Jab farm lessons: the family reunion 14

Gave a talk on Sunday. Happy to hear thoughts on it.

2024.05.21 23:38 geoffsn Gave a talk on Sunday. Happy to hear thoughts on it.

Good morning sisters and brothers, fellow Saints of our aspirational Zion. I was asked to speak and allowed to decide what the topic would be. After a lot of consideration I felt inspired to speak about being Actively Engaged in a Good Cause and how that relates to the full name of the church.
I was glad when President Nelson decided to put more emphasis on the full name of the church. Not that I mind using the term Mormon, but because I do find the full name of the church to be significant. When the church was organized in 1830 it was called the Church of Christ. In 1834 the members voted to change the name of the church to the Church of the Latter-day Saints. Then in 1838 Joseph had a revelation for the name to be The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. While this effectively combined the two previous names, it also highlights something that I think most people overlook. Namely that the church is not only Jesus’s church, but that the church also belongs to us, the Latter-day Saints. We too have ownership of the church. While this may sound strange at first, it actually also fits very well with another concept that Joseph Smith taught: Theodemocracy.
Joseph spoke of this most actively the year before his death when running for President of the United States and when the Council of Fifty was created. The idea also holds in it that while God is in charge, we also have ownership and must have a say, actively vote, propose new ideas, and generally be actively engaged in moving things forward. It is not a theocracy with a fake voting system attached like that of North Korea. However, we have largely seen our own tradition move from one in which we do things by common consent including adding to our canon or as in 1834 voting to change the name of the church, towards something much more akin to voting in North Korea. This has coincided with other shifts in which we have taken less and less ownership of our church and as a result failed to properly sustain and support our leaders.
It is unfair to our leaders for us to sit back and wait for them to do frankly most of the heavy lifting when it comes to the running and functioning of our church, stake, and ward. In the past when I’ve been in callings that required me to be overseeing the assignments of home teaching or really any other church assignments, my experience has been that occasionally some inspiration will strike for some of the assignments, but that for the majority, I felt like I was left to figure out myself what assignments seemed to make the most sense. I know that many leaders that I have spoken to on this topic have also had such experiences. When we as members speak with our leaders, share information with them, it makes it much easier to make the best decisions. Without that feedback much more is left to guesswork.
We need to support and sustain our leaders, but this becomes difficult or challenging if we bring some assumptions to the table when considering how we do this. A major one as I see it is when we put too much trust in the arm of the flesh and grant our leaders infallibility or the lesser but largely equivalent functional infallibility.
As the saying goes: “Catholics say that the Pope is infallible, but none of them believe it. Mormons say that the Prophet is fallible, but none of them believe it.” Brigham Young recognized the potential for harm in this setting and said:
"I am fearful [the Saints will] settle down in a state of blind self-security, trusting their eternal destiny in the hands of their leaders with a reckless confidence that in itself would thwart the purposes of God in their salvation, and weaken the influence they could give to their leaders, did they know for themselves, by the revelations of Jesus, that they are led in the right way.” – Brigham Young 1862 General Conference (quoted in General Conference of the church in 1963 and in 1989)
And this one is also important:
"And none are required to tamely and blindly submit to a man because he has a portion of the priesthood. We have heard men who hold the priesthood remark, that they would do anything they were told to do by those who presided over them, if they knew it was wrong; but such obedience as this is worse than folly to us; it is slavery in the extreme; and the man who would thus willingly degrade himself should not claim a rank among intelligent beings, until he turns from his folly. A man of God… would despise the idea. Others, in the extreme exercise of their almighty authority have taught that such obedience was necessary, and that no matter what the saints were told to do by their presidents, they should do it without asking any questions. When Elders of Israel will so far indulge in these extreme notions of obedience as to teach them to the people, it is generally because they have it in their minds to do wrong themselves.” – Millennial Star, vol.14 #38, pp. 593-95
Yet does this functionally happen in the church? Do we follow this council to find out for ourselves instead of simply assuming everything from our leaders is divine? Apostle Charles W. Penrose, who would later serve as counselor to President Smith, declared:
"President Wilford Woodruff is a man of wisdom and experience, and we respect him, but we do not believe his personal views or utterances are revelations from God; and when ‘Thus saith the Lord’, comes from him, the saints investigate it: they do not shut their eyes and take it down like a pill.” – Millennial Star 54:191
Do we do this? When the prophet says “Thus saith the Lord” do we take the time to investigate it? Do we remember President Kimball’s reaction to Elder Benson’s talk on the “14 fundamentals of following the prophet”?
"Spencer felt concern about the talk, wanting to protect the Church against being misunderstood as espousing ultraconservative politics or an unthinking “follow the leader” mentality. The First Presidency again called Elder Benson in to discuss what he had said and asked him to make explanation to the full Quorum of the Twelve and other General Authorities… A First Presidency spokesman Don LeFevre reiterated to the press the day after the speech that it is “simply not true” that the Church President’s “word is law on all issues—including politics.” – Lengthen Your Stride – Working Draft, by Edward Kimball
I’ve had the opportunity to know some great Mormons who do take this approach, but I’ve also known many who treat quotes from church leaders like downloaded messages from God (no human filters involved).
If we can believe that God is capable of inspiring our leaders, surely we can believe God is capable of letting us know when they’re wrong. If instead we assume that their judgment is always superior to our own, perhaps we’re helping to put up a massive iron gate.
"How often has the Holy Spirit tried to tell us something we needed to know but couldn’t get past the massive iron gate of what we thought we already knew?" – Dieter Uchtdorf 2012 Worldwide Leadership Training
Moses once opined “Would that all the Lord's people were prophets, that the Lord would put his Spirit on them!” We have all been confirmed members of the church and in that confirmation told to receive the Holy Ghost. It is easy to forget that when the spirit tells us something, that is a member of the Godhead speaking to us. If we can believe that God can give guidance to our leaders surely we can also believe God can give us guidance.
Another important and often overlooked point is the context to this oft quoted verse:
"We have learned by sad experience that it is the nature and disposition of almost all men, as soon as they get a little authority, as they suppose, they will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion." -D&C 121:39
This statement wasn’t given in a vacuum. It is in the middle of a long discussion of priesthood and priesthood authority. This is talking specifically about priesthood leaders. When we read that “many are called but few are chosen,” we’re reading that many priesthood leaders abuse their power and only few truly honor it. The saints in Joseph’s day understood this. I think we’ve sanitized it over the years to make it seem like an aside, an intermission on the discussion of priesthood. This statement is as true now as ever. This verse, with its proper context, needs to be a lesson for us as members. We need to sustain and support our leaders. This doesn’t mean following them blindly. This doesn’t mean we must become “yes-men” to them. This does mean pray for them to be chosen instead of just called. This does mean to influence our leaders to do God’s will. Remember, one of Brigham’s concerns about us acting as if all our leaders decisions were divine is that it will “weaken the influence [we] could give to [our] leaders.”
What questions our church leaders will take to the Lord are impacted by our own openness to those things. In 1977 President Kimball expressed concern that if the Race-ban on priesthood was removed that there would be pushback from members in the American South and from some in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. When President Hinckley was asked in an interview about the Gender-ban on priesthood his response was that “there’s no agitation for it.” Until we better engage in our own history and understand how we got to where we are now it will be very difficult if not impossible for us as members to be prepared for the removal of the current gender-ban on priesthood.
Sometimes we might justify our own spiritual laziness by saying that while our leaders are fallible that God will never let them lead us astray, granting them a sort of functional infallibility. Nevermind that this was first said when my 3rd-great-grandpa President Woodruff was trying to convince members not to leave over the Manifesto. Nevermind that it means that we’re denying our leaders their agency by assuming that God removes their ability to make mistakes in their callings. Maybe some make such a statement more nuanced. Maybe they think that our leaders can make mistakes, but they won’t be majosignificant mistakes. Well, what is and isn’t significant depends a lot on who you are and how you’re being affected by it. I’m thinking that the women and children who were slaughtered in prophet-sanctioned genocide in the Bible considered that a significant mistake. I’m thinking that the thousands denied temple blessings their entire lives because of the color of their skin might consider that significant.
Let’s just recognize that few are chosen and that we need to give our leaders constructive/interactive support. We place a lot of responsibility on our leaders and they are very likely to make mistakes. Because they are human and doing their best, but as humans we all err from time to time. Recognizing the mistakes of our leaders is essential to giving them true support; it is vital to sustaining them. I would hope that we would avoid enabling or cheerleading bad decisions that friends or family are about to make. Pointing out why a decision will be or was problematic is what we expect of people who we truly love and support us, because it helps us to avoid pain and pitfalls and enables us to be our best.
Here’s a story from our little section of Salt Lake City in which members recognized the potential for mistakes and took ownership of our church. On August 23rd, 1896 Stake President Angus M. Cannon proposed a man to be the bishop of a new ward which was to be divided from the Sugar House Ward. The congregation voted against the proposed new bishop. President Angus M. Cannon then purportedly shouted "Sit down! and shut your mouths, you have no right to speak!" When Cannon engaged in a shouting match with the dissenting congregation, a ward member and policeman threatened to arrest the stake president for disturbing the peace. President Cannon more calmly repeated his attempt but was voted down "again several times." The Secretary of the First Council of the Seventy was in attendance and wrote in his journal: "I have been taught that the appointing power comes from the priesthood and the sustaining power from the people and that they have the right of sustaining or not sustaining appointees.
When it comes to being actively engaged in church endeavors our neighborhood and the general Sugar House area has done a lot. The "stake missionary program" began in the Granite Stake under President Frank Taylor in the early 1900s. It was an idea presented to President Taylor who then prayerfully considered trying it out as a stake. It proved successful and was later picked up by the General Authorities who made it a church-wide program.
The seminary program was also started in our stake after Joseph Merrill (a newly called member of the Granite Stake Presidency) felt inspired to start it and worked out agreements with the school board and got it going at the very new (at the time) Granite High School.
Also, in 1909 the Granite Stake started a monthly family home evening program. After counseling with many sisters and brothers in the stake, the Stake Presidency asked each family to spend Tuesday evening home together. All of these were local things which were eventually picked up and run at the church-wide level. We have a history in our area of being anxiously engaged and pioneering with new ideas.
While those are all instances of members, wards, and stakes starting programs for good causes in our area of Salt Lake City, they are just a few examples of Saints starting inspired efforts which were eventually accepted and promoted by the top church leaders. The relief society started when women in Nauvoo came together to do some good. The Primary program, Sunday school, Mutual Improvement Association, welfare/farming, organized genealogy efforts, and Young Adult programs all also started as members and local leaders were anxiously engaged and thereby gave influence to the top church leaders.
So as we consider how we can more actively engage in the church and look at what we can do now that would help to further the kingdom of God, I’d like to share a few things that have been on my mind which I feel would be steps which we can do now and which doesn’t require any new doctrines, revelations, or organizational adjustments from our leadership.
  1. Give leaders their agency and remove the false idol of functional infallibility
I’ve already said a lot about this. The only thing I’ll add is to encourage everyone to read and learn about our history. The church history department has been putting out a lot of new, well-researched material, and there is a very high chance that it will be different than how you learned about things over the last several decades. Interestingly, most historically thorny topics become vastly easier to deal with when we stop denying leaders agency and ability to get things wrong.
  1. Stop turning into a time capsule of the 1950s
This is really a small thing, but sometimes small things can have an outsized impact. Assuming someone comes into church for the first time, they will likely be a little weirded out because in dress and culture they walked into a time capsule of the 1950s. The Amish did this with mid-1800s, some Mennonites have as well. FLDS have with when they split in the 1930s/40s. These groups that have followed this pattern of freezing time and culture because they have been integrated into their religious practice are generally ones that are not really growing and have little-to-no impact or relevance in society. If we want to do the most good and build the most bridges, it is easier to do if we don’t continue falling into this pattern. Any efforts on our part to make our meetings look like a place that people in the public could come into and not feel out of place are steps in this direction. Dresses, suits and ties aren’t part of Christ’s gospel. Missionary clothing is changing for similar reasons. New guidelines for missionaries include allowing sisters to wear pants and Elders to go without jackets, so surely we can extend the same to our church attendance.
  1. Always speak at church as though the audience is the general public
I have many times felt like I didn’t fit in or belong at church, and many times this has been because people speaking at church have done so with the assumption that everyone in the building must share their views on a given topic. Simply imagining that a gay couple, an ex-mormon, an investigator, some in the midst of a faith crisis, and others who live in our neighborhood are in the audience will help us to make sure that as we teach our lessons, give our talks, etc. that we will do so in the most open and welcoming way possible, which frankly is how i believe Jesus would have spoken. I truly believe that if we try to do this it will drastically improve our lessons and dialogue and help to make church a place that more people want to be. It is a change that (to borrow imagery from Jesus’s parable of the sower) will be akin to tilling and prepping the soil to improve the likelihood of allowing seeds to take root.
There are near infinite ways that we can innovate and get engaged in good causes. Awake and arise, join in the cause of Zion. The aspiration of Zion is to be of one heart and one mind and have no poor among us. I think it is worth noting that being of one mind doesn’t mean agreeing on everything. It means that we are united in love; love for God and for all persons. When this is our top priority, when we worry about how our actions impact others and whether our words and actions are conveying love, we become united. I’ve been a long-time fan of Eugene England’s essay “The church is as true as the gospel.” In it he makes the case that the church is true because it is a vehicle in which we are able to actually try to put the gospel into practice. In doing so we encounter difficulties as we interact with other fallible mortals and try to navigate our interactions in a Christ-like way. We all try and this mix of imperfect people who unite in love and service can help to bring each other and others to Christ. It is my prayer that we can find ways to engage with love, and humble ourselves like little children, to change our ways as needed to come closer to Christ. I leave this with you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
submitted by geoffsn to mormon [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:24 RezeeWasTaken Not everyone deserves unlimited chances for everything, there is a limit to it all and that once you exceed that limit, you get what you asked for and its impossible to forgive yourself.

First of all, apologies in advance for the potentially lengthy post. I just have to get this off my chest, also interested to see what other people think.
For some context: I am a 17 year old male who has been living with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) my entire life, and have been depressed since I was 9-10, with my depression generally growing worse with each year, the past 6ish months specifically being one of my worst episodes of suicidal thoughts and depression in somewhere close to 3 years, and that time I had attempted to kill myself for the first time through asphyxiation.
I should add on too that despite having ASD for my entire life, I was actually diagnosed with it earlier this year, along with MDD too. (The story as to how I got my diagnosis is an entire other story that I will leave out here but would not mind sharing if anyone asks.)
I have been far from a decent person over the past decade or so, with my behaviour and actions being antisocial at best and plain stupid at worst, this includes but is not limited to; being inconsiderate and rude, consistent lying and deception, thievery and even being a bit physically abusive just to name a few.
From the ages of 8-14. I was an absolute piece of shit, constantly being cold hearted to everyone around me and taking all the compassion that they would give me for granted, and whenever I would get called out for it, I would never take responsibility, trying to shift the blame to someone else. And I would lie over every little thing, every innocuous detail, whatever it was, I would lie about it.
And of course me being a kid at the time and begging enough, I was given multiple chances by friends and family alike. I was let back into my friend groups despite the shitty treatment I gave them, my family continued to take care of me and would not mistreat me (at least in my eyes) although I took all of that for granted, did not learn my lesson and instead just gave them the middle finger.
It got so bad to the point where after like 4 years of the cycle repeating, acting like this and being given, from what I can recall, 8 chances to change but not changing. I was pretty much ousted from my family and friends, going on to be treated like an outcast. Having multiple groups of friends in school at the time coming up to me and telling me that they did not want to be my friends anymore and my family going ahead and ignoring me. It was at that point where it all hit me, when I was around 13 years old.
I had already been pretty depressed up to that point, not only because of the backlash I had received from the way I conducted myself but for other reasons too such as unable to meet expectations that my parents and teachers would place on me (I am an Asian kid and come from an Asian household so I was always expected to be more than what I was capable of.) and so being outcasted and treated like a stranger, coupled on with everything else I was going through at the time, caused me to have my worst depressive episode ever. I finally understood that I was a worthless sack of shit, that I bothered and burdened everyone around me for so long, despite being given many chances to change. And for once in my life, I finally took responsibility, I had no one else but myself to blame, it was entirely my fault.
I had become all alone by 14, shun by everyone around me and it was not like I could complain about everyone ignoring me and no longer wanting to do anything with me because I deserved it frankly for the way I treated people. The self hatred becoming too much and I just wanted to escape so I attempted to kill myself for the first time, ultimately failing though since trying to asphyxiate is insanely painful that my body naturally began struggling to survive.
Since then, I have not really recovered, more so just gotten used to it all, feeling invisible, dealing with the consequences of my actions, my suicidal and depressing thoughts, everything that now its just common occurrence to want to die, with the thoughts even being comforting and relieving at times.
I have tried to change over the past couple of years, even getting into a relationship that lasted for little over a year before we broke up and ended things on good terms. And although I can say that I am a better person that who I was a couple years ago, frankly I was way too late and still feel like the ultimate burden, just absolute dead weight that's for some reason being kept around, I was given the opportunity to change ages ago, multiple times, yet I blew it all away.
That is where it leaves me today, a hinderance who has stayed well past their welcome. A foul person who was unable to change and make it up to everyone in time, despite all the chances that I was given. My decision to not change and to continue with my shitty personality and behaviour causing a flurry of individual consequences, where when piled and stacked upon each other, creates this massive list of consequences that I cant ever make up for. Its as if there was this massive backlog that I just never attended to and now my unwillingness to attend to it is coming to bite me in the back, and honestly, I do not even know why I am still trying in life. I have been given somewhere around 10 chances to change for the better and turn my life around but failed each and every time, wasting away years of my life, harming everyone around me in the process. I can never forgive myself and it does not matter how much I do since the damage has already been done.
And yes, as I mentioned before, I was diagnosed as an autist earlier this year, which would have played a part to this all with varying levels of effect but I hate using that as an excuse, and one reason why I was afraid of receiving the diagnosis. I have lived pretty much my entire life up until this year unaware that I was autistic but even so, I want to take responsibility and not try to dismiss it all as just a part of being autistic.
I really want to kill myself, I in fact really should kill myself for the way I have lived my life up to this point. Its not just the antisocial-ness that eggs me on to kill myself, as I hinted at earlier 5 paragraphs above, there are a lot of other shit that goes on in my life asides from this, this is just one of the big, main reasons out of the multitude of reasons as to why I should kill myself that I wanted to talk about today. And it feels like the list of reasons why I should commit suicide grows in some way with each day that passes by.
Once again, apologies for the long post, it turned out to be way longer than what I had expected, but its something that I feel strongly about and wanted to talk about for a while since I really only allow myself to be depressed over things I have control over as I try not to focus on the external factors outside my control too much, and so I tend to be more caught up on and frustrated at things that could have been avoided but wasn't because of me such as this. Thank you for making it this far when you really did not need to, I am glad that I was able to get a chunk of my inner turmoil and conflict out after years of keeping it within. I will try my best to reply and answer any questions.
submitted by RezeeWasTaken to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:05 TopAd7154 Can someone advise?

I'm in desperate need of help. My older sister definitely has something. We've been trying to get her help for years. She either doesn't get it or she lies and gets away with being given antidepressants which she stops taking after a while. There is something very very wrong with her. Here goes.... 1. Disgusting temper. Trashes places, has injured herself. Screams. Shouts. Hits. Only family see this. The screaming goes through me. It's so so bad. 2. Remembers things that didn't happen or twists events to her liking and believes her versions. 3. Lies. She lies about everything. Especially her family. 4. Wants exactly the same as what I get but will then be angry it's exactly the same. 5. Demands effort but gives none. 6. Poor hygiene and housekeeping skills. 7. Reckless driver. 8. Big drinker. 9. Always the victim. Always being bullied. 10. Makes up rules and laws. 11. Overly sexual. Morals are pretty loose as well. 12. Vindictive. Thinks it's her place to teach people a lesson. 13. Demands we speak to her respectfully yet won't do the same in return. 14. Has trouble holding down a job because she can't keep her mouth shut. 15. Never let's anything go. Ever. Tiny infractions become massive issues that she brings up years later when everyone else can scarcely remember. 16. Poor decision making. 17. Talks to herself. Like has full on arguments... almost like she's reenacting stuff?? 18. Insane jealousy (sadly, I think I can finally see that she's jealous of me. Which I HATE).
Anyone got any ideas?? She's very very good at pulling the wool over people's eyes. They think she's "kooky" or "a little crazy" but she's unhinged.
Any help is appreciated. Thank you xx
submitted by TopAd7154 to personalitydisorders [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:38 adulting4kids Tarot Symbolism

Number 1:

  1. Initiation: Represents new beginnings, leadership, and individuality.
  2. The Magician: Tarot card associated with the number 1, symbolizing creativity, manifestation, and willpower.
  3. Independence: Signifies self-reliance, originality, and taking the lead.
  4. Potential and Possibility: Embodies the start of a journey or a project.
  5. Unity: Reflects the oneness, the start of something unique and singular.

Number 2:

  1. Duality: Signifies balance, partnerships, and cooperation.
  2. The High Priestess: Associated with intuition, wisdom, and hidden knowledge in tarot.
  3. Harmony: Represents the need for balance and diplomacy.
  4. Relationships: Emphasizes partnerships, teamwork, and cooperation.
  5. Choice: Reflects decisions, choices, and the need for balance.

Number 3:

  1. Creativity: Symbolizes self-expression, communication, and creative endeavors.
  2. The Empress: Tarot card embodying fertility, creativity, and abundance.
  3. Optimism: Represents joy, enthusiasm, and social interaction.
  4. Expansion: Signifies growth, self-improvement, and broadening horizons.
  5. Manifestation: Reflects the power of thoughts, words, and actions in creating reality.

Number 4:

  1. Stability: Signifies structure, order, and a solid foundation.
  2. The Emperor: Tarot card embodying authority, stability, and structure.
  3. Security: Represents practicality, reliability, and building a strong base.
  4. Endurance: Symbolizes persistence, hard work, and discipline.
  5. Materialization: Reflects the manifestation of ideas into tangible results.

Number 5:

  1. Change: Represents adaptability, versatility, and transformation.
  2. The Hierophant: Tarot card symbolizing tradition, guidance, and spiritual growth.
  3. Freedom: Signifies exploration, adventure, and embracing diversity.
  4. Shifts and Challenges: Reflects unexpected changes and the need for flexibility.
  5. Versatility: Embodies adaptability, resourcefulness, and embracing new experiences.

Number 6:

  1. Harmony: Signifies balance, responsibility, and nurturing relationships.
  2. The Lovers: Tarot card representing love, harmony, and choices in relationships.
  3. Service: Reflects selflessness, compassion, and community involvement.
  4. Healing: Symbolizes peace, empathy, and creating harmonious environments.
  5. Balance: Embodies equilibrium, diplomacy, and a harmonious lifestyle.

Number 7:

  1. Spirituality: Signifies introspection, wisdom, and spiritual growth.
  2. The Chariot: Tarot card embodying willpower, determination, and progress.
  3. Seeking Truth: Reflects introspection, seeking answers, and inner wisdom.
  4. Analysis: Symbolizes deep thinking, research, and intellectual pursuits.
  5. Inner Guidance: Embodies intuition, mysticism, and inner awareness.

