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Unveiling Charleston’s Digital Path: Empowering Local Businesses with SEO Mastery

2024.05.20 21:48 Faithhal Unveiling Charleston’s Digital Path: Empowering Local Businesses with SEO Mastery

In the heart of Charleston's historic streets and bustling markets, a digital revolution quietly unfolds, offering local businesses a pathway to enhanced online visibility and success. Spearheading this transformation is Charleston SEO – a bespoke strategy crafted to illuminate the digital route for enterprises aiming to thrive in the city’s dynamic landscape.
Charleston, with its cobblestone alleys and vibrant waterfront, is a tapestry of tradition and commerce, where each storefront narrates its unique tale. Amidst this vibrant backdrop, Charleston SEO emerges as a guiding light, steering businesses towards a brighter digital horizon, where local essence converges with global prominence.
Charleston SEO transcends conventional search engine rankings; it embodies an immersive digital narrative resonating with the city’s distinctive spirit. Its mission is clear: to ensure that when locals and tourists seek out the city’s finest offerings, your business stands out, capturing attention amidst the digital clamor.
At its core, Charleston SEO prioritizes local search optimization, recognizing the growing trend of consumers turning to search engines for nearby discoveries. Securing a prominent position in local search results is imperative, achieved through meticulous business listing optimizations, infusion of location-specific keywords, and nurturing an online reputation synonymous with trust and authenticity within the local community.
But Charleston SEO is more than a checklist; it’s a holistic digital marketing approach, encompassing website refinement, engaging content creation, and strategic social media endeavors. It’s about crafting a cohesive digital identity that captivates audiences and fosters meaningful connections across platforms.
Data serves as Charleston SEO's guiding star, illuminating the path forward. By dissecting local search trends, deciphering consumer behaviors, and analyzing competitors' strategies, businesses refine their approaches with precision. Whether adjusting keyword tactics or tailoring content to match evolving trends, data-driven decisions pave the way for tangible digital triumphs.
Furthermore, Charleston SEO thrives on community engagement and collaborative endeavors. Building alliances with local influencers, participating in community events, and embedding your brand within Charleston's cultural fabric are essential steps. Such actions not only elevate your online presence but also cultivate enduring loyalty and advocacy among locals.
In essence, Charleston SEO serves as the compass guiding local businesses through the digital landscape’s twists and turns. It’s a celebration of Charleston’s unique allure and a testament to the boundless opportunities awaiting those navigating its digital waters. So, as businesses embark on their digital odyssey in Charleston, embracing the power of Charleston SEO becomes the beacon illuminating the path to success in the modern era.
submitted by Faithhal to u/Faithhal [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 03:55 comicsanscatastrophe Feeling hopeless about residency application (multiple red flags)

Off cycle fourth year DO student. Just had appointment with administration to review my MSPE. when reviewing my MSPE with me, they informed me that they will be putting my remediation on it for the clinical skills portion of our pre-clinical medicine course for the first semester of second year (there are no separate courses for each system, it just groups together OMM, CS, and lecture as three components of one course). Not only will it say I remediated but it will not specify that I only remediated the clinical skills portion, making it seem like I failed the entire course including lecture. I worked really hard to do well on those lecture exams and now it means nothing. I missed the cut off for passing the clinical skills portion by a single checklist item.
I already have a red flag on my application with a medical leave of absence (for the reason you aren't allowed to explicitly state, iyky) my third year which is resulting in me graduating off cycle and applying this fall as opposed to this previous ERAS season. I have no research and very minimal volunteering. I got a step 2 score in the low 250s and a HP on Psych, H on Peds, so at least there's that. I am applying pathology at least, which isn't competitive (though people are saying it is getting competitive). I have three aways lined up, including one at my current top choice. I am just feeling hopeless. I felt pretty content about my chances of matching, and at a good pathology program as well. Now I am fearful about getting a residency spot at all. Angry at myself and at my school's admin. Someone talk me off the ledge. Thanks.
submitted by comicsanscatastrophe to medicalschool [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 23:19 Jcb112 Humans Don't Hibernate [Part 94/?]

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Patreon Official Subreddit Royal Road
82 Hours After the First Round of Interloper Interrogations. UNAFS Perseverance. General Mess Area.
Before I entered the mess area, my mind had been completely and utterly obsessed with the countdown towards tomorrow’s big mission.
There had been little room for anything else, even as Lysara continued on the last few medical checklists in the clinic, and even as I continued talking to Eslaan about anything and everything related to his interests.
That looming worry, the calm before the storm, was driving me crazy.
And it wasn’t like it wasn't for good reason.
This was going to be a reality altering mission.
The contents within that place were bound to change the course of my entire life.
And I’d thought absolutely nothing would be able to pull me from that obsession, not even sleep.
But that was before I entered the so-called mess area, half expecting your typical bland, but clean and well maintained, cafeteria-like setup; with metal benches, metal tables, metal cutlery, and metal serving trays.
I couldn’t be more wrong as I entered through that threshold however.
At which point, it felt as if I’d just stepped through some sort of a time portal, stepping centuries back to a pre-war era dining establishment untouched by war.
This place… was nothing short of a truly upscale restaurant, but transplanted and somehow pasted into a spaceship.
There were floor to ceiling windows that weren’t seen anywhere else on board.
The floors themselves were made out of some fake wood that felt real enough that I couldn’t tell the difference.
There were large curtains that barely hid the thick and industrial-looking metal shutters clearly designed to seal off the room’s windows in emergency situations.
The seats and tables placed throughout the open space looked jarring when set against the backdrop of space, as each and every one just didn’t look like they belonged on a spaceship. The former were all upholstered, and the latter seemed to be made out of the same false-wood the floors were, with a single table in particular draped with a tablecloth atop of it, signaling that it was probably ours.
My mind had been taken over by the sheer insanity of what I was seeing, which prompted me to turn towards Lysara, then Vir, in rapid succession.
“What the heck is this, Lysara?” I uttered out plain and simply.
“The dining area.” The alien responded curtly.
“No, I know that, but… what the heck is all of this?” I gestured around exaggeratingly. “All of this, just doesn’t seem very practical.” I surmised, as every iteration in the back of my mind agreed, save for the first, who seemed oddly quiet but very much at peace within this living time capsule of a reality untouched by the horrors of war.
“It was a common trend back in my era.” The AI stepped in to respond. “Back in the day, humanity always had a penchant for bringing a little piece of home with them wherever they went. This was true, even all the way back when ships were little more than rotating rings strapped onto a single FTL stick. It’s sort of in human nature to always be homesick, to always be nostalgic, always yearning for something that reminds them of the comforts of home. This is in spite of them always feeling this perpetual drive towards venturing into the unknown, and pushing the boundaries as to just how far they could take things.”
“They sound absolutely terrible to live with.” I responded with a snarky sneer, garnering a look of confusion from the AI. “This indecisiveness is probably a heck of a headache when deciding on what to eat… let alone what planet to jump to for a mission.” I offered jokingly.
“Well, again, here’s where that weird and seemingly arbitrary dichotomy comes in, Evina. When push comes to shove, they can be as decisive as they can be, and as stubborn in maintaining a course they set their minds to. So in many ways, they’re always a bit of an enigma. Some even liken them to having two souls constantly fighting for dominance. I’d say however, it’s this sort of back and forth that makes them so much fun. Their unpredictability, their quirks, and their at-times nonsensical anachronisms, manifesting in stuff like the mess hall you see here, acts as the spice that makes the bland and otherwise boring universe something that’s just a little bit more tolerable.”
“Honestly? Their tenacity to make places like these, when utility would demand it be a quarter of the size with a fraction of its embellishments, really strikes a chord with me.” Eslan offered, which prompted Lysara to continue off from that thought.
“It shows that they’re willing, and able, to make the effort to push just a little bit for those little things.” The alien reasoned. “Many people, my own people really, have likened existence to simple survival, boiling it down to utility. But it’s these small things, these unnecessary things, that truly breathes life and meaning to exactly why we have to survive in the first place. Otherwise… what are we even surviving for if only to live and to hunt another day? It’s the hope that in the future, everything, and everyone, can enjoy a little slice of this sort of unnecessary beauty, that really strikes a chord in me too.”
There was a moment of silence that followed as we sat at our table, as I felt a surge of my first iteration’s memories hitting me harder than they’ve ever hit me before. Sights, sounds, and scents of the pre-war world, and all of its unnecessary embellishments, made just sitting here feel overwhelming.
These were memories that didn’t often come out after all. And even when they did… it was usually some combination of somber and morose, as looking out into bombed-out cafes and crumbling restaurants brought on more a sense of longing for what was long-since lost than anything else.
But here?
The sights elicited that sense of hope that Lysara spoke of; a hope for a day where these little embellishments could become normal again.
I remained quiet, and so did Eslan, for the longest while.
This was eventually interrupted however by a rather unique looking robot coming over to hand us printed-out menus.
Granted, there were only three choices but… choice at all was already in itself a huge privilege.
“The options are a single Vanaran dish, and two human dishes I’m afraid.” Lysara explained. “The menu was made after carefully looking at your physiologies, to see what would most be compatible and least likely to cause adverse effects. Suffice it to say, it’s safe.” The alien continued, as I read off the descriptions of each dish, which simply boiled down to: A vegan dish, a vegetarian dish, and a dish with primarily grilled meats. “If there’s anything I can do to change it to your liking-”
“No, Lysara. This… this is already more than enough.” I explained through a reassuring smile. “You do realize that it’s been a good few decades since I’ve had decent canned foods right? Bunker life had that going for it at least, but topside? We were eating who knows what sorts of irradiated plants and animals every day of the week.”
“Oh, no these… these are actually fresh.” The alien explained, prompting me to squint my eyes towards him in extreme skeptic prejudice, before pointing frantically at the meat dish. “The vegan dish I get, fine, hydroponics is a heck of a thing. The vegetarian dish with the egg? Heck, fine, maybe you have a whole host of chickens somewhere, I get that. But the meat? You’re saying you have a hecking FARM ANIMAL or a whole FARM on board this ship?!”
“Well…” The alien paused, before exchanging glances with the AI. “The humans did call the food production bay — the farm.” He offered jokingly, before shifting gears back to his more reserved persona. “But in all seriousness, you’re right with the hydroponics. The meat and egg situation however, is a bit different. You see, humans, like my own kind, have long since pioneered lab-grown meats. Thus, we have what’s affectionately nick-named a meat-wall, where meat is harvested fresh. Hence why all the items on the menu, meat-products included, are in fact fresh!”
I was stunned for a moment, but that sense of acute confusion was quickly tempered by my first iteration quickly filling me in on the existence of that particular piece of space-age technology actually being something our own kind had thought of prior to the war. The sudden burst of familiarity cooled down my confusion, prompting me to internally thank my first iteration’s memories for filling me in on an otherwise completely alien piece of technology.
In fact, Eslan was now exchanging a fast-paced nerdy conversation with the likes of the AI on the particularities of the topic. The likes of which I felt my first iteration clinging onto. “Well, I haven’t had radiation-free meat in a while… so let’s go with that.” I finally managed out, breaking through the haze of disbelief and my first iteration’s overpowering sense of curiosity.
“Likewise.” Eslan quickly added.
With Lysara putting in his order, for the vegetarian meal no less, we eventually fell into a little back and forth. A pattern eventually emerged, starting with Eslan pointing and asking at everything he could see in the room, practically immersing himself in every nook and cranny of lore that existed around us. This was followed up by Vir’s more than informative responses, Lysara’s long-winded philosophical tirades, and my own two cents on the issue as it pertains to my current life, or one of my prior iterations’ lives.
There was an overall air of just outright… fun to everything. A feeling that I thought was only exclusive to childhood and pre-war sensibilities.
It was definitely not a feeling I was at all anticipating to be feeling following my departure from the bunker.
If anything… it was a welcome escape, a true reprieve from literally all dangers. As even within the bunkers themselves, there was always the gnawing concern of a system failing or a bunker-breach occurring at a moment’s notice. Even deep underneath the airport, in a bunker of my own design, there always remained a sense of ominous danger that existed simply because of our exposure to the outside world and its ruthless inhabitants. There was always the fear that we’d be raided, and that fear did come true not a few days ago.
However, here? Floating above it all?
I finally felt it click.
There were no dangers up here.
What’s more, there was a sense of lofty hope that came with the lofty missions and goals of the aliens present as well.
Tomorrow still felt ominous, yes.
However, that ominous looming horror was at the very least tempered by the joys of the present.
Whatever happens tomorrow, I’d still have today to look back on.
One final day of true normalcy.
One final day of genuine happiness with Eslan, and the two new allies I’d hazard to call friends.
And one final day of enjoying the world I knew and the life I sort of understood, before diving back neck-deep into what could potentially ruin it all.
“Hey Eslan.” I managed out, long after the food had arrived and our respective taste buds had been assaulted by a flavor that I hadn’t experienced in literal centuries.
“Yes, Evina?”
“You’ll always be my best friend, my brother, no matter what.” I managed out after a mouthful of food.
This comment clearly took Eslan by surprise, but not so much that he was thrown off by it, no.
It was instead just enough for him to shoot back that genuine grin he rarely managed out. “You too, Evina. And nothing can ever take that away from us. I know my memories from before you found me might be messed up…” He spoke darkly. “... but everything else after that, the exploration, finding the bunker, renovating it, protecting it, turning it into our home — all of that was real.” He insisted, prompting me to place a hand atop of his shoulder in solidarity.
“It was.” I nodded. “And it always will be real, Eslan.” I acknowledged, prompting the felinor’s eyes to well up with tears, right as dessert arrived. “In any case. Let’s dig in.” I spoke reassuringly, shifting gears back towards what little time we had left of tonight’s unmitigated bliss. “We have a big day tomorrow.”
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(Author’s Note: The gang all gather together before the big mission, as comradery grows between the group! The next chapter is already out on Patreon as well if you want to check it out!)
[If you guys want to help support me and these stories, here's my ko-fi ! And my Patreon for early chapter releases (Chapter 95 of this story is already out on there!)]
submitted by Jcb112 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 13:32 isaac_kelvin Unlocking Financial Security: The Ultimate Guide to Free Gold IRA Kits

In today's unpredictable economic landscape, securing one's financial future is paramount. Among the myriad of investment options available, gold stands out as a timeless asset, known for its stability and ability to preserve wealth. As investors seek to diversify their portfolios and safeguard against market volatility, the concept of a Gold IRA (Individual Retirement Account) has gained considerable traction.
In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of Gold IRAs and explore the significance of free Gold IRA kits in empowering investors to make informed decisions. From understanding the fundamentals of gold investment to navigating the process of setting up a Gold IRA, this article serves as your roadmap to financial resilience.

Understanding Gold Investment:

Gold, often referred to as the "king of precious metals," has long been revered for its intrinsic value and universal appeal. Unlike fiat currencies susceptible to inflation and geopolitical uncertainties, gold has stood the test of time as a reliable store of wealth. Its scarcity, durability, and intrinsic value make it an attractive hedge against economic downturns and currency devaluation.
Investing in gold can take various forms, including physical bullion, gold exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and Gold IRAs. While physical ownership offers tangible security, Gold IRAs provide investors with the flexibility of holding gold within a tax-advantaged retirement account.

What is a Gold IRA?

A Gold IRA is a self-directed retirement account that allows individuals to invest in gold and other precious metals as part of their retirement portfolio. Unlike traditional IRAs, which typically consist of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, a Gold IRA empowers investors to diversify their holdings and mitigate risk through exposure to physical gold.

Setting Up a Gold IRA:

The process of setting up a Gold IRA begins with selecting a reputable custodian who specializes in alternative investments. Custodians play a crucial role in facilitating the purchase, storage, and reporting of precious metals within the IRA framework. When choosing a custodian, it is essential to consider factors such as reputation, fees, and the range of services offered.
Once a custodian has been selected, investors must fund their Gold IRA either through a rollover from an existing retirement account or a direct contribution. Rollovers involve transferring funds from a 401(k), IRA, or other eligible retirement plans into a Gold IRA without incurring penalties or taxes. Direct contributions, on the other hand, allow investors to allocate a portion of their annual retirement contributions towards gold investments.

Benefits of Free Gold IRA Kits:

Free Gold IRA kits serve as invaluable resources for investors looking to educate themselves about the intricacies of gold investment and the role of Gold IRAs in retirement planning. These kits typically include informative guides, investment strategies, and personalized consultation services aimed at empowering investors to make well-informed decisions.
By offering free Gold IRA kits, reputable gold dealers and custodians demonstrate their commitment to transparency and investor education. These kits serve as a gateway for investors to explore the potential benefits of gold ownership within the context of their retirement goals and risk tolerance.
Key components of a free Gold IRA kit may include:
  1. Educational materials: Comprehensive guides and brochures covering the basics of gold investment, the benefits of Gold IRAs, and the process of setting up and funding a Gold IRA.
  2. Investment insights: Market analyses, research reports, and expert commentary on current trends and developments in the gold market, helping investors make informed decisions.
  3. Consultation services: Access to experienced investment professionals who can provide personalized guidance and answer specific questions regarding gold investment and retirement planning.
  4. Custodial services: Information about reputable custodians offering Gold IRA services, including their fee structures, storage options, and regulatory compliance.

In an era marked by economic uncertainty and market volatility, the importance of diversifying investment portfolios and safeguarding retirement savings cannot be overstated. Gold, with its intrinsic value and historical significance, has emerged as a compelling asset class for investors seeking stability and long-term growth.
Free Gold IRA kits serve as invaluable resources for investors looking to embark on their journey towards financial security. By providing educational materials, investment insights, and consultation services, these kits empower investors to navigate the complexities of gold investment and make informed decisions that align with their retirement goals.
As you explore the possibilities of incorporating gold into your retirement portfolio, remember that knowledge is your most valuable asset. Take advantage of free Gold IRA kits to educate yourself about the benefits of gold ownership and the opportunities presented by Gold IRAs. With the right information and guidance, you can unlock the potential for a secure and prosperous financial future.

