Good facebook bios

Actually good Facebook memes

2018.07.25 16:50 Actually good Facebook memes

Facebook memes that are actually good !

2018.04.15 23:21 Ender 3

Welcome to the Ender 3 community, a specialized subreddit for all users of the Ender 3 3D printer. Here, enthusiasts, hobbyists, and professionals gather to discuss, troubleshoot, and explore everything related to 3D printing with the Ender 3. Whether you're looking for guides on calibration, advice on modding, or simply want to share your latest 3D prints on the Ender 3, this subreddit is your go-to hub for support and inspiration.

2012.10.15 22:53 chadlavi My Brother, My Brother and Me: The Subreddit

A subreddit for MBMBAM fans to ask each other whether they are good, complain about Ron, form dance troupes, think about four dimensional stables, shop for haunted dolls, express their desire to munch (SQUAD!), whatever.

2024.05.16 07:39 Just_Star_of_the_Sea Course Appeal ID 124

Good day! I have a question regarding a course appeal request at DLSU. Is it possible to appeal for a course that is not included in my 1st to 3rd course choices? I want to appeal for Political Science. My 1st choice is MedBio, my 2nd choice is Biology Major in Ecology, and I got into my 3rd choice, which is Human Services.
submitted by Just_Star_of_the_Sea to dlsu [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:39 NotMacgyver 5 Psykers walk into the warp (perils testing)

I took 5 psykers to maxed veil degradation areas to test out how bad perils are. I took one psyker of each style with the following features:
mercs, all iconoclast, imperial, no gear (except staff), all warriors, arch militant, level 48, with wildfire and their builds consisted of mostly their psyker talents and abilities.
First a preamble: Perils and phenomenons differ as follows. Phenomenons are small text and a momentum change, positive, negative, or neutral though the game says they are suppose to be bad so...
Perils is when shit happens. Can only be triggered by major powers and only at 15 or above veil degradation. Game contradicts itself a bit on if this next formula is for perils or not but here it is
(10+psy rating+ veil degradation)% with a +10% for unsanctioned psykers.
So first a list of major powers that can trigger perils (minor power in brackets for those who want to know what you can use in high veil areas safely):
So as you can see you can still do something without triggering perils. But what are the perils. Well I made each of the 5 psykers trigger at least 30 perils to see their effects (PS: sanctic psykers are a menace) and try to understand what they do.
out of 150+..... out of 197 (fuck you sanctic psyker not rolling rebound) perils we got:
Peril Descriptions Frequency
Unnamed (only "Perils of the warp:" appears so it doesn't have a specific name) Instant death and summons a daemon. Likely the "daemonic attention" peril but when the daemon fails the save but I'll register them separately 4/197 (2%)
Daemonic Attention Spawns a daemon and forces a willpower save on the daemon (49 save), never seen the daemon fail so I assume the unnamed one is the fail 15/197 (8%)
Earth Protests psy rating direct damage and prone but doesn't affect psyker 28/197 (14%)
Reality Quake AoE 11+psy rating direct damage 8/197 (4%)
Rebound psy rating damage back to caster 19/197 (10%)
Untamed Power chain lightning, always targets self first then jumps 3 times, psy rating x 2 damage, benefits from a lot of modifiers...including hammer of the emperor. 28/197 (14%)
Warp Blast AoE fire with (1+PS/2) direct damage with knock back (KB does damage as well) if not against something, and prone (agility save), doesn't hit the psyker 37/197 (19%)
Warp Tremor Psy rating direct damage and aoe prone (agility test) 33/197 (17%)
Whiplash damage to others in the area and push + prone (agility save for prone) 25/197 (13%)
Hopefully this helps people play psyker in max veil degradation areas. Also Sanctic psykers are a menace to society (cause of the talent that increases psy rating mostly), some powers are comically bugged (in a good way) and Sanctics refuse to roll rebound.
PS: this really should be in the game logs and "Corpus Valancius"
Also mind rupture + AM heroic gives 6 free uses of it, the ability has infinite range (though not line of sight) but it's funny to see.
Hammer of the emperor buffs untamed power so you get your face exploded
And Agility is a great stat for Psykers to avoid falling on their ass
submitted by NotMacgyver to RogueTraderCRPG [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:39 MugenShiba If you reject someone, give them space

A woman who was my super long time crush became single after a 10 year marriage. I waited an appropriate amount of time (close to a year), asked her out. We had an okay first coffee date (we were both awkward as hell); and without even asking, she let me know that she was open to doing anything and had a clear schedule, so no brainer, I asked her out for a real date. It was at that point that she ghosted me, she agreed to the date but when I asked what would be a good evening for her, nothing. After a week I sent a funny meme but no response. Although it sucked to have missed the opportunity, just kind of shrugged it off and went on. Didn't want to be petty or awkward because we have some of the same friends, so I've kept her as Friends on Instagram and Facebook (on mute so her stuff doesn't show up on my feed). About 2 months later she posts that she has a boyfriend, which I will admit made me a little jealous because he is a complete loser, looks like a nice dude but comes off as a bum. I have had a number of life successes within a short time: I've graduated from college with my Bachelors, I've lost 100 pounds (most of which was off when I asked her out), and I just bought a condo. Of course I post my successes on social media. Ever since this girl has announced her boyfriend she posts on my social media posts about my successes. I don't know why but it totally kills my mood whenever she praises me. Feels like she is looking down on me out of guilt/pity because I havent found someone, I don't think she is doing it subconsciously but goddamn what a buzz kill. I can't unfollow her now becuase my friends will think I'm being petty. Maybe I will unfriend her in the future but hopefully I will just grow to not care about it anymore.
submitted by MugenShiba to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:27 RealisticAdvisor3134 am i good for bio?

i did 2 practice exams got 52/60 in both, but i don't understand these things fully
-pre and post zygotic barrier
-protien structure
-nondisjunction -gene regulation
anyone have good video recommendations? my exam is in 2 hours
submitted by RealisticAdvisor3134 to APStudents [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:02 TcTitan77 Me (30 M) and my Wife (26 F) have been separated for over a year. How do I move forward?

