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2019.09.24 00:21 milehigh777 PassNclex

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2024.05.22 00:31 kinnkykitten Kia Sedona 2012

Kia Sedona 2012 repost by recommendation from advice
Hi I have a Kia Sedona 2012 as the title says. I bought it two years ago under extreme conditions and didn’t have time to really get it checked out.
For a year and a half it was fine.
Then the power started going in and out the car died. We jumped it for a while (3x didn’t need it every time and I was living near a college so I could walk anywhere), but eventually she fully died. Okay we knew that was coming fair, probably an old battery.
We find out the alternator is also bad, which we were told was strange but oh well. Change both.
New battery in new alternator in, goes out in a week.
Well f**k me. We assume they were just a bad lot get them replaced because the guys at the part store didn’t charge us and assumed like us it was the parts.
Happens again. This time I’m done and we take it to a shop. Clearly we have to be doing something wrong. Nope but both are dead again.
I ask them to run the scanner. They say they will. I get the car back (also had to get new tires) go home. I was told the alternator was changed and the tires were done. That there was no underlying issue. (So I assumed we were getting parts from a bad place) Go to start the car two days later and she’s dead.
I gave up. She hasn’t moved since. My step dad and his work friend (engineers with mechanic interest.) today they scan it and the battery is dead again the alternator apparently isn’t f**ked this time. (Yet by my guess.)
The battery was at 2v when they checked it. My mom says that means it can’t be jumped but I don’t know shit about this.
My partners dad helped us at one point, his step dad is a master mechanic and he can’t even speculate what it is. We are at a complete loss and 2k in debt.
About ready to start selling feet pics (just kidding, just kidding) but fr if anyone has any advice please help
TLDR 2012 Kia Sedona LX keeps eating batteries and alternators
submitted by kinnkykitten to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:31 Aggravating_Rate3271 chance an uncertain STEM student for T10 universities 🙏 (looking for what to improve)

Hello! Here is some of my info. Can I get my chances at the top comp sci and physics schools? In no particular order, I'm looking at Stanford, Princeton, MIT, Cornell, UPenn, Caltech, CMU, Berkeley, Harvard, Yale, Georgia Tech, and other top comp sci programs. I have no idea what my top choice college is right now. Keeping info intentionally vague in some areas. Thanks!
Demographics: Male, White, Private School.
Hooks: None :(
Intended Major: Computer Science/Physics
SAT: 1590 (Paper version back in sophomore year, 800M 790E)
PSAT: 1520 (I'm going to try for national merit finalist in the fall)
Current GPA: 4.0 UW / 5.04 W - correlates to ~98 pct average in AP and Honors courses.
Coursework: 10 APs. Just finished AP exams for 5 of them, the others went as follows. AP Chem (5), AP Comp Sci Principles (5), AP Lang (5), APUSH (5), AP Human Geo (4). Predicting 5s on the following exams this year: Calc AB, Biology, Comp Sci A, good chance at 5s on Literature and Euro but I'm less sure about those two.
Note: planning to take 5 more AP’s my senior year, so total AP count is going to be 15.
ECs (no particular order):
  1. Founded and am currently managing a mental health organization that teaches strategies for improving mental health while also excelling academically. The organization has >10 chapters in 3 different states and 2 different countries, and has ~100 official members
  2. Varsity Rower on my school's rowing team since sophomore year, also rowed in Freshman year and went to scholastic nationals.
  3. Member of High School Honors Jazz Band, earned Superior evaluation at sophomore year MPAs.
  4. Astrophysics research project with professor from top state university, and I co-authored a paper about the project that is now published in two journals.
  5. Elected as one of two Student Council representatives for my grade, and work on organizing school related events as well as managing student suggestions.
  6. Personally founded and managed an initiative to get gluten-free food in local food kitchens due to the lack of Celiac awareness in these organizations. Currently, have facilitated the introduction of gluten free meals into my local food kitchen that serves the community, and am reaching out to even more in the area.
  7. Won a Grand Award at the State Science and Engineering Fair (1st in the Physics and Astronomy category out of the entire state) and qualified to be an ISEF finalist.
  8. Member of another student council organization since sophomore year that helps organize school events.
  9. Another astrophysics research project with top professor in the field (reason why this is so vague is because it's in beginning stages, but I expect it will be just as important and go just as far in science fair as my last one if not farther)
  10. Regular volunteer work (total of 100+ hours) as a Math, English, History, Chemistry, and SAT prep tutor for the past 2 years.
Can I get some chances at those colleges I mentioned above? Stats wise, I'm pretty sure I stack up against other applicants, but I'm not sure if my ECs are strong enough plus the fact that I don't have any hooks. If possible, include the chances for regular vs. early for the colleges that have early programs which offer a significant increase in admission. Also, if you have any other colleges in mind that you think would be a good fit please comment those!
submitted by Aggravating_Rate3271 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:31 hipriestess56 [QCrit] Adult LitFit - TERMS OF SERVICE (95k words/1st attempt)