How to Request a Free Gold IRA Kit

Many precious metals companies provide complimentary Gold IRA kits through their online platforms. Just complete a simple form with your essential contact details, and the kit will promptly arrive in your inbox.
Augusta Precious Metals: Claim Your Free Augusta Precious Metals IRA Kit
Birch Gold Group: Claim You Free Info Kit by Birch Gold Gold
American Bullion: Request an American Bullion Free Investor Guide
submitted by isaac_kelvin to postpox [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 05:02 coltonhamelin Signed lease prior to seeing personal unit. Paid before receiving keys. Total wreck.

[SORRY FOR THE NOVEL] First off I understand majority of this is on me being an "uneducated buyer" but I also feel like I'm owed for what I'm paying.
(Tiny bit of context) My fiancé and I have lived in the apartment we're trying to leave for 4 and a half years. It's been a pretty smooth experience here! She's attending school full time and I'm doing my best to support us both as a blue collar worker. With my fiancé's 4 year coming to a close we're moving a city over so she can continue with a grad program.
For the past 3 months we've been looking pretty hard for places to live. We finally found one online that checks the boxes and went to tour it (after touring 9 apartments already). The unit we looked at was pretty good, nothing amazing but it was workable. I asked about seeing the available units but "due to an active construction zone as we're updating the units we can't allow you to enter for liability reasons." Okay, whatever. It looked good, let's continue with the application.
Fast forward through all the back and forth, I finally get the lease electronically and as I tried my damnedest to read the fine print I didn't see anything out of the ordinary but being the uneducated man I am, I'm not sure I understand everything in it to the fullest extent. (All on me I agree). The day before the 1st (move in day listed on lease) I get a call from the complex telling me I need to reschedule my move in date to the 4th due to maintenance not being finished with my unit. This was personally my first red flag. I was okay with this as it worked out with our time line but I requested an addendum for a prorated amount for the move in month. They agreed and sent me the updated lease. I signed that on May 3rd. Given that May 4th {MAY THE 4TH BE WITH YOU AS IT WAS NOT WITH ME} is a Saturday this year, this particular complex closes at 4 pm. on Saturdays. I should say I called a few hours before to let them know of delays and that I'd greatly appreciate it if they'd wait so I can get the keys. We had a few delays which added up and showed up only 20 minutes before closing which at its roots still falls on me.
Here's where it went allllll wrong.
I walk inside to find one worker in the office and she began to ramble to me how she's brand new and doesn't know the procedure and asks if I wouldn't mind coming back till Monday. Me staring blankly, thinking about my entire apartment in the moving truck that has to be returned tomorrow right outside alongside my fiancé in her car with our dog I reply with "No, I called to make sure it was okay and I have all of my stuff with me." Continued rambling led me to figure out she has no clue how to operate the system and was left with a simple checklist of things I had to pay for and two signatures to collect before I got my keys. I'll say honestly this is probably my biggest mess up. After the amount of sweating and moving my fiancé did last night and today my humanity got the best of me and I just did what I had to, to get the keys so we could start unloading and let her go home. I was told prior I could pay for everything on move in day through the resident portal app. After signing in and not having a balance due, and her still not knowing how to operate the system, she told me to go get a money order and we'll call it good and I can come in Monday to fix anything.
I signed the papers and got the keys and walked in to our travesty of a "renovated and upgraded unit". As I live life I now understand that fixing one thing constitutes as a renovation/upgrade. We were told new appliances and flooring comparative to the already pretty good but slightly outdated unit we viewed prior. Although the appliances were new I assume they pulled the exterior plastic off and shoved them inside. The stove doesn't have a power cord. The fridge, dishwasher and stove all had extra accessories still taped inside ready for me to do myself. The entire unit has not been cleaned, (fingernail clippers, onion peels and old receipts in kitchen drawers; countertops covered in sticky puddles and has trash and dirt just pushed to one corner of the counter. All sinks in the unit have to be from pre war era, (as in before war was a thing). All cabinets and shelves are in a state of disrepair and there's a section of wall that's set up on top of the shelf in the closet exposing water pipes in the walls. Bathroom mirror has paint splatter and the sliding door we have is disgusting along the rails and on the glass.
By the time I'm seeing all of this andy anger is growing, the untrained office worker has rightfully gone home and I'm in a pickle. With what I was told I would get, how soon I would get it, and how much it costs I'm curious of legitimate steps I could take given I signed the lease just yesterday. With how today has gone I don't want to even live here anymore. Im moving to Tulsa, OK, if that helps, as my research on the cool off law has gone both ways for my state. I'm back at my old apartment I have a few days in, the uhaul is parked outside with all but the bare essentials packed and I'll figure out the money to extend it's return date. On Monday I plan to be there to speak with them. I don't want to immediately threaten an attorney, so I'm curious if I have any legal course to take here other than the uneducated, "This is so wrong I'm gonna sue!" And what I could do to/say them to get clear options. Is there anything I need to do besides not be weak and submissive towards their answers?
None of the essential services are non-functioning (Heat, water, electric) State of "renovated upgraded apartment" is ridiculous in my opinion apart from basic livability Paid deposit and move in fees and signed a couple papers. Extremely unknowledgeable worker pretty much just went with it as long as I had the money. I'm a sad human and would appreciate any advice! Thanks so much in advance.
submitted by coltonhamelin to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 05:18 OldMmoPlayer Prova(agendada) RJ Desabafo, relato de experiência e dicas

Edit 08/05
A prova é agora dia 13, vou até colocar outro post da aprovação rs. Uma dica final, e os últimos detalhes que estou corrigindo aceleração da partida, tenta fazer ela ficar dentro da aceleração da segunda, porque a moto devagar no cone deixa tudo mais fácil. Treinem bastante controle do acelerador. Por fim, passar marcha dps do oito, já deixar o pé encaixado antes de sair ajuda muito, eu deslizo o pé apontado pra baixo pra não esbarrar e reduzir sem querer. Pés sempre nas pedaleiras! Assim não vão ter acidentes, e dedão da mão direita não fica pra baixo, ele segura o acelerador pra não escapar, deixa na horizontal pressionando a manopla, servindo quase que de bloqueio pra não acelerar fora do momento.
E é isso, mais duas aulas e um simulado no dia da prova! Essas sao as novidades
Antes de qualquer coisa peço desculpas porque é algo que já tem alguns posts, mas não encontrei um com algumas dessas informações concentradas.
Queria me desculpar também pelo tamanho do post. Se ficar muito incomodo eu dou até uma resumida, quem tiver experiências do aerotown sou todo a ouvidos, qualquer ajuda a realização da prova é lucro kkkk Eu ouvi falar que a pista lá é bem grande, é real essa? Dizem que é maior que nas aulas.
Agora vou trazer um relato, dicas e um desabafo nesse sistema, ou como alguns gostam de falar, dessa "máfia".
*Detalhe já tenho carteira de carro, isso seria uma inclusão no caso.
Relato da minha Carteira de Carro e Dica pra se preparar pra prova Minha prova é dia 13, tá bem perto inclusive. Tenho mais algumas aulas e paguei o simulado também. Foi o que me salvou quando tirei a de carro. Reprovei na primeira 1º por nervosismo e 2º consequentemente não tinha praticado e era lá em tubiacanga, lá a baliza era inclinada, aí eu matei o carro ali e depois errei seta.
Na minha 2º prova paguei o simulado e fui aprovado, pior parte é o nervosismo!A fiscal me tirou 2 pontos no final por virar o volante bruscamente. EU lembro que desviei de algo, só não sei o que kkkkk.
Maior ensinamento de todos, o que te reprova inevitavelmente é o nervosismo. Já vi gente que ficava um bom tempo sem pratica e arriscava a prova e passava, logo não acho que é só o simulado que te aprova.
Tudo é válido pra controlar o nervosismo, contanto que seja lícito claro. Eu lembro que fiquei num mix de afirmação positiva na cabeça, junto com oração, com respiração funda, enfim KKKKK o nervosismo foi embora. Como sempre nós somos nosso pior inimigo, vença a você mesmo que o resto é de boa. Tem muitos vídeos de meditação pra essas situações, acho válido.
Primeiro as dicas do que vivi e estou vivendo, que acho que pode ser útil pra alguém que esteja tirando a carteira ou incluindo igual a mim:
  1. No começo você vai ter muito problema pra se equilibrar mesmo com uma experiência de bicicleta porque eu tinha e mesmo assim deu uma certa insegurança. Foca em ter controle da moto com ela em 1~2 marcha sem acelerar, só na rotação do motor(na prova é assim)
  2. Demorei pra pegar isso mas hoje em dia foi! Controle de guidão, nada de corpo! Teu corpo fica paradinho ali com as pernas sufocando o tanque. E essa dica aqui vale pro 8, pro cone e pras curvas da entrada do 8. Abaixo de aproximadamente ~40km, tu só trabalha braço man, algumas pessoas dizem pra deixar o braço relaxado, mas eu fico tranquilo com um controle um pouco mais firme. Depois que fiz isso não acertei cone nenhum e consigo até me ajustar no 8, mesmo quando parece que não tá indo bem.
** No cone, só relembrando tenta sempre chegar no limite que puder da faixa antes de entrar; alguns falam assim que passar do cotovelo, outros já falam coxa, mas foca em desenvolver até bem perto da faixa, assim sobra muito espaço pra fazer o "zigue-zague". Cara aqui é puro jogo de braço, não vira na hora, vai desenvolvendo antes de cada curva a abertura e bem aos poucos. E sempre com a abertura, antes faixa do que cone. Tem instrutor que fala pra olhar pra esse caminho que é metade cone metade faixa, também da certo.
  1. SÓ pra prova, tenta manter teu pé direito encostado no suporte ou pelo menos ele apontado pra fora, só com o calcanhar no suporte. É fácil de você pisar no freio traseiro e isso só é permitido no ultimo percursso da prova.
  2. Na hora de desligar a seta, algumas vezes por não apertar o suficiente, a seta fica ligada e isso é reprovação, então passei a apertar 2 vezes.
  3. O 8 pra mim, passou a dar certo quando eu passei a olhar pra direção que eu queria ir e sempre beirando a faixa, assim não precisa virar muito o guidão. Detalhe que no 8, eu podia abrir muito o guidão que nunca caí, da esse medo mesmo, mas se a aceleração for contínua é só o susto mesmo, a moto volta pro lugar. Algumas vezes meti o pé no chão, mas não precisa ter medo, que a moto volta, MAS o ideal é ficar beirando sempre a faixa que não precisa virar tanto o guidão. E também da pra corrigir o guidão aos pouquinhos, conforme for fazendo a curva pra você não sentir que vai cair.
  4. Toda aula eu fico praticando a partida, mesmo na fila, por mais que devagar pra ir ganhando confiança e intimidade com a moto da autoescola. Vejo que muitos ficam só no neutro esperando chegar na vez na fila da aula quando da pra ir praticando dali mesmo. Indo pro final da fila eu aproveito pra passar pra segunda, as vezes pra terceira e ir reduzindo pra acostumar com a velocidade também.
  5. Nos ultimos cones, os que tem que empurrar a moto, o macete é jogar a roda pra bem perto da faixa e meter bronca. Mano eu achei essa a melhor tática, e inclusive vi alguns instrutores falando. Os dois primeiros são bem tranquilos, no ultimo cone, A parada é dar uma passada larga, e depois conforme empurra a moto, você já vai abrindo espaço pra outra perna passar sem esbarrar no ultimo cone. Mas depende da moto também, vi uns vídeos que parecia dar pra passar tranquilo andando.
  6. Fazer o checklist mental ao longo de toda a prova: a. Capacete, viseira, julgular, descanso, retrovisores, ligar a moto e farol b. nos cones, passou da coxa vira c. final dos cones acelera pra rampa, só até a metade e deixa a moto seguir d. nas curvas, seta pra direita, equerda e direita de novo. Não esquece de desligar antes do 8 e. 8 beirando o limite da faixa, se ficar muito pra dentro tem que jogar demais o guidão. E olhando pra direção que quer ir. f. antes de sair do 8, acelera pra jogar pra 3º marcha e vai reduzindo antes da faixa g. pare a moto antes dos cones, pé esquerdo no chão no mínimo por 3 segundos, daí desce a outra perna e coloca no neutro e desliga a moto. h. Sai da moto, descanso opcional, e vai empurrando ela a sua frente, você pode sair da faixa e a moto não.
Aqui vai o desabafo:
coisa que quero falar é pra quem ainda não começou as aulas, até mesmo, pra quem já está mas não está satisfeito. Pesquisem por outra autoescola, com certeza tem alguma boa na região, ir na primeira é cometer o erro que eu cometi. Paguei uma autoescola que enrolou horrores pra começar as aulas, a única aula boa foi a primeira, que o instrutor basicamente só conversou, ficou falando da historia dele e explicou o que é a moto.
Fiquei 10 aulas nessa autoescola, persisti muito! Primeiro pelo dinheiro que eu já tinha investido, segundo por querer acreditar que o instrutor sabia o que tava falando. O que ele mais repetia era "já tenho 35 anos, vai por mim" então achei que eu que tava errado. Mano ele só reclamava que tava errado, que tava ruim, que não tava fazendo nada direito e quando eu perguntava o que podia melhorar e se era daquele jeito ele nem me respondia.
Aí mano eu larguei o foda-se pros 1000 reais que paguei nessa e fui pra outra autoescola(isso uns 5 meses depois). Nessa outra, nas 2 primeiras aulas eu já tava fazendo o circuito todo. Passei os outros dias até hoje só corrigindo detalhe. Meu cartão chorou mas se não fosse isso nunca teria pegado gosto por pilotar e teria aprendido o quanto aprendi.
Agora tô perto da prova, com a maior confiança do mundo, me sinto confiante na moto, pra prova e pra vida de piloto. Só pra constar sobre a mafia da autoescola kkkk na autoescola anterior, o instrutor ainda meteu um papo de "pô tu tá tão ruim, tu vai ter que fazer + 10 aulas antes da prova".
Mano e na internet, nas reviews da google se tu olhar tem umas pessoas que passaram pela mesma coisa. Quem dera eu tivesse visto isso antes de me inscrever lá, mas fica o aprendizado, não entrem em qualquer autoescola e se ta ruim sai que você aproveita todas suas aulas.
submitted by OldMmoPlayer to motoca [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 12:08 kaoruuuMan #06 AHAA Run (Quagmiris), Log 02 (MidgamePh1) - Deep Freezing Food

