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People Fucking Dying

2015.12.30 18:37 PUSClFER People Fucking Dying

Videos and GIFs of people (figuratively) fucking dying.

2015.02.04 01:32 AzraelCcs Comunidad para el Jugador de Rol hispano hablante

Preguntas, respuestas y discusiones sobre Calabozos y Dragones, Vampiro: La Mascarada, Llamado de Cthulhu, ShadowRun y muchos más EN ESPAÑOL

2008.08.27 19:27 Audible - Audiobooks from Amazon

This subreddit is for fans of Audible, the online audiobook service. We welcome any discussions of Audible including discussion of audiobooks and sales.

2024.05.15 12:06 reracked377 Like... what if?

She looks like Jennifer Doudna, literally:
What if?
What if the lipo-nanoparticles and the ACE2 gene-silencing CRISPR RNA-gene-drive 'inoculation' program are part of Club of Rome's Odum's "reduce America's population by 2/3rds hopefully voluntarily by 2030?" What if this was and will become Utopia? What if Deagel's 2025 population statistics that accounts for this 2/3rds population reduction, which was sponsored by Kissinger, the Rockefeller foundation and Edwin Deagle Jr., knows more about this?
"The analysis of the SARS-CoV-2 structure in light of the functioning of the CRISPR-Cas9, Cas12a and CasX mechanism suggests that the virus is man-made through genetic modification. [...] Covid is not acting like other viruses and many various symptoms in human body have been observed. [...] The modifications in the backbone’s phosphate group induced by CRISPR engineering create a highly imbalanced state. The entropy and therefore the repulsion forces strongly dominate in this type of virus."
What if they gave you AIDS and sterilized you? What if the optimal CRISPR-Cas9 lock-on markers out of any nGG, ie markers for future gene editing, was part of the plan? And hopefully none of this is sexually transmissible. Sticking a peen in an Extinction Level Event... is it worth the risk? We should ask Ian this. He did look grayer after screwing Jessica.
Utopia (UK):
  • "SARS doesn't exist."
  • "The planet can support only 1 billion."
  • "We leave 5 to 8% unaffected."
  • "Janus consists of protein and an amino-acid." (CRISPR)
I chose my own people."

Spikeopathy’: COVID-19 Spike Protein Is Pathogenic, from BOTH Virus and Vaccine mRNA
The modification of mRNA with N1-methylpseudouridine for increased stability leads to the production of spike proteins for months.'

Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 - withdrawn (January 2020)
Amino acid residues in all the 4 inserts have identity or similarity to those in the HIV-1 gp120 or HIV-1 Gag."
What's the common denominator? European DNA. The injection is ethnically adjusted to deplete ACE2-expression of European DNA but not those carry k26r polymorphism, ie. Ashkenazi J's and the Amish.
Where is ACE2 located? Also in mitochondria, the cell's battery. Why cancer? CRISPR, mitochondria and p53 disruption, oxidative stress. Once modRNA gets into cells, they're released to hijack cell's machinery to produce full-spike proteins, endlessly. Spike proteins downregulate ACE2-protein expression of mitochondrias and silence p53 the guardian of genome. And the CRISPR Cas9/Cas12a awaits for gRNA to act.
An idea of giving cells the instructions to synthesize pathogenic spike-protein to develop immunity is imbecilic in the first place. But urging people to get one without a prescription promising getting back to normal (that's been destroyed for this purpose) - a crime.
But Rockefeller's (Rockefellos) Cub of Rome would never think of doing anything like this. The network in Utopia is fictional, right? Read Kissinger report, read the Jaffe memo!
Rockefeller's Population Council:
"fertility control agent' designed to lower fertility in the society by 5 to 75% less than a present birth rate; to be included in water supply in urban areas." (1969).
You see, just like women refused to smoke in public until they saw it as a form of liberation. Covid is our liberation. If things go to plan. We won't know for many years.
The public would never support the most powerful men working to reduce the numbers of the "lower class" until we saw OURSELVES as a deadly virus to the planet. That's been the goal from the get-go.
In the population control document that Rockefellers sponsored it suggests multiple methods of involuntary sterilization such as adding “fertility control agents” to water supplies, temporary sterilization of all young women “via time-capsule contraceptives,” and compulsory sterilization of men with three or more children.
Those are just ideas they floated, it's not like they ever funded or implemented them. It's not like they made an anti-fertility vaccine! They did.
Its not like they ever went thru with an actual involuntary roll out of this tho, we woulda heard about it!
You might have seen this 2014 story "debunked." In 2014, Kenyan doctors found traces of HCG in Tetanus vaccines being distributed by WHO/funded by Gates. Why is this important?
HCG is the same pregnancy hormone that is used in conjunction with Tetanus in that SAME ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION FUNDED INDIAN INFERTILITY VACCINE. Doctors in the Philippines and Mexico also claimed to have found HCG in their WHO distributed Tetanus vaccines in the 90s (they did). The WHO didn't fund the development of that Indian vaccine (BECAUSE THE ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION DID)!
It is important to note that this Anti-fertility vaccine has been in development since 1988 thru 2014 to this day.
It does appear as if the Rockefellers have implemented their "involuntary fertility control" and have used Tetanus vaccines as cover to test this pet project of theirs, but that's speculation.
The goal of the network also reminds me of "Children of Men," originally published in 1992 and set in England in 2021.
"Armageddon Begins - Russian Detonates Nuclear Bomb, Kazakhstan Annihilated." The newspaper reads in opening of the film.
Children of Men' (2006) Plot - In the year 2027, after 18 years of total human infertility, war and global depression have pushed society to the point of collapse as humanity faces extinction.
Did you know that "Children of Men" was written by Phyllis Dorothy James, referencing Pat Frank's "Mr. Adam" and "Alas, Babylon" written back in 1950s?
Given the quality of sperm declining due to fluoride, chemical exposure and such, and mRNA-medicine affecting fertility of men and women, that's the exact match.
Joel E Cohen, the Rockefeller University Professor on Population heavily acknowledged the significant drop in fertility rate of white populations in US and EU, explaining driven immigration to sustain the level and boost 'economic prosperity.' As the saying goes, Just as the Egyptians made G‑d’s firstborn (the Israelities) suffer, G‑d punished - measure for measure - the Egyptians’ firstborn. All the firstborn would lose the life-energy that until then kept them alive." This is the 188th Mitzvah and accompanies the gene drive which is Janus to a T. Bye, bye!

Angiotensin-converting enzymes (ACE) play a dominant role in fertility (2013):
To solve population bomb, just sterilize the entire world with:
  • release bioengineered disease binding and exploiting ACE2
  • silence gene expression through CRISPR-Cas9 mRNA
Presented for your viewing:

CRISPCas9 gene drives in genetically variable and nonrandomly mating wild populations (2017)
A drive targeting Ace2 might therefore conceivably be used for direct population suppression.”
DARPA invests $100m in gene-drive technology - new gene-editing technology, which many people fear could lead to deliberate and unintended damage on a huge scale (2017):…
Harvard, Wyss Institute - CRISPR-Cas9: Gene-drive:
Little is known about the role of p53 in the regulation of ACE2. An earlier study reported that p53 suppresses the replication of coronavirus through ACE2 degradation in humans.”
And to conclude, Epstein associate George Church, who said arranged marriages using gene sequencing as Haredim have been doing is ideal; Epstein associate Martin Nowak - Evolutionary dynamics of CRISPR-Cas9 gene drives (2016)...
...with Matthew Liao, want to design humans using gene editing.

The Rockefeller Foundation - Bionics, Transhumanism, and the End of Evolution (2019):
Here's the end; how fun it will be, how fun, indeed:
In Grant's drawings it says they put the ghost cell in the buffalo and the man eats the buffalo and rots. People won't physically rot from consuming the food, they'll just be sterilized when they take the vaccine, or they will, because Prions.
Like I'm crazy so don't take too much of what is posted here that seriously, but do if your life depends on it.
Utopia experiments manuscript was the plot for 2025. I'm shaking in my socks.
submitted by reracked377 to utopiatv [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:59 anonymouse2470 Scared and confused re bone loss

Hi everyone. Aged 30 here. Brush twice a day. Use waterflosser and regular floss. Pink gums. No visible sign of gum irritation or blood. I was told recently I had bone loss and periodontist wants me booked in for full deep root planing.
Is it possible this bone loss could be due to other factors (Ie. Grinding / stress and anxiety / SSRI meds / having braces?) I’ve had braces twice. I guess my question is do I actually need this deep root plane and scaling is there’s no visible debris? Is it possible it’s not due to gum disease?
(I know I can’t see underneath the gum line but gums honestly look healthy). Is it possible you can still need it even if your gums look healthy?
I don’t know if I’m being taken advantage of in terms of treatment and what’s being recommended to me.
Thank you!
submitted by anonymouse2470 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:35 RaeuberFotzenglotz Krise und Überforderung in der Beziehung (langer Text, sry)

