Offensive names to call girls

Shorthaired hotties

2010.08.05 21:56 soitis Shorthaired hotties

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2017.06.19 08:07 siouxsie_siouxv2 Lightly used

2019.08.21 04:12 khanabyss RealDebrid

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2024.05.16 04:52 sharkfishy3 united made me check my carry on bag then put a tag with a completely different name on it

Went on a connecting flight where they ran out of space for carry ons in the overhead bin. I had to go back off the plane and have my bag checked by the attendant there who I guess printed out a tag with a completely different name than mine even though i scanned my ticket and she put it on without me ever seeing the name. I was the last one to get back on the plane so i passed off my bag to the people who loaded it on the plane. When we got off, they said they would transfer our spontaneously checked bags to our other flight which was going out of the country. Once I got to the final destination, I realized my carry on bag never got on the second plane. Had to file a delayed bag claim, found out it was in Alabama, and prayed that someone at united in Alabama would get it on the next flight to me. Everyone I called said oh it’ll be to you tomorrow and then it never came and they said the exact same thing again. Now, I am in a completely different country for the first time with 100+ degree heat and no clothing or any toiletries. I have called everyone under the sun to make sure it is actually on its way but get unsure answers.
Just wanted to put this out there if anyone has tips on getting it back faster or have ever had anything similar happen? I am still so confused how the attendant put a bag tag with a random name on my bag even after I had to scan my ticket to get the tag. Trying not to freak the f out.
submitted by sharkfishy3 to unitedairlines [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:52 shelle33333 Baby karen

Soo I had a good one. Teen Girl calls and asked if we have ham or Canadian bacon. I said yes. She said she wants that on a pizza. I said u have an order already on this number a pasta do u want me to add it to it? She said yes please..then she asks how much the medium was. I told her she said never mind make it a small I said ok no problem. Told her when it would all be ready..seemed fine..
Now all hell is breaking loose because she is demanding and screaming at everyone who will listen that she really ordered a ham and bacon and pineapple pizza. And that I was rude and yelled at her. .
It's a baby karen.
So her boyfriend comes back in and asks how much for a side of pineapple..feeling bad for him I give it to him and a side of ranch for free. He's dealing with her screaming..poor kid..
She calls friends here into the parking lot they are all out there trying to calm her down..
Finally they leave.
She goes home and tells mama that I screamed at her. Gave her cold pineapple instead of remaking her pizza and was extremely rude when she ordered it correct the first time. I was mean to her and rude thru the whole call.. why would I be rude to someone just placing an order?
and yelled at her in the store.. eye roll
Mama says her daughter never lies and I should never have given her cold pineapple..(it's what they asked for .a side of pineapple. for Pete's sake.)
She's saying she wants to hear the phone recording. I'm like 'also watch the store videos' I never yelled at her either there are witnesses.
Why oh why are people like this..bigger question..why oh why am I a people person still with people out there like this??
submitted by shelle33333 to Dominos [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:51 MasterOfSpeed111 How should I (25M) tell my S/O (25F) that I previously went on dates with her friend/coworker?

Before I get started I wanted to say there was no cheating or emotional manipulation (I hope?) involved. I'm relatively new to dating casually as I had always imagined marrying the person I was dating and thought it would take 1, maybe 2 tries max. After a few bad relationships I realized maybe I wasn't ready to be in one and decided I'd focus on myself and maybe casually date at most (hookups, occasional romantic dates, etc.).
The girl in question (I'll call her Jen) that I was with for a short amount of time is a coworker to both me and my partner (I'll call her Lisa). We all work for the same company, but they are closer as friends because they work on the same team. I had spent time with Jen for about a month or two and thought I might have liked her despite a lot of differences in our interests and personalities. But she ended up turning down my suggestion of possibly being more than just friends, and I was okay with it because I was having fun being single anyways and we had continued being friends and I don't believe there was any awkwardness in our relationship moving forward and there hasn't been any lingering feelings for each other because it was so casual. Also, we never had sex, but we did kiss so I'm bringing this up for my question later.
At one point we had a group outing involving me, Jen, Lisa, and another friend. This created a friend group that I still occasionally hang out with and have done fun outings including some of my other friends, and this is how I started hanging out with Lisa. We had a shared interest event that I invited the group to individually and none of them could make it, but Lisa did end up saying yes to another unrelated outing and we really clicked. Lisa and I had begun hanging out around 2 months after Jen and I decided we would just remain friends. I started spending time with Lisa almost every day because she ended up having a ton of things in common with me to the point where we were basically the same person when we would share details of our lives. It took a couple months to realize we had differences, all this being a silly exaggerated joke to simply explain that this girl is my soulmate and I have been loving everything about her since dating her.
It's only been about 6 months but now things are getting more serious and us dating has been the best relationship I've ever been in, so I wanted to make sure I do things right and be completely open and honest with her. Honesty has never been an issue with me because I'm a very open book, but when it comes to my feelings I've had trouble being open in the past and don't want to make that mistake in my current relationship. I just wanted to know the best way to bring up the past fling with Jen to make sure I'm not lying to her by omission by not disclosing a past situationship(?) with her closest coworker friend. I hadn't thought it was worth bringing up because I hadn't previously thought about anybody my partners had been dating before me because it didn't seem relevant because she was happy with me and that's all that mattered. But another Reddit post made me wonder if this is something Lisa should be made aware of sooner rather than later, especially since she and Jen are pretty close.
So to recap: Jen and I had hung out casually for ~2 months. Near the end of this time, group chat is created including Jen, Lisa, and I. 1 month later Lisa and I start hanging out just us two. 1 month after that, we officially start dating. 6 months later, today happened.
So Reddit, am I overthinking this? Do I just let Lisa know that before we had started dating, Jen and I had hung out a couple times even if there was never any romantic feelings, or is there a more nuanced way to go about it because being too direct may come off as a bit too strong? Is this even worth bringing up? I'd like to know how maybe you'd like to be told this if you were in this situation. I appreciate the time it took for you to read this far and hope you're having a good day.
submitted by MasterOfSpeed111 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:51 DasWooj What to me seems like an odd Sheets related question.

