Adderall and vyvanse potentiation

Adderall: Getting Shit Done!

2010.04.03 05:34 dxmdma Adderall: Getting Shit Done!

A Subreddit for discussing prescription psychostimulants (Adderall, Vyvanse, Focalin, Ritalin, etc.) and topics directly related to them.

2024.05.14 23:35 twinhellas Why does my Foquest pills not affect me at all?

I’ve been diagnosed with ADHD earlier last year by a psychologist at my school, they decided to prescribe me Vyvanse pills at first and went from minimum dosage to maximum dosage which didn’t affect me at all, so my doctor decided to give me Foquest and went from minimum dosage to maximum dosage also which also didn’t affect me all. I don’t understand why my Foquest pills don’t work on me at all? At first I speculated that I maybe got misdiagnosed and didn’t have ADHD at all but I figured that if a regular person took 70mg of Foquest pills daily for 2 weeks, they would be very dizzy. So am I a freak of nature or is there an explanation for this?
EDIT : Forgot to say that I have also taken Concerta before taking Vyvanse. I’m in Canada btw so I don’t think Adderall would be very obtainable for a minor here.
submitted by twinhellas to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:49 Zealousideal-Tune659 Moving to France

Very nervous because Vyvanse saved my life, and they don’t prescribe it there as far as I know. Adderall gives me hives and makes me mean and agro. Has anyone dealt with this?what did you do?
submitted by Zealousideal-Tune659 to VyvanseADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:50 Resident-Witness3456 I feel like a difficult patient

I feel like a difficult patient
I have a couple mental health condition including depression, anxiety, ocd, and adhd. I have tried a ton of medications in the last 10 years or so that either only worked for a short time or have given me bad side effects. So far I've been on Prozac, Zoloft, Celexa, Lexapro, Propranolol, Clonidine, Clonazepam, Adderall XR, Adderall IR, Clomipramine, Effexor, Wellbutrin XR, Vyvanse, Hydroxyzine, Naltrexone and Buspirone. I've had some weird side effects from some medications like tremors and involuntary limb movements along with all the normal stuff like weight gain, sweating, sexual dysfunction and dry mouth. I'm pretty sure the clomipramine even gave me the very beginnings of serotonin syndrome.
My psychiatrist has been amazing and is very knowledgeable. Im worried he thinks im being picky when i come in saying im experiencing a side effect and asking to switch. He is always willing to work with me, giving me several options and letting me pick which medication I am most comfortable with trying. The only problem is that I feel guilty, like I am a difficult patient to treat. Some people are successful with their first medication but I am not that lucky. Has anyone else ever felt like this?
Tldr; I've tried a lot of anti-depressants and I feel guilty that it makes me a difficult patient to treat. I feel like I'm being picky, but none of these meds have felt "right" yet
submitted by Resident-Witness3456 to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:23 Prestigious_Ad6325 PCP

My PCP said he ideally would put me on Vyvanse since I’m not getting the best result with adderall, but he said with the shortages and insurance company approval- he thinks it will be a pain. Thoughts?
I’ve tried Adderall XR 20mg and Adderall 20mg twice a day.
submitted by Prestigious_Ad6325 to VyvanseADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:49 possum8616 Adderall XR + antacids (not trying to potentiate!)

