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If Circlebroke is so good, how come there's no Circlebroke 2?

2012.04.25 20:59 dhamster If Circlebroke is so good, how come there's no Circlebroke 2?

burn it all down

2017.09.11 00:39 HebrewDude When They Do It Right

PTCM is a hub for sharing above average, planned video camera operation; capturing calculated recording angles; maintaining good camera control, general perception, also properly controlling what's in the frame. Interesting content is not necessarily a solid ground for giving praise regardless of how good the content is on its own. Please dedicate a minute & read the rules before posting to make sure you don't violate them

2008.04.26 05:53 hacking: security in practice

A subreddit dedicated to hacking and hackers. Constructive collaboration and learning about exploits, industry standards, grey and white hat hacking, new hardware and software hacking technology, sharing ideas and suggestions for small business and personal security.

2024.05.19 10:52 jennithomas321 On-Page vs. Off-Page SEO: Different but Equally Important

What’s the Difference Between On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO?

On-page SEO focuses on optimizing parts of your website that are within your control, while off-page SEO focuses on increasing the authority of your domain through content creation and earning backlinks from other websites. To further understand the difference between the two, you have to understand, at a basic level, how search engine algorithms work. Let’s break it down.
There are two main buckets that search engines (SEO) look at when evaluating your site compared to other sites on the web.
  1. On-page SEO looks at what your site (or your page) is about
  2. Off-page SEO looks at how authoritative and popular your site is

On-Page vs. Off-Page SEO: What’s the Difference?

Put simply, what you rank for is largely determined by on-page factors, while how high you rank in the search results is largely determined by off-page factors.

How Does Each Type of SEO Affect Your Rankings?

What is On-Page SEO?

On-page SEO (also known as “on-site” SEO) is the act of optimizing different parts of your website that affect your search engine rankings. Where your website appears in search engine results pages is determined by a number of ranking factors including site accessibility, page speed, optimized content, keywords, title tags, etc. On-page SEO is about optimizing the stuff that you have control over and can change on your own website.

On-page SEO checklist:

How do you make sure your on-page SEO tactics are up to snuff? Here is a helpful checklist for on-site optimizations that can help curate your strategy.

Title Tags

Put your targeted keywords in the title tag of each page on your site. There are many best practices that go into writing an effective title tag.

Headings (H1)

Headings are usually the largest words on the page, and for that reason, search engines give them a little more weight than your other page copy. It is a good idea to work your target keywords into the headings of each web page but make sure you accurately reflect your page’s great content.
Make sure your H1s limited to one per page, all other headers are H2 or H3

URL structure

Put keywords into your URLs if possible. However, do not go changing all of your current URLs just so they have keywords in them. You shouldn’t change old URLs unless you plan on redirecting your old ones to your new ones. Consult a professional before doing this.

Alt text for images

Any content management system should allow you to add something called “alt text” to all images on your website. This text isn’t visible to the average visitor – alt text is in fact used by screen reader software to help blind internet users understand the content of your images. Search engines crawl images in a similar way, so inserting some relevant keywords while accurately describing the image will help search engines understand your page’s content.
Writing an alt attribute for each image keeps your website in compliance with WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines). Keep the following things in mind when writing alt text:

Fast-loading pages, or page load speed

Google wants to help its users find what they’re looking for as quickly as possible to provide the best user experience. Therefore, optimizing your pages to load faster helps your site rank higher in the search results.
Google has a tool called PageSpeed Insights that will analyze your site on both mobile and desktop. and then suggest tips to optimize page speed. There are also several quick fixes to eliminate whatever is bogging your site down and slowing your page load time. Key site speed factors to consider:

Mobile Friendliness

In recent years, Google has prioritized mobile page loading speed as a key ranking metric.
How do you know if your website is mobile-friendly? Unfortunately, Google recently dropped support for some free public tools that helped. However, you can now use Google Search Console to analyze this type of information. Specifically, the Core Web Vitals report can help you identify if your mobile pages are loading slower than they should be.

Page Content

The content on your pages needs to be useful to people. If they search for something too specific to find your page, they need to be able to find what they’re looking for. It needs to be easy to read and provide value to the end user. Google has various ways to measure if your content is useful.

Internal Linking

Linking internally to other pages on your website is useful to visitors and it is also useful to search engines. Here’s an internal link to another blog post on our site that talks more about internal linking. Very meta.
When adding internal links, make sure to have relevant anchor text. Anchor text is the clickable text in a hyperlink (usually indicated by blue font color and underline). To optimize your anchor text, make sure the selected word or phrase is relevant to the page you’re linking to.
On-page SEO ensures that your site can be read by both potential customers and search engine robots. With good on-page SEO, search engines can easily index your web pages, understand what your site is about, and easily navigate the structure and content of your website, thus ranking your site accordingly. As a best practice, make sure your page content includes 1-3 relevant internal links.

Schema Markup

Adding structured data helps Google better understand the content of a page. Google also uses certain types of structured data to display “rich results” in SERPs such as a recipe with start ratings or step-by-step instructions with an image carousel. These rich results often appear at or near the top of SERPs and generally have higher click-through-rates than normal organic listings.
Google prefers structured data to use vocabulary, and recommends using JSON-LD format. They also provide a handy Rich Results Test tool to check your code. While there are a variety of ways to add structured data to your website (plugins, Google Tag Manager, etc.), it’s always best to get a professional involved if you’re not comfortable writing code.
Check out Google’s guide to structured data and rich results here.

Social Tags

Having your content shared on social tells Google that people find your content relevant, helpful and reputable. Not every page on your site is share-worthy, but you can optimize the pages that are with these tips:

Core Web Vitals

User experience is key to a website’s long-term success. In spring 2020, Google unveiled Core Web Vitals, a common set of signals that they deem “critical” to all users’ web experiences.
The purpose of these signals is to quantify the user experience with a website, from page visual stability and load time, to interactive experiences.
To check your LCP score, access your Google PageSpeed Insights and make sure your page hits LCP within 2.5 seconds. To accomplish this, remove unnecessary third-party scripts that may be running, upgrading your web host, activating “lazy loading” so page elements load only as users scroll down the page, and remove any large page elements that may be slowing it down.
One of the simplest ways to optimize cumulative layout shift is to add height and width dimensions to each new site element. Also, avoid adding new content above existing content on a page (unless responding to user interaction).

Page Experience

Google is working on a new ranking signal (likely to come out in 2024) that prioritizes websites with positive user experiences.
The ‘page experience signal’ will consist of Core Web Vitals, plus mobile-friendliness, safe-browsing, HTTPS security, and intrusive interstitial guidelines.
According to Google, “optimizing for these factors makes the web more delightful for users across all web browsers and surfaces, and helps sites evolve towards user expectations on mobile. We believe this will contribute to business success on the web as users grow more engaged and can transact with less friction.”

What is Off-Page SEO?

Off-page SEO focuses on increasing the authority of your domain through the act of getting links from other websites.
A good analogy for how authority works is this. If you have a bathtub with rubber duckies in it (the ducks are your pages), and you start filling the tub with water (links), your duckies are all going to rise to the top.
This is how a site like Wikipedia ranks for pretty much everything under the sun. It has so much water in its bathtub that if you throw another rubber duck in it, it’s going to float to the top without any other effort.
There’s a score called “Domain Authority” that calculates how authoritative your website is compared to other sites. You can type your domain name into here to see your score.

How to optimize for off-page SEO

There are several factors that influence your off-page SEO rankings. While each one is tackled with different strategies, they share an overarching goal of building the trust and reputation of your website from the outside.
  1. Inbound links
  2. Social media marketing
  3. Guest blogging and guest posting
  4. Unlinked brand mentions
  5. Influencer marketing
The biggest off-page SEO factor is the number and quality of backlinks to your website. Some examples of ways you can build links to your website are:
While link quantity is still important, content creators and SEO professionals are realizing that link quality is now more important than link quantity. As such, creating shareable content is the first step to earning valuable links and improving your off-page SEO.
How many links do you need for good off-page SEO? That is a tough question and it’s going to be based on the domain authority of your competitors, as you want to make sure you’re playing in the same sandbox.
SEOs also used to believe that buying links was a valid way of link building; however, Google will now penalize you for buying links in an attempt to manipulate page rank. You can also be penalized for submitting your links to link directories whose sole purpose is to increase your domain authority. Again, quality wins out over quantity when it comes to link building.

Is On-Page or Off-Page SEO More Important?

It’s not about choosing between on and off-page SEO, that would be like having to choose between a foundation or a roof for your house. On-page and off-page SEO work together to improve your search engine rankings in a complementary fashion.
However, SEOs generally advise getting your on-page SEO ducks in a row before focusing too much on off-page SEO.
Just like building a house, you want to set the foundation first before building the rest of the house. Like a foundation, you may need to come back and do some maintenance to your on-page SEO from time to time. Balancing the two will help make your website “bilingual” so that your users can understand it as well as the search engine robots- and that’s how your rankings start to improve.

SEO #onpageseo #Offpageseo #Corewebvitals

submitted by jennithomas321 to clientseo [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:40 STD_ISSUE_ANTHROPOD Schema Therapy; Narrative, mythos and me.

Hi, I have been reading through my notes, correspondence with my psych and reacquainted myself with this subreddit having made a little bit of progress. I realise how deeply personal and different our work with schema therapy can be. It is a fraught process that is really hard work at times. Having made unexpected progress though, I thought maybe it would be helpful to describe parts of my context, not so much that people find it familiar or relatable, but moreso that people grab the toolset that schema therapy gives you and run with it in your own way.
Background: It's probably been just over fourth months of fairly intensive schema therapy. I am in the fortunate situation of having regular appointments with a clinical psychologist. I would say I had two points where I generated schemas. First one was the same as everyone else: Early childhood. Second one was 17-21 when I became effectively bedridden due to chronic illness.
When I have talked about this second period, I describe it as "Having to rebuild who I was from scratch, entirely based around energy efficiency". I remember staring into the pitch blackness of my bedroom during this time, absolutely flawed that the one part of me that seemed to function right was what Schema Therapy might describe as "Demanding Critic". This would have been 18-19 years ago so I had no idea about schema therapy at all, I just had this constant internal dialogue tearing strips off me for not trying harder, not getting up, not fixing myself. I was completely exhausted otherwise, but this damn thing was as active as ever? What the hell, why was it the last thing standing? It was so different from the rest of me. "If you know how to fix everything, be my guest, I'm in your hands, here's the keys!" I remember thinking. Alarmingly, the internal dialog responded: "Fine, I will". "Good fucking luck" I thought, and passed out for several hours. I didn't realise it, but I had just given Demanding Critic a parental role.
Demanding Critic used a process of elimination to tear apart, kludge, re-engineer and jerry-rig me from someone who slept for 16-18 hours a day out of necessity into someone with a degree, a house, a family, a part-time job. It took a while. It wasn't easy. It's amazing what can happen when you give seething self-hatred the keys to your entire self. Punitive critic used to be a thing, but had it's parts ripped out and reconfigured for completely different purposes. Entire ways to simulate being a conscious, involved person in social situations were constructed. I trained myself to do very complex tasks by muscle memory so I could do them while completely exhausted. The complex effects of depressive episodes could be filtered and rewired to emulate happiness. Fatalistic pessimism was employed towards emulating initiative and drive. Their logics and mechanisms were set to fire off automatically according to the myriad of different contexts I found myself in, so I didn't have to consciously engage in the moment, I could just react according to programming. The "machines" as I called them were fine tuned over years. But it seems that entire parts of myself were deactivated having been deemed too difficult to regulate, or too energy intensive. Demanding Critic was as brutal at he was creative. Entire emotional spectrums were pulverised, or at best used as catalysts for the activation of certain mechanics. They weren't properly experienced, because that used up too much energy, and I couldn't trust myself to make it through the day. Same with speculative, ill-defined senses like 'Hope'. It wasn't worth the effects of disappointment. No one could know how much pain I was in, or how much I was really suffering, or how exhausted I really was. Press on you stupid meat-bag. In your state what good is hope or despair? You'd be a poor judge of either. Press on! Hurry up and succeed. It doesn't matter what has happened to you, what people say or do to you, you can barely feel it above the pain anyway. MOVE. MOVE. MOVE.
This process was refined until a semblance of normativity took place externally, and internally I had acclimated to the new approaches that were by now a pretty seamless, responsive system. Something still wasn't right though, and with investigation came the ASD/ADHD diagnosis, then the CPTSD diagnosis. Once again unto the breech, I pushed myself to understand and recover as best I could. Except doing so meant realising what was happening around me, what interpersonal boundaries were, how I was being treated by my loved ones, everything that had really happened to me for thirty-odd years.
In the aftermath I'm in a difficult, but stable situation, and undergoing schema therapy. Learning about the modes my therapist asked me to talk about the ones I identified. Demanding Critic spoke directly through the keyboard as an intense character: The Machinist. It became obvious that the system of schema therapy lent itself to treating modes as characters within a narrative, and I have just ran with it. The Machinist, interestingly enough, set down his tools and deactivated many of his machines, because if my Therapist and I found a "Better Solution", he wanted in on it, being fundamentally benevolent, and concerned with a Successful Result. Without Schema Therapy lending itself to narrative and mythos, I doubt I could have so easily deactivated the system of "machinery" required to prop me up. It's led to all kinds of shocking discoveries: The missing (No longer presumed dead) Happy Child that has been carefully hidden away amongst the deactivated components of myself. The fact that I lived entirely in the Past or the Future. The present was deemed "Too energy consumptive". I didn't know whether I had a "Healthy Adult Mode", but weirdly The Machinist could fill that roll sometimes but obviously had his limitations. Then out of the void, deactivated parts of me started to come back online. Something started to assert itself in the Present. It was very interested in emotions. Instead of casting them aside and pushing past them to get on with what i was supposed to be doing, it insisted I experience them, decode them and experiment with them. New experiments in the real-time interaction with people were enacted, with the emotional fallout, good and bad, further experimented with. This present-based-thing has been curiously self-compassionate, and has guided me through the difficulties and risks of fully engaging in real time with my emotional spectrum when relating with others, my work, and my life. All for the sake of her experiments. She is The Scientist. She is getting all kinds of results and recording all kinds of functions I had no idea I was capable of. The Machinist is head over heels in love with her, having watched her working over the least two weeks. She's kinda started flirting with him, allowing a desire for perfection to be felt over some work I was doing. "Show me what you can do". I consciously disparaged the desire for perfection, looked down and my consciousness was shocked to discover The Machinist had taken over my motor skills and indeed had made something perfectly, and was having fun. It seems I have two self re-parents.
Now, it's bonkers to read, I'm sure. I apologise. But it's working. It really is fucking working. Take what you can from schema therapy and run with it. Make it yours, whatever that means for you. It's gonna be weird. It's gonna be wild. I reckon the easiest way to engage with it has to be it's propensity for character and narrative, but maybe the path of least resistance for you is some other aspect of it I can't detect.
submitted by STD_ISSUE_ANTHROPOD to SchemaTherapy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:39 completewarehousesol Cantilever Racking: Maximizing Storage Efficiency

Cantilever Racking: Maximizing Storage Efficiency

Introduction to Cantilever Racking Systems

The ideal solution for storing long and varying length goods, such as beams, pipes, and boards is the cantilever racking.
Cantilever Racking
This setup includes specialised structural columns and articulated arms to secure your materials. It comes in both single and double-sided designs with various load distribution choices.
You can select between light, medium, or heavy-duty options based on the specific requirements of your load, arm length, and column height.
Consider these five benefits of cantilever racking to enhance warehouse efficiency with cantilever storage racks:
1. Maximising space utilisation
2. Easy access to products and materials
3. Versatile storage options
4. Preserving product integrity
5. Promoting a safe workspace.

Types of Cantilever Racking

There are different styles of cantilever racks available, including roll formed and structural steel. Steel is often the most reliable material for long-term durability and stability, especially when handling heavy items that require forklift access. For warehouse safety, a high-quality cantilever rack should withstand mild contact with machinery.
There are two main types of cantilever racks: structural and roll formed.
Structural racks are built with hot-rolled steel and have high load capacities, making them incredibly strong and low-maintenance in tough warehouse environments.
On the other hand, roll formed racks use cold roll-formed steel and are lighter in weight, often referred to as light-duty cantilever racks. Despite this, they can still support up to 30,000 lbs.
The major advantage of a light-duty rack is its adjustability. Unlike structural racks, they use boltless pin connectors for easy installation and reconfiguration, as seen in a cantilever assembly guide.
This makes them popular in fast-paced facilities like food and beverage distribution centres that require high-volume storage options.

Cantilever Racking Configurations

Depending on the products and layout of your facility, you may choose either single or double-sided racking. Single-sided racks have arms only on one side and are balanced by a stackable base rather than identical arms on both sides.
This allows for positioning back-to-back to maximise storage usage. The key components of single-sided racks include the tower, stackable base, arms, and brace set. On the other hand, double-sided racks offer a higher storage density and can be stacked vertically to increase vertical storage and free up floor space.
This improved accessibility also leads to a safer and more organised warehouse. Many cantilever systems use a combination of both single and double-sided racks.
Cantilever systems offer unique benefits for warehouse storage compared to standard pallet racking. One advantage is their heavy-duty capabilities, making them ideal for bulky and heavy items such as timber products and steel bars.
These types of loads can be challenging to store efficiently and may lead to material damage if stored externally. By utilising cantilever racks, warehouse capacity is increased by allowing for more storage levels both vertically and horizontally. This eliminates the need for front vertical posts, enabling forklifts to easily load and unload items.

Ease of assembly and adjustability

Setting up cantilever racking is generally a simple process. The racks feature a modular design that allows for effortless assembly and smooth adaptability. Some lighter options even utilise boltless, slot-in pieces for swift installation.
Meanwhile, industrial grade cantilever racks use sturdy bolted beams. These racks can be either freestanding or attached to a wall. An I-beam variant typically includes two load-bearing arms without separate shelves.
Additionally, most systems do not require external rack braces, making assembly even quicker.

Increased storage space

One significant benefit of cantilever racking is its ability to maximize vertical storage. The combination of uprights and base plates creates a stable foundation for the racks, while rack arms and sway braces serve as support for shelving units. This design is particularly useful when storing large pieces of lumber, which can be directly placed on the arms. With the flexibility to adjust arm positioning along the vertical uprights, goods can be stacked vertically, making use of all available space and reducing floor clutter.
This feature allows warehouse managers to have more options in arranging the warehouse layout and simplifies retrieval of goods with forklifts.

Rack accessibility

Cantilever shelving offers clear visibility, making locating and identifying specific items and product lines easier for warehouse employees. This improvement in visibility leads to faster picking times and less downtime, ultimately boosting warehouse productivity. In addition, the open front allows for direct access to inventory using forklifts.
Overall, the cantilever pallet rack design is an ideal solution for improving direct pick access and optimizing space for material handling equipment.
In conclusion, cantilever racking systems offer a versatile and efficient solution for optimizing warehouse operations. Their robust design and flexibility make them ideal for storing long, bulky, or irregularly shaped items, ensuring better space utilization and improved inventory management.
At COMPLETE WAREHOUSE SOLUTIONS, we are committed to providing tailored racking solutions that meet the unique needs of your business. Our expert team is here to help you enhance your warehouse efficiency and productivity with high-quality cantilever racking systems. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your storage needs and streamline your operations.
submitted by completewarehousesol to u/completewarehousesol [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:23 BakedGood321 I’m a Villain

I have always lived my life with a strategic mindset, naturally as someone who was physically slower than others I had to know where to be & when. Thus being on time isn’t a habit of mine, although I’m extremely organized & plan my life meticulously. When I was 18 I dropped out of school to pursue business & rose to be the right hand for the company I work for. I have always described myself as feeling like Darth Vader kneeling before the Emperor ready to do his bidding when I’m with my boss. Thinking of it that way always made me feel badass, & I thought I was cool. I’m not, I’m a fucking joke at 24 years old. I now describe myself as Sheddar from the 87 TMMT & my boss is Krang. The only difference is that my boss is a brainless body not a bodyless brain. Everything I’ve done, has been in attempt to overthrow the power & become the one in charge while helping my boss into retirement. This way I can move up the social ranks in life. What saddens me is I feel I’ve grown intolerable to myself & others. I know those around me only gage conversations for either a reaction & entertainment or for business. I’ve noticed this in my family & friends too, I’m unable to socialize with people & women are afraid of me. I have accepted the fact that I’m a shitty person & I know people would dispute that since I’m capable of & do the right thing, but there is a big difference. To me good people are desired for their company, thoughts, & skills; I don’t have that, the only time my skills are desired are during business hours & I have failed to & can’t understand how to build relationships outside that anymore. I’m a fat ugly piece of shit who’s frustrated with himself for letting 24 years pass with nothing to show for, be proud of or fall back on. I don’t want to die a lonely virgin because I don’t know how to communicate properly & need time to myself to process things emotionally. The industry my company is in, is collapsing; I’ve already enrolled in school for the fall, but I just don’t see this going well anymore. I’m no longer confident in myself, I used to be an arrogant prick & now lay in the bed I made.
As Yabushige from the latest Shogun put it “My dead body
Don’t burn it, don’t burry it, just leave it in the field
& with it, fill the belly of some hungry dog”
submitted by BakedGood321 to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:03 GuiltlessMaple Best Carbon Remover Solvent

Best Carbon Remover Solvent
Welcome to our comprehensive review of the top carbon remover solvents in the market. If you're struggling with stubborn carbon deposits and stains, we've got you covered. Our in-depth analysis will help you find the perfect solution for your cleaning needs. So sit back, relax, and let us guide you through the world of carbon remover solvents!

The Top 19 Best Carbon Remover Solvent

  1. Powerful Carbon Remover Solvent for Deep Cleaning Metal Surfaces - Revitalize your metal surfaces with Carbon-Off Gel's powerful, US-made formula designed to remove even the toughest carbon buildup.
  2. Comprehensive USA-Made Carbon Remover and Solvent - Comstar Zip Clean is a heavy-duty, environmentally safe, multi-purpose degreaser from the world's most comprehensive chemical products manufacturer, perfect for dissolving mineral oil-based oils and hardened carbon in non-aluminum parts.
  3. Carbon Remover Solvent: Deep Engine Cleaning for Optimal Performance - Revitalize your engine's performance and health with the deep cleaning power of XADO's Engine Oil System Cleaner and Anti-Carbon Effect, designed for all engines and easily added during oil changes.
  4. Phosphate-Free Carbon Remover Solvent for Ovens, Fryers, and Rotisseries - Effortlessly remove stubborn carbon grease from ovens, fryers, and more with Carbon-Off Foam Plus Cleaner, a non-toxic, phosphate-free, and non-flammable solution that's perfect for any kitchen cleaning task.
  5. C4 Carbon Remover: Effective and Safe Gun Cleaning Solution - Bore Tech BTCC-35016 C4 Carbon Remover: Effortlessly remove carbon buildup with this versatile and high-performing solvent for ultimate firearm maintenance.
  6. Advanced Carbon Cleaner for Gasoline & Diesel Engines - MotorPower care Carbon Cleaner - Advanced formula for deep carbon removal from gasoline and diesel engines, improving performance and efficiency while being safe and easy to use.
  7. High-Performance Carbon Remover for Metal Surfaces - The CARBON-OFF! Heavy Duty Carbon Remover is a versatile and easy-to-use product, perfect for removing stubborn carbon buildup from various metal surfaces, offering exceptional value with its 6-pack aerosol option.
  8. Polaris Carbon Clean - Off-Road Fuel System and Carburetor Cleaner - Polaris Carbon Clean, OEM Number 2881413, prevents ethanol corrosion and stabilizes fuel, with an innovative 5-1 treat ratio for ultimate fuel and injection system cleaning, now available in an alcohol-free, 12 oz. bottle.
  9. 5 L Walter Surface Technologies Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Weld Cleaning Solution - Tough on contaminants, the 54A006 Weld Cleaning Solution by Walter Surface Technologies effectively cleans and passivates metal surfaces, offering superior protection against corrosion in various applications.
  10. High-Performance Carbon Remover Solvent for Cleaning All Metals and Plastics - Experience efficient and all-purpose cleaning with Blaster 128-PWS Parts Washer Solvent, effectively removing oil, grease, and grime while ensuring residue-free and safe results for metals, most plastics, and painted surfaces.
  11. Safe, Effective Carbon Remover for Gun Cleaning - The Breakthrough BCT Carbon Pro 16oz Trigger Spray is a water-based, eco-friendly gun bore cleaner that effectively neutralizes corrosive residues and removes stubborn carbon and lead build-up, making it a safe and reliable choice for gun cleaning.
  12. Reliable Carbon Remover for Emissions Test Pass - CRC 05063 - Carbon Remover Solvent Formula 12 fl oz - Trusted for Emissions Test Pass, Improved Fuel Economy & Performance
  13. Safe and Effective Carbon Pro Solvent for Firearm Cleaning - Say goodbye to stubborn carbon and lead deposits with Breakthrough Clean Technologies Carbon Pro, the ammonia-free, petroleum-free, and non-flammable cleaner for quick, safe, and effective firearm cleaning.
  14. Fast-Acting Carbon Remover Gel for Cleaning Metal Surfaces - Clean metal surfaces effortlessly with CARBON-OFF!, the fast-acting, heavy-duty carbon remover, perfect for deep fryers, grills, and all your cooking essentials.
  15. Carbon Remover Solvent for Popcorn Kettles - Nu View Concession Cleaner - Effortlessly clean your popcorn machine with Carbon Off and Nu View, the ultimate popcorn kettle cleaner duo!
  16. Heavy-Duty Carbon Remover Solvent for Cleaner Surfaces - Blaster Parts Washer Solvent effectively removes oil, grease, and grime from metals, most plastics, and painted surfaces, offering a residue-free solution for those seeking a versatile and safe cleaning experience.
  17. Carbon Off 10619 Heavy-Duty Grease Remover Aerosol - Quick and Efficient Cleaning Solution - Efficiently and easily remove tough grease and carbon build-up from cookware with Carbon-Off 10619, the powerful aerosol-based carbon remover.
  18. Effective Carbon Remover Solvent for Metal Surfaces - Efficiently remove carbon buildup from metal surfaces with Carbon Off HD Carbon Remover, suitable for various cooking utensils and easy storage.
  19. All-in-One Engine Cleaner: Carbon Remover for Enhanced Performance - Thoroughly clean, remove carbon deposits, and improve engine performance with the Sierra 18-9570-0 Carbon Free Aerosol Cleaner - 12 oz. designed for 2 and 4-cycle engines.
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🔗Powerful Carbon Remover Solvent for Deep Cleaning Metal Surfaces
Using the Carbon-Off Gel, I was surprised by just how powerful it was in removing carbon buildup from my metal surfaces. I initially applied it on my griddle, which was incredibly coated with carbon, and to my delight, it worked wonders. The gel's fast-acting formula saved me time and effort that I would have spent scrubbing thoroughly.
However, I encountered a slightly concerning issue when I accidentally sprayed some on my kitchen mixer. The gel stripped the paint right off, leaving a shiny metallic surface. It's evident that this product is highly potent, and caution should be exercised to avoid any unintentional damage. Proper safety measures like gloves and eyewear are strongly advised.
Overall, Carbon-Off Gel is an effective solution for cleaning carbon buildup on metal surfaces. Its efficiency and quick action are undeniable, but users should be mindful of its potency to prevent any unintended consequences.

🔗Comprehensive USA-Made Carbon Remover and Solvent
I've been using the Comstar Zip Clean for a while now, and I must say, it's been quite the lifesaver! This heavy-duty metal degreaser and carbon cleaner easily tackles mineral oil-based oils and hardened carbon. What I love most about it is the convenience of the jet spray machine or dip cleaner for non-aluminum parts. It makes cleaning so much more efficient and less messy.
As for the company, ComStar International Inc. , they're truly leading the way in environmentally safe, industrial strength chemical products. Their dedication to creating a more extensive range of specialty products is impressive. Plus, being a proudly American-made product, it's great to know where it comes from.
However, like anything, there are a few downsides too. For instance, it can be a bit harsh on certain surfaces, so it's essential to use it with caution. Also, it's not recommended for aluminum parts, so always make sure you're using it on the right materials.
Overall, the Comstar Zip Clean is a reliable, efficient, and eco-friendly product that I've grown to rely on in my daily life.

🔗Carbon Remover Solvent: Deep Engine Cleaning for Optimal Performance
As a car enthusiast, I've tried many engine cleaners, but none quite like the XADO Engine Oil System Cleaner with Anti-Carbon Effect. With its deep engine cleaning properties, it eliminated all sorts of contaminants and sludge from my engine's oil system, resulting in improved performance.
One of the highlights for me was its versatility, as it was suitable for all engine types, including turbo-supercharged engines. It was easy to use too - simply add it to my engine oil before an oil change. However, I did notice one downside - it's not the most cost-effective product on the market.
But overall, the XADO Engine Oil System Cleaner exceeded my expectations. It not only improved my engine's performance but also gave me peace of mind knowing that I was taking proper care of my car's engine. Highly recommended for those looking for a top-notch engine cleaner!

🔗Phosphate-Free Carbon Remover Solvent for Ovens, Fryers, and Rotisseries
Using the Carbon-Off 20619 Foam Plus Cleaner in my own kitchen has been a game-changer. This 19 oz.
canister of oven cleaner can handle the toughest grease and grime, making it perfect for my busy life. The foam clings to various surfaces, easily dissolving the carbon mess I've built up over time. I appreciate that it's phosphate-free and nonflammable, giving me peace of mind during cleaning.
Although it has a strong smell, it doesn't leave any toxic fumes or residues, making my kitchen feel fresh after use. But using gloves is essential due to its potency.
Overall, this product has made my cleaning routine a breeze, and I highly recommend it to anyone who needs a powerful yet safe oven cleaner.

