsing the sewers. They were instead armed with a chemical weapon known as "CS Smoke" which would obscure visual sightlines for anyone with unaugmented vision. Lucky for her and the Olympian, that wouldn't be an issue with her clear-sight and his advanced optics. She slowly swiveled her focus onto Drake, keeping the center of the crosshair off him as she watched him.
Sitting astride Barney, Drake looked every bit the warrior he was. His dark helmet and armor were almost lost in the dark night. But the red shock of his Helm's mohawk could not be mistaken, glowing brightly against the darkness. As his palm came to rest on the pommel of his sword, she saw something entirely different for a moment.
A warrior in battered, rusty armor, the flesh falling from his bones as a pair of white lights gleamed behind the helmet. A skeletal hand held a rusty sword in its sheath, Its pale, emaciated steed's head hanging low, milky eyes soulless and empty.
But as soon as she saw it, the image faded and she swiveled her crosshairs onto the castle's inner courtyard. A small, dim red light blinked on the side of the Olympian's skull as the Geknosians organized into fighting lines. Hulking Geknosians in overbuilt power armor manned emplaced turrets and the looming Gas generators. A small feed from the Olympian's perspective overlaid itself on her scope before minimizing to one corner. She watched as his crosshair fell onto one of the two Gallicks. The horseshoe-shaped APCs presenting their bulk to the gate as a bulwark. Caz switched her aim to a heavily armored Geknosian, slowly dialing the small wheel on the forend of her rifle to half-power, just under auto-ignition velocity. The geknosian seemed to get uncomfortable as her crosshairs landed on his chest, fidgeting at the controls of their AA plasma Beam-cannon.
The moment the Agri-bots fired their artillery, she'd remove him from the gene pool and take that AA gun out of the fight so Destrier could get into position.
Destrier and Remin ran last-minute checks on the small fleet of two-wheeled land vehicles the Top Hats had called "Dirt bikes." The variable electric powerplant produced little to no noise, even now, powered on and ready to roll they didn't even humm. Stepping back, Destrier let the forearms of his power armor clamshell close as he retook the hand controls. Contrary to popular belief, the hands of power armor weren't at all like gloves. A handle with a pressure sensor for each finger was clasped in his hands, allowing him to manipulate the hands of the armor like his own. Destrier turned his head, helmet whirring on its bearing as he watched Remin mount one of the Dirtbikes, the black scimitar strapped to the suspension of the bike within arm's reach. The old man's Mongolian lamellar draped over either side of the bike like fabric, small metal plates clinking and clattering softly as he pulled his fabric-wrapped helmet back on. Destrier clomped over, hardly noticing the backpack with over two hundred rounds of 13x110 mm HEP.
Remin looked up with a grin and met Destrier's arm halfway in a forearm-gripping handshake, their metal hands clanking together as they slid their arms back into a grip around the base of each other's thumbs, then to a normal handshake before waggling their fingers at each other.
Destrier chuckled softly and looked up at the sky, night vision lenses making it appear stuffed to bursting with stars.
"What's on the black samurai's mind?"
Remin asked softly, head tilted back to also look at the stars between the rooftops.
"Well... I'm looking forward to the fighting to finally being over... Maybe I'll finally be able to settle down and invent something with Martha..."
Remin chuckled softly.
"A noble goal... I'd expect nothing less from you Destri... I'm actually hoping to catch a ride back to human-controlled space. I'm too old for this shit, I want to settle down and live out the last years of my life in peace..."
Destrier nodded in agreement, slowly turning his gaze back to the helicopter, blades slowly turning in preparation for takeoff.
"How old are you Remin? I don't think I ever asked."
The old man paused, thinking for a long time.
"Oh... I'd say I've made it past a century at this point. Got a cybernetic heart when I was a kid thanks to a car accident, Ol' things been keeping me going far past when I shoulda dropped."
Destrier nods and laughs softly.
"Damn, and I thought you were only in your fifties."
Remin laughed in agreeance, setting his hands on the handlebars.
"I don't blame ya, I feel like it. Especially now that my legs aren't filled with creaky arthritis."
Destrier sighed softly, gently punching the old man's shoulder as softly as he could in his power armor.
