Palm reading diagram marriage lines

Astrology Readings

2013.10.31 20:50 astrologyfrog Astrology Readings

A community for astrology readings! Come here if you're looking for a birth / natal or any other form of astrology reading. All signs of the zodiac are welcome! (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces) Don't come here soliciting paid readings. You will be banned! We also have an irc chatroom: server is, port is 6667 (6697 for SSL)

2014.07.17 11:07 The future is in your hands.

A subreddit dedicated to palmistry. We are here to discuss the origins and meaning of chiromancy, exchange tips and resources, and practice reading palms. Feel free to submit requests, start discussions or post any links related to palmistry.

2015.06.25 01:30 Nulono Stating Current Year

\>2016 \>still needing a description Are you a time traveler from the future (or the past) who desperately needs to find out the current year? Fortunately, you don't need to ask random strangers or go searching for today's paper anymore. Just state your opinion on the Internet, and people will come flocking to condescendingly inform you of what year it is, as if the current year should suffice in place of an actual argument.

2024.05.22 01:28 GrainOfSand10 SCARED of my husband

I’m a stay at home mom of two baby boys. Married 3 years & dated 6 months prior to marriage & got pregnant a couple of months before getting married.
I’m going to get shit for all my bad decision-making here.
I prayed (out loud) for a man that would meet all this criteria and one month later met my husband. He met all the criteria of my prayer so no matter what bad things happened, I thought God had this purposed for me. I mean like a checklist of 10-20 items all checked off. I was vedy devout in my faith. But, now looking back I feel like maybe it wasn’t God who answered my prayer. Maybe this was like a time in the book of Job where God let Satan attack Job and take everything away from him. I don’t know. Oddly enough, the man that became my husband said he prayed for this, too, one month prior.
He love-bombed me. He devalued me. Later, he threatened to leave me (but never has). While we were dating, when I was pregnant, when we were engaged. He called escorts behind my back. I find out he had sexual relations with a woman in his apartment complex one week before we started dating - he told me three years into our marriage. Before we dated, he also had a two year affair with a married woman (whose husband to this day has no idea about it.) He was meeting her and texting her behind my back 2 weeks into us being officially dating exclusively. I find out because he got arrested and I went to pick up his things on his person at the jail. I guess his passcode in one try and there I see the truth. He lied about this woman - he said she was a best friend with no I love yous and no sexual relations. He even asked me if it was okay to be friends with her and I asked him those two questions. He lied and the proof was right there. We were fairly new so I didn’t read too many texts. I spent one hour on his phone at most and handling a panic attack in between.
I read where he texted escorts, too, and read two other relationships he had while seeing this married woman. My mind was blown. I was done. I screenshoted some evidence for my personal keepsake. I texted the married woman because their I love you was so recent. I told her what happened and said to go get him out of jail because I was done. She blew up my phone with texts. She wanted to know who I was and she wanted to share all the creepy details about this man. She claimed they only had sex twice and it was rape - bullshit. She also said a lot of other things like she knew when he bought me a coffee and knew when he went to the city to meet his friends. She said he said that they could still have sex while he was seeing me. He denied it and said it was the other way around.
When he got out of jail, he contacted me and sent me a video. She texted me to show me he sent her a video, too. Same shirt, same scenery and all filmed back after back. He told her how much he cared about her but he was letting her go. He came to meet me because I took his dog to care after her while he was in jail. He talked me into giving him one more chance. I moved into his apartment to get away from a situation at home. I fell for him hard and believed I was in love. We texted and talked all the time and when we were able, we were together. I went on a trip for a week withoht him to California. I got back and the sheets were washed. He said he did that for me so I can come home to clean sheets. Later over the course of our relationship I noticed he never much stepped up to do the laundry. A lot of chores started falling on me. Before even being married he expected me to coean his whole apartment which seemed to have never been touched once with any cleaning.
We were fighting a lot and I saw some of his anger but I thought he was just frustrated with things he was dealing with in his life. He got sort of pushy with me having intercourse with him at times I told him I didn’t want to because I wanted to wait. That made him angry. I find out that he had been FaceTiming escorts from the first weeks we started dating and found at least one call every month up to the week we were suppose to get married. I was shocked! I had no idea and I couldn’t believe it. We had intercourse so much that he wouldn’t need that so I thought. He said it was like porn to him and he had that habit from before he met me. Keep in mind, I’m religious so I was abstinent most of my life and these red flags weren’t so obvious to me. I thought most men were dogs like this. The biggest factor that blew my mind (of which he explained away) was that these escorts weren’t typical - they were transgender women and some still had their boy parts. After talking with someone who I thought was like a mom to me(I find oht later she wasn’t for me), I went through with the wedding, and besides, I was having his baby.
We moved states. I noticed a lot of verbal abuse starting from typically the night time as we shared a bed. He would cuss at me a lot and get so angry. It was almost every night. I was surprised - thinking who is this guy. He made me cry a lot. It was so stupid, I got screamed at just for rolling over in my sleep. He explained this away later after the problem got better. I began feeling like I made a mistake in marrying him. I was so scared at the same time because this was my first pregnancy. I feared so much about the “what ifs” and what world this baby was coming into.
The abuse got worse. It got physcial from time-to-time. He says I was abusive back but I feel like it was reactive abuse because it became too much for me. I would hit him back. It ate at my mind every day and I had all these hormones because I was going to have a baby soon. When pregnant, he has pushed me, held me down, jumped on me with his hands around my neck. He said things that were horrible like he would walk away from this son like he did his first son (he had a son from an earlier relationship which he had nothing to do with). Fear overcame me and some days I thought ending my life was the only way to escape my life and prevent a nightmare for my son. (These feelings relented later in time.)
One time he held up furniture above his head and he was ready to throw it at my head - I believe this was right after our son was born. We argued a lot because my mistrust in him because what I mentioned I discovered earlier. I wanted him to assure me he was trustworthy so sometimes I asked for his phone. Doing that resulted many times in violence and rage. When he had that furniture held up, I felt like he was going to end me right then and there. He stopped himself and I asked him why. He said because he saw the fear in my eyes.
We fought and made up A LOT. That was our relationship and me asking him where he has been or was he with someone. It was terrible for both of us. I discover later that he lied about a lot of things. I didn’t even know he didn’t have a drivers license until about 1-2 years into our marriage. I didn’t know the pictures of his boy parts I found once while dating were to the escorts. I asked him approximately a thousand times. He doesn’t just lie - he tells a story with details and the whole thing is a lie.
I use to check his phone and browser history because it was never ending place of discovery. I never got confessions out of him but I did get evidence that he thought he hid. He must have gotten better at hiding things because I would find less and less. I got to a point where I don’t check anymore - I know and it’s a damn headache to live like that. All the time he did these things, he swore his love for me. He said I was everything.
I discovered again a lie the first time he went to Miami last year (his first time away from me.) He took advantage and called at least ten eacorts and almost met up with one (or did. I don’t know. There’s no money spent but he lied and said the last escort called was his co-worker. I may never know what happened but his coworkers got weird around me after that trip. They won’t look me in the eye.) I didn’t know all this until December last year where I asked him for his T-Mobile password. He didn’t think I would find this when giving me the password.
I saw a text after that trip and found out he lied. He was awake at 2:00PM after he told me he went to bed on the phone. He told me how he missed me SOOO much. He said he tried putting his arm around me in bed to realize I was not there. We FOUGHT over the phone. He didn’t want me to see the rest of the texts between him and his coworker. He left bruises on my arms pushing and shoving me with all his strength. He overpowered me and I never saw the messages. He said he was hiding the fact ge did cocaine. I lost control because I pulled a knife out at him. Not to hurt him but to intimidate him. (I never lost it like this again -he ALWAYS uses this against me to say I’m the abusive one.)
December he admitted the elaborate cocaine story he gave me was a LIE. He said he did do cocaine but not how he told me. The real thing he was hiding was the escorts. At that time, I find out he kissed a coworker (maybe more but nobody will tell me anything.) Another girl told me he was always flirting with new hires. After I find this out from these girls, he put two holes in the walls and broke the doors at the apartment that was in my name. He also bought me $200 roses and a new marriage ring fo Christmas along with other nice gifts. He even goes to therapy to get better at his lying problem (which he only did for about 3 sessions.) He swore this was the last time I would EVER have this happen to me. He swore he loved me and our family. My second baby was born February after ALL of that.
November, my mom died and left me money. I find all that out after I put money on a house for us - Our first house. I made sure we were good. I made sure my baby had everything he could need. I didn’t even buy myself a new car (backstory I lost my good credit, my 2020 car and had one eviction in this marriage. I was almost $30,000 in debt after all of that. My husband made his bad credit good and how we got the house, too. He still has his car and no evictions on his name. We paid over $5,000 for his traffic tickets and court fees plus his debts.)
I could have left then but I was vulnerable because I was having another baby in two months.I feared all the time because I couldn’t get a job or keep one being pregnant and I worried about having one after because I wouldn’t make enough with him and me working would put us at a negative income. I tried building this website but I have yet to get sales. I knew I needed to get out but one last things I feared was breaking up my marriage. I thought he could get better for all his problems.
His anger reared its head again this past month. I found a book titled “Why did he do that.” My husband fits a lot of those examples of abusers. The book said the nice guy is the mask.
This time when he got angry, he said it was my fault he cheated on me. He said it’s a woman’s fault if a man cheats. He said that women need to keep a man happy. He said he had depression caused by me which he never mentioned before. He always said I made him happier than he ever has been in his life. I didn’t know about the cheating just like I didn’t know about the cause. He endlessly lied to me.
I went to his work and asked his boss about the girl he kissed. He is still lying. He said he told his boss what happened. His boss said they both said nothing when they came in for questioning. My husband got the word out and it turned into drama when those girls texted me.
My husband is two people. Dr. Jekell and Mr. Hyde. I just learned recently he has been reading my journals on my phone and texts between my sister. He read my reddit posts. He lied about this and kept it to himself. I feel like he may have planned trapping me in my marriage so I would have nothing. I feel like he is stalking me, too. I have 30K left locked up in a CD - he wants that when its available to pay off the credit cards in his name. We both spend on those cards for food and needs. I want to keep it as my nest just in case. He scares me sometimes. I feel like he may charm a judge when we fight for custody if I leave. I’m scared he will bring up the knife incident and the baker act (I was bakeracted last year when 5 months pregnant- he said he would cut me off financially and have me and our unborn baby fend for ourselves. I panicked and he was being a monster. I said he was hurting me and he said he didn’t care.) I told a cop I wanted to hurt myself but I wasn’t suicidal - I just feared my husband and wanted to get away from him. It was impulsive and I regretted saying it immediately. He was messing with my mind - he fake called the cops. Never dialed but acted out a conversation. I called right after.
I fear him. He is looking like a pscychopath to me or narcist - he pal ed his whole marriage and family around abuse and lies. He admitted to lying to keep me from leaving him on a few occassions. He would act like a little innocent and hurt boy. I could never see the abuser when he switched.
Would you be scared, too? I feel like no matter what I will never be free from him. My husband has once told me nobody will believe me. Everyone thinks I’m crazy - he said this right after convincing the cops that. (Time where he bent the truth to make it funny - the cops were sold.)
submitted by GrainOfSand10 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:28 becausej Looking for Advice (1400-1800 usd)