🔗C4 Carbon Remover: Effective and Safe Gun Cleaning Solution
I've been using the Bore Tech C4 Carbon Remover 16 oz like a mad gunsmith. The fact that it's specifically designed for removing sticky carbon residues without the stink, toxicity, or mess makes it an absolute game-changer.
This stuff deep cleans and effectively neutralizes the corrosive underbelly of build-up, turning my once dull firearms into shining pieces of beauty. It's the perfect fit for barrels, bolts, and other nifty parts where carbon has been known to thrive.
What impressed me the most is the quality. This is Made in the U. S, so I felt a bit of pride whenever I used it. It's safe, too, and perfect for gun enthusiasts who hate dealing with the harsh chemicals found in other cleaners. With this in hand, I can safely say that my firearms are more efficient and in better condition than ever before. If you're looking for a reliable and effective carbon remover, look no further than the Bore Tech C4 Carbon Remover 16 oz.

🔗Advanced Carbon Cleaner for Gasoline & Diesel Engines
As a reviewer, I've been using Motor Power Care's Advanced Carbon Cleaner for my gasoline engine, and I must say, it has been a game-changer. The product's formula, containing advanced technology, helps reach deep areas and dissolve and remove carbon deposits with ease. It's non-corrosive and safe for both gasoline and diesel engines, making it a versatile option for different engine types.
One of the most notable aspects of this cleaner is its ease of use. Simply shake the can, warm up the engine, and spray the cleaner into the combustion chamber through an access port. Let it react for 20 minutes, then extract the resulting emulsion with a vacuum. Repeat this process for each cylinder, and the engine will thank you with improved performance and efficiency.
However, it's not all sunshine and rainbows. I encountered a minor issue during my testing phase. I had to use a vacuum to clean the resulting emulsion, which, although convenient, required me to invest in a vacuum cleaner if I didn't already have one.
Overall, Motor Power Care's Advanced Carbon Cleaner has been a fantastic addition to my engine maintenance routine, and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to others in search of an effective and easy-to-use carbon cleaner.

🔗High-Performance Carbon Remover for Metal Surfaces
The CARBON-OFF Heavy Duty Carbon Remover is a game-changer for anyone dealing with stubborn carbon buildup on various surfaces. Recently, I tried it out on my barbecue grill, and let me tell you, it worked wonders! The gel formula is simple to apply and the wait time is flexible, depending on the extent of the buildup. It's also safe for use on aluminum.
However, I'd be remiss not to mention that some of the chemicals in the formula had a strong smell that lingered a bit after use. But, the convenience of easily removing carbon without having to scrub for hours made the slight inconvenience worth it.
In conclusion, if you're looking for a quick and effective solution to combat carbon buildup, give the CARBON-OFF Heavy Duty Carbon Remover a try. It's a lifesaver for those who hate cleaning their grills.

🔗Polaris Carbon Clean - Off-Road Fuel System and Carburetor Cleaner
During my time spent with the Polaris Carbon Clean, I found it to be an essential tool for my outdoor adventures. I particularly appreciated the new advanced formula that provides a 5-1 treat ratio, making it the ultimate fuel and injection system cleaner. The alcohol-free formula is safe for all powersports applications and ethanol-compatible.
One of the product's highlights was the prevention of ethanol corrosion, which helped to stabilize my fuel and keep my engine running smoothly. The carbon clean solution effectively cleaned my carburetor jets and fuel injector nozzles, as well as removing deposits on my piston.
The attached measuring cup was a handy bonus, ensuring exact measurements for a cleaner and more efficient fuel system. However, I noticed that the product did not come with any warranty information, which may be a concern for some users.
Overall, the Polaris Carbon Clean was an excellent addition to my off-road arsenal, helping me maintain my Polaris machines and enjoy my outdoor experiences with increased confidence.

🔗5 L Walter Surface Technologies Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Weld Cleaning Solution
Recently, I needed to clean up some stubborn and oxidized stainless steel parts I had been working on. The Walter Surface Technologies 54A006 Weld Cleaning Solution caught my eye, and I decided to give it a try. The 5 L container was easy to pour and use, making the cleaning process a breeze.
The highlight of this cleaning solution was its ability to remove even the toughest contaminants like rust and scale without any issues. After using it, the stainless steel parts looked as good as new, and I could see why it's called a heavy-duty electrolyte solution. The product's non-toxic nature and CFIA & South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), NSF certification made me feel confident about handling and using it.
However, I must admit that the 54A006SURFOX-T Heavy Duty Electrolyte Solution worked a bit faster at times than I expected, but that didn't take away from its effectiveness. The only downside was that the cleaning solution had a mild odor, which wasn't very pleasant to work with.
In conclusion, the Walter Surface Technologies 54A006 Weld Cleaning Solution proved to be a reliable and efficient product for cleaning and restoring the appearance and integrity of stainless steel parts. Its heavy-duty formulation and non-toxic nature make it a go-to choice for those seeking a corrosion-resistant and long-lasting solution for their workpieces.

🔗High-Performance Carbon Remover Solvent for Cleaning All Metals and Plastics
I recently used the Blaster Parts Washer Solvent in my garage to clean up some greasy engine parts, and I must say, it certainly lived up to its name. This solvent can cut through cutting oil and motor oils with ease, leaving parts residue-free and sparkling clean.
The high flashpoint formula at 145°F ensures it's safe to use on all metals, most plastics, and even painted surfaces without causing any damage. I was particularly impressed with the way it performed on my metal and paint pieces.
The only downside I experienced was that it seemed to wear away the paint on the parts washers themselves. Despite this minor issue, I would still recommend the Blaster Parts Washer Solvent for its stellar all-around performance.

🔗Safe, Effective Carbon Remover for Gun Cleaning
As a gun enthusiast, I was always on the lookout for a reliable and safe cleaning solution for my firearms. That's when I stumbled upon the Carbon Pro 16oz Trigger Spray. The first thing I noticed was its versatile size options, which meant I could conveniently carry it with me on my hunting trips.
Upon trying it out, I noticed the cleaner was ammonia-free and water-based, which made it a safer choice for me and the environment. The proprietary blend of chemical surfactants and detergents in Carbon Pro effectively removed heavy carbon and lead deposits from the bore of my firearms without causing any damage to the steel surface.
The lack of noxious fumes and hazardous chemicals made Carbon Pro a safer alternative to traditional gun bore cleaners. Plus, it actually worked! I appreciated how the gun cleaner spray bottle made it easy to target and thoroughly clean the bore.
Overall, my experience with the Carbon Pro was great, and I highly recommend it to fellow firearm enthusiasts looking for a reliable and safe cleaning solution. Its effectiveness and ammonia-free formula make it a standout product in the market.

🔗Reliable Carbon Remover for Emissions Test Pass - CRC 05063
I recently tried the CRC 05063 Guaranteed to Pass Emissions Test Formula, and I must say, it made a noticeable difference in my car's performance. The powerful detergent additives truly super-cleaned the entire fuel system, reducing emissions and improving my car's overall performance in just one tank full.
One of the highlights of this product has been the significant improvement in fuel economy and acceleration. As someone who relies heavily on my car for daily life, this was a truly game-changing feature that I haven't experienced with gas treatments before.
However, there were a few minor downsides to note. Although the product is advertised as suitable for all fuel types, there were instances where the fuel economy didn't improve as much as expected. Additionally, there were instances where the car's performance didn't show an immediate improvement, which left me feeling a bit skeptical about the product's effectiveness.
Despite these minor drawbacks, I ultimately found the CRC 05063 Guaranteed to Pass Emissions Test Formula to be a worthwhile investment in maintaining my car's performance and emissions standards.

Buyer's Guide


What is Carbon Remover Solvent?

Carbon Remover Solvent is an effective cleaning solution designed to remove carbon buildup and grime from various surfaces. Its unique blend of chemicals makes it an ideal choice for removing grease, oil, and other nasty substances.

What are the benefits of using Carbon Remover Solvent?
  • Removes carbon buildup and grime from surfaces quickly and easily.
  • Effective in removing stubborn grease, oil, and other substances.
  • Leaves behind a shine and improved appearance.
  • Safe for use on various surfaces, including metal, glass, and plastics.

Is Carbon Remover Solvent safe for use in my car?

Yes, Carbon Remover Solvent is safe for use in cars and on various vehicle surfaces. It is designed to dissolve carbon buildup and grease without damaging the paint or other components of your car.

How do I use Carbon Remover Solvent?

  1. Remove excess dirt and dust from the surface to be cleaned.
  2. Apply the Carbon Remover Solvent to the surface using a cloth or sponge.
  3. Allow the solvent to sit on the surface for a few minutes, giving it time to penetrate and break down the carbon buildup.
  4. Gently scrub the surface with a cloth or sponge to remove the buildup.
  5. Rinse the surface with water and dry it with a clean cloth.
  6. Optional: Apply a protective coat or clear sealant for added shine and protection.

Are there any precautions I should take when using Carbon Remover Solvent?

When using Carbon Remover Solvent, be sure to wear gloves and work in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhalation of the solvent fumes. It is also recommended to perform a patch test on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure compatibility with the surface you are cleaning.

What is the best way to store Carbon Remover Solvent?

Carbon Remover Solvent should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. It is important to keep the container tightly sealed to prevent contamination and maintain the solvent's effectiveness.
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2024.05.19 08:48 meowzzz4352 Thoughts on my Symptoms

Now that I discovered this community I am pretty confident what is happening to me is all tied back to this lovely little jaw muscle. I see my GP Monday 8am . Hoping for any advice - better details - corrections on my wrong assumptions or statements and ultimately a little reassurance and validation from yall , That what is happening to me right now is all connected and I am not crazy.
10 months ago I had my last 2 upper molars pulled the "ol fashioned" way with the wiggling and the tugging and the ripping and the "Okay now you're going to feel a bit of pressure" followed by the feeling that your jaw is in fact being ripped out of your mouth.
Things started mild 6 months ago intensified around the 3 month mark and now these last 3 weeks I can barely function. I feel the definition of "Malaise" hits perfect. I'm afraid to leave my house the head pain / brain fog has me feeling like I could blackout any second, And the whoosh / vertigo / world spins has me terrified of driving.
So here is what I'm feeling in order of how they hit , everything is on the left side if that matters
Shoulder Blade - Everything is felt along the bottom of the blade.
Jolt of fire and burning on the skin -- A tearing and ripping under the skin on the muscle - Starts to vibrate a tingling fire sensation outward in a semi circle
When I put my tens unit on there the flexing caused pain on the top of shoulder and collarbone.
Always strongest when I lift or carry, random bursts when I'm sitting doing nothing and now even the weight of my phone sends it to 11
Muscles Weakness and Tremors
When the blade pain is bad, I can barely grip anything with my hand, Hands tremble and different arm muscles randomly will twitch and flex.
My jaw is now (2 weeks) shivering / chittering (IDK wtf it is) as if im cold. Digging my fingers into the facial knots will stop it. Always hits when I first get out of bed, then a few times during the day no pattern in the trigger
Couldn't keep my contacts in more than half day , left only felt cloudy hazy blurry - They are brand new lenses and Ive been use the good "eye juice" with no changes. Tried yesterday had to take em out within an hour.
Sharp twinge zap inside the ear - cold trickling sensation down the canal - ends with a punch of pain behind ear on the thick neck tendon
The Whoosh (Is this brain fog? Something else?) Zap / Jolt of electricity on top of my brain but under my skull - The whoosh when i see everything spin a 360 for a second - And ends with me "off kilter' for minutes to hours, As if there is a delay between what my eye sees to when my brain processes. During the spell ill feel "wonky" "Out of body" "tunnelly vision"
The Exploding Head
Its a constant feeling / sensation that my head is filling with sludge.
Forehead & eye have waves of intense dull aches, This part is killing so bad right now, even with NSAIDS it never stops having pressure just relieves it slightly. When it kicks hard and throbs my eyes go really fuzzy and that im going to blackout feeling hits. I have not actually passed or blacked out thank god - my cats would eat me alive in a day -
Jaw/ cheek & gums are twitchy with tightness/fullness and pointy pain shockwaves. The M in the TMJ is a ball of rubberbands and it is so very tender. My face does not appear to have anything swelling outwards from here but poking around in there i find tons of lumps I can break up.. Opening and closing i have full range I think and right now no popping or pains when i do. The area by my ear where the bones connect is so tender, but I dont feel lumps much here. I feel such relief when I hit here with my point tool.
Side of my Neck has small mushy lumps just under the skin and some big daddies deeper in and these ones get stabbyy pains that pulse with my heart.
Back of my neck the bottom half is gravel I can break up pretty easy but I think 3 more come back in their place.
Base of skull I have golf balls burried deep,. They dont throb but when I rub them it is painful but in the best way because I feel such release everywhere else but then they hurt for days. When I rub them to hard and deep oh man sore for days.
All this ends at my upper back and this area is awful. It burns on the surface level 24/7. Icy hot tricks my brain for about and hour. I did some scraping massage here and it sounded like rice krispies and I think hese are adhesions vs knots. .Deeper is full of thick knots, I have the trigger point hook to dig in there and sometimes magic happens and the ache everywhere else gets better for a bit.
The floating bone
It was mild discomfort, odd feelings of tightness inside my actual throat, tingles and a dry feel. It started wiggling around on its own pretty often and when I felt that first water balloon pop inside yikes I was scared AF. Now it just moves whenever it wants. I barely touch it and it "shoots" to the other side. Massaging in here hurts so GOOD! Looking all the way up and feeling from chin towards throat I have many bumps all different sizes. And lastly when I move my head certain ways it feels as if there is a leak happening and almost mucus-y like I could cough but usually dont need to
If you are still with me many apologies this got longer than I thought it would. Today has been my worst day so far, all the pains I mentioned are now hitting at once. Today I was sitting here sobbing in pain it because I was at 13 / 10 and wouldn't ease no matter what I pressed on . 3 Naproxen with 3 ibuprofen gives me about 3 hours of refief right now. I know posture is a part of my pain levels and ive aready ordered some tools so I can correct.
submitted by meowzzz4352 to TMJ [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:45 GhoulGriin Best Car Wash Cannons

Best Car Wash Cannons
Get ready to impress with the ultimate car washing companion - the Car Wash Cannons! In this roundup, we'll explore the best gear on the market that'll make your car shine like new. Say goodbye to dirty windows and spots on your vehicle with these top-rated products. So buckle up your car detailing apron, and let's dive in!

The Top 19 Best Car Wash Cannons

  1. Heavy Duty Foam Cannon for Motorcycle & Car Washing - Satisfy your car wash needs with the FGDCHNJ Pressure Washer Foam Cannon, a versatile and safe heavy-duty option designed for motorcycle, car, and SUV detailing.
  2. Maximum Foam Output 3D Ultra Blast Foam Car Wash Cannon - Experience maximum suds and cleaning power with the 3D Ultra Blast Foamer Car Wash Foam Cannon, expertly designed for any size vehicle and pressure washer.
  3. Premium Foam Cannon for Detailing Trucks - Revamp your car wash routine with TriNova's Foam Cannon and Gallon Car Wash Soap Kit - the ultimate solution for detailing trucks!
  4. Total Wash Street Foam Cannon Bundle - Clean your car like a pro with the First Purchase Total Wash Street Foam Cannon Kit, including a bonus cartridge, HydraCoat Quick Detailer, and Total Wash Heavy Duty, all for a limited time!
  5. Ultimate Touchless Wash Bundle for Effortless Vehicle Cleaning - Upgrade your car wash routine with the Touchless Foam Cannon Kit, offering a safe and easy touchless wash experience with maximum PSI options.
  6. High-Pressure Car Wash Cannons for Effortless Foam Application - Enhance your car washing experience with the GDHXW X-887 High Pressure Washer Snow Foam Lance Cannon, featuring a 3000PSI rated pressure and 7 different spray angles for versatile application.
  7. Car Wash Cannon: Easy, Foam Soap Blasting System - Transform your car washing routine with the Carwash Cannon Foam Soap Blaster – a professional-quality system that delivers thick cleansing foam in just a few sprays, leaving your car clean and residue-free!
  8. Car Wash Foam Cannon with Adjustable Thickness - Wash your car faster and safer with the Proper Detailing Co. Foam Cannon, featuring extra 1.1 & 1.25 orifice, a wide mouth design, and adjustable thickness knob for easy use and consistent foaming action - perfect for electric or gas pressure washers!
  9. Effortless Car Wash Foam Cannon: Powerful Cleaning with Non-Tip Design - Effortlessly wash your vehicle with Armor All Foam Cannon, a powerful, user-friendly pressure washer add-on that maximizes cleaning results and saves time.
  10. Powerful Car Wash Foam Cannon Kit for Pressure Washers - Boost your cleaning efficiency and create thicker foam with the MTM Hydro 28 Special PF22.2 Foam Cannon Kit, featuring an adjustable spray gun, high-pressure foam power washer attachment, and compatibility with pressure washers.
  11. MTM Hydro Ultimate Car Wash Cannon Kit with Spray Gun and Stainless Steel Fittings - Experience professional-grade car cleaning with the MTM Hydro Ultimate Foam Cannon and Spray Gun Kit, featuring integrated swivel, adjustable nozzle, and stainless steel components for versatile, efficient, and effective vehicle washing.
  12. Professional Car Wash Foam Cannon for Touchless Cleaning - Upgrade your car wash game with the Suds Lab F1 Professional Foam Cannon – a science-based solution for a luxurious, foamy wash that leaves your car spotless in no time!
  13. Ultimate Car Wash Foam Gun for Pressure Washer Accessories Kit - Get ready for a foam-tastic car wash experience with this versatile Foam Cannon for Pressure Washer, engineered with easy usage, maximum foam, and snow foam car wash soap, perfect for all car enthusiasts!
  14. UltraBlast Foam Cannon: Elevate Your Car Wash Routine - Upgrade your car wash routine to a pro-level clean with Grip Clean's UltraBlast Foam Cannon, delivering unmatched foaming power for exceptional results on vehicles of all types!
  15. MTM Hydro PF22.2 Foam Cannon: Ultimate Car Wash Solution with Adjustable Spray Pattern and Chemical Injection - The MTM Hydro PF22.2 Foam Cannon offers exceptional reliability and versatility, with adjustable fan blades, a two-stage nozzle, and ergonomic design, making it the ultimate choice for efficient and effective car washing.
  16. Versatile Car Wash Foam Gun Sprayer & Microfiber Wash Mitt Kit - SwiftJet's foam gun with microfiber mitt is a versatile and durable car wash kit, perfect for washing cars, motorcycles, and more, with no rust and an adjustable cannon for easy maneuverability.
  17. High-Pressure Foam Cannon for Car Washing and More - Transform any pressure washer into a powerful foam cannon with MTM Hydro Original Foam Cannon, providing optimal foam output, temperature, and versatility for car washing and more.
  18. Foam Cannon for Detailing Tasks - Adjustable Pressure and Flow - The Active Stainless Steel Foam Cannon is a top-rated, versatile and easy-to-use tool perfect for your DIY detailing needs, with a 1000ml easy grip bottle design, adjustable fan and jet spray, and interchangeable nozzles for optimal results.
  19. High-Pressure Snow Foam Canon for Touchless Car Wash - Experience a touchless car wash with ease using this versatile High-Pressure Snow Foam Cannon Foamer Only, offering an adjustable foam cannon in a 1 Liter bottle for exceptional cleaning results.
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🔗Heavy Duty Foam Cannon for Motorcycle & Car Washing
Last year, I got myself the FGDCHNJ Pressure Washer Foam Cannon for my daily car washing routine. I have the foam wash gun mounted on my pressure washer, and it has been a game changer for my cleaning game.
The heavy-duty brass material of the foam cannon makes it sturdy and long-lasting, perfect for both residential and commercial usage. It's been months since I got it, and it still works like brand new! I'm surprised how versatile this foam cannon is.
One thing I love about this foam cannon is the adjustable foam thickness level and spray angles. It's super easy to use, and I can switch it up to match my washing needs effortlessly. The wide-mouth bottle design also ensures that I'm using the foam efficiently without causing any cracks, which is fantastic.
I have the foam cannon on a 2-5.3 GPM pressure washer that works with a 1/4 inch connector, and it's compatible with pressure washer connectors ranging from 725-4,000 PSI operating pressure. It can handle up to 60°C/140°F max temp.
While I've had a great experience with it, there's one small con. The foam cannon is made in China, so some users experienced issues with receiving counterfeit products. But, the good news is that it has a free replacement policy if you face any defects. Overall, I'm satisfied with my purchase and highly recommend it for anyone looking for a durable and efficient car wash foam cannon.

🔗Maximum Foam Output 3D Ultra Blast Foam Car Wash Cannon
Have you ever wished there was a better way to clean your car? 3D's Ultra Blast Foamer Car Wash Foam Cannon does just that with its shaving cream-like foam coverage and adjustable spray nozzle. This foam cannon is a game changer, turning car washing into a fun and efficient experience. The 1 liter soap reservoir holds plenty of solution to cover even the largest vehicles with a luxurious, creamy foam.
Using this foam cannon has been a game-changer for my detailing business. With just one fill-up, I can complete 6 or more vehicles, including cars and SUVs. The thick plastic bottle and robust foam blaster nozzle, made of sturdy plastic and metal, add great longevity to this little piece of equipment. The foam cannon not only makes washing a breeze, but it also lubricates the finish better, making washing safer. Using the Ultra Blast Foamer Car Wash Foam Cannon will leave you with flawless car images to share on your social media platforms – a true testament to its effectiveness. Give this amazing foam cannon a try and revolutionize the way you clean your car!

🔗Premium Foam Cannon for Detailing Trucks
I've had the chance to use TriNova's Foam Cannon and Gallon Car Wash Soap Kit, and I must say, it's been quite the experience. Whenever my car is in desperate need of a deep cleaning, I rely on this set to help me out.
The foam cannon is a game-changer, and its compatibility with standard pressure washer quick connect attachments makes it easily accessible to anyone. Adjusting the nozzle for narrow or wide steam and using the air intake knob to create more or less foam ensures that my ride gets the attention it deserves.
One of the features that stood out to me was the option to use a narrow or wide steam. This allowed me to target specific areas of my car that needed extra attention, like under the wheel wells and engine bay. I also appreciated the ease of use with its attachments being easy to connect to my pressure washer wand.
However, the price tag can be a bit steep for some users. I've noticed that the plastic bottle isn't the most durable, so I would proceed with caution while handling it to prevent any damages.
All in all, TriNova's Foam Cannon and Gallon Car Wash Soap Kit have proved to be a valuable addition to my car care routine. Its performance and convenience have made washing my car a breeze, and I highly recommend it to anyone in need of a top-notch car wash set.

🔗Total Wash Street Foam Cannon Bundle
I recently tried the First Purchase Total Wash Street Foam Cannon Kit, and I must say, it's been quite the game-changer for my car washing routine. This kit offers not just a single cannon but also an additional cartridge, a HydraCoat Quick Detailer, and a Total Wash Heavy Duty ($65 value) for free.
One of the standout features I noticed is how fast and convenient this kit is, especially when it comes to covering large surface areas in a short amount of time. It's perfect for those of us who are constantly on the go and don't have the luxury to spend hours washing our cars.
The Total Wash Street offers an impressive thick lather that is safe on all surfaces and finishes. With just one cartridge, it makes over 5 gallons of highly effective wash, which is incredibly cost-effective in the long run.
While I appreciated the added value of the free products and the convenience of the Total Wash Street Foam Cannon Kit, there were some minor drawbacks. For one, I found that the spray pattern wasn't as even as I'd hoped, requiring a bit more effort to ensure the car was completely covered.
Overall, however, I'm quite satisfied with my experience using the First Purchase Total Wash Street Foam Cannon Kit, and I look forward to continuing to use it for my car washing needs. Despite the minor drawbacks, the kit's versatility, cost-effectiveness, and time-saving capabilities make it a worthwhile investment for any busy car owner.

🔗Ultimate Touchless Wash Bundle for Effortless Vehicle Cleaning
I recently had the pleasure of trying out the Touchless Foam Cannon Kit, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer for car enthusiasts. The kit includes everything you need to make your car washing experience a breeze.
The first thing that really impressed me was the quality of the foam. It's so rich and thick, it practically clings to the car, ensuring every inch is covered. The concentrated foam soap not only removes stubborn stains but also leaves my car with a stunning shine.
Now, let's talk about the pressure washer foam cannons. They're a real treat! With the option of choosing between a max PSI of 3,000 and 5,000, you can tailor your wash to your vehicle's needs. The cannons make the washing process effortless and mess-free.
However, as with any product, there were a couple of minor drawbacks. I found the instructions a bit vague, which made getting the hang of it a bit tricky at first. But once I figured it out, it was smooth sailing.
All in all, I'm incredibly satisfied with this Touchless Foam Cannon Kit. It's easy to use, highly effective, and a must-have for anyone who values their car's appearance. I'd highly recommend it to anyone looking to make their car washing routine stress-free and efficient.

🔗High-Pressure Car Wash Cannons for Effortless Foam Application
As someone who enjoys keeping my car clean and shiny, I recently gave the GDHXW X-887 High Pressure Washer Gun a try. This little gadget packs a punch, with a 3000 PSI rating that left my car looking brand new. The foam lance, with a 1/4" quick connector fitting, made the washing process a breeze, as I simply had to fill it with warm water and a bit of soap.
One nifty feature of this pressure washer gun is the adjustable spray nozzle, which allowed me to find the perfect stream of water for my needs. With 7 different spray angles, I could easily switch between watering my plants, washing my car, and even cleaning my driveway with ease. The core, made of quality brass, added a layer of durability to the device, and its solid brass body made it quite heavy.
Now, there were a couple of things that could have been better. First, connecting it to my garden water pipe turned out to be quite a challenge, as the product's instructions didn't quite line up with the hardware I had. Secondly, it wasn't as ideal for professional use as I had hoped - the spray nozzle seemed to need a bit more tweaking to get it to work just right.
Despite these minor drawbacks, the GDHXW X-887 High Pressure Washer Gun has proven to be a reliable tool for car cleaning enthusiasts like myself. With its adjustable spray nozzle, sturdy build, and surprisingly powerful pressure, this device has become an invaluable companion on my car cleaning journey.

🔗Car Wash Cannon: Easy, Foam Soap Blasting System
I recently tried this Carwash Cannon Foam Soap Blaster, and it turned out to be quite the experience. I have to say, the ease of use and convenience of this product impressed me right away. It was simple to attach to my garden hose and start blasting foam all over my car.
One of the standout features for me was the 5 different spray settings. I found that the foam setting between 3-5 (high) worked particularly well in covering my car in thick, cleansing foam. After letting it soak for a while, I used a wash mitt to scrub each section of the car and then rinsed it off, revealing a clean and shiny finish.
However, I did find that it didn't completely eliminate the need for manual scrubbing. Some stubborn spots still required a bit of elbow grease to remove, but overall, the carwash cannon made the process much more enjoyable and efficient.
In terms of cons, one thing I noticed was that the foam gun's performance seemed to vary slightly between uses. Sometimes it would produce a thick, generous foam, while other times it seemed to produce less foam with less force. Although this didn't significantly impact the overall cleaning experience, it did require some adjustment in technique when washing different areas of the car.
Overall, I'm quite pleased with this Carwash Cannon Foam Soap Blaster. It has definitely made my car washing experience easier and more enjoyable. By using the right soap and paying attention to the foam settings, it delivers impressive results, and I'd recommend it for anyone looking to make their car washing routine more efficient and less of a hassle.

🔗Car Wash Foam Cannon with Adjustable Thickness
I recently tried the Foam Cannon from Proper Detailing Co. to make washing my car safer and quicker. One of the standout features is the wide mouth design that makes filling the cannon a breeze - just add water and foam shampoo. This cannon can be used with both electric and gas pressure washers, making it versatile and easy to use.
I also love the stainless pickup tube filter, which ensures consistent foaming action even when I'm spraying at an angle. Another great advantage is the simplicity of the thickness knob, which makes it easy to control the ratio of foam to water. By turning the knob, I can achieve the perfect snowfoam for a sparkling clean car.
The Foam Cannon from Proper Detailing Co. not only saves time but also keeps my car safe by creating a safe lubricant for washing without scratching or marring the paint. This quality product made by an Atlanta-based brand has made my car washing experience more enjoyable and hassle-free.

🔗Effortless Car Wash Foam Cannon: Powerful Cleaning with Non-Tip Design
I've been using the Armor All Foam Cannon in my daily life, and I must say it made my car washing routine a lot more enjoyable and efficient. The foam cannon not only saves me time but also provides better results as it evenly coats my vehicle with less effort, making it easier to clean and removing dirt and grime more effectively.
One of the key aspects I appreciated about this foam cannon was its ease of use. The non-slip grip, along with the wide, non-tip bottle, ensures that I can control the foam cannon with ease while it effectively covers my car. Moreover, being compatible with a 1/4 inch Quick-Connect tip makes it more versatile and convenient to use, even with my existing pressure washer.
While I've had a positive experience with the Armor All Foam Cannon, there was one thing that I found slightly frustrating. The 1/4 inch Quick-Connect tip that came with it didn't match my power washer perfectly, which led to an occasional overflow of foam and a messier experience. However, once I figured out the right Quick-Connect tip for my pressure washer, it made the foam cannon even more practical and efficient.
In conclusion, the Armor All Foam Cannon has made my car washing experience a lot better, and I'm happy to see improvements in both the appearance of my car and my overall satisfaction. Despite the initial hiccup with the Quick-Connect tip, the foam cannon remains a practical and smart solution for anyone looking to simplify their car washing routine.

🔗Powerful Car Wash Foam Cannon Kit for Pressure Washers
Recently, I had a chance to use the MTM Hydro 28 Special PF22.2 Foam Cannon Kit as a car wash solution for my weekend projects. The kit includes everything you need for a pressure washer attachment, from plug adapters to fittings. The swivel function on the SG28 Spray Gun is a game-changer, as it prevents tangles while changing directions.
The PF22.2 Foam Cannon itself is impressive, creating a consistent foam that helps deep clean the surface while saving time. However, one drawback I experienced is that it might not be the most efficient for larger surfaces like houses or fences.
When I tested the product on my car, it delivered a thorough and even clean. The adjustable fan blades and 2-stage nozzle are great additions, allowing me to control the flow and coverage of the foam. The car wash gun's flexibility made it perfect for cleaning nooks and crannies around my car.
Overall, the MTM Hydro 28 Special PF22.2 Foam Cannon Kit is a powerful and versatile tool for anyone looking to make their car washing routine more efficient and eco-friendly.

