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2024.06.09 22:38 Oof-A-Saurus Unplugged PC from outlet, no internet but connected to Wi-Fi once plugged back in

I apologize if this isn't the right place to ask but I'm running out of patience lol. I recently built my PC a few months ago and it has been smooth sailing, absolutely zero problems. About 3 days ago I did some cleaning around my house and unplugged my pc from its outlet, put it in my car, and got to sweeping. Once all was said and done I carried my rig all the way back to my room and booted it on. Everything worked dandy except for the fact that it is connected to my Wi-Fi but is receiving no internet; I use Chrome, everything is frozen and I can't make a search. I can't use Discord, receive emails, nothing working. Even the troubleshooter says that I am connected to the Wi-Fi and should be fine. I have tried reseting and reinstalling my adapters, doing a network reset, used the CMD to input "netsh int ip reset", "ipconfig /flushdns" among other things. I can ping my gateway but not Sometimes the internet will pop in for a few seconds and I have a few fleeting moments of being able to load a page on Google or opening my Gmail before it drops again. Would a factory reset fix everything? I have zero idea what's wrong and I am incredibly frustrated so any help on this matter would be appreciated.
submitted by Oof-A-Saurus to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:19 averagemango_o Potential Progress with CICO

Potential Progress with CICO
Pic 1: November 2023 (73kg 161lb) Pic 2: Early May (69.5kg 153lb) Pic 3: A few days ago (68kg 150lb) —— 22F 162cm —— I’m wondering if there is any visible change. I started my weight loss journey around 2021 (at approx. 90kg 198lb) find it difficult to know exactly how I look. From January to April I ate 1500-1600 calories a day with one cheat day a month that I capped at 2500 calories. I couldn’t see much weight loss in that time, so during April and May I dropped down to 1250 calories with the same cheat day allotment.
I go to the gym cardio 2-3x a week (jogging/running for 30-90 minutes - for shorter runs I fill the rest of the time with incline walking). And I average 10-11K steps a day. I don’t really lift, but I plan to start this summer. I’ve just finished with university for the year, so I’ve got some free time to figure out strength trainings.
With my calorie counting I eat out 2-3x a month. Otherwise I cook my own food (my flatmate and I alternate). When I cook I weigh things out. When she cooks, I try to overestimate a bit since she doesn’t count calories. For snacks, I go by the calorie label. And I track everything on LoseIt, but I also keep my own spreadsheet on Google sheets. I have a feeling even with my tracking I’m eating a bit more than what I’m counting, because the weight loss doesn’t align with the calorie deficit that I should be having. But I really do count religiously. And I weigh in at the same time (morning after using the bathroom) every other day or so.
Anyways. That’s just excessive backstory. I really just wanted to see if there were any visible changes over my time with CICO in the last half year. Most other people I can ask in real life see my frequently, so it’s a bit more difficult for them to tell either.
submitted by averagemango_o to CICO [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:18 Pleasant-Employee741 Has this issue happened to you? If so help!!

Recently I downloaded steam on my pc. I logged in and could use it perfectly fine. I turned my PC off and went to work. I turned it on again after work. I instantly went to open Google Chrome and it didn't open so I tried a couple more times and still wasn't working. I tried opening other apps and file explorer was the only app that opened. So I turned it off and It did It over and over again. I talked to costumer support for 2 hours and they suggested that I was In S mode which I wasn't. I ended up deleting it which didn't fix the problem until after a few more times of turning it off. (BTW when it was acting up I could only turn the PC off when HOLDING the power button) So today I downloaded it and It did the same thing except It worked good every other time I turned It on. So I ended up deleting it again. I'm running out of options so If someone can help I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks :)
submitted by Pleasant-Employee741 to steamsupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:07 askkristin EASILY Build Your Credit Scores FAST, Bad Credit Approved

Use this $500k+ credit score building roadmap to build your credit scores (see link below). If you would like to get a free credit sweep consultation head to
If you would like to get a free credit sweep consultation head to Credit Sweep Cheat Sheet Link is below this text. 👉Get the 4-page cheat sheet FREE on my Telegram channel
Get the Chat with Credit Course at Get the Dispute Funnel Course at Learn about the coaching on my Patreon store under memberships at
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Check out the amazing credit repaicredit sweep store at
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Join my Exclusive Youtube Newsletter at, where you'll receive exclusive content, free offers, discounts, early releases and more! As a way to say thank you, you'll receive free and instant access to my "How to Remove Any Account" Google Spreadsheet that walks you through creating a dispute reason step-by-step.
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2024.06.09 22:01 kennyminigun Installed Hall Effect sensors into DS Edge modules (But there is a problem)

Installed Hall Effect sensors into DS Edge modules (But there is a problem)
This post comes from a question I posted some time ago.
Since then I watched a few tutorials on soldering and bought calibration boards for hall effect sensors. This time, I bought a V5 board and installed it into DualSense Edge sensors.

1. Dissassembly

This is quite easy:
  1. Unscrew the visible Philips-head screw
  2. Pry open the bottom cover (it is glued to the top one, but the glue isn't strong)
  3. Pull on the PCB to disconnect it from the thumbstick cover
  4. Remove the "DualSense Edge menu" button assembly by lifting it up
Disassembled DualSense Edge module

2. Preparation & Original Stick Removal

There are lots of ways to remove the module. But you needs lots of patience to do this properly. I did the following:
  1. Remove as much original solder as possible using solder wig
  2. Add low-melt solder to the points where there is still original solder and repeat removal/soaking with the solder wig
  3. Use hot air to heat up the remaining solder and put some gentle pressure on the stick sensor from below (while the board is being held by a "third hand" kind of helper stand)
Removing original solder
Original stick is removed

3. Installation

There is quite good installation video from the creator (or so he claims) of these boards:
Alternatively there is this document too:
Tip: when the hall effect stick sensor is installed, I recommend pre-soldering the middle hole (one with the plastic tube) before installing the driver PCB. This way it is easier to connect it to the driver PCB later down the road.
Hall Effect Sensor installed and pre-soldered
V5 driver board installed
I also had to modify plastics a bit:
  1. The bottom part of the shell to accommodate for the (overall) thicker PCB.
  2. The "DualSense Edge menu" button assebly: it was interfering with the new hell effect sensor
Clearanced the bottom half of the shell

4. Calibration

The calibration process is also described by the author in a video:
It is quite straightforward. However I noticed that when using Opera browser on Linux, it didn't want to enter the mode "B" (outer reach calibration). I didn't experiment much, but using Chrome on Windows worked.
Alternatively there is so called "Key Calibration" mode where you short certain contact pads to the ground. It is quite inconvenient but works in a pinch.
My Attempt at \"Key Calibration\" - it worked but is pretty tedious to set up. Luckily I found a solution to use the \"SImple Calibration\"
And the calibration result (can be improved a bit)
Here is the original potentiometer stick for comparison

5. The Problem

The gyroscope function stops working when using at least one modified module. At first I thought that I botched the mod, but then I modified a second stick with the same results.
I know that V5 boards are for the DualSense and there are special boards for the DualSense Edge. So I ordered the special boards and will try them shortly.
In the meantime: does anyone know why the gyroscope might have stopped working?
submitted by kennyminigun to playstation [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:51 Asmael69 I finished the map right, there's still an agility and blade token glowing? Pathfinder pack maybe?
submitted by Asmael69 to DotA2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:44 RileyRKaye Arch Linux made me an alcoholic

My friend just made me a USB flash drive to replace Windows on my computer. I like UnixPorn and I decided to stop using windows so I could make a cool rice to show off online. After running "Arch Linux Install Medium" (because I don't want Arch Linux Install Hard) I am presented with a message that says "root@archiso".
I tried to run neofetch so I could post a screenshot to Reddit so I could say I use arch btw, but it didn't work!
I can't use Google Chrome or Roblox right now. I'm halfway through a handle of Evan Williams and my friend just texted me saying I have to actually install Arch Linux before I do that, but I can't figure out how to do it. Can you please help?
Edit: My friend came over and reinstalled Windows 11 for me, and said I would be better off not using Linux, because Linux can be hard for some people.
I feel cheated. Why is linux so difficult to use? I don't understand it and I would highly appreciate some help on the matter. Thank you for your time
submitted by RileyRKaye to LinuxCirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:37 Old-Eye2112 How to stop an extended scroll?

