Clip boy dit nhau

Some clips from custom games with the boys

2024.04.29 03:42 MvttSF Some clips from custom games with the boys

Some clips from custom games with the boys submitted by MvttSF to Apexrollouts [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:50 Legal_Ad5808 VUI SAO NƯỚC MẮT LẠI TRÀO?

POST LẠI TỪ STT NĂM 2020, vẫn còn tính thời sự cao.
Bản chất của ngày 30/4 chỉ là thời điểm chấm dứt nội chiến. Vì lúc đó Mỹ rút quân rồi. Mà nội chiến là anh em đánh nhau, không có gì đáng tự hào để mà kỷ niệm, khoe khoang. Có ai đi khoe là: Ngày này là ngày tao đã giết chết thằng em, vì nó láo với tao, tranh đất ông bà tổ tiên với tao.
Mình gọi VNCH là em, chỉ đơn giản vì chính quyền này được thành lập sau, xét về tuổi tác.
Nếu VN muốn kỷ niệm về cuộc chiến này thì hãy kỷ niệm ngày ký HĐ Paris, khiến Mỹ rút quân khỏi VN. Còn ngày 30/4 là ngày nên cần được lãng quên hoặc nếu muốn nhớ thì hãy nhắc tới những kỷ niệm về chấm dứt chiến tranh. Chả hay ho gì khi cứ kể mãi việc giết chết thằng em, khi chính nó đang sắp chết đói, chả có gì là vinh dự. Hôm qua mình xem 1 clip VTV phỏng vấn 1 cựu chiến binh, ông này nói đại ý: Chúng tôi không ngờ là địch lại tan rã nhanh như vậy, chưa đánh đã tan rồi.
Như vậy có gì đáng tự hào?
Nhà Nguyễn cũng không kỷ niệm ngày chiến thắng Tây Sơn.
TQ cũng đâu có kỷ niệm rầm rộ chuyện đánh đuổi Trung Hoa dân quốc ra đảo Đài Loan đâu?
Mỹ cũng không kỷ niệm ngày giải phóng miền Nam thống nhất đất nước.
Có nước nào kỷ niệm ngày chiến thắng nội chiến như VN không?
Càng hỉ hả khoe khoang chiến thắng thì càng khoét sâu nỗi đau của hàng triệu người buồn. Hòa hợp, hòa giải dân tộc kiểu gì đây?
Năm nay, TQ đã chọn thời điểm rất khéo léo để đưa công hàm PVĐ ra chỉ trích VN. Đúng vào thời điểm VN kỷ niệm 45 năm ngày chiến thắng, đúng ngày cần chửi chế độ cũ. Nhưng để phản bác tính pháp lý của công hàm này thì VN lại phải công nhận các chế độ cũ. Thế là VN bị rơi vào thế đi mắc núi, về mắc sông. Chửi "Ngụy" thì hố với TQ, không chửi thì lại sợ kém oai! TQ đã khéo léo làm nhục VN trước nhân dân ở chỗ này. Chuyện biển đảo là chuyện nhỏ thôi. Vì nó chả thay đổi gì đâu.
Ngày anh giết em là ngày quốc nhục, là ngày giỗ, cho dù em có thế nào với anh. Nếu có làm mâm cơm tưởng niệm, thì cũng không nên khơi gợi nỗi đau. Hãy tổ chức 1 ngày giỗ chung cho nạn nhân chiến tranh của cả 2 phía.
Bài này cho phép bò đỏ húc tự do, nhằm mục đích sưu tầm chứng tích bò đỏ, để làm bảo tàng tội ác giáo dục nhồi sọ. Nơi đây sẽ lưu lại những cmt đần độn, chửi bới vô học nhằm mục đích giáo dục thế hệ trẻ tương lai. Thế hệ tương lai sẽ đọc những cmt này để đánh giá quá khứ ông cha chúng, để rút kinh nghiệm.
"Bảo tàng chứng tích bò đỏ" này sẽ mở cửa lại vào mỗi dịp quốc nhục hàng năm. Các cháu bò sau này tự diễn biến có thể quay về đây chiêm ngưỡng lại 1 thời ngu dốt và hung hãn của mình.
 Bác Dương Quốc Chính 
submitted by Legal_Ad5808 to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 01:05 pnwquattro [NM] Wehr Allie-P 130@$2

Spots: 130@$2
Total Price: $260
Make and Model: Wehr Allie-P
Price Justification - Mint condition just raffled for $300
Description: PLEASE BE THOROUGH. EXPLICITLY STATE ALL ISSUES : M390 blade steel, titanium stonewashed scales. Few snail trails on the scales and pivot as seen in video. Blade edge looks factory and unused. Pocket clip has minor wear on edges, very faint. Blade slightly favors show side. Comes with pouch, box (forgot to include in photos, but it's here), COA, and stickers.
International shipping: US Proxy Only
Payments as PayPal friends and family ONLY with NO NOTES. No e-checks, or any of that stuff.
Please reply to the PM received with your spots with at least your full name and number of spots purchased

PayPal Info: [REDACTED]

Tip BlobAndHisBoy
Number of vacant slots: 0
Number of unpaid users: 0
Number of unpaid slots: 0
This slot list is created and updated by The EDC Raffle Tool by BlobAndHisBoy.
1 I-guess-im-old-now PAID
2 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
3 chicken-wings99 PAID
4 SurpriseUnhappy2706 PAID
5 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
6 No_Poet PAID
7 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
8 No_Poet PAID
9 No_Poet PAID
10 chicken-wings99 PAID
11 smplfy PAID
12 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
13 smplfy PAID
14 Wutang_Clan_ PAID
15 chicken-wings99 PAID
16 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
17 Silvia0240 PAID
18 ViciousSnipe PAID
19 SurpriseUnhappy2706 PAID
20 Silvia0240 PAID
21 No_Poet PAID
22 chicken-wings99 PAID
23 chicken-wings99 PAID
24 Silvia0240 PAID
25 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
26 No_Poet PAID
27 smplfy PAID
28 Silvia0240 PAID
29 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
30 I-guess-im-old-now PAID
31 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
32 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
33 SurpriseUnhappy2706 PAID
34 CODandCoins PAID
35 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
36 smplfy PAID
37 ViciousSnipe PAID
38 smplfy PAID
39 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
40 ViciousSnipe PAID
41 smplfy PAID
42 SurpriseUnhappy2706 PAID
43 illwill318 PAID
44 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
45 chicken-wings99 PAID
46 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
47 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
48 CODandCoins PAID
49 chicken-wings99 PAID
50 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
51 Silvia0240 PAID
52 CODandCoins PAID
53 smplfy PAID
54 I-guess-im-old-now PAID
55 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
56 ViciousSnipe PAID
57 Silvia0240 PAID
58 ViciousSnipe PAID
59 chicken-wings99 PAID
60 I-guess-im-old-now PAID
61 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
62 illwill318 PAID
63 ViciousSnipe PAID
64 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
65 chicken-wings99 PAID
66 I-guess-im-old-now PAID
67 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
68 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
69 No_Poet PAID
70 ViciousSnipe PAID
71 chicken-wings99 PAID
72 CODandCoins PAID
73 No_Poet PAID
74 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
75 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
76 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
77 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
78 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
79 smplfy PAID
80 Gboogie3 PAID
81 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
82 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
83 chicken-wings99 PAID
84 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
85 chicken-wings99 PAID
86 I-guess-im-old-now PAID
87 I-guess-im-old-now PAID
88 chicken-wings99 PAID
89 No_Poet PAID
90 Silvia0240 PAID
91 Wutang_Clan_ PAID
92 CODandCoins PAID
93 Gboogie3 PAID
94 No_Poet PAID
95 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
96 I-guess-im-old-now PAID
97 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
98 Silvia0240 PAID
99 smplfy PAID
100 No_Poet PAID
101 chicken-wings99 PAID
102 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
103 Wutang_Clan_ PAID
104 CODandCoins PAID
105 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
106 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
107 I-guess-im-old-now PAID
108 Silvia0240 PAID
109 smplfy PAID
110 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
111 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
112 I-guess-im-old-now PAID
113 Wutang_Clan_ PAID
114 Wutang_Clan_ PAID
115 illwill318 PAID
116 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
117 CODandCoins PAID
118 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
119 chicken-wings99 PAID
120 CODandCoins PAID
121 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
122 SurpriseUnhappy2706 PAID
123 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
124 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
125 CODandCoins PAID
126 Silvia0240 PAID
127 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
128 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID
129 CODandCoins PAID
130 Google-it-you-lazy-F PAID

submitted by pnwquattro to KnifeRaffle [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:06 Best_Club_In_America Even More Added Confidence: Skits, So – Fren, Yeah?

Even More Added Confidence: Skits, So – Fren, Yeah?

