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2024.05.18 22:34 tway0558 26M, I've already "self improved" and it still doesn't feel like enough

So much of the advice given to men my age is go to the gym, focus on your career, etc. I've been working out most of my life at this point, have a pretty good physique, can deadlift 3x my bodyweight. Even then, it's been months at this point where I've felt a genuine motivation to go the gym. I just go because it's routine at this point. I have a well paying job in the field I've always wanted to be in, recently moved away from home to a new city (and my first time living in a city) for a good bump in pay.
From an outsiders perspective I'm sure it feels like I have it all but I feel completely hollow on the inside and that my life feels empty. I was always a shy kid but at some point I just developed seemingly insurmountable self esteem issues that ruin my ability to find happiness. I was self conscious about my looks basically all throughout my life.. I don't even feel particularly bad about my appearance at this point, I know I'm not ugly, but it's not like 23 years of believing so didn't have an effect on my social skills and self esteem.
I don't think I have social anxiety, atleast not severe to the point that it hinders my ability to work and function day to day, I'm also decent enough at holding conversations if someone starts it.. but I legit don't think I've ever in my life just walked up to a stranger and made conversation. I have great friendships back home, but all of my close friends are friendships that started at child hood or high school.. I don't think I've made a new genuine friend since. Not a single friendship made in 4 years of college.
Obviously this makes dating a nightmare. My one relationship, that lasted over 4 years, was more or less the result of a girl whose family was friends of mine who kept pursuing me.. and I stayed in that relationship much longer than I should have because I didnt want to be alone. I've been single 3.5 years now and I cant even pretend at this point that I don't want a relationship. I've had a handful of dates through OLD but nothing long term, and OLD is a shit experience anyways.. but meeting someone doesn't feel possible else wise right now.
Logically, I know I just need to forget dating for the moment and focus on solving out whatever mental issues I have, because they're not just gonna go away, they didn't when I was in a relationship before. But at the same time, I genuinely miss having a partner, someone I could share my day to day life with, the feeling of being desirable and wanted by another person, and I don't know how much longer I can take being single.
I have zero motivation to do anything I find enjoyable like reading a new book, listening to new music, playing the bass. Every couple of months ill get the urge to game and that atleast distracts my mind for a few weeks. Every weekend I sit around on my phone just stewing away in my thoughts. Even now as I type this, I drove 5 hours to visit home last night, and all I've done is sit on the couch with the family dog lmao.
Sorry for the long rant but yeah. As much as I wished becoming objectively swole and being financially successfull gave me some genuine meaning to life, I cant say it is right now lmao
submitted by tway0558 to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:26 big-telescope shakespeare’s hamlet copyright 1897

i’m trying to sell my books i don’t read, and i’m basing the prices off of how they’re priced on thriftbooks, but i can’t find it there, and it doesn’t have an isbn.
submitted by big-telescope to whatsthisworth [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:11 Definition_Novel Vytautas Montvila: the Lithuanian Diaspora’s true unsung hero.

Vytautas Montvila: the Lithuanian Diaspora’s true unsung hero.
In the age of current mass glorification via media from Lithuania and the United States of diaspora Lithuanian fascists like Adolfas Ramanauskas (Ramanauskas was born in New Britain, Connecticut, USA and later moved to Lithuania, later collaborating with Nazis during their invasion) or Lithuanian exile fascists like Jonas Mekas, few diaspora Lithuanians remember the names of revolutionary socialist Lithuanian diaspora heroes like Vytautas Montvila or Antanas Bimba. Antanas Bimba was a Lithuanian involved in the early American Communist movement, and a post will be made for him sometime later. As for the story of Montvila, It is up to Lithuanians everywhere to give this man his credit as a hero and martyr against fascism.
Vytautas was born to to an ethnic Lithuanian Catholic immigrant family in 1902 in the city of St. Charles, Illinois. His family, like many Lithuanian immigrants to America at the time, left Lithuania due to persecution by czarist Russian Empire authorities, whom sought to ban Lithuanian language as well as restrict the Catholic Church in favor of Orthodoxy. This persecution under czarism caused many minorities, particularly ethnic Lithuanian Catholics and Lithuanian Jews, to move often to the United States, Canada, or South American nations. In 1906, he and his family returned to Lithuania, moving to the city of Marijampolė. The family later moved to Degučiai, then a Marijampolė suburb.
As Vytautas grew older, between the years of 1922-26 he joined the Kėdainiai Teacher’s Seminary. It was somewhat of a social club for study, covering a wide range of topics, such as science, culture, atheism, and philosophy. Members were of various political parties, but it was here Vytautas became acquainted with local Communist activists and gained entry into the wider movement. The communists at these meetings often discussed Marxist theory, offered to share sections of the Communist Manifesto, and recruited members into local Worker’s Guilds. In 1923, he began writing his early poetry, often revolutionary in nature and influenced by avant-garde style. In his most famous poem, “Naktys be Nakvynės” (ENG: “Nights Without Accommodation”), written early in his career, he champions revolutionary socialism and personifies art of poetry as a tool for revolution. His later work from 1940-41 reflects the new Soviet period, condemns the reactionary past, hoping towards a socialist future in Lithuania. These later poems were influenced heavily by the works of fellow Soviet poet V. Mayakovsky, whose works Montvila enjoyed. These later works by Montvila were of a topical oratorical style, and he is credited often with having laid the foundation for other Lithuanian Soviet poets at the time. Montvila also wrote short stories and portions of novels. Among other feats, he translated the novel “Mother” by fellow Soviet writer Maxim Gorky, from Russian into Lithuanian, as well as translated the writer Émile Zola’s novel “The Collapse” from its original French into Lithuanian.
He shortly then studied in the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Lithuania (Today, Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas).
Following his departure from university, he began a life fully committed to revolutionary socialist activism. In 1929, in an effort to organizationally unify leftist writers against the bourgeoisie, he published the revolutionary almanac “Raketa” (ENG: “Rocket.”) For this, he was imprisoned from his arrest in 1929 to 1931. During 1935, he moved back to Marijampolė, and published the “Skardas” (ENG: “Tin”) worker’s newspaper for the Communist faction of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party. He also published other socialist newspapers, titled “Darbas” (ENG: “Work”), “Kultūra” (ENG: “Culture”), “Aušrine” (ENG: “Dawn”), and “Prošvaistė” (ENG: “The Light”) for various leftist organizations. He simultaneously worked odd jobs to add to his livelihood.
Upon establishment of the Soviet Lithuanian government in 1940, Montvila, like many leftist Lithuanian citizens, was thrilled and ready for change, having been oppressed in a society previously plagued by issues such as anti-communism, rural serfdom, clerical fascism, anti-Semitism, and capitalist exploitation of all of the working people of Lithuania. Vytautas dedicated specialized time to working with Soviet authorities to publish and translate revolutionary texts from various authors, as well as delivering his own revolutionary pro-Soviet speeches. He continued this into 1941, the final year of his life.
Upon the Nazi invasion of Lithuania in mid-1941, he was captured by local collaborators and Gestapo. According to documents, he did not run or resist, rather instead defiantly, in true revolutionary martyr manner, insulted his captors. He was taken prisoner to the 9th Fort in Kaunas, where he was executed, being shot to death on July 19th, 1941, killed alongside many other Jewish and leftist victims of Nazi and collaborator fascist terror. To leftists who are aware of his heroism and revolutionary martyrdom, he is often compared to fellow revolutionary and Spanish poet F. Garcia Lorca, a leftist whom was executed by the Francoists. Vytautas, Lorca, and all revolutionaries shall be remembered forever. May we remember Vytautas Montvila, a hero to all Lithuanians, but especially to Lithuanians in the diaspora! Remember Vytautas Montvila, both uniquely a hero to Lithuanian-Americans, and the people of Lithuania!
submitted by Definition_Novel to SovietDiaspora [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:52 Jaded-Mycologist-831 Anyways here’s poems + History Boys

