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Any knockoff or alternative to the Selkirk (Epic)?

2024.05.21 13:38 robotecks Any knockoff or alternative to the Selkirk (Epic)?

As the title states: Any knockoff or alternative to the Selkirk (Epic)? Doesn't matter if it's from the Vanguard or Luxx line.
I have Vanguard Epic Air but looking to see what the alternatives are. I see knockoff versions of the Invikta but no Epic models. Never have tried the Invikta shape but I have tried the Hyperion C2 which is ok for me but I just love how the Epic Air hits.
submitted by robotecks to Pickleball [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 00:41 PepikHipik PROČ VĚŘÍME DEZINFORMACÍM?

  1. 06. 2024 19:00
Kampus Hybernská, Praha 1
Budova A, 3. patro, 3.A - Sál
Dezinformace nejsou jen průvodním jevem moderní doby – jsou staré jako lidstvo samo. Proč máme tendenci jim věřit? Z jakého důvodu selhává naše kritické myšlení? Jak se jim bránit? Pomůže nám strategická komunikace? Na všechny tyto otázky odpovídá publikace PROČ VĚŘÍME DEZINFORMACÍM? Vznikla na základě letitých zkušeností bezpečnostních analytiků a mediálních specialistů (vydává Kniha Zlín).
Setkání a debata Marie Koldinské se dvěma ze tří autorů knihy - Tomášem Kolomazníkem a Zdeňkem Rodem – nám jistě pomůže s orientací v záludném světě fake news a propagandy.
V úvodu ke knize Marie Koldinská píše: „Snad žádný jiný fenomén neprorostl naší každodenní realitou s takovou rychlostí a samozřejmostí jako právě vědomí přítomnosti dezinformací – se všemi průvodními jevy od názorové roztříštěnosti společnosti bující zvláště na sociálních sítích přes antisystémové demonstrace na náměstích až po napětí uvnitř mnoha komunit, motivované neschopností či neochotou mluvit o konfliktních tématech štěpících jak širší společenství, tak jednotlivé rodiny. Kniha Tomáše Kolomazníka, Zdeňka Roda a Štefana Sarvaše analyzuje tento stav v širokých interdisciplinárních souvislostech a s dobrou znalostí domácího i mezinárodního kontextu.“
Marie KOLDINSKÁ, absolventka FF UK, historička, scenáristka a moderátorka, přednáší na Pedagogické fakultě Masarykovy univerzity, spolupracuje s Českou televizí (diskusní pořad Historie.cs, dokumentární trilogie Zahraniční mise atd.), specializuje se na politické a vojenské dějiny, na problematiku historické paměti a na výzkum dezinformačních narativů.
Tomáš Kolomazník, spoluzakladatel a ředitel poradenské firmy Center for Security Consulting. Věnuje se bezpečnostní politice, obrannému průmyslu, kybernetické a informační bezpečnosti. Je členem bezpečnostní komunity při Geneva Centre for Security Policy Alumni Association. Účastní se mezinárodních projektů, vystupuje na konferencích a publikuje o bezpečnostních tématech doma i v zahraničí. V minulosti pracoval na Ministerstvu obrany v Sekci obranné politiky a strategie, kde měl na starosti mezinárodní vztahy. V současné době vyučuje na soukromé vysoké škole Ambis v Praze a zároveň absolvuje PhD studia na Metropolitní univerzitě Praha.
Zdeněk Rod působí jako akademicko-vědecký pracovník na Katedře politologie a mezinárodních vztahů Západočeské univerzity v Plzni, spoluřídí pražskou bezpečnostní konzultační firmu Center for Security Consulting a vyučuje na Katedře bezpečnosti a práva na soukromé vysoké škole Ambis v Praze. Specializuje se na bezpečnostní studia. Pracoval na Ministerstvu obrany ČR v oddělení hybridních hrozeb. Je autorem mnoha strategických dokumentů, akademických publikací i novinových článků. Účastnil se nespočtu vědeckých i politicko-strategických konferencí doma i v zahraničí. V minulosti studoval na univerzitách v Lublani, Budapešti a na Evropské bezpečnostní a obranné akademii v Bruselu. Absolvoval několik výzkumných pobytů v zahraničí.
Pořádáno ve spolupráci s British Council.
submitted by PepikHipik to dobrodruzstvi_pozn [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:28 Exciting_Hunt3706 Daughter

My daughter has medical PTSD due to Patricia Edwards’s (at Concord Pediatrics in Concord, NH) bizarre behavior, incident is as follows: Edward’s bizarre behavior is the major reason why we never went back for my daughter and found a different pediatrician. First of all, she walks in the room and asks her, “are you a boy or girl?” (I don’t have a problem here). Daughter stated girl. Patricia Edwards responds with, “I identify as a fart.” Then let out the most rancid and pungent fart, while telling us , “I’ll be right back”. Returns with this light blue and pink bag, (later discovered it was a cooler box). Daughter snuggles into me and holds her stuffed monkey and elephant very tight, as she’s facing me, back to Edward’s, Edward’s yanks the stuffed animals out of my daughter’s hands, throws them on the ground, jabs her fingertips into her armpits and tries to fling her to in my lap so she is looking directly at her. Daughter is screaming and flailing her body at this point. Edwards watches my daughter’s flinging legs and roughly clamps her legs around hers so hard that there is an audible thunk. Daughter begs to twist her legs, Edward’s tells her, “that’s it, I’ll make it even tighter” while crossing her legs with her daughter’s in between her own. Daughter tries to pry Edward’s legs apart with her hands and Edward’s roughly pins her against me, using her elbow. I do my best to console my daughter. Edwards whips open the bag and yanks my daughter’s shirt up while cackling and shoves the stethoscope onto her bare skin while singing “this is one of my favorite parts”. My daughter starts screaming and crying, I try to console her. Edwards tells her “the longer you keep behaving like this, the longer it will be. I’m loosing my patience and will flick you on the forehead if you don’t stay still, stop screaming and crying.” Ninety five minutes later (Edwards had forty five stethoscopes with individual thermometers in the cooler bag so she’d switch when one was thawed, selecting the coldest one) of her insisting she’s trying to hear her heart, lungs and bowels, Patricia Edwards tells me that it is time for vaccines. I ignore this statement. Patricia Edwards tells me “It looks like we have options” she then excuses herself while storming out of the room (stomping while continuously farting) and returns a short while later, opening the door with a very gnarly and grotesque burp I assumed it was to get a waiver for refusal to vaccinate. Then tells me to just hold her while she whips out twenty five blunt tip (8 gauge needles) on the exam table next to us. “Surprise! Second favorite part!” Edward’s states with a smile, I get up to try to leave with my daughter as she starts to sobbing, seeing the needles but Patricia Edwards grins and starts laughing while holding her arm like a vice. She doesn’t even clean my daughter’s arms or legs and just says while grinning, “let’s start!!!” She starts shoving the needles into my daughter laughing hysterically. My daughter begins to say ‘No’. I keep trying to leave, but Edwards keeps saying, “almost done. You have to wait.” My daughter continues screaming “no! Let go!” Through her sobs. Patricia Edwards tells her laughing , “we’ll take a break then,” whips her stethoscope back out of the cooler bag and begins placing it on her bare skin again. Daughter begs her to stop. Patricia Edwards snags her other arm like a vice and continues to stab the needles into her skin laughing the entire time and says“I have decided tomorrow we’ll do six hundred vaccines that visit, whether you like it or not. Tomorrow I have also decided that we’ll test her ABG levels for the sake of it, this test is super painful so it’s one of my favorites and we also have multiple sites to pick so that means multiple opportunities to do this test. I have also diagnosed her with schizophrenia and ADHD.”
submitted by Exciting_Hunt3706 to Phobia_Help [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:45 itsIzumi Congratulations to the winner of Melee Singles at Get On My Level X!