In January of 2023 my wife, I’ll call her S, left me. A bit of backstory because this is mostly my fault. Me and her moved from Florida to Washington 6 years ago for me to find better work. Her dad, brother and I were all best friends for a while and her dad was my boss that’s how I met her. We started dating in 2016 when I lived in Jacksonville and was attending welding school. When I moved back to my hometown I couldn’t find work and eventually went back to work with the company her dad worked at, I ran my own shop. I hated it I was so depressed I wanted to weld but she didn’t want me to because she’d be alone while I was on the road so I stayed. Her mom is a meth addict and is very violent and her dad is laid back as it gets but an alcoholic non the less. I was living with my parents at the time and one day her mom freaked out and tried to hit her, I stood up and defended her and her mom kicked her out of there house. Me and her lived with my parents ever since. Now that she lived at my parents house I had to basically force her to get a job because all she did was play sims and complain. Especially about me watching game of thrones because of the nudity. when I got home and I thought she needed some purpose. I only bring these thing up to put into perspective the things that I had to forgive and give up to be with her. One day my mom asks us if we’d like to move to Washington in hopes of a better life and she could attend college here. I was thrilled at the idea and she was at that moment too. As the date grew closer and I had already put my two weeks notice in she started getting cold feet. I explained to her that I was miserable at my job and had already given up welding and I was not passing up another opportunity whether she came or not. That ended in a fight but she said she wanted to come in the end. My mom emptied her retirement so we could rent a truck, drive up and have an apartment when we got there (my mom was already here) When got here we both immediately got jobs as a construction labor, making quite good money and her at a drugstore. This is where the problems really began. She started to become very withdrawn. She was not interested in anything sexual, and it began to wear on my confidence. I eventually got a job as an electrician making less money as an apprentice, but more overall when I turned out. Then Covid hit. I got fat and depressed, I got a lot from unemployment. So naturally, I began to drink more. Then I started dabbling in cocaine. Over time this became a problem, I began hiding it doing it on the weekends being out all night sometimes for multiple days. She caught me and I lied. My mental health was deteriorating quickly. I had already suffered with depression before, but this was something different. Her dad got diagnosed with stage bone cancer during this too. It was a rough time for both of us. At one point she told me she didn’t know if she wanted to get a divorce because she wanted to go back home to be with her dad if he died. Even though I understood this crushed me even more. During 2022 I was still somehow I was still somehow still managing to keep it together even with my addiction. She started attending college and work and college at the same time with stressing her out to the point where she was crying so I told her to quit her job and do college full-time. I paid for all of it. Financial burdens began to increase. My mental health dropped even lower. I became increasingly suicidal I thought about death every day. I talked about it every day. She would tell me she’s not a psychiatrist or therapist and that she couldn’t help me. She started hanging out with one of her friends from work and they started hanging out a lot towards the end of 2022. This part is extremely important. I started noticing things on her phone that pointed to her being interested in women like things in her algorithm for TikTok and YouTube. Stuff to do with being lesbian and coming out or bi. I asked her one day if that was something that was going on with her if she was interested in women. She told me no. A month later, she came to me and told me that she thought about it and it was something that she had been thinking about. I told her that it was OK and that it was something that I was willing to let her explore as long as we communicated. Then out of the blue one day again she tells me she didn’t mind if I slept with other women. Looking back this was a red flag at the time. I thought it was OK with it for being with someone else. It turns out I was not. Being a cocaine addict and an alcoholic pretty much plus the thought of her being with someone else started to grind my self-conscious. I became increasingly paranoid that she would leave me. One night fueled on cocaine. I got on her laptop and looked through all of her history all of it back years. And I saw she had to stop obsessing over a guy. Is it OK to have a crush on a guy at the gym while married. I confronted her with this information. And it turned into a huge she said I invaded her privacy which I did and still feel terrible for. And she said it was only a crush and nothing else. Our sex life had all the ground, and I was so hurt that she was attracted to someone else and couldn’t even begin to be attracted to me. One night at the beginning of January, maybe the first week or two I was trying to quit drinking and doing cocaine. I had maybe been a week in. It was the weekend and I didn’t want to be alone. I begged her to stay with me, but she went out with her friend. In retaliation, I suppose I went out with someone a friend of mine and got fucked up. We ended up going back to his place with some girls. There was no sex just making out and such. I don’t remember exactly what happened, but I freaked out and got taken home in a cop car. She was at her friends at this point I decided to commit suicide. I overdosed on muscle relaxers with my uncle to tell him bye. My uncle got it out of him that I had overdosed. He called my wife and her and the woman that she was hanging out with came to my house and I was taken to the hospital. I spent a whole week in the hospital. The whole time I was there she just seemed annoyed. She wanted to go back to her friends house and do homework for school. I got out and went back to work. I had to make up some school and the day I was there. I talked to another woman about how I could win her back because she said that she didn’t know if she wanted to be with me anymore. The girls suggested I take her out on a date and tell her how I was feeling and I did. That night while we were eating dinner, she told me that she had been sleeping with that girl the night I tried to commit suicide and other nights. She didn’t tell me she was afraid I would divorce. At first, I remain calm. But as the past, I started to become angry. at home I told her I was leaving to go stay at a friends house because we need to take a break. I started drinking heavily and told her to get the fuck out of my house and I hated her a bunch of other I started drinking heavily and told her to get the fuck out of my house and I hated her a bunch of other terrible things. I went completely off the rails she left with that girl to stay at her house. I bought a bunch of cocaine Adderall and alcohol and was determined to just do drugs until I died. I started self harming. I tried to commit suicide through carbon monoxide, overdose, and hanging. I ruined the house. I broke so many things kicked down doors shattered pictures. You should’ve seen it. It was disgusting. She came by to check on me because she was worried. I was going to kill myself. I can’t remember everything that I said to her, but I know I freaked out. I started throwing things and just being an absolute ass. it culminated her calling my parents. She told him everything. I should also note that during this time I was confused as well with everything going on in my head and thought maybe I would be by and gave a guy a blow job he also gave me one as well. It didn’t last long I wasn’t into it, but I told her the very next day. Had about three months before all this happened. She left again and my mom flew back from Florida. As I sobered up, I began to realize how I had acted. I went to work and immediately told my foreman that I needed to go to rehab. I went to rehab and started to feel better about two months after she had told me and I went to rehab and started to feel better. About two months since the split, we met up at a Starbucks to talk about us. She said that she didn’t think she could be with me anymore. After the way I had acted and all the lying with my addiction. I wanted her back so badly. I told her I’m sorry I was never worth it in a bunch of other stuff that was childish. She said I had acted like her mom and that she couldn’t deal with it. I totally did the yelling throwing things saying horrible things to her to put her down. Anyway, I went no contact with her the whole time she was still living with that girl. I relapsed after about four months. I got laid off from my job. In a few Coke, fueled rages on separate occasions, I would call her and beg her back and then yell at her when she didn’t want to. I called her with cancer and told him that she had cheated on me with a girl. They are very conservative and that was a horrible thing for me to do. So now the end of the tale. I’ve been in and out of sobriety now for this year and a half more in sobriety than out. I’m sober now I’m in AA and NA and feeling much better. Her dad died of cancer. She never told me I heard through a friend of a friend which really hurt me because me and him used to be best friends. Although I understand why she would not reach out to me. Neither me or her have filed the paperwork for the divorce. We just never talk. She has me blocked on Facebook and I don’t know her phone number and honestly right now. I don’t even know if I want to go through with the divorce or just keep working on healing. I’m so confused because I still love her but also I don’t want to be with her but I do. I think about her all the time. I don’t want to break no contact with her. We haven’t spoken in over nine months. I don’t want to open up the wounds for her. If anyone has read this far thank you. I’m typing on my phone so if everything seems rushed and a little sporadic, sorry. I would just like some advice on how maybe I could move forward stay sober and heal from all of this.
submitted by TcTitan77 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:58 seahavxn I've only had this app for two days and I already feel so frustrated

