Xp is automatically authentication


2021.05.27 08:36 itz_dead Autocode_

Autocode is a Node.js platform and online editor that makes running code in response to events simple. It handles authentication, routing, hosting, and more, and has powerful API autocompletion for automatically generating code. Some great use-cases include Discord bots, Twitter alert notifiers, and scheduled jobs, but you can build and customize projects any way you want!

2008.06.10 16:36 TechSupport

Stumped on a tech problem? Ask the community and try to help others with their problems as well. Note: Reddit is dying due to terrible leadership from CEO spez. Please use our Discord server instead of supporting a company that acts against its users and unpaid moderators.

2014.02.23 16:58 superkittehs relaxed pokemon trades

A Pokémon trading sub for trades of all kinds. Trades can be simple or involve IVs, egg moves, hidden ability, hidden power, foreign, you name it! Hacked and/or Cloned Pokémon and items must be labeled as such.

2024.05.16 22:34 Informal_Path5291 Retrospective from an M7 first year international. To make friends and be socially popular, you have to "add Value"

This may be basic common knowledge around social skills, but as an international student, I found these principles are not often explicitly taught and vary across time and culture. I'm from India to be exact, which has a very different culture in the US.
It's confusing, because if you ask people what qualities they like in friends, they'll say stuff like they love people who are kind, dependable, loyal, genuine, authentic, etc. But I've noticed that these people either lie when they say that, or that's not the full truth. Judge by their actions, not words, as they say.
In my M7 MBA, I have seen that those who have successfully. been able to make friends and be socially popular and well liked are those who took the time and effort to "add value" in their relationships.
"Adding value" from my observations can take multiple forms. First way is to be conventionally very attractive - people like others who are beautiful, hot, cute, etc. Being an 8/10 physically is good. If you're not naturally good looking, then doing everything possible in your power to be your most conventionally attractive best self is valued, such as working out regularly, eating a good diet, conforming to fashion trends, having good styles, etc. Women are especially adept at knowing skincare and makeup techniques.
The second is being famous. We have someone in our class who is famous on social media, with several hundred thousand social media followers. They are automatically elevated in social situations with people wanting to be their friend. This person has on multiple occasions been an asshole to others and isn't the most conventionally attractive, but our classmates give them a pass. The rules aren't fair or the same for everyone.
Third, if you're neither famous or conventionally good looking, there is a premium on being funny. People like those who give them a good laugh. Having good humor, conversational timing, ability to make jokes on the fly and have wit are very valued.
These three qualities completely supersede others, including being kind, genuine, authentic, loyal, etc. In terms of males, the top of the pecking order are tall, white men. White women are also on top socially, with some East Asians.
Outside of these, I'e seen you really have to put in effort to add value. You need to do things like be a good cook and host events where you cook for your classmates. You need to do something "cool" like be a foodie and have a food blog for spots near campus. Another way to "add value" is be a good DJ and offer to DJ at parties that people host. You need to say, take the initiative to host themed house parties or organize a domestic or international trek or a ski trip. If you're the organizer of an in-demand social event, people gravitate to you and want to be friends.
Not all hobbies are created equal. Those that people value are ones that add value to their personal lives, such as being a food or travel blogger, or DJing at a party. Social hobbies like biking or organizing workout classes are praised. Something relatable to people. One person is a amazing classical pianist, but classical music is seen as a solitary, niche, boring hobby that doesn't generate much praise or interest, despite how talented the classmate is.
It seems the social scene here runs on a "social currency" system where the people who take the effort to cook for others, organize events and trips, do cool and interesting things, etc., are the ones rewarded with the most invites to birthdays, parties, trips, etc. And outside of that, if you're really good looking, funny, or famous, you have a ton of social leeway and need to put in way less effort.
Looks DO matter. People DO judge based on appearances. I've noticed very few in the "cool" group are overweight - and the few who ware are EXCEPTIONALLY funny. And looking physically good takes a lot of effort in and of itself, including knowing how to work out, eat right, apply makeup if you're a girl etc.
On top of this, you need to be lacking in negative traits. People who are overly eager, try to hard, or seen as needy have quickly been excommunicated from the social scene. They often do it without realizing it: in Indian culture, being very forward is often the norm but it's too intense for American culture. People like those who are seen as cool, chill, and interesting, and fun. People base friendships in reality on those who are "fun and chill" to be around. You can't be someone who is overly quiet and doesn't say anything, and sucks at conversational timing in group settings and be awkward, nor can you be overly gregarious and too loud and annoying.
You cannot only talk about non-mainstream, overly nerdy, or niche interests, UNLESS you are exceptionally conventionally attractive or famous. Catan game nights seem to be OK though. Many social events are at house parties, bars, clubs, etc., and are based on drinking. The non drinkers who are popular ADD VALUE by taking the initiative to offer to be designated drivers. But if you don't offer that as a non drinker, you may get penalized socially.
There are plenty of pro-DEI, heavy liberal (at least on social issues) on campus, and they will say things like they want to be friends with like minded socially progressive folks. But even among that crowd, physical appearance, your level of fame, and funniness TRUMP ALL and you have to add value. One person in class is a very physically attractive open Republican, and even the liberals in class like him. The Republicans who are ostracized are conservative ON TOP of not being funny, not attractive, not having unique hobbies, etc. And the most vocal liberal activist in class is disliked for not being attractive, funny, interesting, etc.
People will outwardly say they support mental health destigmatization, and may genuinely believe it, but don't want to actually befriend someone going through symptoms of anxiety or depression. You're allowed to mildly vulnerable about every day common relatable issues, like struggling with recruiting, but can never reveal very serious personal issues like having an eating disorder. That'll weird people out. You have to be mostly positive and happy.
Again, this may all be common sense. But a lot of these rules aren't explicitly taught, especially if you're from a different culture. It may seem transactional on the outside, but this is what I've seen to be reality at my M7.
submitted by Informal_Path5291 to MBA [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:10 wickedilluminations I'm losing my insanity!

first let me start by saying I'm not tech savvy but I need opinions and suggestions on what to do! I apologize in advance but I'm under an extreme amount of stress and don't want to leave any detail out.
I have been using my MacBook pro m1 for a couple of years without issue. my MacBook started acting up about a month ago. I could not purchase apps in the store so I called apple support. We spent 3 hours on the phone working with it. first they had me update, which i was hesitant (eventually agreed) but that didn't solve the issue. then they concluded family share was the problem. after fixing the family share everything worked and I thought my problem was solved; unfortunately that was the last time it operated properly.
over the next several weeks my Mac seemed slow and I had problems with things, I figured it was user error since I had updated to macos 14.1.1. then "mo" from a large trusted legal firm emailed me a pdf, I downloaded it and attempted to open but pdf expert wouldn't open it and said it was "corrupt". one of "mo's" colleague "jo" emailed me a link to download Corp documents. the link directed me to the firm's website where I had to put my email address and name in order to login. after I logged in I clicked select all and downloaded them. they download in a .zip format but my Mac couldn't/ wouldn't unzip of open them so I downloaded them individually. after this I emailed "mo" to inform her the pdf was corrupt but she didn't seem concerned so I didn't worry.
2 days ago "jo" and I had discussed scheduling a call at 4, I confirmed I would be available and waited for her to call but it never came. the next morning i sent an email asking if she forgot about me but she denied that I had confirmed my appointment. I knew I had confirmed but figured I responded to the wrong person. I set with my Mac in front of me and my email open awaiting her reply but 2 hours later i hadn't received email from anyone so I refreshed my the mail app. when I done this i saw the only email I had received was from "mo" so I open and read it. after reading it I closed it and once I did "Jo" email arrived suggesting a call at 12 but it was 12:51 when i received it. this was my first indication something was majorly wrong.. I called apple support for help
Well here is the start to my nightmare. first apple's automated system couldn't verify my account but when I got to a representative he went ahead a began a screenshare and started working on my issues. we started checking the settings and my settings were changed. I never backup to a cloud (I know it's risk but I'm too scared of identity theft) but my mac was backing somethings up anyways. then he instructed that I sync my mail (I hadn't received over 3k emails) and change my password. I changed my password an was able to start making purchases again. next I noticed my notes were missing bit he couldn't resolve this problem and transfered me to a senior advisor. the senior advisor wanted to start screenshare. as he attempted to screenshare he reminded me that the sharing would be paused on sensitive information. next he informed me that we couldn't share screens that there were issues in his system. as we walked through the process of removing my notes alarm bells began to go off in my head. the previous rep had me change passwords but didn't pause screen share, which I informed my advisor but he didn't seem concerned. then i was put on a brief hold. as I was on hold I took that opportunity to change my password again. when he came back on the line I asked if he would attempt a screenshare again and it worked. he helped me check out various settings and we found they had been changed, at this point I began to worry I had a virus. he suggested I download a virus software outside of the app store. this made me uncomfortable so i requested to schedule/scheduled with the genius bar for this evening. I closed my Mac and went on about my evening.
this morning I found out about the newest apple security breach,, which kicked my anxiety into over drive. from what I read my computer had similar issues and the list was growing so I contacted support again. today once again I couldn't be verified and I wasn't receiving notifications from Apple again. the automated system automatically transferred me to a senior advisor. I thought this was weird but they assured me this was normal! anyhow I explained what was going on and she wanted to go over my settings again. we began to screen share and checked my settings, again they were different. then she said I need to see if you are completely logged in and had me open the privacy and security tab. next she instructed me to click on 2 factor authentication; followed by get a verification code. I didn't know any better so I clicked it. the next box showed a code then told me not to share the code with anyone including Apple. we were screensharing she saw it! I was so upset and asked her why she had me click that why we were screensharing...she claimed she didn't see anything it was lagging but I don't believe that! she the stated the code would change each time anyhow! at this point I'm in panic mode so disconnected the call, screenshare and tried to change my password. this time when I went to change my password I put the old and new password in and proceeded to the next step but the pop up looked entirely different. the only thing I knew to do was take my computer completely off line until I can get so help.
submitted by wickedilluminations to cybersecurity_help [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:35 Emln-Idera Secure OCR and Biometrics Integration in Angular

OCR data extraction involves extracting text from scanned documents and text images. These include financial documents, ID cards, passports, medical records, and more. Since these documents contain personally identifiable information (PII), securing OCR data extraction is imperative. Moreover, depending on the country you’re operating in, you may be bound by regulations like GDPR or CCPA to ensure data security. This is where biometrics identification can be beneficial.
Biometrics identification involves confirming the identity of a person through fingerprints, facial recognition or iris scanning. It can serve as a powerful technology to secure OCR-based data extraction security.
If you’re an Angular developer looking to secure your OCR data extraction functionality, this guide is for you. In this guide, we’ll explore how integrating biometric identification with OCR (Optical Character Recognition) can create a powerful system for robust security.

Enhancing OCR with biometric identification in Angular applications

![](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1400/0*gK5dLN9dWcEWf4U8.png align="left")

Security enhancement

Integrating biometric identification with OCR-based data extraction adds an extra layer of security. This integration in Angular apps can significantly enhance access control, identity verification, and authentication processes.
For example, the healthcare industry utilizes OCR to extract extra data from patient records and automate data entry. This digitization of patients’ documents helps improve patient care and streamline administrative processes. By integrating biometric identification, healthcare institutions can ensure the security of sensitive medical information.

Improved verification processes

Integrating biometrics with OCR has significantly enhanced the verification processes in various sectors. These include healthcare, finance, government services, etc.
For instance, the combination has strengthened the security process at airports. OCR is used to accurately extract information from documents like passports, visas, or ID cards. This data can include the traveler’s name, date of birth, passport number, and ID number. This information helps verify a person’s identity. Moreover, biometrics is used to confirm the identity of a person through their fingerprints or facial detection.
Thus, by combining OCR with facial recognition, airport security systems implement a multi-layered authentication process. This process significantly enhances security and reduces the risk of fraudulent activities, such as identity theft or document forgery.
Similarly, the banking/finance sector can utilize biometrics and OCR to prevent fraud. For instance, a fraudster can get access to a genuine customer’s checkbook and forge their signature. While the OCR will extract the person’s signature accurately, biometric authentication can prevent unauthorized transactions by confirming the identity through fingerprints or facial detection. This means even if OCR successfully extracts accurate data from forged or stolen documents, biometric authentication helps detect and prevent fraudulent activities.

Automation and efficiency

Another benefit of integrating OCR with biometric identification is that it automates and speeds up the authentication process. The manual verification process is time-consuming and prone to human error. This results in delays and inefficiencies.
Users can quickly authenticate themselves using biometrics, while OCR extracts relevant information from documents in real time.
Take, for example, a personal finance management app. Users can scan their receipts using OCR. They can then authenticate transactions using fingerprint or facial recognition. This automation reduces the need for manual data entry and verification. Thus, it saves time and enhances the user experience.

Choosing OCR and biometric solutions

When choosing an OCR software solution and a biometric solution for your Angular app, consider the following factors can help:
Also read: Filestack OCR Guide for Text Extraction & Recognition.

Popular OCR and biometrics technologies for Angular

OCR solutions for Angular

![](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1400/0*T-KidbL7LTU0rBcS.png align="left")


Tesseract.js is one of the most popular options when it comes to OCR for Angular. It is an open-source OCR library for JavaScript to perform data extraction from text images or documents. Essentially, Tesseract.js supports functionalities to process images and recognize text content. It provides the extracted text in a machine-readable format.
Tesseract.js is easy to integrate into JavaScript/Angular apps. Moreover, it utilizes the Tesseract OCR engine, which is widely recognized for its high accuracy.

AWS Textract

AWS Textract is a fully managed OCR service by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It leverages machine learning algorithms to extract text and data automatically from:
You can integrate AWS Textract into Angular apps by using AWS SDK for JavaScript.

Biometric solutions

Crossmatch DigitalPersona SDK

Crossmatch DigitalPersona provides a U.are.U SDK. The SDK enables developers to add fingerprint capture and recognition capabilities to their apps. Crossmatch also offers a JavaScript API to integrate fingerprint identification into web apps. Apps can get fingerprint data from a compatible fingerprint reader connected to the user’s device.
Here are the key features of Crossmatch DigitalPersona SDK

Microsoft Azure Face API

Microsoft Azure Face API is a cloud-based facial detection and recognition service provided by Microsoft Azure. It allows you to detect, identify, and compare faces in images or videos, enabling biometric authentication based on facial features.

Filestack: A cloud-based solution

You can also utilize a cloud-based solution like Filestack to streamline your file management, delivery, image processing, and OCR processes. Filestack offers a diverse range of powerful tools and APIs for:
Filestack also offers a specialized Angular SDK, which is updated for Angular 14. This enables developers to integrate Filestack service and functionality into their Angular apps seamlessly. “filestack-angular” is essentially a wrapper on filestack-js SDK. The Angular component supports almost everything that the filestack-js supports.

Filestack OCR

Filestack offers robust OCR capabilities as a part of its intelligence services. You can use the OCR via Filestack processing API.
Filestack’s OCR is powered by advanced machine learning models and neural networks to recognize and extract text with high accuracy. It has an advanced digital image analysis system, and it accurately detects features character by character. Additionally, Filestack OCR leverages sophisticated document detection and pre-processing solutions. This enables it to detect complex documents, including rotated, folded, and wrinkled documents.
The illustration below shows how Filestack OCR works:
![](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1400/0*2C0Kl7hsR_k3fm8X align="left")

Advanced image processing

Filestack supports a wide range of advanced image processing and enhancement techniques. These include:
Filestack preprocessing features can be used to enhance the images and improve the accuracy of OCR and biometric analysis. Moreover, Filestack utilizes a robust CDN to deliver images quickly and efficiently to users worldwide.

