Physician office voicemail messages

Safariland holster

2024.06.10 02:28 DaddyTrump88 Safariland holster

Hey everyone
So I ordered a safariland 6360 holster it ended up paying under $50 for it brand new.
I use PayPal like I always do, and everything was fine. The following morning I got the notification saying that the shipping label had been created.
It's now been over 48 hours (almost 72) and the item either has not been scanned or the individual never brought it to the post office..
I messaged them about it and they said they ship 30 to 40 packages a week and they brought it to the post office when I got the notification about the label being created.. they said the USPS had it and they must have been behind or something and it hasn't been scanned yet..šŸ˜’
It's supposed to be here Wednesday, however being as I'm in Oklahoma and it is in South Carolina.. I am skeptical..
I've been buying from eBay for almost 10 years and I've never had this problem yet. The most I've ever had to wait before seeing a product scanned and getting updated shipping info was maybe 24 hours..
Obviously if Its not here by Wednesday the 12th I am contacting PayPal and I will be leaving horrific feedback for them..
Is it possible that it has been sent, and USPS is just lacking?
submitted by DaddyTrump88 to Ebay [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:26 robertlf Are lawyers a big reason why it's hard to find a good doctor?

I went to see a podiatrist recently, and at the end of my visit, I asked (as I always do) if he could recommend a good general practitioner physician here. He named one his wife liked but said he was (or has) become a "concierge" doctor. I've done a lot of research on G.P. physicians here, and almost any of the ones who were actual M.D.s and who'd gone to medical schools I've even heard of have converted to concierge practices. I asked him why, and he said that Las Vegas has become very litigious (think of all those lawyer billboards you see along the freeways) and that G.P. doctors were leaving in droves because of the lawyers. He said there's now a real physician shortage here. He added that those who remain are becoming concierge doctors and cutting their rolls down from tens of thousands (?) of patients to a few thousand.
After I left his office, I looked up the doctor he referred me to, and that doctor had become a concierge doctor and had the nerve to require a "Membership Interview" before being considered a potential patient.
As I was driving back to my apartment, I saw that there was an enormous amount of new home and apartment construction going on in the Enterprise area, and I had to wonder, who are these new residents going to go to when they get sick, or when they need maternity care? Do they know what they're getting into?
submitted by robertlf to vegaslocals [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:20 bobateaxx Tips on getting non-responsive venue to respond? (Allied Arts Guild)

I am in the early stages of planning my wedding and have narrowed in on a couple of venues I'm interested in. One that I'm very interested in is Allied Arts Guild in Menlo Park (Bay Area, CA). For the past 3 weeks, my fiancƩ and I have been trying to set up a tour. The coordinator has been pretty unresponsive. Some of the reviews for this venue say the coordinator is amazing and very responsive. But other reviews say she's terrible and impossible to get in touch with.
My other top pick is Kohl Mansion in Burlingame. They've been great so far. I put a soft hold on a date for next year, but I'm really concerned the cost is going to end up being very high. For reference, we're budgeting for 60k. We likely need to put a deposit down soon or risk loosing our date.
Does anyone have any tips on how to get in contact with an unresponsive venue? We've tried emailing, calling, leaving voicemails, and texting. We have both also gone up there on different days to see if we could talk to someone in person. But the office was empty.
submitted by bobateaxx to weddingplanning [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:11 burner-accounts-rule Restraining order questions

There is a person who keeps harrasing me online. I get message after message from different numbers and fake account daily. They sent a very nasty email to my workplace with many of my texts taken out of context in the hopes of getting me fired. They created fake profiles with my pictures and more nasty things. (Luckly those were taken down almost immediately, unfortunately I do not have screenshots). After doing this they knew i was angry and filed an EPO against me based on nothing but lies so that I couldn't talk to them. (I am NOT a violent person at all). They lied to the detective about us being in a relationship, that we lived together, how long we had known eachother, and threats that were never made. This went through two different court dates that they did not even show up to before it got thrown out. (Meanwhile sending me messages almost daily). Messages still continue and I block every new account and message they send. They even send me packages and mail in which I have not been opening or leaving at the post office. The messages cycle through hate name-calling and swearing, to love letters and apologies, to extreamly graphic sexual messages. I just want it to stop. Now here are my questions: 1) We live in Canada and they are in the next province over. Does that complicate things? Is it a different order for each province? Which province do I file in?
2) Does this even qualify for a restraining order if all these messages are from random burner numbers and fake accounts?
(This was a friends suggestion and I think it would maybe work if done convincingly) 3) Can I create a document that looks like a restraining order and mail it or have someone give it to them? I really do believe that if they are convinced it's real they will stop and do not need to waste anyone's time at the courts. Obviously this would have no actual power and could not be enforced but if they do not know that.
4) And finally if I do need to go through the system for a real restraining order will it be as difficult as they say? Do these things actually qualify? They have never been violent or shown up in person anywhere, it is all done online or phone. Will they have to physically act in order for legal action to take place.
submitted by burner-accounts-rule to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:58 GladMathematician536 Our boy being blown the fuck out.

Our boy being blown the fuck out. submitted by GladMathematician536 to Mersh [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:58 GladMathematician536 Our boy being blown the fuck out.

