Frank toskan and frank angelo makeup artist

Stomping Grounds Godzilla ゴジラ

2010.06.16 07:47 jeannie1331 Stomping Grounds Godzilla ゴジラ

Welcome to /GODZILLA, a place to admire the King of the Monsters and his many foes! If you haven't already, please read through the rules located on the sidebar. For Mobile users you can find them on the top right of the app (3 dots) under "Community Info".

2017.11.19 05:26 Vegyn/PLZ Make It Ruins

Subreddit for the computeelectronic/hip hop musical artist Vegyn. Joe helms a musical label PLZ Make It Ruins with visual artist Greedy Goons. Newewell known artists on the label include/included ARTHUR, ERSATZ, Lil Sko, Testset, Ola Pang, Jethro Cookie, OTTO, Buddy Ross, Yawning Portal, Zoee, Seth Scott, & John Glacier. He is also a host of Blonded Radio on Apple Music, with Roof Access and Frank Ocean.

2017.06.13 16:29 doctorofyourdoctor Hollywood Masterclass

Hollywood Masterclass is a frank and brutal exploration of the craft we call acting. In this Stitcher Premium exclusive, Shonk Lemons (from the legendary Hollywood Handbook podcast) guides Bang Rodgeman through the world of the artist and they don't let up until they've completed their contractual agreement. Episodes released weekly on Wednesdays.

2024.06.09 19:37 Chen_Geller Everything we REALLY know about The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum

Everything we REALLY know about The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum


The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum is a film which is due to cover the events of Gollum's life, probably between the trilogies and through to the early parts of The Fellowship of the Ring. It is to be directed (and starred) by Andy Serkis, with Sir Peter Jackson producing and Philippa Byoens, Dame Frances Walsh, Phoebe Gittins and Arty Papageorgiou writing the screenplay.
Set for release in late 2026 (although a delay to mid 2027 is a distinct possibility), it will be the eighth film in the New Line-produced film series, after this year's The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim, and is thus unrelated neither to Amazon's show nor to the notorious video game on the same subject. The film focuses on a puzzling but nonetheless intriguing premise, and may entail appearances from some actors from The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.

Update section (as of June 2024)


The Story

Exactly what the story of The Hunt for Gollum is supposed to cover is not entirely clear: it could cover Aragorn's literal hunt for Gollum across the borders of Mordor, culminating in the capture of the creature on the Dead Marshes, interrogation by Gandalf, and incarceration in the Woodland Realm and subsequent escape during an Orc attack, ending with his becoming stuck inside the Mines of Moria. This would make the film less of a traditional prequel, being that these events take place during the time of Jackson's The Fellowship of the Ring, largely between the 32 and 36 minute mark (the film is explicitly meant to be continuous with the previous live-action films).
However, the title is merely a tentative working title and needn't be taken as too concrete an indication as to the exact contents of the film. Recent comments by Boyens, Jackson and Serkis seem to imply a larger scope, possibly as far back as Gollum's first emergence from the Misty Mountains in an attempt to track Bilbo, turning the film into a "bridge" between the trilogies, of a kind that we see more often nowdays in other media series. After arriving at Dale, a hunt after the creature is in fact already initiated by the Wood Elves, but he reaches the Anduin and eventually winds-up in Mordor. These events are ednumbered in The Lord of the Rings under the chapters "A Shadow of the Past", "The Council of Elrond", "The Dead Marshes", "Shelob's Lair" and Appendix B, rounding up some ten pages.
The unruined city of Dale, one of the biggest sets built for either trilogy, could feature in The Hunt for Gollum
Admittedly its hardly the most intriguing concept for a film based on Tolkien's works, but such an expanded premise could doubtlessly utilize Jackson's penchant for non-linear storytelling, perhaps using Aragorn's capture of Gollum and his interrogation by Gandalf as a framing device for the telling of Gollum's earlier adventures, which otherwise take place with no companion with which to run dialogue scenes. This premise also promises far more from a visual standpoint: rather than merely reprising the Dead Marshes or Cirith Ungol, one could see the Woodsmen of Mirkwood, as well as the Woodland Realm, Esgaroth and Dale in better days.
In Tolkien's unabridged chronology, these wanderings extend over multiple decades, allowing for the story of Aragorn's youthful adventures - in Gondor, Rohan and Harad - to ensue in the middle of it all, although unless the film is indeed a two-entry project, it seems unlikely for Jackson to cover both characters' detailed backstories. At the very least, it could reasonably be expected of Jackson to obscure or contract (as he had done in The Fellowship of the Ring and the Dol Guldur storyline of The Hobbit) the timeframe somewhat.
Another potential sideplot could include the downfall of Balin's colony in Moria, precisely because Gollum ends-up stuck behind the closed Western Door of those mines, with the Balin, Ori and Oin long vanquished. Jackson and Boyens previously considred using such a prequel to show Saruman looking for the Ring and falling under Sauron's spell, and while Saruman is almost sure to appear in the animated The Lord of the Rings: War of the Rohirrim, the death of actor Sir Christopher Lee might make his return to the live-action Hunt for Gollum probelmatic.
Frankly, cutting out the the latter storyline might help keep The Hunt for Gollum from "spelling out" too much of the goings-on between the trilogy. This exact kind of interstitial spinoffs set between the two Star Wars trilogies (Solo, Obi Wan, Andor and Rogue One) have done this to a rather demystifying effect, and so keeping some events untold might actually enhance the feeling that sixty eventful years have indeed passed between the trilogies, rather than distiling the events of those sixty years to a film that's bound to feel like it transpires over a more finite amount of time.
While both film series have been criticised for focusing on a concentrated, "limited" timeframe within the context of a vast fictional history, I think Jackson's desire to present a series of films that are tightly-woven together with the same characters, settings and overall conflict running through all of them. Indeed, by the time Jackson completes his second contracted film for New Line, he and Boyens will have had produced an unprecedented nine films of some 26 hours of cinema or more, cementing their already-entrenched vision of Middle-earth. Jackson had spoken before, not unjustly, of gaining a great degree of "sentimental attachment, a kind of ownership to the Middle-earth that's been put on the screen."
It may also help in reducing the risk of the film at "spoiling" the events of The Lord of the Rings trilogy for newcomers, something Jackson had expressed some awareness to with The Hobbit. Gollum's latter-day wanderins take him to the Dead Marshes, Cirith Ungol (where he encounters Shelob), Barad Dur and Moria and these could reduce the impact those places have on the screen in The Lord of the Rings for newcomers after 2026. Exactly how Aragorn could maintain his mystique in the Prancing Pony (admittedly a "card" that the films don't play nearly as long as the book) or the menace of the unseen figure of Gollum, I have no idea.
For the same reason, I would argue against the fan-favourite idea of a framing device, by which an elderly Aragorn relates his sojourn with Gollum. Such a device will not only feel overplayed alongside the framing devices of An Unexpected Journey and The War of the Rohirrim but also "spoil" the outcome of The Lord of the Rings in terms of Aragorn's fate for newcomers.
The "bridge" function of the film can help make the viewing experience of the series a more balanced experience: I've written about how the six films form a coherent narrative structure, but having said that, the midpoint ("One Ring to Rule Them All") comes in a touch early: a 2 to 2.5 hour film could redress that.
The narrative structure of the six films at the present: inserting The Hunt for Gollum before the midpoint could bring it closer to the actual middle of the piece

The Cast

Beside Andy Serkis also reprising his motion-capture role of Gollum (which he also performed recently for his Tolkien audiobooks), its unclear what characters and actors the film will involve: as producers, Jackson, Walsh and Boyens are sure to influence the casting process, as they had for The Hobbit back when it was still a Guillermo del Toro-helmed film, and as Boyens seemed to have done with The War of the Rohirrim, whose cast includes Brian Cox and Serkis' wife, Lorraine Ashbourne. A couple of regulars, like Jed Brophy (who also appeared in The Rings of Power Season One) are almost certain to appear. A cameo for Jackson may also be reasonably expected, and perhaps for Royd Tolkien, as well.
Gandalf is said to appear in the film, with the venerable but active Sir Ian McKellen expressing interest in reappearing in the role. In 2006, Jackson had said he has no interest in making a film with "a Gandalf who wasn't Ian McKellen for instance." Presumably, they could accomodate McKellen by shooting his scenes in the UK, as they had done previously with Sir Ian Holm and an even more-venerable Sir Christopher Lee.
Viggo Mortensen, who was previously considered for a return in his role of Aragorn to The Hobbit and declined an early availability check, had also expressed some willingness to return to the role. Although he predicated such a return on being "right for it in terms of, you know, the age I am now", which would seem to negate the possibility of digitally de-aging the actor, it must surely be left to Jackson's fabled skills of persuasion: admittedly, Jackson and Mortensen had spoken as late as October 2022, but that was seemingly before any plans for The Hunt for Gollum ripened. Ironically, the return of both McKellen and Mortensen was joked about before, in Stephen Colbert's Darrylgorn spoof.
Certainly, Jackson and Serkis - special effects mavericks that they are - will be unlikely to shirk from using digital deaging, a popular technique used by other major film series, especially since the film is due to involve copious amounts of motion-capture anyway. Focusing the story on Gollums' earlier misadventures, in which Aragorn and Gandalf do not feature, could keep the issue at bay to some extent.
The Tolkien series by 2026: The Hunt for Gollum poster is, of course, fan-made
Jackson had also spoken a couple of times before of trying to get Liv Tyler's Arwen to appear in the last Hobbit entry alongside Mortensen. Orlando Bloom, who had reprised his role as Legolas for The Hobbit, conspiciously liked Serkis' social media notices on helming the film: With Legolas' teaming-up with Argorn set-up in the close of The Battle of the Five Armies, and him playing a role in the battle in which Gollum escapes the Woodland Realm, his reappearance is also not unlikely.
Other characters from the Woodland Realm like Lee Pace's Thranduil could also feature. Jackson and Boyens had previously expressed desire to further explore the fate of their original character, Tauriel, but the recent announcement of retirement by actress Evangeline Lilly may or may not confound this: Lilly was also effectivelly retired when Jackson first cast her in that role. If Dale is reappear, so could Bard and perhaps some of the Dwarves.