Hi all, longtime listener, first-time caller. Please see my query and first 300 below.
My biggest question is this: 95% of the story takes place in 2014, but the book opens in 2020 when my main character receives a letter from the California Dept of Fair Housing & Employment informing her of an investigation into behavior at Chatpic. Receiving the letter spurs her to tell the story of what happened back then. The book checks back into 2020 in the middle as my MC tries to get more information about the investigation, and then it ends back in 2020 again when she decides what she wants to do about the letter.
The reason the story takes place in 2014 is because the time period--pre #MeToo/Donald Trump/the workplace reckoning of 2020--informs the decisions the MC makes back then, and she's looking back at it from a wiser perspective. If you've read The Rachel Incident, Caroline O'Donoghue does a similar thing as she retells a 2008 abortion story from the perspective of present day.
In the end, the investigation is not a driving force of the plot--so my question is how important is it that it's mentioned in the query? I ask because I've found that trying to add that piece to what I've already written starts to get convoluted, though obviously I can work at it. I think it's very clear once you read the first 300, but for agents who don't want a sample, is it clear in the blurb that this story is looking back to a time gone by?
Mostly looking for insight on this question specifically, but if you have further feedback about the letter for first 300, open to that as well. Thanks!
Dear [Agent],
Thank you for the opportunity to submit my query for TERMS OF SERVICE, a true-ish fictional story about a young woman in a nearly impossible workplace a la UNCANNY VALLEY meets THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (with shades of 9 TO 5). TERMS OF SERVICE is complete at 95,000 words.
It’s 2014 and down-and-out celebrity blogger Maggie Clarke is desperate for a fresh start. Not only is she broke in New York City, but at 31, she thought she’d be writing something a little less embarrassing than Justin Bieber listicles by now. When her longtime internet friend Aron York–recently named the world’s youngest billionaire–offers her a lucrative position at his massively popular social media app Chatpic that puts her at the center of his inner circle in Los Angeles, it’s exactly the step-up she’s been waiting for. As Maggie learns to manage the always-on hours, the slew of acronyms, and the unlimited access to free cold brew, she encounters another more complicated problem–the boys’ club. Except this isn’t the typical ham-fisted sexism she’s used to–this is the tech bro variety: insidious, inexorable, and infuriating. When she meets an ambitious young reporter who encourages her to speak out, Maggie has a shot at revenge. But in a world before mansplaining and microaggressions, is blowing the whistle worth the risk? And is anyone ready to hear it?
Like Maggie, I was also plucked from internet obscurity by the world’s (then) youngest billionaire, [redacted], to come work at his massively popular social media app, [redacted company]. I was a founding member of the company’s content team, and all I have to show for it is six footnotes in the [redacted company] biography [redacted title] and the brutal feminist awakening that inspired me to write this manuscript. Before that, I was a full-time writer in New York whose work has appeared on MTV, Rolling Stone and Elle. Currently I’m a content and editorial consultant in Chicago, and I’m also on TikTok where 21,000 people watch me rant about work and office culture. (It’s also where 2M people enjoyed my show-and-tell video about the “sentimental” stock certificates [redacted company previously mentioned] gave a few early employees–that were worth exactly $0.00.)
As the agent who represents [Author 1] and [Author 2], you have a strong list when it comes to complex female characters embroiled in complicated social dynamics. TERMS OF SERVICE would be a great addition to this track because, while similar themes of class and workplace are explored, my flavor of levity and sarcasm makes my work distinct from [Author 1] and [Author 2], bringing a new facet to your program.
If you are interested in reading TERMS OF SERVICE, I would be happy to forward a sample of any length you suggest. Thank you for your consideration!
First 300:
Chapter 1
A lot of people might revel in the idea of receiving a letter announcing an investigation into their ex-employer.
One might, for example, envision draping themselves in a mink stole, lighting the cigarette at the end of their old-timey cigarette holder, and dialing the investigator’s number from a rotary phone atop a solid wood desk under shadowy, film noir lights. One might then imagine whispering I knew this day would come into the receiver between bursts of psychotic, hysterical laughter as they rejoiced in the long overdue arrival of the long arm of the law.
But me, I wasn’t so sure. Maybe because I didn’t have a mink stole.
No, I was crouched on the ground of my parents’ musky basement in Des Plaines, Illinois, knee-deep in piles of old diaries and CDs when I received notice of one such letter. It was month four of COVID, and Dad and I were only halfway through his cleaning list. He was already a germaphobe so a global pandemic was all he needed to justify a top-to-bottom disinfection of the entire house. And since my routine trip home in the middle of March turned into a hapless extended stay when the world shut down, it was the perfect excuse to put me to work. Just like the good old days.
We wiped down every square inch of the place. We soaked the faucet heads in lemon juice, we scrubbed the coffee mugs with baking soda. We vacuumed the damn fridge.
Reorganizing the basement shelves was a beast. Every box was like a Russian nesting doll of useless crap: old TV Guides, corroded double-A batteries, dried-out cans of paint primer, an unsettling number of hand saws. I made decent headway through the “tools” and “electronics,” but I lost all steam when I got to my high school stuff—faded Polaroids and folded-up notes stopped me in my tracks.
submitted by hipriestess56 to PubTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:30 ZookeepergameBig7880 Eeoc determination

Hey, so last year oct 24th 2023 during my employment with walmart I was taken to the cash room for a coaching there was the manager of ap services (the department I was under) and the witness another manager as walmart tends to always make sure another person is in the room when you're being given a coaching. So someone had had stolen merchandise and the manager claimed It my was my fault they never showed me the tape and I'm almost certain all her items were bagged and I know she didn't set off the alarm, but anyways she gives me the whole spill about how my job as ap services ta is important for deterring theft and I'm the last and first face customers see we all know customers don't HAVE to show their receipt and some aren't going to so when I tried to rebuttal with a scenario where it's next to impossible to check a customers receipt to determine if I would still somehow be "at fault" if a customer is reluctant to letting you see a receipt but while I'm mod sentence with the scenario the manager cuts me off and says "you have an advantage" she said this while gesturing her hand from my head to my toes she placed her hand back to herself saying "if I were to ask for a receipt they would say I'm racist" now I tried to have a broad horizon of thinking to narrow down how she could've meant her comments in a "good" way a non racist way but i kept coming to the same conclusion that it was just flat out racist to say that! I actually used ppto and didn't come back after lunch (as I informed them I would most likely be doing)I attempted to talk to the people lead about it who wanted no parts of the situation giving me the ole runaround taking me over to the pictures informing me I have to talk to this individual and he doesn't handle it he just didn't want to handle it. I was able to get some audio recording of the meeting with the lead store manager when he rescinded the coaching and a conversation later with the witness stating that she was bothered by the Comments that the manager had made she assured me she would be speaking to someone "higher" than she was. Meanwhile I had already submitted a claim through the lovely ethics department get this walmsrt has a 0 tolerance policy supposedly only when I brought these claims to their attention and wrote my statement because I was the last one to do mine according to the individuals in house who were handling the claim ironically one of them was the people lead who wanted no parts! I constructively discharged a few weeks after this the manager would also laugh and taunt me every chance she'd get when she'd see me (nothing I could prove with documentation) I had also filed a claim with the eeoc and finally got to the interview process almost two weeks ago they quickly closed the charge the day after it was filed and they determined essentially that they made no determination they say they can't conclude if further investigation would proof or disprove my claim and that their notice doesn't mean my claim lacks merit and that it doesn't mean walmart wasn't In violation below there is the rights to sue letter with the witness who still works there and the audio i have of her claiming she heard the comments too be good evidence that can be authenticated? Does the eeoc "neutral" determination make it less likely or less desirable for a firm to want to cater to my claim?
submitted by ZookeepergameBig7880 to EEOC [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:30 SpecialistRelease70 Uber Eats Coupon: Get $20 Off Your Order With My Uber Eats Referral

