Ammunition energy


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2024.06.09 16:00 BrodogIsMyName Frontier Fantasy - Chap 42

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WaveOfWire Edits :D
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Harrison’s vision was still foggy from waking up, several blinks failing to clear the tears from his drawn-out yawn. He just escaped the encompassing embrace of his four-armed guardian, leaving their shared bed for the bathroom, where he would have to say goodbye to his beard. If he was going to travel out of the settlement, a proper seal on his gas mask was a must.
It was a shame. The slow buildup of the hair over the last month or so was a representation of his growth in a way, building up alongside his experiences in this hellhole, be they life-threatening or informative. It was almost like wiping the slate clean, even if cutting some chin scruff didn’t really change anything at all—he’d never be able to forget anything he had seen here for as long as he lived.
And there was no telling how long that’d be.
The engineer sighed, splashing the lukewarm barracks water into his face from one of the many wall-attached sinks, allowing him to fully open his eyes and size up the damage done to his favorite black blood-and-sweat-stained t-shirt. It always stayed in good condition with washing and fabricator repairs, but somehow Shar’s talons always found a way to make small holes in it. She wasn’t trying to, but with the way she fully wrapped her arms around him, the tips of her sharp fingers sometimes ended up poking into the fabric and causing some cuts.
It was such a small issue that he never considered bringing it up to her. Plus, she’d probably do her whole guilty talon-tapping thing with puppy eyes and all… He shook his head, letting the stray beads of water on his face drip into the sink.
His palm ran across his beard while his other hand reached for the razor. There wasn’t any shaving cream or the like, but he’d make do. At least he had one of the proper tools for the job. He went into the task, the blade driving through his scruff, slopping off wide areas of his hair from jaw to chin for a few seconds before it was interrupted.
A short ‘woosh’ of the entrance caught his attention.
“Aww, you’re shavin’ it off?” Tracy commented dejectedly through a yawn, the lazy drawl reinforcing the fact that she just woke up. “Th’ beard was sorta growin’ on me.”
He eyed her through the mirror, his voice coming out in a dull tone. “Yeah. I feel the same.”
She squinted under the bright bathroom lights, rubbing an eye with her wrist as she walked up to the sink beside him and started her own morning routine. “Mmm… Womp womp. Why though?”
“Need it to get a gas mask seal,” he stated flatly, focusing on the task at hand.
The technician stopped momentarily, the gears turning in her head before she gave him a downcast frown. “You’re still set on going for the vehicle bay? You know we can just send some long-range drones out there, right?”
His short exhale echoed throughout the tiled room. The engineer closed his eyes, already mentally withdrawn from the conversation. They've had this discussion twice now. “It’s to be better prepared for any chemical, biological, or radiological surprises that might come up—not just for the excursion. Even more importantly, there’s no guarantee the module is in perfect shape. If I’m there in person, I’ll have the means to get through anything for those blueprints. Plus, it should only be four days, so the only issues we have are my beard and finding a way to protect the Malkrin from the radiation while we’re out.”
Tracy looked like she wanted to say something back, but bit her lip and cast her eyes down at the sink in front of her, twisting the knob before mumbling a quiet response. “I don’t think you need to protect them from radiation at all…”
She stared at him meekly, his dismissal of her worries having clearly dampened her mood. Guilt tugged at the back of his mind before her words further caught his interest. “I think they’re immune… or resistant or something. Radiation immunity is the whole reason they were sent here. You’ve added up the pieces together too, right?”
He stared down at her, running a hand through his hair with tired exasperation depressing his voice. “Tracy, I’ve been trying my hardest to just make it another day on this God-forsaken planet, not dig into their religion. So, no. I have not spent the time to add up the pieces. Enlighten me, please.”
“…S-Sorry. I just, you know, get a lot of time to think when working on drones, and Cera has been drawing all kinds of representations of these things.” Tracy paused, gesturing toward the engineer. “Okay, so you remember the whole backstory for why the Malkrin are on the mainland in the first place?”
“Pseudo-eugenics?” he commented dryly.
“Yeah.” She nodded, a sense of excitement leaking into her voice. “And what were the parameters of banishing someone?”
“Not getting sick from a rock.”
She eyed him feverishly, brows raised with a sudden zeal. “Aaaaand that rock represented the Sky Goddess’ wrath, which did what?”
“Uhhh…” He looked upward in thought, recalling his conversation with the paladin. “I think Shar mentioned nausea, vomiting, blisters, skin melting… off…” He froze, the pieces forming. “Wait, you don’t think…”
“I do. Those symptoms could mean a lot of things, but the anomaly field was the real kicker. You know that Shar just straight up didn’t have any lingering radiation effects or anything while you were nearly put… six feet under…” Her voice quieted momentarily, the speed of her speech outpacing her train of thought. “Sorry. Um… so, I was gonna say that she, uh, I mean the scanner mentioned she had damage from ‘alpha particles’ on her skin, but nothing else happened to her organs or anything.”
Harrison squinted at her for a moment, mouth slightly opened and prepared to give some alternative reasoning besides ‘immunity.’ Maybe her armor protected her from it? No… she didn’t even have full protection, radiation would have certainly gotten around her eyes or snout. What about her height? What if… No.
He didn’t just want to believe that somehow the Malkrin could just evade a force of nature, but he didn’t have any way of proving or disproving it on hand… Well, no humane way of testing it.
“I… guess?” the engineer grumbled, rubbing his eyes. “Even then, they still need armor and gas masks. The worst part of the radiation isn’t even the ionizing part. It’s the trace elements that get into your lungs and decay there. So it doesn’t hurt to use some CBRN filters.”
“Fair… but it’s interesting, isn’t it?” Tracy beamed. “Like, what kind of evolutionary factors lead to radiation immunity? Why do only some of the Malkrin have it and others don’t?”
The only real cause of radiation he could think of would be a massive nuclear proliferation of some sort. Maybe the anomalies? He ran a hand through his hair, pushing the lingering thoughts away. “I wouldn’t know. You could always ask Sebas to bring up some papers about it or generate some theories when you get the chance.”
“I probably will at some point… Maybe while I’m working.” She poked him in the bicep. “You’re still helping me with the mule, right?”
He bobbed his head, loose beard hairs itching up his chin. “Sure am. Gimme a bit to shave and test the fifty-cal ammo, then I’ll be free to assist.”
“Kay Kay.” The tradeswoman smiled and returned to the sink, washing her face.
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“What the hell did you do to your shield?” a stunned Harrison asked the paladin, his face scrunching up in concern… and confusion.
Sharky proudly held up her once grungy orange shield with a smile, looking at its new… paint job? “Artificer Tracy has s—n to imbue my bulwark with the crest of the Sky Goddess herself! Observe the b—utiful wings that cover it!”
The engineer had just got back from setting up and overseeing the automated mule’s first excursion to the mine and back. It was a grueling task, requiring him to reset its pathing several times before it was able to make a round trip without input. Now, the maroon-skinned Malkrin in front of him had apparently gotten her massive aegis laser imprinted with crossing wings in the two hours or so he’d been gone. The areas between the black feather decals were colored with white and blue paints, contrasting with the new dark gray background.
A small weight was placed on his shoulder, Tracy’s forearm suddenly appearing atop it despite her being nearly a foot shorter than him. She beamed, staring up at him with all-too-proud eyes. “The scout regiment symbol looks good on it, right? Cera helped me with the laser engraving.”
“I…” His brows raised in perplexity. “The scout regiment?”
She shrugged, watching the paladin observe her shield from all sorts of different angles underneath the workshop’s light fixtures. “From an anime I used to watch. Men and women who were sent out to battle against massive titans for the greater good of the last settlement of humanity. Somewhat fitting, and fuckin’ awesome on her big-ass shield! Matches the bird’s wings on her armor too.”
He loudly sighed. “You wasted materials on imprinting wings on Shar’s shield? Really?”
“Hey!” Her brows furrowed into faux-annoyance, a smug grin betraying it. “It’s not a waste if you were never gonna use the paint we had on hand. Plus, we’ve got energy to spare with all the wind turbines and power cells you’ve been printing out.”
“Those paints probably could have been used for important designations… or something…” he grumbled.
“Doesn’t matter.” She stuck her tongue out at him. “Anyway, want me to put some scary teeth or something on that big ‘ol fist-sized muzzle break on your shotgun?”
“No?” he took an incredulous step away from her, letting her arm fall off his shoulder and to her side.
“It’s okay to admit you’re jealous of Shar’s awesome decals, bro,” Tracy teased, her smugness growing tenfold. “No need to get defensive.”
He groaned, figuring there wasn’t a point in staying to bicker with the tradeswoman, leaving the two vanity-focused females to their devices. He still had to figure out how to fabricate armor and gas masks for the Malkrin and himself.
“Hey! Where ya goin?” the technician called out, clearly disappointed that he hadn’t indulged in her taunts.
Short taps against the hard floor sounded out as she caught up to him. She leaned forward and curiously looked up at him as she walked, holding her hands behind the small of her back. “What kind? Can I help?”
“Just need to take some measurements and compare options. Right… Speaking of which.” He turned around and cupped his palms around his mouth. “Hey Shar! Get over here, I need your help!”
The addressed Malkrin perked up, snapping out of the small haze of admiring her new shield and happily making her way toward him. She stood at attention, her tail oscillating side to side. “What n—d do you have of me?”
“Just a quick task,” he briefed her, grabbing some measuring tape from his desk… that Tracy had decided was her new chair. He sighed and turned his attention back to the paladin. “Can I bother you to lean down for a few seconds while I take some measurements?”
“Of course. Pl—se, take your time.” She stepped forward and kneeled, her head brought down to his height. Her face wore that simple content look he was growing all too accustomed to by now—slightly vibrating frills, a little curl upward of her lips, and warmly glowing eyes.
He wasted no time getting to work, noting down the various distances around her jaws, snout, eyes, and ears, already piecing together how he could cobble together some gas mask designs to fit the dimensions. She sat there quietly, sometimes leaning into the accidental head scratches adorably. It contrasted heavily with the cold-sweat-inducing layers of razor-sharp teeth within her muzzle as he measured the angle her maw opened at, bringing an idle curiosity prodded his mind.
“Say, Shar, do your teeth grow back if they fall out?” he poked, absently observing the dozens of triangular bone protrusions in her mouth as he held the underside of her jaw.
“They do,” she confirmed, the way she was able to speak despite not moving her mouth still messing with his head. “Do y—rs not?”
“Nope. Only once.”
She attempted to tilt her head, but quickly returned it when it left the embrace of his palm. “Only once?”
He nodded. “Yeah, sometime a few years after birth. They’re replaced with the teeth I have now. Don’t get any new ones, so we gotta take care of ‘em.”
“Birth?” The Malkrin’s eyes widened. “You were not cr—ted as you are now?”
A shock of stress poured down his spine like a bucket of ice water, raising the hairs on his back. Fuck. How did he let that slip? He was supposed to have just appeared from the sky to her, right…? He was doing so well for so long in keeping that in. God, had he really gotten so comfortable with the paladin that he simply forgot what he was to her? His teeth clenched, a huff of air escaping his nostrils as he lightly shook his head. It was a bit too late to backtrack. It could be explained vaguely and brushed off, right?
“Yeah. I was born,” he affirmed flatly. His hand dropped away from Shar’s muzzle, her head falling an inch or two before she registered that she couldn’t keep leaning into his touch. “That’s it for measurements, so you’re free to leave.”
A frown carved through her small smile. “I… See… F—give me if I have brought up someth—g improper.”
His exhalation burned through his frustration at himself, his hand running through his hair to wash away the spike of anxiety. “You’re fine. You haven’t done anything wrong.”
“Th-Then I shall take my leave,” the massive alien stated softly.
He nodded, feeling a little regretful for pushing the kindhearted Malkrin away as he shuffled back to his desk. Tracy was still sitting atop it, giving him a disappointed reaction with low brows, forcing a pointed reaction from him. “What?”
The technician took a long inhale before shrugging. “Nothin’.”
The rolling chair squeaked lightly as he rested himself, his hands already going through the motions of opening the computer and the blueprint folders. There were plenty of tabs open of sensors and motor assemblies he hadn’t closed from the previous night. That wasn’t even mentioning the pile of notes he had on proper radio-protective methods, their corners bent from his frequent flipping through them.
“Soooo…” The short black-haired woman leaned forward from her perch atop the only clear part of his desk. “Can I help you with your ‘comparing options’ work, mister busyman?”
“Sure…” He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, raising a brow. “How much do you know about armor?”
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“No way. The back support is a must, so you can have extra plating over your shoulders and chest.” Tracy pointed out from her seat beside Harrison’s, all but forcing him to pause his Malkrin gas mask designing to give her argument his full attention.
He calmly took his hands off the mouse and keyboard. “A back support needs leg assistants, which means I’ll need to have at least a fifteen pound battery pack somewhere. Those kinds of exosuits are either all in or not at all. You can go full armor and engine, or lightweight protection and simple limb support.”
“So you’re just gonna go out there with normal armor? Just run-of-the-mill plates and gear? Those fucking things would go through that shit like butter! I know we can’t make synthetic muscle yet, but at least consider wearing something a bit more. Please. Even Sharky has heavy armor!”
Harrison pinched the bridge of his nose, his brows furrowed. “Do I look like a several-hundred kilogram monster of pure muscle to you? I’m more than willing to put on a few extra kilos for protection, but I’m trying to weigh the pros and cons of putting on more armor rather than more equipment. I’d rather fifty pounds of magazines and ammo than fifty pounds of armor. You know what I mean?”
“Yeah yeah… You and your storage space…” she mumbled, swiping through a few more images on her data pad when a familiar Mars-pattern suit showed up, catching his eye.
“Hey, wait, pull that one up…”
She rotated the tablet for him to see a little better—despite already being shoulder-to-shoulder with him. “This one? What’s so special about it?”
He analyzed the few pieces of equipment on screen, noting the rusty-orange and tan color scheme, the old Martian-American flag attached to its breastplate, and the iconic quad-nod integrated helmet. “Holy shit,” he whispered. “That’s… We have that in our blueprints?”
She raised a brow, clearly confused. “Whaddya mean?”
“That’s an Orbital Drop Ranger’s standard kit,” he stated slowly, a simmering sense of awe bubbling up—why the hell was it in their blueprints folder? “It was used during the Sino-Venusian incursion of southern Mars. It still has the Old Earth American flag embedded into it, so you know it’s pre twenty-two-hundred C.E.”
“Oh shit… Pre-St.Loual’s construction? This is ancient, then, huh? Would it be any good?” She leaned in closer to him, eying the tablet further.
“Does it have the assembly view of the armored pieces?”
“Mmhmm.” She tapped a few icons, showing an isometric, exploded view of all the parts and their individual components.
It was a piece of history alright. The armor was produced just about the time when Mars was connecting their orbital stations and ground colonies to work in tandem, allowing for specialized forces to be trained in space and launched anywhere across the planet from drop pods in mere minutes, leading to common nickname of ‘Minutemen’ given to the troopers. The suits were expertly designed to withstand the harsh environments of Mars and give the soldiers the ability to engage with enemy combatants for several days before extraction, though the adept units usually completed their objectives within twenty-four hours of their landing.
The helmet was very angular and blended in with the expected rocky terrain of Mars, each component taking on a sloped frontal design with rectangular prisms flowing behind—radio, breathing apparatus, and vision modules all sharing a sleek, yet bulky look in their own right. It reminded him of some in-atmosphere ships, with the overhanging visor above the quad-nod viewport being the only non-aerodynamic pieces.
The chest and legs were a bit different, following the design of late twenty-second-century operators with tan lightweight rigs, and ammunition pouches alongside armored plates that ran from the shoulders to wrists in segments. There was a rusty-orange undersuit beneath it all for the purpose of keeping air in, which required some sturdy polymer structures to ensure it didn’t rip. Then, of course, there were the classic shock-absorbing leg supports. They weren’t too far off what Tracy was asking about earlier, but these ones didn’t provide any assistance in moving with any motors—just straight-up structural reinforcements.
Hell, the blueprints on screen even had the mag-grip gloves used to scale domes, buildings, and satellites alike. There was no doubt that the Orbital Drop Rangers had some of the coolest equipment on Mars, especially considering that it was the last to keep the ‘operator’ look… It was such a shame the government decided the orb-like helmets and rounded bubble armors were more effective.
“Hey, you know what?” he asked the technician, a shot of excitement in his voice. “This might actually work out as a suitable armor replacement.”
She perked up, her brows raised. “Oh? Actually?”
He shrugged, trying to play off the smirk plastered on his face. “Wouldn’t need a horrible amount of changes to work for our purposes. Just need to remove the oxygen converter on the back and put a gas mask replacement in the front portion of the helmet. Plus, we could probably get rid of the airtight aspect and just keep the undersuit for scratch protection. And, most importantly, it’s radio-protective.”
“Meets all your criteria, then?” She tapped through some UI interfaces, sending the armor assembly to Harrison’s monitor, which he accepted quickly.
“Sure does.” He readily clicked through the different parts and systems to differentiate what needed to be kept. “We have the resources for it, and all it needs is a layer of cadmium plus a few replacements. Definitely doesn’t need the heads-up display since there’s nothing for it to interact with either, so that’ll save on print time and materials too. Shame I cut up the beard… the Orbital Drop Rangers were allowed to have some cool ones.”
The tradeswoman scooted in even closer, practically resting her chin on his shoulder and watching him sift through the working parts. “Yeah, rest in peace, beard. Still, your armor situation is solved. What about the Malkrin?”
“I’ll be working on their gas masks, then I was thinking I’d use another one of your modeled armors for their protection since they’ve helped Shar a hell of a lot. Do you have any recommendations?”
“Mmmmm…” She looked up in thought, a smile forming along her cheeks. “You know, until we can make them any real power armor, I was thinking just some regular phobos-pattern armor. Could color ‘em based on their skin too.”
“Phobos-pattern armor?” he hummed to himself, clicking through the folder to find it. It was just as bulky as Shar’s armor, except it appeared a good bit smoother, with more rounded edges compared to her horns-and-spike-lined gauntlets and pauldrons. The blue suit Tracy was proposing didn’t have the four-armed protection compared to the chaos version, but it certainly had the same thickness of its metal plates. “Looks like it’d work pretty well. Does it have any electric components or anything?”
“No…” she huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. “Not so good with designing that stuff in the modeling program I did the WarHarberd stuff in. Could add in more sophisticated leg support or whatever if you gave me time, but for now it’s just maneuverable slabs of alloy.”
“I think that’s all we need for the time being.” He shrugged. “I just don’t want the others to be vulnerable to getting cut up by the little spider-crab grunts.”
“As long as it works for what we need, then.” Her elbow poked into his arm. “Here, how about I take care of that armor stuff while you finish up the gas masks? They need the extra arm slots too, yeah?”
“I’d actually appreciate that a lot.” He offered her a back-palm fist bump, to which she eagerly took, taking on a grin that he mirrored. “Thanks, Trace.”
“Don’t mention it. I wish work was always just doing my hobbies like this.”
\= = = = =
A grand pylon of metal construction taller than the mightiest female’s frills stood atop the beach. Blue-scaled surfaces extended near the foot of the tower, gathering the power of the sun itself. The lattice layering upon their sides hid the weaving wires and Goddess-blessed machinery. A staff the same as Shar’khee’s peeked from its top, the glass eye on its side given a wide view of the sandy environment it resided on, the defense it now provided becoming absolute. The aura it exuded as a creature of pure metal was awe-inspiring, its mere presence a showing of Harrison’s might and domain.
No abhorrent would dare step foot upon the meadow’s rolling hills, for such a mistake would ensure their immediate execution for encroaching upon his settlement—the ‘fifty-cal-e-bur’ bullet is not one to rend any beast with only simple injuries, especially with three hundred of them available at once.
The maroon-skinned paladin treaded up the hill, having completed her task of setting up the last turret. The craftsman, the juvenile, and the lumberjack had also assisted with its setup, pulling their weight in both mind and muscles to piece the components together. They completed a few others around the modules already, but this one was done without the star-sents’ oversight. The four Malkrin had practiced and learned enough to be entrusted with such.
The idea of Harrison having enough confidence in them sparked much conviction in the group, each of them more than eager to prove him right—none more so than Shar’khee herself, of course.
She finally returned to the workshop, the sun’s last rays pressing into the back of her head and frills as she crouched beneath the doorway, a small gnawing hunger for dinner digging within her stomach. The cacophony of machines soon reached her ears, the sounds of their efforts almost working in tandem with the strange melodic music playing from an unseen source above her.
Tracy was in her corner, working on new beings of metal as always. The bright lights above were turned off in favor of smaller, warmer emplacements atop her surrounding circle of desks. A hard worker, that star-sent was, though both of them were like that, the paladin supposed. Their kind was certainly intent on keeping their hands busy.
Shar’khee passed through the snakes of machines, finding her way to Harrison’s desk with an increasingly strong sway in her tail. He was working with a black object with light gray accents. It appeared to be partially flexible, yet firm in other places—notably, a large glass fixture on one side of it. There was very little she could make out about its purpose, but with the delicate touches he applied, it appeared to be quite important.
Her tongue clicked twice, garnering the attention of the Creator. He paused his work, swiveling his chair to face her and revealing a long blue-leaf jutting from his mouth. Her male appeared quite tired, but his voice did not show it.
“Oh, Shar, what’s up? Did y’all need any help with the last turret?”
She shook her head. “We do not n—d such, for it is completed. Would you care to join me for din—r? The rest of the settlem—t is enjoying their meals as of now. ”
He raised his brows before looking back at the myriad of notes, tools, and materials atop his cluttered desk. “Well, I’m kinda busy, but…” His jaw rolled around in contemplation. “Here. Let’s just test this thing real quick.”
Her head tilted. “What sh—l we be testing?”
“Your gas mask… er, well, a Malkrin gas mask. Kneel down real quick, I’ll run ya through putting it on.” He stepped off his chair and grabbed the equipment, uncomfortably rotating his shoulders. How long was he sitting on that chair? The male approached her and she did as requested. “I had the sewist help me with some of the design. Never considered you guys would ever wear hats.”
She nodded. “It is unh—lthy for one to have their frills touched by the sun for so long. Adequate shade is a must, and trees are not so p—valent along farm land.”
“Mmhmm. Shame this is just a mask… Alright, this might be a bit uncomfortable, but it’ll do the job.”
He stepped forward and slipped the black apparel onto her snout, pushing it over her face until it pressed against the sides of her head. A cool material rubbed against her skin, locking her into its embrace. It was encapsulating, surrounding her wholly.
Her breaths strengthened as she allowed the mask to cover her, a short shock of nervousness riding down her spine. She was only now registering how vulnerable she was, allowing him to possibly suffocate her… but she stayed put, keeping her four palms rested within her lap as he continued to apply the straps around her ears. She would allow it. She trusted him with her life. She would not falter.
The cords around the back of her head were tight, a few of which went along both sides of her frills, pushing up against their sides. He kept going, ensuring a ‘seal,’ but it was getting much too—
A lightning bolt of pain rolled throughout the top of her head, sending her reeling. It stung for the briefest of moments, but its effects rebounded through her entire body, short sparks pulsing from its origin. She felt nothing but its agonizing hold for several more moments as the rest of her body caught up.
When her eyes opened once more, she found herself on the floor and staring at the ceiling. The star-sent rushed to her side, appearing to ask many questions while looking over her head, but all she heard was a piercing ring and the gruff vocalization he made whenever he shared his intent. No words reached her mind, only the now faint phantom pains from where her frills met her skull. It put everything in a haze, her eyes barely settling on her dearest’s, despite how nauseous she had become.
His deft hands quickly worked to loosen the straps, practically ripping them off until his voice suddenly reached her, like breaching the surface of the water. His voice was deep, attempting to be calculating, yet despite his calmly created stoic demeanor… she could feel his panic, his sheer worry almost flooding her senses through practiced medical queries. She slowly sat up on the floor, holding herself with two arms while the other pair quelled the kneeling male, assuring him that she was alright with their weight resting atop his shoulders.
“I am well, dearest Harrison. Do not fret for me. The straps were simply too tight.”
His anxious breaths barely slowed, narrowly allowing for his exclamation. “Too tight? Shar, you practically blacked out!”
“Too tight upon my frills, I mean. There was a pain there for a few moments, but it has passed,” she returned calmly, softly kneading his stiff shoulders with the joints of her digits.
He exhaled sharply, matching her gaze with regret in his eyes. “I’m so sorry, Shar. I should’ve known. I was just trying to see how…” He paused, resting his palm atop her forearm. “Nevermind. I just… Are you alright? Should I get you to the med bay for a quick scan?”
“I do not believe that to be necessary, no.”
His guard finally fell. “If… If you say so. Guess I have to redo the straps then. Definitely gotta make sure they’re not pressing on your frills like that.”
She smiled, appreciating his dedication. “Would you like my assistance?”
“As long as you don’t have anything else to do.” He shrugged, his shoulders barely moving upward against her massaging hands.
“There is no greater wish of mine than to be by your side,” she stated warmly.
He was frozen, the soft ministrations of his digits along her arm slowly stopping in contrast to the red flush growing from his cheeks to his ears. The crack of a smirk on his face finally with a short, heart-warming chuckle brought the statue back to life after a few moments. “You know… that’s probably the sweetest thing I’ve heard for years.”
Her brows raised in subtle surprise at his response. “It… was not intended to be such… However… you are more than welcome. You must understand by now that I am speaking only the truth.”
The two of them sat there in relative silence amongst the desks and machines; her half laying on the ground with her hands on his shoulder, and him on his knees by her side, a singular hand running up and down her comparatively large forearm. She felt… weak, in a way. A vibrating sensation rummaged through her stomach, attempting to pull her muscles and nerves astray.
It was warm, just like his palm, each motion of his hand sending lightning through her skin. The upward curl of her lips into her cheeks was suddenly an insurmountable force, incapable of being put down by a thousand females. There was a tear within her to either look away or… close the distance, and she suddenly found looking anywhere but his curious green eyes to be a waste of her time.
Her talons wrapped further around his shoulders and his back, ever so slightly bringing him into her embrace—
“A-HEM.” A voice cut the moment down to its knees. “The fuck happened here?” Tracy’s swift interjection caused the paladin to flinch backwards, allowing her to see that Harrison’s other hand had been hovering right beneath her snout. The female star-sent wore a furrowed brow and crossed arms, looking down at them. “I heard a crash and came over. Are you two alright?”
Harrison cleared his throat, ever-so-subtly scooting away from the paladin. “Uh, yeah. Shar fell because, um, I tied the gas mask a lil’ too tight.”
The artificer wore an expression that told of her disbelief. “She fell because of the gas mask?”
“It was something with her frills.” The male returned with a shrug, picking himself off the floor before offering the paladin a hand up.
She took it, despite not requiring it, and wiped off some loose dust from her pants. The three of them quickly returned to work soon after, with both her and the black-haired star-sent joining Harrison in his quest to produce the gas mask. She was much less… What did the Creator call it? Bubbly? Yes, that was it. She was much less bubbly than usual, sometimes sending a cold yet emotionless glare toward Shar’khee… Nevertheless, the two females offered input on the design and applied help where they could, eventually creating the final piece of equipment.
Tracy commented on its looks, apparently drawing inspiration from the Leviathan itself, as she believed it to be like that of a ‘Sea Dragon’s.’ The maw-covering portion held two cylindrical canisters on the adjacent sides, the bottom portion being capable of distention, so that the user’s mouth may open somewhat. Its motion created what the female star-sent believed to be ‘the coolest teeth design on a mask’ she’d ever seen with how the separation formed alternating triangles.
The monster-like appearance was furthered by her own frills and horns that peeked out from behind the mask. That was not even mentioning the see-through visor that formed a malicious glare of sharp brows. The paladin looked through a hand-held mirror, finding it difficult to disagree with the look. She could imagine the horror on a fisherwoman’s face as such a terrifying creature approached from the depths.
And yet, despite its nightmarish visage, it was apparel designed to save lives, not take them—much unlike the unassuming metal rods that spewed fire with a mere flick of a lever. Curious indeed. The star-sents were seemingly never out of surprises. They even spoke of grand robots and firearms larger than Shar’khee herself as possible future projects.
Only time could tell what machinations of alloy would be birthed from their hands.
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Next time on Total Drama Anomaly Island - Under The Milky Way
submitted by BrodogIsMyName to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:27 Wooleyty I met the Dogman at Raven's Nest and it took my sister. [Part two]