The Crew

The film is to be directed by Andy Serkis, who had directed a recent adaptation of The Jungle Book, after having started directing with the second unit on The Return of the King and The Hobbit. He is slated to appear this week in a panel for The War of the Rohirrim.
Serkis was picked by Jackson, who wrote and directed all six previous films and will produce this film along with partners Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens. Judging by previous producer outings by Jackson et al (District 9, Tintin, Mortal Engines and The Hobbit prior to del Toro's exit) they are sure to allow Serkis the needed latitude in terms of designing, shooting and editing the film, although as mentioned its likely they'll involve themselves with casting some of the roles.
As before, Walsh and Boyens will also be writing the screenplay along with the scribes of the Boyens-produced The War of the Rohirrim, Arty Papageorgiou and Philippa's daughter Phoebe Gittins. Jackson is not credited as a co-writer, but being that he lives with Walsh, and opposite the lawn from Boyens, its certain he will have an important part in shaping the story.
Since Jackson lives with Walsh (in the house to the right) and across from Boyens (house immediately left of theirs), he's sure to be intimately involved with the shaping of the story
Serkis is also credited as executive producer along with Jonathan Cavendish, who together run the UK studio Imaginarium. Also attached as executive producer is Jackson's agent and The Hobbit executive Ken Kamins. They're unlikely to run into trouble with New Line Cinema, which is currently being run by Pam Abdy, Michael de Luca (who worked on The Lord of the Rings) and Alan Horn, who worked on The Hobbit. Amazon/MGM and the Tolkien Estate are not involved, ensuring no issues in terms of the rights.
Although New Line had approached Jackson, the idea for the film was his own. In fact, Jackson was disappointed that the story of the hunt for Gollum could not be included in The Fellowship of the Ring, and already in 1998 had expressed a desire to film it - at that stage, as additional footage to be spliced into the trilogy. By 2002, these plans turned into a "Lord of the Rings prequel" which was in active development until 2007, and that Jackson and Boyens continued to talk about as late as the director's commentary to The Battle of the Five Armies in 2015.
This film is entirely unrelated to the 2009 fan-film of the same title, now back on YouTube; nor to Daedalic's video-game nadir, The Lord of the Rings: Gollum, or to Amazon Prime's controversial show The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power in spite of possible cross-over in the crew. Philippa even admitted to avoiding the show as to not become influenced by it. If anything, news of The Hunt for Gollum, pre-empting the release of the teaser for the show's second season, seem to have dampered the hype for the show, especially given the show's move from New Zealand to the UK and New Line Cinema's forthright resolve to "stop Amazon from blurring the lines" between their show and the films.
Jackson is contracted for a second film: although a recent Deadline piece makes it seem like The Hunt for Gollum will itself be two films, this is unlikely and is not the impression given in previous press releases and interview. If the second film is indeed unrelated to The Hunt for Gollum, its likely Jackson hadn't given it too much thought, but a likely candidate could be The War in the North: Like the Hunt for Gollum, it is a subject Jackson had given some thought to and spoke of his interest in dramatising. Other future films may earn a more peripheral involvement from Jackson or Boyens, but are almost certain to still shoot in their homeland of New Zealand and utilize their facilities and firms.
Concept art for The War in the North, circa 2014.
New Line had ambitiously announced the film for 2026, surely towards the end of the year in what's become a series tradition, although in the latest Variety piece its merely "being eyed for a 2026", and so a slight delay (like those of The Battle of the Five Armies and The War of the Rohirrim) may be in store. Still, if it is indeed a single-film production, a late 2026 release is perfectly concievable, especially as this story is of smaller cope than either The Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit.
The Hunt for Gollum is returning not just to New Zealand but Jackson's and Boyens' hometown of Wellington, and will be produced using his companies and facilities: Stone Street Studios (filming studio), WingNut Films (production company), Six-Foot-Seven (art direction company), Weta Workshop (hand-props and creatures), WetaFX (special effects) and Park-Road Post (editing and sound). The Rings of Power, The War of the Rohirrim, the Darrylgorn spoof and the "Beyond the Door" project in the Hobbiton set had all provided more Tolkien-themed work for many of these firms in the interim.
Otherwise, its unknown who the staff of the film might include. Jackson is almost sure to call upon the services of concept artist John Howe (currently engaged with The Rings of Power but almost sure to make time for Jackson) and Alan Lee, who had recently provided work for The War of the Rohirrim. He also has access to a large number of existing and unused pieces of art by Lee, Howe and Weta that can be of use here, a practice already utilized for The War of the Rohirrim.
Jackson had maintained a partnership with the co-editor of The Two Towers, Jabez Olssen, who edited all of Jackson's subsequent films including his recent documentaries. Serkis has a relationship with director of photography Robert Richardson, suggesting a possible candidate for the lensing of the film.
Although Howard Shore could concievably return to score the picture, which is set to feature characters he depicted in music previously like Gollum, Gandalf and probably Strider, the film could also be scored by one of the Kiwi composers who contributed to his scores: Stephen Gallagher (currently composing the score to The War of the Rohirrim) or the Plan 9 ensemble together with David Long. Even in such a case, Shore could concievably contribute themes, and his existing themes could be used at the discretion of the filmmakers.
Thanks to Jackson's involvement, one can also hope for extensive behind-the-scenes, including pre-emptive video production diaries, as had been the custom on all his live-action productions.
submitted by Chen_Geller to lotr [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:53 Significant-Panda746 Need Help

Need Help
Need Help with who to max out next for power leauge. Im thinking of Barley, Colt, Frank ( For the modifier) And angelo but idk. Here is my Brawler levels:
submitted by Significant-Panda746 to BrawlStarsCompetitive [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:50 cablebill_ Pick an artist and i’ll tell you my favorite song by them👽

Pick an artist and i’ll tell you my favorite song by them👽 submitted by cablebill_ to statsfm [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:48 Dane_Brass_Tax Looking for artists' who are similar stylistically to MK.gee, Dijon, Still Woozy, Nick Hakim, Ta-ku, and Elijah Nang

Looking for newer nuanced pop artists to enjoy like the ones' mentioned in the headline. Some of my 'Solo GOATs' are KAYANTRADA, Frank Ocean, Fiona Apple, Sufjan Stevens, Anderson Paak, and Bon Iver.
Thanks in advance for a recommendation.
submitted by Dane_Brass_Tax to MusicRecommendations [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:32 Confident-Honeydew66 My Thoughts on Blogging with AI (GPT-4)

I see a lot of people on here got into blogging "by accident" and don't really love doing it. In light of this, there have been plenty of tutorials on how to automatically write blog content with GPT-4, most of it being bland, soulless, and of no value whatsoever to the reader.
Frankly I've been disappointed by all this AI stuff, and I understand why large swathes of the world have been left with a strong distaste for anything AI.
Let me tell you something I found interesting though -- I recently read an article about a local park renovation that included a brief updates from the morning's city council meeting. After thoroughly reading the article whilst taking notes to share with my colleagues, I found a disclaimer that the article was AI generated.
What?!? I didn't even think about that...
The post provided valuable, current information, and was relevant to me. It wasn't an artistic piece of prose or poetry, nor was it feigning some attempt to do so. It was straight, informative content that I was actually learning from. That moment changed my view on where AI content is headed. I know many (or most) of you will disagree with me here, but I actually believe AI generated content (specifically content augmented by relevant real-world information) is going to be more and more prevalent going forward into the future.
So I wrote a guide on creating a custom automation script that extracts live web data and writes a creative post to Medium based on that live web data (I put the guide up online for anyone interested in following these steps). This should allow you to create value-driven fresh content on autopilot (autopilot is a bit of an exaggeration, you'll probably have to rewrite some of GPT's writing).
submitted by Confident-Honeydew66 to Blogging [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:02 Standard_Ad_7250 21m, whats your guilty pleasure

