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Key Event Dates for Q2 (2024) are now up!

2024.04.28 13:31 WapaneseWeeaboo Key Event Dates for Q2 (2024) are now up!

Key Event Dates for Q2 (2024) are now up!
It's that time again! Key event dates have been updated. You can find them here: (this page is also linked on the GTA homepage)
As always, it's recommended to take a screenshot of the dates listed, don't forget to search your store number to see your store specific ones too as this list will update again shortly before the new quarter begins. That, and it's always good to have the list handy/saved in the event you can't access the site for whatever reason.
For Q2 this year, 5/11, 5/24, 5/25, 5/26, 5/27, 6/15, 7/3, and 7/4 are the company wide key event dates. Before the quarter starts, store managers are able to submit up to three dates during the quarter to have as key event dates for their specific store. Keep this in mind when people ask "Is X date a key event date?" and that the only way they'll know for sure is to check themselves if the date asked about isn't one of the company wide key event dates.
Associates should not rely on the word of other associates, even management. They also shouldn't rely on any official looking lists and/or calendars that have been printed as these can easily be edited to not have correct information.
As always, there's going to be countless questions about key event dates and how they work. It's honestly very simple: Miss the entire shift of a key event date and don't cover at least half the shift with PPTO, then you'll receive one additional point for missing the shift. That's it. A lot of people call them "double point days," mainly because it's catchy and gives a very general idea of what happens but it isn't entirely accurate as half points aren't doubled, and no call no show points aren't doubled. Again, the only thing that a key event date does is give one additional point (on top of the usual one point) for missing the entire shift and not using enough PPTO to cover at least half the shift.
PPTO works the same way on key event dates that it does for any other day of the year: Cover the entire missed time with PPTO, and you won't be pointed, even on key event dates. Just don't forget to report the absence to avoid two points for a no call no show that even PPTO can't remove.
Unfortunately, there are associates and managers out there that either don't know how key event dates work or they do, but they lie anyway in hopes to keep an associate from missing work. Keep this in mind when anyone tells you anything that doesn't sound right and goes against what's been mentioned here already.
Management cannot just make key event dates on the fly.
Whatever is on the list shown above (and store specific ones when a store number is searched) are the only dates that will be key event dates for that quarter. Period.
Management also can't just pull points out of thin air to give to associates. So any threats of management saying they'll just point you anyway will be an empty threat as they don't have the ability to do so.
submitted by WapaneseWeeaboo to walmart [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 17:10 RemodelingSeo Walmart April 18-24/24

Walmart April 18-24/24 submitted by RemodelingSeo to edmontondeals [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 19:19 fms_usa Cannot update items

Hi /walmartsellers,
Anyone else having a problem where the "Update Items" page is just redirecting you to the Walmart seller homepage? Frustrating...I can't even update my items. Any workarounds?
submitted by fms_usa to WalmartSellers [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 03:24 Jun_doge Anyone using walmart seller now?

I was using Walmart seller homepage, and suddenly I got log out. When I tried to log in again, it said "An unexpected error has occurred. Please try again later"
Is it my only problem or the server is jammed?
I got something to do right now and it is painful.
submitted by Jun_doge to WalmartSellers [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 06:13 Charmgo520 2024 Women Trendy Spring Top 2024 ON SALE(40%OFF) Streetwear! Ootd !

2024 Women Trendy Spring Top 2024 ON SALE(40%OFF) Streetwear! Ootd ! submitted by Charmgo520 to u/Charmgo520 [link] [comments]

2024.03.31 11:12 AhbarjietMalta M

proprjetà f'LS. taqta
eluf ta’ ħwienet lokali bla negozju. Barra minn hekk, il-marki tal-manifatturi tipikament jistabbilixxu l-prezzijiet li l-bejjiegħa bl-imnut tħallew jitolbu għall-prodotti tagħhom. Bħala riżultat, l-iskont kien arma limitata u bit-truf matt.
fil biss
Għal diversi raġunijiet, inkluż tnaqqis fil-marġni u kompetizzjoni dejjem tikber, dawk l-ingwanti ħarġu fis-sittinijiet, u bdiet il-kbira "Race to Zero". Illum, fuq il-homepage ta' wieħed jista' jsib libsa ta' għonq tal-fekruna finta bil-kmiem twal għal $9.99 biss. Għall-istess pricer tista 'wkoll taqbad sweater fin-nisġa minsuġa ta' l-irġiel. Dak huwa irħis, mhux biss fid-dollari tal-lum, iżda f'dollari tal-1962 - kisba xokkanti u xhieda ta 'tellieqa maqtugħa sal-qiegħ.
Hekk kif il-qajd inqalgħu, il-mostri tal-kaxxi kbar aktar għall-inqas ħolqu mijiet ta’ biljuni ta’ ġid. It-tletin sena ta’ wara raw dik li dak iż-żmien kienet l-aktar kumpanija siewja u l-aktar bniedem sinjur fid-dinja, Sam Walton, joħorġu minn dan il-format, biex ma nsemmux il-fehma kollettiva tagħna li l-konsumatur issa kien isaltan suprem. In-nies jilmentaw il-magna li teqred ix-xogħol li hija Amazon. Iżda Walmart kien il-gangster oriġinali. Il-proposta tal-valur kienet ċara u konvinċenti: meta tixtri f'Walmart, hija simili għal promozzjoni - ikollok ħajja aħjar, ikkaratterizzata minn Heineken minflok birra Budweiser, u Tide minflok deterġent Sun.
Specialty Bejgħ bl-Imnut
Walmart kien il-leveler kbir. Iżda l-biċċa l-kbira tal-konsumaturi ma jridux ikunu ugwali; iridu jkunu speċjali. U frazzjoni mdaqqsa tal-popolazzjoni li tikkonsma se tħallas premium għal dik l-attenzjoni. Dik il-frazzjoni għandha t-tendenza wkoll li tkun il-konsumaturi bl-aktar dħul disponibbli.
Il-mixja lejn "aktar għal inqas" ħoloq vakwu għall-konsumaturi li qed ifittxu għarfien espert u sinjal soċjali ta 'xi ħaġa aspirazzjonali dwar ħajjithom. Għalhekk iż-żieda fil-bejgħ bl-imnut ta 'speċjalità, li ppermettiet lill-konsumaturi l-aktar sinjuri biex jiffokaw fuq marka esklussiva jew prodott irrispettivament mill-prezz. Għalhekk Pottery Barn, Whole Foods, u Restoration Hardware.
submitted by AhbarjietMalta to ahbarjietmaltanews [link] [comments]