Super quick:

  • 327: "We'll keep getting Trump indicted" ... 🤷

So, real quick:

Here is a clip about some cult that mixes drinking and driving and then they go up mountains to get high:

So real quick, from the last post:

  • Madonna's "Open Your Heart" / Yoga chakras
    • The Baphomet is just the chakras; "raising Kundalini" for "new clear" stuff requires sublimation (hence the stiffy part from looking at boobas)
      • When the mating season is over for mountain goats, the females become completely unreceptive; the male goats then use the excess energy to climb steep, perilous mountains with relative ease ... ... 😕
      • The torch is obviously enlightenment
      • Kids are so cute when they're young:
      • Here's some trend that was popular a while ago with kids:
      • But here's what happens when goats are all like, "I'm the Greatest Of All Time":
      • The "goat's head" = stubbornness = "ego" (not to be confused with stubborn determination for a Just Cause) ... you know ... "all amped up", but "can't see the light" because Wu-Tang Triumph "the hard-headed are eager to learn" stuff
      • Rabbi-†s "hop" ... the Lamb of God goes ""
      • Anagram of "Baphomet" = "Hop Met Ba"
      • (M+e+t) = (13+5+20) = (38) = (13+1+24) = (M+a+x) ...
      • "Hop Max, BA" ... "Rabbi-† Max, Lamb of God" ... who was a master baiter who promised to teach others how to become Nimrods ...
      • 38 also = "Jew"
      • In Hebrew Gematria, "A Jew" = same as "George Washington Bridge" ...
      • To get to the bridge, you have to go through tolls which have "E-ZPass"; this is a small hard candy: ... this is a film about how Pez can lead to cat 🐈<==🏆#1 😕👍 messages
      • The G.W.B. tolls have a "wierd/Ri/RiRi/Love-Wed." numbering system; the "left-most" toll booth number is 54 ("love") and the rightmost is 74 ("Jesus"); I got pictures somewhere or actually I can just walk there and take photos, but just trust, because ""
      • Here's a random fact: Lots of people CLAIM that "they invented coffee", but did YOU know that coffee ... essentially what helped spur the industrial revolution ... was invented in Yemen? True fact – look it up.

OK, now to the post, which is about "fren-ship":
Frens don't do things to make other frens feel uncomfortable – in fact, they look out for each other do nice things to make other frens feel included, like for example let's say you were playing a strategic scenario role-playing game called "The Ongoing Development of Potential Risks" ... 😕👍 ... you know ... ... ... 😕 ... sounds like a pretty good bored game, right?
As this place ( right near Washington Square Park can attest, bringing people together over strategy games is a great way to not only maintain the bonds of frens-ship, but also to make new frens "Rihanna's boyfriend"-style.
Here's another place a few blocks down (remember: "try to follow me, because I'm gonna be moving in a kind of circular motion, so if you pay attention, there will be a point" from the last post?): <==== Do you remember the 1st "Joker film" association?
Anyway, despite our best efforts to help frens out by making them feel included, some frens suffer from paranoia ... for example, do you remember Beavis?
Well, sometimes Beavis gets "amped up" on sugar and turns into this alter-ego, a character named "Cornholio" (a "corn-hole" is slang for an "asshole"): ... here's another clip of Beavis being Cornholio:
Anyway, people with paranoia are schizos and so they're always seeing "hidden messages"; for example, this is not the original album cover for the Beastie Boys' debut album, but it can be manipulated with software and then you see:
The problem with the type of schizos that give in to is that instead of seeing "occult signals" as subtle signs of encouragement from the universe, they interpret hidden massages ( as threats – directed at them, personally ... oh well, what can you do, right ... 🤷?
Anyway, never mind all that – back to the point.
This is a book, the essence of which is that life has ups and down and it's a human tendency to give in to either despair (during times people are down) or pride (during times people are up) and think "We're going to be here forever" and so people wind up clinging to that notion, whether they're at the bottom or the top, instead of doing what they SHOULD be doing, ie, preparing for the next phase right around the corner. You know ... "that game" ... ...

Actually, here's a true story from a few years ago:

Back in 2020, in "the undisputed heavyweight when it comes to the economies of the world", for some reason having something to do with logistics and "" and other stuff, there was an extended national short-age of toilet paper. It's true – look it up. In the United States, for way too long a period of time, you couldn't find any toilet paper at ALL – ANYWHERE.
This in turn led to a variety of issues:
  • You could use paper towels, but you run the risk of clogging toilet pipes
    • Then some people started giving into and were like, "But what if we didn't have toilet paper AND paper towels – can you IMAGINE?
      • You could also use newspapers to wipe your ass like they do in Russia ... but again ... "clogged toilets" ....
      • Either way, paper towels or news papers, you had to throw them in the trash after wiping your ass ... and then some people were like, "But what if there was a national shortage of garbage bags, too? Can you IMAGINE?"
      • This eventually led to other as some people started speculating "but what if there was a national shortage of other stuff, too?"
      • Like, what if there was a national shortage of toothpaste? Or mouthwash? Or mouth wash AND toothpaste? Sure, you COULD use baking soda to overcome that – but what if there was a national shortage of other things? For instance: what if there was a national shortage of razor blades? Or shaving creams & gels? Or deodorants? Or tampons? Or diapers? Or all those things at the same time – can you IMAGINE?
Now some people in other parts of the world can't imagine how a country like America could possibly ever have had an extended national shortage of toilet paper and think it's just some made-up story – but it's true! It really happened – look it up!
Anyway, speaking of America – here's a classic, relaxing American song:
Here's a random news article:
People there are probably too busy worrying about other, more issues 🤷.
Like cryptocurrencies.
Some people look at BitCoin with a lot of suspicion, because they think that just like some group of people realize that "people who are officially in charge" come and go, the people who willingly volunteer to play at Atlas and shoulder the burdens of the world are usually there for much longer periods of time – sometimes for life – and so, "who cares what the flavor of the moment is?"
The important thing is to remember that "RiRi" = 54 and 54 = love and 31 = both "chief" ( and "MDMA" (remember that video with Rihanna's friend? More on MDMA to come.

Anyway, here's a random music video:

Here's a possibly disturbing article:

In some lines of work, it's good to keep tabs on who's in charge of various countries; for example – this is the guy in charge of North Korea ...

... which, if you combine with South Korea, sort of looks like a rabbi-† ...

It's also a good idea to learn about the cultures of various countries; for example – this is the flag of Japan, which used to be called "Nippon" ... it's flag looks like this: 🇯🇵 ... which sort of looks like a nipple ... 🤷

This is the goddess "Eostre" (

An important thing to remember is that no matter what life throws your way, "always keep your chin up":

submitted by Best_Club_In_America to conspirFBeyesWideShut [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:52 mooshwa Official Twenty One Pilots Clancy Lore Megathread: Early DMAORG to Red Taped Albums

Official Twenty One Pilots Clancy Lore Megathread: Early DMAORG to Red Taped Albums
*last updated 4/28/2024 @ 5:30 pm EST
Hello all! This is a full, easily digestible thread detailing the confirmed bulk of the current twenty one pilots lore spanning over the last 7 years for all to catch up on.
*THIS IS A REUPLOAD. reddit is glitching like crazy and disabled editing on the last thread (and the one I just posted too) so this is still the same one from February!
**Please read this if you are new to the community or just want to get caught up before posting in case your question is answered in this thread.*\*
Part 2 of the lore continued here! last updated 4/28/2024 @ 5:30 pm EST
We are continuously discussing this in the official discord, come join!
Confirmed Fake Sources
Clancy Tour Info/Discussion
I will update this as time goes on!
All information was gathered from discord clique, and
thread made by u/mooshwa
*Trigger warning for heavy topics such as suicide and self-harm\*

Blurryface Music Videos/ Important info going in

On 3/16/2015, "Fairly Local" was uploaded to youtube, shoeing in a brand new dark and disturbing era for twenty one pilots. It took place in a frozen and abandoned building, and featured the vocalist, Tyler, in red contacts with his hands and neck covered in black, almost as if the color was swallowing him. It also featured Josh, the drummer, with red hair and intense red eyeshadow playing his drum set while it flew way from him. The video showcased a deep battle between two forces controlling Tyler. Someone named Blurryface, and his actual self. The color red is extremely important in this story, and is always associated with Blurryface and evil. In "Heavydirtysoul" we saw Tyler being driven by an unseen figure, and later on the car caught on fire before almost hitting Josh in the middle of the road, who was also playing a flaming drum set. The burning car is a recurring theme throughout this story, always showing up during moments of personal power or rebellion. The frozen land and snow is also a recurring theme (and this era went unnecessarily hard looking back at it).