🔗MTM Hydro Ultimate Car Wash Cannon Kit with Spray Gun and Stainless Steel Fittings
When I first tried the MTM Hydro Ultimate Foam Cannon Kit and Spray Gun, I was impressed by how quickly and efficiently it cleaned my car. The integrated swivel gun and stainless steel fittings made maneuvering it a breeze, even in tight spaces. One of my favorite features is the adjustable nozzle, which allowed me to control the amount of foam I needed to get rid of stubborn dirt and grime.
However, I did notice that the maximum pressure it could handle was only 5,000 PSI and 12 GPM. Despite this, the car wash foam cannon still produced a thick and effective cleaner for my vehicle. With its compatibility with various pressure washers and its ability to eliminate the need for reaching, the MTM Hydro Ultimate Foam Cannon Kit and Spray Gun is definitely a must-have for both home and professional cleaning needs.

🔗Professional Car Wash Foam Cannon for Touchless Cleaning
The Suds Lab F1 Professional Foam Cannon has been a game-changer in my car washing routine. Its ability to transform liquid soap into a luxurious foam that easily covers my car in a matter of minutes is truly remarkable. The installation process is a breeze, requiring no additional tools and simply needing to be attached to my pressure washer.
One of the standout features for me is the adjustable foam control, which allows me to fully control the level of foam dispensed. This has been incredibly useful in saving my soap, and I no longer have to rely on the traditional sponge and bucket method. The 32-ounce canister size adds to its convenience, ensuring a sufficient amount of soap for multiple washes.
However, there is a downside to this foam cannon. It can be quite bulky, as it measures approximately 6.89 inches in length and 9.84 inches in height. This makes it a bit challenging to store when not in use. Also, the pressure wash can be quite powerful, which means it may not be suitable for delicate surfaces or those who prefer a gentler wash. Overall, the Suds Lab F1 Professional Foam Cannon is a fantastic tool for anyone looking to streamline their car washing process, but its size and power level should be considered before making a purchase.

🔗Ultimate Car Wash Foam Gun for Pressure Washer Accessories Kit
I remember the first time I tested this foam cannon for my pressure washer. It was a game-changer! The powerful 1.1mm valve created the most impressive foam I'd ever seen. It made washing my car so much more effective and enjoyable. I was impressed by how easy it was to use - simply add soap, fill with water, and shake to create the perfect car wash foam. The adjustable nozzle allowed me to control the spray pattern, making the experience even better.
One of the things I loved about this foam cannon is its durability. The wide neck design ensures it won't crack, even under heavy use. I've used it multiple times now, and it still performs excellently. Plus, the fact that it comes with Snow Foam Car Wash Soap makes it a perfect car wash kit.
However, there was one aspect I found a bit annoying - the foam cannon can be quite heavy when filled with water. But overall, I'd highly recommend this foam cannon to anyone looking for an efficient and effective way to wash their car.

Buyer's Guide

Car Wash Cannons are powerful, versatile tools designed to tackle various car cleaning tasks with ease. They provide an efficient and convenient way to clean cars, whether it's for personal use or a professional car wash service. In this guide, we will discuss various important factors to consider when purchasing a Car Wash Cannon to ensure you make the right choice.

Water Pressure
Water pressure is a critical factor when choosing a Car Wash Cannon. Ensure that the device you select can handle the required pressure for your specific application. Water pressure requirements may vary depending on the type of cleaning task, such as washing vehicle interiors, exteriors, or removing stubborn dirt and stains.


Consider the versatility of the Car Wash Cannon. Look for devices that come with multiple attachments, such as different nozzles, extensions, and brushes. This will allow you to tackle various cleaning tasks with ease without needing separate tools for each job. Versatile Car Wash Cannons can save you time and money in the long run.

Durability and Build Quality

Car Wash Cannons should be built to withstand regular use and harsh cleaning conditions. Look for devices made from high-quality materials, such as stainless steel or industrial-grade plastics. Inspect the build quality and construction of the Cannon to ensure that it can handle the wear and tear that comes with consistent use.

Power Source

Car Wash Cannons can be powered by electricity, compressed air, or a combination of both. Each power source has its advantages and disadvantages. Electric car wash cannons are generally more powerful and easier to use, while compressed air cannons are more suited for specific applications. Consider the type of car washing tasks you need to perform and choose a power source that best fits your requirements.

Noise Levels

Noise levels are an essential consideration when selecting a Car Wash Cannon, especially if you plan to use it in a residential area or close to living spaces. Look for devices with lower noise levels to minimize disruption to your surroundings.

Maintenance and Cleaning
Proper maintenance and cleaning of your Car Wash Cannon are crucial to ensure its longevity and optimal performance. Choose devices with replaceable or repairable parts to make it easier to maintain and clean. Additionally, follow the manufacturer's advice on maintenance and cleaning procedures to keep your Car Wash Cannon in top condition.

Price and Value

Finally, consider the price and value of the Car Wash Cannon you are interested in purchasing. Higher-priced models may offer advanced features and better performance, but this doesn't always mean they are the best choice for your needs. Evaluate the cost-benefit ratio of the device and choose one that offers the best value for your money.
By keeping these factors in mind, you'll be better equipped to make an informed decision when selecting a Car Wash Cannon that suits your car cleaning needs and expectations.


What are Car Wash Cannons?

Car Wash Cannons are high-powered, industrial-strength car wash systems designed for use at commercial car washes. These machines are capable of washing an entire vehicle at once and are perfect for high-volume car wash operations.

How do Car Wash Cannons work?

Car Wash Cannons use a combination of hot water, high-pressure cleaning jets, and specialized cleaning solutions to wash a vehicle. The process typically involves a pre-soak, foaming, and rinsing stage, followed by a high-pressure wash to remove dirt and grime. Finally, the vehicle is polished and waxed to give it a shiny finish.

Are Car Wash Cannons easy to operate?

While Car Wash Cannons are designed to be user-friendly, it is essential to receive proper training from the manufacturer or a certified technician. This will ensure that you are aware of all safety procedures and maintenance requirements to operate the machine efficiently.

What are the benefits of using a Car Wash Cannon?

  • Reduced washing time, making it ideal for high-volume car wash operations
  • High-pressure cleaning jets can remove even the toughest dirt and grime
  • Special cleaning solutions and pre-soak can help to lift and break down dirt, making it easier to remove
  • An automated system can help to reduce the risk of human error and improve the overall quality of the wash

How much do Car Wash Cannons cost?

The cost of a Car Wash Cannon can vary significantly depending on several factors, including the size of the machine, the features it includes, and the manufacturer. It is best to contact the manufacturer directly or consult a reputable dealer for an accurate price quote.

What maintenance is required for a Car Wash Cannon?

Regular maintenance is essential to ensure that your Car Wash Cannon operates efficiently and safely. This may include cleaning filters, replacing worn parts, and inspecting the entire system for any potential issues. It is recommended to follow the manufacturer's maintenance schedule and consult a certified technician for any necessary repairs.
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2024.05.19 08:35 Such-Chemistry-5330 My mother has lost herself

How does a 63 year old woman find herself again after so much undelt unprocessed trauma. My motner is an angel walking this earth and unfortunately she had a terrible marriage with my father who had passed away over 5 years ago. They were together for over 20 years and it ended so poorly and he died from brain cancer back in 2018. Since then all she’s done is burry herself in her phone and watching tv every night. Doesnt have a single productive or healthy habit. A cluster of a mind. Very forgetful, very unmotivated, hates her job, is just sad and exhausted over life. It breaks my heart. She needs a therapist and a life couch to help her deal with these issues its just so sad to see cause I love her so much and she raised me so well and all I want for her is to pour that love back into herself. Finding the right therapist is a good place to start. If anyone has any books, podcasts, exercises, remedies they have tried for themselves I would be so grateful to hear them. All I want is the confident focused hard working woman that raised me back. She deserves the world and she deserves to rediscover how beautiful life is again. Thank you.
submitted by Such-Chemistry-5330 to therapy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:34 ChepaukPitch [State of the Subreddit] Please make suggestion for new rules, apply for modship, and discuss overall health of the subreddit.

[State of the Subreddit] Please make suggestion for new rules, apply for modship, and discuss overall health of the subreddit.
This subreddit has been growing exponentially for the last 12 months. Not too long ago, it had about 1.5k subscribers, a couple of posts daily with few comments, and little to no activity. Now, we have more than 27,000 members, and we are adding members every day. Some of it is good, and some bad. This calls for a new set of rules that would better deal with the needs of this community. Below are a few rules we propose, but please feel free to disagree or suggest different ones. We will take the feedback and implement the new rules in a week or two.
Things that we are hoping to reduce or eliminate:
  1. Targeting a group: Targeting people from certain regions or states has become all too common. While it is sometimes okay to talk about certain regions or states of the country and point out the differences in them, it is not acceptable to disrespect and be vile in your comments. These types of comments would lead to an immediate ban. Depending on the severity of the comment, it may be temporary or permanent, but I request you all to refrain from making such comments. We have already issued many bans for such comments and will continue. I request everyone cooperate.
  2. Disparaging comments about overpopulation and other things: There are many comments of the type that talk about people breeding like roaches. While we delete these comments, few or no bans have been issued yet. We will also start issuing bans for such comments immediately. These types of comments are manifestations of hatred and frustration. We can't distinguish between the two, so please do not put us in that position.
  3. Purely Political comments: Comments that are political but relevant to the discussion will always be allowed since IR has always been political. But please do not make everything political. Please do not call names. It is not our intention to issue bans for political comments, but we will delete purely political comments that add nothing to the discussion.
  4. Name-calling and slurs: Do not indulge in name-calling. Puerile name-calling will also lead to bans. There have been some comments which have been egregious and should not be tolerated in any serious discussion.
  5. Discouraging discussions: This is a place to inform, educate, and discuss the Indian Railways. People can always call a helpline or complain to the Railway Minister. But that does not mean they can't discuss the same issue on this subreddit.
  6. Instagram-type posts: I leave it to the users to decide if such posts should be allowed. We received many reports on a post yesterday where the Insta influencer mentioned issues we may agree with but made it cringe, and there seemed to be a general agreement that such posts should not be allowed. Feel free to voice your opinion.
Please add if you have found other issues I forgot to mention here.
Other things that need to be done:
  1. Better moderation: Currently, there are only two mods, and we aren't always around. Currently, moderation is reactive and not active. We act upon reports. So please report whenever you see something that doesn't have a place in this community.
  2. Request for new moderators: We would like to have more moderators. If you have been an active contributor to this community, think it can be run better, or have experience with automod tools, please write to us with info on how you can help in moderation. We can use your help. If you disagree with the current mod team or the direction in which this community is headed, you should definitely write to us.
  3. Flairs: I feel there are too many flairs that are not relevant. Please make suggestions on how we can rationalize the flairs. Both addition and deletion.
  4. Weekly threads: I believe we need a weekly query thread exclusively for help with ticket confirmation and upcoming trips. I propose two weekly threads. One for the above-mentioned issues, and the other for remaining general discussion.
  5. Nature of content: With fewer people, we had more content about Indian railways, but nowadays it is mostly about people's frustrations with railways, side lower seats, and other such things. While these things have a place in this sub, we would also like to see more IR content. Please make suggestions on how this can be encouraged.
Overall, we want this subreddit to be more serious, more civilized and have more constructive discussions. Please feel free to make new suggestions or disagree, but keep the comments serious, civil, and constructive.
submitted by ChepaukPitch to indianrailways [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:19 Glitch109 [Crossover Worldbuilding Idea] What if the MCU, DCEU, MonsterVerse, Resident Evil (Capcom Games), Avatar: The Last Airbender, Netflix's The Dragon Prince, Vivziepop's Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, and Live Action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are set in the same universe?

Inspired by MichaeltheSpikester's idea of a shared world, decided to add my variation of it. But with extra media that I think would fit well with this shared world.
-Several dimensions that were connected to Earth-199999 are not only the Astral, Dark, Mirror, K'un-Lun, Ta Lo, Duat, etc. but also consisted of Chronobowl (DCEU), Mount Olympus (DCEU), Axis Mundi (MonsterVerse), 4 Nations (Avatar: The Last Airbender), Spirit World (Avatar: The Last Airbender), Xadia (Netflix's The Dragon Prince), Heaven & Hell (Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss), and the Kraang Dimension (TMNT).
-The Titan's origins originated from the Celestial Tiamut from the Earth's core with the cosmic energy mutating small creatures into giant monsters. It is revealed that every planet in the universe not only has its celestials but also has its own set of Titans that play a key role in the planet's ecosystem. King Ghidorah is revealed to be one of the last few members of his species who survived his planet's Emergence and the reason why he and his kind terraform worlds is to rebuild the home they lost.
-Heaven and the Kraang played a role in the development of the Human race where it is revealed that Humans have various animal DNA, thus having the dormant gene that ties them to their animal ancestor.
-Lilith would be considered the "First Scarlet Witch".
-Due to Heaven's influence, their magic created the Gods and Goddesses in the universe. Adam would eventually create the Council of Godheads, where he is good friends with Zeus from Thor: Love and Thunder (aka Jupiter, the Roman counterpart of Zeus).
-The celestial's cosmic energy not only created Hollow Earth but also created pockets from the Earth's surface that created portals that allowed access to Hollow Earth from the surface.
-Asgardians, ancient Wakanda, Eternals, and Titans banding together with humanity, ancient Atlantis, ancient Green Lanterns, Olympians, and Themsycira in the fight against Darkseid, Steppenwolf, and their forces in ancient history.
-It is revealed that Titans, such as Sehkmet, Na Kika, and an unnamed Thunderbird Titan are responsible for Bashenga's, Talokanil's, and Chafa's origins and abilities instead of the Gods and Goddesses from Thor: Love and Thunder.
-The Titans and Startouch Elves would be labeled as "low-level" gods by the Council of Godheads.
-Atlantis, Asgard, Themyscira, Heaven, and Olympus (When the Greek Gods were still around) were aware of the existence of Titans and the role they play in the Earth's ecosystem. Similar to Asgardians, Titans were responsible for many legends and myths regarding mythical creatures and gods. The relationship between them and benevolent titans would be at best mutual notably towards those like Godzilla and Mothra but otherwise would be at odds with destroyer titans like Rodan and Scylla.
-The Eternals are aware of the Titans as well. Ikaris proposed killing them since they would be affecting the Earth's population and preventing the Emergence from progressing. However, Ajak talked him out of it as they observed Godzilla's species preserving the balance of nature, keeping the population steadying, keeping the other Titans at bay, and hunting/killing giant Deviants as well.
-The Eternals once met with Mothra, who Sersi and Sprite formed a close bond with.
-The animalistic Egyptian Gods and Goddesses (Khonshu, Anubis, Ammit, Tawaret, Horus, etc.) were once human-looking Gods/Goddesses before being exposed to the Kraang's Ooze, which mutated them into more animalistic creatures.
-Godzilla has a mixed relationship with the Eternals. While he approves them for keeping the Earth safe, he doesn't trust them due to their "unnatural" nature due to being from space, which is the same with King Ghidorah.
-Prior to his arrival on earth. King Ghidorah had a fearful reputation across the cosmos by civilizations, similar to that of Darkseid and Thanos.
-Both Thor and Rodan once fought each other in the past when Rodan at some point appeared in Scandinavia and terrorized the people, which prompted the Thunder God to engage. It was a long, withdrawn, and lengthy battle that eventually ended with Thor finally driving Rodan off. Like many legends and myths, this fight inspired one of those about Thor fighting a "Great Bird of Fire".
-Shazam was the first Sorcerer Supreme and taught the Ancient One magic.
-Wonder Woman and the original Shazam took part in imprisoning Ammit alongside the other Egyptian Gods and Goddesses.
-The radiation of Hollow Earth caused certain viruses and organisms to become more hostile when infecting their host while granting them various abilities. Examples include the T-Virus and the E-Series mold.
-Both Asgard and Mount Olympus are aware of Aaravos and his past crimes.
-The Ancient One visited both Xadia and the 4 nations once to learn more about both world's magic. The Ancient One also helped in imprisoning Aaravos.
-While Xadia is aware of dark magic, they are unaware of the Dark Dimension and Dormammu.
-King Ghidorah was without a doubt probably the only being that Darkseid and Thanos had ever developed a grudging respect. Both warlords are aware of King Ghidorah due to being just as feared by civilizations across the cosmos as they are. Despite classing Titans as "low-level" gods, the Council of Godheads also feared King Ghidorah due to his destructive nature.
-The Necrosword is made of the same metallic material used by the Exorcist Angels during their exterminations.
-Wonder Woman's presence in World War I inspired Johann Schmidt (aka Red Skull) to pursue mythology in hopes of creating weaponry for HYDRA.
-Captain America and Wonder Woman met during World War II when Steve was doing his USO Show.
-SHIELD is aware of Monarch and STAR Labs and has often collaborated with each other in the past.
-Packard is a relative of Nick Fury.
-Asgard and Krypton having had a history with one another and the former having tried to warn the latter of their inevitable doom, but were dismissed.
-Prior to Krypton's destruction. Zod and his soldiers had a run-in with Yondu and the Ravagers.
-Both SHIELD and Nick Fury were not only aware of the Titan's existence but also aware of Superman's arrival on Earth and kept close tabs on him since he was a child.
-Both Superman and Chris Redfield were Captain America fans when younger.
-After the T-Virus Incident in Raccoon City, SHIELD and Monarch helped with the clean-up.
-Bruce Wayne, William Stenz, Amanda Waller, and Chris Redfield were all targets of Project Insight.
-Alongside SHIELD, STAR Labs, B.S.A.A., and Monarch were all infiltrated by HYDRA Agents who sought their resources. They stole various technological weapons created by the Motherbox, samples of the T-Virus, and stole Titan DNA to create Titan clones.
-After the Turtles made their debut, SHIELD and Monarch kept close eye on them based on their mutation.
-After the Civil War, Amanda Waller proposed Task Force X to the government, in which Theaddeus Ross was among those who approved it while William Stenz opposed it. Abomination and Baron Zemo were among the possible candidates for Task Force X.
-Task Force X and Monarch weren't affected by the Sokovia Accords due to their connections with the government.
-After the Baker House Incident, SHIELD and Monarch not only helped clean up the situation but also got clues on the E-Series's origin. Not trusting the B.S.A.A. or Blue Umbrella, they gave the info to Chris, which led to his isolation from both organizations.
-Talokan would be considered one of the Kingdoms of Atlantis. Ocean Master would later try to recruit Namor, but decides not to as he was warned by the other rulers that Namor is more dangerous than Ocean Master himself.
-Karathen is revealed to be one of the lost Titans of Earth.
-Wakanda is aware of the existence of Atlantis but their ancestors have made a treaty with each other in not interfering. After the events of Aquaman, both T'Challa and Arthur meet in secret to discuss how to unite their kingdoms together and reveal their secret to the world. While Arthur respects T'Challa, he wants to keep Atlantis a secret until the time is right.
-Katolis would be aware of various magical humans such as Original Shazam and the Ancient One.
-Clark Kent/Superman, Diana Prince/Wonder Woman, Billy Batson/Shazam, and Mothra are beings capable of lifting Mjolnir.
-At the Senate hearing, alongside Serizawa, Nick Fury and Calvin Swanwick (Martian Manhunter) are among those who defended the Titans while Thaddeus Ross and Amanda Waller voiced against them.
-After the Titans were released, several Titans, such as Titanus Sehkmet, Behemoth, and Mokele-Mbembe all resided near Wakanda and all bonded with T'Challa/Black Panther while Titans such as Titanus Na Kika, Tiamat, and Amhuluk all resided near Talokan and bond with Namor.
-By the end of Infinity War and during the events of Endgame. Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Lois Lane, Martian Manhunter, Joker, Lex Luthor, Black Mask, Victor Zsasz, Black Canary, Renee Montoya, Huntress, Cassandra Cain, Bruce the Hyena, Bloodsport, Harley Quinn, Rick Flagg, King Shark, Ratcatcher 2 and Sebastian, Polka-Dot Man, Captain Boomerang, Savant, Javelin, Blackguard, Mongal, T.D.K., Weasel, Thinker, Billy Batson/Shazam, Billy's foster parents and siblings, Amanda Waller, Emilia Harcourt, John Economos, Adebayo Waller, Clemson Murn/Ik Nobe Llok, Goff/Sophie Song/Eek Stack Ik Ik, Casper Locke, Larry Fitzgibbon, James Gordon, Atlanna, Mera, Arthur Jr., Starro, Peacemaker, White Dragon, Hawkman, Doctor Fate, Cyclone, Atom Smasher, Adrianna Tomaz, Karim, Amon Tomaz, Ishmael GregoSabbac, Blue Beetle and the Reyes family, Victoria and Jenny Kord, Carapax, Madison Russell, Mark Russell, Illene Chen, Houston Brooks, Sam Coleman, Nathan Lind, Illene Andrews, Jia, Josh Valentine, Bernie Hayes, Travis Beasley/Trapper, Walter and Maia Simmons, Ren Serizawa, Alan Jonah, Godzilla, Kong, half of the known titans, Leon Kennedy, Chris Redfield, Claire Redfield, Ethan Winters, Mia Winters, Zoe Baker, Joe Baker, Mother Miranda, Karl Heisenberg, Lady Dimitrescu, Salvatore Moreau, Donna Beneviento, The Duke, Chris's Team, the Turtles, and Baxter Stockman would be amongst the survivors of The Blip.
-Flash, Cyborg, Aquaman, Perry White, Martha Kent, Stephen Shin, Deadshot, Deathstroke, Katana, Killer Croc, Ling Chen, Rick Stanton, Diane Foster, Jackson Barnes, Anthony Martinez, Lauren Griffin, Rodan, other half of the known titans, Jill Valentine, Ada Wong, Sensei Splinter, Bebop, and Rocksteady were amongst the victims of The Blip.
-Similar to Scott Lang, Black Adam, Mothra, Khaji-Da, and the inhabitants of the 4 nations, Xadia, Heaven, and Hell would not be affected by the Blip.
-The only beings that sensed the Blip were the Avatar (Aang), The Archdragons of Xadia (Zubeia, Rex Igneous, Domina Profundis, and Sol Regem), the Seraphim (Sera and Emily), the Goetian Hierarchy (Stolas and Octavia), and the 7 Deadly Sins (Lucifer Morningstar, Asmodeus, Satan, Mammon, Beelzebub, Leviathan, and Belphegor).
-The victims of the Blip weren't sent to Heaven or Hell, they were stuck in Limbo.
-During the post-Blip, due to Thanos' actions, Godzilla had a hard time in trying to keep balance of the Earth with half of the remaining titans running loose. Due to the world powers struggling, they helped fund Apex Cybernetics to stabilize their economy as well as unknowingly helping Walter process with his Mechagodzilla experiment.
-Because of Thanos, the Corto Maltese government took advantage of this by continuing their experiments with Project Starfish and the Intergang were able to operate and have full control over Kahndaq. Many crime organizations in Gotham have either been dismantled due to the disappearance of the leaders or have been absorbed into the Black Mask Crime Organization. Jaime's family and his community go through financial struggles from Kord Industries due to the effects of the Blip.
-Due to less hero activity, the I.M.P.s operated their assassination business.
-Kingpin met with Joker and Black Mask during the Blip where the 2 made mutual agreements in developing a partnership. However, this agreement was broken due to Black Mask's death.
-The Joker was on Ronan's list of targets. However, due to his powerful influence, he was forced to back down.
-Due to the effects of the Blip, the butterflies decided to start their invasion by infecting powerful humans.
-After the Village's destruction, SHIELD aids Chris in a war against B.S.A.A.
-After Doctor Fate's death, Hawkman gives the Helmet of Fate to Kamar-Taj for safekeeping so it doesn't fall into the wrong hands.
-The Avengers and Justice League team up and join the time heist to find the Infinity Stones. With Iron Man's and Batman's technology, they create a black and red infinity gauntlet. Hulk still snaps his fingers which brings every living being back. During the final battle with Thanos, the Justice Society, Black Adam, Godzilla, and the other Titans arrive to join in the fight.
-Victoria Kord and Walter Simmons are among the many people who also had a hatred towards Tony Stark and are joyful about his death.
-After the events of Blue Beetle, Damage Control tried to apprehend him but was forced to back down due to public support.
-Godzilla would grow hostile towards the Hex that Wanda made. Due to being composed of cosmic radiation from the celestial, Godzilla and the other Titans are revealed to be immune to magic due to their massive size as well as not being affected by the Hex's effects. However, once Wanda leaves Westview, Godzilla will leave as well.
-After Endgame, Apex Cybernetics not only seeks to eliminate Titans but also superpowered individuals as well. After the events of GvK, Damage Control cleaned up the damage and acquired their resources.
-Among the deceased that would be in Heaven based on Adam's rule: "Act selfless, Don't Steal, and Stick it to the man" would be Tony Stark/Iron Man, Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow, Peggy Carter, Ancient One, Ben Parker, May Parker, Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver, Phil Coulson, Steve Trevor, Jonathan Kent, Chato Santana/El Diablo, Silas Stone, Rick Flag, Alberto Reyes, José Morales, Ignacio Carapax/OMAC, and Nuidis Vulko.
-Among the deceased that would be in Hell and have the potential to become Overlords are Obadiah Stane/Iron Monger, Ivan Vanko/Whiplash, TrevoThe Mandarin, Alexander Pierce, Dreykov, Xu Wenwu, Quentin Beck/Mysterio, Roman Sionis/Black Mask, Victor Zsaasz, David Kane/Black Manta, and Walter Simmons.
-Wanting to reconnect with his daughter, Mark Russell resigns his position as leader of Monarch and Bruce BanneHulk becomes the next head of Monarch due to his knowledge of Nuclear Physics.
-Both the Great Protector and Dweller-in-Darkness are revealed to be Titans who stumbled upon Ta Lo.
-In Xadia, Viren was resurrected 5 years later rather than 2 (Events of S1-3 take place in 2019-and S4-6 take place in 2024).
-Due to the effects of the Emergence and the Deviants, Godzilla would ally with the Eternals in hunting down and killing the Deviants as well as stopping the Emergence from happening.
-The Benevolent Titans have gained a reputation due to their involvement in keeping the planet safe and healthy.
-Driven by vengeance, Overlord Quentin Beck/Mysterio pays the I.M.P.s to assassinate Peter ParkeSpider-Man. However, this is during the events of No Way Home and when Doctor Strange performs the spell that erases everyone's memory of who Spider-Man is, the I.M.P.s were affected as well and called the mission off due to their amnesia.
-Maya Lopez's/Echo's Powers awaken the ancient Thunderbird Titan that lives near her hometown. She successfully bonds with the Titan.
-Ms. Marvel would not only be a Captain Marvel fan but also a Wonder Woman and Mothra fan as well.
-Riri Williams is a huge fan of both Iron Man and Cyborg which influenced her to create her own enhanced suits. While she has an intense hatred towards Apex Cybernetics after their dirty secrets were exposed, Riri started making concepts on how to build a giant-mech suit to combat hostile Titans.
-Thor recruits Wonder Woman and the Shazam family to help them stop Gorr the God Butcher. They arrive at Omnipotence City where Wonder Woman exposes the Greek Gods being the Roman counterparts with Zeus' real identity revealed to be Jupiter. After the mission, Thor gives Shazam the Thunderbolt.
-Wonder Woman then encounters Marc SpecteMoon Knight where she sees and speaks with Khonshu.
-When Doctor Strange and America Chavez arrive on Earth-838, they meet the Illuminati which not only consists of Captain Carter, Blackbolt, Captain Marvel (Maria Rambeau), and Mister Fantastic but also consists of Christian Bale's Batman and Brandon Routh's Superman.
-Same with Wakanda, the U.N. held a conference on whether the Titans should be contained or killed. Director Fontaine would state that the Titan's radiation helps balance the ecosystem of the planet and propose a solution where they can imprison the Titans and drain this energy they embody to help sustain the ecosystem, thus having them alive, but tortured.
-After Shuri takes the heart-shaped herb and becomes the next Black Panther, she communicates with Sehkmet, Behemoth, and Mokele-Mbembe for the first time. She convinces them to take part in the battle against Namor by battling against Na Kika, Tiamat, and Amhuluk.
-After the battle, Wakanda becomes harmonious with their Titans as they are welcomed in Wakanda and become its protectors alongside Shuri.
-After the alliance with Talokan, Aquaman visits Shuri on the same beach where she meets her nephew, T'Challa II, and warns her about her deal with Namor. Then he introduces his son, Arthur Jr., where he and T'Challa II develop a brotherly bond with each other.
-Due to the Secret Invasion, Superman was affected by the Anti-Alien Act and was forced into hiding.
-During the events of Secret Invasion, the Turtles were forced into hiding due to being confused for Skrulls.
-After the events of The Flash, Doctor Strange and Clea confront him that his actions in altering time created more incursions and recruit him to have them fixed.
-After the events of the Marvels, Monica Rambeau not only meets Binary and Beast but also meets Michael Keaton's Batman and Sasha Calle's Supergirl.
-After the events of Lost Kingdom, Atlantis revealed its existence to the world by joining alliances with the UN and Wakanda.
-Ms. Marvel's Quantum Bands and Shang-Chi's Ten Rings start behaving weirdly as they detect a signal from deep within Hollow Earth, signifying a war cry from ancient Titans known as the Skar King and Shimo.
-As Namor is preparing for the war against the surface by aligning themselves with Wakanda, he commands the Titans he bonded to gain strength. However, one of the Titans, Tiamat, is killed by Godzilla, and Namor is saddened when hearing the news.
-Ms. Marvel's Quantum Bands attracts the attention of Mothra, who believes that Mothra may be the key to bringing back Monica Rambaeu.
-The Avatar's (Aang) awakening was sensed by Doctor Strange.
Overall, this is my take on how this shared world would go. If you have any suggestions on how the shared world would go, feel free to reply!
Special thanks to MichaeltheSpikester for the idea!
submitted by Glitch109 to WhatIfFiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:13 GuiltlessMaple Best Car Freshies

Best Car Freshies
Get ready to rev up your driving experience with our handpicked selection of Car Freshies! Our article delves into a variety of these stylish, odor-eliminating gadgets that'll turn your car into a veritable oasis of freshness. Whether you're aiming to combat lingering smells or just refresh your ride's interior, we've got you covered. Read on for the ultimate guide to finding the perfect Car Freshie to suit your needs.