"See you on the other side old man... whether that be the living side or the dead one."
"Here's to hoping it's the former not the latter."
Destrier chuckled his agreement and boarded the helicopter, making the landing gear compress slightly as he put his weight on the flight deck. Unhooking the feed chain from the side of the backpack, he clipped it into the Ma-deuce's feed chute. It whirred as the heavy cartridges were funneled down the chain and into the gun with a click and a clatter.
Barney shifted from one leg to the other beneath Drake, Death's chosen reaching down and gently patting his neck fondly as he softly whispered.
"Just a moment longer boy... There's someone I need to talk to."
Drake closed his eyes, letting the Darkness envelop him for a moment before opening them again.
He looked at Death, who was casually swirling a glass of black bourbon thoughtfully.
"You said you wanted to talk to me right before the battle?"
Death nodded and slid the glass of black bourbon his way.
"I did, I want you to drink this before you go into battle."
Drake picked up the glass, inspecting the pitch-black, inky liquid curiously. Before sniffing it and coughing as his eyes water.
"No offense, But I think something died in your liquor bottle."
Death laughed jovially, pouring his own glass from a red crystal decanter.
"That's because this is made from the blood of my predecessor. I thought i might as well get it out of the way."
Drake suspiciously looked at the glass.
"Okay, what happens when I drink it?"
Death paused, slowly swirling his own glass of black bourbon pensively. Then, he slowly knocked his own back, eyes dilating wide before returning to normal.
"Well, It should allow you to control your power, bypassing the decades of training most need."
Drake gave Death a side eye, sniffing the foul drink one more time asking.
"What's the catch?"
Death frowned, then set his glass down.
"Considering that it's going to completely restructure your magical and circulatory pathways. It's going to hurt like nothing you've ever felt before. It also may or may not bind your guardians to your soul."
Drake's head snapped up.
"Guardians... you mean my parents?"
Death nodded softly.
"Guardians, souls that loved someone so much that they remained on after death to watch over them. Your parents loved you... loved you enough to stand by your side even in death... and before you give me some bullshit about this not being what your parents would want... Remember, they'll always be at your side until you die one way or another."
Drake slowly swirled the bourbon before nodding softly, bringing it to his lips, he downed it in a single gulp. It burned on its way down, the tingling feeling intensely spreading throughout his body and to his fingertips in a moment. His nerves burned, and his very being felt as though it was being scalded by burning hot water. But as he set the glass down on Death's desk, he smiled softly. There was a warmth to the pain, like a cold rag against a feverish forehead. The sting of a garlic poultice applied to a fresh whip-wound. It was the crack of his father's wooden sword against his knuckles during their sparring, the sweat that would drip into his eyes on long evenings working the fields. Drake opened his eyes slowly, no longer sitting in Death's office, but his own soulscape, looking at the long-neglected buildings halfway through construction. But he wasn't alone.
Drake smiled at his mother and father. His mother gave him a soft smile as she touched the scar across his face, the wound in his cheek where a gauss slug had torn it open, then, she took his hand to gently touch the scarred wound where Garravan's knife had pierced his hand. His father just sat cross-legged, drinking a stout mug of scrub tree tea with a proud smile on his face. drake looked between them before holding out his hands.
As his parents took them, they dissolved into motes of light that drifted into his chest. His veins burned, and his eyes and nose bled. His entire existence felt like a blistering inferno as the ground of his soulscape rumbled, small, red flowers the color of blood and the shape of gunshot wounds popping up from the ground. But even as the pain grew, and grew, and grew, He found himself simply laughing, grabbing what felt like an invisible pair of chains and pulling up on them as he stood.
The ground erupted in the middle of his soulscape, a massive, gnarled oak tree sprouting from the ground. Its sturdy trunk protecting a small patch of pink carnations interspersed with curly-petaled white Gardenias. Drake felt something form atop his head and reached up, feeling a thorny crown, he gently pulled it off, looking at the black-petaled roses fondly before returning it to his head. The thorny veins grew down from the crown, snaking their way deep into his flesh only to bloom into what felt like new muscles and tendons that weren't attached to his physical strength. Looking at his upturned palms, he curled his fingers, a steady, smokeless pale flame popping into existence in his palm with next to no effort.
