Ap bio reading guide answers ch 25

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2024.06.09 17:52 Competitive_Case4180 2024 DAT Breakdown (25 AA/26TS/23PAT)

Getting scores in a high percentile like these is uncommon and should differ from what you expect of yourself. I was surprised at the score I got, and glad I got it, but I would've been happy for less, and so will Dental schools!
Also, I want to mention how I felt about resources and what worked for me, but that is coming from someone with a learning style that is likely different from yours; only take my advice if it works for you! You know you best, so I encourage you to study in a way that works. On the other hand, if anything I did sounds promising, definitely use it! A big part of learning how to succeed on the DAT is understanding how you learn. Gotta know yourself before you can conquer this beast.
I hope this helps!
PAT - 23 QR - 19 RC - 25 Bio - 30 GC - 24 OC - 25 TS - 26 AA - 25
Background: I am currently a senior with a 3.7~ GPA. I am also a first-generation student, and my unconventional educational background basically equated to no real education before college.
Materials Used (in order of helpfulness):
  1. DAT Booster - A wonderful resource for exam preparation. While I didn't have the opportunity to try other resources, I have heard a lot about them, and it sounded like DAT Booster does a better job at focusing on the most critical/high-yield topics, especially in the sciences. I didn't feel like I was doing too many practice problems while still feeling like I was getting enough practice. In other words, I never felt like I was "grinding my gears" when studying and practicing the three sciences tested. While the DAT booster presented a more challenging version of PAT than I experienced on the DAT, it also does an excellent job of preparing you because of that challenge. Stay encouraged if it always feels hard; you may do better than you think on PAT. Reading comprehension practice tests were a great tool to practice under timed conditions. I recommend taking as many full-length tests as possible, which helped me the most. Finally, the QR materials from DAT Booster gave me more of an issue than anything else because of my background; I often felt left behind, confused, or like I wouldn't understand the material. I had to go to external resources like Khan Academy or chat GPT to get my questions answered. That being said, I hear the DAT Booster team is working on improving it, and the QR practice tests are a fantastic representation of the actual test. I got a lower score than my Booster scores predicted on QR, so the scoring may be a poor measure, but the tests themselves felt very accurate to the exam.
  2. Quizlet - When it came to reviewing material or, in some cases, learning it - Quizlet was my best friend. I studied as much as I could in a "learning" format for the critical memorized details of the sciences through watching videos, reading bio-notes, and taking notes on what I learned to retain information. Still, I never felt like I'd have enough time to get all the most critical information down before my test date, and that's where Quizlet saved me. I studied new units of DAT Booster's quizlet decks almost every night before bed. I also habitually pulled up Quizlet instead of social media whenever I could. I found that as I would go through the flashcards until I swiped right on each one, confident I knew the answer, I retained that information much better. After getting the same flashcard wrong multiple times in a row, remembering the right answer became much more critical. If you can do all the booster quilts with >80% accuracy (assuming you understand the topics, not just the card's phrasing/answer), I believe you will reach your goal DAT score in at least biology.
Study Timeline: When I started studying, I had three months before my test date. I set a goal to study for at least three hours each day alongside my lab and course load, and I got overwhelmed. At least for me, it wasn't until I changed my goal to an "amount" goal instead of a "time" goal that I started making progress.
I did not get time to study until about a month and a half before my test date; before that, I had only gotten about a week's worth of studying over my semester. I followed Booster's 10-week study schedule rigorously, but because I was behind, I tried to study 2 days of material daily. I ended up having to skip over the material I felt good about during the learning phase to get enough time to study the topics, which I felt more shaky on. That being said, I never skipped a practice test date. I prioritized getting a test in, and if I ever felt overwhelmed, I would do it section by section instead of full-length (although full-length tests are essential).
After I got into the practice/review phase, I noticed the days in the study guide had much less structure than the days in the learning phase, so instead of following the schedule, I spent my days going over topics I felt I wanted to improve based on how I felt during my practice tests. I got to this phase about three and a half weeks before my test date and ended up doing a practice test almost every other day, sometimes separating them when I felt studying would be more productive than testing again (usually when I thought I knew what area I had to improve, and I didn't feel like I made enough progress for a practice test to be practical; I already knew where I needed to focus my study).
The most important thing I did during this time was review the practice tests, seeking to understand not only the correct answers to every question (including what I got right) but also why the wrong answers were wrong and what would have made them true. Since the DAT uses multiple choice - and those choices are almost always real terms or definitions/options - you can learn a lot when reviewing them. This is less relevant for mathematics questions, but conceptual questions always benefit from this.
I also took day-long breaks. For religious reasons, I never studied for one day of the week. Whatever the reason, though, making a standard during this time to not study for some time during the week, almost an unbreakable self-rule, creates a space in your hectic studying to be not allowed to think about or study for the test. With this time, you can truly relax and recuperate. Your brain needs rest, too!
Day of Exam
What I Think Helped the Most:
If I could distill everything I learned from this experience, it would be
  1. Don't worry if you're having a bad day. I had a lot of practice test days where I felt awful; somewhere, I was almost throwing up because of my anxiety, but I still was able to perform better than I anticipated. This knowledge helped reduce anxiety on test day - I knew I did okay even at my worst, so I felt it'd be okay.
  2. Focus on high-yield topics: Pay attention to what is often repeated, quizzed, or shows up on practice tests. THESE TOPICS MATTER AND WILL SHOW UP! I remember usually thinking, "But what if studying this is a waste of time because it won't show up?" while that is true when you're low on time; if it's a high-yield topic, do not overlook it. Please ensure you understand those topics and can do them well; these are where easy points can be made, and crucial points can be lost.
  3. Have a support group: I didn't mention it above, but without my family and friends being there, checking on my progress, helping lighten the burden of my daily tasks, and being there to listen during stressful times, I would've done terribly on this test. Even if it's the lovely pre-dents on social media, connect with people and get support.
  4. Keep studying. Even when it feels like you have it all down or maybe that you'll never be able to learn it all (like how I felt), never stop giving your best, whatever that is, to study and practice. Don't expect the same level of effort or performance from yourself every day, and make sure to take breaks before you break, but also just keep putting in an effort. You can do this!
submitted by Competitive_Case4180 to predental [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:51 These-Giraffe-8473 AITA for having had an affair with the man who groomed me?

