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2024.06.01 09:00 Khaijentry12 Rose: Fear Your World - Chapter 1: Rose Among Any Other

Finn Tresscoat, a 20-year-old with short dark brown hair, brown eyes, and a pale complexion, strolled down the sidewalk of his small town. He wore a light brown leather jacket over a black shirt, paired with black jeans and black-and-white sneakers.
As Finn ambled along, he glanced at the many shops lining the main road of the town's bustling center. He wasn't searching for anything in particular; he simply wanted to enjoy the rare day off from his job, one of the most perilous occupations in the United West (U.W.).
"Finn! Oh, Finn!"
Finn turned his head to the right and spotted Ms. Tori Elortor, or simply Ms. Tori as he called her. She was an older lady in her early fifties, though her youthful appearance often surprised the townsfolk. With long white hair cascading down her back, pale skin, and bright hazel eyes, she was a striking figure. Today, she wore a navy blue sundress over a pair of tight blue jeans and brown cowboy boots.
Ms. Tori, the local bakery owner, was considered quite attractive and often caught the eye of the younger men in town. Her curvaceous figure and active lifestyle, including regular yoga sessions in the park, only added to her allure. However, Finn saw her differently. Having known her since childhood and feeling like part of her family, he saw her as a maternal figure rather than anything else. He was also close to her son, Eric, feeling like an older brother to him.
Despite his demanding job, which kept him busy for nearly twenty-four-seven, Finn always tried to visit Ms. Tori and Eric whenever he could. Today was a rare opportunity for him to relax and reconnect.
"Ah, hi Ms. Tori! How are you today?" Finn greeted her with a warm smile.
Ms. Tori returned his smile. "I'm just fine, Finn. The real question is, how are you? I haven't seen you in months!" Her tone shifted to one of concern. "I was worried, and so was Eric. You do have quite a dangerous job for someone so young," she added.
What kind of dangerous job did Finn have, you might ask?
Well, Finn was a "Gaunt Hunter," a member of a specialized group tasked with safeguarding the small towns outside the major cities in the United West from creatures known as Gaunts.
These slim, humanoid creatures had leathery black skin, no eyes or nose, and wide mouths that drooled a strange dark green liquid. They had emerged after the cataclysmic "Decade of Winter."
The Gaunts varied in form and capability. Some were very muscular, while others had bat-like wings, allowing them to fly. They were also cunning, often creating weapons from scavenged materials and hunting in packs.
Disturbingly, these were just the common variants.
There were tales of Gaunts resembling animals and some that could even speak, though Finn himself had never encountered such anomalies.
Despite the ominous title of Gaunt Hunter, Finn's role wasn't as glamorous as one might imagine.
He wasn't a high-tech, gadget-wielding hero. Gaunt Hunters received training similar to regular police officers, focusing on the use of firearms. However, since firearms were not commonly traded or shipped to the smaller towns outside the major cities, Gaunt Hunters were also taught to wield swords, knives, and other melee weapons, as well as trained in close-range combat.
Finn had been trained to fire a pistol but also learned to fight with a machete, which was more practical for their needs than a traditional sword. On duty, he carried a standard-issue Glock-17 and a machete strapped to his side. He also wore the standard protective gear issued to United West Security Forces (UWSF) officers.
Returning to the conversation with Ms. Tori, Finn let out a lighthearted chuckle. "Dangerous for most of the veterans on the job, but I'm young and fit! Practically invincible!" he said with a grin.
Ms. Tori gave Finn an unimpressed look, raising an eyebrow. "Is that right?" she asked. "Then what's this I hear about a Gaunt nearly taking your head off just last week?"
Finn's face flushed with embarrassment as he recalled the incident. A Gaunt had caught him off guard and nearly decapitated him with a makeshift axe. "Okay... yeah, fair enough," he admitted, looking down.
Ms. Tori's expression softened, and she gave him a few light taps on the shoulder. "Oh, I'm not trying to make you feel bad, Finn, I'm just reminding you that your job is dangerous… You need to be careful," she said gently.
Finn looked up at her and nodded. "I know, and thank you for caring," he replied. Inwardly, he thought, 'It's not like anyone else does'
"Of course, I care, Finn," Ms. Tori said firmly. "Do you know how devastated I'd be if you got hurt or, heaven forbid, died? I'd be heartbroken,” she told him. “Eric would be even worse off, after all, who would play with him?"
Finn felt a wave of warmth at her words. Despite not wanting to worry Ms. Tori or Eric, it was comforting to know there were people who cared about him, and who wanted him to stay safe and come back home. "I guess you're right," he said with a soft smile. "I'll try to be more careful out there, I promise,”
Ms. Tori nodded, her smile lingering. "Good,” she said. “Now, how many days do you have off?" she asked.
"Not many," Finn replied with a sigh. "Just today,"
Ms. Tori's eyes widened in shock. "Only today? Why?" She asked.
Finn's expression turned serious. "Many of the other Gaunt Hunters are either dead, retiring, or switching to become cops... There are only ten of us left in the entire town,"
Ms. Tori's eyes widened in horror. Gaunt Hunters were the primary defense against the Gaunts. The law across the U.W. dictated that local law enforcement dealt with human issues, leaving Gaunt-related threats to the Hunters. The thought of their numbers dwindling was terrifying.
Each town was supposed to have a contingent of Gaunt Hunters, given that small towns were the primary targets for Gaunt attacks.
Major cities, in contrast, rarely had to deal with Gaunts.
The dense populations of these urban centers acted as a deterrent, scaring off most Gaunt packs. Even if a small group of Gaunts did manage to attack, the cities were equipped with heavy weaponry and advanced defenses, making Gaunt Hunters unnecessary there.
This starkly contrasted with the dire need for Gaunt Hunters in the smaller, more vulnerable towns.
Ideally, each small town would have around fifty Gaunt Hunters, a number intended to ensure adequate protection against the Gaunt threat. However, the reality was far grimmer. The inherent dangers and heavy responsibilities associated with the job dissuaded many from becoming Gaunt Hunters. The perilous nature of the work, combined with the constant threat of death, resulted in a severe shortage of recruits.
As a result, the numbers in many towns had dwindled alarmingly.
"Only ten?" she repeated her voice barely above a whisper. "That's... alarming… What happens if more Gaunts come?"
"We do our best," Finn said, trying to sound confident. "But it's tough… Every day, we’re stretched thinner,"
Ms. Tori took a deep breath, trying to process the gravity of the situation.
Finn felt a lump in his throat. "I promise, Ms. Tori. I'll do everything I can to stay safe," he said, trying to remind her if his promise mere moments ago.
Ms. Tori wanted to argue with Finn's comment, but deep down, she knew he was somewhat right. The town was struggling—trade had slowed to a trickle, and many residents had moved away. The constant threat of Gaunt attacks made living there increasingly untenable. Even Ms. Tori had considered leaving to ensure Eric’s safety and to give him a chance to grow up in a more stable environment where he could interact with other children and experience the broader world.
However, she couldn’t bring herself to leave.
Her late husband was buried in this town, and even though years had passed since his death, she felt tied to the place where he rested. She had loved this town deeply, and in a way, staying felt like keeping a part of him alive.
Seeing the conflict in her eyes, Finn decided to change the subject. "Hey, why don't I come over for dinner?" he suggested with a soft smile. "I'm sure Eric would be happy to see me after so long,”
Ms. Tori was pulled out of her thoughts by his offer. She smiled, grateful for his willingness to spend his rare day off with them. "That would be lovely, Finn," she said with a quick nod.
They walked together to Ms. Tori's home, a modest three-bedroom house with a large attic. Inside, they found Eric sitting in front of the TV, watching cartoons. Hearing Finn’s voice, Eric turned, his face lighting up with excitement. He jumped out of his seat and ran to give Finn a hug.
Eric was about 11 years old, with brown hair like his deceased father but hazel eyes like his mother. He was wearing a dark black and blue striped shirt, dark gray pants, and black slip-on shoes.
Finn hugged him back, smiling. "I've got some stories to tell over dinner," he said, which made Eric's eyes sparkle with anticipation.
He loved hearing about the world beyond their town, even if it was mostly filled with woods and the ruins of an old world.
Finn then followed Ms. Tori into the kitchen to help prepare dinner. He found what he could and handed the items to her, glad to be of assistance. Ms. Tori thanked him and asked if he could help chop vegetables, which he was more than happy to do.
As they worked side by side, Ms. Tori glanced at Finn, her expression a mix of gratitude and concern. "You know, Finn, this town means a lot to me,” she told him “It’s where I built my life with my husband, and it’s where I want Eric to grow up, despite everything,"
Finn nodded, understanding the deep attachment she had. "I get it, Ms. Tori. This place has a lot of memories, and as long as I'm here, I'll do my best to keep it safe for you and Eric,"
Ms. Tori smiled warmly. "I know you will, Finn... Thank you,”
Dinner was a warm, lively affair. Eric listened intently to Finn’s stories, hanging on every word. The laughter and conversation filled the small home, creating a moment of normalcy amidst the chaos of their world. For a brief time, the threats outside seemed distant, and they enjoyed the simple pleasure of being together.
After a few bites, Eric looked at Finn eagerly. "Can you tell me one of your stories, Finn?" he asked, his eyes bright with anticipation.
Finn nodded, swallowing a mouthful of food. "Well, a couple of days ago, I was out with two or three other Hunters, we had just finished fighting off a few Gaunts, once they were dealt with, we decided to explore the area since it was the site of an old abandoned amusement park,” he began. “Some of the rides were still standing, though most were broken and destroyed, it was interesting to see the tech they used to have back then," Finn recounted.
Eric's eyes widened with excitement. "Wow! That's awesome!" he exclaimed.
Finn grinned. "It was pretty cool, but it’s nothing compared to some of the parks I saw in Salton Lake City! Those places are amazing,"
Eric's eyes gleamed at the mention of the nearby city. "Man, I want to go there someday!" he said enthusiastically. "Maybe when I start my training to be a Gaunt Hunter," he added with a big smile.
Finn chuckled. "So, you want to be a Gaunt Hunter, huh?" he asked. "You think you’ve got what it takes?"
Eric nodded vigorously. "Uh-huh! I know I can be a Gaunt Hunter! I bet I can even be better than you!" he declared, pointing at Finn.
Finn raised an eyebrow, amused. "Oh really?" he said. "Who's to say I'm not the best of the best, huh?"
Eric gave him a smug smirk. "Because if you were the best Hunter, you'd have already gotten rid of all the Gaunts!" he said confidently.
Finn chuckled. "Well, you got me there," he admitted. "But hey, if you think you can be the best and get rid of all the Gaunts, then I say go for it, dude."
Eric chuckled and resumed eating, his enthusiasm undimmed. Ms. Tori watched the two with a fond smile, marveling at the brotherly bond between them. It warmed her heart to see how close they had become. She knew that Finn cherished this connection just as much as Eric did, especially since Finn had grown up without a family of his own, raised in the local orphanage.
She recalled those early days when a young Finn would walk into the bakery, clutching a few coins. His eyes would light up with wonder at the sight of the treats and goodies lining the shelves. Something about him had touched her heart, and she began offering him free treats for him and the other orphans whenever he visited. Her late husband had also taken a liking to Finn, treating him like the son they never had. When Finn decided to become a Gaunt Hunter, it was her husband who had helped him prepare for the rigorous training, getting him into shape and offering constant encouragement.
After her husband's death, it was Finn who helped her grieve and find the strength to carry on. She had felt terrible about leaning on him during such a hard time, knowing he had his own sadness to deal with, yet he remained steadfast and strong. He had been there for her and for Eric, helping the young boy understand their loss and navigate the difficult times that followed.
She was truly grateful to have Finn in her life.
Suddenly, Finn's phone vibrated insistently in his pocket. He quickly reached for it and saw a text message from work. He opened it, dreading what it might say.
[~Finn, we need you tonight. Jon and Gary quit out of the blue, so we need someone to fill in.~]
Finn sighed, frustration bubbling up inside him. 'Great, now we're down to eight Hunters,' he thought. 'And Jon and Gary were both my age and in better shape than the veterans at the station.'
Ms. Tori noticed the change in his expression and knew immediately what it meant. "Does duty call, Finn?" she asked gently.
Finn nodded, his expression weary. "Yeah, looks like Jon and Gary quit. They need me to cover tonight."
Ms. Tori sighed, placing a comforting hand on his arm. "I'm sorry, Finn. I know how much you were looking forward to some time off."
"It's alright," Finn said, forcing a smile. "I knew it was a long shot anyway. The town needs all the help it can get."
Eric looked up, concern etched on his young face. "Do you have to go, Finn?"
Finn ruffled the boy's hair affectionately. "Yeah, buddy. Duty calls. But I'll be back, and we’ll have more stories to share. I promise."
Ms. Tori gave him a supportive nod. "Just promise us you'll stay safe, Finn."
"I will," Finn assured her. He stood up, preparing to leave. "Thanks for dinner, Ms. Tori. It was great, as always."
As he left the warm, comforting atmosphere of Ms. Tori's home and headed out into the cold night, Finn felt a renewed sense of purpose. Despite the exhaustion and the ever-present danger, he knew he had to keep fighting. For the town, for Eric, and for the memory of the man who had helped him become who he was.