I’m so frustrated. I am prescribed both Adderall and more recently an antacid. I pretty much NEED to take them at the same time so staggering them isn’t really an option at the moment. But you guys, those antacids make my ADHD meds hellish for me. They intensify Adderall’s effects so harshly and have caused me to feel side effects I have never experienced in my 15ish years of being on them. It’s getting so bad that I’m literally starting to contemplate what’s worse: gastritis/duodenitis relief or ADHD relief? I view both of my conditions with equal importance.
I spoke with my GI doctor and have tried other antacids, but there’s really nothing I can do. Doesn’t matter if I take them with or without certain foods and beverages. Nothing I have tried helps these side effects. I haven’t talked to my psychiatrist yet, but I’m pretty sure they won’t have a solution. Adderall has always been effective for me and well tolerated. I don’t want to switch ADHD meds, and from what I’ve learned so far is that doing so wouldn’t change my situation.
I can’t believe some people willingly use this combo to potentiate the effects of their ADHD meds, especially without doctor supervision. I can understand MAYBE if it’s a super low dose and the person is unable to get a dosage increase, but even then I’m like wtf based off of my experience. But I do know that every body is different and people will always have varying experiences.
The only thing that kind of helps (BARELY) is propanolol, which I was prescribed before antacids for anxiety. It worked great when it was combined with just Adderall. Didn’t decrease the efficacy of my meds but took away a lot of the physical symptoms of anxiety that Adderall would occasionally exacerbate.
Sorry this post is going nowhere and is kind of ranty. I guess I just need to vent. Obviously, if anyone else is going through this or went through this, please chime in! I’m just really frustrated.
submitted by possum8616 to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:01 AggressiveVictory00 Ketones in my urine but no keto diet or diabetes??

Yesterday I went to urgent care because of stabbing/excruciating pain in the left side of my back, about where my left kidney, kind of right below my ribcage. This was a kind of pain I have never felt before, literally rolling on the floor in pain. It got significantly worse within an hour which is why i went in so quickly. I was also severely nauseous and threw up a little before i left. It was slowly lessening in pain while i was at the dr's, when i got there they said they didn't have an ultrasound to check for a kidney stone but they'd do a urinalysis to see if i had a uti ect.
The results came back and everything else was normal but I had 3+ ketones in my urine. Because of this they tested my glucose which was 85 and i hadn't eaten in 8ish hours (ate at 9am, test was at 5ish). The 85 result seemed to rule out diabetes because they didn't mention it again.
Their next step was to refer me to a different urgent care so they could give me an ultrasound. by this point the pain had become pretty minor and since that was really all i came there for I told them I was going to go home and wait to see if the pain came back, and if it did i'd go in. Well the pain never returned even close to the level it was before so I didn't go back.
I was trying to do some research on the ketone thing because while i used to do the keto diet a few years ago i don't really know what's normal or not. Anyways my confusion is that I couldn't really find any kind of explanation for why there would be that many ketones in my blood? like none of them made sense or like checked out with my symptoms if that makes sense. I am not pregnant, i have not drank alcohol in weeks, diabetes does run in my family but i think its type 2 which I thought was almost entirely environmental based and I eat well. My main issue is that a lot of the symptoms of most of the things overlap with the potential symptoms of a medication i started about 2-3 weeks ago. For example: extreme thirst, numbness/tingling/staticky feeling in my arms or face (not actually sure if this is an adderall thing it just started about a week ago), dry mouth, dizziness/lightheaded, nausea, weight loss. I'm on adderall for context. So I am experiencing all of those things but also it could be explained by the med.
I also went through the foods i've eaten the last few days to see if maybe i accidentally put myself into ketosis by my diet but i eat wayyy more than the 20-50 range that would put me in ketosis. Like the tortillas i've been using are 40 alone lol. I also bought those little ketosis test strips because i wanted to see if it was a fluke or something or would just go away on its own but i've tested twice since and both times the results are relatively the same and the number converts to about what the urinalysis reported (between 2.7 and 3.5ish but it's a color scale so not super accurate).
So I guess my question is should I be concerned? I'm also feeling pretty "weak" like you know the feeling when lifting your arms feels like so much work. But also i'm getting nervous that it's all in my head if that makes sense. I am not feeling the pain in my kidney area anymore but the ketone thing is kind of throwing me for a loop, i just kind of assumed I had a kidney stone so this came from left field a little bit. I'm debating if I should go to the dr today because I don't know if this is just a thing that can "happen" and it's fine. Also what are some things it could be? I just can't seem to find a reasoning that makes sense other than diabetes and that was seemingly ruled out.
submitted by AggressiveVictory00 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:53 AggressiveVictory00 Ketones in my urine but no keto diet or diabetes??