As if in response to his words, the rain began to pour down in torrents. I scanned the area frantically, searching for shelter from the deluge. My eyes landed on a nearby gazebo, its roof providing a semblance of protection from the elements. I pointed it out to Lily and Mark, and without hesitation, we hurried over and huddled together beneath its flimsy shelter.
As we stood there, trying to formulate a plan, I couldn't help but notice the water cascading down from the mountaintop, converging into streams that flowed ominously toward the town below.
"It's going to flood," I stated, my voice trembling with uncertainty. I racked my brain, desperately trying to devise a course of action in the face of impending disaster.
Lily shot me a look of concern, her brows furrowed with worry, while Mark's head whipped around in my direction, his expression a mix of shock and disbelief.
"What? How do you know?" Mark demanded, his voice cracking with anxiety.
"Look," I replied, pointing towards the only road leading in and out of the town situated atop the mountain.
As Lily and Mark turned to follow my gaze, their eyes widened in horror. The road had transformed into a raging torrent, resembling more of a waterfall than a thoroughfare.
"Fuck," Mark muttered under his breath, his voice heavy with dread.
"We have to find somewhere elevated, away from the ground," I insisted, scanning our surroundings for potential refuge.
"There!" Lily exclaimed suddenly, pointing towards the Library, which was not far in the distance. Perched on the side of the mountain, it was accessible only via a flight of stairs. Its elevated position promised some degree of safety from the rising waters, and its sturdy roof offered protection from the relentless downpour.
"Okay, let's go!" I declared, breaking into a sprint towards the Library. The building was within reach after just a few minutes of brisk running. As I reached the steps, water cascaded down from above, creating a makeshift waterfall that made the climb treacherous but manageable. Determinedly, I ascended the stairs, each step bringing me closer to safety.
As I reached the top of the stairs and glanced back down, my heart sank at the sight of Lily and Mark still struggling to reach safety. "Let's go! Hurry!" I shouted over the din of the storm, my voice barely audible amidst the howling winds and pounding rain.
Lily dashed towards me with determination, but Mark remained rooted in the spot, paralyzed by fear.
"Mark, come on! Let's go!" I urged, my voice tinged with urgency. But just then, a deafening roar echoed through the valley, freezing us all in our tracks. It was the same roar we'd heard earlier. Still, now it was closer and had a chilling amalgamation of animalistic cries and human-like roars, resonating with an eerie intensity.
Breaking free from the spell of terror, I shouted again, "Come on, Mark! You're almost here!"
As Lily struggled against the rising tide of the cascading water coming down the stairs, I reached out to her, my hand extended in a desperate attempt to pull her to safety. She stumbled, but I managed to grasp her arm and haul her up the rest of the steps.
Glancing down, I saw Mark finally lurch into motion, his movements labored as he fought against the now ankle-deep water. With every step, he seemed to expend what little energy he had left.
"Mark, you can do it! Just a little further!" Lily's voice echoed through the storm, urging him on.
But as Mark neared the stairs, the water flowing down the steps surged with newfound force, threatening to sweep him away. With a burst of adrenaline, he pushed himself forward, his fingers grazing mine for a fleeting moment before the current overwhelmed him.
Helplessly, Lily and I watched as Mark was carried downstream, his screams of terror echoing through the valley. And then, as if summoned by the chaos, a monstrous figure appeared out of the shadows in the street.
Standing tall and menacing amid the storm, it was like something out of a nightmare. A grotesque fusion of man and beast, its black fur matted and patchy, its human-like face contorted into a snarling, canine visage.
As the creature locked eyes with Mark, it lunged forward with terrifying speed, its massive form crashing down upon him in a flurry of claws and fangs. Mark's screams pierced the night air, a haunting symphony of agony and despair that sent shivers down my spine.
Unable to bear the horror unfolding before us, Lily turned away, her face twisted in anguish as she fought back tears. As the creature dragged Mark into the darkness, I felt a cold chill run down my spine, a chilling reminder of the darkness within the heart of the Raven's Nest.
As I watched in horror, the creature tore into Mark's body with savage ferocity, reducing him to nothing more than a bloody mass of flesh. Its eyes met mine for a fleeting moment, sending a chill down my spine as it snatched up what remained of Mark and vanished into the darkness.
With trembling hands, Lily pulled me into the Library and hastily barricaded the door with a bookcase. My mind reeled with shock and disbelief, unable to process the gruesome scene that had just unfolded before my eyes.
"Rory, Rory, snap out of it!" Lily's voice pierced through the fog of my mind, her words a distant echo as I struggled to regain my composure. Her soothing touch and gentle words slowly brought me back to reality, the weight of what had just transpired crashing down upon me like a tidal wave.
I found myself hyperventilating, gasping for air as panic threatened to overwhelm me. Lily held me close, her arms a lifeline amid the chaos, calming my racing heart and guiding me back from the brink of despair.
It wasn't the first time I had experienced such a paralyzing reaction to trauma. The memories of our parents' passing flooded back, the pain and grief still raw after all these years. And now, faced with the brutal reality of Mark's demise, I felt myself slipping into that familiar state of shock once again.
Lily's tears mingled with mine as we huddled on the cold library floor, seeking solace in each other's embrace. The distant sounds of the monster devouring its prey served as a grim reminder of the danger that lurked just beyond our makeshift barricade.
In that moment of despair, all we could do was hold onto each other, finding strength in our shared grief and determination to survive. But deep down, I knew that the nightmare was far from over and that the horrors of the Raven's Nest had only begun.
Lily drifted off into sleep relatively quickly. She needed the rest; despite being twenty-seven, she was still young, and the day's events had taken their toll on her. I couldn't help but reminisce about our childhood memories when I used to affectionately refer to her as "Lil Sister." Those memories brought a sense of comfort amidst the chaos, and as I dwelled on them, I felt myself being pulled into the embrace of sleep.
Before long, I, too, succumbed to exhaustion, the weight of the day finally catching up with me. As I drifted off into slumber, memories of simpler times danced through my mind, mingling with the events of the present in a surreal dreamscape. And as the tendrils of sleep enveloped me, I found solace in the fleeting moments of tranquility amidst the chaos of the Raven's Nest.
I bolted awake at the sound of crashing, instantly alert and searching for Lily in the darkness. My eyes hadn't yet adjusted, so I fumbled in my bag for a flashlight, my heart pounding with anxiety. As the beam of light pierced the darkness, I swept it around the room, desperately seeking any sign of my sister. Then, another crash echoed from the direction of the basement stairs, labeled ominously in the dim light.
Normally, I'd have hesitated to descend into such a foreboding place, but with Lily missing, I had no choice. Slowly, cautiously, I made my way down the stairs, the beam of light casting eerie shadows on the damp walls.
The sound of running water grew louder with each step, and when I rounded the corner, I was met with the sight of the flooded basement. Something stirred in the murky depths, a figure moving in the dim light at the room's far end. My heart raced as I approached, the water sloshing around my ankles with each step. And then, in the faint glow of the flashlight, I saw her: Lily, struggling against an unseen force, her movements frantic and desperate.
I waded through the waist-deep water, my movements sluggish against the pressure, trying to reach Lily as she struggled against something unseen. The rustling and grunting ceased as I pushed forward, the urgency building with each step.
"Lily, what's going on?" I called out, my voice strained with concern.
"Rory?" Lily's voice came from the other end of the room, surprisingly calm.
Finally reaching her, I found Lily hidden behind a stack of boxes, her attention fixed on a metal ammunition box she'd uncovered.
"What the hell are you doing?" I whispered urgently.
"Maybe there's something in here we can use against... whatever the fuck that thing is," Lily replied, her voice tinged with desperation as she attempted to pry the box open, to no avail.
"Bring it upstairs, and maybe we can find something to open it," I suggested in a hushed tone, my nerves on edge as I scanned our surroundings for any sign of danger.
Lily's frustration seemed to dissipate into resignation as she met my gaze. Together, we began to wade back through the flooded basement, our senses heightened by the impending danger. Suddenly, the tranquility of our surroundings shattered as the front door upstairs, our only means of escape out of the building, sounded like it was violently torn from its hinges, the sound echoing through the basement like a harbinger of doom.
The heavy, ominous footsteps of the creature reverberated through the air, accompanied by the unsettling growl of its breath. It was clear that our presence had been detected, and the beast was now descending into the basement, drawing closer with each passing moment. Panic seized me as I realized the gravity of our situation - we were trapped, with nowhere to run and the relentless pursuit of the unknown closing in on us.
"Shh..." I hushed urgently, motioning for Lily to hide behind the boxes with me as the ominous sound of the creature's approach grew nearer. Despite the impending danger, Lily remained fixated on the ammunition box, her determination evident in her efforts to unlock it quietly.
"Stop," I whispered with growing frustration, attempting to draw her attention away from the futile task. However, it seemed as though she was wholly absorbed in her mission, impervious to my attempts to redirect her focus. Desperation gnawed at me as I realized the precariousness of our situation, with the creature closing in and Lily oblivious to the imminent threat, likely due to the shock of the day's events.
The monster's presence in the basement sent a chill down my spine as I peered cautiously from behind the boxes, taking in its imposing figure. Despite the water being waist deep for me, the creature waded through effortlessly, its massive form towering over us. Its keen senses were evident as it sniffed the air, detecting our presence with unsettling accuracy.
As Lily's persistent efforts finally paid off and the box squeaked open, her triumphant expression quickly shifted to one of realization and dread as the monster roared in response. The deafening sound reverberated through the basement, causing me to instinctively cover my ears in a futile attempt to block it out. Amidst the roar, I could discern an underlying tone that chilled me to the core—a human-like cry buried within the beast's primal roar, as if someone were pleading for mercy.
With adrenaline coursing through my veins, I lunged to the side, pulling Lily with me as we narrowly avoided the charging monster. For a moment, I thought we had escaped unharmed, but my relief turned to horror when Lily's scream pierced the air. Glancing down, my heart sank as I witnessed the gruesome sight—her leg had been violently torn from her body, leaving a trail of blood that tainted the water around us, a vivid crimson. The agony etched on her face mirrored the shock and helplessness I felt at that moment.
The sight before me was a nightmare made real. My mind recoiled at the grotesque spectacle unfolding as the monster tore into Lily's severed leg with savage abandon. Blood sprayed in every direction, mingling with the water to create a chilling tableau of horror. Each crunch and tear of flesh echoed in the cramped basement, a grotesque symphony of violence.
For a moment, I was frozen in shock, unable to comprehend the sheer brutality of what I was witnessing. It felt like time had slowed to a crawl, trapping me in this macabre scene of primal savagery. The monster's inhuman appetite seemed insatiable as it devoured Lily's flesh from her forcefully amputated leg, indifferent to her screams of agony as she lay not even fifteen feet away from it, screaming in pain.
As I watched in horrified fascination, a sickening realization dawned on me: we were not dealing with a mere beast but a predator driven by an insatiable hunger for flesh. And if I didn't act fast, Lily wouldn't be the only victim of its ravenous appetite.
With grim determination, I focused on the task at hand. Ignoring the nauseating sight of Lily's mangled leg, I reached for her, gripping her arm tightly. She cried out in pain as I hoisted her out of the water, her screams echoing in the basement.
"Come on, Lily, we need to go," I urged, my voice tinged with urgency. Ignoring the searing pain in her eyes, she nodded weakly, her face contorted in agony.
Together, we staggered towards the stairs, every step a Herculean effort against the overwhelming tide of fear and despair. The monster continued its grisly feast behind us, the sounds of its feasting driving us forward with a renewed sense of urgency.
I stumbled over an unseen obstacle beneath the water's surface, sending Lily and me plunging into the cold, dark depths. The shock of the fall stole my breath, and for a moment, disorientation clouded my senses as we struggled to regain our footing.
Frantically, I reached out in the darkness, my hands grasping for Lily's form as water rushed into my nose and mouth. With a surge of panic, I managed to find her, clutching onto her tightly as we resurfaced, coughing and sputtering.
As we gasped for air, I felt the weight of Lily's body in my arms, and with every ounce of strength I could muster, I began to drag her toward the stairs as she floated.
Struggling to hoist her up, I noticed the severity of Lily's injury more clearly. Her left leg was missing from the knee down, torn off in a gruesome manner. Each time I dragged her up a step, her bloody stump thudded against the hard surface, eliciting agonizing screams from her. Finally, we reached the corner of the stairs, where I adjusted her position to navigate the new angle.
As we turned the corner and I struggled to hoist Lily onto the first step of this new and longer set of stairs, the thunderous approach of the monster echoed through the basement, intensifying with each passing moment. Though I couldn't see it, the sound of its sprinting footsteps through the water and heavy breathing grew louder, signaling its imminent arrival. Fueled by adrenaline, I tugged harder on Lily's collar, the urgency of escape overriding any concerns about her injury. All that mattered now was getting her to safety before the creature reached us.
As we ascended, almost halfway now, I caught sight of the creature turning the corner. Its rapid pace caused it to collide with the wall, the force denting the cement as it rebounded. The sight filled me with a surge of terror, propelling me to pull Lily with renewed urgency. For a moment, she felt weightless in my grasp as I almost dragged her completely up the stairs, driven by sheer determination. Yet, as my grip faltered, I felt her slipping from my hold.
The moisture from the rain and flooding had made my hands slippery. Everything seemed to unfold in agonizing slow motion as Lily tumbled down the stairs, her descent helpless and inevitable. In the blink of an eye, the monster pounced upon her, its ferocious hunger driving it to begin devouring her without hesitation. Frozen at the top of the stairs, I watched in horror, my gaze alternating between the gruesome spectacle unfolding below and my wet, pruned hands, feeling utterly powerless to intervene.
The monster's gaze briefly flickered toward me as if acknowledging my presence for the first time since it began its grisly meal. Another thunderous roar erupted from its throat, prompting me to instinctively cover my ears. Again, I could have sworn I heard a desperate man screaming when the thing roared.
With a surge of adrenaline, I dashed up the final step and slammed the door shut behind me, shutting out the horrifying scene below.
As I fled through the unlit and dark town, I encountered areas still very submerged by the flooding, forcing me to swim through the murky waters in a desperate bid for escape. As I sprinted through the town, the absence of rainfall struck me. How long had it been since the downpour ceased? How long had I been asleep? Time seemed distorted, the day's events blending into a surreal blur. I pressed on, my only focus now: finding a way out of this nightmare.
After what felt like an eternity of navigating through the flooded streets, with every step weighed down by the relentless rainwater, I finally reached the end of the main paved road, where it transitioned into the dirt path leading to the mine—the sole exit out of town. The dark, murky, muddy path stretched ahead, promising a treacherous journey. The thick sludge threatened to swallow any misstep, making each footfall precarious.
As I stood there, catching my breath and surveying the daunting path ahead, the distant echo of the monster's roar pierced the eerie silence. It was a chilling reminder that danger lurked nearby, urging me to push forward despite the obstacles ahead.
By the time I reached Lily's jeep, I had lost both my shoes to the road and was caked in the thick, clinging mud. I swung open the jeep door, my heart racing with the anticipation of escape, only to be met with the realization that I didn't have the key. Frustration boiled over, and I cursed loudly, slamming the door shut in a fit of anger.
Then, a flicker of memory illuminated my mind: Lily's old jeep, a '95 Jeep Wrangler. We had discovered soon after she bought it that, true to its shoddy nature, it could be started with nothing more than a screwdriver in the ignition.
In a frantic search, my eyes darted around the muddy surroundings, desperate for any sign of a tool or implement that could help me start Lily's jeep. The sound of the monster's roar reverberated in the air, closer now, sending shivers down my spine. Every second felt like an eternity as I scoured the area, my heart pounding with fear and adrenaline.
Peering down the muddy road, I spotted the lumbering figure of the monster struggling to ascend. Its massive form sank into the mud with each step, hindering its progress as its feet and hands became mired in the thick, sticky terrain. Relief washed over me as I realized this bought me precious moments, a brief respite in my frantic escape.
I decide to look inside the car as I frantically rummage through the cluttered middle console of the car, my heart pounding against my ribcage. Every second felt like an eternity as I searched desperately for anything that could start the engine. Amidst the chaos of scattered items—a map, an old CD case, a jumble of charging cables—I felt my fingers close around something solid.
Pulling it out, I found a weathered Swiss Army knife, its metal casing worn and scratched from years of use. I unfolded the blade with trembling hands and positioned it carefully within the ignition. The familiar weight of the blade grounded me amid panic as I turned it, hoping against hope that it would work.
The engine sputtered to life after a few tense moments, its roar filling the confined space of the jeep. Relief flooded through me, mingled with uncertainty about what lay ahead. As I glanced up, I caught sight of the approaching monster, its massive form looming closer with each passing second.
With a quick intake of breath, I slammed the car into reverse, the tires spinning in the thick mud before gaining traction. The jeep lurched backward, leaving deep tracks in its wake as I raced away from The Raven's Nest.
The memories of that fateful day haunted me for years, a constant reminder of the horrors that lurked within The Raven's Nest. I tried to seek justice and warn others of the danger lurking in that cursed town, but each attempt fell on deaf ears.
As the years passed, I became increasingly disillusioned with my futile attempts to bring the truth to light. It wasn't that no one believed me; I knew too much. The secrets of The Raven's Nest ran deep, intertwined with the very fabric of the town's existence.
Authorities dismissed my claims as the ramblings of a troubled mind, unwilling or unable to acknowledge the darkness that permeated every corner of that forsaken place. And so, I resigned myself to the fact that some truths were better left buried, that the secrets of The Raven's Nest were meant to remain hidden.
In the quiet moments of solitude, I ponder the events of that harrowing day, eight years distant yet still vivid in my memory. I often wonder about those cameras we had installed, silent sentinels bearing witness to the horrors of The Raven's Nest. Do they still perch in their hidden alcoves, their lenses trained on the dormant secrets within those cursed streets?
The temptation to return, to retrieve that footage and unveil the truth to the world, is a constant tug at the edges of my consciousness. If only I could lay my hands on that evidence, undeniable proof of the malevolent forces that lurk in the shadows. But with each passing thought, a shiver courses down my spine, a reminder of the dread that still clings to the very mention of that forsaken place.
And so, the footage remains abandoned, lost to time and neglect, much like the town itself, swallowed by the unforgiving embrace of the valley. Perhaps some mysteries are best left buried, their secrets guarded by the silent guardians of the past.
I find myself consumed by a profound sense of guilt, particularly regarding Mark's tragic fate. I remember vividly the day we met at the museum, his genuine curiosity and eagerness to explore the town's history. Little did he know the peril that awaited us all. I can't help but feel responsible for leading him into that nightmare. It was a gruesome scene, etched into my memory with agonizing clarity. I watched in horror as the creature pounced on him, its razor-sharp claws tearing through flesh and bone with merciless efficiency. The sound of his screams still echoes in my ears, a chilling symphony of agony that pierces through the silence of my nightmares. At that moment, I was powerless to save him, gripped by a paralyzing terror that rendered me immobile. His death is a burden I carry with me always, a heavy weight that serves as a constant reminder of the price we paid for venturing into the heart of darkness.
I often find myself wondering about our parents' untimely departure, leaving behind a chasm filled with unanswered questions and aching longing. In the quiet of the night, I ponder how they would have reacted to my tale—of Lily's tragic end, of the nightmares we encountered in that desolate town. Would they have believed my words? Would they have comprehended the depth of my sorrow, the burden of guilt for failing to shield their cherished daughter?
In my heart, I carry the weight of my dear sister Lily's untimely demise. Her laughter, warmth, and unwavering spirit are now lost to the darkness that enveloped that cursed town. Each day, I long to see her smile once more, to hear her voice echoing in the halls of our shared memories. Yet, I know she is gone, forever lost to the merciless jaws of that insatiable beast. The memory of her screams, the sight of her torn body, they etch themselves into my soul, a painful reminder of the fragility of life and the cruelty of fate.
Lily's injury and her agonizing screams echo incessantly in the corridors of my mind, haunting me like a relentless specter. The memory of that moment is etched into my consciousness with vivid, excruciating detail—the sight of her torn leg, the gushing crimson of her blood staining the murky waters, and the raw, visceral sound of her screams reverberating through the air. Each time I close my eyes, I am transported back to that harrowing scene, unable to escape the overwhelming sense of helplessness that washed over me. Her pain, her fear, her desperation—all of it lingers like a scar on my soul, a constant reminder of the horrors we endured in that forsaken place.
submitted by Wooleyty to ZakBabyTV_Stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:24 fireflyfrv My design of a Repulsor variant with an electromagnetic rail cannon

My design of a Repulsor variant with an electromagnetic rail cannon submitted by fireflyfrv to Warhammer40k [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:15 Battlesmith707 Homebrew: Dispossessed Runesmith, and Runecrafting System (Feedback Welcome!)

Hello! I'm currently working on a homebrew Dispossessed Faction for this system. I'm going to start with creating a Runesmith Archetype and also a Runesmithing system. Note that this is my first experiment with AoS homebrew so it might not be balanced. This means feedback is welcome. What I'm particularly interested in is feedback on the price and time required to craft the runes - I want it to be a long and difficult investment with a high reward, but at the same time I don't want it to be so difficult that no player would bother.
I will begin by introducing the Archetype, then I will move on to the Runework mechanics.
The art of Runesmithing is one of the oldest and proudest traditions of the Khazalid Empire, said to have been taught by Grungni himself. When the Khazalid Empire fell, so too did many of its greatest Runelords, and as a consequence much knowledge was lost. But some Dispossessed Clans were able to preserve this knowlege when they fled to Azyr.
It takes immense patience and training to become a Runesmith, with apprenticeships taking decades. The runes themselves also take an immense level of time and concentration to forge, though this process comes easier for a Soulbound.
Runesmiths are a great asset to any Binding, for they can enhance the Binding's armour and weapons between adventures, and they can forge other Runes which may aid the party in a pinch. In combat, some are even able to invoke miracles of the Smith God, Grungni - a rare thing, given the Maker's tendency toward non-intervention. Beyond this, a Runesmith is a masterful blacksmith in their own right, and most are also well-versed in the lore and traditions of the Khazalid Empire.
It is extremely rare for a Runesmith to voluntarily become Soulbound. Dispossessed do not easily leave their clans behind, and Runesmiths are especially valued. They are more easily persuaded if it is to enter the service of Grungni or will in some way aid their clan, and there is also more than one instance of a Runesmith having a change of heart after a fortuitous meeting with a white-bearded wanderer. That said, Runesmiths who do become Soulbound find that their runesmithing abilities are greatly enhanced, and that they can forge runes at a much greater pace than they could previously.
  • Body: 2
  • Mind: 2
  • Soul: 4
Core Talent: Khazalid Runework (See Below)
Talents (Choose 3):
  • Blessed (Grungni)*
  • Creator (Champions of Order)
  • Dig Deep (Champions of Order)
  • Forbidden Knowledge
  • Iron Will
  • Material Specialist (Steam and Steel)
  • Prophetic Dreams (Champions of Order)
  • Scholar
  • Strong Soul
\Grungni's miracles can be viewed in Champions of Order*
Core Skill: Crafting
Skills (7XP):
  • Arcana
  • Awareness
  • Crafting
  • Determination
  • Devotion
  • Guile
  • Lore
  • Reflexes
  • Theology
  • Weapon Skill
Equipment: Warhammer, Common Medium Armour, Smith's Tools, and your own personal book of grudges. You also start with one consumable rune and one rune for either your armour or weapon. Aside from that, you begin with 50 Drops of Aqua Ghyranis.
Requires: Runesmith Archetype.
You are a Runesmith - an ancient and venerable trade dating back to the Khazalid Empire.
  • You gain the ability to undertake the *Forging a Khazalid Rune* endeavour (see below.)
  • You can also attempt to unbind spells cast within your zone as if you had the Unbind Talent. You substitute Soul (Arcana) instead of Mind (Channeling.)
  • You can double dice gained from training in Arcana when attempting to identify artifacts.
Requires: Runework Talent. Smith's Tools. Access to an anvil. One piece of equipment. Crafting materials to begin the process (200D for Armour Runes, 150D for Weapon and Shield Runes, 50D for Consumable Runes.)
Forging a rune is considered to be an Endeavour. Over the course of one week of downtime, the Runesmith may make three attempts at a Soul (Crafting) Extended Test to inscribe a magical rune onto a piece of equipment. If the test is not completed, they may save their progress and try again another week until it is finished (you do not need to pay crafting materials to resume work on a rune you have already started.) Note that the party may not use the item until the enrunement process is concluded. The Runesmith may attempt to rush the job, in which case they can make another two attempts during that week, but if they rush and fail to finish then the entire effort will be botched and they must start again.
If you finish crafting a rune and you still have attempts remaining, you may immediately begin construction on a new rune if you can afford the materials.
Once an item is successfully enruned, the effect is permanent, and only a Runesmith can remove it.
If the Runesmith attempts to forge a rune on an Anvil of Doom (see below), the Difficulty of the test is reduced by 2.
If the Runesmith attempts to apply a rune to an item of Exotic Rarity that isn't Dispossessed in origin, the Difficulty of the check is increased by 1.
If the Runesmith attempts to apply a rune to an item that already has a rune on it, the Difficulty of the check is increased by 1 per rune.
The Creator Talent from Champions of Order and the Material Specialist talent from Steam and Steel both apply to the creation of runes.
The Runesmith may wish to acquire access to an Anvil of Doom. Anvils of Doom are ancient artifacts of the Khazalid Empire, jealously guarded by the Runelords who preserve them. Not all Dispossessed Clans have an Anvil of Doom, and those who do are fiercely protective of them.
If the Runesmith is still on cordial terms with their clan, they are permitted to use their clan's Anvil of Doom (if it has one - the GM is free to rule that they don't) without objection. Other Dispossessed Clans may also grudgingly allow the Runesmith access if instructed by Grungni or Grombrindal (extremely rare occurrences, given that Grungni rarely intervenes while Grombrindal rarely reveals himself.) Otherwise, the Runesmith or their Binding may first need to perform a great deed to gain the Clan's trust (such as recovering a lost heirloom, settling one of their oldest and most ancient grudges, helping them reclaim their Karak, etc.)
It is not impossible that a particularly old Fyreslayer Lodge or a remarkably traditionalist Kharadron Sky-Port would have an Anvil of Doom of their own, but getting access to it will be difficult... or costly.
Alternatively, the Binding may discover an Anvil of Doom in an abandoned Karak - though it would have to be either extremely secure or extremely well-hidden to have avoided desecration or destruction.
Anvils of Doom are massive and extremely difficult to move, often needing to be mounted on large metal carts. Therefore they are not practical for a Binding to take with them. That said, should a Runesmith ever have access to one in combat, they can use an Action to strike the Anvil with a hammer and gain the ability to cast any Miracle of Grungni or Grimnir until the beginning of their next turn. If it is a Miracle they already know then they instead double the dice gained from their training in Devotion.
  • Subtle melee weapons can have a maximum of one rune.
  • One-handed melee weapons can have a maximum of two runes.
  • One-handed ranged weapons can have a maximum of one rune.
  • Two-handed melee weapons can have a maximum of three runes.
  • Two-handed ranged weapons can have a maximum of two runes.
  • Shields can have a maximum of two runes.
  • Armour can have a maximum of three runes.
  • For Kharadron Equipment, all armour runes are applied directly to the Aether-Rig. Individual pieces of Arkanaut Armour cannot be enruned.
If there is a Fyreslayer in the party it is highly advised that you clarify and make note of the distinction between Khazalid Runes and Fyreslayer Runes to avoid confusion between the players. Fyreslayer Runes contain the essence of Grimnir and are bound to flesh, while Khazalid Runes contain captured magical energies and are usually bound to equipment.
A Dispossessed Runesmith does not know the secrets of ur-gold (they may not even know ur-gold exists) and thus cannot create Fyreslayer Runes. A Fyreslayer in turn would have no interest in Khazalid Runework beyond what combat benefits they might bring. Both would have a natural aversion to sharing their knowledge with one another, though at the same time they may also be curious about each other's craft. This might lead to some interesting roleplay.
Rune of Cleaving
Applies to: Any Slashing Weapon
DN 5:20. Gives a slashing weapon the Cleave trait.
Rune of Cutting
Applies to: Any Slashing Weapon
DN 5:15. Slashing Weapons do +1 damage.
Rune of Breaking
Applies to: Any Crushing Weapon
DN 5:20. Gives a crushing weapon the Rend trait.
Rune of Might
Applies to: Any Crushing Weapon
DN 5:15. Crushing Weapons do +1 damage.
Rune of Penetrating
Applies to: Any Piercing Weapon
DN 5:20. Gives a piercing weapon the Penetrating trait.
Rune of Skewering
Applies to: Any Piercing Weapon
DN 5:15. Piercing Weapons do +1 damage.
Rune of Smiting
Applies to: Any Melee Weapon
DN 5:20. The severity of any Wounds caused by the weapon is increased by one level.
Rune of Dismay
Applies to: Any Melee Weapon
DN 5:20. Any target that takes damage from this weapon has their speed reduced by one level.
Rune of Unbinding
Applies to: Any Melee Weapon
DN 5:20. If you inflict damage on a creature, your attack can also removed a spell effect placed on them. The most recently applied temporary spell effect (that is still active) is removed, whether it is beneficial or harmful.
Rune of Fury
Applies to: Any Melee Weapon.
DN 5:15. When making an attack with this weapon, the bearer of this rune can have their melee increase by one step while their defense is lowered by one step until the beginning of their next turn.
Rune of Fire
Applies to: Any Weapon
DN 5:20. The blade or head of the enruned weapon glows red hot (if it is a ranged weapon it instead superheats the ammunition.) Gives a weapon the "Magic" trait. The weapon may also ignite flammable surfaces, and is treated as if it does fire damage. Incompatible with Rune of Cold.
Rune of Cold
Applies to: Any Weapon.
DN 5:20. The blade or head of the enruned weapon glows an icy white (if it is a ranged weapon it instead superchills the ammunition.) Gives a weapon the "Magic" trait. This weapon deals +1 extra damage to fiery creatures (such as Magmadroths) and is treated as if it does ice damage. Incompatible with Rune of Fire.
Rune of Banishment
Applies to: Any Weapon.
DN 5:20. This weapon does +2 damage against Undead and Daemons. If they have a feature which gives them resistance against physical damage, this weapon also ignores that.
Rune of Flight
Applies to: Any Throwable Weapon, Any Ranged Weapon.
DN 5:20. When making a ranged attack with this weapon, the range is extended by one zone.
Rune of Seeking
Applies to: Any Ranged Weapon.
DN 5:15. When using this enruned weapon, the bearer's accuracy is increased by one step against flying targets.
Rune of Slowness
Applies to: Any Armour or Shield
DN 5:15. Anyone who attempts a Melee Attack against the bearer has their speed reduced by one step until the end of their next turn.
Rune of Confusion
Applies to: Any Armour or Shield
DN 5:15. Enemies who find themselves in the bearer's zone for the first time in an encounter have their Melee and Accuracy reduced by one step until the beginning of their next turn.
Rune of Warning
Applies to: Any Armour or Shield
DN 5:15. The bearer of this rune instinctively knows when an attack is imminent, and is immune to Surprised.
Rune of Stalwart
Applies to: Any Armour or Shield.
DN 5:15. Adds 2d6 to all Soul (Determination) checks.
Rune of Warding
Applies to: Any Armour or Shield
DN 5:20. All spells and miracles cast upon the bearer do one less point of damage, even if they would normally ignore armour.
Rune of Tracking
Applies to: Any Weapon, Armour, or Shield.
DN 5:20. When you create this rune, you are actually crafting two runes, which you must bind to two separate pieces of gear. The bearer of one rune will always know the direction of the other rune, as well as the general distance between them. The Runesmith must decide at the time of creation if this only works one way or both ways.
Rune of Furnace
Applies to: Any Armour
DN 5:20. The bearer of this rune is immune to fire.
Rune of Luck
Applies to: Any Armour
DN 5:20. Whenever the bearer has to attempt a skill check that isn't a spell or an attack, they may reroll the die with the lowest result.
Rune of Resistance
Applies to: Any Armour
DN 5:20. This armour is now immune to Rend.
Rune of Healing
Applies to: Any Armour
DN 5:20. The bearer of this rune restores one Toughness per turn. If the bearer is a Duardin, they will also recover an extra Wound whenever they rest.
Rune of Toughness
Applies to: Any Armour
DN 5:15. The bearer of this rune gains an additional 2 Toughness.
Rune of Sanctuary
Applies to: Any Armour
DN 5:25. This rune generates a minor anti-magical field in the item's zone. If anyone in the same zone as the bearer attempts to cast a spell, or is targeted by a spell, then the Chanelling dice pool is reduced by 1. If the spell fails, the dice pool to determine the consequence of failure is also reduced by 1.
Rune of Passage
Applies to: Any Armour
DN 5:15. Once per combat encounter, as a Free Action the bearer may increase their movement speed by one step until the beginning of their next turn.
Rune of Protection
Applies to: Any Armour
DN 5:20. Adds a +1 armour boost to the armour it is inscribed upon.
Rune of Reflection
Applies to: Any Shield
DN 5:30. If the bearer is the primary target of a spell or miracle that they can see, the bearer may attempt a Reflex check using the same DN of that spell or miracle. If the bearer achieves a number of successes greater than or equal to the spellcaster, the spell or miracle is reflected back at its caster. If this happens, the caster or any of their allies may attempt to unbind their own spell if they have the necessary Talent.
Rune of Repelling
Applies to: Any Shield.
DN 5:20. If an enemy attempts a melee attack the bearer and misses, the bearer can activate this rune. The creature must attempt a Body (Might) or Body (Reflex) test of 5:2. If they fail, they are knocked prone.
Rune of Shielding
Applies to: Any Shield.
DN 5:15. Incoming missile attacks have their damage reduced by 1, and any damage from the Arcane Bolt spell is halved.
  • Consumable Runes are not fixed to a piece of equipment and are instead a one-time use. They are easier to make.
  • Activating a Consumable Rune in combat requires an action.
Rune of Alarm
DN 5:8. This rune must be placed against a flat surface. After activation, if a non-Duardin passes through the zone, it will sound an alarm. The alarm lasts for a full minute and is audible for up to five zones. Anyone standing in the same zone as the Alarm is Deafened for the next hour.
Rune of Blasting
DN 5:8. This rune must be placed against a flat surface. After activation, if a non-Duardin passes through the zone, it will detonate - inflicting 5 Magical Blast damage within the zone and knocking all large or smaller creatures prone. The rune may also destroy terrain or scenery within the zone at the GM's discretion.
Rune of Breaching
DN 5:10. When struck against a flat surface, the rune will detonate. If it is a door made of mundane material and is not magically protected in any way, it will be blasted open. If it is a mundane wall less than one foot thick, the rune will blow a hole through it that normal-sized creatures can walk through. Any creatures standing in the zone on the opposite side of the wall or door will take 5 blast damage and be knocked prone. If this initiates combat, all creatures on the other side are also Surprised.
Rune of Concealment
DN 5:10. When activated, this rune will make all creatures in its zone appear invisible, provided there is no movement within the zone. If any creature inside the zone moves or takes an action, or a new creature enters the zone, the Rune's effect ends prematurely and everyone within the zone is revealed. Creatures inside the zone can still speak to one another. The Rune lasts for up to an hour if it is not interrupted.
Rune of Faith
DN 5:8. Any creature standing in the same zone as this Rune while it is active can double their dice gained from Devotion when they attempt to cast Miracles of Grungni, Grimnir, and Sigmar. This bonus also applies to Miracles of Alarielle, but only if the caster is a Duardin. This lasts for one minute.
Rune of Locking
DN 5:8. Any door, window, gate, or container the Runesmith places this on becomes permanently sealed. It cannot be unlocked or opened until either the rune or the surface it was placed on is destroyed. As an action, a spellcaster who can see the Rune can attempt a DN 6:2 Channelling Test to destroy the rune. Alternatively, anyone with a Magic Weapon who is in close range of the Rune and can see it can destroy it as an Action.
Rune of Mettle
DN 5:10. When this rune is activated as an Action, the bearer regains all Mettle at the beginning of their next turn.
Rune of Opening
DN 5:8. A one-use rune that will quietly open any lock. This can counter the Rune of Locking. Whether or not this works on other magical locks is decided by the GM on a case-by-case basis. If it fails, the rune is not consumed.
Rune of Obstruction
DN 5:8. As an action, this rune can be activated and then thrown into an adjacent zone. For one hour this zone becomes Difficult Terrain to all non-Duardin.
Rune of Repair
DN 5:8. This rune will repair all damage to a single piece of equipment over the course of an hour.
Rune of Restoration
DN 5:8. A Duardin who uses this rune instantly heals two spaces on their Wound Track. A non-Duardin only heals one.
Rune of Safety
DN 5:8. As an action, this rune can be activated and then thrown into a hazardous zone within medium range. For one hour, the severity of the hazard within that zone is reduced by one level.
Rune of Illusion
DN 5:8. This rune generates an illusion of a large or smaller creature decided by the Runesmith at the time they forge the rune. The illusion lasts for one minute. The creature can make sounds and move but it cannot leave the rune's zone, nor can it interact with or attack anything. All attacks or physical objects will pass through it.
The following is my suggested model for determining the value of Runic Equipment. The GM is free to adjust this depending on other factors such as balance, the state of the local economy, the reputation of the Runesmith, and what factions are being dealt with:
  • As soon as a piece of equipment has any type of rune placed upon it, the value of the item increases by an amount equivalent to its base value. So a sword with one rune will have its value increase from 150D to 300D. A sword with two runes will have its value increase from 300D to 450D.
  • Additional value is placed on top of this depending on the value of the Runes themselves. A Rune's value is determined by the material cost to make it plus 10 Drops per each level of complexity. So a Rune of Cutting with its complexity of 15 would add 300 Drops to the item's value.
These prices may be especially relevant if your party does not have its own Runesmith but nonetheless wants to buy or sell Runic Equipment.
Runesmithing reached its peak during the height of the Khazalid Empire in the Age of Myth. Since then, much knowledge has been lost. If the GM wishes, they may introduce ancient Runic Artifacts with a number of runes beyond the standard limit. These may have been forged by legendary ancient Runelords or even by the Ancestor Gods themselves. If there is a Runesmith in the party it is advised that the GM does this sparingly, so that the party still has an incentive to use the Runesmith's services.
As a fun plot hook it may also be a good idea to introduce Runic Artifacts from the Old World into the campaign, such as the Empire Runefangs or the Nemesis Crown. Retrieving or securing these items could be an interesting campaign goal.
The Party may also discover exceptionally ancient and potent Master Runes that were finished but have yet to be installed into a piece of equipment - a Runesmith may do so as an Endeavour during one week of downtime, without a check. Master Runes can have multiple effects and also be more potent than regular runes, although some of these effects might be negative.
Thus a Runesmith may wish to study and identify the Master Rune first, which can either be a simple as glancing at it, or it could be an Endeavour in its own right at the GM's discretion. Master Runes are also so valuable that they are almost priceless.
submitted by Battlesmith707 to AgeOfSigmarRPG [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:36 groovygrasshoppa Putin Is Running Out of Time to Achieve Breakthrough in Ukraine