Polysemous title- Tissue • Tissue- paper + skin (human life is fragile [criticises arrogance, encourages us to protect]) • Also paper (not alive) + skin (alive)- criticises monotony of life, not really living • Tissue paper- found in bibles and holy texts, but fragile (overinflated importance of identity causing wars and discrimination, really it’s very fragile and identity isn’t real, we’re all just people (tissue as in skin)) • Tissue- used to wipe away tears, togetherness can reduce suffering • Tissue- medical term for deep skin- poem shows deeper nature of humans and our potential for goodness, can be wounded and damaged by outside influences but can always heal
"Paper that lets the light shine through, this is what could alter things" - reference to religious texts paper, light as Jesus and Allah (power of religion) - or coexistence with nature (Dharker is a Muslim Calvinist)
Enjambment- freedom, lack of control of humans, rejecting constraints
Free verse- same thing
"Let the daylight break through capitals and monoliths" - power of nature, criticism of authority, weakness of humans- “break” violent personification, destroying authority, daylight + break = sunrise + hope
"The sun shines through their borderlines" - nature overcomes human segregation identity, criticism of war, power of nature) sibilance shows power, “their” still shows separation, criticise that
"fly our lives like paper kites" - childish metaphor, mocking control of money over life (criticism of authority)
"the back of the Koran" - “the” repetition shows importance, “back” shows it is hidden/shunned by society, still holding onto identity
"Transparent" - repetition, criticism of dishonesty of authority
"Merciless iced east winds that knive us" - personification of wind shanking people (first line not about war but nature- more significant) (power of nature)- subtle sibilance (just as dangerous as bullets but most people don’t realise)- Germans were in the east, but the only thing from there is wind
ABBAC rhyme, structure is built only to be taken down (tension of soldiers expecting fight but let down)
Pararhyme- unsatisfying for reader, reflects how the soldiers are always nervous but never get to chill
“What are we doing here?” Rhetorical question to criticise authority, or actual question to show PTSD confusion, can be asking what they are DOING or why they are HERE
"For love of God seems dying" ok 1. The soldier's love of God is dying 2. God's love for the soldiers is dying 3. To show love of God, you should die
"forgotten dreams" - juxtaposition, loss of hope, forgotten dreams on purpose to be less sad? war made them forget? “forgotten” disassociated from PTSD, “dreams” as happiness from the past that seems unreal
“a dull rumour of some other war" reference to the Bible and Armageddon, metaphorical end of the world for the soldiers be suffering "sudden successive flights of bullets streak the silence" - sibilance represents sound of bullets, jolting reader out of relative lack of noises, feel like soldiers
Epistrophe "but nothing happens" cyclical structure, stuck in suffering
“we” “us” “our” collective pronouns, shared experience, comradeship, loss of identity, relatable to all soldiers
Title- single word, only military rank- only seen as a kamikaze pilot by others
Structure- 6 lines per stanza but free verse and lots of enjambment- conflict between control and freedom (military/social expectations/duty vs love for family/nature/memories/life)
Constant shifts between first person and third person- disconnect from family due to shame
“Her father embarked at sunrise” -sunrise as power of nature + Japan’s military flag- conflict
“a shaven head full of powerful incantations” -incantations are deliberately vague- orders from military? prayers? inner conscience against it? It’s “powerful” tho and influences him, and it’s “full” showing his distress, shaved head like most kamikaze pilots
“green-blue translucent sea” beautiful imagery, “translucent” shows how things are unclear but getting clearer- nature helps him decide what to do
Describes fishes “like a huge flag”- patriotic semantic field shows brainwashing, but reduces as the poem goes on, simile shows how he is starting to disconnect and change his mind,
also as “a figure of eight”- shows thoughts of pride and prosperity-
“The dark shoals of fishes/flashing silver as their bellies/swivelled towards the sun” - • sibilance shows ocean noises and beauty, “dark” -> “flashing silver” things get brighter and easier to see- knows what to do thanks to nature • “Silver”- medals he would have gotten for being a kamikaze pilot, but true reward is in nature • “Sun”- represents beauty of nature and also Japanese flag- conflict but now there’s also nature in the mix • Belly up- death on his mind
“bringing their father’s home safe/-yes, grandfather’s boat- safe” repetition of “safe” shows reason to come back- wants to return to family, memories
“a tuna, the dark prince, muscular, dangerous.” • first mention of danger = power in the whole poem, danger to the mission as it causes the pilot to have doubts, true power is in nature and memory • First full stop in the poem and lots of commas- makes us stop and think like the pilot about what he’s abt to do
“laughed” “loved” at the end of the poem- all in past tense- nothing left for the soldier
“we too learned to be silent”- “learned” should be positive but contrasts with what they learnt- criticises how they were taught shame by the older generations- but it’s said in first person, the daughter is criticising this and teaching her children not to think that way
Title- honours and grieves dead soldiers, short single word title shows full intent of the poem and how the mother’s life is consumed by grief
Dramatic monologue- emphasis on the domestic impact and how the soldier isn’t present in the poem
Free verse, enjambment- chaotic, lack of control over the son, distressed
Domestic + military semantic fields- life has been ruined by war
“Spasms of paper red, disrupting a blockade of yellow bias”- mix between war + domestic • “spasms” and “red” is injury and pain- mother is worried or is hurt by letting go (spasms is involuntary muscle action- involuntary letting go), • “paper” is the fragility of the son • “blockade” is military language showing her worry abt the conflict, how she wants to “block” her son from going into the military • “disrupting” the fabric - the son becoming a soldier disrupts the peace or she is trying to disrupt him from going to war
“The dove pulled freely against the sky, / an ornamental stitch”- dove represents peace and grief- she and her son is at peace with death, “pulled freely” is an oxymoron- inner conflict with grief or letting her son go, the comma shows a pause to reflect on the grief, the “ornamental stitch” metaphor for the mother (pretends to hold it together)
“I was brave”- takes down ideas of just the soldier’s bravery but also the mother’s, but past tense shows current weakness from grief
“Sellotape bandaged around my hand” • Bandage shows wounds • Sticks them together one last time- cat hairs are removed, no more reason to stay • Claustrophobic feeling- stuck in the domestic role, can’t go and protect the son
“Blackthorns of your hair”- religious connotations of Jesus on the cross, sacrificed for the country- metaphor for the son
History Boys
"Enemy of education" war metaphor and alliteration, opposition between true understanding of literature and grades only used shallowly “Cheat’s Visa”
"a fact of life" indisputable and unchangable, in opposition with Irwin's views on history (truth does not matter to him until now?)
Drummer Hodge: Intertextuality, Tom Hardy (the poet) represents Hector, sympathising with the ordeal of the youth, Drummer Hodge represents the Boys, thrown into the chaos of life without proper guidance
"She's my western front" war metaphor objectifies Fiona, personal pronoun further expresses how women were seen as objects to be owned
“... all the other shrunken violets you people line up" [you people] segregates gay people, [shrunken violets] derogatory language
"Some of the literature says it will pass" looking to literature for solace and comfort during a sexuality crisis
"All literature is consolation" Dakin changes his mind on literature symbolising him changing to Irwin's side. No need to look for solace in literature when he can pursue Irwin
Parallels with "all knowledge is precious" from Hector - A.E. Housman, one of the first intertextualities and used in the intro to establish his character
“cunt-struck” “a cunt”- Mrs Lintott repeats the colloquialism “cunt” twice, to describe Dakin as “cunt-struck” and Headmaster as “a cunt”. This is the hardest swear in the play and is used show that it wasn’t a slip of the tongue, and to break down stereotypes of women being gentle and passive
“history is women following behind with the bucket” - her big scene about women in history at the end of the play (which is typical for Alan Benett’s plays such as “Kafka’s Dick”) so it would be recent and stay in the audience’s mind when the show ended
Irwin intro as politician in the future "etc., etc." while talking abt freedom- that man gives no fucks about freedom really, just waffling on (first impression for the audience too!!)
Parallel with Holocaust debate- Lockwood uses the SAME EXACT PHRASE while talking abt how the holocaust was bad, (dismissiveness of mass genocide? in this education system? it’s more likely than you think) then goes on to argue that they should be unique with their arguments- Irwin passed on thr mindset even on such an important subject
Hector is set up to be looking cool and all (motorcycle scene dramaticness, greek name connotations, fav teacher) but is absolutely uncool when we get to know him- purposeful? "studied eccentricity" and all. clinging onto youth?
Posner is actually rather helpful as the "dictionary person" bc i doubt the audiences know what "otiose" means
SCRIPPS IS THE MOST RELIGIOUS ONE AND CLOSEST TO POSNER it can dismantle the idea that religion is against queerness
Irwin didnt know how nietzche was pronounced bc from what we know of him he would call Dakin out on that
submitted by Jaded-Mycologist-831 to GCSE [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:48 DesignerPassenger711 Making a Youth based RTG for a club I’ll create in Kiel, need some pointers

I’ve thought of some basic storyline stuff as well as objectives but I’d appreciate and pointers I can get including help with the name I really don’t know much of German. Here’s what I had going so far:
Kiel a city with a rich and colourful history, a city filled with culture, well known for its vibrant life along the sea, is the start of a new story. One of VFB Kiel, a non-league team that’s finally made it to the third division of German football. Led by Janik Hildebrandt a resident and former player for the non-league team. Having suffered with injuries his entire career, he began as a Hamburg academy prospect as a centerback but due to lack of physical promise, was released and continued to play for various third and fourth division teams in the late 2000s up till his retirement two years ago at the very club he has now taken to third division football, VFB Kiel.
Having earned his coaching badges and experience over the past two years at the club’s youth team, Janik was a rather promising prospect especially with the sacking of the previous manager for failing to reach promotion in four seasons, Janik took the league by storm, leading the club to their first promotion to the third division of German football. With a small stadium with capacity for only 8k people, the club always has been short on funds but never on passion.
Will Janik be able to navigate his club through the German football scene and potentially lead them to the greatest glory football has to offer?
Here’s what I was thinking of in terms of basic objectives:
Financial-Crucial Youth Development-Crucial Domestic Success-Low Brand Exposure-Medium Continental Success-Very Low
I haven’t thought of any particular challenges I’ve thought of at this particular moment but I’ll probably keep this a pretty strict youth academy reliant career with the occasional real player in the mix. I’d appreciate some pointers on transfer policies etc as well as scouting set ups. I’ll try and give weekly checkups on the save here, but before I do that I’d like some help getting set up.
submitted by DesignerPassenger711 to seriousfifacareers [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:36 DIY_Forever Hot end broke suddenly. WFT?

