Short on breath and dry throat

Fasting: willingly abstaining for a period of time

2011.01.06 16:50 areich Fasting: willingly abstaining for a period of time

#This subreddit is now private. [Click here to find out why we have gone dark](

2008.05.15 15:10 Coffee

/Coffee is back - for now - and talking about itself, in addition to coffee.

2016.02.16 12:12 Dryfasting

Live off of your fat. Dry fasting is a type of fasting where individuals abstain from both food and water for a certain period. Unlike traditional fasting, which restricts food and caloric intake, dry fasting requires the body to rely on its internal water reserves and metabolic reactions for energy. Learn why religions speak highly of dry fasting, and why people swear by its healing effects on the body. This subreddit does not provide medical advice.

2024.05.29 05:53 Routine_Froyo4419 Money issues. Hanging by a thread.

It's been a tough journey for me the past few years trying to get my sh*t together. I earn a humble 3000 SGD and single. There's been a time I was swindled by a man I loved. Almost 30K.
And 3 years later, I'm drowning in debt. Long story short, I keep going back to broken men because I think I can fix them. Unfortunately I can't, and I end up being lied to over and over again. Especially when it comes to money. Yeah, maybe my choice in men are questionable, but I'm trying to fix that. I've been seeing a therapist (free, because my company supports that) and it helped me ground myself.
I'm not eligible for any financial assistance. I have siblings who earn a lot more than I do, have investments, but don't or choose not to help even when I lay out my problems to them. FYI, I barely ask for help. In fact, I can count the number of times I've asked for help (monetarily) in my life. That's fine. I'm not gonna push it either.
It's not that I can't pay my dues, I can. And I have been. It's just that I'm not able to live fully anymore. After paying my debts, bills, and giving my parents allowances, I'm only left with 100 SGD? I can barely breathe. I'm lucky to be working from home, so I save a lot on transportation.
I decided to quit smoking. I saved a lot, and I think it's beneficial for me at the same time. I quit accepting invites to go out, not because I wanted to but because I had to. I stopped meeting friends, making plans, because everything is just expensive or rather I'm incapable.
Through all of this, it taught me a lot of things. There aren't many who would be there for you when you're down. People suddenly become blind, deaf or mute when you need help. But when you're thriving, everyone surrounds you.
I'm depressed. I wish I knew what else to do to get by. I'm tired of working just to pay things off. I just feel like if I can compile everything and pay one person, it would help me a lot. But I have no choice. I can't even qualify for debt consolidation because it's not too big an amount, but also not too small. I just feel really stuck.
I lost all interest for everything. Right now I'm just living day by day. Like a robot.
submitted by Routine_Froyo4419 to SingaporeRaw [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:53 ChiknaMoulvi It hurts.

After a wonderful year with an amazing girl who I fell in love with and was building a future with, I got suddenly dumped. Just a few days before the anniversary of the day we met.
About two months ago, after I returned from a trip, she came to meet me with the intention to break up because she felt the relationship had lost the ‘spark’. We had a healthy conversation and communicated the flaws and what was missing and decided that we would work on them together and revive it. Over the next month, we did exactly that, both proclaimed that we loved each other. We had our serious discussions and planned out the next couple months with weekend trips, and her introducing me to her mom who was supposed to visit this past weekend.
May 1st, her birthday, I surprised her, had a wonderful day on the weekend with her friends and everything seemed to be going great. She came by to spend the night next day and she would reiterate her feelings for me, through words and actions and everything seemed to be going great. May 8th, before going to sleep, I told her how much I missed her, and what exactly I missed about her to reiterate my feelings to show how serious I was as well. May 9th, morning, she replied normally and said she missed me as well and wished she could cuddle with me all day every day. I jokingly said I want to hear more, in detail as to how much she misses me. That message was followed by an entire day of silence. We were supposed to meet later that day however, she made up a reason to not meet and then called me later in the night and broke the news.
She felt she did not want to be in a relationship with me anymore. She had come to realize, that she would never love me the way I love her. We met a day later to say our goodbyes as I was in a state of shock. I was blindsided. I thought I only reciprocated the feelings. She mentioned that ‘I miss you’ message from me made her realize that she could never love me the same way. She said she will always hold love for me and care for me, and cherish the memories we made over the past year. I couldn’t muster up the courage to fight for us, how could I knowing that it was probably the last time I would be seeing her? I asked her what changed, what happened, what did I do and all she responded was ‘I don’t have an answer for you. I wish there was a reason, because you do and say everything that I want you to do and hear.’ Yet she left me. I didn’t beg, all I could say was, if that’s what you feel, how can I change your feelings?
I sent a letter proclaiming my feelings to her and why I said what I said and how ‘she’ had planned all those trips and plans over the next couple weekends and the summer. The day it got delivered, I sent her a message that I wasn’t expecting a response, even though I so much wanted to, and that I will be blocking/removing her from my instagram as that’s the only social media app I use.
She didn’t reply, it broke me apart, but maybe that was for the best? So, it’s been 17 days of no contact, and I miss her every day, all day. I truly loved her and this has broken me into a million pieces. She was the first girl I was going to confess my love for, to my conservative and religious mother. It felt like someone snatched the earth from beneath me. I wake up in the middle of the night multiple times trembling or sweating dreaming about her. I have lost 8 pounds due to a loss in appetite. I have been meditating, journaling, working out, playing soccer, staying busy as all of you have said but it still feels like a gaping hole in my heart. I get anxious and shortness of breath. I cry till I can’t cry anymore. Each day is a battle with myself so I don’t reach out to her.
How do you go from best friends one day and to being a stranger the next? She made me a better man than I was yesterday and now it feels like everything I had hoped for is shattered. I know time heals all wounds, but how do I go forward knowing she will not be a part of my life the way I had and atleast till the last day, she had envisioned as well? It hurts.
I miss her so much and I know I will always love her. But I’m doing my best to stay no contact so I can hopefully heal. Why is the world so cruel?
submitted by ChiknaMoulvi to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:52 Euph0ria_01 Newly diagnosed with UARS.

Newly diagnosed with UARS.
Just had a PSG and MSLT sleep study done last week. The reasons i had wanted to get one was the following: Unrefreshing sleep, chronic fatigue (even if i sleep 10-12 hours), excessive snoring, waking up with red eyes,dry mouth, headaches, cognitive issues, brain fog and occasional heart racing upon waking.
At first I suspected possible sleep apnea but was still a little skeptical due to the fact that I use sleep cycle app to track my sleep and it never sounds like I am choking or stop breathing. Ive also never had anyone else tell me theyve heard that, just loud snoring. However, i knew the amount of snoring I was doing and how loud wasnt right. Turns out I have Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome according to the PSG. What is crazy is the amount of RERA'S ( Respiratory Effort-Related Sleep Arousals) I had were 107, that seems like a lot! Im really glad to have some answers but at the same time also sort of sad/frusterated that this wasnt determined sooner!
Ive been dealing with the fatigue since I was in my teens and im now 31 and it had always been brushed off as depression or that im lazy. Now that ive finally seen some of the right specialists as an adult, I feel im finally being taken seriously and even currently have FMLA time given by a doctor to be used on days when my fatigue is too severe to allow me to work.
It honestly all makes sense because some of the main causes of UARS are a high palate and nasal issues.. I have a high/narrow palate due to cleft lip and also just had nasal surgery for deviated septum, nasal valve collapse and for turbinate reduction which sounds like the perfect mix to create UARS. Unsure what will happpen from here..i dont know if id qualify for cpap and am still waiting for MSLT results but I am glad to have an idea of whats going on and will hopefully be able to feel healthiebetter eventually, as I really feel my quality of life has been greatly diminished for too long. It sort of seems like theres not half as much info or understanding about UARS then there is about OSA which makes me wonder how many people are walking around also suffering and misdiagnosed.
submitted by Euph0ria_01 to UARS [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:52 ChiknaMoulvi It hurts.

After a wonderful year with an amazing girl who I fell in love with and was building a future with, I got suddenly dumped. Just a few days before the anniversary of the day we met.
About two months ago, after I returned from a trip, she came to meet me with the intention to break up because she felt the relationship had lost the ‘spark’. We had a healthy conversation and communicated the flaws and what was missing and decided that we would work on them together and revive it. Over the next month, we did exactly that, both proclaimed that we loved each other. We had our serious discussions and planned out the next couple months with weekend trips, and her introducing me to her mom who was supposed to visit this past weekend.
May 1st, her birthday, I surprised her, had a wonderful day on the weekend with her friends and everything seemed to be going great. She came by to spend the night next day and she would reiterate her feelings for me, through words and actions and everything seemed to be going great. May 8th, before going to sleep, I told her how much I missed her, and what exactly I missed about her to reiterate my feelings to show how serious I was as well. May 9th, morning, she replied normally and said she missed me as well and wished she could cuddle with me all day every day. I jokingly said I want to hear more, in detail as to how much she misses me. That message was followed by an entire day of silence. We were supposed to meet later that day however, she made up a reason to not meet and then called me later in the night and broke the news.
She felt she did not want to be in a relationship with me anymore. She had come to realize, that she would never love me the way I love her. We met a day later to say our goodbyes as I was in a state of shock. I was blindsided. I thought I only reciprocated the feelings. She mentioned that ‘I miss you’ message from me made her realize that she could never love me the same way. She said she will always hold love for me and care for me, and cherish the memories we made over the past year. I couldn’t muster up the courage to fight for us, how could I knowing that it was probably the last time I would be seeing her? I asked her what changed, what happened, what did I do and all she responded was ‘I don’t have an answer for you. I wish there was a reason, because you do and say everything that I want you to do and hear.’ Yet she left me. I didn’t beg, all I could say was, if that’s what you feel, how can I change your feelings?
I sent a letter proclaiming my feelings to her and why I said what I said and how ‘she’ had planned all those trips and plans over the next couple weekends and the summer. The day it got delivered, I sent her a message that I wasn’t expecting a response, even though I so much wanted to, and that I will be blocking/removing her from my instagram as that’s the only social media app I use.
She didn’t reply, it broke me apart, but maybe that was for the best? So, it’s been 17 days of no contact, and I miss her every day, all day. I truly loved her and this has broken me into a million pieces. She was the first girl I was going to confess my love for, to my conservative and religious mother. It felt like someone snatched the earth from beneath me. I wake up in the middle of the night multiple times trembling or sweating dreaming about her. I have lost 8 pounds due to a loss in appetite. I have been meditating, journaling, working out, playing soccer, staying busy as all of you have said but it still feels like a gaping hole in my heart. I get anxious and shortness of breath. I cry till I can’t cry anymore. Each day is a battle with myself so I don’t reach out to her.
How do you go from best friends one day and to being a stranger the next? She made me a better man than I was yesterday and now it feels like everything I had hoped for is shattered. I know time heals all wounds, but how do I go forward knowing she will not be a part of my life the way I had and atleast till the last day, she had envisioned as well? It hurts.
I miss her so much and I know I will always love her. But I’m doing my best to stay no contact so I can hopefully heal. Why is the world so cruel?
submitted by ChiknaMoulvi to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:48 nbtesh Post-Op Recovery

Right After Surgery: Hour 0
I woke up as soon as i arrived at recovery. Was very Drogy, Realized I could Breath without effort and I could Swallow with small effort. Right away the nurse brought 5 pills and a small shot of water to swallow them. I was really surprised and challenged. I followed her directions and were able to take them one by one in single try. That Really gave me confidence and strength to move forward. 0 Pain, not even on my neck muscles. ( did not had pre-Surgery pain)
The swallowing was not that bad. left side ( incision) felt like very bad cold were it hurts to swallow, weirdly right side of the throat did not feel any pain or discomfort.
speaking in in a low volume voice and raspy.
submitted by nbtesh to ACDR_CervicalSpine [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:47 GuiltlessMaple Best 22 Scope

Best 22 Scope
Are you on the lookout for the perfect scope to elevate your outdoor adventures? Look no further! We've compiled a list of the top 22 scopes on the market, designed to provide you with breathtaking clarity and accuracy. From hunting to target shooting, these scopes have got you covered.