The Top 5 Best Car Freshies

  1. Ultra-Fresh Champagne & Soirees Car Air Freshener - Vilicci Champagne and Soirees Car Air Freshener" - Elegant, zesty floral bliss that sparks nostalgia for those champagne-soaked, glittering soirees with great company.
  2. Smiley Face 'I Didn't Plan on Getting Out of the Car' Car Air Freshener by Simply Southern - Elevate your surroundings with the delightfully quirky "I Didn't Plan on Getting Out of The Car" Smiley Air Freshener by Simply Southern, offering a 30-45 days long enjoyable aroma while adding a fun and positive touch.
  3. Exotic Car Air Freshener by Vilicci - Experience the captivating allure of Liquid Fantasy, a premium car air freshener that lasts over a month, exuding a unique, unisex scent crafted with high-quality, long-lasting blends in Canada.
  4. Clip-On Vent Car Air Freshener with Aromatherapy - Experience the power of aromatherapy on-the-go with the Refreshing Aromatherapy Clip-On Vent Air Freshener, an effective and compact solution for eliminating bad car odors.
  5. DIY Unscented Aroma Beads Car Air Freshener Supply - MUBYOK Unscented Aroma Beads, premium-grade DIY car freshener and environmentally-friendly material, effortlessly absorb fragrance oils for a customizable scent experience that's perfect for gifting and enhancing small spaces.
As an Amazon™ Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.


🔗Ultra-Fresh Champagne & Soirees Car Air Freshener
As I cruised down the highway with my windows down, the rich aroma of Champagne and Soirees wafted through my car, filling it with the scent of a lavish garden party. I had been using the Vilicci Car Air Freshener for a few weeks now, and it had truly transformed the atmosphere inside my vehicle.
The fragrance is an intoxicating blend of fresh orange blossoms, exotic jasmine, earthy patchouli, and a hint of Turkish rose. This zesty, floral scent instantly transported me back to my last soiree, where laughter, champagne, and good company were in abundance.
One of the standout features of this air freshener is its longevity. I usually replace my car's air freshener every month or so, but with this one, I feel confident that it will last much longer. Additionally, the compact size makes it easy to store and transfer between cars - perfect for those of us with more than one vehicle.
On the downside, the scent may not be as potent for some people as it is for me. While I adore the subtle, fresh fragrance, others might prefer something more bold and powerful. However, this is a highly personal preference, and the overall quality of the product cannot be denied.
In conclusion, if you're looking to add a touch of class and elegance to your car's interior, the Vilicci Car Air Freshener in Champagne and Soirees is definitely worth a try. Its luxurious scent and impressive longevity make it a worthwhile investment for any car owner seeking to enhance their driving experience.

🔗Smiley Face 'I Didn't Plan on Getting Out of the Car' Car Air Freshener by Simply Southern
I never thought I'd be raving about an air freshener, but the Simply Southern 'I Didn't Plan on Getting Out of the Car' Smiley Air Freshener has completely changed my perspective on car fresheners. As a daily commuter, I had become accustomed to the not-so-pleasant odors that came with being stuck in traffic. However, since hanging this cheerful freshener in my car, those stale smells are now a thing of the past.
The first thing that caught my attention was its whimsical design. With its cheerful smiley face and humorous text, it instantly added a touch of fun to my otherwise mundane commute. Plus, the fact that it's crafted by the renowned Simply Southern brand only added to its appeal.
But what truly sets this air freshener apart from others is its incredible lasting power. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the aroma lingered for well over a month before needing a replacement, making it a cost-effective solution as well.
Now, I'm not going to lie – there isn't a whole lot of variety when it comes to air fresheners. They all tend to do the same job, which is why I usually don't give them too much thought. However, this particular product has definitely made a lasting impression on me.
The only minor drawback I can think of is that the fragrance might not be to everyone's liking. While I personally enjoy it, I can see how some people might find it too strong or overpowering. But overall, I couldn't be happier with my purchase and would highly recommend the Simply Southern Smiley Air Freshener to anyone looking for a fun and effective way to freshen up their car.

🔗Exotic Car Air Freshener by Vilicci

You know how sometimes you just need a little something to make your daily drive feel a bit more special? Well, that's exactly what the Vilicci Liquid Fantasy Air Freshener did for me. This baby has a unique, sophisticated scent that really adds some flair to your car.
One of the things that really stands out about this air freshener is its longevity. After a week of using it, my car still smells as fresh as it did when I first installed it. The best part? It's not just a simple fruity smell, but a complex blend of premium ingredients. It's kind of like how your favorite perfume or cologne has that perfect balance of notes - well, that's what this air freshener delivers.
Now, one downside I have to mention is that once you activate it, you need to be careful not to touch it directly to your car's plastic surfaces. But other than that, this air freshener is a game-changer. Its high-quality blend and month-long longevity make it a must-have accessory for anyone who appreciates the little things that can make a big difference in their day-to-day life.

🔗Clip-On Vent Car Air Freshener with Aromatherapy
As a busy mom on-the-go, I'm always trying to keep my car smelling fresh despite the occasional spilled juice or forgotten snack. That's why I absolutely fell in love with the Refreshing Aromatherapy Clip-On Vent Air Freshener. Not only does it effectively eliminate any lingering odors in my car, but it also looks beautiful and adds a touch of elegance to my ride.
One of the best features of this little gem is its adjustable scent control, which allows me to customize the aroma strength according to my preferences and the size of my car. And unlike traditional hanging air fresheners, it doesn't take up any valuable real estate on my rearview mirror, which is a major plus!
Now, one slightly negative aspect that I've come across is the longevity of the scent. It doesn't last as long as I would like, so I find myself needing to replace it more frequently than I'd hoped. But honestly, the convenience and effectiveness it offers more than make up for it.
So if you're tired of battling stubborn car odors, look no further than the Refreshing Aromatherapy Clip-On Vent Air Freshener. You won't be disappointed!

🔗DIY Unscented Aroma Beads Car Air Freshener Supply
I recently discovered MUBYOK's 3lb Premium Unscented Aroma Beads while searching for a solution to keep my car smelling fresh. As someone who spends a lot of time behind the wheel, I knew I needed something effective. To my delight, these beads did not disappoint.
MUBYOK's Aroma Beads are made from high-quality Ethylene Vinyl Acetate Copolymer, which not only guarantees great performance but also ensures that they're safe for the environment. Their ability to hold up to 30% of their weight in fragrance oil is impressive, meaning they last long and are cost-effective.
I was thrilled to find how versatile these beads are. Not only can they be used in a DIY car freshener, but I also discovered that by placing them in a sachet bag, they can freshen up closets, offices, and other spaces in my home. Plus, they make great DIY gift options for friends and family.
While there's no denying the effectiveness of MUBYOK's Aroma Beads, one downside might be finding a suitable fragrance to enhance their effectiveness. However, with a little creativity and some research, this drawback can be easily overcome.
Overall, I'm really glad I stumbled upon MUBYOK's 3lb Premium Unscented Aroma Beads. They've not only kept my car smelling fresh, but have also turned out to be a useful addition to my home. I would recommend them to anyone looking for a cost-effective, long-lasting solution to maintaining a pleasant scent.

Buyer's Guide

Freshen up your car's interior with the right car fresheners. Choose from various types, scents, and designs to suit your taste and preferences.

Important Features
  • Odor neutralizing abilities
  • Long-lasting scent
  • Aesthetically pleasing design


  1. Type of freshener (vent clip, hanging, gel, spray)
  2. Scent strength and type (floral, fruity, masculine, feminine)
  3. Size and placement options
  4. Allergen-free and non-toxic

General Advice

To find the perfect car freshener, consider your personal preferences and the needs of your passengers. Be sure to select a long-lasting, effective freshener that is easy to use and maintain. Additionally, avoid choosing overly strong scents that may be distracting or irritating while driving.


1. What are Car Freshies?

Car Freshies are air fresheners designed to improve the scent of a car's interior. They come in various shapes, sizes, and fragrances to suit different preferences.

2. How do Car Freshies work?
Car Freshies absorb odors and release a pleasant fragrance to mask unpleasant smells in your vehicle. They can be hung from the rearview mirror, placed on the dashboard, or attached to the air vents.

3. How long do Car Freshies last?

The longevity of Car Freshies depends on the specific product, fragrance intensity, and frequency of use. Generally, they last between 30 days to several months.

4. Are Car Freshies safe for the environment?

Many Car Freshies are eco-friendly, containing natural fragrances and biodegradable materials. However, some may contain chemicals, so always check the product label for safety information.

5. How many Car Freshies should be used in a car?

One or two Car Freshies are usually sufficient to maintain a pleasant fragrance in most vehicles. Using more than three can create an overpowering scent that may be uncomfortable for passengers.

6. Can Car Freshies be used in other places besides cars?

Yes, Car Freshies can be used in other small spaces like closets, lockers, gym bags, or drawers to eliminate odors and keep items smelling fresh.

7. Are Car Freshies suitable for allergy sufferers?

While many Car Freshies are hypoallergenic, some individuals may still experience allergic reactions to certain fragrances or chemicals in the product. It is recommended to choose a fragrance-free or allergen-free option if you have allergies or sensitive skin.

8. How should Car Freshies be properly disposed of?

After the Car Freshie has lost its fragrance, it should be thrown away in the regular trash. Avoid flushing them down the toilet or throwing them into a recycling bin, as they may harm the environment or contaminate recycled materials.

9. Can Car Freshies be used in conjunction with other air fresheners?

Yes, you can use Car Freshies along with other air fresheners, such as sprays or diffusers, to enhance the freshness of your car's interior. However, be cautious not to create an overpowering scent that may be uncomfortable for passengers.

10. How can I choose the best Car Freshie for my car?

Consider factors like fragrance preference, eco-friendliness, and your car's size when selecting a Car Freshie. Reading reviews from other customers and checking product ratings can also help you make an informed decision.
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submitted by GuiltlessMaple to u/GuiltlessMaple [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:10 nomorelandfills California rescuers clamoring for adoption of AB 2265, Animal Shelter Transparency Act cheerfully agree to remove the bit about mandatory spay/neuter before a dog or cat is released to foster. Also, the law is another gateway for release of dangerous dogs.

California rescuers clamoring for adoption of AB 2265, Animal Shelter Transparency Act cheerfully agree to remove the bit about mandatory spay/neuter before a dog or cat is released to foster. Also, the law is another gateway for release of dangerous dogs.
To be honest, I didn't read the dangerous dog part as thoroughly as I should. I think I may be somewhat burnt out on the recklessness and coldness shown by rescuers to others in their willingness to prioritize dangerous or marginal ownerless dogs over beloved pets and over people.
The spay/neuter part, that just galls me. It should gall anyone. This crisis, this hellscape of pit bull overpopulation that exists clearly calls for sterilization of any shelter dog in California. Shrugging off that as a lesser priority than rehoming existing dogs blows the whole deal. Any animal rescue plan that removes, downgrades or fails to prioritize spay/neuter for pit bulls is worthless. It's just a smokescreen, a way to play with puppies and posture as saviors without doing anything to improve the situation. Status quo, nothing to see here, #adoptdontshop.
SUMMARY: Under existing law, it is the policy of the state that no adoptable animal should be euthanized if it can be adopted into a suitable home, as provided.
This bill declares it the policy of the state that no animal be euthanized by a public animal control agency, shelter, or a private entity that contracts with a public animal control agency or shelter for animal care and control services (collectively, “eligible agency”). This bill requires an eligible agency to post, 24 to 72 hours before a scheduled euthanasia of a dog or cat, a daily list of any cat or dog scheduled for euthanasia on its public website or social media page and to post a physical notice on the kennel of a dog or cat scheduled to be euthanized.
This bill requires a public animal control agency or shelter that seeks to adopt a policy, practice, or protocol that may conflict with Hayden’s Law to give notice regarding the policy, practice, or protocol, as specified, and requires the city or county to schedule a public hearing regarding the policy, practice, or protocol.
And the sheer chutzpah of this
Rescuers - we will advocate for violent dogs and fund their owners' fights to keep them from being designated dangerous and harass communities into being extremely afraid of even starting a dangerous dog investigation.
Also rescuers - our new legislation to require more marketing of unadoptable dogs won't include dangerous dogs! Silly! There's no risk to the public!
Although I will say I had no idea that rescuers knew of the existence of the word 'transparency' so good for them. Perhaps this knowledge could be turned inward sometimes?
The CityWatch article
ANIMAL WATCH - An increasing number of reported vicious and fatal dog attacks across California, as reported by the L.A. Times—and worldwide—are ignored by AB 2265 (2024) authored by Assembly Member Kevin McCarthy and introduced in the CA Assembly—and, instead, it prohibits euthanasia of any dangerous animals, including dogs impounded in shelters for violent behavior.
AB 2265, (which has so far been amended twice, the latest change being when it was introduced in the Assembly on 3/18/2024) wants California legislators to assure that NO dog (or other aggressive animal) in a shelter can be euthanized, other than if it is irremediably suffering, regardless of its violent or even deadly behavioral history. However, it is the goal and purpose of shelters to place as many animals as possible directly into homes with families.
This bill went far beyond the purpose of the 1998 Hayden bill which had the intent to restrict euthanasia of healthy and adoptable animals.
No one with knowledge of the devastating outcome of attacks by currently popular Pit Bulls, XL and XXL Bullys, now banned in the UK, Wales, Scotland and India, along with other aggressive breeds, nor anyone who has been the victim of any vicious dog attack, could plausibly agree that this risk should be encouraged or can be afforded by the State of California or any governmental jurisdiction.
So far, it appears other legislators are skeptical of this bill. The only positive change with which some CA animal control agencies and legislators have expressed mutual agreement is the increase in spay/neuter deposits for dogs and cats being raised to $200 to match the much higher rates for surgical sterilization in today’s economy.
In the past few weeks we have seen countries such as England, Wales, Scotland and India joining those which ban Pit Bull, XL and XXL Bullys and other dangerous dogs in order to stop the trafficking of dangerous breeds, provide safety for communities and stop the horrific attacks and deaths of innocent children and adults whose lives are ended by other people’s “protection dogs” or “rescued” pets with a known history of violent behavior.
There is value in telling the truth about dog behavior and the greatest is in public and personal safety. What weird whim—other than personal aggrandizement or a strong campaign supporter—would cause Senator McCarthy to encourage ignoring violent past history and risk human and animal lives on a gamble that a dog with a known history of unprovoked aggression will suddenly act differently?
If we want canines to continue to be known as man’s (or woman’s) best friends, we need—just as we do with humans—to assure they have earned that trust by not misusing their innate strength and survival skills to harm those who trust and love them.
This bill, AB 2265, introduced on February 8, 2024, drastically changes the State’s animal shelter euthanasia goal—from ending euthanasia of adoptable animals to ending euthanasia of any animal. That includes vicious dogs, wild and/or dangerous animals, prohibited animals and regulated animals.
This would create chaotic danger for adopters and pet owners and innocent residents/neighbors throughout California, while ALSO negatively and disastrously affecting the insurance and veterinary industries, according to experts.
The only exceptions in the bill that allow a dangerous animal to be euthanized are very narrow categories for medical and behavior issues:
1) those that are irremediably suffering, which is defined as those for which “severe, unremitting physical pain” cannot be relieved by any medical means without regard to cost or local availability of that level of care; and
2) Those that have been declared “vicious” under the State’s regulatory scheme, which few agencies use, and which assumes that a hearing was held after an owner contested that declaration.
According to Fast Track Democracy, “Existing law prohibits animals that are irremediably suffering from a serious illness or severe injury from being held for owner redemption or adoption. This bill would instead declare it the policy of the state that no animal be euthanized by a public animal control agency or shelter or a private entity that contracts with a public animal control agency or shelter for animal care and control services, except as provided.”
“Existing law prohibits a stray dog or cat impounded by a public or private shelter from being euthanized before 6 business days after the stray dog or cat is impounded, not including the day of impoundment, and requires that the stray dog or cat, except those irremediably suffering, be released to a nonprofit animal rescue or adoption organization before the scheduled euthanasia of the stray dog or cat if requested by the organization, as specified.” The analysis summarizes the Bill (see Fast Track Democracy).
Existing law prohibits a stray dog or cat impounded by a public or private shelter from being euthanized before 6 business days after the stray dog or cat is impounded, not including the day of impoundment, and requires that the stray dog or cat, except those irremediably suffering, be released to a nonprofit animal rescue or adoption organization before the scheduled euthanasia of the stray dog or cat if requested by the organization, as specified.
A California animal-control specialist offered the following thoughts based on his personal and professional experience.
(The following is not to be taken as legal advice, but merely as guidance in further considering some issues that appear to not have been considered in pursuing these severe changes to animal sheltering under existing California laws and practices.)
“This Bill would absolutely eviscerate Food and Agricultural Code Section 31683, which allows counties and cities to have their own regulatory process for dangerous dogs, and it would force everyone to use the very-flawed State process.”
AND he summarized that:
  • This bill eliminates the limitation by the 1998 Hayden-Bill mandate and requires shelters to advertise for release even those dogs that have mauled or killed a person, and forces animal control agencies (government and humane societies with animal control contracts) to announce the pending euthanasia of any of these dogs to “rescues,” so they can take them, often placing them in unsuspecting homes.
  • Even if the bill does not require that owner-relinquished dogs that are too vicious for placement even with a rescue be released to anyone who asks for it, the mere requirement that they be advertised creates unnecessary conflict and invites protest and even litigation over the decision not to release them.
  • What is a “qualified” nonprofit animal rescue or adoption organization? The term “qualified” is not defined in the bill. In light of an appellate court interpretation of the Hayden mandate to release stray dogs facing euthanasia to a “qualified” rescue, it is vital to have that defined. If “qualified” means any corporation that has obtained its 501(c)(3) tax exempt status—which is what many will assume—then animal control will have no way to ensure that the most vicious dogs are not placed in “foster” in unsuspecting neighborhoods by people who have no idea how dangerous they are.
  • Why must it be a nonprofit organization? This bill defines an animal rescue organization to include for-profit corporations. So why are they excluded from this Bill? A nonprofit organization can pay a high number of “employees” very exorbitant salaries. A nonprofit business model is no guarantee that more of the organization’s budget will go to help animals than other business models.
  • This Bill targets only municipal shelters and humane societies that have government contracts to provide animal control services. Those are the only organizations that cannot fully control their intake, and on which there are mandates to admit animals. They are the very organizations that most need the ability to engage in euthanasia for legitimate health and safety reasons, and for which the greatest levels of leniency and understanding are justified. Yet, any other organization can euthanize healthy, adoptable animals with impunity.
Although there are many other factors considered in the analysis, this article is intended merely to present some of the dangers of creating laws and policies at any legislative level without having a thorough analysis and discussion with leaders in the field of animal control and sheltering. There is information at the end of this article if anyone wishes to read more of this analysis.
There is no better way to reach the wallets of animal lovers than through their heart strings, and sadly millions of dollars are going into pockets of executives in organizations that do not directly care for or protect animals and, of course, nothing speaks louder than donations at the lobbying and legislative level.
But, the needs of homeless animals should not be creating slush funds for campaigns nor playing on the emotions of those who are continually confronted by TV commercials and mailers, saying that just a few more dollars will save them all.
There are also human lives and safety to be considered and this is a primary responsibility of animal shelters and humane societies. It is important that they are asked what will help them do this thankless and seemingly hopeless job.
Pets are too often obtained as a short-term experience with little commitment and then abandoned within or outside these facilities that do not benefit from the money that is raised by large organizations or politicians ostensibly to help them.
Instead, these promises set unreachable goals and promote “feel-good” programs that overburden their staffing and emotions, without asking what they need to do this very difficult job from a realistic perspective.
Not all animals are adoptable, nor should they be placed in homes where they are likely to harm, or be harmed because certain behavior is endemic to the breed. The AKC thrives on the fact that bloodlines of dogs determine or influence their predictable behavior.
Why is it this is so clear that it causes millions of people to buy purebreds for certain reasons; yet, animal shelters are expected to take in dogs with documented histories of anti-social behavior and attacks and rehome them with promises they will be “good family members” just to keep them alive?
Legislators need to listen to experts in animal control—not self-appointed voices for animals—many of whom have never worked in a shelter, before even considering new legislation.
They also need to ask their own community, “Do you feel safe from dog attacks? And/or “have you been a victim of an attack or live in fear of neighborhood animals?” They may be surprised at the number of injuries that have been suffered but didn’t make the press and how many victims may have permanent, life-limiting, disabilities for which they were never compensated.
Assembly Member McCarthy needs to walk through animal shelters in his district and ask those who work there or have been long-term volunteers, and those who take the responsibility for determining policies and the endless, sad challenges of management, “what will help you help them?”
California has been very liberal (or very foolish) in allowing dogs known to have a history of aggression to be removed from shelters for adoption, but lawsuits and tragic, injuries or deaths of innocent victims have imposed limitations as to what can be tolerated philosophically and financially.
The safety of the dog itself must also be a consideration. People understandably react violently to dog attacks, using any weapon to inflict sufficient injury to stop the dog and save their own or another’s life.
Euthanasia can be the most humane option when it is indicated or determined that the animal poses a consistent threat to humans or animals in general, or poses a recurrent uncontrollable risk to the public’s and its own safety.
(Author’s note: If anyone would like to see more of the informal critique of the proposed CA law AB 2265, quoted in part in this article, you can contact me through the editor of CityWatchLA: ([](
(Phyllis M. Daugherty is a former Los Angeles City employee, an animal activist and a contributor to CityWatch.
submitted by nomorelandfills to PetRescueExposed [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:08 Iam-scared-of-myself Venting about people, systems, racism, the world in general. NO HATE TOWARDS ANYONE, THIS IS JUST VENTING FRUSTRATION

This is gonna be a hefty and most likely triggering post for specific groups of people out there (meaning people who struggle with anger, people who don't want poltical content/opinions etc), so please stop reading and leave if you figure this is gonna be rough for you. This will (mainly) be about the conflict between Palestine and Israel. (and apparently a long one) No hate towards any specific groups of people, but I do have a lot of *frustration regarding behaviours*.
Before I start, I want you to remember some facts about me as you read;
I am autistic
I am heavily influenced by world peace, hate, racism and other unfair situations
I have incredibly high standards for myself that I strive to not break, including, but not limited to, being kind and respectful *always*, despite being in a bad mood, not liking someone, or disagreeing, especially political disagreements
I have always, and will always, stand against widespread hate, racism and other discrimination towards any specific religions, ethnicities, nationalities, cultures, etc.
I also want you to know that I named this throwaway accordingly.
So let's get this shitshow started then, shall we.
As the details of the conflict stands, it is beyond obvious to me that this is racism and, literally, a Holocaust. Not *the* Holocaust, but *a* Holocaust. Oxford Languages has the term defined as a destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war . I'd say that's very much accurate. Proof to come.
Regardless, this situation has had me very pressed the last almost 8 months, as I know most other people have been too. Without getting too much into the conflict itself, I want to talk a little about what I've seen from the Jewish community.
This is where I advise anyone who struggles with anger especially to leave and try to keep your day positive. If you have a magical potion to stay stable after this, who am I to stop you...
Alright, onto the dreaded part. And yes, I am stalling.
I have never, and I truly mean *never* had any hateful thoughts or opinions about religions (other than Christianity but that's one for another time), and as we are all aware of, The Holocaust had massive effect on the world some 80 years ago. I have always seen Jews as victims due to this, but in recent times I've realised that a lot of them, too, see themselves as victims. The issue is that they aren't the victims right now. They (Israel) aren't defending themselves, they have nothing to defend themselves against. Israel is currently doing the exact same thing as Germany did to them, to Palestine. Sure, maybe at some point who knows when, Palestine *was* the land of Jews, but since then, multiple religions have been thriving together on that land, including Jews. They were never excluded. From what I've understood, there weren't any wars or conflicts going on within the country that didn't happen elsewhere. The issue began when in the late 1940's zionists brutally murdered families to steal their homes. I'm sure the situation was so much more complex than that, but in a nutshell that is basically it. The fact that everyone today have been so desensitized from the travesties happening around the world is depressing and hope-killing. I truly am well on the way to giving up, and at this point in time I'm so angry all the time due to the Middle East's situation.
So a few weeks ago, probably closing in on months at this point, I randomly got a notification from reddit about someone posting on /Jewish. They didn't say anything explicit, so I pressed the notification and I was met with the worst victimization and ignorance I've ever seen. I truly believed most jews would see this for what it is, and not let some racist maniac spoon-feed them propaganda and hate, but I was brutally and humbly proven wrong. They were mocking proPAL parades, hating on news anchors and civilians alike calling this a genocide, insisting that Israel has no other choice, saying "casualties happens in war", convincing each other that zionism is a good thing, and feeling sorry for themselves when friends and families cut contact because they said they supported Israel and saw this as the only solution. Some might have been genuine problems, idk, but for the most part, that subreddit seems to only be about hating the rest of the world because their great grandparents were killed. I know I sound like a complete asshole, but the world isn't antisemetic anymore - they are actively looking for it and then using that one person telling them to stop feeling so sorry for themselves as proof that everybody in the world wants to throw them back in gas chambers.
I commented on my personal once where I mentioned that judaism and zionism are two separate things and got downvoted to oblivion. Someone replied saying that my comment was very much exactly what they too feel, but I got downvoted *simply because* I referred to them as separate entities. That is another criticism they've recieved lately; the pure idea of zionism is on the complete opposite side from what Judaism stands for. I've seen so many of the members there calling Jews protesting against Israel "self-hating" and traitors.
I've also made so many replies that I never sent because I know for a fact they would do anything in their power to ban me from ever using reddit again, and I wouldn't be surprised if I got doxxed and harrassed IRL from it. I saved them all, though. I found that it was kind of therapeutic to get it out, but it still bugs me that I never found a way to say it to them. I once also made a post about my rage for their behaviour connected to this genocide, but I thankfully stopped myself before I posted it. I'm so enraged by their sheer ignorance and hypocritical behaviour, all the while Gaza is still being eradicated and slaughtered, war crimes happening day in-day out, inhumane atrocities by the IOF being posted and hailed, and they have the audacity to say that they are the victims? That Israel has no other choice but martyring tens of thousands of CHILDREN? Starving the entire Gaza Strip, segregating West Bank, literally teaching their young in school to hate and attack arabs? That last one might not be true as I don't speak Hebrew or Arabic, so anyone could've just made up the translation, but I still feel it's worth mentioning in case it actually *is* real.
My point is that the guts they have to claim to be so moral, yet still be so unfaced from what's happening in Gaza is beside me. Sure, for those living near the Gaza wall, I'm positive that hearing bombs and screams were traumatizing as fuck, but to then leave for work the next day and claim that "shit happens"? It's insane! It's inhumane. They can leave whenever they like, children can play football (soccer) in the streets and not having to worry about shit, hotels and restaurants with 5-star ratings thriving, plants and flowers still blooming, absolutely no threats on a daily basis. The fact that people are still calling this a war, something necessary, is beyond devastating to me. There are millions still siding with zionism, claiming there's nothing wrong with the belief that you have an innate right to some dirt simply because your holy book says that thousands of years ago, your religion lived there, and simply because of that religious fact you are rightfully owed thousands of young lives, the death of an entire country with its own culture, just to feed the irrational religious political system? How in God's name has that ever, *IS* that still okay? If Muslims were the ones saying that shit, they would've been completely destroyed by now, today's generation wouldn't know what the fuck Islam was. They are still being slaughtered though, because they're saying it's *not* okay. How is that not racist again?
My brother and I got into a heated argument a few days ago about this. I am very much *for* Palestine to have human rights and to own their own land - he is very much *against* "ugly blackies" having any rights because they're *not* human. Boi when I tell you I got so angry I started crying. And the worst part about that fight? He claims that Jews aren't any better, however they still deserve to defend themselves against children running on the beach. "But Hamas-" is so over-used and outdated by now, it just proves that he doesn't follow up on statistics and evidence. Even if there only were one-sided news (from Gaza), the fact that the ICJ ruled Israel's actions a genocide and war crimes still proves everything he claims to be "n*****'s propaganda". And the fact that he so underminds my autism and *need* for factual evidence before discussing it also goes to show that he genuinely does not care about anything other than the black "terrorists" being eradicated. I said "So you're not just a racist, you're just plain racist?" he just scoffed and looked at me as if I just said the most nonsensical bullshit gibberish ever, practically saying "I'm not gonna say anything, but it really took you that long to realise?" Either that, or he actually didn't comprehend the words coming out of my mouth, like it was a foreign language or something. Because he genuinely does not have a single reason to be racist.
He can't even blame suicide attacks because 1) not all are carried by muslims, and 2) between 1981-2015 around 45,000 were killed by suicide attacks worldwide, where in 2019 the total death toll was only 1,699 more than amount of attacks; whereas in Gaza, between Oct 7 to present there are about 34,000 confirmed palestinian deaths, and assumed around 42,000 with unconfirmed deaths. If, in 36 years, "muslim terrorism" killed about the same amount as Israel has in almost 8 months, how on earth are Arabs the terrorists?
And I've also seen the argument that 30,000 is nothing compared to the total population in Gaza, as if that makes it okay. I will, again, make example of The Holocaust. When 30,000 Jews were martyred, people were already catching on, and this was without the technology we have today.
How have we been allowing this to happen to Palestinians *with* our technology today? Why haven't people been doing more; striking our jobs, cummute chauffeurs striking, proper permanent boycotts, more coverage from news anchors and private people alike? Even if it is to officially reclaim your love for white supremacy, you're still talking about it. Why are people still not reading up on this? Why does millions still not know that this *didn't* begin on October 7th? And why are there still those who claim that the past doesn't matter today? I have so many questions, and if I do get an answer I will only end up with more questions. How hasn't the world stopped over this? Why are people so okay knowing that there are children being intentionally murdered every single day? How can you go to work and talk about Dave's new tie? Or your 6 year old's birthday party with 15 other 6 year olds? Hasn't it crossed your mind that if the roles were reversed, your precious princess would be the one burried under tons of rubble, dying slowly while simontaniously starving, dehydrating, suffocating and crushing, and *knowing* that absolutely no one cares because you're [skin color] and it's normal for your kids to be horrendously massacred? "Oh but the Taliban-ISIS-Al Qaeda" OKAY so what are you gonna do to help save innocent lives and suffering??? How are you gonna contribute to STOP these organizations that have manipulated and murdered to rule their country and are intentionally making the citicens miserable? Are you even aware that your own govurnment is essentially the same fucking thing, just disguised as a well dressed, polite gentleman? Aren't you sick of all those ads on TV showing brown children with flies in their eyes? Or your mama telling you to think about the starving children in Africa? Because I am.
I am so sick and tired of how inhumane humans have come to be. You don't see animals (and I'm trying my best to not mention how humans *are* animals, guess I failed) intentionally kill another animal simply because they're that animal. They kill prey; polar bears kill seals, seals kill penguins, penguins kill fish, fish kill amoebas, and you can get to that result from absolutely everything. What you don't find as a natural event is a golden, brown mane lion attack and kill an albino lion simply because it's albino. You don't see a school of fish swim away from one with two heads, because "*omg Jared is such a freak with his two heads*." So why the FUCK DID WE START DOING THAT? Where did this hunger for power come from? You *will* see a female lion tell the king that enough is enough, and he *will* accept that. I could go on and on for DAYS if I got the chance, but I don't wanna get too off topic here.
I've started a list of all the universally illegal shit Israel has done, and once I'm satisfied with it, I'll make one comparing Israel to Palestine, and then Arabs/Muslims as a whole. I can guarantee that I will still hear "on-sided sources" still, or "You can't trust Wikipedia!" Have you ever tried to edit or create an article on Wikipedia? I have, and I had to confirm that I had a degree or a current valid work ID to prove that I was elgible to speak on the topic. I tried to make a site for myself... Sure, there are more trustworthy sites, but even in a discussion about wether or not being trans is a mental illness, where I quoted and linked all of the most well known official sources like WHO, I was still slapped with "but this shady ass article from a random Deutch website that explicitly says everything I've said, yet still isn't actually saying the same thing because I misquoted and mixed the words to form my own sentence says that it is" when they literally linked a website called "disabled world". I will say though, I agree with that name. Today's world is so non-funtional for neurotypical, hetero, white MEN, it's no fucking wonder everyone else are classified as disabled or whatever. Also, on that disabled topic, if you've made it this far, please don't say "differently abled". A quote unquote quote (heh geddit? cuz it's rephrased and I don't have the book near me rn to directly quote) from Devon Price's "Unmasking Autism" that I really like: "You wouldn't say "a person with Asianness", you'd say "an Asian person"." We are disabled because today's world isn't made for us, and for the most part isn't even accomodated or accessible to us. We are different, yeah, but literally everyone is. We just got that term because we can't do the same things as you (assuming you're neurotypical) without aid. We are able, just not like you. Of course, if an autistic person tells you they prefer "person with autism", listen to them! But most of us embrace it as a part of us because we can't just get rid of it. Autism is what make me me, I wouldn't be me without my autism, so I *am* autistic, for better or for worse. :)
I find it kinda ironic that I started this as a venting about a lot of Jews' hypocritical behaviour, and now ending up on autism. Yaknow, cuz Dr. Asperger during WW2 experimented and tortured autistic people, and found out that some where more alike him than others, which then coined the term Aspergers for the Autistic Community.
Anywho, I feel better now, so thanks for letting me vent a little (a lot). I want to finish off by restating my intro; I have not, and will not tolerate any hate, racism or discrimination towards any religion, ethnicity, nationality, culture etc. This post is not intended as a rant about how aweful jews are, because they're not. I just wanted to air some frustration over their behaviour regarding I/P genocide. This is also not about *all* Jews, but that's the same discussion as "not all men" so I'll leave it at that.
I will delete this account in a week, so if you have any questions, be fast ig. If you find I've mis-phrased, used irrationally insensitive wording or any other complaints that calls for a repost, I will fix it and post an updated version. My DMs will also be available if that should be of interest, but I will not be responding to hate or personal attacks for my opinions. If the issue is my wording, again, tell me and I'll fix it.
At this point I've written so much that I don't remember if I found anything myself that I figured was worth fixing, and I've proof read it so many times that my eyes are crossing and giving me a headache lol
Gosh I'm scared of posting this. I don't want anyone to read this and think I support what A. H. did in 1940 cuz I cannot begin to describe my hatred for that man
submitted by Iam-scared-of-myself to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:58 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Car Duster