My current PC, which has a Ryzen 7 3700X cpu & Radeon RX 5700 gpu is rapidly losing performance with it's age. I'm looking for advice on if I need a new one/what to do. My concern should I choose to replace just one or two parts is that I'm unsure what's causing the issues (I know the GPU is having issues) and I'm concerned if I replace it part by part and end up having to do it all anyway then it'll be super expensive and a lot of work. I'm happy to offer more info about what I have/am looking for if needed. I haven't build a computer before, but from what I've read it should be manageable following youtube guides?
What will you be doing with this PC? Be as specific as possible, and include specific games or programs you will be using.
Gaming PC for LoL/Fortnite/Apex and probably bits of other stuff like minecraft/OW etc. I'll also be using it sometimes for work/school running probably mostly java/python code.
When do you plan on building/buying the PC? Note: beyond a week or two from today means any build you receive will be out of date when you want to buy.
I'm planning to buy with memorial day weekend sales this weekend.
What is your budget for the build?
I'm hoping for around $1400 - $1600, but it can go a bit higher if it would be a big improvement.
What, exactly, do you need included in the budget? (ToweOS/monitokeyboard/mouse/etc)
I think tower and everything inside, but my monitomouse/keyboard are all fine.
Which country (and state/province) will you be purchasing the parts in? If you're in US, do you have access to a Microcenter location?
In US and have a microcenter 20 minutes away.
If reusing any parts (including monitor(s)/keyboard/mouse/etc), what parts will you be reusing? Brands and models are appreciated.
Mouse and keyboard should work with anything I think, monitor is LG.
Will you be overclocking? If yes, are you interested in overclocking right away, or down the line? CPU and/or GPU?
No overclocking for me.
Are there any specific features or items you want/need in the build? (ex: SSD, large amount of storage or a RAID setup, CUDA or OpenCL support, etc)
Would like at least a 1 TB SSD.
Do you have any specific case preferences (Size like ITX/microATX/mid-towefull-tower, styles, colors, window or not, LED lighting, etc), or a particular color theme preference for the components?
I have pretty much no visual or size preferences (but would prefer a bit quieter if possible - maybe water cooling?)
Do you need a copy of Windows included in the budget? If you do need one included, do you have a preference?
I believe I do need a copy of windows - ideally 10 and not 11.
Thank you!
submitted by becausej to buildmeapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:27 Working_Check7657 My best skill is cooking. I really didn't have to work hard to learn it or for my top three skills. What are your top three skills and did you have to put a lot of efforts learning that skill?

I have always cooked and I'm exceptionally good at it. My top three skills/ acquired traits are not the things I had to put efforts to learn. I was reading the subtle art of not giving a fuck and a line got me thinking about this.
submitted by Working_Check7657 to CasualConversation [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:26 Ur_Anemone New study unpacks why society reacts negatively to male-favoring research

New study unpacks why society reacts negatively to male-favoring research
Research suggesting men are superior to women in certain aspects is often viewed less favorably than research showing the opposite. But why? A recent study examined this issue, finding evidence that perceived harm to women is a key factor driving negative reactions to male-favoring findings. The new study has been published in the International Journal of Psychology.
“For the last few years, my lab has been studying how people react to research on sex differences,” said study author Steve Stewart-Williams (@SteveStuWill), a professor of psychology at the University of Nottingham Malaysia.
“A very consistent finding is that people react less positively to research that puts men rather than women in a better light. For example, people see fictitious research showing that men are better at drawing, more honest, or smarter than women as lower in quality than otherwise-identical fictitious research showing the reverse.”
“We wanted to know why. Our hypothesis was that a key contributor is that people see male-favoring research as more harmful to women than female-favoring research is to men. Our new paper describes an experiment we conducted to test this hypothesis.”…
“As with our previous studies, we showed participants bogus research finding either a male-favoring or a female-favoring sex difference, then quizzed them about their reactions to the research,” Stewart-Williams explained. “The twist, however, was that before doing this, we surreptitiously exposed them to either a statement about how research on sex differences can be harmful to women (by reinforcing harmful stereotypes) or a statement about how it can be helpful to women (by making medical interventions safer for them).”
In line with previous findings, Stewart-Williams and his colleagues observed a general aversion to male-favoring research findings. Participants rated research that purported to show males as more intelligent than females less positively than research suggesting the opposite.
Interestingly, the sex of the participant did not significantly alter the strength of this aversion. Both men and women exhibited similar levels of negative reactions to male-favoring findings, challenging the notion that gender-ingroup bias (a preference for one’s own gender) plays a major role in these reactions.
The study also investigated the role of the fictional lead researcher’s sex in shaping reactions to the research. Here, a subtle but intriguing pattern emerged: participants reacted slightly less positively to male-led research, particularly when the findings favored males. This effect was more pronounced among male participants, suggesting that the credibility or acceptability of male-favoring findings may be somewhat contingent on the perceived gender neutrality of the researcher presenting those findings.
Another significant aspect of the study was the experimental manipulation of participants’ pre-existing attitudes towards sex-differences research through the preliminary passage they read. Those exposed to a passage highlighting the potential drawbacks of sex-differences research reacted more negatively to the fictitious findings than those who read about its potential benefits. This was especially true for female participants in the context of male-favoring research, reinforcing the idea that concerns about harm to women underpin much of the aversion to such findings.
“As predicted, participants in the ‘harmful’ condition had a stronger negative reaction to the male-favoring findings than those in the ‘helpful’ condition,” Stewart-Williams told PsyPost. “This suggests that perceived harm to women is an important driver of the aversion to male-favoring findings.”
Collectively, these findings support the notion that perceptions of harm and protective attitudes towards women play a crucial role in shaping reactions to sex-differences research. This suggests a genuine concern for the potential societal impact of male-favoring research, particularly in terms of reinforcing harmful stereotypes or undermining efforts towards gender equality.
“The male-favoring aversion comes from a good place: People want to protect women,” Stewart-Williams said. “But the fact that it comes from a good place doesn’t necessarily mean that its effects are good. I always tell students that to improve the world, we need accurate knowledge about the world. Sometimes, that knowledge might be a bit of a downer. But if we want to craft successful interventions and policy, we’re better off knowing than not knowing.”…
The study, “The harm hypothesis: How perceived harm to women shapes reactions to research on sex differences,” was published January 3, 2024.
submitted by Ur_Anemone to afterAWDTSG [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:26 GrainOfSand10 SCARED of my husband