this is most definitely a me thing tbh i feel like a boomer learning how to use new technology with this app. someone told me to try depop to get rid of some clothes and shoes instead of using facebook marketplace, I've had this app for two days and i'm already frustrated at the amount of low-balling offers i've received.
Selling some Dr Martens Jadons for $100 (AUD) and they RRP for $350 here in Australia at the moment, so I think I'm asking for a fair price, considering I've only worn them a few times and they're in pretty good condition. Is it fair to edit the description to add that i'm firm on the price and to not send any lower offers or is that kind of asshole-y?
submitted by seahavxn to Depop [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:50 Huge_Belt_4350 I wrote a letter to my mom addressing all the hurts of my childhood expecting a response that never came

I (27F) last last winter (2022) wrote a long letter to my mom. I poured my heart into it, I cried the whole time writing it. I showed it to my husband to make sure I wasn’t being too mean in my writing towards my mom. I showed it to my stepsister to again make sure it was okay and made sense and to get emotional support (I’m Mexican and I didn’t want to push too far because i understand how deep generational trauma is and the parent child dynamic) I even showed it to my stepdad who immediately called me apologizing for the things I wrote in the letter (which I will get into in a moment) and was telling me about how he will divorce her (I didn’t want that and made me feel shitty) and explained why some scenarios ended up the way they did. Everyone encouraged me to send it. I was so confident that my mom was going to read it and drive over ? Write back? Call me. Something ! So I mailed it. (I mailed it because I instantly cry every time I try talking to her in person about not surface level things, it would of been easier getting words out especially when having to translate to Spanish)
In the letter I wrote about:
-Feeling emotionally neglected -the name calling my mom would do (calling me “retarded” and mimicking noises and movements of people with disability towards me among other things -My uncle being a pedo and scaring me into not saying anything to them, i later said something to a friend in HS who went to the counselor who called the police and I made up a person to protect my uncle, I was then grounded for over a year. -the carpet in my bedroom always being wet when it rained which is a lot where I live ruining my feet with a fungal infection that was just ignored (i understand it was a money issue but the hurt remains) -being blamed for high utility bills n being expensive for needing braces -being called lazy for not cleaning even though I would clean the kitchen and be the only kid to pick up the leaves outside in the fall and things, sometimes when I would clean the kitchen she would do it again, when asking her to teach me how to do it better she would ignore me and pretend I wasn’t there. -asking her any question and being ignored -my boyfriend in high school being suicidal when I would try to break up with him and hurting that I couldn’t go to them for help -saying that I tried to hit her to my step dad when I moved out of the way of her too quickly and making a scene about it leaving me confused -understanding that i understand she probably had a rough childhood and that all I wanted was a normal mother daughter relationship
That’s pretty much the gist among a bunch of other little things that really hurt me and I explained that it was hard to form a relationship with her in my adulthood and trust her with my kids until we addressed these things. I wanted to be acknowledged. Not even an apology really. But a conversation. I wanted to understand her more because I literally don’t know anything about her. We would never talk unless it was to eat dinner or clean something. I was always in my room during that time.
I waited a few weeks, my stepsister would visit them here and there and tell me how my mom appears sad? And maybe she needed more time.
A few months pass by I see my mom smiling in Hawaii having a good time.
At this point I’m in therapy because I’m losing hair from the stress of this and severely depressed.
Fall comes around and I finally go to visit with the encouragement of my husband, stepsister and stepdad. She acts like I’m not even there. This makes me angry. At one point my mom goes outside to smoke a cigarette im at the table with everyone and I start just talking about the hurts again, I say my mom is a narcissistic. My mom comes back inside. And for an hour. I’m complaining and she’s in the living room a few feet away saying absolutely nothing.
I leave feeling so weird. So lonely? We are now I’m 2024. I don’t have a relationship with her or my step dad really. I had to block her because she would go to Hawaii again and just living her life having a great time I was trying not to be bitter. Or angry. My step sister and step dad eventually started to question how legitimate my statements were it was so painful being misunderstood. Being told that that’s just the mom that I have. Being told that things were maybe my fault for having a problem with everything (I would always speak up when my parents would be racist and things)
I few months ago I did send her a text as a final effort. I asked why she never responded. If she wants to just leave this alone that’s okay and I will move on. And she told me that all that was on the letter were complaints. And told me about how when I was 20 I made a comment on a Facebook post about bad parenting and how everyone saw. About how embarrassed she was when people reached out to her. About how I wrote that I felt like I was in a dark environment. I didn’t know everyone saw it. I apologized for that. She told me to come over to talk because she personally has some complains about me. But she never acknowledged me. I didn’t want to go, to feel yelled at and again taken back to being a child getting yelled at.
I’m currently feeling grief. Mistrust to my family. Lonely. Jealous? About how my other siblings seem to be having a better time. How do I move on from feeling misunderstood. I feel like everyone is okay and I’m abandoned. I feel guilt for pulling my small family away from them from how hurt I am. Most times I’m okay until I see my stepsister at a family gathering that I’m never invited to. And then I’m back again to being a lonely child.
submitted by Huge_Belt_4350 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:46 morishaone Tips for effective social media marketing ❤️

Here are some key strategies and tips for effective social media marketing:

Social Media Marketing Strategy

1. Define Your Goals

Identify what you aim to achieve with your social media marketing. Common goals include:

2. Know Your Audience

Understand who your audience is and what they care about. Create detailed audience personas, considering:

3. Choose the Right Platforms

Not all social media platforms are created equal. Choose the platforms that best align with your audience and goals:

4. Create a Content Plan

Plan your content to ensure consistency and variety. Your content plan should include:

5. Engage with Your Audience

Social media is a two-way street. Engage with your audience by:

6. Use Analytics to Measure Performance

Track and analyze your social media performance using platform analytics and third-party tools. Key metrics to monitor include:

7. Optimize and Adjust Your Strategy

Based on your analytics, refine your strategy to improve results. Consider:

Tips for Creating Engaging Content

  1. Visual Appeal: Use high-quality images and videos. Visual content is more likely to capture attention.
  2. Consistency: Maintain a consistent brand voice and visual style across all platforms.
  3. Storytelling: Tell stories that resonate with your audience and evoke emotions.
  4. Value: Provide value through educational, entertaining, or inspirational content.
  5. Calls-to-Action (CTAs): Encourage your audience to take action with clear and compelling CTAs.