Number 8:

  1. Achievement: Represents success, abundance, and material prosperity.
  2. Strength: Tarot card symbolizing inner strength, resilience, and determination.
  3. Power and Success: Reflects ambition, authority, and material wealth.
  4. Karma: Symbolizes cause and effect, balance in action and consequence.
  5. Manifestation: Embodies material gains, business acumen, and financial stability.

Number 9:

  1. Completion: Signifies endings, spiritual fulfillment, and humanitarianism.
  2. The Hermit: Tarot card embodying introspection, wisdom, and spiritual enlightenment.
  3. Universal Love: Reflects compassion, service to humanity, and global consciousness.
  4. Wisdom and Leadership: Symbolizes altruism, leadership, and guiding others.
  5. Transformation: Embodies closure, spiritual awakening, and a broader perspective.
These tidbits offer symbolic insights into each number and its corresponding tarot cards, highlighting the thematic elements and interpretations associated with numerology and the tarot.

Number 10:

  1. Completion and Renewal: Signifies endings and new beginnings simultaneously.
  2. Wheel of Fortune: Tarot card representing cycles, destiny, and unforeseen changes.
  3. Wholeness: Reflects fulfillment, achievement, and cycles coming to fruition.
  4. Transformation: Symbolizes change, fate, and the cyclical nature of life.
  5. Karmic Balance: Embodies the law of cause and effect, the balance of energies.

Number 11:

  1. Master Illuminator: Signifies spiritual awakening, intuition, and enlightenment.
  2. Justice (or Strength in some decks): Tarot card embodying fairness, balance, and divine guidance.
  3. Enlightenment: Reflects intuition, inspiration, and high spiritual awareness.
  4. Higher Calling: Symbolizes spiritual guidance, psychic abilities, and divine insights.
  5. Visionary Leadership: Embodies visionary ideas, inspiration, and spiritual mentorship.

Number 12:

  1. Harmonious Union: Signifies partnerships, cooperation, and balanced relationships.
  2. The Hanged Man: Tarot card symbolizing surrender, perspective shift, and sacrifice for enlightenment.
  3. Sacrifice for Growth: Reflects letting go, patience, and seeing things from a different angle.
  4. Adaptability: Symbolizes flexibility, suspension, and altering perspectives.
  5. Transformational Insight: Embodies spiritual growth through surrender and acceptance.

Number 13:

  1. Transformation and Rebirth: Signifies change, transition, and new opportunities.
  2. Death: Tarot card representing transformation, endings, and profound change leading to renewal.
  3. Transition and Renewal: Reflects release, transformation, and the start of something new.
  4. Renewed Perspective: Symbolizes rebirth, regeneration, and shedding old patterns.
  5. Power of Endings: Embodies closure, regeneration, and the birth of something new.

Number 14:

  1. Practical Manifestation: Signifies grounded action, stability, and accomplishment.
  2. Temperance: Tarot card embodying balance, moderation, and spiritual harmony.
  3. Moderation and Balance: Reflects harmony, patience, and blending opposites.
  4. Alchemy: Symbolizes transformation, adaptation, and spiritual equilibrium.
  5. Integration of Duality: Embodies combining elements to create a harmonious whole.

Number 15:

  1. Change and Transformation: Signifies shifts, transitions, and adaptability.
  2. The Devil: Tarot card representing materialism, bondage, and self-limiting beliefs.
  3. Personal Freedom: Reflects breaking free from limitations, temptations, or restrictions.
  4. Inner Exploration: Symbolizes shadow work, self-awareness, and breaking unhealthy patterns.
  5. Choice and Liberation: Embodies freeing oneself from restrictions or unhealthy attachments.

Number 16:

  1. Spiritual Awakening: Signifies spiritual growth, divine intervention, and new beginnings.
  2. The Tower: Tarot card embodying sudden change, upheaval, and revelation leading to transformation.
  3. Sudden Change: Reflects upheaval, awakening, and revelation.
  4. Awakening to Truth: Symbolizes enlightenment, liberation, and profound insights.
  5. Transformational Crisis: Embodies breaking down old structures for spiritual evolution.

Number 17:

  1. Manifestation and Power: Signifies success, authority, and material abundance.
  2. The Star: Tarot card representing hope, inspiration, and spiritual guidance.
  3. Optimism and Healing: Reflects hope, faith, and finding inner guidance.
  4. Divine Intervention: Symbolizes grace, blessings, and spiritual renewal.
  5. Illumination and Guidance: Embodies finding direction and renewed faith.

Number 18:

  1. Karmic Completion: Signifies accomplishment, fulfillment, and achievement.
  2. The Moon: Tarot card symbolizing intuition, illusion, and the subconscious mind.
  3. Unveiling the Unseen: Reflects mystery, intuition, and subconscious revelations.
  4. Inner Reflection: Symbolizes introspection, dreams, and hidden truths.
  5. Transition to Higher Wisdom: Embodies uncovering hidden aspects for spiritual evolution.

Number 19:

  1. Fulfillment and Success: Signifies attainment, completion, and reaching goals.
  2. The Sun: Tarot card embodying joy, success, and positive outcomes.
  3. Abundance and Vitality: Reflects happiness, vitality, and illumination.
  4. Inner Child: Symbolizes innocence, playfulness, and embracing the joy of life.
  5. Celebration of Achievement: Embodies success, happiness, and realization of dreams.

Number 20:

  1. Integration and Fulfillment: Signifies completion of a cycle and a sense of wholeness.
  2. Judgment: Tarot card embodying spiritual awakening, renewal, and rebirth.
  3. Rebirth and Redemption: Reflects resurrection, spiritual awakening, and inner calling.
  4. Transformational Shift: Symbolizes a new phase, karmic retribution, and self-reflection.
  5. Resolution and Clarity: Embodies closure, resolution, and a fresh start.

Number 21:

  1. Unity and Completion: Signifies the combination of wisdom and fulfillment.
  2. The World: Tarot card representing fulfillment, completion, and mastery of life's cycles.
  3. Wholeness and Integration: Reflects achievement, fulfillment, and a sense of accomplishment.
  4. Mastery and Enlightenment: Symbolizes mastery over life's lessons and embracing new beginnings.
  5. Culmination and Success: Embodies achievement, fulfillment, and a broader perspective.

Number 22:

  1. Master Builder: Signifies the capacity to turn dreams into reality, a powerful force.
  2. The Fool (in some decks): Tarot card embodying unlimited potential, new beginnings, and the journey of life.
  3. Visionary Potential: Reflects the potential for extraordinary achievements and spiritual awakening.
  4. Manifesting Dreams: Symbolizes materializing ambitions, power, and the ability to create.
  5. Transformational Journey: Embodies spiritual growth, leadership, and a higher purpose.

Number 23:

  1. Creative Expression: Signifies creative pursuits, artistic talents, and innovative thinking.
  2. The King of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card representing intellect, clarity, and communication.
  3. Mental Clarity: Reflects clear thinking, sharp intellect, and diplomatic communication.
  4. Ambitious Vision: Symbolizes ambitious plans, strategic thinking, and leadership qualities.
  5. Intellectual Authority: Embodies mental strength, assertiveness, and logical reasoning.

Number 24:

  1. Nurturing Stability: Signifies caring, support, and creating a secure environment.
  2. The Queen of Cups (in some decks): Tarot card symbolizing emotional intelligence, compassion, and intuition.
  3. Compassionate Care: Reflects empathy, sensitivity, and nurturing qualities.
  4. Emotional Balance: Symbolizes emotional stability, harmonious relationships, and intuitive insights.
  5. Supportive Energy: Embodies nurturing abilities, empathy, and creating emotional security.

Number 25:

  1. Adaptability and Curiosity: Signifies versatility, exploration, and adaptability to change.
  2. The Knight of Pentacles (in some decks): Tarot card representing reliability, dedication, and practicality.
  3. Steadfast Dedication: Reflects commitment, reliability, and a methodical approach.
  4. Practical Solutions: Symbolizes a practical mindset, dedication to tasks, and diligent work ethic.
  5. Resourceful Nature: Embodies a disciplined attitude, reliability, and readiness to adapt.

Number 26:

  1. Diplomatic Harmony: Signifies balance, cooperation, and creating harmony in relationships.
  2. The Two of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card embodying decision-making, balance, and compromise.
  3. Balancing Choices: Reflects decisions, seeking balance, and finding middle ground.
  4. Peaceful Resolutions: Symbolizes diplomacy, compromise, and finding solutions.
  5. Harmonious Choices: Embodies choices made with consideration, balance, and peace.

Number 27:

  1. Wisdom and Compassion: Signifies understanding, spiritual insight, and empathy.
  2. The Nine of Cups (in some decks): Tarot card representing emotional fulfillment, contentment, and satisfaction.
  3. Emotional Satisfaction: Reflects happiness, emotional contentment, and spiritual fulfillment.
  4. Inner Contentment: Symbolizes emotional well-being, satisfaction, and contentedness.
  5. Gratitude and Fulfillment: Embodies gratitude for blessings, emotional satisfaction, and harmony.

Number 28:

  1. Achievement and Ambition: Signifies success through hard work, determination, and ambition.
  2. The Ten of Pentacles (in some decks): Tarot card embodying wealth, abundance, and family legacy.
  3. Abundance and Legacy: Reflects material success, family prosperity, and ancestral influence.
  4. Fulfillment of Goals: Symbolizes the accomplishment of long-term goals and material stability.
  5. Establishing Foundations: Embodies securing foundations, prosperity, and financial stability.

Number 29:

  1. Wisdom and Intuition: Signifies spiritual wisdom, intuition, and heightened awareness.
  2. The High Priestess (in some decks): Tarot card symbolizing intuition, mystery, and inner knowledge.
  3. Intuitive Insights: Reflects hidden knowledge, psychic abilities, and heightened perception.
  4. Mystical Awareness: Symbolizes esoteric wisdom, inner guidance, and spiritual depth.
  5. Spiritual Illumination: Embodies divine knowledge, inner mysteries, and esoteric understanding.
These tidbits continue to explore the symbolic meanings associated with each number and its corresponding tarot cards, offering insights into the diverse themes and interpretations within numerology and the tarot.
submitted by adulting4kids to tarotjourneys [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:40 Braunibon Two grandfathers, one teen grandson, summer plans

Parents: would you require teen 16m child to spend more time with the grandfather he feels less close with (my dad, I'm teen's mom) but whose health is failing and might not have lots of time left -- teen son would occasionally see medical challenges related to healthcare aspects of aging, grandfather has mobility issues, he'd likely see things like dialysis, use of oxygen Or Would you require teen son to go on international trip for a month to older, but far healthier, other grandfather's (my FIL) home country? The trip would be Grandfather, teen and his younger teen sibling, and their dad (my husband). They are all close. They took the same trip in 2022. They mostly had a good trip. My husband said son got bored and complained a little then (he was 14)
It will be to a rural area. The point is going to visit lots of mostly elderly relatives. There will be some fun outings but there will also be a lot of family dinners where teens are strongly encouraged to interact and engage with all extended family members, many being elderly and there is sometimes a language barrier. There is the slight possibility of getting together with a few kids their age.
Teen son's perspective is he wants to stay home. He doesn't want to spend that much time with ailing grandfather but he will, if it means he mostly gets to do the things he likes at home for those 3 weeks.
I told my son I don't know, I honestly don't know what will happen with my dad's poor health conditions. I'm very stressed out by this because I am very close to my Dad, despite his relationship with my kids. He has been in poor health most of their lives.
But the trip is not a resort vacation by any means. It's a trip that means slowing down, not even much screen time. Bike rides along farm fields is the exciting activity. My instinct is to require my son to go along.
My husband & I are extremely thankful that his dad/my FIL has the opportunity and means for providing the international travel (from the U.S. to Europe), we could not afford it on our own, the trip would be a gift to his son & grandkids. I'll miss them but I know I'd never be able to relax and enjoy being that far from my dad, with his health failing.
Thanks in advance for sharing your thoughts/suggestions
submitted by Braunibon to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:43 itz_henka_gacha Good Autumnjack NEW GENS


And boy is there a lot of next gen apples…

Name: Pumpkin Patch (patch)
Age: 17
Gender: Cis Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Parents: Apple Jack, Autumn Blaze (magical lesbian spawn)
Siblings: none
Relatives: Professor Apple Bloom (aunt) Tender Taps (uncle) June Bug (cousin) Big Macintosh (uncle) Sugar Belle (aunt) Sugar Cane (cousin)
Pear Butter and Bright Mac (deceased/grandparents) Granny Smith and Gramp Pear (deceased/great grandparents)
Type: 80% pony 20% Kirin
-hard working
-pretty (for Summer)
-will defend her friends
Cutie Mark/Special Talent
Since Patch is mostly pony, she got her cutie mark at a normal age. Her cutie mark is an apple-shaped pumpkin. It represents her love for fall harvest.


Artist’s description:
soft boy. has done nothing wrong, ever.
Son of Apple Jack and Autumn Blaze.
Flick was raised as a farmer, but farming never truly sat right with him. He loved helping others, and he knew he could be doing more to help. That’s why when he came of age, he moved out and applied to be a professor at the school of friendship for the kindness element, surprisingly. But of course, he was accepted.
Opal Flicker is kind too most, but closest to Ambrosia (his sister), Goji Glow, Onyx Daze, Elytron, Vespa Sear, Aurora, Hornet, Lockheed, Virago, and Bulaa.
Flick is scared of Amity, and like 80% sure Pyre hates him

Daughter of Apple Jack and Autumn Blaze.
Though still in school, Ambrosia is keen to helping her mothers farm, and most underestimate her strength. When she’s not on the farm or studying, she’s with friends and family, she usually drags them on hikes with her.
While Ambrosia does have walls, if she trusts you they’ll go down quickly. She can usually be seen hanging around Opal Flicker (her brother), Saccharin (her cousin), Fuji Tart (her cousin), Elytron, and Terabyte.
She argues frequently with Pacific Rose (her cousin). And she thinks Prince Usiku doesn’t take himself or his duties seriously.

Pazazz Apple

“Darlin’, please don’t cry. I’m sure Cameo didn’t mean to break Potsy.”
“Ma, people are staring…”
“You ignore them. She’s grieving.”
Living on a farm with around 14 ponies means that accidents can happen a bit more often than not. This time, Potsy was the victim.
I 100% think that even after regaining her voice and the voices of her fellow villagers, Autumn Blaze still kept her inanimate object friends around. After all, no one’s going to be completely sane after dealing with what she went through. So one day, when Potsy is knocked from his spot on a bale of hay and smashes on the ground, Autumn Blaze is devastated. She wails and sobs, unable to do anything but cry and apologize to Potsy’s broken pieces. Applejack, who can’t bear to see her wife so upset, is very sympathetic towards her and the inanimate object. Pazazz, on the other hand, feels bad because he’s embarrassed of his mother’s odd behavior.
submitted by itz_henka_gacha to Autumnjack [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:54 ElectronicLead6708 im 17, failed my year, do or die exam coming up. Down bad tremendously. addictions/no motivation at all.

I am at my lowest point.
From Ukraine, refugee in a European country, above middle-class family by European standards.
From being motivated as fuck for 2024 having around 10k$ in assets, mid relationship with my parents, good grades to finish the semester and a really good mindset, forgetting about how i feel about not being in a place i dont like to call home. I was addiction free except the average vape cigarette yadda yadda, i was making great money online, good in school and had a really good mood 80% of the time.
After the beginning of the second semester I went from doing that good to eventually starting to get myself in a shithole one step at a time (there were a lot of steps). I started gambling heavily, not an average one day bender but now all my money goes on it, of which I have almost none (2k$) left, completely quitting what I did to make money or study and having no motivation to restart. I had periods of alcoholism where I drank up to a bottle of jager in one day. Alone or at parties where I just left after an hour to go back home and rot. My grades are at a low low low!! I suck balls in school, play brawl stars in half the lessons etc. AND on top of all that I dabble in hard drugs which make me go geeked mode and I sit at my desk tweaking balls to not do the shit i have to do and not even think about it, not mega hard shit but light benzos that I mostly get off the dark web.
Worst of all of this is the gambling problem I have which is literally works like heroin on your brain. I'm fucked for life because i have a developping brain with 6 years of gambling addiction (xandemic type shit).
I get no joy from anything except those sources and long walks, which I still usually have a beer with but even without the beer I enjoy them cuz they feel like an escape.
I am writing this whole thing because opening up is the best thing as everyone tells me but I never do it because I really am embarrassed about this deep hole I dug myself into and am struggling to get out of. I am gonna give myself a "self diagnosis" of social anxiety due to me not talking to almost anyone new because i literally start shaking and make things really weird 99% of the time. I do not know where to vent except the few friends i had back in Ukraine who i am now disconnected with because of my mental health (my fault completely, i was a burden and yapped too much about my problems not taking in consideration theirs).
I have a huge exam coming up in 2 weeks and i have not been doing shit neither do i plan to because it really feels like i don't care. I literally want to rot and stop being a shame in this family of hard workers where in 2 generations my elders went from being dirt broke slavs to quite a good financial situation. I have no one in family who struggles/struggled with any addictions nor is that even talked about.
I feel really embarassed, am scared and ashamed to talk about these problems to anyone close with the fear of abandonement or losing the "close" people i have left. I do not know what there is left to do. I am stuck in the past, living in Ukraine, being 14 and playing video games on discord. That life is far gone now.
venting this heavy for the first time, am sweating while writing this, want to delete it all but after all if i post it, worst thing that can happen is that nothing changes.
submitted by ElectronicLead6708 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:18 navind10 My problems and the Sri Lankan education system. ( this is probably a dumb post)

Before I say anything, don't mind my bad english. I'm leaving this here because I have no one to tell this. There are gonna be bad words.
I'm 14(m). Now before you think " oh he is so young what kind of problems could he possibly have". I know that. I know that these are very small things and there are people with like million times problems. But I don't know what to do.
To make things clear I don't have girlfriend problems or shit. But I feel like I'm being crushed by an unknown force. Tbh I do have problems in my family. It's also frustrating. But I'm kinda used to it now. But the other problem is SCHOOL. I FUCKING HATE IT.
Here's the thing. I don't like to call it fancy but, you know how the schools in Sri Lanka are called. There fancy ones and there normal ones. I go to a kinda famous school. Not that famous but sorta. And that's the thing. Since people think the school is great ( even though it's not) people expect me to be great in work and etc.
Now I am not a great student at all. I do great in some subjects but most of the time ( by that I mean like 90% of the time) I suck at everything. Sri Lankan school system is a mess we all know that. My opinion is that most of the things we learn is so outdated. And sometimes I just can't stand it to learn useless things. I know you all hear this from every student.
Another thing is teachers. Now I respect them and I don't mean to hate them by any means. But they think like this is still the 90's. All they tell you is you need to learn this because it's gonna be in the exam. Like whyyy???? I fucking hate that shit. I am not interested in learning something that I have to write on a sheet of paper and then not think about it EVER AGAIN.
Like most of the time they just teach us the lesson, give some notes, give us homework and then tell us to _____ ( whatever the english word for katapadam) it. I'm done with that shit. I don't think this is a problem of the teachers. I know there are some great teachers out there. It's the problem with the education system. And I'm not even going to talk about the tuition culture. That shit needs to be stopped.
And when I tell someone like my mom about this, she goes " well what do we do? We can't do anything about it. We just have to go with the ____ ( what is the english word for " ralla"? Is it trend? )". Another thing that pisses me off is how parents want to make their kids be someone with a professional job and a high paying job and shit. Like let them what they want to be. Let them to what they like. Let them be creative. And if they are really good at it and very creative at it, they'll find a way to make money out of that.
The only thing that does is kill our creativity. Not all the kids are good at maths. Not all the kids are good at science. They are good at something in their own way.
Yeah yeah I'm just a kid with dumb thoughts. I don't even know what the fuck am I doing. I just need to release those dumbass thoughts . My fingers hurt so imma stop.
submitted by navind10 to srilanka [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:38 Spirited_Cicada2474 Tort interference

Thanks for helping:
  1. I am suing someone for mold in our home.
  2. Their Grandson is pissed, then took a video of cars in my driveway saying we're doing something illegal, but we aren't - I had family over and there were 7 cars. He submitted this to township and township is doing an investigation, though we've done nothing wrong. Township says we don't have ample parking... yet I have a 14 car lot LOL.
  3. We have a tort against this person for tampering with my business. What else can we do? This has DESTROYED my business for 3 months they shut it down until investigation is complete. They said we teach illegal lessons... I don't teach, haven't for 4 years and purchased new space. They have destroyed my name, reputation, caused insane issues with township that are not legal, the list goes on. They continue to share personal and business info with neighbors weekly. We hear crazy things from neighbors and family that they're spreading inaccurate information.
  4. Said person was reported for harassment for also being on my property, sitting out front reeving engine and trying to intimidate me.
Any ideas? Please help!
submitted by Spirited_Cicada2474 to AskALawyer [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:22 Spidey007 [Dragon Ball Z/MCU: Final Arc] The Janemba Saga- Gohan’s Ascension

To note, this is a continuation of the sagas I wrote that took place after the Cell Saga. The two sagas were written with inspiration taken from MCU Peter Parker's arcs in Far from Home and No Way Home. The goal was to develop Son Gohan into a proper lead for the show. If you'd like to check them out, here are the links!
Bojack (Far From Home) Saga: https://www.reddit.com/fixingmovies/s/sK5zOnJ0oU
Broly (No Way Home) Saga: https://www.reddit.com/fixingmovies/s/R3sGOqdbIv
There are many things I find wrong in the Buu saga:
  1. Goku coming back: This derails the narrative tremendously as he snatches back the torch from Gohan. He's going to play a role, but he will stay dead.
  2. Gohan's writing: In canon, we ended up with a rusty, goofy, badly written character who lost all the development from the previous sagas. He became a useless disappointment and did not uphold his role as a protector of the earth. This won't go anywhere near that direction.
  3. SSJ3 and fusions: These elements were unnecessary as they did nothing to solve the plot and only provided fluff. This can be introduced in Super, but that's another story.
  4. Goten and Trunks SSJ: I wasn't a fan of how they easily transformed, treating it as an easy power-up. Here, it will be earned.
What I want to do here is combine the Buu saga with Fusion Reborn. For that movie, there are tons of elements at play that can be used to make the grand finale of Dragon Ball Z, more grand. The goal here is to increase the stakes, trim all the unnecessary fat, give everyone a chance to shine, and keep the main focus on Gohan. I also want to replace Buu with Janemba, as I find him much more threatening due to his unique abilities which would be perfect to challenge Gohan. It's also here that we avoid the rinse-and-repeat problem that came with Buu and his many forms.

Without further ado, here is the...... Janemba Saga!

