Resignation letter fulltime to part time

Unsent Letters

2011.03.30 16:39 HotDinnerBatman Unsent Letters

A place for the letter you never sent.

2022.05.06 16:55 OveremployedUK OveremployedUK

OveremployedUK! More money? More freedom? Beat debts? Beat inflation? Whatever your reasons, this is the subreddit for those wanting to know more about working 2 or more jobs, with a UK focus.

2012.05.18 15:56 sixtysevensouth Help is here.

Welcome to Graffhelp! Here you can find tips and tricks to improving your style, get criticism for your artwork or learn the basics to starting out in Graffiti!

2024.05.16 17:49 kassafrass895 Passed AT/AT/T!!!

Just found out I passed AT/AT/T!!!
So beyond proud of myself and so grateful for the resources this sub led me to.
Don't be like me and wait so long to take the exam, I had until June 7th to take and pass or else I would have had to reapply. I finally buckled down the beginning of April and booked it for 15 May. Unfortunately there weren't any in person slots left near me in the timeline I had left, so I had to opt for online. I would not recommend taking online unless it's your last resort, I had completed check-in and was waiting for the proctor to review my pictures, never got a chat or any notification they would be calling me, (once you get to this point in check-in it is recording you and says you must follow all exam rules, so I felt I could not answer my phone until they gave me a notification that they were calling, it's very confusing) and when I didn't answer, all the sudden the window closed and said it was complete. I was a hysterical mess thinking I just wasted $400 and tried to call the number back and no luck. I tried the check-in process again after calming down and had success this time, the proctor reached out via chat and then did a video call vs calling my phone. I needed to prove monitors were unplugged (I then lost internet connection while moving my laptop to show the cord and was about ready to give up at this point, but luckily the ethernet cord got set straight and reconnected) and I was able to start my exam.
Definitely take both breaks and get up to stretch in the very least. I had good timing and never felt rushed, I did utilize the flagging and had plenty of time to go back and review. If I felt I was spending an excessively long time on a question I picked an answer and flagged to keep moving.
After taking the test I felt pretty good about it, but not great, it also sucks that when you take online you have to wait 24-48 hours to find out your results. I had already told myself if I failed I was retaking in a test center bc of how awful this experience was taking online.
My study plan/resources:
I had already watched some of the AR Udemy course at that point, but restarted it and also focused on the mindset portion this time. I also used Study Hall (essentials) and did all practice mini exams and 1 full length exam (73% on the full length and average of 76% on all exams). I read about the DM videos on this sub and highly recommend. I'm convinced that those and Study Hall are what prepared me the best and got me 2 AT's. I unfortunately didn't have time to watch the DM videos in full, but watched a good portion of each (200 Agile, 100 waterfall, 150 PMBOK).
I was not religiously studying everyday as I probably should have, and should have had more of a plan other than taking practice questions and exams, but it ended up working for me. Once you start getting a feel for the questions in Study Hall and get consistent results in the 70s you should be good. I have a few years experience as a Program Manager and felt I had a basic understanding going into this, but getting into the mindset is the most important part in my opinion.
Hilarious sidenote- the photo you submit during check-in pops up when you take breaks and my photo was a HOT MESS after initially not getting through check-in, we are talking very obvious I had cried and was barely holding it together. It made me laugh so hard when I got to my first break and helped relieve some stress. I wished I had been able to save it bc it's that hilarious of a photo. Today it popped up when I clicked to look at my exam report, huzzah!
submitted by kassafrass895 to pmp [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:48 AssassinKing2024 Should I send this letter?

Reddit has been a life saver during my breakup. I finally created an account. I am a 33M needing advice.
Should I send this?
I wanted to write this letter to share what I have came to realize and accept over the past few weeks.
I had so many questions that I felt I needed and deserved answers to. I am happy I did not bombard you with them because no answers could have been enough. I was just in a world of turmoil and pain.
There are also things I was/am upset about, but they don’t matter as the realizations that I have came to will be what matters when I look back at this moment in my life.
I did so much reading to try and answer my own questions and after weeks of searching I finally found something that hit home. Ironically, it was something you had brought up before I had just not taken a step back to properly assess it.
At first, I thought that although we had so many things in common, we were incompatible in things that truly mattered. I stuck with this idea for a while. I felt that you needed a partner that you could vibe more with in things that you desired. Partying, being out and about, getting high and having sex. Things that I couldn’t give you enough of or at all and mattered to you. But I really believe that if you love each other, you can overcome incompatibilities unless they are fundamental, i.e. religion, morals, and values.
However, I finally stumbled upon some readings that changed my views.
It boils down to me being a single father.
Many of the experiences I read echoed what you had brought to my attention many times. It is extremely difficult to date a single parent. The even more complicated aspect of it is that although you were attracted to the traits that I possess as a father, they also affect you in a negative way. The number 1 reason… Well because I am a dedicated father, my kids will always come first. They will always be my number 1 priority. No matter how much I try, how much effort I put in, you will always feel left out, like you are not a priority. That is incredibly difficult for a person to submit themselves to. Although there are plenty of people who have done this, it has come at a very high price.
I never really stopped to think about this deeply because I felt that as long as I worked hard, put in effort, it would work out. But subconsciously I was asking/expecting you to give up a huge part of your life, desires, wants and needs. This is unfair. This would be like you asking me to give up time and a part of my life with the kids. Either one of those asks would be incredibly unfair to ask of each other. In order for us to make it work, this would have been the only way.
You deserve a partner that can give you what need and want. A partner to give you time, spoil you, and make you their number one priority. A partner you can grow and evolve with. Not a partner that has baggage that you must now also carry. It is normal for me to live my life and for it not to seem so far fetched because I have been living it for over 12 years. Asking you to live that life is not fair, you deserve to live the life you want to live.
Your stepdad has given you good advice. You deserve more, you deserve to not feel second, to have all that you want. Although this is a hard pill for me to swallow, I cannot be a hypocrite. If my daughter was in your shoes, no matter how great the guy is, if he has kids, I would be giving her the same advice. To find someone without kids, to find someone that can make her their number one priority as she will make them. Therefore, I must live what I believe. It would be hypocritical of me to ask or expect something from you that I would advise my own daughter against.
I took it personally when you broke up with me for a third time, how could I not. However, after arriving at these conclusions, I must accept reality, the truth.
The truth is, I am not a good option for a partner. This does not mean I am less of human being or less of a man. It is just that. The way my life is setup makes it extremely difficult for someone to truly live their life without sacrificing much more than what is fair.
Thank you for hearing me out, I will always remember you fondly, be grateful for the lessons you helped me learn and the care, attention, and affection you provided me, the kids, and my family. You are a wonderful, amazing, and special woman.
I wish I could say that we can be friends or that we remain in contact, but I feel that it would be disrespectful for your current or future partner.
I hope you find all that you search for in life and that it brings you happiness and fulfillment.
Take care of yourself always.
submitted by AssassinKing2024 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:48 highlyconfusing Trying to find what’s right for me

