Actrises mexicanas del pley boy

ECM Por qué no nos volveremos Venezuela con la aplastante victoria de Morena el pasado dos de junio

2024.06.09 08:21 CountofMexico ECM Por qué no nos volveremos Venezuela con la aplastante victoria de Morena el pasado dos de junio

Me considero oposición a la 4T y ahora que obtuvieron mayoría en ambas cámaras legislativas y en los congresos estatales, no dejo de tener miedo de qué nos volvamos como Venezuela, que estos güeyes empiecen a querernos quitar derechos, a desmantelar la democracia, alejar a los inversionistas nacionales y extranjeros a que no combatan la inseguridad y a que empiecen a atacar el patrimonio de las familias mexicanas y por más que mis papás a quienes aprecio y amo con toda mi vida me han explicado, sigo con miedo.
Por favor explíquenme personas de todos los pensamientos políticos, por qué no nos volveremos Venezuela porque lo que dicen los chairos son amenazas vacías; varios conocidos chairos me han dicho que ya están preparando demandas contra mi familia para quitarnos nuestra casa y nuestro patrimonio obtenido a través del esfuerzo, trabajo honrado y duro y educación que mis padres han podido tener y que también me han dado el privilegio de poder recibir, que porque “es la voluntad del pueblo”. Explíquenme por qué no debo de tenerles miedo a esos güeyes por favor y explíquenme por qué no nos volveremos Venezuela
submitted by CountofMexico to ExplicameComoMorrito [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:59 iluvthenbhd 17 F - Philippines looking for a friend 𐙚⋆.˚

Hello I am looking for a friend across the globe. I have a cat named Connie 2 ( Connie 1 disappeared and never came back😭). I love listening to music and also love classical music, my fave classical music are swan lake and four seasons, because it really conveys the sound of beauty and rage (Ultraviolence reference). I also LOVEE reading books, Preferably classic literature (currently reading White Nights) I love the smell of vanilla. I love learning and expanding my knowledge. I love writing poems and essays.
I also love listening to music and my favorite artists are Lana Del Rey and The Neighborhood. They are my top artists on spotify! My favorite LDR album are Honeymoon, NFR, Born to Die and DYKTTATUOB. My fave The Nbhd song is Sweater Weather, Alleyways, Softcore, Afraid, Nervous, Baby come home/2 Valentines, Wires, Flawless ( i know some of their songs are popular but they are so good and there are too many songs to mention).
It doesn’t matter if you’re a boy or girl, or any race as long as you are 17-20 hehe (I’m sorry)
submitted by iluvthenbhd to penpals [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:29 implaying This is getting out of hand. I thought my steam deck and gbc were enough 🫠

This is getting out of hand. I thought my steam deck and gbc were enough 🫠
The retroid pocket flip was because of this lol
submitted by implaying to SBCGaming [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:26 a_person_96 I found this while looking through my Instagram stories, can anyone confirm or deny if this is true or not? Maybe as a promotional event or something?

I found this while looking through my Instagram stories, can anyone confirm or deny if this is true or not? Maybe as a promotional event or something? submitted by a_person_96 to kmart [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:10 Mattmarteen- Looking for a non too old game / Buscando un juego no muy viejo

[Using a Translator, sorry if something is not understood] [Versión en Español debajo de la versión en Inglés!]
I'm looking for a not very old game I'm looking for it since all I have are old memories, but I still don't remember the name and I haven't found it anywhere else.
(The plot and everything that happens is something quite basic) The game as I remember it, starts with a boy in his room where there were things like a desk and a computer, there it let you choose the name of the character, even so he is a character male.
Then we are told that the protagonist's mother sent him to a kind of house in the forest (I don't remember the reason) and then the game is something like the daily life of the boy along with three girls who live in the house.
The girls' personalities are literal, typical stereotypes
The first is a girl who is somewhat serious and brave, she slept near the central room of the house and it is also said that she slept with one eye open
The second is a girl of the "super cute and tender style" and she grabs the player's confidence.
And I remember practically nothing about the third one.
Before uninstalling the game I saw a scene in which the protagonist's mother came to the house and in the middle of that he had to say who he was in love with (it's an Otome)
As additional information: The game was available in the play store, the date must be something like 2018. I am sure that the one I played was a translation, I don't know if it was a Japanese-Spanish translation, or an English-Spanish translation , but it was one of those. The drawing style was like Anime from the 2000s (I used to consume that, y'know, dark times). I remember some backgrounds, the one I remember most is a very green forest with a little path, there supposedly where the girls in the game were known, I also remember a basement that despite having some things gave an empty appearance, also a stage /chapter where they went to a fair and the player could decide whether to stay with the girl who is like super cute instead of going on a roller coaster, or go with the others on this one. The type of game was more about making decisions and I'm sure it didn't let you move the character. The main character's appearance is never shown. The game was horizontal
I asked around a bit in other places and they said it was similar to "Otome game: Ghost (Office love)" by Genius INC, and "Three wishes" by Hanabi Media, I didn't find anything about Three wishes and Ghost just some gameplays that I'm not sure it's the same game, however that's not because there are no more characters than the four main characters and the only boy in the game is the protagonist.
It's kind of hard to find since the plot is quite generic, but I know 100% that the game exists and I totally remember having played it, if I remember anything else I'll say it.
I am very new to this page and I almost completely don't know how to make a post, so I hope I have done well and that you can help me with this
Estoy buscando un juego no muy viejo Estoy buscándolo ya que lo único que tengo son recuerdos viejos, pero sigo sin recordar el nombre y no lo he encontrado en otros lado
(La trama y todo lo que pasa es algo bastante básico) El juego según lo recuerdo, inicia con un chico en su cuarto donde habían cosas como un escritorio y un computador, ahí te dejan elegir el nombre del personaje, aun así es un personaje masculino.
Después se nos dice como que la madre del protagonista lo mandó a una especie de casa del bosque (No recuerdo el motivo) y luego el juego es algo como la vida cotidiana del chico junto con tres chicas que viven en la casa.
Las personalidades de las chicas son literal, los típicos estereotipos
La primera es una tipa que te dicen que es algo seria y valiente, dormía cerca de la habitación central de la casa y también se dice que dormía con un ojo abierto
La segunda es una chica del estilo super linda y tierna y agarra confianza al jugador
Y de la tercera recuerdo prácticamente nada
Antes de desinstalar el juego vi una escena en que la madre del protagonista venía a la casa y él en medio de eso tenía que decir de quién estaba enamorado (Es un Otome)
Como datos adicionales: El juego estaba disponible en la play store, la fecha ha de ser algo como el 2018. Estoy seguro de que el que jugué era una traducción, no sé si haya sido traducción de Japonés-Español, o de Inglés-Español, pero era una de esas. El estilo de dibujo era como Anime de los 2000s (Yo solía consumir eso, yasaben, época oscura). Recuerdo algunos fondos, el que más recuerdo es el de un boque muy verde con un caminito, ahí se supone que se conocía a las chicas del juego, también recuerdo un sótano que a pesar de tener algunas cosas daba un aspecto vacío, también un escenario/capítulo donde iban a una feria y el jugador podía decidir si quedarse con la chica que es como super tierna en vez de ir a una montaña rusa, o irse con las demás a esta. El tipo de juego era más de tomar decisiones y estoy seguro de que no te dejaba mover al personaje. Del personaje principal nunca se muestra su aspecto. El juego estaba en horizontal
Pregunté un poco en otros lugares y dijeron que era parecido a "Otome game: Ghost (Office love)" de Genius INC, y a "Three wishes" de Hanabi Media, no encontré nada acerca de Three wishes y de Ghost solo algunos gameplays que no estoy seguro de que sea el mismo juego, sin embargo ese no es porque no se presentan más personajes que los cuatro principales y el único chico del juego es el protagonista
Es medio difícil encontrarlo ya que la trama es bastante genérica, pero yo sé al 100% que el juego existe y recuerdo totalmente haberlo jugado, si me acuerdo de algo más lo diré
Soy muy principiante en esta página y desconozco casi por completo como hacer un post, así que espero haberlo hecho bien y que me ayuden en esto
submitted by Mattmarteen- to u/Mattmarteen- [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:09 SanderSo47 Directors at the Box Office: Ang Lee