The Hiatus (2017-2018)

On July 6th, 2017, twenty one pilots began a year long hiatus with a series of cryptic tweets showing a red eye slowly closing.
After almost a year of silence, the gif on top of the Vessel store page updated to show a glitched-out url which brought you to a site called is where the band would slowly build their new world and tease their new records. They continue to utilize this site for updates to this day.
On 7/2/18, members of their mailing list received an email titled “ARE YOU STILL SLEEPING?” with a gif of a yellow vulture’s eye with clips of Jumpsuit playing in the pupil. The eye officially opened on 7/10/18 with the release of “Jumpsuit” and “Nico and the Niners”, revealing the new logo -//

DMAORG (in a nutshell) is a website domain officially created and hosted by the band Twenty One Pilots and used mainly as an online conceptual teaser for their 2018 album "TRENCH". It featured a cryptic background story and important lore information referenced in the songs and music videos of the TRENCH era.
The domain was first discovered by the fanbase on 4/21/2018, during the band’s hiatus between Blurryface and Trench through a link hidden inside the Twenty One Pilots’ official merch store website. The original link led to an exclusive 404 error page, telling the viewer “they’re in violation” and “no one should know about this” while showing a violation code
404 ER_ROR
you are in violation. thEy mustn't know you were here. no one should ever find out About this. you can never tell anyone about thiS -- for The sake of the others' survIval, you muSt keep this silent. we mUst keeP silent. no one can know. no one can know. no o ne c an kn ow_
(Violation Code. 15398642_14)
hidden message: EASTISUP
When pasted correctly into the URL of the website, the violation code granted access to another page of containing journals and images telling the story of Clancy, a disillusioned fictional character living inside a circular theocratic city loomed by huge walls and ruled by nine bishops – the Sacred Municipality of Dema. It sat nestled in the lower region of the large and wild continent of Trench.
brief scroll-through of early
The religion the city follows is called Vialism, where the end goal is to take your own life as it is the only route to Paradise, and that the bland dystopia they are living in should be embraced. The Bishops' names were a combination of lyrics from different songs on "Blurryface". The Bishops were as follows:
Andre, Lisden, Keons, Nico, Reisdro, Sacarver, Nills, Vetomo, Listo
Andre= fairly local- ANDREpeat yesterday's dance Lisden= Polarize-all I feeL IS DENial Keons= Heavydirtysoul-choKEONSmoke Nico-Stressed Out- N/A Reisdro= Doubt -temperatuRE IS DROpping Sacarver= Tear in My Heart- sheS ACARVER Nills= Goner- beaten dowNILL Slip away Vetomo= Lane Boy- will they be aliVE TOMOrrow Listo= Ride- a LIST Of people
Clancy started to question Dema and Vialism 9 years after arriving. His dismay grew as his struggles with Dema became visible and the call for “more” became stronger, and he formulated a plan to escape, attempting multiple times before Nico (calls himself Blurryface), the head bishop, finds him and brings him back.
He convinced Nico one day to leave the city, and destroyed the car they were driving (events of heavydirtysoul). He succeeds in escaping Nico yet again, but after getting lost in the unknown wilderness of Trench, he grew weary and anxious. Nico found him yet again in a narrow valley 5 days later. This time was different however, as he stumbled across a group of people on the clifftops of Trench. The Banditos, the rebel group he only ever heard rumors of (the events of "Jumpsuit").
After being returned to Dema, the Banditos returned for Clancy and got him out during the Annual Assemblage of the Glorified, which is a disturbing annual ritual that only the most upstanding citizens of Dema called “The Glorified” may attend, where they become the ”Glorious Gone” (they die) and become available vessels for the Bishops to use( events of "Nico and the Niners"). They brought him back to their camp and taught him their ways, but the cycle was just too strong and he was taken back (events of Levitate).
We didn't hear from Clancy again until the release of the "Chlorine" music video, where we were introduced to Ned. In this letter, he talked about his time outside in Trench and noted that he felt torn between the two places, but interestingly enough he called Dema home- something he never thought he could be able to do again.
On 4/2/2021, the website updated to show a progress bar that would result in the site being terminated, and a complete inversion of colors.
On 4/5/2021, all files in the subdomain were deleted and the website showed up an “Account Terminated” message instead, showing that the Bishops had found and overtaken the site, while also hiding some images teasing the next era of the band's projects.
Account Terminated
The page you are looking for has been removed from our servers. The account was in violation of terms established by The Sacred Municipality of Dema, and deemed contraband material. Disciplinary action has been taken, and the offender no longer has access to this account. Further actions have been taken to ensure these violations will not occur again. Anyone attempting to access or share any contraband material will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the laws set forth by DMA ORG and The Sacred Municipality of Dema.
Infraction No. 9.19
hidden message: C.L.A.N.C.Y I.S D.E.A.D
After almost a year of silence, on 3/16/2022 the site updated with a new map of the continent of Trench which introduced the island of Voldsøy-the Norwegian word for “Violence Island.”
Map of the Continent of Trench. Notable locations include the main continent, the City of Dema, Port Vial, and the island Voldsøy
With this map, we saw the return of Clancy and the Torchbearer after they washed up on the island following the events of the Saturday music video. Clancy talked about how he was being used as propaganda, the performance he was to give on the ship for another Annual Assemblage of the Glorified, and how they were attacked by a strange creature under the water. He notes that the Bishops on the ship weren't real. Throughout a couple of days, Clancy lamented about his struggles back in captivity in the city and formulated his plan to take down the bishops, eventually finding a way to succeed.
On 3/17/22, a schematic was uploaded showing steps to some type of ritual labeled as “psychokinesis”, and that they must “seize the available vessel”. On the next line it states that the available vessel is something that could be considered a “Glorious Gone”, so in essence its a dead body.
On March 18th, 2022, Clancy discovered how to perform psychokinesis using a weapon fashioned by some curious little creatures on Voldsøy, affectionately identified as "Ned" (Neuro Expansion Device). They were thought to have been extinct. We see Ned in the Chlorine music video, and hanging out by the fire in “Ned’s cozy fireplace
These little creatures have special antlers that the bishops use for seizing their deceased victims, allowing them to inhabit their body and take control of them until they inevitably start to decay. However, they seem to be working with Keons who betrayed Nico.
We saw these events play out in "The Outside" music video, which is explained further down in the thread.
Fun fact-the neds call each other ned and write letters to each other :D
letter to ned from ned, with a drawing of the \"Trees\" tree visual
saw clancy n torch berer jus like keons sed
hope you ar well
On 2/13/2024, 1500 scary red letters were sent out to the public by the Sacred Municipality of Dema containing evidence seemingly seized from Clancy's belongings. It included a new letter from Clancy, where he talked about having renewed hope in his plan, an updated map showing the new Paladin Strait between Voldsøy and the mainland of Trench, and a request for information on Clancy's whereabouts from the Bishops of Dema. Both letters included hidden messages, but handwritten was a question.
How did you find

Chlorine Music Video

Watch "Chlorine" here
On 1/22/2019, the "Chlorine" music video was uploaded to youtube. In this music video, we saw an entirely alternate reality than the one we were accustomed to. Tyler and Josh were just some pool-cleaning guys who stumbled across a little funky shy guy in Australia (its Ned). Nothing out of the ordinary there. Over the course of the video, Ned started to come out of his shell as he became very interested in what the boys were pouring into the pool (it was chlorine). Tyler had a cup the whole time, but he merely pondered it instead of taking a sip. During the bridge, when the pool is filled, Ned took a dip and grew a full set of antlers. He sat down with Tyler at the end of the video, where Tyler offered him a sip of his drink and he politely declined while looking mildly disgusted. This video didn’t seem like it had too much lore significance at first. However, its repeated symbolism throughout the story and the return of Ned, the introduction of him coinciding with a letter that seems to directly contradict what we saw in natn/levitate music videos, and his significance later on, it feels too important to not include his origin…

The Hype

Watch "The Hype" here
on 7/26/2019, "The Hype" music video was uploaded after recruiting a bunch of fans to partake. We're invited into Tyler's chest where there's a sick house concert happening, and everything is plaid. Everyone is wearing plaid. As the video progresses, everyone starts wearing more plaid. Even the house is wearing plaid. The camera pans out to the crowd and its just a bunch of people wearing plaid but Ned is there too (he is wearing plaid but he doesn't have antlers). The plaid levels increased to critical amounts, and the house simply could not contain it and it exploded. Tyler and Josh fell back through the roof, and continued their performance layered in flannel as the house rebuilt itself around them. As they slowly took off their tartan shackles, they placed yellow tape over the broken pieces.

Level of Concern ARG

The level of concern ARG was a long, arduous, and extremely complicated online scavenger hunt that was put on by the band in July of 2020. It was designed to last over a week, but we figured it out in 12 hours. It started with a cryptic livestream on youtube that just showed a room of analog tvs that would play a distorted clip of Level of Concern on repeat, occasionally interjected by jarring audio bits. On the tv screens, various gifs and images would cycle through and occasionally a complex code would show up on screen, leading to various webpages and puzzles. There were a total of 20 codes that needed to be entered on Once code 20 was entered, the first 500 people needed to enter their address, and they received a USB drive in the mail. This usb contained various cryptic files, demos, and goofy images from early in the Vessel era, including a video from Tyler thanking the fans for playing the game and figuring out the codes. Behind him, an analog tv flashes the phrase “Clancy is dead” in code, as can be seen here
Clancy Is Dead (FULL WITH AUDIO)
You can watch the recap of how the codes were found for yourself here.

Christmas Saves the Year

Watch "Christmas Saves the Year" here
On the cover of "Christmas saves the Year", there is a tiny present behind Josh that has the nametag "Clancy" and it says "Sai is Propaganda" alluding to their upcoming album "Scaled and Icy"

The Live Experience Control Room

After was terminated, the site was hiding a few images teasing the new era.
70's style Scaled and Icy promo posters
After the release of “Shy Away”, was made available to the public, and we were introduced to our icy yellow-eyed friend, Trash the Dragon. The site led to a control room where you could explore dozens of easter eggs, purchase merchandise, and wait for incoming song premieres leading up to the release of their 6th album “Scaled and Icy” - which happens to be an anagram for “clancy is dead”. It was also here that Dema held their first ever live performance, an event designed to entertain(indoctrinate) the citizens of Dema, and Clancy was the star. However, he was repeatedly referred to as Tyler during the show.