Our boy being blown the fuck out. submitted by GladMathematician536 to Mersh [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:50 cyberismsss update on my weird shipping problem

update on my weird shipping problem
hi again, ok so this time i included pictures because the seller started to act really weird. the tracking has been the same for two weeks and neither of us really know whatā€™s going on here. i feel like him asking for my number was kinda reasonable but also itā€™s strange because of the way he asked and kept deleting messages. i think i might just end up canceling the order when the time comes but i do feel really badā€¦
submitted by cyberismsss to Mercari [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:34 ScrollingThrooo Any advice on how to speak to someone at SSA?

I went to my local SSA office, waited for over an hour to see someone, and was then just given a day and time for a phone interview **because I want to apply for Divorced Spouse Benefits** That interview was set up for a specific day and time. They called 6 hours after the scheduled time, so I missed the call. They left a message and gave me a number to call to reschedule. Tried that. I was on hold for over an hour, and then the person who answered searched for another 30-40 minutes for an appointment for me and finally told me there weren't any and I'd need to call my local office directly. She gave me that number. I've called that number (during its operational times) whenever I have time to be on hold for at least 45 minutes and I've gotten nowhere. I am trying to apply for Divorced Spouse Benefits, and that's not something that can be done online. Any advice?
Edited to add: I know I can apply online for my own benefits, but it's not possible to apply for Divorced Spouse Benefits online.
submitted by ScrollingThrooo to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:26 krumznko My anxiety is so bad again, I donā€™t know how to live.

Slight TW: SH;
Iā€™ve always had horrible anxiety. Since I was in elementary school Iā€™ve suffered with it for years. Iā€™ve tried different medications, therapists, and coping mechanisms. They all worked temporarily. I had been on anti-depressants awhile ago which helped with my anxiety as well; but since getting on mood stabilizers, they wanted to ween me off of my other. Now, I am on a trip for 2 weeks with family. I canā€™t enjoy myself, I canā€™t make conversation, and I only have this pit in my stomach of impending doom. Itā€™s so fucking awful it feels like my stomach is constantly churning and grinding my organs. Itā€™s so intense that I canā€™t eat, and I can barely drink. I havenā€™t had a full meal in almost a week now, and my body feels so weak and lethargic. Sometimes my head spins and my world goes fuzzy. Even my limbs feel detached.
Last night I finally ate a bit and then vomited it all up. I puked 3 times. It was so bad that I was crumpled on my bed in agonizing pain because my stomach not only hurt from the food, but the anxiety too. I literally canā€™t do anything. My eyes always feel heavy like I could cry at any moment. Iā€™m trying to keep myself up but what do I do when my whole being is twisting and contorting? Itā€™s so bad Iā€™m even thinking suicide is better. Iā€™m so sad.
I had left my psychiatristā€™s office a voicemail. I donā€™t even know if I can get medication since Iā€™m not in the state anymore. Iā€™m losing it; I just need kind words.
submitted by krumznko to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:14 Serenitymcw Looking for advice/opinion on issue with a doctor

Hi Everyone, I am looking for advice regarding a specialist I saw a few months ago. I am not going to add any names but the Dr communicates by email after the initial visit. Which is what happened. He wanted me to be evaluated by a cardiologist for pots, which I had an appt for a month after my visit with a cardiologist. He allowed follow up questions as itā€™s complicated and he answered most of them. After a week or two the emails werenā€™t as frequent and I sensed he wanted to wait to get the pots testing results before communicating further.
(Iā€™m explaining what the cardiologist said only as it has to do with what I say next) So I saw the cardiologist about a month ago and he said I diagnosed you based on the long covid drs records he said itā€™s pretty clear you have pots. He stated they really donā€™t do tilt table tests much anymore. He wanted me to try a few lifestyle adjustments for 3 months before putting me on medication. To increase my sodium intake, try compression stockings, and keep hydrated. He said his experience is everyone with pots responds differently to meds and heā€™s found if people can manage it with lifestyle changes first thatā€™s better. So Iā€™m to contact him in 3 months.
So I messaged the long covid Dr and explained what I just said and just sent him a visit summary. He asked where the testing records were. Well I just explained what happened but I asked for the records to be sent to his office by fax. So I wrote back to him and said the doctor is faxing the records to your office.
A few days passed no reply. I also sent the message in the portal. So 2 weeks goes by. Nothing. I wrote another email asking if he received the doctors records. I also asked if he could clarify if he would still be following me as his patient. I nicely said Iā€™m sure he understands with these chronic illnesses we are relieved when someone understands us. So itā€™s important I know. Weā€™re now at 6 weeks.
Btw I apologize for the length but I know many of you understand the anxiety of dealing with doctors. If you were me what would you do? Iā€™ve honestly never had a doctor do this. Number 1 is having something up in the air, number 2 is abandoning a patient. I have grown so tired of all the effort I need to put in to do what drs need to do. I am on a leave from work due to burnout.
Thank you to anyone thatā€™s read this. I wish all here peace and wellness
submitted by Serenitymcw to LongCovid [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:03 MerkadoBarkada COMING UP: PH: Wednesday holiday; PH: AREIT/MREIT div payouts; INT'L: US Fed rate decision; Citicore Renewable Energy has successful IPO; Robinsons Land plans P33.9-B deal with RCR; NexGen Energy has IPO approved by SEC (Monday, June 10)

Happy Monday, Barkada --

The PSE gained 9 points to 6519 ā–²0.1%

Shout-out to all the readers who wished me good luck with the weekend of celebrations. I survived with only a multi-day hangover! That's better than I thought would happen. I'm already playing with house money.
A huge thank you to all the readers who wrote in personally to show their support for MB in relation to this issue with disclosure and transparency. I didn't receive one negative message on the topic, just encouragement and appreciation. The two-day coverage of that issue took a lot out of me, but your notes filled me back up and even with a massive weekend hangover I'm back and ready to go.
Thank you all!