21m, down to chat about anything. Little bit about me im 6'6. Music taste is very random but mostly consists of rap & rnb at the moment. Favourite artists are kanye, pnd and frank ocean. Into sports mainly football f1 and basketball. 18+ only
submitted by Standard_Ad_7250 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:32 PipPip-OiOi Pick a Song for Each Character (Day 12: Sebastian)

Pick a Song for Each Character (Day 12: Sebastian)
These playlists are beautifully diverse with this one being full of jazz for the heart! The winner for yesterday is the lounge classic that is Fly Me to the Moon by Frank Sinatra! You can find the rest of the suggestions on the Spotify playlist by following this link:
As always remember to support the original artist by looking into the Talkohlooey Portrait Mod which can be found here:
We have now reached the final love candidate with everyone’s favorite moody basement dweller Sebastian! Pick songs that you believe best represent the character, remind you of him in some way, or that you believe he would listen to on his own!
Remember to be kind, be creative, and be having fun!
submitted by PipPip-OiOi to StardewValley [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:33 n00_b All brawlers list just in case you need it (June 2024)

Shelly Nita Colt Bull Brock El Primo Barley Poco Rosa Jessie Dynamike Tick 8-Bit Rico Darryl Penny Carl Jacky Gus Bo Emz Stu Piper Pam Frank Bibi Bea Nani Edgar Griff Grom Bonnie Gale Colette Belle Ash Lola Sam Mandy Maisie Hank Pearl Larry and Lawrie Angelo Mortis Tara Gene Max Mr. P Sprout Byron Squeak Lou Ruffs Buzz Fang Eve Janet Otis Buster Gray R-T Willow Doug Chuck Charlie Mico Melodie Lily Spike Crow Leon Sandy Amber Meg Surge Chester Cordelius Kit Draco
submitted by n00_b to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:08 Easy_Lab15 An Isekai Adventure and an NPC named Gay

So this is my first time posting a DnD story here. I'm not sure how long I can make these but I just think this was funny and so far has been a highlight of my relatively short DnD career.
So I was DMing a 1 on 1 game a few months ago with the premise of the PC and a bunch of people getting isekaid into this fantasy world and accidentally taking over the bodies of people in the forgotten realms. One by one at seemingly random times throughout the month, a random person from our world would die horribly and forcibly borrow the body of a fantasy character. And coincidentally, the PC was thrown into the body of an elven woman with a missing older brother, Eize, who apparently got a nasty reputation after his disappearance. And PC believes that guy might have some clue how to get back home and plus the girl she's accidentally taken the body of, Luna, is now in her head and wants PC to carry out her task and find him. So both of their paths are set on finding this one guy. Perfect. The whole time, the fact that this elf woman was actually this random human from another world hijacking her body was kept a secret to most characters she came across. Including an NPC party member who I just kind of made to guide her through the basics of DnD.
It was her first time playing so I made the elf she was hijacking have an archer roommate friend who tries to see if she can shoot an arrow well, lift, and other stuff that would translate into different rolls at the start. Turns out the PC really liked him so he tagged along to help her find her missing brother not knowing that the person in control of her body and voice was... someone else entirely. Occasionally, since she's in the body of someone who already has a history with the weapon she's using (A bow. She picked a ranger) we'd just let any exceptionally good rolls be explained by the trained muscle memory of the woman whose body she's possessing kicking in and doing the heavy lifting for the PC. And occasionally, said elf woman would appear in her head for commentary, ideas, brief explanations and just another outlook on whats happening. Sometimes even throwing in a random wisdom save for select moments to see if the elf would momentarily take over. Small things like when PC is trying to get drunk, a failed random wisdom save would make the normally lightweight elf refuse to lift that mug to her lips for a brief moment. Or in another scenario when she successfully rescued tutorial NPC from being captured (which is a... whole other story), a failed random wisdom save made PC lunge forward and wrap him in a hug since the actual elf has known him for a long time so naturally she'd want to hug him. Just to remind that these were people with their own lives before they were bodyjacked. But these were just very fleeting moments of free will... fun for flavor though!
But anyways after meeting another isekaid soul who's using his host's magical powers as a means to steal and be a pretty shady dude, PC and Luna get a little tip that the guy isn't on the same plane thanks to a magic map that can track anyone in the world. PC used it on herself and someone she met but couldnt find the one they were after. So where to go next but PC a school of mages that can take her to other planes via a staff they have made specifically for this. But in exchange she has to jot down anything she can find to help them document the creatures since one of the students casted fireball in their library. Its a deal! The downside to this staff was that it needs 24 ingame hours to recharge so she has to make sure she knows where shes going. But... she doesnt. And theres like 16 planes in DnD.
So she guesses! And after a little bit of body horror explaining how the staff melts and sucks the PC into itself before teleporting to the other plane and spitting her out, the PC's sent to an area where only what is directly in front of her is visible. If its a little in her peripheral, it'll just disappear into a void. The main reason for this was because I got bored or lost trying to study what the actual planes are like and just kinda made something up for one of them. But after looking around what was basically a desolate landscape with a few abandoned towns, she finds this tall.... thing just kinda standing in a grassy field looking off somewhere. So of course, she decides now is as good time as any to draw the big fella. Was her first time drawing anything ingame. Nat 20. Turns out the person she took the body of is a Davinci-level artist and she didnt even know it and every single art PC wants to draw after this was an automatic masterpiece
But then, when she turns around to at least look for a resting point, theres something off. Roll perception: passed! Something following her.
Due to the nature of this area, she cant tell exactly what or who unless shes looking directly at it so she cant even sneak a glance over her shoulder. So she turns. Dex check: failed. Nothing.
Instead, her one and only party member NPC pointed behind her. And what she sees is the man of the hour; a big tall creature arching its freakishly long neck and spine downwards to get a better look at her with a huge array of masks with different expressions lining his back and somehow staring right at her. And on its face was a joyous mask described as being akin to one of those old tragedy/comedy plays.
PC asks "who... what are you."
And this is where I finally got to cement the name and the creature answers, "I am Gay... Though, this word has a varying meaning though does it not? Call me Happy."
We did not call them Happy. Because me and the PC were both 12 at heart and Gay is just funnier. So Gay is a Aasfaraaba, creatures who are basically just named an emotion so legally, by the books own admission, I can name a character in the most serious context, Gay. He's Gay. And that just makes me smile.
And despite the PC trying to keep the fact that she's hijacked someones body and the fact that the real elf is kind of just a bystander in her own mind a secret, the first thing Gay does is stare directly at the PC and ask "why are there two of you" completely ignoring the NPC party member and nudging forward the idea that Gay can see both people inside her. And no im not rephrasing that because I dont know how to for this one. Gay gives her some information on where the guy she's looking for is while politely says that Eize and his "parasite" are in a different plane entirely called Baator. Frankly, what else could you call these isekaid bodysnatches if not parasites? And as the creature explains this, the joy mask switched seamlessly to a different one with the only real sign its not just the mask physically changing was the discarded expression suddenly being in their hand. With more being added the more the conversation went on and the expressions had to change.
Despite Gay being a weird eldritch creature, me and the other player loved the dude and the fact that fact that their presence meant i could seamlessly make gay puns. Turns out the dude just like to come here to listen to the stories of lost souls that find their way to this place. And that they just like the weird phenomena like chocolate rain appearing at a certain time and shows off how magic simply touching the air makes a bunch of weird and random effects like summoning a simple ball of light and watching as it slowly morphs into pink strawberry icecream. Dude was just here for fun and noticed these people who dont belong here.
And after a short interaction, Gay said they didnt want to miss the chocolate rain starting soon and asked if PC had any other questions. The NPC party member is freaking out still and the actual elf woman forced as a bystander is weirded out but PC really likes him and says "I like him! Her? Um… do you have a gender by chance we can call you by?" Gay's response?
"What is that?"
Gay was just Gay. And Gay had no gender.
And that was it. A character made from a monster i thought was cool and a joke i thought was funny that quickly became a favorite among me and the player despite the dude not even showing up much. He did appear another time much later after this when she went to a different plane, Baator, which to my knowledge is basically Hell. And Gay was just kinda sitting by a river of blood and rapidly moving, outstretched arms. PC runs over to the mask enthusiast screaming, "Hey! Gay!" which of course got a nice out of game chuckle cause we are once again both 12 mentally, and this dude pulls out a mask with a guy cupping his chin and says "do I know you" And after a short awkward shift in tone with PC thinking she was racist thinking all weirdly tall mask collectors were the same person, Gay cackles, swaps to a mask of wild laughter, and says "Did you appreciate my joke?"
Turns out PC caught Gay sitting by a river of souls, stating they find it "relaxing." And proceeds to turn a piece of one of their shattered masks into a beach ball that gets tossed around by the flailing souls being whisked away. Gay gives her a hint, light plane lore, and directions on where to go when asked at this point, Gay was just the PCs very hands off guide when she goes to other planes so as to give her SOME kind of hint as to which direction her main goal is. But mostly sticking to a few random spots far away and immediately leaving to do whatever they came here for in the first place after a bit of talking.
And the FINAL of the three Gay events happened when PC finally found the elf's brother and bested him in an incredibly close boss fight with a very confused party member. Turns out the one hijacking Eize was body to- somehow successfully gain a pact with nearly every demon including Glasya, who in DnD lore, I think? is a big deal since shes the daughter of the big boss of DnD Satan. And the PC isnt fond of Eize's "parasite" using his body for evil. PC is upset. The elf whos watching her brother being puppetered like this, is upset. And the NPC is completely clueless as he lacks the context of wtf they're both talking about.
But loyal to the end, NPC helps his friend beat up her suddenly evil brother and with just a bit of health left, she tries to teleport them back home...? Back... to the normal DnD plane. i don't know what its called. But she forgot to bring Eize and the NPC tutorial friend. The guy she spent all this time trying to get and several irl months trying to find. Because all creatures need to touch the staff to teleport to a new plane and she thought that simply holding hands with someone else would drag them along. It didnt. So now she has to wait several in game hours while her ally is in literal Hell with the enemy while she has a measly 2 hit points left after the battle. So she goes back to the wizards who give her a health potion and casts a plane spell. I dont remember if thats a thing they can do but i did mention they could do it once months ago so PC just asked them to just teleport her there.
With limited time and limited health, she's spawned right back to where she did before in Baator with Gay still just chilling by the river of souls. PC desperately asks Gay to take her to Glasya's castle where Eize and her friend are still probably laid out. Gay just looks at her and says "...You're still here?"
And so engages an attempt to persuade Gay to help.... and it fails. Because I, in my brief and probably flawed readings, understood devils in DnD to be really into the idea of only helping IF you have something to offer, Gay says, "I must obey the rules of this plane, and that requires me to only help you in return of something of value. However there is nothing of value you have for me. So I cannot aid."
She tries again, saying that if she doesn't get to her brother soon, they could start a massive war against the other planes. Which... didnt need a roll. Aasfaraabas dont really give a hoot about any of that. So that one just automatically failed. "Oh, my sweet girls. The safety or conquer of the planes does not concern my kind." Didnt work either.
So in a huff PC was about to just leave. Then one more idea comes to mind. In the form of the elf shes hijacking asking her to trade knowledge about PCs non-fantasy homeworld. A persuasion roll here and it actually works!
So Gay yells something in another language and just stops time so they can hear her story. For Gay has Wish. Any spell is theirs to use including the one to stop time. "Very well. If you wouldn't mind, I will take my payment now." So they sit down and after telling Gay all about her own world with bikes, trains, cars, and a bunch of technology, And so Gay is content and simply snaps her around the proper location she needs to be. Not the exact area since theres no way to know exactly where to put her but Gay had a general idea and made the trek significantly shorter.
And that was it. Thats the final appearance of the most powerful random NPC i've ever created who just so happens to be a favorite among me and the player AND a very fun character to write. Half of the time, the descriptions of what the guy were just vague and confused as though I, the DM, didnt know what to call him. Saying things like "the tall.... thing stared down at you." "The masked.... thing" The word Aasfaraaba was foreign to the player since i didnt tell her. It was her first game and I wanted things to be naturally told via the game and the species name was never brought up in Gay's 3 whole appearances. Gay was just Gay. It became a little joke that "Gay was just Gay" The other player didnt want to know what Gay was. Didnt need to know Gay's gender. Gay was just Gay.
submitted by Easy_Lab15 to dndstories [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:36 JustWatching4n0w My journey and my many confusions.