Moin zusammen,
Meine Frau (25) und Ich (31m) stecken momentan in einer Situation die uns die Nerven raubt.
Wir haben uns vor ca 3 Jahren auf der Arbeit kennengelernt und uns relativ schnell verlobt und Pläne miteinander gemacht. Wichtig ist auch noch zu erwähnen dass meine Frau eine Hüftdysplasie hat welche in der Kindheit leider nicht entdeckt wurde und Zahlreiche OP`s mit diversen Dramen zur folge hatte. Unsere Arbeit war körperlich fordernd (Landwirtschaft) und es war klar dass Sie sich weiterbilden muss um flexibler auf dem Arbeitsmarkt unterwegs sein zu können. Da Ich auch noch nen höheren Abschluss anstrebe, haben wir uns dazu entschieden gemeinsam ein Studium anzufangen.
Schon vor dem Studium war eigentlich erkennbar dass sich bei meiner Frau diverse psychische Probleme immer krasser auswirken, hauptsächlich aufgrund dem Stress mit der Hüfte und den daraus entstandenen Selbstwertwertproblemen, dazu noch als Frau in einem recht konservativ und von Männern geprägten Arbeitsumfeld. Die Hoffnung lag ein wenig darin dass zumindest das Umfeld an der Uni eine positivere Auswirkung haben wird, aber schon damals (vor über einem Jahr) war eigentlich schon klar dass eine Therapie auch sinnvol sein könnte.
Nun befinden wir uns im zweiten Semester und die Hoffnung dass die neue Umgebung sich positiv auswirkt ist enttäuscht worden. Meine Frau wünscht sich wieder zurück in die praktische Arbeit, welche gerade gegen Ende hin eigentlich der absolute Horror für sie war, trotzdem aber ihre eigentliche Leidenschaft ist. Sie redet sich ein dass Sie nichts kann und macht sich oft selbst fertig. Im Alltag führt es immer wieder in die gleichen Probleme und wir verbringen sehr viel Zeit damit immer wieder diese Probleme zu beheben und unser Studienleben auf die Reihe zu bekommen, was eigentlich kein Problem sein sollte da wir doch recht viel Zeit haben im vergleich zu vorher.
Ich hab Sie schon am Anfang des Studiums angesprochen dass Sie sich um eine Therapie kümmern sollte, aber es ist erstmal nichts passiert. Um den Jahreswechsel herum hatten wir recht viele Reibereien aufgrund vom geringen Selbstwertgefühl und daraus resultierenden Problemen. Zudem kommt noch dass sich bei mir Probleme ergeben da bei mir ein Verdacht auf ADS besteht und Ich mich zunehmend überfordert fühle mit der ganzen Situation. Es standen dann auch Prüfungen an und Ich hab sie abermals gebeten sich bitte um eine Therapie/einen Psychologen zu kümmern und mir wurden dann vorgeworfen dass Ich zu viel Druck mache und Sie es in Ihrem Tempo Regeln muss. Wir waren dann auch beim Arzt und er hat auch gemeint dass eine psychosomatische Klinik in Frage kommen könnte.
Jetzt sind wieder ein paar Monate vergangen und sie hat seither eine Psychotherapeutin angerufen, bei welcher die Lage zwecks Therapiebeginn recht schwammig ist, und auf mein (mehrmaliges) anraten vielleicht noch andere zu kontaktieren kam es (mehrmals) direkt wieder zum Streit da Ich zu viel Druck machen würde.
Ich versuche immer alles auf eine ruhige Art zu vermitteln da Ich Streitereien und den Stress dabei nicht so gut aushalten kann, so auch am letzten Sonntag als es wieder zu einer Situation kam in der Sie sich am Ende richtig Elend gefühlt hat und sich den Vorwurf gemacht hat dass Sie mit niemandem mithalten kann (Ich habe mir bei einem Spaziergang die Frage gestellt ob Ich mal eine Radtour nach Hause machen soll, ca 170km, generell ist es so dass Ich regelmäßig Sport treibe und dass auch brauch um klar zu kommen)
Ich hab Ihr versucht zu erklären dass Ich nicht die Erwartung an sie hab mit zu halten und dass Ich sie akzeptiere wie Sie ist, dass wir eine Zukunft haben können die für uns beide passt, auch was das berufliche angeht eine gute Aussicht besteht da wir ja gerade studieren und etc.
Schlussendlich kam es zu einer Mitternächtlichen Diskussion in der Sie meinte wir hätten sehr unterschiedliche Vorstellungen vom Leben, Sie wünscht sich eine Zukunft in der Praxis ( Am Mittag hat sie noch gemeint dass sie ja wahrscheinlich irgendwann im Rollstuhl landet) und sie glaubt das kann man schaffen und Ich hätte halt ne andere haltung zum Leben.
An dem Punkt bin Ich ausgeflippt und aus dem Zimmer da Ich das Gefühlt hatte das alles egal ist was ich Sage und mache. Und seither rege Ich mich fast jeden Tag auf und weis mir nicht mehr zu Helfen, einen Kurzurlaub am Wochenende haben wir abgesagt und miteinander reden Gestaltet sich schwierig da Ich das Gefühl habe nicht helfen zu können und meine Frau weis auch nicht was Sie machen soll. Sie wünscht sich dass alles wieder normal Ist aber Ich will nicht mehr so weitermachen wie bisher.
Es ist auch wichtig zu erwähnen dass es bei Diskussionen oft darauf hinausläuft dass Sie sich selbst fertig macht und aggressionen bekommt, oft auch gegen sich selbst Gerichtet. Ich kann das nicht mehr mit ansehen und ich bin der einzige Mensch der das alles mitbekommt weil Sie mit niemandem darüber reden will.
Psychische Probleme werden zunehmend zur Belastung in Alltag und Beziehung, Partnerin mangelt es an Zukunftsperspektiven und verfällt immer wieder in die gleichen, selbstschädigenden Denkmuster während Ich das Gefühl habe nicht mehr helfen zu können als einfach da zu sein, aber ich immer mehr den Eindruck habe das alles nicht mehr stemmen zu können da kein Ende(/Anfang einer besserung) in Sicht ist
Ich wollte das mal loswerden, vielleicht gibt es auch noch den ein oder anderen Rat dazu, wäre natürlich toll.
Liebe Grüße
submitted by RaeuberFotzenglotz to beziehungen [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:34 Meydeey Google : Réponses IA Intégrées dans le Moteur de Recherche

Google a annoncé une mise à jour majeure de son moteur de recherche : l'intégration de réponses générées par l'IA. Cette nouveauté, appelée "AI overviews", sera déployée cette semaine aux États-Unis et s'étendra bientôt à d'autres pays. Cette innovation vise à offrir des résumés succincts des informations trouvées sur le web, directement en haut des résultats de recherche.

Qu'est-ce que les "AI overviews" ?

Les "AI overviews" sont des résumés générés par l'IA qui apparaissent en tête des résultats de recherche. Ces résumés sont créés par la technologie Gemini de Google et incluent des liens vers les sources d'information. Cela permet aux utilisateurs de trouver rapidement des réponses à leurs questions sans avoir à parcourir plusieurs sites web.

Pourquoi ce changement ?

Google fait face à une concurrence croissante de la part d'autres moteurs de recherche alimentés par l'IA, comme Perplexity, et des rumeurs selon lesquelles OpenAI développe son propre outil de recherche. De plus, des fonctionnalités de recherche par chat IA sont déjà disponibles sur des plateformes comme Facebook, Instagram et WhatsApp. Ces alternatives sont souvent préférées pour leur interface plus épurée.

Impact sur les utilisateurs et les créateurs de contenu

Pour les utilisateurs, cette mise à jour signifie une recherche plus rapide et plus efficace. Tu pourras poser des questions complexes et obtenir des réponses détaillées en une seule fois. Par exemple, tu pourras demander à Google de diagnostiquer un appareil électroménager en panne en le filmant avec ton smartphone.
Cependant, les créateurs de contenu et les petits éditeurs sont inquiets. Ils craignent que les utilisateurs ne cliquent plus sur leurs sites web pour obtenir des informations, ce qui pourrait réduire leur trafic. Selon le cabinet d'études Gartner, le trafic des moteurs de recherche sur le web pourrait chuter de 25 % d'ici 2026 en raison de l'utilisation accrue des robots d'IA.

Les avantages des "AI overviews"

  • Recherche plus rapide et efficace
  • Réponses détaillées et précises
  • Liens vers les sources d'information
  • Possibilité de poser des questions complexes

Le projet Astra de Google

En parallèle, Google travaille sur le projet Astra, qui vise à créer des assistants numériques pour aider à accomplir diverses tâches. Ces assistants seront intégrés dans des produits Google comme l'application Gemini ou l'Assistant. L'objectif est de fournir un agent d'intelligence artificielle universel qui soit vraiment utile dans la vie quotidienne.
Par exemple, tu pourrais avoir un assistant expert à tes côtés via ton téléphone ou des dispositifs innovants comme des lunettes intelligentes. Ces assistants seront capables de reconnaître l'environnement via la caméra d'un smartphone et de fournir des conseils pratiques.

La concurrence dans le domaine de l'IA

Google n'est pas seul dans cette course à l'IA. OpenAI a récemment publié une version améliorée de son logiciel, GPT-4o, qui peut générer du contenu et comprendre des commandes vocales, textuelles ou visuelles. Cette technologie est capable de faire des blagues, d'écrire des chansons et d'aider à résoudre des problèmes complexes.
Apple est également en train de conclure un accord avec OpenAI pour utiliser les capacités de ChatGPT sur l'iPhone. Cet accord pourrait être annoncé lors d'un événement en Californie le mois prochain, avec une possible mise à jour de Siri, l'assistant numérique d'Apple.


En résumé, l'intégration de réponses générées par l'IA dans le moteur de recherche IA Google représente une avancée majeure. Elle promet de rendre la recherche en ligne plus rapide et plus efficace, tout en posant des défis pour les créateurs de contenu. Le projet Astra et la concurrence avec des entreprises comme OpenAI montrent que le domaine de l'IA est en pleine effervescence, avec de nombreuses innovations à venir.