Top 8 Bracket

Top 32 Bracket

Youtube VODs

Place Player Sent to Losers by Eliminated by
1st Moist ∣ Zain (Marth) Jmook ---
2nd FLY ∣ Jmook (Sheik) Zain Zain
3rd Soonsay (Fox) Jmook Zain
4th C9 ∣ Mango (Fox & Falco) Jmook Zain
5th Liquid`Hungrybox (Jigglypuff) moky Mango
5th moist ∣ moky (Fox) Soonsay Zain
7th SDJ (Jigglypuff) Soonsay Hungrybox
7th Nouns ∣ Aklo (Fox & Link) Hungrybox Zain
9th Milk ∣ Morsecode762 (Samus) Mango Hungrybox
9th DTL ∣ 2Saint (Jigglypuff) moky SDJ
9th SSP 69% ∣ Trif (Peach) Mango Aklo
9th Wizzrobe (Captain Falcon) Soonsay Zain
13th Nouns ∣ Cody Schwab (Fox) BING Morsecode762
13th ckyulmiqnudaetr (Donkey Kong) Jmook 2Saint
13th Mango's Friend ∣ null (Fox) Zain Aklo
13th TheRealThing (Falco) Frenzy Wizzrobe
17th kins0 (Falco) Wally Morsecode762
17th RB IFM ∣ aMSa (Yoshi) Trif Cody Schwab
17th MF ∣ KJH (Fox & Falco) 2Saint ckyulmiqnudaetr
17th Ossify (Marth) Zain 2Saint
17th Eggdog ∣ KoDoRiN (Marth) moky null
17th Spark (Sheik) ckyulmiqnudaetr Aklo
17th Melee Stats ∣ Pipsqueak (Fox) Lowercase hero Wizzrobe
17th Lunar Dusk (Ice Climbers & Jigglypuff) SDJ TheRealThing
25th BING (Donkey Kong & Captain Falcon) Lunar Dusk kins0
25th Agency ∣ Wally (Peach) Wizzrobe Cody Schwab
25th UWRF ∣ Ben (Sheik) Aklo KJH
25th Dawson (Jigglypuff) Aklo 2Saint
25th TBD ∣ Negat!ve (Falco) Elliot null
25th n0ne (Captain Falcon) null Spark
25th Faust (Jigglypuff) Trif Pipsqueak
25th Tempo ∣ Axe (Pikachu) Morsecode762 DQ'd (against TheRealThing)
33rd Preeminent (Fox) SDJ kins0
33rd Maelstrom (Fox) Soonsay BING
33rd Mango's Friend ∣ Lucky (Fox) Preeminent Wally
33rd DJM ∣ Chem (Fox) Soonsay Cody Schwab
33rd Zuppy (Fox) Ossify Negat!ve
33rd irfan (Falco) Jmook null
33rd PitaLite ∣ Khalid (Jigglypuff) Goosekhan Spark
33rd CG ∣ Goosekhan (Captain Falcon) Jmook n0ne
33rd CG ∣ LAVITZ-01 MilkMan (Fox) Axe Faust
33rd RSN ∣ Frenzy (Falco) aMSa Pipsqueak
33rd BLE ∣ Mot$ (Fox) Trif Axe
33rd Lowercase hero (Fox) Mango TheRealThing
33rd MOJOE (Fox) KoDoRiN Ben
33rd MOTW ∣ Bbatts (Peach) Hungrybox KJH
33rd LG ∣ Louis (Falco) KoDoRiN Dawson
33rd CG ∣ Inky (Sheik) Bbatts 2Saint
49th egg (Sheik) Matteo kins0
49th erm that happened! Erik (Fox) salami Maelstrom
49th ABG ∣ salami (Fox) SDJ Lucky
49th Matteo (Captain Falcon) Lunar Dusk Cody Schwab
49th prof (Sheik & Marth) Spark Negat!ve
49th TeamFishTaco ∣ MOF (Ice Climbers) Goosekhan irfan
49th Enderdxg (Dr. Mario) irfan Khalid
49th Liquid (Marth) Jah Ridin' n0ne
49th NMFC (Sheik) Morsecode762 MilkMan
49th Eggdog ∣ Chango (Jigglypuff) Mango Pipsqueak
49th BUS ∣ Juicebox (Sheik) Faust Mot$
49th Nouns ∣ max (Sheik) NMFC TheRealThing
49th Strikeyguy (Fox) Louis MOJOE
49th Snap (Fox) moky KJH
49th bonfire10 (Sheik) Ben Dawson
49th VV ∣ mgmg (Fox) Hungrybox Inky
65th Younger (Falco) BING kins0
65th MN ∣ lexor (Fox) Wizzrobe egg
65th essy (Fox & Sheik) Chem Erik
65th Mono (Yoshi) Preeminent Maelstrom
65th Anzeray (Sheik) Younger Lucky
65th DASH ∣ ayeGiohh (Falco) Suidt salami
65th SC c LilFrogurt (Jigglypuff) Erik Matteo
65th NSFrog (Captain Falcon) Lucky Cody Schwab
65th Jah Ridin' (Luigi) ckyulmiqnudaetr Negat!ve
65th Tranimal (Sheik) MOF prof
65th Frostbyte (Ice Climbers) Kyle MOF
65th TAP ∣ bambi (Young Link) ckyulmiqnudaetr irfna
65th Blessé (Pikachu) Zuppy Enderdxg
65th ABG ∣ Zeo (Captain Falcon) Ossify Khalid
65th SSBMTL ∣ Kyle (Peach) prof n0ne
65th Elliot (Falco) Zain Liquid
65th OSRS ∣ Travioli (Sheik & Samus) Ober NMFC
65th Crumbling (Pikachu) Pipsqueak MilkMan
65th I'm Michael BTW (Falco) Axe Pipsqueak
65th netplayge ∣ rainy (Fox) Juicebox Chango
65th DJM ∣ Jude (Marth) Chango Juicebox
65th UMF ∣ Poonslayer7 (Fox) Crumbling Mot$
65th true ∣ Life (Marth) I'm Michael BTW TheRealThing
65th Ober (Falco) aMSa max
65th ASS ∣ Stiv (Fox) mgmg Strikeyguy
65th LG ∣ Brad (Falco) Inky MOJOE
65th Zeeker (Marth) Wave KJH
65th Snoosnoo (Marth) Ampp Snap
65th codeman (Pichu) Hungrybox bonfire10
65th Archaene (Peach) Abel Dawson
65th Egg$ (Yoshi) MOJOE Inky
65th KW ∣ Ampp (Luigi) Ben mgmg

Grand Finals Set 1

Jake "Jmook" DiRado [W] // Twitch Twitter Wiki FlyQuest vs. Zain "Zain" Naghmi [L] // Twitch Twitter Wiki Moist Esports
Jmook 2 - 3 Zain
--- = Sheik Fountain of Dreams Marth = 2 stocks
3 stocks = Sheik Dream Land 64 Marth = ---
--- = Sheik Yoshi's Story Marth = 1 stock
1 stock = Sheik Battlefield Marth = ---
--- = Sheik Final Destination Marth = 1 stock

Grand Finals Set 2

Jake "Jmook" DiRado // Twitch Twitter Wiki FlyQuest vs. Zain "Zain" Naghmi // Twitch Twitter Wiki Moist Esports
Jmook 1 - 3 Zain
1 stock = Sheik Fountain of Dreams Marth = ---
--- = Sheik Yoshi's Story Marth = 1 stock
--- = Sheik Dream Land 64 Marth = 1 stock
--- = Sheik Battlefield Marth = 3 stocks
Generated by Tournament Tabler
submitted by itsIzumi to smashbros [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:13 DogsAndPickles Do I care that Karen is watching me make my sign on the hood of the car? No. She is not the kind of Gladys Kravitz I had in mind tho. NO HELP

Do I care that Karen is watching me make my sign on the hood of the car? No. She is not the kind of Gladys Kravitz I had in mind tho. NO HELP submitted by DogsAndPickles to StoriesForMyTherapist [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:16 Own-Success-3813 Converted Kampus with 2.5 months of self prep.

Coming to my profile, EWS non eng male, graduation in 2024, 9/8/7 from t1 university, CAT 97.9. I decided to do an MBA around April 23, after dropping out from CA. My preparation started around late September, after my 4th sem exams and internship. Right from the beginning, I was fairly good in VARC ( thanks to my school) but had problems in qa due to me leaving maths in class 9 itself ( again thanks to my school). After spending huge amount of money in CA preparation, which I tanked, I was in no mood to spend much money on CAT. After thoroughly examining the syllabus, I prepared a strategy that best suited to me. Calculated all the CS from RTI data and knew I was out from A and B already ( A was my dream school after all). Had ups and down during whole journey but was scoring good in mocks towards end (I took IMS, Cracku and CL). In last 10 mocks, my average score was in 80s. Was pretty confident of going in north of 99~. The d day arrived, VARC as usual was great and tbh felt bit easier compared to CAT 22 panicked (slot 1), but then I panicked in DILR. Got my self together and solved 1 set in around 25 minutes. Then came QA, as per the plan, I attempted all the Arithmetic questions. Results were out and I speculated calls from LKI, Fms and manifested C. Then one random morning, L gave calls. Missed it with 0.7 CS. I was heart broken. And then started series of rejections until one fine evening Kozhikode invited me for the PI. I was overwhelmed. Started preparing for GDPI as this was my only T1 college call apart from M. ( only filled fms and M’ form apart from CAT, missed fms by 0.5 CS). My PI was average, you cannot decide whats gonna happen, most probably WL. In meantime, tanked S and M’ interview, aced CAP ( U& T converted) and LSM( was genuinely interested, PI went great but straight reject). After procrastinating April, finally the day was 8th May ( maybe my lucky day because back in 2019 my Class X results came on same day). Was sitting in a cafe with my girl when an email popped up which said, “Dear applicant, Results are out”. My heart pounded and I and her started checking the site. After around 5 minutes of continuous refreshing, it opened. I was hoping for a close waitlist and not a direct reject ( S already rejected me). But the first word read from C. Yes I made it, Congratulations on getting admit for class of 26. Booom. I was on seventh cloud. Called my mom, party started at home and everyone was delighted. Converted my best call in first list. (Also, admission criteria of K best suited me so I was fairly inclined towards Kampus.) Now waiting to join kampus on 12 (my endsem are ending on 11 :) ) All the folks having any doubt, can reach me out on DM. P.s. I watched Naman Jain’s video on Why he dropped CA for IIM K on Neeraj Arora sir’s video, and this was also a reason why K is special.
submitted by Own-Success-3813 to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:33 JohannGoethe The Kemetic sub, whose focus is “history of the ancient Egyptians”, rejects the “Egyptian origin of alphabetic language” tree, and the hoe-stars-earth 𓌹 𓇯 𓅬 [U6, N1, G38] ABG (𐤂𐤁𐤀) letter origin model, in favor of the illiterate Semitic ox-house-stick 𓃾 𓉐 𓌙 [F1, O1, T14] ABG origin model?