Context: Website, html/js/css, React to help format/interface html+js, Express backend (should be completely irrelevant)
Devices: Win10 laptop w/standard 5-button mouse (MS Edge latest), samsung phone (android 12, google chrome mobile latest)
Event: When you scroll, it isn't an instantaneous event, it scrolls for half a second to a few seconds depending how fast the scroll is (and how long the focused elements scrollable content is). This is actually represented by several onscroll events of varying distance, usually farther distances towards the middle of the scroll event sequence.
Goal: I have a title bar on my site; when a user scrolls down I want to hide it, when they scroll up I want to show it. This part works fine. I also want to cancel the event so its easier to hide the menu on scroll without actually pushing any content off the top of the screen. This works fine in 2 conditions: I set the disable timer to be very long (undesirable as it makes me impatient quite quickly), or the disable timer is short, but I only do a small scroll for the start (realistically fine, if they do a big scroll they clearly want to go down, but it flickers a lot during the transition period between the top and bottom of the scroll event).
Is there a way to clear all queued scroll events caused by a single swipe or push of the scroll wheel? I'm realizing the feasible option may be to just show it when scrolled all the way up and otherwise hide it.
submitted by Old-Eye2112 to learnjavascript [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:24 JoeMaster1645 Need help with OS-End alternating resolution scale & position with button press

Hey everyone, so I have been working on a DIY project and am stuck on a problem cannot figure out and I need the great minds of Reddit to step forward to figure it out. In short I am looking for a way to have my primary display’s resolution be capable of alternating an operating system’s resolution scale and position between full screen and a shrunk-scaled resolution positioned in the top right corner of the monitor (think PIP-layout, but with only one input source and the remainder of the screen’s pixels are off).
Here are the full details: As part of my DIY, I intend to have a Raspberry Pi 4 (or Pi 5) run an OS image that can accomplish my goal of alternating between a full screen scale to a shrunk scale in the corner with the press of a button. This will be used for my Smart XR glasses I bought last year so that I can have more flexibility of vision while also having a way to change the display back and forth without manually setting display scaling/positioning. Some solutions such as SPACEWALKER and NECKBAND by VITURE are not ideal for this project since the product functionality is both very limited and inflexible, and I would prefer to have the flexibility of having access to an OS that allows for me to have other applications for download or to side load.
My thoughts were to use an OS such as Android 14, Ubuntu, Raspberry Pi OS, or some other image that would allow for me to access Google chrome as well as have the ability to run SteamLink, AnyDesk Remote Desktop, and maybe some other generic applications/software. Any solutions for this are welcome and I can answer other questions that would help in finding the solution.
submitted by JoeMaster1645 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:58 askkristin This Credit Sweep Strategy Will Fix Bad Credit #shorts

😱 Use this credit sweep strategy to permanently erase bad credit! Credit repair doesn't work, but this credit sweep strategy does! ! If you would like to get a free credit sweep consultation head to Credit Sweep Cheat Sheet Link is below this text. 👉Get the 4-page cheat sheet FREE on my Telegram channel
Recommended video to watch next: In this video, you'll learn a step-by-step method for writing the perfect dispute letter to remove negative items from your credit report. The process includes answering essential questions for your letter, constructing a compelling dispute reason, and utilizing a proven structure for effectiveness. The guide also covers how to document inconsistencies across different credit bureaus and handle disputes efficiently, whether you're an individual or a company. Additional tips are provided to avoid common stalling tactics used by credit bureaus. For a comprehensive understanding, viewers can access a downloadable worksheet, a full credit suite training, and other resources through the described event.
Get the Chat with Credit Course at Get the Dispute Funnel Course at Learn about the coaching on my Patreon store under memberships at
250 collections removed before and after video Importance of sending dispute letters via certified mail short
Client results playlist
Join my Exclusive Youtube Newsletter at, where you'll receive exclusive content, free offers, discounts, early releases and more! As a way to say thank you, you'll receive free and instant access to my "How to Remove Any Account" Google Spreadsheet that walks you through creating a dispute reason step-by-step.
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Check out the amazing credit repaicredit sweep store at
Watch my most recent video:
Join my Exclusive Youtube Newsletter at, where you'll receive exclusive content, free offers, discounts, early releases and more! As a way to say thank you, you'll receive free and instant access to my "How to Remove Any Account" Google Spreadsheet that walks you through creating a dispute reason step-by-step.
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✨ Check out all 3 credit reports and scores with the same credit monitoring I show in my videos and use for my clients with SmartCredit or IdentityIQ: ✨
🧙‍♀ GET HELP WITH YOUR CREDIT JOURNEY DIY awesome free tools, tutorials and downloads - Free credit sweep course:
🦸‍♀ DFY credit sweep service free consultation 🦸‍♀ Let's jump on a call and see if I can help!
⭐ Video Notes :
submitted by askkristin to u/askkristin [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:51 ImmediateCamel7524 My boyfriend of 2 years was unfaithful to me, but I'm asexual and I don't care, now he's angry because he thought I don't care about our relationship

English is not my native language, I am using Google Translate for some things, sorry
So me, F27, I have been with my boyfriend M30 for two years, I am an independent artist, I mainly dedicate myself to making unique and original pieces to decorate a room, this can range from paintings to wooden sculptures, I won't say more about that, just Which is going quite well for me because I have many clients, but this also takes up most of my time, I hardly have any free time.
I know you're wondering, "If I'm so busy, how do I have time to have a boyfriend?" Well, to be fair, I don't have it, I admit that I am a fairly absent person, I am affectionate but I am almost never at home, besides that, add that I am asexual and I am not interested in having sexual relations, my boyfriend is always the one It starts and I almost never reject it. Don't get me wrong, it feels good when I do it, but I just don't have that desire and I'm perfectly fine if I never had sex again for the rest of my life.
We met because he is a friend of my sister, and she wanted to introduce him to me so that he could leave my workshop and make something of a life, he is wonderful, he has been since day one, he is handsome and thoughtful, he also has a good job so He doesn't live off my money in any way, he also knows how to cook, which is splendid because I don't know, but for a while now he's been arguing with me about how absent I've been, I knew he was right, but it's hard to I change my schedule, since I work on assignment, there are times when I am not working for a whole month and other times where I am working non-stop for 3 months, this is what I dedicate to, it is my income, I have savings, but my jobs take a lot time, my clients literally have to book their order months in advance.
Now the situation, a few days ago my boyfriend sat me down because he said he had to confess something to me, he said he had been seeing another woman for 7 months, he said he felt very lonely and when this woman started flirting with him at work He simply fell for her charm, however after the emotion or "haze of infidelity" passed, he said he realized he couldn't continue and ended it.
I have to tell the truth, I didn't get angry, in fact, I could understand it, I knew that my boyfriend had needs that I wasn't attending to, so I asked him what he wanted to do, he told me that he would never see her again and that he would change, that we could get over this and do couples therapy, he would do anything to keep me from leaving him, in fact, he was almost crying, but I calmed him down and told him that I wasn't angry and that I wasn't going to break up with him. Since we were being honest, I thought it was a good time to confess to him that I am actually asexual and that, besides this slip-up, he has been an incredible boyfriend and I don't want to lose him either, so I suggested that we could just open the relationship, he could sleep with whoever he wanted but we would continue to be together emotionally and living together as before.
I must say, I thought he would like this agreement but he ended up getting very angry, he said that I was reacting very calmly after he was torturing himself with remorse, besides that I accepted it and I was even happy about this, and if I am playing, opening the relationship means I'm also seeing someone else and that's the real reason why I'm never with him.
Right now he's not talking to me, he's at home, I'm staying in my workshop, I know I've screwed up in some way, it's just not clear to me why I screwed up, that is, in which case, who was wrong? It was him, he was the one who cheated on me but I don't have a problem with that, shouldn't I be happy that I'm not leaving him? Can someone explain to me what I'm missing now?
submitted by ImmediateCamel7524 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:41 Monckey100 Vanguard causes BSODs, with proof and how to fix it:

While I can't say I have all of the answers as to how Vanguard can cause a BSOD, just be aware that this anticheat is likely the culprit because of how aggressively it wants to read your entire memory.
To start, vanguard loves to disable random drivers, depending on your version of windows or the devices you have, this could disable certain hardware. If this happens to you, you can go into safemode and uninstall vanguard. You will then have to figure out how to get a driver that vanguard will be happy with until they stop aggressively disabling drivers. For me it was "avolutess3vad" or sonic studio. I assume this is disabled because of the audio cues for hearing impaired, but there isn't any documentation on why they disable one driver or another. Very customer friendly. This was disabling my audio and in some cases crashing my PC, so removing sonic studio and realtek was my first step to resolving all BSOD issues.
After that was done, I still had BSODs randomly happen but it wasn't consistently. I know for a fact Vanguard is the culprit as my computer ran fine without it. So I caved and "reinstalled" windows by just upgrading my current windows so it's a "fresh" windows. I ran DISM, and SFC, and I was still getting BSOD after the fresh reinstall, once again BSOD. BSOD. BSOD.
The BSOD happened when something else was open in adjacent to leagues client, usually something memory intensive which in my case was just google chrome. I thought maybe it was a hardware issues because you will get problems like "vgk.sys" or "Page fault in nonpaged area" or just random vague errors relating to memory. At this point I didn't know it was vanguard causing the problem so I started swapping ram sticks around and did a "memtest86". No memory issues detected.
Next I did a CPU stress test with "OCCT"
after doing a stress test I got physical errors on one CPU core. Finally I have something that could be the issue. I went into the BIOS and sure enough ASUS is optimizing my CPU using AI. I turned it off and told it to use the CPUs default settings and no more CPU errors. HOWEVER, coincidentally no more crashing. Finally it made sense, while most programs will opt to not use a CPU core that is not available, vanguard will still try to access it causing memory out of bounds BSOD. All of my errors stemmed from the fact that vanguard WILL try to read memory even if it's not physically available. No other program does this which just shows you how aggressive vanguard is.
There's no other posts about this, so I hope this helps someone out in the future.
Fixes: Remove drivers and set your CPU/RAM to default factory settings, overclock/underclock will piss off vanguard.
submitted by Monckey100 to riotgames [link] [comments]