Putin Is Running Out of Time to Achieve Breakthrough in Ukraine
For months, Russia’s army has made only limited gains on the battlefield against Ukrainian troops starved of weapons and ammunition. That’s a growing challenge for President Vladimir Putin as his military’s advantage starts to erode.
With Kyiv now taking delivery of billions of dollars in fresh arms from its US and European allies, the window for a Russian breakthrough is narrowing even as it continues to fire missiles and drones at Ukrainian cities including energy infrastructure.
submitted by groovygrasshoppa to neoliberal [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:51 xMystifyy [PS] H: Good Value Offers - Flux, Bobbles, Maps & Ammo // W: 3* Weapons Scrip Only - (500c Per)

Not selling anything for caps. Values are there to help determine ratios, if there's any confusion just list how many 3 star weapons you have and what you want and I'll do the math :)
Larger trades only please
My Trades 👇
  • Flux 🔴🟢🟣
  • Crimson (80c)
  • Fluorescent (92c)
  • Violet (85c) _____
  • Bobbleheads 🔫💥⚡️
  • Big Guns (153c)
  • Small Guns (185c)
  • Energy Weapons (149c)
  • Explosive (140c) _____
  • Treasure Maps 🗺📍
  • Ash Heap #1 (54c)
  • Cranberry Bog #1 (110c per)⚠️
  • Cranberry Bog #4 (100c per)
  • Savage Divide #1 (59c per)
  • Toxic Valley #3 (95c per)⚠️ _____
  • Ammunition 🎯📦 (1c/per unless listed)
  • .45
  • .50 (0.7c)
  • 10mm
  • 2mm ECs
  • 5.56
  • 5mm (0.7c)
  • Cryo Cells
  • Fusion Cells (0.8c)
  • Ultracite .308 (0.8c)
  • Ultracite .50 (0.6c)
  • Ultracite 10mm
  • Ultracite 2mm ECs
  • Ultracite 5.56 (0.7c)
  • Ultracite 5mm (0.6c)
  • Ultracite Fusion Cells (0.8c)
‼️📝⬇️ WISHLIST ITEMS ⬇️📝‼️
  • 3* Weapon Scrip - (500c)
submitted by xMystifyy to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 15:25 AdditionalWar8759 Up and Adam!: Episode from June 7th, “Live Interview with Tom Sandoval’s Girlfriend Victoria Lee + Best Friend Kyle Chan!”

***So during this live, Billie Lee was in the chat so I will add her commentary throughout this live
Before the interview started, Billie said this in the chat room, “Tom is desperately holding on to a house he can’t afford. The lawyers, everyone says give up the house but he won’t.”
How long have Victoria and Sandoval been dating? - Victoria: Umm we’ve been dating since the beginning of February I believe. I did not keep up with the date. Im sure I could go back and look but I didn’t keep up with the exact date. We were friends months before because we met through a mutual friend. So we were friends. We were hanging out months before and there was nothing between us. We were just friends. And then one day all of sudden we’re like oh shit, I think I like you.
You said you had a friendship before you started dating but now obviously after everything played out in the media. Obviously you know all of this. How has this been for you dating someone with so much attention from the public - Victoria: Obviously I don’t live under a rock. What was hard is we have very strong feelings for each other. Our connection is very strong but when you’re going through your honeymoon phase in a relationship it’s supposed to be strictly very fun and happy. And I would wake up beside him and it would be like oh my god, what’s going on today. It would be like something with the house. Or something that, I don’t wanna mention it right now - Kyle: With the tiger - Victoria: It would just be something everyday. And I was just like, oh my god, what is it. It’s not normal. And before it would be Raquel, Rachel, whatever her name is this week coming out with a podcast as well. So yeah it was a lot.
Is this relationship worth it? - Victoria: I’m still here. He is a very good person. Unfortunately people that don’t know him personally, don’t realize that he is a very good, sweet, caring, nurturing human being. He made a fucked up decision. Something I do lot not agree whatsoever. He knows that. I would never do what he would have done. Ever. But I’m here because I do love him. He’s a good person. We both know this. - Kyle: He has been punished pretty badly through public and all. So then maybe that gives Victoria a little sense of security that I don’t think anyone would be stupid enough to fuck that up again. Maybe - Victoria: Also, that’s not gonna happen with me. I’m not… - Kyle: She’s gonna drop him like a sock. - They both laugh - Victoria: He can’t get away with that with me honey.
Victoria, how did you meet Billie? When you met Billie, was it something where you were comfortable, oh my god, I love her or were you automatically on guard? Where was your mind? - Victoria: When I met Billie, I actually, so I have a thing where I’m trying to not do this anymore. I trust people to easily. And let them in. I’m very welcoming and too trusting too soon. But with Billie, in the beginning, I loved her. I thought she was great. I thought she was so sweet. She was very welcoming to me. - Victoria: We hung out for the first time at one of his shows. And we had so much fun. We were like bonding I thought. And yeah I don’t know. I got to know her for a bit. Her car got broken into. And I felt bad for her. Tom got her a laptop cuz her laptop was stolen. Bought her a new laptop. And I got her flowers because I was like shit if my car got broken into, obviously you’re having a bad day. So I sent flowers over. And then I don’t know, she, there’s so much to go into.
Did you ever, either one of you, did you ever have an element of doubt when it came to Billie’s relationship with Tom? - Victoria: I did think she was there for the right reasons. There was a point where she brought up, I thought they were sleeping together. And that was actually a misunderstanding on Tom’s part because Tom said something. We were talking on the phone and he said something like yeah sometimes she’ll stay over and sleep in the bed. - Victoria: And I’m like, you guys sleep together? And he goes no no no. And then I think he got a call during that time. Hung up the phone. It was from Jason, his manager. Anyway, we had to talk later on. And he was like no she has stayed over 2 or 3 times whenever I’m out of town. And slept in the bed. And I’m like okay just to clarify. And I never, stormed in the house and was like oh my god, are you guys having sex. That was never a thing. - Billie commented in the chat room, “Oh hell no. She called him 5 times that night. He has to go upstairs and fight with her about it.”
Kyle, was there ever any red flags for you when it came to Billie? - Kyle: You know what for Billie, I always thought she was very loyal. She’s always been that friend that’s like I got your back. But then I feel like somewhere during this process, the love that she had for Tom has shifted a little bit different. So it became a very selfish process. Instead of protecting him because we’re really good friends. But then it turns into, I’m protecting him, he’s mine. I feel like it shifted a little bit. - Adam: It became a possessive relationship - Kyle: Yes. I know that there’s a lot of drama here. And I also don’t like to make it like a boxing match. I know it is very entertaining for everyone here. But also this is real life. We don’t want to put all this dirty laundry or her personal feelings towards Tom or whatsoever but then we don’t have a choice. - Kyle: So I just want to make this clear. I respect her. I think she is a pretty girl. But also sometimes, there are reasons why the cast and everyone else don’t really like to associate with her because she gets triggered pretty easily. She has a lot of triggers. And also the fact that because she is trans. And I know a lot of people attack her for no reason, just because she is trans. So I have a lot of sympathy on that because my PR is a trans woman. I have a lot of trans friends. But also my trans friends would say this is not how you conduct yourself because when you use the trans card a lot. - Kyle: When people don’t like you and then you use that trans card, that creates a lot of tension and makes the situation more complicated because the LGBTQ community don’t wanna be represented that way. Because you shouldn’t use that as your ammunition to fight an argument. So I just wanted to throw that out there. And I hope people listen to this and understand why this is happening instead of going to bash her because I have respect for her. I feel like she is pain and Tom is her own life line so yeah. I just wanted people to understand.
***Adam then shows an extensive clip of Billie’s podcast
Kyle interjects - Kyle: Can I say something really quick? If you pay attention to her video, I see that passion. I see that energy. I see that she is very entertaining. So the way she tells the story, it’s to make it juicy and fun and entertaining for the audience. And I think I would like to see more of that at her comedy shows. Instead of when she is addressing something serious in public.
Victoria, did you actually try to move things out of the room. And were you trying to move Sandoval into the primary bedroom? - Victoria: Absolutely not. No, that is not my place. I respect their relationship that they had. I respect Ariana. I would never want anyone touching my belongings if I was in that position or any position. I have never suggested. I didn’t even know who Logan was. So where she said I had Tom call Logan or whatever she actually came too.. - Kyle: We haven’t seen her in forever. - Victoria: No she (Billie) came, so what happened was she came to Tom’s house while Tom was on tour. And I went to meet Tom on tour. And umm to pick up some of her belongings. Her plants were moved upstairs by Tom or Josh. I believe it was by Tom. And I have not touched any of Ariana’s things. I would not do that. So let’s just make that very clear. That is a bold statement. A lie. Also that is a conversation that her and I never even had. She’s over there going oh how dare you to whatever she said. That is literally… - Kyle: You guys weren’t talking already - Victoria: I haven’t spoken to her since March 25th. - Victoria hasn’t met Ariana. She has walked past her in passing at the VPR premiere. - Victoria: No hard feelings against Ariana at all. I don’t know her. And I have nothing but respect for her and their relationship. They have a past. Also why would I want to sleep in their bedroom? Isn’t that a little weird? Like come over to my house. - Billie in the chat room said, “She didn’t touch it but Tom told me she wanted him in the master”
Billie is saying they now that Victoria has came in the picture, the house is a mess and Sandoval started drinking again. And that drugs were all over the house. So Billie wanted to stage an intervention and she included you Kyle saying that she wanted to stage an intervention at your shop. - Kyle: So the craziest thing is when he wanted to go sober, the main reason was because at the beginning, he wanted to do it with Raquel so that she wasn’t alone. And then it turned into oh I’m feeling really good and I don’t wanna go through this darkness when I’m drinking because he never had a drinking problem to begin with. - Kyle: When we go out to drink, we like whiskey. We enjoy a drink. We don’t chuck drinks. We don’t do shots. If we do shots, every bar would know that we do mini shots. Even the fans would know. We do baby shots. So we enjoy, we cruise through the night with alcohol. Not like drinking and getting hungover. - Kyle: He never had a drinking problem. He just didn’t want to drink during his darkest times because that wouldn’t be a good mix. And then when we decided to go on a trip, me and Schwartz were like oh are you going to drink when we are in Asia now that you aren’t feeling as bad. And he said maybe, maybe. - Kyle: So it was more he wanted to drink because he felt like he was mentally okay now. He can handle, there are good times and bad times, good days and bad days he feels like he is strong enough now to handle a little alcohol. And it’s not a secret he would do a little mushroom or whatever. He would do it at a music festival or concert. He wouldn’t lie about it. So to weaponize it. So accuse of them doing drugs, laying them all over the home, it’s not normal. You can’t say that about people. Because I wouldn’t do drugs at home! - Victoria: And for the house being messy and everything, he was newly single. He had parties. Not massive parties but get togethers. - Kyle said they always tried to minimize the mess after parties
Kyle, were you aware of an intervention? - Kyle: I was not aware of the intervention. The craziest thing is out of the blue, let me explain my relationship with Billie. So Billie and I never really talked because I recall the first time I met her. It was Ariana’s birthday. The kings and queens. She showed up looking stunning. She said hi my name is Billie, I’m going to be on the show. And I said oh you’re really beautiful. And she’s like do you support trans? And I’m like of course I do. And then she said put some jewelry on me then. I said okay. - Kyle: So there are misconceptions of people always think that I’m the jeweler guy that will go around town and give jewelry as long as your the cast but if you aren’t the cast, I won’t welcome you. No. The cast has been always been very respectful. Every one of them always insist to pay and support my business. Because when they met me, I was still doing street fairs. - Kyle: So they always support me. And on special occasions, I will give them jewelry. Anybody who invests their friendship with me, you probably know Christian when they worked as a waiter or a buss boy, if you’re nice to me and invest a friendship with me on special occasions sometimes I just grab a piece of jewelry. But I would prefer to go have dinner with my friends. Spend quality times with my friends. Those are the gifts that I prefer to give to my friends. Not last minute grabbing a piece of jewelry.
Have Sandoval and Billie ever hooked up? - Kyle doesn’t think they have ever hooked up because if they had hooked up, Sandoval would have told him. - Kyle: It’s always been a very good friendship with them because I feel like Tom likes to protect and take care of the people who’s been an outcast or not welcomed. And Billie did express that she’s not welcomed in the cast. And I actually did have a discussion with Tom about that. I said you don’t understand because it’s harder for her because she has social anxiety. - Kyle: So she doesn’t really interact with people. And then she also has a lot of triggers. It makes it really hard for people to want to talk to because they worry that if they say something wrong. Just like me, English is actually my second language, and I sometimes would get the pronouns wrong. But it doesn’t mean that I’m, so then people know that there are so many triggers and then if they ever get in an argument or they don’t like her, many people have expressed that they have experienced with her, that she’ll use the trans card. So then I feel like it makes it so much harder for her… - Adam: What does that mean? When you’re saying that, use the trans card, what does that mean? - Kyle: So if people got into an argument with her like production, she would be like oh they’re transphobic. So then I feel like because she used that very often, it just created that energy that everybody is scared of her or they need to tiptoe around her. If I piss her off she might say that about me because it is very damaging for anybody’s career or business. - Victoria never thought that Billie and Sandoval had hooked up before. - Victoria doesn’t think Tom wants to hook up with Billie
Why does Victoria slur her words? - Victoria: So slurring my words, I’m just going to go ahead and say this. I was in a really bad car accident. I do sometimes slur my words. I have a speech impediment I guess you would say. Especially whenever I get very nervous or anxious or anything. I do slip on my words. It has, I don’t do drugs. It has nothing to do with anything like that. So that’s actually very triggering and upsetting for me to hear. - Billie in the chat said, “V has never once said a car accident. She told me when I first met her, she needed to go to a sober house because she’s addicted to 💊”
Kyle and Victoria say they are going in - Kyle: I think we should explain the intervention that she created. - Victoria: Yeah we can just go fully in. You wanted to go, let’s go Billie. We weren’t gonna do this by the way. At all. We were gonna be very put together and we weren’t going to say anything about this. - Kyle: We want to be sensitive to her feelings but then she continued to double down. - Adam: I’m at the edge of my seat - Victoria: You’re gonna be at the edge of your seat. It’s pretty crazy. We weren’t gonna speak about this at all. But Billie I’m sure you’re watching. You kind of put the nail on your own coffin today. - Kyle: So Billie doesn’t know that we actually talk and we knew what she did. So basically the intervention was created by her. But she wanted to say that it was me who created it because that way all the people in Tom’s team would believe it and they would come. - Kyle: And Tom would join. But then she was calling me one day frantically and I had never received a call from Billie. So then I pull all of them, I’m like I don’t have a good feeling about this because Victoria already told me what she said about me. - Kyle: So then I put Victoria and Tom on the phone and Billie has no idea. So she was telling me that Victoria is a drug addict. All of these things. And that she got Tom drinking. And they don’t wake up until 5pm. Tom isn’t booking any gigs. And Jason is mad and threatened to quit. And Josh isn’t having a good time which is Toms assistant. So we need to get together and have Tom, like wake him up. I’m like if that’s the case, that’s not good. And she’s like they’re fighting all the time. They are very toxic. - Billie said in the chat, “Josh created it.”
Were you guys fighting at the time Victoria?(Trigger warning: contains elements of being drugged and being taken advantage of) - Victoria: Do you want me to tell you why we were fighting? Yeah we were fighting. We weren’t fighting all the time. We were fighting actually, we didn’t know this at the time. So what was happening was Billie was trying to isolate Tom pretty much. - Victoria: That’s what we found out at the very end. I was close, I’m sorry I wasn’t close with Billie but I trusted Billie. At the time I liked Billie. And there was one time in the kitchen which there are cameras. There is a camera in Tom’s living room that points towards the kitchen. And the red light is on so I’m assuming that it’s recording. Hoping, praying to god it’s recording. - Victoria: Anyways, I’m sitting down in a chair. And she started crying over a podcast. I don’t know, something that was irrelevant. She started talking about something. And then all of a sudden she, well I said something like do you trust Kyle. I don’t know how we got into the conversation. I can’t remember. Im also a bit frazzled right now and bit worked up. To be honest. I’m a little bit worked up right now. - Victoria: But anyways so she said, and she put her hand on the kitchen counter and she looked at me and she was like girl, she was like you cannot trust Kyle. Kyle has and this is something you should never say. No matter what you do not joke around about this. Kyle, has tried to drug Tom and take advantage of him but don’t tell Tom because whatever you tell Tom, he’s not going to, whatever you tell Tom, anything that she would tell me, she would be like oh but you can’t tell Tom because Tom won’t believe it. - Adam: This is on camera? - Kyle: This is in the kitchen when they were having that conversation - Victoria: And she’s like don’t tell anybody. So I’m having to keep my mouth shut about this. And I’m like literally, not to make this about me whatsoever but I’ve had friends and myself and stuff been taken advantage before. And that is just something you just do not, you do not joke around. You do not say that at all. That is not something that you mess around about. At all. That is not something that you just say. - Kyle: So she accused me of drugging Tom. She accused Victoria of being a drug user. So then to basically separate all of us to make all of us hate each other and then she wanted to get rid of the assistant also - Victoria: And so just finishing this off, I’m holding this to myself because I was like do you trust Tom, nope, do you trust Kyle, I’m sorry, no you can’t trust Kyle. Kyle’s obsessed with Tom this and that. And then so I, our arguments were stemming from Billie. - Victoria: I would go to Tom and I felt like I couldn’t say anything. And it was building up. And then I would be do you think that Kyle would be using you in anyway. Do you think that Kyle this. I didn’t know you at the time. I just met you. I didn’t know how long they were friends. At all. So yeah. So that happened. Nobody believed me which is understandable. I’m just coming in. - Victoria: They had been friends for what 9 years. I had to take a step back. Control my emotions for a bit and be like I’m just a new girl walking into a relationship. Of course he’s going to be like why in the hell are you talking about Kyle and questioning my best friend. So then I’m like you know what, Billie, and I have the text on my phone says hey girl call me. - Victoria: She walked in one day and she goes and she looks at me and I’m sitting at the table. I had already told Tom about what I just said. I broke it to Tom. And Tom was like what the fuck. And then…(Victoria takes a deep breath) - Kyle: Tom was like, I don’t even do drugs (I think Kyle was saying Tom was saying Kyle doesn’t even do drugs?) - Victoria: I’m sorry I’m worked up right now. It’s just not something you throw around about and it’s unacceptable. - Kyle: Yeah so she created the intervention.
Is this the thing that happened in New York around WWHL? - Victoria: She was never in New York - Adam: No but I’m saying there was obviously, it got media attention that all of sudden after WWHL event where you were there that people are breaking up. People are unfollowing each other. Did that have to do with Billie? Or your own separate relationship? - Victoria: Oh no. The reason why she unfollowed, she texted Tom in a paragraph I can’t remember what it said. Tom showed me. And was I’m pretty sure she just didn’t have her closure with Tom. And then eventually just unfollowed us. - Victoria: And we know how she can be kind of volatile or Tom told me that. And he was a little nervous about the situation so we didn’t follow her first because we just didn’t want the drama or anything. So we let her unfollow us and then we unfollowed her. (Just to let ya know, Adam didn’t clarify and ask again why Victoria and Tom unfollowed each other after WWHL so that wasn’t answered) - Kyle: Because she definitely will retaliate. - Victoria: I mean have you seen her the past couple of days posting talking about me and then deleting it. And the posting and then deleting. And I’ve kept my composure and kept quiet. I was upset crying because I’m getting messages that I’m a drug addict which I’m not. I don’t do drugs. She’s a bully - Kyle: Once Billie found out that I was going to be on the podcast, she immediately text me today so I have proof that now she switched her statement saying Victoria said that I wanted to drug Tom and take advantage of him and how are you, why are you supporting her? - Adam: But also you’re saying that this is on the kitchen camera too. So it’s like you can back that shit up - Victoria: So I told Tom, yeah, rewinding to that. I was like nobody would believe me. He wouldn’t believe me because they have been friends for a while. Like I said I understand I’m the new girl coming in. You don’t know me. And so then I’m like I have to get them to believe me. This is fucked up. This is bad. - Victoria: So Tom was recording a podcast. She walked in. She looked at me. And Tom already knew everything. And I was like those fucking cameras have to be recording. Go back and look. He’s like no they’re not recording. They’re not recording. And I’m like please, please look and see if they’re recording. Everything will be right there. You will see everything she said. I just saw a red light on the thing and I’m like please look it up. And then it’s not recording or anything. But so what happened was… - Kyle: I arrived - Victoria: Tom was recording a podcast one day. She walked in and she looked at me and she goes is everything okay. I just looked down, I didn’t even look at her. I didn’t want to look at her. I was disgusted. I just looked down and go, yep! And she felt very uncomfortable. She knew that I was not happy. And she left. And yeah. As she should be. She should feel uncomfortable because that’s not something you throw around. - Kyle: And then when we were in the car - Victoria: And then what happened was… - Kyle: She outed herself again - Victoria: She goes please call me. I don’t know where my phone is but it said something. I don’t wanna, I kind of want to look at my phone and read it because I don’t want to. (Victoria grabs her phone) Let’s see - Kyle: I’ve just never in my entire life, meet anybody like that - Victoria: She messaged me and said okay well clearly you’re updated about something so please call me when you can. This was March 25th. I called her back and waited. And I said hey guys, I’m going to catch her in it. And hey Billie, guess what? They were listening in and they heard everything. They heard you admit that you said that Kyle was doing that. - Kyle: Yeah she’s the one who making that accusation and now she turned around and saying Victoria is the one. - Adams: So Billie didn’t know that she was on the phone, well she didn’t know that other people were listening… - Victoria: Around. - Kyle: So we all heard her.
So Billie is out here saying she has receipts - Kyle: So her receipts is basically, she said I’ve talked shit about Victoria. But it was more her planting it. She text me and said all these things that Victoria did. They’re druggies. They are toxic and always fighting. So I said well then they are very volatile. - Victoria: I wonder why. I wonder why we were fighting because we had her literally trying to isolate Tom. - Kyle: Yeah because she’s the one making everyone fight - Victoria: She was trying to isolate Tom. - Kyle: And we found out why.
Billie asked Tom to be her sperm donor. - Victoria: Should we go in about the… - Adam: Please! Don’t even ask - Victoria: So here’s another thing. She wanted…do you want to explain this one - Adam: Victoria, I think you should explain this, you got it. - Victoria: I don’t know if I wanna say it or you say it. - Adam; Somebody’s gotta say it. - Kyle: I think if we don’t say it, she’s going to change the story again. So we’re gonna have to say it. So she asked Tom to give her a baby. And she’s been telling the entire town. And telling Karamo. - Victoria: She asked Tom to be her sperm donor. And she also wanted Toms last name. And Tom at the moment whenever she asked he was like, he told me, I was flattered that somebody would want my genetics. Because at the time, I guess he was with Ariana. They weren’t going to have kids. So he was flattered in a way because he always wanted kids but not with Billie. - Victoria: But he was just flattered that someone wanted that. His response was, and you have to be mindful. If someone were to ask you that, you can’t be like oh no. It would just come across rude. So she wanted a baby. And she said yeah she wanted the Sandoval last name. He’s response was because it was very on the spot like umm maybe I’ll think about it. And then he got nervous. And then he was like no no no. He didn’t know what to say. But he obviously didn’t want that at all. But then they are all at an event or party and someone one… - Kyle: Karamo from queer eyes. She basically told… - Victoria: Said oh I heard you guys are going to have a baby. - Kyle: So Tom immediately goes, the news have been traveled, so he says no. We’re not having a baby. - Victoria: And so Billie, just to let you know, he’s been trying to distance yourself from you slowly because of that. - Billie put in the chat, “Oh hell no! Tom wanted to at the moment but that’s it. Ariana wanted to help me too. They both wanted to help me but his last name. Wow. 🤣”
You said Tom was flattered by this, but was it ever something he really considered? - Victoria: No. Not at all. He didn’t want to be mean at the time.
Kyle wants Billie to know, he could sue her - Kyle: So I think at least she’s doing all of that to insure that she’s keeping Tom as the sperm donor or the best friend. I just want Billie to know when she accused me of something like that, I could easily sue her because now that we have it in black and white. - Victoria: It’s slander - Kyle: Because this is damaging for my brand. This is damaging to me as a person. On top of all of these things, I also understand that she has a lot of pain. I understand that. You don’t need to apologize to me Billie and I forgave you. And I don’t wanna out you like this because I don’t think it’s cool…. - Adam: So you’re not suing her to be clear - Kyle: Yeah but with her personality, I know this would just keep going back and forth. So if we don’t bring out the truth. I wanted to call her and talk to her in private. But I know with her personality, it just won’t work. She will throw us under the bus. She will spin the story and she will make it entertaining. It’s about entertainment value. It’s not really about telling her side of the story but to make it entertaining for the audience.
The timing of this with Tom not being able to say anything because he’s filming traitors. Was this calculated? - Kyle: For normal people I would say no, but for people she is quite calculated. - Victoria points out how many more views Billie’s podcast is getting now because Billie is talking about her
(Lyndsay here, I’m gonna pull a Lala here and say can we wrap this up so this last part we are just going yo rapid summarize) - Kyle discussed how Billie is saying it’s desperate for Victoria to be dating Tom, when why did Billie send her best friend Tii to date To - Kyle said he hopes Billie is just doing all of this because she’s entangled with all their people and she thinks it will give her a shot to get back on VPR season 12 and for money because otherwise both Kyle and Victoria think that’s evil otherwise. - So Adam clarified that they are hoping there is an ulterior motive because it would make more sense as opposed to this just all coming out of the blue and not associated with the show - Kyle said he isn’t going to have a relationship with Billie going forward because he has never had one with her - Victoria said she doesn’t think Tom is ever going to go back to that friendship with Billie. And Victoria doesn’t want to have a relationship with Billie - Kyle said a lot of people have been in Billie’s situation when you like somebody or the solid friendships turns into a little bit more. It’s not a crime. It’s not her fault if your friendship grew a little stronger more than a handshake - Adam said to be fair when we have people who are so important to us and we get hurt, it does sometimes make people want to act out because they are trying to get your attention. Adam said he isn’t saying this specifically for Billie but he could see that Billie could be hurting right now. - Victoria said that Billie keeps saying that she (Victoria) doesn’t have a job but Victoria is taking care of her dad right now who has swelling in his brain so she’s been taking a break from work - Victoria is 31 and she has her own place. She takes care of herself and her dad. - The text that Billie sent Kyle before this interview said, “V literally said you were fake and in love with Tom and drugged him. How are you going on a podcast with her? You know how bad things got with Tom and V. I never said a word till she started commenting shit.” - Kyle said the takeaway is you can actually share love with a best friend, you don’t have to own it all. And he wants people to be kind to Billie because he sees her struggle - Kyle said if this continues where there are allegations against him, he will have his lawyer handle that but right now, he has no intention on suing her.
***end of recap
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2024.06.07 22:46 Yarzeda2024 Withering Rooms was pitched to me as 2D Bloodborne. That's not an accurate assessment of the game, but it is still wonderfully weird.

Withering Rooms - Official Trailer (
Withering Rooms is a bizarre blend of Resident Evil, Fatal Frame, Alice: Madness Returns, Bloodborne, and any given rogue-like.
No! Don't leave yet! I know the "R" word will set off some of you, but the game actually handles it in a pretty interesting way. The genre-busting works more often than not. Let's begin at the beginning.
Our game opens in1874 as our heroine is reluctantly sent away to a private mansion-turned-cholera-hospital-turned-insane-asylum. As soon as she goes to sleep for her first night in her new home away from home, she wakes up in a twisted version of the asylum grounds that's haunted by ghosts and patrolled by monsters. It's not long before our heroine meets a coven of witches, gets set on fire by their matron, and wakes up safe and sound in another room of the asylum. She then meets a friendlier face in the form of the head doctor's daughter, and this woman explains they are all trapped in a nightmare where magic is real, madness runs rampant, and anyone stuck too long slowly rots away and becomes a hideous monster in mind and body.
So our teenage protagonist sets out to brave the horrors of the house, figure out how the dream came to be and how to break out of it, die, lose her gear, and repeat until she finally gits gud.
What's funny about Withering Rooms is how the game changes over time.
In the early going, you will probably die a lot, resetting you back to the safe room with most of your items stripped away (other than a few special items that carry over from run-to-run). You will have to resupply and rearm yourself as you work your way through the mansion/asylum. Like any good survival horror game, running away is always a valid option, and the grounds are littered with beds, closets, and other convenient hidey-holes. In time, though, you will meet an NPC who finally allows you to level up. It's a little bit like Dark Souls 3 and Iudex Gundyr in that sense. You have to master the basics of combat before the game allows you to start leveling, and you have to kill and loot a certain number of enemies to get the materials that the NPC will demand as signs of devotion. So while the game will punish you for rushing in recklessly, it will reward you for picking your battles. Fight smarter, not harder.
Once leveling becomes an option, the game starts to feel a lot more Sous-like. You can finally start putting together a build and giving yourself more HP than the frail young girl logically should have (dream magic explains everything), and you will start to find sacrificial altars where you give up body parts looted from fallen enemies in order to create memory slots. These slots lock in the items of your choosing, slowly sanding down the edge of the rogue-like loop. Sure, you can still die and get put out back in the safe room, but it won't sting as much if you can bring over your favorite weapons, spells, and rings. Those first few deaths will be a huge setback as you still come to grips with the combat and the odd systems at play, but it turns into more of a respawn-at-bonfire type of mechanic once you have enough slots to lock in the key ingredients of your build from run to run.
The game should feel a lot more comfortable once it changes lanes from mostly survival horror to mostly Souls-like, but Withering Rooms still likes to throw curveballs. Like any good survival horror, the game absolutely loves its puzzles (which I am still too stupid to solve most of the time), and this game's approach to its magic system is pretty unique. Demon's and the first two Dark Souls used a magic-as-ammunition sort of system, and the series eventually moved on to the FP/mana bar style with games like Dark Souls 3 and Elden Ring. Withering Rooms ditches both approaches and instead gives you a curse bar. Sounds like just another mana bar, right? You would be wrong.
In Withering Rooms, magic is incredibly powerful and dangerously corruptive. Using magic or eating certain attacks actually fills your curse bar. Once the bar is full, you are afflicted with the Curse Rot status, which is like poison on steroids. Spells can no longer be cast in this state, and your HP rapidly drains. It's something to be avoided at all costs, but accumulating a lot of cursed energy is almost mandatory in this game. Like I said earlier, magic is incredibly powerful. In fact, I'd say it's over-tuned to a point where mage builds are on Easy Mode once you level up your Weirdness stat and learn to manage your curse. But even if you don't go around slinging spells and go for something like a luck build or a throwables build, the game still offers you benefits at higher levels of curse like seeing special sigils, doorways, and ghostly enemies that would be invisible to a low-curse normie. It becomes a delicate balancing act of manipulating your cursed energy up and down to suit your situation. It's tempting to keep your curse at zero to avoid the rot, but you could be missing out on secrets. By the same token, walking around with your curse bar almost maxed out will offer certain advantages (especially if you are running the right types of rings, which kick in once you are above certain thresholds of curse bar filled), but keeping yourself at high curse is definitely asking for trouble.
I could go on and talk about the other ins and outs of the game, but I've probably made my point by now with this wall of text.
It's an odd little game that could only really exist in the indie space. It can play a little too fast and loose with the many genres it is blending, but sometimes an interesting game is more fun than a safe one. I like it enough to recommend it. At least watch the trailer and read a few reviews to see if it might be an experiment you want to join. I would never recommend it as a must-play of the genre, but it feels handmade for the kind of player who has played all of the big Souls-like titles and wants a change of pace.
submitted by Yarzeda2024 to soulslikes [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:07 SourceMedium6031 Daily News Report: 06/01/2024 - 06/07/2024

Date: 06/07/2024

Reading time: 3 minutes, 794 words

🪖 Military

Two Georgian Citizens Detained for Links to Terrorist ‘Islamic State’

The State Security Service of Georgia (SSSG) reported the arrest of two Georgian citizens for the illegal purchase and storage of firearms and ammunition as part of the ongoing investigation of a terrorist crime. Automatic rifles, pistols, hand grenades, flags with symbols of the terrorist organization “Islamic State” and various types of evidence were removed from the residences of the arrested persons.

