Vaginal bleeding and diarrhea

I didn't have my period for more than a year now, and I'm too scared of getting checked (a bit long)

2024.05.16 12:27 metonitaket I didn't have my period for more than a year now, and I'm too scared of getting checked (a bit long)

I'm 23. My period cycle has never been regular (I used to have it around once in three months) but not having it for more than a year kinda concerns me.
I visited two gynecologists. One of them gave me blood tests, then when I came back she said she doesn't know any reason why I don't have it and I should come back in 3 months. So I told it to my primary care doctor and she said she's ignorant and told me to go to someone else. I did it, she wasn't really nice to me (didn't explain much) but at least she was a bit more professional, she gave me some other blood tests, a vaginal ultrasound test (I keep procrastinating it though, and I'm aware it's bad) and also told me to take Norethindrone and didn't explain much about the process and the reason behind this.

Another thing:

although my psychiatrist isn't a gynecologist, she knows me for years and she's been a doctor for more than 40 years. I told her about it too and she said I should have a brain MRI, how important is it? She said it's also because of the weight loss I had in the past year. But I find it a bit scary to lie down without moving for a long time in a small place so I still think about it

Other factors to consider:

Some hormonal blood test results:

Abdominal ultrasound results I had 8 months ago:

Some other medical things which are not directly related but could be a bit relevant:

I know I should get checked and I'll do it in a week or so, but can you tell me some reasons or tips or anything that could be the reasons? I feel so bad about everything and I don't know what to do
submitted by metonitaket to Periods [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:19 drchitra What are the key responsibilities of a Pregnancy & Maternity Specialist?

In order to guarantee the health and wellbeing of expectant mothers and their unborn children, an obstetrician-gynecologist (OB-GYN) with competence in pregnancy and maternity care is sometimes referred to as a Pregnancy & Maternity Specialist. The following are some important duties:
1. Prenatal care : It is the provision of all-inclusive prenatal care to expectant mothers, which includes routine check-ups, fetal development monitoring, and screening for issues like preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, and anomalies in the fetus.
2. Identifying and managing risk factors and issues that may occur during pregnancy, such as multiple gestations, advanced mother age, pre-existing medical conditions, or past pregnancy complications, is known as “managing high-risk pregnancies.”
3. Labor & Delivery: Tracking the progression of labor, offering alternatives for pain relief, and helping with baby delivery, including vaginal births, C-sections, and instrumental births (using forceps or vacuum extraction) as needed.
4. Postpartum Care: Providing new moms with postpartum care that involves observing their physical and mental recuperation, addressing difficulties with nursing, and managing complications such as infections, bleeding, or mood disorders.
5. Family planning : It includes helping women make decisions about birth control and fertility counseling, as well as providing counseling and contraceptive services to them during the postpartum period.
6. Diagnosis and Treatment : Identifying and managing reproductive problems and gynecological conditions, such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, recurrent miscarriages, and infertility, that may have an impact on pregnancy.
7. Patient education : It refers to educating and counseling expectant mothers and their families on topics such as breastfeeding, postpartum recuperation, newborn care, pregnancy, and contraception.
8. Cooperation : Working together to guarantee comprehensive and well-coordinated care for expectant mothers and their unborn children with other medical professionals, such as midwives, nurses, pediatricians, and specialists.
9. Advocacy : Promoting pregnant women’s health and rights, such as their ability to obtain evidence-based maternity care practices, reproductive healthcare services, and prenatal care.
10. Research and Education : Participating in clinical trials and medical research, keeping abreast of the most recent advancements in obstetrics and gynecology, and teaching medical students, residents, and other healthcare professionals about pregnancy and maternity care.
All things considered, pregnancy and maternity specialists are essential in helping women through the adventure of becoming pregnant, giving birth, and recovering from the postpartum phase.
submitted by drchitra to u/drchitra [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:38 moodscience My MA failed. Advice/support?

Hi everyone. I live in the USA in a legal state, and chose Planned Parenthood for my care. At the beginning of May, I had an MA at about 7 weeks with mifepristone and 1 dose of miso. I did bleed and pass clots, and bled for a couple weeks afterwards. I got an infection during that time so I made a follow up appointment for today. Turns out, I not only have BV and a yeast infection, but I am also still pregnant. I was devastated because I already struggled mentally the first time. Now I have to do this again with a double dose of miso. They said I’m looking to be about 10 weeks now. I suppose I am lucky that the infection got me to go back in while I am still in the window to try the pills again, but now I am worried they won’t work this time either. If it matters, I took them vaginally the first time, but this time I’ve been instructed to take them orally. Does anyone have any experience with something similar, such as a failed first MA but a successful second? Also any support is greatly appreciated.
submitted by moodscience to abortion [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:45 Argates13 5wk MA - advice needed!