Seven years have passed since the climactic battle against Broly. Gohan, now a young adult, has diligently pursued a delicate balance between his studies and training. During this time, he has honed his Super Saiyan 2 form and significantly elevated his combat skills. However, he deliberately restrains his power, refusing to succumb to the depths of his inner rage. Gohan believes that his technical prowess alone will suffice, opting to suppress the primal fury within him. Despite his reservations, Gohan attends a prestigious private school on an academic scholarship, alongside his steadfast companion Videl and their circle of friends. Gohan has embraced the responsibility of preserving peace on Earth as a valiant hero, adopting the mantle of Saiyaman. His suit has undergone a sleek redesign, shedding the theatrical poses in favor of a more streamlined appearance. Functioning as a dynamic duo reminiscent of Superman and Batman, Gohan and Videl tackle the city's crime wave together. Videl, having mastered her ki abilities under the tutelage of Piccolo, has grown stronger over the years. Glimpses of their everyday lives reveal the struggles of Gohan as he endeavors to balance the demands of school, training, and personal relationships. Amidst the challenges, he harbors a subtle resentment towards his duty, as it often encroaches upon his cherished personal time. Nevertheless, Gohan persists, fueled by his unwavering determination to live up to his father's legacy.
However, the tranquil facade is shattered when a harrowing turn of events unfolds. The narrative transitions to an otherworldly realm, distinctly separate from Earth. A mysterious figure cloaked in darkness materializes, none other than the malevolent wizard Babidi. Harnessing the unholy power of dark magic, Babidi establishes a sinister connection with his loyal minion Dabura, the King of the Demon Realm. United in their nefarious purpose, they orchestrate an audacious invasion of Otherworld, intent on freeing the formidable demon Janemba. Ages ago, Janemba had been sealed away in this celestial realm by the Supreme Kais. Babidi's malevolent ambition revolves around shrouding the universe in eternal darkness. To achieve this nightmarish vision, he plans to infect the denizens of Earth using the insidious Majin spell, thereby expanding his dominion across countless planets.
In the midst of this burgeoning chaos, Gohan, disguised as Saiyaman, finds himself investigating a peculiar incident involving the possession of one of his dearest friends. Videl, resolute and fearless, engages in a fierce battle against the malevolent puppeteer controlling Sharpner. With unwavering confidence, she urges Gohan to let her confront the threat alone. Sharpner, his strength unnaturally augmented, puts up a formidable resistance, but Videl's experience enables her to subdue him without resorting to fatal measures. As Sharpner awakens from his trance, Gohan seeks answers regarding the enigmatic force that had seized control of his friend. Sharpner reveals that a voice called Babidi had whispered malevolent commands into his mind. Armed with this critical information, Gohan summons Vegeta and Piccolo to join him in unraveling the unfolding crisis, embarking on a journey towards the epicenter of the ominous power emanating from a series of potent and wicked ki signatures, ultimately leading them to Babidi and Dabura.
Meanwhile, Earth becomes a battleground, besieged by an onslaught of resurrected zombies, soldiers, and former villains who once terrorized its populace. Though the trio finds themselves torn between aiding their beleaguered planet and confronting the imminent threat directly before them, they know their immediate priority lies in thwarting Babidi's scheme. Distracting them with his grandiose monologue, Babidi probes their minds, seeking susceptible individuals to manipulate. Initially targeting Vegeta, Babidi redirects his attention toward Piccolo, sensing his inherent duality as a being born of both good and evil. With a combination of Babidi's insidious spell and the lingering malevolence of Piccolo Daimao, the Namekian warrior struggles to resist the overwhelming influence. His powers surge exponentially beyond their previous limitations, clouding his judgment and driving him to confront his former student, Gohan. Amidst the shock of this unforeseen twist, Gohan assumes the responsibility of awakening Piccolo from his trance-like state, determined to restore his mentor's clarity. As the battle rages on, they sense a tremor that reverberates throughout the planet, an unmistakable ki signature brimming with icy coldness, signifying the presence of a singular entity—Janemba.
Bracing himself for the impending clash with this malevolent force, Gohan prepares to face Janemba head-on, while Piccolo embarks on a personal mission to neutralize Babidi. Meanwhile, Vegeta remains locked in a fierce struggle against Dabura, the Prince of Saiyans confronting the King of the Demon Realm. The confrontation unfolds with brutal intensity, and Vegeta finds himself teetering on the edge of defeat. Sensing his adversary's advantage, Dabura unleashes a legion of demons to tip the scales further in his favor. Pushed to his limits, Vegeta fights valiantly, but the odds appear insurmountable. Dabura, consumed by arrogance, revels in his imminent triumph, announcing his intention to unleash the full might of the demon horde upon Earth. Faced with the dire consequences of such a cataclysm, Vegeta musters every ounce of desperation within him. In a moment of self-sacrifice, he unleashes a devastating attack upon Dabura and his minions. The resulting explosion weakens Babidi's forces, repels the encroaching Demon Realm, and safeguards their dimension from untold chaos and devastation.
(Note: I wanted to keep Vegeta's sacrifice but make it matter and count. In canon, it didn't stop Buu, and he sent himself into cold oblivion on a lie. Here, he makes a difference in the long run and has a definitive redemptive moment. )
Startled by the sudden disappearance of Vegeta's powerful ki, Trunks defies the protests of his comrades on the Lookout and rushes towards the chaotic battleground. His heart pounds with trepidation as he races through the smoke-filled air, only to be confronted with the lifeless body of his father lying motionless on the ground. Overwhelmed by a torrent of despair and seething rage, Trunks' trembling hands reach out to shake his father awake, his desperate pleas echoing through the desolate landscape. But his efforts prove futile, and a profound sense of loss engulfs him.
In the midst of this heart-wrenching moment, a surge of raw energy courses through Trunks' veins, igniting a transformation that surpasses the boundaries of his mortal self. Radiating an aura of vibrant golden light, Trunks ascends to the legendary state of the Super Saiyan. His eyes ablaze with determination and fury, he is now ready to face the battle that lies ahead.The scene shifts, revealing the remaining Z-Fighters locked in a perilous struggle against hordes of relentless zombies. Fatigue weighs heavily upon their weary bodies as they fend off the relentless onslaught. Suddenly, a streak of intense power streaks across the sky, and Trunks descends before his comrades, newly transformed and brimming with indomitable strength. A burst of energy erupts from his fingertips, shattering a ki blast launched by one of the zombies, diverting it harmlessly away. In the eyes of his adversaries, astonishment mingles with mockery as they behold the sight of a mere child standing before them.Unfazed by their taunting laughter, Trunks addresses his comrades with unwavering resolve. He declares that he will shoulder the burden of the battle, vowing that not a single life will be lost on this day. With unparalleled speed and precision, he charges towards the encroaching horde, obliterating each zombie with astonishing ease. Their forces crumble beneath the might of his wrath, and the battlefield is transformed into a graveyard of defeated foes.As the last of the zombies falls, Trunks relinquishes his Super Saiyan form, his energy spent and body drained. Collapsing to the ground, he succumbs to exhaustion, his breathing ragged and labored. In this moment of vulnerability, Yamcha, recognizing the young warrior's valor, rushes to his side and gently lifts him from the battlefield, cradling his battered form with utmost care.
(Note: Kid Trunks' transformation is a direct reference to when Future Trunks found Gohan dead after the battle with the androids, and then he transformed. )
While this tumultuous event unfolded, the responsibility of safeguarding the Lookout fell upon the young shoulders of Goten. As time passed, a sudden intrusion disrupted the tranquility of the platform, as a malevolent henchman, infused with the dark power of King Cold, materialized before him. Though momentarily shaken, Goten summoned his courage and engaged in a valiant struggle against his formidable adversary.Initially, it appeared that Goten held his ground admirably, skillfully countering the attacks launched by the nefarious duo of Salza and Dore. However, their sinister coordination gradually began to overpower the young warrior. In a devastating display of force, Salza executed a malicious kick that sent Goten hurtling towards the precipice of the Lookout, teetering on the brink of unconsciousness.
Witnessing her son's battered and vulnerable state, Chi-Chi, consumed by a mixture of horror and fury, lunged at Salza in a desperate attempt to defend her child. Yet, her efforts proved futile as Salza callously seized her by the throat, mercilessly constricting the life from her. From his weakened position, Goten, wide-eyed and mouth agape, struggled to remain conscious, his mind besieged by the conflicting emotions of impending death and the weight of disappointment.
In that critical moment, he closed his eyes, his teeth sinking into his lip until blood stained his mouth. His trembling hands clenched into tight fists. And then, something within him snapped, unleashing a primal force that lay dormant within.Goten vanished, replaced by an embodiment of unbridled rage. Transformed into a Super Saiyan, his furious aura radiated with an intensity that defied comprehension. With a surge of unrestrained power, he propelled himself towards Salza, obliterating his malevolent foe with a devastating blast that eradicated him from existence. Undeterred by the remaining henchmen who sought to avenge their fallen comrade, Goten engaged them with a newfound ferocity.In a breathtaking display of combat prowess, it took mere moments for Goten to dispatch his adversaries, consigning them to the depths of the afterlife. Unaware of his mother's watchful gaze, Chi-Chi bore witness to the astonishing transformation of her once-innocent son, her heart filled with awe at the unfathomable power he now wielded.
(Note: This is a reference to when Superman had attacked Zod for attacking Martha in Man of Steel. With this, Goten is able to break out of his shell and experience some development. I also did not want Chi-Chi to die, but to have it be close. This way, she can witness firsthand her son fighting to avenge her and realizing that his saiyan blood kicked in to save them all, which would lead to some development towards her accepting that they have the natural power to fight, but also protect. )
Simultaneously, amidst the chaos, Piccolo found himself embroiled in a fierce battle of magic. His objective was to shatter the impenetrable barrier erected by his adversary, Babidi, to halt the relentless proliferation of Majin-infused beings. The odds were stacked against him, but with unwavering determination, Piccolo summoned the strength to rupture the barrier, ultimately delivering a fatal blow to Babidi. In doing so, he succeeded in halting the insidious spread of the Majin curse.Meanwhile, Gohan, driven by an overwhelming surge of power in his Super Saiyan 2 form, charged headlong at the formidable Fat Janemba, intent on swiftly ending the confrontation. Displaying remarkable valor, Gohan engaged his adversary with all his might, momentarily gaining the upper hand in fleeting bursts of fury. However, Janemba's energy continued to surge unabated, gradually overpowering Gohan and relegating him to a defensive stance.With the battle reaching its climax, Janemba unleashed a devastating onslaught aimed at obliterating the planet. In a desperate bid to protect all that he held dear, Gohan fearlessly interposed himself between Janemba's lethal assault and the world, extending his arms wide as he summoned the last vestiges of his ki to create a resolute energy shield. The technique demanded one final act of defiance, compelling Gohan to redirect the unleashed energy back towards Janemba, propelling the malevolent entity backward and teetering on the precipice of annihilation. Yet, the maneuver exacted a heavy toll on Gohan, leaving him grievously injured and drained of consciousness, hurtling through the sky and crashing deep into the untamed wilderness.
(Note: This maneuver is a mix of what Gohan did against Broly in Movie 10, and what Future Gohan did in his last battle against the androids.)
Subsequently, Supreme Kai, recognizing the dire condition of the young warrior, transported Gohan to the realm of the Kais. As Gohan gradually regained consciousness, he found himself surrounded by the presence of Supreme Kai, Kibito, and his father, Son Goku. Unbeknownst to Gohan, while the realms beyond had been engulfed in pandemonium, Goku had valiantly sought to subdue numerous formidable adversaries, most notably Broly. Upon learning of Gohan's presence on that distant planet, Goku implored for the opportunity to visit his son, a request that was granted amidst the bittersweet reunion.During their heartfelt meeting, they shared the weight of overseeing the turmoil ravaging Earth, realizing that Janemba still lingered, amassing the remnants of malevolent ki left unvanquished. Panic washed over Gohan as he urgently expressed his need to return to Earth, but his pleas were met with cautionary words from his loved ones. They acknowledged his unpreparedness to face Janemba anew, warning of the potential consequences should he engage the foe prematurely. Supreme Kai disclosed his true intention in bringing Gohan to this realm—to unlock the dormant power lying dormant within him. However, the process demanded a profound reconciliation of Gohan's dual nature as both human and Saiyan. To initiate this transformative ritual, Gohan would be immersed in a meditative trance within the sacred confines of a cascading waterfall, which would serve as a mirror reflecting his true self. Only then would he embark upon the arduous journey of unlocking his latent potential, fully aware that failure could result in dire consequences, even death.
Nervously, Gohan steeled himself for the imminent trial, drawing strength from the unwavering support of his father. With resolute determination, he approached the cascading waterfall, where Supreme Kai initiated the trance, enveloping Gohan in an ethereal aura of introspection.As the ritual commenced, Gohan's gaze fixated grimly upon vivid recollections of his past battles, struggling to reconcile the moments when he had succumbed to his own wrath. Before long, a projection materialized, representing his suppressed Saiyan essence—a separate entity demanding to be acknowledged. A tumultuous clash ensued between the two facets of Gohan's being, with the young warrior faltering in his attempts to gain the upper hand, for each surge of anger only fueled his other self. Finally, a profound realization washed over Gohan, piercing through the haze of conflict. He ceased resisting and, instead, extended a hand of acceptance and understanding to his Saiyan counterpart, embracing the essence of his true nature. In that transformative instant, the boundaries dissolved, merging into a harmonious unity. Gohan's eyes fluttered open as he awakened from the trance, reborn in his newfound Ultimate Form, his essence finally whole and indomitable.
(Note: Yes, this is a direct reference to Naruto obtaining true mastery of his nine tails form in Shippuden. I did not like Gohan's canon mystic ritual because it did not feel earned. He just sat around for a long time doing nothing and gained nothing from it. I wanted to fix that. So here, he went through a more direct ritual at the risk of death to be able to unlock his true abilities. )
In the midst of these events, Trunks and Goten find themselves under the tutelage of Piccolo within the formidable Hyperbolic Time Chamber. News reaches Piccolo that Gohan is undergoing a transformative process to unlock his latent potential, but the looming return of Janemba threatens to disrupt their plans. Exiting the chamber, Trunks and Goten emerge stronger than ever, having mastered their Super Saiyan forms and honed their teamwork to near perfection, compensating for their inherent power limitations.As Janemba crosses paths with them, the clash erupts in a spectacular display of martial prowess. Individually, they stand little chance against the overwhelming might of Janemba, but when united, a different narrative unfolds. Their combined efforts aim to sustain the battle long enough, providing Gohan with the precious time he needs to complete his ritual. Piccolo assumes leadership, valiantly holding his ground, although it becomes increasingly evident that Janemba possesses a distinct advantage. Piccolo strategically diverts Janemba's attention, creating openings for Goten and Trunks to launch coordinated assaults that vex their adversary, even if their impact is minimal. Nonetheless, every second counts.
In a fateful turn of events, Janemba unleashes an assault that overwhelms Piccolo, incapacitating him and leaving only Goten and Trunks to face the malevolent entity. Swift as a phantom, Janemba materializes in front of Trunks, delivering a devastating blow to his abdomen, leaving Goten as the lone defender. Standing tall, Goten defiantly assumes a battle stance, mustering his courage. However, before Janemba can unleash a devastating attack upon him, an unknown figure delivers a powerful kick to Janemba's head, hurtling him towards the distant mountains.
The camera pans, revealing the figure to be none other than Gohan, resplendent in his newfound form.
(Note: This entrance directly mirrors that of Future Gohan when he was about to begin his final battle against the Androids!)
A wave of elation washes over Goten as he beholds the return of his beloved elder brother, while Trunks and Piccolo visibly exhale with relief. Gohan and Piccolo exchange a brief but meaningful exchange, Gohan acknowledging his newfound strength while Piccolo recognizes that Gohan has ascended to an entirely different echelon. Janemba regains his footing, reemerging before them, demanding their attention and focus. Gohan asserts that he will confront Janemba directly, urging the others to evacuate. Though reluctant, Piccolo and the young warriors comply, dispersing to various parts of the world to address the chaos that plagues their surroundings.
With an air of fury, Janemba charges at Gohan, his fist extended menacingly. Yet Gohan intercepts the attack, seizing Janemba's fist in a vice-like grip, and in a flash of teleportation, they are transported to the dreaded realm of H.F.I.L. (Home For Infinite Losers).
(Note: I have Gohan teleport Janemba because at least this way their battle will not damage Earth. Also we will assume Gohan has figured out some sort of Instant Transmission movement like Goku.)
The eyes of Earth's denizens, the Kais, and the denizens of the Otherworld are fixated on this pivotal moment, the culmination of a battle that will determine the fate of the universe. And so, the clash commences, a cataclysmic struggle that echoes through the very fabric of existence.
In a breathtaking display of power, Gohan initially dominates the battle, effortlessly overpowering Janemba with his newfound might. However, the tables turn when Janemba unveils unexpected abilities: space-time manipulation and a formidable sword. Gohan is caught off guard, unsure of how to counter such unorthodox tactics. Desperation and frustration consume him, causing his control over his own power to slip away.Amidst the chaos, Gohan experiences a moment of revelation, a surge of understanding regarding his opponent's abilities. He realizes that in order to anticipate Janemba's next move, he must heighten his senses by channeling his ki, allowing for precise timing and swift reactions. With this newfound clarity, Gohan regains his composure, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. Seizing an opportunity, Janemba materializes before him, poised to strike with his sword. Yet, in a stunning display of strength, Gohan catches the blade with both hands, shattering it into pieces.
The tide of the battle begins to shift, albeit slightly, in Gohan's favor. Frustrated and bewildered, Janemba exclaims, "Just what...are you?!" Gohan responds with unwavering resolve, proclaiming, "I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am the protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth. Ally to good! Nightmare to you!"
(Note: I'm taking Goku's dubbed speech against Frieza and repurposing it for Gohan. As he's inherently more the justice-driven hero archetype rather than the fighting maniac that is Goku, it makes more sense. We'll just assume Goku gave Frieza the manga version of his speech. This is also the most pivotal moment of Gohan's journey as he comes to terms with being a protector. Throughout the show, he's been struggling between his desire to be a scholar and his responsibility to be a hero. That dubbed speech is exactly the moment that Gohan's arc comes full circle. Here, he finally embraces what he was always meant to be..... the hero.)
With renewed determination, Gohan launches various assaults in a bid to defeat his formidable adversary. However, his attacks fail to inflict lasting damage, and Gohan himself begins to exhaust his ki. It is then that he realizes the true nature of Janemba's existence—he is an embodiment of pure evil ki, unlike any opponent Gohan has faced before. A desperate plan takes shape in Gohan's mind. Mentally reaching out to his friends and even Videl, he calls upon them to gather their ki, reminiscent of the Spirit Bomb technique. Initially, only the Z-Fighters respond, but their combined energy proves insufficient.As Gohan valiantly defends against Janemba's onslaught, he mentally pleads with the people of Earth to lend their aid. Uncertainty and doubt cast a shadow over the crowd until Hercule steps forward, berating them for refusing to support the man who once saved them during the Cell Games. Revealing the truth of Gohan's identity as the Delivery Boy turned hero, the tide of public opinion shifts. People extend their hands, offering their energy to their savior. Shocked by the sudden turn of events, Gohan is relieved by the surge of ki coursing through him, providing a momentary opening to kick Janemba away. The collective assistance grants Gohan a substantial reservoir of energy, which he then summons forth, infusing it with the very essence of his soul—a daring and perilous maneuver.
Driven to his breaking point, a furious Janemba ascends into the sky, conjuring a colossal sphere of malevolent ki capable of obliterating the entire universe. Gohan remains calm, his gaze fixed upon the impending cataclysm. With unwavering resolve, he declares, "This is the end for you, Janemba." Closing his eyes, Gohan raises his left hand above his head, conjuring a radiant sphere of rainbow light. Seizing the opportunity, Janemba hurls his devastating attack towards Gohan. Sensing the imminent danger, Gohan's eyes snap open as he crushes the ball of energy in his palm. Swiftly pivoting, he hurls the fragmented energy towards the oncoming attack, effortlessly piercing through it, and hurtling towards Janemba, finally eradicating the universe's peril once and for all.
(Note: This is the same technique as Kid Buu's Planet Burst move, the one that destroyed Earth. I also repurposed Gogeta's stardust breaker technique for Gohan as I feel it makes sense for him to have it. It also makes him stand out from Goku even more in this case.)
As the dust settles, Gohan maintains his energy long enough to witness Janemba's demise. A triumphant smirk graces his face as he remarks, "Heh, looks like I finally did it." Exhausted, he collapses to the ground, almost completely drained. The onlookers erupt into joyous cheers, celebrating Gohan's hard-fought victory. Supreme Kai teleports Gohan from the depths of H.F.I.L back to Earth, specifically to the Lookout, where his family and friends eagerly await his return. In a heartwarming scene, Gohan is enveloped in embraces and expressions of relief. It is here, amidst the warmth of their loved ones, that Gohan and Videl share their first kiss—a tender moment of connection and celebration.Meanwhile, the Dragon Balls work their magic, rectifying the chaos caused by Babidi's dark influence. The majority of those who perished are revived, yet there are exceptions, including Vegeta. Accepting his fate and determined to atone for his past deeds, Vegeta expresses his desire to continue growing stronger in the afterlife, entrusting the protection of his family to his son. Tearfully, Trunks vows to make his father proud, with Goten stepping forward to support his friend in this emotional moment. Fond farewells are exchanged as everyone prepares to return to their respective homes.
Gohan and Goten engage in a heartfelt conversation, their bond as brothers strengthening. However, their exchange is interrupted by Chi-Chi, who unexpectedly interrupts their conversation. To their astonishment, she expresses pride in their valiant efforts to safeguard the world, finally relenting and granting them permission to train and protect. The three embrace, their family united and resolute.In a different realm, Vegeta stands before King Yemma, awaiting judgment. To his surprise, he is granted an Otherworldly body, a result of Goku's recommendation and Vegeta's ultimate sacrifice that tipped the scales of justice. With this second chance, Vegeta is granted the opportunity to train ceaselessly and, more importantly, to settle his unfinished business with Goku. The final scene between Goku and Vegeta unfolds, their fists colliding in a charged confrontation, their image freezing .( mirroring the intensity of Rocky and Apollo in Rocky III, leaving their ultimate showdown to the imagination.)
A decade passes, marked by a time skip. Tien and Krillin have established their own martial arts schools, dedicated to passing on their unique styles to the next generation. Goten and Trunks, under the tutelage of Piccolo, diligently train to harness their extraordinary powers. Gohan, now a respected scholar, has married Videl, and together they have a daughter. At home, Videl imparts the basics of combat to their daughter, Pan. Gohan, having just finished delivering a lecture on energy at the university, senses a disturbance reverberating across the planet. Instinctively, he rushes to the rooftop, pressing a button on his wrist. In an instant, he transforms into his iconic Saiyaman costume, soaring into the horizon with a mischievous grin. He breaks through the fourth wall, symbolizing his unwavering resolve to protect and inspire.
The screen fades to black.
The End.
There we have it! My final wrap-up of the MCU Peter ParkeGohan development journey! Honestly, I did have thoughts of just going straight into revising the Buu arc, but I felt there was more to be done before that. Gohan needed to go through the development I gave him in my two written arcs as there were lessons there that shaped him.
I also felt that a trained Gohan, who is naturally intellectual, would be a perfect antagonist in Janemba. He had to learn to outsmart him, and not just have it be a straight-up slugfest.
What do you guys think? Share your thoughts below!
submitted by Spidey007 to fixingmovies [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:54 skuxcavs THE 47 ENIGMA (INFO IVE GATHERED OVER THE YEARS) tried my best to keep it in good structure to make sense.