Russia is sending a nuclear submarine to the Caribbean Sea

Russian Navy ships will enter Cuba's territorial waters as a sign of friendship, Cuban Ministry of the Revolutionary Army announced in Havana. The nuclear-powered submarine will not have nuclear weapons, the statement said.

Zelensky: "NATO's eastern border cannot be terminated with Ukraine"

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky arrived in Normandy on June 7. He met French officials in Paris, including French President Emmanuel Macron and US President Joe Biden. He also received new terms of military assistance from the leaders. Emmanuel Macron announced that he will deliver Mirage military aircraft to Ukraine.

🏛️ Politics & Government

President of Latvia: By suspending candidate status, a clear signal should be sent to Georgia

President of Latvia, Edgars Rinkevičs, says the situation in Georgia requires an urgent and strict response from the European Union. He said by suspending the candidate status, the EU should send a clear signal to the Georgian government so that the situation does not worsen.

CEC Complains about “Damaging Groundless Accusations” Ahead of Elections

The Central Election Commission of Georgia issued a statement, complaining about the persisting “unverified, baseless, and damaging statements about the election process” ahead of the crucial Parliamentary elections on October 26. The CEC claims that such statements and assessments are spread from abroad as well. The Commission echoes the ruling party’s longstanding narrative about alleged political interference in the elections.

Domestic Reactions to First Tranche of U.S. Sanctions on Georgian Individuals

U.S. State Department announced the first tranche of visa sanctions against “dozens” of Georgian individuals. Georgian Dream party members, MPs, law enforcement officials and private citizens among those sanctioned. Georgian opposition: "No one is afraid of these sanctions. We have declared our policy that we protect the country's interest"
CivilGe, Political evaluations of American sanctions from Georgia, Mdinaradze: We have right to know whether we are the first legislators who were sanctioned for passing a law, People’s Power MP on sanctions: Main partner made another gross mistake, black day of Western democracy, Mdinaradze: We have right to know whether we are the first legislators who were sanctioned for passing a law, US announces first tranche of visa restrictions comprising members of Georgian Dream

Orban: "War psychosis in Europe, supporters of peace are being silenced"

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán assesses the current events in Europe as a psychosis of war. Orbán also says that NATO and the European Union are moving towards war with Russia. He hopes that Donald Trump will win the American elections and thus a transatlantic peace coalition will be created.

Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova - waiting for a decision

The European Union is expected to start negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova in connection with the accession of these countries to the European Union in June. The European Commission wants to start formal negotiations with Kyiv and Chisinau as soon as possible before Hungary takes over the position of the EU presidency on July 1. Experts say that ultimately Hungary will not be able to prevent these negotiations. Georgia is lagging behind Moldova and Ukraine in the most important issues, says Kakha Gogolashvili.
EuroNewsGeorgia, European Commission: Ukraine and Moldova fulfilled all recommendations

💵 Economy

The government predicts 6% economic growth this year

Georgian government predicts 6% economic growth this year. First Deputy Minister of Finance Giorgi Kakauridze noted that in the first four months of this year, the economy grew at a much higher rate than expected.

⚽ Sport

Georgian national team’s full squad trains in Austria ahead of Euro 2024

Georges Mikautadze and Solomon Kvirkvelia among 26 players in Austria. Georgia will play in Group against Turkey on June 18, Czech Republic on June 22 and Portugal on June 26. The team will play a friendly match against Montenegro in Podgorica on Sunday.

Date: 06/06/2024

Reading time: 4 minutes, 981 words

🪖 Military

Ukraine Latest: Himars Strike Destroys Air Defenses inside Russia, Kremlin Warns of ‘Fatal Consequences’

Kremlin warns Washington that it could suffer “fatal consequences” for backing cross-border attacks. US has so far allowed Kyiv to hit targets within Russia only if they pose an immediate threat to Ukrainian forces. US President Joe Biden gave Ukraine permission to use American-supplied weapons to strike within Russia last week.

🏛️ Politics & Government

BREAKING: US State Department Implements First Tranche of Sanctions against Georgian Individuals

U.S. State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller, announced at today’s press briefing that the US has sanctioned “dozens ” of Georgian individuals in its first tranche of sanctions. The number of sanctioned individuals is between two to three dozens.

Georgian Charter of Journalistic Ethics: Georgian Parliament Misuses Media Conduct Rules

The Georgian Parliament is using the new rules of conduct of media in legislature as a punitive tool against journalists. Journalists are barred from accessing first-hand information from the legislative body for one to six months.

Economy Minister says promoting green economy potential, sustainable development Gov’t “important priority”

Georgian Economy Minister Levan Davitashvili spoke at the 14th Local Economic Development Forum in Tbilisi. He said promoting the potential of green economy and sustainable development represented the Government’s ‘priority” in the country's economy. The Minister said the Government's policy aimed at developing the private sector's capabilities, effective management of resources and carrying out structural reforms.

Opposition Parties Plead to the U.S. Congress to Commit Resources for Election Monitoring in Georgia

Opposition parties write to U.S. Congressman Joe Wilson, the initiator of the MEGOBATI Act. They plead with Congress to commit necessary human and financial resources to ensure due electoral observation for the October parliamentary elections in Georgia. The letter stresses the will of the “overwhelming majority” of the Georgian people for the country’s integration into the EU and NATO.

MFA Keeps SIlent, as “People’s Power” Lies About NATO’s Article 5

People’s Power, an offshoot of the ruling Georgian Dream party, issued a lengthy statement on June 5. It claimed that NATO Charter's Article 5 did not guarantee military assistance to Allies in the event of an attack. Georgia's Foreign Ministry has not responded to the People's Power statement. has approached the Information Center on NATO and EU.

Georgian Dream Introduces Draft Law to Restrict LGBTQ+ Rights

Georgia’s ruling party has introduced draft legislation that would limit LGBTQ+ rights. The measures come soon after the adoption of the “foreign influence” law, which resulted in months’-long mass protests and criticism for its perceived threat to democratic freedom.

Georgian FM: Adoption of UN Resolution on IDPs from Russian-Occupied Regions “great success”

Georgian Foreign Minister Ilia Darchiashvili celebrated this week’s adoption of a resolution by the United Nations General Assembly concerning Internally Displaced Persons and Refugees from the Russian-occupied Abkhazia and Tskhinvali (South Ossetia) regions. The resolution reiterates the right of return for all displaced persons and refugees to these regions, with 103 countries voting in favor, nine against, and 52 abstaining.

TI Georgia: Chinese Company with ‘Questionable Reputation’ to Build Anaklia Port

Transparency International (TI) Georgia, a local corruption watchdog, says the government awarded the Anaklia Port project to a Chinese company “known for corruption scandals” The watchdog also warns that the deal raises corruption risks amid the growing crackdown on civil society watchdogs. The U.S. State Department echoed these concerns on June 1, stressing the importance of safeguarding Georgia’s security.

Georgian Witnesses at the Congressional Hearing Under Fire

The People’s Power attacked Ivane Chkhikvadze and Natalie Sabanadze for testifying before the U.S. Congress. PM Irakli Kobakhidze and ruling party MPs compared the two witnesses to Bolsheviks and fascists. Parliament Speaker Shalva Papuashvili said: “We have seen Orjonikidzes of the 21st century, who have snitched on their homeland”
CivilGe, William Courtney on the Helsinki Commission Hearing and Sanctioning Georgian Dream

Celebrating World Environment Day 2024: UNDP and Its Commitment to Georgia’s Environmental and Energy Sustainability

On World Environment Day 2024, the UNDP celebrated its ongoing work in Georgia with regards environmental preservation and sustainable energy solutions. Georgia boasts 100 protected areas which cover 13% of its land, where forests flourish across 75% of these natural havens.

💵 Economy

Fitch Ratings Initiates Coverage of TBC Bank Uzbekistan with a BB- Rating, in line with the sovereign

Uzbekistan-based Joint Stock Commercial Bank ‘TBC BANK’ (TBCU) Long-Term Issuer Default Ratings (IDRs) of ‘BB-‘ with Stable Outlooks and a Viability Rating (VR) of 'b' TBCU’s ‘b’ VR reflects its reasonable risk profile and asset quality and good capitalisation. The bank contributed 9% of the group's total revenue and 5% of net profit in 2023, although we expect it to increase further in the medium term.

Date: 06/05/2024

Reading time: 2 minutes, 533 words

🏛️ Politics & Government

Parliament Bans Another Critical Journalist from Working in Legislative Building

The Georgian Parliament has banned Natalia Kajaia of the opposition-leaning TV Pirveli from working in the legislative building for one month, until July 3, at the request of the leader of the People’s Power party, MP Sozar Subari. The bans come as a result of implementing a controversial February 2023 Order issued by Speaker Shalva Papuashvili.

Roth: A Russian-style crackdown on LGBTI is another red flag for Georgia‘s EU ambitions

A Russian-style crackdown on LGBTI is another red flag for Georgia‘s EU ambitions. Georgian Dream must stop initiatives to destroy Georgia future, – Michael Roth, chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee of the German Parliament (Bundestag).

People’s Power Distorts NATO’s Article 5 Content

People’s Power, an offshoot of the ruling Georgian Dream party, issued a lengthy statement on June 5. The People's Power claimed NATO's Article 5 does not guarantee military assistance to Allies in the event of an attack. The statement accuses the “Global War Party” of misleading the Georgian people for years.

Russia’s Deputy FM: West is Trying to Implement Maidan Scenario in Georgia

Mikhail Galuzin, Russia’s deputy Foreign Minister, accused the West of putting “unscrupulous pressure” on “many sovereign states” in Georgia. The Russian official also lashed out at the foreign ministers of Lithuania, Estonia and Iceland, calling their actions “blatant interference in the internal affairs of an independent state”

EU Ambassador: EU to Check Whether Visa Liberalization Conditions Still Apply to Georgia

EU Ambassador to Georgia Paweł Herczyński said that the EU will consider “all options” that can be introduced towards Georgia as a result of the adoption of the foreign agents law, including the suspension of visa liberalization. He expressed his concern that ordinary citizens of Georgia will be affected and will have to pay a very heavy price.

U.S. Congressional Hearing Discusses Support for Georgia’s Sovereignty and Democracy

The United States Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki Commission) held a congressional hearing on supporting Georgia’s sovereignty and democracy. The hearing came amid the recent adoption of the Russian-style foreign agents law and the U.S. announcement of sanctions against those undermining democracy in Georgia.

🧪 Science & Technology

Georgian Citizen Illegally Sentenced in Occupied Tskhinvali Region

Giorgi Mosiashvili, 35, was sentenced to two years in a general regime colony by the de-facto court in occupied Java, Tskhinvali region. He is accused of crossing the occupation line and fishing, in particular, catching about 25 kg of trout fry with an electric fishing rod.

Date: 06/04/2024

Reading time: 3 minutes, 704 words

🪖 Military

Informal mobilization in Russia

Wives of conscripted soldiers held a small protest in front of the Ministry of Defense in Moscow. The wives demanded the return of their husbands. They were announced as a foreign agent by the Russian government.

🏛️ Politics & Government

Stormi Daniels says she and her family are being threatened

Stormy Daniels claims she had sexual relations with Donald Trump 10 years ago. Daniels says she and her family receive serious death threats on a daily basis.

Congress starts discussing "MEGOBARI" - politicians talk about possible sanctions

Washington states that they are considering the US response to the actions taken by the Georgian government. According to the spokesperson of the US State Department, the US has announced the new policy of sanctions, although it has not yet announced individual sanctions. Opponents of the government say that along with the American visa restrictions, the EU member states should individually adopt such decisions.

“Georgian Charter” signed by 17 parties and 5 independent deputies

The administration of the President publishes information about political parties and independent MPs who have signed the “Georgian Charter” The charter talks about “repeal of laws harmful to the European course of the country”, liberation of the justice system and restoration of trust, improvement of the electoral system and creation of a new political reality.

Parliament Slaps Bans on Critical Journalists at GD Vice-Speaker’s Request

Two journalists from opposition-leaning media outlets have been temporarily banned from the legislative building. MP Nino Tsilosani demanded their accreditations be suspended after the journalists approached her even though she refused to answer their questions. The bans come as a result of implementing a controversial February 2023 Order issued by Speaker Shalva Papuashvili.

Parliament Speaker Enacts “Offshore Law”

Georgia's 'Offshore Law' makes it easier to bring offshore assets to Georgia. The law is aimed at allowing Georgian Dream’s billionaire founder, Bidzina Ivanishvili, and his cronies to evade Western sanctions. President Salome Zurabishvili vetoed the bill, which was then overruled by the Parliament.
CivilGe, Parliament Speaker Presents Homophobic Legislation

Prime Minister’s Report Claims Progress in Foreign Policy, Defense, Economy, Governance

Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze presents report to Parliament on June 28. Report covers foreign and security policy, conflict resolution and human rights, economic development and social development and human capital, and state governance. Ukraine is mentioned only three times in the 171-page document.

Expert Paper Details Risks ahead of Georgia’s Crucial Parliamentary Elections

The German Marshall Fund published a paper called “Georgia’s 2024 Parliamentary Election: Pre-election risk assessment” It details risks and vulnerabilities in the political pre-election landscape, legal framework and election administration, campaign environment, and media and information space. Author Laura Thornton anticipates political violence and arrests and challenges to the legitimacy of the election.

Management team plans to protect "family values".

The draft law, which, according to the civil sector, will limit the rights of LGBTQ+. Intimate scenes of same-sex couples will be cut from the films, these shots will not be shown on TV screens or in cinemas. Talking about the queer community in educational institutions may be prohibited, if it is considered as propaganda for the LGBTQ+ community.

MEP: GD tried to put the last nail in the coffin of Georgia’s European future

Georgian parliamentarian Thijs Reuten responds to the signing of the law “On Transparency of Foreign Influence” by the Speaker of the Parliament of Georgia, Shalva Papuashvili. “Georgian Dream” recently tried to put the last nail in the coffin of Georgia’s European future – but in the end they will fail, writes MEP Reuten.

Date: 06/03/2024

Reading time: 2 minutes, 405 words

🏛️ Politics & Government

Georgian Infrastructure Minister: Gov’t continuing to develop sports infrastructure

Infrastructure Minister Irakli Karseladze opens stadium in southern Georgian city of Marneuli. The 2,000-capacity stadium is designed to host both local and international tournaments.

Protesters against Foreign Agents Law Fined

On May 20, and the court fined several activists GEL 500 (approximately USD 180) in connection with protests against the Foreign Agents Law. This is the maximum fine for the offense, according to Article 174 Prima of the Administrative Code. Those fined include Saba Skhvitaridze, Anri Gorgiladze, and Boris Chele Kurua of the opposition party.
CivilGe, Parliament Speaker Enacts Foreign Agents Law After President’s Refusal to Sign, Parliament Speaker signs the law “On transparency of foreign influence”

Opposition Parties Sign Georgian Charter

Opposition parties which have agreed to sign the Georgian Charter will do so on June 3. Opposition parties For Justice, Greens Party, Girchi-More Freedom and Droa, European Democrats, European Georgia, Republican Party, For People, Ahali, Lelo for Georgia, Citizens, Freedom-Zviad Gamsakhurdia’s Way, United National Movement, Law and Justice, National-Democratic Party have already signed the Charter.
CivilGe, Gakharia: For Georgia not to sign “Georgian Charter” offered by President, Political parties sign “Georgian Charter” presented by President, Gakharia: For Georgia not to sign “Georgian Charter” offered by President

UK to have a new ambassador to Georgia

The United Kingdom will have a new ambassador to Georgia – Mark Clayton will be replaced by Gareth Ward in a few months. Gareth Ward will start working as the Ambassador of Great Britain in Georgia from August 2024.

Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Georgia visites Machakhela Protected Landscape to review ongoing initiatives

Petr Kubernát, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Georgia, visited Machakhela Protected Landscape to review ongoing initiatives and discuss future partnerships for sustainable development.

Date: 06/02/2024

Reading time: 0 minutes, 0 words

Date: 06/01/2024

Reading time: 0 minutes, 151 words

🏛️ Politics & Government

Georgians Gear Up for ‘Unprecedented’ Election Mobilization

Georgia's President Salome Zurabishvili has unveiled a roadmap for victory in October's elections. She has called the upcoming elections a “referendum’s referendum” between a ‘European, democratic, independent Georgia, or a Russian-led, authoritarian, and isolated Georgia. With the polling day approaching, opposition remains fragmented, with a unified opposition list.

Intimidation Campaign Against Opposition, Civil Society, Gov’t Critics as Repressions Announced by GD MPs

An orchestrated campaign of intimidation against opposition politicians, media, civil society organizations and critics of the foreign agents law has resumed on May 31, several days after the final passage of the infamous law. This time, Georgian Dream representatives don’t hide their involvement in this campaign, on the contrary, they openly announce the repressions.

Citizens Confront GD MPs Following Adoption of Foreign Agents’ Law

After Georgian Dream MPs voted on May 28 to overturn veto on the Foreign Agents Law, they have been confronted by angry citizens, opposing the law. Several cases of citizens writing on the walls of GD MPs’ houses and calling them “slaves” and “traitors” in public have been observed.
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2024.06.07 21:15 xricardobh Taurus creates a new caliber in Brazil, the .38 TPC

Taurus creates a new caliber in Brazil, the .38 TPC
Taurus creates a new caliber, the .38 TPC
According to Taurus Engineers the whole G series do not acomodate the .380 ACP caliber. They say it’s something about the cylindrical format of the shell that don’t work very well in this project, but I don’t really know what is the problem.
Well, since July/2023 some calibers became restrict here in Brazil, such as 9mm, .40 S&W, .45ACP, .357 magnum, and a lot more. That means that only Level 3 Sporting shooters, police officers and the government can buy firearms chambered for these calibers.
The G series here are the cheapest guns we had access, but since they are all chambered for 9mm and they don’t make it in .380, the regular citizen that wants a firearm for self defense and sporting shooters level 1 and 2 could not buy it. Thinking on that, Taurus created, along with CBC (Magtech) a new caliber, the .38 TPC (Taurus Pistol Caliber), which is basically a 18mm conical brass using less powder than a 9mm and more powder than a .380 ACP, and, so far, a 124gr bullet in every type of amunition.
According to Taurus the .38 TPC has 40% more energy than the .380 ACP and 28% less recoil than the 9mm, it is not considered a restrict caliber and will be sold in the G series cheap platform.
This was a way to workaround our today’s laws and offer to the market a better caliber than the .380.
Don’t ask me much, they didn’t realeased technical information about this caliber nor the ammunition’s.
submitted by xricardobh to tfbtv [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:31 Corvun_Chad_ Human ships are in the water ( chapter 3)

Shalok of 138,457 turned to ka’oltathon of 138,457, or simply September 1916 to October 1916. The declaration and violence of the display by humanity outraged the species of the milky-way. The outrage turned to action and the invasion promised to humanity would come. 300 destroyers specifically, sa’oak class where present along with 96 light cruisers, 28 heavy cruisers, 10 battle cruisers and 4 brand new dreadnoughts. The invasion force was definitely overkill, however so was the human response . The plan would be simple and hopefully devistating. I’m a rather crude attempt to make their intentions clear they named the operation “ operation glass ball”. The goal was to either take control of the planet or glass it on a show of power. They would use fear tactics, they would bombard city’s only a couple hundred feet above the tallest buildings. They would land troops in major city’s that weren’t being bombarded and attempt to enforce martial law and superiority. All in all it was more of a peacocking operation than an actual invasion.
As the current force finally arrived in system many officers, shipman and soilders began to laugh at the primitive planet. There wasn’t a single orbital defense platform and barely even any Ariel defense platforms on the surface. The first battle would be fought in the harbors of Norfolk Virginia. 2 battle cruisers, 8 heavy cruisers 16 light cruisers and 50 destroyers lowered into harbor. They hovered menacingly for about an hour only a few hundred feet above the water about 4 miles out from harbor. In the harbor stood the USN most powerful ships. It was a rather odd thing to have ships for water. Many species evolved on supper continents and this never really had the need for sea faring warships. The two newest ships in harbor from the USN were the Pennsylvania class supper-dreadnoughts. Though one of those was about a fifth the size of the smallest destroyer in the invasion fleet. But the pride of the navy , the Pennsylvania, The Arizona, The Texas and The New York sat in harbor. They were all armed with kinetic shells, primitive and unlikely to pierce the shield much less armor. Though 14 inch armament is quite large it still was not nearly powerful enough. Around them sat all 10 of the Omaha class light cruisers. Their fast firing 6’ guns wouldn’t do much damage unless they had days worth of ammunition stored for each gun. Around them the “ Clemson swarm”so rounded these ships with astonishing numbers the newly completed Clemson class destroyers all 156 of them around the formation of battleships and light cruisers. All in all it was what looked like a one sided fight.
The first shot was fired when the battlecruiser “Tec’shekal” opened fire on the Clemson swarm. The invasion ship began to open fire nonstop on the swarm, attempting to take out them out to show they were not playing around and that they should surrender. However once the first three salvos were finished something amazing happened. They watched as the crew of the remaining Clemson destroyers fought with all they had to keep their ships afloat, bailing water and abandoned stations, except for the guns. In that moment Radio charter would be picked up, one simple word would be said by one American human. “ FIRE”. The evening sky would be lit by the muzzle flashes of well over 600 guns of all calibers. The shells streaked through the air with impeessive speeds, breaking Mach 1 and came at the fleet fast. The invasion force belived it to be useless, but were still anticipating the hits. Their flag ship “ Tec’shekal” would take the brunt of the fire. Something astonishing in that moment happened when they made contact with the shield. The shells moved fast enough that they could punch through the shields while being slow enough the kinetic shield wouldn’t catch it, leaving the armor. The armor didn’t hold. The small caliber weapons did minor damage, however USS Arizona is credited with landing 12/12 shots she fired with direct hit all along the bridge, penetrating the armor and detonating inside the bridge, releasing a torrent of fire. And shrapnel from broken armor.
The inside of the “Tec’shekal” was hell. Scorching fires raged in the bridge and alliance troops were in pure panic at the revelation the armor would not protect them. Many of the station inside of the battlecruiser would be abandoned and centralized around the secondary command bridge and the only functioning main gun. It was again that more shells wracked the ship, however this time 44 14’ shells pierced the energy storage for the main gun. It was the first alien loss yet in his war.
In the aftermath of the battle the USN would loose 148 destroyers of the 156, 3 of the 4 dreadnoughts and all ten of the light cruiser. The invasion force was a total loss however. Only leaving the second battlecruiser in a sorry state.
In the oddness of humanity, their ships in water, millennia behind the ships they fought, and held their ground.
Gods chosen had triumphed
Alright make sure to leave suggestions and criticisms. Tell me if you have any ideas, I plan the next battle to take place in Verdun, I feel like the hellish atmosphere of the battle in real history would make it perfect and I’ll go into full detail. I love ships so I tried to restrain myself, arguably to the detriment of the story but I would have made ( and have done before) a 8000 word analysis of ww1 era USN ship and their capabilities if I didn’t try to make it to short or brief. Any, later y’all there will be a chapter
submitted by Corvun_Chad_ to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 08:02 Embarrassed_Bread632 quality of life changes that would benefit the game.

so just throwing out some suggestions on aspects of the game that would make the game a lot better in ways that have been ignored or not addressed at all. this isnt all the things i want to talk about but just a few to start off.
disband squad - please it feels so bad to kick people if your the host when your on the ship and some people are just waiting around but you just want to play with your friends or you just want to meet a fresh new team but some people thinking they were kicked will make you look like a jerk and they might block you even though it would be really cool to bump into them again.
supply drop pod - plain and simple, look if the devs can program the titans and charger corpses to ragdoll and flop over into different positions where you can either sprint to auto climb onto or over the corpses or into positions where you can't auto climb and instead you have to press the manual climb control to climb over the corpse. then surely making the supply pod either a little taller or an object you have to manually climb can't be that difficult.
heavy supply pod - add a one use heavy supply drop that has 2 supply crates on each side of the pod for everyone or add it as a personal booster so that one person can set that up for their own personal build since i dont know how fast those extra stratagem slots will fill up in future plans. on a future post ill be talking about personal boosters idea. these heavy supply drops will work similar to the ammunition for the SEAF artillery, they will be heavy to carry and one supply crate will refill half your vehicle or turrets ammunition.
color text - please at the very least change the player color text to the basic white color or to the democratic yellow so that players know whether it is a player talking or not chatting. i've had too many lobbies where everyone doesn't speak but their still asking questions during the mission or back on the ship i'll chat box them if they saw anything i said and they would apologize cause they thought it was just another "point of interest" notification or something and ignored the color text that is the same for everything except names.
modifier affects - i have more to say about the modifiers that ill say on a future post but mainly here i wanna say that there are some stratagems or maybe just one specifically that shouldn't be affected by some of the negative stratagem modifiers such as orbital scatter or the delayed call in. the stratagem im talking about is the "precision orbital strike", this stratagem is literally the first stratagem we get and it should always be that reliable stratagem that always does what its supposed to do. i dont believe every stratagem needs to be affected across the board it would help make somethings more unique, which having unique tools or utilities makes for variety of builds.
side objectives - it would be nice to have some more variety in side objectives and im sure there are new ones coming in the future but why not use existing missions as side objectives. i think it was kinda a mistake to bring back flags as a main mission into higher missions and instead make them side objectives like make them a 2 use special stratagem and you have to choose where to put it. like a reverse jammer they only work in specific area's like on a shrieker nest or at a main objective or outpost and maybe somehow make it so that 2 of them cant be in the same area and maybe we can even fail it if there are no player in the area for a extended amount of time and this would make for some nice screenshots to share. another one is that you can exceed the collectable sample limit so why not have an ore vein side objective where its literally the same thing as the main mission version drill and in the end it'll break open a crater underneath it revealing various samples to be collected. the options are there and would bring some relieving variety into the game. these are just to name a few i would like to say more but ill leave that for another post and you all can imagine what the others would be.
team reloading - this has been a big and obvious problem from the beginning to me. if a player has both the weapon and the backpack, just allow any teammate to reload them by taking ammo off the players back. it makes more sense that the teammate is taking ammo off the players back to reload them rather than off your teammates back and also why not allow both with the reload prioritizing the weapon holders backpack first. this would probably double the interactions of team reloading. also it would open up new strategies to the players encouraging more teamwork. some might say "that would make the recoilis OP" well then make the recoilis borderline just strong enough to one shot a charger or make it weaker with a much higher weak spot multiplier so that hitting them anywhere else but the head will break armor but wont get the multiplier bonus. the recoilis is already OP in this manner people just choose not to do it caus eits a hindrance to how they want to play which the game is already constantly pushing players to make jack of all trade builds if you dont want to be a burden. with things like tanks or titans the damage was just enough to oneshot a charger so the damage would take even more to kill a tank or titan maybe like 4 or 5 rockets to the face or front and sides of a turret, then you would have to plan properly where you throw your supply pods instead of just throwing it for yourself.
codex - there is a big screen across from the player loadout armory they could put the codex there or they could put it at the ships module terminal it would make sense in either spot as its just a library of various topics which would make sense to be a on a ships terminal too. it would be nice if it had multiple tab categories showing us details of our weapons and stratagems and would be a really great way to show us those stats that we dont see. it would be also great if we could see the models of enemies we have killed and see how many times this enemy have killed us and how many of them we have killed. that would really cool for having new or sub titles like titan hunter for killing 1000 titans or something.
(also a suggestion for that news or notices screen to show ingame news or plans why not put it at the big window at the front. you could have multiple pages that one player can swipe through and for comms teams it would be like 4 friends and one friend has the remote to turn the channels.)
natural defences on super earth locations - having some damaged half ammo turrets or mounted weapons and maybe even a one magazine stalwarts and some expendable rocket launchers lying around at points of interest or main missions like when extracting citizens. maybe have like multiple machine gun turrets that are underground in their pods malfunctioned at these points and would be nice to make it feel like at least super earth outposts are making some attempts to defend themselves. maybe have players go up to them to pull up a visor terminal to do a 2 phase hack to activate these malfunctioned or deactivated defenses.
environment and weather affects - things like low fog or ion storms should do more against enemies as they do players. the blizzard storms and tremors seem to be the only things that affects both enemies and teammates. an example are ion storms that should last a little longer but affect both players and bots or at least make it so only one drop ship comes while the players lose access to our stratagems and bots no longer can call for a large amount of back up making it into a real ground fight between us and the bots. most of all though the smaller weather affects like the low fog or heavy rain that comes in, the fog in my experiences does nothing to hinder the enemies detection but correctly works against the players. players proning in the fog should have at least a quarter of the affect's of the smoke screens and during rain storms it should deafen the the enemies more so taking shots at certain distances depending on the weapon will practically be crossbow levels of silenced. we cant predict when these weather affects can help us we just have to take the opportunity if it presents itself and maybe give these weather events like 1 or 2 rolls for the chances to end or to continue for another 30 seconds.
enemy variations - i hope the devs plan better when designing evolved or variations of enemies. the devastators are good examples of well planned variations of one enemy where they overall are noticeably different same for the bile spewers. at the moment i dont have too much confidence in their plans in new designed variations of existing enemies like with the behemoth which there is 100% not difference in it from the normal charger and not to mention they are such a cool design that should be more memorable and show up in the heavy outposts instead of the normal charger. its horn or its blade like legs should ricochet rockets because of their very narrow angles, so you have to get an angle on the flat sides of its armor or aim for the lower jaw of the behemoth and same for the quasar but instead of ricochet the horn simply reduces energy damage, so from the side you would need to aim for the back side of the head to one shot it and not hit the horn or aim for the lower jaw. making these enemies fit their designs somewhat would do well to make the game feel a little immersive cause at this point you might as well take them out of the game and put a normal charger there which is sad and a waste of the design.
the are more things i wanted to add and say but for now im working on making another post in the future going over more suggestions and opinions like with weapons and armors, temporary upgrades/alterations for stratagems that would give good reasons to keep grinding and increase build varieties for players while not forcing them to commit to a new upgrade they might not like, and some other things like personal boosters and stuff.
submitted by Embarrassed_Bread632 to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 00:18 NoBarracuda2587 Silentverse: Archives 2

File Sequence: <Beginning> -First Contact[10]- -Conclusion- <Archives 1>
Secret Files: <CoS[1]> -Cos[2]-
Note: Huge thanks to my new 2 editors!
"Play Cosmoteer, it's fun!" --- u/AnotheNobodie
\Disconnected. Last seen with entire warhammer 40k set. Currently probably in a bunker* -----* u/ConfusionEmpty3542

Long Rest

/Mellator Matrix Mind
/Memory transmission Subject: Woorrrl. Emperor of the Bloboid empire.
/Time-Space: Entering the orbit of Lyra Twins.
/Sequence Code: Lpcehcg Pülx Yekkknopc
/Transmission in 3…2…1…
“Can we please start over again?” The Shuulmian tiredly bubbled out, while rubbing his forehead with a tentacle. His, a little wet on the ends and covered in straps, but nonetheless colorful and glistening general “raincoat” was shaking a little.
I sighed, and retorted by asking:
“From where? How we lost two thirds of the Mothership or how we had a battle and lost?”
“Listen… We never thought to even have the battle with that black “squad” to begin with, let alone lose to them…” I started all over, again.
“My dearest apologies, sir, but is that really it? Did you really lose to nine corvette ships? Just like that?”
I just waved my appendages to the sides, gesturing to the smoking hulls of these, diminished in size, metal mountains of former greatness:
“Just take a look. I can't make this up…”
He stood still at my response, his “face” showing no emotion whatsoever. Then he folded some of his tentacles behind him and started to slither back and forth, while all the logistics and intel crews looked at him with different shades of concern, not knowing what to do or how to respond. Then he grabbed his head(or it’s frontal lobe at least, as he didn't really had a “body” in normal sense) with all of his appendages, made a deep inhale, and then gurgled with all three of his lungs right in the screen:
“WHAT?! H-how? HOW?! Those ships were the strongest class from the observation squadron we had in our possession! And you saying that they just, run it over?! Just like that?!”
“Precisely…” I responded, while rubbing and cleaning my “liquid-receiving” tube. Then I opened my thermos, and poured my drink in it, ignoring all the glances of shock in my direction. I was too tired for all of this, and to think clearly, I needed to calm down and assess the situation.
“And i'll tell you even more.” I continued “They made it without a single casualty on our side. I don't know if it was intentional, but I can safely bet my exoskeleton to you that they are the veterans of battles who don't even bother to use their full potential…”
“B-but if that's the case, how are we going to deal with them?” One of Bluufo’s closest advisors asked.
“We won't, at least not for now…” I coldly replied, sipping my {tea}.
We need to think about our next move very carefully. So far we showed no means of defense against their ships. We cannot just declare an all-out war on these unknown aliens. Something else must be done…
The crew of both “Scout Fist” and all surrounding vessels, as well as all the blockade ships just come to a halt. We were either surprised and shocked from receiving the latest news, or depressed while giving them. But we can't just hang out in the orbits forever, so i, after taking a deep breath with my mouths, fixated my exoskeleton to my seat, fastened my seatbelt and gave an order through the intercoms:
“Back to your stations; return to your positions and prepare to land!”
Thousands of legs and other limbs to stomp, echoing through the metal halls, indicating the acknowledgement of my command.
I nodded in satisfaction and opened the screens to give myself access to landing stations. We now have a serious task; bring this scorched metal hulk back to where it was built.
“Scout Fist”? Your identification code has been received. This is White Mesa, please proceed to the main hangar station, Cluster 5, Unit 7.
“Thank you.” I gladly replied, and gave the order to land. My helmsman, already tired from this relatively long and very stressful mission, didn’t need to be told twice. Mothership then rotated to its base, and started to prepare to settle on the platform we were told to land on. With a not so gracious and elegant maneuver, the “Scout Fist”, or rather what was left of it, came down from the skies to settle in the “pocket”, leaving a smoking trail that came out of its third upper engine(Don't ask me. Four engineering teams tried their best to fix the issue, it just kept malfunctioning for the entire voyage. We were just glad it didn't detonate mid-flight at this point...)
With a rather loud metal slam, the remaining one-third of the Mothership finally landed to where it had been told to, slightly shifting and leaning to the right, as one of its landing bar-rails was missing…
I don't even want to know how many energy credits will be required to “restore” this mountain of junk.
With a last hiss, the final engine died down, hinting us that our journey had come to an end.

