Funny facebook status generator


2020.09.07 14:52 RockLobsterBitch FacebookStatusMemes

For all those cringy, ironically funny Facebook status posts with way too many emojis.

2011.04.30 18:00 pedro19 PC Master Race - PCMR: A place where all enthusiasts of PC, PC gaming and PC technology are welcome!

Welcome to the official subreddit of the PC Master Race / PCMR! All PC-related content is welcome, including build help, tech support, and any doubt one might have about PC ownership. You don't necessarily need a PC to be a member of the PCMR. You just have to love PCs. It's not about the hardware in your rig, but the software in your heart! Join us in celebrating and promoting tech, knowledge, and the best gaming, study, and work platform there exists. The Personal Computer.

2008.07.05 10:21 /r/Memes the original since 2008

Memes! A way of describing cultural information being shared. An element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation.

2024.06.09 13:22 Charbax Needed: Livestreaming bonded dual-5G Modem Handle

Just as I just posted my request for a Backup MicroSD/SSD+Headphone jack handle, I am also thinking it could be awesome to get a new Livestreaming dual modem bonded 4G/5G handle. Maybe call it the "Live Creator Handle". The handle would hopefully not be much larger than the current battery handle, and what it would bring:
  1. Dual SIM Card slots, it would integrate 2x 5G/4G data modems
  2. It would be able to real-time encode adaptive bitrate video to live-stream to any platform, YouTube, Facebook, Rumble, Tiktok, Instagram and etc
  3. Maybe you record 4K60 on the main MicroSD card, at the same time you might live stream in just 1080p30 through the Livestreaming handle.
  4. Or if you don't want to live stream, but you just want to publish your videos quickly, maybe you just auto upload your 4K60 footage to your YouTube using that handle, it would instantly upload using that 1 or 2 SIM cards, using 1 or 2 5G modems, and publish automatically on Your YouTube account, perhaps you can quickly adjust video Title/Description using your smartphone app (I like to use Chatgpt or other such AI to auto generate a good description/title and if possible also to edit/pick good thumbnail using AI or to easily pick snapshot for thumbnail and evt to edit thumbnail in the app too), while it's uploading from that handle. The handle would be able to continue uploading to publish while main DJI Pocket 3 is powered off.
  5. Maybe it's possible to both live stream in 1080p30/1080p60/4K30/4K60 as well as to upload and to auto publish 4K60 after each clip (for example interview is start/stopped) is completed while the live stream continues during the whole day uninterrupted.. perhaps it's possible to live stream and publish to multiple platforms, perhaps live stream to YouTube + X + Facebook simultaneously, and to publish to each of them too simultaneously..
  6. Maybe it includes those things I previously requested for Backup and audio jack.
  7. Maybe it brings in at least same battery capacity as current battery handle. It would accomodate to still also connect the regular battery handle below it too.
  8. Maybe this Live Creator Handle can also manage to support multiple cameras (inputs via multiple Type-C video inputs? or wirelessly too?) and to switch between the different camera angles, perhaps it includes a snap on grip to place ones smartphone onto that handle, to open up all more functionalities and a larger viewfinder display while recording, also to manage multi-camera angles, to view the live chat when live streaming, and to manage the title/description and publishing status after each clip is recorded..
submitted by Charbax to osmopocket [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:20 guiltyofnothing “You are what is wrong with society. Again, it is advisable that you the seek the psychiatric help that you require.” /r/bingingwithbabish boils over a new paywall and a creator’s apology

The Context:

Andrew Rea is a cook, YouTuber, and author better known as Babish, famous for his cooking series Binging with Babish.
Recently, it was announced that Babish will be introducing a paywall for some new content. In addition, old websites with previously-free content were shuttered.
Babish has also come under fire for his sponsorships, with particular criticism over his promotion of the video game Hogwarts Legacy, considering the recent controversial statements from the series’ author JK Rowling.
Our drama starts as Babish himself takes to the sub to issue an apology for the rollout of the changes, attempting to justify and lay out the reasoning behind them.
While many are receptive to his explanation and find it sincere, others are not so ready to accept…

The Drama:

One user defends the criticism:
TL;DR: you're getting a lot of criticsm for your shitty business decisions, so you're playing the mental health card to turn down the heat.
Look, I'm sorry you're going through a rough patch, and I'm sorry you've gone through the things you have. But forgive me if I find it hard to shed a tear for you.
You can't expect a huge outpouring of sympathy for your mental health, and then turn around and push Betterhelp and a crypto gambling game. Those are both products that prey on your audience's mental well-being. So we're supposed to care about your mental health but you don't give a fuck about ours? Explain that one to me. As for the paywall, I don't care that much, but it's shitty that you didn't tell people it was going up beforehand.
I’m not emotionally equipped to be a public figure.
Should have thought of that before making your face the logo of your company.
Do you enjoy being an awful person?
His struggles are fairly well documented, personally, well before any of this happened
Just take 12 seconds and consider maybe this was an oversight?
It’s not like he’s fucking Brad Pitt with a team of 87 managers and PR folks. I’m sure he’s got a manager, but do you really think he’s got the same pull as an a-list actor to catch every small failure?
He’s a fucking YouTuber - a great one, in my opinion, but a YouTuber nonetheless. Humans make mistakes when they don’t have 36 people checking every ounce of their work.
Give him a little grace and maybe give everyone in your life a little. It’s not all a conspiracy, sometimes people just fuck up.
Do you enjoy not reading my comment? Yes, his mental health struggles are well documented. That's why I acknowledged them.
I'm not talking about the paywall. I'm talking about how he wants everyone to care about his mental health, but has said absolutely nothing in regards to the shitty predatory sponsors. And I'm not talking about his shitty "sorry you feel that way" post on YouTube and taking the video down. He can't just say "sorry, mental health" while ignoring the harm he's helped cause by not being selective about who he takes money from.
Oh fuck off you miserable nerd, if you don’t like how he makes money, you don’t have to participate or consume the content.
If you’re going to keep being salty about this despite an apology and a way to access the old websites then I suggest you look inward.
Read my comment again, I'm not angry about the paywall.
Read my fucking comment again, asswipe.
Did you change it?
If not, I'll pass on reading your angry rantings again. Theu weren't worth the first read through.
No, I didn't. Because I already said it's not about the paywall, dipshit.
Theu weren't worth the first read through.
Still worth it enough for you to respond and be an asshole though, I guess.
Edit: get blocked, douche.
Paywall paywall paywall.
You are obsessed.
I feel so sorry for you content creator dick riders lol
You’re acting like he owes you something. He doesn’t. We live in a different world now where companies are just faceless businesses anymore, and a lot of the things we consume are the product of single people or small teams. As a result, individual proclivities and issues are part of the new normal. If you have an issue with it; unsubscribe.
Yeah, he owes ot to us not hawk predatory sponsors and then expect everyone to give him a hug when he has mental health issues. But fuck me, I guess. Maybe I should make a post about how I've been struggling with depression my entire life so this sub can forgive me for daring to not give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek for it.
live in a different world now where companies are just faceless businesses anymore
It's a real shame he built his company off of his character and used his own face as its logo.
If you have an issue with it; unsubscribe.
Believe me, I will. I guess I thought when he finally apologized for his shitty business practices that he'd actually apologize, instead of ignoring the sponsorship stuff all together. I thought he was better than this.
Others stand to defend Babish:
Great job folks. You bullied this nice dude who has given you hundreds of hours of free labor.
If were being real he saw the post on mildly infuriating and made a whole ass response, which is insecure as fuck .
Also this is a post where hes admitting hes at fault and yall are telling him “no” which is funny as shit.
It’s “insecure as fuck” to address widespread criticism openly and honestly?
one guy saying bad things about you shouldn’t make you wanna write out a giant reddit post defending yourself yeah.
Who needs to be liked THAT much?
Not one guy, it was widespread backlash on multiple subreddits and from like all his fans. It would have been ridiculous not to respond
Criticism over shitty business practices (shilling products designed to prey on the mental wellbeing of your audience and introducing paywalls with no notice) isn't the same as bullying.
I mean grow up. You have no right to his labor. None at all. Notice? What is this, you're upset about his terms of service? Lol.
Babish isn't gonna fuck you, bro.
"I have no point but I have a funny"
What point could I make that wasn't already addressed in my response to this parasocial weiner?
Babish made some shitty business decisions, people criticized them. That's not bullying. When people complain about McDonald's discontinuing a menue item, you never see people say "stop bullying the CEO :(". So why is it suddenly bullying when criticism is directed at a YouTuber for their shitty business practices? Yes, Andrew is a person. But that doesn't mean he's immune to complaints just because some parasocial crybaby thinks telling a person to do better constitutes "bullying".
Except if you read the comments on some of the posts people absolutely went well beyond criticism of the business decision to personal insults and vitriol that could indeed accurately be described as “bullying”.
Fair enough, but they made a general comment about how this sub bullied him, not just a few shitheels who took it too far.
cool but that wasn't what the person you told to "grow up" was doing, so why don't you stop huffing your own farts for a minute
I didn’t tell anyone anything? What are you talking about?
whoops, thought you were the OP in this thread, not just a random interjection like me. I'm cutting down on caffeine and it is not making me smarter
he isn't doing it for "free" mate, he's running a for-profit business. yes bullying is wrong, but people complain about businesses all the time.
Free labour, minus his YouTube revenue, sponsorship revenue, merch revenue...
There's wanting to encourage civility, but let's not jerk each other off here.
Or let's. I mean. It's a Saturday night and I'm alone. I'm open to talk.
Grow some balls lol
The knives are out:
Dude you've been up your own ass for years. When you first started blowing up and dragging your videos out - I nicely suggested you stop adding 5 minutes to the beginning of every video showing us how to make bread. I told you having a separate "Bread with Babish" and telling viewers to reference that would be better. You basically said I was stupider than frog excrement and shouldn't think. Like what? Then a few months later Basics with Babish comes out. Go fuck yourself.
Bro has main character syndrome, thinking Babish personally spites him and only him.
In the nicest possible way, touch grass. Maybe even read your comment out loud and you might realise how ridiculous you sound.
You’ve been carrying this grudge for what, eight years? Touch some grass.
"touch grass" is so overused and trite it makes me want to tear off my dick
Another brings up Babish’s Hogwarts Legacy sponsorship:
Can we get an update on promoting the transphobic wizard game, and apparently deleting comments mentioning trans people on the video?
Imagine what a sad life you live if you’re that triggered by a video game. Literally don’t play it. Why do you care if others play it?
Because buying the game is basically saying "This mid wizards game is more important to me than human rights, fuck gay people, fuck trans people, kill em all, i dont give a shit lmao".
Seek help.
You should seek help if you dontate your money to making the lives of others worse intentionally and give 0 fucks about it.
You are what is wrong with society. Again, it is advisable that you the seek the psychiatric help that you require. (By the way, it’s a great game).
Glad to know im whats wrong with society and not the scumbags who gave money to anti trans charities. Just know while you're playing it that trans people are living worse lives because of you.
The lil smart phone that ur using right now that relies on cobalt, which was mined by little kids like those in the DRC without protective gear so your phone could have a battery. Just know while you’re sitting here being a keyboard warrior that thousands, if not millions, of little kids’ lives are getting worse because of you.
a.) Im not on a phone and do not own a phone.
b.) Theres a difference because you NEED a computer of some sort to function well these days. You do not need the wizard game.
c.) Theres a difference between supporting a company like that where they try to hide it and keep it from the public and openly supporting someone who basically just comes out and says "Yo btw if you buy my game ill use the money to kill trans people, thanks"
Imagine being privileged enough for someone enjoying/promoting a Harry Potter game to be what gets ur panties in a twist. I get Rowling is a shit show, but be fucking for real 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m sure your phone is a product of child slave labor and I’m sure you buy a lot of shit that promotes even more terrible things. Get off your high horse and stop crying over first world problems.
Im sorry its considered being on a high horse for wishing people didnt support a disgusting fucking transphobic monster thats hurting fuckloads of people. Its not even like other companies where its semi hidden and you have to look for it, she's blatantly and publicly a transphobic scumbag piece of human garbage. If you don't know any better, sure, but when people are buying the game with the specific intent to support transphobia or don't care that they're giving their money to someone who who's publicly transphobic and openly supports bigots and the hurting of people, you're transphobic and probably terrible.
People like you don’t actually help anything. All you do is piss off ordinary people and make them less likely to care about the trans community. You’re just bitter and you feel better about accomplishing nothing when you sling garbage comments at people. Grow up and do something that actually helps the community. Spewing vitriol and calling people transphobic is not helping.
Someone is transphobic Gets called transphobic Surprised Pikachu face
So you want me to stop calling transphobic people transphobic?
Id rather not help at all than actively hurt the community, ruin people's lives, and fund charities that fight to give people less rights. At least I fight for human decency and people's rights and don't donate to this shit.
I’ll rephrase. YOU ARE ACTIVELY HURTING THE COMMUNITY BY MAKING PEOPLE LESS LIKELY TO SUPPORT. Seriously, stop it. You’re not helping, you’re hurting. You’re not the face of the community, you’re just shouting in the comments at people who just want to watch a guys YouTube channel about food.
”He supports JK Rowling.” No he doesn’t. The game is a game. Cry all you want about what she said, the rest of the community has been ignoring her for years.
“She donates against trans acceptance”. Yes, and she would anyway even if the game didn’t get made. She was already rich after the books, it’s a pointless argument based solely on your principles and not on doing any good.
You keep calling people transphobic, but they are not. Buying a video game is not transphobic. You’re delusional and childish. This conversation is over, leave these people alone and spend time figuring your own shit out.
I dont know in what universe giving more money to be donated to anti LGBT stuff is not transphobic. "Yeah i give money to charities that murder children but i dont support child murder". Sounds insane right? Thats what you're saying. That just because you're giving money to support making trans people's lives worse that you're not transphobic. You're being insane. "She'd support it anyways so who cares!" is the most insane argument i have ever read in my life holy shit. xD
Hopeless and stupid. You may as well go vote for Trump, you’ll fit right in. Honestly at this point I think you’re paid to make the trans community look bad, it makes more sense than whatever other insanity you want to keep blathering. I’m just gonna block you, like every other rational person.
You gave money to the company that made your smart phone and therefor you support child labor since the whole phone, or at least pieces of it, were made from child labor. You’re a disgusting human being….you see how fucking delusional you sound, bro?
One user taps out:
I’m glad you addressed it, but I had to leave. Best of luck to your future endeavors and I hope lessons were learned.
And yet, here you are
This isn’t the airport. You don’t have to announce your departure.
what an original comment, you are so smart and funny and original for having made such a thought provoking post. I hope you print this comment out and frame it so that your children will learn to appreciate what an original thinker their parent is. are you the person who invented "touch grass" as well? big fan of your work
lol I can only imagine how sad your life is that this is how you spend your time
if you think it is sad that I am here on reddit, doing reading and commenting, I have some terrible , alarming news for you.
lol yea that’s definitely what I meant 😂
One user still has issues, despite the apology:
Any amount of warning that you were planning to paywall the site would have made it a lot more palatable of a change. Doing it without telling people felt shady at best and deceptive at worst.
Yeah, and this is an acknowledgment and an apology. Seems a little cruel to keep dragging him at this point.
I guess it starts with a halfhearted apology. There’s no explanation for why it was sprung without notice.
It’s “yeah whatever guess I should’ve told y’all but here’s some more stuff coming up that you can pay me for”
here's some more stuff coming up that you can pay me for
Ah, so you're one of those people who feels entitled to infinite free content from creators.
It’s weird to me how many people think YouTube content is free. YOU are the product. Free means no monetary exchanges. Do you think Andrew makes no money from YouTube? Do you think YouTube makes no money from you? His videos are not free.
Wow you are REALLY fucking dumb huh?
No but apparently you are. How does Babish not get paid from YouTube? Is every video he posts “free labor”?
No I just don’t think this should be portrayed as an apology when it’s really just an advertisement
Maybe he can post again so you can still be mad for some fucking reason
A slapfight breaks out:
I’m sure you have good connections but if you want some fresh eyes on your script, id be down to give some coverage. Why am I being downvoted so heavily? As an aspiring writer myself, I know how hard it is to get feedback on a project. I’m a fan and offering my time and energy. I don’t get what the problem is. lol wtf is this sub? Comments insulting people getting upvotes in a thread about how negative comments have affected someone is wild work. Fuck me for being interested in Andrew as a writer.
Same vibes as the dude who asked Elon to run Tesla who was a nobody
get outta here man lol
Because you’re a nobody lmao
Holy shit, just read through your comments and god damn are you miserable hahah.
meanwhile you're scouring the profiles of people who upset you, looking for mud to sling
Someone calls me a nobody, I gotta go see what mighty status they got in the world to be shitting on others lol.
He literally thinks babish is gonna choose him or something but instead he attacks me 💀
Looooool you’re gonna play victim??? Aint no fucking way lol. You insult and disrespectfully gatekeep and now you’re the one talking about being attacked hahahahahaha fuck all the way off with that nonsense.

