Clinton anderson s wife beth

Friendly reminder to check

2024.06.07 21:53 Fluffysugarlumps Friendly reminder to check

Friendly reminder for everyone suffering with a dog in the house to check anything that draws air or has a coil and clean it. The fur will ruin your AC, your fridge , deep freezers, could cause fans to cease and catch fire. It’s an often overlooked aspect of dog hell. My wife’s dog is a super shedder 3000 and big. So the hair gets everywhere. I just cleaned my ac closet and it was 3/4 inch thick of fur. Same with the coil on my fridge. Untold 1000s of dollars of potential damages . Just another one of the many reasons I don’t want an animal in my house.
submitted by Fluffysugarlumps to TalesfromtheDogHouse [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:51 Plastic-Major162 Persistent tachypnea: 5 weeks and counting

This will probably fall outside of most people’s expertise as my son was born at 41 +4 (uneventful VBAC delivery), but I am at my absolute lowest point in my life and I am desperate for help/guidance/answers.
Since birth (8 lb 5 oz), my son has had tachypnea ranging from 60s-100s. It is pretty much constant. The only instances where his breathing falls within normal range are when he is in deep sleep and upright or on his belly. His SpO2 has remained in the mid to high 90s throughout. He has had 1 desat episode that I am not convinced was accurate. He does not appear to be working hard through these respirations. He has no nasal flaring. Physicians have noted very mild retractions but have never seemed concerned by them. He eats very often and has thus far gained weight very well. He is not great on breast, but drinks breast milk from the bottle very well. He has no trouble taking drinks in between breaths. He is very sleepy very often. At times, I have worried that he sleeps too much. We have been told ad nauseum that he “looks good!”
Here is a rundown of his work up to date:
HOSPITAL STAY #1, 1st week of life
My son was sent to the ER after his SpO2 was noted to be in the mid 80s at his initial pediatrician visit. I did not see a good waveform on this read and he was satting 98-100% on room air when he got to the ER. This is why I am not sure it was accurate.
The ER monitored him for a time and diagnosed him with a BRUE. We were about to leave when my wife noticed that he seemed to be passing out after runs of particularly fast breathing. This earned us a transport to a children’s hospital.
During this inpatient stay, he was cleared by neuro, cardiac, and infectious disease as causes of tachypnea. Our son underwent a 24 hour EEG, head ultrasound, EKG, echocardiogram, chest X-ray, and full sepsis work up. All came back negative. His brief “passing out” episodes resolved after a day. He received 48 hours of antibiotics to cover possible infection.
The only thing that was out of the ordinary during this stay was a mildly elevated lactate of 3.1. This led some physicians to suspect an inborn error of metabolism causing metabolic acidosis. This was horrifying as these diseases are often very severe. Oddly enough, however, they moved on from that theory the next day. We were told that lactate is a very nonspecific finding in infants. Our son’s ammonia level was normal which seemed to be the most reassuring data point to our care team. His venous blood gas was satisfactory. We were discharged and told that he would grow out of it.
Worth noting that he was on oxygen when he went inpatient and it did nothing to his respirations.
HOSPITAL STAY #2, 2nd week of life
I called our pediatrician when I noted a sustained tachypnea at 100 breaths per min. She told us to go back to ER. He was put on the monitor and was satting high 90s again. A lactate was drawn again in the ED which came back at 3.9. Terrifying! Or nothing? Inborn Errors of Metabolism were back on the table. An on call geneticist had the team draw a slew of metabolic labs that would take weeks to come back. We were admitted again, this time to the PICU.
EKG negative again. Lumbar puncture negative for infection along with blood and urine. LP revealed a negative lactate which we are told is a more reliable indicator for metabolic disease than the blood lactate. Brain MRI negative. Many viruses tested for and found negative. Another 48 hours of antibiotics just in case. Repeat CXR negative.
We started to notice some potential GERD, so we started Pepcid in the hopes it was causing the fast breathing. No luck. He did seem to perk up and look around more on his IV fluids which had dextrose in them.
We were discharged on the notion that there was no more testing they would do until the metabolic lab work returned, which would take weeks. Again we were told, he will probably grow out of it.
ER VISIT, 2nd week of life
Not a day after our last discharge, baby’s whole leg turned blue. We rushed back to the ER. His leg returned to normal color within minutes of us noticing. In the ER, his spo2 was high 90s with a normal heart rate (HR has always been normal). A repeat echocardiogram in the ER was negative. Acrocyanosis was diagnosed. This was probably caused by a temperature change. We have not seen it since. We were not admitted that night.
Metabolic lab work showed a slightly low carnitine, normal acylcarnitine, and a weird mixture of amino acids in the urine. The amino acids in the urine scared the hell out of us. I thought it was diagnostic of a metabolic disease. Our geneticist, however, said that she reviewed the findings with her team and it was deemed to represent an immature liver. She was not concerned. She believed that his liver would mature and the levels would normalize. She effectively told us that we could rule out metabolic causes at that point, but she offered genetic sequencing if we wanted to be completely sure. His newborn screening was completely normal.
ENT scope negative.
A chest CT to check for interstitial lung disease revealed these findings:
CHEST: LUNGS/AIRWAYS/PLEURA: The central airways are grossly patent. Mild hazy groundglass opacities could be atelectasis or mild pneumonitis, surfactant deficiency could appear similar. This appearance is generalized, and not specific to the right middle lobe or lingula (as can be seen in NEHI). Small lucency at the posterior medial right lung base could be small amount of air trapping or small cystic lesion measuring on order of 0.7 x 0.2 cm. This is the only well-defined lucent all focus which could reflect air trapping (no overall pattern of mosaic system to suggest air-trapping as can be seen in NEHI). No effusion or pneumothorax. HEART/VESSELS: The heart is normal in size without pericardial effusion. MEDIASTINUM/HILA: Limited evaluation of the hila without IV contrast. No obvious enlarged mediastinal lymphadenopathy. CHEST WALL AND LOWER NECK: The imaged thyroid gland appears intact. No axillary or subpectoral lymphadenopathy is identified.
Our pulmonologist called and said he reviewed the scan himself and that it was essentially negative. He started an empiric course of steroids which have not reduced the breathing rate. The steroids have, however, made our son much more alert and awake and attentive. He has been finding our faces and smiling. They may also been making his colic (yes he is a very colicky baby on top of all of this) a bit worse. We have seen him briefly lift his head off the boppy. We have seen him focusing on high contrast images.
His stools are normal. He makes plenty of wet diapers. He has good muscle tone. His overall condition hasn’t really changed throughout
My current concerns: Are we certain we can rule out metabolic disease? CT scan showed possible surfactant deficiency?? Shouldn’t we follow up on that? What else could this be? Neuromuscular disease? If it were to resolve on its own, when would that happen? My son is back to being very sleepy! Is that a brain process? Did we test too early? Is he going to start showing developmental delay?
I cannot eat or find a moments peace. If anyone has any light to shed, I would appreciate it so very much. Thank you.
submitted by Plastic-Major162 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:51 SaturdayBS I need the movie name

There is a scene where the boy starts showing his in-laws photos from his vacation with their daughter and accidentaly photos of them having sex start showing. There is a part where he says “and that is doggy style , my wife’s favorite position”.
submitted by SaturdayBS to whatsthemoviecalled [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:50 Excellent_Piccolo_58 Relationship Fainancial issue