This is more of a vent session than anything, but advice would be helpful. So, to try to sum this up, my life has been pretty chaotic and I found my way into working as a corrections officer for about 3 years, 3 hours away from where I grew up. I came from a life of addiction and terribly maintained relationships and corrections was a good counter to what I was used to. It provided me with the chaos I was used to while still keeping me on the straight and narrow. I eventually got promoted to Lt. And at the time of my resignation I had just gotten a raise. I didn’t like the Lt position, but I pushed through because on the rare occasion I got to do something, it was fulfilling. I attempted to go to the patrol side but that fell through due to misdemeanors I had expunged… I resigned at the jail and moved back to my home town and now I work with kids. This job is easy as shit. Everyone talks about how stressful it is but it’s boring. It’s not the chaos I’m used to. And I’ve become pretty sad lately. The simple answer would be to go back to corrections, but the facilities here won’t take me due to my record even though it’s expunged. I was very well respected as a CO, Sgt and Lt when I made it up the rank, and was consistently being told by patrol agencies that they wanted me when I was able to apply ( there was a wait time I had to endure before I was eligible for a POST license ). I am in school for psychology, and have no idea what I’m going to do with it when I graduate. How do I learn to love this job until I’m eligible for a post license? Do I even go back to LE? I feel like I left behind the only opportunity I had to succeed in LE when I left the field. How do I learn what I really want to do with my life? I feel like I’ll never be fulfilled. Corrections, especially as a Lt, wasn’t always excitement and fights with big bad criminals. Often times it was just paperwork and verbal judo.
submitted by highlyconfusing to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:48 Specialist-Photo7518 Ryan Xu Hyperfund: Driving the Future of Automotive Navigation Systems

Ryan Xu Hyperfund: Driving the Future of Automotive Navigation Systems
In today's fast-paced world, automotive navigation systems have become an integral part of our daily driving experience. Ryan Xu Hyperfund, a leading figure in the technology industry, is at the forefront of this revolution, revolutionizing the way we navigate and explore our surroundings.
I. The Evolution of Automotive Navigation Systems
Automotive navigation systems have undergone significant advancements in recent years, evolving from simple route planning tools to highly sophisticated, intelligent systems. These systems now incorporate advanced technologies such as GPS, real-time traffic updates, and voice recognition, providing drivers with accurate, convenient, and personalized navigation experiences.
II. Ryan Xu Hyperfund's Contributions to Automotive Navigation Systems
Ryan Xu Hyperfund has been a driving force in the development of automotive navigation systems. His team has focused on incorporating cutting-edge technologies and innovative features to create navigation systems that are not just functional but also intuitive and user-friendly.
One of the key contributions of Ryan Xu Hyperfund is the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into automotive navigation systems. By leveraging AI, these systems can learn from user behavior and preferences, providing more personalized and accurate route suggestions. Additionally, AI-powered navigation systems can predict traffic patterns and provide real-time updates to help drivers avoid congestion and delays.
Ryan Xu Hyperfund's team has also focused on enhancing the user interface and experience of automotive navigation systems. They have designed intuitive interfaces that are easy to use, even for first-time users. The systems also feature voice recognition capabilities, allowing drivers to control the navigation system hands-free, ensuring safety and convenience while on the road.
III. The Benefits of Automotive Navigation Systems
Automotive navigation systems offer numerous benefits to drivers. First and foremost, they provide accurate and reliable route planning, ensuring that drivers can reach their destination efficiently and safely. Additionally, real-time traffic updates and congestion avoidance features help drivers save time and avoid unnecessary delays.
Moreover, automotive navigation systems enhance the overall driving experience. They provide drivers with information about points of interest, restaurants, gas stations, and other amenities along the route. This information is valuable for drivers who are unfamiliar with the area or are looking for new places to explore.
IV. Ryan Xu Hyperfund's Vision for the Future of Automotive Navigation Systems
Ryan Xu Hyperfund believes that automotive navigation systems will continue to evolve and transform in the future. He envisions a future where navigation systems are fully integrated with autonomous driving technology, providing drivers with an even safer and more convenient driving experience.
Additionally, Ryan Xu Hyperfund believes that automotive navigation systems will become more personalized and customized. By leveraging AI and machine learning, these systems will be able to learn from user behavior and preferences, providing more tailored and accurate route suggestions.
V. Conclusion
Automotive navigation systems have become an essential part of our daily driving experience. Ryan Xu Hyperfund, with his contributions and vision for the future, is leading the way in this field. By incorporating advanced technologies and innovative features, he is revolutionizing the way we navigate and explore our surroundings, making our driving experience safer, more convenient, and more enjoyable.
submitted by Specialist-Photo7518 to RyanXu_Hyperfund [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:48 FromTheInkpot Tessario of Lys, Keyholder of the Pearl Bank, Heir to the Blood of Altaerys [+AC]