The Flairs:

submitted by guiltyofnothing to SubredditDrama [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:14 Dizzy-Screen-6618 IS IT COMPLETELY DEAD??? (Ochokochi Deep-Dive)

IS IT COMPLETELY DEAD??? (Ochokochi Deep-Dive)
After almost a year since the fateful day that the Ochokochi was released into the Live Server, generating an all time high in anger and rage quitters, one question remains; Is the Ochokochi still any good? The affirmative answer is common knowledge to many, but today we will delve deep into the reason of this answer.
Even the greatest hater can't deny the Ochokochi's breathtaking design and unique mechanics
In order to utilize a Robot to its greatest potential, one must properly understand its strengths.
  • Durability: Even after its 25% HP nerf, the Ochokochi remains firmly entrenched in the tank status. Despite its maximum base durability is now only 300,000 HP, is easily spawns into a match with a cool 550,000+ HP with the right Pilot Skills, Modules and Drones.
  • Ability: The Ochokochi's ability is incredibly versatile and useful. For the full 8 seconds of ability the robot moves at an incredible pace while emitting powerful shockwave that push enemies away. For the first half of the ability all incoming damage is reduced (20%, 30%, 40% for MK1, MK2 and MK3 respectively). As an added bonus, the remaining damage that isn't blocked in this first phase is converted into DoT (Damage over Time, a.k.a. corrosion) damage and every projectile that hits the robot causes your robot to take one stack of DoT, this is very important, more on it later.
  • Firepower: 2 Medium and 2 Light hardpoints are no laughing matter. Equip this robot with the right weapons and you'll be the last one standing. We will talk about weapon choices in the next section
Understanding your Robot's limitations is arguably more important than understanding its power.
  • Speed: When using the Ochokochi always have a clear goal to where you want to go and what you want to achieve. It's very easy to burn a lot of time wandering aimlessly from one side of a map to the other.
  • Ability Cooldown: With a cooldown of 12 seconds and an effective duration of 4 seconds, you need to learn to utilize it where you really need it, namely when taking heavy fire from the enemy, do not use it just to get to places fast (exception; securing important beacons especially during a close end-game).
  • Rust: Like every other highly durable Robot that relies on healing to keep it alive, the Ochokochi is highly susceptible to the Rust effect. In fact, due to the fact that DoT is 100% healable damage, the Ochokochi may be even more reliant on heal than almost any other Robot around.
Judge not a Robot on its own, but on what it carries upon itself.
  • Leiming/Shifang: The most popular build in the highest level of the game, this build deals insane damage to groups of enemies and has the added fun bonus of charging your Mothership and Titan extremely fast if needed.
  • UE Corona/Halo, UE Punisher: The former excels in dealing extreme amounts of damage to robots at close range, most effective at 120-150m against regular robots (It's bearer will have no issues transporting them to this destination). This build will lock your enemies down and finish them off in a blink of an eye. The latter is the bane to slow moving tanks, it will slice through their Defense Points like butter. Pair according to taste.
  • Porthos/Aramis: Accurate to a fault with extreme Mothership and Titan charge, it's no surprise that this is an easy recommend for the Ochokochi with all that heal to quench its thirst for constant heal.
  • F2P Options: Seeing that this robot is in widespread use of Free To Play players these are my top recommendations: Mace/Cudgel and, what do you know, Hazard/Blight. The former builds weapons are still menaces at close range and fit Ochokochi's aggressive playstyle perfectly. The latter is a softer and safer option which allows you to keep some distance while supporting your team but can still brawl decently well if the need arises. An honorary mention is the Havoc/Scatter build which, while able to completely destroy heal orientated enemies, still lacks in reload and clip size making it a more niche option that requires decent timing and battle awareness.
Pro Tip: If you are using an Ochokochi for your starter Robot, simply slap a Tamer on together with whatever build you've chosen, this gives you an immediate advantage against any heal reliant enemy tank you may face.
Easily one of the most overlooked parts of robot builds, these should be one of your top priorities.
(Keys: NA = Nuclear Amplifier, RA = Repair Amplifier, IA = Immune Amplifier)
  • 1x NA/2x RA: Easily the best option, I wouldn't seriously recommend any other build to be honest but some others may have some kind of benefit on some builds in certain scenarios... (this is the F2P recommended set-up).
  • 1x NA/1x IA/1x RA: Very hard to utilize, this only has value if your Ochokochi is fully decked out and running the Pascal drone. Even in this case, you may have to play the Ochokochi slightly more on the conservative side, which it does not appreciate.
  • Active Module: The recommended module is Phase Shift as this may be your only protection against Rust and the Ability's cooldown. If you have the Avalon mothership feel free to use heals if you have the charge ready. If you spawn Ochokochi as a starter Robot then stick with Phase Shift.
These pesky little buggers carry more weight than many give them credit for.
Shai: The best drone for long term survival. Play your Robot carefully and gain all 5 stacks to transform into an unkillable monster. This robot gives the Ochokochi the survivability it so dearly misses from its prime days. The built-in Last Stand doesn't hurt either last time I checked.
One of the most popular all-around Drones in the game
Pascal: This drone is your best option to allow your Ochokochi to do what it loves most; Charging the enemy head-on. The built in heal and temporary Defense Points allow it to stay alive and charge Amplifiers with ease. The downside is its long term bonuses, in which it lacks severely.
Don't let this Drone's appearance fool you, it's deadly. Really deadly
Hiruko: Yes, the Hiruko. Even after its recent nerf (read this post if you aren't up to date), the Hiruko still works wonders on the Ochokochi. The bonus 240,000 HP after 8 Active Module activations is no joke. This is besides the fact that now only the Ochokochi can be reliably take DoT stacks for bonus damage even after the Hiruko's 3rd ability reaches max stacks (8) due to the Robot's built-in DoT generation from the first phase of its ability.
This abomination will strike fear into the hearts of your enemies
Armadillo: A decent option, sadly not on the level of the previous listed Drones but works fine.
A great drone, sadly outclassed by the more recent releases
F2P Options: Unfortunately, Microchips aren't exactly a Free to Play resource, therefore if you do not have any of the previous leveled your options are severely curbed. Reviver is the only drone I'd use at level 1 as a F2P but the Whiteout is the only other one that is better than nothing.
Pilots and Pilot Skills:
A Robot without a Pilot and Skills is worthless, don't let your Robots decide anything for you.
Vepkho Lovidze: Vepkho's specialty is converting DoT stacks into Defense Points. Be on the lookout for Robots and weapons that deal damage with many small projectiles to soak up for maximum effect (read "Ability" above). The DoT stacks (and therefore the Defense Points as well) that the primary phase of the Ochokochi ability generates last for 5 seconds.
This fearless Tiger-masked warrior fights with honor
Seven: She specializes in converting damage into heal for her Robot. She heals 15% of the Ochokochi's HP after the ability ends as well as 10% of the damage it dealt during its ability.
This poor girl underwent a horrible botched experiment that left her dangerously unstable
Verdict: Although Seven's Durability heal seems enticing, Vepkho Lovidze's Defense Points comes ahead in most cases, although if you have a lower level Ochokochi and no maxed RAs you may want to choose Seven to keep that HP up.
Overall Vepkho Lovidze is the better choice for the high flyers and Seven is the better option for lower level players.
Pilot Skills:
Unfortunately Memorium isn't made to be very Free to Play friendly either, but if you can get your hands on some, these are the skills you should be on the lookout for in descending order of importance:
  • Armor Expert / Ochokochi (Ochokochi has increased durability).
  • Tough Guy / Ochokochi (Ochokochi has increased durability but its weapon damage is lowered by [Placeholder]%).
  • Deft Survivor / Ochokochi (Recharges robot's ability after Ochokochi's durability drops below a certain level. Triggers once per battle. Not affected by leveling up).
  • Cautious Pilot / Ochokochi (Ochokochi has increased durability but its speed is lowered by [Placeholder]%).
  • Dodger / Ochokochi (All active modules recharge faster on Ochokochi).
  • Stubborn Warrior / Ochokochi (As long as Ochokochi has a durability of below 30% it gains additional Defense Points).
Much lower priority for the last one (Choose whatever benefits you most):
  • Module Expert, Road Hog, Mechanic or [Weapon Skill]
Pro Tip: If you are going to level the pilot all the way to the max select the Deft Survivor skill last as you don't need to level the Pilot's rank further it to increase its effectiveness.
Sorry for the long read, hope this was informative. Have a great day!
(Please upvote and share if you found this helpful, comment below for any corrections or extra advice)
submitted by Dizzy-Screen-6618 to walkingwarrobots [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:06 aldh860 Trying again but maybe in a more helpful way this time. I won’t ever use “I” again. Thank you for making me aware. Maybe more peoples will be willing to give it a shot.