The Kemetic sub, whose focus is “history of the ancient Egyptians”, rejects the “Egyptian origin of alphabetic language” tree, and the hoe-stars-earth 𓌹 𓇯 𓅬 [U6, N1, G38] ABG (𐤂𐤁𐤀) letter origin model, in favor of the illiterate Semitic ox-house-stick 𓃾 𓉐 𓌙 [F1, O1, T14] ABG origin model?
The EAN “Evolution of Alphabet Languages“ diagram was cross-posted to the Kemetic sub, we began to discuss it (10+ comments); many users, however, began to “report” the diagram as pseudo-history to the Kemetic mods, and the mods removed it. A discussion of the situation is below.
Original here; cross-post to the Kemetic sub, a place for those interested in the “history of Ancient Egyptians”, as their sub caption box says:
Ishango is not the root of hieroglyphs,
Visual of the Ishango bone, on which we see the 𓏼 [Z15B] hieroglyph, i.e. numeral three 3️⃣, the 𓏽 [Z15C] hieroglyph, i.e., numeral four 4️⃣, among others, carved on the bone 🦴:
This about 15,000 years before the Egyptians of Hermopolis made 𓐁 [Z15G], i.e. numeral eight 8️⃣, be part of their city 🌆 name. This is not saying that the Ishango people “invented“ hieroglyphs, only that the Ishango bone evidences an a pre-hiero form of writing, in the form counting or early math of some sort.
There's no relation between cuneiform and hieroglyphs
The following is the original A63 (2018) diagram by Brandon Pilcher:
There is, as Pilcher alludes, some seeming mutual influence between the Egyptians and the Sumerians, e.g. that both the Egyptian air god Shu 𓀠 [A28] and the Sumerian air god Enlil 𒀭𒂗𒆤 are associated with the hoe 𓌸 [U6] as the tool used either as the first tool put into the hands of the first man created, in the Hermopolis version, or to split heaven from earth, in the Sumerian “Song of the Hoe“ version.
Greek scripts
The Greek script comes from Phoenician and the Greeks themselves tell us as much
Yes both Herodotus and Plutarch talk about Phoenician or Cadmus the “Phoenician” origin of the letters; this is the simplified model:
The myth of Cadmus, aka 𓋹-ADM-𓉽𓆙 or 𓋹-ADaM-𓉽𓆙 (in Biblical terms) now, however, has been decoded, e.g. here, here, etc. as a cipher for the Egyptian hoe-sow-reap alphabet cosmology model, shown below:
Proto-Sinaitic script
Users here, in short, defend the illiterate Sinai Jewish miner theory origin of Phoenician, aka ShemLand model, shown below:
The originally cited “throwing stick“ G, cited by Robert Eisler (32A/1923), was “nothing but a forked branch broken from a tree and used as a weapon”.
Yeah 👍 [NO]; this makes little sense? The alphabet inventors had 11,050+ HieroTypes at their disposal to make the 3rd alphabet letter, and instead they just said “nay, let’s just use this broken tree branch I just found for letter three!”
These illiterate Jewish miners, according to the Gardiner-Goldwasser model, “looked at” the 11,050+ HieroTypes, and therefrom randomly picked two dozen characters to scratch on a cave wall, to make ox-house-stick 𓃾 𓉐 𓌙 [F1, O1, T14], instead of hoe-stars-earth 𓌹 𓇯 𓅬 [U6, N1, G38] origin, be the origin of ABG (𐤂𐤁𐤀).
South Semitic scripts
No mention of any of the South Semitic scripts
The new term is “South type 22 lunar scripts“, instead of the ShemLand loaded term “South Semitic scripts”, as there is no place “south” of where Shem was born, because Shem never existed.
The following is a Sabaean inscription (2700A/-645) addressed to the god Almaqah, mentioning five ancient Yemeni gods, two reigning sovereigns and two governors:
We sill have to study these, as many of these seem to be Egyptian LunarScript like, e.g. letters: Y, pho (Φ), Π, O, B, R, N, X?
Nice comment made by user D[16]Y here!
Today I messaged the mods of the Kemitic sub:
Maybe you should clarify your sub description box: “place for those interested in the “history of Ancient Egyptians”, so to avoid this type of confusion in the future.
The mods of the Kemitic sub replied (18 May A69) as follows:
If you'd read the rules, and other context clues, that should have told you this place is for topics relevant to the modern practice of the religion, and that some exceptions are considered off-topic. Most other people understand this just fine. I'm not putting on my paralegal hat to rewrite the sidebar for the sake of a single lost Redditor posting a fringe linguistic theory in a religious sub.
But I'll tell you what. Post the same over to AncientEgyptian. If the mods over there agree with you, or think there's any merit to what you're asserting whatsoever, we'll ignore the pseudohistory report we received, and reinstate it. Otherwise, it stays down under rule 5, which is an important exception we make to prevent free-for-all BS claims from flooding the discussion
My post was reported as “pseudo-history”, that is funny!
Regarding, “Post the same over to AncientEgyptian. If the mods over there agree with you, or think there's any merit to what you're asserting whatsoever”, we will note that was perm-banned, a month ago (14 Apr A69/2024), from that sub, in two-hours, for cross-post the following image:
Secondly, we might also note the irony that I have to ask permission at the AncientEgyptian sub to post an “evolution of language (from Egyptian)” diagram, when I am already the mod of egyptianlanguage?
In any event, both subs, as we see, are in unified agreement that there are NO connections between Greek and Egyptian, and to even suggest so will get you banned (or post-removed)!
I replied to the Kemetic mod:
I didn’t reply to have the post “re-instated”, it was just a friendly suggestion to try to make your sub description box more clear, for others, in the future, who may be mis-led about what you sub is about, like I was. Have a nice day!
But whatever? Like I said, they should remove “place for those interested in the “history of Ancient Egyptians”, if they are going to ban posts on the “history of ancient Egyptian language“?
The name Kemet, to clarify, derives from CartoPhonetics:
  • 𓆎 [I6], thing: “crocodile scales”, meaning: /km/ [?]
  • 𓅓 [G17], thing: “owl 🦉”, carto-phono: /m/
  • 𓏏 [X1], thing: “bread 🍞”, carto-phono: /t/
  • 𓊖 [O49], meaning: city 🌆 or cosmos birth location
/km/ + /m/ + /t/ = Kemet
Meaning, supposedly, “Egypt”, based on the following gardiner definition of the so-called crocodile 🐊 spine 𓆎 [I6] type, which makes the /km/ phono, but for unknown [?] reasons:
More on this here:
  • Type: 𓆎 [I6], thing: crocodile 🐊 spine; carto-phono: /km/; meaning: [?]; significance: root type of 𓆎 + 𓅓 + 𓏏 + 𓊖 or /km/ + /m/ + /t/ = Kemet, the original name of Egypt?
Thus, here we are trying to help the “Kemetic” people get their phonetics straight, and they ban EAN?
But, whatever. I understand. Their sub is for ex-Christians, as I gather, who are trying to find their “African roots”, in the form of setting up worship displays of the Egyptian gods and HieroTypes.
They are just happy to even see the word “Kemet” instead of say “Egypt”, which they believe is a Western term, and hence not “pure Egyptian”, or something?
The only ironic part here is that the Kemetic sub seems to be the only Reddit sub who makes an effort to “speak like the Egyptians“, albeit using the Young-Champollion CartoPhonetics theory.
  • Evolution of Alphabetic Language
  • Ishango bone 🦴, Congo, Africa (20,000A/-18,045), and number four: 𓏽, to number eight: 𓐁, to letter H evolution: » 𓏽 + 𓏽 » 𓐁 » 𐤇 » H » 𐌇 » 𐡇
  • Letter G or Γ (gamma) was originally nothing but a boomerang 🪃 or throwing stick used as a weapon Robert Eisler (32A/1923)
submitted by JohannGoethe to Alphanumerics [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 08:58 zadamski VWCE against other ETF

Wanted to start a discussion about VWCE, because that ETF seems to have a lot of buzz lately...
But after keep researching on the topic, I did realize a few things and start asking my self a few question.
I had a look at other ETF like the one just traking SP500 or Nasdaq100, because basically they are quite good, and the compount grow rate is just so great.
If we just have a look at the last 15 years for these 3 ETF and their CAGR
So, on the long term there is some clear winner... and I m well aware that past performance , is not a guarantee for the future.
So, basically for the long run, at least 10 or 15 years I would stick to SP500 or Nasdaq100.
Why should I bother about having less risk and be more diversified with VWCE because on the long run, it is not playing out as good as the other index ?
What's your opinion ? Any thought ?
submitted by zadamski to eupersonalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 16:37 BM-Tweak Knabe Malz in Meppen

Knabe Malz in Meppen submitted by BM-Tweak to HandOfMemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:58 ryanrako23 Carbon fiber trim!