Reddit Account: FromTheInkpot Discord Tag: jayonline Name and House: Tessario of Lys Age: 28 Cultural Group: Valyrian Appearance: Taller than the average man, with slender and effeminate features. His skin is pale, his hair consists of curled white locks and his eyes are a vivid lilac. He favours black leathers with silver accents, and often adds coloured silks as sashes, belts, or capes. On the middle finger of his left hand he wears a signet ring of black steel and gold, used to seal letters from the Pearl Bank. Trait: Marketer Skill(s): Avaricious (e), Merchantman (e), Broker Talent(s): Linguistics, Arithmetic, Reading People Negative Trait(s): Sociopath (non-mechanical) Starting Title(s): Keyholder of the Pearl Bank, Heir to the blood of Altaerys (secret) Starting Location: Opening Event Alternate Characters: N/A
Bio: Born in the year 4BC, Tessario was the son of a Lyseni courtesan and a nobleman of the Old Blood who had left for the Black Walls of Volantis before he even knew of the child. Growing up in Lys, Tessario was raised by his mother in a small manse where she would teach him lessons learnt from the courts of the free city. Since his mother first spoke to him tales of Valyria and dragon riders, Tessario was enthralled. His bloodline was of the forty families, from one of the few dragonlords on Lys during the 'Night of Tears', when the dragonlords had been poisoned and their dragons slain by their very hosts - the magisters. That the dragon rider had been his ancestor was his family's deepest secret and one that could have seen them killed in generations past. The knowledge that the dragon riders of old were his very ancestors was almost too much for the young boy to keep secret. Especially now, when dragons had waged conquest on Westeros' shores so recently. But while the Targaryen's were said to wed brother to sister to keep their bond with the dragons strong, his family had not had a dragon rider in five generations. Since then his family's bloodline - the house of Altaerys, thought lost in the Doom of Valyria and the Century of Blood since, had become clouded with the Old Blood of Volantis during their occupation of Lys. And before that, diluted among the courts of Lys the Lovely, where none truly knew or at least none spoke of how much dragon blood they had. It was clear most of Lys had some. The features of silver-blond or white hair and the eyes of pale blue or shades of purple were all too common. The city was truly Valyrian. Who knew how many dragonlords' legacies his blood carried now? Tessario, with his pure Valyrian blood and features to match, had the fiery will of his ancestors but an uncommonly pragmatic mind. As he grew, so did his keen mind, picking up his numbers and letters faster than other boys his age. Raised in the turbulence of a city still reeling from the uprising against Volantis, Tessario learnt how violent people could be at a young age. Surrounded by the cruelties of slavery, he grew up numbed to the hardships of others. By nine name-days he would begin visiting the Temple of Trade where he and other boys would talk with the magisters and tradesmen who congregated there. From among these wealthy and noble men of the city, he and a lucky few others, would gain apprenticeships; a position that was highly coveted in the city of Lys, where trade was considered a profession more honorable than arms. Tessario shadowed his sponsor for three years, learning the inner workings of trade negotiations, currency exchange, and contract creation. He met several other apprentices who like him hungered for more, as well as making friends among the less prominent families of Lys all too keen to climb the social ladder. So, when his apprenticeship was over they formed a merchantile group of ambitious youths. Tessario and the others began with insurance cons and profitable arbitrage that filled their pockets and funded bigger schemes. The war in the Stepstones came as a wondrous opportunity for the newly founded group. The members invested heavily, with some overseeing the battles themselves. Luckily the Lysene forces met up with not only those of Tyrosh, but also ships from Dorne and the Stormlands. Tessario wore armour for the first time as he sailed sellswords to the fighting, though did no more than watch in actuality. War made them rich and for the first time in his life Tessario knew what it was to wield true power. The power to make others die for your ends. The pirate threat crumbled easily, but the true prizes were had after the fighting. Contracts for trade opened up and new ports to invest in saw the merchantile group grow faster than ever before. They hired lingering hedge knights and sellswords to protect their assets and even convinced some of the former pirate vessels to become corsairs under them. As the Stepstones begin to flourish, the group started to look further afield for other trade routes. In 18AC, just as Dorne began to invest heavily in Sunstone, Tessario sailed to Driftmark as one of three emissaries of their group tasked with finding new avenues for profit. It was while on this mission that Tessario first met Valarr Velaryon, Lord of the Tides. Seeking a base of operations outside of Lys, Tessario negotiated plans for a bank to be built in Spicetown, profiting from the flow of trade. Tessario broached the concept to the group telling them of the pearls found by fishermen in the pools of the island's coves and a contract for the Pearl Bank was drawn up. Tessario, as one of the two-and-twenty key holders, was now responsible for much. Construction began in late 19AC with a main building that was reinforced with strong stone and deep vaults. Pearl farms under the control of the bank were also created, with construction of the entire project finishing before the end of 24AC. During this time the bank engaged in numerous amounts of trade, amassing a full vault, as well as funding loans to the many growing businesses of Spicetown, merchants of the free cities, and other Houses of Westeros. This includes House Massey of Stonedance, House Celtigar of Claw Isle, and many other minor houses.
Timeline: - 4BC - Tessario is born in a Lysene manse. - 6AC - Begins a trade apprenticeship for three years. - 9AC - Forms a merchantile group in Lys. - 12AC - Funds the war in the Stepstones. - 13AC - War in the Stepstones ends. - 18AC - Visits Driftmark as an emissary, meeting Valarr Velaryon. - 19AC - The Pearl Bank begins construction. - 24AC - Construction is completed. - 25AC - Current day.
Family tree:
Name and House: Somovo Saan Age: 21 Cultural Group: Valyrian Appearance: Piercing blue eyes shine out from dark features. Somovo has a lean build and freckled face from years of sailing the Narrow and Summer Seas. Her skin is dark and her hair falls in long brown curls down past her shoulders, the occasional braid holding beads of copper. She often wears loose shirts and wide breeches that allow her skin to breathe the salty air of the sea, while sticking to practical leather boots for moving about the deck. She has a slender black cat named Sȳndor 'shadow' that lives on deck and prowls the bank offices while on shore. Trait: Reaver Skill(s): Raider, Fence, Tactician Talent(s): Winning at Tiles, Tying knots, Swimming Negative Trait(s): N/A Starting Title(s): Captain of the Spice Runner Starting Location: Opening Event Alternate Characters: N/A
Timeline: - 4AC - Somovo Saan is born in Lys. - 9AC - Somovo's father, Sarthos Saan, takes her on her first voyage to Tyrosh. - 12AC - Her father leaves to fight for the pirates in the Stepstones war. - 13AC - After the pirates defeat in the Steptones, her father is hired by a group of merchants from Lys. Somovo meets Tessario, one of the groups founders. - 18AC - Meets the sellsail Captain Laurei of Myr who becomes an inspiration for her to become a Captain of her own ship. - 19AC - When the Pearl Bank begins construction on Driftmark, Somovo is on deck with her father and they patrol the Narrow Sea together, guarding trading vessels and seeking opportunities for their new employer. - 21AC - Somovo is given command of her own ship and crew, becoming Captain of The Spice Runner, named after Spicetown. - 22AC - Her father's ship is lost at sea during a storm near Volantis. The corsairs previously under Sarthos turn to her for leadership by virtue of her blood. - 24AC - Construction of The Pearl Bank is completed on Driftmark. - 25AC - Current day.
NPCs Morio (30) - Cutthroat Every man of ambition needs a ruthless and silent right hand. Ser Thomas Storm (27) - Warrior Knighted by Ser Edwell Celtigar in the Stepstones and knowing he would gain no further gold or glory, he joined the merchantile group from Lys to train their retainers and act as Captain of the Guard to Tessario. Since then he notably won the joust at the Tourney at Aegon's Rest in 21AC.
submitted by FromTheInkpot to ITRPCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:48 Saturated_Bullfrog No more creativity