Choker Music Video

Watch "Choker" here
The Choker music video was a very interesting, seemingly light hearted and silly addition to this saga. It started off in a similar manner to the “Chlorine” music video (which is explained further down).
This time, it’s set in a normal area of Columbus, Ohio, and filled with various alleyways (which we could later explore in the Roblox live event…i wont get into that here). Tyler, wearing an orange beanie, walked nervously into a toy store and was met with its employees Josh and Jim (josh’s dog). He got to the counter, and really wanted the blue dragon in the case, but Josh just started drumming. Tyler tried to get his attention, but Josh was locked in and slamming away. Tyler, now frustrated, turned back and explored the shop a little more and was startled by a sudden blue flash.
Something to note, when he turned around the first time, Josh was in the same position he was in when Tyler walked in and the drums were nowhere to be found.
He turned back around and went back to the counter, and Jim had turned into a little toy with a blue bandana. Josh tenderly picked up the little dragon from before and set it on the counter in front of Tyler. He heavily pondered it for a moment, before deciding to yoink it right in front of Josh and dip. Tyler didn’t realize shoplifting was against the rules. Josh chased him down with a massive gun. He caught up with Tyler and shot a giant net at him, knocking him over and encapsulating him, and Josh dragged him back to the shop. Once they reached the front, Josh opened his mouth and just absolutely smited Tyler, turning him into a bobblehead on the shelf next to Jim and the nearly liberated Trash toy.

The Livestream Experience

The show started off as a 70’s style morning show called “Good Day Dema” with its eccentric hosts Dan Lisden and Sally Sacarver. It opened with Tyler (Clancy) sitting on the couch in between the two bishops looking positively miserable, and the bishops scornfully mocking him and insulting Josh.
Dan Lisden (left), Tyler (middle), Sally Sacarver (right)
Then they transitioned into Choker, a single from Scaled and Icy. The show was a concert filled with various mashups and interesting cutoffs, always being stopped or changed during a song or lyrics about rebellion or personal power. Occasionally, the bishop hosts would come back in little infomercial segments to promote Scaled and Icy, though curiously looking more and more beat up and…for lack of better phrasing they were decaying. The bishops had seized these two people and were living vicariously through their bodies while they slowly rotted during the performance to give off the impression of manufactured joy.
Dan Lisden with blooddrippuing down his shirt during the 2nd informercial break, then actively decaying during the last break
Sally Sacarver looking a little worse for wear (no pun intended)-second infomercial break, then actively cementing herself into my nightmares- Last infomercial break
In the middle of the performance, just before “Lane Boy”, the bishops came on screen with half of their faces painted black reciting the “Stay Low” poem. The last verse of “Redecorate” was put into the end of “Lane Boy”, and was cut off by “Chlorine”. After a solemn moment during Heathens/Trees, Josh returned as the Torchbearer and they performed some songs off of Trench, burning car on stage included. After this segment concluded with heavydirtysoul, the bishops came back for their final infomercial dripping blood and threatening the audience, and then played it off like nothing happened.
The performance carried on, eventually getting to Car Radio where alarms started to blare, and chaos erupted in the studio. “Never Take It” was last on the setlist, performed in a street filled with burning cars and running people. After the song ended, Tyler slowly and begrudgingly trudged back to the first set with the bishops-who were somehow looking completely normal, and finished the end of Choker, and then everyone stood up and clapped.

Saturday Music Video

Watch "Saturday" here
On 7/8/21, the next Annual Assemblage of the Glorified was set to take place. Because of the smashing success of the livestream, the bishops decided to hold a party on a submarine and have Clancy and Josh be the main performers. They sent bishop imposters (bishposters?) to control the ship and make sure everything was going smoothly. Everything did not go smoothly. A massive dragon (trash) attacked the ship, nearly drowning everyone, but 21 people are shown to have survived overall (the other 19 pilots?)

The Outside Music Video/Weapon

Watch "The Outside" here
On 3/18/22, the Outside music video was uploaded after a few days of updates on dmaorg. It began with a visual of Trash, the 9 bishops, and Keons in the center holding a pair of antlers, having been caught controlling Trash and betraying the other Bishops. Then they just start stabbing. Julius Caesar style. not a fun way to go, i won’t lie. The yellow glow in Keons’ eyes dimmed, and so too did the life in Trash as he sank to the ocean floor. Clancy (Tyler??) washed up on the frozen island of Voldsøy, covered in snow. Josh/The Torchbearer came up and picked Clancy up by his collar and they walked off, eventually finding a break in the foliage. They discovered a cliff face with a cave opening, and a little guy welcoming them in. it’s Ned!! They walked through the narrow cave passages, spitting some fire bars on the way, eventually arriving at a rotation you couldn’t have dreamed up better. A bunch of Neds, all hanging out by the fire. The Ned that welcomed them in started to leave through a side cave, but Clancy and the Torchbearer followed. They met Ned on the beach, who broke his antlers to give to Clancy. He posted a schematic for a ritual to harness the power of psychokinesis.
The bottom reads:
seize available vessel at Voldsoy eastern cove intercept bishops. _____________________________ glorious gone = available vessel ________________________________ bishops control the available vessel! intercept and seize _________________________________ they will make you a weapon _________________________________
The top letters unscramble to say “seize keons”
The Neds began performing the motions, and Clancy followed- somehow taking control of Keons’ body. He was an available vessel after all! After emoting in front of the bishops, he destroyed one of the towering lights in front of him. Keons’ body fell to the ground, and Clancy regained control of his own body. He later wrote about the experience in the most recent letter update on dmaorg. After Clancy regained control of his body, he’s seen with the Torchbearer waiting for a signal. On the other side of the Strait, dozens of banditos return the signal, cutting to a blue flaming city behind them
On 3/18/2022 Clancy uploaded the most recent **digital*\* letter to the site
What is this thing? This device? This gift? Some sort of neurological connection or expansion. Psychokinetic weapon? This is absurd. Why was this given to me? Why am I the only one that can wield it? Was this the reason that I survived? My mind is racing as I wait here on the rocks -- staring off into the darkness. Waiting for our torches to be mirrored - the signal he told me to wait for. It feels oddly familiar. Not the spikes in my hand, but the power it harnesses, I've felt it before. Is this also the source of those rumors I heard in the dark corners of the city? Legends and stories that I assumed were myth, inspired by children's nightmares -- tales of what the bishops would use the bodies for. Those "honorable" citizens who acheived The Glorious Gone -- referred to as available vessels. It all begins to make sense. The episodes I would have: the blood red vision, my dreams of flying, the out of body account of the rider in the river, the decaying hosts of the television show, the robed figures that commanded the doomed ship... Had we all been "seized" by the bishops using this same technique? Is this where their power comes from? Are they immortal, or just feeding off the next body, giving their hosts a brief second-life? I am in my original life, why am I available to this control? This whole time I thought I was battling my inner self. Was I actually under assault for something else? someONE else? This small eerie island has made me a weapon. We both believe that we can use it to change the momentum of this war. Now, we must return to the mainland where they should be there to recieve is. We will destroy and rebuild. Though it's been years since he last spoke with them, I hope they have not lost faith in The Torchbearers plan. But how could any of this have been planned? -Clancy

Clancy Era-Where we are now

On 2/13/2024, 1500 scary red letters were sent out to the public by the Sacred Municipality of Dema containing evidence seemingly seized from Clancy's belongings. It included a new letter from Clancy, where he talked about having renewed hope in his plan, an updated map showing the new Paladin Strait between Voldsøy and the mainland of Trench, and a request for information on Clancy's whereabouts from the Bishops of Dema. Both letters included hidden messages, but handwritten was a question.
How did you find
Information requests from the Bishops of Dema along with a new transcribed letter from Clancy, coupled with an updated map of Trench to include the new \"Paladin Strait\"
Letter One Transcript:
Letter Two Transcript:
hidden message: STILL ALIVE
Clancy's Letter Transcript:
024 02MOON09 "I'm not as scared as I used to be. Their mystery begins to fade as a method to defeat them becomes more clear\**. I no longer feel powerless. I can outsmart them. This new power of psychokinesis worked, and I believe it can work again. I stand here, looking down at the line where the water meets the sand-a starting line. All the while, knowing there is a finish line across the Strait. Their compass lies, but mine remains true. I've left embers of inspiration, I only hope whatever spark was left has grown to a torch, and together we create** an inferno. -Clancy
hidden message-meruioenpepa

I Am Clancy

Watch "I am Clancy" here
On 2/22/24, a new spoken letter was uploaded to the youtube from Clancy, basically narrating what you just read. In a portion of the video where it shows the map of Dema, Keons' tower is grayed out. He explained his story, what happened to the Bishops, and how he's an exception to the strange powers the Bishops wield. He's taking back his own identity, and he is going to return to Trench to finish what he's started.