Yesterday I went to urgent care because of stabbing/excruciating pain in the left side of my back, about where my left kidney, kind of right below my ribcage. This was a kind of pain I have never felt before, literally rolling on the floor in pain. It got significantly worse within an hour which is why i went in so quickly. I was also severely nauseous and threw up a little before i left. It was slowly lessening in pain while i was at the dr's, when i got there they said they didn't have an ultrasound to check for a kidney stone but they'd do a urinalysis to see if i had a uti ect.
The results came back and everything else was normal but I had 3+ ketones in my urine. Because of this they tested my glucose which was 85 and i hadn't eaten in 8ish hours (ate at 9am, test was at 5ish). The 85 result seemed to rule out diabetes because they didn't mention it again.
Their next step was to refer me to a different urgent care so they could give me an ultrasound. by this point the pain had become pretty minor and since that was really all i came there for I told them I was going to go home and wait to see if the pain came back, and if it did i'd go in. Well the pain never returned even close to the level it was before so I didn't go back.
I was trying to do some research on the ketone thing because while i used to do the keto diet a few years ago i don't really know what's normal or not. Anyways my confusion is that I couldn't really find any kind of explanation for why there would be that many ketones in my blood? like none of them made sense or like checked out with my symptoms if that makes sense. I am not pregnant, i have not drank alcohol in weeks, diabetes does run in my family but i think its type 2 which I thought was almost entirely environmental based and I eat well. My main issue is that a lot of the symptoms of most of the things overlap with the potential symptoms of a medication i started about 2-3 weeks ago. For example: extreme thirst, numbness/tingling/staticky feeling in my arms or face (not actually sure if this is an adderall thing it just started about a week ago), dry mouth, dizziness/lightheaded, nausea, weight loss. I'm on adderall for context. So I am experiencing all of those things but also it could be explained by the med.
I also went through the foods i've eaten the last few days to see if maybe i accidentally put myself into ketosis by my diet but i eat wayyy more than the 20-50 range that would put me in ketosis. Like the tortillas i've been using are 40 alone lol. I also bought those little ketosis test strips because i wanted to see if it was a fluke or something or would just go away on its own but i've tested twice since and both times the results are relatively the same and the number converts to about what the urinalysis reported (between 2.7 and 3.5ish but it's a color scale so not super accurate).
So I guess my question is should I be concerned? I'm also feeling pretty "weak" like you know the feeling when lifting your arms feels like so much work. But also i'm getting nervous that it's all in my head if that makes sense. I am not feeling the pain in my kidney area anymore but the ketone thing is kind of throwing me for a loop, i just kind of assumed I had a kidney stone so this came from left field a little bit. I'm debating if I should go to the dr today because I don't know if this is just a thing that can "happen" and it's fine. Also what are some things it could be? I just can't seem to find a reasoning that makes sense other than diabetes and that was seemingly ruled out.
submitted by AggressiveVictory00 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:34 crd_52 Is it possible to suddenly experience side effects on Vyvanse at a higher dosage, even if you experienced none at other dosages along the way?

I've been taking Vyvanse since the beginning of the year. I started around the beginning of the year at 30/40 mg, and have been at 60 mg for at least a month now.
I switched off of Adderall, mostly because it just wasn't working. And at first it definitely gave me some heightened anxiety/side effects but they did wear off, so I'm used to being patient with side effects from ADHD meds.
The Vyvanse has been pretty smooth for the most part side effects wise from the get go. My clinician upped me to 70 mg, because we wanted to see if it'd be more effective. I started it two days ago (also right after missing a day on my 60 mg prescription by accident).
I've been hit pretty hard with side effects though, and it kinda surprised me. I'm mostly experiencing anxiety, suppressed appetite, and this sorta funky numb/depressive feeling. Can't quite describe it. It's been pretty uncomfortable, especially the numb/depressive/zombified feelings.
Is this normal? I've been surprised at the intensity given how smooth Vyvanse has been till this point. I'm gonna wait it out a week or so to see if it subsides, I generally am pretty sensitive to medication so I prefer to be patient. Always thought Vyvanse was the exception, but maybe at 70 mg its not.
I do plan on talking to my clinician but they are on vacation this week. But of course, if the side effects get very bad I'll make sure to get medical attention.
submitted by crd_52 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:28 lostwithwoe I've ruined my life and I need someone to please help me with the first steps

