Mobster jackpot script


2024.05.14 03:07 Prestigious_Abies746 machineasous

Machine a sous en ligne
Les machines à sous en ligne sont l'un des jeux les plus populaires dans l'univers des casinos virtuels. Ces jeux sont appréciés par de nombreux joueurs en raison de leur simplicité et de leur grande diversité. En effet, les machines à sous en ligne proposent une multitude de thèmes, de graphismes et de fonctionnalités qui les rendent attractives pour tous les types de joueurs.
Les machines à sous en ligne se distinguent par leur facilité de prise en main. En quelques clics, les joueurs peuvent commencer à tourner les rouleaux et tenter leur chance pour remporter des gains. De plus, de nombreux casinos en ligne offrent des bonus et des promotions spécifiques aux machines à sous, ce qui permet aux joueurs d'optimiser leurs chances de gagner.
En outre, les machines à sous en ligne offrent des jackpots progressifs, c'est-à-dire des cagnottes qui augmentent au fur et à mesure que les joueurs misent sur le jeu. Ces jackpots peuvent atteindre des sommes colossales, ce qui en fait un véritable atout pour les amateurs de sensations fortes.
En conclusion, les machines à sous en ligne sont des jeux divertissants et captivants qui séduisent de nombreux joueurs à travers le monde. Leur simplicité, leur diversité et leurs possibilités de gains attractifs en font un incontournable des casinos en ligne. Que vous soyez un novice ou un joueur chevronné, les machines à sous en ligne sauront vous offrir une expérience de jeu inoubliable.
Stratégies pour gagner aux machines à sous
Les machines à sous sont l'un des jeux de casino les plus populaires, attirant les joueurs avec leurs lumières clignotantes et leurs promesses de gros gains. Cependant, il est important de se rappeler que les machines à sous sont des jeux de hasard, ce qui signifie que les résultats sont toujours aléatoires. Cela dit, il existe quelques stratégies que vous pouvez utiliser pour augmenter vos chances de gagner.
Tout d'abord, familiarisez-vous avec les différentes machines à sous disponibles. Certaines machines offrent des gains plus fréquents mais de plus petite valeur, tandis que d'autres ont des jackpots progressifs plus importants mais qui sont plus difficiles à décrocher. Choisissez la machine qui correspond le mieux à votre style de jeu et à vos objectifs.
Ensuite, déterminez un budget à ne pas dépasser. Les machines à sous peuvent être très addictives, il est donc important de ne pas dépenser plus que ce que vous pouvez vous permettre de perdre. Une fois que vous avez atteint votre limite, arrêtez de jouer.
Une autre stratégie courante consiste à choisir des machines à sous avec un taux de redistribution élevé. Ce taux indique le pourcentage des mises qui est redistribué aux joueurs sous forme de gains. Cherchez des machines avec un taux de redistribution d'au moins 95% pour augmenter vos chances de gagner.
Enfin, gardez à l'esprit que les machines à sous sont avant tout un divertissement. Ne misez pas avec l'argent que vous ne pouvez pas vous permettre de perdre, et rappelez-vous que le jeu responsable est essentiel pour profiter pleinement de l'expérience des machines à sous.
Types de machines à sous populaires
Les machines à sous sont parmi les jeux de casino les plus populaires et les plus appréciés par les joueurs du monde entier. Elles offrent une expérience de jeu excitante avec la possibilité de remporter des gains importants. Il existe différents types de machines à sous qui séduisent les amateurs de jeux d'argent.
Tout d'abord, on retrouve les machines à sous classiques, inspirées des premiers modèles mécaniques. Elles se caractérisent par leurs symboles traditionnels tels que les fruits, les chiffres et les lettres, ainsi que par leurs trois rouleaux. Ces machines à sous rétro attirent les nostalgiques et les joueurs en quête de simplicité.
Ensuite, les machines à sous vidéo sont très populaires dans les casinos en ligne. Elles offrent des graphismes sophistiqués, des animations fluides et des fonctionnalités bonus attractives. Ces jeux se démarquent par leur grande variété de thèmes, allant de l'aventure à l'horreur en passant par la mythologie.
Les machines à sous à jackpot progressif suscitent également beaucoup d'engouement. Ces jeux offrent la possibilité de remporter des cagnottes impressionnantes qui augmentent au fur et à mesure que les joueurs misent. Les amateurs de sensations fortes sont attirés par le potentiel de gains énormes qu'offrent ces machines à sous.
Enfin, les machines à sous 3D séduisent les joueurs en quête d'immersion. Grâce à leurs graphismes en trois dimensions et à leurs animations spectaculaires, ces jeux offrent une expérience visuelle époustouflante.
En conclusion, que vous préfériez les machines à sous classiques, vidéo, à jackpot progressif ou 3D, il y en a pour tous les goûts dans l'univers des jeux de casino en ligne. Amusez-vous en explorant les différents types de machines à sous populaires et laissez-vous emporter par l'excitation du jeu et l'espoir de décrocher le jackpot !
L'histoire des machines à sous
Les machines à sous ont une longue histoire pleine d'évolution et de transformation au fil du temps. Les premières machines à sous sont apparues au XIXe siècle aux États-Unis. À l'origine, elles étaient mécaniques et fonctionnaient avec des leviers, d’où leur surnom de "bandits manchots". Ces premières machines à sous étaient relativement simples, avec seulement quelques symboles et des gains souvent distribués sous forme de bonbons ou de cigarettes, plutôt que d'argent.
Au fil des décennies, les machines à sous ont progressé et se sont modernisées. Dans les années 1960, l'introduction des machines à sous électriques a révolutionné l'industrie. Les joueurs pouvaient désormais jouer plus rapidement et les gains pouvaient être distribués de manière plus automatisée. Les symboles se sont diversifiés, incluant des fruits, des cloches, des chiffres et des lettres.
Avec l'avènement de l'informatique et d'Internet, les machines à sous en ligne ont vu le jour. Les joueurs peuvent désormais profiter de leurs jeux préférés depuis le confort de leur domicile, sur des sites de casino en ligne. Cette accessibilité accrue a permis aux machines à sous de devenir l'un des jeux de casino les plus populaires dans le monde entier.
Aujourd'hui, les machines à sous se déclinent en une multitude de thèmes et de variantes, offrant une expérience de jeu diversifiée pour tous les types de joueurs. Que ce soit dans les casinos terrestres ou en ligne, les machines à sous continuent d'attirer les passionnés de jeux de hasard par leur simplicité, leur suspense et leurs gains potentiels.
Impact des machines à sous sur la société
Les machines à sous sont des jeux de hasard très populaires dans les casinos du monde entier. Leur impact sur la société peut être à la fois positif et négatif.
D'un côté, les machines à sous peuvent générer des revenus importants pour les casinos et les gouvernements qui les réglementent. Ces revenus peuvent être utilisés pour financer des programmes sociaux, des infrastructures ou d'autres initiatives bénéfiques pour la société. De plus, les machines à sous offrent aux joueurs une forme de divertissement et d'excitation, et peuvent même être considérées comme une forme d'évasion du quotidien pour certaines personnes.
Cependant, les machines à sous peuvent également avoir des effets négatifs sur la société. Le jeu excessif peut entraîner des problèmes financiers, des relations brisées et même des troubles mentaux. Certains individus vulnérables peuvent être particulièrement sujets à développer une dépendance aux machines à sous, ce qui peut avoir des conséquences graves sur leur vie et celle de leur entourage.
Il est donc important de sensibiliser le public aux risques associés aux machines à sous et de promouvoir des pratiques de jeu responsables. Les gouvernements et les autorités réglementaires doivent également mettre en place des mesures de prévention et d'assistance pour aider ceux qui luttencontre la dépendance au jeu.
En conclusion, les machines à sous ont un impact significatif sur la société, offrant à la fois des opportunités de divertissement et de revenus, mais présentant également des risques potentiels pour la santé mentale et financière des individus. Il est essentiel de trouver un équilibre entre ces aspects pour minimiser les effets négatifs tout en maximisant les bénéfices sociaux des jeux de hasard.
submitted by Prestigious_Abies746 to u/Prestigious_Abies746 [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 10:13 Mobile_Permit Jason Palliser - Tax Delinquent Blueprint (Download)

Jason Palliser - Tax Delinquent Blueprint (Download)
Jason Palliser - Tax Delinquent Blueprint

Jason Palliser - Tax Delinquent Blueprint Reviews: Is it worth it?

Are you craving a real estate adventure but feeling a bit lost in the jungle of options out there? Well, let me be your guide through the dense foliage of property prospects, and today, we're setting our compass to "Jason Palliser – Tax Delinquent Blueprint 2.0."

The Allure of Tax Assistance Marketing

Ever felt like you're shouting into the void with your marketing efforts? Say goodbye to the echoing silence because with Jason Palliser's Tax Delinquent Blueprint, you'll be armed with the secret weapon of Tax Assistance marketing. Picture this: instead of getting stonewalled by homeowners, you'll have them ringing you up, eager to chat about their tax woes. With response rates as high as 38%, it's like casting a line and reeling in eager fish ready to bite.

Ditching the Cash Cow for a Compassionate Approach

In a world where everyone's waving dollar bills, it's refreshing to see a program that prioritizes empathy over cold hard cash. Forget the "put money in your pocket" spiel; here, it's all about extending a helping hand to homeowners drowning in property tax arrears. And guess what? This approach not only feels good but also yields results that'll make your wallet smile.

Cutting Costs Like a Budget Ninja

Who said real estate had to bleed you dry with marketing expenses? Jason Palliser's Blueprint flips the script by showing you how to trim the fat off your marketing budget. Say goodbye to mass mailings that disappear into the void. With clever strategies like list stacking and targeted outreach, you'll be reaching the right people without burning through stacks of cash.

The Art of List Stacking: Crafting Your Hit List

List stacking isn't just a buzzword; it's a game-changer in the world of real estate marketing. By honing in on distressed homeowners who genuinely need your help, you're not just casting a wide net – you're casting it in the right pond. It's like having a treasure map that leads straight to your pot of gold, minus the pirates and parrots.

From Novice to Navigator: Who Should Enroll?

