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Piecing Together the Inside of the Noceda Residence

2024.05.12 16:05 Not_Mason_Pines Piecing Together the Inside of the Noceda Residence

Hi, hello, it's me again, posting some more work my brain forced me to do before I'm allowed to get back to writing again 'cause none of it will be seen by anyone if I don't.
tl;dr, I tried to use the scenes we get to put together two possible floorplans for the Noceda residence, though, surprise surprise, there's no definitive answer.
Here's also an imgur album where all the sketches and combined screenshots scattered around this post are located. I'd suggest having all embeds open for this post's formatting's sake. If you instead want to read this post on tumblr, head here. Anyway.


Alright, so we all know that houses in cartoons are innocuous suburban homes that inside are secretly eldritch shapeshifting nightmares hellbent on driving anyone trying to put together a definitive interior insane, answering only to the whims of the storyboarders. And typically, the longer a show runs and the more scenes we get inside a house, the more contradictions etc. build up. Thankfully, the Noceda residence, which I think I'll call Walnut Grove, or the Grove for short from here on out (since Noceda is losely translated to grove of walnut trees, and the Grove or Walnut Grove sounds like something people might name their house). Petering out sentence aside, thankfully we only see the inside of the Grove in a couple episodes: Camila's room in Enchanting Grom Fright's last scene, the living room in the ending scene of Keeping up A-fear-ances, several scenes of the kitchen and Luz's bedroom in Yesterday's Lie, the kitchen and entry hall at the end of King's Tide, Luz's room and the upstairs hallway in the epilogue, and of course every single room we know of in Thanks To Them.
Since the scenes establishing the Grove's interior are mostly isolated to single rooms or all within one episode, hopefully the paradoxes and contradictions remain somewhat low. And of course, before we fully dive into things, this is not meant as a critique towards the show. Setting up a scene, joke, or otherwise, trumps a fully logical, realistic layout, and putting together a full floorplan prior to boarding or animating makes it almost impossible to account for any later rooms or more useful arrangements that are needed in the future.
So, with the introduction aside, let's first take a look at the exterior of Walnut Grove.
Walnut Grove exterior
The house is a quaint suburban home with two floors, possibly an attic, and (a later revealed) basement, with a forward-facing gable roof that has one shed-style dormer window at the front. There's a chimney off on the right, slightly off-center, and there's two windows on this side, one for each floor. The front door is to the left, along with six windows, two thinner ones on either side of the door and four big ones, though the second thin window is occasionally missing, such as in the picture above. There's no garage, just a driveway. The back and left-facing sides of the Grove are never seen, so they're a blank slate, though it's very likely there's a backdoor. The general dimensions of the house seem to have a comparable width to length, close to a square.

First attempt

With that out of the way, now for piecing together the actual inside. Let's have the first attempt start right at the front door, which opens up into the entry hall, where the staircase resides.
Front door
In the second half of Thanks to Them, there's a perfect shot that shows the full entryway.
Full entry hallway
Here you can see the stairs on the left, a door on the left near the back of the stairs, a door all the way at the end with ventilation up top, and two openings on the right, one leading directly into the kitchen.
As a funny aside, in the extended intro in Thanks to Them there's a shot of the hall that looks like this, where the stairs have to be fit in a seriously thin slice on the left to not be visible.
Spaghettified staircase
Anyway, going counter-clockwise, the living room is easily established as being the first opening on the right of the hall (hard to see due to low lighting), the stairs are also visible from the living room. The majority of this room is occupied by drawers and small tables, plus a large sofa in the middle with a TV against the front wall. There's also a window off to the right.
Living room
The back right corner of the living room is never seen properly, nor is the front wall beyond a close-up shot of the TV, but the back left has this additional inward corner.
The other room visible in the prior establishing shot of the entry hall is the kitchen, being accessible through the second opening. These two opposing shots give a full view of the kitchen. There's a counter that runs along the back three walls, along with a kitchen island and a breakfast table on the other side. The microwave and stove top plus oven are on the left along with the fridge, and the sink's at the back.
The opening on the right of the second picture leads into the hallway, with the other exit being a regular door.
There's also a different angle where the opening is seen more clearly, with the room opposite the hall being the downstairs toilet. This also means the door on the left of the establishing shot of the entry hallway belongs to the downstairs toilet, leaving only the door at the back of the hall unaccounted for, though the presence of the window in the kitchen makes it very likely this is the backdoor, or something that leads into a small room that has the backdoor.
Kitchen view of toilet
And that should be all the known rooms on the ground floor done with. Here's a crude sketch for the layout (not necessarily to scale):
Sketch of downstairs
Before making anything more definitive, let's move on to the other two floors. First, the basement is probably the easiest and most well-defined. These two opposing shots map out the majority of it.
There's a small work station and a sofa seated up against the stairs down to the basement, a closet on the wall to the right, alongside a washedryer setup. In the opposing corner is a small bar. This was definitely the mancave. The one thing that's missing is a pool table. The only trouble the basement has is…where are the stairs to the basement located? The space right under the stairs in the entryway is already occupied by the downstairs toilet, and the front of the house is already mapped from left to right: left wall -> entry hall -> living room -> window on the right wall. The only bits with space undefined/left is in the back right, as the kitchen's right wall has no windows or anything to indicate it's actually an outside wall, or the back left, with the unassigned door which may or may not be the backdoor obscuring things. The unassigned door has ventilation above it, and while I'm not sure, I presume it's common to have those above interior doors rather than exterior ones, so perhaps there is indeed another room back there. Especially if it's the entry to the basement, which has no windows or access to the outside for ventilation. Plus, the way the kitchen extends further back than the hallway in its establishing shot suggests there is room back there.
Lastly, let's move on to the upper floor.
The main thing we see on this floor is Luz's room, which is almost fully mapped by these shots, leaving just one corner unseen.
Luz's room
It has a bunk bed, a window on either side on both walls, a built-in closet with sliding door on the opposing wall, a small bookcase, and a desk under the right-most window. This is also where we run into the first definitive irreconcilable contradiction. You can see the slanted roof of the house here, with Luz's ceiling going up diagonally from the wall with the bookcase to the door at the back. However, in Yesterday's Lie, Vee jumps out of the desk window on the right, and comes out the shed window at the front of the Grove.
Vee yeeting out the window
Furthermore, we also have a shot at the end of the extended intro in Thanks to Them, where Luz sits at her desk on the right and directly sees the school bus arrive at the front.
School bus arrives
So, the ceiling says the desk window should be on the side of the Grove, but two instances say the window is at the front. There's sadly no way to reconcile this, so any future layout will have to compromise and pick one or the other. One thing that's clear though is that Luz's room has a front-facing wall. Whether that means her room is at the front-right corner or the front-left corner is up to us to pick.
The ceiling's slant in Luz's room should start a lot lower near the floor anyway, as the roof at the front slants down all the way to the bottom of the upper floor, along with the shed window being obvious from the inside, while in Luz's room the diagonal ceiling is only near the top, and the windows are both on flat walls. But of course, fitting in a bunk bed with that kind of ceiling is much more difficult for animators with these shots, so let's just let that slide.
Moving on, we also get a few shots of the upstairs hallway.
Upstairs hallway
Now, I definitely think this hallway has been stretched out in the right picture, namely to add in all the photos on the wall, so let's go with animation trickery and assume the length is shorter than this, otherwise it'll probably be wider than the entire house, length- or width-wise. We also have at least two doors on one side of the hall, possibly three since the door in the left picture is white, with the other door further back in the right picture being brown. There's also room behind the camera on the left for a door, as well as the stairs leading up to the hallway. There's no serious slant visible in the ceiling like in Luz's room, so the hallway isn't directly up against an outside wall, so that's one point off.
When it comes to Camilla's room we basically see nothing except the bed and the door, so nothing more to say about that.
Camila's room
Before I go ahead and show my first attempt at a complete floorplan, I'll also mention that we're missing a proper bathroom, so that's something that has to be around somewhere. Since there's at least three doors in the upstairs hallway, and convention, the bathroom will be upstairs.
There's also this inward corner in the back-left of the living room, and the kitchen doesn't have an alcove back there, so another room has to be back there. Though from all possible angles, no door can be seen. So apparently the Grove just has a hole in its center?
Unidentified empty space
Lastly, there's the already mentioned possible location of the basement stairs behind the door at the back of the hall. I'll leave out a highly possible attic space, as it's never shown, and adding it to the floorplan is pretty easy. Just a singular room with a collapsible ceiling ladder somewhere in the upstairs hallway.
With all this kept in mind, the floorplan that arises from this looks like this, though proportions can be altered a little:
Floorplans attempt 1
Some clarifications, I turned the mysterious gap in the center of the house into a pantry, with kitchen-access, even if there's no actual access visible in the show. The second doorway in the kitchen also directly leads into the living room, in the corner we can't see. A fireplace is also added, as there should be a chimney/fireplace around that location. The space behind the door at the back of the hall is turned into a room with access to the basement, though I can also see it containing the breaker box and that kind of stuff on the right wall.
For the basement, nothing more needs to be said, except yes, I did add the pool table. And for the upstairs, by making things fit with the parameters set with the ground floor, the additional space in the front-left corner becomes a home office (for Manny, rest in peace), with Luz's room at the front-right and her desk window becoming the shed window, and Camila's room at the back-right. Using up some of the remaining space for built-in closets, the potential third/middle door in the hallway becomes the missing bathroom, which is an en-suite here. Lastly, the remaining space in the back left just becomes more storage space.
So yeah, a few clunky things, but it works overall.
Now to tear this apart and point out all the inconsistencies I left out up until now.

The inconsistencies #1

Obviously, Luz's room is a Schrodinger's room that's in either the front-left corner state or the front-right corner state. For the sake of illustrating both options, I collapsed the wave function into front-right for this attempt, but I'll get back to the other state in a bit.
This also means the hallway is oriented wrong, as none of the slanted roof can be seen at the back, which would be the case if the orientation was front to back. The upstairs hallway is depicted as being oriented from left to right, parallel to the rooftop, especially with the window at the end.
Speaking of windows, the sideview of the Grove's exterior shows there's no window near the front at the right-facing wall, even though the living room has a window at the right. No matter what, the living room is solidly depicted as being in the front-right corner of the house, making this missing living room window the second irreconcilable contradiction we've encountered so far.
Keeping up with windows, the exterior window in the back of the right-facing wall is nowhere to be seen in the actual floorplan, belonging to the kitchen, which has no window on that wall. Furthermore, the side of a neighbor's house is visible in the kitchen window, meaning that wall is side-facing. This means the kitchen is either in the back-left corner or the front-right corner, though the latter is already occupied by the living room, so if anything, the kitchen would be in the back-left.
And, as mentioned previously, there's absolutely no entry to this mysterious hole in the center of the floorplans in any of the interior shots.
Kitchen window inconsistency
Based on these floorplans, it should also be clear that the house stretches back more than it is wide, which doesn't match up well with the outside, where the layout is more square.
Oh, and I left out the biggest inconsistency so far.
You remember that second entry to the kitchen? The one with the door, not the one to the entry hall? The one I assigned to being a direct passage into the living room?
Yeah, there's a whole second hallway beyond there, one we never actually see from within in the show.
Surprise hallway!
So…big oversight on my part there.
With all these big inconsistencies pointed out though, barring the two irreconcilable ones, let's try again, and attempt to work out these kinks.

Second attempt

I'll spare you the same pictures of the rooms again, so let's get to the meat of this second attempt.
Rather than base things off the entryway, let's instead build things up on the ground floor around the kitchen, since that one had the biggest inconsistencies in attempt one.
Well, let's start with putting the kitchen at the left of the house, with the kitchen window facing left. We also still have the downstairs toilet across the hall from the opening, and we now also have this second hallway visible from the other door, which has a corner, if not a T-junction, right where the kitchen door is, and two doors, one for each wall of said corner.
A crude sketch of this arrangement looks like this:
Sketch of kitchen and hallway
We now have a weird mess of hallways and turns, but to further build on this, let's just connect the two bits of hallway we can see into one, which you'll see just below in the final floorplan.
Of course, the location of the entry hallway and the living room doesn't change whatsoever, so let's just go ahead and show my full second attempt:
Floorplans attempt 2
As you can see here, the new kitchen direction with adjacent hallway system, combined with the entryway and living room, fills up quite a bit of floorspace. That, and the downstairs toilet now neatly explains the back-left corner of the living room. Concerning the two additional doors visible in the second hallway, I've assigned one to the pantry, and the other to a small closet containing the breaker box.
The long stretch of hallway parallel to the right of the kitchen did create some empty space between the living room and the pantry, but I filled this up with a proper dining room. This also now happens to be the spot where the chimney/fireplace would be located, which seems very fitting.
The basement does not change in any significant way, besides needing to figure out where the basement stairs are, as the kitchen now occupies the space right behind the entry stairway. As the weird second hallway section seems to extend beyond the windowless kitchen wall, the implied space right beyond the kitchen is turned into the basement stairs. This also turns the whole basement by ninety degrees.
Lastly, there is the upstairs. As the placement of the staircase really does not change, the floorplan of the upstairs is not determined by that of the downstairs. In reality, the floorplan of the first attempt and that of the second attempt here could be interchanged if you fudged the proportions a little. Anyway, for this upstairs I collapsed the Luz Schrodinger's room wave function into the front-left corner state, meaning we're now adhering to the sloped roof visible in Luz's room rather than the desk window. I also gave the one corner that's never actually shown in the show an indent to give some room for the stairs to go up without the ceiling being in the way.
With her room in the front-left, this makes the hallway stretch from left-to-right, also solving that discrepancy discussed with the last attempt. Beyond that, I assigned the three visible doors upstairs to Luz's room, a hallway closet, and the home office (otherwise an empty space), with the shed window now being part of said office, and in the back there's Camila's room, a walk-in closet, and the en-suite bathroom to fill the remaining space.
All in all, a decently put together floorplan, I'd say. Now let's point out what's wrong with this one.

The inconsistencies #2

Let's get the obvious ones out of the way. Luz's desk window now doesn't face the front anymore, but this was one of two irreconcilable contradictions anyway. The other one is the lack of a living room window on the right side of the house, which again can't be fixed.
Speaking of windows, the one in Luz's room, above her low bookshelf, is not visible on the exterior, where only the shed windows are visible. Proportions just won't allow this shed window to belong to Luz's room, unless you fudge with things and make the other room on the front end be much thinner. At least there's now space for a window on the lower right wall near the back, which I added to the bit of hallway that reaches the right wall, between the dining room and pantry.
There are two glaring inconsistencies though, one being the fact the entrance hall no longer matches the one establishing shot, where the kitchen is visibly established as being oriented where its one window is facing the back. This kitchen window both facing the back of the house as well as showing one of the neighboring houses is the third irreconcilable contradiction.
Full entry hallway
The other big inconsistency involves the downstairs toilet, which happens to have a small window on the wall opposite the door. The stars are even visible through it.
Quantum tunneling toilet window
In this layout, this wall is an interior one, with the living room being on the other side. It seems this window is somehow capable of quantum tunneling to the exterior wall, which doesn't sound very realistic. (As an aside, I'll skip on figuring out a floorplan for the actual Owl House, citing magic as my excuse. That, or 'Hooty was feeling a little quirky with his insides that scene' when contradictory shots show up).

Concluding remarks

In general, the Noceda residence is decently well established, and does not have too many irreconcilable contradictions, as hoped for predicted in the introduction. Trust me, other cartoon houses are notorious for being extremely inconsistent in their depictions.
  1. Luz's desk window suggests her room plus upstairs hallway stretch front-to-back, but the ceilings of her room and hallway show they stretch left-to-right.
  2. The kitchen window is facing left, but the entry hall and kitchen are established to face front-to-back.
  3. The living room is established to be in the front-right corner, but the window visible on the right wall is absent on the outside.
Anyway, I'm pretty happy with the two layouts I put together, though I personally prefer the second attempt. Besides the three irreconcilable contradictions, which you'll just have to pick and choose or ignore altogether, there's only three other contradictions here, compared to the five of the first attempt, which included the missing hallway. That, and things just fit together more neatly. I do like how both have at least one loop in them. I can just picture younger Luz doing the human equivalent of zoomies on the ground floor.
So, dear reader who's somehow found this post and read it to the end, which floorplan do you prefer, or think makes more sense? Keep in mind that you can swap the layouts for the upstairs between the two attempts as long as you adjust the proportions a little.
But that's enough out of me. I'll see you once the next side-tangent for fic writing hits and I put too much effort into it to not show it online.
submitted by Not_Mason_Pines to TheOwlHouse [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 14:21 thefrontpageofreddit New Mexico governor Michelle Lujan-Grisham seeks hydrogen investment with trip to Netherlands

New Mexico governor Michelle Lujan-Grisham seeks hydrogen investment with trip to Netherlands
In October of last year, Governor Michelle Lujan-Grisham attended a hydrogen conference in Australia with oil and gas reps (
Lujan Grisham’s office announced that she was leading a trade mission to Australia, culminating in the Asia-Pacific Hydrogen 2023 Summit in Sydney, just days before departure. A press release named nine others joining the governor, including a representative from Avangrid (which is trying to buy New Mexico’s largest public electric utility); the former chief commercial officer for BayoTech, an Albuquerque-based manufacturer of machines that turn natural gas into hydrogen; Jason Sandel, the head of an oil and gas well-servicing company in Farmington, New Mexico, chair of a natural gas industry group and a major political backer of Lujan Grisham; and Jennifer Bradfute, an oil and gas lobbyist and lawyer for years with Marathon Oil who recently joined ExxonMobil.

To be carbon neutral, fossil fuel-based hydrogen requires expensive and massive sequestration projects where waste carbon dioxide is permanently injected into rock formations.

Nevertheless, the geologists [at New Mexico Bureau of Geology & Mineral Resources] report that carbon sequestration offers “potential for existing and recently closed power plants and adjacent coal mines to remain active,” despite the fact that the state’s coal plants and mines are closing under New Mexico’s Energy Transition Act (ETA) because that is the quickest, cheapest way to reduce their carbon emissions.
“People are really desperate to feel like there’s a solution to climate change that doesn’t require us to change anything,” said Camilla Feibelman, director of the Rio Grande chapter of the Sierra Club. With hydrogen, she said, “Oil and gas has found a new way to package its product and slap on the name ‘clean and green.’”