At work I manage a status board we display to keep all of our staff on the same page with what's happening at our workspace. Anyone can pull up this document through a shared GDrive and can edit it to update their own status and also have an idea of what the day looks like prior to coming into work.
Recently I thought it would be great to have a darkmode for the sheet, being a huge fan of darkmode on all of my own devices, and so I copied the initial sheet into a new tab, changed the color scheme of the cells and voilà.
Unfortunately some of our staff don't appreciate the new look and are stuck in their ways. So now while I can maintain the two pages separately, I'm wondering if there is a way to link the cell data between the sheets? I know I can call data from one sheet to another using the "='SheetName'!CellNumber" function but with so many cooks in the kitchen 1. people are bound to erase the function and we're back to where we are now. And 2. to my knowledge that is a one way street calling from Sheet A to Sheet B.
What I want to know is if there is a way to make it so a change to either sheet A or B is shown on both sheets. I've done some basic online searching but wasn't coming up with anything useful, although I may not have been wording it properly. Any and all help is appreciated. Thanks!
submitted by DasWooj to gsuite [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:50 Berserker76_TTV StreamElements Loyalty Point Redemption Tied To an Overlay

I have an idea for a loyalty points redemption where viewers can purchase the item, then an overlay will display the viewer name, a random weapon from a list, and a timer.
I call it "Weapon Swap" and I think it's a good idea to get viewer engagement.
Problem is, I have 0 experience with coding and custom widgets/overlays.
Would anyone be interested in bringing this idea to life? We can arrange payment through Fiverr.
submitted by Berserker76_TTV to Twitch [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:50 TehSinastria A masterclass in character writing (and acting)

I was rewatching the show and got to S06E09 and I've seen two details back to back that reminded me why I loved this show so much.
Some time ago, I made another post explaining that I see Homeland as the perfect chess game, where every character is trying to outsmart everyone else constantly. Well I think this episode is the perfect example.
Dar has a meeting with Keane, where he is supposed to provide a list of new names for government positions in an attempt to reform the administration. Meanwhile Keane learnt >! that dar was lying about Iran cheating on the nuclear deal !< and she said that she'll struggle to be in the same room with him to her chief of staff. He then asked if she wanted to reschedule or have him go and talk with him, to which she replied that any changes would be tipping their hand.
In an attempt to not seem hostile against Dar, Keane overdid it by saying that him being Director of the CIA is not out of the question. Dar, being the seasoned intelligence officer he is, understood the vibe, read her like a book and didn't reveal his proposals, since his proposals would be people fond of him of course.
Not only that but you can see Dar's expressions and immediately understand what he thinks and how quickly he picked up on Keane's scheme.
The episode closes with Quinn waiting Dar in his house seemingly to assassinate him. Dar tries to sweet talk his way out of the situation and he successfully does so relatively unharmed with only a pistol bump against his head.
The twist here is that >! Quinn never intented to kill Dar, only to scare him so he would call his assassin and Quinn was ready to track the call !<
submitted by TehSinastria to homeland [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:49 esProc_SPL How to Perform Cross-database Queries via JDBC

Problem description & analysis

We have a STATEINFO table in the Oracle database. Below is part of the data:
1 4779736 52419
2 710231 663267
3 6392017 113998
4 2915918 52897
5 37253956 163700
We also have a STATENAME table in the MySQL database. Below is part of the data:
1 Alabama AL
2 Alaska AK
3 Arizona AZ
4 Arkansas AR
5 California CA
The two tables are logically associated through STATEID. We are trying to perform a cross-database query via JDBC. Below is part of the desired result:
1 4779736 52419 Alabama AL
2 710231 663267 Alaska AK
3 6392017 113998 Arizona AZ
4 2915918 52897 Arkansas AR
5 37253956 163700 California CA


Write the following script p1.dfx in esProc:

Method 1: SPL

1 =connect("oracle")
2 =A1.query@x("SELECT * FROM STATEINFO")
3 =connect("mysql")
4 =A3.query@x("SELECT * FROM STATENAME")
A1 Connect to the database named oracle.
A2 Perform SQL, return result as a table sequence, and then close database connection.
A3 Connect to the database named mysql.
A4 Perform SQL, return result as a table sequence, and then close database connection.
A5 Join A2’s table sequence and A4’s through associative field STATEID.
A6 Generate the desired result table sequence.

Method 2: Simple SQL

1 =connect("mysql").cursor@x("SELECT * FROM STATENAME")
2 =connect("oracle").cursor@x("SELECT * FROM STATEINFO")
3 $select n.STATEID as STATEID,n.POPULATION as POPULATION,n.AREA as AREA,m.NAME as NAME,m.ABBR as ABBR from {A1} m join {A2} n on m.STATEID=n.STATEID
A1 Connect to the database named mysql, return a database cursor created from sql, and auto-close database connection when the cursor is closed.
A2 Connect to the database named oracle, return a database cursor created from sql, and auto-close database connection when the cursor is closed.
A3 Join A1’s table and A2’s table using simple SQL.
Read How to Call an SPL Script in Java to learn about the method of integrating the SPL script into Java.
submitted by esProc_SPL to esProc_SPL [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:47 Abstrakt97 Tag Along