Thinking this course is just for seasoned real estate moguls? Think again. Whether you're a fresh-faced newbie or a seasoned investor looking to up your game, there's a spot for you in Jason Palliser's Tax Delinquent Blueprint. From rookies hungry for their first deal to seasoned pros craving more time freedom, this course is your golden ticket to real estate success.

Breaking Free from the 9 to 5 Shackles

Are you tired of punching the clock and dreaming of a life beyond the cubicle walls? Well, my friend, it's time to break free from the chains of mediocrity and embrace the world of financial freedom. With Jason Palliser's Blueprint, you can kiss your 9 to 5 goodbye and dive headfirst into the lucrative world of tax delinquent real estate – no experience required.

Seize the Moment: Why Now is the Time

They say there's no time like the present, and they couldn't be more right. With the real estate market ripe for the picking, there's never been a better time to dive into the world of tax delinquency. And the best part? You can do it all without breaking a sweat, without using your credit, and without even dipping into your own pocket. It's like hitting the jackpot without ever leaving your couch.
So, there you have it – a sneak peek into the world of Jason Palliser's Tax Delinquent Blueprint 2.0. With high response rates, compassionate marketing, and cost-cutting strategies, it's the ultimate roadmap to real estate success. So, what are you waiting for? Grab your compass and join the adventure today!
submitted by Mobile_Permit to GroupPurchase [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 02:03 Politiccin Connected Roleplay Mafia Multiplayer Text Based RP

Connected Roleplay Mafia Multiplayer Text Based RP
Connected Roleplay is the premier, text-based roleplaying experience within the Mafia Connected universe. Set against the rich historical backdrop of Lost Heaven, Illinois, during the tumultuous 1930s, our server offers an extensive range of in-game features and modern scripts that invite you to dive deep into a world shaped by the Great Depression, Prohibition, and Organized Crime. Whether you aspire to navigate the gritty underworld as a cunning mobster, enforce the law as a diligent policeman, or thrive as a savvy entrepreneur, Connected Roleplay delivers a limitless canvas for your creativity. With roles, jobs, and numerous roleplaying avenues at your fingertips, every narrative you choose to explore enriches your journey and that of others. Our dedicated volunteer staff and developers have crafted an immersive, text-based roleplaying environment like no other—step into Lost Heavend and start creating your unique story today.
Our Discord:
submitted by Politiccin to FiveMServers [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 01:32 Politiccin Connected Roleplay Mafia Multiplayer Text Based RP

Connected Roleplay Mafia Multiplayer Text Based RP
Connected Roleplay is the premier, text-based roleplaying experience within the Mafia Connected universe. Set against the rich historical backdrop of Lost Heaven, Illinois, during the tumultuous 1930s, our server offers an extensive range of in-game features and modern scripts that invite you to dive deep into a world shaped by the Great Depression, Prohibition, and Organized Crime. Whether you aspire to navigate the gritty underworld as a cunning mobster, enforce the law as a diligent policeman, or thrive as a savvy entrepreneur, Connected Roleplay delivers a limitless canvas for your creativity. With roles, jobs, and numerous roleplaying avenues at your fingertips, every narrative you choose to explore enriches your journey and that of others. Our dedicated volunteer staff and developers have crafted an immersive, text-based roleplaying environment like no other—step into Lost Heavend and start creating your unique story today.
Our Discord:
submitted by Politiccin to MafiaTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 00:42 Zeddblidd The Fall Guy (2024)

2024-167 / Zedd MAP: 86.06 / MLZ MAP: 96.29 / Score Gap: 10.23
Wikipedia?wprov=sfti1#) / IMDb / Official Trailer / At the Theater - Buy Tickets Now :]
Don’t get me wrong - I’m very appreciative that Mrs. Lady Zedd ignored me when I demurred when she first asked me if I wanted to see this one in the theater. She knows I was a fan of the show (what 80s kid wasn’t) and have tried (in vain) to get ahold of the full series (hard luck on that one). Not only did she go ahead and grab tickets - she went BIG - our local theater has the flick showing on the IMAX screen. The only problem…
From IMDb: A down-and-out stuntman must find the missing star of his ex-girlfriend's blockbuster film.
…she bought seats at the very top. The theater is dark and I’ve got to haul my disabled ass up 3-flights of steep stairs. I know how to use my cane to help me traverse the heights but it’s slow going and my broken body trudging along, shakily up one step, then the next, was soon the center of attention to the rest of our theater mates. You can feel the stares, burning into you - it’s best to ignore them, I can feel the need to reel myself inward. I wish (not for the first time) that I could just disappear.
This isn’t a new thing - I’m a big guy, once over 6-foot tall, but my diseased spine causes me to hunch forward, my face is pain etched, and I’ve walked with a cane since I was 38. It’s just part of the great Just Is - but people stare.
Finding our seats, the screen flickered to life. We aren’t but a precious few minutes into the film when our star, Colt Seavers (Ryan Gosling), suffers a life-changing back injury. In the aftermath, he recedes into himself, fouling his relationships, including his budding romantic connection with directorial hopeful Jody (Emily Blunt). The story, very different from the television show, takes off from there.
This formula, a big screen adaptation that lifts very little from its source and takes off in a very different direction and tone - yeah, that’s a bold move for scriptwriter Drew Pearce and director David Leitch. I’ve seen this sort of film adaptation die horrible deaths up on those silver screens… this one didn’t.
On screen, a post-injury Colt is struggling to make sense of his new normal when a producer calls and offers him the deal of the century and a possible path back to Jody - who’s now directing a major blockbuster. Jody needs him, the producer says - asked for him.
Ryan Gosling, who always plays Ryan Gosling, is his usual self - disarming, charming, funny, all while conveying an emotional vulnerability. He’s a bit like Jimmy Stewart in that he’s playing every role more or less straightly as himself and we’re buying it completely each time. He handled himself quite brilliantly.
Mrs. Lady Zedd says, “Oh - I liked it - I had fun fun fun.” The action was fast, the explosions were intense, the in-jokes were perfectly inset, and (mild spoiler) there’s an obvious dig on Tom Cruise that runs as a rolling gag through out. She took a quick peak at Director Leitch’s other offerings and just starts saying, “OMG - Yes - Of Course”: a Deadpool movie, Atomic Blonde, not to mention a Fast and Furious entry, Bullet Train, and ((stunner)) a Céline Dion Music Video in 2018 - it all works, ties what we have seen on screen today together - kick ass, but also sensitive.
During an emotional point in the action on screen, a sorrowful telephone call is made and a previously tongue-tied Seavers, facing certain doom had a precious few seconds on the line to Jody and finally finds the words (and the courage) to explain himself…
He was sorry. After the accident his swagger was gone, he wasn’t himself anymore. He tried to simply disappear from friends to not cause them the grief, in doing so - he disappeared from himself. It’s painful, the pain in Gosling’s face struck home.
I did the same, I took this aspect of the film hard. After I succumbed to this genetic jackpot, the “you know you’re fucked” doctor’s diagnosis, and had to come to terms with my childhood book-ended by watching my father go through it on one end, then watch my daughter watching me go through it on the other - I wanted to just, disappear - evaporate - cease to be.
Never underestimate the love of a good woman - I didn’t evaporate, she helped me to evolve. We weren’t done (we had life to still do, and that young girl to raise). I’ve never reclaimed who I was, but I did become someone new.
For MLZ, this was just a fun movie with easily likable characters, a “knew where it was going but never minded” script, and a satisfying ending. For me, it was a bit of an emotional gut punch and a reminder to take things as they come, not as I want them. Will we be buying that 4K, exclusive Steelbook? MLZ gives me the thumbs up - how could we movie on without it?
submitted by Zeddblidd to 500moviesorbust [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 15:35 Intelligent_Hand14 Hey A & G you might want to read this!

So I’m not going to fully out myself but if someone puts the clue’s together they might know who I am?.
I grew up in Carol Stream, IL went to GBN- Glenbard North High School. A used to hang out with the “Newport shorties” which was consider the “ghetto” of the town and let’s just say those kids that lived there turned adult’s never moved out. Most of them probably still live with their parents because they’re full fledged drug addicts.
Carol stream is a quiet suburb 45 minute drive outside of Chicago. Let’s just say there’s not much to do out there so the idiots that I went to school with had drug problems.
I’m not sure if A was in my graduating class of ‘07? honestly don’t care, that’s not the point but if you talked with him you can tell he was delayed, again I don’t know him that well, he was the creep that would hit on my friend from school, and she would complain to me, that’s the only way I knew of his existence.
Probably eight or nine months ago it came to my surprise that his baby mama G was live and Jesus Christ she reminds me of my mother to a T.
Mentally unstable, uses her kid like a pun, pill head.
I have a memory of steal as I don’t alter my brain, there was a video on here of D saying that A had to get her after she snorted H. Which Dupage county had a big opioid problem. I used to be friends with a girl who told me that some parties in CS, kids where in a room shooting up, let’s Let’s just say I dropped her as my friend in my mid 20’s.
Then there’s a video of G saying, ‘A could never lose his pizza delivery job, as he works with’ “shady people”. Something along those lines. I have a relative who used to work as a delivery driver and he as well worked with a few shady ass people. Could you say you have access to drugs? Yes, yes you can. It’s not hard to add or fit the puzzle pieces if you catch my drift here!
Now to current time’s of G showing us her true self this past week of dying and going on four ER trips!
Hey G since you LOVE TO PROVIE US WRONG… show us all the after care summary reports from each ER visits, we sure would love to see them!
Non the less G, you can be an addict with doctor scripts and you provided that this past week. You legit were on camera saying that you need to speak with your psychiatrist for the addy’s. Granted you didn’t specify if it’s for a new script but by the way you were acting it seem’s to be that way.
Anywho G, you slipped your mask off and we all see the truly evil person that you are, while on and off (detoxing) these drugs that you mask your mental illness behind. It’s not cute to lie about your son well being, it’s not cute that you use him as a con in your sick gains. Get help, work towards a legitimate career, quit taking from vulnerable people! It’s sad pathetic and despicable.
All three of you G, A and D get some help!
Again my mother died at 48 of a drug addiction. She lived in CS it’s a thing there, and it was sad to see her waste her life away like you three are doing! I’m saying this to be mean, you all need a wake up calling! Specially for that little boy. Fucking better yourself. This online world is not working out. There is no opportunity around the corner, you are “famous” for the wrong reasons. You will never get brand deal or hit the jackpot of online stardom. And if and when the app goes then what? You will be left with weird tacky cups literally and figuratively!
Get help, there’s nothing wrong with admitting defeat and seeking treatment. If not for yourself then for your child.
submitted by Intelligent_Hand14 to scissorsistersdrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 03:03 Random_Thoughts12 Good for a laugh

Today, I asked Sequence to reduce my outstanding 5mg script at my pharmacy to 2.5, since it’s not looking good for the unicorn 5 to get filled soon.
Their response? Offering to move it to Amazon, who has 5 available. Um, what? Where?
I responded with a polite “no thank you.” I don’t want to call 100 pharmacies, and I don’t want to play the Amazon refresh game hoping for a jackpot. Maybe next month I will find 5.
submitted by Random_Thoughts12 to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 16:26 jombertyfp New crypto casinos. Cheats and warnings.