Hydrogen produces only electricity and water when it’s run through a fuel cell. That creates no climate-warming gases — one reason so many want to make it. Another reason is governments are offering millions — sometimes billions — to help pay to make it. A third reason is that it can be made from fossil fuels at a time when they appear to be on the way out.
Production is the big problem. New Mexico’s abundant natural gas can be processed into so-called “gray” or “blue” hydrogen. Both are energy intensive to make, and for every kilogram of natural gas used, the chemical process creates nearly three kilograms of climate-warming carbon dioxide waste — and that doesn’t include the carbon dioxide produced from powering the process. The difference between the two is that gray hydrogen’s carbon dioxide is released to the atmosphere while that from blue is trapped and sequestered underground. Both come with climate-warming gas leaks in the wellhead-to-factory transportation chain. Furthermore, on the social side, more than a century of boom-and-bust oil and gas development has brought unequal economic results to the state.
Cleaner “green” hydrogen knocks hydrogen atoms off water using renewable energy. But New Mexico is a high desert, already suffering from a decades-long drought — there isn’t much extra water for hydrogen.

According to the release, the governor is working with four companies, including Libertad — one of the projects tapped by the ETA committee — and Tallgrass Energy, which is planning a controversial hydrogen pipeline that would run through the Navajo Nation. The other two are Navajo Agricultural Products Industry, which wants to transfer its operations to hydrogen power, and Avangrid, which joined her on the trip to Australia.
Last month, the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis released a withering report titled “Blue Hydrogen: Not clean, not low carbon, not a solution” that punches holes in the economic, environmental and scientific arguments around fossil fuel hydrogen. The report says that these projects “will make global warming worse” because of the greenhouse gases that will leak during the process.
“The build-out of hydrogen is speculative, time-intensive and will be arduous,” said Mike Eisenfeld, the energy and climate program manager with the San Juan Citizens Alliance. “The denial of the WISHH submittal suggests that blue hydrogen was properly assessed as extremely problematic.”
About the state’s continued hard push for hydrogen, Feibelman said, “It’s really quite, quite baffling.”
In a news release Friday, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham said she'll lead a delegation to an industry summit exhibition in the port city of Rotterdam seeking the “opportunity to sell New Mexico as a dynamic and thriving place for hydrogen industry investment.” She led a similar mission last year to Australia to talk with hydrogen entrepreneurs.

Some environmentalists call hydrogen a false solution because it frequently relies on natural gas as a fuel source. Several New Mexico-based groups have resisted proposed state incentives for hydrogen development, citing concerns that it would prolong natural gas development and increase demand for scarce water supplies.

The Biden administration last year passed over a four-state bid by New Mexico, Colorado, Utah and Wyoming for a share of $7 billion aimed at kickstarting development and production of hydrogen fuel. It chose instead projects based in California, Washington, Minnesota, Texas, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Illinois.
The hydrogen summit in Rotterdam has an array of public an private sponsors. Lujan Grisham is traveling with office staff, New Mexico cabinet secretaries for the environment and transportation, and husband Manny Cordova. The New Mexico delegation also includes Rob Black, president of a statewide chamber of commerce.
submitted by thefrontpageofreddit to NewMexico [link] [comments]

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BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $16
BVLGARI Mon Jasmin Noir 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $15
BENTLEY INTENSE Eau de Parfum 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
BERDOUES Collection Perfumes GRAND CRU Eau de parfum made in FRANCE:
MILLÉSIME OUD WA VANILLIA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
MAASAÏ MARA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
SOMEI YOSHINO - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
PÉNG LÁI - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
AZUR RIVERA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
Banana Republic ICON COLLECTION Eau de Parfum:
Tobacco & Tonka Bean - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Gardenia & Cardamom - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
83 Leather Reserve - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Dark Cherry & Amber - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Neroli Woods - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
17 Oud Mosaic - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
78 Vintage Green - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Peony & Peppercorn - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Linen Vetiver - 2 ML - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
90 Pure White - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
06 Black Platinum - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Cypress Cedar - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
CARNER BARCELONA Botafumeiro - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10ML - $15
CARNER BARCELONA Ambar Del Sur - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10ML - $15
CHANEL Gabrielle Essence 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport Cologne 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport Eau Extreme 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Egoiste Platinum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Pour Monsieur EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Creed Aventus 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
Creed Aventus 10th Anniversary 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Aventus Cologne 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Aventus For Her 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Viking 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Viking Cologne 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed EROLFA 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Neroli Sauvage 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Millesime Imperial 2 ML - $8, 5 ML -$20
Creed Original Vetiver 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Original Santal 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Green Irish Tweed 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Oud 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $29
Creed Himalaya 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Tabarome 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Bois du Portugal 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Virgin Island Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Silver Mountain Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Maifair 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Princess Oud 2 ML - $11, 5 ML - $27
Creed Pure White Cologne 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Creed Jardin d’Amalfi 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Creed White Amber 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Carolina Herrera Saffron Lazuli 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $24, 10 ML - $45
Carolina Herrera Bad Boy 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
CARTIER Pasha Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
CHOPARD Amber Malaki 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
COACH New York Eau De Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
COSTUME NATIONAL Soul 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $10
Calvin Klein ETERNITY 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
Calvin Klein Truth 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
Calvin Klein Truth for Her 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
COTY ASPEN 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
DIOR Fahrenheit EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
DIOR Fahrenheit Le Parfum 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR Homme 2020 EDT 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR Homme Le Parfum 2020 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
DIOR Homme ORIGINAL 2021 EDT - 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
DIOR Homme Cologne 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR SAUVAGE EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
DIOR SAUVAGE Parfum 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
DIOR Jadore EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
DIOR Addict Shine 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $16
Dolce & Gabbana The One EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
D & G The One INTENSE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
D & G Velvet Amber Sun EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Dolce & Gabbana K (KING) 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $12
Dolce & Gabbana K (KING) EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
Dolce & Gabbana INTENSO EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $16
Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue For Her 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
D & G Light Blue Eau Intense 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
D & G Light Blue Intense For Her 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
DIESEL Spirit of The Brave 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $12
Demeter Pineapple 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Elizabeth & James White Nirvana 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17.50
Etat Libre d’Orange You or Someone Else 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
English Laundry Windsor 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
English Laundry Notting Hill 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Frederic Malle Portrait of a Lady 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25, 10 ML - $50
Francis Kurkdjian L’Homme A la Rose 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Francis Kurkdjian Grand Soir 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 - 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Satin Mood EDP 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Silk Mood Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Petit Matin EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Universalis 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Vitae 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Guerlain Oud Essentiel 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Guerlain Shalimar Eau de Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Guerlain Mon Guerlain EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
GUCCI Guilty EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
GUCCI Guilty Pour Homme EDP 2020 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8
GUCCI Guilty OUD 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $14
GUCCI Guilty Love Edition 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
GUCCI Made To Measure 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
GUCCI Bloom Profumo 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $13
Geoffrey Beene Grey Flannel 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Giorgio Beverly Hills Wings 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
HERMES Terre EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
HERMES Terre Parfum 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
HERMES H24 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
HERMES TWILLY Eau De Parfum - 2 ML - $4
HERMES Rhubarbe Ecarlate - 2 ML - $4
HERMES D'Orange Verte - 2 ML - $4
HERMES Un Jardin Sur Le Toit 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10.
HUGO BOSS Bottled 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
HUGO BOSS Bottled EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Intense 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Elixir Parfum 2023 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
HUGO BOSS Bottled Infinite 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Night 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Hugo Reversed 2 ML - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS FEME 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HOLLISTER SoCal 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5 10 ML - $10
IMAGINERY AUTHORS Saint Julep 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Narcotic Delight 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Oud For Greatness 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Side Effect 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Atomic Rose 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Musk Therapy 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Rehab 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
ISSEY MIYAKE Pulse Of The Night 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6
ISSEY MIYAKE L'Eau d'Issey Noir Ambre 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
ISSEY MIYAKE L'Eau d'Issey For Man 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML -$9
Jo Malone Wood Sage & Sea Salt 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jo Malone Oud & Bergamot 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jo Malone Myrrh & Tonka 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Parfum ELIXIR 2023 ML - $5.25, 5 ML - $13
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
Jean Paul Gaultier Ultra Male 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male SnowGlobe 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
KILIAN Let's Settle in the Bedroom like Adults 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $10
KILIAN Angel's Share 2 ML - $12
LACOSTE L.12.12 EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE L.12.12 EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE Inspiration 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE Touch of Pink 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
Lattafa Oud For Glory Bade Al Oud (Initio Oud for Greatness Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Alhambra Fabulo Intense (Tom Ford Fxxing Fabulous Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Khamrah (Killian Angels Share Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Kismet Magic (Killian Angels Share Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Velvet Oud EDP (Tom Ford Ombre Leather Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Woody Oud (Tom Ford Oud Wood Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Alhambra Rose Petals EDP (Tom Ford Rose Prick Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
L'Aventure Al Haramain EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
L'Aventure Blanche Al Haramain EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
Lalique Encre Noire 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
Lalique Encre Noire A L'extreme 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LANCOME Hypnose 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LANCOME La Vie Est Belle 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Mancera Cedrat Boise 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Cedrat Boise INTENSE Edition 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11.50, 10 ML - $21
Mancera Red Tobacco 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Hindu Kush 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Aoud Lemon Mint 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Instant Crush 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Black Intensitive Aoud 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Maison Martin Margiela By the fireplace 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Maison Martin Margiela Sailing Day 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Maison Martin Margiela By the Lemon Trees 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
MONTBLANC Explorer 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
MONTBLANC Legend EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5
MONTBLANC Legend Night 2 ML - $2 5 ML - $5
MONTBLANC Individuel 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5
MOSCHINO Toy Boy EDP 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
MUGLER A*Men Pure Havane 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
MUGLER Cologne 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10ML - $17
Mercedes Benz Club Black 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Mercedes Benz SELECT 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Marc Jacobs DECADENCE 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Miu Miu Miu Miu 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
NISHANE ANI Extrait De Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Nasomatto Duro 2 ML - $9.50, 5 ML - $23
NAUTICA Voyage 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Narcisco Rodrigues For Her EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $11
Ormonde Jayne Tolu 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
PACO RABANNE XS 2018 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Penhaligon - The Favourite Eau De Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Althair 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Greenley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Kuhuyan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Akaster 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Percival 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Kalan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Darley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Nisean 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Habdan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Pegasus 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Pegasus Exclusif 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Layton 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Layton Exclusif 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Oajan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Sedley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Shagya 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Godolphin 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Galloway 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Carlisle 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Herod 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada Marienbad 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada Day for Night 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada L’Homme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Prada L’Homme INTENSE 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
Prada Luna Rossa Carbon 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
Prada Luna Rossa OCEAN 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
PINO Selvestre Original 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
ROCHAS Moustache EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Reyane Tradition Insurrection II Pure Extreme 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Ralph Lauren POLO BLUE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML-$15
Ralph Lauren POLO RED 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $12
Ralph Lauren Blue 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Ralph Lauren Pure Turquoise 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Revlon Charlie Red 5 ML - $2, 10 ML - $5
Revlon Charlie Gold 5 ML - $2, 10 ML - $5
Serge Lutens Ambre Sultan 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
Serge Lutens Clair de Musc 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Serge Lutens La Couche du Diable 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11
SHISEIDO Relaxing Fragrance 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Swiss Arabian Royal Mystery EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
SEAN JOHN Unforgivable 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $15
Sarah Jessica Parker Lovely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
TAUER Parfums, Andy Tauer No.2 L'Air Du Desert Marocain 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Teo Cabanel Barkhane 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11
Tiziana Terenzi Ursa 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Tiziana Terenzi Chimaera Extrait De Parfum 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
TOM FORD Ombre Leather EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Grey Vetiver 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Grey Vetiver Parfum Edition 2023 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD Beau De Jour EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Black Orchid Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD NOIR EDP 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD NOIR EXTREME EDP 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD OUD WOOD EDP Private Blend 2 ML - $11, 5 ML - $26
TOM FORD Tuscan Leather EDP Private Blend 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
TOM FORD Venetian Bergamot Private Blend Discntd. 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD COSTA AZZURRA 2021 EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD COSTA AZZURRA EDP Private Blend Discntd. 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
STERLING JUST JACK COLLECTION by ARMAF Eau De Parfum (Clones of Tom Ford fragrances):
TOBACCO LEAF (TOBACCO VANILLE Clone) 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
NEROLI (NEROLI PORTOFINO Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
HOMME NOIR (NOIR Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
NOIR ENDURANCE (NOIR EXTREME Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
BLACK IS BLACK (NOIR DE NOIR Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
OMBRE SUEDE (OMBRE LEATHER Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
FANTA FAB (THE Fuckxxing FABULOUS Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
ITALIAN LEATHER (TUSCAN LEATHER Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
Tommy Bahama Set Sail St. Barts 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Torry Burch Torry Burch 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Usher UR 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb Extreme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb Infrared 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf FlowerBomb 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
VERSACE Man Eau Fraiche 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
VERSACE DYLAN Blue 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8
VERSACE Pour Homme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE EROS EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
VERSACE EROS EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE EROS FLAME 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE Pour Homme OUD NOIR EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE Bright Crystal 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Ambre Impérial Van Cleef & Arpels 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Erba Pura 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Naxos 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Lira 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL MYSLF EDP 2023 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
YSL Y EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL L’Homme EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $9
YSL La Nuit de L’Homme EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $9
YSL L’Homme Le Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL La Nuit de L’Homme Le Parfum 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
YSL LIBRE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL Tuxedo 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL Caban 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL Trench 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL 37 rue de Bellechasse 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
ZARA Denim Couture 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Cuba Royal Cuba Paris (Clone of 1 Million Paco Rabanne) 2 ML- $2, 5 ML- $4, 10 ML- $8
Cuba Red Cuba Paris 2 ML - $2, 5 ML-$4, 10 ML-$8
4711 Original Eau de Cologne 4711 - 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
submitted by REDLINE-007 to CanadianFragranceSwap [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 19:50 REDLINE-007 [WTS] Designer & niche fragrance brand names decants/samples (decant)