The Top 15 Best 22 Scope

  1. Killer Instinct Lumix Speedring Crossbow Scope: Improved Targeting for Hunting - The Killer Instinct Lumix Speedring 1.5-5 x 32 IR-E Crossbow Scope empowers hunters with precise targeting and crystal-clear vision in low-light conditions, making every shot count.
  2. Killer Instinct Lumix 4x32 Black Ir-E Crossbow Scope with LED Illumination - Experience ultimate clarity with Killer Instinct Lumix 4x32 IR-E Crossbow Scope Black, boasting a multicoated 1-inch mono tube construction and fast focus eyepiece - the perfect companion for your crossbow laser sight adventure.
  3. High-Quality 25-75x70 Spotting Scope with Phone Adapter - Enhance your outdoor experiences with the SVBONY 3X Spotting Scope, featuring a 25-75x70 magnification and waterproof design, perfect for hunting, target shooting, and stargazing.
  4. UHD Spotting Scope with Apochromatic Lens System and Advanced Fully Multi-Coated Lenses - The Athlon Optics Ares G2 UHD 20-60x85 Spotting Scope delivers unparalleled clarity and precision, making it the perfect choice for birding enthusiasts and precision shooters alike.
  5. Athlon Optics Talos 20-60x80 Spotting Scope - High-Performance, Fully Multi-Coated Waterproof Sc scope - The Athlon Optics Talos 20-60x80 Spotting Scope brings professional-level spotting vision with its superior quality optics and protective features, making it an ideal choice for any outdoor enthusiast.
  6. Affordable Budget Spotting Scope with Advanced Features - Experience top-notch hunting adventures with the Athlon Talos Spotting Scope 20-60x80 Green - featuring K9 glass prisms, fully multi-coated lenses, and advanced waterproofing for optimal clarity and durability.
  7. Affordable Vortex Diamondback 20-60x80 Angled Spotting Scope with Fully Multi-Coated Optics - Experience crystal-clear views with the Vortex Diamondback 20-60x80 angled spotting scope, featuring advanced features, durability, and affordability for a superior optical experience.
  8. Portable 150X Astronomical Telescope with 360° Rotation and Multiple Eyepieces - Dive into the wonders of the cosmos with the Dartwood Astronomical Telescope, featuring 360-degree rotation, multiple eyepieces, and a durable tripod for an unparalleled stargazing experience.
  9. Vortex Razor HD Straight Spotting Scope with Advanced Optics and Ultra-Sleek Design - Experience unmatched clarity and sharpness with the Vortex Razor HD 22-48x65wa Straight Spotting Scope, perfect for hunting in low lighting conditions.
  10. Vortex Razor HD 22-48x65 Angled Spotting Scope: Premium HD Glass, Fully Multi-Coated Lenses, and Versatile Angled Design - Boost your outdoor viewing experience with the Vortex Razor HD 22-48x65 Angled Spotting Scope, offering unmatched optical excellence, premium high-density lenses, and advanced features for a comfortable, immersive experience.
  11. Portable 72mm APO Refractor with 10:1 Dual-Speed Focuser and Aluminum Case - The Sky-Watcher Evostar 72mm APO Refractor offers exceptional portability, precision, and flexibility for wide-field astrophotography and fast observation sessions, making it a top choice for LPVO enthusiasts.
  12. Waterproof 8x22 Golf Scope with Intrinsic Range Finder - Experience clear visibility on the golf course with the Barska 8x22 Waterproof Blueline Golf Scope, featuring a 50-200 yard range and durable, waterproof design for a lasting golfing companion.
  13. Barska Blackhawk 25-75x100 Angled Spotting Scope with Hard Case - Experience unmatched optical performance with the Barska Blackhawk 25-75x100 Angled Spotting Scope, designed for ultimate durability and comfort on your outdoor adventures.
  14. TrailSeeker 100 Spotting Scope: Versatile & High-Performance 22-67x Magnification Optic - Capture the perfect moment with the Celestron TrailSeeker 100, featuring a 22-67x zoom eyepiece and optimized optical capabilities, for unparalleled performance in any weather condition.
  15. Sky-Watcher Maksutov-Cassegrain 102mm Telescope - Ideal for Planetary Observation - Experience superior planetary observation with the Sky-Watcher Maksutov-Cassegrain 102mm Telescope, featuring an advanced optical path for high-contrast views of stars, clusters, and lunar surfaces.
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🔗Killer Instinct Lumix Speedring Crossbow Scope: Improved Targeting for Hunting
Using the Killer Instinct MSCKI-1020 Lumix Speedring 1.5 to 5 x 32 IR-E Crossbow Scope has been quite an experience. The scope has made hunting much more enjoyable for me, thanks to its amazing abilities to lock onto and track moving targets from vast distances.
One of the features that really stood out is the durability of the metal case. This thing has a real tank-like feel to it, resisting impacts and harsh weather as if it was made for it. The spring-loaded covers on the lenses also proved to be quite reliable, keeping the lenses safe and scratchless until I was ready to hunt.
The built-in Speed Ring is another aspect of the scope that has impressed me. Making adjustments for my crossbow's speed has been a breeze, and the illuminated reticle is a big help when it comes to sighting in low-light conditions. I particularly appreciate the contrast the red/blue illumination provides.
However, there was one downside that I found a little disturbing. The scope came in a condition that made it apparent that someone had used it before. I was not happy with this fact, especially considering I had paid for a brand new product.
Overall, the MSCKI-1020 Lumix Speedring 1.5 to 5 x 32 IR-E Crossbow Scope is a product that I would recommend, even with its minor fault. It certainly helped me become a better hunter, and it would do the same for anyone looking to enhance their hunting experience.

🔗Killer Instinct Lumix 4x32 Black Ir-E Crossbow Scope with LED Illumination

I recently had the opportunity to try out the Killer Instinct Lumix 4x32 Ir-E Crossbow Scope. This black 1021 model was a great addition to my hunting gear, providing exceptional clarity thanks to its multicoated optics and 1-inch mono tube construction. The fast focus eyepiece is a game-changer, allowing me to quickly adjust my sight even when on the move.
One feature that stood out was the illuminated cross-hair reticle, which came in both blue and red. It was perfect for low-light situations, making it easier for me to spot my target. I appreciated the adjustment click value of 0.5 inches at 100 yards, as it gave me accurate and consistent shot adjustments.
However, there were a few downsides to this otherwise great scope. The exit pupil was smaller than I would have liked, making it a bit more challenging to see the cross-hair reticle at times. Additionally, the scope's weight was lighter than expected, which might not have been ideal for everyone.
Overall, I'm happy with my experience using the Killer Instinct Lumix 4x32 Ir-E Crossbow Scope. It's a quality product with some small drawbacks, but its pros certainly outweigh the cons. If you're in the market for a reliable crossbow scope, this one is definitely worth considering.

🔗High-Quality 25-75x70 Spotting Scope with Phone Adapter
In my pursuit of a new spotting scope that could enhance my wildlife viewing and target shooting experiences, I stumbled upon the SVBONY SV28 Spotting Scopes. From the moment I opened the package, I was impressed by its sleek exterior and sturdy construction.
One feature that stood out to me was its range of magnification capabilities - the SV28 allowed me to adjust the magnification according to my target distance, providing crystal clear image quality. The lens was exceptionally sharp, making it perfect for both target shooting and observing nature. Another aspect I appreciated was the ease of focus adjustment, ensuring that every detail was visible no matter the distance.
However, I have to say that the tripod that came with the unit seemed a bit lackluster compared to my usual tripod. I ended up using my own sturdier tripod, but it was still nice to have the option included in the package. Additionally, while the phone adapter was a nice addition, I felt it could have been more user-friendly.
Overall, the SVBONY SV28 Spotting Scopes exceeded my expectations, offering outstanding clarity and exceptional value for its price. Though there were a few minor quibbles, I would definitely recommend it to others in search of a reliable, affordable spotting scope for their outdoor adventures.

🔗UHD Spotting Scope with Apochromatic Lens System and Advanced Fully Multi-Coated Lenses
In the world of optics, the Athlon Optics Ares G2 UHD 20-60x85 Straight Spotting Scope has made a name for itself. It's not just for the birders spotting variances in plumage from far away or for the precision shooters who aim for targets at 1,000 yards, the scope's extra-low dispersion glass provides vivid clarity and resolution in a full-size spotting scope.
Athlon has cleverly designed it to be lightweight although strong, making it comfortable to carry and use for long periods. The aluminum alloy chassis adds to its strength without making it too heavy. With its twist-up eye-cup, it allows you to set the eyecup to the perfect eye relief for your eyes, ensuring a comfortable viewing experience.
Its ESP Dielectric Coating gives you an advantage in viewing with an image that has little or no chromatic fringe for the clearest and sharpest image. The UHD Glass in the lens helps in converging refracting colors into one focus point, producing greater contrast, sharpness, and color definition.
Reflecting over 99% of the light to your eyes, the scope brings you a clear, bright image and accurate color reproduction, thanks to the BaK4 Prisms coupled with advanced fully multi-coated lenses. It produces perfect brightness and color across the entire light spectrum, making viewing under different lighting conditions a breeze.
And when it comes to durability, the scope doesn't disappoint. It comes with an extra protective layer coating that keeps the exterior of the lens free from dirt and scratches. It's also Argon Purged and Waterproof, ensuring weatherproof performance even in harsh conditions. Purging allows for better waterproofing/fogging, making sure your scope doesn't fog up when you switch environments.
Overall, it's a joy to use this spotting scope. It's not just about viewing in high detail but also the ease it offers in using it. You won't be disappointed with its performance and features.

🔗Athlon Optics Talos 20-60x80 Spotting Scope - High-Performance, Fully Multi-Coated Waterproof Sc scope
I recently got a chance to use the Athlon Optics Talos 20-60x80 Spotting Scope, and I must say I was quite impressed with its performance. To begin with, the scope is surprisingly lightweight, which makes it perfect for outdoor use. Its waterproof feature is an added bonus, allowing me to use it in harsh weather conditions without any worries.
One of the standout features of this spotting scope is its fully multi-coated lenses, which provide incredible light transmission, resulting in bright and clear images. This feature is particularly useful for birdwatching or spotting objects in the distance.
The K9 glass prisms with the silver coating help reflect a lot of light to your eyes, creating a bright image. Combined with the multi-coated layering, you get optimal brightness, making it easier to spot your target.
The Talos scope is perfect for my needs, whether I'm shooting at the range or observing nature. Its fog-proof construction ensures that my images will always be crisp and clear, no matter the conditions. The included tripod is a great addition, providing a stable platform for comfortable and easy viewing.
However, the rotating ring could have been more comfortable and easier to adjust. But overall, the Athlon Optics Talos 20-60x80 Spotting Scope is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a high-quality spotting scope at an affordable price.

🔗Affordable Budget Spotting Scope with Advanced Features
The Athlon Talos Spotting Scope has been a game-changer for my hunting trips. With its fully multi-coated lenses, the scope has breathed life into the game, allowing me to see the smallest details on my targets. It has a solid build with a waterproof and fog-proof body, perfect for the unpredictable weather conditions of nature.
One of the first things that caught my attention was its adjustable rotating ring, which allowed me to position the scope in the most comfortable angle for observation. This gave me a sense of control and comfort while I was out in the wild.
However, one aspect that could have been improved was the tripod, which felt a bit flimsy. But thankfully, I was able to replace it with a more robust one as per my preference.
Despite its minor drawbacks, the Athlon Talos Spotting Scope has been a reliable companion on my hunting expeditions. It has provided me with clear, bright images, allowing me to make accurate shots and successfully bag my targets. It's the perfect tool for the avid hunter who's looking for a good-quality scope without breaking the bank.

🔗Affordable Vortex Diamondback 20-60x80 Angled Spotting Scope with Fully Multi-Coated Optics
I recently got my hands on the Vortex Diamondback 20-60x80 spotting scope, and I must say, it has been a game-changer for my outdoor hobbies. The 20-60x zoom eyepiece is a fantastic feature that provides incredible clarity and detail, especially in low light conditions. One of the things that stood out to me was the single wide focus knob, which is incredibly smooth and easy to adjust. It truly feels like a premium scope, yet it doesn't break the bank.
The Diamondback 20-60x80's exterior lenses are protected by the scratch-resistant ArmorTek coating. This has been invaluable when I've taken the scope on various outings where it might be exposed to dirt or other elements. The fact that the scopes are waterproof and nitrogen-purged is a great bonus as well.
One of the best features of this spotting scope is the fully rotatable mounting bracket. It's incredibly convenient, allowing me to get the perfect position regardless of where I'm set up. The spotting scope is more versatile than I had imagined, and it has proven to be quite a valuable addition to my outdoor gear.
While the product does have a few drawbacks, such as slightly coarser focus control at higher magnifications, overall I am beyond thrilled with my purchase. The Vortex Diamondback 20-60x80 spotting scope has provided me with an exceptional experience, and I couldn't recommend it enough for anyone looking for a great spotting scope at a budget-friendly price.

🔗Portable 150X Astronomical Telescope with 360° Rotation and Multiple Eyepieces
The DARTWOOD Astronomical Telescope is a dream come true for stargazers of all levels. Its impressive range of magnification allows for breathtaking views of celestial bodies, while the interchangeable eyepieces ensure a precise adjustment for optimal viewing. I particularly love the 360-degree rotational mount, which makes finding the perfect angle a breeze.
Additionally, the strong tripod with locking leg braces provides excellent stability - perfect for outdoor use. Setting up is a cinch, too. All you have to do is open the tripod, attach the telescope, and select your chosen eyepiece.
The DARTWOOD Telescope is an incredible tool for exploring the night sky, and I highly recommend giving it a try.