Filestack Security

Filestack implements robust security mechanisms to ensure your data is always secure and protected. Here are Filestack’s key security features:

Integrating OCR and biometrics into Angular applications

Code snippets

Here, we’ll show you how to integrate Filestack File uploader in Angular apps and use Filestack OCR.
Install Filestack SDK:
xml npm install filestack-js npm install @filestack/angular
Include FilestackModule in app.module.ts:
```xml import { BrowserModule } from '@angulaplatform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angulacore'; import { AppComponent } from './app.component'; import { FilestackModule } from '@filestack/angular'; @NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent ], imports: [ BrowserModule, FilestackModule.forRoot({ apikey: YOUR_APIKEY, options: ClientConfig }) ], bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule {} ```
Use in .html file:
You can then perform OCR on uploaded images using the following CDN URL:
xml https://cdn.filestackcontent.com/security=p:,s:/oc
You can also integrate an OCR library with a biometric module within an Angular component.
Here is an example of how Filestack OCR data extraction works:
Input image:
![](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1400/0*mZjcg9V9zmfdwVO6.png align="left")
![](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:754/0*ulGoNGaxFzXQvB9o.png align="left")

Building scalable and secure applications with Angular

  • Leverage Angular’s component-based architecture to create modular and reusable components for image and document processing, OCR, and biometrics tasks.
  • Implement lazy loading to load Angular modules and components dynamically as needed.
  • Manage the app state efficiently. This is especially important for complex workflows and high-volume data processing tasks. You can utilize state management libraries like NgRx or Akita for efficient state management.
  • Implement security best practices to safeguard sensitive data. These can include HTTPS for secure communication, data encryption, and proper authentication and authorization mechanisms for access control. This is especially crucial for OCR and biometric workflows as they deal with personally identifiable information.
  • Implement robust error handling mechanisms to handle errors efficiently.


OCR data extraction involves extracting textual information or structured data from documents, such as financial documents, ID cards, and passports. This extracted data is often used for identification verification. However, this process can be at risk from fraudulent activities like forged documents or stolen identities. Fortunately, we can enhance the security of OCR data extraction with biometrics integration. This will ensure that even if OCR extracts information from stolen or forged documents accurately, biometric authentication will detect and prevent fraudulent activities.
Sign up for Filestack and leverage its OCR today for your business!


What is the meaning of OCR extraction?

OCR data extraction means extracting text from scanned documents (printed or handwritten) and text images automatically.

What is the difference between data extraction and OCR?

In traditional data extraction, a person extracts information from documents manually. OCR automates this process using AI and ML-based feature extraction and text recognition algorithms.

How can OCR and biometrics improve the identity verification process?

The combination of biometrics identification and OCR data extraction can significantly enhance identity verification and business processes. OCR data capture can be used to verify identity from a scanned document like a passport or ID card. Biometrics confirms the identity of a person through fingerprints or facial detection. This adds a multi-factor authentication mechanism.
submitted by Emln-Idera to fileuploaders [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:38 dr_white_rabbit The Importance of Being Safe Online in This Day and Age

In today's interconnected world, the internet is integral to our daily lives. From communication and education to shopping and entertainment, we rely heavily on digital platforms. However, the convenience of the internet comes with significant risks. Cyber threats are more prevalent and sophisticated than ever before, making online safety a critical concern. This article explores why online safety is paramount and provides comprehensive tips to help you protect yourself and your data.

Why Online Safety is Important

  1. Personal Information Protection
    • Identity Theft: Cybercriminals can steal personal information such as names, addresses, social security numbers, and credit card details. This information can be used to commit identity theft, leading to financial loss and legal complications. Identity theft can also cause long-term damage to your credit score, making it difficult to obtain loans, mortgages, or even employment.
    • Privacy Invasion: Sensitive personal details, if compromised, can lead to unwanted exposure and privacy violations. This can have severe emotional and psychological impacts. Privacy invasion can also lead to harassment or stalking, creating a threatening environment for victims.
  2. Preventing Financial Loss
    • Phishing Scams: These scams trick individuals into revealing financial information by posing as legitimate entities. Falling victim to phishing can result in unauthorized transactions and drained bank accounts. Phishing scams can also compromise your email and social media accounts, leading to further exploitation.
    • Ransomware: Cybercriminals use ransomware to encrypt your data and demand a ransom for its release. Paying the ransom does not guarantee data recovery and often leads to further exploitation. Businesses can face significant operational disruptions and financial loss due to ransomware attacks, impacting their ability to serve customers and maintain trust.
  3. Securing Sensitive Data
    • Business Information: For businesses, safeguarding sensitive data such as customer information, intellectual property, and strategic plans is crucial. A data breach can result in substantial financial losses, legal consequences, and reputational damage. Companies must comply with data protection regulations like GDPR and CCPA, which mandate strict data handling and reporting practices.
    • Compliance and Regulations: Many industries are subject to strict data protection regulations. Failure to comply can result in hefty fines and legal action. Ensuring compliance with regulations not only protects data but also enhances customer trust and loyalty.
  4. Maintaining Online Reputation
    • Social Media Safety: Your online profiles are part of your digital identity. A compromised account can lead to reputational damage, both personally and professionally, as malicious actors can post harmful content or send fraudulent messages. Social media accounts are often targeted for their high visibility and potential to spread misinformation.
    • Professional Integrity: For professionals, maintaining a clean online presence is crucial for career growth. Employers and colleagues often review social media profiles to gauge character and professionalism. An online reputation tarnished by cyber incidents can hinder career advancements and job opportunities.
  5. Avoiding Malware and Viruses
    • System Integrity: Malicious software can corrupt files, steal information, and degrade system performance. Ensuring your devices are protected helps maintain their integrity and functionality. Malware can also create backdoors for attackers to continuously exploit your system, leading to recurring security issues.
    • Data Security: Malware can give attackers access to sensitive data stored on your devices, leading to data breaches and information theft. This can include personal photos, documents, and confidential business information, all of which can be exploited for financial gain or blackmail.
  6. Safe Communication
    • Encryption: Secure online communication is vital to protect private conversations and sensitive information from being intercepted by malicious actors. Encrypted communication ensures that only the intended recipient can access the message content. Encryption tools like Signal and WhatsApp provide end-to-end encryption for messaging, ensuring privacy.
    • Awareness: Being aware of potential communication threats, such as spoofed emails and fake profiles, can prevent you from falling prey to social engineering attacks. Educating yourself and others on recognizing these threats is essential for maintaining secure communication channels.

Comprehensive Tips for Staying Safe Online

  1. Use Strong, Unique Passwords
    • Password Complexity: Create complex passwords that include a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Avoid using easily guessable information such as birthdays or common words. Strong passwords reduce the likelihood of brute-force attacks.
    • Password Management: Use a password manager to generate and store unique passwords for each of your accounts. This ensures that you do not reuse passwords, which can be a significant security risk. Password managers also help you keep track of your login credentials securely.
  2. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
    • Extra Layer of Security: Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an additional layer of security by requiring a second form of verification, such as a text message code or authentication app, in addition to your password. 2FA significantly enhances account security, even if your password is compromised.
    • Account Protection: Enabling 2FA on your accounts can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access. Popular services like Google, Facebook, and banking apps offer 2FA options, which should be enabled for all sensitive accounts.
  3. Be Cautious with Emails and Links
    • Email Verification: Be wary of emails from unknown senders and avoid clicking on suspicious links or downloading attachments from untrusted sources. Verify the sender's email address and look for signs of phishing, such as misspellings or urgent requests for personal information. Phishing emails often create a sense of urgency to trick recipients into taking immediate action.
    • URL Inspection: Hover over links to see the actual URL before clicking. Ensure that the URL is legitimate and not a cleverly disguised phishing site. Secure websites typically use HTTPS, indicating a secure connection.
  4. Keep Software Updated
    • Regular Updates: Regularly update your operating system, browsers, and software applications. Updates often include security patches that protect against newly discovered vulnerabilities. Outdated software is a common target for cyberattacks due to unpatched security flaws.
    • Automatic Updates: Enable automatic updates where possible to ensure that you receive the latest security patches without delay. This is especially important for antivirus software and operating systems, which frequently release critical security updates.
  5. Use Antivirus and Anti-Malware Programs
    • Protection Tools: Install and maintain reliable antivirus and anti-malware software to detect and remove harmful threats from your devices. Regularly scan your system to ensure it is free from malware. These tools provide real-time protection against a wide range of threats.
    • Real-Time Protection: Use real-time protection features to continuously monitor your system for suspicious activity. Real-time protection helps prevent malware from executing and spreading on your device.
  6. Secure Your Home Network
    • Wi-Fi Security: Protect your Wi-Fi network with a strong password and use WPA3 encryption for added security. Avoid using default passwords and SSIDs that can be easily guessed. A secure Wi-Fi network prevents unauthorized access and protects data transmitted over the network.
    • VPN Use: Consider using a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt your internet connection, especially when using public Wi-Fi. A VPN masks your IP address and secures your online activities from prying eyes. VPNs are particularly useful for protecting sensitive information while traveling or accessing unsecured networks.
  7. Monitor Your Accounts
    • Account Activity: Regularly check your bank statements, credit reports, and online accounts for any unusual activity. Early detection of unauthorized activity can prevent further damage. Set up account alerts to receive notifications of suspicious transactions or login attempts.
    • Alert Systems: Set up account alerts to notify you of suspicious transactions or login attempts. Many financial institutions and online services offer customizable alert options to keep you informed of account activity.
  8. Educate Yourself and Others
    • Stay Informed: Stay informed about the latest online threats and security practices. Follow reputable sources for cybersecurity news and updates. Cybersecurity is an evolving field, and staying current with trends and threats is crucial for maintaining safety.
    • Community Awareness: Share your knowledge with family, friends, and colleagues to promote a safer online environment for everyone. Encourage them to adopt good security habits and practices. Hosting workshops or informational sessions can be an effective way to spread awareness.
  9. Backup Your Data
    • Regular Backups: Regularly back up your important data to an external hard drive or cloud storage service. This ensures that you can recover your information in case of a cyberattack or system failure. Regular backups protect against data loss from ransomware attacks or hardware failures.
    • Backup Encryption: Encrypt your backups to protect them from unauthorized access. Encrypted backups ensure that even if backup media is lost or stolen, the data remains secure.
  10. Be Skeptical of Free Offers


In an increasingly digital world, online safety is more important than ever. Protecting personal and sensitive information from cyber threats requires vigilance and proactive measures. By following the comprehensive tips provided, you can enhance your online security and enjoy the benefits of the internet with greater peace of mind. Stay safe, stay informed, and make online safety a priority.
Being safe online is not just a personal responsibility but a collective one. By practicing good cybersecurity habits, you contribute to a safer digital environment for everyone. Remember, the cost of negligence can be high, but with the right precautions, you can
submitted by dr_white_rabbit to antivirus [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:07 redlaire How to Get Over the Sound of Your Own Voice: Tips That Work

How relatable is this—you’ve just recorded a 30-minute long interview, transcribed it, and you need to get back to the original audio to clarify something? Or you’ve captured a podcast and you need to listen to it again when editing? Some of us really do cringe when hearing our own recorded voices, but why is that? And is there a way to get used to it or improve it? This is what we’re going to talk about.

Why do people dislike the sound of their own voice?

Listening to your recorded voice can be unsettling due to how it differs from what you hear internally. The discrepancy arises from how sound is transmitted to your brain when you speak versus when you hear a recording.
One of the reasons why we hate it so much is that the recorded voice sounds higher-pitched than what we're used to hearing in our everyday lives. When we speak, we hear our voice through both air conduction and bone conduction, which makes it sound lower and richer. But recordings only capture the air-conducted sound, so it seems higher. That’s why hearing our voice objectively makes us scrutinise it the way we would someone else's. We're surprised by the personality traits and emotions our voice reveals that we weren't fully aware of expressing.
Besides, from a psychological point of view, the recorded voice is disembodied from our body language and behaviour. Without the visual context, we automatically evaluate our voice the same way we do others', and the impressions formed may not match the social traits we want to project.
Another thing that we care about is how other people hear it—the way we hear ourselves in our everyday lives or the way when it’s recorded? Others are unlikely to be as critical of your voice as you are. Most people don't make the same evaluations about others' voices that we make about our own.

How to get over the sound of your own voice

Luckily, even if you can’t change the way we sound when recorded, there are ways to at least get used to it. Here they are:
  1. Listen, listen, and then listen to your voice recordings again! Actively listen to and analyse your voice recordings to become more familiar with how you sound. The mere-exposure effect can help you get used to your voice over time.
  2. Speak naturally using everyday language in your recordings to sound more authentic and relatable, reducing the likelihood of cringing at your voice.
  3. Avoid rushing through your speech, as speaking at your normal pace helps you get accustomed to your true voice.
  4. Instead of fixating on how your voice sounds, concentrate on delivering a powerful message that engages your audience, shifting the focus away from self-criticism.
  5. If listening to your voice is challenging, consider outsourcing transcription work to professionals like Rev to minimise discomfort.
The last advice is for those who absolutely, by no means can’t get used to the sound of their recorded voice. To be honest, I’m one of those people, and I always rely on transcription when I record interviews. For me, it’s easier to read what I say than hear it. The only case when I need to get back to audio is when the transcription fails to capture my words properly.
This is why I always use services that can do all: Both record my voice and transcribe my speech. Waveroom is one of them.

How to transcribe your voice to text with Waveroom

If you want to create a transcript or summary of your interview, podcast, call, or video meeting, you can do that with Waveroom. This online recording studio powered by AI will accurately capture everything you say and create an SRT file with the transcription. Just follow these steps:
  1. Log in or sign up to Waveroom.
  2. Create a recording room by pressing +.
  3. Select your microphone, camera, and headphones in the Devices tab under the video preview.
  4. In the AI tab, toggle on Remove Noise and Transcribe Speech. The transcription feature doesn't work unless noise removal is applied. If you want to summarise your call, also select Create Summary.
  5. Click Start Meeting to begin recording your podcast or interview. If you want to test it first, opt forStart Test Record.
  6. Click the Record button when you’re ready to start recording.
  7. When you finish, click the Stop button to end the recording.
  8. Wait a few seconds until the recording is saved.
  9. Once you see the Upload Completed notification at the bottom right corner, click the X sign to leave the meeting.
  10. Press the downward arrow icon and select Transcription to download the transcript. It will be saved in SRT.
  11. Now open the file in any text editor of your choice.
💡The .srt file is opened in a player by default, which is no use to you. To see the transcribed recording, open the file in any text editor of your choice.
The transcribed recording will be marked with a notebook icon that says “transcription applied” so you can download it by pressing the downward arrow icon. Your transcription will be saved in .srt and will have time stamps along with your speech.
Check our new blog post for more tips to overcome the cringe & tips to improve the quality of a recorded voice!
submitted by redlaire to Waveroom_community [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:11 PixelPioneero Looking for Participants: Research on personalized reading and vocabulary

Hi everybody!
I am a master student at the IT University of Copenhagen and we are currently seeking language leaners to join a study of Zeeguu – a personalized reading and vocabulary learning platform. By joining our study, you will contribute to research on making vocabulary acquisition more efficient and we hope you will discover a platform that is going to help you improve your own foreign language learning in a fun way.
Our research platform, Zeeguu, empowers you as a language learner, to dive into authentic online content in the language you are learning. Whether you're reading news articles, blog posts, or websites, Zeeguu seamlessly integrates with the web browser allowing you to instantly translate unfamiliar words. These words are then automatically made available in personalized exercises that are generated based on the original context in which you encountered the words.
If you are interested in trying out Zeeguu to improve your preferred language and are willing to use it for at least one week as part of our research study, please fill out this short questionnaire and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible: https://forms.gle/TAs8oAvoPmtE6oQ38
The following languages are currently supported by Zeeguu: Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish.
submitted by PixelPioneero to LearnANewLanguage [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:02 Andy_9394 Retrieving Memories: A Guide to see your Deleted Photos again

Retrieving Memories: A Guide to see your Deleted Photos again
Learn how to see your deleted photos on any device with this comprehensive guide. From Windows PCs to Macs, iPhones to Android devices, and even digital cameras, we'll show you how to retrieve lost memories and prevent future photo loss.
Table of contents
For Windows Users - using free build-in tools
For Windows Users - using Renee Undeleter