Leveraging Paid Advertising

  1. Define Your Budget: Start with a clear budget and adjust based on performance.
  2. Targeted Ads: Use detailed targeting options to reach the right audience.
  3. A/B Testing: Experiment with different ad creatives, copy, and targeting to find what works best.
  4. Monitor and Optimize: Continuously track ad performance and make necessary adjustments.

Staying Updated with Trends

Social media trends change rapidly. Stay informed by:
By implementing these strategies and continually refining your approach, you can build a strong social media presence that drives meaningful results for your brand.
submitted by morishaone to SocialMediaMarketing_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:43 NuggetHighwind I need some troubleshooting help. PC crashing no matter the game.

Hello, Need some help with this PC issue because I've been troubleshooting it for days and it's driving me insane.

PC Specs

Intel i7 13700KF PNY 4070 ti KLEVV 6200mhz 16gb x2 MSI Tomahawk z790 Max Corsair rm1000e

The Issues

I bought the PC second hand but it's been nothing but problems.
Every single game I play crashes within 30 minutes, usually within 5. Doesn't matter if I'm playing Oldschool Runescape or The Witcher 3, it happens without fail. Read below for my troubleshooting nightmare. There's no visible BSOD or anything. The game just freezes for about 10-20 seconds, then the computer reboots itself. Sometimes it then fails to boot, or gets itself in a reboot loop.
Half the time, dump files fail to get created. Previously, the Event Viewer showed nvlddmkm.sys errors, but haven't for the last ~10 crashes or so. Now it just shows a generic 41 error.
I can't provide dump files right now because I'm running another memtest, but will later on if needed. Though, for some reason, dump files being created now are giving me an error and saying I don't have permission to use them in Windbg, even though I can load older dump files.

What I've Tried So Far

1) Reseating the GPU 2) Reseating the RAM 3) Checking all power cables/mobo cables 4) Re-installing drivers 5) Using DDU then re-installing drivers 6) Clean Windows install (several times) 7) Turning off XMP 8) Putting GPU into max performance mode 9) Giving permissions to nvlddmkm.sys (Seen in a Reddit thread) 10) Buying a cheap $30 GPU and trying it. This also caused crashes. 11) Replacing the motherboard. AsRock z790 Pro RS -> MSI Z790 Tomahawk max. 12) Monitoring temperatures (No issues) 13) Memtest (No issues) 14) Testing RAM sticks one by one 15) I did update the BIOS on my old motherboard, but have not tried it on the new one yet. 16) Underclocking my GPU

Weird Observations

The reason this is making me tear my hair out is that I just can't pin down the issue.

Likely Issue?

At this point, I'm thinking either: A) CPU failing. From what I understand, the top PCIe slot is directly connected to the CPU, so I'm thinking that the CPU is causing problems to anything in the top slot. Though I did get crashes when the 4070 ti was connected to the bottom slot via a riser cable. CPU issues are much rarer though, and I feel like there would be other system issues if this was the case. All PC operation works fine outside of trying to play games.
B) GPU dying. I thought this was the likeliest issue, but then it could run all the benchmarks and stress tests no problem. The cheap $30 card I bought also had the exact same crashing issues. I'm not ruling it out, it's just been so hard to pinpoint. 3) PSU This could be the issue, but I feel like a Corsair 1000w would be fine as it's a high quality PSU and has plenty of power. Could just have a faulty unit, I guess.
I did think that it must be the PSU, because after majorly underclocking my GPU, I was able to play games for ~30 minutes instead of 5. But then a couple of hours later, I was back to 5 minute crashes
I'm probably just going to take it to a repair shop tomorrow because I'm at my wits end, but I thought I'd post here just in-case someone could give me some other ideas because short of replacing the CPU/GPU/PSU, I'm out of ideas.
submitted by NuggetHighwind to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:41 jaytaicho Tech Systems Limited

Hey, has anyone here been to Tech Systems Limited, located 84 The Square, Palmerston North? They're selling tech and computing products on Facebook. Some prices that seem too good to be true tbh. Thinking of buying a laptop from them, but I'm a bit sceptical.
submitted by jaytaicho to Palmerstonnorth [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:35 Dry_Accountant8612 Guys I want to share my story (ab Tak jo ho gya and also tell me how should I tackle the situation)