First let me give you a taste. Let me prove myself to you. You want to know if I like sugar in my coffee? Yeah, sometimes. Black is good too sometimes. You really can’t do anything wrong when you do the right thing. You will never have another argument again. Miscommunication. Escape from the only true delusions. The ones that NO ONE HAS EVER QUESTIONED. Of course it’s scary. Terrifying. Ever been in love? Ever have to raise your hand in class when everyone makes fun of you? New things are scary. No one but the successful has this lifestyle. We would change this way of things for many generations. Maybe they will never take it back this time. It’s been done before people. Listen to what they say about the hippies. They had the right message. They bought the lie. They sold out. Maybe this could be something. May not. I’m fine either way. Reddit is actively shutting me down and you know what? Ignore the death threats, I laugh, I share will friends if I think it’s worth it. I hurt peoples feelings and they love me for it. I have finally found friends. I finally stopped the abuse to was showing my husband who saw the potential in and gave me the chance become the person he needs. He just needed to wait until I was truly ready to see clearly. I’m sorry I’m not waiting until I think you are ready. That was another lie. You are to make change now. You will have motivation. You’ll not trust the fact that your depression is gone because you have trained it to think it can’t work its way in there. Build this thing for you. It’s YOU. Just like yourself already. Start my finding what you needed as a child and take everything you want from this world. If you can’t say it then yet. Practice. Practice here! I will help anyway I can. It’s time we hold ourselves up. You will notice that there is no nonsense to these words. I’m just showing what it looks to like experience being unapologetically you. Take what you what. Like this.
I will never apologize for this. I have the moral high ground. Always. I am killing you right now that you aren’t me. Yet. You alone hold the key. I don’t care what anyone has to get against it honestly. There is no bad here. I checked. People who tell other people what to do are not good people. They never think for themselves. They struggle to form a single question. You see it. Help them if you want. Enjoy it if you want to. It’s funny. I laugh at the this. You crack me up. I am honestly just trying to learn my you actively help people not want to die. I already saved liked. All the karma I accepted about me I learned to eat. I did the work. You see it. Stop complaining. I am unapologetically childfree because of the way you made it. Goodness cannot grown in these harsh conditions.
This is where I do start using I phrases. I am a white 31F Childhood sex survivor. I have been will to die for the world you created. The religion is Independent Fundamentalist Baptist. The absolute worst of the worst. You deserve every little bit of karma you have coming if you don’t change your ways. I hope they make to crawl. You suck. You are the worst people. I laugh at the idea of hoping you die out. But that would be a disservice to you. Because even you are capable of love. Everyone is kiddo. It’s just unconditional love. Look how easy that was. It’s true. Hold you accountable. I’m water you. I wear all the scares I wear that you gave me proudly. I have described everything that went into them. I thank you for your negativity. It’s my constant reminder I’m right. Cause I know I am. It’s true for me.
Fight it. It’s just a lie we keep telling us kids.
MODs thank you humoring me back. I really appreciate you. You keep everyone safe here. I trust that if I ever get out of line you can just ban me. I have a lot of good to offer this community. You are the guinea pigs. I NEED to get this right. I am stating to you that I have a need. I am putting my foot down. I am ready to cause it great pain. Bring it on. Watch me overcome. I am capable of doing anything and I finally know this. Let me save you a lot of pain.
submitted by aldh860 to ReligiousTrauma [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:33 Oppenhellmer Is this aromanticism? Am I aro,maybe aroace?

So, I've been suspecting that I'm what society would consider as aromantic, and I also suspect midly asexuality, more aromantic than asexual. Just to clarify, I'm cis male.
So, here's my story:
I kinda experienced romantic feelings , when I was a child(about 7 years old or less), I had a huge crush on a girl in a school, my mom said that I talked to her father that I wanted to marry her in the future when we became adults, had a plan in my mind to move to another country live with her and such...
But then me and my mom had to move to another city because of her job, and after moving, my mom said that I "imediately"(not exactly imediately, but in a matter of few days or weeks), I didn't care about the girl anymore, kinda "lost the crush" and didn't want to talk to her anymore neither reply to her facebook messages, or something.
And ever since, this age, I relate to the idea of aromanticism before even knowing that there was a name for this, for the experience of not desiring to being married or have girlfriend, not feeling an internal need, and not feeling socially pressed to do so. Jaiden's video made me realize that there is a name for this, and that thousands of people experience this too.
When I was a teenager I said that I didn't want to marry, now at 20 years old I think that my first option is remaining single and not looking for relationships, but my second option is that, If I really find someone who I TRULY develop huge romantic feelings for, and truly believe that my life will be better with the person, than if I didn't stay with them... Then I'm open to the possibility of dating and marrying. If not, then that's kinda okay, life goes on and there are more important things to life than this.
Maybe I'm not actually "aromantic", since I had romantic feelings when I was a child, but suddenly moving to another city and having to say goodbye to the girl and the school... Maybe that generated a "coping mechanism" of aromanticism inside me, or a trauma? I don't know if that is possible.
submitted by Oppenhellmer to aromanticasexual [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:30 AbduAlZahra313 Ranking of Smiling Friends episodes from best to least good (There's no Bad Episode).

1- S1.E5 ∙ Who Violently Murdered Simon S. Salty? (The best one, I love how Mr Salty is a real person and everything he does is funny). . 2- S1.E1 ∙ Desmond's Big Day Out (Great! What a Way to begin a show). . 3- S1.E3 ∙ Shrimp's Odyssey (Really Good, I like how shrimp's Voice looks like an AI Generated and how he Represents League Of Legends/Genshin Impact Players and don't let me talk about him screaming hahahahahaha). . 4- S1.E9 ∙ The Smiling Friends Go to Brazil! (Somehow I like it). . 5- S1.E4 ∙ A Silly Halloween Special. . 6- S1.E7 ∙ Frowning Friends. . 7- S1.E2 ∙ Mr. Frog. . 8-S1.E8 ∙ Charlie Dies and Doesn't Come Back. . 9- S1.E6 ∙ Enchanted Forest (Boring but like what I said "There's no Bad Episode").
submitted by AbduAlZahra313 to SmilingFriends [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:29 PyloDEV We have ported the block mod element and almost all procedure blocks to Minecraft 1.20.6 in MCreator. Stay tuned, we are getting there!

We have ported the block mod element and almost all procedure blocks to Minecraft 1.20.6 in MCreator. Stay tuned, we are getting there! submitted by PyloDEV to MCreator [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:18 CreatureDukeFR this isnt even a headcanon?

this isnt even a headcanon? submitted by CreatureDukeFR to souleater [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:59 Bouldertaste crashes on running fabric (class 634 failed)