So last night I was printing the bracket for the 3D Touch install, I decided to go with the adjustable one instead of one of the fixed options, and while the object itself printed nicely, there was an abundance of filament fuzz all over it and around it.
I have a teacher friend of mine about to have her 50th b-day so I was printing a glow in the dark apple for a gift for her out of red glow in the dark PLA, the printer laid down the first few layers nicely and started in on the infill when I heard a loud snap, and then the print went to heck, just globs of goo everywhere.
Stopped the print and investigated. No idea HOW but the nozzle came out of the hot end, no clue where it went, and filament went everywhere under the silicone cover so the hot end is caked with PLA now, and I cannot get a new nozzle to thread in.
I have a replacement on order just to get it running again, but how on earth could a nozzle come undone when it was clearly tight and the printer nicely leveled just last night?
submitted by DIY_Forever to VoxelabAquila [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:23 Sea-Kick9828 School rescinded verbal offer, probably over bad evaluation

This is a throwaway account and a rant, but basically what the title says. I am covering a parental leave at a private school where I am the youngest teacher by far in the department (and one of the youngest teachers overall). My boss seemed hesitant to hire me because of my relative inexperience but my teaching demo went very well and so I'm here.
In general, this department seems to mostly hire older, experienced teachers, which I totally understand, but a week ago, I told my boss that I have an interview at [Good Private School] in the area (since my current position is temporary), and in response to this my boss basically verbally offered me a job after telling me she had spoken with the admin and they all said I seemed to be doing a good job and they wanted me around. It was going to be for a temporary year-long position next year, but then she even said, "In December, we'd look at renewal but there's always a place for talented people." She also told me she'd come in for an observation on Monday and write up a contract by Monday afternoon. I like my current school and was honestly excited for this.
Fast forward to Monday. I was tempted to let go of my interview at the other school on Monday morning, but chose not to because I needed a formal contract. Interview went very well. Monday afternoon I had to teach at my current school and had that observation. This of course happened to be the day my otherwise lovely students decided not to cooperate with me because they didn't know they were starting a new topic, despite the fact that I had emailed them so the week before. I fully expected my boss to be observing me, but I did not expect the admin to be there too. And they were watching as the students sat there gaslighting me and I was holding firm and saying, nope, today isn't a work block.
Now, I think everyone who's taught for any amount of time knows that students try to gaslight their teachers all the time, but after the class, during my debrief with my boss, she basically blamed me for the students not knowing they were starting a new topic. She also blamed me for students seeming disengaged, which -- of course they were! They were mad at me for not giving them a work block. But she told me they were disengaged because I had spent too much time on historical background; for context, the other (more experienced) teacher teaching this class told me that she had spent half that class period on historical background that she felt was excessive. Because that class was an introduction to a new topic, I thought a dry introduction was fine, and while, admittedly, I could have been more prepared on the historical background itself, the class wasn't awful -- in the second half, once they got into the topic, they were very engaged, as even my boss acknowledged (but she said I needed to cut to the chase faster).
She didn't mention anything about the job, which I found suspicious, because she told me she'd get back to me by Monday afternoon. By Tuesday afternoon, the other school offered me a job, and then I emailed my boss, telling her they'd officially offered me a job but that I would prefer to stay at [Current School]. She congratulated me and then told me that actually they were not looking to hire me for the position they had listed, which was going to become two separate positions, one for the fall and one for the spring. She told me they wanted someone with more specific experience for the fall (totally understandable) but that I could apply to the spring position -- which is the same job I am currently in -- if I want, but that they're not "ready" to hire me right now for it.
Everything about this was so completely anger inducing. TBH it's a bullet dodged -- I don't care to work for a boss who expects perfection of this sort and blames student disengagement (for one half of one class period) on me rather than on the students. I guess she sees me as a liability for some reason (probably age, if I had to guess), or maybe admin decided they hated my observation too. But if she was going to make the position contingent on one observation, she should have told me that before giving me a verbal offer.
I think this lack of professionalism flourishes in schools because everyone knows you can't leave the same way you can in corporate. I have less than a month of my contract left; had this been corporate, I would have been out the door already, but because I care about my students, I can't exactly do that.
Oh, and I turned down the other school's offer, too. I'm leaving teaching after this. Have seen enough poorly managed schools and programs despite my young age and this was the last straw, because it's otherwise a good school but the lack of professionalism really pissed me off. I have outside options and, fortunately, have managed to keep one foot in the door of the private sector with some part-time work, and would rather make the switch this early in my career than feel trapped in teaching for a minute longer.
submitted by Sea-Kick9828 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:18 Definition_Novel Vytautas Montvila: the Lithuanian Diaspora’s true unsung hero.

Vytautas Montvila: the Lithuanian Diaspora’s true unsung hero.
In the age of current mass glorification via media from Lithuania and the United States of diaspora Lithuanian fascists like Adolfas Ramanauskas (Ramanauskas was born in New Britain, Connecticut, USA and later moved to Lithuania, later collaborating with Nazis during their invasion) or Lithuanian exile fascists like Jonas Mekas, few diaspora Lithuanians remember the names of revolutionary socialist Lithuanian diaspora heroes like Vytautas Montvila or Antanas Bimba. Antanas Bimba was a Lithuanian involved in the early American Communist movement, and a post will be made for him sometime later. As for the story of Montvila, It is up to Lithuanians everywhere to give this man his credit as a hero and martyr against fascism. Vytautas was born to to an ethnic Lithuanian Catholic immigrant family in 1902 in the city of St. Charles, Illinois. His family, like many Lithuanian immigrants to America at the time, left Lithuania due to persecution by czarist Russian Empire authorities, whom sought to ban Lithuanian language as well as restrict the Catholic Church in favor of Orthodoxy. This persecution under czarism caused many minorities, particularly ethnic Lithuanian Catholics and Lithuanian Jews, to move often to the United States, Canada, or South American nations. In 1906, he and his family returned to Lithuania, moving to the city of Marijampolė. The family later moved to Degučiai, then a Marijampolė suburb.
As Vytautas grew older, between the years of 1922-26 he joined the Kėdainiai Teacher’s Seminary. It was somewhat of a social club for study, covering a wide range of topics, such as science, culture, atheism, and philosophy. Members were of various political parties, but it was here Vytautas became acquainted with local Communist activists and gained entry into the wider movement. The communists at these meetings often discussed Marxist theory, offered to share sections of the Communist Manifesto, and recruited members into local Worker’s Guilds.
In 1923, he began writing his early poetry, often revolutionary in nature and influenced by avant-garde style. In his most famous poem, “Naktys be Nakvynės” (ENG: “Nights Without Accommodation”), written early in his career, he champions revolutionary socialism and personifies art of poetry as a tool for revolution. His later work from 1940-41 reflects the new Soviet period, condemns the reactionary past, hoping towards a socialist future in Lithuania. These later poems were influenced heavily by the works of fellow Soviet poet V. Mayakovsky, whose works Montvila enjoyed. These later works by Montvila were of a topical oratorical style, and he is credited often with having laid the foundation for other Lithuanian Soviet poets at the time. Montvila also wrote short stories and portions of novels. Among other feats, he translated the novel “Mother” by fellow Soviet writer Maxim Gorky, from Russian into Lithuanian, as well as translated the writer Émile Zola’s novel “The Collapse” from its original French into Lithuanian.
He shortly then studied in the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Lithuania (Today, Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas).
Following his departure from university, he began a life fully committed to revolutionary socialist activism. In 1929, in an effort to organizationally unify leftist writers against the bourgeoisie, he published the revolutionary almanac “Raketa” (ENG: “Rocket.”) For this, he was imprisoned from his arrest in 1929 to 1931. During 1935, he moved back to Marijampolė, and published the “Skardas” (ENG: “Tin”) worker’s newspaper for the Communist faction of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party. He also published other socialist newspapers, titled “Darbas” (ENG: “Work”), “Kultūra” (ENG: “Culture”), “Aušrine” (ENG: “Dawn”), and “Prošvaistė” (ENG: “The Light”) for various leftist organizations. He simultaneously worked odd jobs to add to his livelihood.
Upon establishment of the Soviet Lithuanian government in 1940, Montvila, like many leftist Lithuanian citizens, was thrilled and ready for change, having been oppressed in a society previously plagued by issues such as anti-communism, rural serfdom, clerical fascism, anti-Semitism, and capitalist exploitation of all of the working people of Lithuania. Vytautas dedicated specialized time to working with Soviet authorities to publish and translate revolutionary texts from various authors, as well as delivering his own revolutionary pro-Soviet speeches. He continued this into 1941, the final year of his life.
Upon the Nazi invasion of Lithuania in mid-1941, he was captured by local collaborators and Gestapo. According to documents, he did not run or resist, rather instead defiantly, in true revolutionary martyr manner, insulted his captors. He was taken prisoner to the 9th Fort in Kaunas, where he was executed, being shot to death on July 19th, 1941, killed alongside many other Jewish and leftist victims of Nazi and collaborator fascist terror. To leftists who are aware of his heroism and revolutionary martyrdom, he is often compared to fellow revolutionary and Spanish poet F. Garcia Lorca, a leftist whom was executed by the Francoists. Vytautas, Lorca, and all revolutionaries shall be remembered forever. May we remember Vytautas Montvila, a hero to all Lithuanians, but especially to Lithuanians in the diaspora! Remember Vytautas Montvila, both uniquely a hero to Lithuanian-Americans, and the people of Lithuania!
submitted by Definition_Novel to TheDeprogram [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:12 New_Carpenter3333 Single Mom of 1 Urgently Looking for Share