I've been into crypto gambling for over 2 years. I used to play at offline casinos before, but Covid ruined my gambling life... for a while. Then I discovered the world of online casinos. However, you can never fully trust all these scripts and codes. You can't check the real RTP (return to player) percentage. Moreover, almost all games of chance I played claimed to have an RTP over 90%, but personally, I usually saw like 80% as a maximum (I excluded Jackpots from this statistics).
Then I discovered live casinos; it's when you play online, but there seems to be a live dealer on the other side of the screen, nit just a scripted slot machine. The point is, you never know if they're using proper gambling tables and roulette that are not rigged, and you can't check it.
The other problem with all these online sites is their KYC process. Once you try to deposit/play/register or make a withdrawal, they start asking for an enormous quantity of documents to prove you are a real person, not a guerilla. I fully understand how KYC is important because they have to be sure they are providing the gambling service to a legal-age person. But in most cases, it was just a mere nightmare and more looked like an excuse not to pay me. That's how I learned how scam casinos work.
Another question - I don't want to provide my personal information. I don't want somebody to track me or to store my credit card information on third-party sites like gambling platforms (which I don't fully trust). So, I started to play at crypto casinos. It took some time to learn how to use crypto wallets and to create a couple, but it was worth it. Throughout 2023 and the first part of 2024, I played at crypto casinos exclusively, and now I'm looking for new ones.
First of all, I like all those welcome packs (which you obviously can't get from the casino you are already in). I crafted my table of casinos I play with their pros and cons and plan to update it from time to time.
This table is for my friends and followers only, so please don't share it on public resources. It's not a recommendation, but just my personal opinion, which might be mistaken. I use here my referral links, but you are welcome to google their brands and go ahead if you don't to use my links.
Site's name Pros Cons
Stake us (for US players only), Stake com (for other countries, except AU) It's obviously on of the most famous crypto platforms that lets you to bet and play at the same time. They offer rake back. They have nice list of games from trusted providers. They are pretty transparent. It has on of the best odds among other BTC sites. Their bonuses and loyalty program is poor. Their KYC process is a little bit annoying, especially when you have to pass more than once. They are not VPN friendly, and they have a bunch of restricted countries.
Meta casino They have a pretty nice activity called meta lotto as mush as other good tournaments and promos like "predict BTC price and win 10 grands". Easy registration and fast access to games. Fast withdrawals. It might look like they don't have KYC, but that's not true. They may ask you to provide detailed information once you try to withdraw a big sum.
Bitstarz It has a nice site, very comfy and easy to use. Some exclusive games are here. Their welcome pack is (was) very generous for crypto depositors. Their odds are not very good for me lately.
7 bit casino It has the best loyalty program among all others. Nice list of games, I think they gathered all possible games here. Fast deposit and withdrawal process Some games have a huge wager requirements, like x40.
submitted by jombertyfp to u/jombertyfp [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 20:13 danmalek466 🆕 NCBD April 24, 2024…

🆕 NCBD April 24, 2024…
Just a few books I grabbed today…
Amazing Spider-Man (vol 6) 48A. This knockout Romita cover wraps Zeb Wells & Todd Nauck portraying Queen Goblin as a therapist willing to help Ben. When Peter finally convinces Janine to save Ben from the Winkler Device, will it be too late? Also, the infamous Sinister Six are preparing for the upcoming 50th issue!
Daredevil (vol 8) 8D. A J. Scott Campbell Variant for this oversized issue celebrating 60 years of our hero. Featuring talent from Ann Nocenti, Erica Schultz, Saladin Ahmed, Ty Templeton, Aaron Kuder, and more. This book contains story upon story of iconic team-ups of Matt with Elektra or Punisher against well-known foes like Kingpin and Bullseye.
Jackpot & Black Cat 2A. An Adam Hughes cover for this Celeste Bronfman & Emilio Laiso title that introduces Bandwidth, aka Amelia Morrow, who appeared in the first issue. Jackpot is getting yanked around by Obscura, but who or what’s behind it is the biggest surprise that could impact this team’s relationship moving forward.
Rare Flavours 5A. Ram V & Filipe Andrade take us to the streets of Mumbai for Triple Schezwan Rice, and Baba Charanram Nityanand Saiprabhu’s last disciples, Dilkush & Dilshan’s quest for revenge. Vengeance may have to wait as Rubin abandons Mo, leaving him the script for his documentary, and heads home to Mansi. Is this the last we’ll see of our insatiable demon?
Rise of the Powers of X 4D. David Nakayama Foreshadow Variant. Kieron Gillen & R.B. Silva shows us the extents Professor X will go to protect mutantkind. It may seem like he’s playing ball for the competition, but maybe he’s just stalling for a rise from the ashes? Either way, sometimes we must lose battles to win the war!
Ultimate Spider-Man (vol 2) 4A. More Jonathan Hickman & David Messina masterpiece with a Marco Checchetto cover. A dinner between Harry & Gwen and Peter & MJ lead to interesting conversations about Ben & Jonah’s new company, “The Paper”. While the girls are away, Harry drops an iconic pearl of wisdom that causes Peter to rethink things.
What are you reading this week?
submitted by danmalek466 to comicbookcollecting [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 19:16 Responsible-Sir-4555 This is a short story i wrote a long time ago but left it unfinished, should i continue it? and also id like general feedback/critique

