Drake bells boxers

Drake Bell and Josh Peck hanging out in 2014

2024.06.01 22:55 imheretoshareinfo Drake Bell and Josh Peck hanging out in 2014

Drake Bell and Josh Peck hanging out in 2014
Just another random video of them hanging out :) This was during Josh's vine days.
submitted by imheretoshareinfo to DrakeandJosh [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:33 Acceptable-Swing9000 The Million Dollar Game and Piss Poor Taste

Hello everyone!
I have been following the development of Day of Dragons for a long time since its original Kickstarter campaign back in 2019. About how an idea was crafted and sold to the public, a genuine concept with great potential and with unknown consequences. At this point many believe that this game was a scam gone wrong, with the game developer asking for money to make a game and gravely underestimating the popularity that their project would receive. From the lead developer proudly taking credit and keeping his audience in the dark about using bought assets while taking all of the credit from the assets' original creators. Eventually as lies kept piling, people were unfairly banned for concerns regarding the financial management, Day of Dragons truly had barely hatched with its tech demo into the world when the lead developer made it clear that he had no interest or patience. As much as Jao has also claimed to have been destroyed and burnt out by the "YouTube propaganda" that brought all of his lies and truth to light originally. Jao keeps coming back to the drama every single year as attempts to use it as a negative monetising of his project, being a strong believer that if you cannot gain good attention, then even the worst kind of attention is enough.
The alpha stage of development with the tech demo was simply put a survival to its fittest, a desert map with only three known oasis at its release and forcing players to only feed upon other players. It was a massive let down that barely kept players' attention and the player cap quickly dropped after first three weeks of its release. The lead developer's belief of players having to work tirelessly to keep their dragon fed truly matched his ideology. It took months before new assets were bought and first single AI creature was added into the game in hopes to bring players back. It did work for a while but it couldn't keep high player population meant for 100 people alive for long. Clans were quickly established and most largest ones kept all other players from growing to adulthood and though these original clans might not exist here today, there has truly been no difference from the bloodshed from the past.
The beta stage of development was started with the first pay-to-win DLC: an acid dragon that could force all flying dragons (99% of all free playable dragons in the game) into the ground for an easy meal. The Acid Spitter Drake that even to this day despite its decreased health pool, still is fully capable of standing above other free playable dragons. The excuse that we were given for a paid DLC to be the first dragon to be worked on was that "It was the easiest and it had no wings." which brought the public's trust down even further. Truly only the greatest of fans continued to keep holding onto the faith of anything that is being developed a good thing. When the beta stage of development was released to Kickstarter backers and soon the new established Patreon supporters, the second dragon and first FREE playable dragon Shadow Scale was easily brought to its knees in front of the Acid Spitter Drake and this would continue to be the end of time of the beta stage. While Flame Stalker dragon was also developed and released there were a real power struggle and lots of issues with balancing the existing 3 dragons.
After as the approach of the 4th Anniversary of Day of Dragons we were promised that the game would finally let go of its early access (EA) title and strive with pride to full release access. We were promised beautiful visuals of the Unreal Engine 5, brand new free dragons that we had been waited for many years to be released, a new skin and customisation system, and much more! Same promises that that the lead developer had promised so many years ago during the Kickstarter campaign. What exactly happened yet again? After so many promised delays. The 1.0 release was supposed to have been here in 2021. It was delayed due to an excuse of not expecting dragons and artists having cost that much. For a new game and first time game developer it was an acceptable pass, not the favoured one but acceptable regardless. Then half a year later another delay came and flew by, and then another and another and another. All the meanwhile the players and community members have had to walk on eggshells hoping not to say something by accident that would "upset" the lead developer's feelings, over 40 year old man who still lives in his mother's basement and who cries cyber bullying when someone says that the flight system isn't perfect but it could be made with [insert suggestion here] adjustments.
Every year Day of Dragons has received thousands of dollars from Patreon supporters. In 2020 when the Patreon was page Day of Dragons was given a large amount of $7,158 USD in its first year in the website. Then in 2021 the financial support grew to huge $41,571 USD. During the start of Covid in 2022 Day of Dragons received $117,506 USD. During the year of 2023 the Patreon sum was $179,288 USD and so far up to mid 2024 Day of Dragons have been receiving total of $91,235 USD this year.
Patreon has in total of its current lifetime given $436,758 USD to the development of Day of Dragons. Well, not exactly development because the lead developer said that its actually going to pay the comic artist and some of their Discord community (part-time and full time) staff.
The original Kickstarter campaign brought together $533,938 USD and the generous people who came together to support the idea and help bringing it to life were generously thanked by the lead developer and said that "they only paid for the concept of the game, not for its development" when Kickstarter backers asked why they were not receiving as many developer blogs on Kickstarter when the developers had failed to update the Kickstarter page for two months.
While we do not know the exact number of private sales that the lead developer has made and gained through the official Day of Dragons website, what we know for a fact from the use of public internet searches and website statistics is that together Day of Dragons has generated roughly around $970,696 USD (not including private sales. The game has mostly a million dollars in support money and income from selling the game on its official website and Steam, yet the game has been 'recoded' twice and its still as poor state with little to no increases in its game content than what it was between the alpha and beta stages of development.
I apologise if this post is this long. I truly am but to this day I cannot believe how people are still so forgiving towards a lead developer and his 'friends' in staff team for the players and community horribly, dare I even say abuse because of the clear favourite picking, harassment, encouragement of harassment and doxxing attempts. As we all know even the people who have believed that they are supporting the development of the game for years have began to receive the nasty side of the developers and staff. It is rich coming from some person in the United States believing about how privileged he is to gather a group of people, force them to shut their ears for reason, claiming that the internet is lying to you when you are shown Patreon or Steam statistics (from the actual Patreon/Steam websites) and then proceed to brainwash adults and underaged to obedience because "he is some big game developer" who in total honestly just happened to get lucky.
Do not take me wrong, I like many many others wish that this game would be finished, but all of the signs of the lead developer holding back the development because withholding information when there are desperate people willing to keep throwing money at him, just points towards the direction that this game is most likely going to fail. As long as we, the community as a whole and people refuse to act and show that actions have consequences the things are not going to change. After the meltdown and entire shutdown during 2019 because the lead developer lost his cool over the backlash and destroyed his public appearance the first time, there was no changes and he refused to change because there were hard headed people who insisted that Jao did no wrong and blamed someone entirely for Jao's actions. People have kept throwing the project and lead developer money year after year. Jao's behaviour has not changed. His game is barely progressing which is not a surprise because long before 1.0.0 update it was barely being developed in the first place.
If you look at one of the more recent survival games that is currently in progress, such as The Wings of Dawn which also includes playable dragons: their game failed their first Kickstarter campaign and received nothing. Where most would have stopped there because their idea was not sellable, The Wings of Dawn development team kept going without any money. It was their community who pushed and kept pushing the developers to accept Patreon funding, which they eventually did and still receive a small fraction compared to Day of Dragons, yet somehow and in some way, this 2 year old survival game has already completed their first map (working on 2nd map), 5 fully finished and rigged dragon models, playable humans and 3 playable dragons in their TECH DEMO. Yes, a pre-alpha tech demo and its going to be free to play for everyone during The Wings of Dawn next Kickstarter campaign.
Where is Day of Dragons' progress of 5 years? Surely noticing that there is active competition the development should have been sped up, right? We have 3 free playable dragons, 1 Kickstarter "aesthetic" dragon and 1 paid DLC (with 2nd right around the corner). There are no completed map, barely have gotten half of the free dragons that we were promised, no questing system which was promised to be here the last 2 years. No character customisation and breeding system that we were promised at the early stages of beta in Unreal Engine 4 build. Hell, something very simple such as weather which is an easy setup plugin has been hold back in the release because of what? Because it would make the release of the Blitz Striker Ampithere so much bigger deal. You serious? A competitor gets half of the basic shit that we have been waiting for Day of Dragons done in 2 years and receives roughly $2K per month, where as the Day of Dragons receives $17K per month to this day.
So in all honesty what the fuck?
Where has all of that $533,938 USD been going to?
Because it most definitely has not been going for the development. Not all of it.
I do believe that when people say "if you don't like the game leave a preview and uninstall and leave it be" is the best advice in this situation. There comes to a point when a game has received very likely a million dollars in funding, support and sales The raw and sad reality is that people have been enabling and encouraging the lead developer's behaviour by giving him money, lots and lots of their money when Jao has done nothing more than acted very predatory and unlawfully towards his community. If people truly want to help this game to do a turn around then it is time to give the lead developer a reality check: act on those consequences: do not support a developer who's morality and ideology doesn't align with your own. There has been new dragon games coming out which may or may not have been the result of Jao screaming at people to go and make their own game if Day of Dragons is so bad. These are consequences.
Please support games who acknowledge you and respect you as a person. Not just someone's wallet that they can bleed dry. Most importantly look after yourselves and your own health. Only through actions can we teach other people the basics of human interaction. Praise and reward the good behaviour in people when they do good. Do not praise and reward bad behaviour because it will turn very harshly something like this that has been happening and keeps happening in the higher up of Day of Dragons. If it turns out that the lead developer, the owner and CEO of the BeAwesome company refuses to take respect his customers and takes no responsibility of his staff's actions whatsoever. Then let it burn.
We do not need game developers like the ones developing Day of Dragons in game industry. We do not need mini AAA's demanding that we must give money just to be treated somewhat better. We do not need a tiny ass company that acts so big because their egos got inflated by a streak of luck that just played right before their company was even founded. We do not need developers who think that they are validated and able to do horrible things to other people because they are in the status that allows them to become predatory. If Day of Dragons doesn't change, then neither are we required to throw money at people who bite the hands that feeds them.
I apologise that this has been such a long post. Consider this as a very long review of mine about the game and the misgivings that we have had to experience and a reminder that not all game developers act this way. Most of all please remember to respect yourselves as a human being. You should not have to pay someone to be treated differently or have your voice heard. You should never have to pay in order to have your feedback or critique heard, any kind of development or company doesn't work that way and will never succeed with that kind of mentality. Stay safe, stay aware and keep playing games. Except this one.
submitted by Acceptable-Swing9000 to DayofDragons [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:34 kc3531 Looking to trade