Directors at the Box Office: Ang Lee
Here's a new edition of "Directors at the Box Office", which seeks to explore the directors' trajectory at the box office and analyze their hits and bombs. I already talked about a few, and as I promised, it's Ang Lee's turn.
Lee's father, a respect principal, was hoping that his son would become a professor. But he was disappointed when his son failed his high school exam twice, forcing him to attend a less privileged university. Seeing Ingmar Bergman's film The Virgin Spring was a formative experience for him. After finishing his mandatory military service, he moved to the United States to complete his studies. He wanted to become an actor, but his struggle with English made him move into directing. After finally meeting a few contacts in the industry, he started working as a director.
From a box office perspective, how reliable was he to deliver a box office hit?
That's the point of this post. To analyze his career.

Pushing Hands (1991)

His directorial debut. It stars Sihung Lung, Lai Wang, Bo Z. Wang, Deb Snyder and Haan Lee. It follows a Chinese tai chi master living in New York, who struggles to find his place in the world. The film shows the contrast between traditional Chinese ideas of Confucian relationships within a family and the much more informal Western emphasis on the individual.
Lee graduated from New York University Tisch School of the Arts in 1984, but had failed to find career opportunities since, working almost full-time as a house-father. During the intermediate six years, he became interested in martial arts, specifically tai chi, after reading the wuxia novel Jianghu qixia zhuan. This motivated him to write a screenplay, which brought the attention of Hsu Li-kong, a recently promoted senior manager in a major studio who had a strong interest in Lee's unique style and freshness. He invited Lee to make his directorial debut.
It had a very limited release, and it was reported that it made just $152,322 domestically. But it received acclaim in the United States and Taiwan. And that allowed Lee to finally get a chance to expand his horizon.
  • Budget: N/A.
  • Domestic gross: $152,322.
  • Worldwide gross: $152,322.

The Wedding Banquet (2023)

"You are cordially invited to a wedding where everybody wants to kiss the bride... except the groom."
His second film. The film stars Gua Ah-leh, Lung Sihung, May Chin, Winston Chao and Mitchell Lichtenstein. The story concerns a bisexual Taiwanese immigrant man who marries a mainland Chinese woman to placate his parents and get her a green card. His plan backfires when his parents arrive in the United States to plan his wedding banquet and he has to hide the truth of his gay partner.
Neil Peng approached Lee with the idea in 1986 by revealing to Lee that one of their mutual friends had moved to the United States and was in a same-sex relationship without the knowledge of the man's parents. Lee and Peng began writing the screenplay two years later and were soon joined by James Schamus. Schamus wrote that the film was "first drafted in Chinese, then translated into English, re-written in English, translated back into Chinese, and eventually subtitled in Chinese and English and a dozen other languages."
The film was critically acclaimed, and became a sleeper hit, earning $23.6 million against a budget of just $1 million. Lee was on the rise.
  • Budget: $1,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $6,933,459.
  • Worldwide gross: $23,633,459.

Eat Drink Man Woman (1994)

"It's hard to tell where sex stops and food begins."
His third film. It stars Sihung Lung, Wang Yu-wen, Wu Chien-lien, and Yang Kuei-mei. It follows four members of the Zhu family as they navigate the challenges of love, life, tradition and family. This film deals with the transition from tradition to modernity. It is Lee's first (and to date, only film) to be shot entirely in his native Taiwan.
Like his previous films, another critical and commercial success. Lee quickly made himself a household name.
  • Budget: N/A.
  • Domestic gross: $7,294,403.
  • Worldwide gross: $24,294,403.

Sense and Sensibility (1995)

"Lose your heart and come to your senses."
His fourth film. Based on the novel by Jane Austen, and it stars Emma Thompson (who also wrote the screenplay), Kate Winslet, Hugh Grant and Alan Rickman. The story follows the Dashwood sisters, members of a wealthy English family of landed gentry, as they must deal with circumstances of sudden destitution. They are forced to seek financial security through marriage.
In 1989, producer Lindsay Doran suggested adapting the novel to her colleagues. She was a lifelong fan of the novel, and vowed to make a film adaptation if she ever made it into the industry. Looking for a writer, Doran read screenplays by English and American writers until she came across a series of comedic skits, often in period settings, that actress Emma Thompson had written and decided that that was the direction she wanted for the film. As they were working on the film Dead Again, Doran hired Thompson to write the film, even though she never wrote a feature-length film before.
Thompson spent five years writing and revising the screenplay, both during and between shooting other films. Believing the novel's language to be "far more arcane than in [Austen's] later books," Thompson sought to simplify the dialogue while retaining the "elegance and wit of the original." Despite Doran's confidence, studios were reluctant to pick up the film, as Thompson never wrote a film. Columbia Pictures executive Amy Pascal supported Thompson's work and agreed to sign as the producer and distributor.
In 1993, Lee was hired to direct, basically for his work in The Wedding Banquet. Even though he was not familiar with Jane Austen, Doran felt that Lee's films, which depicted complex family relationships amidst a social comedy context, were a good fit with Austen's storylines. Viewing it as a "director for hire" job, Lee spent six months in preparing for the film, as it would have his largest budget ($16 million) by that point. Doran and Columbia asked Thompson to play Elinor herself.
The film received widespread critical acclaim, and was included on more than a hundred top-ten of the year lists, as well as one of the best Austen adaptations. It was a huge box office hit, earning $134 million worldwide. It received 7 Oscar nominations, including Best Picture and Best Actress. Thompson won Best Adapted Screenplay, making her the only person to have won an Oscar for both her writing and acting (she won Best Actress two years prior). However, Lee was not nominated for Best Director, a decision that was criticized by many as Hollywood's racism against Lee and Chinese cinema in general. Lee sought to avoid turning his omission into a scandal and specifically asked the Taiwan state media not to make it a "national issue", explaining that he endured more pressure when forced to act as his country's representative.
  • Budget: $16,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $43,182,776.
  • Worldwide gross: $134,582,776.