This story is one that started a long time ago, but still affects my (32F) day-to-day life. Sorry everyone, it's a long one.
It began about 17 years ago, when I was 15 and still in school. I frequented internet forums including several fan sites of video games and books I enjoyed. One of these was a role playing forum where I and five others were writing stories together in our favourite universes. I got along well with the other members and it was a great way for me to learn English. Importantly, we only ever communicated through text, never through voice or video calls.
This is where I met the main character of this story, let's call him Tom. Tom said he was 19 years old, and was the only guy active on the forum. He had a great way with words, was mature beyond his years, and had a natural charisma about him. Naturally, as a 15-year-old with no prior experience with relationships, I was instantly drawn to this mysterious, well-spoken figure. Over the course of a month since meeting him, our conversations grew in frequency and depth, until eventually we spoke to each other on chat clients for 3-4 hours a day. At the same time, we continued writing our stories, including a plethora of romantic scenes between our respective characters. We also shared poems that we had written. It was an intense experience for me - I had never really had such a deep connection with a 'boy' before.
My parents never really taught me the importance of internet safety, and I can't blame them: it was all still very new at this time, also to them. It was Tom and my other friends on the forum that stressed how important it was to keep personal information private, especially when they learned my age. Tom especially was adamant never to share my location or photo with anyone, not even with him. It made me feel safe with him - for how could someone who so actively dissuaded me from sharing my information be a monster?
Of course I fell in love with him, to whatever extent a 15-year-old brain can comprehend love.
From written descriptions I had given of myself, Tom had expressed that he thought I must look beautiful, and so the fool that I was I gathered up the courage to send him a picture of myself anyway, desperate for his approval. He was complimentary, but did ask me why I had sent him a picture. I admitted my feelings for him. Tom was understanding, but stressed that he would never be able to give me what I needed from him.
Still, that did not stop either of us from progressing the nature of our interactions into something more sinister. I call it sinister looking back on it as an adult; at the time it was titillating and exciting. We started to send each other 'kisses' goodnight, sent back and forth explicit drawings depicting characters that looked like us, and described other intimate interactions over chat.
My mother once came into my room and witnessed Tom calling me by an endearing term. She interrogated me and I begged her not to make me break off contact with Tom. She listened to me, but made me promise her to be sensible. I want to scream at her now for not stopping it then.
My school friends did what my mother could not: they were concerned for my safety, and stepped to the headmistress, who called me into her office. After telling Tom about the encounter, he panicked. He told me we could no longer chat, and made me promise to tell the headmistress that it was over. I was heartbroken, but promised him.
I did ask Tom if we could still communicate through other means - we were doing some online art projects together that we both wanted to finish. He said yes, we could still maintain contact over e-mail and forum DM, but chat was off the table for now. I took what I could get.
The years that followed were chaotic. Sometimes our contact would be e-mail only, then we would move back to chat. At times, when things got too hard, I would decide to go no-contact for a while. I had my first real relationships in the lulls, but I would always come back. Tom would always receive me with open arms, either as a friend whenever I was dating someone, or rekindling our romantic interactions when I was not. He was always kind, patient, sensitive, and seemed selfless in his interactions with me. He made me feel so good about myself that I became obsessed with him, convinced he was the love of my life.
Three years in, Tom knew my real name, knew where I lived, and had seen nudes of me (he used one as his desktop background for years). At the same time, I knew nothing about Tom. What was worse, the few details he had unintentionally revealed weren't adding up.
Tom always portrayed our story as one of star-crossed lovers who due to circumstance outside our control could never be together. He told me I would never love him if I ever saw him in real life. First he claimed that his face had been ruined by flesh-eating bacteria. When my biology degree taught me that it's nearly impossible to survive that, he claimed body dysmorphic disorder (which I think to some extent was true).
Things reached boiling point six years into this mess. He slipped up, and revealed a detail about his life that directly contradicted the only concrete thing he had ever told me about himself: his age. I took a day to process, then confronted him, asking him how old he really was. After some initial resistance, he admitted that he had lied.
Mid-thirties, he said. A decade(!) older than he had at first claimed. I should have been furious, but after 6 years of being charmed and manipulated by him, I could only feel sorry for him. When I assured him that nothing between us had to change because of a 'number', he dropped the next bombshell:
Tom: "Alright then. Mid-forties."
I felt like I couldn't breathe. For years, I had been having sexually explicit conversations with someone old enough to be my father when I had believed him to be my age. What was worse, it had all started when I was underage. I gave Tom an ultimatum: either tell me the full truth about who he was; or lose me forever. I gave him two weeks to send me his information. He decided not to, which should have immediately set off the alarm bells that there was even more he was lying about; more he had to hide. I didn't even consider that in the moment; my heart was broken once again, and I cut off contact.
At the time, Tom and I had a number of mutual friends that we both spoke to regularly. Two of these were my cousin and his wife. I went to see them after I found out about Tom's real age, trying to find solace and understanding from someone who also knew him. I felt incredibly betrayed and angry, and asked that they also break contact - maybe that was a bit of an a-hole move. They said no: after all, Tom had never revealed his age to my cousin or his wife. As such, he had never lied to them, only to me, and they were not willing to end their friendship with Tom over that. When I asked what they thought of a 40-year-old having explicit conversations with a 15-year-old, they said that from a certain age, the teenager also has a responsibility in preventing this.
My cousin and his wife were not the only mutual friends that knew what was going on. Amazingly and invariably, NONE of our mutual friends chose to break contact with Tom over this. It caused immense doubt in me. Was I wrong in judging Tom for lying to me? Maybe the lie wasn't so terrible. And all those explicit conversations? Well, I instigated a large number of them, not Tom, so maybe I was equally, if not largely, to blame.
The way I see it now: Tom is like a cult leader: no matter what he does or says, his 'followers' will defend him; even blame themselves if it strips him of guilt. What is worse, anyone who dropped out of his inner circle would feel incredibly isolated and excluded. My friends would not play games with me because they preferred playing games with him. They would not write with me, because writing with him was so much more fun. I wish I'd had the strength to stay away, but one year later I came crawling back, desperate to be included into his circle once again, desperate for his affection that the others seemed to thrive under.
I was 22 at this time. Our contact was sporadic for the next four years - I was hesitant to engage romantically with him, even though part of me, despite everything he had put me through, still 'loved' him (trust me, writing this down, my naivety is making me want to claw my eyes out). I entered a relationship with someone else during this time, and went back to no-contact for most of its 4-year duration. When that relationship ended, Tom and I started talking more again, slowly slipping back into old habits and using the same terms of endearment we had used in the past. Tom revealed more details about himself now - he would talk about his boss, his sister, his friends, his home-town, and discussed things that were going on in his personal life. We also started talking over voice-chat, and damn it, he had an attractive voice.
I had just turned 27 when a response of his triggered me. We were recalling the early days of our interactions, and I mentioned how he had once accidentally sent me an e-mail from a throwaway account. I recalled the address letter by letter (I have a mild form of autism). He went very quiet, and then said that my memory was astounding.
Something in my lizard brain decided to look up the name in that e-mail address. I had done the same 12 years prior, but I had much more information now. It took me three hours to cross-reference the tidbits of information he had fed me over the months and years within the context of this name. And what do you know: it WAS his real name. I continued looking for the rest of the evening.. and I found much more than I bargained for.
You see, Tom was not the only person registered to his house. He was reported to live there with a woman who shared his last name, let's call her Hannah. I naively thought she might be the sister he mentioned (though he had given another name). Fortunately for me, Hannah was a lot less careful than Tom with her personal information, and I soon found a link to her blog on her Twitter page. A goldmine of information, going back over 10 years, covering almost every single day since Tom and I started talking.
My blood went cold as I started reading. It soon became clear to me that not only was Hannah his WIFE of 25-or-so years, they had an 11-year-old SON together (let's call him Jacob). I was 100% sure it was his wife writing - I could easily cross-reference the little things he had told me (assembling a bookcase, having lamb for dinner, visiting SIL for the weekend, getting a sunburn) with the details she was sharing about their life.
Once more, I should have run for the hills. Once more, I didn't. I often wonder how I could have been so stupid as to let this shitshow continue for so long, despite the thousand-and-one reasons Tom had given me to drop him. I can only attribute it to some kind of twisted sunk cost fallacy. By recognising Tom for the monster that he was, I had to face having loved that monster for over a decade. It meant admitting to myself that I was a terrible judge of character, and how could I possibly trust anyone ever again if I could not trust my own judgment? Also, all our mutual friends had always normalised his behaviour to the extent that it seemed almost arrogant to say that HE was in the wrong.
Because of the reactions that I had received from my friends and cousin last time, I kept what I knew to myself, even from Tom. Enter the next ridiculous phase of the story: Tom was saying how he was ordering a passport SO THAT HE COULD COME TO VISIT ME AND MY COUSIN. And idiot that I was, I wanted nothing more, because I was STILL IN LOVE WITH THE SH*T even after everything he had done, now not only to me, but also to his wife Hannah and his son.
I met him in real life five months later. He would be visiting my house for the day, and I was planning to confront him about what I knew. I had given one of my close friends his real name and address, and had told them to contact the police in the event they didn't hear from me by evening - I had no idea how Tom would react when exposed. Probably the fact that I felt unsafe in the first place should have been enough reason not to meet him alone.
We met, and I wish I didn't feel attracted to this 50-year-old but I did. We talked a lot. Eventually, I decided to test him, to see if he would be disloyal to his wife. While our conversations had definitely been flirty over the past year or so, I had never actually been straight with Tom and told him I still felt the same way. So I told him. Credit to him where it is due, he said he couldn't pursue a relationship with me, but followed it up with 'that we could still hold hands and hug'. He did not tell me why he couldn't, of course.
Only then did I reveal what I knew. I told him I've known for months now what his real name is, where he works, where he lives, and who he lives with. I probably could've been a bit more sensitive in how I brought it up (but let's be honest he doesn't deserve it and I was pretty pissed off keeping this stuff inside for 5 months). He turned incredibly pale and said that I could ask him anything I wanted to know. I asked him about his wife and their relationship (which hadn't been good for years according to him), his son (the pride of his life), and why on earth he had chosen to have explicit exchanges with a 15-year-old as a married man ('I was drunk').
During his stay, we were never intimate in the 'spicy' way, but we did hold hands a lot, he would have his hand on my leg, and we shared long hugs. He stayed the nights at my cousin's, and a few days later he left to go back to his country.
I am not proud of what happened next. Over the next months, we video chatted almost every evening. The conversations got flirtier, the amount of clothes we were wearing diminished until we both went into the calls topless.
One night, things escalated. We had gotten into a fight earlier in the evening - he had revealed that during that first real-life meeting, he had made an audio recording of the whole conversation, apparently so he could later prove to his wife that nothing happened. I responded that it was ok (it totally wasn't but that's beside the point), that I had taken precautions as well, and told him about the friend I had contacted. He lost it, saying I had no right to share his personal details with my friend or anyone else. I got angry in return, saying that he had no reason to distrust me as in the 12 years of knowing each other I had never lied to him; on the other hand I had EVERY reason to distrust him as he literally hid a wife and son from me, and had lied to a 15-year-old girl about his age.
We were both emotionally drained after, and I took things a step further that night, and seduced him into doing more together in front of the camera, maybe knowing that he would be too drained to refuse. He asked me later if I had consciously manipulated him into going along with it, choosing a vulnerable moment to strike - maybe I did, and I regret it.
Over the next months, our 'mishap' developed into a full-blown affair. I visited his home-town about 5 times in the year that followed. We kissed, and did basically everything apart from the 'deed' itself. I think he never wanted to have traditional sex either because then he could keep justifying to himself that he hadn't cheated on his wife, or because he was terrified of getting me pregnant. During my stays in his home-town, he would bring his son Jacob along to our lunches and dinners. Mostly to pacify his wife I suspect, for how could it be an affair with his son around? I loved the kid, we got along well, but I hated the lie that I had to live. To put myself through this was one thing, but it was so unbelievably unfair on Hannah and Jacob.
The whole situation sent me into severe depression. I was abandoning my morals for this man whom I still could not trust. I was lonely, and didn't date because I refused to be a cheater myself (maybe hypocritical). With every real-life meeting, his mask slipped further, and by the end there was little left of the charismatic, caring man that I had imagined him to be. Still, I was so entangled with him that I could not imagine my life without Tom. I did not know who I was without this person, who had completely overshadowed at this point almost half my life and all my adult life. I was stuck.
Eventually, I gave Tom an ultimatum again: Hannah, or me. I gave him two months to make up his mind. We spoke daily, and as his 'deadline' was approaching he became verbally aggressive with me, saying that he wasn't enjoying our conversations as much as he used to because I kept bringing up the choice he had to make. I asked him what he needed from me. He said he needed more time. I am ashamed to say I gave him that time.
I was lucky to have found two very close friends among my colleagues over the course of this whole drama. They had slowly witnessed the situation devolve into something unmaintainable. One of them often visited when I had panic attacks; she even slept next to me on the bad nights to make sure I'd be ok. They recommended me to make written lists of the red flags that I saw, the abusive behaviours Tom had demonstrated, and the effects the whole situation was having on me. They made me see how he would never choose me, that he was happy using everything and everyone as long as it served his needs. They slowly guided me into making the right decision during a work conference, when I didn't have time to contact Tom. Being away from his reach for a week, combined with the continuous talks with my two friends throughout the conference, made me strong enough to make a decision. Together, we agreed that as soon as I got back home, I would call Tom and cut ties with him. My friends would be available on call straight after.
Thanks to my friends, I went through with it. I cut contact almost three years ago now. As expected, he did not fight for me, and never tried to contact me again. My friends saw me through the worst of it.
Four months after cutting ties with Tom, I met the man who is now my husband, and we are currently expecting a baby. He makes me unbelievably happy, and has taught me what a loving relationship should feel like. He knows about this whole story and is very supportive. He even encouraged me to post this as he believes it'd help me process things.
I am still in touch with some of Tom's friends: my cousin, his wife, and a 40-year-old woman who has been my friend since the start of this whole story and was my MOH during my wedding. I have decided not to hold it against them that they cannot let go of Tom - hell, I couldn't let go for 14 years. It just demonstrates the horrible grip and influence he has on people. My MOH and I have an understanding that we don't discuss Tom, and that saved the friendship - we actually have a lot in common and enjoy each other's company a lot. I refuse to lose any more people over him.
I am in a good place now, looking forward to the future, and can't wait to meet our child. Still, this experience has not left me unscathed. I still struggle with trust, in other people and myself, and feel that I am responsible for a lot of what happened. I feel incredibly ashamed and naive for my behaviour over the years. I especially feel horrible about what I did to Hannah and Jacob - as far as I know, Tom never told them about the affair, but I would be very surprised if Hannah didn't know what was going on. I do have my suspicions that I am not the only one Tom did this with, but I have no proof, and it does not take away any of my responsibility in all of this.
So reddit: did I seduce Tom as a 15-year-old, or did he groom me and manipulate me into falling for him? Or was our interaction simply toxic on both sides, and not any one person's fault? And AITA for having pursued this affair even after I found out Tom was married? Also, should I reach out to Hannah (though honestly I would be a bit scared to do so, and I don't feel at all like reinserting myself into Tom's life in any way)?
And finally the question that still keeps me up at night: did Tom ruin half my life, or did I do that all by myself? And if I had a role to play in this, am I fit to be a mother?
TL;DR: As a 15-year-old, I fell in love with a man who claimed he was 19 but was actually 40. 12 years later, I found out he had a wife and son, but had become so infatuated with him that I pursued an affair with him. I ended the affair two years later but still feel guilty. I feel like much of what happened is my responsibility, since I instigated most of the intimacy. AITA?
submitted by These-Giraffe-8473 to okstorytime [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:41 Mobile_Ad578 Wedding drama

Long long story sorry. Rules set out by soon to be Husband 1, no church. OK no problem 2, no cake. OK far to expensive anyway 3, equal number of guests. Interesting as 4 including him in his family, 10 in mine, plus 10 mutual friends plus his work mates who had children/teenagers so allowed for plus ones for each teenager as I know the venue had arcade and at least they could enjoy it. 12 people total of 38 just incase. So I ordered Package deal of Christmas set meal of 12 starters, 12 Mains and 12 Deserts choice for each person which also included 50 tickets per person on the arcade game machines one of which was white water rapids I wanted to go on. 4, no wedding Dress. He believed that as we add been living together for 10 years there was no point in a wedding dress. Wrong ì would ware what I wanted to. 5, no flowers. He did not understand it was already decorated for Christmas as we were having registered wedding on 18th December. 6, an extra place was to be set for his deceased brother. I had never met his brother and as he was paying nothing towards the wedding there was no way I was having my family pay for a full meal for a ghost. 6, Who would be our witnesses. Agreed. 7,no top table (no idea how to explain that to parents) 8, no speeches (not his choice so tough)
Registrars rules 1 no alcohol in room ( room had a bar in it and had to be emptied before wedding which venue kindly did) 2 no religious themes in room (exception for Christmas Decorations as long as no crosses,) 3, no walking down an aisle (so Bridesmaids and farther of the bride cannot walk together STUPID RULE) my Dad did not get to walk any of his daughters down an aisle, I did offer to take him to Tescos so we could walk down an aisle which made him laugh and he was OK with that)
Bridesmaids, Sister and Niece told, venue was totally floor to ceiling red, as the room at Dave and Busters was set for Christmas. Dresses were paid for by my parents, in any choice of style, colour and length totally their choice. I ended up paying for Husband to be leather trousers and I had brought him a shirt which he did not want to ware and said he would buy his own. Not sure why I had to buy leather trousers. During fitting no available dresses in my size to try so dressmaker surprised me by getting my size 10 Sister to try the dress on. Mom was so happy as my sister didn't wear a wedding dress for her wedding. No way would I look anything like her as I was a 20 the dress had to be 2 sizes up from that due to fitting and Sister 5ft 0in I am 5ft 8in she is blond blue eyes I am mousey and Hazel eyes. I could not say a thing as parents were paying and mom was happy.
The wedding hell ( day)
Hairdresser took 4 hours for 2 do ups 1 wash and blow dry. I told him to do same as usual, which usually took 30 minutes however he decided to add a little body to my hair which I said OK, but he had spoken to my mother, they agreed ringlets would look great, I hate ringlets and curly hair. I felt awful as he put curlers in for body, sprayed it with stuff and left me for 3 hours whilst he did the others, promising me the spray would make it have a slight wave, like hell. Others looked great and no time to fix it, as had to get ready.
So Bridesmaids wore red satin A line dresses (yep you could not see them in a red room)Dad ordered cars, not 2 as we had agreed but 1 taxi for all of us. 2 Bridesmaids, Dad, Mom ME and driver packed in. We passed groom on way as he left a pub. He was late! Photos taken of me, angry bride getting out of packed car whilst snowing. 1 taken. Brother was photographer and realised not a happy bride. Photos of everyone else by Christmas Trees. My groom turned up slightly drunk and said the most amazing thing to me that I was surprised I married him but all I could think was how much everything had cost my parents.
We had to met with Registrars before wedding in a room and were asked about the order of service they provided we said short as we wanted to let guests enjoy the venue. We were asked if they could do a reading. Expecting they meant a religious one we said no thank you. Guess not turned up out of 35, 10 all his work mates 6 of which turned up at 8pm after a 2pm wedding. Expecting to be fed the wedding meal which was finished hours previously so they expected us to pay for an evening meal for them. Answered No chance. £1,000 wasted on there food alone. Anyway the "service" consisted of us answering yes to our names whilst we were seated on a stage with only Registrars bride and groom. No one else allowed all others seated in no order and then the registrar stood up and said the bride and groom did not want a reading but they needed to complete the paperwork so here is a reading of a poem! Don't remember saying yes to that. That was it. We signed a book or 2 and it was over, no option to stop the wedding which I was going to do but to late. I had 2 dresses one a wedding dress and a change for the meal after the service, a black satin dress which was how I felt. I went to change. At which point one of the witnesses decided to do a toast to the bride and groom and I was not in the room, it took me 3 minutes to change dress and shoes. My Dad did not get a chance as the meal was ready. And I was back, The meal was buffet style with all 12 of each option per person it was huge. Everyone looked at me to be seated as there were 3 sets of tables. I said please sit where ever you like. I went to a table and sat down my husband sat next to me on my other side were 2 mutual friends his parents my parents and next to my husband was his mom's friend I had not met who had dementia and called my husband his deceased brothers name for the next hour. At the end of the meal I gave out the tickets for the arcade, having 500 tickets extra, strangely I was left with no tickets left to go on the ride but as it turned out i did not get the chance. Why well, Husband was so drunk, he started a fight with his Dad. It got so bad that I had people telling me to take him home. Angrily I arranged it having had a 2pm wedding which finished with a passed out Husband on the bed at home by 4.15pm 2 and a quarter hours wedding. He proceeded to wake and went to the upstairs toilet but managed to throw up on the carpet midway, yes I could have got it cleaned but why should I. So I cut a huge hole out wrapped it up and put it in the bin, blaming him for cutting the carpet up after puking. Which he believed for many years and still does. We got conned for 6 bottles of champagne instead of 5 which was for 25 adults because my sisters son had a glass and they had to open an extra bottle but he was under age and already told no alcohol. Then whilst opening our presents at home on my own while everyone else was at the wedding with evening entertainment and buffet I had a phone call for the remaining bill to be paid and I had to play chase ringing my Dad at a quiet time to go and pay the remaining balance as he was still there. So I spent the rest of the night on my own. Nice Ho almost forgot the special something my groom said to me as soon as he arrived seeing me dressed up "What the f**k do you look like?" Just as we were called into the registrar meeting.
For background were dated for 5 years lived together for 10 years were married for 19 years 359 days we divorced absolute 6 da6s before 20 years married. Now 5 years divorced so much better.
submitted by Mobile_Ad578 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:41 Caligula______ DDR5 overclocking advice (14900k on z790 Maximus Hero, 7200 GSkill running at 7000)

