Calories for food at zaxbys


2019.11.25 02:47 Thea_From_Juilliard Volumeeating

Maximum food for minimum calories.

2015.03.10 22:08 THUMB5UP 1500 kCals A Day!

A sub about eating on 1500 calories total per day.

2015.09.23 01:32 anditsmeg13 a vegan version of the wonderful r/1200isplenty

A sub for vegan weight loss. Welcome to a community much like 1200isplenty where users share meals and tips, with a twist! Everything you'll find here is 100% vegan. We have animal-free recipes, dishes, and snacks to help you achieve your weight loss goals. Whether your daily calorie limit is 1200, 1400, or even 1600 or more, everybody is welcome to post and comment here. A vegan CICO based diet can benefit anybody trying to maintain or lose weight.

2024.05.14 10:07 peacockblue21 Low carb snacks ideas that also do not have unhealthy fats

To preface this, I am not allowed to eat unhealthy fats, simple carbohydrates and any kind of refined or baked food. I use very light mustard oil for cooking in food. I also don't eat rice or wheat roti. I eat millets (jowar, bajra, raggi, etc). Absolutely no butter. Negligible sugar and low sodium salt in moderation.
This diet restriction is due to a recent diagnosis of fatty liver (it's in very early stages but I have gone on extreme dietary restriction for the past 3 months nonetheless).
For the past 3 months I have been only eating a fixed diet. Oats in the morning, 1 roti and sabji, 1 cup of moong daal in lunch, a bunch of veggies, soya chunks and tofu, paneer (in strict moderation), some nuts and almonds as evening snacks or maybe a moong chilla or 1 roti and sabji as dinner. I try to limit myself to 1200 calories (I am short).
I was wondering if there were any snack suggestions that wouldn't be problematic and also help me to introduce variety in my monotonous diet.
I am vegetarian at the moment but I have been thinking to start eating fish.
submitted by peacockblue21 to IndianFood [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:23 babycake2424 do i actually have an ED?

hi, my name is anna and i’m 22 years old. i’ve noticed that my eating habits are not normal/i’ve been trying to restrict. I have become overly obsessed with what i’m eating, how many calories it is, or how “bad for me” something is.
growing up, i was a gymnast, and if you are familiar with gymnastics, you know how hard it is. mentally, physically, emotionally, everything about the sport is hard. When i was younger, and i would go to the doctopediatrician, i was in the zero percentile, for height and weight. i had to drink shakes every night to gain weight, on top of being a very picky eater, this really hurt my relationship with food.
i have struggled w my self esteem for years. it has been a mixture of my thoughts, my family, and social pressures. but in therapy i haven’t been able to work thru my body and face issues for years.
i remained “skinny” and fit until my college years (2020/2021). my freshman year i lost weight, but around my sophomore year i fell into a binge eating disorder. i would just stuff my face at any hour of the night.
recently, i’ve entered a relationship. a relationship where i finally feel comfortable and loved and appreciated, but, i gained a lot of weight. i was up to 123 at my heaviest, and for someone as short as me, it showed. ever since then i’ve been OBSESSED with how i look, how much i’m eating, calories, and everything. i’ve gotten down to 109 in maybe 4 months? i truly think i have an ed but i don’t know if what i’m doing is serious enough to classify it as that?
submitted by babycake2424 to eating_disorders [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:05 BayAreaValentine How to gain weight with GERD

I am a 30 year old male and I have had GERD since I was 21. Caused by H. Pylori infection and some unhealthy eating and drinking habits.
I have a very clean diet now and I know all of my trigger foods and habits that will trigger my symptoms; eating within 3 hours of bed time, eating within 2-3 hours of my last meal, eating too much at once, eating convenient foods (fast food, anything packaged, even “healthy” granola bars, etc).
My issue is that i’ve been skinny all my life, I mean literally all my life and it just seems genetic. Even when I was eating very unhealthy, I couldn’t put on weight.
I managed to gain 10lbs in a year when I was super strict with my diet and workout routine, but I paid the price for that. I got candida overgrowth, had even worse symptoms, and the overeating really wrecked havoc on my stomach.
I recently tried eating more again so I could gain weight, and the same persistent symptoms came back (gas, bloating, heartburn, stomach pain, etc). I don’t want to give up on my dreams of gaining weight, but i cannot be miserable again just to put on 5-10lbs. What advice can you give me to help me gain weight? My current goal is to eat 3000 calories a day to gain 5-10lbs (within 8-12 months). I have a “mass gainer” shake that I make that is very easy on my stomach and has 1000 calories in it. Getting the other 2000 calories on a consistent basis when my digestion just isn’t happy is what’s challenging.
submitted by BayAreaValentine to GERD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:56 EvilZero86 How I keep weight on me while back-to-back extended fasting?