I used to be huge into lego when I was younger, like during the mocpages days. Used to participate in the community and post my builds and all that. Since then I've kept up with what lego is doing but I've mostly been out of the loop when it comes to the community. Now, it seems like lots of times people forget that you can actually build things yourself out of legos. Like seeing people complain that lego won't make a certain set or complaining that the new star wars gwp is a gwp instead of a standalone set. Like bro, you can just build whatever you want yourself. That's the whole point of lego. And it's even funnier when these people complain that lego just cares about money and is doing this to screw everyone and make them spend a bunch of money. Like you're allowing them to do that. Nothing is stopping you from parting out the set on bricklink and making it yourself.
submitted by Saturated_Bullfrog to legocirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:47 Reality_Thief2000 Advent's Amazing Advice: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle Fully Prepped for New and Busy DM's (The Complete Collection)

Welcome back to Advent's Amazing Advice! The series where I take popular One-Shots, Adventures, Campaigns, etc. and fully prep them for both New and Busy DMs. This prep includes fully fleshed-out notes, music, ambiance, encounter sheets, handouts, battle maps, tweaks, and more so you can run the best sessions possible with the least stress possible!
Dragons of Stormwreck Isle, is a level 1-3 Adventure, the most recent Starter Set, and successor to The Lost Mine of Phandelver released by WoTC. In it, your players will sail to Stormwreck Isle, an island shaped by an age of conflict between Chromatic and Metallic Dragons. They'll be able to befriend kobolds, explore fungal grottos, fight those twisted by Orcus, and perhaps save the very island itself!
Have your players create their own characters or jump right in using the Pre-Gens that are built with backstories integrated into the plot!
If you've used my previous notes, you'll know that I take Adventures such as these and do all the difficult and time-consuming book-to-session conversions, so you don't have to! I do my best to include Ambiance for every scene, custom battle maps, handouts when needed, spell sheets, encounter sheets, and more!
This may all sound familiar, but seeing as this is a Starter Set, I think it's important to reiterate:
Without further ado:
Index & FAQ:
Dragons of Stormwreck Isle:
Over 5 dozen other Fully Prepped One-Shots, Adventures, and Campaigns: Click Here
As always, if you see something you think I can improve, add, change, etc. please let me know. I want this to be an amazing resource for all DMs and plan to keep it constantly updated! If you'd like to support me, shape future releases, and get content early feel free to check out my Patreon!
Cheers, Advent
submitted by Reality_Thief2000 to UnearthedArcana [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:47 Reality_Thief2000 Advent's Amazing Advice: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle Fully Prepped for New and Busy DM's (The Complete Collection)

Welcome back to Advent's Amazing Advice! The series where I take popular One-Shots, Adventures, Campaigns, etc. and fully prep them for both New and Busy DMs. This prep includes fully fleshed-out notes, music, ambiance, encounter sheets, handouts, battle maps, tweaks, and more so you can run the best sessions possible with the least stress possible!
Dragons of Stormwreck Isle, is a level 1-3 Adventure, the most recent Starter Set, and successor to The Lost Mine of Phandelver released by WoTC. In it, your players will sail to Stormwreck Isle, an island shaped by an age of conflict between Chromatic and Metallic Dragons. They'll be able to befriend kobolds, explore fungal grottos, fight those twisted by Orcus, and perhaps save the very island itself!
Have your players create their own characters or jump right in using the Pre-Gens that are built with backstories integrated into the plot!
If you've used my previous notes, you'll know that I take Adventures such as these and do all the difficult and time-consuming book-to-session conversions, so you don't have to! I do my best to include Ambiance for every scene, custom battle maps, handouts when needed, spell sheets, encounter sheets, and more!
This may all sound familiar, but seeing as this is a Starter Set, I think it's important to reiterate:
Without further ado:
Index & FAQ:
Dragons of Stormwreck Isle:
Over 5 dozen other Fully Prepped One-Shots, Adventures, and Campaigns: Click Here
As always, if you see something you think I can improve, add, change, etc. please let me know. I want this to be an amazing resource for all DMs and plan to keep it constantly updated! If you'd like to support me, shape future releases, and get content early feel free to check out my Patreon!
Cheers, Advent
submitted by Reality_Thief2000 to DnDHomebrew [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:47 Positive_Relative287 Anyone else get conflicting feelings and guilt as their NP gets older?

I know that guilt is par for the course with an NP, but right now I just can't help it. This is kind of long but please bear with me, I feel so alone in this right now.
My NP isn't my direct parent, but a grandparent. She's always been an awful narcissist to me and my mom growing up. I'm out of the house now luckily, but I still hear about her and occasionally visit (I can't go no contact for reasons I don't really want to talk about, as much as I'd love to do that) and she is, by every definition, getting older.
She has a hard time walking, a hard time getting around, and is often confused and forgetful. But because of how disgustingly she treated her kids and grandkids throughout their lives, no one is extending an arm to help her in any way. Don't get me wrong, all of us have tried, only to be met with worse treatment than we got before. She's also been getting a lot meaner and nastier. She's even started to threaten us physically and shove people. Which is equal parts concerning and morbidly funny with how feeble she's become.
Despite all of this I still feel immense guilt. I honestly think she might be going through the beginning stages of dementia currently, a lot of things are lining up. But the problem is it's so hard to tell because of how she's been her whole life.
Leaving out or mixing up food/other things because she forgot? - getting into people's leftovers, mementos, and toys then ruining them was one of her favorite activities before all this
Asking obvious and repetitive questions out of confusion? - another favorite way she used to irritate everyone as much as possible was by asking annoying questions
Being generally forgetful or not remembering things quite right? - she's always been a pathological liar and starting drama with those lies was a regular occurrence
Being mean? - do I even need to say it?
She used to do all these things and more, then laugh and say "I'm just trying to annoy you!" Constantly when when I was little.
Honestly, I called this shit years ago. I always used to say that she was playing a dangerous game, playing dumb like that was only going to make it hard for her when she got even older and started to actually forget things and mix things up, and I was fucking right. No one is helping her in her old, old age. No one will take her places like doctors appointments because she's never ready in time, is to stubborn to admit she needs assistance getting ready, and usually just lies to the doctors anyway. No one is giving her any patience or benefit of the doubt and snap at her often. It's painful to listen to, it's like my childhood all over again.
I feel awful and guilty. I can't help but think of how scary it must be for her, to go through old age and potentially dementia with no help and to be met with nothing but anger. But on the other hand, she kind of did this to herself. Maybe if she wasn't such an abusive narcissist she'd be getting help and kindness. She's always been seen as the sweet golden grandma by my wider family despite how she treated us all behind closed doors, so maybe this is the universe repaying her for that. I don't know. I thought all this guilt would fade away when I left, but it hasn't, and I feel so much guilt and pain every time I look at her or hear about how everyone is treating her. Has anyone else had a similar experience as their NP got older?
submitted by Positive_Relative287 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:47 BrigitteSophia Mary vs Martha Hospitality vs Being at Jesus Feet