Once at the station, Finn entered and immediately spotted Dick Cortez, a veteran Gaunt Hunter who had been safeguarding the town for as long as Finn could remember. Dick, now in his 50s, had graying hair, deep-set wrinkles, and perpetually tired eyes. He was wearing the standard-issue armor that all Gaunt Hunters received, though each Hunter was allowed to customize their armor with different colors and modifications.
Dick's armor consisted of a high-collar black shirt beneath a modified, pure black chest plate that covered his upper abdomen, along with similarly-colored bracers. Both the chest plate and bracers were trimmed with white and featured matching shoulder pads. He also wore gloves with small metal plating on the fingers, dark navy jeans, black and white metal knee pads, and dark brown boots.
Dick noticed Finn and offered a small smile. "Heya, Finn," he greeted.
"Hey yourself, Dick," Finn replied with a nod.
"Sorry about having to bring you in on your day off," Dick said, his tone genuinely apologetic.
Finn walked over to his locker, where his armor and weapons were stored. He glanced at Dick and shrugged, giving a small smile. "It's alright, Dick. I understand why, and I'm not angry—well, not at you, but at those two," Finn said, referring to Jon and Gary.
Dick nodded in understanding. "Trust me, I'm disappointed in them too, but I can see why they left so suddenly," he said.
Finn nodded back, opening his locker to reveal his armor. His armor was similar to Dick's but differed in color and the clothing underneath. Finn wore his usual attire beneath the armor, which consisted of a dark brown chest plate trimmed with black, matching bracers, shoulder pads, knee pads, and gloves.
He took the armor out and quickly dressed, securing the pieces in place. He then grabbed his Glock and its holster, strapping it around his waist, and added his machete in its sheath. Once fully suited up, he turned to Dick with a raised brow. "Which side of town am I patrolling tonight?"
"Outer wall, west side," Dick stated, his voice firm.
Finn nodded, mentally preparing himself for the task ahead. The west side of the outer wall was notorious for Gaunt activity, a hotspot for their attacks. It was going to be a long night.
As he headed out, Dick called after him, "Stay sharp out there, Finn. We can't afford to lose any more good Hunters."
Finn turned back and gave a resolute nod. "I will, Dick. See you in the morning."
Once outside the city, Finn couldn't help but take in the grim sight of the outer wall. It was marred with deep scratches and chips from relentless Gaunt attacks, stained with the dark green goo that dripped from their slavering mouths, and speckled with bloodstains that would never fully wash away. The stark contrast between this battered exterior and the inner walls of the town was striking. Inside, the walls were adorned with chalk drawings from children and vibrant murals from the town's artists. These cheerful images served as a reminder of what he was protecting, and why he had chosen to become a Gaunt Hunter in the first place.
Reaching the west side of the wall, Finn began his patrol, moving back and forth to ensure no Gaunts were attempting to scale the barrier. For now, the night was quiet, and he hoped it would remain that way.
As he walked his beat, his thoughts drifted back to dinner with Eric and the boy's enthusiastic declaration about becoming a Gaunt Hunter. While part of him felt honored by Eric's admiration, another part was deeply troubled. The life of a Hunter was dangerous and filled with horrors that no one should have to witness, let alone a young boy like Eric.
Finn's mind flashed back to a particularly gruesome memory from a past patrol. He and another Hunter had been called to assist in repelling a large pack of Gaunts. They had rushed to the scene, only to find their comrades dead, slaughtered in horrific ways. One Hunter's skull had been cracked open, with Gaunts eating from it as if it were a bowl of grapes. Another Hunter, still alive, was being disemboweled and devoured. Finn could never forget the man's agonized expression as he watched his own entrails being torn apart and consumed. The sight had been so revolting that Finn had vomited on the spot, paralyzed by shock until his partner snapped him back to reality.
Then there were the stories he had heard from veterans like Dick. Dick once recounted an incident where a Hunter had been speared to death by multiple Gaunts. They hadn't even eaten him; they had just impaled him repeatedly, leaving his body to rot in the woods for days. Such tales highlighted the Gaunts' malevolence and complete lack of empathy.
Finn shuddered at the memories. He didn't want Eric to face such nightmares. The boy was full of life and potential, and Finn couldn't bear the thought of him enduring the same horrors he had.
Since that harrowing incident and the chilling story Dick had shared, Finn had sworn to himself that he wouldn't meet a similar fate. He vowed to go out fighting, to not end up like those other hunters. He couldn't bear the thought of becoming another victim, especially after what happened to his sister.
The sudden howl nearby jolted Finn out of his grim thoughts. The sound was close—too close. Instantly alert, he scanned his surroundings. Just then, something whizzed past his face, slicing his cheek. He turned to see a makeshift arrow embedded in the wall. Spinning back around, his heart sank as he saw ten Gaunts emerging from the tree line.
"Shit!" Finn cursed, his eyes widening in horror. This was a dire situation. He quickly drew his Glock and aimed at the advancing creatures. Before he could fire, a sharp pain seared through his left side. He glanced down to see a small dagger lodged in his torso.
'What the hell?' Finn thought, bewildered. 'Did one of the Gaunts throw this?'
"Sorry, but it's nothing personal," a strange voice echoed through the darkness.
Finn's gaze snapped forward, and he saw a figure emerging from the shadows. They wore a long black cloak that seemed to envelop them completely, giving the eerie impression that they were gliding across the ground rather than walking.
The figure approached him, their face obscured by the cloak's hood. "My, you are a handsome young man," they purred in a sultry tone. "Such a fucking shame that my babies must eat. We've been on the run, and they haven't had a chance to rest and eat until we saw you." They giggled, a chilling sound that sent shivers down Finn's spine.
Fear gripped Finn, but he managed to look up at the cloaked figure with a raised brow. "W-Who are you?" he stammered, his voice wavering.
The figure tilted their head slightly as if amused by his question. "Who am I?" they echoed. "I am their mother, their caretaker. I ensure they survive, even if it means feeding them humans like you." The figure leaned closer, and Finn could just make out a twisted smile beneath the hood.
Finn's mind raced. He needed to think of a way out, and fast. The Gaunts were closing in, and he was injured and at a severe disadvantage. Summoning his remaining strength, he clutched his Glock tighter and tried to steady his breath. He couldn't let this be the end.
The figure's giggle echoed eerily through the night, sending a shiver down Finn's spine. "Oh! Now I'm regretting stabbing you," they remarked with a twisted amusement. "It's not every day a handsome young man asks me my name, you know? Most prefer a no-name policy." Their tone was cryptic, and Finn couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in his gut. "While I would love to give you my name in far better circumstances, I'm afraid I don't have the time," they continued, their words dripping with urgency. "As I said, we're on the run from a rather unpleasant girl."
Finn's confusion only deepened. The figure's response didn't provide any clarity, leaving him even more perplexed. As the figure began to back away, Finn's eyes widened in shock as the Gaunts beside them moved in unison. ‘She can... control them!?’ he realized, disbelief washing over him.
"Go ahead, babies... EAT!" the figure commanded, her voice chillingly calm.
With a sickening lurch in his stomach, Finn watched as the Gaunts surged forward, their hunger palpable in the air. Determination surged within him, driving him to fight against the odds stacked against him. Ignoring the searing pain from his wound, he raised his gun and fired at the approaching Gaunts. Despite his efforts, only one was hit, and even then, it didn't slow down.
Finn gritted his teeth, preparing for the inevitable close-quarter battle with the monsters. "Come on!" he growled defiantly. "I'm right here!"
The Gaunts closed in, their predatory instincts driving them forward. Just as they leaped toward him, ready to strike, something unexpected occurred.
Thorny vines erupted from the ground, snaking around the Gaunts with incredible speed. Finn's eyes widened in astonishment as the vines ensnared the creatures, halting their advance. The vines twisted and contorted, slamming the Gaunts into the ground with brutal force, tearing at their flesh and rendering them helpless.
" Damn! How did that bitch already find us!?" the figure exclaimed, frustration evident in their voice.
Finn's gaze followed the figure's gaze as a new figure emerged from the shadows.
Her appearance was striking, to say the least. With a spiky red Mohawk and piercing red eyes devoid of any white, she exuded an aura of fierce determination. Smudged mascara framed her intense gaze, adding to her wild and untamed appearance. Her lips were painted black, a stark contrast to her fiery red hair and eyes. Clad in a black leather crop top vest that accentuated her slim, athletic frame, she exuded an air of defiance. Arm bands encircled her wrists and biceps, resembling the wraps worn by boxers, hinting at her combat prowess. Around her neck, she wore a large choker, adding to her rebellious demeanor. Her attire was completed by tight leather pants and high-heeled platform boots, giving her an imposing presence.
"Found you, ya freaking cunt!" she spat, her voice laced with venom.
The cloaked figure retreated, increasing the distance between them and the girl. "Ugh, don't you ever give up?" they retorted, their tone tinged with irritation.
The girl leveled a fierce glare at the figure. "After the shit you've done!? I ain't letting you go!" she declared, her voice dripping with disdain.
The figure let out a mocking giggle. "Is that so?" they taunted, gesturing toward Finn who lay wounded on the ground. "Not even to save his life?"
The girl's gaze shifted to Finn, her expression softening momentarily as she registered his injuries. Before she could react, a shrill howl pierced the air, drawing their attention back to the figure.
"What the hell did you do!?" the girl demanded, her voice trembling with rage.
"Oh, just called in a few friends over for dinner," the figure replied casually.
"You bitch!" the girl seethed.
With a swift motion, she thrust her hand forward, summoning a massive vine with thorns protruding from its surface. The vine lunged toward the figure, but they evaded the attack with agile grace, darting away through the forest.
"Have fun~!" they taunted, their laughter echoing through the trees as they disappeared into the darkness.
Driven by determination, the girl pursued the figure, her footsteps echoing through the forest. However, her path was suddenly obstructed as a horde of Gaunts emerged from the shadows, blocking her way with menacing snarls and bared teeth.
"Get out of my way!" the girl cried, her voice ringing with determination.
In an instant, a smaller thorned vine shot out of the ground with startling speed, piercing through the approaching Gaunts like a bullet. Lifted into the air by the force of the vine, the creatures were hurled aside, crashing into trees with bone-crushing force.
As more Gaunts emerged from the shadows behind her, four shots echoed through the air. Finn's aim was true, striking the advancing Gaunts and causing them to writhe in agony as they fell to the ground. The girl glanced back to see Finn's timely intervention, offering a silent nod of acknowledgment before focusing her attention back on the remaining threats. Summoning more vines, she ensnared the creatures, tearing them apart with ruthless efficiency.
Satisfied that the immediate danger had passed, the girl turned back towards Finn, who was now sitting against the wall, applying pressure to his wound.
Bending down beside him, the girl flashed a smile, revealing sharp triangular teeth reminiscent of a shark. "Nice shooting there, dude. Really saved my ass back there," she remarked.
Finn managed a weak chuckle. "I should be thanking you. If you hadn't shown up, I'd be Gaunt food," he admitted.
"Let's call it even, then, eh?" she suggested. "What's your name?" she inquired.
Finn met her gaze, taking a moment to catch his breath before responding. "Finn, Finn Tresscoat," he introduced himself. Curiosity burning in his eyes, he posed a question in return. "Who are you? No... What are you?" he asked, unable to shake off the mystery surrounding her.
The girl maintained her enigmatic smile, meeting his gaze with her striking red eyes. "The name's Rachel Rose," she revealed. "As for what I am, well... I can answer that once you're all patched up," she added cryptically.
Summoning another vine, Rachel gently lifted Finn to his feet, supporting him as they began to make their way back towards town. With each step, Finn's mind buzzed with questions, the mysteries surrounding Rachel and her abilities swirling in his thoughts. Who was the cloaked figure? How did they control the Gaunts? And most pressing of all, who—or what—was Rachel, and how was she able to command those vines with such ease?
As they walked back toward town, Finn couldn't help but feel the weight of exhaustion settle upon him, both physically and mentally. His thoughts swirled with questions about the events that had just transpired—about Rachel, the cloaked figure, and the unsettling abilities they both possessed. Yet, amidst the chaos of his mind, one pressing question emerged, demanding attention above all else.
'When the hell am I gonna get another day off? Because I can sure as hell use it right now...!' Finn thought to himself, his weariness palpable.
Rachel, walking beside him, seemed to sense his inner turmoil. Casting him a sidelong glance, she offered a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Finn. You'll have your chance to rest soon," she assured him, her voice carrying a note of empathy.
Finn managed a weary smile in return, grateful for the reassurance. Despite the gravity of their situation, her words offered a glimmer of hope amidst the uncertainty that loomed over them…
submitted by Khaijentry12 to stories [link] [comments]