Hi all. I’m urgently looking for temporary housing the the Pleasanton, Livermore, Dublin area.
The Situation: I’m a 47 year old professional woman and mother of a 13 year old daughter. I moved to the Bay Area to pursue a career in the Tech industry, but I’ve been affected by tech layoffs. I currently live in Pleasanton in a 2BR apartment with a monthly rent of $2800. I’ve been living in this apartment for over 3 years and I’ve been in Pleasanton for nearly 5 years. I’ve been unemployed full-time for 6 months, exhausted all of my savings and I can no longer afford my rent. I’m at risk of losing my apartment and I’m looking for a share to move-in around mid June. I don’t drink or smoke. I’m 420 friendly, but not around kids. Love working out and generally live a healthy and drama-free lifestyle.
What I need: I’m looking for a large unfurnished room, in-law unit, studio or the like for a reasonable rent (I know that reasonable is subjective in the Bay). I don’t want to disrupt things too badly for my daughter and change schools in her last year of middle school and take us away from our community, so I’m looking to stay in the Tri-Valley or close to it. We’re originally from the East Coast and don’t have family here who can help, so I’d like to stay close to the community that we do have. East Oakland, San Leandro, Castro Valley, Hayward or Fremont could also work. I have a 16 year old cat who likely won’t be around for much longer and that I’ve had since a kitten and I really, really, really dread parting with him. Thinking long-term, I’d like to move into a house and rent two rooms (in Alameda or Berkeley) for my daughter and I during high school years, but that option may be cost prohibitive right now.
My current income: I’m working two different part-time jobs with an hourly rate that’s much less than what I’m used to. I’m onboarding as a substitute teacher with an organization, will do Uber in between jobs and I’m actively interviewing for full-time roles with salaries at or near what I’m used to. I’ve been gainfully employed for over 20 years and never thought that I’d be in this situation. I have the experience and credentials to get a full time job, but time isn’t on my side right now.
Since posting, I’ve seen that some suspect that I’m a scam. I’m not scamming. I’ve also suspected that some people are looking to scam me. I’m not for it. I’ll provide all the references that you need and I’ll be expecting for you to verify that you’re who you say you are too. I’d expect that we’d talk by phone, meet in person and I’d see the space. Please provide pics of your space if you have them. I’m absolutely not sending anyone any money before meeting, seeing the space and agreeing to move forward. I’m definitely not sending you my bank account or personal information because you’re so generous and want to help.
If you don’t have a room for us but you do have a job lead, I’ll take that too! I’m a Project Manager who’s worked at some of the top tech companies in the area.
Thanks for reading!
submitted by New_Carpenter3333 to SFBayHousing [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:05 Definition_Novel Vytautas Montvila: the Lithuanian Diaspora’s true unsung hero.

Vytautas Montvila: the Lithuanian Diaspora’s true unsung hero.
In the age of current mass glorification via media from Lithuania and the United States of diaspora Lithuanian fascists like Adolfas Ramanauskas (Ramanauskas was born in New Britain, Connecticut, USA and later moved to Lithuania, later collaborating with Nazis during their invasion) or Lithuanian exile fascists like Jonas Mekas, few diaspora Lithuanians remember the names of revolutionary socialist Lithuanian diaspora heroes like Vytautas Montvila or Antanas Bimba. Antanas Bimba was a Lithuanian involved in the early American Communist movement, and a post will be made for him sometime later. As for the story of Montvila, It is up to Lithuanians everywhere to give this man his credit as a hero and martyr against fascism. Vytautas was born to to an ethnic Lithuanian Catholic immigrant family in 1902 in the city of St. Charles, Illinois. His family, like many Lithuanian immigrants to America at the time, left due to persecution by czarist Russian Empire authorities, whom sought to ban Lithuanian language as well as restrict the Catholic Church in favor of Orthodoxy. This persecution under czarism caused many minorities, particularly ethnic Lithuanian Catholics and Lithuanian Jews, to move often to the United States, Canada, or South American nations. In 1906, he and his family returned to Lithuania, moving to the city of Marijampolė. The family later moved to Degučiai, then a Marijampolė suburb.
As Vytautas grew older, between the years of 1922-26 he joined the Kėdainiai Teacher’s Seminary. It was somewhat of a social club for study, covering a wide range of topics, such as science, culture, atheism, and philosophy. Members were of various political parties, but it was here Vytautas became acquainted with local Communist activists and gained entry into the wider movement. The communists at these meetings often discussed Marxist theory, offered to share sections of the Communist Manifesto, and recruited members into local Worker’s Guilds.
In 1923, he began writing his early poetry, often revolutionary in nature and influenced by avant-garde style. In his most famous poem, “Naktys be Nakvynės” (ENG: “Nights Without Accommodation”), written early in his career, he champions revolutionary socialism and personifies art of poetry as a tool for revolution. His later work from 1940-41 reflects the new Soviet period, condemns the reactionary past, hoping towards a socialist future in Lithuania. These later poems were influenced heavily by the works of fellow Soviet poet V. Mayakovsky, whose works Montvila enjoyed. These later works by Montvila were of a topical oratorical style, and he is credited often with having laid the foundation for other Lithuanian Soviet poets at the time. Montvila also wrote short stories and portions of novels. Among other feats, he translated the novel “Mother” by fellow Soviet writer Maxim Gorky, from Russian into Lithuanian, as well as translated the writer Émile Zola’s novel “The Collapse” from its original French into Lithuanian.
He shortly then studied in the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Lithuania (Today, Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas).
Following his departure from university, he began a life fully committed to revolutionary socialist activism. In 1929, in an effort to organizationally unify leftist writers against the bourgeoisie, he published the revolutionary almanac “Raketa” (ENG: “Rocket.”) For this, he was imprisoned from his arrest in 1929 to 1931. During 1935, he moved back to Marijampolė, and published the “Skardas” (ENG: “Tin”) worker’s newspaper for the Communist faction of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party. He also published other socialist newspapers, titled “Darbas” (ENG: “Work”), “Kultūra” (ENG: “Culture”), “Aušrine” (ENG: “Dawn”), and “Prošvaistė” (ENG: “The Light”) for various leftist organizations. He simultaneously worked odd jobs to add to his livelihood.
Upon establishment of the Soviet Lithuanian government in 1940, Montvila, like many leftist Lithuanian citizens, was thrilled and ready for change, having been oppressed in a society previously plagued by issues such as anti-communism, rural serfdom, clerical fascism, anti-Semitism, and capitalist exploitation of all of the working people of Lithuania. Vytautas dedicated specialized time to working with Soviet authorities to publish and translate revolutionary texts from various authors, as well as delivering his own revolutionary pro-Soviet speeches. He continued this into 1941, the final year of his life.
Upon the Nazi invasion of Lithuania in mid-1941, he was captured by local collaborators and Gestapo. According to documents, he did not run or resist, rather instead defiantly, in true revolutionary martyr manner, insulted his captors. He was taken prisoner to the 9th Fort in Kaunas, where he was executed, being shot to death on July 19th, 1941, killed alongside many other Jewish and leftist victims of Nazi and collaborator fascist terror. To leftists who are aware of his heroism and revolutionary martyrdom, he is often compared to fellow revolutionary and Spanish poet F. Garcia Lorca, a leftist whom was executed by the Francoists. Vytautas, Lorca, and all revolutionaries shall be remembered forever. May we remember Vytautas Montvila, a hero to all Lithuanians, but especially to Lithuanians in the diaspora! Remember Vytautas Montvila, both uniquely a hero to Lithuanian-Americans, and the people of Lithuania!
submitted by Definition_Novel to sendinthetanks [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:53 SophistsLament Chunks