For sale fragrance decants/samples, prices listed below in US dollars. All atomizers come in black plastic spray bottles with a lid & individually marked with labels. Shipping orders by Canada Post first class airmail with tracking, rates: to Canada $10 USD and USA $7 USD NEW DISCOUNTED RATE. I accept PayPal G&S (please pay any associated fees to PayPal) or Interac (Canada Only, no fees), local Pickup in Vancouver, BC, Canada is also possible. Please pm/chat me if you are interested.
Feedback, Photos & Fragrantica Page:
Fragrantica Page
\**JUST ARRIVED and ready for summer**\* >>> Parfums De Marly SEDLEY, GREENLEY, ALTHAIR>MANCERA CEDRAT BOISE, CEDRAT BOISE INTENSE, HINDU KUSH, RED TOBACCO, AOUD LEMON MINT> ARMANI Acqua Di Gio EDP, Acqua Di Gio PARFUM >INITIO Narcotic Delight>TOM FORD Grey Vetiver Parfum and more...*
The Price list is in USD and updated on 05.11.2024
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO Eau de Parfum 2022 - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO PARFUM 2023 - 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - 11, 10 ML - $20
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO ABSOLU 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profondo 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profondo Lights 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profumo 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger with You 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger Intensely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger Absolutely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI City Glam 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10
ARMANI Si Fiori 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10
ARMANI Si Passione 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10
ARMANI Code Feme 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO Wanted By Night 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO The Most Wanted EDP 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO The Most Wanted PARFUM 2022 - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Atelier Cologne Ambre Nue 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $11.25
Atelier Cologne Oud Saphir 2 ML - $5.50, 5 ML - $13.50
Atelier Cologne Clementine California 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Atelier Cologne Rose Anonyme 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Atelier Cologne Bois Blonds 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Amouage Interlude Black Iris 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $16
Amouage Interlude Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Meander 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Enclave 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Lyric Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Boundless 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $16
Amouage Memoir Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Dia Man 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Jubilation XXV 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Beach Hut Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Epic Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Reflection Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Beloved Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Aedes De Venustas Grenadille d’Afrique 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Atelier des Ors Rose Omeyyade 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Intenza 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Bergamotto Di Calabria 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Chinotto Di Liguria 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA OUD EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Leather 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia MIRRA 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA FICO di AMALFI 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua di Parma Arancia di Capri 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Colonia Club 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Quercia 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Mandorlo Di Sicilia 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Mirto Di Panarea 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Essenza 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ABERCOMBIE & FITCH FIERCE 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $14
ARIANA GRANDE Cloud 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Anna Sui Flight of Fancy 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Al Haramain L’Aventure 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
Al Harmain L’Aventure Blanche 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM Parfum Version 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM Milestone 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $16
ARMAF Tres Nuit 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF Derby Club House 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
BURBERRY Mr. Burberry 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $14
BURBERRY Mr. Burberry EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $14
BURBERRY LONDON For Her EDP 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $14
Bond 9 New York Nights 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15, 10 ML - $24
BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $16
BVLGARI Mon Jasmin Noir 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $15
BENTLEY INTENSE Eau de Parfum 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
BERDOUES Collection Perfumes GRAND CRU Eau de parfum made in FRANCE:
MILLÉSIME OUD WA VANILLIA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
MAASAÏ MARA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
SOMEI YOSHINO - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
PÉNG LÁI - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
AZUR RIVERA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
Banana Republic ICON COLLECTION Eau de Parfum:
Tobacco & Tonka Bean - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Gardenia & Cardamom - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
83 Leather Reserve - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Dark Cherry & Amber - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Neroli Woods - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
17 Oud Mosaic - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
78 Vintage Green - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Peony & Peppercorn - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Linen Vetiver - 2 ML - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
90 Pure White - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
06 Black Platinum - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Cypress Cedar - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
CARNER BARCELONA Botafumeiro - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10ML - $15
CARNER BARCELONA Ambar Del Sur - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10ML - $15
CHANEL Gabrielle Essence 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport Cologne 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport Eau Extreme 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Egoiste Platinum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Pour Monsieur EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Creed Aventus 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
Creed Aventus 10th Anniversary 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Aventus Cologne 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Aventus For Her 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Viking 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Viking Cologne 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed EROLFA 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Neroli Sauvage 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Millesime Imperial 2 ML - $8, 5 ML -$20
Creed Original Vetiver 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Original Santal 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Green Irish Tweed 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Oud 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $29
Creed Himalaya 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Tabarome 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Bois du Portugal 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Virgin Island Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Silver Mountain Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Maifair 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Princess Oud 2 ML - $11, 5 ML - $27
Creed Pure White Cologne 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Creed Jardin d’Amalfi 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Creed White Amber 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Carolina Herrera Saffron Lazuli 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $24, 10 ML - $45
Carolina Herrera Bad Boy 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
CARTIER Pasha Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
CHOPARD Amber Malaki 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
COACH New York Eau De Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
COSTUME NATIONAL Soul 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $10
Calvin Klein ETERNITY 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
Calvin Klein Truth 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
Calvin Klein Truth for Her 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
COTY ASPEN 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
DIOR Fahrenheit EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
DIOR Fahrenheit Le Parfum 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR Homme 2020 EDT 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR Homme Le Parfum 2020 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
DIOR Homme ORIGINAL 2021 EDT - 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
DIOR Homme Cologne 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR SAUVAGE EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
DIOR SAUVAGE Parfum 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
DIOR Jadore EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
DIOR Addict Shine 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $16
Dolce & Gabbana The One EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
D & G The One INTENSE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
D & G Velvet Amber Sun EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Dolce & Gabbana K (KING) 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $12
Dolce & Gabbana K (KING) EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
Dolce & Gabbana INTENSO EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $16
Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue For Her 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
D & G Light Blue Eau Intense 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
D & G Light Blue Intense For Her 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
DIESEL Spirit of The Brave 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $12
Demeter Pineapple 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Elizabeth & James White Nirvana 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17.50
Etat Libre d’Orange You or Someone Else 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
English Laundry Windsor 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
English Laundry Notting Hill 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Frederic Malle Portrait of a Lady 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25, 10 ML - $50
Francis Kurkdjian L’Homme A la Rose 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Francis Kurkdjian Grand Soir 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 - 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Satin Mood EDP 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Silk Mood Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Petit Matin EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Universalis 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Vitae 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Guerlain Oud Essentiel 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Guerlain Shalimar Eau de Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Guerlain Mon Guerlain EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
GUCCI Guilty EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
GUCCI Guilty Pour Homme EDP 2020 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8
GUCCI Guilty OUD 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $14
GUCCI Guilty Love Edition 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
GUCCI Made To Measure 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
GUCCI Bloom Profumo 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $13
Geoffrey Beene Grey Flannel 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Giorgio Beverly Hills Wings 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
HERMES Terre EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
HERMES Terre Parfum 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
HERMES H24 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
HERMES TWILLY Eau De Parfum - 2 ML - $4
HERMES Rhubarbe Ecarlate - 2 ML - $4
HERMES D'Orange Verte - 2 ML - $4
HERMES Un Jardin Sur Le Toit 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10.
HUGO BOSS Bottled 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
HUGO BOSS Bottled EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Intense 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Elixir Parfum 2023 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
HUGO BOSS Bottled Infinite 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Night 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Hugo Reversed 2 ML - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS FEME 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HOLLISTER SoCal 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5 10 ML - $10
IMAGINERY AUTHORS Saint Julep 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Narcotic Delight 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Oud For Greatness 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Side Effect 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Atomic Rose 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Musk Therapy 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Rehab 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
ISSEY MIYAKE Pulse Of The Night 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6
ISSEY MIYAKE L'Eau d'Issey Noir Ambre 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
ISSEY MIYAKE L'Eau d'Issey For Man 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML -$9
Jo Malone Wood Sage & Sea Salt 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jo Malone Oud & Bergamot 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jo Malone Myrrh & Tonka 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Parfum ELIXIR 2023 ML - $5.25, 5 ML - $13
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
Jean Paul Gaultier Ultra Male 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male SnowGlobe 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
KILIAN Let's Settle in the Bedroom like Adults 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $10
KILIAN Angel's Share 2 ML - $12
LACOSTE L.12.12 EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE L.12.12 EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE Inspiration 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE Touch of Pink 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
Lattafa Oud For Glory Bade Al Oud (Initio Oud for Greatness Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Alhambra Fabulo Intense (Tom Ford Fxxing Fabulous Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Khamrah (Killian Angels Share Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Kismet Magic (Killian Angels Share Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Velvet Oud EDP (Tom Ford Ombre Leather Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Woody Oud (Tom Ford Oud Wood Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Alhambra Rose Petals EDP (Tom Ford Rose Prick Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
L'Aventure Al Haramain EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
L'Aventure Blanche Al Haramain EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
Lalique Encre Noire 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
Lalique Encre Noire A L'extreme 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LANCOME Hypnose 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LANCOME La Vie Est Belle 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Mancera Cedrat Boise 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Cedrat Boise INTENSE Edition 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11.50, 10 ML - $21
Mancera Red Tobacco 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Hindu Kush 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Aoud Lemon Mint 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Instant Crush 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Black Intensitive Aoud 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Maison Martin Margiela By the fireplace 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Maison Martin Margiela Sailing Day 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Maison Martin Margiela By the Lemon Trees 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
MONTBLANC Explorer 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
MONTBLANC Legend EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5
MONTBLANC Legend Night 2 ML - $2 5 ML - $5
MONTBLANC Individuel 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5
MOSCHINO Toy Boy EDP 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
MUGLER A*Men Pure Havane 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
MUGLER Cologne 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10ML - $17
Mercedes Benz Club Black 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Mercedes Benz SELECT 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Marc Jacobs DECADENCE 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Miu Miu Miu Miu 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
NISHANE ANI Extrait De Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Nasomatto Duro 2 ML - $9.50, 5 ML - $23
NAUTICA Voyage 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Narcisco Rodrigues For Her EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $11
Ormonde Jayne Tolu 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
PACO RABANNE XS 2018 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Penhaligon - The Favourite Eau De Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Althair 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Greenley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Kuhuyan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Akaster 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Percival 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Kalan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Darley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Nisean 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Habdan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Pegasus 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Pegasus Exclusif 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Layton 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Layton Exclusif 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Oajan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Sedley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Shagya 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Godolphin 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Galloway 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Carlisle 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Herod 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada Marienbad 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada Day for Night 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada L’Homme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Prada L’Homme INTENSE 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
Prada Luna Rossa Carbon 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
Prada Luna Rossa OCEAN 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
PINO Selvestre Original 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
ROCHAS Moustache EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Reyane Tradition Insurrection II Pure Extreme 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Ralph Lauren POLO BLUE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML-$15
Ralph Lauren POLO RED 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $12
Ralph Lauren Blue 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Ralph Lauren Pure Turquoise 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Revlon Charlie Red 5 ML - $2, 10 ML - $5
Revlon Charlie Gold 5 ML - $2, 10 ML - $5
Serge Lutens Ambre Sultan 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
Serge Lutens Clair de Musc 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Serge Lutens La Couche du Diable 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11
SHISEIDO Relaxing Fragrance 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Swiss Arabian Royal Mystery EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
SEAN JOHN Unforgivable 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $15
Sarah Jessica Parker Lovely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
TAUER Parfums, Andy Tauer No.2 L'Air Du Desert Marocain 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Teo Cabanel Barkhane 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11
Tiziana Terenzi Ursa 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Tiziana Terenzi Chimaera Extrait De Parfum 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
TOM FORD Ombre Leather EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Grey Vetiver 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Grey Vetiver Parfum Edition 2023 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD Beau De Jour EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Black Orchid Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD NOIR EDP 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD NOIR EXTREME EDP 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD OUD WOOD EDP Private Blend 2 ML - $11, 5 ML - $26
TOM FORD Tuscan Leather EDP Private Blend 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
TOM FORD Venetian Bergamot Private Blend Discntd. 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD COSTA AZZURRA 2021 EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD COSTA AZZURRA EDP Private Blend Discntd. 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
STERLING JUST JACK COLLECTION by ARMAF Eau De Parfum (Clones of Tom Ford fragrances):
TOBACCO LEAF (TOBACCO VANILLE Clone) 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
NEROLI (NEROLI PORTOFINO Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
HOMME NOIR (NOIR Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
NOIR ENDURANCE (NOIR EXTREME Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
BLACK IS BLACK (NOIR DE NOIR Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
OMBRE SUEDE (OMBRE LEATHER Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
FANTA FAB (THE Fuckxxing FABULOUS Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
ITALIAN LEATHER (TUSCAN LEATHER Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
Tommy Bahama Set Sail St. Barts 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Torry Burch Torry Burch 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Usher UR 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb Extreme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb Infrared 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf FlowerBomb 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
VERSACE Man Eau Fraiche 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
VERSACE DYLAN Blue 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8
VERSACE Pour Homme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE EROS EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
VERSACE EROS EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE EROS FLAME 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE Pour Homme OUD NOIR EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE Bright Crystal 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Ambre Impérial Van Cleef & Arpels 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Erba Pura 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Naxos 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Lira 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL MYSLF EDP 2023 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
YSL Y EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL L’Homme EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $9
YSL La Nuit de L’Homme EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $9
YSL L’Homme Le Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL La Nuit de L’Homme Le Parfum 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
YSL LIBRE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL Tuxedo 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL Caban 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL Trench 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL 37 rue de Bellechasse 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
ZARA Denim Couture 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Cuba Royal Cuba Paris (Clone of 1 Million Paco Rabanne) 2 ML- $2, 5 ML- $4, 10 ML- $8
Cuba Red Cuba Paris 2 ML - $2, 5 ML-$4, 10 ML-$8
4711 Original Eau de Cologne 4711 - 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
submitted by REDLINE-007 to fragranceswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 03:52 MirkWorks Excerpt from The Culture of Narcissism by Christopher Lasch (The Flight from Feeling: Sociopsychology of the Sex War)

VIII: The Flight from Feeling: Sociopsychology of the Sex War
The Trivialization of Personal Relations
Bertrand Russell once predicted that the socialization of reproduction - the supersession of the family by the state - would “make sex love itself more trivial,” encourage “a certain triviality in all personal relations,” and “make it far more difficult to take an interest in anything after one’s own death.” At first glance, recent developments appear to have refuted the first part of this prediction. Americans today invest personal relations, particularly the relations between men and women, with undiminished emotional importance. The decline of childrearing as a major preoccupation has freed sex from its bondage to procreation and made it possible for people to value erotic life for its own sake. As the family shrinks to the marital unit, it can be argued that men and women respond more readily to each other’s emotional needs, instead of living vicariously through their offspring. The marriage contract having lost its binding character, couples now find it possible, according to many observers, to ground sexual relations in something more solid than legal compulsion. In short, the growing determination to live for the moment, whatever it may have done to the relations between parents and children, appears to have established the preconditions of a new intimacy between men and women.
This appearance is an illusion. The cult of intimacy conceals a growing despair of finding it. Personal relations crumble under the emotional weight with which they are burdened. The inability “to take an interest in anything after one’s own death,” which gives such urgency to the pursuit of close personal encounters in the present, makes intimacy more elusive than ever. The same developments that have weakened the tie between parents and children have also undermined relations between men and women. Indeed the deterioration of marriage contributes in its own right to the deterioration of care for the young.
This last point is so obvious that only a strenuous propaganda on behalf of “open marriage” and “creative divorce” prevents us from grasping it. It is clear, for example, that the growing incidence of divorce, together with the ever present possibility that any given marriage will end in collapse, adds to the instability of family life and deprives the child of a measure of emotional security. Enlightened opinion diverts attention from this general fact by insisting that in specific cases, parents may do more harm to their children by holding a marriage together than by dissolving it. It is true that many couples preserve their marriage, in one form or another, at the expense of the child. Sometimes they embark on a life full of distractions that shield them against daily emotional involvements with their offspring. Sometimes one parent acquiesces in the neurosis of the other (as in the family configuration that produces so many schizophrenic patients) for fear of disturbing the precarious peace of the household. More often the husband abandons his children to the wife whose company he finds unbearable, and the wife smothers the children with incessant yet perfunctory attentions. This particular solution to the problem of marital strain has become so common that the absence of the father impresses many observers as the most striking fact about the contemporary family. Under these conditions, a divorce in which the mother retains custody of her children merely ratifies the existing state of affairs - the effective emotional desertion of his family by the father. But the reflection that divorce often does no more damage to children than marriage itself hardly inspires rejoicing.
Battle of the Sexes: Its Social History
While the escalating war between men and women have psychological roots in the disintegration of the marital relation, and more broadly in the changing patterns of socialization outlined in the preceding chapter, much of this tension can be explained without reference to psychology. The battle of the sexes also constitutes a social phenomena with a history of its own. The reasons for the recent intensification of sexual combat lie in the transformation of capitalism from its paternalistic and familial form to a managerial, corporate, bureaucratic system of almost total control: more specifically, in the collapse of “chivalry”; the liberation of sex from many of its former constraints; the pursuit of sexual pleasure as an end in itself; the emotional overloading of personal relations; and most important of all, the irrational male response to the emergence of the liberated woman.
It has been clear for some time that “chivalry is dead.” The tradition of gallantry formerly masked and to some degree mitigated the organized oppression of women. While males monopolized political and economic power, they made their domination of women more palatable by surrounding it with an elaborate ritual of deference and politesse. They set themselves up as protectors of the weaker sex, and this cloying but useful fiction set limits to their capacity to exploit women through sheer physical force. The counterconvention of droit de seigneur, which justified the predatory exploits of the privileged classes against women socially inferior to themselves, nevertheless showed that the male sex at no time ceased to regard most women as fair game. The long history of rape and seduction, moreover, served as a reminder that animal strength remained the basis of masculine ascendancy, manifested here in its most direct and brutal form. Yet polite conventions, even when they were no more than a façade, provided women with ideological leverage in their struggle to domesticate the wildness and savagery of men. They surrounded essentially exploitive relationships with a network of reciprocal obligations, which if nothing else made exploitation easier to bear.
The symbiotic interdependence of exploiters and exploited, so characteristic of paternalism in all ages, survived in male-female relations long after the collapse of patriarchal authority in other areas. Because the convention of deference to the fair sex was so closely bound up with paternalism, however, it lived on borrowed time once the democratic revolutions of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries had destroyed the last foundations of feudalism. The decline of paternalism, and of the rich public ceremonial formerly associated with it, spelled the end of gallantry. Women themselves began to perceive the connection between their debasement and their sentimental exaltation, rejected their confining position on the pedestal of masculine adoration, and demanded the demystification of female sexuality.
Democracy and feminism have now stripped the veil of courtly convention from the subordination of women, revealing the sexual antagonisms formerly concealed by the “feminine mystique.” Denied illusions of comity, men and women find it more difficult than before to confront each other as friends and lovers, let alone as equals. As male supremacy becomes ideologically untenable, incapable of justifying itself as protection, men assert their domination more directly, in fantasies and occasionally in acts of raw violence. Thus the treatment of women in movies, according to one study, has shifted “from reverence to rape.”
Women who abandon the security of well-defined though restrictive social roles have always exposed themselves to sexual exploitation, having surrendered the usual claims of respectability. Mary Wollstonecraft, attempting to live as a free woman, found herself brutally deserted by Gilbert Imlay. Later feminists forfeited the privileges of sex and middle-class origin when they campaigned for women’s rights. Men reviled them publicly as sexless “she-men” and approached them privately as loose women. A Cincinnati brewer, expecting to be admitted to Emma Goldman’s hotel room when he found her alone, became alarmed when she threatened to wake the whole establishment. He protested, “I thought you believed in free love.” Ingrid Bengis reports that when she hitchhiked across the country, men expected her to pay for rides with sexual favors. Her refusal elicited the predictable reply: “Well, girls shouldn’t hitchhike in the first place.”
What distinguishes the present time from the past is that defiance of sexual conventions less and less presents itself as a matter of individual choice, as it was for the pioneers of feminism. Since most of those conventions have already collapsed, even a woman who lays no claim to her rights nevertheless finds it difficult to claim the traditional privileges of her sex. All women find themselves identified with “women’s lib” merely by virtue of their sex, unless by strenuous disavowals they identify themselves with its enemies. All women share in the burdens as well as the benefits of “liberation,” both of which can be summarized by saying that men no longer treat women as ladies.
The Sexual “Revolution”
The demystification of womanhood goes hand in hand with the desublimation of sexuality. The “repeal of reticence” has dispelled the aura of mystery surrounding sex and removed most of the obstacles to its public display. Institutionalized sexual segregation has given way to arrangements that promote the intermingling of the sexes at every stage of life. Efficient contraceptives, legalized abortion, and a “realistic” and “healthy” acceptance of the body have weakened the links that once tied sex to love, marriage, and procreation. Men and women now pursue sexual pleasure as an end in itself, unmediated even by the conventional trappings of romance.
Sex valued purely for its own sake loses all reference to the future and brings no hope of permanent relationships. Sexual liaisons, including marriage, can be terminated at pleasure. This means, as Willard Waller demonstrated a long time ago, that lovers forfeit the right to be jealous or to insist on fidelity as a condition of erotic union. In his sociological satire of the recently divorced, Waller pointed out that the bohemians of the 1920s attempted to avoid emotional commitments while eliciting them from others.
Since the bohemian was “not ready to answer with his whole personality for the consequences of the affair, nor to give any assurance of its continuance,” he lost the right to demand such an assurance from others. “To show jealousy,” under these conditions, became “nothing short of a crime…. So if one falls in love in Bohemia, he conceals it from his friends as best he can.” In similar studies of the “rating and dating complex” on college campuses, Waller found that students who fell in love invited the ridicule of their peers. Exclusive attachments have way to an easygoing promiscuity as the normal pattern of sexual relations. Popularity replaced purity as the measure of a woman’s social value; the sentimental cult of virginity gave way to “playful woman-sharing,” which had “no negative effect,” as Wolfenstein and Leites pointed out in their study of movies, “on the friendly relations between the men.”(*) In the thirties and forties, the cinematic fantasy in which a beautiful girl dances with a chorus of men, favoring one no more than the others, expressed an ideal to which reality more and more closely conformed. In Elmtown’s Youth, August Hollingshead described a freshman girl who violated conventional taboos against drinking, smoking, and “fast” behavior and still retained her standing in the school’s most prominent clique, partly carefully calibrated promiscuity. “To be seen with her adds to a boy’s prestige in the elite peer group…. she pets with her dates discreetly never goes too far, just far enough to make them come back again.” In high school as in college, the peer group attempts through conventional ridicule and vituperation to prevent its members from falling in love with the wrong people, indeed from falling in love at all; for as Hollingshead noted, lovers “are lost to the adolescent world with its quixotic enthusiasms and varied group activities.”
These studies show that the main features of the contemporary sexual scene had already established themselves well before the celebrated “sexual revolution” of the sixties and seventies: casual promiscuity, a wary avoidance of emotional commitments, an attack on jealousy and possessiveness. Recent developments, however, have introduced a new source of tension: the modern woman’s increasingly insistent demand for sexual fulfillment. In the 1920s and 1930s, many women still approached sexual encounters with a hesitance that combined prudery and a realistic fear of consequences. Superficially seductive, they took little pleasure in sex even when they spoke the jargon of sexual liberation and professed to live for pleasure and thrills. Doctors worried about female frigidity, and psychiatrists had no trouble in recognizing among their female patients the classic patterns of hysteria described by Freud, in which a coquettish display of sexuality often coexists with powerful repression and a rigid, puritanical morality.
Today women have dropped much of their sexual reserve. In the eyes of men, this makes them more accessible as sexual partners but also more threatening. Formerly men complained about women’s lack of sexual response; now they find this response intimidating and agonize about their capacity to satisfy it. “I’m sorry they ever found out they could have orgasms too,” Heller’s Bob Slocum says. The famous Masters-Johnson report on female sexuality added to these anxieties by depicting women as sexually insatiable, inexhaustible in their capacity to experience orgasm after orgasm. Some feminists have used the Masters report to attack the “myth of vaginal orgasm,” to assert women’s independence of men, or to taunt men with their sexual inferiority. “Theoretically, a woman could go on having orgasms indefinitely if physical exhaustion did not intervene,” writes Mary Jane Sherfey. According to Kate Millett, “While the male’s sexual potential is limited, the female’s appears to be biologically nearly inexhaustible.” Sexual “performance” thus becomes another weapon in the war between men and women; social inhibitions no longer prevent women from exploiting the tactical advantage which the current obsession with sexual measurement has given them. Whereas the hysterical woman, even when she fell in love and longed to let herself go, seldom conquered her underlying aversion to sex, the pseudoliberated woman of Cosmopolitan exploits her sexuality in a more deliberate and calculating way, not only because she has fewer reservations about sex but because she manages more successfully to avoid emotional entanglements. “Women with narcissistic personalities,” writes Otto Kernberg, “may appear quite ‘hysterical’ on the surface, with their extreme coquettishness and exhibitionism but the cold, shrewdly calculating quality of their seductiveness is in marked contrast to the much warmer, emotionally involved quality of hysterical pseudo-hypersexuality.”
[*. The transition in American movies from the vamp to the “good-bad girl,” according to Wolfenstein and Leites, illustrates the decline of jealousy and the displacement of sexual passion by sexiness. “The dangerousness of the vamp was associated with the man’s intolerance for sharing her with other men. Her seductive appearance and readiness for love carried a strong suggestion that there has been and might be other men in her life…. The good-bad girl is associated with a greater tolerance for sharing the woman…. In effect, the woman’s attraction is enhanced by her association with other men. All that is needed to eliminate unpleasantness is the assurance that those relations were not serious.”]
Both men and women have come to approach personal relations with a heightened appreciation of their emotional risks. Determined to manipulate the emotions of others while protecting themselves against emotional injury, both sexes cultivate a protective shallowness, a cynical detachment they do not altogether feel but which soon becomes habitual and in any case embitters personal relations merely through its repeated profession. At the same time, people demand from personal relations the richness and intensity of a religious experience. Although in some ways men and women have had to modify their demands on each other, especially in their inability to exact commitments of lifelong sexual fidelity, in other ways they demand more than ever. In the American middle class, moreover, men and women see too much of each other and find it hard to put their relations in proper perspective. The degradation of work and the impoverishment of communal life force people to turn to sexual excitement to satisfy all their emotional needs. Formerly sexual antagonism was tempered not only by chivalric, paternalistic, conventions but by a more relaxed acceptance of the limitations of the other sex. Men and women acknowledged each other’s shortcomings without making them the basis of a comprehensive indictment. Partly because they found more satisfaction than is currently available in casual relations with their own sex, they did not have to raise friendship itself into a political program, an ideological alternative to love. An easygoing, everyday contempt for the weaknesses of the other sex, institutionalized as folk wisdom concerning the emotional incompetence of men or the brainlessness of women, kept sexual enmity within bounds and prevented it from becoming an obsession.
Feminism and the ideology of intimacy have discredited the sexual stereotypes which kept women in their place but which also made it possible to acknowledge sexual antagonism without raising it to the level of all-out warfare. Today the folklore of sexual differences and the acceptance of sexual friction survive only in the working class. Middle-class feminists envy the ability of working-class women to acknowledge that men get in their way without becoming man-haters. “These women are less angry at their men because they don’t spend that much time with them,” according to one observer. “Middle-class women are the ones who were told men had to be their companions.”