The Number 47, Synchronicity & the Law of Time Courtney Jamal Dewar, aka Capital STEEZ, came with perfect timing. Wielding a higher message, he revealed to all those around him through his music and his being the corruption of society and all of its constructs. He was fascinated, some would say, obsessed, with the number 47. For him this number held a higher meaning on many levels. First and foremost, he felt it was about synchronicity. He made all of his homies, including myself, aware of how this is the quintessential random number. We literally began to see it everywhere. You can research the numerological significance of 47. Here are just a few: 47 appears to be the quintessential random number of the universe. When a number appears randomly, more often than not, that number is 47. In other other words, if you asked people to pick a number at random, more often than not, that number would be 47. Of course, if 47 shows up more than any other number then it isn’t truly random, but using the word random makes the whole phenomenon easier to describe. From a spiritual perspective, number 47 is a combination of the energies and attributes of number 4 and number 7. The vibrations of number 4 include those of productivity and application, inner-wisdom and practical-thinking, honesty and integrity, endurance and determination, conscientiousness and discipline. Number 4 also relates to our passion and drive in life. Number 7 brings the qualities of spiritual awakening and enlightenment, intuition and inner-knowing, psychic abilities and mysticism, independence and individualism, persistence of purpose and manifesting good fortune.
There is even a much-viewed YouTube spoof of Jim Carrey’s The Number 23, substituting—you guessed it–the No. 47. Jim Carrey's character named Walter is given a book titled The Number 23. Walter starts reading the book and notices striking similarities between himself and the main character, a detective named "Fingerling". Fingerling is obsessed with the 23 enigma, the idea that all incidents and events are directly connected to the number 23 (Weirdly enough when I was younger I was in cod team called 23Enigma) only noted it as of the coincidence.
Jim Carrey told reporters he was so captivated by the 23 enigma even before reading the script that he renamed his production company from "Pit Bull Productions" to "JC23." (Jesus Christ 23?) Oddly enough the first film Carrey worked on with Joel Schumacher his character The Riddler's real name was 'E. Nigma'. According to Carrey, he was reading a book about Psalm 23 when he was first given a copy of the screenplay to review. He said he asked a friend to read the script and "an hour and a half later he was on page 23, circling every 23rd word. That's the kind of thing I want to do to an audience." When he discovered that the first page of the script involved the lead character trying to capture a pit bull, he was "freaked out," given the change in name of his production company. (Pitbull productions) My Nicknames Pitty, short for pitbul (These are just speculations) Also I've gathered others inputs and went down a deep rabbit hole. Mind you, this is just connections that has been gathered over time, but the consistency of certain "coincidences" are interesting to say the least. Just try to piece together the connections even though it may be out of radar due to us living completely different lives.
James > Cleveland Cavaliers (Cavs) > Number 23 > Nicknames are King James & The Chosen One
Cavs is the nickname of my last name Cavanagh
When you flip the cleveland cavaliers logo upside down it is quite similar
(The hat I've worn since 14, P represents the nickname"Pitty:" short for pitbill a nickname ive had since i was around 10 years old.
Matthew writes that on 23 occasions Jesus blessed 47 people.
The Bible credits Jesus with 47 miracles.
The Declaration of Independence has 47 sentences. Originally published: 4 July 1776 (4/7)
1947 is when the UFO crashed at Roswel
The Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn are 47 degrees of latitude apart.
Capital STEEZ died from allegedly leaping from the Cinematic Music Group’ either gripping a bible or with it strapped on his back There is also the fact that a blood lunar eclipse will occur in New York at 3:47 am on STEEZ’s birthday in 2047, and then the lunar eclipse which will occur after this one is part of the Lunar Saros series 135. He said he named the song 135 for “5th dimensional synchronization”... whatever that means, this would be a massive coincidence.
How Many People Can See This Eclipse? Number of People Seeing... Number of People* Fraction of World Population At least some of the penumbral phase 4,070,000,000 When the Eclipse Happens Worldwide — Timeline Event UTC Time Time in Melbourne* Penumbral Eclipse begins 7 Jul at 07:47:47 Visible in Melbourne 7 Jul at 5:47:47 pm On capital steez birthday.
STEEZs last tweet “the end” Was posted December (23) 2012 The building steez died (The colliers office) is on 666 fifth avenue, 10103 10+10+3=(23), New York. The building was built in 1878 The bohemian grove was established in 1878 The address of the CMG label building is on 40 west (23)rd st, 10010, New York The Freemasonry Grand lodge of New York is on 71 west, (23)rd st 10010 NY. Directly located across the same building STEEZ died. Yeah. West 23rd st, w is the (23)rd letter in the alphabet. In Hebrew the letter W represents the number 6 The fraction 2/3 in decimals=0.666 The freemasonry grand lodge of New York was founded in December 15, 1782 15, 1782 1+5+1+7+8+2 = 24. December 24 the date that's etched on STEEZs tombstone. A police report about his death has never surfaced, information has never been released, but there is pictures of his gravestone (see here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuFVUJJR4Ug) and on that gravestone it says 24/12/12, which actually adds up to 48, yet he tweets on the 23/12/12 stating 'The End. Steez was ready to open up Pandora’s box and expose the illuminati occult in a way that has never been done before. It gets deep. Just think about it guys. Steez was an intellectual genius. He would obviously know that suicide actually makes u go to hell and not heaven. As a believer in the lord he would never commit suicide.
I'm not sure if you're paying attention to the ryan garcia trying to reveal how something tragic happened to him where he was taken to boheiman grove and forced to watch things i wont mention here People said his crazy and on drugs, sad thing is, I believe he is telling the truth Fast forward he wasn't on drugs and
Peep his song "Free The Robots" https://youtu.be/XcmR8DxuHBA
STEEZ has definitely made a positive impact on this world by introducing a new way of thinking and spirituality, even more of an impact than a lot of artists who are still alive... Capital STEEZ was 19 at the time of his death.
There is also gematria behind his death it has to do with numbers. I’ll explain what it is for those who aren’t aware of it. Gematria is the decoding of letters to numbers, it’s used to translate ancient Hebrew Scriptures. But it’s also the code for the entire world. The most basic way I can put it is that it’s as simple as ABC=123, they use these numbers thru media, and the thing that’s being shown on the media always correlates with Masonic numbers and words that correlate with whatever and whoever is being shown on the news or media and whatever event is taking place always correlates 100% of the time. In news, sports, music industry, Hollywood, politics, everything. In Numerology, which is different from gematria. After calculating his name I came across a lot of similarities when calculating mine in various forms.
While calculating his name i came across things relating to me like Like "Melbourne Victoria Australia, Royal Melbourne Hospital, june twenty fourth. From his name which connected to me personally as i was born in that hospital, thats the city i live and my birthday. The similarities left me wondering if it was actually real or not so I used multiple different calculators and paid for a membership on gematrinator to get maximum results and ended up noticing so much our mine and steezs calculations were similar answers in different form, and answers i got with his name ultimately connected to mine, vice versa. So i was intrigued and these are a list of numbers that matched up with our names. This is all speculation based on connections that seem to be very consistent peep this
Calculating these variations of our names such as Courtney Jamal Dewar / Courtney jamal Dewar Jr / Courtney Everald Jamal Dewar Jr / Capital STEEZ / Nathan Cavanagh / Nathan James Cavanagh / Nathan James Cavanagh Sciarra, calculations all listed together when I noted them all I didn't think to label to each name as I was so captivated by the coincidences I just kept going down the rabbit hole. I came across profound links to both our names that binds us both to the unique synchronicities that were to apparent to all be ruled as pure coincidence, such as his name calculating to my birthday, place of birth and city, and city i live to say the least.
These are calculations through gematria, some are our calculations mixed in this as I was just noting down every connection I noticed
The first and the last Eye Of Horus Total Eclipse the numbers of gods matrix coordinated universal time Capital Steez June Twenty Forth (my birthday) came up from steez name Lunar Eclipse Sacrifice July (2047 lunar eclipse on steezs birthday) The Central Intelligence Agency A WISE TALENTED MUSIC PRODUCER Royal Melbourne Hospital (where I was born) The Holy Bloodline Of Jesus The Return of Christ Exodus Luke synchronisation The Synchronicities Of Jesus The Book Of Revelations Vibrational Frequency Biblical Prophecy Melbourne Victoria Australia (where im from), came up on steezs calculations The Royal Bloodline The Divine Bloodline Of Jesus fourth of jew lie Energy frequency vibration The Holy Lineage Of Christ One Who Understands Mysteries december the twenty fifth. ..... speaks for itself A Door to another dimension New Moons And Solar Eclipse twenty four seven (my birthdays the 24th, his is the 7th) the victory of the lamb multidimensional royal regiment of scotland Golden Gate Sacrifice Gods Gift Clairvoyant The Chosen One The Two Appointed Ones Leaving For Heaven David And Daughter Of The Oath Are One Almighty God Roars Upon His Throne Powerful Great Grandma The Lord On Earth Donald Trump Assassination Lords Alignment The Lord Gods Here God Is Really Here God Birthdate Encoded End Of Times God Code The Code Of The Lord Lord Birthday Code Gods Provable Code Gods Alive Loser Access Into Heaven Twenty Three The Anunnaki Gods Jesus Is Coming A True Prophet The Seventh Seal What is Jesus's number? 888 Apollo Is The Beast Of Revelation See Fulfillment Of The Book Of Isaiah Prophecy The Serpent In Genesis Describes The Mark Of The Beast See The Forced Evil Mark Of The Beast Foiled The Victory Of The Lamb May The Lord Fill Your Heart Two Masters Is Cancer (steez and I are both Cancer) God Of Eternity We Are God Twins Maker Of New Earth A Two Edged Swords Xanax Vicodin Addiction (i struggled with bad) The Bible Is Intentionally Concealing Information The Galactic Jesus the Anointed One Moses Will Come The King Is Coming Miraculously Encoded By God Pyramids On Mars Forests On Mars Holy Spirit Of Zeus We Are Absolute Infinite Sent By The Gods Powerful Great Grandma999 Burning Alive The Gang Stalkers. (long story short I was a victim of whay they call gangstalking when I was reaching my peak or enlightenment and have been trying to get back to that state again, all I can describe it as is demonic torment) Enoch 777 on YouTube speaks on it good.) A Fourty Seven Mandating The Poisonous Jabs Knowledge Of God Brings Eternal Life Death Isnt So Scary Anymore Invictus Sol The Lion And The Lamb https://imgur.com/gallery/ztGPJGS The Lord Is Here Coming To Restore The Eternal Kingdom The Blood Of The Lamb Contact With A God Revival Jesus The Annointed One the key to it all I Am The Holy Grail Sun Moon Earth Revelation Nine Spirit World I Am The One Lord Jesus Christ I Know All Codes And Connections The Wisdom Of God Word Of The Lord Quantum Entanglement Theory The Anunnaki Path Almighty God Roars Upon His Throne 173 Enoch Chapter Ninety Five Pyramids Have Hidden Chambers Music Is My Life Revelation Five Everyone Is God Forever Jesus Walking With God Vision Of Gabriel New Revelation Seven Wonders Symbiotic Craft Thank You James (my middle name is James) Words Of The Bible Isaiah Fourteen Thirteen Trumps Last Son He Is Jesus Crown Chakra God Is You Gods In A Body The Resurrection Of Life The Book Lj Enoch King Jesus Gods Wrath We Are At War Truth Hidden In Plain Sight Double Conciousness The Anointed Lay Dead On The Cross Dragon Of China Is The Anti Christ. A Seed Of Jesse Angelic Guidance Black Pyramid Hidden Truth In Plain Sight King Messiah Heavens Dream Let The Decoding Fun Begin Add Up Letters Notorious Names The Child Of Christ Aliens Exist Spirit Of Moses C E R T I F I C A T E Of Baptism Of The Lord Of Christ Alchemist Fluoride To Heaven God Is Number Codes Numerical Language Learning Decoding Is Fun The Lord Of The Messiah The Book Of Hidden Messages Eight Eight Eight Nine Nine Nine Lost Books Of The Bible Rna Vaccine Maternal Ancestors Are Of Royal Descent You Are Gifted Frequency Turn Off Your Smart Phone I Am Eternal Life David Christ Gods Son The Sound Of Jesus Coming Help Others Realize Full Potential Implants During Surgical Procedures The Solar System And Thoughts The Reincarnation Of King David King David Divine Dna Is Activated Jesus Returns To Earth The Lion Of Judah Is With Us (Steez would speak about Judah)
Jamal Dewar; psalm twenty three Jesus son of God Nathan Day Revelation fourteen one Spiritual warfare Gang Stalker (experienced this myself) Satanic Cults Commit Suicide forty seven problem Bloodline of Jesus Christ The End (when this came up my jaw dropped.) And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you Amen The Holy Mother of Jesus christ Are you ready for whats coming july seventh twenty eighteen
Courtney Jamal Dewar, Jr: The Book Of Revelations Vibrational frequency MELBOURNE VICTORIA AUSTRALIA (where I live) Christ Resurrection Satan Rules The World The Divine Bloodline of Christ synchronization Biblical Prophecy Capital steez Exodus Luke The Divine Bloodline of David Second Christ The Return of Christ Jesus Resurrection Jesus Christ Bloodline
I added stuff from my name as it was so coincidental I didn't think to label them at first I just wrote down anything I thought added up This is just deep research into who reminds me of myself My instagram is mistapitty Listen to The Resurrection by Pitty https://on.soundcloud.com/Xn3nN
Listen to Revelation 22 by Pitty https://on.soundcloud.com/gBAja
Peep his song "Free The Robots" https://youtu.be/XcmR8DxuHBA
STEEZ has definitely made a positive impact on this world by introducing a new way of thinking and spirituality, even more of an impact than a lot of artists who are still alive... Capital STEEZ was 19 at the time of his death.
There are four gospel accounts of Jesus' life and ministry. Each of these emphasizes a unique aspect of his sacrifice and ministry. Matthew's focus is on Christ being the son of David and a King.
Look into the etymology of your name. - What Does Nathan Mean? The name Nathan means “Gift of God” or “God has given.” In the Old Testament, Nathan was a prophet and one of King David's sons; he acted as a messenger to King David and is considered one of Jesus' ancestors. (David name of my biological grandfather) (James is my middle name) - James is a classic, traditional and Biblical name (Saint James, of course, was Jesus's brother and one of the 12 apostles) meaning "supplanter" or "replacer." It's derived from the Latin Jacomus which also means "may God protect.
Every letter to Capital STEEZs full name calculates to 147 when done in reverse on the gematria calculator and mine equals to exactly 470 when done in reverse.
"Nathan James Cavanagh Sciarra" = 470 (Reverse Reduction) N a t h a n 104 13 26 7 19 26 13 J a m e s 87 17 26 14 22 8 C a v a n a g h 159 24 26 5 26 13 26 20 19 S c i a r r a 120 = 470 8 24 18 26 9 9 26 Reverse = 470
"Capital STEEZ" = 47 (Reduction) C a p i t a l 26 3 1 7 9 2 1 3 S T E E Z 21 = 47 1 2 5 5 8 Reduction = 47
"Courtney Everald Jamal Dewar" = 147 (Reverse Reduction) C o u r t n e y 41 6 3 6 9 7 4 4 2 E v e r e s t 41 4 5 4 9 4 8 7 J a m a l 35 8 8 5 8 6 D e w a r 30 = 147 5 4 4 8 9 Reverse = 147
On June 24th 2022: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are lining up in the pre-dawn sky, a planetary procession that could be seen above the eastern horizon And what’s even more remarkable about this month’s lineup is that the planets are arranged in their natural order from the sun. The best day to see the spectacle will likely be the morning of June 24 of 2022, weather permitting, as the planetary parade will be joined by the waning crescent moon. This is three days after the summer solstice (or winter in australia), which is June 21. What makes this so unique is the last time we had 5 planets aligned in this fashion, was in March of 1874.
All of the "classical" planets will be viewable in the early morning skies of June 24th 2022. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn will be visible, all apparent to the naked eye even under urban light pollution. On the 24th, our moon will be situated between Venus and Mars, so you could say the Earth-Luna system will complete the "perfect" alignment. Under the darkest skies, one will be able to see seven planets in one sweeping gaze. The same year December 24th the planets will align in their correct order outward from the sun for the second time this year, after a pre-dawn alignment in June which was on my birthday. STEEZ is said to have died on the 24th of December 👉 https://imgur.com/gallery/0RVIxxA
Alternatively, 25 December may have been selected owing to its proximity to the winter solstice because of its symbolic theological significance. After the solstice, the days begin to lengthen with longer hours of sunlight, which Christians see as representing the Light of Christ entering the world. This symbolism applies equally to the celebration of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist on 24 June, near the summer solstice, based on John's remark about Jesus "He must increase; I must decrease." John 3:30 NRSV.[59] Now check out the following texts from the bible, they speak of the solstice here. 👉 https://imgur.com/gallery/0RVIxxA and I thought I should add this as it seemed to be quite a coincidence of the date i posted this somg and the content of the posts she made. It aligned with those geomatria calculations I made and i wish I could document snd explain why certain ones just synchronzie but it'd be to hard to comphrened.
John the Baptist day is 24th of June.
"The flower of life, represents global consciousness and like there's this thing on the consciousness grid, the last piece, it has to be the flower of life and it has to align with the sun and all that stuff and it will wake up global consciousness & as i further in my ascension I hope to build it one day" "Some people might think this type of thinking, first of all this type of thinking might jump over a lot of people's heads" "I think humans need to lighten up, maybe try lighten up" - STEEZ
Someone regarding STEEZ: "Did he think there were codes in the Bible or something? I’ve heard him say he knows the “code” does anyone know what the code is? He was a truly enlightened person I wish I could understand him better."
STEEZ supposedly said he had to die now in order to save the Earth in 2047, which is when the world is supposed to end. Before he killed himself his friends say he withdrew not only from them, but rap in general, saying he was going to become a superhero.
(My birthday)24th of June 1999 = 2+4+6+1+9+9+9 = 40 STEEZ birthday) 7th of July 1993 = 7+7+1,993 = 2007.) 40 + 2007 = 2047
Now read a conversation he had on Facebook prior to death https://www.kanyetothe.com/threads/rip-capital-steez.354864/page-42?post_id=16781894&nested_view=1&sortby=oldest#post-167818 His song Dead Prez (credit to who found these calculations as this wasn't mine) If you wanna conspire a little, we technically have had 46 different president so far, tho truly only 45 different guys have been in office. This year, if we elect a new president they will be our 47th prezident. You could say that happens when the next president is elected, or when the second new president is elected because then there'd actually be 47 different people. On the contrary, you could predict that once 47 presidents have died, something very significant will happen because the song is about DEAD presidents. It'll happen in most of our lifetimes i wonder what will happen 2047?
FORTY, THE NUMBER: "Forty days was the period from the resurrection of Jesus to the ascension of Jesus some scholars note that 40 days in the Bible doesn't always mean 40 days literally, but may be a symbolic way of saying "a longer time. A master number and part of the “awakening code”. Also Jose Arguelles’s kin is 11 – he brought forth the Law of Time aka the World Thirteen Moon Cale In the Bible, next to the number seven, the number forty occurs most frequently.
Here's an article on Fader that's kind of aligns some things I've discovered.
Check out these images, not a lot of people would've seen these: h ttp://i.imgur.com/nPE90.png / http://i.imgur.com/sHtdM.png / http://i.imgur.com/ZcNu2.png - he thought he was the alchemist that had the key for world peahttp://i.imgur.com/ZcNu2.png Deshay posted this on Facebook after his immediate death: "Fxck.... This shxt jus rly fxcked me up. Me and Steezus JUST made plans to record on Saturday now hes gone. RIP Capital STEEZ" Joey said he believed he sacrificed himself for spiritual rebirth.
The End THE WIDELY ACCEPTED STORY is that Courtney ‘Jamal’ Dewar committed suicide by jumping off the Cinematic Music Building in Manhattan on 23.12.12 – which equals 47, the rapper’s favourite number. None of the city’s newspapers reported his death. As a result of inconsistent stories and a lack of police intelligence, confusion surrounds the heart-breaking event for the Dewar family. In a 2013 interview with Fader, an anonymous member of Pro Era said, “STEEZ told some of the Pros that he was thinking of killing himself by jumping off the building where Cinematic had its offices.” Dirty Sanchez a close friend of the late rapper recalled, “Nothing was working. Nothing. It was like too late. He made up his mind already.”
Today I will be briefly explaining the practice of Gematria. Gematria comes from ancient Jewish mysticism. It is the practice of combining the letter with the number, with the word. It is said this is how God created the world.
How does it work? Gematria has 4 major ciphers. The first two are easy as ABC, literally. For example A=1 B=2 C=3. And so on. The code can also be read backward from Z to A. This is called reverse ordinal. There are two more ciphers that are equally important but a bit more nuanced so for the sake of clarity I’ll leave those explanations to the work of Zachary K Hubbard. But to put Gematria into usable terms I’m gonna explain a decode I did recently. If you want to decode a word or phrase without doing the math yourself, there is an extremely helpful calculator at gematrinator.com it will give you all four cipher values for your word or phrase in an instant, as well as compare it with corresponding ciphers. Without further ado let’s look at this example:
Here I will outline some interesting numbers that coincide with the rapper Capital STEEZ and the numbers surrounding the music industry as well as numbers that come up with race, and other things I found eye grabbing.
(Credit to another user on here) First off I’ll start with Capital STEEZ, The interesting number here is the full reduction number, 47. It’s eye grabbing for many reasons, but we’ll start with a little back ground. Before Capital STEEZ’s (aka Jamal Dewar) death (suicide) in 2012, STEEZ was apart of an up and coming rap group known as Progressive Era, or ProEra for short. A known staple among these young men were the belief in “47 chakras” and “indigo children”. The two are a topic on their own, but the interesting part is that such a powerful number in Jamal Dewar’s life also coincides with the Gematria of his rap name. But that’s not it! Let’s continue
Capital STEEZ English ordinal: 137
Full reduction: 47
Reverse ordinal: 187 ( see pushed off a roof)
Reverse full reduction :70
Now keep an eye on 70, as we shall see him more as well.
Next we will decode the gematria of the reported means of STEEZ’s death, suicide. This is where I admittedly started getting intrigued.
Gematria of Suicide:
English Ordinal: 70
Full reduction: 34
Reverse ordinal:119
Reverse full reduction: 47
Wow. The exact same values but flipped.
Just a mere coincidence I’m sure But let’s continue .
With these next two we will see two repeats of values, one new value, 88 and a previously used value, 34. As well as 65
Jamal Dewar
English ordinal: 88
Full reduction: 34
Reverse ordinal: 182
Reverse full reduction: 65 ————————— Phrase: pushed off the roof
English Ordinal: 187
Full reduction: 88
Reverse ordinal: 245
Reverse full reduction: 65
And the next term we will decode will be Jamal’s occupation of rapper. Here we will see a reverse of our main number in question, 47, which I’ve found to be reoccurring as well.
English ordinal: 74
Full reduction: 38
Reverse ordinal: 88
Reverse full reduction: 34
I’m beginning to sense a bit of a pattern here... But let me move on Now it’s time to get a little spicy
Jamal Dewar commited suicide on the night of December 23, 2012, though his wiki has his death on the 24 I believe as it was around midnight. Many articles coming out about his death including one I read from thefader.com reported his death on the 23rd. I specifically remember this detail because I was a huge fan of his and Pro Era at the time and it was a huge loss to the community.
December is the 12th month
Care to guess what that equals?
Yep. 47
Here are some other related phrases put into the gematrinator calculator:
Brooklyn New York (where proera is from)
223 79 182 74
Suicide by fall 128 56 223 79
Are you seeing the synchronization of these seemingly unrelated words and phrases?.
The word murder and murdered both have synchronized gematria with Jamal. We also see another repeat with 38, also found in the full reduction of the word rapper.
English ordinal: 79
Full reduction: 34
Reverse ordinal: 83 (38 reverse)
Reverse full reduction: 38
Murdered ,interestingly enough, though only being two letters away from murder, is actually more closely related numerically to jamals name and the word rapper, But there are similarities abound. Murdered.
English ordinal: 88
Full reduction: 43 (34 reverse)
Reverse ordinal: 128
Reverse full reduction: 47
Wow. This one really stands out to me. Every single number code number is used in the over all code of Capital steez just in this one word.
We see the repeats of 88 and 47 as well as the reverse of 34 for the first time and a repeat in the numbers of 128, which we saw as 182 above.
This one is slightly unrelated so I left it sort of by itself but I still maintain it’s validity as it’s use in the music industry is still relevant. That is the word racist. Race is huge in the overall narrative that msm tries to portray.
English ordinal: 70
Full reduction:25
Reverse ordinal: 92
Reverse full reduction: 47
racist and suicide are perfect matches on the front end and back end. 70 and 47.
Here’s another nugget.
The phrase : jumped to his death
English ordinal: 178 (pushed off the roof 187)
Full reduction: 70 (pushed off the roof 88)
Reverse ordinal:254 (pushed off the roof 245)
Reverse full reduction :83 (pushed off the roof 65)
Leap also shares 34 and 84.
Suicided 74 38 142 52
English ordinal: 74
Full reduction: 20
Reverse ordinal:88
Reverse full reduction:34
3 more repeats
The year of his suicide was a leap year
Leap year
English ordinal:83 Full reduction: 38 Reverse ordinal:133 Full res verse reduction: 43
Target audience: 133 61 245 83 Suicidal: 78 33 138 57 Hidden mission: 142 70 209 74 Some of these numbers are conjecture but there’s a lot of links between the numbers. 47/74 being the one of the more prominent, as well as 83/38, 34/43, 70, 245/254, 88, 33, 29/92/209, 182/128 all of these numbers connect in one way or another. Now it wouldn’t mean much if we didn’t know more about the nature of these numbers and how and where they appear. But since these number keep popping up in accordance to things like CONTROL GRID or MYSTERY RELIGION or SUPREME MATHEMATICS it seems almost impossible for it to be mere coincidence. Anyways I urge you guys to think for yourself and put in some work and see if you can find any use of this practice. God bless
STEEZ’s debut album ”amerikkkan korruption” Came out on 4-7-2012 another 47. Vibration equals 47
A theory out there is that the cabal needed him to die because STEEZ was really bringing influence to more and more young minds with knowledge and the way STEEZ attacked and exposed certain things is not a good thing for those in power, the label that Joey wanted to sign when they were pro era, was a Jewish man named Jonny Shipes. if you’ve extensively went down the “rabbit hole”, like extensively, and you’d say you’re pretty “woke” (I hate that word), then you may know that most labels especially Jewish owned labels are basically the portals into The Illuminati cult, the Jesuit organization that controls the entire world. Oh and remember the news outrage, and investigation because of the 47 “swa stikkas” all over NY, yea you think these Jonny Shipes fucked with that? Nah. But this is all speculation.
It wasn’t long after Capital STEEZ's unfathomable passing on 12/23/12 – 12+23+12 = 47), which was only days after December 21, 2012, the precise date calculated by the great Mayans to be the end of a Great Cycle, that I received knowledge & became aware of the Law of Time. This seemingly new cosmology felt ancient and I quickly realized it had EVERYTHING to do with Synchronicity! I even found the number 47 to be ever ubiquitous throughout this 13 Moon calendar system.
"The next chapter is unstoppable. And yet, the greatest revolutions sometimes originate from the confines of impossibility, do they not? Break the code. It could make a leap and make possible a decision that defines the order of things that are." " Reality is a mathematical model which gets solved over and over again by the observer your thoughts are computations. And they render this world for you to call your own. Not all processors are alike. Different brains produce different realities. The variations go from the subtle to the drastic. Your mind defines how much you can taste. How much you can feel. How much you can understand. Perception defines perspective. We designed you and made sure to engineer your senses so you could perceive just what we needed you to. Neither more nor less. There are parts of time we preferred you remained blind to. It was a necessity."
The Law of Time, I found to hold the most profound yet simple teaching; our Time is not Money, Time is Art. I was able to grasp a greater vision of how we as humans have created an artificial timing system where our time here equates to how much money we can accumulate, where we are constantly stressed by this false belief of our making, and where there is never enough time… This system of our making and continuous propagation has only served to separate us from our Selves, from each other, and ultimately, from nature. Hence, resulting in the chaos and disharmony prevalent in the world today.
What is the greatest common factor of 23 & 47? 1 is the greatest number that 23 & 47 is divided to. The Chosen One @mistapitty ㄣ
submitted by skuxcavs to CapitalSTEEZ [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:31 lbabinz [Microsoft] Weekly Digital Xbox Game Sale