DDR5 overclocking advice (14900k on z790 Maximus Hero, 7200 GSkill running at 7000)
Fairly new to memory overclocking but have read a number of guides. I can't get this stable above 7000 MHZ (7200 XMP profile) but have tightened the timings as much as I could on a 6 GHZ all-core overclock. Fairly new to memory overclocking but have read a number of guides.
The reads look pretty good to me (as a novice) but latency I've read can go a bit lower. Any advice in looking at these timings? Unfortunately, I can't get the kit to run at XMP so have stepped it down to 7000 MHZ. I have system agent at 1.25 and VDD / VDDQ at 1.41 / 1.40.
Would appreciate any guidance - sorry for any stupid questions!
Kit below:
G.SKILL Trident Z5 RGB Series (Intel XMP 3.0) DDR5 RAM 32GB (2x16GB) 7200MT/s CL34-45-45-115 1.40V Desktop Computer Memory UDIMM - Matte Black (F5-7200J3445G16GX2-TZ5RK)
submitted by Caligula______ to overclocking [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:38 bugman345 Using uppromote helped make me thousands each month

How I used uppromote and private label rights to make an affiliate programme that has generated me $3,000 in profit for the past two months.
I have tried many strategies to make money in the past but this is the first that has worked for me: the plr affiliate method. (This is a long read so I apologise in advance)
So first things first, what is PLR? I wasn’t sure either until January of this year when I stumbled across a video on YouTube. This is Private Label Rights, this means that essentially you buy the rights to sell something as your own and you keep all of the profits. This can be e-books and courses.
This essentially was a lightbulb switch moment for me. I could get a finished product and sell it as my own and keep all of the profits. I tried creating content myself and created a shopify website and put my finished product ebook in my bio (YouTube any video on how to list a digital product on shopify). I then put the shopify link in my bio, this was not a success and I realised that I would have to think outside the box to make this work.
I had another moment of inspiration, what if I was able to ask social media accounts with an established following to put the link in their bio and I would offer them a percentage of every sale they make (I offered a 50/50 cut). So for the next few days I grinded and sent direct messages and emails to Instagram and tiktok accounts, I mainly targeted accounts with large followings that did not have any links currently in their bio and I have had the greatest success with these accounts. I was able to create the affiliate programme on shopify using a plug called uppromote, there are many videos that explain how to set this up on YouTube.
So why would accounts with large following agree to my proposal despite them supplying all of the following?
The answer is simple, a lot of people have a great ability to create content, but perhaps do not have the business acumen or have the motivation to create a revenue stream themselves. This method provides them a easy solution to this problem.
After a lot of grinding and a lot of messages I had gained clients and five months later I’m at the point where I have 31 affiliates selling my e books and courses in their bio. The total following of these accounts is 8.4 million followers across all platforms - a following I would not have been able to attain myself with my content creation skills.
The numbers, what everyone is here for! This method has generated me $11,000 in profit since January (50% of sales went to affiliates so $22,000 revenue). Things started out slow but are picking up fast, last month has been particularly good, generating me $3,000 in profit from easy and passive income.
Problems and issues I’ve encountered: understandingly so the accounts often want to see the product they are selling before they agree to be an affiliate for the product. I originally had a problem finding high quality products, I am not going to name the website I would recommend for those looking high quality plr on here as I received downvotes last time (I am not going to name it here as I was called a shill the other time I did this haha) but you can send a message to me and I can give you advice on where to look. This website offers a bundle which provides a wide array of high quality finished products that are from all sorts of niches. I have found other plr products that I have purchased to be of bad quality so it is important to find a good website.
I’m sure you are wondering the following question: if you are making money off of this why are you sharing with us? The answer is simple, there are hundreds of thousands of social media accounts with large followings, this method is unsaturated and I figured it could help make someone else’s life a little easier financially.
Why do I recommend this method? 1.) Once established this method is completely passive 2.) You gain exposure to large followings that would take years to build. 3.) relatively low set up costs. The bundle I recommend purchasing is $199 and shopify monthly payments are roughly $50 per month. There are no other costs incurred. 4.) unlimited earnings potential. There’s no ceiling as to what you can earn. The more accounts that agree to become an affiliate for you the more you will make
I hope you enjoyed the read , if you have any questions don’t be afraid to ask them below.
submitted by bugman345 to shopify [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:33 Any_Location_2465 Fate Stay Night Kirikiroid2 Updated Guide

The purpose of this guide is to give an updated step to playing Fate Stay Night using Kirikiroid2. The information listed here has some outdated steps and missing steps that i'll try to rectify, primarily this is to fix a problem with the patch listed in the thread as well as to give a reliable source for the patches you'll need. all informations here are taken directly from that thread so you can skip some steps here and there if you already read the thread before. Hopefully you'll find this helpful.
First things first is.
-To find them just go to this archive page. There you'll find all the necessary files that you need to patch and play the game including full maingame files of Fates-Heaven's Feel-Unlimited Blade Works and extra patches like the H-Patches. I'm not sure if this is considered pirating or not so if it violates some rules here then please let me know.
Anyways with that out of the way let's start with
-There's two different versions of Kirikiroid2 that i'm gonna list here and both are pretty much the same except that the other one is far more easier to install than the other.
-First is the original Kirikiroid2 which is unfortunately removed from the playstore but thankfully you can get it here i can't guarantee your safety in that website, as far as my test goes it's a safe website but your mileage may vary. You can download it elsewhere too if you can find another website hosting it. This original version requires Lucky Patcher to use, i'll get to how to patch it later but for now just keep that in mind.
-The other one is a lot more easier to get and it's afaik an enhanced version of it called Yuri. Here's the github page, if it doesn't linked to it then just search it up, the first result should be it. It has a nice addition of being license free so there's no need for lucky patching. I recommend this version due to the convenience of not needing a shady app to use it in the first place.
Now if you instead prefer the original for whatever reasons you'll need an app called Lucky Patcher which you can download at their website, the first result should be that but if you can't find it it has "ChelpuS" in the main page of the website.
Afterwards install the apk and open it.
Search up Kirikiroid2 app and tap it,
you should now see some menus pop up, tap the patch menu and ignore the rest.
Tap the "LVL Emulation" option highlighted in green that shows up and checkmark the option at the very top.
Now just rebuild the apk and wait for it to finish.
Once it's finish uninstall and reinstall the apk and the license verification should automatically succeed, you can go ahead uninstall Lucky Patcher if you feel paranoid about the warnings.
With Kirikiroid2 installed here's comes the most important step
-To patch the game first you'll need all the patches files inside the archive i linked previously. The one you should download is Fate Stay Night Realta Nua English.rar if you don't have the maingame files then go ahead and download the rest too.
Once downloaded open the .rar and copy the faterealtanua_savedata on to the maingame root folder.
With that done go back to the .rar and copy these files: allpatch_english.xp3
On to the faterealtanua_savedata folder inside the maingame root folder. You can exclude some of them if you don't want the H-Patches for example but the most crucial one you should get is the english.xp3s
-Now you should have everything you'll need to play the game except for the kirikiroid2 patch but there's a problem with the original patch. The issue comes from trying to open the menu which results in an error message when using the original Fate Stay Night Kirikiroid2 patch in the thread i linked before.
To fix that simply go to zeas2 github page, go to his kirikiroid2_patch github page and tap the PATCH LIST highlighted in blue inside the page.
You should now see a filter search bar up top, tap it and search up "Fate" it should list 2 patches below it.
Pick the one top one for hollow ataraxia and download it, after downloading it open it up and copy "Override2.tjs" and "Patch.tjs" specifically on to the maingame root folder, ignore the rest.
Once that's done the problem should now be fixed and you can enjoy the game fully.
Last Step
-Well it's pretty obvious. Just open up Kirikiroid2, mess around with the settings if you need to, and scroll till you see the maingame root folder. Mine is "Fate/stay night[Realta Nua] -Fate-" but yours can be different too depending on where you download it.
-Open the folder, scroll around till you see data.xp3 and tap it. There you go, enjoy the game!
Note: you actually CAN use the .exe instead of data.xp3 to start the game but idk if it affects anything nor do i know if it's better or not. Since most people recommend data.xp3 i recommend sticking to that but it's worth a mention at the very least
i hope this isn't too cluttered and complicated to follow. Like i said before all of the informations here are taken directly from the thread i linked up top, the main purpose of this guide is to fix the problem present in the thread regarding the crucial patch that you need to play the game along with linking a safe and reliable source for the patches you'll need. If you find any problems or have any questions regarding the guide then feel free to ask in the comment, i'll try my best to answer them.
Happy Playing/Reading!:)
submitted by Any_Location_2465 to fatestaynight [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:27 Yurii_S_Kh Venerable Bede, the Church Historian

Venerable Bede, the Church Historian
Saint Bede was a church historian who recorded the history of Christianity in England up to his own time. He was probably born around 673 in Northumbria. We do not know exactly where he was born, but it is likely that it was somewhere near Jarrow.
When he was seven, Bede was sent to Saint Benedict Biscop (January 12) at the monastery of Saint Peter at Wearmouth to be educated and raised. Then he was sent to the new monastery of Saint Paul founded at Jarrow in 682, where he remained until his death. There he was guided by the abbot Saint Ceolfrith (September 25), who succeeded Saint Benedict in 690, ruling both Wearmouth and Jarrow.
There is an incident in the anonymous Life of Ceolfrith which may refer to the young Bede. A plague swept through Ceolfrith’s monastery in 686, taking most of the monks who sang in the choir for the church services. Only the abbot and a young boy raised and educated by him remained. This young boy “is now a priest of the same monastery and commends the abbot’s admirable deeds both verbally and in writing to all who desire to learn them.”
Grieved by this catastrophe, Ceolfrith decided that they should sing the Psalms without antiphons, except at Matins and Vespers. After a week of this, he went back to chanting the antiphons in their proper place. With the help of the boy and the surviving monks, the services were performed with difficulty until other monks could be brought in and trained to sing.
Saint Bede was ordained as a deacon when he was nineteen, and to the holy priesthood at the age of thirty by Saint John of Beverley (May 7), the holy Bishop of Hexham (687), and later (705) of York. Bede had a great love for the church services, and believed that since the angels were present with the monks during the services, that he should also be there. “What if they do not find me among the brethren when they assemble? Will they not say, ‘Where is Bede?’
Bede began as a pupil of Saint Benedict Biscop, who had been a monk of the famous monastery at Lerins, and had founded monasteries himself. Saint Benedict had brought many books with him to England from Lerins and from other European monasteries. This library enabled Bede to write his own books, which include biblical commentary, ecclesiastical history, and hagiography.
Bede was not an objective historian. He is squarely on the Roman side in the debate with Celtic Christianity, for example. He was, however, fair and thorough. His books, derived from “ancient documents, from the traditions of our ancestors, and from my own personal knowledge” (Book V, 24) give us great insight into the religious and secular life of early Britain. To read Saint Bede is to enter a world shaped by spiritual traditions very similar to those cherished by Orthodox Christians. These saints engage in the same heroic asceticism shown by saints in the East, and their holiness fills us with love and admiration. Christians were expected to fast on Wednesdays and Fridays, and there was a forty day Nativity Fast (Book IV, 30).
Saint Bede became ill in 735. For about two weeks before Pascha, he was weak and had trouble breathing, but experienced little pain. He remained cheerful and gave daily lessons to his students, then spent the rest of the day singing Psalms and giving thanks to God. He would often quote the words of Saint Ambrose, “I have not lived in such a way that I am ashamed to live among you, and I do not fear to die, for God is gracious” (Paulinus, Life of Saint Ambrose, Ch. 45).
In addition to giving daily lessons and chanting the Psalms, Saint Bede was also working on an Anglo-Saxon translation of the Gospel of Saint John, and also a book of extracts from the writings of Saint Isidore of Seville (April 4). On the Tuesday before the Feast of the Lord’s Ascension, the saint’s breathing became more labored, and his feet began to swell. “Learn quickly,” he told those who were taking dictation from him, “for I do not know how long I can continue. The Lord may call me in a short while.”
After a sleepless night, Saint Bede continued his dictation on Wednesday morning. At the Third Hour, there was a procession with the relics of the saints in the monastery, and the brethren went to attend this service, leaving a monk named Wilbert with Bede. The monk reminded him that there remained one more chapter to be written in the book which he was dictating. Wilbert was reluctant to disturb the dying Bede, however. Saint Bede said, “It is no trouble. Take your pen and write quickly.”
At the Ninth Hour, Bede paused and told Wilbert that he had some items in his chest, such as pepper, incense, and linen. He asked the monk to bring the priests of the monastery so that he could distribute these items to them. When they arrived, he spoke to each of them in turn, requesting them to pray for him and to remember him in the services. Then he said, “The time of my departure is at hand, and my soul longs to see Christ my King in His beauty.”
That evening, Wilbert said to him, “Dear Master, there is one sentence left unfinished.”
Bede said, “Very well, write it down.”
Then the young monk said, “It is finished now.”
Saint Bede replied, “You have spoken truly, it is well finished.” Then he asked Wilbert to raise his head so that he could see the church where he used to pray. After chanting, “Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit” to its ending, Saint Bede fell asleep in the Lord Whom he had loved.
Although Saint Bede reposed on May 25, the eve of the Ascension, he is commemorated on the 27th, since the Feast of Saint Augustine of Canterbury is appointed for the 26th. His body was first buried in the south porch of the monastery church, then later transferred to a place near the altar. Today his holy relics lie in Durham Cathedral, in the Galilee chapel. Saint Bede is the only Englishman mentioned by Dante in the DIVINE COMEDY (Paradiso).
The Orthodox Church in America
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:20 MGK_2 Crossroads