So from my perspective this all started when I was around 8-9. I was raised by my very religious Grandparents, whom I call Mom and Dad. We were never really well off always in smaller houses/trailers, or on the outside of the city limit of most towns by a few miles.
Anyway when I was younger we lived in a place with a basent, a on an Indian Rez, on a Christian school campus, My dad was the computer admin at the time and my mom worked as an aide.
This house was okay, however there would be a day in which I'd wake up early, hear what sounded like a collar from our dog, I would then reach over the side of my bed I thought it was coming from calling out our dogs name, but felt nothing, but hear what sounded like the collar and steps on my toys I'd left out the day before.
I looked down and saw nothing there, a little creeped I checked around the bed too and under and found nothing. Another morning I would wake up with our families cat on the bed.
Usually laid on top of me in the middle of the night, It was an old alley cat my parents had saved and it only slept on me like that, later had to put it down due to cancer, and my parents didn't have the money for a surgery that had low odds of working. Always remember him.
Anyway I woke up one morning to the cat laying on me, I froze, felt it dig it's claws into me making bread, then we both heard it, a clicking noise, coming from my dad's office, so I got up, put our cat to the side gently, he was old, went into my dad's office thinking he was up already.
The way my dad's office was set up, he had 3 computers, His butts up against the wall so I couldn't see him unless I was in the room. When I got in there he wasn't in there, it was completely empty, but I could have sworn I heard the sound of someone going at it on the keys, hunt and peck kind of like, I heard it again, but behind me, where mine and moms computers were at, I spun around, saw one of my keys off my keyboard go up and down, and I booked it out of there.
We had moved twice before activity happened again, we were living in an old farmhouse out of town. My parents have always rented. The only time they tried to buy the banks made them file for bankruptcy to handle the loan and I know it deviated my dad. Anyway we were living in an old house, the owner was kind of a dickwad, but whatever.
I was in 10-11th grade when I was with my Ex in the middle of the winter. She was over and we were watching movies. At one point I had to go take a leek. I told her so. Then made it across the hall from my room to the restroom and I wasn't gone longer than 30 seconds. came back and she was terrified, I asked what happened? She everything in your closet just went crazy, as a joke I said "well a sensitive friend of mine told me I've got a ghost following me around" she said "it must not like me then" I laughed but she seemed serious, so I dropped the attitude.
I looked inside of my closet and sure enough all of my things were on the floor. All the shelves had their stuff pushed off. And I'm looking a little bewildered, but not too surprised.
Next we go fill my mother in and being the God fearing woman she was chalked it up to the house settling. Sure mom sounds totally plausible, weather below zero, frozen ground, but enough chaos in my closet that the whole house would to have felt it as well. I never pushed it any further than that. But from then on I kept my radar up and kept getting this feeling like something was watching me but I couldn't tell who.
Next was in a place I moved into with another EX, it was a studio cabin off the lake, at the time we had two kids and some things had happened and I just felt a presence in the place. I was going to a job at the time that really tapped me physically, mentally, and spiritually, and id be coming home exhausted and would have no energy for anything, and at one point in the middle of the night I happened across a video that reminded me of my situation.
Felt something watching me so I got up and walked around the little place. I found the area that I felt it was coming from, dark spot near the top of the cabin kind of like a ledge. I stared back, spoke the words, "I know you're here bitch now do something." Staring intensely at the spot.
Now in hindsight I know that was the wrong thing to do. I even knew what I was doing to a degree in the moment, but I got tired of feeling like I was going crazy. Nothing happened, I felt foolish, just shook my head, stared back at my phone mentally chastising myself. What a fool ghosts aren't real and I'm not special. Yada yada yada.
Eventually I went outside for a smoke. And in that 5 min when I walked back inside the house, I nearly walked right over my lunch box, which had previously been on top of our fridge, please note this fridge was taller than my girl and our kids and I frequently reached up there to pull stuff off all the time for her, so it couldn't have been them, it was sent nearly 30+ ft, all of them were asleep and it didn't set off the dogs at all.
Later we moved into the City where we currently living in a small upstairs apartment. Got small living room, kitchen, dining, bath, and bed. Now we've been here not even 3 months, but the activity has skyrocketed.
First thing when it's just me and the kids or just me and my daughter the youngest, I'll usually put something on for her while she's up and keeps her content, but lately I've been walking in to either the TV goes to the main menu without the kids doing it. There was one point that I thought it was just our son. then I started taking the remote to the living room just to be sure, but sure enough it kept happening now I just take the batteries out.
I brought up to my Ex that I thought she should take the kids and get out for a few days while I handled it, but she reminded me she had nowhere and work, I agreed, but still felt off.
I made a post on tic toc, but nothing came of it other than a day or so later my ex told me she came home one morning and all of us were asleep but the extension cord to the stuff in the bedroom was unplugged and everything on it was unplugged including the TV and she asked did it was me but it really wasn't.
That's the end of the tale for now if you've got any questions be free to ask. I'm being very vague about all of this but I do want help, yeah I'm aware of sage, but it seems linked to knowing about it and just haless pranks right now.. idk.. any advice?
submitted by Abstrakt97 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:46 ungabungameat I still feel guilty about cutting off my best friend, even if I felt like they deserved it

I don’t know if a flair is needed as it’s not that graphic, but it is sexual in nature. So I’ll just get started say this is about a ex-friend I’ve cut contact with for almost a year now, way back last December. I still feel guilt about it, even if I feel it was deserved. On the day of our high school graduation, after we walked out of school the friend group decided to simultaneously cut contact with Robbie (not real name). A few were hesitant, including me, but eventually we all decided it was for the better.
I was the closest to Robbie, I considered him one of my best friends, actually THE best friend. We were friends for 8 years, all of the good and bad I experienced in the extreme by being close to Robbie. I decided as the person closest to Robbie, I would give him a final goodbye before everyone blocked him. Some message about how I hoped the best for him, how it was great being his friend but the bad outweighed the good.
So what did Robbie do to gain the ire of the whole friend group and such a ruthless systematic cut off? Years and years of sexual harassment and insensitivity. I had so many good moments with him, I truly genuinely loved our friendship and it’s all tainted by his behaviour. Not just towards me but towards our friend group up. Inappropriate creepy touches, way too close in the thighs, ass feels, grabbing my wrist to rub it against his chest as I scream stop, forceful kisses (that I thankfully stopped) etc.
In the first years of friendship I found this funny (oh pubescent naive me), but getting older it turned uncomfortable. Now, don’t get me wrong, I made sexual jokes all the time. But Robbie was well…Robbie. It’s funny now thinking about it, maybe we should’ve done it sooner but now I’m kinda blaming myself since it seems I enabled him. I had countless talks with Robbie, about how I didn’t like his sexual touches, nor kisses or anything like that. I didn’t see him that way, I literally couldn’t (I’m aroace, he was the first person I revealed this to). He often dismissed this—mockingly it wasn’t real, I never could tell if he was joking or being ignorant on purpose as he is queer himself. He always chalked up his physical touches and his demands for it back as his ‘love language’.
I wanted to be a good friend, so I agreed reluctantly, even if I didn’t want to, even if I told him how uncomfortable it made me. He’d vent to me about his problems, asking for help and advice, I gave them-he didn’t listen and then vent to me about the same problems. I listened until I dreaded calls with him, until I said I don’t like calls can we just text? Because I knew he didn’t like to rant on text. Sometimes it felt like he was asking more than I could give, he’d make remarks about how his love life was so shit he was so depressed only if he could date someone (with a very obvious tone) or that we’d look so good together. I knew he liked me, he confessed multiple times even though he knew I was aroace, our then mutual friends told me multiple times Robbie said he liked me. I shot him down every time, and when I did he played it off as if it was a joke.
Anyways, this is just a fraction of the things he’s done. I don’t know if I experienced the worst of it all considering most people recognised his behaviour towards me-he had a lot of connections outside our friend group. Still, even though he made me uncomfortable, cross my boundaries and invalidate my identity I still feel guilty. That maybe it was too harsh, that we should’ve given him another chance.
But then I remember how many times I had to talk to him, how I had to make him admit he was wrong and then how he’d do it all over again. I’ll think back to that copy pasted apology he sent to everyone that I had heard over and over again. I’ll think back to the nights I dreaded calls, and how I had force myself to weakly laugh because he tired to guilt trip our friend ship forever about how he’d kill himself.
I still feel guilty, but I never want see him again, even if he becomes a better person, I hope our paths never cross again for good.
submitted by ungabungameat to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:45 K0ttie_kiss1o1 Who else had weird ass classmates in this school