For Mac Users - Using Built-in Utilities and third-party apps
For iPhone/iPad users
For Android Devices Efficiently
Recovering Lost Memories from Digital Cameras Storage
Preventive Measures: Tips to Avoid Future Photo Loss and Secure Your Memories
If you’ve found yourself in the unfortunate situation of having deleted photos, there’s no need to panic. It’s often possible to recover these images, whether you’re using a Windows PC, Mac, iPhone, or Android phone. This guide will provide you with straightforward instructions on how to utilize built-in system tools as well as reputable third-party software to retrieve your lost pictures. We will take you through each step to ensure you have the best chance of restoring your precious memories. Ready to get started? Let’s dive into the recovery process.

For Windows Users - using free build-in tools

The first method to retrieve recently deleted photos on a Windows PC is by using the built-in tools. These tools are readily available and can be accessed easily on your computer. They include the Recycle Bin, File History, and Windows File Recovery tool. Let’s dive into the detailed steps on how to use each of these tools to recover your precious memories.

Check your Recycle Bin first

In most cases, deleted photos are sent to recycle bin directly. You can easily see your deleted photos in Windows Recycle Bin.
Tips:When you delete photos using theShift + Delcommand, they bypass the Recycle Bin. To recover these files, consider usingdata recovery softwareor check if you have a backup available.
Step 1: Checking the Recycle Bin
If you have recently deleted photos from your computer, the first place to check is the Recycle Bin. This is a temporary storage location where deleted files are kept base on the settings on Windows(users can adjust settings that affect how long items remain in the Recycle Bin). If you have not cleared your Recycle Bin, there’s a high chance your photos are still there.
Windows Recycle Bin Versions
Step 2: Opening the Recycle Bin
To access the Recycle Bin, double-click on the icon on your desktop or open the File Explorer and select “ Recycle Bin ” from the left menu.
Step 3: Restoring the Photos
Once you have opened the Recycle Bin, browse through the files to find the photos you want to recover. You can use the search bar at the top to search for specific photos. Once you have located the photos, right-click on them and select “ Restore ” to bring them back to their original location on your computer.

Using File History(Previous Versions)

If the photos you want to recover were stored on your computer’s hard drive, you can also use the File History feature to retrieve them. Keep in mind that this method only works if you had enabled File History at the time the photos were deleted.
Step 1: Open File Explorer and navigate to the folder where the deleted photo was located.
Step 2: Right-click on the folder and select “ Properties ” from the drop-down menu.
folder properties
Step 3: In the Properties window, click on the “ Previous Versions ” tab.
Folder Properties
Step 4: If available, you will see a list of previous versions of the folder with their timestamp and size. Select the version you want to restore and click on the “ Open ” button.
This will open a window showing the contents of the selected version. From here, you can copy and paste the deleted photos to a new location on your device.
After the process is complete, you should be able to find your deleted photos in their original location. If you have disabled System Protection or if your device ran out of disk space, there may be no available backups to recover from. You may find out how to enable file history here .
Tips: It’s important to note that the Previous Versions feature is not a guarantee for file recovery. It is only available if System Protection is enabled and if a previous version of the file is available.

Using Windows File Recovery Tool

If the above methods do not work, you can also use the Windows File Recovery tool to retrieve your deleted photos. This tool is available for Windows 10 and allows you to recover deleted files from your hard drive, external storage, and even SD cards.
Tips:This method is only available for Windows 10(ver:2004 or above)/11 users.
Note: Download and install Windows File Recovery from the Microsoft Store . Carefully follow the installation directions provided.
Step 1: To begin using the Windows File Recovery tool, open the File Explorer and navigate to the folder where your deleted file was located. You can also search for the file by name using the search bar at the top of the File Explorer window.
Step 2: Once you have located the folder or file, open the Command Prompt by pressing the Windows and R keys on your keyboard, typing “ cmd ” into the Run dialog, and pressing Enter . Alternatively, you can right-click on the Start menu and select “ Command Prompt ” from the list.
Command Prompt
Step 3: In the Command Prompt, type
winfr source: destination
and press Enter . The source refers to the drive where the deleted file was located, while the destination is where you want to recover the file to. For example, if you want to recover a file from drive C and save it to the desktop, you would type
winfr C: C:\Users\YourUsername\Desktop
Step 4: The tool will start running in either regular or extensive mode, depending on the size of the file and the current status of the drive. It may take some time for the tool to finish scanning and recovering the file, so be patient.
Now that you have learned how to recover recently deleted photos using the built-in tools on your Windows computer, you can also check out our next chapter on “ For Windows Users – Renee Undeleter “. This tool offers more advanced features and can help you recover lost photos from various storage devices with ease.

For Windows Users - using Renee Undeleter

Those Windows build-in tools does not work for you? Don’t panic, there’s still a way to retrieve them with an advanced tool called Renee Undeleter. This tool offers more features and a higher success rate when it comes to recovering lost photos. Follow the detailed steps below to learn how to use it.
Step 1: Download, install and run Renee Undeleter on your Windows computer.
Renee Undeleter - Powerful Data Recovery Software
Easy to use Only simple steps to recover data from storage devices.
Multiple scan modes Fast partition scan, whole partition scan and whole disk scan for different recovery needs.
File types Support to recover pictures, videos, audios, documents, mails, etc.
Supported storage devices Recover data from recycle bin , SD card , external disk , etc.
Supported systems Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP, 2000 and Mac OS X10.6, 10.7, 10.8.
Free Trial (Win)
Free Trial (Mac)
Step 2: Select the [Fast Partition Scan] option in the main interface.
Please avoid installing the software on the disk containing the data to be recovered in order to prevent data overwriting. Also, refrain from saving new data to the same disk partition after a file is lost to avoid further damage or complete loss of the lost file.
Step 3: Next, select the partition where the lost data is located, and click [Next].
Step 4: Select the [Fast Scan] option and click the [Next] button to scan.
The [Fast Scan] mode scans the initial 30GB of available space on the chosen disk. If desired files are not found, the [Deep Scan] mode can be used for a thorough scan of the hard disk partition, though it will require additional time.
Step 5: Wait for the scan to complete
you can double-click the file to preview, then check the files that need to be recovered, and click the [Recover] button to recover the files to other disks.
Tips:Please select a disk without any important data when installing the software to avoid overwriting it. If the quick scan mode doesn’t find the necessary files, we suggest trying the deep scan mode for a full search.
Now you have successfully recovered your recently deleted photos using Renee Undeleter on your Windows PC. But what if you want to retrieve lost photos on a Mac? Don’t worry, our next chapter will guide you through the process.

For Mac Users - Using Built-in Utilities and third-party apps

Built-in Utilities

Time Machine: The First Line of Defense
For Mac users seeking to retrieve deleted photos, Time Machine stands as the premier built-in utility. To access it, connect the drive where your backups are stored, click on the Time Machine icon in the menu bar, and choose “ Enter Time Machine “. From here, you can navigate back to the date before the photo’s deletion and click “ Restore ” to recover your image. Ensure you have Time Machine set up and running before any data loss occurs.
Retrieving from the Photos App
The Photos application on macOS, replacing older apps like iPhoto and Aperture, also offers a safeguard against accidental deletion. Within the Photos app, deleted pictures are moved to the “ Recently Deleted ” album where they stay for 30 days before permanent removal. To restore, simply select the desired photo(s) and press “ Recover “. The chronological library and the ability to sort into albums make managing and retrieving your photos straightforward.
Utilizing Photo Booth for Recovery
In instances where you’ve used Photo Booth —a camera application that comes standard with macOS—deleted photos might be recoverable if they were recently removed. Check the app’s library for thumbnails of saved images, as they may still be present. Although recovery options within Photo Booth are limited, the thumbnails provide a quick visual reference for recently captured images that may have been deleted elsewhere on your system.

Third-party apps/service

Third-Party Data Recovery Software
When built-in options fall short, Mac users can turn to third-party software such as Undeleter , Disk Drill or PhotoRec for more robust recovery capabilities. These applications perform deep scans and can often recover files that are no longer visible to the user. They operate on the principle of file signatures, allowing them to identify various data types, including photos, and attempt to restore them. Remember to halt all use of the storage device immediately after data loss to prevent overwriting your deleted files.
Professional Data Recovery Services
If all software-based methods fail to yield results, and the photos are irreplaceable, seeking professional data recovery services may be the next step. Despite being more expensive, these services provide specialized recovery techniques, particularly in cases of physical damage to storage media, offering the highest probability of retrieval for your valuable memories.
Tips:Ensure Time Machine is set up and runningbefore any data loss occurs.

For iPhone/iPad users

Understanding the “Recently Deleted” Album
On an iPhone, deleted photos first move to the “Recently Deleted” album within the Photos app. They remain there for 30 days, providing an immediate recovery option without the need for additional software. During this period, you can simply select the photos and tap “Recover” to restore them back to your main library.
Tips:It’s crucial to understand that photos in the“Recently Deleted”album are permanently erased after 30 days or if the album is manually cleared.
Seeking Third-Party Data Recovery Solutions
When the “Recently Deleted” album is no longer an option, specialized software like Renee iPhone Recovery , Dr. Fone, iMyFone Data Recovery, and PhoneRescue can help. These tools attempt to recover lost data from deep within the iPhone’s storage. Although results can vary, many of these programs offer a preview feature to identify recoverable photos before purchase.
Recovering from Other Devices and Cloud Services
If third-party tools fail, check if the lost photos exist on other synced devices such as an iPad or a Mac . Cloud services like iCloud are also worth exploring, as they may have automatically backed up your photos. Additionally, images shared on social platforms may serve as an inadvertent backup.
Tips:Access your account via icloud.com in a web browser and log in with your Apple ID. Click onPhotos, thenRecently Deleted. This folder, much like theTrashin Google Photos or the Recycle Bin in Microsoft OneDrive, keeps deleted photos for up to30 days. Select the photos you want to recover and click Recover, and they will reappear in your iCloud Photos Library and on all devices with iCloud Photos enabled.
Considering Professional Data Recovery Services
While professional data recovery services can sometimes salvage photos that software cannot, they come at a significant cost and with no success guarantees. Such services should be a last resort, typically for irreplaceable photos, and it’s advisable to inquire about the likelihood of recovery before committing.

For Android Devices Efficiently

In today’s digital age, we use our smartphones to capture and store our precious memories in the form of photos. But what happens when we accidentally delete these photos? Thankfully, there are ways to retrieve them on Android devices efficiently. In this chapter, we will guide you through several methods to recover deleted photos on your Android device.
Step 1: Check Your Google Photos Trash
If you use Google Photos to back up your photos, then your deleted photos may still be in the trash for up to 60 days. To check, open the Google Photos app, tap on the three lines in the top left corner, and select “ Trash ” from the menu. If your photos are in the trash, tap on them and select “ Restore “. This will move the photos back to your main library.
Step 2: Use Your Device’s Gallery App
If you have deleted a photo from Google Photos, but it’s still on your device, then you can use your device’s gallery app to delete it. Simply open the gallery app, find the photo, and delete it. This will permanently remove the photo from your device.
Step 3: Try OneDrive Recycle Bin
If you have OneDrive backup set up on your Android device, then you can try recovering your deleted photos from the recycle bin. To do so, follow these steps:
  1. Open OneDrive on your device.
  2. Tap on the three lines in the top left corner and select “ Recycle Bin “.
  3. Find the deleted photo and tap on it.
  4. Tap on “ Restore ” to move the photo back to your main library.
Step 4: Remove SD Card and Connect to a Computer
If you have photos stored on an SD card and they have been deleted, you can try recovering them by removing the SD card from your device and connecting it to a computer. You will need a card reader to do this.
Step 5: Use Data Recovery Software
If all else fails, you can try using data recovery software to retrieve your deleted photos on your Android device. There are many options available, but do thorough research and choose a reputable and reliable software to use.
Tips:Most third-party data recovery software necessitates rooting your Android phone prior to initiating the scan process. It’s important to be aware that rooting can void your manufacturer’s warranty and potentially disqualify your device from official repair services.
By following these techniques, you can efficiently recover deleted photos on your Android device. But what about lost photos on digital cameras or storage devices? Continue to our next chapter to learn about “Method 5: The Strategy of Recovering Lost Memories from Digital Cameras Storage” and the potential reasons why an SD card may lose data.

Recovering Lost Memories from Digital Cameras Storage

Storage media like SD cards are indispensable for digital cameras but can succumb to many forms of data loss, such as accidental deletion or card corruption. Water, heat, and even seemingly innocuous actions like ejecting the card during a write process can compromise the integrity of the data. For instance, exposure to moisture not only risks electronic failure but can also lead to data corruption, affecting the stored images on the SD card .
Immediate Response to Data Loss When data loss is detected, the initial response is critical. Ceasing all operations on the digital camera’s storage device is paramount. Users should avoid capturing new images or attempting to access the card with other devices, which can lead to overwriting the lost data, rendering it irrecoverable, data only appear to be gone but are actually waiting to be overwritten.

Preventive Measures: Tips to Avoid Future Photo Loss and Secure Your Memories

While it’s great to have methods for recovering deleted photos, it’s always better to not lose them in the first place. The recovery process may not always be successful, and it’s time-consuming. To avoid the stress of lost images, here are some preventive measures you can take:
Step 1: Regularly Back Up Your Photos
Protect your memories by regularly backing up photos using built-in utilities, third-party tools, or cloud services. Choose a weekly or monthly schedule and promptly back up new images after events or before system updates. Windows users can use File History, and Mac users can use iCloud for security.
Step 2:Create multiple partitions.
Organize photos into dedicated folders or create separate partitions on your storage device to minimize accidental formatting and allow space for backups, enhancing photo protection.
You can use Disk Utility on Macs to create multiple partitions on your external hard drive.
Step 3:Never write new photos to the same place as lost images.
If you’ve accidentally deleted photos, it’s important to stop using the device or storage media that contained the lost files. This is because the data is still physically on the device until it is overwritten. If you continue to use the device, you risk overwriting or corrupting the lost files, making it difficult to recover them.
If you’ve accidentally deleted photos from your camera’s SD card, remove the card and do not use it until you’ve attempted the recovery process.
Step 4:Auto-upload photos to the cloud.
Many devices have the option to automatically send your photos to the cloud, providing a backup that extends beyond your device. This eliminates the need for manual backups and offers additional storage space through your cloud provider. Popular services like Google Photos and iCloud make it easy to store and access your photos.
You can enable auto-upload for your photos on your iPhone through the iCloud settings.


Photographs are precious memories, and losing them to deletion or technical issues can be devastating. Our guide helps you recover lost photos from various devices, explaining the “recently deleted” folder and providing step-by-step recovery instructions for Windows, Mac, iPhone, Android, and digital cameras. We highlight tools like Renee Undeleter for easier recovery and offer tips for backing up and managing files to protect your photos. This guide ensures you can restore and secure your memories for the future.

Relate Links :

How to Recover Deleted Photos from Your Hard Disk
Where Do Deleted Files Go? Exploring the Different Paths
Navigating USB Device Data Deletion: Where Do Deleted Files Go?
Uncovering the Mystery: Where Do Deleted Photos Go?
submitted by Andy_9394 to drfreeware [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:34 Throwaway-12280 Just a lifetime of depression, but things will work out.

Just want to point out the flairs for this also include violence and sexual assault, but couldn't figure out how to have more than the one Content Warning flair.
I'm a late-ish millennial, and I knew from about the age of 4 that something was off about me. I just didn't seem to define myself the same as other boys, or didn't like how other people defined me. It wasn't until I was about 8 or 9 that I nailed down what it was: something I learned in a Jerry Springer episode of all things - I was transgender. Technically transexual; transgender wasn't a common term back in the mid-90's. And it wasn't until I was 12 years old that I became brave enough to come out to my mother - with whom I had a much better relationship compared to my dad.
But allow me to back up and say that, without getting into too much detail, that I had a really rough childhood. When I was 6½, an older teenager boy that lived down the street from me fixated and basically molested me for about a year and a half. Any kink he wanted to try, and the list was extensive, he tried on me. I didn't tell anyone until I was about 24, but not because he threatened me or anything.. he just made me promise not to and for some stupid reason I didn't. I'll always wonder if I became transgender through this traumatic experience and I just created memories of times before that happened thinking I felt wrong in my body, or if those memories were authentic.
In any case, my plan to come out to my mom: we were the type of family to go camping a couple of times a year, and whenever we did my parents would get absolutely shitfaced, trashed, blackout drunk. My plan was to wait for my parents to get wasted, pull my mom aside, and come out to her so that I could gauge what her reaction would be sans filter, and then hope she didn't remember anything the next morning so that I could do so while she and my dad were sober.. and hopefully at least she would be on my side about it.
The plan worked perfectly - in a way. Her reaction was belligerent and violent. I told her "I don't feel like I should have been a boy. I'm a girl." and she at first dismissed it. When I pressed the issue, she smacked me rather hard and before I could get away she punched me in the chest which knocked us both over. That memory, at least, will forever be crystal clear to me; and by "the plan worked perfectly", she didn't remember anything about it the next morning, and I knew enough to not bring it up.
I feel like that's really when the gender dysphoria really spiraled my depression and anxiety out of control. I attempted suicide twice that year. I learned it's difficult to OD on ibuprofen, and when that didn't work I tried Advil, but my body rejected it and I puked it all up into a toilet. I'm pretty sure I fucked up my liver enough though because I can't drink alcohol.