I’m a stay at home mom of two baby boys. Married 3 years & dated 6 months prior to marriage & got pregnant a couple of months before getting married.
I’m going to get shit for all my bad decision-making here.
I prayed (out loud) for a man that would meet all this criteria and one month later met my husband. He met all the criteria of my prayer so no matter what bad things happened, I thought God had this purposed for me. I mean like a checklist of 10-20 items all checked off. I was vedy devout in my faith. But, now looking back I feel like maybe it wasn’t God who answered my prayer. Maybe this was like a time in the book of Job where God let Satan attack Job and take everything away from him. I don’t know. Oddly enough, the man that became my husband said he prayed for this, too, one month prior.
He love-bombed me. He devalued me. Later, he threatened to leave me (but never has). While we were dating, when I was pregnant, when we were engaged. He called escorts behind my back. I find out he had sexual relations with a woman in his apartment complex one week before we started dating - he told me three years into our marriage. Before we dated, he also had a two year affair with a married woman (whose husband to this day has no idea about it.) He was meeting her and texting her behind my back 2 weeks into us being officially dating exclusively. I find out because he got arrested and I went to pick up his things on his person at the jail. I guess his passcode in one try and there I see the truth. He lied about this woman - he said she was a best friend with no I love yous and no sexual relations. He even asked me if it was okay to be friends with her and I asked him those two questions. He lied and the proof was right there. We were fairly new so I didn’t read too many texts. I spent one hour on his phone at most and handling a panic attack in between.
I read where he texted escorts, too, and read two other relationships he had while seeing this married woman. My mind was blown. I was done. I screenshoted some evidence for my personal keepsake. I texted the married woman because their I love you was so recent. I told her what happened and said to go get him out of jail because I was done. She blew up my phone with texts. She wanted to know who I was and she wanted to share all the creepy details about this man. She claimed they only had sex twice and it was rape - bullshit. She also said a lot of other things like she knew when he bought me a coffee and knew when he went to the city to meet his friends. She said he said that they could still have sex while he was seeing me. He denied it and said it was the other way around.
When he got out of jail, he contacted me and sent me a video. She texted me to show me he sent her a video, too. Same shirt, same scenery and all filmed back after back. He told her how much he cared about her but he was letting her go. He came to meet me because I took his dog to care after her while he was in jail. He talked me into giving him one more chance. I moved into his apartment to get away from a situation at home. I fell for him hard and believed I was in love. We texted and talked all the time and when we were able, we were together. I went on a trip for a week withoht him to California. I got back and the sheets were washed. He said he did that for me so I can come home to clean sheets. Later over the course of our relationship I noticed he never much stepped up to do the laundry. A lot of chores started falling on me. Before even being married he expected me to coean his whole apartment which seemed to have never been touched once with any cleaning.
We were fighting a lot and I saw some of his anger but I thought he was just frustrated with things he was dealing with in his life. He got sort of pushy with me having intercourse with him at times I told him I didn’t want to because I wanted to wait. That made him angry. I find out that he had been FaceTiming escorts from the first weeks we started dating and found at least one call every month up to the week we were suppose to get married. I was shocked! I had no idea and I couldn’t believe it. We had intercourse so much that he wouldn’t need that so I thought. He said it was like porn to him and he had that habit from before he met me. Keep in mind, I’m religious so I was abstinent most of my life and these red flags weren’t so obvious to me. I thought most men were dogs like this. The biggest factor that blew my mind (of which he explained away) was that these escorts weren’t typical - they were transgender women and some still had their boy parts. After talking with someone who I thought was like a mom to me(I find oht later she wasn’t for me), I went through with the wedding, and besides, I was having his baby.
We moved states. I noticed a lot of verbal abuse starting from typically the night time as we shared a bed. He would cuss at me a lot and get so angry. It was almost every night. I was surprised - thinking who is this guy. He made me cry a lot. It was so stupid, I got screamed at just for rolling over in my sleep. He explained this away later after the problem got better. I began feeling like I made a mistake in marrying him. I was so scared at the same time because this was my first pregnancy. I feared so much about the “what ifs” and what world this baby was coming into.
The abuse got worse. It got physcial from time-to-time. He says I was abusive back but I feel like it was reactive abuse because it became too much for me. I would hit him back. It ate at my mind every day and I had all these hormones because I was going to have a baby soon. When pregnant, he has pushed me, held me down, jumped on me with his hands around my neck. He said things that were horrible like he would walk away from this son like he did his first son (he had a son from an earlier relationship which he had nothing to do with). Fear overcame me and some days I thought ending my life was the only way to escape my life and prevent a nightmare for my son. (These feelings relented later in time.)
One time he held up furniture above his head and he was ready to throw it at my head - I believe this was right after our son was born. We argued a lot because my mistrust in him because what I mentioned I discovered earlier. I wanted him to assure me he was trustworthy so sometimes I asked for his phone. Doing that resulted many times in violence and rage. When he had that furniture held up, I felt like he was going to end me right then and there. He stopped himself and I asked him why. He said because he saw the fear in my eyes.
We fought and made up A LOT. That was our relationship and me asking him where he has been or was he with someone. It was terrible for both of us. I discover later that he lied about a lot of things. I didn’t even know he didn’t have a drivers license until about 1-2 years into our marriage. I didn’t know the pictures of his boy parts I found once while dating were to the escorts. I asked him approximately a thousand times. He doesn’t just lie - he tells a story with details and the whole thing is a lie.
I use to check his phone and browser history because it was never ending place of discovery. I never got confessions out of him but I did get evidence that he thought he hid. He must have gotten better at hiding things because I would find less and less. I got to a point where I don’t check anymore - I know and it’s a damn headache to live like that. All the time he did these things, he swore his love for me. He said I was everything.
I discovered again a lie the first time he went to Miami last year (his first time away from me.) He took advantage and called at least ten eacorts and almost met up with one (or did. I don’t know. There’s no money spent but he lied and said the last escort called was his co-worker. I may never know what happened but his coworkers got weird around me after that trip. They won’t look me in the eye.) I didn’t know all this until December last year where I asked him for his T-Mobile password. He didn’t think I would find this when giving me the password.
I saw a text after that trip and found out he lied. He was awake at 2:00PM after he told me he went to bed on the phone. He told me how he missed me SOOO much. He said he tried putting his arm around me in bed to realize I was not there. We FOUGHT over the phone. He didn’t want me to see the rest of the texts between him and his coworker. He left bruises on my arms pushing and shoving me with all his strength. He overpowered me and I never saw the messages. He said he was hiding the fact ge did cocaine. I lost control because I pulled a knife out at him. Not to hurt him but to intimidate him. (I never lost it like this again -he ALWAYS uses this against me to say I’m the abusive one.)
December he admitted the elaborate cocaine story he gave me was a LIE. He said he did do cocaine but not how he told me. The real thing he was hiding was the escorts. At that time, I find out he kissed a coworker (maybe more but nobody will tell me anything.) Another girl told me he was always flirting with new hires. After I find this out from these girls, he put two holes in the walls and broke the doors at the apartment that was in my name. He also bought me $200 roses and a new marriage ring fo Christmas along with other nice gifts. He even goes to therapy to get better at his lying problem (which he only did for about 3 sessions.) He swore this was the last time I would EVER have this happen to me. He swore he loved me and our family. My second baby was born February after ALL of that.
November, my mom died and left me money. I find all that out after I put money on a house for us - Our first house. I made sure we were good. I made sure my baby had everything he could need. I didn’t even buy myself a new car (backstory I lost my good credit, my 2020 car and had one eviction in this marriage. I was almost $30,000 in debt after all of that. My husband made his bad credit good and how we got the house, too. He still has his car and no evictions on his name. We paid over $5,000 for his traffic tickets and court fees plus his debts.)
I could have left then but I was vulnerable because I was having another baby in two months.I feared all the time because I couldn’t get a job or keep one being pregnant and I worried about having one after because I wouldn’t make enough with him and me working would put us at a negative income. I tried building this website but I have yet to get sales. I knew I needed to get out but one last things I feared was breaking up my marriage. I thought he could get better for all his problems.
His anger reared its head again this past month. I found a book titled “Why did he do that.” My husband fits a lot of those examples of abusers. The book said the nice guy is the mask.
This time when he got angry, he said it was my fault he cheated on me. He said it’s a woman’s fault if a man cheats. He said that women need to keep a man happy. He said he had depression caused by me which he never mentioned before. He always said I made him happier than he ever has been in his life. I didn’t know about the cheating just like I didn’t know about the cause. He endlessly lied to me.
I went to his work and asked his boss about the girl he kissed. He is still lying. He said he told his boss what happened. His boss said they both said nothing when they came in for questioning. My husband got the word out and it turned into drama when those girls texted me.
My husband is two people. Dr. Jekell and Mr. Hyde. I just learned recently he has been reading my journals on my phone and texts between my sister. He read my reddit posts. He lied about this and kept it to himself. I feel like he may have planned trapping me in my marriage so I would have nothing. I feel like he is stalking me, too. I have 30K left locked up in a CD - he wants that when its available to pay off the credit cards in his name. We both spend on those cards for food and needs. I want to keep it as my nest just in case. He scares me sometimes. I feel like he may charm a judge when we fight for custody if I leave. I’m scared he will bring up the knife incident and the baker act (I was bakeracted last year when 5 months pregnant- he said he would cut me off financially and have me and our unborn baby fend for ourselves. I panicked and he was being a monster. I said he was hurting me and he said he didn’t care.) I told a cop I wanted to hurt myself but I wasn’t suicidal - I just feared my husband and wanted to get away from him. It was impulsive and I regretted saying it immediately. He was messing with my mind - he fake called the cops. Never dialed but acted out a conversation. I called right after.
I fear him. He is looking like a pscychopath to me or narcist - he pal ed his whole marriage and family around abuse and lies. He admitted to lying to keep me from leaving him on a few occassions. He would act like a little innocent and hurt boy. I could never see the abuser when he switched.
Would you be scared, too? Am I overthinking his lies and abuse? Do I need to get away now? I feel like no matter what I will never be free from him. My husband has once told me nobody will believe me. Everyone thinks I’m crazy - he said this right after convincing the cops that. (Time where he bent the truth to make it funny - the cops were sold.)
submitted by GrainOfSand10 to u/GrainOfSand10 [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:22 Motor-Comfortable350 Horizontal white line on nails, brown arc tips

Hi Doctors, Male, 29, 180lbs, 5’9”
Last year, I was diagnosed with NAFLD. I recently had a urinalysis, and everything came back normal. My blood test for kidney filtration was also normal a few months ago. However, I’ve noticed concerning brown arcs at the ends of my nails with a horizontal line appearing atop imagery 6mm away from the end of the nail. I read that this could be due to malnourishment, which seems plausible as I recently changed my diet after being diagnosed with a wheat allergy. The nail bed of one of my nails is a light ish pink and a hint of purple. Could this be signs of lack of protein ? Also could the purplish hue be a sign of my nails recovering ? Excuse my ignorance. My index finger of my left hand is a bit paler before this white line and browning towards the tip. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Wish I could attach a photo, but it doesn’t look like beau lines because it’s the nail bed itself and not the nail. It looks like leukonychia but way less intense. Edit: I wanted to say all my nails have this horizontal line and brown tip Thank you.
submitted by Motor-Comfortable350 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:21 testimonyho 2006 hyundai elantra

So I am 21 years old, looking to buy a first car. A friend has a 2006 hyundai elantra with less than 100k miles and offered me it for $2000. He replaced alternator and radiator as well. I’ve read a few posts here and there and there are some things that scared me on other subreddits. Is this a bad idea? Does this make have crazy issues down the line I don’t know about?
submitted by testimonyho to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:20 Decent_Cow_8917 Hello fellow apes, I’d like to introduce myself.