Who the hell did I marry?!!!
This is a long one but please read because I’m going insane!!!
The things I’ve seen, my mouth can not even begin to explain it !!
Please go through my last posts to see how I got here!
So my soon to be ex wants to reconcile after cheating with multiple people, he sent me the password to his phone for the 2nd time in our 6yrs of being married, the first time he gave it to me was when I found out about his cheating and lies last year, and that was his way of regaining my trust back! … he changed it that same day!, I tried it that same night and it didn’t work.
Our marriage went downhill from there, he took many trips to go cheat and lied that it was work, etc etc! .. BACK TO YESTERDAY ! he gave me the password to his phone again as part of his reconciliation tactics like he didn’t already do that before, this time he promised it won’t change, we’ve been separated for months, he spends the weekend with us at my place, I found that was easier for our daughter and honestly he refuses to keep her at his, always making excuses, when he sent me the password I acted totally uninterested and honestly I want to be done with this detective life, it’s emotionally draining and takes away my sleep and peace of mind, but something told me to go through it and I found very weird things I can’t explain !!! But I will try..
  1. He cheated multiple times when he was deployed, when he came home I just knew in my guts! So I went through his laptop, there was a folder named after a girl, who I quickly found online because I’m pretty good at piecing things together, I thought okay this is who he cheated with this time, this folder contained erotic videos and pictures of the same girl, she was on only🪭 as well, the thing about yesterdays discovery that SHOCKED ME is that, I went to his IG and found all his other profiles connected to that account, one of it was the name of the girl and I logged in using that profile instead of the profile I know and follow, there were a total of 4 IG accounts, when I logged into hers, it had her user name which is her nickname then her maybe preferred name, so I thought maybe she logged in using his phone when they were together? But! The content in the account was his though, not the girls pictures, but photos of some trips we took together(not pictures of us) just buildings and places and funny videos etc, BUT, there’s a linktree that took me to multiple links including her only🪭, twitter, and snap chart, when I clicked on the twitter account, it took me to an account with a completely different girls pictures but the user name was his!!!!! As in his @… was his name that everyone knows him as, then the preferred name was a completely strange name(girls name) so now it’s not making sense at all.(Mind you, I’ve seen this females real account before! And what it looks like, it looks like what only🪭 IGs looks like!)
  2. On twitter he was posting girl #2 pictures and writing very normal captions, BUT all his reposts were 🌽 related, very very erotic posts of women, like the kind that twitter blurs and says sensitive until you click on it to open, he was also reposting posts of girl #1 who’s actual profile took me to girl #2, see how it’s not making sense? WAIT FOR IT!
  3. On Snapchat, he logged out ofcus cus he cleaned up realllll good before giving me the password, he logged out of things and passworded apps he didn’t want me to go into, so ofcus there’s girl #3 !!!!!!! On Snapchat, I logged in and most of the friends lists were men, messages were cleaned, etc, through Snapchat I found a number and a name in the name, phone number section, name is very popular female name, avatar is female avatar, I tried looking it up on google, dint find anything, the area code of the number says countries name (which is one of the countries he went to cheat!) says it’s a landline, I logged out.
  4. Went to messenger etc, all archives were empty! Google search history had 🌽 site ofcus! Reddit account was all 🌽 community, very very bad stuff! I WISH I WAS MAKING THIS UP! I took photos of everything!
I always knew my soon to be ex had a sx addiction, in fact I told his mom and have told him because of the kind of things he would do to me! And the things he’s done throughout our marriage! BUT I really don’t understand what all these means! Is he promoting these women? Is he pretending to be them online? WHY? he travels to the normal countries with high sx type situation, “for work” I thought it was just his cheating but this seems so different! PLEASE HELP ME UNDERSTAND WHAT THIS MEANS BECAUSE I DONT! I’m scared for my child if this means what I think it means !! I’ve contacted a lawyer and waiting for an appointment to make informed decisions, already took many steps to make the D happen. HELP ME PLS, I need advice, non of my family members knows about this, I feel so alone, my head hurts! I feel like my chest is on fire literally!
submitted by Amore010 to Infidelity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:23 jamesyb0y How to enable video controls for Reels and Stories (PC version only)

How to enable video controls for Reels and Stories (PC version only)
Hey everyone,
Sometimes when I'm watching a story or a reel on Facebook, and especially if it's a long one, I get distracted for a moment and when I try to go back to see what I missed, I can't find video controls so I have to watch the entire video from start. Thankfully, there's a browser extension called Facebook Video Controls that solves this issue. It works both on Chrome and Mozilla. I wanted to share in case anyone is facing the same issue.
submitted by jamesyb0y to facebook [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:09 Sunroadgta My sister and I knows, that our dad is cheating; What should We do?

Hello. I (18f) and my older sister (20f) discovered deleted texts to seggsworkers on our dads phone, as well as nsfw pictures, back in January. This came as a shock, as they have always seems like newlyweds, even though they have been married for 20 years. Our mother seems oblivious, and we also snooped though her devices, and it does not look like she is cheating. We decided to keep it to ourselves, and not tell our mom, since I am soon finishing school, and have many exams coming up as week as some post-graduation parties. My sister is also travelling for 3 months, but with her coming home at the end of June, as well as me finishing high school by that time, we can't keep it a secret to our mom any longer.
In the time, that my sister has been away, I have regularly looked through my fathers phone, and he still cheats. He also spends a lot every time, and we are not rich. I have taken pictures of many of the messages as evidence. Our dad is a very intense man and works in high-stress and physically hard jobs (think police), and the fact, that we looked though his phone, makes us therefore reluctant to tell our dad first. But we don't know, how/if we should tell our mother first, so that she hears it from her children instead of her husband himself.
Hey, big sister here.
To answer some questions and speculations, first of all, it was me, who first snooped through the phone. I only did it, because I saw a pattern of our father using the family computer but only being on the Google start page, when I went to talk to him, and I did one time see him very briefly looking at some naked women, before he closed the site. As our parents are very loving and active in bed (trust me, the walls are not soundproof), I got very concerned and of course curious. I know it’s wrong to snoop, but I feel excused, as my speculations were right.
We live in Europe, so no firearms in sight. Our father has been verbally and physically abusive throughout our childhood. Nothing crazy, but he has thrown me against a wall, given a few slaps here and there and used to have this bad habit of covering me and my sisters mouth and nose when we didn’t behave or talked a bit too loud - this stopped around 14. Our relationship with our father is very complicated as we have gotten older and are not little princesses anymore and stand up for each other and ourselves. We are still afraid to confront him first and alone, as we fear he may beat us or threaten us. We did consider doing this with a hidden camera, I don’t mind taking a beating then.
Our parents are looking at farms and want to move as my sister graduates, so doesn’t look like a divorce is happening soon.
All of this is very stressful, but we can’t keep this from our mother. She has the best family to back her up, and our house is fully paid off, so financially she will be okay no matter what. Our father has no family tho’, only his older sister, who he doesn’t see so often.Advice?
submitted by Sunroadgta to Adulting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:55 SpankyMcCracken Chess is a strategy game for babies

Alright, SOMEBODY needs to say it. Chess is a game for babies - it shouldn't even be classified as a strategy game anymore. It's just a simple pattern recognition game of who has a better memory. It's a static board with static units - there's nothing interesting about it. It's just a poorly designed game in general because every interesting variation has already been explored. It's so easy that there are computer programs that can beat the best players. Like I can literally beat Magnus Carlsen and all I need is Hans Niemann sending me Stockfish moves via my remotely controlled anal beads. If all I need to beat your best is to stick something up my ass - it isn't a very good strategy game.
I know many of you have devoted your lives to this terrible game and are getting upset by my condescending word choices. That's fine. I don't really care about you people - but for the people who are curious about an actually fun strategy game: I recommend a free mobile game called Uniwar on both iOS and Android that basically no one has heard of. It also happens to be coming out on Steam soon.
Uniwar is to Chess in the same vein of what Chess is to Checkers. It's basically if Starcraft and Chess had a hexagon shaped baby. There are three races with unique playstyles, and you manage an income while controlling armies in a turn based strategy format to dominate your opponent in a battle of wits - no pay to win gimmicks - only using dynamic strategy that changes every single game because the map pool is so huge, you'll almost never have repeat matches.
So who am I? I'm what you get if you combine Magnus Carlsen from Chess with Serral from Starcraft 2. I am SpankyMcCracken AKA The Art of Uniwar and I literally wrote the book on the game in order to have more competition, but no one can defeat me and I'm getting bored. I have two separate accounts I reached rank 1 in the game on with the second account having a 112-2 record while playing as "random race" on my path to getting rank 1 again, so I don't want to hear any whining about balance - I won 100 ranked games in a row without maining a race - you just suck at the game.
I guarantee no Gen Z kid could beat my superior Millennial ass brain - your attention spans are too short and you have no chance. No one from Chess can beat me - there's no engine you can study or use to cheat, and you'll have to actually learn how to use your brain to think on the fly. No one from Starcraft can beat me because you're too used to clicking 1000 buttons per second while simultaneously adjusting strategies based on real time scouting and dynamically responding to what your opponent is doing with extreme precision...(actually you guys might be able to beat me if I'm being honest).
Uniwar has a small, extremely devoted international community of misfits, but they're my people and we will fuck you up. There may only be 300 of us left, but we are 300 Spartan Uniwarriors with the high ground on the leaderboard. Think you have what it takes to beat me? Meet me in the Basement chatroom and see what happens.
submitted by SpankyMcCracken to SpankyLabs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:50 panamacityboy80 Blank white page after logging out

EDIT: I figured out the problem. An extension I’ve used for a while called Dark Mode appears to be the culprit. It wasn’t a problem until I was signed out for some reason. I disabled it and was able to load the page properly and sign in.
I’m using Google Chrome. I just cleared my cache, temporary files, etc. Which logged me out of all websites that I was logged into.
When I go to AO3, everything loads at first, but then goes to a blank white page. Nothing I do makes any difference. My Google Chrome is up-to-date, I’ve rebooted my computer, etc.
I’ve searched this sub Reddit, but haven’t found a solution that isn’t something along the lines of try another browser. Any ideas?
I use windows 10.
submitted by panamacityboy80 to AO3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:47 Cdn_citizen [WTS][ON][MARKHAM][Group Post/Reposted ] BONUS SUMMER EVENT ACTIVE! AEGs, GBBRs, Pistols, Parts, Accessories & More. Collectors' items and used items available. Open to reasonable offers. Additional details in post. Shipping or Pick Up available. Thanks for looking!

