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Nü Metal - news, reviews, videos and discussion.

2011.05.01 07:42 Nü Metal - news, reviews, videos and discussion.

This is a place for news, reviews, videos and discussion of your favorite nü metal bands. Bands associated with nü metal derive influence from a variety of diverse styles, including electronica/electronic music, funk, glam rock, gothic rock, grunge, hardcore punk, hip hop, industrial rock, jazz, post punk and synthpop. Also, nu metal derives influence from multiple subgenres of heavy metal including rap metal, funk metal, alternative metal and thrash metal.

2013.02.14 22:00 fuuured Fotbalul Românesc

Un subreddit despre fotbalul românesc de la începuturi până astăzi.

2016.11.20 14:34 Our Right to Rule

#We're cleaning things up for the next week or so - we'll reinvite everyone again. Don't worry!

2024.05.15 14:37 Friendly-Airline2426 Regarding the proposed comment-to-vote reward system - An opposing argument

As a long time contributor, member, and an investor in the Donut ecosystem, I believe I have the right to express my opinion, regarding the proposed comment2vote program. Please note that it is not my intention to manipulate the public opinion, nor to incentive brigading parties against the concept. This is just a (very much necessary) con-argument, as it seems everyone's just jumping on board without considering all the variables.
I believe we are focusing on the wrong thing.
The new program aims to fight manipulation. Let me say that nothing will change in that regard, as there will always be upvote manipulation. This will still happen, could be on a smaller scale, or not.
Commands such as !tip [X] are still being abused, even though it's on a much smaller scale, with alt accounts engaging in tipping manipulation for the receivers' bonus. Sometimes "evidence" is presented to the moderation team, and allegedly nothing happens. What guarantees the governance that it will be any different with comment-to-vote?
Additionally, I firmly believe this will limit the sub to insiders (as in EthTrader active members; also approved users), at least in terms of tokenized rewards. Only insiders will know about this program, thus limiting outsider users who do not know how the system works.
Plus, the fact that only approved users would be able to upvote, kind of puts away new users or not so active users who casually enjoy to participate in EthTrader.
There is another thing the governance needs to keep in mind. The people who actually upvote in this sub are not the participants, it's the outsiders. When certain keywords are used in threads, the algorithm picks the post up and recommends it to external users. These are the ones who often genuinely engage and upvote. And we'd be penalizing OPs, by not including their upvotes in the distribution score.
I believe every project, individual, or company should focus on finding solutions. But such solutions must not be made "in a hurry".
The comment-to-vote is a rushed mechanism. I have a feeling this is something that is now being actively worked on in a rush, even though it has been under discussion for quite some time. Such a big change for the sub, and its way of functioning, should be, must be, carefully worked on, and in due time. It should not be something that must happen right away, because of external attacks.
I believe this new program will clog comment sections... again! We recently managed to tackle down the tip spamming, by removing incentives to send tips.
Lately, as you can see, comment sections are a lot more cleaner and not full of tips with ridiculous amounts, as little as under 1 single Donut. By implementing this, we would get right back to where we started.
On a not so engaging topic, I guarantee we will see comment sections full of: "[Top comment] !upvote / !uv / !up / !tip -> [Reply] Thank you bronut!".
Outside users, and even EthTrader contributors, found the tip spamming frustrating, because it degraded comment sections. Myself included.
This will happen again, if the program goes live.
One of the pro-arguments is that this will increase visibility, by taking away the financial incentive to downvote. Once more, I disagree.
Downvotes will exist any way, they always did, and always will. This is how Reddit operates. We do not know who downvotes. So even though we remove the financial incentive to downvote, people will do it either way.
No matter if it's EthTrader users or outsiders, the visibility would not be increased. I would say that visibility would be higher, if we had more GENUINE users, and actually expand the content and topic of discussion, not restricting it to a single thing, like we just did.
Look at CryptoCurrency's example. They have been dealing with upvote manipulation on a far larger scale than ethtrader, and it was a lot worse in comments. High quality comments would sit at -2 score. This isn't something that happens in ethtrader.
They always had downvotes, and yet the average mid-quality thread used to have hundreds of upvotes. ethtrader's high quality threads can barely get past 10.
The main suspects are the manipulators who have a financial reason to do the downvoting. I would argue that if the moderation team concentrated some of their efforts to tackle down these users, (PERMA) banning them from the subreddit, the mass downvoting would drastically decrease. Some users understand what I'm talking about here. EthTrader does not have more than 100 genuine, active users. You can bet on that.
Then there's the privacy aspect of the subject. Voting SHOULD BE anonymous. That's how Reddit works.
Even though I'm in favor of a transparent voting mechanism, which would allow us to see who is upvoting who, we are removing a small layer of privacy from users.
Whether it's upvoting or downvoting, (non-malicious) users have the right to keep their votes to themselves. I understand this may sound controversial, believe me I do. But in the event of having a public voting system, there are absolutely no guarantees that manipulators would be taken down.
Plus, what evidence would we have that we don't already have? Our regular users can already identify activity patterns and anomalies in the data.
Another question to address is, if two different users constantly upvote each other, assuming they're both known within the DAO and are obviously two different people who sympathize with each other, would this be manipulation? Manipulation, in this case, would be subject to the moderators' / governance's interpretation.
From a contributor's point of view, I will say this is just extra work. What I mean is people are already super stingy with their upvotes, and the (current) process is as simple as tapping a button.
Adding an extra layer of effort, such as having to type a command, will reduce the changes of OPs getting upvotes. And since the average number of upvotes per thread is already low enough, this would decrease drastically, making it not worth it to spend time creating threads (assuming they're not link submissions).
Most people would not be upvoting, which brings me to the next topic.
As a meme artist, memes are my strong point in this subreddit. It is what I post the most, and it is what earned me my fair share of DONUT-CONTRIB throughout the years as a contributor.
Implementing this system would hurt people like me the most. People who spend hours in a day on photoshop creating a meme, only to me subject to a penalized flair.
I can confirm you that my memes already earn me between 10 to 50 Donuts, rarely more than 50. Under the new system, along with the drastic reduction of upvotes due to the command requirement, I / we would earn a lot less.
Remember, Comedy flairs have a 0.10 multiplier, and according to the (new) Pay2Post fee, we need 25 upvotes to break even. I am willing to bet that we would definitely not be getting 25 upvotes under this new program. I would argue that the highest quality "Hot" thread would get probably a max of 10.
So where does that leave us meme creators? We rely on external interactions to succeed. Most of the upvotes on memes are given by outside users, users that would be out of EthTrader's system, under this new program. Not only that, but this would also drastically decrease earnings for all genuine, active contributors, and would probably make them leave.
This is getting perhaps a bit too long, I'm sorry but there's no short way of sharing this.
I believe this is just a detour in our path, or taking the long road as one would say. Cheaters will stop at nothing, some of them have been farming RCPs for YEARS, possibly relying on it in terms of income. Nothing will stop them and they will always find a way to circumvent any new rule or program.
So this would only really add an extra layer of difficulty for outsiders or new users to participate, whilst benefiting those with "groups of friends".
I want to flush out manipulators as much as the next guy, but this is not the way to do it. This would drastically reduce contributors' earnings, the subreddit's accessibility, and wouldn't be user-friendly at all.
This wouldn't be required if moderation took a more proactive approach towards trying to detect, monitor and PERMABAN manipulators, as these are the ones who have more incentive to downvote, more than any other user. By getting straight to the root of the problem, the mass-downvoting would be largely reduced. Not completely stopped, as it is a natural, organic part of Reddit and they will always exist, but reduced nevertheless.
So what am I trying to achieve with this thread? What do I want?
One simple thing: Time.
I would like to ask the governance for time, before rushing into implementing this new mechanism. We recently passed proposals to reduce spam, and have some on the way to reduce the incentive to cheat as well. Proposals such as a cap of 3 threads per day, per user, removing the tipping bonus for senders. On the way we have the reduction for the Daily's comment rewards, and finally a comment cap per day, per user.
I believe THIS is the way to address foul play, proposal by proposal. Not through some major change that alters the entire way of operating.
I would like to ask the governance for 3 to 6 months, to evaluate how the distribution scores perform, how the ratios fluctuate with these new proposals, before doing this. I am confident that with these new proposals, the general status of the sub will improve, and organic, active users will earn more.
submitted by Friendly-Airline2426 to ethtrader [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:18 Sticky-Stickman One-Up. O mare teapa?

Salut, fumatori de pe reddit. Am o dilema, si sunt curios daca si voi v-ati izbit de ea. Mai exact este sistemul automatizat anti frauda facut de ei. Cand incerc sa introduc un cod prima oara imi spune sistemul recaptcha a detectat activitati dubioase. La a 2-a incercare mi-l ia totusi. Bun. Am facut rost de 8 coduri necesare ca sa pot activa o promotie de 1+1 si ce sa vezi, cand incerc sa ii dau revendica prima si a doua oara am mesajul cu recaptcha si a 3-a oara direct ban pentru 24 de ore pentru "actiuni asimilate tentativelor de frauda". Am sunat ieri la support, nu prea au fost de ajutor fiindca nu am facut nimic din ce mi-au spus ele ca declanseaza bot-ul. Bun, aia e, astept sa treaca 24 de ore, din nou cand apas pe revendica de primele 2 ori mesajul recaptcha si a 3a oara bafta, ban din nou. Am sunat iar, mi a zis acelasi lucru ca femeia de ieri si ma contacteaza cand remediaza (nu prea cred). Cum pot escala asta mai departe? Niciunul din prietenii mei nu a intampinat vreodata mesajul, doar eu....
Edit: m-au sunat azi de la suport, au zis ca dupa ce imi trece suspendarea pe azi (e automatizata cea temporara, nu au ce face) va fi ok, eventual sa dau un restart la router. A trecut suspendarea, am dat si restart la router si a mers din prima, nu a mai dat erori, multumesc de raspunsuri!
submitted by Sticky-Stickman to roFrugal [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:20 Chebelea România mimează reformele din PNRR și a ajuns la un grad de absorbție de 30 la sută cu 2 ani înainte de finalul programului. Spania ne arată cum arată o reformă „adevărată”: soluția „în 4 clicuri” pentru antreprenorii care vor să ia bani europeni