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submitted by Meydeey to iaautomatisation [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:27 Meydeey Négociation IA Chine États-Unis : enjeux et perspectives à Genève

```html Les États-Unis et la Chine vont entamer leurs premières négociations sur l'intelligence artificielle (IA) ce mardi à Genève. Washington prévoit de soulever ses préoccupations concernant l'utilisation de cette technologie par Pékin. Ces discussions font suite à l'accord entre les présidents Joe Biden et Xi Jinping lors de leur sommet en Californie en novembre dernier.

Contexte des Négociations

Les États-Unis et la Chine développent rapidement leurs secteurs de l'IA. Washington et ses alliés sont de plus en plus alarmés par les capacités croissantes des autorités communistes de Pékin dans ce domaine. Les responsables américains ont exprimé leurs inquiétudes quant à l'utilisation de l'IA par la Chine, notamment dans les secteurs civil et militaire.

Objectifs des États-Unis

Les États-Unis ne s'attendent pas à des accords concrets ou à des offres de coopération lors de ce dialogue inaugural. Leur principal objectif est d'établir un canal de communication pour échanger sur les points de vue et les perceptions des risques liés à l'IA. Les responsables américains souhaitent réitérer leurs préoccupations concernant l'utilisation de l'IA par Pékin, qui, selon eux, menace la sécurité nationale des États-Unis et de leurs alliés.

Participants et Représentants

À Genève, les États-Unis seront représentés par Tarun Chhabra et Seth Center, responsables respectivement impliqués dans les technologies émergentes à la Maison Blanche et au Département d'État. La porte-parole du Conseil de sécurité nationale, Adrienne Watson, a confirmé leur participation.

Inquiétudes Américaines

Les experts américains s'inquiètent de la capacité croissante des ingénieurs chinois en IA à produire des "deepfakes", des imitations de personnes réelles ou décédées. Ces technologies peuvent potentiellement être utilisées pour l'ingérence électorale et d'autres activités malveillantes.

Réglementations et Sécurité

Les États-Unis, l'Union européenne et la Grande-Bretagne travaillent à l'établissement de réglementations sur l'IA pour protéger la vie privée et la sécurité des individus. La Chine, bien qu'ayant sa propre approche en matière d'IA, a participé à une réunion majeure sur la sécurité de l'IA convoquée par la Grande-Bretagne l'année dernière.

Dialogue et Coopération

Lors des négociations, la Chine et les États-Unis se sont joints à d'autres pays pour convenir de la nécessité de "gérer collectivement les risques potentiels" de l'IA au niveau mondial. Ce dialogue vise à apaiser les tensions entre les deux plus grandes économies du monde, qui ont intensifié leurs discussions sur divers sujets, y compris le changement climatique.

Pressions et Frictions

L'administration Biden continue de mettre la pression sur la Chine, notamment en augmentant les tarifs sur les produits chinois à énergie propre. La technologie reste un sujet de friction clé, avec les États-Unis limitant les exportations de semi-conducteurs avancés vers la Chine et menaçant d'interdire l'application TikTok à moins que ses propriétaires chinois ne la vendent.

Étiquetage du Contenu IA

TikTok a récemment accepté de commencer à étiqueter le contenu généré par l'IA sur plusieurs plateformes, en réponse aux préoccupations concernant la prolifération des deepfakes. Cette mesure vise à accroître la transparence et à réduire les risques associés à l'utilisation de l'IA.


Les négociations sur l'IA entre les États-Unis et la Chine marquent une étape importante dans la gestion des risques liés à cette technologie émergente. Bien que des accords concrets ne soient pas attendus, l'établissement d'un canal de communication est essentiel pour échanger sur les perceptions des risques et travailler ensemble à la sécurité mondiale.
➤ Découvre nos Formations IA, Automatisation et Growth
Tu souhaites maîtriser les technologies de demain ? Rejoins nos formations spécialisées en Intelligence Artificielle, Automatisation Nocode et Growth Hacking. Chaque cours est conçu pour vous fournir des compétences pratiques et immédiatement applicables.
➤ Inscris-toi Maintenant
Ne rate pas l'opportunité de propulser ton business, même si tu es débutant. Les places sont limitées, assure ta place dès aujourd'hui !
👉 Rendez-vous sur pour commencer !
submitted by Meydeey to iaautomatisation [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:26 captainpfefferberg Wie bechunnt mer e Wohnig als Sozialhilfeempfänger?

Hoi Züri
Ich bin us gsundheitliche Gründ inere IV-Abklärig (dured ja bekanntlich lang) und wird übergangsmässig vom Sozialamt unterstützt. Min WG-Hauptmieter het wege Eigebedarf eusi WG ufglöst und ich sueche sit über 8 Mönet e Wohnig, weder mini Sozialarbeiterin no min Therapeut susch irgendöper cha mer helfe. Wohnigssuechi in Züri isch e Schlammschlacht und als Sozialhilfebezieher ischmer eifach schomal bim Usfülle vode Online-Bewerbig diskriminiert, will mer die oft nöd mal abschicke cha, wemmer kei Arbeitgeberreferenz het/keis Ikomme. E Verwaltig telefonisch z erreiche isch unmöglich. Debi han ich kei Betriibige, d Mieti wird vom Sozialamt garantiert und ich bin abgseh vo minere Krankheit guet gsellschaftlich integriert, pflegt und ordentlich. Es isch dermasse frustrierend, dass sich min Gsundheitszuestand wiiter verschlechteret, da ich ebe genau en sichere und ruhige Rückzugsort brüchti, zum klarcho. Usserdem würd ich gern wieder in Arbeitsmarkt integriert werde, ohni Dihei chani das aber grad vergesse. Was gits da für Möglichkeite? Stadtwohnige wirdi entweder nie usglösled oder wenn, bechumi d Wohnig doch nöd, s gliche bi PWG. Jetzt hani mis letschte Geld zämechratzt fürs Immomailing und mini Sozialarbeiterin gfrögt, ob sie mich bi cha amelde (mues über die Soziale Dienst erfolge. Het mer aber bide Soziale Dienst au niemer devo verzellt, hani müese über anderi erfahre, dasses das git). Usserhalb vode Stadt hani au gsuecht, aber da ich mich dete denn wieder müessti neu bim lokale Sozialamt ide neue Gmeind amelde, wasi aber erst cha, wenni e Wohnig han, gaht das Risiko sowieso kein Vermieter i. Het öper vo eu no anderi Tips? Isch öper vilicht ide gliche Situation? Und isch das nöd mega verwerflich, dass mer, obwohl mer sich Hilf gholt het, bide Vermietig diskriminiert wird (ich weiss, es isch für niemer eifach momentan)? Isch ja nöd jede ufem Sozialamt "en Asi" oder Messi, genau so wie Lüüt mit guete Jobs chönd e Wohnig inen Saustall verwandle.
submitted by captainpfefferberg to zurich [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:21 Aussie_Endeavour Nature of Pokemon (55)

A fanfiction of The Nature of Predators by SpacePaladin15
Previous Prologue Next
Memory Transcription Subject: Slanek, Venlil Space Corps
Date [standardized Earth time]: August 21, 2136
Walking into the lab, we were welcomed by a Pokemon that looked oddly familiar to me, a pink creature with predatory eyes and small wings that looked completely vestigial. It wasn’t until I saw the Human inspecting a large screen embedded in the wall that I recognised them. Lilith and Sara, who were among the first Terrans to have visited Venlil Prime. Lilith, whose species was the ‘Clefable’ if I remember correctly, gestured for the three of us to come further into the lab.
“Hello there, thank you for coming so soon after settling in! It seems a lot of Venlil are quite excited to do the Infinity Energy tests.”
I give a slightly nervous ear flick in response.
“I uh, really just wanted to get this over and done with.”
“Right, well in that case you’ll be glad to know that this takes no time at all. It’ll be over before you know it, and you’ll have your exchange partners beside you through the whole process.”
I look up at Marcel and Felix, who both give me further reassuring glances. Marcel seems a little nervous though, awkwardly standing just in front of the door and obviously having no idea what he should be doing. As the Clefable leads me over to a chair and gestures for me to take a seat, she passes over a piece of paper and a pen.
“This is the consent form, please read it out completely and carefully before writing your basic information and signature.”
Lilith then bounds away to converse with Sara, who is still looking at the large screen teeming with strange writing and graphs. As I read through the consent form, I only grow more worried.
‘Permanent Infinity Energy infusion.’
‘Monitored for remainder of Space Corps service.’
‘Possibility of previously unknown side effects.’
I look over to Marcel and Felix, beckoning them over with a wave of my tail. Marcel kneels down beside the chair, bringing the three of us to roughly eye level as Felix rests on his shoulder.
“Sorry, but can you two just… stay close? This seems a bit more intense than I was expecting.”
Felix nods furiously, followed by Marcel giving a small, closed mouth smile.
“Of course, we’ll be right here.”
“After this is over, we can all get some food from the cafeteria. A nice salad or something, alright?”
The Human’s suggestion sounds nice, and my tail sways in agreement. I sign the form after reading through it a second time, and Lilith soon comes over to collect it. As she does so, I see Sara walking over with some wires and wool clips. She places them on a nearby table before turning to finally address me.
“Hello Mr Slanek, sorry for the wait. It’s just, the data we’ve gathered so far from the other Venlil is beyond fascinating. It's an amazing opportunity to investigate how life not native to Earth reacts with Infinity Energy and uh… you probably don’t care, sorry.”
With a lightly red hue showing in her cheeks, she grabs the wires and clips, and gets started on attaching them to various points on my body. From my knees to my paws, snout, ears, stomach, chest, tail… almost everywhere, really. This all only makes my nerves grow even more.
“Now, just as a warning, this will probably hurt a bit. It’s only for a moment though, and it just means that everything is working.”
As Sara attaches the last clip to the wool on my back, she walks back over to large screen on the opposite wall, which I am surprised to find now displays a wireframe model of myself. I notice my paws are beginning to shake slightly, and I turn towards my exchange partners, hoping to find solace. Not so long ago, I would never have even fathomed the idea of looking to predators for comfort, but now…
I reach out a shaking paw towards them. After hesitating for a moment, a look of surprise coming over his face, Marcel reaches out and takes hold of it. Felix scurries down the Human’s arm and places his own small paw on top of mine as Marcel gives it a gentle squeeze.
Turning back to the rest of the lab, Sara is swiping her hand to rotate the wireframe model of my body, while Lilith is retrieving something from a large, formerly locked box nearby. She pulls out a small yellow crystal, and walks back over to me. Sara sidles up beside her partner, and double checks the wire clips one last time as the Clefable holds out the crystal to me.