Backed by Community Request our Summer event is live details here!

For all the great traders out there, thank you!
Thank you to those that share our posts, you are true guardians of Airsoft!
This is a mega post from a group of 40+ airsoft collectors'/players'.
Reddit chat sucks so we've added an Alternate Contact on Discord: cdnciti
Only trade of interest is a Inokatsu MK46.
Guns will only be sold to adults.
'PD' means Pending Deal. Crossed off items are sold.
All negotiations are done prior to pickup.
Pick up available in Markham, Yorkdale, Fairview Mall(Toronto) or STC.
Traders must agree in writing to the price and payment method before meeting up.
For shipped items, if payment is not received within 24 hours the trade is off.
EMT for shipped items or cash for pick ups.
If you are not comfortable trading in person in a public parking lot with security cameras and plate scanners then shipping is recommended.
+SHIPPING $$ means shipping cost is not included in the price. All trades are final.
All rifles include shipping/delivery costs.

Freebies donated by our group

Add one of these items to your trade when it's conditions are met. Spend amount is on a per trade basis. No holds on Freebies.
Only users who comment and proceed with a trade will receive the requested item.
Brand Product Price Pictures
Rpro Propane Adaptor FREE with any item pics
Valken NiMH Charger FREE with any item pics
Valken Echo Googles FREE with any item pics
Rpro Sight Protector FREE with $70+ pics
EF 0.20 Tracers FREE with $100+ pics
Valken Kilo Sling FREE with $150+ pics
Rpro M600 FREE with $200+ pics
Rpro APL FREE with $200+ pics
WE G17 Mag FREE with $200+ pics
Rpro USP Light FREE with $210+ pics
FMA PEQ15DE FREE with $240+ pics
KWC 1911 FREE with $250 pics
Element M300 FREE with $250+ pics
Valken RDA20 FREE with $280+ pics
KWC PT99 FREE with $280+ pics
WE M4 Mag FREE with $300+ pics
AI BurstXL FREE with $300+ pics
KWC 1911 FREE with $320+ pics
KWC PT99 FREE with $360+ pics
KWC M17 FREE with $400+ pics
KWC M&P9 FREE with $420+ pics
XCORTECH X3200MK3 FREE with $420+ pics
Madbull XM203 FREE with $500+ pics
WE xDm FREE with $620+ pics
AW HX1002 FREE with $650+ pics
VFC M&P9 FREE with $720+ pics
KJW SP01ACCU FREE with $850+ pics
VFC FNX45 FREE with $900+ pics
TM PX4 FREE with $980+ pics

Collectors Pieces/Wall Hangers

Items in this section were not fielded. Tested and working.
Brand Product Price Pictures
WE L85 $650 pics
- MSK $600 pics
- CQBR Kit2 $550 pics
- M416 Kit $950 pics
- M4 STRIKE $580 pics
- M4 MB DD 7" FDE $500 pics
- M4 SWS $680 pics
- M4 RIS kit $650 pics
- 416 $500 pics
- 416 CQB PKG #1 $740 pics
- 416 CQB PKG #2 $650 pics
- 416 CQB $600 pics
- CQBR KIT $650 pics
- PDWL BK $520 pics
- SCARL Kit $600 pics
- SCARL BK $540 pics
- - - -
GHK COLT M4RIS 14.5"(2019) $1100 pics
G&G SMC9 Kit $700 pics
Brand Product Price Pictures
TM Des Warrior $350 pics
- Night Warrior $360 pics
- M9A1#2 $250 pics
- P226E2 $230 pics
- G17G3 $280 pics
- G17 w/2mags $400 pics
- G17 Custom DE $320 pics
- G17 w/2mags $300 pics
- 5.1 $360 pics
- 5.1 Kit $500 pics
- M&P9 $340 pics
- MEU $320 pics
- 1911 Series '70 $320 pics
- USP $420 pics
- USPC Kit $480 pics
- USPC Kit2 $400 pics
- 5-7 $350 pics
- xDm $230 pics
- PX4 $300 pics
- M9 Chrome $400 pics
- M9A1 $350 pics
- M92F Military $280 pics
- XDM $190 pics
- - - -
WE G17 Kit3 $400 pics
- G17 HEX $250 pics
- G17 $210 pics
- G17 Kit2 $330 pics
- G17 Kit4 $300 pics
- G17 Kit $400 pics
- G17G4 Kit $300 pics
- G18C $230 pics
- G18C Kit $400 pics
- G18CG4 $300 pics
- G19 Kit $370 pics
- G23 Kit $360 pics
- G23 G4 BK $230 pics
- G26C ADV Tan $210 pics
- G27 Kit $400 pics
- G33ADV Kit $300 pics
- G35 BK/GD $250 pics
- G35DT Kit $340 pics
- G17 Dual $320 pics
- Luger Kit $300 pics
- Luger w/SIL $180 pics
- Luger SV $250 pics
- P38 SV $240 pics
- F226 Kit $300 pics
- F228 Kit $290 pics
- F229R Kit2 $300 pics
- F229 $190 pics
- F226 DT $240 pics
- F229 Kit $320 pics
- F226 TAN $230 pics
- M902 $260 pics
- M9A1 w/SIL $250 pics
- M9 Navy $230 pics
- 1911 Kit $300 pics
- 1911A1 $220 pics
- 1911DT Kit $320 pics
- MEU DT $250 pics
- MEU BK w/SIL $250 pics
- MEU SV Kit $300 pics
- KIMBER Kit $300 pics
- KIMBER $230 pics
- M&P9 BK/GD Kit $350 pics
- M&P9DT $200 pics
- PX4DT Kit $350 pics
- - - -
VFC FNX45B $180 pics
- G19 Kit $300 pics
- M&P9T Kit $320 pics
- M&P9C $240 pics
- M&P9DT $250 pics
- M&P9 w/case $300 pics
- G17G4 Kit3 $320 pics
- G17G4 Kit2 $330 pics
- G17G4 Kit $500 pics
- G17G4 w/DOCTER $300 pics
- G17G4 $300 pics
- PPQ M2 w/2mags $320 pics
- FNX45B $300 pics
- FNX45DT Kit $440 pics
- FNX45B Silenced $350 pics
- - - -
KJW KP05 OD Kit $300 pics
- P09UGSR Kit $430 pics
- KP06 2mags $230 pics
- 1911 Kit $300 pics
- KP07 Kit $400 pics
- G23 Kit $320 pics
- M9 CO2 $160 pics
- M9A1 Kit $300 pics
- M9 4mags $280 pics
- KP09 Kit $250 pics
- P09 BK $170 pics
- P09 Kit $320 pics
- P09 TAN $200 pics
- KP05 $190 pics
- KP05 Kit $260 pics
- SP01 UGSR $180 pics
- SP01 ACCU Kit $350 pics
- KP01 Kit $350 pics
- KP01 Kit2 $290 pics
- - - -
KWC Deagle Kit $260 pics
- MAKAROV $160 pics
- SW40 $130 pics
- 1911 TAC DT 2mags $180 pics
- 1911B $170 pics
- 1911 L.E. $200 pics
- 1911 w/3mags $220 pics
- 1911 $160 pics
- MEU $180 pics
- P08 $140 pics
- 24/7 $160 pics
- DEAGLE BK $130 pics
- DEAGLE SV $190 pics
- KCB89 $150 pics
- SW40 $120 pics
- M17 $180 pics
- PT99 $120 pics
- - - -
AW G17DT $270 pics
- NE3002 $250 pics
- HX2002 $280 pics
- NE2201 $300 pics
- HX2202 $240 pics
- 5.1 Custom $280 pics
- HX1005 $200 pics
- HX1101 2mags $280 pics
- HX1102 $200 pics
- HX1105 $180 pics
- HX2003 Kit $320 pics
- NE2002 $230 pics
- HX2302 $250 pics
- HX2402 $250 pics
- HX2601 $290 pics
- - - -
EMG STI/ TTI JW3 $400 pics
- SAI 4.3 BK $260 pics
- SAI 5.1 SV $280 pics
- SAI BLU $300 pics
- SAI 5.1 BK $250 pics
- - - -
KSC Auto9 $340 pics
Marushin FN 5-7 $250 pics
KWA MK23 $320 pics
- USP MATCH $390 pics
- HK45 w/2mags $340 pics
G&G GTP9 TAN $210 pics
- GPM92 Kit $450 pics
Umarex SAA Antique $390 pics
AEGS (Collectors Pieces/Wall Hangers)
Brand Product Price Pictures
G&G AR15 SBR8 $630 pics
- M14 EBR-L $700 pics
- TR-418 $630 pics
- Wildhog 9" $330 pics
- SRL TAN $330 pics
- GC Predator $450 pics
- - - -
VFC HK416 $750 pics
- HK416 Kit $900 pics
- HK417 Kit $800 pics
- 416CQB Kit $600 pics
- HK416 Calibur $650 pics
- MK18 $630 pics
- VR16 RISII $630 pics
- SABER MOD1 Kit $600 pics
- Avalon Calibur DT Kit $780 pics
- Calibur CQC $440 pics
- AVALON Calibur CQC $560 pics
- Calibur Carbine Kit $500 pics
- VR16 Kit #2 $360 pics
- MK12 MOD1(SPR) $670 pics
- Fighter MK2 Kit2 $460 pics
- Fighter MK2 Kit3 $500 pics
- VR16 Saber CQB $380 pics
- VR16 RIS $330 pics
- M4A1 $330 pics
- M4 SOPMOD $440 pics
- XCR-C Metal $400 pics
- SCAR-H CQC $590 pics
- SCAR-L $550 pics
- SCAR-L TAN $560 pics
- - - -
Krytac PDW Kit $380 pics
- PDW FG Kit $600 pics
- PDW BK $540 pics
- PDW FDE Kit $580 pics
- SPR MK2 FG $550 pics
- SPPDW $500 pics
- SPR BK $300 pics
- SPR-M FDE $620 pics
- REC7 BK $630 pics
- LVOA-S BK Kit $600 pics
- LVOA-C CG $600 pics
- LVOA-S BK Kit2 $500 pics
- LVOA-S FG $560 pics
- LVOA-S FDE $600 pics
- LVOA SBR DT $500 pics
- LMG-E $850 pics
- LMG PDW $1100 pics
- Vector LE $1050 pics
- Vector DT Kit $1100 pics
- Vector BK Kit $1200 pics
- TR47 $600 pics
- - - -
G&P Viper $700 pics
- AGGRESSOR $520 pics
- Sentry DE $600 pics
- TMR 10" $450 pics
- Rapid Fire $600 pics
- Defender $580 pics
- Ball Med $400 pics
- QRF $480 pics
- MOE Carbine $570 pics
- - - -
ASG Scorpion Evo 3A1 $600 pics
- - - -
KWA KR12 $300 pics
- KM4 RIS $400 pics
- SR12 $500 pics
- SR10 $500 pics
- - - -
KA COLT MK18 $400 pics
- B.R.O. 15" $500 pics
- M7 $400 pics
- CAA M4 $400 pics
- - - -
ARES M4 DMR Kit $500 pics
- AM014 Kit $500 pics
- OCTAARMS KM03 $430 pics
- AM014 BK $360 pics
Magpul PTS PDR-C $1300 pics