How I keep weight on me and do back-to-back fasting?
When I do back-to-back extended fasts I go into a fasted state into a feasting state. I rapidly gain weight back from water weight, body density, muscle strength, etc. I break the fasts in different ways. Though, I prefer to break it healthy or with fruits or vegetables. Sometimes I break it with conventional foods like snacks or a microwavable vegan meal. It also depends on the fast as well. If it was a pure dry fast the whole way through then I'm breaking mostly on fruits then later some vegetables. I find it easy to gain weight back. I tend to feast on different foods. A lot of vegetables with some favorite snack foods like chips and one carby meal. Along with more snack foods like packages of cashews and some sweet snacks with not too much sugar in them.
Then my feasting window may go longer than I would like it. Then I'll move to eating pizza and plant-based burgers, potato wedges etc. So, just a lot of carbs and snacks.
The snacks really add a lot of calories very quickly. At the moment I am probably around 184lbs. After ended those back to back fasts I was probably about 181lbs. Before the start of those fasts I estimated I weighed around 195lbs. During the breaks and refeed periods I get back to working out. Full body workouts, machines weights and leg workout and cardio at the track. Carbs plus working out adds a lot of weight rapidly. Usually, after working out I start eating and I eat all night long. I'm eating something once I finish the meal, I am then snacking for the rest of the night. Along with lots of water. That adds a lot of water weight as well. All of which comes off in the first 2 days of the next fast.
Now, doing back-to-back extended fastings ultimately is reducing my weight as my overall net fat loss continues to trend downward despite feasting on refeeds. Because it's a lot of fasting. More fasting then eating basically. According to a friend 145lbs would be my weight at very low body fat percentage at 3-4% body fat levels. So, with that figure I can estimate I'm carrying about 40lbs of fat including water weight and body density, food contents. Without the dramatic weight loss in the beginning of the fast then probably around 25lbs of pure fat at this very moment. Although, at this moment my goal is not to keep lots of weight on me. I will allow my weight to trend downward to a normal body weight of 170lbs. If I wanted to keep weight then eating and feasting a lot more on carbs would do it.
How I maintained weight by living off almost exclusively an 80-90% vegetable diet along with back-to-back dry fasting for nearly an entire year of 2018?
I lived on this diet for nearly 3 years from 2017-2020. Yes, this diet really has a lot of benefits. First, there were no messy bowel movements. There was no smell. No stinky smell. Nothing. It's a diet filled with a lot of fiber. And there's very little concentration of any macronutrients. I received a lot of some nutrients but, it was slow absorption because of the large amount of fiber in the diet. I allowed myself to eat only 10g of sugar in a snack food. I barely had any conventional sugar. Sometimes, wheat bread or some variation of breads I ate outside of eating vegetables. That was as worst as my diet was during those 3 years. No meats. No cheese, no dairy, no eggs. Just vegetabes with a small amount of fruit. These vegetable mostly consisted of steamed or boiled cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, brussel sprouts, and carrots, potatoes. Leafy greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, pickles, olives, string beans and salads with no sauces. Every now and then I might eat a very expensive small personal vegan pizza made out of cauliflower, vegan cheese and vegetables.
With a diet like that you would think it would be hard to maintain weight. Initially, I lost weight. Once I reached around 170-175lbs in back to back fastings. During my eating I normally feasted a few hours a day on these foods. I counted the calories and I always reached 2000 or more calories in eating. During two back to back water fasts is where I lost most of my weight from 195lbs to 178lbs. The water fasts were 13 days then followed by a 9 day fast.
Every other fasts were hard and soft dry. I was doing on average 2 extended dry fasts a month of 5-9 days then followed by 5-9 days of eating during the whole year of 2018. I feasted as much as I could every day. I probably gained 2-3lbs or more fat back.
With that diet there was very little detoxing during the first 7 days. Most of life just felt physically normal in the first 6 days of dry fasting. My body was highly adapted to it and it was as easy as driving. I never struggled with any detox, pain symptoms, fatigue, withdrawal effects. nothing. Only going to 7 days did I began to release a lot of toxins and things started dying when hitting that wall. The second crises. I never really broke through it.
I eventually reached around 168 - 170lbs. Like I said, your weight eventually trends downward with all of the fasting even though I feasted on buffets of foods. If you're naturally underweight then you would probably want to add a lot of water weight on a healthy diet or a conventional healthy carb diet through feasting. Along with weight training adding muscle seems to traps more weight on the body as well. Most people deal with being overweight in that case stick to high water content vegetables, workouts and 1 carb meal along with an abundance of vegetables and water to refeed in back to back extended dry fasts.
submitted by EvilZero86 to DryFastingSuper [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:54 talkiemateapp The Evolution of Weight Loss Programs: Navigating the Best Free Options in 2024

Source: 🔗 Chat with Lifelike Virtual Personalities —
In today’s fast-paced world, where health and wellness are at the forefront of societal concerns, finding the right weight loss program can be a daunting task. With an abundance of options available, ranging from traditional diet plans to innovative digital platforms, individuals seeking to shed excess pounds are often left overwhelmed and unsure where to turn.
Understanding the Landscape of Weight Loss Programs
Weight loss programs have evolved significantly over the years, reflecting advancements in nutrition science, technology, and behavioral psychology. Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all approaches; instead, modern weight loss programs prioritize customization, sustainability, and holistic wellness.
The Role of Commercial Weight Loss Programs
Commercial weight loss programs play a pivotal role in the quest for sustainable weight management. These programs offer structure, guidance, and support to individuals looking to adopt healthier lifestyles and achieve their weight loss goals. Whether through prepackaged meals, personalized meal plans, or behavioral coaching, commercial weight loss programs provide the tools and resources needed for success.
Forbes Health Recommendations: The Best Free Weight Loss Programs of 2024
To assist individuals in their search for the most effective weight loss programs, Forbes Health consulted a panel of nutrition and weight loss experts. Through careful evaluation and consideration, the following programs emerged as top recommendations for 2024:
  1. Weight Watchers (WW): The “No-Food-Is-Off-Limits” Approach
Cost: Core program: $23 a month for 10 months (price varies depending on monthly plan)
Primary Focus: To help users lose weight and keep it off with healthy habits via a Points system, in-person meetings, and digital tools
Why We Picked It: Weight Watchers promotes a balanced approach to food and lifestyle, making it suitable for long-term adherence.
  1. Noom Weight: A Psychological-Focused Approach to Weight Management
Cost: A four-month subscription plan: $42.25 a month
Primary Focus: To help users achieve and maintain a healthy weight with lifestyle changes via a psychology-backed program and personalized daily calorie target
Why We Picked It: Noom Weight employs behavioral psychology principles to foster sustainable habits and mindset shifts, setting it apart as a unique and effective program.
  1. Atkins: A Low-Carb Approach to Weight Loss
Cost: Pre-made food prices vary
Primary Focus: Weight loss achieved through a lower-carb diet
Why We Picked It: Atkins offers a science-based approach to carbohydrate restriction, making it an appealing option for individuals seeking rapid weight loss results.
  1. The New Mayo Clinic Diet: Emphasizing Long-Term Sustainability
Cost: $19.99 a month for 12 months (price varies depending on monthly plan chosen)
Primary Focus: Weight loss achieved via personalized meal plans, trackers, and guidance using medical and nutritional expertise from Mayo Clinic
Why We Picked It: The New Mayo Clinic Diet prioritizes evidence-based strategies and long-term behavior change, making it a reliable choice for sustainable weight management.
  1. Found: A Physician Focused Program Tailored to Individual Needs
Cost: $129 a month (paid monthly), $99 a month (paid yearly)
Primary Focus: Weight loss via individualized, medically-guided programs that include personal consultations with medical professionals
Why We Picked It: Found offers a comprehensive approach to weight loss, incorporating medical expertise and personalized support to address individual health needs effectively.
Methodology: How We Picked the Best Weight Loss Programs of 2024
Forbes Health utilized a rigorous methodology to evaluate and select the top weight loss programs of 2024. Factors such as plan price, sustainability, low risk of complications, and ease of use were carefully considered to ensure the recommendations met the highest standards of quality and effectiveness.
Exploring the Effectiveness of Weight Loss Programs
Research indicates that weight loss programs can be effective tools for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. Programs like WW and Noom Weight have been shown to produce clinically significant weight loss results, underscoring their efficacy in helping individuals reach their goals.
Pros and Cons of Weight Loss Programs
While weight loss programs offer numerous benefits, including reduced risk of chronic diseases and improved overall health, it’s essential to consider the potential drawbacks. Factors such as long-term sustainability, psychological impacts, and the need for individualized approaches should be carefully evaluated before embarking on any weight loss program.
Choosing the Best Weight Loss Program for You
Selecting the right weight loss program requires careful consideration of personal preferences, lifestyle factors, and health goals. Consulting with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian can provide invaluable guidance and support in identifying the program that best aligns with your needs and objectives.
Conclusion: Navigating the Path to Sustainable Weight Loss
In the ever-evolving landscape of weight loss programs, individuals are presented with a myriad of options to choose from. By leveraging the insights and recommendations provided by Forbes Health, individuals can make informed decisions and embark on their weight loss journey with confidence and clarity. Whether opting for a traditional program like Weight Watchers or exploring innovative approaches like Noom Weight, the key to success lies in finding a program that resonates with your unique needs and preferences.
Unlock Personalized Meal Plans with TalkieMate
As you embark on your weight loss journey, consider leveraging the power of artificial intelligence to support your efforts. With TalkieMate, you can create personalized meal plans and receive tailored guidance from your virtual companion, Olivia Thompson. Harnessing the latest advancements in AI technology, TalkieMate offers a revolutionary approach to weight management, empowering you to achieve your goals with confidence and convenience.
“Noom Sustainable Weight Loss Program.” Noom. Link
“WeightWatchers.” WeightWatchers. Link
“Atkins.” Atkins. Link
“The New Mayo Clinic Diet.” Mayo Clinic Diet. Link
“Found.” Found. Link
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). “Healthy Weight Loss.” Link
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submitted by talkiemateapp to talkiemateai [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:52 pinkpinkpink19 My results 2 weeks in, the proof to not trust the scale!