#06 AHAA Run (Quagmiris), Log 02 (MidgamePh1) - Deep Freezing Food
A lovely day to all you brave souls out there! I have just finished the first quarter of my Midgame at Cycle 247 (Figure 1) with my first functional rocket. So far, my BIG 3 (power, food, and water) is doing fine and at a surplus and my survivability drastically increased. However, the issues I'm facing at the moment are material scarcity: lack of metal ores and refined metals; and lack of dirt. This was chronic throughout my run, but my base is slowly fluorishing. You can check my previous post here and the context of this little passion project of mine.
Figure 1. Base at Cycle 247
The Midgame
As I have said about the current theme of this run, my Checklist will be my guide as I grind forward. Since this is my entry across the early Midgame, I shall initially discuss what I regard as a MIDGAME in my AHAA run.
My middle game spans from the Initial Exploration of Space (via Enclosed Telescope), to the creation of a Rocket Silo Zone. This will approximately occur from Cycle 150 to about 750, and will be divided into four phases. I shall only discuss the first phase for this post, which spans approximately 100 cycles.
4. MIDGAME PHASE 1: Obtaining Steel and Plastic (approximately between Cycle 150 to 250)
  • 4.1 Construct a four-level research lab with radbolt farm.
  • 4.2 Reveal nearby space hexes.
  • 4.3 Build a temporary Metal Refinery and Glass Forge.
  • 4.4 Build first rocket.
  • 4.5 Obtain Plastic, Crude Oil, and refined lead.
  • 4.6 Create a PReT-STAT module, as well as the corresponding cooling loops.
  • 4.7 Deep Freeze food.
  • 4.8 Knock off Super Sustainable
As you can see from the subtitle of this subphase, the central purpose of this period is to oversee the nascent production of steel and plastic. Why? Because I am actually aiming to do two things:
  1. Create a deep freeze chamber to preserve my food; and
  2. Start creating rockets.
The first point was created due to my past experiences in playing with maximum difficulty. Even during Midgame, my calorie count keeps on dipping because I failed to address the food sustainability first. During this point, I always had a positive calorie flow (greater food income over demand) but eventually lose most of it due to spoilage. Therefore, the best solution I realized is to deep freeze those surplus while I can so the problem of food shortage won't bother me anytime in the future.
On the other hand, the creation of rockets is obviously necessary to scout farther in the star cluster, and also to create data banks for my level four research. With that, I set forth at Cycle 159.
Some Transitory Projects
I did some mini-projects before I tackled the actual checklist of the midgame. First, I obtained hatches from the neighboring planetoid, creating a ranch that was operational at Cycle 159 (Figure 2). My goal is to evolve the hatch into stone hatches (by feeding it with sedimentary rocks), and then evolving it to smooth hatches (by feeding metal into them). Take note that I needed the smooth hatches for the Down the Hatch Achivement.
Figure 2. Hatch Ranch
The next is a Drecko Farm at Cycle 161 (Figure 3). Why another drecko farm? Take note that at this point, I was putting the excess dreckos in my hydrogen shearing room. However, the initial farm that I put up only fed them with mealwood, which actually forces the dreckos to lay glossy drecklet eggs more likely than the normal ones. Therefore, I needed a ranch that grows balm lilies, which makes the dreckos hatch more normal drecko eggs. I created a second infinite gas chamber that houses Chlorine. The initial drecko ranch then became a place for raising glossy dreckos only.
Figure 3. Infinite Chlorine Chamber + Drecko Ranch
I also started constructing an Enclosed Telescope near the space breach (Figure 4) at Cycle 160 to start exposing the nearby space hexes [4.2].
Figure 4. Enclosed Telescope
I sent a 2nd dupe over to the neighboring asteroid to facilitate interplanetary materials transfer. During this time, I'm slowly feeling the need of more metals as I expand my base. So at Cycle 173, two dupes are temporarily staying at the neighboring planetoid, living off on pickled meal. I then proceeded to send plenty of Lead and Iron Ore over to my main planetoid as a construction resource (Iron ore is a raw material for Steel).
Start of Higher-Level Research
At this point, I'm doing actual Midgame tasks. My first project is the creation of my four-stage laboratory (Figure 5) [4.1] that houses Wheezeworts as radbolt sources. I started researching as soon as it was operational (Cycle 185) and immediately took on Steam Turbines (for active cooling purposes). It was also at this point that my initial space reconnaissance was completed (at Cycle 172).
Figure 5. Complete Research Laboratory
Having nothing else to do over the other planetoid, I recalled my two duplicants from the neighboring planet at Cycle 186. Six cycles later, I gained Super Sustainable at Cycle 192 [4.8]. Usually, I get this achievement some 20 cycles after Cycle 200, and this marks the end of Phase 1. But I guess I've been using too much Hydrogen-based power that I got this right away, and I've some stuff left to do before I proceed to phase 2.
Early Industrial Era
At this point, my next task is to actually begin processing Steel and Glass (for solar panels). The main issue with this is finding a cooling pool for the Metal Refinery and hot liquid glass, as well as cooling the industrial building during operations. However, this is not a difficult task for this planetoid because I had them built near the very cold vents that I captured (Figure 6). The first batch of steel was produced at Cycle 194 and glass at Cycle 196 [4.3].
Figure 6. Metal Refinery and Glass Forge
Realizing that Steel and Glass Forge are power hungry consumers (each with 1200 kW), I decided to create a backup power source [5.1, this step can be found in Phase 2]. I'm opting to do this now to prevent any annoying shortages later. Coal generator (Figure 7) was my choice since I'm done with Super Sustainable. This was also the time that I started my engineer dupes towards making microchips for the achievement involving tuning the generators.
Figure 7. Coal Generator Power Plant
I set them to only operate at assisting power levels (70-80%). But here's a quirk about coal generators: if you don't set their refuel threshold to greater than 50%, they won't refuel the coal until the power level is less than 50%. You won't expect them to work at 70-80% level. So I had to set that up too. Everything is operational at Cycle 198.
Moreover, I was also able to add plastic to my supply as my glossy dreckos were able to shed their scales. I obtained an egg from a slickster from the neighboring planetoid to raise in my home planetoid. The critter then gave me some crude oil as a by-product [4.5].
Deep Freezing my Food
Seeing that I have produced enough Steel, I decided to create the Deep Freeze chamber first over rockets (I still have my science dupe doing radbolt researching). At Cycle 209, I started constructing my Pump-Regulator-Tepidizer-Steam Turbine-Aquatuner (PReT-STAT) module. Let me explain how it works. This is actually just a Steam Turbine-Aquatuner setup for active cooling (initially to prevent my bristle blossoms from stifling). I added a Tepidizer in case I needed to reheat the cooling loop. As for the Regulator, this is how I'll be able to achieve my deep freeze chamber. A hydrogen loop will be cooled way below -18 degrees Centigrade and a chamber (one tile is enough) will be situated near a kitchen to preserve my food. It is also noteworthy that a Steel Radiant Gas Pipe is a better conductor than most materials. At Cycle 225, I was able to construct a new Kitchen with the deep freeze chamber (Figure 8).
Figure 8. New Kitchen Location + Deep Freeze Chamber
A couple of cycles later, I finished my PReT-STAT module (Figure 9) [4.6] and deep froze my food [4.7] (I can now say that my food is more sustainable at this point). The medium in which the tepidizer is immersed is supposed to be crude oil, but then I found out that water has a higher thermal conductivity, so that's what I used.
Figure 9. PReT-STAT Module
One final point that I forgot to mention is the inclusion of a steel pump inside the steam chamber of my module. This is actually needed for supplying steam to my future rockets (with a pipe to replenish the lost steam inside). I can now proceed to the final part of this subphase, which is creating my first rocket.
First Rocket
With everything in place at Cycle 230, my only task is to create my first rocket [4.4]. I've decided that it will be a DATA BANK rocket, to begin producing data banks for my level 4 research. To maintain decent productivity in creating buildings in space (low breathability for the dupes), I created an atmosuit checkpoint (Figure 10) for dupes so that they don't suffocate up there.
Figure 10. Space Atmosuit Checkpoint
This process actually dragged on because once again I ran out of materials. I also experienced power dips due to the depletion of my hydrogen supply (I might be using too much power on my radbolt generators). Because of this, I sent a couple of dupes again to the neighboring planet to obtain some metal ores, lead, algae (for Pacus), and mealwood seeds on Cycle 244. I just realized that mealwood seeds are an important surplus at this point because they are used in spicing up food to avoid spoilage during space travel.
Eventually, I was able to resolve all the shortage issues that I was facing and complete my first rocket with an operational interior (Figure 11). The food used was spiced omelette (0% spoilage rate) while the oxygen is a piped supply on a gas cannister rocket module. The power is derived from solar panels on the rocket module aided by a manual generator powered by the pilot inside. I launched my data bank rocket at Cycle 247 to start producing data banks.
Figure 11. First Rocket Module (For Data Bank Research)
Finally, I concluded all Level 3 Researches at Cycle 248.
[End Log]
Right now, my power demand is getting higher and my hydrogen and coal supply is starting to plummet down, even though my plug slugs are helping with the burden during the night. Conserving the power won't solve the problem, so I would have to rely on newer sources (or maybe increasing the capacity). This will be a good matter to address as I start my Midgame Phase 2.
Once again, thank you for your patience in reading my posts and I hope you learned something from it! Pliers Ahoy!
#06 AHAA Run (Quagmiris), Log 03 (MidgamePh2) - Sampling Microbots
submitted by kaoruuuMan to Oxygennotincluded [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 21:41 luckyjim1962 The Travis McGee Origin Story: "The Deep Blue Good-by"

Trying to get this subreddit going again! Please chime in with your observations about McGee and MacDonald.
I have no idea how I came to this great series, but once I did (say 20 years ago or so), I was an instant convert, and promptly read them all and read them all again a few times.
The Travis McGee series was launched in 1964 with the publication of The Deep Blue Good-by, which introduced MacDonald's many readers (and a slew of new ones) to the “beach-walker, gin-drinker, quip-maker, peace-seeker, iconoclast, disbeliever, argufier, that knuckled, scar-tissued reject from a structured society." MacDonald was already a publishing phenomenon when McGee was introduced: TDBG was his 44th novel. (Two other novels in the series came in quick succession, within months of the publication of TDBG, and the remaining books appeared at a rate of about one a year.)
McGee lives about the The Busted Flush, a large houseboat with an exceptionally large bathtub, in Bahia Mar, Florida, where he occasionally plies his trade as a "salvage consultant." If someone loses something valuable – like a boat or an investment or an inheritance – with no legal means of recourse, McGee will try to get it back, in exchange for 50% of the value of whatever he recovers. These irregular but generally large rewards enable him to take his retirement on the installment plan instead of waiting until he's 65.
In The Deep Blue Good-by, we learn about McGee's backstory, like how he won the Flush in an all-night poker game is a great little narrative about the power of the big bluff), his unusual car dubbed "Miss Agnes," a 1936 Rolls-Royce converted into an electric blue pickup truck, his penchant for Plymouth gin and attractive women. But the book is also a dandy suspense story with the first in a series of seriously bad guys, in this case, Junior Allen, who learns of a small fortune of gems hidden in the Florida Keys. (Most MacDonald villains are irredeemably bad, even pathologically evil.)
McGee is extremely competent, physically and intellectually, but what makes the novels so powerful is his depiction as someone of conviction but who also questions society and himself. In TDBG, for example, McGee muses thus:
I found I had taken an irrational dislike to Junior Allen, that smiling man. And I do not function too well on emotional motivations. I am wary of them. And I am wary of a lot of other things, such as plastic credit cards, payroll deductions, insurance programs, retirement benefits, savings accounts, Green Stamps, time clocks, newspapers, mortgages, sermons, miracle fabrics, deodorants, checklists, time payments, political parties, lending libraries, television, actresses, junior chambers of commerce, pageants, progress, and manifest destiny.
I am wary of the whole dreary deadening structured mess we have build into such a glittering top-heavy structure that there is nothing left to see but the glitter, and the brute routines of maintaining it.
These philosophical epiphanies are a big part of the reason that the McGee series continue to enthrall readers; most mysteries and suspense novels just do not age well, and while the McGee series reflects the eras in which they were written and published, from the early 1960s to the late 1980s, they still resonate today. (MacDonald was way ahead of the game in terms of feminism, race relations, social conformity, and the environment.)
MacDonald evokes the trope of the knight-errant to describe McGee:
No matter what the bastards did, McGee would keep trying. He would keep on clattering on in there, banging the rusted armor, spurring the spavined steed, waving the mad crooked lance.
Travis McGee is a fascinating, likable, intelligent character, cynical about institutions and the mores of contemporary life, uncynical about the people he likes. The books are exquisite tales of suspense and intrigue, but they also convinced me that genre novels could achieve literary distinction – and unlike so many series, the quality of the writing and storytelling remains extremely high throughout.
It's worth nothing that Travis McGee is also the explicit model for Lee Child's phenomenally successful Jack Reacher series.
submitted by luckyjim1962 to TheBustedFlush [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 12:51 TejasMehndiartist Latest Bridal Mehndi Collection 2024 Amazing Designs for the New Bride!

Latest Bridal Mehndi Collection 2024 Amazing Designs for the New Bride!


Greetings! It is an introduction to the very interesting and amazing world of bridal mehndi artistry. Right before the wedding season is set to start, brides are on the lookout for all the trending and new pieces that will decorated their hands and feet.
In this extensive guide, we enter into the improving world of bridal mehndi, which reveals the topmost beautiful mehndi designs of 2024.
Regardless of whether you are a typical girl or a trend-setting one, you are sure to find the creative imagination and difficult details that go into making bridal jewelry displayed in the hands of every bride-to-be.
And when you go for bridal mehndi artist in Chandigarh have faith, Tejas Mehndi Artist Services will be your house for perfect and extraordinary bridal mehndi art.

The Significance of Bridal Mehndi

Bride’s Mehndi isn’t just a decorative art form; it is a symbol of love, tradition, and festival. Know that the giving of henna at a wedding is a symbol and tradition, which have been taught from generation to generation.

Evolution of Bridal Mehndi Designs

Starting with the most detailed designs that were traditional, to the new city mix bridal mehndi has come a long way.
Historical and cultural aspects of the mehndi designs used by a bride should be highlighted, which may influence changes in trends over time.

Modern Twist on Classic Designs

Utilizing modern elements of ancient styles is the best way to give the bride’s mehndi a clean and trendy feeling. Get involved in a story about modern brides who understand the new ways to add customized designs to bridal mehndi artist in Chandigarh.

Choosing the Perfect bridal mehndi artist in Chandigarh

The issue of choosing a talented bridal mehndi artist in Chandigarh is the key step to getting perfect henna done before your wedding. Discover the checklist outlining the things to take into account when making a hiring decision for your wedding mehndi artist, e.g. Experience, portfolio, and price.

Preparing for Your Mehndi Session

A bride-to-be should be confident of preparation and stress-free. This leaves her with a good experience. From skincare tricks to outfit choices, be enlightened through this article on how to make the most of Mehndi visits and how to enhance the lifetime results of your work.

Mehndi Application Process

Step into the world of bridal mehndi application with us to experience this philosophy of beauty and the elaborate process of creating and applying designs of bridal mehndi. Discover the methods of mixing the henna paste and professionally applying the design from a dedicated henna artist.

Personalized Bridal Consultations

In addition to that we are aware of the fact that every bride is different so we are always here to give you personalized bridal consultations at Tejas Mehndi Artist Services.
So as a part of the consultation with an experienced team, they do the follow-up by waiting for your wishes, cultural values, and all these by considering your concept of bride mehndi design.
If you know what patterns you want or you need some help with the most modern patterns, we offer exactly what you need and we are ready to develop a specific approach depending on your wishes.
Our mission is to listen to you and to value who you are as we mutually work to bring out the unique personality in you by the selection of the most appropriate mehndi designs.

Bridal Mehndi Packages

We realize that our bridal customers are unique so we tailor-make our bridal wedding henna packages. The purpose of the bridal newspaper printing is to connect the foreign residents staying in the country to events and activities around them, a task that is achieved through local, international, and online news services.
To achieve this, we have packaged our offerings according to varied interests, budgets, and needs to enable you to settle on what suits or suits you properly.
Be it a somewhere simple hand art, extensively complete all-arm designs, or a blend of both, our packages are packed with value and variety.
We pride ourselves on transparent billing and clear communication which means that you would know exactly what to expect and there is no need to stress about the latest time, you can sit back and relax because your bridal mehndi needs are in the most capable hands.

Testimonials from Happy Brides

Satisfied clients are truly the best approval, which is why we run away program to know what our happy brides think about their experiences with Tejas Mehndi Artist Services.
The evidence of the clients’ testimonials about our work and the commitment of our team are solid proof of the level of quality of service we provide.
This is how mehndi artists typically describe the bridal mehndi artist in Chandigarh, right from stepping into our shop to witnessing the final lashes on their magnificent mehndi.
The numerous praise and appreciation they shower on their groom of the day with just how beautiful she looks serves as a testament to our streak of “excellence” and spur us on to go that extra mile with every bridal mehndi application.

Caring for Your Mehndi

Appropriate care and attention are key to the ability to do the same thing for many years together. Go into the nitty-gritty of how you preserve the mehndi, and what measures you take to put the stain on the mehndi that will last long enough to survive the wedding day.

Bridal Mehndi Trends of 2024

Keep posted about the most appealing mehndi trends for brides in 2024 ranging from the smallest ones to the most extraordinary.
In one way or another everyone is inspired by one, two, or more of the popular motifs, is it a lace-like pattern or large geometric shapes. There is something for every art-loving couple.

Mehndi as a Bridal Ritual

The mehndi design may add beauty to the occasion, but its cultural and spiritual touch makes it even more captivating. Go on further to discover about the custom of mehndi at weddings. These events represent love, blessings, and the start of something fresh.

Tejas Mehndi Artist Services

Chandigarh Tejas Mehndi Artist Services is a shining example of excellence which has an outstanding creativity and never compromising attitude to their quality. With years of expertise creating beautiful bridal mehndi designs, our team of experienced artists offers each of our clients the ability to be creative and accurate.
In addition to having a deep understanding of the social aspects of mehndi from the time we first started and from years of firsthand experience, we take great delight in offering personalized designs that are tailored to the unique style and meditation of each bride.
Whether you need a classic beauty or a contemporary masterpiece, our artistic skill set will impress you beyond your imagination. We will create a timeless beautiful work that will forever align with who and what you are.
Give our expert service, Trust Tejas Mehndi Artist Services, the opportunity to surpass your bridal expectations by providing you with a full bridal look that adds your sense of style.

FAQ about Bridal Mehndi Artist in Chandigarh

Q1: There is always a fundamental question; what are the criteria for choosing a bridal mehndi artist in Chandigarh for weddings from Chandigarh?
A1: Research online ratings, browse through portfolios, and ask your friends and disowned acquaintances for some references to talk to a qualified and skillful bridal mehndi artist in Chandigarh like Tejas Mehndi Artist.
Q2: Which elements to take into account while reserving a bridal mehndi artist is likely to be the point that I focus on most in this paragraph.
A2: Take into account the aspects of the artist’s qualifications, style, schedule, and price to see that the whole process goes smoothly and that there will be no disappointments.
Q3: If I am to agree with you, customization of the bridal henna designs is also essential?
A3: definitely! It might be the case if some people desire a ceremonial henna art class where people gather and share their joyful moments and help soon-to-be brides apply beautiful henna designs to their hands and feet. Then the lady will be having the personal mehndi, which means she will be having henna applied to her hands and her feet by the persons who are very close to her. Furthermore, students are enlightened about the necessity of these activities and they explain that these function as the expression of joy, energy, vitality, and happiness.