My boyfriend and I are planning to get married he is kind ,good looking, sweet by nature , but I have concerns about his family's financial habits. His family tends to take loans for everything and they have no savings. Despite my urging him to pay off his education loans, I noticed he was giving money to his family instead. We eventually agreed to give his family Rs 20k per month since his father earns around 35k-40k per month. Now, his family is asking for money to cover their home loan, which I initially thought was fine.
However, I recently found out that they received 2 lakh from somewhere and wasted it all instead of helping son to pay off home loan .His mother even asked him to take gold of 4-5 lakh for wedding jwellery which I asked him not to take. But he said we have to show to the society about the gold we are giving to daughter in law in wedding but later the mother in law keeps all of it.
Additionally, his 32-year-old brother, who earns 30k per month, benefited significantly from my boyfriend’s generosity. My boyfriend paid 2.5 lakh for his brother's wife's education and 1 lakh for a scooter and now she has started earning more than her husband.
They also did thier first child right after honeymoon without thinking about family or finance planning
For the last two years, my boyfriend has been telling me that his brother is preparing for exams, planning to start a business, learning digital marketing etc. etc. However, I recently saw his resume, and it looked like it was done by a seventh grader. The quality was very poor, and he didn't even know how to spell his own job title correctly—it was all written wrong.
My boyfriend frequently talks about wanting to make significant investments and was on the verge of taking a 60 lakh loan , which I managed to stop. Given these patterns of financial behavior, should I be concerned about our future together, or is this normal?
submitted by Excellent_Piccolo_58 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:49 Left-Excitement3829 Got my latest bike today. Wife got me it for Father’s Day / birthday:)

Got my latest bike today. Wife got me it for Father’s Day / birthday:) submitted by Left-Excitement3829 to motorcycles [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:49 redditor1seven SoCal/OC Ravers help!

SoCal/OC Ravers help!
SoCal/OC Ravers!
Need some help finding the awesome fellow raver who left this Illenium Kandi for my wife on our van in a Target parking lot in Orange! We have Illenium and Slander stickers on our back window. So we’re assuming they saw them and left this little gift.
She was super excited and surprised cuz stuff like this never happens to her.
This was a few weeks ago on May 20th.
She loved it so much, she started keeping Kandi in the car to do the same when she sees a fellow raver’s car.
submitted by redditor1seven to avesLA [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:49 justtuna What can I 31m do here with 40f?

So I’ve known this woman Beth(f40) for a few years. I found her attractive the first time I met her but I never asked her out or for her number. My SiL is friends with her and said the other day we would be a good match. So she gave me her number.
I texted her last night and after about 30 minutes of constant texting I asked her out. We spent 20 minutes planning a date. Then she stopped responding to text.
About an hour later she asked if she could call me I said yes.
She calls and proceeds to explain how I may not want to date an older woman. I said she looks my age and the fact that she is 40 doesn’t bother me. She then said that due to her own health and family issues she believes it would be unfair to me if we dated. She also said that due to health issues she can’t get pregnant or really have sex. I told her I never wanted kids and that sex to me isn’t that important. I went decades without it so I never put much thought into sex.
I told her that’s for me to decide if I want to deal with that but I respect her decision and we canceled the date.
But surprisingly we stayed on the phone for 3 hours just talking. We both laughed and I found myself more attracted to her than before. I didn’t push for her to reconsider cause I didn’t want to demean her decision and autonomy.
She did say before we got off the phone that I could call her anytime and that if I wanted to hangout she is always down.
This left me confused as hell cause idk if she is leaving the door open to possibly a relationship or she just wants to be friends. If I can’t date her I’d rather be friends than lose her as she is very intelligent, kind and beautiful(in all aspects of the word)
I really don’t know what to do here.
submitted by justtuna to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:48 EatThemReindeer A “Vegas Experience” Post