Folks, Welcome Here.
We sort of have a complexity in formation right now. It is becoming more and more evident that there may have been a good bit of corruption at the highest levels, even stemming from the Deputy Director of the Division of AntiVirals.
Originally, I put Tomfoolery together and then put this addition out.
So, some additional evidence has emerged and more will be forthcoming.
That appropriately concise and respectful letter was met with:
So, unfortunately, a lawsuit is now in process which involves NP, KK the SEC and the DOJ. Although much of what is being deliberated within the trial has to do with CytoDyn, CytoDyn has no control as to what will be said or exposed during those proceedings. The case is between NP, KK and the SEC/DOJ and although everything took place at CytoDyn, CytoDyn has nothing to do with the trial. NP has his own lawyers, KK has his own lawyers and what these lawyers dig up and choose to expose for the benefit of their clients could impact CytoDyn, but that is of no concern to those attorneys as they must act in the best interest of their clients who are NP and KK.
The preceding discussion of the evidence presented in the two links above makes it clear that these lawyers might be attempting to show how CytoDyn was doomed from the get-go regardless of what ever kind of shit or pristine BLA was submitted, it would have received an RTF. A convincing argument could be made based on the information already in their hands while even more information is pending release. Certainly, the release of such a judgement would not cast a stellar impression or shadow upon the entity that decides CytoDyn's judgement. No, rather, it would cast a rather corrupt shadow, making them out to be a bunch of crooks willing to accept responsibility for the blood of thousands if not millions, in order to propagate their own agenda over CytoDyn's.
At a time of dire crisis, judgements were made to disapprove a drug which had very strong evidence of its capacity to reverse said crisis, even if that evidence was demonstrated only in 10 patients. After reading the contents of that letter, addressed to a physician and sent by a fellow physician, Dr. Lalezari, and with his response being, "I support a Refuse-To-File, even if they can fix a few things, it would be worth it. Plus, it buys us a little time when we need it most.", all together proves that the interests of the Deputy Director of the Division of AntiVirals had minimal interest in curing or reversing the crisis at hand but was much more interested in finding ways to get their selected drug Remdesivir to the forefront.
They were not concerned about humanity or the overall general health of the American Public, but rather their own monetary goals, or Fishy Fauci's goals for residual income. But as for the hundreds of thousands of lives which could have been saved, they claim they were trying to find a solution, when they purposefully threw out the window a perfectly suitable solution in favor of Fishy's worthless expensive Band-Aid that did nothing other than make things worse. It was not about the people of the republic who he was serving, but much more about him/them getting their way about what drug to authorize.
Lalezari submits a convincing letter which puts forth 3 strong reasons as to how leronlimab's mechanism of action shuts down the virus. He puts forth compelling lab results and biomarker data which to another fellow physician should have resulted in swift action to escalate leronlimab's path forward thereby facilitating its distribution to as many sick patients as was reasonable and possible. However, this Deputy Director of the Division of AntiVirals (DDDAV) had no intention of backing CytoDyn and instead supported a Refuse-To-File. Somehow, despite all the clear irrefutable evidence of a powerful drug against this virus, they were able to, within the rules, place blindfolds over their eyes so as to eliminate that evidence from the record and to permit within that evidence pool, only that which would deprive leronlimab of further testing.
This DDDAV would eventually be leaving the administration. It didn't matter to him what the aftermath of his decision was. He left CytoDyn in a bad situation which would lead to near bankruptcy and a 2 yearlong clinical hold which had to be delt with. That was of no concern of his. His career and the goals of his superiors were all that mattered to him because he had other ulterior motives where he was headed.
Recall the favor this Division of AntiVirals showed to Gilead when they changed the primary endpoints of the Remdesivir trial, so that their chosen drug could squeeze on by to become statistically significant? That was of far greater concern to him/them than getting leronlimab in the hands of patients who needed its healing.
"Gilead supersizes remdesivir trials, changes primary endpoint Fierce Biotech
Data on 53 Patients Treated With Investigational Antiviral Remdesivir Through the Compassionate Use Program Published in New England Journal of Medicine (gilead.com)
Here Scott Kelly brings up Gilead. He considers it "odd" that Gilead changed their trial size and their primary endpoints. He makes mention of the poor side effect profile that remdesivir has especially regarding renal/kidney and liver failure. Despite this, Gilead was permitted to completely modify this trial.
Gilead had to get their remdesivir approved. Fishy Fauci made his mind up on which drug would get the EUA to help treat COVID. It never would have been approved using the previous trial size and previous endpoints. They had to be changed to suit the performance of the drug. They needed many more patients and a different endpoint. And the trial was permitted to be changed. Gilead was permitted to bend the rules while all the other potential drug candidates were slow walked and had significant obstacles put before them. When has this ever occurred in drug making history?
Right after Gilead modified their remdesivir trial, CytoDyn has the meeting with the authority that following the 2nd leronlimab injection on the 7th day of treatment, there would be no more further injections, yet, the endpoint, would still happen around day 30. So, day 0 and day 7 were the days for leronlimab treatment, but nothing on day 14 and nothing on day 21, but the assessment would still take place on day 28 or so. No bending of the rules for CytoDyn. 24 days of no treatment, then measure and assess. Yeah, that is fair. Gilead completely overhauls their trial with no questions asked while CytoDyn has to jump through hoops to clear the bar."
Who was the DDDAV really working for? CytoDyn was nothing to him. Even Dr. Lalezari was nothing to him. He refers to Dr. Lalezari as a conman in other emails and wanted to be "gagged with a spoon" when confronted with CytoDyn's requests while Dr. Lalezari had high regards and respect for him as a fellow physician.
From 12/2021 Dr. Lalezari Presentation to NIH:
"So, they were on clinical hold, and I spoke with Jeff Murray*. And Jeff said to me,* Jay, why don't you do something useful and work on good antiviral therapy for COVID*? And what I said to Jeff was, you know, Jeff, we worked on oseltamivir and zanamivir. In those studies, and I'm showing data here from Rich Whitley, that you can reduce viral loads and viral shedding by several days with these good antivirals, but you actually don't change the course of the illness.*
And you certainly don't change it unless you get in very early. You don't change it that much. So, I convinced Jeff that, you know, I thought we were going to need something to deal with immune dysregulation and that leronlimab might have a role here. So, they said, okay, you can have CD10*, which was a phase two randomized double-blind placebo in mild to moderate illness. So, one of their concerns, besides the fact that* they fundamentally didn't understand or believe that leronlimab would have any role in this illness, one of their concerns was the possible immunosuppression that might come with CCR5 blockade*."*
What was the DDDAV's intention here in asking Dr. Lalezari to work on an anti-viral therapy for COVID? Was he hoping that leronlimab would be an answer so that CytoDyn might be picked up for much less by his new company?
So now it has been over 3 years and CytoDyn is working diligently seeking out the FDA's acceptance of the new company it has become. Yet, there is hard evidence that NP lawyers are exposing the administration who CytoDyn seeks both the favor and the acceptance of. NP needs to win his case and he may end up trashing the administration. If not NP, then KK also needs to win, (but he won't), but they have their own interests in mind while CytoDyn has their interests in mind. It is clear, the DDDAV betrayed everyone, NP, KK and CytoDyn in favor of their own ulterior motives and then he would leave the administration anyway, to go work elsewhere. But, neither he, nor the administration, nor Gilead really ever believed that CytoDyn would make it this far. They likely thought that with the issuance of the RTF of the BLA and the imposition of the clinical hold, CytoDyn would just dry up and die. But that did not happen thanks in great part to David Welch.
So now, CytoDyn finds itself at a crossroads. CytoDyn absolutely requires mandatory FDA acceptance and favor. But what if NP or KK attributes blame of their case upon the DDDAV's clear corruption scandal which was clearly exhibited against their cause? How does that make the administration look? CytoDyn cannot be blamed for NP's or KK's exposition of the DDDAV who represents the administration. So, what must CytoDyn do now so as to not disrespect the administration?
Currently CytoDyn's legal concerns right now is Amarex. There are no other cases directed any deeper than that. But it sure does seem somehow that Gilead is closely involved in all of this. It is clear that the DDDAV wanted Remdesivir over leronlimab for COVID. Possibly, if CytoDyn/Sidley Austin makes a promise not to pursue anything further beyond just Amarex, then the administration might become very willing to treat CytoDyn the same way it treats Gilead. After all, the administration backed everything the DDDAV did and that doesn't need to be elaborated on. So if CytoDyn keeps it covered, all the better for the administration. CytoDyn needs to do whatever it takes to maintain the administration's favor and Sidley Austin is aware of this. There cannot be any blackmailing of the administration. There cannot be any bad mouthing of the administration. CytoDyn needs to get leronlimab approved. Approved by who? By the administration.
So, NP and KK may have the DDDAV right where they want them, but CytoDyn finds itself at a crossroads and their choice has to be to acquit the administration in every aspect and to forgive all prior wrongs but to work jointly in fairness towards the approval of this drug. For CytoDyn however, this is more like a Catch 22 and it needs to play its cards right. The administration shall always have the upper hand because this is their game and CytoDyn is only a player, while they are the game's controller. We play the game by their rules even if they don't obey their own rules. Even if the DDDAV altered the outcome to the administration's benefit, to Remdesivir's benefit, whether it is for the good of the people or not, it is what the DDDAV wanted, and it is what the DDDAV got. But the DDDAV is gone now as far as CytoDyn is concerned, maybe not for NP or KK, but for CytoDyn he is out of the way, and the favor and acceptance of the administration remains priority.
It is CytoDyn's hope that the administration grants CytoDyn favor in the testing of leronlimab in a fair and just manner and that they now understand that the drug is harmless and that its mechanism of action via CCR5 blockade both interferes with HIV replication as well as reduces Inflammation and Immune Activation. It is CytoDyn's hope and request that they hear the words and requests of Dr. Lalezari and respect his fair requests.
This upper-level respect must be maintained between CytoDyn and the administration. This is the only way CytoDyn succeeds, that they respect Dr. Lalezari and that Dr. Lalezari maintains his respect for the administration. If this relationship remains in place, leronlimab's approval becomes dependent upon leronlimab's performance. Without this relationship in place, leronlimab won't find an approval regardless of how well it performs if it even gets an opportunity to perform. This top-level relationship is the key to leronlimab's approval and CytoDyn must take every step to ensure this pact be upheld regardless of what NP or KK end up doing.
CytoDyn must be willing to forgive prior wrong. The administration needs to want to see this drug approved as does Dr. Lalezari and together their job shall be achieved without much difficulty. But if the administration does not see eye to eye with Dr. Lalezari, leronlimab would make it very hard for them to find a roundabout way to deny its approval. If the administration for some unfounded reason, decides upon a lesser drug instead of the time tested superior leronlimab, again, that would become another debacle CytoDyn would face yet again. Therefore, it is imperative to see eye to eye with the administration.
The DDDAV may have made it possible for NP and KK to walk away while also providing the means by which CytoDyn/SA might compromise with the administration for their favor and acceptance. In order to save face, the administration might work for the people by working favorably with CytoDyn towards a leronlimab approval. The war is still on and CytoDyn is in it to win it. The DDDAV almost had CytoDyn derailed, but it is still in the game and now, might have the favor of the master of the games. They can no longer say, we did not know how safe the drug was. The hold has been lifted.
submitted by MGK_2 to Livimmune [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:17 Independent-Month905 I’ve had the worst Pride month!