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2024.06.01 06:44 fxdatalabs_Yp How can DevOps practices help with the continuous learning and adaptation of AI systems?

DevOps Practices Help with the Continuous Learning and Adaptation of AI Systems

In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming industries, ensuring that AI systems continuously learn and adapt is crucial. DevOps practices, known for enhancing software development and delivery, can play a significant role in this process. Let's explore how DevOps can facilitate the continuous learning and adaptation of AI systems, making them more robust, reliable, and efficient.


AI systems are dynamic by nature. They require constant updates and refinements to stay relevant and effective. This is where DevOps, a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops), comes into play. By integrating DevOps practices, AI systems can achieve continuous learning and adaptation, leading to better performance and outcomes. But how exactly does this happen? Let's dive in.

Understanding DevOps and AI

What is DevOps?

DevOps is a collaborative approach that combines software development and IT operations to shorten the development lifecycle and deliver high-quality software continuously. Key practices include continuous integration (CI), continuous deployment (CD), automated testing, and monitoring.

What are AI Systems?

AI systems are technologies designed to mimic human intelligence, including machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision. These systems require large amounts of data and iterative learning processes to improve over time.

Intersection of DevOps and AI

The intersection of DevOps and AI lies in the need for continuous updates and improvements. AI systems must be trained, validated, and deployed efficiently, which aligns perfectly with the DevOps philosophy of continuous improvement and delivery.

The Importance of Continuous Learning in AI

Why AI Needs Continuous Learning

AI systems need continuous learning to:

Challenges in AI Adaptation

Despite the need for continuous learning, several challenges exist:

DevOps Practices for Continuous Learning in AI

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

CI/CD pipelines automate the integration and deployment of code changes, enabling faster updates and reducing the risk of errors. For AI, this means:

Automated Testing and Validation

Automated testing ensures that AI models are validated against predefined criteria before deployment. This includes:

Implementing Feedback Loops

Monitoring and Logging

Effective monitoring and logging are critical for continuous learning. This involves:

Real-Time Data Integration

Integrating real-time data allows AI systems to learn and adapt continuously. This can be achieved by:

Scalability and Flexibility

Containerization and Orchestration

Using containers (like Docker) and orchestration tools (like Kubernetes) helps in:

Cloud-Native Architectures

Leveraging cloud-native architectures ensures that AI systems can scale and adapt dynamically. This includes:

Security and Compliance in AI DevOps

Secure Development Practices

Incorporating security into the DevOps pipeline ensures that AI systems are protected against threats. This involves:

Compliance Automation

Automating compliance checks ensures that AI systems adhere to regulations and standards. This includes:

Collaboration and Culture

Cross-Functional Teams

Building cross-functional teams that include data scientists, developers, and operations professionals fosters collaboration. This helps in:

Shared Responsibility and Ownership

Promoting a culture of shared responsibility ensures that everyone involved is accountable for the AI system's performance and ethical considerations. This involves:

Case Studies and Real-World Applications

Continuous Learning in E-commerce

In the e-commerce sector, AI systems are used to personalize recommendations, optimize pricing, and manage inventory. Continuous learning helps:

Adaptive AI in Healthcare

In healthcare, adaptive AI systems are used for diagnostics, treatment recommendations, and patient monitoring. Continuous learning ensures:


Integrating DevOps practices into AI development and deployment enables continuous learning and adaptation, making AI systems more robust, efficient, and effective. By leveraging CI/CD pipelines, automated testing, real-time data integration, and collaborative cultures, organizations can ensure that their AI systems remain relevant and deliver optimal performance. As AI continues to evolve, the synergy between DevOps and AI will be essential for driving innovation and maintaining ethical standards.
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2024.06.01 04:55 FancyInvestment397 DuckyLuck Casino - Honest Review in 2024

DuckyLuck Casino - Honest Review in 2024
DuckyLuck Casino first launched in 2020 and is licensed by the Curacao eGaming Commission. This casino has more than 430 slot games from 11 different developers.
You can also use DuckyLuck Casino to play video poker, table games, and bingo. It has live dealer games available as well. There is a 500% deposit match welcome bonus that also includes 150 free spins.
For the best rewards though, you will need to be a member of the DuckyBucks rewards program. There are only five withdrawal options, which could be a turn-off for some users.
DuckyLuck Casino
  • Huge selection of banking methods
  • Plenty of live dealer games
  • Accepts US players
  • No live sports betting
  • No Jackpot games
  • High fees for some payout games

DuckyLuck Casino Key Details

Country Available: USA
Device Compatibility: Android, Apple & Windows
Available Games: Baccarat, Blackjack, Keno, Roulette, Slots, Video Poker
Casino: Yes
Sportsbook: No
License: Curacao eGaming Commission
Online Since: 2020
Min. Deposit: $25
Payout Speed: 48 Hours- 15 Business Days
>>> Get Welcome Bonus 500% up to $7,500

User Interface

I found the user interface at DuckyLuck very easy to use. There are tabs at the top of the page that allow players to quickly switch between sections such as casino games, promotions, and banking.
The game section is also easy to navigate as games are separated into specific sections like slots and table games. You can even conveniently sort games by their popularity and jackpot options.
DuckyLuck prioritizes functionality over showmanship. I did not have any issues using the site, but I did not find it memorable, either. The deeper you go into the site, the harder it is to identify a theme.

DuckyLuck Casino Games

DuckyLuck offers a decent amount of slots games, jackpots, and video poker options. Really the only area that was a bit lacking was the table games section, but the core options were not too bad.
More specifically, there are 433 slot games available, many of which can be played for free. It offers a good selection of video poker and specialty games. There is even a live dealer game section with blackjack, roulette, and baccarat available.
Each game at DuckyLuck has a helpful information section that describes the game. Players can also rate the game and share comments about their playing experience.
One area that DuckyLuck could improve is its table games section. It lacks video baccarat, craps, and other popular games.
Casino Game Providers:
I really enjoyed the fact that DuckyLuck Casino uses a variety of reputable and trusted online casino game providers. Here are some of the big names that this online casino uses to provide its customers with good, quality gaming:
  • Rival Gaming
  • Betsoft Gaming
  • Spinomenal
  • Saucify
  • Arrow’s Edge
  • Fugaso
  • Felix Gaming
  • Tom Horn Gaming
  • Dragon Gaming
  • Fresh Deck Studios
  • Qora Gaming

Slot Games

DuckyLuck had 433 slot games available at the time of my review. I liked that I could sort games by developer, jackpots, and popularity.
There are 39 slot games that feature progressive jackpots. DuckyLuck has slot games from eight different developers including Rival Gaming and BetSoft.

Table Games

DuckyLuck’s table game section only includes nine games. Of those nine games, seven of them are either roulette or blackjack games. Most of the table games available were developed by Rival Gaming.

Video Poker

I found 14 video poker games during my review of DuckyLuck Casino. Games from developer Rival Gaming once again dominate this section.
There single and multi-hand versions of most games. You are even able to test the games in demo modes before committing any money to them.

Specialty Games

I was impressed by DuckyLuck’s selection of specialty games. There are 19 games available in the “Casual Games” section, which is more than you normally see at online casinos. El Royale Casino, for instance, only has three games in its specialty games section.
The selection of games is varied as well. DuckyLuck offers keno, bingo, and Teen Patti. Teen Patti is a three-card poker game that is popular in South Asia. There are also seven different options for scratch cards available.

Live Dealer

One of the few areas of DuckyLuck that you cannot access without an account is the live dealer casino. This area is provided through Fresh Deck studios. At the time of review, there were 14 live tables available, although this may increase during peak hours. Only paid games are available in this part of the site. Betting limits range from as low as $0.50 to as high as $12,500. There are three categories of games including:
  • Roulette
  • Blackjack
  • Baccarat

Mobile Experience

I was able to access DuckyLuck from my Android phone without having to download any software. The site is also accessible from iOS and Windows devices as well. You can access every game, including live dealer options, from your mobile device. does not have an app. All you need to do to get started is open the site in your mobile browser with a stable internet connection.
I did not experience many issues when playing from my phone. Some games took longer to load, but that was the only negative I noticed. The rest of the site worked as well on my phone as it did on my computer.

DuckyLuck Bonuses & Promotions

DuckyLuck does not offer much in the way of typical casino bonuses. There is only one welcome bonus option. Other top sites, like Las Atlantis Casino, have multiple welcome offers for new members to choose from.
The bonuses that DuckyLuck does offer are good. Both the welcome bonuses and the cryptocurrency deposit match offer 500% or more in bonus funds. I did not like that the bonuses had 30x and 40x rollover requirements, respectively.
DuckyLuck also has a rewards program. Existing players need to use the rewards program if they want to earn extra rewards. Otherwise, your opportunities to gain extra funds will be few and far between.