I'm 17 and I've tried to kill myself 3 times by hanging and reason that didn't work is because I don't have a rope, I used an extension cord. I think about suicide every single day every hour only reason I'm even alive still is cause I can't find a method to do it I've tried ordering (won't name it but it's poison) a substance online but couldn't buy it cause I'm not 18 yet ii spend at least an hour a day looking on google earth for a spot to jump and die at but the area I live has no high spots unfortunately so it appears unless I figure out how to hang myself, I'm stuck here until I find a method/spot
so basically how I ruined my life is that I dropped out of high school and have been doing nothing since I'm a failure at everything and have no energy to even go outside I'm not a good person but I'm not a horrible human at the same time I don't understand why I'm even on this earth I don't understand the concept of life or why people who arnt rich even enjoy it I was born into a family that's more towards the non-wealthy side
ever since I was a kid I've never had goals in life funny enough that was a question that was brought up in school a lot I've never been able to answer the most simple things in school for ex. questions like your goals, what you did that day, who are your hero's, favorite shows, random shit like that I've always felt different from everyone else and I know I am, I'm undiagnosed with everything but I'm pretty sure I have many mental illnesses I know for sure I have depression and very very severe social anxiety (I can't handle normal conversations using my voice with people I don't know) I can't even talk to people online with my voice I always just tell them I don't have a mic also I think I might have ocd or something to do with patterns cause I used to be so obsessive with patterns if I didn't end my path on my right foot id half to step off and back on or just go all the way back where I started, and another thing is adhd when I used to go to school I would be so unfocused no matter how hard I tried if I tried my best to focus I would focus too much on the fact that I need to focus and somehow my teacher would explain everything and id be lost
my school life was horrible for me ii want to go back so bad so I can at least have some sort of chance at life, but I know I'd be so miserable I don't even know why it was so bad for me it's not like I got bullied or anything I had friends not close friends but friends I didn't talk to anyone outside of my friends and I never had a girlfriend (I girl liked me once but I walked away because of my social anxiety) I would just sleep through every class until the day I stopped going I missed more than half of freshman year and half of sophomore I went like a month of junior year until I dropped out
it's not like I'm a dumb or horrible looking person idk if it's just me being bias towards myself but I'm decently smart I learn things quickly and I'm average looking but my main flaw is that I've never been able to process the first step in anything it's like the first step in anything is mentally impossible for me to get over. I've always had potential and I think that's what's going to sting the most after i end it
every day after to me seems like an endless loop and I'm stuck in it without a way out I've made some friends online (we all don't speak) but I'm still so miserable I can't do anything I feel like I'm so stuck I've tried to ask my grandpa if I can get tested for adhd but he just said "you can't have it that's when u jump all over the walls and stuff" obv he means people who have a lot of energy and to an extent he's right I do nothing but play games all day to cope with the fact I hate myself if I'm not playing games I'm browsing suicide forums or reddit communities based on suicide I want to get my GED or something but it's like I don't have the energy to make the first steps at all
also this happened recently but I found Vyvanse pills (stimulants for people with adhd) I took 5 (I know I shouldn't have) and I felt so much better like I was actually happy and I felt like I could actually do things (I wasted 4 playing games cause I was a lot better when I took them though) with my last one I actually went outside I didn't go out for a good reason though I had the energy I needed so I went out to check out a cell tower to climb so I could do what the forum name is only reason I didn't do it is cause it was gated but it still gave me motivation to acc do stuff I ordered more Adderall pills online from the dark web after they get delivered I'm going to use them so I have the energy to kill myself.
I honestly don't know why I wrote this I think I just needed to vent it's all over the place but oh well hopefully one of my family members use my pc and read this after I die so they can understand how miserable I was or something
if you have any ideas of how I can get my life back on track lmk.
submitted by lostwithwoe to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:37 Karmann914 Not working for executive function (+ other concerns)