June 3rd to 6th, 2024 Leading up to our Vegas trip, one of the things I enjoyed most was visiting this subreddit and reading the experiences others shared about their time in the city. It was consistently insightful, helpful, and quite entertaining to read.
While this post may be none of those things, I still wanted to share on the off chance it provides a bit of relief for those planning and struggling to piece their own trips together.
As a brief background, both my wife and I have spent time in Vegas before, but, for reasons I won’t get into on this post, we never had a “Vegas experience.” We agreed that this would be that trip.
For context, we have been together for 15 years. We are both 35 and have two kids. Most vacations are family-oriented - lots of planning, budgeting, and sniping the best deals and the cheapest things to do. We agreed to do a little of that for this trip, but to mostly roll with the punches and see what would happen. Outside of booking the hotel, the only other thing I did to prepare for this trip was make two lists of food. Food list number one were places that sounded unique or different and were within a 5 to 10 minute walk. Food list number two was the same concept, except 20+ minute walk or bus ride away. My wife and I also agreed that if we couldn’t walk somewhere by staying in hotels, we weren’t going to walk there.
I’ll get the total cost out of the way. We spent about $370 on food, drinks, transportation, and entertainment. Our flight was $80 round trip ($40 each through Frontier). The hotel was $350 total for 3 nights. Thats about $800 for 3ish days and 3 nights in Vegas.
Monday: Both my wife and I had a bout of food poisoning a couple of days prior to leaving. We nearly canceled our trip, but on Sunday, made the decision to carry through, as the sitter arrangement was already made and figured that even if we just spent the time in our hotel room, it would still be fun. By Monday morning, I felt okay, but my wife was still a little ill.
The plane into Vegas landed at 11am. We decided to take an Uber from the airport to Total Wine and Whole Foods in Town Square. At Whole Foods, we bought emergency snacks (breakfast bars, nuts, chips, etc) and 3 gallons of water. At Total Wine, we bought our favorite rum, mostly in fear that we wouldn’t find it on the strip - one 750ml bottle of Kraken ($20) - and a 10 pack of mini Coke Zeroes.
From there, we took another Uber to the hotel - the Flamingo - mostly because we were carrying a lot of stuff (the bus was the original option). We arrived early, tried checking in early using a kiosk, but refused to pay the extra $20. Instead, we walked over to the food court, got comfy in a booth, and made a strong drink to sip on while we waited. I should mention that we stopped at the Starbucks in the hotel and paid $2 for two waters (ridiculous!). We used those cups to make our drinks.
By 3:30, we were two drinks in and decided to try checking in again. The lines were longer now, too, but the kiosk line moved quickly. This time we were given our keys to the room. Having never stayed on the Vegas strip before, we opted for the strip view (more on this later).
We rested, showered, changed, made another drink, bought a 24 hour bus pass, and headed out. We caught the bus in front of Harrah’s and went to Cookies for edibles. Their selection was meager compared to what we’re used to in New Mexico, but made the best of it. Ate an edible then hopped back on the bus, south this time, and took it aaaallll the waaaayyy down to the Mandalay Bay stop. We did not go to Mandalay Bay, though. Instead, we walked down a bit more and got some carne asada fries at a little place called Sayulitas. We consider ourselves carne asada fries experts because it is our go to when we drink and NM offers tons of delicious options. Sayulitas did an exceptional job - crispy fries, perfectly seasoned meat, tons of cheese and sour cream. Their salsa bar was stocked with some delicious and spicy salsas, as well.
From here, we caught the bus back North and decided to grab a dessert at Eataly - a place I had on one of my food lists, specifically for desserts. There, we spent $15 on an exceptionally delicious cream puff and chocolate square thing. Took them back to the room, ate them, and fell asleep.
Tuesday: The Vegas strip is loud. Even from the 11th floor of a hotel. The view was also kind of meh. I’m a light sleeper and that view wasn’t worth the terrible night of sleep. Before getting ready for the day, I went downstairs to inquire about a different room. The hotel staff was accommodating and friendly, but said that we would need to come back after 11am to see what was available.
With about 2 and a half hours to kill, we decided a breakfast adventure was the way to go. Eggslut is an often mentioned (and very popular) restaurant that can be found in the Cosmopolitan. Somehow, we missed the bus stop to go south (we walked south instead of north) and ended up walking to Eggslut by going through Bellagio. When we got there, the line was sufficiently long - about 20 minutes. Hungry and not wanting to walk, we decided to wait.
It was worth it for two reasons: 1. The food was delicious. The sauce, specifically, used on the sausage, egg, and cheese made my heart sing. 2. When we reached the front of the line, a dude who did not want to wait in line offered to buy our breakfast if we allowed him to add his order to ours. We agreed because who wouldn’t? Free breakfast? Absolutely.
With happy stomachs, we caught the bus and went back to the hotel. As mentioned earlier, the hotel staff was accommodating and switched our rooms without issue. Our new room had a view of the garden, the Sphere, and that big Ferris wheel thing - a MUCH nicer view. The room was also cleaner and so much quieter.
We rested, took another shower (NM is hot, but not like Vegas), got ready again, and decided it was time to start drinking. I should mention that we brought flasks with us, too. After taking a couple of shots each, we filled up our flasks and made a rum and coke to go (same Starbucks cups from the day before!).
Feeling rejuvenated from the new room and rest, a decent Kraken buzz in tow, we headed off without any specific plans. By the time we made it through The LINQ and to Harrah’s, we decided Fremont was the place to be. We downed our drinks, stored our cups in my drawstring backpack, and hopped on the bus. By the time we got off, we were feeling great and our time there became a little blurry, so here’s a quick rundown.
Went into a hotel to use the restroom, stumbled around until we found a Starbucks to get ice, took our 4th and 5th shots of the day in some alleys out of public view (drunk logic), saw a deal at Binion’s for a $6 burger and coke, watched some street performers, and by 4:30, we hopped back on the bus.
Craving a donut, we got off at Circus Circus to find the Krispy Kreme. After they rejected our free coupon, we headed up to the midway. The arcade games were expensive, so instead we talked with the game operators and waited for the 5:30 foot juggling show. The show, a whole 6 minutes in length, was AWESOME!
We stumbled around some more and at some point, we took another drink. Our 24 hour bus pass expired by 6:30, so we got on the bus again before then. Feeling tired, drunk, and hungry, we stayed on the bus all the way down the strip to enjoy the sights. By the time we made it to Town Square, we decided to get off, grab a bite, buy another bottle of Kraken, and go to the movies. We ate a $2 slice of Whole Foods pizza and watched Furiosa in IMAX.
It was after 10pm by the time the movie ended. We bought another 24 hour bus pass and went back to the hotel for a night of quiet and restful sleep.
Wednesday: We had a very slow morning. Which was nice because with kids, slow mornings don’t exist. We also spent much of our morning trying to decide whether we wanted to drink again or not. Inevitably, the Vegas logic set in, but it took some “pumping each other up” before it happened. Prior to that, however, we decided it was time to get a meal. As you could see, Monday and Tuesday involved a lot of snacking, so we wanted to sit down in a restaurant.
After much debate, Nacho Daddy was the winner. Our slow morning kept us in the hotel room until about 11am. We got ready, and refused to make the same mistake about the bus stop, so we walked north and crossed in front of The Linq to catch the bus down to the Cosmopolitan. Nacho Daddy was a short walk from there.
We did an order of the spicy grilled wings and fajita nachos. Both were yummy and exactly what we needed. As we were still in the “do we even want to drink again” phase, we stuck with water and our brunch, excluding tip, was $55.
Feeling full, we walked our food off in the Miracle Miles shops. It was quite empty and relaxing to walk through.
Walgreens was nearby, so on the way back to the hotel, we picked up more Coke Zero and another gallon of water. We grabbed the bus and went back to the hotel to rest.
It was around 4pm when we decided to start pumping each other up, and by 4:30pm, we had had another two shots each, a flask full of rum, and a couple mixed drinks in our Starbucks cups ready to go.
We left the hotel, heading north, and walking through The Linq again, Harrah’s and the Casino Royale. Feeling good, the moving walkways that lead into the Grand Canal Shoppes were calling our names.
While there, we did a ton of people watching. After some commentary on how a lot of the people look like replicas of Sims characters, we challenged each other to see who could complement more people the rest of the day. The only rule was that the compliment had to be genuine. Being together for 15 years, we know what the other person likes - cheating would take the fun out of the game.
As we left the Shoppes, we needed ice for another drink and Treasure Island was calling our names. On our way there, my wife complimented a person wearing a Seattle Krakens shirt - not because we’re fans…simply because we were drunk on Kraken (1-0).
Why are people so weird about filling up cups with ice in Vegas? Once in Treasure Island, I asked at Senior Frogs for ice. Rejected. Panda Express. Rejected. The lady that worked at Popeyes gave me ice, but I won’t lie…I had to turn on the charm. My wife socked me in the arm and we laughed as we took another shot and chewed those amazing ice cubes together.
As we left TI, I saw a dude wearing a Linkin Park Hybrid Theory shirt. The score was officially 1 to 1.
Sufficiently drunk at this point, we decided to catch the bus back to Fremont because we overheard people talking about the Neon Museum and our interest was piqued. On the walk to the bus, my wife complimented a guy with a lizard-shaped fanny pack (2-1).
Fremont was BUMPING by the time we got up there and the vibe was exactly what we wanted. We stumbled around, looked for ice, took pictures, and watched street performers. I spotted a gentleman with an incredible beard and tied up our score (2-2).
My wife chatted with a few ladies dressed as dominatrix, inquiring as to why they couldn’t leave their circle to take pictures with people and how difficult it was to get hours. She tipped them, we took some pictures, and, of course, she complimented them (3-2).
Afterwards, we saw an older man drinking McDonald’s coffee so my wife and I made a bet - was it coffee or something else? My wife said coffee. I said he was doing some secret drinking. A quick game of rock, paper, scissors, and my wife walked over to ask. It was coffee. I had to pay for the Neon Museum tickets. Fair enough.
We drank our last drink and headed off.
The Neon Museum is about a 10 minute walk from Fremont. If you go, I HIGHLY recommend a guided tour. Our tour guide, Steve, was INCREDIBLE and I made sure to tell him so…multiple times (3-3).
After the museum, we were fiercely hungry and decided that pizza, yes, again, was the best choice. My food list came in handy and Secret Pizza became our mission. A bus ride later, and we were back at the Cosmopolitan. It was fun, not having researched much about the pizza place but knowing it was meant to be hidden, to simply stumble around and find it.
By this time, my wife and I were incredibly drunk and making easy two-minute friends. We lost track of how many compliments we were throwing out. I tried engaging a dude wearing a Goku shirt about Dragon Ball Z, but he wanted to talk about his flight and the pizza he was waiting for, so I lost interest.
We got two slices of meat lovers and went on an adventure to find water.
We called it a night after this - it was close to 1am.
Thursday: Hungover and tired, we stayed in bed until it was time to check out. Grabbed a burger at Sickies Garage on the way to the airport and called it a trip.
We had plans to do more before leaving, but the best laid plans, amIright? Either way, it was a fun trip.
Was it a full “Vegas experience”? Maybe not to everyone that bothers to read this…We didn’t see any shows. We didn’t gamble a penny. We didn’t buy a single drink from a bar or a hotel and the latest we stayed up was 1am on Wednesday. Were we day drunk the entire time, though? Yep. Did we eat some good food? Yep. Did we talk to random people and see weird stuff? Yep.
What really defines a “Vegas experience,” after all? Tell me.
TLDR; We drank a lot and had a great time. Thanks, Vegas. :)
submitted by EatThemReindeer to vegas [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:47 Kupxr I’m not sure what to do or think at all