We have arrived.

Called from the lower deck’s intercoms.
Few dozen groans, cheers, and “Finally…” quotes came from my crew and echoed on the main deck as we stretched and then stood up from our seats, walking to the exits while trying to ignore the crates of equipment that were slowly sliding to the right from the tilt.
The Mothership’s main hatch opened with a loud screeching sound and we finally saw the light turquoise skies shining on our faces, muzzles and exoskeletons once more. I even opened those slits of mine a little to take the fresh air in:
“Haaaaah… Okay everyone, we have some work to do!”
“Yes, Your Highness!” Everyone replied and started to take the special loaders, carts and trolleys to take out all the ammunition and equipment that we somehow salvaged from that battle. The Mothership's roof slid open and a few dozen corvettes started to come out one by one, with big metal containers strapped to their hulls.
I controlled the process, exclaiming orders and writing down the commands on my special Pad. Then a rather familiar captain came to me.
“Your Highness?” Captain Moor bowed. “I'm honored to see you in good health.”
“Oh, likewise captain!” I lowered my holopad and greeted the feline, who so bravely fought by my side, leading the frontal forces.
He smiled a little, then took a glance at the remaining of the “Scout Fist” and mournfully sighed:
"We're that hopeless, huh?”
I followed him, folding my frontal manipulators:
“Seems like it… Sorry for the drones, I doubt we could have used them with any more efficiency…”
He then spat on the ground:
“Dang it! One [megaton] of alloys, wasted!”
“No worries, we will cover the losses. Your Republic will have its compensation, captain. Oh, or shall I say, ‘one-stripe admiral’?”
“Admiral” Moor’s Ears quickly stood up right as he glanced at me:
“Yes…” I chucked and then replied “Congratulations on your promotion! I will make sure that our Intergalactic Ministry of Defense adds some stars on those shoulder straps of yours…”
“B-but I… But I failed!” He quickly retorted, trying his best to hide the wagging of his tail
“No-no, you still did your best, and I doubt that anyone could have done better.”
“Oh, sire!” then his handphone rang. He took a peek at his pocket then apologetically looked at me: “A hundred apologies…”
I just waved my tentacle dismissively.
He opened his phone and started slowly walking away, making my translators detect him less and less. Good thing I know Ewwlian common, I could still hear what he was meowing about:
“Yes? Yes. Have you not seen our landing on the news? Of course we lost! Yes! Yep, the drones are gone! Yes, all of them. I'm serious… No, we don't have any-...”
I then took my attention back to the Mothership, and spotted another war hero, surrounded with his “retinue” of advisors, generals, and other guards:
“Hello again, Fleetmaster…”
The four eyed lizard came closer and made a low bow, his followers repeating the gesture:
“Greetings Your Highness, we are honored for you to lead our mighty fleets. We are deeply sorry for disappointing you, never in our history have we ever heard of such a devastating defeat…”
I knew what he really meant like no one else. After all, R’ikitiks are warriors of honor, just like us. That loss will be a real dagger in our reputation. I was “in a fog” so to speak, not knowing how to respond. Luckily, (now hopefully Admiral) Moor’s call was over and now he trotted back to us, salvaging the awkward situation:
“Hello, Fleetmaster Mikik. It's a pleasure.”
“Yes, likewise Captain…” he responded.
“It's One-Stripe Admiral now. I've been promoted.”
Mikik took a glance at me. It was impossible to tell my mood due to my metal shell, but I'm sure he felt that smug glance of mine. I just slowly waved my manipulator to the side, confirming that statement.
“Congratulations! At least something good out of this entire story. If you lived in R’ikitik empire, you could probably face a trial for that. We probably will by the way…” he replied darkening the mood.
“Don't be so depressed. Look at the bright side! We might have suffered defeat, might have lost one of our strongest fleet squadrons,might've been “spared” by those… “Skirmish Jewelers” or whatever... But we’re still alive. And that? That's what matters the most…”
Mikik looked at that striped feline, took a deep breath, and made a weak smile:
“Yeah, yeah…maybe you’re right…”
Admiral Moor smiled and waved his tail. They looked at each other for a while, before Mikik bent over on one knee and gave him a hug with all of his four claws, while Moor made a quiet giggle waving his tail even more:
“It's good to be back…”
The crowd smiled and few even made an “awww” sound.(Some of my Bloboid guards even “elbowed” a few lizards to cheer them up.)
Heh, we are such dorks sometimes.
Suddenly the familiar ocropus called for us from afar, slithering on the platform we all been standing on:
“I'm sorry to interrupt whatever is happening here, but Your Highness, we have some “minor inconvenience” regarding the information you have provided.”
I made internal groan:
“Bluufo! I already told you the entire story.”
“Yes, to me, not to them…” and he pointed with his tentacle behind his back, gesturing to the increasing chatter and noise coming from down the station, that I didn't really notice until now. When we came closer and leaned to the rails, the entire army of citizens and paparazzi with all color ‘n taste appeared in front of our gaze.
Oh, holy pores, not again…
All of mine and Mikik’s followers shot a few glances at each other with curved lip equivalents and frowns. I just signed and opened the walkie-talkie on my waist:
“Security, open the station gates, the faster we do it, the faster we go home…”
After around {twenty seconds} the chatter increased and we saw all walks of alien life, coming up from all the doors and entrances. We just stood there, a little scared of the horde we just unleashed upon ourselves. The first one to snap out of it was Moor. He just rubbed his muzzle and casually approached the incoming “tsunami”:
“Aw {poop}, here we go again…”
Before he could make his seventh step however, he, as well as his “comrades” were surrounded by a few dozen drones. They had big white colored propellers, smooth and transparent frames, and big “fisheye” lensed cameras with an orange, five eyed squid and a “Newstopus” emblem drawn on it. They buzzed around, capturing our every move to document this important moment on the Galnet.
Right after them, the horde of journalists and news anchors circled us, shouting over each other and bombarding us with questions, and shoving their microphones into our muzzles(or in the exoskeletons speaker, in my case), I just wiggled my cuirasses in annoyance and opened my alarm box to activate the siren in my pocket megaphone. Everyone, except for the drones of course, covered their ears and jumped back a few steps, making the air “more breathable”.
Thirty years, and it's still the same.
“Order!” I exclaimed, connecting my microphone to my personal communicator tube this time “Get In an orderly line! Anyone who doesn't follow the rule of the queue, will be dismissed!”
The paparazzi and other cameramen then grumbled and pushed each other around, trying to make something at least remotely representing a line. At the end of all this free-for-all, the weird but nonetheless organized xeno “sausage”, consisting of five individual lines, emerged in front of us.
“Now that can be worked with…” I thought and cleared my throats:
The orange squid, turned the small wheel on his microphone and then trying his best, screeched in galactic common:
“We received news from orbit that your “crusade” into Death Space resulted in defeat. Is that true?”
“Yes… Next.” I responded trying my best not to show any emotions on my display. I need not to lose my posture , as well as give as short and succinct answers as possible, or else I won't be attending the intergalactic meeting any time soon.
The orange squid frowned at this news, then nodded to the crew at the confirmation of the data, before continuing:
“The families and friends of volunteers are on the verge of a breakdown! Please tell us what are the casualties of this battle?”
“None.” I replied
After a few hundred glances of disbelief from the crowd, which was rather expected, I matter of factly, stated it again:
“I repeat, our fleet did not suffer a single causality!”
The crowd then exploded and even more mics were shoved to my exoskeleton. Another reporter, the one that looked like a {rabbit} took his turn this time:
“But what were the losses of the enemy, and how many of them were present in the system that the battle took place in?”
One of the R’ikitik lizards behind us snarled a little, making his belly wiggle and limbs shake, which looked unmistakingly just like a suppressed laugh. Then he turned to his comrades, folded his lower limbs below ones he was holding his blaster in, and joked:
“Set up a tent boys, we’re gonna be stuck here for a while!” some of the other lizards, as well as few Bloboids who happened to be in close enough proximity for the translators to catch up, snarled in response as the crowd road in unison:
/Time skip:[Human equivalent:13 hours]
/Memory reconnection in 3…2…1…
I groaned a little, then woke up in my VIP class apartment. This planet’s dry and hot atmosphere was killing me, and the dry multi-species standard bed did not help either. Thankfully, my room was for private guests and had tinted glass windows, which allowed me to remove the upper half of my exoskeleton. I held the glass of a local cocktail in my seventh appendage, sipping it impatiently and trying to enjoy the moment.
I was waiting for a call. An interstellar call. While we were able to receive them relatively easily, due to the fact that you can transfer signals. At FTL speeds much easier than spacecraft, and yet it still took a surprisingly long time to receive a call. Maybe because I wanted to call one very familiar and pleasing, but at the same time very sly and surprisingly vile, feline. To think that she was having a love affair with my daughter behind my back, and the thought that she was probably even lying her impudent little paws on her made my cuirasses cover in chills.
The sudden beeping sound of the transmitter in my room however cut off my thoughts right away. I quickly put my exoskeleton back and rushed to the screen :
Warning! High importance transmission.
Incoming call: Her Highness, Princess Grarrla.
Pick up/hang?
Well, my daughter will do just fine as well.
I opened the transmission and saw at that familiar shell with pinkish patterns and outlines:
“Father!” All her angelic voices exclaimed “I can't believe it, you're alive!”
She then sobbed with joy, and if I were to be honest with you, I did so as well:
“Oh sweetheart! I missed you so much, tell your mama that your daddy is coming home…”
“She knows…” Grarrla replied and then started to angrily wave her tentacles in the screen . “Dad! How could you?! To just go like that in Death Space, and to attack them that recklessly… I told you, they're gonna destroy you! Where is your glorious Mothership, huh? You could have died out there, what if you did die out there?!”
“Now now, honey… What has happened, happened. And at least i'm still alive, so life goes on. Rather, I would like to talk about a particular, quite old for your age, cat lady that just so happened to arrange a rather large amount of “meetings” with you, for, let's presume… at least a half of Gh’urrl’s year in the best case?”
Her tentacles stopped shaking midair in an instant. She now had red and white signatures on her waist’s display, which had became deeper and deeper shades with every time I had hummed in question.
Mild anxiety, and fear….
“D-dad!!! I-I… I swear! You got it wrong! its n-not…”
“Quiet now…” I coldly stopped her incomprehensible speech. She now had a strong hyperventilation(Or insufflation? We have a lot of mouths, remember?) and was making loud sobs
“This might be a private VIP transmission, but I don't trust people to not be listening in, we’ll have a “casual family meeting”, in around four rotations back home in the castle. And I want you, and her, to be there… Oh yeah, and terminate this transmission from your end, just in case…”
With that being said, I just cut out the screen, leaving my daughter seemingly paralyzed in fear.
Holy pores… My girl, what did you do?
I sighed, came back to the tinted balcony, and picked up a fruit that was laying in a special polished plate. I opened my shell once more, turned my implant cuirass, and threw it right in. I just closed my mouth, enjoying the moment as two metal spinning blade teeth rows just blended it, splattering the juices all over my papillae.
“On second thought, i can't just break them up…'' I suddenly thought, remembering how big of a player Mawiina really is. It's not just preferences or feelings, she is the Intergalactic Senator! And quite a rich one at that... She can pull a lot of “strings'' within the Senate and is the bridge of diplomacy between the Ewwlian Republic, which is the biggest economical power in I.A.! Its thanks to them I was appointed the next Lead Chancellor right on the next cycle, and it's thanks to them we can have the Intergalactic Senate meeting right at our home! Not to mention all the dividends, assets, sponsorship investments, deals, and trade discount bonuses we have with their trade partners. If I just make a scandal and cut their relationship off, I might not just break the heart of a good friend and dear daughter, I might lose all the contract discounts and hurt the relationship with Ewwlians as a whole! No one had yet achieved friendship and world peace with other nations by shunning their envoys…
Another call interrupted me yet again. I jolted, and looked at the screen yet again. It was the same VIP call, except with a different ID and the name I was waiting for all this {2 hours}.
I quickly pressed “Pick up” and waited for the screen to connect. This time, the aforementioned Senator was looking at me, with her big blue eyes. I inhaled and greeted my potential daughter-in-law:
“Good [rotation] to you, Mawiina.”
“Going with the first name, Your Highness? Rather unexpected surprise. But I am glad to be able to see you well and in one piece. I heard the news. We lost…”
She sighed, and then continued:
“How are our drones?”
“You don't know?” I asked.
“Not yet, I did not get the details, and was redirected directly to you.”
“They are gone. All of them…”
“What?!” she quickly grabbed her head, then slowly slid her paws on her muzzle and made a deep groan.
“We are sorry, the Shaders were indeed too overwhelming for us…”
“It's fine…” she mumbled, paws still on her muzzle. “We agreed on having all financial war spendings redirected to the intergalactic banks, it's just that it will take forever to convince our engineer workers to make another batch…”
“We need a Council meeting to discuss our next step. I hope to attend it sooner rather than later.” she continued, trying to figure out the next best course of action.
“Oh, yeah, before that…” I interrupted “We will have a family meeting in four cycles from today, and we really would like you to attend…” I coldly finished, folding the tips of my manipulators with each other.
Mawiina looked at me, her ears waving up and down in confusion, then at my tentacles, then at me, then once more at my appendages. Her muzzle made a slow frown and ears fell flat on the head as it finally seem to “ring a bell”:
“Oh… Oh… I’ll be eating [rotten catnip], won't I?”
/Memory transmission ended.
**/Sequence Code:**Usy Gilmi
P.S. Oh well, and still no one to bother...
I also edited my previous chapters, so they are more bearable to read.
Just saying... just out of the blue.
But honestly, you don't even care, do you?..
submitted by NoBarracuda2587 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 23:14 Fulminata_Aduitrix [SECRET]2073 - Atlas Walked

Atlas Walked

This engineering proposal has been submitted to Polaris, Steward of Technology, and Julian Bennett, Swordmaster. All information herein is considered CLASSIFIED - TOP SECRET - COMPARTMENTALIZED

Approved and Endorsed:

Steward of Technology
Julian Bennett

TZ-300 CERBERUS-1 Heavy Assault Titan

Category Specification
Name: TZ-300 CERBERUS-1
Role: Heavy Assault Titan
Manufacturer: Atlas Defense Works
Height: 72 ft
Depth: 53.8 ft
Width: 50.2 ft
Weight: 780 metric tons
Foot Diameter at Ground: Stabilizers Retracted: 26 ft, Stabilizers Extended: 31.1 ft.
Powerplant: 10R306 185 MW Miniature Fusion Reactor, (3) High-Energy Capacitors for FEL Laser Defense and EMRG charging.
Locomotion: (2) 5M314 1000 HP, 1.25M lb-ft High-Temperature Superconducting (HTS) actuatoservomechanisms (A/SEM) (wrists and fingers/weapon mount), (4) 5M315 4000 HP, 4.25M lb-ft HTS A/SEMs (elbows, ankles), (5) 5M316 10000 HP, 12M lb-ft HTS A/SEMs (shoulder arm joints, knees, torso waist mount), (2) 5M317 22000 HP, 35.5M lb-ft HTS A/SEMs (hip joints).
Servo Transmission Specifications: (14) 5M309 Hybrid electromagnetic-mechanical variable size 3-axis transmissions.
Stabilization: 5M325 Advanced CNT Gyroscopic Stabilizers, 5M322 Dynamic Balance Control System (DBCS), 5M328 Advanced Hydraulic Shock Stabilizers
Cooling: Microchannel Heat Exchangers utilizing Phase-Change Materials and High-Performance Liquid Cooling Loops, Cryogenic Helium-based Cooling Systems, Thermoelectric Coolers (TECs), Graphene-Based Heat Exchangers, Active Thermal Management System (ATMS)
Maximum Speed: 26 mph, full stride. 15 mph, eco stride.
Operational Range: Unlimited.
Crew & Passengers: (1) Commander, (1) Master Gunner, (1) Auxiliary Gunner, (1) Sensors and Intelligence Officer, (1) Master Engineer, (1) Auxiliary Engineer
Sensors & Processing: (1) 2W298 ARCHBISHOP-2 Multispectral PESA/EO/DAS, (1) 2W330 HELIOS-1 Omnispectral Sensor System, (1) 2V166 WHISPER-1 ISN Datalink
Countermeasures: (6) 6K264 CERBERUS-1 Rapid Action Smoke Generators, (3) 2W319 1 MW HPM Emitters.
Armor: 6T313 ICEHELM-1 Composite Armor (see below)
Main Armament: (1) 4N326 10-inch/30-caliber Electromagnetic Railgun, (1) 6G304 5 inch, triple barrel ETC cannon (see below), (4) 30-tube 6-inch rocket pods,
Secondary Armament: (4) AURORA-1 20 MW FEL Laser Emitters (2 shoulder, 1 front, 1 rear), (4) 6G213 1.5 inch ETC self-defense autocannons
LRIP: 2083
R&D Cost: $50B
Cost Per Unit: $650M


STRUCTURE: The structure of the TZ-300 CERBERUS-1, due to the major forces it will be subjected to, is based primarily around a mixture of Titanium Aluminides, Nickel-Based Superalloys similar to Iconel, and Graphene-Reinforced Metals. More high-stress areas are composed of the latter two. With tension ratings in excess of 180,000 psi, these metals are capable of resisting all major loads envisioned by Borealis designers.
The TZ-300 is a bipedal titan with relatively short legs, longer arms, and a bulky torso. It contains a head with ruddy yellow glowing eyes. The head is mostly for aesthetic and intimidation purposes, but does house a significant amount of sensors and is heavily armored.
ARMOR: Building on Canada’s well known skill in developing advanced armor alloys, the new 6T313 ICEHELM-1 Composite Armor introduces a new generation in lightweight, ultra-strong armor. This is a three-layer armor plate. The outer layer consists of a Ti-WC-BN composite nano-crystal structure with the Titanium used for strength, tungsten carbide for hardness, and boron nitride for thermal stability, this is backed by a final high-entropy alloy layer of AlCoCrFeNi with a tensile strength of 261,000 psi. A second layer is used to absorb strikes and consists of graphene-reinforced hyper-steel (80% steel, 20% graphene by volume), and a visoelastic energy-absorbing polymer (VEP) with embedded carbon nanotubes (CNTs) for additional strength. These are placed in alternating layers. The final inner layer consists of a nano-reinforced kevlar embedded aluminum alloy matrix with additional embedding of nanoceramic particles. The armor ranges from 3 to 9 inches thick and has a maximum RHAe level of 6,250mm or ~ 20.5 ft of RHA steel. The armor protects critical areas such as joints, the fusion reactor, and thinner areas of the limbs as well as the rest of the body.
POWER: The CERBERUS is powered by a 10R329 185 MW Miniature Fusion Reactor developed as a spinoff of the Canadian Next Generation Power Initiative of 2069 It is a larger variant of the 10R310 MICFR, which was in turn based on the 10R234 Mobile Fusion Reactor (MFR) of 2057. The reactor is merely a technology-induced miniaturization of the 10R234, still utilizing its protium / boron-11 (p-11B) fuel, but far more efficiently. There are also (3) high-capacity capacitors to store energy for the aerial defense lasers and EMRG main weapon.
LOCOMOTION: Using the feasibility study appended to the end of this design paper, engineers have designed several superconducting electric motors and hybrid mechanical/electromagnetic transmissions to produce and transmit power through servos and actuators to the various limbs and appendages. Superconducting motors have been in use since the early 2000’s including an example that produced 49,000 hp and 2.9m Newton/m of torque (2.3m lb-ft) in 2004. The technology has developed significantly in the intervening 70 years, and Borealis engineers have created a set of specialized extremely high output variants to power the CERBERUS. Due to the staggering torque requirement figures of 35.5 million lb-ft, the transmissions and motors need to be engineered to produce and handle a great deal of power reliably and efficiently. The 5M309 Hybrid electromagnetic-mechanical variable size 3-axis transmissions, and the 5M314-317 High-Temperature Superconducting (HTS) actuatoservomechanisms (A/SEM)s utilize both mechanical and electromagnetic power delivery. The highest torque output requirements which are sent through the hip joints, produce forces of around 175,000 psi, the chosen alloy for all gearing and housing components is a NbMoTaW Alloy consisting of Niobium, Molybdenum, Tantalum, Tungsten. This alloy has a tensile strength of around 290,000 psi, and has excellent high-temperature strength, hardness, creep resistance, and thermal stability. These mechanical gears are further augmented by electromagnetic actuators which minutely control power application and gear meshing to improve power delivery refinement and prevent any slippage of gears, which reduces their life. A small amount of nanolubricant with self-healing properties to repair microscopic gear damage is also provided for additional heat transfer capacity.
STABILIZATION: The TZ-300 uses multiple methods to achieve precise stabilization control across multiple inclinations and terrain types. These include the: 5M325 Advanced CNT Gyroscopic Stabilizers, 5M322 Dynamic Balance Control System (DBCS), 5M328 Advanced Hydraulic Shock Stabilizers. The 5M322 is the controller for the 5M325 and 5M328 and uses a series of hundreds of nano-accelerometers and inertial sensors to provide a constant millisecond-scale model of the exact disposition of all portions of the Titan and uses predictive modeling along with short and medium range LIDAR sensors to observe the surrounding terrain and predict potential unwanted movements or areas of potential loss of stability and notify the commander via his neuralink connection of these potentialities. The 5M325 CNT Gyroscopic Stabilizers are CNT reinforced hyperalloy stabilizers consisting of flywheels and counterweights to assist with minute and rapid balance and stability adjustments, while Advanced Hydraulic Shock Stabilizers absorb the shock of stepfalls, movements, short falls, and impacts.
COOLING: The cooling system is of critical importance due to the many systems that generate heat. The CERBERUS uses a globally managed heat monitoring and mitigation system which begins with the Active Thermal Management System (ATMS). This system automatically routes the myriad data obtained through thousands of nano-scale sensors through the onboard quantum supercomputer to provide a continuous heat management image of the Titan. All systems are threaded with millions of microchannel heat exchangers which use modern phase-change materials and high-performance liquid cooling loops to pull heat from various systems and shunt it to cryogenic helium-based internal heat exchangers, as well as exterior graphene-based heat exchangers. Finally, specific components such as actuators and servos contain local Thermoelectric Coolers (TECs) to provide additional cooling capacity when required.


The CERBERUS is primarily a weapon of war and as such it possesses a robust armament. Its primary weapon is a 14N326 10-inch/30-caliber Electromagnetic Railgun which launches a 1,161 kg slug with a muzzle velocity of 5,000 m/s located on the right arm in lieu of a hand. The slug is composed of a tungsten carbide core, surrounded by a graphene-reinforced CNT sheath with an amorphous Vitreloy zirconium-based metal jacket. Expected kinetic energy using a full energy discharge of the fusion reactor and all three capacitors will result in ~ 5 gigajoules of energy. However, a typical firing will achieve kinetic energy values of 500-800 megajoules of energy. For comparison, the 10-inch/50 caliber Mark 7 naval gun from US battleships fired a 227 kg round at 823 m/s with a kinetic energy of 76.75 megajoules. An additional round that is designed to break up in a tight cone after firing is used for area-of-effect and suppressing fire. The CERBERUS EMRG is capable of firing three rounds per minute sustained, and can rapid-fire three rounds in 10 seconds with a 45 second recharge and rearm period.
Shells are stored in the bulky rear of the torso in two magazines and are dispensed via a retractable graphene-reinforced titanium belt conveyor to the arm-based ammunition loaders. The arm can carry three rounds in the upper arm, and six rounds in the lower arm, with three of those six located beneath the gun itself similar to an over-under shotgun. The arm will have to be reloaded every so often after all shells have been expended.
The left arm consists of a fist complete with movable fingers, atop of which a 6G304 5-inch Triple-Barrel rotary ETC cannon is affixed. This weapon is capable of firing one round every two seconds and works by loading a round into one barrel as another is being primed, and the third is firing. After firing, the barrels rotate and the process repeats.
(4) 6R232 SLINGSHOT-1 EM-Assisted Armored RA Pods which are 30-tube 6-inch rocket pods used on the GU-40 CARIBOU-1 L-RAV, and GU-59 H-RAV developed in 2058, are mounted on the rear shoulders of the Titan and have armored shutters to protect the rockets during battle when not in use. They are capable of firing the entire arsenal of 6-inch Rockets used by Borealis.
Secondary armaments consist first of (4) AURORA-1 20 MW FEL Laser Emitters (2 shoulder, 1 front, 1 rear) which are small, angular domes consisting of transparent aluminum oxynitride (AION) inside of which are synthetic three movable synthetic diamond prisms which direct a tunable (200 nm to 10 micrometer) wavelength laser onto selected targets. The laser can either be fired as a concentrated or pulsed beam through a single prism for maximum power, or dispersed through the other two prisms to engage multiple targets from one emitter. This enables the CERBERUS to engage up to twelve targets at once using four laser emitter points. The prisms are mounted on reinforced, vibration-isolation mounts, and contain their own closed loop cryogenic cooling circuits. Max output is 20 MW, however, in practice actual output is much lower depending on the target engaged. The choice of an advanced FEL laser allows a modulated wavelength to be selected in order to mitigate the effects of battlefield smoke, weather, and other atmospheric effects. Expected range at max firing power is 15-20 km in clear conditions, and 7-10 km in foul weather or thick battlefield smoke. The lasers are primarily intended to engage depleted uranium penetrators, drones and loitering munitions, ATGMs, and artillery shells within milliseconds of beam exposure.
Additional self defense weapons consist of 6G213 1.5 inch ETC self-defense autocannons which provide a 360-degree arc of fire around the Titan to engage infantry, androids, and other armored vehicles or aircraft. Heat from the reactor and systems can be vented downwards around the Titan to scald and boil unprotected infantry within a 100-200 ft radius around the CERBERUS as an unintended but usable defensive tactic.


The 2W298 ARCHBISHOP-2 Multispectral PESA/EO/DAS is a further advancement on the concept of an electro-optical distributed aperture system. The new system upgrades the electro-optical receivers with newer, more robust, smaller, and efficient receivers to provide an automated threat assessment matrix for the commander and crew. The addition of a high fidelity passive electronic scanned array permits the use of long-range radar to identify inbound threats such as drones, artillery shells, missiles, and aircraft without betraying an active radar signal for anti-radiation missiles to lock onto. The panels are armored and are designed to resist battlefield damage. The 2W330 HELIOS-1 Omnispectral Sensor System combines multiple sensors across the TZ-300 into a real-time analysis picture with the ability for the commander and other users to switch between views via their neuralink connections using mere thoughts. The HELIOS-1 system combines 3D Lidar, Frequency-Modulated Continuous-Wave Lidar, hyperspectral cameras with a very wide range of wavelength coverage including ultraviolet, visible, and infrared. Ultra-high resolution optical cameras with dynamic zoom functionality, laser rangefinders, microphone arrays, ultrasonic sensors, magnetometers, electromagnetic field detectors, radio frequency analysis sensors, gas detectors, chemical analyzers, biological agent analyzers, temperature, humidity, and pressure sensors, geiger counters, various particle detectors, communications analysis sniffers, SIGINT detector and analysis modules, and several others to paint a highly informative battlefield picture. Connection to the WHISPER network via the ISN datalink also permits data-sharing with all other Borealis assets in the theater and indeed, around the globe. Finally, certain emitters are able to launch EW warfare attacks to attempt to soft-kill inbound threats and obscure enemy targeting and tracking capabilities.


A Titan as large and slow as the TZ-300 must have long-distance travel taken into account. To rapidly move the Titan from one location to another, a variety of methods may be used. The Titan can be disassembled into 7 distinct parts, torso, legs, upper arms, and lower arms and can be transported via ship, rail, truck, or air provided the mode of shipping can handle the weight and dimensions. Disassembly and assembly take 18-24 hours using specialized cranes and a team of technicians.