2024.03.31 05:36 Odd-Key-4602 Bluetooth speaker

We are a large manufacturer of bluetooth speaker.
We have our own brand RSSIDOL, and we have very good quality and low price, We hope to help you achieve higher sales in the first half of this year, are you interested in knowing our products and quality? We have helped many European companies, from a small shop to a large local or even European wholesaler, Honeywell and Walmart is our distributor. The following is our online store: If you have any interesting just contact me for more details, I will send you our catalog with price for reference. BTW, if want to look for other products with low prices you can also contact me I would like to help you. Also If you want to travel to China I’d like to give you some ideas 😂🤣 Have a nice day!
submitted by Odd-Key-4602 to wholesaleproducts [link] [comments]

2024.03.27 00:03 robertomaxer Testosil: Does It Really Work? An Honest Review

Testosil has emerged as a revolutionary supplement in the USA, targeting men who aim to elevate their testosterone levels. Manufactured by Leading Edge Health Inc, this dietary supplement is crafted with a blend of natural ingredients, each backed by both traditional use and modern scientific research. Its formulation is designed to bolster male virility, addressing the common quest for enhanced testosterone levels.
As this Testosil review unfolds, a comprehensive exploration awaits on how Testosil functions, the core ingredients that form its foundation, and the clinical evidence supporting its efficacy. For those investigating the legitimacy of Testosil and seeking authentic Testosil reviews, including insights from platforms like Testosil reviews Reddit, this analysis aims to deliver an unbiased and informed perspective.

What is Testosil?

Testosil, known in some circles as Testoil, marks a significant advancement in dietary supplements aimed at enhancing male virility. This innovative product is designed with the goal of boosting testosterone levels in men, a key factor in maintaining and improving various aspects of male health and vitality. Manufactured by Leading Edge Health Inc., a name synonymous with quality and reliability in the health supplement industry, Testosil stands out for its commitment to natural, effective solutions for men's health.
Key Features of Testosil:
The supplement is tailored for men across all age groups above 18, recognizing that the need for testosterone support often increases with age. By claiming to boost testosterone levels by more than 400%, Testosil addresses common male health concerns such as low sex drive and challenges in building muscle mass. Its comprehensive formula not only aims at elevating testosterone but also at helping men regain a sense of youthful vitality.
For optimal results, the recommended dosage is four capsules each morning before breakfast. This regimen, combined with Testosil's all-natural composition, positions it as a formidable player in the realm of natural testosterone support supplements. Through rigorous third-party assessment, Testosil has proven its effectiveness and reliability, offering men a safer, natural alternative to achieve improved virility and health.

How Does Testosil Work?

Testosil operates on a multifaceted approach to naturally boost testosterone levels and enhance overall male health. Here’s how it achieves its remarkable effects:
Testosil’s strategic combination of natural ingredients not only targets the enhancement of testosterone levels but also supports overall health by improving sleep quality, combating oxidative stress, enhancing nutrient absorption, and boosting energy levels. This comprehensive approach ensures that users can experience significant improvements in testosterone levels, weight management, sexual health, and mental well-being, making Testosil a standout supplement in the realm of natural testosterone support.

Testosil Ingredients

Testosil stands out in the competitive landscape of testosterone boosters with its meticulously selected blend of natural ingredients, each backed by scientific research for its efficacy in enhancing male vitality and health. The core composition of Testosil includes:
In addition to these primary components, Testosil's formula is enriched with:
This comprehensive blend of 12 core ingredients not only underscores Testosil's commitment to natural, side-effect-free testosterone enhancement but also positions it as a leader among its peers with its inclusion of 11 powerhouse elements, surpassing many competitors. The strategic incorporation of these ingredients ensures a multifaceted approach to testosterone boosting, encompassing everything from hormonal balance and nutrient absorption to immune support and stress reduction.

Clinical Studies and Results

Exploring the realm of testosterone treatment and its effects, several clinical studies and trials have been instrumental in understanding its efficacy and safety. Here's a breakdown of key findings from notable research:
These findings collectively underscore the nuanced effects of testosterone treatment on various aspects of health and vitality. While demonstrating significant benefits in areas like sexual function and bone health, they also highlight the importance of considering potential cardiovascular impacts and the limitations in cognitive improvement. Testosil, with its specific formulation and positive user feedback, presents itself as a promising option within the testosterone supplement landscape, backed by clinical evidence of its key ingredients' effectiveness.

Testosil Benefits

Testosil stands as a beacon for men seeking a natural boost in their testosterone levels, offering a plethora of benefits that extend well beyond the realm of muscle growth. Its unique formulation caters to men of all ages, particularly addressing the natural decline in testosterone as they age. Here's a closer look at the multifaceted advantages of integrating Testosil into one's daily regimen:
In terms of accessibility and assurance, Testosil is priced at $59.99 for a single pack, with discounts available for bulk purchases. This investment is safeguarded by a lifetime money-back guarantee, underscoring the confidence in Testosil's efficacy and the commitment to customer satisfaction. Through its comprehensive approach to enhancing male vitality, Testosil not only promises but delivers on its claims of improved physical, mental, and sexual health, making it an invaluable addition to the health regimen of men seeking to reclaim their youthful vigor and vitality.

Is Taking Testosil Safe?

Taking Testosil has been reported to be exceptionally safe, with most individuals experiencing no side effects. This is largely attributed to its formulation with 100% organic ingredients, underscoring its commitment to natural, side-effect-free supplementation. Nevertheless, it's important to approach any supplement with awareness of how your body might react. Here are some key points regarding the safety of taking Testosil:
Understanding these aspects can help potential users make informed decisions about incorporating Testosil into their health regimen. While the supplement is deemed safe for most, listening to your body and consulting with a healthcare professional if you have specific health concerns is always a prudent approach.

Where to Buy Testosil?

When considering purchasing Testosil, it's paramount to prioritize authenticity and safety. The market is flooded with counterfeit products, and ensuring you receive a genuine supplement directly impacts its effectiveness and your health. Here's a breakdown of the most reliable purchasing options:
  1. Visit the Amazon US homepage.
  2. Enter location to ensure accurate delivery.
  3. Search for "Testosil" and browse results.
  4. Add desired product to cart and proceed to checkout.
In conclusion, purchasing Testosil directly from the official website or through verified authorized sites is the safest and most reliable method to ensure the authenticity of the product. This approach not only secures a genuine supplement but also provides the best value through direct discounts and a comprehensive money-back guarantee.