So I’ve had the worst pride month so far and just need to vent, buckle in cause this is an EXTREMLY long one.
Some backstory I (17f soon to be 18) have known I was into women since as young as 13, I had unlimited access to the internet and knew about different sexualities so it was very easy for me, well for the longest while I went by pansexual. I had come out to my mom almost a year ago as her and I were always close, well she just didn’t care and almost pretended like I didn’t. This year however I realized that I was actually a lesbian and came out to her and 2 weeks before pride month, it didn’t go all to well and our relationship is a bit strained but it was fine until this past weekend.
Onto the worst pride month of my life:
Saturday June 1st:
Well comes June first, I worked at 6am and got home at 12, I had a rough day at work and was just ready to relax, well my mom and I step out the car and suddenly I am being cornered by my ex step-father (him and my mom broke up about 6 months ago at this point and he already moved out months ago). Apparently he found my socials which clearly state I’m a lesbian and felt it was his “duty” to tell my mom even though they aren’t together any more 😒. He proceeded to tell her had had screenshots and blah blah blah in case I tried to deny it but obviously I didn’t because my mom already knew.
WELL she threw me under the bust and pretended she didn’t know just to appease him, I was annoyed by this so I just went inside to my room and locked my door. Well about 10-15 minutes later she comes banging on my door and is fuming with me, apparently my ex step-father didn’t want my brothers (I have 4 brothers who are his kids) living with me and was threatening to take them and it was my fault. She blamed me for everything saying I ruined her life (yes HER life, not mine who has just been outed, HERS) she forced me to take down all gay stuff from my accounts and I ended up setting them to private them.
Well later my my ex-stepfather starts calling my phone, I don’t answer obviously so he sends my brother to come call me so we can talk (I later found out he outed me to my brothers as well and asked them if they knew I was a lesbian, not cool dude 😒). Well he surprised me by talking about how he raised me since I was 2, and didn’t care what identified as and loved me regardless (dude never apologized for what he said or did but I’ll give him a pass). Well he was about to say something else, when his mother started CRYING saying him leaving ruined her life, (Yes his mom still lives with us, that’s a whole story in itself) so he left. I had one more fight with my mom about everything and then that was the end of day 1, Yep just day 1, more shit happened on day 2 and 3.
Sunday June 2nd:
So it is now June second and obviously I was pretty upset considering the events on the previous day as not only was it pride month but my 18th was only a month away, I had work that day but called out because after the shit show the day prior I was NOT in any place mentally to go to work (about 80% of my co-workers are apart of the lgbtqia+ community and I knew seeing them all happy about pride month would make me upset). So instead I went out with a friend as we had already prior made plans to go thrifting that day before I had work and after the day I had the other day this was just what I needed. Well it was a fun and eventful day ending with us getting lost and (once again a story for another day). Well I get back home and ex-stepfather is in the kitchen? I say good evening out of respect and head to my room when DAMN I’m being cornered AGAIN, I thankfully got to relax a little before I was attacked but suddenly my mom comes to my room and is furious.
Apparently my ex-stepfathers sister had found out (who lives all the way in Jamaica by the way, and this went down in Canada) and was nagging my mom about it and blaming my ex-stepfather for me being a lesbian and my mom was not happy about it. (Yes she is still in contact with his family, and the reason she blames him is cause he cheated and treated my mom horribly so she thinks he made me hate men 😒).
My mom was mad he was getting blamed for me being a lesbian, and for me being hostile with him the day before and today (yes she still loves him, once again another story, I feel like at this rate I should create a post for these 😂). This starts an argument between us because I tell her he had no right to out me to my brothers or her, even if she already knew (I don’t know if anyone else knows) She once again talks about how she’s struggling with this and I accidentally sigh out loud (I mean common though if you’re struggling then what about me) well one thing leads to another and we end up fighting, she tries to say I can’t be a lesbian because I dated my ex boyfriend (even though he was the only guy I ever dated before realizing I was lesbian and we’ve had numerous conversations where I told her that she made me feel pressured to date him). Well the fight got super heated and I did say something I’m not proud of after she told me to go read a bible, this resulted in her telling my to call my dad to pick me up so I can stay with him for a while (this is legally allowed as he does have part custody of me and I turn 18 in July)
Eventually after slamming doors and me almost calling my father, we calm down and have a talk (I still live with her currently) the conversation didn’t really go anywhere and we did end up fighting again, this time over different religious views and me talking about how I felt pressured by her to date my ex. The conversation ended because we had to pick up my sister from work and we never picked it up again, it’s still feels like she wasn’t trying to understand me, but I was too exhausted to put any more effort in.
Monday June 3rd:
Never fear this is the last day of the saga and it thankfully was happy, in the end.
Well, it’s Monday and I have to go back to school and it’s also my Bio fathers birthday (which I totally forgot about due to the prior days events and felt extremely bad), I thought I was ok but after a couple pride month announcements, I ended up leaving class and had a breakdown in the hallway (I’m ok now, all the weekends events just finally caught up to me that day). Well, I was found by some teachers and was brought to guidance to talk to somebody after I went back to class and and talked to my teacher about everything who offered me her support (she is an absolute sweetheart, and I love her so much🩷).
Well, I made the executive decision to just tell my father because considering the fact that people in Jamaica were finding out he was going to find out at some point and I wanted him to find out from me (I did intend on telling him, just after my 18th in July incase things went south with my mom, which they almost did).
I sent him a text and turned off my phone for the day, thankfully his response was much more loving than my mothers and he told me he loved me regardless, he picked me up from my moms and we ended up spending the day together and later on we picked up my sister and watched a movie together. I didn’t speak much to my mom this day, aside from telling her I was going out with him.
Well this is it so far, it’s been 6 days but I still can’t get over everything so I just wanted to vent. As of right now my relationship with my mom is improving but still strained and I don’t think it will ever go back to how it was before. Especially considering the fact that my father was very accepting of me, and even my ex-stepfather was more accepting of me than her despite the way he initially reacted.
Well, this is it if you somehow read this entire thing and thank WOW and thank you. If anyone wants clarification, feel free to ask and I’ll edit them onto the post. Also if anyone is curious, I am more than willing to talk about some of the other stories of my family (Trust me it gets CRAZY)
submitted by Independent-Month905 to Vent [link] [comments]



In today’s fast-paced world, where demands constantly tug at our attention, mastering productivity and prioritization has become more crucial than ever. The ability to navigate through an ever-growing list of tasks efficiently can mean the difference between success and overwhelming chaos. Yet, despite the importance of these skills, many find themselves struggling to juggle competing priorities and deadlines. Struggling with productivity and prioritization isn’t your fault. The sad truth is that no one teaches you how to prioritize, how to juggle competing priorities, or how to be productive. Let’s take a look at some of the strategies to help streamline workflows, manage your to-do list and regain control of your time management.

Consolidate Your Task List

The first step in regaining control over your tasks is to consolidate them into a single, centralized location. Scatterbrain is the enemy of productivity, and having tasks strewn across various platforms only adds to the confusion. By consolidating your tasks, whether through a dedicated task management app or a simple digital document, you create a clear and organized space where all your responsibilities reside. This not only reduces the risk of overlooking or losing sight of important tasks but also provides a comprehensive overview of your workload.
If you’re already using a task management app, take advantage of its integrations to streamline task consolidation further. Many apps offer integrations with popular tools like calendars, emails, and communication platforms, allowing you to sync tasks seamlessly across different tools despite where the task originated. By harnessing the power of integrations, you can ensure that all your tasks are synchronized and up-to-date, eliminating the need to switch between multiple apps and reducing the risk of missing deadlines.

Prioritize Your Tasks

Once you’ve consolidated your task list, the next step is to prioritize your tasks effectively. Not all tasks are created equal. Attempting to tackle them in random order can lead to inefficiency, frustration, and missed deadlines. One popular framework for prioritization is the Eisenhower Matrix, which categorizes tasks based on their urgency and importance.
At the top of the matrix are tasks that are both urgent and important—these are your high-priority tasks that require immediate attention. These could be deadlines, important meetings, or critical deliverables that cannot be delayed. Next are tasks that are urgent but not important. These are your medium-priority tasks that require your attention. Due to the urgency of these tasks, it’s important these are scheduled to be completed prior to their deadline. These could be meetings, project management tasks, or collaboration efforts. Some may choose to delegate these tasks, especially if you are unable to meet the required deadline and they do not require your specific skill set. Then come tasks that are not urgent but important—these are your low-priority tasks that contribute to long-term goals but can be scheduled flexibly. Finally, there are tasks that are neither urgent nor important. The Eisenhower matrix dictates that these tasks should be deleted. I, however, disagree. These tasks made the list because you deemed them necessary to complete. These are your time-filler tasks that can be tackled during downtime or delegated to others. I know what you’re thinking, who has down time? Consider using time between meetings or other scheduled tasks to complete these. Whenever possible, these tasks should be delegated and given a due date.
When prioritizing tasks, it’s essential to assess their relative importance and urgency objectively. While some tasks may seem urgent due to external pressures or deadlines, it’s crucial to differentiate between true priorities and mere distractions. Seeking guidance from managers or colleagues can also provide valuable insights into the relative importance of competing tasks, helping you make more informed decisions about where to focus your time and energy.

Integrate Your Task List with Your Calendar

Once you’ve prioritized your tasks, the next step is to integrate your task list with your calendar to create a structured schedule. Your calendar serves as a roadmap for your day, guiding you through your tasks and appointments with clarity and purpose. By merging your task list with your calendar, you can ensure that your time is allocated efficiently and that no important tasks slip through the cracks. Most integrations will only show you the task name and will likely link back to the task itself for details. When creating tasks, ensure the summary is descriptive, especially if the due date is scheduled a few months out. The important thing to remember is that the task itself is on your calendar to complete. The details of the task can be looked up if they are not brought over to the task itself.
(I recently made a guide to color-coding your calendar; read the guide OR, if you’re a visual learner, watch the video.)
One effective strategy for integrating your task list with your calendar is to employ color coding to visually differentiate task priorities. For example, you could use red to represent high-priority tasks, orange for medium-priority tasks, green for low-priority tasks, and blue for time-filler tasks. By color coding your calendar, you create a visual cue that makes it easy to identify task priorities at a glance, allowing you to focus your attention on the most important tasks first.
In addition to color coding, it’s also helpful to label your calendar entries with descriptive titles that provide context about each task. This ensures that you have a clear understanding of what needs to be done and why it’s important, helping you stay focused and motivated throughout the day. By integrating your task list with your calendar in this way, you create a seamless workflow that maximizes productivity and minimizes distractions.

Follow the 80/60/40 Rule and Maintain Tasks on Deck

To maintain a consistent level of productivity, it’s essential to follow a structured approach to scheduling your tasks and meetings. One effective strategy is the 80/60/40 rule, which involves allocating a specific percentage of your calendar to tasks and meetings each day, depending on their urgency and importance.
According to the 80/60/40 rule, you should aim to fill 80% of your calendar today with tasks and meetings, leaving the remaining 20% for breaks and unexpected interruptions. Assuming you are working an 8 hour workday, this is equivalent to scheduling 6.5 hours. This allows you to allocate sufficient time to tackle your high-priority tasks while also providing flexibility to accommodate unforeseen changes or delays
Similarly, you should aim to fill 60% (4.75 hours) of tomorrow’s calendar with tasks and meetings, leaving 40% for flexibility and contingency planning. This ensures that you have a clear plan of action for the following day while also allowing room for adjustments based on your progress and priorities.
Finally, you should aim to fill 40% (3.25 hours) of your calendar two to five days out with tasks, leaving 60% for flexibility and long-term planning. This allows you to allocate time for tasks that may not be immediately urgent but are important for achieving your long-term goals, such as strategic planning or professional development.
In addition to following the 80/60/40 rule, it’s also helpful to maintain a list of tasks on deck for flexible utilization. Ideally these are “Time-filler” tasks. These are tasks that can be tackled during downtime or used to fill gaps in your schedule when unexpected changes occur. By keeping a list of tasks on deck, you ensure that your time is always productive and that no opportunity goes to waste.

Deadlines Have Power

One of the most powerful tools for driving action and accountability is the assignment of deadlines. Deadlines create a sense of urgency and momentum, motivating you to prioritize tasks and take action to meet your goals. It’s essential to assign deadlines strategically to ensure that tasks are completed efficiently and effectively.
Even low-priority and time-filler tasks benefit from having deadlines assigned to them. A task with no deadline may never be completed. While these tasks may not be as urgent or important as others, assigning deadlines ensures that they receive the attention they deserve and prevents them from being neglected or forgotten. Additionally, assigning deadlines to low-priority and time-filler tasks helps you manage your workload more effectively by spreading tasks out over time and preventing last-minute rushes. The deadlines on these tasks can be flexible but it’s important that they aren’t continuously “kicked down the road”.
When assigning deadlines, it’s important to be realistic and considerate of your workload and priorities. Avoid overloading yourself with unrealistic deadlines that create unnecessary stress and pressure. Instead, aim to schedule tasks to be completed the week before they are due, allowing for flexibility and buffer time to accommodate unexpected changes or delays.
Mastering productivity and prioritization is a journey of continuous improvement that requires dedication, discipline, and a willingness to adapt. By implementing the strategies outlined in this guide, you can streamline your workflow, conquer your to-do list, and reclaim control over your time. Remember, productivity is not about doing more but doing what truly matters. So, take charge of your time, prioritize wisely, and watch your productivity soar.
submitted by brendanbastine to eurekaprocess [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:10 Laskonova Reading these posts from the perspective of an undereducated parent is horrifying...

I was raised in IBLP as a girl after I was pulled out of third grade. My education degraded horribly the second that happened, and when I was thirteen I was shifted to a "character first" education which essentially meant my schooling was done. I am incredibly lucky I was taught to read in public school and have always loved reading, because if I didn't I couldn't have gotten out. I have always been deeply ashamed of my lack of formal education and after I left I tried to make it up by reading as much as I can and learning as much as I can.
I have a kid now who's going into second grade, and of course we are sending him to school. We work really hard with him at home, and I tell him that he is amazingly privileged for getting an education and that not everyone gets one and he needs to take advantage of this opportunity. One of the biggest things I always emphasized was reading. As long as you love to read, you can make up shortcomings in other areas later and the younger grades are where attitude towards reading is developed. We work on it at home a ton. I show him kid books I liked before the cult and I am open about how much I read to set an example. I show him that I'm even stricter with myself about screentime than I am with his when he complains that the other kids don't have to deal with being bored or have limits and explain to him that it's bad that they don't have limits and why I even have to set them for myself. He's been at the top of his grade in the school in reading, and grade level in everything else and I am honestly incredibly proud of him.
I work at amazon, and there are a lot of fresh highschool grads there. Lately, I have been astonished after I have started to be more open with my coworkers about my past, and they are jealous of my lack of education! They wish that they just graded their own tests with the answers like I did while my mom worked one on one with my brother! They just also don't like the religious abuse that came with that. What the hell? I remember crying at night because I knew my textbooks were years behind me because I have uses the same math book for 3 years, and the same "science" book for 5. Yet without any adult involvement I still tried. I graded myself accurately and tried to use stuff like my classic books, bird field guides, and dictionary to learn supplementary things. I failed myself on tests that I took after only being handed a workbook and tried again. And a lot of those jealous people have kids!
I was confused, and didn't know what a school environment was really like so I started looking things up about why all this this seems off. And then I found this reddit and found out it wasn't just the kids at my work or my kid's school. I don't understand. All these kids are intentionally throwing away things I'd have given my right arm for as a kid. Free access to books, learning, adults who will teach them and answer a question about the material if you have one, and the ability to look things up. I don't understand, and it's just upsetting to find out the sheer scale of people throwing away what they could have had, and that the adults in their lives, admin and parents, are contributing so much. As an adult, my wife has helped teach me so much math and I am so greatful that she is so nonjudgmental towards me for it because I have always been so ashamed I didn't teach myself math better and felt like it was my own fault I wasn't past 4th grade math. She helped me really see it was the adults that failed me, and I'm horrified the parents are failing their kids now too.
submitted by Laskonova to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:08 Independent-Month905 I’ve had the worst Pride month!