Category Specification
Name: TZ-200 HOPLITE-1
Role: Light Scout Titan
Manufacturer: Atlas Defense Works
Height: 38 ft
Depth: 25.9 ft
Width: 16 ft
Weight: 392 metric tons
Foot Diameter at Ground: Stabilizers Retracted: 10.5 ft, Stabilizers Extended: 13.25 ft.
Powerplant: 10R306 85 MW Miniature Fusion Reactor, (1) High-Energy Capacitor for FEL Laser Defense and EMRG charging.
Locomotion: (8) 5M314 1000 HP, 1.25M lb-ft High-Temperature Superconducting (HTS) actuatoservomechanisms (A/SEM) (elbows, ankles, wrists and fingers/weapon mount), (5) 5M315 4000 HP, 4.25M lb-ft HTS A/SEMs (shoulder arm joints, knees, torso waist mount), (2) 5M316 10000 HP, 12M lb-ft HTS A/SEMs (hip joints)
Servo Transmission Specifications: (15) 5M309 Hybrid electromagnetic-mechanical variable size 3-axis transmissions.
Stabilization: 5M325 Advanced CNT Gyroscopic Stabilizers, 5M322 Dynamic Balance Control System (DBCS), 5M328 Advanced Hydraulic Shock Stabilizers
Cooling: Microchannel Heat Exchangers utilizing Phase-Change Materials and High-Performance Liquid Cooling Loops, Cryogenic Helium-based Cooling Systems, Thermoelectric Coolers (TECs), Graphene-Based Heat Exchangers, Active Thermal Management System (ATMS)
Maximum Speed: 39 mph, full stride. 24 mph, eco stride.
Operational Range: Unlimited.
Crew & Passengers: (1) Commander, (1) Master Gunner, (1) Sensors and Intelligence Officer, (1) Master Engineer,
Sensors & Processing: (1) 2W298 ARCHBISHOP-2 Multispectral PESA/EO/DAS, (1) 2W330 HELIOS-1 Omnispectral Sensor System, (1) 2V166 WHISPER-1 ISN Datalink
Countermeasures: (4) 6K264 CERBERUS-1 Rapid Action Smoke Generators, (2) 2W319 1 MW HPM Emitters.
Armor: 6T313 ICEHELM-1 Composite Armor (see below)
Main Armament: (2) 6G304 5 inch, triple barrel ETC cannons, (2) 30-tube 6-inch rocket pods,
Secondary Armament: (2) AURORA-1 20 MW FEL Laser Emitters (1 front, 1 rear), (4) 6G213 1.5 inch ETC self-defense autocannons
LRIP: 2080
R&D Cost: $3B
Cost Per Unit: $285M
The TZ-200 HOPLITE-1 is a small scouting Titan that is significantly smaller, lighter, and faster than the CERBERUS. Most of the technology is reused and will therefore not be discussed in detail. Armor is lighter, but it is still substantial, able to resist 2-3,000 RHAe of penetration. The lack of a powerful EMRG significantly reduces the required power output and thus reactor size and heat generated. The HOPLITE-1 is intended to be used as a scout and to operate in urban environments where the CERBERUS will find matters more difficult due to its size and maneuverability. This is unless the goal is complete destruction, then the CERBERUS will be very much at home in urban environments.

Factory Construction and Procurement

Titans of this size will require entirely new factories to construct these behemoths. Two large factories, under the management of a new company, Atlas Defense Works, will be constructed in Dene territory in north-west Borealis, one is located at the Tanacross, Alaska location, and another is located at the Camsell Bend location. Both will be bored deep in the Rocky Mountains to protect from long range strategic strikes. Each facility will have its own living, medical, recreation, water purification, food storage, and power facilities onsite (for emergencies). Power will be supplied via triple 300 megawatt fusion reactors. The local towns of Camsell Bend and Tanacross will receive significant upgrades to house the large expected workforce of 10,000 engineers and technicians and their families. The mountain facilities are expected to be used only in emergencies and for convenience, while housing built in the towns is expected to be used on a daily basis. Infrastructural upgrades including road, rail, and airport access will be provided and substantially improved in order to permit transport of the Titans to specific deployment areas quickly and to allow resources to be transported to the foundries more efficiently. Both facilities will have extra room prepared for additional production lines of any future smaller or larger titans or warsuits that may be developed. The expected cost for these measures is expected to run to $29.5B which will be entirely paid by the Dene and Blackfoot over the course of 7 years.
An initial batch of 30 TZ-300 CERBERUS-1 Heavy Titans and 60 TZ-200 HOPLITE-1 Scout Titans will be procured at a cost of $19.5B and $17.1B, respectively. 15% will be paid by all of the nations, and the remaining 85% will be paid by the Borealis Federal Government.

Feasibility Analysis

The idea of creating large mechanical bipedal walkers has been a hallmark of science fiction for decades, but the technological and material means to do so have remained out of our grasp. Indeed, it has been said that titans are physically impossible due to a myriad of reasons. We have conducted thorough feasibility analyses on multiple potential issues before deciding to move forward with the program.
1. Weight vs. Ground Subgrade Reaction
Objection: A bipedal Titan’s mass is too great to spread across the surface area of one foot during each step where all mass is concentrated upon one foot as the other is lifted forward.
Analysis: Borealis engineers first calculated the estimated mass of the TZ-300 CERBERUS-1 Titan, the diameter of the bottom of the foot, and ran multiple soil bearing capacity tests on the three most common soil types: clay, sand, and silt, in both dry and wet states. The following figures are averages of the samples.
Soil Type Bearing Capacity (Dry) Bearing Capacity (Wet)
Clay 2,000 psf 1,500 psf
Sand 3,000 psf 2,000 psf
Silt 2,500 psf 1,800 psf
TZ-300 Weight: 780 metric tons
TZ-300 Foot Diameter (stabilizers extended): 31 feet
Calculation of Force Exerted upon Ground:
  1. Conversion to Lbs.
  • Weight = 780 tons x 2,000 pounds/ton = 1,560,000 lbs exerted on foot
  1. Calculation of the area of the foot
  • radius = 31 / 2 = 15.5 ft
  • Area = pi*radius2 = pi(15.5)2 = approximately 754.77 sqft
  1. Calculation of pressure (force per unit area):
  • Pressure = Force / Area = 1,560,000 lbs / 754.77 sqft = approximately 2066 psf
Sinking Depth Calculation
Soil Type Titan psf - Bearing Capacity = Excess Pressure
Clay (Dry) 2066 -2000 = 66 psf
Clay (Wet) 2066 -1500 = 566 psf
Sand (Dry) 2066 -3000 = -934 psf
Sand (Wet) 2066 -2000 = 66 psf
Silt (Dry) 2066 -2500 = -434 psf
Silt (Wet) 2066 -1800 = 266 psf
Modulus of Subgrade Reaction (k (psf/ft))
Chart of Modulus of Subgrade Reaction (k) in psf/ft
Soil Type k (psf/ft)
Clay (Dry) 1800
Clay (Wet) 900
Sand (Dry) 3600
Sand (Wet) 1800
Silt (Dry) 2700
Silt (Wet) 1500
Using the formula of sinking depth (d) = excess pressure / modulus of subgrade reaction (k) we receive the final values of approximate settlement of the Titan in feet by each foot on each soil state.
Soil Type Total Settlement of Titan’s Foot (approximate)
Clay (Dry) 0.037 ft
Clay (Wet) 0.63 ft
Sand (Dry) None
Sand (Wet) 0.037 ft
Silt (Dry) 2700
Silt (Wet) 0.18 ft
FINAL Analysis: Due to the large square footage of the TZ-300’s feet with stabilizers extended, expected sinkage into various soil types is expected to be minimal.
2. Force Requirement for Lifting TZ-300’s legs
Objection: A Titan’s legs are too heavy to lift.
Each leg of the CERBERUS-1 weighs approximately 95.74 tons and is 45.14 feet in length. The leg of an average adult male in Borealis weighs roughly 32 lbs and is roughly 35.4 inches (2.95 ft). The force required to lift the weight of a human leg is equal to the weight of the leg (since force = mass x acceleration due to gravity, and the gravity involved is 1 g or 9.8 m/s2, which can be simplified to 1.)
Utilizing this same formula, the total force required is 191,480 lbs.
The Borealis engineers also took into account the following additional considerations:
Center of mass and torque, distribution of weight, leverage and muscle force, acceleration.
The CERBERUS-1’s center of mass of the leg is roughly halfway up the leg, similar to humans, or 22.57 feet from the hip. The human body uses leverage (movement arm) to lift the leg, a similar mechanical advantage will be assumed.
T(human) = 32 lb x 1.475 ft (center of leg mass) = 47.2 lb-ft.
T(titan) = 191,480 lbs x 22.57 ft = 4,321,163.6 lb-ft
To calculate acceleration, additional force is necessary to overcome inertia, engineers assumed a 20% additional force requirement.
Final Adjusted Force:
Adjusted force (human) 32 x 1.2 = 38.4 lbs
Adjusted force (titan) = 191,480 x 1.2 = 229,776 lbs.
Final torque requirement (titan) = 229,776 lb x 22.57 ft = approximately 5,185,396 lb-ft.
This number is to merely lift the leg. In order for the Titan to walk at 7 mph or its top speed of 30 mph at full stride, a force of ~ 17,000 hp and 9,500,000 lb-ft of torque, and 20,000 hp and 35,236,536 lb-ft of torque.
submitted by Fulminata_Aduitrix to worldpowers [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 17:19 ANGRYlalocSOLDIE Imagine if we had in depth gun customization. With unique attachments for each weapon type that we could unlock by weapon progression and playtime.

Imagine if we had in depth gun customization. With unique attachments for each weapon type that we could unlock by weapon progression and playtime.
For example, better batteries for energy based weapons that extended duration before you need to cool down your weapon. Or batteries that could buff damage which would balance the underperforming weapons which will eventually get good to play with when you unlock more stuff for those. Or be able to exchange sights for your gun. Add suppressor. Change mags, larger mag longer reload or smaller mag and faster reload. Laser and flashlight combos. Different types of ammunition armor piercing, subsonic, standard issue, exploding, or with gas/acid. Better stock to help with weapon handling stats and etc.
And in future extending this system to stratagems. Backpack belt fed machine guns. Larger capacity for flamethrower or extending flame range/spread. Better cooling vents for Quasar canon. Or upgrading jet pack backpack to be able to stay mid flight and shoot or jump higher and further. Or even upgrading shield backpack to shorten its cooldown rate.
Or even upgrading your mech to have more ammo or be able to replenish ammo. Throw stratagems… That would be cool.
I would like to spark some type of in-depth discussion with ideas and stuff like that under this post. So we can use it ass mass feedback thread for devs.
submitted by ANGRYlalocSOLDIE to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 08:39 Flairion623 How could this magic system be realistically used in a ww2 era air battle? (If it even can)

The magic in question:
This magic is based on runes. Any symbol, design or insignia that doesn’t rely on color can be a rune. If something looks exactly like the rune then it can be used as it. Anybody can use a rune if they know how but it requires a lot of skill, knowledge and time to make them.
Runes can basically do almost anything. The more detailed and complex you make the rune the more powerful you can make it. They also do different things depending on what surface they are on. They generate a large amount of heat when used that burns paper, fabric and wood. So runes printed on those materials are single use. However if the rune is on something more heat resistant like metal then it will have an unlimited amount of uses. Runes can also be tattooed directly on the body. For some reason magic has some sort of connection with the human body and will not burn it. A person with a rune tattoo is given the power of the rune. However we’re talking about airplanes so I don’t believe that’ll be too relevant. Certain types of runes will and will not work on different surfaces. For example it’s better to have a shield necklace instead of a tattoo because the tattoo will only cover your naked body and may also rip your clothes off. On the other hand teleportation can only happen with tattoos because they require a deep connection to the user. Runes can also be permanently activated using gold. There’s also a few abilities that you can only use if you also have access to dark or light matter. These abilities are usually in the realm of things like immortality and things like that so this is also probably not relevant.
The way you use one is fairly simple. You use anything that’s not a tattoo by placing your finger on it and focusing your energy into the object you want to effect (in this case your airplane) the rune will then burn away any flammable materials touching it and it will activate. If your rune is on something flammable then you will be holding it as glowing energy which you then focus into an object by touching it. If it’s not then the rune is permanently bound to whatever it’s carved/painted on and only that object has that ability. Tattoos are basically the same but instead you do a gesture or pose that’s decided by the rune’s creator along with focusing your mind to activate it. Afterwards the rune will take effect for however long it’s supposed to unless you begin “feeding” it gold in which case it will change color once you’ve given it enough (the amount needed will vary with the rune’s power). Using any sort of magic also drains your energy so you may feel a little tired especially if you used a really powerful rune.
These people are using salvaged aircraft that weren’t designed with magic in mind. Neither side has the ability to modify them heavily or manufacture their own designs for aircraft, weapons or ammunition. They essentially have to rely on the non magical wider world for basically everything maintenance related.
If it helps the main aircraft used are:
Messerschmitt BF-109F4, both sides
Focke Wulf FW-190A4, antagonists
Henkel HE-111H3, both but only sees combat on screen after being stolen by the protagonists
Republic Aviation P-47D25, protagonists
The aircraft themselves cannot have shields. The way shields work is that they form a roughly form fitting bubble around the object that essentially works the same as the droidekas from Star Wars or the shields in dune. The shape of the shield blunts sharp surfaces and doesn’t allow projectiles to pass through in either direction so soldiers using them have to lower their shield to attack which takes time. Also because of this bubble like structure and the high airspeeds the aerodynamics of the planes will be messed up and they may not even fly.
My current ideas:
Shield for the pilots (engine and other critical components can’t have shields because they’re apart of the airplane and putting a shield on them puts a shield on the whole plane which we can’t have for the reasons I said earlier)
Possibly some sort of tattoo or enchanted goggles that could let them see through their aircraft. Might not work since you still have to see your plane to shoot the enemy and activating runes is a bit of an involved process that can’t really be done in the middle of a dogfight.
submitted by Flairion623 to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 05:00 Geronimo011 A Helldivers Guide to weapons

Greetings fellow Helldivers. The purpose of this post is to give insights about the current weapons and their uses in the current state of the game as of 5th day of the month of June in 2024. (This took me 14 hours)
I have accumulated over 400 hours of gameplay since I bought it and have been having a blast with it. I wanted to give something back to the community for giving me such experiences so here I am.
Note: *I am not assigning letter "tiers" to weapons. If you want something like that read/watch one of the many articles and videos out there with that format. I personally find that style very disingenuous as you can use every weapon in the game effectively as long as you are willing to play around it. I admit that there are easier to use than others but do not let that stop you from picking the one you want.
Note: *It is important to state to pick the weapon you enjoy the most. IE: If you are blasting Marty Robbins "Big Iron" while using the P-4 Senator and this is peak gameplay for you, do not let me or others stop you from playing how you want.*
Note: *that these numbers may change as the life of the game continues*
Note: *these are my thoughts/opinions on the weapons which may or may not be different from your own. Criticism is encouraged*
Note: *Considering the context of this post, reiterating the penetration capabilities of light and medium classes could result in redundancy. I will address their capabilities as relevant situations arise, but will try to refrain from repeatedly stating that "they can defeat x type of enemy more easily than y."*
Note: *I will not be covering any weapons that truly requires real money outside the game because: 1: I only own the standard version of the game 2: The experience I will have will be limited because of reason 1*
Note: *This will be a long post and if you are a desktop/laptop, I Strongly recommend using control f (Windows) or command f (Mac), or the equivalent for Linux based operating systems. For the mobile users out there.... I am sorry.
If I get any information wrong, I apologize for any misinformation and will edit the post as needed. Without further ado let get started.
Assault Rifles:
A-23 Liberator: The initial firearm for many, if not all, Helldivers at the game's start is this gun. It boasts LP capabilities with 60 DMG, a 45-round capacity, 15 recoil, and 640 ROF. The weapon features adjustable scopes, variable fire rates, and an integrated flashlight. It can swiftly transition from one side of the screen to the other. When performing automatic fire, there is little kickback from the recoil making it easy to land your bullets on the designated target. Lightly armored foes, such as standard humanoid bots, green/orange bugs, hunters, and warriors, can be eliminated with ease. Medium adversaries, like devastators, Hive guards, and Brood commanders, may require several rounds or even full magazines to defeat. Targeting heavily armored enemies with this weapon is generally futile. However, certain heavily armored units, such as hulks and chargers, have vulnerabilities or can be stripped of their armor, making them susceptible to defeat if you have an excess of mags to spare.
TLDR: This weapon is a versatile "jack of all trades," consistently reliable and effective. Completely viable on both fronts.
AR-23 Liberator Penetrator: Before changes were made to certain firearm types, this weapon stood out as more effective compared to others in its category. However, currently, its practicality seems limited to aesthetic purposes. If you enjoy using this firearm, my opinion should not deter you. It possesses medium armor penetration with 45 DMG, a 30-round mag, 19 recoil, and a 640 ROF. The gun is equipped with adjustable scopes, a variable fire rate, and an integrated flashlight. It can quickly move across the screen. When performing automatic fire, there is little kickback from the recoil making it easy to land your bullets on the designated target. Lightly armored foes are easily defeated, while medium armored adversaries may pose a challenge due to the lower damage per shot, even when aiming for vulnerabilities. Heavily armored opponents present a significant challenge. Notably, if a Bile Titan's armor is removed on one side, targeting the exposed orange area can defeat it, provided you have enough magazines at your disposal. This works for all weapons capable of MP BTW. It is worth mentioning that due to the lower number of rounds per magazine compared to the standard-issue Liberator, you will find yourself reloading frequently during sustained automatic fire.
TLDR: You can use this weapon but be wary of its shortcomings. IMO dmg needs be increased for more usage. Slightly favors bots imo due to MP.
AR-23 Liberator Concussive. This is the "crowd control" weapon for assault rifles. It has 65 DMG, 30 round per mag, 28 recoil, and a 320 ROF. Listing the pros and cons of this weapon would be simpler. I'm uncertain if it includes a flashlight. Pros: LP properties, inflicts decent damage, has a sizable magazine, an adjustable scope, manageable recoil, and satisfactory weapon handling across the screen, with the capability to stagger enemies wearing up to medium armor, if I recall correctly. Cons: The fire rate is dismal. Low rounds per mag. It is worth mentioning that due to the lower number of rounds per magazine compared to the standard-issue Liberator, you will find yourself reloading frequently during sustained automatic fire. Due to the low rate of fire, even crowds of basic enemies can pose a challenge, and taking damage is a genuine concern. It doesn't come to mind as a go-to weapon for either combat scenario; I'd generally prefer an alternative. Although the ability to stagger adversaries like Stalkers and Heavy Devastators is advantageous, there are superior options available. However, I must acknowledge the appealing orange aesthetic. TLDR: As always if you love this weapon great, it's just not for me.
AR-61 Tenderizer: I need to state this first: It looks like the Halo Battle-Rifle, and I love it for that. Aesthetically I am extremely biased as I recently completed Halo CE, 2, 3, 4, Reach, and Infinity campaigns on Legendary and it was my beloved when I could use it. Now back on topic. It has LP properties. Has adjustable scopes and fire rate (but let's be real, you only use the burst fire) and possibly a flashlight. It has 65 DMG, 35 rounds per mag, 10 recoil, 600 ROF. The weapon can quickly move from one side of the screen to the other. With automatic fire, the minimal recoil kickback makes it simple to hit the intended target. However, it's notable that the smaller magazine capacity, in comparison to the standard-issue Liberator, necessitates frequent reloading during continuous automatic fire. It matches the standard-issue Liberator in performance, thus gaining the nickname "jack of all trades." Like the Liberator, prioritizing weaker enemies will get you the most bang for your buck but in a pinch, it will get you out of harder jams.
TLDR: If you like the standard-issue liberator and Halo, this weapon is for you. They are on a par with each other for effectiveness. There is a good chance this weapon will have changes to it in the future. Completely viable on both fronts.
BR-14 Adjudicator: Initially introduced as a marksman rifle, with recent changes not too long ago, this weapon became an assault rifle. It possesses MP capabilities. It has a whopping 80 DMG, 25 rounds per mag, 40 recoil, and a ROF of 550. Currently, this is the most damaging weapon in the assault rifle category. The recoil used to be so severe that it would make you stargaze into the heavens above, making it one of the least comfortable primary weapons in the game. Additionally, moving it from one side of the screen to the other was quite an endeavor. However, this has been significantly reduced. Now, enemies will dread your choice of this weapon as it tears through most of them effortlessly. It features various fire rates, a modifiable scope, and a flashlight. The weapon can quickly move from one side of the screen to the other Nonetheless, there are drawbacks. Automatic fire causes noticeable recoil, necessitating downward adjustment to target smaller enemies. Using full auto is recommended only when engaging nearby enemy groups or if you're adept at landing most shots by pulling down on the mouse or controller. This assault rifle has the lowest round-to-magazine ratio to date, necessitating frequent reloading. However, with sufficient practice and control, you can conserve ammunition by burst firing. With time, you'll be able to do this without needing to switch to single fire.
TLDR: Good damage, completely viable on both fronts, noticeable recoil on full auto, small mag size, can shred most enemies with sustained fire.
Marksman Rifles:
R-63 Diligence: I like single shot weapons as I am sucker for M1 Garands in games and marksman rifles are the closest to it. When I first started playing this game, I used to use this on the bug front and would have quite a difficult time as I just constantly ran out of ammo. Now that I have a lot more experience, I can confidently say this weapon is strongly favorable towards bots. It has LP capabilities with 125 DMG, 20 rounds per mag, 35 recoil, and a 350 ROF. The scope can be adjusted further than most weapons and should have a flashlight. The recoil is completely manageable because of the single fire but if you are rapidly shooting you will have to drag down a little bit. It can feel slow to use at times as the ROF isn't as fast as other weapons. I believe this weapon is better suited for combat against bots because it is single fire only. Different strategies are required to effectively counter bots and bugs. Bugs tend to overwhelm with numbers, necessitating hit-and-run tactics to avoid being encircled. With only 20 rounds per magazine, you'll deplete ammo swiftly during a bug breach, particularly on higher difficulties with greater numbers. Conversely, bots demand tactical movement from cover to cover, allowing you to engage without being exposed. Bots have more designated weak spots than bugs, necessitating precise shooting that marksman rifles excel at. Like any weapon, this one has its shortcomings that must be considered. When facing a swarm of enemies, its single-fire attribute can become a significant vulnerability.
TLDR: High damage, good scope, good weapon handling from left to right, recoil is only an issue if spamming, not recommended in instances where enemies are near you (10 meters or less.
R-63CS Counter Sniper: The "mature older sibling" of the regular R-63 Diligence. It has MP capabilities, 140 DMG, 15 rounds per mag, 53 recoil, and a ROF of 350. It has the same relative strengths and weakness as the R-636 Diligence. Previously, there was a significant issue with its slow side-to-side movement. The recoil further complicated its use. Similar to the BR-14 Adjudicator, it underwent modifications that resolved these problems, enhancing its battlefield efficacy against bots. It can eliminate all kinds of devastators with a single shot, and with its MP capabilities, targeting a hulk's orange back spots can bring it down, provided another helldiver distracts it or it is stunned. Arguably one of the best guns to use against bots.
TLDR: Diligence but better in just about everything but recoil and rounds per mag.
Submachine Guns: The ones you can get from the battle pass have one-handed properties which allow you to shoot with only one hand. Meaning if you are carrying a data package, you do not have to switch to your side piece. You can also run away from enemies and shoot without fully turning around so you can keep moving, if necessary, though your accuracy will suffer. Additionally, the ballistic shield works great when paired with the SMG's. Try it out sometime.
SMG Defender: For some reason that is beyond me, both submachine guns that you can get by grinding out the game in the battle passes (which are free if you are willing to work for it, ya gonks who pay for it) have higher base DMG than the most Assault rifles. This particular one has LP properties, 70 DMG, 45 mags per round, 10 recoil, and 520 ROF. Keep in mind that the standard AR-23 Liberator now has 10 less damage, 5 more recoil, and 120 higher rate of fire after its buff. Previously, the difference was much more pronounced. Unlike assault rifles, they lack an adjustable scope for long-range engagements. Both submachine guns feature varying fire rates, a flashlight, and essentially a red dot sight in first-person view. The recoil is practically non-existent when standing still or moving and the weapon can easily transition from left to right. The slower rate of fire is noticeable but honestly is not that big of a deal.
TLDR: The "run & gun" weapon. Targeting lighter armor enemies are more worthwhile while using it.
SMG Pummeler: Do you have a problem with Stalkers getting in your space? Heavy devastators keep barraging you with their minigun of death? Then look no further than this weapon. With only 5 less damage than the SMG defender and a slower ROF of 45, this weapon can "stunlock" enemies to death. You read that right. It can "stunlock" enemies till their free trial of living is over. I do not know how this weapon was released with it's current capabilities, but I am glad it did. Also, it has LP and one-handed capabilities. Do with that as you will.
TLDR: The Smg Defender but less dmg and ROF but can stunlock enemies. "Run and gun" weapon number 2. Some heavier enemies won't be affected by the stun. However, A good chunk of enemies will and for those that are affected, it is extremely useful.
SG-8 Punisher: Has LP properties, 405 DMG, 16 rounds, 120 recoil, 80 ROF. This weapon uses standard shells when fired. Each shell of the SG-8S Slugger can be reloaded individually, ensuring a full magazine without discarding remaining ammunition, unlike other weapons. Primarily designed for close-quarters combat, it can engage targets at longer distances (approximately 20-30 meters), although this is not recommended. Due to updates, the SG-8 Punisher stands out as one of the few weapons in the game capable of staggering or stun locking opponents. Due to its high base damage, it tears through the majority of enemies, despite lacking medium armor penetration. If I recall correctly, the total ammunition count is 60. A Helldiver must be vigilant about their ammunition usage. The SG-8 Punisher features a slow rate of fire and lacks an adjustable scope. Helldivers must be cautious of enemy forces; the weapon's slower firing rate may result in breaches by bugs, drops of bots, and the risk of being overwhelmed by enemy units. Recoil is redundant because of its slow ROF.
TLDR: High damage, useable on both fronts, ammo efficient, can stagger, can be slow to reload, slow fire rate, no scope.
SG-8s Slugger: Insert This gun slapped at its peak. It could stunlock/stagger up to medium armored units. Kill devastators in a single slug. At the time, it was a superior "marksman rifle" compared to the actual marksman rifles, despite lacking a scope. It was also among the few weapons that possessed MP capabilities. It could even take down metal doors to get the items inside. Today, it is merely a shadow of its former glory. It no longer has the ability to stunlock/stagger foes. While you can still maintain the ability to shoot down medium armored units with ease, if may find yourself in an unfavorable situation if you miss their weakspot. It shares the same ammunition capacity, recoil, and rate of fire as the SG-8 Punisher, but its damage is reduced to 250. However, it is more precise, allowing for greater range as it fires slugs. Helldivers must be cautious of enemy forces; the weapon's slower firing rate may result in breaches by bugs, drops of bots, and the risk of being overwhelmed by enemy units. Recoil is redundant because of its slow ROF. Can move the weapon left to right with ease.
TLDR: Good damage, useable on both fronts, MP capabilities, very precise, ammo efficient, cannot stagger :(, can be slow to reload, slow fire rate, no scope, cannot take down metal doors anymore :(
SG-225 Breaker: The weapon is quite solid overall. The only significant drawback is its low ammunition capacity. It sports LP, 330 DMG, 13 rounds per mag (unlike the previous two this uses mags to reload, the rest of the shotguns uses mags to reload at this point), 55 recoil, 300 ROF. It can be used at full auto making it very good to turn enemies into mincemeat. Better at close range for sure. Longer ranges with this gun is not favorable. I think it fires shells, but I am not exactly sure. Can move the weapon left to right with ease.
TLDR: Good damage, good fire rate for a weapon of its class, recoil is not since you are most likely nearby, be mindful of your ammo when using it. Viable on both fronts.
SG-225SP Breaker Spray&Pray: The philosophy with this weapon is to be used against light armored enemies and that's about it. With LP capabilities, 192 DMG, 26 rounds per mag, 45 recoil, 330 ROF, and birdshot as the ammo type, it was made to take down smaller foes on the ground and air. It will take several rounds to take down any medium armored units. Recoil is only an issue if you just hold the trigger down or tap fire rapidly. I am pretty sure it had multiple fire modes. Can move the weapon left to right with ease.
TLDR: shoots fast, high mag size for a shotgun, not made for taking out more armored foes. IMO more useful on bugs since most of them have light armor.
SG-225IE Breaker Incendiary: Fire + shotgun = good times for you, bad times for enemies, and a lot of frustration for your fellow helldivers if ever so slightly grazed by one of its pellets. To start off, this thing will make just about everything catch on fire. The pellets spread outwards like cone, meaning if you have the legendary tactic of having the high ground, you will slaughter so many enemies. The stats are LP & Incendiary properties, 240 DMG, 25 rounds per mag, 28 recoil, and 300 ROF. Recoil isn't a problem. If it does both you try tap firing or pulling down. Good damage. Good mag size for a shotgun, and it shoots fast. There is a stark difference between using this on bugs than bots. Bots, for some reason, feel resistant to fire damage. I am not confident in complete confirming this but it feels like it You could try to brute force since the damage is good enough anyway, but I would primary use this for bugs. When you are using the weapon = feels good, when an ally is using it = pick someone you think is fair and start believing
TLDR: Good DMG, Good ROF, High rounds per mag, lighting things on fire always feels good in games (Please do not light things on fire IRL without proper safety and knowledge), mainly used for bugs
Explosive Weapons (primary): I am pretty sure weapons with explosive properties do full DMG to weak spots.
CB-9 Exploding Crossbow: It is tied for the highest DMG for a primary weapon in the game when it comes to a single round fired. However, there are notable drawbacks. Firstly, the bolt arcs, requiring visual calculations when firing. Additionally, using it at point-blank range against an enemy can be lethal to both you and your adversary due to the explosion. It has explosive properties of course, 420 DMG, 005 rounds per mag, 35 recoil, 50 ROF. You might notice that I added two 00's for the magazine size. This is not an error. You get 5 bolts per mag. A helldiver must exhibit precision when executing missions with this weapon due to its slow fire rate and reload speed. Moreover, a significant issue remains unresolved: although it was released concurrently with the R-36 Eruptor, it still lacks the capability to destroy bug holes, metal doors, and bot factories, despite its classification as an "explosive" weapon. I am pretty sure it has an adjustable scope of some kind. <"Why isn't it possible. It's just not. Why not you stupid bastards">
TLDR: Damage is good but not exactly worth the trouble, can cause you to waste reinforcements, low rounds per mag, the arc for the bolt isn't that bad once you get used to it, slow fire rate = no worries for recoil, cannot take down stuff a weapon in the same battle pass was capable of doing. In fact, there are 2 of them that can but this one cannot.
Tar-5 Dominator: MP capabilities, 275 DMG, 15 rounds per mag, 75 recoil, 250 ROF. The handling of this device is subpar. Although the damage output is satisfactory, the magazine capacity is somewhat disappointing due to the rapid rate of fire. Even with recoil-reducing armor, the recoil remains problematic. While it can be effective, the effort required to manage it is substantial and eventually becomes excessively burdensome. It has multiple fire modes, light armored units get deleted, and I think I saw this gun stunlock/stagger medium foes when using it throughout my career.
TLDR: Good DMG and ROF, potentially staggers/stunlock, everything else kinda blows through. If you are willing to put up with its shenanigans then this weapon is downright amazing.
R-36 Eruptor: Also Tied for having the highest damage for a primary weapon in the game when it comes to a single round being fired. Upon its release, this weapon surpassed all others in the game. It could destroy bug holes, robot factories, and metal doors with ease. Its potent single-target and area-of-effect capabilities were unmatched. It was even capable of taking down chargers with shots to the face, although it's uncertain if this is still possible. With both explosive and MP features, it stands as one of the most distinctive weapons to date. Recently, its shrapnel effect was removed, slightly diminishing its effectiveness, but it remains formidable. Similar to the CB-9 Crossbow, using it in close quarters can deplete reinforcements, so it's important to consider enemy placement. Additionally, it can obliterate radio towers, spore mushrooms, and possibly shrieker nests. Plus, it comes with an adjustable scope. The numbers of this weapon are 420 DMG, 005 rounds per mag, 75 recoil, and 25 ROF. Although the weapon's raw damage output is impressive, its slow reload time is a drawback. Being a bolt-action rifle, it requires operating the lever after each shot, which results in a reduced rate of fire. However, it's noteworthy that pairing this weapon as a primary with support weapon stratagems, like the Stalwart or a basic machine gun, allows for effective engagement with most in-game enemies. This effectiveness is further enhanced when the remaining stratagem slots are utilized for more aggressive options to counter enemies that are not ideally matched for those weapons.
TLDR: High damage, low rounds per mag, recoil is not an issue cause of fire rate, slow fire rate, adjustable scope, can take down some heavy armored enemies (charger (on tail), hulks (on orange vents), bile titans (when armor is exposed on side), can clear bases, open metal doors, Can become a secondary when using Stalwart or Machine Gun. It’s a very strong option against both enemy types.
Energy Based Weapons: SS-8P Punisher Plama: A completely slept on weapon. The only learning curves are for the low mag size and the arc the plasma makes. Very effective for taking down crowds of enemies, especially on higher elevation. Has explosive properties, 250 DMG, 8 rounds per mag, 110 recoil (dont worry about it), 80 ROF. Like the R-36 Eruptor, using support weapon stratagems are recommended to be safe. Because it does explosive DMG, you can die if used in close quarters. I believe it can also stagger medium armor enemies. Good on both fronts. TLDR: Good damage, slight learning curve, low mag size, slow ROF, potentially staggers, good mob clearing device, a good option on both fronts.
ARC-12 Blitzer: Use it for bugs. Trust me. You will cry if you bring it against bots. I don't want you to cry. The biggest change for this weapon was the increased ROF. Honestly it’s the only thing it really needed. It had good DMG at 250, Infinite ammo, 60 recoil that practically does not exist, and 80 ROF. Staggers medium armor foes. A little learning curve for how the lightning works. Generally speaking against bugs, for crounds: aim a little bit above hunters, warriors, green/orange small fries, for more focus: direct aim towards foe. Will require hit and run tactics for bug breaches. TLDR: Good DMG, Never worry about ammo, hit and run necessary, fire rate takes some effort to get down but once you know “your golden ponyboy.”
LAS-5 Sythe: Don't use it for bugs. Trust me. You will be upset and might punch a hole in your monitor or laptop. Your electronics and I do not want this to happen. Use for Bots. Jokes aside, seriously only use it for bots. It cannot deal with crowds. I learned this the hard way. The weapon releases a continuous beam when the fire key is held down. It starts off dealing 350 damage, presumably per second, but this is an assumption and the actual implications for the weapon's mechanics are unclear if incorrect. Rather than conventional ammo, it utilizes a charge bar that fills up as the fire key is maintained, indicating the weapon's charge status. Excessive use requires a coolant swap, colloquially known as "changing ice" among divers. With proper heat management, the ammunition can be effectively limitless. Despite a recoil rating of 1, there is an initial sway when firing, which stabilizes after a short period to match mouse or controller movements. Similar to this weapon, the LAS-16 Sickle and LAS-7 Dagger pistol should be characterized by firing limits instead of a fire rate. For clarity, I will refer to it by its specific name. It is also notable for its ease of handling. Personally, I prefer bullets or the Sickle as the results from using them are more readily available than continuous beam weapons.
TLDR: Very accurate gun, DMG is good if DPS/bad if not, “infinite ammo,” piss poor against crowds.
Las-16 Sickle: Like heat weapons it can have “infinite ammo” if the heat meter is managed. Has a scope, flashlight. Viable against both enemy types. 55 DMG, recoil is 2, 750 fire limit. I skipped rounds because of the nature of the gun itself. If the gun is getting too hot, which you will notice from the sound and steam emitted from the gun, just don’t use it for like 10 seconds or so and you are fine. Only downsides I could possibly think of is stuff that has to do with the environment of the planet you are diving on. I forgot to mention in the previous weapon that heat based weapons on cold planets in particular become ludicrous. Cold planets allow you to fire the weapon even longer than normal. On hot planets, the weapon time they can be fired is shorter.TLDR: Just a great overall weapon. No real complaints. On a par with AR-23 Liberator on planets with “neutral atmosphere” (neither cold or hot) and does surpass it on hold planets. Inverse for hot ones.
Plas-1 Scorcher: It’s like the Covenant Carbine had a small mini explosion whenever it landed on an enemy. For non Halo players who do not understand, it’s extremely solid. Despite having LP, it can take down Medium armor enemies because of the explosion properties it has. 200 DMG, 15 rounds per mag, 20 recoil, 250 ROF. You could cause reinforcements to be used for you but throughout my experience this is very rare. Ammo management is more necessary for this weapon because of its low rounds to mag ratio. No scope but that’s fine it’s really accurate without one. It’s slightly more useful on bots because it can take down “At-ST’s” with a few shots where the pilot is, bypassing the armor it has. Easy to use, easy to handle.
TLDR: Very solid weapon, do not tell the devs about it. And if they do ask, tell them it sucks.
Side Arms: If carrying a package like a data case, you will default to using your side arm unless you drop by switching to your main gun or support weapon stratagem, or are using another weapon with one-handed properties like the SMG’s. Not including TLDR’s for this section. Will keep these brief with an exception or 2. P-2 Peacemaker: 75 DMG, 15 rounds per mag, 23 recoil, 900 ROF. Starting side arm. Not bad after the damage buff it received. Not the worst in emergencies. Do note that it will fire as fast as you can tap your fire key.
P-19 Redeemer: The OG side arm in this game when you are swarmed and out of ammo in your primary. Still holds up to this day. 60 DMG, 31 rounds per mag (limited total mags though :( ), 15 recoil, 1100 ROF. Has both Auto and Semi-Auto fire modes.
GP-31 Grenade Pistol: Can close bug holes and bot factories. Decent AOE effect. Only get 8 shots total. Ammo packs found on grounds and places of interest, not supply packs, only give 2 shots back per gather. 600 DMG, 1 round (8 total shots), 43 recoil (ignore it), 900 ROF (ignore it)
LAS-7 Dagger: “infinite ammo” side arm. 200 DMG, IIRC 3 mags in total in case heat meter fills up, 001 recoil (see the Scythe for more info about recoil and beams), 005 fire limit. Rather just use the P-2 Peacemaker as it gives more readily available results than beams.
P-113 Verdict: P-2 Peacemakers mature sibling. 125 DMG, 10 rounds per mag, 40 recoil, 450 ROF. Recoil is noticeable.
P-4 Senator (aka the Big Iron, aka The biggest Iron): Out of all the sidearms in the game I have the most experience with the Senator. It has MP capabilities, 175 DMG, 6 bullets (more than enough to kill anything that moves), 43 recoil (noticeable if spamming), 200 ROF. You get 40 rounds in total with this gun. IMO it is the only sidearm that you “could” use effectively for an entire mission if you have the supply backpack or ballistic shield backpack. IIRC it more or less takes 8 shots to blow off a charger's tail. ~Big Iron. Big Iron. The revolver is the katana of handguns.
Grenades: Remember you can “cook” your grenades
G-9 Frag: 250 DMG, 003 penetration, 008 OR, 2.4 FT. Not bad for the first grenade you get. Good in a pinch if thrown on the ground and sprint in another direction. Mainly used for clearing bases.
G-13 High explosive: 400 DMG, 004 penetration, 007 OR, 3.5 FT. Like the frag but higher damage and longer FT.
G-10 Incendiary: 150 DMG, 003 penetration, 007 OR, 2.9 FT. Can do damage over time fire damage. Notable effectively on light armored bugs.
G-16 Impact: 400 DMG, 004 penetration, 007 OR, 0.00 FT (as soon as it makes contact with something it will explode). Pretty much the “best” grenade for instant damage. Good for destroying bases (bot factories will require some learning on how to get the angle right). I’ve seen this used on tanks and they explode. Kills heavy devastators with ease. ‘Nuff said.
G-13 Incendiary impact: Fire dmg of impact grenade. Can do damage over time fire DMG. 150 DNG, 003 penetration, 007 OR, 0.00 FT (read impact). Better on bugs.
G-23 Stun: The safety net of grenades. Can stun everything except bile titans (it used to long ago) and Factory Striders. Cannot be used to clear bases. 0.DMG, 6 penetration, 10 OR, 1.8 FT
G-3 Smoke: I’ma be real, I used this like once and never touched it again. Divers who are more akin to stealth can give you a better explanation than I could. Cannot clear bases 0 DMG, 0 penetration, 005 OR, 2.4 FT
G-123 Thermite: When it came out it sucked unless you were the host.Nowadays it’s “better.” You can take down chargers, bile titans, and hulks if you throw quite a few at them on their weaker areas like the chargers legs/face, bile titans face, hulk eye or vent in the back. Unsure about taking down Factory striders. I try not to get close to them. Definitely requires armor with bonus grenades. 100 DMG, 007 penetration, 002 OR, 2.9 FT
Terms used:
  1. DMG: damage
  2. rounds: bullets
2.5 Mag.: Magazine: the entire number of rounds before you have to reload. IE the P-4 Senator has 6 rounds per magazine before it needs to be reloaded. In other words: 1 mag = 6 rounds or vice versa.
  1. recoil: how much the weapon "kicks" back when firing.
  2. ROF: rate of fire
  3. FL: fire limit (applies to weapons that uses energy beams. There are two types to this: concentration based like the LAS-5 Scythe that emit a singular beam when the trigger is held or rapid one like the LAS-16 Sickle that more or less functions like a fully automatic weapon)
  4. LP: Light Penetration
  5. MP: Medium Penetration
  6. OR: Outer Radius
9: FT: Fuse Time (measured in seconds or instantaneous in nature)
10 Stunlock/Stagger: The ability to stop a target indefinitely (or util you the resource that allows you to do that runs out)
submitted by Geronimo011 to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 04:42 Count-Daring243 Best Elander 6.5 Grendel Magazines