Strategies of Accommodation
Because the contradiction exposed (and exacerbated) by feminism are so painful, the feminist movement has always found it tempting to renounce its own insights and program and to retreat into some kind of accommodation with the existing order, often disguised as embattled militancy. In the nineteenth century, American feminists edged away from their original programs, which envisioned not only economic equality but a sweeping reform of marriage and sexual relations, into a protracted campaign for woman suffrage. Today many feminists argue, once again in the name of political realism, that women need to establish their influence within the two-party system, as a kind of loyal opposition, before they can raise broader issues. Such tactics merely serve to postpone the discussion of broader issues indefinitely. Just as the women’s rights movement of the nineteenth century drew back from discussions of love and marriage when they met with public hostility, so strong forces in the National Organization for Women today propose to improve woman’s image, to show that feminism in no way threatens men, and to blame “social conditions” or bad attitudes, not male supremacy, for the subordination of the female sex.
More subtle forms of accommodation pose as radical challenges to mainstream feminism and the status quo. Some militants have revived discredited theories of matriarchal origins or myths of the moral superiority of women, thereby consoling themselves for this lack of power. They appear to the illusory solidarity of sisterhood in order to avoid arguments about the proper goals of the feminist movement. By institutionalizing women’s activities as “alternatives to the male death-culture,” they avoid challenging that culture and protect women from the need to compete with men for jobs, political power, and public attention. What began as a tactical realization that women have to win their rights without waiting for men to grant them has degenerated into the fantasy of a world without men. As one critic has noted, the movement’s “apparent vigor turns out to be mere busyness with self-perpetuating make-work: much of it serving in the short run to provide its more worldly experts with prestige, book contracts, and grants, its dreamers with an illusory matriarchal utopia.”
“Radical lesbians” carry the logic of separation to its ultimate futility, withdrawing at every level from the struggle against male domination while directing a steady stream of abuse against men and against women who refuse to acknowledge their homosexual proclivities. Proclaiming their independence from men, militant lesbians in fact envision a protected enclave for themselves within a male-dominated society. Yet this form of surrender - the dream of an island secure against male intrusion - remains attractive to women who repeatedly fail to find a union of sexuality and tenderness in their relations with men. As such disappointments become more and more common, sexual separatism commends itself as the most plausible substitute for liberation.
All these strategies of accommodation derive their emotional energy from an impulse much more prevalent than feminism: the flight from feeling. For many reasons, personal relations have become increasingly risky - most obviously, because they no longer carry any assurance of permanence. Men and women make extravagant demands on each other and experience irrational rage and hatred when their demands are not met. Under these conditions, it is not surprising that more and more people long for emotional detachment or “enjoy sex,” as Hendin writes, “only in situations where they can define and limit the intensity of the relationship.” A lesbian confesses: “The only men I’ve ever been able to enjoy sex with were men I didn’t give a shit about. Then I could let go, because I didn’t feel vulnerable.”
Sexual separatism is only one of many strategies for controlling or escaping from strong feeling. Many prefer the escape of drugs, which dissolve anger and desire in a glow of good feeling and create the illusion of intense experience without emotion. Others simply undertake to live alone, repudiating connections with either sex. The reported increase in single-member households undoubtedly reflects a new taste for personal independence, but it also expresses a revulsion against close emotional attachments of any kind. The rising rate of suicide among young people can be attributed, in part, to the same flight from emotional entanglements. Suicide, in Hendin’s words, represents the “ultimate numbness.”
The most prevalent form of escape from emotional complexity is promiscuity: the attempt to achieve a strict separation between sex and feeling. Here again, escape masquerades as liberation, regression as progress. The progressive ideology of “nonbiding commitments” and “cool sex” makes a virtue of disengagement, while purporting to criticize the depersonalization of sex. Enlightened authorities like Alex Comfort, Nena and George O’Neill, Robert and Anna Francoeur insist on the need to humanize sex by making it into a “total experience” instead of a mechanical performance; yet in the same breath they condemn the human emotions of jealousy and possessiveness and decry “romantic illusions.” “Radical” therapeutic wisdom urges men and women to express their needs and wishes without reserve - since all needs and wishes have equal legitimacy - but warns them not to expect a single mate to satisfy them. This program seeks to allay emotional tensions, in effect, by reducing the demands men and women make on each other, instead of making men and women better able to meet them. The promotion of sex as a “healthy,” “normal” part of life masks a desire to divest it of the emotional intensity that unavoidably clings to it: the reminders of earlier entanglements with parents, the “unhealthy” inclination to re-create those relations in relation with lovers. The enlightened insistence that sex is not “dirty” expresses a wish to sanitize it by washing away its unconscious associations.
The humanistic critique of sexual “depersonalization” thus sticks to the surface of the problem. Even while preaching the need to combine sex with feeling, it gives ideological legitimacy to the protective withdrawal from strong emotions. It condemns the overemphasis on technique while extolling sexual relations that are hermetically free of affect. It exhorts men and women to “get in touch with their feelings” but encourages them to make “resolutions about freedom and ‘non-possessiveness,’” as Ingrid Bengis writes, which “tear the very heart out of intimacy.” It satirizes the crude pornographic fantasies sold by the mass media, which idealize hairless women with inflated mammaries, but it does so out of an aversion to fantasy itself, which so rarely conforms to social definition of what is healthy minded. The critics of dehumanized sex, like the critics of sport, hope to abolish spectatorship and to turn everyone into a participant, hoping that vigorous exercise will drive away unwholesome thoughts. They attack pornography, not because they wish to promote more complicated and satisfying fantasies about sex, but because, on the contrary, they wish to win acceptance for a realistic view of womanhood and of the reduced demands that men and women have a right to make of each other.
The Castrating Woman of Male Fantasy
The flight from feeling, whether or not it tries to justify itself under an ideology of nonbinding commitments, takes the form above all of a flight from fantasy. This shows that it represents more than defensive reaction to external disappointments. Today men and women seek escape from emotion not only because they have suffered too many wounds in the wars of love but because they experience their own inner impulses as intolerably urgent and menacing. The flight from feeling originates not only in the sociology of the sex war but in the psychology that accompanies it. If “many of us,” as Ingrid Bengis observes of women and as others have observed of men as well, “have had to anesthetize ourselves to [our] needs,” it is the very character of those needs (and of the defenses erected against them) which gives rise to the belief that they cannot be satisfied in heterosexual relations - perhaps should not be satisfied in any form - and which therefore prompts people to withdraw from intense emotional encounters.
Instinctual desires always threaten psychic equilibrium and for this reason can never be given direct expression. In our society, however, they present themselves as intolerably menacing, in part because the collapse of authority has removed so many of the external prohibitions against the expression of dangerous impulses. The superego can no longer ally itself, in its battle against impulse, with outside authorities. It has to rely almost entirely on its own resources, and these too have diminished in their effectiveness. Not only have the social agents of repression lost much of their force, but their internal representations in the superego have suffered a similar decline. The ego ideal, which cooperates in the work of repression by making socially acceptable behavior itself an object of libidinal cathexis, has become increasingly pallid and ineffective in the absence of compelling moral models outside the self. This means, as we have seen, that the superego has to rely more and more on harsh, punitive dictation, drawing on the aggressive impulses in the id and directing them against the ego.
The narcissist feels consumed by his own appetites. The intensity of his oral hunger leads him to make inordinate demands on his friends and sexual partners; yet in the same breath he repudiates those demands asks only a causal connection without promise of permanence on either side. He longs to free himself from his own hunger and rage, to achieve a calm detachment beyond emotion, and to outgrow his dependence on others. He longs for the indifference to human relationships and to life itself that would enable him to acknowledge its passing in Kurt Vonnegut’s laconic phrase, “So it goes,” which so aptly expresses the ultimate aspiration of the psychiatric seeker. <“Western” Buddhism>
But although the psychological man of our times frightens himself with the intensity of his inner needs, the needs of others appall him no less than his own. One reason the demands he inadvertently imposes on others make him uneasy is that they may justify other in making demands on himself. Men especially fear the demands of women, not only because women no longer hesitate to press them but because men find it so difficult to imagine an emotional need that does not wish to consume whatever it seizes on.
Women today ask for two things in their relations with men: sexual satisfaction and tenderness. Whether separately or in combination, both demands seem to convey to many males the same message - that women are voracious, insatiable. Why should men respond in this fashion to demands that reason tells them have obvious legitimacy? Rational arguments notoriously falter in the face of unconscious anxieties; women’s sexual demands terrify men because they reverberate at such deep layers of the masculine mind, calling up early fantasies of a possessive, suffocating, devouring, and castrating mother. The persistence of such fantasies in later life intensifies and brings into the open the secret terror that has always been an important part of the male image of womanhood. The strength of these pre-Oedipal fantasies, in the narcissistic type of personality, makes it likely that men will approach women with hopelessly divided feelings, dependent and demanding in their fixation on the breast but terrified of the vagina which threatens to eat them alive; of the legs with which popular imagination endows the American heroine, legs which can presumably strangle or scissor victims to death; of the dangerous, phallic breast itself, encased in unyielding armor, which in unconscious terror more nearly resembles an implement of destruction that a source of nourishment. The sexually voracious female, long a stock figure of masculine pornography, in the twentieth century has emerged into the daylight of literary respectability. Similarly the cruel, destructive, domineering woman, la belle dame sans merci, has moved from the periphery of literature and the other arts to a position close to the center. Formerly a source of delicious titillation, of sadomasochistic gratification tinged with horrified fascination, she now inspires unambiguous loathing and dread. Heartless, domineering, burning (as Leslie Fiedler has said) with “a lust of the nerves rather than of the flesh,” she unmans every man who falls under her spell. In American fiction, she assumes a variety of guides, all of them variations on the same theme: the bitchy heroine of Hemingway, Faulkner, and Fitzegerald; Nathanael West’s Faye Greener, whose “invitation wasn’t to pleasure but to struggle, hard and sharp, closer to murder than to love”; Tennessee Williams’s Maggie Tolliver, edgy as a cat on a hot tin roof; the domineering wife whose mastery of her husband, as in the joyless humor of James Thurber, recalls the mastery of the castrating mother over her son; the man-eating Mom denounced in the shrill falsetto of Philip Wylie’s Generation of Vipers, Wright Morris’s Man and Boy, Edward Albee’s The American Dream; the suffocating Jewish mother, Mrs. Portnoy; the Hollywood vampire (Theda Bara), scheming seductress (Marlene Dietrich), or bad blonde (Marilyn Monroe, Jayne Mansfield); the precocious female killer of William March’s The Bad Seed.
Child or woman, wife or mother, this female cuts men to ribbons or swallows them whole. She travels accompanied by eunuchs, by damaged men suffering from nameless wounds, or by a few strong men brought low by their misguided attempts to turn her into a real woman. Whether or not the actual incidence of impotence has increased in American males - and there is no reason to doubt reports that it has - the specter of impotence haunts the contemporary imagination, not least because it focuses the fear that a played-out Anglo-Saxon culture is about to fall before the advance of hardier races. The nature of impotence, moreover, has undergone an important historical shift. In the nineteenth century, respectable men sometimes experienced embarrassing sexual failures with women of their own class, or else suffered from what Freud called “psychic impotence” - the characteristic Victorian split between sensuality and affection. Although most of these men dutifully had intercourse with their wives, they derived sexual satisfaction only from intercourse with prostitutes or with women otherwise degraded. As Freud explained, this psychic syndrome - “the most prevalent form of degradation” in the erotic life of his time - originated in the Oedipus complex. After the painful renunciation of the mother, sensuality seeks only those objects that evoke no reminder of her, while the mother herself, together with other “pure” (socially respectable) women, is idealized beyond reach of the sensual.
Today, impotence typically seems to originate not in renunciation of the mother but in earlier experiences, often reactivated by the apparently aggressive overtures of sexually liberated women. Fear of the devouring mother of pre-Oedipal fantasy gives rise to a generalized fear of women that has little resemblance to the sentimental adoration men once granted to women who made them sexually uncomfortable. The fear of women, closely associated with a fear of the consuming desires within, reveals itself not only as impotence but as a boundless rage against the female sex. This blind and impotent rage, which seems so prevalent at the present time, only superficially represents a defensive male reaction against feminism. It is only because the recent revival of feminism stirs up such deeply rooted memories that it gives rise to such primitive emotions. Men’s fear of women, moreover, exceeds the actual threat to their sexual privileges. Whereas the resentment of women against men for the most part has solid roots in the discrimination and sexual danger to which women are constantly exposed, the resentment of men against women, when men still control most of the power and wealth in society yet feel themselves threatened on every hand - intimidated, emasculated - appears deeply irrational, and for that reason not likely to be appeased by changes in feminist tactics designed to reassure men that liberated women threaten no one. When even Mom is a menace, there is not much that feminists can say to soften the sex war or to assure their adversaries that men and women will live happily together when it is over.
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Amouage Beach Hut Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Epic Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Reflection Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Beloved Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Aedes De Venustas Grenadille d’Afrique 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Atelier des Ors Rose Omeyyade 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Intenza 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Bergamotto Di Calabria 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Chinotto Di Liguria 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA OUD EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Leather 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia MIRRA 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA FICO di AMALFI 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua di Parma Arancia di Capri 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Colonia Club 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Quercia 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Mandorlo Di Sicilia 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Mirto Di Panarea 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Essenza 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ABERCOMBIE & FITCH FIERCE 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $14
ARIANA GRANDE Cloud 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Anna Sui Flight of Fancy 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Al Haramain L’Aventure 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
Al Harmain L’Aventure Blanche 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM Parfum Version 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM Milestone 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $16
ARMAF Tres Nuit 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF Derby Club House 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
BURBERRY Mr. Burberry 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $14
BURBERRY Mr. Burberry EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $14
BURBERRY LONDON For Her EDP 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $14
Bond 9 New York Nights 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15, 10 ML - $24
BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $16
BVLGARI Mon Jasmin Noir 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $15
BENTLEY INTENSE Eau de Parfum 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
BERDOUES Collection Perfumes GRAND CRU Eau de parfum made in FRANCE:
MILLÉSIME OUD WA VANILLIA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
MAASAÏ MARA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
SOMEI YOSHINO - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
PÉNG LÁI - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
AZUR RIVERA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
Banana Republic ICON COLLECTION Eau de Parfum:
Tobacco & Tonka Bean - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Gardenia & Cardamom - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
83 Leather Reserve - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Dark Cherry & Amber - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Neroli Woods - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
17 Oud Mosaic - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
78 Vintage Green - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Peony & Peppercorn - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Linen Vetiver - 2 ML - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
90 Pure White - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
06 Black Platinum - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Cypress Cedar - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
CARNER BARCELONA Botafumeiro - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10ML - $15
CARNER BARCELONA Ambar Del Sur - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10ML - $15
CHANEL Gabrielle Essence 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport Cologne 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport Eau Extreme 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Egoiste Platinum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Pour Monsieur EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Creed Aventus 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
Creed Aventus 10th Anniversary 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Aventus Cologne 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Aventus For Her 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Viking 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Viking Cologne 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed EROLFA 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Neroli Sauvage 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Millesime Imperial 2 ML - $8, 5 ML -$20
Creed Original Vetiver 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Original Santal 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Green Irish Tweed 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Oud 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $29
Creed Himalaya 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Tabarome 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Bois du Portugal 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Virgin Island Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Silver Mountain Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Maifair 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Princess Oud 2 ML - $11, 5 ML - $27
Creed Pure White Cologne 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Creed Jardin d’Amalfi 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Creed White Amber 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Carolina Herrera Saffron Lazuli 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $24, 10 ML - $45
Carolina Herrera Bad Boy 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
CARTIER Pasha Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
CHOPARD Amber Malaki 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
COACH New York Eau De Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
COSTUME NATIONAL Soul 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $10
Calvin Klein ETERNITY 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
Calvin Klein Truth 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
Calvin Klein Truth for Her 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
COTY ASPEN 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
DIOR Fahrenheit EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
DIOR Fahrenheit Le Parfum 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR Homme 2020 EDT 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR Homme Le Parfum 2020 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
DIOR Homme ORIGINAL 2021 EDT - 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
DIOR Homme Cologne 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR SAUVAGE EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
DIOR SAUVAGE Parfum 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
DIOR Jadore EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
DIOR Addict Shine 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $16
Dolce & Gabbana The One EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
D & G The One INTENSE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
D & G Velvet Amber Sun EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Dolce & Gabbana K (KING) 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $12
Dolce & Gabbana K (KING) EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
Dolce & Gabbana INTENSO EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $16
Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue For Her 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
D & G Light Blue Eau Intense 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
D & G Light Blue Intense For Her 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
DIESEL Spirit of The Brave 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $12
Demeter Pineapple 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Elizabeth & James White Nirvana 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17.50
Etat Libre d’Orange You or Someone Else 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
English Laundry Windsor 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
English Laundry Notting Hill 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Frederic Malle Portrait of a Lady 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25, 10 ML - $50
Francis Kurkdjian L’Homme A la Rose 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Francis Kurkdjian Grand Soir 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 - 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Satin Mood EDP 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Silk Mood Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Petit Matin EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Universalis 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Vitae 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Guerlain Oud Essentiel 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Guerlain Shalimar Eau de Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Guerlain Mon Guerlain EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
GUCCI Guilty EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
GUCCI Guilty Pour Homme EDP 2020 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8
GUCCI Guilty OUD 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $14
GUCCI Guilty Love Edition 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
GUCCI Made To Measure 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
GUCCI Bloom Profumo 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $13
Geoffrey Beene Grey Flannel 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Giorgio Beverly Hills Wings 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
HERMES Terre EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
HERMES Terre Parfum 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
HERMES H24 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
HERMES TWILLY Eau De Parfum - 2 ML - $4
HERMES Rhubarbe Ecarlate - 2 ML - $4
HERMES D'Orange Verte - 2 ML - $4
HERMES Un Jardin Sur Le Toit 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10.
HUGO BOSS Bottled 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
HUGO BOSS Bottled EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Intense 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Elixir Parfum 2023 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
HUGO BOSS Bottled Infinite 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Night 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Hugo Reversed 2 ML - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS FEME 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HOLLISTER SoCal 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5 10 ML - $10
IMAGINERY AUTHORS Saint Julep 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Narcotic Delight 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Oud For Greatness 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Side Effect 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Atomic Rose 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Musk Therapy 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Rehab 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
ISSEY MIYAKE Pulse Of The Night 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6
ISSEY MIYAKE L'Eau d'Issey Noir Ambre 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
ISSEY MIYAKE L'Eau d'Issey For Man 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML -$9
Jo Malone Wood Sage & Sea Salt 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jo Malone Oud & Bergamot 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jo Malone Myrrh & Tonka 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Parfum ELIXIR 2023 ML - $5.25, 5 ML - $13
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
Jean Paul Gaultier Ultra Male 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male SnowGlobe 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
KILIAN Let's Settle in the Bedroom like Adults 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $10
KILIAN Angel's Share 2 ML - $12
LACOSTE L.12.12 EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE L.12.12 EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE Inspiration 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE Touch of Pink 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
Lattafa Oud For Glory Bade Al Oud (Initio Oud for Greatness Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Alhambra Fabulo Intense (Tom Ford Fxxing Fabulous Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Khamrah (Killian Angels Share Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Kismet Magic (Killian Angels Share Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Velvet Oud EDP (Tom Ford Ombre Leather Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Woody Oud (Tom Ford Oud Wood Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Alhambra Rose Petals EDP (Tom Ford Rose Prick Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
L'Aventure Al Haramain EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
L'Aventure Blanche Al Haramain EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
Lalique Encre Noire 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
Lalique Encre Noire A L'extreme 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LANCOME Hypnose 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LANCOME La Vie Est Belle 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Mancera Cedrat Boise 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Cedrat Boise INTENSE Edition 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11.50, 10 ML - $21
Mancera Red Tobacco 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Hindu Kush 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Aoud Lemon Mint 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Instant Crush 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Black Intensitive Aoud 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Maison Martin Margiela By the fireplace 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Maison Martin Margiela Sailing Day 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Maison Martin Margiela By the Lemon Trees 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
MONTBLANC Explorer 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
MONTBLANC Legend EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5
MONTBLANC Legend Night 2 ML - $2 5 ML - $5
MONTBLANC Individuel 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5
MOSCHINO Toy Boy EDP 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
MUGLER A*Men Pure Havane 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
MUGLER Cologne 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10ML - $17
Mercedes Benz Club Black 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Mercedes Benz SELECT 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Marc Jacobs DECADENCE 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Miu Miu Miu Miu 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
NISHANE ANI Extrait De Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Nasomatto Duro 2 ML - $9.50, 5 ML - $23
NAUTICA Voyage 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Narcisco Rodrigues For Her EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $11
Ormonde Jayne Tolu 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
PACO RABANNE XS 2018 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Penhaligon - The Favourite Eau De Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Althair 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Greenley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Kuhuyan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Akaster 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Percival 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Kalan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Darley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Nisean 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Habdan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Pegasus 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Pegasus Exclusif 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Layton 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Layton Exclusif 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Oajan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Sedley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Shagya 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Godolphin 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Galloway 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Carlisle 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Herod 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada Marienbad 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada Day for Night 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada L’Homme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Prada L’Homme INTENSE 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
Prada Luna Rossa Carbon 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
Prada Luna Rossa OCEAN 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
PINO Selvestre Original 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
ROCHAS Moustache EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Reyane Tradition Insurrection II Pure Extreme 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Ralph Lauren POLO BLUE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML-$15
Ralph Lauren POLO RED 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $12
Ralph Lauren Blue 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Ralph Lauren Pure Turquoise 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Revlon Charlie Red 5 ML - $2, 10 ML - $5
Revlon Charlie Gold 5 ML - $2, 10 ML - $5
Serge Lutens Ambre Sultan 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
Serge Lutens Clair de Musc 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Serge Lutens La Couche du Diable 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11
SHISEIDO Relaxing Fragrance 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Swiss Arabian Royal Mystery EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
SEAN JOHN Unforgivable 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $15
Sarah Jessica Parker Lovely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
TAUER Parfums, Andy Tauer No.2 L'Air Du Desert Marocain 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Teo Cabanel Barkhane 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11
Tiziana Terenzi Ursa 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Tiziana Terenzi Chimaera Extrait De Parfum 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
TOM FORD Ombre Leather EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Grey Vetiver 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Grey Vetiver Parfum Edition 2023 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD Beau De Jour EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Black Orchid Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD NOIR EDP 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD NOIR EXTREME EDP 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD OUD WOOD EDP Private Blend 2 ML - $11, 5 ML - $26
TOM FORD Tuscan Leather EDP Private Blend 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
TOM FORD Venetian Bergamot Private Blend Discntd. 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD COSTA AZZURRA 2021 EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD COSTA AZZURRA EDP Private Blend Discntd. 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
STERLING JUST JACK COLLECTION by ARMAF Eau De Parfum (Clones of Tom Ford fragrances):
TOBACCO LEAF (TOBACCO VANILLE Clone) 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
NEROLI (NEROLI PORTOFINO Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
HOMME NOIR (NOIR Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
NOIR ENDURANCE (NOIR EXTREME Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
BLACK IS BLACK (NOIR DE NOIR Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
OMBRE SUEDE (OMBRE LEATHER Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
FANTA FAB (THE Fuckxxing FABULOUS Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
ITALIAN LEATHER (TUSCAN LEATHER Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
Tommy Bahama Set Sail St. Barts 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Torry Burch Torry Burch 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Usher UR 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb Extreme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb Infrared 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf FlowerBomb 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
VERSACE Man Eau Fraiche 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
VERSACE DYLAN Blue 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8
VERSACE Pour Homme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE EROS EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
VERSACE EROS EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE EROS FLAME 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE Pour Homme OUD NOIR EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE Bright Crystal 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Ambre Impérial Van Cleef & Arpels 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Erba Pura 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Naxos 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Lira 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL MYSLF EDP 2023 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
YSL Y EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL L’Homme EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $9
YSL La Nuit de L’Homme EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $9
YSL L’Homme Le Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL La Nuit de L’Homme Le Parfum 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
YSL LIBRE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL Tuxedo 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL Caban 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL Trench 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL 37 rue de Bellechasse 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
ZARA Denim Couture 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Cuba Royal Cuba Paris (Clone of 1 Million Paco Rabanne) 2 ML- $2, 5 ML- $4, 10 ML- $8
Cuba Red Cuba Paris 2 ML - $2, 5 ML-$4, 10 ML-$8
4711 Original Eau de Cologne 4711 - 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
submitted by REDLINE-007 to fragranceswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 01:07 REDLINE-007 [WTS] Designer & niche fragrance brand names decants/samples (decant)