Im just curious cuz I did lmao.
Middle school - girl threatened to kill herself everytime I did something she didn’t like. Also called me and her friends bakas AND HAD A CRUSH ON ME? She described me when she asked me to guess her crush I was so tired. A girl below my grade spammed the yarichin bitch club opening in zoom no teacher did anything. Same girl stole a ton of anime art for our art showcase. Another girl submitted paint by numbers 🙄 I called her out on it and she HATED ME, roleplayed killing me in chats.
High school - Couple always flirted in chat and came up with code names for people, and got angry when someone asked wtf they were talking about. U guys r a couple just text each other 💀 . They always got chat disabled SMH. Some pretentious guy in creative writing ALWAYS unmuted himself he was INSUFFERABLE. Got pissed off at every assignment and went on rants about how they were unnecessary. He tried to start arguments all the time, a girl said she had a tattoo to remember her dog and he said “I don’t get why some people think it’s smart to stain their skin” STFU! There’s more but I can’t get recognized on here 😭
I blocked every single person from this school on insta, I left this hellhole and felt like sharing. I thought it was normal to have falling outs with everyone u talk to in school 😭 this school legit made me a misanthrope in 7th grade because I literally could not befriend anyone here. If a parent is reading this do NOT make ur kids do K12 I swear there’s like 10 other virtual schools u can consider. There’s so many alternatives
submitted by K0ttie_kiss1o1 to k12 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:44 Youruglychild66 Bathroom refusal update (not full update)

The link is to my og post
Ok so read my post before reading this or it will not make sense. So we got approved for a meeting with the dean and teacher for tmr (Thursday) so I’ll also update with that.
Anyway my mom sent an Email to the teacher not accusing her but asking what happened. Teacher refuses to say that I told her it was an emergency and she says that I only asked once. About the dean. The dean says that I should know school rules and she was in the right to take my phone. Fine because I’m not supposed to just whip my phone out and call my mom but she wasn’t letting me go to the office and call her so wtv.
The teachers excuse for putting me in lunch detention even tho I didn’t do anything was “because this school is a community, I strongly believe in the saying when one shines we all shine. (my name) is a part of this community.”
So yeah that’s just the replies from the teacher and the dean that my mom sent I’ll update about the meeting tmr.
submitted by Youruglychild66 to AmITheBadApple [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:44 Plane-Caramel-3717 I (M18) don't see a future with my girlfriend (F18), should we break up?

We met about 3 months ago, and started dating almost immedietly. We have no mutual friends, I have basically zero friends outside of online stuff and she is the same way. We have moved kind of quickly. Said I love you within the first few weeks, but haven't had sex yet. I'm a virgin and she isn't.
She invited me into a discord server with all her friends and all of them are weirdos. Spouting racial slurs, being edgelords, and one of them is like 22 years old.
I later learned that she and him met 5 years ago. She was 13 and he was 16. They fucking dated at one point. At one point he was 17 and she was 13. I could never imagine myself dating anyone even a year younger than me. Her best friend is a racist horrible person who's flirted with people when they were dating. She constantly says the n word despite being white as fuck and once said "I wonder how tight a newborn is". She has zero redeeming qualities and promotes cheating, dating people only for looks, and talks nonstop about dick size. My girlfriend is best friends with this scumbag???
About relationships, I've never been in a serious one. She's been in several. This is the first time she's ever actually loved someone she said.
I found out she was insanely sexual with her ex. Like, several times a day. I'm nervous to even do it once, and it's been months. She says she doesn't care and it's not that important but if it isn't why was it so important previously?
Now onto the other stuff. We don't really have anything in common. She only watches horror, I think the genre sucks ass. The only thing is dumb comedies with Adam Sandler and Seth Rogan and that's it. The only thing we like in common basically. She got bored when we tried to watch Star Wars, doesn't like any of the things I do like games or ANYTHING. I don't even know what we talk about. Basically nothing. I just try my hardest to be "entertaining" and we goof around and spend the rest of the time cuddling and stuff. I don't see us doing dumb fun stuff I would love to do, hanging out and doing stupid shit and talking about stuff like that. I know this all sounds very juvenile lol but having similar interests is important and I'm now realizing that.
She hates talking about her problems. She has eating issues and refuses to eat and I constantly stress about it. She just won't. I try to get her to and she won't. Some nights she'll be in a terrible mood and I can tell, but she just says she's fine. But I start to overthink it and assume the worst. She's always lying, I find out afterward. And I feel like shit she lied. And she just won't even try to talk about it. I don't blame her but it just doesn't work. Neither of us end up happy all night long.
And as for life? We both JUST graduated. She needs to move out of her parents house because of her horrible father and she's trying to figure out how to do that. We thought maybe she could move in with me, as I will be getting my own place (paid for by my grandparents) for college. It's not normal, but she has to get out asap and I think that can make an exception. After that? I don't know what I want to do in life. She wants to be an actress. She wants to move to another state and make a big name for herself. I just want to make ends meet and come home to someone I love.
I just don't see a future with her. Where we work. Where I'm happy. I've stopped talking to all of my friends to give her like all of my attention and it kind of sucks. I find myself enjoying talking to my friends more. We don't even call or text because we have nothing to talk about. I feel wrong saying I love you now. Feel wrong even typing it. It's not honest. We talked about it tonight and her responses only make me feel worse about it. She loves me a lot, she said I'm the love of her life, she said she kind of needs me and she has a history of self harm and suicide attempts. And I don't want her to do something. And I feel wrong leaving her. It feels so bad and wrong, all of it. I don't know what I should do.
hi dear reader, if you could please spare me a shilling of advice as for what to do
I don't know how to summarize this. You can't give an opinion with just a summary. I need some advice, maybe help from a third perspective please. I'll summarize it anyway so my post isn't deleted.
tl;dr: my girlfriend and I have nothing in common, her friends suck, we have different life goals, get into conflicts a lot recently, and now I need to make a decision before it's too late because we both graduated
submitted by Plane-Caramel-3717 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:41 zr5vq9 Olivia Lopes frightens me

