Washers game board measurements

[/r/boardgames PGR] Hi, i am relatively new to more complex board games (played catan, risk etc) but have a keen group.

2024.05.15 05:10 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] Hi, i am relatively new to more complex board games (played catan, risk etc) but have a keen group.

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:08 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] Hi, i am relatively new to more complex board games (played catan, risk etc) but have a keen group.

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:08 cosmic-comet- Limit one festival is actually not that bad.

I know you guys are unhappy about kashtira being around where cards are limited to one and all the people splashing SE/Kash and tears in a single deck but beside that i got to see a lot of different variations of the decks.
I played against branded shaddoll , Invoke branded , Invoke horus , shaddoll horus , Hero horus , SE memento and many others .
I personally had no idea what to play in this event but i saw some deck list and i find the tear deck much optimal , i played the tear deck after a year so i did some miss plays in the start but after some games i got the hang of it , breaking board with tears is so much fun and most importantly you dont have to scoop if you have the counters for the opponent because there is no Maxx c , overall i personally like the event as its a breath of the fresh air , i did not saw many stun just one guy who was playing kash stun but i lucky had duster and pankertops to pop the arise heart and backrow.
The event isn't perfect but at least we can witness some variations and different archetypes together in the event which we never get to see in the rank.
submitted by cosmic-comet- to masterduel [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:07 SuperGoody [14.10] Zoe Reroll Guide - Is she OP or Balanced?


Hello, I'm Goody. I make TFT content on YouTube, Twitch, and occassionally Reddit.

This time I'm here to discuss Zoe Reroll, a comp that has caused a little bit of a stir on the PBE due to her buffs in 14.10

I honestly think Zoe is insanely OP now (I mean just watch this clip I posted a few days ago).

But there are those that say Zoe is a terrible unit

The most prominent of which is Mortdog who said "Stop playing Zoe. She's not good. Despite the buff even"
(VOD Timestamp of this here)

Challenger Zoe One-Trick: LIGhtYgo

I've been playing a lot of Zoe Reroll on the PBE, but recently in my stream CuLe TV told me about a Challenger on the Japanese server who one-tricks Zoe Reroll called LIGhtYgo. His lolchess page is here if you want to read it
And coincidentally, I've been playing the same comp they play amongst others that I'll share with you today


If you want a TLDR, this timestamped section should cover that


(The video also has Spanish and Vietnamese Subtitles)
Disclaimer: I tested these comps on the PBE and I have not played them in ranked. For transparency, here is my lolchess
And my Exalted only account here
(Highly recommend trying this btw, it's very fun)
But let's get started!

Ghoe Reroll (Ghostly Zoe)

So let's start with what LIGhtYgo plays which is this comp here
(Teambuilder here)
I couldn't find any VODs to link from LIGhtYgo but here's some of my gameplay of this comp on the PBE
From looking at their match history, LIGhtYgo tends to reroll Shen + Zyra or Zoe + Illaoi (1 tank + 1 carry) but sometimes they manage to 3 star everything alongside Aatrox.

Give Zoe Shiv

LIGhtYgo also frequently itemises Zoe with Statikk Shiv, 3 star or otherwise, to stack Zoe's passive as much as possible.
Passive: Kills increase the number of ricochets by 1 for the rest of combat.
Now, I should mention that Zoe's tooltip here is misleading and frankly incorrect. Zoe gains more ricochets if she participates in a kill, also known as takedowns.
And that is why Statikk Shiv is so phenomenal for Zoe. Not only is she reducing the MR of enemy units (helps Ghostly and your Magic Damage Dealers) but the damage from Shiv will give Zoe takedown credit once those enemy units perish.
So, even with just a Shiv and at 2 star, Zoe can be very impactful as her passive continues to easily stack.
Thus Zoe has great synergy with other AP carries like Zyra, Morgana, Teemo, Alune etc as they soften enemy units for each other to clean up.
And so Zoe is an incredible secondary carry as she needs very little to come online
You can infer this from LIGhtYgo's match history as they tend to succeed more when Zoe isn't their primary carry but rather secondary.
Although the buff to Zoe in 14.10 should change that, especially combined with the buffs to Ghostly, Warden, Aatrox, Behemoth and Jax.

Zoe's Weaknesses

From my games, I've felt Zoe has 2 main weaknesses
  • Firstly, she can struggle into tanky frontliners as it'll take her more time to stack her passive.
  • Secondly, Zoe can lose 1v1s as her ult will no longer ricochet (no targets left to bounce to)
These weaknesses can make Zoe feel very binary: - she either gets 3/4 takedowns and nukes - or she gets stuck, gets no passive stacks, and does nothing

Spooky Solution

But that’s why Ghostly can provide so much value to Zoe.
Those Spectres will help Zoe get through tanks and once they're concentrated, Zoe's single target will nuke which even allows her to win those 1v1s

Problems with Ghoe Reroll

From what I tried on the PBE, I did find this comp to be very powerful at level 9. However it could be a struggle getting there as you also need to reroll Zoe who can be contested by Fortune, Arcanist, and Storyweaver players

Is it a Player Diff?

I also find there to be a really odd tempo where I need to find Zoe 3 but also hit level 9 to find Udyr. I did learn later that you don't really need to 3 star Zoe to get to 9, and it's certainly not impossible to hit Zoe 3 at level 9.
Although, it seems that LIGhtYgo resolves this problem by keeping the option of Zyra Reroll open. (They play boards akin to this one occasionally)
Also, sometimes the Inkshadow item doesn't tend to be that useful, especially if it's Tattoo of Bombardment, as you don't have an AD carry.
Lastly, the position of the Ghostly units is really important so the Spectres concentrate onto Zoe's target(s). This can be really awkward if your primary Ghostly tank has a Stoneplate.
I have lost games because I moved Zoe away from my Ghostly units last second :(
But by far the biggest problem I have found is how much better the comp becomes at 9 than level 8. I personally find rerolling at level 8 to be the easiest to find 3 star Illaoi, Zoe, and Galio 2 whilst also being able to field 8 units which enable many important synergies.
Essentially, I don't like rerolling at either 7 or 8 with this comp. So I decided to comp up with a new comp to address this problem which is Altruist Arcanist.

4 Arcanist 3 Altruist Zoe Reroll

So here's a new variant of Zoe Reroll that has an incredibly strong level 8 (you play Rakan at 9) that gives you more time to reroll and find Zoe 3. This makes this comp so much easier to play and in turn, I have had so much more success with this variation particularly.
Teambuilder here
[Here's the full game from that clip with this comp]
This board also has a primary tank option between Amumu or Illaoi so you can play around whichever you manage to 3 star.
Although your secondary carry here is Lux who also holds your utility items like Morello and Shiv.