ā–ŒIn today's MB:

ā–ŒDaily meme Subscribe (it's free) Today's email

ā–ŒToday's sponsor: DoubleDragon

ā–ŒMain stories covered:

  • [COMING_UP] The week ahead... Now that Citicore Renewable Energy [CREC 2.70; unch] has been listed, our market wonā€™t have any scheduled domestic drivers until the BSPā€™s rate decision on June 27.
    PH: Wednesday is a non-trading day, and with as ā€œmehā€ as the marketā€™s been, I suspect that Iā€™ll be getting more than the usual set of out-of-office replies. AREITā€™s Q1 dividend pays out on Thursday, while MREITā€™s Q1 dividend pays out on Friday.
    International: The US Federal Reserve will make its June interest rate decision overnight between Wednesday and Thursday.
    • MB: Nobody that Iā€™ve talked to expects the Fed to do anything this meeting, and while Iā€™m obviously going to be interested in the meeting minutes and the chatter around the decision and the analysis of the minutes, thatā€™s basically the same position that weā€™ve been in for a long time already. The US has a very strong jobs market (and it has for quite some time) and the fear there is that strong demand for jobs will push up wages and provide inflationary risk.
  • [UPDATE] Citicore Renewable Energy IPOs to a flat finish... Citicore Renewable Energy Corp [CREC 2.70 unch; 100% avgVol] [link] opened its trading life on the PSE on Friday up 1.8% with the first trades going through at ā‚±2.75/share. The per-share price ticked down slightly through the day and finished at the intraday low of ā‚±2.70/share, which was CRECā€™s IPO offer price. A little over 25 million shares traded hands, which is approximately 1% of the total public float. CREC has a stabilization fund.
    • MB: The PSEā€™s second IPO is in the books! CREC has been raising money like crazy to achieve its ambitious goal of having 5 gigawatts of capacity by 2028; this IPO is only the latest fundraise in a sequence of raises that started in September of last year with the US$100 million financing that it negotiated. CREC continued the spree with a ā‚±20 billion deal with RCBC [RCB 21.75 ā–¼0.2%; 68% avgVol] and a surprise sale of ā‚±5 billion worth of its subsidiary, Citicore Renewable Energy REIT [CREIT 2.82 ā–¼0.3%; 401% avgVol] to SM Investments [SM 840.00 ā–¼1.3%; 40% avgVol]. CREC is cashing up to build. CRECā€™s President, Oliver Tan, said that CRECā€™s goal is to ā€œbecome the largest, if not the top three largest power generation companies in the Philippines, not only as a solar developer but also as a power generation company.ā€ So far their actions and words are in alignment.
  • [NEWS] Robinsons Land to sell ā‚±33.9-B of malls and offices to REIT subsidiary... Robinsons Land [RLC 15.74 ā–²0.4%; 55% avgVol] [link] disclosed that its board of directors approved a property-for-share swap deal with its REIT subsidiary, RL Commercial REIT [RCR 5.20 ā–²0.2%; 56% avgVol], that will send 11 malls and two office towers to RCR in exchange for 4.99 billion shares of RCR at a valuation of ā‚±33.9 billion. The implied per-share price of RCR in this deal is ā‚±6.80/share, which is a 30.7% premium over RCRā€™s Friday closing price. Once complete, the transaction will make RCR the PSEā€™s largest mall REIT.
    • MB: This is an enormous departure from RCRā€™s office-only strategy to this point, and a welcome one for shareholders considering the troubling performance of the commercial office sector in recent years and the lack of good news for any kind of pickup in the short- or medium-term. RCR hopes to get SEC approval for the transaction in FY24, but the SEC has not been very predictable when it comes to the approval times of these property-for-share swap transactions. Some are quick, while others seem to take an inappropriate amount of time to get approved. This transaction will lead to dividend growth, which (all other things being equal) should lead to RCR share price growth to balance out the yield. RCR is one of the cheapest REITs on the PSE in terms of its distributable income to price multiple.
  • [NEWS] NexGen Energy IPO approved by the SEC... NexGen Energy [XGEN] [link] had its ā‚±500 million IPO registration approved by the SEC. XGEN is a subsidiary of Pure Energy Holdings Corp (PEHC), the energy generation holding company owned by Dexter Tiu that is also the parent company of Repower Energy Development Corp [REDC 5.40 ā–²3.9%; 18% avgVol].XGEN operates solar and wind power plants through its subsidiary companies and plans to expand its portfolio to 2.35 gigawatts over the next 10 years. XGEN also plans to get into offshore wind development.
    • MB: The prospectus calls for a July 16th IPO, but we wonā€™t know the actual dates until Mr. Tiu drives the application through the PSEā€™s approval process. Once the PSE approves, weā€™ll get a Preliminary Terms and Conditions notice from the PSE that will have all the material terms of the deal, including the pricing, offer, and listing dates. Itā€™s still possible for XGEN to make adjustments at each stage along the way, but each hurdle like this SEC approval that XGEN passes increases the certainty of things. Iā€™ll do a deep dive once we get that Preliminary Terms and Conditions notice!
  • [NEWS] Ayala Corp appoints Erry Hardianto as CEO of AC Logistics... Ayala Corp [AC 596.50 ā–¼0.3%; 27% avgVol] [link] announced that will appoint Erry Hardianto as CEO of its subsidiary logistics holding company, AC Logistics (ACL), effective July 1. Mr. Hardianto will come to ACL with over 23 years of experience with Maersk in senior positions across SE Asia. AC said he has ā€œsuccessfully managed, grown, acquired and transformed complex multi-country logistics operations across Asia.ā€
    • MB: Iā€™ve been calling for AC to get serious about logistics for a long time. I think this is just one step of many potential steps that AC could have taken in the right direction, but itā€™s a logical first step to make. I think itā€™s interesting that AC made such a big deal about mentioning Mr. Hardiantoā€™s ability to manage, grow, acquire, and transform complex logistics operations. I hope this suggests that theyā€™ve got big plans for this unit that go beyond the tepid organic growth of its logistics interests in AyalaLand Logistics [ALLHC 2.03 ā–¼1.0%; 59% avgVol]. There are a ton of interesting acquisition targets sitting out there, ready to get rolled up by a deep-pocketed conglomerate with the vision to do so. Lots of conglos have kicked the tires here. Is AC going to be the one to actually do it?
MB is written and distributed every trading day. The newsletter is 100% free and I never upsell you to some "iNnEr cIrClE" of paid-membership perks. Everyone gets the same! Join the barkada by signing up for the newsletter, or follow me on Twitter. You can also read my daily Morning Halo-halo content on in the Stock Commentary section.