When in search of a matchless bridal mehndi artist in Chandigarh, consider hiring Tejas Mehndi Artist Services, and remember it will not fail you in any way.
Entrusting us with this assignment thanks to our professional expertise and impeccable performance, we’ll be poised to turn your bridal design into a true fairy tale with our every move.
Discover the new era in the bridal mehndi artist in Chandigarh of 2024, which can light up your special day.
submitted by TejasMehndiartist to u/TejasMehndiartist [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 06:17 soosaned 23 [F4M] PAKAPALAN NA NG MUKHA LETS GO

hello! jk lng yung title 😂 gonna be straightforward lang w who i am and what i want just incase may mahanap HAHAHAHAH
i know im quite young but i've been in two long term relationships, first one was 3 years and the second one was 5 years (wag niyo na tanungin anong age ako nag simula mag jowa pls 😂) both ended up cheating bUT IM NOW IN MY HEALED HAPPY GIRLY ERA WOOOOH
big lesson siguro those relationships taught me is now i now exactly what i want in a relationship soooo here goes (sORI NA IF PICKY AYAW Q N KASI MAG WASTE NG TIME)
about you: - male HEHE - 25-30 yrs old - at least 5'8 height - MABANGO - working na sana, not picky with your field of work, but someone who earns, financially stable, car is a bonus - normal BMI - moreno is okay, mestiso is okay, in between is okay 😂 - knows how to carry a conversation. ayoko yung ako lang nangiintriga at nakikichismis ikaw din pls! HAHAHAHA - consistent at maupdate - willing to go on dates and set aside time despite busy schedule - knows how to communicate NO TO GHOSTERS AND EMOTIONALLY UNAVAILABLE MEN PLS NAKAILAN NA ME SA AREA NA TO - kanal AND aircon humor (a must pls) - fluent in english and tagalog - singer (bONUS LNG TO) - gitarista (bONUS LNG DIN TO) - date to marry (b0ögsh) - yung loyal naman pls tama na makulit junjun - is looking for a serious relationship :) like sure ka na na yun ang gusto mo - not afraid to hard launch or flex sa fam, friends, social media - love language mo preferably ang words of affirmation HEHEHEH - mental health advocate!!!!!!!! A MUST - taga metro manila - willing mag effort to travel/pick me up - likes travelling and experiencing new things
ok yun lng muna for u for now HAHAHAH
about me: - normal BMI - 23 p0 - 5'5 sTRONG - my friends would rate me to be an 8/10 in looks - normal BMI, i'm on the curvy side hehe - i work and earn, im a teacher and an artist (lil self plug boogsh) - i know how to drive - i can cook, sing, act, dance, write songs, and bake HEHEHE those are my hobbies - not from big 4 but i graduated a cum laude - i speak both english and tagalog fluently :)) - headsup im clingy pag nagka feelings na - medjo madaldal rin kaya kung wala ka attention span sa madaldal wag ka na mag mssg HAHAHA - i play the guitar - fave tv show is friends gOD TIER - im a swiftie hehe lov mother tay tay - mabango syempre di pwede ikaw lang - mahilig sa ukay - mahilig sa food trip - mahilig sa streetfood lalo na isaw at kwek2 pero kung afford natin wolfgang edi g???? - mahilig sa petnames hahaha super
aaaatttt.... wala na ko maisip about me 🫨 i know this might be reaching, bUT its worth a shot.
overall if di niyo trip serious relationship at mag commit wag na. if ur emotionally unavailable or di pa over kay ex, wag na rin. if ghoster ka and gusto mo pa enjoy single life, wag na keep scrolling 😂 sabi ko sayo picky ako e HAHAHAHA
sooooo... if meron man jan na pasado sa checklist, c u i my messages dont be shy hnde p0 ako nangangagat! HAHAHAH
submitted by soosaned to PhR4Dating [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 09:14 Delicious_Search9150 Mastering Digital Marketing in 2024: The Top 10 Essential Tools

In this blog we are focusing on the Best digital marketing tools in 2024. In an era where the digital landscape is constantly evolving, staying ahead in the marketing game requires more than just a keen eye for trends. It’s about equipping yourself with the best tools to effectively reach and engage your audience. As we step into 2024, the digital marketing toolkit has expanded, offering a plethora of options designed to streamline operations, enhance analytics, and improve engagement strategies. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the top 10 digital marketing tools that are indispensable for marketers aiming to achieve success in 2024.

1. Content Creation and Management

A. Comprehensive CMS Platforms

Importance of a User-friendly CMS

A user-friendly CMS one of the main digital marketing tools in 2024. It streamlines content creation, making it accessible to everyone on your team, regardless of their technical know-how.

Top CMS platforms for 2024

Look out for WordPress with its Gutenberg editor or Drupal for those who need a bit more flexibility. Shopify is also on the rise for e-commerce focused content management.

Key features to look for in a CMS

Seamless integration, ease of use, customizable design options, and robust security features are must-haves.

B. Graphic Design Tools

Simplifying visual content creation

Today, we’re seeing tools that turn us all into quasi-professional designers. Canva remains a front-runner, with Adobe Spark and Crello nipping at its heels.

The rise of AI in graphic design tools

AI functionalities are now more than a quirky addition; they’re fundamental. Tools that offer AI-driven design suggestions can dramatically cut down the time it takes to produce engaging visuals.

Most popular graphic design tools for marketers

Besides Canva and Adobe, don’t overlook Vectr and Sketch. Each has its unique strengths, especially in template variety and collaborative features.

C. Video Production Software

The growing dominance of video content

Video isn’t just king. In 2024, it’s the emperor. Tools that enable marketers to produce video content efficiently are more crucial than ever.

Easing into video content with user-friendly software

Tools like Adobe Premiere Rush and InVideo have democratized video production, making it accessible to non-professional videographers.

Software that’s making waves in 2024

Keep an eye on Lumen5 and Biteable, particularly for their AI-driven editing capabilities and vast libraries of customizable templates.

2. SEO and Content Optimization

A. SEO Tools for Keyword Research

Understanding the importance of keyword optimization

It’s not just about finding the right words; it’s about understanding the intent behind them. Tools that offer insight into this are invaluable.

Tools to refine your keyword strategy

SEMrush and Ahrefs remain at the top of their game, offering deep dives into keyword trends, competition, and performance.

Integrating keywords into content seamlessly

It’s a balance between satisfying search engines and engaging readers. Tools that suggest contextually relevant keywords can be a massive help.

B. Analytics and Performance Measurement

Why measuring performance is key to SEO success

You can’t improve what you don’t measure. Tools that provide actionable insights into your SEO strategy’s performance are crucial.

Tools that offer deep dive analytics

Google Analytics remains the go-to, but don’t overlook newer entries like Fathom, which promises user privacy without compromising on insights.

Interpreting data for content improvement

Tools that not only offer data but also suggestions for improvement based on that data, such as Clearscope, are game-changers.

C. On-Page Optimization Tools

Enhancing user experience through optimization

It’s about making your content as accessible and enjoyable for your audience as possible. Webpage performance and structure play significant roles here.

Tools to streamline on-page SEO practices

Yoast SEO is phenomenal for WordPress users, guiding content creators through the optimization process with intuitive checklists.

Achieving balance between SEO and readability

Tools like Hemingway App and Grammarly are excellent for ensuring your content is readable, engaging, and optimized.

3. Social Media Management

A. Scheduling and Publishing Tools

Planning content calendar effortlessly

Buffer and Hootsuite remain frontrunners, allowing marketers to plan their content calendars and automate posting across multiple platforms.

Tools that automate and schedule posts

These tools save a massive amount of time and ensure your content hits your audience when they are most active.

Maximizing engagement through timely posts

The key is in the analytics. Tools that analyze the best times to post and automate scheduling accordingly make a big difference.

B. Engagement and Analytics Tools

Tracking interactions and engagement rates

Tools like Sprout Social and BuzzSumo provide deep insights into engagement metrics, helping you understand what resonates with your audience.

Tools that provide actionable insights

It’s not just about the numbers; it’s about what you do with them. Tools that offer recommendations based on analytics are particularly valuable.

Leveraging analytics for improved content

By understanding trends among your audience, you can tailor your content strategy to better meet their needs and boost engagement.

C. Advertisement Management Tools

Crafting and managing successful social media ads

Facebook’s Ad Manager tool, with its detailed targeting and performance tracking, remains essential for social media advertising.

Tools that simplify advertisement operations

Look for tools that offer automation in A/B testing and ad variant rotations. This simplifies the process considerably.

Optimizing ads for better ROI

The right tool will not just manage ads but also offer insights on how to tweak them for better performance and return on investment.

4. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Lead Generation

A. CRM Software

Centralizing customer data for personalized marketing

A CRM tool is your central hub for all things customer-related. Salesforce and HubSpot CRM are leading the pack in 2024, offering unparalleled customization and integration options.

Top CRM tools for marketers in 2024

Alongside Salesforce and HubSpot, keep an eye on Zoho CRM for those seeking a more cost-effective solution without sacrificing functionality.

Integrating CRM with other marketing tools

The true power of a CRM comes from its ability to work seamlessly with your other marketing tools, offering a holistic view of the customer journey.

B. Lead Generation Tools

Tools to capture and nurture leads

OptinMonster and LeadPages are standout tools for capturing leads through your website, with features that encourage engagement and conversion.

Streamlining the lead generation process

Automation is key. Tools that automate lead capture and nurture sequences can save time and increase efficiency.

Innovative features in lead generation tools for 2024

Look for features like AI-driven chatbots and predictive lead scoring to stay ahead in the lead generation game.

C. Analytics and Reporting Tools

Gaining insights into customer behavior and preferences

Understanding your audience is crucial. Tools that provide detailed reports on customer behavior and preferences can guide your marketing strategy.

Tools that offer comprehensive reporting features

Analytics tools like Google Analytics, mixed with CRM reporting features, offer a comprehensive picture of your marketing efficacy.

Using analytics to drive future marketing strategies

The key to future marketing success lies in learning from past performance. The right analytics tools can point you in the right direction.


Navigating through the digital marketing landscape in 2024 requires not just creativity and strategy, but also the right set of tools. From content creation to customer relationship management, the right technology can make a monumental difference in how effectively a brand can reach and engage its audience. The tools highlighted in this guide are poised to be game-changers in the digital marketing arena, offering innovative features that streamline operations, enhance analytics, and ultimately drive growth.
Are you seeking an experienced digital marketer in Dubai to enhance your business? Look no further—I’ve got you covered. Visit my website for more information
submitted by Delicious_Search9150 to u/Delicious_Search9150 [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 20:26 Eternity_Xerneas Who's Reviewing Modern Seasons?

Who's Reviewing Modern Seasons?
I'm reading the season reviews on Wikipedia and it comes off as someone being paid to say what the audience wants to hear. Dalton Ross lost all credibility the moment he called "Do or Die" a good twist but look at these
Of course Jeff Probst has no incentive to fix things, people keep enabling his failures.
I'll be fair here, the season did suck so this one might be the most fair. In hindsight the gameplay is one of the better of the new era but we had no way of predicting that. The cast was good the twists sucked but yeah other than that a lot of this was just not realizing that what people hated about it was gonna get worse.
I will be fair here, even though is season is so bad it was worse than airing nothing at all, I do hear praise thrown towards it. The twists are a major issue and this was when I noticed how lazy they got with reusing challenges with how they reused Simmotion for the second time in three seasons. The cast, gosh they were awful a bunch of slackers who only cared about getting social media followers and tanking their game for their own ego. They did have a balanced editing but when the players have the personality of dragonfruit (looks pretty on the outside but bland on the inside) it makes it feel like nothing is happening. This made for a stagnant pace throughout the season. And the alleged blindsides were just players so egotistical that it never occurred to them other players wouldn't play on their behalf and that was a fault of Maryanne too in the F10 tribal council. She's one of the lowest merit players in the shows history she had one decent move but that was just using the advantage the way it was meant to be played and I'll say the same thing of Kelley Wentworths idol play when Savage went home, but because people already liked her, they hyped it up as a legendary game move and it was just Lindsay being too moronic to not play her about to expire idol on Omar. Everything was just people overhyping things because the cast was designed to appeal to TikTokers.
I'll say this I liked this season and is the only one of the modern era that I do like. I do feel they're leveraging a lot on Gabler's victory. And I'll admit that did drop the season one spot for me, but does a bad winner really ruin an entire season? Tyson didn't ruin BVW for me and Vecepia, I still hold Marquesas pretty high. Also \"his intent to donate the million\" what's the big deal? Yul offered to donate his winnings if he won Winners at War and the fanbase loved him for that. Is there something I'm missing as this season recaptured the magic of the old seasons even if there was room for improvement. The cast was innovative, wanted to win, game savvy, I felt like I was actually watching the show.
Camaraderie? Wasn't 41 just criticized for not having enough conflict, and this isn't about middle ground, the finale was basically pseudo-inspirational garbage that cared more about confessionals than gameplay. To the rest of the season though. Strategic gameplay? I would point and laugh if I saw who wrote this review. This was one of the dumbest, least savvy casts I've ever seen. Frannie insisting on winning the immunity challenge for her team when she had the opportunity to win and save her boyfriend had she given up. Taking an obvious alliance of 3 to the end and wondering how they made it so far (making the Total Drama Reboot Season 2 cast look like geniuses by comparison for taking Julia to the end). Then Heidi deciding being their #4 when she could've broken the alliance with no risk attached. The producers were stupid too reusing challenges not realizing this makes them easier to practice, culminating in them using Simmotion for the third time in 5 seasons.. Yam Yam was nothing special he had an entitlement complex that only he was allowed to play the game and took offense when anyone else tried but that's a minor thing. This cast cared more about their novelty whether it be their stupid checklists (as Wardog said \"It's about winning not a checklist) or Carson's obsession with being seen as a nerd making several critical errors in the process.
Note how they left out the premerge, I'll admit that it did get better in the post merge with a rather likable final 6, but the pre-merge was on of the worst displays of garbage this show has ever had the disgrace of airing. I do feel many feel the same too. Also, while I respect Dee's gameplay I feel that they glossed over the fact how other players let their emotions hinder the gameplay, which even Drew called them out on. Dee was also one of the most obvious winners edits and Caramoan and Redemption Island emphasize that over the quality of their win. I feel they're only putting in the few good aspects and treat it as an accurate reflection of the entire season. They also handed the strongest moves of the season to the people they kept calling threats with no back up like with Julie and Kaleb the episodes before their eliminations. That shows a display of arrogance that doesn't equate with smart gameplay.

submitted by Eternity_Xerneas to survivor [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 17:45 cuttino_mowgli Suzerain: A very good game that needs Disco Elysium's dice roll

Well, I won't go to spoiler territory but the game is sort of a political sim. You're a newly elected president of a fictional country which the setting is their cold war era equivalent. It's up to you, the player, how to lead or progress that said country. The said country just recovered from decades of instability and political upheaval and you the player is the next democratically elected president. I love how the game tries to show to the player the day to day work of a president. Do you want to be like JFK? Or do you want to be like Putin? The game lets you do that. Heck do you want to be like Hitler? The game also lets you do that! Again, since the game is set on their cold war equivalent, the game lets you aligned to either west or east or just remain non-aligned. Oh btw, the game has a mode similar to CK2 iron man mode which you can't save the game manually. It's actually the default until you finish the story. I actually didn't notice that until I finished the story thrice. And yeah this game has multiple ending and has a lot of branching paths for the story. The story of the game is great and it perfectly mirrors the challenges during the cold war.
The game is far from perfect though. My main complain about the game is the lack of chance based mechanics just like Disco Elysium. I know DE is a different kind of game but hear me out. In the game, I want to pass a law which majority from my party hates. If that's the case, then that law will ultimately fail to pass the congress unless I convinced some of them and ask support from the opposition. You see whats wrong there? It's more of a checklist. I would rather have the game tells me there's 10% chance of it pass through the congress and add another 10% each if I convinced the opposition to help me and ask some of the moderates from my party to support it. Thats going to make game more fun and interesting. Also the UI needs to be more helpful in checking the people's approval than reading some news paper clips. The different views of those newspaper according to their political belief is a nice touch though.
And for my final complain, I hope there's an effort from the developer to make the portrait of our character becomes more and more stressed to make it have an impact rather.
For my final thoughts, if you like a story driven game based on cold war politics then you should try this game. You'll going to enjoy playing this game.
submitted by cuttino_mowgli to patientgamers [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 03:04 joyspree Some post-Pandemic reflections on regulation, efficiency and bureaucracy in the NHS