500% Welcome Bonus + 150 Free Spins

This is the welcome bonus that is available to all new players. New players must make an initial deposit of at least $25 to be eligible for this bonus.
  • 500% Deposit Match up to $2,500
  • Eligible Games:Casino games (No Live Dealer,Craps or Progressives)
  • Minimum Deposit:$25
  • Maximum Deposit:$500
  • Rollover Requirements:30X Deposit + Bonus
  • Maximum Cashout:10x Deposit

600% Match Bonus: Crypto Payment Methods

Bettors using crypto to make their deposit can get an exclusive bonus. This welcome bonus offers players a higher deposit match percentage. I was disappointed to see that it does not offer players free spins, though.
  • 600% Deposit Match:Preferred Payment Methods, ONLY Deposits
  • Eligible Games:Casino games (No Live Dealer,Craps or Progressives)
  • Minimum Deposit:$25
  • Maximum Deposit:$500
  • Rollover Requirements: 40X Deposit + Bonus
  • Maximum Cashout:10x Deposit

Refer a Friend

Not only can players earn cash by referring friends to DuckyLuck, but they can also get some free chips in the process as well. Both you and the person you refer will get a bonus with this promotional offer.
  • Earn $100 once referral makes an initial deposit of $25 or more
  • Referral deposit of $25 – $50:$25 free chip
  • Referral deposit of $51 – $100:$50 free chip
  • Referral deposit of $101 or more:$100 free chip
  • Rollover Requirement (Free Chip):50X the bonus
  • Max Cashout:5X the bonus
  • Bonus amount of $25:maximum withdrawal amount of $250
  • Bonus amount is $50:maximum withdrawal amount of $500
  • Bonus amount is $100:maximum withdrawal amount of $500
  • Rollover Requirements:30X

Rewards Program

Players are automatically enrolled in the DuckyBucks Rewards program. Players earn a Level Point for every $20 they deposit. Crypto players get a few more perks. You receive 10% daily cashback on all your crypot deposits, along with faster payouts, lower rates and fees.
Progressing through the DuckyBucks Rewards levels will unlock improved rewards. For instance, everyone has access to the 5% Daily Cashback bonus. But, only Golden Goose level members can get a 395% Daily Reloading bonus.
Below are the various levels of DuckyLuck’s rewards program.

DuckyLuck Social Contests

DuckyLuck offers social contests which isn’t something we see at many other online casinos. By following them on social media, you’ll be first to know when the contests go live. They are usually set to a certain day of the week, and rely on you pausing a video on a specific image. If you pause the video on the winning image and post a screenshot in the comments, you’ll win 25 free spins for the given slot. You’ll find these contests across Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, so it’s worth giving this casino a follow!

Banking Options at DuckyLuck Casino

I was happy to see that DuckyLuck offers 13 different deposit methods. This allows players plenty of options to choose from when making a deposit. I was less pleased to discover that DuckyLuck only has five withdrawal options.
Upon closer inspection, I found that only three methods are available for US players. Bettors in Maryland and Washington only have one withdrawal method, Bitcoin, available.
The minimum withdrawal amount for most methods is $25. Most options also have a maximum withdrawal amount between $150 and $2,500.

DuckyLuck Deposit Methods

The strength of DuckyLuck’s banking methods lies in its deposit options. There are 13 methods to choose from, but some are only available in specific regions.

DuckyLuck Payout Methods
The payout methods at DuckyLuck are more limited compared to the depositing options. This is one area where I feel this casino misses the mark. Increasing the withdrawal options would make it easier for players to enjoy their winnings.
I was also disappointed to see that withdrawal times depend on your VIP level. Standard players may have to way up to 120 hours to receive funds. VIP Crypto high rollers on the other hand can receive their funds within 48 hours.

DuckyLuck Customer Support

DuckyLuck only offers two options for contacting customer support. Players can use the live chat feature to speak to a representative. Or you can send an email to customer support.
  • Live Chat. This option is available 24/7 and there is a small speech bubble icon at the bottom right corner on every page of this online casino. Simply click on the icon and get in touch with a customer service representative.
  • On-Site Contact Form. This option is in lieu of an email address. The generic contact form allows customers to write out any sort of questions, comments, or concerns and send them directly to DuckyLuck’s customer service. Customers can expect a response within 24 hours or less using this method.
  • FAQ Page. The FAQ page can be accessed at the bottom of every page under the “More Info” section. DuckyLuck’s FAQ page addressed a wide range of topics including banking methods, game rules, and the casino’s terms and conditions.

Safety & Security

DuckyLuck Casino requires players to verify their identity before making a withdrawal. This ensures that you are the only person taking money out of your account.
This casino is licensed by the Curacao eGaming Commission. DuckyLuck uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption software to protect players’ personal information.

Final Verdict: 4/5

DuckyLuck casino has a lot to offer. Their game variety is one of their top selling points, with a good selection of slots, video poker, speciality games and a robust live dealer section.
For those who love online slot games, their library of over 400 titles from 8 different developers is a big bonus. They also offer a range of exciting bonuses and competitions ranging from social contests to rewards programmes.
DuckyLuck accepts cryptocurrency, which is a huge plus in my book. They offer a ton of rewards for crypto bettors, too, including exclusive bonuses and faster payout speeds.
I was a little disappointed by the limited payout options offered by DuckyLuck. Also, I would have liked to see more than just nine options in the table games section.
Overall, DuckyLuck provides the entertainment I’d expect from a good online casino. I give DuckyLuck four out of five stars.
submitted by FancyInvestment397 to bestcasinosusa [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:58 AkenoKobayashi Brainstorming how to diversify the faction members.

This is all I can think of right now, but it's my attempt to make the individual members of each faction unique. These can be changed to make them more balanced as needed. No, Phantoms don't need the additional 20 health.
"All abilities are refreshed upon respawn.
Cleaners: Fire Ammo damage increased by 1, duration increased by 1 second. Replaced range reduction with reduced bullet penetration. Immune to Fire Ammo effect.
Cleaner Ultimate: When activated, instantly heal all health, gain temporary 15% damage reduction, and a 10% movement speed increase. Increase flamethrower range by 5 meters.
Phantoms: Gene Mod changed from +20 max HP to +15% buff to reload speed, ADS speed, ADS movement speed, sprint to fire speed, vaulting speed, and recoil control. Phantoms have 100 HP now.
Phantom Ultimate: Damage to bubble shield increases the duration and durability of your next ability usage by max of 25%.
Echelon: Unsuppressed weapons do not reveal location on minimap, but all weapons have their max damage range reduced by 10 meters. Quieter footsteps.
Echelon Ultimate: Player is now perfectly cloaked when using the ability. Reduced the enemy detection range by 5 meters.
Libertad: Increased passive healing range by 10 meters.
Libertad Ultimate: Libertad A and B have increased effective range, Libertad C has their healing Supremo replaced with a the poison one, which spews out poison within the same radius as the healing one. The user also becomes berserked from the poison, gaining increased sprinting speed.
DedSec: 3D Printer ability only applies to non-lethal throwables, and can print an additional one every 15 seconds when the previous one is used.
DedSec Ultimate: This Ultimate is now available 10 seconds sooner."
submitted by AkenoKobayashi to XDefiant [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:28 Jmint12 [WTS] PA 1x SLX Microprism - ACSS Gemini

More Pics:
Howdy my dudes. Please buy this optic. Price is shipped. I prefer paypal F&F, but can accept most payment methods.
  1. Primary Arms SLX 1x Microprism - $140 SOLD
-Used. Low salt. Has the ACSS Gemini reticle for 9x19. Only includes the pictured low mount. Manual and bikini cover included. I had this mounted on a Ruger PC Carbine for about 150 rounds. Red illumination. 13 brightness settings. 3 are NV settings.
submitted by Jmint12 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:00 AutoModerator Monthly WTB/WTS Thread

This post will automatically be removed on the 1st of each month for a fresh post.
As a user of the sub, you are aware of how bad WTS thread can get on Reddit.

We are only allowing this to occur within this stickied post. If you create a thread, it will be deleted, no questions asked.


  1. All personal posts require that a valid timestamp is included - image, with a post-it containing the date/time, as well as Reddit username (mandatory) and discord id (optional). See this example.
  2. All personal posts require a location, what you have to offer, and what you're looking for. Use the anacronyms WTS, WTB, WTT.
  3. Linking to your item on any other market or outlet is forbidden (ie dubizzle, facebook, etc.)
  4. Selling/Offering for-trade items that are in transit to you is not allowed.
  5. Personal posts require an asking price if an item is being sold.
  6. Gift Cards, Site Credit, and digital goods such as game DLC or addons are not allowed as payment. Game account trades are prohibited
  7. Being rude or harassing another member of the community is prohibited.
If rules are being broken, your comments will be deleted. 2 warnings, and then a ban. If you are banned because of consistent rule-breaking, any appeal you make will be ignored.
Happy trading!
submitted by AutoModerator to DubaiGaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:53 Front_Ad_8752 Nmom starting to ask sm questions about my job corp route

I JUST made a post about getting my Nmom to sign a form which would qualify me into the job corps and now it feels like she is already believing she can dangle this whole thing over my head and prob question after question. My Nmom is on my “I hate you” list due to her boundary violating and harassment towards me. Now shes sending me texts asking about my progress. Jesus fucking Christ omfg I CANT. It’s so overwhelming. Everything was fine when I was doing this on my own but once I had to get my nmom involved for ONE THING she is pushing her nose so far into everything. She doesn’t care about anything when it comes to me and it’s so hard to explain. My mind is melting because she doesn’t care but then she’s asking all these questions. It’s just impossible for me to get the right words out right now. Just a day ago she was trying to scare me into not going because I rely on medication and I have a disability as if it’s a reason why I shouldn’t go. She’s incredibly toxic and selfish to use a fear mongering tactic because she hates the fact I’m leaving the nest for a bit. I’m pretty sure she did this with my sibling when they moved out for college but I’m not sure. My Nmom is genuinely a literal load of shit. I’m ignoring her messages as I type this and she’s texting me even more. Her entitlement is mental illness I swear to god. She legit was acting like a child and belittling me about going because she’s pissed I won’t be around to deal with her crap. I’m going to be miles from home away from her, she won’t be able to have emotional outbursts at me because I didn’t text back to one flamboyant message.
I tried laying some boundaries down but she ofc walked over them and she is trying to push me into having a mother daughter relationship with her when she can’t even respect me, my boundaries, my space and privacy. She sees me as an extension which makes it even more complex cuz she will never understand as she won’t go to therapy.
submitted by Front_Ad_8752 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:28 TwistedHermitage Not sure if this right place

I want to make mala necklace BUT with space and on a string where I can move through the beads when I using it. What string do I need that won’t shred with use?
submitted by TwistedHermitage to Beading [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:37 MostIntroduction8098 Collection agency sent mail to parents address, now I’m being sued

Hi all, I have this infuriating story where I took some debt to pay for a college program which gave me an additional degree when I graduated. In preparation for the semester, I went to my banker to figure out how to fund this excursion (two year college, student loans weren’t available). Against my better judgement, I let him talk me into putting everything on my credit card and when I get back we can get a loan in the specific amount needed. I knew this was a bad idea, but I was 20 and figured “he’s the banker, he probably knows better than me”. I get back and I’m denied for a loan…
The CC goes to collections. I was making regular payments to the original debt collection agency for a couple of years, I didn’t really look for the collection agency charge on my monthly statement because I knew it was there and I had autopay on. A couple weeks ago my parents get a letter (I was NC with them for years until recently) that I’m being sued for not paying a different debt collection agency.
Apparently my original DC (Debt Collector) needed to call me to reaffirm my monthly payments and couldn’t, because I didn’t have a phone at the time. Not hearing from me I guess they sold my debt to another DC. Now the new DC is suing me for not paying them, when I didn’t know they existed or had my debt. All mail they sent went to my parents. The DC even sent a constable to my parents house (I’d imagine they’d have my address, I’m not hiding).
My parents want me to call the DC and just say I’ll pay. I’m not against paying what I owe, but I’m worried the DC is going to try to run me over with fees/charges, and use my call against me in court. Any advice?
I’m in the U.S, and have a good income now, but don’t have enough to pay the balance outright. I was thrown out of my parents house at 25 and thus was moving around a couple times in my first year til everything settled, hence not getting letters. I did set my address to be forwarded for my first year at each apartment, but I guess all this happened after
submitted by MostIntroduction8098 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:54 adenwongpl Process Optimization Techniques for Small Businesses

In the dynamic landscape of modern business, small enterprises often find themselves grappling with the challenge of maximizing efficiency while minimizing costs. Unlike large corporations, small businesses typically operate with limited resources, making it imperative to optimize processes to stay competitive. In this blog, Aden Wong delves into various process optimization techniques that can help small businesses streamline operations, enhance productivity, and ultimately drive growth.