The Lissandra Nerfs really hurt...

Honestly, this may be extreme bias due to a bad few games, but I find a Lux 2 to be more reliable than post-nerf Lissandra. Lux feels like she needs a lot less to function better as she CC's more units, usually targets and slows down the enemy carry, and softens up enemy units for Zoe.
(VOD of why I don't like Lissandra)
The combination of Lux, Amumu, and Illaoi feels incredibly solid
Now the reason why I don't give Zoe Shiv on this board is due to a few reasons - Altruists prolong combat due to the mana reave, damage reduction, ally healing, and the trait resistances - That allows your frontline to be super beefy especially since the resistances are great for Bruisers/Wardens (loads of EHP) - Lux will have more AS than Zoe (Lux: 0.7x1.5=1.05 vs Zoe: 0.75x1.2=0.9) - And finally, opening up that item slot allows you to give Zoe a third damage item

Why not itemise Soraka?

Your secondary carry items should be going to Lux as she has more AP from Arcanist.
While Soraka can do a lot of damage, you only really care about her mana reave because it's such a powerful utility ability.
Regardless, Soraka will gain AP naturally from her passive as your frontline will continue to heal during combat. As she gains more AP, she heals your frontline more, who then stall for longer.
Lastly, the following 2 combinations are literally perfect for Altruist Arcanist.
Lux, Teemo, Thresh, Volibear, Galio, Morgana Darius, Bard, Soraka, Galio, Lissandra

4 Warden 6 Arcanist

Here's the board for this one
(Here's some Footage of this Comp in Action)

Meta Report from Khym and YBY1

In the 14.10 Meta Report by Khym and YBY1, Arcanist Zoe is described as an Easy Top 4 Comp (if I'm reading that correctly)
Khym also has a guide on how to play Zoe/Illaoi RR here
And what's great here is that, again, as you reroll you have option between Amumu or Illaoi 3 as your tank (however Illaoi is better due to the Arcanist AP)
Also, with the 4 Warden buff, this frontline feels great and buys plenty of time for Zoe to scale.
And this variation certainly has the highest ceiling out of all the comps if you get a Porcelain Spatula

6 Arcanist, 4 Warden, 4 Porcelain is extremely powerful.

Luckily, you can easily pivot into this board from Altruist Arcanist but pivoting is a tad more difficult to do if you're playing Ghoe.
Similarly, both the Warden and Altruist boards can tech in Hwei at 8 to make hitting the 3 stars easier.
4 Warden Hwei 4 Arcanist 2 Altruist Hweimothy
So if you're low rolling Zoe, Hwei can easily save the day.
Regardless, all 3 comps make up for at least one of Zoe's weaknesses. They either buy her plenty of time to scale or they tremendously enable her damage and, in turn, her passive.
And, at the very least, Zoe is great item holder due to her buffed passive
Speaking of which, let's talk about Zoe's items now.

Zoe's Items

Of course, as I've mentioned, you can give Zoe Shiv so she can get takedown credit and stack her passive quickly
But generally, MR reduction is necessary (even if it's not on her) so Zoe can kill units and stack her passive. Shiv is far more preferable to build but Ionic still does the job.
But I'm a simple guy, I want to see BIG damage numbers and huge ricochets, thus I forgo Shiv on Zoe for pure damage items.
But before we get into those items, let's talk about which casting item Zoe will want

Casting item: Shojin vs Adaptive Math

First cast:

Zoe is 0/60 and Shojin/Adaptive give 15 mana


0.75-1x3 = 4 seconds


0.75-1x4 = 5.3 seconds

Second Cast onwards


0.75-1x4 = 5.3 seconds


10 mana after 0.7 seconds 40 mana every 3 autos every 4 seconds Then 1 more auto for 10 more mana
Thus Adaptive: 0.75-1x4 = 5.3 seconds
So Shojin will get Zoe's first cast off sooner however after that Zoe's cast frequency between Adaptive and Shojin is the same.
Considering Adaptive gives more AP, is not dependant on auto attacking, will continue to generate mana even if Zoe gets stunned (or has to walk up) and it grants MR (useful against magic damage), I believe Adaptive is the superior mana generating item on Zoe if she has no bonus attack speed
If Zoe has just a Shiv, then her cast frequency is much faster [(0.75x1.2)-1x4 = 4.4 seconds] with Shojin.


  • Give Zoe Adaptive if you're going solely damage items on her (Rabadon/Archangel's + Jewelled Gauntlet)
  • Give Zoe Shojin if she has any bonus attack speed (Nashor's/Shiv/Pumping Up)

AP item: Rabadon or Archangel's

Of course, Zoe is a Mage and so she wants as much AP as possible which is either Rabadon or Archangel’s
I prefer Rabadon because it's more upfront AP alongside a great damage amplifier. However Archangel's can be more realistic to build and eventually it will outscale Rabadon's AP.

Increase Casting/Damage Multiplier

Lastly, you can give Zoe an item to increase her casting frequency like Shiv or Nashor's Tooth. Both of these items maximise Zoe's Kill Participation.
Or you can give her more damage amp for more, well, damage. Those are items like Jewelled Gauntlet or even items like Guardbreaker or Giant Slayer.
Although if you go the pure damage route, you need Zoe 3 and a ton of AP, so Zoe can stack her passive by one shotting whatever she touches.


Generally great build : Shiv/Nashor's + Shojin + Rabadon/Jewelled
My favourite: Adaptive + Rabadon + Jewelled

Bonus: Luden's Tempest

Luden's Tempest feels amazing on Zoe. With her ricochets, she gets so much takedown credit so quickly with it and it's so much damage.
[Here's my gameplay of Luden's Zoe in action]
And what's nice is that Zoe formerly built Luden's in TFT's spinoff game League of Legends. So it's a great callback
Although I've never played Zoe before...can I pretend to have a sense of nostalgia?

Kayle Upgrade

It's Blue.
20 AP is 20 AP. You're already building Shred so Green is Redundant, and the Attack Speed from Red is only 12%.

Pivot Potential

Zoe's items are very flexible so if you don't hit Zoe 3, you can pivot them to other AP carries like Syndra, Azir, Lissandra and Lillia.
So you don't absolutely need to reroll Zoe, you can just as easily use Zoe to Fast 9 instead, especially around Storyweaver, and pivot into a Legendary board.