Hello fellow apes, I’d like to introduce myself.
Hi to whomever is taking the minute or two to read this. My name is Conner and I joined this movement last week, I can’t remember how I came across it but I’m beyond happy I did. Seeing this community so involved and focused on one common interest, and sticking together to achieve that interest has lit a fire in my soul! I think at the pace of things it’s easy to get consumed and forget that most of us are just everyday folks trying to create a better life for themselves.
Right now I’m just a server at applebees in a small town in Pennsylvania, I’m here helping my little sister and boyfriend with their newborn. I’m a bit in debt but not too overwhelming, and I struggle a good bit with my mental health. I just wanted to share this with you to remind you that we’re all just the little guys banding together to create better futures for our families.
I’ve learned a lot from some very intelligent people on this thread and all the math seems to check out, we win this by sticking together, remaining positive, and holding the line. They have expiring contracts, we do not.
I Love you all, and greatly appreciate all the energy you bring to this. Now let’s finish our ground work, strap up, and lift this motherfucker off together. Hey, what can we say? We like the stock. 🚀🌙
submitted by Decent_Cow_8917 to FFIE [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:17 poppypess Vote Claremont, Emmys Edition

Vote Claremont, Emmys Edition
This is late, but my friend and I went to the for-your-consideration event for RWRB. It was a trip.
But it was a work function first. Members of the TV Academy—and their plus-ones, if they received one—gathered in a studio in the sweaty belly button of Hollywood. If you were a normal Angeleno like u/sixfivesteve (the friend), you sat in your car blasting the AC while the valet line bumped forward one car length at a time. If you were from a walking city, you pushed past the slow-moving tourists, hoped the flies circling a mysterious stench didn’t lay eggs on you, and checked in with an attendant who wore a concerning amount of black for someone whose job was to stand in direct sun.
There was a (life-changing) screening of the movie, a panel, and a reception. There was also retail politics. Here’s what happened.

Whoever put together the playlist knew what they were doing

The vibe before the screening was jolly. There was a whole bathroom conversation about 1) therapeutic cannabis, because you’ve gotta, and 2) people everyone has run into.
Ushers handed out mini-servings of popcorn that felt stingy as hell but were probably just nutritionist-recommended serving sizes. Steve grabbed candy and water that came in slightly less environmentally disastrous packaging than the stuff you’d get from most grocery stores.
Whoever put together the playlist had done their homework, by which I mean they’ve spent time on the non-broey part of the internet.
This is where I tell you that the event featured strip club music, by which I mean they played “Pony” by Ginuwine. Before and after the screening. It was as if whoever set up the playlist knew that some attendees’ brains—and bits—might explode, reconstitute themselves, and implode again under stimulus (the movie), work event be damned.

The screening was a case for seeing movies in theaters for the sound. Because…

You could hear the beginning of the blow job.
You could hear the beginning of the blow job.
You could hear the beginning of the blow job.
In the space of about a second, I went from living in a world in which that scene had a lil’ zipper sound to one where the zip was followed by a flat, wet drag. The sound had texture. It almost had temperature.
Y’all, I am forever changed. Always see movies in the theater. Nolan, Tarantino, et al have talked about this. They’re right.
Listen to this man before he teaches you a lesson.
Something else I’d seen but never before heard while watching the movie in home setups: Bea says “no!” when Henry declines Alex’s call in the meeting with Philip, Tommy, and other palace staff. She doesn’t just mouth it.
Her interjection interrupts Philip mid-sentence, who glares at her and says, “As I was saying…”
It’s also just fun to hear the audience’s reactions. Some of the laugh lines:
  • “You’ve been wanting him to dick you down for years.”
  • “How many guys have you been with?” “Whoa.”
  • “He is. 😏” An audience member let out a sound like a hyena choking itself with a belt.
  • “I’m down.”
  • “I mean, who says ‘make love’ anymore? Are we gonna listen to Lana del Rey while we do it?” You guys, he said do it. Because I'm twelve.
  • “The B in LGBTQ is not a silent letter.” Man, politicians’ kids must hear all kinds of pamphlet-speak at home.
  • “Little lord fuckleroy.” Sarah Shahi is going from lesbian icon to overall queer icon with this role. Zahra/Sarah got massive applause during the end credits.
  • “We have got to get you a book on English history.”
Somehow no one laughed about Stephen Fry’s pronunciation of homosexual. Hummusseggsual. It’s hummus but it’s also seggs-ual.
Speaking of sexual, the crowd held its breath during the sex scenes.
Emmy voters have watched plenty of sex scenes with their colleagues, but after the bravely-repressing-a-wobble acknowledgement of I owe you an explanation, after ~very bad things~ in Alex's room, after the phrase “make love”—which deserves to be not just roasted but incinerated—the Paris sex scene was…relief? Revel? Revelation?
Look at me trying to talk around the effect the scene (may have) had on the room. People were off-gassing oxytocin. Estradiol. Testosterone. Since it was a work event, the weight and texture of the hush was what you’d get if everyone on a group camping trip was trying to discreetly watch porn. (To paraphrase the dad from Easy A, high-end porn—for governors and athletes, but porn nonetheless.) But I project.

Uma Thurman did an Ariana Huffington laugh during the panel

I laughed and laughed and laughed.
What should I say about the panel? That everyone’s features were somehow both full and sharp enough to thin-slice the cured meat of your choice? That Taylor Zakhar-Perez made a small breeze every time he blinked? That Nicholas Galitzine was a diffident dumpling? That Uma Thurman was an intellect? That Rachel Hilson was lithe and and fresh-faced and ready for any cosmetics campaign you threw at her—which, incidentally, has always described Uma Thurman? That Matthew López was extremely cute? That Greg Berlanti was the dad/uncle some of your friends wanted as a mentor and others had wholesome crushes on? That Sarah Schechter was the friend’s cool older sister made good? That if you put the RWRB cast into an early Almodóvar movie, the result would be credible?
Whatever I can say about the panel, you can get more straightforward coverage and footage of it elsewhere, including this subreddit. (Check out the post from the woman who got so horny from watching the movie that she started going after her husband nonstop.) I did a search on Tumblr for “RWRB FYC panel” for you. You’ll get Galitzine saying “the throes of love.” You’ll get TZP talking about matcha. You’ll get Casey McQuiston—that perfectly cast nonbinary creator-god of the RWRB universe—describing their brush with psychological collapse when TZP tried to have a conversation with them while in costume as Alex Claremont-Diaz. Enjoy.

The campaign trail is paved with selfies

Campaigning for nominations—and eventually, awards—is not so different from running for public office. The panel ended and everyone was set loose on the panelists and the “immersive for-your-consideration experience.” (Sure.)
Getting to the cater waiters to pinch mini-tacos, meh crabcakes, fish and chips with tartar sauce instead of vinegar (why?), and tiny cake cubes was like wading upstream. The crowd was moving in the opposite direction. Why?
Galitzine was taking photos with people. Elsewhere in the immersive whositwhatsit, TZP was doing the same thing with a swarm of his own.
I’d thought they were on display during the panel, but no. This was what they were there for. They were there to shake hands, talk shop briefly—with occasional promises to follow up later—and take selfies. The reward for all this would (theoretically) be nominations and votes. This was a campaign stop. On-theme for RWRB. Cue montage of Alex Claremont-Diaz making fundraising calls.
Can you get a charley horse in your face? I bet the actors had them, but that’s campaign life. Forward Together and all that.
Matthew López and the producers wandered the floor. At one point, I heard Casey McQuiston tell a small group about how they didn’t have any particular in with agents or publishers. It often is about flinging yourself out there, whatever you want to do.

A vote for RWRB is a vote for softness (stop reading here to avoid egghead content)

While we’re speaking in campaign terms, who and what is RWRB for? It’s for people who love love. It’s for people who love fun—who are fun, dammit. It’s for people with uomosexual tendencies (uomo = Italian for “man”). It’s for the occasional lucky straight guy. Most of all, it’s a refuge from straight-guy culture.
Here’s what I mean. The two RWRB panels and the Roast of Tom Brady happened in the same week-long time frame. If you’re reading this, you’re almost definitely in the tank with RWRB. The Roast is straight-guy culture cranked up to eleventy billion by comparison.
If we go by the Roast, straight-guy culture looks like big men the color of medium-rare steak yelling dick jokes from the dais—but using the less funny and more aggressive and self-regarding “cock” instead. It looks like Gronk pretending he can’t read and using Kim Kardashian’s genitalia to make a beef pun. It looks like Nikki Glaser, the token straight-woman comedian, being a good sport while the men in attendance called her ugly.
Don’t get me wrong. I watched and laughed. A good dick joke takes skill, and some of them were damn good. I even thought Julian Edelman was hot for 20 minutes. But the tonal difference between the Roast and the RWRB event—to say nothing of RWRB itself—was jarring. Straight-guy masculine culture is so committed to not being soft. Don’t go soft is basically its motto.
Meanwhile, RWRB is about—among other things—softness. Henry Car-Crash-of-Last-Names gives the object of his attraction the up-and-down, but in a way that’s more endearing than objectifying. He doesn’t do the hard stare. He’s all-in on Byron, Austen, Zadie Smith, and…Streisand. Unlike Gronk, Henry can read, and he reads with relish.
So does Alex, of course. The American is sweet and proactive. When he develops feelings for a friend with (many) benefits, he’s matter-of-fact about it and doesn’t get defensive or evade his emotions.
In other words, Alex and Henry’s masculinity is soft. Soft masculinity acknowledges the dimensions of a person beyond how well they can slam into other men (sporty or sexual) or women (sexual). For a lot of people, soft masculinity is a fantasy and a gift.
It can be a gift to anyone. Look at Steve. He finds that version of masculinity intoxicating, even as someone who’s already a winner of the masculinity lottery, at least as defined by large parts of straight-guy culture. He’s white and tall and strong and has hoes (houses), not in every area code—sorry, rappers who talk about that kind of thing—but some good ones. He loves RWRB. Everything about it. (Lest you thirsty beasts start having big thoughts about him, he’s married.)
Steve even inserted himself into the height contest/debate Galitzine and TZP sometimes have for lulz. He had a “you’re wearing lifts” conversation of his own. Not with TZP. With Galitzine, who joked about wearing lifts himself. It was still not enough to top Steve. (How funny would it be if this is when I reveal that Steve is Conan O’Brien? To be clear, he’s not. Besides, Conan O’Brien is sixfourconan.)
— — — —
The next night, while Steve and I were still catatonic from staying up until alarming hours, another panel took place in front of a crowd of people who didn’t need to consider anything about RWRB. They were already real-ass, excited fans who saw Alex and Henry—and for some of them, Galitzine and TZP—as secular saints of cheerful-romantic-triumphant horniness. Avatars of the kinds of guys you could have a crush on in middle- and high school without raising alarms (unless you were a boy being raised by homophobes, in which case I’m sorry).
The audience on that second night got the news of a sequel from Matthew López, who spoke directly to them from the stage. They cheered and whooped and began their vigil for round two. Sí, se puede.
submitted by poppypess to redwhiteandroyalblue [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:17 SunnyTopHat268 Gush The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Tylor Jenkins Reid (about 7 years too late)