Through an extensive analysis, we have unraveled the multifaceted dimensions of Testosil, affirming its position as a leading supplement in the testosterone booster category. Its meticulously curated blend of natural ingredients, combined with a sterling track record of safety and effectiveness, underscores Testosil's commitment to fostering improved health and vitality among men. By addressing key concerns related to male virility, muscle growth, and overall wellbeing, Testosil stands out as a scientifically backed solution that aligns with the quest for natural enhancement without compromising safety.
The journey through Testosil's benefits, ingredients, and clinical validation reinforces the significance of choosing a trusted supplement for testosterone enhancement. As we conclude, the emphasis on procuring Testosil through legitimate means becomes paramount, ensuring that individuals gain access to a genuine, impactful supplement. The collective insights from this review spotlight Testosil as a noteworthy contender for men seeking a natural boost in testosterone levels, suggesting a promising path towards achieving enhanced physical, mental, and sexual health.
submitted by robertomaxer to yourweightlossjourney [link] [comments]

2024.03.19 19:48 -Prosopon- How to create an index of your serialized articles.

How to create an index of your serialized articles.
I've recently created an index for my serialized stories, to help newcomers not being overwhelmed and easily find their ways. I thought it could help others who also have a serialized series, be it fiction or analysis of a particular subject.
First things first, where to put the index:
First create a new page to appear in your navigation bar.
writer dashboard -> settings -> website.
Then create a new page (we're going to see how to arrange it later) click on the three dots and add it to the navigation bar.
Splendid, you now have a beautiful page that doesn't show on the app!
Since a great deal of newcomers does it from the app, all your labor has been in vain. That's why you now have to copy the whole page and add it to a new article. Pin it on your homepage so it's the first thing newcomers see. It is particularly useful when you're on your tenth installment of "The Werewolf Who Worked at Walmart."
"Can't I just do the article?"
You could, but my take is that people who read from their laptops will go to your navigation bar rather than a pinned article.
How to arrange your index:

Graphic design is my passion
my work here is not yet done:
Now you have to remember to add a link to that page at the top of your articles, so newcomers who clicked on the fourteenth part of "History of the Whole World: From the Mesozoic to the Mars Conquest" don't click off defeated.
I admit, I'm less sure of this one and still experimenting with it.
Are you also working on a series? How do you index it?
submitted by -Prosopon- to Substack [link] [comments]

2024.03.16 16:44 rick007back Using DDG(or Bing if someone has to) for simple searches, Google for specifics

Hi, when I search for specific website code(CSS etc) or other specific terms I have to say that Google still outshines Bing or DDG(as those results are very poor).
So as I'm also tired of the Google dominance and having problems sleeping every time Google announces an update I now use DDG(as I also consider Bing/Microsoft too big) for simple searches like "Walmart" or "Reddit"...I set my browser's homepage to DDG and opening a new tab to Google...this way each choice is only 1 extra click(Not sure how it works on mobile browsers) away.
Imagine every user(who knows how to set the homepage and new tab setting in their browser) would do that around the world, very soon all these other Big companies who advertise on all these Big companies would have to take notice.
And again it would only take us 1 extra click, thanks:)
submitted by rick007back to SEO [link] [comments]

2024.03.15 02:58 justanormalsid BananoGC (Banano Gift Card Website) Version 1.4 Patch Notes

New Additions:
Website Enhancements:
Experience the latest updates and explore our expanded selection of gift cards on BananoGC. Get ready to shop 'til you drop and enjoy the convenience of using Banano for your purchases!
Stay tuned for more updates and improvements in the future!
submitted by justanormalsid to banano [link] [comments]

2024.02.19 22:43 frockinbrock Any Safari Extension that blocks browser links opening a native app?

These rarely work- example would be a google result for a forecast link, clicking this opens the app but at the app homepage, it does nothing further, so it’s not helpful at all. Same happens for shopping apps like Target, Walmart, etc. basically I would like a little button offering to view that page in the app, but don’t by default yank me out of the web browser.
submitted by frockinbrock to ios [link] [comments]

2024.02.15 03:34 -2inchpunisher- New to Car Upgrades; Advice on Performance and Cosmetic Upgrades for 2018 Honda Civic Sedan 1.5T

I'm in the process of planning some upgrades for my 2018 Honda Civic Sedan 1.5T and wanted to get thoughts on the parts I've got in mind right now. My main goal is to improve performance while making sure its compatible and avoiding any potential rip-offs. (Also remember that I'm new to car upgrades and wanted another opinion on it maybe with someone that already knows since I'm not really an expert in this) at the end I'm thinking of wrapping it with a matte black.
Here's what I'm looking at:

Turbocharger Upgrade: Considering the Vargas GC Turbocharger Upgrade from MAPerformance. It seems like a solid choice for power, but I'd appreciate any feedback on its reliability and performance. Vargas GC Turbocharger

Exhaust System: I'm pretty set on the Injen SES1572TT Stainless Steel Cat-Back Exhaust System with Split Rear Exit. It promises a good mix of performance gain and sound. Would love to hear if anyone has personal experience with it. Injen Cat-Back Exhaust System

Air Intake Systems: A bit unsure about the compatibility of the Injen SP Series Short Ram Air Intake System with Blue Filter for my model. If it's not a fit, I'm considering either the Injen Evolution Series Cold Air Intake or the Takeda Momentum Sealed Stage 2 Cold Air Intake System. Thoughts on the best option? Injen SP Series, Injen Evolution Series, Takeda Momentum Sealed Stage 2

Lighting Upgrades: Considering upgrading to Spyder tail lights and headlights for a more modern look and better visibility. Any issues with these or alternatives worth considering? Spyder Tail Lights, Spyder Headlights

Exterior Mods: Lastly, I'm looking at making it more visually pleasing to look at with widebody wheel arches and a body kit. Has anyone here done a similar modification? Fenders, Body Kit
submitted by -2inchpunisher- to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.02.08 19:12 OperationEarly479 Deeper Well Versions

Compiling a list of all the different versions:
Transparent Cream Vinyl
“Spilled Milk” Transparent Splatter Vinyl (Indie Retail Exclusive)
Alternate Cover Vinyl
“Cardinal” Picture Disc
Crimson Clover Edition Vinyl (Target / HMV UK / JB Hi-Fi Exclusive)
Green / Clear Half & Half (Walmart Exclusive)
Green Splatter (Amazon Exclusive)
Tortoise Shell Vinyl (Spotify Fans First Exclusive)
Zine CD
CD w/ Bonus Poster (Target Exclusive)
Alternate Cover Cassette (UK Exclusive)
submitted by OperationEarly479 to KaceyMusgraves [link] [comments]

2024.01.25 12:02 WapaneseWeeaboo Key Event Dates for Q1 (2024) are updated to view