error log
---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
// You should try our sister game, Minceraft!
Time: 2024-06-09 18:54:41
Description: Initializing game
java.lang.BootstrapMethodError: java.lang.RuntimeException: Mixin transformation of net.minecraft.class_634 failed
at io.wispforest.owo.config.ConfigSynchronizer.( at io.wispforest.owo.config.ConfigWrapper.( at io.wispforest.owo.config.ConfigWrapper.( at net.trique.mythicupgrades.config.MUConfig.( at net.trique.mythicupgrades.config.MUConfig.createAndLoad( at net.trique.mythicupgrades.MythicUpgrades.( at java.base/java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) at java.base/java.lang.Class.forName( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.util.DefaultLanguageAdapter.create( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.entrypoint.EntrypointStorage$NewEntry.getOrCreate( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.entrypoint.EntrypointContainerImpl.getEntrypoint( at com.supermartijn642.core.registry.RegistryEntryAcceptor$Handler.gatherAnnotatedFields( at com.supermartijn642.core.CoreLib.beforeInitialize( at net.minecraft.class\_310.handler$fpf000$supermartijn642corelib$beforeInit(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_310.(class\ at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main( at at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main( 
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Mixin transformation of net.minecraft.class_634 failed
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.getPostMixinClassByteArray( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.tryLoadClass( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.loadClass( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassLoader.loadClass( at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( ... 19 more 
Caused by: org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.throwables.MixinTransformerError: An unexpected critical error was encountered
at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinProcessor.applyMixins( at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinTransformer.transformClass( at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinTransformer.transformClassBytes( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.getPostMixinClassByteArray( ... 23 more 
Caused by: org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.throwables.MixinApplyError: Mixin [command-block-ide.mixins.json:client.ClientPlayNetworkHandlerMixin from mod command-block-ide] from phase [DEFAULT] in config [command-block-ide.mixins.json] FAILED during APPLY
at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinProcessor.handleMixinError( at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinProcessor.handleMixinApplyError( at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinProcessor.applyMixins( ... 26 more 
Caused by: org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.throwables.InvalidMixinException: u/Shadow field field_3690 was not located in the target class net.minecraft.class_634. Using refmap command-block-ide-refmap.json
at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinPreProcessorStandard.attachFields( at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinPreProcessorStandard.attach( at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinPreProcessorStandard.createContextFor( at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinInfo.createContextFor( at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinApplicatorStandard.apply( at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.TargetClassContext.apply( at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.TargetClassContext.applyMixins( at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinProcessor.applyMixins( ... 26 more 
A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
-- Head --
Thread: Render thread
at io.wispforest.owo.config.ConfigSynchronizer.( at io.wispforest.owo.config.ConfigWrapper.( at io.wispforest.owo.config.ConfigWrapper.( at net.trique.mythicupgrades.config.MUConfig.( at net.trique.mythicupgrades.config.MUConfig.createAndLoad( at net.trique.mythicupgrades.MythicUpgrades.( at java.base/java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) at java.base/java.lang.Class.forName( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.util.DefaultLanguageAdapter.create( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.entrypoint.EntrypointStorage$NewEntry.getOrCreate( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.entrypoint.EntrypointContainerImpl.getEntrypoint( at com.supermartijn642.core.registry.RegistryEntryAcceptor$Handler.gatherAnnotatedFields( at com.supermartijn642.core.CoreLib.beforeInitialize( at net.minecraft.class\_310.handler$fpf000$supermartijn642corelib$beforeInit(class\ at net.minecraft.class\_310.(class\ 
-- Initialization --
Modules: ADVAPI32.dll:고급 Windows 32 기반 API:10.0.22621.2860 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation COMCTL32.dll:User Experience Controls Library:6.10 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation CRYPT32.dll:Crypto API32:10.0.22621.2860 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation CRYPTBASE.dll:Base cryptographic API DLL:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation CRYPTSP.dll:Cryptographic Service Provider API:10.0.22621.2506 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation DBGHELP.DLL:Windows Image Helper:10.0.22621.3593 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation DNSAPI.dll:DNS 클라이언트 API DLL:10.0.22621.2860 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation GDI32.dll:GDI Client DLL:10.0.22621.3085 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation IMM32.DLL:Multi-User Windows IMM32 API Client DLL:10.0.22621.3374 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation IPHLPAPI.DLL:IP 도우미 API:10.0.22621.2860 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation KERNEL32.DLL:Windows NT 기반 API 클라이언트 DLL:10.0.22621.3374 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation KERNELBASE.dll:Windows NT 기반 API 클라이언트 DLL:10.0.22621.3374 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation MpOav.dll:IOfficeAntiVirus Module:4.18.24050.7 (b60bcb9c79f050335eb91db16f7d3e97336ad10e-dirty):Microsoft Corporation NSI.dll:NSI User-mode interface DLL:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation NTASN1.dll:Microsoft ASN.1 API:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation OLEAUT32.dll:OLEAUT32.DLL:10.0.22621.3527 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation Ole32.dll:Windows용 Microsoft OLE:10.0.22621.2860 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation POWRPROF.dll:전원 프로필 도우미 DLL:10.0.22621.3374 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation PSAPI.DLL:Process Status Helper:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation Pdh.dll:Windows 성능 데이터 도우미 DLL:10.0.22621.2860 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation RPCRT4.dll:원격 프로시저 호출 런타임:10.0.22621.2860 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation SHCORE.dll:SHCORE:10.0.22621.2860 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation SHELL32.dll:Windows 셸 공용 Dll:10.0.22621.2860 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation UMPDC.dll:User Mode Power Dependency Coordinator:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation USER32.dll:다중 사용자 Windows 사용자 API 클라이언트 DLL:10.0.22621.2860 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation USERENV.dll:Userenv:10.0.22621.2860 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation VCRUNTIME140.dll:Microsoft® C Runtime Library:14.29.30139.0 built by: vcwrkspc:Microsoft Corporation VERSION.dll:Version Checking and File Installation Libraries:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation WINHTTP.dll:Windows HTTP Services:10.0.22621.2860 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation WINMM.dll:MCI API DLL:10.0.22621.2860 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation WS2\_32.dll:Windows 소켓 2.0 32비트 DLL:10.0.22621.2860 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation WSOCK32.dll:Windows Socket 32-Bit DLL:10.0.22621.2860 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation amsi.dll:Anti-Malware Scan Interface:10.0.22621.3527 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation apphelp.dll:응용 프로그램 호환성 클라이언트 라이브러리:10.0.22621.2860 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation awt.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: bcrypt.dll:Windows 암호화 기본 라이브러리:10.0.22621.2860 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation bcryptPrimitives.dll:Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library:10.0.22621.3374 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation clbcatq.dll:COM+ Configuration Catalog:2001.12.10941.16384 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation combase.dll:Windows용 Microsoft COM:10.0.22621.2860 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation dbgcore.DLL:Windows Core Debugging Helpers:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation dhcpcsvc.DLL:DHCP 클라이언트 서비스:10.0.22621.2860 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation dhcpcsvc6.DLL:DHCPv6 클라이언트:10.0.22621.2860 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation fwpuclnt.dll:FWP/IPsec 사용자 모드 API:10.0.22621.2860 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation gdi32full.dll:GDI Client DLL:10.0.22621.3527 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation java.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: javaw.exe:OpenJDK Platform binary: jemalloc.dll jemalloc.dll jimage.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: jli.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: jna1990056950408475047.dll:JNA native library:6.1.6:Java(TM) Native Access (JNA) jsvml.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: jvm.dll:OpenJDK 64-Bit server VM: kernel.appcore.dll:AppModel API Host:10.0.22621.2715 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation lwjgl.dll lwjgl.dll lwjgl\_stb.dll lwjgl\_stb.dll management.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: management\_ext.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: msvcp140.dll:Microsoft® C Runtime Library:14.29.30139.0 built by: vcwrkspc:Microsoft Corporation msvcp\_win.dll:Microsoft® C Runtime Library:10.0.22621.3374 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation msvcrt.dll:Windows NT CRT DLL:7.0.22621.2506 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation mswsock.dll:Microsoft Windows 소켓 2.0 서비스 공급자:10.0.22621.2860 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation napinsp.dll:전자 메일 명명 심(Shim) 공급자:10.0.22621.2860 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation ncrypt.dll:Windows NCrypt 라우터:10.0.22621.2860 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation net.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: nio.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: nlansp\_c.dll:NLA Namespace Service Provider DLL:10.0.22621.3593 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation ntdll.dll:NT 계층 DLL:10.0.22621.3374 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation perfos.dll:Windows 시스템 성능 개체 DLL:10.0.22621.2860 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation pfclient.dll:SysMain Client:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation pnrpnsp.dll:PNRP 네임스페이스 공급자:10.0.22621.2860 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation profapi.dll:User Profile Basic API:10.0.22621.3527 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation rasadhlp.dll:Remote Access AutoDial Helper:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation rsaenh.dll:Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation sechost.dll:Host for SCM/SDDL/LSA Lookup APIs:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation shlwapi.dll:셸 표준 이하 유틸리티 라이브러리:10.0.22621.2860 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation sunmscapi.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: ucrtbase.dll:Microsoft® C Runtime Library:10.0.22621.3593 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation vcruntime140\_1.dll:Microsoft® C Runtime Library:14.29.30139.0 built by: vcwrkspc:Microsoft Corporation verify.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: win32u.dll:Win32u:10.0.22621.3593 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation WinRT 저장소 API:10.0.22621.3527 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation winrnr.dll:LDAP RnR Provider DLL:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation wintypes.dll:Windows 기본 형식 DLL:10.0.22621.2860 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation wshbth.dll:Windows Sockets Helper DLL:10.0.22621.3374 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation zip.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: 
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main( at at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main( 
-- System Details --
Minecraft Version: 1.20.2 Minecraft Version ID: 1.20.2 Operating System: Windows 11 (amd64) version 10.0 Java Version: 17.0.8, Microsoft Java VM Version: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Microsoft Memory: 480836304 bytes (458 MiB) / 805306368 bytes (768 MiB) up to 2147483648 bytes (2048 MiB) CPUs: 16 Processor Vendor: AuthenticAMD Processor Name: AMD Ryzen 7 5800HS with Radeon Graphics Identifier: AuthenticAMD Family 25 Model 80 Stepping 0 Microarchitecture: Zen 3 Frequency (GHz): 3.19 Number of physical packages: 1 Number of physical CPUs: 8 Number of logical CPUs: 16 Graphics card #0 name: AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics Graphics card #0 vendor: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (0x1002) Graphics card #0 VRAM (MB): 512.00 Graphics card #0 deviceId: 0x1638 Graphics card #0 versionInfo: DriverVersion=31.0.12044.62001 Memory slot #0 capacity (MB): 8192.00 Memory slot #0 clockSpeed (GHz): 3.20 Memory slot #0 type: DDR4 Memory slot #1 capacity (MB): 8192.00 Memory slot #1 clockSpeed (GHz): 3.20 Memory slot #1 type: DDR4 Virtual memory max (MB): 20893.18 Virtual memory used (MB): 8733.96 Swap memory total (MB): 5120.00 Swap memory used (MB): 58.22 JVM Flags: 9 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance\_javaw.exe\_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xss1M -Xmx2G -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M Fabric Mods: additionaladditions: Additional Additions 6.0.2 advancednetherite: Advanced Netherite 2.0.2-1.20.2 anvilrestoration: Anvil Restoration 2.2 appleskin: AppleSkin 2.5.1+mc1.20.3 architectury: Architectury 10.1.20 armortrimitemfix: Armor Trim Item Fix 1.0.2 attributefix: AttributeFix 22.0.3 autotools: AutoTools 1.9 fabric-api-base: Fabric API Base 0.4.33+fce67b32a0 fabric-key-binding-api-v1: Fabric Key Binding API (v1) 1.0.38+f4b7e424a0 balm-fabric: Balm 8.0.5 basicweapons: Basic Weapons 1.2.0 betteradvancements: Better Advancements bettercombat: Better Combat 1.8.1+1.20.2 betterf3: BetterF3 8.0.3 fabric-resource-loader-v0: Fabric Resource Loader (v0) 0.11.12+b1792f7da0 betterstats: Better Statistics Screen 3.9.7+fabric-1.20.2 tcdcommons: TCD Commons API 3.9.6+fabric-1.20.2 blur: Blur (Fabric) 3.1.1 midnightlib: MidnightLib 1.5.0 satin: Satin 1.14.0 bookshelf: Bookshelf 21.0.14 clearvoid: Clear Void 1.3.0 cloth-config: Cloth Config v12 12.0.119 cloth-basic-math: cloth-basic-math 0.6.1 clumps: Clumps collective: Collective 7.30 colorfulhearts: Colorful Hearts 5.2.9 com\_electronwill\_night-config\_core: core 3.6.7 com\_electronwill\_night-config\_toml: toml 3.6.7 comforts: Comforts 7.0.1+1.20.2 cardinal-components-base: Cardinal Components API (base) 5.3.0 cardinal-components-entity: Cardinal Components API (entities) 5.3.0 command-block-ide: Command Block IDE 0.4.4 continuity: Continuity 3.0.0-beta.5+1.20.2 