It was just another usual night, same routine; go to raymond’s club, get changed, practice my typical routine, preform, go home. easy right? easier said then done.
my name is carla mabey-carpenter
it’s the good ol’ 50s, and i’m a showgirl.
i’ve been a showgirl for quite some time, not years like my coworkers, but long enough to make decent pay. now i know what’s goin’ on in ya noggin’. “oh carla why would you become a show girl? you coulda been a nice housewife.” everyone i knew thought that about me, but what’s even more irritating? that they didn’t even have to say it. it’d be written all over their dumb faces.
i get out of my teal car and waltz into raymond’s club, and i’m one inch ahead of the door before i’m stopped, and who is it? raymond. i already knew his shtick, he was gonna ramble on about me being late and yadda yadda. i’m tired of hearing it and tune it out if i could without all his shouting and yapping.
“you are 30 minutes late! don’t you wanna make a quick buck? have a hot meal? a roof over your empty head?”
he said in his raspy voice from yelling. i roll my blue eyes at him, ready-ing my script in my head,
“yes i do raymond, you’re right it won’t happen again, i’m sorry.” i say blankly. “yeah, yeah, just get on stage…”
raymond said pushing my back towards the dressing rooms.
“big oaf..”
i thought to myself, i open the light adorned door west of the main stage and greet my coworkers.
“evening ladies.” i say while hanging up my coat.
“heya carla!”
said a pale woman in a southern accent, who i knew as victoria “vicky” vicky was the type of person who left a lasting impression on you, she was a looker, you could tell she was gonna have her name in lights one day.
“let me guess? was it crazy ray?” she said while fluffing her blonde hair.
“ding ding ding! we have a winner!” i said in a jokey tone.
“we’ll you betta’ get ready soon red, shows starting in 10.” vicky informed.
she called me red from my hair, i called her blondie. i walk over to my vanity and put on my blonde wig, raymond told me to wear it since i started, he said it because it was “unsexy” don’t know why, don’t wanna. i put on my makeup and outfit and sit in my chair, hoping by tomorrow i’ll make ends meet and pay my rent. theirs no way no how i’ll move back in with my mother. as i’m lost in space, my other coworker strolls in with 3 coffees, dotty. dotty was about as sweet as pie, your mind rushes to “now why would a sweet girl like that work here?” it was a unspoken rule here not to ask though. “how are you girls?” she grinned while placing the coffees on our tables. “ain’t complaining.” vicky answers. dotty and vicky make small talk while i stare at myself in the mirror. it had the name “Claire” ingrained on the bottom, we were allowed to choose fake names for ourselves, but raymond chose for me. he said because it meant famous in french. yeah right. me famous? who would want me in a movie- i’m back from space thanks to vicky snapping her fingers in my face. “red! come back from dreamland, we’re on.” her and dotty and the other girls walk out, leaving me in my seat. i sigh. i cross my arms while standing up. “gotta give these bozos a show.” i thought. me and the girls are behind the pink velvet curtain, i’m behind a girl whose real name i didn’t know but was called paige’s. i didn’t know her that well but from watching her she’s real two faced. always pretending to be everyone’s friend, (especially raymond’s) but mutters insults under her breath. i didn’t want to stand next to her. she was the type to tell you you’re messing up and make fun of you, and mess you up even more. i inched closer to an acquaintance dahlia. she was a closed book. she never said much and was always doing her own thing. i could tell this job wasn’t for her, heck it wasn’t for everybody. it took guts. it was the last resort kinda job, if you didn’t make it in a news outlet, a restaurant, babysitting, you’d be here. i glance down at my costume, then at the others, this weeks getup is a little better then prior, pink playsuit with cream colored accents and silver sequins going up the middle. i take a deep breath. inhaling how much i don’t wanna do this forever, exhaling that i’m a whirlin’ twirlin’ tramp. i know I’m never gonna get a serious job ever again. maybe when- my thoughts were put off when the curtains rise. i scan the ground floor to if theirs customers, it’s just two tipsy men sitting at the tables and the bar is full. “buncha wasted freeloaders” i grumble lowly. the music cuts on and me and the girls do our routine; we take turns singing the lyrics to the song, we kick our legs in the air, we spin. we finish and take our bows. it was crickets out there, not even a pity clap from raymond or the bartender. “we did good out there girls, i’m proud of y’all.” vicky encouraged. they were just bein’ sour grapes she joked. the group walked down the stage and i peeked through the curtains, not even a wink or grab. man we sucked tonight, raymond’s not gonna like this. i stroll to the dressing room trying to decide whether to get changed the fastest to leave, or the slowest so raymond can’t scold me. i wasn’t scared of raymond, i was scared of what he might do. he wasn’t very from reasonable, stubborn, and when you got fired, he made you regret it. i decide the slower option and dillydally. i drink the coffee dotty got me and go outside to get a paper from the stand. front page:
“the local mob and gangs are out of control here in the big apple, but are picky when it comes to territory. disputes are still ongoing and are just as messy and inhumane. stay safe out their folks!”
i look up from the newspaper.
“i just hope they don’t take this part of town.” i pray.
i head back inside to some kind of commotion, it’s that dahlia having a fit of some sorts? i stand front of the door perplexed, dahlia never made so much as a peep since i known her, maybe someone grabbed her and it got to her? i scan the room, all of the patrons have gone. maybe they got caught and ran out?
“Just shut up!” dahlia shouts violently out of the dressing room,
Raymond follows behind her.
“aw cmon doll face, you’re getting worked up over nothing.” he fake-reassures.
“Ugh! you don’t understand anything! Don’t you get i’ve had enough!”
“Hey YOU signed up for this!” raymond snaps back.
“i didn’t wanna be in this gig forever!”
she stretched her arm out facing the stage.
“You know it’s a big surprise that all this complaining and bossing is coming out of you Ann!”
i eventually go to vicky to ask what led up to this.
“what’s all this about blondie?” i whispered. “i’m not even sure, one minute she’s sitting at her table and the next she hits her fist on the table and storms out!”
i look at her then dahlia or “ann” i never seen so much anger on her face, she was always so silent and timid.
“complaining?! look who’s talking cheeky bastard! the only one bossy around here is you!”
“you’ve got a smart-mouth don’t’cha? since when did you grow a pair?”
“before i met you!” dahlia slapped raymond in a quick motion. he quickly brushes it off, unfazed.
“you can’t hit me!”
“sure i can, i don’t work here anymore. you’re not my boss!”
she growled. “you’re quitting? just like that? you’ll regret this and come crawling back.”
before she can spit another insult she grabs her coat and left in a huff. Raymond runs his hand through his hair while inhaling behind his teeth and turns to the bar and leaned on it. we all just stood there silent, waiting for something. finally vicky spoke. “let’s…go change girls…” they follow. i stay staring at raymond. after what felt like an hour i go up to him and see he poured himself a scotch.
“raymond…” i say softly he signed before he answers
“look…i just need a minute…i left your paycheck in my office, take it and go home …”
i wasn’t in the mood to linger much longer so i did as he said. only 15 bucks…that’s not even enough for half of my rent. the drive home was silent, and as soon as i open the door to my room i shift towards my bedroom and collapse onto my bed. glad that’s over with.
i laid in bed thinking about yesterday’s screaming contest, i wonder if raymond gonna be hard on us now for dahlia quitting, guess i just have to grin and bare it if so. i got ready for the day and locked my apartment door, i scanned my view from my balcony, “this city’s turning filthier going and coming.” i thought. since i didn’t have groceries i went to the diner next to my complex, it was shabby like the rest of the buildings round’ here but in a comforting way. i order bacon and eggs with pancakes, wasn’t the best but i ain’t hard to please, i pay my check and pick up some groceries as well decide to sit in the park. it was best to go there early morning since all the mobsters would hangout there at night and nobody wanted to be mixed up in their business, most of all me. who would willingly shoot people in middle of the street just cuz they looked at ya funny? i swear those men have no regard for other people’s lives. i sit on the park bench and pull out the book i’m reading; “the talented mr. ripely” it’s not a bad read so far, he has some traits i see in myself, we both live in manhattan, and he always felt different…like he didn’t belong. as i’m lost in my book, i see a boy walking his bike and a paper in hand. he sees me and gave me the newspaper. “free paper for the pretty lady.” i thank him and he continued walking. i guess it wouldn’t hurt to take take a break. FRONT PAGE:
“local mob boss fallon luciano claimed fifth avenue as territory, him and his crew is armed and dangerous, you don’t wanna ruffle this guys feathers, when will the gang wars end?”
i made a disgusted sigh, these cheap crooks are claiming areas where normal citizens live, and can shoot anyone they felt like right outside someone’s window. truly selfish people. i roll up the paper and rested it on the bench, before i take a deep breath, and get up and go home. i finish my house chores sit down in front of the couch, i scope out the living room and am proud of the work i did. damn…i’m so good at cleaning. although i wish i was good at other things. growing up i didn’t have many hobbies, i have a talent for singing raymond told me, but overtime i lost the passion for it. i’m just gonna get tonight over with, hopefully by friday i’ll have enough for rent. maybe with my savings i’ll go on vacation…oh…who am i kidding? my savings are enough for a 2 day trip to jersey. it’s not like i’ll go to hawaii anytime soon. i sigh, and turn on the television. maybe it’ll take my mind off things. after watching a tv movie i check the clock; 8:16 pm “shit.” i breath lowly i grab my coat and lock my door and drove off to work. i do the same routine once more, but i could tell the tension was still there from yesterday. some part of me was waiting to see dahlia, thinking she was exaggerating, that she’d be in the back of the dressing room with us, but she was a no show. i wave to red, she smiled softly at me then applied her lipstick. raymond’s not hovering around the dressing room or bar, so before i changed i went into his office. admittedly, i was curious to know the history between him and dahlia. i knock on the dark mahogany door “come in!” i heard before opening the door widely. “can i help you miss claire?” he asked. his feet on his desk smoking a cigar. “yes…” i answer while folding my hands. screw it just ask him popped into my head and i wasn’t one to sugarcoat anything. “you know what, i’m just gonna cut to the chase.” i say assertively. raymond raised an eyebrow. “how do you know dahlia? what’s your relationship?” i said crossing my arms.
he scaled me up and down “what’s it to you?” he said in a tired voice breaking eye contact.
“you obviously knew her before she worked here, she definitely knows you.” his eyes darted to me.
“it’s nothing worth to you paige…” his eyes drifted away from me, i pouted. after realizing raymond isn’t gonna dump his regrets on me, i’ll just give in for now.
“go on get ready now, it’s a big night tonight.” he shooed me.
big night? on a tuesday? hardly anyone came in cept’ your casual drunkard.
“oh, i expensed some fancier clothes for ya, shut the door on your way out.”
i nodded and left. i go over to the dressing room and see the girls taking extra time on their hair and makeup, considering how more put-together they look then usual. i am curious what raymond meant buy “expensed” for our costumes, i unzip the cover of one of the clothes on the rack and i’m stunned. i never seen such a beautiful ensemble before. i couldn’t tell what it looked like in full but it definitely looked expensive, a white tuft soft white feathers adorned with lace patterns all around, small white ribbons, and covered of glitter. it was incredibly gorgeous. it obviously wasn’t for me though, me being a backup dancesinger i wore similar clothes to the main dancer but lackluster. this definitely suited vicky more. i remembed to get ready at my table. and finished when raymond knocks and comes in
“hey, you girls look great, show starts in 5-“
he said in a cutoff he darted to me. “hey, why you wearing the wrong getup?”
“wrong?” i question, slightly cocking my head.
“your outfit was for vicky, and hers was yours, switch.”
my heart fluttered a bit in my chest, i got the beautiful outfit?
“break a leg, and don’t mess up.”
raymond said while shutting the door. i asked vicky “i’m the main dancer?” i said unsure of myself.
“yeah! raymond didn’t tell you? he commissioned that outfit just for you red!”
she said beaming, the beauty mark on her cheek moved upward. she looked really excited for me surprisingly, i’d thought she’d be a tad jealous. that’s what was so good about vicky, she was always so kind and genuine to everyone, even to those who didn’t deserve it. we changed and get on stage,
wow it looked even better on. red was right, it was made for me.
i’m feeling excited being the lead, not sure why but i am. suddenly i hear alot of chattering from the customers, i peek through the curtain and see a table of men in expensive looking suits smoking fat smelly cigars, they looked old, late 60s to be specific, and were shooting back whisky and bourbon like it was water. they were definitely gangsters. the loud talking, silver locks, heavy eyebags with faded scars. i decide i’ve seen enough. i knew i’d get good pay though, so that was something. i keep checking myself in the mirror, i start to sweat a little, if i look sexy enough and give these crooks a good time, i’ll make great pay. i was having the preshow jitters, i quit smoking 2 years ago, but i’d die for a cigarette right now. my train of thought was derailed by a even louder chatter, oh what now? did the queen herself waltz in? i didn’t even see who it was, nor did i want to. more then anything i wanted to do the show, get my riches, go home and pay my rent. hopefully i’d have some leftover and buy myself something nice. i caught myself daydreaming then felt a tap on my shoulder,
“claire, c’mon sweetie we’re up.” said dotty motherly.
i hear our heels clack on the wood floor in unison as we got to the wall of red velvet in front of us. the curtains raised; the lights dimmed and a spotlight hit us as the music cut on, i posed waiting for my chorus, i bounced my hips with one hand and the other in the air. i sang loud and it carried through the room, the girls harmonizing with me. i raised my arms like a ballerina, tilted my head back, rolled my shoulders. i looked at the entrance for a while til i heard a clink of glasses coming from the table in front of the stage, in front of me. i see a man sitting in the middle who is visibly younger then his company, downing a glass of beer, he Stares at me while sipping his glass, his eyes were small and serious, almost squinting. a strand of his black hair fell on his forehead, i felt like he was staring at something behind me. i broke my stare and flashed a huge smile like i was taking a family photo towards the crowd. “just smile and look pretty” i thought to myself, all to make better pay. i swayed my hips to the beat and tilt my head upwards singing the lyrics. the song ends, the lights dim. Few other patrons clapped, not the table in front. during the applause one of the older gangster men burst into a hearty laugh, the young one continued drinking despite watching me the whole time.
they didn’t see me at all. except…that one.
i bow whilst taking in some deep breaths, i thought about addressing the men, but after i got the spotlight and they didn’t so much as hear me, i didn’t wanna give them a share.
after i returned back stage, vicky congratulated me. she seemed genuinely proud of me, like i was training for this for years. too bad i didn’t think of it that way
“Red you did it! you couldn’t have done it better, you looked great out there.”
she says with her hands close to her chest.
“thanks vicky, your the best.”
i replied with a half smile. after she goes change, i couldn’t think of anything to relieve my pent up emotions, i was angry that i didn’t get more viewers, stressed about the stupid bills! having second thoughts about getting evicted, moving back home.
No. i won’t let that get to me, how can i relax before going home? a drink? no they mostly serve old fashions and beers here, not to be miss picky but is a simple glass of red so hard to get? then i remember one of the girls smokes here. i know, i know, going back to my old habits is bad, but i just needed a break, a smoke break to put it. i scan my surroundings for one of my coworkers who i knew had a pack, why i couldn’t just buy one? i know myself, i used to love-i love smoking, and if i had a whole pack in my possession i’d smoke it all in 2 hours. so just one is all i need to take the edge off.
i knew i seen dahlia smoke a few times, maybe she left some in her vanity, i go over to it and see it was decorated with some of her fiery personality, photographs of her and some of her friends it looks like, pearls strung around the mirror in a messy manner, makeup stains on the mirror and desk top. we all had the same vanity’s backstage so i knew there was a drawer, i opened it to see 3 cigarettes scattered around with some of her odds and ends. i take just the one and tell vicky i’m taking a smoke break, almost doing a double take at me.
“red! i thought you quit? isn’t it better to let old habits die?” she said in a whiny tone.
“hey it’s just one cigarette, it’s not like it’s gonna kill me.” i say defensively
“you know, i read in a magazine that it actually leads to lung cancer! you better know what your doing red!” she said like a apprehensive mother.
i decide to reply as a child “yes mom…i promise.” i respond in a sarcastic complaint.
she pouts at me while holding back some laughs.
“see you tomorrow red, love you.”
she waved goodbye while grabbing her purse, i wave back. now, all i need is a lighter, i knew the bartender had some matches so i asked him and he gave me some no questions, i go to the back of the building and open the employees only door and it’s another midday rain, thankfully theirs an overhang above me, “perfect.” i thought. i put the cigarette between my lips, (god i missed that feeling) i flicked the matches and it sparked but died out, i did a another one, then another one, then another, i’m on the second to last one, maybe the world is telling me i shouldn’t.
i hear the door open next to me, one of the girls came to smoke as well i assume. striking, striking, striking, no fire, last one. 3, 2, 1, nothing. then i hear a metal lighter click and light a cigarette, i hear a harsh deep inhale, oh it’s just raymond, he’ll light it for me. i turn to face him “hey ray, you wouldn’t mind-“ i’m taken aback, it was the young man with the gangsters.
i’ve heard the stories. the cold blooded, ruthless, brutal stories. he had a towering presence. i didn’t know what to do, my flight or fight senses kicked in, i thought about whether to run back inside, or reprimand him for being somewhere he shouldn’t. that’d probably get me killed. even if i wanted to get away, i felt like my feet were trapped in glue. people often forget the third option. Freeze.
i stand like a stiff statue and stare blankly ahead of me, hoping he didn’t hear what i said. a minute goes by and all you hear is the pitter patter of the rain above us from the overhang. and all i see is his huge puffs of smoke dissipate in the misty air. a shiver goes up my back as i realize i forgot to change. i facepalm myself in my head. i didn’t even notice my teeth had been chattering for a while. i felt a pair of eyes piercing me like pin pricks. i shift my eyes at him quickly, god he’s looking at me!
what now? i look away, was i being too noisy? oh god let this end well for me. just then i felt a brush of fabric against my right shoulder. is he…nudging me? i turn my head see to something you’d probably only see in romance films. he’s holding his suit jacket out…for me?
i don’t know what to do, do i take it? is this some sort of tactic? i stare and him in a white button down and the jacket for a little longer, until he finally spoke. “aren’t you cold blondie?” a deep husky voice.
vicky’s nickname i gave her…still i don’t understand, why would this “infamous” mobster give some showgirl his jacket? after he probably killed a man and threatened his family.
i decide to let whatever’s going to happen, happen. i look down at the ground while i grab it, it’s a good material. i hold it looking at it, it’s cream colored, well tailored, i feel like i’m waiting to see a blood stain or something or other to get a hint of what he does to his victims. is any of his goons gonna snatch me up? perfect opportunity; it’s raining. nobody else is back here besides me and him. i continue holding it while staring away. suddenly i felt a presence behind me, oh god! he’s gonna snap my neck or strangle me isn’t he? i close my eyes. hoping it doesn’t end for me in a split second, you’ve had a good run carla. maybe it was all—i felt him take the jacket and place it over my shoulders. i open my eyes widely
Did he just…do that?
i gazed up at him, he had a intense stare paired with denim colored eyes. i couldn’t tell if he was angry or disappointed in something, was it something i did? something i didn’t do? i knew i had to say something, he fidgeted like he was waiting in a long line, i had to think my words very…carefully.
“than-thank you…”
he nodded as he registered it and turned to the door to go back inside, i had to say something else, i wanted to figure him out.
“why’d-why’d you call me blondie?…”
his head turns to me while the doors ajar.
“you are blonde, aren’t you?” he said sarcastically
i wanted to say “no, this is a wig. my friends the real blondie here!” but what was more like a eep than a yes
he turn to face me again, stepping closer, oh god he’s really close. i was hit with a gust of expensive wine and cologne, what’s he up to now?
he reached for his pocket and pulled out the lighter he used and lit my cigarette, i completely forgot about the cigarette. i don’t even inhale it just then, when he grinned before saying;
“i wouldn’t mind lighting it for you…” he said low and slow.
then walked back inside, i felt the warmth and loud music from the inside flowing out…and felt the warmth on my face from his presence lingering. i finally inhaled that longed for cigarette, the sensation fills your chest. the rain slowing down to a light drizzle, with that “after the rain stops” smell. his jacket still clinging to my shoulders, this mysterious cologne combined with the rain is a scent i don’t wanna forget and bottle up.
that was some smoke break…
submitted by Responsible-Sir-4555 to writers [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 20:21 gAbuGaO Does someone know how I can get infos from youtube music like song title and artist via python ?