I recently started listening to Isaiah and Hunter on Creepcast and have been following Wendigoon’s cryptid iceberg on YouTube for a while. Thier perspectives on the strange and unnatural are a valued escape from a reality that can seem, at times, monotonous.
 While listening to the podcast I was reminded of one of my own encounters with the unexplained. My story is brief, and much of the details have been lost to the fog of a nearly thirty-year-old memory, but the finer points are crystal clear and should compensate for what is lacking elsewhere. I know much of the content they cover may involve creative liberties or outright fabrications, but I must iterate that everything that follows is an honest account of actual events. This is not just a fan’s foray into creepypasta fiction; the absence of the outlandish should lend to that. Still, there are only two people who can corroborate my tale and one of them would surely not. I was born and raised in South Louisiana. When I was five my family moved to Baker, a small town just north of Baton Rouge. We lived in a modest house in a modest neighborhood, and, in retrospect, it was an idyllic place to grow up. Part of the reason it was great was the company. Our next-door neighbors had a daughter just a little younger than I, and it did not take long for us to become inseparable. Samantha and I spent most of our free time together. We would play hide-and-seek, jump on the trampoline, swim, and play with Legos. One of our favorite games was pretending we were the dejected indentured servants of a brutal taskmaster known only as “Bossy.” We were “Bubbies,” and our mission was escape. At some point, around age seven, I convinced my dad to build us a treehouse in the woods behind our house. It was a simple platform about eight feet high suspended between four trees with guard rails that lasted about a week before we decided we didn’t need them. The treehouse became our canvas. We perfected our fort for years with makeshift buttresses, chicken wire, salvaged wood and tin. It was truly apocalyptic. Naturally, the woods became our home, and the treehouse was our base of operations. I’m not sure how old we were then, I’d estimate between eight and ten, but one nondescript evening we ventured into the woods on some exploratory mission as we had countless times before. We set out some hundred-odd yards northeast of the treehouse. “Northeast” insofar as my young mind could reason what direction was in those woods. We came upon a bog that we referred to as “the gulley.” The gulley was occasionally awash with rainwater and would sometimes dry to a mushy clay. That day it was clay. I don’t know who saw it first, but we discovered a wooden cross on the bank of the gulley. It made no sense. We had been there before and had never seen a grave, but the wood of the cross was decayed at the edges as if it had been there for years. There was a date scrawled in black ink on the lateral beam, but I only remember “October.” Of course, this presented us with a unique opportunity. What adventurous child when met with the prospect of buried remains would choose to do anything other than exhume them? We ran back to my house to grab a shovel from my dad’s shed. I excitedly began digging about a foot in front of the cross when we made it back. The ground was soft and did not offer much resistance. I can’t recall how far I had to dig before hitting pay dirt, but I distinctly remember the sound when I did. It was the sharp “clink” of breaking glass muted by the surrounding clay. 
We carefully unearthed the object that had broken. It was one of a collection of buried mason jars. The jars themselves were unremarkable, the type anyone’s grandmother would have stored in a pantry filled with pickled okra or peach preserves. What they contained, however, was both gruesome and horrifying.
We could only describe them as “chunks of meat.” The pale, roughly inch-and-a-half thick fleshy meat bits were floating in a red, semi-translucent liquid. The squishy pieces of diced remains elicited shocked and disgusted reactions from both of us, though I cannot remember what exactly was said. I’m sure it was some variation of “Bruh!” “Gross!” or “What is that!?”
It may have been nerves, but it did not take long for us to decide to abandon our excavation and conceal our discovery. I could not refrain from one final bit of mischief, however. We stole the cross as a souvenir. We kept it hidden behind a pile of junk at the rear of my house. The last I saw of it was some weeks later when my dad had stuffed it in a bin with the rest of the trash. I didn’t say anything.
At some point prior Samantha and I had resolved to tell no one about the jars. We naively feared we would be punished for digging up a grave, though it now seems obvious that would not have been the main concern.
I mentioned that there were two people who could corroborate this story. The first was, of course, Samantha. The second I had not yet met and would not meet for what seemed many months later, but time moves slowly when you are young. It could have been only weeks.
It was some time in the afternoon on a typically warm and humid Louisiana day and I had embarked once more into the woods for reasons I cannot recall. Perhaps the shade drew me in. Samantha must not have been home because she would likely have accompanied me otherwise.
I was never bothered to be alone in the woods. I knew the trails well and was confident in that knowledge. It had been years since I had gotten lost in them. The woods were comfortable to me (even after our discovery.) The only time I really felt fear out there was when I nearly stepped on a snake… and this day.
I can’t place exactly where I was when I saw him, and I can’t honestly attribute menace to his demeanor. The memory is too far gone. But I remember he was wearing camouflage from the neck down. I didn’t see a weapon. He was average height and build for a man who I would estimate was in his early to mid-thirties. The only other notable feature was his distinct, medium-length red beard.
We noticed each other at the same moment, but he spoke first. He said something like this; “Hey, have you seen a wooden cross around here? I buried my dog in these woods.” I can’t help but wonder if the dread on my face was apparent. I’ve never been adept at lying, but I knew in that instance that I had better be convincing. “No. I haven’t seen anything” was my reply. I suppose he took me at my word, because the exchange ended shortly after. I walked until I was out of his line-of-sight, then ran. I ran the whole way home.
I read somewhere once that every time you remember an event from your life the memory is tainted by the thoughts and feelings you had at the time you remembered them. This can happen so often that the memory itself becomes unreliable, like the final phrase at the end of a game of telephone. The idea that what we saw may have been misinterpreted has crossed my mind, but I still cannot conjure a satisfying explanation for those events. The most frustrating thing is that we will probably never know.
Samantha and her family moved away a few years later. Me and mine moved not long after. We tried to keep in touch, but distance is a cruel mistress. We have since moved on, gotten married and pursued our careers, but every once in a while, we both remember the meat chunks.
submitted by SophistsLament to creepcast [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:45 Obvious_Outsider Character Analysis: Rean Schwarzer (How do I Feel About Rean?)

This post contains spoilers from CS1-Reverie, including Reverie’s post-game content.
Disclaimer: The analysis portion of the Background section contains discussion of mental illness. I am not an expert in mental health, or any health field for that matter. I’m just a guy applying his own perception, lived experiences, and surface-level knowledge to interpreting Rean’s arc. I probably don’t even need to be making this disclaimer, but I felt like it.
Last year, I made this post asking how the members of this sub felt about Cold Steel’s protagonist: the one and only Rean Schwarzer. I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of engagement it got, as well as the diversity of opinion expressed in the comments. There were those who loved him, those who were neutral on him, and a few who just couldn’t stand him. At the time, I had just finished CS2, so there was a ton about Rean I wasn’t privy to. However, now that I’ve played Reverie and am fully caught up with the first half of the series, I have a much fuller picture of him. Since so many of you were kind enough to offer up your takes on Rean back then, I figured I’d express my own thoughts on him in the form of a proper analysis. Without further ado, let’s begin!