Looking to trade
Looking for multiple items. I’ve listed everything I have to trade and what i’m in search of (ISO). I would really like Western Star, The KJ, and Sing it Out.
Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/km9a0w https://mply.io/km9a0w
ISO Karaoke Night -The KJ (2 stars) Sing it out (2 stars)
Country Roads -Western Star (4 stars)
Mr Mozart -Inspiration (3 stars) -The magic flute (4 stars)
Music Festival -Monopoly Tunes (5 stars)
Spin City -Crate digger (3 stars) -Smash hit (5 stars) -Happy stroll (5 stars)
Everyday Tunes -Melody blowing (3 stars) -Matching songs (4 stars) -Washboard tunes (5 stars) -Flutiful (5 stars)
K-pop Idols -Going viral (4 stars) -Big gig (4 stars) -Bias wrecker (5 stars) -True idols (5 stars)
Wild Melodies -Melodic haul (5 stars) -New hobby (5 stars)
Disco Time -Cool wagon (4 stars) -Groove on (5 stars) -Tycoon hustle (5 stars) -Boogie down (5 stars)
Rockstar Dreams -Tantalizing (4 stars) -Broom rack (5 stars) -The best gift (5 stars) -Great pick (5 stars) -Rockstar (5 stars)
Hip Hop -Self practice (4 stars) -Beat boxer (5 stars) -Bucket drums (5 stars) -Call out (5 stars) -Clean win (5 stars)
Bell Canto -Orchestra (4 stars) -Overture (4 stars) -La traviata (4 stars) -Madame butterfly (5 stars) -La boheme (5 stars) -The barber of Seville (5 stars) -Oviazone (5 stars)
CAN TRADE Symphony Store -Can’t beat it (1 star, 2x) -Mewsic (1 star, 1x) -Off kilter (1 star, 1x)
Musical Memoir -My forte (1 star, 2x) -Arpeggios (1 star, 1x) -Rehearsal (1 star, 1x) -Spectacle (1 star, 1x) -Curtain call (2 stars, 1x)
Swingin Notes -All that jazz (1 star, 1x) -Star employee (1 star, 1x) -Stage dream (1 star, 1x) -A star is born (1 star, 1x)
Ludwig Van Monopoly -Baby Ludwig (1 star, 1x) -Young Promise (1 star, 3x) -#1 fan (1 star, 1x) -Fur Elise (1 star, 2x) -Splendid (2 stars, 1x)
Musical Bonds -Melodic legacy (1 star, 1x) -Cool kids (1 star, 2x) -Proud mom (1 star, 1x) -National notes (2 stars, 1x) -First Dance (2 stars, 1x)
World Music -Mexico lindo (1 star, 1x) -Musical chord (1 star, 1x)
Boy Band -Press fun (1 star, 1x) -Cover boys (2 stars, 2x) -Talk show (2 stars, 2x)
Crescendo Academy -Notes avenue (2 stars, 1x) -Clean routine (2 stars, 1x)
Country Roads -Hay girl (2 stars, 2x) -Saddle up (2 stars, 1x) -Steeled lips (2 stars, 1x) -Country call (2 stars, 1x) -Solid design (3 stars, 1x)
Mr Mozart -Oh sheet (2 stars, 2x)
Pop Princess -It girl (2 stars, 2x) -Starry eyed (3 stars, 2x)
Music Festival -Merch it (4 stars, 1x)
Spin City -Stereo types (3 stars, 1x) -Rare find (4 stars, 2x)
Everyday Tunes -Crystal clear (3 stars, 2x)
K-pop Idols -Trainees (2 stars, 1x) -Aegyo merch (3 stars, 3x)
Wild Melodies -Instrument bliss (3 stars, 1x) -Nose notes (3 stars, 1x)
Rockstar Dreams -The business (3 stars, 1x)
Hip Hop -Breakdance (3 stars, 1x)
submitted by kc3531 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 17:01 eZGjBw1Z New and Changed Products - June 2024 (More price decreases than increases)

Usually around the first of the month we have a batch of price changes. According to the "How to Become a Contract Liquor Agent" document, "The Agent must also complete price changes that occur at the first of the month..."
I plan to use this post to capture other smaller changes that happen during the rest of the month before the big change next month. Be sure to go back and check out what changed last month after the 1st.
Counts for 6/1/24:
For each category I've sorted by the amount of the price increase or decrease. New products are shown first, then price decreases are shown in decreasing order followed by price increases in increasing order. At the end are products with other changes unrelated to price.
Here's a link to what changed last month in May, 2024.
Current product status is indicated on each line as follows. OHLQ hasn't publicly explained what these things mean but I've included my best guess below.

American Whiskey


Canadian Whiskey



Irish Whisky

Japanese Whiskey





submitted by eZGjBw1Z to OhioLiquor [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:19 AidanCreatesStuff Journey of the Chosen One - Entry 4

Hail, dear phantom, I’m glad to see you again. True to my word I went back to the Undead Burg to visit the familiar residents and see if I couldn’t put some of my keys to use. Ultimately, of course, I was after the Bell of Awakening. I believe the Crestfallen Warrior mentioned one being beneath the Undead Burg, so that was what I aimed to uncover.
Instead, I found new threats and an entity that whittled my resilience down to its bare foundation.
My keys brought me to some peculiar locations. I remembered well two locked doors, one in both of the turrets that interrupt the grand wall surrounding the city. In the tower that I passed through to confront the Taurus Demon, is a door that once unlocked brings you further down.
To my surprise, at the bottom of those spiral stone steps, awaited a brute of a warrior. Donned head to toe in armor most robust, wielding a shield that he was able to comfortably hide behind and an even larger club. My initial impression was one of awe, truth be told. He appeared as though he could crush me with his thoughts alone!
As it turned out, it would be his weight and lumber that would work to my advantage. Merely a roll to the side gave me ample opportunity to launch a Soul Arrow his way, something he scarcely had the choice to avoid. So robust was he, however, that I ran out of spell slots before he fell, a very rare feat. Although my Estoc was useless against his impervious armor, some well-placed back stabs put him in the ground for good.
I was fortunate to not suffer a scratch, as I reckon that’s all it would have taken. I pilfered a ring from his corpse, to reveal his name: Havel.
Beyond Havel was a door, one that, to my sheer astonishment, led to the Darkroot Basin. The extent of the Darkroot forest was one I hadn’t anticipated. I thought I had put the verdant murk behind me for a while. And after stepping foot into the green mire and seeing beings composed purely of crystal - I turned the other way. With no spell slots and no bravery, I fled to return another time. Besides, I still had another key I wished to operate.
I decided to unlock the next door and uncover what was beyond before returning to the safety of the Bonfire. I must be growing more audacious. The next door was found just before where the large drake positioned itself, on the second turret.
Before me sprawled another descent, and I found myself in the rotten depths of the Undead Burg before long. Viscous dogs roamed the ruined streets. The path I picked first took me to a door of iron bars that led me back to a familiar spot in the Undead Burg - a location right next to the Bonfire. A very sweet relief.
It was there I readied myself for the dive into the lower Undead Burg. I imagined a sprawling street ripe with rotten ruin. And although that’s what I met, the path was very linear. After I bested an ambush of thieves and roaming dogs, I heard the cries of someone trapped.
I couldn’t believe my luck when I uncovered a fellow sorcerer! Trapped in the depths of that cesspit, of all places. We wore almost the same attire, and he said he would return to Firelink Shrine. Perhaps I was a little too eagre in our greeting, but he would sell me his sorceries all the same when I met him again.
I noticed white light blocking a small arch, and knew something foul stirred within. Before stepping foot through, I wished to uncover the rest of the streets, and my exploration took me to alleys and gutters. After dispatching more thieves, I climbed up another turret that rejoined to the filthy aqueduct that led to Firelink Shrine - just in time to meet my fellow sorcerer once more.
Finally in my wretched journey could I learn more spells. Spells that would serve me extremely well. I purchased the Heavy Soul Arrow and Magic Weapon, to elevate my abilities considerably.
With renewed fervor, I struck down the local ambling Undead with such aggression and power that I shocked myself. None would stand in my way, now, I thought to myself.
I was quickly humbled, dear phantom, when I returned to the lower Undead Burg and traversed through the white light to stand face to face with the abhorrent Capra Demon. Before I had fully stepped out of the white light, its grotesque form was already upon me. If I had moved a split second later, I would have been crushed beneath both its behemoth blades.
Despite my haste, I was not out of danger, for two dogs were quick to rip me to shreds.
Never have I been slain so quickly!
And so I ran again. Up the hill, through the aqueduct, down the spire, through the alley, and up the stairs, only to be greeted by more savage dogs. I was ripped asunder in my careless advance.
Again and again did I make that journey. If I weren’t torn apart by the guarding hounds, then I was swiftly executed by the Capra Demon and its infernal pets. So many times did I make that trip that I was almost driven to madness. Never has wrathful rage stirred so violently in me.
It was those dogs. They were the bane of my attempts to slay the Capra Demon. Too easily they penetrated my cloth garbs; with each bite I couldn’t help but recoil and cry out. Perhaps I was relying on the safety that distance brought me with my sorceries. And so I thought to seek the safety of steel, for once.
As unfamiliar am I with wearing suits of armor, any sort of piece I donned slowed me down dramatically. Nothing more Soul sacrifices to the Bonfire couldn’t remedy, however.
I’ll save you the tale of my time in Darkroot Garden slaying for Souls, although I did notice an unfamiliar sign, written by a fellow phantom. It advised me to strike the tree down in front of it, and to my surprise, the tree soon fell, revealing a long untouched expanse.
In this hidden nook of the solitary garden, resided more of those slumbering stone giants, and a slew of strange amphibian creatures with reptilian features. They fell easy enough, although their long, sharp tongues struck me some times.
At the end of this secluded space was another fortification. I couldn’t believe my luck as I found a discarded Wolf Ring. The moment I slotted it onto my finger I could feel my robustness harden. It was then I had the idea to utilize the ring found on Havel’s body, and I felt my person grow stronger. My punches didn’t hit any harder, but my body could lift things before I sweat to look at.
With these enhancements, I was able to don better armaments and still move as swiftly as I did with my sorcerer garbs.
With the helm of a Bell Gargoyle and the shoddy armor ripped from a hollow, I was ready to face the Capra Demon and its hounds. No bite shall affect me so viscerally, now, thanks to my rings.
I stepped into the white light and immediately rolled past the demon’s lunge. Although the dogs were at my heels in an instant, their clamping maws didn’t cause me to pause. With my Estoc enhanced with magic, I was able to end their miserable existence upon the stairs.
Without his hounds, the Capra Demon wasn’t such a challenge, especially as my Heavy Soul Arrows punctured deep into his ruinous hide. It wasn’t long, then, before it fell, and yet another key came into my clutches.
My victory over the Capra Demon wasn’t nearly as jubilant an occasion as I suspected, although I didn’t kill it for the thrill of the hunt.
With the key in my withered hands, I headed back into the alley and opened the door, to peer into the Depths.
I was wrong to suspect a Bonfire close by, and in exploring the dank depths, I found a quick end at the hands of a swallowing and oozing creature, something I could scarcely see before I found myself back at Firelink Shrine, here to meet you.
I shall tell you more of my adventure into the Depths another time, should you care to listen. I have prattled on long enough, have I not?
Godspeed, good phantom.
submitted by AidanCreatesStuff to darksouls [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:14 HollywoodGurl97 Ep.7 Giovonnie Samuels on bittersweet reunion with Drake Bell, Quiet on Set and All That BTH (talks briefly on what she thinks needs to change in the industry)

