Super smash bros melee rom

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

2018.06.12 18:21 Archon824 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

The official Subreddit for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, released for the Nintendo Switch on December 7th, 2018!

2008.06.02 05:04 Super Smash Bros.

Welcome to Reddit's Smash Bros. community!

2011.06.04 04:17 Cid420 Roms

This subreddit is all about helping those with an itch for video game nostalgia through the power of emulation. We love too help those in search of ROM's here.

2024.05.15 15:18 Brodator Solace UHC Statistics (S1-S33)

Solace Statistics


S1: Cahnner
S2: Permm, iWrekt, Krbreb
S3: DumbThiccNick, risn, Sigtash, soakle
S4: adrmf
S5: FLOWTIVES, marceloifhy
S6: mxrwzndood
S7: FLOWTIVES, Gleoss, Zopho_
S9: Gleoss, Zoroh, ANJELLOH, downkey
S10: Zoroh
S11: Raying, 5ize, lapppp
S12: Zoroh
S13: Gleoss, Zoroh
S14: cnner
S15: adrmf, Bobbytheturtle, brocktober, checog, Lynxo, PotatoPlayer_, zewgle, _carn, 5idekick, downkey, MarcoThePh0enix
S16: PizzqWithAQ, adrmf, spellygod
S17: PupperKun
S18: checog, Crayonix, spellygod, rodfather
S20: LLEANN, LUCRODIUM, _pbo, spellygod, Dcrpy, LZNAR, PotatoPlayer_, Scyles, Zoroh
S21: spellygod
S22: adrmf, retrys, spellygod, jubatyson, KennyTee
S23: lapppp
S24: adrmf, Gleoss
S25: Captureee, Ginzburg, colbay, naseemXBT
S26: xtiger34
S27: kendawg_g, StrengthDMN, FLOWTIVES
S28: PizzqWithAQ, Scyles
S29: PizzqWithAQ, skyzfy, Gleoss, lapppp, MisaSama
S30: brinkwhy, GrassPiece, skyzfy
S31: mxrwzndood
S32: lapppp, LUCRODIUM
S33: BruceTheNinja10, LUCRODIUM, SAYNAR, Dargxn, Dreamfall, Erdql, TheShippFloats, hypcr, lapppp

Runner(s) Up

S2: FLOWTIVES, Gleeming, Scyles
S3: LUCRODIUM, PolarTaco, Raying, ZachConnor
S4: maccwyatt
S5: AiroKun, Cahnner
S6: AvyleZ
S7: benidk, samdave, ZachConnor
S8: lapppp
S9: Dcrpy, IdkKiller, PingBomb, xtiger34
S10: Greninja
S11: AiroKun, FishManIsPotato, hypcr
S12: samdave
S13: brinkwhy, downkey
S14: Bulbexe
S15: IdkKiller, Kartracer, Kelldeo, MisaSama, notrhain, PizzqWithAQ, 5HARPGOD, spellygod, TheSlimeBrother, QuacksL, ToeKun
S16: LZNAR, lapppp, samdave
S17: lapppp
S18: DripGodDavid, hypcr, samdave, tonylmao
S19: Gleoss, Zoroh
S20: 1mmortal, 4runnermaster, ArcticSeagull, Aybel, bayweafs, carterwarterbear, DeadpoolUHC, Demomaker, Hrray, Lynxo, Gleoss, GodlySteal, Gottaka_Leonard, Kaismartypants, ilylazaro, Luca_Kgaming, nug17, onstep, RollRealQuick, Colozi, Slooshyy, St0rmplayz, Stravilight, TitaniumDino25, UbiquityHD, WoodFired, ShmeckleBoy, Zebobo10, Zopho, jubatyson
S22: BENJADDD, FroztiSnowman, IZUR, lapppp, Xifto
S23: soakle
S24: onstep, skyzfy
S25: AiroKun, Greninja, Luca_Kgaming, theTrapDoor
S26: FishManIsPotato
S27: checog, PupperKun, xtiger34
S28: Captureee, dahii
S29: adrmf, Captureee, Ginzburg, GrassPiece, Luca_Kgaming, maccwyatt, derekast, PupperKun, Shm3e, zCent
S30: CipherKai, lamzyk, xtiger34
S31: lamzyk
S32: colbay, tonylmao
S33: 1mmortal, benidk, carterwarterbear, CHAINGE, flameh, ranmari, ScaryPumpkinFace, Spongey, Supersun_

Most Kills

S2: PizzqWithAQ (9)
S4: adrmf (7)
S6: mxrwzndood (9)
S9: FLOWTIVES, Gleoss (8)
S10: Zoroh (13)
S11: hypcr (11)
S12: willif (8)
S13: Zoroh (15)
S14: FLOWTIVES, cnner (9)
S15: skyzfy (7)
S16: adrmf, spellygod (9)
S17: Strikeroonie, checog (9)
S18: Dargxn (7)
S19: Cirex (11)
S20: Dizzying (9)
S21: lapppp (13)
S22: adrmf (14)
S23: lapppp (10)
S24: Gleoss (8)
S25: Captureee (6)
S26: FishManIsPotato (8)
S27: swishduck, adrmf, PupperKun, kendawg_g, StrengthDMN (5)
S28: adrmf (9)
S29: skyzfy (8)
S30: skyzfy (7)
S31: mxrwzndood (12)
S32: lapppp (7)
S33: lapppp (5)

Most Kills (Team)

S2: iWrekt (3), Krbreb (6), Permm (6)
S3: brinkwhy (4), colbay (3), hypcr (0), StrengthDMN (0)
S4: adrmf (7)
S5: FLOWTIVES (12), marceloifhy (2)
S6: mxrwzndood (9)
S7: FLOWTIVES (11), Gleoss (5), Zopho_ (1)
S9: ANJELLOH (0), downkey (0), Gleoss (8), Zoroh (6)
S10: Zoroh (13)
S11: 5ize (3), lapppp (7), Raying (6)
S12: willif (8)
S13: Gleoss (5), Zoroh (15)
S15: carn (1), adrmf (6), 5idekick (0), Bobbytheturtle (2), brocktober (0), checog (5), downkey (2), Lynxo (1), MarcoThePh0enix (0), PotatoPlayer (1), zewgle (4)
S16: PizzqWithAQ (5), adrmf (9), spellygod (9)
S17: Strikeroonie (9)
S18: checog (5), Crayonix (4), rodfather (2), spellygod (3)
S19: Cirex (11), FLOWTIVES (8)
S20: Senkhi (2), colbay (2), Crayonix (0), Dizzying (9), ethodog (0), FLOWTIVES (4), HUQTER (1), JayNonsense (0), marceloifhy (2), hashtagmat (0), skyzfy (2), theTrapDoor (2), winterf (1)
S21: lapppp (13)
S22: adrmf (14), KennyTee (2), retrys (7), spellygod (3), jubatyson (4)
S23: lapppp (10)
S24: adrmf (7), Gleoss (8)
S25: Captureee (6), Ginzburg (2), colbay (3), naseemXBT (1)
S26: FishManIsPotato (8)
S27: FLOWTIVES (0), kendawg_g (5), StrengthDMN (5)
S28: adrmf (9), upraise (5)
S29: Gleoss (1), lapppp (7), MisaSama (0), PizzqWithAQ (6), skyzfy (8)
S30: brinkwhy (2), GrassPiece (5), skyzfy (7)
S31: mxrwzndood (12)
S32: lapppp (7), LUCRODIUM (3)
S33: BruceTheNinja10 (2), Dargxn (2), Dreamfall (0), Erdql (1), TheShippFloats (1), hypcr (1), lapppp (5), LUCRODIUM (3), SAYNAR (4)

First Blood

S1: Shqkster
S2: downkey
S4: Senkhi
S5: loyaltea
S6: PizzqWithAQ
S7: ERHDude
S8: Emplacement
S9: ArcticSeagull
S10: Lynxo
S11: Zoroh
S12: broccoliar
S14: FearThrows
S16: tonylmao
S17: ghostblurr
S19: xtiger34
S20: DripGodDavid
S21: kirkfr
S22: Strikeroonie
S23: lapppp
S24: Ryfri
S25: soakle
S26: BruceTheNinja10
S28: Stravilight
S29: BruceTheNinja10
S30: benidk
S31: ranmari
S32: willif
S33: Flcnt

First Death

S1: Sigtash
S2: repped
S3: soakle
S4: mxcros
S5: maccwyatt
S6: Suzunexd
S7: NotChewi
S8: DogInCar
S9: ilylazaro
S10: PolarTaco
S11: PizzqWithAQ
S12: StepBroImStuck1
S13: ranmari
S14: remyyyyyy
S15: xDiversity
S16: QuacksL
S17: emi1iano
S18: BackToAfrica
S19: chrisrokay
S20: adrmf
S21: Aybel
S22: 1mmortal
S23: Vrehv
S24: Slooshyy
S25: idklyn
S26: choiceband
S27: HalfLechuga
S28: Luca_Kgaming
S29: EivLs
S30: retrys
S32: Fcrm
S33: Dreamfall


S1: chimah
S2: Bofishkix
S3: IsoLights
S4: slxps
S5: Emplacement
S6: PwincessVanessa
S7: Charrlottie
S8: BraydenB11
S9: MangoPlayz
S10: Bulbexe
S11: xMisha
S12: Nightshqdee
S13: jjsteeples
S14: BanMoon
S15: Kartracer
S16: Lynxo
S17: ceije
S18: PupperKun
S19: Luca_Kgaming
S20: _pbo
S21: lasdarling
S22: Hpark03
S23: CommanderK22_
S24: omchris
S25: Krbreb
S26: _carn
S27: Slooshyy
S28: Supersun_
S29: TheRealHagrid
S30: PupperKun
S31: dylxnd
S32: soakle
S33: Haydcn

First Damage

S1: Mvte
S2: Scyles
S3: Dredex
S4: chimah
S5: Greatwarrior_
S6: Emplacement
S7: ranmari
S8: dahii
S9: PwincessVanessa
S10: PotatoPlayer_
S11: 5ize
S12: 5idekick
S13: YouCheated
S14: FearThrows
S15: Kelldeo
S16: RohanSmashBro
S17: broccoliar
S18: emi1iano
S19: broccoliar
S20: broccoliar
S21: broccoliar
S22: broccoliar
S23: peppermint
S24: InProper
S25: choiceband
S26: vegis
S27: broccoliar
S28: broccoliar
S29: derekast
S30: dahii
S32: onstep
S33: Dreamfall

Kills & Kill/Death Ratio (KDR)

Too big so linked here (Part 1)
Too big so linked here (Part 2)

PvE Deaths

Gravity (25): SpaceFenix (S2), NotChewi (S7), Slooshyy (S9), Zeko_Kun (S13), Slooshyy (S13), Jkkl (S16), HalfLechuga (S16), Stravilight (S16), MisaSama (S16), solnyy (S16), emi1iano (S17), Glarza (S19), JayNonsense (S20), omchris (S21), 5idekick (S23), idklyn (S25), DumbThiccNick (S26), Sigtash (S27), FishManIsPotato (S27), onstep (S27), MisaSama (S27), adrmf (S27), retrys (S30), dontbow (S30), jasondoa (S30)
Lava (13): DogInCar (S8), kendawg_g (S9), Dargxn (S10), Stornette (S12), QuacksL (S16), ArcticSeagull (S20), Aybel (S21), JIMMY453 (S21), JIMMY453 (S23), Shqkster (S26), Evxn063 (S28), hypcr (S30), spellygod (S32)
Left (11): SariiTaaa (S7), dylxnd (S8), ilylazaro (S9), risn (S11), Cheetah_16 (S11), TPolls (S16), mxcros (S16), K0REDRAG0N (S23), HalfLechuga (S27), Luca_Kgaming (S28), GodlySteal (S29)
Cacedoupamso (6): Haydcn (S8), brinkwhy (S8), toggleuhc (S8), samdave (S8), St0rmplayz (S8), DanishDrill (S8)
Creeper (5): Gleeming (S2), FearThrows (S2), Emplacement (S2), AdonisGaming (S2), FLOWTIVES (S31)
Suffocation (4): Sigtash (S1), repped (S2), bayweafs (S16), PitSolitayrh (S23)
Fire (3): 14flyte (S8), Luca_Kgaming (S8), PolarTaco (S10)
ImChilly (2): ToeKun (S8), AiroKun (S8)
Krbreb (2): RohanSmashBro (S14), Daltun (S14)
Zombie (2): Shqkster (S28), EivLs (S29)
Anvil (1): repped (S3)
Unknown (1): Pahm (S3)
Drowning (1): Dargxn (S5)
Blew Up (1): PizzqWithAQ (S11)
IronGolem (1): StepBroImStuck1 (S12)
Withered Away (1): Slooshyy (S14)
Cactus (1): adrmf (S20)
CaveSpider (1): BEESTARG (S21)
Gamemode (1): omchris (S24)


31(1): brinkwhy (S1-S31)
28(2): FLOWTIVES (S1-S10,S13-S17,S19-S29,S31,S33), benidk (S4-S28,S30-S31,S33)
27(1): lapppp (S5-S25,S27,S29-S33)
26(1): skyzfy (S3,S6-S22,S24-S31)
24(2): Gleoss (S2,S4,S6-S7,S9-S20,S22-S26,S28-S29,S33), carterwarterbear (S8-S10,S12,S14-S33)
23(2): Shqkster (S1-S3,S6-S9,S12-S17,S20,S22,S26-S33), Zoroh (S4,S6,S8-S23,S26-S28,S31-S32)
21(3): soakle (S1-S4,S6-S7,S10-S11,S13,S17-S21,S23-S25,S27-S28,S31-S32), L1GHT1NG (S5-S9,S12,S14-S20,S22,S26-S29,S31-S33), PotatoPlayer_ (S5,S8,S10,S12-S13,S15-S16,S18-S23,S26-S33)
20(5): ranmari (S1,S3-S4,S6-S8,S10-S14,S16-S17,S21,S24-S26,S31-S33), spellygod (S2-S7,S9,S15-S22,S25,S29,S31-S33), DripGodDavid (S6-S7,S9-S11,S13-S16,S18-S21,S23-S24,S26-S29,S31), St0rmplayz (S6-S17,S20-S23,S26-S28,S31), Crayonix (S8-S16,S18,S20-S21,S23-S24,S26-S27,S29,S31-S33)
19(7): Dargxn (S1,S5,S7-S10,S12-S18,S22-S23,S25-S26,S31,S33), HUQTER (S1-S6,S8,S10,S15,S20-S21,S23-S24,S26-S29,S32-S33), LUCRODIUM (S2-S3,S15-S28,S31-S33), adrmf (S4-S5,S9,S11,S15-S16,S18-S29,S31), willif (S5-S10,S12-S17,S20-S21,S23,S25,S31-S33), _carn (S6-S8,S11-S12,S15-S17,S19,S21-S22,S24,S26-S32), RohanSmashBro (S6-S9,S11-S18,S24-S27,S29-S31)
18(6): Stravilight (S1,S5-S8,S10,S12-S13,S16-S17,S19-S21,S23,S26,S28-S29,S31), ArcticSeagull (S2,S6-S10,S12-S17,S20-S21,S24-S25,S27-S28), IdkKiller (S3-S6,S8-S9,S12-S16,S18-S21,S26-S27,S32), WoodFired (S5-S8,S11-S12,S14,S16-S22,S24,S26-S27,S31), onstep (S6-S8,S10,S16,S18-S24,S26-S29,S31-S32), ToeKun (S6-S12,S14-S19,S22,S24-S25,S27,S30)
17(4): kirkfr (S2,S5-S9,S12-S19,S21-S22,S28), DJoee (S5-S7,S15-S16,S18,S20-S21,S24-S31,S33), Slooshyy (S7-S9,S11,S13-S14,S17-S24,S27,S29,S31), HalfLechuga (S9-S10,S12,S14-S16,S20-S22,S24-S29,S31-S32)
16(7): downkey (S1-S2,S8-S16,S18,S21-S23,S31), MangoPlayz (S1-S3,S5-S10,S13-S14,S16-S17,S19,S23,S25), checog (S2,S9,S12,S15-S20,S22,S24-S29), AiroKun (S5,S7-S13,S16-S19,S21,S25-S26,S29), MisaSama (S14-S18,S20-S21,S23-S29,S31,S33), zCent (S14-S19,S21-S24,S27,S29-S33), PupperKun (S17-S20,S22-S33)
15(8): Bulbexe (S2-S10,S12,S14-S15,S17,S19,S24), samdave (S2-S3,S5,S7-S8,S10-S13,S15-S18,S20-S21), DumbThiccNick (S3-S6,S8-S9,S11-S12,S18-S19,S21,S23-S26), hypcr (S3,S5,S11,S13,S15-S16,S18,S21-S25,S28,S30,S33), Lynxo (S4-S6,S8,S10-S13,S15-S21), Cloversss (S6-S8,S12,S14-S15,S19,S22-S24,S27,S29-S31,S33), Luca_Kgaming (S8,S16-S20,S22-S23,S25-S29,S32-S33), bayweafs (S12-S17,S19-S21,S24-S25,S29-S31,S33)
14(7): broccoliar (S1,S10,S12,S16-S17,S19-S22,S27-S28,S30-S31,S33), PizzqWithAQ (S2,S5-S7,S9,S11,S14-S16,S18-S20,S28-S29), Dizzying (S5-S7,S12-S17,S20-S22,S31,S33), 1mmortal (S7,S9-S13,S16-S18,S20,S22,S29-S30,S33), remyyyyyy (S10,S14-S22,S25-S27,S29), Kaismartypants (S17,S19-S21,S24-S33), theTrapDoor (S18-S23,S25-S27,S29-S33)
13(7): XERNE5 (S2-S5,S7-S11,S14,S16-S18), xMisha (S5-S7,S9-S12,S14,S17-S20,S23), alcxz (S6-S10,S12-S14,S16,S19,S24,S29,S31), RollRealQuick (S10,S12-S14,S16,S18-S22,S27,S31,S33), BENJADDD (S12-S16,S19,S21-S24,S26,S32-S33), winterf (S12-S14,S16-S20,S22,S25-S26,S28,S31), LUKAD0NCIC (S17-S18,S20-S21,S23-S27,S29,S31-S33)
12(12): PwincessVanessa (S1-S2,S4-S11,S13,S18), Senkhi (S1,S4-S5,S8-S9,S16,S19-S21,S23-S24,S29), kendawg_g (S2-S3,S6-S7,S9,S11,S15,S26-S29,S31), upraise (S2,S4-S9,S15,S24-S25,S27-S28), Haydcn (S4-S6,S8-S9,S16,S18-S19,S21,S23,S30,S33), tonylmao (S5,S7-S10,S15-S16,S18-S20,S31-S32), Zeesue (S5,S8-S12,S15-S18,S31,S33), Zebobo10 (S6-S9,S12-S14,S20,S22,S26,S28,S31), 5idekick (S8-S10,S12,S15-S17,S19,S23-S24,S27-S28), dahii (S8,S10,S19,S21-S22,S24-S25,S27-S28,S30-S31,S33), GodlySteal (S15-S17,S19-S23,S26-S27,S29,S32), sgouche (S21-S25,S27-S33)
11(5): risn (S2-S7,S11,S15-S17,S19), CipherKai (S4,S6-S7,S9-S10,S12,S14,S17,S24,S30,S33), brinniex (S5-S13,S15-S16), Kaddyn (S7-S11,S17,S19,S27,S30-S31,S33), xtiger34 (S9,S15,S17,S19-S20,S24,S26-S27,S30-S31,S33)
10(11): Sigtash (S1-S5,S8,S11,S15,S27-S28), FearThrows (S2,S4,S6-S7,S10,S13-S14,S23,S32-S33), Krbreb (S2,S4,S8,S10-S13,S16,S24-S25), TehBaconBrawlerZ (S2-S4,S7,S9,S11,S13-S14,S21,S24), colbay (S3-S4,S18,S20-S23,S25,S27,S32), Vrehv (S3-S4,S6-S7,S9-S10,S12,S16-S17,S23), harkuaa (S6-S9,S17-S18,S21,S30-S32), Charrlottie (S7-S10,S12-S13,S15,S27-S29), FishManIsPotato (S7,S9,S11-S12,S15-S16,S22,S26-S27,S33), swishduck (S14-S16,S18-S19,S22-S24,S27,S33), Supersun_ (S17,S20,S22-S23,S26-S28,S30,S32-S33)
9(14): Cahnner (S1-S2,S4-S7,S9,S14,S21), Mohala (S1,S3-S8,S12,S19), loyaltea (S2,S4-S6,S9,S27,S29,S31-S32), Dredex (S3-S4,S10-S11,S16-S17,S20,S24,S27), Greatwarrior_ (S4-S12), Dcrpy (S5,S8-S9,S12-S13,S16,S20-S21,S26), Deanuhc (S5-S8,S10,S12-S14,S21), apa37 (S6,S8,S11-S13,S15-S17,S30), voidhi (S6-S9,S15,S22,S27-S28,S32), Zopho (S7-S8,S17,S20-S22,S24,S28,S32), Glarza (S14,S16,S19,S22,S25,S28-S30,S33), Colozi (S16,S18-S20,S22-S24,S27,S29), jasondoa (S21-S22,S27-S33), BuildingBard300 (S24-S27,S29-S33)
8(23): SpaceFenix (S1-S3,S9,S13,S15,S18,S26), Emplacement (S2,S4-S6,S8-S9,S11,S13), HeyItsJBug (S2-S4,S16,S19,S27,S30-S31), StrengthDMN (S3,S7-S10,S15,S27,S31), AvyleZ (S4-S7,S12,S14,S18-S19), saltbag (S5-S8,S15-S16,S19,S21), Valnius (S5-S7,S21-S23,S29,S31), SSGSS4Goku (S6,S10-S12,S15,S17,S23,S27), Bornyo (S8,S11-S12,S16-S17,S19-S20,S24), DRI60 (S8-S10,S13-S15,S19,S27), Ryfri (S8,S10,S13-S14,S19,S23-S24,S29), spittoon (S8,S10,S19-S21,S25,S27-S28), xDiversity (S9,S11,S15-S17,S23-S24,S26), QuacksL (S10-S11,S13-S16,S18,S24), solnyy (S10,S12-S14,S16,S18-S19,S22), derekast (S12-S13,S22-S24,S29,S31-S32), GhostLikesCakes (S15-S16,S18-S19,S22,S24,S28,S33), Gott_aka_Leonard (S15-S17,S19-S20,S22-S23,S27), LZNAR (S15-S18,S20-S22,S33), CurdledDrip (S20,S24,S26,S28-S31,S33), strategy (S23-S27,S29-S31), Fcrm (S24,S26-S29,S31-S33), SAYNAR (S25-S29,S31-S33)
7(14): CallMeBqse (S1-S4,S15-S17), Flcnt (S2,S4,S9-S10,S13,S24,S33), jjsteeples (S2,S4-S6,S8-S9,S13), Scyles (S2,S4,S7,S17,S20,S25,S28), Hendysaurus (S5-S8,S15-S17), Dreamfall (S6,S15-S18,S21,S33), ItsColinn (S7-S9,S12,S17,S21,S24), Turqified (S10-S11,S13-S14,S16,S22-S23), cnner (S11-S12,S14,S18,S22,S24-S25), lzmur (S11,S15-S17,S21-S22,S24), TOOOTH (S15-S20,S22), BruceTheNinja10 (S16-S17,S26-S27,S29,S32-S33), Dyoza (S18-S20,S25-S27,S33), CHAINGE (S24-S26,S30-S33)
6(14): drewxd (S1-S3,S15,S17,S19), BraydenB11 (S2-S5,S8,S12), maccwyatt (S2,S4-S6,S9,S29), IsoLights (S3-S5,S16,S19,S33), NotChewi (S6-S7,S9,S24,S31-S32), DanishDrill (S8-S9,S15-S16,S21-S22), NickPlaysGames15 (S10,S12-S14,S20-S21), Stornette (S10,S12,S19,S24,S27-S28), CoDrake (S12-S14,S17,S19-S20), TheRealHagrid (S13-S14,S26,S29-S30,S32), Batusko (S16,S22,S24,S27,S32-S33), Ginzburg (S19-S20,S24-S25,S27,S29), Captureee (S20-S21,S25,S27-S29), vynil (S21-S22,S24,S26,S30-S31)
5(27): AdonisGaming (S2-S3,S5-S6,S24), Permm (S2-S3,S15,S30,S33), mxcros (S3-S4,S9,S15-S16), TPolls (S3-S5,S8,S16), Strikeroonie (S4,S17-S18,S22,S24), marceloifhy (S5,S10-S11,S20-S21), imFatLoveMe (S6,S8-S9,S11,S22), dylxnd (S7-S9,S22,S31), ghostblurr (S7,S9,S17-S19), Kelawesome (S7,S9,S16,S24-S25), K0REDRAG0N (S8,S10,S19,S23,S27), Cheetah_16 (S10-S13,S17), DEV0Y (S10,S14-S15,S19,S24), InProper (S10-S11,S16-S17,S24), T1mT0m (S10,S13,S18,S25,S33), beaniepls (S14-S18), Normoh (S15,S26-S29), azoof (S16-S17,S26,S28-S29), Blendd (S16-S17,S19-S20,S26), Spongey (S16,S19,S27,S31,S33), nug17 (S18,S20-S22,S29), Hecticity (S19,S22,S24-S25,S31), TheShippFloats (S20-S22,S30,S33), dontbow (S21,S25,S27,S30,S32), Char1zo (S23-S25,S32-S33), nolanishot (S24,S27-S29,S31), GrassPiece (S27-S31)
4(40): Bofishkix (S1-S2,S4,S9), IZUR (S1,S22,S26-S27), Chesspiece (S2-S5), dylns (S2,S6-S7,S27), Kelldeo (S2,S15-S17), lovegem4164 (S2,S5-S7), TinchoPijaLarga (S4,S6-S7,S21), 5ize (S5,S11,S21,S32), DZYER (S5-S8), toggleuhc (S5-S8), flameorb (S6-S8,S10), m4ku (S6-S7,S22,S26), OCTAMAN (S6-S8,S10), _Pm (S7-S8,S15-S16), Centrah (S7,S9-S11), DragonGlory (S7-S10), jake_hoe (S7,S10-S12), Lunar (S7-S8,S15-S16), PapaNugey (S7-S9,S15), MannyDM (S8,S17-S19), ilylazaro (S9,S20-S21,S33), YouCheated (S9,S12-S13,S28), Jaceon02 (S10,S16,S18,S21), KELCOS (S10,S13-S14,S16), PitSolitayrh (S15-S17,S23), zewgle (S15,S20,S22,S30), rodfather (S16-S19), Cacedoupamso (S17,S19,S24,S30), Captinn (S17,S20-S21,S25), choiceband (S18,S25-S26,S28), PLENT (S19-S22), Jwillz (S20-S21,S24-S25), LLEANN (S20-S21,S28,S33), AshRiolu100985 (S21-S22,S24,S33), jacobcrafty (S21,S23-S24,S27), Geroot (S22,S24-S25,S27), naseemXBT (S24-S25,S27-S28), SPEEDYDIGS (S25-S27,S31), JEREMIUH (S26-S28,S31), sweatgod (S27-S28,S30,S33)
3(54): idklyn (S1,S15,S25), Mvte (S1,S20-S21), RAHILL (S2,S5-S6), Raying (S2-S3,S11), Gag (S3,S5,S17), PolarTaco (S3,S7,S10), ZachConnor (S3,S7-S8), notrhain (S4,S6,S15), Merch (S5-S6,S15), B0WUH (S7-S8,S15), emi1iano (S7,S17-S18), Fragggg (S7,S15-S16), jemjosh (S7-S8,S16), ToontownOnline (S7-S8,S12), iLoveBoris (S8,S10-S11), WALRUS_TIME (S8,S10,S20), Cocunut233 (S9,S14,S17), Clemjo (S10,S12,S16), enablin (S11,S15-S16), ywack (S11,S14-S15), ceije (S12,S14,S17), _Fost (S14,S16,S24), Bobbytheturtle (S15,S17,S24), Goopling (S15-S17), ObeseProdigy (S15-S16,S19), 2Pacoh (S16,S19,S33), BackToAfrica (S16-S18), Broseph (S16,S18-S19), QueenxPetty (S16-S17,S21), UbiquityHD (S16-S17,S20), IMLpLay (S17,S19,S23), Loushus (S17,S19,S21), _pbo (S18,S20,S30), chrisrokay (S18-S19,S21), EivLs (S18,S28-S29), NotMyLights (S19-S21), Aybel (S20-S22), ethodog (S20,S23-S24), flameh (S20-S21,S33), Hrray (S20-S22), JayNonsense (S20-S22), jubatyson (S20-S22), nsi9 (S20-S21,S26), pm3crafte4 (S20,S23,S29), ShmeckleBoy (S20,S23,S30), TheSheepMasters (S20-S22), xPandaaz (S20,S22,S32), Gotelin (S21,S26-S27), lazys (S21-S22,S26), lukevvs (S21-S23), omchris (S21-S22,S24), retrys (S21-S22,S30), unixn (S21-S22,S27), lamzyk (S26,S30-S31)
2(86): chimah (S1,S4), Pahm (S1,S3), Cwrunch (S2,S11), Gleeming (S2,S4), Lnarz (S2-S3), repped (S2-S3), SergeantM (S2,S4), tastywill (S2,S4), YellowAuraa (S2,S4), Blarkslol (S3,S13), oceun (S3,S32), Switches (S3,S27), dummycute (S4-S5), Lynor (S4,S7), xHobo (S4,S14), xNGHT (S4,S6), ADinoPlayingMC (S5,S23), BreakfastBacon (S5-S6), Jeromesha (S5-S6), Beastaxel (S6,S9), heartparticles (S6-S7), mxrwzndood (S6,S31), pawnss (S6-S7), Shot3m (S6,S9), ERHDude (S7,S9), ImChilly (S7,S9), ANJELLOH (S8-S9), Caceduopamso (S8,S15), dhaq (S8-S9), Forrest235 (S8-S9), Nightshqdee (S8,S12), BottleSause (S9,S17), ninja3214 (S9,S15), violethearts (S9,S25), Greninja (S10,S25), NexfoR (S10,S18), Krxmble (S11,S16), urfake (S11,S28), Lative (S12,S14), BanMoon (S13-S14), BloodBlack (S14,S24), ReiBatsubami (S14,S16), SlicedOranges (S14,S16), 5ARx (S15-S16), 5HARPGOD (S15,S26), Deadlyboom (S18-S19), FrostBros (S19,S21), luvictoire (S19,S24), MaxCringe (S19,S21), whoshaze (S19,S21), Demomaker (S20,S26), Erdql (S20,S33), hashtagmat (S20,S26), Lach (S20-S21), Rameur (S20,S23), TitaniumDino25 (S20,S22), Iceisnice32 (S21-S22), JIMMY453 (S21,S23), lasdarling (S21-S22), RiseGR (S21,S24), Abyr (S22,S24), Fearx_ (S22-S23), KU_N_A_L (S22,S29), OblivionTU (S22,S24), Qmos (S22-S23), Retrofied (S22,S27), VurkeTTV (S22,S24), Xifto (S22,S24), CommanderK22 (S23,S33), Squegi (S23,S26), 5KYFALLS (S24,S26), alexnv (S24,S27), OhMatias (S24,S33), oMatty (S24,S32), Severuu (S24,S32), spxrkz_ (S24,S27), Codwhy (S25,S33), fyechris (S26-S27), Kahooter (S26-S27), MichaelPlayMC (S26,S30), vegis (S26,S28), Evxn063 (S27-S28), RqDix (S27-S28), Cahmn (S30,S33), johnnytheching (S31-S32), ScaryPumpkinFace (S31,S33)
1(178): AryaQT (S1), Fierys (S1), homiemansmans (S1), ItzIgglesPiggles (S1), pureinnocence (S1), Zcin (S1), BikBoy (S2), CTW (S2), FireBreathMan (S2), Fxther (S2), hueske (S2), iWrekt (S2), jigsaws (S2), N0CTURNAL (S2), xCynesta (S2), xPingWinMan (S2), Evzenitable (S3), Futan (S3), rawed (S4), slxps (S4), Dylxnnnn (S5), bmartxxx (S6), demisux (S6), harrydagawd (S6), LeMystiic (S6), Suzunexd (S6), zFate (S6), Harvyz (S7), Lmoj (S7), SariiTaaa (S7), TacoDab (S7), zrtt (S7), 14flyte (S8), Clegi (S8), DogInCar (S8), JroseFX (S8), mxrwxndood (S8), Wimbl (S8), yassifiesu (S8), cherryblawsom (S9), devuls (S9), Glockey (S9), PingBomb (S9), Ryanmoko (S9), GriddyTC (S10), InnerArtsTV (S10), Yist (S10), aarei (S11), CodeJoshua (S11), DeadlyFoxx (S11), JEDIMASTERKANYE (S11), Jewala (S11), RatherRare (S11), TinchoPijoLarga (S11), brghts (S12), Cindergaming698 (S12), Creadyy (S12), ItzHooded (S12), IvanDIGGA (S12), Smeshi (S12), StepBroImStuck1 (S12), Abstracct (S13), DEMUSS (S13), Dewces (S13), floodW (S13), ixHazexi (S13), Penley (S13), PoofessorP (S13), Tinydraco (S13), ZekoKun (S13), Daltun (S14), Vetmire (S14), Batsuko (S15), brocktober (S15), Johatsu (S15), Kartracer (S15), MarcoThePh0enix (S15), PR0MOTE (S15), PRICINCT (S15), realCUYT (S15), suedemax (S15), TheSlimeBrother (S15), AcidViper (S16), AhSh1t (S16), BushieHalf (S16), CrowJRC (S16), Drkrai (S16), dzupgu (S16), Fratrus (S16), Jkkl (S16), MarcoThePhe0nix (S16), NotSugar (S16), Nuclearsugar (S16), Psykl0ne (S16), rnaa (S16), Saltnobi (S16), SmoothCombos (S16), Toxischer (S16), Vernium (S16), xxezrabxxx (S16), Eindeutiger (S17), GreenFire26 (S17), iGotPlumbs (S17), Mafiat (S17), MXLAXIO (S17), Riolu100895 (S17), Zeegul (S17), 6irb (S18), Awticon (S18), bestlegitww (S18), claure (S18), JaeHasNoMaidens (S18), LowkeyLoke (S18), luksxixBRBDL (S18), TMNono (S18), toxiicbtw (S18), Zoos (S18), Cirex (S19), MostLikelySam (S19), 4runnermaster (S20), Arich (S20), Chqllenged (S20), DeadpoolUHC (S20), Doe (S20), MainAgate5 (S20), BEESTARG (S21), HyperOutHere (S21), M0KEY (S21), Nikanod (S21), Pemmyy (S21), smiinoo (S21), dray0 (S22), FroztiSnowman (S22), Hpark03 (S22), KennyTee (S22), Linkelf0rz (S22), Mapietrzak (S22), sr8611 (S22), Togglee (S22), Ezehh (S23), fxlzy (S23), jaranato (S23), Orbitxl (S23), peppermint (S23), SilabaTonica (S23), Zaiki (S23), KazyXD (S24), MCBR (S24), MephisDomen (S24), sleepingxd (S24), xROSEQ (S26), hdjr (S27), Thimburrr (S27), volcxnow (S27), Bov (S28), Cr3ad (S28), dwgn (S28), nikiforos (S28), Outname (S28), ploonyUwU (S28), salic (S28), Sk1wars (S28), Specularpotato (S28), Viatic_ (S28), Centrios (S29), Shm3e (S29), Smothering (S29), Blufferfish2009 (S31), FroztiSnow (S31), nsket (S31), shaundoman (S31), stupidsylvia (S31), Tunaisheree (S31), dooko (S32), RaiN_DyNasty (S32), O1OO (S33), smurpes (S33), xannydood (S33)