Best Car Duster
If you've ever struggled to keep your prized automobile clean and spotless, then you'll want to pay attention. In this article, we'll be diving into the world of car dusters, exploring the top options available on the market that could make your car-cleaning routine a breeze. From essential features to user-friendly designs, we'll help you find the perfect car duster for your needs. So, buckle up and get ready to witness what these innovative tools can do for your cherished vehicle.

The Top 19 Best Car Duster

  1. Effective Removable Microfiber Car Duster for Dust-Free Vehicles - Keep your car sparkling clean with the versatile Speedway Car Duster, featuring a removable and washable microfiber surface for effortless dust removal.
  2. Ride Kings Car Duster: Soft Cotton Exterior Duster for Cars with a Telescopic Handle - The Ride Kings Car Duster is a versatile, easy-to-use duster designed for reaching hard-to-reach areas, effectively removes dust pollen without water, and is gentle on all vehicle surfaces, making it a must-have for a clean, scratch-free car.
  3. Ultimate Car Duster Kit: Effortless Sparkle and Cleanliness - Upra Ultimate Car Duster Set - The versatile, long-lasting, and 360-degree dust removal solution perfect for your car, SUV, RV, motorcycle, and truck needs.
  4. Original California Mini Car Duster for Dust Removal - The Original California Mini Duster is a top-rated, compact duster perfect for tackling dust inside vehicles and homes, featuring a signature baked-in wax treatment and easy-to-use cotton strands with a special paraffin blend for effective cleaning.
  5. Premium Wood Handle Car Duster for Interior Cleaning - Enjoy a smooth, dust-free ride with the Californian California Car Duster Platinum Mini Dash Duster featuring a high-quality, paraffin wax-treated cotton strand and an attractive wood handle for effortless cleaning.
  6. Soft Microfiber Car Duster for Scratch-Free Cleaning - Bzczh Soft Microfiber Car Duster: Non-Linting, Pollen-Free, and Swirl-Mark-Free Solution for Car, Truck, Suv, RV, and Motorcycle Cleaning without Scratching the Paint
  7. Professional Quality Car Duster for Spotless Interior Detailing - Experience the perfect car detailing solution with TAKAVU Interior Car Duster, featuring a lint-free, electrostatic microfiber chenille design that leaves your car and bike interiors spotless and pristine.
  8. Car Duster with Solid Wood Handle and Soft Dusting Fibers - Experience the ultimate shine with this wax-infused car duster, featuring a long, narrow design and durable storage cover for flawless results every time.
  9. Extendable Car Duster Set with Anti-Rust Stainless Steel Brush - Introducing the Ride Kings Car Duster Set - a versatile and effective solution for cleaning cars, featuring an extendable handle and soft, anti-rust stainless steel brush for effortless dust removal on both exterior and interior surfaces.
  10. Universal Car Duster with Extension and Rotation Features - The Triple Threat Extending and Rotating Duster from California Car Duster effortlessly removes dust without scratching paint, works on all surfaces, and extends the time between washes, perfect for SUVs, RVs, and hard-to-reach areas in your home.
  11. Premium Extra Large Car Duster with Marine Varnished Wood Handle - The OCM Premium Extra Large Car Duster, featuring a durable 100% cotton thread design and a marine varnished solid wood handle, is perfect for achieving a showroom finish with ease and efficiency, making it a top choice among professional detailers.
  12. Effortless Dash Duster for Clean Vehicle Interiors - Keep your vehicle's interior pristine and clean easily with the California Duster - Dash Duster, a non-toxic, safe, and 100% cotton paraffin-treated mop that effortlessly lifts off dust without scratching, perfect for homes, offices, and more.
  13. Unique Ostrich Feather Duster for Car Cleaning - Aldwin Ostrich Feather Duster: Eco-friendly, reusable, and washable 16-inch black ostrich feather duster with a wooden handle, perfect for cleaning delicate surfaces or as a stylish ornament.
  14. Original California Car Duster for Interior Cleaning - Experience hassle-free interior cleaning with the durable and versatile Original California Car Duster II, featuring baked-on wax-treated cotton strands, superior viewing angles, and a storage bag.
  15. Unlimited Compressed Air Duster for Multiple Tasks - Unleash unlimited compressed air with the versatile XPOWER A-5 electric air duster, featuring advanced features and eco-friendly benefits, perfect for car detailing, dusting, drying, and inflating tasks with multiple nozzle and brush options!
  16. The Original California Car Duster - Car Care Magic - The Original California Car Duster ensures a pristine car shine with its innovative paraffin wax-infused cotton strands, which effectively lift and remove dust, instantly giving the appearance of a just-washed vehicle.
  17. California Duster: High-Quality Car Cleaning Duster with Soft Wood Handle - Clean your car effortlessly with The Original California Car Duster, featuring soft cotton strands, a comfortable wood handle, and paraffin wax treatment for effective dust removal, all while keeping your ride's finish safe and scratch-free.
  18. Soft and Scratch-Free Car Duster for Gentle Cleaning - Clean and protect your car's interior effortlessly with Armor All's Microfiber Noodle Tech Interior Duster, a soft, scratch-free solution for use on dry surfaces.
  19. California Car Duster with Wax Treatment and Storage Bag - The Original California Car Duster, a convenient and versatile solution to keeping your car clean, with its soft and durable strands, baked-on wax treatment, and minimal water usage, making it a top pick for car enthusiasts.
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🔗Effective Removable Microfiber Car Duster for Dust-Free Vehicles
The Speedway Car Duster is a true lifesaver for car enthusiasts. This duster is not only easy to use but also incredibly effective at eliminating dust from your vehicle. The microfiber material is soft and gentle on your car's finish, while the removable and washable feature ensures that your duster stays clean and dust-free.
One of the standout features of the Speedway Car Duster is the metal tube handle. It provides a sturdy grip, making it easy to maneuver around your car, even in tight spaces. The purple color also adds a touch of elegance and style, making this duster a great addition to your car care routine.
Using the Speedway Car Duster is a breeze - simply run it over your car's surface, and watch as the dust magically disappears. The microfiber material is designed to trap dust particles, providing a thorough clean. If you're tired of constantly wiping down your car to keep it dust-free, this duster might just be the solution you've been looking for.
Overall, the Speedway Car Duster is a must-have for anyone who takes pride in their vehicle's appearance. With its sturdy construction, easy-to-use design, and effective dust-collecting capabilities, it's no wonder this duster has earned such high praise from its users.

🔗Ride Kings Car Duster: Soft Cotton Exterior Duster for Cars with a Telescopic Handle
I've been using the Ride Kings Car Duster for a while now, and let me tell you, it's quite the handy little tool. Its telescopic rod is a game-changer for those of us with a tad less height, as it allows us to reach those high-up spots without stressing our backs. Plus, the rotating and locking mop head ensures versatility and flexibility for a quick dusting session.
What really stands out is the paraffin wax-treated cotton strands that effectively remove dust and pollen without the need for water. Not only does it save water, but it's also gentle on all surfaces, making it a must-have for those who live in dusty environments like desert or coastal regions. The soft, natural, 100% cotton fibers don't scratch the finish, leaving behind no lint after use.
Additionally, this duster comes with a portable storage cover, making it easy to tote around in your car trunk and pull off dust whenever you need to. The detachable brush pole head also ensures easy storage. Overall, it's a solid choice for car owners seeking a reliable, eco-friendly cleaning solution.

🔗Ultimate Car Duster Kit: Effortless Sparkle and Cleanliness
I recently got my hands on the upra Ultimate Car Duster Kit, and I must say, this is the best car duster set I've ever used. Not only does it have a sturdy build that won't fall apart or unravel over time, but it also features a special design and tight joint that prevents snagging things on or in my car.
One of the things that stood out to me the most was the set's large car duster with a minimum length of 22.8 inches and a maximum length of 32.6 inches. Along with the circular one measuring 11.8 inches in diameter and 4.33 inches in length, and a mini car air vent duster with a dimension of 6.3 inches, this kit has got me covered for all my car cleaning needs.
The fine material applied, high-class microfiber, makes sure I leave no lint or wax behind – something I appreciate when I want my car to look as good as new both indoors and outdoors. With its powerful dust or dirt removing performance, this car duster has saved me a significant amount of time and money and works for all vehicle types, from trucks to SUVs and even motorcycles.
Now, I must say, it does require some maintenance, but it's worth the investment considering how efficient and easy to operate it is. Upra really knows how to create a top-notch product, and their Ultimate Car Duster Kit is the perfect proof of that.

🔗Original California Mini Car Duster for Dust Removal
The California Mini Duster has been a game-changer in my daily life. I've been using it for dusting both at home and in my car, and let me tell you, it's made a huge difference in the cleanliness of my interiors.
One of the standout features of this product is the baked-in wax treatment. It's not just a cleaner, but also a protector for my vehicle's interior. I've noticed that after using the Mini Duster, the surfaces seem to have a nice shine, which is thanks to that special wax treatment.
However, one downside I've found is that while it's great for dusting, it does tend to leave a bit of lint behind. Not a lot, but enough to notice. I've had to shake it out a few times, and I've even ended up using a small brush to get rid of the excess lint.
The Mini Duster's compact size is another plus, making it perfect for on-the-go use. It fits in the palm of my hand and doesn't take up much space in my car, which is super handy.
Using the Mini Duster has made me appreciate just how much dust I didn't realize was lying around. Now, I find myself using it all the time, and I can definitely say that it's been a great addition to my cleaning arsenal.

🔗Premium Wood Handle Car Duster for Interior Cleaning
The Original California Car Duster Platinum Mini Dash Duster has been a game-changer in my life. The special paraffin wax-treated cotton strands make it super easy to lift dust off without leaving any marks behind.
The attractive wood handle is not only visually appealing but also sturdy and comfortable to hold. While I enjoy using it for auto purposes, its versatility has proven to be beneficial in my home as well. However, I must mention a minor inconvenience - there was no vinyl storage bag included as mentioned.
Nonetheless, it's a fantastic product worth considering for anyone seeking an effortless solution to dust removal.

🔗Soft Microfiber Car Duster for Scratch-Free Cleaning
As someone who's always on the lookout for a car duster that leaves no trace, I gave the bzczh Soft Microfiber Car Duster a try. I've been using it for a few weeks now, and I must say, it's been a game-changer.
This duster is incredibly soft, making it perfect for gently removing dust from the exterior of your car without causing any damage. I'm impressed by how well it picks up even the tiniest particles, leaving my car's surface spotless.
The extendable handle is really convenient, allowing me to reach those hard-to-reach spots without straining my back. And the best part? No pesky lint, pollen, or swirl marks to worry about.
However, one downside I noticed is that the duster seems to lose some of its softness after a few washes. But it's not a deal-breaker, as the results are still noticeably better than what I've experienced with other dusters.
In conclusion, the bzczh Soft Microfiber Car Duster definitely lives up to its name, providing a gentle yet effective solution for keeping your car's exterior dust-free. Despite the minor downside, its pros outweigh the cons, making it a great choice for anyone looking for a car duster that truly delivers.

🔗Professional Quality Car Duster for Spotless Interior Detailing
I recently discovered the TAKAVU Interior Car Detail Duster and couldn't be happier with the result. As a car enthusiast, I've been searching for a dusting solution that not only leaves my vehicle looking incredible but also doesn't require constant maintenance.
This car duster truly exceeded my expectations. Its electrostatic microfiber chenille is a game-changer, as it captures and locks away dust and debris without leaving traces of lint or residue behind. I appreciated how effortlessly it tackles various surfaces, from my car's interior to other items around the house.
However, I did encounter a minor issue with the design. The duster occasionally needed some repositioning to ensure complete coverage, but it was a small price to pay for the overall results.
Despite this minor inconvenience, I still highly recommend the TAKAVU Interior Car Detail Duster. Its ability to leave my car's interior spotless has saved me countless trips to the car wash, and it has become a staple in my detailing toolkit. Plus, it's an excellent gift for car lovers in your life!

🔗Car Duster with Solid Wood Handle and Soft Dusting Fibers
I recently received the Classic Car Duster with a solid wood handle for my daily car maintenance. The long and narrow design of the duster allows me to easily access those tight and hard-to-reach areas, making it a fantastic tool for those who are particular about their car's appearance.
One of the most significant features that stood out to me was the 3-inch long threads, which attract and lift dust from the vehicle's surface. I've noticed a marked improvement in the overall cleanliness and shine of my car thanks to this duster.
However, it is essential to note that due to the 100% cotton construction, there may be some lint and wax residue during the initial use. But once this product breaks in, it becomes even softer and continues to perform exceptionally well for years to come. Frequent shaking before, during, and after use helps to prevent this issue.
Lastly, I appreciate the durable storage cover included in the package, which ensures the duster remains in pristine condition when not in use. Overall, I highly recommend this Classic Car Duster for anyone looking to achieve that showroom finish every time.

🔗Extendable Car Duster Set with Anti-Rust Stainless Steel Brush
Riding around in a dusty car is never fun, but with the Ride Kings Car Duster Set, it's become easier to keep your vehicle clean. This clever car duster set comes with an extendable handle, perfect for reaching areas like the roof, windshield, and hood of large vehicles. The ergonomic handle is soft and comfortable to grip, even during long cleaning sessions.
One of the standout features of this car duster set is its dual-brush head. The large brush head covers a larger area and quickly removes dust, while the smaller brush is perfect for tackling those hard-to-reach spots. The set also comes with a stainless steel brush rod that's light yet strong, with a non-slip, soft foam handle for even more convenience.
What's especially cool about this car duster set is its portability. The brush set can be carried in the trunk of your car for easy use during road trips. With its removable brush head, you can easily fold it and store it for optimal travel convenience.
Not only is this car duster set functional, but it's also eco-friendly. Its paraffin-treated cotton thread can effectively remove dust and pollen without using water, making it ideal for those living in desert or coastal areas.
One minor drawback is that the Ride Kings Car Duster Set is not suitable for wet use. But overall, with its retractable handle, flexible brush head, and gentle touch, this set is the perfect addition to any car care routine.

🔗Universal Car Duster with Extension and Rotation Features
A few weeks ago, I decided to try out the Triple Threat Extending and Rotating Truck and RV Duster from California Car Duster. As someone who's always on the go, I needed a versatile duster that could handle my busy lifestyle. I was curious to see if it could live up to the hype and clean my dusty SUV with ease.
Right out of the box, I was impressed with the duster's aluminum handle. The extension feature made it simple to adjust the length, reaching high areas like the roof of my vehicle. The larger duster head was perfect for getting into tight spaces and hard-to-reach corners in my SUV and garage.
However, I did notice a small issue with the rotating feature - it didn't spin as freely as I would have liked. And at times, the brush seemed to move dust around instead of lifting it efficiently. Still, I could see the wax-treated 100% cotton mop working its magic on lighter dust.
The best part was the convenient storage bag that came with it. I could easily slip it in the back of my SUV when I needed to use it, and keeping the duster in a safe place ensured it would always be clean and ready to use when I needed it.
Overall, the Triple Threat Extending and Rotating Truck and RV Duster from California Car Duster was a helpful addition to my car care routine. It made cleaning my SUV quicker and more efficient, and the extension feature and storage bag were thoughtful touches. While there were some minor drawbacks, I would still recommend this duster to anyone looking for an easy and effective way to keep their SUV or RV clean.

🔗Premium Extra Large Car Duster with Marine Varnished Wood Handle
The OCM Premium Extra Large Car Duster has been a game-changer in my daily life. Its robust design, combined with its lightweight nature, makes it effortless to use. The marine varnished solid wood handle adds a touch of sophistication, while the duster's head is crafted from superb 100% cotton threads.
These cotton threads are infused with a unique wax formula, which makes them gentle and perfect for cleaning delicate surfaces. However, it's essential to note that the duster may initially leave some lint and wax residue as you use it for the first few times. This is completely normal, and the residue will gradually diminish as the duster breaks in and gets softer.
The duster boasts an extra-large head which significantly reduces cleaning time and ensures that your car or truck always has a shiny, showroom finish. Its durability is unmatched, and its storage cover, made of heavy gauge vinyl, ensures the duster head is protected while not in use.
Overall, this OCM Premium Extra Large Car Duster is a worthwhile investment for anyone who wants a top-quality car detailing product that saves time and money. The duster's excellent performance, combined with its ease of use, makes it a no-brainer for professional detailers and enthusiasts alike.

🔗Effortless Dash Duster for Clean Vehicle Interiors
I've been using the California Duster for months now, and it's been a game-changer for keeping my car's interior clean and free of dust. The paraffin wax-treated cotton mop is perfect for its intended purpose, providing an effortless and gentle dust-lifting experience without damaging my car's surfaces.
One of the most notable features of the California Duster is its clever design, with a rounded shape that makes reaching even the trickiest corners and tight spaces a breeze. Not only does this help keep my dashboard looking pristine, but it also works wonders on various household surfaces, from mini blinds and shutters to appliances.
However, there is one downside to the California Duster: its relatively short length. I've found myself needing to contort my arm in some positions to reach certain areas, which can be a bit uncomfortable after a while.
Overall, I'd definitely recommend the California Duster for anyone looking to keep their car or home interior in tip-top shape without causing any damage. It might be a bit short for some users, but it's a small price to pay for an effective and eco-friendly product.

🔗Unique Ostrich Feather Duster for Car Cleaning
For the past couple of weeks, I've been using the Aldwin Ostrich Feather Duster as part of my daily house cleaning routine. Let me tell you, it's like having a little army of soft, fluffy soldiers fighting against dust and grime. Each feather feels like a million tiny cleaning superheroes, gently gliding through the air, tackling every smudge and speck in their path.
One of the things I love about this duster is its eco-friendliness. The feathers are sourced from farmed ostrich, ensuring no harm is done to the environment or endangered species. And the fact that the feathers are washed, deodorized, deinsectized, and fumigated before use? That's just an extra bonus.
The wooden handle is a great addition, providing a sturdy connection between the feathers and the handle. It's just one of those things that makes this duster feel solid and reliable in your hand. And speaking of handling, the ostrich feathers are static-free, which means they don't leave any annoying little particles on your clothes or furniture.
The best part is that this duster is reusable and washable. You can simply wash it in warm water and let it dry, and it's as good as new. It's like having a little cleaning companion that you can take anywhere, from your home to your car.
However, I will say that the duster does require a bit of care when it comes to storing it. Since the feathers are delicate, it's important to hang it or place it in a vase where it won't be crushed or bent. But all in all, it's a fantastic product that's made a significant difference in my cleaning routine.

🔗Original California Car Duster for Interior Cleaning
I've been using the Original California Car Duster Black Mini Duster in my car for a few weeks now, and I must say, it's a game-changer. What stands out the most is its ability to lift dust from even the toughest to reach spots, both inside and out. The baked-on wax-treated cotton strands are soft yet effective, making the cleaning process effortless.
One downside I've noticed is that it can be a bit bulky for smaller vehicles, but its compact size is perfect for most cars. I also appreciate that it's lightweight and easy to use. The mini duster comes with a convenient storage bag, making it a great addition to any vehicle owner's cleaning toolkit.
All in all, the Original California Car Duster Black Mini Duster has made a positive impact on my daily life. It's easy to use, effective, and best of all, it's durable and doesn't require any maintenance or replacements. Highly recommended for anyone looking to keep their car clean and dust-free.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to maintaining the cleanliness of your car's interior, a car duster is an essential tool. It helps remove dust, dirt, and debris from your car's surfaces without causing any scratches. However, with so many different car dusters on the market, it can be challenging to know which one is right for you. Here are some important features, considerations, and advice to help you make the best choice.

The material of the car duster is crucial. It should be made of soft, non-abrasive, and durable material that won't damage your car's interior. Common materials include microfiber, cotton, and polyester. Microfiber is a popular choice because it's soft, gentle, and effective at picking up dirt and dust. However, it may be more expensive than other materials. Cotton and polyester are also good options, but they might not be as effective at picking up fine dust as microfiber.

Size and Shape

The size and shape of the car duster can impact its effectiveness and ease of use. Look for a duster with a head that's large enough to cover a significant area but not so large that it's difficult to maneuver. The shape should be designed to cover a wide range of surfaces, such as dashboard, console, and seats. Some car dusters come with different attachments for specific tasks, like cleaning vents or tight spaces.

Handle Length

The length of the handle can make a big difference in your comfort and reach. Consider the height of your car's interior and ensure the handle is long enough to reach all areas easily. If you have a low-slung car or need to clean high areas, look for a car duster with an adjustable handle.


A car duster should be easy to clean and maintain. Look for a duster with a removable and washable head to make cleaning simpler. Some car dusters also come with a storage bag or pouch to keep them organized when not in use.


Price is always an important factor when considering a product. Car dusters can range in price from budget options to high-end models. Consider how much you're willing to spend and what features are most important to you when deciding on a car duster. Remember that a higher price doesn't always guarantee better quality.

Reader Reviews and Ratings
Reading reviews and ratings from other buyers can help you make a more informed decision. Look for car dusters with high ratings and positive reviews. Pay attention to feedback on ease of use, durability, and effectiveness.
When it comes to choosing the right car duster, it's essential to consider factors like material, size, shape, and maintenance. By doing your research and finding the best car duster for your needs, you'll be able to keep your car's interior clean and beautiful.


What is a Car Duster?

A Car Duster is a tool commonly used by car enthusiasts and professionals to quickly and easily remove dust, dirt, and debris from cars. It is designed to avoid the scratches and swirls that can be caused by regular wiping or cleaning methods.

How does a Car Duster work?

A Car Duster typically consists of a soft, microfiber cloth that is loosely attached to a handle. When the user lightly runs the duster across the car's surface, the static electricity built up in the microfiber cloth attracts and picks up dust and dirt particles. This method helps to prevent scratching, as the cloth does not have to physically rub against the car's surface.

What types of Car Dusters are available?

There are several types of Car Dusters available in the market, such as: * Flat Car Dusters
  • Rectangular Car Dusters
  • Half-Round Car Dusters
  • Fiber Wand Car Dusters
Different types of Car Dusters cater to varying needs and preferences, and it's essential to choose the one that works best for you based on your requirements.

Can a Car Duster be used on all car surfaces?

Yes, a Car Duster can be used on most surfaces of a car, including exterior paint, windows, mirrors, and even the interior. However, it is crucial to avoid using it on delicate areas such as rubber trim or plastic parts that can get damaged by static. Always read the product instructions and test it on a small, inconspicuous area before use on any specific part of the car.

How often should I use a Car Duster?

The frequency of using a Car Duster depends on your personal preference and the level of dust and debris your car accumulates. However, it is generally recommended to clean your car regularly to prevent dirt buildup, protect the paint, and maintain its overall appearance. A weekly or bi-weekly maintenance routine can ensure your car stays clean and well-maintained.

How do I clean and maintain my Car Duster?

To clean your Car Duster, you can simply wipe it thoroughly with a damp cloth, or use a mild detergent and water solution if it's severely dirty. After cleaning, allow the duster to air dry completely to prevent any mold or mildew growth. To maintain the effectiveness of the duster, store it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to prolong its lifespan.
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2024.05.19 07:32 Count-Daring243 Best Car Air Freshener Bombs

Best Car Air Freshener Bombs
Get ready to transform your car's atmosphere with some powerful and long-lasting air freshener bombs! In this article, we'll dive into the world of car air fresheners, covering their different types, benefits, and how they can make your daily drive a pleasure. Say goodbye to stale odors and hello to a fresh, clean-smelling ride. Read on to find out the best air freshener bombs to keep your car smelling amazing!

The Top 5 Best Car Air Freshener Bombs

  1. Meguiar's Permanent Odor Elimination Whole Car Air Re-Fresher Fiji Sunset Scent - Meguiar's Air Freshner Fiji Sunset effectively and permanently eliminates stubborn odors, replacing them with a beautiful, tropical scent that lingers for weeks, leaving your car smelling fresh and inviting.
  2. Fast-Acting Odor Eliminator Spray for Cars - Experience a powerful and refreshing burst of new car scent with FRESHfx Armor All Fogger Rapid Odor Eliminator, infused with Odor Elimination Technology for fast and easy odor removal.
  3. Dakota Odor Bomb - Permanent Car Odor Eliminator with New Car Scent - Dakota Odor Bomb is a one-time, permanent solution to eliminate stubborn odors in your vehicle, home, boat, RV, or office, ensuring a fresh, clean scent that lasts up to three days.
  4. Black Cherry Scent Organic Air Freshener Can - The Scent Bomb Black Cherry Scent Organic Air Freshener Can offers a powerful, long-lasting, and customizable cherry scent in a visually appealing package, perfect for enhancing the aroma in cars, homes, lockers, and more.
  5. Meguiar's Summer Breeze Whole Car Air Re-Fresher - Say goodbye to stubborn car odors! Meguiar's Whole Car Air Re-Fresher removes unwanted smells like cigarette smoke and wet dog, leaving behind a refreshing Summer Breeze scent for a clean, odor-free vehicle.
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🔗Meguiar's Permanent Odor Elimination Whole Car Air Re-Fresher Fiji Sunset Scent
As a car enthusiast who constantly deals with lingering odors in my vehicle, I was excited to give Meguiar's Air Freshner a try. The Fiji Sunset scent is refreshing and tropical, which was a welcome change from the stale smell that had been plaguing my car.
The first thing that stood out to me about this product was its effectiveness at eliminating odors - it truly does live up to its promise of finding and removing them permanently. I used it to get rid of a smokers' smell in my friend's car, and within minutes, the unpleasant odor was gone for good.
Another highlight of this air freshener is its long-lasting scent. Unlike some other products on the market, this one leaves behind a pleasant fragrance that lasts for weeks, making it perfect for those who want their cars to always smell fresh.
However, there are a couple of drawbacks to this product. Firstly, the nozzle can be difficult to control, sometimes causing the aerosol to spray uncontrollably and making a mess. Additionally, the scent may not suit everyone's taste, but that's subjective and depends on individual preferences.
Overall, Meguiar's Air Freshner is an excellent choice for anyone looking to eliminate unpleasant odors and keep their car smelling great for weeks.