“This is a revive, which will inject Infinity Energy directly into you. Make sure you hold onto it tight, ok?”
I take a deep breath, giving Marcel’s hand and Felix’s paw a gentle squeeze as I do so.
I reach out with my other paw, and grab onto the revive. For a moment, nothing happens, but then the revive begins to glow. I shut my eyes tight against the blinding light, and tighten my grip on the crystal. A strange sensation, like waves of pressure, emanate from where the revive touches my paw. Through my arm, across my chest, up my neck and down my navel un-
I cry out as pain suddenly engulfs my snout and legs. A loud beeping noise comes from the clips attached to them, which I silently pray means that everything is working as it should. It feels like my legs are trying to rip themselves apart at the knees, and I understand instantly why I’m sat down for this. My snout too lights up, as if on fire without the heat, forcing me to grit my teeth until my jaw starts hurting as well from the preassure alone. I tighten my grip on both the revive and my partners. I feel weight shifting, and Felix’s paw disappears. Not a moment later, something warm and fuzzy jumps up onto the chair beside me, reaching up to rest a paw on my shoulder.
“It’s alright, we’re right here.”
I go to wrap my tail around him, only to find something strange. My tail has gone numb. The mixture of sensations, from numbness to pain, continues for a little while. As the revive breaks down into grey dust, I can finally open my eyes and unclench my teeth. Steadily, the searing pain fades, leaving my tail numb and my snout and legs sore. I breathe deeply again, and I turn my attention to Felix and Marcel. I retrieve my paw from Marcel’s grip and Felix hops back down from the chair. The Human reaches over to lightly pat me on the back.
“There we go, all over now. You did great, Slanek.”
Lilith comes over and begins detaching the clips from my wool, while Sara is already tapping away at the screen, the wireframe model of my body now looking very different than it was before. The majority of it is now coloured a stark white, although notably my snout and legs are a dimmer shade of muted grey. The only splash of actual colour is in my tail, the entire limb a vivid purple, most intense at the tip. After inspecting it for a moment, Sara turns back around to address me.
“Thank you for coming, Mr Slanek. The full results of this test will be sent to your holopad shortly, but I’ll give you the most important information now.”
Sara taps the screen a few times, and labels written in Venscript appear as a key for the colours.
White – Mixed
Violet – Poison
Grey – Unknown
“Your results are consistent with what we’ve seen in all the other Venlil that have been tested so far. Most of your body contain a mixture of all Types of IE, similar to Humans. Different Venlil seem to have the Poison IE concentrate in different areas of the body, I’ve seen it in arms, abdomen, throat, wool and elsewhere. For you it’s in the tail, which so far seems fairly common. The grey zones are the most interesting, as they’re in the same areas for each and every Venlil; the snout and legs. Combine that with how this energy isn’t quite Normal but also not Typeless, not to mention it’s almost complete lack of reactivity to external or internal stimuli… it will certainly be an area of research I'll happily dive into soon.”
As Sara explains the results of the test, Marcel helps me to stand up again. At first, I’m a little unsteady as my legs still feel slightly odd, but leaning on his arm helps. The numb feeling in my tail slowly fades, and I experimentally shake it back and forth a few times. There is… Poison in it? It doesn’t feel any different, at least at the moment. After Lilith and Sara once again thank me for my cooperation, the three of us are ushered out of the lab, left standing together in the hallway as another mini herd files in after us. I turn to look up at my companions, a slight bloom making its way onto my face.
“Hey, uh, sorry for what happened in there. To predators it’s probably a show of weakness to need someone sticking nearby but-”
“Okay, we’re nipping that ‘weakness’ shit in the bud right now.”
Felix’s surprising angry voice catches me off guard, and for a second I’m worried that I said something to make him mad. I realise that, in a way, I had… but not for the reason I thought.
“Needing a friend ain’t weakness, Slanek. Just look at Marc and I!”
Marcel smiles at the Buizel, before turning his gaze back down at me. His predatory gaze seems stern, and yet somehow friendly, despite that being essentially oxymoronic.
“Slanek, if I’ve learned anything from my time in the military, it’s that ‘weak’ and ‘strong’ are meaningless words in isolation. People can only reach their full potential when they have others lifting them up, whether they be a Human or Pokemon. I doubt Venlil are any different.”
Something flashes through my mind, a memory that Marcel's words invoked. Of course. One of the first pieces of Terran media I saw after First Contact; 'The Power of Us'. Felix nods along excitedly, jumping down from the Human's shoulder to be a bit closer to my level.
“Never call yourself weak again, alright? Marcel and I were already growing stronger with just the two of us, but now we have a brand-new friend? The three of us together will be unstoppable!”
Marcel snickers slightly.
“Not really the angle I was going for, but sure. Anyway, that packet of chips wasn't nearly enough. Like I said earlier, let’s go grab something from the cafeteria, alright?”
Seemingly immediately forgetting the previous topic, Felix’s eyes light up and his tails whir into action.
“Oh! I hope they have Wacan berries!”
As Felix rapidly ascends back up onto Marcel’s shoulder, my own tail begins to sway back and forth again. The predators’ kind words lifted my spirits and cast aside the embarrassment I had felt, spurring me to happily step forwards and follow the Human’s lead towards the station’s cafeteria.
As we made our way through the halls, I paid more attention to the various pairs and trios we passed. The Venlil all ranged from bubbling with excitement, a spring in their step as they walked joyfully beside their partners, to barely containing their fear, shaking slightly as they stuck close to the walls and avoided looking at most of the more predatory looking Pokemon. I wasn’t at either extreme, though I was leaning towards the former. I strode beside Marcel with contentment, mentally thanking my past self for signing up for the program. I was nervous to meet them at first, but it took almost no time at all for me to recognise the friends I had already been speaking to over text for whole herds of paws at this point.
When we reached the cafeteria, the place was already alive with many Terrans and Venlil. Some sat just with their exchange partners, while others gathered into larger herds, with the countless conversations happening between them melding together with the clinking of cutlery. Even out here on this station, with by far the strangest creatures in the Universe, the sound of people enjoying each other’s company was oh so familiar.
The three of us collected our meals and decided just to sit by ourselves, eventually finding a spot near a rather short Venlil sitting with a large, purple serpentine Pokemon that was presumably their partner. As Marcel and I set our meals down on the table, Felix quickly grabs a pastry from Marcel’s tray.
“I call dibs on the Wacan muffin!”
Marcel has selected some sort of soup for himself, while I chose a simple bunt leaf salad, although my serving seemed to have some sort of fruit in it that I didn’t recognise. I prodded the yellow chunks around, trying to determine if I had gotten some underripe juicefruit or something, catching Marcel’s attention.
“That’s Shuca berry. Not really my thing, but it’s decently popular.”
“Oh, it’s an Earth fruit?”
“Yep, looks like the kitchen’s experimenting with mixing cuisines. This soup is… surprisingly spicy.”
Looking up at the Human, I find that his face has turned a slight reddish hue, the flush no doubt signifying that he was struggling. A quick peek at the contents of his meal provides an answer, making me whistle slightly in laughter.
“Ah, that would be firefruit. Fitting name, isn’t it?”
“Fuck, you can say that again.”
As I watch my Human partner gulp down his glass of water, I pick up a few bunt leaves along with a small chunk of the Shuca berry and pop them in my mouth. The yellow fruit goes well with the bunt leaves, providing a mild but nice sweetness with the slightest kick of spice. Though, obviously not nearly as much as Marcel’s firefruit. The Human soon excuses himself to refill his water, Felix throwing a teasing quip his way between bites of the muffin.
“Fire Type doesn’t suit you, Marc!”
While trying to stifle my laughter at my friend’s misfortune, a slightly alarmed, raspy voice coming from my right catches my attention.
“Ssssevik, are you alright?”
Turning to my right, I find the large serpent Pokemon sitting nearby looking at her Venlil partner with concern. He is holding a paw over his stomach and groaning slightly.
“Y-yeah Arbok, I’m fi-fi -hurk-”
He gives a horrible sound somewhere between a burp and a retch, grabbing the attention of a few other people around us.
“Wassss it the berriesss?”
“N-no it’s -hurk- I think is the Pois- -hurk-
Thinking quickly, one of the nearby Humans passes the Venlil a plastic bag. He accepts it and tries to thank them, only for his attempt to be interrupted by more retching. Just as he seems to lose control of his meal completely, he cries out.
Gastro Acid!”
Instead of the typically yellowy green, the Venlil expels a thick, deep purple fluid into the bag. After a single powerful heave, the Venlil looks back up, seemingly slightly dizzy. A moment later, a sizzling sound can be heard coming from the bag, the bottom of which soon breaks. The acidic substance spills onto the floor, having corroded through the plastic like it was nothing. For a while, nobody makes a sound, nor barely moves. Venlil, Human and Pokemon alike in our little section of the cafeteria are all staring at the poor little Venlil who in turn has his eyes glued onto the now useless plastic bag. As for the purple acid, it soon fizzles away into nothing, leaving the floor spotless with no evidence that it ever existed.
The sound of approaching footsteps makes me turn around with a slight jump, finding Marcel returning with a new glass of water. His eyes dart first to the silent crowd, then to the small Venlil, then finally to me and Felix.
“Uh, did I miss something?”
Previous Prologue Next


Humans - Typeless
Gojid - Steel/Rock
Venlil - Normal /Poison
Arxur - Dragon/???
Tilfish - Bug/Dark
Zurulian - ???/???
Farsul - ???/???
Kolshian - ???/???
Yotul - ???/???