controlling: Controlling 13.0.8 cookingforblockheads: Cooking for Blockheads 17.0.1 crystals\_overhauled: Crystals Overhauled 1.6.0 customitemattributes: Custom Item Attributes (CIA) 1.1.0 darkutils: DarkUtilities 17.0.2 debugify: Debugify 1.20.2+1.0 detailab: Detail Armor Bar 2.6.3+1.20.2-fabric disable\_custom\_worlds\_advice: Disable Custom Worlds Advice 4.1 durabilitytooltip: Durability Tooltip 1.1.5 dynamic\_fps: Dynamic FPS 3.4.3 elementa: Elementa 647 elytra\_trinket: Elytra Trinket 1.0.5 elytratrims: Elytra Trims 3.1.4 mixinsquared: MixinSquared 0.1.2-beta.4 enchantmentsplus: Enchantments Plus 1.2.1+1.20.2 reach-entity-attributes: Reach Entity Attributes 2.4.0 enchdesc: EnchantmentDescriptions 18.0.7 enderitemod: Enderite Mod 1.5.1 enhancedblockentities: Enhanced Block Entities 0.9.1+1.20.2 advanced\_runtime\_resource\_pack: Runtime Resource Pack 0.8.0 spruceui: SpruceUI 5.0.3+1.20.2 entityculling: EntityCulling 1.6.5 essential: Essential essential-container: essential-container 1.0.0 essential-loader: essential-loader 1.2.3 extraalchemy: Extra Alchemy 1.11.1 fabric-api: Fabric API 0.91.6+1.20.2 fabric-api-lookup-api-v1: Fabric API Lookup API (v1) 1.6.43+b1792f7da0 fabric-biome-api-v1: Fabric Biome API (v1) 13.0.14+b1792f7da0 fabric-block-api-v1: Fabric Block API (v1) 1.0.12+73761d2ea0 fabric-block-view-api-v2: Fabric BlockView API (v2) 1.0.1+73761d2ea0 fabric-blockrenderlayer-v1: Fabric BlockRenderLayer Registration (v1) 1.1.43+f4b7e424a0 fabric-client-tags-api-v1: Fabric Client Tags 1.1.4+86b12645a0 fabric-command-api-v1: Fabric Command API (v1) 1.2.37+f71b366fa0 fabric-command-api-v2: Fabric Command API (v2) 2.2.16+b1792f7da0 fabric-commands-v0: Fabric Commands (v0) 0.2.54+df3654b3a0 fabric-containers-v0: Fabric Containers (v0) 0.1.81+df3654b3a0 fabric-content-registries-v0: Fabric Content Registries (v0) 5.0.6+b1792f7da0 fabric-convention-tags-v1: Fabric Convention Tags 1.5.8+b1792f7da0 fabric-crash-report-info-v1: Fabric Crash Report Info (v1) 0.2.20+f4b7e424a0 fabric-data-generation-api-v1: Fabric Data Generation API (v1) 13.1.11+b1792f7da0 fabric-dimensions-v1: Fabric Dimensions API (v1) 2.1.57+b1792f7da0 fabric-entity-events-v1: Fabric Entity Events (v1) 1.5.26+b1792f7da0 fabric-events-interaction-v0: Fabric Events Interaction (v0) 0.6.10+b1792f7da0 fabric-events-lifecycle-v0: Fabric Events Lifecycle (v0) 0.2.70+df3654b3a0 fabric-game-rule-api-v1: Fabric Game Rule API (v1) 1.0.42+a44e16a6a0 fabric-item-api-v1: Fabric Item API (v1) 2.1.33+b1792f7da0 fabric-item-group-api-v1: Fabric Item Group API (v1) 4.0.15+e3d2bf3fa0 fabric-keybindings-v0: Fabric Key Bindings (v0) 0.2.36+df3654b3a0 fabric-lifecycle-events-v1: Fabric Lifecycle Events (v1) 2.2.28+c8b10480a0 fabric-loot-api-v2: Fabric Loot API (v2) 2.1.1+3ba460fba0 fabric-message-api-v1: Fabric Message API (v1) 6.0.2+e3d2bf3fa0 fabric-mining-level-api-v1: Fabric Mining Level API (v1) 2.1.56+f4b7e424a0 fabric-model-loading-api-v1: Fabric Model Loading API (v1) 1.0.6+b1792f7da0 fabric-models-v0: Fabric Models (v0) 0.4.5+9386d8a7a0 fabric-networking-api-v1: Fabric Networking API (v1) 3.1.5+f4be560ba0 fabric-object-builder-api-v1: Fabric Object Builder API (v1) 12.1.2+2ff98d3ba0 fabric-particles-v1: Fabric Particles (v1) 1.1.4+f4b7e424a0 fabric-recipe-api-v1: Fabric Recipe API (v1) 2.0.14+52b3ebe5a0 fabric-registry-sync-v0: Fabric Registry Sync (v0) 4.0.12+b1792f7da0 fabric-renderer-api-v1: Fabric Renderer API (v1) 3.2.1+2034447ca0 fabric-renderer-indigo: Fabric Renderer - Indigo 1.5.1+2034447ca0 fabric-renderer-registries-v1: Fabric Renderer Registries (v1) 3.2.49+df3654b3a0 fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1: Fabric Rendering Data Attachment (v1) 0.3.39+73761d2ea0 fabric-rendering-fluids-v1: Fabric Rendering Fluids (v1) 3.0.30+f4b7e424a0 fabric-rendering-v0: Fabric Rendering (v0) 1.1.52+df3654b3a0 fabric-rendering-v1: Fabric Rendering (v1) 3.0.11+b1792f7da0 fabric-resource-conditions-api-v1: Fabric Resource Conditions API (v1) 2.3.11+239dafd8a0 fabric-screen-api-v1: Fabric Screen API (v1) 2.0.12+b1792f7da0 fabric-screen-handler-api-v1: Fabric Screen Handler API (v1) 1.3.47+b1792f7da0 fabric-sound-api-v1: Fabric Sound API (v1) 1.0.14+f4b7e424a0 fabric-transfer-api-v1: Fabric Transfer API (v1) 3.3.13+4944b5a5a0 fabric-transitive-access-wideners-v1: Fabric Transitive Access Wideners (v1) 5.0.3+fce67b32a0 fabric-language-kotlin: Fabric Language Kotlin 1.11.0+kotlin.2.0.0 org\_jetbrains\_kotlin\_kotlin-reflect: kotlin-reflect 2.0.0 org\_jetbrains\_kotlin\_kotlin-stdlib: kotlin-stdlib 2.0.0 org\_jetbrains\_kotlin\_kotlin-stdlib-jdk7: kotlin-stdlib-jdk7 2.0.0 org\_jetbrains\_kotlin\_kotlin-stdlib-jdk8: kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 2.0.0 org\_jetbrains\_kotlinx\_atomicfu-jvm: atomicfu-jvm 0.24.0 org\_jetbrains\_kotlinx\_kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm: kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm 1.8.1 org\_jetbrains\_kotlinx\_kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8: kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8 1.8.1 org\_jetbrains\_kotlinx\_kotlinx-datetime-jvm: kotlinx-datetime-jvm 0.6.0 org\_jetbrains\_kotlinx\_kotlinx-serialization-cbor-jvm: kotlinx-serialization-cbor-jvm 1.6.3 org\_jetbrains\_kotlinx\_kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm: kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm 1.6.3 org\_jetbrains\_kotlinx\_kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm: kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm 1.6.3 fabricloader: Fabric Loader 0.15.11 mixinextras: MixinExtras 0.3.5 fancymenu: FancyMenu 3.1.7 com\_github\_keksuccino\_japng: japng 0.5.3 com\_github\_rtyley\_animated-gif-lib-for-java: animated-gif-lib-for-java animated-gif-lib-1.7 ferritecore: FerriteCore 6.0.1 fixedanvilrepaircost: Fixed Anvil Repair Cost 3.3 forgeconfigapiport: Forge Config API Port 20.2.6 frostiful: Frostiful 1.1 mm: Manningham Mills 2.3 fusion: Fusion 1.1.1 geckolib: GeckoLib 4 4.3.1 com\_eliotlash\_mclib\_mclib: mclib 20 genshinstrument: Genshin Instruments 3.4 goldenfoods: GoldenFoods 2.3.0 grindenchantments: Grind Enchantments 3.1.2+23w31a codec-config-api: Codec Config API 1.0.2+1.19.3 ibeeditor: IBE Editor 2.2.6 iceberg: Iceberg 1.1.18 immediatelyfast: ImmediatelyFast 1.2.17+1.20.4 net\_lenni0451\_reflect: Reflect 1.3.3 immersiveores: Immersive Ores 1.20.2-0.5 indium: Indium 1.0.28+mc1.20.4 itemborders: Item Borders 1.2.1 items\_displayed: Items Displayed 1.2.2 jade: Jade 12.3.0 java: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 17 journeymap: Journeymap 5.9.21 journeymap-api-fabric: JourneyMap API 1.20.4-1.9-fabric-SNAPSHOT konkrete: Konkrete 1.9.3 krypton: Krypton 0.2.6 com\_velocitypowered\_velocity-native: velocity-native 3.2.0-SNAPSHOT ksyxis: Ksyxis 1.3.1 ktnilcks: ItemLocks 1.20.2-1.3.8 languagereload: Language Reload 1.6.1+1.20.2 lazydfu: LazyDFU 0.1.3 legacies\_and\_legends: Legacies and Legends 1.3.7 lithium: Lithium 0.12.0 lolmcv: More Chest Variants 1.5.4 majruszsaccessories: Majrusz's Accessories 1.3.1 maxhealthfix: MaxHealthFix 13.0.2 mca: Minecraft Comes Alive 7.5.12+1.20.2 mcwbridges: Macaw's Bridges 3.0.0 mcwdoors: Macaw's Doors 1.1.0 mcwfences: Macaw's Fences and Walls 1.1.1 mcwfurnitures: Macaw's Furniture 3.2.2 mcwlights: Macaw's Lights and Lamps 1.0.6 mcwpaths: Macaw's Paths and Pavings 1.0.5 mcwtrpdoors: Macaw's Trapdoors 1.1.3 mcwwindows: Macaw's Windows 2.2.1 medieval\_buildings: Medieval Buildings 1.0.1 melody: Melody 1.0.3 memoryleakfix: Memory Leak Fix 1.1.5 minecraft: Minecraft 1.20.2 mlib: Majrusz Library 6.0.1 modernfix: ModernFix 5.10.1+mc1.20.2 modmenu: Mod Menu 8.0.1 monolib: MonoLib 1.1.0 morebows: More Bows Restrung 1.0.11+1.20.x morebowsandarrows: MoreBowsAndArrows 3.0.1 moreculling: More Culling 1.20.4-0.24.0 conditional-mixin: conditional mixin 0.3.2 morediscs: More Music Discs 1.20.2-33-fabric mousetweaks: Mouse Tweaks 2.26 mr\_tidal\_towns: Tidal Towns 1.3 mru: Mineblock's Repeated Utilities 0.4.0+1.20.2 msmlegacy: MoreSwordsLegacy 3.0.2 mythicupgrades: Mythic Upgrades 3.1.0+mc1.20.2 naturescompass: Nature's Compass 1.20.2-2.2.3-fabric nbt\_ac: NBT Autocomplete 1.1.8 necronomicon: Necronomicon 1.4.1 nochatreports: No Chat Reports 1.20.2-v2.3.1 notenoughcrashes: Not Enough Crashes 4.4.7+1.20.2 numismatic-overhaul: Numismatic Overhaul 0.2.14+1.20.2 stacc: Stacc 1.8.0 org\_jetbrains\_annotations: annotations 23.0.0 owo: oωo 0.11.4+1.20.2 blue\_endless\_jankson: jankson 1.2.2 perfectaccuracy: Perfect Accuracy 1.3 pfm: Paladin's Furniture 1.2.1 playeranimator: Player Animator 1.0.2-rc1+1.20.4 prism: Prism 1.0.5 projectile\_damage: Projectile Damage Attribute 3.2.2+1.20.2 puffish\_skills: Pufferfish's Skills 0.12.2 purecoppertools: Pure Copper Tools 1.0.1 pureemeraldtools: Pure Emerald Tools 3.0.0 qu-enchantments: Qu Enchantments 1.3.7-1.20.2 quad: Quad 1.2.3 rechiseled: Rechiseled 1.1.5+b reeses-sodium-options: Reese's Sodium Options 1.7.0+mc1.20.2-build.97 ringsofascension: Rings of Ascension 2.0.3 roughlyenoughitems: Roughly Enough Items 13.1.726 error\_notifier: Error Notifier 1.0.9 scorchful: Scorchful 0.6.2 searchables: Searchables 1.0.16 simplemagnets: Simple Magnets 1.1.11 skinlayers3d: 3d-Skin-Layers 1.6.5 sodium: Sodium 0.5.5 sodium-extra: Sodium Extra 0.5.3+mc1.20.2-build.114 caffeineconfig: CaffeineConfig 1.3.0+1.17 crowdin-translate: CrowdinTranslate 1.4+1.19.3 sounds: Sounds 0.7.0+1.20.2 spark: spark 1.10.54 fabric-permissions-api-v0: fabric-permissions-api 0.1-SNAPSHOT spellbound\_weapons\_mr: Spellbound Weapons 4.0.5m starlight: Starlight 1.1.3+fabric.5867eae status-effect-bars: Status Effect Bars 1.0.4 strongersnowballs: StrongerSnowballs 14.0.3 supermartijn642configlib: SuperMartijn642's Config Lib 1.1.8+a supermartijn642corelib: SuperMartijn642's Core Lib 1.1.17 thermoo: Thermoo 3.0 things: Things 0.3.3+1.20.2 lavender: Lavender 0.1.0-pre.19+ 
lavender-md: lavender-md 0.1.0-pre.3+1.20
lavender-md-owo-ui: lavender-md-owo-ui 0.1.0-pre.3+1.20
 tipsmod: Tips 13.0.3 too-cheap: Too Cheap! 1.2.0 tool-trims: Tool Trims b2.1.1 tooltipfix: ToolTip Fix 1.1.1-1.20 travelersbackpack: Traveler's Backpack 1.20.2-9.2.4 trinkets: Trinkets 3.8.0 underground\_jungle: Underground Jungle 20.2.1 universalcraft: UniversalCraft 337 veinmining: Vein Mining 2.2.0+1.20.2 spectrelib: SpectreLib 0.14.2+1.20.2 victus: Victus 0.1.15+1.20.2 vigilance: Vigilance 297 wardentools: Warden Tools 2.4.0+mc1.20.2 wilderwild: Wilder Wild 2.4.2-Fabric+1.20.2 frozenlib: FrozenLib 1.7.2-Fabric+1.20.2 worldedit: WorldEdit 7.3.0-beta-02+e11f161 yet\_another\_config\_lib\_v3: YetAnotherConfigLib 3.3.0-beta.1+1.20.2 com\_twelvemonkeys\_common\_common-image: common-image 3.10.0 com\_twelvemonkeys\_common\_common-io: common-io 3.10.0 com\_twelvemonkeys\_common\_common-lang: common-lang 3.10.0 com\_twelvemonkeys\_imageio\_imageio-core: imageio-core 3.10.0 com\_twelvemonkeys\_imageio\_imageio-metadata: imageio-metadata 3.10.0 com\_twelvemonkeys\_imageio\_imageio-webp: imageio-webp 3.10.0 org\_quiltmc\_parsers\_gson: gson 0.2.1 org\_quiltmc\_parsers\_json: json 0.2.1 JVM uptime in seconds: 19.283 Launched Version: fabric-loader-0.15.11-1.20.2 Backend library: LWJGL version 3.3.2-snapshot Backend API: Unknown Window size:  GL Caps: Using framebuffer using OpenGL 3.2 GL debug messages:  Using VBOs: Yes Is Modded: Definitely; Client brand changed to 'fabric' Type: Client (map\_client.txt) Locale: ko\_KR CPU:  Suspected Mods: java.lang.RuntimeException: Mixin transformation of net.minecraft.class\_634 failed 
```at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.getPostMixinClassByteArray(
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.tryLoadClass(
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.loadClass(
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.base/java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods0(Native Method)
at java.base/java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredMethods(
at java.base/java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods(
at fudge.notenoughcrashes.stacktrace.ModIdentifier.findMixinMerged(
at fudge.notenoughcrashes.stacktrace.ModIdentifier.getMixinInfo(
at fudge.notenoughcrashes.stacktrace.ModIdentifier.identifyFromThrowable(
at fudge.notenoughcrashes.stacktrace.ModIdentifier.lambda$identifyFromStacktrace$2(
at fudge.notenoughcrashes.stacktrace.ModIdentifier.visitChildrenThrowables(
at fudge.notenoughcrashes.stacktrace.ModIdentifier.identifyFromStacktrace(
at fudge.notenoughcrashes.stacktrace.ModIdentifier.lambda$getSuspectedModsOf$0(
at java.base/java.util.HashMap.computeIfAbsent(
at fudge.notenoughcrashes.stacktrace.ModIdentifier.getSuspectedModsOf(
at net.minecraft.class_128.mdd4423d$notenoughcrashes$lambda$beforeSystemDetailsAreWritten$1$0(
at net.minecraft.class_6396.method_37123(
at net.minecraft.class_128.handler$ejm000$notenoughcrashes$beforeSystemDetailsAreWritten(
at net.minecraft.class_128.method_555(
at net.minecraft.class_128.method_568(
at net.minecraft.class_128.method_569(
at net.minecraft.class_310.method_1565(
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch(
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main(
Caused by: org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.throwables.MixinTransformerError: An unexpected critical error was encountered
at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinProcessor.applyMixins(
at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinTransformer.transformClass(
at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinTransformer.transformClassBytes(
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.getPostMixinClassByteArray(
... 27 more
Caused by: org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.throwables.MixinApplyError: Mixin [command-block-ide.mixins.json:client.ClientPlayNetworkHandlerMixin from mod command-block-ide] from phase [DEFAULT] in config [command-block-ide.mixins.json] FAILED during APPLY
at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinProcessor.handleMixinError(
at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinProcessor.handleMixinApplyError(
at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinProcessor.applyMixins(
... 30 more
Caused by: org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.throwables.InvalidMixinException: u/Shadow field field_3690 was not located in the target class net.minecraft.class_634. Using refmap command-block-ide-refmap.json
at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinPreProcessorStandard.attachFields(
at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinPreProcessorStandard.attach(
at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinPreProcessorStandard.createContextFor(
at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinInfo.createContextFor(
at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinApplicatorStandard.apply(
at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.TargetClassContext.apply(
at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.TargetClassContext.applyMixins(
at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinProcessor.applyMixins(
... 30 more
i don't know what mod is not supported. i tried to search what's wrong with. but i can't fix this error.
submitted by Bouldertaste to fabricmc [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:50 StunningCoconut4 300+ Applications, This CV needs to be roasted!

submitted by StunningCoconut4 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:49 Ultra243 ⤵️ Community daily tasks 9/6/24

🌐 Don't miss out any post from BabyDoge socials:

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SEARCH for 'babydoge'.

Have a nice and prosperous day BabyDogeArmy!

submitted by Ultra243 to BABYDOGEARMY [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:47 Ultra243 ⤵️ Community daily tasks 9/6/24

🌐 Don't miss out any post from BabyDoge socials:

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SEARCH for 'babydoge'.

Have a nice and prosperous day BabyDogeArmy!