Till 10th I was a good student like padhai mei bhi accha and all phir aise hi boards mei (state board) 91% ke saath socha tha arts lunga (ias Officer ban na tha ) but Ghar walo ne science pe laga diya Doctor banna padhega bolke, phir aise hi maine bhi socha doctor baan ke baad mei ias ke liye choose kar lunga, then phir start hua mera life ka downfall. I choosed a private college with a good reputation (nam nhi lunga) and many good students like state toppers etc. so humlog ka class, boards results ke lakbhag 10 din baad hi start ho gya tha, lekin mein late join karlia tha like 1 - 2months late (kyuki tab mei arts/science kaunsa loo chakkar mei phas gya tha) aur hamare classes like bohut aage chalegye, mein like blank kuch bhi samaj nhi aarha tha like teaches sab 11th ke motion in plane Tak pauch gya the aur muje tabtak units and dimensions bhi nhi aata tha. Phir aisehi mera 11th chala gya with 0 knowledge kuch bhi nhi aata tha like 0 Bhai 0 aur hostel mei rehta tha toh wah bhi utna padhai ka patner guide wagera nhi tha. And Ghar walo se pressure itna tha (because we are lower middle class ) ki acche institution ke bawajut tuje kuch nhi aata etc. and aisehi mera 11th barbaad ho gya, jab board aaya 11th ke mera percentage around 32 huwa aur school walo ne jaise taise pass kar wa Diya nhi toh 11th pe hi fail ho jata, phir Ghar walo nhi din raat pressure dena start kya, like kya hoga tera tu kuch nhi kar sakta etc. And 12th mei jab Aya toh meine socha liya tha acche se padhunga and all and was everything was going right mere marks bhi tode tode improve huwe like bohot mehnat kya bohot and like test marks bhi improve hone lage tution bhi laya liya tha. Phir jab 12th ke beech Wale din I got myself into a trouble. I fell in love with a girl (online) hum dono ke thoughts taste music and all same hone ke karan ek dusre se pyaar ho gya tha and like later I realised woh toh alag hi tha like usse baat karne ke liye mein apna padhai aadha adhura chor deta tha(kyuki usko sirf ek limited time phone milta tha and like mere padhai ke time hi milta tha aur baaki ke team ya toh mei tution jata ya toh woh) phirse mera marks girne suru ho gaya because of lack of time in studies and then aisehi days went by like I managed somehow todha marks kaam ho jata phirbhi i sticked to her and then aisehi karte karte mera boards aayga , and also I thought I was ready for everything, but ek or unfortunate event ho gya, wo ladki apne ex ke saath phirse chaligyi in between my boards exam she broke up with me (like she was with me for just time pass? Kya woh sab baatein was waste?) and uske wajah se mera boards bhi kharab ho gya kyuki usko time Dena padta tha and as result mere issaal ke boards pe 78 percentage ho gya 😭😭 how i am supposed to do now? My parents don't know a thing about this all they are just putting pressure like you don't want to study, tuje padhai karne nhi dega abse tu kaam karne jayega , etc kuch din pehle neet and jee ka exam Diya tha jo ladka 11th mei 0 tha woh neet ke kuch din pehle pure bio and physics ko 2 baar padh dala and uska expected score aa rha hai around 374 and maths aur physics karke (chemistry weak mera) jee mei uska aaya tha around 73 percentile aaya tha. And now the question is do I deserve it? Do I deserve a chance for the next year. A drop is it will be worth it? Kya mei woh kar paunga ? The pain in me is always hitting me guys please help I just want to kms parents ke expectations the acche karge but nhi ab boj ban gya hu ab toh woh unlog ko dekhne se bhi bura lagta hai😭 guys please help suggest me what should I do ? Should I just kms? I can't handle anymore failures
submitted by Dry_Accountant8612 to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:34 Halloween_girl_ Need help with talking to parent

Hi I'm new to this and I don't know the right terms to use in the subreddit so I'm really sorry if I use the wrong terms. I'm a 17 year old female and have a 21 year old biological sister and 8 year old adoptive sister.
So my parent have been fostering kids for 13 years since I was 4 years old. I'm graduating high school this year and for the past couple years I've been trying to get my parents to stop fostering not for selfish reasons my younger sister has been having behavioral problems and it may be due to an undiagnosed mental disorder so I think that it would be good for us to slow down so she doesn't have that stress on her but my mom is very persistent on fostering. We used to have this rule that if everyone in the house doesn't say yes then we would deny the foster kid. Recently I've been saying no a lot more in worry for my younger sister and honestly it's extremely mentally draining for me as well. I'm not sure how many bio kids of foster parents are on here but it's extremely lonely because people just tell you to be grateful that your parents are so generous but I don't think they understand what I'm really feeling. I've had so many mental issues due to situations I was put in by foster kids and in no way am I blaming them because most of the time it just happened because of the trauma that they have been through. But recently we got a call for 3 kids under 5 year old one being an infant and I said no because graduation is in a week in a half and I really just want to have both my parents there and focused on me for once in my life. My mom called me after I texted no and just kept yelling at me for saying no wanting an explanation and every time I said that its was close to graduation and I just thought it was a bad time and she didn't take that answer because she said that "Nothing would change" and I apparently I said something close to a "yes" and she took it and got the kids now we have them and things have changed I have a lot of events and I even had one of my last school events that I really wanted my mom and dad to see but the day of my mom told me she was going to be there. I have been confiding in my friend but they don't understand so I'm coming here for help. My mom wont take no for an answer any more. We've had 27 foster kids in total over the years and 3 of them not including the ones we have now have been in our house when I said no but my mom manipulated me into saying yes. I don't know what to do anymore. I have college and I have to stay at home for the next year and I don't think I can handle it anymore.
I'm really sorry for the dump but I just need help. I've tried to talk to her but it always ends with me crying. I just don't know how to tell her that I want her love too. Every time that I've said no it is normally followed with a couple days, sometimes weeks of her being mad, borderline ignoring me, and guilting me. I have tried to bring up that I just wanted their full attention and she guiltied me by saying that I think she's a bad mom which she isn't to the foster kids it just tends to come at the cost of my happiness
submitted by Halloween_girl_ to Fosterparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:34 Huge_Belt_4350 I wrote a letter to my mom addressing all the hurts of my childhood expecting a response that never came