Key Event Dates for Q1 (2024) are updated to view
It’s that time again folks, key event dates have been updated! You can find them here: (this page is also linked on the GTA homepage) As always, it’s recommended to take a screenshot of the dates listed (don’t forget to search your store number to see your store specific ones too) as this list will update again shortly before the new quarter begins. That, and it’s always good to have the list handy/saved in the event you can’t access the site for whatever reason.
For Q1 this year, 2/10, 3/29, 3/30, and 3/31 are the company wide key event dates. Before the quarter starts, store managers are able to submit up to three dates during the quarter to have as key event dates for their specific store. Keep this in mind when people ask “Is X date a key event date?” and that the only way they’ll know for sure is to check themselves if the date asked about isn’t one of the company wide key event dates. Associates should not rely on the word of other associates, even management. They also shouldn’t rely on any official looking lists and/or calendars that have been printed as these can easily be altered to not have correct information.
As always, there’s going to be countless questions about key event dates and how they work. It’s honestly very simple: Miss the entire shift of a key event date and don’t cover at least half the shift with PPTO, then you’ll receive one additional point for missing the shift. That’s it. A lot of people call them “double point days,” mainly because it’s catchy and gives a very general idea of what happens but it isn’t entirely accurate as half points aren’t doubled, and no call no show points aren’t doubled. Again, the only thing that a key event date does is give one additional point (on top of the usual one point) for missing the entire shift and not missing enough PPTO to cover at least half the shift.
PPTO works the same way on key event dates that it does for any other day of the year: Cover the entire missed time with PPTO, and you won’t be pointed, even on key event dates. Just don’t forget to report the absence to avoid two points for a no call no show that even PPTO can’t remove.
Unfortunately, there are associates and managers out there that either don’t know how key event dates work or they do, but they lie anyway in hopes to keep an associate from missing work. Keep this in mind when anyone tells you anything that doesn’t sound right and goes against what’s been mentioned here already. Management cannot just make key event dates on the fly. Whatever is on the list shown above (and store specific ones when a store number is searched), those are the only dates that will be key event dates for that quarter. Management also can’t just pull points out of thin air to give to associates. So any threats of management saying they’ll just point you anyway will be an empty threat as they don’t have the ability to do so.
submitted by WapaneseWeeaboo to walmart [link] [comments]

2024.01.08 17:42 hyperous2 Free tool to find Amazon products on Walmart, target, direct from manufacturer, etc..

Free tool to find Amazon products on Walmart, target, direct from manufacturer, etc..
Like 278345267 others in this subreddit I want to stop buying from Amazon. So I built a tool that finds any Amazon product at Walmart, Target, Best Buy, eBay and the manufacturer itself.
Just punch in the Amazon link and you’ll see all these different options. It's a tool that's free forever, no ads, no login - just search away. Website is Here's an example.
Things I’m thinking of adding next: 1) adding more retailers (Costco? Kohl's?) 2) linking directly to the manufacturer’s product instead of their homepage, 3) sort by prices. I don’t know what else would be helpful, so let me know what you all want, and I can try to build it in.
If anyone wants to pitch in and help, my DMs are open. Or join SearchBetter and share ideas.
submitted by hyperous2 to amazonprime [link] [comments]

2023.12.30 22:42 SweGHOSTden FIX THIS AFFIRM!

I love Affirm - truly I do. Super convenient flexible payments, etc. Here's what I don't like and what they need to fix. On the app there is a "manage" button that allows you to manage your loans, payments, and what not. Now I'm a stickler with my payments. I always pay early and I always pay more than I need to. I've noticed since the last update to the app that I will click on the manage button and see what's due this month and even let's do this week.
Yesterday, I checked to make sure all my December payments were good and looked under the "Due this week" tab. Then today I jumped on the app to look at a specific store and normally it gives me a pre-qualified amount, however, today it said "Just Choose Affirm At Checkout". When it says this - that means something didn't get paid and sure enough I checked on the home screen of the app and it said my Walmart payment was overdue by 5 days.
But yesterday when I was on the app - on the home screen it said "Your Target payment is due in 20 days. Why Affirm? Don't you think it would be more important to prioritize the payment that I was apparently already late on on the homepage of the app instead of a payment that's not due for almost 3 weeks?
This needs to be fixed!
submitted by SweGHOSTden to Affirm [link] [comments]

2023.12.26 18:14 adventurepaul The 52 Top E-Commerce News Stories Of 2023 (Part 2 of 2)