Context: 10:27 and 45:25
This video sends shivers down my spine. I have to explain why. The following is just a theory, obviously. But I know. Oh I know. Olivia Lopes planned this all out. She made it seem like she “accidentally” bumped into her favorite YouTubers. But in reality, she had been stalking them for so many years. She knew which restaurant. Oh she knew exactly what time of day. But then she got too confident and her mask accidentally slipped off on the H3 Podcast when she confessed how she got hired.
Why do I have such a strong conviction about this? Because. I know like four women who all confessed the same stalker story to me. They all got cheated on by their boyfriends, and told me “I just wanted to see the other girl’s face. I just had to know if she was more beautiful than me. I knew which grocery store she was employed at. She was a cashier. I went to her cash register. I purchased a gallon of milk. Just to catch a glimpse of her face. I stared at her name tag. She had no clue who I was. She was beautiful. I cried myself to sleep.”
Another woman told me she was planning to do what Olivia did. The whole “hang out” and “accidentally” bump into a YouTuber. Here is how they do it. They just watch every vlog, like tens times, and memorize their schedule, and look for clues of where they could live. And then they just “hang out” at those locations. I told this particular woman, “Don’t do it.” She replied “I’m not gonna say hi to her, I just want to see her silhouette.” You see, sometimes, stalkers don’t even say hi to you, they just want to see your silhouette from far away. Sometimes they just want a lock of your hair. Sometimes they just want a whiff of your chair after you just sat on it. Jeepers creepers. Olivia Lopes frightens me. I am convinced Olivia is guilty and I am still waiting on her upcoming book “IF i did it” where she explains exactly how she planned it all out and made it look like an accident. If I were Ethan, I would keep a close watch of my chair when Olivia is around. Also, check out this YouTube channel that is dedicated to stalking Olivia. Stalkers stalking stalkers. Weird. Anyway, let me know if you think my post is cringe or cursed.
submitted by zr5vq9 to h3snark [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:40 MildShowerThoughts Am I Wrong for Wearing a Qipao When I’m White?

To give some context, I live in a very, very liberal state. And the majority of those in the suburbs I live and in my school are either Asian or white. I’ve visited forums on Quora, Reddit, etc, along with talking to many of Chinese pen-pals to ask whether it was appropriate for a white person to wear a qipao. The resounding answer I got was “yes”- that their culture stole it from someone else’s in the first place, and that they didn’t care as long as I was being respectful. And I’ve worn two other Chinese-inspired dresses multiple times before this experience, and received no strange stares or comments (besides compliments).
This most recent dress I bought was from a popular Chinese lolita brand- it’s a mini dress with a mandarin collar, short puff sleeves, and has a pink bunny and strawberry print. It’s made out of a very light fabric, and so I thought it would be good to wear it school as I don’t have many summer clothes (and it suddenly got very hot this past week), and because it’s pretty cute. I got some compliments about it (including from my Chinese-American and Korean-American friends, but a separate friend pointed out that my Chinese-American friends aren’t super connected with their culture and that I should go and ask other people; que as to why I’m here). But in one of my classes, a Chinese-American girl (V) condescendingly told me - in front of everyone, may I add - that I was heavily disrespecting and sexualizing her culture. That it wasn’t okay for me to wear something like that for everyday clothing, and that if I were to wear Chinese dresses at all (which I shouldn’t) it should be a traditional ankle-length one. V said… a lot of other things as well which I’m not going to add here (V was being incredibly rude all together, pretty much calling me an ignorant racist at the end, and got even more upset when my friend came to back me up when she’s Korean and not Chinese).
This got me thinking, that while I don’t agree with how she came about it, I’ve mainly been asking mainland Chinese individuals what they think, instead of those who were born in America- as they’re going to have different experiences (which V threw in there at one point). So am I being disrespectful or racist, as she stated?
Thank you,
submitted by MildShowerThoughts to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:40 kayla_playsviolin im sick of this

ive been feeling like this since november of last year and i cant escape it. my worst months were november through january but i still feel it. my best friend lets call her “flower” (her name is a type of flower). i met her in 2021 when my ex friend introduced me to her and we have had some bad ups and downs but we are still friends. next, my friend lets call her “keys” (ignore how weird these names are i know). i met keys in 2023 of january and me and her have been through everything but we are still good friends. i believe in either november or october they started talking to eachother since they both liked the same movie and started becoming best friends. by the way keys and flower are my two closest friends. they started talking then started hanging out a lot like everyday and i started feeling left out since me and flower used to hangout every day like them and im flowers mom’s favorite out of all of flowers friends and guess what? flowers mom started liking keys more than me. i suddenly felt replaced and they started like telling eachother secrets that i dont know and i was once on a facetime call when they were both hanging out and they kept muting their phone so they could tell secrets. december came and they started dating. that was the breaking point of me even though i didnt like any of them romantically. it hurt seeing flower hanging out and doing literally everything with keys like how me and flower used to do everything. at that point i was done.
they broke up i believe in february of this year but they are still friends. heres the part that hurts the most. “im hanging out with keys!” “my mom loves keys because she thinks that keys is responsible and trusting” walks over to keys locker to talk to her “hey do you have a pencil that keys can use?” “keys is gonna help me decorate my new room!” “keys is my best friend forever!!!” “hey keys i think we should do this privately not in front of (my name)” what happened to instead of “keys” it was my name. the worst part was when they would both tell eachother secrets about other people and eachother. they have literally known eachother for only a few months and they tell eachother secrets that i dont even know but ive known both of them for so long. flower told keys so many secrets about me that was just between us. im sure flower has told key’s probably everything about me. including my bad deep secrets. “oh i wont tell anyone i promise!” (proceeds to tell keys). i havent told them about me feeling like this or anyone. i dont want to ruin their friendship and i dont want to get in a big fight with them.
anyways thats all of it. i probably left some important stuff out but i dont want to write it
have a great day to whoever read this :)
submitted by kayla_playsviolin to TeenVent [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:39 ss903 Need help!! Automating the investigation of security alerts

I want to build a cybersecurity application where for a specific task, i can detail down investigation plan and agents should start executing the same.
For a POC, i am thinking of following task
"list all alerts during a time period of May 1 and May 10 and then for each alert call an API to get evidence details"
I am thinking of two agents: Investigation agent and user proxy
the investigation agent should open up connection to datasaource, in our case we are using , msticpy library and environment variable to connect to data source
As per the plan given by userproxy agent, it keep calling various function to get data from this datasource.
Expectation is investigation agent should call List_alert API to list all alerts and then for each alert call an evidece API to get evidence details. return this data to give back to user.