The first thing I’d like to touch on is the Bolam Test. Witnessing my colleagues run into rooms with no masks or gowns to start CPR on patients who had nobody and were dying breathless and alone has provided me with an extraordinary amount of empathy for any and all colleagues who work directly with patients on the ground.
I have run into those rooms with them. There was no PPE left on the ward and the policy says that means don’t go in. But we were watching somebody dying and looking in our eyes and gasping for help. And we knew we could help. But people were dying. Friends and family were dying. We could die too. That first wave was a battlefield and we’ve all been left with some scars.
I have seen the sacrifices doctors make, and the risks they will take in order to do the right thing to help patients.
For strangers, essentially.
I think it is unfathomable that we are no longer judged by a panel of fellow doctors, and are no longer represented by people who have experienced and can understand all the factors involved in the decision making process, nor the psychological and emotional toll it takes. Who truly empathise with us.
When I was in Medical School, I was taught about the Bolam Test. How if we made a mistake, a panel of fellow doctors would assess our actions and give an assessment of whether, put in the same situation and considering the potential impact of all relevant factors, they would do the same thing. What would you do? What would I have done if I were you?
It felt fair. And it felt as though it would foster collaboration.
The pandemic removed all the bureaucratic bullshit for a moment. We saw what is possible when actual patient care is given a chance to be prioritised and doctors work together without the unnecessary burden of defensive practice. We stretched limited resources to incredible lengths. So much policy was put into place so quickly at that time by removing red tape and administrative hurdles, by people who were at home and just plugged the holes they could see however they could. They didn’t see what we were seeing though. A lot of money was spent very unwisely and we are suffering the consequences of that. For some reason they have decided that staff wages will be where they claw that money back.
Staff wages dropping loses you staff and losing staff means none of your other harebrained schemes are going to work because there is NOBODY HERE TO FACILITATE THEM, everything seems so short-sighted. But oh. Yes. Please come up with yet another bloody proforma in Trust colours, or data collection sheet to half fill out for all 8 pages of patients on the Trauma List. Or how about another checklist to never check off. Hey maybe some poor F1 can audit it to make sure they get signed off at the end of the year! Sure I’ll take the blame and pick up the slack if, by the time the patient gets to me, nobody earlier along in the flowchart has done anything they were supposed to. Why don’t you come fill in the NJR data yourself instead of emailing me a list of patients with my name as 3rd Assistant after the SCP and then the Reg on the op note? Most of it is on the same op note you got my name from. And the rest is probably in the pre-op assessment you skipped past while you were looking for it.
They have kept the things that don’t fix or address any of the actual underlying or longer-term problems, and got rid of or rejected many of the often slightly more initially expensive solutions which would actually have resulted in a more efficient system overall and saved a ludicrous amount of money in the long run, while also providing better care for patients. This is the problem with priorities and targets such as time limits and cost savings overshadowing patient and staff satisfaction and outcomes, which often can’t be captured in an easily spreadsheet-able format.
I am astonished at how much our value was diminished while we were too distracted to push back. I personally was too busy during the first and second waves to make a process map flowchart about it. To be fair, I don’t think the people making them were always actively and maliciously trying to make our lives worse at the time- I think they just couldn’t have foreseen how it would end up being used as such.
Some definitely were though lol.
Anyway, the burden of responsibility I feel towards my patients, and for my colleagues, can be overwhelming sometimes. I know I’m not alone in that but I also know most people don’t feel that way about their coworkers working in an office, or from home. I’ve done both. It’s like that saying of if a lion could speak, we would not understand it because its frames of reference for the world would be so different.
I also don’t like the way pandering to management targets seems to become almost mandatory the higher up the hierarchy you rise so that those doctors most likely to be in positions where they could actually make changes are often selected to be exactly the types who won’t. I see sparks of change though, which keeps me hopeful. I’m trying not to be as short-sighted as them.
I am just trying to do the right thing for people and provide them with some dignity and guidance through the processes of illness, grief, death and loss. It is difficult, and it is constantly humbling, and I think part of a doctor’s value is taking on that responsibility when many people can’t or don’t. I understand what a doctor is going through because I have been through it. I have seen my friends go through the same things. With all due respect to the ever-expanding MDT, this isn’t about them. I’m not coming for anyone with this, I’m just baffled.
Why does so much of the policy which governs the lives of doctors seem to actively hate us? And why does everyone think what we do is worth so little when they could never or would never do it? Why do I have to jump through so many hoops and put myself up for constant assessment and revalidation and feedback and appraisal when nobody else trying to claim they’re equivalent to me seems to have to? Why is everyone else paid so much more if the buck ultimately stops with us? Why is there so little reward for what we do when so much is being asked and expected of us?
And why is social care so horrendously underfunded? Invest in Care Homes so we can get people out of the hospital without them carouseling straight back in again. Prioritise outpatient services in the community- make Hospital @ Home an actual functional portable outpatient medical service. This is where we actually NEED a functional MDT. Not all fighting to replace bits and pieces of a doctor’s job inside the hospital.
Also give Care Homes their GP visits back. Make Home Visits from your doctor a thing again. Make people need to come to hospital less. Pay Carers properly and do some vetting to make sure they actually care for people. I’ve met the kindest and the worst.
Pay your doctors, and all hospital staff honestly, enough so that they want to stay and do these jobs in THIS healthcare system in THIS country. Stop selling everything off to faceless organisations who don’t give two shits about the people on the ground.
It’s a dream. There’s no money. Except there is money, it’s just being funnelled into so many doomed-to-failure and often useless schemes through so much convoluted policy, while also being cut from things that would actually solve the problems. It’s also too busy funding other infinitely more important things in other countries, but we won’t get into that.
A lot of Covid era field tests have categorically failed, but the pre-Covid lethargy and red tape I remember from before 2020 has returned. So we are stuck with 2020-2022 policies and stop-gaps which just don’t work for the country’s baseline, non-pandemic healthcare demands. These have changed rapidly since the pandemic, and they are not being met because what worked during Covid doesn’t work now, and what was acceptable before and during Covid just isn’t anymore. A lot of things need updating. I’ve seen them turn entire hospitals around in a day during Covid. They could update everything if they wanted to, they just don’t.
So. Circling back to the Bolam Test. If I am having to navigate the impact of a shitstorm completely of someone else’s making while being expected to take the blame for its failures, despite everything I am expected to sacrifice- why are we not still at least using the Bolam Test and holding each other to the same standard we would hold ourselves to, by people who can actually put themselves in our shoes? Can someone summarise why they got rid of it and why everyone is suddenly motivated instead by the threat of litigation and a GMC Tribunal? I missed it. I think seeing the indignity faced by Dr Bawa-Garba was the first time I realised we no longer used the Bolam Test.
Why are systemic failures being pinned on individuals and why are those individuals so disproportionately doctors? Why do policies we had no say in dictate what the right thing for us to do is? Why are these policies never reviewed or updated in a timely manner? Why is nobody ever penalised for breaching them in the few places where it DOES seem to provide something for doctors? Why are there so few doctors involved in writing these things in the first place?
This was a bit long. I’m just doing my post weekend On Call reflections and I don’t really have anyone I can just… message this to. So I thought I’d post it here because if anybody has any thoughts on any of this, or answers to any of the questions, I want to hear them.
submitted by joyspree to doctorsUK [link] [comments]

2024.03.22 19:28 Limiere The Rough Law of Sport: on psychopathy measurement scales over time

Hello all,
psychopathy just hit 20 thousand members. Thank you very much for subscribing. Here’s a stupidly violent story to help kick off the new era and complicate all of our discussions.

On June 11th of 1955, a car at the French racetrack Le Mans rear ended a competitor turning onto the main straight and ricocheted off the track going around 150 mph. Driver Pierre Levegh was flung from his car. Landing in the middle of the racetrack in front of the main grandstand and actively on fire, Levegh’s final screaming moments played out in front of thousands of onlookers—except that the crowd was distracted. The car, also on fire, had mounted the retaining wall and was ploughing through the grandstand, “decapitating tightly jammed spectators like a guillotine.”
83 affluent French racing fans met their end more or less instantly, and 120 more were injured. That makes the Le Mans disaster, to this day, the biggest racing catastrophe in history.
Logically, the marshals immediately red flagged the race. And then Le Mans was closed forever in memoriam and nobody ever raced there again—
No, wait, that’s not what happened at all. The race was restarted, even as authorities spent the next few hours digging severed heads and injured fans from the wreckage of the grandstand. Levegh’s body was left on the track, though someone covered it with a flag after a while—possibly because his car appeared to have pantsed him on his way out.
Race director Charles Faroux, who saw everything and could have called it all off, later simply said by way of explanation, “the rough law of sport dictates that the race shall go on.”
So, getting around to the point… that’s pretty callous and unemotional. Faroux was a psychopath, wasn’t he? Is that where this is all going?
Not exactly. If Faroux was a psychopath, how about Jaguar’s race-winning team, photographed that evening hanging out on the podium and drinking their rightfully earned cava? Or any of the other drivers, who lap after lap had to evade their friend’s corpse, and yet continued to chop and change until the finish line? Or the fans who stayed til the end of the race to see it?
It seems unlikely that this many psychopaths would ever gather in one place like that, I mean the internet wouldn’t even be invented for decades. What’s much more likely is that Faroux, the drivers, and the fans were simply products of their time. And so—importantly—was psychopathy researcher Hervey Cleckley, born just two years before Levegh.
We often note here, with puzzlement, that Cleckley’s psychopaths were not defined centrally by violence or serious crime, but rather for their hapless social deviance. But consider the era he lived in, and his unique angle begins to make sense—in 1950, the year of Cleckley’s second and definitive edition of The Mask of Sanity, most well adjusted men over the age of 25 had just put in a few years killing Nazis. Nobody was going to be phased by an errant act of violence, any more than they were going to stop a race just because there was a burning corpse in the track.
In fact, violence was so normalized during that time that psychopaths were noted for being less good at violence than they should be. That’s right. Cleckley himself spent much of the 1940s helping the military figure out how to exclude psychopaths from the draft. This isn’t because they were ultraviolent killing machines, but because he felt they’d be disorganized and sloppy ones, and their shenanigans would hold up the other soldiers.

But how about 30 years of peacetime later? That’s when Robert Hare was researching psychopathy in prison inmates and compiling the PCL and PCL-R checklists, which define psychopathy largely in terms of violent crime and would be released in 1980. In contrast to Cleckley, who seemed to feel his generation of American culture was not existentially threatened by violence, Hare’s work is all about it. If Hare, like Cleckley, was a product of his time, then what kind of violence had been happening in North American culture that could so thoroughly capture his imagination?
Well… serial killing. Lots and lots of it. The 1970s is known in the US as the serial killer decade, in fact, and while nobody really knows why the hell that would be, once the trend had begun it didn’t let up until well into the 90s. The following familiar names were all murdering the shit out of strangers throughout the 70s, in a very high-profile way that ruled the news cycle and would have been well known to Hare as he was developing the PCL test series:

Serial killers were probably uniquely interesting specifically because society was, mostly, peaceful. Your average middle manager would have been too young to have been to Europe and killed anyone, so violence once more was a spooky unknown. That would have made violence and crime fascinating—to average people as something to watch on the news, to Hare as a telltale sign of derangement, and maybe even to the killers themselves. The biggest threat to society was no longer having the disorganized soldier in your war, but rather having a too-efficient soldier invade your peacetime. And somehow, because psychopathy is such a shifty construct, it was able to end up looking like both things.

That brings us to the present day.
Check out the following passage in David Cooke and Martin Sellbom’s manual for scoring the CAPP, the latest hot shit in psychopathy testing and first fully published in 2020:
Symptoms of PPD (Psychopathic Personality Disorder) should belong to the domain of personal deviance, not social or cultural deviance; that is, the symptoms belong to the domain of pathological personality traits not to the domain of acts that violate social norms e.g., sexual promiscuity or criminal behaviour.
Sounds like David Cooke and his team have finally solved the puzzle. By defining psychopathy purely in terms of ‘personal deviance,’ they’ve taken Cleckley’s and Hare’s cultural biases into account. Job done. We’ll get a clear picture now, right?
Yeah, right. Just like Cleckley’s and Hare’s, this era probably has a flavor, a set of broad, dumb cultural assumptions that always seem obvious until the times change and prove they were anything but--think, Millennials and skinny jeans. We just don’t see ours yet because, unfortunately, we’re in it.
So with each new measurement scale--Cleckley's, then the PCL series, then the CAPP (not to mention the Tri-PM and other contemporary measures)--are we making progress?
Is Cooke, in other words, getting closer to a definition for psychopathy by making the ratings scale ignore specific behaviors and focus on personality alone? Or is that focus simply reflective of a current hyper-individualistic approach to mental health?
Let's hear it.
submitted by Limiere to Psychopathy [link] [comments]

2024.03.20 11:30 rossopy Is Gold IRA a Good Investment? Exploring the Pros and Cons

In an era of economic uncertainty, investors are constantly seeking ways to diversify their portfolios and safeguard their wealth. One such option that often surfaces is investing in a Gold IRA (Individual Retirement Account). Gold has long been revered as a safe haven asset, historically retaining its value even during times of economic turmoil. However, is a Gold IRA truly a good investment? In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the pros and cons of investing in a Gold IRA to help you make an informed decision.
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What is a Gold IRA?

A Gold IRA is a self-directed retirement account that allows investors to hold physical gold bullion or certain approved precious metals as part of their retirement portfolio. Unlike traditional IRAs, which typically consist of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, a Gold IRA offers the unique advantage of including tangible assets like gold.

Pros of Investing in a Gold IRA:

  1. Hedge Against Inflation: Gold has historically served as a hedge against inflation. When the value of fiat currencies declines due to inflationary pressures, gold tends to retain its purchasing power. Investing in a Gold IRA can help safeguard your retirement savings against the erosive effects of inflation.
  2. Portfolio Diversification: Diversification is a fundamental principle of investing. Including gold in your retirement portfolio can help spread risk across different asset classes. Gold often exhibits low correlation with stocks and bonds, meaning its value may not move in tandem with traditional investments, providing a level of protection during market downturns.
  3. Safe Haven Asset: Gold is perceived as a safe haven asset, particularly during times of geopolitical instability or economic uncertainty. Investors flock to gold as a store of value in times of crisis, which can drive up its price. A Gold IRA allows you to capitalize on this characteristic by holding physical gold in your retirement account.
  4. Long-Term Value Preservation: Unlike paper assets that can be susceptible to market volatility and geopolitical events, gold has maintained its value over centuries. Investing in a Gold IRA can provide long-term value preservation, ensuring that your retirement savings retain their purchasing power well into the future.
  5. Potential for Capital Appreciation: While gold is primarily seen as a wealth preservation tool, it also has the potential for capital appreciation. As demand for gold increases, driven by factors such as economic uncertainty, geopolitical tensions, or currency devaluation, the price of gold may rise, leading to capital gains for investors with Gold IRAs.

Cons of Investing in a Gold IRA:

  1. Lack of Income Generation: Unlike dividend-paying stocks or interest-bearing bonds, gold does not generate income. Investing a significant portion of your retirement savings in a Gold IRA may limit your ability to generate passive income during retirement, particularly if you rely on regular distributions from your retirement account.
  2. Storage and Insurance Costs: Holding physical gold in a Gold IRA necessitates secure storage, which often comes with associated costs. Additionally, investors are required to insure their gold holdings to protect against theft or damage, adding further expenses to maintaining a Gold IRA.
  3. Market Volatility: While gold is renowned for its stability compared to other assets, it is not immune to short-term price fluctuations. Like any commodity, the price of gold can experience volatility due to factors such as changes in supply and demand dynamics, currency fluctuations, or speculative trading activity.
  4. Limited Growth Potential: Unlike stocks or other growth-oriented investments, gold's long-term growth potential may be limited. While it can serve as a hedge against inflation and preserve wealth, gold may not deliver the same level of capital appreciation as higher-risk assets over the long term.
  5. Regulatory Risks: Investing in a Gold IRA entails navigating regulatory requirements imposed by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and other governing bodies. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in penalties or disqualification of the IRA, potentially jeopardizing your retirement savings.


In conclusion, whether a Gold IRA is a good investment depends on your individual financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment strategy. While gold offers unique benefits such as hedging against inflation, portfolio diversification, and long-term value preservation, it also presents challenges such as lack of income generation, storage costs, and market volatility.
Before deciding to invest in a Gold IRA, it's essential to conduct thorough research, assess your financial situation, and consult with a qualified financial advisor. By weighing the pros and cons carefully, you can determine whether a Gold IRA aligns with your retirement objectives and risk profile. Ultimately, a well-diversified retirement portfolio that combines various asset classes, including gold, may offer the best chance of achieving long-term financial security.
Remember, the decision to invest in a Gold IRA should be part of a comprehensive retirement strategy tailored to your unique circumstances and goals.
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Disclaimer: The owner of this website may be paid to recommend American Bullion. The content of this website, including the positive review of American Bullion, the negative review of its competitors, and any other information may not be independent or neutral

submitted by rossopy to postpox [link] [comments]

2024.03.19 19:04 Strive-- I'm a realtor. I'm in Connecticut (location provided as requested by the rules to post to this sub). Who is representing the realtors in the ongoing legal efforts?