Best Elander 6.5 Grendel Magazines
Get ready to upgrade your 6.5 Grendel firearm with our roundup of the best Elander magazines on the market. In this article, we'll delve into the features, benefits, and performance of these top-rated magazines to help you make an informed decision for your next shooting adventure.

The Top 10 Best Elander 6.5 Grendel Magazines

  1. 6.5 Grendel The Devil May Care: A Grendel Magazines Paperback Collection - Grendel Tales The Devil May Care: A thrilling, action-packed graphic novel with a captivating love story at its core, set in the midst of a high-stakes race and a Grendel-infested city.
  2. Grendel: Devil by the Deed Master's Edition - Classic Graphic Novel Revival - Unleash the epic mastery of Matt Wagner's Grendel universe in the Devil by the Deed Master's Edition, offering a captivating 136-page hardcover graphic novel debut.
  3. Grendel Omnibus Volume 6: Devil Tales [Book] - Dark Tales from Industry Giants - Discover the dark, gripping narratives of Grendel: Omnibus Volume 6 - Devil Tales, featuring stories from industry giants and exploring the post-Orion Assante era in this thrilling, 400+ page, standard comics size anthology.
  4. The Complete Grendel Omnibus: Devil's Legacy & Classics - Immerse yourself in the complete adventure of Grendel with this comprehensive omnibus, spanning four highly-regarded Dark Horse comic book series.
  5. Grendel: Past Prime - Award-Winning Comics Series in Prose Novel Format - Grendel: Past Prime" offers readers a thrilling illustrated prose novel by Greg Rucka, blending the captivating Grendel universe with stunning pen-and-ink illustrations, making it an adventure-packed journey for fans of the original comics series.
  6. Grendel Tales Omnibus Volume 2: Gothic Comic Collection - Dive into the dark, dystopian world of Grendel with Volume 2 of Matt Wagner's thrilling Omnibus, featuring fan-favorite stories & striking artwork.
  7. Grendel vs. The Shadow: Gunslinging Showdown in 1930s New York - Grendel Vs. The Shadow: two titanic rivals collide in a thrilling pulp-noir showdown, set against the backdrop of 1930s New York - a must-read for fans of hard-hitting Grendel stories!
  8. Explore the World of Grendel: Matt Wagner's Epic Mythos [Book] - Immerse yourself in the captivating world of Grendel with Matt Wagner's comprehensive history book, featuring a new primer, timeline, and cover gallery, making it the ultimate collection for fans of the legendary comics series.
  9. Comprehensive Grendel Omnibus: Hunter Rose Edition - 600-Page Masterpiece - Revisit the classic Grendelsaga with Matt Wagner's epic masterpiece, now assembled in four volumes, celebrating its 30th anniversary with a paperback collection featuring the thrilling adventures of millionaire Hunter Rose and his dark alter ego, Grendel!
  10. Grendel: Behold The Devil #5 - Elander 6.5 Grendel Magazines - Grendel: Behold The Devil #5 unravels the mysteries of an untold chapter in a dark and twisted adventure, masterfully crafted by Matt Wagner.
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🔗6.5 Grendel The Devil May Care: A Grendel Magazines Paperback Collection
Grendel Tales: The Devil May Care" by Matt Wagner is a gripping comic novel that takes readers on a thrilling ride through the world of Grendel characters. As a fan of the series, I've really enjoyed seeing how the author takes the different clashes between these Grendel clans in Indianapolis and weaves a story full of tension, passion, and unexpected twists.
One of the highlights of the novel is the depth of the character development. Hack, the chief Grendel, is portrayed as a man struggling with the weight of leadership and the attraction to the city's headstrong lead physician, Dana. And while Dana's struggles with her delinquent son add to the drama, the author also showcases her courage and strength when it comes to standing up to the powerful Grendel presence in her city.
That being said, the book isn't without its minor negative aspects. The paperback binding can be somewhat flimsy at times and might detract from the overall reading experience. However, this doesn't detract from the compelling storyline and captivating characters that keep readers engaged all the way through.
Overall, "Grendel Tales: The Devil May Care" is a thrilling addition to the Grendel universe, showcasing the author's ability to create a captivating tale of power, passion, and danger within an urban setting.

🔗Grendel: Devil by the Deed Master's Edition - Classic Graphic Novel Revival
There's something about the Grendel: Devil by the Deed Master's Edition that just draws you in. Maybe it's the striking hardback cover or the fact that it's a timeless classic, but upon opening, it felt like stepping into a different world.
The story itself is an excellent blend of dark fantasy and mystery, with the protagonist, Hunter Rose, navigating through a complex web of deception and danger. Matt Wagner's ability to weave intricate plots with such finesse is truly impressive. He's been at the top of his game for quite some time now, and this book solidifies that.
However, it's not all roses. There were times when the pacing felt a bit off, requiring a few adjustments before fully immersing oneself in the narrative. But once you get past that hump, the read is nothing short of captivating.
This masterpiece doesn't just tell a story. It's a journey, an experience. It delves deep into the psyche of a man torn between the pursuit of good and the thrill of evil, all while exploring the depths of power and human nature.
If you’re looking to delve into the universe of Grendel or if you're a fan of the series and want to revisit its origin, this Master's Edition is definitely worth the dive. Be prepared for a wild ride filled with unexpected twists and turns.

🔗Grendel Omnibus Volume 6: Devil Tales [Book] - Dark Tales from Industry Giants
I recently came across the Grendel Omnibus Volume 6: Devil Tales and dived into its dark, captivating stories. The visionary mind of Matt Wagner has crafted a thrilling anthology, featuring tales from some of the renowned creators in the industry. This collection takes you on a wild journey through the post-Orion Assante era, a world where Grendel's rage and revenge dictate the course of humanity.
One of the things that stood out to me was the stunning art accompanying every story. Each page is a masterpiece, pulling you deeper into the universe of Grendel. The variety of creative teams adds depth to the tales, giving them a unique and chilling edge. However, be prepared for some violence and disturbing scenarios, as this is a world where the force of Grendel has taken over and brought humanity to its darkest depths.
The Grendel Omnibus Volume 6: Devil Tales is perfect for both longtime fans and newcomers to the saga, offering an engaging experience no matter where you're at in your journey. Although this edition may be slightly larger than the standard comics size, the immersive tales and captivating art make it a worthy addition to any collection. So, if you're ready to dive into the twisted world of Grendel and confront the darkest side of humanity, this omnibus is the place to start.

🔗The Complete Grendel Omnibus: Devil's Legacy & Classics
As a comic book lover, I was excited to dive into the Grendel Omnibus: The Legacy. This paperback collection offers a comprehensive look at the Grendel universe, featuring issues from various series such as Devil Child, Devil's Legacy, The Devil Inside, and Grendel Classics.
One of the standout features of this book is its extensive content, spanning over 500 pages and offering a wealth of stories and artwork. The high-quality paper and eye-catching covers further enhance the overall reading experience.
However, one downside I noticed is the size of the book, which might be a challenge for some readers to hold comfortably. Additionally, the varying print quality of some pages made it slightly less enjoyable at times. Nevertheless, for fans of the Grendel series, this omnibus provides a great way to immerse themselves in the entire universe.

🔗Grendel: Past Prime - Award-Winning Comics Series in Prose Novel Format
Embarking on the world of Grendel: Past Prime, I was eager to delve into the illustrated prose novel by Greg Rucka, an author known for his intricate crime stories. This adaptation from Matt Wagner's comics series captivated me from the start with its high-stakes adventure that left me on the edge of my seat.
One thing I particularly appreciated was the vivid imagery provided by the 50 striking pen-and-ink illustrations throughout the book. They brought the world of the Grendel warriors to life, immersing me in their intricate world. The stunning cover painting by Grendel creator Matt Wagner further enhanced the overall presentation of the book.
However, while the story had thematic depth and visual firepower, the pacing at times felt a bit rushed, making it challenging to fully appreciate the richness of the characters and their motivations. The language used in the novel was quite complex, which may have made it more suitable for older audiences than it was marketed to be.
In conclusion, Grendel: Past Prime is a fast-paced, hard-edged adventure that, although it has its flaws, offers an enthralling experience filled with both thematic depth and compelling visuals. With its intricate story, immersive world, and captivating illustrations, it's a worthwhile read for fans of the Grendel comics series or those inclined towards intense, detailed narratives.

🔗Grendel Tales Omnibus Volume 2: Gothic Comic Collection
Immerse yourself in the twisted, futuristic world of Grendel with the paperback edition of Matt Wagner's Grendel Tales Omnibus Volume 2. Published by Dark Horse Comics in collaboration with some of the most brilliant minds in the industry, this unique anthology is a must-have for longtime fans and curious newcomers alike.
The collection presents all stories from Grendel Tales, including never-before-seen material, and boasts over 400 pages of gripping narratives and captivating artwork, all meticulously reproduced from their original artwork. This book is a testament to noteworthy talents such as Steve Lieber, Dave Cooper, Peter Doherty, and Matt Hollingsworth, all of whose work contributes to the compelling narrative of Grendel.
The durable paperback format ensures that this book can withstand the test of time, making it a valuable addition to your comic collection. With its dark, atmospheric theme and imaginative storytelling, Grendel Tales Volume 2 is an unforgettable read and an essential piece to complete your Grendel journey.

🔗Grendel vs. The Shadow: Gunslinging Showdown in 1930s New York
Experience the electrifying encounter between two iconic characters, Grendel and the Shadow. Picture this: you're in 1930s New York, where the original Grendel, Hunter Rose, is suddenly thrust.
In this era of jazz, crime, and chaos, he's up against the Shadow, a dark-night avenger. Written and drawn by the legendary Matt Wagner, the story brings these classic pulp-noir icons clashing in a thrilling tale. You'll be caught in the crossfire between the criminal underworld and these powerful personalities.
The energy of the 1930s is palpable in every panel, and the action doesn't hold back.

🔗Explore the World of Grendel: Matt Wagner's Epic Mythos [Book]
Ever since I discovered Matt Wagner's Grendel, an enthralling comic series that beautifully blends dark fantasy and mystery, I simply wanted to delve deeper into its universe. Grendel Cycle, Wagner's compilation of the series' history, has become my go-to resource for all things Grendel.
The eight-page primer at the beginning of Grendel Cycle, written and fully painted by Wagner himself, is a stroke of genius. It serves as an accessible, yet vivid introduction for new fans and a refresher for those who've followed the series for years. Not only does it provide a clear overview of the comics' mythology, but it's also illustrated with the same depth and detail that made the original series so memorable.
Additionally, the special features—a map of the Grendel World, a timeline of events, and a cover gallery showcasing artwork from the first 50 issues—make Grendel Cycle a compelling read on its own. The book is a testament to Wagner's dedication to his creation, and it's a fantastic addition to any Grendel fan's collection.
Despite the delightful experience that Grendel Cycle offered, I still wish there were more original stories available in print. However, this collection is a worthy companion to the series, and I highly recommend it to anyone intrigued by the world of Grendel.

🔗Comprehensive Grendel Omnibus: Hunter Rose Edition - 600-Page Masterpiece
As a book enthusiast, I recently had the pleasure of diving into Matt Wagner's Grendel Omnibus Volume 1: Hunter Rose. This paperback treasure is published by Dark Horse Comics and celebrates its thirtieth anniversary with this comprehensive collection. With 600 pages, it's a robust edition filled with an entire Grendelsaga, starting with the introduction of Hunter Rose and his dual role as a millionaire and a criminal mastermind, Grendel.
The binding type of this edition is paperback, which is comfortable to hold and easy to carry around. Despite its large number of pages, it doesn't feel overwhelming, making it a perfect companion for long commutes or lazy afternoons. The collection is divided into four volumes, with this one reprinting Grendel: Devil by the Deed, the short story collections Grendel: Black, White, & Red and Grendel: Red, White, & Black, and the epic Grendel: Behold the Devil.
One of the most striking features of this omnibus is the beautifully curated variety of stories. From classic tales to the more obscure ones, it presents them all in a cohesive manner, providing an engaging and comprehensive reading experience. This edition also includes a few hard-to-find short stories, making it a valuable addition to any Grendel fan's collection.
However, one minor downside is that it doesn't include some notable crossovers with Batman and Shadow. Although these stories are available elsewhere, they might have been a nice bonus to have within this collection. Nevertheless, it's tough to argue with the overall value and enjoyment that this omnibus provides for fans of the Grendel series and its charismatic character, Hunter Rose.

🔗Grendel: Behold The Devil #5 - Elander 6.5 Grendel Magazines
I remember picking up issue 5 of Behold the Devil by Matt Wagner, curious to see what the elusive presence pursuing Hunter Rose would bring. As I flipped through the pages, I was immediately drawn into the dark and mysterious world Wagner had created.
What stood out to me in this issue was the masterful way Wagner blended elements of horror and the supernatural. The dark magics of Santeria that the voodoo master brought into play added an extra layer of tension and intrigue to the story. However, it was the character development that truly shined. Wagner expertly unveiled a new side of the fearsome lord of the underworld, making us question whether he was truly infallible after all.
While I can't say I wasn't a little disappointed by the lack of answers and the slow-burning pace, I couldn't deny the gripping and immersive atmosphere that this comic brought. With every twist and turn, it became clear that Matt Wagner was in full control of his creation, weaving a tale of horror and suspense that kept me on the edge of my seat.
In conclusion, while Behold the Devil #5 had its pacing issues, it more than made up for it with its eerie atmosphere, engaging character development, and unique blend of horror and supernatural elements. It's a comic that challenges the conventions and leaves you wanting more, all while immersing you in a dark and twisted world.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive buyer's guide for Elander 6.5 Grendel Magazines. This article aims to provide you with essential information on the features, considerations, and general advice for the 6.5 Grendel magazine category, helping you make an informed decision for your next purchase.

1. Capacity and Compatibility
The first thing to consider when choosing an Elander 6.5 Grendel Magazine is its capacity and compatibility. Different magazines offer varying capacities and are compatible with different firearms. Ensure that the magazine you choose has a suitable capacity for your needs and is compatible with the firearm you own.

2. Material Quality

The material quality of the magazine is another important factor to consider. High-quality materials, such as steel or aluminum, can withstand the rigors of shooting and provide durability. On the other hand, lower-quality materials may be more prone to breakage or malfunction.

3. Feed Lip Design

The feed lip design of the magazine can significantly impact its performance. A well-designed feed lip can ensure efficient feeding of rounds, preventing jams and malfunctions. Look for magazines with a sturdy, angled feed lip that can handle different types of ammunition.

4. Finish and Coating

The finish and coating of the magazine can affect its resistance to corrosion and its overall appearance. Look for magazines with a durable, corrosion-resistant finish, such as matte black or parkerized, and those with a smooth, scratch-resistant surface.

5. Price and Value

Lastly, consider the price and value of the magazine. While high-quality materials and features may come at a higher cost, it is essential to find a balance between quality and affordability. Look for magazines that offer a reasonable price without compromising on essential features.

General Advice
When purchasing an Elander 6.5 Grendel Magazine, it is crucial to research and read reviews before making a decision. Consult with experienced shooters, and don't be afraid to ask for recommendations or advice. Additionally, it is essential to ensure that the magazine you choose is compatible with your firearm and meets your desired capacity and performance standards.
Remember that when it comes to purchasing firearm accessories, investing a little extra in quality can go a long way in ensuring reliability and durability. We hope this buyer's guide has provided you with the necessary information to make an informed decision when choosing your next Elander 6.5 Grendel Magazine.


What are Elander 6.5 Grendel Magazines?

Elander 6.5 Grendel Magazines are high-quality, durable, and reliable magazines designed for use with the 6.5 Grendel cartridge. They are ideal for hunters, sport shooters, and gun enthusiasts who want a dependable and versatile magazine for their firearms.

Who manufactures these magazines?

Elander 6.5 Grendel Magazines are produced by Elander Precision Design, a company specializing in the design and production of precision-built firearms components.

What makes these magazines different from others on the market?

  • They are made from high-strength materials that provide durability and long-lasting performance.
  • The magazines feature a user-friendly design, making it easy to load and extract rounds.
  • They are compatible with a wide range of 6.5 Grendel firearms, making them versatile and adaptable to different platforms.
  • Elander 6.5 Grendel Magazines come with a lifetime warranty, ensuring customer satisfaction and peace of mind.

What types of 6.5 Grendel firearms are compatible with Elander magazines?

Elander 6.5 Grendel Magazines are compatible with a variety of 6.5 Grendel firearms, including rifles and pistols from manufacturers such as Armalite, Daniel Defense, Ruger, Springfield Armory, and many more.

Are Elander 6.5 Grendel Magazines interchangeable with other brands of 6.5 Grendel magazines?

While some 6.5 Grendel magazines may be compatible with each other, it is always recommended to check the manufacturer's specifications to ensure proper fit and function.

Are there any special care or maintenance instructions for Elander 6.5 Grendel Magazines?

To ensure the longevity and performance of your Elander 6.5 Grendel Magazine, it is recommended to occasionally clean it with a mild cleaning solution and dry it thoroughly before storing. It is also essential to avoid exposing the magazine to extreme temperatures, humidity or moisture, which can affect its performance and reliability.

Can I purchase Elander 6.5 Grendel Magazines directly from the manufacturer or do I need to buy them from a retailer?

Elander 6.5 Grendel Magazines can be purchased directly from the manufacturer's website or through authorized retailers. It is always best to check the authenticity of the product before making a purchase, as counterfeit or unauthorized products may compromise the performance and reliability of the magazine.
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submitted by Count-Daring243 to u/Count-Daring243 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:59 CobaltAzurean The World, the Flesh, and the Devil Pt1, Ch5.0: The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea

The World, the Flesh, and the Devil Pt1, Ch5.0: The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea
Uranus - Secret Underwater Lab, formerly of Tyl Regor
Wukong stepped onto the lift with a sharp clatter of obsidian talons, the platform humming to life and descending into the depths with a slight shudder after a brief interaction with the controls.
It has to be done. I can’t just leave them unaccounted for.
There had been a significant effort on the space simian’s part to not make Kahl-175 aware of their occasional but certainly unwanted spectator during their various construction and lab modifications, catching the dark figure in his extreme peripheral vision or lurking in the murky background, observing their work without comment or interruption. Wukong wasn’t easily startled, however it almost always came as an abrupt surprise to finally notice their watcher was present, stop himself from twitching in response, and then wonder how long they had been there.
The air grew increasingly colder as the lift continued to plummet, all available power being diverted to the centrifuge machine and rendering processes, lights along the shaft flickering with overdue maintenance until the platform banged to a sudden stop. Residual heat misted around Wukong’s head with the sharp temperature differential having condensated and now evaporated off his glassy frame.
Several long hallways and three additional lifts later, including an extremely large vaulted door, the mercurial monkey stepped into the presence of the Destroyer of Worlds, pausing at the threshold to pan his vision from left to right, eyes burning. At one point presumed to be deceased, his revival coming as a surprise to his own daughter Natah, Hunhow’s potent oro still persisted within his Sentient body, regularly exerting his influence over the Origin System through his agent known only as the Stalker, who remarkably resembled a Warframe in appearance and function, and appeared to be surprisingly absent from the small, circular chamber.
I have been expecting you, Wukong.” Hunhow’s voice reverberated throughout the entire chamber, his body pulsating from its core with a deep red at every syllable, filling the chamber with its soft light. “It is quite the project you have been concocting above. And I calculated that if you managed to notice Stalker, you would confront me in an effort to convince me to remain outside of your affairs. Is that correct?
The space simian cautiously stepped into the semi-circular chamber, remaining a respectful distance from Hunhow’s form, all angles of disjointed appendages and heavily embossed lines, stopping roughly twenty paces away.
“Indeed, it’s safe to say that I can’t have you involved at this point. It’s not personal, simply a matter of containing the variables. As a Sentient, I’m sure you can understand.” Wukong intoned, crossing his arms over his chest, slightly inclining his head to the technological being.
The mercurial monkey never saw the strike happen, with how swift and vicious it was, coming from behind without warning. War, the aptly named twin-pronged blade of Stalker, which had been hovering directly above the entryway into the chamber, launched itself downward at a lethal angle, stabbing Wukong from behind. The dual-bladed weapon pierced his tempered frame from behind, through him, and impaling him to the floor of the room, ichor seeping out of his wound along the length of the blade, leaving Wukong shakingly on his hands and knees.
Yes, indeed. The variables must be contained. Like you yourself stated, this is not personal.
Stalker, the night-vantablack Warframe, stepped out from behind the fallen Wukong to stand next to Hunhow, gazing down at the space simian silently without expression or inclination of remorse to his situation, as his lifeblood seeped out to pool on the ground underneath his prone form.
Do you know what your error was, Wukong? It was hubris, the utter ego that you could come here to confront me without a show of force or from a position of strength. That will always be the downfall of your kind, the foolish belief that you are ultimately undefeatable if you simply bludgeon the obstacle in front of you hard enough. Most of this could have been potentially avoided if you had simply looked up. Or, perhaps, if you had not come alone.” The energy filament between War’s dual blades flared in sync with Hunhow’s words and slow, inexorably, the Sentient pattern etched upon the Destroyer’s own body began to expand outward from Wukong’s wound with caustic effect, cracking his reflective epidermis. The pain was beyond description, the corruption of the space simian’s form and flesh.
What happened next was unexpected, both from Wukong and his immediate adversaries, as what appeared to be two additional arms literally peeled themselves off of his own forearms and shoulders, leaving Hunhow and company quite speechless as the twisted hands and limbs seemingly stretched for the briefest of moments before, with equal amazement, reaching both appendages elbow-deep into Wukong’s star-fielded tech-ribbon syandana and withdrew an impossibly large L-shaped device that Hunhow immediately recognize as a Sentient weapon.
Is tha-.. NO!” was all the Destroyer of Worlds could say before the Shedu weapon was dropped at Wukong’s side with a crushing impact that shook the floor. It was hard to say from the angle that Hunhow and Stalker watched it happen, but it seemed almost as though a smile split Wukong’s features, spilling additional fluid onto the floor from between cracked teeth, before he reached over and wrapped a glistening talon around the trigger.
The entire magazine of explosive ammunition was empty in roughly three seconds in the direction of the shocked Hunhow and Stalker, filling the chamber with an all-encompassing roar that deafened the contained parties, followed by an immediate frenetic discharge from the heart of the weapon, illuminating the hazy aftermath of rubble and debris, leaving a still image in Wukong’s eyes of the Stalker clutching it’s head as a strange energy passed through its body, but was clearly and strangely absent when the smoke cleared.
A long breath escaped Wukong’s clenched jaw, dark liquid dribbling, releasing his grip from his weapon and pressing his taloned hands flatly upon the ground. “If you please?” he said with labored exasperation, gazing upon the length of the ground to Hunhow’s fractured and smoking corpse. No motion.
Without hesitation, the distorted arms twisted in unnatural angles to bring their grip upward and around to War’s hilt, firmly taking hold and slowly withdrawing it from not only the ground but also through Wukong’s body. Compared to the agony from earlier, this pain was exquisitely endurable. After the blade had been completely removed, he promptly collapsed completely to the ground, fluid slowly puddling around him as the ephemeral arm, with a deft flick of the wrist, threw the blade to skewer itself into Hunhow’s body at an oblique angle.
The space simian gritted his teeth as an obfuscating mist began to fill the chamber, briefly coalescing with the explosive aftermath haze only to slowly be pulled back toward and into Wukong’s body, the puddle of ichorous fluid remaining while the rent in his body began to stitch itself back together.
Before he pushed himself upward, he reached a sharp talon around to his back, grasping one of the techno-ribbons of his rippling syandana and stretching it outward toward Shedu, which quickly expanded with a sibilant rustling that enveloped the weapon back to where it was secretly stored. Wukong’s gaze didn’t leave the remains of Hunhow as he found himself finally upright, leaving them in his periphery as he turned to look over his shoulder to his additional attachments.
“Thank you.” was all he said quietly before slowly stretching his natural appendages outwards, where the ephemeral arms grew insubstantial and reapplied themselves along his frame and disappeared with a cold shiver along the length of his spine, dropping them to his sides as he pivoted around and exited the chamber.
submitted by CobaltAzurean to Warframe [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:19 JulianSkies Consequences Alter - Cataclysm Hunter (A Consequences of Nationalism ficnap)