Ok I do not want to be a stumbling block but I'm annoyed that on my sister's day off she is at adoration for an hour.
I work part time and I'm the oldest so I'm responsible for household maintenance - cooking, cleaning, setting up appointments for parents, etc.
It seems my sister is given time for herself with all these dance classes, singing, acting.
We're all adults over 21.
Then she spends an hour on her hair, practicing for music.
So I get very irritated by when she corrects, critiques, calls out excuses, and challenges people's opinion and perception.
Her personality can be emotionally taxing. Not only this, any sort of reaction to her criticism is seen as pride to her.
Lately I've been very moody, irritable, etc because it seems she devotes all this time for herself.
I understand my sister wants to break into the entertainment industry so she needs to hone her craft.
My brother is studying for med school.
So when my sister complains my hair is a mess, I need to clean my room, and blah blah I want to tell her to SHUT Up because I do majority of the household cleaning - kitchen, stairs, bathrooms, dining area, etc.
submitted by BrigitteSophia to Catholicism [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:47 Checkyopoop Can someone give me a rundown on when to jockey/ contain and or sprint

Hi. I’ve returned to fifa after almost 5 years playing pes- efootball. I normally play seasons.
I am currently struggling when defending pacey strong players such as Mbappé, Kane, etc when they start accelerating diagonally towards goal. It feels like I’m trying to stop a train. Sometimes I’m there and press contain or tackle and they barge or shove me and end up winning the physical battle.
Maybe it has to do with the correct way to utilize jockey and contain in conjunction with sprint.
I feel like when I use jockey or contain on their own, my player is super slow. I get that it’s part of standing your ground in certain situations so you can block/disposses an attacker basquetball style , anticipating the angle and meeting them before hand….
But that only works in few situations. Mostly the attackers just choose another angle and sprint away.
  1. Should i use run and jockey at the same time, or use jockey at burst?
  2. Should I use run and contain at the Same time, or use contain at bursts?
I am so confused/ scrambled and don’t know how to properly defend.
submitted by Checkyopoop to EASportsFC [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:46 Traditional-Lime-863 Help interpreting

I think one of the 3 dreams had reoccurent thing happened. Starts out im with my boyfriend in a house I assume its land or a ranch we are on. Theres a white horse ( i dont own horses) our cat, and newly our dog and other kinds of cats ( i dont own more than dog and cat in real life) anyways supposedly horse is important to his dad (possibly passed down to bf) last dream I lost the horse plain lost and freaked out ended before telling bf. This was similar only instead I decide to ride the horse to my moms work/plaza/movies it was kinda mixing in and out. Im focusing on movies. So i get to the area and the horse isnt stopping I was riding bareback and though I tried stopping it wouldnt. We then fight (weirdly) like I tried grabbing skin on the head and he tried biting and eventually Im flung off? I dont know horse is gone and I know it. thats the end of the only recurring portion of a couple random dreams I had just now. The second part was moms work (chiropactic office). I was walking around she told me be careful and sit in an area with this one lady on her phone. I bump into this bon tray of all sorts of needles like for ivs, taking blood, some oddly like corn on the cob holders i think things like that. She is irritated but i tell her dont worry I did it Ill pick it up. She asks if Im sure and Im like yes. Anyways the doctor (i know in real life) walks in immediately gets upset with her and asking why Im cleaning it. Despite me saying I was the one that did it. Then he starts talking to/about her / maybe me that this isnt just one thing but shows many things like about her cause she isnt a very "good" worker. That he wants better for her. This is where it blends back to the horse cause Im like oh no boyfriend needs the horse i need to find it. But just as everythings cleaned up (doctor helping) suddenly setting changed to sewing needles strewn on the floor. We pick up and then magically or forgotten part skips to a full on kitchen with tile instead of carpet. I know boyfriend needs horse cause the dad is coming or something of the sort. I get back to the house unsure how as I dont have the horse. Unsure if I tell bf or not just see all our pets through out house.
Last part of dream Im in a car taking normal route to work. Street layout the same but buildings surrounding areas are different. Anyways cars are trying to pass illegally. 2 roads but each going opposite direction. It gets weird like reality wise. Cars keeping coming in the opposite direction and then turning a street or passing cars by using my side (the wrong side). One in particular is going to fail a white suv. Its supposed to hit me but somehow it switches at same time (may have waken up at times and going back in to dream only thing that would make sense for the change) it almost hits red car and a motorcycle almost smashes in the middle and Im braking hard as I can. We all manage not to get hit and now the white suv is in front of red car (no idea how) Im laughing incredulously that I didnt crash or get hit. Motorcycle gone. So suv pulls into a corner drug store of some sort red car follows and speeds into parking. I go and park as Im a witness then a bunch of people also gather outside of their cars. Someone tells me nothing damaged but the guy (red car) was smiling.
Anything stand out about the dreams? Usually I dont remember so much vividly. Unless for a reason I need to resolve/come to peace with or just super sleepy enough that the crazy dream comes about.
submitted by Traditional-Lime-863 to DreamInterpretation [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:46 anonymous-4657 Need advice regarding degree and university!