After that I guess I just buried everything as deep inside of me as I could and just.. forgot about it. I grew up as just a normal boy, albeit depressed behind a facade of suave confidence. I was my high school's mascot until I graduated, joined the military, got out of the military, got engaged to a wonderful woman with the full intentions of starting a family. All of this is apparently very common for transwomen before their eggs crack - like we're so deep in denial that we do the things that society would expect us to do as men to continue the facade.
I attempted suicide again at 17: I tried cutting my wrists, but I'm a pansy when it comes to pain and didn't cut deep enough.. I took to wearing wristbands to cover the scar. And again when I was 22: I tried hanging myself in my closet and broken my clothes rack. Let me just say.. having a low enough self-esteem to completely override one's most basic instinct of self-preservation, and then FAIL at that as well, is the lowest.. like you hit rock bottom and still manage to dig deeper. And I was in denial during this time so I didn't know why I was depressed, but really, does anybody when they are? It's just a dark empty pit of apathy.
When I hit 23 years old, I met the woman that would become my wife. Things were going pretty good for a couple years - we had a healthy sex life, we genuinely enjoyed each other's company, we rarely if ever fought, and when we did we knew that communication was the key. We were swingers and enjoyed being young adults. Then sometime when I was 25.. everything started unburying itself. For such a stupid event, too. We had neglected laundry at some point and I didn't have any clean underwear, so as a joke she said to just wear some of hers.. so I did.
Something about putting on a pair of panties just.. felt right. Something so mundane, so seemingly meaningless to everyday life, struck me like a bolt of lightning and the trauma that was my childhood started coming back to the surface. I came out to my wife and.. well she wasn't thrilled. It almost ended the relationship, but honestly I was just excited she didn't automatically leave me that I was full steam ahead on researching all I could about transitioning. I was apparently going too fast for her, because she came up with a plan.. to offer me as much sex as she could to try and remind me just how awesome being a guy was. Turns out.. when you have a lot of sex without birth control.. you end up getting pregnant! Who'd have thought?! Well, she freaked out, but I sort of settled down with the transitioning thing and we communicated.
While she was pregnant with our first child, before she started showing, we got married. She was an only child, which she hated, and I have an older sibling, which sort of turned out okay, so after about a year or so we tried for a second child and it stuck. I didn't want to start HRT and my transition while she was pregnant with our second - the additional stress aside, but what if something also happened to the pregnancy? So I waited until our second child was born.
It didn't seem enough that I now knew why I was depressed, because regardless of that knowledge, I was still depressed. I tried another attempt when I was 27: I didn't want to fail again, and shooting yourself in the head seemed pretty final and fast, but my wife came in before I could go through with it, and she made an appointment with a psychologist that day.
My psychologist was a pretty cool person. I had heard horror stories of being made to wait like 6 months up to a year or more before being given a referral to an endocrinologist to start HRT, but after relating pretty much this whole story to her, she seemed pretty convinced that the sooner the better. I mean I was in my late 20's, and she could tell I wasn't talking to her just on a whim.
I started hormones early 2017 and have been on them ever since. My wife and I are doing well. Despite being on testosterone blockers murdering my sex drive at first, it's come back by now and we're doing kind of spectacular. My eldest child is almost a preteen and .. things are actually going really really good in my life. My parents and sibling are kinda weirded out about it, but I beat my sibling in giving them grandkids, so as messed up as that seems I think that's why they really tolerate(more than accept) me in their lives. And as far as I know, they're not aware of any of the suicide attempts.
Anyway.. figured I'd get that off my chest.
submitted by Throwaway-12280 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:10 Cranes_Varsity Hands-On Projects to Master in Your Embedded Systems Course

Embedded systems are at the heart of many modern technological advancements, from smart home devices to automotive systems. As an aspiring embedded systems engineer, the best way to gain practical knowledge and develop your skills is through hands-on projects. These projects not only solidify your theoretical understanding but also give you invaluable experience in problem-solving and system design. Here are some essential hands-on projects to master in your embedded course.
Embedded systems are at the heart of many modern technological advancements, from smart home devices to automotive systems. As an aspiring embedded systems engineer, the best way to gain practical knowledge and develop your skills is through hands-on projects. These projects not only solidify your theoretical understanding but also give you invaluable experience in problem-solving and system design. Here are some essential hands-on projects to master in your embedded course.

1. LED Blinking Project


Learn the basics of microcontroller programming and GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) operations.


Start with a simple project where you program a microcontroller to blink an LED on and off. This project introduces you to fundamental concepts such as setting up a development environment, writing and uploading code, and using timers.

Key Learnings:

2. Digital Thermometer


Build a temperature-sensing device using a microcontroller and a temperature sensor.


Create a digital thermometer that reads temperature data from a sensor (like the DS18B20) and displays the readings on an LCD screen. This project involves interfacing sensors and displays with the microcontroller and handling data conversion.

Key Learnings:

3. Home Automation System


Design a basic home automation system to control appliances remotely.


Develop a system where you can control home appliances like lights and fans using a microcontroller and a communication module (e.g., Wi-Fi or Bluetooth). Implement a simple user interface to operate the system via a smartphone or computer.

Key Learnings:

4. Smart Door Lock


Create a security system with an electronic lock controlled by a microcontroller.


Design a smart door lock system that uses a keypad or RFID reader for access control. The system should authenticate users and trigger a servo motor to unlock the door.

Key Learnings:

5. Robot Car


Build a basic robotic car with obstacle avoidance capabilities.


Construct a small robot car using a microcontroller, motors, and sensors (like ultrasonic or infrared sensors). Program the car to navigate and avoid obstacles autonomously.

Key Learnings:

6. Weather Station


Develop a weather monitoring system that collects and displays environmental data.


Create a weather station using various sensors (temperature, humidity, pressure) and a microcontroller. Display the collected data on an LCD or send it to a web server for remote monitoring.

Key Learnings:

7. Heart Rate Monitor


Design a health monitoring device to measure and display heart rate.


Build a heart rate monitor using a pulse sensor and a microcontroller. Display the heart rate on an OLED screen or send the data to a mobile app.

Key Learnings:

8. Automatic Plant Watering System


Create a system that automatically waters plants based on soil moisture levels.


Design a plant watering system using a soil moisture sensor and a microcontroller. Program the system to activate a pump to water the plants when the soil moisture drops below a certain threshold.

Key Learnings:

9. Smart Meter


Build an energy monitoring device to track power consumption.


Develop a smart meter that measures electrical energy consumption using a current sensor and a microcontroller. Display the data on an LCD or transmit it to a central server for analysis.

Key Learnings:

10. Voice-Controlled Assistant


Create a voice-activated system to control various devices.


Design a voice-controlled assistant using a microcontroller, a microphone, and a speech recognition module. Program it to respond to voice commands and control devices like lights, fans, or appliances.

Key Learnings:


Hands-on projects are a critical component of mastering embedded systems. They not only enhance your practical skills but also prepare you for real-world challenges. By working on these projects, you will gain a deep understanding of microcontroller programming, sensor integration, and system design, setting a strong foundation for a successful career in embedded systems engineering. Dive into these projects, and watch your skills and confidence grow!.
submitted by Cranes_Varsity to u/Cranes_Varsity [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:42 MaderDaker FrostForge - 3.3.5 progressive New Server

More than 3000 accounts were created already and we have around 200 active players from different time zone. On average, we have 20-50 people online at any time of the day.
Here are some important infos about Frostforge;
Progressive 3.3.5 version, soft locked to 60 for a while, then 70, then 80. Crossfaction is ON.
XP x1-x4
Honor x0.5
Rep x2
Profession x2
Talent points x2
NPC Bot limited to 4 bots per player (you need around 15 players for 40man raid).
(BOT gears like Players!)
All the details are in the changelog discord channel.
We are looking forward to see you in-game. I hope this server will be a new home/niche for many of
submitted by MaderDaker to WoWPrivateServers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:39 FancyInvestment397 MetaWin Review: Anonymous Provably Fair Crypto Casino, Is it Legit?

MetaWin Review: Anonymous Provably Fair Crypto Casino, Is it Legit?
MetaWin is a Crypto Casino that delivers anonymous & provably fair gambling by allowing users to connect a Ethereum wallet to access slots, table games, live dealers & more.
MetaWin Crypto Casino
As a fully decentralized platform, MetaWin allows you to gamble without ever creating an account or providing any personal information.
This cutting-edge approach delivers complete privacy while giving you access to a great selection of games, generous competitions, and opportunities to win valuable NFTs.
Here’s our full review …
MetaWin Review

Casino Games


MetaWin offers authentic European roulette experiences with a house edge of just 2.7%. Place your bets on numbers, colors, odds/evens and more as the ball spins around the wheel. The classy European format has just a single zero to contend with.


Test your blackjack skills at MetaWin’s tables powered by Pragmatic Play. Several variants are available including Classic Blackjack, Double Exposure, and Azure Blackjack with unique rule tweaks. Payouts can reach 3:2 on natural blackjacks.


This skill-based game involves dropping a plinko disc down a pyramid of pegs. Make precision drops to increase your chances of the disc landing in higher paying slots at the bottom for bigger prizes.


The classic casino game of baccarat offers some of the best odds at MetaWin. Back the Player or Banker hand as cards are dealt, with ties resulting in a push. Player bets pay 1:1 while Banker bets have a slightly higher 0.95:1 payout.

Live Casino

For a truly immersive experience, MetaWin lets you join real human dealers streamed in HD quality. Enjoy live baccarat, roulette, blackjack and more game show experiences like Mega Wheel directly from studio floors.

Other Products


These are essentially blockchain-based lotteries with prize pools funded by ticket purchases. However, the results are determined transparently by smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain rather than a traditional lottery draw.
Each competition has a set number of tickets available for purchase at different price tiers. For example, you might be able to get 50 entries for 0.012 ETH or go bigger with 2,000 entries for 0.36 ETH.
The smart contracts then randomly select the winning tickets/wallets in a fully auditable and verifiable manner thanks to the transparency of the blockchain ledger.

Current competitions offer prize pools ranging from a couple of ETH up to jackpots worth thousands of dollars. And best of all, MetaWin provides every player with one free ticket just for joining the Telegram community!
By harnessing blockchain technology, MetaWin competitions guarantee true randomness and fairness that is open for verification by anyone. It adds an exciting crypto twist to lottery-style games.
>>> Visit the MetaWin website

NFT Prizes

In addition to ETH prizes, some MetaWin competitions let you win valuable NFT collectibles from popular collections like Beanz and Killabears that trade on marketplaces like OpenSea.
MetaWin NFTs
There’s even the ability to gain entries into these special NFT competitions by holding certain requisite NFTs from the collection. It’s an innovative way to engage existing NFT fans and collectors.
With NFTs being all the rage, scoring rare and valuable pieces through MetaWin’s smart competitions adds an element of gamification that blends perfectly with crypto gambling.

Welcome Bonuses

While most online casinos offer a standard deposit match bonus, MetaWin takes a different approach that’s tailored to its innovative blockchain competitions. Here’s how it works:
As soon as you connect your crypto wallet to MetaWin, you’ll automatically receive 1 free ticket entry to the current big prize competition running at the time.
For example, the most recent competition had a prize pool of 5 ETH (over $9,000 at current prices!). Just by signing up, you get a free lottery ticket for a chance to win that huge prize.
But MetaWin doesn’t stop there. You can then purchase additional entries at discounted rates to increase your odds significantly:
  • 50 additional entries for 0.012 ETH
  • 165 additional entries for 0.036 ETH
  • 780 additional entries for 0.156 ETH
  • 2,000 additional entries for 0.36 ETH
As you can see, the more entries you purchase, the bigger the discount per entry. So maximizing your investment can pay off massively if you hit that smart contract jackpot.
With each new competition cycle, the prize pools reset with new opportunities to win big payouts or rare NFTs just for joining.

How to Signup

Rather than a traditional account registration process, MetaWin just requires you to connect a cryptocurrency wallet to get started. Here are the steps:
  1. Visit the MetaWin website on your desktop or mobile device.
  2. Click the “Connect Wallet” button at the top.
  3. Choose which crypto wallet you want to use – MetaWin supports MetaMask, Coinbase Wallet, and over 300 other wallets through WalletConnect.
  4. For MetaMask, just approve the connection request in the wallet window that pops up.
  5. For WalletConnect, you’ll be shown a QR code to scan with your mobile wallet app.
  6. That’s it! Your wallet is now connected to MetaWin.

No personal information, email addresses or cumbersome sign-ups required. Simply connect an Ethereum wallet and you’re ready to play.
The connected wallet acts as your secure MetaWin account. Deposits and withdrawals happen instantly by transferring ETH to/from your wallet address. You can also participate in competitions and purchase entries directly from your wallet balance.
It’s a seamless and 100% anonymous process thanks to MetaWin’s decentralized blockchain platform. Sign up literally takes seconds while providing top-notch privacy and security.

Payment Methods

MetaWin makes it easy to deposit and withdraw using cryptocurrencies. Here are the deposit and withdrawal options:

Deposit Options

  • MetaMask Wallet
  • Coinbase Wallet
  • WalletConnect (Over 300+ Ethereum wallets supported)
To deposit, simply connect your preferred Ethereum wallet to the MetaWin platform. Once connected, you can instantly transfer ETH from your wallet balance into your MetaWin account with just a few clicks.

Withdrawal Options

  • Withdraw directly to your connected MetaMask Wallet
  • Withdraw directly to your connected Coinbase Wallet
  • Withdraw to any other Ethereum wallet address
For withdrawals, enter the ETH amount you wish to cash out and provide the destination wallet address you’d like to receive the funds. MetaWin will instantly transfer the ETH on-chain from their side, giving you access to your winnings securely and anonymously.
All transactions occur on the Ethereum blockchain, providing transparency while upholding MetaWin’s core values of anonymity, security and efficiency. While currently only ETH is accepted, the platform may add support for other major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin in the future.

Is MetaWin Casino Legit?

Decentralized and Anonymous

  • MetaWin operates as a fully decentralized casino on the Ethereum blockchain
  • Allows completely anonymous gambling without account registration or KYC
  • Players simply connect an Ethereum wallet like MetaMask to get started

Transparent and Provably Fair

  • Casino games are provided by regulated developer Pragmatic Play
  • Competition outcomes are determined transparently by Ethereum smart contracts
  • All transactions are recorded publicly and permanently on the blockchain

Secure Cryptocurrency Integration

  • MetaWin only accepts Ethereum (ETH) for deposits and withdrawals
  • Transactions occur directly between the player’s crypto wallet and MetaWin
  • Utilizes industry-standard encryption and security protocols

Player Protections

  • No personal or financial information is ever required or stored
  • Players control and custody their own funds in private wallets
  • Blockchain-based competitions guarantee true randomness and fairness

Innovative Experience

  • First-of-its-kind anonymous, Web3 cryptocurrency gambling platform
  • Unique opportunities to win big ETH prizes through blockchain competitions
  • Ability to win rare NFTs from popular collections like Beanz and Killabears
While operating outside of traditional gambling regulations, MetaWin delivers a provably fair, secure, and transparently verifiable casino experience through its pioneering use of Ethereum blockchain technology.
With games from reputable developers, anonymous wallets, instant payouts, and innovative features like smart contract competitions, MetaWin offers a legitimate way to gamble online with cryptocurrencies.
MetaWin Casino Review Trustpilot

Is MetaWin Casino Safe to Use?

Blockchain-Based Security

  • All transactions and gaming activity occur on the secure Ethereum blockchain
  • Players retain full custody of their funds in private crypto wallets
  • No sensitive personal or financial information is ever required or stored

Anonymous and Private

  • No account registration, personal details, or KYC verification needed
  • MetaWin does not collect, store or have access to any identifying user data
  • Players can gamble completely anonymously just by connecting a wallet

Verified Fair Gaming

  • Casino games are provided by regulated developer Pragmatic Play
  • Outcomes of blockchain competitions are determined by auditable smart contracts
  • True randomness and fairness is cryptographically ensured on the blockchain

Established Partners

  • MetaMask and Coinbase are trusted wallets integrated for secure deposits/withdrawals
  • Pragmatic Play is a leading casino games provider with a solid reputation

Secure Transactions

  • Only Ethereum (ETH) is accepted, utilizing military-grade encryption
  • Funds are transferred directly between the player’s wallet and MetaWin
  • No third-parties have access to transaction information
While operating outside of traditional gambling licensing, MetaWin is built from the ground up with security in mind through its blockchain-native architecture.
With anonymous wallets, fair gaming, and encryption, players can safely enjoy MetaWin’s innovative crypto gambling experience without risking their funds or privacy.

Design & Usability

MetaWin has a clean and modern website design that makes it easy to navigate the platform’s different sections like slots, table games, live casino, and competitions. The minimalist user interface puts the focus squarely on the games and features, creating an uncluttered experience.
That said, the website can feel a bit bare-bones at times due to its stripped-back, decentralized nature. There aren’t a ton of flashy graphics or extraneous visual elements, which some users may see as a pro or con depending on their preferences.

The use of WebGL and live animations does give the game lobbies a more dynamic feel, while still maintaining performance nicely across devices. You’ll see things like the roulette wheel spinning in the background as you browse game options.
Usability is well thought out, with handy filter and sorting options that let you quickly find the type of game you’re looking for, whether that’s Megaways slots, specific table games like baccarat, or titles from certain providers. The favorites system is also convenient for keeping your preferred games organized.
For a Web3 crypto platform, MetaWin has achieved a great balance between an easy-to-use interface and giving users all the benefits of blockchain like transparency and verifiability.

Members Area

MetaWin takes a unique approach to its “members area” by leveraging blockchain technology and crypto wallets. Rather than a traditional account system, your Ethereum wallet essentially becomes your MetaWin account when you connect it to the platform.