Hey guys!
(Disclaimer : I am NOT a health professional, these are my results that I wanted to share because I was feeling proud but also surprised and really struggled with this diet cause I tend to criticize myself a lot)
After two weeks of dieting and exercising, here are my results and they kinda shocked me!
Info : (please do not compare my results with any otheyours, all of our bodies/metabolism/lifestyle is different) Female, 178 cm Tension and blood circulation issues Lifestyle : in bed or sitting all day, regular and slow exercise
1st May Weight : 83.3 kg (183 lbs) Body fat : 31.8% Waist : 83 cm (32.8 inch) Hips : 107.5 cm (42.2) Thigh : 66 cm (26) Arm : 34 cm (13.4)
14th May (I am discussing the results at the end) Weight : 81.9 kg Body fat : 30.7% Waist : 81.5 cm (31.9) Hips : 105 cm (41.4) Thigh : 65 cm (25.6) Arm : 33.8 cm (13)
My diet consists in first trying to control my binge eating, a calorie deficit (1400-1500 kcal), working out everyday or walking enough to burn around 300 kcal (I eat the calorie i burn, for example if I burned 300 cal I try to eat 300 more cal), cut alcohol and drink enough water.
The truth is : I WAS NOT ABLE TO DO ALL THIS !!! And it's fine, cause even if I didn't I made good steps and took good decisions for myself. A tiny step forward is still a step forward.
What truly happened :
Now speaking about these results : I AM SHOCKED. If you look at the numbers, I lost weight and inches everywhere. However it was not linear, sometimes I gained weight and I felt really frustrated and did not believe my bf when he was saying my body changed. (If you look at my results today yes I lost weight, but two days ago I was crying because the number on the scale was way higher) So this is a reminder : you can trust the scale, BUT the number on it is ONE value. If you binged the day before, struggled with digestions, yes the number might increase. Also, even if your weight is the same doesn't mean you didn't build muscles and lost fat. Measurments are also a good way to see if you had results! No need to measure often, I did it once after 2 weeks and I think it was just on time to see enough results to keep pushing myself!
Another reminder : I have a scale problem, I weight myself everyday which is really not the best for your mental health and the past two weeks probed it. I was crying and sweating when I was weighting myself and it showed I gained weight. Weight loss, taking care of yourself and getting healthy is not linear. I knew it but I think i truly learned my lesson now.
So if you can see yourself in this or feel less guilty with my experience I guess writing this awfully long post was worth it (I'm sorry about the length btw)😂
YOU GOT THIS. Showing up for yourself, even if it's a little, even if it's once in a while is still embracing and taking care of yourself🩷
submitted by pinkpinkpink19 to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:51 No_Plate_3164 How to best support my wife (suspected BDD)