Red Tape

On 2/17/2024, the band updated their studio album covers to include red tape. The best running theory is that the red tape signifies bishop control. That's why keon's circle is taped, why trash is taped, why clifford is taped specifically to cover leave the city. the city is still under bishop control, and the vultures are property of Dema for surveillance. since the grandfathers are taped, and trench is in the shape of a brain, i can only assume that insinuates that the bishops have control over the continent somehow since many ideas from vessel are used in this story. or, to go along with my other theory in the next part, clancy is so focused on getting back to trench that its clouding his vision
the red tape seems to only be partially (but still almost fully) covering the eyes of the subjects on the cover

Important details that couldn't really fit anywhere

  • Nico is the only bishop without matching lyrics, and he is repeatedly noted to not be present at gatherings with the other 8 bishops
  • There is a tie to "Nicholas Bourbaki" which was a pseudonym for a group of French mathematicians that formed after the first world war in response to needing to use dated texts for scholarly work due to a generation of their mathematicians being slaughtered. Their goal was to publish updated and accurate information when there was none available. The name is mentioned in "Morph", they also came up with the mathematical ø.
  • the bishops cannot see yellow, that is why it is the color of the rebellion, and blue means defeat according to blurryface's twitter.
  • Nico has been known to be the harshest bishop, while Keons stands out as the most compassionate and kind according to Clancy.
  • KEONS IS THE ONE WHO WAS STABBED AND KILLED. NOT NICO. we saw this during The Outside, and he was shown during "I am Clancy" with further confirmation from Mark
part 2 is continued here <3
If i have missed anything you feel is deeply important to understanding the basics of the lore, please let me know!! I’m going to be updating this thread as things come in. In the meantime, i hope this answers your basic questions and happy theorizing!
submitted by mooshwa to twentyonepilots [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:21 Lutokill22765 !!!SPOILERS FOR LIGHT BRINGER!!! Hangar 17B

Lysander is my favorite character since the begging of the time skip. I loved his chapters, sometimes I jumped chapters to read his. I love his hypocrisy, how he is less gold than any gold alive and that's what grants him strength, I love his broken rhetoric and I love his ignorance in thinking the problem is the bad apple, and not the rotten tree.
And now he may be one of my favorite villains in fiction. The way he puts his live in danger for his goals, and mainly how he burned his last chance to do genuine good in the world, killing one of the few people that truly loved him by the boy and not by the Lune.
And I love the detail that implies both of them hesitated in the last moment, hoe Cassius razor was centimeters from Lysander heart, and mainly Lysander contraction with his ammunition.
"At first Cassius runs through my fire, then he plows, trudges, stumbles, until the gun is empty and he sways."
"The gun is still in my hand. Odd. I thought I’d cleared the clip. There is one bullet left, in the chamber."
This is probably my favorite chapter in the entire series, the climax is not some grand duel were the hero takes a secret art out of thin air to win a battle (Gala Duel and Breathing Stone coff coff) or the triumph of defeating a facist government, a monster or saving his love ones. Is a brother that died because he thought the other was a better men, and a brother that hoped for the first time to being raised by a coward willing to run. And above all else, is the betrayal, and their last words not anger, hate or spite, but remembering how happy Lys was by eating candies for the first time.
Not to mention the action off course, Rhone is right if more Golds fought like Grey's someone would already won the war.
submitted by Lutokill22765 to redrising [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 20:46 AdUnhappy2375 Some funny (in my opinion) clips I got from my new playthrough so far! :)

Apologies for the shameless plug at the end, this is originally a video for my YT and TikTok,
but oh BOY have I not had this much fun playing a singleplayer game in so long.About 2000 hours on Skyrim, but since 2013 I haven't really thought about replaying this game, besides, I always liked fallout 3 more since I played it more than Vegas.After struggling to download some mod collection for about 3 days, I finally managed to get it to work, this is one of the most fun experiences I've had in gaming in the past few years.Under are a few dumb clips, but I find em funny and hopefully I can give some of you a laugh too!Great game.
(GIF under video is not me, I just put that under the stream because I'm playing on ultrawide (can't stream in 16:9) so he's there to fill the empty place)
submitted by AdUnhappy2375 to falloutnewvegas [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 19:46 Mediocre-Nail-1171 What are your favorite clips of the boys?

I'm not a new Beatles fan, but I would like to see silly clips of them being silly or serious, but knowing them, silly.
submitted by Mediocre-Nail-1171 to beatles [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 19:42 fatiguettee 4 day-trip to Madrid

First post here and my first almost-zero bag trip. Left Brussels, Belgium on Wednesday night for Madrid, Spain and just came back this Sunday night.
It was a comfortable trip as I drove to the airport and parked there, which I'd never done before, then once in Spain used Uber to get to my Airbnb from the airport. I usually use public transport so this made the experience more relaxed and much more enjoyable.
I brought a Nike sling bag with cologne, deodorant, a toothbrush, toothpaste, and an extra pair of underwear and socks. I was wearing a Uniqlo Dry-Ex t-shirt, Uniqlo Merino sweater, H&M zip-up hoodie, Uniqlo Pocketable Parka, Forclaz merino underwear, Uniqlo EZY jeans, Uniqlo Dry-Ex socks and Skechers sneakers. I washed my clothes in the shower and let them dry in my room.
Everything else was in my pockets; phone, wallet, car keys, AirPods Pro and Airbnb keys, except for my tactical flashlight (Olight Warrior 3S) which I conceal carry for safety by clipping it to the side of my jeans.
Overall was an amazing experience, traveling freely and not worrying about a bulky backpack (I usually one bag as I live between Belgium and Canada so need more stuff). Madrid's convenient infrastructure (metro, taxis, Uber and the like, electric scooters, and mostly close walking distances) definitely helped.
I even caught a train to Salamanca (2h30 ride) to party and took the 6am train back, obviously not completely sober, and boy was I glad to be carrying so little in that state. Especially when Google Maps made me walk to the bus station and I had to sprint halfway across town to get to the train station in time lol!
submitted by fatiguettee to zerobags [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 18:54 Acecake20 What’s some of your favourite shots?

These are some of mine! One more I wanted to include (but couldn’t find a clip of) was during S1E8 where the boys are waiting to be picked up from the bachelor party and it cuts to the backs of them and there’s a space between Kendall and the rest of the group.
submitted by Acecake20 to SuccessionTV [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 13:40 gncommie Hallo Spaceboy Clip?

Hi there,
So yesterday I saw the new ENO documentary in Toronto, and for those who don't know, the director uses this ai generative software that chooses completely different clips from a wide selection each time the film is shown. Thus, every time the film is shown it is completely different and NEVER to be replicated. Interesting concept, I recommend you look it up.
With that being said, in my showing there was a long segment about Eno's collaboration with Bowie through the years and there was one clip which I've never seen before of Bowie where it must've been 95/96 outside era where the camera was close up on his face and he was wearing almost drag-like makeup reminiscent of the Boys Keep Swinging video and he says rather cheekily into the lens "Hallo Spaceboy" with that Cockney twang of his. I've never seen this clip before and would like to know what it is from. Thanks! :)
submitted by gncommie to DavidBowie [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 11:49 BookerTea3 Thoughts on Littlefinger - Varys and Arya

We know both disliked the other, although it seemed to be more based on competition.
Littlefinger is a minor noble with powerful responsibility. Varys is a self made man with an extensive spy market.
Littlefinger wanted as much power as he could accomplish. Robert didn't care. Jon Arryn thought of Littlefinger as a boy and his wife's good friend. Tywin wasn't in the council. Varys was acutely aware of his ambitions, and through his spy network just how far he would go.
But it was this clip that caught my eye.
"Your father has to confess that I'm the King, then I'll mercy him."- Joffrey X Sansa - YouTube
Littlefinger doesn't seem to be able to understand why Varys is advising to support Sansa and is risking himself against what the King wants. Varys is the spymaster, whom consorts with assassins. He presumably sees Varys blocking him where he can, as a competitor against the same thing the throne. As a brothel keeper, Littlefinger prides himself on seeing men's vices, let as a Eunuch, he cannot fathom what Varys wants, aside from power. It's such a foreign concept to him, he can't really capitalise on it. Although he does mock Varys later with Ros, this seemed to be more of a swipe over the machinations of both.
With Arya, I am almost certain that Littlefinger knew it was Arya. However Littlefinger is creating as much chaos as possible. He seeks rewards from the Kings, but his main goal was to consolidate power within the Vale and the North, whilst still keeping a set in the Riverlands (Harranhall) and the favor of the Lannisters. However, he didn't actually have any real fealty to the Lannisters, he was a free agent. Can you imagine his delight as the most powerful and intelligent man in the kingdom berates him about Littlefinger's theory on chaos, as he is being served and dined by the very sister of his greatest enemy, completly unknown. If Arya can actually take out Tywin? Sound like more chaos to me.
Arya Encounters Littlefinger [HD] (
submitted by BookerTea3 to gameofthrones [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 11:29 yeyeyork Finally in the Family Ya'll: This summer I'm rocking Galaxy S24 Ultra connected to my PlayStation DualSense Edge. Summer fun on the go with PS5 Remote Play

Finally in the Family Ya'll: This summer I'm rocking Galaxy S24 Ultra connected to my PlayStation DualSense Edge. Summer fun on the go with PS5 Remote Play
This is a load of smart phone people. I was blown away. That's pretty much my first impression. The design is sleek and pretty much something that you would expect from Samsung. On POINT! The screen is big, fantastic and beautiful. The Titanium frame was one of the selling points that captured me. It fits my hands perfectly. The AI, whoa! I'll be testing it out more this spring ~ summer. I'll be performing anything this bad boy can handle, plus I'll be gaming remotely. We'll see how it goes... but as of now, I'm sold..
samsung ultra 24 titanium 512G clip to PAHM Mobile Mount connected to PS5 DS5 Edge
It would have been nice if the S24 Ultra came with at least 1TB, but I'm cool with 512G.

samsung ultra 24 titanium with clear cover waiting to be mounted PAHM and DualSense Edge for Remote Play
Galaxy S24 Ultra titanium with clear cover to show off the wild color, back dualsense edge playstation controller and pahm mobile phone mount
submitted by yeyeyork to GalaxyS24Ultra [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 10:58 denyskaiser World War II USA’s message to allies