I have been on Vyvanse for quite a few years now, and have slowly upped the dose from I think 20mg to 40mg. I also take Bupropion.
The problem is that I haven’t really noticed any impact on my executive function skills. Other than schoolwork for my degree, I get nothing done. My room is an unholy mess, and so is my fish tank. I needed to call someone about something three weeks ago, and I still haven’t done it etc. It’s like the med isn’t working at all, and honesty I don’t have the sensation of it “kicking in” like most people. There’s not a noticeable effect other than some heart palpitations and irritability. I know it’s doing something, because my grades have improved, but otherwise I don’t think it is working at all. Is this normal and am I just lazy, or is something wrong?
submitted by Karmann914 to VyvanseADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:52 WeedalizeLeg Wanna try mindfullness

I'm a 24 year old male who's always suffered from depression and anxiety. Just last year, I found out it was caused by undiagnosed ADHD, and have ever since been in treatment (bupropion and Vyvanse).
I've had ups and downs, I smoke weed daily and drink 2 - 3 times a week. I've also had a period of experimentation with substances, mostly psychedelics, and that changed my outlook on life. However, throughout the last couple of years, I have felt things getting worse: more anger, sadness, feelings of being overwhelmed and well, all in all life's losing its sense. I put on a lot of weight, I have gone back to old insecurities and life in general feels like a lost battle, nothing makes me happy. Every plan I make is postponed until I just give up and feel like garbage.
Today I saw something on tv about meditation and thought: "I should try that, like, right now". At that moment, I was feeling as I do everyday. Overwhelmed, tired, sad, angry and numb, all at once. I closed my eyes and drifted away. It felt... Peaceful. I have no idea how long I was away for, but there were two specific moments in which it felt like I fell into a trance, or asleep, like that hypnagogic hallucination state, you know?
I'm not gonna act like it's a miracle and I feel awesome, but I feel weirdly proud of myself for doing that, and I wanna do it again. What would you recommend? Books, techniques, any word of help will be appreciated. I'm not gonna pretend this is gonna save my life, I know I'm the only one who can do that for myself, but I really felt some potential in there.
I'm going to try it again before going to bed later today, and intend on doing it again tomorrow. Any comments are welcome, what's your experience, did it help you with existential dread and with the whole living a sad and miserable life thing? I wanna take control of my life again, I did it once, but I'm failing at doing it again. I hope this can help guide me somewhere.
submitted by WeedalizeLeg to Mindfulness [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:09 Key_Speed_9748 Strattera (Atomoxetine) immediate effects? Medication help

Hello all,
I have begun looking into medications that will work for me and have been able to try 3 kinds.
Strattera 25mg
Vyvanse 10mg
Adderall 10mg
Here's my questions:
  1. What the hell was going on with Strattera? I miss having the "no thought head empty" levels of focus, but the zombie feeling was a little concerning.
  2. Should I tell my doctor that I will stop taking adderall and we can work out the insurance issue? Or should I stick with it for another week and see if it improves?
submitted by Key_Speed_9748 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:34 seriouslydavka Anyone taking low dose selegiline along with Vyvanse?