submitted by Ultra243 to BabyDogeOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:40 Beautiful_Room_3647 Personal Advice Needed

I don't even know how to put this, but basically I'm at a loss here. Why is it that every time I feel sad and upset about my past or my childhood or just life, I get really down and sad and maybe to the point of crying and breaking down, but once I come out of that I want to make other laugh? Like I'll go through a TERRIBLE "crying in the bath tub" level breakdown, and come out of the bathroom wanting to go on Facebook or around people and make jokes and statuses that make others laugh? Don't get me wrong, I love helping people. I love being the person who will always pick up the phone, and I love being the keeper of peoples secrets because they trust me. I love being the reason somebody smiles. I love complimenting random strangers on the street with an original and heartfelt compliment you can just see there heart smile in the way they react to it. I love being a light in a world that really just isn't happy or complimenting. I think that's the reason I'm still here, because I know I could be (and as cliche as this sounds) the person I need and have always needed in this world. I view everybody as deserving of love and happiness, and will go to great lengths to help others do so. But why does it feel like when I try to do that for myself it never works? I can't seem to make myself happy, or complete, or feel like I'm anything more than the person put here to make other people feel good about themselves. And as much as I love that title, will anybody else ever love and see me as somebody who deserves the same love, affection, care, and trust as I freely give to others? I understand boundaries and not to just give my kindness to the wrong people, but when is it my turn? When can I be loved and appreciated like I love and appreciate almost everybody I come into contact with? When is it my turn to have my wants and happiness prioritized? And yes I understand the whole "self love is all you need". My question is how do I get to a point in life where I either love myself enough that I can still love others as much as I do while not feeling so empty all the time, or at least get to a point where helping others doesn't feel like my only true valuable skill? (Im sorry if thats kinda all over the place, but I just needed to get that out in an anonymous and safe place)
submitted by Beautiful_Room_3647 to u/Beautiful_Room_3647 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:30 prajwalchauhan Why Google Ads Are Better Than Facebook Ads

In the competitive world of digital advertising, both Google Ads and Facebook Ads offer unique advantages. However, Google Ads often stand out as the superior choice for several compelling reasons:
  1. Intent-Based Targeting: Google Ads operate primarily on a search-based platform, meaning users are actively searching for specific products or services. This intent-driven behavior leads to higher conversion rates as users are already interested in what the advertiser is offering. In contrast, Facebook Ads are often displayed based on user interests and behaviors, which may not always capture immediate purchase intent.
  2. Wider Reach Across Platforms: Google Ads encompass not only search ads but also display ads across the Google Display Network, YouTube ads, and more. This extensive reach allows advertisers to connect with potential customers across various platforms and touchpoints, enhancing brand visibility and reach.
  3. Measurable ROI and Advanced Analytics: Google Ads provide detailed analytics and reporting tools, allowing businesses to measure the effectiveness of their campaigns with precision. This data-driven approach helps in optimizing ad spend, tracking performance, and making informed decisions to improve ROI.
  4. Extensive Ad Formats: Google offers a variety of ad formats, including search ads, display ads, shopping ads, and video ads. This versatility allows businesses to choose the best format to achieve their marketing goals, whether it's driving traffic, generating leads, or increasing sales.
  5. Superior Keyword Targeting: Google Ads' keyword targeting capabilities are highly sophisticated. Advertisers can bid on specific keywords and phrases relevant to their business, ensuring their ads are shown to users searching for those terms. This precise targeting maximizes the relevance and effectiveness of the ads.
  6. Remarketing Opportunities: Google Ads excels in remarketing, enabling businesses to re-engage users who have previously visited their website or interacted with their content. This feature helps in converting potential customers who may need multiple touchpoints before making a purchase.
In conclusion, while Facebook Ads offer robust targeting and engagement features, Google Ads often provide a more effective solution for intent-driven marketing, extensive reach, precise targeting, and measurable ROI. These factors make Google Ads a powerful tool for businesses looking to achieve specific marketing objectives and drive substantial results.
submitted by prajwalchauhan to u/prajwalchauhan [link] [comments]

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2024.06.09 11:14 d0or-tabl3-w1ndoWz_9 Israel is a fake country

Twitter post by Caitlin Johnstone
"Everything about Israel is fake. It’s a completely synthetic nation created without any regard for the organic sociopolitical movements of the land and its people, slapped rootless atop an ancient pre-existing civilization with deep roots. That’s why it cannot exist without being artificially propped up by nonstop propaganda, lobbying, online influence operations, and mass military violence.
Israel is so fake that its far right minister of national security Itamar Ben-Gvir has been stoking religious tensions by encouraging militant Zionists to pray on the Temple Mount — known to Muslims as Al-Aqsa. This is an illustration of how phony Israel and its political ideology are because Jews were historically prohibited from praying at the Temple Mount under Jewish law; a sign placed there in 1967 and still upheld by Israel’s Chief Rabbinate reads, “According to Torah Law, entering the Temple Mount area is strictly forbidden due to the holiness of the site.” It’s just this weird, evangelical Christian-like thing that Zionists have started doing in contravention of their own traditions and religious texts to advance their nationalist agendas.
Journalist Dan Cohen explains on Twitter:
“ ‘Prayer’ on the Temple Mount is 100% a Zionist invention in total contravention of Jewish law. Jews don’t step foot onto the Temple Mount, let alone 'pray' there. That’s why the sign below is posted at the entrance non-Muslims use.
“Ben Gvir publicly announced this in order to provoke a reaction to use as a pretext to restrict and expel Muslims from the site, explode Jerusalem and the West Bank, and expand the regional war.
“Ben Gvir holds Netanyahu hostage. Together, they’re leading Israel to self-destruction.”
There’s no authentic spirituality in such behavior. It has no roots. No depth. No connection. It’s the product of busy minds with modern agendas, with nothing more to it than that.
Israel is so fake that Zionists artificially resurrected a dead language in order for its people to have a common “native” tongue for them to speak, so that they could all LARP as indigenous middle easterners together in their phony, synthetic country.
Israel has no real culture of its own; it’s all a mixture of organic Jewish culture brought in from other parts of the world by the Jewish diaspora, culture that was stolen from Palestinians (see “Israeli food”), and the culture of indoctrinated genocidal hatred that is interwoven with the fabric of modern Zionism. The way Israel has become a Mecca of electronic dance music points clearly to an aching cultural void that its people are trying desperately to fill with empty synthetic pop fluff.
Even international support for Israel is fake, manufactured astroturf that has to be enforced from the top down, because it would never organically occur to anyone that Israel is something that should be supported.
The phenomenally influential Israel lobby is used to push pro-Israel foreign policy in powerful western governments like Washington and London. Just yesterday US Representative Thomas Massie told Tucker Carlson that every Republican in Congress besides himself “has an AIPAC person” assigned to them with whom they are in constant communication, who he describes as functioning “like your babysitter” with regard to lawmaking on the subject of Israel.
The Israel lobby exists with the full consent of the western imperial war machine and its secretive intelligence cartel, because western military support for Israel is also phony and fraudulent. The western empire whose strategic interests directly benefit from violence and radicalism in the middle east pretends it’s constantly expanding its military presence in the region in order to promote stability and protect an important ally, but in reality this military presence simply allows for greater control over crucial resource-rich territories whose populations would otherwise unite to form a powerful bloc acting in their own interests. The Israel lobby is a self-funding consent manufacturer which helps the empire do what it already wants to do.
Support for Israel in the media is also phony and imposed from the top down. Since October outlets like The New York Times, CNN and CBC have been finding themselves fighting off scandals due to staff leaks about demands from their executives that they slant their Gaza coverage to benefit the information interests of Israel. Briahna Joy Gray was just fired by The Hill for being critical of Israel as co-host of the show “Rising”, a fate that all mass media employees understand they will share if they are insufficiently supportive of the empire’s favorite ethnostate.
Israel’s support from celebrities is similarly forced. A newly leaked email from influential Hollywood marketing and branding guru Ashlee Margolis instructs her firm’s employees to “pause on working with any celebrity or influencer or tastemaker posting against Israel.” As we discussed recently, celebrities are also naturally disincentivized from criticizing any aspect of the western empire by the fact that their status is dependent on wealthy people whose wealth is premised upon the imperial status quo.
Support for Israel on social media is likewise notoriously phony. For years Israel has been pioneering the use of social media trolls to swarm Israel’s critics and promote agendas like undermining the BDS movement. After the beginning of the Gaza onslaught Israel spent millions on PR spin via advertising on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook, and The New York Times has just confirmed earlier reports that Israel has been targeting US lawmakers with fake social media accounts to influence their policymaking on Israel.
In truth, nobody really organically supports Israel. If they’re not supporting it because their lobbyists and employers told them to, they’re supporting it because that’s what they were told to support by the leaders of their dopey political ideologies like Zionism, liberalism and conservatism, or by the leaders of their dopey religions like Christian fundamentalism. It’s always something that’s pushed on people from the top down, rather than arising from within themselves due to their own natural interests and ideals.
Israel is not a country, it’s like a fake movie set version of a country. A movie set where the set pieces won’t even stand up on their own, so people are always running around in a constant state of construction trying to prop things up and nail things down, and scrambling to pick up things that are falling over, and rotating the set pieces so that they look like real buildings in front of the camera. Without this constant hustle and bustle of propagandizing, lobbying, online influence ops, and nonstop mass military violence, the whole movie set would fall over, and people would see all the film crew members and actors and cameras for what they are.
Clearly, no part of this is sustainable. Clearly, something’s going to have to give. Those set pieces are going to come toppling down sooner or later; it’s just a question of when, and of how high the pile of human corpses needs to be before it happens."
submitted by d0or-tabl3-w1ndoWz_9 to LFarchives [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:14 No-Problem3183 Why does my boyfriend hate me so much?

I've been dating my boyfriend (M31) for over 3 years, and we've lived together for 2 of those years. I'm aware that there is a significant age gap, as I'm (F21). My boyfriend is Korean, and I'm half Japanese, half Spanish. At first, he thought I was too young, but I begged him to stay with me regardless of our age difference. He works full time 6 or 5 days a week & im a student & I work full time as well but the days varies so I’m home more often.
The issue is that I've tried changing almost everything about myself to make him like me, but nothing seems to work. I've changed my personality, clothing, hair, interests, and even tried to be more sexy or cute. However, my boyfriend is not very interested in sex, as I was his first partner and I didn't have much experience either. He said he was never really interested in sex and just likes playing PC games, especially League of Legends. I've tried learning to play, but he gets upset when I'm not a pro at it when he "teaches" me, and he doesn't even last a minute teaching me before getting frustrated.
Before I say anything to him, he sighs and says he doesn't care or that it's stupid. He often assumes I'll say or do something I've never done, and this leads to arguments. He makes me cry both inside and outside the house which is always so embarrassing, but he's never apologized or tried to make me feel better. He just has a cold expression and gets even more annoyed, looking away.
There are times when he is nice and loving, but it's very rare. I get confused when he acts that way, and I forget everything he's done to hurt my feelings. I would never forgive anyone else for the things he's done, but I'm very grateful for all he's done for me, and I always let him know.
I tell him I'm grateful, I tell him he's handsome, I praise him, I love him, I always hug him & caress him. But sometimes, I’ll give him his space for like 3 weeks but it isn’t enough. After a while he’ll come home from work and he’ll go straight to his pc and if I try to cuddle him or kiss him for a few minutes , he gets super mad and annoyed, telling me he just wants to play bc he’s tired.
He never says I'm pretty, but he gets annoyed when guys message me on social media saying they think I'm pretty. I always ask him if he thinks I'm attractive because he never looks at me or says I'm pretty. I don't feel like he finds me attractive at all. When I try on sexy or pretty clothes and ask him if I look good, he'll just say "yeah" or "ugh, I'm playing," without ever looking at me and continue playing his game. He doesn’t look into my eyes!
When I try to talk to him about funny videos or things that happened to me or interest me, he always says, "Ugh, I don't want to hear about that." He says that about everything. It breaks my heart that he's so uninterested in me. I know guys don’t like clothes, makeup, and those kinds of things but fashion interests me a lot and when my partner talks about his interest I feel happy seeing how his face lights up so why does he hate when my face lights up? Why does he ALWAYS turn that smile into tears? Why is he with me if he seems to hate me so much?