There are weapons that have no right to exist, in their power. So powerful they are, themselves, a cataclysm in their mere existence. Even their kindest, the arxur were always renown for their hunters. And for this hunter of the sky, there is no more appetizing prey than cataclysm itself. Will this humble fisher earth the title- of Cataclysm Hunter?
[Memory Transcription]: Teshav “Fisher One”, Fighter Pilot [Estimated Human Time]: [June 1, 1899]
Watching the sun set slowly, I take in a deep breath… Seeing the stars come to life one by one… After a while I reach up a claw, as if I could grasp them…
“Up early aren’t you?” I look aside to see who’s speaking. Varath’s deep dark green scales remind me that he’s not from around these parts… And how little that matters those days.
“Always… I like looking at the stars”
“Hey, you might just get your chance to see them closer soon” Varath sits beside me, looking up as well “Hear we’re getting an outworlder in our mission today”
The slow setting of the sun continues to reveal more stars by the second, I take a minute to answer “I hope I don’t see them up close too soon… I’d rather be here fighting than running away” then standing up I continue “Are they going to be in the briefing?”
Varath stands up as well, he raises his left arm for a moment and I return a nod, prompting him to pat me on the back “Nope, just us. They’ll join us in the field”
The sun had fully set by the time we’d returned to the base and a refreshing breeze had picked up. Sadly there was no enjoying the breeze, as we made our way directly to the briefing room.
I simultaneously love and hate briefings. The inherent anxiety of being the unsocial type in an enclosed room with a group of people cannot be done away with no matter how much practice you have, but a well-coordinated plan and a well-prepared mission are also things of beauty in their own right. I am, admittedly, one of the few that likes the planning stages.
Varath gets inside with me, the other three members of Fisher Squadron are already here as well as Captain Taroth. “Good, you’ve arrived. We can start, then” the captain, leader of this airbase, was a rather casual officer as long as you were respectful “Fisher Squadron will be on the next patrol rotation, as you already know.”
He picks up a pointer, indicating the map on the wall of the nearby area and a large swathe of ocean “Reviewing: You will take off from here, make your way to Point Kesh, then follow to Var, Kidim, Shure and Roton before heading in the inverse to return.” He points at each different point in space over the ocean in turn.
“Your F-17Ps will be armed with four Aketar air-to-air missiles, two Tonath depth charges and a thousand chaingun rounds. Yes I know it’s not much given the 17P’s capacity carry triple that, but we’re running low on ammunition at the moment. Should you run into anything, focus on priority targets.” He turns the pointer to a different image hanging from the wall, it’s a drawing of what looks like a large cargo plane, but it has too many thrusters and what looks like two sets of wings “Especially the White Kierra, should you run into it.”
Just thinking about the elusive craft makes a shudder run down my spine, the best we had to identify it was orbital images the outworlders had shared with us. We had given that craft the code-name White Kierra, the beast that will lead you into the underworld should you chase it, when we learned its function: A nuclear bomber.
“Fisher Squadron will be receiving AWACS support from an outworlder ship, callsign Starlight, that will be meeting you on Point Kesh. Your 17Ps are fitted with a datalink to make use of their advanced sensors for target acquisition” the captain turns off the pointer and crosses his arms “Any questions?”
The ensuing silence was answer enough “Alright, then. Dismissed, be ready for takeoff in thirty five minutes”
Those minutes did not pass slowly. I had gotten to my craft earlier than the rest of the Fishers and had finished my preflight checks when the rest of them started loading up. Taxiing to the runway was almost mindless with the practice I had, and soon the thrust of takeoff had me pressed against the pilot seat.
The familiar smell of the recycled air of the cockpit helps calm the nerves “Alright, stay in formation and keep your eyes on your radars. We’ll arrive in Kesh in approximately ten minutes, switch to channel twelve on arrival”
The echoes of acknowledgement over the radio hit me and we perform the first leg of the mission in comfortable silence. For me at least. The so-important navigational point over the ocean has nothing of note, it shouldn’t have as it is comprised merely of coordinates with no places of reference- The ocean doesn’t allow such things “This is Starlight, Fisher Squadron do you copy?”
The voice that comes up on the radio when I switch channels is… Bizarre. It is weirdly high-pitched, with a whistling quality to it- The voice lacks the background rumble used for verb tenses, making it sound like each word is spoken in a different one. “This is Fisher One, we have you Starlight”
“Wow, you sound like a squeaky toy” I take in a sharp breath intake at Varath’s stupid words
“Fisher Two, what is wrong with you?!”
What comes from the radio after my outburst is a series of melodic whistles “So my instructor told me. Am I understandable? I can’t quite replicate your drone with my throat”
“Five by five, Starlight. I apologize for Two”
“No matter. I’ll be your eyes today, sending connection codes. Confirm?”
Looking up through the window of the cockpit I try to identify anywhere in the sky where Starlight might be, a fruitless endeavor as I see only white and blue expanse “Confirm. Targeting systems connected”
Moving to Point Var was about as boring as it could be. Flying at limited speed to give time for our sensors, formation so well practiced I barely had to put conscious thought into keeping it. I felt a bit bad for Varath, he was the only social type on Fisher Squadron and the silence must be eating at him…
“Say, Starlight” might as well give him something “That… That weapon they used in Kanstare… Do you have something like it, up there?”
For a few seconds there’s no answer “Really, that’s what you open up with?”
“Sorry. I got curious.”
The strange voice returns an answer “Yes… And no. We don’t really have weapons but… Well, there’s the clearance bombs we use in some places”
Clearance bombs?” Five calls out in surprise. She’s the youngest of Fisher Squadron and still has a bit of the youthful squeak to her voice.
I have heard that the outworlders had issues with the unsocial types, but Starlight seems to be just like us with how he (He? She? I can’t tell) prefers to ponder every answer “There’s some… Dangerous worlds out there. Can’t afford to land without preparing the ground first. So we use clearance bombs to make a landing zone… Well, we used to, mind. We don’t anymore”
“I can’t… Even imagine what kind of danger it would take to use that kind of thing…” finally Varath finds himself in the conversation “Do you really have things like those old sci-fi stories up there? Planets with giant monsters roaming around? Things full of teeth and claws that hunt men for food? Or like- Life made of stone that does not care what it threads over or- Entire living forests that will kill anything that walks?!”
There’s a fair bit of silence, enough for us to fly past Point Var, before Starlight answers “Things full of teeth and claws that hunt men for food, huhn?” there’s a wild difference in Starlight’s tone that I can’t place “Yeah, yeah it’s those things that we thought we had”
“Thought?” Varath questions
“Forget it, not for me to talk about” Starlight adds with enough finality even their weird tones make it clear.
The silence remains as we reach Point Kidim, and turn towards Shure… I have a strange feeling in my stomach, which I assign to guilt for whatever seemed to have upset Starlight. “Attention Fisher Squadron, I’m picking up five crafts ahead” or maybe it isn’t guilt at all.
I look down at my own radar readings “Negative on ours, Starlight” I reach forward and press a button, changing the radar screen to the shared data view. Five indicators come up in a cross formation… “Appears to be an escort of some sort”
“Roger, initiate approach while I process their readings, it’ll take just a second” I don’t need to call the rest of the squadron for us to start angling towards the new contact “SPEH, that’s a White Kierra! Four Fang-6s escorting a White Kierra!”
I can feel a cold in my veins, I need to force myself to breath- “Acknowledged” I focus my eyes forward, the HUD on my helmet marks the five signals “Fishers, engage the targets. Starlight, how long until threat range?” Finally, I kick up the thrusters to combat burn.
“One hour until threat range” Starlight’s voice is almost mechanical
“Roger. Fishers, neutralize escorts first”
It doesn’t take long until we can see the incoming group. At the center of the formation was that single terrifying ship, the White Kierra. A long, cylindric plane that seems almost medieval compared to its fighter escort, six thrusters in each wing, a pair of wings further in front and another further behind as if it tried to carry a load too large for its size. And around it were four Fang-6s, sleek fighters with many straight lines, four missile pods under each wing and two chainguns at the nose.
With Starlight’s target locking we open up with a salvo of missiles, one each from us. Being caught laying down like that should have made this all a walk in the forest, but the escorts scatter as the White Kierra pulls up and accelerates far more than expected for a craft its size. As the missiles chase each of their targets I pick one of the fighters to go after.
The fighter seems to be gaining on the missile, somehow- Their thrusters are more advanced than ours, at the very least. It takes about two seconds until the missile that had been chasing it simply veers off course and plummets into the ocean, caught by some form of countermeasure I can’t identify. Trying to aim for another shot I can’t get a lock for my missiles, and when I try to align my chaingun over it I see the target marker is… Off. “They have some sort of EW, Starlight can you do something?”
Before I can get an answer a target lock warning blares at me, I can’t see anything approaching me on the radar- Until a missile detaches from the craft I’m chasing. Instead of flying forward it just drops for a moment… We’re already past it but it’s easy enough to guess what it's trying to do. I pull up quickly, forfeiting the chase and start a U-turn…
The missile is gaining on me! So I continue to pull until I arc back down, the gravity helping my acceleration, for a bit of a too bold maneuver. I have to get this right- I can barely keep up with the missile’s speed until I get close to the water. At this point I pull back up again and fire off my flares, confusing the missile just long enough for it to plummet into the water.
“Switch your missiles to command guidance!” comes Starlight’s voice from the radio “They can’t fool my systems!”
After angling myself back up I look at the radar screen, I see the other four Fishers engaged with their targets- Two is being chased by a fighter who seems entirely focused on them. Flipping the switch on the missile’s systems to command guidance I angle back up and begin going after the fighter chasing Varath, it doesn’t take long to get on their tail.
Thankfully I’m trained enough in manual aim that their EW messing with the HUD’s targeting isn’t a problem for my chaingun, but the slippery syasara is fast, dodging left and right keeping Two pinned with a stream of bullets while dodging mine. A second later my systems tell me I managed a target lock on it, so I wait… Wait… I watch as Two baits them up, I angle upwards as I fire the chaingun. Obviously that pilot knows better than to try to keep moving up, that’s when I fire my missile. The bastard is too confident on their EW, they even try deploying countermeasures, but with the missile’s targeting using Starlight’s outworlder systems its accuracy is perfect and they can’t dodge it in the end. One fighter down.
“Fisher Squadron, attention, the White Kierra is leaving engagement range, focus on it!” Our eye in the sky calls out.
“Three, Four, Five! Keep the escorts busy! Two, with me!”
It doesn’t take long to get closer to the White Kierra, with two crafts to take on one bomber it should be easy, as long as the other three can keep the others busy. Might even make the mission faster if they decided to retreat after failure. I move to align behind the White Kierra while Two moves to the side trying to get a different angle.
Getting close enough I open up with the chaingun, trying to save up missiles. The first few hits score on the tail but the large ship is surprisingly nimble, managing to dodge a good deal of the burst. Undeterred, I continue, changing my aim to land shots on their wings. I manage to trace a line of fire across one, not enough to stop it but it causes it to slow down. “One, Two, the escorts are attempting to chase you, be advised” Starlight calls.
“Aketar out!” Verath’s voice calls- That should be the killing blow. But something else happens. A large bay, the size of the craft itself, opens up under the White Kierra and something drops out- My heart stops for a second as I marvel at the sheer size of that missile… We’re almost an hour away from the coast- This thing is massive, absolutely gigantic, no doubt capable of reaching the coast from here.
The blast of Verath’s missile tearing down the White Kierra doesn’t bring any ease as the great missile simply screams past at tremendous speeds “Fuck!” is all I have left to say as I try to chase it down, but I’m losing it too fast! “Activating afterburners!”
Feeding extra fuel into the engines gives me a burst of speed “Shit! Three, get them off my tail!” I hear Varath’s voice, a quick gaze on the radar screen tells me one of the escorts caught up with him, and now the entire rest of the Fisher Squadron is tangled with two very slippery Fang-6s.
I can’t focus on it right now. I keep the massive missile in my sight as I slowly start to gain on it, waiting until the target lock confirmation- I fire my third missile against it. Seconds tick by as the smaller, more agile weapon comes closer… But my assessment on their agility is wrong, out of nowhere the giant weapon of mass destruction just dives, as if it had a pilot of its own, then twists and spirals back up with agility only an unmanned vehicle could have, causing my own missile to harmlessly plummet in the water “Shit”
This isn’t a normal weapon, not by any means. With the afterburners on I am quickly running out of time, but I’m catching up. I open fire with the chaingun but the missile evades again, dodging right and left in spiraling patterns.
“That’s evasion pattern C…” Starlight’s voice is almost a whisper.
I continue to try to land a hit, trying to score a strike against the thrusters, but the damned thing is too slippery and the ammo count on my chaingun has already drifted past the halfway mark. “Shit, shit, shit!”
“Fisher One, stop firing!” what “Follow my instructions! On ‘go’ fire a missile from its left side, then fire your chaingun above and to the right of it. And most importantly, when I pass by don’t flinch
“What?! What’re you going to do?”
“Something stupid, get ready!” I take in a sharp breath, I doubt I could get ready, what is Starlight even trying to do? Some crazy outworlder magic?
“Five!” I spare a glance at the radar screen, I can see a new indicator far behind me. “Four!” That’s Starlight for certain, but they’re way too far and coming from way too high above “Three!” I look up again… I can see the shore from this distance. “Two!” I make sure I have a target lock “One!” I take in a deep breath “Zero!”
I pull the stick to the side, swerving to the side “AM injector!” I can hear Starlight’s voice
With a click I send the missile sailing forward “Torch online! Dampener capped!” Whatever procedure Starlight is going through is something I can’t even fathom.
That deadly weapon of mass destruction begins another evasive spiral, I pull up and to the right firing my chaingun, but it’s like the missile knows where I’m about to shoot “Railgun discharging!” Starlight’s voice echoes
And then I hear it, you don’t generally hear the sound of an aircraft when flying one, but I couldn’t not hear the monster that flies past me. Absolutely massive in comparison to my own ship, I can barely make out its shape when it flies past way faster than anything else I had ever seen, a trail of radiant flame behind it and a brilliant jade lance of energy in front of it.
It was like an ancient knight charging in with a lance. What madness is this of those outworlders, a melee aircraft?! But whatever madness it was, it was effective! The lance of energy dissipates into mist moments after it cuts through the missile, the shattered pieces falling into the ocean. But Starlight’s ship does not stop, the arcs upwards and heads directly up for a few seconds at tremendous speed, I almost can’t see it anymore…
And then the ship begins to freefall “Starlight? Starlight!” I shout in the radio
It takes multiple seconds of dread before I get an answer. It takes long enough that I can see the falling form of the ship, pieces falling out of it only make the dread stronger “Brahk… I’m here-” and then the ship levels and just… Slows down. While I need to orbit around the position to keep it in my sight it just slowly begins to hover…
“VTOL fighter? You people are full of surprises” I chuckle
“More than you think!” comes back that alien voice “Fisher Squadron, I’m picking up the remaining two ships fleeing”
“Aye, sir!” that was Five’s squeaky voice “But we’re running dry, we’re out of missiles”
“And I’m dangerous on fuel” I sigh “Contacting base, we need a swap”
Switching channels I call up base “Homebase this is Fisher One”
“Fisher One, homebase. Proceed” the operator calls on the other side
“We have engaged with the enemy and stopped a White Kierra, the squadron is low on ammo and fuel, requesting permission to return”
There’s a couple of seconds of wait “Acknowledged, Fisher One. Permission to return, another squadron will take over”
The trip back to base was… Strangely slow. It was like the seconds were taking minutes to pass. There was a little bit of chatter, but we’ve all avoided talking about what had just happened. For a reason, of course, because none of us wanted to consider what might have happened if Starlight hadn’t pulled off that stunt. That nuclear missile would have escaped us, and we didn’t want to consider the consequences. Myself, I focused on my fuel gauge, steadily draining…
Thankfully, there were no more contacts and my fuel never reached red by the time we had returned. I was the first to land, quick to taxi back into the hangar and jump out. I startled two mechanics as I ran out to look out at the squadron returning behind me.
Two’s ship had taken a few dings, but not too many and he landed without a problem. Three’s craft was pristine, as always, few men can dodge like he can. Five landed right after, hard, but I couldn’t blame her for it as the scorch marks and warping on her craft indicated she just barely dodged a missile. When Four landed… He couldn’t brake and eventually his craft skidded into the sandpit at the far end of the strip. From the marks at the bottom of his craft he was lucky the landing gear extended!
But then there was another craft approaching. One I could not identify. It was much wider than any aircraft I had ever seen, and seemed to be designed like a craft that had been split in two by the spine. In the spine of the craft was a massive rectangular structure, from the appearance the only way I could describe it was a cannon, a massive cannon with an ammo size that is unreal.
The entire craft seemed to be built around it. Each side had dual Y-shaped wings, the thrusters on the back were massive by any measure… But I couldn’t spot any weapon other than the spinal gun. As it flew over the strip it maneuvered in the air until it was actually above the parking spot, and started to lower- Six pivoting thrusters under it serving to keep it controlled as it lowered.
In my excitement I can’t help but run over there to- To- Okay, to gawk at the outworlder crazy ship! It did really seem like it was straight out of a sci-fi novel! The crazy lines, the impossible shape… That crazy super engine it used! I felt like a hatchling again just staring at it. The support crew had gathered around it, and yet nobody dared approach.
When I heard a hiss I realized that the ship had not one, but two cockpits, one on each side of the split. Only one of them opened up, however, and I could see a diminutive form in it. A tiny arm raises and waves, and they wait… Until, that is, someone from the support crew wisens up and finds a ladder, which still doesn’t fully reach all the way up to the cockpit. Still, Starlight steps out of the place and looks down at the ladder.
I couldn’t make out anything of them aside from their general bipedal form in the flight suit, and the way their tail kept moving to and fro like an angry beast’s. I saw them try to lower themselves to the first step of the stairs but- I run. I saw it happen before it happened, thankfully, but Starlight does manage to catch their feet on the first step of the ladder, but the impact is too much and it slips. Luckily I manage to catch Starlight before he hits the ground “Oww….”
I look down at the little being in my arms. They’re less than half my size. Even through the suit they feel soft to the touch… I just stay there for a few seconds, staring at their reflective helmet… Something is wrong, Starlight isn’t moving! Acting perhaps rashly I try to find something around their neck and- There, I knew it had to be there! I don’t know what exactly I unclasp but it helps and I can remove their helmet.
The face that looks up at me is… Is like that of a little doll. Soft grey fur, a gentle and featureless rounded face, ears folded back in clear worry, eyes wide open… “Uhn… H-hi Starlight…”
It takes a few more seconds, I can hear the heavy panting of the alien AWACS operator. Slowly, he starts to move and I let him go as he detaches himself from me “S-sorry… Uhn… Fi-fisher One?”
He stands up, slowly, and I follow “Yeah… Teshav” I tap my tail lightly in greeting.
The motion he returns is a bit stuttered, some form of wave with his far more mobile tail “Kadek… Uhn, sorry for freezing a bit there.”
“It was a pretty scary fall. Your ship is big” I say, looking up at it
“Hah… Yeah… Yeah… The BX-1R Cleanser is uhn… Pretty big. Wa-was supposed to be a bomber if you believe it?” He seems to want to look everywhere other than directly at me, so he’s focusing his eyes on his craft… I think. At least his ears are pointing that way.
“A bomber? How does a bomber get turned into an AWACS craft with a crazy energy spear?”
Then his tail twitches in what seems like clear surprise even to me, and he turns slightly towards me “What? Energy spear? Wait-” he returns his focus to his craft, then to me and starts whistling! A long melodic whistle that… I can’t quite place what it is “The plasma railgun! That’s what it is!”
Plasma… Railgun… “That’s- That’s straight out of a sci-fi comic! I didn’t know those things existed! Why haven’t you used those before!”
He whistles a little bit more “They have no range in atmosphere… See, we were planning on getting those Cleansers built to help you guys, even made this prototype but uhn… The engineers had only remembered that plasma weapons are ineffective in atmosphere after the first testbed was built, so… It was repurposed as a sensor craft instead, given the size. Still packs the railgun and transatmospheric capacity, though”
I hadn’t even noticed that we had begun walking back- Well, no, the ground crew had begun herding us back. I could see off the side one of them on the radio with someone and the staff crowding around the new ship. I looked back down at Kadek “It can straight up go to space? Oh, is it using that super engine you used?”
Kadek makes some motion with his tail “Yeah. Fusion torch engine with an antimatter starter, honestly one of the fastest engines we’ve got! Will turn you to paste without inertial dampeners!” the way his tail wags is so gentle! “Sadly, since it’s dangerous to have that starter, I only had two charges, one for entering atmosphere and one for leaving so…”
“Oh, you burned one of them for that… Well!” I stop for a second, raising my voice just a little bit “The base has a bar for the flight officers, and I hear you outworlders are good with that! How about we hang out until then?”
“That sounds great to me!” his voice was becoming more and more familiar as we talked, it didn’t even bother me his difficulty with verb tenses anymore “Maybe I can tell you a few stories about out there. I’ve got a few interesting ones, used to fly on a shipping company before”
“Shipping across the stars?”
“Yep! Maybe when all of this is over I can even show you some places out here”
“Hah…” I chuckle “I’ve always dreamed of seeing them up close. It’d be wonderful to see other worlds. I hope I get the chance one day”
Maybe when this war is over and we’re at peace. And we can join them for real. But not yet. Not while I still have people to keep safe down here.
This has been my ficnapping of u/T00Dense's wonderful Consequences of Nationalism, a goddamn wonderful story with many twists and turns.
Also a mention to u/Timmy_the_Techpriest's Wide Blue Skies, I knew I wanted to write a story involving one of the new nuclear weapons, and I wanted it to showcase the strange tech disparity between wrissan and outworlder forces, as well as showcase some portentious details of who might be the Dominion's mysterious benefactor. So I would up stealing the vibe of Wide Blue Skies for this, which allowed me to have it all.
submitted by JulianSkies to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:30 jasap1029 I'm so tired of my manager

I need to vent about troubles I've had with work. I've got a couple of chronic health issues (migraines, depression, upper back pain) and my manager does not seem to care nor does he even seem to believe me.
I had a meeting with him, his boss, and HR sometime late last year about work attendance and performance. I explained what was going on at the time. I had simply not shown up for 2 days. I was dealing with some withdrawal symptoms from running out of my antidepressant and I felt like shit. I had no energy, couldn't think clearly, was nauseous, and had a nasty migraine. They seemed sympathetic and like they understood. We'd made some agreements like me texting my manager when I was not going to be in instead of putting in a sick day (or at that time pto because I was out of sick days) late in the same day.
I got positive feedback from my manager and thought everything was fine. I showed up late a couple of days earlier this year and missed a couple of meetings. My manager was not happy about that but wasn't clear about what he wanted of me. Then I took a vacation with my partner. I'd planned to take the Monday after we got back off. I thought I'd submitted it as pto but evidently I had forgotten to do that. My manager let me go about that day like nothing was wrong until our 1:1 near the end of the day. He kinda laid into me and did not believe me when I told him it was a simple mistake. He'd stated that I've never met his expectations despite letting me think everything was alright. My performance review reflected that I'd improved and got that a month before this incident. I was confused and angry but let it slide.
About 3 weeks ago, I took a short trip to see a friend. When I got back I developed painful ear infection. So I took 2 days off to recover and thankfully did mostly recover (I still have a persistent cough that is slowly going away). During that time I was met with an email about a meeting with my manager, his manager, and HR. The same group of people as before. I knew something was up. The meeting basically indicated that I'd slipped too much again and needed to be put on a pip. I tried to stick up for myself but was immediately shut down by my manager and the HR guy.
This Friday I got put on this dumb pip that was starting today. Well, my cough still hasn't gone away and my throat was sore when I woke up. I thought I might be coming down with something so I chose to work from home. I let my manager know did my work and went to urgent care to get checked out. Thankfully it's nothing but a post infection cough. Got some meds and went back home. Did some more work and then it was 5pm. I looked at my work computer later and saw an email from almost 4 from my manager saying that I can't work from home and now must use pto or, if I'm out of pto, take the day unpaid.
I'm simply not doing that. I'm tired of being treated like a problem for having health issues. I'm tired of always feeling like I'm walking on eggshells around my manager. It's clear he doesn't like me and we do not get along. I've tried to get along with him but he doesn't seem to engage with anything but work. I've got a laid back attitude and I think he sees that as being lazy. He's made me feel unwelcome and uncomfortable in the place I've worked for over 3 years now. I dread going to work and dread ever having to talk to him because it feels like it's just more ammunition for him to throw at me whenever he wants. He's stressed me out to the point the point that I'm honestly just considering quitting. I want to talk with HR and let them know my side of things. I know it won't really help but at least I go down swinging and maybe throw some dirt on him before I leave.
I just wanted to vent about what I'm experiencing because I feel like this sub understands these things. If anyone has any advice on how to move forward or what I should do, I'd really appreciate it! I've already started looking for new jobs and have a phone interview soon so I might be able to just leave soon.
submitted by jasap1029 to anarchy [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:17 Hot-West9928 Soul of a human 25

First_Previous_Next_Royal Road_wiki
Allready, chapter 25 half way, to next milestone!
Almost made an error, for the next chapter and opend up a gigantic pot hole. Good I found it before tomorrow.
Saphine blocked Mors' way, defiantly putting both hands on her hips and giving him a stern look.
"What do you mean nothing? I talked to Orth yesterday, and he was not his usual self. After I asked him, he said it was nothing, but I'm sure it was something YOU did." She spat.
"Because I'm a commoner?" Mor asked with a dangerous tone.
"Yes, exactly. There can never come something good from a high noble like Orth mingling with a commoner like you." She huffed.
"You know nothing," Mor growled. "Get your facts straight, and then come talk to me again, and don't use that snotty tone with me!"
"You dare?!" Saphine began.
"Yes, I fucking dare! First, I had to deal with the oh-so-great Ranbor who trampled all over me, and now that I'm finally free of his torment, you show up and do the same!" Mor shouted over her.
"I just want some time for myself without you condescending nobles. You think you are so much better than the common rabble, but honestly, I am beginning to think you are much worse, and maybe..." Mor continued.
°STOP! Don't say anything more! You will only get in trouble again.° The human interrupted Mors's tirade.
Mor took a deep breath.
"You know what, never mind," Mor said, annoyed, and just left.
Saphine stood there stunned for a second at the ferocity of the commoner. What has happened? She thought to herself.
"You shouldn't treat your comrades so poorly." A suddenly appearing Snow told the girl.
"What would you know?" Saphine countered.
"I know this one is done with being held down. He wants to move on his own path, a path none of you would ever understand." Snow continued on.
"I don't understand?" Saphine said.
"I know," Snow replied and followed Mor, leaving Saphine stunned again.
"What is going on?!" Saphine shouted into the corridor.
Snow quickly caught up to Mor and followed him quietly.
"Don't you want to ask me what's going on?" Mor said quietly.
"Not my business," Snow answered.
"Thank you," Mor told her.
"Don't mind it," Snow said.
Mor let out a deep sigh.
"I found out that the nobles kept at least one secret from us, commoners..." Mor said.
"And you think they might keep a bunch more," Snow said, and Mor nodded.
"What if they only think of us as disposable pawns while keeping their influence and power intact," Mor said.
°Yeah, this is probably it. Orth and Clare are probably rare exceptions from that, ° the human said.
"I understand. You fear that if this gets known among your kin, there might be a conflict brewing." Snow said.
"Yes, and I don't know what I should do about it. Should I keep quiet, or should I talk?" Mor said, and Snow nodded.
"Quite the conundrum." She said.
"Yes, what would you do?" Mor asked.
"I will not answer this. It is for you to decide. But you need the power to follow your convictions anyway." Snow said.
"You're right. I can't do anything if I'm powerless." Mor said.
°Why is she helping you so much? This goes way beyond being "thankful," ° The human asked.
"Why are you so helpful to me?" Mor asked, and Snow smiled.
"I'm here as part of the "kin-ship", but you are the only one, except the chief, who doesn't view me as the stupid barbarian. You give me the respect that kin deserve from each other and are humble. Also, I can see the soul of ice in you. It just makes me want to help you." Snow explained.
"The soul of ice?" Mor asked.
"Yes, you struggle to overcome yourself every day anew, trying to become the best you can. We ice-kin are respecting that." Snow answered.
°I get it. Your hard work is paying off now.° The human said.
°I don't.° Mor said.
°In short, out of all the soul-kin, she can relate to you most and, therefore, is willing to share her techniques with you. She probably also knows that no one at this school would want to learn from someone outside the soul-kin, no one except you.° The human explained.
"You are helping me because I listen to you and want to learn from you?" Mor asked Snow.
"Now you understand, if you offer respect, you will get it in return," Snow said again, embracing Mor for a second.
"What's up with all this embracing?!" Mor asked, flustered after he was let go.
"I told you it's how we show that we trust someone," Snow said.
"How did you end up with something like this?!" Mor continued.
"Simple. When you live in ice and Snow, warmth becomes a valuable resource, but it also makes you vulnerable to attacks on your back, so sharing your warmth with someone else is a sign of trust", Snow explained.
°Makes sense.° The human said.
"I get it," Mor said, somehow feeling better after this hug.
They walked the last distance to the classroom in pleasant silence. Snow stayed with Mors's class the whole day, and after the final lesson was over, they both walked to the training room.
"Snow? What's that armor of yours? I have never seen anything like that," Mor asked.
"I told you about our coming-of-age tradition, right?" She answered, and Mor nodded.
"After you have slain your monstrosity, you bring the body back to the village. There, it will be processed into food, armor, and ammunition." She pulled out an arrow. "The fins on the back are feathers of a flying monstrosity." Snow explained further.
°That´s cool!° The human said.
"You are eating them?° Mor asked, surprised.
"Yes, we can't let anything go to waste, and fruits are not growing where we live. Therefore, we need to hunt the monstrosities regularly or starve. Also, we need to keep their numbers low because we don't have as strong a protection as many other kin, unlike your floating cities or the underground cities of the stone-kin. Getting used to your food is not that easy. At least you have some nuts, or your food wouldn't be filling for me." Snow explained.
°Told ya.° The human said proudly
°You didn't, though. You said they were eating right and not they would eat mostrosities.° Mor countered
°It is the same thing! Meat is good for your muscles.° The human said.
"But if you hunt them for food, why make clothes out of them?" Mor asked.
"I told you, nothing can go to waste. Also, the material keeps many of the original properties, so it is resistant against cuts and even protects a bit against magic." She explained.
"Is this why, Ranbors fire couldn't hurt you?" Mor went on.
"The loud idiot? No. I blocked this one's attacks with my daggers after imbuing them with power." Snow said.
"Meaning, you can fill those crystals with magic and then block other attacks?!" Mor asked, and Snow nodded.
°This will be so much more helpful than we thought at first!° The human celebrated.
°Yes, we need to learn this technique and get our hands on some of those crystals.° Mor said.
°Then we can do a two-in-one, saving energy for later and using it as a shield in the meantime!° The human said, and Mor agreed.
submitted by Hot-West9928 to HFY [link] [comments]