I’m just looking for anecdotes. I have a ton of 5mg selegiline pills which I was planning to take for depression a couple of years back before being prescribed Parnate. Parnate didn’t work for me in the end and Vyvanse has been the best med for my ADHD and my depression. I also take low dose abilify which has been helping much more than expected.
But I’m worried about Vyvanse becoming less effective. I’ve read people say selegiline helped keep effective but I’m skeptical. I’d love any info on the combo and anecdotes from those who have tried it.
And please don’t try to lecture me about MAOIs and stimulants. I know the risks of combining them and I know how overblown MAOI interactions are made to seem. I’ve been prescribed adderall alongside Parnate so I’m not concerned about low dose selegiline in combination with Vyvanse.
submitted by seriouslydavka to VyvanseADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:20 always__july Ahdh meds while on treatment

Hi friends,
Basically, the title. Has anyone with ADHD taken their meds while undergoing treatment? I have an apt with my dr this Thursday, but in the meantime, wanted to hear about your experiences.
I stopped my meds once I got the biopsy results (for some reason, the idea of stimulants freaked me out because of their potential additional effects on the heart), and tbh, my ADHD was the least of my concerns at that moment.
But I'm approaching my last cycle, and meanwhile, I'm trying to finish up my portfolio so I can start applying for jobs as soon as I'm done with the treatment. While I did my best at keeping my focus during the first two cycles, now I've been really struggling to get any job done. Chemo brain doesn't help my already messy mind. I have the attention span of a goldfish 🥹 and am too weak to apply any of my coping mechanisms at the moment. I wanted to ask my doctor if I can get back on Vyvanse. I’ve read it’s not uncommon for cancer patients to have this type of meds prescribed to help them with fatigue.
I'd appreciate it if you could share tricks that helped you stay productive too❤️
submitted by always__july to lymphoma [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 16:48 Mental-Lawfulness204 ADHD and ADD Medication Perscriptions and Insurance Company Failures.

ADHD and ADD Medication Issues.
My ADHD diagnosis came shortly after both of my sons were diagnosed. I went through a lengthy series of psychological tests. After being diagnosed, I was referred to a psychiatrist who wrote my first script to treat me.The first time I took my meds It was like a light bulb turned on in my head. My thoughts were clear, I was able to achieve goals and retain what I read. I struggled through high school and college with this disability. What people could do in an hour took me three. I made and used flash cards of the notes I took throughout college. It angers me when people are smug and refuse meds for their children, expecting them to outgrow ADHD or ADD. I have often said that one of my goals to rally people for legislative change. In many states, you are only able to get a script for one month, and/or your insurance company will only pay for a thirty day supply. The amount of anxiety that is induced by having to time things perfectly is ridiculous. I did it for 16 years for my children and have been doing it for almost twenty years for myself. I am suspicious of the shortages, especially when it comes to the new generic Vyvanse. Apparently, it is being produced but nowhere to be found in any drug store yet. My psychiatrist had to appeal twice to my insurance company to continue prescribing brand Vyvanse because their formulary only allowes time released adderall generic. That drug makes me crabby and gives me serious rebound at the end of the day, the reasons I stopped taking it 12 years ago! And no, thank you, I am not interested in adding another drug to combat rebound. I am NOT sorry for the rant. I welcome suggestions for how we can organize and collectively lobby for legislative change for the discrimination perpetuated by insurance companies and limits placed on the ability of physicians certified to provide he best mental health care they can to their patients. This should never have to include producing anxiety about getting our meds! I am up for a challenge! Are you? If Game Stop stock was able to change the market, surely we should be able to do this for our health and those that come after us!
submitted by Mental-Lawfulness204 to ADHDwars [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 16:35 Mental-Lawfulness204 ADHD and ADD Medication Issues.