Hey. This is going to be rather long story, so if you aren’t feeling up to reading a bunch, just keep scrolling.
I will be using the letter Z in substitution for the girl’s name.
In 2021, I (18M) had a class with a girl (18F) who I thought was cute and liked her personality. I was very socially anxious and awkward back then, so we never really talked. She got a boyfriend, who I had mutually known for years before. I’ve always though he was weird. Not in a funny, quirky way, but in a creepy, strange way. I would see them together all the time and for the first few months she seemed very happy. As their relationship progressed, I noticed she began to seem less happy than usual and even uncomfortable at times. Remember, I was just watching from the sidelines.
Fast forward a year and a half: They eventually broke up. After breaking up, he did some very weird things. He came to her house in the middle of the night and terrorized her by banging on her walls until she let him in. Also, he left a card that says “for my wife” on her car at work one time.
Fast forward to January 2024: She followed me on instagram and we became extremely close extremely fast. I caught feelings for her so quickly. We hung out for the first time on March 1st. I hadn’t had that much fun in a very long time. We both had a genuinely amazing time. However, while we were hanging out, her ex just happened to be at the store we went to. At first, she didn’t want to go in, but then she said it’d be okay. (She didn’t know I had feelings for her at this point) I stayed close to her but let her do her own thing. I have never seen someone look so uncomfortable. Every time he walked closer to her she would back up.
Fast forward a couple weeks: I confessed my feelings for her, and she said she felt the same way about me, but that she isn’t looking for a relationship. I was, and am still, completely okay with that and have always been understanding of it and I made sure she knew that. As time went on, we would begin to hang out in school, she would sit in my car with me before school, we would talk all day every day, we would say good morning and goodnight every day/night, she gave me the nickname “bear” because she said I remind her of a cute bear, we would flirt with each other, I would start coming to some of her games. On April 9th, she had an away game that I went to. I drove her back to the school to get her car so that she didn’t have to wait on the bus. Before leaving, we talked for 10 minutes or so and she told me “come here,” I was thinking she was going to give me a hug. She grabbed my face and kissed me on the cheek. After that, she began to be really touchy with me. Add that with everything else, and it felt like we were together. Even people in school, including teachers, thought we were. May 3rd was our prom, we went together in a group, not as a couple. As I said before, I’m a tad bit socially awkward, so prom wasn’t really my thing, but it was nice to experience. Her and I left prom about 30 minutes early and we just walked around. We were having a great time, talking, laughing, taking funny pictures, and we held hands. It was genuinely the best night of my life. Then we went to after prom, and then out to eat. After we ate, I told her I had something for her. I went into my car and grabbed a Victorian puzzle letter I made for her. It wasn’t a love letter, it was a letter thanking her for being friends with me and always being there for me and that sort of stuff. I told her she doesn’t have to read it right now (she was feeling sick from the food) she said she’d read it when she gets home and told me to text her when I get home and we hugged goodbye. I got home around 2:45 AM and texted her. She called me at 2:55 and said “You know we aren’t dating, right? I read the letter.” I genuinely had no idea what to say, my heart sank when she said that. I mean of course I knew we weren’t actually together, even though it certainly felt like it. I ended up just saying “Yeah what do you mean?” with a little chuckle. She replied with “Okay I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” I could hear it in her voice, she was uncomfortable with it. Right after the call, I texted her “I’m sorry I thought it was too much I should’ve just kept it.” She said “You’re all good I promise. It just felt really deep and I appreciate you being open and stuff.” I then said “Are you sure? I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.” She kept promising me that it was okay and that I did nothing wrong. Then we just talked about how great of a time we had that night and I said goodnight to her. Her reply to that was “I’m sorry, goodnight!” I asked her what is she sorry for. I waited a few minutes, no response. Then she posted on her second instagram account. The song she used was a song by i don’t like mirrors (very sad music if you aren’t familiar). The caption was “so upset guys.” I waited a few more minutes and then double texted. She responded a minute later with “Hi buddy I’m just ready for bed.” and “I’ll talk to you later, goodnight!!” For the first time since we became friends, I didn’t get a good morning text. We had began sharing each other’s location (her idea) in late March, I woke up and saw that she removed it. I texted her at 11:24 AM asking if she was okay. She was ignoring my text and I knew that. After 30 minutes of that, I texted her on imessage (We almost always used instagram to text) and said “We dont have to talk rn if you dont want to but could you just let me know if you’re alright please” she just reacted with a thumbs up. Another half hour later and she texted me back and said “Hi cooper,” I said “Hi Z” and she said “We can talk about it later, okay? I’m not mad or anything.” I apologized again, she told me I was all good and that she’ll talk to me later. 30 minutes later she sent me this: “After reading the letter, it left me really uncomfortable. There were a lot of aspects that made me feel really uneasy. It made me feel like it was a love letter and I didn’t like that. Like I’m glad I’ve made you feel more social and get out there but it just made me feel awkward too. I’m sure you put a lot of effort into it and that’s appreciated but overall, I just felt really uncomfortable” and “I honestly need space from this friendship for a while, I’m not mad or have any ill will towards you but I need space. I hope you do well!” I had been crying off and on ever since that phone call. I hadn’t slept, and wouldn’t sleep for the next few days either. When she said she needed space it genuinely broke my heart. It was so bad that my parents noticed, they’ve never noticed when I’ve been upset before. 6 hours later, I texted her “How long do you think a while is going to be?” She said she wasn’t sure, but she knew my mom was upset about it. After I told my mom what happened, she decided to unsend the pictures she took of me and Z before prom. The fact that she did that, pissed me off. We started talking about how I talked to my mom about the situation and she ended up asking to see what my mom said about it. I have never kept anything from her, but for the first time, I was hesitant because my mom said things like “you need a girl who’s more like you and not so extra” or something along those lines. Truthfully, my mom has absolutely no accurate perception of Z. She was completely blindly firing and attacking her. Why? I have no idea, but it didn’t help me at all.. nor Z. Before sending her the screenshots, I warned her and she said “You can tell me.” She didn’t really respond to any of the texts between me and my mom. We started talking about it all and she was kept telling me she’s not upset with me. We both kept apologizing. Me, for making her uncomfortable, and her, for how she reacted.
Recap for the next month: The next couple weeks were absurdly rough on me and very straining on what was left of our friendship. She has always known when I’m upset in some way or another. She would ask what’s wrong and I would talk about it. By “talk about it,” I mean I would talk about how confused and lost I felt with everything. We had went from being practically inseparable, to barely talking, dry texting, not saying goodnight or good morning, etc. We would still walk into school with each other, but she wouldn’t sit in my car with me before school. She wouldn’t tell me about her days. She would rarely text me first. It was very hard for me. So I would talk about that, and I never really got any clarity on it. It got so hard at one point, that I was on the verge of ending my life. Losing the closest friend I have ever had wasn’t just hard because of that alone. Losing her brought back a lot of terrible things I have been through and it all just hit me at once. Unfortunately, I decided to text her “What if I kill myself?” To sum it up, she talked me down. On my end, that conversation was absurdly manipulative. Not intentionally, but it certainly seemed manipulative from her position and I still feel terrible about it. For the next week and a half-ish, I was in an extremely depressive state and was only alive because I promised her I wouldn’t commit suicide. I still didn’t give up on trying to get some clarity about the whole thing. Unfortunately, AGAIN, the way I went about it made her feel guilty. Again, not my intentions at all. On May 23rd, she finally opened up about it. This is how I learned about the way I had been making her feel through this entire situation. After that conversation, I did some serious self reflecting. I finally got some clarity and it truly made me happy. I still have my ups and downs of course, but since then, I have been good in general. However, during those downs, she would notice and ask me what was wrong. I started hesitating each time she would ask, because I didn’t want to make her feel guilty. Each time, she would assure me it wouldn’t though. It felt like this hopeless loop. She knows what’s wrong, she knows it makes her feel guilty, she asks anyways, I hesitate, she assures me, I talk about it, she feels upset or guilty. That’s was how it was for 4 straight days. Eventually, I came to the conclusion that it would be better to bury my feelings about her. I’m not saying I would bury them in the sense that I would just stop feeling the way I do, that’s not possible. But I would stop expressing them to her. I suggested it a few times and she would say “No we don’t have to bury it” and “I know you can’t bury it, I know you.” On May 27th she asked if I was okay and I told her “Not really but it’s alright” (I can’t lie to her, I lied once and it was about how I was doing and I hated it) she asked me what was up. I said “Idk, am I burying this stuff or not?” And she said “Nvm.” I have never seen her say “Nvm” before. Then, I said: “Okay please don’t do that, I just feel like when we talk about how I feel about what happened it never goes well. I’m not trying to be like weird about this, but if I really am going to not talk about it then I just won’t be able to talk about how I really feel sometimes. Idk, maybe we can think of some other solution to this because I don’t want to make you feel weird when I say I’m not okay and then can’t tell you why. I don’t want that to bring on any guilt or anything.” After 13 minutes, no response. I texted again and said “Z, I’m not upset with you or mad at you if you think I am.” After another 15 minutes, no response. I then asked “How can I fix this?” and she said “We’re fine, I’m just dozing off.” She hates the word fine because in text, people typically aren’t actually fine when they say they are. I completely removed that word from my vocabulary, and now she uses it. I asked if she really means it and she said “Yeah” then “I’m going to bed. Goodnight, sleep well.” The next morning, she walked right past my car and went into school without me. She had never done that before. We clearly weren’t “fine.” I didn’t say anything about it and just let it be. Realistically, it was killing me. For the first time since 2nd grade, I was crying in class. I thought I was hiding it well, but I guess someone noticed. I guess they texted her and asked if I was okay or something, I’m not sure. Anyways, she texted me and asked why I was crying. By this time, I had fully set my mind to not talking about the situation between us, so I said “I was feeling sad, I’m okay now though.” I couldn’t really think of what to tell her, that’s the best I came up with. She asked if I wanted to talk about it, and I just said fuck it and decided to tell her that when she walked past me and into school without me, it made me really upset. Yes, that’s a small thing, but it’s about the principle of it. We walked into school together every single school day for almost 3 months and then after she told me “we’re fine,” she decided not to. She said it’s because she was just really excited to see one of her friends. I honestly still don’t see the correlation in that to this day. She then said “I just don’t feel social I guess?” That’s very contradictory, but whatever. I told her it was alright and that she doesn’t have to explain it. After this, she opened up about the situation more. She told me I’ve made her feel stupid and belittled with how I speak to her. When she said that, I felt more confused than I ever have in my life. It felt completely out of left field, totally random, it honestly felt made up to me. To this day, I still don’t know how I could have made her feel like that. I clarified that I’ve never purposefully made her feel belittled or stupid. I asked if it’s something in specific that I do/say and she just kept telling me “you just have to realize it.” She also told me: “I truly just think you like my empathy. I think that you’re just not used to having someone who genuinely listens to you and is willing to show you the affection I have” This also completely caught me off guard. Yes, I do love her empathy. Yes, I’m not used to having someone who genuinely understands and cares for me and my feelings. However, I love her for so much more than that. I then told her about all of the things I like her for. I have always been there for her, even when she doesn’t feel like talking, or when she’s being dry because she’s upset, or when she won’t tell me she’s upset even though I know she is. I have told her I will be by her side forever and always. I don’t say that sparingly, I genuinely meant that with all my heart, and to hear that she feels like I only like her for her empathy, breaks my heart. She told me it feels like I’m codependent on her and as if she’s just an outlet for when I’m feeling down. That isn’t farther from how I truly feel about her. After some more talking, I said this: “I don’t want you to feel belittled or drained or like I’m using you. I mean I know our friendship has been draining since after prom, it’s been draining for me too, and I know it’s on me. I’m over here constantly just in a state of confusion and because of that, you ask me whats wrong and its the same thing every time. I’m sure that probably makes you feel like I’m trying to guilt trip you by making it feel like it’s your fault. Those aren’t my intentions when I talk about this whole thing, my intentions are to just try and get some clarity on what happened. I’m sorry that that has come at the expense of your mental health, that’s terrible and I should be better with how I go about talking about it. This was never my intention and I genuinely apologize for making you feel like this. Our friendship means the world to me and I hope this can all get better. I’m going to try my hardest to be better in how I talk to you.” She responded with “Okie,” and I thanked her for giving me clarity on the situation. That was at 5:11 PM and we didn’t text again until I texted her at 11:43 PM and said goodnight, she was already asleep though. In the morning she reacted to it with a heart. That morning she went into school before I got there, it wasn’t totally abnormal, she had done it before so I didn’t read into it that much. I have two classes a day, my teacher for my second class on this day, is also her coach. So she would come to my class sometimes and we’d hang out. She did on this day too, surprisingly. I wasn’t sure if she was upset with me or not, so when I heard her come in the class and heard her talking to my teacher and other students I just sort of tuned it out. My anxiety was through the fucking roof. Eventually, she talked to me a bit and she seemed completely happy with me. After she talked to me, my anxiety got worse and I asked my teacher to go into the little side room because it’s quiet, colder, and darker in there. I sat in there just staring at the wall with my laptop open to pretend like I was doing the work. After 10ish minutes she came in and asked if I was okay. I told her I came in there because it’s colder, dark, and quiet, but I didn’t mention my anxiety. We talked for a few minutes and then she went back out. Since this day (May 29th) we have been back to how we were all of March and April. We don’t text as much still, and don’t say good morning, we occasionally say goodnight though. But outside of that, it’s been great. The last day of school was June 5th. From the 30th to the 5th, each school day, we hung out. She started sitting in my car with me in the mornings again. We started facetiming again, it’s been amazing. For the most part, since the 27th I have genuinely been doing better and focusing on myself more. I’ve come to the conclusion that I cannot dwell on the potential of what me and her can possibly be someday, or not be. On the 31st, we had a senior picnic (realistically just a shitty little cookout behind the school). We went together with another student from my class who we’re both cool with. We were together for some of it, but I let her do her own thing for most of the time. Incase you haven’t picked up on it by now, she’s a lot more popular and social than I am. Anyways, she asked me if I wanted to go back into class with her and of course I said yes. We went back into my teacher’s (her coach) class and we were listening to music together, laughing, having a great time and we were playing 2 player games together. Just having a good time. The entire time, she was very touchy with me. She was leaning her head on my chest, holding my arms, laying her head into me when I would make her laugh very hard. Her leg kept almost gravitating towards mine in a sense. My love language is physical touch and she is well aware of that. We eventually left and said goodbye and went home. She texted me a few hours later and said @I had fun today” and we both said that multiple times throughout the rest of the day. When I came to the conclusion of not dwelling on how we would end up, I also decided to give her a little space. I stopped texting first as much and began to let her come to me on her own time. She was working for the rest of this day and she texted me at 12:13 AM (our last text was 7:59 PM and before that it was 4:15 PM) and we just had some normal conversation. She didn’t text me at all Saturday (June 1st) until I texted her at 5:20 PM telling her I had just mowed our teacher’s grass. She was very dry, but I just tried to not read into it. She texted me at 12:58 AM and we had some normal conversation. Sunday morning she texted me first and we ended up facetiming before she had to leave to go to an event with some friends. We talked a lot on Sunday, the complete opposite of Saturday. Each school day until the last day, we hung out in my teachers class and each day she was very touchy with me and we had a great time every day. On the 4th, she came to the gym with me. It was the first time we hung out not in school in a long time. Just like any time we’ve hung out, I had the time of my life. After the gym, we walked around the grocery store and then we were just having fun playing around in the parking lot after that. We both had so much fun. When we hang out, it feels and looks like shit you see in coming of age movies. It’s amazing. On the last day of school, we hung out in my teacher’s class again. We got taco bell for us 3 and we picked it up together and brought it back to the school. We hung out for a few hours and then I had to leave. Yesterday, we went to the gym together again. Again, we had an amazing fucking time. While we were working out we were both making some sexual jokes. After the gym, we walked around the store again, then we went back to my car in the parking lot and were talking and listening to music. She told me to lean my seat back. She got on top of me and we started kissing. Honestly, I have never kissed anyone before. After 10 seconds-ish, she pulled away and was laughing because apparently I kept getting her chin my mouth. I truly don’t remember, I blacked out when it happened. She got off of me and then we were just talking and going through her camera roll on her phone. After 10 minutes or so, she said it’s about time for her to leave. Before she left she said “Well, we tried it. I’m sorry, I can’t do strings attached. But we tried, it was sweet. Forgive and forget” I assured her it was okay and laughed and said “forgive? forgive what?” Then we just said goodbye and that was that. After I got home sent her a song (we send songs to each other all the time) and she didn’t respond to it, but she said “Are you sure you’re okay?” Honestly, I am okay, but I’m just very confused on the “I can’t do strings attached” thing. I don’t really get it. We are extremely close, have an unbelievably amazing time together every time we’re around each other, and there’s an obvious attraction towards one another. But since I am okay, I told her “Lmaoo yeah I’m all good buddy” and then said “Are you okay with it?” We basically agreed to just not really talk about what happened in the car, and that’s okay I guess. She didn’t respond to it. We started having a little conversation. After that was done, I replied back to my “Are you okay with it?” text and asked again. She suddenly got very dry and said “Huh” then I clarified. She said “Yep” and I just said okay and “Well I’m gonna shower so if you text me and I don’t reply that’s why.” She just reacted to it with a heart. 34 minutes later I texted her asking if her teammates know I’m coming (Today she’s having a dinner with her team and she invited me to it on Wednesday when we were hanging out). She said “Nah I haven’t told em” and asked why. I said I was just wondering and I said “I hope they don’t mind,” she responded with “Idk.” It seems like she was upset, but maybe she was just tired. I’m not sure, but an hour later, (11:31 PM) I gave into the urge and said “You sure you’re alright buddy?” She opened it this morning, completely ignored it and instead sent me a song. We texted all morning like normal.
So, that’s that. That’s everything. Right now I am very confused and worried. Since I really didn’t exactly talk about it, I am genuinely in love with her. I have never felt so strongly about anyone, let alone anything in my entire life. Aside from everything I love about her, it feels like there’s something just pulling me towards her. I am wholeheartedly willing to wait my entire life for her, and I mean that. Also, when she gave me clarity, she told me her feelings for me were genuine and she said she means it wholeheartedly. She also said she sort of just lost feelings for me. However, after this past week or so, I do not believe that she doesn’t still have feelings for me. I can’t believe that with the way she looks at me, the way she talks to me, the way she acts around me, the way she touches me, the way she laughs at almost everything I say and do. I just simply cannot believe that. If anyone actually read all of this shit, I would love to hear any thoughts or advice you have.
TLDR: I am in the situationship of hell and not exactly sure what to feel, think, or do.
submitted by Kupxr to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:46 kobayashi_maru_fail TS is great, when you read it as a sequel.