PNRR (Planul Național de Redresare și Reziliență) este cel mai ambițios proiect european de finanțare comună din istoria UE. A fost conceput pentru ca statele membre să poată să recupereze decalajele economice și sociale după pandemie. La acest mecanism s-a adăugat apoi și costul crizei energetice. Dar instrumentul, în sine, a fost creat cu data limită până în 2026, explică într-un interviu pentru Republica Tana Foarfă, expertă în afaceri europene și directoare executivă a Europuls (Centrul de Expertiză Europeană). Acesta spune că România a reușit până acum să obțină „cam 30% din cei 28,5 de miliarde de euro care ne-au fost alocați prin PNRR”.
„Prin PNRR s-a anticipat că va exista și un progres, că nu e suficient doar să revii la statutul inițial de după pandemie. Important e să te și dezvolți, că de asta a fost creat mecanismul, pentru reforme și investiții. Și atunci s-a considerat că 2026 este termenul la care putem să tragem linie, să vedem cum a performat acest instrument temporar, ce a reușit să facă și dacă servește și cum va servi pe viitor ca model”, a mai declarat Tana Foarfă pentru Republica.
- Câți bani poate să atragă și va atrage România până în 2026 din PNRR?
Putem să dăm o cifră legată de câți bani poate să atragă. În schimb, referitor la câți bani va atrage, aici va trebui să vedem un pic cum vor arăta lucrurile. Trebuie să ne gândim puțin la care au fost fondurile alocate până acum din PNRR și să ne uităm cam ce a făcut România din ce avea alocat, cât a putut să să absoarbă și cât a putut să și transforme în proiecte concrete. Și de aici putem să ne dăm seama și de ritmul în care va merge mai departe.
Practic, de la început, noi aveam prin PNRR alocată suma totală de 29,2 miliarde de euro. După aceea a existat o recalculare la un anumit interval și s-au mai adăugat câteva fonduri din REPowerEU. În urma recalculării și cu fondurile care au fost adăugate am ajuns undeva la o sumă similară, mai specific: 28,5 miliarde de euro.
Deci noi în acest moment ne uităm la 28,5 miliarde de euro pe care România le poate accesa prin PNRR, împreună cu REPowerEU. Banii ăștia sunt și granturi, dar și împrumuturi împărțiți aproape egal. Până acum, dacă ar fi să ne uităm doar la componenta de granturi, adică bani care ne revin nouă și pe care nu trebuie să-i dăm înapoi, aveam undeva de accesat cam vreo 14,9 miliarde de euro. Din acestea noi până acum am reușit să încasăm cam vreo 9,4 miliarde euro. Dar cum am reușit să-i încasăm? Păi în 2023, de exemplu, a fost un an în care noi nu am fost capabili să primim niciun ban din PNRR. Deși noi anul trecut trebuia să încasăm undeva la 5,5 miliarde de euro, am reușit performanța să nu putem să depunem cererile de plată la timp și, prin urmare, nici să nu primim finanțările care ne erau alocate asupra acelor cereri de plată.
Deci, cumva câți bani poate să atragă România din PNRR? Avem deja răspunsul: undeva la 29 de miliarde de euro. Câți bani va atrage? Păi dacă mai avem ani din aceștia de pauză și de absență, nu va fi bine pentru noi. Avem, de exemplu, acum o cerere de plată care trebuia undeva prin martie să primească un răspuns final după multiple amânări. La momentul la care vorbim încă nu există niciun fel de răspuns. În acest context, situația este un pic sumbră. Eu ce cred, pragmatic, este că dacă guvernul se mobilizează după alegeri în a putea să ajungă cu PNRR-ul cât de cât la zi până în 2026, maximul ce va putea să facă va fi să absoarbă partea de granturi, adică aceea jumătate din cele 28,5 miliarde de euro.
Pe partea de împrumuturi, eu m-aș bucura din suflet să o putem accesa și pe acesta, dar acest lucru va atrage după sine și o responsabilitate mai mare a guvernului în a înțelege că ne împrumutăm, adică banii respectivi trebuie dați înapoi, și asta înseamnă că în momentul în care investim trebuie să ne gândim că trebuie să scoatem din acele investiții un anumit profit ca să putem să dăm banii respectivi înapoi.
Deci, pragmatic, mi-ar plăcea să văd ca la finalul acestor ani să avem partea de granturi, adică aia nerambursabilă, deja absorbită, iar dacă am ajunge și să completăm prin absorbție până la 28,5 miliarde de euro ar fi extraordinar.
- Suntem în primăvara lui 2024. Cât a absorbit România în acest moment granturi sau împrumuturi din PNRR?
Suntem undeva la un procent de cam 30% din cei 28,5 de miliarde care au intrat și care sunt în acest moment în circulație, adică sunt pe piață și sunt folosiți.
Tot articolul aici :
submitted by Chebelea to politica [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 22:04 popcodswallop [WTS] VINTAGE • 1930s-40s Italian and French Wet Noodles (Superflex-Wet Noodle): (2) Montegrappa Extras Aurora Selene Astura Nova Novo Retrofit (3) Edacotos Mercury w/ Sticker •

This week’s vintage batch of Italian and French pens from my own collection might be the largest bunch of Wet Noodles I’ve ever offered! Nibs range from Superflex to Wet Noodle with more than half of the pens being the latter. As you can see, my collecting focus was pens with white metal trim, which all 9 pens have. Some uncommon models here, especially if you’re in the US. As always, all are fully restored and ready to write.
Pastable link:
Condition (n.b.): All pens listed below have been disassembled, cleaned and restored with new sacs/seals installed in the last couple months. Each of these pens is guaranteed to fill and write as designed without leaks or other problems. Nibs have been adjusted when necessary to ensure that all lay down a smooth and consistent line.
Line Widths and Writing Samples: To provide buyers with as much information as possible, I have started to adopt the following line width standards: XXF (.1-.2mm); XF (approx .3mm); F (approx .4mm); M (approx .6mm); B (approx .8mm). Nib flexibility is determined by variation (max line width under pressure) and softness (amount of pressure). Flexibility designations based on variation generally run as follows for an XF/F nib: Semi-Flex (approx. 1mm); Flex (1.2-1.9mm); Superflex (>2mm). All line width measurements are taken with a digital caliper but should be considered approximations providing a general guide. Width may vary slightly depending on type of ink and paper used as well as amount of pressure applied. All writing samples are on Rhodia dot paper using Waterman Serenity Blue.
1. 1930s-40s Montegrappa Extra (green marble w/ lizard skin window, celluloid, NPT, piston filler, SS F/M Flex/Superflex nib). This full-sized model measures 5 1/16” capped. Founded c.1912 in Bassano del Grappa, Italy by Edwige Hoffman and Heinrich Helm, Montegrappa (née Elmo) was one of the Big Four Italian makers whose products have had a profound impact on FP design to this day. The Extra was the premier model of the late-1930s and 1940s. This pen has the white metal trim and factory stainless steel nib that distinguish wartime pens in Italy during the restriction on precious metals to aid the war effort. Not a common pen to see Stateside. It’s a piston filler made of green marble celluloid with an eye-catching, transparent, lizard-skin-patterned window in the barrel for viewing ink-level. To fill simply rotate the filler-knob on the end of the barrel counter-clockwise to extend the piston, submerse the nib, then rotate the filler-knob clockwise to draw ink. To quote an Italian collector over at FPN: “Rule No. 1 about vintage Italian pens: Don't let steel nibs scare you off. Unless you're writing with hydrochloric acid, they're every bit as good as the gold nibs from the years before the gold ban.” The stainless steel Montegrappa Extra #4 nib in this pen is no exception, yielding Super-Flexible variation with Flexible softness. It lays down a smooth and consistent F/M line that widens to a 4B+ (approx 2.0mm) under moderate pressure (see WRITING SAMPLE). A nib with particularly juicy flow that’s reliable over its full range of flex, making it a great choice for boldly shaded writing and calligraphic writing styles. Condition: excellent [B]. Nickel-plated trim is clean with no notable flaws aside from a bit of plating wear to the cap bands on one side of the cap (see timestamp photo). Celluloid is smooth and lustrous with no deep scratches or other noteworthy blemishes aside from some fine scratches on the plastic between and below the cap bands. Barrel transparency is superb (DETAIL PHOTO). Manufacturer imprint on the barrel is deep and fully legible. Feed is missing a couple fins from one side, which has no discernible effect on writing performance (see DETAIL PHOTO LEFT). This pen's filling mechanism was restored in the last couple years but does have a little quirk in filling I haven’t been able to diagnose. It fills near to factory capacity smoothly with no leaks, but one must be careful to avoid extending the piston all the way down to the bottom of the ink-view window. If extended all the way down, the bottom part of the piston loses connection with the top part, requiring the section to be unscrewed to help the piston back up with a pencil eraser while turning the knob. This is a straightforward process but annoying, so I’ve always chosen to fill to just 90% of factory capacity to avoid it. A scarce pen in a striking color pattern. Price: $320 $290
2. 1930s-40s Montegrappa Extra (green swirl w/ lined window, celluloid, NPT, piston filler, SS XF Wet Noodle nib). This full-sized model measures 5 1/16” capped. For more on Montegrappa and the Extra, see description of pen #1 above. This pen has white metal, wartime trim and nib, but it retains the elegant roller-clip distinctive of Italian pens of the 1930s – so likely late-1930s production. It’s another piston filler made of celluloid in an interesting, green swirl pattern with a transparent, lined window in the barrel for viewing ink level. To quote an Italian collector over at FPN: “Rule No. 1 about vintage Italian pens: Don't let steel nibs scare you off. Unless you're writing with hydrochloric acid, they're every bit as good as the gold nibs from the years before the gold ban.” The stainless steel Montegrappa Extra #4 nib in this pen epitomizes this statement, being a Wet Noodle with variation and softness comparable to that of a dip pen nib. It lays down a smooth and consistent XF line that widens to a 4B+ (approx 2.3mm) under minimal pressure. Thin hairlines, astonishingly responsive snap-back that rivals the 14k dip pen nib in pen #5 below, and reliable flow over its full range of flex makes it an ideal choice for calligraphic writing styles such as Copperplate and Spencerian (see WRITING SAMPLE). Condition: excellent [B]. Nickel-plated trim is clean with no notable flaws aside from a bit of plating wear to the cap bands on the same side of the cap as pen #1 above (see timestamp photo). Celluloid is smooth and lustrous with no deep scratches or other noteworthy blemishes – scarcely even any micro-scratches. Barrel transparency is excellent apart from a ring of staining (DETAIL PHOTO). Filling system restored with new cork in the last couple years - operation can be a tad stiff if it hasn't been used in a while so I recommend storage filled with water. Manufacturer imprint on the barrel is deep and fully legible. Price: $370 SOLD
3. c.1940 Aurora Selene (brown web, celluloid, NPT, button filler, Platiridio XF Wet Noodle nib). This is an oversized pen by vintage standards, having a thick girth and measuring 5 3/16” capped. Counded in 1919 by Isaia Levi and located in Turin, Italy, Aurora remains one of the most celebrated Italian makers. Introduced in 1940 amid Axis restrictions on precious metals, the Selene was their wartime button-filler and was marketed as “the pen for everyone.” In 1943 the Aurora factory was bombed by the Allies, perhaps contributing to this model’s short span of production. This example is made of celluloid in a fetching brown shell color pattern evocative of the 2nd-gen Eversharp Doric. Nickel plated clip and early-style cap bands with wider center band. One historically interesting detail of this pen is that its barrel bears the subtle heatstamped personalization of Lancia, the famous Italian auto manufacturer (see timestamp photo). To fill the pen, simply unscrew the blind cap, submerse the nib, and depress the metal button once (DETAIL PHOTO). This big pen has a strong fill and holds a lot of ink. As if the 2 pens above weren’t evidence enough of the quality of Italian steel nibs, the Aurora Platiridio #5 in this pen takes the cake. Not only is it a Wet Noodle with softness and flow rivaling that of a dip pen nib, but it’s capable of one of the widest max line widths I’ve ever measured. It lays down a smooth and consistent XF line that widens to an incredible 5B? (approx 2.8mm!) under minimal pressure (see WRITING SAMPLE). Even so, it retains a superbly responsive snap-back that gives one precise control over the line under any amount of pressure. That and reliable flow over its full range of flex make it another ideal choice for calligraphic writing styles such as Copperplate and Spencerian. Note that due to the considerable space between the tines of this nib at full flex, Waterman Serenity Blue had trouble keeping the surface tension but my trusty Omas Grey solved the problem entirely, producing flawlessly reliable lines under full flex. So some experimentation with wetter inks might be in order. Condition: excellent+ [B+] assuming you take the “Lancia” marking as an interesting mark of historical provenance as opposed to a flaw. Nickel-plated trim is clean with no brassing or other notable flaws. ). Celluloid is smooth and lustrous with no deep scratches or other noteworthy blemishes – scarcely even any micro-scratches. Manufacturer imprint on the section is deep and fully legible. Price: $420 SOLD