Here's a link to Part 1 if you missed it.
Jul 3, 2023
A new report by Adalytics accuses Google of misleading advertisers and misallocating billions of digital ad dollars through its TrueView skippable in-stream video ads. TrueView ads are a proprietary ad format that allows advertisers to only pay for actual video views rather than impressions. According to ad fraud expert, Dr. Augustine Fou, these ads are “marked as 100% viewable because javascript in the popunder cannot look outside of itself to determine that the popunder is behind something else.” In other words, Google isn't meeting the promise it gives advertisers that the videos must be skippable, audible, and not initiated by passive user scrolling.
Jul 10, 2023
Meta released its new Threads app on Thursday, and had 70M users sign up within 40 hours, taking the crown as the fastest downloaded app ever (beating out ChatGPT for the title). The first version of the app lacks some basic functionality like DMs, hashtags, account switching, post editing, or the ability to search posts, but those features are supposedly coming soon. Threads offers an all algorithm feed, meaning there's no chronological feed, and doesn't currently let users differentiate between suggested posts and posts from people they follow. Max character count is 500 and max video length is 5 minutes.
Jul 17, 2023
Shopify is launching an AI assistant called “Sidekick” to help merchants accomplish tasks on its platform. Tobias Lütke revealed Sidekick in a video on his Twitter last week, along with a few screen grabs of the AI assistant in action running reports, predicting trends, and updating a Shopify theme. The assistant is embedded as a chat icon that looks like Robin (ie: Batman's assistant) within the Shopify admin area.
July 24, 2023
Wix announced plans to launch an AI website builder, and even Larry David would admit that it's pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty good! Wix's AI Site Generator, powered by ChatGPT, can generate a complete website, including text, images, and a unique site design in a matter of seconds after receiving basic prompt inputs from the user. The AI generated website comes complete with a homepage and all inner pages with text and images, and it can integrate Wix's other business solutions like Stores, Bookings, Restaurants, Events and more.
Jul 31, 2023
Shopify released its latest Summer '23 Edition, which included a handful of AI improvements, new collaborative selling features, improved checkout, and more. The theme of this Edition is “Imagine” because as Harley Finkelstein said, “we all need to reimagine our businesses.” One of the standout announcements from Summer '23 Editions was the public launch of Shopify Collective, a new feature that lets brands on Shopify collaborate and sell products from each other's stores. Merchants find products they'd like to sell from other brands, import them into their store, and then customers can buy those products right from their store, mixed with their own products in the cart. The other standout announcement from Summer '23 Editions was the launch of Shopify Credit, a business credit card designed exclusively for its merchants. The card is powered by Stripe (which also powers Shopify Payments and Shopify Balance), issued by Celtic Bank, and accepted everywhere Visa is. It offers 3% cash back on a merchant's top spend category, and 1% on remaining categories such as wholesale, marketing, and shipping.
Aug 7, 2023
BigCommerce is adding AI to its platform via a partnership Google, leveraging the company's advanced Cloud AI technologies. Through the partnership and integration, new AI-powered solutions will become available to BigCommerce merchants including AI powered writing and SEO, personalized storefronts and product recommendations, deeper insight into business performance, and an upgraded BigCommerce E-commerce Insights tool.
Aug 14, 2023
PayPal released a stablecoin called PayPal USD (PYUSD) that's 100% backed by USD deposits, short-term U.S Treasuries, and similar cash equivalents. PYUSD is an ERC-20 token issued on the Ethereum blockchain, which means the coin will immediately be available to Ethereum's network of exchanges, developers, wallets, and web3 applications.
Aug 21, 2023
A new report from Adalytics alleges that Google and Youtube tracked children across the Internet, undercutting a federal privacy law called The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, which requires services to obtain parental consent before collecting personal data from users under age 13 for purposes like ad targeting. This isn't the first time Google's been under heat for tracking children online. In 2019, YouTube and Google paid a record $170M fine to settle accusations from the FTC and New York that it had illegally collected personal information from children watching kids’ channels and profited from that data collection. YouTube said at the time that it would stop collecting data and serving personalized ads on viewers of children's videos (no matter who's watching them, including adults). However Adalytics claims that the company is still doing both as of July 2023.
Aug 28, 2023
TikTok is sunsetting its Storefront feature, which launched in the U.S. and U.K. in August 2021. The integration will be removed on Sept. 12. Storefront enabled merchants on Shopify, BigCommerce, Ecwid, Square and other platforms to sync their product catalogs to TikTok and then have the customer complete checkout on their website. Those platforms can still integrate with TikTok — but now the company is pushing those integrations to their TikTok Shop feature instead, where the checkout will happen within TikTok's app.
Sep 4, 2023
Shopify and Amazon are releasing a Buy with Prime App for merchants. The app will allow Shopify merchants to offer Buy with Prime as a payment and fulfillment option within their stores on products of their choosing without being in violation of Shopify TOS for using an outside checkout.
Sep 11, 2023
The European Union released its first list of “gatekeeper” companies, which are defined as businesses that self-preference and require users to use their own services by banning others. Five out of the six companies listed were American, which include Amazon, Apple, Alphabet, Meta, Microsoft, and ByteDance. The gatekeepers will have six months to bring their core platform services into compliance with the obligations laid out in the Digital Markets Act, which includes prohibiting self-preferencing, tying, and bundling practices, and enacts data-sharing obligations, among other things.
Sep 18, 2023
TikTok officially debuted its long-awaited TikTok Shop in the US. Now with TikTok Shop, users can discover, learn about, and purchase products directly on TikTok without ever leaving the app. Whereas before, they could only discover products and were sent to the merchant's website to actually make the purchase. TikTok Shop offers In-Feed Video & Live Shopping, a Product Showcase, a Shop Tab, an Affiliate Program, Shop Ads, Fulfilled by TikTok (logistics), and Secure Checkout with a third party payments platform.
Sep 25, 2023
Mastercard wrote a letter to several members of Congress, outlining its opposition to the Credit Card Competition Act. Mastercard says it is NOT increasing US interchange rates this fall (despite rumors) and that interchange fees are not "skyrocketing", but actually "remarkably flat." They said the industry has never had more competition and that it's "incomprehensible" that American Express, the second largest credit issuer in the US, would be excluded from the act, gien that it extends over $1 trillion in credit and charges merchants the highest average rate in the US.
Oct 2, 2023
Shopify is investing an undisclosed amount into the wholesale marketplace Faire, which will become the recommended wholesale marketplace for Shopify merchants, while Shopify become the preferred POS provider for Faire's merchants. The new partnership kicks off with the launch of official Faire buyer and seller apps.
Oct 9, 2023
Uber is now offering return package shipping through UPS, FedEx, and USPS. Customers can send up to five packages at a time for a flat $5 fee or $3 for Uber One members, its $9.99/month subscription plan. In comparison, FedEx charges between $3-4 per package, UPS charges $13 for same-day pickup and $8 for future-day pickup, plus up to a $6.50 surcharge for picking up from a residence, and USPS offers free package pickup from your home or office. (USPS is amazing.)
Oct 16, 2023