🔗Fast-Acting Odor Eliminator Spray for Cars
I've been using the Freshfx Car Bomb Spray from Armor All recently, and it's been a game-changer for my ride! The product comes in an adorable little fogger bottle that's super easy to use. A quick squirt here and there, and the lingering odors from that smelly gym bag or takeout food completely vanish. Plus, the 'New Car' scent adds a burst of energy whenever I hop into my car, making each drive feel like an exciting adventure!
However, on the downside, I wish the fragrance was a bit more long-lasting. I have to spray it more frequently to keep my car smelling fresh throughout the entire day. Despite this, I'd still recommend the Freshfx Car Bomb Spray because it's fast, easy, and effectively eliminates those stubborn odors!

🔗Dakota Odor Bomb - Permanent Car Odor Eliminator with New Car Scent
The Dakota Odor Bomb is my go-to solution for removing stubborn odors from surfaces and the air. This odor eliminating fogger packs a punch, effectively destroying bad smells in vehicles, homes, boats, RVs, and offices. It's ideal if you've been struggling to eliminate lingering odors caused by pets, smoking, cooking, or mildew.
Using the Dakota Odor Bomb is straightforward. After placing the can on a flat surface, simply press the valve into the locking catch and leave the area. The fogger will disperse an odor-destroying mist throughout the room, reaching every cranny and nook to eradicate stubborn smells. It's important not to disturb the area for at least two hours following application, and to ventilate the room for 30 minutes before re-entering.
One feature that really stood out for me was how the Dakota Odor Bomb effectively covers large spaces. Each bomb treats up to 6000 cubic feet, equivalent to the size of a typical hotel room. This makes it a perfect choice for larger rooms or vehicles. However, a downside to consider is that the scent can be quite strong initially. But don't worry, it dissipates within a few days, leaving behind just clean air.
The Dakota Odor Bomb is more than just an air freshener. It's a reliable and effective odor eliminator that destroys odors permanently. If you're tired of temporary solutions that only mask bad smells, this is definitely worth considering. Plus, it's surprisingly affordable to keep using on a regular basis.
In conclusion, my experience with the Dakota Odor Bomb has been very positive. It's proven to be effective for addressing stubborn odors and provides a much-needed sense of freshness in spaces that otherwise smell unpleasant. While the initial scent can be quite strong, it does dissipate relatively quickly. Overall, I highly recommend the Dakota Odor Bomb for anyone seeking a long-lasting, effective odor removal solution.

🔗Black Cherry Scent Organic Air Freshener Can
I have been using Scent Bomb's Black Cherry Scent Organic Air Freshener for about two months now in my car, and let me tell you, this little can packs a punch! As soon as you pop the top, the luscious black cherry scent fills the air, replacing any lingering odors with a sweet, ripe aroma.
The first thing that really amazed me about this product is its lasting power. I have it placed in my car, and it has maintained a consistent fragrance for the entire couple of months I've been using it. The other feature that is truly impressive is the adjustable cap on top of the can. This allows me to control the strength of the scent depending on my mood or the situation – like when I want a light, subtle aroma or a full-blown cherry blast!
However, I did encounter a minor issue with the product, and it's the fact that it can become a little slippery when it gets wet or damp. I accidentally sprayed it on the floor of my car once, and it made the surface quite slick. So, be sure to keep it away from surfaces that could become dangerous when wet.
In conclusion, Scent Bomb's Black Cherry Scent Organic Air Freshener Can is a fantastic product that provides a wonderful cherry scent and lasts for up to 60 days. It's perfect for cars, homes, and even lockers, as it covers up even the most stubborn odors. While there's a small concern about its effect on wet surfaces, I still highly recommend giving it a try – you won't be disappointed!

🔗Meguiar's Summer Breeze Whole Car Air Re-Fresher
I recently tried Meguiar's Whole Car Air Refresher in Summer Breeze Scent, and I must say it has made a noticeable difference in the smell of my car. I had been dealing with the lingering scent of a wet dog after a rainy trip, and this product has thankfully taken care of that.
What stood out most to me was the ease of use. It's as simple as shaking the can, setting it off, and letting it circulate through your vehicle's air vents. Within 15 minutes, my car was filled with a refreshing summertime aroma that left even my most skeptical passengers pleasantly surprised.
However, there are some drawbacks. The scent, while initially strong and pleasing, can dissipate relatively quickly, leaving you needing to remove and reset the device again soon after. Additionally, it's a bit pricey for a one-time use product, so you'll need to consider whether the benefits outweigh the cost.
Overall, if you're looking for a quick solution to stubborn car odors, Meguiar's Whole Car Air Refresher is definitely worth trying. Just be prepared to potentially reapply the product more frequently than you might expect.

Buyer's Guide

A car air freshener is an essential accessory for maintaining a fresh and clean-smelling vehicle. Among various types available, car air freshener bombs are known for their powerful odor-neutralizing capabilities and long-lasting fragrance. If you're in the market for a car air freshener bomb, here are some features, considerations, and general advice to help you make an informed decision.

Important Features

  • Fragrance Strength: Determine the intensity of the scent. Choose a scent that suits your preference and can effectively combat bad odors in your car.
  • Time-Released Fragrance: Some air freshener bombs are designed to release their scent gradually over time, ensuring a lasting fragrance.
  • Size and Shape: Car air freshener bombs come in various sizes and shapes. Consider the size of your car and where you want to place the bomb to choose the appropriate size and shape.
  • Ease of Use: Look for air freshener bombs that are easy to set up and use. Some models may require activation, while others come ready-to-use right out of the box.


  • Scent Compatibility: Ensure that the fragrance of the air freshener bomb is compatible with your personal preferences and does not cause any allergic reactions.
  • Longevity: Consider how long the scent lasts and how frequently you may need to replace the air freshener bomb.
  • Refills and Reusability: Some car air freshener bombs offer refills or reusable options, which can be more cost-effective and environmentally friendly in the long run.

General Advice

When choosing a car air freshener bomb, always read customer reviews and product descriptions to ensure you understand the scent and the product's effectiveness. Additionally, proper placement of the air freshener bomb is vital for optimal odor control. Consider placing it in areas with the most traffic, such as the dashboard or near the air vents. Lastly, be mindful of not overusing the air freshener, as excessive fragrance can be overwhelming and even cause headaches or respiratory issues for some passengers.


What are car air freshener bombs?

Car air freshener bombs are small, compressed balls of fragrance that are designed to be used in vehicles. They release a burst of scent upon being exposed to air, effectively freshening up the interior of a car.

How do they work?

Air freshener bombs are made with water-soluble binders that trap the fragrance inside. When placed in the car, these binders begin to dissolve in the air, releasing the scent in a gradual and controlled manner.

How long do they last?

The longevity of a car air freshener bomb depends on several factors, including the size of the bomb, the intensity of the fragrance, and the condition of the car's interior. On average, a bomb can last anywhere from a week to a month.

How do I use a car air freshener bomb?

  1. Remove the air freshener bomb from its packaging.
  2. Place the bomb in your car's cup holder or any other suitable location, preferably away from direct sunlight.
  3. As the bomb absorbs air, it will gradually release the scent throughout your car.

Can I customize the scent of my car air freshener bomb?

Yes, many manufacturers offer a variety of scents to choose from. Some common options include lavender, vanilla, and mint.

Are car air freshener bombs safe for my car and its occupants?

In general, car air freshener bombs are safe for use in vehicles. However, it is essential to follow the manufacturer's instructions and avoid placing the bomb near sensitive materials or electronics, as some scents may have a mild irritating effect on some individuals.

How do I dispose of a used car air freshener bomb?

Once a car air freshener bomb has lost its effectiveness, it can be safely disposed of in the trash or recycled, depending on your local waste management guidelines.

Are there any alternatives to car air freshener bombs?

  • Traditional hanging air fresheners
  • Candles and wax melts specifically designed for use in vehicles
  • Essential oil diffusers or sprays
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2024.05.19 07:23 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Capehart Record Players

Best Capehart Record Players
Are you a vinyl enthusiast, or just starting your collection? Look no further! In this article, we'll delve into the fascinating world of Capehart Record Players. With a variety of models to choose from, we'll help you find the perfect player to elevate your listening experience. Read on to discover the features that make Capehart Record Players stand out, and how to choose the right one for your home or office.

The Top 11 Best Capehart Record Players

  1. Arkrocket Retro Bluetooth Record Player with Turntable and Built-In Speakers, Brown - Experience the iconic style and unbeatable sound quality of the Arkrocket Discovery 3-Speed Bluetooth Record Player with retro turntable, built-in speakers, and removable legs for versatile placement.
  2. Crosley Cruiser Plus Bluetooth Suitcase Turntable in Tourmaline - Crosley Cruiser Plus Turntable - A compact, stylish, and portable 3-speed record player with built-in Bluetooth, adjustable pitch control, and full-range stereo speakers for enhancing your vinyl and digital music listening experience.
  3. Bluetooth Vinyl Record Player with Built-In Stereo Speakers, 3-Speed Belt-Driven Turntable, AUX, RCA & Headphone Sockets - Experience the ultimate vinyl listening experience with this Bluetooth enabled 3-speed belt-driven turntable, featuring built-in stereo speakers and various connectivity options for seamless playback of your favorite records.
  4. Bluetooth Vinyl Turntable with 40W Stereo Speakers - The Arkrocket Cassini Vinyl Turntable offers a perfect blend of vintage charm and modern technology, featuring Bluetooth connectivity, sleek walnut finish, and 40Watt bookshelf speakers for a powerful, immersive listening experience.
  5. Bluetooth Record Player with Stereo Speakers and Cassette Player - The Digitnow Bluetooth Record Player with Stereo Speakers provides a versatile listening experience with vinyl to MP3 conversion, cassette playback, and AM/FM radio, complete with a USB/SD encoding feature and remote control for seamless enjoyment.".
  6. Retro Full-Size Jukebox Vinyl Record Player with Bluetooth and USB - Experience that 1950's nostalgia with Arkrocket Full-Size Jukebox Vinyl Record Player, a beautifully designed retro addition to your home featuring Bluetooth connectivity, USB, SD slots, CD player, and various playback options for a music-filled day.
  7. Vinyl Record Player with MP3 Converter, Bluetooth, CD, and Cassette - DIGITNOW's Bluetooth Record Player combines modern technology with vintage charm, allowing you to play and convert vinyl records to digital formats with ease, all while enjoying a sleek briefcase design and versatile connectivity options.
  8. Vintage Record Player with Built-in Stereo Speakers - The Digitnow! Turntable Record Player combines vintage styling with modern functionality, featuring 3-speed capabilities, built-in stereo speakers, and versatile USB and RCA output options for easy vinyl-to-digital conversion to WAV and MP3 formats.
  9. Bluetooth-Enabled Stereo Turntable - Enjoy superior sound quality and ease of use with the Audio-Technica AT-LP60XBT-SV Bluetooth Stereo Turntable, equipped with automatic features and compatible with both wired and wireless devices, perfect for music enthusiasts and vinyl collectors alike.
  10. BluetoothturntablePlayerforvinylrecordswithejectandfastforward, REC, DELfunction. - The Digitnow Bluetooth Record Player Turntable is a versatile vinyl-to-MP3 converter with 3 speed settings, built-in stereo speakers, and LCD screen. Ideal for vinyl lovers seeking a compact, easy-to-use, and feature-packed solution for their music needs.
  11. Fully automatic vinyl turntable setup - The Dual CS329 Fully Automatic Plug & Play Turntable offers high-quality audio playback with its advanced features and uncomplicated design, making it a perfect choice for both vinyl enthusiasts and newcomers to analogue playback.
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🔗Arkrocket Retro Bluetooth Record Player with Turntable and Built-In Speakers, Brown
Once upon a time, I stumbled upon the Arkrocket Discovery 3-Speed Bluetooth Record Player with Retro Turntable and Built-In Speakers. As a music lover who appreciates both the classics and new sounds, I was excited to see how this little device would perform.
Right out of the box, I noticed its sleek design and vintage-inspired charm. The removable legs made it easy to fit into any space in my home. Setting up the turntable was a breeze, and within minutes, I was jamming to some old vinyls.
The sound quality was impressive for its size and price range. While the built-in speakers aren't booming, they're perfect for a cozy room or study. The ability to connect my phone via Bluetooth has made it even more versatile, allowing me to stream my favorite digital tunes right alongside my vinyl collection.
However, there was one minor issue that caught my attention. The legs are made of adhesive upholstery, which began to separate after some use. A quick fix with glue restored its appearance, but I wish it had been made with a sturdier material.
Overall, I am thoroughly pleased with my Arkrocket Discovery 3-Speed Bluetooth Record Player. It's not only a great conversation starter but also an affordable and reliable way to enjoy my favorite music in a nostalgic yet modern manner.

🔗Crosley Cruiser Plus Bluetooth Suitcase Turntable in Tourmaline
Once a vinyl enthusiast, always a vinyl enthusiast. That's my motto ever since I got my hands on the Crosley Cruiser Plus Turntable - Tourmaline. It just blends old school music with modern technology seamlessly. When I first unboxed it, I was instantly charmed by its charming suitcase-style shell. It gave off a vintage vibe that I absolutely loved. Plus, the built-in Bluetooth receiver and stereo speakers took the convenience factor up a notch.
Navigating through the Turntable is a breeze. The adjustable pitch control and 3-speed feature (33 1/3, 45 & 78 RPM) gave me the flexibility to play any vinyl record I wanted. And don't even get me started on the Bluetooth in/out capability. It was like having a digital music player and a vinyl record player all wrapped into one device.
One day, I had the brilliant idea of connecting my phone to the turntable and playing some of my favorite vinyl-to-digital remastered tracks. The sound quality was phenomenal, a perfect blend of digital clarity and analog warmth. Now, if only it didn't skip randomly sometimes. . .
Despite the occasional skip, the Crosley Cruiser Plus Turntable has been a reliable and enjoyable companion on my vinyl adventure. It's portable, easy to use, and best of all, it beautifully blends the charm of old school vinyl with the convenience of modern technology.

🔗Bluetooth Vinyl Record Player with Built-In Stereo Speakers, 3-Speed Belt-Driven Turntable, AUX, RCA & Headphone Sockets
I recently got my hands on this Bluetooth-enabled vintage vinyl record player and it's been a fantastic addition to my music collection. The first thing that caught my eye was the sleek, retro design that adds a touch of class to any room. But, it's not all about looks. The built-in Bluetooth function makes it incredibly easy to connect and play my favorite digital music from my phone or tablet, while the 3-speed belt-driven turntable lets me enjoy all of my vinyl records at various speeds.
One of the standout features for me is the high-sensitivity stylus, which does an excellent job of accurately reading record information. The audio output is decent for its size, and I appreciate the added flexibility of the 3.5mm Aux-in and RCA output options. However, the built-in speakers could be better, so I sometimes connect it to my external speaker system for a more immersive listening experience.
Some drawbacks I noticed are the relatively low power output, which might not be able to fill a big room with sound, as well as the lack of an adaptive speed feature. Additionally, the build quality feels a bit flimsy and the accompanying instructions could be clearer.
Overall, this Bluetooth record player is a stylish and functional addition to any music lover's collection, offering a nostalgic vinyl listening experience with modern connectivity. It's not perfect, but for its price point, it's definitely worth considering.

🔗Bluetooth Vinyl Turntable with 40W Stereo Speakers
As a music enthusiast, I've had my fair share of turntables, but the Arkrocket Cassini has truly stood out. Upon receiving it, I was blown away by its stunning walnut finish and sleek design. The ease of setup was impressive, making it truly user-friendly. However, what truly captured my attention was the sound quality this turntable delivers.
It uses a moving magnet cartridge system, which offers a stable playback, allowing my vinyls to be enjoyed in all their glory. This turntable also supports Bluetooth, giving me the flexibility to connect with wireless speakers or headphones when I want. The included 40Watt bookshelf speakers are a cherry on top, providing clear and powerful sound.
The only con I noticed was that the turntable is a bit on the heavier side, making it a little less portable than some other options. However, this is a minor inconvenience for the incredible listening experience it provides. Overall, I highly recommend the Arkrocket Cassini for anyone looking to enhance their vinyl listening experience.

🔗Bluetooth Record Player with Stereo Speakers and Cassette Player
I've been using the Digitnow Bluetooth Record Player with Stereo Speakers, and it's been such a nostalgic blast. Not only does it let me play my old vinyls, but it also has cassette functionality, making it a compact all-in-one media player.
One of the standout features for me is the MP3 conversion capability. As someone who's been slowly digitizing my old music collection, this has been a game-changer. No need for a computer, just connect your USB or SD card and convert your vinyls directly into a MP3 format. The built-in speakers are decent, but they really shine when connected to an external sound system.
The design is quite user-friendly too. The buttons are clearly labeled, and there's even a remote control for added convenience. Plus, the retro look with wooden sides adds a touch of classic charm to my home decor.
However, there are a few downsides. The build quality could be better, as it feels a bit flimsy in places. Additionally, while the sound quality is passable, it's not quite on par with dedicated audio equipment.
Despite these minor drawbacks, I've absolutely loved using the Digitnow Bluetooth Record Player. It's perfect for anyone who wants to relive their old vinyl and tape days, or for those looking to preserve and share their music collection.

🔗Retro Full-Size Jukebox Vinyl Record Player with Bluetooth and USB
I recently got my hands on the Arkrocket Full-Size Jukebox Vinyl Record Player and I must say, it brought back a lot of nostalgic memories of my childhood trips to the soda shop. This retro-inspired marvel not only looks stunningly classic but also provides a delightful listening experience with various playback options.
One of the features that truly stood out for me was its bluelight compatibility. It allowed me to effortlessly stream music from my smartphone right into the jukebox, blending old-school charm with modern convenience. Additionally, it comes equipped with a USB port, an SD card slot, and of course, a CD player - talk about versatility!
However, there were a couple of minor drawbacks. The jukebox is quite heavy at nearly 47 pounds, making it a little challenging to move around. Furthermore, I noticed that some parts seemed slightly fragile and needed careful handling.
In conclusion, if you're looking to add a touch of retro style to your home while enjoying your vinyl collection or streaming tunes from your phone, the Arkrocket Full-Size Jukebox Vinyl Record Player could be just what you need. Just remember to handle it with care and maybe keep it in one spot due to its weight.

🔗Vinyl Record Player with MP3 Converter, Bluetooth, CD, and Cassette
I recently got my hands on the Digitnow Bluetooth Record Player Turntable, and I can tell you firsthand that it's a versatile and retro-chic addition to your music setup. The briefcase-style design is both trendy and timeless, featuring classic color schemes that blend seamlessly with any decor.
One of the standout features of this turntable is its ability to play multiple formats, including vinyl, CDs, cassettes, and even MP3s. The twin detachable speakers offer clear and loud sound, ensuring that you can jam out to your tunes without any pesky noise interference. Plus, the built-in Bluetooth connection lets you stream music wirelessly from your phone or laptop, giving you even more options for your listening pleasure.
Another awesome feature is the vinyl-to-MP3 recording function. This allows you to digitize your vinyl records and save them on a USB or SD card, making it easier than ever to backup and share your old vinyl collection with friends and family.
Now, let's talk about the downsides, shall we? While the design is undoubtedly eye-catching, the build quality leaves something to be desired. Some users have reported issues with the CD door and overall durability of the unit. Additionally, the remote control is quite small and difficult to use, which can be frustrating if you're not a fan of getting up to change the volume or switch tracks.
In conclusion, the Digitnow Bluetooth Record Player Turntable is a unique and compact device that offers a wide range of listening options for music enthusiasts. While there are some minor drawbacks in terms of build quality and usability, the overall experience is enjoyable, especially for those who appreciate the nostalgic appeal of vinyl records.

🔗Vintage Record Player with Built-in Stereo Speakers
As an avid vinyl lover, I recently had the chance to try out the Digitnow! Turntable Record Player. This sleek, vintage-styled device has three speeds and built-in speakers for easy listening. I was pleasantly surprised by its portability, as it's compact enough to take with me on trips or parties without compromising on sound quality. The adjustable 33 1/3, 45, or 78 RPM speeds let me enjoy all my vinyl records without any issues.
One thing that stood out to me was how easy it was to use. The minimalistic design made it straightforward to set up and operate, even for someone like me who's not very tech-savvy. Another highlight was the sound quality - the dynamic full-range stereo speakers delivered crisp, clear audio that brought my old vinyl records back to life.
However, there were also some drawbacks. While the built-in speakers are decent, they might not be powerful enough for larger gatherings or more demanding music enthusiasts. Additionally, I noticed that the turntable can be a bit sensitive, so you'll need to handle it gently to avoid damaging your vinyl records.
Overall, I've had a mostly positive experience with the Digitnow! Turntable Record Player. Its stylish design, ease of use, and good sound quality make it a great choice for anyone looking to enjoy their vinyl collection in a modern way.

🔗Bluetooth-Enabled Stereo Turntable
When I first got my hands on the Audio-Technica AT-LP60XBT-SV Bluetooth Stereo Turntable, I was excited to bring back the vinyl vibes of old. As someone who enjoys collecting and listening to records, this little device quickly became my go-to for its easy setup and great sound quality.
One of the main features that stood out for me is its automatic play feature. With just a touch of a button, the turntable starts playing your favorite vinyls without needing any manual adjustments or advanced setup. It's perfect for those who want the convenience of modern technology while still enjoying the nostalgic sound of analog music.
The Bluetooth connectivity also added a lot of functionality to my listening experience. I could easily pair the turntable with my wireless speakers or headphones, allowing me to enjoy my vinyl collection from anywhere in the room. Plus, the included CSR BT chipset ensured that the connection was stable and didn't drop out unexpectedly.
However, there were a few drawbacks that I encountered with this turntable. Firstly, the build quality felt a tad flimsy, especially when compared to other models in the same price range. Additionally, although the sound quality was decent overall, it wasn't quite up to par with some of the more premium options on the market.
In summary, if you're looking for a beginner-friendly turntable that offers great convenience and easy setup, the Audio-Technica AT-LP60XBT-SV is definitely worth considering. While its build quality and sound performance are not top-notch, it provides excellent value for the price and will surely bring back those retro vinyl vibes you've been craving.

🔗BluetoothturntablePlayerforvinylrecordswithejectandfastforward, REC, DELfunction.
I recently got my hands on the Digitnow Bluetooth Record Player Turntable, a multifunctional device that plays vinyl records, tapes, CDs, and even connects to your smartphone via Bluetooth. I was excited to give it a try, as I've been collecting vinyls for a while now and wanted a convenient way to listen to them.
Right out of the box, the turntable was easy to set up. Its compact size makes it perfect for any living space, and it comes with a built-in speaker that provides decent sound quality. The ability to convert vinyl records into MP3 files directly is a lifesaver for music enthusiasts like me who want to share their favorite tunes without fumbling with extra devices.
However, not everything was perfect. The build quality of the turntable wasn't as high as I'd hoped, which led to some durability issues. Additionally, the sound level could be louder for a more immersive listening experience, especially when using the Bluetooth feature.
All in all, the Digitnow Bluetooth Record Player Turntable is a solid choice for those looking to play and share their vinyl records and other media formats. While it has some room for improvement in the build and sound department, its convenient features make it worth considering for any music lover's collection.

🔗Fully automatic vinyl turntable setup
In the realm of vinyl enthusiasts, the Dual CS 329 Fully Automatic Turntable reigns supreme as a beginner-friendly choice offering high-quality audio playback. This sophisticated but user-friendly device is a plug-and-play marvel that comes pre-assembled and fully ready to use. Its unique automated functions, such as the versatile tonearm that lowers, swivels, and raises at the press of a button, make it a breeze to operate. Moreover, its factory-fixed settings ensure optimal performance right out of the box.
The plinth boasts an integrated elastomer vibration absorber, providing enhanced stability, accompanied by a removable dust cover that protects the device. The meticulously crafted aluminium die-cast platter and heavy rubber mat effectively dampen unwanted resonance, resulting in exceptional sound clarity. In addition, the drive's rubber mountings eliminate vibrations, while the precision-cut belt aids in minimising wow and flutter.
My personal experience using the Dual CS 329 has been nothing short of awe-inspiring. Each vinyl listening session is now elevated due to its superior sound quality, making this turntable a worthwhile investment. While it may lack some of the advanced features of higher-end models, its ease of use and setup more than make up for it.
However, one minor drawback lies in its lack of customisability. For those seeking to fine-tune their listening experience, the fixed settings might be somewhat limiting. Nevertheless, for the casual vinyl collector or someone new to analogue playback, the Dual CS 329 is an absolute gem.
In conclusion, the Dual CS 329 Fully Automatic Turntable strikes a perfect balance between user-friendliness and superb sound quality. It's my go-to recommendation for those looking to explore the world of vinyl or simply enjoy a hassle-free and enriching listening experience.

Buyer's Guide

Introduction to Capehart Record Players
Capehart record players have been a staple in the audio industry for decades. These players offer high-quality sound and durability, making them a popular choice among music enthusiasts. In this buyer's guide, we will explore important features, considerations, and advice when purchasing a Capehart record player.

Features to Look for in a Capehart Record Player

  • High-quality turntable: Ensure that the record player has a reliable and precise turntable to maintain consistent speed and reduce skipping.
  • Anti-skate control: This feature helps prevent the stylus from skating across the grooves, resulting in better sound quality.
  • Adjustable counterweight: Allows for fine tuning of the stylus weight, ensuring minimal damage to your vinyl records.
  • Dust cover: A clear, hinged cover to protect the turntable and maintain cleanliness when not in use.
  • Compatibility with various vinyl sizes: Make sure the record player can support different vinyl sizes such as 7", 10", and 12" records.

Important Considerations Before Purchasing a Capehart Record Player

  1. Budget: Determine how much you are willing to spend on a record player, as prices can vary widely based on features and quality.
  2. Usage: Consider how often you plan to use the record player and what types of vinyl records you have or plan to collect.
  3. Space: Ensure you have enough room for the record player and its components, especially if you're purchasing a more advanced or vintage model.
  4. Brand reputation: Research the manufacturer and customer reviews to ensure their record players maintain a reputation for quality and durability.

General Advice for Purchasing and Using a Capehart Record Player

  • Proper storage: Keep your vinyl records in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, as excessive heat or humidity can damage them.
  • Clean your records and stylus: Regularly clean both your vinyl records and the stylus to maintain optimal sound quality and prevent long-term damage to your collection.
  • Become familiar with your record player's features: Learn how to adjust the speed, counterweight, and anti-skate control, as well as how to properly care for the stylus, turntable, and overall unit.


Capehart record players offer a nostalgic, high-quality audio experience for vinyl enthusiasts. By considering the important features, factors, and advice outlined in this buyer's guide, you can confidently select a record player that suits your needs and preferences. Enjoy your collection and the timeless sound of vinyl records.


Q1. What is a Capehart record player?

A Capehart record player is a vintage turntable that was popular in the 1950s and 1960s. It was known for its high-quality build and performance, which helped it stand out among other record players of that time.

Q2. Are Capehart record players collectible items?

Yes, Capehart record players are considered collectible items due to their historical significance and premium construction. Many audiophiles and vintage collectors are interested in acquiring these machines.

Q3. What features should I look for when buying a Capehart record player?

When purchasing a Capehart record player, consider the following features: auto-return, automatic changer, reliable motor, and overall condition of the unit. These features indicate a record player's performance and ability to handle your vinyl collection.

Q4. How do I maintain my Capehart record player?

To maintain your Capehart record player, follow these steps: clean the stylus and record regularly, keep the unit away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures, and ensure that it's properly calibrated. Regular maintenance will help prolong the life of your Capehart record player. ### Q5. How much does a Capehart record player typically cost?
The cost of a Capehart record player can vary depending on its condition, features, and rarity. Generally, prices range from several hundred dollars to thousands of dollars for more collectible or rare models.

Q6. Can I replace parts on a Capehart record player?

Yes, some parts of a Capehart record player can be replaced, such as stylus cartridges, belts, and other wear-and-tear items. However, it's essential to ensure that the replacement parts are compatible with your specific model to maintain optimal performance.

Q7. Where can I find replacement parts for my Capehart record player?

Replacement parts for Capehart record players can be found through specialized vintage audio retailers, online marketplaces, and auction sites. Be sure to verify compatibility with your particular model before purchasing any parts.

Q8. How do I set up my Capehart record player?

To set up your Capehart record player, follow these steps: connect the power cord, install the stylus, connect the speaker system, and calibrate the unit. Ensure to refer to the user manual for detailed instructions on setting up your specific model.

Q9. How do I troubleshoot common issues with my Capehart record player?

  • Should the record skip or not play properly, first check if the stylus is clean and properly aligned.
  • Ensure that the record player is connected to a power source and the power cord is working correctly.
  • If the motor is not performing optimally, consider checking for possible obstructions or debris and ensure the unit is properly calibrated.

Q10. How can I ensure that my Capehart record player sounds its best?

To ensure optimal performance, follow these steps: use high-quality vinyl records, maintain a clean stylus, keep the unit away from excessive dust and debris, and ensure that it's properly calibrated. Additionally, investing in a premium preamplifier can significantly enhance the overall sound quality of your Capehart record player.
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2024.05.19 07:04 Count-Daring243 Best Cantilever Scope Mount

Best Cantilever Scope Mount
Get ready to take your shooting experience to the next level with our roundup of the top Cantilever Scope Mounts on the market!
In this article, we'll showcase a variety of high-quality Cantilever Scope Mounts that are sure to impress even the most discerning shooters. From sleek designs to rock-solid construction, these mounts will give you the stability and accuracy you need to make every shot count.