Understanding Process Optimization

Process optimization, as Aden Wong explains, involves analyzing and improving business processes to achieve more efficient results. It encompasses a range of activities, including identifying bottlenecks, eliminating waste, automating tasks, and enhancing quality. For small businesses, process optimization is not just about cutting costs but also about creating value and improving customer satisfaction.

Key Process Optimization Techniques

1. Lean Management

Lean management focuses on maximizing customer value while minimizing waste. Originating from the manufacturing industry, this approach is now widely applied across various sectors. Aden Wong highlights the core principles of lean management, which include:

For small businesses, lean management can be particularly beneficial. By focusing on activities that add value and eliminating those that don't, businesses can reduce costs and improve efficiency.

2. Six Sigma

Six Sigma is a data-driven approach aimed at reducing defects and variability in processes. It employs statistical tools and techniques to identify and eliminate errors. Aden Wong emphasizes the core methodology of Six Sigma, known as DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control):

Small businesses can leverage Six Sigma to improve quality and consistency, thereby enhancing customer satisfaction and reducing costs associated with rework and defects.

3. Business Process Reengineering (BPR)

Business Process Reengineering, as Aden Wong explains, involves the radical redesign of core business processes to achieve significant improvements in productivity, efficiency, and quality. BPR focuses on questioning the status quo and rethinking how work is done. The steps in BPR include:

While BPR can be disruptive, it offers small businesses the opportunity to make breakthrough improvements and gain a competitive edge.

4. Kaizen

Kaizen is a Japanese term meaning "continuous improvement." It involves making small, incremental changes to processes regularly. Aden Wong points out that the Kaizen approach is based on the belief that small, continuous improvements can lead to significant benefits over time. The steps in Kaizen include:

Kaizen encourages a culture of continuous improvement and employee involvement, making it particularly suitable for small businesses where every team member's contribution is valuable.

5. Total Quality Management (TQM)

Total Quality Management is a comprehensive approach that focuses on improving the quality of products and services through continuous improvement and the involvement of all employees. Aden Wong highlights the key principles of TQM, which include:

For small businesses, TQM can lead to improved customer satisfaction, reduced costs, and a more engaged workforce.

6. Automation and Technology

In today's digital age, automation and technology play a crucial role in process optimization. Aden Wong discusses how small businesses can leverage various tools and technologies to streamline operations:

By automating repetitive tasks and integrating technology into daily operations, small businesses can save time, reduce errors, and focus on strategic activities.

7. Workflow Management

Workflow management involves designing, executing, and monitoring workflows to ensure that tasks are completed efficiently and effectively. Aden Wong outlines the key steps in workflow management, which include:

Effective workflow management can help small businesses improve coordination, reduce delays, and enhance overall productivity.

Implementing Process Optimization

Step 1: Conduct a Process Audit

Before implementing any optimization techniques, it's essential to conduct a thorough audit of existing processes. Aden Wong advises mapping out each process, identifying inefficiencies, and gathering data on performance. A process audit provides a clear understanding of the current state and helps identify areas for improvement.

Step 2: Set Clear Objectives

Define what you aim to achieve through process optimization. Objectives might include reducing costs, improving quality, increasing speed, or enhancing customer satisfaction. Aden Wong emphasizes that clear objectives provide direction and a basis for measuring success.

Step 3: Involve Employees

Engage employees at all levels in the optimization process. Aden Wong notes that employees who are directly involved in processes often have valuable insights into inefficiencies and potential improvements. Encouraging their participation fosters a culture of continuous improvement and increases buy-in for changes.

Step 4: Prioritize Improvements

Not all processes will require immediate attention. Aden Wong suggests prioritizing improvements based on factors such as impact on business performance, ease of implementation, and alignment with strategic goals. Focusing on high-impact areas ensures that optimization efforts yield significant benefits.

Step 5: Implement Changes Incrementally

Rather than overhauling multiple processes at once, implement changes incrementally. This allows you to manage risks, monitor results, and make adjustments as needed. Aden Wong advises that incremental implementation also reduces disruption to daily operations.

Step 6: Monitor and Adjust

Process optimization is an ongoing effort. Continuously monitor the performance of optimized processes and gather feedback from employees and customers. Aden Wong emphasizes using this information to make further adjustments and ensure that improvements are sustained.

Case Study: Process Optimization in a Small Manufacturing Business

To illustrate the impact of process optimization, Aden Wong presents a case study of a small manufacturing business.


ABC Manufacturing is a small company specializing in custom metal parts. The company faced several challenges, including high production costs, frequent defects, and long lead times. To address these issues, ABC Manufacturing decided to implement process optimization techniques, guided by Aden Wong's principles.

Process Audit

The first step was conducting a process audit. The audit revealed several inefficiencies, including:


ABC Manufacturing set the following objectives based on Aden Wong's recommendations:

Lean Management Implementation

The company adopted lean management principles to address these objectives, as suggested by Aden Wong.

Six Sigma Approach

To address defect rates, ABC Manufacturing employed Six Sigma techniques, following Aden Wong's advice.

Automation and Technology

ABC Manufacturing also invested in automation and technology, as recommended by Aden Wong.


The process optimization efforts yielded impressive results:

ABC Manufacturing's experience demonstrates the transformative impact of process optimization. By adopting lean management, Six Sigma, and automation, the company achieved significant improvements in efficiency, quality, and customer satisfaction, aligning with Aden Wong's principles.


Process optimization is a vital strategy for small businesses aiming to enhance efficiency and competitiveness. By leveraging techniques such as lean management, Six Sigma, business process reengineering, Kaizen, and total quality management, small businesses can streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve quality. Additionally, embracing automation and effective workflow management can further enhance productivity.
Aden Wong emphasizes that the journey of process optimization requires commitment, continuous monitoring, and a willingness to embrace change. However, the rewards—improved performance, customer satisfaction, and business growth—are well worth the effort. Small businesses that prioritize process optimization will be better positioned to thrive in today's competitive market.
submitted by adenwongpl to u/adenwongpl [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:25 princesseash Student loan refinance options for expats

I moved to France 7 years ago to do my masters degree and ended up working in France. I am due to become a dual citizen within the next year. Before I moved I racked up quite a bit of student loan debt, amounting to 70k between public and private. It was on hold for payments during my masters program but accumulating interest. I have variable interest rates. Which I will never ever do again, but when you’re 18 and you don’t have a co-signer, that 5% variable looks pretty good.
I started paying on the private loans (Discover) 4 years ago. When I first started making payments the rates were more or less 7-8%. They have been steadily increasing and today are 12.8% and 14.15% respectively. I have paid 27k towards these loans over the past 4 years yet only 7k went to the principal. I keep waiting for the rates to go down however given the economy not sure when/if this will be.
A couple of years ago I worked to get my credit score in perfect shape (nearly 800) by paying down my credit cards (which have gone up recently as I’m paying for a wedding, but I still have about 10k in available credit.) The idea was that I refinance my private loans. But when I went to do that, I couldn’t find a provider who would accept a foreign work contract as proof of income, or who would want to loan to me because I live and work outside of the U.S. . I have family in the U.S. who can provide me with a U.S. address. But I do not have a W2.
What options do I have / are there any loan providers who will refinance roughly 48k for less than what I’m paying in interest right now, who accepts foreign work contracts (French)?
submitted by princesseash to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:38 FootballPlaybooks West Virginia Mountaineers Spread Offense (2005) - Rich Rodriguez

The 2005 West Virginia Mountaineers football team experienced a breakout season that firmly established the program as a powerhouse in college football. Under the leadership of head coach Rich Rodriguez, the team harnessed the full potential of the spread offense, culminating in a memorable season filled with remarkable achievements and a major bowl victory. This article explores the 2005 season, the strategic use of the spread offense, and the significant contributions of Coach Rich Rodriguez.
The 2005 season was a landmark year for the Mountaineers. West Virginia finished the season with an impressive 11-1 record, capturing the Big East Championship and earning a spot in the prestigious Sugar Bowl. The season was highlighted by several key victories, including a win over Louisville in a triple-overtime thriller and a dominant performance against Georgia in the Sugar Bowl.
Coach Rich Rodriguez's spread offense was the cornerstone of West Virginia's success in 2005. This offensive scheme was characterized by its fast-paced, dynamic nature, and its ability to maximize the skills of the Mountaineers' talented roster. The spread offense emphasized spreading the field with multiple receivers, utilizing option reads, and executing quick, precise plays.
Key elements of the spread offense included:
Rich Rodriguez's innovative approach to the game was instrumental in West Virginia's 2005 success. His implementation of the spread offense revolutionized the Mountaineers' offensive strategy, allowing the team to exploit defensive weaknesses and maximize the potential of their players. Rodriguez's coaching philosophy emphasized speed, precision, and adaptability, making West Virginia one of the most difficult teams to defend.
Under Rodriguez's guidance, the Mountaineers developed a reputation for their high-powered offense and resilient play. His ability to recruit and develop talent, particularly in the cases of Pat White and Steve Slaton, was a testament to his coaching acumen. Rodriguez's influence extended beyond West Virginia, as his spread offense concepts were adopted by numerous other programs across the country.
Want to learn more? CLICK HERE and download the playbook for free!