My ADHD diagnosis came shortly after both of my sons were diagnosed. I went through a lengthy series of psychological tests. After being diagnosed, I was referred to a psychiatrist who wrote my first script to treat me.The first time I took my meds It was like a light bulb turned on in my head. My thoughts were clear, I was able to achieve goals and retain what I read. I struggled through high school and college with this disability. What people could do in an hour took me three. I made and used flash cards of the notes I took throughout college. It angers me when people are smug and refuse meds for their children, expecting them to outgrow ADHD or ADD. I have often said that one of my goals to rally people for legislative change. In many states, you are only able to get a script for one month, and/or your insurance company will only pay for a thirty day supply. The amount of anxiety that is induced by having to time things perfectly is ridiculous. I did it for 16 years for my children and have been doing it for almost twenty years for myself. I am suspicious of the shortages, especially when it comes to the new generic Vyvanse. Apparently, it is being produced but nowhere to be found in any drug store yet. My psychiatrist had to appeal twice to my insurance company to continue prescribing brand Vyvanse because their formulary only allowes time released adderall generic. That drug makes me crabby and gives me serious rebound at the end of the day, the reasons I stopped taking it 12 years ago! And no, thank you, I am not interested in adding another drug to combat rebound. I am NOT sorry for the rant. I welcome suggestions for how we can organize and collectively lobby for legislative change for the discrimination perpetuated by insurance companies and limits placed on the ability of physicians certified to provide he best mental health care they can to their patients. This should never have to include producing anxiety about getting our meds! I am up for a challenge! Are you? If Game Stop stock was able to change the market, we should be able to do this for our health and those that come after us.
submitted by Mental-Lawfulness204 to u/Mental-Lawfulness204 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 16:29 cutiepiesofine Adderal Weight loss Concern

Hi so I’m 19 F and I started taking adderall a couple months ago for my adhd. I originally took Vyvanse last year but stopped cause it made my anxiety sky rocket 😭.
That being said, in the 2 months that I’ve started taking adderal, I have lost a significant amount of weight(like 30lbs). At first I was happy and I still am honestly bc my weight went really up when I got to college, but I’m deadass scared now. Even when I am not on it, or before I take it, my appetite is extremely low and the thought of food makes me disgusted tbh. I’m worried bc these past 2 months I’ve eaten the same thing bc it’s all I can fathom eating(green protein smoothie, and I try to eat more during the day but I usually don’t eat till the evening. Evening food is usually something really light too.) and I soon will not be at home or in an environment where I can make smoothies every morning. I feel like I’m going to unintentionally starve if I don’t figure out what to do. I’ve been home for about a weeek now and haven’t had ingredients to make my smoothie and I have been unable to eat. It sounds dramatic but it’s the truth!
Ik someone will say to just eat but it’s so hard and I really like this medicine, it’s the first time I’ve taken something and can actually feel and see the positive difference it makes so I also don’t want to stop taking it 😭😭😭😭
submitted by cutiepiesofine to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 04:47 Human_Copy_4355 ADHD and depersonalization, derealization, especially when meds wear off

I have an adult child who is autistic and has ADHD. For the past few years he occasionally experienced depersonalization. He recently started stimulants (Vyvanse with fast-acting adderall for mid-afternoon because he can feel the Vyvanse wearing off) and he is noticing that he experiences depersonalization when the adderall wears off. It's the first time he's noticed a pattern to it.
I only just discovered that depersonaliztion can be a part of ADHD. I'm having trouble finding good information on it, though. I'd like to know more about it, especially when to know to seek testing for other issues. Anyone else here experience this? Have you found things that help?
In case it matters he also has major depression and OCD.
Thanks in advance.
(I searched this sub for depersonalization but all the posts were older and locked.)
submitted by Human_Copy_4355 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 01:21 doepetal ADHD Meds aren't working

I'm getting really frustrated.
I've been on four different medications prescribed to treat ADHD.
Vyvanse when I was 17, 32mg which made me jittery like drinking too much coffee, but stopped working after three days.
Strattera, up to 32mg last summer, which did nothing.
Concerta, 18mg, which was amazing for three days, then nothing, so we upped to 26mg, which did nothing.
Adderall XR, 10mg to start, worked for three days, then nothing. No dosage increase because the negative side effects for those three days were too much for me to handle.
Trying Vyvanse again, starting at 10mg. It's doing nothing.
I don't understand how sometimes, the drugs work, then they just stop working after a few days and sometimes, increasing the dose doesn't make the drug work again. I'm not on any other medications. I don't smoke. I rarely drink. I sleep well. I eat fine. I could exercise more, but my job is pretty active.
I just don't get it. I'm so tired of the fatigue, the lack of energy, the lack of mental clarity, the loss of cognitive functioning and executive functioning.
I'm so tired of trying a new medication and it works for three days, then my body just decides, "nope, we don't want you to be a capable, functioning person, go fuck yourself!"
I don't get it. I'm at a loss.
submitted by doepetal to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 00:24 Hot-Energy4361 Vyvanse or Adderall XR?