I (35M - UK) married my wife (24F - Thai) about a year ago. When we met she was moderately underweight, and it was having some health implications - low energy, trouble with prolonged activity, visible bone structure, irregular period, etc. She used to work 6 day a week as waitress for $10 a day (+tips) - so I shrugged it off as money\poverty problem.
Since coming to the UK, I’ve encouraged her to eat a normal amount of food, she doesn’t work and as a result she has put on lil’ bit of weight on - reaching a healthy weight and size. Being that healthy weight does mean her face is little rounder and no longer a completely flat belly. Honestly the is the best she is ever looked, with a more curvy femine figure and most importantly none of the health issues I described above.
This has destroyed her self esteem. Every photo has to be heavily edited (she likes to make social media content) and she hates looking at herself in the mirror. The final straw was yesterday she posted a video and at least two of “friends” called her fat. Then on her way to school, an older Chinese woman she has English class with asked if she was pregnant.
She revealed she is unhappy and that her body is always on her mind - something she fixates on for hours each day. She kept showing me photos of when she was a teenager that she wants to return to. Crying her eyes out over clothes that don’t fit and constantly poking and prodding her body. She came out with some scary comments about wanting to self harm because she is not skinny anymore.
She now wants to declare a war on food, returning to the 1k-1.5k calorie intake and intense exercise regime until all fat is gone from her body. Coupled with a nose job and face restructuring when next in Thailand. This is very clearly body dysmorphia.
As a compromise, I offered to help by doing more exercise together and eat healthier - but that I disagreed with the dieting and that exercise should not be done with the sole intention of becoming skinny.
I feel conflicted, as her husband I want to be happy AND healthy. These two ideals are now at odds with each other. She is upset I’m not supporting her to become anorexic again.
Everything is made much harder as she still in the process of learning English. We can have conversations but it’s really hard to communicate complex issues.
Is there any way out of this? How can I support her build self esteem without her becoming unhealthy?
Poking around online - there does seem to be cultural difference with Asian’s being particularly obsessed with skinniness. Do any expats have similar experiences? - What helped?
Is there any good influencers or role models I can recommend?
In particular not the obese body positive influencers but just normal sized, healthy body fat and beautiful (ideally Asian\thai) that I could recommend. I think decoupling skinny = beauty would long way. I’m conscious social media seems to have this obsession with gym is answer to all that may just take things to a different dark place.
Is there an easy way to debunk the less calories is healthier and that smaller you are, the healthier you are. Females in particular are supposed to have some body fat.
I feel like there is me, the voice of reason on one side, then the full weight of social media and toxic friends on the other dragging her into a hole.
Finally, how best to tell her friends back the f*** off.
submitted by No_Plate_3164 to BodyDysmorphia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:42 flabbycatbellies Just got prescribed medication with weight gain as a side effect. How do I manage this while trying to lose weight?

I was just prescribed megestrol by my OB/GYN and I am so nervous to take it because of the side effects. Apparently the medication is often used to increase appetite in AIDS and cancer patients… which I am neither, but it has other uses. The main thing though is the increased appetite, and even the pharmacist thought it was being used for that!
I have been working my ass off in the gym and for the most part I’ve been following a fairly good diet. I am also currently tracking my calories religiously so I’ve been really working hard to get some weight off that I gained over the pandemic, however, because the weight gain caused some medical issues, I’m now needing to take this medication. I have been told it will only be a few months … but it’s taken me a few months and 2 years just to see any progress in my weight loss in the first place. I am just at a standstill about what to do about all of this. I would love some advice or tips to make sure that at the very least I am maintaining because I absolutely do not want to gain any more weight!!
I tried to post this question earlier in the day, but my post was too short and needed a longer word count, so I am now attempting to make this post as long as I can think of 🫣🫣🫣
For the record I am early 30s/female. I bike, swim, and run throughout the week, usually 2x each. I do not lift weights at this time. I have started weighing my food. I have been very serious about getting fit and bettering my health, and I do not want this medication to set me back.
Hopefully this post isn’t long enough now 😅
submitted by flabbycatbellies to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:38 vintagebacon23 Most E-Scooter riders are the stupidest people to exist.

First off, I am referring to people that drive on the wrong side of the road or tight spaces, ones that act like squeeze Benz in heavy foot traffic, ones with no situational awareness, etc. Everyone else, y’all are chill. This also goes out to skaters and bikers, but there are very little problems from them. More than a majority of people that ride dumb are scooters.
You are the BMW drivers of scooters. You ride like you are playing Mario kart. You act like an old head on a Harley thinking you own the road. You think you’re slim enough to pass people smoothly, but make all of us think we are gonna get hit. You speed past every road intersection and foot traffic intersections as if you have a green light every where you fkn go even though there’s oncoming people, riders, and cars from all sides. Let me list each of these negative chromosome people’s biggest flaws.
  1. Let’s get the main problem out. WHY THE HELL DO YOU DRIVE ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD. You know there is oncoming traffic. You can see us coming a mile away. You can obviously take those 5 seconds to move onto the other side. Don’t worry, the food at the dining hall will still be there. Also, if you drive on the side walk that has a bike lane next to you or on the main campus in tight areas that most riders and walkers can not see you until you get to the intersection because of blind spots (ex. Area around the SS), you’s are stupid.
  2. Just because you can’t bring a car to school, let alone being able to lease one, doesn’t mean you can weave through heavy foot traffic. As an experienced electric longboard rider, I can understand going past a few people to save some time. But if there is a big group in the direction you’re going, just hop off and walk. Get your above average calorie intake by walking past them. You are not squeeze Benz or those people who weave through traffic on the freeway. Just cause you can’t get a ticket for riding recklessly on campus doesn’t mean to ride like a dick.
  3. I’m too tired to write this, but I’m assuming you know the rest.
For the love of god, unless you want UCR to implement some type of riding system that becomes a cash grab by making us pay for a license to ride in campus or bans it all, just walk or be mindful.
submitted by vintagebacon23 to ucr [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:11 YahYeeta Almost 2 years- No recovery?!