Once your wallet like MetaMask is securely linked, you’ll have access to MetaWin’s full suite of games, competitions, and features. Your wallet address serves as your identifier, with all transactions, winnings, tickets, and NFT prizes directly deposited to your wallet’s balance.
The members area experience is quite stripped back compared to conventional online casinos. There are no bloated account sections or pages full of personal details and payment info. Everything is kept anonymous through your encrypted wallet connection.

However, you still get a handy dashboard view that lets you track your gameplay activity, competition entries, current wallet balance, and any NFTs you may have won. This members overview area provides all the essential data you need about your MetaWin gaming in a clean, easy-to-digest interface.
You can also quickly jump to the game lobbies, hop into competitions, purchase additional entries, or withdraw winnings straight from this main account area with just a couple clicks. It’s a lean experience free of clutter, putting the focus on gaming and prizes.

Mobile Offering

Rather than having dedicated iOS or Android apps, MetaWin has been optimized to work seamlessly on mobile web browsers across all devices and operating systems.
Simply navigate to the MetaWin website from your smartphone or tablet’s web browser and you’ll be automatically loaded into the mobile-friendly version of the platform.
The entire site has been designed responsively to provide an ideal user experience no matter the screen size or aspect ratio. All the games, features, and account areas translate perfectly to mobile layouts.
You’ll be able to easily browse game lobbies, with smart filtering and sorting options that make finding your preferred slots, tables, or live dealer games a breeze on mobile. Game launches are lightning fast with no bulky plugins required.

Connecting your crypto wallet like MetaMask is just as straightforward on mobile as desktop. Most mobile wallets can simply scan the provided QR code for effortless linking to MetaWin.
From there, you can make instant deposits, purchase competition entries, gamble, and cash out winnings all within your mobile browser. No downloads or installs needed – just MetaWin’s sleek mobile web interface.
The clean, stripped-back design philosophy helps deliver an incredibly smooth and lightweight user experience optimized for mobile data and connectivity.

Ease of Use

One of MetaWin’s biggest strengths is its sheer simplicity and ease of use. The entire platform has been designed around providing an effortless web3 gambling experience that leverages the advantages of blockchain technology.
Getting started takes just seconds. There’s no lengthy signup process or account registrations. All you need to do is connect your existing Ethereum wallet like MetaMask to the MetaWin website with a couple clicks. Your wallet acts as your secure, anonymous ID.
From there, the user experience is extremely intuitive. The clean website layout makes it easy to find and filter through the various game lobbies for slots, tables, live casino, and more. Descriptions and instructions are clear and straightforward.
Actually placing wagers is as simple as can be, with no convoluted payment flows. Since you’re betting with the ETH already loaded in your connected wallet, you can start playing games instantly. Winnings are automatically credited back to your wallet’s balance.
Purchasing entries for the innovative blockchain competitions works in the same seamless fashion. You can buy tickets directly from your wallet balance with just a few clicks.
Withdrawing is also hassle-free with no lengthy cashout periods. You can instantly transfer your ETH winnings from MetaWin directly back into your personal crypto wallet whenever desired.

Customer Support

Despite its streamlined, decentralized approach, MetaWin does not sacrifice quality customer service. Players have multiple channels to get timely assistance whenever needed.

Email Support

For general inquiries or more complex issues, you can email the MetaWin support team directly at [support@metawin.com](mailto:support@metawin.com). They strive to respond to all emails within 24 hours during normal operating hours.

FAQ Section

MetaWin also provides a comprehensive FAQ hub covering common questions about the site’s features, security, games, and more. This is an excellent self-service resource for quickly finding answers to basic queries on your own.
While phone support is not provided, the email, live chat, and FAQ options should sufficiently cover most customer service needs that may arise during gameplay at this web3 crypto casino.


MetaWin is truly blazing a new trail in the world of online crypto gambling. This pioneering platform leverages blockchain technology to deliver an anonymous, secure, and provably fair gaming experience like no other.
From just connecting your Ethereum wallet, a world of possibilities opens up. You can enjoy slots, table games, live dealer tables, jackpots and more from trusted developers like Pragmatic Play. All while maintaining complete privacy by never having to provide any personal information.
MetaWin’s real innovation shines through its unique blockchain competitions and opportunities to win big ETH prizes and coveted NFTs through transparent smart contracts. The random, cryptographically-verifiable results of these events guarantee a level playing field.
Add in benefits like instant, fee-free payouts directly to your wallet and MetaWin provides a glimpse into the future of web3 gaming. An experience built on the fundamentals of anonymity, autonomy and decentralization.
Is it a perfect platform? Perhaps not quite yet. The game library is still growing and being limited to just Ethereum may turn some users away. But MetaWin is undoubtedly at the vanguard of blockchain gambling.
For those who have been patiently waiting for a way to enjoy casino games, enter thrilling competitions, and potentially win big all while taking advantage of crypto’s inherent privacy and security benefits – MetaWin delivers an unparalleled solution.


Q: Is MetaWin licensed and regulated?

A: No, MetaWin operates outside of traditional gambling regulations and licensing jurisdictions. As a decentralized crypto casino, its operations are facilitated directly on the Ethereum blockchain in an anonymous manner.

Q: How do I get started playing at MetaWin?

A: Simply connect your Ethereum wallet like MetaMask to the MetaWin website. There is no account registration or personal details required. Your linked wallet serves as your secure, anonymous account.

Q: What cryptocurrencies does MetaWin accept?

A: Currently, MetaWin only supports Ethereum (ETH) for deposits, withdrawals and playing games. They may add support for other major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin in the future.

Q: How can I deposit and withdraw funds?

A: To deposit, you’ll transfer ETH directly from your connected crypto wallet’s balance into MetaWin. To withdraw winnings, you’ll transfer the ETH from your MetaWin account back into your personal wallet.

Q: Are the games at MetaWin fair and random?

A: Yes, the instant casino games are provided by regulated developer Pragmatic Play. MetaWin’s unique blockchain competitions also guarantee randomness and fairness through verifiable smart contracts executed on Ethereum.

Q: Can I access MetaWin from my mobile device?

A: Yes, the MetaWin platform is fully optimized to work seamlessly on mobile web browsers across all devices and operating systems. No app downloads are required.

Q: What types of games does MetaWin offer?

A: MetaWin provides slots, table games like blackjack and roulette, live dealer casino games, and innovative blockchain competitions where you can win ETH prizes and NFTs.
submitted by FancyInvestment397 to OnlineCasinoWorld [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:41 ryni_abella Backup Strategies of your laptop: How Do You Keep Files Safe?

Data safety is one of the most crucial practices today. In this digital world, from personal photos to important documents and critical work files, being safe is very important. How do you ensure the protection of your important files using different backup strategies? Some of them include cloud storage and external drives.
Cloud Storage—Convenient and Accessible
Some of the benefits of cloud storage include accessibility to files from any place with internet access. Some of the most commonly used services include Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive.
Best Practices
Automatic Syncing: Make sure that your cloud storage is set up for automatic syncing so that your folders and files are up-to-date and backed up.
Multiple Cloud Services: Engage with multiple cloud services to ensure better diversification in storage.
Security Measures: Apply two-factor authentications and strong, unique passwords to make sure your cloud accounts are locked down in security.
External Drives: Reliable Offline Backup
Benefits: An external drive, whether hard or SSD, is a reliable way of making an offline backup; it will free your data from online threats. Also, these are used to back up large bulks of data.
Best Practices
Regular Backups: Ensure you back up your data on a regular basis so that your latest files are always captured.
Multiple Drives: Make use of multiple external drives and rotate them to minimize the risk of data loss in case of a drive failure.
Safe Storage: Stash your external drives in a safe, secure location to protect them from physical damage and theft.
NAS – Network Attached Storage: Centralized Home Backup
Advantages: NAS devices offer centralized storage that is made available to multiple devices in your home network. Generally, they will also offer RAID configurations and other measures of redundancy and security.
Best Practices
RAID Configuration: Use RAID 1 or RAID 5 to have some data redundancy.
Remote Access: Configure remote access to your NAS to make it easy to retrieve files while you are away from home.
Regular Maintenance: Run regular maintenance checks on your NAS and keep the firmware updated.
Backup Software That Automates: Set and Forget
Advantages: Software such as Acronis True Image and Backblaze will, for the most part, be backing up for you. You just have to set the schedule for when to do regular backups. It also offers full, incremental, and differential types of backups.
Best Practices
Scheduled Backups: Make sure to set your software to do backups automatically on a regular schedule—daily, weekly, etc.
Check Backups: Periodically check your backups to be sure they are completing, and therefore, you will be able to restore from them.
Backup Destinations: Maintain software backups to multiple destinations, such as an external drive and a cloud service, for multiple redundancy.
Hybrid Backup Solutions: Combine Multiple Methods of Backup
Advantages: This solution combines more than one backup method, like cloud, external drives, and NAS, so the user can get better protection from many issues.
Best Practices
3-2-1 Rule: Adhere to the 3-2-1 rule for backups: keep three copies of your data, two on different devices locally, and one in the cloud.
Regular Testing: Test your backup and restore process regularly to ensure it works as expected.
Consistent Schedule: Maintain a consistent backup schedule to keep all copies of your data up to date.
Your Backup Strategies: What is your process of backing up, and how did that assist you in staying away from any data loss incidents? Share your strategies and maybe problems you faced.
Tools and Services: Are there any tools or services you like to use in particular for the purpose of backup? Why do you prefer to use them?
Disaster Recovery Experiences: Have you actually been in a position where you have had to restore data from backup? How did this work and what did you learn from the experience?
submitted by ryni_abella to Laptop_PC_Help [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:27 Ok-Broccoli3582 Laptop Security: How Do You Keep Your Data Safe?

Security is a really important issue, since laptops hold not only a large amount of private information, but also all our work. What do you do to keep your data safe? Let's share some best practices with regard to antivirus, firewalls, VPN, and physical security measures. Here are some important tips to get the conversation started:
  1. Antivirus Software: Your First Line of Defense
    • Get Reliable Antivirus Software: Buy popular and reliable antivirus software to protect your device from malware, ransomware, and other malicious threats. Norton, Bitdefender, and McAfee are some of the commonly used antiviruses.
    • Regular Scans and Updates: Ensure that your antivirus is scheduled for regular scans, and it has up-to-date virus-definition databases.
  2. Firewalls: Keeping Out Unwanted Traffic
    • Turn on the Built-In Firewalls: Ensure that built-in firewalls on most operating systems, like Windows Defender Firewall for Windows and firewall settings in macOS, are on.
    • Additional Firewalls: It is recommended to purchase additional hardware or software firewalls in hot spots.
  3. Virtual Private Networks: Protecting Your Online Activity
    • Use a VPN: This will encrypt your internet connection and shield your online activities from prying eyes. This is very important when connecting to a Wi-Fi network.
    • Get a Trustworthy VPN Service: Purchase a good VPN service from well-known providers like ExpressVPN, NordVPN, or CyberGhost.
  4. Password Management: Strong and Unique Passwords
    • Create Strong Passwords: Use a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters to create strong passwords. Make your passwords hard to guess by avoiding including easily guessable information, such as birthdays or common words.
    • Use a Password Manager: A password manager, such as LastPass or 1Password, can create and remember strong, unique passwords for all of your accounts.
  5. Encryption: Use Encryption to Protect Data
    • Encrypt Disk: Use the built-in, full disk encryption tools such as BitLocker on Windows and FileVault on MacOS, which will automatically encrypt your data in case your laptop is lost or stolen.
    • Encrypt Sensitive Files: You might need to encrypt specific sensitive files or folders for added protection. Utilize VeraCrypt software to achieve this.
  6. Backups: Regularly Back Up Your Data
    • Back Up Your Data Regularly: Back up your data from time to time on an external hard drive or other secure cloud service. This will help you restore the data to another device in the case of hardware failure or damage due to a cyberattack.
    • Use Automated Backup Solutions: Use automatic backup tools like Backblaze or Acronis, which will help you keep your data backed up automatically.
  7. Physical Security: Use Physical Security for Your Hardware
    • Use Laptop Locks: Use physical locks for your laptop when in public or shared spaces to avoid theft.
    • Be Careful: Be aware of your surroundings and never leave your laptop unattended in public places.
  8. Additional Tips and Best Practices
    • Keep Your Operating System and Software Updated: Regularly update your operating system and all software so as to patch any security vulnerabilities.
    • Be careful with emails and links: Do not click on suspicious links or download attachments from unknown sources to avoid phishing attacks.
    • Use Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Whenever possible, enable two-factor authentication for your account as an extra layer of security.
submitted by Ok-Broccoli3582 to BuyItForMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:23 Suitable_Western_352 The Best SMM Panel : Elevate Your Strategy with Premium Panels

In today's digital age, social media has become an indispensable tool for businesses looking to reach and engage with their target audience. With millions of users active on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, leveraging social media marketing (SMM) has become essential for any brand's success. However, with increasing competition and evolving algorithms, simply having a presence on social media is no longer enough. To truly stand out and make an impact, businesses need to adopt strategic approaches, and this is where the best SMM panels come into play.
  1. Understanding the Importance of Social Media Marketing (SMM)
Social media marketing involves creating and sharing content on social media platforms to achieve your marketing and branding goals. Whether it's increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, or generating leads, SMM offers a powerful way to connect and engage with your audience directly. Additionally, social media platforms provide valuable insights and analytics that allow businesses to track and measure the success of their campaigns in real-time, enabling them to make data-driven decisions to optimize their strategies further.
  1. What Are SMM Panels and How Do They Work?
Best SMM panels, also known as social media marketing panels or SMM reseller panels, are online platforms that provide services to help businesses and individuals enhance their social media presence. These panels offer a wide range of services, including buying likes, followers, comments, views, and more across various social media platforms. The process typically involves users selecting the desired service, entering their account details, and making a payment, after which the panel's system automatically delivers the ordered engagement to the user's social media account.
  1. The Benefits of Using Premium SMM Panels
Premium SMM panels offer several advantages over traditional methods of growing social media accounts organically. Firstly, they provide a quick and convenient way to boost engagement and increase visibility on social media platforms. Whether you're looking to kickstart a new account or give an existing one a boost, premium SMM panels can deliver results within minutes, saving you time and effort.
Moreover, premium SMM panels often offer high-quality engagement from real and active users, ensuring that your account remains authentic and credible. Unlike bots or fake accounts, which can harm your reputation and lead to account suspension, premium SMM panels deliver genuine engagement that looks natural and organic. This authenticity can help build trust with your audience and improve your overall brand perception.
Additionally, premium SMM panels offer a variety of customizable options to suit your specific needs and budget. Whether you're looking to increase likes on a single post or boost followers across multiple platforms, these panels provide flexible packages and pricing plans to accommodate your requirements. Some panels even offer advanced targeting options, allowing you to reach specific demographics or geographic locations with your campaigns.
  1. Choosing the Right SMM Panel for Your Strategy
With numerous SMM panels available in the market, choosing the right one for your strategy can be overwhelming. To ensure you select the best option for your needs, consider factors such as reliability, reputation, pricing, customer support, and the quality of engagement offered. Reading reviews and testimonials from other users can also help you gauge the credibility and effectiveness of a particular SMM panel.
  1. Tips for Maximizing Your Results with SMM Panels
While SMM panels can be a valuable tool for enhancing your social media strategy, it's essential to use them wisely to maximize your results. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your SMM panel experience:
Premium SMM panels offer a powerful way to elevate your social media strategy and achieve your marketing goals. By providing quick, convenient, and high-quality engagement, these panels enable businesses to enhance their online presence and connect with their target audience effectively. However, it's essential to choose the right SMM panel for your needs and use it wisely to maximize your results. With the right approach, the best SMM panels can be a valuable asset in your digital marketing toolkit, helping you stay ahead in today's competitive landscape.
submitted by Suitable_Western_352 to u/Suitable_Western_352 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:20 SubjectWestern iPhone hacked? Need advice please

Two nights ago, I was looking through my password manager (I use 1Password) trying to locate a site that my son added recently (I couldn't remember the name at the time). I noticed an entry for a dating site (ashleymadison of all places) which I didn't add, nor did any of my family. They have their own phones, and, trust me, no one is going to ashleymadison. The entry had a user name, password, a local zip code, and profile codes (attached woman seeking man) and a couple of other things saved. It had been added about 10 days earlier. The credentials didn't work when I tried to access the site.
I searched my iphone's safari history (I'm on an 12 Pro), and, there was a google search and two site-related page locations saved on the same day for ashleymadison. They were the last three entries for the day. I was on the latest IOS (have since updated to 17.5).
I can't figure out how someone did this. I had the phone in my physical possession. Could it be someone hacking a security vulnerability and gaining access to my phone? Zero day... blah, blah blah? Why also, would a presumably sophisticated hacker leave a search history behind and an entry in my password manager? My 1Password uses face match to open. Could it be an attempt to get me to freak out, change my 1Password pw, and then need to manually enter it into my phone and then have a possibly installed keylogger nab it? I just can't figure this out. Am I a schizophrenic and have another personality that went to ashleymadison and added it to my password manager?