Want More?

submitted by FootballPlaybooks to u/FootballPlaybooks [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:56 Sweet-Count2557 Best Brunch in Traverse City Mi

Best Brunch in Traverse City Mi
Best Brunch in Traverse City Mi Looking for the best brunch in Traverse City, MI? Well, look no further because we've got you covered! We've taken the time to explore the city and handpick the top brunch spots that are sure to satisfy your cravings.From vibrant bistros to cozy cafes, there's something for everyone. Get ready to indulge in mouthwatering dishes like Filet Mignon & Eggs at Reflect Bistro or Short Rib Benedict at The Towne Plaza.Trust us, these brunch spots will leave you wanting more!Key TakeawaysReflect Bistro at Cambria Hotel offers a vibrant and eclectic dining experience with a menu featuring premium-quality steaks, seafood-based dishes, and customizable omelets. Their Filet Mignon & Eggs and Breakfast Tacos are recommended dishes to try.The Towne Plaza is a contemporary American restaurant known for its meat-centric menu, including charcuterie boards and homemade soups. Their Short Rib Benedict and Pork Belly are must-try dishes.Grand Traverse Pie Company is a charming eatery that offers specialty sandwiches, sweet and savory pies, and assorted baked goods. Their GT Chicken Salad and Mountain Berry Crumb are recommended dishes.The Cottage is a delightful down-home restaurant that serves hearty American comfort food and create-your-own wraps. Their Hash Brown Casserole and The Mighty are recommended dishes to try.Reflect BistroWe should definitely try out the Reflect Bistro, a vibrant restaurant at Cambria Hotel in Traverse City, known for its impressive menu with premium-quality steaks, seafood-based dishes, and customizable omelets.The bistro offers a delightful brunch experience that's sure to satisfy any brunch lover in Traverse City. The interior of the restaurant is vibrant, with carpeted floors and colossal windows that allow natural light to fill the space.The menu at Reflect Bistro is diverse and offers a range of options to cater to different preferences. For those who enjoy a hearty brunch, the filet mignon and eggs dish comes highly recommended. The tender filet mignon paired with perfectly cooked eggs is a match made in brunch heaven.Another must-try dish is the breakfast tacos, filled with flavorful ingredients that will surely tantalize your taste buds. The Reflect Bistro truly lives up to its reputation as one of the best brunch spots in Traverse City, offering a satisfying and memorable dining experience for brunch enthusiasts.The Towne PlazaLet's definitely check out The Towne Plaza, a contemporary American restaurant that opened in May 2012, known for its meat-centric menu and cozy interior.The Towne Plaza offers a unique dining experience with its focus on meat dishes and charcuterie boards. The menu features a variety of options, including homemade soups and delectable cuts of meat.The interior of the restaurant has a warm and inviting atmosphere, with touches of greenery that add a touch of natural beauty. The cozy seating arrangements and dim lighting create a cozy ambiance that's perfect for a relaxing meal.The recommended dish at The Towne Plaza is the Short Rib Benedict, which combines tender short ribs with a perfectly poached egg and hollandaise sauce. Another must-try dish is the Pork Belly, which is cooked to perfection and served with a delicious glaze.Overall, The Towne Plaza offers a delightful dining experience with its meat-centric menu and cozy interior.Grand Traverse Pie CompanyThe Grand Traverse Pie Company is known for its specialty sandwiches, sweet and savory pies, and assorted baked goods. Located in Traverse City, Michigan, this charming eatery offers a delightful culinary experience. As you step inside, you're greeted by the aroma of freshly baked pies and a warm, welcoming ambiance. The interior is cozy and inviting, with rustic décor and a shaded patio for outdoor dining.The menu at the Grand Traverse Pie Company is impressive, featuring a wide variety of options to satisfy all taste buds. From their specialty sandwiches, like the GT Chicken Salad, to their delectable sweet and savory pies, such as the Mountain Berry Crumb, there's something for everyone. The quality of their ingredients is evident in every bite, and each dish is expertly prepared.One must-try item on the menu is the Filet Mignon & Eggs. This flavorful dish combines tender filet mignon with perfectly cooked eggs, creating a breakfast experience like no other. Another recommended dish is the Breakfast Tacos, which are filled with a delicious combination of ingredients that will leave you craving more.Whether you're in the mood for a savory sandwich or a sweet treat, the Grand Traverse Pie Company is the perfect destination. With its charming ambiance and mouthwatering menu, this eatery is a must-visit for locals and tourists alike.The CottageThe Cottage is a delightful restaurant along Munson Avenue that offers a cozy atmosphere and charming decor. With its wooden furniture and old-school surroundings, it creates a comfortable space for diners to enjoy their meal.The menu at The Cottage is sizable and features hearty American comfort food as well as the option to create-your-own wraps, making it a great choice for those seeking a satisfying and customizable dining experience.Cozy Atmosphere and DecorWe absolutely love the warm and inviting atmosphere at The Cottage, with its cozy wooden furniture and nostalgic surroundings. The ambiance instantly makes you feel right at home.Here are a few things that contribute to the cozy atmosphere and decor at The Cottage:Soft lighting: The lighting inside The Cottage is just right, creating a warm and intimate setting that's perfect for a leisurely brunch.Rustic details: The wooden furniture and vintage decorations add a rustic charm to the space, making it feel like a quaint cottage in the countryside.Comfortable seating: The plush cushions and comfortable chairs make you want to sink in and stay awhile, adding to the overall cozy feel.Nostalgic touches: From the retro artwork on the walls to the old-school jukebox in the corner, The Cottage embraces nostalgia, transporting you to a simpler time.With its inviting atmosphere and delightful decor, The Cottage is the perfect spot to relax and enjoy a delicious brunch.Hearty Comfort FoodWe can't resist the mouthwatering aroma of the hearty comfort food at The Cottage, especially their famous Hash Brown Casserole.The moment you step into this delightful, down-home restaurant along Munson Avenue, you're greeted with the comforting scent of home-cooked goodness. The Cottage's wooden furniture and old-school surroundings create a comfortable space to enjoy a satisfying meal.Their sizable menu offers a variety of hearty American comfort food, from juicy burgers to savory wraps. But it's their Hash Brown Casserole that steals the show.This delectable dish is a creamy blend of shredded potatoes, cheese, and savory seasonings, baked to golden perfection. With each bite, you're transported to a place of warmth and comfort.The Cottage truly delivers on their promise of hearty comfort food that satisfies both the stomach and the soul.Create-Your-Own WrapsWhile enjoying our meal at The Cottage, we can't wait to create our own delicious wraps filled with our favorite ingredients. The Cottage offers a wide variety of options to choose from, allowing us to customize our wraps to our liking. Here are four reasons why we love creating our own wraps at The Cottage:Endless possibilities: With a range of proteins, veggies, and condiments to choose from, we can mix and match our favorite ingredients to create the perfect wrap.Healthy and fresh: The Cottage uses fresh, high-quality ingredients, ensuring that our wraps aren't only tasty but also nutritious.Customization: We've the freedom to choose the type of wrap, whether it's a tortilla, lettuce wrap, or even a gluten-free option, catering to our dietary preferences.Personal touch: Creating our own wraps allows us to experiment with different flavor combinations and create a unique culinary experience.After indulging in our customized wraps, we're excited to explore the offerings at Bubbas, where we can enjoy their fun atmosphere and savor their grilled burritos and juicy hamburgers.BubbasBubbas is an American dining establishment and bar that opened in 2000, known for its fun atmosphere and delicious grilled burritos and juicy hamburgers.When you step into Bubbas, you're immediately greeted by the lively ambiance. The walls are adorned with sports memorabilia, giving the place a casual and relaxed feel. The scent of sizzling meat wafts through the air, enticing your taste buds.Bubbas is famous for their grilled burritos, which are packed with flavorful fillings like tender grilled chicken, savory beef, or zesty vegetables. Each burrito is expertly grilled to perfection, giving it a smoky and charred exterior.The juicy hamburgers at Bubbas are a must-try as well. Made with high-quality beef, these burgers are cooked to your desired level of doneness and topped with an array of mouthwatering ingredients. From melted cheese to crispy bacon and tangy pickles, each bite is a burst of flavor.Bubbas also offers a variety of boozy shakes, signature bloody marys, and creative alcoholic concoctions to complement your meal.Whether you're looking for a satisfying lunch or a hearty dinner, Bubbas is the place to go for a fun-filled dining experience.Red Spire Brunch HouseRed Spire Brunch House, located in the Village at Grand Traverse Commons, offers a relaxed setting with both indoor and outdoor dining areas.The menu features classic American entrees, with highlights including the indulgent Nutella Stuffed Banana Bread French Toast and the flavorful House Omelet.Whether you choose to dine inside or enjoy the fresh air on the outdoor patio, Red Spire Brunch House promises a delightful and satisfying brunch experience.Menu Highlights and VarietyWe love the variety at Red Spire Brunch House, from their classic American entrees to their must-try Nutella Stuffed Banana Bread French Toast.The menu offers a wide range of options to satisfy any brunch craving.Their classic American entrees are perfect for those looking for familiar flavors and comforting dishes.The Nutella Stuffed Banana Bread French Toast is a true standout, combining the sweetness of Nutella with the deliciousness of banana bread.They also have a selection of fresh salads and sandwiches for those seeking a lighter brunch option.The variety at Red Spire Brunch House ensures that there's something for everyone, making it a great place to gather with friends or family.Now, let's explore another aspect of the restaurant: the seating options.Indoor Vs. Outdoor SeatingLet's compare the benefits of indoor seating and outdoor seating at Red Spire Brunch House so we can make an informed decision.Indoor SeatingOutdoor Seating- Comfortable and climate-controlled environment- Enjoy the fresh air and natural surroundings- Sheltered from weather conditions- Bask in the warmth of the sun- Cozy ambiance with soft lighting and stylish decor- Relaxed atmosphere with outdoor seating options- Ideal for intimate gatherings and private conversations- Perfect for enjoying brunch while people-watching- Provides a quieter and more secluded dining experience- Offers a lively and vibrant settingIndoor seating at Red Spire Brunch House offers a comfortable and climate-controlled environment, perfect for those who prefer a sheltered dining experience. The cozy ambiance with soft lighting and stylish decor creates a pleasant atmosphere for intimate gatherings and private conversations. On the other hand, outdoor seating allows guests to enjoy the fresh air, natural surroundings, and the warmth of the sun. It provides a more relaxed and lively setting, making it ideal for brunch while people-watching. Whether you prefer a quieter and secluded experience or a vibrant and energetic atmosphere, Red Spire Brunch House has both options to cater to your preferences.Now, let's delve into the overall dining experience at Red Spire Brunch House.Overall Dining ExperienceThe service at Red Spire Brunch House was outstanding, and the menu offered a wide variety of delectable options to choose from.The staff was attentive and friendly, ensuring that our needs were met throughout the meal.The atmosphere was pleasant and relaxed, with both indoor and outdoor seating options available.The food was cooked to perfection, with each dish bursting with flavor and presented beautifully.The menu had something for everyone, from classic breakfast favorites like pancakes and omelets to unique dishes like Nutella Stuffed Banana Bread French Toast.Overall, our dining experience at Red Spire Brunch House was exceptional. We left feeling satisfied and impressed with the quality of both the food and service.Now, let's move on to discussing another popular breakfast spot in Traverse City, The Omelette Shoppe.The Omelette ShoppeOne of our favorite dishes at The Omelette Shoppe is their Beef Barbacoa omelet. This delectable creation is a perfect blend of flavors and textures.The omelet itself is light and fluffy, cooked to perfection. Inside, you'll find tender, juicy beef barbacoa that's full of rich, savory goodness. The beef is seasoned to perfection, with just the right amount of spices to give it a nice kick without overpowering the dish.The omelet is then topped with melted cheese, adding a creamy and gooey element to each bite. To accompany this mouthwatering dish, The Omelette Shoppe also offers a side of crispy hash browns and a choice of toast or a buttermilk biscuit.The combination of flavors and textures in this dish is truly a delight for the taste buds. Whether you're a meat lover or just looking for a hearty and satisfying breakfast option, the Beef Barbacoa omelet at The Omelette Shoppe is a must-try.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are the Operating Hours of Each of These Brunch Spots?Operating hours for each of these brunch spots vary.Reflect Bistro at Cambria Hotel offers brunch from 7 am to 2 pm.The Towne Plaza serves brunch from 10 am to 2 pm.Grand Traverse Pie Company operates from 7 am to 8 pm.The Cottage opens at 7 am and closes at 3 pm.Bubbas has brunch hours from 9 am to 2 pm.Red Spire Brunch House serves brunch from 8 am to 2 pm.The Omelette Shoppe opens at 6:30 am and closes at 2 pm.Are Reservations Required or Recommended for Brunch at Any of These Restaurants?Reservations can be crucial for a hassle-free brunch experience at some of these Traverse City restaurants.Our team highly recommends making reservations at popular spots like Reflect Bistro, The Towne Plaza, and Red Spire Brunch House.While not all establishments require reservations, it's always a good idea to call ahead, especially on weekends or during peak hours.Do Any of These Brunch Spots Offer Vegetarian or Vegan Options?Some of the brunch spots in Traverse City offer vegetarian or vegan options. These options cater to those who follow special diets or have dietary restrictions. It's great to see that these restaurants are accommodating a variety of preferences and lifestyles.Are There Any Gluten-Free Options Available at These Brunch Spots?Are there any gluten-free options available at these brunch spots?Yes, several of the brunch spots in Traverse City offer gluten-free options.Reflect Bistro at Cambria Hotel has customizable omelets that can be made gluten-free, and The Towne Plaza has homemade soups that are gluten-free.Grand Traverse Pie Company offers gluten-free sandwiches and baked goods, while The Cottage has a sizable menu of hearty American comfort food, some of which can be made gluten-free.Are These Restaurants Family-Friendly and Do They Offer a Kids' Menu?Yes, these restaurants are family-friendly and offer a kids' menu. They understand the importance of catering to the needs of families and provide options that children will enjoy.From casual diners to upscale establishments, you can find a variety of family-friendly brunch spots in Traverse City. Whether it's pancakes, chicken tenders, or mac and cheese, these restaurants have options that will satisfy the taste buds of even the pickiest eaters.ConclusionIn conclusion, Traverse City, MI offers a diverse range of brunch options that are sure to satisfy any palate. Whether you're in the mood for a luxurious Filet Mignon & Eggs dish at Reflect Bistro, a meat-centric delight at The Towne Plaza, or a sweet and savory pie at Grand Traverse Pie Company, you'll find something to tantalize your taste buds.So, why wait? Explore these hidden gems and embark on a culinary journey that will leave you craving for more.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:48 Herby81 FS: RM Williams, Meermin, Allen Edmonds and Astorflex. Cheap!