Rean Schwarzer (born Rean Osborne) is the main protagonist of Trails of Cold Steel I, II, III, and IV, as well as one of the three main protagonists of Trails into Reverie. He was born in S.1187 to Erebonian commoners Brigadier General Giliath and Kasia Osborne. Rean’s father was a brilliant leader and strategist, but his commoner status made him an enemy of the military’s nobles. This led to Giliath’s home being attacked by jaegers when Rean was five, resulting in Kasia’s death and Rean’s heart being punctured by shrapnel. In a desperate bid to save his son’s life, Giliath made a deal with Ishmelga, the Ebon Knight, to become its Awakener and used its power to transplant his own heart into Rean’s body. Due to his deal with Ishmelga, Giliath was forced to give up custody of Rean, entrusting him to the care of Baron Teo Schwarzer. As a result, “Rean Osborne,” the son of a commoner military officer, became “Rean Schwarzer,” the adopted son of a minor noble family.
Although Rean’s new family was loving and supportive, his new life was not without struggle. The boy’s sudden, mysterious appearance in the Schwarzer household made the family - particularly Teo - the subject of gossip and controversy among other nobles. Some believed Rean was Teo’s illegitimate child, while others openly lambasted Teo for his willingness to potentially allow a commoner into the nobility’s ranks. Teo essentially became an outcast among his noble peers, his family’s name tarnished by rumor. Rean, for his part, came to believe he was at fault for this situation, and the subsequent guilt would plague him for many years.
Rean’s self-worth was further challenged by another, more personal problem that arose during his childhood. At age nine, Rean watched an unknown monster attack his younger sister, Elise, and the stress caused an innate “ogre power” within him to manifest. Rean fell into a blind rage, savagely killing the monster. When he returned to his senses, Rean was traumatized by the scene he had left behind, and by the discovery of this new, violent side of him he could not control.
Two years later, Rean became an apprentice of the legendary swordsman Yun Ka-fai, founder of the Eight Leaves One Blade school, hoping to learn how to control his ogre powers. Despite showing great promise as a swordsman, Rean was unable to develop control over his ogre power, and Yun was eventually forced to cut short Rean’s training for unrelated reasons. Although the beginner-rank Rean continued to train on his own, the damage to his psyche was too deep-seated for him to fix alone. He believed he was nothing but a burden and a monster, undeserving of love or happiness. This guilt and self-loathing spurred him to always put others’ needs and well-being above his own, believing himself less important than anyone else. This self-sacrificial behavior became a recurring problem for Rean over the course of his adolescence and early adulthood.
In S.1204, at age 17, Rean enrolled at the prestigious Thors Military Academy in eastern Erebonia. He, along with eight others, became part of Class VII, Thors’s first socially integrated graduating class. Although he still struggled with low self-worth, Rean thrived in this new environment, quickly befriending his classmates and discovering his natural-born ability as a leader. By this time, Rean’s real father, Giliath Osborne, had become Chancellor of Erebonia and was being targeted for death by the Imperial Liberation Front - an anti-Osborne terrorist group. The ILF was a recurring presence in Class VII’s lives during their first school year, and the two groups clashed frequently. At the end of the year, Rean’s life took a dramatic turn when he unexpectedly became the Awakener for the Divine Knight Valimar before watching the ILF - led by his friend Crow Armbrust - seemingly assassinate Osborne and spark a nationwide civil war. Thors came under siege by Crow shortly thereafter, and in the chaos, Rean was forcibly separated from his classmates.
One month later, Rean awoke in the Eisengard Mountain Range outside his adopted hometown, Ymir. Now armed with Valimar’s power, Rean rendezvoused with his family and set out to reunite Class VII. Although he succeeded, Rean was later captured by the Noble Alliance and was held captive alongside Erebonian princess Alfin Reise Arnor. With Alfin’s encouragement, Rean freed the two of them using his ogre powers and rejoined Class VII onboard the imperial family’s airship Courageous. Thanks to Alfin and his bond with his classmates, Rean learned to stop fearing his ogre powers and started opening up more to those closest to him. Using the Courageous, Class VII successfully led a mission to retake Thors before ultimately confronting the Noble Alliance’s leader, Duke Cayenne, and stopping his plan to use the Infernal Castle to win the war. At the same time, new drama entered Rean’s life: Shortly after stopping Duke Cayenne’s plan, Crow unexpectedly died and Osborne was revealed to still be alive - and Rean’s real father. Rean, for his part, was formally recognized by the imperial government for his role in ending the war and became a national hero. This was, however, merely a ploy to pressure Rean into obeying Osborne’s wishes, and it succeeded, as Rean subsequently became an operative in Erebonia’s conquest of Crossbell. It was during this time that he became acquainted with Crossbell Special Support Section leader Lloyd Bannings.After Crossbell’s annexation, Rean fought in the Northern War, which resulted in Erebonia annexing North Ambria. He partook in the siege of Haliask, where he fought archaisms using Valimar. During this stretch of the war, Rean lost control of his ogre powers and was rendered unconscious for three days. As a result, he once again lost faith in his ability to control himself, and swore off the use of his ogre power.
In April S.1206, roughly 1.5 years after the civil war’s end, Rean started a job as instructor of a “new Class VII” at Thors’s new branch campus in western Erebonia. At the branch campus, Rean bonded with his students and fellow faculty while also taking on assignments from the imperial government. It was also during this time that Osborne’s plan to trigger the Great Twilight started unfolding, causing Rean, his students, and his comrades to regularly butt heads with jaegers, Ouroboros, and powerful cryptids. Ultimately, however, Osborne outmaneuvered all attempts by Rean, Olivert, and others to stop him; the Courageous was destroyed by a bomb with Olivert still onboard, Rean’s forces were spread thin through various battles, and Rean himself was forced to watch as Millium Orion was killed and turned into a Sword of the End. Finally at his wit’s end, Rean suffered a mental breakdown and was consumed by his ogre powers, causing him to violently trigger the Great Twilight himself before being taken captive by Osborne and Ishmelga.
After a short period of captivity, Rean was freed by Class VII and their allies. He, along with the SSS and the Liberl Bracer Guild, declined to become part of Musse Egret’s Operation Mille Mirage, instead choosing to oppose Osborne their own way. Rean, as Valimar’s Awakener, decided to partake in the Rivalries to reform the Great One, in hopes of defeating Ishmelga’s curse. He gradually defeated and absorbed power from the other Awakeners until, finally, during Operation Jormungandr, he defeated Osborne and Ishmelga, becoming the pilot of a corrupted Great One. It is at this time when two different futures unfolded: In one, Rean flew the Great One beyond Zemuria’s atmosphere to remove Ishmelga from the continent. In the other, Rean used the power of the Holy Beast of Earth to give Ishmelga’s curse a corporeal form, allowing him and his friends to destroy it. It was this latter future that became Zemuria’s reality, while the former remained hypothetical and unrealized.
Many months after Ishmelga’s defeat, in S.1207, Rean became involved in the incident involving Crossbell and Elysium. While combating enemy forces in the Nord Highlands, Rean started undergoing assimilation with Ishmelga-Rean, an alternate version of himself created by Elysium based on the unrealized timeline from when Ishmelga was first beaten. Later, during the final confrontation with Ishmelga-Rean, the real Rean saw visions of his other self’s sacrifice and finally grasped the devastating effects his past martyr-like behavior had on those he loved. He vowed to make a change before eliminating Ishmelga-Rean, stopping the assimilation.
Sometime after the clash with Elysium, Rean visited Longlai in eastern Calvard with his family, secretly hoping to track down Yun while there. Instead, he encountered members of the Ikaruga jaeger corps, who informed him that Yun was not in Longlai before departing. Rean has since contented himself with his current life as a Thors instructor, sensing that the next incident to befall Zemuria will involve not him, but an entirely different group of heroes.
Analysis: From even a cursory glance at Rean’s story, it is clear he endured much distress and trauma at a young age, and in my view, the result was deep-seated mental illness - namely depression. I am not a psychologist, but I would wager that the violent manner in which his five year-old self lost his home, his mother, and, almost, his own life, was horrific enough for his mind to block all memory of that period as a defense mechanism. This would help explain how Rean did not remember his real parentage until his encounter with Osborne in CS2 jogged his memory. Further stressing Rean were the controversies surrounding his adoption, which were not at all his fault but still interpreted as such by him, and the sudden, gory manner in which he learned of his ogre power. With such a potent combination of stressors burdening his young mind, it is no surprise to me that it took Rean such a long time to overcome his feelings of guilt and worthlessness. He was saddled with depression during the most formative period of his life, and like any mental illness, depression cannot be overcome with just one or two instances of positive reinforcement. It is often something people have to live with for many years, with periods of relative difficulty and relative ease. Looking at it this way, it makes sense for Rean’s arc to have taken as long as it did.
Side note: Obviously, Rean’s story is not the most realistic depiction of depression in fiction, but the manner in which it unfolds and is presented is still enough for me to take it seriously as a journey of struggling with mental health. When Rean receives support or encouragement from his friends and family, it helps in the short-term, but does little to erode the larger problem because that simply isn’t enough. Further, Rean’s progress is not linear, but is marked with occasional setbacks: In CS2, he finally learns to stop fearing his ogre power, but in CS3, we see that he is still vulnerable to losing control of it, and he does so during the Northern War and in the finale of that game. He receives a pendant (“meds?”) and training (“therapy?”) to control said power in CS3, but he still struggles with it. In CS4’s “bad” ending, even after everything he has gone through, Rean falls back into his old habits of self-sacrifice, because that’s how “baked-in” his problems are; he doesn’t even see the issue because he’s lived that way for so long. It is CS3’s finale that is the most striking part of Rean’s journey to me: In my eyes, it is the same as Rean having a mental breakdown, too overcome by his own emotional turmoil to control himself. He becomes consumed by his own demons, literally and figuratively, and it takes the collective effort of his loved ones in CS4 to bring him back to stability.
It is also fitting that Rean’s big turning point - the moment in Reverie where he sees the pain his martyr-esque behavior causes others - is as dramatic as the instances that facilitated Rean’s internal struggle to begin with. What I particularly appreciate about this chunk of Rean’s arc is that it is presented as Rean finally realizing the change he needs to make, rather than him being instantly cured of his ailments. It is simply him resolving to change his outlook on himself and his relationships, and that feels more grounded to me than any alternative route the writers could have taken.