The guns below are used. They are tested for functionality and leaks.
GAS Rifles
Brand Product Price Pictures
WE SCARL Kit $480 pics
- M4A1 RIS Kit $720 pics
- M4 LVOA w/4mags $560 pics
GAS Pistols(+SHIPPING $$)
Brand Product Price Pictures
TM+KWC G17+PT99 Kit $560 pics
- - - -
TM G17G3 Kit3 $250 pics
- G17G3 Kit4 $450 pics
- G17G3 Kit2 $300 pics
- G17G3 4mags $460 pics
- G17G3 Kit $420 pics
- G18C Kit $520 pics
- PX4 w/2 mags $330 pics
- P226E2 w/2 mags $250 pics
- - - -
WE G18C Kit $280 pics
- G17 Kit2 $350 pics
- G17 Kit $380 pics
- 1911 Kit $300 pics
- MEU TAN kit $250 pics
- 1911 7mags $260 pics
- F229 Kit $250 pics
- xDm Kit $200 pics
- xDm Comp 2mags $230 pics
- - - -
VFC FNX45BK $220 pics
- FNX45TAN $325 pics
- - - -
KJW 1911 OD w/2mags $160 pics
- M9 $150 pics
- M9 Elite $150 pics
- - - -
KWC Makarov $90 pics
- PT99#2 $90 pics
- PT99 $100 pics
- MEU $140 pics
- Makarov#2 $120 pics
- M&P9 $140 pics
- PT99 3mags $150 pics
- PT99 w/2 lowers $160 pics
- 1911 $120 pics
- 1911 4mags $200 pics
- 1911 4mags $180 pics
- 1911 2mags $100 pics
- M92 4mags #2 $200 pics
- M92 4mags $180 pics
- Luger $150 pics
- M17 2mags #2 $150 pics
- M17 $130 pics
- M&P9 Kit $250 pics
- SW40 $100 pics
- - - -
AW HX2502 Kit $350 pics
- HX1002 Kit $280 pics
- - - -
KWA HK45 $220 pics
Brand Product Price Pictures
Krytac LVOA-C $330 pics
- LVOA-S Kit $550 pics
- LVOA-C FG Kit $520 pics
- CRB MK2 Kit $540 pics
- SPR MK2 DT Kit $450 pics
- SPR MK2 Kit $420 pics
- Vector PKG $950 pics
- GPR CC $500 pics
G&P LMT Kit $300 pics
VFC VR16 TE1 Kit $420 pics
- XCR-C(Metal) Kit $380 pics
KA BRO 15" Kit $350 pics
- VIS CQB $360 pics
G&G SRL DST Kit $340 pics
ARES M4 15" KeyMod $290 pics
E&C EC106 $350 pics


Type Brand Product Price Pictures
Sight SIG ROMEO5 $270 pics
- Firefield 1x22 $100 pics
- VORTEX SPARCII $300 pics
- Valken LPVO $125 pics
- AIMSPORTS 2-7x32 $90 pics
- - 1x20mm T1 $80 pics
- - 4X ACOG $90 pics
- - 4x32 $55 pics
- LANCER 3-9x32 $65 pics
- NCSTAR 4x32 w/laser $110 pics
- - 4x32 $140 pics
- - 4x30 $50 pics
- G&P T2 Tan $90 pics
- Repro RMR $75 pics
- - ACOG w/Doc $185 pics
- - 552 $45 pics
- - XPS 2Z $100 pics
- - T1 Dual Mount $75 pics
- - LCO $95 pics
- - ACOG 4x $150 pics
- - 3x Barlow $70 pics
- - MRO $80 pics
- - Doctor $40 pics
- - 552+3X Magnifier $150 pics
- - Reflex w/Laser $50 pics
- Sniper ACOG 4x $110 pics
- - - -
Tracer Xcortech XT301 $90 pics
- - X3300W $150 pics
- G&G Midnight Hawk $90 pics
- - Battleowl $140 pics
- Acetech Predator KAC $200 pics
- - LighterS $95 pics
- - - -
FlashHider 6mmProShop 16mm+ 14mm- $30 pics
- 6mmProShop 16mm+ Thread Pro $30 pics
- E&L AK74U $25 pics
- Madbull DNTC04 SV $35 pics
- - - -
Suppressor CYMA LaRue $65 pics
- - BW 14mm CCW $45 pics
- Krytac HPS4G $100 pics
- 5KU KAC QD $85 pics
- - 556RC $95 pics
- WE Makarov $35 pics
- Rpro SF 556 $100 pics
- G&P Zombie QD 14mm + $120 pics
- Madbull 7"KAC 14CCW $150 pics
- - Blackside $65 pics
- - SWR 6" $90 pics
- - 7"KAC FDE 14CCW $145 pics
- - Gemtech $65 pics
- - - -
Launcher G&P M203 Navy L $270 pics
- - M203 MIL $270 pics
- MBull XM203L OD $170 pics
- MBull XM203S BK $180 pics
- SPIKE'S HAVOC 12" $250 pics
- - - -
Light TM CQX Micro $100 pics
- Element M600W $90 pics
- Rpro M600 $60 pics
- FMA PEQ15 Tan w/IR $60 pics
- Rpro X300U $140 pics
- Rpro X400 $150 pics
- Rpro M720V $140 pics
- Rpro SBAL-PL $110 pics
- G&P GP800 w/switch $180 pics
- G&P DBAL $320 pics
- - - -
Tool XCORTECH X3500 $110 pics
- - X3200MK3 $90 pics
- - - -
Grip Rpro Red Keymod $30 pics
- SI Cobra $35 pics
- Rpro PK2 Metal AK $40 pics
- UTG Light $50 pics
- Rpro MVG $15 pics
Bipod ATLAS PSR $120 pics
- - - -
Mount Rpro MP5 $25 pics
Covers SI KeyMod FDE $15 pics
Type Brand Product Price Pictures
Tool TM Mag Clamp $35 pics
Grip 5KU Foregrip $20 pics
- Magpul PTS AFG2 $10 pics
Silencer Rpro 7" KAC OD $65 pics
- Rpro Navy Seals $45 pics
Launcher ZOXNA Shower $50 pics
- HFC HG-138 $55 pics
- Madbull XM203L TAN $100 pics
Light Rpro M910 $70 pics
- OPSMEN FAST501 $40 pics
- Rpro M600W $55 pics
Sight TM Micro Pro $70 pics