That is all the information I currently have on Zoe Reroll
Hopefully this was helpful but I'd like to ask for your thoughts
What do you guys think about Zoe?

Do you think it's as OP as I believe or is Mortdog right?

Also, I usually do Patch Previews for each patch (for example here's my 14.10 patch preview), but I'm curious whether you guys would be interested if i made that into a Reddit post as well.
I imagine it'd be similar to how they do it on the LoL subreddit but I'd include my thoughts as well.
For example, I think Low Interest Rates is turbo giga insane in 14.10 because you can hit max interest rate at 2-6 (by the latest) at which point you're earning 6 gold a turn.
Lastly, I'm currently working on a Rek'sai reroll comp that is incredibly funny so look forward to that!
But yeah, I'll leave it on that note I think

Let me know if you have any questions!

I shall answer them as soon as i wake up lol

Thank you for reading <3

submitted by SuperGoody to TeamfightTactics [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:07 Rangers_Bot Post Game Chat: 5/14 Guardians 7 @ Rangers 4

Line Score - Game Over

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E LOB
CLE 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 7 7 0 8
TEX 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 4 7 0 8

Box Score

2B Semien 5 0 0 0 0 2 .277
SS Seager 4 1 1 1 1 1 .236
1B Lowe, N 5 1 1 1 0 3 .310
RF García, Ad 4 2 2 1 0 0 .253
3B Smith 4 0 1 1 0 0 .272
C Heim 3 0 0 0 1 2 .281
DH Jankowski 3 0 1 0 1 0 .250
LF Duran, E 3 0 1 0 1 2 .299
CF Taveras 3 0 0 0 1 0 .254
Leiter 1.2 3 6 6 3 1 64-38 16.39
Hernández, J 2.1 3 0 0 1 2 39-28 3.24
Rodríguez, Y 4.0 0 0 0 0 0 44-30 7.24
Yates 0.1 1 1 1 1 0 16-9 1.10
Anderson, G 0.2 0 0 0 1 0 10-6 11.57
CF Freeman, T 2 1 1 0 1 0 .193
2B Gimenez 4 1 2 2 0 0 .255
3B Ramírez, Jo 5 0 1 0 0 0 .241
1B Naylor, J 3 1 1 3 2 1 .268
LF Fry 4 0 1 0 0 0 .306
LF Brennan 0 0 0 0 0 0 .235
DH Manzardo 4 1 0 0 0 0 .130
RF Florial 3 1 0 0 1 0 .195
RF Laureano 0 0 0 0 0 0 .149
C Naylor, B 4 1 1 2 0 1 .178
SS Rocchio 2 1 0 0 2 1 .208
Lively 5.0 5 3 3 3 5 88-60 3.06
Smith, C 2.0 0 0 0 0 3 20-16 2.21
Barlow, S 1.0 2 1 1 1 2 26-15 3.10
Clase, E 1.0 0 0 0 1 0 16-10 0.42

Scoring Plays

Inning Event Score
T2 Bo Naylor doubles (2) on a sharp fly ball to center fielder Leody Taveras. Kyle Manzardo scores. Estevan Florial scores. 0-2
T2 Andrés Giménez singles on a line drive to center fielder Leody Taveras. Bo Naylor scores. Tyler Freeman to 2nd. 0-3
T2 Josh Naylor homers (12) on a fly ball to right field. Tyler Freeman scores. Andrés Giménez scores. 0-6
B2 Adolis García homers (9) on a fly ball to left field. 1-6
B3 Corey Seager homers (5) on a line drive to right field. 2-6
B5 Nathaniel Lowe homers (2) on a fly ball to right field. 3-6
B8 Josh Smith singles on a sharp line drive to center fielder Tyler Freeman. Adolis García scores. 4-6
T9 Andrés Giménez out on a sacrifice fly to center fielder Leody Taveras. Brayan Rocchio scores. Tyler Freeman to 3rd. 4-7


Description Length
Bullpen availability for Texas, May 14 vs Guardians 0:07
Bullpen availability for Cleveland, May 14 vs Rangers 0:07
Bench availability for Texas, May 14 vs Guardians 0:07
Fielding alignment for Texas, May 14 vs Guardians 0:11
Bench availability for Cleveland, May 14 vs Rangers 0:07
Fielding alignment for Cleveland, May 14 vs Rangers 0:11
Starting lineups for Guardians at Rangers - May 14, 2024 0:09
Breaking down Jack Leiter's pitches 0:04
Measuring the stats on Josh Naylor's home run 0:13
An animated look at Josh Naylor's home run 0:11
Adolis García: Home Run Statcast Analysis 0:13
Adolis García's home run through bat tracking data 0:11
Measuring the stats on Corey Seager's home run 0:12
Corey Seager's home run through bat tracking data 0:11
Measuring the stats on Nathaniel Lowe's home run 0:11
Visualizing Nathaniel Lowe's swing using bat tracking technology 0:11
Breaking down Ben Lively's pitches 0:04
Ben Lively's outing against the Rangers 0:26
Bo Naylor's two-run double 0:29
Andrés Giménez's RBI single 0:16
Josh Naylor's three-run homer (12) 0:26
Adolis García's solo homer (9) 0:28
Jack Leiter K's Brayan Rocchio 0:06
Corey Seager's solo homer (5) 0:28
Nathaniel Lowe's solo homer (2) 0:27
Tyler Freeman's crashing catch; collides with Rocchio 0:30
Tyler Freeman's diving catch 0:22
Marcus Semien's sliding stop 0:09
Josh Smith's RBI single 0:05
Ben Lively's five strikeouts 0:37
Andrés Giménez's sac fly 0:17


Winning Pitcher Losing Pitcher Save
Lively (2-2, 3.06 ERA) Leiter (0-1, 16.39 ERA) Clase, E (12 SV, 0.42 ERA)
Game ended at 10:06 PM.
submitted by Rangers_Bot to TexasRangers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:06 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] Hi, i am relatively new to more complex board games (played catan, risk etc) but have a keen group.