Carbon fiber trim!
These turned out amazing!
submitted by ryanrako23 to Honda [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:10 Gregory-the-Grey Results Breakdown - Beyond the Gloom Banlist Tournament

Results Breakdown - Beyond the Gloom Banlist Tournament
Hello all,
This past weekend I held the BtG open, which featured a banlist of some of the bigger champs, specifically players could not play Elder Dragon, Hecarim, Jinx, and Sett. The aim of this was to try and promote deck diversity and to see what if they quietly axed the top champs in the game. Let's have a look at how it boiled down. Links to the full decklist and player info spreadsheet and completed bracket will be available at the bottom of the post.
Top 4 ended up consisting of; 1st: MBrookz ( Garen BC, Ashe/Vex, Gangplank/Miss Fortune/Nilah NX) 2nd: RealPrismSword (Aphelios/Vi, Master Yi/Morgana MT, Janna/Nilah) 3/4th: Total (Morgana/Norra DE, Nautilus/Maokai, Poro King PnZ) 3/4th: ABG Rogio (Janna/Nilah, Maokai/Nautilus, Annie/Jhin,)
Some noteworthy bits from the top 4 would be the presence of pirates (as in Bilgewater) with a total of 5 of the 12 decks, and Piltover & Zaun close behind with 4 decks. The main trend is that people did still try to go for decks that are recognizable such as Deep (4 people brought it, 2 got top 4,) and Janna Nilah (same story).
Seeing a cool form of elites that uses 3x Ferocious Fluffs of all things was a shocker, and glad it worked out for our champ, not to mention their Ashe Vex list with NO HARROWING somehow.
Prism's spicy Morgana Yi is a fun deck I've not lost a lot of LP with immediately after the tournament, definitely not (I want to play more Yi but it's hard....) Alongside Total's Morgana Norra Altar to Unity/Wingsgiving deck is a cool spin on the archetype, surely a 5/5 Morgana won't give aggro players nightmares.
Region Breakdown:
PnZ shot down Sand Land
Looking at the bigger picture, the goal of region diversity was mostly a hit, besides PnZ being a bit higher and Shurima being a bit lower, most regions were between 6.5 and 10% showing over the whole tourney!
Deck Breakdown:
You can take the players out of the meta...
Overall, pretty happy with this as well, only 4 decks showed up 4 times in total, most of which are known tourney powerhouses, below that nothing too gross or unexpected, feels like a success overall in trying to promote deck diversity.
BAN ELDER DRAGON, and I guess the other ones too. Thanks to everyone who came out and or read this, and I look forward to seeing you in the future.
Full Deck & Player Spreadsheet:
Full bracket:
submitted by Gregory-the-Grey to LegendsOfRuneterra [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:42 sinomaltanews "Il-partitarji skantaw hekk kif l-arena l-ġdida Co-op Live ta’ Manchester tikkanċella l-ftuħ mill-ġdid

"Il-partitarji skantaw hekk kif l-arena l-ġdida Co-op Live ta’ Manchester tikkanċella l-ftuħ mill-ġdid
Il-partitarji rreaġixxew b’xokk u konfużjoni hekk kif l-arena l-ġdida Co-op Live ta’ Manchester waqqaf il-kunċert tal-ftuħ fl-aħħar minuta.
Eluf kienu qed jagħmlu kju biex jaraw ir-rapper A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie fil-post ta’ £365m meta l-ispettaklu tiegħu ġie kkanċellat.
Fan wieħed qal lill-BBC li kien ""mhux professjonali ħafna"", filwaqt li ieħor ikkritika l-""organizzazzjoni ħażina"".
L-arena kellha sensiela ta’ problemi, u aktar tard qalet li l-ispettakli ta’ Olivia Rodrigo fi tmiem il-ġimgħa wkoll mhux se jmorru ‘l quddiem.
Xi fans barra l-post ingħataw karta li qalu li l-gig ta’ A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie kien ġie kkanċellat għal “raġunijiet tekniċi”.
Jamie Cornwall, 21, minn Lincoln
Il-fan Jamie Cornwall minn Lincoln qal li ""kellu l-ġurnata ta' mistrieħ għal ebda punt""
Yasin, ta’ 20 sena, qal lil BBC Newsbeat li ħallas £25 għall-parkeġġ u wasal fil-post biex jingħata waħda mill-biċċiet tal-karti.
Huwa qal: ""Qed naħseb, dan huwa reali? Għaliex mhuwiex online? Kienet mhux professjonali ħafna, ma stajtx nemmen li kważi, bħal dan huwa l-mod kif qed insibu li ġie kkanċellat?""
Yasin qal li kien qed jistenna bil-ħerqa li jattendi l-ispettaklu u kien ilu ġimagħtejn jisma’ l-mużika tar-rapper “on repeat”.
""Jiġiegħli niddubita avvenimenti futuri, jekk humiex se jiġu ppjanati kif suppost jew jekk hux se jiġi organizzat biżżejjed"", żied jgħid.
Il-post aktar tard poġġa l-kanċellazzjoni għal parti mis-sistema tat-tisħin u l-ventilazzjoni li tinħall waqt il-soundcheck qabel l-ispettaklu tal-Erbgħa.
Handout Yasin, 20 sena, li kellu biljetti għall-ispettaklu.Handout
Yasin ħallas £25 għall-ipparkjar qabel ma sar jaf li l-gig kien ikkanċellat
Fan Katie Barnsley, li vjaġġat minn Kent għall-gig, sabet li kien ġie kkanċellat eżatt kif kienet se tieħu tram miċ-ċentru tal-belt ta 'Manchester għall-arena fil-Etihad Campus.
Is-sensar tal-assigurazzjoni ta’ 28 sena kien ivvjaġġa minn ħdejn Dover mas-sieħeb tagħha u oħtu, u kkalkula li nefqu madwar £600 f’biljetti, akkomodazzjoni u petrol.
Hija qalet: “Konna sejrin fuq it-tram u konna nistaqsu lill-attendant kif wasalna l-kampus u qal, ‘Tiddejjaqx, tħassar’.
""Imbagħad mort fuq Twitter u rajt it-tweet mill-arena.""
Is-Sinjura Barnsley qalet li kienet qed tibża’ li tivvjaġġa lejn Manchester minħabba l-kanċellazzjoni ta’ gigs preċedenti fil-post iżda kienet serħan il-moħħ minn tweets reċenti minn Co-op Live li qalu li wirjiet oħra se jkunu għaddejjin.
Il-kummidjant Peter Kay kellu jiftaħ il-post il-ġimgħa li għaddiet iżda l-ispettakli tiegħu issa ġew posposti darbtejn, filwaqt li diġà ġie skrappjat kunċert mill-band rock Amerikan The Black Keys.
Olivia Rodrigo iddiżappuntata minn fiasco ta’ Co-op Live
Kif l-akbar arena ta’ ġewwa tar-Renju Unit saret biċċa ċajt
Peter Kay 'ma jistax jemmen' l-aħħar dewmien ta' arena ġdida
Xi partitarji saru jafu dwar il-kanċellazzjoni tal-Erbgħa fuq il-midja soċjali. Il-post stazzjonat fis-18:40 li l-ispettaklu ma kienx se jibqa’ għaddej – li kien 10 minuti wara li l-bibien kellhom jinfetħu.
Oħrajn semgħu meta l-aħbar inxterdet bil-fomm barra.
""Sirna nafu minn membri oħra tal-pubbliku li qalulna, biex isalvana milli noqogħdu fil-kju - mhux li kien hemm xi tmexxija attwali li qalulna,"" qalet Radhika, 17-il sena minn Manchester.
""Naħseb biss personalment li hija ġestjoni ħażina, organizzazzjoni ħażina.""
L-ittra mogħtija lill-partitarji barra l-arena
Ingħatat ittra lill-partitarji barra l-arena
Zack, li għandu wkoll 17-il sena, kien ġie minn Blackpool għall-ispettaklu. “Jien bil-krozzi u konna f’kju għal madwar sagħtejn, naħlilna l-ħin,” qal.
""Ħarġu b'dawn il-folji tal-karti jgħidu 'jiddispjaċina dwar dan', imma konna sirna nafu diġà minn nies jgħajtu, nies jiġru jgħajtu li tħassar qabel ma [l-istaff] saħansitra ħarġu huma stess.""
Teoni Kirkham, 21, qal: ""Aħna litteralment ħriġna mill-Uber tagħna u rajna lil kulħadd idur u jimxi bil-kontra. Sirna litteralment meta wasalna hawn.
""Huwa biss messy, tassew. Jidher li m'hemm l-ebda organizzazzjoni. B'Ticketmaster fuq it-telefon tiegħi, ħsibt, żgur li kieku ġiet ikkanċellata kont inġib notifikazzjoni. Ma għamilx xogħol tajjeb ma naħsibx.""
'L-aħħar minuta ħafna'
“Konna nafu li dawk l-oħra kienu tħassru l-ġimgħa li għaddiet,” żied Lucas Sheriff, li kien ivvjaġġa minn Sheffield. ""Allura konna daqsxejn inċerti jekk dan kienx se jiġi kkanċellat."" It-tħabbira eventwali kienet ""l-aħħar minuta ħafna"", qal.
""Kieku konna sirna nafu mill-inqas wara nofsinhar, konna nkunu daqsxejn inqas diżappuntati.""
Jamie Cornwall, ta’ 21 sena, kien ġie minn Lincoln, u sar jaf ukoll fi triqtu lejn il-post. ""Ibgħatt mis-sigurtà u għedt biex immur lura d-dar,"" qal.
""Kwistjonijiet tekniċi? Taħseb li kienu jsolvu dan. Naf li ftit avvenimenti diġà ġew ikkanċellati. Allura mhux kbir. Tara dawn l-uċuħ imdejjaq kollha kullimkien.""
A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie, bl-isem proprju Julius Dubose, kiteb fuq il-midja soċjali: “Ġara xi ħaġa mal-post waqt li kont qiegħed fil-soundcheck illum li kkawża t-tħassir tal-ispettaklu.
“Qed naħdmu fuq skedar mill-ġdid fil-jiem li ġejjin.
""Jien imsaħħna dwar is-sitwazzjoni wkoll, iżda s-sigurtà l-ewwel Manchester, sibt int, biss ibqa' sintonizzat għal aktar informazzjoni.""
Kelliem għall-post qal: ""Aħna napprezzaw l-inkonvenjenza li dan se jikkawża għal ħafna, u jiddispjaċina ħafna għal dawk kollha milquta.""