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submitted by MerkadoBarkada to phinvest [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:02 kaleviko [All] This is here

In P17, Mr C magically materialised in the Twin Peaks Sheriff's station parking lot. Andy was first to spot him, thinking Agent Cooper had returned.
Andy: "Everyone's gonna be so happy to see you!"
Andy also pointed out he had a picnic basket, in case we thought it didn't matter.
Andy: "I was just taking this picnic basket in."
Mr C went in to have a chat with Sheriff Truman. Even if Andy stayed behind in the reception with Lucy, next he and his basket were in the Sheriff's office, helping Mr C to get a seat for himself. Then he rushed away, still excited that Cooper was back.
Andy: "I'm going to go tell Hawk you're here!"
What happened then was not clear. Andy's basket was not seen again. He didn't appear to have gone to see Hawk either as it was only later when a gun was fired that Hawk rushed to the scene. It looked as if this Andy just ran out of the story, jumping somewhere else, like Mr C had magically jumped into it. The Andy that we saw next may have been somebody else - unless then he was the same Andy, having spent some time elsewhere before thrown back to the station, now fully alerted to what was going on.
So what happened to Andy and his picnic basket?
When you jump, it can all be different, including your picnic basket.
Much earlier in P3, Andy and Lucy were in the station's conference room looking for "something" that was missing. Hawk came in carrying another kind of basket, an RR Diner coffee cup box. They had trouble figuring out what Hawk expected them to find. Andy spread his hands over the piles of folders and other stuff they had gathered on the table.
Andy: "This ... is here."
The gesture he made would have been meaningless if it wasn't the same that Cole asked Tammy to do with her hands in P7. As she spread her fingers out, Cole assigned a meaning for each of them.
Cole: "I'm very, very happy to see you again, old friend."
These two scenes also shared a red letter X, one in the EXIT sign next to Cole and another on the carton box next to Andy.
Is the old friend you are talking about in the room with us right now?
As usual, Lynch appears to have again taken things to the dreamlike absurd extreme. If the purpose was to indicate that when Andy made the same gesture, he also delivered the same message to Hawk, the scene in the conference probably was in continuation of Andy leaving the Sheriff's office with the basket in P17, whatever then caused such an abrupt jump in his story. Andy would not only have told Hawk that he was happy to have seen their old friend again - presumed to be Agent Cooper - but that this old friend was now right there and then, not just in the station but on the conference room table.
It's knot about the bunny, and probably about its basket and tie as well.
In line with this idea and suspected abstractions, Andy's disappearing picnic basket probably was to be found in the cover of the chocolate box, held both hands by the bunny. This would be followed by another throwback to the later showdown when Hawk appeared to understand what the message really was about.
Hawk: "It's not about the bunny."
This should apparently be heard a bit differently.
Hawk: "It's knot about the bunny."
There was a knot in the bowtie that the basket-holding bunny had around its neck. A bowtie can also be called as just a bow which takes us to another kind of bow, the weapon that Native American archers used to propel arrows at invading colonizers. That connected the bunny to Hawk's heritage, just like the Log Lady told him the missing "something" would.
Reflecting this back to Mr C in P17, when Mr C was shot by Lucy, Hawk rushed to the scene.
Hawk: "But that is Agent Cooper!" Sheriff Truman: "No ... it's not."
Again, we may have needed to hear the Sheriff differently.
Sheriff Truman: "No ... it's knot."
The knot and the bowtie.
That this was the intended approach was suggested a bit earlier when Mr C walked in to the station's reception. Andy turned towards him.
Andy: "Lucy, look who's here!"
On the other side of Mr C, visible through the glass doors and also in the line of Andy's sight, there was a quick glimpse of a white 2015 Chevrolet Trax parked in front of the station. Famously, Chevrolet's logo is a bowtie, thus connecting the knot and the bow again, like the bunny did. As a reminder that this wasn't to be missed, Cole arrived to the scene with another kind of Chevrolet the bowtie of which was pushed at the camera at 30:02.
Chevrolet Trax made space for a basket case.
If we pondered whether this really was something to pay attention to, the same Chevrolet Trax made a more pronounced appearance a few episodes earlier in P15 when it left the RR Diner just as Ed arrived there. Ed was dressed in a plaid shirt that had the same colors and very similar pattern as Andy's picnic box. Ed was excited about his freedom, but something wasn't right, and Norma looked at him with friendly pity, as if he was a bit of a basket case.
We got a further suggestion what to do with all this abstract strangeness when Cooper rushed to the scene and placed the green ring on the lifeless doppelganger's left hand ring finger. That is often regarded as the finger for the wedding ring.
Tying the knot.
If you marry someone, you tie the knot. There was a quite literal performance of this in P15 when furious Audrey tied her hands around her mystery husband Charlie's neck, after feeling she was "knot me" in P14. Here then, Cooper would have used the green ring to tie the "knot", causing the doppelganger and the green ring to disappear. But only the ring fell on the Black Lodge floor, leaving it for us to figure out what really happened to the doppelganger when the knot got tied.
She gave the basket to Mr Toad ...
Elsewhere in P5, basket-carrying Rebecca "Becky" Burnett was asking money from her mother Shelly while Norma watched on, playing with her bow - the rim of her eyeglasses - that between the cuts suggestively jumped here and there on the table. When Steven and Becky drove away, there was a subtle play with her green eyes that connected her to the knot of Cooper's tie, seen last in P6 on the Jones's table among piles of folders that reminded us of the piles on the Sheriff station's conference room table surrounding the bunny with another kind of tie.
In line with these connections, the name Rebecca means "to tie", here in likely further reference to her having tied the knot and married Steven.
... and the Country Squire gave it then to Andy.
There probably was another amusing play with contexts here. Becky left the basket with Toad, the diner's cook. The most famous toad is probably the one from The Wind in the Willows, Mr Toad, the squire who lived in a country house and was passionate about cars. This takes us back to Andy and his picnic basket that he took from the trunk of his 1979 Ford Country Squire, parked right next to that white Chevrolet Trax, these two cars now suggested to be abstractions of Becky and Toad and thus Andy's basket the same that Becky had, whatever that would then mean.
Steven was introduced in P5. The scene started with an exterior establishment shot that featured a large Chevrolet signboard, equipped with its bowtie logo. Mike asked to send Steven in. In the reception, Steven was sitting close to the glass doors through which we could see the same Chevrolet bowtie in the distance. As he walked in and sat down, the bowtie remained right next to his head.
This is a tight knot to open.
Comparing the scene to the Sheriff station's reception when Mr C walked in while another Chevrolet was visible through the glass doors, they also shared a lifesize duck figurine and a man carrying a large case. As a further reminder to think about the tie, when Steven left in anger, he was tearing his tie off.
As it seems, mindless Black Lodge doppelgangers needed someone to possess them before they got anything meaningful done. Here, we got good hints that the "knot" coming to the station as Cooper's doppelganger was actually Steven, the knot Becky had tied, the problem to solve.
Figuring out what this might mean, it is something to think about that both Mike and the Sheriff's office had two deer heads mounted on adjacent walls. The round, black top of the chair on which Steven sat was framed so that it resembled the round black mould that held BOB's head inside.
submitted by kaleviko to twinpeaks [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:00 Mishagg1 Why do group chats work but others no?

Why do group chats work but others no? submitted by Mishagg1 to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:59 SurveyGuy2024 [Repost] Player Perception of Live Service Games/Features (18+ Gamers)

I'm conducting a survey to understand player perceptions of live service games and their features. Whether you love or hate live service games, or even if you don't play them, your feedback is invaluable. It will help shape the future development of live service features in the gaming industry.
Here is a quick rundown on the survey:
You can take the survey here or go through the landing page and FAQ if you have any questions about live service games. Also, feel free to share this with friends and other gamers.
Thanks in advance for your time and contribution! If you have anything you would like to discuss regarding the survey, feel free to message me. I check my reddit daily.
Also, if you use Survey Circle or Survey Swap, I should have a codes for both at the end of the survey on the thank you message. Please let me know if you have trouble finding it
submitted by SurveyGuy2024 to SampleSize [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:59 cmonca1193 Need help with calls immediately ending