Rean is a kind, courageous, selfless individual who greatly cares about those around him. Despite his own low self-esteem, he is a gifted speaker and possesses the spirit of a natural-born leader. It is this charisma that quickly made him the de facto leader of Class VII, as he often served as an intermediary for the interpersonal clashes between his other classmates (see: Machias/Jusis and Fie/Laura). He often goes out of his way to help his peers solve problems or make their lives easier. This behavior is propelled by his own feelings of worthlessness, which causes his generosity to often escalate to self-sacrificial activity. On the occasions when Rean is unable to help someone, he often feels guilty, even if the problem at hand was not his fault or was out of his control (examples include his inability to stop Vulcan and Crow from dying in CS2).
Rean is also extraordinarily perceptive thanks to his Unclouded Eye technique, which he learned from Yun Ka-fai. This allows him to set aside any preconceived notions or prejudices he may have and accurately discern a person’s true nature. His training also allows him to notice things others may not, such as objects moving at high speed or unseen people/creatures in his vicinity. At the same time, there are things he struggles to pick up on, namely when it comes to others’ feelings regarding him. Rean often fumbles when it comes to romantic/intimate interactions with the girls in his life, either unintentionally flustering them or failing to understand how deep their feelings run. Rean also fails to understand how his martyr behavior hurts those he cares about, despite numerous incidents ending with people refusing to abandon him and calling him out for perceived recklessness.
Analysis: One thing I’ve always appreciated about Rean is that, despite his serious personal problems, he never comes off as whiny, annoying, cringe, etc. He knows how to compartmentalize and portray an air of confidence and amicability; I would attribute this to his noble upbringing, as we see similar behavior in other noble characters like Laura and Jusis. His natural ability as a speaker and leader are reminiscent of Osborne’s, as is his penchant for self-sacrificial behavior; Osborne was, after all, willing to bond with Ishmelga, literally give his heart to his son, and turn himself into a villain for the sake of his people.
There are considerable differences between Rean and the three protagonists who preceded him. He is almost the antithesis of Estelle: She is lively, spontaneous, and unafraid to open up to others emotionally, Rean is more reserved and measured, and is initially guarded, though he does learn to express himself over time. While he does share similar backstory details to Kevin, their outward personalities are starkly different, with Kevin being suave and laid-back and Rean being more serious and passive. As for Lloyd, while Rean does share his kindness, perception, and leadership ability, the two do have their differences as well. Lloyd’s arc is about starting from nothing and overcoming barriers, gaining strength along the way. He is driven by a commitment to justice and a zealous patriotic spirit. Rean, on the other hand, starts out with great power at a young age but struggles to control it, making his journey more internal and personal than Lloyd’s. Additionally, his fighting spirit comes not from burning passion, but from steely nerve and trust in his companions. And, of course, he is not morally gray like his successor, Van.


Due to the sheer number of people Rean becomes involved with, I will only address his more notable relationships. Many will be in clusters, with only a select few individuals receiving their own entries.


As a main series protagonist, Rean is basically guaranteed to return in a future game. Whether or not he will be playable or have a significant role in said game is difficult to ascertain, but given his lengthy period of stardom in the Cold Steel games and Trails’s treatment of other past protagonists, my guess is that he will take more of a side role. Since Rean was looking for Yun Ka-fai after Reverie, and Yun is set to appear in Kai no Kiseki, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Rean in that game at all - at least in flashback form. Failing that, Rean will surely appear in or close to the series finale. Of this I am certain.

Misc. Notes/Commentary

submitted by Obvious_Outsider to Falcom [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:39 smallsloth1320 apparently someone held a gun to Lori’s head and forced her to attend college

apparently someone held a gun to Lori’s head and forced her to attend college
she would neverrrr dare force her agenda on anyone, of course 😒
submitted by smallsloth1320 to FundieSnarkUncensored [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:30 Ultim8_Lifeform Featuring the Penguins of Madagascar! (Madagascar)

The Penguins of Madagascar

"Just smile and wave, boys. Smile and wave."

The Penguins of Madagascar are four ordinary penguins turned secret commando team. Born in the frozen wasteland that is Antarctica, Skipper, Kowalski, and Rico spent their childhood in boredom, waddling along the ice with seemingly no destination in mind. They were constantly told by the rest of their colony that it was a dangerous world for a penguin, and something so "cute and cuddly" shouldn't take any risks. One day, the group witnessed a lone egg rolling down the snow towards an icy cliff. When they realized no one was going to help it, the three baby penguins leapt into action. They rescued the egg from certain doom, but in the process were separated from the rest of their group, stuck on a lone iceberg and floating towards an unknown future. It was that moment that Skipper, Kowalski, Rico, and the new hatching Private, became not only a team, but a family.
Fast forward a few years, and the Penguins of Madagascar have grown into a skilled group of elite commandos, partaking in various missions that have taken them all over the world, from New York to Madagascar to Africa to Europe. Over the course of their dangerous careers they have accumulated a wide variety of friends and allies. These range from the residents of the Central Park Zoo to the members of the spy agency North Wind. However they have also made no shortage of enemies, including Hans the Danish puffin, the Red Squirrel and the maniacal Dr. Blowhole.

Respect Threads


"Cute and cuddly, boys. Cute and cuddly."
Skipper is the leader of the group, devising tactics and gives orders. He is calculating, strict, paranoid, short-tempered, stubborn, and has a great disdain for hippies. Skipper's raving paranoia and tendency to view even the most ordinary activities as a military operation, combined with his experience in covert ops, has driven him to prepare for nearly any situation, no matter how bizarre or unlikely. While his antics do tend to alienate other animals outside of his commando team, more often than not his paranoia is proven justified, as he and his team have saved the world on multiple occasions.


"Okay Kowalski, wow me."
"Behold, a portal to times past. The Chronotron!"
"So, its a time machine?"
"Well, yes."
"So why not call it a time machine?"
"Sure, yeah. And while we're at it, let's call the Great Wall a fence, the Mona Lisa a doodle, and Albert Einstein Mr. Smarty Pants!"
Kowalski is the brains of the operation. He is a brilliant inventor, creating a multitude of different inventions and gadgets to help the penguins on their missions. If given enough time, there are few things that he couldn't invent. Unfortunately, most of the time his inventions cause serious trouble for the team, either falling into the wrong hands, turning against Kowalski, or just exploding. Not to mention, despite his intelligence, he cannot read (although he still carries around a clipboard to record drawings of their plans). He tends to over-analyze situations, trying to perfect every minute detail of a plan before he acts. This often causes the team more harm than if he would just act. That being said, he is still an invaluable member of the Penguins. Without him, they would simply be a couple of ordinary penguins that can do flips and karate chop people.


"B-but that shouldn't have worked! It breaks all known rules of science!"
"And that's why we call Rico a maverick. He makes his own rules."
Rico is the group's weapons and explosives specialist who mainly communicates through grunts and squeals. With a stomach that defies reality, Rico swallows a plethora of useful tools and weapons and regurgitates them when needed, including ones that appear to be too large to have been swallowed in the first place. Rico has a few screws loose, so the other Penguins need to keep him on a tight leash lest he lose his mind in a dynamite filled frenzy. That said, Rico's love for explosions and destruction is an asset that Skipper has no problem letting lose on their enemies or any problem that the team may be facing.
Rico is able to regurgitate whatever Skipper needs as long as he has it locked away in his intestines. As soon as an object, weapon, or tool is needed he can produce it almost instantly.


"Private, options."
"Hello? I'm the options guy!"
"But not when it comes to matters of the heart. That's where young Private here shines."
Private is the emotionally sensitive, British-accented rookie of the Penguins of Madagascar. Though younger and less experienced than the other penguins, he is the most down to earth and compassionate. Private tends to offer simpler, more commonsense solutions in response to Skipper and Kowalski's complex strategies, often in an understated tone while those strategies are falling apart. He also has an affinity for unicorns.