4. 1930s-40s Astura Nova (grey pearl snakeskin, celluloid, NPT, lever filler, 14k XF Superflex/Wet Noodle nib). This full-sized model measures 5 1/16” capped. Astura pens were made by S.A.F.I.S., a company in Turin (fd. 1926) that would come to be one of the most influential Italian pen makers of the early half of the twentieth century (MORE INFO). They’re best known for producing pens of considerably high quality such as Radius and The King. And this Astura follows suit. It’s made of celluloid in a particularly bold and pearlescent snakeskin pattern, complemented by nickel plated trim. 14k Warranted #3 nib yields Super-flexible variation with softness verging on that of a Wet Noodle. It lays down a smooth and consistent XF line that widens to a 4B+ (approx 2.2mm) under very light pressure (see WRITING SAMPLE). Thin hairlines, superbly responsive snap-back, and reliable flow over its full range of flex make it another excellent choice for calligraphic writing styles such as Copperplate and Spencerian. Condition: fine [C]. Nickel-plated trim shows some brassing to the clip and some of the lower cap band, which has been factored into the price. Nib has a mark on one tine that's merely cosmetic, having no effect on durability or performance. Celluloid is smooth and lustrous with no deep scratches or other noteworthy blemishes – scarcely even any micro-scratches. Manufacturer imprint on the barrel is deep and fully legible. Another beautiful Italian pen and another lovely writer. Price: $280 SOLD
5. 1930s-40s Novo Retrofit (green moss, celluloid, NPT, button filler, 14k XXF Needlepoint Wet Noodle nib). This full-sized model measures 4 7/8” capped. The only maker’s mark on this pen is a barrel imprint that reads “Novo.” But I haven’t been able to determine whether that’s a make or a model or anything about it, for that matter. It’s clearly Italian, of a quality similar to the Montegrappas and Aurora above, probably originating from one of those conglomerates that collaborated with some of the major Italian makers. In fact, the clip of this pen is identical to that of pen #2. This pen is made of celluloid in an unusual, moss green color pattern with flashes of a brighter green. Nickel-plated trim with elegant roller-clip. This pen is a button filler. To fill the pen, simply unscrew the blind cap, submerse the nib, and depress the metal button once. This pen came to me nibless but with a very narrow section, so I equipped it with a smaller, 14k, iridium-tipped Aikin Lambert dip pen nib - adjusted and tuned to match factory performance. That nib is a Wet Noodle with killer snap-back. It lays down a smooth and consistent XXF line that widens to a 4B+ (approx 2.1mm) under minimal pressure (probably the softest nib of the batch) (see WRITING SAMPLE). Needlepoint hairlines, effortless variation, surgically precise snap-back, and reliable flow over its full range of flex make it another ideal choice for calligraphic writing styles. Condition: excellent+ [B+]. Nickel-plated trim is clean with no brassing or other notable flaws aside from perhaps a sliver or two of high-point wear on the apex of the faceted clip. Celluloid is smooth and lustrous with no deep scratches or other noteworthy blemishes – scarcely even any micro-scratches. Manufacturer imprint on the barrel is deep and fully legible. Price: $270 SOLD
6. 1930s-40s Edacoto 02 Retrofit (coral grey pearl, celluloid, NPT, button filler, 14k XXF Needlepoint Wet Noodle nib). This is a larger Edacoto model, having a thicker girth than standard and measuring 5 1/16” capped. Edacoto (née Edac) was French maker based in Paris from 1922 to the mid-1960s. Edacotos are well-made pens known for their unusual color patterns and distinctive waterfall clip design. This one is a case in point, being made in a grey pearl celluloid with a quasi-psychedelic color pattern resembling chatoyant coral that seems to shift when the pen is turned under light. This model’s size, filling system, and trim configuration situates it near the top of Edacoto’s lineup. It is a button filler. To fill the pen, simply unscrew the blind cap, submerse the nib, and depress the metal button once. It’s equipped with one of my dip pen nib retrofits: a large, 14k, iridium tipped E.S. Johnson that’s been adjusted and tuned to match factory performance. That nib is another Wet Noodle, laying down a smooth and consistent XXF line that widens to an impressive 4B+ (approx 2.5mm) under minimal pressure (see WRITING SAMPLE). Needlepoint hairlines, strong snap-back, and reliable flow over its full range of flex make it another ideal choice for calligraphic writing styles such as Copperplate and Spencerian. Condition: excellent+ [B+]. Nickel-plated trim is clean with no brassing or notable flaws apart from the top cap band having lost some of its original luster (I assume). Celluloid is smooth and lustrous with no deep scratches or other noteworthy blemishes – scarcely even any micro-scratches. Feed is missing a a fin from one side, which has no discernible effect on writing performance (see DETAIL PHOTO RIGHT). Manufacturer imprint on the barrel is deep and fully legible. Price: $310 SOLD
7. 1930s-40s Edacoto (grey web, celluloid, NPT, lever filler, SS XF/F Wet Noodle nib). This full-sized model measures 4 7/8” capped. For more on Edacoto, see description of pen #6 above. This pen is made of grey web celluloid complemented by nickel plated trim with deluxe, triple cap bands. SS Edacoto 87 nib is yet another Wet Noodle with flow and softness comparable to that of a dip pen nib. It lays down a smooth and consistent XF/F line that widens to an impressive 4B+ (approx 2.5mm) under minimal pressure (see WRITING SAMPLE). Effortless variation, strong snap-back, and reliably wet flow over its full range of flex make it another ideal choice for calligraphic writing styles. Condition: excellent [B]. Nickel-plated trim is clean with no brassing or notable flaws apart from a pin sized spot of wear on the lever and a couple on the cap bands on each side of the cap (see timestamp photo). Celluloid is smooth and lustrous with no deep scratches or other noteworthy blemishes – scarcely even any micro-scratches. Manufacturer imprint on the barrel is weakened but fully legible. Price: $220 SOLD
8. 1930s Edacoto (grey pearl marble, celluloid, NPT, lever filler, 14k F Flex/Superflex nib). This smaller model measures 4 5/8” capped. For more on Edacoto, see pen #6 above. This one is made of grey pearl marble complemented by nickel-plated trim. 14k Warranted nib yields Super-Flexible variation with Flexible softness. It lays down a smooth and consistent F line that widens to a 4B+ (approx 2.0mm) under moderate pressure (see WRITING SAMPLE). Strong snap-back, and reliable flow over its full range of flex make it a great choice for expressive and calligraphic writing styles. Condition: excellent/fine [B/C]. Nickel-plated trim looks clean with the naked eye but shows a peppering of wear under a loupe. Celluloid is smooth and lustrous with no deep scratches or other noteworthy blemishes apart from subtle shrinkage of the cap that can’t be seen so much as felt when running a finger down it – merely cosmetic with no affect on how the cap screws on. Manufacturer imprint on the barrel is weakened but fully legible. Price: $150 $140
9. 1940s-50s Mercury w/ Sticker (blue swirl, celluloid, NPT, button filler, 14k XF Superflex nib). This full-sized model measures 5 3/8” capped. This mysterious pen has defied all my research efforts. It’s marked “Mercury” on the barrel in the usual place and “B-tg / SGDG / Made in France” farther up toward the section. It comes with its original price sticker, ehich reads “Mercury” and “225” penned in ink. This pen is made of a curious wrapped celluloid in blue and black complemented by heavy, white metal trim with “Bronze au Glucinium” stamped in the top of the spring-activated clip. Never seen trim made of this! Threads for the blind cap appear to be stainless steel. All this gives the pen a substantial heft in the hand. Super-Flexible 14k Mercury nib lays down a smooth and consistent XF line that widens to a 4B+ (approx 2.0mm) under light pressure (see WRITING SAMPLE). Thin hairlines, strong snap-back, and reliable flow over its full range of flex make it another great choice for calligraphic writing styles. Condition: excellent+ [B+]. This pen is in pristine, museum-grade condition. Nickel-plated trim is immaculate with no brassing or other notable flaws. Celluloid is smooth and lustrous with no deep scratches or other noteworthy blemishes – scarcely even any micro-scratches. Manufacturer imprint on the barrel are deep and fully legible. Price: $240 SOLD
Shipping: Pens purchased on the weekend are mailed on Tuesday. Otherwise they are mailed within 2 business days of payment. All pens that do not come with their original boxes are packaged in PVC or thick plastic tubes to protect them in transit. To CONUS locations the following shipping options are available:
  • USPS First-Class with tracking for $5 Due to the delivery delays that continue under postmaster general DeJoy, I strongly recommend that the Priority shipping option be chosen. All packages will include full insurance (covered by me). Rest assured that a full refund is guaranteed (issued through Paypal) in the event of a lost parcel and you will not have to wait until I receive a reimbursement from the USPS.
  • USPS Priority with tracking for $9
International Customers: Please contact me for shipping quote if located abroad (delivery confirmation required). (Note: due to the issues stated above, my international shipping options are currently limited. PM for more info). Please do not ask me to commit mail fraud by altering the declared value of a pen for customs. Not only am I registered as a business but shipping insurance is based on declared value.
New York Customers: For tax purposes, I am now required to add an 8% sales tax on any sale made in the state of NY. If your shipping address is in NY state, please let me know before payment to receive an adjusted total. Discounted shipping is included for NY State residents to help defray the extra cost.
Ordering: Pens are placed on hold for the first person to reply to the thread and PM me with firm request to purchase (no chat DMs please). A request with the words “I'd like to purchase [pen number]” would be best to avoid confusion), to which I’ll reply with payment details. Please note that a message inquiring into a price discount does not suffice to place a pen on hold. If I haven't received Paypal payment within 24 hrs after a hold is placed, then pen(s) may become available to the next person.
Payment, & Guarantee: Payment by Paypal only. All pens are guaranteed to be in the condition in which I've described them. If I've missed something objectionable or the filling mechanism is not fully functional, the buyer may contact me up to 7 days after receiving the pen for a full refund (issued once I receive the pen back in the same condition as sold). Buyer must ship the return no later than 2 weeks after it was delivered to receive a refund. I've sold pens online for over a decade. Please check my past listings here as well as on the classifieds and historical sales forums on FPN (username: Estragon) and FPGeeks (popcod) for some of my previous offerings.
submitted by popcodswallop to Pen_Swap [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 12:53 Accomplished_Gur2140 Am 20 de ani și nu mi găsesc loc de muncă. Ce rost are să rămân în țară asta?