Walmart is testing several generative AI-based search and shopping solutions with the hopes of enhancing its search experience to better understand context, enabling customers to search by specific use cases, and generating more relevant results that allow customers to save time. For example, customers could search “Paw Patrol themed birthday party for 3 year old” instead of conducting multiple separate searches for Paw Patrol plates, streamers, and hats.
Oct 23, 2023
Amazon launched a social shopping feature that allows customers to ask friends for advice while they shop online through the Amazon app. “Consult-a-Friend” lets shoppers send a message with a link that takes friends to a page where they can react to the product with comments and emojis. (Maybe Amazon should've “consulted a friend” about that name…) Amazon explained that the idea is to help customers make purchase decisions, and that friends and family's recommendations are often high among the most trusted sources.
Oct 30, 2023
PayPal is selling Happy Returns, its box-free, in-person return processing business, to UPS for an undisclosed amount. Happy Returns currently works with 800 merchants to offer their customers a local drop-off point to make box-free returns at 9,000 locations worldwide. UPS said that approximately 5,200 of its UPS Store locations will join Happy Returns' established drop-off points, making the service available at more than 12,000 US locations. Happy Returns was acquired by PayPal in 2021, six years after it was founded in 2015. In March 2022, I reported that PayPal made the feature available to all PayPal Checkout merchants at no extra cost. Will that continue to be the case after UPS takes over? I don't imagine so, but it's yet to be determined.
Nov 6, 2023
Since its launch in April 2020, Shop App has only been available as a mobile app. It allowed customers to shop and discover products across multiple stores, earn cashback, and track delivery of their Shopify orders in one central place. (Some of those features came later.) Now Shopify announced that these features are available on desktop browsers via Shopify said in an e-mail to merchants, “By launching Shop on the web, we can enable more buyers to discover and purchase from Shop merchants without having to download an app.”
Nov 13, 2023
Amazon partnered with Facebook and Instagram to enable on-platform commerce, and share data for ad targeting. Users who clicks on an Amazon ad are now shown a stripped-down version of the Amazon product page with a prominent “Buy with Amazon” button. Customers can optionally connect their Amazon accounts to Meta to bring all their saved info (payment info, shipping, etc) to the transaction without ever leaving Meta's platform, or continue onto Amazon's website or mobile app. This integration with Amazon bypasses those Apple restrictions and allows for conversion tracking since the transaction is taking place within the Facebook or Instagram app.
Nov 20, 2023
It's been a wild ride this weekend for OpenAI CEO and co-founder Sam Altman, who's been the face of the company as it's grown from a startup to an $80B valuation. On Friday he was fired and the company appointed Mira Murati, their CTO, as the interim CEO. President Greg Brockman resigned over the news. Several key OpenAI staffers pledged to resign if Altman wasn't brought back. Microsoft felt blindsided and was furious. OpenAI invited Altman in to negotiate, who said he wanted them all to resign. By Sunday night, negotiations fell apart, and the company named former Twitch CEO and co-founder Emmett Shear as interim CEO. This morning (Monday), it was reported that Microsoft hired Altman, Brockman, and other managers from OpenAI to lead a “new advanced AI research team.” More than 600 OpenAI employees signed an open letter threatening to leave unless the board resigns and reinstates Sam Altman as CEO, along with Greg Brockman as president. The letter was also signed by Ilya Sutskever, the firm's chief scientist, a co-founder, and board member, who helped orchestrate firing Altman in the first place.
The Update: Last week I reported (story #1) on the firing of OpenAI's CEO Sam Altman and the drama that ensued thereafter. Since then, Sam Altman returned to the company, replacing, the interim CEO Emmett Shear (former Twitch CEO), and so did former President Greg Brockman, but he hasn't specified his role yet. The company also said that it's revising its board (who fired Altman) which will now include: Bret Taylor (former co-CEO of Salesforce), Larry Summers (former U.S. Treasury Secretary), and Adam D’Angelo (Quora CEO and current director). Rumors of an OpenAI project called Q* surfaced, which is supposedly a breakthrough in the company's search for artificial general intelligence (AGI). Some have said that staff researchers wrote a letter to the board of directors about a powerful AI discovery that could threaten humanity prior to Altman being fired..
Nov 27, 2023
Shopify merchants set a Black Friday record this year with a combined $4.1B in sales, a 22% increase in sales over last year. Rather than just tell you this year how well sales were going, Shopify wanted to show you in the biggest way possible. The company launched a Black Friday Cyber Monday (BFCM) Live Globe which displayed a real-time visualization of purchases made through Shopify-powered merchants worldwide. Not only can you see and interact with the virtual globe on their website, Shopify went a step further this year in collaboration with Sphere Entertainment Co. in Las Vegas to project their visualization on the 875,000 sq ft Sphere building in Las Vegas, the largest spherical building in the world.
Dec 4, 2023
Apple and Goldman Sachs began a banking relationship with one another in 2019 that is now about to come to an end. Apple could technically try to force Goldman Sachs to honor the deal, which lasts for 5 years, but it wouldn't necessarily be good for its users to continue working with a partner that was no longer committed to the project, which is why Apple recently offered Goldman Sachs a deal to get out early. If Goldman Sachs accepts the offer, it'll likely take over a year to wind down and make the transition to a new bank. Simultaneously it's been reported that Apple is working internally on “Project Breakout” to develop its own payment processing technology and infrastructure, aiming for greater financial independence.
Dec 11, 2023
ByteDance is investing $1.5B in a new joint venture that will bring together Tokopedia, the e-commerce unit of Indonesian tech giant GoTo, with TikTok Shop in Indonesia. ByteDance will have a 75.01% controlling stake in the new entity, which will allow TikTok to once again do e-commerce in the country. First Tokopedia will acquire TikTok Shop's Indonesia business for $340M before the end of the year. Next TikTok will acquire the majority stake in Tokopedia for $840M. Further money will be invested up to $1.5B over an unspecified period to build out the entity. The overall transaction is expected to close in the first quarter of 2024.
Dec 18, 2023
Temu is suing its rival Shein again, alleging that the company is pushing dubious copyright infringement notices against it and using “mafia-style intimidation” of suppliers to limit its growth in the U.S. These accusations are almost identical to the ones Temu made against Shein in July, which they subsequently dropped in October in exchange for Shein dropping its lawsuit against them. A Temu spokesperson shared with Retail TouchPoints that since they dropped their lawsuit against Shein in October, the company has discovered that Shein’s anticompetitive behavior “has not only persisted but intensified” and that Temu has “no choice but to sue them.”
Dec 25, 2023
Amazon asked workers experiencing hardship to write a letter to its company mascot so that “some of their holiday wishes can come true.” A flyer from the Amazon warehouse SWF1 in Rock Tavern, NY, states: “Are you or someone you know facing financial hardship this holiday season? Peccy wants to help! Write a letter to Peccy. If the Peccy team selects you, some of your holiday wishes could come true!” Keith Williams, a worker at the location, criticized the obtuse promotion: “It’s startling to see them shell out all this money to promote Amazon, get us excited about Amazon, but not actually give us what would endear us to Amazon, which would be a living wage.”
It was tough picking a top story from each week, as a lot went down in e-commerce this past year, but hopefully that'll as a reminder of the year's top stories. Don't forget that you can click on the date to view the entire recap with all the week's top stories.
See you next year!
Editor of Shopifreaks E-commerce Newsletter
submitted by adventurepaul to ecommerce [link] [comments]