Right, good day everyone,
So long story short- have ran 3 steroid cycle. First was 2 years ago, last one ended 6 months ago. Not above a gram. No 19nors. Just test + DHTs. Longest cycle 16 weeks, using HCG @1500iu weekly each time.
Pre cycle bloods had me at around 400ng/dL/14-16nmol.
After first cycle (Test @ 350, tapered up 500mg) I pct'd to 800ng/dL (28nmol?). Used Nolvadex @ 40/20/20/20. Also Clomid @ 12.5/12.5/12.5/0.0
Bloods taken 6 weeks after stopping PCT- doubled my Test levels (increased muscle, better diet + sleep) which was awesome! Should have stopped here. Didn't.
After the second cycle, came back at 200ng/dL (7nmol) used same PCT protocol. I was training very hard so I expected this- I actually got way leaner and kept 90% of the strength- despite having this low level (was obviously in a calorie defecit) doing MMA + gym.
PCT'd 3 more times after this:
Nolva only. 20mg/4 weeks. 2 months break- still 7nmol. Still kept same bodyweight so maintenance calories (4.5k)
Clomid only. 25mg/4 weeks. 2 months break- still 7nmol.
Jumped back on Test for 4 months after this.
Then PCT'd again. Enclomiphene only. 12.5mg/4 weeks, followed by a 2 weeks break, then 10mg of Nolva for 4 weeks.
That was the last PCT i've done- still 7nmol following this.
I assumed I was underfuelling- so since then i've gained ~8kg+. My appetite is also insane right now- I never feel full.
Almost entirely fat. No strength increase.
My physique looks like shit, I feel like shit. Have gone so far backwards.
So, I took 3 whole weeks off training pretty much. Did 3 weight sessions, 45 mins each. Nothing else.
Stopped tracking food, but was consuming well over 5000+ calories of almost entirely meat, eggs, cheeses, saturated fats and oils. Yes I know it's hard to say 5000+ calories but remember i've tracked food for 2 years +, I know it was at LEAST 5000 calories.
My appetite is insane.
It's was quite an extreme diet, very high fat, high protein, low carb.
Just re-tested at 4.5nmol-100ng/dL after this rest and refeed and gaining 3kg+ alone during this period. Obviously all fat. No muscle, wasn't training.
I was overtraining and underfuelling for quite some time but i've gained significant weight over the past 4-5 months, but look and feel like shit.
Had abs, veins, strength for 2 years- no matter my test levels, but now it's caught up and it's all gone. Literally back to square 1.
I'm probably going to pin some test P @140mg per week (within the next week), as well as some Tirzepatide @ 2.5mg to shed the shit weight.
Does anyone have any other suggestions before I jump back on TRT+GLP?
Am I stuffed?
I kept between 8-10% bodyfat the whole time I was cycling on/off.
Did lots of MMA, lots of running, lots of weights. Was eating 4000+ calories the whole time, but lost/gained randomly. Usually weight was between 73-77kg.
I wasn't massive, but strong and lean the whole time. Got heaviest at 88kg on cycle (1st) and peaked at 80kg last cycle.
Lost a few KG during PCT down to 73-74kg- but now back into 81-82kg range.
Now i'm likely 20%+ bodyfat at lower strength and i'm suffering a lot.
What's the smart/logical next step to take here? I have got a script for TRT now. But i'm not sure what to do. I'm 23!
Cheers all
submitted by YahYeeta to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:58 itshardwhenyourecold AITA for flippantly rejecting my mom’s offer to pay for a nutritionist for me?

I (22F) exercise about 4 times a week (for at least 45 minutes), and even on days that I don’t work out I average about 7,000 steps a day from walking around campus. I’m not on any kind of diet but I try to make healthy choices, it’s not like I’m having dessert every day and I usually skip breakfast. I’m not super skinny but I’m at a healthy weight. My mother is very concerned with diets and weight loss. For my entire life she has been pushing this agenda. I have had to set a boundary with her several times to not comment on what I eat.
Today she brought up a “fitness program” her friend did that was amazing and “gave him six pack abs.” She asked if I would be interested in trying it. I do enjoy trying different workout classes, so I asked for more information. From her elaboration, I garnered that it wasn’t a workout class and was more so a combination of personal training plus working with a nutritionist, where you take pictures of everything you eat to show the nutritionist, analyze why you chose to eat those things, get a personalized diet plan, etc. She then offered to pay for me to join this program.
I was not interested. I don’t fuck with food restriction or food guilt at all. I don’t want to track everything I eat or analyze those choices. Food is one of my favorite things in life. Grad school and my new job are stressful enough and I’m not taking away something that brings me joy. I also used to religiously calorie count (losing 30 pounds in a few months) and I don’t think it was good for me— I felt okay but my girlfriend at the time said my behavior reminded her of her brother who was hospitalized for an eating disorder, and convinced me to stop calorie counting.
I sort of flippantly said to my mom that I wasn’t really interested in doing any “food tracking eating disorder shit”, which I admit was maybe a childish way to describe the program she had pitched. My mother got really offended and upset, saying how rude it is that I wouldn’t even consider it, and that she was doing a nice thing by offering to pay for something so expensive for me (apparently it’s like $4000). I feel bad because she was offering to do something nice for me maybe I should have heard her out more. She was clearly upset the rest of the night and I overheard her complaining to my dad about it. I just knew immediately that this was something I would HATE doing, and weight loss is not important enough to me for me to commit to something like that. If it was just a workout program that would be one thing, but any kind of diet or food tracking is a no go for me, and I can’t even count the amount of times I’ve told her I don’t want her to comment on my eating habits. And I kind of feel like if it’s so important to her then she should pay to do it for herself, not force it on me (she’s always complaining about the weight she’s gained and her old clothes not fitting). AITA for the flippant way that I reacted to her offer?
submitted by itshardwhenyourecold to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:58 itshardwhenyourecold AITB for flippantly shutting down my mom’s offer to pay for a nutritionist for me?