Mazic - ???/???
Dossur - ???/???
Sivkit - ???/???
Krakotl - Flying/???
Harchen - ???/???
Duertan - Flying/???
Thafki - Wate???
Sulean - ???/???
Iftali - ???/???
Drezjin - Flying/???
Jaur - ???/???
Letian - ???/???
Leshee - ???/???
Yulpa - ???/???
submitted by Aussie_Endeavour to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:17 OrganicAd7842 electromagnetismo mas info

El tiempo sin ti leB
El principio del mentalismo se basa en la precariedad del individuo , no es una ciencia a seguir, aquellos que son ajenos o concientes entienden el concepto y lo adoptan según sus intereses, pero ese no es el punto, no hay verdad absoluta.
Por su parte quisiera que ustedes me conozcan como realmente soy, quiero que atravez de este texto sientan cada parte de mi yo, porque yo! … ¡Soy todo un personaje!, para nadie es indiferente que soy re petulante, arrogante y orgullosa, pero eso tiene mucho que ver con mis experiencias vividas,yo no soy perfecta, y sin embargo todo el mundo me en cara con un “ la perfección no existe;””, en fin, este documento lo quiero dedicar a todos aquellos amigos que siempre me motivaron hacia las letras….
a todos esos amigos que me conocen bien / slashhhh … pregunten bien *Öjos bellos y grandes¨´¨= jajaja anyway!!, asi era yo cariños…bella
Una persona que te podía hacer reir toda la noche, con una sonrisa, más grande que la luna, gitana perdida, precaria georeferenciada, incredula de la vida, titere de la marea, diosa de la literatura colapsada…pulsera en el tobillo, perdida en el azul y la mezclilla.
Siempre un poema, un deleite, y no siempre productivo tiempo.
Ahí estaba yo, despampanante, amante de lo bello, ¿sé puede ser asi de narcisista¿, aseguraban mis amigos.
Esos con los que hablaba de ciencia y me recomendaban escribir, mientras fumabamos en el monte- ¨[y que podrías hacer lola sino solo escribir_

Deberas eras tan buena para nada! exclamaba seguramente paloma, otro personaje que eh de desarrollar despues, producto de mi más maquiavel´s person.
Olivares es un wey que se compro un mustang despues de ser feo, perdon!, me perdí, ¿de que estabamos hablando¿ . - Era mi discurso mas sexy.
Para seguir en la hipocresia (un mal comentario que seguro me traía problemas posteriores, por que $men , quien demonios se da el tiempo de escuchar al otro…
Aveces ya solo tienes que escribir porque es lo mejor que haces, y pues haz perdido ya toda esperanza, pero esto no es un libro de superancion personal.
Asumo deleitarte con mi rica personalidad, ja na mames, era tan iconica, que hablar de otros me da pereza!
Era terrible, no te lo parece extraño depues de explicarte que que no hay mejor manera de monetizar ahora que eh perdido la conciencia, y la paciencia, y sobre todo la cordura, pero jamás , eso si jamás la poesía.
Colocar el concepto maruchan al finalizar la frase anterior, te habla de mi minimalismo perdido, entre mi mejor pasado, un simple mago con las letras, un torbellino de congruencia, lo contemporaneo incomodo pero mal progresista.
Al final cada libro , cancion o obra barata que contribuya al comportamiento capitalista será un acierto hasta para chiva cola.
En medida de que te muevas vas a generar energía geomacnetica que te permitira ser conductor de energía, y verás como la luz se prende en la la lampara callejera para variar... o más lejos del premio nobel, pero fiel a mi ser... hacer sonar campanas, (asustame panteon). Sigan viendo, #Netflix. te hago un guión.
Ahí donde las campanas y las lamparas encendian u sonaban, era un buen lugar para estar...
Era como una señal del destino, pero---hoy por hoy --- se lo atribullo a la electromagnetosis del sistema solar.
¿Como podría mi movimiento generar un puente de luz para una fuerza, luz o sonido¿...
Firma con amor , pero mucho amor la lola :)
submitted by OrganicAd7842 to u/OrganicAd7842 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:16 Yooustinkah Will my home address be associated with my sole trading business?

I want to sell cakes at farmers markets as a hobby, and I need to register this with my council. I’m already registered for self assessment through another unrelated venture.
I’ll be using a friend’s shop as my premises for making the cakes as it’s already registered, inspected, up to spec, etc.
When I go to register as a food seller, it asks for the premises (my friend’s shop) and “operator address” which, for sole traders, would be my home address.
I don’t plan on sharing my address on any stationery, website etc. and I understand that the operator address is so I can receive correspondence. But:
I rent so if there’s any association, I would need to get permission from my landlord. Even if I ask anyway to err on the side of caution, I need to know the association, if any, so that I can explain it to him when getting permission.
I’ve checked HMRC, my council’s website, numerous websites that offer virtual addresses, and I can’t find a clear cut answer. I’ve tried calling my council but was on hold for an hour and a half before giving up.
I also appreciate I can buy a virtual office address but if I knew the answer to the above, it might not even be necessary.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Yooustinkah to smallbusinessuk [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:13 Naschkater9 Abgeschleppt, 5 Meter entfernt von Ausfahrt geparkt

Abgeschleppt, 5 Meter entfernt von Ausfahrt geparkt
Hey, mir wurde in legaladvicegerman empfohlen den Fall hier nochmal zu posten. Orginal Thread:
Wir wurden privat abgeschleppt weil wir angeblich vor einer Ausfahrt einer Roten Kreuz Einrichtung geparkt haben.
Der silberne Astra links ist von uns. Wir standen etwa 5 Meter von der Ausfahrt entfernt, hinter den auf beiden Seiten angebrachten privaten "einfahrt frei halten" Schildern, vor dem benachbarten Haus. Ich habe an dem Abend Fotos gemacht um einen Kollegen zu fragen ob der Parkplatz okay ist. Er meinte auch ja.
Nun war scheinbar, weil das vor 40-50 Jahren die Hintereinfahrt einer Tankstelle war, die Ausfahrt sehr viel größer als heute und eine riesige Fläche soll wohl dort als abgesenkter Bordstein gelten. Der Unterschied zum "normalen" Bordstein der Straße und dessen Anfang und Ende ist kaum zu erkennen.
Das Auto hat die Einrichtung privat Abschleppen lassen, der Abschleppdienst will jetzt 400 Euro (insgesamt jetzt 600). Wir haben nun von mehreren Seiten gehört, dass wenn es die Ausfahrt in keiner weiße behindert und das Falschparken quasi nur den abgesenkten Bordstein betrifft, das eigentlich über die StVO geregelt ist und sie das Auto nicht einfach hätten privat abschleppen lassen dürfen.
Wer es sich auf Maps ansehen will
Super dankbar für jeden Tipp!
submitted by Naschkater9 to StVO [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:48 FineGoat Hausnetzwerk für über 15 Menschen erneuern

Moin moin, derzeit muss ich für unser Haus (genau genommen zwei miteinander verbundene Häuser mit verschiedenen Adressen) ca. 16 Menschen die Internet und Netzanbindung neu planen. Mit so vielen Menschen mit unterschiedlichen ist es aber gar nicht so leicht, allem so richtig gerecht zu werden, daher würde ich euch um den ein oder anderen Ratschlag bzw. Meinung bitten. Zunächst die Ausgangslage:
Nun, was ich mir nun vorgestellt habe:
Offene Fragen:
Vielen lieben Dank schon für eure Zeit, ich habe versucht alles so präzise und sparsam wie möglich zu beschreiben! :)
submitted by FineGoat to de_EDV [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:35 MitziMerle Create a family:)

Surname one: Unique and Italian
Surname two: unusual two word surname (e.g. Greenwood, Rockwell)
Grandmother one ~ FN: popular in 1920’s MN: month/day/season
Grandfather one ~ FN: Italian MN: ends in R
Grandmother two ~ FN: 4 letters MN: Scandinavian
Grandfather two ~ FN: very typical English name MN: Latin
Aunt ~ FN: rare, unheard of name MN: in the top 30 names in 1968
Uncle ~ FN: a name that used to be a boys name but is now usually a girls name MN: begins with P
Boy cousin ~ FN: has a nickname with 2 letters MN: harsh sounding
Girl cousin ~ FN: the name of a mountain MN: 3 syllables
Father ~ FN: nickname MN: means gift
Mother ~ FN: unique flower MN: name from your favourite tv show
Daughter ~ FN: 5 syllables MN: colour name
Son ~ FN: honouring Grandfather one MN: short and sweet
Twin girl one ~ FN: means sky MN: Scandinavian
Twin girl two ~ FN: means sea MN: Scandinavian
Son ~ FN: Rare mythology name MN: name of a brand
Dog ~ FN: feminine form of a male name
Cat ~ FN: ends in -ie
submitted by MitziMerle to namenerds [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:14 ButWhyThough_UwU What are some great Unknown Video Games with Romance -> playable on PC? (Including modded with Romance ). - I Listed many examples also -

Know this posted a few times but often too many obvious ones are named in most of them.
(ie bioware/ea bioware/spiders studio/bg/DOS2/POE 2/Pathfindeelder scrolls-fallouts modded/witchers/cyberpunked/fables/personas-fire emblems-final fantasys/sims if it even counts/visual novels (I don't exactly call these Full video games though enjoy some)/the 1 billion low effort rpgm games (personally I don't count these) /the many "farm" simulators/some latest Assasins creeds (I don't count these but some do apparently)/dragon's dogma/ etc...)
- Also preferably if directed to me straight or at least female x female/ yuri (just not into gays but, I have done a couple female x male like Alistar from DAO\***)*
Just trying to see if I can find any least known full Video Games with romance (or have mods added with such) Or maybe help others find some as I know its unlikely I will.
As I probably know of almost all of them but there have been a couple times where I was surprised to find them so curious if I missed any.
Just to name a few of all different sorts to give an idea and also for those that don't know of them/ know there is actually a massive variety-
submitted by ButWhyThough_UwU to gamingsuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:10 Intelligent_Sea4842 Kündigung in der Probezeit ohne neuen Job

Hallo alle,
ich habe vor zwei Monaten meinen Job gewechselt, über einen Quereinstieg. Ehrlicherweise quäle ich mich jeden Tag. Ich bin reine "Wissensarbeiterin" und habe kein Tagesgeschäft (außer dusslige Meetings), was mir sehr fehlt. Aktuell müsste ich 40 Stunden pro Woche mit Recherche verbringen. Das macht mich richtig fertig und und ich merke, dass mich das Thema nicht annähernd so sehr interessiert. Ich habe mich schon nach anderen möglichen Projekten erkundigt, aber irgendwie bin ich nirgends so richtig einsetzbar (keine Kapazitäten frei, ich habe zu wenig Erfahrung, bringe das Wissen nicht mit etc.).
Ich könnte mich selbst ohrfeigen, denn ich hatte schon vor meinem Start dort so meine Zweifel, ob es wirklich das richtige ist. Meinen letzten Job hatte ich gekündigt, weil ich dort nach 5 Jahren nichts Neues mehr gelernt habe, mich gelangweilt habe und früh kaum noch aus dem Bett gekommen bin. Meine Bitten um neue Arbeitsaufgaben blieben ungehört.