So I’ve had the worst pride month so far and just need to vent, buckle in cause this is an EXTREMLY long one.
Some backstory I (17f soon to be 18) have known I was into women since as young as 13, I had unlimited access to the internet and knew about different sexualities so it was very easy for me, well for the longest while I went by pansexual. I had come out to my mom almost a year ago as her and I were always close, well she just didn’t care and almost pretended like I didn’t. This year however I realized that I was actually a lesbian and came out to her and 2 weeks before pride month, it didn’t go all to well and our relationship is a bit strained but it was fine until this past weekend.
Onto the worst pride month of my life:
Saturday June 1st:
Well comes June first, I worked at 6am and got home at 12, I had a rough day at work and was just ready to relax, well my mom and I step out the car and suddenly I am being cornered by my ex step-father (him and my mom broke up about 6 months ago at this point and he already moved out months ago). Apparently he found my socials which clearly state I’m a lesbian and felt it was his “duty” to tell my mom even though they aren’t together any more 😒. He proceeded to tell her had had screenshots and blah blah blah in case I tried to deny it but obviously I didn’t because my mom already knew.
WELL she threw me under the bust and pretended she didn’t know just to appease him, I was annoyed by this so I just went inside to my room and locked my door. Well about 10-15 minutes later she comes banging on my door and is fuming with me, apparently my ex step-father didn’t want my brothers (I have 4 brothers who are his kids) living with me and was threatening to take them and it was my fault. She blamed me for everything saying I ruined her life (yes HER life, not mine who has just been outed, HERS) she forced me to take down all gay stuff from my accounts and I ended up setting them to private them.
Well later my my ex-stepfather starts calling my phone, I don’t answer obviously so he sends my brother to come call me so we can talk (I later found out he outed me to my brothers as well and asked them if they knew I was a lesbian, not cool dude 😒). Well he surprised me by talking about how he raised me since I was 2, and didn’t care what identified as and loved me regardless (dude never apologized for what he said or did but I’ll give him a pass). Well he was about to say something else, when his mother started CRYING saying him leaving ruined her life, (Yes his mom still lives with us, that’s a whole story in itself) so he left. I had one more fight with my mom about everything and then that was the end of day 1, Yep just day 1, more shit happened on day 2 and 3.
Sunday June 2nd:
So it is now June second and obviously I was pretty upset considering the events on the previous day as not only was it pride month but my 18th was only a month away, I had work that day but called out because after the shit show the day prior I was NOT in any place mentally to go to work (about 80% of my co-workers are apart of the lgbtqia+ community and I knew seeing them all happy about pride month would make me upset). So instead I went out with a friend as we had already prior made plans to go thrifting that day before I had work and after the day I had the other day this was just what I needed. Well it was a fun and eventful day ending with us getting lost and (once again a story for another day). Well I get back home and ex-stepfather is in the kitchen? I say good evening out of respect and head to my room when DAMN I’m being cornered AGAIN, I thankfully got to relax a little before I was attacked but suddenly my mom comes to my room and is furious.
Apparently my ex-stepfathers sister had found out (who lives all the way in Jamaica by the way, and this went down in Canada) and was nagging my mom about it and blaming my ex-stepfather for me being a lesbian and my mom was not happy about it. (Yes she is still in contact with his family, and the reason she blames him is cause he cheated and treated my mom horribly so she thinks he made me hate men 😒).
My mom was mad he was getting blamed for me being a lesbian, and for me being hostile with him the day before and today (yes she still loves him, once again another story, I feel like at this rate I should create a post for these 😂). This starts an argument between us because I tell her he had no right to out me to my brothers or her, even if she already knew (I don’t know if anyone else knows) She once again talks about how she’s struggling with this and I accidentally sigh out loud (I mean common though if you’re struggling then what about me) well one thing leads to another and we end up fighting, she tries to say I can’t be a lesbian because I dated my ex boyfriend (even though he was the only guy I ever dated before realizing I was lesbian and we’ve had numerous conversations where I told her that she made me feel pressured to date him). Well the fight got super heated and I did say something I’m not proud of after she told me to go read a bible, this resulted in her telling my to call my dad to pick me up so I can stay with him for a while (this is legally allowed as he does have part custody of me and I turn 18 in July)
Eventually after slamming doors and me almost calling my father, we calm down and have a talk (I still live with her currently) the conversation didn’t really go anywhere and we did end up fighting again, this time over different religious views and me talking about how I felt pressured by her to date my ex. The conversation ended because we had to pick up my sister from work and we never picked it up again, it’s still feels like she wasn’t trying to understand me, but I was too exhausted to put any more effort in.
Monday June 3rd:
Never fear this is the last day of the saga and it thankfully was happy, in the end.
Well, it’s Monday and I have to go back to school and it’s also my Bio fathers birthday (which I totally forgot about due to the prior days events and felt extremely bad), I thought I was ok but after a couple pride month announcements, I ended up leaving class and had a breakdown in the hallway (I’m ok now, all the weekends events just finally caught up to me that day). Well, I was found by some teachers and was brought to guidance to talk to somebody after I went back to class and and talked to my teacher about everything who offered me her support (she is an absolute sweetheart, and I love her so much🩷).
Well, I made the executive decision to just tell my father because considering the fact that people in Jamaica were finding out he was going to find out at some point and I wanted him to find out from me (I did intend on telling him, just after my 18th in July incase things went south with my mom, which they almost did).
I sent him a text and turned off my phone for the day, thankfully his response was much more loving than my mothers and he told me he loved me regardless, he picked me up from my moms and we ended up spending the day together and later on we picked up my sister and watched a movie together. I didn’t speak much to my mom this day, aside from telling her I was going out with him.
Well this is it so far, it’s been 6 days but I still can’t get over everything so I just wanted to vent. As of right now my relationship with my mom is improving but still strained and I don’t think it will ever go back to how it was before. Especially considering the fact that my father was very accepting of me, and even my ex-stepfather was more accepting of me than her despite the way he initially reacted.
Well, this is it if you somehow read this entire thing and thank WOW and thank you. If anyone wants clarification, feel free to ask and I’ll edit them onto the post. Also if anyone is curious, I am more than willing to talk about some of the other stories of my family (Trust me it gets CRAZY)
submitted by Independent-Month905 to venting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:08 pothkan 2024 Belgian general election

Today (June 9th) citizens of 🇧🇪 Belgium go to polls to vote in parliamentary elections, which are actually separate federal and regional ones. We will cover only the first one here (as these megathreads generally ignore subnational elections), even if the latter (deciding parliaments of Flanders, Wallonia, Brussels and German-speaking community) might be more important to many Belgians. Voting is also combined with 🇪🇺 European Parliament elections, same as in previous elections.
Belgian federal parliament is bicameral, and made of upper Senate (not elected directly), and lower Chamber of Representatives (Kamer van Volksvertegenwoordigers; Chambre des représentants; Abgeordnetenkammer), covered here, which consists of 150 deputies (76 needed for majority), who are elected for a five-year term, in eleven multi-member constituencies, allocated using D'Hondt method (who was Belgian btw). Read more here. Electoral threshold is 5% (per constituency).
Turnout in last (2019) elections was 88.4%. Take in mind, that voting in Belgium is compulsory, and ignoring them might end in a fine, or even (if ongoing recidive) loss of voting rights.
Relevant parties and alliances taking part in the elections are:
Name Leader Position Affiliation 2019 result Projection Exit poll Official (change)
Flemish Interest (VB) Tom Van Grieken far-right (Flemish nationalist, separatist) I&D 11.9% 26 TBA (18)
New Flemish Alliance (N-VA) Bart De Wever right (Flemish nationalist, conservative) ECR 16.0% 19-20 TBA (25)
Workers' Party of Belgium (PVDA/PTB) Raoul Hedebouw left-wing (socialist, all-Belgian) Left-GUE/NGL 8.6% 19-20 TBA (12)
Reformist Movement (MR) Georges-Louis Bouchez centre-right (liberal, Francophone) Renew 7.6% 18 TBA (14)
Socialist Party (PS) Paul Magnette wide left (social democracy, Francophone) S&D 9.5% 16-18 TBA (20)
Onward (Vooruit) Melissa Depraetere centre-left (social democracy, Flemish) S&D 6.7% 11-12 TBA (9)
Committed Ones (LE) Maxime Prévot centre (social liberal, Francophone) EPP 3.7 10-12 TBA (5)
Christian Democratic & Flemish (cd&v) Sammy Mahdi centre (Belgian unionist) EPP 8.9% 10 TBA (12)
Open Flemish Liberals & Democrats (Open Vld) Tom Ongena centre-right (liberal) Renew 8.5% 7 TBA (12)
Green (Groen) Nadia Naji & Jeremie Vaneeckhout centre-left (green, progressive, Flemish) Greens/EFA 6.1% 5 TBA (8)
Ecolo Rajae Maouane centre-left (green) Greens/EFA 6.1% 4 TBA (13)
Independent Federalist Democrats (DéFI) François De Smet centre (Francophone interests, liberal) none 2.2% 1 TBA (2)
Take a note that percentage polling isn't listed above, and all numbers (except 2019 result) are seats, because polls are generally counted separately for Flemish and Francophone areas, and Brussels. You can check detailed pollings here.
Further reading
National vote amid rise of far-right and far-left (DW)
Belgium’s make-or-break election, explained & Belgium’s agent of chaos (Politico)
Nationalist parties, far-left on the rise ahead of Sunday’s federal elections in Belgium (AP)
We shall leave detailed commentary (and any interesting trivia!) on elections and campaign, to our users. Feel free to correct or add anything!
submitted by pothkan to europe [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:06 Independent-Month905 I’ve had the worst Pride month