Am o experiență scurta cu șantierele. Am lucrat o perioadă până a dat firma faliment și de atunci caut alt job. Stau Intr un oraș mare dar tot nu găsesc nimic. Am intrat la o vulcanizare dar nu pot licra în condițiile astea (program de la 8 la 19 de luni până vineri și de la 8 la 16 sâmbătă). Am aplicat și am dat interviuri dar nu mă sună nimeni înapoi. Deja am întârziat cu chiria și nu știu ce să fac. Mă tot gândesc să plec înafara pentru că nu găsesc altă soluție. Macar strâng un ban și mă descurc eu după.
submitted by Accomplished_Gur2140 to CasualRO [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 18:44 amacurious1 Thoughts on Costco ebike rack?

Thoughts on Costco ebike rack?
We have an Aventon Level2 ST and an Aventon Aventure2 ST
submitted by amacurious1 to ebikes [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 09:38 Danwho25 [SALE] URGENT SALE of My Collection with 67 Figures (Batch 7)

[SALE] URGENT SALE of My Collection with 67 Figures (Batch 7)
Hi Everyone!
Life threw lemons at me so I'm urgently needing to sell most of my scale figures/PVC and Nendoroids, this is my continued sale post for my figures as I'm still trying to get things organised before posting more.
I also just want to thank everyone who has shown interest in my past previous posts and bought something from me! It has been a big help with life and these lemons! I'm trying my best with selling as much as I can with the time I've got organising this as well as just dealing with all of it.
I'm still urgently needing to sell more, so I am continuing my posts here with a total of 67 new and existing figures that I've got organised and ready to sell before posting more.
Payments will be made on PayPal Goods and Services (no fees) for the figure + shipping. I'm also able to accept pay in 4 installments upon request as an option! My price will be charged in AUD but I put a ballpoint cost in USD for reference with the current exchange rates. I am based in Sydney, Australia but I ship worldwide!
Prices may be negotiable or if you have an offer within reason. :)
Please refer to the pictures at the bottom or use this verification:
Please let me know if you have more questions, want more photos or clarifications, have an offer, either via PM or in the comments! Thank you!
Also, keep your eyes peeled for upcoming sale posts within the next few weeks from me :)
Figure Condiion Price AUD Rough Price USD (for reference)
One Piece - Dracule Mihawk - Portrait Of Pirates Maximum (MegaHouse) BNIB $430 $285
Boku no Hero Academia - Hawks - ARTFX J - 1/8 (Kotobukiya) BNIB $200 $130
Gekijouban Jujutsu Kaisen 0 - Gojou Satoru - ARTFX J - 1/8 - Gekijouban Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Ver. (Kotobukiya) BNIB $180 $120
Quanzhi Gaoshou - Ye Xiu - 1/8 (Good Smile Company, Hobby Max) BNIB $130 $85
Quanzhi Gaoshou - Yi Ye Zhi Qiu - 1/7 - Ye Xiu Ver. (Good Smile Arts Shanghai, Good Smile Company) BNIB $300 $195
Fire Emblem: Akatsuki no Megami - Ike - 1/7 (Intelligent Systems) BNIB $310 $205
Mo Dao Zu Shi - Wei Wuxian - Pop Up Parade (Good Smile Arts Shanghai, Good Smile Company) BNIB $110 $72
Mo Dao Zu Shi - Lan Wangji - Pop Up Parade (Good Smile Arts Shanghai, Good Smile Company) BNIB $110 $72
Jujutsu Kaisen - Nanami Kento - Pop Up Parade (Good Smile Company) BNIB $55 $36
Figure Condiion Price AUD Rough Price USD (for reference)
One Piece - Sabo - Grandista - Grandista -The Grandline Men- (Bandai Spirits) Only box opened, never dispalyed $35 $23
One Piece - Eustass Kid - Excellent Model - Portrait Of Pirates Limited Edition - 1/8 (MegaHouse) BNIB $450 $298
One Piece - Roronoa Zoro - Portrait of Pirates "Warriors Alliance" - 1/8 - Zorojuurou (MegaHouse) Opened, displayed in acrylic box $300 $198
One Piece - Sir Crocodile - Portrait of Pirates "MAS-Maximum" (MegaHouse) BNIB $430 $285
One Piece - Donquixote Doflamingo - Portrait Of Pirates "SA-MAXIMUM" - Heavenly Demon (MegaHouse) BNIB $430 $285
One Piece - Tony Tony Chopper - Portrait of Pirates "Warriors Alliance" - Choppermon (MegaHouse) BNIB $140 $92
One Piece Stampede - Monkey D. Luffy - Ichiban Kuji - Ichiban Kuji One Piece One Piece All Star - The Movie (Bandai Spirits) Only box opened, never displayed $35 $23
Tokyo卍Revengers - Sano Manjirou (F-collection) BNIB $70 $46
Figure Condiion Price AUD Rough Price USD (for reference)
Boku no Hero Academia - Todoroki Shoto - 1/8 - School Uniform Ver. (Bell Fine, Takara Tomy) BNIB $95 $62
Gotoubun no Hanayome - Nakano Ichika - 1/8 (Kotobukiya) BNIB, box is damaged $150 $99
Gotoubun no Hanayome - Nakano Miku - 1/8 (Kotobukiya) BNIB $190 $125
Gotoubun no Hanayome - Nakano Yotsuba - 1/8 (Kotobukiya) BNIB $180 $120
Kimetsu no Yaiba - Kochou Shinobu - Ichiban Kuji Kimetsu no Yaiba ~San~ (A Prize) (Bandai Spirits) BNIB $50 $33
Kimetsu no Yaiba - Tomioka Giyuu - Ichiban Kuji Kimetsu no Yaiba ~Ni~ (A Prize) (Bandai Spirits) BNIB $50 $33
Kimetsu no Yaiba - Kamado Tanjirou - 1/8 - Seiseiruten, Deluxe Edition (Aniplex, Wing) BNIB $240 $158
Kimetsu no Yaiba - Kamado Nezuko - 1/8 - Bakketsu (Aniplex, Wing) BNIB $215 $142
Kimetsu no Yaiba - Yuukaku-hen - Kamado Nezuko - 1/8 - Onika Shinkouji Ver. (Aniplex, Wing) BNIB $260 $172
Figure Condiion Price AUD Rough Price USD (for reference)
Spy × Family - Anya Forger - Bond Forger - Figuarts ZERO - Mission Complete! (Bandai Spirits) Opened, displayed in cabinet $40 $26
Spy × Family - Anya Forger - F:Nex - 1/7 (FuRyu) BNIB $180 $119
Shingeki no Kyojin - Eren Yeager - Pop Up Parade - Attack Titan Ver. (Good Smile Company) BNIB $95 $62
Shingeki no Kyojin The Final Season - Reiner Braun - Pop Up Parade (Good Smile Company) BNIB $85 $56
Shingeki no Kyojin The Final Season - Eren Yeager - Pop Up Parade (Good Smile Company) BNIB $70 $46
Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari Season 2 - Filo - Pop Up Parade (Good Smile Company) BNIB $60 $39
To Aru Majutsu no Index III - Accelerator - 1/7 (Emontoys) BNIB $370 $244
Free! - Tachibana Makoto - ALTAiR - 1/8 (Alter, Hobby Stock) Opened, briefly displayed in cabinet $100 $66
Fate/Grand Order - Gilgamesh - 1/8 - Caster (Orange Rouge) BNIB $170 $112
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken - Milim Nava - Ramiris - Ichiban Kuji Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken Maou-tachi no Utage ~Walpurgis~ (B Prize) (Bandai Spirits) BNIB $110 $72
Figure Condiion Price AUD Rough Price USD (for reference)
Naruto Shippuuden - Kyuubi - Uzumaki Naruto - (#682) Nendoroid BNIB $100 $66
Naruto Shippuuden - Hatake Kakashi - (#1636) - Anbu Black Ops Ver. Nendoroid BNIB $100 $66
Naruto Shippuuden - Uchiha Itachi - (#1726) - Anbu Black Ops Ver. Nendoroid BNIB $100 $66
Shingeki no Kyojin - Levi - (#390) Nendoroid BNIB $80 $52
Shingeki no Kyojin The Final Season - Reiner Braun - (#1893) Nendoroid BNIB $90 $59
Shingeki no Kyojin The Final Season - Eren Yeager - (#2000) - The Final Season Ver. Nendoroid BNIB $105 $69
Horimiya - Miyamura Izumi - (#1597) Nendoroid BNIB $100 $66
Touken Ranbu Online - Yamanbagiri Chougi - (#1464) Nendoroid BNIB $100 $66
Jian Wang 3 - Shen Jianxin - (#1342) Nendoroid BNIB $40 $26
Fate/Grand Order - Cú Chulainn - (#1366) - Lancer Nendoroid BNIB $85 $56
Figure Condiion Price AUD Rough Price USD (for reference)
Gujian 3 - Bei Luo - (#1471) Nendoroid BNIB $75 $49
Quanzhi Gaoshou - Han Wenqing - (#1315) Nendoroid BNIB $95 $62
Tenki no Ko - Amano Hina - (#1192) Nendoroid BNIB $105 $69
Tenki no Ko - Ame - Morishima Hodaka - (#1198) Nendoroid BNIB $105 $69
Arknights - Thorns - (#1679) Nendoroid BNIB $90 $59
Jujutsu Kaisen - Itadori Yuuji - (#1479) Nendoroid BNIB $70 $46
Jujutsu Kaisen - Inumaki Toge - (#1750) Nendoroid BNIB $80 $52
Jujutsu Kaisen - Sukuna - Nendoroid (#1834) Nendoroid BNIB $80 $52
TinyTan - SUGA - (#1803) Nendoroid BNIB $80 $52
TinyTan - V - (#1806) Nendoroid BNIB $80 $52
Figure Condiion Price AUD Rough Price USD (for reference)
Vocaloid - Hatsune Miku - (#1538) - Symphony 5th Anniversary Ver. Nendoroid + BONUS (Limited Anniversary Base) BNIB $140 $92
Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu. - Komi Shouko - Nendoroid (#1853) BNIB $80 $52
Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken - Phantom Blood - Jonathan Joestar - (#1602) BNIB $80 $52
Shaman King - Amidamaru - Asakura You - (#1709) BNIB $80 $52
Figure Condiion Price AUD Rough Price USD (for reference)
One Piece - Monkey D. Luffy - Look Up (MegaHouse) BNIB $55 $36
One Piece - Roronoa Zoro - Look Up (MegaHouse) BNIB $55 $36
Nanatsu no Taizai - Ban - Ichiban Kuji - Ichiban Kuji Nanatsu no Taizai - Oujo to Meliodas no Bouken - Special Color Version (Banpresto) BNIB $50 $33
Gotoubun no Hanayome ∬ - Nakano Ichika - Coreful Figure - Seifuku ver. (Taito) BNIB $35 $23
Boku no Hero Academia - Bakugo Katsuki - Ichiban Kuji Boku no Hero Academia Fighting Heroes feat. Smash Rising (Bandai Spirits) No box $25 $16
Boku no Hero Academia - Midoriya Izuku - Ichiban Kuji Boku no Hero Academia Fighting Heroes feat. Smash Rising (Bandai Spirits) No box, missing foot stand $22 $14
Boku no Hero Academia - Todoroki Shoto - Ichiban Kuji Boku no Hero Academia Fighting Heroes feat. Smash Rising (Bandai Spirits) No box $25 $16
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Group 6
Group 7
Group 8
submitted by Danwho25 to AnimeFigures [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 20:30 lupixxx Low engagement auto-deletion

UPDATE: SE SUSPENDĂ TEMPORAR REGULA 3 CU FAQ, SE ACCEPTĂ POSTĂRI CU SUBIECTE REPETITIVE. Comunitatea să decidă care postare merită să rămână și care nu!
Regula 4 rămâne, titlurile să fie detaliate și la subiect, la fel și conținutul postării.
Salut, comunitate!
In aceasta seara am implementat o functionalitate care are menirea de a incuraja postarile de calitate pe acest sub si overall va aduce valoare descurajand postarile cu low engagement.
Ce vreau sa spun cu asta?
Am facut un script python care ruelaza la fiecare 10 minute intre orele 5 si 20 UTC, deci 8 si 23 ora Romaniei si care verifica postarile din ultimele 48 de ore astfel:
Postarile mai vechi de 48h trebuie sa aiba minimum 7 upvotes sau 10 comments.
Postarile mai vechi de 24h trebuie sa aiba minimum 6 upvotes sau 8 comments.
Postarile mai vechi de 12h trebuie sa aiba minimum 5 upvotes sau 6 comments.
Postarile mai vechi de 6h trebuie sa aiba minimum 4 upvotes sau 4 comments.
Postarile mai vechi de 3h trebuie sa aiba minimum 3 upvotes sau 3 comments.
Postarile mai vechi de 2h trebuie sa aiba minimum 2 upvotes sau 2 comments.
Postarile mai vechi de 1h trebuie sa aiba minimum 1 upvote sau 1 comment.
Asta ca să rămână, deci trebuie să NU se îndeplinească ambele condiții ca să fie ștearsă.
De asemenea, perioada dintre 23 și 8 nu se contorizează, deci o postare făcută la 22.59 va avea la 8.02 doar 3 minute, deci va avea prima evaluare, cea de o oră, abia la 8.59. Asta înseamnă că limitele pentru 24 și 48 de ore sunt chiar mai lungi de atât.
Scopul este sa descurajam postaile fara valoare si sa le incurajam pe cele care aduc valaore comunitatii. Daca postarea ti-a fost stearsa pentru low engagement si insisti prin repostare, ban! Va incurajez sa susțineți (cu upvotes și comentarii) postarile care va plac si care considerati ca sunt interesante si sa le descurajați (cu downvote) pe cele care "vor doar sa se afle in treaba".
Ce parere aveti de aceste limite? Alte intervale, alte limite?
În continuare întrebările se pot posta în megathread:
Vă las și motivul acestei postări/reguli:
O seara frumoasa!
submitted by lupixxx to robursa [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 18:45 CarelessDot5657 Minish banned after speaking on questionable mod behaviour

Ban video: Video speaking on the mod behaviour: Please do not remove my post, I am not saying anything like to free minish, I'm trying to let people know he got banned in the first place. He is second only to pat in the size of his audience in my opinion, the good people deserve to be told what happened to such a prevalent guy in the pmmo community. For people who don't know minish is a streamer who has over 10 years of experience in this game
submitted by CarelessDot5657 to pokemmo [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 10:17 justamanhehe AMJ Who is bulleya in the bulleya song in sultan and ae Dil hai mushkil. Here's a beautiful story