I am just finishing my second year studying management at a top-ten UK university. I haven't enjoyed a lot of my degree. I regret not doing an accounting and finance degree at my university, as these are where my skills and interests lie. I want to become a Chartered Accountant after graduating. I would have done better and been more motivated to do this degree, even if it's harder. I just think some of the stuff I am studying is pointless and uninteresting. I especially hate the amount of group work that I have to do. However, I have been doing reasonably well on my degree, but it takes a lot of effort for me to motivate myself to study.
I also haven't had a good uni experience. I haven't met many people during my course or at my university. I didn't get on well with my flatmates in 1st year and 2nd year. I regret living with the people I did this year. They all kept to themselves and didn't interact. I was essentially living by myself, surrounded by other people. I have felt lonely at times. I am naturally someone who finds it hard to make social connections. This has had a knock-on effect on my mental health and studies, where I had to submit an IMC for one of my most recent exams.
Next year, I am doing a placement year in Audit as part of my degree at a Big 4 accounting firm in London. I think I may actually enjoy the working world and living in London. However, I don't really want to do my final year at uni, but I've invested a lot of time and effort into my degree, and it would just be stupid to drop out. Also, if I get a return from my placement, they will require me to complete my degree.
I am writing this to put my thoughts out there and seek some advice and reassurance.
submitted by anonymous-4657 to UniUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:46 VENHAIAS 21F and everyone one (F&M20-25) are dropping me.. what should i do?

Hi guys.
First of all, sorry for my bad english skills since it’s not my mother tongue and i haven’t practiced in a while tho…
So my issue is that :
I’m 21F and i’ve never been in relationship. in fact, i used to be a pretty girl to others, i was liked by a lot. but i wasn’t interested in anyone like fr…
today, i’m 21, i had crush on women, men but no one literally has ever been in love with me… i have changed since i grew up and took some weight but mentally im kinda the same (but more mature ofc). so.. i don’t really get it..
once people see me, they stop talking to me. and the worst part is that i’m always the third weel of the carriage… moreover the people i thought were my friends are ignoring me for months and didn’t even invited me to their birthday parties or anything..
i still don’t get what’s happening, i had differences in the past with old friends but it was too long ago and i had time to change a bit to be less toxic ig?
i really feel everyone hates me. is that because i glow down? or maybe because im not an interesting person? even though i have passions ?
i don’t get it…
can someone help me to see clearer on my thoughts…?
love yall
submitted by VENHAIAS to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:46 MainRepresentative14 Japanese Language School Application - Low Attendance Rate from my year exchange at Kobe University

I (24m) am seriously devastated. After months of cold emailing and interviewing, I have been offered a job at my dream company, a small record label in Tokyo. They are too small an operation to sponsor me for a work visa, as those slots are filled by existing employees, but they have said that if I can get myself a student visa with 28 hours a week work allowed, I can work for them for those 28 hours a week. I realised that a language school would be the perfect situation. I could tidy up my Japanese at class each morning, and then head over to the office each afternoon.
But here's the problem. As part of the absurd levels of paperwork required for my visa application and language school entry application (every school attended since I was 4, what my brother does for a living, etc.), they require me to submit my transcript from past studies in Japan. I studied Japanese for four years as a degree at Oxford University in England, with a second year exchange at Kobe University. I had a great time, and my Japanese came on a lot, but now it has derailed everything. The language school I'm applying to are refusing me entry due to a low attendance rate of 67% while I was at Kobe, and apparently this is something these language schools are deadly serious about across the board, as well as the immigration office.
This seems insane to me. I recognise that 67% is less than stellar, but I was a kid! This was 4 and a half years ago when I was 19! My grades weren't even bad, I just didn't like sitting in that boring class room a lot of the time and preferred actually going out exploring and USING my Japanese. I don't mean to sound arrogant, but surely the fact that I worked seriously hard to get into one of the top universities in the world to study Japanese and then graduated with a solid grade is proof enough that I am serious about these studies and my commitment!
Am I completely screwed? Does anybody have any advice here, know of schools that are more forgiving, or any possible work around? I can't let this dream die after I've worked so hard for it. Any suggestions would be seriously appreciated 🙏
submitted by MainRepresentative14 to japanlife [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:45 Pan_Rozum The "physical process" of building a deck

I've played a lot of IRL CCGs, but not many digital. I'm getting into this one. So far I have avoided building a deck from scratch because I can't wrap my head around how to build a deck, as in the physical mechanics of how to do it, if that makes sense... With IRL CCG's, I would build a deck by sorting through my cards and laying them all out in front of me on a table... I haven't tried it yet, but it just seems like it's going to be difficult to conceptualize a deck for me personally by looking at a few cards at a time on a screen... I'm just used to being able to see everything at once and sort my possibilities out into piles and things like that. Anyone have any tips for how to sort through cards and see all your options when building a digital deck? I know sort and search options may make certain parts easier than IRL in a way... I guess my best bet might be to put all my options into a huge deck and then pare it down to 40 cards, as long as you are allowed to put over 40 into a "draft" deck... Thanks for any advice!
submitted by Pan_Rozum to kards [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:45 Benji2421 Things to do as a newcomer to India?

I'm going on a 3 week group tour of South India and we're hitting up all the popular cities starting in Trivandrum. My flight arrives at least 12 hours before the tour meets so I'm going "solo" for that time. I already plan to visit Kovalum beach (with the lighthouse) and want to try local Chai, Dosa, etc. Any suggestions for things to do? Safest parts of town? I'm staying near Palayam if that helps.
submitted by Benji2421 to Trivandrum [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:45 Important_Bite4087 in desperate need of help quitting this family

Just started for this family at the beginning of the month. they told me it would be part time but i’m here literally 8 hours a day. both of the parents WFH and it makes my job miserable🥲 the kids always wanna be around them and cry when i have to keep them away from the parents because they’re on work calls. i feel guilty if i even turn on the TV. the parents are always intervening and the kids don’t see as an authority figure because of it. i’m just miserable and they even had me come work when the kids were sick and they got me sick. i literally have broken down and cried here twice on the job because of the kids having melt downs because they know their parents are literally upstairs and can’t see them. i just absolutely hate it here and i have to quit. what do i even say and how do i go about it?
submitted by Important_Bite4087 to Nanny [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:45 Zagaroth [No Need For A Core?] - CH 188: Sounding Out The Swamp