L-Amazon Deals tal-lum (Afljat) - https://amzn.to/3FeoGyg
Li ssir Kattoliku jagħtik pedament sod għad-destin etern tiegħek. Il-fidi Kattolika tirrappreżenta l-aktar sistema ta’ ideat kumplessa, konsistenti u kompleta fost il-filosofiji kollha tal-umanità li jikkompetu. Huwa katidral veru tal-ħsieb uman. Il-Knisja Kattolika tgħallem li Alla tant iħobbna li bagħat lil Ibnu l-waħdieni biex imut għal dnubietna u jqum mill-ġdid għas-salvazzjoni tagħna. Billi nemmnu f’Ġesù Kristu bħala l-Mulej u s-Salvatur tagħna, nistgħu nirċievu l-grazzja t’Alla u ngħixu miegħu għal dejjem fis-sema. - https://www.vaticannews.va/en.html
Radio Maria Greater China (Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan) - http://www.voiceofmary.org.mo/ - “Radio Maria huwa rigal mill-Madonna. Permezz tal-programmazzjoni, kull prodott editorjali, u l-attivitajiet kollha tagħna, irridu nkunu radju ta’ talb u evanġelizzazzjoni b’impronta Marjana qawwija u sejħa għall-konverżjoni.” (Fr. Livio)
Radju Marija jwieġeb għall-istedina kontinwa ta’ Ġesù: “Mur fid-dinja kollha u ħabbar l-Evanġelju lil kull ħlejqa” (Mk 16:15).
It-temi ewlenin tal-ipprogrammar tagħna huma:
Is-sejħa għall-konverżjoni;
Formazzjoni umana u soċjali;
Aħbarijiet mill-Knisja u mis-soċjetà.
VisitMalta: Ikseb l-informazzjoni kollha li għandek bżonn għall-vjaġġ tiegħek lejn Malta! Ibbukkja biljetti, skopri postijiet ġodda biex iżżur, sib affarijiet aqwa x'tagħmel u aktar! - https://www.visitmalta.com/
Ċaħda ta' responsabbiltà: Dan is-sit huwa għal skopijiet informattivi biss u m'għandux jitqies parir legali [saħħa, taxxa, professjoni]. Aħna m'aħniex responsabbli għal kwalunkwe telf, ħsarat, jew obbligazzjonijiet li jistgħu jinqalgħu mill-użu ta 'dan il-blog. Dan il-blog mhux maħsub biex jissostitwixxi parir mediku professjonali. Il-fehmiet espressi f'dan il-blog jistgħu ma jkunux dawk tal-host jew tal-maniġment.
"曼徹斯特新的 Co-op Live 體育場再次取消開放,球迷們感到沮喪
曼徹斯特陷入困境的新 Co-op Live 體育場在最後一刻取消了開幕音樂會,球迷們感到震驚和困惑。
當說唱歌手 A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie 的演出被取消時,數千人在這個價值 3.65 億英鎊的場地排隊觀看他的表演。
場外的一些歌迷收到了一張紙,上面寫著 A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie 的演出因“技術原因”而被取消。
傑米康沃爾 (Jamie Cornwall),21 歲,來自林肯
20 歲的亞辛告訴 BBC Newsbeat,他支付了 25 英鎊的停車費,到達會場後收到了一張紙。
講義 20 歲的亞辛 (Yasin) 持有演出門票。
亞辛在發現演出被取消之前支付了 25 英鎊停車費
粉絲凱蒂·巴恩斯利(Katie Barnsley)從肯特郡趕來參加演出,正當她準備從曼徹斯特市中心乘坐電車前往阿提哈德校區的競技場時,發現演出被取消了。
這位 28 歲的保險經紀人與她的伴侶及其妹妹從多佛附近來到這裡,估計他們在機票、住宿和汽油上花費了約 600 英鎊。
巴恩斯利女士表示,由於之前在曼徹斯特舉行的演出被取消,她對前往曼徹斯特感到擔憂,但最近 Co-op Live 發推文稱其他演出將繼續進行,這讓她感到放心。
奧利維亞·羅德里戈 (Olivia Rodrigo) 對 Co-op Live 的慘敗感到失望
一些粉絲在社交媒體上發現了周三的取消。場館在 18 點 40 分發布消息稱,演出將不再繼續進行,此時距離原定開門時間還有 10 分鐘。
來自曼徹斯特的 17 歲拉迪卡 (Radhika) 表示:“我們從其他公眾那裡得知,是為了讓我們免於排隊,但實際上並沒有任何管理層告訴我們。”
同樣 17 歲的紮克從布萊克浦趕來觀賞演出。 「我拄著拐杖,我們排了大約兩個小時的隊,浪費了時間,」他說。
21 歲的特奧尼·柯卡姆(Teoni Kirkham) 說:「我們從Uber 上跳下來,看到每個人都轉身朝相反的方向走。當我們到達這裡時,我們才真正發現了這一點。 」
“真的很亂。看起來沒有任何組織。我的手機上有 Ticketmaster,我想,如果它被取消了,我肯定會收到通知。我不認為他們做得很好。”
「我們知道上週其他的活動已被取消,」從謝菲爾德趕來的盧卡斯·謝里夫補充道。 “所以我們有點不確定這是否會被取消。”他說,最終的宣布是「最後一刻」。
21 歲的傑米康沃爾 (Jamie Cornwall) 來自林肯,也是在前往會場的路上得知的。 「我被保安送走了,並被告知要回家,」他說。
真名朱利葉斯·杜博斯 (Julius Dubose) 的 Boogie Wit Da Hoodie 在社交媒體上寫道:“今天我在試音時,場地發生了一些事情,導致演出被取消。

今日亞馬遜優惠(聯盟)- https://amzn.to/3FeoGyg
成為天主教徒將為您永恆的命運奠定堅實的基礎。天主教信仰代表了人類所有相互競爭的哲學中最複雜、最一致、最完整的思想體系。這是名副其實的人類思想大教堂。天主教會教導說,上帝如此愛我們,以至於祂派遣祂的獨生子為我們的罪而死,並為我們的救贖而復活。透過相信耶穌基督為我們的主和救主,我們可以接受神的恩典並與祂永遠生活在天堂裡。 - https://www.vaticannews.va/en.html
瑪麗亞電台大中華區(中國大陸、香港、澳門、台灣) - http://www.voiceofmary.org.mo/ - 「瑪麗亞電台是聖母的禮物。透過節目編排、每一份社論產品以及我們所有的活動,我們必須成為帶有強烈瑪麗亞印記並呼籲皈依的祈禱和福傳電台。 (利維奧神父)
VisitMalta:取得馬耳他之旅所需的所有資訊!預訂門票、發現新的遊覽地點、發現令人驚奇的事情等等! - https://www.visitmalta.com/
"曼彻斯特新的 Co-op Live 体育场再次取消开放,球迷们感到沮丧
曼彻斯特陷入困境的新 Co-op Live 体育场在最后一刻取消了开幕音乐会,球迷们感到震惊和困惑。
当说唱歌手 A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie 的演出被取消时,数千人在这个价值 3.65 亿英镑的场地排队观看他的表演。
场外的一些歌迷收到了一张纸,上面写着 A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie 的演出因“技术原因”而被取消。
杰米·康沃尔 (Jamie Cornwall),21 岁,来自林肯
20 岁的亚辛告诉 BBC Newsbeat,他支付了 25 英镑的停车费,到达会场后收到了一张纸。
讲义 20 岁的亚辛 (Yasin) 持有演出门票。讲义
亚辛在发现演出被取消之前支付了 25 英镑停车费
粉丝凯蒂·巴恩斯利(Katie Barnsley)从肯特郡赶来参加演出,正当她准备从曼彻斯特市中心乘坐电车前往阿提哈德校区的竞技场时,发现演出被取消了。
这位 28 岁的保险经纪人与她的伴侣及其妹妹从多佛附近来到这里,估计他们在机票、住宿和汽油上花费了约 600 英镑。
巴恩斯利女士表示,由于之前在曼彻斯特举行的演出被取消,她对前往曼彻斯特感到担忧,但最近 Co-op Live 发推文称其他演出将继续进行,这让她感到放心。
奥利维亚·罗德里戈 (Olivia Rodrigo) 对 Co-op Live 的惨败感到失望
一些粉丝在社交媒体上发现了周三的取消。场馆在 18 点 40 分发布消息称,演出将不再继续进行,此时距离原定开门时间还有 10 分钟。
来自曼彻斯特的 17 岁拉迪卡 (Radhika) 表示:“我们从其他公众那里得知,是为了让我们免于排队,但实际上并没有任何管理层告诉我们。”
同样 17 岁的扎克从布莱克浦赶来观看演出。 “我拄着拐杖,我们排了大约两个小时的队,浪费了时间,”他说。
21 岁的特奥尼·柯卡姆 (Teoni Kirkham) 说:“我们从 Uber 上跳下来,看到每个人都转身朝相反的方向走。当我们到达这里时,我们才真正发现了这一点。”
“真的很乱。看起来没有任何组织。我的手机上有 Ticketmaster,我想,如果它被取消了,我肯定会收到通知。我不认为他们做得很好。”
“我们知道上周其他的活动已被取消,”从谢菲尔德赶来的卢卡斯·谢里夫补充道。 “所以我们有点不确定这是否会被取消。”他说,最终的宣布是“最后一刻”。
21 岁的杰米·康沃尔 (Jamie Cornwall) 来自林肯,也是在前往会场的路上得知的。 “我被保安送走了,并被告知要回家,”他说。
真名朱利叶斯·杜博斯 (Julius Dubose) 的 Boogie Wit Da Hoodie 在社交媒体上写道:“今天我在试音时,场地发生了一些事情,导致演出被取消。

今日亚马逊优惠(联盟)- https://amzn.to/3FeoGyg
成为天主教徒将为您永恒的命运奠定坚实的基础。天主教信仰代表了人类所有相互竞争的哲学中最复杂、最一致、最完整的思想体系。这是名副其实的人类思想大教堂。天主教会教导说,上帝如此爱我们,以至于他派遣他的独生子为我们的罪而死,并为我们的救赎而复活。通过相信耶稣基督为我们的主和救主,我们可以接受神的恩典并与他永远生活在天堂里。 - https://www.vaticannews.va/en.html
玛丽亚电台大中华区(中国大陆、香港、澳门、台湾) - http://www.voiceofmary.org.mo/ - “玛丽亚电台是圣母的礼物。通过节目编排、每一份社论产品以及我们所有的活动,我们必须成为带有强烈玛丽亚印记并呼吁皈依的祈祷和福传电台。” (利维奥神父)
VisitMalta:获取马耳他之旅所需的所有信息!预订门票、发现新的游览地点、发现令人惊奇的事情等等! - https://www.visitmalta.com/
submitted by sinomaltanews to SinoMaltaNews [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 14:11 Larsator Obacht!