Looking to see if anyone had a similar experience with a 5wk MA.
I received my pills from AidAccess yesterday morning, took the first dose of mifepristone in the afternoon, started spotting a few hours later. 24 hours later (today), I inserted 4 misoprostol vaginally and laid down for over an hour. About two hours after that, my bleeding picked up and I sat on the toilet and passed a couple of clots. This isn’t much different than my normal periods; cramping, bleeding, and clots are similar as what I’d normally experience. I am no longer cramping or bleeding as heavy. Did it really work that fast? It’s only been about 9 hours since my dose of misoprostol.
I had a miscarriage at 10 weeks (embryo stopped growing at 6 weeks) 6 years ago and it was MUCH more painful and I felt as though I was going to bleed out because of how much blood there was. Hoping someone has a similar experience to help ease my mind that this was a successful MA!
submitted by Argates13 to abortion [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:49 SmoothCheesecake713 Positive story! 6 weeks PO

Backstory: I’m a 30 year old and I’ve struggled with heavy, clotty, and very painful periods for a few years now (worsened after having kids). I was recently diagnosed with adenomyosis after going to the ER for a huge blood clot and extra heavy bleeding. I was done with my uterus since I already have 2 babies and I wanted to be done with my horrible periods. I went in for my consultation and had a surgery date within a month or so.
Surgery day was smooth and I stayed the night in the hospital for 1 night. I had my family stay at our house in little 3-4 day increments for the first 2 weeks to help with my 18 month old and 3 year old during the day while my husband worked. Then after the first two weeks my husband worked shorter hours and ran up and down the stairs to help lift our son in and out of the highchair constantly etc.
My recovery went really well! I had a total laproscopic hysterectomy and kept my ovaries. The gas pains right after surgery were the worst part of recovery by far for me. I tried to walk around and move and keep trying to pass gas and eat things that were easy to digest. I also focused on eating nutritious and very fibrous foods to heal. I drank a protein shake every day and made smoothies and ate applesauce pouches with lots of veggies etc. I also took miralax for the week before surgery through the first 2 weeks. I was only on narcotic pain meds for about 3 days, on big girl ibuprofen for maybe 3 more days after that. I felt mostly normal by 2-3 weeks post op except for the fatigue. I was really good about not lifting anything for the 6 weeks (and had lots of help from my family and husband thank goodness).
I just had my 6 week appt and she said my vaginal cuff is healed and only have about a 1/2 inch spot on it that is still red and raw looking but that I was cleared for lifting and sexual activity. I am now lifting my toddlers and feeling like myself again (minus the uterine pain yay!). My husband and I finally had sex and it went super well! We used lots of lubrication and took our time getting warmed up and it didn’t hurt at all! I was so relieved!!
Just wanted to share my positive experience for anyone who was scared to get the surgery done. I know I was super lucky to receive so much help from my village and that’s a big part of why I was able to take the time to really heal well. I was super nervous and hesitant to do it, but I am SO GLAD that I got the surgery done! It was easier on my body than my 2 vaginal births IMO. Good luck out there y’all! ❤️
submitted by SmoothCheesecake713 to hysterectomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:18 BeatPsychological399 Very little bleeding after misoprostol

6 weeks pregnant- Took 1 mifepristone yesterday at 12pm, then took 4 misoprostol vaginally (the next day) at 4:30pm, experienced very light bleeding which you could only really see when wiping but there was basically no blood on my pad (about 3 hours post medication). I then took 2 more misoprostol orally at 20:30pm and experienced a little bit more bleeding but it is very very minimal. During the first 4 misoprostol I saw some blood clots (3-4 clots the size of 1 or 1/2 an apple seed) and I also noticed some grainy residue on the tissue I wiped with. I was alarmed but now starting to think maybe the pills didn’t dissolve properly?? Throughout this whole process I have experienced moderate cramping which is sometimes (not always) quite severe. It’s now 00:16am, I’ve noticed I am bleeding very lightly, I feel like I don’t even really need a pad. I’m really worried this whole process hasn’t worked as I read so many stories about people experiencing heavy bleeding and passing huge clots, and I haven’t . Im so scared and I really need this to work. Help😭
submitted by BeatPsychological399 to abortion [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:47 sadalsuudd sebaceous cyst

I got a sebaceous cyst removed from my vaginal opening on Monday and dissolvable stiches were used to close the wound and it has been bleeding off and on and is bleeding currently. Is this normal? sometimes it looks like blood clots.
submitted by sadalsuudd to obgyn [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:10 Lonely-Course-8897 Successful unmedicated birth story with large fibroids