Okidoke, first off I'm very very late to the party. I put off reading this for AGES because I was worried it wouldn't live up to the hype. Until today, mid-book-slump (waiting as patiently as possible for the Throne of Honor and Blood *ahem*) in my desperation I picked up the Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo... and i pretty much read it in one sitting (loo breaks don't count right?).
I loved it.
I loved the vibe. I loved Evelyn, I hated her, I was mad at her but I was on her side too?? And the end twists!!! I was slack jawed, hand over mouth for the last few chapters!
She was such a complicated character and I loved how Evelyn's story empowered Monique in her own life. She shared so many nuggets of wisdom and I feel like you couldn't help but respect them both.
What did you think about it? What were your favourite lines/ parts?
(mine was: 'Heartbreak is loss. Divorce is a piece of paper. (...) I wasn't heartbroken when Don left me. I simply felt like my marriage had failed. And those are very different things.')
While I'm gushing, I just wanted to add that I love being part of this community. It feels like such a safe space and for that I couldn't be more grateful.
I hope everyone's doing well!
submitted by SunnyTopHat268 to RomanceBooks [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:15 Doingokay123 We ended a while ago, what do I do now?

Hey all! I broke up with my ex fiancé in June, so not really sure I should be posting this here, but I don’t really know where else to go since you all understand what I’ve been through (my story is on my previous posts).
Since then, I’ve done a lot and just tried to have fun and heal. I don’t think I’m quite ready to date yet because I honestly don’t know how to think/feel about a bunch of things, one being trust and other being porn use. I’m also not fully over my ex yet. So I don’t feel it would be fair to date or start a relationship.
Anyway, I guess my question is what’s the line between trust and being naive? My ex used every excuse under the sun to cover up his porn use. Now I realize I was blindly trusting him and I just can’t put myself through that again.
In our 7 years together I never checked his phone (until the last 2 months where I found all sorts). I don’t want to be blind again, but also want to trust my future partner, I don’t want to be worried that they’re texting other people. So where do you cross the line?
I told my ex I didn’t really care if he watched porn. He always told me he never watched it anyway. This was a complete lie. If he had been using it a moderate amount and it hadn’t effected our relationship I probably would have never even noticed/cared. Turned out it effected everything. Now I think if a future partner was watching it I’d probably have a pretty big reaction. I know a lot of people say any amount of porn is damaging. But is a ‘no porn’ boundary realistic in todays world? I’m 28, I want kids and a family one day. I don’t have forever to find the perfect partner. But maybe I should be waiting for that perfect person? So again, where’s the line?
I’ve been thinking about doing some online sanon groups, is this a good idea even though I broke up with my ex? Or is it more for people who are still with their partners?
If anyone has any podcasts/books/websites etc that you think might be useful that would be amazing!
I’m sorry if you read this because it means you’re in this group, but I hope you’re having a wonderful day ♥️
submitted by Doingokay123 to loveafterporn [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:13 Many-Field-6111 I (33F) have been in a relationship with my partner (36M) for seven years, told him years ago marriage was important to me, I love him, we live together, but despite all of this, we’re still not engaged, what can I tell him to get a reaction?

Hi all, I’ll try to give context and keep it not long. Throwaway because my real handle is obvious and could be easily figured out who we are.
As the title mentions, I (33F) have been in a loving, committed relationship with my partner (36M) for seven years. I never thought I’d be with someone like him, but since I met him I felt like we clicked. We got along amazingly, and we started a beautiful, loving relationship. Of course, like every relationship we’ve had our ups and downs, but we seemed to find a way to work out our issues in a healthy way.
Kinda early on on our relationship, while we took a weekend on the countryside, I asked him about marriage, if it was important to him, something he might consider in the future, because to me it was important and something I most definitely wanted to do if the right person came along. He told me that it could be, although he didn’t support the social construct behind it.
Through the years, we’ve had a conversation around it a few times. There was always a reason not to go through with it. He’s been working on a project for some years (it’s kind of like a long thing, don’t want to go into much detail), and that has always been a priority. I actually fully support what he’s working on; so much that I became part of the team (even though I had not studied anything related to that, but I’ve learned along the way). When he first started it, he told me: “I want us to be together, I love you, I think we are it. This thing might take some time, I just ask you to please bear with me on this.” I told him I would, that I also saw us that way. I’ve always meant what I said that day.
This project has taken longer that anyone anticipated. It’s being successful, and kind of close to being done, but along the way it has taken a huge emotional toll on all of us. It’s just so much time working on the same thing for so long that it’s draining. The problem is that I’ve also come to resent him some because I feel like he’s always put this (or something else) as a priority over us growing as a couple, or taking next steps in our relationship. It took us years to move in together (despite us already sharing our days together either at his place or mine anyway).
After a year of living together I figured, hey, it’s not like I need a proposal at all. I just thought, this feels so right, I’m excited to begin our life as a married couple and in December ’22 (after a year of living together) I proposed (no pun intended) we consider getting married by the end of next year. Seemed like the right time (we’d been together for 6 years) and most of our close friends would likely be in the city for the holidays, so great time to host some kind of party! He responded that it was maybe too soon, that he wanted to work more on himself first (physical and emotional, which I also fully support!), and that he wanted to actually propose to me at some point.
Not going to lie, it was a blow.
So we’ve been continued living together, moved to a different apt, travelled with our team for our project, and life has been ok. But I think I’ve been struggling with feeling inadequate and unappreciated (unloved?) for some months now. Seeing friends, and friends of his getting engaged to their partners (some having dated for way less, not judging, just puts me in perspective of time), just gets me sad. I do feel happy for the couple, just sad for myself.
Today I just had the worst morning imaginable. Sad, crying. I talked to my best friends, even my mom. And their reaction to me feeling like this tells me I might not be overreacting, that my feelings are valid and that I clearly need to figure out stuff.
Sorry for the clearly not short post, but I’m asking if anyone’s ever felt like this, and if so, can they suggest what to say to him to hopefully get a reaction? I love him and hope that this can work out, I’m just not sure I can stay in this limbo much longer for my own wellbeing.
TL;DR: I’ve been with my partner for seven years, and despite talking about the importance of marriage for me years ago, and throughout our time together, even kind of proposing a couple of years ago, there’s always been a reason not to do it. I want to say something to him that can make him realize that he has to take this into consideration or perhaps we should… break up? Feels like too small a concept for such a long, deep relationship. But that’s kinda it.
Thank you all for reading.
submitted by Many-Field-6111 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:12 Empty_Orchid_5005 Advice Needed

I’ve finally found someone reputable to track down some documents for me in the comune needed. Before I take the plunge and start this process, I just want to make sure I do in fact have a case, and have done all my research correctly. My line looks like: JS-GGF-GF-M-me
My great, great grandparents were both born in Benevento in the 1870’s. They were also married there sometime before 1900 (we are still looking for the date of their marriage but do know it was in Benevento before coming to the US). They then emigrated to the US (with a few children) and then had my great grandfather here in the US in 1915. From what I can tell, my GGGF naturalized sometime around (or after) 1924, which would have made my GGF a minor. My grandfather was born in 1936 and then my mother in 1968. I was born in 1993. I believe I do have a case, correct?
submitted by Empty_Orchid_5005 to juresanguinis [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:07 That-Environment370 rant

hi cora since it’s so obvious you read this snark. everything about cora’s mentality towards life makes me so mad. she is almost twenty years old & genuinely has nowhere to go in life if she continues on the path she’s on. look at all these washed up influencers who average ~400 likes a tiktok. she doesn’t post unique, enjoyable, or entertaining content, so she’s next in line to just fall off. like look at her being stuck at 1.9 for two years. her ‘mental health’ is so frustrating. of course you’re gonna be depressed and anxious when you sit at home all day, eating crumbl & junk food all the time & the only time you see sun is to walk into target (in your pajamas). there are so many things that can support you to heal, and help you. therapy, medications, support groups, & getting of a snark of people who don’t like you ;) the tiktok she posted about “needing meds to be happy” “it’s just a chemical imbalance” to “there’s nothing they can do to help me” baby they are medical professionals who have probably dealt with harder cases than you, they can’t help you unless you help yourself. when she spoke about her ‘sa’ (implying christian) made me have a soft spot for her when she spoke about it. as a sa victim from a relationship, i didn’t leave either, but girl. girlllllllll. you were out, you talked all this shit about him & publicly hinted that he sa’d you, just to get back & be happier than ever? you’re a mockery to all victims, and i hope this hurts your feelings WHEN (cause we all know you the most active in the reddit) you read this. stand the fuck up, act your age and do something with your life. stop begging for sympathy online & get a real job. a REAL JOB. anyways ms. cora tilley, please from the bottom of my heart, figure your shit out. get proper nutrients as you and your (cheating) boyfriend look like two starving victorian children with the black plague 🥰
submitted by That-Environment370 to notcoratilley [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:07 Disastrous-Eagle3224 [M4A] Celebrity shocks the world with her porn debut

I am 18+ and all characters are 18+
Hello everyone! In this roleplay I’m looking for you to play as a celebrity as she decides to venture into porn professionally for whatever reason. She decides to go with a higher class studio (for me TUSHY/BLACKED would be perfect but I’m easy to go with any high class studio, or even an onlyfans account if you’d rather). We’ll start the scene arriving on shoot day and beforehand we’ll get to know each other a bit better before we get started. During the shoot itself we have an amazing time together, both of us having some of the best fun of our lives and when we’re done it’s safe to say that your character, even if she doesn’t want to do it on cam, will definitely be inviting my character around for some fun in her own time!
I’m looking for someone who doesn’t want to rush things and likes a good detailed role play ideally, so if you’re someone who does one line responses/ low effort replies then I’m afraid I’m not the partner for you! My only other request is that so I know you have read the full post I’m asking you to in your opening message tell me who you would like to play as and also how long your responses are, and please do not open with just ‘hey’ or ‘roleplay?’, you will definitely be ignored. Thank you!
Celebrities: Sydney Sweeney, Kylie Jenner, Kim Kardashian, Kendall Jenner, Kourtney Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian, Madison Beer, Margot Robbie, Chantel Jeffries, Sommer Ray, Katie Sigmond, Charli D’Amelio, Jenna Ortega Olivia Rodrigo, Pineapplebrat, Maren Turmo, Lauren Alexis, Millie Bobby Brown, Anne Hathaway, Sabrina Carpenter, Erna Husko, Bella Poarch, Sssniperwolf, Taylor Swift and Addison Rae. Or bring your own suggestion and maybe we can make it work!
submitted by Disastrous-Eagle3224 to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:05 Alternative-Hat432 Need help. I have no one to ask. Stupid questions ahead.