Gesichtet: Edeka Stresemannstraße. Berlin-Kreuzberg.
Einfach eine Macht, dieser Turm.
submitted by Larsator to HandOfMemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 17:34 LampseederBroDude51 Real Madrid win their 36th LaLiga title!

Real Madrid win their 36th LaLiga title! submitted by LampseederBroDude51 to soccerbanners [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 09:52 Then_History2089 Unbiased views about MBA- gathered after talking to top recruiters and networking with students

Hey guys I recently went to an event hosted by insideiim(pre mba conversation kafe in worli yesterday) where I had the chance to meet with recruiters from TAS,Colgate and Sunpharma. It was a great event and I had the chance to spend a lot of time with these recruiters and the students who are currently interning with them.
PS: All these companies recruit from only the top 10-15 colleges and I got to know the major firms in all sectors only go to top 15 for their marquee roles(Business Leadership trainee kinda roles)
PS- TAS goes to BLACKIM,TISS,JBIMS,IIFT D,NMIIMS,SPJIMR,FMS,XLRI and hires people from only the core mba program. So IIM M ops/sm cant sit, IIM L ABM/sm cant si, IIM A fabm cant sit, IIM I Hr cant sit.
For SPJIMR,XL,IIM B, IIM K all specs can sit.
Roles in companies like TAS,ABG,Reliance,Amazon(Marquee leadership roles), MT roles in big FMCG (ITC,Reckitt,HUL) are open for only List 1 colleges and a few 1.5(mostly SIBM and NM)
Even classifications can be made in List 1
Top finance and consulting only in List 1.A
List of colleges
List 1(In order)
List 1.5(In order)
List 2
List 3
3rd gen IIMs, IMI D,IIT K,IIT R, GIM,GLIM et
submitted by Then_History2089 to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 18:28 sinomaltanews "量子物理學如何“徹底改變一切”

利亞姆·霍爾(Liam Hall) 在澳大利亞的一個農場長大,曾是一名機械師,“指關節越來越油膩、刮傷”,但近年來,他的職業生涯發生了更加技術性的轉變。
他現在是澳洲國家科學機構 CSIRO 量子生物技術的負責人。
他的團隊一直在開發診斷技術,試驗用尺寸約為 50 奈米(比人類頭髮細約 1,000 倍)的微小鑽石片製成的微型感測器來測試患者的鐵水平。
芝加哥大學 David Awschalom(身穿藍色襯衫)是芝加哥大學普利茲克分子工程學院分子工程和物理學劉氏家族教授芝加哥大學
CSIRO 首席科學家 Bronwyn Fox 教授表示:“量子是澳洲最有前途的成長機會之一,是創造新市場、新應用的機會。”
量子力學誕生於 20 世紀初,源自於對自然界最小物體的研究。科學家相信它有潛力擴大我們對宇宙的理解並以閃電般的速度解決複雜的問題。
「將量子疊加原理與另一種稱為糾纏的量子現象結合使用,它使您能夠執行使用傳統電腦根本無法完成的計算。它開闢了進行一些非常驚人的計算的可能性,這些計算可以改變世界,”教授解釋道新南威爾斯大學的安德魯祖拉克 (Andrew Dzurak)。
CSIRO 旗下企業 Data 61 的團隊負責人 Muhammed Usman 博士表示,驅動量子運算的動力來自於糾纏,這是一種自然現象。
芝加哥大學 David Awschalom 是芝加哥大學普利茲克分子工程學院分子工程與物理學劉氏家族教授芝加哥大學
David Awschalom 教授在芝加哥普利茲克分子工程學院建立了 200 公里的量子網絡
在美國,芝加哥大學建立了全國最長的量子網路之一。它全長近 200 公里(124 英里),並且還在不斷增長。
David Awschalom 是芝加哥大學普利茲克分子工程學院的分子工程和物理學劉氏家族教授。他也是芝加哥量子交易所 (CQE) 的創始董事,該聯盟位於芝加哥大學,與澳洲、印度、日本、荷蘭和以色列的專家合作。 CQE 也領導布洛赫量子技術中心(The Bloch Quantum Tech Hub),這是一個由產業、學術界、政府和非營利合作夥伴組成的聯盟,預計到2035 年將創造30,000 個量子就業崗位,並為經濟創造600 億美元的收入。
「量子人工智慧是我們團隊的關鍵研究領域之一。機器學習和人工智慧的計算量非常大,而量子運算有望提供運算能力,」CSIRO 的 Usman 博士解釋道。

今日亞馬遜優惠(聯盟)- https://amzn.to/3FeoGyg
成為天主教徒將為您永恆的命運奠定堅實的基礎。天主教信仰代表了人類所有相互競爭的哲學中最複雜、最一致、最完整的思想體系。這是名副其實的人類思想大教堂。天主教會教導說,上帝如此愛我們,以至於祂派遣祂的獨生子為我們的罪而死,並為我們的救贖而復活。透過相信耶穌基督為我們的主和救主,我們可以接受上帝的恩典並與祂永遠生活在天堂裡。 - https://www.vaticannews.va/en.html
瑪麗亞電台大中華區(中國大陸、香港、澳門、台灣) - http://www.voiceofmary.org.mo/ - 「瑪麗亞電台是聖母的禮物。透過節目編排、每一份社論產品以及我們所有的活動,我們必須成為帶有強烈瑪麗亞印記並呼籲皈依的祈禱和福傳電台。 (利維奧神父)
VisitMalta:取得馬耳他之旅所需的所有資訊!預訂門票、發現新的遊覽地點、發現令人驚奇的事情等等! - https://www.visitmalta.com/
利亚姆·霍尔 (Liam Hall) 在澳大利亚的一个农场长大,曾是一名机械师,“指关节越来越油腻、刮伤”,但近年来,他的职业生涯发生了更加技术性的转变。
他现在是澳大利亚国家科学机构 CSIRO 量子生物技术的负责人。
他的团队一直在开发诊断技术,试验用尺寸约为 50 纳米(比人类头发细约 1,000 倍)的微小钻石片制成的微型传感器来测试患者的铁水平。
芝加哥大学 David Awschalom(身穿蓝色衬衫)是芝加哥大学普利兹克分子工程学院分子工程和物理学刘氏家族教授芝加哥大学
CSIRO 首席科学家 Bronwyn Fox 教授表示:“量子是澳大利亚最有前途的增长机会之一,是创造新市场、新应用的机会。”
量子力学诞生于 20 世纪初,源于对自然界最小物体的研究。科学家相信它有潜力扩大我们对宇宙的理解并以闪电般的速度解决复杂的问题。
“将量子叠加原理与另一种称为纠缠的量子现象结合使用,它使您能够执行使用传统计算机根本无法完成的计算。它开辟了进行一些非常惊人的计算的可能性,这些计算可以改变世界,”教授解释道新南威尔士大学的安德鲁·祖拉克 (Andrew Dzurak)。
CSIRO 旗下企业 Data 61 的团队负责人穆罕默德·乌斯曼 (Muhammed Usman) 博士表示,驱动量子计算的动力来自于纠缠,这是一种自然现象。
芝加哥大学 David Awschalom 是芝加哥大学普利兹克分子工程学院分子工程和物理学刘氏家族教授芝加哥大学
David Awschalom 教授在芝加哥普利兹克分子工程学院建立了 200 公里的量子网络
在美国,芝加哥大学建立了该国最长的量子网络之一。它全长近 200 公里(124 英里),并且还在不断增长。
David Awschalom 是芝加哥大学普利兹克分子工程学院的分子工程和物理学刘氏家族教授。他还是芝加哥量子交易所 (CQE) 的创始董事,该联盟位于芝加哥大学,与澳大利亚、印度、日本、荷兰和以色列的专家合作。 CQE 还领导着布洛赫量子技术中心 (The Bloch Quantum Tech Hub),这是一个由行业、学术界、政府和非营利合作伙伴组成的联盟,预计到 2035 年将创造 30,000 个量子就业岗位,并为经济创造 600 亿美元的收入。
“量子人工智能是我们团队的关键研究领域之一。机器学习和人工智能的计算量非常大,而量子计算有望提供计算能力,”CSIRO 的 Usman 博士解释道。