As the pain subsided, Drake closed his eyes, relishing its departure before opening them to the shocked and concerned face of Death. Drake gave him a curious look and Death coughed softly as he composed himself before speaking.
"Look, I know I can hide pain well... But that smile you get when you're hurting is capital C Creepy."
Drake touched his grinning face with a soft laugh, wiping a trickle of blood from his nose.
"Well, guess I can add that to my achievements list, Creeping Death out with a smile."
They both chuckled softly at the joke before Death sighed softly.
"You should get back to them, they're almost ready."
Drake nodded and stood, stepping over to the door.
"Wish me luck."
"Good luck, my Champion. Give them hell."
Drake smiled softly and stepped out the door. When he opened his eyes, he was back in the real world, staring up at Go'mon who'd perched himself atop the castle wall, eyeing Drake hungrily.
Giving Go'mon his signature grin, He reached up and depressed a countersunk button on the side of his helmet.
"Hit 'em"
Drake stated, the sound of artillery rocking the city as Go'mon's hungry look quickly turned to rage. There was a loud, screeching whistle as the artillery shells streaked in, blanketing the area in stinging fog. Drake drew his sword, extending thorned vines of power into it as the blade ignited with pale flames. Barney snuffled excitedly and roared as Drake nudged him forward, the Dinosaur leaping over the wall in a single bound. The final battle for Golgatha had begun, after this, they would either be free...
Or they will have died free.
Part 112: will be linked here upon completion.
submitted by teller_of_tall_tales to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:38 Sadhuman0 Is this a plot hole or the proof that the GER's power is affecting an entire area?

Is this a plot hole or the proof that the GER's power is affecting an entire area?
Is this a plot hole or the proof that GER's power is affecting an entire area?
in his fight against Diavolo, GER had reset Mista's action to the point that he hadn't even reloaded his weapon yet while before Diavolo used King Crimson's ability, Mista had already reloaded and aimed his weapon towards Diavolo. (chapters 147-148 of part 5).
Many people say that GER had resets all the action around him because diavolo had skip everything with king crimson but mista's actions could be the proof that GER resets the actions of everyone present in an area.
GER is really confusing..
submitted by Sadhuman0 to StardustCrusaders [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:37 Ythio How to edit template on the fandom wiki ?

The fandom wiki, which is the first link that comes up for me on a quick Google Search about the game, is calculating the damage brought by items to universal hero using some kind of global variable called a template, where the value is set to 3 damage per stat point.
That means the Iron Branch page shows the gg branch gives 9 damage per branch for example. Or the holy locket page shows 81 damage increase for universal hero. And the value per gold spent tables are fucked too.
I never updated a fandom wiki but wanted to do my minute of public service here.
Except I didn't find how to update an existing template... Anyone knows how ?
submitted by Ythio to DotA2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:37 Ok_Builder5818 My life ❤️

So I am a really simple person that suffers. I grew up in a wrecked family with divorced parents and constant fights. I come from a migrant family that came for North Africa to Europe. I never saw my mom and my dad lying on the couch watching TV together, talk to each other nicely or say a word of kindness. I suffered a lot too, although my siblings more than me. And we were quite poor, always living from benetifts. When I compare it with my friends, it just breaks my heart. They have beautiful families, pets, a nice humble clean house, a girlfriend, everything. I have none of those.
I grew up extremely complexed because everyone around me would have a normal life, even with divorced parents. By normal I mean, their parents had a job and a beautiful home. My house was always dirty and even I stepped to clean I would be looked down upon by my father.
My father hardly ever worked and there’s little in him that I can take as a role model. He was very poor though when he was little and grew up in a lot of violence. My dear mother suffered like no other too in her life and didn’t even learn to read or write until recently.
My siblings lived bad lives as well. Street fights, jail, drunkedness, knives pointed against each other for idle things, gambling, fraud and extortion. My sister even practiced prostitution.
I AM THANKFUL TO MY GOD, LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH. I am thankful because even though my life has been at times real hell and I am so messed up emotionaly and socially, I have been able to put my life together. I just finished my master’s degree and I am earning a lot of money, most of which I am saving to buy a house.