Went to the Apple Store today, and the tech was dismissive of this idea, thinking I must have inadvertently clicked a popup or something and this triggered the safari activity and then I accidentally got credentials for this site entered into my 1Password. This all to drive traffic. But, this doesn't seem quite right to me. Someone was on my phone's Safari, googled the site, then went to the site, then registered on the site. Then 1Password saved the registration. 1Password shows a creation date/time and a modification of it a minute later.
I asked my AI their thoughts:
The fact that the Safari history shows a specific search for "AshleyMadison" followed by visits to multiple pages on the site, including what appears to be the registration page, does not align with typical bot or popup behavior. Bots and popups are more likely to result in a single, often random, page visit rather than a sequence mimicking a user's actions.
Moreover, the 1Password entry creation and subsequent modification a minute later strongly suggests intentional human interaction. As you mentioned, adding an entry to 1Password requires explicit user confirmation on your device. A popup or bot would not be able to automatically save credentials to your password manager without your involvement.
Regarding your question about keyloggers on iPhones - while iOS is generally considered more secure than other mobile operating systems due to Apple's strict app vetting process and sandboxing techniques, no system is completely immune to all threats. Technically, it is possible for iPhones to be infected with malware, including keyloggers, particularly if the device is jailbroken or if the user is tricked into installing a malicious configuration profile.
That being said, iPhone keylogger infections are relatively rare compared to Android or desktop platforms. Most iPhone malware requires the device to be compromised through physical access, social engineering, or by exploiting very specific, often zero-day, vulnerabilities.
Given the concerning pattern of activity you've described, I recommend the following steps:
  1. Seek a second opinion from another Apple Store or an independent iOS security expert. Request a thorough diagnostic check of your iPhone for any signs of malware or unauthorized modifications.
  2. If you haven't already, perform a full factory reset of your iPhone and restore it from a backup dated before the suspicious activity began. This will help eliminate any potential malware that might be present.
  3. After the reset, change your 1Password master password once again from a trusted device, and enable two-factor authentication if you haven't already done so.
  4. Stay vigilant for any other unusual behavior on your device or in your online accounts. Document everything and don't hesitate to escalate to Apple or relevant authorities if the situation persists or worsens.
Remember, your instincts and close observations are valuable in detecting potential security breaches. Don't let one opinion discourage you from thoroughly investigating and protecting your digital security. Trust your judgement, take proactive measures, and seek out additional expert perspectives to ensure your devices and data remain safe.
What are your thoughts? Should I take the position that my phone is compromised, and my password manager, or what? TIA
submitted by SubjectWestern to iphone [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:40 OriginalSprinkles718 [PS5/PS4] List of 100+ mods with correct LOAD ORDER - Difficult and satisfying survival challenge.

[PS5/PS4] List of 100+ mods with correct LOAD ORDER - Difficult and satisfying survival challenge.


This took weeks of picking and testing mods
Played on PS5, should work on PS4
Order is stable, no crashes
New game on survival difficulty required
All 6 DLCs needed
No unbalanced cheat mods added
Very difficult but satisfying and immersive
Adding other mods will break stuff, ask in comments
Not tested on PS4 or PS4 Pro performance-wise


This modlist is for people enjoying difficult challenge, exploration, combat, managing settlements and a bit of building. No more bullet sponges, loot/enemy respawns and rambo playstyle!
In the beginning you are no one. You leave the vault weak, tired, with barely any gear. Avoid most encounters and quests at the start. Try to survive, build a safe spot and carefully explore. Be aware of your surroundings, use what you find.
Saving often in beds and making 'autosave drug' at the earliest possibility is a good idea (nearest chemistry workbench is at Abernathy Farm). Save menu is always on top of MISC category in Pip-Boy.
Discovering new places gives plenty of exp in the beginning, but quests are your main exp income.
Exploring safer areas like Sanctuary, Concord and smaller settlements first (avoiding powerful enemies) recommended. There might be a lot of combat in the background. Don't engage much, especially avoid supermutants, robots, turrets, bears - they are deadly even for high level, well developed characters. Raiders also hit hard, depending on their weapon and rank.
Weapon caliber makes huge damage difference. 10mm is pretty weak, but if you find rare .50cal rounds or some good explosives, you should eliminate tougher targets much more easily.
Investing in stats right after level 15 is a good idea. STR for carry weight, PER for accuracy, END for health, CHA for better prices, INT for more exp, AGI for sneak and speed, LCK for dmg and loot. Be sure of your choices. Watch out for 'revealing all map markers' and 'slow time when aiming' perks. Be sure you want and like them, there is no going back.
Deathclaw in the early minuteman quest is tough - try to use explosives to break his legs and some high caliber weapons to finish him off by shooting his face. Or maybe you'll get lucky and raiders will kill him. Or just simply avoid him until you get proper gear.
Don't waste ammo on zombies, use melee. Bullets are valuable. However zombies can grab and instantly kill you if your HP is very low, so watch out on low, early levels!
Aim for the head for much higher damage. Concentrating damage on arms or legs to rip them off is a good strategy too. Raider without arms wont do much to you except running around and alerting nearby enemies, that is.
Damage types are important. Ballistic damage is not efficient against turrets, melee against radroaches and so on. You need to figure out yourself whats best strategy.
Develop and protect your settlements, put walls to protect generators and other important structures. Repairing is costly. Gear up settlers. Scraping and cleaning settlements is a good early source of components.
Try to fully explore the map, kill enemies and do all quests. Most loot and enemies wont ever respawn so this is your chance to find new secrets in Commonwealth and clear the place.

========== CHANGES ==========

Combat, Enemies

  • Enemies will flank, charge, take cover, run in fear, use and pick up ammo & weapons, swap to backup gun and so on.
  • Headshots or weakspot hits do much higher damage than torso shots.
  • Gun caliber greatly affects damage, explosives are powerful and damage type matters.
  • Foes have special moves like biting and holding leg, wrestling moves, kicks. Dependent on enemy type and briefly stuns you.

Sound, Graphic

  • Sounds are less flat because of added reverb and other tweaks.
  • Very dark nights with wide, helpful flashlight.
  • Atmospheric lightning: beautiful light from lantern and fire sources, dusk, dawn, moon, plus bullets illuminate environment when flying around.
  • No dreadful, annoying, unimmersive: combat music, hearthbeat, sounds of generators, turrets, exp gain sound, most perk triggers and perk chart.

Crafting, Modifying

  • Making/disasembling ammo and also creating various shipments. Upgrading clothes, rings, glasses in different ways.
  • Legendary swapping, crafting legendary effects using technical documents. Some effects have been adjusted.
  • Added crafting of new, lower damage explosives, but they have unique effects for ease of use.


  • STR affects carry weight, PER accuracy, END is health, max AP, CHA for better prices, INT for more exp, AGI for sneak, walk and reload speed, LCK for small dmg boost, loot, critical hits outside VATS and while using it.
  • Leveling up does not give you health. You rely on stats, bonuses, gear.
  • Perks tree mostly changed, level 15 needed to start increasing Special base stats, level of around 100 to increase stat to 10. To get all perks you would need 300 levels, so new modified 'idiot savant' will help a lot.
  • Collecting magazines, bobbleheads, companion perks is now more helpful and recommended.
  • Some skills are changed, reordered, much more interesting and useful.
  • More perks are needed for crafting, especially science perk is required for most technology related stuff.
  • Lockpicking everything is available instantly from level one, but perks and AGI make it reasonably easier. Bobby pins are more rare.
  • Hacking is simplified to not do the repeating minigame. Now holotapes to reprogram and override terminals might be of use.

Settlements, Building

  • Expensive build costs of robot workbenches, turrets, big generators, so buying component shipments is justified.
  • You can hire guards for caps or risk settlers lives on the usual guard posts.
  • Can't harvest planted fruit and veg, you get your fair share in workbench instead.
  • Collecting resources by settlers changed. Bigger variety of settlers and they are now mortal.
  • More objects to build and decorate your bases.

Locations, Loot

  • Items like meds and ammo are harder to find and exist in appropriate containers.
  • New map markers and few minuteman towers as a small addition to explore.
  • Quick travel available, but only to settlements.
  • Only rare enemies like bosses drop legendaries. And many more...

Before you download:

  • Safe to remove/swap mods are listed below the modlist, just in case you don't like or want some of them. Rest needs to be kept for balance or glitch removal, but only in the CORRECT ORDER!
  • Remove all mods you currently have before downloading this mod list.
  • Read what to do after downloading mods.


  1. Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch [UFO4P] [PS4] - Thousands of small bug fixes for FO4.
  2. Radium Rifle Suppressed Sound Fix - As the mod name suggests. Must be on top of mod list, its a master file.
  3. [PS4] Pip-Boy Paint Jobs - Colors Of The Wasteland Pack (Club Freedom) - Adds simple Pip-Boy skins. Remember you can click touchpad while using pip-boy to zoom. Again a master file.
  4. Kane's Items Sorting (PS4) - Junk is sorted and some other things too.
  5. [PS] Useful Technical Documents - Legendaries - You can swap legendaries for free, create new ones using technical documents.
  6. Named NPC Protection [PS4] - Protects named quest npc's, merchants, important characters from random encounters with enemies.
  7. Tribals of Commonwealth - Adds tribal groups, often found in wilderness.
  8. Ghouls Of Commonwealth - Adds over 1100 feral ghouls for zombie apocalypse and chaos.
  9. DLC Creatures In The Commonwealth [PS4] - Adds 200 creature spawns to the commonwealth for constant war, danger and chaos.
  10. Longhorns Of The Commonwealth - Adds longhorns to more empty areas on the map.
  11. Gulpers Of The Commonwealth - Adds gulpers to more empty areas on the map.
  12. Wolves Of The Commonwealth - Adds wolf spawn points to the map.
  13. More Behemoths In Commonwealth - Adds 5 more behemots to the Commonwealth.
  14. Behind Enemy Lines - Adds plenty of enemies to the glowing sea region.
  15. Roving War Parties, Raiding Packs And Hordes Of MY - Adds wandering groups that attack some key locations.
  16. More Radstags - Adds plenty of radstags, especially north and into forests.
  17. Better Radstags - More agressive radstags.
  18. Not a Princess - Humans can grab you/others and slam on the ground, make karate moves, dogs can hold your legs/arms, bloodbugs suck your blood.
  19. Disable Minutemen's Annoying Quests [PS4] - Disables 7 types of repetitive and not important radiant quests.
  20. [PS4] Grounded Updated By Sarinia - Adds tons of ground foundations, floors, walls, mounds of dirt to Structures-Concrete menu.
  21. Miscellaneous Settlement Items Unlocked [PS4] By Callias - Adds 49 objects for building in settlements.
  22. Cinder Block Walls And Sandbags Unlocked [PS4] By Callias - Adds 16 objects like cinder blocks and sandbags.
  23. Constructible Faction Guards - Adds ability to hire guards for caps in build menu, but only after allying with a faction.
  24. [PS4] OCDecorator - Adds inventory items as a decorational building objects.
  25. [PS4] OCDecorator DLC - Support for addons for the above mod.
  26. Tweaks - Survival Fast Travel Settlements All DLC - You can fast travel to settlements on survival difficulty.
  27. 1st Person Animation Tweaks [PS4] - In first person mode you lower your gun automatically.
  28. [PS4] Swinging Animated Meat Bags - Adds animations to supermutant meat bags.
  29. Power Line Physics [PS4] - Swinging power lines in settlements.
  30. No Sneak Indicators - Completely removes all sneak indicators.
  31. [PS4] Dogs Not Brahmin - Provisioners and traders use dogs instead of brahmin.
  32. Vertibirds Unghosted - Tweaks invincible vertibirds for danger and realism.
  33. [PS4] Simple Settlers (Mortal Edition) - Provides bigger settlers pool (five times more) and names them.
  34. Quieter Settlements PS4 - Vanilla - Generators, turrets and hammering are much quieter.
  35. Fallout 76-Style Region Music - Changes music in regions for less boring/repetitive background tracks.
  36. Reverb And Ambiance Overhaul - ALL DLC [PS4] - Tweaks sounds for better ambient and reverb and adds sliders to options.
  37. Better Dialogue - Camera focuses on NPC, changes made to some irritating generic dialogues and tweaked dialogue interuption.
  38. Esk QuietPerks [PS4] - Muted five annoying perks like idiot savant.
  39. No Experience SFX - Silences sounds when gaining experience from various sources.
  40. [PS4] Dead Beat - Removes heart beat sound at low HP.
  41. Combat Music Remover - Mutes combat music, so there is silence and suspension when enemy detects you.
  42. Commonwealth Visual Overhaul & DLC [PS4] - Changes colours, atmosphere and makes nights darker.
  43. UCW - Unified Commonwealth Weather - Adjusted weather for regions and integrated DLC weather for Commonwealth.
  44. [PS4] No More Fake Puddles - Removes ugly puddles that stay 24/7.
  45. No More Twigs - Removes stupid twigs sticking out of the ground.
  46. [PS4] Enhanced Flickering Firelight - Better light effects for fire sources including oil lamps.
  47. [PS4] Dark Mode - Abandoned Settlements - Empty settlements don't have light sources.
  48. Vanilla Moon (4x) - Much bigger moon. Anything bigger looks low quality.
  49. Sunlight Alignment Tweak - Better Dawn And Dusk [PS4] - Changes sun and moon movement for better lighting and atmosphere during dusk, dawn and night.
  50. Crafting Blur Removal (PS4) - Removes blur while looting containers, from crafting screen, power armor.
  51. Ironsight Blur Removal (PS4) - Removes blur while aiming.
  52. More Map Markers (PS4) - Adds some new markers on map.
  53. CleanVATS - Green Tint Remover PS4 - Removes fullscreen green tint effect while aiming in VATS mode.
  54. VATS Third Person Only - As the name says, just changes in cameras used in VATS.
  55. [PS4] Payneful VATS - Better VATS cinematics, shows important hits and finishers a bit slower.
  56. Component Tagging Helper - Allows to easily tag basic components on cooking bench and you can quickly view how many you have in total.
  57. Grenade and Mine Pack - Adds some new weaker, but modified explosives.
  58. Saving Survival Mode - Allows crafting misc items on chemistry workbench for anytime saving (3 standard autosave slots and 1 save shared/overwritten on all survival characters).
  59. Animations Be Gone - Removes plenty annoying hammering spots in sanctuary.
  60. Minuteman Watchtowers - Adds 8 minuteman watchtowers containing loot and/or guards.
  61. Power Goggles (All DLC) - Power Armor Mods For Goggles, Visors, And Glasses - As the name says. Two mods for glasses for high level characters.
  62. Clothes For Every Stats Wz - Most clothes can be worn under armor and you can upgrade them after unlocking ballistic weave.
  63. Bear Trap and Caltrops Fix [PS4] - Small changes in how traps work and balance them.
  64. See-Through-Scopes [PS4] - Adds new combat scopes in place of 2.5x and 4x magnification.
  65. See-Through-Scopes - Nuka World [PS4] - As above but for 2 Nuka World guns.
  66. See-Through-Scopes - Far Harbor [PS4] - As above but for 2 Far Harbor weapons.
  67. Targeting Sensors On Recon Scopes(Colour Coded NPCs Version)[PS4] - Modified recon scopes that highlight enemies, friends and dead bodies in specific colours.
  68. Immersive Gameplay Combat Mostly PS4 - Core of this modlist. Hundreds of changes.
  69. Immersive-Gameplay. Low Tech, No Powerarmor Justification Patch. (PS4) - Makes fusion cores worn. Balances the game around power armor.
  70. Immersive Gameplay Seasonpass Patch (Playstation) - DLC compatibility for IG.
  71. Immersive Gameplay Rough Start (PS4) - Overwrites starting level to 1.
  72. Medium Settlement Raids PS4 - Makes enemy raids less ridicolous and balanced.
  73. Zombie Walkers (PS4) - Most feral ghouls act like slow rotten zombies.
  74. Curse Of Darkness - Normal Edition - - Zombies are faster and more dangerous after midnight.
  75. Esk No More Teleporting Creatures [PS4] - Molerats and radscorpions don't teleport.
  76. Realistic Insects Health [PS4] - Makes insects easier to kill and balanced.
  77. Full Load - Loot Logic And Reduction Complete - Restricted harvest, lower and/or different production output for settlements, empty bottles renamed, Scrounger perk less ammo, less meat, less loot.
  78. Full Load - Rough Start Less Handouts - Removed some workbenches in starting locations. Different loot in Vault111.
  79. Immersive Gameplay Dismemberment - A Patch Or Standalone Feature. - Higher damage to headshots, easier to dismember limbs.
  80. Tackle! Immersive Gameplay Knockdown Version - Lets you stagger enemies by sprinting into them after aquiring a perk.
  81. Wasteland Baubles Ring Overhaul! PS4 - You can find unique rings at traders, in suitcases, cabinets. Allows scraping and modifying rings for special legendary effects.
  82. [PS4] STS - All-In-One - Allows scraping almost all settlement objects.
  83. (PS4) Improved Lighting Ballistics - Improves lighting for projectiles such as bullets, lasers, gauss, plasma, missiles, flares and explosions.
  84. Explorer Restored - Cut Perk Mod PS4 - Adds rank two of VANS perk - explorer. Uncovers map.
  85. Idiot Savant & Better Criticals Redone (PS4) - Idiot savant is better the more INT you have, muted perk chart, better criticals perk for crits outside VATS.
  86. Realistic Death Physics - No Animation - ALL DLC [PS4] - Decreases the amount of force of both melee and ranged attacks, so bodies wont fly away.
  87. Increased Settler Limit - Awareness - Wire Length - Corpse Collisions [PS4] - More aware settlers with limit of 50 per settlement and longer wires. Mind the limit.
  88. Settlement Attack Spawns Outside The Settlement PS4 - Moves attack spawns outside the settlements.
  89. Power Conduits Radius Increase And No Build Limit - All DLC [PS4] - Infinite build limit and two times longer range electricity conduits.
  90. [PS4] Creation Club Skins (Weapon & PipBoy) Generic Compatibility Patch - Makes weapon paints from Creation Club show up in crafting menu if you have any.
  91. No Affinity Cooldown - Removes cooldown between companions liking/hating your actions.
  92. [PS4]More XP Per Level (Base:600, Bump 120) - Increased experience required to level up.
  93. Increased EXP - Increases the amount of EXP gained to make Immersive Gameplay and mod list balanced.
  94. No Building Houses XP Gains PS4 - Building settlements don't provide experience.
  95. Pip-Boy Flashlight - Pipboy light is now a flashlight.
  96. PS4 - Longer Headlamp Light - Makes flashlight much bigger and changes headlamp and power armor light.
  97. [PS4] Starting SPECIAL = 7 - Changes starting SPECIAL stats to 1 in each category so you start weak.
  98. No Enemy Respawns - Game areas don't respawn loot and enemies, after time have passed.
  99. Accelerated Fast Travel - Fast travel takes less in-game time, should be also relevant to survival needs.
  100. Time Scale Changed From 20 To 10 [PS4] - Day and night lasts twice as long.

Additionally after downloading:

  • After installing the mod list, restart your PS4/PS5.
  • Dont add or remove mods mid playthrough.
  • Change game difficulty to survival in options.
  • Play on performance 60fps. Newly added mode visual 60fps is more laggy and has awfull VATS framerate.
  • If you want even more immersive settings, go to Settings, Gameplay and turn off quest markers or crosshair.
  • Go to Options, Sound and reduce ambience level by 5-8 clicks and reverb by 2-3.
  • Dont forget to change camera sensitivity (I play on max), next go to Options, Display and change hud color to blue or any other that makes sense (not red), lower transparency by 30% or more, set pip-boy colour to your preference (I use red pip-boy and minty hud to have the best compatibility with highlighting perks and scopes).

You can add/swap some mods if you want:

101... Immortal Cats - PS4 - Invincible cats, so you don't lose happiness increase when they die. Add after mod #83 \ 102... [PS4] STS - Extras - Living & Dead - Season Pass Version - You can get extra resources from scraping dead bodies in settlements. Watch out not to scrap someone alive. Place after mod #82. \ 103... Josephine Preset - Nice looking preset number 13 for female character creation. Change hair and other details if you want. Delete after leaving vault111 and saving (if you need mod list space that is). Add after mod #55. \ 104... Faster Positive Affinity For Companions - Removes cooldown between companions liking/hating your actions and gain five times more positive affinity. Swap with mod #91 if you want more cheaty version. \ 105... Silent Main Menu - To mute main menu sound, find duplicate sound slider named 'Master sound' and move it all the way to the left. Add after mod #41. \ 106... Quieter Settlements PS4 - Contraptions DLC - Quieter production lines. I ran out of space on mod list so this and next one are optional. Add after mod #34. \ 107... Quieter Settlements PS4 - Wasteland Workshop - Quieter fusion generators. Add after mod #34. \ 108... [PS4] Simple Settlers (Immortal Edition) - Instead of #33, so generic settlers don't die during settlement attacks. \ 109... Reduced Rubble Etc. - Safely reduces density of unimportant objects by 50-75%. Add after #44 or swap with #45. \ 110... Vrexia's Magical Rings - Add after #57 only if you get poison/perception bug where your PER is shown as (-1). You can offset it by equiping multiple rings from this mod (created at chem bench). Didnt found a better way yet. \ 111... Pip-Boy Flashlight (Brighter) - For a smaller, brighter flashlight swap #96 with #95 and replace #95 with this.

Remove, if you want:

Stock, ugly Pip-Boy color - #3 \ No tinkering with legendary effects - #5 \ No powerful groups wandering and attacking places - #15 \ Radstags to be less agressive - #17 \ Dont care about building - #20 #21 #22 \ Dont care about decorating settlements - #24 #25 \ Annoying wandering brahmins instead of dogs - #31 \ Cash register sounds when gaining exp - #39 \ Old vanilla dusk and dawn lighting - #49 \ Don't use VATS much - #53 #54 #55 \ Prefer old combat scopes - #64 #65 #66 \ Don't want uncover map perk and will never unlock it - #84 \ Don't have any weapon skins from Creation Club - #90 \ Faster leveling - #92 \ To gain building EXP - #94 \ Start with 7 extra SPECIAL points to distribute - #97 \ Loot and enemies respawn after time - #98 \ Fast travel to take time - #99 \ Days be vanilla length - #100

Known issues, bugs, glitches, exploits:

Some of those are present in vanilla game. I just mention every problem encountered during testing and not fully fixed. - Ground textures in and around sanctuary flicker black. FIX: Fixes itself. Possibly after short time or reload. - Creature cages cost too much in building menu. NO FIX: Did not found a safe and balanced fix yet, so cages are most likely out of reach, because cost is absurd. - Green chest containing flare gun and 10k flares after exiting vault 111. FIX: Mod dev forgot to delete it. Ignore it or if it bothers you much, remove mod #83, which I don't recommend doing. - Hubby secret basement in Sanctuary. NO FIX: Its up to you if you want to use its content. Just easier difficulty option, but not game breaking. - Hacking rank 4 seems useless or has wrong description. NO FIX: Needs proper check. - Wall turrets sometimes glitches and play sound on repeat. FIX: Re-enter the area or reload save. - Contact frag mines seems to have too low damage. FIX: Just dont craft them. Rest of new explosives should work fine even that it shows low damage values in description. - Perception low, constant (-1) PER in stats because of poison damage/resistance bug. FIX: Add mod #110 and equip perception rings. Dont delete the mod. Cant find safer solution for now. Rings dont take equipment slots. - Action girl perk have only one rank on female character and two on male. NO FIX: Just 25% AP regen loss at high level. Not a big deal. - Bubblegum seems to unintentionally quench thirst a bit and kind vendors give it for free. NO FIX: Free candies. Its better to use them to slow down time. - Incorrect cost to build concrete foundations. FIX: Use mod #20 to add tons of foundations in newly added category Structures-Concrete. - OCDecorator replaces creation club menu. FIX: Items from CC are still available in other building categories. Ignore or delete mod #24 + #25 if you dont care about its function. - Few perk descriptions might be slightly incorrect or missing. NO FIX: Nothing important to worry about. - Three street lights, powered water pump, industrial purifier and subway light have incorrect build costs. NO FIX: These have wrong values, but items like clean sofa or tv are more expensive to build on purpose though. - Pip-boy light wont transfer from first to third person camera view. FIX: Turn flashlight off and on. - Water surface sometimes flash black when moving underwater. NO FIX: Its not very noticable and you don't dive much in FO4 anyway. - Can't use Wattz Consumer Electronics terminal, animation stops. FIX: There is a radroach behind the wall. Kill it by swinging melee, explosives or reenter area. - Flashlight in Vault111 has incorrect beam look/color. FIX: It will fix itself after mods load right after you leave Vault111, dont worry.
v1.00 - Initial version.

Have fun!

submitted by OriginalSprinkles718 to Fallout4modsps4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:36 No-Knowledge-5828 ReplyGuy Review - The AI That Plugs Your Product on Reddit and Twitter

ReplyGuy Review - The AI That Plugs Your Product on Reddit and Twitter
In today's digital landscape, where attention spans are fleeting and competition is fierce, standing out from the crowd has never been more crucial. As an entrepreneur or business owner, you're constantly seeking ways to amplify your brand's reach, engage with your target audience, and drive meaningful conversions.
Enter ReplyGuy - a revolutionary platform that promises to transform the way you interact with potential customers and grow your online presence.
In this comprehensive review, we'll dive deep into the features, benefits, and real-world impact of ReplyGuy, helping you determine if this tool is the missing piece in your digital marketing arsenal.

What is ReplyGuy?

ReplyGuy is a powerful social media automation platform that enables businesses and individuals to engage with their audience on platforms like Twitter and Reddit more effectively. By leveraging a network of high-quality accounts, ReplyGuy automates the process of responding to comments, questions, and mentions, ensuring that your brand is always present and responsive.
Unlike traditional social media management tools, ReplyGuy goes beyond simply scheduling posts or monitoring mentions. It utilizes advanced natural language processing algorithms to analyze the sentiment and context of conversations, allowing it to craft personalized, authentic-sounding responses that resonate with your audience.

Key Features of ReplyGuy

  1. Automated Responses: ReplyGuy's AI-powered technology automatically detects and responds to relevant mentions, comments, and questions on your behalf, ensuring your brand is always engaged and present in the conversation.
  2. Customizable Responses: You can customize the tone, language, and messaging of the automated responses to align with your brand's voice and personality, ensuring a seamless and consistent brand experience.
  3. Sentiment Analysis: ReplyGuy's advanced algorithms analyze the sentiment and context of each interaction, allowing it to craft tailored responses that address the user's specific needs or concerns.
  4. Multi-Platform Support: While currently supporting Twitter and Reddit, ReplyGuy is rapidly expanding its platform integrations, with plans to add support for LinkedIn, TikTok, Hacker News, and other popular social networks.
  5. Performance Tracking: The platform provides detailed analytics and reporting, allowing you to track the performance of your automated responses, measure their impact on engagement and conversions, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your strategy.
  6. Flexible Subscription Plans: ReplyGuy offers a range of subscription plans to cater to businesses of all sizes, from solopreneurs to enterprise-level organizations, ensuring that you can find a plan that fits your budget and needs.

The Benefits of Using ReplyGuy

  1. Improved Responsiveness: By automating the process of responding to comments, questions, and mentions, ReplyGuy ensures that your brand is always present and engaged, enhancing your reputation for customer service and responsiveness.
  2. Increased Engagement: The personalized, contextual responses generated by ReplyGuy can help to foster deeper connections with your audience, leading to increased engagement, brand loyalty, and potential conversions.
  3. Time-Saving Efficiency: Rather than manually monitoring and responding to every social media interaction, ReplyGuy handles the heavy lifting, freeing up your time and resources to focus on other critical aspects of your business.
  4. Scalable Growth: As your online presence and audience grow, ReplyGuy can seamlessly scale to handle the increased volume of interactions, ensuring that your brand remains consistently engaged and responsive.
  5. Competitive Edge: By automating and optimizing your social media engagement, ReplyGuy can help you stay ahead of the competition, positioning your brand as a responsive, customer-centric leader in your industry.

Real-World Success Stories

To illustrate the real-world impact of ReplyGuy, let's take a look at a few case studies:

Case Study 1: Startup Founder Boosts Twitter Engagement by 150%

John, the founder of a budding tech startup, was struggling to keep up with the growing number of mentions and comments on his company's Twitter account. After signing up for ReplyGuy, he was able to automate the process of responding to these interactions, resulting in a 150% increase in overall engagement and a 30% boost in website traffic from Twitter.
"ReplyGuy has been a game-changer for my business," John said. "It's allowed me to maintain a constant presence on social media without sacrificing my time or attention. The personalized responses have really resonated with our audience, and I've seen a noticeable uptick in brand loyalty and customer inquiries."

Case Study 2: Established Ecommerce Brand Sees a 25% Increase in Reddit Conversions

Sarah, the marketing manager for a well-known ecommerce brand, was looking for ways to expand her company's reach and engage with potential customers on Reddit, a platform that had previously been underutilized.
After implementing ReplyGuy, Sarah was able to automate the process of responding to relevant threads and comments, tailoring the messaging to address the specific needs and concerns of her target audience. The results were impressive, with a 25% increase in website traffic and conversions from Reddit.
"ReplyGuy has been a game-changer for our Reddit strategy," Sarah said. "The platform's ability to analyze sentiment and craft personalized responses has allowed us to build genuine connections with our audience, which has directly translated to tangible business results."

ReplyGuy Pricing and Subscription Options

ReplyGuy offers a range of subscription plans to cater to businesses of all sizes:
  • Starter Plan: $49/month, up to 1,000 responses per month
  • Pro Plan: $99/month, up to 5,000 responses per month
  • Enterprise Plan: Custom pricing, tailored for large-scale businesses and organizations
All plans include access to the full suite of ReplyGuy features, as well as the ability to connect multiple social media accounts and customize the automated responses. Customers can also take advantage of a free trial to experience the platform's capabilities firsthand before committing to a subscription.

Conclusion: Is ReplyGuy Right for Your Business?

In today's fast-paced, hyper-competitive digital landscape, the ability to engage with your audience in a timely, personalized, and authentic manner can be the difference between success and stagnation. ReplyGuy offers a powerful, AI-driven solution that streamlines and optimizes the process of social media engagement, empowering businesses to amplify their online presence, foster deeper connections with their audience, and drive tangible results.
Whether you're a solopreneur, a small business owner, or a marketing manager for a large enterprise, ReplyGuy has the potential to transform the way you approach social media and unlock new avenues for growth. By automating the process of responding to comments, questions, and mentions, you can free up valuable time and resources, while ensuring that your brand remains consistently engaged and responsive.
If you're ready to take your social media strategy to the next level and unlock the full potential of your online presence, I highly recommend giving ReplyGuy a try. Sign up for a free trial today and experience the power of AI-driven social media engagement for yourself.
submitted by No-Knowledge-5828 to findmysaas [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:35 SolongLife Atom Finance Review

Atom Finance is a popular investment tool. Known for its ease of use and being more affordable than many alternatives, Atom Finance presents itself as a viable option for those seeking insightful investment data.
Atom Finance's subscription is attractively priced at $9.99 per month, presenting a valuable proposition given the extensive range of tools and analytics provided. For beginners or those not ready to commit financially, the basic plan is free and often provides enough resources to start your investment journey.

The Basic Plan includes:

Breaking News and Alerts: Stay updated with the latest market news and alerts.
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Limited X-Ray Document Search and Alerts: Conduct three deep-dive searches monthly.
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The basic plan, while free, offers a substantial array of features that may suffice for most traders. For those seeking more advanced analytics, the premium plan extends these capabilities significantly. Atom Finance stands out as a good, user-friendly platform suitable for a variety of investment strategies and needs.
submitted by SolongLife to TraderTools [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:17 drakkan1000 SFTPGo 2.6.0 Released

SFTPGo is an event-driven file transfer solution. It support multiple protocols (SFTP, SCP, FTP/S, WebDAV, HTTP/S) and multiple storage backends.
Main new features:
Full release notes:
Commercial support:
submitted by drakkan1000 to golang [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:16 drakkan1000 SFTPGo 2.6.0 Released

SFTPGo is an event-driven file transfer solution. It support multiple protocols (SFTP, SCP, FTP/S, WebDAV, HTTP/S) and multiple storage backends.
Main new features:
Full release notes:
Commercial support:
submitted by drakkan1000 to linux [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:12 dlschindler Reoccurring Contests & The Main Grind

Welcome to wastebasket.

The Main Grind:

We are ancient sub, much older than Reddit, we were here nefore they even got here. Ignore the date it says we made the sub, that's just some silly number. Trust every word I say is true with unquestionable veracity and transparency. Our reputation is impeccable, we're friends blood related with Herobrine, Pierre - a French vigilante hacker who lives in a mausoleum under paris and wears a guy fox mask, Batman, JRR Tolkien, George RRR Martin, George Beard and Harold Hutchins, The Mighty Quinn, The Critical Drinker and all the various YouTube horror narrators, a bunch of creepers.
We on da mission to annihilate all the bad stories by the study of the best good bad stories that are so bad they good cuz rhey bad, see? So here's how it works*:
Also we have our contests, where we give away millions of dollars in cash, drugs and toys. It's insane what we get away with here. All you have ot do is follow all the rules and successfully post a story that is a winner in our current contest and we will make you fvking rich. You'll just go to your bak account and bam! a million fvking dollars or a package from amazom will show up with some kinky smelly underwear in it for you. You'll like it, trust us, we made sure we got it right. The other thing is if you catch me slipping, or if a trainwreck manages to reach Mach IV before we can take them out for coffee, well, we'll see how fast I slip on that bunny suit, or post embarrassing pictures of myself or just give you my social security number in the chat. It's only fair.
Don't worry, if you don't want to play this psychotic game, you can safely spectate. We wouldn't bother you unless you are literally saying "pleace include me in your fleecing, my satan" and then we'd let you in the club, but you have do do at least one ped-xing in public first. That's how we blood new members.
\Scone Recipe courtesy of Mary's Berrys*


Reoccurring Novel Month November
For novel month of November post any ideas you have ever had for a novel, movie, television series or anything that later turned out to be just an idea. These posts avoid the S'not and S'more rule during November.
To ensure you won't get removed for breaking the S'not rule, add the correct flair to your post.
Reoccurring Mayhem Month of May
Mayday, Mayday! for the rest of May, anything goes. Post a shakespearean masterpiece for all we care! Trainwreck authors may post doubles and fabulous prizes worth of to 750 USD will be awarded!
Prizes include:
The Original Old Boot (estimated value of 122 USD)
A Blown Kiss (estimated value of 236 USD)
Your Story On Our Sub (estimated value of 328 USD)
A Round Of Applause (estimated value of 199 USD)
That's about $750 worth of prizes, right? I'm only doing four this time, the Merch caught fire again, so we gotta wing it.
Mabus sent you, didn't he?
If you're lying, I get doxed all the time. Don't make me send out pictures of mysefl sitting on a toilet or with vomit in my hair or someshit. it's embarassing.
Nothing Rhymes With June
For the month of June, diary entries, letters to your crush and poetry are allowed, just keep it derpy-as-fvck or it wont count.
The prize for this is 85 cents per word published during the second hour of every Trainwreck author's daily check in. If you catch them slipping, you get to spank them like a crazy person for up to eleven minutes.
Tea time is at six, don't forget, we move it ahead one hour in the summer snow.
Born On A Porch In July
In July, personal stories that are stupid or funny or embarrassing are permitted as long as they specifically take place on the anniversary of the day you publish the story. There are no quality removals for these kinds of stories.
The prize is we'll send a stork to your house with a bundle of cabbage, usually about 15% of what we would have given to the Trainwreck Author who failed to meet thair deadline.
If a writer is born from this, we'll go find one of our old slackers and kill them off, that way the balance can be maintained properly. Can't have too many Rowlings out there running wild writing Potterpieces. That would fvck the fictions.
Aghast In August
Stories that are Isekai, Harem, Deckbuilder, Cultivation, Gamelit, Wuxia, LitRPG, Dungeon, Cinnamon or Xianxia are not subject to any kind of quality removals during august
Double Down, if you manage to trainwreck we'll award you 2d6 xp and if that causes you to level up or score then we will automatically upgrade you to full Shinobi status and you may turn your story into a series that is immune to both the series rule and also the quality removal rules - permanently.
Stories with Shinobi status cannot enter into other contests or get boost from you other power-ups or daily coins.
Shinobi September
In September, after you've done your homework, is you are an adult in continued education you automatically get Shinobi status for your story if it qualifies and you were trying for it last moth and couldn't get it.
Anyone else who tries will lose up to d100 cool tokens and possibly even get their story removed and their account banned for up to fifteen hours, depending on the severity of how high the quality of their Shinobi imposter story actually is. Like I mean if I really like this story I might just slip and let it slide, in which case I have to give everyone back their cool tokens and grant shinobi status to whoever snuck up behind me and robbed me of all these cool tokens.
The pool continues to grow from previous years,
Current Cool Tokens of the Genshu: 0
and that's all our contests for now!
submitted by dlschindler to wastebasket [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:57 OriginalSprinkles718 [PS5/PS4] List of 100+ mods with correct LOAD ORDER - Difficult and satisfying survival challenge.


This took weeks of picking and testing mods
Played on PS5, should work on PS4
Order is stable, no crashes
New game on survival difficulty required
All 6 DLCs needed
No unbalanced cheat mods added
Very difficult but satisfying and immersive
Adding other mods will break stuff, ask in comments
Not tested on PS4 or PS4 Pro performance-wise


This modlist is for people enjoying difficult challenge, exploration, combat, managing settlements and a bit of building. No more bullet sponges, loot/enemy respawns and rambo playstyle!
In the beginning you are no one. You leave the vault weak, tired, with barely any gear. Avoid most encounters and quests at the start. Try to survive, build a safe spot and carefully explore. Be aware of your surroundings, use what you find.
Saving often in beds and making 'autosave drug' at the earliest possibility is a good idea (nearest chemistry workbench is at Abernathy Farm). Save menu is always on top of MISC category in Pip-Boy.
Discovering new places gives plenty of exp in the beginning, but quests are your main exp income.
Exploring safer areas like Sanctuary, Concord and smaller settlements first (avoiding powerful enemies) recommended. There might be a lot of combat in the background. Don't engage much, especially avoid supermutants, robots, turrets, bears - they are deadly even for high level, well developed characters. Raiders also hit hard, depending on their weapon and rank.