Someone recently posted about whether it makes sense to read Fall before Reamde. Consensus was no, with a few pointing out that Crypto is also a prequel to Fall. And while the second half was not thrilling, it’s a much better book when you’ve read the prequel works.
Mutatis mutandis, Interface and Termination Shock. I decided to do a re-read of both in that order, and TS is so much better when you read it in the same light as Interface. Spoilers for both from here on.
You all may have seen me comment here that Mohinder Singh and The Radhakrishan Institute tie both books to the same universe, which seems to have split from ours late in the Clinton Administration. If anyone who reads searchable digital copies can find the shipping company GODS instead of FedEx in any other books (did Eliza get a fancy package? Did Y.T.?), I’d love to hear it, cause I swear I’ve seen it come up somewhere other than Interface, but turns out it’s not TS. But, many thematic similarities between these two as well as the worldbuilding ties:
I think NS wanted to revisit the idea of media and corporations having an outsized impact on politics in near-future scifi: blatantly with Cy Ogle published 30 years ago, more subtle with Pippa and Bo published 3 years ago. Both written during highly performative US presidencies.
Both books feature a POV character who succumbs to a brain injury caused by a political rival. Both are famous patriotic heroes. Both are whisked away to the brain institute to get chips planted in their heads which make them something more and something less than they once were, then sent on shady missions that they wouldn’t have accepted before the injury, but come back to themselves to be redeemed just before dying. Reading Interface first puts a more sinister spin on what happened to Laks: the thing is physically dragging his limbs against his will, where Cozzano just said untrue stuff. And maybe Ogle’s gambit worked: the US is portrayed as a laughingstock failed state where private enterprise can run amok in TS.
Sure, one is 100% about US politics, and the other is entirely geopolitical. But give a good author more than two decades to think about politics, global seems more interesting than domestic.
He also uses both books to explore the bounds of what a white American man who buddies around with billionaires can do in terms of writing relatable minority characters. I think he succeeds in both.
But Interface feels like a current thriller, all the tech he predicted holds true, except for land line phones, and even William Gibson was mortified that he missed the tech cue on cell phones. I think we ought to take Bezos’ former futurist seriously when he talks about drones, airspace, AI, performative green-ness by oil states, deepfakes still resonating in spite of being debunked because of fast media turnover. It’s really quite chilling if you read Interface as well and see how closely he predicted our now then.
submitted by kobayashi_maru_fail to nealstephenson [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:45 redrocketwagon Sticker removal and ghosting