I have an Asus Zenfone 8 and have service through Mint Mobile. I have had the phone and the service for over two years now. I have had issues in the past 4 months with my phone not being able to make/ receive calls. When I go to make a call, it will immediately say "Call Ended" before even ringing once. When other people call me, it doesn't ring, but will notify me when I have voicemails (which I can't access because it will immediately end the call when I dial my voicemail). The few times the call can go through, it sounds like I'm talking underwater. I first encountered this issue in late February. At first, I could restart my phone and it would fix it for a short time. Then, that fix stopped working. I ordered a new SIM card, which did fix the issue until a couple days ago. I have restarted my phone more times than I can count, reinstalled the SIM card, changed the port the SIM card was in, reset the network settings, and toggled just about every network setting available, and nothing will fix it. Text messages and mobile data seem to be unaffected. I have contacted the provider and they said they would reset my network connection, but that also didn't work. Has anyone run into this issue before and is there a fix to it? I am currently putting in job applications, so it's extremely important that potential employers can call me.
submitted by cmonca1193 to AndroidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:45 chasseur_ O mighty Caesar! Dost thou lie so low? Peacock-Shah Alternate Elections

"-LaFollette slate of electors when it comes- to certification... God Bless the Country and God Bless the New State."
There was tension in the air that made it feel infused with electricity, Joe Califano would gently set the telegram from Washington flat on his desk before his employer, Governor Rexford Tugwell, would fire off.
"'God Bless the New State', and who does he have to thank for that? Who the hell does he-"
"Is that really your primary concern, Governor?"
The Governor's Chief of Staff, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, would coldly cut in, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes, this emergency staff meeting certainly being the earliest Governor Tugwell had ever called. He continued.
"Both sides are going to keep sending these messages until you make a decisiom, the greatest difference is one of them will start sending armed blackshirts with them the longer you wait. There's a way to turn this around without destroying everything you've worked toward, Governor."
Tugwell nodded, staring off into the distance, perplexed with the situation the nation had found itself in.
It was true, the representatives of Musmanno in the ongoing legal conflict over New York's electoral votes would begin threatening Tugwell and his staff as time went on. They truly believed the fate of the nation hanged in the balance, and Quesada's election would lead to it's downfall.
"Governor?" Moynihan broke Tugwell's concentration, the aging economist looking up toward Moynihan.
"Alright, let's hear it."
"The New State cannot survive if it's permanently revolutionary, Governor, and will not survive if the only representatives of it's maintenance are figures like Michael Musmanno and the Blackshirts. Is it not in both the New State and American Democracy's best interest that a deal is made removing those radicals from power?"
Tugwell listened intently, and sighed as his young and calculating Chief of Staff finished. Moynihan was right, Quesada ascending to the Presidency with an agreement to uphold the New State wouldn't be a perfect solution, but of the options on the table it would be in the best interest of the Union.
"Damnit, alright, get Cohn on the phone, and make sure everyone from the legal office is here, I'm sure Cohn has a lot to discuss and I want a good lawyer here for it."
"Yes, Governor." Tugwell's staff dispersed to prepare for the potentially historic meeting ahead of them.
submitted by chasseur_ to Presidentialpoll [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:28 Catalina28TO Help please in comparing plan

Help please in comparing plan
I have a $55 a month 10 GB data plan at 5G with free unlimited phone minutes, free Canadian long distance and free text messaging.
I decided to check today to see if I was getting the best value and I see you plan for $50 a month, 60 gigs of data at 5G speeds, unlimited minutes, free Canadian long distance and free text message. At least I think that's what it says, it's tough to compare these apples to oranges description.
Could you tell me if I'm missing something, if this is not a no-brainer? Really appreciate your time.
submitted by Catalina28TO to Koodo [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:22 anas0001 28M (London Time, GMT+1) looking for a co-working partner

Hi, I have an IT-based personal project that I need to work on after office pretty much everyday. I'm looking for an accountability buddy that I can co-work with in-person (we can sit in a coffee shop, library, workspace or similar place to work, I'm from london). I already have online accountability partners that I have a great relationship with but different timezones make it difficult to cowork. Hence, looking for someone to cowork with in-person.
I'd be looking to co-work at least on the weekends. And if possible, I'd like to co-work after office hours some weekdays as well. But in summary, I'm flex
Goes without saying but if you'd like, I'd be happy to keep you accountable for your goals and tasks; and would try to provide constructive feedback, in a manner that you'd prefer. Please feel free to leave a comment or message if interested.
submitted by anas0001 to accountability [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:19 Strawberryheart-21 Conduent Philippines is Hiring - We are in need of 100+ Chat Advisors!

Conduent Philippines is Hiring!
This is not a remote job.
We are in need of 100+ Chat Advisors!
Office: Mall of Asia Complex, Pasay City
Role: Pure NON-VOICE Technical Chat Support
ā€¢ Easy account, good for beginners ā€¢ On-site paid training ā€¢ This is Onsite job ā€¢ Possible Work From Home set up but not guaranteed it will be given to you right away. ā€¢ Salary and benefits to be discussed by the recruitment team ā€¢ Over-the-phone interview / Walk-in applicants are welcome ā€¢ With 5K compliance bonus!
With free shuttle service
Qualifications: ā€¢ At least SHS graduate or 2nd year college ā€¢ With or without BPO experience ā€¢ Familiarity with handheld devices is preferred, although not required. ā€¢ 30-35 WPM typing speed
Kindly message me if you're interested.