Hi lgbt community,
I’m struggling with my identity. Recently I’ve begun exploring the idea that I might be genderqueer or non conforming, and I’m just so confused.
I’m not having trouble understanding why I might be happy being one way or another, but I’m having trouble determining why I’m having these feelings now or how to express them.
For background, I’m a male presenting gay teenager who’s present in the arts and is into queer media. Things like Drag race, Rocky Horror and David Bowie. These media outlets have all depicted non gender conforming people finding success, and I sympathize a lot with what they represent. Characters like Frank N Furter “not quite” being anything specific, or David Bowie never entertaining the questions that he was a queer artist and just living his life and making music. I’ve always felt comfortable in my skin, but I’ve always felt like I could be more.
I’m having trouble explaining it but I don’t not want to be a man, but I also want to be a girl. I don’t know what I want to be, or if I want to be anything.
Has anyone had similar experiences? And how should I continue my journey to discovering myself?
submitted by JustWatching4n0w to lgbt [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:01 Dangerous-Sand-5256 AITA for cancelling my friend's bachelor party 1 day ahead over 15 bucks and because I didn't like one of the friends

My friend (Adam) is about to get married and his girlfriend (Eva) wanted to organize a surprise party. Eva invited me, Harry and 2 other friends (Brenda and Sam) to a group chat. Me and Harry don't know Brenda or Sam.
The communication was awkward because nobody was really taking the lead and people were just throwing around ideas. Me and Harry were more passive as we knew Adam less well and had confidence the others would have good ideas.
Eventually Brenda had found something that she was pretty confident about. This was pretty expensive though. I said the price being too high and asked to look for cheaper options. Brenda said she found it a reasonable price. I elaborated on why I thought it was too much and also said that we do not know each other's financial situations. Eva and Sam would side with Brenda. Harry would keep quiet.
I asked multiple friends what they thought about the price and most people agreed with me that it was too expensive.
After discussing I eventually gave in.
Later, me and my best friend (Frank) had been talking about going to a music festival. It lasts an entire weekend but we can only go for 1 day. We noticed that Saturday was better because our favorite artists would perform. Unfortunately we could not go on this day because it was on the day of the party. Frank suggested going on Sunday instead because it would still be fun. We agreed to go Sunday.
Months later I notice that I have a couple missed messages. Apparently they went shopping for costumes. They bought a costume for Adam and decided to split the price. Eva sends a text stating "Because of Adam's costume everyone has to pay another 15 bucks. If there are objections let me know NOW!" After another 5 minutes Sam puts a pay request in the chat.
I don't find the way this is handled fair. I repeat that I already found the initial price too high and that we don't know each other's financial situations. I end the message saying that I refuse to pay more than I already have.
Eva replies by saying that I am making a big deal out of nothing. Sam does not take it well and writes a really long message about she did not sleep because of my message and that it is unfair to put the financial burden on her instead. She wants nothing to do with us after this.
I apologize and say that I wish this situation could've been different. I say that it is not fun for me either to have to expose my financial situation and that I would have much rather avoided all this drama.
Sam accepts this and we move on. Though I was still angry at Sam.
I could not really picture myself on the party and pretending to have fun while this tension exists.
I decide that I do not want to be on that party anymore and text Frank that Saturday is available. We sold the Sunday tickets and bought the Saturday tickets.
The day before the bachelor party I said that I couldn't come.
I heard from Harry that Sam and Brenda were furious. No idea how Adam and Eva felt about it.
submitted by Dangerous-Sand-5256 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:08 MoustachePika1 Are there really over 170k Touhou arrangements??

I was curious on just how much Touhou music there really is out there, so I checked out Applying a duration filter with a minimum length of 0 seconds (my workaround for the search engine needing at least 1 filter) and querying, this search engine says that there are 3857 doujin circles, 21522 albums, and 177711 songs. This seems frankly absurd to me, so I was wondering if this seems reasonable to people who are more familiar with Touhou. If this is true, ZUN might be the most remixed artist in modern history, right? I can't think of anyone else, besides possibly old classical musicians, who would have anywhere close to 170 thousand rearrangements of their songs.
submitted by MoustachePika1 to touhou [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:05 savvannahgrrace What is your worst experience you’ve had with a swiftie(s)?