I have never used a tampon. I have no girls to ask. I tried once it hurt.
I read that menstrual cups are more comfortable than tampons. The only person I know to ask has never used them.
I look at Google, but I'm still confused on where it is supposed to go. 🤦🏼‍♀️
So like there is a hole. And inside there are two holes. One where you go pee, and the other one.
The menstrual cup is supposed to go inside that? Or it's supposed to be below that.
I get the words, but I can't tell the diagrams.
submitted by Alternative-Hat432 to menstrualcups [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:04 Obsequium_Minaris Ballistic Coefficient - Chapter 13

First / Previous / Royal Road / Patreon (Read 12 Chapters Ahead)

Together, Pale and Kayla dragged the mage back to the cave they'd been using for shelter, barely managing to get him inside before the snowfall began again. Pale tied his hands behind his back and his legs together using some paracord she had in her pack, and the two of them stood over the man, staring down at him.
"What now?" Kayla asked. "Do we wait for him to-"
Pale cut her off by bringing the stock of her shotgun across the berserker's face. He reeled from the strike, suddenly catapulting awake, his eyes wide as several of his teeth came spilling out across the stone cave floor. He coughed, spitting out a glob of blood before fixing her with a harsh glare. Smoke began to rise from his palms, but Pale stopped him by putting the barrel of her gun flush with his crotch.
"Unless you want to lose something, I'd suggest keeping your magic under control," she threatened. "Because if I pull this trigger, there isn't a healer alive who'll be able to give back what you'll lose."
The man snarled at her, but the smoke curling up from his hands stopped all the same. He spat out more blood. "The fuck am I still alive for?"
"I think you know exactly what you're alive for. Now, are you going to play nice and tell us what we want to know, or am I going to have to force it out of you piece by piece?"
The mage grinned at her, showing off a mouth full of missing teeth and liquid crimson. "You really think I'd betray my brothers like that?"
"Last I checked, your brothers are all dead," Pale said absentmindedly. "But still, I was hoping you'd pick the hard way; I needed to relieve some stress."
She let her shotgun hang from its sling, then drew her knife. With her free hand, she grabbed one of his fingers, then positioned the blade at the tip.
"Last chance to offer up what you know," she threatened.
The mage barked out a laugh. "Fuck off. You really think I'd ever-"
His bravado suddenly gave way to an agonized scream as Pale forced the blade of her knife underneath his fingernail. He thrashed in agony as she twisted the knife before roughly yanking it free, taking the fingernail with it. She held the disembodied nail up to him, then flicked it away.
"Have I made my point?" she said evenly. "Because last I checked, you've still got nine fingers and ten toes, not to mention a variety of other things I could poke at and prod at and cut off. And when you run out of those, I can just start skinning you bit by bit."
"Fuck you…" he breathed through gritted teeth. "I'll never-"
She took another fingernail for his troubles. Idly, Pale was aware of Kayla flinching with every scream that erupted out of the man's throat, but that didn't bother her.
Kayla had specified no death, but that didn't mean she couldn't make this hurt like hell.
She again positioned the knife at one of his fingertips, only for him to give a weak, shuddering, pain-filled cough.
"W-wait…" he croaked.
"I see your tongue has been thoroughly loosened," she surmised, though she didn't dare to move the blade even a millimeter away from his next finger.
"What do you have for me?"
"I can give you our leader's name."
"What do you mean, and? He doesn't tell us anything, he just pays us and feeds us, like any good leader should."
Pale's expression narrowed. "You had better give me something more substantial to go on, otherwise I have no reason to keep you around."
"Pale-" Kayla began, only to fall silent when she held up a hand. Reluctantly, Kayla backed down, though she continued to look on with concern as Pale's grip around her blade turned white-knuckled.
"Tell me something useful," Pale demanded. "Unless you want to see exactly how much pain I can commit to before I get bored."
"Okay, okay!" the bandit growled. "Fine… our leader's name is Sven Greymane, the warrior-king of the northern isles. He's the one who ordered us to attack certain towns on this continent."
"Is that why you sacked some and completely bypassed others?"
He nodded. "Yes. That was all part of the plan – he'd give us locations to attack, pay us in gold and food to attack them, and then let us keep whatever valuables we wanted afterwards."
"And did he tell you why he only wanted specific locations attacked, while others were to be spared?"
The mage shook his head. "No, and we knew better than to ask questions given how good of a deal it was."
Kayla suddenly stepped forwards. "One of those towns was my village," she growled. "Your friends captured several people, including my father, and took them back to the northern isles."
The mage leaned in, squinting to get a better look at her, before finally shrugging. "I don't know anything about that."
"Liar," Pale hissed.
"It's the truth. I wasn't involved with the attack on any Beastkin town."
"Of course, you'd say that," Kayla said through gritted teeth. "You're worried about what will happen to you if you admit to us here and now that you had something to do with it."
"Don't know what else to tell you. I had nothing to do with the attack on you and yours, and I didn't take any Beastkin slaves."
"Enough of this," Pale snapped. "How long do we have to find her father?"
The bandit cracked a wide grin at her. "You're probably already too late. If the girl's father is anything like her, then he's already been deemed to be useless as a slave – too mouthy for his own good, and mouthy slaves don't last very long among my people."
A vein pulsed in Kayla's forehead as she clenched and unclenched her fists. "Answer the question," she demanded. "Assuming he isn't murdered before we can get there, how long do slaves typically last while with your people?"
"Depends on the slave. Men tend to last longer, provided they're young enough and in good health. Of course, he was taken in the first place, so I assume that someone saw some value in him, at least enough to want him for themselves. Now, that only accounts for a berserker warrior having a bad day and killing someone as a result. If he's unlucky, he'll succumb to the elements before long." The mage shrugged. "It wouldn't make any sense for us to spend all that time capturing and enslaving someone only to let them die so soon, unless they just so happened to be a massive pain in the ass."
"So you claim," Pale said dismissively. "What else do you have for us?"
"I've told you enough," the man grunted. "Now hurry up and let me go."
"And why would I do that?" Pale demanded. "So you can go back to robbing and killing the innocent? Is your life really worth the lives of the people you'd kill if we let you go?"
"It is to her." He motioned towards Kayla, who was staring at him and trembling as she bit her lip, deep in thought.
Pale's eyes narrowed. "Kayla."
Kayla jumped slightly at the sound of her name being called. She hesitated for a moment before letting out a sigh. "...You should let him go."
"You know I can't do that, Kayla. If we let him go, he'll just go right back to doing what brought him here. Either we end this here and now and prevent him from taking more innocent lives, or he goes on for however long it takes for someone else to put him down."
"I know!" Kayla spat. "It's just… I don't know what to do… I don't want to be responsible for someone's death like this…"
"I understand that, but this is war," Pale insisted. "Death is an unavoidable part of that."
"What do you mean, war?" Kayla asked, horrified at the prospects of what Pale had just suggested. "You… you really are a soldier, aren't you? That's why you're doing this – it's a chance to do what you were made to do…"
"War is in my nature," Pale insisted. "It is why I was created. You are correct that this is a chance to fulfill my prime directive, but not in the way that you think." She turned her gaze back towards the bandit. "I need to get off this planet and back into the war I left behind before it's too late to save my creators. If killing this man will get me there faster, then I will not hesitate to do that."
"But… you can't know that killing him will help with that," Kayla pointed out. "He's just one man…"
"Every second spent debating his existence is one not spent working towards my ultimate goal. I ask for your input on what to do with him because I value your opinion as my ally, and do not wish to alienate you by leaving you out of major decisions such as that, but that does not mean I will not try to make you see reason when I think you are about to make a terrible decision." Pale sheathed her knife and hefted her shotgun. "You are concerned with the loss of innocent life, yes? Well, letting me kill this man will save an untold number of them. Is his life really worth all of theirs?"
"You can't think of it that way! He's still a person, too!"
"He is," Pale agreed. "But as far as I am concerned, his right to life is now forfeit, as he used it to torture and murder other people."
The bandit suddenly burst out laughing. "Listen to you two! You're honestly debating whether or not to take a life. How quaint, not to mention innocent. Consider me entertained."
Pale bashed him with the stock of her gun once more, knocking a few more of his teeth out in the process. As he coughed on blood and bone shards, she turned back to Kayla.
"See reason in this," she implored. "Letting him live means-"
"I know!" Kayla interrupted. Her wolf ears flattened against her skull, and in a quieter voice, she repeated, "...I know."
Her tail lashed behind her, and finally, she shook her head. "...I was willing to fight for you," she said softly. "I tried to convince you that you weren't just a killing machine – that you had a sjel, and that it was worth something. And maybe I was right. But even if I was… even if you're not just a killing machine… you seem dead-set on trying to be one. And if that's what you want, then who am I to stop you? Do what you want with him, Pale; after all, it's what you were programmed to do."
Kayla turned and marched out of the cave. Pale watched her go, waiting until she was completely gone before acting.
A single gunshot split the night.