Weapon caliber makes huge damage difference. 10mm is pretty weak, but if you find rare .50cal rounds or some good explosives, you should eliminate tougher targets much more easily.
Investing in stats right after level 15 is a good idea. STR for carry weight, PER for accuracy, END for health, CHA for better prices, INT for more exp, AGI for sneak and speed, LCK for dmg and loot. Be sure of your choices. Watch out for 'revealing all map markers' and 'slow time when aiming' perks. Be sure you want and like them, there is no going back.
Deathclaw in the early minuteman quest is tough - try to use explosives to break his legs and some high caliber weapons to finish him off by shooting his face. Or maybe you'll get lucky and raiders will kill him. Or just simply avoid him until you get proper gear.
Don't waste ammo on zombies, use melee. Bullets are valuable. However zombies can grab and instantly kill you if your HP is very low, so watch out on low, early levels!
Aim for the head for much higher damage. Concentrating damage on arms or legs to rip them off is a good strategy too. Raider without arms wont do much to you except running around and alerting nearby enemies, that is.
Damage types are important. Ballistic damage is not efficient against turrets, melee against radroaches and so on. You need to figure out yourself whats best strategy.
Develop and protect your settlements, put walls to protect generators and other important structures. Repairing is costly. Gear up settlers. Scraping and cleaning settlements is a good early source of components.
Try to fully explore the map, kill enemies and do all quests. Most loot and enemies wont ever respawn so this is your chance to find new secrets in Commonwealth and clear the place.

========== CHANGES ==========

Combat, Enemies

  • Enemies will flank, charge, take cover, run in fear, use and pick up ammo & weapons, swap to backup gun and so on.
  • Headshots or weakspot hits do much higher damage than torso shots.
  • Gun caliber greatly affects damage, explosives are powerful and damage type matters.
  • Foes have special moves like biting and holding leg, wrestling moves, kicks. Dependent on enemy type and briefly stuns you.

Sound, Graphic

  • Sounds are less flat because of added reverb and other tweaks.
  • Very dark nights with wide, helpful flashlight.
  • Atmospheric lightning: beautiful light from lantern and fire sources, dusk, dawn, moon, plus bullets illuminate environment when flying around.
  • No dreadful, annoying, unimmersive: combat music, hearthbeat, sounds of generators, turrets, exp gain sound, most perk triggers and perk chart.

Crafting, Modifying

  • Making/disasembling ammo and also creating various shipments. Upgrading clothes, rings, glasses in different ways.
  • Legendary swapping, crafting legendary effects using technical documents. Some effects have been adjusted.
  • Added crafting of new, lower damage explosives, but they have unique effects for ease of use.


  • STR affects carry weight, PER accuracy, END is health, max AP, CHA for better prices, INT for more exp, AGI for sneak, walk and reload speed, LCK for small dmg boost, loot, critical hits outside VATS and while using it.
  • Leveling up does not give you health. You rely on stats, bonuses, gear.
  • Perks tree mostly changed, level 15 needed to start increasing Special base stats, level of around 100 to increase stat to 10. To get all perks you would need 300 levels, so new modified 'idiot savant' will help a lot.
  • Collecting magazines, bobbleheads, companion perks is now more helpful and recommended.
  • Some skills are changed, reordered, much more interesting and useful.
  • More perks are needed for crafting, especially science perk is required for most technology related stuff.
  • Lockpicking everything is available instantly from level one, but perks and AGI make it reasonably easier. Bobby pins are more rare.
  • Hacking is simplified to not do the repeating minigame. Now holotapes to reprogram and override terminals might be of use.

Settlements, Building

  • Expensive build costs of robot workbenches, turrets, big generators, so buying component shipments is justified.
  • You can hire guards for caps or risk settlers lives on the usual guard posts.
  • Can't harvest planted fruit and veg, you get your fair share in workbench instead.
  • Collecting resources by settlers changed. Bigger variety of settlers and they are now mortal.
  • More objects to build and decorate your bases.

Locations, Loot

  • Items like meds and ammo are harder to find and exist in appropriate containers.
  • New map markers and few minuteman towers as a small addition to explore.
  • Quick travel available, but only to settlements.
  • Only rare enemies like bosses drop legendaries. And many more...

Before you download:

  • Safe to remove/swap mods are listed below the modlist, just in case you don't like or want some of them. Rest needs to be kept for balance or glitch removal, but only in the CORRECT ORDER!
  • Remove all mods you currently have before downloading this mod list.
  • Read what to do after downloading mods.


  1. Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch [UFO4P] [PS4] - Thousands of small bug fixes for FO4.
  2. Radium Rifle Suppressed Sound Fix - As the mod name suggests. Must be on top of mod list, its a master file.
  3. [PS4] Pip-Boy Paint Jobs - Colors Of The Wasteland Pack (Club Freedom) - Adds simple Pip-Boy skins. Remember you can click touchpad while using pip-boy to zoom. Again a master file.
  4. Kane's Items Sorting (PS4) - Junk is sorted and some other things too.
  5. [PS] Useful Technical Documents - Legendaries - You can swap legendaries for free, create new ones using technical documents.
  6. Named NPC Protection [PS4] - Protects named quest npc's, merchants, important characters from random encounters with enemies.
  7. Tribals of Commonwealth - Adds tribal groups, often found in wilderness.
  8. Ghouls Of Commonwealth - Adds over 1100 feral ghouls for zombie apocalypse and chaos.
  9. DLC Creatures In The Commonwealth [PS4] - Adds 200 creature spawns to the commonwealth for constant war, danger and chaos.
  10. Longhorns Of The Commonwealth - Adds longhorns to more empty areas on the map.
  11. Gulpers Of The Commonwealth - Adds gulpers to more empty areas on the map.
  12. Wolves Of The Commonwealth - Adds wolf spawn points to the map.
  13. More Behemoths In Commonwealth - Adds 5 more behemots to the Commonwealth.
  14. Behind Enemy Lines - Adds plenty of enemies to the glowing sea region.
  15. Roving War Parties, Raiding Packs And Hordes Of MY - Adds wandering groups that attack some key locations.
  16. More Radstags - Adds plenty of radstags, especially north and into forests.
  17. Better Radstags - More agressive radstags.
  18. Not a Princess - Humans can grab you/others and slam on the ground, make karate moves, dogs can hold your legs/arms, bloodbugs suck your blood.
  19. Disable Minutemen's Annoying Quests [PS4] - Disables 7 types of repetitive and not important radiant quests.
  20. [PS4] Grounded Updated By Sarinia - Adds tons of ground foundations, floors, walls, mounds of dirt to Structures-Concrete menu.
  21. Miscellaneous Settlement Items Unlocked [PS4] By Callias - Adds 49 objects for building in settlements.
  22. Cinder Block Walls And Sandbags Unlocked [PS4] By Callias - Adds 16 objects like cinder blocks and sandbags.
  23. Constructible Faction Guards - Adds ability to hire guards for caps in build menu, but only after allying with a faction.
  24. [PS4] OCDecorator - Adds inventory items as a decorational building objects.
  25. [PS4] OCDecorator DLC - Support for addons for the above mod.
  26. Tweaks - Survival Fast Travel Settlements All DLC - You can fast travel to settlements on survival difficulty.
  27. 1st Person Animation Tweaks [PS4] - In first person mode you lower your gun automatically.
  28. [PS4] Swinging Animated Meat Bags - Adds animations to supermutant meat bags.
  29. Power Line Physics [PS4] - Swinging power lines in settlements.
  30. No Sneak Indicators - Completely removes all sneak indicators.
  31. [PS4] Dogs Not Brahmin - Provisioners and traders use dogs instead of brahmin.
  32. Vertibirds Unghosted - Tweaks invincible vertibirds for danger and realism.
  33. [PS4] Simple Settlers (Mortal Edition) - Provides bigger settlers pool (five times more) and names them.
  34. Quieter Settlements PS4 - Vanilla - Generators, turrets and hammering are much quieter.
  35. Fallout 76-Style Region Music - Changes music in regions for less boring/repetitive background tracks.
  36. Reverb And Ambiance Overhaul - ALL DLC [PS4] - Tweaks sounds for better ambient and reverb and adds sliders to options.
  37. Better Dialogue - Camera focuses on NPC, changes made to some irritating generic dialogues and tweaked dialogue interuption.
  38. Esk QuietPerks [PS4] - Muted five annoying perks like idiot savant.
  39. No Experience SFX - Silences sounds when gaining experience from various sources.
  40. [PS4] Dead Beat - Removes heart beat sound at low HP.
  41. Combat Music Remover - Mutes combat music, so there is silence and suspension when enemy detects you.
  42. Commonwealth Visual Overhaul & DLC [PS4] - Changes colours, atmosphere and makes nights darker.
  43. UCW - Unified Commonwealth Weather - Adjusted weather for regions and integrated DLC weather for Commonwealth.
  44. [PS4] No More Fake Puddles - Removes ugly puddles that stay 24/7.
  45. No More Twigs - Removes stupid twigs sticking out of the ground.
  46. [PS4] Enhanced Flickering Firelight - Better light effects for fire sources including oil lamps.
  47. [PS4] Dark Mode - Abandoned Settlements - Empty settlements don't have light sources.
  48. Vanilla Moon (4x) - Much bigger moon. Anything bigger looks low quality.
  49. Sunlight Alignment Tweak - Better Dawn And Dusk [PS4] - Changes sun and moon movement for better lighting and atmosphere during dusk, dawn and night.
  50. Crafting Blur Removal (PS4) - Removes blur while looting containers, from crafting screen, power armor.
  51. Ironsight Blur Removal (PS4) - Removes blur while aiming.
  52. More Map Markers (PS4) - Adds some new markers on map.
  53. CleanVATS - Green Tint Remover PS4 - Removes fullscreen green tint effect while aiming in VATS mode.
  54. VATS Third Person Only - As the name says, just changes in cameras used in VATS.
  55. [PS4] Payneful VATS - Better VATS cinematics, shows important hits and finishers a bit slower.
  56. Component Tagging Helper - Allows to easily tag basic components on cooking bench and you can quickly view how many you have in total.
  57. Grenade and Mine Pack - Adds some new weaker, but modified explosives.
  58. Saving Survival Mode - Allows crafting misc items on chemistry workbench for anytime saving (3 standard autosave slots and 1 save shared/overwritten on all survival characters).
  59. Animations Be Gone - Removes plenty annoying hammering spots in sanctuary.
  60. Minuteman Watchtowers - Adds 8 minuteman watchtowers containing loot and/or guards.
  61. Power Goggles (All DLC) - Power Armor Mods For Goggles, Visors, And Glasses - As the name says. Two mods for glasses for high level characters.
  62. Clothes For Every Stats Wz - Most clothes can be worn under armor and you can upgrade them after unlocking ballistic weave.
  63. Bear Trap and Caltrops Fix [PS4] - Small changes in how traps work and balance them.
  64. See-Through-Scopes [PS4] - Adds new combat scopes in place of 2.5x and 4x magnification.
  65. See-Through-Scopes - Nuka World [PS4] - As above but for 2 Nuka World guns.
  66. See-Through-Scopes - Far Harbor [PS4] - As above but for 2 Far Harbor weapons.
  67. Targeting Sensors On Recon Scopes(Colour Coded NPCs Version)[PS4] - Modified recon scopes that highlight enemies, friends and dead bodies in specific colours.
  68. Immersive Gameplay Combat Mostly PS4 - Core of this modlist. Hundreds of changes.
  69. Immersive-Gameplay. Low Tech, No Powerarmor Justification Patch. (PS4) - Makes fusion cores worn. Balances the game around power armor.
  70. Immersive Gameplay Seasonpass Patch (Playstation) - DLC compatibility for IG.
  71. Immersive Gameplay Rough Start (PS4) - Overwrites starting level to 1.
  72. Medium Settlement Raids PS4 - Makes enemy raids less ridicolous and balanced.
  73. Zombie Walkers (PS4) - Most feral ghouls act like slow rotten zombies.
  74. Curse Of Darkness - Normal Edition - - Zombies are faster and more dangerous after midnight.
  75. Esk No More Teleporting Creatures [PS4] - Molerats and radscorpions don't teleport.
  76. Realistic Insects Health [PS4] - Makes insects easier to kill and balanced.
  77. Full Load - Loot Logic And Reduction Complete - Restricted harvest, lower and/or different production output for settlements, empty bottles renamed, Scrounger perk less ammo, less meat, less loot.
  78. Full Load - Rough Start Less Handouts - Removed some workbenches in starting locations. Different loot in Vault111.
  79. Immersive Gameplay Dismemberment - A Patch Or Standalone Feature. - Higher damage to headshots, easier to dismember limbs.
  80. Tackle! Immersive Gameplay Knockdown Version - Lets you stagger enemies by sprinting into them after aquiring a perk.
  81. Wasteland Baubles Ring Overhaul! PS4 - You can find unique rings at traders, in suitcases, cabinets. Allows scraping and modifying rings for special legendary effects.
  82. [PS4] STS - All-In-One - Allows scraping almost all settlement objects.
  83. (PS4) Improved Lighting Ballistics - Improves lighting for projectiles such as bullets, lasers, gauss, plasma, missiles, flares and explosions.
  84. Explorer Restored - Cut Perk Mod PS4 - Adds rank two of VANS perk - explorer. Uncovers map.
  85. Idiot Savant & Better Criticals Redone (PS4) - Idiot savant is better the more INT you have, muted perk chart, better criticals perk for crits outside VATS.
  86. Realistic Death Physics - No Animation - ALL DLC [PS4] - Decreases the amount of force of both melee and ranged attacks, so bodies wont fly away.
  87. Increased Settler Limit - Awareness - Wire Length - Corpse Collisions [PS4] - More aware settlers with limit of 50 per settlement and longer wires. Mind the limit.
  88. Settlement Attack Spawns Outside The Settlement PS4 - Moves attack spawns outside the settlements.
  89. Power Conduits Radius Increase And No Build Limit - All DLC [PS4] - Infinite build limit and two times longer range electricity conduits.
  90. [PS4] Creation Club Skins (Weapon & PipBoy) Generic Compatibility Patch - Makes weapon paints from Creation Club show up in crafting menu if you have any.
  91. No Affinity Cooldown - Removes cooldown between companions liking/hating your actions.
  92. [PS4]More XP Per Level (Base:600, Bump 120) - Increased experience required to level up.
  93. Increased EXP - Increases the amount of EXP gained to make Immersive Gameplay and mod list balanced.
  94. No Building Houses XP Gains PS4 - Building settlements don't provide experience.
  95. Pip-Boy Flashlight - Pipboy light is now a flashlight.
  96. PS4 - Longer Headlamp Light - Makes flashlight much bigger and changes headlamp and power armor light.
  97. [PS4] Starting SPECIAL = 7 - Changes starting SPECIAL stats to 1 in each category so you start weak.
  98. No Enemy Respawns - Game areas don't respawn loot and enemies, after time have passed.
  99. Accelerated Fast Travel - Fast travel takes less in-game time, should be also relevant to survival needs.
  100. Time Scale Changed From 20 To 10 [PS4] - Day and night lasts twice as long.

Additionally after downloading:

  • After installing the mod list, restart your PS4/PS5.
  • Dont add or remove mods mid playthrough.
  • Change game difficulty to survival in options.
  • Play on performance 60fps. Newly added mode visual 60fps is more laggy and has awfull VATS framerate.
  • If you want even more immersive settings, go to Settings, Gameplay and turn off quest markers or crosshair.
  • Go to Options, Sound and reduce ambience level by 5-8 clicks and reverb by 2-3.
  • Dont forget to change camera sensitivity (I play on max), next go to Options, Display and change hud color to blue or any other that makes sense (not red), lower transparency by 30% or more, set pip-boy colour to your preference (I use red pip-boy and minty hud to have the best compatibility with highlighting perks and scopes).

You can add/swap some mods if you want:

101... Immortal Cats - PS4 - Invincible cats, so you don't lose happiness increase when they die. Add after mod #83 \ 102... [PS4] STS - Extras - Living & Dead - Season Pass Version - You can get extra resources from scraping dead bodies in settlements. Watch out not to scrap someone alive. Place after mod #82. \ 103... Josephine Preset - Nice looking preset number 13 for female character creation. Change hair and other details if you want. Delete after leaving vault111 and saving (if you need mod list space that is). Add after mod #55. \ 104... Faster Positive Affinity For Companions - Removes cooldown between companions liking/hating your actions and gain five times more positive affinity. Swap with mod #91 if you want more cheaty version. \ 105... Silent Main Menu - To mute main menu sound, find duplicate sound slider named 'Master sound' and move it all the way to the left. Add after mod #41. \ 106... Quieter Settlements PS4 - Contraptions DLC - Quieter production lines. I ran out of space on mod list so this and next one are optional. Add after mod #34. \ 107... Quieter Settlements PS4 - Wasteland Workshop - Quieter fusion generators. Add after mod #34. \ 108... [PS4] Simple Settlers (Immortal Edition) - Instead of #33, so generic settlers don't die during settlement attacks. \ 109... Reduced Rubble Etc. - Safely reduces density of unimportant objects by 50-75%. Add after #44 or swap with #45. \ 110... Vrexia's Magical Rings - Add after #57 only if you get poison/perception bug where your PER is shown as (-1). You can offset it by equiping multiple rings from this mod (created at chem bench). Didnt found a better way yet. \ 111... Pip-Boy Flashlight (Brighter) - For a smaller, brighter flashlight swap #96 with #95 and replace #95 with this.

Remove, if you want:

Stock, ugly Pip-Boy color - #3 \ No tinkering with legendary effects - #5 \ No powerful groups wandering and attacking places - #15 \ Radstags to be less agressive - #17 \ Dont care about building - #20 #21 #22 \ Dont care about decorating settlements - #24 #25 \ Annoying wandering brahmins instead of dogs - #31 \ Cash register sounds when gaining exp - #39 \ Old vanilla dusk and dawn lighting - #49 \ Don't use VATS much - #53 #54 #55 \ Prefer old combat scopes - #64 #65 #66 \ Don't want uncover map perk and will never unlock it - #84 \ Don't have any weapon skins from Creation Club - #90 \ Faster leveling - #92 \ To gain building EXP - #94 \ Start with 7 extra SPECIAL points to distribute - #97 \ Loot and enemies respawn after time - #98 \ Fast travel to take time - #99 \ Days be vanilla length - #100

Known issues, bugs, glitches, exploits:

Some of those are present in vanilla game. I just mention every problem encountered during testing and not fully fixed. - Ground textures in and around sanctuary flicker black. FIX: Fixes itself. Possibly after short time or reload. - Creature cages cost too much in building menu. NO FIX: Did not found a safe and balanced fix yet, so cages are most likely out of reach, because cost is absurd. - Green chest containing flare gun and 10k flares after exiting vault 111. FIX: Mod dev forgot to delete it. Ignore it or if it bothers you much, remove mod #83, which I don't recommend doing. - Hubby secret basement in Sanctuary. NO FIX: Its up to you if you want to use its content. Just easier difficulty option, but not game breaking. - Hacking rank 4 seems useless or has wrong description. NO FIX: Needs proper check. - Wall turrets sometimes glitches and play sound on repeat. FIX: Re-enter the area or reload save. - Contact frag mines seems to have too low damage. FIX: Just dont craft them. Rest of new explosives should work fine even that it shows low damage values in description. - Perception low, constant (-1) PER in stats because of poison damage/resistance bug. FIX: Add mod #110 and equip perception rings. Dont delete the mod. Cant find safer solution for now. Rings dont take equipment slots. - Action girl perk have only one rank on female character and two on male. NO FIX: Just 25% AP regen loss at high level. Not a big deal. - Bubblegum seems to unintentionally quench thirst a bit and kind vendors give it for free. NO FIX: Free candies. Its better to use them to slow down time. - Incorrect cost to build concrete foundations. FIX: Use mod #20 to add tons of foundations in newly added category Structures-Concrete. - OCDecorator replaces creation club menu. FIX: Items from CC are still available in other building categories. Ignore or delete mod #24 + #25 if you dont care about its function. - Few perk descriptions might be slightly incorrect or missing. NO FIX: Nothing important to worry about. - Three street lights, powered water pump, industrial purifier and subway light have incorrect build costs. NO FIX: These have wrong values, but items like clean sofa or tv are more expensive to build on purpose though. - Pip-boy light wont transfer from first to third person camera view. FIX: Turn flashlight off and on. - Water surface sometimes flash black when moving underwater. NO FIX: Its not very noticable and you don't dive much in FO4 anyway. - Can't use Wattz Consumer Electronics terminal, animation stops. FIX: There is a radroach behind the wall. Kill it by swinging melee, explosives or reenter area. - Flashlight in Vault111 has incorrect beam look/color. FIX: It will fix itself after mods load right after you leave Vault111, dont worry.
v1.00 - Initial version.

Have fun!

submitted by OriginalSprinkles718 to FO4mods [link] [comments]