The Ice Storm (1997)

"The American Dream was over. But the hangover was just beginning."
His fifth film. Based on the novel by Rick Moody, it stars Kevin Kline, Joan Allen, Tobey Maguire, Christina Ricci, Elijah Wood, Katie Holmes, Glenn Fitzgerald, Jamey Sheridan and Sigourney Weaver. Set during Thanksgiving 1973, it follows two dysfunctional New Canaan, Connecticut, upper-class families who are trying to deal with tumultuous social changes of the early 1970s, and their escapism through alcohol, adultery and sexual experimentation.
The film ended Lee's winning streak at the box office, but it was still critically acclaimed.
  • Budget: $18,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $8,038,061.
  • Worldwide gross: $16,011,975.

Ride with the Devil (1999)

"In a no-man's land between North and South, you didn't fight for the blue or grey, you fought for your friends and your family."
His sixth film. Based on the novel Woe to Live On by Daniel Woodrell, it stars Tobey Maguire, Skeet Ulrich, Jeffrey Wright, Jewel, Simon Baker, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, James Caviezel, Thomas Guiry and Jonathan Brandis. Set during the American Civil War, it follows a group of men who join the First Missouri Irregulars, also known as the Bushwhackers — guerrilla units loyal to pro-Confederacy units of the state — and their war against Northern Jayhawkers allied with the Union army.
Despite commanding a $38 million budget, the film had a very limited three-day run, making less than $1 million. It also received mixed reviews from critics.
  • Budget: $38,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $635,096.
  • Worldwide gross: $635,096.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000)

"A timeless story of strength, secrets, and two warriors who would never surrender."
His seventh film. Based on the Chinese novel serialized between 1941 and 1942 by Wang Dulu, it stars Chow Yun-fat, Michelle Yeoh, Zhang Ziyi, and Chang Chen. Master Li Mu Bai, a warrior, is about to retire and gives his sword to his lover Yu Shu Lien to keep it safe. However, the sword is stolen and now an embittered Li embarks on a mission to find it.
The stunt work was mostly performed by the actors themselves and Ang Lee stated in an interview that computers were used "only to remove the safety wires that held the actors" aloft. "Most of the time you can see their faces," he added. "That's really them in the trees." The film specifically targeted Western audiences rather than the domestic audiences who were already used to Wuxia films. As a result, high-quality English subtitles were needed. Ang Lee, who was educated in the West, personally edited the subtitles to ensure they were satisfactory for Western audiences.
Whatever were the expectations for this, the film exceeded them by a large margin. After a limited release, it earned $8 million in its first wide domestic opening weekend. But the crazy thing was how insane were its legs; it didn't hit a sub $4 million weekend until its 12th wide weekend, and it even increased from some weekends. It closed with a colossal $128 million domestically, becoming the highest foreign-language film in United States, a record it still keeps, and it's twice as much as the second place, Life Is Beautiful. Worldwide, it earned $213.9 million worldwide, becoming a worldwide phenomenon and Lee's highest grossing film.
The film was widely acclaimed across the world, hailed as one of the greatest films of the century. The film led to a boost in popularity of Chinese wuxia films in the Western world, where they were previously little known, and led to films such as Hero and House of Flying Daggers, both directed by Zhang Yimou, being marketed towards Western audiences. It received 10 Oscar nominations (the most for a foreign film), including Best Picture and Best Director for Lee. It won four: Best Foreign Language Film, Best Art Direction, Best Original Score, and Best Cinematography. To this day, one of the most iconic foreign titles. Lee made history.
  • Budget: $17,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $128,530,421.
  • Worldwide gross: $213,978,518.

Hulk (2003)

"Unleash the fury."
His eighth film. Based on the Marvel Comics character created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, it stars Eric Bana, Jennifer Connelly, Sam Elliott, Josh Lucas, and Nick Nolte. The film explores Bruce Banner's origins. After a lab accident involving gamma radiation, he transforms into a giant green-skinned humanoid with superhuman strength known as the Hulk whenever stressed or emotionally provoked. The United States military pursues him, and he clashes with his biological father, who has dark plans for his son.
Since 1990, Avi Arad and Gale Ann Hurd were working on a Hulk film, but Universal was struggling in finding the right script. Hurd brought her husband Jonathan Hensleigh as co-producer the following year, and Universal hired Industrial Light & Magic to create the Hulk with computer-generated imagery. Joe Johnston was hired as director, but he eventually left to work on another film, while Zak Penn was brought to rewrite. Hensleigh subsequently rewrote the script with J. J. Abrams. Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski were also brought on board to rewrite, with Hensleigh deciding to direct the film himself despite not having directed before. By 1998, Universal put the film on hiatus due to its escalating $100 million budget and worries of Hensleigh directing his first film. $20 million was already spent on script development, computer animation, and prosthetics work. Hensleigh immediately went to rewrite the script to reduce the budget.
In 2001, Lee and his colleague James Schamus signed for the project, after Lee chose not to direct Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines. He was dissatisfied with the script and commissioned Schamus for a rewrite, merging Banner's father with the Absorbing Man. Lee cited influences from King Kong, Frankenstein, Jekyll and Hyde, Beauty and the Beast, Faust, and Greek mythology to interpret the story. Schamus said he had found the storyline that introduced Brian Banner, allowing Lee to write a drama that again explored father-son themes. Schamus admitted to feeling pressure after the release of Spider-Man.
Eric Bana commented that the shoot was "Ridiculously serious... a silent set, morbid in a lot of ways." Lee told him that he was shooting a Greek tragedy, and that he would be making a "whole other movie" about the Hulk at Industrial Light & Magic. An example of Lee's arthouse approach to the film was taking Bana to watch a bare-knuckle boxing match. Bana would later disfavorably reflect on his experience making the film as the majority of the time he was working indoors while the rest of the cast interacted with a CGI recreation of the Hulk, somewhat limiting his screen time.
After the colossal success of Spider-Man, Universal mounted an extensive marketing campaign, which also highlighted Ang Lee's involvement. The film opened with a huge $62.1 million in its first weekend, the biggest June debut and the 16th biggest ever. However, the film had absolutely no legs at the box office. In its second weekend, it dropped a colossal 69.7%, which was the biggest for a film that opened above $20 million. In its third weekend, it fell another steep 56.3% and it kept falling until it left theaters, becoming the largest opener not to earn $150 million. It closed with $132 million domestically and $245 million worldwide. Good enough to be the 15th highest grossing film of the year and Lee's highest grossing film, but not a hit given its $137 million budget.
If Spider-Man was an immediate crowd-pleaser, Hulk was the exact opposite. It received polarizing reviews; while its ambition and style was praised, a lot criticized its CGI and very limited action ("too much talking and not enough smashing"). In subsequent years, some have praised the film as an ambitious film that deviated from the superhero formula, although it's still not widely considered as a beloved film. Lee admitted the challenges of the film, but stood proud of the film and its fans.
  • Budget: $137,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $132,177,234.
  • Worldwide gross: $245,285,165.