I (22F) exercise about 4 times a week (for at least 45 minutes), and even on days that I don’t work out I average about 7,000 steps a day from walking around campus. I’m not on any kind of diet but I try to make healthy choices, it’s not like I’m having dessert every day and I usually skip breakfast. I’m not super skinny but I’m at a healthy weight. My mother is very concerned with diets and weight loss. For my entire life she has been pushing this agenda.
Today she brought up a “fitness program” her friend did that was amazing and “gave him six pack abs.” She asked if I would be interested in trying it. I do enjoy trying different workout classes, so I asked for more information. From her elaboration, I garnered that it wasn’t a workout class and was more so a combination of personal training plus working with a nutritionist, where you take pictures of everything you eat to show the nutritionist, analyze why you chose to eat those things, get a personalized diet plan, etc. She then offered to pay for me to join this program.
I was not interested. I don’t fuck with food restriction or food guilt at all. I don’t want to track everything I eat or analyze those choices. Food is one of my favorite things in life. Grad school and my new job are stressful enough and I’m not taking away something that brings me joy. I also used to religiously calorie count (losing 30 pounds in a few months) and I don’t think it was good for me— I felt okay but my girlfriend at the time said my behavior reminder her of her brother who was hospitalized for an eating disorder, and convinced me to stop calorie counting.
I sort of flippantly said to my mom that I wasn’t really interested in doing any “food tracking eating disorder shit”, which I admit was maybe a childish way to describe the program she had pitched. My mother got really offended and upset, saying how rude it is that I wouldn’t even consider it, and that she was doing a nice thing by offering to pay for something so expensive for me (apparently it’s like $4000). I feel bad because she was offering to do something nice for me maybe I should have heard her out more. She was clearly upset the rest of the night and I overheard her complaining to my dad about it. I just knew immediately that this was something I would HATE doing, and weight loss is not important enough to me for me to commit to something like that. If it was just a workout program that would be one thing, but any kind of diet or food tracking is a no go for me. And I kind of feel like if it’s so important to her then she should pay to do it for herself, not force it on me (she’s always complaining about the weight she’s gained and her old clothes not fitting). AITB for the flippant way that I reacted to her offer?
submitted by itshardwhenyourecold to AmItheButtface [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:37 Suspicious_Creme2390 I am tired of hating myself

I think hating myself has ruined a lot of things in my life and I don’t know how to stop. I can’t pin point the exact age/ time but all I remember from growing up is that I always disliked the way I looked, the way I talked, the way my body is shaped, pretty much everything about myself. I started going to therapy at 13 years old because of this issue, and I was always told it would go away with age or practice “self- love techniques,” looking into the mirror and saying a thing I liked about myself etc. Well, i’m 22 years old now and that ugly monster of hatred is still very much alive and well..
For more context- I started getting surgeries pretty young, my first being a rhinoplasty when I was 19, and a BA when I was 20. I workout 6 days a week (weight training and Pilates). I even got myself a coach for nutrition and fitness. But every time I look into the mirror or pictures of myself, I feel physically sick and disgusted to the point of throwing up and having panic attacks.
I want to stop being a victim, I want to stop feeling like this, I am so tired of it and I just want to be normal.
This self hatred has ruined relationships/ friendships and skewed my perspective on life. In romantic relationships, I get way into my head to the point where I can’t have my partner touch me or hold me because I fear he will judge me. I also never had intimacy with the lights on. I will avoid going to social events that involves food, or even going out if I am out of calories for the day because I am scared to get hungry, I cancel plans last minute if I don’t feel comfortable in my clothes, and etc.
I want to do better, I want to be better. But how? Does it ever just go away? I had multiple therapist sessions to work on this, and it just don’t feel like it goes anywhere for me. But maybe I am just blocking myself from success idk..
Can’t really talk to anyone in my personal life about it. I did try to talk to my parents a couple of times, and they just told me to grow up. Anyways just wanted to rant anonymously about it because it just gets lonely sometimes haha
submitted by Suspicious_Creme2390 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:30 Pretend-Buy-5109 I don't understand why GERD causes bloating and other questions

Not a doctor but a biologist which makes me an incredibly annoying patient.
So it feels like every woman I know has this or has gone through this, but I am having really bad early satiety, distention, pain/pressure mostly under my left ribs, reflux, and frequent burping. My doctor put me on omeprazole which is helping with the reflux and is supposed to help with the bloating too but it isn't really. And now I'm just really curious about why I'm having upper GI bloating at all and why a PPI would help. I guess the distention is from gas because I'm burping so much but where is it coming from? I'm not having gas pains or passing gas in my lower GI, or having diarrhea or constipation. I don't think I'm swallowing extra air. Why will lowering the stomach acid decrease the gas in my stomach? Is the early satiety because there's gas taking up space in my stomach?
I was trying low fodmap for this for a while and it didn't seem to help much, but I also was having trouble adhering to it perfectly. But I am also wondering if it even makes sense because the idea is that fermentable sugars cause bacteria in the gut to produce a bunch of gas and lead to digestive problems - but in that case wouldn't I also expect lower GI symptoms? Does that logic make sense, or could there be something going on in the lower GI that is affecting my upper GI?
Lastly, this all started around the time I started an SSRI and has gotten progressively worse over the last few months. This led me to think that the dyspepsia could possibly be a side effect. My doctor is telling me that SSRIs don't cause dyspepsia and I'm just having anxiety and told me to double my omeprazole and my SSRI. My gut is telling me (no pun intended) this is not good advice and I don't like that she is not considering any other possibilities. I'm also extremely drug sensitive and it was incredibly hard for me to adjust to the current dose I'm on, and I'm already having other bothersome side effects to the SSRI. I also don't really get why the dyspepsia would keep getting worse as the anxiety has significantly improved. I tried to ask for some nutritional advice because I'm worried I'm not getting enough calories, let alone fiber, protein, etc. and was told "maybe this is a fun excuse to eat some calorie dense foods." So I honestly have no idea what to do right now. I feel like this isn't the right forum to ask for advice about what meds to take, but like, I'm not being crazy right? My doctor should be giving me better guidance than this right? And does anyone have advice on what I should be eating so that I can keep functioning at work, etc.?
submitted by Pretend-Buy-5109 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:24 ThrowRA_emotionally A Letter to My Husband