Using the Penguins on WWW

While it may vary from episode to episode, the penguins are all around the same ballpark in stats and skill. They're pretty well rounded, being able to withstand blows that damage stone and metal walls and can dish out those same kinds of hits. On top of that, most have dealt with minor esoteric damage types like heat, electricity, and cold. While they're not too crazy speed wise, they're all capable of aim dodging lasers and can avoid slower projectiles like darts. Combine that with their absurd agility and small size and these four will be extremely difficult to hit for opponents that are on their physical level.
However, it's the areas outside of physical stats that let the penguins fight above their weight class. They're all capable in close quarters combat, with Skipper being the clear standout (though Rico and Private have both shown to be able to hold their own against him under the right conditions). Rico is a walking armory that will give them access to any weapon in their arsenal at any time, Kowalski has plenty of inventions that most opponents won't have resistances too, and Private's hyper cuteness could certainly catch their opponents off guard.
The best way to beat these four is to split them up and fight them individually. They've shown many times that they are far greater than the sum of their parts, engaging in hit and run tactics or using one of their various haxes to battle opponents above their weight class. Kowalski and Private in particular are vulnerable to losing their composures if things aren't going their way in a fight (though I wouldn't exactly call that a strength for Skipper and Rico either).
submitted by Ultim8_Lifeform to whowouldwin [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:27 Clamslammer50 Looking for advice, considering a career in Tech

I'm sure this is an age-old question but I appreciate any advice from a nuetral perspective (not trying to be overly positive or negative)
I'm 40 years old and looking for a career change. My skills and background are unrelated to tech, but I do understand business. Going to a 4 year school program just isn't practical or sustainable for me at this point, the ROI on time and money spent just isn't there.
I've heard there's various certificates, bootcamps, etc. out there that you can land entry-level decent jobs with, but I don't know much about this industry, the types of roles or career paths, and how much of this is just marketing hype. I'm not expecting to start out at six figures, but I'm not trying to live on $15-20/hr for years and years. I've also heard a lot of negativity and cynicism that it's competitive, cut throat, impossible, lots of layoffs, etc. etc. I'm thinking that as with most things the truth lies somewhere in the middle,
But I'm looking for some honest & objective advice on what kind of opportunities would be out there. Thanks in advance.
submitted by Clamslammer50 to techcareers [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:27 Wonderful_Ad_81 This guy is a teacher and he made a smart and full analysis of ams 2 and Sosa career after deep research on him

This guy is a teacher and he made a smart and full analysis of ams 2 and Sosa career after deep research on him
This guy almost fully understood sosa artistry and growth even tho he only recently started to learn about him
submitted by Wonderful_Ad_81 to ChiefKeef [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:16 Plastic-Ad-5033 Trans experience in spaaace

So, I came across a writing prompt in humansarespaceorks that just PERFECTLY encapsulated the trans experience, so I wrote a quick story about it and I wanted to share. Link in comments.
Prompt was “You go to an alien school, you don’t like your xenobiology teacher, as they know everything about human biology but severely lack cultural context for humans. Often making unintentionally offensive and embarrassing comments and it didn’t help, he looks at you more of a specimen than a student”
My story: „Today, we will be examining various expressions of manipulatory limbs and digits among galactic species, starting with Humanity’s arms and hands.”

“Oh no”, I sighed under my breath. Every time Professor Gl’lork talked about us humans, they just said the wildest stuff. Not strictly wrong, you know, biologically speaking. But the conclusions she draws… the Professor should really realize her limitations.

“As you can see on the presentation, the human shoulder allows for a wide range of motion, which, combined with the structure of human musculature and its immense power compared to other species as well as their bipedal stance, allows them to perform remarkably well at throwing objects accurately over wide distances.”

“Oh, I never actually considered how we are so uniquely skilled at throwing objects. I wonder what impacts that might have had on our…” I think, until the Professor’s next remark completely pulls me out of the moment.

“I suspect that this unique manipulatory limb coinciding with the large amount of waste the human digestion tract produces on a daily basis to fuel their demanding metabolism led to the human cultural practice of flinging said waste products at potential mating partners.”

Wait, what???

“You see, it is a common human habit to fling their digestion’s waste products at fellow specimen they are sexually interested in.”

“What is she talking about? I mean, there ARE humans who fling shit… you know, deeply insane people. Has she watched one of those “human horror compilations” and thinks that’s representative of our “cultural practices”? And what does she mean “at people they are attracted to?”

“It’s called nagging by humans. They often tell their young who aren’t used to the cultural practice yet that the other youngling only flings excrements at them because it likes them so much”

“No, no, no, this is why biologists shouldn’t talk about cultural practices among sentient species, she’s messing it all up. Somehow she mixed up nagging among kids with shit flinging basket cases? Oh no, wait, is she mixing us up with Chimps, is that what’s happening??”

Exasperated, I raise my hand before I get a moment to think. Oh no. This never goes well in this class.

“Ah, I see that our resident Human has raised its hand”

“Oh you asshole, Gl’lork, you know perfectly well it’s impolite to refer to humans as it”, I think, blushing out of embarrassment and anger.

“This affords as a great opportunity to study its manipulatory digits in person”

“Ma’am, I actually”, I try to get a word in but Gl’lork cuts me off.

“Ah ah ah, student, I know that you probably have something to say, probably another highly emotional comment, given that you can’t seem to stay neutral whenever your own species is concerned, but this is an important teaching moment for the rest of the class. Now please spread your fingers out for all to see. Would you maybe be able to excrete some waste products, too, to demonstrate?”
submitted by Plastic-Ad-5033 to trans [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:12 PossiblyHero Illinois Institute of Art: Schaumburg, pre-2004

This is on behalf of my wife, and apparently two of her friends.
My wife attended Illinois Institute of Art: Schaumburg from 2000 to 2003, where she contends they were being fraudulent and misrepresenting themselves back then. Including the type of accreditation they had? So far, I've only found two things, an article that said a teacher that joined like in 1996 said things started going downhill in 2000 but that's not evidence. Otherwise the only luck I had was with the wayback machine was their website. The problem is, with so many things mentioning erasing loans starting from 2004, and news storied around 2018-2019, anything before then is obscured. They say the 91.8% finding jobs in their field thing at least but that's just one place. (Between her and her friends, only one works in their field, which was after 3 years and has had significant chunks of time between jobs) Other threads I've seen mention more current events or to reference other threads that mention more current events.
Any other ideas on how to get information from the dark ages? er.. pre-2004?
submitted by PossiblyHero to BorrowerDefense [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:12 user8262_8 How to prove my statement?

I know this is physics, but proofs is math thing i guess, sorry for any mistake.
So, i got the following question: Q:which of the following directly proportional to the object: A) Mass B) Velocity Both are supposed to be right, as the equation is: KE = ½ * M * V² So i choosed V(velocity) as there are V² and only one M, but teacher said "you are completely wrong" because V is V², and the option is "velocity" and not "velocity sqaure", but what make me mad, is that the simple equation MUST BE : KE = ½ * M * (V * V) which mean i have V, not just one V, but 2 which make Velocity more directly proportional than Mass, or in this equation: Y = KX, V have greater K than Mass... So please help me proving that my answer is right
Edit: i got it, my statment is wrong because i misunderstand How does the direct relationship actully work lol.
submitted by user8262_8 to askmath [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:55 futzing_around Constructive Criticism Requested

It's been a while since I've had to put together a resume. I know that I need to tailor the resume to the specific job I'm applying for, but what I am looking for is the clarity and readability. Note, my current company does not track specific metrics for my position, so was struggling with adding anything in.
submitted by futzing_around to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:52 FirmMathematician791 What colleges should I apply to? Please help!

Hi! I'm a current junior and I'm trying to build a college list. Please let me know what colleges you would recommend me to apply to :>.
Demographics: Female, Asian, HS in NY (would say it's pretty competitive)
Hooks: first-generation, low-income
Intended Major(s): Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (or environmental sciences) and minor in Philosophy
ACT/SAT/SAT II: 1570 SAT, 780 W and 790 M
UW/W GPA and Rank: 4.0 unweighted, idk what my weighted GPA after junior year would be yet
Coursework: 5 honor classes 9 APs (7 more senior year)
List of APs: Sophomore year: APWH (5), AP Physics 1 (5), Junior year: AP Lang, AP Calc BC, APUSH, AP Psych, AP Biology, AP Stats, AP CSA, Senior year: AP Lit, AP Chem, APES, AP Macro, AP Micro, AP French, AP Gov
Extracurriculars: Include leadership & summer activities
I haven't started writing my essays yet, but my English teacher really likes my writing.
English Teacher- I think it would be pretty good. I always participate and he has said I'm a great student numerous times.
French Teacher- I think it would be pretty good as well. I work as her secretary, and I engage in frequent small talk with her.
Biology Teacher- I think she likes me, and I am one of her best students.
Thank you in advance, and please let me know what you think!
submitted by FirmMathematician791 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:35 tbabydoll101 What exercises/fitness doesn’t hurt?

I’m currently trying to figure out an additional career path to what I’m currently doing and before I had my surgery, I was certified as a personal trainer and yoga teacher and dancing on a stage professionally for a living. Endo and surgery and pain has robbed me of the fit body I used to have, and the ability to bounce back. I miss working out, but every time I try I’m suffering. I’m wondering—what works for you fitness wise? Is there something that doesn’t flare you up? I am wanting to go into something similar to rehabilitation/physical therapy for women specifically who have endo or pelvic pain/abdominal issues. Perhaps this would be pelvic floor therapy? I just am curious what’s do-able, satisfying, and doesn’t land you in bed for days after. 🙏🏻🥵☺️
submitted by tbabydoll101 to Endo [link] [comments]