I (27F) last last winter (2022) wrote a long letter to my mom. I poured my heart into it, I cried the whole time writing it. I showed it to my husband to make sure I wasn’t being too mean in my writing towards my mom. I showed it to my stepsister to again make sure it was okay and made sense and to get emotional support (I’m Mexican and I didn’t want to push too far because i understand how deep generational trauma is and the parent child dynamic) I even showed it to my stepdad who immediately called me apologizing for the things I wrote in the letter (which I will get into in a moment) and was telling me about how he will divorce her (I didn’t want that and made me feel shitty) and explained why some scenarios ended up the way they did. Everyone encouraged me to send it. I was so confident that my mom was going to read it and drive over ? Write back? Call me. Something ! So I mailed it. (I mailed it because I instantly cry every time I try talking to her in person about not surface level things, it would of been easier getting words out especially when having to translate to Spanish)
In the letter I wrote about:
-Feeling emotionally neglected -the name calling my mom would do (calling me “retarded” and mimicking noises and movements of people with disability towards me among other things -My uncle being a pedo and scaring me into not saying anything to them, i later said something to a friend in HS who went to the counselor who called the police and I made up a person to protect my uncle, I was then grounded for over a year. -the carpet in my bedroom always being wet when it rained which is a lot where I live ruining my feet with a fungal infection that was just ignored (i understand it was a money issue but the hurt remains) -being yelled at for not cleaning everyday (I was the only child who would clean the kitchen and pick up leaves in the fall and stuff), sometimes she would clean again after I would do it. when asking to teach me how to do it better I would be ignored -asking her a question and being ignored -being blamed for high utility bills n being expensive for needing braces -my boyfriend in high school being suicidal when I would try to break up with him and hurting that I couldn’t go to them for help -saying that I tried to hit her to my step dad when I moved out of the way of her too quickly and making a scene about it leaving me confused -understanding that i understand she probably had a rough childhood and that all I wanted was a normal mother daughter relationship
That’s pretty much the gist among a bunch of other little things that really hurt me and I explained that it was hard to form a relationship with her in my adulthood and trust her with my kids until we addressed these things. I wanted to be acknowledged. Not even an apology really. But a conversation. I wanted to understand her more because I literally don’t know anything about her. We would never talk unless it was to eat dinner or clean something. I was always in my room during that time.
I waited a few weeks, my stepsister would visit them here and there and tell me how my mom appears sad? And maybe she needed more time.
A few months pass by I see my mom smiling in Hawaii having a good time.
At this point I’m in therapy because I’m losing hair from the stress of this and severely depressed.
Fall comes around and I finally go to visit with the encouragement of my husband, stepsister and stepdad. She acts like I’m not even there. This makes me angry. At one point my mom goes outside to smoke a cigarette im at the table with everyone and I start just talking about the hurts again, I say my mom is a narcissistic. My mom comes back inside. And for an hour. I’m complaining and she’s in the living room a few feet away saying absolutely nothing.
I leave feeling so weird. So lonely? We are now I’m 2024. I don’t have a relationship with her or my step dad really. I had to block her because she would go to Hawaii again and just living her life having a great time I was trying not to be bitter. Or angry. My step sister and step dad eventually started to question how legitimate my statements were it was so painful being misunderstood. Being told that that’s just the mom that I have. Being told that things were maybe my fault for having a problem with everything (I would always speak up when my parents would be racist and things)
I few months ago I did send her a text as a final effort. I asked why she never responded. If she wants to just leave this alone that’s okay and I will move on. And she told me that all that was on the letter were complaints. And told me about how when I was 20 I made a comment on a Facebook post about bad parenting and how everyone saw. About how embarrassed she was when people reached out to her. About how I wrote that I felt like I was in a dark environment. I didn’t know everyone saw it. I apologized for that. She told me to come over to talk because she personally has some complains about me. But she never acknowledged me. I didn’t want to go, to feel yelled at and again taken back to being a child getting yelled at.
I’m currently feeling grief. Mistrust to my family. Lonely. Jealous? About how my other siblings seem to be having a better time. How do I move on from feeling misunderstood. I feel like everyone is okay and I’m abandoned. I feel guilt for pulling my small family away from them from how hurt I am. Most times I’m okay until I see my stepsister at a family gathering that I’m never invited to. And then I’m back again to being a lonely child.
submitted by Huge_Belt_4350 to emotionalneglect [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:34 LossomoFilms It's even harder now to request a vegan meal with WestJet

In the past, you had to yell at their Facebook bot to switch you to an agent and then you could put a request for a vegan meal for your flight.
Now, they removed the Facebook option "to serve us better" (?????), and now the only way to make a request is by calling them!
Just annoying that Canada is in this stone age still.
"yes we have special meal options, just good luck letting us know if you need it". Ugh
submitted by LossomoFilms to vegan [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:31 n-0625 Rough breakup :)

I need help. I apologise for the long post.
I was in a relationship with a guy that I met in my last office. We instantly had a strong connection as we were meeting in a foreign country and we have the same nationality. Our connection was strong and we were like best friends. We were drawn to each other. We started dating two months after meeting.
When we met he was already facing some problems regarding his visa. Also, he was facing issues with his residence at the time. Before we started seeing each other, he told me about not being able to find a place. I jokingly mentioned to him that one of my flatmates has gone to her country for a while. So he asked if he could live with us. My flatmate and I agreed upon having him in the house for a few days. Later on those few days turned into 6 months, 4 months without even paying the rent. It got to a point that my flatmates were also getting frustrated because of a guy being in house. Even though, he was veru respectful of us.
During this time we were living together, we started dating each and we got intimate. We were happy with each other. We used to joke and have fun. We used to do our groceries and plan our dinners together. I used to cover the expenses sometimes and other times we split. But I was the one who always cooked. So we were sort of like in a live in relationship.
After 6 months of dating his visa got rejected and he went back to our country. We decided we would continue long-term since we had made each other a commitment of marriage. The plan was for him to find a job and once things get settled down, we will talk to our families. We both are in our mid twenties.
However, what ended up happening was that he stopped replying to my messages. I gave him a lot of space for two months, without him asking for it. There were times when I used to just ask him how he is and he did not reply for days. I was still being patient.
Until one day I randomly decided to open his profile on Facebook and I could not find it. I found out that he had blocked me for no reason as my friend could see his profile. It was only on facebook. We were still connected on the other platforms. I called him and messaged him all day when I found out. When we finally talked he denied all of it. Then later on he completely deactivated his profile. My gut instinct was that he is hiding something from me.
Maybe his family got him engaged somewhere (this is common in our culture). I wanted to breakup with him that day but he said I am going through a lot so I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I stayed quite again for 2 or 3 weeks more. Then one day I decided I need my answer, I need to know why is he doing this. So I texted him. Called him a few times. To no avail. Then finally at night he texted and we talked. He broke up with me on text saying that our personalities are very different and he does not think we should be together. I absolutely do not agree with him because we had a lot of fun together and we were good together.
Anway, at that time I did not reply because I simply did not know what to say. The next day I replied to him when I found out he removed me from his Instagram. I confronted him for everything but he ended up blaming me for everything. He said I am the one who put all of this in his head. I am the one who made him breakup etc. I did no such thing. He was ghosting me for 2 months and I justed had to know if the relationship still exists or not.
Now, we are absolutely no contact since the past one a half month. However, I can't seem to feel better no matter what. Every day is worse than the day before. I still don't know why did he do this to me and that is eating me up from the inside. Even though I have not lived an easy but I have never come to this point before. I can't take this pain anymore. Its killing me. I need to know why. I want my closure but I know I won't get it because he acts like I don't exist anymore. He knew my heart was already broken before but he ended up breaking it more.
Plus, I have a lot of religious guilt for being intimate with him. I am not the sort of girl who would usually do something like this.
I would appreciate any advice, tips, or a third person insight into the situation. Thank you very much
submitted by n-0625 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:31 Dawimond Seeking Advice: Stay in Current Lab or Try for New Ones?