Uber Eats Referral: ****
Uber Eats is a popular food delivery service that allows you to order from a wide variety of restaurants in your local area. With just a few taps on your phone, you can have your favorite meals delivered right to your doorstep.
Using my Uber Eats referral link can save you money on your next order. When you sign up for Uber Eats and use my referral code, you'll receive $20 off your first order. This is a fantastic opportunity to try out the service and enjoy a delicious meal without breaking the bank.
The process is simple – just click on my Uber Eats referral link and enter the promo code when you place your order. The discount will be automatically applied, and you'll be able to enjoy your food at a reduced cost. Whether you're craving sushi, burgers, or something in between, Uber Eats has you covered. And with the added savings from my Uber Eats referral, you can indulge in your favorite dishes without guilt.
Don't miss out on this great opportunity to save money and enjoy the convenience of Uber Eats. Use my referral link today and take advantage of the $20 off your first order.
submitted by SpecialistRelease70 to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:30 Pikachus-Courier How to help a Vietnam Veteran?

I'm in a complicated situation in helping a fellow veteran, feel like I'm falling into Yu-Gi-Oh Trap Card after helping him move all his stuff outta his storage until.
Let me explain. We're both in the Hud-Vash program for homeless veterans to get housing so we're roommates for now until we each get our own place. He just moved in from living at the homeless shelter and then I helped him move stuff from outside two full storage units into a place he started renting from a landlord that's totally taking advantage of him. He's renting it because he wanted a place for all his stuff he was keeping after losing his housing.
The thing is the place he's already renting is not up to keep or standing at all so it's not gonna pass the inspection from section 8 to get him reduced rent, let alone be livable in without work. I didn't really realize I was basically digging a hole by helping him. He needs a new refrigerator, stove and doesn't have handicap bathroom for safety, lawn has to be cut bad, flooring needs work. The garage is packed with his stuff now and furniture was moved into temporary parts of the house because of the work that needs to be done.
I've never done the type of work he would need to fix it up completely and because of his age he can't do it. I didn't help him alone. Someone who wants to become his caretaker helped because you couldn't do this alone. Now he's left with this mess of a house and all his stuff all over unorganized and a filled garage that he wishes will turn into a proper woodshop one day.
Should I just help with what I can to make it liveable? Losing reduced rent for him kinda seems like his own lose but he could afford it because of VA disability and Social Security benefits, but I doubt I have what it takes to make it happen in the first place.
submitted by Pikachus-Courier to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:30 micahbell0456 Cost of repainting truck?

Cost of repainting truck?
So I got a 2014 Denali, it has (I believe) the Pearl Diamond Tricoat (I’ve heard that’s a ford only color) and I got it used, only 60K miles, and the only places it was peeling was on the doors right next to the window, which I bought more paint and covered it, however ever since then it’s just literally falling off, on the bed there’s a huge chunk gone, the tailgate, and right by the windshield, it’s gone to the point where I’ve started super gluing it down to stop it from flaking, on the spot on the bed, I’ve felt the primer underneath and it’s really smooth, what I’m thinking happened is the person who had it before repainted it himself or got a cheap paint job done, and didn’t tell the dealer, which sucks because it is a really pretty color, so what do yall think would be the cost of repainting it? It doesn’t have to be the Diamond Tricoat, ATP I wouldn’t mind white, or black, or something cheap, or maybe a wrap? Except I’ve heard that A. It won’t seal properly because of the chipped paint and B. When the wrap does come off it’ll take the rest of the paint with it, sorry I literally have no idea when it comes to this stuff
submitted by micahbell0456 to Trucks [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:30 Spirited_Month_4352 12-Week Study Schedule - Give me feedback!

Or, more aptly, give Google Gemini feedback. Taking the PE in 12 weeks and kicking off 3x/week study sessions. Let me know if you have any topic suggestions or other comments to what Google Gemini gave me when i asked " I'm taking the PE - Power exam in 12 weeks. Make me a 12 week study schedule "

12-Week PE Power Exam Study Schedule

This is a general schedule to get you started. You can adjust it based on your existing knowledge, preferred study methods, and available time.
Weekly Breakdown:
Weeks 1-4: Focus on core topics (40% of exam)
Study Activities:
Weeks 5-8: Address specific topics (35% of exam)
Study Activities:
Weeks 9-11: Review and Practice (25% of exam)
Study Activities:
Week 12: Final Touches (Pre-Exam Week)
Additional Tips:
Remember, this is a sample schedule. You can adjust it based on your strengths and weaknesses. Consistency and focused studying are key to success. Good luck with your PE Power exam!
submitted by Spirited_Month_4352 to PE_Exam [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:30 Clxaks I hate it when people who can’t use statistics, use it.