For sale fragrance decants/samples, prices listed below in US dollars. All atomizers come in black plastic spray bottles with a lid & individually marked with labels. Shipping orders by Canada Post first class airmail with tracking, rates: to Canada $10 USD and USA $7 USD NEW DISCOUNTED RATE. I accept PayPal G&S (please pay any associated fees to PayPal) or Interac (Canada Only, no fees), local Pickup in Vancouver, BC, Canada is also possible. Please pm/chat me if you are interested.
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\**JUST ARRIVED and ready for summer**\* >>> Parfums De Marly SEDLEY, GREENLEY, ALTHAIR>MANCERA CEDRAT BOISE, CEDRAT BOISE INTENSE, HINDU KUSH, RED TOBACCO, AOUD LEMON MINT> ARMANI Acqua Di Gio EDP, Acqua Di Gio PARFUM >INITIO Narcotic Delight>TOM FORD Grey Vetiver Parfum and more...*
The Price list is in USD and updated on 05.08.2024
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO Eau de Parfum 2022 - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO PARFUM 2023 - 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - 11, 10 ML - $20
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO ABSOLU 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profondo 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profondo Lights 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profumo 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger with You 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger Intensely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger Absolutely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI City Glam 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10
ARMANI Si Fiori 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10
ARMANI Si Passione 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10
ARMANI Code Feme 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO Wanted By Night 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO The Most Wanted EDP 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO The Most Wanted PARFUM 2022 - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Atelier Cologne Ambre Nue 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $11.25
Atelier Cologne Oud Saphir 2 ML - $5.50, 5 ML - $13.50
Atelier Cologne Clementine California 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Atelier Cologne Rose Anonyme 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Atelier Cologne Bois Blonds 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Amouage Interlude Black Iris 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $16
Amouage Interlude Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Meander 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Enclave 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Lyric Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Boundless 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $16
Amouage Memoir Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Dia Man 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Jubilation XXV 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Beach Hut Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Epic Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Reflection Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Beloved Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Aedes De Venustas Grenadille d’Afrique 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Atelier des Ors Rose Omeyyade 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Intenza 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Bergamotto Di Calabria 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Chinotto Di Liguria 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA OUD EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Leather 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia MIRRA 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA FICO di AMALFI 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua di Parma Arancia di Capri 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Colonia Club 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Quercia 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Mandorlo Di Sicilia 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Mirto Di Panarea 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Essenza 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ABERCOMBIE & FITCH FIERCE 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $14
ARIANA GRANDE Cloud 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Anna Sui Flight of Fancy 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Al Haramain L’Aventure 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
Al Harmain L’Aventure Blanche 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM Parfum Version 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM Milestone 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $16
ARMAF Tres Nuit 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF Derby Club House 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
BURBERRY Mr. Burberry 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $14
BURBERRY Mr. Burberry EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $14
BURBERRY LONDON For Her EDP 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $14
Bond 9 New York Nights 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15, 10 ML - $24
BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $16
BVLGARI Mon Jasmin Noir 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $15
BENTLEY INTENSE Eau de Parfum 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
BERDOUES Collection Perfumes GRAND CRU Eau de parfum made in FRANCE:
MILLÉSIME OUD WA VANILLIA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
MAASAÏ MARA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
SOMEI YOSHINO - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
PÉNG LÁI - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
AZUR RIVERA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
Banana Republic ICON COLLECTION Eau de Parfum:
Tobacco & Tonka Bean - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Gardenia & Cardamom - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
83 Leather Reserve - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Dark Cherry & Amber - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Neroli Woods - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
17 Oud Mosaic - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
78 Vintage Green - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Peony & Peppercorn - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Linen Vetiver - 2 ML - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
90 Pure White - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
06 Black Platinum - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Cypress Cedar - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
CARNER BARCELONA Botafumeiro - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10ML - $15
CARNER BARCELONA Ambar Del Sur - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10ML - $15
CHANEL Gabrielle Essence 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport Cologne 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport Eau Extreme 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Egoiste Platinum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Pour Monsieur EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Creed Aventus 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
Creed Aventus 10th Anniversary 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Aventus Cologne 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Aventus For Her 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Viking 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Viking Cologne 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed EROLFA 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Neroli Sauvage 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Millesime Imperial 2 ML - $8, 5 ML -$20
Creed Original Vetiver 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Original Santal 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Green Irish Tweed 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Oud 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $29
Creed Himalaya 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Tabarome 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Bois du Portugal 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Virgin Island Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Silver Mountain Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Maifair 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Princess Oud 2 ML - $11, 5 ML - $27
Creed Pure White Cologne 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Creed Jardin d’Amalfi 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Creed White Amber 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Carolina Herrera Saffron Lazuli 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $24, 10 ML - $45
Carolina Herrera Bad Boy 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
CARTIER Pasha Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
CHOPARD Amber Malaki 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
COACH New York Eau De Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
COSTUME NATIONAL Soul 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $10
Calvin Klein ETERNITY 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
Calvin Klein Truth 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
Calvin Klein Truth for Her 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
COTY ASPEN 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
DIOR Fahrenheit EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
DIOR Fahrenheit Le Parfum 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR Homme 2020 EDT 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR Homme Le Parfum 2020 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
DIOR Homme ORIGINAL 2021 EDT - 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
DIOR Homme Cologne 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR SAUVAGE EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
DIOR SAUVAGE Parfum 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
DIOR Jadore EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
DIOR Addict Shine 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $16
Dolce & Gabbana The One EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
D & G The One INTENSE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
D & G Velvet Amber Sun EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Dolce & Gabbana K (KING) 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $12
Dolce & Gabbana K (KING) EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
Dolce & Gabbana INTENSO EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $16
Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue For Her 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
D & G Light Blue Eau Intense 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
D & G Light Blue Intense For Her 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
DIESEL Spirit of The Brave 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $12
Demeter Pineapple 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Elizabeth & James White Nirvana 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17.50
Etat Libre d’Orange You or Someone Else 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
English Laundry Windsor 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
English Laundry Notting Hill 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Frederic Malle Portrait of a Lady 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25, 10 ML - $50
Francis Kurkdjian L’Homme A la Rose 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Francis Kurkdjian Grand Soir 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 - 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Satin Mood EDP 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Silk Mood Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Petit Matin EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Universalis 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Vitae 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Guerlain Oud Essentiel 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Guerlain Shalimar Eau de Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Guerlain Mon Guerlain EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
GUCCI Guilty EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
GUCCI Guilty Pour Homme EDP 2020 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8
GUCCI Guilty OUD 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $14
GUCCI Guilty Love Edition 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
GUCCI Made To Measure 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
GUCCI Bloom Profumo 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $13
Geoffrey Beene Grey Flannel 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Giorgio Beverly Hills Wings 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
HERMES Terre EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
HERMES Terre Parfum 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
HERMES H24 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
HERMES TWILLY Eau De Parfum - 2 ML - $4
HERMES Rhubarbe Ecarlate - 2 ML - $4
HERMES D'Orange Verte - 2 ML - $4
HERMES Un Jardin Sur Le Toit 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10.
HUGO BOSS Bottled 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
HUGO BOSS Bottled EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Intense 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Elixir Parfum 2023 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
HUGO BOSS Bottled Infinite 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Night 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Hugo Reversed 2 ML - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS FEME 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HOLLISTER SoCal 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5 10 ML - $10
IMAGINERY AUTHORS Saint Julep 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Narcotic Delight 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Oud For Greatness 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Side Effect 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Atomic Rose 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Musk Therapy 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Rehab 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
ISSEY MIYAKE Pulse Of The Night 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6
ISSEY MIYAKE L'Eau d'Issey Noir Ambre 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
ISSEY MIYAKE L'Eau d'Issey For Man 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML -$9
Jo Malone Wood Sage & Sea Salt 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jo Malone Oud & Bergamot 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jo Malone Myrrh & Tonka 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Parfum ELIXIR 2023 ML - $5.25, 5 ML - $13
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
Jean Paul Gaultier Ultra Male 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male SnowGlobe 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
KILIAN Let's Settle in the Bedroom like Adults 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $10
KILIAN Angel's Share 2 ML - $12
LACOSTE L.12.12 EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE L.12.12 EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE Inspiration 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE Touch of Pink 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
Lattafa Oud For Glory Bade Al Oud (Initio Oud for Greatness Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Alhambra Fabulo Intense (Tom Ford Fxxing Fabulous Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Khamrah (Killian Angels Share Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Kismet Magic (Killian Angels Share Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Velvet Oud EDP (Tom Ford Ombre Leather Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Woody Oud (Tom Ford Oud Wood Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Alhambra Rose Petals EDP (Tom Ford Rose Prick Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
L'Aventure Al Haramain EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
L'Aventure Blanche Al Haramain EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
Lalique Encre Noire 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
Lalique Encre Noire A L'extreme 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LANCOME Hypnose 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LANCOME La Vie Est Belle 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Mancera Cedrat Boise 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Cedrat Boise INTENSE Edition 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11.50, 10 ML - $21
Mancera Red Tobacco 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Hindu Kush 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Aoud Lemon Mint 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Instant Crush 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Black Intensitive Aoud 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Maison Martin Margiela By the fireplace 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Maison Martin Margiela Sailing Day 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Maison Martin Margiela By the Lemon Trees 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
MONTBLANC Explorer 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
MONTBLANC Legend EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5
MONTBLANC Legend Night 2 ML - $2 5 ML - $5
MONTBLANC Individuel 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5
MOSCHINO Toy Boy EDP 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
MUGLER A*Men Pure Havane 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
MUGLER Cologne 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10ML - $17
Mercedes Benz Club Black 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Mercedes Benz SELECT 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Marc Jacobs DECADENCE 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Miu Miu Miu Miu 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
NISHANE ANI Extrait De Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Nasomatto Duro 2 ML - $9.50, 5 ML - $23
NAUTICA Voyage 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Narcisco Rodrigues For Her EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $11
Ormonde Jayne Tolu 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
PACO RABANNE XS 2018 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Penhaligon - The Favourite Eau De Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Althair 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Greenley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Kuhuyan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Akaster 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Percival 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Kalan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Darley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Nisean 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Habdan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Pegasus 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Pegasus Exclusif 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Layton 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Layton Exclusif 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Oajan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Sedley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Shagya 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Godolphin 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Galloway 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Carlisle 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Herod 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada Marienbad 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada Day for Night 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada L’Homme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Prada L’Homme INTENSE 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
Prada Luna Rossa Carbon 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
Prada Luna Rossa OCEAN 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
PINO Selvestre Original 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
ROCHAS Moustache EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Reyane Tradition Insurrection II Pure Extreme 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Ralph Lauren POLO BLUE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML-$15
Ralph Lauren POLO RED 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $12
Ralph Lauren Blue 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Ralph Lauren Pure Turquoise 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Revlon Charlie Red 5 ML - $2, 10 ML - $5
Revlon Charlie Gold 5 ML - $2, 10 ML - $5
Serge Lutens Ambre Sultan 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
Serge Lutens Clair de Musc 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Serge Lutens La Couche du Diable 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11
SHISEIDO Relaxing Fragrance 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Swiss Arabian Royal Mystery EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
SEAN JOHN Unforgivable 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $15
Sarah Jessica Parker Lovely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
TAUER Parfums, Andy Tauer No.2 L'Air Du Desert Marocain 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Teo Cabanel Barkhane 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11
Tiziana Terenzi Ursa 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Tiziana Terenzi Chimaera Extrait De Parfum 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
TOM FORD Ombre Leather EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Grey Vetiver 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Grey Vetiver Parfum Edition 2023 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD Beau De Jour EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Black Orchid Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD NOIR EDP 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD NOIR EXTREME EDP 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD OUD WOOD EDP Private Blend 2 ML - $11, 5 ML - $26
TOM FORD Tuscan Leather EDP Private Blend 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
TOM FORD Venetian Bergamot Private Blend Discntd. 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD COSTA AZZURRA 2021 EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD COSTA AZZURRA EDP Private Blend Discntd. 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
STERLING JUST JACK COLLECTION by ARMAF Eau De Parfum (Clones of Tom Ford fragrances):
TOBACCO LEAF (TOBACCO VANILLE Clone) 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
NEROLI (NEROLI PORTOFINO Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
HOMME NOIR (NOIR Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
NOIR ENDURANCE (NOIR EXTREME Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
BLACK IS BLACK (NOIR DE NOIR Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
OMBRE SUEDE (OMBRE LEATHER Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
FANTA FAB (THE Fuckxxing FABULOUS Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
ITALIAN LEATHER (TUSCAN LEATHER Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
Tommy Bahama Set Sail St. Barts 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Torry Burch Torry Burch 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Usher UR 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb Extreme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
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2024.05.08 23:36 dwarfpl4nets [RF] To Us Who Were Beautiful