Ep.7 Giovonnie Samuels on bittersweet reunion with Drake Bell, Quiet on Set and All That BTH (talks briefly on what she thinks needs to change in the industry) submitted by HollywoodGurl97 to QuietOnSetDocumentary [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:59 bones_humming New Releases May 31st

MM Romance
Kindle Unlimited
Kobo, Everand (Scribd) & Amazon
Kobo & Kobo Plus
Everand (Scribd)

Other Queer Romance

Kindle Unlimited
Kobo & Kobo Plus
No new releases.


MM Romance
No new releases.
Other Queer Romance
No new releases.
submitted by bones_humming to MM_RomanceBooks [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:34 n217062 Memory timeline part 10: Syndicate

Part ten covers Syndicate. I've done my best to get the dates as accurate and precise as possible. All of the dates are sourced directly from the game and the Underworld novel, along with other research that's been noted below.
Despite the order that the main sequence memories are listed in on the game's progress tracker, this is not the correct chronological order of events. In fact, it's not even possible to play the memories in this order since Jacob's assassination memories always have to be played last in each sequence. Though for Evie's memories specifically, the progress tracker's order is consistent with the order that the numbered entries in Evie's notebook are unlocked, which furthermore is consistent with how events are described in the Underworld novel. However, there are still a few additional conflicts between the game and the novel due to the order in which the game forces certain memories to be played. Further details on this topic will be found in the notes below.\1])
I did not include any of the side content from the Jack the Ripper DLC on the timeline. Due to the short timeframe of the DLC's story (from Evie's return to London to her assassination of Jack, the DLC spans roughly ten days), I find it implausible that Evie wasted time doing all these activities that bear little to no relevance to her primary investigation. Additionally, several of the DLC's side activities feature historically anachronistic characters and plot points. So for the purposes of the timeline, I found that it made more sense to just not include any of it.
Part 1: AC1 + Altaïr's Chronicles & Bloodlines
Part 2: AC2 + Discovery
Part 3: Brotherhood
Part 4: Revelations
Part 5: AC3
Part 6: Liberation + Black Flag Aveline DLC
Part 7: Black Flag + Freedom Cry
Part 8: Rogue
Part 9: Unity
Sequences 1–3: 1868 (Evie & Jacob aged 20)
Sequences 4–5: 1868 (Evie & Jacob aged 20/Starrick aged 40)
Sequences 6–7: 1868 (Evie & Jacob aged 20/Starrick aged 40–41)
Liberating the rest of London: 1868 (Evie & Jacob aged 20)
Sequences 8–9: 1868 (Evie & Jacob aged 20–21/Starrick aged 41)
Epilogue + remaining side memories: 1868–1869 (Evie & Jacob aged 21–22)
Jack the Ripper: 1888 (Evie aged 40–41/Jack aged 28)
World War I: 1916 (Lydia aged 23)
\1]) Through a combination of the game's progress tracker, Evie's notebook, and the Underworld novel, the most logical order for the main sequence memories is as follows:
\2]) Charles Dickens' only appearance in the main story is during Somewhere That's Green, which takes place in February 1868. This encounter that Dickens has with the twins is not historically possible since he was in the United States from November 1867 to April 1868. He would not return to London until 2 May 1868. Therefore all of Dickens' London stories most likely take place at some point after his return to London in either the spring or summer of 1868.
\3]) The gang leader ambushes all trigger at specific points during each borough's liberation. The ambushes in Whitechapel, Lambeth, City of London, and the Strand trigger upon the completion of the last gang stronghold in each borough. The ambushes in Southwark and Westminster trigger upon the completion of the last child liberation in each borough. And the ambush in the Thames triggers upon the completion of the last bounty hunt in the borough.
\4]) John Elliotson's historical date of death is 29 July 1868, but the game depicts his death happening earlier in the year as he's the first target that Jacob assassinates in London. Similarly, James Brudenell's historical date of death is 28 March 1868 (interestingly the game actually does list this death date for Brudenell in his database entry), but the game depicts his death happening later in the year during deliberations on the Corrupt Practices Act in July 1868.
\5]) Two of Charles Darwin's London stories feature historical anachronisms. In The Berlin Specimen, the fossil being recovered is the Berlin specimen of Archaeopteryx which wasn't discovered until 1874. In Cruel Caricature, the caricature of Darwin is the "A Venerable Orang-outang" editorial cartoon that was first published in The Hornet magazine on 22 March 1871. The last Darwin memory mentions him leaving London to be with his family on the Isle of Wight, which he historically did on 17 July 1868. Darwin and his family stayed there for five weeks during which a famous photograph of Darwin was taken by Julia Margaret Cameron.
\6]) During the events of sequence 9, William Gladstone is campaigning against Benjamin Disraeli for the position of Prime Minister. The 1868 United Kingdom general election occurred from 17 November to 7 December. Gladstone won the election and officially stepped into the role of Prime Minister on 3 December. Disraeli's last day as Prime Minister had been two days earlier. Since Disraeli is still Prime Minister during the last Queen Victoria memory, that means the events of sequence 9 and the Queen Victoria memories all take place in November 1868.
\7]) There's no historical record of Arthur Conan Doyle visiting London as a child. From 1868 to 1870, Doyle was attending Hodder Place, a Jesuit preparatory school in Lancashire. There's a record of the school being temporarily closed for renovations in 1869. Given that the Dreadful Crimes memories most likely take place after the main story, it's logical to conclude that they happened in 1869 during a period when Doyle wasn't attending school and could've plausibly traveled to London.
submitted by n217062 to assassinscreed [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 07:08 BrodaciousPhantom MAJOR HERO TEAMS OF AMALGAMVERSE #979A