Special thanks to my good friend and co-writer, Ickbard for the help with writing this story.
submitted by Obsequium_Minaris to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:03 plnnyOfallOFit Leaving Las Vegas= iconic 90s movie?

Leaving Las Vegas= iconic 90s movie?
If you don't care about pop culture, good for you.
But I get Leaving Las Vegas vibes off the benifer2.0, the 2024 version.
Seems these 2 crzy kids are divorcing...
Not to be cruel- but she just throws herself at the wet sock Ben Affleck? Sure he's more accomplished than Nick Cage's character- but he seems "unavailable"? Like not quite in his "recovery"?
And YES Jennifer Lopez isn't a street walker, but she "reads" as someone just propping up this man who's....kind of a shell of a man? Ish?
Me & hubby just go the distance, no drama. Lucky to not have serial marriage issues, that's Gotta hurt
anyway, don't come for me. IT'S JUST MY OPINON MAN
submitted by plnnyOfallOFit to GenX [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:03 JustTired1597 I'm just tired of being the only one putting in effort. Feeling angry and resentful.

So for context I am in a long distance marriage and we have been so for about 7 ish months now. I am a 26 M and my wife is a 24 F. The reason we are apart is because she is doing her masters now.
I have done everything humanly possible to make this long distance thing easier on both of us. I try to facetime everyday, I send her good morning texts, I send her voice notes randomly. I send her bouquets of flowers for her birthday or if she's feeling ill. I Uber Eats her food.
This past eid, I send her a giant care package of all the things she likes. Perfume, her favorite makeup stuff. some cute outfits, etc. And I got nothing.
I'm no saying that I do all these things with the expectation that I get stuff back. I just want the acknowledgment and may some effort?
The thing that ticks me off the most is her entitlement. Like I'll miss a facetime call one day, and then I'll get messages from her asking why I missed calling her and I become the villain. Like you have hands. You can click on my name and call me too.
I'm a hopeless romantic and its so painful to be with someone who does not reciprocate the effort or energy or even a fraction of it.
I think people will comment that I need to tell her this instead of writing it on reddit, but the thing is that I don't want to beg for it, nor do I want to guilt her into it. She should want to.
Anyways, if you read this, thank you. Just needed to vent a bit.
submitted by JustTired1597 to MuslimMarriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:02 Ur_Anemone Why was my face stolen for a dating profile?

Why was my face stolen for a dating profile?
When Mandy Appleyard discovered that her photograph was being used by a stranger online, she began a personal quest to find out how it had happened
…I was annoyed — but first things first. I would need to contact Match, explain the mess and have it investigate then report back: simple. Except that contacting Match as a non-subscriber was a challenge beyond my capabilities. I pored over the website. “Match does not have a customer support phone number … Please be aware that there are fake customer support numbers posted on various websites, none of which are affiliated with Match.” My blood was boiling by the time I read: “Profile checking: all ads and photos are checked individually before they are published.” What? My photos certainly hadn’t been checked or they wouldn’t have been published on a false profile for millions of people to see.
I asked my friend if he could message Clare5432 to tell her we were on to her. He kindly did so, but came back to me within minutes to say she had blocked him. “Would you contact Match then, and complain on my behalf?” I asked him. “Get them to take it down?” He did that, and Match took the profile down within hours. I assumed, naively, that was the end of the story…
Knowing my face had been used to create a bogus dating profile, I was irritated that someone had stolen my picture and at least part of my bio to sell themselves under false pretences. Terrible things happen on the internet, which from some angles looks like a cesspit of fraud, depravity and deception. What had happened to me wasn’t the crime of the century but it felt decidedly icky.
Things were about to get worse. In January another male friend phoned me to say he was on Match and had seen my profile on there. He knew I wasn’t online dating so he was immediately suspicious. I realised we were on familiar territory when he sent me a screenshot of “Wendy, 63, in Wakefield”. It was the image of me that had been used last time, with a profile that described an outdoorsy free spirit. My pal immediately contacted Match on my behalf and straight away it took the profile down.
When this happened for the third time, earlier this month, I was livid. A male friend of a friend said he’d been reading my profile on Match the night before and really liked it. “Great picture of you too,” he messaged. I told him I wasn’t on Match and asked him to send me a screenshot. He hasn’t — and now seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth. I can only assume “my” image and profile are still up there for the world to see and exploit.
So I now know that my identity has been stolen by online dating scammers at least three times, although it could be 1,003 times for all I know. I’m made aware of the theft only when someone I know happens to stumble across it and takes the trouble to alert me.
“Don’t you feel just a bit flattered that someone has used your picture? They must think you’re attractive to have bothered!” a friend suggested. The answer is that I don’t. No part of me is flattered, instead I find it deeply creepy. It feels like a trespass on my life, a theft over which I have no control, an invasion of my privacy that makes me feel queasy but which I can’t stop happening again. And again.
I posted on Facebook that I was looking for advice on how to close this fraud down once and for all, hoping someone in my online social media community would have an answer. They did — but not the one I was hoping for. A journalist friend said this probably wasn’t a lone woman using a false profile as romantic bait. Instead, she suggested, it was more likely to be the work of an industrial-scale scam where gangs of people in “fraud factories” (often in north Africa and southeast Asia) create false profiles on dating sites using stolen photos and false information. They then contact potential victims. Over time the conversations become more intimate and personal as the scammer builds trust with their target.
The targets are often vulnerable people in their fifties, sixties and seventies, perhaps new to dating after long marriages that have ended in divorce or bereavement, sometimes lonely, invariably trusting. Low-hanging fruit, in other words, for the wily thieves who groom them, telling them how beautiful and desirable they are, forge a speedy romantic connection then ask for money — a little to begin with, a lot later on…
These scammers commit a fraud, the false profile is reported and shut down, but the con artists immediately set up a new false profile using the same pictures — and on and on it goes.
Sadly there are a thousand iterations of this scenario: coercive controllers who manipulate vulnerable people into believing they have found love. They send photographs, gifs, songs and poems during their “courtship”, telling their victims they are surgeons or spies, Nasa physicists or retired army colonels. They send (stolen) pictures of their children, their luxury home, their fast car, then one day start asking for gift cards, crypto, or money to buy heart surgery or a flight home.
The people perpetuating these cybercrimes are often doing so because they have been trafficked and trapped. Sixty Kenyans were rescued from “fraud factories” after the customer service jobs they applied for in Thailand turned out to be a cover for cybercrime. One woman had been promised a monthly salary of £675 but ended up targeting Americans by creating enticing profiles on Tinder, Instagram and Facebook. “They fall in love with you and you can tell them about cryptocurrency. You start stealing from them,” the 31-year-old woman said, describing in Swahili how she was forced to work in a vast call centre-like hall with hundreds of people of many nationalities…
All of which brings us back to my predicament and how I’m being made to feel complicit in these grubby scams. My face is being used to deceive trusting people who could be fleeced of everything. The victims of a serious and organised crime repeated over and over again but which remains outside the victims’ control. I’m the frontwoman for online activity that may be illegal or dishonest. If it’s neither of those things it’s still plain embarrassing, because I have no idea what the person using my image is saying or doing.
Someone who knows exactly how this feels is Christian Gerhard Boving, a Danish doctor who says scammers have been using photos of him for years to target victims online. “Suddenly all these pictures were stolen by scammers using them to hit on innocent people around the world. They are cruel, sophisticated and evil people doing this.”
Boving has called on companies such as Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, to do more. “There should be verification of every new profile being created, like you have to verify yourself with a passport or driving licence, so you know it’s a real person behind the profile,” he says. Perhaps social media companies could use AI to trawl for photographs they know have been stolen and used before on fraudulent accounts — mine and Boving’s, for starters. Certainly the companies running dating apps should make it easy for non-subscribers such as me to contact them with a complaint.
The problem is getting worse, the latest figures showing that reports of romance fraud have risen by almost 60 per cent over four years. Action Fraud, the UK’s centre for fraud and cybercrime, says dating apps are a common place for scammers to find their victims. The top five platforms they use are Facebook, Plenty of Fish, Instagram, Tinder and Match.
As a journalist I like to think that I’m pretty savvy in the ways of the world, but stealing my credit card is one thing; stealing my face is something else. I’m tempted, next time this happens (and I have no doubt there will be a next time), to join whichever dating app is responsible and strike up a conversation with my alter ego. Let’s see where that takes me. Watch this space — and this face.
submitted by Ur_Anemone to afterAWDTSG [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:01 MerkadoBarkada VREIT Q1 div drops 23% q/q; Ayala Land sells P3.2-B block of AREIT; Figaro confirms "double-digit growth" plan; Alliance Global injects P2.6-B into Megaworld (Wednesday, May 22)

Happy Wednesday, Barkada --

The PSE lost 49 points to 6634 ▼0.7%

Shout-out to Jing for alerting me to the crypto pump, to Rat Race Running for knowing that when talking about FILRT it's all about the context, to Atot for the positive feedback on Raymund's "would you rather" question on DDMPFILRT, to ApCap for simply laughing at FILRT, to Bestpupever for remembering MVP's botched Skycable deal, to grinsken, princessybyang, VodkaMartini_007, and Nv21 for the happy bday wishes, and to arkitrader for the accurate Tuesday meme.