So I’ve had the worst pride month so far and just need to vent, buckle in cause this is an EXTREMLY long one.
Some backstory I (17f soon to be 18) have known I was into women since as young as 13, I had unlimited access to the internet and knew about different sexualities so it was very easy for me, well for the longest while I went by pansexual. I had come out to my mom almost a year ago as her and I were always close, well she just didn’t care and almost pretended like I didn’t. This year however I realized that I was actually a lesbian and came out to her and 2 weeks before pride month, it didn’t go all to well and our relationship is a bit strained but it was fine until this past weekend.
Onto the worst pride month of my life:
Saturday June 1st:
Well comes June first, I worked at 6am and got home at 12, I had a rough day at work and was just ready to relax, well my mom and I step out the car and suddenly I am being cornered by my ex step-father (him and my mom broke up about 6 months ago at this point and he already moved out months ago). Apparently he found my socials which clearly state I’m a lesbian and felt it was his “duty” to tell my mom even though they aren’t together any more 😒. He proceeded to tell her had had screenshots and blah blah blah in case I tried to deny it but obviously I didn’t because my mom already knew.
WELL she threw me under the bust and pretended she didn’t know just to appease him, I was annoyed by this so I just went inside to my room and locked my door. Well about 10-15 minutes later she comes banging on my door and is fuming with me, apparently my ex step-father didn’t want my brothers (I have 4 brothers who are his kids) living with me and was threatening to take them and it was my fault. She blamed me for everything saying I ruined her life (yes HER life, not mine who has just been outed, HERS) she forced me to take down all gay stuff from my accounts and I ended up setting them to private them.
Well later my my ex-stepfather starts calling my phone, I don’t answer obviously so he sends my brother to come call me so we can talk (I later found out he outed me to my brothers as well and asked them if they knew I was a lesbian, not cool dude 😒). Well he surprised me by talking about how he raised me since I was 2, and didn’t care what identified as and loved me regardless (dude never apologized for what he said or did but I’ll give him a pass). Well he was about to say something else, when his mother started CRYING saying him leaving ruined her life, (Yes his mom still lives with us, that’s a whole story in itself) so he left. I had one more fight with my mom about everything and then that was the end of day 1, Yep just day 1, more shit happened on day 2 and 3.
Sunday June 2nd:
So it is now June second and obviously I was pretty upset considering the events on the previous day as not only was it pride month but my 18th was only a month away, I had work that day but called out because after the shit show the day prior I was NOT in any place mentally to go to work (about 80% of my co-workers are apart of the lgbtqia+ community and I knew seeing them all happy about pride month would make me upset). So instead I went out with a friend as we had already prior made plans to go thrifting that day before I had work and after the day I had the other day this was just what I needed. Well it was a fun and eventful day ending with us getting lost and (once again a story for another day). Well I get back home and ex-stepfather is in the kitchen? I say good evening out of respect and head to my room when DAMN I’m being cornered AGAIN, I thankfully got to relax a little before I was attacked but suddenly my mom comes to my room and is furious.
Apparently my ex-stepfathers sister had found out (who lives all the way in Jamaica by the way, and this went down in Canada) and was nagging my mom about it and blaming my ex-stepfather for me being a lesbian and my mom was not happy about it. (Yes she is still in contact with his family, and the reason she blames him is cause he cheated and treated my mom horribly so she thinks he made me hate men 😒).
My mom was mad he was getting blamed for me being a lesbian, and for me being hostile with him the day before and today (yes she still loves him, once again another story, I feel like at this rate I should create a post for these 😂). This starts an argument between us because I tell her he had no right to out me to my brothers or her, even if she already knew (I don’t know if anyone else knows) She once again talks about how she’s struggling with this and I accidentally sigh out loud (I mean common though if you’re struggling then what about me) well one thing leads to another and we end up fighting, she tries to say I can’t be a lesbian because I dated my ex boyfriend (even though he was the only guy I ever dated before realizing I was lesbian and we’ve had numerous conversations where I told her that she made me feel pressured to date him). Well the fight got super heated and I did say something I’m not proud of after she told me to go read a bible, this resulted in her telling my to call my dad to pick me up so I can stay with him for a while (this is legally allowed as he does have part custody of me and I turn 18 in July)
Eventually after slamming doors and me almost calling my father, we calm down and have a talk (I still live with her currently) the conversation didn’t really go anywhere and we did end up fighting again, this time over different religious views and me talking about how I felt pressured by her to date my ex. The conversation ended because we had to pick up my sister from work and we never picked it up again, it’s still feels like she wasn’t trying to understand me, but I was too exhausted to put any more effort in.
Monday June 3rd:
Never fear this is the last day of the saga and it thankfully was happy, in the end.
Well, it’s Monday and I have to go back to school and it’s also my Bio fathers birthday (which I totally forgot about due to the prior days events and felt extremely bad), I thought I was ok but after a couple pride month announcements, I ended up leaving class and had a breakdown in the hallway (I’m ok now, all the weekends events just finally caught up to me that day). Well, I was found by some teachers and was brought to guidance to talk to somebody after I went back to class and and talked to my teacher about everything who offered me her support (she is an absolute sweetheart, and I love her so much🩷).
Well, I made the executive decision to just tell my father because considering the fact that people in Jamaica were finding out he was going to find out at some point and I wanted him to find out from me (I did intend on telling him, just after my 18th in July incase things went south with my mom, which they almost did).
I sent him a text and turned off my phone for the day, thankfully his response was much more loving than my mothers and he told me he loved me regardless, he picked me up from my moms and we ended up spending the day together and later on we picked up my sister and watched a movie together. I didn’t speak much to my mom this day, aside from telling her I was going out with him.
Well this is it so far, it’s been 6 days but I still can’t get over everything so I just wanted to vent. As of right now my relationship with my mom is improving but still strained and I don’t think it will ever go back to how it was before. Especially considering the fact that my father was very accepting of me, and even my ex-stepfather was more accepting of me than her despite the way he initially reacted.
Well, this is it if you somehow read this entire thing and thank WOW and thank you. If anyone wants clarification, feel free to ask and I’ll edit them onto the post. Also if anyone is curious, I am more than willing to talk about some of the other stories of my family (Trust me it gets CRAZY)
submitted by Independent-Month905 to LesbianActually [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:53 techDapr My First PC build, some observations

Did the build yesterday, took quite a while to finish. I live in Ireland so I ordered everything from amazon Germany. I have been watching PC build videos for years now and I think that did help me out. Couple of things that I noticed and want to share: - Try to get opinions from other people, my build is completely different from how it started. I got most of my help from reddit and Ltt forums. - Always consider shipping price, for me Amazon added it at the end during checkout and that was a surprise. - It's better to bios update before building (flashback if your board allows) especially for AM5 builds cause I have seen a lot of people running into issues on multiple subs. - You will never find a component where people haven't run into issues. Buy components that fits your budget, research and pray that nothing goes wrong. - Read the motherboard manual. Don't just follow random YouTube build guides. Use those guides as supplementary help but read the manual. - PSU cables are really tight, I saw YouTubers yanking them out easily all the time but in reality you need to go slow and wiggle it out carefully. - GPU sag is real, use anything at all to help your GPU. I used a piece of wood. It ain't pretty but it does the job. - Try to test boot your system before putting it in the case. Saves you a lot of time. - New cases have tight screws, I spent a lot of time figuring out if the screws were right but they will be.
I would also like your suggestions on my build, here's the parts: Mobo: Asrock B650M-HDV/M.2 CPU: Ryzen 5 7600 RAM: 2x16GB Corsair Vengeance CL36 GPU: XFX Speedster Qick319 RX7800XT Case: Fractal Focus 2 I plan on getting a thermalright peerless assassin 120, a wifi card, and another case fan later. Also I might tidy up the cable management a bit more, it's just that I was tired after 3 hours of this build. My Mobo has no RGB header so I went with non RGB components. Only downside is that I have a lot of RGB cables dangling from case fans and I might lose 10FPS because of no RGB but I can live with that.
submitted by techDapr to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:52 bugman345 How I made more than my monthly salary from my side gig for the last two months

I have tried many strategies to make money in the past but this is the first that has worked for me: the plr affiliate method. (This is a long read so I apologise in advance)
So first things first, what is PLR? I wasn’t sure either until January of this year when I stumbled across a video on YouTube. This is Private Label Rights, this means that essentially you buy the rights to sell something as your own and you keep all of the profits. This can be e-books and courses.
This essentially was a lightbulb switch moment for me. I could get a finished product and sell it as my own and keep all of the profits. I tried creating content myself and created a shopify website and put my finished product ebook in my bio (YouTube any video on how to list a digital product on shopify). I then put the shopify link in my bio, this was not a success and I realised that I would have to think outside the box to make this work.
I had another moment of inspiration, what if I was able to ask social media accounts with an established following to put the link in their bio and I would offer them a percentage of every sale they make (I offered a 50/50 cut). So for the next few days I grinded and sent direct messages and emails to Instagram and tiktok accounts, I mainly targeted accounts with large followings that did not have any links currently in their bio and I have had the greatest success with these accounts. I was able to create the affiliate programme on shopify using a plug called uppromote, there are many videos that explain how to set this up on YouTube.
So why would accounts with large following agree to my proposal despite them supplying all of the following?
The answer is simple, a lot of people have a great ability to create content, but perhaps do not have the business acumen or have the motivation to create a revenue stream themselves. This method provides them a easy solution to this problem.
After a lot of grinding and a lot of messages I had gained clients and five months later I’m at the point where I have 31 affiliates selling my e books and courses in their bio. The total following of these accounts is 8.4 million followers across all platforms - a following I would not have been able to attain myself with my content creation skills.
The numbers, what everyone is here for! This method has generated me $11,000 in profit since January (50% of sales went to affiliates so $22,000 revenue). Things started out slow but are picking up fast, last month has been particularly good, generating me $3,000 in profit from easy and passive income.
Problems and issues I’ve encountered: understandingly so the accounts often want to see the product they are selling before they agree to be an affiliate for the product. I originally had a problem finding high quality products, I am not going to name the website I would recommend for those looking high quality plr on here as I received downvotes last time (I am not going to name it here as I was called a shill the other time I did this haha) but you can send a message to me and I can give you advice on where to look. This website offers a bundle which provides a wide array of high quality finished products that are from all sorts of niches. I have found other plr products that I have purchased to be of bad quality so it is important to find a good website.
I’m sure you are wondering the following question: if you are making money off of this why are you sharing with us? The answer is simple, there are hundreds of thousands of social media accounts with large followings, this method is unsaturated and I figured it could help make someone else’s life a little easier financially.
Why do I recommend this method? 1.) Once established this method is completely passive 2.) You gain exposure to large followings that would take years to build. 3.) relatively low set up costs. The bundle I recommend purchasing is $199 and shopify monthly payments are roughly $50 per month. There are no other costs incurred. 4.) unlimited earnings potential. There’s no ceiling as to what you can earn. The more accounts that agree to become an affiliate for you the more you will make
I hope you enjoyed the read , if you have any questions don’t be afraid to ask them below.
submitted by bugman345 to passive_income [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:50 Seer-Ezekiel Vedic Astrology , Palmistry , Numerology & Tarot ✅

Hello everyone,
I analyze your Vedic Astrology , Palmistry & Numerology Chart.
My Service offers you Depth analysis of your life based on your Palm lines , Vedic Astrology , Numerology & Tarot.
I cover
Life Theme ✅
🎯This entails understanding the purpose of your life and your soul mission, the reason for your existence in this world. It also includes the lessons you need to learn in order to align yourself with the purpose of your life.
Careers ✅
🎯 Identifying Fruitful careers or jobs in which you will excel if pursued.
Marriage ✅
🎯In this section, I extensively discuss your marriage,
Such as
💫What kind of person will you end up marrying?
💫Where will you likely meet him/her?
💫How many serious relationships will you go through?
💫Appearance & Characteristic of Your Future Spouse
Major Influencing Planets ✅
🎯Your Previous, Current, Future Influencing Planet
💫What is your Previous & Current Influencing Planet & its Effects on You.
💫What will be your Future Influencing Planet & its Effects on You.
💫Effects of Significant Planets Coordinating Your Life & Your Personality
💫Additional Astrological Insights of your Inner self
🌟 Yearly Predictions 🌟
💫Precise Upcoming Year Overall Report of Your Career, Relationships, Health, Finances & More..
Palmistry ✅️
🎯In Palmistry,
Through palmistry, I read the lines on your dominant hand and provide insightful information about your past and future directions in life.
Such as
💫Your Childhood
💫Relationship with Family
💫Your Success & Life Factors
💫Your Inner Self
Numerology ✅
🎯In Numerology,
In numerology, I delve into,
💫The Energy you inherit with your Name
💫Birth Number Effects & its Influence on You
💫Fate Number Influence on You
💫Health Effects/Issues
Tarot ✅
🎯In Tarot,
By channelizing your current energy ,I will pull 3 cards and answer your questions that inclusively considering overall analysis for an accurate answers. 3 Questions Only [Charges will add on for more].
🎯 Price Accordance
🌟Depth Personalized Analysis + Numerology + Tarot 70$ USD
🌟Depth Personalized Analysis+ Numerology $60 USD
🌟Depth Personalized Analysis + Tarot $55 USD
🌟Depth Personalized Analysis $45 USD
🌟Normal Personalized Analysis + Numerology +Tarot $50 USD
🌟Normal Personalized Analysis +Numerology $40 USD
🌟Normal Personalized Analysis+ Tarot $35 USD
🌟Normal Personalized Analysis $25 USD
🎯Via PayPal ✅ Zelle ✅ Cashapp ✅
🎯Via Venmo ✅ Wise ✅ USDT ✅
💢For Authenticity & Accuracy💢
👇 Feedbacks from Clients 👇
Reviews 1
Reviews 2
Reviews 3
Reviews 4
🎯Certified Achievement Here
🕉 Do Not Hesitate to Chat , If You have questions regarding my Service 💯
submitted by Seer-Ezekiel to MediumReadings [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:41 Yurii_S_Kh Jesus Heals the Man Born Blind