2023.12.18 21:30 adventurepaul What's new in e-commerce? 🔥 Week of December 18th, 2023

Hi ShopifyeCommerce - I'm Paul and I follow the e-commerce industry closely for my Shopifreaks E-commerce Newsletter. Each week I post a summary recap of this week's top stories, which I cover in depth in the newsletter.
  1. Temu is suing its rival Shein again, alleging that the company is pushing dubious copyright infringement notices against it and using “mafia-style intimidation” of suppliers to limit its growth in the U.S. These accusations are almost identical to the ones Temu made against Shein in July, which they subsequently dropped in October in exchange for Shein dropping its lawsuit against them. A Temu spokesperson shared with Retail TouchPoints that since they dropped their lawsuit against Shein in October, the company has discovered that Shein’s anticompetitive behavior “has not only persisted but intensified” and that Temu has “no choice but to sue them.” .
  2. While Shein and Temu are battling it out for market share in the U.S. and gaining ground, their big brother is getting worried. Richard Liu, the founder of, recently told staff in a post on the company’s internal discussion board that that it was time for the company to be more proactive. Liu's forum post was in response to a thousand-word complaint from a JD employee, who listed off a number of problems with the company’s operations. However Liu didn't berate the original poster, or point all the blame on the new executives. He partly blamed his own mismanagement for JD’s crisis. .
  3. Amazon is also getting worried about Shein and Temu's unprecedented growth in the U.S., and is taking action in China to circumvent their growing dominance. Amazon announced at a four-day event in Shenzhen that it's opening an innovation center in the city to help Chinese companies sell abroad. The center will integrate the Amazon's industrial, expert and supplier sources to help merchants “build brands, promote products and digitalise operations.” When Amazon began cracking down on fake reviews in 2021, it closed over 3,000 online merchant accounts, which were backed by about 600 Chinese brands. After the crackdown, Chinese merchants saw their share among Amazon’s top sellers drop from 40% at the beginning of 2021 to 33% by the end of the year. Since then, those sellers have had to look for other platforms to list their wares, and now Amazon wants them back (alibet without the fake reviews). .
  4. With Christmas right around the corner, major retailers are making last ditch efforts to get you to shop with promises that your packages will still reach you in time for the holiday. Amazon added a tag that reads “Arrives before Christmas” on search results and product detail pages. Walmart added last-minute options to find and receive gifts, taking advantage of its network of stores. Target advertised that customers can place curbside and BOPIS orders as late as 6pm on Christmas Eve. Apple advertised that if the “Order By” date has passed for online orders, customers can still shop online for in-stock items with Apple Pickup or 2-hour delivery from your local Apple Store. Best Buy offered same-day delivery and one-hour Store and Curbside Pickup options on its homepage. .
  5. Worldcoin is now offering integrations with Shopify, Mercado Libre, Reddit, Minecraft, and Telegram to authenticate users via their World ID profile. For example, the new integrations will: Let Reddit moderators give special permissions to those who use their World ID. Allow Shopify merchants to use World ID verification for fraud prevention or one-time promotions. The Worldcoin protocol, which was launched to the public just five months ago, was recently updated to World ID 2.0, which, the company says, makes it easier to distinguish between bots and “verified humans” online. .
  6. Did you know that companies including Google, Meta, and Disney are building their own towns to house employees? “Company Towns” in the U.S. are certainly not a new phenomenon. And as much as you might think times have changed, people still need places to live near where they work. And as much as you might imagine companies like Google and Meta building “cities of the future”, they're actually just building regular affordable communities. Business Insider shared some examples of recent Big Tech housing projects including Google's North Bayshore project, Meta's Willow Village, and Elon Musk's Snailbrook town. .
  7. TikTok moderators were told they should avoid flagging potential problems on Amazon accounts to protect the video platform’s commercial relationship with the company. According to e-mail exchanges seen by the Guardian, moderators who vet TikTok videos to ensure they adhere to content guidelines were advised not to take down the accounts or apply any tags that could lead to an account being taken down or not being shown on the For You Page. Amazon is TikTok's highest-paying advertising spender, with an outlay of $1.4B in 2022, and the company wants to protect the relationship. An unofficial list of companies, creators, and accounts was created, which TikTok's 6,000 moderators were effectively told to give preferential treatment. .
  8. Amazon brought back its “Thank My Driver” feature, which allows customers to give their drivers a $5 thank-you at no cost to themselves. The first 2 million customers in the U.S. to send their Amazon driver a thank-you through the app or Alexa would be tipping them $5 courtesy of the company. The 2 million cap was reached in only two days, however the company is continuing to offer additional incentives between now and the end of the year. The “Thank My Driver” feature / promo (however you want to describe it) first launched last year (see story #2) during the holiday season. In 2022, they only offered 1 million thank yous and this year they upped the ante to 2 million. .
  9. Beginning in 2024, Affirm will be available as a payment option for Android users on select merchant apps and websites that offer Google Pay at checkout. Google Pay joins Amazon Pay and Shop Pay as major digital wallets that are integrated with Affirm’s BNPL payment options. .
  10. Bold Commerce launched a new dynamic payment featured called Payments Booster, which delivers personalized payment experiences based on the shopper's profile and device they are using. For example, a shopper making a purchase on social media may be more likely to pay with a digital wallet versus someone on their desktop. The feature is designed to help brands find the middle ground between payment flexibility and an excess of options. .
  11. Etsy is laying off 225 employees, or around 11% of its staff, in an attempt to cut costs as it deals with “very challenging” economic headwinds. Staff were notified in a livestream on Wednesday by CEO Josh Silverman, who blamed the fact that gross merchandise sales on Etsy had remained “essentially flat” for two years, and not the fact that the company devolved from its core offering of selling unique handmade goods to a marketplace filled with AI-generated print-on-demand apparel and mass produced junk. .
  12. Meta rolled out AI features to its second-generation Ray-Ban glasses, which can now see what you're seeing via the glasses' cameras and answer questions about what's in front of you. Mark Zuckerberg shared a video on Instagram demoing the multimodal AI in action recognizing a striped t-shirt and recommending pants that would complement the shirt. .
  13. The Saudi Central Bank introduced a set of rules aimed at regulating BNPL services, as part of the bank's efforts to enhance the overall financial sector, with a specific focus on empowering the fintech industry. The new rules regulate the licensing process for BNPL companies, setting forth minimum standards and procedures that companies must adhere to in order to offer BNPL services. .
  14. Google, Meta, Qualcomm, and seven other tech companies teamed up to push for open digital ecosystems in response to new EU tech rules. Calling itself the Coalition for Open Digital Ecosystems (CODE), the group said it wants to promote more open platforms and systems to boost growth and innovation in Europe by working with academics, policymakers, and companies on digital openness and how it can be achieved in Europe. It's funny how Big Tech comes together to do the right thing just as someone's about to make them. .
  15. The European Union has opened a formal investigation into whether X violated the Digital Services Act in areas linked to risk management, content moderation, dark patterns, advertising transparency and data access for researchers, marking the commission's first formal investigation under the DSA. The investigation could result in fines of up to 6% of global revenue. .
  16. TikTok and Meta are trying their best to block search terms related to “nudify” apps, which use AI to undress clothed people, but X is lagging behind. The apps have soared in popularity on social media in recent weeks, and now social networks are attempting to shut the promotions down for going against their community guidelines, except for X, which hasn't taken action or made comment about it. .
  17. An ex-Amazon security engineer pleaded guilty to hacking two cryptocurrency exchanges and stealing $20.4M $6.7M $12.3M worth of cryptocurrency. Shakeeb Ahmed will face up to five years in prison and will have to forfeit the cryptocurrency he stole. One of the exchanges actually offered him a $600k bug bounty to return the money, but Ahmed insisted on $1.4M, which eventually led to law enforcement getting involved. Should've taken the $600k buddy! .
  18. Speaking of digital thieves, Facebook's former diversity program manager pleaded guilty to stealing more than $4M from the company through fake business deals in exchange for kickbacks, which she used to fund a luxurious lifestyle. Barbara Furlow-Smiles committed the fraud by linking PayPal, Venmo, and Cash App accounts to credit cards given to her by Facebook and used those accounts to pay friends and relatives for goods and services that were never provided to the company. Who at Facebook gave this woman a $4M credit line?? .
  19. Klarna joined forces with CarTrawler and Airbnb to offer its BNPL payment options for U.K. customers booking car rentals, flights, and accomodations. The latter launch is part of a phased global roll-out which will see Klarna and Airbnb offering BNPL across three continents by early 2024. And for those of you who don't know — “trawler” is a fishing boat used for “trawling”, which is the practice of fishing with a trawl net. Trawl-righty. .
  20. X secured its thirteenth money transmitter license in the U.S., this time for Pennsylvania, as the company moves forward with his plans to turn X into an “everything app” that includes its own payments system. Last week I reported that X was granted three additional money transmitter licenses in South Dakota, Kansas, and Wyoming, which means Elon is moving and shaking in this area. .
  21. Airwallex partnered with Woo to become an official payment extension of the platform to assist with global selling. The integration enables Woo merchants to accept cross-border payments by leveraging global cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and 60+ local payment methods at checkout. .
  22. Qatari billionaire Wissam Al Mana emerged victorious in a three year legal battle against Meta over the unauthorized use of his image in cryptocurrency scam advertisements on Facebook. Mana alleged that the ads caused reputation harm, distress, and embarrassment, to which Meta apologized and committed to providing him with additional protection. .
  23. Peloton named Lauren Weinberg as its new CMO, who will report directly to CEO Barry McCarthy and oversee brand and product marketing, growth marketing, creative, consumer insights, membership and global communications. Weinberg brings two decades of experience as an insights-driven marketing leader, most recently at Insuit where she served as SVP, Chief Marketing and Revenue Office for Quickbooks. .
  24. AT&T is teaming up with Rivian to switch its commercial fleets to EVs, including Rivian's commercial van and R1 platform trucks. AT&T is Rivian's first customer since the company ended its exclusivity with Amazon last month. .
  25. Amazon won't have to pay €250M in back taxes after European Union judges ruled in favor of the company on Thursday, dealing a defeat to the 27-nation bloc in its efforts to tackle corporate tax avoidance. The Court of Justice backed a 2021 decision by judges in a lower court who sided with Amazon, saying the European Commission had not proved its case that Amazon received illegal state support. .
  26. Both Amazon and Apple used The Beatles music for the soundtracks to their 2023 holiday season ads this year. Amazon's Joy Ride, which stars three older women reliving their youthful joy at a sledding hill and miraculously not breaking a bone, is set to a cover of The Beatles' In My Life. Apple's Fuzzy Feelings, which tells the story of a young woman with a misunderstood grumpy boss who's secretly got a heart of gold, is set to George Harrison's Isn't It a Pity. .
  27. Jumia, a pan-African e-commerce platform, is discontinuing its food delivery service, Jumia Food, which the company says is not aligned with the current operational landscape and macroeconomic conditions in its markets. The company is instead redirecting its focus toward the core physical goods business and maintaining its JumiaPay operations across all eleven markets. .
  28. Amazon, Walmart, and Target have agreed to stop selling potentially deadly water beads marketed to kids, as concerns grow about the safety of the toy, and lawmakers call for a national ban. Water beads are super-absorbent spheres that grow to several times their original size when exposed to water (including the water inside your stomach), and can be used to water plants, but they’re also marketed as delicious candy-looking toys. .
  29. A new study by OC&C Strategy Consultants revealed that online marketplaces now represent over 60% of global e-commerce spend, representing $4.1T in annual GMV in 2022, growing by $1.7T since 2019. Specialist marketplaces have overtaken generalists in growth, growing faster by a factor of 1.6x and taking market share from dominant generalists like Amazon and eBay. .
  30. Plus 11 seed rounds, IPOs, and acquisitions of interest including Circuit City filing paperwork with the SEC indicating that it intends to raise $25M as it readies for a comeback. .
    For more details on each story, see the full edition:
What else is new in e-commerce? Share stories of interesting in the comments below (including in your own business) or on shopifreaks.
-PAUL Editor of Shopifreaks E-commerce Newsletter
submitted by adventurepaul to ShopifyeCommerce [link] [comments]