Brokeback Mountain (2005)

"Love is a force of nature."
His ninth film. Based on the short story by Annie Proulx, it stars Heath Ledger, Jake Gyllenhaal, Anne Hathaway, Michelle Williams and Randy Quaid. Its plot depicts the complex romantic relationship between two American cowboys, Ennis Del Mar and Jack Twist, in the American West from 1963 to 1983.
Screenwriter Diana Ossana discovered Annie Proulx's short story in October 1997, just days after its publication. She convinced writing partner Larry McMurtry to read it, who thought it was a "masterpiece". The pair asked Proulx if they could adapt it into a film screenplay; although she did not think that the story would work as a film, she agreed. The big challenge wasn't the script, it was about getting the film made in the first place.
Gus Van Sant attempted to make the film, hoping to cast Matt Damon and Joaquin Phoenix as Ennis and Jack, respectively. He also considered Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Ryan Phillippe and Josh Hartnett. Damon, who previously worked with Van Sant on Good Will Hunting, told the director, "Gus, I did a gay movie (The Talented Mr. Ripley), then a cowboy movie (All the Pretty Horses). I can't follow it up with a gay-cowboy movie!"
James Schamus, who was now the CEO of Focus Features, optioned the film rights in 2001. Pedro Almodovar was approached, but he felt he couldn't get his artistic freedom respected. At Ossana's request, Schamus showed the story and screenplay to Lee. Lee decided instead to make Hulk, and that film's experience left him exhausted, to the point that he considered retiring. When he was offered Brokeback, he changed his mind and agreed to direct. He was particularly drawn to the authentic rural American life and repression depicted in the story.
Ossana and McMurty suggested Heath Ledger, but the film studio thought he was not masculine enough. Regardless, Ledger got the script, who thought it was "beautiful" and put himself forward. Gyllenhaal reacted to the script positively and signed on for the role; he also did not want to miss the opportunity working with Lee and friend Ledger. Lee met with Mark Wahlberg for a role in the film, but Wahlberg declined as he was "creeped out" by the script. Gyllenhaal admired Ledger and described him as "way beyond his years as a human". Other actors were considered for the leads but Lee said they were too afraid to take on the roles.
You have to consider that while the world progressed a lot in the past years, 2005 was a very different era, so a film like Brokeback Mountain had a tough hill to climb. Some countries refused to play the film, while others censored it. LGBT films weren't big at the time, so it felt like there wouldn't be a big audience here.
And they were proven wrong.
The film debuted with $547,425 in 5 theaters, a huge $109,485 per-theater average. It had fantastic legs, eventually closing with a huge $83 million domestically. But the big surprise is that it was bigger overseas; it made $178 million worldwide, becoming Focus Features' highest grossing film. The film received universal acclaim on its release, touted as one of the greatest films of the century. It received 10 Oscar nominations, including Best Picture. It won three: Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay, and Original Score. In a shocking decision, it lost Best Picture to Crash, a decision that has been reviled ever since. We'd like to say it's a polarizing decision... but let's face it, there are no Crash fans nowadays. Or at least, none that prefer that to Brokeback.
But at the end of the day, it doesn't matter; Brokeback may not have won the Oscar, but it won over the general public.
It wasn't the first LGBT film, not even close. But it might have been the most influential and a huge landmark.
  • Budget: $14,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $83,043,761.
  • Worldwide gross: $178,064,141.

Lust, Caution (2007)

"The trap is set."
His tenth film. Based on the novella by Eileen Chang, it stars Tony Leung Chiu-wai, Tang Wei, Anupam Kher, Joan Chen, Wang Leehom and Shyam Pathak. The film is set in Hong Kong in 1938 and in Shanghai in 1942, when the city was occupied by the Imperial Japanese Army and ruled by the puppet government led by Wang Jingwei. The film depicts a group of Chinese university students from The University of Hong Kong who plot to assassinate a high-ranking special agent and recruiter working for the puppet government by luring him into a honey trap.
The actors who played university classmates, spent six months of preproduction in Hong Kong just to get into character and understand the period before filming. During this period the group of actors, including Tang Wei and Wang Leehom became very close friends. Both Tang Wei and Tony Leung Chiu-wai were asked whether the sex scenes in the movie were unsimulated. Tang Wei responded, "In the movie, we are just doing what we should do to have a baby." As for Tony Leung, he responded, "When the bodies collide with each other, it is indeed like a fake show!" The film was rated NC-17 in North America for its explicit sex scenes, and Lee made it clear he would not re-cut the film. Despite that, the version released in China was cut by about seven minutes (by Lee himself) to make it suitable for younger audiences, since China has no rating system.
The film won the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival, where it received critical acclaim. Due to the rating, it only earned $4 million domestically. But it was much bigger overseas, where it earned $67 million worldwide, becoming the highest grossing NC-17 film (a record it still keeps).
  • Budget: $15,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $4,604,982.
  • Worldwide gross: $67,091,915.

Taking Woodstock (2009)

"Take the trip."
His 11th film. Based on the memoir by Elliot Tiber and Tom Monte, it stars Demetri Martin, Paul Dano, Dan Fogler, Henry Goodman, Jonathan Groff, Emile Hirsch, Eugene Levy, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Imelda Staunton and Liev Schreiber. Elliot's parents own a motel in Catskills, New York. To overcome the family's financial crisis, Elliot offers the organisers of the Woodstock music and art festival boarding and lodging in the motel.
The film received mixed reviews, and bombed at the box office.
  • Budget: $30,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $7,460,204.
  • Worldwide gross: $9,975,737.

Life of Pi (2012)

"Don't lose hope."
His 12th film. Based on the novel by Yann Martel, it stars Suraj Sharma, Irrfan Khan, Tabu, Rafe Spall, Gérard Depardieu and Adil Hussain. The storyline revolves around two survivors of a shipwreck who are on a lifeboat stranded in the Pacific Ocean for 227 days. One is a sixteen-year-old Indian boy named Pi Patel and the other is a ferocious Bengal tiger named Richard Parker.
Fox 2000 Pictures executive Elizabeth Gabler acquired the film rights in February 2003. M. Night Shyamalan was attached to direct, and he was expected to film it after The Village. But he dropped to instead make Lady in the Water, "I was hesitant [to direct] because the book has kind of a twist ending. And I was concerned that as soon as you put my name on it, everybody would have a different experience." Other directors considered were Alfonso Cuarón and Jean-Pierre Jeunet, both of which declined.
In 2009, Lee was hired, but the film was stuck in development hell when he asked for a $120 million budget. But the revival of 3-D motivated Fox in greenlighting the film under Lee's terms. As Lee started casting, one of the actors involved was Tobey Maguire, who would play a reporter. But it was later reported that Lee chose to cut his scenes, feeling he wanted to emphasize an entirely international cast. His scenes were re-shot with Rafe Spall.
Fox mounted an extensive marketing campaign selling the film as "the next Avatar" in terms of visuals and 3-D. And it fucking killed it at the box office. It earned $124.9 million domestically, which was considered a soft performance. But the real money was in the rest of the world; the film broke records in countries like China, United Kingdom, India and Mexico. It earned a colossal $609 million worldwide, easily becoming Lee's highest grossing film. An absolutely insane performance.
The film also received critical acclaim, praised for its CGI and 3-D. It received 11 Oscar nominations, including Best Picture. And it won four: Best Cinematography, Best Visual Effects, Best Original Score, and then Lee himself won his second Oscar for Best Director, becoming the first Asian to win the award twice. And just like that, he cemented himself as one of the greatest filmmakers of our era. And here's how he celebrated it; going to In-N-Out.
  • Budget: $120,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $124,987,023.
  • Worldwide gross: $609,016,565.

Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk (2016)

"To walk the path of a hero, you have to see how it all began."
His 13th film. Based on the novel by Ben Fountain, it stars Joe Alwyn, Garrett Hedlund, Kristen Stewart, Vin Diesel, Steve Martin, and Chris Tucker. After a horrifying battle in Iraq, Private Billy Lynn and his fellow comrades are brought home for a victory tour. Soon, he recollects the harsh realities of the war and struggles to cope with life.
The film used an unprecedented shooting and projection frame rate of 120 frames per second in 3D at 4K UHD resolution, which Lee terms the "whole shebang". It is the first feature film ever to be shot in such a high frame rate, over twice the previous record (Peter Jackson's The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, shot at 48 fps) and five times the standard speed of 24 fps. Lee undertook such a bold step after reading the book since he wanted the film to be an "immersive" and "realistic" experience of the reality and emotional journey of soldiers.
Due to the complexity involved in shooting at a very high frame rate, Lee could not afford to do many takes even for a single scene. Every shot was difficult and at the same time precious. He would rehearse every scene beforehand and would conduct regular morning meetings with the key crew members to highlight things they needed to be alert on. Shooting close-up shots in 3D with such high resolution meant the cast could not wear make-up and could not deliver less-than-authentic performances. Since no make-up was allowed, make-up artist Luisa Abel spent months of preparation on their skin tones. Throughout filming, the production team had to rethink everything, including different approaches to lighting as the camera needed extra lights due to the higher frame rates.
Due to the complexity of the film's unprecedented high frame rate and the cost of installing equipment capable of projecting the film in its intended format, only five theaters globally were equipped to show it at its highest resolution and maximum frame rate: two in the United States (one at a theater in New York City's AMC Lincoln Square where the film had its world premiere and the other in Los Angeles's the ArcLight Hollywood), and one theater each in Taipei, Beijing, and Shanghai.
The film opened in 2 theaters (New York City's AMC Lincoln Square and Los Angeles's the ArcLight Hollywood's Cinerama Dome), which were the only ones in the country to play the film at 120fps and the ticket prices at both locations running $20 or higher. It made a pretty great $114,129, which made for a fantastic $57,064 per-theater average (the third best of the year). But when it hit wide release, the film was dead on arrival. It made just $901,062 in 1,176 theaters, which was one of the worst wide debuts ever. And then, despite having its second weekend fall on Thanksgiving, it collapsed by 77.3%. It closed after just 3 weeks with only $1.7 million domestically. It fared better overseas, where China made colossal $23.7 million. Worldwide, it made just $30.9 million, making it a box office flop. Reviews were mixed, and people were polarized over the high-frame rate; some deemed it immersive and impressive, while others found it distracting and flat.
  • Budget: $30,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $1,738,477.
  • Worldwide gross: $30,930,984.

Gemini Man (2019)

"Who will save you from yourself?"
His 14th film. It stars Will Smith, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Clive Owen and Benedict Wong. The film follows a retiring Force Recon Marine scout sniper who is targeted by a much younger clone of himself while on the run from a corrupt private military company.
In 1997, Darren Lemke sold his pitch for Gemini Man after impressing Don Murphy with an unproduced spec script. Warner Bros. Pictures pursued the project, but Walt Disney Pictures ultimately won out and Tony Scott would become attached to direct. Complications soon arose when the studio were planning how to make the film. The producers toyed with the idea of an actor play both roles through the use of visual effects, but Scott moved on from the film before any progress could be made.
The project was stuck in development hell, and saw many actors considered, such as Mel Gibson, Harrison Ford, Chris O'Donnell, Nicolas Cage, Sean Connery, Clint Eastwood and Jon Voight. Many directors were also considered, before Lee finally signed in 2017, with Smith also joining. Like his previous film, the film was shot digitally at an extra-high frame rate of 120 frames per second (fps), modified for 3D, this time on modified ARRI Alexa cameras mounted on STEREOTEC 3D Rigs.
Again, due to the requirements needed, only 14 theaters in North America could show the film at a 120fps 2K 3D high-frame rate (two in Los Angeles, two in Chicago, and one each in Miami, Orlando, New Orleans, Denver, New York, San Francisco, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Baltimore and Houston). Even then, the film was shot at 120fps 4K 3D, which means no theater showed its intended vision. Lee said that 120fps 2K 3D felt like the necessary avenue to make “Junior,” Smith’s digital avatar, a soulful character who could also appear to beat the living crap out of a real actor in the film’s many fight sequences.
The film received negative reviews, particularly for its CGI and story. And like his previous film, the high-frame rate received polarizing reactions. Despite the presence of a big star like Will Smith, the film flopped with just $173 million worldwide, against its $138 million budget, and losing an estimated $111 million for Paramount. Lee's attempt at high-frame rate was just not clicking with the public.
  • Budget: $138,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $48,546,770.
  • Worldwide gross: $173,469,516.

The Future

His next film, as confirmed in November 2022, is a Bruce Lee biopic. The lead actor will be Mason Lee, Ang's son. And he suggested he's not done with the 120fps high-frame rate, claiming he would continue using it in his next film for action sequences.


No. Movie Year Studio Domestic Total Overseas Total Worldwide Total Budget
1 Life of Pi 2012 20th Century Fox $124,987,023 $484,029,542 $609,016,565 $120M
2 Hulk 2003 Universal $132,177,234 $113,107,931 $245,285,165 $137M
3 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 2000 Sony $128,530,421 $85,446,864 $213,978,518 $17M
4 Brokeback Mountain 2005 Focus Features $83,043,761 $95,019,405 $178,064,141 $14M
5 Gemini Man 2019 Paramount $48,546,770 $124,922,746 $173,469,516 $138M
6 Sense and Sensibility 1995 Sony $43,182,776 $91,400,000 $134,582,776 $16M
7 Lust, Caution 2007 Focus Features $4,604,982 $62,486,933 $67,091,915 $15M
8 Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk 2016 Sony $1,738,477 $29,192,507 $30,930,984 $30M
9 Eat Drink Man Woman 1994 The Samuel Goldwyn Company $7,294,403 $17,000,000 $24,294,403 N/A
10 The Wedding Banquet 1993 The Samuel Goldwyn Company $6,933,459 $16,700,000 $23,633,459 $1M
11 The Ice Storm 1997 20th Century Fox / Disney $8,038,061 $7,973,914 $16,011,975 $18M
12 Taking Woodstock 2009 Focus Features $7,460,204 $2,515,533 $9,975,737 $30M
13 Ride with the Devil 1999 USA Films $635,096 $0 $635,096 $38M
14 Pushing Hands 1991 Lionsgate $152,322 $0 $152,322 N/A
Across 14 films, he has made $1,727,122,572 worldwide. That's $123,365,898 per film.