S1 (31): AryaQT, Bofishkix, brinkwhy, broccoliar, Cahnner, CallMeBqse, chimah, Dargxn, downkey, drewxd, Fierys, FLOWTIVES, homiemansmans, HUQTER, idklyn, ItzIgglesPiggles, IZUR, MangoPlayz, Mohala, Mvte, Pahm, pureinnocence, PwincessVanessa, ranmari, Senkhi, Shqkster, Sigtash, soakle, SpaceFenix, Stravilight, Zcin
S2 (49): AdonisGaming, ArcticSeagull, BikBoy, BraydenB11, Bulbexe, checog, Chesspiece, CTW, Cwrunch, dylns, Emplacement, FearThrows, FireBreathMan, Flcnt, Fxther, Gleeming, Gleoss, HeyItsJBug, hueske, iWrekt, jigsaws, jjsteeples, Kelldeo, kendawg_g, kirkfr, Krbreb, Lnarz, love_gem4164, loyaltea, LUCRODIUM, maccwyatt, N0CTURNAL, Permm, PizzqWithAQ, RAHILL, Raying, repped, risn, samdave, Scyles, SergeantM, spellygod, tastywill, TehBaconBrawlerZ, upraise, xCynesta, XERNE5, xPingWinMan, YellowAuraa
S3 (19): _Gag, Blarkslol, colbay, Dredex, DumbThiccNick, Evzenitable, Futan, hypcr, IdkKiller, IsoLights, mxcros, oceun, PolarTaco, skyzfy, StrengthDMN, Switches, TPolls, Vrehv, ZachConnor
S4 (17): adrmf, AvyleZ, benidk, CipherKai, dummycute, Greatwarrior_, Haydcn, Lynor, Lynxo, notrhain, rawed, slxps, Strikeroonie, TinchoPijaLarga, xHobo, xNGHT, Zoroh
S5 (26): 5ize, ADinoPlayingMC, AiroKun, BreakfastBacon, brinniex, Dcrpy, Deanuhc, Dizzying, DJoee, Dylxnnnn, DZYER, Hendysaurus, Jeromesha, L1GHT1NG, lapppp, marceloifhy, Merch, PotatoPlayer_, saltbag, toggleuhc, tonylmao, Valnius, willif, WoodFired, xMisha, Zeesue
S6 (30): _carn, alcxz, apa37, Beastaxel, bmartxxx, Cloversss, demisux, Dreamfall, DripGodDavid, flameorb, harkuaa, harrydagawd, heartparticles, imFatLoveMe, LeMystiic, m4ku, mxrwzndood, NotChewi, OCTAMAN, onstep, pawnss, RohanSmashBro, Shot3m, SSGSS4Goku, St0rmplayz, Suzunexd, ToeKun, void_hi, Zebobo10, zFate
S7 (28): 1mmortal, Pm, B0WUH, Centrah, Charrlottie, DragonGlory, dylxnd, emi1iano, ERHDude, FishManIsPotato, Fragggg, ghostblurr, Harvyz, ImChilly, ItsColinn, jake_hoe, jemjosh, Kaddyn, Kelawesome, Lmoj, Lunar, PapaNugey, SariiTaaa, Slooshyy, TacoDab, ToontownOnline, Zopho_, zrtt
S8 (26): 14flyte, 5idekick, ANJELLOH, Bornyo, Caceduopamso, carterwarterbear, Clegi, Crayonix, dahii, DanishDrill, dhaq, DogInCar, DRI60, Forrest235, iLoveBoris, JroseFX, K0REDRAG0N, Luca_Kgaming, MannyDM, mxrwxndood, Nightshqdee, Ryfri, spittoon, WALRUS_TIME, Wimbl, yassifies_u
S9 (14): BottleSause, cherryblawsom, Cocunut233, devuls, Glockey_, HalfLechuga, ilylazaro, ninja3214, PingBomb, Ryanmoko, violethearts, xDiversity, xtiger34, YouCheated
S10 (19): Cheetah_16, Clemjo, DEV0Y, Greninja, GriddyTC, InnerArtsTV, InProper, Jaceon02, KELCOS, NexfoR, NickPlaysGames15, QuacksL, remyyyyyy, RollRealQuick, solnyy, Stornette, T1mT0m, Turqified, Yist
S11 (13): aarei, cnner, CodeJoshua, DeadlyFoxx, enablin, JEDIMASTERKANYE, Jewala, Krxmble, lzmur, RatherRare, TinchoPijoLarga, urfake, ywack
S12 (14): bayweafs, BENJADDD, brghts, ceije, Cindergaming698, CoDrake, Creadyy, derekast, ItzHooded, IvanDIGGA, Lative, Smeshi, StepBroImStuck1, winterf
S13 (11): Abstracct, BanMoon, DEMUSS, Dewces, floodW, ixHazexi, Penley, PoofessorP, TheRealHagrid, Tinydraco, Zeko_Kun
S14 (11): Fost, beaniepls, BloodBlack, Daltun, Glarza, MisaSama, ReiBatsubami, SlicedOranges, swishduck, Vetmire, zCent
S15 (23): 5ARx, 5HARPGOD, Batsuko, Bobbytheturtle, brocktober, GhostLikesCakes, GodlySteal, Goopling, Gott_aka_Leonard, Johatsu, Kartracer, LZNAR, MarcoThePh0enix, Normoh, ObeseProdigy, PitSolitayrh, PR0MOTE, PRICINCT, realCUYT, suedemax, TheSlimeBrother, TOOOTH, zewgle
S16 (30): 2Pacoh, AcidViper, AhSh1t, azoof, BackToAfrica, Batusko, Blendd, Broseph, BruceTheNinja10, BushieHalf, Colozi, CrowJRC, Drkrai, dzupgu, Fratrus, Jkkl, MarcoThePhe0nix, NotSugar, Nuclearsugar, Psykl0ne, QueenxPetty, rnaa, rodfather, Saltnobi, SmoothCombos, Spongey, Toxischer, UbiquityHD, Vernium, xxezrabxxx
S17 (15): Cacedoupamso, Captinn, Eindeutiger, GreenFire26, iGotPlumbs, IMLpLay, Kaismartypants, Loushus, LUKAD0NCIC, Mafiat, MXLAXIO, PupperKun, Riolu100895, Supersun_, Zeegul
S18 (18): 6irb, _pbo, Awticon, bestlegitww, choiceband, chrisrokay, claure, Deadlyboom, Dyoza, EivLs, JaeHasNoMaidens, LowkeyLoke, luksxixBRBDL, nug17, theTrapDoor, TMNono, toxiicbtw, Zoos
S19 (10): Cirex, FrostBros, Ginzburg, Hecticity, luvictoire, MaxCringe, MostLikelySam, NotMyLights, PLENT, whoshaze
S20 (28): 4runnermaster, Arich, Aybel, Captureee, Chqllenged, CurdledDrip, DeadpoolUHC, Demomaker, Doe, Erdql, ethodog, flameh, hashtagmat, Hrray, JayNonsense, jubatyson, Jwillz, Lach, LLEANN, MainAgate5, nsi9, pm3crafte4, Rameur, ShmeckleBoy, TheSheepMasters, TheShippFloats, TitaniumDino25, xPandaaz
S21 (22): AshRiolu100985, BEESTARG, dontbow, Gotelin, HyperOutHere, Iceisnice32, jacobcrafty, jasondoa, JIMMY453, lasdarling, lazys, lukevvs, M0KEY, Nikanod, omchris, Pemmyy, retrys, RiseGR, sgouche, smiinoo, unixn, vynil
S22 (17): Abyr, dray0, Fearx, FroztiSnowman, Geroot, Hpark03, K_U_N_A_L, KennyTee, Linkelf0rz, Mapietrzak, OblivionTU, Qmos, Retrofied, sr8611, Togglee, VurkeTTV, Xifto
S23 (11): Char1zo, CommanderK22_, Ezehh, fxlzy, jaranato, Orbitxl, peppermint, SilabaTonica, Squegi, strategy, Zaiki
S24 (15): 5KYFALLS, alexnv, BuildingBard300, CHAINGE, Fcrm, KazyXD, MCBR, MephisDomen, naseemXBT, nolanishot, OhMatias, oMatty, Severuu, sleepingxd, spxrkz_
S26 (7): fyechris, JEREMIUH, Kahooter, lamzyk, MichaelPlayMC, vegis, xROSEQ
S27 (7): Evxn063, GrassPiece, hdjr, RqDix, sweatgod, Thimburrr, volcxnow
S28 (10): Bov, Cr3ad, dwgn, nikiforos, Outname, ploonyUwU, salic, Sk1wars, Specularpotato, Viatic_
S29 (3): Centrios, Shm3e, Smothering
S30 (1): Cahmn
S31 (8): Blufferfish2009, FroztiSnow, johnnytheching, nsket, ScaryPumpkinFace, shaundoman, stupidsylvia, Tunaisheree
S32 (2): dooko, RaiN_DyNasty
S33 (3): O1OO, smurpes, xannydood
submitted by Brodator to ultrahardcore [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:17 Brodator Solace Kills (Part 1)

Solace Kills (Part 1)