🔗Vortex Razor HD Straight Spotting Scope with Advanced Optics and Ultra-Sleek Design
Imagine a crisp, clear morning at your favorite shooting range. You unbox your brand new Vortex Razor HD 22-48x65 Straight Spotting Scope. It feels sleek and sturdy, ready for action. You hold it up to the sky, and your eyes quickly adjust to the viewfinder. The HD lens elements showcase a remarkable, edge-to-edge image with remarkable clarity and color accuracy. The angled body design is comfortable and intuitive, even for those who are new to spotting scopes.
As you focus on your target at various distances, the fully multi-coated XR lenses provide maximum light transmission, making it effortless to spot and evaluate your game, even in low light conditions. The spotting scope's lightweight design, coupled with its waterproof and fog-resistant features, adds convenience and durability to your experience.
Using this Vortex Razor HD 22-48x65 Straight Spotting Scope has been a game-changer for my shooting range sessions. It's been an excellent partner on my hunting trips, allowing me to spot game from a distance, making my outdoor experiences even more enjoyable and successful. With this spotting scope, you can truly observe the world in high definition, and it's all thanks to Vortex's commitment to quality and innovation.

🔗Vortex Razor HD 22-48x65 Angled Spotting Scope: Premium HD Glass, Fully Multi-Coated Lenses, and Versatile Angled Design
The Vortex Razor HD spotting scope has become a faithful companion on my outdoor adventures. With its angled body design, it offers a comfortable viewing experience, even on extended use. The 65mm objective lens is a game-changer when it comes to providing a clear picture, making it perfect for early morning or late afternoon sightings.
The powerful 22-48x magnification has been a real highlight during my time spent outdoors. It has enabled me to spot even the smallest details at a distance, leaving nothing out of sight. The spotting scope's ability to capture bright, clear, true-color images is truly impressive. The premium high-density glass delivers unparalleled edge-to-edge sharpness, making it an exceptional choice for bird watching or wildlife observation.
One of my favorite features is the fully multi-coated lenses, which increase light transmission and reduce glare. The dielectric prism coatings provide true-to-life color fidelity, making it easier for me to identify and appreciate the intricate details of my surroundings.
The sleek, rugged design of the scope, with its die-cast aluminum alloy construction and rubber armor, has proven to be durable and weather-resistant. It is waterproof and fog resistant, ensuring that it continues to deliver great results in any condition.
In summary, the Vortex Razor HD spotting scope is a high-quality, versatile, and user-friendly tool for those who enjoy spending time outdoors. Its exceptional features make it an invaluable addition to my outdoor gear collection.

🔗Portable 72mm APO Refractor with 10:1 Dual-Speed Focuser and Aluminum Case
Imagine the Sky-Watcher Evostar 72 APO Refractor as your trusty companion for stargazing adventures. It's not just a telescope; it's a portable travel size designed to make your celestial journeys seamless and hassle-free.
One of the standout features of this refractor is its 10:1 dual-speed Crayford-style focuser. It makes finding focus a breeze, whether you're using an eyepiece or a camera. No more frustrating adjustments; just smooth, accurate focus every time.
But what about the accessories? The Evostar 72 comes complete with an aluminum case, tube rings, and a Vixen-style dovetail. Everything you need to start exploring the cosmos is right there in the box.
However, there's always room for improvement. The scope is a bit heavy at 11.25 lb, which might be a drawback for some users. Also, the Vixen-style dovetail plate could be longer for better compatibility with various mount heads.
Despite these minor drawbacks, the Sky-Watcher Evostar 72 APO Refractor offers tremendous value for its price. Its portability, ease of use, and excellent optics make it an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced astronomers alike. So, next time you're planning a stargazing trip, consider bringing this reliable companion along.

🔗Waterproof 8x22 Golf Scope with Intrinsic Range Finder
As someone who's enjoyed using the Barska 8x22 Waterproof Blueline Golf Scope, I can say it has been a handy tool on the golf course. With its crystal clear perspective, I've appreciated the ease of gauging distance between the ball and the pin. However, I must note that accuracy can be a bit challenging if the flagstaff is partially obstructed, often requiring some strategic alignment and calculation.
The rubberised coating and waterproof design have proven to be reliable even in unfavorable weather conditions. I've received compliments from fellow golf enthusiasts for the neat leatherette pouch that accompanies it. It's been a compact yet practical companion on the course, slipping easily into my golf bag.
One downside I encountered was the absence of an electronic range finder, which required me to rely on calculations from the distance scale. This did call for a bit of math, but once you get the hang of it, it's not a deal-breaker.
Overall, the Barska Blueline 8x22 Golf Scope has served me well, offering a cost-effective and portable alternative to digital range finders. Its crystal clear vision and waterproof construction have been highlights of my golfing experience. While it requires a bit more calculation than a high-tech range finder, it's been a reliable companion that's added convenience and precision to my golf game.

🔗Barska Blackhawk 25-75x100 Angled Spotting Scope with Hard Case
I recently had the opportunity to use the Barska Blackhawk 25-75x100 Angled Spotting Scope for an outdoor adventure, and let me tell you, it has truly exceeded my expectations. The spotting scope's magnification range of 25-75x allows for some incredible depth perception and detail while observing nature from afar. The 25x setting is perfect for bird-watching, while the 75x setting is ideal for spotting your favorite animals at a greater distance.
One of the features that stood out to me is the shock-absorbing armor on the scope, ensuring that it remains durable and resistant to damage during transport. The scope also comes with glare-reducing sunshades, making it perfect for outdoor use in various lighting conditions. Additionally, the included tripod with micrO-adjustable altitude is a fantastic touch, providing a stable and easily adjustable platform for your spotting scope.
Overall, I am extremely pleased with the Barska Blackhawk 25-75x100 Angled Spotting Scope, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a high-quality, versatile optic solution for their next outdoor adventure.

🔗TrailSeeker 100 Spotting Scope: Versatile & High-Performance 22-67x Magnification Optic
I recently had the chance to use the Celestron TrailSeeker 100 spotting scope, and I must say, it exceeded my expectations. As a birdwatcher, I was looking for a reliable and affordable option to enhance my viewing experience, and the TrailSeeker provided just that.
One of the standout features of this spotting scope is the versatile 22-67x zoom eyepiece. It allowed me to explore everything from wide landscapes to the tiniest details, giving me a full range of possibilities. The image quality was exceptional, with the Celestron's proprietary XLT fully multi-coated optics delivering crisp, high-contrast images.
The rotating tripod mount was another highlight, as it enabled me to adjust the scope's position effortlessly and catch the perfect shot. Its 360-degree rotation provided unparalleled flexibility, allowing me to enjoy the view from any angle.
However, there were a couple of aspects that could have been improved. The focus mechanism, while functional, could have been smoother, and the carrying case could have been more durable.
Overall, the Celestron TrailSeeker 100 spotting scope was a great addition to my birdwatching kit, offering an impressive range of features without breaking the bank.

🔗Sky-Watcher Maksutov-Cassegrain 102mm Telescope - Ideal for Planetary Observation
I recently had the chance to use the Sky-Watcher Maksutov-Cassegrain 102mm Telescope, and I must say, it did not disappoint. This telescope was a breeze to set up and use, thanks to its lightweight design and user-friendly features.
One of the standout features of this telescope is its fully multi-coated optics, which made for some truly stunning views of the night sky. The 102mm aperture size allowed me to observe celestial objects like stars, galaxies, and clusters with remarkable clarity and detail.
While setting up the telescope, I found the Vixen-style dovetail plate to be a nice touch, making it easy to attach the scope to a variety of mounts. The included 1.25" visual back also came in handy when swapping out eyepieces for different levels of magnification.
However, there were a couple of drawbacks I encountered during my experience with the Maksutov-Cassegrain 102mm Telescope. Firstly, the narrower field of view when compared to similar Schmidt models took some getting used to. Additionally, the telescope required regular collimation, which could be a minor inconvenience for some users.
In conclusion, the Sky-Watcher Maksutov-Cassegrain 102mm Telescope is an excellent choice for those looking to explore the night sky in detail. Its portable design and exceptional optical quality make it an ideal grab-and-go option for stargazers of all skill levels. Though the narrower field of view and occasional collimation may be minor drawbacks, the overall experience was undeniably rewarding.

Buyer's Guide

The 22 Scope is a popular choice for shooters, hunters, and target enthusiasts due to its accuracy, reliability, and versatility. Before making a purchase, it's essential to consider various factors, such as caliber, barrel length, and cost. This buyer's guide will help you make an informed decision and get the most out of your 22 Scope.

The most common caliber for 22 Scope is the. 22 Long Rifle (LR). However, there are other options like the. 22 Magnum (Maj) and. 22 WMR (Winchester Rimfire). When choosing a caliber, consider factors such as recoil, velocity, and bullet type. The. 22 LR has the least recoil and is suitable for beginners or those who prefer a more gentle firing experience. The. 22 Magnum offers greater velocity and energy, making it ideal for hunting or long-range shooting.

Barrel Length

The 22 Scope barrel length can range from 16 inches to 26 inches. The shorter barrels offer more maneuverability, especially in tight spaces or for use in a defensive setting. Longer barrels provide increased accuracy and velocity. For hunting or target shooting, a 20-22 inches barrel is generally recommended, providing a good balance between accuracy, velocity, and maneuverability.


The action of a 22 Scope can be bolt-action, semi-automatic, or pump-action. Bolt-action rifles offer a reliable, easy-to-use mechanism and are suitable for hunting or target shooting. Semi-automatic rifles provide faster follow-up shots, making them a popular choice for competitive shooting or hunting where a rapid shot sequence is desired. Pump-action rifles are also known for their reliability and quick follow-up shots, often preferred for self-defense purposes.

Other Features to Consider

  • Stock material and design
  • Sight options (such as iron sights, open sights, or scopes)
  • Trigger pull weight
  • Safety features
  • Finish and overall build quality

Maintenance and Storage

Regularly maintaining and storing your 22 Scope can extend its lifespan and ensure reliable performance. After each shooting session, clean the rifle thoroughly, checking for any damage or wear. Store the rifle in a secure, dry place away from extreme temperature or humidity fluctuations. Regular cleaning and proper storage help maintain accuracy and prevent corrosion.
The 22 Scope is a versatile and reliable choice for various shooting activities. By considering factors such as caliber, barrel length, and action, you can select the best 22 Scope for your specific needs. Always prioritize safety and accuracy, and with proper maintenance, your 22 Scope will provide reliable and enjoyable shooting experiences for years to come.


What is a 22 scope and how does it differ from other scopes?

A 22 scope is a type of rifle scope designed specifically for use with. 22 rimfire rifles. It offers a more compact and lightweight design compared to traditional scopes, making it ideal for hunters and target shooters who prefer a lighter rifle setup. Its smaller size and weight also make it a popular choice for beginners and recreational shooters.

What are the key features of a 22 scope?

  • Adjustable objective lens for focus and clarity
  • Variable or fixed magnification options
  • Rugged construction for durability and weather resistance
  • Parallax correction for accurate long-range shooting
  • Low-power options for close-range shooting and hunting

What is the best 22 scope for hunting?

The best 22 scope for hunting will depend on your specific needs and preferences. Factors to consider include the scope's magnification range, reticle type, and overall durability and weather resistance. In general, a 22 scope with variable magnification and a reliable reticle such as the Mil-Dot or Duplex is a popular choice among hunters.

What is the best 22 scope for target shooting?

When it comes to target shooting, a fixed-power 22 scope with a higher magnification range (such as 4X or 6X) can be a great choice. This allows for increased accuracy and precision at extended distances. Additionally, a scope with a mil-dot or BDC reticle can be helpful for making accurate distance calculations.

How much does a good 22 scope cost?

The cost of a 22 scope can vary depending on the brand, features, and quality of the scope. On average, a good quality 22 scope can range from $200 to $500. However, there are affordable options available for those on a budget, as well as more expensive models for serious hunters and shooters.

Can I use a 22 scope with other types of rifles?

While a 22 scope is designed for use with. 22 rimfire rifles, it can potentially be adapted for use with other rifle types by changing the mounting system or installing an appropriate adapter. However, this may not always provide the best performance or accuracy, so it is generally recommended to use a scope specifically designed for the rifle you are using.

What are the most popular brands of 22 scopes?