To Us Who Were Beautiful
November The Cherry Tree Institute of Edinburgh
The ghosts in the library never speak. Perhaps the pounding rainfall trickling down the windows was too heavy for their souls to bear. So, they kept silent. Youthful secrets and dreams spanning centuries have been etched into the dust bunnies of the tomes and crannies, with echoes of the ghosts becoming one with the dust and the scent of cedarwood. They haunted the students, comforted them, lent them a shoulder to cry on, and protected their secrets and insecurities until time immemorial. Hopeless romantics, poets, aspiring physicists, and dreamers… they found sanctuary amidst the pain and stress of what’s to come in this sacred cocoon of knowledge. Even the pounding rainfall felt like a dear friend to them.
Two aspiring souls frequented the library that year – the snow-kissed twin prodigies Magnus and Camilla Laurent, who frantically scrutinized their textbooks and poems together near the ancient arch entrance of the library, right by the tea kettles, ladders, and candle lights. These two not only possessed elegant platinum-white locks and harsh, amethyst eyes, but also stood towering amongst their fellow adult students despite being just shy of 12. Silent and reserved, they commanded resentment and envy, not unlike most scholars at The Cherry Tree Institute, except their youth was a feat to be respected of above all others. The twins knew their strengths, and though they weren’t the best with words, anyone who reviewed their thesis essays, short narratives, and poems would feel a pang of inspiration at the sight of their eloquence. Such as the tale goes.
Young Camilla -- bless her soul -- quite enjoyed the attention and gossip she drew from students and astonished professors, and though she had no use for the popularity, seeing as she had no friends, the validation motivated her to overwork herself until the dead of night just one more time. Magnus, the smirking one with the oval frames and the deep voice, always sauntered just behind his older sister through the university, his expression foggy, yet his gemstone eyes piercing and poised. This boy’s arrogance sat juxtaposed his sensible mind and attentiveness.
And so, the erudite lifted his quill, positioned it between his pinky and middle finger as he always does, sipped his chamomile, scarfed down his cookie, scribbled the finishing touches on his argumentative essay, and rests his leather loafers on the wooden seat beside him. His fingers naturally glide towards his temples and silver brows.
“Hypertension again?’’, Camilla mentions, ‘’Think I may have some ibuprofen in my purse. I asked the canteen ladies if there was a lot of sodium in the rice and fries and there was. Now I think I may get a headache soon.” Her half-opened eyes drifted towards her notebooks and coffee-stained papers, and she breathed a sigh for the first time all night. Excess sodium and sugar hindered the twins’ studying capabilities, but with most of the food being served consisting of bland fruits and vegetables, it’s no wonder why the students turn to junk food for comfort. They cursed their headaches each day.
Camilla, with a slight twitch in her eye, glanced at the quill and papers on her brother’s desk and raised her voice. ‘’You’re finished already? Seriously?’’ Magnus lifts open his eyelids in confusion. ‘’Yes? Lower your voice.’’, he says tiredly.
Camilla softly scoffs, shakes her head, and continues flipping through the atlas beside her. ‘’Beautiful.’’ Her pile of open tomes was several times bigger than on her brother’s side.
This piques his attention. He softly closes his open books and readjusts his frames before speaking. ‘’I know you know, Camilla. What Professor Evangeline said to me today. You could have stayed in the room with me, but you didn’t, you just hid yourself in the corner.’’
‘’Yes, I know.’’, she utters, avoiding eye contact. To which statement she was responding to was unclear. Her eyes almost seem to glisten for a split-second. ‘’Magnus never stops, does he?’, she thought. ‘’Sucking up to the professors just to make me jealous. It’s as if he’s a different person entirely when speaking to them. God… this happens all the time.’’ Camilla softly clutches the back of her head as she sips her chamomile and reads, the bags under her eyes growing ever more prevalent. She didn’t feel beautiful or smart while studying tonight, for some reason. This wasn’t like her. The rain and the joyful pianists practicing a soft rendition of Mariage d’Amour across the burgundy-colored walls and chandeliers of the library ticked her off. More than it should have, at least.
Magnus, seemingly wanting to leave the discussion at that, nodded slowly while swallowing the ibuprofen with the remaining chamomile. His turtleneck was left stained with droplets of tea. This boy can read Camilla’s mind they way she can read the entire row of bookshelves in just a week.
‘’I’m going. I guess you’re not coming with?’’ The sarcasm in his voice was feint but clearly noticeable. When Camilla failed to answer, he softly said ‘’There’s a good reason why you got into this school, and it’s because of what you’re doing right now. You should be more than thankful. Just wanted to let you know.’’
‘’Do you think you’re better than me?’’, she quickly spatted. ‘’…’’
Magnus never once had to work as hard as her to succeed. Not once. But Camilla knew she had no right to complain about her brother when she had been gifted this opportunity to study in the place her beloved historians, authors, and scientists did decades ago, and at such a young age as well. But she had a crystal-clear vision for herself in life, one even clearer than her brother. One of riches, success, envy, admiration, and peace. The twins knew suffering and poverty like it was a dear friend before arriving at this cathedral of wonder, filled with adults who thought and pursued the exact same goals.
‘’Yes…’’, he finally answered with a smirk and a scoff, ‘’Yes, everyone knows that I’m better than you.’’
Magnus stood up and looked down at her with pity and annoyance, his headache still present. Though she was a few inches taller than him, she couldn’t help but cower against his intellectual prowess. His eyes were still piercing purple. Camilla had been known to pass out due to exhaustion on several occasions, but Magnus had never insisted on her resting, not when she’s such a stubborn person. After all, it wasn’t any of his concern what his sister decided to do in her life. He did what he could, and she wouldn’t listen, so why bother? Magnus understood her feelings, but why is she this panicked about this when she’s more gifted than almost every other person here? He huffed an angry sigh collected his belongings, unclear of the expression Camilla was making behind him.
In a bizarrely calm voice, Camilla asked ‘’If I asked you to quit this school for me, would you do it?’’
‘’Of course, I would. If I had enough credits to graduate, that is. I’d choose my career over you any day of my life, Camilla. Sorry.’’
‘’Hm. I had a feeling but, you know, it sucks to hear you say that. Thank you. You’ll be done with this school in a few months anyway. Maybe you should find someplace else to do your homework, since you clearly don’t need shit here.’’
‘’I’ll do that then. We’ll meet in the canteen tomorrow.?
‘’No, I just… leave me alone for a few weeks alright? Our exams are right around the corner. You distract me.’’
‘’…’’ Magnus slowly nods, strolling towards the arch entrance and passing by the studious adults who give him respectful nods. He quickly steps out into the enchanted blue night without his umbrella, suffering from the most extreme headache of his life. Camilla Laurent, with her forehead pounding, – bless her soul – expressionlessly shed a single tear as she gathered more of her missing assignments, textbooks, and coffee, ready to spend one more night suffering in silence… in the haunted library surrounded by ghosts.
The ghosts of the library would hold onto this secret exchange until the end of time itself. For their tragedy will never be known, but their regret will forever be felt.
Epilogue And that was that. Those few weeks turned into a month, that month turned into several, until Magnus Laurent, the youngest student to have ever enrolled at The Cherry Tree Institute of Edinburgh at age 12, was crowned with his bachelor’s degree in Greek literature. Magnus was revered by his peers and professors with the respect he deserved, and he embraced this attention, just like his sister once did long ago. He never did approach his twin, nor did Camilla approach him. They lost contact with one another, and whether Camilla achieved her dream of becoming who she wanted to represent in life or not, Magnus wished nothing but the best for her.
Magnus Laurent would eventually spend his life honored as one of the most captivating authors and poets of his time, winning numerous accolades and inspiring future generations – including those who studied where he once did – to achieve the life he has. His only regret in life up until the end was not apologizing to his dear sister, whom he abandoned to suffer in silence.
submitted by dwarfpl4nets to shortstories [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 20:53 SocialDemocracies Megapost: A list of statements, press releases, and other sources reporting and expressing concern and criticism about Israel's war in Gaza and related aspects of the war. (Part 2)

Megapost: A list of statements, press releases, and other sources reporting and expressing concern and criticism about Israel's war in Gaza and related aspects of the war. (Part 2)