Hi all,
I remember years ago I saw online what looked to be a newspaper clipping with a message to the allies when the US joined the war. I distinctly remember the phrases “hold against the hun a little while longer” and “our boys are coming a million strong”. May not be exact quotes but “against the hun”, “boys”, and “a million strong” were definitely used. I’ve been trying to find it again to no avail.
submitted by denyskaiser to HelpMeFind [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 08:28 GJP_art TESTING NEW OIL PAINT BRUSHES IN CLIP STUDIO PAINT! Portrait of a boy 👦 ❤️

TESTING NEW OIL PAINT BRUSHES IN CLIP STUDIO PAINT! Portrait of a boy 👦 ❤️ submitted by GJP_art to ProCreate [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 06:21 RichieBuz The peace treaty

2003, Queens
Lorenzo is shown throwing a baseball in the park with a young Cane who is about 4 years old. Soon Lorenzo is approached by a hooded figure
Ghost: That's your son?
Lorenzo smirks
Lorenzo: Yeah. His name's Lorenzo like mines
Ghost smirks
Ghost: Yeah my boy's not old enough to play baseball yet. I'm thinking of getting him to do track when he gets there.
Lorenzo: Oh yeah why is that?
Ghost: Because you always gotta be faster than the competition.......
Lorenzo squints his eyes as his tone becomes more solemn
Lorenzo: What do you want?
Ghost: A talk........
Ghost & Lorenzo walk off in the distance but still nearby to where Lorenzo can keep an eye on young Cane
Lorenzo: You know you're real bold to visit me while I'm with my son. I always viewed you as a man of business. This is beneath you.
Ghost: I am....but when you take a shot at me & no longer is about business to me...Kanan is family and family is very important to me as it is to you hermano.
Lorenzo: And Big Guap was my brother....until Kanan clipped him.
Ghost: Kanan clipped him to save my life. GTGs was fucking around in RSK territory. You of all people know the rules. They were playing out of bounds and caught a foul.
Lorenzo: So what? You made up your mind and I know you're not stupid enough to kill me in front of my son so what do you want?
Ghost: Call off the bounty on Kanan.....
Lorenzo: You gotta be fucking kidding me? Come on. At least humor me and offer some territory.
Ghost: I won't repeat myself. You should know I'm a dangerous man and I would hate for things to escalate anymore than they already have
Lorenzo smirks
Lorenzo: You don't have the manpower to go up against me. My soldiers, GTG, and the Castillos would turn the Southside into a bloodbath.
Ghost: I got more than the RSKs....I got the Soldados on board toom
Lorenzo: Since when.......
Ghost: Let's just say a favor for a favor.....but just know that we're not alone in this fight.
Lorenzo chuckles
Lorenzo: You're willing to throw away everything you've worked for for Kanan?
Ghost: Like I said.....Kanan's family. Take good care of your son.
Ghost walked off knowing he now had the tactical advatange. Despite this he further entertained the thought that maybe Kanan was not worth dying for and that removing him out the picture would make the business flow smoother
submitted by RichieBuz to PowerTV [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 06:19 nmsjtb0308 I had someone involuntarily hospitalized. The gravity of the situation has set in and I'm not okay.

This past Sunday night (4/21/2024), I (36F) called 911 on a dear friend (45M). He had been acting erratic, as if in a manic episode. He'd stolen a fully loaded handgun, wrote his son (11M) a letter, gave me all of his passwords, etc., told me that I won't have to worry about him anymore, then promptly smashed his phone to bits, got in his car, and disappeared.
I called 911 to request a BOLO for him ("be on the lookout").
I am eternally indebted to the responding officers for taking my concerns seriously. I told them everything that I could think of...
He'd recently lost his home and was homeless. He's addicted to meth. He almost certainly has a severe undiagnosed mental illness. He'd have drugs and drug paraphernalia on him. His license is expired. His car is unregistered, uninsured, and has expired tags from more than 4 years ago that don't even belong to his car on it. He's a felon from a marijuana possession charge in 1997. He stole a handgun from one of his best friends, and he'd been lower than anyone had ever seen. You could look into his eyes and see how badly he was struggling. He was there, but he wasn't there.
I gave them the addresses to his dealers, friends, family, job, baby mama(s)... even the storage unit that he put all of his stuff in after he lost his home. I honestly told them as much as I possibly could.
I ended their visit with, "I know you have 50 reasons to put him in jail. He'd deserve it, too, but I'm telling you... He doesn't need jail. This man is not okay. He desperately needs a hospital. If you have to take him to jail, please take him to a hospital first. Please find him and take him to a hospital."
He was legitimately a felon with a stolen handgun illegally driving an illegal vehicle, and I told them all of it. I didn't care. I just wanted them to find him. Jail would still be safer than him by himself.
They found him about an hour later. He was 5150ed (involuntarily committed) and spent 5 days in a psych ward.
I am so fucking thankful we got to him before he got to himself.
On day two, I visited him. He looked so much better, but you could still see the sad in his eyes and the struggle on his face. I told him I needed to know where he'd hid the handgun. He needed to give it back to his friend. They were deeply worried and upset at him. He told me it was in the ceiling of his car. He'd made a little opening in the liner and hid it up there... Within his reach, but totally out of sight.
I left the visit and went straight to his car. As soon as I felt the gun in the ceiling, I melted. When I got it out and released the clip to find it fully loaded (with one in the chamber), I sobbed. I sobbed for 15 minutes. It was one of those ugly, snotty, hyperventilating kind of sobs. It made everything so real.
He was released yesterday. I picked him up to drive him straight to rehab. He was finally back on earth. I hadn't seen him in months, it seemed like. The color was back in his face, the light was back in his eyes, and his smile was back.
He was alive again.
I don't know how to explain the emotions I felt when I saw him.
During the journey to the inpatient drug rehab he went to, I asked him if he was upset at me for calling the police. I added that if he was, oh well. I'm not sorry, and I will never be sorry. He said that he wasn't upset. In fact, he was grateful. He then confided in me that I was right. He had every intention on Sunday night being his last.
He was so nonchalant... so matter-of-fact. He was telling me the truth. I didn't realize that the gravity of the situation could get any heavier than it was when I found the handgun. Boy, was I wrong. Hearing him admit that to me... Realizing how close we were to losing him... It literally takes my breath away to think about the "what-ifs."
But now, now he's safe and getting the help he needs to be happy and healthy so he can live his best life.
((Shout out to the people in his life who made rehab possible with their financial contributions. You're incredible people. He doesn't deserve you.))
I've had multiple people try to make me feel bad for calling the cops on him. I understand the stigma, but I truly believe/believed that he was an imminent danger to himself, and I am one person. I would have never thought to look where the cops found him at. I would have never found him in time.
I'm in a whirlwind of emotions. I'm happy, thankful, and relieved that he's okay. I'm sad and heartbroken for how badly he's struggling. I'm devastated at how close we were to losing him. I'm excited for the opportunity he's been given, and I'm hopeful for his future.
I've been going from smiling and happy to tears pouring down my face for days. I hadn't taken the time to focus on myself until after I dropped him off at rehab, and I've since realized that I am really not okay.
I see my therapist on tomorrow at 10am, and I can't wait.
Thank you for reading. It's therapeutic talking about it, and being able to talk about it is keeping my head above water until I can get to my therapist.
To anyone struggling - Please know there are people who care. If you don't think anyone does, know that I do. Everyone deserves to be happy and healthy, and I hope you're able to achieve that. ❤️
submitted by nmsjtb0308 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 06:19 themusicfanman I’m The Music Fan Man • Infotainer’s Introduction

I’m The Music Fan Man • Infotainer’s Introduction

I’m The Music Fan Man Infotainer’s Introduction

2021 12-28

Who I Am

Hi. I am The Music Fan Man. At the Music Or Lose It channel, I make various videos: commentaries; interviews; and reviews of songs.
It is my pleasure to be acquainted with you online. Feel free to ask me questions in the comments section.

What Sets Me Apart

I review songs from the perspective of an ordinary music fan. When I was getting into music as a teenager in the late 90s, I’d buy music magazines. I felt the reviewers wrote about music in a way I could not at all relate to. When I created Music Or Lose It in 2022, my goal was to discuss music in a manner I feel is utmost connecting. Rather than get into the technical details of a song I’m reviewing, I prefer to discuss how it connects with me personally. If a song reminds me of something personal, I can share that. For example, when I reviewed the song “The Actor” by Alt-J, I began crying while thinking about how drugs had impacted my life as someone who’s always been sober and drug free yet significantly impacted by family members’ addictions. Only I have my specific life experience that’s going to impact how I connect with a song.

First Music Memories

I remember having a cassette player and cassette tapes as a little kid. I had a Jackson 5 album. I’m unsure which one. I also remember having the 1984 album “Stay Hungry” by Twisted Sister with their song “We're Not Gonna Take It.” I must have been around 4 years old still living in southern California where I was born.
By the time I was of preschool or kindergarten age in the 80’s, my family had moved to northern California. We initially lived in a small town named Sutter. In either preschool or kindergarten, at school we sang a song as a group. The boys, in masculine kid’s voice, sang “Abraham Lincoln” and the girls would follow with “Gerrrrrrrrroge Washington.” Doing an online search I’m unable to figure out what that song was.
I remember being exposed to a physical record of children singing "On Top of Spaghetti." Doing research for this post, it appears to have been from the album “On Top Of Spaghetti” by Tom Glazer And The Do-Re-Mi Children's Chorus. I am concluding this because the Discogs website entry for this album shows a version of “Puff (The Magic Dragon)” was included in that album. At around that age, I remember hearing that song too. I feel like my parents must have gotten me a record player and that album. Then again, maybe it was just available at school.