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2024.05.21 04:24 lbabinz [Microsoft] Weekly Digital Xbox Game Sale

Item Price MSRP % Off History*
A Plague Tale $39.99 $79.99 50% off Matches low
A Plague Tale $29.24 $64.99 55% off Matches low
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The Surge $10.19 $33.99 70% off Lowest price $9.99 on 2020-11-19
Unicorn Overlord $59.99 $79.99 25% off New Lowest
Valkyria Revolution $7.99 $39.99 80% off Matches low
Vampyr $10.79 $53.99 80% off Matches low
Xcom® 2 $3.99 $79.99 95% off Matches low
Xcom® 2: War Of The Chosen $5.34 $53.49 90% off Matches low
Yakuza 0 $6.74 $26.99 75% off Lowest price $5.99 on 2023-1-3
Yakuza 3 Remastered $6.74 $26.99 75% off Matches low
Yakuza 3 Remastered For Windows 10 $6.74 $26.99 75% off Matches low
Yakuza 4 Remastered $6.74 $26.99 75% off Matches low
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Yakuza 5 Remastered $6.74 $26.99 75% off Matches low
Yakuza 5 Remastered For Windows 10 $6.74 $26.99 75% off Matches low
Yakuza 6: The Song Of Life $6.74 $26.99 75% off Lowest price $5.99 on 2023-1-3
Yakuza Kiwami $6.74 $26.99 75% off Lowest price $5.99 on 2023-1-3
Yakuza Kiwami 2 $6.74 $26.99 75% off Lowest price $5.99 on 2023-1-3
Yakuza: Like A Dragon $15.99 $79.99 80% off Matches low
Zoo Tycoon: Ultimate Animal Collection $12.99 $25.99 50% off Lowest price $6.49 on 2023-5-9
*History is a beta feature, only goes back as far as I've been tracking this item, and may not be 100% accurate
submitted by lbabinz to VideoGameDealsCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:23 Fun-Ad-6990 Am I the only one who notices that the reason gen alpha is screwed is because like most of them seem to have been conceived for the instagram accessory aesthetic only by extremely young parents with no consideration towards the future citizens they just birthed

I was looking at why gen alpha seems to be even worse than kids in general. At first I was concerned about the fact that they barely even have the attention span for tv shows like Big City Greens and Bluey instead being dumped in front of horrifying content farms and even addictive stuff like c—melon.
Then it went a little deeper when I saw videos of teachers talking about how their regular kids(like kids without disabilities) are struggling below grade level and this is like 6th grade students having almost no attention spans and having reading levels and learning levels far below like 3rd grade levels, and not knowing certain basics There was even a video that mentioned how even sped kids despite their disadvantage had higher reading levels than normal kids. And the normal kids seemed not to even be trying to better themselves.
Then I learned about the Sephora girls and how they are straight up menaces to other people and demand skincare that isn’t designed for their age group and can damage them(instead of getting age appropriate skincare). I learned about the horrible Sephora moms enabling this with instagrams
Then I learned about young boys(like 6-9 year olds) accessing extremely sexist streamers and a pretty notorious rapist and trafficker named “quagmire” Tate who was just arrested for sex trafficking influencing young minds to regress regarding equality and no means no etc. I then saw more teachers saying how toxic kids are becoming and they seem to have no real life goals other than being influencers. And then quitting because of such flagrant behavior.
I was confused by all of this like it seemed like the parents weren’t even trying to teach the kids basics like how letters are pronounced, how to tie shoes, not to steal the cookie, etc. this continued to be hard to understand like it didn’t make sense. Like these problems used to be a very small minority like not everyone is like this but now it seemed that not “everyones kids are bad” while still a fair amount seemed even smaller compared to to it seems like the kids who were never taught seemed to increase.
Then when I saw one video which talked about the Sephora kids she brought up a TikTok talking about why gen alpha ended up so bad and the video brought up the accessory baby trend of the 2010s that really blew up around that time. I then watched the TikTok and that’s when it clicked. The kids who were born then are the same that are gen alpha. I remembered that on YouTube and other sites was filled with teens who were excited about having a baby and belly progressions etc.
it made total sense why gen alpha is horribly underprepared because many of these kids were(and are) the accessory babies born in the 2010s that were born to a large minority of(a lot of) teenagers who wanted to showcase their cute baby as if they were a furby accessory trying to copy the celebrity (spesficially the kardashians and Kyle Jenner) accessory baby trend which resulted in the aesthetic of parenting and having a cute baby without any of the actual work needed to raise a baby to a functioning human being with good literacy skills, a reasonable education and basically becoming a functioning person.
Oh and teen mom the tv show(which despite showing some of the darker sides and contributing to a decline in teen pregnancy’s some dumb kids still took inspiration) . It’s made even worse because now TikTok and instagram reels glorifying pregnancy at young(like teenage) ages for aesthetics even if said person was not ready or willing to handle responsibly raising a future adult and showing none of the true consequences and sorrow that comes with ruining your and a future humans life, instead being filled with instagram photos of cute mommy and baby in matching outfits on highly staged photos with no hint on how difficult it is to raise a human being.
Anyway The baby was never supposed to grow up as a person and become a functioning human being but to be a silent being with no thoughts of it’s own to dress up and show off to instagram and Pinterest. Essentially a doll. However when that baby started to grow up into their own person and becoming a human being because as it turns out baby’s grow up to be a functioning adult. The parents has no desire to be a parent and does not know how to raise a functioning human so they dumped them in front of iPads in order to get them out of the way and basically negelect them. The consequence is that now we have an entire generation of kids who have not been taught basic lessons and how to be a functioning person.
It even affects the kids who weren’t accessory babies and are being raised by people who actually want to see their child succeed in life , because the peer pressure to act more mature than before has ramped up significantly as the moms of the accessory babies shunned kid appropriate outfits and acting their age and stuff because they wanted the babies to be dressed up in adult fashions for instagram photo ops and have engrained that acting like a kid is stupid and that they go from accessory Baby to hot young adult with no inbetween in their minds which warps them to act like an “adult” when way too young. It’s essentially the traditional 10 year old wants to act older but warped far beyond what it used to be and if a kid simply acts like their age group they are often picked on by accessory baby bullies which means that a lot of kids are now under peer pressure to grow up way too fast because the accessory kids that dominate the school and act like monsters towards everyone else.
It’s because they were never taught how to be a good Person. And it’s because of the parents who wanted accessory babies for instagram rather than raising a human. Like it’s the 30 year mellenials who take their kids only to instagramamble play areas, dressing them up for photo shoots every week in new clothes, going on instagramamble vacations and even having another baby only for clicks.
This is the reality of the situation we are seeing the consequences of this in real time. The kids were never taught how to be a person and because of that they have almost no manners and learned all their lessons from toxic influencers and or consumerist influencers. It’s because the parents neglect them instead of providing moral lessons on how to be a good person, teaching them right from wrong, or even providing them good tv shows like BCG, and bluey instead dumping them in front of iPad content farms that rot their attention spans without any moderation causing them to have no imagination and tech addictions and then for the boys watching toxic influencers like Andrew quagmire tate and his merry band of Herbert the perverts(it’s a family guy reference). And for the girls being brainwashed into acting like adults and buying skincare that burns their skin instead of age appropate skin care.
This is scary because they are our next doctors, artists, writers, musicians, librarians, mechanic, firefighters, plumbers, etc. and they end up with social media addicitions and have shockingly short attention spans thanks to overstimulating YouTube shorts and they were never taught how to be a successful person who thrives in society all because they were treated as disposable photo props to get more IG likes.
To be clear not every parent is like this and there are many parents trying to raise their kids good and teaching them to be a good person but it is concearning how the accessory babies are now being turned into monsters at shockingly young ages. I really hope people wake up and realize that this is a problem and how we need to educate kids and prevent toxic Tate influences on boys And toxic trends on girls. We need to let kids learn positive values and teach the, about diversity and how to be a good person and helping other people and doing good things and working hard to achieve whatever goals they want.
We need to fix this and help prepare kids to be a functioning good adults so that they can succeed. It’s a whole mess that we need to do better with our next generation of people because we need to stop treating kids like they are just instagram photos and they aren’t babies with on and off switches but babies that grow to toddler then kid tween teen until they become an adult who should be able to do basic functions in society.
I am legit concerned about the next generation and them being addicted to content farms rather than quality shows with educational and entertainment value and not being taught basic morals like don’t steal the cookie, everyone is equal, clean up after yourself, don’t rudely interrupt other people. or even helping them get to grade level reading and stuff(and I’m not counting kids with disabilities, like autistic and adhd kids) to function in society. like I literally heard that sped kids with disabilities and autism etc are literally doing higher reading levels than regular kids because a lot of the regular kids were never taught. It’s legit concerning.
*it should also be mentioned that this seems to mostly happen with really really young parents 9/10 times as most kids who were conceived by parents at older ages(30 something when they had kids) don’t seem to have this problem(or very rarely)
Update. I decided to put sources
submitted by Fun-Ad-6990 to teaching [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:23 Fun-Ad-6990 Am I the only one who notices that the reason gen alpha is screwed is because like most of them seem to have been conceived for the instagram accessory aesthetic only by extremely young parents with no consideration towards the future citizens they just birthed

I was looking at why gen alpha seems to be even worse than kids in general. At first I was concerned about the fact that they barely even have the attention span for tv shows like Big City Greens and Bluey instead being dumped in front of horrifying content farms and even addictive stuff like c—melon.
Then it went a little deeper when I saw videos of teachers talking about how their regular kids(like kids without disabilities) are struggling below grade level and this is like 6th grade students having almost no attention spans and having reading levels and learning levels far below like 3rd grade levels, and not knowing certain basics There was even a video that mentioned how even sped kids despite their disadvantage had higher reading levels than normal kids. And the normal kids seemed not to even be trying to better themselves.
Then I learned about the Sephora girls and how they are straight up menaces to other people and demand skincare that isn’t designed for their age group and can damage them(instead of getting age appropriate skincare). I learned about the horrible Sephora moms enabling this with instagrams
Then I learned about young boys(like 6-9 year olds) accessing extremely sexist streamers and a pretty notorious rapist and trafficker named “quagmire” Tate who was just arrested for sex trafficking influencing young minds to regress regarding equality and no means no etc. I then saw more teachers saying how toxic kids are becoming and they seem to have no real life goals other than being influencers. And then quitting because of such flagrant behavior.
I was confused by all of this like it seemed like the parents weren’t even trying to teach the kids basics like how letters are pronounced, how to tie shoes, not to steal the cookie, etc. this continued to be hard to understand like it didn’t make sense. Like these problems used to be a very small minority like not everyone is like this but now it seemed that not “everyones kids are bad” while still a fair amount seemed even smaller compared to to it seems like the kids who were never taught seemed to increase.
Then when I saw one video which talked about the Sephora kids she brought up a TikTok talking about why gen alpha ended up so bad and the video brought up the accessory baby trend of the 2010s that really blew up around that time. I then watched the TikTok and that’s when it clicked. The kids who were born then are the same that are gen alpha. I remembered that on YouTube and other sites was filled with teens who were excited about having a baby and belly progressions etc.
it made total sense why gen alpha is horribly underprepared because many of these kids were(and are) the accessory babies born in the 2010s that were born to a large minority of(a lot of) teenagers who wanted to showcase their cute baby as if they were a furby accessory trying to copy the celebrity (spesficially the kardashians and Kyle Jenner) accessory baby trend which resulted in the aesthetic of parenting and having a cute baby without any of the actual work needed to raise a baby to a functioning human being with good literacy skills, a reasonable education and basically becoming a functioning person.
Oh and teen mom the tv show(which despite showing some of the darker sides and contributing to a decline in teen pregnancy’s some dumb kids still took inspiration) . It’s made even worse because now TikTok and instagram reels glorifying pregnancy at young(like teenage) ages for aesthetics even if said person was not ready or willing to handle responsibly raising a future adult and showing none of the true consequences and sorrow that comes with ruining your and a future humans life, instead being filled with instagram photos of cute mommy and baby in matching outfits on highly staged photos with no hint on how difficult it is to raise a human being.
Anyway The baby was never supposed to grow up as a person and become a functioning human being but to be a silent being with no thoughts of it’s own to dress up and show off to instagram and Pinterest. Essentially a doll. However when that baby started to grow up into their own person and becoming a human being because as it turns out baby’s grow up to be a functioning adult. The parents has no desire to be a parent and does not know how to raise a functioning human so they dumped them in front of iPads in order to get them out of the way and basically negelect them. The consequence is that now we have an entire generation of kids who have not been taught basic lessons and how to be a functioning person.
It even affects the kids who weren’t accessory babies and are being raised by people who actually want to see their child succeed in life , because the peer pressure to act more mature than before has ramped up significantly as the moms of the accessory babies shunned kid appropriate outfits and acting their age and stuff because they wanted the babies to be dressed up in adult fashions for instagram photo ops and have engrained that acting like a kid is stupid and that they go from accessory Baby to hot young adult with no inbetween in their minds which warps them to act like an “adult” when way too young. It’s essentially the traditional 10 year old wants to act older but warped far beyond what it used to be and if a kid simply acts like their age group they are often picked on by accessory baby bullies which means that a lot of kids are now under peer pressure to grow up way too fast because the accessory kids that dominate the school and act like monsters towards everyone else.
It’s because they were never taught how to be a good Person. And it’s because of the parents who wanted accessory babies for instagram rather than raising a human. Like it’s the 30 year mellenials who take their kids only to instagramamble play areas, dressing them up for photo shoots every week in new clothes, going on instagramamble vacations and even having another baby only for clicks.
This is the reality of the situation we are seeing the consequences of this in real time. The kids were never taught how to be a person and because of that they have almost no manners and learned all their lessons from toxic influencers and or consumerist influencers. It’s because the parents neglect them instead of providing moral lessons on how to be a good person, teaching them right from wrong, or even providing them good tv shows like BCG, and bluey instead dumping them in front of iPad content farms that rot their attention spans without any moderation causing them to have no imagination and tech addictions and then for the boys watching toxic influencers like Andrew quagmire tate and his merry band of Herbert the perverts(it’s a family guy reference). And for the girls being brainwashed into acting like adults and buying skincare that burns their skin instead of age appropate skin care.
This is scary because they are our next doctors, artists, writers, musicians, librarians, mechanic, firefighters, plumbers, etc. and they end up with social media addicitions and have shockingly short attention spans thanks to overstimulating YouTube shorts and they were never taught how to be a successful person who thrives in society all because they were treated as disposable photo props to get more IG likes.
To be clear not every parent is like this and there are many parents trying to raise their kids good and teaching them to be a good person but it is concearning how the accessory babies are now being turned into monsters at shockingly young ages. I really hope people wake up and realize that this is a problem and how we need to educate kids and prevent toxic Tate influences on boys And toxic trends on girls. We need to let kids learn positive values and teach the, about diversity and how to be a good person and helping other people and doing good things and working hard to achieve whatever goals they want.
We need to fix this and help prepare kids to be a functioning good adults so that they can succeed. It’s a whole mess that we need to do better with our next generation of people because we need to stop treating kids like they are just instagram photos and they aren’t babies with on and off switches but babies that grow to toddler then kid tween teen until they become an adult who should be able to do basic functions in society.
I am legit concerned about the next generation and them being addicted to content farms rather than quality shows with educational and entertainment value and not being taught basic morals like don’t steal the cookie, everyone is equal, clean up after yourself, don’t rudely interrupt other people. or even helping them get to grade level reading and stuff(and I’m not counting kids with disabilities, like autistic and adhd kids) to function in society. like I literally heard that sped kids with disabilities and autism etc are literally doing higher reading levels than regular kids because a lot of the regular kids were never taught. It’s legit concerning.
*it should also be mentioned that this seems to mostly happen with really really young parents 9/10 times as most kids who were conceived by parents at older ages(30 something when they had kids) don’t seem to have this problem(or very rarely)
*we also need to have a village to help raise these kids to become better people. Like social society helps them because kids still need to be taken care of even if it’s overworked parents. I think we need actual free regulated child care and school is something that needs to be encouraged.
Edit. I decided to put sources in my videos
submitted by Fun-Ad-6990 to teaching [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:17 Lambari_de_sanga Completed a Only guns + kill everything run