  • Leupold
  • Nikon
  • Vortex Optics
  • Bushnell
  • Burris
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submitted by GuiltlessMaple to u/GuiltlessMaple [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:45 ParkerPosty37 Boob Shot, Word Salad

Boob Shot, Word Salad submitted by ParkerPosty37 to HilariaBaldwin [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:43 mediocre_mutt_ Would appreciate some feedback on the psuedo-script for the intro of a game im writing! Let me know what you think of the tone, I'd really appreciate it!

It all went wrong in an instant. The cabin begins to glow red and scream at you in various analog tongues. Beeping, whirring, and hissing. They fill up your train of thought as the adrenaline fills your hands and arms with blood. You feel like you could tear out the center console with ease, but instead you give a deathgrip to your center-stick.
Your logical side tells you that this is a death-sentence and begins to scream at you.
The screams subside as the thumping in your cranium drowns them out. Your voice of reason tore its vocal cords. It’s only your training and instincts now.
You can’t eject. You won’t eject. You will save your jet, or be incinerated with it.
You start frantically flipping different switches hoping one of them can diagnose your issue. You radio over to another jet.
“This is Delta I repeat this is Delta. Jet experiencing critical error. I need he-“
Static. They got your comms too. You mash the side panel to bits in a spurt of rage. You curse to yourself, the adrenaline started talking. It doesn’t matter how rude you are, there’s no one to be rude to but the damned error voice module. She keeps talking to you, repeating the same danger and procedure.
The same red light illuminating your future coffin. It’s dimmer now, especially now that you’ve fried one of its circuits. The combination of the dimness, monotonous voice, and intensifying heat remind you of before you were born. Of course you don’t actually remember this time, but some instinctual part does.
The oxygen begins to run thin. Your head begins to spin as your agitated heart continues to pump in overdrive. You begin to lose consciousness, but you grit your teeth and fight this off. You’re too stubborn to pass out, too much of a nuisance to die. Your last moments are terrifying as you continue to hurl towards the ground. The cabin begins to shake violently, but you don’t feel it. Your mind won’t let you.
“I won't die”, you begin to repeat to yourself.
The words become jumbled together and slurred to the point where they integrate with your breathing. It’s your breathing and the errors.
As the altitude becomes critical the errors change. You put all of your faith into your armor and luck. Your head kicks back in your seat as far as it comes to brace for the impact. You give one last final prayer and let the errors fill the cabin.
Altitude critical. Pull up.
Altitude critical. Pull up.
Oxygen critical. Deploy mask.
Altitude critical. Pull up.
Oxygen critical. Deploy mask.
Heat critical. Activate coolant.
Heat critical. Activate coolant.
Altitude critical. Pull up.
Crash Imminent.
Crash Imminent.
The once sturdy cockpit precipitates on your head as shards of glass. Every dial and node on the control panel folded in on itself all with a maxed out reading. Your hands tremor in a fixed clasped position. Whatever you were holding onto must’ve been very important. You can feel every heartbeat like a concussive in your temple. Your breathing feels thin and fleeting; whatever air you’re getting is simply not enough. Your neck gives way, and you collapse forward onto the control panel. You pass out.
Hours pass.
You come to. Bewildered that you survived your breathing goes from frequent and thin to slow and heavy. Your body needs repairs, and fast. You reach for your knife and sever your harnesses. Your abdomen free, you reach for the radio at your feet.
It hums with no signal. You mess with the antenna and dial, praying for a signal. You are only meant with the hisses of broken signals. You are alone.
You heave yourself out of the rubble with great exertion. It was a risky move, it nearly killed you. Exhausted, you stumble through a desolate desert of ice and snow. Completely devoid of form, it’s an infinite white expanse. Without any options you equip your visor and begin a scan.
Result = [NULL]
Result = [NULL]
Result = [NULL]
Result = [MATCH]
Heat Detected.
Life Classification: Unidentified
You see a faint outline of a rectangle highlighted on the scan. With no other scan, you begin your trek towards it. Walking takes your mind off of the crash.
Your mind can finally exit its adrenal state.
The questions begin.
“Where the hell am I?”
“What did they hit me with?”
“Why am I alive?”
After an hour of limping you come across a small abode, a middle ground between a shack and an outhouse. Its patchy carpentry sticks out like a sore thumb in the vast whiteness, the festering mold on the walls turn your crash site into a stellar two-tone piece. The door made of some wisened material is about as strong as driftwood. However even with such a weak material, you are weaker and you struggle to make it inside. Knock after knock the door begins to give and bulge, more and more splinters flying everywhere. Your heavy breathing becomes panting and coughing, the thick air filled with dust, mold, and dried petrol. Finally your shoulder overcomes the door and you fall through the hole in the door onto the floor of the hut. Your coughing fit escalates into near-choking. Your heart begins to pound through your ribs, your stomach begins to tumble within your abdomen. All of your insides are writhing and screaming.
submitted by mediocre_mutt_ to KeepWriting [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:36 Away_Championship_75 How to avoid singing from the throat when I naturally talk from the throat?

I was recently working with my vocal coach (I’m only 2 lessons in) and I’ve been singing for about 2 years. My technique throughout those 2 years has been very poor to the point where I’m experiencing frequent throat pain from my singing. I’m obviously doing it wrong. My coach and I agree that I’m using my throat too much to produce and control the sound, when I should be relaxing my throat. My issue is that my normal everyday talking voice also comes from the throat. I’m a barber, I talk all day long, and upon hearing me my coach said I naturally take shorter breaths and speak more from my throat/head. And then you hear advice “singing is just talking on pitch”. But how can I do that if my talking voice is already in an “unhealthy” place for proper singing technique? I’ll be honest I’m feeling a bit lost. I’d love to just be able to sing without pain, and I’m beginning to feel like my physiology/genes have made it so that proper painless technique is just impossible for me. My coach showed me with her voice, how she naturally always speaks from her core, like a radio broadcaster, very full and clear all the time. Even just in normal conversation. My voice had always been quieter, and I’ve always had a problem with mumbling and speaking too quiet. I’ve included an example of me singing below. Literally any feedback would be so so appreciated.
submitted by Away_Championship_75 to singing [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:36 astroredhead TW Miscarriage or horrible period?

After a year of breastfeeding I started to reduce the amount of pumps I’ve been doing and I thought I got my period on May24th but every day had been 6-7/10 level cramps and horribly heavy flow with fatigue. This has been 5 days straight. Pre-pregnancy I had short light periods that lasted maybe 4days tops. At first I was like this has to be because I haven’t had a period in a year. But now I’m not so sure. The period almost seemed to dry up this morning for the most part then right before bed the cramps came screaming back and gushing blood it feels like again like I had been the days before. This feels totally not normal for me and I can’t push it off as it’s just because it’s my first period after breastfeeding anymore. I’m making an appointment to see my Dr but could this be a miscarriage? I have noticed some cervical fluid a few weeks ago and we have had sex since then so it could be 😔 did anyone else have a super heavy period the first time it came back after it being gone for a while?
submitted by astroredhead to Mommit [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:26 Interesting-Cow-1030 How do you cope with sensory overload post surgery

I feel like I can manage pain fairly well, but whenever I have a surgery that involves significant discomfort (or pain that beats in and out rather than being constant), I find it really hard to cope and become completely overwhelmed a few times a day. For example, right now I just finished a nose/throat surgery and it’s hard to acclimate to the pain because every swallow hurts and reminds you, and the discomfort of the swelling and not being able to breathe normally really sends me past my limit. Plus if a bandage feels “wrong” on my skin, I’m ripping it off even if it messes with recovery. Surgery is already not fun, but add in complete overload and overwhelm and it becomes extra difficult emotionally. I’ve had four in the past couple years and will probably need more, and really need to learn some coping mechanisms specifically for neurodivergent people to get through this. I’m grateful that I have access to care and generally keep a good attitude for most of the day, but when I reach a limit I either panic or become really depressed. Does anyone in this group have any good tips??
submitted by Interesting-Cow-1030 to AuDHDWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:26 BaskerRubbnits I know a lot of us want mechs to be better, but how about we make it a bit more interesting?

There have been plenty of posts around of people wanting to have a stratagem call in or something along the lines to be able to refill the mechs, for good reason! They're fun, and really good at their strengths (shredding through chaff and medium armor, with the occasional heavy at a hefty ammo cost) but eventually the bullets run dry and fun hose stops delivering fun at 6000 rounds/min.
Once the bullets run out, mechs aren't much more than a really expensive decoy, or maybe a slightly faster way around the map for heavy armor enthusiasts, and with a hefty cooldown, there can be considerable time between the fun. We've had countless posts at this point asking for either buffs to the mechs to make them stronger for the short uptime or to make their uptime better by way of being able to resupply their ammo. I'm personally in favor of the latter, as its both in line with other stratagems (support weapons, other than EATs, have long cooldowns but can be fed by ammo/resupply bricks between cooldowns) and you get to spend more time doing the fun, blasting the shit out of bugs/bots in a big ol mech.
To borrow from a favorite youtuber of mine, I'll go over what (I think) we could do, then go over why we do it.
This is a multi part system, partially to leave room for it to interact with other vehicles/stratagems in theory
  1. Vehicle resupply stratagem
  1. Vehicle specific "stratagem codes"
Currently you cannot use stratagems while piloting a mech, this was something you could do in helldivers 1, but this would not interfere with that should they give us the ability to do so again.
All put together it converts the mech's (and potentially other future vehicles) to pseudo team weapons, incentivized to have some teamwork, but serviceable alone.
Its not super free either, someone has to take a stratagem and dedicate a backpack slot to it (granted, you could just not call in the pack until you need it, but dealer's choice in that regard), so I don't think it would push vehicles too too out of line, but still allow for mech enjoyers to be able to lean harder into using their mechs
As a team, you would have
  1. Pilot opening up ammo rack for loading
  2. Teammate slamming ammo into the arm
  3. Weapon is reloaded, back to blasting liberty's enemies
As a lone diver, it would be slower, yes, but still workable
  1. While in mech, open up ammo rack
  2. Hop out of mech
  3. Load ammo into arm
  4. Hop back into mech
  5. pew pew time
Part of the reason I want to make these as pseudo team weapons and slightly more involved than just "walk up and press button" resupply is because I really enjoy how fun the teamwork feels in this game, some of the most fun I've had running with buddies is backpack swapping for support weapons. A duo with a Recoilless Rifle and Airburst rocket launcher carrying each other's backpacks can handle a helluva lot that the bugs can throw at you. With the mech resupply being the way that it is, you can handle resupplying by yourself during the lulls in the mission, but with teamwork you can theoretically pull this kinda thing off even in the middle of a horde.
The other part is Captain Mifune's last stand from the Matrix Revolutions, its a cool clip and I think it encompasses what I'd like to see for the mechs (I'll see if I can find a decent video or somethin on youtube), and I think perfectly encompasses the thrill of pulling off a mid-horde reload for your buddy in the mech. Yea its a cart in the clip, not a backpack, but I think a cart would run into too many issues with terrain, having a giant ass backpack would be a little less clunky I think, at least for the players, in universe god that thing would be a hefty weight on a diver's back.
Probably pretty batshit stupid all in all, but I think it would be a nifty way to make mech's and other future vehicles resupply-able, I have no idea if/how this would impact balance for vehicles, nor do I know if it would even be possible to implement, but it sure as shit would be a lot of fun I think.
submitted by BaskerRubbnits to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:15 Idisliketheworld Someone please help me.

31 female, 5’7, 145 pounds. For the last two weeks I haven’t been able to eat. Every time I eat I get shortness of breath, trouble breathing through my nose, tight throat, trouble swallowing, heart palpitations like a real pounding heart with fast pace, chest pressure, chest pains, stomach pains. I’ve only been able to have an ensure plus 350 calories and a baby food 80 calories, that’s just in the last two days. The 10 days before that I haven’t eaten anything. I just need some advice, I’m afraid to eat because of the ton of symptoms I get.
submitted by Idisliketheworld to acidreflux [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:11 Ancient-Growth-9143 AITAH for fighting two girls and shoving my pregnant teacher?