ConduentPH #BPO #NonVoice

submitted by Strawberryheart-21 to u/Strawberryheart-21 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:13 audreyvixens Experience with PP leep procedure?

I've had several abnormal paps in my life. After being on hormonal birth control for 10+ years I quit a year and a half ago and my last pap was abnormal HSIL. Didn't specify anything other than HSIL.
So Planned Parenthood scheduled me for a colposcopy/ leep procedure. I had a colpo done years ago in a specialist office when I had insurance. Although I've been going to Planned Parenthood for years I've never had any procedures done there.
I called a few offices around my city and a lot of them are 8x the cost for leep due to using anesthesia. I know Planned Parenthood does it in office with numbing agents? I'm just worried what that's like I guess, my nerves are through the roof.
On top of being weary, I was supposed to have my procedure done last Thursday. (3 weeks after pap). I checked in online and they confirmed my appointment the day before in voicemail. I also got the automated text in the morning confirming the appointment. When we drove to the office in the next city, they pulled me aside in the back and told me they "were trying to call me all day yesterday." I had one message from them confirming the appointment, no other calls, no one cancelled the appointment.
The lady behind the desk told me they had to reschedule because they didn't have the right tools because they expired. Expired... When my appointment was a week out. She literally kept telling me that "that's why I was trying to call you!" In a tone like it was my fault I showed up to them unprepared. I left in tears (anxious, worried, pissed off...)
Now I'm really curious how the procedure is because my confidence level has dropped very low.
Any insight is appreciated.. TY
submitted by audreyvixens to WomensHealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:05 guymev 32 [M4F] An officer looking for an #Online chat partner during a short break from service

I'm 32 years old, an officer, currently on reserves duty in the Air Force, I got drafted a few months ago and went home for a short break and will be back Tuesday morning.
I like cooking, baking sourdough and pizzas (you should check out my profile), gardening, and doing DIY projects.
I would like someone to talk with about recent events and the last few months, to pass some time at night because I'm feeling a bit lonely, and need to process stuff.
I'm willing to exchange pics (in my uniformšŸ‘») with the right person
I am looking forward to messages :)
submitted by guymev to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:42 burneracc-432 My friend of 3 years ghosted me after she moved out. Am I the asshole?