When I Became A Fan Of Music

As a teen living in the Yuba-Sutter region, I remember my mother listened to a lot of FM radio. She also seemed to turn on cable channels VH1 and CMT which primarily aired music videos back in the 90s. There was a weekly show called VH1 Top 21. Click here to see a clip appearing to be from a 1994 episode. I must have started intentionally paying attention to music in 1991. I remember the eventfulness of the music videos for the album “Dangerous” by Michael Jackson. I also remember the 1991 video “I Can't Dance” by Genesis in which Phil Collins does parody of Michael Jackson dancing.

First Music I Bought Myself

The first music I bought myself was probably in cassette singles form, spending allowance money given to me from my parents. I was around age 12 or 13. Any one of the following 1993 songs could have been the first single I bought: "Another Sad Love Song" by Toni Braxton; "All That She Wants" by Ace Of Base; or "I'd Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That)" by Meat Loaf. I also remember owning the above-mentioned 1991 “Dangerous” album by Michael Jackson. I can’t remember if I bought “Dangerous” or if it was a gift to me.
I kept wanting a CD player so badly. Before my parents bought me a CD player, I bought myself my first CD. It was the 1993 self-titled album from a band named Dig. I eagerly wanted to own the album’s song “Believe.” I remember going to the mall at Yuba-City and buying it at the music store. It was the only song I enjoyed of the 12 songs from that album. “Believe” wasn’t very popular. By then I was watching MTV and they didn’t play it often. I especially wanted to own the song so that I could listen to it whenever I wanted to. It wasn’t until much later that I finally got a CD player sometime in 1994 or 1995. I was so happy!

Music Influences

Sometime around 1994 or 1995, I began listening to FM radio. I can’t remember my hometown’s local FM station call letters. I think it was nicknamed “Cool 104.” It appears not to exist anymore. The station played VH1-type pop music. I could also access Sacramento’s very popular KSFM 102.5FM which played rap, hip hop, and R&B. Most of all, I listened to Sacramento-based alternative rock station KWOD 106.5FM and their Shawn & Jeff Morning Show.
I started writing my own Top 20 Songs Of The Week countdown around this time. It was written on paper that I kept mostly for myself. I did this because too often I disagreed with the MTV, VH1, and CMT top 20 countdown selections. I also usually disagreed with the Billboard Hot 100 chart posted at the local music store. I am an only-child. I was a closeted-gay teen at a time when American society was still mostly unaccepting of homosexuality. I was awkward in junior high. That is when and where I awkwardly met a girl my same age. She became my greatest friend. We bonded over sharing music together. We became nearly inseparable. Despite having told her my secret of being gay during our teen years, we were both in denial. She became my wife at the age of 20 in 2000.
From 1994-1998 I made my own fictitious music awards show. It was hosted by me in 1994; my childhood friend Jeremy in 1995; a high school classmate named Angie in 1996; a coworker named Robert from my first job at Montgomery Wards (I unloaded trucks) in 1997; and lastly my parents in 1998. I initially used a broken, handheld cassette player. I’d watch all of the music award shows on TV and recorded the acceptance speeches onto blank tape. If any of the award shows’ winners matched my winners, I’d use those acceptance speeches. If not, the host of my award show would say something to the effect of, “They’re not here. I’ll accept the award on their behalf.” I also recorded live music performances from MTV and VH1 to use for my fictitious awards show. Later when I got my CD player, it also played cassettes and had a radio built in. Around 1996 I somehow figured out that my home’s cable could connect to the back of the CD player enabling me to record onto blank cassettes directly from MTV and VH1 broadcasts. Yet those recordings were staticky. I didn’t even own my first computer at this time. Recording the fictitious awards show was simply a hobby for my own enjoyment.
For a 1996 high school economics class group project, we had to make a commercial for a fictitious business. I led the group. We made a commercial for our store “Music World.” In the video I explained, “…when you go to Music World, you’re not gonna say ‘Can I find The Presidents of the United States of America CD?’ and they’re gonna tell you to go register to vote somewhere else.” Sometime in either 1996 or 1997, I discovered one of my school’s staff members had an unofficial class teaching students how to play music on a large speaker-system. He had some type of promotional CDs with all current songs available. If I passed his quiz regarding how to use the equipment, I was told I’d be allowed to play music for the school in the social areas during lunch. I passed the quiz yet somehow - I can’t remember why - the Lindhurst High School officials decided against allowing lunchtime music.
In 1998, for a required “senior project” research presentation class, I learned about publishing songs. I wrote a song with my later-to-be-wife. I was aided by a music teaching mentor. She was the wife of a science teacher from my high school yet she didn’t teach a class there. The song was titled “I Used To Be Insane.” It seems I no longer have a copy. Nothing ever became of it. I did however pass the class. California standards being as low as they are, despite mostly getting Cs and Ds, I graduated class of 1998. Regarding college, I only took one class in 2000. It was a public speaking class. I got an A.
The Music Fan Man In 1998
The Music Fan Man In 1998
I wanted to become a DJ on the radio at the local Cool 104 station or at Sacramento’s KWOD 106.5. Yet somehow I let the dream die. I became employed as security guard and never found the time to pursue my goal of being a radio DJ. In 2023 I made a radio newscaster demo. I intended to use the demo to apply to be a news reader or DJ for local station 1600 KUBA AM. I don’t remember if I ever followed through or not.
In July 2023 life took me in an entirely different direction. By then I had come out of the closet. On 07/05/03, I started the first LGBT group in the Yuba-Sutter region. By October, my marriage was over. I led the group until the end of 2007. In 2008 I became employed with the “NO on 8” campaign attempting to preserve the freedom to marry for Californian same-gender couples. This remains one of the largest political campaigns in United States history. This took me out of my hometown for the first time. I worked at the “NO on 8” headquarters at the Castro in San Francisco. Being from the small town Yuba-Sutter area, it was surreal to find myself working for such a high-stakes political campaign in a massive city. In October of 2008 I moved to the campaign’s Sacramento office. Prop 8 passed unfortunately. The good news is marriage equality eventually prevailed due to a 2015 Supreme Court ruling.
The Music Fan Man In 2008
In 2010 I made the bold decision to buy an SUV and live out of that. This was years before vanlife became trendy. I was renting a room in Concord, CA, while employed as a security guard. I was scheduled full time hours making decent money. Yet despite living modestly I was never able to save up money. Before moving into the SUV, I decided in the future I would live minimalist. Therefore I needed to transform my papers, photos, and home movies into digital files. I bought a cord to connect my VCR to my computer. The connection enabled me to transfer VHS-C home movies into MP4 files. The cord was part of a package that included a video editing program. This changed my life. I learned how to edit videos. In 2010 I began making political videos from the perspective of an independent. By 2011 I created my first channel on YouTube. Initially I was uploading political interviews and also vlogs about living out of my SUV. I kept up at it and ended up interviewing numerous famous people. Click here to see some screenshots of my celebrity interviews. Videos I made were featured by Huffington Post, The Advocate, and Good Day Sacramento.
The Music Fan Man’s Celebrity Interviews During The 10’s
By the end of 2017, I was in Los Angeles. I had been living out of my SUV on and off. My already-substantial medical conditions worsened. I had also become burned out covering politics. I then took a long hiatus for several years living very reclusively. During this time, I changed my political channel to Roadside Resident in anticipation of buying a van to live out of. Thereafter I made only a few videos updating my subscribers of my intent to upgrade from living out of a SUV to living out of a van.

When I Decided To Try Making A Living Enjoying Music

Around 2019 or 2020 (I guesstimate), I discovered music commentary channels Grady Smith and Professor of Rock. The more I watched their videos, the more I realized I wanted to make videos discussing music. The long-dormant wannabe radio DJ within me awakened.


In the fall of 2020, I finally bought a van to live out of. I sometimes rented a room and I sometimes lived out of the van full time. In July 2022, I relocated the seldom active Roadside Resident channel to its own separate, new channel on YouTube – remodeling the existing channel with the premiere of Music Or Lose It. To summarize, my original channel from January 2011 showcasing my political interviews was briefly renamed Roadside Resident probably in 2019 (the exact date is uncertain). Then in July 2022 the channel was given a third embodiment: Music Or Lose It. Only time with tell if transforming my channel twice was a bad or good idea. In any case, it was such a joyous occasion to finally unleash the inner DJ inside of me in the form of a commentator, interviewer, and reviewer. Unfortunately, medical conditions hindered me from making videos on a consistently frequent basis. By February 2024, ailments necessitated returning to housing again.
My Music Or Lose It channel on YouTube struggled to get views after the July 2022 launch. In contrast, when I uploaded to my political channel back in 2011, my videos would automatically get lots of views. Back then I had a steady flow of new subscribers. YouTube then changed drastically becoming mostly corporatized. YouTube’s leadership seems intent on looping viewers to already-famous celebrities and “YouTubers” who built up their audience before the corporatization. I’ve watched tons of “how to succeed on YouTube” videos. Citing vague gibberish regarding algorithms, those videos are almost always unhelpful. There’s no meritocracy when audience reach is dictated by algorithms. The tools to build an audience as a no-name in a bedroom seem to have removed by big tech venues. At least my videos at the Music Or Lose It channels on Rumble and TikTok get a few thousand views.