The Verdict

Despite his past two films getting two of the worst reviews in his career, Lee has proved himself to be a very reliable director.
Something impressive about him is the versatility in his resume. A comic book film, a survival film, a LGBT film, a wuxia film, a sci-fi film, a post-war film, a Jane Austen film, a noir film, an erotic NC-17 thriller, a Western, and some romantic comedies. Even if some don't fully work, there's still some good and interesting aspects in him. And of course, the first Asian director to win 2 Oscars for Best Director. So if he wants to continue with the controversial 120fps high-frame rate, let him cook. Hopefully in more and more theaters worldwide.
Hope you liked this edition. You can find this and more in the wiki for this section.
The next director will be Zack Snyder. Oh boy. This is where the fun begins.
I asked you to choose who else should be in the run and the comment with the most upvotes would be chosen. Well, we'll later talk about... John McTiernan and Rob Reiner. Whaaaaat? Two posts for the price of one? You're welcome! It was a very tight race, and it was tough to choose one or the other. The former has the dishonor of going to director jail and real jail, while the latter had an incredible run before completely crashing with one of Roger Ebert's most hated films.
This is the schedule for the following four:
Week Director Reasoning
June 10-16 Zack Snyder RIP Inbox.
June 17-23 Tony Scott Action films have not been the same ever since his death.
June 24-30 Roland Emmerich The King of disaster films.
July 1-7 John McTiernan & Rob Reiner The rise and fall of two once-great directors.
Who should be next after McTiernan and Reiner? That's up to you.
submitted by SanderSo47 to boxoffice [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:37 Montyel No existe el fulBo sin la B - Fecha 19 - Primera Nacional B Sábagol

Fecha 19 Y HOY JUEGA BROOOOOWN. El flamigo u/Disastrous-Pen-7513 de all boys y chicago debe estar contento, hoy juegan los dos y son televisados.

Cómo viene la Zona A:

Como viene la Zona B:


Aclaración: los horarios de los partidos son los que figuran en la página de TyC Sports Play.


Todas las fechas hay un partido interzonal, como cada zona es de 19 equipos (no trates de entenderla).
Local Resultado Visitante Transmisión
All Boys 1 - 0 Atlanta FINALIZADO
17' H. Grana;

Zona A:

Local Resultado Visitante Transmisión
Tristán Suarez 2 - 1 Agropecuario FINALIZADO
85' F. Versaci; 90(+6)' P. Ruiz; 5' A. Gagliardi;
San Miguel 1 - 0 Quilmes FINALIZADO
86' J. Ferrero;

Zona B:

Local Resultado Visitante Transmisión
Defensores de Belgrano 1 - 0 Gimnasia y Tiro de Salta FINALIZADO
37' E. Aguirre;
Almagro 2 - 2 Gimnasia y Esgrima de Mendoza FINALIZADO
27' D. Vasquez; 40' J. Orlando; 66' L. Silba; 81' A. Gutierrez;
Temperley 3 - 0 Deportivo Morón FINALIZADO
35' M. Arturia; 88' J. Mavilla; 90(+2)' G. Gonzalez (e.c.);
Brown de Adrogué 0 - 0 Nueva Chicago FINALIZADO


Zona A:

Local Resultado Visitante Transmisión
Racing de Córdoba - San Martín de San Juan Transmite TyC Sports Play a partir de las 14.50 hs.
Alvarado - Arsenal de Sarandí Transmite TyC Sports Play a partir de las 14.50 hs.
Atlético Güemes de Santiago del Estero - San Martín de Tucumán Transmite TyC Sports Play a partir de las 14.50 hs.
Deportivo Maipú - Estudiantes de Buenos Aires Transmite TyC Sports Play a partir de las 14.50 hs.
Patronato - Guillermo Brown de Puerto Madryn Transmite TyC Sports Play a partir de las 15.50 hs.
Ferro - Talleres de Remedios de Escalada Transmite TyC Sports Play a partir de las 15.50 hs.

Zona B:

Local Resultado Visitante Transmisión
Defensores Unidos - Almirante Brown Transmite TyC Sports Play a partir de las 14.50 hs.
San Telmo - Aldosivi Transmite TyC Sports Play a partir de las 14.50 hs.
Deportivo Madryn - Colón Televisa TyC Sports a partir de las 15.00 hs.
Chaco For Ever - Mitre de Santiago del Estero Transmite TyC Sports Play a partir de las 15.50 hs.
submitted by Montyel to fulbo [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:32 ryanmj_ How cool or lame am I

How cool or lame am I submitted by ryanmj_ to Topster [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:15 RivieraMayaNews Mexicana de Aviación signs contract for 20 new aircraft to expand into Canada and U.S. - Riviera Maya News

Mexicana de Aviación signs contract for 20 new aircraft to expand into Canada and U.S. - Riviera Maya News submitted by RivieraMayaNews to u/RivieraMayaNews [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:12 Gaelfling [Discussion] NoSleep Podcast S21E06

It’s Episode 06 of Season 21. Ride the Sleepless Express into tales about death defiers.
A Grave Mistake” written by Brian DeKeuster (Story starts around 00:03:40)
Produced by: Phil Michalski
Cast: Mary – Danielle McRae, Johns – Atticus Jackson
Sunset Grove” written by Jacob D’Amour (Story starts around 00:11:50)
Produced by: Phil Michalski
Cast: Arthur – Dan Zappulla, Becca – Sarah Thomas, Mrs. Holmes – Mary Murphy, Ted – David Cummings, Ms. Ganz – Erin Lillis
Scorchers” written by Vincent Paiement Désilets (Story starts around 00:43:30)
Produced by: Phil Michalski
Cast: Narrator – Mike DelGaudio, Laura – Jessica McEvoy, Olivia’s Dad – Jesse Cornett, Olivia – Erika Sanderson, Tommy – Jeff Clement
Sicker” written by Jake Stein (Story starts around 01:00:10)
Produced by: Phil Michalski
Cast: Narrator – Graham Rowat, Boy – Allonté Barakat
Changing Channels” written by Stephen Hill (Story starts around 01:14:50)
Produced by: Jeff Clement
Cast: Narrator – Matthew Bradford, Ed – Jeff Clement, Doctor – Jesse Cornett, News Anchor – Atticus Jackson, Mom – Kristen DiMercurio
Not One Step Back” written by Enrico Corsi (Story starts around 01:35:35)
Produced by: Jesse Cornett
Cast: Mikhail Guryanov – David Ault, Davik Petrosian – James Cleveland, Piotr Larin – Jake Benson, Dima – Erika Sanderson

Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings - Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone - “Scorchers” illustration courtesy of Hasani Walker
submitted by Gaelfling to TheNSPDiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 14:41 Turbulent_Property_4 The Boys, come farà Gen V a rimpiazzare il compianto attore Chance Perdomo?

Cerchiamo di capire quale sarà il futuro della serie tv spin-off di The Boys dopo la tragica morte di Chance Perdomo.
Come farà Gen V a rimpiazzare il compianto attore Chance Perdomo? Mentre la produzione di Gen V 2 sta iniziando ad aprire i battenti, cerchiamo di fare il punto della situazione sulla serie dopo l'improvvisa e tragica scomparsa del giovane attore.
Prosegui la lettura
submitted by Turbulent_Property_4 to malatidiserie [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 14:26 mikh37 Mexico va tan mal? Los pobres son la razón? Tengo algunas dudas y me gustaría conocer opiniones.