I wanted to preface this by saying this occurred 7-8 years ago, when I was a sophomore in high school, and im a much different person now and not proud of who I was. Even so, the events of that semester haunt me even today, to the point that it occasionally keeps me up at night, I feel like if I get some impartial judgement on the situation I may be able to resolve some of the lingering grief. I feel like all things considered my actions were justified, but of course you will always be the protagonist fighting off the antagonists in your own story.
So it started in February 2017. I entered into an alternative high school program in my county designed to give students who couldn't otherwise function in normal schools a second chance. I had missed a few weeks due to a hospitalization earlier that year, and while my teachers had been lenient, I was having a difficult time catching back up and it was decided by my school counselors that I would be an excellent candidate for transfer.
It started off really well, I immediately was making new friends, I felt refreshed and hopeful about my new school, I really liked all my teachers, things finally felt right for the first time in awhile. Then I met a boy who i'll call "T", he was pretty cool, easy to talk to, very friendly, overall welcoming and we became friends right off the bat. I decided to get involved in extracurriculars, and T was part of the schools forensics club, which I had an interest in, so I joined up. On the trip we exchanged phone numbers, and ended up flirting over text over the next couple weeks. Eventually he asked me out and I accepted, this is where it started going downhill.
I figured dating this guy meant we would spend more time together, so we could really get to know each other, I was mistaken. I asked him to eat lunch with me, he wasn't interested, he wouldn't walk me to class or really interact with me outside of the classroom and texting. On top of this I learned some information about him over text that I will still not share because this story is still recognizable by those involved but lets just say it was a major turn off for me, I ended the relationship quickly. After that "J" and "A" his two female besties, quickly entered the scene to make my life a living hell. The initial accusation was that I led T on, and that I was trying to control him by forcing him to eat lunch with me, the truth is, I just wanted something different than what he was offering. I even told him we could still be friends. Meanwhile I was in my promiscuous phase and had many non serious flings and sugar daddy's and whatnot, this was just a run of the mill whelp that didn't work out moment for me, I was ready to move on immediately. They were not.
Rumors quickly spread about me, about me being a slut, apparently I was a prostitute and everyone seemed to know except me, and honestly I was unbothered by this. The prostitute thing was untrue, though I absolutely accepted gifts from people I talked to online, and I kinda was a slut, to be fair, so, not exactly the reputation I wanted but things could be much worse. I still had my friends, and I poured myself into my studies and ignited a love for STEM that I still have today.
Then one by one my friends disappeared. I would see them talking with A or J or one of their misc. associates. I was confused, because I hadn't done anything to them. I tried to talk to them, but I was blocked or laughed at, the more I was mocked and ridiculed the less confident about that whole thing I became. It wasn't just my current friends though, A kept tabs on who I was trying to befriend and snatched them up before I could clear the air. This happened with a couple people, but one in particular really hurt, i'll come back to him in a bit. I still had my best friend "M" who I had known years prior to coming to the school, she stuck around the longest, but eventually she started dating a guy from that clique, I was completely alone.
Meanwhile I was getting sneered at and laughed at, and whispered about, I would see girls I didn't know except through association with A and J who would point at me when they thought I couldn't see, and they'd lean into their friends to quitely gossip behind their hands. I tried not to see it, I found myself staring at the floor a lot.
I ended up talking to A and J and asking them to stop, I told them they were being immature (which in hindsight fanned the flames) there was no ceasefire. I ended up going to the school counselor who basically told us to be nice and did nothing to help. I talked to her 1 to 1 and explained the situation and she shrugged it off. I was growing increasingly desperate for support I wasn't receiving. I started to notice an impact to my grades, I was depressed, I couldn't focus, I was randomly tearful. I started eating lunch in a random corridor away from my peers. I wish I could have disappeared completely.
Then one day a boy transferred in from another school, a teacher asked for a volunteer to give him a tour of the building, I was chosen. His name was S. Talking to him was like a breath of fresh air, we hit it off quickly, I was so relieved to finally made a friend. We connected over history, he was a nerd like me and funny too. I went home that day and cried joyful tears, I was so excited to see him again the next day in first period, and when I walked into the room and saw A, J and him sitting together, my stomach hit the floor, we made eye contact and he just frowned and shook his head. I went to my desk and just put my head down and cried. At this point I didn't care if I was seen or not. This is the one that really got me.
A few weeks passed by, I was quietly working in biology class and I heard a dude call my name across the room, he said "OP, "D" thinks your cute!" and the group of guys laughed, I motioned the guy over, and gave him my number, I didn't have any interest in dating the guy but I really really wanted someone to talk to me. It wasn't even two hours before he was hitting it off with A.
At lunch time I went to a different counselor, one who showed more empathy to my situation. She told me I could stay in her office the rest of the day. 4th period came around and I was reeling in my head, I felt like I was a cornered animal, I was desperate for something to change. When she stepped out for a meeting I marched myself up to Spanish class, Which I shared with A, J, T, and S. I cracked the door and asked if I could speak with A in the hallway. I had the perfect speech planned, I had rehearsed a million times, that teacher said no. I told her it was incredibly important, she told me no and to get out. I looked at her, I looked at A, I stepped toward her and before I knew it she had a fist full of my hair, she was hitting me in the head while J grabbed my arms, I broke free and shoved J hard, and started punching A back but couldn't gather the momentum to do any damage as she still had my hair. The teacher who was 6 months pregnant tried to step in, I was so disoriented I shoved her away with my elbow. A male teacher came in and pulled us apart. I looked around at several cameras, faces of disgust. Sam looked at me and said "what the fuck is wrong with you?" I took my bags, and ran out into the hallway, down the stairs and was almost out of the building when the principal stopped me. I was suspended for a week.
My mom picked me up and I told her everything. We decided I would be withdrawn and I would be homeschooled the rest of high school. I eventually got my GED. I mellowed out, met my husband, and now we have a sweet baby boy. For some reason though, my heart can't handle what happened, even still it plays on a loop in my head. Everything I never got to say is still in my throat and has been since that day. Im hoping sharing this will finally put all that to rest. I want to move on, truly.
submitted by Ancient-Growth-9143 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:07 therealjgreens Almost fell into a panic attack on a sales call today

I deal with generalized anxiety disorder and have panic episodes from time to time. I am medicated but I was feeling all kinds of anxiety all day. Typically I can "quiet" the feeling before I get on calls. It was so different today. I presented our software to a small group of 3 and it felt like I was coming apart at the seams. I was able to feel/hear my voice shake. All of the symptoms of an ongoing panic attack was about to hit me. The mental flooding, the warm/cold sweat, racing thoughts, lack of confidence etc etc etc.
I was taking short shallow breaths so I worked to take full breaths but it's hard to control breathing when your depression in it. I was essentially preparing for the attack as it was coming on. I was somehow able to power through the call, but there was persistent waves of anxiety. I share my screen on the virtual call and I'm in control of the mouse and the keyboard. Whenever I touched the mouse, I couldn't control my hand well at all due to the shakes. It's like when you give someone a glass of water and water starts flying all over the place and you can't keep your hand steady.
I obviously had to click around and the mouse pointer was all over the place clearly shaking. I'm not sure if they were able to tell I was feeling very anxious but I somehow touched on everything I needed to on the call and they seemed happy and content. I did a good job all things considered but I know I def should have done better but my mind took over and it impacted my body. I'm not doing enough to prevent these episodes.
It was that feeling like you are crawling out of your skin. Like all of the worst symptoms of anxiety but all at once. It was def fight or flight and boy was I fighting. While I was explaining things, my mind went to "what can I do here to fix this situation?" I was thinking of having a coughing attack or maybe an Internet issue.
While this ultimately turned into a good story, it was awful because it happened before and it will happen again. This was the worst one though in a while. I've been through a lot in life and this seems like a tiny blip, but I felt so uncomfortable and due to its recency, it feels like I was about to hit rock bottom and have a full on breakdown.
It's really interesting what our bodies do in these situations. Did I do the right thing here? I have no clue, but I made it through. Right now I feel fairly relaxed and I have a little comfort in my mind that it will not get worse tomorrow (even though it certainly can). I hope it was just an episode. I'm waking up early tomorrow and will be doing light exercise. I've been jogging a bit but for some reason, running isnt positively impacting my anxiety as it used to. I'm not doing it right.
I have to switch things up otherwise this will happen again and the outcome will be much worse. I've had a conversation with my boss before and he deals with mental illness as well, but I feel like I need to talk to HR or something just in case to protect myself. He gets it but it's hard to truly understand.
Any ideas, strategies, etc to help me out in the moment and also preventative things I can do? I'm familiar with a lot of coping mechanisms as well as supplements and what not but I always struggle to find the right thing to do in the moment. I stared journaling the other day and it's been helpful but I'm not consistent.
Merely typing this out has helped me but there's clearly something going on that's fucking with my chi! Thanks for reading and I'm happy to read and help you as well.
submitted by therealjgreens to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:55 vren55 [A Fractured Song] - Chapter 218- Fantasy, Isekai (Portal Fantasy), Adventure