Bulleya here refers to bulleh Shah. refer to the lines, "Tu bole toh ban jau main bulleh shah saudayi" (If you say, I shall become a dealer like bulleh Shah)
But why does bulleh Shah get so much attention? While most of you know about laila majnu and heer ranjha, the story of Bulleh Shah is absolutely different and arguably the most beautiful one. After this post, songs containing that story would become 100 times more beautiful for you to listen.
Bulleh Shah was a philosopher, who lived around 17th century India. He wanted to reform the society and end all sorts of caste hierarchies and superstitions that existed in society. He had a murshid (teacher) whom he loved. This story is about him and his teacher. And this love is not the sexual attraction you may think of. It's pure love, of a student, for his teacher.
Bulleh would often upset many influencial people like nawabs and kings. But his murshid had good relations with them, so his murshid would save him from trouble. His murshid also believed the same things he did about reforms.
One day, all friends and family of Bulleh Shah came to him. Bulleh Shah was from a rich background so ofcourse these people were also very rich. They told him that he is an upper caste person, while his murshid is a lower caste person. The fact that he lives with a lower caste person as a teacher brings shame to their family. What would the people think? Bulleh Shah was convinced, and he decided to leave his murshid.
When he was going, his murshid told him, "tu bulleya nhi, tu bhuleya hai" as in you are not bulleya (his nick name) but bhuleya (someone who is lost.
A few days later, Bulleh realises his mistake and decides to come back. But all his friends and family members are angry. They give him an ultimatum, that if he leaves, he would get absolutely no money from them. Not even inheritance. But Bulleh doesn't care. He just wants to go back to his murshid. So that was the deal he made. His murshid in exchange for all friends and family members and all the wealth. And hence the lines, "Tu bole toh ban jau main bulleh shah saudayi", if you say I shall become a dealer like bulleh shah (and deal everything in exchange for you)
But when he goes back to murshid, his murshid is not ready to forgive him. What do Bulleh Shah do now? After trying and trying and nothing happening, eventually Bulleh starts to dance publically for his murshid. This is a time when dancing publically for someone was seen as bad as prostitution, and dancers were among the lowest of classes in society.
But he doesn't only dance, he does so with transgenders. Transgenders were considered kind of untouchable back then. But he wanted to prove that he no longer believes in caste hierarchies, something he had left his murshid for.
He does so publically, and keeps doing it non stop, for 12 long hours, without a break. And even after 12 hours, his murshid finally forgives him and hence he stops, otherwise he would have continued.
Now you know the meaning of, "main bhi naachu rijhau sone yaar ko, karu na parwah bulleya" as in I shall also dance and entertain my beautiful friend, without caring about the world, just like bulleya.
Similarly the lines "Bakshe tu jo pyaar se mujhko toh ho meri rihayi" as in, if you forgive me with love only then I would become free. This makes more sense now, doesn't it?
But wait, there's more, look at these lines from bulleya song of ae Dil hai mushkil,
"main kaagul se lipti titli ki tarah muhajir hoon ek pal ko theheru, pal mein udd jaau"
I'm a refugee (muhajir) like a butterfly clinging to kaagul (a musical instrument, called a bamboo slit drum)
These lines are so beautiful. Kaagul is a Filipino classical music instrument. It is a big cylinder shape and you basically beat it with a bamboo stick to play it. It was used back in the day to save rice fields from birds.
Now when you play it, birds would get scared of the sound and go away. But a butterfly is safe near kaagul, as birds can't eat it there. But at the same time, butterfly is at risk of being hit by the bamboo stick, so the butterfly has to continuously move around the kaagul.
The poet says I am like that butterfly, going here and there but always near you. I stay for a moment at a place, and then a fly for a moment. Hence I am a refugee because I have no place to stay. This metaphor is used to describe the story of Bulleh Shah.
"Ve main taan hu pagdandi labhdi ae jo raha jannat di, tu ude jahaan main sath mud jaau"
I'm like a narrow pathway and I am looking to go towards heaven. I'll turn wherever you do. (Asking his murshid to show him the right path)
I hope these lines would make so much more sense to you know. I hope, the next time to listen to these songs, you will enjoy these lines more, and love the deep thought that has gone into writing them.
Bonus Fact: Have you heard, "Ve maahi tere vekhan nu, chuk charkha gali de vich paawa" song in reels? It's written by Bulleh Shah for his murshid. Let me know if you would want to read it's translation too :)
submitted by justamanhehe to AajMaineJana [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 05:35 justamanhehe Who is bulleya in the bulleya song in sultan and ae Dil hai mushkil? Here's a beautiful story

Bulleya here refers to bulleh Shah. refer to the lines, "Tu bole toh ban jau main bulleh shah saudayi" (If you say, I shall become a dealer like bulleh Shah)
But why does bulleh Shah get so much attention? While most of you know about laila majnu and heer ranjha, the story of Bulleh Shah is absolutely different and arguably the most beautiful one. After this post, songs containing that story would become 100 times more beautiful for you to listen.
Bulleh Shah was a philosopher, who lived around 17th century India. He wanted to reform the society and end all sorts of caste hierarchies and superstitions that existed in society. He had a murshid (teacher) whom he loved. This story is about him and his teacher. And this love is not the sexual attraction you may think of. It's pure love, of a student, for his teacher.
Bulleh would often upset many influencial people like nawabs and kings. But his murshid had good relations with them, so his murshid would save him from trouble. His murshid also believed the same things he did about reforms.
One day, all friends and family of Bulleh Shah came to him. Bulleh Shah was from a rich background so ofcourse these people were also very rich. They told him that he is an upper caste person, while his murshid is a lower caste person. The fact that he lives with a lower caste person as a teacher brings shame to their family. What would the people think? Bulleh Shah was convinced, and he decided to leave his murshid.
When he was going, his murshid told him, "tu bulleya nhi, tu bhuleya hai" as in you are not bulleya (his nick name) but bhuleya (someone who is lost.
A few days later, Bulleh realises his mistake and decides to come back. But all his friends and family members are angry. They give him an ultimatum, that if he leaves, he would get absolutely no money from them. Not even inheritance. But Bulleh doesn't care. He just wants to go back to his murshid. So that was the deal he made. His murshid in exchange for all friends and family members and all the wealth. And hence the lines, "Tu bole toh ban jau main bulleh shah saudayi", if you say I shall become a dealer like bulleh shah (and deal everything in exchange for you)
But when he goes back to murshid, his murshid is not ready to forgive him. What do Bulleh Shah do now? After trying and trying and nothing happening, eventually Bulleh starts to dance publically for his murshid. This is a time when dancing publically for someone was seen as bad as prostitution, and dancers were among the lowest of classes in society.
But he doesn't only dance, he does so with transgenders. Transgenders were considered kind of untouchable back then. But he wanted to prove that he no longer believes in caste hierarchies, something he had left his murshid for.
He does so publically, and keeps doing it non stop, for 12 long hours, without a break. And even after 12 hours, his murshid finally forgives him and hence he stops, otherwise he would have continued.
Now you know the meaning of, "main bhi naachu rijhau sone yaar ko, karu na parwah bulleya" as in I shall also dance and entertain my beautiful friend, without caring about the world, just like bulleya.
Similarly the lines "Bakshe tu jo pyaar se mujhko toh ho meri rihayi" as in, if you forgive me with love only then I would become free. This makes more sense now, doesn't it?
But wait, there's more, look at these lines from bulleya song of ae Dil hai mushkil,
"main kaagul se lipti titli ki tarah muhajir hoon ek pal ko theheru, pal mein udd jaau"
I'm a refugee (muhajir) like a butterfly clinging to kaagul (a musical instrument, called a bamboo slit drum)
These lines are so beautiful. Kaagul is a Filipino classical music instrument. It is a big cylinder shape and you basically beat it with a bamboo stick to play it. It was used back in the day to save rice fields from birds.
Now when you play it, birds would get scared of the sound and go away. But a butterfly is safe near kaagul, as birds can't eat it there. But at the same time, butterfly is at risk of being hit by the bamboo stick, so the butterfly has to continuously move around the kaagul.
The poet says I am like that butterfly, going here and there but always near you. I stay for a moment at a place, and then a fly for a moment. Hence I am a refugee because I have no place to stay. This metaphor is used to describe the story of Bulleh Shah.
"Ve main taan hu pagdandi labhdi ae jo raha jannat di, tu ude jahaan main sath mud jaau"
I'm like a narrow pathway and I am looking to go towards heaven. I'll turn wherever you do. (Asking his murshid to show him the right path)
I hope these lines would make so much more sense to you know. I hope, the next time to listen to these songs, you will enjoy these lines more, and love the deep thought that has gone into writing them.
Bonus Fact: Have you heard, "Ve maahi tere vekhan nu, chuk charkha gali de vich paawa" song in reels? It's written by Bulleh Shah for his murshid. Let me know if you would want to read it's translation too :)
submitted by justamanhehe to BollywoodMusic [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 05:32 justamanhehe Who is bulleya in the bulleya song in sultan and ae Dil hai mushkil? Here's a beautiful story

Bulleya here refers to bulleh Shah. refer to the lines, "Tu bole toh ban jau main bulleh shah saudayi" (If you say, I shall become a dealer like bulleh Shah)
But why does bulleh Shah get so much attention? While most of you know about laila majnu and heer ranjha, the story of Bulleh Shah is absolutely different and arguably the most beautiful one. After this post, songs containing that story would become 100 times more beautiful for you to listen.
Bulleh Shah was a philosopher, who lived around 17th century India. He wanted to reform the society and end all sorts of caste hierarchies and superstitions that existed in society. He had a murshid (teacher) whom he loved. This story is about him and his teacher. And this love is not the sexual attraction you may think of. It's pure love, of a student, for his teacher.
Bulleh would often upset many influencial people like nawabs and kings. But his murshid had good relations with them, so his murshid would save him from trouble. His murshid also believed the same things he did about reforms.
One day, all friends and family of Bulleh Shah came to him. Bulleh Shah was from a rich background so ofcourse these people were also very rich. They told him that he is an upper caste person, while his murshid is a lower caste person. The fact that he lives with a lower caste person as a teacher brings shame to their family. What would the people think? Bulleh Shah was convinced, and he decided to leave his murshid.
When he was going, his murshid told him, "tu bulleya nhi, tu bhuleya hai" as in you are not bulleya (his nick name) but bhuleya (someone who is lost.
A few days later, Bulleh realises his mistake and decides to come back. But all his friends and family members are angry. They give him an ultimatum, that if he leaves, he would get absolutely no money from them. Not even inheritance. But Bulleh doesn't care. He just wants to go back to his murshid. So that was the deal he made. His murshid in exchange for all friends and family members and all the wealth. And hence the lines, "Tu bole toh ban jau main bulleh shah saudayi", if you say I shall become a dealer like bulleh shah (and deal everything in exchange for you)
But when he goes back to murshid, his murshid is not ready to forgive him. What do Bulleh Shah do now? After trying and trying and nothing happening, eventually Bulleh starts to dance publically for his murshid. This is a time when dancing publically for someone was seen as bad as prostitution, and dancers were among the lowest of classes in society.
But he doesn't only dance, he does so with transgenders. Transgenders were considered kind of untouchable back then. But he wanted to prove that he no longer believes in caste hierarchies, something he had left his murshid for.
He does so publically, and keeps doing it non stop, for 12 long hours, without a break. And even after 12 hours, his murshid finally forgives him and hence he stops, otherwise he would have continued.
Now you know the meaning of, "main bhi naachu rijhau sone yaar ko, karu na parwah bulleya" as in I shall also dance and entertain my beautiful friend, without caring about the world, just like bulleya.
Similarly the lines "Bakshe tu jo pyaar se mujhko toh ho meri rihayi" as in, if you forgive me with love only then I would become free. This makes more sense now, doesn't it?
But wait, there's more, look at these lines from bulleya song of ae Dil hai mushkil,
"main kaagul se lipti titli ki tarah muhajir hoon ek pal ko theheru, pal mein udd jaau"
I'm a refugee (muhajir) like a butterfly clinging to kaagul (a musical instrument, called a bamboo slit drum)
These lines are so beautiful. Kaagul is a Filipino classical music instrument. It is a big cylinder shape and you basically beat it with a bamboo stick to play it. It was used back in the day to save rice fields from birds.
Now when you play it, birds would get scared of the sound and go away. But a butterfly is safe near kaagul, as birds can't eat it there. But at the same time, butterfly is at risk of being hit by the bamboo stick, so the butterfly has to continuously move around the kaagul.
The poet says I am like that butterfly, going here and there but always near you. I stay for a moment at a place, and then a fly for a moment. Hence I am a refugee because I have no place to stay. This metaphor is used to describe the story of Bulleh Shah.
"Ve main taan hu pagdandi labhdi ae jo raha jannat di, tu ude jahaan main sath mud jaau"
I'm like a narrow pathway and I am looking to go towards heaven. I'll turn wherever you do. (Asking his murshid to show him the right path)
I hope these lines would make so much more sense to you know. I hope, the next time to listen to these songs, you will enjoy these lines more, and love the deep thought that has gone into writing them.
Bonus Fact: Have you heard, "Ve maahi tere vekhan nu, chuk charkha gali de vich paawa" song in reels? It's written by Bulleh Shah for his murshid. Let me know if you would want to read it's translation too :)
submitted by justamanhehe to indiasocial [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 16:40 Danwho25 [SALE] URGENT SALE of My Collection of Figures Batch 6