Mine isn't anywhere near as bad as other stories I've seen, but this was back in late 2023. I was at a restaurant with a group of friends and my side of the long table we were at was talking about music. For reference, there were two swifties in this convo, let's call them Anna and Catherine. Anna was talking about how her husband got her tickets to the eras tour and then they started talking about which era is their favorite. When they asked me, I simply said that I like her older music but I wasn't a fan of her newer stuff. After i said that, they looked at each other and then turned their backs away from me and started looking in the other direction in silence for a few seconds. At the time, I was laughing as this was odd behavior from women in their late 20's. They then started talking to each other for a while about Taylor swift, kinda not looking at me the whole time and just focusing on the two of them. Looking back, I am baffled that me, a 19 year old at the time, has more maturity than women in their late 20's. Like my boyfriend doesn't care for frank ocean or artists I like, but I don't give him the silent treatment over it or convince him he's wrong. I think the being an obsessive Taylor swift fan illness should be studied in the health department at an Ivy League college.
submitted by savvannahgrrace to travisandtaylor [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:00 ItsYungCheezy I kinda wish I was born a Taylor Swift fan (I’m tired

-No Lying
-No mysteriousness
-No Constant Album Delays
-No Ambiguous release dates
-the worst thing that She’s done is fly around in her jet too much, as opposed to going on multiple anti-Semitic rants on an extreme far-right radio talk show.
-finished songs get released, as opposed to getting shelved at the last minute after Ye changes his mind and morals for the 600th time this year.
-doesn’t hang around with Pedophiles (that we know of) or Nazi’s
I have no fucking clue why anyone likes Taylor Swifts music, but for the people who do, they have it way better than us. My Top 3 favorite artists of all time (Frank, Ye, Carti) are all mysterious assholes who do the exact same thing. I wish I could apreciate mediocre pop music on the same level as something like MBDTF like Swifties do.
Swifties don’t gotta hold their breath every time she do an interview because she might say something insanely fucked
I guess the better the music you make, the bigger the asshole you are
submitted by ItsYungCheezy to GoodAssSub [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:01 flopheadsbot The New Flairs Are Here! Two Million Subscribers Celebration!

In celebration of our two million subscribers milestone, we've updated our flair list! Image flairs are a fun way to let other people know who you're a fan of and their vibrant faces are an important part of the "popheads" look, so we're very excited that we now have over THREE HUNDRED to choose from!
The users voted on which artists they wanted to see included in the update, and here they are. Huge shoutout to u/whoisValensi and u/ignitethephoenix for creating these, and many of our existing flairs as well.

New Artist Flairs:

Updated Eras:

"Meme" Flairs:

Not all flairs easily visible through reddit's "choose a flair" function, so here is a directory that will show every flair available to users and the image codes needed to use them.
If you're unsure how to get your own flair or confused on how to get one of the unlisted flairs, we've created guides:
UPDATE: We've enabled a new option so you can have a flair without the pink background! It should appear directly under the pink background text flair and can be edited in the same way, but will leave the images floating.
submitted by flopheadsbot to popheads [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:59 EngineeringMammoth19 you guys piss me off

it’s clear ye is reading the sub and this is supposed to be ye news and we’re all ye fans and you guys commenting that he’s a fat nitrous addicted retard then wonder why he’s not doing shit for us😭 he probably thinks his own fans don’t even like him why does literally any other artist get that type of hate where is the frank ocean hate for not dropping an album in years? or cartis? asap rocky’s? sitting here calling him a fat retard but then when an album drop u gonna suck his dick
submitted by EngineeringMammoth19 to GoodAssSub [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:27 XxValentinexX Acolyte is pretty good.

My first impressions: Episode one: The alien makeup work is phenomenal and I’m glad they look realistic. But the outfit quality seems a bit lackluster, specifically the fuzzy jedi robes with the super fake looking leather belts.
Indara dying to a random knife like that feels like awful tbh. I don’t really see what the point of portraying a jedi master as someone who easily loses focus is. Ultimately, that part of the scene didn’t really feel thought through.
The jedi asking oshas old master for his support in a swift execution feels awful. Jedi are suppose to think themselves the good guys, even mace in episode 3 pauses in killing Palpatine without due process. Let alone some girl already in custody with very thin evidence.
The set quality was surprisingly good. The ships feel right and overall I’m happy with it. Also, the robotic chair things were super clever.
Osha getting screwed over because she helped someone is awesome, gives her character without making everything go her way.
OSHA’s old master needing permission to go out and find her is weird and doesn’t sit right with what we know of the Jedi order. The jedi don’t show having that much oversight anywhere else in cannon media. Iirc.
Random yord half naked scene is weird and unnecessary.
The forest background in the prophetic dream scene seems fake at first glance, but get better when the fire starts. In addition, prophecy is supposed to be rather rare and this is like the third main character to have it.
Side note: yords yellow lightsaber is awesome.
Episode 2: I noticed in one as well, but the t shirt osha wears doesn’t have a collar and I don’t really understand why. Like, no one wants rough fabric around their neck. It just seems like something that was supposed to make her seem poor but feels like bad outfit design.
Yord is way too much like anakin, several times throughout the episode he shows his impulsivity, makes presumptions and lets his fears control him. He shouldn’t be a knight, let alone have a padawan. Side note: where is his padawan?
The acting in general feels really well done. I just wish the Disney plus app on Xbox didn’t continue to have audio syncing issues.
A jedi commuting suicide is frankly dumb. It doesn’t make sense and I don’t think that kind of ‘honor’ would be cultivated in jedi.
The whole: osha grudge against Mae for starting a fire as a literal eight year old child is kinda lame as well. Like children make mistakes and are dumb.
The actors faces get like way to close together and it makes me uncomfortable.
There’s a jump cut while Osha is using the pip bot to listen to yorda talk about her old mastered fight with Mae. The jedi in the background is clearly in the hall, but then isn’t in the next scene.
Welp, that’s my first watch opinions. Thoughts?
submitted by XxValentinexX to StarWars [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 14:48 GemlinTheGremlin New Gotham Knights #6 - Caught in a Web

DC Next presents:


In Fly on the Wall
Issue Six: Caught in a Web
Written by GemlinTheGremlin
Edited by ClaraEclair
Next Issue > Coming Soon
Duke slid his hands across the canvas, unfolding the ragged edges of the material against the cold metal table beneath it. Barbara Gordon inched closer to it in her chair and fiddled with her glasses. It had been nearly a week since the team had managed to secure the painting from the attempted robbery at the Ross Gallery, and they were no closer to any lead. Security footage from the gallery showed them no new information, and leads as to the assailants identity all lead to dead ends. The run in was apparently enough to scare the masked robber off, though; no art thefts had been reported since that day.
As she stepped away from the computer, huffing in frustration, Harper folded her arms. “No signs of anything out of the ordinary on the infrared.”
Babs bit her nails. “Right. The computer is just finalising the results of the paint sample we took. If that comes back negative… well, it’s not looking hopeful.”
Analysing the painting itself had been Luke’s idea, and yet when it came time to enact his request, he was nowhere to be seen. This fact was apparent to all in attendance, and so tension was thick in the air as the remaining quartet surrounded the table. Jace had remained quiet for much of their time in the Belfry, which - while somewhat disappointing - was not a surprise to any of them. He and Luke had barely spoken without their masks on, and even when they did, it was to plan their next moves and never to talk about anything deeper, with not so much as a “Thank you” or a “How are you today, by the way?” from either party. In fact, Jace had barely said either of these things - or anything close to their effect - to any of them.
So when Jace turned to everyone and said “When was the lead pencil invented?”, there was a moment of confused silence that followed.
“I would guess the 1800s or so,” Harper said slowly. As she turned to look at him, she noticed that he was staring down at a computer screen. “Why?”
Jace stepped towards the painting, leaning over it, and squinted. “When was this painted?”
Babs pushed her wheelchair towards the computer that had caught Jace’s attention and paused. “Oh, very interesting.”
“What is it?” Duke asked.
“If we’re assuming this is an original, and that the information from the gallery is correct, this was painted right in the middle of the Baroque period.”
“‘Assuming’ it’s an original?”
“Well, that’s the thing. When did you say the modern lead pencil was invented, Harper?” Babs primed her hands, ready to type her question into the search engine.
“I mean, the 1800s, but I’m not certain–”
“1795,” Babs corrected, sitting back in disbelief. “Nice work, Jace. 1795!”
“Wait, did you say Baroque?” Harper asked, the pieces slowly slotting together.
“Exactly,” Babs confirmed. “The Baroque period ended before the lead pencil was invented.” She pressed a key on her printer and, after an obedient whirr from the machine, a sheet of paper was released. Babs took a pen, circling something on it, before wheeling towards the table in the centre. “So tell me why there’s notable amounts of graphite in the sample.”
Harper’s eyes flicked down to the painting. There was the final puzzle piece.
Babs pulled herself closer to the table and opened a drawer, pulling out a single bat-shaped object with one sharpened edge. She fiddled with it in her hands for a moment, hesitant. Then, as she passed the small Batarang to Harper, she smiled. “See if you can chip away at the paint. Try not to cut the canvas.”
“Are… are you sure?” Harper frowned as she stared down at the painting. “I thought you said this was the original. Aren’t they usually worth a lot?”
“I said we were assuming it’s an original. Maybe we were wrong to assume.”
Harper analysed the edge of the blade, then rolled her shoulders. As she leaned forwards to chip away at the paint, Babs turned to Duke, failing to hide the triumph in her face. “Try to get a hold of Luke. He deserves to see how his idea pans out.”
As Luke Fox pounded his fist against the front door of the Blake family home, he straightened his jacket. It was bad enough that he had to postpone meeting with his team, but after some poorly-executed time management, he found himself almost half an hour late to a gettogether between his family and the Blakes. He sucked in his breath, hiding how out of breath he was, as someone fiddled with the locks on the other side of the door. Then, as the door swung open, the warm smile of Charlotte Blake greeted him.
“Lucas! We were starting to think you wouldn’t bother,” she teased.
“Sorry, Mrs Blake, I was–”
“Don’t worry, don’t worry. We’ve just started serving up. Come on inside.” Charlotte left the door open ajar for Luke, who caught it and allowed himself inside. It had only been a few months since he had stepped foot inside the Blakes’ home, and yet so much had changed. The hallway walls had a fresh coat of cream-coloured paint, the once yellowed carpet was now a pristine white, and there were numerous bouquets of flowers dotted throughout the room. It all felt so clean, so… clinical, almost.
Luke found himself in the dining room through muscle memory, and inside were the remaining members of the Blake household sitting around a table, with his father at one end next to an empty chair. They appeared to be laughing about something - pointing to each other, tapping their hands on the table in joy, undulating back and forth. As Luke walked in, they all turned to face him, and the laughing slowed. Luke felt the blood rushing to his cheeks. Then, after an agonising moment of silence, his father held out his hand towards an empty chair and grinned.
“Ah, Luke, come sit, you’re just on time.”
Luke slowly exhaled. He hadn’t quite realised until now how tense he was, and as he grabbed hold of the chair his father had assigned to him, he felt his arms weaken. He pulled himself into the seat and fixed his tie. “So, uh, what was everyone laughing about?”
Charlotte Blake approached him with a bottle of wine, the text in a language Luke didn’t read. Luke politely declined.
“Oh, it’s nothing. Would probably bore you anyway.”
“It bored me,” Evan teased quietly, locking eyes with Luke across the table. Relief washed over him at the sight of his friend; maybe tonight wouldn’t be so nerve-wracking after all.
As the last member of the Blake family took her seat, Peter gestured to the steaming pots of food in the centre of the table and announced, “Dig in, everyone!”
While the others dived forwards to scoop out various meats or rice dishes, Luke let his eyes wander around the room. Intricate paintings dotted across the walls, a variety of eras on show. Many of the pieces were spotless with immaculately carved wooden frames holding them in place, but curiously there were a number of paintings that had gathered a thick layer of dust along each edge.
“Oh!” Charlotte exclaimed, catching Luke’s attention. “I’ve forgotten the salad! Evan, would you mind…?”
Evan looked sheepishly at his mother. There was a beat of silence. “Why can’t you go?”
“I’ve just sat down,” Charlotte said defensively. “Besides, your father and I made all this. The least you can do is get the salad out of the fridge.”
“It– It’s alright, Evan,” Luke stammered, rising from his seat. “I’ll get the–”
“Luke, please sit, you’re our guest.” Charlotte looked at her son with a twinge of confusion and frustration. “Evan.” The wall-mounted clock ticked rhythmically. Somewhere in the early Gotham evening, a dog barked.
“Fine,” Evan said, rising from his chair. He placed his napkin on the table and huffed as he started to walk away. Luke watched Evan’s face remain stern as he limped away into the kitchen. Evan wasn’t usually the type to argue with his mother, let alone at the dinner table, but something seemed–
Wait, ‘limped’?
Luke blinked. He had heard that Evan was an athletic type - frankly, it’s all his parents would talk about, besides antiques - but none of them had mentioned anything that could warrant an injury. In fact, Evan seemed fine less than a week ago. Perhaps he had simply tripped on the way home from work, Luke concluded. But something nagged at him in the back of his mind, a thread that seemed far-fetched but was begging to be pulled. Luke shook his head and looked down at the plates of food. Suddenly, he realised he wasn’t hungry; however, not wishing to be rude, he picked a ladle at random and began scooping the chilli-like dish onto his plate.
“Here’s your salad,” Evan announced unenthusiastically to his mother, passing it to her as he returned to his chair. His awkward gait confirmed Luke’s suspicion.
“What happened to your leg?” Luke asked, raising a forkful of seasoned beef up to his mouth. Evan paused.
“Your leg. You were limping.”
Evan looked down at his own leg. “Oh, yeah. It’s a stupid story, actually. I’m training for a gymnastics competition, and I…” Evan demonstrated someone attempting a backflip and falling awkwardly on their leg through hand signals. “Yeah.”
Luke shook his head. “That’s not stupid.”
“We keep telling him that,” Peter interjected, suddenly defensive. “But I think he’s embarrassed about it.”
He is embarrassed, yes,” Evan continued. “Because I’m usually so good at that sort of trick, but I botched it.”
“It happens to even the best athletes, Evan,” Lucius soothed. “You’ve just gotta learn from what you did that time, and… you know, improve on it for next time.” Luke could tell his father was somewhat out of his element - he wasn’t really the advice type.
“So what’s the extent of the injury?”
Peter chuckled awkwardly. “Oh, I don’t know if that’s dinner conversation. Not while we’re eating, anyway.”
Luke furrowed his brow. “Why not?”
“Talking about injuries while we’re enjoying a meal? I mean, it just doesn’t seem–”
“It’s alright, Dad,” Evan interrupted. “I pulled my calf muscle. It feels kinda weird to walk on it, but it doesn’t hurt that bad.”
Luke nodded.
“But talk about a wound,” Peter continued, a strange kind of wonder in his eyes. “I mean, I’d never seen anything like it.”
“I thought you said this wasn’t dinner conversation,” Evan frowned.
“Well… well, no, I suppose it isn’t. But we’re talking about it now. Might as well get it out of the way.”
“I mean, besides, a sprained muscle is hardly gonna put you off your food, right?”
“It’s less the sprain and more the…” Peter trailed off. Luke leaned forwards.
“The what?”
“Dad, I told you, it’s just from where I hit the mat. Those things are harder than they look.”
Peter turned reluctantly to Luke. “He says when he hit the mat, he got this… I mean, you should see it, Luke, it’s remarkable. It almost looks like some kind of burn, or like a bullseye. Big red friction burn in the middle, and a bunch of redness all up his leg. Crazy.”
Luke looked at Evan. He’d suddenly gone quiet, looking down and moving a single cherry tomato from one side of his plate to the other absentmindedly. A shiver ran down Luke’s spine as he thought back to the incident at the Ross Gallery. A thief, painting in hand, running for the exit. Luke firing off a blast from his suit and catching the assailant in the leg. The assailant screaming and dropping the painting before taking off into the night. The thread had been pulled.
Luke's phone vibrated in his pocket. He chose to ignore it.
“Did you…” Luke scrambled to find a question. “Did you go to the doctor about it?”
Evan shook his head, his eyes still locked on his plate. “Nah. I can walk, that’s all that matters.”
“Will you still be able to compete?”
“How far away is the competition?”
Evan shook his head. Luke’s heart was in his throat.
“It’s… it’s not gonna happen. I was one of the favourites to win as well.” Evan relaxed his brow, sucking in a breath. “But hey, it’s my own fault. And like you said, Lucius, I’ve just gotta learn from what I did last time. There's always next year. If it heals correctly, that is.”
“I never knew you did gymnastics,” Lucius added, pivoting the conversation slightly.
Evan looked up at him, a twinkle in his eye. “It's my dream to do it professionally.”
Guilt washed over Luke. If his theory was right - and he was becoming increasingly convinced it was - then he had just sabotaged a family friend. On the other hand, though, had he already sabotaged himself by turning to stealing art? And better yet, why was he stealing art? What did an aspiring gymnast have to gain from engaging in art heists? Everything seemed to fit together, and yet the answer wasn’t any clearer.
Luke remembered his phone. As he peered under the table to sneak a look at his phone, he saw a single notification - MISSED CALL - DUKE THOMAS. Luke gulped. In his hurry, he had neglected to take his official communicator, and while he and Duke did often text each other, a call from him was very rare. All signs pointed to news from the Belfry. As he looked up at the other people at the table, opening his mouth to speak, Luke locked eyes with his father. All of this was for his father, really - the dinners, the antiques, the small talk, everything - Luke was just the only other person who was readily available. Or was it that he was easy to persuade? Luke didn’t want to know the answer.
More importantly, and more urgently, now was Luke’s chance to get more information about Evan, to understand his motives before he even catches on what Luke is doing. The risk of Evan finding out Luke’s identity was higher than he would like, but if it meant getting to the bottom of this as well as hopefully helping his friend, Luke would do it tenfold.
Luke peeked under the table again, long enough to craft a message to Duke. Then, as he stuffed his phone back into his pocket, he turned back to Evan.
“So how long have you been doing gymnastics?”
“He’s not picking up,” Duke sighed, returning to the central table. Babs held a large shard of paint up to the light before placing it back down and manoeuvring over to her computer. As Duke peered down at the painting in front of him, his eyes widened. “Woah.”
Harper, continuing to slowly chip away at the artist’s hard work, nodded. “We’ve definitely got something here.”
“Just a moment, guys,” Babs announced, tapping at her keyboard. “Let’s get some light on this thing.”
With a final click of a key, the table began to glow a pale yellow. The exposed canvas was bathed in light, and as the trio surrounding the table looked, faint lines could be seen traced along the fabric.
“What is this?” Jace asked, his voice full of wonder and confusion.
Babs approached the table and hummed in thought. She ran her finger along the lines carefully, following their path and trying to glean any patterns or words.
“It’s a map,” Babs realised. “Look.” As she stretched out her hand, she pointed to the corner of the painting where a number of lines ran parallel to each other, stopping at a large rectangle. “That’s the park over by the police headquarters.”
The others leaned in and confirmed her statement. “But why would a painter - or whoever actually did this - draw a map of Gotham on the canvas before covering it up?” Harper thought out loud. “And what would it be pointing at?”
“And why did that guy want it?” Jace added. “Did he know about it?”
Duke looked down at his phone and froze. “Guys. It’s Luke.”
“Is he okay?” Harper asked.
“I… I think so. But look.” Duke turned his phone out to face everyone. On screen was a text, only a few words long, from Luke.
‘Assailant is Evan Blake.’
Next: The tables turn in New Gotham Knights #7 - Coming July 3rd
submitted by GemlinTheGremlin to DCNext [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 13:42 TheForce122 Wild times