1st FLOWTIVES (112): broccoliar (S1), Mohala (S1), Shqkster (S1), brinkwhy (S1), Mvte (S1), chimah (S1), Raying (S2), Chesspiece (S2), tastywill (S2), Cahnner (S2), Fxther (S2), downkey (S2), iWrekt (S2), Krbreb (S2), soakle (S3), PizzqWithAQ (S5), Cahnner (S5), Dylxnnnn (S5), jjsteeples (S5), ADinoPlayingMC (S5), Dcrpy (S5), Hendysaurus (S5), loyaltea (S5), DumbThiccNick (S5), Dizzying (S5), Merch (S5), AiroKun (S5), Vrehv (S7), pawnss (S7), heartparticles (S7), ranmari (S7), Dizzying (S7), carn (S7), Deanuhc (S7), ToontownOnline (S7), FearThrows (S7), tonylmao (S7), benidk (S7), RohanSmashBro (S8), _Pm (S8), MannyDM (S8), Lunar (S8), flameorb (S8), Cloversss (S8), DumbThiccNick (S8), OCTAMAN (S8), carn (S8), Krbreb (S8), PotatoPlayer (S8), Deanuhc (S8), ranmari (S8), Senkhi (S8), lapppp (S8), Zeesue (S9), Cocunut233 (S9), ArcticSeagull (S9), Charrlottie (S9), dylxnd (S9), St0rmplayz (S9), RohanSmashBro (S9), Dcrpy (S9), OCTAMAN (S10), iLoveBoris (S10), St0rmplayz (S10), ranmari (S13), TehBaconBrawlerZ (S14), PizzqWithAQ (S14), Dizzying (S14), Cocunut233 (S14), alcxz (S14), ToeKun (S14), Fost (S14), NickPlaysGames15 (S14), AvyleZ (S14), xDiversity (S15), St0rmplayz (S15), Johatsu (S15), Colozi (S16), azoof (S16), Dizzying (S16), St0rmplayz (S16), Crayonix (S16), Hendysaurus (S17), PizzqWithAQ (S19), rodfather (S19), Broseph (S19), checog (S19), risn (S19), IMLpLay (S19), Cloversss (S19), Zoroh (S19), WALRUS_TIME (S20), Rameur (S20), xMisha (S20), Zoroh (S20), Dreamfall (S21), IdkKiller (S21), Crayonix (S21), AiroKun (S21), 5ize (S21)
2nd lapppp (104): voidhi (S7), ToontownOnline (S8), harkuaa (S8), kirkfr (S8), Emplacement (S8), apa37 (S8), PwincessVanessa (S8), ANJELLOH (S8), onstep (S8), Caceduopamso (S8), tonylmao (S8), Kaddyn (S10), XERNE5 (S11), skyzfy (S11), jake_hoe (S11), DripGodDavid (S11), benidk (S11), Emplacement (S11), Sigtash (S11), alcxz (S12), winterf (S12), Lative (S12), 5idekick (S12), PotatoPlayer (S12), bayweafs (S12), Krbreb (S13), Turqified (S13), MangoPlayz (S16), Fragggg (S16), Bulbexe (S17), kirkfr (S17), beaniepls (S17), Dredex (S17), Strikeroonie (S17), checog (S17), WoodFired (S18), DumbThiccNick (S19), Cacedoupamso (S19), luvictoire (S19), carterwarterbear (S19), Lach (S21), M0KEY (S21), soakle (S21), DJoee (S21), ArcticSeagull (S21), TheSheepMasters (S21), Stravilight (S21), Zopho_ (S21), kirkfr (S21), Haydcn (S21), lukevvs (S21), MisaSama (S21), unixn (S21), KU_N_A_L (S22), Batusko (S22), Mapietrzak (S22), sgouche (S22), Supersun (S22), Retrofied (S22), derekast (S22), KennyTee (S22), lazys (S22), PLENT (S22), Vrehv (S23), sgouche (S23), St0rmplayz (S23), Haydcn (S23), brinkwhy (S23), DripGodDavid (S23), Cloversss (S23), FLOWTIVES (S23), downkey (S23), soakle (S23), ToeKun (S24), DEV0Y (S24), Colozi (S24), lapppp (S24), ranmari (S25), carterwarterbear (S25), willif (S25), AiroKun (S25), lapppp (S25), dontbow (S27), naseemXBT (S27), PotatoPlayer_ (S29), nug17 (S29), Kaismartypants (S29), remyyyyyy (S29), Glarza (S29), Stravilight (S29), Ginzburg (S29), CurdledDrip (S30), CHAINGE (S32), Kaismartypants (S32), derekast (S32), Batusko (S32), onstep (S32), Zoroh (S32), colbay (S32), xannydood (S33)
3rd Zoroh (101): Dredex (S4), Bulbexe (S4), maccwyatt (S6), jemjosh (S8), jjsteeples (S9), kirkfr (S9), carterwarterbear (S9), BottleSause (S9), Dargxn (S9), IdkKiller (S9), willif (S10), 5idekick (S10), Yist (S10), PotatoPlayer_ (S10), MangoPlayz (S10), Zeesue (S10), Flcnt (S10), remyyyyyy (S10), Crayonix (S10), Dredex (S10), brinniex (S10), Gleoss (S10), Greninja (S10), adrmf (S11), Slooshyy (S11), samdave (S11), apa37 (S12), DumbThiccNick (S12), Lynxo (S12), carterwarterbear (S12), RohanSmashBro (S12), Zebobo10 (S12), samdave (S12), samdave (S13), Stravilight (S13), MangoPlayz (S13), DEMUSS (S13), Dizzying (S13), 1mmortal (S13), RohanSmashBro (S13), BENJADDD (S13), AiroKun (S13), PoofessorP (S13), soakle (S13), willif (S13), Dewces (S13), brinkwhy (S13), downkey (S13), void_hi (S15), kendawg_g (S15), FLOWTIVES (S15), bayweafs (S15), ArcticSeagull (S15), Dcrpy (S16), DripGodDavid (S16), Krbreb (S16), IdkKiller (S16), harkuaa (S17), IMLpLay (S17), apa37 (S17), MisaSama (S17), Captinn (S17), Zoos (S18), DumbThiccNick (S18), AiroKun (S18), LZNAR (S18), Stravilight (S19), FrostBros (S19), DRI60 (S19), TOOOTH (S19), onstep (S19), skyzfy (S19), lapppp (S19), broccoliar (S21), Nikanod (S21), Captureee (S21), willif (S21), swishduck (S22), imFatLoveMe (S22), void_hi (S22), unixn (S22), checog (S22), Cloversss (S22), TOOOTH (S22), azoof (S26), lamzyk (S26), SPEEDYDIGS (S26), CurdledDrip (S26), ranmari (S26), RollRealQuick (S27), IdkKiller (S27), Geroot (S27), benidk (S27), sgouche (S28), Stravilight (S28), skyzfy (S28), L1GHT1NG (S28), HUQTER (S28), johnnytheching (S32), RaiN_DyNasty (S32)
4th adrmf (64): dummycute (S4), jjsteeples (S4), tastywill (S4), Flcnt (S4), Krbreb (S4), slxps (S4), maccwyatt (S4), PR0MOTE (S15), Sigtash (S15), FishManIsPotato (S15), notrhain (S15), QuacksL (S15), PizzqWithAQ (S15), broccoliar (S16), GhostLikesCakes (S16), Fratrus (S16), NotSugar (S16), enablin (S16), _carn (S16), FishManIsPotato (S16), LZNAR (S16), KELCOS (S16), Bulbexe (S19), Geroot (S22), benidk (S22), Iceisnice32 (S22), WoodFired (S22), dylxnd (S22), colbay (S22), Hecticity (S22), LUCRODIUM (S22), JayNonsense (S22), dray0 (S22), lasdarling (S22), Dizzying (S22), BENJADDD (S22), IZUR (S22), Dargxn (S23), lukevvs (S23), DumbThiccNick (S23), derekast (S24), TehBaconBrawlerZ (S24), hypcr (S24), Cloversss (S24), DripGodDavid (S24), MephisDomen (S24), Dredex (S24), Geroot (S25), dontbow (S25), Batusko (S27), Kaddyn (S27), broccoliar (S27), Charrlottie (S27), dahii (S27), FLOWTIVES (S28), DripGodDavid (S28), void_hi (S28), DJoee (S28), spittoon (S28), soakle (S28), Specularpotato (S28), nolanishot (S28), upraise (S28), sgouche (S29)
5th Gleoss (63): drewxd (S2), soakle (S2), upraise (S2), LUCRODIUM (S2), RAHILL (S6), Jeromesha (S6), skyzfy (S7), Slooshyy (S7), AvyleZ (S7), brinkwhy (S7), ZachConnor (S7), XERNE5 (S9), L1GHT1NG (S9), void_hi (S9), Flcnt (S9), ImChilly (S9), Cahnner (S9), PingBomb (S9), xtiger34 (S9), spittoon (S10), Cheetah_16 (S10), alcxz (S10), Deanuhc (S10), DragonGlory (S10), jake_hoe (S10), ToeKun (S10), FLOWTIVES (S10), T1mT0m (S10), Krbreb (S11), lapppp (S13), DripGodDavid (S13), solnyy (S13), Shqkster (S13), KELCOS (S13), Batusko (S16), Krxmble (S16), Lynxo (S18), SpaceFenix (S18), Strikeroonie (S18), IsoLights (S19), 2Pacoh (S19), Kaismartypants (S19), ghostblurr (S19), AiroKun (S19), swishduck (S19), Bornyo (S19), Senkhi (S19), LUCRODIUM (S19), zewgle (S20), Senkhi (S20), Ryfri (S23), Gleoss (S23), OhMatias (S24), checog (S24), Hecticity (S24), carterwarterbear (S24), CHAINGE (S24), cnner (S24), skyzfy (S24), onstep (S24), MangoPlayz (S25), BENJADDD (S26), Normoh (S29)
6th skyzfy (50): Switches (S3), FLOWTIVES (S13), 5ARx (S15), BENJADDD (S15), ywack (S15), upraise (S15), PRICINCT (S15), carterwarterbear (S15), IdkKiller (S15), IsoLights (S16), RohanSmashBro (S16), Supersun_ (S17), NexfoR (S18), PupperKun (S19), spellygod (S19), L1GHT1NG (S19), Scyles (S20), ShmeckleBoy (S20), TheShippFloats (S22), Xifto (S24), strategy (S24), Strikeroonie (S24), BruceTheNinja10 (S26), Stravilight (S26), DJoee (S26), volcxnow (S27), SSGSS4Goku (S27), Colozi (S27), dylns (S27), dahii (S28), winterf (S28), LUKAD0NCIC (S29), carterwarterbear (S29), bayweafs (S29), DripGodDavid (S29), Cloversss (S29), jasondoa (S29), zCent (S29), PupperKun (S29), vynil (S30), zewgle (S30), apa37 (S30), _carn (S30), lamzyk (S30), PupperKun (S30), Kaismartypants (S30), Dargxn (S31), dylxnd (S31), derekast (S31), onstep (S31)
7th carterwarterbear (44): Kaddyn (S9), PwincessVanessa (S9), devuls (S9), Cindergaming698 (S12), Deanuhc (S14), ceije (S14), BanMoon (S14), Zebobo10 (S14), Dargxn (S14), ArcticSeagull (S16), downkey (S16), kirkfr (S16), Kelldeo (S17), ArcticSeagull (S17), Bobbytheturtle (S17), claure (S18), PotatoPlayer_ (S19), HUQTER (S20), colbay (S20), Dizzying (S20), jacobcrafty (S21), AshRiolu100985 (S22), vynil (S22), dahii (S22), OblivionTU (S24), Captinn (S25), naseemXBT (S25), CHAINGE (S25), lazys (S26), winterf (S26), theTrapDoor (S26), GodlySteal (S26), brinkwhy (S26), nsi9 (S26), Cloversss (S27), sweatgod (S28), Cahmn (S30), Kaddyn (S31), NotChewi (S32), GodlySteal (S32), Crayonix (S32), ranmari (S32), carterwarterbear (S32), Crayonix (S33)
8th AiroKun (42): BraydenB11 (S5), Chesspiece (S5), tonylmao (S5), BreakfastBacon (S5), lapppp (S5), brinkwhy (S5), DJoee (S5), PizzqWithAQ (S7), m4ku (S7), upraise (S7), DripGodDavid (S7), OCTAMAN (S7), DragonGlory (S7), MangoPlayz (S7), MangoPlayz (S8), willif (S8), soakle (S10), InnerArtsTV (S10), broccoliar (S10), Bulbexe (S10), Zeesue (S12), BENJADDD (S12), YouCheated (S13), CoDrake (S13), Lynxo (S13), Crayonix (S13), skyzfy (S13), Goopling (S17), Cheetah16 (S17), MangoPlayz (S17), Ryfri (S19), zCent (S19), QueenxPetty (S21), Valnius (S21), Kaismartypants (S21), Zoroh (S21), carterwarterbear (S21), harkuaa (S21), SAYNAR (S25), Kaismartypants (S25), Codwhy (S25), PotatoPlayer (S26)
9th spellygod (41): FLOWTIVES (S3), hypcr (S3), LeMystiic (S6), xNGHT (S6), PapaNugey (S7), mxcros (S9), drewxd (S15), hypcr (S15), enablin (S15), B0WUH (S15), 1mmortal (S16), Senkhi (S16), SmoothCombos (S16), ToeKun (S16), Toxischer (S16), Gott_aka_Leonard (S16), WoodFired (S16), xDiversity (S16), samdave (S16), lapppp (S18), LowkeyLoke (S18), cnner (S18), Kaismartypants (S20), PupperKun (S20), spittoon (S20), Gleoss (S20), carterwarterbear (S20), 4runnermaster (S20), Hrray (S21), MaxCringe (S21), brinkwhy (S21), lzmur (S21), Iceisnice32 (S21), WoodFired (S21), Lynxo (S21), LZNAR (S21), FLOWTIVES (S21), FLOWTIVES (S22), theTrapDoor (S22), lapppp (S22), T1mT0m (S33)
10th PizzqWithAQ (40): jjsteeples (S2), Scyles (S2), Kelldeo (S2), loyaltea (S2), kendawgg (S2), hueske (S2), CallMeBqse (S2), jigsaws (S2), CTW (S2), TPolls (S5), Suzunexd (S6), Dreamfall (S6), kendawg_g (S6), BreakfastBacon (S6), Centrah (S7), StrengthDMN (S9), Emplacement (S9), KELCOS (S14), Dizzying (S15), Permm (S15), HeyItsJBug (S16), 2Pacoh (S16), carterwarterbear (S16), Lynxo (S16), skyzfy (S16), DJoee (S18), Haydcn (S18), XERNE5 (S18), choiceband (S28), Bov (S28), Zebobo10 (S28), SAYNAR (S28), LUCRODIUM (S28), Captureee (S28), spellygod (S29), azoof (S29), kendawg_g (S29), nolanishot (S29), _1mmortal (S29), Captureee (S29)
11th benidk (35): CallMeBqse (S4), BraydenB11 (S4), Vrehv (S4), DZYER (S5), onstep (S7), ImChilly (S7), zrtt (S7), xMisha (S7), Zeesue (S8), Zoroh (S8), Charrlottie (S8), 1mmortal (S9), solnyy (S12), Blendd (S17), MannyDM (S18), pbo (S18), brinkwhy (S19), HalfLechuga (S22), lzmur (S22), Valnius (S23), xDiversity (S23), Supersun (S23), 5KYFALLS (S26), hdjr (S27), ToeKun (S27), Fcrm (S27), nikiforos (S28), dahii (S30), 1mmortal (S30), Haydcn (S30), ShmeckleBoy (S30), Permm (S30), Cloversss (S30), bayweafs (S33), Zeesue (S33)
12th samdave (34): kendawgg (S3), CallMeBqse (S3), PotatoPlayer (S5), 5ize (S5), Senkhi (S5), Haydcn (S5), XERNE5 (S5), soakle (S7), Charrlottie (S7), PwincessVanessa (S7), Cahnner (S7), ghostblurr (S7), 1mmortal (S7), saltbag (S7), WoodFired (S7), HUQTER (S8), DumbThiccNick (S11), Turqified (S11), Lynxo (S11), CoDrake (S12), Crayonix (S12), Bornyo (S12), willif (S12), Goopling (S15), Fragggg (S15), L1GHT1NG (S15), jemjosh (S16), Drkrai (S16), Zoroh (S16), FLOWTIVES (S16), Kelldeo (S16), 5idekick (S17), Bornyo (S17), LUKAD0NCIC (S18)
13th LUCRODIUM (33): SergeantM (S2), colbay (S3), Sigtash (S3), Shqkster (S3), TPolls (S3), Lnarz (S3), XERNE5 (S3), MisaSama (S15), DanishDrill (S15), Pm (S16), BackToAfrica (S16), LUCRODIUM (S18), xtiger34 (S19), hashtagmat (S20), brinkwhy (S20), Ginzburg (S20), Captureee (S20), marceloifhy (S21), Turqified (S23), upraise (S24), RiseGR (S24), 5HARPGOD (S26), void_hi (S27), Dyoza (S27), St0rmplayz (S28), Viatic (S28), adrmf (S28), TheRealHagrid (S32), BruceTheNinja10 (S32), jasondoa (S32), smurpes (S33), broccoliar (S33), jasondoa (S33)
14th Dargxn (31): PwincessVanessa (S1), soakle (S1), idklyn (S1), L1GHT1NG (S7), ANJELLOH (S9), downkey (S9), Bulbexe (S12), CoDrake (S14), ArcticSeagull (S14), downkey (S14), kirkfr (S14), MarcoThePh0enix (S15), brinniex (S16), iGotPlumbs (S17), BackToAfrica (S17), remyyyyyy (S17), xtiger34 (S17), 6irb (S18), JaeHasNoMaidens (S18), solnyy (S18), Zeesue (S18), Gleoss (S18), kirkfr (S18), benidk (S18), Glarza (S22), zCent (S22), upraise (S25), bayweafs (S25), PotatoPlayer_ (S31), swishduck (S33), Dyoza (S33)
15th xtiger34 (29): PapaNugey (S9), Zebobo10 (S9), NotChewi (S9), DumbThiccNick (S9), alcxz (S9), FLOWTIVES (S9), Charrlottie (S15), RohanSmashBro (S15), brinkwhy (S15), Gott_aka_Leonard (S15), saltbag (S15), Dizzying (S17), TOOOTH (S17), chrisrokay (S19), Hrray (S20), Squegi (S26), Gleoss (S26), _carn (S26), Zoroh (S26), carterwarterbear (S26), FishManIsPotato (S26), strategy (S30), lapppp (S30), sweatgod (S30), TheRealHagrid (S30), HeyItsJBug (S30), skyzfy (S30), theTrapDoor (S31), ScaryPumpkinFace (S31)
16th DJoee (28): saltbag (S5), Mohala (S5), Zeesue (S5), benidk (S6), _carn (S15), Normoh (S15), Jaceon02 (S16), QuacksL (S18), ethodog (S20), jasondoa (S21), DripGodDavid (S21), Scyles (S25), Dcrpy (S26), kendawg_g (S26), IZUR (S26), PupperKun (S26), SAYNAR (S26), Sk1wars (S28), L1GHT1NG (S29), Smothering (S29), Senkhi (S29), johnnytheching (S31), Stravilight (S31), CHAINGE (S31), FishManIsPotato (S33), FLOWTIVES (S33), RollRealQuick (S33), Permm (S33)
16th soakle (28): Stravilight (S1), Mohala (S4), InProper (S11), 5ize (S11), RatherRare (S11), PwincessVanessa (S11), Dargxn (S13), hypcr (S13), RollRealQuick (S18), St0rmplayz (S20), Jwillz (S21), LUKAD0NCIC (S23), fxlzy (S23), Ezehh (S23), Colozi (S23), onstep (S23), MisaSama (S23), xDiversity (S24), ToeKun (S25), hypcr (S25), sgouche (S25), SPEEDYDIGS (S25), winterf (S25), BruceTheNinja10 (S27), kirkfr (S28), naseemXBT (S28), spellygod (S31), Blufferfish2009 (S31)
18th checog (27): PizzqWithAQ (S9), Beastaxel (S9), tonylmao (S15), HUQTER (S15), Dargxn (S15), CallMeBqse (S15), 5HARPGOD (S15), hypcr (S16), Spongey (S16), Scyles (S17), FLOWTIVES (S17), Dreamfall (S17), Zeegul (S17), Vrehv (S17), Kaddyn (S17), brinkwhy (S17), WoodFired (S17), Dargxn (S17), DripGodDavid (S18), theTrapDoor (S18), PotatoPlayer_ (S18), RohanSmashBro (S18), hypcr (S18), MostLikelySam (S19), Stornette (S19), LUKAD0NCIC (S25), nolanishot (S27)
18th CipherKai (27): loyaltea (S4), Gleoss (S4), YellowAuraa (S4), brinniex (S6), Deanuhc (S6), voidhi (S6), Lynxo (S6), harrydagawd (S6), DumbThiccNick (S6), Lmoj (S7), ERHDude (S7), Zebobo10 (S7), dhaq (S9), SSGSS4Goku (S10), carterwarterbear (S10), onstep (S10), RollRealQuick (S10), AiroKun (S10), Turqified (S10), BENJADDD (S14), swishduck (S14), FearThrows (S14), Zopho (S24), Ryfri (S24), Ginzburg (S24), Kaismartypants (S24), zCent (S33)
18th Dizzying (27): xMisha (S5), Zoroh (S6), ArcticSeagull (S6), AdonisGaming (S6), DZYER (S6), NotChewi (S6), PwincessVanessa (S6), love_gem4164 (S6), FishManIsPotato (S7), love_gem4164 (S7), dzupgu (S16), Psykl0ne (S16), Arich (S20), DJoee (S20), TheSheepMasters (S20), checog (S20), bayweafs (S20), Stravilight (S20), jubatyson (S20), Colozi (S20), RollRealQuick (S20), saltbag (S21), TinchoPijaLarga (S21), RollRealQuick (S21), zCent (S21), lasdarling (S21), ilylazaro (S21)
18th PupperKun (27): ItsColinn (S17), xDiversity (S17), InProper (S17), samdave (S17), carterwarterbear (S17), Zoroh (S17), lapppp (S17), LucaKgaming (S20), DripGodDavid (S20), Fearx (S23), DJoee (S25), Krbreb (S25), violethearts (S25), Gott_aka_Leonard (S27), Kaismartypants (S27), zCent (S27), spittoon (S27), LUCRODIUM (S27), MisaSama (S28), brinkwhy (S28), Crayonix (S29), HalfLechuga (S29), RohanSmashBro (S29), bayweafs (S31), LUKAD0NCIC (S31), carterwarterbear (S31), strategy (S31)
22nd cnner (26): Deanuhc (S12), Creadyy (S12), Turqified (S14), L1GHT1NG (S14), DEV0Y (S14), SlicedOranges (S14), TheRealHagrid (S14), MisaSama (S14), solnyy (S14), carterwarterbear (S14), Bulbexe (S14), Awticon (S18), downkey (S18), adrmf (S18), toxiicbtw (S18), PizzqWithAQ (S18), luksxixBRBDL (S18), sleepingxd (S24), Severuu (S24), NotChewi (S24), Geroot (S24), Krbreb (S24), LUKAD0NCIC (S24), BENJADDD (S24), Dyoza (S25), T1mT0m (S25)
23rd _carn (24): OCTAMAN (S6), Dargxn (S8), Shqkster (S8), downkey (S11), Kaddyn (S11), 1mmortal (S12), Clemjo (S12), Cheetah_16 (S12), AvyleZ (S12), brinniex (S12), ToeKun (S12), suedemax (S15), Lynxo (S17), Cocunut233 (S17), Deadlyboom (S19), drewxd (S19), ranmari (S21), bayweafs (S21), onstep (S22), Evxn063 (S27), Ginzburg (S27), strategy (S29), HUQTER (S29), loyaltea (S29)
23rd LZNAR (24): GhostLikesCakes (S15), downkey (S15), risn (S16), Glarza (S16), winterf (S16), RollRealQuick (S16), Gleoss (S16), LUCRODIUM (S16), BackToAfrica (S18), zCent (S18), PwincessVanessa (S18), Bornyo (S20), Slooshyy (S20), NickPlaysGames15 (S20), TitaniumDino25 (S20), onstep (S21), Jaceon02 (S21), GodlySteal (S21), whoshaze (S21), DanishDrill (S21), TheShippFloats (S21), Dizzying (S21), Turqified (S22), skyzfy (S22)
23rd onstep (24): bmartxxx (S6), Kaddyn (S8), 1mmortal (S10), lapppp (S10), soakle (S18), Jaceon02 (S18), GhostLikesCakes (S19), PizzqWithAQ (S20), CurdledDrip (S20), jacobcrafty (S23), QuacksL (S24), RohanSmashBro (S24), alexnv (S24), CipherKai (S24), Kelawesome (S24), brinkwhy (S27), K0REDRAG0N (S27), HeyItsJBug (S27), stupidsylvia (S31), broccoliar (S31), downkey (S31), xtiger34 (S31), Char1zo (S32), LUKAD0NCIC (S32)
26th swishduck (22): nug17 (S18), EivLs (S18), Kaddyn (S19), broccoliar (S19), Dyoza (S19), winterf (S19), tonylmao (S19), TheSheepMasters (S22), SSGSS4Goku (S23), zCent (S23), Zaiki (S23), adrmf (S23), Gottaka_Leonard (S23), ArcticSeagull (S24), bayweafs (S24), spxrkz (S27), Gotelin (S27), theTrapDoor (S27), Thimburrr (S27), SAYNAR (S27), willif (S33), DJoee (S33)
27th Captureee (21): TOOOTH (S20), DumbThiccNick (S25), Jwillz (S25), Char1zo (S25), PupperKun (S25), checog (S25), Greninja (S25), unixn (S27), JEREMIUH (S27), LLEANN (S28), Zopho_ (S28), Sigtash (S28), CurdledDrip (S28), Zoroh (S28), Shqkster (S29), Fcrm (S29), DJoee (S29), BruceTheNinja10 (S29), Colozi (S29), lapppp (S29), Gleoss (S29)
27th mxrwzndood (21): ToeKun (S6), Shot3m (S6), IdkKiller (S6), ranmari (S6), CipherKai (S6), Gleoss (S6), Valnius (S6), Dizzying (S6), AvyleZ (S6), DripGodDavid (S31), FroztiSnow (S31), willif (S31), Hecticity (S31), ranmari (S31), SAYNAR (S31), HeyItsJBug (S31), vynil (S31), JEREMIUH (S31), DJoee (S31), dahii (S31), lamzyk (S31)
27th tonylmao (21): adrmf (S5), TacoDab (S7), _Pm (S7), emi1iano (S7), Kelawesome (S7), Hendysaurus (S8), WoodFired (S8), DZYER (S8), Vrehv (S10), BushieHalf (S16), alcxz (S16), Zeesue (S16), Dreamfall (S16), ghostblurr (S18), colbay (S18), TOOOTH (S18), PupperKun (S18), xMisha (S18), rodfather (S18), Tunaisheree (S31), FearThrows (S32)
27th xMisha (21): WoodFired (S5), SSGSS4Goku (S6), risn (S6), HUQTER (S6), ItsColinn (S7), Shqkster (S9), Bofishkix (S9), SpaceFenix (S9), ItsColinn (S9), SSGSS4Goku (S11), skyzfy (S12), HalfLechuga (S12), downkey (S12), Shqkster (S14), risn (S17), Mafiat (S17), AvyleZ (S18), carterwarterbear (S18), skyzfy (S18), samdave (S18), MangoPlayz (S23)