Jesus Heals the Man Born Blind
Christ is risen, dear brothers and sisters! Today, in the Sunday of the Week of the Blind Man, the Gospel of John (John 9: 1-38) is read at the Divine Service.
1 And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth.
2 And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?
3 Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.
4 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
5 As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.
6 When he had thus spoken, he spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay,
7 and said unto him, Go, wash in the pool of Silo´am, (which is by interpretation, Sent.) He went his way therefore, and washed, and came seeing.
8 The neighbors therefore, and they which before had seen him that he was blind, said, Is not this he that sat and begged?
9 Some said, This is he: others said, He is like him: but he said, I am he.
10 Therefore said they unto him, How were thine eyes opened?
11 He answered and said, A man that is called Jesus made clay, and anointed mine eyes, and said unto me, Go to the pool of Silo´am, and wash: and I went and washed, and I received sight.
12 Then said they unto him, Where is he? He said, I know not.
13 They brought to the Pharisees him that aforetime was blind.
14 And it was the sabbath day when Jesus made the clay, and opened his eyes.
15 Then again the Pharisees also asked him how he had received his sight. He said unto them, He put clay upon mine eyes, and I washed, and do see.
16 Therefore said some of the Pharisees, This man is not of God, because he keepeth not the sabbath day. Others said, How can a man that is a sinner do such miracles? And there was a division among them.
17 They say unto the blind man again, What sayest thou of him, that he hath opened thine eyes? He said, He is a prophet.
18 But the Jews did not believe concerning him, that he had been blind, and received his sight, until they called the parents of him that had received his sight.
19 And they asked them, saying, Is this your son, who ye say was born blind? how then doth he now see?
20 His parents answered them and said, We know that this is our son, and that he was born blind:
21 but by what means he now seeth, we know not; or who hath opened his eyes, we know not: he is of age; ask him: he shall speak for himself.
22 These words spake his parents, because they feared the Jews: for the Jews had agreed already, that if any man did confess that he was Christ, he should be put out of the synagogue.
23 Therefore said his parents, He is of age; ask him.
24 Then again called they the man that was blind, and said unto him, Give God the praise: we know that this man is a sinner.
25 He answered and said, Whether he be a sinner or no, I know not: one thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see.
26 Then said they to him again, What did he to thee? how opened he thine eyes?
27 He answered them, I have told you already, and ye did not hear: wherefore would ye hear it again? will ye also be his disciples?
28 Then they reviled him, and said, Thou art his disciple; but we are Moses' disciples.
29 We know that God spake unto Moses: as for this fellow, we know not from whence he is.
30 The man answered and said unto them, Why herein is a marvelous thing, that ye know not from whence he is, and yet he hath opened mine eyes.
31 Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will, him he heareth.
32 Since the world began was it not heard that any man opened the eyes of one that was born blind.
33 If this man were not of God, he could do nothing.
34 They answered and said unto him, Thou wast altogether born in sins, and dost thou teach us? And they cast him out.
35 Jesus heard that they had cast him out; and when he had found him, he said unto him, Dost thou believe on the Son of God?
36 He answered and said, Who is he, Lord, that I might believe on him?
37 And Jesus said unto him, Thou hast both seen him, and it is he that talketh with thee.
38 And he said, Lord, I believe. And he worshipped him.
(John 9:1-38)
The lines of today's Gospel reading, dear brothers and sisters, tell about the healing of a man born blind. Before the Savior healed this man, the disciples asked: Rabbi, who sinned, him or his parents, that he was born blind? (John 9, 2).
Boris Gladkov explains: “The apostles, as well as the majority of Jews, believed that all the most important misfortunes happen to people no other way than as a punishment for special sins, and not only for their own, but also for the sins of their parents, grandfathers and great-grandfathers; this belief was based on the law of Moses, which stated that God punishes children for the guilt of their fathers up to the third and fourth generation, and on the teachings of the rabbis, who stated that a child can sin in the womb."
In answering this question, the Lord indicates instead of the reason the purpose for which this man was born blind: neither he nor his parents sinned, but this in order that the works of God might appear on him (John 9:3). That is, so that through his healing it would be revealed that Christ is the “Light of the World”, that He came into the world to enlighten mankind, which was in spiritual blindness, the image of which is bodily blindness.
Therefore the Lord he spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay, and said to him, “Go, wash in the pool of Siloam” (John 9: 6-7).
Archbishop Averky (Taushev) writes: “We may suppose that all this was necessary to excite faith in the healed man: to make him realize that now a miracle would be performed on him. The Siloam font was arranged on the Siloam spring, which flowed out from under the sacred Mount Zion, as a place of God's special presence in Jerusalem and the temple, and therefore, as if it was given or sent by God to His people as a special favor, and therefore it was considered a sacred spring with symbolic meaning."
Having washed in the waters of Siloam, the man born blind received his sight, which made a strong impression on those who knew him. After hearing the healed man's story, he was taken to the Pharisees to tell them about the miracle. The Pharisees told the sighted man that he should glorify the God who had healed him, but immediately accused Christ of being a sinner and not keeping the Sabbath. But the healed man, who saw not only with his bodily but also with his spiritual eyes, answered, “If he were not of God, he could do nothing" (John 9:33).
The Lord, who heard that the Pharisees had cast out the seeing man, found him and, revealing Himself to him, led him to faith in Himself as the Son of God.
The verses of today's Gospel reading, dear brothers and sisters, remind us of how human nature changes when we encounter the grace of God. Let us entreat the Lord to deliver us from the spiritual blindness that gives rise to sinful passions, so that our eyes may be opened.
The Lord in His mercy and through our faith can grant us this miracle and bring us into His eternal kingdom, if we, not yet seeing the beauty and glory of the kingdom of heaven, strive for salvation and ask the Lord to enlighten us with His light.
May our risen Lord help us in this endeavor!
Online Orthodox TV channel "Soyuz"
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:38 bugman345 How I have got out of financial struggles as a gen z kid

There’s no doubt about it. Things are difficult for our generation. We no longer live in a generation where you can buy a house for a pack of peanuts. It is clear that you have to do something else other than you ordinary job to be comfortable in todays day and age. I have tried many strategies to make money in the past but the first that has worked for me: the plr affiliate method. (This is a long read so I apologise in advance)
So first things first, what is PLR? I wasn’t sure either until January of this year when I stumbled across a video on YouTube. This is Private Label Rights, this means that essentially you buy the rights to sell something as your own and you keep all of the profits. This can be e-books and courses.
This essentially was a lightbulb switch moment for me. I could get a finished product and sell it as my own and keep all of the profits. I tried creating content myself and created a shopify website and put my finished product ebook in my bio (YouTube any video on how to list a digital product on shopify). I then put the shopify link in my bio, this was not a success and I realised that I would have to think outside the box to make this work.
I had another moment of inspiration, what if I was able to ask social media accounts with an established following to put the link in their bio and I would offer them a percentage of every sale they make (I offered a 50/50 cut). So for the next few days I grinded and sent direct messages and emails to Instagram and tiktok accounts, I mainly targeted accounts with large followings that did not have any links currently in their bio and I have had the greatest success with these accounts. I was able to create the affiliate programme on shopify using a plug called uppromote, there are many videos that explain how to set this up on YouTube.
So why would accounts with large following agree to my proposal despite them supplying all of the following?
The answer is simple, a lot of people have a great ability to create content, but perhaps do not have the business acumen or have the motivation to create a revenue stream themselves. This method provides them a easy solution to this problem.
After a lot of grinding and a lot of messages I had gained clients and five months later I’m at the point where I have 31 affiliates selling my e books and courses in their bio. The total following of these accounts is 8.4 million followers across all platforms - a following I would not have been able to attain myself with my content creation skills.
The numbers, what everyone is here for! This method has generated me $11,000 in profit since January (50% of sales went to affiliates so $22,000 revenue). Things started out slow but are picking up fast, last month has been particularly good, generating me $3,000 in profit from easy and passive income.
Problems and issues I’ve encountered: understandingly so the accounts often want to see the product they are selling before they agree to be an affiliate for the product. I originally had a problem finding high quality products, I am not going to name the website I would recommend for those looking high quality plr on here as I received downvotes last time (I am not going to name it here as I was called a shill the other time I did this haha) but you can send a message to me and I can give you advice on where to look. This website offers a bundle which provides a wide array of high quality finished products that are from all sorts of niches. I have found other plr products that I have purchased to be of bad quality so it is important to find a good website.
I’m sure you are wondering the following question: if you are making money off of this why are you sharing with us? The answer is simple, there are hundreds of thousands of social media accounts with large followings, this method is unsaturated and I figured it could help make someone else’s life a little easier financially.
Why do I recommend this method? 1.) Once established this method is completely passive 2.) You gain exposure to large followings that would take years to build. 3.) relatively low set up costs. The bundle I recommend purchasing is $199 and shopify monthly payments are roughly $50 per month. There are no other costs incurred. 4.) unlimited earnings potential. There’s no ceiling as to what you can earn. The more accounts that agree to become an affiliate for you the more you will make
I hope you enjoyed the read , if you have any questions don’t be afraid to ask them below.
submitted by bugman345 to GenZ [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:34 Impossible-Wheel-740 Do I have ED/PIED?

I’ve had issues with masturbating for a long time now, I’m almost 25(M) and been doing it for as long as I could remember. I try to go through streaks of 7-10 days of trying to stop but I would relapse and would get insanely demotivated knowing I have to start over. I consider myself to be a healthy person, I weightlift 5 times a week, don’t really eat shitty food, get a dose of L-citrulline from my pre-workout, and taking supplements like tongkat Ali, magnesium, and Vitamin D, but still have problems getting erections and keeping it hard.
I first realized I had an issue when I invited a girl over, got hard and ejaculated within seconds of being inside her. Finishing fast has always been an issue with me but usually I would be able to get it back up for round 2 almost instantly, but I was insanely flaccid and nothing she did could get it to go back up. I thought it was a one off situation but it happened again a few more times with different women. I don’t think I have ED or PIED, but based on symptoms and effects I’ve been reading in this community, it definitely feels like it’s the start of it, and would like to fix it before it’s too late.
i know the easy answer is to stop PMO, but is abstaining gonna guarantee success? If so, how long till I see positive results? Is there anything else I should do one top of that to help me?
submitted by Impossible-Wheel-740 to erectiledysfunction [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:32 ewk rZen post of the week podcast: Wumenguan Case 25 - Preaching from the Third Seat

Post(s) in Question

Post: https://www.reddit.com/zen/comments/1d7pckl/yangshan_preaches_the_dharma_in_his_dream/

Link to episode: https://sites.libsyn.com/407831/6-6-wumenguan-case-25-astroemi

Link to all episodes: https://sites.libsyn.com/407831


Wonderwheel trans: http://home.pon.net/wildrose/gateless-25.htm
Case 25 – Preaching from the Third Seat
二十五 三座說法 仰山和尚。夢見往彌勒所安第三座。有一尊者。白槌雲。今日當第三座說法。山乃起白槌雲。摩訶衍法離四句絕百非。諦聽諦聽。 【無門曰】 且道是說法不說法。開口即失。閉口又喪。不開不閉十萬八千。 【頌曰】 白日青天 夢中說夢 捏怪捏怪 誑謼一眾 Section 25: Preaching from the Third Seat
Monk Yangshan had a dream in which he went to the place where Maitreya was seated in the third seat1. A venerable monk struck the gavel and said, "Today, the teaching will be given from the third seat." Yangshan then rose and struck the gavel, saying, "The Mahayana Dharma2 is beyond the four propositions and transcends the hundred negations. Listen carefully, listen carefully."
Wumen's Comment
Tell me, was this preaching [to the assembly or not] or not? If you open your mouth, you lose it. If you close your mouth, you miss it. Not opening or closing, you are 108,00miles away3.
In broad daylight, under the blue sky, Dreaming within a dream. Creating delusion, creating delusion, Deceiving the assembly.
3 108,000 is a famous number in Chinese culture, appearing in Journey to the West written hundreds of years later and explained by this: “The distance that [the Monkey King’s] cloud-somersault can travel, 108,000 li (33,554 mi / 54,000 km), is based on a metaphor for instantaneous enlightenment. It comes from the Platform Sutra of the Sixth Zen Patriarch Huineng (惠能). The Zen Master explains that the common trope of the Buddha’s paradise being separated from the world of man by 108,000 li is based on a combination of the “Ten Evils” (Shi’e, 十惡) and “Eight Wrongs” (Baxie, 八邪) of Buddhism. Those who rid themselves of these spiritual flaws will achieve enlightenment and thus arrive instantly at the Buddha’s paradise.” (Huineng, 2022) Red Pine points out, “After this line in our text, the Tsungpao edition [of the Platform Sutra] adds: “As it says in the shastras, it is 108,000 li away. This refers to the Ten Evil Deeds and the Eight Wrong Ways within the body. This is why it’s said to be far.” The reason for this number was because the presumed distance from the T’ang-dynasty capital of Ch’ang-an to Shakyamuni’s hometown of Kapilavastu was said to be 108,000 li (two li = one kilometer, three li = one mile).


After some debate I signed up so as not to be accused of going it alone:https://www.buymeacoffee.com/ewkrzen

What did we end up talking about?

I think we beat the Case to death. Even the 108,000.
Astroemi admitted he wasn't going to read the 100 negations.
This Case is closely linked to Xinagyan's Person up a Tree, where you fail for not answering and die if you do... particularly because Yangshan preaches the dharma by saying "not that stuff", but is that an answer?

Volunteers gratefully accepted

You can be on the podcast! Use a pseudonym! Nobody cares!
Add a comment if there is a post you want somebody to get interviewed about, or you agree to be interviewed. We are now using libsyn, so you don't even have to show your face. You just get a link to an audio call.
I was thinking about the fact that it seems pretty reasonable to call somebody up and talk on the phone about something you talk about on reddit everyday... but some people are nervous about this. Why? It's a phone call. Is it the public nature of the phone call? In a coffee shop it's public too... but it's not scrutinized.
Being wrong... is that the big worry? We all have trouble saying Chinese words, remembering Chinese names, and explaining Zen concepts that the Chinese themselves were uncomfortable with. What's the standard for public conversations when it comes to knowledge? Does that standard mean less people want to talk publicly?
submitted by ewk to zen [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:10 CakeKeepers Mastering Prom: Tips from the Leading Community Member

Gm Prom Community!
It’s Savage a.k.a. CakeKeepers, your fellow Prom community degen and current top competitor on the Prom Zealy leaderboard with 230K+ points!
I've been actively involved in the Prom ecosystem for a long time, engaging in testnet missions, and staying involved in our amazing community.
Today, I’m here to share some tips and tricks on how you can excel in Prom Zealy and become an integral part of the Prom ecosystem.
Let’s dive in!
First things first, Understanding Prom Zealy and Its Importance:
Prom Zealy is our interactive questboard where you can participate in various tasks, earn points, and climb the leaderboard. It’s a fun and rewarding way to engage with Prom and make a real impact.
The Value of Prom’s Zealy Tasks?
The campaign has been successful because many frens are completing these social-based tasks and spreading the word about Prom.
Here’s what you should do:
Create a Solid Profile on Your Socials:
Get Prepared Before You Start:
Execute Like a Pro:
Excelling in Testnet Missions:
What is the Importance of Testnet?
Testnet missions are crucial for testing new features and providing feedback to prevent major errors or bugs on the mainnet. Nobody wants to see any problems on any network’s mainnet. So be sure that you are indeed active on this side.
Share your knowledge with others!
Write tutorials or guides from your experiences. Include clear instructions and screenshots. Mentor newcomers and answer their questions. Respect each other and be nice to all. There is no stupid questions.
Leveraging Community Resources:
Maximizing Rewards and Building Reputation:
So, the conclusion:
Becoming a top competitor on Prom Zealy and a leading community member involves active participation, being dedicated and consistent, strategic quest completion, and continuous learning and sharing. Not only completing some simple tasks daily.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Every contribution helps build a better Prom ecosystem!
That’s it from me, Savage. Keep pushing folks, stay engaged, and let’s continue to make the Prom community stronger together!
submitted by CakeKeepers to u/CakeKeepers [link] [comments]