I've lost a lot of weight and try to look my best for him, he says that I care about my looks way too much but I feel like he treats me according to how I look. When I ask him why he doesn't pay attention to me, he just says always says "ugh" “ugh” that Korean sound angry Koreans make. It always triggers me. I don't know why he doesn't like me, so I try to fix myself in any way I can. I'm already smart and nice, so I feel like it’s my looks and now I feel extremely insecure with my looks and personality. I starve myself to try to be as pretty/slim as I can, like the girls he had saved on his phone when I had first met him but nothing seems to be enough. He doesn’t have any photos of me either btw. He doesn’t post me though, he doesn’t post anything on social media he only scrolls on Facebook like, a lot.
I get a lot of attention from others, but not at home. He hates that I like TikToks funny cat memes, and other "dumb" stuff, but they're just innocent jokes, and I have nothing else interesting in my life. I'm very lonely because this situation makes me so depressed and it makes me feel stupid and useless. I don't feel like I'll ever be liked/loved by anyone If my own partner doesn't love me.
He yells at me and starts arguments over the simplest things, like sharing something I thought was funny or interesting. It’s never negative or insulting. Everything makes him angry and annoyed. I sometimes feel scared that he'll get too angry and break things again, as he's already broken 4 TVs. I don't even do anything to him; he just gets so angry when I ask for a bit of attention. I just don't understand why. I feel so lonely.
submitted by No-Problem3183 to u/No-Problem3183 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:07 IndividualCommon6156 I've been in love since 10 years ago with a person I knew though social media and she's the reason I'm alive.

I've been in love since almost 10 years ago with a person I knew though social media, and to most people it sound pathetic, I know, but the "worse" part is that we ended our relationship about 7 years ago.
We knew each other though a WhatsApp community group, while I was 15 and she was 13(this in 2014).
Initially, we didn't even talk to each other much (and never on private message, just the group), but by joking with each other we started talking more and more.
Prior to the continuation.., I would like to add certain context of myself. Due certain circumstances in my life i had severe depression and suicidal attempts even when I was even younger, but since I was naive/stupid I could never make it, and was getting frustrated at my own situation despite my young age, so that's when I just decided to know people on the Internet as a different persona. Never a fake name or anything like that, I was too young to even considering I could do that lol (I started at 10, which was extremely young on social media at that time, seems like not so much nowadays). So even though I was super introvert, expressionless and hated and mistrusted every single person, I started joining Facebook groups and then WhatsApp groups to know people who at least weren't from my home country. I always tried to being a expressive person in all of them and tried very hard to make some friends, but after a few disappointments I started losing hope, and I could not feel neither love or hatred towards people. It was just self hatred while I was still trying to "fix me" since even people started saying I was a weird kid because of how expressionless and apathic I was. They just treated me like a weird thing.
I felt like shit everyday, every hour, spending most of the day medicated with up to 6 pills.
And even though I was still that "funny" or "extrovert" person on social media I stopped talking to people on private, because I was exhausted on trying to connect with someone since I didn't even know how to properly hold common conversations like "how was you day?",and that other persona just wasn't enough.
So... continuing with the main story; It felt completely different with her, it was fun, even though there was still no private conversations, just the group chat.
At first, I thought it was just a misunderstanding on my part(as if I was brainwashing myself to think it was fun), so I got more and more curious about the things I was feeling with her, till the point that curiosity moved to her, and I started to wanting to actually know her better, not because I was trying to fix me, but because I was genuinely interested on her.
According to that genuine Interest and then love, I slowly naturally stopped acting as another person, and even though I was cold and barely showed any "visual" interest we still keep talking normally.
She was perfect in my eyes, I loved her very much and told her about it, but she rejected me due to her family. Even so, she made it clear that she felt the same.
Still, we keep talking normally, and on mid 2016 we started a relationship.
We had a lot of fights, mostly because of me I still had a hard time expressing myself since I wasn't used to, and she was also bad at expressing herself but in a a different way I had a herd time showing my true feelings about things, and since it was by chat it was even harder to express.. And she was bad about talking about herself, even about her opinions about anything.
So there were a lot of misunderstanding between each other, with her thinking I was mad or sad about something, but since I always told her it wasn't anything (it really wasn't anything) she had a hard time believing I was telling the truth to her. And since she didn't liked to talk too much about her thoughts I sometimes felt like she wasn't interested on me or just didn't trust me enough to talk about certain things.
So even though I would tell her everyday how much I loved her and she would tell me it wasn't like that, we still keep arguing a lot. As a couple with mental health issues we had quite a ride every day lol.
At some point, the discussions started getting more regular, and I starting feeling like It would be better for her to just forget about me and that she would be happy like that. I would make me as a "sacrifice" and just cut her up so she could be happy without having to deal with my problems.
We had yet another fight, and I thought about that again, and after a lot of things we said goodbye to each other and told her I was going to block her, which I did.
It was extremely stupid, and I regretted it even a minute after doing it, but I keep thinking it was the best for her. Almost 6 months passed, with me feeling regret every single day and feeling like shit but also thinking about how things were and how I should have done a lot of things differently, till I just couldn't help it anymore and unblocked her and talked to her again. It was yet another bad decision. If already did it I should have gone on with it till the end, so why tf would I talk to her again? I just made her suffer again. I regret both things, till this day.
And even though I did that, she responded to me We had a very deep conversation, and explained to her why I did it and why I talked to her again. She obviously felt awful,and while I was explaining, I once again felt like it was such a stupid idea and that I should have tried more.
In the time we didn't talk we both thought a lot of things, and ended up deciding to just keep as friends, even though we both still loved each other. We just came to the conclusion that we hurt each other more being together as a couple. We started to talk less and less, to the point it ended up in a relationship of "happy birthday" and "happy new year", not because we didn't want to speak to each other, but because it was kinda weird. I still loved her very much, but I couldn't say so, and every thing she did or how she talked was still adorable to me, but I just couldn't say "you're cute", "I love you so much", because we weren't anything.
At some point in her birthday(2020) I told her that maybe we shouldn't talk to each other more so we could just forget about each other(I never intended to forget about her but I wanted her to be happy) but she said she was okay with our (at that time) current situation so she would still do it.
When new year came, she didn't talked to me. Neither in my birthday (January). I was both sad and relieved/happy tbh. I thought "maybe she's thinking about herself and her own happiness, which is what I wanted". Time came by, and in 2022 she talked to me, not on new year or on my birthday, but on a normal day.
I was extremely happy and worried at the same time. We talked about a lot of things, including love in general. I told her I still loved her, not wanting anything in return, and she said that maybe I only love the memories, and I would not like her current self. We keep talking about a lot of things, every day for a few months, and I just came to the conclusion that she was wrong. I still loved her, the way she expressed, the way she talked, everything. I felt like I was 15 again, discovering new things that made me love her more and more.
Everything was fine, we were not in a new relationship but still good. At some point she was very busy with a lot of things(tests and everything), so we naturally started talking less. I was completely oblivious about what she was thinking during that time, and I still don't fully understand, but she told me that we probably shouldn't talk anymore(maybe revenge? I don't think so but sometimes I do think I can be that) I was again sad but happy, thinking she knows we probably don't have a future so it was the best for her. So i agreed with her(not like I had an option), and we said goodbye.
Sometimes I think, maybe she wanted me to tell her no? Should I have said no and that we should try it? But even so, my own answer is that that was the best. I still can't forgive myself about what I did and how we broke up, so I just can't feel the right to be with her.
Even so, I still feel genuinely happy for her, and I wouldn't mind if she has another lover on her life, quite the opposite. I would love her to be happy, and it doesn't matter if it's not with me, because it's just not about me but about her.
She initially made me feel jealous for the first time in my life, she made me worried, sad, happy, stressed, loved, wanted, etc. Most feelings I didn't think I could feel for another person. Even my family didn't think I could. She made me not wanting to kill myself every day, she made me think living was worth it, she made me think I should keep on living no matter what. That's true even though I still don't have anything, not even friends. She made my life happy just by thinking about her, and I will always be thankful and sorry for everything we did together, not just because of how she made me feel, but because she was (and pretty sure still is) an amazing person who deserves the better. She even made me leave most pills.
Like I started, I still love her very much, and even though she's the only "thing"(as in both passion and people) I "have" and even though sometimes I just want to die, I will still keep trying to live, for as long as I can even though I think about dying every single day of my life.
Even though this was long af, it was still a super resumed version, and since English it's not even my first language I probably have a lot of mistakes, so sorry about that and also thanks to whoever made it this far. Although I doubt this will ever be read I feel a little relieved since I literally have no one else to talk, not even family lol.
submitted by IndividualCommon6156 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:02 ScienceOfAchievement Why Geomaxxing Works For Short Men [Explained Genetically] Geomaxxing To Spain, Portugal, Korea, Thailand, Philippines

Problem: I can get a gf.. but can't get a facially cute, slim, tanned, girlfriend (my type). Treated like shit by guys due to low social status due to height
Goal: a slim cute tanned gf & be treated like a normal person by guys.
How to achieve it: I need to increase my SMV and height
  1. I will wear 1-3 inch lifts
  2. Geomax to shorter countries where my coloring is also desired
  3. I'm verryyy white like an albinos and 5ft5
  4. I could get this all over with and go to philippines. But I dont want to sacrifice my quality of life unless I HAVE to. So I will try nicer countries first
  5. all of these avg heights ive listed below are in the young 19yo generation from this
  6. I have a remote job so can live anywhere
1. My country
❌ I'm 5 inches below avg height even in lifts so treated like shit by guys annd bullied
❌ They hate white skin, they like "tall dark handsome"
❌ My country is known for being good looking. so my face is just seen as average/below average. so hard af to get a cute slim gf
✅ My country is great to live in quality of life-wise
2. Geomaxx to spain
❌ 5ft9.5 avg there so im 3 inches below average in lifts so pretty terrible height still, ill be low status
❌ I think they also dont like white skin, and prefer tans
❌ Known for being good looking too.. so ill be average/below average so hard to find a cute slim gf
✅ Might find a latina which are smaller and prefer white skin guys so higher chance ill get a cute slim tan gf
❌ Speaks moderate English
✅ Amazing quality of life
3. If Spain fails I'll geomaxx to Portugal 5ft8.5 avg height
❌ I'll be 2 inches below average in lifts so higher chance ill be treated normally by guys
❌ I think they also dont like white skin, and prefer tans
❌ I think I'll be average looks there still
✅ Much better english than spain so might have higher chance to connect with people
4. If Portugal fails ill go to Korea 5ft8.5 avg height
❌ I'll be 2 inches below average in lifts. not ideal height but acceptable and treated normally by guys i think
✅ It's known they prefer white skin on guys
✅ The beauty standard in korea is to have caucasian facial features so I'll be above average facially so higher chance much ill get a cute slim tan gf
❌ Speaks moderate english
✅ Great quality of life country
5. If Korea fails ill go to thailand 5ft7.5 avg height
✅ I'll be 1 inch below average height in lifts so can finally be treated like a normal person
✅ It's known they prefer white skin on guys
✅ The beauty standard is same as korea, they prefer caucasian features so i'll be above average facially so higher chance ill get a cute slim tan gf
❌ Very low english proficiency so will be hard to connect with people
❌ Highly polluted, lower quality of life compared to previous 1st world countries
6. If thailand fails, I'll go to philippines...although i dont want to...
✅ I'll be 1 inch above average height in lifts so very higher chance ill get a cute slim tan gf
✅ It's known they prefer white skin on guys
✅ The beauty standard is same as korea, they prefer caucasian features so i'll be above average facially
✅ Great english proficiency so I'll be able to connect with people
❌ Very highly polluted, very lower quality of life compared to previous 1st world countries, and even worse than thailand
It's hard... as a short guy, the more you want to be treated more normally by guys and higher chance to get a slim cute gf... the worse low quality of life countries u have to go to. So I think it's best to find somewhere in the middle. And test
submitted by ScienceOfAchievement to shortguys [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:57 Sweet-Count2557 Mom's Bar-B-Q Restaurant in Los Angeles,CA,United States

Mom's Bar-B-Q Restaurant in Los Angeles,CA,United States
Mom's Bar-B-Q Restaurant in Los Angeles,CA,United States
Mom's Bar-B-Q: A Culinary Delight for Meat Lovers in Los Angeles, CA
Price Level: $