Hi, i'm 25f and my ex-friend (let's call her Sara) is 28f. I am very much a people pleaser and the thought of being on someone's bad side terrifies me, so i've always been kind to everyone i meet (even the asshole customers at the grocery store i work at). I was also terrible at setting boundaries, something that i've been getting better at since this friendship ended. Also, this took place a year ago and i've been debating sharing this story since. This is really long so apologies in advance, i just don't want to leave any important info out.
Background: Our friendship started when i met my now husband back in 2020. My husband has 4 friends that he has been friends with since high school (around 10 years of friendship), one of them being Sara. My husband had been saving up for a house before we met and he bought a house after we were dating for around 3 months. He needed help paying for the mortgage so he asked 2 of his friends (one of them being Sara) to move in and pay a small amount for rent. Sara and i became quick friends as we had a lot of things in common. we would share clothes, get our nails done, and get drinks together often. I moved in in february 2021 and we only got closer. We had deep conversations and she was there for me when i was diagnosed with depression and started taking medication for it.
My now husband proposed to me in may 2021 and we got married in september 2022. Sara and her family were so helpful with the wedding planning process, and she was a grooms-woman on my husbands side at our wedding. Sara and her mom even took me to pick up my wedding dress after being altered and her mom learned how to pin up the back of my dress after the ceremony. Sara also had a sister my age who had a son and we asked him to be our ring bearer. Needless to say, i was close with Sara and her family.
I forgot to mention that before the wedding, at the end of 2021, Sara became pregnant by someone she was dating at the time and she decided to keep the baby. Her boyfriend didn't want the baby so they broke up and went their separate ways. Sara gave birth in august 2022 and my husband and i were very supportive of her and tried our best to accommodate whatever she needed to give that baby a safe and clean home. Sara was unable to afford a house at the time (since the housing market in america is an absolute shit show) so she continued living with us. I was absolutely ecstatic about having a baby in the home and i helped Sara by taking care of the baby while she did whatever she needed to get done at the time.
The Incident: Now it's 2023 and Sara starts looking for a house. During her house hunting, i decide to invite Sara, her mom, my mom, my mother and sister in law, and my husband's grandmother to go downtown to a market and have a nice afternoon supporting small businesses. I borrowed one of Sara's outfits and we rode together downtown. We find a table in an outdoor space at a bbq restaurant. Sara and her mom had already ordered some food so my mom and i decide to go inside and order something while Sara and her mom save the table outside. After we ordered our food, my in-laws showed up and come into the restaurant and decide to order food too. We happen to find a big table inside (where it's a bit cooler) and decide to eat inside.
I sent Sara a message on snapchat after we made the decision and told her and her mom to join us inside. About 5-10 minutes go by and she still hadn't opened my message on snapchat. Sara came inside to put away her empty food tray and sees us sitting at the table. I say: "hey, did you get my message? we decided to eat in here if you want to tell your mom to join us!". Sara responded: "oh ok, we were wondering where you guys went" and laughed and went back outside (i assumed to tell her mom to join us).
We finish eating and Sara still hadn't come in so i figured they were looking at the different stalls in the market that was just outside of the restaurant. I looked for Sara and her mom but i didn't see any sign of them. I figured maybe the baby was too hot and they went home, but i didn't have a message, text, or call from her.
I called Sara a few times and it went straight to voicemail. I sent her a text asking where they went and Sara responded with: "we left. please put my clothes back on the changing table when you get home". Then i realized she must have seen us sitting at the table inside and thought we deliberately excluded her while we ate. Me being the people pleaser i am, apologized and said i should have personally come out and told them. Sara responds: " i never would have done that to you. my mom is so embarrassed". I put all the blame in myself and sent her another text apologizing. she didn't talk to me for the rest of the day, but the next day she acted like nothing had happened so i figured everything was fine.
The End: In june 2023, Sara finds a house and she starts packing her things. She had moved the stuff she had in the garage next to each other so it was all in one place, and packed up the cleaning supplies we had, since she had been the one to buy them last. We helped where we could and everything was packed up except for her room and her things in the kitchen. She went out of town a week before her move out date, on a trip she had planned since before she got the house. While Sara was gone, my husband and i wanted to re-organize the kitchen and figure out what was ours and what was hers and also figure out what needed to be replaced since we all shared everything in the house.