31st brinkwhy (19): Pahm (S1), skyzfy (S3), _Gag (S3), Dredex (S3), HUQTER (S3), Zebobo10 (S13), St0rmplayz (S13), Haydcn (S16), GhostLikesCakes (S22), Slooshyy (S22), PupperKun (S22), KazyXD (S24), MisaSama (S24), LUKAD0NCIC (S26), onstep (S26), Crayonix (S26), Gleoss (S28), Kaddyn (S30), TheShippFloats (S30)
31st dahii (19): WALRUSTIME (S8), QuacksL (S10), WALRUS_TIME (S10), skyzfy (S10), DEV0Y (S19), nsi9 (S21), Mvte (S21), colbay (S21), CurdledDrip (S24), soakle (S25), GodlySteal (S27), LUKAD0NCIC (S27), PotatoPlayer (S28), StrengthDMN (S31), Zeesue (S31), L1GHT1NG (S31), RollRealQuick (S31), PupperKun (S31), Cloversss (S33)
31st downkey (19): Cwrunch (S2), xPingWinMan (S2), XERNE5 (S2), DragonGlory (S8), Stornette (S10), L1GHT1NG (S12), apa37 (S13), kirkfr (S13), TehBaconBrawlerZ (S13), DripGodDavid (S14), lzmur (S15), Cloversss (S15), lzmur (S16), Slooshyy (S18), Pemmyy (S21), benidk (S23), hypcr (S23), shaundoman (S31), soakle (S31)
31st hypcr (19): TinchoPijoLarga (S11), Bornyo (S11), DeadlyFoxx (S11), Dredex (S11), urfake (S11), xDiversity (S11), JEDIMASTERKANYE (S11), xMisha (S11), Zoroh (S11), lapppp (S11), enablin (S11), Flcnt (S13), PotatoPlayer_ (S13), ToeKun (S15), ObeseProdigy (S15), Zoroh (S18), Dyoza (S18), urfake (S28), BENJADDD (S33)
31st sgouche (19): nug17 (S21), Valnius (S22), hypcr (S22), broccoliar (S22), strategy (S23), VurkeTTV (S24), Char1zo (S24), oMatty (S24), Bobbytheturtle (S24), FLOWTIVES (S25), Glarza (S25), skyzfy (S25), Slooshyy (S31), Zebobo10 (S31), zCent (S31), St0rmplayz (S31), dooko (S32), BENJADDD (S32), O1OO (S33)
36th DumbThiccNick (18): Futan (S3), MangoPlayz (S3), Mohala (S3), LUCRODIUM (S3), FLOWTIVES (S4), Scyles (S4), CipherKai (S4), TehBaconBrawlerZ (S4), Zoroh (S4), xHobo (S4), _Gag (S5), dummycute (S5), Lynxo (S5), Valnius (S5), apa37 (S6), Crayonix (S23), LUCRODIUM (S23), FearThrows (S23)
36th Strikeroonie (18): rawed (S4), upraise (S4), LUKAD0NCIC (S17), Stravilight (S17), azoof (S17), LZNAR (S17), CipherKai (S17), spellygod (S17), MannyDM (S17), ceije (S17), AiroKun (S17), LucaKgaming (S18), onstep (S18), chrisrokay (S18), _1mmortal (S22), Luca_Kgaming (S22), ItsColinn (S24), zCent (S24)
38th FishManIsPotato (17): Kaddyn (S7), 5idekick (S9), WoodFired (S11), QuacksL (S11), aarei (S11), DEV0Y (S15), StrengthDMN (S15), samdave (S15), BENJADDD (S16), Dargxn (S26), checog (S26), fyechris (S26), MichaelPlayMC (S26), MisaSama (S26), L1GHT1NG (S26), LUCRODIUM (S26), skyzfy (S26)
38th PotatoPlayer_ (17): brinniex (S8), brghts (S12), St0rmplayz (S12), Penley (S13), alcxz (S13), Dreamfall (S15), MisaSama (S18), BENJADDD (S19), Deanuhc (S21), JayNonsense (S21), DanishDrill (S22), ShmeckleBoy (S23), Qmos (S23), _carn (S32), zCent (S32), Erdql (S33), Glarza (S33)
38th Senkhi (17): IZUR (S1), mxcros (S4), StrengthDMN (S8), Zebobo10 (S8), IdkKiller (S8), downkey (S8), ToeKun (S9), violethearts (S9), WoodFired (S19), PLENT (S19), 5idekick (S19), MaxCringe (S19), Dcrpy (S20), Demomaker (S20), derekast (S23), AiroKun (S29), Slooshyy (S29)
41st Deanuhc (16): willif (S5), PwincessVanessa (S5), Lynor (S7), PolarTaco (S7), PapaNugey (S8), 5idekick (S8), benidk (S8), Crayonix (S8), Stravilight (S8), Bulbexe (S8), Stravilight (S10), Mohala (S12), Emplacement (S13), lapppp (S14), beaniepls (S14), Glarza (S14)
41st kirkfr (16): ArcticSeagull (S2), Gleoss (S2), DJoee (S6), L1GHT1NG (S6), FishManIsPotato (S12), BanMoon (S13), ReiBatsubami (S14), apa37 (S15), GodlySteal (S16), ranmari (S17), IdkKiller (S18), NotMyLights (S19), ToeKun (S19), lazys (S21), LUCRODIUM (S21), dontbow (S21)
43rd BENJADDD (15): Cheetah_16 (S13), PwincessVanessa (S13), Charrlottie (S13), ArcticSeagull (S13), PitSolitayrh (S15), lapppp (S15), willif (S15), swishduck (S15), kirkfr (S15), Captinn (S21), _carn (S21), brinkwhy (S22), winterf (S22), BuildingBard300 (S24), Kaismartypants (S33)
43rd LUKAD0NCIC (15): tonylmao (S20), Supersun_ (S20), vynil (S24), benidk (S24), 5KYFALLS (S24), Hecticity (S25), remyyyyyy (S25), dahii (S25), Stornette (S27), onstep (S29), tonylmao (S32), Flcnt (S33), LZNAR (S33), spellygod (S33), Gleoss (S33)
43rd Permm (15): HUQTER (S2), lovegem4164 (S2), risn (S2), Bofishkix (S2), Bulbexe (S2), FLOWTIVES (S2), StrengthDMN (S3), samdave (S3), Chesspiece (S3), LUCRODIUM (S15), risn (S15), beaniepls (S15), Supersun (S30), CipherKai (S33), Cahmn (S33)
43rd remyyyyyy (15): ranmari (S10), NickPlaysGames15 (S10), solnyy (S10), Charrlottie (S10), Lunar_ (S15), Saltnobi (S16), bayweafs (S17), winterf (S17), drewxd (S17), ghostblurr (S17), IdkKiller (S20), L1GHT1NG (S20), xPandaaz (S22), LUCRODIUM (S25), WoodFired (S27)
47th Greninja (14): HUQTER (S10), Jaceon02 (S10), flameorb (S10), XERNE5 (S10), dahii (S10), PwincessVanessa (S10), FearThrows (S10), Centrah (S10), brinkwhy (S10), InProper (S10), CipherKai (S10), BuildingBard300 (S25), HalfLechuga (S25), Kelawesome (S25)
47th RohanSmashBro (14): lapppp (S6), Krbreb (S12), ItzHooded (S12), Gleoss (S14), Vrehv (S16), harkuaa (S18), Dargxn (S18), HalfLechuga (S26), Normoh (S26), loyaltea (S27), GrassPiece (S29), K_U_N_A_L (S29), Luca_Kgaming (S29), Cloversss (S31)
47th upraise (14): xNGHT (S4), FearThrows (S6), demisux (S6), dylns (S7), B0WUH (S7), spittoon (S8), Ryanmoko (S9), Forrest235 (S9), Luca_Kgaming (S25), kendawg_g (S28), EivLs (S28), Fcrm (S28), Outname (S28), GrassPiece (S28)
47th willif (14): Smeshi (S12), RollRealQuick (S12), AiroKun (S12), YouCheated (S12), Nightshqdee (S12), cnner (S12), SSGSS4Goku (S12), checog (S12), Turqified (S16), rodfather (S17), HalfLechuga (S21), ArcticSeagull (S25), Fcrm (S32), harkuaa (S32)
47th winterf (14): Blarkslol (S13), NickPlaysGames15 (S13), xHobo (S14), Eindeutiger (S17), St0rmplayz (S17), Cacedoupamso (S17), GodlySteal (S17), Gott_aka_Leonard (S20), FishManIsPotato (S22), carterwarterbear (S22), jasondoa (S22), 5idekick (S28), WoodFired (S31), winterf (S31)
52nd CurdledDrip (13): InProper (S24), Kaismartypants (S28), PupperKun (S28), jasondoa (S28), carterwarterbear (S28), adrmf (S29), pm3crafte4 (S29), TheRealHagrid (S29), BuildingBard300 (S29), harkuaa (S31), lapppp (S31), RohanSmashBro (S31), Dizzying (S33)
52nd DripGodDavid (13): QuacksL (S13), Shqkster (S16), Deadlyboom (S18), GodlySteal (S19), xPandaaz (S20), samdave (S20), lapppp (S20), MisaSama (S20), Dyoza (S20), willif (S23), xtiger34 (S27), checog (S27), Valnius (S29)
52nd L1GHT1NG (13): Stravilight (S5), AdonisGaming (S5), DanishDrill (S9), Greatwarrior_ (S12), strategy (S26), Luca_Kgaming (S27), fyechris (S27), GhostLikesCakes (S28), benidk (S28), adrmf (S31), willif (S32), ilylazaro (S33), IsoLights (S33)
52nd spittoon (13): Chqllenged (S20), TheShippFloats (S20), Dredex (S20), Zopho_ (S20), benidk (S21), HUQTER (S21), adrmf (S25), DJoee (S27), SPEEDYDIGS (S27), L1GHT1NG (S27), skyzfy (S27), Glarza (S28), azoof (S28)
52nd WoodFired (13): DZYER (S7), Nightshqdee (S8), skyzfy (S14), TOOOTH (S16), Riolu100895 (S17), xMisha (S17), _carn (S17), xMisha (S19), Erdql (S20), NotMyLights (S20), theTrapDoor (S21), FLOWTIVES (S24), swishduck (S24)
57th Cahnner (12): MangoPlayz (S1), Fierys (S1), Dargxn (S1), FLOWTIVES (S1), Sigtash (S2), BikBoy (S2), kirkfr (S5), TinchoPijaLarga (S7), Mohala (S7), Kelawesome (S9), MangoPlayz (S9), checog (S9)
57th Zebobo10 (12): Shqkster (S6), Beastaxel (S6), alcxz (S7), WoodFired (S12), derekast (S12), carn (S12), xMisha (S12), Jwillz (S20), marceloifhy (S20), PotatoPlayer (S20), theTrapDoor (S20), FLOWTIVES (S20)
59th 5idekick (11): B0WUH (S8), Shot3m (S9), Greatwarrior_ (S9), Gleoss (S12), SlicedOranges (S16), RohanSmashBro (S17), zCent (S17), Gott_aka_Leonard (S17), alcxz (S24), Senkhi (S24), Crayonix (S24)
59th 5ize (11): RAHILL (S5), imFatLoveMe (S11), Cwrunch (S11), Crayonix (S11), smiinoo (S21), remyyyyyy (S21), Loushus (S21), chrisrokay (S21), flameh (S21), AshRiolu100985 (S21), Severuu (S32)
59th Bulbexe (11): brinniex (S7), K0REDRAG0N (S8), L1GHT1NG (S8), Lynxo (S8), Mohala (S8), zCent (S14), ywack (S14), St0rmplayz (S14), Cloversss (S14), FLOWTIVES (S14), willif (S17)
59th Cirex (11): Loushus (S19), Blendd (S19), MannyDM (S19), Ginzburg (S19), soakle (S19), AvyleZ (S19), adrmf (S19), RollRealQuick (S19), CoDrake (S19), Colozi (S19), Gleoss (S19)
59th colbay (11): BraydenB11 (S3), TehBaconBrawlerZ (S3), mxcros (S3), Lynxo (S4), winterf (S18), ilylazaro (S20), nug17 (S20), brinkwhy (S25), RohanSmashBro (S25), spittoon (S25), oMatty (S32)
59th Dredex (11): risn (S3), Krbreb (S10), ToeKun (S17), Kaismartypants (S17), UbiquityHD (S20), HalfLechuga (S20), spxrkz_ (S24), _carn (S24), nolanishot (S24), soakle (S24), luvictoire (S24)
59th Glarza (11): ranmari (S14), ObeseProdigy (S16), onstep (S16), whoshaze (S19), remyyyyyy (S19), MangoPlayz (S19), Spongey (S19), kirkfr (S19), strategy (S25), carterwarterbear (S30), LLEANN (S33)
59th KELCOS (11): bayweafs (S13), winterf (S13), brinniex (S13), RollRealQuick (S13), TheRealHagrid (S13), FearThrows (S13), BruceTheNinja10 (S16), DJoee (S16), rodfather (S16), Hendysaurus (S16), lapppp (S16)
59th Krbreb (11): YellowAuraa (S2), kirkfr (S2), brinkwhy (S2), Lnarz (S2), MangoPlayz (S2), PizzqWithAQ (S2), SergeantM (S4), PwincessVanessa (S4), Lynxo (S10), benidk (S12), Luca_Kgaming (S16)
59th lamzyk (11): WoodFired (S26), vynil (S26), Glarza (S30), benidk (S30), harkuaa (S30), nsket (S31), GrassPiece (S31), nolanishot (S31), MisaSama (S31), Spongey (S31), skyzfy (S31)
59th MisaSama (11): Mvte (S20), DumbThiccNick (S21), Slooshyy (S23), xMisha (S23), Char1zo (S23), PupperKun (S23), jasondoa (S31), CHAINGE (S33), hypcr (S33), TheShippFloats (S33), FearThrows (S33)
70th AvyleZ (10): Emplacement (S4), Zebobo10 (S6), jjsteeples (S6), kirkfr (S6), m4ku (S6), loyaltea (S6), xMisha (S6), flameorb (S7), IdkKiller (S14), xMisha (S14)
70th Cloversss (10): dylns (S6), Crayonix (S14), Hendysaurus (S15), GodlySteal (S15), solnyy (S19), Luca_Kgaming (S23), GodlySteal (S23), BloodBlack (S24), bayweafs (S30), flameh (S33)
70th HUQTER (10): N0CTURNAL (S2), samdave (S2), Mohala (S6), Cloversss (S6), brinkwhy (S6), CoDrake (S20), hypcr (S28), theTrapDoor (S29), Supersun_ (S32), void_hi (S32)
70th retrys (10): vynil (S21), Senkhi (S21), NickPlaysGames15 (S21), solnyy (S22), lukevvs (S22), Abyr (S22), Qmos (S22), Gott_aka_Leonard (S22), cnner (S22), kirkfr (S22)
70th risn (10): PolarTaco (S3), Haydcn (S4), hypcr (S5), WoodFired (S6), Hendysaurus (S6), harkuaa (S6), Hendysaurus (S7), 5idekick (S15), Zopho_ (S17), alcxz (S19)
70th Spongey (10): ranmari (S16), DanishDrill (S16), Gott_aka_Leonard (S19), Retrofied (S27), SPEEDYDIGS (S31), _carn (S31), Crayonix (S31), Zoroh (S31), Char1zo (S33), 2Pacoh (S33)
76th Colozi (9): willif (S20), Lach (S20), Rameur (S23), jaranato (S23), CommanderK22_ (S23), jasondoa (S27), remyyyyyy (S27), Supersun_ (S27), Shm3e (S29)
76th DanishDrill (9): saltbag (S8), ItsColinn (S8), Ryfri (S8), skyzfy (S8), TOOOTH (S15), realCUYT (S15), benidk (S15), apa37 (S16), UbiquityHD (S16)
76th GrassPiece (9): JEREMIUH (S28), Normoh (S28), salic (S28), MichaelPlayMC (S30), theTrapDoor (S30), PotatoPlayer_ (S30), CHAINGE (S30), xtiger34 (S30), benidk (S31)
76th ItsColinn (9): harkuaa (S7), Greatwarrior_ (S8), DRI60 (S9), harkuaa (S9), CallMeBqse (S17), naseemXBT (S24), Flcnt (S24), brinkwhy (S24), sgouche (S24)
76th IZUR (9): Linkelf0rz (S22), ToeKun (S22), Zoroh (S22), Dargxn (S22), vegis (S26), DripGodDavid (S26), benidk (S26), AiroKun (S26), lapppp (S27)
76th Kelawesome (9): spellygod (S7), Valnius (S7), Fragggg (S7), lapppp (S7), AcidViper (S16), Blendd (S16), benidk (S16), ReiBatsubami (S16), LUCRODIUM (S24)
76th loyaltea (9): RAHILL (S2), maccwyatt (S5), AvyleZ (S5), Greatwarrior_ (S5), TinchoPijaLarga (S6), Greatwarrior_ (S6), Bulbexe (S9), DRI60 (S27), derekast (S29)
76th Stravilight (9): AiroKun (S7), Dcrpy (S8), dhaq (S8), Dcrpy (S12), pm3crafte4 (S20), ADinoPlayingMC (S23), TheRealHagrid (S26), ArcticSeagull (S28), Charrlottie (S28)
76th Vrehv (9): ranmari (S3), Greatwarrior_ (S4), spellygod (S4), XERNE5 (S4), IdkKiller (S4), HUQTER (S4), K0REDRAG0N (S10), KELCOS (S10), Gleoss (S17)
85th Bornyo (8): ceije (S12), Shqkster (S12), Cloversss (S12), lapppp (S12), swishduck (S16), BottleSause (S17), QueenxPetty (S17), Hecticity (S19)
85th chimah (8): Zcin (S1), ranmari (S1), ranmari (S4), TPolls (S4), IsoLights (S4), Sigtash (S4), brinkwhy (S4), benidk (S4)
85th Crayonix (8): TPolls (S8), xMisha (S10), Stravilight (S12), ItsColinn (S12), remyyyyyy (S18), swishduck (S18), Colozi (S18), tonylmao (S18)
85th dylns (8): maccwyatt (S2), soakle (S6), Vrehv (S6), heartparticles (S6), zFate (S6), Emplacement (S6), Merch (S6), onstep (S6)
85th FearThrows (8): DJoee (S7), Greatwarrior_ (S7), benidk (S10), remyyyyyy (S14), Cahnner (S14), bayweafs (S14), CipherKai (S14), Shqkster (S32)
85th iLoveBoris (8): ArcticSeagull (S10), ranmari (S11), CodeJoshua (S11), 1mmortal (S11), St0rmplayz (S11), soakle (S11), Jewala (S11), marceloifhy (S11)
85th kendawg_g (8): checog (S2), TehBaconBrawlerZ (S2), remyyyyyy (S26), Kahooter (S27), strategy (S27), sweatgod (S27), Shqkster (S27), swishduck (S27)
85th nolanishot (8): PotatoPlayer_ (S27), sgouche (S27), RqDix (S28), Centrios (S29), Fcrm (S31), Kaismartypants (S31), brinkwhy (S31), Dizzying (S31)
85th ranmari (8): Dcrpy (S21), HUQTER (S24), Zebobo10 (S26), HUQTER (S26), BuildingBard300 (S26), Kahooter (S26), Shqkster (S31), 5ize (S32)
85th solnyy (8): Clemjo (S10), ixHazexi (S13), DRI60 (S13), BloodBlack (S14), XERNE5 (S14), choiceband (S18), brinkwhy (S18), Haydcn (S19)
95th BruceTheNinja10 (7): willif (S16), choiceband (S26), Luca_Kgaming (S26), Dredex (S27), maccwyatt (S29), AshRiolu100985 (S33), Batusko (S33)
95th jasondoa (7): Colozi (S22), alcxz (S31), Luca_Kgaming (S32), BuildingBard300 (S32), HUQTER (S33), benidk (S33), lapppp (S33)
95th jubatyson (7): LZNAR (S20), winterf (S20), sgouche (S21), Zebobo10 (S22), Hpark03 (S22), VurkeTTV (S22), FroztiSnowman (S22)
95th Kaddyn (7): Harvyz (S7), XERNE5 (S17), Shqkster (S17), broccoliar (S30), ScaryPumpkinFace (S33), Codwhy (S33), OhMatias (S33)
95th Kelldeo (7): HeyItsJBug (S2), Bulbexe (S15), Goopling (S16), 5ARx (S16), zCent (S16), Kelawesome (S16), checog (S16)
95th Lynxo (7): flameorb (S6), _carn (S6), DRI60 (S10), ToontownOnline (S12), NickPlaysGames15 (S12), spellygod (S15), brinkwhy (S16)
95th maccwyatt (7): dylns (S2), Bofishkix (S4), soakle (S4), AvyleZ (S4), DumbThiccNick (S4), chimah (S4), HalfLechuga (S9)
95th marceloifhy (7): toggleuhc (S5), Emplacement (S5), apa37 (S11), ToeKun (S11), brinniex (S11), Captinn (S20), 1mmortal (S20)
95th Merch (7): Deanuhc (S5), Bulbexe (S5), IsoLights (S5), samdave (S5), Zoroh (S15), xtiger34 (S15), remyyyyyy (S15)
95th Mohala (7): drewxd (S1), brinkwhy (S3), HeyItsJBug (S3), IdkKiller (S3), brinniex (S5), CipherKai (S7), Clegi (S8)
95th Raying (7): oceun (S3), kendawg_g (S11), Centrah (S11), FishManIsPotato (S11), lzmur (S11), _carn (S11), hypcr (S11)
95th SAYNAR (7): theTrapDoor (S25), Supersun_ (S28), onstep (S28), BuildingBard300 (S33), PotatoPlayer_ (S33), Haydcn (S33), carterwarterbear (S33)
95th Scyles (7): PwincessVanessa (S2), Gleeming (S4), colbay (S4), Lynor (S4), Chesspiece (S4), kirkfr (S7), CoDrake (S17)
95th SpaceFenix (7): Evzenitable (S3), drewxd (S3), xDiversity (S9), spellygod (S9), ERHDude (S9), jjsteeples (S13), Deanuhc (S13)
95th St0rmplayz (7): Shqkster (S7), Sigtash (S8), brinkwhy (S9), imFatLoveMe (S9), 5idekick (S16), GodlySteal (S22), HalfLechuga (S31)
95th theTrapDoor (7): benidk (S20), GodlySteal (S20), Zopho_ (S22), colbay (S23), CHAINGE (S26), Fcrm (S26), RohanSmashBro (S30)
95th xDiversity (7): XERNE5 (S16), beaniepls (S16), Loushus (S17), lzmur (S17), theTrapDoor (S23), 5idekick (S24), FLOWTIVES (S26)
95th XERNE5 (7): Shqkster (S2), TinchoPijaLarga (S4), AiroKun (S9), adrmf (S9), MangoPlayz (S14), Zoroh (S14), Slooshyy (S17)
113th CHAINGE (6): MisaSama (S25), BuildingBard300 (S30), Shqkster (S30), ToeKun (S30), BuildingBard300 (S31), CurdledDrip (S31)
113th Fcrm (6): Blendd (S26), dwgn (S28), brinkwhy (S29), Ryfri (S29), checog (S29), 1mmortal (S33)
113th Ginzburg (6): DeadpoolUHC (S20), WoodFired (S20), Aybel (S20), benidk (S25), spellygod (S25), _carn (S29)
113th lzmur (6): brinkwhy (S11), TehBaconBrawlerZ (S11), Krxmble (S11), Luca_Kgaming (S17), broccoliar (S17), zewgle (S22)
113th nsi9 (6): Doe (S20), JEREMIUH (S26), St0rmplayz (S26), Demomaker (S26), xROSEQ (S26), RohanSmashBro (S26)
113th strategy (6): PupperKun (S24), dahii (S24), ranmari (S24), xtiger34 (S24), WoodFired (S24), sgouche (S30)
113th Turqified (6): samdave (S10), HalfLechuga (S10), GriddyTC (S10), DripGodDavid (S10), tonylmao (S10), downkey (S10)
113th zCent (6): PotatoPlayer_ (S21), spittoon (S21), remyyyyyy (S22), ethodog (S23), SAYNAR (S29), CurdledDrip (S29)
121st alcxz (5): upraise (S9), maccwyatt (S9), Vrehv (S12), Nuclearsugar (S16), AhSh1t (S16)
121st Batusko (5): AshRiolu100985 (S24), AdonisGaming (S24), upraise (S27), LUKAD0NCIC (S33), MisaSama (S33)
121st Blendd (5): PotatoPlayer_ (S16), SSGSS4Goku (S17), MainAgate5 (S20), remyyyyyy (S20), flameh (S20)
121st derekast (5): nug17 (S22), m4ku (S22), LZNAR (S22), FLOWTIVES (S29), sgouche (S32)
121st Dyoza (5): RohanSmashBro (S27), Captureee (S27), sgouche (S33), Shqkster (S33), Dargxn (S33)
121st enablin (5): RohanSmashBro (S11), iLoveBoris (S11), TheSlimeBrother (S15), Broseph (S16), remyyyyyy (S16)
121st FrostBros (5): spittoon (S19), dahii (S19), K0REDRAG0N (S19), adrmf (S21), skyzfy (S21)
121st GodlySteal (5): rnaa (S16), DripGodDavid (S19), PLENT (S20), skyzfy (S20), L1GHT1NG (S32)
121st harrydagawd (5): Stravilight (S6), skyzfy (S6), St0rmplayz (S6), MangoPlayz (S6), FLOWTIVES (S6)
121st Haydcn (5): risn (S5), HyperOutHere (S21), jubatyson (S21), zCent (S30), Spongey (S33)
121st IdkKiller (5): Bulbexe (S6), Glockey_ (S9), Crayonix (S15), IdkKiller (S19), Zopho_ (S32)
121st IsoLights (5): IdkKiller (S5), MangoPlayz (S5), L1GHT1NG (S5), xxezrabxxx (S16), Luca_Kgaming (S33)
121st LLEANN (5): Blendd (S20), LUKAD0NCIC (S20), onstep (S20), carn (S28), Supersun (S33)
121st naseemXBT (5): MCBR (S24), Gleoss (S25), Crayonix (S27), Slooshyy (S27), Zoroh (S27)
121st rodfather (5): AiroKun (S16), Lunar_ (S16), CrowJRC (S16), bestlegitww (S18), 1mmortal (S18)
121st saltbag (5): spellygod (S5), jemjosh (S7), Cloversss (S7), toggleuhc (S7), Slooshyy (S19)
121st StrengthDMN (5): Normoh (S27), alexnv (S27), Spongey (S27), IZUR (S27), PupperKun (S27)
121st Supersun_ (5): L1GHT1NG (S22), St0rmplayz (S22), PotatoPlayer_ (S23), BuildingBard300 (S27), _pbo (S30)
121st YouCheated (5): IvanDIGGA (S12), ranmari (S12), CipherKai (S12), Dizzying (S12), ploonyUwU (S28)
121st zewgle (5): _Pm (S15), mxcros (S15), DJoee (S15), Kelldeo (S15), Cacedoupamso (S30)
121st Zopho_ (5): samdave (S7), Xifto (S22), PotatoPlayer_ (S32), soakle (S32), loyaltea (S32)
Rest in Part 2
submitted by Brodator to SeaPickled [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:16 Brodator Solace Kills (Part 2)