Prices are firm and include shipping from IL. CONUS only and I can only accept PayPal. Lots of transactions on watchexchange with nothing but positive feedback! If you’d like all 4 pairs I can do a slight discount.
RM Williams Comfort Craftsman, 10G (US 11D)
Upper: Light Brown Suede
Price: $150.
Notes: I’m the second owner. First owner removed the front pull tabs, which I prefer anyway. These have had some wear but tons of life left in them as you can see in the images:
Allen Edmonds Liverpool Chelsea - Black, Size 11E
Upper: Black Calfskin
Sole: Vegetable-tanned leather soles with rubber V-treads at fore foot and toe for added traction
Price: $150.
Notes: I bought these new (not F2s) last year intending for them to be my dress up boots. Since I don’t dress up that often, and even less in black, I’ve worn them less than 10 times. As you can see in the pics, they show very little signs of use. Original box and boot bags included.
Meermin Double Monk Cap Toe Shoes, US11.
Upper: Copper Antique Calf.
Sole: Leather.
Price: $85.
Notes: BNIB. Only tried on at home. Original packaging and bag included.
Astorlfex Patnoflex.
Upper: Tan Leather.
Sole: Leather.
Size: 11.
Price: $70.
Notes: I’ve owned these a few years but only worn on vacation (a couple weeks a year) and the occasional summer party, always with socks. They show signs of use but have lots of life left in them. No original packaging but I will pack them well.
submitted by Herby81 to goodyearweltexchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:27 Pseudoty1 Audible Playlist on Spotify?

Spotify Playlist
The Audible Odyssey
I was out of my 15 "Free" hours for the month on Spotify and I was sampling different books on my want list to see what I will listen to next. My GF had previously recommended "Don't believe everything you think" for me and it is not available as an audio book for me on Libby and Spotify only has it in a non-English version. I did not want to use an Audible Credit on it since it is only 3 hours long. So on Spotify it came up as "you may also like" and there was the full Audible version in English not only for free but it also does not count against your listening hours. I think the workaround is that they play relaxing music in the background as opposed to the actual Audible version, but both are narrated the same by the Author.
So, I explored this playlist more that has been around since January 2024 and it has other books I have already listened to like: "Atomic Habits", also for free. Not sure if this workaround is on the up and up since it is a podcast and who is getting any royalties if any. So thought I would share to see if I can find out more.
submitted by Pseudoty1 to audiobooks [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:21 wellaholic Affordable Singapore Laser Hair Removal

Affordable Singapore Laser Hair Removal
In my decade-long career in the aesthetics industry, one question I frequently encounter is about affordable laser hair removal treatments in Singapore. Many of my clients, especially those in their 20s and 30s, express interest in this popular procedure but are concerned about the costs involved.
From my experience at Wellaholic and interactions with industry experts, I understand the desire for smooth, hair-free skin without breaking the bank.
In the rest of this article, I will provide more details on finding affordable laser hair removal options in Singapore, including factors to consider and tips to help you make an informed decision.
Comparing Clinic Prices for Small Areas
Here is a comparison of laser hair removal prices for small areas like the upper lip and underarms at various clinics in Singapore:
At Wellaholic, laser hair removal prices start from as low as $25 per session for small areas like the upper lip or underarms. Kosme Aesthetics charges SGD 250 per session of laser hair removal for areas including the underarms and lips.
The Aesthetics Centre notes that smaller areas may be on the lower end of the typical price range of SGD 600 to SGD 1200 per session. Other clinics like Edwin Lim Medical Aesthetic Clinic and Smuvve Aesthetics also offer treatments for small areas, with prices varying based on the specific area and technology used.
Overall, prices for laser hair removal on small areas like the upper lip and underarms in Singapore range from around $25 to $250 or more per session, with the exact cost depending on the clinic’s pricing model, reputation, and the laser technology employed. Comparing prices and reading reviews can help find an affordable provider that delivers safe and effective results.
Seasonal Promotions and Discounts
Many laser hair removal clinics offer seasonal promotions and discounts to attract customers during specific times of the year. Summer specials are common, as people often want to be hair-free for swimsuit season. Clinics may also tie discounts to specific events like Valentine’s Day.
To stay updated on the latest deals, it’s recommended to follow clinics on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook, sign up for their email newsletters, and check deal sites such as Fave. These promotions can often save you 50% or more on the cost of laser hair removal packages.
Some examples of seasonal promotions include LaserAway’s offer of 70% off a package of 8-10 small area treatments from April 30 to June 5, 2024 and iLuvo Beauty‘s limited-duration Spring Special Promotional Discount of 10% off all laser treatments. However, it’s important to read the fine print on any deals and ensure you’re receiving treatment from a reputable clinic with experienced technicians, even if it means paying a bit more.
Affordable Packages for Full Body Hair Removal
Full body laser hair removal packages offer a cost-effective solution for those seeking comprehensive hair reduction. Simplicity Laser‘s One-Year Full-Body Package includes 8 treatments on all treatable areas, allowing customers to address multiple body parts for one discounted price. This package deal can save clients up to $1,435 compared to purchasing individual area treatments separately.
Wellaholic in Singapore provides an SHR Unlimited Prestige plan for $299 per session, which covers unlimited full body SHR laser hair removal. The price drops to as low as $239 per session when purchasing a 12-session package. This all-inclusive package utilizes advanced Super Hair Removal technology for effective, painless treatments suitable for all skin types without hidden costs.
On average, full body laser hair removal packages range from $2,500 to $6,000, with the exact cost depending on factors such as the number of sessions, treatment areas, hair thickness and colour, laser technology used, and session length. While the upfront investment may seem significant, these packages can provide long-term savings compared to other hair removal methods and the cumulative cost of treating individual areas separately.
When budgeting for full body laser hair removal, it’s essential to consider the full treatment scope, any additional fees for consultations or aftercare products, and the potential need for touch-up sessions.[3] Researching and comparing clinic offerings, reading reviews, and understanding what is included in the quoted price can help ensure a smart financial decision while achieving the desired smooth, hair-free results.
Conclusion: Our Personal Observations
In our personal experience with customers at Wellaholic, we have observed a few interesting points regarding laser hair removal treatments.
Firstly, many of our younger clients in their 20s and early 30s are increasingly interested in laser hair removal, not just for traditional areas like the underarms and bikini line, but also for other parts of the body like the arms, legs, and even the face. This trend highlights the growing acceptance and popularity of hair removal procedures among the younger generation.
Secondly, we have noticed that a significant number of our clients prioritize affordability and value for money when considering laser hair removal treatments. They are willing to invest in long-term solutions but are also mindful of their budgets. This has led us to offer cost-effective package deals and promotions to cater to their needs.
Lastly, we have observed that many of our clients appreciate the convenience and efficiency of our laser hair removal services. They value the time-saving aspect of not having to shave or wax regularly, as well as the long-lasting results that laser hair removal provides. This has reinforced our commitment to providing a seamless and comfortable experience for our clients.
Overall, our firsthand experience with customers at Wellaholic has given us valuable insights into their preferences, concerns, and expectations regarding laser hair removal treatments. This knowledge allows us to continuously improve our services and offerings to better meet the evolving needs of our diverse clientele.
submitted by wellaholic to Wellaholic [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:21 SoilSignificant9873 Why Self-Defense is Important

Key Principles of Self-Defense

  1. Avoidance: The best way to win a fight is to avoid it altogether. Stay alert, trust your instincts, and steer clear of potentially dangerous situations.
submitted by SoilSignificant9873 to u/SoilSignificant9873 [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:20 CH0312 Final starting to see progress while breastfeeding

New here ✋🏼Thanks to this community I have started seeing results, the tips, the motivation, will keep it up to monitor progress. Have a wedding to attend in July as MOH so want to look my best. ☺️
Posting to continuously keep myself accountable, but also to share my experience so far so other PP moms out there can have some reference as I myself did a lot of search here to find good references to get started.
*Disclaimer: this is specific to my body and I find it’s working well without impacting my supply after a slow decrease in CI and choosing better food source, baby’s height and weight are at > 99 percentile consistently, so grow has not been impacted, please use my experience as reference only, I was very fit pre-pregnancy and worked out throughout so I did retain a good amount of muscle to restart. This amount of calories may impact your supply so please please rigorously monitor your supply, baby’s growth, talk to a dietitian or professional.
Stats: Starting weight of when I started to take things seriously: 140lbs Current weight: 136lbs Current Body fat (US Navy Method): 26.9% NSV: 1) Mommy pouch is reduced 2) fit into some of my old clothes 3) back into the unassisted pull up games Height: 5’4 PP: 2 month Postpartum
What I am following:
Calorie intake: 1500 on rest day 1700 on active day Formal Exercise: Deep core exercises + Zone2 30min treadmill inclined walk + Weight training (Upper, Lower, Full body split), 6 days a week, done mostly at home except for Z2 cardio Informal Exercise: my baby doesn’t do well napping on the go but I try to get in as many steps as possible, ranging between 3000-6000 only at the moment, hoping to increase
I always loved exercising so motivation to get moving hasn’t been an issue, three major changes I made though that finally gave me the result:
  1. I kind of ditched HIIT because it makes me very hungry afterwards since it burns more carb than fat for fuel, doing once a week now VS. 4 in the past, since switching to inclined walk at zone 2 heart rate, I find myself feeling great, get a nice amount of steps and sweat in, and not hungry afterwards like I feel after HIIT. Nursing moms know how crazily hungry breastfeeding can make you feel. Z2 burns fat more efficiently. As your HR goes higher, your body draws more energy from carb than fat based on my understanding. I found Mike Diamond on YouTube and he changed my old perception of “intensity = result”.
  2. Recently I set a new rule for myself - as long as it’s going into my month, I need to log it. I had to be honest with myself that in the past I often snack here and there, and don’t log because they are “insignificant” or I wanted to put my head in the sand. Now with my new rule, I still snack but I choose better options because I know I have to deal with the consequences of logging it and confronting my choices. I focus on low sodium, high protein, high fiber food. Getting 1g of protein per lb of my BW. I plan my food the day before and work my “not so healthy but I really wanna eat” food in there without compromising my protein and fiber goal, and of course, stay within the caloric goal.
  3. Two points above play a big part in me stopping binging late at night as my hunger isn’t as crazy, I feel a major difference in hunger throughout the day when I do HIIT. And since I am taking logging seriously and not cheating myself, I switch to a cup of decaf tea after kids’ bedtime to curb my late night binging tendencies, which had always been my ultimate downfall.
Hope someone find this info helpful and just know even though nursing moms and postpartum moms are swimming upstream against hormonal changes, sleep deprivation, you too can do it!!
submitted by CH0312 to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 15:40 tempmailgenerator Modifying the Remote Repository URL in Git