I am trying to get said info via a python script to be able to display the current data in another application. It would be cool if there was a method that would give me the title of the song playing and the artist who made it. Jackpot would be that the script detects a change in the playing track and therefore e.g. prints the new track playing.
submitted by gAbuGaO to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 00:11 DazzlingMethod4074 GoldenStateRP 17+ New & Exp. Player Friendly Serious RP Hiring PD & EMS LGBTQ Friendly

GoldenStateRP 17+ New & Exp. Player Friendly Serious RP Hiring PD & EMS LGBTQ Friendly
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submitted by DazzlingMethod4074 to GTA5Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.04.15 18:22 mcm8279 [The New Prequel Project] INVERSE: "Star Trek's Most Mysterious Movie Is Coming Sooner Than You Think" "Star Trek 14 is 'an untitled origin story' . It is scheduled for release in either 2025 or 2026. But what’s it about? And will it really happen?"

"Since 2016 to now, there have been at least five different attempts to make a new Star Trek film, either as timey wimey direct sequel to Beyond (“Star Trek 4”) a one-off space mobster movie (Quentin Tarantino’s script) or something else entirely (Noah Hawley and Matt Shakman’s attempts that remain undisclosed). But now, although Paramount is reportedly developing a sequel to Beyond — which would feature the reboot cast from the 2009 film one last time — the next Star Trek movie is not that sequel, but instead, as previously reported, an “origin story” that “takes place decades before the 2009 Star Trek film that rebooted the franchise.” This movie has been confirmed to be directed by Toby Haynes (Andor, Doctor Who) with a script from Seth Grahame-Smith (The Lego Batman Movie, Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter).
Wait? Wasn’t the 2009 film an “origin story?” While the answer to this question is technically a “yes,” the 2009 film (just titled Star Trek) was also partially a time-travel sequel to the canon established in The Next Generation, and literally everything else in the Trek franchise up until that point. By saying the new prequel film takes place “decades before” the first reboot, this could hypothetically mean that the movie takes place in both the Prime and Kelvin timelines simultaneously.
TLDR: The Trek timeline diverged in the first reboot movie, beginning in the year 2233, so, a story set even a few decades before that divergence, in the 2210s or 2220s or earlier, would be consistent with all versions of Trek's future history. Presumably, the “origin story” won’t take place in the two decades between the prologue of the 2009 film (2233) and the main story (2258), because honestly, even for hardcore Trekkies that’s a big canon headache. So, sometime in the early 2200s, but before the 2230s is probably the best bet. And, even if the movie was set a bit earlier than that — say in the late 2180s or 2190s — we’d still be dealing with a very early point of Starfleet history that has never been depicted and that we know almost nothing about. Hence, if you squint — and don’t think about the prequel series Enterprise (2151-2161) too much — then yes, we’re looking at an origin story in which pretty much anything could happen.
While some tweets out of CinemaCon seemed to indicate that the new Star Trek movie could hit next year in 2025, TrekMovie confirmed that the “Untitled Star Trek Origin Story,” is on the Paramount slate for 2025 or 2026. TrekMovie also predicted that 2026 is more likely, writing, “If Paramount can move fast enough they could get the origin movie into theaters by 2026 — in time for Star Trek’s 60th anniversary.” Then again, 2025 is not impossible, it’s just cutting it a little close.
It should also be noted that the entire corporate entity of Paramount is reportedly close to a merger that would see it purchased by Skydance Media, the same production company behind the three existing J.J. Abrams-produced Star Trek reboots. If that deal is finalized soon, then, yes, this Star Trek feature film might actually happen very quickly. [...]"
Ryan Britt (Inverse)
submitted by mcm8279 to trektalk [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 04:07 DabNbeyondNormalUse 🚨 Beware Crypto Users! 🚨 Attackers Are Stealing Your Cookies and Crypto with a Simple Click! 🔒💰

Did you know that attackers are using sneaky tactics to snatch your precious crypto? Here's the lowdown on how they're doing it and how you can protect yourself:

🔍 The Trap is Set: Attackers are luring unsuspecting crypto users with seemingly innocent links, emails, or website pop-ups. But beware! Clicking on these links could spell trouble for your crypto stash.