I think about starving myself all the time. Sometimes these thoughts come suddenly, here and gone like flashes of light. The want to reverse all my work to get where I am now is fleeting. Other times, it creeps in slowly. It starts with catching my face in the mirror, and all I can think of is how fat it is. Once I nitpick at the shape of my face, I pick apart the rest of it. My eyes aren’t the same shape. My eyebrows aren’t shaped well enough. My nose is huge, it’s not dainty or cute. I start to regret not saving all my student loan money from before I met you so I could’ve fixed my nose. After I am done criticizing my face I move to my body. There is not much I like about my body. My stomach is too big, my breasts aren’t big enough, my hips are huge, I have weird feet, and my waist isn’t small enough. I especially hate my legs. When I stand my thighs are bad enough, but when I sit they double in size. My legs are fat, they are not skinny and I can’t remember a time they were. They do not look nice with short dresses which is why I feel most comfortable in ones that almost touch the floor.
When I am done focusing all my energy on my body, I begin to think of all the ways I can fix it. I could stop eating entirely, that would fix it quickly. I realistically couldn’t do that. It’d cause too many fights. Instead I would start with giving us unequal portions of the scrambled eggs. Even though I used six eggs, I’ll only serve myself two. I would cut out the juice and sweet coffee syrup I love so much. I can get stevia, I don’t need black sugar syrup in my coffee. There’s too many calories there. I would continue to cut out things slowly but surely. I’d cut out sugar, bread, and high calorie proteins. I’d insist on being vegan because as much as I love animals and that should be enough it’s really about the calories.
I look up weights, heights, and bmis of every celebrity that hits my social media. I research ways to get weight loss drugs, unsure if they would work but willing to give them a try. I think about buying a scale all the time and where I would hide it. I schedule in my head when I would use it. I’ve thought about driving to the mall every day and spending a quarter to weigh myself in the women’s bathroom by the food courts. It’s not as bad as having a scale in the house, right?
I don’t know how to tell you this. I’m not looking for a reason to be sad or cause problems. I am constantly at war with my brain. Everything and anything can trigger thoughts of wishing I would waste away. Once they start to spiral down I feel like I can’t escape them. I’m trapped, unable to move, unable to breathe. I have to wait for them to clear on their own, in the meantime I must stay silent. If I speak a single word, I’m worried it’ll become too real and all the actions in my head will be released. I am scared once I start, I won’t stop. I will lose weight until there is nothing left and I am a shell of the girl you fell in love with.
submitted by ThrowRA_emotionally to AnorexiaNervosa [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:08 ram_with_crown I am very unsure

I think the flair is correct? Hopefully?
I am full on in recovery and doing my best to eat recently. Because of the holidays, we have gone out to eat a LOT, and that means a LOT of eating. It actually helped me develop my appetite again, since, the more I eat, the hungrier I am. It actually has always been like that.
But I feel like I'm not recovering fast enough. Or correctly? Or maybe I'm not recovering at all, just eating more? I try to eat on my maintenance calories, because any kind of weight gain would cause me to panic and then freak out and relapse.
Other than that, the fatigueee is killing me. I am too tired to stand up sometimes. So many people with EDs have not only the energy to move and socialize, but even workout, both before and during their recovery. I haven't heard of a single person here who is as tired as I have been, which makes me feel sick and lazy and invalid. God do I miss exercising freely.
I have started to get dizzy, too. Yesterday I was extremely dizzy and turns out I have low blood pressure now. Not sure what that means for me. I have been thinking it might be the amount of junk food I've been eating, or is it just an ED thought?
Does that mean I should be eating more? Do all of these symptoms mean I should keep going or am I just unhealthy now? Should I put on weight? Should I lose more weight? (Keep in mind I am at healthy bmi, albeit the far lower end of it) What does this mean?? I am very unsure and confused but it sure makes me feel so invalid and undeserving.
I would really appreciate some advice. Should I keep going amd it will get better, or should I be doing something else? God I feel so lazy.
submitted by ram_with_crown to fuckeatingdisorders [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:00 chocoholicc Modified Fitness Advice & TDEE Questions

Hello All!
I'm looking for some advice on fitness and weight loss that might help me out with my various needs for modifications. Please be patient with me if you feel like some of these questions have been answered before, I just don't always feel like they take into account my circumstances. Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this and answer! Your kindness is much appreciated.
And now we get into it... Some backstory to begin. I'm a 30-year-old female who's been struggling with an unhealthy relationship with food (for many reasons) for 15-ish years now. I've struggled to lose weight on and off for maybe 10 years. I've lost weight, gained it back, lost it, and gained it back again. Nothing really seemed to stick. I tried WeightWatchers, Noom, My Fitness Pal, and a fitness program with a certified coach. I've lost weight quickly and unsustainably and then slowly. I've struggled with an addiction to sugar and had ravenous cravings. I've even taken Vyvanse prescribed for Binge Eating Disorder but had to stop taking it due to blood pressure concerns. I am 5'7" and am currently 221lb.
I joined a fitness program this year that had me start with a reverse diet where I ate my maintenance calories for 5 weeks or so and then slowly decreased my caloric intake for a steady deficit. The coach calculated my maintenance as 2,600 daily with a moderate activity level. I initially worked out 6x a week with her program, mostly strength training, but I have an entirely sedentary job. During this time, I gained 5lb. After this, I decreased my intake to 2,100 and then 1,900 and then 1,800. At this point, I also decreased my workouts to about 4x per week of weights/resistance bands. I lost the initial 5lb I gained and then another 4lb over the course of 2 months. But this has me losing maybe 1lb per week.
Now, I also have various joint problems. I have hypermobility in my joints and I have to be very careful when working out. And the more I exercised, the worse I felt. The problems in my right shoulder became aggravated and I have new problems on my left now too. My collarbones and shoulder joints crack and grind with pain. My knees have sharp pains now whenever I put weight on them when they're bent. My physical therapists and doctors basically told me I have to stop doing squats, lunges, or other weight-bearing exercises on my knees, and stop doing what I was doing for my arms/back (dumbbell back flies, chest flies, shoulder presses, arnold presses, etc.) I feel deeply discouraged by the fact that I had to cut out most of the things I was doing. I feel like I'm very limited in what I can do.
But I also desperately need to lose weight to reduce the weight on my joints and get in better shape (and self-esteem!) So it seems like I'm down to doing only cardio and exercises that have my arms close to my body (like tight bicep curls and tricep kickbacks) which sucks because I was loving the muscle gain (and I could feel it!)
I am feeling very confused by all of the activity levels on TDEE calculators and I feel like maybe I'm getting it wrong. I put in lightly active and got around 2,400 and then read numerous articles that said it was overestimating because I have a sedentary job. I then tried the adaptive TDEE spreadsheet and got an average of about 2,400 anyway over the course of 14 weeks. So it seems like the coach was wrong to say I was at 2,600 with my exercise levels and it seems like others were wrong to say lightly active was too high.
Now, what do you guys think about the 2,400 TDEE? The data seems to support it, but does it seem accurate? I try to exercise 3-4x per week (still some strength training) after work, but I am very sedentary at work and when relaxing. Some days I don't make it past 8,000 steps. Now I've been trying to kick that up a notch (made it up to 16,000 steps today!) and have been aiming for 10,000 steps daily.
And next, what might be a good deficit? I've been eating around 1,800 but I don't know if that's going to be very slow and I tend to plateau early. (And, yes, I've been tracking all of my calories and keeping track of protein as well. I use MFP for the calories and I weigh my food when needed.) I was also told that I should be in a deficit for maybe 8-12 weeks at most before going back to maintenance for 2 weeks in order for my body to not "fight" the weight loss and repeat this cycle. Can anyone weigh in on this? Some studies I've read seemed to support this as well.
And finally.. does anyone have recommendations for exercises that I could do that would be light on my knees and good for people with hypermobility? This means nothing that requires joint extension that could be dangerous or any rotating of the shoulders. So definitely no lunges or reverse lunges, for example.
I think that's the end of my spiel.. but if you guys have any other questions, let me know! Thank you, again, for any suggestions you might have!
submitted by chocoholicc to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:48 Scary_Significance28 Almost no appetite at all?