Brand Product Price Pictures
5KU 2011 MidFrame $95 pics
Rpro TM226 14mmCCW $40 pics
AIP HiCapa 140% Spring $10 pics
AngryGun SCARL NPAS $40 pics
AW 5.1 Lower $120 pics
TNT H.L.R. Bucking 60 $30 pics
SI AR Enhanced Grip $40 pics
DP GhostRing2(TMG17) $30 pics
SLR 2x VFC G17 EXT Baseplates $100 pics
G&P 870 Piston Set 150% $40 pics
SPEED 5.1 Comp Trigger Gold $40 pics
AIP G17 Spring Guide $22 pics
WE G17 Lower $85 pics
- Apache Lower $220 pics
- G18C Slide $50 pics
- 5.1 Parts $40 pics
TM G17 BBU $50 pics
- 4.3 HopUp $25 pics
- G19G3 Internals+Slide $170 pics
Guarder TM G17 Barrel $65 pics
9Ball 5.1 Recoil Spring $20 pics
- G17/226 6.00mm Barrel $40 pics
- M92F Sights $70 pics
- PX4 Sights $100 pics
- XDM Sights $90 pics
- 5.1 Sights $120 pics
- 5.1 Inner $50 pics
A1A G17RB1 Kit $330 pics
- SAI G19 Slide/Barrel $190 pics
- G17 Parts $45 pics
AM 1911 Hopup $110 pics
AM Edge BBU $65 pics
AM 5.1 Hammer and Searset $50 pics
AM .45ACP 5.1 Gold $170 pics
Cowcow TM G17,19 T1G Sight $28 pics
- TM Buckings $20 pics
- 5.1 Barrel BK $120 pics
- 5.1 Tornado SV $180 pics
- 4.3 Gold $125 pics
- - - -
SPEED M4 SE Trigger $40 pics
Madbull 363mm Inner $35 pics
A1A M4 CNC Hopup $25 pics
Airtech PDW EXT $35 pics
G&P AAC $50 pics
- KAC AMBI Release $60 pics
- M4 Externals $300 pics
- STONER RAS $170 pics
Laylax Vector KeyMod(L) $220 pics
MadBull NSR 7" $110 pics
- MK18 RISII BK $165 pics
- Noveske 10A $120 pics
VFC VR16 Lower $150 pics
- 416 AEG Grip $45 pics
- VR16 Receiver Set $250 pics
- 14.5" Outer $70 pics
- HK416 Stock $65 pics
- V2 GB $100 pics
- 12" Quad Rail $100 pics
- QRS Stock $65 pics
G&G ETU 2.0 $75 pics
- GOSV3 Tan Stock $65 pics
Magpul Paraclip $30 pics
- Rail Light Mount $45 pics
Magpul PTS MOE Pistol FDE $40 pics
- RSA Mount $50 pics
- CTR Black $110 pics
Krytac LVOAC FG Externals $350 pics
- CRB Barrel+Hopup $40 pics
- PDW Upper BK $300 pics
- Vector Rail $135 pics
- M4 Receiver Parts $40 pics
- LVOA-C Rail $150 pics
- M4 Receiver Set $160 pics
- PDW Stock $120 pics
SHS 32:1 $25 pics
- 16:1 $40 pics
Prometheus 280mm Barrel $75 pics
- 155mm Vector Barrel $90 pics
G&P M170 Devil $65 pics
SIEGETEK Cyclone 14.09 Ratio $220 pics
- 10.78 GS $220 pics
BTC Chimera V3 $120 pics
- Chimera V2 $120 pics
Brand Product Price Pictures
AW Hicapa Mount $15 pics
GHK G5 Bolt $85 pics
- G5 Barrel+Hop up $60 pics
VFC G17G4 Lower $130 pics
- G17G4 Externals $150 pics
WE G17 BBU $55 pics
- Apache Mag $30 pics
- M4 Lower $150 pics
- SCAR-L Barrel+Sight $45 pics
- G18C Parts $60 pics
- G17 Slide/Barrel $95 pics
- 1911 Silver Frame $50 pics
TM 5.1 Midframe $120 pics
- G17 BBU Set $60 pics
- - - -
VFC M4 Buffer $20 pics
ASG Scorpion Internals $60 pics
- Scorpion GB $65 pics
G&G V2 GB $60 pics
- V2 GB#2 $50 pics
G&P V2 GB $65 pics
Krytac PDW FG Upper $110 pics
- 5" Barrel $40 pics
Magazines (N)ew or (U)sed (+SHIPPING $$)
Brand Product Price Pictures
TM G17EXT(N) $65 pics
- 2xG17(U) $65 pics
- 2x5.1(U) $80 pics
- P226(U) $40 pics
- MEU(U) $45 pics
- 1911A1#2(U) $40 pics
- 1911A1(U) $40 pics
- M9(N) $50 pics
- 5.1(N) $45 pics
- 5.1 EXT(U) $65 pics
- 4.3 BK(U) $30 pics
- 4.3 SV(N) $40 pics
- USP-C(U) $35 pics
- USP(Leaky) $20 pics
- PX4(U) $45 pics
- 5.1 EXT(U) $50 pics
- 2x4.3(U) $75 pics
- G19(U) $40 pics
- 2xG17(N) $55 Each pics
- 2xG19(N) $55 Each pics
- - - -
WE G17(U) $20 pics
- 3xG17(U) $85 pics
- 4xG17(U) $110 pics
- 2xG17(U) $55 pics
- G17(N) $35 Each pics
- G17 EXT(N) $60 Each pics
- 3xG26(N) $100 pics
- 3x5.1EXT(N) $60 Each pics
- 5.1(U) $25 pics
- 5.1(N) $40 Each pics
- 2x5.1(U) $50 pics
- 2x5.1#2(U) $55 pics
- 2x5.1CO2 $40 Each pics
- 4xMEU(N) $120 pics
- 3x1911(U) $50 pics
- 3x1911(U) $60 pics
- 5x1911A1(U) $140 pics
- 2xLuger(N) $35 Each pics
- M&P9(N) $35 pics
- P-Virus(N) $55 Each pics
- F226(N) $35 Each pics
- 2xM4(U) $90 pics
- M4(N) $60 pics
- SCARH(U) $65 pics
- 3xM14(N) $70 Each pics
- 2xG39(N) $140 pics
- 2xP90(N) $70 Each pics
- SVD(N) $95 Each pics
- PMC(N) $85 pics
- - - -
VFC M&P9(U) $35 pics
- G19(U) $40 pics
- 2xG17G5(N) $70 Each pics
- G17G4(N) $60 Each pics
- 2xFNX45T(N) $55 Each pics
- PPQ(U) $40 pics
- - - -
KJW P09(U) $25 pics
- KP01(U) $25 pics
- KP01CO2(U) $30 pics
- KP06(N) $40 pics
- KP09(U) $30 pics
- 2xKP09(N) $40 Each pics
- 2xP09(N) $40 Each pics
- 2xM4(U) $65 pics
- KC-02 Long(U) $40 pics
- 3xKP-05 Gas(N) $40 Each pics
- 2xKC02(U) $80 pics
- - - -
KWC 2x1911(U) $90 pics
- 2xDesert Eagle(U) $45 pics
- 2x1911(U) $45 pics
- 1911(U) $25 pics
- 2x1911 EXT(N) $60 Each pics
- M17(N) $40 Each pics
- M92 EXT(U) $55 pics
- M92(U) $25 pics
- - - -
AW 5.1 BK(N) $40 pics
- 5.1 BK(U) $30 pics
KWA MP7(U) $75 pics
- HK45(U) $50 pics
- USP Match(U) $45 pics
- USP Match#2(U) $40 pics
G&G 2xGTP9(N) $45 Each pics
- SMC9(N) $80 Each pics
Marusen FN57(N) $50 Each pics
GHK Gmag(N) $115 pics
- - - -
AI Cyclone(N) $45 pics
- 3x40Mike(U) $200 pics
- Burst(U) $45 pics
- 2x40MIKE(U) $140 pics
- Cyclone Kit(U) $110 pics
- 40MIKE(U) LEAKY $50 pics
- Burst XL(U) $50 pics
- MasterMike(U) $75 pics
- - - -
Zparts 2xERAZ OG(N) $65 Each pics
KIMERA JR2(N) $50 pics
SHS 2x40mm(U) $70 pics
G&P 3x40mm Capped $160 pics
Madbull 2xM433(N) $100 pics
- 2xM381(U) $160 pics
- 2x922A1(N) $100 Each pics
Brand Product Price Pictures
Krytac LMG $200 pics
- 3xVector 40rd(N) $40 Each pics
Proarms 4xM4 Mids(N) $65 pics
VFC 3xQRS Mids(N) $95 pics
G&G 3xM4 Mids(N) $70 pics
- 3xTinted M4(N) $70 pics
- 2xG2H .308 Mids(N) $40 pics
- M4 Drum(N) $170 pics
- M4 Mids(N) $20 Each pics
CYMA 3xM4#2(U) $25 pics
- 3xM4(U) $20 pics
- 2xG36(N) $30 pics
- AK Mids(N) $18 Each pics
- MP5 Mids $25 Each pics
- 3xP90 Mids(N) $30 Each pics
- 5xM4 Mids(N) $14 Each pics
Bluebox 4xM4(N) $60 pics
- M4 Black(N) $15 Each pics
- AK-47 Mids(N) $17 Each pics
Madbull 5xTroy Tan(N) $100 pics
- 5xAWM Tan(N) $95 pics
- 5xTROY Mids(N) $100 pics
Dytac 4xCamo M4 Mids(U) $50 pics
- 2xHEXMAG(U) $30 pics
JG 2xP90 300rds(N) $50 pics
Modify 2xXTC TAN(N) $45 pics
submitted by Cdn_citizen to airsoftmarketcanada [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:36 hackr_io_team Interactive Photo Gallery Project

I wanted to share a project for intermediate HTML designers. I'll include the code and steps for each part. Please let me know if you have any questions!

Step 1: Setting Up The Project

Start by preparing your environment to develop an interactive photo gallery with HTML.
If you want to dive straight in, I'd recommend following along with me using our online coding environments.
We’ll use some JavaScript for this project, so I’d recommend using an online JavaScript compiler to build with. I will also outline the steps for you to create the necessary files and organize your workspace on your own computer.
Just follow these, and you'll have a solid foundation for your project.
i. Choose an IDE or Editor
Before you start, choose an IDE or editor tailored for web development. I favor Visual Studio Code (VSCode).
It's for HTML and CSS and a solid choice if you’d prefer to build on your own machine.
ii. Install Necessary Plugins
If you choose VSCode, consider installing VSCode extensions like "Live Server" to preview your HTML pages in real time and "Prettier" for code formatting.
These tools will make your development process smoother and more efficient.
iii. Create a New HTML Project
Once your editor is set up, it's time to create a new project:
iv. Set Up a Basic HTML Structure
Open your index.html file and set up a basic HTML structure. Here’s a simple template to get you started:
     Interactive Photo Gallery     
Header content like a title or a navigation bar
Gallery content will go here
Footer content, perhaps some contact info or social links
Here's the compiler where you can try it.
This is the basic structure every HTML project that uses JavaScript starts with.
We've got our DOCTYPE, HTML tag, head section (with meta tags, title, and links to our CSS and JavaScript files), and the body where our content will go.
This basic structure also introduces the JavaScript file linked with the defer attribute, ensuring it loads after the HTML content.
v. Prepare for CSS and JavaScript Development
Make sure your styles.css is linked correctly, and your script.js is set to load at the right time in your HTML file to start adding styles and functionality in the next steps.
vi. Verify Project Setup
To ensure everything is set up correctly, try opening your index.html with the Live Server plugin or directly in your browser.
You should see a blank page with the basic document structure ready to be filled with content.
And there you have it! You’ve successfully set up your environment to create an interactive photo gallery with HTML.
Next, you'll create the HTML structure for your interactive photo gallery.