💥 The Sneaky Script: Behind those innocent-looking links lies a malicious script waiting to pounce. Once you click, it's game over!

💔 Your Cookies are at Risk: These crafty scripts can steal data from your browser's cookies faster than you can say "crypto crash." And guess what's hiding in those cookies? Your precious crypto login credentials and session tokens!

💰 Crypto Jackpot for Attackers: With access to your crypto accounts, attackers hit the jackpot! They can swipe your hard-earned coins faster than you can say "HODL."

🛡️ Protect Yourself: Stay vigilant, crypto warriors! Never click on suspicious links, and always double-check the URLs you're visiting. Use browser extensions like NoScript or uMatrix to block malicious scripts and keep your crypto safe from prying eyes.

Don't let attackers feast on your crypto dreams! Stay informed, stay alert, and keep your crypto fortress secure! 💪🔒💰
Remember always DYOR and Trade/be safe!

submitted by DabNbeyondNormalUse to CryptoCraze [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 11:26 CoffeeThinking The Top 5 Crypto Casinos of 2024: Blending Blockchain & Betting

The Top 5 Crypto Casinos of 2024: Blending Blockchain & Betting

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I've found that smooth and intuitive gameplay, coupled with secure transactions and transparent terms, greatly enhance user satisfaction. A user-friendly interface, clear instructions, and detailed FAQs have made moving around casinos much easier for me.
Additionally, personalized recommendations, loyalty rewards, and seamless account management have a profound impact on my overall experience. Ensuring these elements are in place has always led me to the best gaming experiences in the crypto casino world.


After diving into these top 5 crypto casinos of 2024, I've gotta say, I'm impressed. Each platform, from BC.GAME to Crypto Loko, brings something unique to the table, blending technology with gambling in ways I hadn't imagined.
Considering factors like game variety, security, and user experience is key. Whether it's sports betting at Duelbits or the immersive slots at 7Bit, there's something for every crypto gambler.
Honestly, I'm excited to see where this blend of tech and gambling goes!
submitted by CoffeeThinking to OnlineCasinoReview [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 20:59 19Jerseydevil95 They're Still At Stage 19A