We pulled everything out of the cabinets and set what was hers on one side of the kitchen table neatly organized so that when she came home, Sara could pack it the way she wanted and it would be one less thing for her to worry about. That's what we thought, anyway. We finally opened our pots and pans, silverware, glasses, and plate sets we received from our wedding registry that we had left unopened for 7 months. We figured if Sara wants to cook anything or needed to use any kitchen utensils, she could use our dishes and pans so that she wouldn't have to wash hers again before she packed them.
When Sara came home, she texted me asking why all of her kitchen items were on the table. I told her that we both (hubby and i) wanted to organize the kitchen and figure out what we might need to buy for the kitchen once she moves out and we left her things there since we knew Sara would probably want to pack it up herself so nothing gets lost. Sara said she would have liked a heads up (which i totally understand, we thought we were helping) before we moved everything around. Mind you, she had reorganized the kitchen, the fridge, and the pantry MANY times while she lived with us and hubby and i were totally fine with it. But, i apologized anyway, again.
The next few days Sara said nothing to me and didn't even try to be friendly, but she acted normal around my husband. I took the hint that she wasn't in the mood to talk to me so i kept my distance ,and most of the time, i didn't leave my room while she was home. Since i avoid confrontation at all costs, I was constantly asking my husband if she said anything to him about why she was acting this way towards me, he always said no. Eventually i ask Sara if something was wrong and she said that she was just stressed about moving and i told her if she needed any help to just ask and i went upstairs.
Finally her move out day comes. I was at work and i decided to send her a long, heartfelt text about being excited for sara and her baby's future, but before i did, i called my husband to see how things were going at home since he was off and helping Sara move heavy items downstairs. I told him i wanted to send her a text and he said that i shouldn't.
He said he overheard Sara talking about me to her friend that was helping her move. Apparently she was talking shit about me behind my back, saying things like i changed after i got married and she thought i alone was trying to rush her out of the house because she came home to her dishes being on the kitchen table (along with some other hurtful things). My heart sank, i have NEVER had an issue with a friend before and i've NEVER had a friend say such hurtful things about me. I left work early because i was so upset and i couldn't hold back my tears. I cried all the way home, feeling so shocked and so betrayed by Sara, even though i knew something was off the last few days she was there. At the end of the night, i sent her a message that lead with being excited about her future and ended with me ending the friendship.
I still have the last text, let me know if i should share it, but this story is already wayyyyyy to long. Sara never responded to the text and i realized that she blocked my number and blocked me on all social media.
The Aftermath: She was still friends with my husband, his family, and my parents on social media so the next day, my husband showed me a post she made on facebook. It's hard to remember exactly what it said since this happened a year ago, but it went along the lines of "so glad to be in a CLEAN home and non-toxic environment". I was shocked, and i couldn't even respond because again, i was blocked. And then everything EXPLODED.
My mom, mother in law, and sister in law started commenting on that post defending me and my husband and highlighting the mess she left when she moved. (including smeared shit and urine stains from her dogs on the carpet, multiple holes in the walls that she promised to fill before she left, etc.) Then Sara's mom and sister started responding, saying things like " i can't believe people you called family are turning against you and praying for your demise" and other wild and dramatic things like that.
It was a back and forth where everyone said things in the heat of the moment and Sara took down the post. I agree that NONE of the personal things going on at the time should have been posted on social media, but that was the kind of person Sara was. She was quick to go on social media and post about any wrong doing that had been done to her. (throwing shade and leaving out names of course)
I realized i was blind to it all until the very end. I think if Sara would have seen my text, we could have ended our friendship amicably and handled everything as adults, but i guess i never really knew her the way i thought i did. It's been a year and none of us has heard from her since. Except a few weeks ago an important looking package arrived with her name on it and my father in law sent her a text letting her know and she sent her dad to come pick it up.
Am i the asshole? Should I have gone about things differently? It still bothers me to this day how poorly things ended and i still think about Sara every now and then.
submitted by burneracc-432 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]