Solace Kills (Part 2)


Rest in Part 1
142nd _Pm (4): dylxnd (S7), ToeKun (S7), Dargxn (S7), Vernium (S16)
142nd apa37 (4): Cahnner (S6), Caceduopamso (S15), 1mmortal (S17), L1GHT1NG (S17)
142nd beaniepls (4): QuacksL (S14), Fost (S16), Zeesue (S17), benidk (S17)
142nd Dcrpy (4): ghostblurr (S9), Haydcn (S9), tonylmao (S9), Senkhi (S9)
142nd drewxd (4): Bofishkix (S1), SpaceFenix (S3), soakle (S17), _Gag (S17)
142nd Flcnt (4): loyaltea (S9), Centrah (S9), skyzfy (S9), Dreamfall (S33)
142nd HalfLechuga (4): Greatwarrior_ (S10), brinniex (S15), MisaSama (S29), Charrlottie (S29)
142nd Hendysaurus (4): HUQTER (S5), Jeromesha (S5), upraise (S6), saltbag (S6)
142nd ilylazaro (4): xtiger34 (S20), soakle (S20), RiseGR (S21), BENJADDD (S21)
142nd JEREMIUH (4): Switches (S27), Scyles (S28), kendawg_g (S31), sgouche (S31)
142nd m4ku (4): alcxz (S6), downkey (S22), SpaceFenix (S26), Supersun_ (S26)
142nd NotChewi (4): DripGodDavid (S6), spellygod (S6), DragonGlory (S9), HalfLechuga (S24)
142nd oceun (4): Blarkslol (S3), dontbow (S32), PupperKun (S32), HUQTER (S32)
142nd Shqkster (4): downkey (S1), CallMeBqse (S1), Ryfri (S14), xPandaaz (S32)
142nd TOOOTH (4): GreenFire26 (S17), ToeKun (S18), T1mT0m (S18), Aybel (S22)
142nd TPolls (4): Permm (S3), Vrehv (S3), Raying (S3), Cahnner (S4)
142nd unixn (4): ItsColinn (S21), Cahnner (S21), Slooshyy (S21), FrostBros (S21)
142nd ZachConnor (4): Bulbexe (S7), XERNE5 (S7), St0rmplayz (S7), Stravilight (S7)
160th 5HARPGOD (3): PapaNugey (S15), Merch (S15), LZNAR (S15)
160th ArcticSeagull (3): YouCheated (S9), DRI60 (S14), RqDix (S27)
160th BloodBlack (3): Lative (S14), benidk (S14), WoodFired (S14)
160th CoDrake (3): Abstracct (S13), theTrapDoor (S19), benidk (S19)
160th DragonGlory (3): ZachConnor (S8), carterwarterbear (S8), Vrehv (S9)
160th Emplacement (3): notrhain (S6), Slooshyy (S8), jjsteeples (S8)
160th ethodog (3): Fcrm (S24), DJoee (S24), Fost (S24)
160th Fierys (3): AryaQT (S1), Senkhi (S1), homiemansmans (S1)
160th fyechris (3): 5idekick (S27), soakle (S27), GrassPiece (S27)
160th ghostblurr (3): BruceTheNinja10 (S17), MXLAXIO (S17), HeyItsJBug (S19)
160th ImChilly (3): risn (S7), ArcticSeagull (S7), xMisha (S9)
160th iWrekt (3): FireBreathMan (S2), spellygod (S2), xCynesta (S2)
160th jacobcrafty (3): Squegi (S23), Senkhi (S23), _carn (S27)
160th Kahooter (3): Kaismartypants (S26), hashtagmat (S26), FLOWTIVES (S27)
160th lukevvs (3): PLENT (S21), PotatoPlayer_ (S22), SilabaTonica (S23)
160th luksxixBRBDL (3): emi1iano (S18), L1GHT1NG (S18), Dreamfall (S18)
160th MephisDomen (3): Bornyo (S24), ethodog (S24), Stornette (S24)
160th Nightshqdee (3): void_hi (S8), ArcticSeagull (S8), JroseFX (S8)
160th notrhain (3): Shqkster (S15), ninja3214 (S15), skyzfy (S15)
160th PingBomb (3): TehBaconBrawlerZ (S9), Crayonix (S9), benidk (S9)
160th PLENT (3): Hrray (S22), TitaniumDino25 (S22), Gleoss (S22)
160th RollRealQuick (3): Dargxn (S12), Kaddyn (S33), CommanderK22_ (S33)
160th Stornette (3): StrengthDMN (S10), Abyr (S24), Batusko (S24)
160th sweatgod (3): DripGodDavid (S27), DJoee (S30), CipherKai (S30)
160th TheShippFloats (3): dahii (S21), retrys (S21), xtiger34 (S33)
160th toggleuhc (3): love_gem4164 (S5), Sigtash (S5), benidk (S5)
160th Valnius (3): RohanSmashBro (S6), pawnss (S6), toggleuhc (S6)
160th violethearts (3): willif (S9), CipherKai (S9), Dargxn (S25)
160th void_hi (3): StrengthDMN (S7), FishManIsPotato (S9), DripGodDavid (S15)
160th xROSEQ (3): Dyoza (S26), xDiversity (S26), Gotelin (S26)
160th Zeko_Kun (3): Ryfri (S13), derekast (S13), benidk (S13)
191st 1mmortal (2): willif (S7), Lunar_ (S7)
191st alexnv (2): colbay (S27), jacobcrafty (S27)
191st B0WUH (2): Zeesue (S15), Kartracer (S15)
191st Bobbytheturtle (2): SSGSS4Goku (S15), Batsuko (S15)
191st BraydenB11 (2): Strikeroonie (S4), upraise (S5)
191st Captinn (2): LUCRODIUM (S17), UbiquityHD (S17)
191st Cheetah_16 (2): marceloifhy (S10), BraydenB11 (S12)
191st Chesspiece (2): ZachConnor (S3), risn (S4)
191st Clegi (2): DRI60 (S8), dahii (S8)
191st Cr3ad (2): YouCheated (S28), broccoliar (S28)
191st Creadyy (2): brinkwhy (S12), IdkKiller (S12)
191st Cwrunch (2): cnner (S11), AiroKun (S11)
191st devuls (2): DripGodDavid (S9), lapppp (S9)
191st Dewces (2): floodW (S13), SpaceFenix (S13)
191st dhaq (2): yassifies_u (S8), Forrest235 (S8)
191st dontbow (2): samdave (S21), carterwarterbear (S27)
191st Dreamfall (2): PitSolitayrh (S17), skyzfy (S17)
191st Drkrai (2): saltbag (S16), MarcoThePhe0nix (S16)
191st DZYER (2): iLoveBoris (S8), BraydenB11 (S8)
191st ERHDude (2): RohanSmashBro (S7), brinniex (S9)
191st Ezehh (2): pm3crafte4 (S23), BENJADDD (S23)
191st Fragggg (2): InProper (S16), tonylmao (S16)
191st FroztiSnowman (2): Strikeroonie (S22), RollRealQuick (S22)
191st fxlzy (2): Orbitxl (S23), carterwarterbear (S23)
191st GhostLikesCakes (2): TMNono (S18), saltbag (S19)
191st Greatwarrior_ (2): Greatwarrior_ (S11), ArcticSeagull (S12)
191st harkuaa (2): Haydcn (S6), theTrapDoor (S32)
191st HeyItsJBug (2): Flcnt (S2), St0rmplayz (S27)
191st homiemansmans (2): HUQTER (S1), ItzIgglesPiggles (S1)
191st IMLpLay (2): Mohala (S19), _carn (S19)
191st jjsteeples (2): HeyItsJBug (S4), imFatLoveMe (S8)
191st KennyTee (2): Shqkster (S22), sr8611 (S22)
191st MannyDM (2): mxrwxndood (S8), Lynxo (S19)
191st mxrwxndood (2): Wimbl (S8), upraise (S8)
191st NickPlaysGames15 (2): HalfLechuga (S14), winterf (S14)
191st Normoh (2): idklyn (S15), ArcticSeagull (S27)
191st NotSugar (2): Clemjo (S16), Bornyo (S16)
191st Pemmyy (2): LUKAD0NCIC (S21), downkey (S21)
191st PolarTaco (2): TehBaconBrawlerZ (S7), kendawg_g (S7)
191st QuacksL (2): NexfoR (S10), ywack (S11)
191st RaiN_DyNasty (2): SAYNAR (S32), IdkKiller (S32)
191st Rameur (2): Crayonix (S20), Zoroh (S23)
191st RiseGR (2): St0rmplayz (S21), hypcr (S21)
191st Sigtash (2): FearThrows (S4), Stornette (S28)
191st slxps (2): notrhain (S4), Senkhi (S4)
191st SPEEDYDIGS (2): IdkKiller (S26), HUQTER (S27)
191st spxrkz_ (2): lzmur (S24), DumbThiccNick (S24)
191st SSGSS4Goku (2): Charrlottie (S12), kirkfr (S12)
191st TehBaconBrawlerZ (2): T1mT0m (S13), Vetmire (S14)
191st TheSheepMasters (2): TehBaconBrawlerZ (S21), Gotelin (S21)
191st vynil (2): LUCRODIUM (S31), loyaltea (S31)
191st xannydood (2): GhostLikesCakes (S33), PupperKun (S33)
191st Zeesue (2): SpaceFenix (S15), NotChewi (S31)
191st zFate (2): PizzqWithAQ (S6), imFatLoveMe (S6)
245th 5KYFALLS (1): jacobcrafty (S24)
245th Fost (1): willif (S14)
245th _Gag (1): Bulbexe (S3)
245th Abyr (1): Togglee_ (S22)
245th Aybel (1): broccoliar (S20)
245th BackToAfrica (1): Dargxn (S16)
245th Bov (1): HalfLechuga (S28)
245th brghts (1): jake_hoe (S12)
245th broccoliar (1): broccoliar (S12)
245th Broseph (1): ObeseProdigy (S19)
245th Centrah (1): jake_hoe (S7)
245th cherryblawsom (1): ninja3214 (S9)
245th chrisrokay (1): Broseph (S18)
245th Clemjo (1): DEV0Y (S10)
245th Cocunut233 (1): brinkwhy (S14)
245th CrowJRC (1): PitSolitayrh (S16)
245th Daltun (1): RollRealQuick (S14)
245th Deadlyboom (1): beaniepls (S18)
245th DEV0Y (1): Bulbexe (S24)
245th Erdql (1): theTrapDoor (S33)
245th Fearx_ (1): _carn (S22)
245th flameh (1): Lynxo (S20)
245th flameorb (1): Bornyo (S8)
245th floodW (1): Tinydraco (S13)
245th Gott_aka_Leonard (1): Gleoss (S15)
245th Hecticity (1): tonylmao (S31)
245th Hpark03 (1): omchris (S22)
245th idklyn (1): SpaceFenix (S1)
245th Jaceon02 (1): L1GHT1NG (S16)
245th Jewala (1): Zeesue (S11)
245th Jwillz (1): Cacedoupamso (S24)
245th Kaismartypants (1): m4ku (S26)
245th Kartracer (1): zCent (S15)
245th KazyXD (1): Jwillz (S24)
245th Lach (1): Zebobo10 (S20)
245th Lnarz (1): IsoLights (S3)
245th Loushus (1): bayweafs (S19)
245th Lunar_ (1): Zopho_ (S8)
245th MarcoThePhe0nix (1): CallMeBqse (S16)
245th MaxCringe (1): LLEANN (S21)
245th Mvte (1): pureinnocence (S1)
245th mxcros (1): cherryblawsom (S9)
245th Nikanod (1): NotMyLights (S21)
245th nsket (1): Valnius (S31)
245th ObeseProdigy (1): Dredex (S16)
245th OhMatias (1): Fcrm (S33)
245th omchris (1): OblivionTU (S22)
245th Pahm (1): AdonisGaming (S3)
245th pm3crafte4 (1): nsi9 (S20)
245th PRICINCT (1): HalfLechuga (S15)
245th Psykl0ne (1): QueenxPetty (S16)
245th PwincessVanessa (1): GhostLikesCakes (S18)
245th RAHILL (1): BraydenB11 (S2)
245th RatherRare (1): Gleoss (S11)
245th Ryfri (1): Slooshyy (S24)
245th Shm3e (1): alcxz (S29)
245th Shot3m (1): willif (S6)
245th sleepingxd (1): GhostLikesCakes (S24)
245th Specularpotato (1): Cr3ad (S28)
245th sr8611 (1): Fearx_ (S22)
245th Switches (1): spellygod (S3)
245th T1mT0m (1): IdkKiller (S13)
245th TheRealHagrid (1): Dcrpy (S13)
245th TheSlimeBrother (1): DRI60 (S15)
245th ToeKun (1): Luca_Kgaming (S19)
245th ToontownOnline (1): alcxz (S8)
245th UbiquityHD (1): Shqkster (S20)
245th xPandaaz (1): HalfLechuga (S32)
245th yassifies_u (1): XERNE5 (S8)
245th Yist (1): Ryfri (S10)
245th zrtt (1): Scyles (S7)

Kill/Death Ratio (KDR)

1st brocktober - NaN (0/0)
2nd mxrwzndood - Inf (21/0)
2nd Cirex - Inf (11/0)
4th Greninja - 7.00 (14/2)
5th Zoroh - 5.32 (101/19)
6th retrys - 5.00 (10/2)
6th harrydagawd - 5.00 (5/1)
8th FLOWTIVES - 4.67 (112/24)
9th adrmf - 4.57 (64/14)
10th cnner - 4.33 (26/6)
11th Captureee - 4.20 (21/5)
12th lapppp - 4.16 (104/25)
13th chimah - 4.00 (8/2)
14th Permm - 3.75 (15/4)
15th lamzyk - 3.67 (11/3)
16th PizzqWithAQ - 3.64 (40/11)
17th Strikeroonie - 3.60 (18/5)
18th jubatyson - 3.50 (7/2)
18th Raying - 3.50 (7/2)
20th Gleoss - 3.15 (63/20)
21st LZNAR - 3.00 (24/8)
21st Fierys - 3.00 (3/1)
21st iWrekt - 3.00 (3/1)
21st luksxixBRBDL - 3.00 (3/1)
21st MephisDomen - 3.00 (3/1)
21st PingBomb - 3.00 (3/1)
21st xROSEQ - 3.00 (3/1)
21st Zeko_Kun - 3.00 (3/1)
29th xtiger34 - 2.90 (29/10)
30th 5ize - 2.75 (11/4)
30th KELCOS - 2.75 (11/4)
32nd spellygod - 2.73 (41/15)
33rd iLoveBoris - 2.67 (8/3)
34th AiroKun - 2.62 (42/16)
35th FrostBros - 2.50 (5/2)
36th CipherKai - 2.45 (27/11)
37th Merch - 2.33 (7/3)
38th samdave - 2.27 (34/15)
39th GrassPiece - 2.25 (9/4)
39th IZUR - 2.25 (9/4)
41st swishduck - 2.20 (22/10)
42nd LUCRODIUM - 2.06 (33/16)
43rd skyzfy - 2.00 (50/25)
43rd Spongey - 2.00 (10/5)
43rd dylns - 2.00 (8/4)
43rd nsi9 - 2.00 (6/3)
43rd oceun - 2.00 (4/2)
43rd Clegi - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd Cr3ad - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd Creadyy - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd devuls - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd Dewces - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd Drkrai - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd Ezehh - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd FroztiSnowman - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd fxlzy - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd homiemansmans - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd KennyTee - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd mxrwxndood - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd NotSugar - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd Pemmyy - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd RaiN_DyNasty - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd slxps - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd xannydood - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd zFate - 2.00 (2/1)
66th checog - 1.93 (27/14)
66th Dizzying - 1.93 (27/14)
68th carterwarterbear - 1.83 (44/24)
69th PupperKun - 1.80 (27/15)
69th Kelawesome - 1.80 (9/5)
71st Deanuhc - 1.78 (16/9)
72nd tonylmao - 1.75 (21/12)
72nd Kelldeo - 1.75 (7/4)
72nd marceloifhy - 1.75 (7/4)
75th FishManIsPotato - 1.70 (17/10)
76th enablin - 1.67 (5/3)
76th LLEANN - 1.67 (5/3)
76th zewgle - 1.67 (5/3)
79th DJoee - 1.65 (28/17)
80th Dargxn - 1.63 (31/19)
81st CurdledDrip - 1.62 (13/8)
81st spittoon - 1.62 (13/8)
83rd xMisha - 1.62 (21/13)
84th nolanishot - 1.60 (8/5)
85th dahii - 1.58 (19/12)
85th sgouche - 1.58 (19/12)
87th Cahnner - 1.50 (12/8)
87th DanishDrill - 1.50 (9/6)
87th 5HARPGOD - 1.50 (3/2)
87th BloodBlack - 1.50 (3/2)
87th fyechris - 1.50 (3/2)
87th ImChilly - 1.50 (3/2)
87th Kahooter - 1.50 (3/2)
87th Nightshqdee - 1.50 (3/2)
87th violethearts - 1.50 (3/2)
96th Senkhi - 1.42 (17/12)
97th soakle - 1.33 (28/21)
97th onstep - 1.33 (24/18)
97th unixn - 1.33 (4/3)
97th ZachConnor - 1.33 (4/3)
101st DumbThiccNick - 1.29 (18/14)
101st ItsColinn - 1.29 (9/7)
103rd hypcr - 1.27 (19/15)
104th _carn - 1.26 (24/19)
105th benidk - 1.25 (35/28)
105th AvyleZ - 1.25 (10/8)
105th naseemXBT - 1.25 (5/4)
105th rodfather - 1.25 (5/4)
105th YouCheated - 1.25 (5/4)
110th colbay - 1.22 (11/9)
110th Dredex - 1.22 (11/9)
110th Glarza - 1.22 (11/9)
113th Ginzburg - 1.20 (6/5)
114th downkey - 1.19 (19/16)
115th upraise - 1.17 (14/12)
115th BruceTheNinja10 - 1.17 (7/6)
115th maccwyatt - 1.17 (7/6)
118th BENJADDD - 1.15 (15/13)
118th LUKAD0NCIC - 1.15 (15/13)
120th Krbreb - 1.10 (11/10)
121st winterf - 1.08 (14/13)
122nd remyyyyyy - 1.07 (15/14)
123rd Zebobo10 - 1.00 (12/12)
123rd Colozi - 1.00 (9/9)
123rd loyaltea - 1.00 (9/9)
123rd Bornyo - 1.00 (8/8)
123rd solnyy - 1.00 (8/8)
123rd SAYNAR - 1.00 (7/7)
123rd Scyles - 1.00 (7/7)
123rd Blendd - 1.00 (5/5)
123rd _Pm - 1.00 (4/4)
123rd ilylazaro - 1.00 (4/4)
123rd JEREMIUH - 1.00 (4/4)
123rd m4ku - 1.00 (4/4)
123rd ethodog - 1.00 (3/3)
123rd lukevvs - 1.00 (3/3)
123rd notrhain - 1.00 (3/3)
123rd alexnv - 1.00 (2/2)
123rd Bobbytheturtle - 1.00 (2/2)
123rd Cwrunch - 1.00 (2/2)
123rd dhaq - 1.00 (2/2)
123rd ERHDude - 1.00 (2/2)
123rd Rameur - 1.00 (2/2)
123rd RiseGR - 1.00 (2/2)
123rd spxrkz_ - 1.00 (2/2)
123rd Bov - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd brghts - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd cherryblawsom - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd CrowJRC - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd Daltun - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd floodW - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd Hpark03 - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd Jewala - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd Kartracer - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd KazyXD - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd MarcoThePhe0nix - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd Nikanod - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd nsket - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd PRICINCT - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd Psykl0ne - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd RatherRare - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd Shm3e - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd sleepingxd - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd Specularpotato - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd sr8611 - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd TheSlimeBrother - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd yassifies_u - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd Yist - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd zrtt - 1.00 (1/1)
170th kirkfr - 0.94 (16/17)
171st 5idekick - 0.92 (11/12)
172nd risn - 0.91 (10/11)
173rd Vrehv - 0.90 (9/10)
174th SpaceFenix - 0.88 (7/8)
174th xDiversity - 0.88 (7/8)
176th CHAINGE - 0.86 (6/7)
176th lzmur - 0.86 (6/7)
176th Turqified - 0.86 (6/7)
179th PotatoPlayer_ - 0.85 (17/20)
180th Batusko - 0.83 (5/6)
180th IsoLights - 0.83 (5/6)
182nd FearThrows - 0.80 (8/10)
182nd beaniepls - 0.80 (4/5)
182nd TPolls - 0.80 (4/5)
185th jasondoa - 0.78 (7/9)
185th Mohala - 0.78 (7/9)
187th Fcrm - 0.75 (6/8)
187th strategy - 0.75 (6/8)
187th DragonGlory - 0.75 (3/4)
187th jacobcrafty - 0.75 (3/4)
187th PLENT - 0.75 (3/4)
187th sweatgod - 0.75 (3/4)
187th toggleuhc - 0.75 (3/4)
194th RohanSmashBro - 0.74 (14/19)
194th willif - 0.74 (14/19)
196th Bulbexe - 0.73 (11/15)
197th kendawg_g - 0.73 (8/11)
198th WoodFired - 0.72 (13/18)
199th Dyoza - 0.71 (5/7)
199th StrengthDMN - 0.71 (5/7)
201st MisaSama - 0.69 (11/16)
202nd Cloversss - 0.67 (10/15)
202nd drewxd - 0.67 (4/6)
202nd NotChewi - 0.67 (4/6)
202nd B0WUH - 0.67 (2/3)
202nd Fragggg - 0.67 (2/3)
202nd IMLpLay - 0.67 (2/3)
202nd PolarTaco - 0.67 (2/3)
202nd TheSheepMasters - 0.67 (2/3)
210th DripGodDavid - 0.65 (13/20)
211th Kaddyn - 0.64 (7/11)
212th brinkwhy - 0.63 (19/30)
213th derekast - 0.62 (5/8)
213th saltbag - 0.62 (5/8)
213th Zopho_ - 0.62 (5/8)
216th L1GHT1NG - 0.62 (13/21)
217th ghostblurr - 0.60 (3/5)
217th TheShippFloats - 0.60 (3/5)
219th Flcnt - 0.57 (4/7)
219th Hendysaurus - 0.57 (4/7)
219th TOOOTH - 0.57 (4/7)
222nd XERNE5 - 0.54 (7/13)
223rd HUQTER - 0.53 (10/19)
224th Stravilight - 0.50 (9/18)
224th Lynxo - 0.50 (7/14)
224th theTrapDoor - 0.50 (7/14)
224th Supersun_ - 0.50 (5/10)
224th CoDrake - 0.50 (3/6)
224th Stornette - 0.50 (3/6)
224th Captinn - 0.50 (2/4)
224th Chesspiece - 0.50 (2/4)
224th DZYER - 0.50 (2/4)
224th MannyDM - 0.50 (2/4)
224th SPEEDYDIGS - 0.50 (2/4)
224th 5KYFALLS - 0.50 (1/2)
224th Abyr - 0.50 (1/2)
224th Deadlyboom - 0.50 (1/2)
224th Erdql - 0.50 (1/2)
224th Fearx_ - 0.50 (1/2)
224th Lach - 0.50 (1/2)
224th Lnarz - 0.50 (1/2)
224th MaxCringe - 0.50 (1/2)
224th OhMatias - 0.50 (1/2)
224th Pahm - 0.50 (1/2)
224th Shot3m - 0.50 (1/2)
224th Switches - 0.50 (1/2)
247th apa37 - 0.44 (4/9)
247th Dcrpy - 0.44 (4/9)
249th Crayonix - 0.42 (8/19)
250th GodlySteal - 0.42 (5/12)
250th Haydcn - 0.42 (5/12)
252nd ranmari - 0.40 (8/20)
252nd Cheetah_16 - 0.40 (2/5)
252nd dontbow - 0.40 (2/5)
252nd Normoh - 0.40 (2/5)
256th alcxz - 0.38 (5/13)
257th zCent - 0.38 (6/16)
257th Emplacement - 0.38 (3/8)
257th Valnius - 0.38 (3/8)
260th St0rmplayz - 0.35 (7/20)
261st void_hi - 0.33 (3/9)
261st BraydenB11 - 0.33 (2/6)
261st NickPlaysGames15 - 0.33 (2/6)
261st vynil - 0.33 (2/6)
261st Fost - 0.33 (1/3)
261st _Gag - 0.33 (1/3)
261st Aybel - 0.33 (1/3)
261st BackToAfrica - 0.33 (1/3)
261st Broseph - 0.33 (1/3)
261st chrisrokay - 0.33 (1/3)
261st Clemjo - 0.33 (1/3)
261st Cocunut233 - 0.33 (1/3)
261st flameh - 0.33 (1/3)
261st idklyn - 0.33 (1/3)
261st Loushus - 0.33 (1/3)
261st Mvte - 0.33 (1/3)
261st ObeseProdigy - 0.33 (1/3)
261st omchris - 0.33 (1/3)
261st pm3crafte4 - 0.33 (1/3)
261st RAHILL - 0.33 (1/3)
261st ToontownOnline - 0.33 (1/3)
261st UbiquityHD - 0.33 (1/3)
261st xPandaaz - 0.33 (1/3)
284th Dreamfall - 0.29 (2/7)
284th jjsteeples - 0.29 (2/7)
286th IdkKiller - 0.28 (5/18)
287th GhostLikesCakes - 0.25 (2/8)
287th HeyItsJBug - 0.25 (2/8)
287th QuacksL - 0.25 (2/8)
287th SSGSS4Goku - 0.25 (2/8)
287th Centrah - 0.25 (1/4)
287th flameorb - 0.25 (1/4)
287th Jaceon02 - 0.25 (1/4)
287th Jwillz - 0.25 (1/4)
287th Lunar_ - 0.25 (1/4)
296th HalfLechuga - 0.24 (4/17)
297th RollRealQuick - 0.23 (3/13)
298th Greatwarrior_ - 0.22 (2/9)
299th harkuaa - 0.20 (2/10)
299th Sigtash - 0.20 (2/10)
299th TehBaconBrawlerZ - 0.20 (2/10)
299th DEV0Y - 0.20 (1/5)
299th Hecticity - 0.20 (1/5)
299th mxcros - 0.20 (1/5)
299th T1mT0m - 0.20 (1/5)
306th Shqkster - 0.17 (4/23)
307th ArcticSeagull - 0.17 (3/18)
307th Zeesue - 0.17 (2/12)
307th TheRealHagrid - 0.17 (1/6)
310th 1mmortal - 0.14 (2/14)
311th Gott_aka_Leonard - 0.12 (1/8)
311th Ryfri - 0.12 (1/8)
313th PwincessVanessa - 0.08 (1/12)
314th broccoliar - 0.07 (1/14)
314th Kaismartypants - 0.07 (1/14)
316th ToeKun - 0.06 (1/18)
317th 14flyte - 0.00 (0/1)
317th 4runnermaster - 0.00 (0/1)
317th 6irb - 0.00 (0/1)
317th aarei - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Abstracct - 0.00 (0/1)
317th AcidViper - 0.00 (0/1)
317th AhSh1t - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Arich - 0.00 (0/1)
317th AryaQT - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Awticon - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Batsuko - 0.00 (0/1)
317th BEESTARG - 0.00 (0/1)
317th bestlegitww - 0.00 (0/1)
317th BikBoy - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Blufferfish2009 - 0.00 (0/1)
317th bmartxxx - 0.00 (0/1)
317th BushieHalf - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Centrios - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Chqllenged - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Cindergaming698 - 0.00 (0/1)
317th claure - 0.00 (0/1)
317th CodeJoshua - 0.00 (0/1)
317th CTW - 0.00 (0/1)
317th DeadlyFoxx - 0.00 (0/1)
317th DeadpoolUHC - 0.00 (0/1)
317th demisux - 0.00 (0/1)
317th DEMUSS - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Doe - 0.00 (0/1)
317th DogInCar - 0.00 (0/1)
317th dooko - 0.00 (0/1)
317th dray0 - 0.00 (0/1)
317th dwgn - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Dylxnnnn - 0.00 (0/1)
317th dzupgu - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Eindeutiger - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Evzenitable - 0.00 (0/1)
317th FireBreathMan - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Fratrus - 0.00 (0/1)
317th FroztiSnow - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Futan - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Fxther - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Glockey_ - 0.00 (0/1)
317th GreenFire26 - 0.00 (0/1)
317th GriddyTC - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Harvyz - 0.00 (0/1)
317th hdjr - 0.00 (0/1)
317th hueske - 0.00 (0/1)
317th HyperOutHere - 0.00 (0/1)
317th iGotPlumbs - 0.00 (0/1)
317th InnerArtsTV - 0.00 (0/1)
317th ItzHooded - 0.00 (0/1)
317th ItzIgglesPiggles - 0.00 (0/1)
317th IvanDIGGA - 0.00 (0/1)
317th ixHazexi - 0.00 (0/1)
317th JaeHasNoMaidens - 0.00 (0/1)
317th jaranato - 0.00 (0/1)
317th JEDIMASTERKANYE - 0.00 (0/1)
317th jigsaws - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Jkkl - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Johatsu - 0.00 (0/1)
317th JroseFX - 0.00 (0/1)
317th LeMystiic - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Linkelf0rz - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Lmoj - 0.00 (0/1)
317th LowkeyLoke - 0.00 (0/1)
317th M0KEY - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Mafiat - 0.00 (0/1)
317th MainAgate5 - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Mapietrzak - 0.00 (0/1)
317th MarcoThePh0enix - 0.00 (0/1)
317th MCBR - 0.00 (0/1)
317th MostLikelySam - 0.00 (0/1)
317th MXLAXIO - 0.00 (0/1)
317th N0CTURNAL - 0.00 (0/1)
317th nikiforos - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Nuclearsugar - 0.00 (0/1)
317th O1OO - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Orbitxl - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Outname - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Penley - 0.00 (0/1)
317th peppermint - 0.00 (0/1)
317th ploonyUwU - 0.00 (0/1)
317th PoofessorP - 0.00 (0/1)
317th PR0MOTE - 0.00 (0/1)
317th pureinnocence - 0.00 (0/1)
317th rawed - 0.00 (0/1)
317th realCUYT - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Riolu100895 - 0.00 (0/1)
317th rnaa - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Ryanmoko - 0.00 (0/1)
317th salic - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Saltnobi - 0.00 (0/1)
317th SariiTaaa - 0.00 (0/1)
317th shaundoman - 0.00 (0/1)
317th SilabaTonica - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Sk1wars - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Smeshi - 0.00 (0/1)
317th smiinoo - 0.00 (0/1)
317th SmoothCombos - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Smothering - 0.00 (0/1)
317th smurpes - 0.00 (0/1)
317th StepBroImStuck1 - 0.00 (0/1)
317th stupidsylvia - 0.00 (0/1)
317th suedemax - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Suzunexd - 0.00 (0/1)
317th TacoDab - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Thimburrr - 0.00 (0/1)
317th TinchoPijoLarga - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Tinydraco - 0.00 (0/1)
317th TMNono - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Togglee_ - 0.00 (0/1)
317th toxiicbtw - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Toxischer - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Tunaisheree - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Vernium - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Vetmire - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Viatic_ - 0.00 (0/1)
317th volcxnow - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Wimbl - 0.00 (0/1)
317th xCynesta - 0.00 (0/1)
317th xPingWinMan - 0.00 (0/1)
317th xxezrabxxx - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Zaiki - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Zcin - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Zeegul - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Zoos - 0.00 (0/1)
317th 5ARx - 0.00 (0/2)
317th _pbo - 0.00 (0/2)
317th ADinoPlayingMC - 0.00 (0/2)
317th ANJELLOH - 0.00 (0/2)
317th BanMoon - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Beastaxel - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Blarkslol - 0.00 (0/2)
317th BottleSause - 0.00 (0/2)
317th BreakfastBacon - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Caceduopamso - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Cahmn - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Codwhy - 0.00 (0/2)
317th CommanderK22_ - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Demomaker - 0.00 (0/2)
317th dummycute - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Evxn063 - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Forrest235 - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Gleeming - 0.00 (0/2)
317th hashtagmat - 0.00 (0/2)
317th heartparticles - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Iceisnice32 - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Jeromesha - 0.00 (0/2)
317th JIMMY453 - 0.00 (0/2)
317th johnnytheching - 0.00 (0/2)
317th K_U_N_A_L - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Krxmble - 0.00 (0/2)
317th lasdarling - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Lative - 0.00 (0/2)
317th luvictoire - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Lynor - 0.00 (0/2)
317th MichaelPlayMC - 0.00 (0/2)
317th NexfoR - 0.00 (0/2)
317th ninja3214 - 0.00 (0/2)
317th OblivionTU - 0.00 (0/2)
317th oMatty - 0.00 (0/2)
317th pawnss - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Qmos - 0.00 (0/2)
317th ReiBatsubami - 0.00 (0/2)
317th repped - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Retrofied - 0.00 (0/2)
317th RqDix - 0.00 (0/2)
317th ScaryPumpkinFace - 0.00 (0/2)
317th SergeantM - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Severuu - 0.00 (0/2)
317th SlicedOranges - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Squegi - 0.00 (0/2)
317th tastywill - 0.00 (0/2)
317th TitaniumDino25 - 0.00 (0/2)
317th urfake - 0.00 (0/2)
317th vegis - 0.00 (0/2)
317th VurkeTTV - 0.00 (0/2)
317th whoshaze - 0.00 (0/2)
317th xHobo - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Xifto - 0.00 (0/2)
317th xNGHT - 0.00 (0/2)
317th YellowAuraa - 0.00 (0/2)
317th 2Pacoh - 0.00 (0/3)
317th ceije - 0.00 (0/3)
317th EivLs - 0.00 (0/3)
317th emi1iano - 0.00 (0/3)
317th Goopling - 0.00 (0/3)
317th Gotelin - 0.00 (0/3)
317th Hrray - 0.00 (0/3)
317th JayNonsense - 0.00 (0/3)
317th jemjosh - 0.00 (0/3)
317th lazys - 0.00 (0/3)
317th NotMyLights - 0.00 (0/3)
317th QueenxPetty - 0.00 (0/3)
317th ShmeckleBoy - 0.00 (0/3)
317th WALRUS_TIME - 0.00 (0/3)
317th ywack - 0.00 (0/3)
317th AshRiolu100985 - 0.00 (0/4)
317th Bofishkix - 0.00 (0/4)
317th Cacedoupamso - 0.00 (0/4)
317th choiceband - 0.00 (0/4)
317th Geroot - 0.00 (0/4)
317th jake_hoe - 0.00 (0/4)
317th love_gem4164 - 0.00 (0/4)
317th OCTAMAN - 0.00 (0/4)
317th PapaNugey - 0.00 (0/4)
317th PitSolitayrh - 0.00 (0/4)
317th TinchoPijaLarga - 0.00 (0/4)
317th AdonisGaming - 0.00 (0/5)
317th azoof - 0.00 (0/5)
317th Char1zo - 0.00 (0/5)
317th dylxnd - 0.00 (0/5)
317th imFatLoveMe - 0.00 (0/5)
317th InProper - 0.00 (0/5)
317th K0REDRAG0N - 0.00 (0/5)
317th nug17 - 0.00 (0/5)
317th CallMeBqse - 0.00 (0/7)
317th DRI60 - 0.00 (0/8)
317th BuildingBard300 - 0.00 (0/9)
317th Charrlottie - 0.00 (0/10)
317th brinniex - 0.00 (0/11)
317th bayweafs - 0.00 (0/15)
317th Luca_Kgaming - 0.00 (0/15)
317th MangoPlayz - 0.00 (0/16)
317th Slooshyy - 0.00 (0/17)
submitted by Brodator to SeaPickled [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:09 Classicsonicsmash313 Tails has finally flew in and joined our Sega smash bros roster! (u/WhatShouldTheHeartDo) it’s time to decide the last character for our melee roster so as always the most upvoted character will be added next!