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:06 CLEBot [Postgame Thread] Guardians @ Rangers - May 14, 2024

Postgame Thread 5/15/2024

Final Score: Guardians 7, Rangers 4

Line Score - Game Over

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E LOB
CLE 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 7 7 0 8
TEX 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 4 7 0 8

Scoring Plays

Inning Event Score
T2 Bo Naylor doubles (2) on a sharp fly ball to center fielder Leody Taveras. Kyle Manzardo scores. Estevan Florial scores. 0-2
T2 Andrés Giménez singles on a line drive to center fielder Leody Taveras. Bo Naylor scores. Tyler Freeman to 2nd. 0-3
T2 Josh Naylor homers (12) on a fly ball to right field. Tyler Freeman scores. Andrés Giménez scores. 0-6
B2 Adolis García homers (9) on a fly ball to left field. 1-6
B3 Corey Seager homers (5) on a line drive to right field. 2-6
B5 Nathaniel Lowe homers (2) on a fly ball to right field. 3-6
B8 Josh Smith singles on a sharp line drive to center fielder Tyler Freeman. Adolis García scores. 4-6
T9 Andrés Giménez out on a sacrifice fly to center fielder Leody Taveras. Brayan Rocchio scores. Tyler Freeman to 3rd. 4-7


Description Length
Bullpen availability for Texas, May 14 vs Guardians 0:07
Bullpen availability for Cleveland, May 14 vs Rangers 0:07
Bench availability for Texas, May 14 vs Guardians 0:07
Fielding alignment for Texas, May 14 vs Guardians 0:11
Bench availability for Cleveland, May 14 vs Rangers 0:07
Fielding alignment for Cleveland, May 14 vs Rangers 0:11
Starting lineups for Guardians at Rangers - May 14, 2024 0:09
Breaking down Jack Leiter's pitches 0:04
Measuring the stats on Josh Naylor's home run 0:13
An animated look at Josh Naylor's home run 0:11
Adolis García: Home Run Statcast Analysis 0:13
Adolis García's home run through bat tracking data 0:11
Measuring the stats on Corey Seager's home run 0:12
Corey Seager's home run through bat tracking data 0:11
Measuring the stats on Nathaniel Lowe's home run 0:11
Visualizing Nathaniel Lowe's swing using bat tracking technology 0:11
Breaking down Ben Lively's pitches 0:04
Ben Lively's outing against the Rangers 0:26
Bo Naylor's two-run double 0:29
Andrés Giménez's RBI single 0:16
Josh Naylor's three-run homer (12) 0:26
Adolis García's solo homer (9) 0:28
Jack Leiter K's Brayan Rocchio 0:06
Corey Seager's solo homer (5) 0:28
Nathaniel Lowe's solo homer (2) 0:27
Tyler Freeman's crashing catch; collides with Rocchio 0:30
Tyler Freeman's diving catch 0:22
Marcus Semien's sliding stop 0:09
Josh Smith's RBI single 0:05
Ben Lively's five strikeouts 0:37
Andrés Giménez's sac fly 0:17


Winning Pitcher Losing Pitcher Save
Lively (2-2, 3.06 ERA) Leiter (0-1, 16.39 ERA) Clase, E (12 SV, 0.42 ERA)
submitted by CLEBot to ClevelandGuardians [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:04 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] Hi, i am relatively new to more complex board games (played catan, risk etc) but have a keen group.

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:02 lexiw72 25 f looking for more girl friends

Just would like more girls to talk to
Hobbies: gaming, music, binge watching tv show or movies, coloring, drawing, puzzles(jigsaw, word search, 3d) makeup, board games, pool, darts, swimming, reading, hanging out with friends, calling friends, drinking, I have a huge heart for animals resucing and taking care of them
Gaming: anything besides tactical and sports
Movies &shows : horror, horror com, comedy, Fantasy,b-movies, cartoons,crime
Music:rock mainly a bit of metal,rap,r&b and singing
submitted by lexiw72 to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:02 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] Hi, i am relatively new to more complex board games (played catan, risk etc) but have a keen group.

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:01 Radiant-Bear4172 Controlled Burn [5]

I had a lot of fun writing this chapter and i hope you'll enjoy it as much as i did writing it
again a huge thanks to for helping me with my grammar and spelling
Memory Transcription Subject: Vaill, Venlil Rescue
Date [standardized human time]: November 28, 2136

The paws that went by on that ship were better than the one in the pens. No one was eaten, and no Grays were stalking around. It was like they were avoiding us. No one but me knew where they were taking us, others guessed we were being moved to another cattle farm, which I guess wasn’t far from the truth, but most were quietly stewing in what was likely our last paws. The cut from that thing had healed up mostly, and was now scarring without the proper medical attention.
I didn’t tell the others that we were going to the ‘extinct’ predators home, that would only create more panic, so I kept my mouth shut so that the people here might have some hope. Even if it was a false hope.
The cargo bay that they had loaded us into was a similar dark metal to the cattle facility, but this one was missing the old rusty metal meaning this was likely a new ship. I doubted that these monsters could clean anyway.
They didn’t communicate with us at all. They stopped feeding us and just left us in the cargo bay with a bucket of water and a crate of food. There was no sense of rationing it so it was gone within the first 2 paws of this cattle exchange.
I don’t want to be a human’s play thing, they are just as bad if not worse than the Arxur. I have seen what they did to one another… they are so brutal.. I couldn’t finish the video about them..
A few of the other Venlil around me also had scars. We were lucky to escape that place alive… or were we?
The ship began to slow and the tell tale sign of entering a atmosphere was felt. This was a feeling that I had felt before when I would stay with my father. I used to go with him on some of his colony work. I would stay on the ship so I was never in harm's way.
The ship landed and we saw the Grays for the first time in several paws. I assumed that we were on the predators’ planet, but as we disembarked we were greeted by nothing but us cattle and… an old neighborhood of Venlil design? The Grays herded the last of the cattle off, throwing or shoving them, and once we were all off the cargo bay doors closed and the engines powered back on… they took off and just left???

This didn’t make sense in the slightest… Why would they just leave us their cattle here? There weren't even any predators here to take us just, the empty space of a lost colony.
Then it clicked with me that other predators must already be here and they wanted to hunt us, they were just as bad as i had thought. I had failed these people before, but I wouldn't fail them again.. I just needed to find something I could use, anything.
I won’t let these people or myself be taken by monsters… not again.. I can’t.. I will not fail my job again.. I-
I was pulled from my thoughts as more ships landed around us. I was ready to try to protect these people but they were… of Venlil make…? This had to be a sick joke played by the predators. they had to have stolen our ships. There was no way my people had anything to do with these monsters, they couldn’t be reasoned with.

It has to be predatory tricky.
I watched with bated breath as the landing ramps touched down, ready to be proven right, but to my shock and horror, Venlil medical staff began to come out of the ships and started to load the cattle onto stretchers, and then take them to the ship board.
My head was spinning and I felt sick about what this could mean. Had the Tarva betrayed the Federation and made a deal with these things? No, that wasn’t possible. They made it very clear they would never talk with us prey, let alone make a deal. For the first time I was at a loss.
How had we been sent back to our people? We were food for the Grays yet they had just let us go. This didn’t make sense…
My breathing had become irregular and I started to feel dizzy. Nothing about this made any sense.
HOW WERE WE RELEASED.. What had Tarva don-
I fell back from the shock from all this and was loaded onto a stretcher, my breathing quickened and everything went black.