Tengo algunas dudas: A veces cuando leo comentarios que dicen que a México le ha ido pésimo con este gobierno y que las cosas van de mal en peor, me pregunto de dónde sacan eso... Fuera de México no se ha hablado más que lo bien que va el país, de lo bien que se ha manejado, de lo prometedor que está siendo México y lo que se fortaleció su economía. Fuera del país, los extranjeros y el contenido en otros idiomas que habla de la política y economía mexicana, solo ha estado hablando de que, aunque la inseguridad sigue siendo un problema, la economía se ha fortalecido y México está siendo ejemplo de como subiendo el salario mínimo e invirtiendo en la base de la pirámide se pueden sacar a la gente de la pobreza para darles oportunidades y así ir levantando la economía. Incluso se menciona como México no sufrió una recesión cómo otros países postpandemia.
Veo que sigue habiendo gente "preparada" y con buenos empleos que sigue abogando por ideas como la "derrama económica" ... Teorías de los años 70s que hasta el mismo FMI ya admitió que no sirven, porque el dinero nunca se derrama sino que se queda secuestrado en la parte de hasta arriba.
Me sigue sorprendiendo como hay mucha gente que por tener 100mil en el banco ya cree que se identifica con los ultra ricos que tienen miles de millones de dólares y le tira a los pobres con tanto desprecio. No sabiendo que alguien con un millón de pesos está más cerca de ser una persona en condición de calle que de un ultra rico por puras matemáticas: 1 millón de pesos está más cerca de cero que de mil millones de dólares.... Y peor si tomamos en cuenta que muchos de los que odian tanto a los pobres deben desde el carro que conducen hasta la casa en ese fraccionamiento fresa y la ropa de marca que visten... Sería bueno abrir los ojos y darnos cuenta que si estas leyendo esto lo más probable es que seas pobre... Y no es un discurso para dividir, es pura observación de lo que ya está dividido.... Cerrar los ojos y decir que no hay división no nos une, solo prolonga los efectos de esa división al no hacer nada para que las cosas cambien. Hundiendo a los pobres y dejando que los mismos se siguen enriqueciendo.
Creo que haber nacido privilegiado te da la responsabilidad de valorar tus condiciones materiales, aceptar que tú no eres causante de todas tus condiciones por muy trabajador que seas y con mayor razón deberíamos hacernos responsables de leer y aprender como verdaderamente funciona el mundo en vez de darnos palmadas en la espalda y pensar que merecemos lo que tenemos porque tuvimos el privilegio y suerte de que si nos funcionó la receta que a la mayoría no.
En fin... Si alguien me puede decir por qué tanto odio a los pobres y de dónde sacan que México está peor que antes, se los agradecería...
submitted by mikh37 to mexico [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 11:22 enieto87 Ya para que quieren saber más... "con que manos te la tocaban"

Sale el loco ese en la película de Rojo... con unas Mangas...
Una aplicacion de Google play... "Admin Hands"
"Ten ven el aura...".
El perihelio... Feynman ahí tenia un tanque... con manijas que no tenían puta madre... 😂
Todo se lo llevaron a otro contexto... la vieja esa sumi era la que hablaba con mi papa... pero antes de que le avisaran a ella ya tenían una culerada que venían replicando bajo una isocronía...
Eran unos enfermos obsesivos... un pedo fuerte...
Las mamadas esas de los teléfonos... falta que tenga yo una casa de citas... unas casas de torturas... 01 900 849... "Que necesite Las Academias"
Se empezaron tenían una mente muy jodida de estrategas... constituyeron un valor en base a un secuestro... los acalambraron... estos le quisieron dar giro diciendo que por "encourage the boy..."
Uno dijo... no va a quedar más que la del Long Play... al final el jujitsu y a chingar a su madre...
Tenían ahí unos pseudo españoles no se que pedo... tenían a "El Rey de España..." el que con las manos reales la tocara... solo era un límite superior para controlar una deconstrucion de la moralidad...
Aceptar... el darle minusvalia a las agresiones sexuales...
Pura verga...
Si no son papitas... ni unos cuantos pesos... ni 6 años pongan a un pendejo... unos juniors jodidos... pelones todos desmadrados... nigros culeros... ni sus viejas que llegan a "apoyar economicamente a sus padres"
De presupuesto era eso un monstruo impresionante...
Y ya se la saben... las frases... "Yo no voy a matar por lo que no me ama..." y viceversa es... "Si no se mata es porque no se me ama..."
Allá van a acabar con todo... asegurado...
Quieren más o menos... eso ya es cuestión de que se ve que estaban locos... y ya si estaban locos... la reglamentaria eran 9 meses en el manicomio ese privado... yo escuche una persona que dijo... yo dono una lana metan locos ahí... les enderecen...
"Como un parto..."
Esos ya salieron en chinga.... de pelada desde hace días...
submitted by enieto87 to LasAventurasDeEnrique [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 10:09 arteclipse Recommend songs na may ganitong vibes po. Tnxxx

Recommend songs na may ganitong vibes po. Tnxxx
Spotify link ng full playlist po sa comsec.
submitted by arteclipse to SoundTripPh [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 07:56 bot_neen El recuento de los 35 años de historia del PRD, un referente de la política mexicana

El recuento de los 35 años de historia del PRD, un referente de la política mexicana submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 02:19 araujofav OBJETIVAMENTE. ¿Cómo creen que habríamos llegado al 2024 con Anaya?

Argumenten sus respuestas. Se entrega individual, dos cuartillas, letra molde y en tinta negra. No Adriana no puede ser a computadora.
Aquí va la mía:
Seguridad: Pienso que el crimen habría continuado al alza, (igual que con AMLO) pero de forma más acentuada. Esa es toda una discusión pero mientras el vecino venda zapatos nosotros vamos a seguir calzando del mismo número🔫. Ese ligerísimo, apenas perceptible y reciente descenso en homicidios dolosos que tenemos no habría existido. Probablemente con Canallín hubieran empezado a echarse ojitos el gobierno de USA y MX para una intervención al asegurar que "la situación está fuera de control, esto es algo que compromete a ambos países y por ello la única solución es trabajar juntos. Igual y hubiera construido una cárcel au Bukelé, eso probablemente sería su Dos Bocas, y no, no pienso que solucionaría nada, probablemente hubiera metido puros marihuanos.
Economía: Creo que Anaya se habría puesto más las pilas, pero con esteroides, en temas de nearshoring. Aunque no estoy tan seguro de que la recaudación hubiera estado tan chida, realmente creo que los problemas de agua, vivienda y gentrificación por gringos estarían más críticos. No habría impulsado un corredor transístmico Porque a sus ojos Oaxaca es muy moreno como para darle atención. Alguno que otro escándalo por poner apps y dar tablets en la Mixteca o Barrancas del Cobre.
Internacional: El país estaría siendo más qlero con los centro y suramericanos y haitianos y más palero con los güeritos. Con Trump, pffff, no sé, creo que por querer jugarle al listo con él, (que lo hubiera intentado para lucirse en las entrevistas) le habría salido el tiro por la culata, pero no sé, este es en el que menos podría decir algo.
Pandemia: País super endeudado (aprendido de Caldy), mucho, mucho, muy. Si no hubiera tenido a Marcelo Ebrard (el nerd del MUN) las vacunas no habrían llegado tan pronto como lo hicieron, él sí nos hubiera encerrado en casa con la policía. La verdad es que sólo si el Dr Macías volvía a ser asesor los indicadores hubieran ido a la baja, así que mi respuesta es, depende.
Salud: En este sentido reconozco que las cosas no habrían tocado el fondo al que terminaron llegando, aunque no dejen que les mientan, el sistema de salud era mediocre, solo no se daba el lujo de quedar mal con TANTA gente, el sistema de salud y la cultura de la salud necesitan un cambio que Anaya no hubiera hecho y que Obrador evidentemente tampoco está haciendo.
Educación: Vista para abajo, Otro ámbito que requiere cambios desde su base que no pasan, pero su argumento sería más que los niños de las escuelas de gobierno no le echan ganas ni porque les regalan tablets.
Transparencia: Con MALO no hubo cambios reales en transparencia, pero con canallín "nunca habría existido la corrupción con el PAN", las únicas corruptelas ocurrirían en la jefatura de la CDMX y en los estados de morena. En 5 años milagrosamente Anaya sería dueño de cada mall en querétaro. Ricardo Salinas Pliego, Azcárraga y él serían besties, algo así como las plásticas de la elite mexicana.
Infraestructura: El NAIM hubiera costado tantas veces más como lo hizo el tren maya. Lo bueno? Ese sí lo estaría usando la gente. Lo malo? Su mantenimiento sería bastante costoso, el agua y el tráfico con sus derivadas consecuencias sí estarían ya frías como cerveza de Oxxo en provincia.
En resumen, creo que si hoy cojeamos con el derecho y nos duele el izquierdo, el México de Anaya cojearía del izquierdo y le dolería el derecho.
Sin pelearse, mejor vamos a tomar una cerveza por eso. 🍻
submitted by araujofav to mexico [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 01:16 Comprehensive-Ad4436 I was born 60 years too late.