Sticker removal and ghosting
I could do with some help! This is my wife’s new car. I wanted the dealer decal off so used a heat gun and then automotive goo gone for the glue. I still have this ghosting that is very prominent. Can you tell me how to correct it ? Thanks in advance.
submitted by redrocketwagon to Detailing [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:44 Weary_Dragonfruit559 2012 cranks but won’t start.

I want to start by saying I am no mechanic, but I am very mechanically inclined, and can typically diagnose and fix small mechanical issues on my own. But with this one I’m stumped. If anyone has any beta for a layman, any help is appreciated.
Here it goes: my wife owns a 2012 AWD crv, that has been super reliable for the 3 years we’ve owned it. She drove it into the driveway last evening, but this morning it won’t start. Initially no check engine light. Engine cranks, and if I put my foot down and crank it, it’ll misfire then Shut down.
Here’s what I’ve done: 1) check the battery, tested at 12v but dropped down to 10.5 while starting. Replaced with brand new battery. Cranks but won’t start.
2) check plugs, they were looking old and carboned up. Replaced with brand new NGK iridium’s. Still cranks but no start.
After installing new plugs with new dialectic grease on coils, check engine light appears. My cheap ODB2 reader indicates 3 codes, all P1009. I google the issue and see it has something to do with the variable timing valve/ screen. So then I…
3) pull the vtc valve and clean it with brake cleaner. Screens are all clear. Bench test the valve direct to a battery. Valve appears to actuate smoothly, and return on its own. Reinstall vtc valve, and plug in sensor. Again, vehicle cranks but no start.
4) clean vtc screen. Kind of a PITA to access, but got the screen out, inspected the gasket, and cleaned with brake cleaner. Reinstall everything with clean screen, but no start.
And that’s where I’m at…. If anyone has any knowledge beyond mine I’d appreciate any help at all. If not, it’ll be time to call AAA and get it into the shop Monday morning. Thanks in advance!!!
Edit: It’s got a good battery, has good spark, my next guess is fueling? I can hear the fuel pump whine a bit when I turn the key, and I tried wiggling injector wires, but don’t really know how to check the injectors/fuel rail beyond that.
submitted by Weary_Dragonfruit559 to Honda [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:43 ManufacturerTop9892 Visiting in July

Hi everyone,
My wife and I are visiting Thessaloniki from July 11th for 5 nights and we’re looking for some recommendations. We’re hoping to stay in an area where we can walk to most attractions and also enjoy some great local and seafood restaurants.
  1. Best Area to Stay:
    • Which neighborhood would you recommend that’s central and within walking distance to major attractions?
    • We’d love to be in a lively area with good cafes, bars, and shops nearby.
  2. Food Recommendations:
    • What are some must-try local food spots? We’re particularly interested in traditional Greek cuisine.
    • Any recommendations for seafood restaurants?
We’re really excited about our trip and appreciate any tips you can share!
Thanks in advance! 😊
submitted by ManufacturerTop9892 to thessaloniki [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:43 madame-leota999 IUI timing error

Hello! I’m looking for some advice.
This morning I took a clearblue ovulation test and it came up positive (smiley face). I called my clinic who said that someone would be in touch later in the day to confirm a time to come in.
Now we’d had multiple conversations where they made it clear that when I test positive, we’d be brought in the next day.
When I got a call back, they said “we’ve got you booked in for 2pm.” I thanked them and let my wife know that we were booked for tomorrow at 2.
I was teaching a class (I’m an English teacher) at 2:20 when I got a call. It was the clinic asking where we were.
In a panic, I called my wife and explained what was happening. She called them back and asked what was going on. The person on the phone asked her to confirm if she was “sure that We only tested positive this morning”. She confirmed.
The clinic then told us that we had to get there as soon as possible because they’d already prepped the frozen sperm. We live 2 hours away and got there as soon as we could.
I’m now sitting here terrified because it’s likely I won’t ovulate until later tomorrow. Have we wasted our first try? It cost us thousands to do this. I really don’t want it to have been for nothing.
submitted by madame-leota999 to queerception [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:42 Joule_E Joule-E Got Some New Sunglasses.