今日亚马逊优惠(联盟)- https://amzn.to/3FeoGyg
成为天主教徒将为您永恒的命运奠定坚实的基础。天主教信仰代表了人类所有相互竞争的哲学中最复杂、最一致、最完整的思想体系。这是名副其实的人类思想大教堂。天主教会教导说,上帝如此爱我们,以至于他派遣他的独生子为我们的罪而死,并为我们的救赎而复活。通过相信耶稣基督为我们的主和救主,我们可以接受上帝的恩典并与他永远生活在天堂里。 - https://www.vaticannews.va/en.html
玛丽亚电台大中华区(中国大陆、香港、澳门、台湾) - http://www.voiceofmary.org.mo/ - “玛丽亚电台是圣母的礼物。通过节目编排、每一份社论产品以及我们所有的活动,我们必须成为带有强烈玛丽亚印记并呼吁皈依的祈祷和福传电台。” (利维奥神父)
VisitMalta:获取马耳他之旅所需的所有信息!预订门票、发现新的游览地点、发现令人惊奇的事情等等! - https://www.visitmalta.com/
"Kif il-fiżika kwantistika tista' 'jirrivoluzzjona kollox'
Li trabba f'razzett fl-Awstralja, Liam Hall kien mekkanik li ""jsir għakkieq żejtni u mibrux"", iżda f'dawn l-aħħar snin il-karriera tiegħu ħadet xejra aktar teknika.
Issa huwa l-kap tal-bijoteknoloġija kwantistika f'CSIRO, l-aġenzija tax-xjenza nazzjonali tal-Awstralja.
""Għandi sfond daqsxejn stramb. Dejjem xtaqt inkun mekkanik tad-diesel. Li nagħmel dan għal xi żmien wasslet biex inkun irrid nagħmel l-inġinerija fl-università. Dak introduċietni fil-fiżika, u mbagħad fil-fiżika kwantistika. A Rollercoaster ride huwa mod tajjeb biex tiddeskriviha, ""jgħid.
It-tim tiegħu ilu jiżviluppa teknoloġiji dijanjostiċi, jesperimenta b'mikro-sensors magħmulin minn frak ċkejkna ta 'djamanti ta' madwar 50 nanometru fid-daqs (madwar 1,000 darba aktar fin minn xagħar uman) biex jittestjaw il-livelli tal-ħadid tal-pazjenti.
Il-metodi attwali jimmonitorjaw proteina magħrufa bħala ferritin, il-mekkaniżmu tal-ħażna tal-ħadid tal-ġisem. Filwaqt li l-monitoraġġ tal-ferritin huwa mod tajjeb biex jitkejjel il-ħadid, ikun aktar preċiż li jitkejlu l-livelli attwali tal-ħadid ġewwa l-proteina.
Mod wieħed biex tagħmel dan ikun li tkejjel il-kampi manjetiċi ċkejkna ġġenerati mill-ħadid. Iżda hemm problema waħda kbira b'dak l-approċċ.
""[Il-kamp manjetiku] huwa kompletament ċkejkna u barra mill-kejl ta 'kwalunkwe manjetometri jew mikroskopji tradizzjonali,"" jispjega Dr Hall.
Madankollu, is-sensuri quantum fuq skala nano ta’ Dr Hall jistgħu jiskopru dawk l-oqsma ċkejkna u jkejluhom.
Huwa jgħid li fil-futur, it-teknoloġija tista 'tiżviluppa bandiera bikrija għal kwalunkwe marda partikolari, inkluża s-sorveljanza ta' ċerti ormoni jew proteini li jistgħu jindikaw kanċer.
""Il-vantaġġ għas-sistemi quantum dejjem kien li tista 'tikseb sensittività ħafna, ħafna aħjar u identifikazzjoni eħfef ta' kimiċi bi spiża ħafna aktar baxxa,"" jgħid Dr Hall.
Università ta 'Chicago David Awschalom (liebes flokk blu) huwa l-Professur tal-Familja Liew ta' l-Inġinerija Molekulari u l-Fiżika fl-Iskola Pritzker ta 'l-Inġinerija Molekulari ta' l-Università ta 'Chicago l-Università ta' Chicago
Riċerkaturi madwar id-dinja qed jaħdmu fuq teknoloġiji quantum
Dr Hall hija parti minn spinta globali biex tiżviluppa teknoloġiji quantum. Il-Gran Brittanja, iċ-Ċina, l-Istati Uniti u pajjiżi bnadi oħra, kollha qed jippruvaw jisfruttaw il-proprjetajiet strambi tal-mekkanika kwantistika.
""Quantum hija waħda mill-opportunitajiet ta 'tkabbir l-aktar promettenti tal-Awstralja - ċans li jinħolqu swieq ġodda, applikazzjonijiet ġodda,"" qal ix-xjenzat ewlieni ta' CSIRO, Prof Bronwyn Fox.
Il-mekkanika kwantika ħarġet fil-bidu tas-Seklu 20 minn studji tal-iżgħar oġġetti tan-natura. Ix-xjentisti jemmnu li għandu l-potenzjal li jespandi l-fehim tagħna ta 'l-univers u ssolvi problemi kumplessi b'veloċità sajjetti.
Il-firxa ta 'applikazzjonijiet tidher vasta; minn avvanzi fix-xjenza ambjentali u d-dekarbonizzazzjoni, għaċ-ċibersigurtà u mediċini ġodda. Jista 'jkun hemm molekuli li ""jieklu l-karbonju"" u jneħħuh mill-atmosfera, batteriji quantum biex iħaddmu l-karozzi, ajruplani li huma ddisinjati biex inaqqsu l-emissjonijiet tagħhom u l-loġistika tat-trasport biex titnaqqas il-konġestjoni tat-toroq.
Ambizzjoni waħda tar-riċerka kwantistika hija li tisfrutta s-setgħa tal-partiċelli sub-atomiċi biex jaħżnu u jipproċessaw id-dejta.
Filwaqt li l-kompjuters konvenzjonali ġeneralment juża bits (żerijiet u ones), il-kompjuters quantum jużaw qubits, li jistgħu jeżistu bħala zeroes, ones, jew kombinazzjonijiet tat-tnejn f'daqqa.
Dan huwa fejn l-affarijiet jistgħu jsiru daqsxejn strambi, fejn il-partiċelli jistgħu jeżistu fi stati multipli simultanjament (din tissejjaħ superpożizzjoni), u wkoll ikunu marbuta (jew imħabblin) ma 'xulxin.
""L-użu ta' dak il-prinċipju ta' superpożizzjoni kwantistika flimkien ma' fenomenu quantum ieħor magħruf bħala taħbil, jippermettilek twettaq kalkoli li huma sempliċement impossibbli bl-użu ta' kompjuters konvenzjonali. Jiftaħ il-possibbiltà li tagħmel xi kalkoli pjuttost aqwa li jistgħu jinbidlu d-dinja,"" jispjega Prof. Andrew Dzurak mill-Università ta’ New South Wales.
Linja griża preżentazzjoni
Aktar teknoloġija tan-negozju
Kif l-industrija tal-logħob tal-kompjuter qed tħaddan l-AI
Għaliex il-fwar aħdar huwa kwistjoni taħraq għan-negozju
Kif ir-robots qed jieħdu f'idejhom ix-xogħol tal-maħżen
L-isfida tat-titjib tat-twieqi emblematiċi tal-azzar
Għaliex hemm rivoluzzjoni fit-triq fil-produzzjoni tal-ħġieġ
Linja griża preżentazzjoni
""Immaġina fergħa ġdida ta 'Covid jew pandemija orribbli oħra. Ladarba tifhem l-istruttura molekulari ta' dik, li tista 'ssir bl-użu ta' tekniki sperimentali standard, imbagħad tmur fil-kompjuter quantum u tikkalkula kif tagħmel molekula li speċifikament tattakka dak il-virus. .
""Int issolvi dik il-problema f'ġurnata aktar milli fis-sitt jew disa' xhur li ħadu l-akbar imħuħ bijoloġiċi u farmaċewtiċi kollha fuq il-pjaneta biex joħorġu bil-vaċċini għal Covid.""
Il-qawwa li tmexxi l-komputazzjoni kwantistika ġejja minn taħbil, fenomenu naturali, skont Dr Muhammed Usman, mexxej tat-tim f'Data 61, negozju fi ħdan CSIRO.
Huwa kumpless u mhux faċli biex taqbadha. Partiċelli speċjali, ħafna drabi fotoni, jew flecks ta 'dawl, jistgħu jkunu f'żewġ postijiet fl-istess ħin, iżda jibqgħu konnessi b'mod qawwi minkejja li mhumiex fiżikament marbuta.
“Ngħid li ħadd fid-dinja ma jifhem bis-sħiħ il-baŜi tat-tħabbil,” hija l-valutazzjoni onesta ta’ Dr Usman.
Jista' jkun hemm internet quantum? Pjuttost possibilment. Id-dejta tista’ tintbagħat permezz ta’ fibri ottiċi bl-użu ta’ partiċelli ta’ dawl li jagħmluha kważi impossibbli li tiġi eavesdropped jew hacked.
Università ta 'Chicago David Awschalom huwa l-Professur tal-Familja Liew ta' l-Inġinerija Molekulari u l-Fiżika fl-Iskola Pritzker ta 'l-Inġinerija Molekulari ta' l-Università ta 'Chicago l-Università ta' Chicago
Il-Prof David Awschalom bena netwerk quantum ta’ 200km fl-Iskola Pritzker tal-Inġinerija Molekulari ta’ Chicago.
Fl-Istati Uniti, l-Università ta 'Chicago bniet wieħed mill-itwal netwerks quantum tal-pajjiż. Huwa twil kważi 200km (124 mil) u qed jikber.
David Awschalom huwa l-Professur tal-Familja Liew tal-Inġinerija Molekulari u l-Fiżika fl-Iskola Pritzker tal-Inġinerija Molekulari tal-Università ta 'Chicago. Huwa wkoll id-direttur fundatur ta 'Chicago Quantum Exchange (CQE), konsorzju bbażat fl-Università ta' Chicago li għandu kollaborazzjonijiet ma 'esperti fl-Awstralja, l-Indja, il-Ġappun, l-Olanda u l-Iżrael. Is-CQE imexxi wkoll The Bloch Quantum Tech Hub, koalizzjoni ta’ sħab industrijali, akkademiċi, tal-gvern u mingħajr skop ta’ qligħ li tistenna li toħloq 30,000 impjieg quantum sal-2035 u tiġġenera $60 biljun għall-ekonomija.
""Estendejna kemm nistgħu nibagħtu messaġġi quantum siguri permezz ta 'ħafna mili ta' fibra taħt l-art,"" jispjega.
""Iżda hemm sfidi sinifikanti x'jingħelbu. Bil-komputazzjoni kwantistika, pereżempju, qed naħdmu fuq iż-żamma tal-koerenza kwantistika, li jfisser li nżommu sistema kwantistika intatta; korrezzjoni tal-iżbalji, li tfisser li niskopru u nikkoreġu żbalji kkawżati minn dekoerenza; u skalabbiltà, li tfisser li tkun tista 'żżid in-numru ta' qubits f'sistema quantum biex issolvi problemi aktar kumplessi.""
Getty Images Quantum Computing Lab fil-kampus tal-Google Quantum AI f'Goleta, CaliforniaGetty Images
Kompjuters Quantum iwiegħdu li jsolvu problemi li l-kompjuter tradizzjonali mhumiex adattati għalihom
Għaddejjin snin ta’ riċerka bir-reqqa, iżda l-futur jidher li se jmur malajr lejna.
""L-intelliġenza artifiċjali kwantika hija waħda mill-oqsma ewlenin ta 'riċerka fit-tim tagħna. It-tagħlim tal-magni u l-intelliġenza artifiċjali huma intensivi ħafna fil-komputazzjoni u l-komputazzjoni kwantika twiegħed qawwa komputazzjonali,"" jispjega Dr Usman minn CSIRO.
""Pereżempju, karozzi li jsuqu waħedhom jew drones li jtiru fil-kampijiet tal-battalja b'armi letali. Nistgħu nafdaw l-intelliġenza artifiċjali? Allura, dak li sibna huwa li l-integrazzjoni tal-komputazzjoni kwantistika fl-intelliġenza artifiċjali twassal għal sistemi affidabbli ħafna u affidabbli, ""huwa qal.
""Il-ħolma tiegħi ssir realtà tkun li kompjuters quantum fuq skala kbira huma disponibbli u nistgħu nħaddmu algoritmi quantum li qed niżviluppa biex insibu soluzzjonijiet għall-problemi li għadna ma sibniex, u li se jirrevoluzzjonaw kollox.""