Wild times
From "The Secret Teachings of All Ages" by Manly P. Hall:
"Under the evil insinuations of their demon, Thevetat, the Atlantis-race became a nation of wicked magicians. In consequence of this, war was declared, the story of which would be too long to narrate; its substance may be found in the disfigured allegories of the race of Cain, the giants, and that of Noah and his righteous family. The conflict came to an end by the submersion of the Atlantis; which finds its imitation in the stories of the Babylonian and Mosaic flood: The giants and magicians **** and all flesh died (...) and every man.' All except Xisuthrus and Noah, who are substantially identical with the great Father of the Thlinkithians in the Popol Vuh, or the sacred book of the Guatemaleans, which also tells of his escaping in a large boat, like the Hindu Noah-Vaiswasvata. " (See Isis Unveiled.)
From the Atlanteans the world has received not only the heritage of arts and crafts, philosophies and sciences, ethics and religions, but also the heritage of hate, strife, and perversion. The Atlanteans instigated the first war; and it has been said that all subsequent wars were fought in a fruitless effort to justify the first one and right the wrong which it caused. Before Atlantis sank, its spiritually illumined Initiates, who realized that their land was doomed because it had departed from the Path of Light, withdrew from the ill-fated continent. Carrying with them the sacred and secret doctrine, these Atlanteans established themselves in Egypt, where they became its first "divine" rulers.

The founder of JPL/NASA, occult dark magician Jack Parsons, dedicated his life to manifesting the Antichrist here via black magick rituals like the Babalon Working in 1946. He was a disciple of Aleister Crowley.
Eighth Sphere:
John 17:20-23
20 “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— 23 I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.
Walter Russell, Nikola Tesla's friend, artist, inventor, scientist:
"Jesus, the Nasarene, knew the universal language of light in all its fullness. He knew the ecstasy of inner thinking as no man has ever known it. He knew the structure of the atom as no one before or since has known it. Jesus knew the universality of all things, the One-ness of all things. He gave that knowledge to the then dull witted, brutal, lustful, loveless world in His much needed message of brotherly love.
Jesus gave to man the One great message of all time. He taught the universality of all things in the white light of the universal One of impartial love from Whose rulings there is no appeal. But only a few could faintly understand. Today the world is ready and eagerly awaits the completion of His message. When Jesus said: “I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now,” he referred to His complete knowledge of the universal force.
Of all mystics, Jesus was the outstanding example of all time. He was the only One in all history to have known complete cosmic-conscious unity with God.
God is the universe. God is not one and the universe another. The universe is not a separate creation of God’s. It is God.
God is thinking Mind. The substance, or body, of God is light. Spirit is light.
The substance of all “created” things is light. The One substance of thinking Mind is all that exists. The “created” universe is the registration in matter of the idea of thinking Mind. Mind is expressed in light.
Matter is light crystallized into the complex idea of this universe, exactly as literature is type assembled into the complex ideas of a library.
Matter and Mind and light and energy are eternal. They are constant. They are cause. Form and motion are illusions. They are fleeting. They are effects."
Paramahansa Yogananda, Wise Man from the East:
"Jesus had sovereign power; he could easily have saved himself from crucifixion, but during the agony in the Garden he only said, “Father, not my will, but thine, be done,” and on the Cross, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” In those final tests he showed he had wholly conquered all ego-impulses. When you have unlimited power, as Jesus did, and when everyone spurns you and still you do not retaliate, you are a conqueror indeed."
Seeking the kingdom of God first is the cardinal message of Jesus to individuals and nations of the world, because it is the surest way to lasting individual, social, and national happiness. Perishable material possessions do not contain the immortality and everlasting bliss of the kingdom of God, but His imperishable kingdom contains in it all the goodness of the world. To possess God is to own the universe.
'In the beginning was the Word.'
"Word” means intelligent vibration, intelligent energy, going forth from God. Any utterance of a word, such as “flower,” expressed by an intelligent being, consists of sound energy or vibration, plus thought, which imbues that vibration with intelligent meaning. Likewise, the Word that is the beginning and source of all created substances is Cosmic Vibration imbued with Cosmic Intelligence. Thought of matter, energy of which matter is composed, matter itself—all things—are but the differently vibrating thoughts of the Spirit.
This universe is a vibratory dream motion picture of God’s thoughts on the screen of time and space and human consciousness.
Units of divine light, finer than electrons and other subatomic particles, are the bricks of which matter is composed. All things seen on the screen of the universe are differentiated currents of the cosmic light and the shadows or “darkness” of delusion.
Hidden behind the ether of space is the tremendous light of the astral world, providing the life and energy that sustains the whole universe.18 The auroral rays of astral lifetrons are a spiritual ectoplasm around the entire cosmos. Out of the astral light, God is creating planets and universes."
Aleister Crowley, MI6 dark magician, excerpt from his book "Magick Without Tears":
All this is clear proof of the unspeakable power and wisdom of Those who have sent me to proclaim the Law.
I observe, after a talk with M. Jules Courtier yesterday, that all their S.P.R. work is proof only of extra-human Forces.
We knew about them all along; the universe is full of obscure and subtle manifestation of energy, we are constantly advancing in our knowledge and control of them. Telekinesis is of the same order of Nature as the Hertz Rays or the Radium emanations. But what nobody before me has done is to prove the existence of extra-human Intelligence, and my magical Record does this. I err in the interpretation, of course; but it is impossible to doubt that there is a Somebody there, a Somebody capable of combining events as a Napoleon forms his plans of campaign, and possessed of powers unthinkably vast. If these events be indeed the result of calculation and control on the part of the Secret Chiefs, it seems at first sight as if the people involved had been prepared to play their parts from the beginning.
Jack Parsons, rocket scientist, inventor of modern rocketry, founder of JPL/NASA, disciple of Aleister Crowley, excerpt from his book "Book of the Antichrist":
And thereafter I was taken within and saluted the Prince of that place, and thereafter things were done to me of which I may not write, and they told me, "It is not certain that you will survive, but if you survive you will attain your true will, and manifest the Antichrist.
And thereafter I returned and swore the Oath of the Abyss, having only the choice between madness, suicide, and that oath. But the Oath in no wise ameliorated that terror, and I continued in the madness and horror of the abyss for a season. But of this no more. But having passed the ordeal of 40 days I took the oath of a Magister Templi, even the Oath of Antichrist before Frater 132, the Unknown God. And thus was I Antichrist loosed in the world; and to this I am pledged, that the work of the Beast 666 shall be fulfilled, and the way for the coming of BABALON be made open and I shall not cease or rest until these things are accomplished. And to this end I have issued this my manifesto.