THE JUSTIFIERS: (Justice League + Avengers)
Captain Amazon/Diana Rogers (Wonder Woman + Captain America)
Captain ThundeBilly Blake (Shazam + Thor)
Emerald Knight/Oliver Stark (Green Arrow + Iron Man)
Green Rocket/Jordan Danvers (Green Lantern/Hal Jordan + Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers)
Bullet-Ant/Barry Pym (The Flash/Barry Allen + Ant-Man/ Hank Pym)
Black Raven/Dinah Romanov (Black Canary/Dinah Lance + Black Widow/Natasha Romanov)
Martian Hulk/John BanneB'ruzz J'onzz (Martian Manhunter + Hulk)
The Fly/Iris Van Dyne (Iris West + The Wasp)
Seahawk/Namora Thol (Hawkgirl + Namora)
Tiger Shark/R'Kuri (Aquaman + Black Panther)
Gamma-Girl/Karen Walters (Powergirl + She-Hulk)
Blue Icon/Freeman Brashier (Icon + Blue Marvel)
Arachknight/Pete Wayne (Batman + Spider-Man)
Bullet-Ant/Scotty West (Wally West + Scott Lang)
Eagle/Donna Wilson (Donna Troy + Falcon)
Mary Miracle/Mary Angela (Mary Marvel + Angela)
The Earth's premiere superhero team. The original seven were formed to stop Black Set's invasion of New Gotham while the Super Squad and Arachknight were nowhere in sight.
SUPER SQUAD: (Superman Family + Fantastic Four)
Mr. SupeKent Richards (Superman + Mr. Fantastic)
Invisible Woman/Lois Storm (Lois Lane + Invisible Woman)
Hotshot/Jimmy Storm (Jimmy Olsen + Human Torch/Johnny Storm)
Scrapmetal/John Henry Grimm (Steel + The Thing)
Ruby/Kara Amaq-El (Supergirl/Kara + Crystal)
Psi-Boy/Connor Richards (Superboy/Connor + Psi-Lord/Franklin Richards)
Brainiac/Joanna Richards (Superboy/Jon + Brainstorm/Valeria Richards)
Once a regular team of individuals who went to explore the vacuums of space before their ship was struck by radiation from an exploding planet. Now with their new solar based abilities, they continue to explore various places while saving the lives of many people; becoming a staple of the superhero community.
GLOBAL FORCE: (Justice League International + Avengers West Coast)
Goldeneye/Clint Carter (Booster Gold + Hawkeye/Clint)
Bluebird/Bobbi Kord (Blue Beetle/Ted + Mockingbird)
Atomic WondeNathaniel Williams (Captain Atom + Wonderman)
Crimson Rocket/Gavril Vanko (Rocket Red/Gavril + Crimson Dynamo/Ivan)
Flare/Pietro da Costa (Fire + Quicksilver)
Coldspell/Wanda Olafsdotter (Ice + Scarlet Witch)
Vortex/Victor Smith (Red Tornado + Vision)
CougaGriri Jiwe McGrant (Vixen + Tigra)
Sunlight II/Kimiyo Yoshida (Dr. Light II/Kimiyo + Sunpyre/Leyu)
Echo/Daisy Santos (Vibe + Quake)
Paladin/Jean Paul SpectoMichael Grant/Jake Lane (Azrael/Jean Paul Valley/Michael Lane + Moon Knight/Marc SpectoStephen Grant/Jake Lockley)
Extension/Ralph Foster (Elongated Man + Goliath)
Running Stark Consolidated and being a member of the Justifiers left the Emerald Knight very busy to protect his own city, Los Estellas. It wasn't until he met the time traveling archer known as Goldeneye that a brilliant idea was created. He secretly formed and funded the new team known as Global Force to look after his city whenever he's busy; while also appointing Goldeneye as team leader.
X-PATROL: (Doom Patrol + X-Men)
X-Ray/Larry Summers (Negative Man + Cyclops)
Menta/Jean Dayton (Mento + Jean Grey)
Ice-Girl/Rita Drake (Elasti-Girl + Iceman)
Drone/Cliff Worthington (Robotman + Archangel)
Beastling/Henry Logan (Beast Boy + Beast)
DoppelgangeMarie De Mille (Gemini + Rogue)
Nightbug/Kurt Schwab (Ambush Bug + Nightcrawler)
Hotstreak/Joshua LeBeau (Tempest + Gambit)
Illusion/Kitty Reynolds (Gypsy + Shadowcat)
Gabriel/Mal Cassidy (Herald + Banshee)
Red Steel/Leonid Rasputin (Red Star + Colossus)
Maelstrom/Meroro (Mera + Storm)
Headmaster Niles Xavier is a Meta-Mutant activist who believes that his people and humanity could coexist, much to the pushback of many. In order to gain the public's trust, he formed a Meta-Mutant team that protects both species while also creating a school for the younger generation to control their abilities.
MIDNIGHT PACT: (Shadowpact/JLD + Midnight Sons)
Doctor Stephen Constantine (John Constantine + Doctor Strange)
Zea (Zatanna Zatara + Clea)
Hex Blade/Jonah Brookes (Jonah Hex + Blade)
GravewalkeSimon Brand (Deadman + Zombie)
Zaragan/Danny Blood (Etrigan/Jason Blood + Ghost RideDanny Ketch)
Hannibal Bennett (Andrew Bennett + Hannibal King)
The Heap/Ted Holland (Swamp Thing + Man-Thing)
Obsidian Knight/Sir Justin Whitman (Shining Knight + Black Knight)
Blue Satan/Daniel Hellstrom (Blue Devil + Hellstrom)
WitchdoctoNommo Drumme (Doctor Mist + Brother Voodoo)
Detective Platypus/T. Boward (Detective Chimp + Howard the Duck)
Emma Bloodgem (Amethyst + Emma Bloodstone)
Jennifer Arcane (Abbie Arcane + Jennifer Kale)
Vampire/Kirk Morbius (Man-Bat + Morbius)
The Living Rag/R'Gan/Rory N. Kantu (Ragman + The Living Mummy)
Madame Harkness/Nimue Harkness (Madame Xanadu + Agatha Harkness)
Wolf/Russell Ketchum (Fang + Werewolf By Night)
The Ancient Phantom/Yóudà (Phantom Stranger + The Ancient One)
The Spirit/Jimmy Blaze (The Spectre/Jim Corrigan + Ghost RideJohnny Blaze)
The premiere supernatural team that fights off all mystical threats that regular superheroes can't handle.
INVADING SOCIETY OF AMERICA: (Justice Society of America + Invaders)
Captain Amazon
Trevor Barnes/Cold Warrior (Colonel Steve Trevor + Bucky/Winter Soldier)
Human Lantern/Alan Hammond (Alan Scott + Jim Hammond)
Quantum/Robert Pratt (Atom/Al Pratt + Marvel Boy/Robert Grayson)
The Whiz/Robert Garrick (Jay Garrick + Whizzer)
Wild TigeTed Ayala (Wildcat/Ted Grant + White TigeHector Ayala)
Midnight Marvel/Daniel McNider (Dr. Mid-Nite + Black Marvel)
Apparition/Dodds (Sandman/Wesley Doods + Vision/Aarkus)
Hour FatheLarry Tyler (Hourman/Rex Tyler + Father Time/Larry Scott)
Black Raven/Claire Drake (Black Canary/Dinah Drake + Black Widow/Claire Voyant)
American Belle/Madeline Lawrence (Liberty Belle + Miss America)
British Steel/Lord Henry Falsworth (Steel/Henry Heywood + Union Jack/James Falsworth)
When the Axis Powers became a global threat, a superhuman draft was enacted and many heroes from across the country came together. Led by Captain Amazon, the Invading Society of America made their mark in the history books for their heroism.
G.U.A.R.D.: (LEGION/REBELS + Guardians of the Galaxy)
Orion Warlock (Orion + Adam Warlock)
Giant Gamora (Big Barda + Gamora)
Mr. StaPete Free (Mister Miracle + Star Lord)
Drax the Infinite (Infinity-Man + Drax)
Bad BadgeRocko (Lobo + Rocket Racoon)
Treeb (Tribulus + Groot)
Green Rocket/Richard Raynor (Kyle Raynor + Nova/Richard Ryder)
Praying Mantis (Forager + Mantis)
Quantum/Wendell Palmer (The Atom/Ray Palmer + Quasar)
G'nosmo (G'Nort + Cosmo the Spacedog)
Star Marvel/Sir ProtectoThom-Varr (Starboy/Starman + Noh-Varr)
StellaGha-Vynn (Starman/Prince Gavyn + Phyla-Vell)
Several Divinians have seen the destructive force that Dark Titan causes among the cosmos so they banded together with various cosmic heroes to protect the galaxy.
MAVERICKS: (Outsiders+Manhattan Defenders/Heroes For Hire)
Hellstrike/Jeff Murdock (Black Lightning + Daredevil)
Element Man/Luke Mason/Rex Cage (Metamorpho + Luke Cage)
Fist of Fate/Kent Rand (Dr. Fate + Iron Fist)
Grace Jones (Grace Choi + Jessica Jones)
Ninjutsu/Elektra Yamashiro (Katana + Elektra)
Shen Long (Richard Dragon + Shang Chi)
Siren/Gabrielle Lopez (Halo + Echo)
Alleycat/Felicia Kyle (Catwoman + Black Cat)
Captain Thunderstrike/Freddy Masterson (Captain Marvel Jr. + Thunderstrike)
Silver Strata/Brion Sablinova (Geo-Force + Silver Sable)
Locomotive/Eric Alvarez (Freight Train + Powerman/ Victor Alvarez)
EspeHeather Briggs (Looker + Moondragon)
After the arrest of White Whale, Metropia soon found itself under the deadly hold of the supernatural terrorist group known as The Thousand Hands. They were eventually pushed back by the original formation of Hellstrike, Element Man, Fist of Fate, Grace Jones, and Ninjutsu.