What Keeps Me Going

I am encouraged to keep trying to succeed despite seemingly impossible odds. I see a vision of what Music Or Lose It can become and I love what I see. I visualize connecting music fans discussing wonderful new songs together. As I build up my success, I see an opportunity to uplift a lot of neglected music creators making human-uplifting, soul-moving music.

Moving Forward

I am presently seeking a standalone house to rent in Las Vegas. After moving in, I will get set up to film and podcast. Until day 1 of recording begins, I won’t get too excited. I don’t celebrate prematurely. If I can stay steady living where all my filming equipment is at one place, I feel hopeful I can regularly make Music Or Lose It videos.
What’s more, I have a bold idea to unite creators struggling to attain decent amounts of views/listens. After I get settled in the Vegas house, I will unveil the idea. In an era where big tech does so little to help lesser known creators, uniting into groups with a plan to attain success seems to be the way of the future.
The Music Or Lose It subreddit community was created in January 2022 and was dormant until October that year. This online community significantly expanded in 2024, hitting both the first 1k members milestone in January and then the first 2k members milestone in March. Also in March, just for fun, I began organizing a community vote for the Best Song Of The Month contest open to lesser known music creators. It is indeed a lot of fun. The subreddit community motivates me to keep going with my overall Music Or Lose It goals. I am tremendously motivated by the talented music creators who kindly share their personal art. I am especially inspired by the community’s thoughtful music fans who share their interesting perspectives in the comments section. I am a believer in "a rising tide lifts all boats" philosophy. In anticipation of a return to making Music Or Lose It videos, I am imagining how I can merge the subreddit community into my world of videomaking. I must figure out how to increase my viewership. I am confident I can do it. Videos about music superstars like Beyoncé, Taylor Swift, and Kanye West will get more views than a video about a lesser-known creator. That’s reality. Yet it’s my goal to figure out how to merge my video discussions about the superstars with discussions about the amazingly-talented yet lesser known creators I’m meeting at this musicorloseittv community.

The Wildest Dream

My goal is to earn a living making my Music Or Lose It videos. I want my music discussion channel to be as successful as Professor of Rock and Not For Radio Podcast. I hope to eventually have 1-2 cohosts. I want it to be a go-to venue for music entertainers when they're promoting new projects.
I grew up experiencing poverty more often than not when I was younger. I remember the monotony of eating rice and beans for dinner night after night for a long time. Around my teen years, my parents became more equipped to treat me to allowance. This enabled me to buy cassettes and CDs. Their generosity enabled me to become a music fan. Yet a clear path how to succeed was not provided to me. I graduated from high school with only Cs and Ds. Into adulthood, despite living out of a sports utility vehicle with serious medical conditions, I taught myself how to edit videos. I ended up interviewing very famous celebrities. At my best, despite being a no-name from a small northern California town, I was gaining notable media attention momentum. Despite so many odds being against me, I have persevered.
I am determined to keep persevering. I will do everything within my power pursuing the success I envision for myself. Just as I gave my all to unite people by creating community when I led the first LGBT group in my hometown, I will give my all to uniting lesser known creators chasing our dreams together.
Thank you for reading.


• Song: Dirty Vegas - Human Love
2004, Lyrics
• Music Video: Airship - Algebra
2010, Lyrics

Social Media

Music Or Lose It Email List
submitted by themusicfanman to musicorloseittv [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 05:49 Reasonable_Gas_4818 Gym Chirping Scene

Does anyone know where I can find the (very short) clip of Ron and Dax chirping at Tyson & Joint Boy? They're in the gym. Can't find it to save my life!
submitted by Reasonable_Gas_4818 to Letterkenny [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 04:35 Bosskz [NM] Krein ZT0235 - 105@$2

Make and Model: ZT0235 Krein Regrind
Timestamp and Pics:
Price Justification:
Description: PLEASE BE THOROUGH. EXPLICITLY STATE ALL ISSUES : I won from previous raffle linked above. I have never carried, cut with or make any changes to it.
Zirblast $70 Washer and Screw insert: $25
Description: This one was purchased from a member on the swap. It has an awesome Krein regrind. The blade and all hardware were sent out to be zirblasted. The knife is pristine and hasn’t been cut or carried since the refinish. Centering is great.
Krein regrind, Ripp’s Garage Tech green canvas micarta scales and deep carry 3D-machined titanium clip.

Tip BlobAndHisBoy
Number of vacant slots: 0
Number of unpaid users: 0
Number of unpaid slots: 0
This slot list is created and updated by The EDC Raffle Tool by BlobAndHisBoy.
1 909Cut PAID
2 s14mcdonald PAID
3 Mr-Pocket-Dumps PAID
4 s14mcdonald PAID
5 Safetyman613 PAID
6 s14mcdonald PAID
7 killacaltron PAID
8 s14mcdonald PAID
9 CracksWack PAID
10 Gboogie3 PAID
11 909Cut PAID
12 s14mcdonald PAID
13 Swagmaster69420 PAID
14 lizmiliz PAID
15 Gboogie3 PAID
16 909Cut PAID
17 Mr-Pocket-Dumps PAID
18 909Cut PAID
19 s14mcdonald PAID
20 909Cut PAID
21 killacaltron PAID
22 brandon8675309 PAID
23 CracksWack PAID
24 909Cut PAID
25 909Cut PAID
26 scr0tiemcb00gerbaIIz PAID
27 CracksWack PAID
28 lizmiliz PAID
29 scr0tiemcb00gerbaIIz PAID
30 CracksWack PAID
31 Safetyman613 PAID
32 CracksWack PAID
33 CracksWack PAID
34 s14mcdonald PAID
35 killacaltron PAID
36 lizmiliz PAID
37 s14mcdonald PAID
38 Safetyman613 PAID
39 killacaltron PAID
40 killacaltron PAID
41 909Cut PAID
42 s14mcdonald PAID
43 909Cut PAID
44 s14mcdonald PAID
45 lizmiliz PAID
46 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
47 brandon8675309 PAID
48 Safetyman613 PAID
49 N0213568 PAID
50 s14mcdonald PAID
51 909Cut PAID
52 brandon8675309 PAID
53 Safetyman613 PAID
54 CracksWack PAID
55 909Cut PAID
56 killacaltron PAID
57 scr0tiemcb00gerbaIIz PAID
58 Safetyman613 PAID
59 Safetyman613 PAID
60 CracksWack PAID
61 CracksWack PAID
62 CracksWack PAID
63 killacaltron PAID
64 Mr-Pocket-Dumps PAID
65 CracksWack PAID
66 Mr-Pocket-Dumps PAID
67 scr0tiemcb00gerbaIIz PAID
68 brandon8675309 PAID
69 Swagmaster69420 PAID
70 Mr-Pocket-Dumps PAID
71 CracksWack PAID
72 Safetyman613 PAID
73 lizmiliz PAID
74 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
75 s14mcdonald PAID
76 909Cut PAID
77 s14mcdonald PAID
78 killacaltron PAID
79 909Cut PAID
80 CracksWack PAID
81 lizmiliz PAID
82 scr0tiemcb00gerbaIIz PAID
83 s14mcdonald PAID
84 nik0nguy601 PAID
85 Mr-Pocket-Dumps PAID
86 brandon8675309 PAID
87 Mr-Pocket-Dumps PAID
88 Safetyman613 PAID
89 killacaltron PAID
90 s14mcdonald PAID
91 Mr-Pocket-Dumps PAID
92 s14mcdonald PAID
93 s14mcdonald PAID
94 Safetyman613 PAID
95 s14mcdonald PAID
96 Mr-Pocket-Dumps PAID
97 CracksWack PAID
98 s14mcdonald PAID
99 s14mcdonald PAID
100 killacaltron PAID
101 Mr-Pocket-Dumps PAID
102 CracksWack PAID
103 Mr-Pocket-Dumps PAID
104 lizmiliz PAID
105 909Cut PAID

submitted by Bosskz to KnifeRaffle [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 03:36 Puzzleheaded-Bee-138 Update, scan yesterday at 16 weeks 2 days. My friend did a little gender reveal thing for me today and it's a boy, everyone who thought they could see a nub guessed boy 💙

Update, scan yesterday at 16 weeks 2 days. My friend did a little gender reveal thing for me today and it's a boy, everyone who thought they could see a nub guessed boy 💙
Also added a picture with his hands because I think it's quite interesting to look at.
submitted by Puzzleheaded-Bee-138 to nubtheory [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 02:25 theanimatorcreator I found an “exclusive merchandise” promotion still attached to the back of my Millennium CD’s booklet, and I’m wondering what it was like to get all this stuff back in the “olden days” (since the offer expired like 24 years ago)

I found an “exclusive merchandise” promotion still attached to the back of my Millennium CD’s booklet, and I’m wondering what it was like to get all this stuff back in the “olden days” (since the offer expired like 24 years ago)
I dunno, it’s interesting. Not in stores, couldn’t order via website, only through mail, phone, or fax.
P.S. I only called 1999-2000 the “olden days” to make late-1900ers feel a little old LOL
submitted by theanimatorcreator to BackstreetBoys [link] [comments]