Step 2: Creating the HTML Structure

With your development environment ready, it’s time to construct the HTML skeleton of your interactive photo gallery.
i. Create the Header Section
The header will introduce your gallery. You might want to include a catchy title or a brief description:

My Photo Gallery

Explore my collection of high-quality images ranging from landscapes to portraits.
This sets the tone and context for the visitors of your gallery.
ii. Set Up the Gallery Section
This main part will hold all your images in a grid or other layout:
Replace "path-to-image-1.jpg" with the actual path to each image. Ensure that each image has an appropriate alt text for accessibility.
iii. Include a Filter Section (Optional)
If your gallery is large, consider adding filters to help viewers sort images by categories:
These buttons are set up to trigger JavaScript functions that will filter the gallery based on the category.
iv. Add a Modal for Image Viewing (Optional)
To enhance the interactivity, include a modal that opens when an image is clicked, allowing for a closer view:
This section will be controlled via JavaScript to display images dynamically when clicked.
Here’s a summary of what we've accomplished in this step:
Let’s move on to Step 3 to style your interactive photo gallery.

Step 3: Styling with CSS

Now your HTML structure is set up, it’s time to add styles to bring your interactive photo gallery to life.
We'll focus on creating a responsive layout and designing aesthetic details like animations and hover effects.
i. Include a Google Font
First, choose a font from Google Fonts that complements the aesthetic of your gallery.
For example, we might use 'Roboto' for its clean and modern appearance. Add this to your HTML file within the section:
This link imports the 'Roboto' font, with normal and bold weights.
ii. Style the Header
Begin by styling the header to make it stand out as the introduction to your gallery:
header { background-color: #f8f9fa; padding: 20px; text-align: center; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; } header h1 { font-size: 24px; color: #333; } header p { font-size: 16px; color: #666; } 
This styling gives your header a clean, professional look.
iii. Style the Gallery Layout
Use CSS Grid or Flexbox to arrange your images in a tidy, responsive grid:
#gallery { display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(200px, 1fr)); gap: 10px; padding: 20px; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; } .photo { position: relative; } .photo img { width: 100%; height: auto; display: block; } .photo .caption { position: absolute; bottom: 0; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); color: #fff; width: 100%; text-align: center; padding: 5px 0; } 
This grid layout ensures that the gallery is responsive and the images adjust to the screen size.
iv. Style the Filter Buttons
Make the filter buttons interactive and visually pleasing:
nav button { background-color: #fff; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 10px 20px; margin: 10px; cursor: pointer; transition: background-color 0.3s; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; } nav button:hover { background-color: #eee; } 
The hover effect adds a dynamic element, encouraging users to interact with the filters.
v. Style the Modal for Image Viewing
Create styles for the modal that displays the full image:
.modal { display: none; position: fixed; z-index: 1000; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: auto; background-color: rgb(0,0,0,0.9); font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; } .modal-content { margin: auto; display: block; width: 80%; max-width: 700px; } .close { position: absolute; top: 15px; right: 35px; color: #f1f1f1; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold; cursor: pointer; } .close:hover, .close:focus { color: #bbb; text-decoration: none; cursor: pointer; } #caption { color: #ccc; font-size: 16px; padding: 15px 20px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } 
This styling will create a dark overlay when the modal is active, focusing attention on the clicked image.
vi. Ensure Responsiveness
Add media queries to ensure your gallery looks good on both desktops and mobile devices:
u/media (max-width: 600px) { #gallery { grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(150px, 1fr)); } } 
This media query adjusts the size of the gallery cells on smaller screens below 600px.
Here’s a summary of what we've accomplished in this step:
With the CSS styling in place, your photo gallery not only looks more appealing but is also ready for the dynamic interactivity that JavaScript will provide in the next step.

Step 4: Adding Interactivity with JavaScript

With the HTML structure and CSS styling in place, it's time to breathe life into your photo gallery with JavaScript.
This step will involve writing scripts to handle image filtering, modal interactions, and other dynamic behaviors.
i. Implementing Image Filtering
Start by writing a JavaScript function to filter gallery items based on categories:
function filterGallery(category) { const photos = document.querySelectorAll('.photo'); photos.forEach(photo => { const isVisible = category === 'all' photo.classList.contains(category); = isVisible ? '' : 'none'; }); } 
This function takes a category and changes the display property of photos that do not belong to that category, effectively hiding them.
ii. Setting Up the Modal View
Write the JavaScript necessary to open a modal when an image is clicked, and populate it with the correct image and caption:
document.querySelectorAll('.photo img').forEach(img => { img.addEventListener('click', function() { const modal = document.getElementById('myModal'); const modalImg = document.getElementById('img01'); const captionText = document.getElementById('caption'); = 'block'; modalImg.src = this.src; captionText.innerHTML = this.nextElementSibling.innerHTML; }); }); // Get the element that closes the modal const closeButton = document.querySelector('.close'); closeButton.onclick = function() { const modal = document.getElementById('myModal'); = 'none'; } 
This script sets up event listeners for all images in your gallery.
When an image is clicked, it displays the modal and updates the modal's content with the image and caption of the clicked item.
iii. Enhancing Usability with Keyboard Navigation
Add keyboard functionality to improve accessibility and user experience, allowing users to close the modal with the 'Escape' key:
document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) { if (event.key === 'Escape') { const modal = document.getElementById('myModal'); if ( === 'block') { = 'none'; } } }); 
This listener checks for the 'Escape' key and closes the modal if it is open.
Here’s a summary of what we've accomplished in this step:
With JavaScript added, your photo gallery is now fully interactive, allowing users to filter images, click to view images in detail, and interact smoothly with the gallery interface.

Step 5: Review and Debug

With the HTML structure, CSS styling, and JavaScript interactivity in place, it's time to thoroughly review your interactive photo gallery and prepare it for public viewing.
i. Testing Across Different Browsers and Devices
Start by testing your photo gallery across various browsers (like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge) and devices (desktops, tablets, and smartphones):
ii. Debugging Common Issues
Address common issues that might arise during testing:
iii. Code Validation
Use HTML and CSS validators to ensure your code meets web standards and is free from syntax errors. The W3C Validator is a reliable tool for this purpose.
iv. Test Responsiveness
Adjust your browser window size to simulate different screen sizes or use your browser’s developer tools to test various device resolutions.
Make sure your layout adjusts and looks good on mobile, tablet, and desktop views. Adjust your CSS using media queries if necessary to improve responsiveness.
v. Improve Accessibility
Ensure your page is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities:
vi. Optimize Loading Times
Optimize your page for faster loading times:
vii. Gather Feedback
Sometimes, it helps to get a fresh set of eyes on your project:
With your page polished and debugged, it's ready for the world to see.
The next step would be to consider how and where to publish it, so let’s take a look at that!

Step 6: Publishing Your Page

Now that your interactive photo gallery is fully developed, tested, and ready, it's time to publish it and look into ways you can continue to expand your skills.
This final step will guide you through the process of publishing your page online.
i. Choose a Hosting Service
To make your photo gallery page accessible on the internet, you need to host it on a web server.
Here are a few popular, user-friendly options that offer free plans:
ii. Prepare Your Files for Deployment
Before uploading your files, ensure everything is named correctly and organized:
iii. Upload Your Files
Depending on your chosen hosting service, the process will vary:
iv. Set Up a Custom Domain (Optional)
If you have a custom domain, you can link it to your hosting provider to give your gallery a more professional look:
v. Test Your Live Site
Once your photo gallery is online, visit the URL provided by your hosting platform. Check everything once more to ensure:
vi. Share Your Photo Gallery
Now that your photo gallery is live, share the URL on your professional networks, email signatures, and social media profiles.
Congratulations! You've successfully created and published your HTML interactive photo gallery.
This not only enhances your online presence but also demonstrates your ability to apply HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills in a practical project.
submitted by hackr_io_team to HTML [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:01 Negative-Program5380 My (24f) wife doesn't know, I know she's cheating on me

Me (25m) and my wife (24f) have been together since November 2020, I started noticing how she was acting different, like she was hiding something, and she's cheated on me before with her coworker, she was showing me the same sign, and I'm all about trusting that gut feeling, also she jumps up like a kid when they're caught doing their not supposed to, that worried me so I did something stupid and tried to pack my stuff to leave her with out telling her or with out really confirming what I thought was really going on, I didn't end up leaving because I still have that love for her, she came home to my stuff laid out on the bed and got mad at me and I told her that I felt like she doesn't love me and that I felt like she would to better with out me, I've always felt like I just ruined her life she would always tell me the most hurtful things you could her from someone that made you feel loved for the first time. After that she's been telling her friend this one sided story on how I tried leaving her while in a hard time because her mom has cancer. I admit I was messed up trying to leave while she was at work I know it was wrong, but that gut feeling was so strong it clouded my mind and I just started acting with out thinking. Yesterday she told me she was going to a sleep over with her friends, but that's one of her lies, I remember she used to tell me that she would tell her mom that she's going to have a sleep over so she could come with me, and I knew that at that moment that she was trying to pull that same move on me. So she ended up going and google maps aired her out on her travel timeline she wasn't at her friends she was somewhere else so I raced to that address and say her car so I went back home and on the way there she messaged me around 1:15am telling me she's on her way back we ended up coming home at the same time she had a bag of clothes that she was really trying to hide because she had langue in the bag and I ask her is there someone else and she starts playing the victim and lying to me in my face elling me its all my fault for packing up my stuff, I don't know what to do I still love her so much and i really can't see my life with out her, but she's cheating on me again it really hurts because we have a little girl together, I always wanted us to be together forever, sit outside all old looking at our grandkids running around, I don't know what to do I'm lost
submitted by Negative-Program5380 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:55 Happy-Strawberry1728 Travel Report: 3 Weeks Working Remote in Dominican Republic - April/May (Shoulder/Wet Season)