Das, was man in so einer Situation so macht- nebenbei im Homeoffice Haushalt erledigen, weiterbilden, lesen, habe ich alles schon hinter mir (alter Job) und das kann es echt auf Dauer nicht sein. Zumal ich ja trotzdem irgendwie beschäftigt wirken muss. Es macht mich kaputt und es widerstrebt mir komplett.
Ich kann die Depression quasi schon aufsteigen sehen. Es zieht mich extrem runter.
Nachdem ich mich hier mal ein bisschen umgesehen habe, habe ich den Eindruck, es geht einigen so.
Gerade bewerbe ich mich schon auf andere Jobs, aber es dauert einfach alles so lange, bis die Unternehmen mal von sich hören lassen.
Hat jemand hier zufällig in der Probezeit mal ohne neuen Job gekündigt? Wie ging es für euch weiter?
Vielen Dank.
P.S. Wegwerf-Account
submitted by Intelligent_Sea4842 to arbeitsleben [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:33 HopeWolfie18 Trips Away

Why do they frame it that someone has decided to take the cast away - ie Freddie suggesting that he’s inviting who can come to Mauritius and the boys looking delighted that someone is paying for them. It’s made to look like that is Freddie - but doubt that! Thoughts/opinions?
submitted by HopeWolfie18 to MadeInChelseaE4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:26 kq65 ¡Cargas eléctricas de CA con capacidad regenerativa! Instrumentos de Medida, S.L.

Presentamos la serie Chroma 63800R: ¡Cargas eléctricas de CA con capacidad regenerativa!
La serie Chroma 63800R ofrece cargas eléctricas de CA con capacidad regenerativa, con tres modelos con potencias nominales de 9 kVA, 12 kVA y 15 kVA. Esta serie cuenta con un diseño de alta densidad de potencia, que proporciona una capacidad de carga máxima de 15 kVA en un chasis compacto de 3U. Para cumplir con los requisitos de prueba de potencia más altos, se pueden paralelizar varias unidades para aumentar la capacidad de carga utilizando el control maestro-esclavo.
La serie Chroma 63800R presenta una solución altamente eficiente y de ahorro de energía con su característica regenerativa, lo que la hace ideal para una amplia gama de aplicaciones de energía renovable, incluidos ESS, inversores fotovoltaicos híbridos, EVSE AC y cargadores bidireccionales a bordo (BOBC) para aplicaciones V2L y V2H.
A diferencia de las cargas de CA tradicionales para las pruebas de UPS, la serie 63800R elimina la generación de calor desperdiciada, lo que reduce significativamente los costos de electricidad debido a su capacidad regenerativa. Además, cumple con los requisitos de la norma IEC 62040-3 para pruebas de UPS.
La serie Chroma 63800R utiliza tecnología avanzada de control totalmente digital e introduce una función de espera para manejar fluctuaciones rápidas en la fuente de voltaje del dispositivo bajo prueba (DUT). Esta función mantiene la carga en un estado activo cuando el DUT está en espera o apagado, e inicia instantáneamente la extracción de energía cuando se activa la fuente de voltaje. Esta función es ideal para implementar pruebas totalmente automatizadas en fábricas inteligentes.
Además de las funciones básicas como CC, CP y CR, la serie Chroma 63800R ofrece modos de funcionamiento avanzados, como el modo de fase rectificado y el modo de fase de avance/retraso. También puede simular las características de los componentes SCR y TRIAC con su exclusiva función de carga de medio ciclo.
La serie 63800R cuenta con una pantalla LCD de 5" con una interfaz de usuario intuitiva para un funcionamiento sin problemas. Las opciones de conectividad incluyen USB, LAN e interfaces GPIB o CAN opcionales para un control remoto y digital rápido a través de la PC utilizando el software SoftPanel de Chroma. Además, Chroma proporciona controladores de instrumentos para el control integrado del sistema con LabVIEW.
Para obtener más información,

Fuentecc #cargaCC #cargaCA #bidireccional #solarray #potenciaBaterías #baterías #tecnología #potenciaelectrónica #energíaelectrónica #vehículoseléctricos #energíarenovable #pruebaseléctricas #bobinados #fuentesAlimentaciónCC #FuenteProgramableCC

submitted by kq65 to InstrumentosMedida [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:12 tacmorales Busco datos de psicologo para mis viejos

Hola! Busco psicologo BUENO para mi papá (69 años) y mamá (64 años) Talvez por separado o juntos. El tema a tratar es problenas familiares (no conmigo ni entre ellos) Son chapados a la antigua. Por años fueron a un psiquiatra, pero se nota que a la larga más que nada necesitan (y quieren) conversar y desarrollar sus temas personales -intrapersonales e interpersonal-, en vez de tomar pastillas. (Asistieron a un psicologo y no les gusto, era joven... solo asistió mi mamá a 4 consultas y mi papa solo 1)
No se que rama de psicología es la mas ad hoc. Solo puedo decir que tiene relación con una hija y su relación con ellos mism@s. Entonces que el psicologo tenga experiencia y/o especialización con temas de familia.
El precio no es impedimento... ya que estan por volver con el psiquiatra que cobra caleta...
Que por cierto periodos asistieron a su consulta y no les recetó pastillas. Conversan. Pero a pesar de eso no vi buenos resultados (tampoco malos pero no vi resultados, periodo de 3 a 4 años). No he asistido a las consultas que han tomado con él, pero estoy dispuesto a eso en esta ocasión y ellos también. -si es necesario-
TL;DR Pido datos de psicolog@ con años de experiencia, enfocado en problemas familiares para atender a una pareja (H 69 - M 64) por problemas de relación con su hija.
submitted by tacmorales to chile [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:04 Jostolusmeme Vertretungsstelle

ich bin seit kurzem im Master und habe häufiger gehört, dass man mit dem BA schon als Vertretungslehrkraft arbeiten kann. Dazu habe ich mehrere Fragen und freue mich, wenn jemand sich die Mühe macht, diese zu beantworten :) Einmal interessiert mich, wie es mit der Bewerbungsphase bei euch war. Es gibt ja das Portal EiS. Muss die Bewerbung darüber laufen, oder kann man eine Schule auch direkt kontaktieren? Dann würden mich eure Erfahrungen interessieren, wie viele Stunden man zu Beginn nehmen sollte. An einer Schule in meiner Nähe werden zusammengerechnet in meinen Fächern 14 Stunden vergeben. Das klingt für mich (ohne größere Erfahrung zu haben) aber nach zu viel. Als letztes würde mich noch das finanzielle interessieren. Wie viel verdient man und worauf muss man achten zwecks Krankenversicherung?
Ich freue mich, wenn ein paar der Fragen beantwortet werden.
submitted by Jostolusmeme to lehrerzimmer [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:00 bzzzp Tópico de discussão diária para May 15, 2024

Feliz cinco de Mav-o
Aqui está mais um dia de fazer todas as jogadas erradas e perder dinheiro
Saúde meninos
Discuta e poste livremente
Importante: aqui hay pan y pito para comer y el pan se termino hace una semana
Presentado por la comida mexicana, la mejor de todas las cocinas. La comida italiana es cáncer de culga de perro.
Powered by: Winker's room
Economic Calendar Other Calendar Sector Heat Map Earnings Fed Calendar Unusual Options Activity Futures DIX SPY P/C Ratio SPY Max Pain Insider Trades Avg Options Volume Earnings Porn SleepySol's YouTube Winkercast
submitted by bzzzp to Winkerpack [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:59 Fragrant_Yesterday93 STEM Coding: Learn to Write the RegEx Code in an OCR Coding Programme Easy to learn OCR How to write OCR code

Learn to Write the RegEx Code in an OCR Coding Programme Easy to learn OCR How to write OCR code STEM Coding
#OpticalCharacterRecognition #OCR #ComputerVision #EssentialSkills #STEM #STEAM #MELS #Technology #AI #LearnOCR #OcrBeginner #WhatIsOCR #MelsStem #FunNLearn #ChildrenLearningOCR #EasyToLearnOCR #ExperienceOCR #HowToUseOCR #OpticalCharacterRecognitionProject #DeepLearning
submitted by Fragrant_Yesterday93 to StemCoding [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:45 Skorpid1 Auf L&S Exchange gibt es 12 Stück von einer Aktie. Ich nutze TR und habe 10 dieser Aktien. Sind das (fast) alle meine?

Guten Morgen in die Runde.
Auf L&S Exchange gibt es laut Wallstreet Online Ticker 12 Aktien einer Firma. Ich nutze Trade Republic, die ja dort handeln lassen und habe 10 dieser Aktien dieser Firma. Sind das nun dort (fast) alle meine? (In NYSE sind es knapp 1,2 Millionen davon). Wie kann das meinen Kurs beeinflussen?
Edit: Es ging um die Aktie von Carvana. Heute morgen (siehe Bild weiter unten, kann hier keines mehr hinzufügen) stand bei Wallstreet Online für L&S „12 Stk.“. Jetzt steht 120 Stück da.
submitted by Skorpid1 to ameisenstrassenwetten [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:20 Furystorm [WTS] Furystorm's boutique™ (⌐ ͡■ ͜ʖ ͡■) Galaxy's Finest (⌐ ͡■ ͜ʖ ͡■) ✪ Game packages (SQ42 & LTI & starter) ✪ Banu Cube/Tholo ✪ LTI Pioneer, Orion, Carrack, Merchantman, Hull A/B/C/D/E, Vindicator, others ★ Rare CCUs (upgrades) ★ Combo packs ★ Vanguard BUKs ★ Modules/Flairs/Weapons/Armor ★

Click here to see links for previous stores with a lot of positive feedback from happy customers ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓
New players - use this code (STAR-MRG5-2TBJ) on registration to get additional 5000 UEC for free!
(Just click this link)
Currencies accepted: PayPal: [$] [€], Skrill (+10%): [€], Crypto(+5%): BTC, BCH, ETH, can take others

To make an order 📨 PM me via Reddit or via Discord (Furystorm#4218)

!!! Please use standard messages, not chat (notifications aren't working properly sometimes) !!!
20 $ per each
Info about rewards can be found here -
╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆
Item Price, $
Banu Tholo code 80
Banu Lockbox (Banu Cube) code 100
Mole to Merchantman 199
Starfarer Gemini to Merchantman 189
C2 Hercules to Carrack 139
Valkyrie to Carrack 169
Constellation Aquila to Orion 219
Starfarer Gemini to Hull D Upgrade 109
Constellation Andromeda to Hull C Upgrade 139
Anvil Terrapin to Hull C Upgrade 179
F7C-R Hornet Tracker to Constellation Taurus 39
Corsair to 400i Warbond Edition 12
Hull E to Polaris 50
Ship Upgrades - Drake Kraken Conversion Kit 799
Item Price, $
CitizenCon 2951 Digital Goodies 9
Gemini LH86 Pistol - Voyager edition 6
Kruger P-72 Emerald 105
Package Insurance SC+SQ42 Price, $ Comments
PACKAGE - 2943 WEEKEND WARRIOR - LTI LTI SC + SQ42 299 F7C-M Super Hornet LTI pack
Package - Syulen Starter Pack LTI SC 115 Syulen LTI pack
Package - Aurora LN 3MI SC + SQ42 59 Aurora LN (best aurora) Starter package
Mustang Alpha Starter 3MI SC 55 -
Anniversary 2017 Mustang Discount Starter 5YI No 54 -
Nox 2 pack LTI No 121 Nox + Nox Kue
Aopoa Nox 5 Pack LTI No 242 4 Nox + 1 Nox Kue
Race Team Pack LTI No 168 X1 + NOX + Dragonfly Black
Origin X1 THREE-PACK LTI No 174 X1 Baseline + Velocity + Force
Entrepreneur pack LTI Yes 683 Prospector + Vulture + Vulcan + Hull B + Ursa Rover
The Tortoise and the Hurricane LTI No 415 Anvil Hurricane + Anvil Terrapin
Starfarer + Nox 2 pack LTI No 431 Starfarer + Nox + Nox Kue