Which one do you feel works better for you, and why? Also, how can you tell? I’ve tried pretty much all of the stimulants for adhd and haven’t had hardly any luck, but the most luck I’ve had is some with the adderall xr, when I took it in 2 daily doses bc the one dose wore off too quickly. I’m currently trying Vyvanse which I think is helping, but still doesn’t feel like it is quite enough or long enough, and I can’t tell if it’s more or less than the adderall. What are your experiences/opinions on these?
submitted by Hot-Energy4361 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 22:26 rbecca08 Do any of you take these supplements?

Howdy!! was a really good resource for me when I was taking Adderall XR. I’m curious if anyone has ever taken any of the recommended supplements with Vyvanse and what their experiences have been.
I’m definitely going to do more research on this. It mentions Ritalin too so I wonder if the advice works for all stimulants?
Here are some of the supplements listed:
“Memantine (Rx) can work well to reduce tolerance
Selegiline (Rx)
L-Tyrosine (after) (Helps replenish dopamine, which will help even out the highs and lows)
Omega 3 Fatty Acids (before/whenever) (General brain health)
Vitamin D (morning) (Mood)
Inositol (Reduces nail biting, hair pulling and other obsessive symptoms)
“Before 10-30 minutes before.
Magnesium Glycinate: 1x200mg Pill (2,000mg magnesium glycinate, which is equivalent to 200mg elemental Mg)
(Use the linked brand. Many brands or formulations of magnesium have low absorption rates)
R-ALA: 1x100mg (Reduces neurotoxicity)
ALCAR: 1x500mg (Reduces neurotoxicity)
L-Theanine: 1x200mg (Helps prevent tolerance buildup, however more for reduction of anxiety/paranoia/irritability)
CoQ10: 1x100mg ("Extremely long half life antioxidant, various beneficial effects on mitochondrial function")
1-2x Tums, or 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda mixed in a glass of water (Potentiates Adderall due to reduction in stomach acidity)”
“After To help you: Go to sleep easier and feel better tomorrow.
Magnesium Glycinate: 1x200mg Pill (2,000mg magnesium glycinate, which is equivalent to 200mg elemental Mg)
(Use the linked brand. Many brands or formulations of magnesium have low absorption rates)
R-ALA: 1x100mg (Reduces neurotoxicity)
ALCAR: 1x500mg (Reduces neurotoxicity)
Vitamin C: 1000-2000mg (The acidity of vitamin-c will help reduce the effects of Adderall, making it easier to sleep)
Melatonin: 5-10mg roughly 30 minutes before bed (Keep in mind we are using a higher dose here for it's antioxidant properties. Normal dosages should be .5mg to 1mg.)”
Edit: formatting things to make it more readable (list above is copied directly from ***Also please consult your doctor before taking anything!!
submitted by rbecca08 to VyvanseADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 21:38 rubestee But how much protein and supplements?

Hi! I’m on the medication road to figuring out what works best for me - I’ve tried about 5 different things. My current cocktail is 60mg Vyvanse, 300mg Wellbutrin and 30mg Prozac. The Prozac we are working to wean me off.
I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why nothing was working for my ADHD - I was on 40mg adderall the past few weeks and felt nothing , just tired.
I’ve been reading more about what to eat (and not) and drink with meds and everything seems to say protein is a game changer. My diet has always been brutal so when people say protein I have zero clue how much. I’m taking the Wellbutrin and Prozac together in the morning and then wait a few hours to take Vyvanse as I saw recommended on here but I have no clue what I should be doing to not hinder efficacy.
What kind of protein/how much / and when do you eat?
What supplements do you take and when?
Help please!
submitted by rubestee to VyvanseADHD [link] [comments]