If that title isn't enough to get me trolled a thousand times, I'll be shocked. People hate realtors. Perhaps it's just those with the strongest opinions or loudest bullhorns are getting heard, but the overall sentiment is that we're thieving, conniving scum of society only above pedophiles in Dante's Inferno, but not by much. I can only surmise it's because of the perceived amount of money realtors earn steal and how ripped off people on the selling side feel as the word "fees" is thrown around like a dying air freshener in a hockey locker room after an OT loss.
As I ponder my own future, let me in on how I got to where I am. I was a Dept of Defense contractor of IT for just shy of two decades. After 19 years of national travel and eventually international travel, not always to places you want to go and for undetermined amounts of time and at the end of that career, with a newborn, and I just couldn't remain in that position. No travel meant no need for my presence in those circles. I had to surrender my clearance, all my workmates through the years are fellow contractors - there is no circle of friends - we're all nose-down, do the job and move on. Exit that workforce and then what? I'm suddenly in one location, all the time. There are some IT jobs, but nothing like what I was doing. Most smaller companies want the "I need e-tail, cybersecurity, wifi access, a database driven website of offerings on a website which is updated real-time and tied to a completely incompatible freeware inventory software, so you'd better know 4 languages, and it's part-time." Most larger companies see personnel as their largest cost, so cutting the staff from 80-60 while still getting all the productivity you need just leads to fewer people on site.
So what to do? I recall how completely naive I was during my first real estate purchase, then my second. My interactions with mortgage companies, home inspectors, attorneys, etc was an eye-opening experience. In my starter home, I got lucky - it was a positive market when I bought and down market when I had to sell, but that worked in my favor. The 10% reduction in home values when I sold my $170k starter home ($17k loss) also conveyed to a 10% reduction in buy-in cost for my $400k "forever" home, costing me about $40k less. I realized we, as home owners, really only enter and exit the market once, and the amount real estate value grows over that time period means you really do not care if it's an up or down market - you only cash in your chips at the end. Do you think my father really cared if he felt he overspent on his $62,500 suburban home in 1973 when it sold in 2005 for just under $400k? The important take away was, get in, be a good home owner and protect your asset, and enjoy the proceeds at the end.
This was when real estate became important to me, at least more important than just looking at it as a place to live, like the rentals and college dorms before my first anxiety-drive purchase.
I spent the hours in the classroom, learning from experienced realtors, attorneys, appraisers, lenders, inspectors, municipalities and their building departments & assessors' offices - all of whom had learned valuable lessons in their paths and imparted that knowledge on to those who were there to listen & learn. Having shared some of that knowledge to my clients, I can tell you a lot of money has been saved in that it hasn't been spent by my clients. There have been times I've advised a selling client to not paint the entire interior of a home because the next homeowner - their buyer - will not be making a decision to purchase your home based on the condition of the paint. It was a seller's market and she wanted to spend over a grand on painters. I've shared with some buying clients my experience in stone and mortar basements vs concrete basements, reviewing how the land slopes and where water likely drains, looking at signs of wear where water is leaking out of a gutter and how it is impacting the exterior, etc. I've kept buying clients from professing how much they love the home they're considering buying as they stand right in front of a Ring camera. I've explained the differences between multiple offers and their financing options as presented to my seller. I've explained to buyers the psychology in reviewing the history of ownership of a property, how often the property changes hands, the previous listing attempts, the amount in price reduction or increase and when it occurs during the listing process. I've helped clients who were seeking their next home save money on that purchase while still securing the home. There is nothing worse than having a client try too hard to drive a price down for a home they love, only to be told no, because another offer was selected. Too many times, I've been asked to go back and see if they'll accept a slightly higher offer, to which they cannot - the seller's have already agreed to another offer, and that contract is binding. These buyers are haunted by knowing they would have been just as happy spending a few grand more, and maybe they'd have gotten the house? They'll never know.
When I became an agent, the aspect I didn't really know well as a result of my purchases, was how the money is spent behind the scenes. As a buyer or a seller, you get handed forms to sign and in the end, there's a small pot left just for you, but how that number came to be was somewhat of a mystery. Yes, conveyance taxes to the state and town were known, and my attorney guessed as best as she could, and as a buyer, the lender just seemed to add some extra fees on as a result of the loan officer (sales) passed the file to the underwriter (definitely not sales) and there's suddenly a difference in the tone of voice. When I became a realtor, reviewing CD after CD, I finally followed all the bouncing balls to see where everything went. Leaving out property taxes and non-realtor-related fees, I'll focus on realty.
In the lawsuit, all I read is "the norm of 6% commissions." I've never once secured or felt obligated to negotiate a 6% fee from a seller. Never have I offered 3% commission to a buyer's broker. The vast majority of fees are 5%. Sure, big deal. Off by 1%. Yeah, it's a big deal. Make sure this number starts off right. For the most part, because of where I live and where I work, the homes are valued slightly higher than most areas across the states, so the commissions are 4%. This is more prevalent in the $1M+ market or if a home is just that easily sold, like a well-kept raised ranch developed during a time period when flow and function, closet space, ceiling height, etc are easy matches with our current lifestyles. Back in the 50's, we were still building a bedroom right off the kitchen for "the help." Yeah, we don't do that any more.
But my 2.5% commission on a home purchase of an $800k house or my 2% commission on a $2M home are the most popular topics, likely because these generate the most money, aka, trolling hate, even though it's less common. The average home price in my area is about $400k. Yes, there are multi-million dollar homes on the market even today, but there were a total of (22) $1M+ valued homes which conveyed all last year. There have to be hundreds of agents in this same town. A transaction of this magnitude doesn't happen often and most agents will never experience this, but hey - sounds great when explaining where all the money is going.
What about the commission for working with people who want to rent? I drive across 4 towns to show a client 6 different living possibilities which allow for access (elevator), allow a pet (small dog) and if she agrees to rent one of the units I show her, I earn steal a half month's rent for my troubles? But that's only if she signs - many times, it's not quite what I want and I'm no longer looking. I guess that's just the cost of doing business.
Before we run the numbers on a relatively common client, how did the agent even meet this client? The most common way to obtain clients is to be a part of an aggregator, or company which simply draws in prospective clients from the internet and turns them over to the realtor. Again, this system has multiple methods of payment from the realtor to the aggregator - some are pay-to-play, with a monthly fee to access potential clients, to the more common method, pay a percentage of the commission to the aggregator when the sale closes. I am aligned with one aggregator which happens to be operated by Home, Inc, which is a subsidiary of News Corp, the same people who operate Fox News. I get to pay them 35% of my commission when the buyer finally buys the home.
The most popular sales in any area will be that at the lowest echelon of value which is still able to be mortgaged. That $350k home in Milford, Ct will be the fastest seller because it's likely not in a flood zone but is in need of significant repair (but not so much as to concern an appraiser), has an outdated layout, etc but allows a family to enjoy the school system, or the privacy of a back yard, or whatever it was that drove them to purchase. The majority of home owners are those trying to find a path to financing the home which fits their needs and wallet. The notion of a nice-to-have or getting more than that on their checklist is rare. The proverbial store is full of different looking tomatoes (homes) and the majority of shoppers can afford that lowest-costing tomato. That $350k house, at 2.5%, is $8750 in total commission due to the broker. Off the top comes the 35% to the aggregator which leaves $5687. Every agent is aligned with a broker. Some brokerages have monthly fees which the realtor must pay to remain aligned with the broker, or more common, a percentage of the commission check remains with the broker. Depending on the arrangement, and every arrangement is different, a common range of brokerage splits is 60/40 to 80/20. Mine is in the middle, 70/30. Of that $5687, I get to personally gross on my 1099 tax form $3981. Between self employment tax (FICA, Medicare, etc) and federal and state tax, I net about 70% of that, which is $2787. One a month covers the mortgage. Two and we can eat while watching something on Wifi.
How many transactions can a realtor make in a year, then? As a realtor, there gets to be a limit to how many people I can properly serve at once. At some point, two people want immediate attention and one is going to be supremely disappointed. In the world of immediate access to information and immediate communication, immediate action is expected. A client who wants to see a home on a Saturday when you've got to bring your kid to a hockey game? Sorry, but if this home gets sold to someone else, I can legally blame you for not representing me in an adequate manner. You'd better get someone else to take your kid and dance, monkey.
Lets imagine you're a buyer - whether it's that $350k starter home with lots of competition or the $1M forever home where everything had better be to my liking because of all the money being spent. How many homes do you think a realtor visits with a client before the client is ready to buy? The norm is between 10-20 homes. While the initial tour might be 6 of the most fitting homes which match the buyer's criteria, after that, the request to see a home is as the homes come on the market. Maybe 2 or 3 if you're lucky, but other than that, it's one per tour. Only after that number of homes being shown does a client finally feel confident in buying. They've seen homes which were likely more expensive and didn't have all they wanted for the price, so they see the home as a real value. It's not the realtor who sells you the house, the realtor is there to allow you to see if it's a home you'd like to buy, and then shed some light on past experiences which might make the home even more palatable, or perhaps shed some unfortunate news on this home which might be a valid reason to walk away and not spend the money on an inspector with a radon kit, apply for the mortgage, etc. It's summer - the thick tree line in the back yard will be bare in a few months, and there's a highway you don't currently hear right now - I just want you to be aware it's back there. There's a school across the street - you seem to like no noise - that field is full of kids sometimes - just want you to be aware of what's around you which might be a benefit, or a detraction. This neighborhood was settled in the 1960s when we were finally starting to see bigger bedrooms and closet space. But it was developed during an era when we were filling in wetlands, and this place has a water table just below the surface of your foundation, which is why the side of the house just seems damp... Thought you should be aware.
After choosing to go through with the transaction, we review the information at town hall - seems to not quite match, so upon review of the records and the state of the home, I think two things - the basement they finished which you really love hasn't been approved by the building department, at least not yet. And the upstairs which was completely renovated no longer matches the asseseor's office. What does that mean? Well, either the beloved basement is coming out, or the seller has to go through with the closing (or opening and closing) of the permits, and the rooms upstairs which were renovated WITH a permit but were just closed were so grand, it's going to impact the assessor's valuation of your property - the taxes are going to go up because of the improvements. How much? No idea, but they're going to increase. You should KNOW THIS BEFORE YOU CONTINUE WITH THE PURCHASE. So many times, these little investigations and findings and phone calls and drama happen. It's a stressful time, when one is making a purchase or selling the location where they raised their family. So how many can be conducted in a year? Maybe 15, which is still more than one per month, on average, between a popular season to move (May-July) and the rest of the year which is significantly slower?
A $400k home value average, 15 transactions at 2.5%, ($6M in sales, $150k in total commission), 75% of which are clients through an aggregator (-$42000), count brokerage fees $34200) and taxes - that leaves me with $51660.
I pay for a mandatory annual state license to buy and sell real estate, which mandates a minimum number of Continuing Ed courses like Fair House, Ethics, Law and some elective courses. I pay for my mandatory county's realtor dues, and my mandatory national realtor dues dues. I pay into a mandatory legal fund which protects me as a realtor against litigation, should a buyer or seller feel scorned. I pay monthly for a subscription to access the MLS and see what's on the market. I pay a subscription to access smartlocks to simply gain access to a home. I pay for access to e-signature capabilities, secure document storage (as mandated by the state to keep files on hand for years after the transaction is complete, and securely)...
Is it the National Association of Realtors who the world is ticked off at, or very few unfortunate apples who were otherwise not able to jump high/fast enough when a buyer or seller wanted them to? Or maybe we just ignore how we got to where we are and why and are committed to repeating history? Did you know the notion of a Buyers Agent - someone to represent the buyer in a transaction, wasn't a "thing" until the early 1990s? It was "buyer-beware" and if you weren't smart, you could easily get stuck with a house that flooded because no one pointed out to you that the dry brook in the back yard isn't always dry, and oh yeah - years ago, that land was owned by a chemical factory with some shady but since-litigated business practices (but I wouldn't let my kids play back there if I were you...) and to be aware of the town's sense of direction when it comes to mill rates? Good luck when you realize the town's finances are in trouble (unlike the surrounding towns) and your mill rate jumps by a few points during the next assessment... Bye bye property value. But hey, as a buyer, I'm sure these are things which are at the forefront of your brain as you review the sounds the toilet makes when it flushes and whether or not it's acceptable enough to you to sit on, should you continue with the purchase.
I think people's anger is misplaced. I understand we all follow the money, so follow the money. I understand a business can't stay in business if the numbers are negative, and by that, I'm looking at multi-billion dollar brokerages and boards of realtors. The agents themselves aren't billionaires. We aren't millionaires. I have good seasons and slow seasons, because my earnings are based on what my clients do, not what I do. I earn a mediocre amount at the end of the year and get a lot of job satisfaction when clients tell me they could have never navigated the process of buying or selling without me. We are the shoulders people cry on when discussing why they have to move. We are the ones you pour your heart out on when discussing why you need or won't tolerate some aspects of a home or plot of land. We help renters become home owners. We help downsize an aging population. We can save you headaches and lost cash by helping to avoid landmines which might be clear as day but if you're not completely enveloped in the industry, you could easily miss. We drive a lot on short notice to (occasionally) get looked at like we just killed their pet, wondering why in the world the seller would take such incredible pictures with a fish-eye lens when the home is a lot smaller in reality - yeah, we hate that version of misrepresentation, too, but we didn't take the picture. In fact, we leased the picture from the photographer whom we paid, and the seller approved, and they didn't want to take more expensive drone shots or take more pictures or high quality video of the progression through the house because each picture and hour spent on site cost the seller money, which then costs the buyer's agent money, when they show a house which looks nothing like the pictures. We deal with expensive personalities on both sides of a purchase, with different personalities at the lender and toxic attorneys, some of whom want work to be done for them in terms of contracts, but then demands their own inputs be written in to the clauses. We protect clients by recommending mortgage contingencies, which are different than appraisal contingencies. While not attorneys by trade, we know the legal process of buying and selling a home and its ever-changing process. We look at the psychology of buying and selling and maximize those efforts to find you the greatest place you can afford, or get you the maximum amount which the market can bear as you head into retirement. We do this, at least I do this, and have done this for a while, for ... my maximum commission check was probably $9450, minus taxes. My max earnings year was probably $70k-$80k, after taxes. lol - and taxes... Let me tell you what it means to just buy and sell a house as an agent, realizing you are now a business owner, as a 1099 tax filer. Car usage? Write all that down. All the costs and fees associated with being a realtor? Better get your tax helmet on. Yeah, I want to focus on neighborhoods, the history of how a plot of land was settled and building construction methods over the years, but I guess I'll look into the tax value of being in the 3rd year of a 5-year vehicle depreciation cycle. Again, keep your receipts, you millionaires!
I hope the NAR gets pinched hard. I hope those who were colluding between brokerages about 6% commissions go to jail. I hope the relative value of brokerages drops to a more reasonable value and doesn't allow for so much extra cash, that politicians can be lobbied. I'm in the weeds. I'm on the ground, helping you, reddit reader, to buy or sell a home. This is what I do. When you need advice, I help you sleep at night knowing you've done the best you can do. Please don't look at a NAR ruling and think, "Oh yeah, and realtors lose" like the last post I saw. Realtors aren't your enemy. We're the ground force which interacts with clients while others are skimming off the top, making realtors look bad and angering the public. Be mad at those people. There is no reason a should be making 40% of a commission by merely presenting information which may be incorrect, to a client who is not yet approved for a mortgage and hasn't been instructed at all on how to make a purchase, does zero legwork with the client. A realtor-to-realtor referral has typically been valued at 25%, yet these aggregators are making legal contracts with brokerages which force a higher percentage on to the realtors? And then you want me to accept 1% instead of 2.5% or 2%?
There will soon be a mass exodus of realtors into other fields. Do you hate realtors or the people who focus on real estate? Because that next bus driver or coffee shop worker might have been a realtor and I'm curious if the hatred toward that person will carry with them to their next job. I once had a physical therapist worker ask me for advice on selling his home, addressed items which would have prohibited a VA or FHA loan and ignored the rest, saving him some quality coin, paid for pictures of the place and then he listed the home for sale by owner. Do I still get hate for being a realtor for the time and money I spent on that non-transaction? In the end, this clown told me something along the lines of "Yeah, but you're not buying the place, you're only selling it, and if a buyer wants it, then you're really not selling it, are you..." I guess that's the same way my body heals on its own after surgery, so I guess the PT worker really isn't doing anything my body isn't already doing naturally, so why pay for a physical therapist?
submitted by Strive-- to RealEstate [link] [comments]

2024.03.19 13:33 Codebiosis 6 Effective Email Marketing Strategies You Must Know

Businesses of all sizes can benefit from the effectiveness of email marketing. It enables you to engage with your audience, advertise your goods or services, and encourage sales. To be successful with email marketing, you must learn to design programmes that engage your audience and provide results. We'll be discussing 6 effective email marketing techniques in this blog post to assist you advance your campaigns. These pointers can assist you in developing email marketing campaigns that are targeted to your audience and provide results, from tailoring your messages to list segmentation. Therefore, this blog is a must-read whether you're just getting started with email marketing or trying to improve your current efforts.
How to Get Started with Email Marketing
Build an email list: Start by gathering the email addresses of prospective consumers, either by having them sign up on your website or by buying a list. Start by gathering the email addresses of prospective consumers, either by having them sign up on your website or by buying a list.
Segment your list: Based on demographics, interests, or behaviour, divide your email list into smaller groups. This will enable you to communicate with certain demographic groups.
Create engaging content: Your readers should find your emails useful and interesting. Include a call to action that is crystal obvious, such as a link to your website or a limited-time deal.
Test and optimize: Test several email designs, subject lines, and calls to action to see what appeals to your audience. Use this information to improve upcoming campaigns.
Use an email marketing service: You can build, send, and track your email campaigns with the help of platforms like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and Aweber.
Know the laws: Learn about the regulations that apply to email marketing, such as the CAN-SPAM Act and GDPR, and make sure your emails have an opt-in and unsubscribe option.
Schedule your emails: The optimal time to send your email messages is when your audience is most available, so plan ahead and schedule them accordingly.
1.Make improved lead magnets
Understanding your target audience's issues with or interests in email marketing will help you develop a better lead magnet for email marketing.
Once you have a firm grasp on what they need, you can develop a lead magnet that meets their demands and offers genuine value, such as a manual for raising open rates for emails, a campaign template, or a compliance checklist for email marketing regulations.
2.Create Subscriber Sections
It describes the process of breaking up your email list into more manageable groups according to particular standards, including demographics, interests, or behaviour. Instead of delivering the same message to everyone on your list, this enables you to send targeted messages to various groups of people.
You can better understand the particular requirements and interests of various groups of individuals by creating subscriber sections, and you can then customise your email marketing accordingly.
You could, for instance, designate a section for new subscribers and give them a greeting and an overview of your company. To promote repeat business, you could also make a section for previous clients and send them special offers or discounts. In order to nurture them as possible clients, you can also make a section specifically for high-value prospects and offer them relevant information.
You may improve the relevancy and efficacy of your email marketing, which may boost engagement and conversion rates, by creating subscriber sections.
3.A Welcome Series of Craft
A welcome series' main objective in email marketing is to acquaint new subscribers with your company and foster their trust and participation.
You may exhibit your items and offer useful information about your craft by sending a series of automated emails that are catered to the interests of new subscribers. This will also help to promote engagement with your business.
To construct a welcome series for email marketing, follow these steps:
  1. Compose a unique welcome email: Introduce your brand, extend a sincere welcome to new subscribers, and give them a concise rundown of what they may anticipate from future emails.
  2. Highlight some of your most well-liked or distinctive handmade creations, or describe how you go about creating them in detail.
  3. Offer value: As an incentive for new members to make their first purchase, provide a special discount or a free resource, such a craft instruction or pattern.
  4. Promote interaction by inviting new subscribers to contribute their own hobbies or craft projects and asking them to visit your website or follow you on social media.
  5. Follow up: After the initial email, send out more follow-up emails in the series.
4.Bring Automation in Action
The productivity and effectiveness of your operations can be significantly increased by implementing automation in email marketing. Here are some strategies for automating email marketing:
Utilize email marketing services: You can develop, send, and track your email campaigns with the aid of automation tools available on platforms like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and Aweber. Pre-built automation workflows, such welcome series and abandoned cart emails, are frequently included with these providers.
  1. Create automated trigger emails: With automation, you can send certain emails based on subscriber activity. For example, you might send an email of thanks following a purchase or an email of re-engagement to inactive subscribers.
5.Create Emails That Are Mobile Friendly
In the current digital era, where an increasing number of individuals view their emails on smartphones and tablets, it is essential to create emails that are mobile-friendly. Emails that are mobile-friendly are created with smaller screens in mind, and they are optimised for touch-based interactions.
Here are some pointers for writing emails that are appropriate for mobile devices:
Your emails will automatically resize to fit the size of the screen they are being viewed on if they have a responsive design. Your subscribers will find it simple to read and respond to your emails on any device thanks to this.
Avoid using excessive amounts of photos or complicated layouts in your emails because they can be challenging to read and navigate on a small screen.
To make sure that your subscribers can see the text on their mobile device easily, use a big, readable font that is at least 14px.
Make links and buttons big and simple to tap: Your subscribers will find it simple to interact with your emails on a mobile device thanks to large buttons and links.
To guarantee that your emails appear and work as intended, test them across a variety of platforms and email applications.
Single-column layouts are best: On mobile devices, single-column layouts are simple to scroll and read.
6.Find best time to send emails
Depending on the audience and sector, there are several ideal email sending times for email marketing. Emails should, in general, be sent during the workweek, particularly on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
This is because people are more inclined to check their emails throughout the workweek, avoiding Mondays when they are frequently overwhelmed with weekend-related communications and Fridays when they are already considering the weekend.
Furthermore, sending emails in the middle of the workweek increases the likelihood that the receiver will have time to read and respond to the message.
Final conclusions
A potent technique for connecting with and interacting with clients is email marketing. It's crucial to take a planned strategy to get the greatest outcomes.
This entails segmenting your audience to target them more specifically, customising your emails, optimising subject lines, tracking and evaluating performance, sending emails at the most effective times, and being true to the tone and message of your business.
By adhering to these recommendations, you can successfully connect with and interact with your target audience and maximise the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns.
submitted by Codebiosis to SEO_Digital_Marketing [link] [comments]

2024.03.18 22:12 softtechhubus Has the Relevance of SEO Reached its Expiration Date?