After weeks of grueling gameplay, I finally completed a Only guns + Genocide run (Pinecone Pig simulator). This was probably the most boring and anxiety inducing gameplay ever, but it's over. (To clarify, I don't have proof to post, besides a 19 hour save)
I just wanted to post my route here, which was very inefficient and stupidly slow, but I wanted to be safe, and minimize farming (my run ended at 19:47, probably 12:00 of farming and 03:00 of searching for enemies and loot). So, my route was:
Day 1 morning: - Looted all herbs and stuff; - Saved Henryk (didn't get the Vinushka's bible); - Killed some (sickle & pipe Villager after derelict house) Moonscorched enemies, shooting outside of battle (agility wasn't enough to fight), then ran back to the train through the west; - Went through the sewers towards PRHVL Bop (avoiding every enemy, died a few times), got a book of enlightenment and saved.
Day 1 morning/2: - Looted Dr. Kefer's store and the apartments nearby, getting a Vinushka's bible and triggering a death mask before heading out. - Went back through the sewers, avoiding enemies again. - Slept at the train.
Day 1 Evening: - Went after the Woodsman (without a strategy, mind you), killed him inside battle but lost an arm, recovering on the broken shack. - Got the Pinecone Pig, and then farmed a little bit (keep in mind that loot was still plentiful). - Went back to the village through the west and killed the villagers and vile, had to kill them outside of battle (same agility issue), and looted everything (finally getting the Small thing's amulet, yay). - Slept again.
Day 1 Night: - Killed the dogs and went to the bunker, looting everything. - Killed Chaugnar on the first floor (with the shotgun) - Got down and killed Chaugnar again (that scared me), consuming all of my ammo. - Rushed through Rher's dimension (avoiding everything). -Slept again, learning all of Levi's skills + Short Circuit.
Day 2 morning: - Bought ammo in the store. - Fun time in the sewers again! (Easier this time, through tunnel 6). - Tried to kill all bobbies and the rifleman from the main street (died a lot, both by bobbies and by Needles hands). - Avoiding Needles, looted the bookstore, got the GOFAH bible and saved.
Day 2 Morning/2: - Save scummed the fight against Marinara sauce (she blinded me too many times). - Looted the church and that little area to the east (learned a lesson after trying to kill the trooper, just avoided him afterwards). - Finally went after Needles, killing him outside of battle. - Went back to the village, spent my shillings, killed the decrepit priest, cut the main gate's locks and went after Pav (I didn't kill Marcoh or Tanaka due to poor planning). - Killed the bobbies, said hello to Pocketcat, then backtracked through the sewers and saved in the bop (ritual circle)
Day 2 morning/3: - Farmed a bit with the Pinecone Pig, and went back to the back alleys. - Juked a fecal hound and used his body to block a gate. - Killed the mob with relative ease (marksmanship saved my ass). - Went towards Karin and killed her (also killing the half cocooneds, easy fights). - Got my trusty bear trap and went to deal with that pesky death mask, almost dying in the process due to a visual bug that allowed it to reach me (the MF'er got invisible), but managed to run away and kill it. - Backtracked and farmed more (this time it was a longer session). - Cleared the orphanage and it's Rher's dimension (I left Father Hugo alive, good decision), then went back to the store for ammo. - Farming again... - Went to the sewers and cleared the moonscorched group (big mistake on my part, spent 2 9mm rounds per battle and a lot of healing items), also killing Moonscorched Levi and a rat hag. - Looted everything I had missed, went back to the train and saved (slept), also getting Pav's, Marina's and Karin's skills.
Day 2 evening: - Went on a killing spree (Marcoh, Tanaka, Olivia, Henryk and Caligura) and farmed (very long session, about 01:30). - Went to the Tunnel 7 Rher dimension and cleared it using a syringe of heroin (poor usage, but I was fed up of farming), saving me turns and ammo (1 shot inside of battle). - Ran to the white mold apartments, got in Rher's dimension and cleared it with heroin again (necessary, neighbors were wrecking me, and heroin made me 1 shot them w/pistol). - Went towards the storage near the woods, killing every enemy on the way (bad decision, should have waited until I got "steal"), and Olivia's doppelganger. - Went to the foundations of decay and defeated Moonless by using heroin and Yggaegetsu amulet (August saved her but screw this, I'm not doing all that farming again), and killed Tanaka's doppelganger. - Went back through the elevator to farm even more (almost losing my sanity). - Saved on the train again, with the ritual circle.
Day 2 evening/2: - Went to the church to kill all crimson fathers. Then cleared the way to the mausoleum alley. - Avoided the Bellends and used Pep pills to beat Rancid the Sergal. - Killed the other Bellends (after more farming...). - Got almost every possible skill in the Hexen, got another book of enlightenment and saved.
Day 2 evening/3: - Went to the church to kill dysmorphia, then killed the elite trooper to the east (using steal, best skill ever). - Looted the museum, talked to Pocketcat and got 4 books of enlightenment. - Back to the White Mold Apartments to kill Daan. - More farming... - Went to the woods avoiding the owl cultists (very annoying, resilient to bullets inside battle), killed the dogs, then went back and killed the Centaur (funny thing, he got stuck and I one shot him, really cool). - Entered the bunker, looted it and killed Stitches (too afraid to lose a good run, so I shot her in the overworld, wasting ammo), then I ignored the Living Flesh. - Went back to the train and slept.
Day 2, night: - From this point onwards, it was just Pinecone Pig farming. No loot left anywhere. - Went to the sewers to kill neighbors and other enemies. - Back to the church to kill the Crimson fathers from the hidden passage (avoided them before due to lack of ammo) and the Pillarmen. - Back to farming, saved in the Mayor's manor.
Day 3 morning: - Again, even more farming, then I went after the Mayor's manor Ronteals. - Hunted down the beekeepers in the city (killed them on the overworld). - Killed Father Hugo, getting another 2 Books of Enlightenment. - Went back once again to farm (had to spend a lot of time, since boxes and other stuff was scarce). - Killed all Sew Jobs in battle (taking unnecessary risks, just to save ammo). - Saved with a Book of Enlightenment (tired as fuck).
From this point onwards, I just farmed a lot and killed Rancid the Sergal, the Living Flesh, August (took too long, I wanted to kill him before, but lack of planning struck again), all of the Owl cultists (surprisingly tough, 3-4 pistol or rifle ammo in battle, so i killed some in the overworld) and the Ratkin Gang (surprisingly easy with Marcoh's skills). All of these had farming sessions in-between. At last, I said goodbye to (AKA: brutally murdered) my villager buddies and went for the hard fights.
I killed both the Tormented One and the Heartless One, using the ultimate boss fight setup, that I kept for all remaining boss fights: - Rifle; - Chainmail dress; - Bremen elite helmet; - Salmonsnake Rune; - Yggaegetsu amulet; - Leechmonger ring.
After this, saved again in Hugo's House (spent many books farming w/Pinecone Pig, left 1 for the bunker) and got ending B, which was surprisingly easy. Then I went for ending A, got ammo in the bunker, cleared it and saved on the last bridge, also using my last heroin syringe. Died 3 times in the Platoon fight, but succeeded and killed Kaiser easily. Fighting against logic was tense AF, not because of health, but of ammo. You might not believe it, but after spending 19 .303 ammo and 14 9mm ammo, I finished off Logic with the only shotgun shell I had in my inventory, epic as fuck.
So, this was my run. I wanted to share just to know the mistakes I made, and also because I'm happy with this.
Just to add: does anyone know other challenges that are also hard and involve killing everyone? (Just not maso-mode, I think I'd have a mental breakdown)
submitted by Lambari_de_sanga to FearAndHunger [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:46 indica1989 Charmed Legacy

I want to see a live-action revival. Maybe we start with a Charmed reunion movie about Wyatt's wedding. Maybe Wyatt is marrying Marina, the daughter of Ava Nicolae, but she's cursed and they can't marry until the curse is broken or something. This could introduce us to the whole Halliwell family- Wyatt Matthew, Christopher Perry, Prudence Melinda, Priscilla Jane (P.J.) Parker Elise, Peyton Maria, Katherine Rose (Kat), Lana Mae & Henry Jr.
As for a revival series, the storyline could be something like this:
Setting: circa 2034, San Francisco
The Halliwell families have gathered to mourn the loss of their loved ones- Phoebe & Coop Halliwell. Their house was destroyed in an explosive attack that took their lives, and their daughters were left homeless. P.J. & Parker have moved into the Manor with their Aunt Piper, Uncle Leo & Cousin Mel. They've taken over the spare rooms that belonged to Wyatt & Chris (Wyatt moved into a condo with his wife Marina, and Chris lives at his club "Aftershock"- the former P3 which Piper gave him ownership of to focus on her restaurant). During the wake back at the Manor, Peyton asks her Aunt Piper if she can stay and live with them for awhile too, revealing that she's too emotionally distraught to go back to UCLA. Piper graciously tells her the Manor is her home too.
That night, Piper sneaks up to the attic to meet Paige who orbs in. Together, they secretly summon Grams & their mom Patty, as Piper knew it'd be pointless to try and summon Phoebe & Coop so soon after their deaths. But they wanted answers, and to understand why this happened. The Power of Three was now officially broken, with no long-lost sister to complete the trio. Grams explains that it's true that with Phoebe gone, Piper & Paige were no longer Charmed. But she assures them they still have their Wiccan powers, just not the collective Power of Three. Patty adds that the Power of Three was not gone, only dormant. Paige asks how they're supposed to vanquish the demons who killed Phoebe and Coop without the Power of Three? Grams replies that they can't. Piper flips out and blows something up in anger. Parker, who had been secretly listening behind the attic door, freaks at the sound and runs back downstairs before she's found eavesdropping. It is then that Grams clarifies. It is not Piper and Paige who will vanquish the demons responsible, but the new Charmed Ones. Paige asks "and who are the new Charmed Ones supposed to be?" Patty replies, "the ones whose powers were bound by their mother" to which Piper reluctantly recalls "who had a terrifying vision of their very evil future."
Phoebe's daughters are each dealing with their parent's deaths differently. P.J. is in denial, using her career as a photojournalist and her sexual trysts with her friend Trent Newsom to numb the pain away. Peyton is fighting through waves of depression, finding comfort with her cousin Mel and Aunt Piper. And Parker...well she's pissed. Her outlet starts with beating the crap out of big guys at the local gym using her MMA skills and progresses to her going full slayer mode & hunting down demons & vampires with her satchel of potions, backup spells, and a set of wooden stakes. But Parker is also feeling guilty. Guilty that she didn’t have the power to save her parents. Guilty that she survived while her parents died trying to protect their powerless daughter. After all, she was the only one home with them that night. P.J. was out with Trent and Peyton was away at college. She swears to herself that she will avenge her parents death, and find the demons responsible. But before she can do that she needs to find a way to trigger the long dormant powers she knows she has somewhere deep inside.
At some point after this, we discover that the BOS has been kept locked away in the attic for years. We learn this happened after a Christmas debacle involving a 14 year old Chris accidentally summoning Goblins, wrecking havoc on the manor, injuring a few, and which led to the sisters deciding it was best for their young kids to practice magic at Magic School and keep the BOS from them until they were mature enough to handle it. Parker finds out Mel knows where the key to the Attic is.
On a dark, stormy night, beneath the light of a full moon, Parker swipes the key from her aunt's bedroom while she's away at work, and sneaks into the attic. She finds the dusty old BOS in its rightful place and starts flipping through it looking for the demons who killed her parents. A teary eyed Peyton walks in and asks what Parker's doing up there. But before Parker can reply, the BOS starts flipping on its own, landing on the Dominus Trinus invocation. As Parker begins to read the invocation aloud, P.J. arrives from work. She calls out "Hey anyone home?" As Parker completes the reading, the Manor begins to shake, P.J. holds onto the staircases banister for support and looks up to see the chandelier glowing a bright PINK color. The shaking stops, right as the power goes out. P.J. whips out her phone flashlight and runs up the stairs frantically calling for her sisters.
Holding her phone flashlight over the BOS, Parker can't find the demons responsible for her parents murder. P.J. makes her lock the attic back up and put the key back where she found it before their Aunt finds out. Parker shrugs her off and says she's heading to Magic School to find answers. P.J. & Peyton pursue her down the stairs....
Phoebe & Coop dying would allow for Alyssa & Victor to return only in certain episodes as spirits. And thus, allow some space between the actresses....
Of course, this would be set sometime in the 2030's, so Holly, Rose & Alyssa could play 60-year-old versions of themselves & Wes & Drew could pull off being in their early 30's with a shave, some hair dye & make-up. All the kids would be anywhere from 22-32 years old.
ALSO, I want to see Shannen back playing Prue as either an Elder or Angel of Destiny. My headcanon says she was turned into an Angel of Death for a few years after her demise to learn to accept it. When the Elders or Angels of Destiny saw that she had finally accepted it, she was promoted to either an Elder or Angel of Destiny😉
THE LOST YEARS (2007-2011) Phoebe was into holistic care and decided to give birth to all her daughters in the Manor, the way she was born, with help from Leo & her sisters. She thought it was "safe" since they "destroyed" the Nexus. But by the time she gave birth, the spiritual energy from the Nexus had begun to refill itself, making her daughter's just as susceptible to turn evil as she and Wyatt were.
(2012/2013?) When her daughters were little, they were briefly kidnapped by the demonic sorcerer Corvalus who had found the wizard Glenwyn's scroll containing a prophecy about a new Charmed Power, a new trio of sisters, arising from the Warren line that could be swayed to evil. He then kidnapped Phoebe's daughters, believing them to be the fulfillment of this prophecy, to raise them evil. When the Charmed Ones found Corvalus, vanquished him, and rescued the girls, Phoebe touched Glenwyn's scroll and had an astral vision that her daughters would become the "evil Charmed Ones" controlled by some unknown Great Evil in the future. To prevent this and protect them, she bound their powers. Her daughters grew up having only basic witch powers like spellcasting, scrying, potions, etc... and believing the lie their mother told them their whole lives- that they were just late bloomers like their Aunt Paige and that "someday" their powers would kick in.
That's a bit of what I have right now.... let me know what you think, or what you'd improve?
submitted by indica1989 to charmed [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:35 ManJonklerStupid Final Season Remade

Although I think that Young Sheldon overall was a great show, the final season was a big mess. If I was in charge of the season I would make a lot of changes. First thing I would do is remove a lot of the filler, since it’s a 14 episode season I don’t see why 50% of it was dedicated to making non important episodes. Second, I would make Georgie and Mandy’s role a lot smaller in the series overall season since they’re getting their own show.
Episode 1: I would keep episode 1 the exact same
Episode 2: I would put here the episode where Sheldon and Mary come back from Germany. The Germany story was unnecessary and only in there because tbbt canon required it to be so I would cut it down. This episode would also be in here to show the “cheating” scene
Episode 3: This episode would be the episode would be the episode where Mandy and Georgie plan the wedding and Mary and Mandy’s mom baptize cece behind their backs.
Episode 4: The wedding episode
Episode 5: The episode where Sheldon decides the college he’s going to go to
Episode 6: Episode 6 is where things really change. I think this episode should be an episode that focuses on Missy and George. We didn’t really get a lot of scenes with them and if we saw their bond one final time it would make missy’s reaction to his impending death more understandable.
Episode 7: The episode where George dies. I think killing George off in the final 2 episodes was a mistake. We needed time to mourn with the characters so I think killing him off halfway through the season would have been the correct choice.
Episode 8: Would be the immediate follow up to the family finding out. It sucks that we didn’t see Georgie’s reaction. The time jump in the actual series really hurt the effect of this death. Also this would be a good episode to see Georgie take the lead in the family.
Episode 9: The funeral episode we got
Episode 10: The memoir episode except we wouldn’t have the future time scenes or Sheldon leaving for Cal Tech. It doesn’t really work as a finale.
Episode 11: This would be a Missy focused episode where she runs away with Paige after everything she’s been through. This would also provide a conclusion to Paige’s character. At the end Missy will see that she doesn’t want end up like Paige and would return to her normal self
Episode 12: Would focus on Meemaw and show us that she stopped drinking for her health and transitioning her to tbbt Meemaw.
Episode 13: Sheldon leaves to Cal Tech and we get goodbye scenes from everyone but Georgie since Georgie is mad at him for leaving after his fathers death
Episode 14: This episode would focus on the future showing us all the future versions of the young sheldon characters. No Amy just a family reunion with all the remaining family getting together at the young Sheldon house for the anniversary of George’s death. Throughout the episode we see the characters about what happened after Sheldon left home
submitted by ManJonklerStupid to YoungSheldon [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:53 presentprogression Delivery Day (1 Week ago)

Delivery Day (1 Week ago)
What a journey that happened very quickly and just as easily couldn’t have happened for another few years! Fair warning, for a Rivian post, there’s a whole lot of Tacomaworld speak in this story, but spoiler alert, the home team did not win this time.
So I’ve been driving exclusively trucks since I got my license (about 25 years now), I’ve had 5 Tacomas (6 if you count the 1st gen farm truck I just inherited) covering every generation made. I’ve been a loud proponent for all trucks to be 4x4 and long bed, otherwise “what’s the point”. I’ve had hard shells, soft shells, road tires, off road tires. Done basic, TRD, Lariat, Hybrid (2005 GMC Sierra - a story for another time). I’ve leased probably 10 vehicles for myself and helping others navigate the sometimes challenging details (dealers can really screw some people if they let them), and there’s a reason that 5 of my vehicles have been Tacos. They were the best of what there was for what I wanted and needed. Someone told me recently they’re like reiliability without all the nice things where everyone else is all the nice things without the reliability. I love tech, I love data, dashboards, and I’ve wanted to live in the future since I was a kid reading Bradbury and PKD. Always been a dream to own electric and daily jealous of the numerous tesla drivers I see everyday in Austin. I thought how much I would enjoy one but if only Tesla made a truck!
Well, I saw the Rivian a few years ago and checked it out. After I built my dream setup only, I came to the sad realization that I couldn’t spend over $100k on a truck, not to mention that it looked so damn FANCY inside, I decided it wasn’t for me. (Side note, after I sold my F-150 lariat with full leather, I got cloth in my recent tacoma and will not buy leather again, so the interior on the Rivian is a huge plus for me because I hate cloth and am not the kind of person who should have a seat that’s not easy to clean)
About that time I heard about Canoo and put $100 deposit down on their truck. It’s just a rendering and that may be as far as they get, but one thing I know is that I wouldn’t buy one until Canoo is at least as far down the road as Rivian is now.
So my lease is up in March and I’m not sure what to do. I go in and tell my sales guy I’ll just take the usual (Dark Gray, Black rims, long bed, TRD Off Road), thank you very much. He lets me know that the 2024 has a waiting list the length of his arm so I reach out to Toyota who graciously gives me a 6 month extension. Didn’t know that was a thing until the salesman told me! Then I set my sights on the Tacoma Trailhunter. Oh man what a sweet ride. Comes with a hybrid drivetrain and FINALLY 20A outlets in the bed. Leather interior that doesn’t come from animals. Old Man Emu shocks, custom metal bumper, factory 2” lift, and so on. I put my name down on “the list” at a few dealerships and then start waiting.
And then, the same week, RJ unveils the R2. I’m interested so I watch the live stream and I’m blown away by the ethos. The thought and care that goes into the product. A vehicle made by real people trying to solve real problems. Not a truck with the same dash screen and “N/A-tainment” system for the last 10 years. Damn. If the R1T is anything like this, maybe I can make it work. Crisis time.
I check out the friends and family site and actually put a $0 deposit down on an R1T. It gets canceled without any notice. I figure it was for the best, I wasn’t really ready yet and didn’t actually want a quad motor.
I live in an apt complex without a charging option. This is a big problem. I asked this sub and the consensus was - wait. You’ll be miserable if you can’t charge at home. Fair, I give up again. Couple weeks go by and I just pop into the leasing office and ask - you ever thought about getting a charging setup (there’s an R1T launch green quad and a couple teslas in my complex, but I’ve never talked to them) and she responds - you know it’s funny you ask bc we just got a quote back today and I think we’re going forward with it.
So that night I put my $1000 down and one week later I pick up this beauty. Funny thing, I really like launch green and didn’t know there were two greens so was kind of dissapointed but then realized I really like this color.
I actually wrote this once before but Reddit only posted my pictures, so I had to get the energy back to share again. Now it’s been a week and I’m glad I waited.
Here’s the bottom line (some of this will sound very familiar)
  1. This is the best truck I’ve ever driven. Period.
  2. The lease is the way to go EXCEPT for the scam that is paying for tax on full value, not just the leased portion. Only negative from my financing experience. I have all the details if you are interested.
  3. I will never go back. How can I?
  4. Not having a charger at home is not a problem for me. I live 1 mile from a whole foods with a tier 2 charger. I’m a nomad worker. Sometimes I work from home, coffee shops, jobsites, etc. I stop at WF on the way home and catch a charge and it’s no big deal. I might even argue it’s downright convenient. I also frequent the Bastrop area 30 miles east of austin, and I pass the airport which has another Tier 2 charger. Other than charging time, it’s no less convenient than pulling off the highway to go to a gas station.
  5. Carplay is a great replacement for poorly designed OEM displays. It’s just objectively not better than the Rivian ecosystem. I’ve been using Spotify for idk 10-15 years and I’ve tried apple music numerous times (especially when some artists like Jay-Z refused to be on spotify) and I just can’t get on board. Spotify gives me new music I like. Apple just wants me to only listen to Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift. Apple maps is good. It’s gotten so much better, but the planning functions on the Rivian outweigh any benefits imo. As far as the glitching that happens, I just report it every time it happens. They need our data to make it better so I’m giving it.
  6. Yes, my left liftgate cable is loose. I sent it in to service.
  7. Have to slam my right side gear tunnel. Sent to service.
  8. Didn’t even think about the built in wifi until after delivery, but now I can work from ANYWHERE. Love that more than anything.
  9. I was worried about the skyroof or whatever it’s called. I had similar in my F-150 and I never opened the shade bc of the Texas sun. They nailed this. I can look at the sun and laugh now and I love how open and light it gets.
  10. Gear tunnel fits Sidio crates perfectly. You’re welcome.
  11. Pet mode is a life changer.
  12. Phone as a key is not perfect but it’s also not bad. Sometimes it just wants me to pull out my phone and threaten to open the app.
  13. The air suspension is amazing. I didn’t think I would be so fine rolling around in low all the time but man when you jack up to highest in off road, this thing is MEAN.
  14. I’m paying less for this lease than I was for my 2015 F-150 Lariat fully loaded (fully) and less than I would have with the Tacoma Trailhunter including the “surge” pricing everyone is predicting.
  15. Everyone loves it and once I show them around, they want one.
I’ve never named a vehicle before but this is more an adventureship than a truck, so I spent a lot of time thinking about what the name needed to be and what it meant.
Allow me to introduce you to:
See you out there
(scroll through for some side by side photos of the outgoing Tacoma and incoming Rivian in case you’re into that kind of thing
submitted by presentprogression to Rivian [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 00:51 AdviceSeeker0940 Mother (F60) Being Asked to Leave Family Home of 32 Years by Son (M27) - Home & Farm Held in Trust - Ontario