FTM here. Wanted to share my story hopefully for encouragement! This group was a tremendous help for me as I was diagnosed high risk at 6 weeks due to numerous large fibroids and dealt with fibroid degeneration in my second trimester multiple times, landing in the ER.
I reported for induction yesterday 10am, but didn’t begin taking cytotec until 4pm. Immediately contractions kicked in, but I couldn’t feel anything. Would have to look at the monitors to know if I was contracting and had to delay 2 doses because I was contracting so much. I was worried the fibroids would impact either my ability to feel contractions or for me to contract at all, especially because I have a 10cm+ one at the top of the uterus where contractions are meant to begin.
We tried to sleep overnight knowing I would start pitocin after 8am. After my 3rd dose of cytotec, things went from 0 to 100. Contractions were super intense and I decided to get a check at 4am Incase my doula needed to return early. I was only 1cm. I had planned to go unmedicated but decided at that point I would ask for an epidural once I started pitocin because the pain was so intense. It got to the point where my whole body was shaking and I was violently pushing with each contraction and nervous about my ability to hold back on pushing when I progressed further.
My water broke this morning during a hip squeeze around 6:30 am and my doula said contractions would get more intense. I decided even if I was still 1cm it was time to get to epidural because the pain was truly unmanageable. I hadn’t even been hooked up to IV so someone came in to check me and went ghost white. Next thing I knew the whole team was in the room asking if I wanted to wait 45 mins for the epidural or if I was ready to start pushing. Baby boy come out after 11 minutes of pushing and 4 rounds of contractions. 1 small second degree tear. We are recovering well and so far my bleeding is within normal limits.
So I went from 1cm to pushing in about 3 hours, and never went on pitocin. I kept telling my husband “this pain cannot be normal early labor pain it feels like so much more.” In hindsight, I was probably going through transition so I was right it was not early labor pain at all!
I was so worried I wouldn’t carry this pregnancy to term because of the fibroids, that I wouldn’t be able to attempt a vaginal delivery, that I wouldn’t be able to deliver without an epidural, or that I would experience severe hemorrhaging. I am so thankful my fibroids did not impede my baby’s ability to develop or interfere with my delivery. I hope this provides hope to others in similar situations!
submitted by Lonely-Course-8897 to Fibroids [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:09 Chemical-mom-4166 Concerned about pathology after hysteroscopy polypectomy d and c

Received pathology report and missed a call from my surgeon. Called office within an hour and several times leaving messages asking for call back but still not heard back after several hours. 58f; experienced abnormal vaginal bleeding; internal exam exhibited large polyp prolapsed from cervix. Hysteroscopy/polypectomy/d&c May 10. Report says following: 1) endometrium curettage: -Mostly blood - Atrophic endometrium -Admixed fragments of benign squamous epithelium
2) Endometrium,polyp, polypectomy - Endometrial Polyp with focal hyperplasia and atypia
GROSS DESCRIPTION: 1. The specimen is received in formalin, labeled "EMC" and consists of a 2.6 x 1.8 x 0.9 cm aggregate of multiple pieces of red-tan soft tissue and blood. The specimen is entirely submitted in three cassettes labeled 1A-1C.
  1. The specimen is received in formalin, labeled "endometrial polyp" and consists of a 6.5 x 4.3 x 1.9 cm aggregate of multiple tan-brown soft tissue fragments admixed with hemorrhagic tissue. The specimen is entirely submitted in 15 cassettes labeled 2A-2O.
Am I correct in understanding that this is precancerous? How worrried should I be? I have horrible anxiety about this
submitted by Chemical-mom-4166 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:23 IioAndTheRapture Are there any low cost spaying services for dogs (other than Emancipet) nearby?

So, the previous owner neglected to tell us that the dog we adopted is not spayed. Emancipet is booked until next February and every other place I call is around $300-700 or is out of our travel area.
So, I'm asking here for any personal experiences/help with this issue. I hate to see her running around anxiously while bleeding and having runny diarrhea. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you :-)
submitted by IioAndTheRapture to RoundRock [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:07 Agitated_Front7197 MA successful? 2 hrs after misoprostol