Has the Relevance of SEO Reached its Expiration Date?

Has the Relevance of SEO Reached its Expiration Date?

I. Introduction

A. Background on SEO

Search engine optimization, commonly referred to as SEO, refers to the process of improving the visibility of a website or web page in organic search engine results. SEO strategies aim to increase the number of visitors to a site that are referred from search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo by improving the site's relevance to specific search terms or keywords.
Businesses have utilized SEO techniques for years to drive more qualified traffic to their websites from free, organic search results as an alternative to paid advertising methods. By optimizing their content, internal linking structure, meta details, and more based on search engine algorithms and users' search behaviors, SEO practitioners help connect people searching online with the most relevant information and resources available.

B. Definition of SEO

At its core, SEO is the practice of marketing a website by increasing the quality and quantity of traffic to the site through natural or organic search engine results. Some key aspects that define SEO include:
  • Optimizing content for readability and relevancy to relevant keywords and topics. This involves things like proper use of headings, subheadings, bold/italics, bulleted lists, images, etc. to improve readability and scanability.
  • Improving factors like page speed, easy to understand URLs, mobile friendliness to provide the best user experience possible for visitors from search engines.
  • Building backlinks, citations and social shares from other relevant high quality websites to gain more trust and authority with search engines.
  • Tracking and analyzing search engine result pages, keyword rankings, traffic and conversions to measure SEO efforts and refine strategies.
  • Ongoing technical site maintenance like XML sitemaps, responsive design, HTTPS to comply with evolving search engine guidelines.

C. Importance of SEO in digital marketing

SEO has remained one of the most effective digital marketing tactics for driving qualified traffic and boosting online visibility because it provides exposure to customers throughout their entire customer journey. Some key benefits of SEO include:
  • It allows businesses of all sizes to compete for free with industry titans in search results. SEO levels the playing field and gives relevance to websites based on merit, not budgets.
  • Search is how the vast majority of people research and discover local businesses, products and services online. SEO helps meet customers where they're searching to influence purchase decisions.
  • Organic rankings provide credibility and trust, boosting conversion rates compared to paid ads lower down the SERP. Users trust top organic results the most.
  • SEO drives continuous, sustainable traffic over time rather than brief spikes from paid social posts or ads that have to be constantly repurchased. Its effects compound as long as efforts are maintained.
  • By understanding user searches and catering optimized content to their needs and questions, SEO improves the experiences of and fosters loyalty with new and existing customers.

II. Evolution of SEO

A. Early days of SEO

In the early to mid-1990s, the first search engines like Yahoo, AltaVista and Lycos began crawling the internet. The results were rudimentary and not optimized for user experience or relevancy. Early SEO pioneers figured out basic elements like keyword stuffing pages and hidden text attracted bots, regardless of readability.
From 1996 to 1998, directories like Yahoo Directory became popular as more editorial-based alternatives to search. HTML meta tags describing pages emerged as important signals. By 1998, Google had grown rapidly with its innovative PageRank algorithm assessing links and reputation signals between pages.

B. Changes in search engine algorithms

As SEO techniques like keyword stuffing diminished user experience, search engines responded with algorithm changes. In 2001, Google launched its Froogle shopping search engine distinguishing natural language from spammy keywords. In 2005, its Florida update penalized keyword stuffing and irrelevant content.
These introduced a new era valuing optimization focused primarily on user experience over manipulation. Sites now emphasized clean, well-structured HTML and high-quality, informative content unique to their topic or industry niche. Links and social signals became increasingly important to search engines.

C. Introduction of user-focused ranking factors

Continuing into the 2010s, Google and other search engines evolved algorithms placing heavier importance on mobile-friendliness, page speed, and security in response to shifting user behaviors. Google Hummingbird in 2013 analyzed natural language queries with meaning and context instead of keywords alone.
As search became more predictive and personalized for individuals, signals beyond on-page SEO like geotargeting, click history, and engagement with search results influenced rankings dynamically for each user. Social media sharing skyrocketed too, prompting search engines to account for trends and endorsements.

D. Rise of mobile and voice search

By 2015, a majority of searches were done on mobile devices worldwide, changing the SEO landscape significantly. Sites optimized their content and experiences specifically for small screens. As voice assistants like Alexa, Siri and Google Home emerged, SEO adapted to users' natural language queries, longer-tail searches and brand considerations.
This evolution required new technical skills as well as understanding human psychology, buying signals and intent behind searches better to provide relevant, engaging experiences matching how each audience connects with brands and makes decisions online. Continuous adaption remains key for SEO to keep pace with ongoing shifts in technology and user behaviors.

III. Current State of SEO

A. Effectiveness of traditional SEO techniques

While foundational on-page optimizations like having descriptive page titles and meta descriptions remain important, alone they rarely drive significant rankings or traffic gains today. Search engines prioritize delivering truly helpful, credible results, deprioritizing superficial SEO tactics of the past.
The most effective current SEO approaches marry technical enhancements with in-depth content, linking strategies and social amplification aligned to meeting consumers' real needs. For example, high-quality blog posts optimized for relevant long-tail keyword phrases attract links and sharing, boosting organic exposure sustainably over weeks or months.

B. Growing importance of user experience

Delivering an excellent user experience across all digital touchpoints increasingly determines SEO success. Core signals like load speed, responsiveness, simplified navigation and compelling value propositions resonating emotionally connect brands to customers in a meaningful way search engines reward. Simply conforming to guidelines no longer drives results.
User-focused metrics from analytics also provide critical performance insights to continuously enhance the online journey. Identifying points of friction helps streamline experiences. Measuring engagement with A/B testing tailors approaches motivating desired actions like conversions or advocacy.

C. Integration of SEO with content marketing

Content remains king, and the most powerful content blends SEO and content marketing objectives. Beyond repurposing assets into new formats for search and social platforms, quality storytelling satisfying customers' needs across all stages of the buying cycle performs best. Interactive or educational formats like guides, checklists and ebooks capture leads seeking solutions immediately.
Consistent publishing of optimized subject matter expertise establishes domain authority and trust over time. Internal and third-party links pointing to high-value materials multiply the reach and impact. Measuring engagement identifies opportunities to expand expertise into adjacent topics customers equally care about.

D. SEO in the era of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence assistants like chatbots and voice search bring new dimensions for SEO. Brands recognize an opportunity to showcase their human sides, demonstrating clear value for anyone interacting. Natural language responses guide meaningful conversations, whether by phone or onsite.
Chatbots collecting qualitative customer data also provide actionable insights for content, design and experience improvements aligned to individuals’ goals at each stage. AI-powered tools automating repetitive optimization tasks likewise free up time for strategists focusing on high-level strategy, experimentation and relationship-building. Adaptable SEO embraces exciting technological enhancements benefitting users.

IV. Challenges and Criticisms

A. Decline in organic search traffic

Some studies show search traffic as a percentage of total visits declining on certain sites, prompting criticism SEO itself may be declining in relevance. However, search volume continues rising yearly in absolute terms and remains the top referral source, search intent just diversifies across more platforms and devices. Where organic traffic dips, objective analysis usually identifies solvable, localized inefficiencies in how a particular business leverages SEO rather than irreversible industry-wide trends.

B. Increasing competition in search engine rankings

Naturally, as the internet matures and more businesses realize SEO's value, competition for top rankings grows correspondingly fiercer. But concentrated effort to truly understand customers and build solutions addressing core needs sustainably differentiates stand-out brands. Those valuing continual learning over quick fixes thrive long-term by refining messaging resonating in a noisier digital environment.

C. Impact of social media and paid advertising

Some erroneously assume organic search's influence must wane as social networking and influencer marketing rise alongside performance-based advertising. In reality, all channels reinforce one another - content performing very well socially often ranks highly organically too, while paid ads can expose audiences to optimized assets motivating future direct searches. An omnichannel strategy synergizing owned, earned and paid activities maximizes their collective benefits.

D. Ethical concerns and black hat SEO practices

Historically some used shady link-building, cloaking or keyword stuffing to manipulate rankings unscrupulously. However, advances rendering such tactics ineffective also alleviated associated skepticism around SEO's integrity. While search engine algorithms stay discreet to deter manipulation, most professionals now ethically create high-quality experiences search engines honestly want to surface to genuine user needs.

V. The Future of SEO

A. Predictions for the future of search engines

Experts envision search evolving toward a more conversational, contextually aware model leveraging abundant user data to precisely anticipate intent. Queries may shorten further as voice assistants intuit meaning from subtle clues. Rankings will dynamically personalize per individual based on geolocation, past habits and interconnected personal attributes. Search itself could decentralize from dominant platforms to user-owned databases.

B. Emerging trends in SEO

SEO thus emphasizes deeper understanding across all stages of the customer journey. Beyond specific keywords, optimizing flows, educational content and advocacy nurtures long-term customer rapport. Conversational interfaces necessitate natural language responses addressing unscripted inquiries helpfully. Quality backlinks signal not spamming, but solving problems and adding value to conversations industry leaders engage in.

C. Role of machine learning and natural language processing

Artificial intelligence grants new opportunities if amplifying human creativity and care, not replacing it. ML streamlines repetitive tasks allowing focus on strategic challenges. NLP unlocks conversational nuances, helping craft messaging resonating on a human level across platforms. At its best, AI enhances human potential - SEO professionals partnering with these advancing technologies elevate customer experiences in turn raising all boats.

D. Importance of adaptability and continuous learning

The sole constant remains change, so SEO's relevance depends on evolution. Agile businesses connecting meaningfully with continually diversifying audiences will prosper longest by maintaining an attitude of perpetual learning and communities enriching one another. While search engines and user behaviors evolve rapidly, enduring SEO fundamentals of solving problems and fostering trusted relationships endure.

VI. Alternatives to Traditional SEO

A. Importance of diversified digital marketing strategies

Rather than viewing other channels as replacing SEO, an optimized approach harmonizes them. SEO establishes authority attracting customers online, then personalized ads introduce optimized offers motivating purchase. User-generated content on social platforms amplified by paid promotion deepens advocacy and widens reach. Each complements the others, so diversifying tactics multiplies their collective influence.

B. Influencer marketing and social media engagement

Partnering with subject matter experts amplifies messaging authenticating brands as thoughtful contributors. Beyond one-off mentions, maintaining valuable relationships over time wherein influencers actively engage audiences with optimized assets compounds this effect. Robust social profiles responsive to customers’ questions and discussions foster direct and organic reach leveraging community insight.

C. Paid advertising and PPC campaigns

Performance-based channels activate audiences already researching related products or services. Whereas SEO attracts audiences anywhere in their consideration process, ads activate specific mindsets by contextualizing messaging to queries. Tracking conversions, testimonials and re-targeting refines target segments and copy driving the highest returns. Coordinated efforts boost both short-term goals and longer-term relationships.

D. Voice search optimization and AI-powered assistants

As commands and conversational interactions increase, optimizing entity, location and common question data ensures accurate representations appear. Customized trigger words activate helpful responses addressing queries understandably in customers’ own words. Backed by educational pages, this primes customers for positive experiences with brands across all subsequent interactions including via search and purchase.

VII. Case Studies and Examples

A. Success stories of businesses leveraging SEO

Companies like Moz, Hootsuite and Grammarly optimized blogs and educational assets ranking highly for professional service queries new customers commonly search such as “SEO tools” or “social media management.” Consistent publishing earns natural backlinks building authority, and optimized landing pages covert readers to trialists or customers. Other examples include retail sites like Amazon effectively targeting long-tail keywords with detailed product pages.

B. Examples of SEO strategies yielding positive results

Companies implement targeted strategies such as:
  • A SaaS startup optimized case studies and ebooks for enterprise architect job titles, doubling qualified trial requests within 3 months as archives indexed.
  • A bakery claimed local map pack real estate and local citations corrections, increasing foot traffic 25% in its first year alone despite competition.
  • A news publisher implemented schema integration boosting their relevancy for news events in search and discovery surfaces. Traffic multiplied.

C. Impact of SEO on different industries

SEO benefits vary across verticals but remains mission-critical for domains like legal, financial and health services where consumers directly research solutions online. Retailers leverage reviews and rich product pages compelling purchase. Travel sites mobilize direct bookings by optimizing destination guides attracting explorers worldwide. Media organizations driving subscriptions publish premium, educational reporting. Non-profits utilize SEO expanding communities they serve.

VIII. Conclusion

A. Summary of key points discussed

This article reviewed SEO's origins and evolution adapting to changing technologies and user behaviors. While competition and alternatives emerge, robust SEO integrating with complementary strategies addresses modern consumer journeys comprehensively. Driving continuous optimization centered around user experience remains paramount for organic relevance and success in search.

B. Evaluation of the relevance of SEO

As search itself persists as most people's preferred avenue discovering information and businesses online, SEO maintaining relevance depends on adapting to this evolution. So long as optimization focuses improving experiences over manipulation, and continuous learning outpaces intermittent tactics, SEO empowering businesses large and small to connect meaningfully with customers seeking their expertise endures in importance.

C. Future prospects and recommendations for businesses

The future remains bright for conscientious SEO facilitating helpful connections between searchers and solution-providers. To thrive, companies must maintain test-and-learn mindsets, embrace changing technologies beneficially and focus unrelentingly on genuine user understanding. Partnering with subject experts to amplify authority across channels compounds impact. Most vital stays optimizing value provided, building relationships of trust powering referrals for years ahead.

D. Final thoughts on the expiration date of SEO

In conclusion, rumors of SEO reaching obsolescence appear greatly exaggerated. While technical aspects constantly evolve, timeless fundamentals like satisfying user needs and cultivating relationships driving referral remain central to all successful digital marketing, including SEO. So long as search ubiquitous connects individuals to answers and companies worldwide, SEO adapted conscientiously to continual progress retains indispensable relevance guiding qualified audiences to deserving businesses for the long run. Its importance depends entirely on how companies choose to leverage its empowering possibilities.

Getting Started with SEO - Download My SEO Boosting Tool

I hope this deep dive into the history, evolution, modern practices and future of search engine optimization has been helpful for understanding both the enduring value and ongoing adaptation required of SEO. While competition and technological changes will constantly emerge, optimization centered around genuine user understanding will sustain relevance into tomorrow.
If you'd like practical tips for getting started or improving your organization's SEO strategies, I encourage you to download My SEO Boosting Tool, it will help you identify low-hanging optimizations and set baselines for ongoing tracking and refinement. Click the link below to claim your copy now:
Download My SEO Boosting Tool
Thank you for taking the time to learn about this important topic. Wishing you the very best success optimizing your online visibility and driving qualified traffic through SEO. Let me know if you have any other questions!
submitted by softtechhubus to u/softtechhubus [link] [comments]

2024.03.16 19:21 lrargerich3 What is Coming to MSFS March-April Edition

Exactly four weeks passed since the last update.
Already released:
Miltech Simulations CH47 Chinook.
It has a really good flight model, then several things are wrong like the engine parameters, startup sequence, ground handling, it doesn't have the iconic rear brakes of the Chinook to balance over cliffs, interior model needs some fixes and the exterior model is quite basic. It does come with some scenery and missions and the dev is actively updating it but I'm not sure how far they are willing to go in terms of fidelity.
RedWing LZ129 Hindenburg.
Insane product, a study-level Zepellin, it has the whole interior modeled including AI crew walking around the ship. All stations are functional and has AI to handle the positions you don't want or can't handle. It is extremely heavy on frames, needs a very good CPU and a 3060 GPU or better and also needs AutoFPS even in good hardware, not recommended for Xbox at this point even if available. It might be good after SU15 on Xbox as SU15 is going to add some AutoLOD capability to Xbox.
And now our traditional preview of what is coming.
Blacksquare Piston Duke and Turbine Duke.
Already confirmed for the first weeks of April, manual already available at JustFlight's website. This is another amazing GA plane from JF and Blacksquare this time they added an EFB, a LOT of avionics options including, for the first time in the sim, the KLN90 by Falcon. All systems are simulated and are custom and it features Boris studios sounds. To me this is a must have, the plane is amazing, GA plane that can climb 4000fpm in a study-level package, wow.
PMDG 777-300ER
Released planned between two weeks and two months so it is now a reality. It looks very good and as with all PMDG products we can expect a solid product on release, all systems simulated and a price similar to the 737. It won't have the TaxiCam or HUD (HUD is actually a rare option in the 777). So long-haulers rejoice this is going to be available soon.
SC/DC Designs F5 Tiger II
I saw a preview video, it looked quite bad, graphics are average, textures are just bad, it had F18 default sounds but they said it will have custom sounds in the release. To me this is a skip, we are in 2024, this level of graphics is no longer acceptable.
FlightFX Piaggio 180 Avanti
They are working in the Citation-X, P-180 Avanti and the C350 at the same time. I'm very happy this company has received a huge boost because they do create very nice products, using the CJ4 Proline 21 avionics is a very smart move as it reduces the workload, the Citation-X is different but the other two can already grab and go the avionics. I'm not sure how close we are to a release for the P180 but let's keep it in focus.
Inibuilds A320N
Probably coming or not coming along with SU15 on March 26. This is indeed great news for Xbox users, for PC users having the FBW A320N and the Fenix A320 I really don't see this as something very interesting.
Asobo Dornier Do-31
A very strange plane was confirmed for the next City Update (April), this is a Vertical Takeoff and landing transport vehicle and only two have been built, a really strange contraption featuring 10 engines, 2 for propulsion and 8 for lift, the pedestal is of course quite interesting and the short preview looked nice but in terms of flight model and systems it will probably be just basic.
Rara-Avis Ho229
And speaking about rare German planes, what about a flying wing from the WWII era? Rara-Avis already has some very strange but excellent products for MSFS they exude originality and this is as rare as the Do-31 or more, it seems close to being released by the forum previews, we already have a checklist so stay tuned for this.
From their last "Sneak preview" video this looks ready to be released and it looks already better than any other airliner in the sim, better than PMDG in graphics and sounds, better than inibuilds in everything. My only concern is that they might keep perfecting it and delaying the release for months, I would really like to have it as-is from what they showed in the vid.
submitted by lrargerich3 to MicrosoftFlightSim [link] [comments]

2024.03.16 09:18 amzonestepusa How Attractive Product Packaging Improves Amazon FBA Reviews?