Cover Art <<Previous Start Next >>
GLOSSARY This links to a post on the free section of my Patreon. Note: "Book 1" is chapters 1-59, "Book 2" is chapters 60-133, "Book 3", is 134-193, "Book 4" is CH 194-(ongoing)
Fuyuko, Derek, and Shizoku spent most of a day dealing with their accumulated gains and preparing for their first day of exploration. Shizoku spent a fair amount of that evening's time communing with Bip, her slime familiar. She needed to adjust what spells she had at the ready for dealing with a wetlands environment.
While she was studying her grimoire, Derek and Fuyuko were preparing more physical means of dealing with the wetlands. Most of their work had been dealt with by trading the boat for three pairs of proper swamp boots, but the footwear needed a little adjusting and resizing for each of them.
The over boots were a combination of different techniques for dealing with different sorts of mud, with the base being a raised wooden sole that 'winged' out to resist sinking further into soft mud that was deeper than the ridges raised the sole. These were attached to oiled leather over boots that were useful for wading. The wooden soles were detachable for prolonged wading where they would provide a hindrance.
Derek could reshape the wooden portion to match their feet exactly, and reshape metal fittings if needed, but leather and cloth needed manual adjustment. Given how long they were planning on using these for, it was important to make them fit as perfectly as possible to prevent blisters and sores, even with their normal footwear underneath the boots.
They began their exploration by using the mapping tools they had won in the library to learn the layout of the swamp near the town. It didn't take them long to realize that some of the islands moved very slowly, and Derek was able to use his elemental talents to investigate, leading to the disturbing realization that under the right conditions, mud could have currents and flows.
Shizoku's magic wasn't quite as effective as she would have liked, for most of it was designed to work in other environments. Magic designed to hide your tracks and traces didn't prevent you from making them in the first place, and so did not keep you from sinking into mud. She did have a spell designed to make traversal through any terrain safe and easy, but it didn't last very long and was best reserved for crossing smaller sections of really bad terrain.
Spells used for manipulating and altering plants could also provide small bridges, but these were limited by the strength of the nearby plants. Generally speaking, they were better for clearing plants out of the way.
These difficulties were inspiring ideas of future spells to research, but that required more time than just the little bit of rest they got each day.
Derek's powers were more consistent and easier to use repeatedly or for long periods, but the effects tended to not be as dramatic as the witch's spells. He could make the mud firmer or softer to a degree, but he couldn't create a solid path out of flowing silt for even a few minutes.
Fuyuko found that her long limbs and greater strength allowed her to move easier through the swamp then her friends could, just by virtue of being able to apply more force and leverage. This was why she was leading the way, Derek found it difficult to monitor the details of the mud around them while also working to firm it up constantly, and it was easiest for Fuyuko to cope with any sudden changes that Derek wasn't able to compensate for.
Their outward journey each day was mostly limited by Derek's stamina, and when he was approaching his limits they would use a combination of their maps and Shizoku's divination magics to find the best route back. Such spells required some precision in defining a destination, so they were not very useful when you didn't have a concrete destination in mind.
Because the trio were taking their time to be thorough and to explore all possibilities, it didn't take long for them to begin finding all the bounties that the swamp held in store for them. Shizoku was able to find plants with medical and alchemical uses, though she had to consult the tomes that she had stored in Bip's memories as wetland plants were not very familiar to her. Once she had identified any specific plant, she could give it to Fuyuko as a sample and the luponi could use her better senses to find more of that plant.
Fuyuko also caught the scent of some mud that was strangely familiar, and after she and Derek dug out some of the intensely colored clay, Shizoku was able to recognize it was a valuable type of clay used for making prized teapots and other pottery. This explained why the scent had been familiar to Fuyuko, as Kazue had been excited to introduce her to Cimbu and the fourteen-year-old had been fascinated by the ability to make the little clay dragon spit water without any magic involved and sometimes made some tea just to have an excuse to play with the tea pet and make him spit. Well, once she'd been shown how; tea wasn't something she'd had much experience with before.
Claiming the clay was more problematic. However much they might be able to claim in their explorations and bring back to town, there were only so many other explorers they could trade with as everyone had a limit to how much stuff they could physically haul out. In the end they decided on a single large sack of clay that would be stored in Fuyuko's spatially expanded backpack.
Derek did most of the work of 'mining' the clay, during which they made another discovery: Opals. There weren't an outrageous number of them, but they were decent-sized and high quality. These became a higher priority target than the clay itself, though they kept that too.
The teens didn't forget the lessons they'd been given about the previous level and wanted to fish here too. However, the water was murky in the places it was deep enough to possibly have fish, making it more difficult to know where the fish were.
It was only after they talked with people back at the town that they learned about fish traps, and set about making those. Specifically, eel traps. The eels were prized for both their skin and their flesh. Their skin was bother durable and supple and came in a wide variety of colors and patterns, and their flesh was sweeter than most varieties found out in the world. As soon as they learned how to make and set eel traps, those were added to their routine during their explorations.
Their travels throughout the swamp also brought them to many of the scattered 'monster homes' throughout the swamp, including the time that Fuyuko nearly stepped on a kobold enjoying a nice relaxing mud bath. It was a shock for all three of them as none knew about the relatively recent acquisition of the small, scaled race.
Shizoku was fine with the kobold after she got over her shock, but she did less well when they met the crabbit, who was so kind as to sing for them. Not that any of them found the sight of the interior of the 'mouth' to be less than disturbing, but the effect on the little kitsune was profound as she tightened her lips into a forced smile despite the panic showing clearly in the lines and tension around her eyes. She did well enough to keep her reaction under control that the inhabitants chose to ignore it rather than call her out on it, which would have knocked down their standing in the witch's evaluation.
After about a week, they decided that their mapping and exploration of the swamp was about as good as it was going to get. It was time to approach the witch's hut that they'd avoided previously. The Fairy Witch was in a strange, almost manic mood and the trio quickly found out she was obsessed with creating new musical sounds.
"Alright kids," Carmilla said, "you want to pass my swamp? You have to help me out here. Look, the bards I've gotten my hands on have been great and all, even pretty damn creative. But I think I need something from people who don't know as much about music. Here's my workshop, I don't care if it's a new instrument or a new way of playing an old instrument, a different sort of harmony, or whatever. Gimme something new, and you can use anything you want here, the good stuff is in another building. Bah, this lot." She glared at a group of distant figures. "They're boring, won't even respond to me flirting with them, and not a musical bone in their bodies. Well, time to play the part. Have fun in there, but I don't really want to see you again until you got something for me."
The only one of them with any musical training at all was Shizoku, but it had never been something she'd pursued on her own. That left them somewhat aimlessly poking around the workshop and messing around with instruments they found, many of which were obviously experiments that were only finished enough to test.
That did eventually prove to be enough for inspiration. A large lute was laying on top of a narrow table, and Derek frowned thoughtfully at it. "I think I remember seeing something once that looked a little like that, but smaller. Like, it had a long board with a bunch of strings, way more than the lute, but the strings were on the top sort of like the lute, and it had a folding stand so that it sat on the ground. The lady who played it was set up in the square and taking tips, I guess to help pay her way? I don't know where she was traveling to or from, I only saw her once. I remember it being nice, but I don't remember what it sounded like exactly."
That was enough to start the ball rolling. "I think I know that one," Shizoku said, "Gran Gran has one tucked away. I don't think I've seen her play it though. Hmm. Well, she wants something new to her, and I don't think it's portable enough that most people are going to lug one down here, so maybe we can do that. I don't know how to tune without a tuning fork. Wait, Fuyuko, you have sharp ears, think you can figure out proper notes and a scale? "
Fuyuko looked at her blankly. "Um? I don't know, what does it involve?"
Shizoku gave her a quick rundown of how notes relate to each other with harmonies and gave an example by singing a few notes that were close to each other. "So like that, but cleaner. Only, we are supposed to be creative, and I know that there are different scales." She chewed on the idea for a little while more, thinking out loud while the others asked questions.
They agreed that the first step was going to be having a sounding box for the body, once Shizoku explained that was how the instrument amplified sound. Though that meant figuring out the size. Derek suggested that he try to make it as big as Carmilla could play. She wasn't as tall as Fuyuko, but she was pretty tall and had long arms and fingers.
The table seemed like a perfect frame to start with, even if they were going to destroy it, and the three of them set about scavenging the other instruments for parts. They snacked on strips of dried eel when they needed to take a break, and by evening they had a crude sound box built into what had once been the table. Even with Derek's wood-shaping skills, they were having trouble getting the salvaged parts to fit smoothly together into a single box with enough resonance.
Udup, the witch's shadow drake familiar, came out to check on them, and after getting a report on their progress offered to fetch them some food if they wanted to camp out here instead of trekking to town and back. The teens agreed that was the better idea, and it allowed them to tinker with ideas until they turned in for the night.
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Also to be found on Royal Road.
My Patreon My Discord Top Web Novels - - TVTropes
$3. : 10 Early chapters, lore excerpts $5. : 20 Early chapters, Short Stories $10 : 30+ Early chapters, New stories not published anywhere else (Until after I finish this story at least) . . . . . "A Girl and Her Dungeon", "The Celestine Fox", and AU Core 1: "Coreless"
submitted by Zagaroth to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:45 patniemeyer Avata 2 - Powering up 3 components with that timed gesture is annoying...