Mom's Bar-B-Q: A Culinary Delight for Meat LoversWelcome to Mom's Bar-B-Q, a hidden gem nestled in the heart of . As a travel blogger, I have had the pleasure of exploring various restaurants around the world, but Mom's Bar-B-Q truly stands out. With its mouthwatering menu and cozy ambiance, this restaurant is a must-visit for all food enthusiasts.At Mom's Bar-B-Q, you can indulge in a wide array of delectable dishes that will satisfy even the most discerning palate. From succulent ribs to tender brisket, their menu offers a range of options that will leave you craving for more. Each dish is carefully prepared using Mom's secret recipes, passed down through generations, ensuring an authentic and unforgettable dining experience.What sets Mom's Bar-B-Q apart from other restaurants is not only the exceptional food but also the warm and welcoming atmosphere. The friendly staff goes above and beyond to make you feel at home, providing top-notch service that adds to the overall dining experience. Whether you're a solo traveler or visiting with friends and family, Mom's Bar-B-Q is the perfect place to unwind and enjoy a delicious meal.In addition to their mouthwatering menu, Mom's Bar-B-Q also offers a variety of vegetarian and vegan options, catering to all dietary preferences. So, if you're a meat lover or a plant-based food enthusiast, you can rest assured that Mom's Bar-B-Q has something to satisfy your cravings.Don't miss out on the opportunity to experience the culinary delights of Mom's Bar-B-Q. Plan your visit today and prepare to embark on a gastronomic journey like no other. Trust me, once you've tasted the flavors of Mom's Bar-B-Q, you'll be counting down the days until your next visit.
Cuisines of Mom's Bar-B-Q in Los Angeles,CA,United States
When it comes to satisfying our taste buds with mouthwatering American cuisine, there's no better place to visit than Mom's Bar-B-Q Restaurant. Known for its delectable barbecue dishes, this restaurant takes pride in serving authentic American flavors that leave customers craving for more. From juicy ribs and tender pulled pork to smoky grilled chicken, Mom's Bar-B-Q offers a wide range of barbecue options that are sure to please any meat lover. Whether you're in the mood for a classic burger or a plate of finger-licking ribs, this restaurant is the go-to spot for all things American and barbecue. With its cozy ambiance and friendly staff, Mom's Bar-B-Q Restaurant is the perfect place to indulge in the rich and flavorful cuisines that have made American barbecue a beloved culinary tradition.
Features of Mom's Bar-B-Q in Los Angeles,CA,United States
Item 1Item 2Item 3
Menu of Mom's Bar-B-Q in Los Angeles,CA,United States
Location of Mom's Bar-B-Q in Los Angeles,CA,United States
Contact of Mom's Bar-B-Q in Los Angeles,CA,United States
+1 323-756-8405
1050 W Imperial Hwy, Los Angeles, CA 90044-1340
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:36 Prime262 Battery Armor Blues: Would you call this Quick Thinking support?

This is going to take a while, so id like to lead with something i found sort of amusing while doing research for this post
currently, the highest amount of energy a warframe can achieve, would be Garuda Prime with Primed Flow, Endurance Drift, and 5 blue Tauforged Archon shards. this would get 1319 max energy.
Assuming that Garuda could fully activate Battery Armor, by itself, she would reach 1320 max energy.
lastly, it has been made clear that Battery armor is subject to change, as are all of the upcoming arcanes. what follows will be assuming that we get it as it has been shown. and may serve as argumentation for if it should, or should not, be changed.
Battery Armor is a very interesting Arcane. at .3 max energy per point of armor, youd need 3334 armor to fully activate the effect, granting any warframe 1000 energy max.
there is alot to unpack here, but before we talk about how much armor that is, and if/when this is worth using when you cant max it out, we need to address a more complicated problem.
why do you want energy Max? and when you do, what would you possibly want with that much of it?
Energy max is a component of the Trifecta of the "Energy Economy". that being energy generation, energy expense, and energy max, aka your buffer.
there are about a billion ways these days to generate energy, and efficiency/duration can reduce the amount of energy you spend. letting you increase income and decrease expense. with good enough energy generation, energy max becomes superfluous. so when is energy max warranted?
the first case is when you want to cast 1 ability for a really, really long time, that has a drain effect you cant bypass. this is sort of the Mesa problem, though with health orb creators and the Dispensary in the helminth its not that big of a deal for Mesa either.
the second case is when your energy Generation is very "Bursty". the peak popularity of Primed Flow Coincided with the dominance of Arcane Energize. having a high energy cap was important to ensure that when energize went off, you didn't lose part of it due to not having room for the full 150. Energize has a hard cap of 600 energy per minute. it can only be less efficient than that, not more. if your energy cap was low, around 200, youd often lose part of your energize, it was important to bump it up higher so that didnt happen. as Energize has fallen out of favor, so has flow. there are still some energy generation setups that are sufficiently bursty. Spectrosiphon setups generate about a billion energy orbs, but they can be tedious to maintain. having a high E max can mean you dont need too do the siphon dance nearly as often.
the third case is in combination with things like the Preparation mod, for non-endless mission builds that forgo energy generation entirely and plan to just bring all the energy they need with them.
these all focus on Emax as it pertains to the role of energy in ability casting, but there are 3 more cases that dont.
the first being ofcourse, incarnon weapons. a number of them have effects that only work when you have a certain amount of Emax. and for some frames reaching that number is not possible with Primed Flow alone. for some setups Battery Armor may be more practical.
the current lowest base energy capacity is Ash Prime, at 150. to get to 700 Emax for triggering Paladin's Virtue would require Ash to have 1834 armor. this is still a little bit... . this is still very impractical.
so maybe god didnt intend ash prime too use Angstrum incarnon, and we will just have to live with that. surely there are other frames and situations where it will be more helpful.
the second worth noting is Secondary Surge. Yet another new arcane which, if it shipped as its presented, would offer up a damage multiplier on the next shot in exchange for your Current energy. up to 8x at 1600 Current energy.
if this is, effectively, 800% roar, then surely someone somewhere will find a practical use for this. even if it is just killing Terry with a non-incarnon Lato. i can feel the Dark Pull of the Azima once again calling to me, but im sure DE pre-emptively made this not apply to the turrets to salt my wounds.
nothing definite can be said about Surge right now, since we dont have it. the fact that its 1 shot and the fact that most of our big enemies damage attenuate means this will likely end up as a gimmick for BTFO'ing Demo units at absolute best.
the last reason to want high energy max has already been foreshadowed, Quick Thinking.
Quick thinking is a profoundly old mod. its rare to find something from 2013 warframe that still has some straight up voodoo too it, but well. . .the Wiki cannot Define what a "strong hit" is, and the problem isnt even documented ingame.
setting that aside, Quick thinking lets you treat your energy bar like a health bar. 1000 energy would translate into 2400 additional health. and yes Quick thinking scales with your armor. to get that energy you are automatically assuming atleast 3334 armor, so that'd make you fairly tanky. really the idea of being able to spec into survival focusing on shields, health, or energy as your main juice of survival would be great.
ok so there are at least a handful of reasons you might want to Spike your Emax into the Stratosphere, now lets talk about the problem.
3334 armor is alot of fucking armor.
really only one warframe is going to get this effect for free. .and thats Chroma. who arguably doesn't need it. i mean i guess itd make using his 4 easier. . i guess. Quick Thinking Chroma is kind of a silly concept for a frame that can already get a billion health without any help.
moving down the line, Triple umbral atlas prime with his Maxed out Passive hits 2900 armor. Health conversion + his passive hits 3350. thats just 1 mod, which is not bad. though HC isnt totally reliable, particularly when you are solo.
a valk with Health conversion and like 375+ strength would get there as well. in this case Triple umbral and Health conversion are of equal value.
Grendel Prime, with his gourmand augment, a fully stacked passive, and Health Conversion gets there. though the reliability of keeping Grendels belly fully is somewhat iffy.
Hydroid's plunder can get there, though the abilty is. . we shall be generous and say "has a high skill cap" and not "is profoundly unreliable". he would sill need like over 400 strength or to be running an extra source of armor, but any one will do.
Wukong's Defy gets him part of the way there, but 1350+1500+290 still puts us short.
oberon and inaros would both need totally impractical amounts of power strength, and you dont remember that octavia has an armor buff, so i wont talk about it.
Melee fortification and 16 kills per 10 seconds gets there, il leave explaining why this is not helpful as an exercise for the reader.
lastly, lets talk about Parasitic armor. we can fiddle with the numbers here a bit. at 300 Strength youd only need about 1100 shields, or really less given your base armor. the main issue with this idea is that you cant gain more shields until it runs out, so you cant use this effect to keep your energy max up permanently. you can use it to temporarily spike your Emax. .but to what end?
lets look at some more practical things.
a Tauforged blue archon shard gives 225 armor and would also give 67.5 Emax. effectively doubling the value of the shard, in a very specific way.
ive mentioned health conversion a few times. for most warframes, health conversion is the best 1 slot source of armor available. you need more than 750 base armor before Triple umbral'd fiber becomes a better option.
Battery Armor makes Health conversion give 405 Emax in addition to the armor it gives.
is that good?
Primed flow gives exactly 405 Emax if your have 225 base energy. 225 is the most common base energy in the game, though again, accounting for base armor, you would come out slightly ahead of primed flow
the problem here is that arcane slots are generally. . .more valuable than mod slots. so spending an arcane slot to save a mod slot seems pointless. especially if you are having to build into armor just to get it active.
Battery armor being balanced so that the most powerful source of flat armor being roughly as valuable as primed flow on the bulk of warframes feels intentional, and that feels bad. Battery armor feels like a "third arcane slot" arcane as it is currently presented, but. . well. i genuinely think even if the armor to Emax was a 1 to 1 conversion, it would probably still not be terribly popular. it feels over-balanced at the moment.
.3 = 3334 armor to max
.4 = 2500 armor to max
.5 =2000 armor to max
.6=1667 armor to max.
let me present you with a Hypothetical.
currently, there is a combo i call HC+AB. Health Conversion + Arcane Blessing, gives 1350 armor and 1200 HP. its a pair of flat buffs that gives even relatively squishy warframes a solid baseline of tanking, for the bargain price of 1 mod slot and 1 arcane slot.
if Battery Armor were set to .6 armor per 1 E max
most warframes can get too 1667 armor with Health conversion+ their base armor + an Archon shard.
if they instead Ran Battery Armor instead of arcane Blessing, and also ran Quick Thinking. they'd have 1350 armor and +1000 Emax which would then be counted as effectively 2400 HP.
for 1 additional mod slot, weve doubled the Ehp of blessing, we dont need a source of healing anymore, but we are significantly more dependent on good energy management. no i will not start talking about Adaptation this late in the game, but in terms of boosting your Ehp for 1 mot slot. . .you get the idea.
and i still in my gut feeling thing that this would not be worth it. you'd need to address the Faults of Quick thinking and like. . make it a 9 cost mod or something. and the itd still be more build-space than shield gating for something that's likely just as hard to pilot.
this is obviously meant to be combo'd with the other Emax based arcane dropping this set but there is a single digit number of frames that can even Feasibly get too 1600 Emax through this effect, and for that work you still need too cast an ability before every shot.
is this intended to support. .what? the selection of Mediocre Grenade based incarnon sidearms that nobody uses? Atamos Zylok and Gammacor? maybe you could put this behind Lex but Lex is already ludicriously strong without a trapeze act to perform before you can shoot it. i say again . .to what end?
this is alot of work to put into achieving Big Number given you've spent the last 2 years making all of the relevant bosses and minibosses resistant to Big Number technology. i guess maybe this is a new avenue for acoltye nuking, maybe? should be funny with the Grimore alt fire.
as someone who plays almost entirely for Novelty these days, and who has spent much of the last few months getting to know Caliban on a first name basis, my standards of "worth it" are about as low as you can go without busting out the spade. so when i say something doesnt seem like its worth it, that is a judgment of value coming from someone who considers 6 formaing Venato to be a valid use of my time.
for the effort required to use it, Battery Armor will almost certainly not see much use. only Chroma, Atlas and Valkyr can activate it reasonably easily, for everyone else its just too much of a pain in the ass.
there are limited reasons to even want significant amounts of Emax, aside from a bespoke combo with an upcoming sidearm arcane that will probably be more trouble than its worth outside of Mr.WarframeGuy's meme videos (and they will no doubt be glorious). interactions with Quick thinking while interesting to think about are burdened by the fact that you are forced to run quick thinking. QT is occasionally useful, but until DE at a bare minimum publishes the conditions for it to Stagger me, and better yet just removes that part of QT entirely il leave the Energymaxxing survival strategy in the hypothetical category.
do you think Battery Armor should ship as presented, or should the rate of armor too energy be raised? personally i think .5 armor per energy, for a max requirement of 2000 armor, would be a fair bit more mannage for a larger portion of the cast. i think .3 is unreasonably low, but im curious if im alone in that. i think any higher than .5 and were lapsing from Fair into Generous.
i also think that no amount of Emax can make the stat itself more Valuable, as simply generating energy reliably is easier and more useful than being able to store alot of it. having good energy generation is a need. having good energy storage is a want.
the best use of over 1k energy max that i can think of is Recreating this old meme using Banshee's 4.
Have a pleasant evening, its 3am and ive been staring at wiki pages and doing math for 3 hours. im going to bed.
submitted by Prime262 to Warframe [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:26 Puzzleheaded_Bid_224 Slow speed on Asus Wifi Router after reset

Slow speed on Asus Wifi Router after reset
Hi guys, I need support about my network: I have a 1Gbps line for both download/upload speed. Tested with wired LAN, no problem. My wifi router is Asus RT-AX1800HP. After reset, it only reach 200-300 Mbps for both down/up speed; before reset, it can reach 600-700 Mbps. Idk what's wrong when I setup that. I'm tested that with my laptop, Android phone and iPhone, all of them support Wifi 6; All of cable in my house are CAT6.
submitted by Puzzleheaded_Bid_224 to HomeNetworking [link] [comments]