Joule-E Got Some New Sunglasses.
Wife and kids sprung for some window tint for me for Fathers Day. Joule-E came with 5% tint on the back glass and top but Tesla removed the side window tint when the resold it to me because it was also 5%.
Anyway CeramicPro Knoxville did the side windows for me with 15% Kavaca IR. Was going to have the windshield done too but turns out it already had 80% IR tint on it and quite a decent application because the installer pointed out one small bubble that gave it away. Saved $100.00.
Now I’m having second thoughts about not wanting to do a chrome delete. Guess that’s my next weekend project.
submitted by Joule_E to TeslaModel3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:42 machanical Scallop Hitchhiker

Scallop Hitchhiker
I noticed that this mushy was mounted to a shell when we got it. Today my wife noticed it looks like a tiny scallop that’s opening up! Good, bad, neutral, chaotic? Thoughts please!
submitted by machanical to ReefTank [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:40 lost_library_book [Oversharing Husband and the Periods of DOOM] My husband keeps telling other people about my periods

I AM NOT OOP. OOP IS u/BabyBaconBits
Originally posted on relationships
Content warning: blood
1 update - medium-ish
Original Post (recovered with rareddit) - June 4th, 2024
Update - June 6th, 2024
My husband keeps telling other people about my periods
I (31F) am married to my wonderful husband (35M). We have also recently become first-time parents to our beautiful baby.
My husband is pretty much perfect in every single way...except for one, recurrent issue. He keeps telling other people very sensitive information about my gynecological health. Examples of this include: - Telling his mother details about my menstrual cycle - Telling his male boss when I was diagnosed with uterine fibroids - Specifying exactly what kind of doctor's appointment we are going to (IUD insertion) when asking his mother to babysit for us
I have told him that him sharing this kind of sensitive information about what is going on in my pants bothers me, and he has apologized every time. This morning though, he did it AGAIN.
I had a very severe first postpartum period last night, so bad that the health line nurse recommended we call 911. It was so bad, I was almost fainting from blood loss. I refused to go to the hospital, but my husband took the day off work to stay home and look after me and the baby today. I am still feeling weak and dizzy today, so I appreciated this.
HOWEVER, this morning over breakfast, my husband mentioned that he had explained why he wasn't at work to a male coworker over text. As in, he had described exactly what was going on with me, my fibroid issue, the bleeding, everything. Bear in mind that I have never even met this male coworker, and certainly wouldn't have shared this kind of information with him of my own volition.
I got upset, my husband apologized, familiar scenario yet again. I get it, he feels good commiserating about my admittedly very stressful and difficult to manage 'lady problems' with his married coworkers and his mom. It helps him cope, especially after a night spent trying to decide whether I need to be rushed to the emergency room. Still, I AM NOT COMFORTABLE with strangers (or his mother!) knowing the details of what's currently happening in my poor, malfunctioning uterus.
So, am I justified in getting increasingly more irritated and upset with my husband every time I find out that's he's been discussing my gyno issues with other people, even though he says it helps him decompress/explain absences from work?
How should I handle this situation?
Tldr: My husband keeps telling people details about my period problems. Am I justified in being upset, even when he's supporting me through these issues?
Edit: My husband is not autistic, nor does he have ADHD. Normally he is quite good about not sharing something once I tell him the subject is off-limits. For some reason, he just doesn't seem to be able to get on board with the idea that anyone should find this kind of information embarrassing or invasive.
Relevant Comments
[Comments are quite varied. Many are very harsh about husband, some mention reddit classic of divorce. A number of commenters helpfully advise OOP to start telling everyone that her husband has ED, diarrhea, shits his pants, etc. ]
OOP has a conversation thread with MadameWaste
Jesus, these comments. If he needs to talk to someone so badly HE should see a therapist.
Your medical information is literally that, yours. It's a breach of trust to talk about it without your permission.
If this was a post about a wife constantly talking to her female coworker and father about her husband's quick ejaculation or impotence, I'm sure people would be defending him. Father-in-law casually bringing up his medical issues, "Hey champ, heard you're having a little problem downstairs. Don't worry, my plumbing ain't what it used to be." Yeah, I'm sure that seems totally okay.
That is EXACTLY what this feels like! 😂😅🥲 My MIL has literally tried to bring up the volume of my period flow and make recommendations regarding it, after my husband over-shared with her. To say this made me uncomfortable is the understatement of the year. And the thought of his male coworkers knowing similar details makes me want to crawl into a hole and grow moss. 😶‍🌫️
I would never be able to go to a work event if my husband told his coworkers about my vagina in any way, and I'm not a very prudish person at all. I just feel like your personal health issues are your own unless YOU choose to disclose them. That's literally why HIPAA* laws exist in the first place.
That's what I told my husband this morning; that I am officially never going to any of his work events, if this information about my gynecological health has been shared around his office. He seemed startled, but also kind of like it was starting to click just how unhappy I was that his coworkers are privy to my personal info.
I totally get it, I would feel prejudged and so exposed. Like a specimen on a table. In a room full of strangers who know intimate details about my genitals. That's some horror movie shit, honestly lol.
YES. THIS. EXACTLY THIS!!! jumping and waving and pointing at this comment THIS IS EXACTLY HOW I FEEL, and I just wish there was some way for my husband to vent and process his feelings without spilling the scariest and most vulnerable moments of my intimate health to total strangers/my lacking-in-boundaries MIL. 😵‍💫
Update - 2 days later
Okay. Wow. My original post devolved into a mess of...something.
So first of all, a few extra things to clarify:
The suggestions on my original post ranged from helpful (clarify boundaries, seek support, see the issue from both perspectives) to, frankly, toxic and abusive (spread his personal medical information around publically, berate him, insult him, leave him in the dark about my health status, and my personal favourite, threaten to leave him).
Y'all, this man literally does everything and more for me. He held me through serious prenatal/postpartum depression, drove me back and forth across the city to seek help for my issues, sits up with me at midnight on the bathroom floor to ensure that my bleeding eventually stops during an episode, stays home with me when I'm anemic to watch over both me and our baby, changes diapers, cooks me food, lets me dictate the pace of our postpartum sex life, checks that I'm taking my meds, does all the heavy-lifting housework, tells me he loves me, reassures me, comforts me...
Does this give him a free pass to discuss my gynecological issues in public? No.
So, he and I sat down yesterday and established clear rules. He officially has my permission to discuss my Lady Problems with the one other lady of importance in his life...his mom. It helps him process after a scary episode (he admitted to crying out of fear for my safety after I finally fell asleep following the latest bloodbath), and his mom is our biggest support.
As for work, he is to say that "My wife is struggling with postpartum medical issues." No less, no more. If his boss needs further info, we will have my midwife draw up a doctor's note. My husband agreed to this, apologized, we kissed and made up. I also promised to remember to take my iron pills. Because anemia.
As for me, I learned a valuable less here. Be careful soliciting advice from the internet, because everyone will bring their own baggage to the issue. It's a little concerning how quickly so many people will figuratively advocate for flogging a loving husband in the public square, just because he's not handling a single issue perfectly. 💔
Thank you to everyone who gave constructive, thoughtful advice.
tldr: My husband and I talked, clearly established boundaries, kissed and made up. Reddit is nuts.
Relevant Comments
Didn’t you mention that you did all of that before? And that he again and again ignored your wishes?
While I had grumbled and expressed that I didn't like other people knowing about my gyno issues, I hadn't actually laid down clear Yes/No boundaries and established a script that my husband could use.
Now my husband knows exactly who he can and cannot discuss my issues with, and what to say to people whom he cannot elaborate with.
Good. Let’s hope he understands this time.
I stand with my advice to not tell him anything till he learns. But also to tell him that you would do the same to him and to see how he reacts/would like it. Not that you really should tell people about his problems.
I'm glad you've found a solution you are happy with. But please, talk to your doctor about iron infusions. Supplements are fine for normal anemia, not for people with chronic bleeding conditions like this!
Thanks for the reminder! I actually did get a series of IV iron infusions in the final weeks of my pregnancy, because my anemic fainting was to the point where my husband couldn't leave me unsupervised. 😱 Might be time to go in for another infusion...
Some commenters feel called out and have some thoughts about that
Redditor A
You also this audaciously rude in person, or do you keep your “oh my you broken people” schtick to Reddit? Those people were outraged on your behalf, god forbid.
Just say thank you for the free advice you got from the internets that solved the issue you couldn’t on your own, OP.
Redditor B
This post is so weird. I’m sorry you found it so upsetting that people were upset and worried for you. They came to that conclusion based on your own description of your husband’s completely inappropriate behavior. But you’re right, everybody else is the problem, not you, not your husband who talks about your vagina to his boss. That’s totally normal, respectful husband behavior!
Redditor C
Wow. The way you viciously attack and judge well-meaning strangers on this platform is appalling. Ok, Karen. We get it. Your clueless husband is not abusive and in fact he's a downright saint 😵‍💫.
Marked concluded per OOP.
If you have comments, keep them HERE. DO NOT brigade over to the original post to comment. DO NOT harass the OOP with dms or replies.
Remember- stay safe and rotate your tires every 5,000 miles or per manufacturer recommendations.
submitted by lost_library_book to BORUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:40 Spidey_2797 Kristen isn't Death