I (20M) had always had an interest in the paranormal. I can still recall wearing out my Dad’s Ghostbusters VHS tape as a kid. I was transfixed on the paranormal growing up, but it wasn’t until my freshman year of High School that I decided that I wanted to be more hands-on with the paranormal. So all through High School I saved all my money from summer jobs, birthdays, and of course graduation, to buy a van and hit the open road.
Hell, I even started my own YouTube channel, and can proudly say that my little channel, Paranormal Inquisition, had up to about 600 thousand subscribers at that point. I had traveled to a lot of the popular haunted spots; Gettysburg Cemetery in Pennsylvania, Dudleytown in Connecticut, The Lizzie Borden House in Massachusetts, hell, I even got to check out The Amityville Horror House in New York.
I’d pass through state to state, town to town, and check in with the locals about if there was anything that was allegedly haunted in the area. Most of the time I’d get a side-eyed look, but there were a few times the locals would spill on the paranormal goings on nearby. And let me tell ya, it made some good content when something happened. At least I thought it must’ve been because, after about two years of scraping by, I had finally gotten monetized. So, I decided to keep the show going. I had just hit the Winchester House in California (a hotspot for activity lemme tell you!) when one of the locals told me about Stage 19A.
It was an old, abandoned studio in Hollywood that they had simply boarded up. Apparently, it used to be the home of an old children’s show that aired back in the 70s called Rosie’s Playtime. It was a typical kid’s show, kinda similar to Blue’s Clues or Barney but instead, starred a clown named Rosie. According to the Californian local I spoke with, after a few episodes, guests on the show began to go missing. And by guests, I mean the children that would randomly be selected to join Rosie on whatever adventure she was going on that episode. After the show was forced to shut down, they tried to clean it up to re-use it. But everyone who went in reported strange goings on. Children laughing and screaming, things are being moved or thrown, and some have even heard arguments in the studio. However, when they went to investigate it, no one was there. Eventually, the studio shut down 19A, but it was still standing.
I remember thanking the man for his time and packed up to head to LA. As I sat in my motel room after making the 5-hour drive from San Jose to Hollywood, I started to do some digging on the show. There wasn’t a whole lot to go on, but from what I found you could tell it was a cheaply made show.
All the images I had managed to scrounge up online showed Rosie as a young woman, about 19 or so, dressed as a clown. She wore a red and white short-sleeved dress that came down to her knees. She also wore black leggings, a black bowtie, and white boots and gloves. She fashioned her blonde hair into pigtails and was usually spotted with a small, old, black top hat. She wore simple clown makeup of course; white painted face, red lipstick with an exaggerated smile, a small red dot on her nose, and black diamonds over her eyes.
The local I spoke with had been right about the disappearances. The thing I found truly disturbing though, was that the police didn’t start getting involved until 6 kids had disappeared. Their first suspect was Gordan Daniels, the creator, producer, and director of the show. He also happened to be the father of the star of the show, Rose Daniels who portrayed the titular Rosie. When they tried to question him at his home, they found him packing his bags. A struggle had ensued and Gordan was gunned down after he grabbed one of the officer’s firearms. They looked throughout the house, but never found the missing children. They also found that Rose’s room had been thrown around and most of her clothes were gone. So, authorities concluded that she must’ve been an accomplice and fled the country. From what I could tell they never found the bodies of the missing children, there was a lot of push from the LAPD to simply close the investigation.
I remember finally managing to track down a clip of the show on a subreddit, and being an avid wrestling fan, I recognized the song Rosie opened and closed the show with as none other than the theme song to the Firefly Fun House. It was a gimmick about a dark kid’s entertainer one I had always been a fan of. It took some digging, but I eventually found the origin of the song. It appears that Gordan had originally written the song for the show and performed it while Rose sang the vocals. After his death, the ownership of the song went to some production company that ended up merging with another company, where it sat until it was re-recorded in 2018.
I drove my old van to the outskirts of the studio lot. By the time I managed to climb the fence, it was well past 9 pm. I looked around in the dark, fearing that my flashlight would draw unwanted attention until I finally found Stage 19A. It was a large white building with the number and letter painted on the side. I took out my lock-picking kit and made short work of the little padlock on the overhead door. After 2 years of being on the road and sneaking into abandoned places, I had become somewhat of an expert.
I held the door up just enough so that I could carefully crawl under it and then gently put it down. Now that the illegal act of breaking and entering had been done, I fired up my GoPro HERO6, took out my handy dandy flashlight, and began to shoot the opening I had memorized on the drive down.
“I’m here on Stage 19A where a popular children’s show once aired. The sounds of laughing children once bounced off the walls of this studio on the set of Rosie’s Playtime back in the 70’s. But with the show now being off the air for nearly 50 years, why are people still reporting the sounds of children? Join me tonight as I—” But suddenly, a feminine voice cut me off. It was as quiet as a whisper, but as sharp as a knife.
“Get out!” I rationalized that it was probably just something playing in a different studio. In my experience, the paranormal took some warming up before they made contact. I began walking further into the studio, making sure to light up all the props that had managed to gather cobwebs over time.
“Get out!” The voice rang out again. “Leave!” The voice had gotten louder and firmer.
“What’s your name, spirit?!” I had asked. Silence deafened the room for a minute as I eagerly awaited a response. But instead, I only heard the sound of laughter. Children’s laughter. At the time, I thought I had hit the jackpot. Ghosts that were eager to make contact. I remember getting jittery with excitement as I made my way down the hallway towards the dressing rooms.
“I quit!” A voice rang out. There was some loud banging coming from the dressing room at the end of the hall. I slowly began to approach it.
“Hello?” I called out. I began to get closer as I heard a man’s voice along with the woman’s But, he was talking too low, I couldn’t hear him at first.
“I can’t do this anymore! I’m leaving!” The woman yelled. As I listened closer, it sounded like the voice who had just told me to leave. “This whole thing is over!” I finally arrived outside the door of all the commotion. I put my hand on the handle, eager to spring into action but trying to eavesdrop more on the conversation.
“ITS OVER WHEN I SAY IT IS!” The man’s voice boomed through the walls of the stage. Out of pure instinct, I flung the door open expecting to walk into an argument. Maybe a homeless couple had set up shop here, but no one was there. I walked into the dressing room which was an absolute disaster. The place was musty as hell, a vanity was broken and on its side and there was garbage all over the floor. Upon closer inspection though, it wasn’t garbage at all. It was pages of a script. I wiped off some of the dust, revealing a script to an episode of Rosie’s Playtime. I continued looking through the papers, being sure that I didn’t cut myself on any of the glass that was all over the floor from the vanity, and ended up with a final copy of the script, along with a few kids’ drawings of a female clown. They were all of her holding their hands or playing with them. And since Rosie was an alleged accomplice to these disappearances, it made me eerie to think about it.
I looked and found a piece of glass that had old, dried lipstick writing on it. ‘Smile more’, it read. Funny enough, I saw the same note on the front of the script. I shined the light across the room and noticed an old, tan couch. Like everything else, it was covered in dust, but there were stains on it.
Smears as if someone had tried to clean something up. I remember noting out loud for the camera, thinking that it might have been blood.
This must have been Rosie’s dressing room. I thought to myself. As I backed away from the couch, I felt this force knock me back and onto the glass on the floor. I remember hearing laughter and running as I did my best to get to my feet.
“You’re it!” I snapped my flashlight all around, looking for my attacker. But I couldn’t find them.
Screw this. I thought to myself. None of the ghosts had ever gotten violent with me before. This was way out of my wheelhouse. Ignoring the sharp pain that my back was in, I dashed the door of the studio. And as crazy as it sounds… it wouldn’t budge. I kept trying the door, being slowly taunted with more giggling. Another force knocked me right on my back, again. The same child-like voice as before repeated,
“You’re it!” I got up and I ran. I went right into the nearest dressing room and barricaded the door with my own body. My arms were badly scratched up from the glass, and my back was in a lot of pain from the impacted falls. I looked around the room which appeared to be a children’s playroom. Discarded toys lay all around the room, and in the back was a handmade, wooden playhouse. The wood was primarily rotted, so much so that the ceiling had even caved in. But something about it…called to me. I slowly crawled to it, peeking inside over the collapsed roof. Aside from the expected debris from the roof, I found a brand-new rug. I gently moved the playhouse aside, trying my best not to break it any more than it already was. As I lifted the rug, wet cement began to slide down it. It was like someone had just poured it on the floor. I ran my fingers on it, I needed to feel that it was real. And that’s when it fell. I mean a whole glob of cement fell into what I suppose was a giant hole. Shaken, I grabbed my flashlight and pointed it down to where it had fallen. A little girl was sitting down inside this giant hole, she had this fiery red hair and was dressed in what looked like a blue dress. Oddly enough, I didn’t even wonder how she had gotten down there, or where there was. I just thought he was trapped.
“Do you need help?!” I asked. I put my flashlight in my mouth, planted one hand firmly on the floor, and reached down to grab her. But as my torso got halfway down the hole, I realized no one was there. Instead what I found was a large crawlspace filled with old children’s clothing. Clothing that had been worn out and tattered. Against my better judgment, I craned my neck down a bit more, which is where I saw bones lying in those children’s clothes. I jolted backward, back up to the floor. My flashlight dropped out of my mouth and began to roll. I made a dive to grab it before it fell down the hole, but there wasn’t a hole anymore. The whole ground was merely cement, the brand-new rug I had picked up earlier was now old and moldy. Sitting off to the side where I had left it. I began to panic…which is when I heard the giggling in my ear.
I looked over my shoulder and sure enough, there was the little girl. She was dirty and disheveled, bruised, cut, and discolored, and although her face looked as if she had been crying, she laughed when she saw me.
“Found me!” She giggled. I jolted back and rushed up against the wall. I looked around the room for others as laughter began to ring out, surrounding me. But no one was there, not even the little girl I just saw.
“We’re it! We’re it! We’re it!” I got to my feet and ran for the door, but just like the door upfront, it wouldn’t budge. I began to kick and throw my body against the door. I don’t know how long I tried, but at some point, I had been banging on the door for so long that I hadn’t even noticed that the children stopped laughing. I took a breath and tried the door again, relieved when it finally turned.
“Hey mister,” A voice called out behind me. I should’ve ignored it, but something made me turn my head towards the voice. Standing behind me, was this little boy. He was dirty, bruised, cut, discolored and his face looked as if he had been crying, just as the little girl had been. He was wearing a t-shirt and shorts and had brown hair that was styled into a bowl cut. I didn’t say anything to him. He gave me this wide smile, multiple of his teeth fell to the floor as if they had just been sitting in his mouth. “Run and hide,” He whispered. He started to laugh as I threw the door open and began to run through the main stage. The children laughed as I tried to open the overhead door again but to no avail. A large red rubber ball had bashed me in the hand. I gripped it in pain and tried to wiggle my fingers, but couldn’t. As I watched my broken hand begin to discolor, I heard the children scream at me.
“Cheater! Cheater! Pumpkin eater!” They continued repeating it as I desperately tried to find a place to hide, settling quickly on diving under what I had surmised to be an old craft services table. I cowered under there and prayed for the first time in my life. I used my good hand to lift the old, rotting tablecloth I was hiding behind. I needed to know how close they were and sure enough, I got my answer. I lifted the tablecloth and came face to face with another little boy. His overall appearance was the same as the others, but he was in overalls and a yellow t-shirt.
“Found you!” He laughed. The table flew up as if someone had thrown it, giving away my location. “You lose!” The little boy yelled. He began to kick and wildly throw punches at me. I tried to fight him off, but eventually, I was overpowered. Though I didn’t see them all at first, more children came in and joined him. They were pulling my hair and skin, kicking, punching and even biting me. I tried to shake them off. Hell, I even swatted at them, but they were persistent. They continued laughing, almost mocking me as they yelled “You lose!” over and over again.
I thought I was dead when I heard the music. At first, I didn’t recognize it from the ringing in my ears, but eventually… I heard the theme music from Rosie’s Playtime. The assault stopped. I looked out to see none other than Rosie herself standing at the entrance of the hallway that led to the dressing rooms. She was singing. But something wasn’t right. This Rosie was something out of a horror film. Her costume was dirty and tattered, her bowtie drooped around her neck as if it could hide the large gash that was covering her throat. She looked beaten on and discolored. Her face even had a large smile cut into it. Some of the skin had even been removed so that you could actually see some of her teeth and jaw. I looked on in horror as she held out her hand, the pinkie finger of the glove looked as if it was missing, revealing her broken finger.
She continued to sing the song, slowly getting down onto her knees. She opened up her arms in some kind of invitation. And that was the first time I heard the similarity. This was the same voice that had told me to leave when I first arrived. I watched the children run towards her as she continued to sing, a black liquid protruded from her eyes. It was almost as if she was crying. She wrapped the six children in a large group hug as she began to repeat the song. Now was my chance. I picked myself up and staggered towards the main entrance, praying that it opened. But before I could even grab the handle, the door began to open ever so slightly. I looked back to see Rosie who had just begun the third repeat of the song, but this time it seemed like…like she was singing to me. I dropped to the ground and painfully rolled out under the door, watching Rosie sing to the children as the overhead door slammed to the ground.
I must have passed out shortly after because the next thing I knew, I was in a hospital room. Apparently, I had crawled towards the guard booth, and he had found me when he went out to do his hourly rounds. The nature of my injuries led the police to believe I had been assaulted by a group of homeless people who were trying to get into one of the studios. My wrist was broken, I had 3 fractured ribs, a dislocated knee, a black eye, multiple cuts, scratches, and bite marks. I thought about explaining what really happened, but not wanting that pesky B&E charge or an involuntary hold at the psych ward, I merely told them I didn’t remember what happened or how I came to be inside the lot. I had originally planned to release the footage once I was out of the hospital, but that was until a lawyer came to see me. He was a man of average height and weight, with greying blonde hair that had been slicked back tightly. He had to be about 60 or 70 years old.
He claimed to work for the studio who was very sorry to hear about my encounter with vagrants on their lot. They were so apologetic in fact, they offered me a check. 1 million dollars for my pain and suffering. All I had to do was sign an NDA which stated I was legally never allowed to reveal the studio’s name…and my camera. I had asked why, but all the lawyer told me was that if the footage leaked out of my assault on studio grounds, it would lead to a load of bad publicity.
After all, I had been through, I had no interest in continuing with the channel or ghost hunting as a whole. So…I took the money. But as I handed over my camera, which was now cracked and probably broken from my assault, something came over me. I had to tell him about the hole in the dressing room.
“They’re still there,” I blurted out. “In the --,” But the lawyer cut me off.
“Mr. Michaelson,” He assured. “Our studio was found to not be at fault with any of the heinous alleged actions of Gordan Daniels and no evidence of these alleged actions were ever found on our property. Whatever it is that you believe you saw in Stage 19A was probably the result of a hallucination caused by a gas leak.” He tried to explain. “It was the reason we stopped using that particular building.” His cover was almost logical, I mean it made perfect sense. There was only one problem.
“I never told anyone that I went inside Stage 19A,” I told him. The lawyer smiled, put my camera in his suit jacket pocket, left the check on my hospital table, and then left without saying a word.
That was a little over a year ago, and I haven’t been ghost-hunting since. I even shut down the channel. With no new content, I was bound to get demonetized at some point. My body eventually healed up, but the psychological effects of my visit to Stage 19A remained. I get these panic attacks whenever I hear a child’s voice. It had gotten so bad that I stopped going out in public. But the worst part? The worst part is the dreams. In the hospital, they were frequent, over time they began to get less frequent but never less vivid. The memory of those final moments in Stage 19A still haunt me. I can see Rosie holding the group of children close to her, staring at me with her horrific smile as she sang to them. I can still hear her singing....
“We’re really glad that you’re our friend…and this is a friendship that’ll never ever end,”
submitted by 19Jerseydevil95 to scarystories [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 20:18 VoidShouter42 How to pitch ad idea to companies?