There’s this stupid argument going around on TikTok about women choosing a man or a bear and I was reading the comments and saw this:
 “Statistically that’s wrong because men Commit more violent crimes against Women then bears.” 
That’s exactly the comment. I have not changed a single word or spelling.
You cannot use that statistic to prove anything. “Men commit more violent crimes against women then bears” of course men commit crimes against women more BECAUSE women meet men more than they meet bears. The average woman will meet about 30,000 men in her lifetime give or take. How many bears do you think the average woman will meet in her lifetime? I’ll give you a hint, you can count the interactions on one hand. I seriously doubt if the average woman would even meet 1 bear in her entire life because who the hell is going into places where there are bears on the loose??
You just cannot compare the amount of men attacking women to the amount of bears attacking women.
If you wanted a good comparison, put a woman in a cage with 100 men and leave them for 2 days and see what happens.
Do the same for the bears, put a woman in a cage with 100 bears and leave them for 2 days and check to see if she even has her skin attached to her body.
submitted by Clxaks to mildlyinfuriating [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:29 SpecialistRelease70 Uber Eats Coupon: Get $20 Off Your Order With My Uber Eats Referral

Uber Eats Referral: ****
Uber Eats is a popular food delivery service that allows you to order from a wide variety of restaurants in your local area. With just a few taps on your phone, you can have your favorite meals delivered right to your doorstep.
Using my Uber Eats referral link can save you money on your next order. When you sign up for Uber Eats and use my referral code, you'll receive $20 off your first order. This is a fantastic opportunity to try out the service and enjoy a delicious meal without breaking the bank.
The process is simple – just click on my Uber Eats referral link and enter the promo code when you place your order. The discount will be automatically applied, and you'll be able to enjoy your food at a reduced cost. Whether you're craving sushi, burgers, or something in between, Uber Eats has you covered. And with the added savings from my Uber Eats referral, you can indulge in your favorite dishes without guilt.
Don't miss out on this great opportunity to save money and enjoy the convenience of Uber Eats. Use my referral link today and take advantage of the $20 off your first order.
submitted by SpecialistRelease70 to ReferralNotReferal [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:29 winniethepoohmi How do I even go about it- do I go or not?

I, 17, Female (tho I don’t really care about gender but other people do and it does effect how people treat you so I’m adding it), moved to a new small school where I befriend some dudes and they became my main friend group in this place. I decided that I’d try to finally improve my life and I feel like they’re getting in the way of it.
They’re chill people, they haven’t done anything wrong but I feel as if I’m an object for them because I’m the only girl. I try to take that out of my head but when I hang out with them it feels as if I’m trying so much to impress them because of how I desperately want to be the persona I made and want to truly be. I know though that I’ll never TRULY be this person and thats why I decided to improve myself and focus on myself.
It was going well for a few days, until I decided to go back on my socials and they suddenly texted and asked if I’d like to meet with them this Saturday. I thought of making an excuse and used my parents and said I might be busy, but for some reason I got excited that they’re inviting me out (with other people too). But the problem is- I feel like if I say no I’d be running away from my problems again, but if I say yes then my sucking up attitude will emerge again and I know for sure I’ll get tired of it and break down. I can’t ignore them bc we’re in the same school and class, and I even decided to start focusing on my studies and attending school more (I barely attend due to personal reasons)
Maybe if I stay it’ll be okay? I’m not sure…do I distance myself or do I become closer? In other words, do I go or do I not go? Someone please tell me bc I’m supposed to answer tmmrw…
submitted by winniethepoohmi to AdviceForTeens [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:29 Yabudjin_Khan From (14) to (18)

 From (14) to (18)
Both photos taken after an important moment in my life, first was moving to a different country and the second is after taking my college exams. Haven’t cut my hair since i was 16.
submitted by Yabudjin_Khan to GlowUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:28 RheaAlessi Trip to Lanzarote?

Me and my boyfriend were thinking about taking a trip to Lanzarote. We want a nice sunny chill holiday by the pool however we don't know when to go or where to go. My boyfriend is Canadian so this will be his first European sunny holiday by the pool so we will need good restaurants and transportation. His work is also seasonal which means the best time to go is when he is off work which is anywhere from the end of November to the end of March. I'm worried about this as I feel it will be quite cold during those months as I am currently on a holiday in Malaga and it is quite windy causing it to be cold especially in the pool even though it's the end of May and 24 degrees. Any recommendations for times and places is appreciated.
submitted by RheaAlessi to travel [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:28 PerplexedPorcupine LAC/LPC acquiring in NJ?

Hi I’m a newly graduated school counselor. I have graduated with 51 credits but I’m working on getting to 60 credits through my SAC program in addition to what I’ve already earned (Student assistance coordinator role). It is a CACREP accredited program. I also will be sitting the National Counseling Exam (NCE) this summer.
I am feeling nervous that it will be hard for me to find a role that supports getting an LAC role or finding supervision or even pursuing anything that isn’t school counseling with my masters degree. I just need more reassurance. My program said that even though it is school counseling, I am a certified counselor and I will be okay even though my degree does not have clinical mental health on it if I wanted to go into private practice or community mental health.
Is there anyone that can tell me about their experience and what steps I should take? Is my worrying validated or will I be fine?
submitted by PerplexedPorcupine to schoolcounseling [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:28 TheJacoob Community injustice: Day 14 Replacing each member of the original Regime and Insurgency Rex Salazar (Generator Rex) took the place of Blue Beetle, now who should take the place of Black Adam? Rules in the commentsEvent: Check under the images to see it

Community injustice: Day 14 Replacing each member of the original Regime and Insurgency Rex Salazar (Generator Rex) took the place of Blue Beetle, now who should take the place of Black Adam? Rules in the commentsEvent: Check under the images to see it
ElIta get crushed by Malty in Kiryu
submitted by TheJacoob to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:28 SecretVVeapon PLEASE Help Me Cool My Room