I woke in a stretcher being wheeled into a hospital room. I pawed at my eyes trying to see clearly and when my vision unblurred I saw a large figure with a black reflective mask over their face and Venlil by their side, I didn’t recognize the tall one. Had we made first contact in the time I’d been gone..? Why didn’t they have a tail?

A growl suddenly came from the tall one that my translator told me meant “You’re safe now, you’re on Venlil Prime. I’m Andrew, and this is my friend Annek. She and I are here to help as much as we can.”
I didn’t say anything. For all I knew this was a dream.. misplaced hope the Arxur wouldn’t just give us back to our people. Annek couldn't actually have made it out alive. There was something that had to be happening. Had my home been taken by the humans that Arxur had spoken about, was this tall one in front of me one of them? Was any of this even real..? Was I still in a pen..?
The Venlil made slow steps to me and started to untangle my fur.
“What’s your name?” the Venlil asked me softly. If this truly was Annek, then how could she not see it was me? Had the Arxur really mangled me so much that my best friend couldn’t see that it was me.
Again I didn’t answer.
How could I just go back to normal after what I had seen? Why was it so hard to just be happy to believe the lie even if only for a while, this was my friend?
I had an uneasy feeling of being watched like in the cattle pens. The comment that the Arxur made stuck in my head, but I didn't see any ‘extinct’ predators.

As the tall thing started to walk over to me with slow uncertain steps, I tensed up and my paw grabbed the fur around my legs. It seemed to slow as I did which showed that it had at least a minor amount of empathy and wasn’t a human, and I began to relax, still perplexed as to why we had been given back. Had the Federation hit the Arxur hard somehow and got us back? Was that even possible?

“hello? Is anyone in that head of yours?” I was pulled back to reality by Andrew shaking my shoulder softly.

“…. Y-yes j-just lost i-in m-my head.” I was stuttering much more than I would’ve liked to, but it was impossible to not stutter. My voice was a far cry from what it once was deep and hoarse from disuse.

“So there is someone in there. What’s your name?”

“U-uh, I think i-it was V-Vaill…”
How was my name that far away in my own head…?
The Arxur had deprived us of anything that let us feel sapient and my mind was reeling from what seemed to be a safe place… why would they let us go? Especially me as I was on the taller side of Venlil..
Annek's ears shot up upon hearing my name. “V-Vaill? You're alive?!”
“Y-yeah, I guess I am…”
“You two know each other? Never mind, do you know when you were taken by them?” the tall thing growled.

“I-i’m n-not sure…”

“Well Vaill, I’m going to check the database for when you were last seen so we can get an idea of how long you were gone, ok?”

I flicked my ears in agreement nervously when he walked out of the room, and I was left with the Annek, who seemed overjoyed to see me after all this time.
“Vaill! You’re alive!” She hugged me tightly, wrapping her tail around me as well.
“I-I didn’t think you m-made it out a-alive, A-Annek… it's g-good to see you again.”
Lacking the energy or the will to say or do anything else, I let myself fall back into her embrace, which lasted for a few moments before she went back to brushing my fur.
After around {20 minutes} passed she had finished straightening my fur. It felt good to feel like a person again, to remember who I was, but I would never be my full self again, not after what those things had done to me…

After some time Andrew made his way back with a holopad. He tilted the screen so that I could see, fortunately it was in Venlil script so I could read it.

“I-it's been f-five months…” It had felt like an eternity in that nightmare, time slipped away from me. I’d been stuck in my own head, wondering if there was a way I could’ve done more to protect the people of my town, knowing I failed.

There is nothing left for me here anymore, the people who cared for me, gone…
I was a failure for not doing better and protecting them, I should’ve done better.. I failed Annek, she is the last thing I have.. But she deserves someone who can protect her.. She doesn't need me…
“So you two know each other?” the tall thing growled, which snapped me back to reality.
I remained silent, unsure on what this thing was but Annek didn’t seem to mind it, so it was clearly prey like us, which meant I should start calling it by gendered pronouns. They seem male, at least by Venlil standards. I was not sure if this is real but Annek was all I had left. Even if this was a dream, I would trust her.
“Yeah, we met a long time ago. Vaill and I were best friends up until he was taken by them.”
“I-I.. yeah, we met d-during s-school..”
My head was spinning, still caught up on what that Arxur had said… humans… but there were no ‘humans’ where I had been offloaded, there were only Venlil.. That meant that the humans must be here… but no one was panicking and if there were predators here, people would panic, wouldn't they?
I trust Annek, I need to ask her about what the Arxur said…
“A-Annek… d-do you k-know.. If there a-are h-humans h-here..? The A-A-Arxur s-said we w-were b-being sent as ‘p-pets’ for them…”
The happiness from Annek drained as her ears drooped. The tall one, Andrew I believed they called themselves, froze and took a step back. Why would he do that? Unless… unless h- it was…
“A-Annek?.. W-what… what…”
It looked at my best friend.. like it had forward facing eyes, which confirmed my suspicions and my fur puffed out with fear and my ears pinned back against my head. I pushed my paws on the bed and tried to get as much distance as I could. It was standing in the doorway so I had no way out. My worst fears had been proven true, the Arxur wasn’t lying, we had simply been moved to another cattle farm… one that was once my home… Venlil Prime had fallen to the monsters I wanted to protect it from.
“Vaill there's no need to overreact, the humans are our friends, Andrew is my exchange program partner, he hasn’t hurt anyone. I can’t even imagine him hurting anyone,” Annek said that… with confidence? Why would she lie for a predator? Why was her tail wagging!?! It was like she trusted this thing, no, it was like she LIKED it?!
“H-has the taint r-really gotten to y-you, Annek?”
“Vaill, the humans are the ones that saved you!”
How could she say that after what predators had done to me! I knew this was too good to be true.
Annek was blind to their trickery and yet she was so sure of herself.. I trusted her.. But not that thing behind her..
“H-how can you trust it?”
“He has done nothing to hurt me. Please, just give him one chance.” Her eyes and body took on a pleading look.. Damn it, why was she so good at that?
“F-fine, one ch-chance, but that's it.”
That same happiness returned back to her and almost fell over by the door where it caught her.
She may not see it, but I do, I will atone for my mistakes by proving that these humans are up to something. It shouldn’t be hard, I just need to make it to an exterminators office. ‘Till then, I'll play along with it’s game.