I love the Avata 2 and really the only barrier to me just picking it up and messing around with it more often is becoming that it's tedious to power up all three components by having to tap, wait, press and hold... It gets old really fast. Often I fumble the first tap somehow or don't wait long enough and have to try it again... Having to do this gesture six time for each drone session is annoying.
I guess they really wanted tap to show the battery status, but why can't they detect hold as part of that gesture for power on?
submitted by patniemeyer to dji [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:45 moodledan Tips and advice for first start

Tips and advice for first start
I've just finished assembling the engine on my Jincheng M50 (Chinese Honda Z50 clone). Before I attach the petrol tank and some other ancillary parts what checks should I be making before I start this up for the first time?
Do I need to connect the battery to get it to start?
Any tips on how to add fuel without attaching the tank and filling, there is a fuel filter to go on so could I feed that with a few squirts of fuel to check it'll start without the potential for run away - if thats a possibility?
It's a kickstart only model, pic doesn't show it but kick start lever is on and I've given it a few kicks and there appears to be good compression and a nice low bubble as it turns over - but no fuel yet.
I was told this was running before it was disassembled and stored and I'm reasonably confident that is the truth.
Am I forgetting anything?
submitted by moodledan to minibikes [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:45 pagnabros I deeply love everything about this game, except for math at higher levels of play

Me and my historical group of players (veterans of many rpgs) have been playing the beta since 1.2 every week, with the first week playing the quickstart adventure with the pregens and then an homebrew little campaign with created characters. Almost all sessions were in person, with no help from online roller and other apps, with the exception of the last one in which we used Demiplane (this will be important later).
We mainly played combat-focused session, testing the meat of the system by having at least two combats per session. As today we have played at least once every tier of play and recently we focused in tier 3 so that we could stress test the most high level broken builds we could think of.
And that's when we start noticing something. At tier 0, tier 1 and half tier 2 combat felt fresh, dynamic, fast and was a ton of fun. But on late tier 2/tier 3, the feeling at the table shifted quite drasticaly. Each turn lasted a lot, the outcome of each attack become much more predictable for both players and GM, making attacks feel unexciting and boring most of the time, and for the GM (me) burning resources become almost impossible to achieve, with the players never feeling truly challenged and making the use of abilities feeling almost redudant and not necessary to achieve victory. Also there was a lot of high level cards that makes you roll tons of additional dice to achieve an effect (Unyielding Armor for example) on top of rolling 6 dice for each damage roll, making math feeling very cumbersome on the long run.
All this things added together essentially make each turn felt like a slog and combat became something you wish will end as soon as possibile instead of being one of the most excting part of the session. In a word, combat felt "a waste of the time" with the outcome not really in discussion. Last session we tried Demiplane to see if it would make these negative feelings go away but sadly it was mostly the same for us.
So after a deep discussion among us, we think we pinpointed what in our opinion were the major culprits of these negative feelings at the table:
And while we are not designers but any stretch of imagination, for the sake of creativity we also thought of some possible fix to these problems, even if some are not the simpliest to implement ngl, especially the first two:
I have faith that with the amount of solid feedback the game is receiving and the designer's inclination to listen to them, the game will absolutely improve by a lot by the time of its release in 2025 but as now, I would not recommend playing high level play and will probably stop campaigns by 6-7 level.
And that's about it, sorry for the long discussion but I just wanted to share our gaming experience with the community, hoping it would be useful and interesting. I'm also very curious about others experiences about high level play, if you have please feel free to comment your thoughts.
submitted by pagnabros to daggerheart [link] [comments]