I tried following but it is not working, it is not calling the function "get_mstic_connect". Please can someone help
def get_mstic_connect():
import msticpy as mp
mdatp_prov = QueryProvider("MDE")
# Connect to the MDE source
mdatp_mde_prov = mdatp_prov.MDE
return mdatp_mde_prov
llm_config = {
"config_list": config_list,
"seed": None,
"name": "get_mstic_connect",
"description": "retrieves the connection to tennat data source using msticpy",
# create a prompt for our agent
investigation_assistant_agent_prompt = '''
Investigation Agent. This agent can get the code to connect with the Tennat datasource using msticpy.
you give python code to connect with Tennat data source
# create the agent and give it the config with our function definitions defined
investigation_assistant_agent = autogen.AssistantAgent(
system_message = investigation_assistant_agent_prompt,
# create a UserProxyAgent instance named "user_proxy"
user_proxy = autogen.UserProxyAgent(
is_termination_msg=lambda x: x.get("content", "")and x.get("content", "").rstrip().endswith("TERMINATE"),
"get_mstic_connect": get_mstic_connect,
task1 = """
Connect to Tennat datasource using msticpy. use list_alerts function with MDE source to get alerts for the period between May 1 2024 to May 11, 2024.
chat_res = user_proxy.initiate_chat(
investigation_assistant_agent, message=task1, clear_history=True

submitted by ss903 to AutoGenAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:39 South-Style-134 Best Valentine's Ever

Years ago I met my husband working in the pharmacy department of a major US drug chain. We worked in separate stores. I was a supervisory pharmacy technician in my store and he was a staff pharmacist in his. One of my duties was to oversee training of new pharm techs in our area and train existing techs to be supervisory techs. I would literally have to sign off on the training certifying techs were ready to go to their stores and capable of doing their jobs. Both mine and husband's pharmacies had great staffs and were leaders in the district.
Eventually, my store got a new store manager who we'll call K. For whatever reason, K decided that she wanted to engage in a little nepotism and help a fellow store manager's daughter (D) become a supervisory tech. The problem was that D wasn't even a good regular pharmacy tech and we had just shipped her off to a slower store because she preferred texting her boyfriend in the back instead of filling prescriptions and refused to work her fair share of weekends. I told K that this girl would become a supervisory tech over my dead body (pharmacy manager was totally behind me on this as was the district pharm tech supervisor). K then began a campaign of retaliation and would write me up for the most mundane things ever. In fact, the only time in my career I was ever disciplined is when K was my manager. I think she was hoping to replace me with another supervisory tech who would help her with her goals. It didn't really bother me. I knew I was performing well above expectations and wasn't bothered by her being petty. Besides, replacing me with D would hurt her way more than it would hurt me.
I'm chilling at drive-thru one day and one of my staff comes running in, grabs me, and says, " K is getting transferred to [husband's store]." My heart sank because I knew K would be the kind of person to take things out on my husband. He's a very kind, non-confrontational man, and not one that would do well with the type of game playing K enjoys. Sure enough, she starts writing him up for ridiculous things. She even went up to him one day and said, "Why are you married to South-Style-134? She's fire and you're ice. I just don't get why you like her." Hubs was shook and didn't really answer her. (As a side note, the supervisory tech at my husband's store literally went to K on day one and told her that D wouldn't be promoted there either lmao).
So K continues her campaign against me via my husband until Valentine's Day. Now, I don't really care about Valentine's, so my husband doesn't go out of his way for it. Our stores usually sell red roses only for Valentine's and the roses are featured in the weekly ad. Husband had made it his tradition to pick some up for me with a sweet card on his lunch break. This particular year, husband was going to do the usual but couldn't find the flowers. He searched all over the store and just as he's about to give up and just get me candy or something else, he finds K talking with the district operations manager (K's boss). My husband goes over to both of them, looks at K and says, "hey, where are the flowers from this week's ad?" K gets flustered and says, "we don't have any." K's boss asks if they sold out. K is forced to admit she didn't order any in the first place. K's boss is clearly pissed and tells her to immediately call the neighboring store and get some from them. K had to drive an hour round trip to get flowers from the other store. She does make it back before husband's shift is over so he buys the first bouquet. He brings them home and tells me the real gift is the story of how he got them and embarrassed K in front of her boss.
Epilogue: K was transferred yet again not long after this, so my husband was thankfully free of her. She was later asked to tender her resignation for a myriad of questionable practices of which the flower incident was minor, but it's still fun to think that we may have started the process of exposing her for being subpar.
submitted by South-Style-134 to pettyrevenge [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:39 ChocolateIcecreamYum Changing your last name getting married makes absolutely no sense at all; whatsoever.

I don’t get it at all.
Why the fuck would you do such a thing?
You’re not related to the person you’re marrying.
The only people on the fucking planet who’s last name is same as your last name are the people who are blood related to you.
The only exception is if your last name is of a parent or side of family that is not right and you rather otherwise.
I changed my last name to match my brother's last name; but only because my bilogical father is a horrible person and blames me for never calling him during ages when it has to be my mother doing it. Fuck.
But you do you I guess. Yes I see you conservatives who can’t handle a shred and ounce of otherwise living and then cry wolf when merely point out and want better. Fuck.
But then it is like; well and what would you do if you have kids. Simple. The mother carries; the child bares the mothers last name. Also because the amount of which it is men ever is and always will be more than otherwise; as it can be both and all.. Why should they get to pass their last name on? They ruin their fun on everything.
submitted by ChocolateIcecreamYum to venting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:39 TheCarpetsRed Do I just give in for the money?