L-Amazon Deals tal-lum (Afljat) - https://amzn.to/3FeoGyg
Li ssir Kattoliku jagħtik pedament sod għad-destin etern tiegħek. Il-fidi Kattolika tirrappreżenta l-aktar sistema ta’ ideat kumplessa, konsistenti u kompleta fost il-filosofiji kollha tal-umanità li jikkompetu. Huwa katidral veru tal-ħsieb uman. Il-Knisja Kattolika tgħallem li Alla tant iħobbna li bagħat lil Ibnu l-waħdieni biex imut għal dnubietna u jqum mill-ġdid għas-salvazzjoni tagħna. Billi nemmnu f’Ġesù Kristu bħala Sidna u Salvatur tagħna, nistgħu nirċievu l-grazzja t’Alla u ngħixu miegħu għal dejjem fis-sema. - https://www.vaticannews.va/en.html
Radio Maria Greater China (Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan) - http://www.voiceofmary.org.mo/ - “Radio Maria huwa rigal mill-Madonna. Permezz tal-programmazzjoni, kull prodott editorjali, u l-attivitajiet kollha tagħna, irridu nkunu radju ta’ talb u evanġelizzazzjoni b’impronta Marjana qawwija u sejħa għall-konverżjoni.” (Fr. Livio)
Radju Marija jwieġeb għall-istedina kontinwa ta’ Ġesù: “Mur fid-dinja kollha u ħabbar l-Evanġelju lil kull ħlejqa” (Mk 16:15).
It-temi ewlenin tal-ipprogrammar tagħna huma:
Is-sejħa għall-konverżjoni;
Formazzjoni umana u soċjali;
Aħbarijiet mill-Knisja u mis-soċjetà.
VisitMalta: Ikseb l-informazzjoni kollha li għandek bżonn għall-vjaġġ tiegħek lejn Malta! Ibbukkja biljetti, skopri postijiet ġodda biex iżżur, sib affarijiet aqwa x'tagħmel u aktar! - https://www.visitmalta.com/
Ċaħda ta' responsabbiltà: Dan is-sit huwa għal skopijiet informattivi biss u m'għandux jitqies parir legali [saħħa, taxxa, professjoni]. Aħna m'aħniex responsabbli għal kwalunkwe telf, ħsarat, jew obbligazzjonijiet li jistgħu jinqalgħu mill-użu ta 'dan il-blog. Dan il-blog mhux maħsub biex jissostitwixxi parir mediku professjonali. Il-fehmiet espressi f'dan il-blog jistgħu ma jkunux dawk tal-host jew tal-maniġment.
submitted by sinomaltanews to SinoMaltaNews [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 06:53 Shoddy_Veterinarian2 Koja je fora s ovim prostorom na Žitnjaku (kod Cityja)?

Koja je fora s ovim prostorom na Žitnjaku (kod Cityja)?
Tko joj je vlasnik? Jeli prazna s razlogom ili se čeka da joj naraste vrijednost?
submitted by Shoddy_Veterinarian2 to zagreb [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 20:17 redditduk [MEGALIST] SG Concerts Gigs Raves - Till Vesak Day (10 - 23 May 2024)

Update 20 May: Till Vesak

10 May, Fri

Sat, 11 May


Esplanade Pesta Raya Festival 11


Events & Parties 11


Club Guest Performers 11


12 May, Sun - Mother's Day

Esplanade - Pesta Raya Malay Festival Last


13 May, Mon


14 May, Tue


15 May, Wed


16 May, Thu


17 May, Fri - Start of Singapore International Festival of Arts (SIFA 2024)


Club Guest Performers


18 May, Sat



SIFA 2024


DJ Events

truncated, word limit - Wellness and DJ Party Immersion by Wild Pearl - BIG SPLASH with Yoga Movement & Rumours Beach, Rumours Beach Club 🏖 @ 40 Siloso Bch Walk, Sentosa, IG 📸 $37 - Live Hiphop & DJ, Drip, Dreamfellas Presents: CLOUT, drip club @ 100 Orchard Rd Concorde Hotel, $27 - DJ, Behind the Green Door: Anthony Middleton (🇬🇧 house, Audiofly), Behind the Green Door @ 97 Duxton Road (maxwell), $35 - DJ, Marquee: Marquee Rising ft DJ Kiara 🇸🇬, marquee nightclub @ marina bay sands shoppes, $20 - DJ, Bollywood Club X pres. KALA CHASHMA, hard rock cafe cuscaden (orchard), $29 - DJ, Zouk: One Dance, Total Recall, Slime Hiphop, zouk clarke quay - DJ, Ce La Vi: BIG NITE OUT! feat. NAKADIA 🇹🇭 & OSCAR L 🇪🇸 (techno & house), marina bay sands hotel rooftop bar-club 🗼, $38 - DJ, MODAL presents MODE09 feat. Tommy Four Seven (🇬🇧 techno), MDLR club @ 62 cecil street (cbd) L2, $37

19 May, Sun

20 May, Mon

Other Arts Events


21 May, Tue - PH eve


22 May, Wed - Vesak Day

23 May, Thu

I am on telegram: search sg music chat or visit t.me/sgmusicchat
submitted by redditduk to singaporemusicchat [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 12:40 Sea_Caregiver3650 LC Please

LC Please submitted by Sea_Caregiver3650 to TrueReligionJeans [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 20:05 jessywesley HESI RN EXIT NGN 2024

HESI RN EXIT NGN 2024 submitted by jessywesley to Hesi_Teas_studygroup [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 03:39 RedditTurtle321 Responding to a MET call/code blue as doctor in charge

Hi all, I recently started back on the wards as a locum Med Reg after being away for 6 months with the birth our first baby.
I’m PGY3 and have only worked previously as an RMO. I’ve gotten into the swing of things pretty quick with the day job but my first after-hours shift holding the met/code blue pager is next week and I’m conscious I likely stepped up too quickly for such a responsible role given I’ve had minimal real-life exposure to emergency scenarios thus far.
I’m trying to prepare as best I can for showing up to codes as a leader and making sure I can, at the very least, put some structure on the situation (attending the call, getting handover while addressing ABCDEs and reviewing the medical records/chart while asking the junior doctor to complete any relevant at scene investigations (bloods/abg etc) is how I imagine the initial stage of most calls will play out).
This weekend I’m going to go over processes for some of the most common calls, but wondering if any of you experienced doctors had some clinical pearls for emergency responses/suggestions re common calls you’ve responded to as leadesuggested resources for studying/story from a particularly good or bad call you’ve attended or even just an honest opinion about my appropriateness for the role given my stated level (it’s not too late for me to try pass the shift to someone else but I feel I’d just be postponing the inevitable).
submitted by RedditTurtle321 to ausjdocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 02:55 Admirable-Manager-98 Idk how much times we gotta say it… this podcast is absolute garbage. Views are straight trash BOF is killing NJ go cry about it

Idk how much times we gotta say it… this podcast is absolute garbage. Views are straight trash BOF is killing NJ go cry about it submitted by Admirable-Manager-98 to NoJumperV2 [link] [comments]