Dominican Republic was an interesting experience, while I loved practicing my Spanish, I won't be back. Nothing bad happened, just nothing was exceptional about the place, one visit was enough, I have high hopes for it being a better travel destination in future. The downside was really just the food and service, which was quite abysmal.
I've broken it up into separate posts for each area I was in, (4 spots in 3 weeks), but the main takeaways are:
April 22-26: Uvero Alto - Ocean El Faro & El Beso
I was lucky enough to stay here for a coworking summit with my company. We got a great corporate deal and splurged on a “Swim-Up Junior Suite” which was still only US$150 per person all inclusive. While a stunning resort, I am very glad we didn’t pay anymore than we did, as the quality and value was lacking. I was there with my partner for 6 nights, 7 days and that was too long. I’d say 3-4 days is plenty to experience it all. However, I am not a resort person and this was my first resort experience, I would be happy to not experience another resort, unless it was heavily subsidized and a stunning location. Quick review of all the amenities:
April 26-May 3: Santo Domingo - Airbnb: Private transport from hotel to Airbnb: It was a little disorientating leaving the resort which seemed like some fairyland to Santo Domingo which was REAL Dominican Republic. We booked a private shuttle which was nice, they came 20 mins late but we weren’t in a rush and our local driver was very kind, social and gave us some tips about the capital city and country. He also advised to not leave the capital city as the surrounding neighbourhoods had a lot of crime and you would likely get stabbed and robbed :/ We arrived at our Airbnb in about 3.5 hours (with a brief pitstop). Our airbnb was bare bones, while nice, we wouldn’t recommend it for remote workers as it was hard to cook food there, however, if you’re out exploring all day, this place would suffice. The pool was nice but the gym was unusable as the air conditioner was broken so you had to work out in 35 degrees celsius plus. It was nice to be close to the grocery store though nearby and restaurants within walking distance. While the streets seemed a bit sketchy, it was very safe. We did take Ubers as well which were so cheap, DRP300-500 for 5-10 min rides. We preferred our area over Zona Colonial as there was more to do, but it would’ve been nice to split our time between the two areas. All in all, we’re glad we got to see the real Dominican Republic but were happy to be back close to the beach afterwards. Reviews of excursions and restaurants below. Dominican Culture Around the Fogón: Incredible experience, loved making coffee and chocolate from scratch, learning the ways of the Taínos and the yucca pizza was surprisingly super tasty! Underground swimming hole was also really cool and Jasmine was such a fun host! Even though we half spoke each other’s languages, I had so much fun talking with her and highly recommend this tour! Hiking Tabernacle thundering Waterfall: Ronnie is the man!! One of the most professional and patient hosts I’ve ever met. He easily navigated the varying levels of skill our group had, made it easy for us to all connect and get to know one another. The chat during the 2 hour ride was seamless and Ronnie even stopped to let us try Arepa! Breakfast family style beforehand was also super tasty with eggs, fried cheese, mashed potato and mangu. The tour itself was so much fun and definitely action packed! I recommend this tour for those who are medium to highly fit, it’s more of a struggle for those who aren’t active. I’m scared of heights and had a couple of sketchy moments but it was so rewarding to finish the hike at the end. Water is also quite cold! It’s manageable but there were many moments where I was trying to find sun spots to warm up. Lunch at the end was also great and I appreciate Ronnie accommodating us last minute (we forgot to mention we didn’t eat meat) and he organised some eggplant to go with the rice, salad, tostones and beans. On the way back, Ronnie also got us some Dominican treats to try, Yanniqueque, Dulce de maní and a coconut - all part of the tour! The best part though was he stoped at a mango stand where we bought 8 mangoes for $2.35CAD! The best mangoes I’ve ever eaten. Thank you Ronnie for an unforgettable experience! Restaurants we went to in order:
May 3-5: Bayahíbe - Villa Iguana
Bayahíbe was SUCH a cute town, I wished we could’ve stayed here for a couple more days to enjoy the water which was so beautiful and clear. The infrastructure is limited for remote workers though, average 20mbps download speeds, hence why we only came for the weekend. As it is a small town, 3-4 days would suffice, you can walk around the whole town centre in 45-60mins probably. But you could also head over down south towards where the hotels are to experience some other restaurants and beaches. Highly recommend visiting Cueva de Chicho while here, very cool experience swimming in a cenote cave with bats - bring a waterproof head lamp if you can! This is the only swimmable cave in the area and it cost DRP200 pp to enter and walk 20 mins to the cave from the entrance. I’m not sure if this was normal either but there was a large market on Friday night in the town centre with a DJ which had a fun local feel. We had an unfortunate event when we were leaving Bayahíbe to Bávaro via Uber - we recommend you DO NOT DO. Use Bookaway and pre-book a shuttle. We actually had a shuttle booked originally but they accidentally cancelled it for no reason when we were in Santo Domingo and because Ubers were cheaper and we got one from Santo Domingo to Bayahíbe no problem, we thought it’d be fine. We ended up spending an hour trying to get a driver to take us, but they all kept calling to ask for double the price that was on Uber, where it advertised DRP2500 and the drivers wanted us to pay DRP4000 cash. So we kept cancelling and being bumped between the limited drivers available. Eventually one driver refused to cancel so we couldn’t find another driver, essentially forcing us to use him. It was a very uncomfortable experience, we felt scammed as all the drivers kept saying the same price but shame on Uber if they truly do underpay their drivers there - which is the reason the drivers gave. However, we paid DRP5000 to go from Santo Domingo to Bayahíbe which is double the distance, so I don’t know what was fair or not, perhaps we cheated that driver. Reviews of excursions and restaurants below. Vip Cruise on SpeedBoat to paradise Mano Juan, Saona Island: All in all this was still a good trip but it was a little unorganized and we didn’t see/do everything on the itinerary. We also didn’t leave the port until around 10:15/10:30am, there was only one bottle of water per person all day provided (luckily I brought my own water), we didn’t get a coconut either with lunch nor visit the shipwreck for snorkelling. I wish we spent more time during the morning activities, and less time at the old fishing village. It started off well but got boring towards the end. I don’t know if I’d recommend this tour at the current cost, there are similar tours for half the price, so feel a little cheated seeing as we didn’t get/do everything we were supposed to. Isidro was nice though, and seeing the baby sea turtles was definitely a highlight, water was also stunning.
May 5-11: Bàvaro - Airbnb: I have mixed feelings about this place, it felt very touristy but had such great potential. The beach was unfortunately covered in sargassum and was not pleasant to swim, if you head north you might be able to find a spot to swim though. Thankfully we had a pool and since it was the shoulder season, basically had it all to ourselves. Restaurants were more expensive than I thought for the quality, I wish I ventured into the local area, Friusa, driving past it looked like it would have tasty cheap eats! We didn’t do much here since it was our last 6 days and we were only here during the week, but we did get an Uber to Playa Macao which didn’t have as much sargassum and was really nice to swim in. Barely any amenities there though so pack some food and drinks with you as the restaurants that are open are quite expensive for the quality. Reviews of restaurants below.
TLDR: Ocean El Faro/El Beso is a beautiful resort, but has terrible food. Hike Tabernacle with Ronnie and eat at Ajuala in Santo Domingo; Book private transport in and out of Bayahibe; Don’t make Bávaro a priority to visit, can be easily missed - it’ll be better later on
Hope this is helpful for some people, let me know if you have any qs!
submitted by Happy-Strawberry1728 to digitalnomad [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:48 Itchy-Comfortable278 Now you can shop HelloFresh recipes without a subscription

Now you can shop HelloFresh recipes without a subscription
Planning for meals and shopping for groceries should not be hard.
So i ended up creating Hello RealFresh
Now you can:
  1. Shop HelloFresh recipes from any nearby store by checking exact quantity and quality with a click.
  2. Filter recipes by ingredients
  3. Skip ingredients which you already have at home
  4. Its totally FREE!!
How to install on Laptop:
  1. Install chrome on your laptop/ desktop if not already installed.
  2. Click on this link to install the chrome extension (Hello RealFresh):
  3. Pin the extension in chrome so it directly takes you to the weekly menu page.
  4. Click the chrome extension you just pinned to go to the HF menu page.
How to use:
  1. To buy items from the shopping cart select a store near you and click on the "buy" button or "Buy All" button.
  2. It takes you to the store page to buy the ingredient. In US it takes you to Instacart.
  3. Once you have added all the items you need, just place the order.
Note: It may take few seconds to activate when you go to the menu page.
I hope this makes your life a little easier.
**Feedback to improve the experience is super welcome. 🙏 🙏 **You can rate and share your feedback here 👍 ✅ :
I am NOT associated with or affiliate of any brands. This is something i have been working on for sometime. Finally felt like sharing with everyone.
submitted by Itchy-Comfortable278 to hellofresh [link] [comments]