BIRDS OF LIBERTY: (Birds of Prey + Daughters of Liberty)
Web-Girl/Ghost/Gwen Gordon (Batgirl/Oracle+ Spider-Gwen/Ghost Spider)
Black Raven/Dinah Romanova (Black Canary + Black Widow)
Crosshairs/Helena Bishop (Huntress + Kate Bishop)
Black SpideCassandra Moon (Orphan + Silk)
Arachnia/Jessica Kane (Batwoman + Spider-Woman)
Pursuit/Mercedes "Misty" Montoya (Question/Renne Montoya + Misty Knight)
Judo Wing/Colleen Sato (JudomasteSonia Sato + Colleen Wing)
Agent SmasheKatarina "Cheesecake" Armstrong (Spysmasher + Agent Cheesecake)
Owl/Hank Johnson (Hawk + Cloak)
Lark/Dawn Bowen (Dove + Dagger)
Lady Hawk/Zinda Livingston (Lady Blackhawk + Laura Livingston)
Wild TigeAva Montez (Wildcat/Yolanda Montez + White TigeAva Ayala)
Originally formed by the superheroine trio of Web-Girl, Black Raven, & Crosshairs; these vigilantes bring justice to various cities such as New Gotham and Metropia.
GLOBAL FLIGHT: (Global Guardians + Alpha Flight)
Centurion/Mark Hudson (Centrix + Guardian)
Zan Beaubier (Zan + Northstar)
Jayna Beaubier (Jayna + Aurora)
Mason Tworavens (Manitou Raven + Shaman)
Yowie/Hugh Langkowski (Tasmanian Devil + Sasquatch)
Snow Owl/Narya Littlebird (Owlwoman + Snowbird)
Imp/U'Jene (Impala + Puck)
Mermaid/Marrina Paske (Little Mermaid + Marrina)
After various superhero teams popped up in America, Canada felt it was time for their own. Mark Hudson was a smalltime hero in his native Ontario, Canada before being picked by the government to help lead a team of International Canadian heroes after being warned by the Borealis Twins of an upcoming alien invasion.
LEGION OF SUPERHUMANS: (Legion of Superheroes + Inhumans)
Lightning Bolt/Garthagar Boltanzz (Lightning Lad + Black Bolt)
Stheno/Imralith Amaquelin (Saturn Girl + Medusa)
Psionic Boy/Ahurokk Krinnagon (Cosmic Boy + Ahura Boltagon)
Mesonychid/Gorgin Lontragon (Timber Wolf + Gorgon)
Amphibian/Treep Daggle (Chameleon Boy + Triton)
Solaris/Dirk Pertuz (Sun Boy + Inferno)
Karate MasteKarnal-Armzur (Karate Kid + Karnak)
In the far future of the 30th Century, humanity has surpassed genetically due to aliens and Meta-Mutants breeding; now a new race called the Superhumans are the dominant species. After being inspired by the stories of the Golden Age of Heroes specific the Super Squad, a team of tomorrow was born.
FREEDOM WARRIORS: (Freedom Fighters + New Warriors)
Night Patriot/Sam Taylor (Uncle Sam + Night Thrasher)
FirebringeAngelica Reilly (Firebrand + Firestar)
Osprey/Nita Kendall (Black Condor II + Namorita)
Chain Reaction/Robbie Franklin (Human Bomb II + Speedball)
Micro Man/Zachary Dane (Doll Man II + Microbe)
Apollo/Vance Terrill (The Ray II + Justice)
Lady Silhouette/Sandra Chord (Phantom Lady + Silhouette)
Iron Rage/Elvin Munro (Iron Munro + Rage)
After seeing his parents killed in front of him at young age, Sam Taylor knew that it was time for a change. He would use family's wealth to train himself to near perfection as he got older while maintaining his charity organization. His hard work would pay off when the Spirit of America chose him as it's next avatar, giving him superhuman abilities. Night Patriot would patrol the dark streets on his own until he formed and financed his own super team.
TEEN MUTANTS: (Teen Titans + New Mutants)
Torpedo/Sam Emerson (Damage + Cannonball)
Kismet/Xi'an Joi Wilson (Jericho + Karma)
Heatspot/Isaiah Da Costa (Hotspot + Sunspot)
HarbingeDemonchylde/Rakhil Rasputina (Raven/Demon Raven+ Magik/Darkchylde)
Gridlock/Douglas Stone (Cyborg/Grid + CipheWarlock)
Wolfpath/Rahne Mendez (Pantha + Wolfsbane)
Warbeast/James Wildstar (Baby Wildebeest + Warpath)
Sparks/Jubilee Hawkins (Static + Jubilee)
Lava/Amara Markov (Terra + Magma)
Moonspin/Daphne Moonspin (Dorothy Spinner + Mirage)
FortifieHisako Barragan (Bunker + Armor)
R-23/Scavager II/Rose Kinney (Rose Wilson + Laura Kinney)
The first graduating class of the X-Academy grouped up and formed The Teen Mutants.
YOUNG CHAMPIONS: (Young Justice + Champions)
Red Arachnid/Miles Drake (Red Robin/Tim Drake + Miles Morales)
Ms. StaKourtney Khan (Stargirl + Ms. Marvel)
Green Rocket/Samantha Cruz (Jessica Cruz + Sam Alexander)
Psi-Boy/Connor Richards
StingeBart Pym (Impulse + Nadia Van Dyne)
Mister Martian/Ted Morse (Miss Martian + Hulkling)
Viv Vortex (Red Tornado Earth 2 + Vivian Vision)
Pulse/Mia Williams (Speedy + Ironheart)
Patriot Girl/Cassie Bradley (Wondergirl/Cassie Sandsmark + Patriot/Eli Bradley)
Blue Falcon/Jaime Torres (Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes + Falcon II/Joaquin Torres)
ATOMIC/Amadeus Kho (OMAC/Kevin Kho + Amadeus Cho)
Missile/Raquel Chavez (Rocket + America Chavez)
After countless fighting between the adult superheroes, a group of teenage heroes decided to take matters into their own hands. The original team consisted of Red Arachnid, Ms. Star, Green Rocket, Stinger, and Psi-Boy.
THE SAVAGES: (The Outlaws + Savage Avengers/Thunderbolts 2013)
Red Vain/Jason Thompson (Red Hood + Agent Venom)
U.S. Amazon/Artemis Walker (Artemis + U.S.Agent)
Brunt/Richards Kent (Bizarro + Brute)
Poolnoodle/Wade "Eel" O'Brien (Plastic Man + Deadpool)
Ninjutsu/Elektra Yamaahiro (Katana+ Elektra Natchios)
El Fantasma/Chato Reyes (El Diablo/Chato Santana + Ghost RideRobbie Reyes)
ExecutioneAdrian Castle (Vigilante/Adrian Chase + Punisher)
Armory/Roy Rhodes (Arsenal + War Machine)
Ka-Mandi/Travis Plunder (Warlord/Kamandi + Ka-Zar)
Huli Jing (Cheshire + Domino)
Deathclaw/Slade Howlett (Deathstroke + Wolverine)
Red General/Wade Ross (The General + Red Hulk)
Red Vain formed his own lethal strike force team after learning that several villains were arms dealing in the Skavage Land and decided to put an end to it.
METAL PACK: (Metal Men + Power Pack)
Gold/Alexander Magnum (Gold + Zero G)
Platinum/Katherine Magnum (Platinum + Energizer)
Iron/Jack Magnum (Iron + Mass Master)
Tin/Franklin Magnum (Tin + Tattletale)
Lead/Whitley Magnum (Lead + Kofi Whitmane)
Mercury/Julie Magnum (Mercury + Lightspeed)
Bolivar Magnum suffered the loss of his children due to a violent Meta-Mutant and in his grief, he created artificially intelligent robot children. Each robot child represents a different metal from the periodic table which makes them formidable against any kind of threat. Magnum filled their heads with xenophobia towards Meta-Mutants and set them after the X-Patrol. After a heart to heart exchange from Beastling, the Metal Pack turned on their father and became allies to the X-Patrol, before Magnum self destructed them.
THE FOUNDATION: (Superman's Authority + Future Foundation)
Mr. Super
Sun Brand/Andrew Connell (Starbrand/Ken Connell + Apollo)
Midnight Mask/Keith Trent (Midnighter + Nightmask)
Succubus/DevoureBobbi Moon (Enchantress + Sentry)
Miss Scrapmetal/Natasha Deering (Steel II/Natasha Irons + Miss Thing/Darla Deering)
Lightfox/Seros (Lightray + Starfox)
Moleculon/Nathaniel Reece (Neutron + Molecule Man)
Hooligan/Manchester Braddock (Manchester Black + Psylocke)
Grokk, the Living Dragon (Grokk, the Living Gargoyle + Dragon Man)
After the superhero and Meta-Mutant community were divided after much infighting, Mr. Super knew that the world still needed a super team to keep humanity safe. He and Scrapmetal went recruiting various super people who fit the cause.
THE NEW SUPER SQUAD (Not really an amalgam but I still wanted to add it)
Martian Hulk
Deathclaw/Slade Howlett (Deathstroke + Wolverine)
After the Super Squad disappeared after an invention created by Alexander Von Doom, an emergency team was called in. Though the four heroes didn't see eye to eye, they made one hell of a team.
submitted by BrodaciousPhantom to Amalgam_Comics [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 06:30 goBerserk_ The Man in the Arena