I'm in my early 40's with a young family. Me and my wife make good money and our income is upper middle class but living in HCOL so it's pretty much just an average joe that can't even afford to buy a house.
The first thing I did when I finished my degree is to have as little contact as possible with my family. No one in my family ever held a job for more than a few months. The last time they had a 9-5 job was over 10 years ago. However my parents are wealthy, they were entrepreneurs but then their business failed. The only thing that got them super rich now is because they invested all the money they had into real estates and held onto it. Plus they know how to legally do money laundering and so called "tax savings".
I keep as little contact with them as possible. Sometimes I don't see them for a few years but since I've got kids, they are try getting into my life. It never ends up good. I still get calls from them about once a month to tell me how useless I am for holding a job and not have my own business. I keep telling them, I'm the only one in the family that is normal and have held a white collar career ever since I graduated 20 years ago. Yet she keeps telling me that I'm wasting my potential. That I could be so much better and she is telling me that for my own good.
Around last year my mom got really sick and was very close to dying. I thought hey maybe a near death situation will change her. Yes for awhile I thought she did. However after she fully recovered, she went back to her usual. Calls me up and tell me my wife is a whore and is a worthless mother to my kids. She knows little to nothing about my wife. Doesn't even know her name because she is just so used to calling her slurs. When I call her out on it she just tells me she doesn't need to know my wife name because she is not important.
Despite how much I hate my mom. When I saw my mom in ICU and unconscious. It did break me and I keep going back to her. I've not had any financial aid from them since I finished school. In fact she is the one that borrows money from me from time to time. When I tell her 10k is a lot of money when you take into account of my net worth vs her net worth. She completely flips out and say she spent so much money raising us and this is the least I could do. Some nights when I get really high, I keep thinking she won't have much time left. I love my kids and I would do anything for them. If one day I'm on my deathbed, I would really hope my kids would come and see me. I wonder if she feels that way too. Then all it takes is talking to her for 5 mins on the phone and I'm like F that, she is not worth my time nor does she deserves any love.
However here comes the issue. I got a young family to feed. Life is indeed hard with inflation and deep down I know money would make everything so easy. Though it would absolutely wreck my mental health as it means they will want to be part of my life. My wife says it's up to me but she really don't want any financial aid from my side of the family. She said we are self sufficient and rather be happy then be in debt to anyone. But it's still a lot of inheritance and I know I would most likely get nothing. Back when I didn't have a family to feed, I'm like sure I've signed the legal paper to forfeit any inheritance and to return the house they bought for me. I really don't know what to do but I know that every time I reconnect with my mom, it never ever ends well. It might sound really dumb but at one point I thought hey, if I just slip in some edibles. Maybe it will stop her behaving like an a'hole.
On a slightly different subject. My siblings are all messed up. Sometimes I feel like I'm like that myself. I try to be perfect at everything I do and I can't stand it when people around me is not perfect or doing their best.
submitted by TheCarpetsRed to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:38 Vast-Yesterday-3446 Can’t get over him

Can’t get over him
I (29 f) am married. I’ve been with my partner (29 m) for 3 years. We have a good life together, I get to be a sahm and he’s helping me with therapy, just genuinely no complaints. I literally manifested this man. But.. I can not get over an ex situationship, we will call him Greg (idk I think he’s 30)lol.
Back story, in 2019 I went through a divorce, I followed Greg on insta as we were locals and had mutual friends. When I saw him I instantly had a school girl crush on this guy. We started liking each others posts and even matched on tinder. Nothing came of it as I think I started dating my hs best friend around that time so I got off tinder. Well fast forward to mid 2020, I was making content and I asked on insta if anybody wanted to collab with me so I could have some couples content instead of just solo. Greg messaged me and volunteered as tribute. I could not have been more excited. I would get to work with my crush. So we made the content together and we even hung out a little bit. I really felt like the vibes were good. Until he ghosted me. I realized that I may have bombarded him and I accepted that he ghosted me. 3 weeks later he messages me, gave me some excuse and at first I said no, but I genuinely liked making content with him because he actually knew what to record. So I went back but I never bombarded him again out of respect. And every time we hung out he would ghost me. So about 4 months go by with the back and forth. I was doing networking on tinder when I met my husband. I had no intentions of falling in love as my main focus was my daughter. I originally wanted a boyfriend who lived in their own home and we would just hang out when I had my “kid free days” well Greg comes back a week into me dating my husband. And as tempting as it was I said no. I didn’t want Greg, I want my husband. 3 months later I find out I’m pregnant. Turns out I also was diagnosed with an std. I don’t know how long I had it so I messaged Greg, apologized and told him he should get tested. I went no contact after that. A few months go by and Greg asks me if I’m single. I had already told him I was pregnant and I blew up on him bc I didn’t want to be treated like an object. He subtweeted me and I found out from a mutual friend. Basically just saying I was some girl he used to fuck. Proving my point that he only wanted me for one thing. I messaged him to leave me alone and that I again didn’t want anything to do with him. Some time goes by and about 2022 Greg messaged me again. I told him that even if I were single I wouldn’t want to date him and he accepted it as it was.
So now it’s the year 2023. I was just not in a good head space as me and my husband were having problems 6 months into our marriage and I reached out to Greg and told him that I missed him. He said he also missed me and that he believed in right person wrong time. That freaked me out so I told him I was still married and I ended up not talking to him again. Well then my husband and I were mid seperation and I from a distance would message Greg. We ended up meeting up at a concert and the whole time I kept thinking about how this was wrong and how I would do anything to fix the relationship with me and my husband. Nothing happened at the concert and I even invited him to hang out with us after the show. Still I kept a safe distance because I didn’t want to end up doing anything I would regret. So after the concert I ghosted Greg and I fixed the issues with me and my husband. At some point I wanted to go to a concert and I invited Greg to come with me mostly because I didn’t have a car and I just genuinely wanted to spend time with him as friends. So I messaged him and he agreed to go. But I end up feeling bad because I didn’t disclose that I was still married. I ended up telling Greg that I was married and he never replied so I apologized to him and told him I’d never reach out again. I blocked him on every single platform I could find.
So now it’s been about 5 months since I blocked him and I am desperately trying to move on and forget about him. I am happily married and have the dream life that I want . But I often find myself thinking about Greg and even sneaking over to his profiles just to see how he is doing. My heart hurts because I no longer want to think of him this way and I want to be devoted to my husband. He’s given me everything I could have asked for. Dedication, trust, loyalty, support we are constantly holding each other up and helping each other with our growth. I’ve been ready to move on from Greg and put everything we had in the past. How do I just let him go? I’ve been thinking about doing a cord cutting. As much as it would hurt, it hurts more thinking about that I am thinking about another man while I have the most beautiful life. maybe I did it to myself by giving him a rose quartz around the first time we hung out…. What would you do?
TLDR; I’ve been obsessed with this guy for a few years but I am happily married now and I do not want to think about him anymore. How do I get him out of my head?
submitted by Vast-Yesterday-3446 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:38 ArtisanAsteroid I am bigender and trans male