Hello! I saw in the rules to use this subreddit for questions as a last resort. Hopefully this is okay because Google hasn't help entirely since this is more of a broader question with separate parts.
After a lot of life struggles, I ended up moving in with some gracious friends that were kind enough to give me a place to stay. I'm in the attic, however. It is a finished attic with proper walls, a ceiling, and carpeting, but I know there's no insulation in the walls because there's a crawlspace back there. For whatever ridiculous reason, the landlord took out almost all interior doors when my roommates moved in. My room (the attic) doesn't have a door at the bottom of the stairs.
Another friend was nice enough to help me get set up with an AC unit before summer hits. It's already bad. Awful. I'm a professional voice actor and I can't have the AC running while I'm recording. It's just too loud. But I want to know if having a door will make enough difference to keep the cool air in my room. My AC is on full blast right now with my fan oscillating as well and it will NOT go below 90° in my room. It hit 95 while I was recording and I had to take a break because I got nauseas and dizzy. It's way hotter in the booth of course.
So, will a door help? Or is it not going to do a thing since it's the attic and there's no insulation in the walls? If a door would make a sizable difference, would a hollow one make the cut, or would it have to be solid? Thanks for any help. I'm really dying here. This is miserable and I'm basically restarting my life from scratch, so I really need help to make an informed decision. I want a door anyway for mild noise dampening and just for privacy in general, but I am struggling with money right now. And the way I earn my money is being messed with by this heat. I can't record when my booth gets over 100°. I need to know a door will help before I drop that money that I hardly have. Thanks.
submitted by SecretVVeapon to DIY [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:28 dradrado Is zero inhibiting cosmological understanding?