Notes: This is a work that is currently in progress; please check back for updates. Titles have been edited to provide details.
Part 1 is here:
Part 3 is here:
Part 4 is here:
Cori Bush: Calls for Ceasefire Grow in Month Following Introduction of Ceasefire Now Resolution ["A growing coalition of over 100 organizations has also endorsed H.Res 786, the Ceasefire Now Resolution. Endorsing organizations include:, About Face: Veterans Against the War, ActionAid USA, Action Center on Race & the Economy, Adalah Justice Project, American Center for Justice, American Federation of Ramallah, Palestine (AFRP), American Muslims for Palestine, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), Americans for Justice in Palestine Action, Amnesty International, Arab American Civil Rights League (ACRL), Arab American Institute, Arab Resource & Organizing Center (AROC), Avaaz, Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, Center for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC), Center for Constitutional Rights, Center for Jewish Nonviolence, Center for Popular Democracy Action, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Churches for Middle East Peace, Common Defense, Communities United for Status & Protection (CUSP), Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), Defense for Children International - Palestine, Demand Progress Action, Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN), Democratic Socialists of America, Detroit Action, Dream Defenders, Emgage Action, Freedom Forward, Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL), Gen Z For Change, Grassroots Global Justice Alliance, Highlander Research & Education, Hindus for Human Rights, The House of the Lord Churches, IfNotNow, Institute for Middle Eastern Understanding (IMEU), International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP), IRAP Osgoode Hall Law School, IRAP Rutgers, IRAP UVA Law, IRAP University of Virginia School of Law Chapter, IRAP The George Washington Law School Chapter, Institute for Policy Studies New Internationalism Project, International Refugee Assistance Project at Berkeley Law, Islamic Foundation of Greater St. Louis, The Jerusalem Fund for Education and Community Development, Jewish Voice for Peace Action, Just Foreign Policy, Justice Is Global, Leadership Conference of Women Religious, MADRE, Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns, Michigan United, Migrant Roots Media, Movement for Black Lives, Movement Law Lab, Movement Generation, MoveOn, MPower Change Action Fund, Muslim Advocates, Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), Muslims for Progress, National Campaign for Human Dignity, National Domestic Workers Alliance, National Iranian American Council Action, National Lawyers Guild, Detroit & Michigan Chapter, National Network for Arab American Communities (NNAAC), NYC-DSA, Pax Christi USA, Peace Action, Peace Action Montgomery, Peace, Justice Sustainability NOW!, Progressive Democrats of America, Progressive Jews of St. Louis (ProJoSTL), Project on Middle East Democracy (POMED), Project48, Rainbow PUSH Coalition, Refugee Council USA, ReThinking Foreign Policy, Rising Majority,, Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference, Sisters of Mercy of the Americas Institute Justice Team, Southeast Asian Freedom Network, Sunrise Movement, Transgender Law Center, UndocuBlack Network, Union of Palestinian American Women, Unitarian Universalist Association, United Church of Christ, United We Dream Network, Until Freedom, US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR), US Council for Muslim Organizations, Vietlead, Women Cross DMZ, Women for Weapons Trade Transparency, Working Families Party, Zero Hour."] (November 17, 2023):
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada and Anglican Church of Canada: Church leaders urge Prime Minister Trudeau to call for a ceasefire and open corridor for humanitarian aid (November 17, 2023):
Jewish American Calls for a Ceasefire Highlight Divisions in the Community (November 17, 2023):
Jews for Ceasefire holds demonstration outside Schwarzman, demands Yale divest from weapons manufacturing (November 17, 2023):
Josh Ruebner, adjunct professor in Justice and Peace Studies at Georgetown University: Israel is threatening a second Nakba — but it’s already happening (November 17, 2023):
I Am the Grandchild of Holocaust Survivors, and I Am Calling for Ceasefire Now (November 18, 2023):
Diseases spread in Gaza amid water and sewage crisis, cholera feared (November 19, 2023):
Association of Black Anthropologists Statement on Solidarity with Palestine (November 20, 2023):
With the world’s eyes on Gaza, attacks are on the rise in the West Bank, which faces its own war (November 20, 2023):
Derek Duba: Army veterans like me know that 'war is hell.' Let's push for a ceasefire in Gaza (November 21, 2023):
Middle East Studies Association Board Letter to Biden Administration on Ceasefire in Gaza (November 21, 2023):
This Union Is Famous for Opposing South African Apartheid. Now It’s Standing With Gaza. In 1984, ILWU Local 10 refused to unload goods shipped from South Africa. Today, it’s demanding a cease-fire. (November 21, 2023):
‘Not in my name’: Jews in UK take a stand against Israel’s Gaza assault (November 24, 2023):
British Sociological Association: Sociologists’ Letter on Gaza (November 27, 2023):
Changing course, Senator Peter Welch calls for ‘indefinite’ cease-fire in Gaza (November 28, 2023):
National Council of Churches in the Philippines: An Urgent Statement on the Situation in Gaza, Pray for Peace and Justice in Palestine and Israel (November 29, 2023):
Rae Abileah: Never Again means Never Again for Anyone, including Gazans (November 9, 2023):
Public Services International: International Trade Unions Urgently call for Ceasefire in Gaza amidst Ongoing Human Rights Violations (November 30, 2023):⟨%3Den
Spanish prime minister Pedro Sánchez says he doubts Israel is respecting international law (November 30, 2023):
Open Letter from Professionals at Jewish Organizations to President Biden and Congress [850+ signatures] (December 2023):
Bubba Fish, Culver County Democratic Club: A Jewish Case for an End to the War (December 1, 2023):
United Auto Workers Statement on Israel and Palestine (December 1, 2023):
Jane Fonda: "I join with millions of others in calling for —in the words of the UN Secretary General —‘a true humanitarian ceasefire’ in Gaza." (December 2, 2023):
Daanish Faruqi: Israel is using the same tactics in Gaza that al-Assad employed in Syria (December 3, 2023):
Catholic Workers Speak Out for Ceasefire, Peace (December 4, 2023):
Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières: The US must call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza: An open letter to President Biden from MSF-USA executive director Avril Benoît (December 4, 2023):
Greta Thunberg and Fridays for Future Sweden activists Alde Nilsson, Jamie Mater, and Raquel Frescia: We won’t stop speaking out about Gaza’s suffering – there is no climate justice without human rights: Young climate activists haven’t ‘been radicalised’ – solidarity with marginalised people has always been at the heart of our message (December 5, 2023):
National Union of Journalists condemns unprecedented death toll of journalists in Gaza (December 5, 2023):
‘These are very hard times’: Pastor of Gaza Catholic church gives update on Christians’ plight (December 6, 2023):
Catholic progressives in Brazil call Gaza war a ‘true genocide’ (December 7, 2023):
Corporate Europe Observatory: Gaza: Ceasefire now (December 7, 2023):
Faculty and staff members in American University’s School of International Service call for ceasefire in Gaza: “We now call on our governments and campuses to bravely Wage Peace instead.” (December 8, 2023): &
International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group statement: Canada Must Oppose Genocide in Gaza and Defend Free Expression at Home (December 8, 2023):
Senator Bernie Sanders: AIPAC is a right-wing organization that supports extremist Republican election-denier candidates. Now, they want to spend $100 million to defeat Progressives. Whether AIPAC likes it or not, the U.S. must not give a blank check to Netanyahu’s horrific war policies. (December 10, 2023):
Ahead of White House Hanukkah celebration, a wave of faith-led cease-fire demonstrations (December 11, 2023):
Letter: What 'pro-life' justification can Hoeven, Cramer and Armstrong offer for opposing a ceasefire? "Thousands of dead children in a few weeks seems like an obvious pro-life issue," writes Mercedes Saylor. (December 11, 2023):
International Federation for Human Rights (Fédération internationale des ligues des droits de l'homme): The unfolding genocide against the Palestinians must stop immediately (December 12, 2023):
Exclusive: Nearly half of the Israeli munitions dropped on Gaza are imprecise ‘dumb bombs,’ US intelligence assessment finds (December 14, 2023):
Los Angeles Times Editorial Board: U.S. should join the world’s nations in demanding a Gaza cease-fire (December 14, 2024):
Unitarian Universalist Women's Federation: Statement on Gaza/Israeli conflict (December 13, 2023):
1199SEIU, nation’s largest healthcare union, calls for Gaza ceasefire (December 15, 2023):
A Long History of Antifascism Is Driving the Jewish Demand for Gaza Cease-Fire (December 15, 2023):
Senator Bernie Sanders Introduces Resolution to Investigate Israel’s Indiscriminate Bombing Campaign in Gaza (December 15, 2023):
Union for Reform Judaism Alumni and Current Members for Ceasefire (December 16, 2023):
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ President Pleads for Peace as Innocent People are Killed in the Land of Jesus' Birth (December 16, 2023):
Jews for Racial and Economic Justice: Stop the Bombs! Ceasefire Now! (December 18, 2023):
Nontombi Naomi Tutu and Nompumelelo (Mungi) Ngomane, respectively the daughter and granddaughter of Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu: We have failed in the fight for justice — we need ceasefire in Gaza now (December 18, 2023):
Representative Betty McCollum: AIPAC Dangerously Trafficking in Hate Speech Amid Israel-Gaza War (December 18, 2023):
Association of Legal Aid Attorneys, United Auto Workers Local 2325: Resolution Calling for a Ceasefire in Gaza, an End to the Israeli Occupation of Palestine, and Support for Workers’ Political Speech (December 19, 2023):
Joint Statement by Current and Former Australian Elected Representatives on the Situation in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories [300+ signatures] (December 19, 2023): &
Liberal International bureau supports humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza (December 19, 2023):
I’m a Palestinian Christian in Gaza. I want peace—for my homeland and my family. (December 20, 2023):
Israel Defense Forces and Yom Kippur War veteran from Woodstock urges ceasefire in Gaza [Israeli veteran Mark Hammel on Israel's war in Gaza: “It's an unmitigated horror story ... It's literally on the cusp of genocide."] (December 21, 2023):
Public Citizen Statement on the Violence in Gaza and Israel (December 21, 2023):
Franciscans International: Amid rising death toll, Security Council must call for a ceasefire in Gaza (December 22, 2023):
Holy Land: Caritas Internationalis joins today’s Global Day of Action calling for a Ceasefire Now (December 22, 2023): &
Marianne Williamson on her US presidential campaign, the economy and Gaza: ‘The death of a Palestinian child is no less horrifying than the death of an Israeli child,’ author tells Al Jazeera. (December 22, 2023):
The Human Rights Institute of the International Bar Association condemns the indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks on Gaza and reiterates the call for an immediate ceasefire (December 22, 2023):
Who Is Funding Canary Mission? Inside the Doxxing Operation Targeting Anti-Zionist Students and Professors (December 22, 2023):
Rebecca Alpert, Reconstructionist Rabbi and Professor Emerita of Religion at Temple University: “Ceasefire Now!” Means Peace for All and Justice for Palestinians (December 28, 2023):
Palestine: Intersectional Solidarity: Statements from Afghans, Iranians, Hongkongers, Tibetans, Kurds, Syrians, Taiwanese, Uyghurs, and Ukrainians (December 28, 2023):
Physicians for Social Responsibility: Urgent Call for Ceasefire and Humanitarian Aid in Gaza (December 28, 2023):
World Council of Churches calls for immediate end to brutal violence in Gaza (December 30, 2023):
Database of Israeli Incitement to Genocide (January-February 2023):
Muslims for Progressive Values: Never Again? (January 4, 2024):
Social workers send letters from Gaza (January 4, 2024):
Anti-Defamation League staff decry ‘dishonest’ campaign against Israel critics (January 5, 2024):
"We Support South Africa's Genocide Convention Case Against Israel": Over 1,000 popular movements, political parties, unions, and other organizations call on states around the world to support South Africa's genocide case against Israel. [Including: Amazon Labor Union, USA; American Friends Service Committee - AFSC, USA; AFSCME Local 526, USA; Antipoverty Centre, Australia; Australian Unemployed Workers' Union; Black Workers for Justice (BWFJ), USA; Boycott from Within (Israeli citizens for BDS); Canadian Friends Service Committee, Canada; CGT - Confederación General del Trabajo, Spain; Church Women United in New York State, USA; Civil Engagement Group of Seanad Éireann (Senate of Ireland), Ireland; Coalition Against Fascism in India (International); CODEPINK, USA; Columbia Law Students for Palestine (CLSP), USA; Community Peacemaker Teams; Confederación Intersindical, Spain; CUNY for Palestine, USA; Defence for Children International; Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN); Democratic Socialists of America, USA; Egyptian Social Democratic Party, Egypt; Faculty for Justice in Palestine at Syracuse University, USA; GEO-UAW Local 2322, USA; GSOC-UAW Local 2110, USA; Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers, London; Harvard Jews for Palestine, USA; Hindus for Human Rights, USA; International Peace Bureau (IPB), International; Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions USA; Jewish Voice for Labour (UK); La France Insoumise, France; Labour For Palestine - Canada; Labour International, UK; Landless Workers Movement MST, Brazil; Medical Association for Prevention of War, Australia; Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC), USA; Mississippi Immigrants Rights Alliance (MIRA), USA; National Lawyers Guild, USA; National Single Payer, USA; Nonviolence International; NYC City Workers for Palestine, USA; NYU Alumni for Palestine, USA; Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace, USA; Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions, PGFTU, Palestine; Pax Christi Canada; Pax Christi USA; Physicians for Social Responsibility Kansas City (PSR-KC), USA; Physicians for Social Responsibility/Sacramento, USA; Progressive Democrats of America, Oregon Chapter, USA; Progressive International; Sarah Lawrence Faculty for Justice in Palestine; Scholars Against the War on Palestine, Canada/International; Science for the People - Canada; Science for the People, USA; Secours Catholique, France; Servicio Internacional Cristiano de Solidaridad con America Latina (SICSAL Mexico); Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Enseñanza de Cantabria (STEC), Spain; Sínodo Luterano Salvadoreño, El Salvador; Transnational Institute; Trinity Lutheran Church, Brooklyn NY, USA; Tunisian General Labor Union UGTT; UMass Amherst Faculty for Justice in Palestine, USA; UMKC Students for Justice in Palestine, USA; Union Juive Française pour la Paix (UJFP - French Jewish Peace Union); Unionists for Palestine, Australia; United Church of Christ Palestine Israel Network, USA; United Jewish People's Order, Canada; United Methodists for Kairos Response (UMKR); US Committee to End Political Repression in Egypt] (January 8, 2024):
Etan Nechin: The far right infiltration of Israel’s media is blinding the public to the truth about Gaza (January 9, 2024):
Michelle Goldberg in the New York Times via U.S. Representative Lloyd Doggett: America Must Face Up to Israel’s Extremism (January 9, 2024):
Q&A: Former Biden appointee Tariq Habash says US policy is ‘dehumanising’ Palestinians (January 9, 2024):
State and Local Elected Officials Open Letter to President Biden Calling for a Ceasefire [350+ signatures] (January 9, 2024):
I led strike cells against ISIS — Israel’s strike campaign in Gaza is unacceptable (January 10, 2024):
Naomi Klein: We have a tool to stop Israel’s war crimes: BDS (January 10, 2024):
Revealed: Congress backers of Gaza war received most from pro-Israel donors: Guardian analysis finds top recipients of pro-Israel contributions in last elections were centrist Democrats who defeated progressives in primaries (January 10, 2024):
Why I Resigned: Meet Tariq Habash, First Biden Appointee to Quit over U.S.-Backed Israeli War on Gaza (January 10, 2024):
Robert C. Koehler: The Cry of the Wounded and the Dead: End the War! End the War! (January 13, 2024):
On MLK Day, Representative Ayanna Pressley and Interfaith Coalition Call for Ceasefire in Gaza ["Rep. Pressley joined over 90 leaders from the Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist and other faith traditions in signing the statement, including Rev. Nikira Hernandez, Brighton Allston Congregational Church, Rev. Darrell R. Hamilton II, The First Baptist Church in, Jamaica Plain, Imam Ahmad Barry, Rev. Aisha Ansano. Rev. Otto Concannon, First Parish in Malden, Rev. Ashlee Wiest-Laird, First Baptist Church in Jamaica Plain, Imam Abdullah Faaruuq, Mosque for Praising Allah, Rev. Elizabeth Nguyen, Community Justice Exchange, Chaplain Ylisse C. Bess, Rev. Jo Murphy, Rev. Shea Thompson, Rev. Rob Mark, Rev. Erica Rose Long, Rabbi Rebecca Zimmerman Hornstein, Boston Workers Circle, Imam Taalib Mahdee, Masjid Al Qur’an, Rev. Art J. Gordon, St. John Missionary Baptist Church, Rev. Fred Small, Rev. Heather Concannon, Rev. Miniard Culpepper, Pleasant Hill Missionary Baptist Church, Rabbi Leora Abelson, Rabbi Leah Nussbaum, Rev. Willie Bodrick, II J.D., M.Div., Twelfth Baptist Church, The Very Rev. Amy McCreath, Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Boston (Episcopal), Rev. James Harrison Jr., Southern Baptist Church, Rev. Bernadette Hickman-Maynard, Rev. Erica F Richmond, Arlington, MA, Rev. Arrington Chambliss, St Mary’s Dorchester, Rev. Dr. Michelle A. Walsh, Tuckerman Creative Ministries for Justice & Healing, Rev. Dr. Clyde Grubbs, Tuckerman Creative Ministries, Muslims for Justice, Rev. Isaac P. Martinez, The Allston Abbey, Rev. Ashley Popperson, Rev. Lindsay Popperson, Old North Church, Marblehead, Rev. Myozen Joan Amaral, Zen Center North Shore, Rev. Dr. Andre K. Bennett, Marc Fredette, UU Minister, Rev. Edmund Robinson, First Parish in Hingham/Old Ship, Chaplain Christie Towers, Rev. Kenneth Read-Brown, Rev. Martha Schick, Cassandra Montenegro, Esq., First Parish in Cambridge, Unitarian Universalist, Rev. Dr. William J. Gardiner, Rev. Wendy Page, Rev. Elizabeth Bukey Saunter, Rev. Mel Pace, Rabbi Becky Silverstein, Rev. Katie Omberg, Rev. Rali M Weaver, First Church and Parish Dedham, Rev. Anne M. Rousseau, Rev. Brett R. Johnson, Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Wakefield, MA, Rev. James Leavitt, Rev. Daryn Bunce Stylianopoulos, Mohanad Mossalam, Khateeb, Malden Islamic Center, Daniela Harrigan, Movement Chaplain, MC Miller, Candidate for Ordination in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, University Lutheran Church, Cambridge, MA, Allison N Brown, Pastoral Candidate for Ordination , The Episcopal Church, India Wood, Seminarian, Boston University Theological School, Rhea Brown-Bright, Director of Faith Formation, First Parish Dorchester, Boston University School of Theology, Linden Jenkins, St Cecilia Parish Social & Racial Justice Ministry, Vincent Ware, Director of Public Affairs & Civic Engagement, MAS Boston (Muslim American Society), Becca Heisler, Rabbinical Student, Jayce Koester, Rabbinical Student, Hadar Ahuvia, Rabbinical Student, Sam Tygiel, Rabbinical Student, Alex Bailey Dillon, Rabbinical Student, Hannah Limov, Rabbinical Student, Chaim Spaulding, Rabbinical Student, Aaron Berc, Rabbinical Student, Rivka Nechemya Thrope, Rabbinical Student, Max Davis, Rabbinical Student, Sivan Piatigorsky, Rabbinical Student, Rayden Marcum, Rabbinical Student, Rumni Saha (MDiv, MEd), Ian Evans, Clergy in training, McKayla Hoffman, Ministerial Intern, Nichole Mossalam, Muslim Activist, Elizabeth Claggett-Borne, Friends (Quakers) for Racial Justice, Carole Rein, Quaker, North Shore Friends (Quakers), Polly Attwood, Quaker, Friends Meeting Cambridge, Isabella Bates, Quaker, North Shore Quaker Meeting, Dr. Esther Ngotho, Zen Center North Shore, Nora Williams, Zen Center North Shore, Michael Carey, Peace and Social Justice Committee, Friends Meeting Cambridge, Don Gianniny, Peace and Social Justice Committee, Friends Meeting Cambridge, Holly Aloha Jaynes, Unitarian Universalist Church of Marblehead, Ehab Hilali, Community Organizer, Independent Drivers Guild, Nicole Moore, UU Church of Marblehead & Zen Center North Shore, Sarah Manasrah, Community Organizer, Salimah Adawiya, Educator, Rabbi Victor Reinstein, Dr. Jamal Carlos Saeh, Palestinian Catholic, Friend Kristina Keefe-Perry, Three Rivers Worship Group, Rev. Carrie Ballenger, University Lutheran Church, Rev. Tricia Brennan, and Rev. Dr. Christopher Ney, United Church of Christ."] (January 15, 2024):
Canadian Labour Congress Executive Committee reiterates its support for International Trade Union Confederation's call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza (January 16, 2024):
Unions tell Starmer of members’ anger over Gaza ceasefire position (Members of Britain’s biggest unions used a regular meeting with Starmer this week to urge him to be more critical of Israel, following weeks of tension within the Labour party over the issue. [...] “Several people at the meeting were pretty clear with Starmer,” said one person with knowledge of what happened at the meeting. “They told him, ‘Your position on Gaza is alienating working people, you are out of step with the majority’.”] (January 18, 2024):
Anglican Bishop Christopher calls for ceasefire ‘to end appalling suffering’ in Gaza (January 19, 2024):
Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor: Israel kills dozens of academics, destroys every university in the Gaza Strip (January 20, 2024):,-destroys-every-university-in-the-Gaza-Strip
Gaza activist tells of beating and abuse in Israeli detention: Human rights worker Ayman Lubbad is among the Palestinian prisoners claiming abuse in Israeli custody, where six have died (January 21, 2024):
Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions (SAK) calls for ceasefire in Gaza (January 22, 2024):
Service Employees International Union (SEIU) President Mary Kay Henry's Statement on War in Gaza (January 22, 2024):
‘I just want to run’: Mental health care yet another casualty of Gaza war (January 23, 2024):
Progressive Baptists Call for Gaza Ceasefire (January 23, 2024):
Israeli police repressing anti-war protests with ‘iron fist,’ say activists: Since October 7, Israel's police have systematically banned, restricted, and attacked protests against the army's assault on Gaza, instilling a sense of fear among Jewish and Palestinian citizens alike. (January 24, 2024):
More than 250 humanitarian and human rights organisations call to stop arms transfers to Israel and Palestinian armed groups: An open call to all UN Member States to stop fueling the crisis in Gaza and avert further humanitarian catastrophe and loss of civilian life. [Including: ActionAid France; American Baptist Churches USA; American Friends Service Committee (AFSC); Amnesty International; Anglican Church of Canada; Anglican Church of Mexico; Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development; BDS Berlin; Belgian Academics and Artists for Palestine; Cameroon Youths and Students Forum for Peace (CAMYOSFOP); Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD); Center for Jewish Nonviolence; Christian Aid; Christian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament; Christian Jewish Allies for a Just Peace in Israel/Palestine; Church and Peace – Ecumenical Peace Church Network in Europe; Colombian Campaign to Ban Landmines; Community of Christ; Danish Refugee Council; Doctors Against Genocide; Episcopal Peace Fellowship-Palestine Israel Network; Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada; Federation Handicap International – Humanity & Inclusion; Finnish-Arab Friendship Society; France Palestine Mental Health Network; International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH); Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions – UK; Japan International Volunteer Center; Jewish Network for Palestine; Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns; Mercy Corps; Muslim Delegates and Allies Coalition; Muslim Peace Fellowship; National Organization of Yemeni Reporters SADA; Norwegian Refugee Council; Oxfam; Palestinian Farmers Union; Pax Christi England and Wales; Pax Christi International; Pax Christi Italia; Pax Christi Scotland; Pax Christi USA; Presbyterian Church in Canada; Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.); Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft; Salam For Yemen; Save the Children; Socialist Movement of Ghana; Syrian Network for Human Rights; United Church of Canada; United Church of Christ; United Methodist Church – General Board of Church and Society; War on Want; Women for Peace and Democracy Nepal; Young Christian Students Movement South Africa] (January 24, 2024):
Ayanna Pressley, Interfaith Coalition Hold Vigil for Lives Lost in Gaza and Israel, Renew Calls for Ceasefire ["Joining Rep. Pressley at the vigil was Rev. Carrie Ballenger, University Lutheran and Lutheran Chaplain at Harvard; Rabbi Rebecca Hornstein, Boston Workers Circle Executive Director; Imam Ahmad Barry of the Islamic Institute of Boston; Reverend Darrell Hamilton of the First Baptist Church in Jamaica Plain; Hadar Ahuvia, Rabbinical Student at Hebrew College; Rev. Willie Bodrick, II of the Twelfth Baptist Church; Rabbi Becky Silverstein; Rev. Otto Concannon of First Parish Malden; Rev. Elizabeth Carrier-Ladd, First Parish Dorchester; and hundreds of faith leaders and community members from across Greater Boston."] (January 25, 2024):
Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EuroMed Rights): A conditional ceasefire is not sufficient – The EU must call for an unconditional, immediate and permanent ceasefire (January 25, 2024):
Communications Workers of America Executive Board Statement on the War in Gaza (January 26, 2024):
Bernie Sanders: The US must act to end the Gaza disaster (January 27, 2024):
Black Pastors Pressure Biden to Call for a Cease-Fire in Gaza: Black congregants’ dismay at President Biden’s posture on the war could imperil his re-election bid. (January 28, 2024):
Israel and Russia Have No Place in the 2024 Paris Olympics: The International Olympic Committee has declined to curtail Israel’s involvement in the 2024 games and has placed half-hearted limits on Russia. The IOC claims it opposes the politicization of sport — but the Olympics are a historically political institution. (January 29, 2024):
Ajith Sunghay, head of the UN Human Rights Office in the Occupied Palestinian Territory: “Gaza is a massive human rights crisis and a humanitarian disaster” (January 30, 2024):
Texas AFL-CIO becomes first state labor federation to call for ceasefire in Gaza (January 30, 2024):
Former U.S. Representative Andy Levin: Military action won’t solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It’s time for diplomacy. (February 1, 2024):
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada and Anglican Church of Canada: Church leaders urge Canadian government to support ICJ ruling (February 2, 2024):
US city councils increasingly call for Israel-Gaza ceasefire, analysis shows (February 2, 2024):
Sister Nabila's appeal from Gaza: ‘We want peace, respect for human rights’ (February 3, 2024):
submitted by SocialDemocracies to Social_Democracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 19:29 blockchainbandolero 'Serenity' is Free on Youtube.. Just Watched it for the First Time