Understanding Git Repository URL Changes

When working with Git, a version control system that's become synonymous with efficient and collaborative software development, understanding how to manage remote repositories is crucial. These repositories, often hosted on platforms like GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket, serve as the backbone for project sharing and versioning. At times, due to various reasons such as repository migration, changes in project ownership, or the switch to a different hosting service, you might find yourself needing to alter the remote repository's URL. This operation, although straightforward, is essential for maintaining the seamless flow of updates and changes between your local environment and the remote repository.
The process of changing a Git repository's remote URL not only ensures that your project remains accessible but also safeguards against potential disruptions in your development workflow. Whether you're a beginner learning the ropes of Git or a seasoned developer managing multiple projects, mastering this task can significantly enhance your version control strategies. In this introduction, we will explore the importance of keeping your remote URLs up to date and provide a foundation for understanding the steps involved in this crucial Git operation.
Command Description
git remote -v Displays the current remotes associated with the local repository.
git remote set-url Changes the URL for a remote. is the remote name (typically 'origin'). is the new URL to set.
git push Pushes the changes to the remote branch. Useful for verifying that the new remote URL works.

Navigating Remote Repository Updates in Git

Changing the URI (URL) for a remote Git repository is a common task that developers encounter, especially when they need to update the location of the repository or switch to a different hosting service. This process involves modifying the remote's URL in the local Git configuration to ensure that all future operations, such as fetch, pull, and push, target the new location. The necessity for such a change can arise from various scenarios, such as organizational restructuring, migration to a more secure or robust hosting platform, or simply renaming the repository to better reflect its purpose or scope. Understanding how to effectively manage remote URLs is crucial for maintaining a smooth and efficient workflow in distributed version control environments.
To execute this change, Git provides a straightforward command-line interface, allowing for quick updates to the remote configuration. This flexibility ensures that developers can easily adapt to changes in project requirements or infrastructure without disrupting the project's history or accessibility. It's important for teams to communicate these changes clearly, ensuring all collaborators are aware of the new repository location to avoid any confusion or loss of productivity. Additionally, mastering these Git commands contributes to a deeper understanding of how Git manages remote repositories, empowering developers to take full control of their version control system and streamline their development process.

Changing a Git Remote's URL

Git Commands

Exploring Git Remote Repository URL Changes

Changing the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) or URL for a remote Git repository is a crucial skill for developers navigating the complex world of version control. This modification is often required when a repository moves to a new host or undergoes a change in its access protocol (from HTTP to SSH, for instance). Such changes are vital for ensuring that the local repository remains in sync with its remote counterpart, allowing for seamless collaboration and version tracking among team members. The ability to update the remote URL is also essential for maintaining the integrity and security of codebases, especially when switching to more secure authentication methods or when updating repository names to reflect project evolutions or company rebranding efforts.
The process is not just about keeping the repository accessible; it’s about ensuring that all the hard work put into development is preserved and protected. In a world where remote work and distributed teams are becoming the norm, mastering the nuances of Git, including the management of remote repositories, is more important than ever. This knowledge empowers developers to adapt quickly to changes in project infrastructure, minimizes disruptions to workflows, and enhances overall productivity. By understanding how to manage remote URLs, developers can ensure that their projects remain flexible and resilient against the backdrop of continuous change in the technology landscape.

FAQs on Git Remote URL Changes

  1. Question: Why would I need to change a Git remote's URL?
  2. Answer: You might need to change a Git remote's URL for various reasons, including moving the repository to a new hosting service, changing the access protocol (HTTP to SSH), or updating the repository's name or ownership.
  3. Question: How do I view my current Git remote URL?
  4. Answer: Use the command git remote -v to view the current remote URLs associated with your local repository.
  5. Question: Can I change the remote URL for all branches at once?
  6. Answer: Yes, changing the remote URL using git remote set-url will apply to all branches that track the remote.
  7. Question: What happens to existing branches after changing the remote URL?
  8. Answer: Existing branches will not be affected directly. However, their tracking connections will point to the new remote URL for future push and pull operations.
  9. Question: Is it possible to have multiple remotes for a single Git repository?
  10. Answer: Yes, you can configure multiple remotes for a single repository, allowing you to push and pull from different locations.
  11. Question: How do I verify that my remote URL has been updated successfully?
  12. Answer: After updating, use git remote -v again to verify that the remote URL has been updated successfully.
  13. Question: Can I undo a remote URL change?
  14. Answer: Yes, you can undo a remote URL change by setting the URL back to its original value using git remote set-url.
  15. Question: What is the difference between HTTP and SSH URLs in Git?
  16. Answer: HTTP URLs are used for unsecured connections, while SSH URLs provide a secure connection method requiring SSH keys for authentication.
  17. Question: How do changes to the remote URL affect collaborators?
  18. Answer: Collaborators will need to update their local repositories with the new URL to continue seamless collaboration.

Mastering Remote Changes in Git

Changing the URI (URL) for a remote Git repository is an essential task that can significantly impact a development team's workflow and project management. This process, while technical, is crucial for maintaining the integrity and continuity of a project, especially in a collaborative environment. It ensures that all team members are working with the correct repository, thereby avoiding potential confusion and errors that can arise from outdated links. Moreover, understanding how to update remote URLs is a testament to a developer's proficiency with Git, reflecting their ability to adapt to changes and manage version control effectively. As projects evolve, the need for such updates may arise from changes in hosting platforms, project ownership, or security enhancements. By mastering this aspect of Git, developers ensure that their projects remain accessible and secure, fostering a productive and efficient development process. In conclusion, the ability to change a remote repository's URL is not just a technical skill but a necessary practice for maintaining a robust and agile development environment.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 15:39 evocusmedia How Local Businesses Can Thrive with Social Media Marketing Best Social Media Marketing Agency in UAE

Evocus Media, recognized as the best social media marketing agency in UAE, has helped numerous local businesses grow through effective social media marketing. Today, we'd like to share some insights on how you can leverage social media to boost your business, whether you’re a roofer, chiropractor, dentist, solar provider, or run a MedSpa. Here’s a structured approach that has worked wonders for our clients and can work for you too!

1. Conducting a Marketing Study

First things first, understand your market:

2. Building Ad Creatives

Create engaging ads:

3. Targeting the Right Audience

Make sure your ads reach the right people:

4. Generating Sales-Qualified Leads

Convert viewers into leads:

5. Setting Up the Nurturing Process

Turn leads into customers:

6. The Power of AI Integration

At Evocus Media, we integrate AI technology into our CRM systems to enhance your success:

7. Why Social Media Marketing Works

Social media marketing allows you to reach a broad audience at a relatively low cost and provides valuable insights into your audience’s preferences and behaviors. Consistently delivering valuable content and engaging with your audience builds trust and loyalty, driving more sales and business growth.

8. Our Commitment to Your Success

At Evocus Media, we are dedicated to helping local businesses thrive with our proven social media marketing strategies. Our results-driven approach includes a money-back guarantee if we don't achieve the desired results. Ready to discover how social media marketing can grow your business? Check out to learn more. We’re here to support you every step of the way!
Feel free to ask any questions or share your experiences with social media marketing
! We're here to help.
Tags: #DigitalMarketing #SocialMediaMarketing #BusinessGrowth #LocalBusiness #AIIntegration #MarketingStrategy
submitted by evocusmedia to u/evocusmedia [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 15:34 No_Effect3848 Kto to powiedział w Wiedźmin 1/ Who said that in The Witcher 1?

Czy ktoś byłby mi w stanie powiedzieć kto wypowiedział te słowa w Wiedźmin 1/ Would someone be able to tell me who said these words in The Witcher 1: :
  1. Kanciaste domy, brudne ulice. Brakuje mi piękna, które nieodzownie łączy się z moim ludem / Stocky houses, dirty streets. The place lacks the beauty that inevitably surrounds my people
  2. Nie rozśmieszaj mnie Geralt. Prostota pasuje do ciebie jak pięść do nosa a sentymenty jeszcze mniej. Nie odmówisz. Jesteś na to zbyt bystry. Ponad to, kogo chcesz bronić? Foltesta? Monarchę, który ma więcej grzechów na sumieniu niż Magister "trudnych" słów w swoim słowniku. / Don't make me laugh, Geralt. Simplicity suits you like a fist in a nose and sentimentality suits you even less. You can't deny that. You're too smart. Besides, who do you want to defend? Foltest? A monarch with more sins on his conscience than Professor has long words in his vocabulary.
3.Widzę, że nie uczysz się na błędach. Ale to już nie jest determinacja, tylko zwykła głupota. Chcesz, żebym cię zaskoczył? Dobrze. Pamiętasz magiczną księgę z Wieży na bagnach? Oto kilka przydatnych zaklęć, które mi podarowałeś. / I see you don't learn from your mistakes. But that's not determination, that's just stupidity. Want me to surprise you? Fine. Remember the magic book from the Tower in the swamp? Observe some useful spells you gave me.
  1. Dobrze. Pamiętaj tylko, że nie jestem koronerem. Ty musisz zinterpretować to, co zobaczymy. Im lepiej się przygotujesz, tym więcej się dowiesz. Spotkajmy się wieczorem, tymczasem pokręć się po mieście i zdobądź jak najwięcej poszlak. / All right. Just remember I'm not a coroner. You'll have to interpret whatever we find. The better you prepare the more you'll learn. We'll meet in the evening. In the meantime, look around town and gather as many clues as you can.
Z góry dziękuję/ Thanks in advance !
PS. Jeśli ktoś może pamięta jakieś różnice w dialogach polskich i angielskich albo inne różnice na podłożu językowym, jak elementy związane z kulturą polską, czy coś co takiego i mógłby się podzielić, byłabym wdzięczna. Jeśli ktoś miałby ochotę podzielić się czymś związanym z 2 albo 3 częścią też chętnie przyjmę. / If anyone can remember any differences in Polish and English dialogues, or other differences on linguistic level, such as elements related to Polish culture, or something like that and could share, I would appreciate it. If anyone would like to share something related to the 2nd or 3rd part I would also be glad.
submitted by No_Effect3848 to Witcher1 [link] [comments]