Rory stared at the dressing room door and swallowed nervously. The arena rocked and shook as the entrance music of his opponent began to play. The whole crowd was stomping and howling a graxian war chant, wbich Rory could hear clear as day through the walls and floors of the arena.
Rory wondered how different this fight would feel like from inside the ring than the ones he had on earth. He remembered how frightening fighting in front of 20,000 at the QB Arena back home was. And this crowd dwarfed that. It was giving Rory goosebumps, and he hadn’t even seen it yet.
Plus, the broadcast… The promoter said this would have around twenty or thirty billion people watching. My biggest fight had only a hundred twenty thousand buys…
Rory snapped back into the here and now as his father, Bill, shook his son’s shoulders. “RORY! Now’s not the time to be away with the pixies. Go piss before we get your gloves on.”
“I’m good.”
Bill sighed. “Just try, will you.”
Rory growled, “I’m not a child anymore; I can tell when I need to piss for myself, thank you.”
Bill shrugged. “Your funeral mate.”
Bill strapped the gloves to Rory’s hands and secured them with tape. “Remember, son, one-twos and leg kicks. This Grax cunt may have four arms, but you have 6 inches of reach on him. And for Christ’s sake, stay off the ground, you can’t sto-”
Rory snapped at his father. “I know! I can’t stop a choke; he has four arms, I have two. You’ve told me a hundred times already!”
His father gave him a stern yet apologetic look. “Sorry, son. I’m just trying to pound it through that thick head of yours and undo everything I’ve taught you.”
Rory’s face flushed with anger. “Thick head?! That’s fucking rich from the dumb cunt that got us here!”
Bill’s eyebrow twitched. He was sick of his son’s chippy attitude. Rory was acting half his age, but Bill kept his frustration under control. After all, the kid had a point. It was his fault.
“I’m sorry, son. I just didn’t want to see you end up like me.”
He had more to say, but the appearance of a squat, toad-like alien shut him up.
The alien, a bunello, asked, “Am I interrupting something?”
Bill quickly said, “No. What is it.”
The greenish-blue toad in a three-piece suit said, “It's time. Follow me.”
Rory stood up and took a deep breath. “Just give me the fucking flag.”
Quiet activity filled the back of the studio while the broadcast commentators, Gallox and Klack, detailed Shaq’ta’s storied career.
Gallox, a yellow-green bunello in a white suit, said, “Shaq’ta is looking to improve his record to 58-7 with this fight and build on the deep run he made in the last Galactic Cup.”
Klack, a scarred and bespectacled grax wearing a blue suit, shuffled some papers on the desk and added, “We can expect Shaq’ta to come out swinging today. His coach told me that Shaq’ta spent the offseason training his boxing hard, sparring with a top 100 fighter almost daily.”
The producer leaned out from behind the camera and started to count down the commentators with two of his four twelve-fingered hands.
Gallox asked, “Whose this mysterious top 100 fighter? Is he one of your students?”
Klack laughed, “No, no, no. It’s a secret.”
At one, the human's walkout song, The Joker and the Thief, began to play, and the ring camera cut from Shaq’ta dancing in the ring to the opposite tunnel, showing the human fighter jogging out of the dressing room with a starry blue Australian flag draped across his back. The muscles in the human's chest bounced as he ran, and his blonde hair gleamed gold in the spotlight. At the halfway point, the human fighter slowed and started to shadowbox. The camera zoomed in on the jellyfish tattoos that coiled around the human's thickly muscled forearms.
Klack said, “And now for the challenger, a human named Rory Caldwell. Coming in all the way from the planet Earth in the Orion arm at 6’2 and 185lbs, this 23-year-old human is looking to make his species proud in humanity's first foray into interplanetary competition.”
Gallox chimed in, “If you folks at home haven’t heard of Earth or humans before, it's because they joined the confederation only two years ago.”
Klack added, “While this fight may seem to be no challenge to the great Shaq’ta, we cannot ignore the wildcard factor here. Humans are high category deathworlders, and the gravity on Earth is a bit higher than it is here.” The commentators and Rory were shrunk to the corners of the screen as a highlight reel of human fighters played. Klack continued as a clip of two blood-soaked human boxers exchanging a flurry of punches played. “These humans aren’t the quickest or strongest, but they have some otherworldly elusiveness, accuracy, and endurance.”
Gallox said, “That’s some nonsense, Klack. Can someone check if humans are deathworlders at all? Anyways, I think you’re taking this kid too seriously. Just because you were an underdog who proved the galaxy wrong doesn’t mean every underdog can, too. This human has never fought off-world, and on top of that, he only had four professional fights on Earth.”
The producer got on the mic. “Gallox, I ran a search, and it turns out Klack’s right, humans are category five deathworlders.” Everyone in the room except Klack paled. The producer continued. “Could be an error, but anyways, get this, he wasn’t even a champion on Earth! He finished third in wrestling at the Olympic games on Earth! AND he isn’t officially representing humans either.”
Klack began to say something, but the yellow-hued toad raised a webbed hand and said, “Klack, Shaq’ta is ranked 423rd IN THE GALAXY! THE GALAXY! And this human isn’t even acknowledged by his own planet! You can’t seriously believe this earthling is going to give a veteran like Shaq’ta a run for his money.”
Klack raised two of his arms in exasperation, leaned back in his chair, and said, “Stranger things have happened, Gallox. I think we’ll just have to wait and see what happens.”
Rory regretted ignoring his dad’s advice. He had to piss the moment he stepped out of the dressing room. He could barely hear his song over the boos of the crowd. There has to be at least a million people in here…
Rory handed the flag to his father and slipped through the ropes, entering the ring. It was double the size of the rings he was used to. Seeing how much space he had gave Rory confidence. If he ever got in trouble, he could backpedal and use his jab to keep the grax at bay.
Rory walked to the center of the ring and stared down his grax opponent. Shaq’ta bounced on his feet, shifting side to side. Rory stood still and took deep breaths as he studied Shaq’ta, following the Grax with his eyes, counting four seconds for each inhale and exhale. The crowd started to filter out of his senses.
His foe stood on two legs, had beady black eyes and scaley gray skin, was a little taller than Rory, and had opted for knuckle tape instead of gloves on his four hands.
Rory sorely wished he could have at least gotten a spar with a grax in the three days he had to prepare for the fight.
The ref, a yellow-orange toad, shuffled over and switched on the translator box on his belt.
“No eye gouging, no strikes to the windpipe, no biting, and no low blows. If you do it once, you forfeit the round. Twice, and you forfeit the match. Understood?”
Rory answered, “Yes.”
Shaq’ta grumbled the same in graxian.
The ref continued, “There will be three five-minute rounds, and in the event of a point draw, the fight will continue in overtime rounds until one of the combatants is unable to continue or withdraws. Understand?”
Rory again answered, “Yes.”
Shaq’ta just nodded.
The ref patted both fighters on the shoulder and said, “Good. Return to your corners until the bell rings. Best of luck to both of you.”
Rory turned and walked to his corner. Bill set the stool down in the ring and gave Rory a sip from a water bottle before sticking his mouthguard in. Rory's father would have to act as a cut man, cornerman, and coach tonight.
The ref signaled that the fight was about to start while Bill rubbed Vaseline over Rory’s face. “Remember, son, one-twos and leg kicks. One twos and leg kicks.”
Bill slipped back through the ropes with the stool and shouted, “Show these cunts what a human can do!”
The bell rang.
Rory stalked out of his corner in a semi-crouch and met the gray grax in the middle of the canvas. He studied the creature’s guard. Shaq’ta had all four of his hands up, covering his head. Two at his jaw and two just below his eyes.
Rory stepped forward and snapped a jab into the alien’s face. While Shaq’ta checked his jab, Rory pivoted in, throwing a vicious shovel hook into the grax’s ribs. Shaq’ta grunted in pain and lunged for Rory’s arm while simultaneously throwing a right hook and left uppercut. Rory slipped his wrist out of the grax’s twelve-fingered grip and pivoted on his back foot, leaning out of the path of both punches while slamming his left leg into Shaq’ta’s thigh.
Shaq’ta grunted and tried to throw an overhand right in response. Rory slipped it and slammed his left fist through the gap in the alien's guard, connecting with Shaq’ta’s chin. Shaq’ta reeled slightly, but the grax went on the assault, landing two big body shots before the human danced out of reach, all while successfully blocking Rory's counterpunches.
Rory circled the grax with a little more caution.
The grax suddenly picked up the pace and started to chase after Rory. The human backpedaled, covering his retreat with jabs from his back foot.
Shaq’ta checked a jab and feinted an overhand, baiting a counterpunch from the human.
Rory stepped in and snapped off a right hand but found nothing but air. Shaq’ta ducked the punch and rocked Rory with a cross from his upper right arm while he shot forward and grabbed Rory’s right leg with his bottom arms.
Rory jerked out of Shaq’ta’s grasp in the nick of time, narrowly avoiding a single-leg takedown. He jabbed at the grax’s guard from his back foot as he retreated.
There were red marks on Rory’s leg where Shaq’ta had briefly grasped.
During his escape, Rory noted that the grax opened his guard when he went for a takedown, leaving his chin wide open. If I can bait him in…
Bill had seen the gap and knew that his son did too. He shouted, “TEST THE DISTANCE!” from the corner.
The two fighters circled each other. Rory stepped in and out of the grax’s reach while snapping off punches into Shaq’ta’s ribs before the grax could get a hand down to block. Slowly, Rory edged closer and closer, retreating less and less after his strikes.
The body shots were starting to add up.
Shaq’ta started to cheat one of his hands down when Rory jabbed at his body.
Rory stepped in and feinted a jab.
The grax dropped his bottom left hand a little too far. Rory punished the gap and rocked Shaq’ta in the corner of the jaw with a right cross.
Shaq’ta wobbled. The human followed it up with an onslaught of powerful body shots and rapid combinations, but the grax managed to check and weave away from most of Rory’s blows in an impressive display of defense and head movement.
Rory winced as Shaq’ta landed a big hook to his ribs. Rory tried to catch the gap the punch left in the alien’s guard with an overhand right, but Shaq’ta slipped his head to the side and landed a straight left over Rory’s eye, cutting his brow. Shaq’ta pressed the attack, throwing a big right hook and a simultaneous left uppercut.
Rory sidestepped the uppercut and leaned out of the hook, landing a shot to Shaq’ta’s ribs in the process. Rory stepped back out of the grax’s reach and went for a low leg kick. The grax leaped over the kick and diverted Rory’s fast right hand as he tackled the human to the ground.
The grax straddled Rory and pinned the human’s hands with his top arms while he pummeled him with his bottom arms. Rory slipped one of his arms out and rocketed his elbow into the top of Shaq’ta’s head. The grax’s grip faltered, and Rory reversed the alien.
Bill screamed for him to get out of there, but Rory saw a path to victory. He tried to get his arm around Shaq’ta’s neck, but the alien jammed two hands between the human’s arm and his throat. Shaq’ta pushed up onto his hands and knees with his free arms and violently jerked down, slipping his body out to the side of the human’s grip.
Rory saw something moving in the corner of his eye.
Oh fuck, that’s an elbow.
Light flashed in Rory’s eyes, and his ears rang. Pain washed over Rory’s face, and he felt blood running down his nose. His hold on Shaq’ta slipped. The grax scrambled to his feet. Rory growled and lunged into the back of the grax’s legs, tackling the alien back down.
The bell rang, and the ref hurried to pull the fighters apart.
Rory blinked tears out of his eyes and gingerly probed at his nose as he walked to his corner.
He plopped down on the stool and spat blood into a bucket hoisted by his father. His brow was cut, his eye swollen, and his nose broken.
Bill asked, “Can you breathe through it?” as he gave Rory a sip of water.
Rory shook his head.
His father set the bucket down and chided, “I told you not to fucking wrestle.”
Rory spat blood onto the canvas as his father held the cold press over his eye. The one-man corner was already showing its weaknesses. “Did you see anything?” Rory asked.
Rory’s father pointed his chin to the cold press. “Yes. Hold this for a sec.”
Rory traded hands with his father and held the cold press to his brow.
Bill grabbed a towel and wiped blood off his son’s face as he said, “Once you get close he sets up for a takedown. If you don’t back out of it, he’ll commit, and you can go in low and land a clean shot on his chin.”
Bill set down the towel and apologetically said, “This is going to hurt.”
Rory groaned as his father jammed gauze-covered rods into his nostrils. The flow of blood from Rory’s nose slowed.
Bill continued as he pulled the rods out, “Watch his knee; as soon as he drops it, go.”
The bell rang.
Bill cursed. He didn’t have enough time to reapply Vaseline. He took the cold press, put Rory’s mouthpiece back in, and hurried out of the ring.
As Rory left the corner, his father shouted, “Watch the knee!”
Rory came out in full crouch with his hands low. Rory eyed his gray-skinned opponent warily. He knew exactly what he needed to do; he just had to figure out how to do it.
As Rory circled his grax opponent, he remembered an old, old fight he had watched with his father. Rocky Marciano vs Jersey Joe Walcott.
Rory smiled. I’m going to knock this cunt out with a Suzie Q.
Rory leapt into action with an uppercut into the grax’s stomach.
Shaq’ta stepped into the punch and threw a jab, uppercut, and a hook in response. Rory dropped his head and sidestepped, slipping the jab, ducking the hook, and taking the uppercut in the shoulder. He stepped forward and landed a rapid one-two before Shaq’ta could get his guard up.
Watch the knee.
Shaq’ta was caught off guard by the human’s advance, but he welcomed it. The grax dropped a knee and launched forward, shooting his head towards Rory while reaching his bottom two arms for Rory’s legs. The alien threw a straight left as he came in, leaving only one hand to guard his head.
This is it.
Everything went into slow motion for the human. At that moment, Rory remembered the day his father had taught him how to punch for the very first time with remarkable clarity. He heard his dad telling him, “Punch through the bag, not at it.” as he swung. He even remembered the song that was in the background of the gym.
‘Cause I’m T.N.T, I’m dynamite!
T.N.T, and I’ll win the fight!
T.N.T, I’m a power load!
T.N.T, watch me explode!
The grax’s punch glanced off Rory’s head as the human took a step in and threw a lightning fast jab into Shaq’ta’s hand, knocking it completely clear of his face. Rory’s back hip shot forward as the human swung his whole body into a massive right hand. Rory’s fist whipped forward with all 185lbs of his bodyweight and every ounce of power his muscles could generate behind it.
Rory heard a sound like a gunshot as his fist connected with the side of Shaq’ta’s chin. Shaq’ta’s head snapped to the side, and the veteran grax fighter dropped to the canvas like a sack of bricks.
The arena erupted.
The fight was over.
Rory screamed and flexed as he stepped over his downed opponent. He walked towards his corner, wanting to see his father's reaction.
But the greying old man was looking past him, concern in his eyes. Rory turned and looked back to Shaq’ta’s motionless form.
Rory’s eyes widened in horror.
Shaq’ta’s head rested on the canvas at an unnatural angle. Blood pooled underneath the grax’s head as it seeped from Shaq’ta’s eyes, nose, and ears.
The crowd went quiet as the ref knelt beside the downed fighter to check his pulse. The ref looked to the judges and shook his head, confirming what everyone already knew. Shaq’ta was dead.
The crowd went wild.
submitted by goBerserk_ to humansarespaceorcs [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 05:07 goBerserk_ The Man in the Arena