Watching Echoes live at Gdansk as a 16 year old now makes me truly realise I was born in the wrong generation. I was not even alive when this performance was done sadly. This song truly is one of a kind - the musical genius of Gilmour and Wright combined with Roger's lyrics is incredible. Nick’s drumming on the live version at Pompeii is incredible. Pink Floyd from 1971-1979 has to be one of the greatest bands of all time (almost up there with The Beatles from 1965-1969) Pink Floyd are incredible.
Rest in peace Richard and Syd. I wish I had gotten to see you perform live, but I was born sixty years too late.
Richard was the soul of the band. His Hammond Organ, Farfisa, Minimoog, electric piano and piano playing is much of the reason I love Pink Floyd so much. Echoes, Any Colour You Like, Time, Us And Them, Hey You, Matilda Mother and Astronomy Dominé are such good songs in part due to him.
I will play Pink Floyd to my children in 10-15 years, along with The Beatles, Bob Dylan, The Velvet Underground, The Beach Boys and The Who.
Thanks for the messages, some positive and some less positive.
Whilst it is corny to say “I was born in the wrong generation” I do feel that way in terms of music, not in terms of life in general. In fact, if I had existed in the 60s and 70s I would’ve been diagnosed as schizophrenic due to my autism even though I’m not schizophrenic at all.
I think that modern music is not as good as older music as it is over-produced, but there’s some music which is less mainstream (less than 5m listeners on Spotify) that I like - modern Indie bands such as Catfish and the Bottlemen, Crystal Fighters and Bloc Party. There’s a few mainstream musicians I do like - Olivia Rodrigo, Lana Del Rey and Billie Eilish.
submitted by Comprehensive-Ad4436 to pinkfloyd [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 00:01 O_O___XD Así fue la última vez que México le ganó a Brasil

Así fue la última vez que México le ganó a Brasil
El 3 de junio del 2012 en Arlington, Texas, la selección mexicana de futbol en el Estadio de los Vaqueros de Dallas de la NFL venció por última ocasión al equipo nacional de Brasil, el marcador fue de 2 - 0
submitted by O_O___XD to LigaMX [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:56 Smudgefudge1 Thoughts on my topster?

Thoughts on my topster? submitted by Smudgefudge1 to Topster [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:48 JuniorCDC ¡Ya parecen la ONU! Futbolista méxico-israelí estará a prueba con la filial de Chivas en Liga de Expansión

¡Ya parecen la ONU! Futbolista méxico-israelí estará a prueba con la filial de Chivas en Liga de Expansión
Tras la llegada de Cade Cowell y el aún no anunciado fichaje de Daniel Aguirre, ambos nacidos en Estados Unidos. Chivas tiene en la mira a otro futbolista de raíces mexicanas, pero nacido en Israel.
Joshua Strimling, jugador de raíces mexicanas, pero nacido en Israel, se encuentra a prueba para firmar con Tapatío, club filial de Chivas en la Liga de Expansión, así lo dio a conocer Paola De la Torre, periodista de FOX Sports.
¿Quién es Joshua Strimling? Joshua Strimling es un futbolista mexico-israelí, juga de defensa central y tiene 21 años. Él milita en el Hapoel Kfar Saba, de la Segunda División de Israel y que jugó el Play-off de salvación para no bajar a la tercera categoría, mismo que ganaron.
Otro dato a tomar en cuenta de Joshua Strimling es que mide 1.90m, relevante para su posición como defensa central.
Daniel Aguirre, aún sin presentación, va a pretemporada de Chivas En cuanto a la pretemporada, Paola De la Torre, también reveló que Chivas realizará los trabajos correspondientes en Cancún a aprtir de este 7 de junio, hasta el día 18 del mismo mes, incluyendo a Daniel Aguirre, jugador que no han anunciado de manera oficial, pero que se sumará a la preparación tras abandonar al LA Galaxy.
En cuanto a Bruce El-Mesmari, jugador que recién se incorporó al club rojiblanco, también participará en la pretemporada del rebaño.
Caso contrario a Eduardo Torres, quien no formará parte de la plantilla que realizará los trabajos previos al Apertura 2024 y su futuro parece ser una cesión a Mazatlán.
Del mismo modo, el tema de Omar Govea como refuerzo de las Chivas sigue en la misma situación y todavía no se ve al aún futbolista de Rayados por Guadalajara.
Convocatoria de Chivas para la pretemporada: Porteros: Oscar Whalley, David Nungaray, Sebastián Liceaga. Defensas: Alan Mozo, Antonio Briseño, Jesús Sánchez, Gilberto Sepúlveda, José Castillo, Leonardo Sepúlveda, Mateo Chávez, Luis Rey. Medios: Erick Gutiérrez, Víctor Guzmán, Rubén González, Carlos Cisneros, Jesús Brigido, Yael Padilla, Ariel Castro, Gibran Ortiz, Daniel Aguirre. Delanteros: Pável Pérez, Isaac Brizuela, Ricardo Marín, Javier Hernandez, Cade Cowell, José Juan Macías, Armando González, Ronaldo Cisneros, Bruce El-Mesmari.
submitted by JuniorCDC to CDGuadalajara [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:30 bot_painani Regulación del trabajo de los adolescentes aprendices de un oficio, en la legislación laboral mexicana

Regulación del trabajo de los adolescentes aprendices de un oficio, en la legislación laboral mexicana submitted by bot_painani to Mexico_News [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:30 bot_painani Regulación del trabajo de los adolescentes aprendices de un oficio, en la legislación laboral mexicana

Regulación del trabajo de los adolescentes aprendices de un oficio, en la legislación laboral mexicana submitted by bot_painani to mexico_politics [link] [comments]