[SALE] URGENT SALE of My Collection of Figures Batch 6
Hi Everyone!
I just want to thank everyone who has shown interest in my past previous posts and bought something from me! It has been a big help with life especially because since the beginning of this year I have a family member going through an illness and we just need a lot of money now for treatment and to look after them... I'm trying my best with selling as much as I can with the time I've got organising this as well as just dealing with all of it.
I'm still urgently needing to sell some of my scale figures/PVC and Nendoroids, so I am continuing my posts here with more a total of 69 new and existing figures that I've got organised and ready to sell before posting more.
Payments will be made on PayPal Goods and Services (no fees) for the figure + shipping. I'm also able to accept pay in 4 installments upon request as an option! My price will be charged in AUD but I put a ballpoint cost in USD for reference with the current exchange rates. I am based in Sydney, Australia but I ship worldwide!
Prices may be negotiable or if you have an offer within reason. :)
Please refer to the pictures at the bottom or use this verification:
Please let me know if you have more questions, want more photos or clarifications, have an offer, either via PM or in the comments! Thank you!
Also, keep your eyes peeled for upcoming sale posts within the next few weeks from me :)
Figure Condiion Price AUD Rough Price USD (for reference)
One Piece - Dracule Mihawk - Portrait Of Pirates Maximum (MegaHouse) BNIB $430 $285
Pocket Monsters - N - Zorua - Pokémon Center Original Figure (Kotobukiya, Pokémon Center) BNIB $450 $298
Boku no Hero Academia - Hawks - ARTFX J - 1/8 (Kotobukiya) BNIB $200 $130
Gekijouban Jujutsu Kaisen 0 - Gojou Satoru - ARTFX J - 1/8 - Gekijouban Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Ver. (Kotobukiya) BNIB $180 $120
Quanzhi Gaoshou - Ye Xiu - 1/8 (Good Smile Company, Hobby Max) BNIB $130 $85
Quanzhi Gaoshou - Yi Ye Zhi Qiu - 1/7 - Ye Xiu Ver. (Good Smile Arts Shanghai, Good Smile Company) BNIB $300 $195
Fire Emblem: Akatsuki no Megami - Ike - 1/7 (Intelligent Systems) BNIB $310 $205
Mo Dao Zu Shi - Wei Wuxian - Pop Up Parade (Good Smile Arts Shanghai, Good Smile Company) BNIB $110 $72
Mo Dao Zu Shi - Lan Wangji - Pop Up Parade (Good Smile Arts Shanghai, Good Smile Company) BNIB $110 $72
Jujutsu Kaisen - Nanami Kento - Pop Up Parade (Good Smile Company) BNIB $55 $36
Figure Condiion Price AUD Rough Price USD (for reference)
One Piece - Sabo - Grandista - Grandista -The Grandline Men- (Bandai Spirits) Only box opened, never dispalyed $35 $23
One Piece - Eustass Kid - Excellent Model - Portrait Of Pirates Limited Edition - 1/8 (MegaHouse) BNIB $450 $298
One Piece - Roronoa Zoro - Portrait of Pirates "Warriors Alliance" - 1/8 - Zorojuurou (MegaHouse) Opened, displayed in acrylic box $300 $198
One Piece - Sir Crocodile - Portrait of Pirates "MAS-Maximum" (MegaHouse) BNIB $430 $285
One Piece - Donquixote Doflamingo - Portrait Of Pirates "SA-MAXIMUM" - Heavenly Demon (MegaHouse) BNIB $430 $285
One Piece - Tony Tony Chopper - Portrait of Pirates "Warriors Alliance" - Choppermon (MegaHouse) BNIB $140 $92
One Piece Stampede - Monkey D. Luffy - Ichiban Kuji - Ichiban Kuji One Piece One Piece All Star - The Movie (Bandai Spirits) Only box opened, never displayed $35 $23
Tokyo卍Revengers - Sano Manjirou (F-collection) BNIB $70 $46
Figure Condiion Price AUD Rough Price USD (for reference)
Boku no Hero Academia - Todoroki Shoto - 1/8 - School Uniform Ver. (Bell Fine, Takara Tomy) BNIB $95 $62
Gotoubun no Hanayome - Nakano Ichika - 1/8 (Kotobukiya) BNIB, box is damaged $150 $99
Gotoubun no Hanayome - Nakano Miku - 1/8 (Kotobukiya) BNIB $190 $125
Gotoubun no Hanayome - Nakano Yotsuba - 1/8 (Kotobukiya) BNIB $180 $120
Kimetsu no Yaiba - Kochou Shinobu - Ichiban Kuji Kimetsu no Yaiba ~San~ (A Prize) (Bandai Spirits) BNIB $50 $33
Kimetsu no Yaiba - Tomioka Giyuu - Ichiban Kuji Kimetsu no Yaiba ~Ni~ (A Prize) (Bandai Spirits) BNIB $50 $33
Kimetsu no Yaiba - Kamado Tanjirou - 1/8 - Seiseiruten, Deluxe Edition (Aniplex, Wing) BNIB $240 $158
Kimetsu no Yaiba - Kamado Nezuko - 1/8 - Bakketsu (Aniplex, Wing) BNIB $215 $142
Kimetsu no Yaiba - Yuukaku-hen - Kamado Nezuko - 1/8 - Onika Shinkouji Ver. (Aniplex, Wing) BNIB $260 $172
Shin Seiki Evangelion - Nagisa Kaworu - 1/7 - Ver. Radio Eva (Hobby Max) BNIB $150 $99
Figure Condiion Price AUD Rough Price USD (for reference)
Spy × Family - Anya Forger - Bond Forger - Figuarts ZERO - Mission Complete! (Bandai Spirits) Opened, displayed in cabinet $40 $26
Spy × Family - Anya Forger - F:Nex - 1/7 (FuRyu) BNIB $180 $119
Shingeki no Kyojin - Eren Yeager - Pop Up Parade - Attack Titan Ver. (Good Smile Company) BNIB $95 $62
Shingeki no Kyojin The Final Season - Reiner Braun - Pop Up Parade (Good Smile Company) BNIB $85 $56
Shingeki no Kyojin The Final Season - Eren Yeager - Pop Up Parade (Good Smile Company) BNIB $70 $46
Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari Season 2 - Filo - Pop Up Parade (Good Smile Company) BNIB $60 $39
To Aru Majutsu no Index III - Accelerator - 1/7 (Emontoys) BNIB $370 $244
Free! - Tachibana Makoto - ALTAiR - 1/8 (Alter, Hobby Stock) Opened, briefly displayed in cabinet $100 $66
Fate/Grand Order - Gilgamesh - 1/8 - Caster (Orange Rouge) BNIB $170 $112
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken - Milim Nava - Ramiris - Ichiban Kuji Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken Maou-tachi no Utage ~Walpurgis~ (B Prize) (Bandai Spirits) BNIB $110 $72
Figure Condiion Price AUD Rough Price USD (for reference)
Naruto Shippuuden - Kyuubi - Uzumaki Naruto - (#682) Nendoroid BNIB $100 $66
Naruto Shippuuden - Hatake Kakashi - (#1636) - Anbu Black Ops Ver. Nendoroid BNIB $100 $66
Naruto Shippuuden - Uchiha Itachi - (#1726) - Anbu Black Ops Ver. Nendoroid BNIB $100 $66
Shingeki no Kyojin - Levi - (#390) Nendoroid BNIB $80 $52
Shingeki no Kyojin The Final Season - Reiner Braun - (#1893) Nendoroid BNIB $90 $59
Shingeki no Kyojin The Final Season - Eren Yeager - (#2000) - The Final Season Ver. Nendoroid BNIB $105 $69
Horimiya - Miyamura Izumi - (#1597) Nendoroid BNIB $100 $66
Touken Ranbu Online - Yamanbagiri Chougi - (#1464) Nendoroid BNIB $100 $66
Jian Wang 3 - Shen Jianxin - (#1342) Nendoroid BNIB $40 $26
Fate/Grand Order - Cú Chulainn - (#1366) - Lancer Nendoroid BNIB $85 $56
Figure Condiion Price AUD Rough Price USD (for reference)
Gujian 3 - Bei Luo - (#1471) Nendoroid BNIB $75 $49
Quanzhi Gaoshou - Han Wenqing - (#1315) Nendoroid BNIB $95 $62
Tenki no Ko - Amano Hina - (#1192) Nendoroid BNIB $105 $69
Tenki no Ko - Ame - Morishima Hodaka - (#1198) Nendoroid BNIB $105 $69
Arknights - Thorns - (#1679) Nendoroid BNIB $90 $59
Jujutsu Kaisen - Itadori Yuuji - (#1479) Nendoroid BNIB $70 $46
Jujutsu Kaisen - Inumaki Toge - (#1750) Nendoroid BNIB $80 $52
Jujutsu Kaisen - Sukuna - Nendoroid (#1834) Nendoroid BNIB $80 $52
TinyTan - SUGA - (#1803) Nendoroid BNIB $80 $52
TinyTan - V - (#1806) Nendoroid BNIB $80 $52
Figure Condiion Price AUD Rough Price USD (for reference)
Vocaloid - Hatsune Miku - (#1538) - Symphony 5th Anniversary Ver. Nendoroid + BONUS (Limited Anniversary Base) BNIB $140 $92
Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu. - Komi Shouko - Nendoroid (#1853) BNIB $80 $52
Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken - Phantom Blood - Jonathan Joestar - (#1602) BNIB $80 $52
Shaman King - Amidamaru - Asakura You - (#1709) BNIB $80 $52
Figure Condiion Price AUD Rough Price USD (for reference)
One Piece - Monkey D. Luffy - Look Up (MegaHouse) BNIB $55 $36
One Piece - Roronoa Zoro - Look Up (MegaHouse) BNIB $55 $36
Nanatsu no Taizai - Ban - Ichiban Kuji - Ichiban Kuji Nanatsu no Taizai - Oujo to Meliodas no Bouken - Special Color Version (Banpresto) BNIB $50 $33
Gotoubun no Hanayome ∬ - Nakano Ichika - Coreful Figure - Seifuku ver. (Taito) BNIB $35 $23
Boku no Hero Academia - Bakugo Katsuki - Ichiban Kuji Boku no Hero Academia Fighting Heroes feat. Smash Rising (Bandai Spirits) No box $25 $16
Boku no Hero Academia - Midoriya Izuku - Ichiban Kuji Boku no Hero Academia Fighting Heroes feat. Smash Rising (Bandai Spirits) No box, missing foot stand $22 $14
Boku no Hero Academia - Todoroki Shoto - Ichiban Kuji Boku no Hero Academia Fighting Heroes feat. Smash Rising (Bandai Spirits) No box $25 $16
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Group 6
Group 7
Group 8
submitted by Danwho25 to AnimeFigures [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 20:58 TiganulAlb Exagerez? Prietena mea isi ascunde prietenii barbati