Cover Art!
Just because you’re transported to another world, doesn’t mean you’ll escape from your pain.
Abused by her parents, thirteen-year-old Frances only wants to be safe and for her life not to hurt so much. And when she and her class are transported to the magical world of Durannon to fight the monsters invading the human kingdoms and defeat the self-titled Demon King, Frances is presented with a golden opportunity. If she succeeds, Frances will have the home she never had. If she fails, Frances will be summoned back to the home she escaped.
Yet, despite her newfound magic and friends, Frances finds that trauma is not so easily lost. She is dogged by her abuse and its physical and invisible scars. Not only does she have to learn magic, she has to survive the nightmares of her past, and wrestle with her feelings of doubt and self-loathing.
If she can heal from her trauma, though, she might be able to defeat the Demon King and maybe, just maybe, she can find a home for herself.
[The Beginning] [<=Chapter 217] [Chapter Index and Blurb] [Chapter 219 June 11 or see the next chapter now on Patreon]
The Fractured Song Index
Discord Channel Just let me know when you arrive in the server that you’re a Patreon so you can access your special channel.
Ginger makes an offer to Lakadara. The rest of Telkandra's remaining brood discuss the fate of their allies.
“Not good?” Sara asked as Helias strode into the tent and made his way straight to the bottle of wine.
“Not good,” Helias muttered.
Sara nodded woodenly. “Privacy spell?
The tauroll waved his sheathed Fangroar and after pouring himself and his wife a drink, sat down. “We’re safe. Oh Galena, this is really not good.”
“How dead are we?” Sara asked, her tone light.
“We’re not dead. We’re just in a lot of danger and even if we somehow force the humans to retreat, we’ve lost this war,” said Helias.
Helias drank deep, noting that Sara was also drinking deep as well. “Thorgoth is going after the humans. That part of the plan is as good as it gets. We’ll be attacking them, and using the dragons, whilst our forces hold off Titania. Our objectives are also well-chosen.” Helias buried his head into his hands and let out a deep groan. “But winning this doesn’t change anything.”
“If we can defeat the humans, why won’t that change anything?” Sara bit her lip. “Unless it renders us unable to beat Titania?”
“Yes. Even on the chance we beat the humans we won’t be able to invade them, we won’t be able to defeat Titania. We’d be at a stalemate and both armies would have to withdraw.” His hands dropping to the table, Helias stared at his wife. “And we don’t have any reserves left. We’re going to lose the war, even if Thorgoth lives.”
“If we defeat the humans—”
The general shook his head. “By defeat, I mean we’ll hurt them but we can’t prevent them from withdrawing. We might kill a few of their leaders, their important mages and Otherworlders, but they will still have soldiers. After coming so close, they won’t surrender. They’ll keep attacking until they kill enough of Thorgoth and Berengaria’s supporters that nobody will help them, or until both of them die.”
“Alright so, what do we do?” Sara asked. Helias looked at his wife, noting how still she sat. Her wings were clamped tight to her back and her lips were drawn tight.
“Sara, I don’t have good answers.”
Sara steepled her trembling fingers as best she could. “They’re going to be better than mine. I don’t know anything about war.”
“Right. Well, you need to surrender to the humans if you are captured. Present yourself as a non-combatant. Cry, scream, anything to declare that you don’t mean any harm,” Helias said.
“Why not Titania?” Sara asked.
“She has every incentive to kill you off and far less compunction about doing so. Killing our family off would allow her to have more land to give away to her loyalists. In contrast, the humans have Erlenberg troops fighting with them along with those of the Lightning Battalion. They’re going to be far more friendly to Alavari civilians,” Helias said.
Soft hands, grabbed onto Helias’s waist with a surprisingly firm grip. “What about you? I can get away, but how are you going to survive this?”
“I don’t know. I—”
“Don’t you dare! Our daughter needs her father and I need my husband!”
The general stared at his wife. “Sara, I can’t surrender to the humans if we win. They want me dead.”
Sara refilled Helias’s glass. “Then you need to help Thorgoth defeat them.”
“Then what? We’re never winning this war. Thorgoth is going to be invaded and—”
Cutting him off with the clink of her goblet against the table, Sara hissed, “And what? Why think that far? We can plan for that after this battle, so long as you are still here and with me.”
Letting out a breath Helias pushed his hair back and allowed himself a sigh. Reaching across the table, he took his wife’s hand.
“Sara, you’re right, but you know you can escape this if Thorgoth is defeated.”
The harorc placed her other hand on top of his. “We’re partners. I need you. We need you. So promise me that you’ll do your damndest to live.”
Helias closed his eyes and nodded. “I promise. First things first, before we turn in we need to talk to the dragons.”
Fennokra stalked slowly toward the camp. This wasn’t the collapsed side-passage where she and Yolandra had some privacy. This was the main camp where Thorgoth and their army were preparing for what had to be the final battle.
It was also where her siblings were swallowing the last of what seemed to be a side of salted pork.
“Velkandra, Makentra, we need to talk.”
Their second-eldest sister licked her lips, her neck rising to Fennokra’s level. “I am assuming you mean in private?”
“Of course.” Fennokra could see Velkandra’s haunches tensing to raise herself higher. Her sister was trying to look down on her. Allowing her head to dip, she held her height.
“Alright.” Velkandra flicked her tail and Makentra, licking his lips, followed them.
Since their enemies had set up their siege camp behind them, the Alavari camp had been reduced in size. Still, there was the alcove of the collapsed tunnel. Whilst couriers and soldiers crossed across this natural cavern to the defenses on the other side, they kept a good distance away.
Yolandra was waiting for them, scratching something into the cave wall. Fennokra let out a rumble in her throat and her sister turned from the wall suddenly, shaking her head.
“Velkandra, Mankentra—”
Velkandra puffed a cloud of smoke out. “What’s this all about?” she hissed, lips drawn back to show teeth.
Fennokra took a step away from her sister to take Yolandra’s side, her eyes narrowed. “Are you joking? Do you not think we should at least discuss what is going on?”
“And what would be the point? It is a bit late to be having this discussion. The course of the winds have been chosen,” said Velkandra.
Yolandra rose to her full height on her four legs, but even so she was still shorter than the silent Makendra. “The winds can be fickle, Velkandra, and where we are is proof.”
Velkandra pursed her lips, eyes for the first time, looking toward the ground. “The survival of our family is tied to that of Thorgoth. To abandon him would be death by the hand of the Stormcaller and her allies or by his hand.”
“Besides, if we were to abandon Thorgoth’s cause, that would be dishonorable. We promised to assist him,” said Makendra.
Fennokra blinked at her brother’s tone. It was quiet and yet there was a touch of a deep growl to his voice. His claws were ever so slightly digging into the ground.
“We are dragons. We can think and make decisions for ourselves. We are allowed to consider other options, are we not?” Fennokra asked.
Velkandra’s tail flicked violently side to side as her neck turned to her younger sibling. “Then why does it sound as if you wish to follow in the wingbeats of our elder sister?”
“Who we killed. I was there. I lost a claw striking her down!” Fennokra raised one clawed hand, flexing the remaining digits.
“On that, why did we have to kill Lakadara?”
All golden eyes fixed on Yolandra, who held the gaze of her siblings with a contemptuous scowl.
“Lakadara betrayed us,” said Velkandra, almost growling.
“I’ve been thinking over what happened. Lakadara said nothing about betraying our mother. She merely was questioning if Thorgoth was trustworthy,” Yolandra said.
A scowl flaring his nostrils, Makentra growled. “He fed us, trained us in how the humans and their allies fought. Hid us from their eyes—”
“And now Caldra is dead!” Yolandra exclaimed.
“Which is why we must kill the Stormcaller and her friends! So we can avenge him and our mother!” Velkandra almost completely unfurled her wings. Only the tips slapping the stone forced her to pull them back.
“Then what?” Yolandra asked.
Velkandra frowned. “Then what? We’d have our revenge—”
Yolandra’s tail cracked against the ground. “Then what? You all must have heard of what Thorgoth is capable of. What he’s done to others.”
Makentra rolled his eyes. “Sara’s story is just a story. She might have been just trying to turn you.”
“She was honest and she is not the only tale I’ve heard. You must have heard rumors of what Thorgoth did to his own son, Teutobal,” said Fennokra.
“Propaganda,” Velkandra hissed through her gritted teeth, while smoke wafted through the gaps. “In any case, we have no other option. We fight or we die.”
Fennokra, her claws grinding against the floor, had had enough.
“Velkandra, Makentra, have you ever considered that Thorgoth is perhaps using us for his own goals? We have not even considered what he might do to us after we’ve destroyed the humans and their allies. How do we know the Stormcaller and her allies might treat us better? Besides in the first place, she never intended to kill our mother—”
Fennokra blinked. She was flying backwards, something hard was bearing her into the wall. Dizzy as if struck by one of the Stormcaller’s spells, she realized that the force was the foreclaws of her elder sister. Mad rage lit those golden eyes that were the exact same shade as hers. Horrified, Fennokra tried to throw Velkandra off, but her sister was larger and heavier than her.
“Say that again. I dare you to say that again—ARGH!”
Velkandra rolled off, forced off of Fennokra by the Yolandra shoving into her side. As the elder dragon recovered, the smallest of Telkandra’s brood hissed, “It’s the truth! You are a fool to deny it!”
An ugly sneer on her lips, wings quivering with fury, Velkandra snorted. “The truth? Oh right so we are speaking the truth then. Well here’s the truth. Our kind is doomed!”
Makentra blinked. “Sister?”
“Of course Thorgoth is going to get rid of us or try to after this campaign. He has to, but right now he needs us and that’s what we need to rely on until we gain more strength. Of course, whether he wins or the Stormcaller’s allies win, how can we expect to survive in a world dominated by these lesser species hm? How could they ever not see us as a threat?”
Velkandra stalked toward the wide-eyed Fennokra and Yoandra. Her head turned side to side as she fixed her sisters with wild wide eyes.
“Well? Tell me Fennokra. Speak the truth Yolandra. Or are you both too afraid to admit that our kind are doomed and the only thing is to live as long as we can and hopefully avenge those that hurt us as we do so.”
“You’d have us fly to our deaths?” Makentra asked.
The stammering voice brought Velkandra around. Extending a wing, she touched its tip to her brother’s. “I would at least have us fly together.”
Fennokra shook her head. “We’d knowingly fly with a murderer of children and someone who would want to kill us after we’ve stopped being helpful to him.”
“And we have no other options,” said Makentra. Letting out a breath, he rose to his claws and walked away. “I’ll see you tomorrow, sisters.”
Velkandra, without another word, turned for the exit. “You know it’s true, Fennokra, Yolandra.”
Fennokra closed her eyes. Yolandra, though, narrowed hers. “Doesn’t change that Lakadra’s blood is on our claws.”
Velkandra flinched and left. She strode away so quickly she nearly stepped on Helias and Sara as they came to the cave. She gave the pair no acknowledgement other than a growl.
“See you tomorrow, General,” said Makentra, his tone curt. “We will talk to King Thorgoth ourselves for the plan’s details.”
“Of course,” said Helias. He bowed as the pair left before turning to Yolandra and Fennokra. “I believe we missed something important?”
“Be honest, General Helias. Even if we succeed tomorrow, your king has no use for us after we help him kill the Stormcaller, am I correct?” Fennokra asked.
Sara and Helias didn’t say anything. Their slight move to stand closer so they could hold hands was enough.
“I thought so,” said Fennokra. She let out a sigh and glanced at Yolandra, who nodded. “We will be on the battlefield tomorrow. Where are we going?”
“You’re going with me. We’re attacking the forces sallying from Kairon-Aoun. The plan is that you dragons breathe flame over their army to soften them before we attack.
“Understood. Any questions Fennokra?” Yolandra asked.
Fennokra shook her head. What could be asked anyway?”
Yolandra flashed the pair a joyless smile. “For what it is worth, you two have been good caretakers to us. Even if it was to preserve your own lives.”
Helias didn’t bow. Instead he extended a hand. Yolandra stared at him, but Fennokra, recognizing the gesture, extended a single talon.
“May you always be able to see the sun.” At the dragon’s blink, Helias smiled. “It’s an Alavari saying. It may come from when we used to be enslaved by the Goblin Empire. It means good luck.”
Yolandra nodded and Fennokra found herself smiling.
“Our mother taught us a saying as well. May you never fly alone. I wish that for you both,” said Fennokra.
“Thank you,” said Sara in a quiet voice. She curtsied and the two dragons dipped their heads. They watched Helias and Sara leave with placid smiles.
Then, when nobody was looking, they turned from the entrance to hide their bulks as best they could. The gloomy light of the alcove their only curtain of privacy.
Frances slowed slightly as they approached Lakadara’s enclosure. However, Ginger did not slow down.
“Hold on, Ginger, what’s the plan?” Frances asked.
Adjusting her new crown mid-stride, Ginger said, “I’ll show you. I’m certain it’ll work, though.”
Frances’ eyebrows rose. “Is that crown getting to your head already?”
The new Queen of Erisdale flashed a slightly nervous grin over her shoulder. “Yes actually, but I think that’s a good thing in some way. Don’t you?”
Frances found herself nodding. It was strange to see her friend even more confident than usual and so comfortable in the regal crown that she wore atop of a standard Lightning Battalion light blue uniform. Yet she rather enjoyed the new gait that Ginger had.
“I do.” Frances smirked. “Your Majesty.”
Ginger rolled her eyes. “Fuck you.”
Giggling, Frances stopped herself as they drew even closer to Lakadara. The dragon was drawing herself up, placing her massive foreclaws over each other.
“Lakadara. I am Ginger, the new Queen of Erisdale. Pleased to make your acquaintance.”
The dragon coughed, blowing out a puff of smoke. “Greetings Ginger, Queen of Erisdale. I’m sorry for your predecessor’s demise.” Lakadara’s golden eyes narrowed. “Why are you here?”
Ginger dipped her head. “Thank you and as to why I’m here. I have a proposition. If you accept it, I will grant you and your kin, the domain of the Erisdalian mountains marked by the Kwent River Valley, Freeburg and Athelda-Aoun as your home in perpetuity, so long as you do not attack humans unless in self-defense.”
“I am unfamiliar with human geography. From the Stormcaller’s expression, I assume that is a lot.”
Frances swallowed and closed her mouth, but she didn’t question her friend. Ginger, still smiling slyly, nudged her. “It is. Frances, can you lend me a hand here?”
Nodding, Frances closed her eyes and imagined a rough map of Erisdale and its territories. With a wave of Ivy’s Sting she created an image of Erisdale, highlighting in red the expanse of the mountains that bordered Alavaria and Erisdale. The area that Ginger had described sketched a rough red triangle between the three points. It was a fairly sizeable area with a low and Alavari human population.
“My husband is in negotiations with Queen Titania and I’ll have to talk to Frances and Prince Timur, but we are quite certain that Athelda-Aoun will also be included in this area,” Ginger said.
Lakadara’s golden eyes were flickering as she examined the land. Suddenly, she turned, long neck arching toward the Erisdalian Queen. “And what must I do? Fight on your kingdom’s behalf?”
Ginger shook her head. “No.”
“Nope. If you would like to do so we can renegotiate the agreement, but my husband and I fully intend to grant you this land.”
The dragon’s tail lifted up as her eyes narrowed. “Explain yourself and the favor you seek. This is far too generous.”
“Let me explain myself first. If what I’m told by my experts is correct, you can lay eggs by yourself without a mate, but it takes time right? A few decades?”
“Yes. Still, that doesn’t explain—”
“Here me out. This war is going to end. We may lose, but if we win, banishing you to the north is making you Queen Titania’s problem and she’ll have more than enough problems to deal with. You might just end up coming south again and we know how that ended. I’d prefer to avoid that so that means we need to make an agreement. You need a new home and I need peace for Erisdale. If the kingdom has to give up some poor agricultural land then I’m all for it.”
The dragon nodded. “I see, but why so much land? Why not just give me a cave? Or request my service as Thorgoth did?”
“And how will you eat? Hunt? Where will your grown children go? I’m making an agreement that will last for decades, not just a few years. As for service? I was tempted, but you wouldn’t agree to that anyway and why should you? We haven’t given you any reason to agree.” Ginger gave Frances a wave to dispel the map. “Maybe in the future we can work something out, especially if the dragon population increases. Your service in return for more food, but again, I want to start us off on the right path, not the left path.”
“Left path?” Lakadara asked.
“Erisdalian expression. It means the wrong path,” Frances said helpfully.
Lakadara nodded slowly. “You still ask for a boon, though.”
Ginger nodded. “Yes. I want you to speak to your siblings. Before the upcoming battle starts, tell them of my deal with you. So long as they choose to accept that deal and defect, then I will have it so our forces will not hurt them. After that, you may leave. I will not request you to fight with us.”
“You want me to show myself to Thorgoth? To the siblings that tried to kill me?” Lakadara asked, mouth agape.
Ginger stepped closer to the dragon, who lifted her head away from the queen. “I want you to save your siblings. I want you to save yourself from becoming the last purple dragon in existence. I would rather you not be alone, stewing in hatred for my kingdom and our allies who brought down your family, even if we had just cause. I want peace. What do you want?”
“How do I know I can trust you?” The dragon suddenly grimaced. “Ah, right, you want a lasting peace. You have every reason to want peace.”
Ginger, arms crossed tapped her foot. Frances could see how stiff her friend was, but the action was also comforting. That her magic-less friend had such control over the situation, despite being faced with the dragon was rather…badass.
Letting out a puff of smoke that slowly drifted into the cavern, the dragon pondered the queen’s proposal. Frances held her breath and yet the dragon remained silent, only her tail moving from side to side.
Ginger waited, still content to wait for the dragon’s answer. Frances couldn’t. The tension coiled in her chest, waiting to explode.
“Lakadara, what do you want for your future?” Frances asked.
The dragon glanced at Frances, golden eyes wide. She turned back to Ginger, who continued to stand tall, awaiting Lakadara’s answer patiently.
“I accept your offer, and your promise for the future,” said Lakadara, dipping her head.
“We are glad that you wish the same as we do,” said Ginger. She extended her hand and Lakadara, took her claw and put the tip of it on the queen’s palm.
*Author’s Note: Queenly Ginger was really neat to write 😀 *
submitted by vren55 to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:53 AkitaScripts [M4F] Your Boyfriend Comforts You After a Fight at School [After Detention] [Raining Outside] [Reassurance] [It’s Okay] [Hugs & Kisses] [First Time Dating] [Playing With Your Hair]