submitted by Radiant-Bear4172 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:01 FemalesOnlyML Thoughts on the State of the Game and What Can Be Done to Improve It

Hey, I'm Weemo or Regal on NA, washed Challenger player now hardstuck GM garbage. I've been thinking a lot about TFT and just wanted to put my thoughts out there. This is by no means a major critique of the game, but just my way of organizing my thoughts and trying to open up a dialog around parts of the game that I've been finding frustrating / confusing and am interested in understanding both how other players of varying skill levels and potentially how the dev team feel about them.
I think the major part of the game I've been confused about for some time is early stage 4, specifically the level 8 roll down. Maybe the game has always been this way, but it currently feels like there are really only a couple of options:
  1. Get an augment that opens up a unique line that dodges this part of the game (Enter the dragon, duelist crest, hero augments, etc.)
  2. High roll enough units or have an uncontested 4 cost line where you can safely hit in little gold on 8 or fast 9.
  3. Fortune stage 2
  4. Send it on 4-1 or 4-2 and pray you hit in enough gold to go 9 without having to donkey forever on 8.
If we generously assume that 1, 2 & 3 only happen 50% of your games, then that means half of all games are forced into this level 8 lottery. Now, rolling on 8 for a stable board is nothing new to TFT, so why does this feel so bad at the moment? Am I simply burnt out on the game, or are there reasons that are making this feel especially bad? I'm going to write out a few potential reasons and hopefully that can spark some discussion.
  1. Bag size change
    1. No real surprise here. I think we can all agree that smaller bag size means it'll be harder to hit, especially when contested. (I know the math is a bit more complicated than that but you get the point)
  2. Gold inflation through encounters and portals
    1. When there is so much additional gold in the game, more players are hitting interest breakpoints, which results in less of a reward for properly managing econ stages 1-3 or streaking.
  3. Lack of viable 1, 2 & 3 cost rerolls
    1. When varying reroll comps and 4 cost comps are viable at the same time, it means there'll be greater comp diversity in the average game, which'll result in less contested comps on average.
  4. Inability to skip level 8 / econ augments playing for 8
    1. I still need to organize my thoughts on this, but in prior sets, an econ augment typically meant that a player would skip level 8 and play for a fast 9 legendary board. Today, an econ augment means that you're playing for a level 8 roll down ahead of your opponents.
    2. I'm not sure exactly what causes this, but I'd love to compare data across sets to see how players engage differently with econ augments and what level they're typically playing around.
    3. Some potential reasons could be: more expensive to go 9, no guarantee of stabilizing on legendaries (lower odds from olds sets with the introduction of level 10 & no chosen like in set 10), smaller bag size means the odds of stabilizing on 4 cost frontline could be lower if Annie / Galio / Naut are gone from the level 8 rollers.
Because of everything above, it feels like very little of stage 2 or 3 matters. There's almost no reason to roll on 3-2 like in previous metas because the hp save is oftentimes not worth it and the gold you lose will put you behind if you need to play for any of the contested 4 cost lines. Similarly, econ augments are king on 2-1 and 3-2. You can have the best combat augments in the world, but you'll almost always lose to the players with Epoch, Cluttered Mind, Shopping Spree, etc. They'll almost always have their 2 star 4 cost before you, which snowballs into them being 9 before you as well.
So what can be done about this? Without knowing the TFT team’s KPIs it’s hard to know the real rationale behind their changes or how well the set is performing compared to previous ones. Mort said in clip that his boss referred to set 11 as a “good set.” I’d ASSUME that this likely means that set 11 is either bringing in good revenue and/or the set is doing a good job of bringing in users, engaging them, and retaining them. You have to keep in mind that this sub reddit is only a very small portion of the player base, and any decision the devs make will almost certaining not be directed towards us unless it’s net neutral for the rest of the player base. Given that, any suggestion changes we make should factor this in. Since we don’t have access to their data, we’ll have to make speculations, but here are some suggestions I have from a high elo perspective that is also considering the average player:
  1. Remove or change level 10
    1. As it stands, I don’t think level 10 is achieving the vision that the dev team set for it when it was introduced, and I believe it’s negatively impacting levels 8 and 9 in its current iteration.
    2. The negative impact to level 8 and 9 shop odds may be contributing to the current ‘lottery” feeling.
    3. Level 10 was meant to be a super capped fantasy for the player, but I don't think that's been the case at all in set 11. I’d wager that hitting a 3 star 4 cost on 9, which was the meta for multiple weeks, fulfilled this fantasy more for all cohorts of players better than going 10 and adding a single extra unit ever did.
    4. A potential way of changing level 10 in the future would be to raise the gold required to hit it and give it a unique effect beyond simply adding another unit. There’s infinite creative potential for what could be done here, but I think anything is better than level 10 being another unit slot and better shop odds. Elements of choice and skill expression could even be added here if there were multiple possible effects a user could get when going 10, and they’d be given a choice for their “buff” when reaching 10.
  2. Revert bag sizes to pre set 10 sizes
    1. I don’t think there’s any reason to have the small bag sizes with Chosen not being in the game anymore. The concern around a 3 star 4 cost meta shouldn’t be realistic in most meta, and is only exacerbated by augments, encounters, and Hwei, all of which are unique to set 11 and will hopefully not be returning.
    2. Small bag sizes certaining contributes to the “lottery” feeling and makes the user experience feel even worse during heavily contested metas.
  3. Revert shop odds to pre set 10 odds
    1. Indirectly related to the first point, but the addition of level 10 negatively impacted shop odds on levels 8 and 9, and I believe we’re feeling the ripple effects of that.
    2. In general, the lower shop odds are on a specific level, the more you’re leaving up to chance. If the expectation is that players are meant to play for 4 costs on 8 and 9, then players need to have more agency to craft their comps, IE the need for better odds.
    3. NOTE: I’ve heard that the vision is that 8 is for 1 star 4 costs and 9 is for 2 star 4 costs and 1 star 5 costs, but that isn’t how the game is actually played at almost all levels of play. I’d also disagree with this design principle as that invites wide disparities between those who high roll and those who don’t, which we’re seeing today.
  4. Incentivize early stages
    1. I don’t know the best way to do this, but there needs to be some incentive for players to care about the early stages. Players care about stage 2, but it’s much less important than prior sets after the streaking changes. As for stage 3, I don’t know what system needs to be tweaked, but the idea that it’s oftentimes optimal to not roll at all on stage 3 is kind of crazy and doesn’t make the game feel engaging.
Anyways, those are my thoughts. I’m sorry if they weren’t very clear or well organized. I really just wanted to put my thoughts down on paper and figured it’d be interesting to see what other people think about them. Hopefully this can spark some dialog on some of these topics and maybe we'll see some of these things addressed in set 12.
submitted by FemalesOnlyML to CompetitiveTFT [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:00 LordGaulis Hourglass solo sloop (pursuit of calcium’s first five match’s!)