Hello, Just for background, I was pregnant 5 weeks and went to PP to confirm this with an ultrasound. They showed me the sac in the uterus and proceeded to explain the first pill I needed to take. I took the first pill mifepristone yesterday at 12:45 pm. I went back home and got a few things to prepare the next day. I usually have light regular periods and use tampons so I only got l the maxi pad (not diaper), heating pads, ibuprofen, Gatorade, water, wipes, vaginal soap. During the night, I experienced a little cramping, but nothing major. I woke up around 3 am to pee and noticed that I had started bleeding lightly. I put on a pad and went back to sleep. I woke up at around 9 am the next day to check my pad and there was some light bleeding, so I was not too worried since it was mentioned that this was normal. I set up all the medicine I need to take and set my alarms for when I need to take them. I ate breakfast at around 9:30pm-10pm. I had some bread, hard boiled egg, spam and rice. I was feeling a little hungry. But at this time, I was still feeling okay, no cramps, just light bleeding. Finally at 12:15pm I took 3 ibuprofen pills and 1 anti-nausea medicine that PP had given me. While waiting for the 30 mins, I went to the bathroom to poop and changed my pad, got into comfortable clothes. I had my water ready and gatorade, because I knew I needed to stay hydrated the whole time. When 12:45pm comes, I take the 4 pills and put 2 each on the side of my cheek, set my timer to 30 mins and waited. The pills were chalky and I swallowed whatever was being dissolved with my saliva. After the 30 mins, I just swished the leftover pills in my mouth and swallowed everything. I went back to my couch and sat there, put on a show, and anticipated the cramping and bleeding. Right away, about 20 mins after, I felt really strong cramping, all the way to my back, so I kept using the heat pad. My boyfriend was holding my hand and trying to massage my back the whole time, which helped a lot. I 100% recommend having someone there with you. It was really painful and I didn’t stop myself from letting out noises. It felt like my uterus was being shedded and twisted. It would stop for a bit and then start again. I tried to inhale and exhale deeply at the point to calm myself down. I assumed this is what some people felt during heavy period, but I wasn’t used to it so it was all new. I also noticed that I was rocking back and forth and just sitting down, not fully laying down. This for some reason helped with the pain. I was hydrating the whole time, going back and forth between water and Gatorade. At this point, the cramps increased and I felt the urge that something was going to come out. I went to the bathroom and sat down but nothing came out. The cramps increased and I had started crying due to the pain. I would go back and forth to the couch and then to the bathroom again everytime I felt like something was going to come out. At around 1:45 pm, I went back to the bathroom and sat again. There was a bit of bleeding and some clots coming out at this point. I was sitting there for a bit, having the need the push. I kept my heat pad with me the whole time and also kept drinking water and Gatorade when I can. The more I sat there, I finally pooped and I know this was normal since diarrhea is a side effect. I cleaned up and the cramps did not stop so I just sat in the bathroom with my boyfriend, so I can go to the toilet anytime. At this point, the cramps were horrible but I didn’t feel like I was gonna pass out or vomit. I kept the heat pad with me and my boyfriend was massaging me and holding me on the bathroom floor. It literally felt like it would never end. Finally around 2 pm, I felt the urge again to push something out. So I sat in the toilet and kept massaging. At this point I was bleeding out clots but not the tissue yet. I stayed for several minutes and kept hydrating myself. At 2:10 pm, I felt the urge to push and that’s when it came out. I knew that must be it since it was white and shaped like a sac and when I looked closer I could make out the shape of a small fetus. I immediately felt release and instantly felt better. I even felt like my vision got a bit better. The cramping immediately went down. I chugged down water and Gatorade and went back in the sofa. Now, I am just sitting and relaxing, I don’t have heavy cramping anymore or the urge to push. Does this sound like my MA was successful? I am wondering because it seemed like it happened so fast for me. I was reading that some people were cramping for 6 hrs and more. I am hoping that was the hard part. I have a follow up appointment in 2 weeks for an ultrasound
submitted by Agitated_Front7197 to abortion [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:39 Mission-Maximum-6161 Endometriosis On MRI-Scan?

Has anyone had endometriosis show up on MRI-scan with following symptoms:
Irregular and painful periods, stomach problems before and during periods (diarrhea and constipation), random period like pains outside periods, heavy bleeding where you bled through a pad at least once during your period, crazy sugar cravings, general stomach issues that come and go.
I just had an MRI-scan done yesterday and I want to know what your experience with similar symptoms are and what caused them. They checked everything, including the stomach and pelvics. Thank you!
submitted by Mission-Maximum-6161 to endometriosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:02 plinkert Quality of life while waiting for my first consultation visit

I’m always in some amount of pain with this fistula. I sit on a heating pad to drain the pus when the abscess gets hard and painful. I take ibuprofen. I was prescribed a topical cream that does nothing. I was on antibiotics for a week too. Some days the pain is excruciating, others it’s tolerable but distracting. My consultation is in June. I have to do two Fleet enemas the morning of my consultation and I’ve never done one before, so I’m a little anxious about it.
It starts to get to you after awhile, always being in pain. It affects your attitude and your self esteem, especially when you can’t just tell someone what the problem is because you’re embarrassed to admit to having an anal abscess and fistula. It’s gross and there’s no delicate way to explain to someone at work that you have to sit for a bit (on the heating pad) because “your butt hurts”. The night sweats leave you exhausted because you woke up drenched and sticky, but there’s no time to take a shower before work. You look haggard and pale. You have to wear a pad or gauze in your pants (like a diaper) because of the drainage so you hate walking around. You can’t take an LOA from work because those are unpaid. You’re exhausted from waking up sweating or struggling to sleep because of random stabbing pain. You’re becoming more and more depressed, emotionally volatile because of it all. You don’t even want to eat because food means digestion, digestion means going to the bathroom, and going to the bathroom can hurt so so bad.
I’ve been dealing with this for years due to being misdiagnosed over and over until my current GP saw it. Of course, it wasn’t an extra hole until recently. It was just agony and blood, like I was sitting on a knife, for a long time. It would come and go, always hurting but not always agonizing. I dreaded long car rides. I had to tell people I preferred to stand when I actually really needed to sit. That was before I knew what it was, so I thought standing was the best thing I could do. Now I just need to sit on a heating pad, but I work a job where I am often needed to walk around a huge warehouse. I can feel the abscess rubbing when it flares up during those times. I have to pause and take a breath. I usually tell people I have a bruised tailbone from a fall to explain why I am sitting on a heating pad and walk funny.
I was almost late for work today because of the bathroom. Blood and pus. Pain. I don’t know what else can be done for me until the consultation and I’m not sure how to broach the subject with my GP when I have an appointment coming up. It feels so far away.
As painful as large hard stools are, I prefer them to the soft mushy ones. The soft ones seem to make it worse. It’s almost like the soft ones push into whatever channel is open down there and fester. So the hard ones may make me bleed but I’m less likely to have an abscess grow from them. I don’t even know what I can eat. Diarrhea makes it so much worse, like the diarrhea is getting into the channel. And while it can be mostly pus, with some blood, sometimes it’s just this clear viscous liquid.
I’m not a religious person but I admit to praying for this to be fixed soon. I am so depressed. So tired. This pain may be mild at points but it’s all day every day.
Did anyone else suffer a lot and then feel way better after it was treated?
submitted by plinkert to AnalFistula [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:03 avapilled Why am i breakthrough bleeding for over a week?