Hi all!
I'm graduating in June with BA in Biochemistry and I'm planning to work in a research lab for 1-2 years. I'm currently an undergrad assistant in a school lab for about a year now, and I applied to our junior specialist position. My lab manager just told me that they would offer me the position if I'm certain I can commit. I was looking for other labs and opportunities and applied to a few but haven't heard back yet, and I'm not sure if I can get any offer.
I'm really torn on this because I'm doing fine in my current lab and I don't want to just pass on this offer, but I also want to try and explore new research and see what I'm truly interested in. I feel like I'm always a bit lost on this since I haven't found a focus I'm truly passionate and really want to do research on, and I know that figuring this out is very important, so I'd really like more opportunities for me to explore that.
Another thing is that I'm planning on applying for bio PhD programs next year, and I've seen people saying they are highly competitive. I think from what I've read online, my GPA isn't going to give me much advantage, so I really want to get good rec letters and do my best to build a strong personal statement to compensate. I worked in another lab before the current one, so I'm wondering if I should try to get three different lab experience and PIs as my rec letter writers, and would that be beneficial for me? I know for sure some of the programs directly specify that they want at least two rec letters from PIs.
Right now I just can't decide if I should stay in my current or wait and look for new opportunities? I'm a bit scared that if I refuse my current lab's offer and I couldn't get another one or couldn't get into a good lab afterwards would hinder everything. Any advice is appreciated!
Thank you!
submitted by Dawimond to AskAcademia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:29 notxenoz Did I cook or did I cook

Did I cook or did I cook
Kinda proud of myself for this, cuz I’ve never rlly been an AP student, but I did pretty good in one of the tougher AP classes. I didn’t take honors bio or honors chem which made it a lot harder.
If any other AP Bio students see this. What was your least favorite unit and why was it the Operon one
submitted by notxenoz to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:22 hottestnightmare posts advertising ap leaks

i’m getting increasingly frustrated with posts advertising leaks. i’m taking the ap bio exam tomorrow, and i just wanted to read posts from others taking it to help the stress. i can’t do that because most of the posts about ap bio are the same 4-5 people advertising leaks or answers. i understand that mods can’t be on reddit 24/7, but some of these posts (not just for bio) have been up for hours.
this being said, these posts are dangerous for students in a variety of ways. they could be from the college board itself. they could be from someone who intends to report the student after taking their money. let’s say that the “dealer” has “good” intentions. what if the student gets caught?
i understand that people need to face the consequences of their actions, but a sub like this should influence students to make the right decision rather than keep posts pushing for the opposite for profit.
also college board, if you’re reading this, get off of reddit and improve the “resources” you provide.
submitted by hottestnightmare to APStudents [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:22 cogitoergognome [Pubtip] Berkley (PRH) submission window for unagented manuscripts, open through May 17

(Mods, please feel free to take this down if you don't think this merits its own post -- but I thought there might be more Pubtippers interested than just those who'd see the comment thread in the small press post.)
Just wanted to share for those who aren't active on social media that Berkley (an imprint of Penguin Random House) has opened a submission window for unagented manuscripts. Big 5 imprints opening to unagented submissions is a fairly rare opportunity, from what I understand.
Some details:
My take: doesn't seem like there's much/any downside to submitting if you have a manuscript ready? I imagine it probably wouldn't be difficult to find an agent if you can go to them with an offer from Berkley in hand. And even if the odds are long, they have acquired books via open submission before (including our own u/Bryn_Donovan_Author, apparently!)
Good luck to those who decide to submit!
submitted by cogitoergognome to PubTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:13 Halloween_girl_ Need help with talking to parent

Hi I'm new to this and I don't know the right terms to use in the subreddit so I'm really sorry if I use the wrong terms. I'm a 17 year old female and have a 21 year old biological sister and 8 year old adoptive sister.
So my parent have been fostering kids for 13 years since I was 4 years old. I'm graduating high school this year and for the past couple years I've been trying to get my parents to stop fostering not for selfish reasons my younger sister has been having behavioral problems and it may be due to an undiagnosed mental disorder so I think that it would be good for us to slow down so she doesn't have that stress on her but my mom is very persistent on fostering. We used to have this rule that if everyone in the house doesn't say yes then we would deny the foster kid. Recently I've been saying no a lot more in worry for my younger sister and honestly it's extremely mentally draining for me as well. I'm not sure how many bio kids of foster parents are on here but it's extremely lonely because people just tell you to be grateful that your parents are so generous but I don't think they understand what I'm really feeling. I've had so many mental issues due to situations I was put in by foster kids and in no way am I blaming them because most of the time it just happened because of the trauma that they have been through. But recently we got a call for 3 kids under 5 year old one being an infant and I said no because graduation is in a week in a half and I really just want to have both my parents there and focused on me for once in my life. My mom called me after I texted no and just kept yelling at me for saying no wanting an explanation and every time I said that its was close to graduation and I just thought it was a bad time and she didn't take that answer because she said that "Nothing would change" and I apparently I said something close to a "yes" and she took it and got the kids now we have them and things have changed I have a lot of events and I even had one of my last school events that I really wanted my mom and dad to see but the day of my mom told me she was going to be there. I have been confiding in my friend but they don't understand so I'm coming here for help. My mom wont take no for an answer any more. We've had 27 foster kids in total over the years and 3 of them not including the ones we have now have been in our house when I said no but my mom manipulated me into saying yes. I don't know what to do anymore. I have college and I have to stay at home for the next year and I don't think I can handle it anymore.
I'm really sorry for the dump but I just need help. I've tried to talk to her but it always ends with me crying. I just don't know how to tell her that I want her love too. Every time that I've said no it is normally followed with a couple days, sometimes weeks of her being mad, borderline ignoring me, and guilting me. I have tried to bring up that I just wanted their full attention and she guiltied me by saying that I think she's a bad mom which she isn't to the foster kids it just tends to come at the cost of my happiness
submitted by Halloween_girl_ to Fostercare [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:11 Several_Boat1612 After speaking with 25 wedding photographers this is what I have so far....

After speaking with a few members in this group and few outside this group this is what I have gathered from the market for my project
let me know if this perspective is accurate or not and feel free to add to it
Service providers in the market:
Wedding videographephotographer that charge between 5-25k per wedding doing 12-40 jobs a year
Desired situation:
To be the go to wedding videographephotographer in their locality and be recommended by top venues and planners as well as having a good reputation online and in the community as well as having a lot of profit for me and my family

What are people trying to sell you:

Majority of your market:
Main pain point ( NEGATIVE FEEDBACK LOOP )

Softwares that are popular in the market currently use:
My question is what are people trying to shove down your throats?
like if you're running a wedding photography business what are people trying to sell you over emails or cold calls,
Are those things even use full to you?
I noticed the big boys that help provide tools are mainly honeybook and studio ninja ( my study is strictly from a business POV not actually delivering i.e ( editing videos, sending to clients etc ) things that push the needle ( marketing, reviews, word of mouth ) ETC )
Could you share with me for example,
what you would prefer if you were looking to grow your photography business

1) All in one tool where you can manage your social media ( Facebook, insta ), Follow up on inquires automatically also with AI so you can sift through shitty ones and save time, Build workflows that automatically ask for referrals on your behalf so you don't have to remember,
sending personalized messages a year after you shot your clients weddings, Basically all the things that you know you should be doing but because if your hectic schedule it's a bit difficult to fit in and be constant with it building your reviews and testimonials
which will make your life easier with trying to get into the big venues and get better clients not to mention save you so much money rather than hiring an agency to do it and paying between 10-20k yearly
2) Have an outside agency or person handle all those things for you white glove service style where you pay 10-20k yearly but you have the same benefit as the tool but with an element of human error but you'd also get the benefits of having a human eye as well as an extra set of hands for customer service

I want to gather accurate info and see what you guys deal with on a day to day and what areas you'd like to improve

View Poll
submitted by Several_Boat1612 to WeddingPhotography [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:00 Aloha_LV Am I the only person experiencing this?