The Top 16 Best Cantilever Scope Mount

  1. 45-Degree Offset Rail Mount for Tactical Accessories - Versatile 45-degree off-set rail mount by NcSTAR eliminates interference, offering easy access to accessories and a perfect fit for CQB situations.
  2. Specialized Swat Black Computer Mount for Lightweight SWAT Tool Kit - The Granite Tool Design Scope Computer Mount for Specialized Swat Black offers a lightweight and convenient solution for attaching your computer to your specialized bike, ensuring easy access and compatibility with Garmin, Wahoo, and Bryton devices.
  3. Anodized Flat Dark Earth Reptilia AUS Offset Mount for Aimpoint ARCO 100-230 - This Reptilia AUS Offset Mount is a durable and precise addition to Remington 870 Scope Mounts, boasting an anodized flat dark earth finish that enhances your shooting experience.
  4. High-Quality Finder Scope Base for Essential Series Telescopes - Securely connect your Essential Series telescope with the T-Shaped Finder Scope Base for seamless stargazing experience.
  5. Explore Scientific Mini Scope Mount for Telescopes - Securely mount your Explore Scientific Finderscope with ease using the Finder Scope Base, featuring sturdy construction, reliable mounting screws, and compatibility with various telescope models.
  6. Reptilia Flat Dark Earth 34mm Mini 14 Scope Mount - Enhance your Mini 14 scope experience with the Reptilia AUS Mount, a versatile 34mm flat dark earth anodized finish mount designed for 1.54" bore heights, offering precision and durability.
  7. Versatile 35mm Adjustable Scope Mount from Reptilia - Introducing the Reptilia AUS Mount, a 35mm, low-profile, and streamlined solution for attaching magnified optics to any M1913 Picatinny rail, offering compatibility with Reptilia's existing and upcoming 30mm ROF line.
  8. High-Precision Equatorial Goto Mount for Astrophotography and Celestial Observation - The Vixen Sphinx SXD2 Equatorial Goto Mount with PF-L Pole Viewfinder offers superior precision, performance, and ease of use for both observers and astrophotographers.
  9. Unity FDE Offset Base Fast Optic Adapter - Unity Fast Offset Base FDE: A customizable, anodized scope mount adapter with 2.05" optical height, compatible with UNITY LPVO mounts, and requires optic-specific plates for seamless integration.
  10. Adjustable Star Adventurer GTI Mount Kit for Astrophotography - The Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer GTI Mount provides a seamless experience for astrophotography enthusiasts, featuring an illuminated polar scope, smartphone Wi-Fi control, and multiple tracking rates all while accommodating up to an 11-pound payload.
  11. Versatile Spotting Scope Clamp for Precision Viewing - Effortlessly mount your spotting scope with the heavy-duty Table Clamp Mount, offering quick adjustments and versatile positioning for an unparalleled shooting experience.
  12. High-Quality 30MM Cantilever Mount for Marine Accessories - Raymarine Cantilever Mounting Socket: Engineered to high standards, offering a high-grade design and extended lifespan, made with premium materials - perfect for mounting your autopilot on vertical surfaces.
  13. Stylish Japanese Market-Exclusive 30mm Cantilever Mount for Electronic Equipment - This Rec-Mounts Polar Combo Mount with a 31.8mm cantilever design offers seamless compatibility for your electronic devices, ensuring optimal performance and maximum convenience in your Japan-based adventures.
  14. Sky-Watcher AZ-GTi Mount: Compact and Portable Alt-Azimuth Astrophotography Mount - The Sky-Watcher AZ-GTi Mount is a lightweight and versatile solution for both amateur astrophotographers and videographers, capable of supporting up to 11 lb payloads with built-in WiFi control and an extensive object database.
  15. Durable Cantilever Scope Mount for Your Firearm - Upgrade your Glock with the Unity Tactical FAST Omni Magnifier FDE, a durable and versatile cantilever scope mount perfect for enhancing your shooting experience.
  16. Trijicon Q-Loc Cantilever Scope Mount in 34mm - Experience rock-solid stability with the Trijicon CTL Mount Q-LOC 34mm, boasting an impressive 4.5-star rating from 1286 reviews and an anodized black finish for a sleek, durable design.
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🔗45-Degree Offset Rail Mount for Tactical Accessories
Imagine you're in the heat of the moment, aiming down the sights of your rifle, trying to take out a target from around the corner. This is where the NcSTAR Mount shines. Its 45-degree offset angle allows you to mount your lasers, flashlights, or red dot sights at just the right angle for a clear view down the barrel.
The offset canted design of the mount adds a level of versatility that's not often found in other mounts. It eliminates interference with vertical grips, hand guards, optics, and other accessories, making it perfect for a wide range of uses. Plus, the ergonomic design gives easy access to on/off switches for your accessories, which is a game-changer when you're in the thick of it.
But let's not forget the solid construction. The NcSTAR Mount is made from hard-anodized aluminum, which not only adds strength to the mount but also makes it resistant to corrosion. And the single-slotted thumb nut secures the mount to Weaver Style or Picatinny rails quickly and easily.
The NcSTAR Mount isn't just a device, it's a tool that could give you the edge you need in tense situations. It's a reliable, solid piece of equipment that's easy to use and a pleasure to work with. And the reviews from other users certainly back this up - they've praised its quality, price, and performance. So, if you're looking for a reliable, dependable, and versatile mount, the NcSTAR Mount is definitely worth considering.

🔗Specialized Swat Black Computer Mount for Lightweight SWAT Tool Kit

I had the chance to try out the Granite Tool Design Scope Computer Mount, specifically made for Specialized SWAT Black bikes. When I first received it, I was intrigued by how lightweight this mount was, weighing just 15g. It certainly didn't slow me down during my rides.
One of the unique features of this mount is that it's easy to install at home without needing any specialist tools. Plus, it didn't interfere with the SWAT system, which is a definite plus! However, one downside I noticed was the compatibility - it's only made for Specialized bikes with the SWAT concealed transport tool kit.
Overall, the Granite Tool Design Scope Computer Mount is a good choice for those looking for a lightweight, easy-to-install mount for their computer on their Specialized bike. If you don't fit the compatibility criteria, it might not be worth it for you.

🔗Anodized Flat Dark Earth Reptilia AUS Offset Mount for Aimpoint ARCO 100-230
The Reptilia aus Offset MNT Acro FDE 100-230 is a sleek and durable scope mount that has made an impact in my daily shooting routine. This anodized finish, flat dark earth unit fits snugly on my beloved Aimpoint ARCO 100-230. The versatility it brings to the table makes my aim more precise and stable.
One of the best aspects is the offset positioning of the mount that allows for increased accuracy and ease of use. This product surely adds value to the gear arsenal of Remington 870 users, helping them make swift and precise shots.
It's not all ups though. The slightly higher price point can be a deterrent for some, but in my experience, the high quality and durability it provides justifies the investment. It's a reliable, solid piece of equipment that elevates the shooting experience in a unique way.

🔗High-Quality Finder Scope Base for Essential Series Telescopes
As a devoted stargazer, I found myself in need of an efficient and reliable finder scope to enhance my telescope experience. Upon trying out the Explore Scientific T-Shaped Finder Scope Base, which I affectionately refer to as the Essential Finder Base, I was truly impressed by its performance.
First and foremost, the base is incredibly user-friendly. The easy-to-install design allowed me to swiftly mount the finder scope to my telescope without any hassle. The sturdy construction ensures a secure connection, providing peace of mind during my celestial adventures.
One highlight that truly stands out is the compact size. With its dimensions of 50mm in length and 51mm in width, this base seamlessly fits a variety of telescope configurations. The lightweight nature, weighing just 1.29 oz, adds to its convenience.
While the base performed brilliantly in most aspects, I did notice a slight inconvenience. The screws provided were decent, but I found myself wishing for a more robust solution to prevent any potential slippage.
Overall, the Explore Scientific T-Shaped Finder Scope Base has been a valuable addition to my telescope setup, proving to be both functional and convenient. Despite the minor drawback, I wholeheartedly recommend this sturdy finder base to fellow enthusiasts seeking to enhance their stargazing experience.

🔗Explore Scientific Mini Scope Mount for Telescopes
As a stargazing enthusiast, I recently tried the Explore Scientific Finder Scope Base and was astounded by how convenient and reliable it was. It's the perfect addition to any telescope, providing a stable base for mounting the finder scope of your choice.
The highlight of this product, for me, was the ease of installation. It literally took me a few minutes to set it up, thanks to the provided mounting screws. The knurled knobs on the base really make locking the finder into place a breeze.
However, it's not all smooth sailing. One inconvenience was the lack of lock washers in the box which, although not a deal-breaker, would have been a nice addition for added security.
Overall, the Explore Scientific Finder Scope Base was a pleasant surprise in terms of functionality and ease. Despite a minor hiccup, it's a winner in my book for those who enjoy stargazing and want their equipment to be secure and robust.

🔗Reptilia Flat Dark Earth 34mm Mini 14 Scope Mount
I recently had the opportunity to try out the Reptilia Aus Mount, a 34mm scope mount with a Flat Dark Earth finish. This bad boy boasts an anodized finish that adds a touch of durability and style to your setup. The mount is designed for a bore height of 100-155, making it a versatile choice for various rifles.
Using the Reptilia Aus Mount in my daily life has been a breeze. The sleek design fits seamlessly with my Mini 14 setup, and the secure locking mechanism ensures that the scope stays firmly in place. One thing that stood out to me was the anodized finish, which not only looks great but also provides protection against the elements.
However, there were a couple of minor drawbacks. Firstly, the installation process could have been a bit easier, especially for beginners. And secondly, the price point might be a bit steep for some users.
All in all, if you're looking for a high-quality scope mount with a stylish finish and great durability, the Reptilia Aus Mount is definitely worth considering. Just make sure you're comfortable with the installation process and are willing to invest in a top-tier product.

🔗Versatile 35mm Adjustable Scope Mount from Reptilia
I've had the pleasure of trying out the Reptilia AUS Mount for my 30mm diameter magnified optics, and I must say, it's an impressive piece of equipment. This 35mm Mount, with an anodized finish and compatibility with all of Reptilia's 30mm ROF line, has added a touch of elegance to my optical setup.
I was particularly drawn to its custom bolt mounting system, which can be tightened using either a 5/32 hex or a flat blade driver. This feature allows the AUS Mount to sit snugly on the M1913 Picatinny rail, giving it a streamlined low-profile design.
One aspect of the AUS Mount that I found truly remarkable was its machining from a single piece of billet 7075-T6 aluminum, combined with the MIL-STD Type III, Class 2, hard anodize coating. Not only does it make for a high-quality material but also adds durability to the product.
However, one thing I noticed was that the AUS Mount was slightly trickier to install and remove from the M1913 Picatinny rail than I initially expected. But overall, the Reptilia AUS Mount's adjustable features and robust construction definitely make it worth considering for anyone looking to enhance their optical setup.

🔗High-Precision Equatorial Goto Mount for Astrophotography and Celestial Observation
I've had the pleasure of getting my hands on the Vixen Sphinx SXD2 Equatorial Goto Mount with PF-L Pole Viewfinder, and I must say I'm quite impressed. The mount offers a smooth and seamless experience thanks to its precision stepper motors and micro-step motion control system. Plus, the built-in bearings and high-precision worm gears simply add to the quality of this product.
However, I did notice a couple of drawbacks. The weight of the counterweights might be a bit disappointing for some, and I'd have liked to see a full cable included instead of an auto lighter one. All in all, it's a solid choice for stargazers and astrophotographers seeking accurate and reliable tracking.

🔗Unity FDE Offset Base Fast Optic Adapter
After trying out Unity Tactical's FAST Offset Base FDE, I quickly found myself appreciating the versatility it offered. The offset design allowed me to keep my focus on target acquisition without obstructing my view, something I sorely needed in my day-to-day hunting.
What really stood out to me was the compatibility with UNITY's LPVO mounts. It made adjusting my scope a breeze and allowed me to fine-tune my shot more easily. However, I did notice that it required UNITY-specific optic plates, which added a layer of confusion and potential compatibility issues.
Despite its minor drawbacks, the UNITY FAST Offset Base FDE proved to be a reliable and effective accessory in my arsenal. It allowed me to focus on the task at hand, all while maintaining a comfortable grip on my weapon for faster and more accurate shots.

🔗Adjustable Star Adventurer GTI Mount Kit for Astrophotography
As an astrophotography enthusiast, I had the opportunity to use the Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer GTi Mount Kit in my daily life. Right out of the box, I was impressed by its sleek and sturdy construction. The built-in illuminated polar scope made aligning the mount a breeze, while the dual position counterweight allowed me to handle low latitudes with ease.
One of the standout features for me was the smartphone Wi-Fi control, which let me have full command over the device using my smartphone. However, I did encounter some minor software glitches, which required a bit of troubleshooting.
The device's versatility in tracking rates caught my attention, particularly the lunar, solar, and sidereal options. This made capturing the night sky's wonders a truly effortless experience. The 11-pound payload capacity also proved to be more than sufficient for my various equipment setups.
However, there were a few areas where the Star Adventurer GTi fell short. The mount's intermittent disconnecting, whether using Wi-Fi or USB, introduced some frustration. Additionally, the Dec tracking was far from ideal, which I had to address by tweaking polar alignment and dialing in PHD2 parameters.
Despite these minor issues, I had a mostly positive experience with the Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer GTi Mount Kit. Its combination of features, ease of use, and reasonable price make it an impressive choice for those looking to dive into deep space, widefield, and nightscape astrophotography.

🔗Versatile Spotting Scope Clamp for Precision Viewing
I recently gave the Table Clamp Mount for Spotting Scope a try, and I have to say, it's been a game-changer for my outdoor activities. This sturdy clamp works great with all popular spotting scopes, allowing me to set it up at the range in no time. Its heavy-duty construction and comfortable, ergonomic knob make it a breeze to tighten and loosen.
The Enduro Series Arm, featuring an aluminum construction and multiple ball joints, provides unlimited positioning possibilities. But don't worry about scratching your expensive gear – the clamp comes equipped with a rubber pad to minimize scuffing. Plus, the standard tripod connection can be used with more than just cameras, adding even more versatility to this fantastic tool. The quick-tightening ring ensures a secure hold, giving you that extra peace of mind.
In my experience, this clamp has been incredibly user-friendly and holds up well to regular use. The customer service was prompt and helpful, too, ensuring that any issues were resolved immediately. Overall, I highly recommend this Table Clamp Mount for Spotting Scope to anyone looking for a reliable and versatile mounting solution for their spotting scope or other equipment.

Buyer's Guide

Cantilever scope mounts are crucial accessories for anyone using a rifle scope. They provide a stable and secure connection between the scope and the firearm, and they come in various designs to suit different scope styles and gun types. In this buyer's guide, we will discuss the essential features, considerations, and general advice for selecting the best cantilever scope mount for your needs.

Important Features

  1. Construction Material: High-quality cantilever scope mounts are typically made of aluminum or steel alloys. Aluminum is lightweight yet durable, while steel offers better strength and resistance to wear. Choose a mount made from strong materials that can withstand rugged outdoor conditions.
  2. Scope Compatibility: Different cantilever scope mounts are designed to work with specific scope types and sizes. Make sure to check the scope compatibility before purchasing a mount, and look for models that accommodate various scopes if you have multiple ones.
  3. Height Adjustability: Height-adjustable cantilever scope mounts allow you to fine-tune the position of the scope, providing better eye relief and a more comfortable shooting experience. Ensure the mount has smooth and easy-to-use height adjustment mechanisms.
  4. Weight: Consider the weight of the cantilever scope mount, as it can affect the overall balance and stability of your firearm. Lighter mounts are generally more convenient, but they might lack the necessary strength and rigidity compared to heavier options.
  5. Durability: Look for cantilever scope mounts with durable finishes and anodized coatings, as they provide better resistance to corrosion and damage. Also, check for quality assurance certifications, such as Mil-Spec, to ensure the mount is built to high standards.


  1. Gun Type: Different gun types require specific cantilever scope mounts. For instance, AR-15 platforms typically use Picatinny rail-mounted cantilever scope mounts, while bolt-action rifles often use Weaver-style mounts. Make sure to select a mount that matches your firearm's type and style.
  2. Scope Weight: The weight of the scope can affect the performance and stability of the mount. Heavier scopes may require stronger and more robust mounts to maintain a stable setup.
  3. Shooting Style: Different shooting styles, such as benchrest or hunting, may require specific cantilever scope mounts that cater to the unique needs of each scenario. Consider your shooting preferences and the appropriate mount design.
  4. Budget: Cantilever scope mounts come in various price ranges, from affordable options to high-end, premium models. Establish a budget and look for mounts that offer the best value for your money without compromising on quality and performance.

General Advice

  1. Read Reviews: Always read customer reviews and ratings before purchasing a cantilever scope mount. This will help you identify potential issues, strengths, and weaknesses of the product, allowing you to make an informed decision.
  2. Test Fit: If possible, test fit the cantilever scope mount with your rifle scope and firearm to ensure proper compatibility and fit. This will help you avoid costly mistakes and potential damage to your equipment.
  3. Proper Installation: Follow the manufacturer's installation instructions carefully to ensure the cantilever scope mount is securely and correctly attached to your firearm. Misaligned or poorly installed mounts can negatively impact performance and accuracy.
By considering these features, considerations, and general advice, you will be better equipped to find the perfect cantilever scope mount for your needs. Happy hunting!


What is a Cantilever Scope Mount?

A Cantilever Scope Mount is a type of mount designed to secure and hold a scoped weapon or firearm steady, providing a stable platform for accurate shooting. It extends away from the rifle, allowing for optimal eye relief and compatibility with a wide range of scopes and firearm designs.

Who needs a Cantilever Scope Mount?

Hunters, shooters, and firearms enthusiasts who use scoped rifles or firearms, particularly those with adjustable scopes, can benefit from using a Cantilever Scope Mount. It offers increased flexibility and accuracy, making it especially useful for long-range shooting and hunting.

What are the benefits of using a Cantilever Scope Mount?

  • Maximizes eye relief and reduces scope interference with the rifle stock.
  • Provides increased flexibility in adjusting the scope for optimal accuracy.
  • Compatible with a wide range of scopes and rifle designs.
  • Offers a stable platform for more accurate and consistent shooting.

What materials are Cantilever Scope Mounts typically made from?

Cantilever Scope Mounts can be made from various materials, such as aluminum, steel, or polymer. Aluminum and steel options tend to be more durable and robust, while polymer options are often lighter weight and more affordable.

What are the key features to consider when selecting a Cantilever Scope Mount?

  • Weight capacity (determines the maximum scope weight it can support)
  • Compatibility with your specific rifle and scope
  • Mounting system (quick detach or permanent)
  • Durability and build quality
  • Adaptability with different firearm stocks or accessories

Which brands offer high-quality Cantilever Scope Mounts?

Some popular brands known for producing high-quality Cantilever Scope Mounts include Warne, American Defense Manufacturing (ADM), and Atlas P AccuMount. Researching customer reviews and checking product specifications can also help identify reliable and trusted brands.
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2024.05.19 06:37 Count-Daring243 Best Canon Printer Ink 243 Cartridges

Best Canon Printer Ink 243 Cartridges
Are you in search of a reliable and high-performing printer ink cartridge? Look no further than Canon's 243 Cartridges, designed to keep your printing needs in check with top-notch quality and efficiency. In this roundup article, we'll be diving into the impressive features of Canon's 243 Cartridges, exploring their performance, longevity, and compatibility with various printer models. So sit back, relax, and get ready to discover the perfect printer ink cartridge for your needs.

The Top 17 Best Canon Printer Ink 243 Cartridges

  1. High-Quality Canon Pg-243bk/CL-244 Inkjet Cartridges for Select Printers - Experience top-tier ink quality and exceptional performance with the Canon PG-243 / CL-244 Value Pack, perfect for your compatible PIXMA printer.
  2. Save on Canon PG-243 Standard-Yield Black Ink Cartridge - Experience high-quality, long-lasting prints with the Canon PG-243 Black Ink Cartridge, designed for optimal performance and cost savings when used with compatible Canon PIXMA printers.
  3. Pigment & Dye Ink Multi-Pack for Quality B&C Prints - Experience superior print quality with this Canon PG-243/CL-244 Ink Cartridge set, featuring pigment ink for long-lasting blacks, dye ink for beautiful colors, and 50 sheets of glossy 4"x6" photo paper, all backed by the brand's FINE technology.
  4. Canon Printer Ink Compatible with PG-243/CL-244 - Boost your Canon PIXMA printer's performance with the PG-243/CL-244 Multi S ink set, delivering sharp text and vibrant colors for superior printing quality.
  5. Canon PG-243 Premium Black Ink Cartridge with FINE Technology - Long Lasting Printing - Enhance your print quality with Canon's durable PG-243 Black ink cartridges, featuring FINE technology and offering access to premium content with Creative Park Premium.
  6. Professional-grade Pigment Black Ink Cartridge for Canon PIXMA Printers - Experience outstanding, smudge-resistant professional quality text with Canon's PG-243 Pigment Black Ink Cartridge, designed with FINE technology for added sharpness, detail, and exceptional durability.
  7. Canon PG-243 Black Ink Cartridge for Professional Printing - Upgrade your Canon printer's performance with the Canon PG-243 Pigment Black Ink Cartridge, delivering long-lasting dark blacks and exceptional quality, fully compatible with PG-245 and PG-245XL ink cartridges.
  8. Refillable Canon Inkjet Printer Cartridges Kit for Various Printer Models - Affordable and high-quality ink refill kit for Canon All Inkjet Printers, offering smooth print reliability and ensuring no clogging or corrosion issues - perfect for those seeking a cost-effective solution.
  9. Canon Ink Cartridges 243 for PIXMA Printers - Experience high-quality printing with genuine Canon PG-243 Black and CL-244 Color ink cartridge packs, designed for seamless compatibility with select Canon PIXMA printers.
  10. High-Quality Canon PG-243 and CL-244 Color Ink Cartridge Bulk Pack - Upgrade your Canon printer experience with the high-quality, smudge-proof ink cartridges, providing up to 244 vibrant color printouts.
  11. Canon PG-243 Cartridges - High-Quality, Durable Ink for Stunning Prints - Experience exceptional print quality and impressive durability with Canon Printer Ink 243 Cartridges, featuring both pigment and dye-based ink formulations for vivid and long-lasting results.
  12. Premium Canon 243 244 Ink Cartridges Value Pack for Exceptional Printing Quality - Upgrade your Canon printer's performance with our high-quality remanufactured ink cartridges, offering lasting value and exceptional print quality in a convenient 2-pack!
  13. Premium Canon Printer Black Ink Cartridge Replacement - PG-243 - The Canon 1287C001 (PG-243) Ink, Black provides an 8ml yield, compatible with Canon PG-245 ink cartridges, and features FINE technology for a premium ink printing experience.
  14. Affordable Canon Printer Ink Replacements for Multiple Devices - LxTek Ink Cartridges - Affordable and High-Quality Alternative to Canon PG-245XL and CL-246XL Cartridges, Delivering Vibrant Colors and Seamless Printing Experience.
  15. Efficient Canon PG-243 CL-244 Ink Cartridge Replacement for Multiple Printer Models - Get exceptional print quality and convenience with the ColoWorld Remanufactured Ink Cartridge Replacement for Canon PG-243 CL-244 PG-245XL CL-246XL, perfect for PIXMA Mx492 MX490 TR4520 MG2522 MG2922 Mg2520 MG2920 printers.
  16. Canon Remanufactured Ink Cartridges for Tri-Color Printing - Soko's remanufactured ink cartridges offer reliable and vibrant color print in your Canon 245 246 printers for up to 400 pages per black ink and 300 pages per color ink, all guaranteed in ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 factory.
  17. Elevate Your Printing Experience with Premium Canon 243 Ink Cartridges - Upgrade your Canon printer experience with high-yield 243 and 244 XL cartridges from CMYi, offering exceptional quality that exceeds Canon's standards.
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🔗High-Quality Canon Pg-243bk/CL-244 Inkjet Cartridges for Select Printers
The Canon Pg-243 Color Inkjet Print Cartridge caught my attention with its versatile and long-lasting performance. I was in need of a reliable ink cartridge for my Canon printer, and this one seemed like the perfect fit. The high-quality ink produced vibrant, sharp prints for all my documents, whether it was just plain text or a vivid colored photo.
One major highlight for me was the compatibility with the printer—it replaced my previous PG-245 and CL-246 cartridges seamlessly. I appreciated that I could easily find and replace the ink when it ran low. The cartridge worked consistently, eliminating issues I've faced with other ink cartridges, like smudging or streaking.
However, there were a couple of drawbacks with the Canon Pg-243 Color Inkjet Print Cartridge. While the ink was long-lasting, it might not be the most cost-effective option for heavy-duty use. Additionally, the size of the cartridges can be bulky, which may not be ideal for travel or storage considerations.
Overall, the pros outweigh the cons for me when it comes to this ink cartridge. The print quality is top-notch, and it's super easy to replace when the ink runs low. While it may not be perfect for those who need a lot of ink for their projects, it's a great option for anyone looking for high-quality, reliable ink for their Canon printer.

🔗Save on Canon PG-243 Standard-Yield Black Ink Cartridge
I've been using the Canon PG-243 Black Ink Cartridge for a while now and let me tell you about my experience. This ink cartridge is compatible with Canon PIXMA printers, and I must say, it offers smudge-resistant text and sharp ink quality. What really stood out for me is the FINE (Full-Photolithography Inkjet Nozzle Engineering) technology, which adds detail and quality to my prints.
One thing that I've found is that the ink cartridge consumes a bit more ink than I originally anticipated. However, the cost savings compared to the standard-yield capacity in other ink cartridges is quite appealing. The only downside I've encountered is the need to purchase additional ink cartridges, as one is not enough for heavy print jobs. Overall, the Canon PG-243 Black Ink Cartridge is a reliable and efficient option for Canon printer users.

🔗Pigment & Dye Ink Multi-Pack for Quality B&C Prints
I recently tried out the Canon PG-243/CL-244 Ink Cartridge combo pack for my printer. It promises long-lasting dark blacks and beautiful colors, and it did not disappoint. The ink quality was exceptional, with vibrant colors and sharp, bold lines.
The paper included in the pack, 50 sheets of glossy 4"x6" photo paper, produced stunning printouts with a crisp and glossy finish, great for presentations or printing photos. However, one downside was that the ink ran out relatively quickly, especially the color one. All in all, this ink cartridge combo pack delivers high-quality results, but be prepared to refill it more frequently than you might expect.

🔗Canon Printer Ink Compatible with PG-243/CL-244
In the past few weeks, I've been using the PG-243/CL-244 ink cartridge set for my Canon printer. I have to say, these inks have been working like a charm for my home office. They've produced clear, vibrant prints, both for text and images. The black ink is fantastic, providing sharp text that makes reading documents a breeze. The color ink is equally impressive, with accurate hues and vivid images.
Despite the great performance, I've noticed that the ink cartridges run out a bit too quickly for my usage. I typically print only a handful of documents and photos a week, but it still feels like I need to replace the cartridges more frequently than I'd like. I've heard from other users that the ink seems to get used up way too fast, especially the black one.
On the plus side, the installation process is quite simple, and the inks perform consistently, without any smudging or streaking. Having all three essential colors in one pack also makes it convenient for quick replacements when needed.
Overall, I'm happy with the quality of the inks for my Canon printer, but the low ink quantity is a little disappointing. I'll have to keep a closer eye on my ink consumption and consider alternatives if I need longer-lasting cartridges.

🔗Canon PG-243 Premium Black Ink Cartridge with FINE Technology - Long Lasting Printing
I recently tried out the Canon 2 Pack PG-243 Black Ink Cartridge for PIXMA Printers and I must say, it was quite an experience. The first thing that caught my attention was the exceptional print quality. The dark blacks were remarkably sharp and vibrant, making my documents look professional.
The highlight for me was the impressive durability of these cartridges. Even after printing numerous pages, they still held up well without any issues. The pigment-based ink formulation ensured that the colors stayed vibrant for longer, preventing smudging or streaking.
One downside I encountered was the limited compatibility of these cartridges. They were only fully compatible with the PG-245 and PG-245 XL black ink cartridges, which could be inconvenient for some users.
Moreover, these cartridges granted access to premium content via Creative Park Premium. This was a great perk for those who enjoy creative projects.
Lastly, the FINE (Full-Photolithography Inkjet Nozzle Engineering) Technology ensured precise ink droplets, resulting in fine detail and smooth texture in all my prints.
Overall, while there are some drawbacks to consider, the Canon 2 Pack PG-243 Black Ink Cartridge for PIXMA Printers has proved itself to be a reliable and efficient choice for those seeking high-quality print results.

🔗Professional-grade Pigment Black Ink Cartridge for Canon PIXMA Printers
Experience the high-quality print performance of the Canon PG-243 Pigment Black Ink Cartridge. Its FINE technology guarantees sharp, smudge-resistant text and vibrant colors, perfect for professional-quality documents and photos.
The cartridge is compatible with Canon PIXMA printers that utilize PG-245 and PG-245XL ink cartridges, ensuring a seamless transition for users. This genuine Canon product promises high capacity, delivering more ink for more prints without compromising on quality.
The PG-243 is a reliable and efficient replacement for PG-245 black ink cartridges, providing exceptional value for money. Overall, the Canon PG-243 Pigment Black Ink Cartridge stands out for its long-lasting dark blacks, pigment formulation, and remarkable durability, making it a top choice for reliable printing solutions.

🔗Canon PG-243 Black Ink Cartridge for Professional Printing
The Canon PG-243 Original Ink Cartridge, known for its Pigment Black ink, is a reliable companion for those who own Canon Pixma printers. With full compatibility with models like MG3020, TS202, and TS3120, this ink cartridge delivers crisp, smudge-resistant text that stands out.
One of the key features that make this product stand out is the FINE technology, which ensures added sharpness, detail, and quality in your documents. The pigment-based ink formulation guarantees long-lasting dark blacks, perfect for creating stunning visuals on your paper.
However, this ink cartridge is not without its drawbacks. One of the main concerns from users is the ink running out too quickly, requiring frequent replacements. Additionally, the ink capacity may not be as extensive as some users would like, creating the need for more frequent ink purchases.
Despite these limitations, the Canon PG-243 Original Ink Cartridge is a reliable option for those who need high-quality ink for their Canon Pixma printers. Its commitment to delivering crisp, professional text makes it a worthwhile investment for those who value ink quality and durability.
In summary, the Canon PG-243 Original Ink Cartridge is a solid option for those seeking high-quality ink for their Canon Pixma printers. With its FINE technology and pigment-based ink formulation, it guarantees dark blacks and vibrant colors. However, users should be prepared for the potential downsides, such as the ink running out too quickly and the need for frequent replacements.