Is zero inhibiting cosmological understanding?
When theorising in astrophysics, and more specifically the beginning and expansion of the universe (the big bang), the phenomenon of black holes and the mysteries behind dark matter and dark energy, we mistakenly use the two concepts interchangeably, they being 1. The philosophical zero, ie nothingness, and 2. The mathematics concept of zero, ie summarily attaching the philosophical concept of zero, with a numerical designation because it greatly assists the functionality of mathematic in the paradigm of our observable reality. Also please bearing mind the the math concept of zero allows negative values, unlike the philosophy, and when discussing space time, there is no place for negative numbers. Now that said and made clear, I believe it impossible for us to attempt to explain the unimaginable, without separation and distinction of the two concepts when infinity is brought into the conversation. Infinity, like zero, is a philosophical concept not all that dissimilar to zero, it has a mathematical conceptual basis also, but unlike the philosophical zero ie nothingness, it is given a numerical designation that more accurately relates to it philosophically, even though it is not strictly a number and cannot he used in any tangible calculation, mathematics certainly allows for its philosophical manifestation into mathematical equations.
I see this as a huge conflict, especially as it the very essence of big bang theory ie from nothing came infinity at the moment of the big bang. We surely cannot hope to solve this puzzle if the universe if we are conceptually flawed at he very starting point. 0 and infinity therefore cannot be used together in any calculation because we haven't yet reconciled the two conceptually. How can we look at this differently? How can we navigate passed mathematical dogma a concepts our brains are not capable of truly understanding on a practical level?
These are very tough existential and philosophical problems. So rather than just critise the current order and point out what I see as conflicts, but offer no alternative, may I suggest at least a starting point for discussion and exploration which may be found in the area of fractal science/mathematics. And a good place to focus the beginning of any theoretical discourse, in my opinion would be the work of, amoung others, Mandelbrot and the set named after him, the Mandelbrot Set. I suggest this because it mathematically the most relevant area of a field and is largely avoided by the popular culture's interest in fractals which is largely forcused on aesthetical beauty, particularly popular with the psychedelic subculture which I believe has a place and time to be investigated as a part of the whole discussion, but maybe for now should not be a point of focus in fear of contaminating a sterile discussion with with larger philosophically arguments about what is reality, due to the psychedelic substance insights of those schools. To incorporate any talk of altered states of consciousness, may be counter productive at this time. Hence my Mandelbrot suggestion achieves the mathematical parameters I believe are the best for theoretical mathematical support and cancels out the annoying noise that the fractal science field makes due to its attractiveness to non mainstream pop culture.
The Mandelbrot set is intriguing, not only because of the almost mindblowing graphical capability of AI, for as the Mandelbrot set seen by AI and then visualised for us to see, is nothing short of unbelievably beautiful. It also has an ability to provoke inner hought and discourse without one knowing the subject, topic or reason for the quiet peaceful internal discourse it inspires. I mention this, not because it can directly be incorporated in the radical discussion, but experiencing the astonishlng complexity if its beauty and the way it continues infinitely (or rather as long as it continues to be observed) because if the very self contained nature of the Mandelbrot set. After all, the mandelbrit set is simply a set of numbers, that when placed in the equation, do not spiral out into infinity. The equation value is always >0 or <2. So what as I see as irony, as the set was designed to avoid infinity in a sense, what it actually does is provide us with the best possible conceptualisation, in practice and theory, of a model demonstrating infinity. Even more bizarre is that the technology had only recently become available to show us visually by AI graphing. I'm not sure without the visual stimulus, could we have seen how beautifully fractal science demonstrates its potential unravelling existential and theoretical mysteries. I believe it lends itself perfectly to my proposed theory.
I think so because infinity is difficult for the human mind to grasp, some may say impossible. What is even more difficult for our minds to grasp is infinity of reducted values. Basically, if infinity can exist in an expanding sense, then it is not a stretch of conceptualisation to think it can infinitely get smaller. This breaks no rules of science. Searching for the building block of the universe has been crusade of quantum physicists dating back to the creation of the scientific theory. Much money and effort has been spent in search for smaller and smaller still subatomic particles. What they do is fractal science in its purest form, yet like with the study of Theoretical Astrophysics, quantum science theory is its self hampered by the concept if zero as a number, in my opinion. Even doing the work of factually reducing matter, they are blinded to its possible futility, should fractal reduction does forever decend in to fractal infinity or -ve infinity. For if that is the case, maybe quantum theory is in fact mankind's first exploration, albeit unknowingly, into what may well be a black hole. That is for a later discussion but certainly worth bringing to the attention for the purposes of this discussion.
So if we can accept that -ve infinity is as equally viable and logical as +ve infinity, what room in this discussion is left for the inclusion of zero?
I believe this leaves no room for zero in the same conversation as infinity. I am not suggesting zero should be stricken from mathematics. However I am suggesting that mathematics use of zero may, invalidate is ongoing use as an effective tool for measurement and communication, when the subject is beyond our ability to comprehend. Few people will argue that our 6 senses are significantly lacking the capacity to comprehend cosmological dynamics. Mathematics nothing more than an application of our 6 senses, to make sense of the chaos occurring all around us. Over hundreds and thousands of years, this is the best we have been able to do in terms of calculation and accurate prediction of future occurances. Even the concept of zero is less than 1000 years old. The Romans saw no use in incorporating it into their model, and to this day we wonder at their and other ancient civilisations ability for astonishing accuracy in measurement and prediction. Look at all they, the Egyptians and others managed without using zero in a single calculation. We can also break this down out of our conscious paradigm into nature. Numbers do not exist in nature (that includes the universe). It begs the question of do numbers really exist? Are numbers no more than part of our delusional reality? Who knows, but one thing is for sure, zero certainly doesn't exist anywhere outside of our consciousness. Not even in our own very bodies. How bodies clearly hold a knowledge that hasn't seemed to be passed over to our conscious, aware selves. Even on the smallest scale, without any intervention or guidance from any sort of intelligence, within our cellular membranes. Complex calculations are constantly being carried out. Consider cellular replication for example. In order for a cell to divide successfully, there must be a correct allocation of resources, let's just say primarily energy distribution for the sake of brevity. To split a cell but calculate the energy necessary to simply cary put the force of splitting. It must also calculate how much energy needs to be transfered to the new cell. This calculation must include how much energy for it take to replicate all cellular matter, how much energy is required for both cells to recover from the trauma, and how much energy on top of that, the new cell will require to become mature and begin its own replication. There are multiple complex calculations to be made there, and they then must be combined in to an overall and more complicated calculation again. All of this is done without intelligence and without using numbers ie mathematics. This same process can be observed all the way back to the very first beginning of not just life, but biochemistry in general. So I hope this demonstrates that the universe doesn't exist numerically. There are no rules in the universe. We created rules for our sciences, because if we didn't follow them the sciences would fail at unacceptable percentage of predictions
So we make rules to overcome the shortcomings while waiting for future technologies or fixes. Mathematics and sciences are little more than a carefully ordered tapestry of rules, with too many exeptions for too many rules. We create rules and ideas to assist the conteived & malfunctioning intangible thing to not have to go to all the trouble of finding something that works better. We are just littered with examples through every field. Like 'zero', or Pi, or "bimdas" (brackets, indicies, multiply, division, addition and subtraction. I find this a good example, for not following this exact order of calculations, a correct answer to equation will nev a result) and thousands of others.
No rules exist in nature, it appears to be that it just is, always will be and always has been.
So in summary, given our restrictions on trying to understand the universe, namely intelligence, our 6 limited senses, our arrogance and our mortality, should we narrow the pursuits our restrictions can make us comfortable with? Thisbwilk lead us nowhere.
By abandoning zero as the only accepted scientific approach to the universe, and allowing science to have multiple validating throeries for what is the same problem. The scientific community abhors divergence from dogma and academics are held to ransom with funding or being published, if their ideas are not with acceptable parameters.
But for the sake of this conversation, can we discuss the merits of looking at the big bang without reference to nothing ie zero, but instead +ve and -ve infinity."
submitted by dradrado to ZeroOrInfinity [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:27 Anxious-Paper2511 Part 1 of Mapping the Eros/Psyche Myth in S3: the Wind and Psyche’s Salvation