I've thought about switching things up for tonight's script and decided to make it an M4F one! I guess this kinda flows into the lore of my previous three scripts, with this being a sequel to the third one. Hope you enjoy it! As always, my script is free to use without monetization, just crediting me under my YT Handle @"AkitaScripts" is all!
Synopsis: You and your boyfriend have been together for about a week. You just had your first date a few days ago, and the two of you have discussed not to tell anyone. However, your classmates are beginning to notice your relationship with him, with some jealous students making fun of it. Eventually, it becomes too much for you, and you end up in detention after a fight in the hallways. As you exit the school, you find your boyfriend waiting outside in the rain…
(The school is nearly empty, and the rain is pouring outside the walls. All of the students except you have already left. As you walk out through the quiet hallways, you hear the janitor mopping the floor, rumbling about his job.)
[faint dialogue from the Janitor]
(You barely pay attention to whatever the janitor said as you reach into your backpack, only to find nothing but your books and supplies. You forgot your umbrella back at home. You put on your hood and push open the doors, the gates of freedom letting out a loud creak. You point your head down to the ground and begin to walk outside, feeling the rain hit your head. Suddenly, you stop feeling the raindrops, and you look up to see your boyfriend, the VA, close to you with an umbrella.)
VA: Hey.
(You lock eye contact with him with gloomy pupils.)
[short pause]
VA: I heard about what happened from Jalen… and I’m sorry you had to-
(You suddenly wrap the VA in your arms, interrupting him. Tears begin to roll down your face and onto his shoulder as you start crying.)
VA: Hey, hey… it’s okay… it’s okay.. (holds you close to him with one of his arms, and kisses you)
VA: Hey… look at me.
(You raise your head up from his shoulder, looking him in the eyes.)
VA: It’s going to be okay… hey, you wanna go sit down somewhere? We shouldn’t be standing out in the open.
VA: Alright, follow me, and stay close to me.
[short pause]
(You and the VA walk in silence for a few minutes to a nearby pavilion. After a few minutes, You gently shake his arm to get his attention.)
VA: Mhm? (looks at you)
VA: Did he tell me anything?[pause]
VA: Well, other than you landing in detention, Jalen didn’t say much. I just got the news an hour ago, before our last class ended. So, I just waited out there. I didn’t know how long detention would last.
VA: Well… I was gonna wait by the doors, but that janitor kicked me out. He said he still needed to quote-unquote “clean the corners”.
VA: Yeah, he’s quite grumpy. Anyways, we’re here.
(The two of you walk to one of the tables in the pavilion. As you sit down, the VA sits down next to you.)
VA: So… (puts down his umbrella on the wooden table) are you still okay, or do you need some time?
VA: Alright… take your time telling me what happened. (wraps his arms around you and gently moves closer)
VA: Yeah… we did decide on not telling anyone about our relationship until we were ready. And yes, I know that everyone else figured it out already.
VA: So… lemme get this sorted out: Maddison and her group of friends found out and made fun of our relationship..?
VA: And did they start making fun of you today, or has this happened before?
VA: This started yesterday?
VA: Alright, so… after a day of them making fun of you, what exactly happened that landed you in detention?
VA: (surprised) You slapped her in the face?!
(You don’t say anything, but you look away from him and dig your head into his chest, nodding afterwards in confirmation. The VA holds you even closer in comfort.)
VA: Hey.. again, it’s okay.
(You let go of him. Stressed and upset, you explain how you’re not okay, as you begin to cry again. The VA hugs you again to calm you down.)VA: Hey, hey, listen to me… listen to me… there’s no need to be upset about what you did. Even though there were better options, you were in the right to do that. Not that I would recommend doing it again as an option, but if you have issues like this, just come talk to me… okay?
(You look up at him and nod.)
VA: Alright then. (takes off your hood and gently combs through your hair)
(As he comes through your hair, you ask him a question.)
VA: Why did they do it?
VA: Well.. first off, why do you think they did it?
VA: You think they just wanted to make fun of you for that?
VA: Okay… I might know why they made fun of you for dating someone.
VA: What do I mean? Well.. lemme explain. So, before you and I met a few months ago, I used to be friends with Maddison. Sure, I was never romantically interested in her, but she’d used to always flirt with me at times. Now, I don’t know if she did like me the same way you do, but she could also just be jealous.
VA: Well, think about it: have you ever even seen Maddison date anyone?
VA: No, right? That’s because she never has dated anyone.
VA: Now, you also have to take into the fact she’s friends with Joe. And as we both knew, Joe liked you in a… eeh… certain way.
VA: And he knows that you and I are dating, so he’s jealous.
VA: No, Joe probably isn’t just jealous of how you’re dating someone else. He’s jealous that you’re dating someone else.
VA: No, it’s not the same way as what I just said. Joe’s jealous because someone has something special in their relationship that he doesn’t.
VA: He doesn’t have you.
VA: Look, every relationship is different. Whether it’s a dominant one, flirtatious, or even toxic… hopefully that doesn’t happen… Joe and other people don’t have you as their girlfriend.
VA: Lemme also tell you something: I knew this person named Stephen, and he was dating this girl named Val. His friends found out, and they were jealous and constantly made fun of him. It got so out of hand that he was pressured to break up with Val.
[pause]VA: Look, you and I can tell them to stop making fun of our relationship. But if they’re gonna continue doing it, don’t break up like with what Stephen did. Don’t be pressured to listen to the mockery. Don’t listen to them. Move on, and walk forward, and just ignore them. I know it can be challenging, and I have been in those shoes before, but it’s okay to feel this way. You have me to take care of you, to cuddle you in times like this, and to make sure that you’re okay. I’ll be here every step of the way. If you need to hold my hand, don’t hesitate. I’m here for you, babe. And it’s all gonna be okay.
(The VA plays with your hair, and kisses you. You look up to him and kiss him in return.)
VA: I love you too.
(You snuggle in closer to the VA, feeling his warmth and his beating heart. Eventually, the rain slowly stops.)
VA: Hey, the rain stopped.
(You look around to see the birds fly in to sing. You lean in to kiss the VA.)
VA: You’re welcome, babe. Now come on, we gotta get back home. (begins to put his dry umbrella away in his bag)
VA: Yeah sure, we can get some food on the way home. (he picks you up in his arms and helps you off from the table) Any ideas?
VA: Yeah sure… ramen sounds good.
(As you and the VA walk away holding hands, the birds continue to chirp as the scene fades, ending the episode.)
submitted by AkitaScripts to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:52 Parking-Straight Parent dislike my natural hair.

Hello everyone, I am a lurker of Naturalhair and I really need some advice. :( Scroll down for the TDLR, also sorry for the bad formatting and grammar, English is not my first language and I’m also typing this on phone.
I’ve been transitioning to natural since March 2020 (quarantine). Before, I’ve been using relaxers on my hair. I stopped using relaxers because I hated how much it burned my scalp and during January-February 2020, I felt a curl in the root my scalp and I liked the feeling of it 😭.
So, boom, March 2020 comes, before everything shut down, I told my mother that I wanted to do natural and I asked her if I can buy shampoo and conditioner. She agrees and I brought Shea Moisturizer Coconut and Hibiscus line. I washed my hair and I noticed my hair was half straight and half curly (transition stage). I was so eager to see the curls forming, and thought this was going to be a new chapter for my hair journey.
I started to wash my hair every Sunday because why not? One day, when I was getting ready to wash my hair, my mother stopped me and said “You don’t need to wash your hair every single week or every two weeks, you know?” I was kinda confused and said “I don’t?” Mind you, I was new at this and I was also watching youtube videos on how to do and style natural hair. She said “When you do natural, you braid hair to make it longer.” She offered to braid my hair since it was during the pandemic and everything was closed down.
So she braided my hair and I left the braids for about 2 months. (March-May). Then I left my natural hair out, let it breathe for a week, washed and blow dry, got braids again. (late May-early August). I got my first sew in during late August for back-to-school and kept it in for October. Okay so you get the gist. I’ve been putting weaves/braids/wigs in my hair and have not been able to fully let my natural hair out to breathe, just letting it sit for one week and put a protective style. This fucking pattern went on from March 2020 up to late 2023.
So it’s late 2023, I had enough of this. I wanted to know how to fully take care of my natural hair. I won’t lie, protective styles did help my hair a bit, but I wanted to fully take care of my hair. At this time, I shampoo and conditioned my hair every two weeks.
One day, as I was finish washing my hair my mother look at me and said, “Your hair looks like a mess. All your hair will fall out!” I brushed it off because I’m used to her saying stuff like this ever since I started my natural hair journey. Every time when she comb my hair, she would roughly comb out my hair and say “See, look! Your hair is falling out.” I’m also very tender-headed so when she say stuff like this it hurts my feelings and my scalp. Literally when my hair is in the transitioning stage she said she hasn’t seen anything progress and wanted me to do a relaxer.
In March or April 2024, I was flat ironing my hair, my aunt came in, saw me, and said “Why don’t you put a wig!?!? You’re a grow up woman now! You don’t need to do natural hair!” She then roughly grabbed the back of my hair. I wasn’t sure if she trying to pull it or anything. Then my mother jumped in and said “I keep telling her that and she don’t listen!” So not only my mother disliked my natural hair, but my aunt did too. My heart shattered hearing those comments but I eventually got over it.
Last week, I did mini braids on myself, and I went to go see my mother, and she looked at my hair “Don’t you see that you look ugly without no hair?” I just walked away from her. Few days ago, I went out with my auntie and she asked me what was I going to do with my hair now. I told her that I’m just going to take care of it and she said I shouldn’t leave my hair like that. I just changed the subject.
Now a few hours ago, I went downstairs and my mother yelled at me about my hair once again, but this time she said “Just cut all your hair off if you can’t do natural hair. Can you even afford to do natural hair?? Do something with your hair or cut them!” I ran up to my room and literally cried. I am crying while typing this post. I know I shouldn’t but I’m very sensitive T-T
TDLR: I’ve been trying to take care of my natural hair for years now, my mother and auntie criticizes my natural hair and rather me put protective styles such as wigs and braids to not show my natural hair I guess.
Things I wanted to add to the story since the post is pretty long.
• I was fully natural by early-mid 2021.
• When I washed my hair during my back to back protective style stage, I did have a lot of breakage while washing my hair :(
• I’m NOT hating on protective styles by the way, I LOVE putting on braids/wigs/weave. I just didn’t want to put it on the time, you know.
• On October 2022, I blow dry + flat iron my natural hair for my cousin sweet 16. I played a role in her birthday party court. There was seven girls including myself, and 4 of them were wigs and 3 of them plus myself included were natural. My mother told my cousin that she didn’t like the way my hair looked and wanted me to purchase a wig but obviously it was too late.
• Lately, I’ve noticed my mother has been giving me weird looks when I have my hair out. When I wear wigs she always see my face first, but when my hair out she look at my hair, then becomes angry.
• Outside of my home, a lot of people in my workplace like when I have my natural hair. When I did a high puff, one of my professor said I had “nice hair” I do two puffs in my hair for work and people usually find them cute. Someone said I look like Minnie Mouse hehe :) I hope that’s a compliment. Also someone that worked in a different department of my workplace looked at me and said “I love your hair, please keep doing natural” I was kinda surprised to hear that too.
submitted by Parking-Straight to Naturalhair [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:52 NightSlayerllll What's the top 3 characters yall are dying by (1v1s)

I'll go first
1 - Bugs Bunny (every time I match with this bunny I'm fighting for my life trying to breathe and get to the other side of the stage, GG if you get a short map)
2 - Superman (Superman players don't even need all there buttons all they need is foward smash and up snash and there good, don't even get me started on this dudes Nair.)
3 - Batman ( No matter what percent, what map, what charachter. Batman will always find a way to kill you in two hits using up air, up smash. I'm at 40 percent why am I dying to that!)
submitted by NightSlayerllll to MultiVersusTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:50 enderblood64 I(24M) don't know what my bf(NB22) wants from me. What do I do?