Rory stared at the dressing room door and swallowed nervously. The arena rocked and shook as the entrance music of his opponent began to play. The whole crowd was stomping and howling a graxian war chant, which Rory could hear clear as day through the walls and floors of the arena.
Rory wondered how different this fight would feel like from inside the ring than the ones he had on earth. He remembered how frightening fighting in front of 20,000 at the QB Arena back home was. And this crowd dwarfed that. It was giving Rory goosebumps, and he hadn’t even seen it yet.
Plus, the broadcast… The promoter said this would have around twenty or thirty billion people watching. My biggest fight had only a hundred twenty thousand buys…
Rory snapped back into the here and now as his father, Bill, shook his son’s shoulders. “RORY! Now’s not the time to be away with the pixies. Go piss before we get your gloves on.”
“I’m good.”
Bill sighed. “Just try, will you.”
Rory growled, “I’m not a child anymore; I can tell when I need to piss for myself, thank you.”
Bill shrugged. “Your funeral mate.”
Bill strapped the gloves to Rory’s hands and secured them with tape. “Remember, son, one-twos and leg kicks. This Grax cunt may have four arms, but you have 6 inches of reach on him. And for Christ’s sake, stay off the ground, you can’t sto-”
Rory snapped at his father. “I know! I can’t stop a choke; he has four arms, I have two. You’ve told me a hundred times already!”
His father gave him a stern yet apologetic look. “Sorry, son. I’m just trying to pound it through that thick head of yours and undo everything I’ve taught you.”
Rory’s face flushed with anger. “Thick head?! That’s fucking rich from the dumb cunt that got us here!”
Bill’s eyebrow twitched. He was sick of his son’s chippy attitude. Rory was acting half his age, but Bill kept his frustration under control. After all, the kid had a point. It was his fault.
“I’m sorry, son. I just didn’t want to see you end up like me.”
He had more to say, but the appearance of a squat, toad-like alien shut him up.
The alien, a bunello, asked, “Am I interrupting something?”
Bill quickly said, “No. What is it.”
The greenish-blue toad in a three-piece suit said, “It's time. Follow me.”
Rory stood up and took a deep breath. “Just give me the fucking flag.”
Quiet activity filled the back of the studio while the broadcast commentators, Gallox and Klack, detailed Shaq’ta’s storied career.
Gallox, a yellow-green bunello in a white suit, said, “Shaq’ta is looking to improve his record to 58-7 with this fight and build on the deep run he made in the last Galactic Cup.”
Klack, a scarred and bespectacled grax wearing a blue suit, shuffled some papers on the desk and added, “We can expect Shaq’ta to come out swinging today. His coach told me that Shaq’ta spent the offseason training his boxing hard, sparring with a top 100 fighter almost daily.”
The producer leaned out from behind the camera and started to count down the commentators with two of his four twelve-fingered hands.
Gallox asked, “Whose this mysterious top 100 fighter? Is he one of your students?”
Klack laughed, “No, no, no. It’s a secret.”
At one, the human's walkout song, The Joker and the Thief, began to play, and the ring camera cut from Shaq’ta dancing in the ring to the opposite tunnel, showing the human fighter jogging out of the dressing room with a starry blue Australian flag draped across his back. The muscles in the human's chest bounced as he ran, and his blonde hair gleamed gold in the spotlight. At the halfway point, the human fighter slowed and started to shadowbox. The camera zoomed in on the jellyfish tattoos that coiled around the human's thickly muscled forearms.
Klack said, “And now for the challenger, a human named Rory Caldwell. Coming in all the way from the planet Earth in the Orion arm at 6’2 and 185lbs, this 23-year-old human is looking to make his species proud in humanity's first foray into interplanetary competition.”
Gallox chimed in, “If you folks at home haven’t heard of Earth or humans before, it's because they joined the confederation only two years ago.”
Klack added, “While this fight may seem to be no challenge to the great Shaq’ta, we cannot ignore the wildcard factor here. Humans are high category deathworlders, and the gravity on Earth is a bit higher than it is here.” The commentators and Rory were shrunk to the corners of the screen as a highlight reel of human fighters played. Klack continued as a clip of two blood-soaked human boxers exchanging a flurry of punches played. “These humans aren’t the quickest or strongest, but they have some otherworldly elusiveness, accuracy, and endurance.”
Gallox said, “That’s some nonsense, Klack. Can someone check if humans are deathworlders at all? Anyways, I think you’re taking this kid too seriously. Just because you were an underdog who proved the galaxy wrong doesn’t mean every underdog can, too. This human has never fought off-world, and on top of that, he only had four professional fights on Earth.”
The producer got on the mic. “Gallox, I ran a search, and it turns out Klack’s right, humans are category five deathworlders.” Everyone in the room except Klack paled. The producer continued. “Could be an error, but anyways, get this, he wasn’t even a champion on Earth! He finished third in wrestling at the Olympic games on Earth! AND he isn’t officially representing humans either.”
Klack began to say something, but the yellow-hued toad raised a webbed hand and said, “Klack, Shaq’ta is ranked 423rd IN THE GALAXY! THE GALAXY! And this human isn’t even acknowledged by his own planet! You can’t seriously believe this earthling is going to give a veteran like Shaq’ta a run for his money.”
Klack raised two of his arms in exasperation, leaned back in his chair, and said, “Stranger things have happened, Gallox. I think we’ll just have to wait and see what happens.”
Rory regretted ignoring his dad’s advice. He had to piss the moment he stepped out of the dressing room. He could barely hear his song over the boos of the crowd. There has to be at least a million people in here…
Rory handed the flag to his father and slipped through the ropes, entering the ring. It was double the size of the rings he was used to. Seeing how much space he had gave Rory confidence. If he ever got in trouble, he could backpedal and use his jab to keep the grax at bay.
Rory walked to the center of the ring and stared down his grax opponent. Shaq’ta bounced on his feet, shifting side to side. Rory stood still and took deep breaths as he studied Shaq’ta, following the Grax with his eyes, counting four seconds for each inhale and exhale. The crowd started to filter out of his senses.
His foe stood on two legs, had beady black eyes and scaley gray skin, was a little taller than Rory, and had opted for knuckle tape instead of gloves on his four hands.
Rory sorely wished he could have at least gotten a spar with a grax in the three days he had to prepare for the fight.
The ref, a yellow-orange toad, shuffled over and switched on the translator box on his belt.
“No eye gouging, no strikes to the windpipe, no biting, and no low blows. If you do it once, you forfeit the round. Twice, and you forfeit the match. Understood?”
Rory answered, “Yes.”
Shaq’ta grumbled the same in graxian.
The ref continued, “There will be three five-minute rounds, and in the event of a point draw, the fight will continue in overtime rounds until one of the combatants is unable to continue or withdraws. Understand?”
Rory again answered, “Yes.”
Shaq’ta just nodded.
The ref patted both fighters on the shoulder and said, “Good. Return to your corners until the bell rings. Best of luck to both of you.”
Rory turned and walked to his corner. Bill set the stool down in the ring and gave Rory a sip from a water bottle before sticking his mouthguard in. Rory's father would have to act as a cut man, cornerman, and coach tonight.
The ref signaled that the fight was about to start while Bill rubbed Vaseline over Rory’s face. “Remember, son, one-twos and leg kicks. One twos and leg kicks.”
Bill slipped back through the ropes with the stool and shouted, “Show these cunts what a human can do!”
The bell rang.
Rory stalked out of his corner in a semi-crouch and met the gray grax in the middle of the canvas. He studied the creature’s guard. Shaq’ta had all four of his hands up, covering his head. Two at his jaw and two just below his eyes.
Rory stepped forward and snapped a jab into the alien’s face. While Shaq’ta checked his jab, Rory pivoted in, throwing a vicious shovel hook into the grax’s ribs. Shaq’ta grunted in pain and lunged for Rory’s arm while simultaneously throwing a right hook and left uppercut. Rory slipped his wrist out of the grax’s twelve-fingered grip and pivoted on his back foot, leaning out of the path of both punches while slamming his left leg into Shaq’ta’s thigh.
Shaq’ta grunted and tried to throw an overhand right in response. Rory slipped it and slammed his left fist through the gap in the alien's guard, connecting with Shaq’ta’s chin. Shaq’ta reeled slightly, but the grax went on the assault, landing two big body shots before the human danced out of reach, all while successfully blocking Rory's counterpunches.
Rory circled the grax with a little more caution.
The grax suddenly picked up the pace and started to chase after Rory. The human backpedaled, covering his retreat with jabs from his back foot.
Shaq’ta checked a jab and feinted an overhand, baiting a counterpunch from the human.
Rory stepped in and snapped off a right hand but found nothing but air. Shaq’ta ducked the punch and rocked Rory with a cross from his upper right arm while he shot forward and grabbed Rory’s right leg with his bottom arms.
Rory jerked out of Shaq’ta’s grasp in the nick of time, narrowly avoiding a single-leg takedown. He jabbed at the grax’s guard from his back foot as he retreated.
There were red marks on Rory’s leg where Shaq’ta had briefly grasped.
During his escape, Rory noted that the grax opened his guard when he went for a takedown, leaving his chin wide open. If I can bait him in…
Bill had seen the gap and knew that his son did too. He shouted, “TEST THE DISTANCE!” from the corner.
The two fighters circled each other. Rory stepped in and out of the grax’s reach while snapping off punches into Shaq’ta’s ribs before the grax could get a hand down to block. Slowly, Rory edged closer and closer, retreating less and less after his strikes.
The body shots were starting to add up.
Shaq’ta started to cheat one of his hands down when Rory jabbed at his body.
Rory stepped in and feinted a jab.
The grax dropped his bottom left hand a little too far. Rory punished the gap and rocked Shaq’ta in the corner of the jaw with a right cross.
Shaq’ta wobbled. The human followed it up with an onslaught of powerful body shots and rapid combinations, but the grax managed to check and weave away from most of Rory’s blows in an impressive display of defense and head movement.
Rory winced as Shaq’ta landed a big hook to his ribs. Rory tried to catch the gap the punch left in the alien’s guard with an overhand right, but Shaq’ta slipped his head to the side and landed a straight left over Rory’s eye, cutting his brow. Shaq’ta pressed the attack, throwing a big right hook and a simultaneous left uppercut.
Rory sidestepped the uppercut and leaned out of the hook, landing a shot to Shaq’ta’s ribs in the process. Rory stepped back out of the grax’s reach and went for a low leg kick. The grax leaped over the kick and diverted Rory’s fast right hand as he tackled the human to the ground.
The grax straddled Rory and pinned the human’s hands with his top arms while he pummeled him with his bottom arms. Rory slipped one of his arms out and rocketed his elbow into the top of Shaq’ta’s head. The grax’s grip faltered, and Rory reversed the alien.
Bill screamed for him to get out of there, but Rory saw a path to victory. He tried to get his arm around Shaq’ta’s neck, but the alien jammed two hands between the human’s arm and his throat. Shaq’ta pushed up onto his hands and knees with his free arms and violently jerked down, slipping his body out to the side of the human’s grip.
Rory saw something moving in the corner of his eye.
Oh fuck, that’s an elbow.
Light flashed in Rory’s eyes, and his ears rang. Pain washed over Rory’s face, and he felt blood running down his nose. His hold on Shaq’ta slipped. The grax scrambled to his feet. Rory growled and lunged into the back of the grax’s legs, tackling the alien back down.
The bell rang, and the ref hurried to pull the fighters apart.
Rory blinked tears out of his eyes and gingerly probed at his nose as he walked to his corner.
He plopped down on the stool and spat blood into a bucket hoisted by his father. His brow was cut, his eye swollen, and his nose broken.
Bill asked, “Can you breathe through it?” as he gave Rory a sip of water.
Rory shook his head.
His father set the bucket down and chided, “I told you not to fucking wrestle.”
Rory spat blood onto the canvas as his father held the cold press over his eye. The one-man corner was already showing its weaknesses. “Did you see anything?” Rory asked.
Rory’s father pointed his chin to the cold press. “Yes. Hold this for a sec.”
Rory traded hands with his father and held the cold press to his brow.
Bill grabbed a towel and wiped blood off his son’s face as he said, “Once you get close he sets up for a takedown. If you don’t back out of it, he’ll commit, and you can go in low and land a clean shot on his chin.”
Bill set down the towel and apologetically said, “This is going to hurt.”
Rory groaned as his father jammed gauze-covered rods into his nostrils. The flow of blood from Rory’s nose slowed.
Bill continued as he pulled the rods out, “Watch his knee; as soon as he drops it, go.”
The bell rang.
Bill cursed. He didn’t have enough time to reapply Vaseline. He took the cold press, put Rory’s mouthpiece back in, and hurried out of the ring.
As Rory left the corner, his father shouted, “Watch the knee!”
Rory came out in full crouch with his hands low. Rory eyed his gray-skinned opponent warily. He knew exactly what he needed to do; he just had to figure out how to do it.
As Rory circled his grax opponent, he remembered an old, old fight he had watched with his father. Rocky Marciano vs Jersey Joe Walcott.
Rory smiled. I’m going to knock this cunt out with a Suzie Q.
Rory leapt into action with an uppercut into the grax’s stomach.
Shaq’ta stepped into the punch and threw a jab, uppercut, and a hook in response. Rory dropped his head and sidestepped, slipping the jab, ducking the hook, and taking the uppercut in the shoulder. He stepped forward and landed a rapid one-two before Shaq’ta could get his guard up.
Watch the knee.
Shaq’ta was caught off guard by the human’s advance, but he welcomed it. The grax dropped a knee and launched forward, shooting his head towards Rory while reaching his bottom two arms for Rory’s legs. The alien threw a straight left as he came in, leaving only one hand to guard his head.
This is it.
Everything went into slow motion for the human. At that moment, Rory remembered the day his father had taught him how to punch for the very first time with remarkable clarity. He heard his dad telling him, “Punch through the bag, not at it.” as he swung. He even remembered the song that was in the background of the gym.
‘Cause I’m T.N.T, I’m dynamite!
T.N.T, and I’ll win the fight!
T.N.T, I’m a power load!
T.N.T, watch me explode!
The grax’s punch glanced off Rory’s head as the human took a step in and threw a lightning fast jab into Shaq’ta’s hand, knocking it completely clear of his face. Rory’s back hip shot forward as the human swung his whole body into a massive right hand. Rory’s fist whipped forward with all 185lbs of his bodyweight and every ounce of power his muscles could generate behind it.
Rory heard a sound like a gunshot as his fist connected with the side of Shaq’ta’s chin. Shaq’ta’s head snapped to the side, and the veteran grax fighter dropped to the canvas like a sack of bricks.
The arena erupted.
The fight was over.
Rory screamed and flexed as he stepped over his downed opponent. He walked towards his corner, wanting to see his father's reaction.
But the greying old man was looking past him, concern in his eyes. Rory turned and looked back to Shaq’ta’s motionless form.
Rory’s eyes widened in horror.
Shaq’ta’s head rested on the canvas at an unnatural angle. Blood pooled underneath the grax’s head as it seeped from his eyes, nose, and ears.
The crowd went quiet as the ref knelt beside the downed fighter to check his pulse. The ref looked to the judges and shook his head, confirming what everyone already knew. Shaq’ta was dead.
The crowd went wild.
submitted by goBerserk_ to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 23:41 kmhurl6 Feeling good so far...