In today's MB:

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▌Main stories covered:

  • [DIVS] VistaREIT Q1 dividend drops 23% q/q... VistaREIT [VREIT 1.75 ▲0.6%; 0% avgVol] [link] declared a Q1/24 dividend of ₱0.04132, payable on June 27 to shareholders of record as of June 5. The dividend has an annualized yield of 9.4% based on the previous closing price, which is considerably smaller than VREIT’s pre-dividend yield of 12.3%. The total amount of the dividend is ₱310 million, which is 100% of the ₱310 million in distributable income that VREIT declared for the quarter. Relative to VREIT’s IPO price, the div increased VREIT’s total stock and dividend return to 18.55% (up from 16.19%). The VREIT Q1 dividend is up 5.4% y/y, but down 23.2% q/q.
    • MB: I don’t know enough about VREIT to understand the quarter-on-quarter drop. This is the first dividend decrease in VREIT history, so we don’t have a past narrative of a Q4 to Q1 dip to gain comfort that this is just part of the regular business cycle for a malls-based REIT. Last year, VREIT’s dividend actually increased 1.5% between Q4/22 and Q1/23. But a 23% drop? *FILRT** be like: VREIT, I owe you an apology, I wasn’t familiar with your game. Does anyone have context to help me understand this one?*
  • [UPDATE] Ayala Land sells ₱3.2-B worth of AREIT in block sale... Ayala Land [ALI 29.00 ▼2.4%; 121% avgVol] [link] disclosed that it sold 98 million common shares of AREIT [AREIT 33.00 ▼3.4%; 848% avgVol] in a private placement block sale at a price of ₱32.45/share. ALI said that the transaction was two-times oversubscribed at the clearing price, which was 5% under AREIT’s closing price from the previous day. The transaction raised ₱3.18 billion for ALI and increased AREIT’s public float to facilitate the planned property-for-share swap between ALI and AREIT.
    • MB: While I didn’t know exactly when this second block sale would happen, I did know that it was going to happen and I speculated back in January that it would probably come as a surprise and at a discounted price to AREIT’s market price at the time. Here’s a link to that analysis if you’re interested. At the end of the day, the first sale was at a 7.2% discount whereas this one was only at 5.0%, and the public float is now prepped to handle the SEC’s eventual approval of the transaction (whenever that happens) without plunging AREIT’s shareholders into chaos and confusion like what happened to *SP New Energy** [SPNEC 1.05 ▼0.9%; 85% avgVol] when the SEC approved its share swap and caught Leandro Leviste’s management team flat-footed.*
  • [NEWS] Figaro confirms ₱1-B FY24 capex and “double-digit growth” target... Figaro [FCG 0.75 ▲1.4%; 95% avgVol] [link] confirmed statements made by its Chairman, Justin Liu, in an interview with Manila Bulletin. In that interview, Mr. Liu said that FCG’s FY24 capex target is ₱1 billion, that they’re looking to open 70 to 80 new stores this year, and that he expects this expansion effort to push earnings to grow “double-digits” this year. FCG confirmed all those statements. FCG’s indicated that it would expand from 150 stores at the end of 2022 to 300 stores by the end of 2029.
    • MB: According to its Q1/24 press release, FCG ended 2023 with 203 stores after adding 68 stores that year. If FCG were to put up another “70 to 80” stores this year, that would leave it with 273 to 283 total stores by the end of 2024, and give FCG plenty of time (5 years!) to complete the remaining 127 to 117 stores. Usually in the quick service restaurant world, periods of intense growth don’t correspond with periods of great profitability, so the “double digit” earnings growth target is what stands out to me the most. FCG net income was up 7.2% y/y last quarter, and that’s actually considerable given the previous year’s expansion and the current expansion, but that’s not double-digit growth. One thing that confuses me, though, is that in its Q1/23 quarterly report from a year earlier, FCG said that it ended 2022 with 150 stores. If it had 150 stores at the end of 2022 and then added 68 stores in 2023, shouldn’t it have 218 stores by now, not 203? I know, I know: 15 stores isn’t that big of a deal. Maybe it’s just a miscommunication between marketing and operations. Maybe there was a little bit of internal pressure to count 15 nearly-completed stores as completed stores in order to hit that IPO prospectus goal of 150 total stores by the end of 2022, and then they double-counted those 15 stores as part of the 2023 completes? I don’t know. I’m just going by the info they tell me. Any readers have any insight?
  • [UPDATE] Alliance Global injects ₱2.6-B into Megaworld... Megaworld [MEG 1.89 ▼0.5%; 156% avgVol] [link] clarified the recent subscription of its parent company, Alliance Global [AGI 9.30 ▼2.8%; 185% avgVol], to 1.375 billion common shares at ₱1.90/share to say that it is part of a plan to increase MEG’s outstanding authorized capital stock by ₱5.5 billion (from ₱40.2 billion to ₱45.7 billion). MEG explained that it “intends to submit its application for increase in authorized capital stock... by around June 2024”, and will list the shares issued to AGI once the full payment of the subscription price is received. MEG said that the purpose of the sale and the larger transaction is for “supporting growth and future business expansions of [MEG] in line with [MEG’s] strategies and directions.”
    • MB: Once approved, this will give MEG’s management team 4.125 billion common shares that it can sell to fund its ambitious capex for FY24 and beyond. If MEG sold the remainder at the same ₱1.90/share price, that would bring in an additional ₱7.8 billion. If I were a shareholder, I’d be less concerned by the details of the transaction as I would be about the meaningless word salad of the rationale behind it. I know many MEG shareholders who are frustrated with the stock’s laggard price performance. MEG just recently touched a 12-year low, and is trading at prices that the stock has not seen since early 2012. It’s down 4% year-to-date, down 8.7% over the past 12 months, down 34% over the past 3 years, and down 69% (not nice) from its all-time high that it set back in July 2019. What’s the plan? So far it seems all I hear is “townships townships townships” but that “strategy and direction” hasn’t been profitable for shareholders for almost 5 years now.
MB is written and distributed every trading day. The newsletter is 100% free and I never upsell you to some "iNnEr cIrClE" of paid-membership perks. Everyone gets the same! Join the barkada by signing up for the newsletter, or follow me on Twitter. You can also read my daily Morning Halo-halo content on in the Stock Commentary section.

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submitted by MerkadoBarkada to phinvest [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:00 livia2lima Day 13 - Users and Groups


Today you're going to set-up another user on your system. You're going to imagine that this is a help-desk person that you trust to do just a few simple tasks:
...but you also want them to be able to reboot the system, because you believe that "turning it off and on again" resolves most problems :-)
You'll be covering a several new areas, so have fun!


Follow this demo


Choose a name for your new user - we'll use "helen" in the examples, so to add this new user:
sudo adduser helen
(Names are case-sensitive in Linux, so "Helen" would be a completely different user)
The "adduser" command works very slightly differently in each distro - if it didn't ask you for a password for your new user, then set it manually now by:
sudo passwd helen
You will now have a new entry in the simple text database of users: /etc/passwd (check it out with: less), and a group of the same name in the file: /etc/group. A hash of the password for the user is in: /etc/shadow (you can read this too if you use "sudo" - check the permissions to see how they're set. For obvious reasons it's not readable to just everyone).
If you're used to other operating systems it may be hard to believe, but these simple text files are the whole Linux user database and you could even create your users and groups by directly editing these files - although this isn’t normally recommended.
Additionally, adduser will have created a home directory, /home/helen for example, with the correct permissions.
ATTENTION! useradd is not the same as adduser. They both create a new user, but they interact very differently. Check the link in the EXTENSION section to see those differences.


Let's say we want to all of the developers in my organization to have their own group, so they can have access to the same things.
sudo groupadd developers
On most modern Linux systems there is a group created for each user, so user "ubuntu" is a member of the group "ubuntu". But if you want, you can create a new user directly into an existing group, using the ingroup flag. So a new user fred would be created like this:
sudo adduser --ingroup developers fred


Users can also be part of more than one group, and groups can be added as required.
To see what groups you're a member of, simply type: groups
On an Ubuntu system the first user created (in your case ubuntu), should be a member of the groups: ubuntu, sudo and admin - and if you list the /valog folder you'll see your membership of the sudo group is why you can use less to read and view the contents of /valog/auth.log
The "root" user can add a user to an existing group with the command:
usermod -a -G group user
so your ubuntu user can do the same simply by prefixing the command with sudo.
Because the new user helen is not the first user created in the system, they don't have the power to run sudo - which your user has by being a member of the group sudo.
So, to check which groups helen is a member of, you can "become helen" by switching users like this:
sudo su helen
If you try to do stuff only a sudo user can do, i.e. read the contents of /valog/auth.log, even using the prefix sudo won't work. Helen is not a sudo and has no permissions to perform this action.
Now type "exit" to return to your normal user, and you can add helen to this group with:
sudo usermod -a -G sudo helen
Instead of switching users again, simply run the groups helen to check. Try that with fred too and check how everything works.
See if any of your new users can sudo reboot.


Your new user is just an ordinary user and so can't use sudo to run commands with elevated privileges - until we set them up. We could simply add them to a group that's pre-defined to be able to use sudo to do anything as root (like we did with helen) - but we don't want to give fred quite that same amount of power.
Use ls -l to look at the permissions for the file: /etc/sudoers This is where the magic is defined, and you'll see that it's tightly controlled, but you should be able to view it with: sudo less /etc/sudoers You want to add a new entry in there for your new user, and for this you need to run a special utility: visudo
To run this, you can temporarily "become root" by running:
sudo -i
Notice that your prompt has changed to a #
Now simply run visudo to begin editing /etc/sudoers - typically this will use nano.
All lines in /etc/sudoers beginning with "#" are optional comments. You'll want to add some lines like this:
# Allow user "fred" to run "sudo reboot" # ...and don't prompt for a password # fred ALL = NOPASSWD:/sbin/reboot 
You can add these line in wherever seems reasonable. The visudo command will automatically check your syntax, and won't allow you to save if there are mistakes - because a corrupt sudoers file could lock you out of your server!
Type exit to remove your magic hat and become your normal user again - and notice that your prompt reverts to: $


Test by logging in as your test user and typing: sudo reboot Note that you can "become" helen by:
sudo su helen
If your ssh config allows login only with public keys, you'll need to setup /home/helen/.ssh/authorized_keys - including getting the owner and permissions correct. A little challenge of your understanding of this area!


If you find this all pretty familiar, then you might like to check and update your knowledge on a couple of related areas:



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submitted by livia2lima to linuxupskillchallenge [link] [comments]