"Azealia Banks Cleans Blood-Stained Room She's Used to Practice Witchcraft for 3 Years: 'Real Witches Do Real Things'"
"Beyoncé Accused of 'Extreme Witchcraft' by Former Drummer Kimberly Thompson"
"Jay-Z: A Master Of Occult Wisdom?"
"Yes, that has very deep roots in modern occult culture," Horowitz says. "The full expression is 'Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.' That was one of the key maxims of the British occultist Aleister Crowley. So when Jay-Z appears in a hoodie with that phrase on it in public, that's exactly what he's referencing."
Jay-Z's Rocawear clothing line also often draws upon Masonic symbols: pentagrams, obelisks, pyramids, the all-seeing eye. Of course, that pales in comparison with the near-obsession with the occult of someone like, say, Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page.
"Lady Gaga Accused Of Performing Satanic Ritual, Leaves Hotel Bathtub Filled With Blood"
Aleister Crowley, MI6 dark magician, excerpt from his book "Magick Without Tears":
All this is clear proof of the unspeakable power and wisdom of Those who have sent me to proclaim the Law.
I observe, after a talk with M. Jules Courtier yesterday, that all their S.P.R. work is proof only of extra-human Forces.
We knew about them all along; the universe is full of obscure and subtle manifestation of energy, we are constantly advancing in our knowledge and control of them. Telekinesis is of the same order of Nature as the Hertz Rays or the Radium emanations. But what nobody before me has done is to prove the existence of extra-human Intelligence, and my magical Record does this. I err in the interpretation, of course; but it is impossible to doubt that there is a Somebody there, a Somebody capable of combining events as a Napoleon forms his plans of campaign, and possessed of powers unthinkably vast. If these events be indeed the result of calculation and control on the part of the Secret Chiefs, it seems at first sight as if the people involved had been prepared to play their parts from the beginning.
Jack Parsons, rocket scientist, inventor of modern rocketry, founder of JPL/NASA, disciple of Aleister Crowley, excerpt from his book "Book of the Antichrist":
And thereafter I was taken within and saluted the Prince of that place, and thereafter things were done to me of which I may not write, and they told me, "It is not certain that you will survive, but if you survive you will attain your true will, and manifest the Antichrist.
And thereafter I returned and swore the Oath of the Abyss, having only the choice between madness, suicide, and that oath. But the Oath in no wise ameliorated that terror, and I continued in the madness and horror of the abyss for a season. But of this no more. But having passed the ordeal of 40 days I took the oath of a Magister Templi, even the Oath of Antichrist before Frater 132, the Unknown God. And thus was I Antichrist loosed in the world; and to this I am pledged, that the work of the Beast 666 shall be fulfilled, and the way for the coming of BABALON be made open and I shall not cease or rest until these things are accomplished. And to this end I have issued this my manifesto
Lord Rothschild posing with satanic witch Marina Abramovic in front of the painting "Lucifer Summoning his Legions" in late 2019
Here's a documentary that exposed an Apollo (Lucifer) temple on a Rothschild estate where people in black robes do occult rituals:
"1666: Redemption Through Sin" by Robert Sepehr:
Explains how Amschel Rothschild created the Illuminati with Jacob Frank on 5/1/1776 with Isaac Weishaupt as the front man. The Illuminati is a Luciferian psychotic occult group dedicated bringing the world under a one world hell tyranny
submitted by TheForce122 to conspiracy_commons [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 11:16 zerozealotry Board Lords Arkham Horror Scenario Report: The Untamed Wilds

Quick, no time to explain, onto the report!
Edit: Ok, I’ve got some time now so I’ll do a brief update. Now that the Helmlock Vale campaign is over, I’m back for more of these reports. Except, I’m cutting a lot of the content I used to do as my days are significantly busier now that I’ve graduated and am actively job hunting/taking on part-time jobs. So, what you see is what you get.
I may yet do a full google doc for the whole campaign to archive these reports + sections on the Borad Lords’ deck and campaign rules, but that’s dependent on how much free time I end up with. Highlights were also meant to make the cut for this report but I’ve been sick for the better of the week and slowly recovering. It’s also why this got released today rather than yesterday as I pretty much did up this report in the past 4 hours or so. So, apologies for any sloppiness in the writing. Anyway, see yall at the stream later today!
Link to Youtube VOD ->

Scenario 1: The Untamed Wilds

“You’re trudging through the thick undergrowth of the Amazon Rainforest, beads of sweat sticking to your skin and clothes. Hacking away at overgrown shrubs and vines, you scratch at your irritated skin for the umpteenth time, unaware of the slow transmogrification that has already begun, from skin to scale. Suddenly, an arrow whizzes past your head and lands in front of you, inches away from penetrating your skull. You turn to face the threat, a group of hunters clad in feathery apparel, bows nocked, their attention fixed. They’re not looking at you, rather beyond you. Slowly, you turn your head and follow their gaze to the opposite end of the clearing, only to spot a pack of humanoid serpents rapidly closing in, hissing and slithering with 10ft spears in hand. Will you escape this rumble in the jungle between the hunters and the Serpent folk to continue on your expedition… or are you on a Mystery Quest Board Lords Campaign?”
Ah, don’t you just love the air of a brand new campaign early in the morning? Brimming with hope, new deck possibilities and the confidence of 5 campaigns already under their belt. Oh, and the misplays, the misplays! Using other players’ supplies, missing multiple attacks from the Eztli Guardian (read: FAQ), getting the Explore mechanic wrong on multiple counts, etc. I’m sure they’ll iron out these kinks in due time… but they did happen, and the location manipulation to “catch up” only further cements the lower score, even if it was justified in the interest of the stream. On the bright side of things, their actual teamplay and coordination is still as strong as ever, working for the best group outcome rather than just their own individual situations. Lastly, knowing when and where to explore/deal with Vengeance, as they did in this scenario, will be key in the coming weeks. (5/15)

Play of the Game

Rythian strides up to the Keeper of the Eztli, Ichtaca, swagger dripping from his every step. While Ichtaca herself remains on guard, he immediately breaks into a heated tirade, chiding her for her uncouth behaviour and unwelcoming attitude. He attempts the Parley, knowing it will fail, just so he can bust out his trusty British Bull Dog for free. Before she can react, Rythian unloads a quick shot to the leg, her body crumpling under the surprise assault. It’s lights out for the enigmatic huntress as Zylus follows up with a swift strike to the head, wielding his Dragon Pole with precision and finesse. Diplomacy was never on the cards, especially when none of them had any Intellect (the stat) to begin with.

Investigator Review

submitted by zerozealotry to Yogscast [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 10:06 ApprehensiveExam3332 Am I screwed?

(key topics: feeling overwhelmed from GCSE(exams and results),had to flee from my country,suicidal thoughts, deteriorating health and nowadays struggles.)
*A note: it's the first time using Reddit and id try my best to write succinct and pretty-processable for everyone but this situation is quite heavy so expect me to write walls of text.
Also English is not my first language so could be grammar mistakes. Would be happy to be respected.*
I'd begin with mini story about me. A background. I am from Ukraine, and I had more or less secure life. We were having a lot of plans and aspirations for me to become successful or at least after reaching those plans having a good base for starting off my "life" after university that we were planning to apply after finishing high school (or for comparison like A levels.).
But from 24.02.2022 it has all changed and that's all of this hell started.
We didn't move from my country right away, we did after living for around 0.5 until it didn't get to us.
So my family had to take all the important stuff and flee to UK.Frankly, It was tough to adjust and probably I still have this foreign feeling.
But nevertheless, when it came to the education,I chosen GCSEs(subjects) that are quite weak after getting their results to apply for 6th form in Grammar schools (Sadly) and its due to the fact that I have never been strong at school(E.g Science,Physics,chem or this math) and only stuff that I was good at is art (which I fcking neglect to pick as something that I'd spend my precious time on instead of studying and becoming a well rounded student.)
And I write it before getting those results but just literally overshadowing my next nearest future.
And here is the thing which makes it even more depressing. I have friends but they would mock and laugh at me since it's already obvious what gap between our knowledge and progress that we have in contrast to each other. I know even ones that has done so much progress in less time that I did or even just getting already offered the place in top grammar schools which just depresses me even more. So it would just basically indicate about my circle
(sorry for mentioning it now after writing this chunk,they are also Ukrainians so just for not saying that "they are more likely to understand all of this since they are citizens of this country and blah blah blah." But no unfortunately not...)
What about my family you would say? Well, they support me and they help me which I do appreciate but I feel that I'd just be a failure. And that's were this depression and $uicidal thoughts begin.
I know a little. And I am 16 but just feeling that I am already screwed. I have an only dream and it's a secure life. But knowing that my artistic talent would never be released due to the AI and how it's competitive to get a good place or making sustainable money it's just would be a waste of my recourses and time of me and my parents to invest it into this.
I am trying to learn stem subjects for learning and being prepared.(And I see that maybe I could be good at math but still uncertain.) But I feel that is too late so I am at the same time just thinking of being dead rather than live in unfulfilled life where I have wasted into toilet.
What's your take on this situation? And what you can provide from as what you may know? Can I be still successful and earning a lot being despite in this situation where it would be getting to 0? How can I maintain a good life like being well-rounded, get good grades(after a levels) and just get over from this hot situation?
*Thank you for being patient if you have read up to this point. Sorry for walls of text."
submitted by ApprehensiveExam3332 to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 06:25 SnooPineapples731 Brat-esque spotify playlist: Once a brat, always a brat! I need your reccomendations PLEASE!

Brat-esque spotify playlist: Once a brat, always a brat! I need your reccomendations PLEASE! submitted by SnooPineapples731 to charlixcx [link] [comments]