Eu (25m) si ea (24f), suntem impreuna de 5 ani. Avem o relatie sanatoasa as zice. Urmeaza sa ne casatorim, adica eu sa o cer in casatorie.
Noi doi nu prea avem prieteni, in sensul ca fiecare avem 2-3 prieteni buni. Ea are 3 prietene cu care ne vedem des, iar eu am 2 prieteni cu care fac sala, alerg, ne jucam pe pc.
Nu am avut certuri in trecut despre infidelitati, despre alte persoane, sunt de parere ca daca vrea sa ma insele, ma inselea si cu mine acasa. Deci nu ma stresez pentru un lucru ce nu il pot controla. Fiecare suntem liberi sa iesim sa avem timpul nostru.
Tin sa mentionez ca cele trei prietene ale ei, nu au parteneri. Ele se cupleaza cu unu si altul. Prietena 1 e cam destrabalata, se vede si cu doi tipi intr o zi, are toate aplicatiile de dating, pe tinder a primit ban. Nu imi prea place de ea ca duce stilul asta de viata boema. Nu are loc de munca, face house hopping de la unu la altu. A facut si porn pe net, s a taiat, tentative de suicid. Cineva cu care nu vrei sa te asociezi cand vrei sa ai o viata linistita.
Recent prietena mea a inceput sa iasa din ce in ce mai mult fara mine prin cluburi si puburi. Si incerc sa concersez cu ea, ce au facut, daca s au distrat, dar tine totul la un minim de informatii, atunci cand merg acasa la prietena 2, mereu vine cu barfe si povesti cu drama la maxim.
(de ce nu ies si eu in club cu ea? pentru ca iese in timpul saptamanii, iar eu lucrez de la 7, prietena mea incepe programul de acasa de la ora 10)
Inca nimic suspect. Pana cand a mentionat intr o seara ca prietena 1, a mai adus niste baieti si au baut si au dansat.
Mai stau pe instagram, ii vad pozele prietenei mele, voiam sa i las comentariu si vad un tip cu care pareau prieteni. Ma uit pe contul lui, pare acelasi tip de persoana ca prietena 1, poze de la cluburi, droguri, fustangeala. Pare fotograf tipul.
Nu e primul care se da la ea, dar ce mi a atras atentia pareau ca se cunosteau de ceva vreme. Ca orice persoana cu suspiciuni si stima de sine volatila, m am uitat la pozele ei mai vechi, si pare ca se stiu de vreo 4 luni. Ii tot lasa comentarii si am vazut la ca au o poza impreuna cu prietena 1. Am verificat si profilele celorlalte prietene daca e la fel de conversational in comentarii, si nu e. , doar cu gagica mea.
Am ramas putin surprins pentru ca mereu imi zice de toate persoanele cu care vorbeste.
Am intrebat o de ce nu l a mentionat niciodata. Mi a spus ca credea ca o sa fiu gelos si nu o sa o mai las sa iasa? Gen alo? nu am facut asta niciodata si nici nu am mai avut discutii de genul. Deja imi pocnea o venea la cap. Ca s a comportat ca Nica la cirese. Am intrebat o cum s au cunoscut si care e relatia dintre ei. Mi a zis ca se prietena 1 le a facut cunostinta si ca se mai vad cand iese in oras, ca e doar un prieten, toate cliseele.
Dar niciodata nu l a mentionat?
Conversatia noastra s a transformst in cearta, ca o fac panarama, ca cum pot sa ma gandesc ca ea se poate fute cu unu si cu altu. Mi a zis ca nu poate sa aiba o relatie cu un barbat care nu are incredere in ea, si tot tacamul.
submitted by TiganulAlb to WomenRO [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 22:58 ThoragraArgaroth Bestoftwothousendtwentythree
#GeNuInEgEnIus #HyPeRfOcUs #AppLy #CoMPanY #CoMpeTenT #InnaIvanovaIsbEyoNdZikrofSmiNd #CoNnecT #InnaIvanovaPrOduCtIoN #PiE #CoMmon #QuAliFiEd #ApPlEpIe #PrOmo #FiRm #CoNfIrm #BeCoMeFiNancEr #CoNfIrMaSpAtReOn #SkIlLEd #BuY #PaTrEoNcoNfIrM #EpIc #RaReInNOVatIoN #HiGhErSkIlL #CoNFiRmInGaSpaTrEoN #LeGenDaRy #PrOmOtE #VeGgYbUrGeR #DiReCtOr #InnaIvanovaIsbExoNdZiKroFsComPrEhEnSiOn #LeGeNd #BuRgEr #HiGhErSkIlEd #PrOmOtIoN #VeGgYsAnDwIch #TrAdItIOnal #MasTeRmInD #OcrAshOt #HiGhErTaSkEd #MaSK #OCra #CLAVEM #AsiAnfoOd #FamOuS #CoLlEcTiOn #GlItTer #SlyTherIn #LiKeR #HiGhTaSK #SpArkLiNg #SHoP #DeAtHeAteR #ShItMasZiKrOf #PoWeRfUlL #InnaIvanovaIsNeUrOnalFastEr #ShItMasZiKroFcoSpLay #WoRlDwOnDeR #DeatheAteRmaSk #VeGgyLasaGnE #TaSk #BuSiNeSs #LaSaGnE #StRoNg #OnE #CoMmerCiAl #CarT #BeTtEr #NeWyeAr #EvEnT #PaY #HiGhIQ #HiGhErRanGeD #FeStiVal #InnaIvanovaIsnEuRoFast #BeTtErQuAliTy #JoB #CoNtEsT #HiGhRanGeD #StOre #RarefEmalEiNtEllIgEnCe #GamEr #GiFtED #BeStQuAlity #OnGoInG #GoLdWoRtJ #GamIng #NeUrOnaLfasteR #ChaRtErEd #HiGhGiFtED #PsExPeRt #GrApHiCdEsiGnEr #MarKeT #AppLicAtIoN #PrIvIlEgEd #WoRkEr #InTeReStInG #AppLicAtIoNeXpErT #NeUrOFast #HiGhErSoCiEtY #PcSpEciAliSt #HiGhErQuAlITy #GraPhIcArtIst #Inna #CuStoMisAtIon #AppSpEcIalISt #HiGhQuAlItY #innaivanova666 #AppLicaTioNspEciAliSt #Ivanova #DeSiGnEr #GrEatQuAlITy #MarIlynManson #SuPeRhUman #SeT #AmAzInGquAliTy #DeatHeaTeRcoSplaY #MoTiVatInG #GoLswOrThWoRk #WiZarDcoSpLay #InsTagramIDoL #GoODquAliTy #CoNvEnTiOn #MoTiVaToR #SpLeNdId #EmBlEm #GiFtEd #SpEcTaCuLaR #SeNseJ #SiGn #PainTiNg #PaYoUt #PrIcE #Hq #InSta #BeAuTy #PrIceWoRtH #HD #IdEa #ClEvEr #MoChi #UhD #InVeStOr #JapanEseFoOd #InSpIratINg #FhD #HiToMi #PuRchAsE #BeAuTyFUl #ReStAuRanT #FuLl #InsPiRatOr #DiGiTalScReEn #InsTagram #DiGiTalPrIceCart #OmNi #AmaZiNg #DeTaiLeD #StePbYteP #UlTrA #HeLp #FreeÖanCeR #InNeLlIgEnCe #OmNiTalEnTeD #CKraVat #IdOL #InSpIrAtE #TiE #PmNiTalEnT #DeTaiL #JaMiJkawAii #WoNdErOfThEwOrLd #Deep #OpTicAl #LoCk #FabUlOUS #CuTE #WoRkIngPaRtNeR #SchOoLgIrL #ViSuAl #RarefEmaLeHiGhErIqEd #OpEraToIlEt #SeLfMaDe #PrIvAtE #ConStrUctIoNpLacE #AcQuIrE #SinGlEcOpY #ReBuIlDeD #BuSinEsSpArTNEr #SmArT #BuIlDing #PnEpiEcE #PeRsoNal #RarEcLeVeRnEsS #MoDeL #CrEatE #RaresMarTnEsS #PaYiNg #HiGheRTiEr #rarEiNtEllIgEnCe #MuLtItaLeNtEd #InVeSt #RarEoUtMatCheD #CoMposiTiOn #MuLtitaleNt #NeRdIsh #HiGhTiEr #BuYiNg #GeEk #TalEnTeD #PrOfEsStiNal #OtAkU #TiErUp #TalEnT #Cap #MakEuParTisT #InFo #DeCo #TiR #SpEcIalIst #SuBsCrIbInG #DeCoratIoN #RaRe #InVeSTiNg #SigHtseEiNg #SuBscRiBe #ExPeRz #RooftOp #LiVeStrEam #FoLlOWEr #RoOf #WhOlEyEar #CiTyScaPe #RiNg #FoLlOwInG #PaTrEoNONLYlIveStReam #GuArDiAnRiNg #PrO #FoLlOw #BeNeFacToR #ClaWrINg #RaReUnNOvaToR #ChAt #DraGoN #SuPpOrt #WeLcoMeBeNeFacToR #TeAcHEr #GraÜe #SuShi #PatReonONLYcHat #Mix #Cat #WeLcoMeBaCkEr #DraWEr #NEkO #GraPhIc #BaCkEr #CoVeR #CoNtAcT #MasTeRmIndEd #PiLlOw #PaiNtEr #PatrEonONLYcOnTaCt #PiLlOwStUfF #CiTy #fInAnCe #ArTist #BoLstEr #AuToDiDacTIc #QUALITY #PiLlOwCoVeR #DiGiTal #RarEtWiN #SuRiMi #PainT #WoW #AmananthsPlayeRockPuB #AuToDiSaCt #DraW #AmanthsPlace #SiZe #AnImatIoN #RocKPuB #RaReVegGy #ViDeOmakEr #RattLeSnaCKe #SmArtNeSs #FiNaNcInG #FlOwEr #PrOdUcEr #BiGdAra #SSchWarZeBeRgPlaTz #marT #FaSt #Great #ClOudY #JoBbIng #TrUe #MagIcaL #ClEvErNeSs #ReALWoRk #SEllBoUnd #BigsiZe #Veggy #FuLlMoOn #HarDwOrK #RaReGeNiUs #OuTdOoRscReeN #FinAnceR #UnBeLiEvEabLe #OuTdoOroPeRa #TrUeWoRkEr #OrIgInal #SuMmErNiGht #InNovatOr #TrUeWoRk #SuMmer #ReaLtWiN #origINNAl #InTroDucINg #IncRediBlE #PlUs #InTro #InVeStOr #ReALwOrKER #InTrOduCe #OrIgInalSiZe #VegeTarian #HaRdWoRkInG #NeWyeAr #LoVeLy #ArT #FiReWoRk #CoOl #InNovatIon #InneRciTy #HarDwoRkEr #CeLeBrAtiOn #CoMmIsSiOn #FuNny #ParTy #HeaVyWoRk #AwSoMe #CeLeBraTe #ReAl #VeGan #ChUrCh #FuN #PtRTtyCoOl #KarSplAtZ äCoMmIsSsIoNeR #ZeRoCoMmAtEoPrEcEntofTheWoRls #RatHauS äUNIQUE #FooD #PreTty #StEpHanSplAtZ #OnEyEarBeStOf #InnaIvanovaIsZeRoCoMnatwoPrEcEntOfThEwOrLd #OkaCe #PrEtTyCoOl #BeStOf #CiTyPlAce #PayPal #InnaIvanovaIstOFaStfOrZiKrOfS #ArEa #StEkI #FasTfood #CiTySoT #TrUeTwIn #ReAlyRarae #SpOt #SgOi #PrOduCtIoN #CitYpOinT #PaYmEnt #InNoVatOR #PoInT #PrOduCted #InnaIvanova #RiVeR #HanDaShe #DaNuBe #PrOduCt #TrIck #DoNau #LastYeArbEstOf #2K #DarK #Me #BeCoMeCustOmEr #4K #WaterMeLoN #VeGetabLe #TiP #McDonalds #Inna_Ivanova #OtTaKrnGer #8K #SBEcoMeSuppOrTeR #BeEr #BiGgEr #cApE #McDonaldsBeEr #ArTisAnCrAftIng #LoCkEd #SuShiMakI #BiG #BeComEiNsiDer #Akakiko #SaVEd #FiCtIoN #WiP #InDoor #ArTisaNcRfT #PrOcCesS #PaTrEoNuNlOck #KnOwHoS #PuB #PatrEoN #OutdOor #LoCaTiOn #UnLoCKaSaPaTrEOn #InSiDeRtIp #FrEnChfRiEs #DARKROOMvIpPaTrEoN #UnLoCKaSaPayER #ChIpS #CraFtIng #InsiDertRick #UnLoCkAsACustOMEr #LoGo #InsiDe #ArtisaNcRaftOuTmaTcHeD #EmmaIvanova #UnLoCaSaFiNanCer #FabUlOus #NeOn #ViPPReMiUmGoLdpaTrEon #SpOnSoRiNg #NeOnLiGhT #FanTaSpOnSor #GeNiUs #ViSualEddecT #EnCoNoMy #ViPPrEmIuMgOlD #SpEciAlEfFecT #BLoNdE #MeRchAndIse #NighTlIvE #EfFeCt #ReAlBlOnDe #PhOtO #IvanovaEfFeCt #MeRch #RaReBlOnDe #SpIdErWoMan #PrEmIuLgolD #OnLiNeShoP #Ema #TrIUeBlOnDe #NiGhT #CoStUmEpLay #GeNuInE #ReAlBrIgHtEyED #OnLiNeShipOnG #SeXy #PrEmIuM #CoSpLayEr #FrUiT #AcTiVe #CoSpLayInG #CaKe #OnLiNeMarKeT #AdVeRtIsmEnt #SwEeT #PhOnE #CoSpLay #SweEtS #AdS #GoLd #HalLoWeEnSpEciAl #Iq #OnLiNeStOrE #HalLoWeen #AdVeRtIStInG #CrEePyCoOl #CoStUmEOlaY #HallOwEeNsWeeTs #InnaIvanovaIstOfastFoRzIkRoFhEaDs #BeNeFiT #PrAterStErN #PReCuOUs #PatReOnInsiDeR #ThEdEaTh #SubScRibE #OnyLyFoRfInAnCeR #ThEgRiMrEapEr #ÜatReOnGauN #HiGhErIqEd #ThEdEad #InnaIvanovaIsHiGhErGiFtEd #PiZzA #OnLyFoRpaTrEoN #PaTrEoNbeNeFiT #AcRylIc #OnLyFoROayMeNt #MoNthLy #PapErWoRk #Gain #OnLyFoRPaYeR #ShIeLd #Day #InsiDeR #OnLyFoRcUstOmEr #Food #InnaIvanovaiSeVeRoVeRzIkRoFhEadS #YuMmI äFasHiOn #OnLyFoRpAtRoN #OIshI #HiGhErGiFtEd #LoVe #MaJ #InSigHtS #SeWiNg #WiG #HEarT #domINNAnt #HaiRdReSsEr #SeWeR #ShaRe #WiGdRessEr #PatReOnInSiGhtS #SanDwIch #DoMiNatIon #TeAsTy #HanDmaDe #HiGhEr #DeLiCiOuS #domINNA #FeaTuREr #GrEatFoOd #SoMIna #PaTrEoNmEmBeR #SeLfMaDeFoOd #ShaReR #LuNch #PaTrEoNsprrCiAl #LuNchBoX #MeTalBand #DoMInant #FeatUrInG #MuSicBand #somINNAnce #Up #ShaRiNg #RoCkBanD #OvErZiKrOfHeAds #SpEcIal #esCaPe #LiKe #fascINNAting #WhIrLpooL #LiKeiNg #BeCoMeInVestor #LiCk #In #InnaIvanovaIsBEyOnDZiKrOfsUnDeRstAnDing #LiCkInG #PaTrOn #pINNAcle ..!
#INNApproachable #UNRESPONSIVE #BuSy termINNAtingZikrofhead #InOtHeRSpAcE #OutofSyStem NotabLeToBabbLe #InStrAnGeDiMeNsIoN #WORKING #BeHinDYoUwiThAwEaPoN #UnReAchAbLe #ToHIgHFoRZiKrOfBrAin #ProDucInG #InOthErDiMeNsiOn #OutOfOrDer OutOfZiKrofSyStem iNPaRalElDiMenSioN #HaiLsAtAn #BOOKEDOUT !!!
submitted by ThoragraArgaroth to InnaIvanova [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 21:28 Economy_Airline_4403 Side Hustle / Part time Job - Merita sa investești timpul rămas după job-ul full time?