After starting testosterone a few weeks ago, I started to have an identity crisis. I questioned if I was just a masculine woman and it was a mistake because I liked how my face looked before. I realized that I never stopped feeling like I was a guy and a girl, but I felt a pressure. I wanted to have an entirely male body and became very self conscious about being feminine at all. I started forcing myself to be more masculine in an attempt to not look or sound female, but I just got to a point of having an androgynous face while my body made me just as uncomfortable. Now that I'm on T, I feel like I'll miss having an androgynous face, I enjoy switching my voice from masculine to feminine, and I do like the idea of being called she or having a feminine name despite my appearance.
I think I actually like being androgynous social-wise and it's just my sex characteristics that upset me. I felt afraid to call myself nonbinary because of the implication that I am not male but instead want to be in between. I accept that I can't have everything I want and for my body to be male my face and voice will experience the changes from testosterone too. I was dead set on being "normal" once I transitioned, but I'm going to just start wearing makeup.
Weird thing is that when I first realized I was trans, I originally said I was bigender… and I spent all this time feeling weird and confused when maybe the 13 year old me was right. I am a man. I am a woman. I'm whatever, but I'll just live as a weird guy.
submitted by ArtisanAsteroid to NonBinary [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:38 winelizabethadore Is Infidelity Cut and Dry? I feel so lost.

My husband and I have been together for almost twenty years. We have been married for 11 years. We have 3 young daughters. I wouldn't have called our life together perfect, but we were solid, from my perspective. We never had a dead bedroom. We didn't get to go on dates as often as we liked, but we always had a great time together.
Background info: our kids have health issues. I have a sleep disorder that causes my brain to skip normal REM cycles. I am constantly exhausted. I often fell asleep with our children at night, which was upsetting to my husband. He didn't understand how by their bedtime I truly could not read to them without falling asleep in their beds. (I am on a new medication and for the first time, I am able to function somewhat normally, so this is less of an issue now.) My husband has a very unusual work schedule, so he is often awake into the night alone.
In late December 2023, my husband had a major depressive episode. He experienced disassociation, etc. It was incredibly troubling. I did my best to be a supportive partner. I helped him to rest and carried as much of the load of our family and home life as possible. I encouraged him to start therapy, which he did in January.
Mid-January, I went out with my sister for a short while. I was nervous leaving my husband and the kids. I thought he might have a lot of anxiety and depression. He told me I needed to go so that he could try to live normally. His therapist urged him to do so.
During our night away, I received an email from my husband telling me he no longer wanted to be married. He told me he loved me. He said I was the perfect woman for him, and the best mom he could ever imagine to our kids. Basically, it's not you, it's me.
When I got home, I was a wreck. I cried. He apologized. He said he didn't mean what he said, but that he just didn't know what was wrong with him. He said he just needed to go to therapy and sort himself out. He acted really cold and distant.
I asked him if there were things about our marriage that he felt were lacking. He told me he often felt alone. I asked him if he would be willing to work on this. He agreed, but he refused to commit himself fully to repairing our marriage. We began spending more time together. As always, it was good when we were together. We laughed. We had fun. Sex was good. But he felt strangely disconnected. Honestly, it was so embarrassing to be trying so hard to make my own husband love me back.
The truth trickled out bit by bit. Once a week he would meet up with his best friend. They would work out and then have a beer and catch up somewhere. After some time, my husband started becoming attracted to the bartender at the place they were going. And it was mutual. He even went alone more than once to sit at the bar while she worked.
He reached a point where he convinced himself that I didn't love him, and that our marriage was hopeless. He began daydreaming about some future life with this bartender. These daydreams were not sexual in nature. They were about going on getaways, dates, and snuggling on the couch watching shows together. (Honestly, this was so much more hurtful than if he'd have been daydreaming about sex.)
He had been telling his therapist about all of this, but I had no idea. While I was pouring my everything into trying to fix our marriage, he was still going to the bar to sit and hang out in her presence.
Finally, it reached a boiling point when the bartender realized that he was married. I'm not sure how she missed his wedding ring. He swears he wore it, but who knows if that is the truth. Apparently, she heard him taking about me and our kids with our mutual friend. She was indignant about him never having told her he was married. He realized he had crossed a line if she was so bothered that he was married.
He swears up and down that their interactions never left that bar. There was no physical touch. There was no texting. He never asked her out.
But he carried on a daydream relationship with another woman. He told me he didn't want to be married. When things were at their worst, he told me he was going to stay somewhere else to figure things out. That day I know he searched for her online.
I had to tell our kids that their daddy was moving out for a while. It was awful. He risked everything. He came so close to destroying our family to take a chance with a woman he hardly knew. I no longer feel the security I used to feel.
He talked to his therapist, and she suggested that these daydreams might be his mind's way of escaping reality. She said that he has always wanted to do these things with me, but that he had convinced himself that it was impossible, so maybe he had replaced me with a substitute in his mind. She suggested he ponder that.
When he did, he said it made perfect sense. He said that he met this girl in the middle of a horrible mental crisis and the depths of depression and loneliness. He said she gave him some attention and he liked it. He said he couldn't understand why he couldn't stop thinking about her and the guilt had been eating him alive. He said that she is not even the type of person he would ever consider being in a relationship with. He knew the whole time it didn't make sense, but he felt out of his mind.
He swears that since he had the epiphany that what he really wanted was to have that fulfilling relationship with me, his head has been on straight. He says that he is as sure that he loves me, and always will, as he is sure that he needs to breathe air.
We are trying to reconcile. Things have come a long way. He is extremely remorseful. He is willing to do anything to help rebuild trust. He says this is the worst thing he has ever done in his life, and that it will always be his biggest regret, hurting me so badly. He is trying so hard to demonstrate his love in meaningful ways.
But I'm still hurt. I'm still lost. And there is a part of me that doesn't understand why. In marital counseling, my husband often points out that he didn't actually cheat. But I feel like this was some sort of infidelity. I guess I don't know. I look up infidelity resources, and the advice feels like it applies in many cases.
(He doesn't make that clarification to dodge responsibility, but he says that he says he feels it is an important distinction. He says that he made these awful choices because of his mental state, and that he fully owns them, but that he did stop himself from taking things further than they went because he is knew deep down that this things were not who he really was or what he really wanted.)
If this doesn't apply, I really apologize for posting in this sub. If it does, please help me figure out how to move forward? It has been months, and I cry every day. I am deeply depressed. My heart is just so badly broken. I wish this never happened. I wish he had just come to me and told me about his needs. I would have done anything in my power to bring him peace, happiness, and make him feel loved and content. I want to feel safe with him again. I want to trust that he will always love me, and that in his heart of hearts, he loved me even then, but there is this awful feeling in my heart that just won't go away.
submitted by winelizabethadore to survivinginfidelity [link] [comments]