(Throwaway account - located in Ontario) —> Need advice re no lease and potential eviction. My apologies for the length, it overlaps an estate trust matter and those are hard to summarize succinctly.
Background: Family home, mother has been in it 32 years, raised son - home and large crop farm worth several M$ - held & adminstered in a trust at major chartered bank for son for two more years until he turns 30 as a result of death of father (husband) 22 years ago. Mother was not provided for in the will.
Can son now eject mother after she was a stay-at-home mom and raised him - putting her own career on hold - and for grades 3-8 had to drive him to a special school each school day 40 mins each way - among many normal mom things - he’s fine now as he outgrew the learning disability with time and support.
Son age 27, decided to stop supporting mother last August due to a disagreement.
(After he turned 19, he was providing her with support that initially was $3K a month and 4 yrs ago was then $4K a month - and prior to his age of 19, Mother was his guardian and was indirectly supported by the trust- son has extremely healthy trust income)-
Mother cannot qualify for legal aid as they say it is a trust matter - mother cannot afford a lawyer - has no savings as assumed she would always be support by the trust and is also age 60 and certified disabled. Disabled ankle to due a bad fall in 2001. Didnt qualify for disability after fall in 2001 because she was indirectly being supported by the trust and then her son directly.
After not working for 20 years she now makes about $1000 a month in a physically taxing service industry job and about 220 in CPP. Paid for groundkeeping and internet and takes out all the garbage each week.
Can he just throw her out as he indicated; change the locks and put all her stuff outside call the police and have her escorted from the property?
It’s a duplexed farmhouse and son moved over to other unit last May - before that, he and his common-law partner and Mother all resided in Mother’s unit.
Is she looking at homelessness?
A room for rent near her work is $1000.00 and would be a good fit but she would also have to leave her 14 year old dog with him. She is questioning how this can be allowed.
This doesn’t seem right. May be a civil matter? Are there any pro bono lawyers that do this kind of work. She has til June 15th and he said he is putting all the contents of her things in the yard and changing the locks and calling the police. She does not want to fight with him. He also has a ruthless financial advisors from Toronto and they want to rent out her part of the home where she has been for 32 years - for which they could get $4K a month.
Thank for any advice re legal and/or LTB avenues. No comments please on the family dynamics. It’s complicated as all families are and a social media sound bite has no nuance. Just looking for advice about legal / LTB avenues.
submitted by AdviceSeeker0940 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:50 snerklings Redditors on the PCT Week 11 (20 MAY 2024)

Redditors on the PCT Week 11 (20 MAY 2024)
Welcome to the next instalment of our PCT updates. I appreciate everyone's patience as I try to figure out these issues with my post content disappearing. I'm not super familiar with Reddit, so it's been a challenge!
Hopefully I can figure it out for the rest of the season.
Very exciting, as of this upcoming week all of our NOBO thru hikers will have started on trail! Our earlier hikers are currently in the Sierra's so now we have hikers spread all across SoCal.
Hiker Trail Name Start Date Last Location Update
u/heckexe Ninety Four Mar 05 (NOBO) Somewhere in SoCal No new update
u/laurelindorenan_ Cheetah Mar 07 (NOBO) Wrightwood 05/20: Leaning into hiking solo, getting used to prioritizing their own hike. Hiking early mornings to avoid the heat. Hit 500 miles and did the aquaduct. Ready to move on from the desert and into the Sierras
u/Killroy108 $tache Mar 10 (NOBO) Kennedy Meadows South 05/19: Got a late start from Walker Pass, and made it through the stretch to KMS
u/ Yeah-girl Troll Mar 11 (NOBO) Near Ashland OR 05/18: Made it through the last of the desert in to Kennedy Meadows South. Jumped up trail to Fish Lake in Oregon, heading SOBO. Enjoying the difference from the desert to OR
u/AlmostJuicey Popsicle Mar 17 (NOBO) Baden-Powell No new update
u/42hikes Clear Mar 22 (NOBO) Hikertown No new update
u/weathered_sole Mar 22 (NOBO) Oregon Coast Trail 05/15: Reached the Sierras and decided to spend some time on the Oregon Coast Trail to wait out the snow
u/Sirmenace Menace Mar 23 (NOBO) Tehachapi 05/19: Lots of poodle dog bush on this stretch. Took a resupply in Lancaster before tackling the aquaduct by night. Headed into Tehachapi to rest before taking a few days off trail to celebrate a grandson's birthday
u/alyishiking Shade Mar 28 (NOBO) Tehachapi 05/18: Hit the 500 mile mark, reflecting on the diversity of scenery and the wet season this year. Caught the first glimpse of the Sierra's in the distance. Walked through wind farms and the blooming desert through to Tehachapi for a zero
u/HolySchimmel Mar 30 (NOBO) Somewhere in SoCal No new update
u/Remarkable_Edge_1399 Old Money Mar 31 (NOBO) Mile 550 05/19: Nearing the Sierras and the end of the desert
u/snoootboop Spicy Apr 3 (NOBO) Somewhere in SoCal No new update
u/Afraid-Arrival6183 Apr 4 (NOBO) Acton 05/15: Headed into the hot section on the way to the Sierras
u/MANabroad Jolly Roger Apr 4 (NOBO) Tehachapi 05/16: Hiked the aquaduct, and up out of the Mojave. Enjoying the blooms on the way to Tehachapi
u/Laigor Apr 5 (NOBO) Somewhere in the Sierras 05/19: Making long days, with occasional trail magic
u/abcdee1234 Brick & Paw Patrol Apr 6 (NOBO) Walker Pass 05/16: Pushed long days with long dry stretches to Walker Pass to meet up with family. Taking a few days off trail to rest and plan for the Sierras
u/kzinser Jenga Apr 7 (NOBO) Baden-Powell No new update
u/unclespinny Apr 8 (NOBO) Tehachapi 05/19: Made it through the aquaduct and wind farms to rest in Tehachapi, gearing up for the stretch to Walker Pass
u/mrkby Apr 8 (NOBO) Baden-Powell 05/18: Completed the stretch from Big Bear to Baden-Powell. Highlights of hot springs and McDonalds, lowlight of a middle of the night bear situation
u/Jilliocalypse Apr 9 (NOBO) Big Bear Lake No new update
u/AffectPopular5460 French toast Apr 10 (NOBO) Kennedy Meadows South 05/15: Completed the desert and made it to KMS. Resting for a few days to prepare for the Sierras
u/frozenthoughts Frozen Apr 12 (NOBO) Tehachapi 05/15: Resupplied in Tehachapi, gearing up for the stretch to Kennedy Meadows
u/pizzahippie Apr 15 (NOBO) Cajon Pass No new update
u/frostfinger Frostbite Apr 15 (NOBO) Mile 400 05/19: Posted some nice pics, no commentary
u/Extreme_Local_9504 Apr 17 (NOBO) Acton KOA 05/14: Hit 400 miles on trail, and got trail magic. Worked down to the valley floor, and headed into Acton for resupply and town food
u/smoderman Apr 17 (NOBO) Big Bear Lake 05/14: Summited San Jacinto and tackled Mission Creek. Managed to avoid noro and completed 10% on the PCT
u/Hall371 Apr 17 (NOBO) Off-trail 05/11: Injury update - doctors found it wasn't an MCL tear, but a mild sprain. Outlook is good, going to do some PT and return to trail
u/Content-Appearance81 Apr 17 (NOBO) Tehachapi 05/17: Stopped in at Agua Dulce for an all-you-can-eat Mexican buffet. Had some mice eat a hole in the tent at night. Had some hot days with no shade, especially through the wind farms. Took a nero in Tehachapi for some town food, resupply, and tent repair
u/Ardorgal Aloha Apr 19 (NOBO) Idyllwild 05/17: Made it to Paradise Valley Cafe and in to Idyllwild. Met the mayor!
u/the_hobblin_goblin Lamb Chop Apr 20 (NOBO) Past Wrightwood 05/19: Got a cool hat for hiking, and gained a trail name. Looking forward to getting out of the heat when the desert it done
u/BambiWalking Bambi Apr 21 (NOBO) Agua Dulce 05/17: Made it into Wrightwood for some rest, and head up the alternate for Baden-Powell. Passing through burn areas and past old missile silos. Headed past Vasquez Rocks into Agua Dulce, eating Mexican food and singing karaoke
u/bumps- and u/ieremv Poppins and Chimney Boy Apr 22 (NOBO) Big Bear Lake 05/17: Descended from San Jacinto, skipped from Banning to Big Bear to avoid Mission Creek and the noro outbreak
u/Typical-Bike718 Twinkie Apr 22 (SOBO Section) No update yet
u/velocd Wind Apr 22 (NOBO) Agua Dulce 05/18: Went through Mission Creek and into Big Bear. Spend a half day at the hot springs, then took a zero at Cajon Pass. Had the longest water carry yet into Wrightwood to pick up a new pack. Summited Baden-Powell and continued on to Acton before hiking on to Agua Dulce, with a big bubble there
u/BackpackingReddit Apr 23 (NOBO) Wrightwood 05/20: Took a zero in Big Bear, and enjoyed the pine forests afterward. Enjoyed a big meal at McDonalds, and continued on to Wrightwood for a zero
u/Tommy-Blaze Apr 24 (NOBO) Lake Morena No new update
u/Foodandhikes Apr 28 (NOBO) Mile 100 No new update
u/Beardedmaple Apr 29 (NOBO) Big Bear 05/17: Had a challenging stretch through Mission Creek to make it up to Big Bear
u/fandorf Apr 29 (NOBO) No update yet
u/Mckinno17 Apr 30 (NOBO) Cajon Pass 05/20: Saw some good views, and stopped at the Cajon Pass McDonalds
u/elmcclu719 May 1 (NOBO) Off trail 05/20: Pushed through too fast out the gate, headed home to recover
u/Malzel123 Spice Girl May 3 (NOBO) Terminus No new update
u/4sleepwalker Sleepwalker May 4 (NOBO) Deep Creek 05/20: Enjoying the views and debating the merits of keeping the beard
u/Joadsturtle Rooster May 7 (NOBO) Idyllwild 05/19: Enjoyed Eagle Rock, and headed through till Idyllwild. Summited San Jacinto
u/Lord_Me May 10 (NOBO) Eagle Rock 05/16: Having smooth ride so far, highlights being Eagle Rock, and a rattler
u/SluttyPhotons May 11 (NOBO) Fuller Ridge 05/20: Crossed a snowy Fuller Ridge
u/Sea-Grass8602 May 12 (NOBO) Julian 05/17: Missed the flight to San Diego, but still managed to get to trail on time. Camped at CLEEF, and headed off with hikers from all over the world. Enjoying all the desert wildlife, and a rest in Julian
u/SUGEN1 May 19 (NOBO) No update yet
u/tokyoproperties May 23 (NOBO) Not on trail yet​
submitted by snerklings to PacificCrestTrail [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:43 XCanuck My marriage feels strained and very one-sided, unsure how to cope with a wife who won't communicate or share responsibilities

There's a "dad joke" I heard that goes: My therapist told me to write out a big long rant letter to everyone I have a problem with, burn them all to ashes, and scatter the ashes into the wind. I did all that last weekend, but now I'm not sure what to do with the letters.
This post feels like that big, long rant, but I genuinely could really use some help/ideas beyond "go to marriage counseling." I provide so much to the family and household that isn't reciprocated, but trying to set boundaries to feel more balanced gets passive-aggressive and/or silent treatment. I'm not writing all this here just to vent, I've actually edited this down pretty significantly to summarize what I'm going through and giving some examples.
Thanks for giving me the space to share this.
Me (50/M), Wife (45/F), two kids 15 and 13. We have no family who live anywhere close to us. We're in the middle of America, her divorced parents are on the coast, and mine's in Canada where I'm originally from (in case my username didn't give that away).
TLDR at the bottom.
Trigger warnings: a ruined birthday, shared/not-shared finances, me losing my cool and walking out on my family and getting the silent treatment since, and apparently being the only parent/grown-up in the house.
To this family, I feel that all I am to them is the income/paycheck and personal chef, and I'm ready to walk away. My wife won't communicate, gets defensive and angry, and doesn't contribute to the marriage or teach our kids about responsibility, so I look like a jerk all the time. If I speak up and ask her to help, I'm treated like a jerk. If I don't speak up, she does nothing.
Background about physicality, work and finances
I work in tech, typically 50-70 hours per week, and take on occasional (< 5 hrs/week) contract work as a side business to pay for my 3D printing hobby that I'm also trying to turn into a side business. She works part-time maybe one full day of work throughout the week on an as-needed basis.
My job pays the benefits, and I've established a retirement fund for us, plus a 401K and Roth IRA, plus a 529 account for each of the kids that I've been investing in since they were born. I paid off both cars. We're debt-free except for our mortgage, and we have enough assets to pay off the house if we choose to.
We each have a bank account for ourselves, plus a joint bank account. Her part-time paychecks and other money from an inheritance, goes 100% into her account only, and I use my account for my 3D printing business to maintain an LLC. Just about everything financial is paid for from my paychecks. I've always treated this as "our" money. All bills, mortgage, memberships, subscriptions (Netflix, etc), things the kids need (clothing, shoes, school supplies, etc), furniture, medical bills, etc are all paid from a joint account that is funded 100% by my paycheck. She makes no contributions to this account, but she does withdraw from it for fast food, snacks she buys just for herself, her own crafting hobbies, and she'll pick up maybe $100/month for some groceries.
I promised her before we were even married that if she wanted to be a stay-at-home mom or, at any point, go back to work, she'd have my full support either way, and I've kept that promise. She worked full-time for about 2 years before we had kids and worked a fair bit of part-time work before the kids started school in 2013. She's been at her part-time job for 2 years, so quite a span where she didn't work at all.
She works as a 1099 contractor and, despite repeatedly being asked to, won't reserve money for tax time. So, not only does she spend 100% of her paycheck, but I have to be sure that we save enough to cover her tax bill every year. She's never offered to contribute to tax payments we have to make.
I had gallbladder surgery and bariatric surgery, so I've had pretty restrictive dietary needs for the past 5-6 years. She often made comments about me being heavy and having a shortened life span, but since my bariatric surgery, she's expressed resentment about my body changing (I lost 120+lbs) and now doesn't care to learn what kinds of protein/carb/fat balance I need, and gained about 80lbs herself. As such, she does not contribute to any meal planning, which means I'm doing 95% of all meal planning, groceries, and cooking.
When it comes to cooking, I'm a damn good cook, and it's 100% because of YouTube. She grew up in an environment where she wasn't encouraged to cook or even learn to, so she lived on PBJ through college until we started dating and I would cook or take her out. When the kids were in their "picky" stages of 4yrs-9yrs of age, she got frustrated with cooking but years later still holds to that "NOBODY likes what I cook". So she makes maybe 2 or 3 meals per month now, and it's always the same meals. Last night, she cooked 10 people's worth of macaroni with a single pound of ground beef and more than a pound of cheese. I had to pick out the meat to get my protein and then drink a protein shake afterward, and then got offended that I threw away the noodles/cheese. (My diet needs high protein, low carbs, and almost no fat, she knows this because I tell her quite often, but she won't do anything about it; she's bought maybe 3 shelves worth of cookbooks and won't even open them or go take a class or anything.)
Our oldest kid has shown an interest in cooking and will maybe cook one meal per week and ask me to help him out, so I share what I've learned, things I've tried, experimented with, lessons learned, etc., and we have a good time, and they really appreciate the learning opportunity. On the rare occasion I do see my wife making dinner in the kitchen, I show her that I'm really happy about what she's making and ask if she wants help chopping or anything and I only get "no" as an answer and completely shut down like I'm not supposed to be in the kitchen. I'll try to have conversation with her but then she can't concentrate on cooking, chopping, etc, and then "ruined" dinner is my fault.
"Her" money versus "our" money, and how we spend our days/weekends
My wife had a relative die quite a few years ago and in the fall of 2018 was given a $250k inheritance. She has always referred to this as "her" money, "her" retirement, in case "she" needs a nursing home later. I'm not in her future plans, apparently. She gave $50k of it to a cousin who was deliberately left out of that relative's will. My wife's will leaves any remaining inheritance money to the kids. No mention of me anywhere whatsoever.
Once the inheritance money hit her bank account, she decides to buy a horse from halfway across the country and put it in a boarding stable 20 minutes from the house. It was a childhood dream of hers. Apparently, she's allowed to pursue her dreams and interests, it's "her" money, I'm not allowed to tell her what to do with it, but she complains when my 3D printing business makes enough money to buy another printer to keep up with demand... And my hobby takes up less time per week than she spends at the barn.
When she's not working her one-day-a-week job, she's at the boarding stable for a few hours per day, playing with her horse, taking selfies, taking him on walks, not actually riding him. With her remaining time at home, and when she gets home with the kids, she's lying on the couch, acting worn out and tired like she just bench-pressed the friggin' horse. (And yes, I know horse training CAN be exhausting, but she's not doing anything exhausting with him. She literally walks him on a path, or walks him in circles in an arena enclosure, or she's brushing him down and bathing him to look nice for Instagram)
In the summer of 2018, right before she got this inheritance money, she spent $50k of "our" money on a kitchen renovation that she insisted she designs herself, and then felt guilty about the bill and me having to take on more side contracting work to pay off the HELOC in a reasonable amount of time, and contributed back $10k to the whole project from "her" money afterward. "Her" money paid for the kids' orthodontics, about $3k each. But she literally contributes NOTHING else financially to the family.
If I had to guess, she's got about $150k left of that inheritance money, maybe less, she won't ever tell me about it. And we don't get a notice from the bank about interest gained at tax time every year because she put it in an account that makes ZERO interest. She sees my investments with 25%-40% gains, but won't ever ask for my help or input. Instead, she asked 3 other guys at work who told her to at least get a Vanguard account, but almost 6 years later she's never done it.
I work full-time as mentioned, and work from home. Work is typically 50+ hours per week but I try to cap it at 60-ish if I can. For the past month I've been on a project with a tight deadline, and working more like 10-14 hours per day 6 days per week. It's like that in tech, she's been understanding of this in the past, and I'm sure to take jobs where this is NOT the norm. Still, I'm always happy to help drive the kids to/from school or to music lessons or doctors, but I'm usually treated like "how dare you," that's "her" job, like that's her contribution to everything.
She works a part-time job doing marketing. Maybe 2-3 hours a day, one or two days per week. Sometimes busier in Q1 as they prep/plan most of the year, but then very low-lift afterward. She spends maybe 40 minutes per day taking the kids to/from school. Other than that, she's at the barn or on the couch. (have I mentioned we've gone through several couches that "our" money pays for??)
The marital imbalance I'm dealing with
She won't enforce chores for the kids, remind them to do laundry, or clean their rooms, or even shower. She'll text me "one of the boys smells" after taking them to school, but won't insist they shower, or back me up on the whole "c'mon guys, brush twice a day at least, and shower at least every 2 days with actual some soap on your bodies and actual shampoo on your hair, and use deodorant..." She'll make remarks like "Didn't you wear and sleep in those clothes for the past 3 days?" but won't make them change, or tell them to do their laundry.
She might do dishes 2 to 3 times per month, it's normally a chore we give to the kids, but she never enforces it. If they stack up for 3 days she'll do some of them but not all of them. One kid was born on an odd-numbered day, the other on an even-numbered day, so the rule is if today is an even or odd day, we know whose turn it is to do the dishes. And if the month has an odd number of days, I do the dishes on the 31st/29th day. But they're teenagers, they'd rather be in their rooms being teenagers, so I have to constantly remind them. Neither of them checks that the dishes are even clean before putting them away, something she specifically called out being embarrassed about when we were dating and visiting her mom's house where half of the dishes in the cupboard still had dried food all over them.
And then garbage day, or yard work, or vacuuming, cleaning a bathroom, cleaning their room, shoveling snow. She doesn't help enforce ANY of the chores that we agreed on. So I'm the sole disciplinarian around here, which makes the kids grow up thinking they better avoid me or I'm the jerk who's gonna put them to work.
Nothing happens around here unless I ask the rest of the family. I've purposefully left chores undone for "that's almost a health hazard" amounts of time and still nobody takes the initiative, nor will she ask the kids to help. They all see the work needs to be done, but they won't choose to help, and they're probably learning from her example of just sitting in some other room/area of the house and someone else will do it someday.
Even asking them "what kind of meals do you want this week, what haven't we had in a while, what's your favorite meal," you'd swear I was asking them to cure cancer every Saturday so I could start to plan meals for the following week and get groceries on Sunday, which has been our routine since the kids could talk.
Their cop-out is to skip the 3 shelves of cookbooks and flip through a binder we kept from a few months of Hello Fresh meals but then it's the same 10-12 meals that get kinda old after a while.
I feel like I have no help from anyone.
I reached my tipping point, and recently walked out on my family
A little over three weeks ago, I'm on this tight deadline at work, getting maybe 3-4 hours of sleep at night, pulling 10-14 hour days. It's a Wednesday, I remember about 430pm that I should commit my code, as I usually do 'cause I need to make dinner because nobody else is gonna do it. Oh, wait, tonight was grilled cheese and tomato soup -- literally, ANYONE ELSE in the house, including our 13yr old who has never shown any interest in cooking, could heat a can of soup and melt cheese between bread, right??? Surely SOMOENE else in the family will handle dinner, so I keep working (note, without asking anyone else to help with dinner), hoping someone else will handle the meal. (and yes, I know this is typically against my diet, but I indulge in this low-protein, high-carb, higher-fat meal about once a month.)
At 730pm my wife comes STOMPING into my office area, "I can't make the grilled cheese like you do." No politeness, just turns and stomps back to the kitchen. I follow her to the kitchen, where the tomato soup is on a RAPID boil, yet she hasn't even started making the grilled cheese sandwiches. I turn the soup off, take it off the burner, and start to describe what to do for the grilled cheese. It's honestly nothing special; I put shredded cheese in the pan to get crusty on the outside of the bread, then stack up the the grilled cheese, put break on top, let the inner cheese melt, and flip it onto more shredded cheese. Highly recommended.
She says "Oh" and ... LEAVES THE KITCHEN, leaving me there expecting me to make dinner... and I'm pissed. I should have just gone back to my work area, but she parks herself back on the couch.
I get everything made, and of course nobody sets the table, ever. Now I'm seriously pissed off, so I slam some dishes in the middle of the table and go back into the kitchen to get the pot of soup and plate of sandwiches. I get back to the dinner table, where my wife and youngest are just standing there, STILL not setting the table despite me standing there with food that I can't even put down. So I drop the food on the table wherever I can, soup splashes everywhere, and I start setting the table while they stand there and watch and ... I lost my cool. I flung bowls and spoons in the general area where they're supposed to be at the table, and I walked out of the house. I returned 4 or 5 hours later once they were all in bed.
The ONE meal in my busy schedule that ANY of them could have made, and her contribution was putting a can of soup in a pot.
She still didn't make any meals for the rest of the week. That Sunday she put a meal plan together for the whole following week. Again, all super carb-heavy when she knows my own diet can't handle that. And then she stopped planning ANYTHING ELSE SINCE THEN. The following week's "meal plan" was just a list of who was home on which night because of end-of-school-year events going on. No meals, no grocery list. Meanwhile I'm still on my deadline... Last week, no help at all. This week, zero help.
So this week's meal plan I finally set a boundary for myself that was VERY clear to them: I'm planning to cook 3 meals for the whole week, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and left the rest open with no meal planned. Last night at 6pm she made her "hamburger helper" and plans "ramen" for tomorrow (again, all noodles and broth, very little protein), but no other help from her for the rest of the meal plan for the remainder of the week.
My recently ruined 50th birthday
My birthday was a little over a week ago. I turned 50. Send me your favorite dad jokes, please, I beg of you.
My wife asked me 2 or 3 months ago if I wanted any kind of party, etc. to which I said yeah, I'd love to have a few friends over, named several of them, all of whom she either has in her phone, or are guys married to women that I know she stays in regular contact with. I mentioned some all-you-can-eat places that we could go, just the 4 of us, where I could pick out good proteins etc. and they could eat whatever they wanted.
I got nothing. No dinner out. No party. No friends.
The night before my birthday, she was too lazy to get off the couch, so I went to bed alone. I woke up in bed alone. I told the family the day before that I wanted French Toast for breakfast, normally something we'd do on Christmas Day, but it was my 50th birthday gosh darn it, and I was even thawing bacon. I even bought all the groceries needed. Nope, had to cook that alone too, so I only made enough for me, and ate alone. Showered alone, 'cause we haven't been intimate in ... 3 months? 4 months? And who cares that it's my birthday.
Nobody asked if I wanted to go out anywhere, go see a movie, go for a hike with the dog, nothing. So I went out with the dog, alone.
That night I had to make dinner for the family, again, on my own friggin' birthday. Alone in the kitchen. AND I had to remind the kids to clean up the kitchen afterward 'cause they won't do it unless they're told. She bought tiny pieces of cheesecake for dessert, which she knows I don't like and can't eat because of my diet. I had one tiny piece, she and the kids ate the rest.
No cake, no candle, no balloons. It was my FIFTIETH birthday ...
We have some serious communication breakdown going on
Since I walked out of the house a few weeks back, she only talks to me when she wants something, and that comes across more as a demand, "I need you to pick the kids up from school, I have to be at work" and walks away She won't say good morning or even hi, unless I say it first. Lately, I say "hi" or "hey" as we're passing in the house and I get no response at all. I get literal one-word responses when I ask her a question. A few nights ago, several nights in a row, I'm in the living room on my laptop trying to get more work done, she'll come in the room, not ask me what I'm doing or if I'm working, and blast a TV show on her phone at near-maximum volume, and fall asleep on the couch.
She gets mad and offended any time I offer constructive criticism of any kind. And it doesn't matter how delicately I try to phrase things, I'll agonize for days over exactly which words to use, she'll get super defensive, angry and lash out, and give me the silent treatment for weeks.
Last Tuesday was an end-of-year awards show for our youngest, who's finishing 8th grade. He's really into music and he stayed after school to practice for the event. She comes home to get ready then decides to leave for the event by herself. I only noticed when the garage opened and closed. She doesn't say anything to me or our oldest kid about what time she wanted to leave or if we're ready to go, she just ... left. Well of COURSE we both want to go, but now we have to drive there separately. And he wins a TON of awards, one from his classmates, one from his teacher, and one from the school. I'd have been PISSED to have missed that. "Oh, I thought you didn't want to go..." was her reason later.
This past Saturday, I do ALL the yardwork 'cause she won't tell the kids to help and I'm frankly tired of having to ask for help. A few hours of yard work later, I tell my youngest to vacuum 'cause nobody vacuums around here unless I tell them to and honestly it's gross. I hop in the shower to clean up and cool down from the yard work. Youngest decides it's "too hot in the house" and sits in the kitchen to eat a popsicle instead of vacuuming. No backup from my wife at all on this, who's still parked on the couch. So I get upset with him, he does a half-assed job, says he's "tired' (from watching YouTube all day) and goes back to his room and we don't see him again the rest of the day. Again, no help or backup from my wife.
It's now 7pm in the house Saturday night, and -- shocker -- NOBODY has bothered to even ASK about dinner much less put any kind of food together. 8pm rolls around and my oldest finally emerges from his own room, starts thawing some chicken, and comes to ask me for help to make a meal, which I happily do. Until I get grumbly comments about "why are we eating so late." And my wife makes her way back to the couch. Not so much as a "thanks for cooking" or offer to clean up. And of COURSE nobody is doing the dishes, because DAD didn't remind anyone.
19 years ago when we got married, this felt like a marriage. We did stuff together, we split things evenly, shared responsibility and chores, we both cooked, we bought groceries together. The first few years with kids were rough, but it at least FELT like a partnership once we figured out how to be parents. But something has shifted over the past decade, and this feels less and less like a partnership, much less feeling like a marriage. This whole relationship feels very one-sided, I get no appreciation for any of my constant hard work and being a provider. Instead, she's accused me, twice, of having an affair, once to the point of giving me anxiety/panic attacks for which I was almost hospitalized.
Now, she and the kids are noticing and talking behind my back (like I can't hear them) about the fact that I'm not wearing my wedding band anymore. Of course, the kids won't ask me directly, and I'm not bringing it up myself, and my wife's not talking to me anyway. Maybe she's still mad that I got mad a few weeks ago and walked out? Hard to know when the person won't talk to you unless they want something from you.
I'll put the damn ring back on when it feels like a marriage again. But then the next time it comes off, I think it'll stay off.
TL;DR! To this family, I feel that all I am to them is the income/paycheck and personal chef, and I'm ready to walk away. I can see why parents stay together "for the kids." As with most marriages, it started great; we've had bumpy times, but we always got through it together. Nothing like this, though. My wife won't communicate, gets defensive and angry, and doesn't contribute to the marriage or teach our kids about responsibility, so I look like a jerk all the time. Something has shifted over the past decade, and this feels less and less like a partnership. This whole relationship feels very one-sided, I get no appreciation for any of my constant hard work and being a provider.
submitted by XCanuck to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:04 wraithsith Next season is soon, on the top of your head, what is the top 15 move additions that you want? Any less important honorary mentions?