Salut, Asa cum scrie in titlul acestui post, merita un job part time / side hustle pentru un ban in plus sau e doar o pierdere de timp? Eu (23 M) detin un job destul de bun (Mechanical Product Engineer) care plateste destul de bine (cca 6000 lei cash + bonuri de masa) si ma gandeam sa incerc un job part time sau un side hustle pentru a face rost de niste bani doar pentru investitii (actiuni, bussiness, crypto, etc). Nu pot spune ca am treaba continuu, mai sunt zile in care stau si ma uit pe tavan si as vrea sa pot sa fac ceva poate remote cat timp stau degeaba. In trecut (fiind joaca de copiii, fara job) mai castigam ceva bani din vanzarea skin-urilor pe CSGO (50-400 Euro) dar si din editare video (cca 20 Euro / video). Pe partea de editare video inca ma mai ocup (avand acum si propriul imobil si pot filma in liniste diferite promovari pentru produse) dar ma gandeam sa incerc ca si agent imobiliar sau agent vanzari OVB (dupa programul de munca). Detin o masina dar si motor deci nu ar fi problema de deplasare) Voi ce job-uri Part time / Side hustle aplicati in timpul liber? Se merita o astfel de activitate pentru timpul liber? PS: Din suma specificata din job pun deoparte, nu raman fara bani la final de luna si ma pot intretine foarte bine singur. Vreau un astfel de job pentru investitii cu niste bani care o sa mii pot permite sa ii pierd.
submitted by Economy_Airline_4403 to CasualRO [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 22:12 Ok-Marzipan-2764 Amenda STB, validare falsa Revolut si controlor oribil

TL;DR: Am platit cu telefonul, cu Revolut. Aparatul avea ecranul verde cu am achitat 3 lei, tranzactia cumva a fost nefacuta si a trebuit sa platesc 80 lei controlorului care s-a purtat execrabil. Daca fac o sesizare prin e-mail v-a ajunge undeva?
Azi pe linia 60, am urcat, prietenul meu s-a dus sa valideze, a mers, m-am dus eu cu cardul de calatorii nestiind cate mai am, ecranul s-a facut rosu ca nu mai aveam calatorii, nu mai aveam bani nici pe cardul BCR asa ca am platit prin NFC cu Revolutul. Ecranul de la aparat a fost verde si era mesajul acela cu ai achitat 3 lei sau ceva de genul. Nu m-am mai gandit sa verific si in aplicatie daca a fost facuta tranzactia, ca in teorie daca era pe aparat, trebuia sa fi fost tranzactia facuta. Gresit.
Urca doua doamne controlor in autobuz, si cer cardurile la control. Eu si prietenul meu eram confuzi cum sa aratam ca am platit asa ca deschiseseram aplicatiile bancare (el mai rapid, eu mai greut). Doamna controlor se rasteste la noi ca nu asa se face si ca trebuie sa punem telefoanele pe telefonul dumneaei. Lui i-a mers fara nici o problema, dar la mine nu se intampla nimic.
Incerc de mai multe ori sa pun si nimic. Doamna devenea din ce in ce mai impacientata, iar eu deveneam din ce in ce mai speriata. Incepe sa se rasteasca mai tare la mine ca ce fac, ce imi ia atata si ca ea poate sa stea aici toata ziua. Apoi ma pune sa arat la aparat validarea, si arata ca nu functioneaza validarea sau ceva de genul. Eram foarte confuza atunci stiind clar ca vazusem mesajul pe aparat cu ecran verde ca am platit 3 lei. Incepe sa se ia mai tare de mine spunandu-mi ca ca nu inteleg, sa pornesc NFC-ul ca sa arat. Ii raspund ca il am pornit, iar aceasta interactiune se repeta de doua-trei ori pana ii arat efectiv iconita de la NFC din bara, dumneaei urmand sa imi spuna "Daca e pornit, atunci de ce nu merge?". Sincer, acelasi lucru voiam si eu sa stiu.
Ma intorc la loc, sarindu-mi in ajutor prietenul cat si un strain ca m-au vazut amandoi ca am validat. Devenind nervoasa, incepe sa urle ca atunci de ce nu apare ca am validat. Iubitul meu ii raspunde ca nu o merge apararul bine. Ea incearca sa ii dea un contra argument, ca lui i-a mers, urmand sa ii raspund ca el a platit cu un card romanesc, eu cu unul international si poate ca de aceea o fi fost o problema. Doamna controlor ini face apoi o aluzie ca as fi proasta si ca prietenul meu "ar trebui sa repare el aparatul daca e atat de destept". Aceasta cearta culmina la iubitul meu spunandu-i ca nu stie sa vorbeasca bine romaneste (sincer, ceea ce e adevarat), iar ea zicandu-ne ca suntem prost crescuti precum parintii nostrii si ca nu avem atatea clase cat are dumneaei.
In final, nervoasa, urla la mine ca daca stiu cat trebuie sa platesc, raspunzandui "50 de lei?" (ultima data cand auzisem de o amenda de STB, era 50 de lei). Nervoasa imi raspunde ca fie platesc acum 80 fie 450 mai incolo si ca m-a simtit de la inceput ca nu am platit. Speriata, intr-un atac de panica si cu lacrimi in ochi (stare in care am fost pe tot parcursul acestei interactiuni), ii platesc 80 de lei si primesc biletul de suprataxa.
Acum, am facut o sesizare prin e-mail la toata problema cu validarea cu card Revolut, cat si la comportamentul doamnei. Se va ajunge undeva? O sa imi primesc banii platit pe suprataxa inapoi pentru ca a fost o eroare, sau sa imi iau gandul? Stiu ca 80 de lei nu e mult, dar cand esti student fiecare ban conteaza...
submitted by Ok-Marzipan-2764 to bucuresti [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 13:58 Key-Surprise4726 Multiple hip-hop personals of Klaus Heisler:

Multiple hip-hop personals of Klaus Heisler: submitted by Key-Surprise4726 to americandad [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 10:56 Chivuu Bonusuri din aplicații la înscriere

Salutare tuturor, am găsit câteva aplicații care oferă bonusuri la înscriere, unele cu depuneri mici, altele fără depunere
Și m am gândit să creez un grup pentru ca genul ăsta de aplicații apar destul de des
E vorba de bonusuri de obicei de 5-10 euro iar după ce le faceți după link ul meu puteți să le faceți și prietenilor, iar pt fiecare prieten adus în aplicație veți primi la fel 5-10 euro în funcție de aplicație
Aștept dm pt a vă baga în grup Nu e vorba de scamuri, sunt pur și simplu aplicații care funcționează pe link de referal Vreau să fac o comunitate frumoasă din care să mai facem toți câte un ban în plus de buzunar✌🏽✌🏽
submitted by Chivuu to roFrugal [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 10:40 Chivuu Bonusuri din aplicații

Salutare tuturor, am găsit câteva aplicații care oferă bonusuri la înscriere, unele cu depuneri mici, altele fără depunere
Și m am gândit să creez un grup pentru ca genul ăsta de aplicații apar destul de des
E vorba de bonusuri de obicei de 5-10 euro iar după ce le faceți după link ul meu puteți să le faceți și prietenilor, iar pt fiecare prieten adus în aplicație veți primi la fel 5-10 euro în funcție de aplicație
Aștept dm pt a vă baga în grup Nu e vorba de scamuri, sunt pur și simplu aplicații care funcționează pe link de referal Vreau să fac o comunitate frumoasă din care să mai facem toți câte un ban în plus de buzunar✌🏽✌🏽
submitted by Chivuu to Vouchere [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 12:14 Embarrassed-Air2771 "Nu vând nimic, doar mă laud"

Văd că foarte multe persoane au probleme pe care aleg să le expună aici. Am zis să vin cu o postare care să contrabalanseze un pic.
Eu (F41) am studii superioare dar sunt angajată pe medii, în schimb am un job liniștit, unde interacționez cu oameni majoritar prietenoși. Nu am interacțiune cu șefii decât foarte rar și atunci mai mult online.
Am casa mea, achitată după 19 ani în loc de 20 cât era creditul. Câștig puțin (pentru unii), dar reușesc să mă descurc (cel mai românesc lucru!) și să și pun ceva deoparte. Mai sunt și concursomană, vând chestiile pe care le câștig și mai scot un ban.
Anul tecut mi-am cumpărat o mașină veche, dar care face treaba pentru care am luat-o.
Chiar dacă am mașină, merg mai mult pe jos și mergând mult zilnic, găsesc PET-uri, doze, le iau, le duc la supermarket, fac un ban.
Acum doi ani am divorțat și deși nu eram nefericită, nu făceam decât să fim colegi de apartament și acum amândoi suntem mai fericiți. Cel puțin eu sigur sunt, el așa se laudă.
Sunt cât de cât sănătoasă. Sunt fericită cu puținul meu, care pentru unii ar reprezenta mai mult decât abundență. Sunt recunoscătoare pentru ceea ce am și dau mai departe ori de câte ori am ocazia: bani, timp, sfaturi solicitate, ajutor.
Vă încurajez să faceți și voi exercițiul ăsta. Vedeți dacă nu cumva aveți chiar tot ce vă trebuie dar vă doriți mai mult pentru că așa am fost programați.
Weekend fain!
submitted by Embarrassed-Air2771 to CasualRO [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 13:23 gfhmedia Proprietari de locuințe, voi ați plăti pentru acest serviciu?

Încă din 2014, de când am intrat la facultate, pentru a câștiga un ban în plus în vacanțele de vară, mergeam în Germania unde tatăl meu era diriginte de șantier la o firmă de construcții. Pe scurt, renovau sau făceau de la zero partea de băi, bucătării, însă șantiere mari (spitale, hoteluri, blocuri, etc). Jobul meu era să finisez cu silicon sanităr (sol/perete, perete/perete) sau acrilic unde era cazul (da, este un job separat de cel de faiantor în marile șantiere unde se pune mare preț pe calitate). Acest lucru asigura o hidroizolație suplimentară în timp ce aduce un plus estetic atunci când este aplicat profesional. Bineînțeles că în primele săptămâni m-am chinuit enorm să îndeplinesc standardele de calitate ale neamțului, mai mult am dat jos ce am greșit, însă după câteva sute de băi am reușit să îmi formeze mâna. Pe scurt, în ultimii 10 ani am finisat cu silicon câteva zeci de km liniari.
Am observat că în România nu se practică această metodă cu siliconul aproape deloc, iar unde se practică, arată foarte urât (nu este uniform/prea gros) sau nu își face treaba cum trebuie. Băile de la noi rămân doar cu hidroizolația de sub gresie/faiantă, iar la colțuri rămâne doar chit sau un unghi ascuțit.
În 2020 m-am mutat în Cluj, prin chiriile prin care am stat am dat de aceeași poveste, ba chiar m-am oferit să refac sau să aplic (pro-bono) unde era cazul iar proprietarii au fost foarte mulțumiți. Între timp am mai avut solicitări de la cunoscuți, familie, tatăl meu s-a întors în țară între timp și renovează băi, finisaje interioare, la toate băile merg să fac eu siliconul.
Deși sunt inginer mecanic de meserie, se pare că nu reușesc să scot siliconul din viața mea :))
Și acum, întrebarea mea pentru voi: credeți că aș putea să ofer acest serviciu în România (Cluj)? Aș putea să fac câteva filmări pentru a educa oamenii și a-i ajuta să înțeleagă mai bine despre ce vorbesc, însă având atât de mult contact cu o chestie atât de nisată, nu reușesc să-mi dau seama cum se vede din exterior, dacă cineva ar plăti pentru asta și dacă există interes, deci implicit dacă merită efortul de a educa proprietarii despre aspectele pozitive ale acestei practici
submitted by gfhmedia to cluj [link] [comments]