So I get to the point, am new and want to become a skeleton and that means blood, sweat and tears!
Gotta say it’s challenging but learn something every match like the first match, was my first win! The enemy sailed out of the map, so don’t do that!
Second match was first loss, enemy hid boat and boarded mine! Eventually found boat unfortunately for me I am bent when shooting and sunk mine!
The third match was definitely a pirate legend, he was camping my boat and bendier than a banana! Couldn’t hit him! Must have died 10 times in a row! Eventually the fire he started must’ve caused the ship to sink!
Don’t remember match about the fourth match… must’ve have lost again…
By the fifth match knew I needed a time out, another pirate legend! Couldn’t tell what he was saying but he got very emotional and left the game after seeing me miss all my cannon shots and shots on him and I kept running around throwing water overboard and putting out fires and repairing my boat no matter how many times he kept killing me! Never give up!
I have a long way to go but liking it so far, if by reaching level 100 I can win just once fair and square once am sure it will all be worth it!
submitted by LordGaulis to Seaofthieves [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:00 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] Hi, i am relatively new to more complex board games (played catan, risk etc) but have a keen group.

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:59 Barracuda37 Player refusing to leave under any circumstances

I have one player on my smaller english team who is making way too much money. I need to get rid of him and I’ve done absolutely everything I can to do so (hiring an intermediary, transfer room) but to no avail. Despite 1 loan offer which in hindsight I wish I would have taken. It appears his wage requests are absolutely outrageous and thus no one wants him. So I offer mutual termination and he refuses, I ask him to find a new team and he says no, and I try to release him but the board blocks it. I am tempted to just use the in game editor to get him to leave but I would like to do it the fair way, and suggestions?
Also how does it make any sense to want to leave and then refuse to leave?
submitted by Barracuda37 to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:58 Teedo4133 After playing Monopoly online for a bit, here is my analysis of the game's flaws

Unbalanced value of properties
The game is all about building 3 houses on a property set before the other players. If you have a set of properties that earns $400+ and nobody else has that, you are set—you're virtually guaranteed a win in a few trips around the board. Priority 1 is to get a monopoly with 3+ houses, and priority 2 is to make sure nobody else has that.
Since you need to get a big moneymaker fast, the light blue, pink, and orange properties are way more valuable than anything else.
Focusing on anything else is not smart. The utilities and railroads are never going to make enough to be worth the investment, and the more expensive property sets take way more investment to get a decent return.
This issue exists because of the escalation in rent value once you build a third house. When a third house is built, the rent increases by a factor of roughly 3x. Take New York Avenue, the last orange property, for example:
16 unbuilt / 80 at 1 house / 220 at 2 houses / 600 at 3 houses / 800 at 4 houses / 1000 at a hotel.
That jump from 220 to 600 on the third house is massive. It goes from a decent moneymaker to a devastating blow. Taking away $600 from another player allows you to double down on your existing investments; meanwhile, they are mortgaging their stuff, or prevented from building what they want.
It costs $1340 to get your full orange set to have 3 houses, and you have three massive profit avenues.
Contrast this with Pennsylvania Avenue, the last green property:
28 unbuilt / 150 at 1 house / 450 at 2 houses / 1000 at 3 houses / 1200 at 4 houses / 1400 at a hotel.
It costs $2720 to get the full set with three houses. You start the game with $1500—where are you going to get the money for this? Sure, this set also pulls in good money at 2 houses, but it costs $2120 to even get there. You need another revenue stream for this to be viable, and you simply don't have enough time or money to work up multiple revenue streams.
More than half the board is nearly useless. I just put them to auction most of the time, saving my money for the cheaper properties. The "focus on the cheap stuff" strategy wins virtually every single time, and the players compete to see who can do that one strategy more effectively.
Poor bargaining incentives
The game is largely about trading. But, it lends itself to poor bargaining strategies
Infinitely long games
Imagine that the board falls, and nobody gets a property set naturally—all the sets are split. The players know that they need to trade for anyone to win. One player offers another player a fair trade, but that player says no. Being on the winning end of an unbalanced trade guarantees a win, and getting a fair trade could result in a 50 / 50 win probability.
The stubborn player uses his time as leverage. I'm not going to trade with you unless you give me a massive coup, and I'm just gonna sit here all day until you offer me that. The good-faith player must choose: sit here all day, or take the L?
The developers certainly did not imagine that comparative willingness to sit around all day could be the difference between a winning player and a losing player. It's very frustrating.
A similar and obnoxious trade strategy is "chicken." Imagine Player 1 gets the orange property set. Players 2 and 3 have split the light blue and pink sets. Player 2 offers Player 3 a trade—we need to start developing our property sets to catch up with Player 1: let's do a trade where we both end up with a set.
The stubborn Player 3 again says no. I'm going to have us sink deeper and deeper into second and third place. Time is ticking and we are on a trajectory to lose, but I can guarantee a win by forcing Player 2 to give me a massive coup. I'm more likely to win by taking advantage of Player 2 than I am to win by making fair trades. Player 2 must choose who wins: Player 1 or Player 3.
submitted by Teedo4133 to monopoly [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:58 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] Hi, i am relatively new to more complex board games (played catan, risk etc) but have a keen group.