Origin 600i Series Combo Pack LTI No 977 600i Luxury + Exploration + Origin X1
Scoundrel Pack LTI Yes 788 7 Items, see picture
Aegis Wrecking Crew Pack LTI No 1155 Reclaimer + Vulcan + Eclipse + Avenger Warlock/Titan
Exotic Mega Pack LTI No 1260 Banu MM + Genesis Starliner + Khartu-al + other small ships
UEE Exploration 2948 Pack LTI Yes 850 Carrack, Terrapin, Freelancer DUR, Cyclone RN
Game package can be upgrade as well on your demand, price negotiated
CCU-d ships are upgraded from another ship. Also I have ships from original sale - they may come with different bonuses but are more expensive.
You can click on the price of original sale item to see it's contents.
Ship manufacturer Ship model Insurance Price (CCU-d), $ Price (Original sale), $
Aopoa (Xi'an) Khartu-Al LTI 179 -
- Nox LTI - 77
- Nox Kue LTI - 77
- San'Tok.Yai LTI 231 -
Aegis Dynamics Avenger Titan LTI 74 100
- Avenger Titan Renegade LTI 95 111
- Avenger Stalker LTI 84 -
- Avenger Warlock LTI 100 -
- Eclipse LTI 305 333
- Gladius LTI 116 -
- Gladius Valiant LTI 132 147
- Hammerhead LTI 672 777
- Hammerhead Best in Show Edition LTI 746 -
- Nautilus LTI 672 -
- Reclaimer LTI 336 550
- Reclaimer Best in Show Edition LTI 429 -
- Redeemer LTI 333 -
- Retaliator Bomber LTI 284 -
- Sabre LTI 184 221
- Sabre Comet LTI 195 -
- Vanguard Warden LTI 263 357
- Vanguard Harbinger LTI 289 -
- Vanguard Sentinel LTI 268 -
- Vanguard Hoplite LTI 231 268
- Vulcan LTI 216 242
ARGO Astronautics MPUV Cargo LTI 74 84
- MPUV Personnel LTI - 89
Raft LTI 142 -
- SRV LTI 165 -
- Mole LTI 321 -
- Combo Pack LTI - 111
Anvil Aerospace Arrow LTI 95 137
- C8X Pisces Expedition LTI 69 79
- C8R Pisces LTI 84 -
- Carrack LTI 420 -
- Carrack W/C8X LTI 440 -
- Carrack Expedition LTI 447 -
- Carrack Expedition W/C8X LTI 468 -
- Crucible LTI 369 431
- F7C Hornet LTI 121 -
- F7C Hornet Wildfire LTI 189 210
- F7C-S Hornet Ghost LTI 140 -
- F7C-R Hornet Tracker LTI 155 -
- F7C-M Super Hornet LTI 199 252
- F7C-M Hornet Heartseeker LTI 200 -
- Gladiator LTI 177 221
- Hawk LTI 116 132
- Hurricane LTI 210 231
- Terrapin LTI 231 263
- Valkyrie LTI 357 -
- Legionnaire LTI 132 -
Banu Merchantman LTI 399 -
- Defender LTI 226 237
Consolidated outland Mustang Beta LTI 95 -
- Mustang Gamma LTI 74 -
- Mustang Delta LTI 84 -
- Pioneer LTI - 1499
Crusader Industries Ares Inferno LTI 252 -
- Ares Ion LTI 252 -
- Genesis Starliner LTI 357 578
- C2 Hercules LTI 368 -
- M2 Hercules LTI 483 -
- A2 Hercules LTI 735 -
C1 Spirit LTI 137 -
E1 Spirit LTI 163 -
A1 Spirit LTI 210 -
- Mercury Star Runner LTI 273 -
Drake Interplanetary Dragonfly Yellowjacket LTI - 84
- Dragonfly Black LTI - 84
- Dragonfly Ride Together Two-Pack LTI - 126
- Buccaneer LTI 126 142
- Caterpillar LTI 336 -
- Caterpillar Best in Show Edition LTI 347 -
- Corsair LTI 263 -
- Cutlass Black LTI 126 -
- Cutlass Black Best in Show Edition (2949) LTI 137 -
- Cutlass Steel LTI 221 -
- Cutlass Red LTI 142 -
- Cutlass Blue LTI 168 -
- Herald LTI 111 -
- Vulture LTI 158 -
Esperia Vanduul Blade LTI 284 326
- Vanduul Glaive LTI 373 -
- Prowler LTI 399 510
- Talon LTI 132 -
- Talon Shrike LTI 132 -
Gatac Railen LTI 242 -
Greycat Industrial ROC LTI 77 -
Kruger Intergalactic P-72 Archimedes LTI - 90
- P-72 Archimedes Emerald LTI - 105
Mirai Fury LTI 69 -
- Fury MX LTI 69 -
- Fury LX LTI 69 -
MISC Endeavor BASE LTI 378 -
- Endeavor DISCOVERY-CLASS LTI - 683
- Endeavor Master Set 2018 LTI - 1399
Expanse LTI 168 -
- Freelancer LTI 121 -
- Freelancer DUR LTI 147 -
- Freelancer MAX LTI 163 -
- Freelancer MIS LTI 184 -
- HULL A LTI 99 -
- HULL B LTI 147 -
- HULL C LTI 357 -
- HULL D LTI 462 -
- Odyssey LTI 578 -
- Razor LTI 163 179
- Razor LX LTI 168 -
- Razor EX LTI 174 -
- Prospector LTI 163 179
- Reliant Kore (Mini Hauler) LTI 84 105
- Reliant Tana (Skirmisher) LTI 95 -
- Reliant Mako (News Van) LTI 121 -
- Reliant Sen (Researcher) LTI 105 -
- Starfarer LTI 315 399
- Starfarer Gemini LTI 347 452
Origin Jumpworks X1 Baseline LTI - 69
- X1 Velocity LTI - 74
- X1 Force LTI - 79
- M50 LTI 121 -
- 85X LTI - 79
- 100I LTI 74 95
- 125A LTI 79 -
- 135C LTI 84 -
- 300I LTI 77 -
- 315P LTI 77 -
- 325A LTI 93 -
- 350R LTI 137 -
- 400i LTI 265 -
- 600i Touring LTI 399 525
- 600i Exploration LTI 420 580
RSI Aurora CL LTI 74 -
- Apollo Triage LTI 268 -
- Apollo Medivac LTI 294 -
- Galaxy LTI 378 -
- Mantis LTI 168 -
- Perseus LTI 557 -
- Polaris LTI 735 999
- Constellation Taurus LTI 179 -
- Constellation Andromeda LTI 252 315
- Constellation Aquila LTI 321 -
Zeus MK II MR LTI 205 -
Zeus MK II ES LTI 163 -
Zeus MK II CL LTI 163 -
- Scorpius LTI 263 -
- Scorpius Antares LTI 252 -
- Orion LTI 489 -
Ship/Package Insurance Price, $ Comments
Consolidated Outland Mustang Alpha Vindicator 6MI 66 Limited Vindicator version
Kruger P-72 Archimedes 10YI 55 -
Kruger P-72 Archimedes 6YI 45 -
Kruger P-52 Merlin 6YI 37 -
RSI Aurora ES 10YI 37 -
Argo MPUV 1C Cargo 10YI 53 -
MISC Endeavor OLYMPIC-CLASS 4YI 578 Endeavor with modules
RSI Constellation Phoenix 10YI 399 -
RSI Constellation Phoenix 6YI 389 -
Origin 890 Jump 6MI 1099 -
Origin 890 Jump 6YI 1249 -
Origin 890 Jump 10YI 1349 -
Vehicle Insurance Price (CCU-d), $ Price (Concept), $ Comments
Anvil Ballista LTI 153 -
Hoverquad LTI 74 -
Greycat PTV 6YI 27 -
Greycat PTV 10YI 37 -
Origin G12 LTI 84 -
Origin G12R LTI 84 -
Origin G12A LTI 90 -
Tumbril Cyclone LTI 74 Base version
Tumbril Cyclone-TR LTI 79 With ground turret
Tumbril Cyclone-RC LTI 79 Speedster
Tumbril Cyclone-AA LTI 95 Anti-air + countermeasures
Tumbril Cyclone-RN LTI 79 Scout & Scan
Tumbril Ranger RC LTI 105 Racer
Tumbril Ranger CV LTI 111 Offroad
Tumbril Ranger TR LTI 116 With Gun
Tumbril Nova LTI 126 132 Tank
URSA Rover 5YI 63 -
URSA Rover 10YI 70
Lynx LTI 79
URSA Rover Fortuna LTI 79 Limited green skin edition
Below are listed combo packs with different combination of vehicles, or with space ships
Combo packs Insurance Price (Concept), $ Comments
Offroad Vehicle Pack LTI 137 Cyclone TR + URSA + Greycat PTV
Tumbril Cyclone Pack LTI 305 All Cyclones
All-Terrain Vehicle Mega Pack LTI 473 All Cyclones + Ursa + Lynx + Greycat
Air and Space Pack LTI LTI 315 Terrapin + Cyclone AA
Ground Vehicle Pack VIP LTI 378 Gragonfly + Nox + X1 + Ursa + Cyclone + Nova + bonus
Deluxe Ground Vehicle Pack VIP LTI 840 A lot of items, check screenshot
Module Insurance Price, $
MISC Endeavor Modules (Pods) - -
RSI Galaxy Modules
Galaxy - Med Bay Module 10YI 116
Galaxy - Refinery Module 10YI 126
Galaxy - Cargo Module 10YI 95
Aegis Vanguard battlefield upgrade kits
Harbinger battlefield upgrade kit LTI 140
Sentinel battlefield upgrade kit 6MI 69
Other stuff
Add-ons - Aegis Idris P after market kit - 294
Module Insurance Price, $
Overlord "Dust Storm" Armor Set - 11
Overlord "Riptide" Armor Set - 11
Overlord Helmets "Silent Strike" Pack - 8
Overlord Helmets "Forces of Nature" Pack - 8
Parasite Replica Helmet (Original) - 11
Parasite Replica Helmet (Dark Birth) - 11
Stegman's Cordimon "Voyager" Complete Outfit - 11
Stegman's IndVest “Pathfinder” Complete Outfit - 11
RSI MacFlex Rust Society full armor set (5 items) - 21
RSI Venture Rust Society full armor set (5 items) - 32
Mr. Refinement’s Cabinet of Rare & Exquisite Spirits - 11
Life in the 'Verse Shirts Pack #1 - 5
Life in the 'Verse Shirts Pack #2 - 5
"Caudillo" Helmets Pack #1 by CC's Conversions - 10
"Caudillo" Helmets Pack #2 by CC's Conversions - 10
"Caudillo" Helmets Pack #3 by CC's Conversions - 10
QuikFlarePro Pack - 5
QuikFlarePro Pack Deluxe - 6
Polar Vortex Collection - 7
Cold Front Collection - 7
UltiFlex FSK-8 "Mirage" Combat Knife - 5
UltiFlex FSK-8 "Ghost" Combat Knife - 5
Urban Collection by Element Authority - 11
Adventurer Collection by Element Authority - 11
Manaslu Rust Society Jacket - 8
RSI Horizon Rust Society Helmet - 8
RSI Beacon Rust Society Undersuit - 6
Paladin helmet - 10
IAE-insurance upgrades (adds IAE insurance (10 years) to your ship)
Upgrade Price, $
Prospector to F7C-M Super Hornet 50
Vanguard Warden to Caterpillar 60
Sorted by: Manufacturer -> ship
Target ship manufacturer Target ship Upgrade from Price, $
Aegis Dynamics Avenger Titan Renegade 325A 18
- Avenger Warlock 325A 29
- Avenger Warlock Arrow 26
- Eclipse Constellation Andromeda 78
- Eclipse Vanguard Sentinel 37
- Eclipse Vanguard Warden 53
- Eclipse Blade 37
- Gladius Valiant Gladius 32
- Gladius Valiant M50 23
- Hammerhead Constellation Aquila 483
- Hammerhead 600i Touring 357
- Hammerhead 600i Explorer 315
- Hammerhead Merchantman 131
- Hammerhead Hull D 341
- Hammerhead Crucible 446
- Hammerhead Carrack 278
- Hammerhead Reclaimer 383
- Hammerhead Prowler 351
- Hammerhead Orion 210
- Hammerhead Glaive 446
- Hammerhead A2 Hercules 52
- Nautilus Constellation Aquila 467
- Nautilus Endeavor 425
- Nautilus Crucible 425
- Nautilus Genesis Starliner 372
- Nautilus M2 Hercules 246
- Nautilus Merchantman 110
- Nautilus 600i Explorer 294
- Nautilus 600i Touring 336
- Nautilus Orion 189
- Nautilus Prowler 330
- Nautilus Carrack 278
- Nautilus Reclaimer 372
- Nautilus Hull D 320
- Nautilus C2 Hercules 372
- Nautilus Valkyrie 399
- Reclaimer Constellation Aquila 115
- Reclaimer Starfarer Gemini 84
- Reclaimer Endeavor 73
- Reclaimer Crucible 73
- Redeemer Constellation Andromeda 78
- Redeemer Vanguard Hoplite 84
- Redeemer Mole 26
- Retaliator Bomber Constellation Andromeda 57
- Retaliator Base F7C-R Hornet Tracker 25
- Sabre Prospector 31
- Sabre Gladiator 16
- Sabre Comet Sabre 31
- Sabre Comet Freelancer MIS 26
- Sabre Comet Khartu-Al 31
- Sabre Comet F7C Hornet Wildfire 23
- Sabre Comet Gladiator 35
- Sabre Comet F7C-M Super Hornet 20
- Vanguard Harbinger Constellation Andromeda 68
- Vanguard Harbinger Retaliator Bomber 31
- Vanguard Harbinger Vanguard Sentinel 26
- Vanguard Harbinger Vanguard Hoplite 73
- Vanguard Harbinger Vanguard Warden 42
- Vanguard Hoplite Constellation Taurus 59
- Vanguard Hoplite San'Tok.Yai 28
- Vanguard Hoplite Defender 28
- Vanguard Hoplite Corsair -3
- Vanguard Hoplite F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker 54
- Vanguard Hoplite Hurricane 54
- Vanguard Hoplite Terrapin 28
- Vanguard Sentinel Constellation Andromeda 52
- Vanguard Sentinel Vanguard Warden 31
- Vanguard Warden Constellation Andromeda 31
- Vanguard Warden Vanguard Hoplite 40
- Vulcan Constellation Taurus 25
- Vulcan Prospector 61
Anvil Aerospace Carrack Constellation Aquila 273
- Carrack Mole 320
- Carrack M2 Hercules 99
- Carrack 600i Explorer 147
- Carrack 600i Touring 189
- Carrack Orion 42
- Carrack Prowler 183
- Carrack Reclaimer 225
- Carrack Genesis Starliner 225
- Carrack Valkyrie 215
- Carrack C2 Hercules 189
- Carrack Hull D 178
- Carrack Merchantman -31
- Carrack Endeavor 283
- Carrack Crucible 283
- Carrack Starfarer Gemini 294
- Carrack W/C8X Carrack 55
- Carrack Expedition Carrack 60
- Carrack Expedition Carrack W/C8X 40
- Carrack Expedition W/C8X Carrack 80
- Carrack Expedition W/C8X Carrack W/C8X 73
- Carrack Expedition W/C8X Carrack Expedition 68
- Crucible Starfarer Gemini 26
- Crucible Constellation Aquila 99
- F7C-M Super Hornet Prospector 37