Part 1 of Mapping the Eros/Psyche Myth in S3: the Wind and Psyche’s Salvation
Hi everyone! Now that season 3, part 1 has aired, I wanted to revisit the Eros/Psyche comparative I wrote just before the season came out. There are a few different things that I wanted to touch on, so I thought I'd start with just a couple of scenes. Here, I will discuss the very early moment in the myth where Psyche is whisked away by the wind to live with Eros and compare that passage to the show. I have some plans for other posts, if people are interested!
Quick note: I am not seeking to imply and direct comparison, inspiration, or intention from the writers. I adopt what we call in scholarship a 'lens' through which I look at Bridgerton. Think of it like a pair of tinted glasses; they change the colors and allow you to see something that exists in a different way or from a different perspective. My lens is the myth of Eros and Psyche, and I use it to observe Bridgerton. It is one of infinite potential interpretations and is intended to be 100% just for fun!
S3E1 Out of the Shadows
Early in the myth of Eros and Psyche, an oracle informs Psyche’s father that she is to be sacrificed on a mountain top, forced to marry a “fierce, barbaric, snake-like monster” as punishment for her beauty (which has made her a rival of Aphrodite). Psyche resigns herself to the death, telling her family that she understands that she is at her own funeral, rather than wedding, procession.
So amidst intense grief the ritual of that marriage with death was solemnized, and the entire populace escorted her living corpse as Psyche tearfully attended not her marriage but her funeral. (excerpt from Apuleius, The Golden Ass 4. 28 - 6. 24)
But as she sits alone on the mountain top, resigned to her fate, a strong wind comes and carries her away to Eros’ castle.
But as Psyche wept in fear and trembling on that rocky eminence, Zephyrus' (the West Wind's) kindly breeze with its soft stirring wafted the hem of her dress this way and that, and made its folds billow out. He gradually drew her aloft, and with tranquil breath bore her slowly downward. She glided down in the bosom of the flower-decked turf in the valley below. (excerpt from Apuleius, The Golden Ass 4. 28 - 6. 24)
The passage evokes ideas of salvation as Psyche is rescued from a fate that appears to be unavoidable, even to Psyche, who appears completely resigned.
“I seek you out…”: These themes suggest the same ideas that were present when Penelope is standing in her garden after accepting Colin’s help in finding a husband in episode 1. When the scene begins, she feels despondent and hopeless, perhaps resigned in the same way that Psyche did, to life as a spinster without freedom or happiness. At the start of the scene, Penelope appears isolated and disconnected from Colin as he appears to be a new person with a new personality.
S3E1 Out of the Shadows
At the end of the scene, once they have reconciled, there is a moment where you see Penelope feel the wind in her hair as she takes a deep breath. The wind may be a reflection of two profound emotional changes in Penelope. The first is not only a restoration of her friendship with Colin and her understanding of him, but perhaps also an expanded sense of their relationship that is more honest than it was before. In the second sense, Penelope’s own faith in her future and hope in it is also restored. In this way, the wind may be a symbolic nod to Colin’s role in facilitating Penelope’s happiness through her salvation. It echoes Eros’ actions in having the wind carry Psyche away from her unhappy life and fated death to her salvation with him.
S3E1 Out of the Shadows
The scene’s choreography is also interesting. Penelope begins sitting down and looking up at Colin; she is depicted as being unmoving, a part of the garden, not in motion or with agency. Her lack of movement may point to resignation (and for those of us who like to read too deeply into things, her place on a stone bench could mirror Psyche’s position on the rock, awaiting her fate). Their unequal status may also represent an inequality in their relationship (interesting in contrast with Colin on his knees in the carriage in episode 4). For a moment, at the end of the scene, they are on equal ground when he sits beside her as they reach an understanding. At the end of the scene, they are both standing, a sign of motion and action. Their handshake is a physical reminder that they are linked.
S3E1 Out of the Shadows
But why is it not a more romantic scene? When thinking of what this scene could be in the show, I hypothesized that it would be the first kiss. However, after watching it, I think that there is a kind of absurdity in this garden scene that highlights why it makes for a better turning point.
In the myth, Eros is carrying Psyche to the place where they will kind of be married. They love each other, but they don’t truly know each other. They are holding a household together but neither of them are mature adults. They are intimate but they are not officially married and do not have the consent of their parents to be so. As a result, they aren’t really married in the ways that would matter to their context.
S3E1 Out of the Shadows
Back in Bridgerton, the absurdity of the handshake, the scandalous nature of their agreement, and the fact that Colin is visiting Penelope outside of her house all point to similar subversive (i.e. against the grain) elements of their relationship. In the eyes of their context (in this case “society”), Colin and Penelope’s friendship shares the same illegitimacy as Eros and Psyche’s.
S3E1 Out of the Shadows
To compound the situation, Eros maintains his divinity without having married Psyche properly while she is still a mortal. Colin and Penelope are still on uneven footing. This is told to us repeatedly in the first half of the season; while Colin is seen as desirable and eligible, Penelope is described as hopeless and on the shelf.
S3 E2 How Bright the Moon
Despite the fact that Colin and Penelope have reconciled, just as Eros and Psyche are living a content life at this stage in the myth, there is still a strong assertion that the relationship is in danger. By the end of Episode 1, Colin's fury with Lady Whistledown is an illusion to the fact that the two individuals still do not know one another and that this is only a temporary respite.
S3E1 Out of the Shadows
Based on these conditions, although it is one of the more romantic points in the myth, the wind of salvation does not necessarily point to the moment when Eros and Psyche become romantically involved. Still, it may more accurately fit with the moment of the restoration of Penelope and Colin’s relationship as friends. Arguably, this is a foundational step that must precede (and maybe supersede?) any romantic acknowledgement. The scene functions as a moment of salvation for Penelope and sets Colin up as a desirable but flawed saviour, highlighting the non-conventional nature of their relationship.
Finally, we’ve got to talk about the balloon: The second notable moment featuring the wind in Season 3 Part 1 occurs during the dramatic sequence with the balloon at the innovations fair. In a reversal of roles from my first assertion in the garden, the balloon scene sees the wind reveal a change in Colin. The scene echoes the same themes of salvation, albeit in a much more explicit way.
A quick reminder: Long before he has rescued Psyche, Aphrodite enlists Eros to shoot Psyche with an arrow and have her fall in love with a horrible beast. Eros, of course, reveals later that he actually shoots himself and falls in love with her, making her his wife:
'I disregarded my mother Venus' instructions when she commanded that you be yoked in passionate desire to the meanest of men, and that you be then subjected to the most degrading of marriages. Instead, I preferred to swoop down to become your lover. I admit that my behaviour was not judicious; I, the famed archer, wounded myself with my own weapon, and made you my wife--and all so that you should regard me as a wild beast, and cut off my head with the steel' (excerpt from Apuleius, The Golden Ass 4. 28 - 6. 24)
Colin's arch mirrors Eros' as he attempts to help Penelope find a husband but finds himself developing feelings for her, instead.
At the Hawkins Balloon exhibition, Colin learns that Penelope has a suitor, making her likelihood of marriage an immediate danger, although he may only shallowly be aware of his feelings by this point in Episode 3. Much like Psyche's impending sacrifice/marriage to the serpent on the rock, this scene would be an interesting stand-in for the moment of salvation, as well.
S3E3 Forces of Nature
While Colin observes Penelope in conversation with Debling throughout the afternoon (albeit unaware that she is not succeeding in charming him), he also notices a strong wind is interfering with the balloon that is on display.
S3E3 Forces of Nature
Sensing impending danger from the Balloon (and perhaps subconsciously, Debling), Colin's eyes are purely worried about the scene that is unfolding in front of him. I won't summarize the episode; we've all already seen it. But, despite being surrounded by debutants after he heroically controls the balloon and while at the subsequent ball, Colin spends the rest of the episode thoroughly mentally preoccupied by Penelope.
The role of the wind, in this case, could be read as a catalyst for Colin's recognition of his ongoing desire to save and protect Penelope. Before the scene at the park, Colin appears to be avoiding speaking about his developing feelings for Penelope (understandable, given the context), but by the Innovation Ball, he is willing to somewhat open up to his mother and approach Penelope herself.
S3E4 Forces of Nature
Likely, it serves as more of a visual cue, a moment of insight into Colin's thought process while inhabiting the Eros figure, as to what would have inspired him to shoot himself with his arrow, rather than allow the Penelope/Psyche character to be married to someone else.
Wrapping up: I don't see these comparisons as being a matter of literary canon for Bridgerton. Still, using the lens of the Eros/Psyche myth, it can be interesting to see how common themes and subjects emerge. Hopefully, you found something here interesting, and thank you for reading!
submitted by Anxious-Paper2511 to PolinBridgerton [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:27 wdsymrj M4F