Feeling good so far...
I desperately need to weed whack so don't judge, but I feel like this is the best the lawn has looked since we bought the place in 2018, so just wanted to share. Plus the tomato is setting fruit, I have lemon and lime blossoms, the coral bells and beardstongue are killing it this year... Plus dog tax. This is Tyson, our 5 year old staffy/boxer 😊
submitted by kmhurl6 to lawncare [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 22:11 HollywoodGurl97 NEW: Drake opened a broadcast channel on Instagram!!!

NEW: Drake opened a broadcast channel on Instagram!!! submitted by HollywoodGurl97 to DrakeBellMusic [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 18:01 HollywoodGurl97 THROWBACK THURSDAY: Chasing Destiny (2001) - the role that started it all!

THROWBACK THURSDAY: Chasing Destiny (2001) - the role that started it all!

According to Drake 24/7's archived website, production on Chasing Destiny began in 1998 and with this role Drake had to learn the guitar. He received tips on how to play and "how to look cool doing it" from his costar, the legendary front man of The Who: Roger Daltrey. He's been doing music ever since!
You can watch the full movie here.
Drake Bell scenes only here (for more info about the music in this movie read the bio to this video!)
Drake talking about his experience working with Roger here.

submitted by HollywoodGurl97 to DrakeBellMusic [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 07:48 HollywoodGurl97 UPCOMING: Concerts & Tickets Info

UPCOMING: Concerts & Tickets Info
June 13, 2024 - Venice, CA
June, 14, 2024 - Palmdale, CA
June 15, 2024 - Bakersfield, CA
July 6, 2024 - Jacksonville, FL
ACCURATE AS OF 5/29/24 - Drake has indicated there is more concerts coming (per interviews) but these are the only ones we know of for sure so far.
submitted by HollywoodGurl97 to DrakeBellMusic [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 07:41 SlimeyJohnson I’m creating a Letterbox list of movies so bad they’re good based off reddit users’ suggestions.

I’m creating a Letterboxd list of movies so bad they’re good based off of Reddit users’ suggestions. My choice is Superhero Movie with Drake Bell. What films do you think belong on this list? Let’s compile a definitive list of the best bad movies based on your recommendations. Share your picks and why they deserve a spot on the list.
submitted by SlimeyJohnson to movies [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 02:51 SansIdee_pseudo Drake Bell live action movies

I must be a minority, but I like the Drake Bell live action movies. I like the slower pace. It's fun to see the characters in live action. However, I wish (see the pun here) it had ended with the first movie. I was disappointed with the end of the first movie, where the loophole enables Timmy to keep his fairies. I thought the whole point of the movie was that Timmy had to grow up and growing up involves not having fairies anymore. But at the end, he gets the cake and gets to eat it, which robs us from a bittersweet ending. I know the ending allowed for the sequels, but I feel like the sequels' plotpoints were kinda meh compared to the first one (especially the Christmas one).
That's my take on the live action movies with Drake Bell. I'd like to close this post by expressing my annoyance at Nickleodeon refusing to let the franchise rest in peace. Instead, they zombify it with useless spin offs.
submitted by SansIdee_pseudo to fairlyoddparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 23:46 HollywoodGurl97 ARTICLE: Drake Bell Reveals His Thoughts On How 'Quiet On Set' Handled His Story (basically overview summary of his interview on Sauce on the Side - podcast linked in article)

ARTICLE: Drake Bell Reveals His Thoughts On How 'Quiet On Set' Handled His Story (basically overview summary of his interview on Sauce on the Side - podcast linked in article)
Brief mentions of Non-Stop Flight in the article. Nothing new, just written summary of the podcast interview he did.
submitted by HollywoodGurl97 to DrakeBellMusic [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 21:46 imgonnafuckthemoon alexa nikolas refused to speak out against drake bell, so here’s a comprehensive breakdown of his 2021 case

alexa nikolas refused to speak out against drake bell, so here’s a comprehensive breakdown of his 2021 case submitted by imgonnafuckthemoon to eatpredatorsdaily [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 21:23 imheretoshareinfo I don't see anyone referencing this video, so I'm sharing it.

I don't see anyone referencing this video, so I'm sharing it.
Around the minute 5:22 on the video, Josh starts talking about his relationship with Drake Bell. The things he says about Drake are very sweet. It's a video titled "A conversation with Josh Peck about becoming a father & his relationship with Drake Bell". It's from 2018, and it was posted on a youtuber's channel called Brandon Calvillo.
submitted by imheretoshareinfo to DrakeandJosh [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 21:08 imheretoshareinfo A wholesome video of Drake Bell and Josh Peck from 2019

A wholesome video of Drake Bell and Josh Peck from 2019
This video is even more hilarious to me cause my native language is Spanish. Also, it's my first post on reddit, I don't know what I am doing.
submitted by imheretoshareinfo to DrakeandJosh [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 20:04 where_the_hoodie_at Evan Lazar: Some notes from Patriots practice:

Evan Lazar: Some notes from Patriots practice: submitted by where_the_hoodie_at to Patriots [link] [comments]