🔗Refillable Canon Inkjet Printer Cartridges Kit for Various Printer Models
As a fervent writer, I love trying new tools to elevate my efficiency and performance. One such product I recently stumbled upon is the 'Zeblue 4 Color Inkjet Printer Ink Refill Kit', specifically suited for Canon printers.
One of the most appealing aspects was the variety of colors in the kit. The four bottles of dye ink - black, cyan, magenta, and yellow - allowed for vibrant, high-fidelity prints. The high color saturation and ultrafiltration tech were commendable, preventing any clogging in the printhead.
However, the process of refilling the cartridges was more daunting than I initially anticipated. The cartridge refilling system was not as user-friendly as I hoped, necessitating multiple syringes for each color and uncertainty about the durability of these syringes.
The ink itself was a great boon, with its weak acid or alkalescent formula providing an environmentally friendly solution. The high print quality was an added bonus, especially considering the quick-drying formula which made speedy printing possible.
Despite the challenges I've faced, I believe this product can prove to be a great asset for those willing to take the time to understand and use it effectively.

🔗Canon Ink Cartridges 243 for PIXMA Printers
Recently, I had the opportunity to try out the Canon PG-243 Black and CL-244 Color ink cartridges in my Canon PIXMA printer. The ink cartridges were a four-pack, providing me with black, cyan, and magenta ink for my printer. Upon unboxing, I noticed how the ink cartridges seemed to be quite large compared to other cartridges I've used in the past, making me hopeful for a long-lasting and efficient printing experience.
As I began testing the ink cartridges, I was pleased with the print quality, particularly the sharp text produced by the black ink and the vibrant colors given by the cyan and magenta. The installation process was smooth, with no complications or issues during setup. The convenience of having all three essential colors in one pack was also a major plus.
However, my experience with these ink cartridges came with a caveat. Despite the positive aspects, I found that the ink supply in these cartridges didn't last as long as I would have hoped, especially considering the size and price of the individual cartridges. I had to purchase replacement ink cartridges more often than I expected, which added up to a higher cost for me in the long run.
In summary, the Canon PG-243 Black and CL-244 Color ink cartridges provided good print quality and ease of use, but their relatively short ink supply made the overall experience less satisfying.

🔗High-Quality Canon PG-243 and CL-244 Color Ink Cartridge Bulk Pack
For the past few weeks, I've been using these Canon ink cartridges for my printer. The replacement cartridges have proved to be a lifesaver in prolonging the printer's ink life, ensuring high-quality printouts.
One of the features that stood out to me was the cartridge's smudge-proof design. It's reassuring to know that even when printing a quick document, I don't have to worry about smudging or smears on the pages. The up to 244 high-quality colored printouts this cartridge provides is also a big plus – the ink produces vibrant and accurate hues for both documents and photos.
While the pigment-based black ink is faster drying than most inks, ensuring it doesn't smudge, I have noticed that it runs out a bit quicker than the color ink. However, overall, I find these ink cartridges to be of good quality and a cost-effective solution for my printer needs.

🔗Canon PG-243 Cartridges - High-Quality, Durable Ink for Stunning Prints
I recently needed to replace some ink cartridges for my Canon printer and decided to give the Canon PG-243 / CL-244 Value Pack a try. Let me tell you, it surpassed my expectations in every aspect!
First off, the ink quality was absolutely top-notch. The black ink produced crisp and seamless text, while the dye-based color ink brought vibrant and accurate hues to my photos. It was a delight to see the vivid colors and sharp details on my prints.
However, there was a slightly disappointing side to this experience. It seemed that the ink cartridges didn't last as long as I had hoped. I went through them quite quickly, even though I was only printing moderately. I'm not sure if it's a matter of using more ink per page or a potential issue with the cartridges themselves.
Overall, the Canon PG-243 / CL-244 Value Pack provided exceptional print quality, but it could have been more cost-effective if the ink cartridges lasted a bit longer. Nonetheless, I'm happy with my purchase and would recommend it to others looking for high-quality ink for their Canon printer.

🔗Premium Canon 243 244 Ink Cartridges Value Pack for Exceptional Printing Quality
As someone who's always on the hunt for ink cartridges that won't break the bank, I was thrilled to stumble upon the Compatible Canon 243 244 Ink Cartridges Value Pack of 2. Having used Canon printers in the past, I knew their ink cartridges are of high quality, and these remanufactured ones are no exception.
The value pack includes one PG-243 black cartridge and one CL-244 tri-color cartridge. The black cartridge works smoothly and consistently, while the tri-color cartridge delivers vibrant and accurate colors. The experience of replacing these cartridges was hassle-free, and the ink flow was more than satisfactory.
However, despite the excellent quality, I did notice a slight difference in the ink cartridge performance compared to the original Canon counterparts. But considering the value for money, I'm more than happy with the trade-off.
Overall, the Compatible Canon 243 244 Ink Cartridges Value Pack offers great value and superior performance for those looking to save some cash on their ink needs.

Buyer's Guide

When purchasing Canon Printer Ink 243 cartridges, understanding the key features and factors to consider will help ensure you choose the right product for your printing needs. In this guide, we'll provide general advice, considerations, and features to look for when selecting Canon printer ink cartridges.

Importance of Compatibility
Compatibility is crucial when choosing Canon printer ink cartridges. The cartridge must be compatible with your specific Canon printer model. Using a cartridge that is not compatible may lead to damage to the printer or inferior print quality. Always double-check the compatibility before making a purchase.

Consider the Volume of Usage

Determine the volume of ink usage that your printer requires for its primary functions. If your printer will be used heavily for high-volume tasks such as printing documents, consider purchasing a high-capacity cartridge. This will save money in the long run compared to purchasing multiple smaller cartridges.

Choose the Right Color

Many Canon printers use ink cartridges with multiple color options, including black, cyan, magenta, and yellow. Determine the primary color(s) that your printer will need. For instance, if your printer is mainly used for printing text documents, a black and cyan cartridge may suffice. If you also require colored prints, consider purchasing a cartridge with a mix of colors to ensure optimal print quality.

Consider Ink Levels

Be aware of the amount of ink inside the cartridge when making your selection. Cartridges can be filled with different ink quantities, so it's essential to choose the right cartridge for your printer to prevent wasting ink.

Purchasing Options and Discounts

There are various purchasing options available when purchasing Canon printer ink cartridges. Consider buying in bulk to save money, or take advantage of discounts and promotions available at your preferred online marketplace or retail store.
When purchasing Canon Printer Ink 243 cartridges, always consider the compatibility, ink usage, colors, ink levels, and purchasing options. By doing so, you can ensure that you get the best ink cartridge for your specific printing needs, without wasting money or compromising on print quality.


What is the Canon Printer Ink 243 Cartridge?

The Canon Printer Ink 243 Cartridge is a high-quality ink cartridge designed for use in Canon printers. This cartridge is specifically formulated for use with Canon's PGI-284 and PGI-285 inkjet printers, providing exceptional print quality and performance.

What is the capacity of the Canon Printer Ink 243 Cartridge?

The Canon Printer Ink 243 Cartridge has a maximum yield of approximately 182 standard black pages or 264 standard color pages per cartridge.

What is the ink type used in the Canon Printer Ink 243 Cartridge?

The Canon Printer Ink 243 Cartridge uses pigment-based ink technology, ensuring superior print quality and reliability for all your printing needs.

Is the Canon Printer Ink 243 Cartridge compatible with other Canon printers?

While the Canon Printer Ink 243 Cartridge is specifically designed for use with Canon's PGI-284 and PGI-285 inkjet printers, it may be compatible with other models as well. However, it is always best to check the printer's manual or consult Canon's support team for compatibility information.

What are the benefits of using the Canon Printer Ink 243 Cartridge?

  • High-quality pigment-based ink technology for superior print quality
  • Extended print life with a maximum yield of approximately 182 black pages or 264 color pages per cartridge
  • Compatibility with Canon's PGI-284 and PGI-285 inkjet printers

How can I purchase a Canon Printer Ink 243 Cartridge?

You can purchase Canon Printer Ink 243 Cartridges from various retailers, either online or in physical stores. It is also available directly from Canon's official website and their authorized resellers.

What is the warranty period for the Canon Printer Ink 243 Cartridge?

The Canon Printer Ink 243 Cartridge typically comes with a warranty period of at least one year from the date of purchase. However, warranty terms may vary depending on the retailer or location. It is always best to check the specific warranty terms provided by the seller or manufacturer.

Is the Canon Printer Ink 243 Cartridge environmentally friendly?

Yes, the Canon Printer Ink 243 Cartridge is designed with environmental considerations in mind. It is made with recycled materials and features a low environmental impact throughout its life cycle. Additionally, the ink itself is water-based, reducing its environmental impact.
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2024.05.19 06:25 Dry-Illustrator5292 Venerable Minh Tue and the Practice from a Buddhist Perspective

A few years ago, I had the chance to learn about Venerable Minh Tue through the YouTube channel Nhan Ga Vlogs. The videos show the monk in a cave at Mount San (Nha Trang), near my home. In these videos, the Venerable does not preach or talk about himself. He only answers questions and shares his journey of practice honestly. What I am most interested in are his insights on practice and discipline. I realized that Venerable Minh Tue has read extensively and understands the Nikaya scriptures deeply, practicing according to the Buddha's teachings. This led me to conclude that he is a true monk.
Today, Venerable Minh Tue is known by many (I prefer not to use the word "famous" for a monastic) and has widespread influence, reaching beyond national borders. The story of Venerable Minh Tue has become hotter than ever, flooding social media with videos and images of him. This has sparked a variety of opinions, ranging from admiration and respect to criticism and contempt. Many paths of human experience!
Fortunately, those who think negatively about him are still a minority.
Venerable Minh Tue practices the ascetic path of Dhutanga. Some people look at his conduct and attire and criticize him as crazy, self-mortifying, lacking wisdom, and not following the Middle Way that the Buddha encouraged. However, these critics do not realize that Venerable Minh Tue is practicing according to the correct Dharma, following the teachings of the original scriptures. He has abandoned family life, living a pure and simple life, renouncing all attachments, and practicing minimalism and contentment. People confuse the ascetic practices of Dhutanga with the severe austerities the Buddha practiced during his six years of seeking enlightenment. Those severe practices involved extreme self-mortification, causing great physical pain (originating from Brahmanism). Thus, Dhutanga in a sense is a precursor to the Middle Way and still closely aligns with it.
Many argue that monastic life should prioritize wisdom over physical asceticism. However, they confuse worldly wisdom with Buddhist wisdom. Worldly wisdom is human cognitive ability, derived from genetics and education, whereas Buddhist wisdom is only revealed when a practitioner strictly adheres to precepts. Observance of precepts leads to concentration, and concentration leads to wisdom. Therefore, the Buddha said, "Where there is virtue, there is wisdom and vice versa."
The core of practicing Dhutanga is to end all defilements and impurities. This practice helps the practitioner guard the senses, not being influenced by circumstances, gradually eliminating greed, hatred, and delusion. That is why monastics eat only one meal a day (reducing greed for food), sleep sitting (reducing the desire for sleep, as lying down can lead to deep, excessive sleep), and wear three robes (actually one set, the minimum requirement, reducing attachment to clothing).
Some criticize why a Dhutanga practitioner does not live alone in the forest but wanders across the country. The answer is that finding forests in Vietnam today like in the Buddha's time is impossible. Venerable Minh Tue has also spent time in seclusion on Mount San. So why does he choose to walk across the country? He answers that it is to "train and maintain health." In a deeper understanding, he is practicing the true Dharma of the Tathagata. Walking helps him to be mindful of body, feelings, mind, and phenomena; living in hardship, experiencing suffering, and understanding the cause of suffering leads to the end of suffering, rather than hoping to escape suffering to find happiness.
On his journey, if he is tempted by material possessions, money, or beauty, it means that desire has arisen; if he feels troubled by the crowd, it means anger has arisen. Therefore, solitary retreat alone may not necessarily help control the mind when faced with worldly temptations.
Many people also question the social utility of his wanderings. If everyone did as he does, who would produce food? These questions are shortsighted and self-serving.
What have we done for society? Everyone contributes to society in varying degrees, and human values are not solely measured by material contributions but also by spiritual ones. Typically, what we do is visible and beneficial to ourselves and our families. In contrast, what Venerable Minh Tue has done for society is far more significant and evident:
If society could follow his example, it would be wonderful. Then, I believe, society would not only have food and clothing but also a more peaceful and happy life. However, few people can do what he does!
Some people question why he refers to himself as "con" (child) instead of "thầy" (teacher).
First, he has chosen the path of renunciation, no longer bound by monastic duties at a temple, and does not consider himself anyone's teacher to avoid influencing others and bureaucratic issues.
Second, the self-reference "thầy" among monks and laypeople today is merely a convention in communication. There is no binding requirement. In essence, it is a cultural practice in Vietnamese language, while in English, it is just "I-You," or in Chinese, "Wǒ 我 - Nǐ 你." Some high-ranking monks still refer to themselves as "tôi" (I) or their Dharma names when teaching. Venerable Minh Tue's use of "con" with everyone demonstrates his practice of humility, renouncing the ego, which is the spirit of selflessness.
Currently, wherever he goes, hundreds to thousands of people follow, including many YouTubers, TikTokers, and Facebookers. This has raised concerns about security and disruptions to his practice.
I believe we should not rush to blame or criticize those creating social media content. Let's see the positive side, for without them, how could the beautiful image of a true monk spread? In this era, spreading the Dharma and sharing good things are more effective with the support of media and social networks. How else would Vietnamese Buddhists know about the teachings of monks like Phap Hoa or Tinh Khong and other high-ranking monks?
Moreover, their gathering is also a test for Venerable Minh Tue to practice mind control. If he starts feeling important, central, or like a star due to attention and veneration, he immediately falls into ego clinging and arrogance. If he gets annoyed by the crowd, it means anger has arisen. These situations are ultimate tests on the path of precepts and mindfulness. Observing him, no matter how hard the walk, his face remains serene with a smile. Perhaps he has attained tranquility.
Some people express sympathy for him, tearfully seeing him bareheaded, barefoot, under the sun and rain. This emotional response is understandable but from a worldly perspective. Choosing the path of asceticism makes him feel internal joy, and these hardships help him approach enlightenment.
Some worry about him facing dangers from dark forces. Don't worry; choosing this path requires great courage. Didn't he say, "If I'm allowed to live, I'll continue to practice"? This shows fearlessness as he has thoroughly understood impermanence and selflessness. What we should care about is whether he has truly attained this mindset. If he has, Nirvana is not far away. Therefore, we should rejoice.
I predict that at some stage, after experiencing suffering and training body and mind, Venerable Minh Tue might retreat into seclusion to achieve enlightenment. Once precepts are fully observed, meditation is necessary to attain concentration.
Certainly, his influence has reduced the income of some fraudulent monks, who might even have to sell cars and land. Therefore, it is not surprising that efforts to defame and harm Venerable Minh Tue are intensifying. Initially, they fabricated stories of false monasticism with staged filming. They ridiculed his robe, calling it "plot selling land," or criticized his rice cooker as an unofficial alms bowl. But they fail to understand that he has reached a state of non-attachment, indifferent to shame or ridicule. Having chosen a renunciant life, living without family, sleeping in cemeteries, overcoming family ties is the greatest obstacle.
The meanest tactic they use is labeling him as an agent of foreign anti-government organizations, portraying him as a beggar monk to undermine Vietnamese Buddhism and the nation.
I must say, Vietnamese Buddhism is undermined by fraudulent monks, tolerated and supported. They exploit karma and reincarnation theories, distorting and frightening the ignorant with horrific afterlife scenarios. They continue exploiting donations as a way to resolve karmic debts, seeking blessings, and accumulating merit, the more money, the better, even encouraging devotees to donate entire houses to temples and live simply elsewhere. In short, just donate.
Therefore, the purification of fraudulent monks will be the revival of Vietnamese Buddhism.
Praising Venerable Minh Tue's practice does not mean devaluing other practices of true monks in the country. Each has different capacities and vows, so not everyone can be the same. Every individual is here to fulfill a unique mission.
If the standard of a monk is virtue, clearly, the one who practices surpasses the one who understands. Practicing Dhutanga is a great merit, rarely achieved. Therefore, praising and respecting virtue is right but not deifying or idolizing Venerable Minh Tuệ at this moment, as this would lead to wrong views and contradict the spirit of Buddhism.
To understand the significance of practicing Dhutanga, let me quote the Buddha's praise of Venerable Kasyapa's practice:
“Well done! Well done, Kasyapa! You have brought great benefit and saved innumerable beings, extending this to all the realms of gods and men. Why? Kasyapa, if this ascetic practice remains in the world, then my teachings will also remain long in the world. If my teachings remain in the world, then the path to the heavenly realm will increase, and the three evil paths will diminish. Likewise, the noble paths of Sotapanna, Sakadagami, Anagami, and the Three Vehicles will also remain in the world. Monks, you should practice as Kasyapa does.
Thus, monks, you should learn this.” (4)
Notes: (1) In the Samannaphala Sutta, Kinh Chung Đức (2) Also known as Prajna Wisdom (3) In the Kinh Chung Đức (4) In the Ekottara Agama, Volume I
Nha Trang, May 10, 2024 Nguyen Thanh Huy Email: []()
Editor's Note: (*) Currently a lecturer in the Department of Linguistics at the University.
submitted by Dry-Illustrator5292 to MonkMinhTue [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:17 neithrain [spoilers all] My Pairings for the Gods

I know everyone’s probably sick of theorizing which Evanuris is paired with which Old God, and it’s gonna be answered soon anyway, but I still figured I might as well fill out the bingo card and see how close I get. Plus, I also like seeing other people’s pairings and their reasons for them.
One pairing I’m less confident about is June and Toth. Toth’s high priest was called the “forgewright of fire” and so that automatically makes think of smithing and forges, which would connect immediately to June since he’s the elven god of crafts. But Sylaise is also a really good match since she’s the elven goddess of the hearth, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s actually connected to Toth. Ultimately though, I think her domain makes more sense with Andoral’s because most of the time, slaves are tasked with domestic chores, such as cooking and cleaning.
As for the others, I think Ghil Dirthalen is right about Elgar’nan being connected to Lusacan. He killed his father the sun, and the second image is what his codex entry from the wiki says happened after. “The world was covered in shadow,” and at the end, the sky was filled with stars. Elgar’nan literally brought night down onto the world, plus I think Ghil is right in that “beetle” is just in too much of a leadership position to be Falon’din.
As for Falon’din, I also agree with Ghil in that he’s connected to Urthemiel, but not JUST because of the Dalish origin triad statue in Origins. In the unused elven mosaics she found in the DAI files, there’s a headshape of an owl, which is Falon’din’s animal, and it has 3 points exactly like triad (3rd image), which has strong connections with Urthemiel since the triad statue can be found in the Architect’s layer, who was his high priest. I know a lot of this is based on cut content, but honestly, I don’t know who else pairs with Falon’din well. Maybe death and beauty are connected because the ancient elves were immortal and so that meant they died young and beautiful? I don’t know, but I’m going with it.
Dirthamen with Dumat is obvious: secrets are kept by being silent. Plus, his mosaic literally shows him with his hands covering his mouth (fourth image), so this is just a no-brainer. I admit I don’t know which headshape he would be though.
Ghilan’nain (and Sylaise) ended up being my last two I got stuck on, but the two old gods I was also stuck with seem to fit neatly with them. I think Ghilan’nain being the mad scientist she was with combining creatures and making monsters goes perfectly with the old god of chaos, Zazikale. His high priest was even called the “madman of chaos,” so the mad scientist thing Ghilan’nain has going for her just works. Also, I used to think the “Horns” headshape was June, but now I’m pretty sure it’s hers because of the mural from The Missing comic (fifth image). People immediately thought it was Ghilan’nain and Andruil for good reason, because not only is it two women wearing headshapes associated with the elven gods in a romantic pose, it’s also a very unequal pose. The woman on the right is kneeling in reverence for the women on the left, and we know Ghilan’nain was originally a follower (therefore, slave?) of Andruil. Plus, the kneeling woman has much lighter hair, and Ghilan’nain was described as having snowy white hair in a codex entry, so I really don’t see how it can’t be her as the “Horns” headshape.
Andruil with Razikale is also one I’m less confident about. This is more so just a result of another process of elimination. Everyone’s sure that “Beetle” and “Moonhead” in the mural of the Dreadwold attacking the Black City are Lusacan and Razikale because those are the only old gods still sleeping. Plus, one of the figures look more feminine, and we know that Razikale was the only female god. With “Moonhead” being connected to Razikale that way, and the woman wearing the same headshape the The Missing mural probably being Andruil (again, image 5), this one kind of just seems like it was answered for us. I’ll admit though, before I settled on this, I could not stop going back and forth on whether I thought Moonhead was Andruil or Ghilan’nain, especially because DAI and the Horror of Hormak in Tevinter Nights have set up the latter so much. But still, if I am somehow wrong about Moonhead being Andruil, then my second choice is still Ghilan’nain, especially because of that picture of a giant sea monster with the same headshape in the Dreadwold marketing (image 6). Ghilan’nain made sea monsters, but then again, I’ve also seen people use this image as proof that Moonhead is Andruil since it has a burning spear described to be hers. Like I said, it could really go either way, but The Missing mural was the tiebreaker for me.
And that’s my line up. Feel free to disagree and tell me why, I love theorizing on this!
submitted by neithrain to dragonage [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:14 Helpmejordan My honest review of FFXVI

The Good: -Annabella was a really unique character and honestly drew so much emotion out of me that I was PISSED she killed herself, and not by my own hand. I was yelling at the TV "YOU COWARD". -Development of NPC's like Blackthorn, Charon, and Mid was top tier and to see Blackthorn go from super standoffish and distrusting to friendly and emotional in his own ways was really nice to see. I enjoyed those quest lines. -the world map was kind of cool. This diorama "miniatures" with moving water and dynamic lighting was pretty cool. -I enjoyed the fact that this game gave a fresh take on "summons" and didn't just have them pop out, but allowed Clive to use their abilities. -i greatly enjoyed the voice actors work and especially liked how every tiny npc had a voice and they would comment on things happening around them as the story progressed. -I felt the relationship between Dion and Terrance was tastefully done and didn't scream "look look we put gays in the game! See how pc we are!". It just felt normalized and honestly Dion dismissing Terrance from duty to go care for the little girl, and having it NOT end up with a passionate goodbye kiss was honestly a good move in my opinion and honestly made me tear up. Had they done that, I think it would've pushed the pc-ness too far. Dion had to summon his resolve and ensure his lovers and his rescuers safety, and sacrificed a relationship for the greater good.
The Bad: -lets face it, Jill takes more than a few pieces of inspiration from Tifa. She's that kind, soft spoken, almost-motherly figure with long hair tied off at the end. She's the protagonists best friend since childhood and ends up becoming his partner. I enjoyed her character a lot but wanted to see more of who she was. -it felt as though Cid died too early in relation to Clive's reaction to his death. It was akin to reality competition TV show contestants crying when someone gets eliminated. Like girl, you just met like a week ago, why are you screaming to the heavens with tears pouring down your face? This moment felt uncomfortable to me and had Clive not reacted so... dramatically, I'd have felt better about it. -the combat seems really clunky. In real-time action games, we expect animation frames to be able to be canceled out because those seconds count in battles. I spent a lot of time being like "FINISH THE MOVE" because im mashing a button but Clive is too busy flourishing his sword to listen. This also applied to the dash/warp. The frames to recover were. so. long. -though I understood why Clive was the only playable protagonist in light of his many many abilities, I'm growing tired of the ever-shrinking party size trend that SE is leaning towards. The past 2 games only had 1 controllable character (this doesn't count ff15's dlc or the unlockable ability to use the other 3 boys in battle because that takes a LOT of grinding to save up points for). We used to have party's of 4 or 5, and as the years go by those party's get smaller and smaller and now we only control one character. Bummer. Let me fight as Jill already.
The Ugly: I do not regret saying this in the slightest, but FF16 is a direct copy of FF12. FF12 is my favorite installment of all time for many reasons I won't mention here, but the way the story beats are nearly identical is wild to me. I understand all FF's have common themes, especially the ones surrounding Fabula Nova Crystallis, but this... this was eerie how easily I was able to guess what was going to happen so early on based on what was happening around me in-game. It's "copy my homework but change a couple things so it doesn't look like you copied it". The games are extremely similar and I was a bit disappointed by how much they were alike.
Rating: 4/10 I played it, overall I enjoyed it, but it felt like a lazy reiterating of a story we've heard many times within the franchise. I was frustrated with the combats pacing and lack of animation-cancelling. I'd have liked to see them make Ultima even more otherworldly and even more of an eerie presence. I was left craving a humans vs alien scenario which is essentially what it was, but I'd have loved it if they went all the way with it.
This is all just my opinion, as a super fan of the franchise I owed it to myself and the developers to play it beginning to end and was definitely left wanting more.
For the next entry in the mainline, I'd love to have new, fresher minds working on the story and settings alongside our regular faves, to give things a more vivid imagining of the themes we know they'll hit.
submitted by Helpmejordan to FFXVI [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:19 Donkeylord_ Supreme court judge sentences whistle blower David McBride under the cover of the national budget

ACT Supreme Court judge David Mossop has sentenced Afghan War whistle blower David McBride to nearly 6 years in prison. He is the first Australian to be imprisoned for crimes relating to war in Afghanistan. Out of the 366 days of this year, Mossop chose to deliver a very harsh sentence on McBride on the exact date of the national budget.
The cases deemed most comparable by the judge resulted in an average sentence 22.90% of McBride's, with time served being an average of 13.58% of the time before McBride is eligible for parole.
Evidence of the judge's bias:
Mossop decided that McBride did not have a duty to the public interest that outweighed a duty to blindly follow orders that were technically legal in his country. This would mean everyone tried at Nuremberg was innocent. It's also worth noting that if officers never disobeyed lawful orders the world would have been destroyed by nuclear war (look up Stanislav Petrov).
Furthermore, McBride's objections to illegal procedures in investigating soldiers he believed were being used as scapegoats to cover up the war crimes of more senior soldiers were used by the judge as evidence that McBride didn't want war crimes to be exposed. The judge had to admit exposing war crimes was important for the public to know, but used this fallacious argument to misrepresent McBride's motives.
The following video explains how certain orders were illegal and a lawyer's paramount duty is officially to the proper administration of justice. This 'prevails to the extent of inconsistency with any other duty'. The Legal Profession Uniform Law also states that lawyers are mandated to uphold 'the protection of the public generally'. The judge ignored this.
David had much more damning evidence on those much higher in the chain of command, but the AFP raided the ABC to prevent the documents from seeing the light of day. McBride was also upset that Dan Oakes was only going after people like Corporal Ben Roberts-Smith instead of officers. He had evidence of the culpability of higher ups in war crimes, but was not allowed to use this in his defense. By the process of elimination, even if military leaders were oblivious to what was happening, they must have been criminally negligent and as officers they were responsible for the actions of their troops, meaning McBride was correct in thinking Dan Oakes should have castigated and exposed those in command.
Since McBride was denied the use of the bulk of his evidence, he can't be proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Furthermore, the judge refused to examine this evidence in private.
Mossop was forced to admit McBride served his country well and was of good character, but weaseled his way out the latter point by saying this changed when McBride became too convinced of the correctness of his opinion. He admitted McBride believed he was doing the right thing, but claimed he was too good of a lawyer to believe he should act in the public interest if it conflicted with his orders. This would mean Cicero was a bad lawyer. He was also forced to admit that what McBride did was in the public interest, but erroneously claimed his intention in revealing the files was the opposite of their ultimate effect. McBride was initially concerned with the sudden investigation of people he thought were being unfairly investigated as scapegoats to hide genuine war crimes. The judge has conflated this with not wanting to expose war crimes.
The judge said McBride's children (16 and 18) were beyond the age where they would feel the majority of the impact of their father going to prison.
The judge also diminished the significance of McBride's PTSD and addictions to alcohol and drugs. This is important as a mitigating factor in his guilt and a strong reason why prison would be especially harmful to him. According to the judge this 'made a material, if only minor, contribution ... to offending".
Mossop cited a number of somewhat similar cases (although these were difficult to find) where the defendants were mostly given much lighter sentences than McBride. Only one of the 9 cases adressed involved a harsher sentence: a man who misappropriated 10 rocket launchers was sentenced to 6 years with a non parole period of 4. Another case 'involved a solicitor responsible for managing a trust for a disabled person. The solicitor misappropriated $220,000. There was limited evidence of remorse or contrition and the offender had a gambling addiction. He was given a sentence of three years’ imprisonment, to be released after 18 months upon entry into a recognizance to be of good behaviour.'By the judges own admission 'Generally speaking, because of the different circumstances of these cases [Mossop was referring exclusively to these two cases and a third he found was not 'usefully comparable'], they do not have much value as comparable cases. Although the circumstances in Jafari are very different to the present case, they did involve a gross breach of trust by a lawyer and, in that respect, Jafari is comparable to some extent.'
For the 7 cases deemed most comparable by the judge, the average sentence was 15.57 months in prison with 3.67 months served. These are 22.90% of McBride's sentence and 13.58% of the time before he is eligible for parole, respectively. The time served by a man sentenced to 2 years and 7 months in prison was redacted. I have divided the sum of the other amounts by 6 to get an averagae.
Mossop also had to consider that McBride had no prior convictions, would suffer from being separated from his support dog, caused no known harm, suffered in limbo for years with this case hanging over his head, sought no personal gain and poses no risk to the public or risk of reoffending. Yet he not only decided to refuse an intensive corrections order (a sentence served in the community), but sentenced McBride to 5 years and 8 months in prison with a non parole period of 2 years and 3 months (this was supposedly discounted 10% for pleading guilty).
submitted by Donkeylord_ to AustralianPolitics [link] [comments]