I am currently waiting for the boards exam day na malapit na and Im so fuckin stress from the buildup ng mga pangyayari on my life. I wanna have a clear mind lang before I go to exams.
About me: 5'4 M 23 Manila A jolly person Cant host (others ask for it eh) Normal BMI (someone who is kinda chubby) kinda on the darker shade of skintone but not so much Someone who likes foreplay
About you: Any body types as long as not an obese one? Dont mind checking in or have a place we can hangout
PS: Im not that super attractive like cant pull girls that much but I am sure Im a kind one.
submitted by wdsymrj to makati [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:27 NightcrawlerDIO How can I support a friend who lacks the resilience to keep a job?

Someone close to me has been experiencing chronic depression since they were a teenager. They are now in their late-20's, take meds and consult a psychologist to manage their depressive symptoms.
I worry for them because they have never been able to hold down to a job for more than 4 months at a time because they get overwhelmed easily and give up as opposed to trying harder. They've also been in and out of college in between, always dropping out for the same reason.
Although they are lucky enough to live with their mother at this time, as she gets older in age my friend will soon be expected to support themself. I worry they won't be able to survive on their own as they essentially only end up working 25-40% of the year and cost of living only continues to increase. I don't want to see this friend become homeless or lose the will their will to live, but whenever I try to approach the topic they are quickly brought to tears and become distraught. As a result I'm constantly walking on eggshells around them as I try to offer supportive words.
I am terribly afraid that this person close to me does not have the resilience to survive in this economy. They do not have a single penny to their name and their mental struggles are a barrier to that. A part of me just wants to tell them that struggle is a part of living, and that they have to get it together, however I know that isn't my place. Is there anything I can do on my end to support them?
submitted by NightcrawlerDIO to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:27 smokinsomnia I Don't Need To Sell

So I'm sitting here in my porch, on a nice day. Sun shining through as I'm listening to the Donkey Kong Country soundtrack. I just smoked a bowl and I'm burning PS1 discs to play. And I felt happy.
And I realized every since the beginning of my tenure in this sub as a moderate participant and mega lurker, I was just trying to unlock the key to happiness. But the jokes on them cause they waited too long to sell their shorts, and now I'm perfectly content where I am in life.
I feel comfortable in my home now that I've outlasted all the old problems. I feel comfortable with who I am, now that I've had a hope moving forward in life through GME which has helped me take more stock (lol) in my own wellbeing to prepare myself for change.
And in doing so I actually bypassed my entire reason I got here in the first place. No longer to understand when to sell. But to learn that when I get there, I won't even need to.
I'm going to take revelry in the fact that my complacency causes pain to those trying to manipulate my holdings. I can hold as long as it will take, now. There's no more obstacles in my path, and I'm ready to wait for as long as they can BEAR and then some. Pun intended.
I'm tired of seeing things go wrong in the world. I wanna see bad people get what they deserve, through the proper means of justice and legalities. Until then, I'm feeling bullish cause I like the stock.
submitted by smokinsomnia to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:27 PrisonerNoP01135809 How to find your partners second phone, or if they even have one.

Poor Sophie, if I knew her IRL I would have given her some advice. I work in tech as a SMS specialist type of software engineer and I have a deep passion for information security when it comes to phones in particular.
We will go through options by cheapest and easiest to the more pricy and invasive.
Step one download a Bluetooth scanner app on your phone. I use these for home security. If someone breaks into my home I’ll know the make, model, age, etc of the phone if Bluetooth is on. These days with the car connect speakerphone, AirPods, etc there’s a huge chance your partners Bluetooth is on. Bing bong gotem.
No Bluetooth dang, that’s ok you can use a background check service like been verified. Now I haven’t done this for Rob, their relationship is none of my business and I never renewed my subscription. All you need is fullname, age, location. There’s a high chance he kept his LA number and got an Austin number. If you know he kept his LA number and an Austin number shows up, super suspicious.
Dang, no luck there, that’s ok you can hire a Private Investigator. I’m of the belief of if it’s gone this far you should just leave the guy. Let’s say you want to do this, a PI has access to software and databases that the average person does not. Usually they are ex cops or ex military personnel. Sometimes they have access to the good ones like LexisNexis. These are pretty in depth down to the Social Security number and all the places you’ve been that are of interest.
I hope she just leaves his ass before she takes these steps.
submitted by PrisonerNoP01135809 to 90DayFiance [link] [comments]