- F7C-M Super Hornet Khartu-AL 22
- F7C-M Super Hornet F7C Hornet Wildfire 16
- F7C-M Super Hornet Gladiator 27
- F7C-M Super Hornet Freelancer MIS 16
- F7C-M Super Hornet Sabre 22
- F7C-M Super Hornet Razor EX 37
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Constellation Taurus 21
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Freelancer MAX 63
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Prospector 57
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Razor EX 57
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Gladiator 47
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Khartu-AL 42
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Sabre 42
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Sabre Comet 26
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker F7C Hornet Wildfire 36
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Freelancer MIS 36
- F7C Hornet Wildfire Prospector 31
- F7C Hornet Wildfire Khartu-Al 16
- F7C Hornet Wildfire Gladiator 22
- F7C Hornet Wildfire Sabre 16
- Gladiator Prospector 21
- Hawk Gladius 21
- Hurricane Constellation Taurus 22
- Hurricane Prospector 53
- Hurricane Gladiator 43
- Hurricane F7C Hornet Wildfire 32
- Hurricane F7C-M Super Hornet 27
- Hurricane Freelancer MIS 32
- Hurricane Sabre 37
- Hurricane Sabre Comet 22
- Hurricane Khartu-Al 37
- Terrapin Prospector 84
- Terrapin Constellation Taurus 44
- Terrapin Freelancer MAX 86
- Terrapin F7C-M Super Hornet 57
- Terrapin Freelancer MIS 63
- Terrapin Vulcan 36
- Terrapin Gladiator 73
- Terrapin Khartu-Al 65
- Terrapin Sabre 65
- Valkyrie Constellation Aquila 84
- Valkyrie Endeavor 42
- Valkyrie Starfarer Gemini 52
- Valkyrie Crucible 42
- Valkyrie Glaive 42
Aopoa (Xi'an) Khartu-Al Prospector 29
- Khartu-Al Freelancer MAX 31
- Nox Aurora LN 27
- Nox Dragonfly Black 15
- Nox Dragonfly Yellowjacket 15
- Nox MPUV Cargo 27
- Nox Kue Aurora LN 23
- Nox Kue Dragonfly Black 15
- Nox Kue Dragonfly Yellowjacket 15
- Nox Kue Mustang Beta 15
- Nox Kue MPUV Personnel 15
- Nox Kue X1 Baseline 15
- Nox Kue MPUV Cargo 22
- San'Tok.Yai Constellation Taurus 46
- San'Tok.Yai Hurricane 40
- San'Tok.Yai Vulcan 35
ARGO Astronautics MPUV Personnel Aurora LN 15
- MPUV Cargo Mustang Alpha 15
- SRV F7C-R Hornet Tracker 37
- SRV Razor 32
Banu Merchantman Mole 239
- Merchantman Starfarer Gemini 220
- Merchantman Prowler 231
- Merchantman 600i Touring 236
- Merchantman 600i Explorer 194
- Merchantman Genesis Starliner 273
- Defender Constellation Taurus 42
- Defender Retaliator Base 84
- Defender Cutlass Blue 57
- Defender Freelancer MIS 65
- Defender Gladiator 70
- Defender Khartu-Al 65
- Defender Sabre 65
- Defender F7C Hornet Wildfire 59
- Defender F7C-M Super Hornet 55
Consolidated outland Mustang Delta Mustang Gamma 22
- Mustang Delta Avenger Stalker 15
Crusader Industries Genesis Starliner Constellation Aquila 120
- Genesis Starliner Endeavor 73
- Ares Inferno Constellation Andromeda 26
- Ares Ion Constellation Andromeda 26
- A2 Hercules 600i Touring 341
- A2 Hercules 600i Explorer 299
- A2 Hercules Carrack 273
- A2 Hercules Constellation Aquila 472
- A2 Hercules Crucible 430
- A2 Hercules Endeavor 430
- A2 Hercules Hull D 325
- A2 Hercules Merchantman 115
- A2 Hercules Orion 194
- A2 Hercules Prowler 336
- A2 Hercules Reclaimer 378
- A2 Hercules Starfarer Gemini 451
- C2 Hercules Constellation Aquila 115
- C2 Hercules Valkyrie 47
- C2 Hercules Crucible 73
- C2 Hercules Endeavor 73
- C2 Hercules Glaive 73
- C2 Hercules Starfarer Gemini 84
- M2 Hercules Constellation Aquila 241
- M2 Hercules 600i Touring 110
- M2 Hercules 600i Explorer 68
- M2 Hercules C2 Hercules 147
- M2 Hercules Crucible 199
- M2 Hercules Endeavor 199
- M2 Hercules Genesis Starliner 147
- M2 Hercules Hull D 94
- M2 Hercules Prowler 105
- M2 Hercules Reclaimer 147
- M2 Hercules Starfarer Gemini 210
- Mercury Star Runner Prospector 120
- Mercury Star Runner San'tok.yai 52
- Mercury Star Runner Defender 52
- Mercury Star Runner F7C Hornet Wildfire 99
- Mercury Star Runner F7C-M Super Hornet 94
- Mercury Star Runner Freelancer MIS 99
- Mercury Star Runner Hurricane 78
- Mercury Star Runner Khartu-Al 105
- Mercury Star Runner Razor EX 120
- Mercury Star Runner Sabre Comet 89
- Mercury Star Runner Sabre 105
- Mercury Star Runner Terrapin 52
- Mercury Star Runner Vulcan 73
Drake Interplanetary Buccaneer Cutlass Black 21
- Caterpillar Constellation Andromeda 116
- Caterpillar Constellation Aquila 36
- Caterpillar Retaliator Bomber 78
- Caterpillar Redeemer 26
- Corsair Prospector 115
- Corsair Constellation Taurus 78
- Corsair Freelancer MAX 120
- Corsair Freelancer MIS 94
- Corsair Sabre 99
- Corsair Sabre Comet 84
- Corsair Gladiator 105
- Corsair F7C-M Super Hornet 89
- Corsair F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker 73
- Corsair F7C Hornet Wildfire 94
- Corsair Vulcan 68
- Corsair Hurricane 73
- Corsair Razor EX 115
- Corsair Khartu-Al 99
- Cutlass Black BIS Gladius 42
- Cutlass Blue F7C-R Hornet Tracker 47
- Cutlass Blue Razor 36
- Cutlass Blue Prospector 31
- Cutlass Steel Constellation Taurus 57
- Cutlass Steel Railen 21
- Cutlass Steel San'tok.yai 26
- Cutlass Steel Defender 26
- Cutlass Steel Terrapin 26
- Cutlass Steel Corsair -5
- Cutlass Steel Vulcan 47
- Cutlass Steel Hurricane 52
- Cutlass Steel F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker 52
- Dragonfly Black Aurora LN 15
- Dragonfly Black MPUV Cargo 15
- Herald 325A 26
- Herald Avenger Titan Renegade 21
- Vulture Freelancer DUR 45
Esperia Blade Constellation Andromeda 52
- Glaive Constellation Aquila 99
- Glaive Starfarer Gemini 63
- Talon Gladius 36
- Talon Reliant Mako (News Van) 31
- Talon Shrike Gladius 36
- Talon Shrike Reliant Mako (News Van) 31
- Prowler Constellation Aquila 162
- Prowler Reclaimer 68
- Prowler Genesis Starliner 68
- Prowler Endeavor 120
- Prowler Crucible 120
- Prowler 600i Touring 42
MISC Freelancer MIS Prospector 32
- Freelancer MIS Freelancer MAX 37
- Freelancer MIS Gladiator 22
- Freelancer MIS Sabre 16
- Freelancer MIS Razor EX 32
- Endeavor Constellation Aquila 84
- Endeavor Starfarer Gemini 52
- Hull A 300I 36
- Hull A Mustang Gamma 36
- Hull B 325A 94
- Hull C Constellation Andromeda 136
- Hull D Constellation Aquila 178
- Hull D Starfarer Gemini 157
- Razor F7C-R Hornet Tracker 15
- Razor LX F7C-R Hornet Tracker 21
- Razor LX Razor 15
- Razor EX Freelancer MAX 15
- Razor EX SRV 15
- Razor EX Retaliator Base 15
- Razor EX Razor LX 15
- Reliant Tana (Skirmisher) 325a 15
- Reliant Sen (Researcher) Arrow 21
- Reliant Mako (News Van) Gladius 15
- Starfarer Constellation Andromeda 76
- Starfarer Vanguard Warden 55
- Starfarer Vanguard Harbinger 24
- Starfarer Vanguard Sentinel 39
- Starfarer Vanguard Hoplite 81
- Starfarer Blade 39
- Starfarer Retaliator Bomber 39
- Starfarer Apollo Medivac 39
- Starfarer Gemini Constellation Aquila 63
- Starfarer Gemini Mole 47
Origin Jumpworks 350r Freelancer 28
- 350r F7C Hornet 28
- M50 Gladius 22
- 85X Aurora CL 15
- 100i Dragonfly Black 18
- 100i Dragonfly Yellowjacket 18
- 100i MPUV Personnel 22
- 100i Mustang Beta 22
- 100i X1 Baseline 22
- 125a 100i 22
- 125a 85X 19
- 125a Avenger Titan 14
- 125a Ursa Rover 19
- 125a X1 Force 19
- 135C 100i 27
- 135C 125a 15
- 135C 300i 19
- 135C Cyclone 19
- 135C Mustang Gamma 19
- X1 Baseline Mustang Alpha 21
- X1 Baseline Aurora LN 15
- X1 Baseline MPUV Cargo 15
- X1 Velocity Mustang Beta 15
- X1 Velocity MPUV Personnel 15
- X1 Velocity X1 Baseline 15
- X1 Force Aurora CL 15
- X1 Force X1 Velocity 15
- X1 Force Nox 15
- 600i Touring Constellation Aquila 152
- 600i Touring Constellation Phoenix 110
- 600i Touring Reclaimer 57
- 600i Touring Starfarer Gemini 120
- 600i Touring Endeavor 110
- 600i Touring Crucible 110
- 600i Touring Eclipse 162
- 600i Touring Genesis Starliner 57
- 600i Touring C2 Hercules 57
- 600i Explorer 600i Touring 63
- 600i Explorer Constellation Aquila 194
- 600i Explorer Prowler 57
- 600i Explorer Genesis Starliner 99
- 600i Explorer Starfarer Gemini 162
- 600i Explorer Endeavor 152
- 600i Explorer Reclaimer 99
- 600i Explorer Crucible 152
- 600i Explorer Hull D 47
- 600i Explorer C2 Hercules 99
RSI Apollo Triage Constellation Andromeda 23
- Apollo Triage San'tok.yai 44
- Apollo Medivac Constellation Andromeda 49
- Apollo Medivac Vanguard Warden 26
- Apollo Medivac Apollo Triage 36
- Apollo Medivac Vanguard Hoplite 52
- Constellation Taurus F7C-R Hornet Tracker 47
- Constellation Taurus Razor 42
- Mantis F7C-R Hornet Tracker 21
- Mantis Vulture 21
- Mantis Razor 15
- Mantis Ballista 21
- Perseus Mole 409
- Perseus Carrack 110
- Perseus Carrack W/C8X 89
- Perseus Carrack Expedition 84
- Perseus Carrack Expedition W/C8X 63
- Perseus Merchantman 57
- Perseus Orion 136
- Perseus 600i Explorer 241
- Perseus M2 Hercules 194
- Perseus Hull D 267
- Polaris Constellation Aquila 535
- Polaris Perseus 183
- Polaris M2 Hercules 357
- Polaris Nautilus Solstice Edition 149
- Polaris Hammerhead 149
- Polaris Carrack 367
- Polaris Crucible 499
- Polaris Merchantman 210
- Polaris Orion 257
- Orion Constellation Aquila 246
- Orion Starfarer 246
- Orion 600i Touring 194
- Orion Reclaimer 215
- Orion Genesis Starliner 215
- Orion Prowler 173
- Orion M2 Hercules 85
CCUs from more to less expensive ships
Target ship manufacturer Target ship Upgrade from Price, $
Aegis Dynamics Eclipse Redeemer 64
- Eclipse Caterpillar 17
- Vanguard Harbinger Constellation Aquila 17
- Vanguard Hoplite Constellation Andromeda 30
- Reclaimer Hull D 94
- Reclaimer Merchantman 78
- Vulcan Defender 26
- Vulcan Terrapin 15
- Sabre Constellation Taurus 32
- Sabre Freelancer MIS 16
- Sabre Comet Constellation Taurus 52
- Retaliator Bomber Redeemer 36
- Vanguard Harbinger Redeemer 57
- Vanguard Sentinel Redeemer 42
- Vanguard Warden Redeemer 26
- Vanguard Warden Hull C 26
Anvil Aerospace F7C-M Super Hornet Constellation Taurus 47
- F7C Hornet Wildfire Constellation Taurus 37
- Gladiator Constellation Taurus 26
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Defender 21
- Hurricane Defender 21
- Gladiator Constellation Taurus 26
- Gladiator Cutlass Blue 28
- Valkyrie Hull D 42
- Valkyrie Merchantman 47
- Valkyrie C2 Hercules 31
Aopoa (Xi'an) Khartu-Al Constellation Taurus 31
Consolidated outland Mustang Delta Hull A 15
Crusader Industries Genesis Starliner Hull D 73
- Genesis Starliner Merchantman 73
- C2 Hercules Hull D 31
- C2 Hercules Merchantman 42
- M2 Hercules Orion 52
Drake Interplanetary Corsair Defender 42
Esperia Prowler Merchantman 120
- Prowler Hull D 105
MISC Freelancer MIS Constellation Taurus 37
- Freelancer MIS Cutlass Blue 37
- Razor Freelancer MAX 15
- Razor EX Constellation Taurus 15
- Razor EX Cutlass Blue 15
- Starfarer Constellation Aquila 37
- Starfarer Caterpillar 18
Origin Jumpworks 350r Cutlass Red 15
- 600i Touring Hull D 110
- 600i Touring Prowler 110
- 600i Explorer Merchantman 152
- 600i Explorer Carrack 99
RSI Apollo Triage Mercury Star Runner 42
- Orion Carrack 120
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