I’m a 21 year old f and around 8 days ago i started having period like cramps and started bleeding vaginally. It’s a good amount of blood and it feels like im on my period even though i definitely am not and it’s lasted nonstop since it started. It’s confusing because it started happening and then immediately after it started I also happened to start taking a new birth control pill, which I know can cause spotting, I’m only worried because my spotting/breakthrough bleeding started BEFORE I switched pills. Could switching pills have made whatever spotting I had going on worse?? I’ve had very minor spotting and cramping between periods in the past but nothing like this. Some factors i should mention is that I already took 2 pregnancy tests that were both negative so I hope that isn’t the issue, and I also take my birth controls consistently without having a break for my period (I skip the last week of inactive pills so I effectively skip my period every month) which I know can cause spotting as well. I just have never had it be this consistent and bad. I guess I want to know if this can be a normal side effect of my birth control pills or is something really bad happening to me ? I talked to a doctor very briefly after about 3 days of this and she seemed not worried and dissmisive of my issue but I’m seriously getting very worried
submitted by avapilled to WomensHealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:02 drchitra What are the most common types of gynecologist surgeries?

Gynecologists perform various surgical procedures to diagnose, treat, and manage a wide range of gynecological conditions. Some of the most common types of gynecological surgeries include:
1. Hysterectomy : This surgical procedure involves the removal of the uterus. It may be performed for various reasons including uterine fibroids, endometriosis, abnormal uterine bleeding, pelvic pain, or certain types of cancer.
2. Oophorectomy : An oophorectomy is the surgical removal of one or both ovaries. It may be performed as part of a hysterectomy or as a standalone procedure to treat conditions such as ovarian cysts, endometriosis, or ovarian cancer.
3. Salpingectomy : This surgical procedure involves the removal of one or both fallopian tubes. It may be performed to treat conditions such as ectopic pregnancy, tubal ligation for permanent contraception, or to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer.
4. Myomectomy : A myomectomy is the surgical removal of uterine fibroids while preserving the uterus. It is often performed for women who wish to retain their fertility or who prefer not to undergo a hysterectomy.
5. Endometrial Ablation : Endometrial ablation is a minimally invasive procedure that involves the destruction or removal of the endometrial lining of the uterus. It is used to treat heavy menstrual bleeding in women who do not plan to have children in the future.
6. Cervical Conization : Also known as a cone biopsy, cervical conization involves the removal of a cone-shaped piece of tissue from the cervix. It may be performed to diagnose or treat cervical dysplasia or cervical cancer.
7. Pelvic Organ Prolapse Surgery : Pelvic organ prolapse occurs when the pelvic organs, such as the bladder, uterus, or rectum, bulge into the vaginal canal due to weakened pelvic floor muscles. Surgical procedures such as pelvic reconstructive surgery or vaginal mesh placement may be performed to repair the pelvic floor and support the organs.
8. Laparoscopic Surgery : Laparoscopic or minimally invasive surgery involves the use of small incisions and specialized instruments to perform surgical procedures such as hysterectomy, myomectomy, ovarian cystectomy, or treatment of endometriosis.
9. Tubal Ligation : Also known as "tying the tubes," tubal ligation is a surgical procedure for permanent contraception in women. It involves blocking, sealing, or cutting the fallopian tubes to prevent eggs from traveling from the ovaries to the uterus.
These are just a few examples of the many gynecological surgeries that may be performed by gynecologists to address various reproductive health issues. The specific type of surgery recommended will depend on the individual's condition, medical history, and treatment goals.
submitted by drchitra to u/drchitra [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:54 Professional-Sir3196 Colonoscopy done: now what?

Did my colonoscopy. Wasn’t pleased with prep, felt it didn’t work, doc said it was excellent, doc said perfectly healthy colon, symptoms and other tests say otherwise.
Now what?
Symptoms (2months): a lot of mucus in stool, diarrhea, three instances of blood in mucus.
Tests: FIT came back negative, calprotectin elevated, colonoscopy ‘clear’.
Prep: did picolax, 2x doses day before procedure, when I went to sleep it was yellow liquid with no solids, when I woke up and went 30 mins before colonoscopy lots of brown mucus strips came out (couldn’t see into toilet bowl at all). Saw some stool/mucus on camera during colonoscopy. Doc said prep was excellent, said no stool, said some liquid that could be sucked up a tube.
Now what?: can’t afford another colonoscopy. Symptoms aren’t stopping at all. Colonoscopy found no evidence of bleeding or inflammation. Chronic gooey mucus every stool movement, blood again, elevated calprotectin seems to indicate otherwise?
Am I being stupid doubting the clarity of the colonoscopy? Doc is a respected doc, chief colonoscopy consultant at hospital, seems to have 20+ years experience, written papers/contributed to textbooks on it.
Just feel he could have missed something as colonoscopy results don’t seem to match symptoms/other tests.
submitted by Professional-Sir3196 to colonoscopy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:27 Throwaway_koldoxosz i wish i was constipated