Tails has finally flew in and joined our Sega smash bros roster! (u/WhatShouldTheHeartDo) it’s time to decide the last character for our melee roster so as always the most upvoted character will be added next!
Thank you everyone for all the support on the Melee roster and I hope you’re all excited to decide on who’ll be on the brawl roster!
submitted by Classicsonicsmash313 to SEGA [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:08 WhatCanIMakeToday Operational Efficiency Shares: Rehypothecating 🐇🐇🐇🐇 And Breaking Free Of Chains [WalkThrough] (4/n)

Operational Efficiency Shares: Rehypothecating 🐇🐇🐇🐇 And Breaking Free Of Chains [WalkThrough] (4/n)
From the prior DD in this series [1], we know that ComputerShare can “give” the DTC registered DSPP shares to hold onto for operational efficiency which are then “given back” as shares beneficially owned “for the benefit of” (“FBO”) DSPP Plan Participants at ComputerShare, as illustrated in this diagram:
From The Prerequisite DD
It’s time to explore what “operational efficiency” benefits may be gained by DSPP shares going around this roundabout. At first glance, shares are basically just going in a big circle from DSPP Plan Participants with registered ownership DSPP shares at ComputerShare heading to the DTC, who hands shares to ComputerShare’s broker who maintains those shares for the benefit of ComputerShare who holds those shares for the benefit of Plan Participants. While I think it’s unlikely that shares just go around in a big fat circle for no reason, I do remember people getting onto flights to literally go nowhere a few years ago [CNN, NYT]; so maybe these operational efficiency shares simply miss hanging out at the DTC?
Let’s look more closely… While title is held by a registered DSPP Plan Participant, ComputerShare is giving the DTC possession [1] of registered DSPP shares to the DTC to hold for operational efficiency which then ultimately end back in the possession of ComputerShare’s broker (who isn’t lending out shares) for the benefit of ComputerShare for the benefit of Plan Participants. If we treat the DTC’s operations as a big black box, we see registered shares going into the DTC black box and beneficially owned shares coming out of the black box to ComputerShare for Plan Participants.
DTCC Black Box: Inputs vs Outputs
Investopedia says that shareholders have rights, with a list of 6 main rights including:
  1. Voting power on major issues.
  2. Ownership in a portion of the company.
  3. The right to transfer ownership.
  4. Entitlement to dividends.
  5. Opportunity to inspect corporate books and records.
  6. The right to sue for wrongful acts.
By contrast, beneficial owners only need to have or share 2 of those rights (bolded) according to the definition of beneficial owner in Rule 13d-3: the power to vote and the power to dispose of the security (e.g., sell).
§ 240.13d-3 Determination of beneficial owner.
(a) For the purposes of sections 13(d) and 13(g) of the Act a beneficial owner of a security includes any person who, directly or indirectly, through any contract, arrangement, understanding, relationship, or otherwise has or shares:
(1) Voting power which includes the power to vote, or to direct the voting of, such security; and/or,
(2) Investment power which includes the power to dispose, or to direct the disposition of, such security.
ComputerShare basically confirms this list (except for the right to sue as that’s probably not one their issuer customers would emphasize) and adds that beneficially held shares may be lent by brokers generally (but not by ComputerShare’s broker).
Registered Shareholder Rights vs Beneficial Owner Rights
Maybe you’ve had different experiences from me, but I’ve never known Wall St to deliver more than the bare minimum they’re contractually obligated to. Which means the DTC black box is very likely watering down shareholder rights from the 6 that go in down to the 2 which come out. (And yet, we’re supposed to believe that all shares are equal. 🙄)
Dividends (#4 on the list) [2] may be the clearest example of a watered down shareholder right. Registered shareholders have the right “to directly receive share dividends” [CS FAQ] which means if a company (e.g., GameStop or OverStock) issues a dividend, registered shareholders have the right to directly receive the dividend as issued. If the company issues a crypto dividend (as OverStock tried to do), registered shareholders have the right to directly receive the issued crypto dividend. Beneficial shareholders would get an issued dividend, if available, or a cash equivalent if not. Historically, stock and other dividends to beneficial shareholders could easily be delivered as a cash equivalent, a watered down form. Crypto dividends don’t scale well with shorts (both naked and legal via, for example, share lending and borrowing) because crypto tokens are unique which makes it abundantly clear why a crypto dividend was nixed for a heavily shorted idiosyncratic stock like GameStop; especially given GameStop’s particularly active shareholders.
Ownership (#2 on the list) may be the second clearest example of a watered down shareholder right as more security interests to shares exist in the DTC’s beneficial ownership system than there are shares; with the SEC saying beneficial shares get a pro rata interest in the securities of that issue held by DTC. [See End Game Part Deux: Problems at the DTCC plus The Bigger Picture, particularly the section “The Pie Is Shrinking: Get Out (And DRS) While You Can”]
Voting (#1 on the list) is also an example watered down shareholder right; this one having a long history on this sub with, for example, BroadRidge tossing 7B votes and bragging about it. (Beneficial owners only need to get shared voting rights per Rule 13d-3 above so those 7B “shared” votes just lost out to who they shared with.) Unlike other beneficially held shares, voting rights for DSPP shares are not watered down as ComputerShare sends registered holders their voting forms.

Operational Efficiency Shares, Whatcha Doing In There?

A big black box is a pretty good description of the DTC which does not want us to know the ins and outs of what’s going on. Black holes are a pretty good example of a big black box and, most importantly, we know a lot about black holes even though they can’t be directly observed. Just as we learned about black holes without direct observation, we can similarly learn a lot about the Operational Efficiency shares even though we can’t directly observe them in the DTC habitat.
Even though we can’t look inside the DTC’s big black box, it turns out we don’t really have to in order to identify some benefits from these operational efficiency shares taking their roundabout trip to nowhere.
Locates A few commenters have suggested that OE shares could be used for locates so I’ll address this first. Possible, yes. But I don’t view this as the most interesting use for OE shares. Brokers are supposed to “locate” securities available for borrowing before short selling. [Wikipedia)] Basically, before selling short a broker is supposed to find a source to borrow. The “locate” requirement does NOT require the security to be borrowed before short selling which can result in a legal naked short.
You may be wondering why I don’t view “locates” as particularly interesting for OE shares if short sellers need to locate shares to borrow before shorting. Well, market makers are also exempt from this requirement as long as they’re market making. 🙄 On top of the market maker exemption, remember House Of Cards? In House Of Cards 3 [SuperStonk], we learned about the now 🤦‍♂️ hilarious F**3 key **- yeah, the one on a keyboard. Brokers like Goldman found the locate requirement simply too much work so they would press the F3 key and their system would auto-approve the locate requirement based only on the number of shares available to borrow at the beginning of the day; regardless of whether those shares were still available to borrow or not.
House Of Cards 3
Meaning as long as there were some shares available to borrow at the beginning of the day for their share copying system, brokers could just smash the F3 key to make as many copies of shares as they need. Even if only 1 share was available to borrow at the beginning of the day, a broker could simply smash the F3 key 100 times to approve the locate requirement for 100 shares.
So while OE shares could be used for locates, they wouldn’t need many shares each day to make an unlimited number of copies - even just 1 is enough.
Lending shares on the other hand…
Rehypothecation Rehypothecation is the reuse of customer collateral for lending. Per a 2010 IMF Working Paper, The (sizable) Role of Rehypothecation in the Shadow Banking System,
Rehypothecation occurs when the collateral posted by a prime brokerage client (e.g., hedge fund) to its prime broker is used as collateral also by the prime broker for its own purposes.
This IMF paper defined a “churning factor” to measure how many times an asset may be reused; and then estimated a churning factor of 4 noting that it could be higher because international banks (e.g., HSBC and Nomura) were not sampled. This IMF paper found a single asset may be lent and borrowed 4 times, or more; an average which could be higher globally.
Churn Factor Could Be Higher Globally
How much higher? We may have seen a churn factor as high as 10 for a less idiosyncratic meme stock per my prior post, Estimating Excess GME Share Liquidity From Borrow Data & Churn Factor. Presumably, the idiosyncratic meme stock would have a higher churn factor (but not that important for this post).
More recently (2018), the Federal Reserve published this Fed Note on ​​The Ins and Outs of Collateral Re-use studying how often collateral is reused (i.e., rehypothecated) for Treasury & non-Treasury securities [3] with a beautiful figure illustrating how “for any given moment in time, one security can be attributed to multiple financial transactions” where a share could be posted multiple times through Security Financing Transactions (SFTs) and sold short. [4] Sounds familiar, right?
Figure 6c of this Fed Note shows a Collateral Multiplier over time illustrating how “PDs [Primary Dealers] currently re-use about three times as many securities as they own for non-Treasury collateral and seven times as many securities as they own for U.S. Treasury securities”.
AKA \"Money Multiplier\"
The Fed Note describes their Collateral Multiplier as a “money multiplier” (Seriously, I couldn’t have made this up in a million years.),
In a sense, our Collateral Multiplier is akin to a "money multiplier," as it compares private liabilities created by a firm with the amount of specific assets held to create those liabilities. [​​The Ins and Outs of Collateral Re-use]
And, of course, the Collateral Multiplier aka “money multiplier” ratio goes up when there’s less collateral available and down when there’s more collateral available. (Can I get one of these multipliers?)
Intuitively, we expect the ratio to increase when collateral is scarce and to decrease when collateral is more abundant.
Which means Primary Dealers [Wikipedia has a list of familiar names including Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, Nomura, BofA, Citigroup, TD, UBS, and Wells Fargo; amongst others] can simply kick securities around a few extra times (e.g., with SFTs and short sells) to effectively multiply the amount of money and/or collateral they have any time they need it. (Within limits, I hope…)
Thus, rehypothecation is a very interesting use of Operational Efficiency shares from ComputerShare as various primary dealers can simply “multiply” the number of shares they have – a concept that we’re already quite familiar with. As rehypothecation, short sells, and securities financing transactions are all perfectly legal, rehypothecating more GameStop shares provided to the DTC via operational efficiency satisfies Ground Rule #2 [defined in (1/n) in this series],
  1. All parties involved are all generally attempting to operate within the bounds of the laws and regulations wherever possible. (I know we often scream “crime”, but why break a law when money can simply [re]write laws to make activities legal. Regulatory failure is the reason why something that should be criminal, isn’t. And regulatory failure happens when armies of lawyers are paid to create and exploit loopholes so that actions which should be criminal, are instead legal.)
We can update our conceptual model to include rehypothecation to more clearly illustrate how Operational Efficiency shares held in the DTC can be rehypothecated (e.g., with SFTs and short sells) until a watered down share is delivered to ComputerShare’s broker to hold FBO ComputerShare, who holds the watered down share FBO DSPP Plan Participants.
You might notice from this illustration that ComputerShare has been telling the truth satisfying Ground Rule #1 [defined in (1/n) in this series]. Neither ComputerShare’s nor their broker lend or need to lend shares. All the rehypothecation happens “upstream” amongst other DTCC and NSCC Participants until shares are finally delivered to ComputerShare’s broker at the end of the “Churn Chain”. ComputerShare has made no representations about what the DTC can or can not do with the shares in their possession. And, realistically, ComputerShare is in no position to make any representations about what happens within the DTCC system – ComputerShare is only responsible for themselves and, to some extent, their broker.
The Fed Note and IMF paper found assets may be churned and reused 3-4 times (overall market average) which means the end of the chain is typically around D3 or D4. (If my prior DD estimates are correct, there were signs a less idiosyncratic meme stock may be churned up to 10 times ending the chain at D10 which suggests a potentially longer chain for GME, the idiosyncratic meme stock.) If there is no collateral reuse for an asset, the chain would have zero length meaning Operational Efficiency shares go straight from the DTC directly to ComputerShare’s broker. (Programmers almost certainly understand zero length chains very well – go find one if you need an explanation.)
GameStop is idiosyncratic, thus atypical. Per the IMF paper, collateral reuse increases when collateral is scarce and decreases when collateral is abundant (quoted above). If we consider GameStop investors have been direct registering shares (i.e., DRS) and registering shares (e.g., DSPP) thereby removing title and/or possession of shares from the DTC/DTCC/Cede & Co, then GameStop share availability has been becoming more scarce and the “Churn Chain” for GME should be longer than average representing a higher collateral multiplier and churn value.
While we may not know the exact length of the Churn Chain for GameStop shares, we can pretty well surmise that it’s not a zero length Churn Chain where there is no collateral reuse based simply on scarcity. After all, a shortage of available shares is, by definition, required for any short squeeze (including MOASS). Requests by brokers to enable Share Lending [5] is another example indicator that GameStop shares are scarce.
In addition, according to Investopedia [6], “Banks, brokers, or other financial institutions may navigate a liquidity crunch and access capital by rehypothecating client funds” and we’ve seen indicators showing us banks are in deep trouble:
The downside to rehypothecation is the higher leverage increases risks of default and a single collapse can start a chain reaction knocking down others like dominos.
There are also leverage considerations that increase that risk of default. Overleveraged investments often face covenants; when specific conditions are met, trading accounts may receive a margin call or face debt default. As a row of dominos fall after a single collapse, a single margin call may cause other debts to fail their account maintenance requirements, setting off a chain reaction that places the institution at higher risk of overall default. [6]
This risk for rehypothecation sounds exactly like what the Options Clearing Corporation was complaining about to the SEC when the ​​OCC Proposed Reducing Margin Requirements To Prevent A Cascade of Clearing Member Failures [SuperStonk] early 2024. If the OCC can eliminate margin calls, then no dominos get knocked down. (Thankfully, apes have done a phenomenal job in convincing the SEC that this OCC proposal is a very bad idea. Support the SEC’s rejection of this as Simians Smash SEC Rule Proposal To Reduce Margin Requirements To Prevent A Cascade of Clearing Member Failures!)
Most importantly, it may be tough to regain possession of an asset when someone in the rehypothecation chain defaults. Remember from the prior DD the expression about possession: Possession is nine-tenths of the law.
Clients must be aware of rehypothecation as it is technically their own assets that have been pledged for someone else's debt. This creates complicated creditor issues where an investors shares may longer be in their possession due to their custodian's default. [6]
We know assets are rehypothecated 3-4 times on average, GameStop shares are scarce, banks are in trouble, stock loan volume is skyhigh, and the risks of rehypothecation are real. So it’s pretty clear that rehypothecation is happening generally with pretty darn good reason to expect GameStop’s Churn Chain is at least of non-zero length (i.e., GameStop stock is being rehypothecated).

Breaking The Chains

While some may like chains and being tied up, I’m not one of those apes. Especially as a Churn Chain waters down my shareholder rights and may make regaining possession of DSPP stock difficult in the event of a cascade of defaults, as warned by the OCC. (If you like chains, feel free to skip this section.)
As it turns out, we don’t need to know exactly how long the Churn Chain is for GameStop stock. Simply knowing a Churn Chain exists with non-zero length means there is a chain. Where there is a chain, it’s possible to break the chain. (Even if you don’t know how much health) your enemy has in a game, you still try to take your enemy out. Right?)
A churn chain that starts from ComputerShare holding DSPP shares in DTC for operational efficiency can easily be broken as “[a]n investor can, at any time, withdraw all or part of their shares in DSPP book-entry form and have them added to their DRS holding”. [ComputerShare] See also [7]. Quite possibly one of the easiest chains in the world to break as the Churn Chain is weak to DRS. Simply DRS the DSPP shares to take away the head of the chain and the rest of the chain falls apart. (And, DRS-ing "street name" shares cuts chains into pieces too!)
One side effect of breaking a Churn Chain is that all shares attributed to transactions in a broken chain (e.g., SFTs and short sells) need to be reallocated to other chains, effectively making other chains longer and increasing the risks from a default.
Analogy: Think of the shares as a deck of cards. If you deal 52 cards to 4 players (A, B, C and D), each player gets 13 cards. Each stack of 13 cards is basically a Churn Chain. But if you take out a stack by removing the bottom card from A and distribute the remaining 12 cards from A to B, C and D then B, C and D each now have 17 cards. If at any given time a card can cause a player to lose the game, it's better to have fewer cards than more. And, the players who get out early won't lose.
Any party in the Churn Chain who defaults will make it hard for the original owner to regain possession. Longer chains include more transactions and more parties so there’s more risk of default on longer chains than shorter chains. Thus we see another vicious cycle setup where incentives are aligned such that DSPP and beneficial shareholders may want to avoid the impending default and rehypothecation risk from their shares being held in DTC. In order to avoid the impending default and rehypothecation risks, shareholders are incentivized to Directly Register shares to ensure having both title and possession. (Shares held in “street name” have little or no protection from rehypothecation risk and simply registering shares in DSPP doesn’t guarantee possession [1].) As with the other vicious cycle, any remaining shareholders in DTC share a shrinking pie of diluted ownership so it is in their best interest to get out and DRS; thereby shrinking the diluted ownership pie even more which is more reason for remaining shareholders to get out. These vicious cycles will eventually leave few, if any, remaining shares at the DTC for beneficial shareholders. Nobody knows what will happen if this ♾️🏊 happens.