My objectives for the next two years:
In the next eight years (I am 23) my objectives are:
I am grateful because:
submitted by Ok_Builder5818 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:35 onetimeicomment I could use some help with leaders. I'm not a space marine player but have started to collect some marines for a salamanders army because I like the lore I've heard.

++ Army Roster (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Salamanders) [965pts] ++
Battle Size: 1. Incursion (1000 Point limit)
Detachment: Firestorm Assault Force
Show/Hide Options: Agents of the Imperium are visible, Imperial Knights are visible, Legends are visible, Titans are visible, Unaligned Forces are visible, Unaligned Fortifications are visible
Apothecary [50pts]
Infernus Squad [160pts]
. 9x Infernus Marines: 9x Bolt Pistol, 9x Close Combat Weapon, 9x Pyreblaster . Infernus Sergeant
Sternguard Veteran Squad [90pts]
. Sternguard Veteran Sergeant: Sternguard Bolt Rifle . 3x Sternguard Veteran w/ Combi-weapon: 3x Close Combat Weapon, 3x Combi-weapon, 3x Sternguard Bolt Pistol . Sternguard Veteran w/ Special Weapon: Pyrecannon
Terminator Squad [175pts]
. Terminator Sergeant: Power Fist . Terminator w/ Heavy Weapon: Heavy Flamer, Power Fist . 3x Terminator w/ Power Fist: 3x Power Fist, 3x Storm Bolter
Drop Pod [70pts]: Storm Bolter
Redemptor Dreadnought [210pts]: Heavy Flamer, Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon, Icarus Rocket Pod, Twin Fragstorm Grenade Launcher
Redemptor Dreadnought [210pts]: Heavy Flamer, Icarus Rocket Pod, Macro Plasma Incinerator, Twin Fragstorm Grenade Launcher
submitted by onetimeicomment to Salamanders40k [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:33 Old_Distance2455 Document attestation in India

Document attestation in India is a crucial process for individuals and businesses seeking to validate their documents for use abroad. This procedure ensures that documents issued in India are recognized as authentic and legally valid in other countries. The attestation process typically involves several stages, including notarization, State Home Department verification, and attestation by the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA). Depending on the destination country, additional legalization by the respective embassy or consulate may be required. Common documents requiring attestation include educational certificates, birth and marriage certificates, commercial documents, and power of attorney papers.
The process begins with notarization, where a notary public verifies the authenticity of the document. Next, the document is authenticated by the State Home Department or the Human Resource Department (HRD) for educational documents. Following state-level authentication, the document is submitted to the MEA, which affixes an apostille or attestation stamp, signifying its authenticity at the national level. If the destination country is a member of the Hague Apostille Convention, an apostille from the MEA is sufficient. However, for non-member countries, further attestation from the respective embassy or consulate is necessary.
Navigating the complexities of document attestation can be challenging due to the meticulous procedures and varying requirements of different countries. This is where professional attestation services like Helpline Groups come into play. Helpline Groups offers a seamless and efficient document attestation service, ensuring that all legal requirements are met accurately and promptly. Their expertise covers a wide range of documents and destination countries, providing clients with peace of mind and saving them valuable time and effort. By leveraging their comprehensive knowledge and experience, Helpline Groups ensures that the attestation process is handled with precision, allowing individuals and businesses to focus on their core activities while ensuring their documents are ready for international use.
submitted by Old_Distance2455 to Helplinegroups [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:33 sumitjha2001 Non-Technical MNC Job Offer: Take or Keep Preparing?

Hi everyone, I wanted to share that I've received another job offer for around 4 LPA. In this, the first month is an internship, followed by a full-time position. It's with an MNC, and the role mainly involves working with documents - Excel, PowerPoint, Word, PDF, etc. There's no coding or database work involved. I've been looking for technical jobs like associate software engineer or Java SE related roles, but this one seems to be entirely non-technical. Should I take this job, considering it's in an MNC and offers full-time employment with regular office hours, or should I keep preparing for technical roles?
submitted by sumitjha2001 to gurgaon [link] [comments]