I 24M, have been dating my NB22 boyfriend for a little over 1 year. We recently have both escaped abusive situations, and he is recovering from a particularly nasty break-up(we are poly, their bf dumped them on the street while they were struggling with unemployment and it REALLY messed him up), we currently live together.
Important information: I am DX AuHD, trying to get medicated for it, and I suspect I have some form of DID/OSDD. I struggle a lot with memory, it's just something I can't be consistent with. It's frustrating, and it makes remembering to do chores around the house agony. I've been trying to cope by asking for lists of things to do from my live-in bf, so I have a physical reminder of tasks to complete. I also ask for help from my headmates, and sometimes it works, but they are just as AUHD as I am and we're really sick and tired of it affecting people around us, which is why we're hoping getting medicated will help. The thing is, my bf doesn't always have the energy to write out lists for me and I don't want them to be carrying me, basically. I've asked for a permanent list that I can keep on my phone, so he doesn't have to keep reminding me, but he brushed me off.
When we first started dating, I wrote up a little manual for them, detailing how I learn and think and how my moods work and what to do in case of XYZ scenario. I know that my AUHD makes me a lot. I know it makes me a really bad and forgetful partner whos best doesn't meet the bar. I asked my bf if he could write a manual for themselves, so I can better navigate my relationship with them. They keep saying they don't have time or energy. I wanted to let them know what they were getting when they chose to date me, and they have told me that I've made it clear to them, but I don't know if they're saying that just to please me now. I don't expect them to be at 100% all the time, but I want to know that I can rely on them for the occasional reminder or push in the right direction when I lose track.
We've also been struggling with money a lot lately. I was able to finally land a part-time job, even though it's not nearly enough to cover everything. I'm looking for a second job while selling(or, trying to) my art on the side. Every month, my bf has a breakdown about not being able to cover rent. Naturally, I mirror his distress. He's told me I need to stop treating it like life or death, but they have panic attacks about the rent like clockwork every month. I don't know how else they expect me to react if they're always on the verge of a mental break every month, crying and shaking and repeating out loud "we're not going to make it. They're gonna evict us." I don't know what they expect me to say or do in that situation. I tried asking them about it and they didn't give me an answer that made sense. "Stop worrying" and "you need to be okay with me being okay eventually", which sounds like fucking nonsense.
In the past, they asked me to offer help more often. So I do, when I wake up I ask, "Anything I can help with today?" When they're distressed or upset I ask if there's anything I can do to change the environment or my actions so that they feel safer. I try cooking for them, something I enjoy doing, and I'll offer to cook for them and they'll say no.
After all this, they got angry with me because I'm sick and there was meat(that he took out) on the counter defrosting, he'd wanted me to put it away. I was sleeping and getting up to puke pure mucus, I never even knew he'd taken out the meat. He questioned me, asked if I was really that sick, and all I could do was nod. My voice is shot, my throat is sore and dry and sandpapery. I'm leaking snot by the bucketful and my eyes are puffy and gross from inflamation. They asked me why I hadn't been helping or cooking for them, and I told them. "Every time I offer, you say there's nothing I can do. I offered to cook for you these past few days and you rejected me. I'm trying to do what you asked of me, but you tell me no, so I listen to that no. What do you want from me?" And all they could say was "Sometimes I don't know."
I've never felt so fucking defeated. Six months of this, and I can't do anything right. I don't know if it's genuinely just me or if it's something with my bf. I'm questioning our compatability, I don't know what to do and I don't know how to correct things. I asked what I could do, and was told nothing, and now they're angry at me for doing nothing.
What the hell do I do? Sorry if this is long and rambly, I've stressed myself out to the point of a migraine, and I'm still sick. Any advice would be appreciated.
TLDR: My boyfriend asks me to do one thing, I do so, and he rebuffs me, then gets angry at me. What the hell do I do?
submitted by enderblood64 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:49 bwilhelm03 Cleaning a Pendleton blanket

Hey Y'all, I bought an irregular Pendleton blanket from their flagship store in Oregon about a year ago - it's about 6X7' (or a bit short of the area of queen a mattress). It was already a little dusty from just being out on the sale floor for people to look at before I bought it. I didn't know how to wash it so I shook it out and layered on a quilt for a few months til I could figure it out.
I sprayed a bit of stain spray on it a while ago and it got a ring of dust/dirt around the spot so I put it away til it's cleaned. There are some lighter-colored areas on the blanket, plus my elderly cat had been sneaking into my room to nap and shed on it when I was out which hasn't helped (why do they only like nice things??)
I mostly hand wash wool sweaters, etc, because they have never seem to be cleaned well after the cleaners.
Anyway: -Is water a no-no? Hand washing a Pendleton blanket would be learning experience, but I'd be open to it... Is that possible, or is there a way I could wash it in my commerical washing machine, in a gigantic lingerie bag on super-low and woolite etc? -Does dry cleaning actually do anything to clean the whole woven wool blanket, or is it spot-cleaning only? (Cat hair, dust, etc?) -If I go to a cleaner, what should I look for and ask them to do/what should I expect they do to it? -How much does it typically cost to clean these sized wool blankets (ballpark is helpful - closest /large city to me is Denver, 2 hours away, but there are smaller very expensive mountain towns close by).
Thank you!!
submitted by bwilhelm03 to CleaningTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:45 Saraphim663 Down the Mine Shaft

Sweat dripped down Don Carmichel’s face, the sweltering air stank of sulfur. His ankle twisted in in the opposite direction, bits of bone were poking through his dungarees. He dragged himself toward the entrance, gravel cut into his hands. Sharp pain agonized his every move, the torn muscle in his leg screamed. He crawled toward door, he only to get out and seal the exit. It was supposed to have been a simple plan, but simple plans don’t succeed in the face of the enemy.
Donald Carmicheal was a private investigator just outside of Baltimore Maryland. He had grown tired of spying on unfaithful couples and answered an add in the hills of Pennsylvania. B&N Mining were in search of a good spy to infiltrate their workers. Whispers of a Union traveled and the mining company had no tolerance for a strike. The country was still reeling from the Battle of Blair Mountain a few years prior.
Don agreed to the assignment and began to work as a miner. The hours were long and hard in the dark coal mines. He would cough up black soot every night and his body ached. He overheard the fellow workers talk about being paid poorly and in company scrip. They would go to work injured because they couldn’t afford a doctor and most of them looked half starved. Don didn’t blame them for wanting better pay and it was hard for him not to take thier side, but he was hired to do a job for B&N.
The workers spoke of a rally lead by Stanly Collins, a member of the United Mine Workers. Stanly traveled and began unions in various mining towns around Pennslyvania and West Virginia. His voice was loud and charismatic, and within him the worn faces of the workers found hope .
Don reported this to the Higher Ups, and they assigned the private investigator with finding any dirt on Stanly. The man was clean, didn’t drink, didn’t so much as smoke, went to church and doted on his ten year old son. There was no talk of a wife, so Don figured the man was a widower.
The higher ups thought about killing Stanley in an accident, but that would make him a martyr and the workers would strike to spite B&N. No, they needed to create a distraction for Mr. Collins, a way to stop him in his tracks. Mr. Collins had a ten year old son, Caleb, that son was their advantage.
They asked Don to catch him and hide him in a mine shaft until . It would only be for a couple of days, and the boy would be unhurt. All he had to do was keep an eye on him, after Mr. Collins agreed to call off the strike his boy would be returned back to him unharmed, it was as simple as that.
The prospect didn’t sit well with Don, but who was he to argue with the Higher Ups, he’d seen how they handled defiance before. Getting fired and evicted would be the least of his problems if he were to disobey.
The Higher Ups told Stanly’s son Caleb worked as hurrier for the mine. He would load coal carts and help push them through narrow passages that grown men were too big to fit through. Caleb would report the horrible conditions back to his Papaw and his Papaw would run his mouth to the UMW. It wouldn’t be hard to find Caleb after a shift and catch him.
Don walked on over to where the hurriers worked, the shaft was so short that he had to walk bent over. He jumped as a mine cart sideswiped him, the small brat pushing it yelled out “ watch where you’re going mister.” Don didn’t pay him no mind, the whelp would grow bow legged and stooped, succumbing to black lung like the rest of his unwashed brethren.
Don was saving Caleb from a life of servitude. Even if he followed in his father’s footsteps and organized unions, how much better could the bowls of the earth be? There’d always be hard work and heavy coal, no union would change that.
He found Caleb with a group of other boys. Soot covering his face, only white sleeveless shirt and dungarees. A boy his age should be fishing or playing in the woods , not digging in no mine shaft. His father’s hypocrisy knew no bounds when it came to getting his agenda across. If Stanly Collins cared about his son, he would be in school, along with all the other children.
Don walked up to the boy and kneeled to his level. “Are you Caleb Collins?”
“Yes Sir,” said the boy. His voice sounded tired and older than his years.
“I have some bad news, you’re daddy has been hurt awful bad, and I need you to come with me.”
Instead of looking surprised, Caleb stared at him with deep black eyes. The stare made Don’s blood turn cold.
“It’s urgent, he…uh… he needs you now,” Don managed to stutter out, his tongue had turned to clay.
“Yes Sir,” was all the boy said.
Don’s stomach dropped in that moment and he almost reconsidered his plan. He took a deep breath. Donald Carmicheal wasn’t terrified of no ten year old. He was going to take him somewhere deep in the mine and hold him until his daddy agreed to negotiate with the Higher Ups.
As he led the boy deeper down the mine shaft Don’s uneasiness grew. He thought about quitting, telling boy the truth and letting him go back to work, hell, letting the boy leave the mine all together. But the higher ups would put his head on a pike if he even considered this to be an option.
“Where are ya taken me?” asked Caleb. His voice had gone flatter and his whole eyes had turned solid black for a second.
“It… It’s just a little further down the mine shaft, son.”
“I ain’t your son! My daddy works on the upper levels, why ain’t you bringing me there?”
“Y…You’re father was on a special project with us, please it’s just a little further-”
“No he ain’t , the owner’s of this here mine would never let him in on a higher project.”
“D... don’t make this hard for me, boy.”
“You have no idea who I am, do you sir?”
Don turned around and once again, Caleb’s eyes went coal black. Inky tendrils of shadow formed and went up the walls of the mine. Stone cracked and crumbled around them. The boy’s skin cracked and peeled into oozing sores as he crept towards him.
“What in hell are you?” Don began to run up the mineshaft, but the inky coils formed on the rocks around him, forming fissures and cracks. The air turned hot and stank of sulfur as the mine began to crumble underneath them.
“I think you already know.” Caleb’s voice turned flat and was so deep it made Don nauseous and uneasy. It was old scratch himself, coming to collect on his soul. He should have sided with Stanly and the miners. He could have found an assignment with the UMW and helped turn the situation on thier side. Helped them organize a strike so it gave them doctors and schools but now it was too little too late.
Caleb followed him , his tendrils grasping for Don through the stone. The child’s skin flaked off as oily tentacles grabbed at Don. The workers panicked and ran out toward the exit, causing a jam at the door, their screams echoing in the chamber the stone began to crumble.
“Let them go, this is between us, they don’t need to suffer, what would you’re daddy think-”
“My daddy? You mean my host.” With that the monster’s tendrils went out through the staircase, toppling it and the crowd to the depths below. As they screamed in terror a boulder fell smashing in on Don’s ankle. Waves of excruciating pain went through his body causing him to vomit. The smell of sulfur and half digested fried chicken was too much for him to bear, his lungs tightened for air. The staircase was gone, but a narrow path that led toward the exit, cool breeze exited the doorway, giving him a ray of hope.
Caleb slammed down blocking his exit. Inky, oily tendrils snaked around Don’s body and squeezed tight, the veins in Caleb’s forehead grew larger as Don’s life force leached away. His body weakened as his eyes closed for the final time. Half the workers managed to make it out alive, Stanly among them. Cries echoed from the outside as the mine collapsed in on itself.
In the weeks following the mine collapse, the B&N mine company negotiated with the United Mine Workers for a fair deal. Stanlhy Collins and his son Caleb quit the mining business and settled into the nearby village of Junction Maryland, where Stanly was elected sheriff. He was thankful to be one of the few that made it out of the mine alive.
Though he was unsure where his son came from, he never remembered ever having a wife. Whenever he thought to question the boy, he looked at him with solid black eyes, and Stanly always forgot the question. It was all well and fine , they would make peace in this small town.
submitted by Saraphim663 to DarkTales [link] [comments]