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:58 lexiw72 25f looking for more girl friends

Hobbies: gaming, music, binge watching tv show or movies, coloring, drawing, puzzles(jigsaw, word search, 3d) makeup, board games, pool, darts, swimming, reading, hanging out with friends, calling friends, drinking, I have a huge heart for animals resucing and taking care of them
Gaming: anything besides tactical and sports
Movies &shows : horror, horror com, comedy, Fantasy,b-movies, cartoons,crime
Music:rock mainly a bit of metal,rap,r&b and singing
submitted by lexiw72 to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:58 Disastrous-House-277 Make life changing profits in online casino market with Hugewin only

Cryptocurrency has entered the casino gaming market, offering users a decentralized and sometimes more transparent alternative to traditional online casinos.
Many crypto casinos implement a concept called "provably fair gaming," which allows players to independently verify the fairness of each game by checking the algorithms and cryptographic techniques used in generating outcomes.
Cryptocurrencies offer users a degree of anonymity and privacy, which can be appealing in the context of online gaming. Players can participate without revealing extensive personal information.
Despite the benefits, users should be cautious and conduct thorough research before engaging in crypto casino gaming. Regulatory considerations, the reputation of the platform, and security measures are crucial factors to evaluate.
Some platforms use blockchain tokens to represent in-game assets, such as chips or tokens, enhancing the gaming experience and providing users with a sense of ownership.
Many crypto casinos implement a concept called "provably fair gaming," which allows players to independently verify the fairness of each game by checking the algorithms and cryptographic techniques used in generating outcomes.
Dedicated crypto casino platforms have emerged, allowing users to play a variety of games using different cryptocurrencies. Examples include BitStarz, FortuneJack, and CryptoSlots.
Here HugeWin is an interesting platform in crypto casino games.
Hugewin is the latest model casino and betting site that started broadcasting in January 2024.Hugewin has set out with the vision of becoming the largest online casino in the world with its expert team.
Their priority on this path is to ensure that our customers spend time in a fun and reliable environment without any complaints.
It is also important for a player to know that he/she can instantly get the money he/she earns as much as the pleasure she gets from the game.
Hugewin guarantees immediate payment of the winnings, regardless of the amount. Its token HUGE is available to buy on many leading exchanges such as XT, LBank, Deepcoin etc. worth to grab it now as well.
Personally I really like to play sports betting games on Hugewin where I have made amazing profits. Worth to check it out once.
submitted by Disastrous-House-277 to ICOcryptos [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:57 HyeViking 30 [M4F] #California - I would like a fun cute girlfriend.

I would like a fun girlfriend, hopefully someone that likes anime or videogames. I would hope we have a lot in common. Someone entertaining, someone that gets my attention.
Bonus if you are also Armenian.
Coffee and alcohol is ok but no drugs especially any type of smoking.
About me. I am Armenian (Armenian American) I like video games (PC gamer) and watching anime. I like all kinds of music When it comes to TV and movies I like comedy and action. My favorite animal is any almost any type of penguin. I would love to go to Japan.
For some people it's not important but I like to look up comparability for fun. I am a Virgo and a rooster.
If you like video games board games, card games, we can play together and have fun. Game I am playing the most lately is fallout 76 and fallout 3. I like playing uno or monopoly other games in an offline setting.
submitted by HyeViking to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:56 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] Hi, i am relatively new to more complex board games (played catan, risk etc) but have a keen group.

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:56 Sweet-Count2557 Maakoalhi Lodge in Huraa Island, Maldives

Maakoalhi Lodge in Huraa Island, Maldives
Maakoalhi Lodge in Huraa Island, Maldives
Experience the Ultimate Maldivian Adventure at Maakoalhi Lodge in Huraa Island, Maldives
Price Level: $
Hotel Class: 0
Are you ready to embark on an unforgettable journey to the Maldives? Look no further than Maakoalhi Lodge in Huraa Island. Our private guest rooms offer a comfortable and luxurious stay on this beautiful island. Immerse yourself in the local culture and explore the stunning beaches that surround us. With our guest house located at the edge of the Indian Ocean, you can now make your dream destination a reality. Each room is equipped with a private bathroom, air conditioning, and wifi to ensure a pleasant stay. We offer three packages to cater to your needs: All inclusive, Full Board, and Deluxe Room. Contact us now to find the best offer for you! In addition to our exceptional accommodations, we provide a wide range of activities for you to enjoy. Dive into the mesmerizing underwater world through snorkeling or scuba diving, encounter dolphins, turtles, manta rays, and sharks with our safaris, or indulge in a sunset fishing trip for unforgettable moments. Our restaurant serves delicious local dishes and exotic fruits, and you can explore the island by bike or tandem. Don't miss the opportunity to visit splendid uninhabited islands with pristine white sand beaches. For those seeking adventure, we offer jet-skiing, fun tube rides, and parasailing. Your ultimate Maldivian experience awaits at Maakoalhi Lodge!
Amenities of Maakoalhi Lodge in Huraa Island, Maldives
Maakoalhi Lodge in Huraa Island, Maldives offers a wide range of amenities to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable stay for its guests. The lodge provides room service, allowing guests to enjoy meals in the comfort of their own rooms. Free internet is available throughout the property, making it convenient for guests to stay connected. The on-site restaurant offers delicious meals, while airport transportation is provided for easy arrival and departure. The lodge features non-smoking rooms with air conditioning, ensuring a pleasant environment for all guests. Each room is equipped with a refrigerator, allowing guests to store and enjoy their own refreshments. With its beachfront location, guests can easily access the pristine beaches and enjoy the breathtaking views. The lodge also offers a shuttle bus service, free parking, and free wifi for added convenience. Laundry service is available, ensuring that guests can have their clothes cleaned and freshened up during their stay. The lodge is a non-smoking hotel, providing a smoke-free environment for all guests. Safety is a priority, with a safe provided in each room. Private beaches are accessible for guests to relax and unwind. Breakfast is available, ensuring guests start their day off right. Housekeeping services are provided to keep the rooms clean and tidy. Baggage storage is available for guests to securely store their belongings. BBQ facilities are provided for guests to enjoy a delicious outdoor meal. Bicycle rental is available for guests to explore the island at their own pace. Board games and puzzles are provided for guests to enjoy some indoor entertainment. Bottled water is provided for guests' convenience. Breakfast can be enjoyed in the room for a more intimate dining experience. Canoeing is available for guests to explore the surrounding waters. Express check-in and check-out services are provided for a hassle-free experience. A coffee shop is available for guests to enjoy a hot beverage. A convenience store is located on-site for any last-minute needs. Currency exchange services are provided for guests' convenience. Diving excursions can be arranged for guests to explore the vibrant underwater world. The staff at the lodge are fluent in English and French, ensuring effective communication with guests. Evening entertainment is provided for guests to enjoy during their stay. Fishing trips can be arranged for guests to experience the thrill of catching their own dinner. The 24-hour front desk is available to assist guests with any inquiries or requests. A gift shop is located on-site, offering a variety of souvenirs and local products. Ironing service is available for guests to have their
Contact of Maakoalhi Lodge in Huraa Island, Maldives

Location of Maakoalhi Lodge in Huraa Island, Maldives
Pictures of Maakoalhi Lodge in Huraa Island, Maldives
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Book Maakoalhi Lodge Now !!!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]