before you downwote me, trust me, i KNOW what it's like to be severely constipated. i was constipated my whole childhood. i've had times when i only pooped once a week, and i've given birth to turds the size of large water bottles. i've had times when i thought i needed to call an ambulance, because my asshole was about to rip apart and it was bleeding. this went away though as i hit puberty, and i had normal poops for years.
but now i've been feeling like i have a permanent stomach virus for the past 6 months. i can't do anything. i'm either stuck on the toilet and shitting water, or laying in bed feeling absolutely exhausted and weak from all the fluid loss. the only thing that helps me is imodium, but i try not to take it when i'm home, because i'm slowly developing a tolerance. i try so hard not to feel suicidal, but i just can't accept that this might be my life now. i genuinely wish i had IBS-C instead of this chronic diarrhea. i'm only 18, i don't even know how the fuck i am supposed to start university this year.
submitted by Throwaway_koldoxosz to ibs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:03 ReportsStack Endometrial Ablation Devices Market Size, Growth & Statistics Report from 2024 to 2030

The global endometrial ablation devices market is projected to experience a noteworthy compound annual growth rate (CAGR) exceeding 5% from 2024 to 2030. This growth trajectory is primarily attributed to the increasing incidence of gynecological conditions among women, including cervical cancer, menorrhagia, and abnormal vaginal bleeding. According to recent data from the World Health Organization (WHO), cervical cancer ranks among the most prevalent cancers affecting women globally, with approximately 570,000 cases diagnosed in 2018 alone.
To know more about this study, request a free sample report @
Market Trends:
Technological Advancements: The market is witnessing continuous advancements in endometrial ablation technologies, leading to the development of more efficient, minimally invasive, and safer devices. Innovations such as radiofrequency ablation, cryoablation, microwave ablation, and hydrothermal ablation techniques are gaining traction for their precision and effectiveness in treating endometrial conditions.
Growing Preference for Minimally Invasive Procedures: There is a notable shift towards minimally invasive endometrial ablation procedures, driven by patient preferences for shorter recovery times, reduced pain, and fewer complications compared to traditional surgical interventions. Devices offering outpatient or office-based treatments are increasingly favored by both patients and healthcare providers.
Expanding Indications and Applications: Endometrial ablation devices are being utilized for a broader range of indications beyond menorrhagia, including the treatment of other gynecological conditions such as uterine fibroids, endometrial hyperplasia, and adenomyosis. This expansion of indications broadens the market potential for these devices and contributes to increased adoption rates.
Personalized Treatment Approaches: There is a growing focus on personalized treatment approaches in endometrial ablation, with healthcare providers tailoring procedures to individual patient needs and characteristics. This trend is supported by advancements in diagnostic technologies, patient profiling, and treatment planning algorithms, allowing for more targeted and effective therapies.
Shift towards Office-Based Procedures: Office-based endometrial ablation procedures are becoming increasingly common due to their convenience, cost-effectiveness, and reduced need for hospitalization. The availability of compact, portable, and user-friendly devices enables healthcare providers to perform procedures in office settings, offering greater accessibility to patients and minimizing healthcare resource utilization.
Market Opportunities:
The endometrial ablation devices market presents significant opportunities for growth and innovation. With an increasing prevalence of gynecological conditions such as menorrhagia and uterine fibroids, there is a growing demand for minimally invasive treatment options that offer improved patient outcomes and quality of life. Technological advancements in endometrial ablation techniques, including radiofrequency, cryoablation, and microwave ablation, present opportunities for device manufacturers to develop more efficient, precise, and user-friendly devices. Furthermore, the expansion of indications for endometrial ablation beyond menorrhagia to include conditions such as adenomyosis and endometrial hyperplasia expands the market potential for these devices. Moreover, the shift towards office-based procedures and outpatient settings offers opportunities to enhance accessibility and convenience for patients while reducing healthcare costs.
According to the recent report published by RC Market Analytics, the Global Endometrial Ablation Devices Market is expected to provide sustainable growth opportunities during the forecast period from 2024 to 2030. This latest industry research study analyzes the endometrial ablation devices market by various product segments, applications, regions and countries while assessing regional performances of numerous leading market participants. The report offers a holistic view of the endometrial ablation devices industry encompassing numerous stakeholders including raw material suppliers, providers, distributors, consumers and government agencies, among others. Furthermore, the report includes detailed quantitative and qualitative analysis of the global market considering market history, product development, regional dynamics, competitive landscape, and key success factors (KSFs) in the industry.
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Geographically, the endometrial ablation devices market report comprises dedicated sections centering on the regional market revenue and trends. The endometrial ablation devices market has been segmented on the basis of geographic regions into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. Endometrial ablation devices market estimates have also been provided for the historical years 2020 to 2023 along with forecast for the period from 2024 - 2030.The report includes a deep-dive analysis of key countries including the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Germany, France, Italy, China, Japan, India, Australia, Mexico, Brazil and South Africa, among others. Thereby, the report identifies unique growth opportunities across the world based on trends occurring in various developed and developing economies.
The Endometrial Ablation Devices Market Segmentation:
By Device Type:
By End-User:
By Region:
Key players in the global endometrial ablation devices market include Boston Scientific Corporation, Medtronic, AngioDynamics, Cooper Surgical Inc., and Olympus Corporation. These companies are strategically expanding their market presence through various avenues such as expansion initiatives, investment in new technologies, introduction of innovative services, and collaborative efforts. Additionally, players are venturing into new geographical territories through expansions and acquisitions, aiming to leverage synergies for a competitive edge.
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Key Questions Answered by Endometrial Ablation Devices Market Report:
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2024.05.15 09:14 Electrical-Owl-5853 Symptoms in this order