Am I the only person experiencing this?
I am moving out of state and have been posting on Facebook marketplace, Craigslist, OfferUp- and I’ll have people ask me if an item is available and then just completely ghost me. Or they’ll say they will meet up and never show. I honestly feel so disheartened and feel like crying :/ it’s such a stressful process and the thing that sucks is I have such good quality stuff, it would just cost way too much to ship it.
I’m going to try here, if anything interests you let me know and I will work out a good deal for you. It only allows me to post so many pictures so if anything interests you ask me and I will send you pictures of it. Good and genuine Vegas locals please come through.
BRAND NEW TV STAND‼️ Still in box, never got a chance to use: Selling for $250 (picture is what it looks like when put together) 🌺CURRENTLY AVAILABLE🌺
Outdoor backyard table set with 4 chairs, just got this for 770, selling it for $550- shoot me a message and I’ll give you a better price or send me your best offer. 🌺CURRENTLY AVAILABLE🌺
(PRICE LOWERED‼️)✨Cherry wood desk / top quality wood Bought this for around 2000, selling for just $650 but will give you a better price- or send me your best offer. Willing to work with you 🌺CURRENTLY AVAILABLE🌺
(PRICE LOWERED‼️) ✨65 inch Sony Bravia $550 + $75 Klipsch subwoofers and speaker: AVAILABLE ⭐️ and we made it a better deal for all of you so someone can enjoy. Must be bought together as a set to get this deal 🌺CURRENTLY AVAILABLE🌺
3 piece wood set, living room Table, side table, table holding TV (can also be used for other things like putting pictures flowers etc) $300 for all 3 🌺CURRENTLY AVAILABLE🌺
I have 1 great blender available: High, strong, speedy, quiet, works great. $25 🌺CURRENTLY AVAILABLE🌺
BRAND NEW ‼️ still in case, never used : Floating shelf home decoration. This is your sign to beautify your home. You can put pictures on there, plants, vases, anything and it gives it more of a home like feel. Selling for $25 🌺CURRENTLY AVAILABLE 🌺
Crystal home decor: $15 🌺CURRENTLY AVAILABLE🌺
Food Processor: works great! $15 🌺CURRENTLY AVAILABLE🌺
Portable stove: perfect for having shabu shabu, or hot pot, or bbq at home together at the table to enjoy together. Great to enjoy outdoors for parks & camping as well $15 🌺CURRENTLY AVAILABLE 🌺
1Strong sturdy Iron Board used twice $20 🌺CURRENTLY AVAILABLE🌺
Tripod can be used small on the table and extends huge up to 75 inches. Has a holder for camera or phone: $20 🌺 CURRENTLY AVAILABLE 🌺
BRAND NEW: YAHTZEE Board game still in wrapper with price tag on it bought for 20, selling for $10 🌺CURRENTLY AVAILABLE 🌺
Tower fan, just got this for 70 bucks, selling for 50 but I’ll give it to you for a better price. Just shoot me a message with your best offer🌺CURRENTLY AVAILABLE🌺
5 pound weights : $6 each both for $10 🌺CURRENTLY AVAILABLE🌺
Wi-Fi extenders: 45 each or 75 for both 🌺CURRENTLY AVAILABLE🌺
Waffle maker: $10 🌺CURRENTLY AVAILABLE🌺
Skewer grill brand new still in box, never used : $20 🌺CURRENTLY AVAILABLE🌺
ceramic big vase: bought for 70, selling for 30- send me your best offer we will work something out 🌺CURRENTLY AVAILABLE 🌺
Electric hand mixer: works great and makes baking a breeze!! A must for baking $15 🌺CURRENTLY AVAILABLE🌺
Super cute weighted soap holder brand new: $5 🌺CURRENTLY AVAILABLE🌺
Couch is from Jubilee LV luxury modern couch purchased at 3,150. Selling it for 1000 shoot me a message and I’ll give you a better price or send me your best offer. We work something out. 🌺CURRENTLY AVAILABLE 🌺
Air fryer, used a few times. $20 🌺CURRENTLY AVAILABLE🌺
realistic faux plant decoration $10 🌺CURRENTLY AVAILABLE 🌺
This couch is the comfiest couch. It is stuffed with goose feathers so you just melt into the couch. needs to be lightly cleaned (was quoted $50 for a cleaning but I have no time so just selling the couch for super cheap) but this is the most comfortable couch, best naps on it ever! I just got these covers for 120 (they’re removable super easy no worries) lolll but you can have them for free with this couch. Probably should take it off and let the couch shine $200 🌺CURRENTLY AVAILABLE🌺
small dresser: Has a little chip on it but nothing too noticeable $10 🌺CURRENTLY AVAILABLE 🌺
(PRICE LOWERED‼️)✨Round table with Tempered glass with 4 chairs and cherry wood stand- this is a 2000 tempered glass table imported from Italy- selling for $600 but shoot me a message and we can work something out or send me your best offer. 🌺CURRENTLY AVAILABLE🌺
okay hear me out I know Christmas is a little ways away but it sneaks up every year and this year you’re going to be like man when that Asian girl was selling the Christmas stuff I should have gotten it for cheap lol ✨pine cone ribbon lamp battery operated: $5 🌺currently available🌺 ✨nutcracker: $5 🌺currently available🌺 ✨gnomes there’s 2 $5 each 🌺currently available🌺 ✨light up wreath: $5 🌺currently available🌺 ✨Christmas table decor: $5 ✨currently available✨ ✨Christmas towel: $2 🌺currently available🌺 Christmas plate/tray: $5 🌺currently available🌺 Or take all the Christmas stuff for $20 total
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