On a real short list of the most critical updates I think it would probably be:
  1. Brutal swing Ferrothorn: (shadow claw Ferrothorn could also work, but I think a more functional bait move might be preferred, especially after Feraligatr.)
  2. Powder snow Avalugg/Cetitan: I think they would really work, especially in Master leaugue premiere, which really only has two ice types (mamoswine & Hisuian Avalugg. )
  3. Psycho cut Hypno/Armored Mewtwo: bulky mono-psychics that might have play were they not bogged down by confusion. Though I think Armored Mewtwo would be preferable as Hypno would need an additional charged move on top of psycho cut in order to be usable.
  4. Wild charge Emolga: instead of discharge, it could run aerial ace, which could make its moveset less predictable making this pokemon more viable.
  5. Magical leaf/Gust tropius: honestly it’s moveset outside of the aerial ace buff has remained the same since the beginning of GBL, and it is in dire need of a better fast move, no meta pokemon really even uses Air Slash anymore.
  6. Grass knot/trailblaze Jumpluff: I think Jumpluff is very Close to meta, it just needs a little oomph, and grass knot or trailblaze would give it some critical wins over Energy ball. Trailblaze would make it more bait dependent but grass knot would be more reliable.
  7. Leaf Storm abomasnow: as one of the few grasses that remain viable, it still has lost a little of the fear factor that it used to have, and leaf storm is the grass move that it needs.
  8. Poltergeist/shadowball sableye: I have a shadow perfect, a perfect shiny, and a rank 1 sableye, but I feel frustrated I can’t use any of them, because Sableye is really only viable with return. Wobbuffet is the only other pokemon so reliant on being purified.
  9. Mud shot/Bullet seed torterra: I think I have been going on about this for years now: it would be really cool to have a grass equivalent of swampert- something that could spam frenzy plant, and a grass type with neutral damage to dragon, & super effective STAB damage to Steels, fires, and poison types. Albeit bug & flying would double resist everything but stone edge, and a double weakness to ice. But its’ unique typing could still be utilized for it to become a great starter.
  10. Cross poison Toxicroak: okay it’s getting ridiculous that none of its preferred charged moves are stab, & fighting & ground hit some of the same stuff like steel & rock, so a little poison coverage that would give it an attack boost could aid this frail little guy.
  11. Earthquake/thunder Stunfisk: stunfisk has long stood in its Galarain cousins shadow, as all of its charged moves are baits- but given either earthquake or thunder, it’s baits could finally sync to a nuke, making it something you have to shield, and giving it the capability to have moves that deal way more damage than what it is currently capable of dealing.
  12. Counter Tyrogue & Hitmonlee: Both have brick break, which would make the former great in little league, and the latter good in everything except masters. I honestly don’t understand why half of the hitmon family has counter while half don’t. There may be no shortage of fighting types but I think Hitmonlee is the only one to have bait moves like brick break/blaze kick to go with the more conventional stone edge/close combat.
  13. Mud bomb camerupt: it would be a glass cannon double weak to water: but don’t let that fool you, as a shadow with incinerate/mud bomb- it would be terrifyingly fast against nearly any steel type- and would wipe them out before they could respond, this would be especially good with the incoming Aegislash- which is going to need as many counters as possible.
  14. Fire spin/incinerate Arcanine: this pokemon has been waiting for an effective STAB fast move since day one, and it’s charged move tool kit would be nothing to sneeze at, with coverage moves wild charge & scorching sands giving coverage against everything but ground, combined with psychic fangs- which would make all the damage hit harder
  15. Liquidation Mantine: despite being way bulkier than both of them, it has always stood in the shadows of fellow water-flyers like Pelipper in great league & Gyarados in Ultra league, but with a good charge move, I think it could be their equals in both great & ultra league. It could also have a benefit of bringing out electrics & rocks- which at this point kind of need a reason to exist in open leagues.
Honorary mentions: bubble beam/weather ball ludicolo, Fairy wind sylveon/Togekiss, Bubble/Surf/Scald araquanid, water gun/tackle/wild charge snorlax, wild charge electrode/Jolteon/Eelektross/Dedenne, brutal swing/darkest lariat Melmetal, moonblast muk/aloloan muk, leaf blade mew/celebi, seed bomb/grass knot hisuian electrode, surf tentacruel/Alomomola/kingdra/Sealeo/hariyama, incinerate heatran/victini/Reshiram, weather ball moltres/torkoal, v-create/overheat rayquaza, mystical fire ninetales/moltres/victini/Reshiram/togekiss/Sylveon, Meteor beam omastaRelicanth/Barbaracle, mud slap/drill run steelix, sand attack vaporeon/sylveon, poison jab ariados/Swalot/Clodsire, poison fang drapion, acid spray sneasler, wing attack Crobat/Dodrio/braviary/Hisuian braviary, Gust drifblim/Suicune, Counter Machoke/Infernape, karate chop Pancham/Pangoro/Hawlucha, & lock-on porygon/probopass/rogggenrola.
submitted by wraithsith to TheSilphArena [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 21:54 lawrencedun2002 You’re About To See More Of Action Legend John Cena

You’re About To See More Of Action Legend John Cena
Almost ever since the beginning of Cena’s pro wrestling career, the Massachusetts-born WWE star has been front and center on our screens and in the American psyche.
Yet, one thing that stands out the first time you speak to John Cena is his polite, easygoing nature and authenticity. And for all of his big muscles and championship belts, what’s also clear is that he’s just about as down-to-earth as any of us.
During our phone interview last week, Cena put it very simply: “Like everyone else, I’m happy and and I have moments of great joy, and I have moments when I’m sad and frustrated, and have moments of depression. I like to be able to be my whole self.”
Cena said the tough guy exterior helped raise him to the greatest heights of pro wrestling and that it also lends itself well to a career in movies, where, more often than not, he is playing one of the good guys.
“The Superman look or the hero in movies and TV often makes people think you’re primed for action,” Cena explained. “But on a normal day, I’m definitely not picking fights with people,” he joked.
In the early 2000s, Cena was tearing it up in the ring. Shortly after he won his first WWE Championship title in 2005, he began starring as a lead in action films such as The Marine (2006) and 12 Rounds (2009).
As the demand for Cena's star power grew, he gracefully transitioned into drama and comedy productions. His notable roles include Fred: The Movie (2010), Reunion (2011), and Sisters (2015) with Amy Poehler and Tina Fey. He even took on the challenge of a mockumentary spoof on the sport of cycling, titled Tour De Pharmacy (2017), for HBO, further solidifying his success in film and as a Hollywood fan favorite.
But among Cena’s three dozen films, plenty of his more major roles and voiceovers come in the form of work in children’s movies and animated films. I asked him why the “tough guy” role common to pro wrestling works so well in family features.
“I think, over the years, action films and movies oriented more toward kids have gained popularity for moviegoers and families watching at home. So, I’ve been welcomed into people’s living rooms for a while now,” Cena said. He added that he likes doing comedies, especially, as they “let me be myself, let me be funny, and let me be who I am.”
Cena has also played himself on several occasions. He’s made appearances as John Cena on classics such as Parks And Recreation and Hannah Montana, plus Nickelodeon’s The Substitute and True Jackson, VP, not to mention the revival of Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader, as the show’s host.
“I’ve been fortunate enough to be involved with WWE for over 23 years now, but it’s fun to take on other roles, and I’m grateful for the producers and directors who have given me the opportunities to do more things.”
Over the years, one of Cena’s favorite television gigs has been his appearances on NBC’s Saturday Night Live.
“Anytime you get to do sketch comedy in front of a live audience, it’s amazing,” Cena said. He said that being on the long-running comedy sketch show can “be intimidating sometimes,” but says that it is both great fun to be involved and is an excellent challenge for anyone with a career on-camera.
“When you are working with the (SNL) cast,” Cena said of the players, “you are working with the absolute best, and they are always performing at a high level.”
Cena was the guest host of SNL on December 10, 2016, and also appeared as a cameo on March 14, 2009, and October 9, 2021, participating in sketches with Fey, Chris Rock, and other comedy legends.
“Each week I’ve been on, it has possibly the most tired I’ve ever been, and they are also the best and most fun weeks I’ve ever experienced,” Cena said, calling it “exhilarating.”
In addition to all that, Cena has also hosted ESPN’s Espy Awards, and a wide variety of reality TV and contest shows such as ABC’s Wipeout, which he helped produce.
Fit for the long haul
Just today MET-Rx announced a new multi-year partnership with Cena, the WWE legend and philanthropist. Cena said nutrition was “always a top concern even before he first got involved in bodybuilding” en route to his eventual career in the ring.
“Building muscle as a bodybuilder would lead me to be able to compete in pro wrestling,” Cena said. “Dedication to intense workouts was obviously key, but you have to fuel your body to take on that challenge.”
The 6-foot-1, 250-lb. Cena, known also for his 20-inch biceps, said he found solace and determination in the gym in his late teens. Eventually, he began educating himself about fitness and nutrition before transforming into a formidable athlete poised for a collegiate football career and, ultimately, WWE greatness.
While Cena’s physique and ties with sports make him a great fit for MET-Rx, the current number one sports nutrition brand, so does his success as an actor, one of the company’s marketing executives explained. Especially in the social media era.
“John Cena is a unique breed of celebrity,” said MET-Rx marketing and innovation director Bree Randall. “His appeal is universal and his fan base is incredibly enthusiastic and devoted, especially on TikTok,” Randall said.
Looking ahead, the company’s strategy is aimed at reaching customers on their mobile devices. She notes that Cena’s celebrity leading up to now makes him the perfect persona to connect with new audiences via social media. His sense of humor is an added bonus.
“Our MET-Rx campaign harnesses that attention and popularity, with content that is unexpected, attention-getting, and funny.”
Randall said MET-Rx’s new full campaign with Cena rolls out over the coming weeks. Yet as 21st-century trendy as TikTok may be, Randall said that their campaign with Cena summons a little bit of late 20th-century nostalgia.
“MET-Rx launched in the ‘90s as the original meal replacement brand in sports nutrition, so we have authentic roots in the fun and flashy gym culture of that era,” she said.
Randall added that 30 years later, “the ‘90s aesthetic is trending again, and this Tik-Tok-driven, over-the-top campaign approach” that Cena has been all-in on since the beginning. “It’s the perfect vehicle for his unique fusion of physicality, comedy, and genuine positivity, and we think it will resonate with fitness enthusiasts of every generation.”
Randall also added, “Our shared goal with John is to inspire and motivate people to challenge themselves, persevere, share and celebrate their wins, and achieve their own personal and fitness goals.”
But how, if at all, has John Cena—now 47 years old—changed his workout regimen since his days as a bodybuilder? Or as a full-time pro wrestler?
“I’m a little more focused on training for the long term,” he said. “Instead of the focus on being on ‘crushing it’ today like there’s no tomorrow, or lift the most I can, I focus on different things.”
But Cena doesn’t think that getting older means working out less or easing up by any stretch. While Cena doesn’t aim to bench press or squat a new maximum weight every day or set a new personal best, he does focus on keeping his energy level up along with his stamina.
“In my personal experience the slowdown comes with lack of energy,” Cena explained, over the phone while on-location in Eastern Europe, shooting a new film. “Certainly, there is a bell curve that occurs where age plays a role, but at my age. But if you are driven and have goals, you can tap into your own energy.”
submitted by lawrencedun2002 to Fauxmoi [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 21:34 Fun-Ad-6990 Am I the only one who notices that the reason gen alpha is screwed is because like most of them seem to have been conceived for the instagram accessory aesthetic only by extremely young parents with no consideration towards the future citizens they just birthed

I was looking at why gen alpha seems to be even worse than kids in general. At first I was concerned about the fact that they barely even have the attention span for tv shows like Big City Greens and Bluey instead being dumped in front of horrifying content farms and even addictive stuff like c—melon.
Then it went a little deeper when I saw videos of teachers talking about how their regular kids(like kids without disabilities) are struggling below grade level and this is like 6th grade students having almost no attention spans and having reading levels and learning levels far below like 3rd grade levels, and not knowing certain basics There was even a video that mentioned how even sped kids despite their disadvantage had higher reading levels than normal kids. And the normal kids seemed not to even be trying to better themselves.
Then I learned about the Sephora girls and how they are straight up menaces to other people and demand skincare that isn’t designed for their age group and can damage them(instead of getting age appropriate skincare). I learned about the horrible Sephora moms enabling this with instagrams
Then I learned about young boys(like 6-9 year olds) accessing extremely sexist streamers and a pretty notorious rapist and trafficker named “quagmire” Tate who was just arrested for sex trafficking influencing young minds to regress regarding equality and no means no etc. I then saw more teachers saying how toxic kids are becoming and they seem to have no real life goals other than being influencers. And then quitting because of such flagrant behavior.
I was confused by all of this like it seemed like the parents weren’t even trying to teach the kids basics like how letters are pronounced, how to tie shoes, not to steal the cookie, etc. this continued to be hard to understand like it didn’t make sense. Like these problems used to be a very small minority like not everyone is like this but now it seemed that not “everyones kids are bad” while still a fair amount seemed even smaller compared to to it seems like the kids who were never taught seemed to increase.
Then when I saw one video which talked about the Sephora kids she brought up a TikTok talking about why gen alpha ended up so bad and the video brought up the accessory baby trend of the 2010s that really blew up around that time. I then watched the TikTok and that’s when it clicked. The kids who were born then are the same that are gen alpha. I remembered that on YouTube and other sites was filled with teens who were excited about having a baby and belly progressions etc.
it made total sense why gen alpha is horribly underprepared because many of these kids were(and are) the accessory babies born in the 2010s that were born to a large minority of(a lot of) teenagers who wanted to showcase their cute baby as if they were a furby accessory trying to copy the celebrity (spesficially the kardashians and Kyle Jenner) accessory baby trend which resulted in the aesthetic of parenting and having a cute baby without any of the actual work needed to raise a baby to a functioning human being with good literacy skills, a reasonable education and basically becoming a functioning person.
Oh and teen mom the tv show(which despite showing some of the darker sides and contributing to a decline in teen pregnancy’s some dumb kids still took inspiration) . It’s made even worse because now TikTok and instagram reels glorifying pregnancy at young(like teenage) ages for aesthetics even if said person was not ready or willing to handle responsibly raising a future adult and showing none of the true consequences and sorrow that comes with ruining your and a future humans life, instead being filled with instagram photos of cute mommy and baby in matching outfits on highly staged photos with no hint on how difficult it is to raise a human being.
Anyway The baby was never supposed to grow up as a person and become a functioning human being but to be a silent being with no thoughts of it’s own to dress up and show off to instagram and Pinterest. Essentially a doll. However when that baby started to grow up into their own person and becoming a human being because as it turns out baby’s grow up to be a functioning adult. The parents has no desire to be a parent and does not know how to raise a functioning human so they dumped them in front of iPads in order to get them out of the way and basically negelect them. The consequence is that now we have an entire generation of kids who have not been taught basic lessons and how to be a functioning person.
It even affects the kids who weren’t accessory babies and are being raised by people who actually want to see their child succeed in life , because the peer pressure to act more mature than before has ramped up significantly as the moms of the accessory babies shunned kid appropriate outfits and acting their age and stuff because they wanted the babies to be dressed up in adult fashions for instagram photo ops and have engrained that acting like a kid is stupid and that they go from accessory Baby to hot young adult with no inbetween in their minds which warps them to act like an “adult” when way too young. It’s essentially the traditional 10 year old wants to act older but warped far beyond what it used to be and if a kid simply acts like their age group they are often picked on by accessory baby bullies which means that a lot of kids are now under peer pressure to grow up way too fast because the accessory kids that dominate the school and act like monsters towards everyone else.
It’s because they were never taught how to be a good Person. And it’s because of the parents who wanted accessory babies for instagram rather than raising a human. Like it’s the 30 year mellenials who take their kids only to instagramamble play areas, dressing them up for photo shoots every week in new clothes, going on instagramamble vacations and even having another baby only for clicks.
This is the reality of the situation we are seeing the consequences of this in real time. The kids were never taught how to be a person and because of that they have almost no manners and learned all their lessons from toxic influencers and or consumerist influencers. It’s because the parents neglect them instead of providing moral lessons on how to be a good person, teaching them right from wrong, or even providing them good tv shows like BCG, and bluey instead dumping them in front of iPad content farms that rot their attention spans without any moderation causing them to have no imagination and tech addictions and then for the boys watching toxic influencers like Andrew quagmire tate and his merry band of Herbert the perverts(it’s a family guy reference). And for the girls being brainwashed into acting like adults and buying skincare that burns their skin instead of age appropate skin care.
This is scary because they are our next doctors, artists, writers, musicians, librarians, mechanic, firefighters, plumbers, etc. and they end up with social media addicitions and have shockingly short attention spans thanks to overstimulating YouTube shorts and they were never taught how to be a successful person who thrives in society all because they were treated as disposable photo props to get more IG likes.
To be clear not every parent is like this and there are many parents trying to raise their kids good and teaching them to be a good person but it is concearning how the accessory babies are now being turned into monsters at shockingly young ages. I really hope people wake up and realize that this is a problem and how we need to educate kids and prevent toxic Tate influences on boys And toxic trends on girls. We need to let kids learn positive values and teach the, about diversity and how to be a good person and helping other people and doing good things and working hard to achieve whatever goals they want.
We need to fix this and help prepare kids to be a functioning good adults so that they can succeed. It’s a whole mess that we need to do better with our next generation of people because we need to stop treating kids like they are just instagram photos and they aren’t babies with on and off switches but babies that grow to toddler then kid tween teen until they become an adult who should be able to do basic functions in society.
I am legit concerned about the next generation and them being addicted to content farms rather than quality shows with educational and entertainment value and not being taught basic morals like don’t steal the cookie, everyone is equal, clean up after yourself, don’t rudely interrupt other people. or even helping them get to grade level reading and stuff(and I’m not counting kids with disabilities, like autistic and adhd kids) to function in society. like I literally heard that sped kids with disabilities and autism etc are literally doing higher reading levels than regular kids because a lot of the regular kids were never taught. It’s legit concerning.
*it should also be mentioned that this seems to mostly happen with really really young parents 9/10 times as most kids who were conceived by parents at older ages(30 something when they had kids) don’t seem to have this problem(or very rarely)
submitted by Fun-Ad-6990 to childfree [link] [comments]