Symptoms in this order
In this order
Pre illness I thought I was starting my period tingles in my thighs Bubbles guts for over a week Thick white vaginal discharge(no smell) slight barely noticeable cramps Everything started to hit me Sunday, May 5 (I only remember this because I thought all of this was due to the ice cream we got I ate it after leaving it out) Early symptoms- Tuesday Sore throat with no drastic pain, only when swallowing Dry cough Minor dull Headache Since Friday, May 10 Minor dull lower back ache( maybe because of standing in heels ate concert) Mucus started breaking up and coming out Itchy Rash from the mid back to my upper butt(the most alarming symptoms,maybe due to washing with an old rag Friday) Diarrhea (not continuously or painful) Very Fatigue
Tuesday, May 14
All other symptoms have subsided
My gums are bleeding (but I haven’t brushed my teeth in over a week from anxiety of this condition) I can barely bite down with it a shifting pain
Two small barely noticeable bumps on left hand
As far as timeline tho this would be considered way past, the average is 2-6 weeks but all started week 10
submitted by Electrical-Owl-5853 to hivsymptoms [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:32 trainofwhat I was treated for H. Pylori when I was 12, and I don’t think my gut recovered. What can I do?

Female, 5’10”, weight unknown. Musculoskeletal conditions, treatment-resistant depression, ADHD, various GI issues with conflicting diagnoses. No drugs or alcohol.
Hello! When I was 12, I began having gastrointestinal discomfort and inappetite (and also an overgrowth of vaginal yeast that I know may have been related). After a few tests, I was told I had H. Pylori and needed to be treated. I was put on three to four antibiotics and a PPI. I took them for over a month, and one of them I took for at least 3 months (I would assume the Ranitidine).
While I had a few stomach issues before then, such a lactose intolerance and discomfort after certain foods, I realize that majority of my stomach issues started soon after that. Nowadays, I have a plethora of digestive issues: IBS with mixed constipation and diarrhea; ulcer-like pain when I take NSAIDs (so I don’t) or certain supplements/medications; early satiety; aches; regurgitation; generalized discomfort, sluggishness, and unwell feeling after eating even small amounts; many others; and nausea if I mix foods that don’t ‘fit’. Foods that don’t fit is just a term I’ve applied to what seems to happen when I eat foods that don’t comprise a very normal meal. Like if I had fish and rice, it would be fine. But fish and a biscuit would make me gassy and bloated and sick. Or if I tried to just nibble at some leftovers, like let’s say I have a few bites of spaghetti with a few bites of shepherd’s pie — I can only imagine how uncomfortable I’d be. I also have no appetite and rarely crave anything.
I’m not at all claiming all of my issues are due to imbalances. But, I do think that, given how some current literature suggests conservative treatment and reintroduction of pro-digestive microorganisms, some of my issues may be linked.
Is there any advice for treating this? And, I’ve been seeing doctors for my issues since I was 13-14. I’ve been given a number of diagnoses, but the treatments never worked, and they’ve ruled out any comprehensive problems (celiac, parasites, organ issues, crohn’s, early dumping, etc).
submitted by trainofwhat to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:51 whointhefuckareyou Very nervous 7 week MA

Nebraska 25 Female Currently 6 weeks but appointment is scheduled for next week when I will be 7 weeks.
My last period was April 6th. I originally tried to take care of this on May 2nd. She did an ultrasound (just on my stomach) and determined that my uterus was "empty" I did a pregnancy test there and she said I was definitely pregnant, but it was probably too soon to see anything. I believe I conceived during ovulation, a condom broke during this time and I completely forgot so I didn't buy a Plan B. So maybe a little less than 7 weeks technically. I have another appointment scheduled for May 21st for a medical abortion, the problem is that on May 23 I have a wedding to attend and then from May 24th- May 27th I have a weekend girls trip planned. Should I try to reschedule? It's very tough for me as I live over 2 hours from my nearest clinic and it is very difficult for me to take time off work. They don't offer weekends and the days they do offer are few and far between. I'm scared that even if I insert the pills vaginally at 6 hours, I'm going to have to go to work and see everyone while going through lots of pain and bleeding. Do you think it's doable? Should I try for a reschedule? I'm very scared after reading many horror stories on this subreddit. Thank you for any advice offered! P.S. Can I take Hydrocodone for the pain? I have a few left from my wisdom teeth removal in January.
submitted by whointhefuckareyou to abortion [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:17 RepresentativeKiwi67 Testosterone Pellet Journal - 0 through 6 weeks