[1] If you haven’t already, please read the prerequisite DD in this WalkThrough Series to understand how ownership of property is separated into two concepts: title and possession. [See, e.g., StackExchange] Understanding the differences between title and possession are particularly important here where it’s worth being extra careful identifying how an entity is in control of an asset.
  1. DSPP is technically different from DRS [WalkThrough] (1/n)
  2. Definitely DIFFERENT "DRS Counts" [WalkThrough] (2/n)
[2] Dividends have been heavily discussed on SuperStonk with many DD posts, including for OverStock and the precedent OverStock set which would have allowed GameStop to issue their own crypto dividend, possibly as an NFT.
[3] Footnote 16 of the Fed Note itemizes various classes of non-Treasury collateral which includes equity which, per Investopedia, is a synonym for stocks.
[4] While short selling is pretty well known, Security Financing Transactions (SFTs) may be more obscure despite discussion of them in the past so here’s some historical SuperStonk links for you (where you may notice some well known OG DD apes):
[5] Simply search SuperStonk for share lending. Don’t make me Google That For You.
[6] REMOVE_FOR_AUTOMOD terms/r REMOVE_FOR_AUTOMOD /rehypothecation.asp
[7] Withdrawing whole DSPP shares into DRS seems to make a lot of sense as doing so guarantees possession. Selling fractionals, less so. If you intend to keep buying, I would think adding to the fractionals to later withdraw whole shares makes more sense. As for the concern about fractionals tainting the whole account, I’ll cover that in another post. For now, you do you.
submitted by WhatCanIMakeToday to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:02 Bluecomments Is there a limit to the amount of Orichalc you can get when reaching the 50th floor each trip?

I've been traveling there to create accessories that will help manage time and stamina. And to get the maximum possible amount of Orichalc, I save before smashing a rock and keep resetting if I don't get Orichalc. However, I've noticed at a certain point that no matter how much I reset I get only junk ores or nothing. If it happened just once, maybe I just got unlucky. However, it seems to happen every trip and does not seem coincidental at all. Is there a set limit where the game will give Orichalc zero percent of the time or am I just super unlucky after a while?
submitted by Bluecomments to harvestmoon [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:49 Realar20 An ELECTRIFYING Smash Bros. Ultimate Match I made ways back. Likes and comments encouraged.
submitted by Realar20 to Sub4Sub [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:47 BlueEagle127 The fanfiction that predicted the Star and Stripe fight before it happened

When I first started to get into fanfiction, I found this story called My Hero Academia: The Great Quirk Purge Arc.- It was an interesting (and in my eyes) a "so bad it's good fanfiction" about a quirkless uprising spearheaded by-gasp!-All Might's quirkless childhood friend. The even though the dialogue and paying is weird, it was more entertaining for me than the well liked and popular fanfics. However , it did do one thing:
It predicted the Starand Stripe fight a full YEAR before it happened.
Here's what I mean (spoilers for the fic):
Because of increased violence of the quirkless militia/thing, the top 10 heroes of the U.S (the Revengers) some to Ameria led by the Number One Hero, Uncle Sam (or something patriotic; I forgot). The Revengers help fight the villains, but they're too powerful (for some reason, there's a special alien metal that disables quirks used against the heroes). After enough destruction, Uncle Samw had enough and went against the government's orders to fight Zibran, the main villina of the story before he evolved into his final form. Uncle Sam (who's quirk is energy stars) used his ultimate super move on par with All Might's United States of Smash against Zibran. However, while it wekaned him and gave the heroes a few weeks to recover, he failed in defeating him, dying to his injuries.
Simillarities with the fanfic fight and the canon fight:
Like I said, while it's not the best fanfiction, it was definitely entertaining.
submitted by BlueEagle127 to BokunoheroFanfiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:40 MTheWho M’s Pre-Cannes 2025 Oscar Predictions

Yes, I know Cannes has already technically started, but none of the potential major players have premiered yet, so…
Anyway, as always, let me know what you guys think of my predictions.
I’m trying the ranked format again, by the way, I might keep flip-flopping between it and the list format, also let me know which one you prefer.
Best Picture:
1. A Real Pain (Searchlight Pictures) (WINNER)
  1. Sing Sing (A24)
  2. Dune: Part Two (Warner Bros.)
  3. Joker: Folie à Deux (Warner Bros.)
  4. Blitz (Apple Original Films)
  5. Parthenope (A24)
  6. Queer (TBD)
  7. Conclave (Focus Features)
  8. Nickel Boys (Amazon MGM Studios)
  9. The Room Next Door (Sony Pictures Classics)
Next in Line: Here (Sony Pictures), Bird (TBD), Gladiator 2 (Paramount Pictures), The Apprentice (TBD), Nightbitch (Searchlight Pictures)
Best Director:
1. Denis Villeneuve - Dune: Part Two - WINNER
  1. Steve McQueen - Blitz
  2. Paolo Sorrentino - Parthenope
  3. Todd Phillips - Joker: Folie à Deux
  4. Jesse Eisenberg - A Real Pain
Next in Line: Pedro Almodóvar - The Room Next Door
Best Actor:
1. Colman Domingo - Sing Sing (WINNER)
  1. Daniel Craig - Queer
  2. Jesse Eisenberg - A Real Pain
  3. Ralph Fiennes - Conclave
  4. Barry Keoghan - Bird
Next in Line: Tom Hanks - Here
Best Actress:
1. Lady Gaga - Joker: Folie à Deux (WINNER)
  1. Saoirse Ronan - Blitz
  2. Angelina Jolie - Maria
  3. Amy Adams - Nightbitch
  4. Tilda Swinton - The Room Next Door
Next in Line: Celeste Dalla Porta - Parthenope
Best Supporting Actor:
1. Kieran Culkin - A Real Pain (WINNER)
  1. Clarence Maclin - Sing Sing
  2. Samuel L. Jackson - The Piano Lesson
  3. John Lithgow - Conclave
  4. Gary Oldman - Parthenope
Next in Line: Frank Rogowski - Bird
Best Supporting Actress:
1. Aunjanue Ellis-Taylor - Nickel Boys (WINNER)
  1. Danielle Deadwyler - The Piano Lesson
  2. Julianne Moore - The Room Next Door
  3. Isabella Rosselini - Conclave
  4. Lesley Manville - Queer
Next in Line: Jennifer Grey - A Real Pain
Best Original Screenplay:
1. A Real Pain - Written by Jesse Eisenberg (WINNER)
  1. Parthenope - Written by Umberto Contarello and Paolo Sorrentino
  2. Blitz - Written by Steve McQueen
  3. The Room Next Door - Written by Pedro Almodóvar
  4. Bird - Screenplay by Andrea Arnold
Next in Line: Anora - Written by Sean Baker
Best Adapted Screenplay:
1. Sing Sing - Screenplay by Clint Bentley and Greg Kwedar, Story by Clint Bentley, Greg Kwedar, Clarence Maclin, and John Whitfield (WINNER)
  1. Nickel Boys - Screenplay by Joslyn Barnes and RaMell Ross
  2. Queer - Screenplay by Justin Kuritzkes
  3. Conclave - Screenplay by Peter Straughan
  4. Dune: Part Two - Screenplay by Jon Spaihts and Denis Villeneuve
Next in Line: Nightbitch - Screenplay by Marielle Heller
Best Production Design:
1. Joker: Folie à Deux (WINNER)
  1. Dune: Part Two
  2. Blitz
  3. Gladiator II
  4. Wicked
Next in Line: Here
Best Cinematography:
1. Dune: Part Two - Greig Fraser
  1. Joker: Folie à Deux - Lawrence Sher
  2. Blitz - Yorick Le Saux
  3. Parthenope - Daria D’Antonio
  4. Megalopolis - Mihai Mălaimare Jr.
Next in Line: The Girl with the Needle - Michal Dymek
Best Film Editing:
1. Dune: Part Two - Joe Walker (WINNER)
  1. Blitz - Peter Sciberras
  2. A Real Pain - Robert Nassau
  3. Sing Sing - Parker Laramie
  4. Joker: Folie à Deux - Jeff Groth
Next in Line: Queer - Marco Costa
Best Makeup and Hairstyling:
1. Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (WINNER)
  1. Dune: Part Two
  2. Joker: Folie à Deux
  3. Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
  4. Wicked
Next in Line: Nosferatu
Best Costume Design:
1. Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (WINNER)
  1. Joker: Folie à Deux
  2. Dune: Part Two
  3. Gladiator II
  4. Wicked
Next in Line: Megalopolis
Best Sound:
1. Dune: Part Two (WINNER)
  1. Joker: Folie à Deux
  2. Blitz
  3. Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga
  4. Twisters
Next in Line: Gladiator II
Best Visual Effects:
1. Dune: Part Two (WINNER)
  1. Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga
  2. Gladiator II
  3. Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes
  4. Twisters
Next in Line: Here
Best Original Score:
1. Queer - Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross (WINNER)
  1. Dune: Part Two - Hans Zimmer
  2. Joker: Folie à Deux - Hildur Guðnadóttir
  3. Sing Sing - Bryan Dessner
  4. Blitz - TBA
Next in Line: Conclave - Volker Bertelmann
Best Animated Feature:
1. The Wild Robot (Chris Sanders, DreamWorks Animation) (WINNER)
  1. The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim (Kenji Kamiyama, Warner Bros.)
  2. Inside Out 2 (Kelsey Mann, Disney/Pixar)
  3. The Most Precious of Cargoes (Michel Hazanavicius, TBD)
  4. Memoir of a Snail (Adam Elliot, TBD)
Next in Line: Ghost Cat Anzu (Yôko Kuno and Nobuhiro Yamashita, GKIDS)
Best International Feature:
1. Parthenope (Paolo Sorrentino, Italy, A24) (WINNER)
  1. All We Imagine As Light (Payal Kapadia, India, TBD)
  2. Grand Tour (Miguel Gomes, Portugal, TBD)
  3. Emilia Pérez (Jacques Audiard, Mexico, TBD)
  4. The Most Precious of Cargoes (Michel Hazanavicius, France, TBD)
Next in Line: The Girl with the Needle (Magnus von Horn, Denmark, TBD)
Best Documentary Feature:
1. SupeMan: The Christopher Reeve Story (Ian Bonhôte and Peter Ettedgui, Warner Bros.) (WINNER)
  1. Black Box Diaries (Shiori Ito, TBD)
  2. Ibelin (Benjamin Ree, Netflix)
  3. Porcelain War (Brendan Bellomo and Slava Leontyev, TBD)
  4. No Other Land (Yuval Abraham, Basel Adra, Hamden Ballal, and Rachel Szor, TBD)
Next in Line: Sugarcane (Julian Brave NoiseCat and Emily Kassie, National Geographic Documentary Films)
submitted by MTheWho to oscarrace [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:34 MountainSkald [A Valkyrie's Saga] - Part 102

Prequel (Chapters 1 to 16)
1. Rise of a Valkyrie
First ¦ Previous ¦ Royal Road ¦ Patreon
Christie emerged from the bathroom once her nerves had calmed and found one of the chateau’s windows that looked out on the western ridgelines. She reached into her handbag and produced a stick of lipstick, sighted on a curve of blackness intersecting a particular constellation rising into the night sky, and pushed a discreet button on the base. The task force now had confirmation that Rayker was inside the chateau and the machine would be set in motion.
As she turned to head back to the party, Christie saw a different range of mountains in the corner of her eye. A fishhook stabbed into the muscle of her heart and tugged, while she was nearly overwhelmed with nausea. For a moment, a dusty valley surrounded her, the rocky ground coursing with streams of blood. The ghostly white face of Rose Djallen was before her, life fading from her eyes. Christie wanted to gasp, but she let the pain wash over her in silence, as they had all done so often. A moment’s concentration brought her back to the present, and the dangerous operation ahead.
Rayker’s expression had been so devoid of warmth—as though she wore her psychotic nature with pride. Christie couldn’t understand how someone could be so inhuman. She wondered what would happen if Rayker sensed the trap that was closing around her. Christie knew that she, and probably some of the guests, would be taken hostage. No doubt the dozens of Rangers stalking through the darkness would break cover, racing through the night to rescue her, with one particularly hard-headed individual out front. The highly skilled operators now preparing their own move on the chateau would fight their way inside, killing anyone who resisted them. The Banshee, their well-armed gunship, would break its cloak, leaving its position behind Ambrosia’s second moon to rain hellfire down on the small army that provided security for the Helvetic League’s pleasure planet. Rayker would probably die in a hail of gunfire—giving Rose her deserved retribution—for the Valkyrie would eagerly sacrifice their own lives before leaving one of their own behind.
Then the news of the incident would spread, and humanity’s thirty-seven worlds would talk of nothing else but the secret army of super soldiers that protected them from the arsenal of the Jotnar—an ancient and extinct civilization, who’s abandoned weapons and warships littered the stars. Nations, corporations and crime syndicates would find ways to track down those weapons, exploiting their incredible destructive power for their own selfish purposes. There would be war, billions would die, and, like those who had preceded them, humanity would probably wipe itself out.
Rose had died protecting Christie from Rayker’s drone army, but she had also died to uphold Valkyrie’s ancient responsibility.
That operation had ultimately saved the planet Caldera, but in the chaos and confusion of the battle Rayker had managed to slip away. The organization had spent nearly two years trying to hunt her down, but she was too skilled, too deeply enmeshed in the Helvetic League’s underworld.
The council of chiefs, Valkyrie’s inscrutable governing body, had agreed to form Task Force Nemesis under the command of General Smyrna. She was assigned the Mountain Ranger’s Bravo company—the Venomous Vipers—a Raider squadron of elite counter terrorists, and a task unit from Orbital Demolition Team Four. Supported by the Banshee and guided by Christie’s intelligence gathering unit, their mission statement was simple—do whatever it took to kill or capture Allana Rayker.
As they made slow, painstaking process, they began to receive indications that their target had rejoined her old corporate paymasters at VennZech, the most powerful weapons manufacturer in the galaxy. Then, the news broke that Joakkim Meissner, one of Rayker’s suspected allies, had been promoted to Chief Executive, arranging his party on Ambrosia to celebrate.
He had also invited one of the League’s rising stars in physics. The brilliant young doctor Ernst Kolar was a specialist in theoretical energy development. He had recently published a paper describing a theoretical anti-matter reactor alarmingly similar to those that powered the warships and killing machines of the Jotnar. Christie’s team leader, Jiao Zhang, had offered the high-confidence assessment that Rayker would refuse to let such an asset out of her sight. And, on the protected world of Ambrosia, what could she have to fear?
But Valkyrie had been breaking through Helvetic security barriers since the creation of the quasi-imperial state, and had become extremely good at it. And so, the operation had been set in motion.
Christie took a deep breath and prepared herself, soothing away any traces of nervousness. She left the outer hall and re-entered the party.
“Olympus, Olympus, Olympus,” a voice intoned through Kayla’s headset.
The code word signaled that Christie had identified Rayker in the chateau, and the operation was a go. A double burst of static followed; a squad-level transmission from Kes. It was the order to take out the security guards.
Kayla and Ray had crawled as close as they could to their position, readied their stun rifle and waited patiently. As the signal came in, the men had pushed away from their boulder rest spot and were resuming their patrol through the woods. Kayla waited until their line of sight had passed her, before she stood slowly, weapon aimed. A faint rustle told her that Ray had done the same.
The guard at the back, still slurping from a water bottle, fell a little further behind. The stun rifle’s projectile hit him in the neck, shocking his nervous system into an overload state. He seized and dropped to the ground, unconscious. The men ahead of him span and there was a mechanical thump from Ray’s weapon. Her shot struck center mass, and another figure collapsed, just as Kayla pulled the trigger again. The last guard went down quickly, but, to Kayla’s shock, seemed to remain conscious. He struggled on the ground like a dying fish as he tried to reach for his radio, so she sprinted forward and kicked him in the head.
Kayla wrinkled her nose and cursed quietly. The scientist who had trained her squad on the weapon had explained that a failed shot would result in the victim emptying the contents of their bowels and bladder. Looks like she had been right.
“Three down,” she muttered into her helmet mic. “No other contacts in sight.”
Even so, she continued to scan the distant trees carefully.
Ray secured the guards with serum injections while Tian and Yak, the other two members of the fire team joined them. The projectiles were gathered into Tian’s rucksack, and, when the rest of the squad arrived, they moved off through the trees together, climbing the slope until they reached another crest, and a chain link fence.
Half a mile away from the chateau, the main security compound provided a base for the guard’s rapid reaction force. The compound had a single entrance and out of the blockhouse blue light flickered to the loud chatter of an excited racing commentator.
Kayla stopped in the shadows of the trees and waited patiently. The air above her head snapped and cracked as rounds shot past, impacting security cameras and sensors around the compound. The bullets were a large caliber, but with a thermic charge core. Each strike glowed brilliantly as intense temperatures melted through their targets, leaving no evidence of what had neutralized them.
She grinned. Thandi was going to work, and though her presence and skill made Kayla feel much more confident, she would still tease her about doing the ‘easy part’ later.
In the near distance, there were a pair of flashes and loud zaps as the base’s generator and backup went out to EMP charges. Another squad from their platoon was working their own approach. That made Kayla nervous. The two elements would soon have to meet up, and nothing could be more dangerous to those who owned the night than confusing each other for the enemy.
She took her team around the base to the now dark main gate as the on-duty guards emerged to check on the loss of power. Stun rifle shots knocked them out, and the squad regrouped behind the cover of a vehicle bay, while Kayla identified the largest building in the compound and watched it attentively.
They waited patiently until the silence was broken by a new voice on the radio.
“Eyes on the barracks, north side. No movement.”
“South side clear,” Kayla confirmed.
“Approaching,” the other squad leader said.
Kayla waited until she saw shapes emerging from the shadows and sprinting behind the back of the large structure. Then, one leaned out from the corner, watching. Kayla tapped a control on her helmet, and a perfect white line broke through her grey world, pointing towards the figure. She was answered with a similar flash of infra-red energy, and her anxiety eased.
Kes, who had also been watching, tapped her shoulder, and Kayla led off towards the barracks.
From outside the Rangers could make out the annoyed calls of men and women stumbling around in the darkness. One emerged from a side door and nearly got off a shout before Tian tackled him and knocked him out. The two squads moved quickly, cracking open doorways and rolling gas grenades inside.
Invisible and odorless, the gas contained the signature compound Valkyrie used to erase memories. The Rangers waited a few minutes, safe behind their face masks, then entered and confirmed that all inside were unconscious. Kes and Thandi smashed a few liquor bottles against the walls, while others dragged the bodies into the main room, and distributed more ‘evidence’.
Eventually, Kes called ‘all clear’, and Kayla emerged from the building into the night, lifting her faceplate to breathe in some fresh air. She saw her fire team, Ray, Tian and Yak, heading to the vehicles to place EMP charges, and began to follow them, when a sharp rap on her helmet brought her up short.
She turned to see Thandi, vizor up, and an expectant expression on her face.
“Was that a curse word I heard earlier?” Thandi asked, keeping her voice low.
Kayla shook her head. “Negative. I was providing a biological assessment of the dude.”
“Ick. Two in the barracks were uh… in the middle of something when they passed out. I had to pull them apart.” She pulled a face. “That was gross.”
Kayla winked at her friend, who was spiritual enough for the both of them. “Unmarried, I bet. Your god approves.”
Thandi nodded gratefully, then shot her a look. “He’s not just my—"
Kes marched over, her expression severe. “Do either of you have EMP charges left?” she demanded.
“Yes Corporal,” Kayla nodded, and patted her rucksack.
“There’s a couple of transports left in the north corner. Get on it, then rejoin us on the east fence. Come on, we need to move quickly!”
Kayla scampered away, buzzing with energy. The squad still had to head for the chateau, and take up their position in the perimeter that was slowly drawing tighter around Rayker. She glanced at the dark mountains around her. In a dozen locations, radar arrays, missile defenses and communications stations were being similarly neutralized by small teams of Valkyrie from the various units. Soon they would have their prey, and Kayla privately hoped that she wouldn’t surrender.
Christie found Doctor Kolar, alone as usual, in the main hall and painfully out of place at such a large social gathering. He nursed a champagne glass, and smiled at passersby. Christie stared at him until their eyes met, and he quickly looked away, pretending to study one of Meissner’s diamond statues.
She walked in his direction, and as she passed, she flashed him a shy smile. Then, returning to her coterie of admirers, she looked back with another friendly expression.
Kolar cautiously approached the group, obviously unsure of what to do. The men ignored him, but the second he managed to breach the outer mass of bodies, Christie was on him.
“Oh hello! I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure!” she cried, extending her hand and beaming like a searchlight.
The other men frowned as they lost her attention.
“Um… All mine,” stammered Kolar. “Sorry. I’m—”
“Doctor Kolar, isn’t it?” interrupted a renowned and pompous pianist. “You’re working on space batteries for VennZech weapons research, or some such thing?”
“Well…” Kolar gulped. “We’re starting a new project on micro-singularities at the Planck scale, you see the current theory on weak—”
“It’s weak, you say?” The pianist laughed raucously as he slapped the doctor’s back. “Well, I never would have guessed, old boy.”
“Tell me, Zotty,” Christie cut in, addressing one of the other men, “Didn’t you just tell me this was one of Meissner’s inner circle?” she tottered forward slightly as she spoke.
“Correct,” the elder son and heir apparent of the largest media corporation in the League replied with a smile. He lifted his gaze from her bosom. “Doctor Kolar’s work is vital for the Maestro.”
Kolar smiled gratefully. “Indeed. Well, it’s about energy generation.”
“Oh, I hope you aren’t helping him make more of those dreadful bombs,” Christie said, and pouted. “War is very wrong! Really, I don’t know why they haven’t sanctioned the company for some of the absolutely horrid things they produce.”
The surrounding billionaires nodded their approval, while Kolar flushed. “No… well, I mustn’t talk about it, but I shouldn’t be getting involved in that side of VennZech’s business.”
“Quite right.” Christie nodded. “Oh, but you’re dry.” She turned to a waiter, grabbed a pair of glasses from his tray and handed one to Kolar.
First ¦ Previous ¦ Royal Road ¦ Patreon
Prequel (Chapters 1 to 16)
1. Rise of a Valkyrie
submitted by MountainSkald to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:29 MountainSkald A Valkyrie's Saga - Part 102