You are suddenly bombarded by a wide variety of items in bright colors when you enter a grocery shop or supermarket. The red and white of a Coca-Cola is readily apparent. Anyone who has come across these famous brands knows exactly who they are. Customers can react emotionally just by looking at the colors.
Online retailers apply the same guidelines. However, how do you create a visual identification for your brand that makes people feel the same way? Let’s start with the package, then.

Creating a Memorable First Impression On Amazon FBA

Support for Clients

The seller has many opportunities to pamper the buyer and provide them with a memorable purchasing experience when they use an insert card. Take some time to reflect on the material and consider the needs and benefits you hope to bring about.
Donating money or other items is superfluous. Finding out more about the product and how it works could make customers happy.

Show Personalized Process

You can promote relevant bundles or similar products if you know your customers’ preferences. It would be reasonable to recommend other products from the same brand to a customer who has purchased shampoo for damaged and dry hair.
Not only may you include free samples in the box, but you can also showcase featured items and explain their benefits. An outstanding example of customer service that will increase ratings and promote repeat transactions is using product inserts in such a way.

Save Money on Advertising

One of the various advertising alternatives available to Amazon sellers is pay-per-click advertising. Having said that, printed promotional items are not to be ignored.
The insert card may be uncomplicated at first glance, but it is a very effective and inexpensive promotional tool. Half of the time, businesses who use Amazon inserts hear back from customers, according to experts.

Provide Help

Provide the customer with useful information by transforming the Amazon product insert. An extended warranty is one such example. Incorporate the user guide to facilitate the product’s eco-friendly assembly and disposal processes. Make your customer’s life easier by including the product’s applicability in a checklist.
Advise on how to improve your performance in your chosen area, whether that’s in the kitchen, as a parent, or in terms of creativity.

Build Commitment

It is easier to hold on to an existing customer than to find a new one, as you may have heard. Always keep in mind that including discounts, recommendations, free samples, gifts, or even just words of appreciation in your packaging will make shoppers feel extra special.
Also, know your audience inside and out and be prepared to go above and above for them. You may deepen your connections with current consumers and inspire greater loyalty from them with the right Amazon insert cards.

Build Your Credibility

Customers will always notice when you add value to your products. Reviews, mentions, and recommendations from friends and family are just as successful as ads. If you ever have doubts about the efficacy of this strategy, just think about how you feel when a server offers you a cookie with your coffee.

Get the Word Out About Your Brand

Being familiar with a brand impacts both the initial purchase decision and the subsequent purchasing experience. This is why the Amazon insert card you create must reflect your brand’s values.

4-Point Guidelines for Creating Optimal Amazon Product Packaging

Making sure your Amazon product photography and packaging follow Amazon’s guidelines and TOS is the first step; the next is to give it some personality and attention to its aesthetics. Give some thought to the following:

Decipherable Design

Your goal as a salesperson should be to make everything clear and easy to understand. Users get a sense of belonging and safety when product details are presented in an easily comprehensible manner. The same holds for the packaging and listing images of your products on Amazon.
Keeping things simple and avoiding unnecessary or superfluous content on your package is the aim. Misunderstandings are unacceptable. As a result, they may go with a competing brand instead of yours.

Information on How to Get in Touch

While it is no longer required for Amazon-registered businesses to do so, providing clients with your official contact information is always a good idea. It shows a lot about a company’s customer service that their contact information is easy to find and use.

Product Inserts

Amazon sellers can make use of personalized product inserts to promote their products and offer customer support opportunities. Your products and services are advertised on these little pieces of paper or cards, which frequently ask for evaluations and comments from buyers.
By pointing clients in the direction of your website and social media accounts, they frequently act as a direct follow-up on your behalf. These tokens are a wonderful way to show your consumers how much you appreciate them while also introducing them to other things that your business offers.

Make the Customer’s Life Easier

How many of you enjoy the excitement of peeling off multiple layers of packing when you receive a package? For those who are concerned about the environment and loathe wasting paper, this would be an additional annoyance.
Therefore, you must always guarantee minimal packaging that promotes consumer convenience while also protecting the environment. Your consumers’ experience when unwrapping your products will be greatly enhanced by ergonomic designs that enable easy but robust packing.

Avoid Three Pitfalls On Amazon FBA

Getting Reviews Using Deceptive Means

According to Amazon’s terms of service, it is deemed manipulative or deceptive to appeal to customers’ emotions with statements like “we are a small, household business” or that they should “only support American sellers” before asking for a product review.
Zero sales will result from the suspension or permanent termination of your account caused by violating any rule imposed by the brand.

Promoting Incentive Feedback

You can certainly include a feedback request in your product insert, but you should use extreme caution when crafting the phrase you choose. Substitute “neutral” for “positive” when requesting reviews and reviews.
Put it this way: “We would be grateful if you could provide us with a favorable review,” but “We would love to hear your experience with us” would fit much better. In addition to violating Amazon’s Terms of Service, such biased requests come across as inappropriate and lack professionalism.
Furthermore, offering free coupons or discounts as an incentive for feedback is also against the rules. Sure, you can throw in some discounts or coupons but don’t expect a glowing review in return.
To provide an unbiased evaluation, your customers must try your products out for themselves. The goal is to maintain an open and equitable trading procedure.

Directing Clients To Other Sources

Distracting consumers from Amazon is something you absolutely must not do. A product’s packaging insert must adhere to Amazon’s Terms of Service, even if it could be more lucrative to direct them to your website.
Including your social network handles and store email, there must not be any “call to action” phrases or terms that discourage them.

What Is The Updated Amazon FBA Product Insert Policy?

Before we go into the best practices for using product inserts, let’s review Amazon’s policy on the matter so you can avoid infractions and potential account suspension. Amazon is most concerned when sellers use product inserts to solicit specific feedback or give incentives to buyers in return for positive ratings.
Selling a consumer a discount, refund, freebie, or other form of payment in return for a review is completely against Amazon’s terms of service and might lead to the suspension of your account.
Amazon takes review policies very seriously because they want their customers to be able to trust that all reviews are genuine. If you want to know more, you can look at Amazon’s policy on seller central customer reviews.
You risk fines, account suspension, or maybe account termination if you don’t follow Amazon’s regulations. To stay away from problems like this, be sure you know the rules.

Pick the Perfect Product Packaging

Although there are no hard and fast rules about product packaging, it is wise to be familiar with your alternatives before deciding on Amazon.

Bag Packaging

If you’re selling loose goods, the simplest and most affordable packaging option is a bag. Even if you embellish your bags with brand features, they will fall short of the perceived value of a beautifully designed package.
There is a wide range of shapes, sizes, and materials used to make bags. The bags that you’re most likely to encounter are plastic or poly.

Sleeve Packaging

It’s usually just a cardboard fold that lets a lot of branding elements shine. Although they are durable, the design of the packaging leaves products exposed to the weather. To protect against harm, we suggest putting the items in poly bags.

Box Packaging

When it comes to Amazon packing, the most common type is the box. It protects the product and is strong. In addition, there is a lot of room for suppliers to effectively mark their products on box packing.

Get Amazon Package Insert Power

It takes more than Amazon guidelines to succeed with packaging inserts. Instead, discover how merchants make excellent product inserts.

Choose a Marketing Objective

Decide on your marketing objective first. As an example, what is your goal? Collecting more reviews, promoting additional things, or making the customer’s experience better with what they have already purchased?
It is inefficient and might even be against Amazon’s policy to try to cram numerous calls to action onto a single insert card.

Think Out The Box

Make sure the insert card stands out by using eye-catching colors and sturdy material. Consider how to use the right tone and storytelling to convey the material in a way that is not boring or superficial.
To make sure there are no typos or other mistakes, proofread the material. Achieving a positive brand perception and showing consumer value are your top priorities.

Ensure Proper Size for Business Cards

Insert cards work well when they are slightly larger than a standard business card (3.5 x 2 inches). Also, it needs to feel well in the buyer’s hands.

Minimize Word Count

When seeking an innovative strategy, keep your language simple. Keep in mind the suggested insert card size and do your best to fit the information in a way that is easy to read and comprehend. To set the tone before your call to action, add a brief introduction.

Provide Discounts

With a discount applied on the next order, both the buyer and seller are pleased. You have the option to use a percentage off the total, a monetary amount off, free delivery, or even a freebie. Since the email can go to spam, it’s best to use a paper card to deliver it.

Highlight Related Items

You may easily upsell to your current clients because they are already familiar with your brand and services. Determine what customers want so you can provide them with what they need or what they need to finish off their purchases. Keep in mind that offering free samples or discounts can increase sales.

Leverage the Power of Content

The small size of product insert cards makes them all the more important to be eye-catching and striking.
Clients will ignore your message and toss the paper in the bin if you don’t. Verify that the design corresponds to the things you sell, embodies the brand’s identity, and conveys the core message. The review criteria and Terms of Service (TOS) of Amazon must also be satisfied by the insert card.

Integrate the Company’s Logo

Customers will still be able to recognize your brand, but they won’t be able to go to your website. Connect with your customers on a more personal level and boost your company’s reputation by taking advantage of this little branding opportunity.
Make sure to build an Amazon product insert template; adding a personal touch makes any message more enjoyable.

Include Warranties Or Manuals

Customers have a better experience when they have access to product information like warranties or instructions. Plus, the client’s happiness is directly proportional to the amount of benefits he obtains. Loyalty, sales, and a decrease in unfavorable reviews are further benefits.

Offer a Present

Giving a present is a great way to express your individuality. Offering a spare part or battery to the buyer is one good example. Put some less valuable but still beautiful corporate goods in the box. The most important thing is to not request a review before proceeding. Surprise your client instead to boost the likelihood of good feedback.

QR Codes

Advertising with QR codes might be a huge success. They help your promotional communications convert better by reducing the client’s workload. By scanning a QR code, consumers can be sent to a product page where they can easily redeem coupons and other savings.

Forget About Your Website

It is Amazon’s constant goal to keep its customers from looking elsewhere. It is forbidden to include any links or QR codes that direct users to any third-party websites. Amazon may lose business if you redirect traffic to your corporate platform, no matter how attractive it is.

Stay Neutral

Directly requesting positive reviews is not an option. Amazon sellers should avoid using emotionally charged words like “5-star,” “positive,” “satisfied,” and “happy” in their product packaging. It is not acceptable to ask for a review in addition to discounts or freebies.
Contacting the company directly in the event of a bad experience is not allowed. Asking for objective comments on how to do it is your only option.

Alternatives for Testing

It is not simply PPC campaigns that can benefit from trying out different things. Experiment with Amazon product insert card templates that have different designs and call-to-actions (CTAs). Before you compare the findings, devise a tracking technique to determine if the tests should be run simultaneously or at various times.

Time-Changing Amazon Creatives

Products’ packaging evolves with time. Product protection and first impressions are the main packaging goals during the introduction. To encourage purchasing, packaging should represent the product’s worth and quality.

Machine Learning-Powered Optimization

Making Use of Technology in Packaging

Using machine learning, Amazon FBA has been able to decrease packaging waste and guarantee that products are packaged in the appropriate sizes of boxes or mailers. Flexible packaging (mailers and bags) is more sustainable and 75% lighter than comparable-sized boxes, therefore the technology tells which products work with it.

Avoiding Plastics and Other Considerations

Amazon wants to eliminate plastic packaging like many others. While lightweight, waterproof, and requiring fewer resources, plastics are tougher to recycle and typically require customers to take them to a drop-off place.

Amazon FBA Stressless Packaging

Problems opening a package reduce the joy of receiving a new item. Too much packaging and boxes are annoying to throw away and destructive to the environment.
Amazon offers Frustration Free Packaging and other packaging programs for Amazon FBA sellers. Sellers can package their products frustration-free:
Amazon requires a certification for program participation:

Hire a Designer

The lifetime value of your product can range from several thousand to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Even the most cynical Amazon expert will tell you that hiring a designer to create custom packaging for your products is money well spent.
If you hire a good designer, people will think your product is much better. Packaging that highlights your product’s or brand’s best features is within their capabilities. In addition, they are well-versed in the now-trending styles that will give your goods an edge in the market.
You should ask your supplier for the die cuts before contacting a designer; this will give them the boxing plans to work with.

Designing Amazon FBA Products for the AR Era

Packaging design benefits from AR include:

Integrating AR into Amazon Packaging

AR can be added to Amazon packaging in several ways. Smartphones and tablets may scan QR codes or NFC tags to launch AR experiences. AR-enabled labels or package components can be interacted with in real life.
Amazon has several AR-enhanced packaging samples. Sephora lets shoppers try on makeup before buying it, while Nike lets them try on sneakers.

What AR Can Do for Amazon Sellers

Amazon FBA Real-Life Case Studies

Native Deodorant

The packaging of Native Deodorant is basic but attractive. The product stands out on shelves with its bold colors and minimalist design. Packaging reflects the brand’s natural, effective, and sustainable ideals.


Packing is 100% recyclable and constructed from recycled materials. This demonstrates the brand’s sustainability. A perforated tab makes the box easy to open and use.

Olly Nutrition

Bright colors and amusing images make Olly Nutrition’s packaging enjoyable. This matches the brand’s young adult audience. The product’s natural ingredients and simple swallowing are also highlighted on the box.
submitted by amzonestepusa to u/amzonestepusa [link] [comments]

2024.03.15 16:21 da-birdman-101 Layoffs, Workplace Ethics, and Employee Rights Explored

Vic’s Discovery: A Humorous Yet Eye-Opening Revelation

Our story begins with Vic, a former employee who, after being laid off, did what many of us might do out of sheer curiosity or perhaps a bit of masochism: she visited her old company’s website. There, to her astonishment, she found her job listed—not just a similar position, but the same role, with a new title and a salary cut from $100,000 to a mere $55,000. Through her TikTok, u/vicsvlog, Vic shared this revelation with a blend of humor and disbelief. “They just want someone to do all the work and not get paid for it,” she remarked, pointing out the glaring injustice with a chuckle. This twist of fate highlights not just a personal setback but opens a discussion on the dynamics of layoffs and corporate restructuring.

The Legal Perspective: Shady but Not Necessarily Illegal

The question that immediately pops up is: Is this even legal? Surprisingly, the answer leans towards yes. According to Hayber, McKenna, and Dinsmore, a law firm specializing in employment issues, employers are within their rights to terminate employees if they wish to hire someone at a lower salary. This stance is supported by the National Conference of State Legislatures, which clarifies that in an “at-will” employment framework, employers can terminate employees for any reason that isn’t illegal—or for no reason at all—without facing legal repercussions. This revelation might seem like a cold shower, reminding us of the precarious nature of employment and the broad discretion employers wield in personnel decisions.

A Community Rallies: The Power of Shared Experiences

While the legality of the situation might leave some feeling disillusioned, Vic’s story struck a chord on social media, garnering support and empathy from many who viewed her TikTok. Several commenters suggested that Vic seek legal recourse, mentioning the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) as potential avenues for action. While experts suggest that Vic’s options might be limited, the outpouring of support and shared stories of similar experiences underline a critical aspect of our digital era: community and solidarity. Vic’s ordeal, though personal, mirrors a collective concern about workplace fairness and the value of transparency.

Looking Ahead: Implications for Employees and Employers

Vic’s story is more than a cautionary tale; it’s a spotlight on the evolving employer-employee relationship and the shifting dynamics of the workplace. For employees, it’s a reminder of the importance of understanding their rights and the potential realities of corporate restructuring. For employers, Vic’s experience serves as a critical reflection on the balance between cost-cutting measures and the ethical treatment of employees. The court of public opinion, amplified by social media, plays a significant role in shaping a company’s image and, by extension, its success. In an era where brand reputation can be made or broken in the blink of an eye, maintaining a positive and ethical workplace culture is more crucial than ever.

Final Thoughts

As we wrap up Vic’s story, it’s clear that her experience opens up broader conversations about the workplace, ethics, and the law. While the legal system may offer limited recourse for those in Vic’s position, the court of public opinion and the community’s moral compass wield their own form of justice. Employers and employees alike must navigate these waters with a sense of fairness, transparency, and respect for the dignity of work. Vic’s journey, shared with humor and grace, serves as a powerful reminder of the strength found in shared experiences and the importance of standing up for what’s right—even when the odds seem stacked against us.
In a world that’s constantly evolving, stories like Vic’s are pivotal. They not only shine a light on individual experiences but also invite us to reflect on the broader societal and legal structures that shape our lives. Whether you’re an employee navigating your career path or an employer making tough decisions, Vic’s story is a call to approach these challenges with integrity, empathy, and a keen awareness of the impact our actions have on others.
What are your thoughts on this issue? Have you experienced something similar, or do you have insights on navigating the complexities of employment law and workplace ethics? Your stories and perspectives enrich the conversation, so feel free to share your story. Let’s learn from each other and build a more just and equitable workplace for all.

Vic, known as u/vicsvlog on TikTok, shared with her followers that she had unfortunately been laid off

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