2023.12.03 19:51 Randacccc Junior looking for SWE intern jobs not getting past resume screens

I’ve applied to many positions and have gotten a few interviews but get resume rejected by most companies. Some of my interviews were through contacting people at the companies - in my interviews I was told that my resume is very impressive which is making me wonder why 95% of companies resume reject me.
submitted by Randacccc to resumes [link] [comments]

2023.11.15 22:55 njdotcom Do you hate self checkout discussion thread

Seeing this story going around about how some big retailers say they're rethinking self-checkout and wondered if you're OK with self checkout or nah. Is there a store that does it really badly, or conversely someone who does it well?
submitted by njdotcom to newjersey [link] [comments]

2023.11.10 00:16 MeekPangolin iPhone SE 3rd Gen 2022

So with this Black Friday deal at straight talk, you can get the iPhone SE 2022 (3rd gen, latest) in 64GB for $49. You must buy one month of service on the silver unlimited or higher plan to get the price. After activation with a new line, you can cancel auto renewal of the plan, set it in a drawer, and 61 days later it auto unlocks since its on the Verizon network, and you have a $400 iPhone for $103 (49 plus a month of service with fees after tax).
I bought two of these deals, not sure what ill use them for, but for $206 bucks I will have two iPhones that cost $400 each. Might resell, might use as a backup device, or heck I might just gift them to family members ive been trying to get to switch to iPhone.
You can find this deal on the homepage of straight talk or under their iPhone section, or in stores at Walmart's where they are in stock.
submitted by MeekPangolin to iphone [link] [comments]