What if The Kristen we met in The Syndicate Finale isn't the same Kristen that is Phil's wife? Now hear me out, what if the god of death is simply taking on the form of Kristen this isn't as crazy as it sounds, DreamXD did the same thing in a conversation with Foolish this what he says
FoolishG - So, why..why do you look like, like typically when you show up you look like dream why, why’s that?
DreamXD - Well I mean, he was the first human I saw.
this shows gods can take on the appearance of specific humans and remain that way. Something similar happens in another SMP, Hermitcraft in S6 an event called Demise happens one of the hermits Zedaph turns into Death (or Zedeath) when he dies but once he is resurrected he turns back to Zedaph, but in S8 in one of Xisumavoid's videos he appears as a customer in Hel's Kitchen and we know Zedaph is separate from him. I believe that at one point Kristen may have been possessed by Death and afterwards Death took on her appearance.
submitted by Spidey_2797 to dreamsmp [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:39 Gloomy_Return_9426 Accountability

I’m posting this for nobody but myself. I’ve got to do something about my BP. Latest reading was 151/89… I’m 28 years old. I have two wonderful children & a queen of a wife. I have been prescribed lisinopril, but don’t want to be on any meds. I understand I need to take it until I can get things under control. I 100% know that all my changes need to be lifestyle related. I’m cutting out all alcohol & tobacco. I do not vape. Caffeine is a crutch of mine, but I’m going to do my best to get in under control… diet definitely needs cleaning up. Sodium is high. All sorts of crap in it.
Long story short here’s to me getting things under control. I want to be here for as long as I can for them. Any recommendations are appreciated
submitted by Gloomy_Return_9426 to bloodpressure [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:39 GretchenVonSchwinn FBI releases documents on O.J. Simpson.
From the article:
The Federal Bureau of Investigation has released 475 pages of documents relating to O.J. Simpson, the NFL Hall of Fame running back who was acquitted of charges he killed his former wife and her friend.
The documents largely focus on the murder investigation into the 1994 stabbing deaths of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. Simpson was a person of interest and ultimately charged, and his 1995 trial, often called one of the most famous trials of the past century, drew worldwide attention and spectacle.
Simpson was acquitted of all charges on Oct. 3, 1995. He was found liable for wrongful death in a civil court case two years later and told to pay $33.5 million in damages to the Brown and Goldman families. Simpson maintained his innocence throughout the rest of his life. He died in April.
The FBI publicly releases records it maintains on individuals after they die. Some names in the Simpson documents have been redacted. While the FBI labeled this release of documents "Part 01," it's not clear when or if more documents will be released. In previous such cases, the bureau has released documents in batches as agents review them.
The vast majority of files released by the FBI center on evidence collection and testing, including testing of fibers found at the crime scene and blood testing. The FBI also went to Italy to study Bruno Magli shoes, a rare shoe determined at the time to be worn by the murderer. The documents show the detail that went into tracking the sales and understanding the soles of two models of the shoes sold in the U.S. at the time.
Is it possible that after John Ramsey dies, they could do the same for the Ramsey case...? It seems too good to be true. I'm guessing the Ramsey case is different because, unlike the Brown and Goldman murder investigation, it wasn't resolved or taken to court, and that any such release would compromise a currently open homicide investigation?
submitted by GretchenVonSchwinn to JonBenetRamsey [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:38 Historical_Park_515 if i know someone is getting cheated on should i tell them even if it means they’ll get a divorce?!

i f(18) recently found out that someone i know (f52) is a home wrecker, she’s her bosses mistress (m58) i have evidence (i’m not sure if enough) of the affair and i feel it’s my duty to share this with the bosses wife, here’s my issue, im a child of divorce and have seen first hand how it can ruin lives when done unprepared, the boss and wife have kids around my age and i think he’s the bread winner, is this an issue? should i stay out of it as these people are pretty much strangers to me ? is ignorance bliss? please any advice is helpful
submitted by Historical_Park_515 to Divorce [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:37 Weary_Dragonfruit559 2012 cranks but won’t start.

I want to start by saying I am no mechanic, but I am very mechanically inclined, and can typically diagnose and fix small mechanical issues on my own. But with this one I’m stumped. If anyone has any beta for a layman, any help is appreciated.
Here it goes: my wife owns a 2012 AWD crv, that has been super reliable for the 3 years we’ve owned it. She drove it into the driveway last evening, but this morning it won’t start. Initially no check engine light. Engine cranks, and if I put my foot down and crank it, it’ll misfire then Shut down.
Here’s what I’ve done: 1) check the battery, tested at 12v but dropped down to 10.5 while starting. Replaced with brand new battery. Cranks but won’t start.
2) check plugs, they were looking old and carboned up. Replaced with brand new NGK iridium’s. Still cranks but no start.
After installing new plugs with new dialectic grease on coils, check engine light appears. My cheap ODB2 reader indicates 3 codes, all P1009. I google the issue and see it has something to do with the variable timing valve/ screen. So then I…
3) pull the vtc valve and clean it with brake cleaner. Screens are all clear. Bench test the valve direct to a battery. Valve appears to actuate smoothly, and return on its own. Reinstall vtc valve, and plug in sensor. Again, vehicle cranks but no start.
4) clean vtc screen. Kind of a PITA to access, but got the screen out, inspected the gasket, and cleaned with brake cleaner. Reinstall everything with clean screen, but no start.
And that’s where I’m at…. If anyone has any knowledge beyond mine I’d appreciate any help at all. If not, it’ll be time to call AAA and get it into the shop Monday morning. Thanks in advance!!!
Edit: It’s got a good battery, has good spark, my next guess is fueling? I can hear the fuel pump whine a bit when I turn the key, and I tried wiggling injector wires, but don’t really know how to check the injectors/fuel rail beyond that.
submitted by Weary_Dragonfruit559 to crv [link] [comments]