Hi All-
When looking for testosterone pellet information, I found very little documentation in the form of journals and regular cadence check-ins. The one I found was immensely helpful to me, and I wanted to return the favor. I am six weeks into my first pellet therapy and very happy with the decision to do it.
Prior to the pellet, I was really suffering from massive amounts of brain fog, and I could hardly focus. I had very low energy, no libido (no desire at all), I was unhappy, cranky, and cried easily.
My biggest fear going into this was having a ravenous libido (as some have experienced). I let my doctor know this and we started with a healthy but moderate dose.
I've tried to provide as much detail as possible, but happy to answer any questions.
46 yo
158 lbs, Current T level of 18 (prior test was 11), estrogen is in the normal range
Biote 125mg on 3/29/24
3/29/24 - Day one
The procedure was quick and easy, I was nervous and tense, but it was painless.
No shower for 24 hrs, no soaking for 3 days.
Also taking DIM 150mg once per day (also prescribed a supplement for ADK and B12 but these are unrelated to the T pellet)
Was tendesore at insertion point for a few days but nothing major.
4/5 - 1 week update
Sick for a few days this week (unrelated), so this may impact my overall experience. I haven’t felt any different for the most part.
I rubbed my eyes (thanks to allergies) and lost some eyelashes and brow hairs. it seemed to be more than normal, which could be a tiny side effect, but maybe not. I did notice a few small pimples over the week, but I’m also in my week of menstruation.
I haven’t gained or lost weight, no mood changes.
Still a tiny bit of tenderness at the insertion spot, but it’s very minimal. The incision is completely healed from the outside.
I haven’t been consistent with the DIM supplement due to illness, but have restarted after a few days off.
My doctor did tell me that it may take a few weeks to start to feel the effects of the testosterone.
4/12 - 2 week update
Allergies took over and I had a bad couple of days with extremely low energy. Went to bed at 9pm one night, and the next day had the worst hot flash of my life (beet red from chest to face for a solid 45 minutes.
My weight gain has been minimal but a bummer. I have gained 3 lbs and currently weigh 160.
No change in sexual desire, or energy that I’ve noticed yet.
I met briefly with my doctor, who said I should be feeling it by now, but I’m not. Maybe it's due to a couple of weeks of not-so-great health.
4/19 - 3 week update
I’m starting to notice some changes. In general, my energy seems to be slightly increased. I seem to wake up a bit easier in the mornings. I feel more motivated in general, and more capable of letting go when bad things happen.
I noticed that the mild vaginal dryness I was experiencing is gone. There is no real noticeable change in desire (yet), but I will say that even the slight increase in energy and ability to once again self-lubricate makes me feel more open to the idea of sex.
My weight has leveled off and I have dropped half a lb since the week prior.
5/5 - 5 weeks update
No changes from week 3. Feeling a bit of motivation and more energy to keep going during the day. The biggest change so far has been a decrease in my brain fog. I have clearer thoughts in general and fewer days spent lost to brain fog. I have noticed that the severe breast swelling and tenderness I typically experience ~2 weeks before my period has not happened since being on testosterone. It’s only been 5 weeks, which means I’ve only moved through one cycle, so this may change, but an observation for now. There are no other changes in my cycle to note, but because of the Mirena IUD, I do not typically have periods where I bleed (but I have had a handful of breakthrough bleeding in the last year).
I’ll be going in this week for my 5 week (midpoint) bloodwork and I’m very curious to see what my T levels have balanced out to and talk through what my next dose may be.
5/13 Check-up
160.5 lbs, Testosterone 195!!
Great check-in with my doctor. My testosterone is in a great range at 195. I feel good. Not bad. Thats something worth celebrating! Nothing earth-shattering, but I feel so much better in general. Most days I wake up feeling ready for the day (and waking up is a bit easier), there are fewer brain fog days, my libido has come back (YES!), and I feel much more able to focus and get things done. No breast swelling pre-cycle as I had before, and much less dense fibrous tissue as well (from what I can tell). I think I may have noticed a decrease in inflammation in my joints, but I can’t be sure just yet.
My emotions feel much more in check. In the last few years, I was referred to as a "crier," which made me very self-conscious. Now, when there is conflict or some sort of upset, it's much easier to keep this in check. I still get weepy occasionally; it's just easier to manage. Crying is healthy. I don't not want to cry; I just want the ability to have a bit more control over it.
No side effects other than a few lbs of weight gain (which I’ve read could be water weight and may go away), but I’m fine with this given the other results.
Overall thoughts: I’m really happy with the results. The energy boost is subtle but noticeable after a few weeks. Keeping a journal has definitely helped me check in with myself and take note. I would say this option is worth exploring. Prior to the pellet i tried the gel, but was not happy at all with the results. This is clearly a very personal choice. Gel or injections may be right for others, but pellets work for me.
Honestly, I feel like I'm back to the me I used to be. It's really nice!
I scheduled my next pellet insertion for another 6 weeks out. We’ll continue to monitor levels throughout the year.
I hope this helps others make a more informed decision!
submitted by RepresentativeKiwi67 to TRT_females [link] [comments]