Prequel (Parts 1 to 16)
1. Rise of a Valkyrie
First ¦ Previous ¦ Royal Road ¦ Patreon
Christie emerged from the bathroom once her nerves had calmed and found one of the chateau’s windows that looked out on the western ridgelines. She reached into her handbag and produced a stick of lipstick, sighted on a curve of blackness intersecting a particular constellation rising into the night sky, and pushed a discreet button on the base. The task force now had confirmation that Rayker was inside the chateau and the machine would be set in motion.
As she turned to head back to the party, Christie saw a different range of mountains in the corner of her eye. A fishhook stabbed into the muscle of her heart and tugged, while she was nearly overwhelmed with nausea. For a moment, a dusty valley surrounded her, the rocky ground coursing with streams of blood. The ghostly white face of Rose Djallen was before her, life fading from her eyes. Christie wanted to gasp, but she let the pain wash over her in silence, as they had all done so often. A moment’s concentration brought her back to the present, and the dangerous operation ahead.
Rayker’s expression had been so devoid of warmth—as though she wore her psychotic nature with pride. Christie couldn’t understand how someone could be so inhuman. She wondered what would happen if Rayker sensed the trap that was closing around her. Christie knew that she, and probably some of the guests, would be taken hostage. No doubt the dozens of Rangers stalking through the darkness would break cover, racing through the night to rescue her, with one particularly hard-headed individual out front. The highly skilled operators now preparing their own move on the chateau would fight their way inside, killing anyone who resisted them. The Banshee, their well-armed gunship, would break its cloak, leaving its position behind Ambrosia’s second moon to rain hellfire down on the small army that provided security for the Helvetic League’s pleasure planet. Rayker would probably die in a hail of gunfire—giving Rose her deserved retribution—for the Valkyrie would eagerly sacrifice their own lives before leaving one of their own behind.
Then the news of the incident would spread, and humanity’s thirty-seven worlds would talk of nothing else but the secret army of super soldiers that protected them from the arsenal of the Jotnar—an ancient and extinct civilization, who’s abandoned weapons and warships littered the stars. Nations, corporations and crime syndicates would find ways to track down those weapons, exploiting their incredible destructive power for their own selfish purposes. There would be war, billions would die, and, like those who had preceded them, humanity would probably wipe itself out.
Rose had died protecting Christie from Rayker’s drone army, but she had also died to uphold Valkyrie’s ancient responsibility.
That operation had ultimately saved the planet Caldera, but in the chaos and confusion of the battle Rayker had managed to slip away. The organization had spent nearly two years trying to hunt her down, but she was too skilled, too deeply enmeshed in the Helvetic League’s underworld.
The council of chiefs, Valkyrie’s inscrutable governing body, had agreed to form Task Force Nemesis under the command of General Smyrna. She was assigned the Mountain Ranger’s Bravo company—the Venomous Vipers—a Raider squadron of elite counter terrorists, and a task unit from Orbital Demolition Team Four. Supported by the Banshee and guided by Christie’s intelligence gathering unit, their mission statement was simple—do whatever it took to kill or capture Allana Rayker.
As they made slow, painstaking process, they began to receive indications that their target had rejoined her old corporate paymasters at VennZech, the most powerful weapons manufacturer in the galaxy. Then, the news broke that Joakkim Meissner, one of Rayker’s suspected allies, had been promoted to Chief Executive, arranging his party on Ambrosia to celebrate.
He had also invited one of the League’s rising stars in physics. The brilliant young doctor Ernst Kolar was a specialist in theoretical energy development. He had recently published a paper describing a theoretical anti-matter reactor alarmingly similar to those that powered the warships and killing machines of the Jotnar. Christie’s team leader, Jiao Zhang, had offered the high-confidence assessment that Rayker would refuse to let such an asset out of her sight. And, on the protected world of Ambrosia, what could she have to fear?
But Valkyrie had been breaking through Helvetic security barriers since the creation of the quasi-imperial state, and had become extremely good at it. And so, the operation had been set in motion.
Christie took a deep breath and prepared herself, soothing away any traces of nervousness. She left the outer hall and re-entered the party.
“Olympus, Olympus, Olympus,” a voice intoned through Kayla’s headset.
The code word signaled that Christie had identified Rayker in the chateau, and the operation was a go. A double burst of static followed; a squad-level transmission from Kes. It was the order to take out the security guards.
Kayla and Ray had crawled as close as they could to their position, readied their stun rifle and waited patiently. As the signal came in, the men had pushed away from their boulder rest spot and were resuming their patrol through the woods. Kayla waited until their line of sight had passed her, before she stood slowly, weapon aimed. A faint rustle told her that Ray had done the same.
The guard at the back, still slurping from a water bottle, fell a little further behind. The stun rifle’s projectile hit him in the neck, shocking his nervous system into an overload state. He seized and dropped to the ground, unconscious. The men ahead of him span and there was a mechanical thump from Ray’s weapon. Her shot struck center mass, and another figure collapsed, just as Kayla pulled the trigger again. The last guard went down quickly, but, to Kayla’s shock, seemed to remain conscious. He struggled on the ground like a dying fish as he tried to reach for his radio, so she sprinted forward and kicked him in the head.
Kayla wrinkled her nose and cursed quietly. The scientist who had trained her squad on the weapon had explained that a failed shot would result in the victim emptying the contents of their bowels and bladder. Looks like she had been right.
“Three down,” she muttered into her helmet mic. “No other contacts in sight.”
Even so, she continued to scan the distant trees carefully.
Ray secured the guards with serum injections while Tian and Yak, the other two members of the fire team joined them. The projectiles were gathered into Tian’s rucksack, and, when the rest of the squad arrived, they moved off through the trees together, climbing the slope until they reached another crest, and a chain link fence.
Half a mile away from the chateau, the main security compound provided a base for the guard’s rapid reaction force. The compound had a single entrance and out of the blockhouse blue light flickered to the loud chatter of an excited racing commentator.
Kayla stopped in the shadows of the trees and waited patiently. The air above her head snapped and cracked as rounds shot past, impacting security cameras and sensors around the compound. The bullets were a large caliber, but with a thermic charge core. Each strike glowed brilliantly as intense temperatures melted through their targets, leaving no evidence of what had neutralized them.
She grinned. Thandi was going to work, and though her presence and skill made Kayla feel much more confident, she would still tease her about doing the ‘easy part’ later.
In the near distance, there were a pair of flashes and loud zaps as the base’s generator and backup went out to EMP charges. Another squad from their platoon was working their own approach. That made Kayla nervous. The two elements would soon have to meet up, and nothing could be more dangerous to those who owned the night than confusing each other for the enemy.
She took her team around the base to the now dark main gate as the on-duty guards emerged to check on the loss of power. Stun rifle shots knocked them out, and the squad regrouped behind the cover of a vehicle bay, while Kayla identified the largest building in the compound and watched it attentively.
They waited patiently until the silence was broken by a new voice on the radio.
“Eyes on the barracks, north side. No movement.”
“South side clear,” Kayla confirmed.
“Approaching,” the other squad leader said.
Kayla waited until she saw shapes emerging from the shadows and sprinting behind the back of the large structure. Then, one leaned out from the corner, watching. Kayla tapped a control on her helmet, and a perfect white line broke through her grey world, pointing towards the figure. She was answered with a similar flash of infra-red energy, and her anxiety eased.
Kes, who had also been watching, tapped her shoulder, and Kayla led off towards the barracks.
From outside the Rangers could make out the annoyed calls of men and women stumbling around in the darkness. One emerged from a side door and nearly got off a shout before Tian tackled him and knocked him out. The two squads moved quickly, cracking open doorways and rolling gas grenades inside.
Invisible and odorless, the gas contained the signature compound Valkyrie used to erase memories. The Rangers waited a few minutes, safe behind their face masks, then entered and confirmed that all inside were unconscious. Kes and Thandi smashed a few liquor bottles against the walls, while others dragged the bodies into the main room, and distributed more ‘evidence’.
Eventually, Kes called ‘all clear’, and Kayla emerged from the building into the night, lifting her faceplate to breathe in some fresh air. She saw her fire team, Ray, Tian and Yak, heading to the vehicles to place EMP charges, and began to follow them, when a sharp rap on her helmet brought her up short.
She turned to see Thandi, vizor up, and an expectant expression on her face.
“Was that a curse word I heard earlier?” Thandi asked, keeping her voice low.
Kayla shook her head. “Negative. I was providing a biological assessment of the dude.”
“Ick. Two in the barracks were uh… in the middle of something when they passed out. I had to pull them apart.” She pulled a face. “That was gross.”
Kayla winked at her friend, who was spiritual enough for the both of them. “Unmarried, I bet. Your god approves.”
Thandi nodded gratefully, then shot her a look. “He’s not just my—"
Kes marched over, her expression severe. “Do either of you have EMP charges left?” she demanded.
“Yes Corporal,” Kayla nodded, and patted her rucksack.
“There’s a couple of transports left in the north corner. Get on it, then rejoin us on the east fence. Come on, we need to move quickly!”
Kayla scampered away, buzzing with energy. The squad still had to head for the chateau, and take up their position in the perimeter that was slowly drawing tighter around Rayker. She glanced at the dark mountains around her. In a dozen locations, radar arrays, missile defenses and communications stations were being similarly neutralized by small teams of Valkyrie from the various units. Soon they would have their prey, and Kayla privately hoped that she wouldn’t surrender.
Christie found Doctor Kolar, alone as usual, in the main hall and painfully out of place at such a large social gathering. He nursed a champagne glass, and smiled at passersby. Christie stared at him until their eyes met, and he quickly looked away, pretending to study one of Meissner’s diamond statues.
She walked in his direction, and as she passed, she flashed him a shy smile. Then, returning to her coterie of admirers, she looked back with another friendly expression.
Kolar cautiously approached the group, obviously unsure of what to do. The men ignored him, but the second he managed to breach the outer mass of bodies, Christie was on him.
“Oh hello! I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure!” she cried, extending her hand and beaming like a searchlight.
The other men frowned as they lost her attention.
“Um… All mine,” stammered Kolar. “Sorry. I’m—”
“Doctor Kolar, isn’t it?” interrupted a renowned and pompous pianist. “You’re working on space batteries for VennZech weapons research, or some such thing?”
“Well…” Kolar gulped. “We’re starting a new project on micro-singularities at the Planck scale, you see the current theory on weak—”
“It’s weak, you say?” The pianist laughed raucously as he slapped the doctor’s back. “Well, I never would have guessed, old boy.”
“Tell me, Zotty,” Christie cut in, addressing one of the other men, “Didn’t you just tell me this was one of Meissner’s inner circle?” she tottered forward slightly as she spoke.
“Correct,” the elder son and heir apparent of the largest media corporation in the League replied with a smile. He lifted his gaze from her bosom. “Doctor Kolar’s work is vital for the Maestro.”
Kolar smiled gratefully. “Indeed. Well, it’s about energy generation.”
“Oh, I hope you aren’t helping him make more of those dreadful bombs,” Christie said, and pouted. “War is very wrong! Really, I don’t know why they haven’t sanctioned the company for some of the absolutely horrid things they produce.”
The surrounding billionaires nodded their approval, while Kolar flushed. “No… well, I mustn’t talk about it, but I shouldn’t be getting involved in that side of VennZech’s business.”
“Quite right.” Christie nodded. “Oh, but you’re dry.” She turned to a waiter, grabbed a pair of glasses from his tray and handed one to Kolar.
First ¦ Previous ¦ Royal Road ¦ Patreon
Prequel (Parts 1 to 16)
1. Rise of a Valkyrie
submitted by MountainSkald to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:27 Famout SUPER, SMASH, RIOLU!

SUPER, SMASH, RIOLU! submitted by Famout to PokeMedia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:33 SystemAny8965 Nintendo Of America Took down all mario wii game downloads off of vimms lair

Nintendo Of America Took down all mario wii game downloads off of vimms lair
Hi there, Yaahi here. Has anyone noticed that today Nintendo of America took down all mario wii games (excluding smash and a couple others) its seen in the screenshot here:
Does anyone have any other suggestions for wii game roms sites? That would really help! Thnx!
submitted by SystemAny8965 to Roms [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:30 ILoveSongOfJustice Arc Hunter isn't looking amazing

With TFS right around the corner it's looking a lot like Bungie is somehow still struggling to find a decent identity for Arc Striders. We're getting:
These are three different things that on paper seem amazing, right?
All three of these abilities are completely disconnected.
This not even discussing that the new super is available on Prismatic, that Amplified being significantly undertuned for a verb(no damage buff, no healing, no damage resistance), and the new exotic being a verifiably mediocre crowd control ability that you can test right now by running the Exodus Crash Strike.
There are a lot of complaints about the Warlock Exotic(which we don't know if it needs 3 melee charges yet) and the Titan Exotic(which is just going to end up being a stronger Bombardiers) but nobody's really touched on the fact that the Hunter exotic is rather terrible in terms of its design - especially since it relies on triggering your Aspects, not being tied to something like your Grenade or Melee Charge.
Arc Hunter seems to just have a really bad track record of having exotics that actually suck nards, despite having probably the most. Blight Ranger, Shinobu's Vow, Raiden Flux, Lucky Raspberry, Raiju's Harness, Frosteez.
The irony that Mask of Bakris and Assassin's Cowl are the best Arc Hunter exotics - and aren't even exclusively Arc-focused exotics - is laughable.
submitted by ILoveSongOfJustice to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:28 specterrrrrrrrrrr DI KO NARARAMDAMAN NA MAHAL NYA AKO

Hi, mag 3 months na kaming mag kakilala ng gf ko 2 months ko syang niligawan at kami na pero diko nararamdaman na mahal nya ako, she's 1st yr college . Mag 1 month palang kami. Eto na nga, nag pa check up ako tapos sakto nayung pina check up pan ko ay super lapit lang sa school nya, exam week nila nun. Edi tapos na exam nya, then ininvite sya ng cm nya na kumain sa labas madami din sila, nag picture alam moyung parang photo booth? May sakit ako and super tagal na talaga neto. So, sa sm yung pa check upan ko then mag isa lang ako, Di man lang sya dumaan sa clinic kahit i ask kung kamusta ka? Samahan kita jan kase tapos na exam mo. Nag ask sya if want ko samahan nya ako, the answer is obvious ma diba? Pero sinabi konalang na wag na kase nga super konti lang ng tulog nya. Pero naka hang-out pa kasama cm nya, btw, up until ngayon di man lang sya nag a-ask kung kamusta naba kalagayan ko. Pati like pag lumalabas ako, di man lang sya nag aalala kung late nako umuwi, sino ba kasama ko, pero ako alalang alala and also nawawalan nadin ako ng tiwala sakanya kase nag lie sya sakin, ininvite sya nung friend nya na lumabas, around 5pm then nakauwi sya 9pm ayoko naman na di sya payagan kase nga pinapayagan sya ng parent nya yung mama nya yung papa nya kase strict pero nasa abroad so di alam pero one time nag lie sya sakin na ang kasama nya lang yung girlbestfriend nya pero yun pala may dalawang guy na sumunod she didn't even inform me up until kinabukasan ng hapon nakita ko my day ng friend nya na babae, the reason tiningnan ko is bc di sya nag a-update so yun pala kasama barkada nung shs. Super disappointed ako sakanya kase she lied to me and assure me na yung girl lang nayun kasama nya. Gabi na pero nasa layasan padin sya. Also na tuturn off nadin ako sakanya kase super immatured nya pa, like binibigyan pa sya ng mama nya ng tips like, dapat samahan mo sya kapag nag papa check up sya, "wag kang makikiinom kasama mga kaibigan mo kase baka di gusto ng bf mo" like tinolerate konalang na di nya pa alam mga ganyan, kase nga naintindihan ko naman kase nga 1st bf nya ako; pero napansin kolang din na nag lie ulit sya sakin, di daw sya nag iinom kapag ka di kasama mama nya, so 2 lies nayon diba? Also, she always ask something obvious like, okay lang ba na mag main character ako sa theater namin it's abt rom-com. Syempre for me "hindi" kahit paba acting lang yon nakakaselos padin. Ang hilig nya din nag mura hays haha. Mahilig din ako mag mura pero when she's around di talaga ako nagumura as a form of respect.
Tbh, ayokong iopen up to sakanya kase baka mag away lang kami at takot din akong maiwan. Feeling ko kase ako lang yung nag mamahal dito eh. Sorry for the long rants wala kaseng maoag sabihant
submitted by specterrrrrrrrrrr to AskPhilippines [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:25 specterrrrrrrrrrr I DON'T FEEL LOVED BY MY GF AND I'M STARTING LOSE INTEREST IN HER

Hi, mag 3 months na kaming mag kakilala ng gf ko 2 months ko syang niligawan at kami na pero diko nararamdaman na mahal nya ako, she's 1st yr college . Mag 1 month palang kami. Eto na nga, nag pa check up ako tapos sakto nayung pina check up pan ko ay super lapit lang sa school nya, exam week nila nun. Edi tapos na exam nya, then ininvite sya ng cm nya na kumain sa labas madami din sila, nag picture alam moyung parang photo booth? May sakit ako and super tagal na talaga neto. So, sa sm yung pa check upan ko then mag isa lang ako, Di man lang sya dumaan sa clinic kahit i ask kung kamusta ka? Samahan kita jan kase tapos na exam mo. Nag ask sya if want ko samahan nya ako, the answer is obvious ma diba? Pero sinabi konalang na wag na kase nga super konti lang ng tulog nya. Pero naka hang-out pa kasama cm nya, btw, up until ngayon di man lang sya nag a-ask kung kamusta naba kalagayan ko. Pati like pag lumalabas ako, di man lang sya nag aalala kung late nako umuwi, sino ba kasama ko, pero ako alalang alala and also nawawalan nadin ako ng tiwala sakanya kase nag lie sya sakin, ininvite sya nung friend nya na lumabas, around 5pm then nakauwi sya 9pm ayoko naman na di sya payagan kase nga pinapayagan sya ng parent nya yung mama nya yung papa nya kase strict pero nasa abroad so di alam pero one time nag lie sya sakin na ang kasama nya lang yung girlbestfriend nya pero yun pala may dalawang guy na sumunod she didn't even inform me up until kinabukasan ng hapon nakita ko my day ng friend nya na babae, the reason tiningnan ko is bc di sya nag a-update so yun pala kasama barkada nung shs. Super disappointed ako sakanya kase she lied to me and assure me na yung girl lang nayun kasama nya. Gabi na pero nasa layasan padin sya. Also na tuturn off nadin ako sakanya kase super immatured nya pa, like binibigyan pa sya ng mama nya ng tips like, dapat samahan mo sya kapag nag papa check up sya, "wag kang makikiinom kasama mga kaibigan mo kase baka di gusto ng bf mo" like tinolerate konalang na di nya pa alam mga ganyan, kase nga naintindihan ko naman kase nga 1st bf nya ako; pero napansin kolang din na nag lie ulit sya sakin, di daw sya nag iinom kapag ka di kasama mama nya, so 2 lies nayon diba? Also, she always ask something obvious like, okay lang ba na mag main character ako sa theater namin it's abt rom-com. Syempre for me "hindi" kahit paba acting lang yon nakakaselos padin. Ang hilig nya din nag mura hays haha. Mahilig din ako mag mura pero when she's around di talaga ako nagumura as a form of respect.
Tbh, ayokong iopen up to sakanya kase baka mag away lang kami at takot din akong maiwan. Feeling ko kase ako lang yung nag mamahal dito eh. Sorry for the long rants wala kaseng maoag sabihant
submitted by specterrrrrrrrrrr to pinoy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:26 AAHill92 There is still room for a 3rd Darkness Subclass to be added later

Just because we have got Prismatic doesn't mean they'll probably add another Subclass Type. New Sub-classes would easily sell more Episodes and Expansions if they ever add another and it fits thematically with 3 Light and 3 Dark Subclasses AND they could even add a Kinetic Subclass or Technological Subclass if they ever felt like adding SIVA or Vex (Chrono) type Subclasses.
If we ever do get a 3rd Darkness Subclass or Other Subclasses they can EASILY move over: The Super, The Melee, 1 Grenade, 1 Aspect and Update a Few and add a Fragments to work with the 3rd Darkness Subclass for Prismatic such as picking up an orb of power grants a Verb Buff.
With whatever happens to the Witness you can say when it is defeated, or causes its faction/race to split from itself that the new darkness energy is released because it was using it all for itself which is why we never really saw it up till now.
There are also many types of Verbs that are not in the game yet - We'll call it Sentiment as a placeholder to keep in line with Subclasses starting with S.
If Stasis is the ending of movement and Strand is Psychic energy that Connects then Sentiment could be Emotions.
LEECH - Enemies effected by Leech suffer Slight additional damage to their Willpower, Psyche and Mind every time they are damaged based on the damage dealt from Weapons or your Abilities. As the leech damage occurs you will HEAL Yourself draining the Will of your enemies. Higher Damage values and DPS reward More Health. Allies gain HALF the healing benefit. Leech is effectively a Life Steal Mechanic.
Overexposure to the Life Steal Effect grants Enthusiastic.
*LEECHING ROUNDS - Your Sentiment Weapons Heal you slightly when you deal damage with them and Leech additional health off them with Precision Hits. Damaging enemies multiple times with Leeching Rounds eventually effects the enemy with the LEECH VERB.
Leech Stacks WITH Leeching rounds.
Overexposure to the Life Steal Effect grants Enthusiastic.
Stuns Barrier Champions.
Activates of Aspects, Exotic Armour or Fragments.
If Volatile Rounds are Grenade Kills, Unravelling Rounds are Melee Kill. Make Leeching Rounds Class Ability near Enemies.
FEAR - Main CC - Enemy Combatants Cowers before you unable to act. Guardians instead suffer from Massive Recoil increase from their weapons, reduced Accuracy and decreased Flinch resistance and Their Screen Jolts in a random direction.
Stuns Overload Champions
SUFFERING - Your enemy is suffering emotional distress - This effect chains to all nearby enemies. As you damage the enemy inflicted all nearby enemies suffer a portion of the damage dealt to them. After a Set amount of time passes the effected enemy DESPAIRS which causes a Burst of Damage to Occur upon them.
Enemies effected from LEECH and SUFFERING causes the LEECH effect to chain to nearby enemies as well.
* LEECHING ROUNDS - Effect procs from Aspects, Exotic Armour and Fragments.
ENTHUSIASTIC - Gain 100% Increased Ability Recharge Rate, 10% Damage Resistance and 15% Increased Maximum Shields.
You Become Enthusiastic automatically similar to Amplified on Arc - As you LEECH Willpower off your enemies or Proc it on Aspects, Exotic Armour or Fragments, you can become Enthusiastic.
RAGE - Gain 50% Increased Non-Powered Melee Damage and 25% Increased Melee Recovery Speed/Attack Speed - Procs on Aspects, Exotic Armour and Fragments.
Titans could get an Aspect that boosts Rage and allows for easy Rage application AND allows Rage to deal more damage to Elemental Shields and is capable of Stunning Barrier Champions. Barrier Champions are probably one of the hardest to Stun with Verbs due to the applications of Volatile Rounds and Unravelling rounds. Only Radiant seems the easiest and even then Radiant requires Acrobats Dodge or Powered Melee Hits and a Fragment.
GRIEF - Elemental Pick-Up
After an enemy is defeated with a de-buff applied part of them is Left Behind as a Mirage of Grief - It lashes out at enemies and LEECHES the willpower of nearby enemies granting Slight amounts of Health to you Overtime.
Shoot the Mirage to HEAL yourself
Overexposure to the Life Steal Effect grants Enthusiastic.
So if we look at the Verbs
LEECH = The SUSTAIN for Sense Similar to Woven Mail and Restoration - A Life Steal effect only really appears on Buried Bloodline and Ruinous Effigy Orb Drain and feel like it fits nicely in a Subclass. The Leeching rounds variant of Leech Verb would Stuns Barrier so now Barrier Champions can be Stunned by 4 Verbs keeping it inline with other Weapon Boosting Verbs.
FEAR = HARD CC Similar to Blind, Freeze, Suspend and Suppression and Stuns Overloads so now Overload Champions can be Stunned by 4 Verbs.
SUFFERING = DAMAGE Similar to Scorch, Shatter, Jolt and Volatile
ENTHUSIASTIC = A SELF BUFF similar to Amplified with a bit of Slight Sustain
RAGE = A type of DAMAGE BOOST Similar to Radiant or Weaken BUT it effects Un-Powered Melee which isn't boosted itself by a Verb as of yet. Titans can Stun Barrier Champions with a Rage Melee.
GRIEF/MIRAGE = Elemental Pick-Up - IF Orbs are Super, Solar is Grenade, Void is Class, Stasis is Melee, Arc is ALL and Tangles are effectively Warmind Replacements for use with the Subclass. The Mirage can be Health/Shields
submitted by AAHill92 to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:14 EthanMac1915 Could someone make a steamgrid set for Takua64?

Someone made a total conversion rom hack for Super Mario 64 that turns it into a bionicle adventure game! Video here! I would love to have some art for it so i can pop it into steam, im currently using the one picture thats on its Romhacks page which unfortunately doesnt match any of the image sizes
submitted by EthanMac1915 to steamgrid [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:58 Routine-Document1691 I’ve been drawing maps for my friends smash bros style game but you fight as hk bosses, and wanted advice on the fungal wastes one?

I’ve been drawing maps for my friends smash bros style game but you fight as hk bosses, and wanted advice on the fungal wastes one?
If you wanna critique the others too you can, fungal wastes is just the one I saw most issue with
submitted by Routine-Document1691 to HollowKnightArt [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:36 CartoonistOver921 Godzilla city smash is the worst idea ever.

The gamemode by itself would be great. No eggs for winning, just a trophy gamemode, or it couldve been the opposite, no trophy mode, if u win, u get up to six eggs, and here is the feature I DONT LIKE. The fact that you get rare starr drops for losing is absolutely dumb, for example, today i got exactly zero eggs out of this stupid gamemode, just because ive got underdog. I dont get any try again or anything. I just get 4 players below 20000 trophies 4 times in a row, dont get my egg and thats it. This feature is absolutely dumb, and hope this system wont appear in the future ever again. Secondly, i tried to play lily in this mode, so that i can pick up the godzilla, and my two other teammates wouldve had the OP mutations, cuz guess what, i dont have any of the OP ones. And well, this mode should be renamed to mutation city smash, cuz being godzilla is absolutely useless, you've just got a rico/melodie/meg/ruffs spamming shots up your ... and you basically are a walking super charger, until you die and charge their super again. I like mutations, but godzilla city smash is the worst gamemode EVER created. Sorry if I sound a little bit angry in this post, I in fact am.
submitted by CartoonistOver921 to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:35 CartoonistOver921 Godzilla city smash is the worst idea ever.

The gamemode by itself would be great. No eggs for winning, just a trophy gamemode, or it couldve been the opposite, no trophy mode, if u win, u get up to six eggs, and here is the feature I DONT LIKE. The fact that you get rare starr drops for losing is absolutely dumb, for example, today i got exactly zero eggs out of this stupid gamemode, just because ive got underdog. I dont get any try again or anything. I just get 4 players below 20000 trophies 4 times in a row, dont get my egg and thats it. This feature is absolutely dumb, and hope this system wont appear in the future ever again. Secondly, i tried to play lily in this mode, so that i can pick up the godzilla, and my two other teammates wouldve had the OP mutations, cuz guess what, i dont have any of the OP ones. And well, this mode should be renamed to mutation city smash, cuz being godzilla is absolutely useless, you've just got a rico/melodie/meg/ruffs spamming shots up your ... and you basically are a walking super charger, until you die and charge their super again. I like mutations, but godzilla city smash is the worst gamemode EVER created. Sorry if I sound a little bit angry in this post, I in fact am.
submitted by CartoonistOver921 to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:35 CartoonistOver921 Godzilla city smash is the worst idea ever.

The gamemode by itself would be great. No eggs for winning, just a trophy gamemode, or it couldve been the opposite, no trophy mode, if u win, u get up to six eggs, and here is the feature I DONT LIKE. The fact that you get rare starr drops for losing is absolutely dumb, for example, today i got exactly zero eggs out of this stupid gamemode, just because ive got underdog. I dont get any try again or anything. I just get 4 players below 20000 trophies 4 times in a row, dont get my egg and thats it. This feature is absolutely dumb, and hope this system wont appear in the future ever again. Secondly, i tried to play lily in this mode, so that i can pick up the godzilla, and my two other teammates wouldve had the OP mutations, cuz guess what, i dont have any of the OP ones. And well, this mode should be renamed to mutation city smash, cuz being godzilla is absolutely useless, you've just got a rico/melodie/meg/ruffs spamming shots up your ... and you basically are a walking super charger, until you die and charge their super again. I like mutations, but godzilla city smash is the worst gamemode EVER created. Sorry if I sound a little bit angry in this post, I in fact am.
submitted by CartoonistOver921 to Brawlstars [link] [comments]