I'm not sure if this is the best place to post this so if not I apologize! Please direct me to the appropriate place if that is the case. Thanks in advance.
Basically I have what I consider to be a jackpot ad idea, think Super Bowl worthy that would be geared towards companies who regularly advertise in those spaces. I've floated it to other creatives who have all had super encouraging responses. My question to y'all is how to pitch it to a company. Would that include a script? Or just a description? How would one go about that. Also, how would you protect your idea so that it couldn't be rejected and then something similar created by the company itself?
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by VoidShouter42 to scriptwriting [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 15:33 Particular_Grade_479 Pulp heroes: a consolation retrospective

Pulp heroes: a consolation retrospective
I really was on the pulp heroes' side for March Madness, so, to console myself, I watched/rewatched all of the planned movies. Here are my thoughts, to maybe raise some more interest for this strange era where studios, drunk on the box-office earnings of the Batman movie, banked on what gave birth to the character rather than what the character gave birth to, and thought that giant marketing operations were the key to it all. All of these movies, except for The Spirit where it’s undetermined, take place in 1938 for some reason.
We missed so much
DICK TRACY: A visual wonder of course, truly one of a kind. The sort of ballsy stuff you only see when a genre is just starting, with no notions pre-established on how it should be executed, or very late in its existence, when a jolt of energy is required to wake it up. Fully artificial spaces, the same 5 bold colors repeated all over again (on sets and costumes), very few camera movements, the stylish 30’s city built through insane matte paintings (you’re actually moving through it from scene to scene!), the deranged make-up giving flesh to the weird physicality of the art style, the matter-of-factness of it all... It’s truly a comic-strip brought to life, with a lot of help from Vittorio Storaro’s photography (The Conformist, Apocalypse Now…). Come for the insane supporting cast that only Warren Beatty can assemble (Dustin Hoffman, James Caan, Seymour Cassel, William Forsythe, Catherine O’Hara, Dick Van Dyke, Mandy Patinkin, Paul Sorvino, Henry Silva…), stay for a surprisingly good Madonna! Al Pacino is off the chains (Oscar nominated!), and yes, all over the movie (I thought that an actor this big wouldn’t want to go through that make-up process everyday). Crazy to think he parodied a style of acting before applying it to every role. Of course, with the comic-to-screen literalness of it all, get ready for a world with no shades, characters with no motivations, no past, no future… It’s a feast for the eyes, not for the brain, but it shows how being extremely faithful to a source material allows to dance between true love and cheeky deconstruction. The score: DANNY ELFMAN!
THE ROCKETEER: With the caveat that this movie doesn’t adapt a character created in the 30’s, but an 80’s hommage to characters created in the 30’s, I’m a bit disappointed that it isn’t that bold in terms of style and visuals. They’re plainly faithful to the setting, while still feeling early-90’s Hollywood. I’m craving for more fetishisation of the era, art deco madness and all. Something that the poster gets absolutely right. It doesn’t help that most of the movie takes place in an airfield on the outskirts of Los Angeles, with almost no buildings in sight. But to really satisfy my fantasy of seeing the Rocketeer flying through a 1930s art deco megalopolis, New York would have been more appropriate, which would be difficult, not only for budget reasons but also because Hollywood is an important part of the plot. The tone is great, a perfectly balanced, earnest, throwback-y adventure pitting good-hearted heroes against fascistic villains, with the right amount of tongue in cheek (including a Dick Tracy-esque monstrous henchman, and a mustache twirling Timothy Dalton) and the movie is a lot of fun. Heartfelt where Dick Tracy can be seen as an exercise. But again, I wished for more style and more ambitious set-pieces (the zeppelin is fun). Interesting to learn where Errol Flynn (of which the villain is a very direct avatar) was at in the culture during the writing of the movie: a recent biography “revealed” that he was a nazi spy in the 30’s. And although it was disproved by the time of the release, that’s why he was the perfect choice as a villainous Hollywood star who's also physically capable. The score: JAMES HORNER!
THE SHADOW: The insane discovery of the lot, a movie torn between the high stylization of Dick Tracy and the earnestness of the Rocketeer (meaning it’s trying to be cool), and who, in the process, succumbs many times to distastefulness and bad taste. But it’s VERY entertaining. It starts with Alec Baldwin in full Fu Manchu get-up fighting a early 90’s VFX monstrous dagger, with insane editing, and doesn’t calm down from here. It has scope, big ass, intricate sets, lush production design, the 30’s fetish I was talking about earlier is in full force. But early-90’s flourishes often surge, and sometimes it works (I actually like the way the invisibility of the character is executed), but more often than not, it doesn’t (overall, the breakneck speed of the movie). Many scenes are unintentionally funny, but it’s very generous in that regard. And maybe that’s why it’s an interesting adaptation of 30’s pulp, it takes in the dumbness of it all but not through a postmodernist sheen. It’s just boldly dumb. Alec Baldwin, cast to bank on all the whining over the fact that he wasn’t the Beetlejuice cast member chosen to be Batman, proves why it wouldn’t have been a good idea. Yeah, he looks great, the perfect pulp hero physique, but he’s clearly lost, not knowing if he’s supposed to be cool or have fun. Ian McKellen is wasted. Tim Curry clearly didn’t receive any directions (good). The score: JERRY GOLDSMITH!
THE PHANTOM: I think this one would also be receiving the laurels that The Rocketeer does, if it wasn’t for the fact that we’re talking about a much sillier character. Whereas the Rocketeer was designed to be grounded and look cool in modern times, here it’s hard to enjoy the movie when in the middle of the action stands a very dumb looking character. Especially since, unlike Alec Baldwin, who has the same design problem, Billy Zane spends most of the movie in the suit, and very stiffly. Add to that a mythology that’s also hard to take seriously, and I think that’s why people don’t really claim for a new version like they do with The Rocketeer. But honestly, although this lays on a more ridiculous foundation, the straight throwback adventure feel is also very strong here. Jungle perils, sharks, pirates, rope bridge, magic idol, evil industrialist, classic mobsters, art deco New York, it’s all there. The practical action is cool, the locations shooting in Thailand is too. Now, famously, this is a Joe Dante script planned as a satire that was ultimately shot straight. Does it make a difference? Don’t think so, as all of those movies are on a spectrum between faithful adaptation and postmodern satire. It’s all in the eyes of the viewer. The score: David Newman???
THE SPIRIT: Here’s the movie I’m surprisingly going to defend. If you take it as a highly stylized, demented comedy (which I very much think it is), it’s easier to digest. It’s a grotesque film, but it basks on the grotesqueness of the american pulp, it throws up all of its fetishes and obsessions in our faces. It takes nazism, orientalism, expressionism, pin-up iconography, weird science, black-and-white values, takes them up to 11 and add a digital sheen over that. And, yeah, it’s a potent mix, not for all taste, but I’m kind of into it. It switches from ugly to inspired on a dime, and I think it’s part of the project. Sin City with no bedside manners but a lot more humor. I think Gabriel Macht does what Alec Baldwin was incapable of, embodying the hero physically while imbuing his performance with a huge amount of tongue-in-cheekiness. He knows that what he should be playing is a “hero” (quotation marks included in the performance). I never read the original Spirit comic, but if I’m not mistaken, it was the thinking man pulp hero because of the winking humor and the experimental visuals. I don’t know about the thinking part, but I’d say the other elements are there. It does what Warren Beatty did, but 2000’s style, so it’s very brutal and trashy, not really camp (not yet), and nostalgia can’t help you there. Strange and unpleasant, try it at your own risk. The score: David Newman, AGAIN???
submitted by Particular_Grade_479 to blankies [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 03:58 ihartpuppies Grafana issue with guide

Tried following the guide on the website but it seems I've done something the walkthrough doesn't like. My subnet is actually being used in the script and I think it's breaking it? Instead of the normal I chose one at random and it seems I hit the jackpot in the wrong way.
Can I post the link? If not, it's step 23-25. Karma is unfortunate
Grafana shows state (exited) Prometheus somehow is using the subnet 50 in the address (i'm not sure how).
I attempted to redo the stack by editing the script to 49 for Grafana and reloading but i get errors, so that didn't seem to work. I think I'm not that far off...
Thoughts anyone?
submitted by ihartpuppies to synologynas [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 19:55 viaismikkar Spending $5k on a final build?

Hey buildapc fam, I just hit the jackpot (gambling, lol, shoutout plinko on Stake US)and I'm itching to spend up to 4-5k on a PC that's gonna be my ultimate setup.
I want to dive deep into 4K gaming, do some VR, and maybe even dabble in some streaming.
Been eyeing specs like the AMD Ryzen 5 7600X, XFX RX 7900 XT, paired with an MSI PRO B650-S mobo. Thinking this combo will crush 2560x1440, VR, and leave me some wiggle room for future-proofing. Leaning towards packing it with 32GB DDR5 (should it be 64gb?), a 1TB WD Black NVMe SSD, and an 850W PSU to keep it juiced. Spotted another sick build with the same CPU, an RX 7800 XT, switching up with an ADATA 1TB SSD and a 750W Thermaltake PSU. What do y'all think? Any recommendations or should I flip the script with a different setup to max out my gaming and streaming dreams? Let's build something wild.
submitted by viaismikkar to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 20:30 Alternative_Tip_9918 A fun story about gambling

You all might enjoy my pain -
I was playing through XI S on switch and obviously I was having an amazing time. I make my way into the casino and head to the roulette table. I decide to scope things out, so I make the minimum bet and take a spin.
Wouldn’t you know it, I hit the jackpot and think “oh wow, I guess the first spin is scripted” so I think to myself - I don’t know what’s going to happen next but having a massive pile of coin can’t hurt right? So naturally I soft reset before the game can auto-save and make my way back there and try again. This time I bet everything and take a spin.
So I look it up and apparently you get something for hitting the jackpot but after literal hours of trying every exploit I can find and never once did I hit a jackpot again.
What are the odds??
Loved that game 10/10 would recommend.
submitted by Alternative_Tip_9918 to dragonquest [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 20:08 Relative_Education89 Feature Producer/Director/Writer Looking for Advice and Connections 🎬

I'm a DirectoProducer in LA and I'm feeling a bit lost after directing a feature that got some attention, We won several best picture awards and sold immediately but didn't quite hit the jackpot and I gotta admit, I'm kinda clueless about what to do next.
I've got a few of scripts, and I haven't really got them out there because I'm lacking management and don't even know where to start. Plus, I'm feeling a bit out of the loop with the LA film community. I do have a few industry friends but most of them are bellow the line and/or in other facets like reality or sitcom, and I could really use some director contacts that are more creative and on the same path.
I thought i would reach out to folks here on Reddit. Maybe someone's been in my shoes and can offer some advice, direction on my next move or maybe we could even collaborate on something cool!
I would also like recommendations for workshops or classes where I can brush up on my directing skills, especially working with actors.
Also, I'm all about expanding my network and making some genuine connections with fellow filmmakers. Whether you're in LA or halfway across the world!
Edit: I'm not sure if I was clear before, but I'm really just looking for a sense of community. I've had several projects since which have come very close to taking off. someone pointed me to the DGA website, which I found very helpful: if anyone is in the same boat as I am. if anyone is in the same boat as I am.
submitted by Relative_Education89 to FilmIndustryLA [link] [comments]