Hey all! I’m 2 weeks into using Berberine I take a 250mg dose 3 times a day (sometimes 4 if I can fit that into my routine at night) so a total of 1000mg a day (give or take)
The food noise is completely gone! Which is awesome because I’m a major stress/binge eater. I haven’t binged in 2 weeks!
HOWEVER my appetite is almost completely gone as well and I’m starting to worry about that. I am trying to still eat enough and get my protein in but I’m just truly not hungry most of the day.
For reference I am a 31 y/o female, started at 233lbs (and am sitting around 229 now (two weeks in))
Anyone else experience this and have any tips on how to still make sure you’re getting enough calories in even when you’re not hungry?
I’m estatic the food noise is gone as I have more than a few lbs to lose, but I’m also wondering if maybe it’s going too far?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Scary_Significance28 to Berberine [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:38 Rare_Ad_6033 AITA for asking for a scale for my birthday?

I (14F) was asked by my parents what I wanted for my (15th) birthday. I listed off a few general suggestions like a book by an author I like, jazz shoes for dance... and a scale. For context, I am very overweight (I think) and I desperately need to lose weight for both my own personal health and for my new dance team. Anyways, I've tried to lose weight without any success (usually the opposite affect) quite a few times, but I've found that the only thing that's helped hold me somewhat accountable is weight checks.
My family isn't very supportive of my weight loss attempts, they don't let me cook my own meals, nor do they eat healthy as a whole family, and I am often forced to get seconds or even thirds when I say I don't want more. Calorie counting, while a great tool for some, made me feel powerless since I am not allowed to dictate my own diet, and it was mainly counterproductive for me. Every morning since January, I've made a daily trek down to my parents room in order to step on their scale and weigh myself. By about late February, my parents caught on to what I was doing and no longer allow me in there in the morning (I used to bring them coffee, sit in bed with my mom and talk, and occasionally have her help do my crazy thick wavy hair). This really caused me to regress in my weight loss attempts and I gained a whopping 10 pounds in the past few months. As my birthday is soon, I've been thinking long and hard about what I want for my birthday. Unfortunately, the only thing that has come to mind is a scale (and a pair of sunglasses, but I just got a freebie pair at a sporting event). As stupid as it sounds, a scale of my own is something I have been wanting for months, even more then traditional teenage items like bluetooth headphones or expensive makeup.
However, when I told my parents this, they freaked out. They said that I have an unhealthy relationship with food and that it's irresponsible of me to want a scale. It would send my younger sisters a bad message (they don't even share a bathroom with me) against body positivity and that they did not raise me to be a girl who is obsessed with her weight. After a long while of arguing, I snapped and said " I shouldn't have to be overweight just because everyone else in the house is"
Anyways, AITA for asking for a scale for my birthday?
submitted by Rare_Ad_6033 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:25 AsterL33 Can someone help me meal plan?

I'm interested in starting intermittent fasting and I use MyNetDiary to help me track calories, but I'm struggling to create a routine meal plan of 2 or 3 different meals that I can eat nearly everyday throughout the week and still balance my nutritional intake and keep my calories at 1100 or less, preferably 1000. I do not have much time to myself to cook and prepare food, so I want to have 2 to 3 balanced go to meals and meet nutritional needs. I was hoping someone here might be able to help me since I'm struggling with the numbers and balancing it....Also, any other advice is appreciated for starting intermittent fasting too. Thank you.
submitted by AsterL33 to intermittentfasting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:04 Altruistic-Wafer-335 Weight loss iteams/advice

Hello, so I’m just wondering is there any weight loss pills or food that would speed up my weight loss process?
Most diet pill seem to not work with me, I just got off one that I’ve been on for 3 years. Even with exercise, calorie counting, and getting better sleep I’m not at my desired weight ( 145, I’m 178 )
Is there any pills I can take or supplements that would help?
I would also love to see the progress for others if that’s possible. I don’t wanna get Punker out of my money.
submitted by Altruistic-Wafer-335 to Weightlosstechniques [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:03 leafssuckweenie7834 can i lose 50lbs if i cut out fast food and pop (soda)

im a 27 year old male, 5'7" or 5'8" tall and weigh 215lbs,
Given that ive eaten out 77 times so far this year and have consumed 111 non diet pop (soda), would it be safe to assume my weight would will significant change if i cut out fast food and non diet pop, while making more health conscious food choice, like veggies or fruit for snack (compared to whatever is available in the fridge and easy to make/heat up) while continuing my 2km-5km walks 5 times a week
fast food numbers
normally i go to popeyes, get a 5 piece tender combo, 2 biscuits and a diet coke. This is 1085 calories (using lose it app). So at 77 times thats 83,545 calories total (23.87lbs)
Pop aka Soda numbers
at 111 pops so far this year. Assuming one is 140 calories that is 15,540. So 4.44lbs (thought it'd be more)
if bullet point helps anyone
cut this:
implement this
would i lose the 50lbs i wish to. If i understand thius (which means i dont) cutting out non diet pop and fast food would drop me 27lbs eventually right
submitted by leafssuckweenie7834 to loseit [link] [comments]