Not a huge sci fi guy, never seen FireFly, but I did love Buffy and I liked Angel back in the day.
I think this movie is stellar, I was low key sad as f*ck for characters I didn't even know. Jayne is an awesome side character, and damn Fillion is just fun to watch. The Operative was such a good villain, played by such a good actor [Chiwetel Ejiofor]. I can't believe how much I liked this movie. Yes there are some tropes and the end has some cheesy points, but it's extremely sentimental and it makes sense. The CG and overall effects were done so stylistically that is still holds up pretty damn well. This is a good film.
submitted by blockchainbandolero to firefly [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 01:50 Roakeydoakey36 How to buff Chow according to a bad player

TL;DR at the bottom
Chow is… not very good. It’s unfortunate to say, he’s my favorite mon. I don’t know if I would say he’s the weakest 5 star at all, but he suffers from a different problem. He’s extremely replaceable. There is almost never a reason you should be picking Chow over any other mon, so I want to fix that.
First, why is he replaceable? Some mons find use by being jack of all trades. They’re not the best at anything, but are versatile and thus, blind pickable in RTA and cheaper to invest in than several specialized mons. Chow is definitely not that. He is a specialized juggernaut, designed to be difficult to kill while dealing loads of damage, and only damage. So, if he’s supposed to fill a single roll, is he at least good at it?
Unfortunately, he’s not. Maybe he used to be, but not anymore. Let's first compare him to three other mons most similar to him: Camilla, Feng Yan, and Laika. First, Chow is much harder to build than these three. He needs Hp for his passive, Atk for his damage because his Hp damage doesn't scale well enough, crit rate and crit damage for damage, and Speed. It’s super unfortunate, since he can never get both the speed and damage to compete, it takes too much stats. Either you’re fast enough, but deal no damage, or you never get a turn to one shot something. Camilla doesn't care much for Atk, her S2 scales off enemy hp anyway. Feng Yan scales well enough on Def to ignore Hp and Atk, and his multi hits make a high accuracy less necessary. Even a high speed with him isn’t necessary with the passive. Laika actually prefers 0 hp so his lifesteal can get him above a damage threshold for his passive.
Second, is survivability, especially before a next turn. Camilla takes half damage from crits and cleanses, making it more likely for her to survive until her next turn which heals her plus one teammate. Laika has lifesteal and a chance to counterattack with said lifesteal, so he doesn't necessarily need a turn to be effective. Feng Yan has a counter and cleanse S2, and even if he gets stripped, he has Atk bar up every time he gets hit, getting him back up to S2 again, plus continuous healing on the entire team. Chow has absolutely nothing helping him get his next turn. Even Xiao Ling (2A Light cat) takes half damage. He only has his innate bulk. However, due to stat restraints, he actually has one of the lowest base defenses in the entire game for a tank, so he isn't actually very tanky. Several glass cannons have higher base def. It also makes his leader skill not even scale well with himself. He can cleanse two debuffs at least, but he is still susceptible to debuff overload, and he actually has to make it to his turn to cleanse (again, probably slower than most mons), and a defense break on him will only get cleansed if he survives to his turn.
Third is utility. Camilla has freeze and slow on S2, and can heal a teammate every turn. Feng Yan has team heal and defense break, and both him and Laika can at least deter aoe attacks with counterattacks. Chow doesn’t help his team at all, no real debuffs or heals.
Now the most terrible thing here is that, not only is Chow worse in all these subjects, but he even loses the 1v1 against these three. There is literally never a reason to pick him against any single one of the other three outside of Leos in Lab, but that’s not even hard or Chow exclusive. His brother Leo helps in speed limit and is extremely meta in both RTA and siege.
Quick mention, RTA is horrible for Hp tanks since max hp is reduced overtime, so when Chow is supposed to thrive is when he’s weakest.
Laika is especially egregious here, as Chow used to be the better Laika, but after much love from Com2us and a lot of stepping on Chow’s toes, Laika now does everything Chow does but better and easier. However, I don’t think buffing Chow to be a better Laika isn’t a very useful loop, so I’d rather go a different route and buff Chow to counter his number one problem… Atk bar reduction.
Most supports only need speed and accuracy, with small amounts of survivability, so they easily make it up to +160 Spd, and veterans can get around +220 spd, something Chow could only dream of. A lot of Spd mons now have some sort of atk bar reduction now (usually with a strip now for some reason), and to have mons that much faster than Chow constantly reduce his atk bar, means he’s never gonna cleanse, heal, or deal damage. Probably worth mentioning most atk bar reduction is from wind units, who have attribute advantage on him. So, now for the buff idea.
– TL;DR –
Chow should give his team immunity to atk bar reduction.
edit: My original thought was Chow only being immune to Atk bar reduction, but most mons that reduce Atk bar are wind, so I'm not sure that's super helpful, he could also reverse Atk bar reduction and gain Atk bar instead for just himself, doesn't really fit theme though.
I do like the idea of it being field wide also instead of just his team.
Edit: I expected there to be compensation nerfs for gaining this passive, Chow used to never have a cleanse, so maybe trade that for this passive.
Honestly, it fits super well with the Flow passive theme, the unstoppable flow of water. It also brings him into the theme the other Dragon Knights have, which is counterpick. Leo is anti speed, Ragdoll is anti crit, Jager is anti AOE, and Laika is anti one shot. Chow has immunity to heal block, but he’s still weak to anti-heal like fire assassin or dark dokkaebi lord.
But then again I’m hardstuck Fighter 3, so what do I know?
Edit: I was hoping for some other buff ideas, so I appreciate those who did.
Kind of interesting that there's all these Chow defenders all of a sudden, his name hasn't come up almost ever in months outside of a dupe pull. Even then, the consensus was not only was the dupe not worth keeping (fair), but they should sell the first one too. That's what madee want to make this post in the first place.
Edit: I somehow didn't know Lucia was a thing, I spent a week writing this and making sure there wasn't a mon that already did this, I assumed it would be an LnD. It could be cool if she got the team immunity so she hard counters Oliver and others, and Chow gets her current reduction instead.
submitted by Roakeydoakey36 to summonerswar [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 18:16 REDLINE-007 [WTS] Designer & niche fragrance brand names decants/samples (decant)

For sale fragrance decants/samples, prices are listed below in US dollars. All atomizers come in black plastic spray bottles with a lid & individually marked with labels. Shipping to Canada is $10 USD and USA $10 USD by Canada Post first class airmail with tracking. I accept PayPal G&S (please pay any associated fees to PayPal) or Interac (Canada Only, no fees), local Pickup in Vancouver, BC, Canada is also possible. Please pm/chat me if you are interested.
Feedback, Photos & Fragrantica Page:
Fragrantica Page
\**JUST ARRIVED and ready for summer**\* >>> Parfums De Marly SEDLEY, GREENLEY, ALTHAIR>MANCERA CEDRAT BOISE, CEDRAT BOISE INTENSE, HINDU KUSH, RED TOBACCO, AOUD LEMON MINT> ARMANI Acqua Di Gio EDP, Acqua Di Gio PARFUM >INITIO Narcotic Delight>TOM FORD Grey Vetiver Parfum and more...*
The Price list is in USD and updated on 05.05.2024
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO Eau de Parfum 2022 - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO PARFUM 2023 - 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - 11, 10 ML - $20
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO ABSOLU 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profondo 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profondo Lights 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profumo 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger with You 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger Intensely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger Absolutely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI City Glam 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10
ARMANI Si Fiori 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10
ARMANI Si Passione 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10
ARMANI Code Feme 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO Wanted By Night 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO The Most Wanted EDP 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO The Most Wanted PARFUM 2022 - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Atelier Cologne Ambre Nue 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $11.25
Atelier Cologne Oud Saphir 2 ML - $5.50, 5 ML - $13.50
Atelier Cologne Clementine California 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Atelier Cologne Rose Anonyme 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Atelier Cologne Bois Blonds 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Amouage Interlude Black Iris 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $16
Amouage Interlude Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Meander 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Enclave 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Lyric Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Boundless 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $16
Amouage Memoir Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Dia Man 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Jubilation XXV 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Beach Hut Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
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Amouage Reflection Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Beloved Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Aedes De Venustas Grenadille d’Afrique 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Atelier des Ors Rose Omeyyade 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Intenza 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Bergamotto Di Calabria 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Chinotto Di Liguria 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA OUD EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Leather 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia MIRRA 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA FICO di AMALFI 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua di Parma Arancia di Capri 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Colonia Club 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Quercia 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Mandorlo Di Sicilia 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Mirto Di Panarea 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Essenza 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ABERCOMBIE & FITCH FIERCE 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $14
ARIANA GRANDE Cloud 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Anna Sui Flight of Fancy 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Al Haramain L’Aventure 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
Al Harmain L’Aventure Blanche 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM Parfum Version 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM Milestone 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $16
ARMAF Tres Nuit 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF Derby Club House 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
BURBERRY Mr. Burberry 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $14
BURBERRY Mr. Burberry EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $14
BURBERRY LONDON For Her EDP 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $14
Bond 9 New York Nights 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15, 10 ML - $24
BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $16
BVLGARI Mon Jasmin Noir 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $15
BENTLEY INTENSE Eau de Parfum 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
BERDOUES Collection Perfumes GRAND CRU Eau de parfum made in FRANCE:
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MAASAÏ MARA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
SOMEI YOSHINO - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
PÉNG LÁI - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
AZUR RIVERA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
Banana Republic ICON COLLECTION Eau de Parfum:
Tobacco & Tonka Bean - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Gardenia & Cardamom - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
83 Leather Reserve - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Dark Cherry & Amber - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Neroli Woods - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
17 Oud Mosaic - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
78 Vintage Green - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Peony & Peppercorn - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Linen Vetiver - 2 ML - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
90 Pure White - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
06 Black Platinum - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Cypress Cedar - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
CARNER BARCELONA Botafumeiro - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10ML - $15
CARNER BARCELONA Ambar Del Sur - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10ML - $15
CHANEL Gabrielle Essence 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
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CHANEL Allure 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
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Creed Aventus 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
Creed Aventus 10th Anniversary 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Aventus Cologne 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Aventus For Her 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Viking 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Viking Cologne 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed EROLFA 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Neroli Sauvage 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
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Creed Original Vetiver 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
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Creed Royal Oud 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $29
Creed Himalaya 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Tabarome 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Bois du Portugal 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Virgin Island Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Silver Mountain Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Maifair 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Princess Oud 2 ML - $11, 5 ML - $27
Creed Pure White Cologne 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Creed Jardin d’Amalfi 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Creed White Amber 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Carolina Herrera Saffron Lazuli 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $24, 10 ML - $45
Carolina Herrera Bad Boy 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
CARTIER Pasha Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
CHOPARD Amber Malaki 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
COACH New York Eau De Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
COSTUME NATIONAL Soul 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $10
Calvin Klein ETERNITY 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
Calvin Klein Truth 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
Calvin Klein Truth for Her 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
COTY ASPEN 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
DIOR Fahrenheit EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
DIOR Fahrenheit Le Parfum 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR Homme 2020 EDT 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR Homme Le Parfum 2020 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
DIOR Homme ORIGINAL 2021 EDT - 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
DIOR Homme Cologne 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR SAUVAGE EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
DIOR SAUVAGE Parfum 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
DIOR Jadore EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
DIOR Addict Shine 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $16
Dolce & Gabbana The One EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
D & G The One INTENSE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
D & G Velvet Amber Sun EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Dolce & Gabbana K (KING) 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $12
Dolce & Gabbana K (KING) EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
Dolce & Gabbana INTENSO EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $16
Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue For Her 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
D & G Light Blue Eau Intense 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
D & G Light Blue Intense For Her 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
DIESEL Spirit of The Brave 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $12
Demeter Pineapple 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Elizabeth & James White Nirvana 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17.50
Etat Libre d’Orange You or Someone Else 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
English Laundry Windsor 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
English Laundry Notting Hill 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Frederic Malle Portrait of a Lady 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25, 10 ML - $50
Francis Kurkdjian L’Homme A la Rose 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Francis Kurkdjian Grand Soir 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 - 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Satin Mood EDP 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Silk Mood Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Petit Matin EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Universalis 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Vitae 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Guerlain Oud Essentiel 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Guerlain Shalimar Eau de Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Guerlain Mon Guerlain EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
GUCCI Guilty EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
GUCCI Guilty Pour Homme EDP 2020 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8
GUCCI Guilty OUD 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $14
GUCCI Guilty Love Edition 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
GUCCI Made To Measure 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
GUCCI Bloom Profumo 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $13
Geoffrey Beene Grey Flannel 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Giorgio Beverly Hills Wings 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
HERMES Terre EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
HERMES Terre Parfum 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
HERMES H24 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
HERMES TWILLY Eau De Parfum - 2 ML - $4
HERMES Rhubarbe Ecarlate - 2 ML - $4
HERMES D'Orange Verte - 2 ML - $4
HERMES Un Jardin Sur Le Toit 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10.
HUGO BOSS Bottled 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
HUGO BOSS Bottled EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Intense 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Elixir Parfum 2023 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
HUGO BOSS Bottled Infinite 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Night 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Hugo Reversed 2 ML - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS FEME 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HOLLISTER SoCal 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5 10 ML - $10
IMAGINERY AUTHORS Saint Julep 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Narcotic Delight 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Oud For Greatness 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Side Effect 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Atomic Rose 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Musk Therapy 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Rehab 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
ISSEY MIYAKE Pulse Of The Night 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6
ISSEY MIYAKE L'Eau d'Issey Noir Ambre 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
ISSEY MIYAKE L'Eau d'Issey For Man 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML -$9
Jo Malone Wood Sage & Sea Salt 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jo Malone Oud & Bergamot 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jo Malone Myrrh & Tonka 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Parfum ELIXIR 2023 ML - $5.25, 5 ML - $13
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
Jean Paul Gaultier Ultra Male 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male SnowGlobe 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
KILIAN Let's Settle in the Bedroom like Adults 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $10
KILIAN Angel's Share 2 ML - $12
LACOSTE L.12.12 EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE L.12.12 EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE Inspiration 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE Touch of Pink 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
Lattafa Oud For Glory Bade Al Oud (Initio Oud for Greatness Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Alhambra Fabulo Intense (Tom Ford Fxxing Fabulous Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Khamrah (Killian Angels Share Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Kismet Magic (Killian Angels Share Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Velvet Oud EDP (Tom Ford Ombre Leather Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Woody Oud (Tom Ford Oud Wood Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Alhambra Rose Petals EDP (Tom Ford Rose Prick Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
L'Aventure Al Haramain EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
L'Aventure Blanche Al Haramain EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
Lalique Encre Noire 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
Lalique Encre Noire A L'extreme 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LANCOME Hypnose 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LANCOME La Vie Est Belle 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Mancera Cedrat Boise 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10ML - $17
Mancera Cedrat Boise INTENSE Edition 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11.50, 10ML - $21
Mancera Red Tobacco 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 5ML - $17
Mancera Hindu Kush 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 5ML - $17
Mancera Aoud Lemon Mint 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 5ML - $17
Mancera Instant Crush 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 5ML - $17
Mancera Black Intensitive Aoud 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 5ML - $17
Maison Martin Margiela By the fireplace 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Maison Martin Margiela Sailing Day 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Maison Martin Margiela By the Lemon Trees 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
MONTBLANC Explorer 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
MONTBLANC Legend EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5
MONTBLANC Legend Night 2 ML - $2 5 ML - $5
MONTBLANC Individuel 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5
MOSCHINO Toy Boy EDP 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
MUGLER A*Men Pure Havane 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
MUGLER Cologne 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10ML - $17
Mercedes Benz Club Black 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Mercedes Benz SELECT 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Marc Jacobs DECADENCE 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Miu Miu Miu Miu 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
NISHANE ANI Extrait De Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Nasomatto Duro 2 ML - $9.50, 5 ML - $23
NAUTICA Voyage 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Narcisco Rodrigues For Her EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $11
Ormonde Jayne Tolu 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
PACO RABANNE XS 2018 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Penhaligon - The Favourite Eau De Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Althair 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Greenley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Kuhuyan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Akaster 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Percival 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Kalan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Darley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Nisean 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Habdan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Pegasus 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Pegasus Exclusif 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Layton 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Layton Exclusif 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Oajan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Sedley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Shagya 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Godolphin 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Galloway 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Carlisle 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Herod 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada Marienbad 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada Day for Night 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada L’Homme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Prada L’Homme INTENSE 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
Prada Luna Rossa Carbon 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
Prada Luna Rossa OCEAN 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
PINO Selvestre Original 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
ROCHAS Moustache EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Reyane Tradition Insurrection II Pure Extreme 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Ralph Lauren POLO BLUE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML-$15
Ralph Lauren POLO RED 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $12
Ralph Lauren Blue 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Ralph Lauren Pure Turquoise 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Revlon Charlie Red 5 ML - $2, 10 ML - $5
Revlon Charlie Gold 5 ML - $2, 10 ML - $5
Serge Lutens Ambre Sultan 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
Serge Lutens Clair de Musc 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Serge Lutens La Couche du Diable 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11
SHISEIDO Relaxing Fragrance 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Swiss Arabian Royal Mystery EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
SEAN JOHN Unforgivable 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $15
Sarah Jessica Parker Lovely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
TAUER Parfums, Andy Tauer No.2 L'Air Du Desert Marocain 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Teo Cabanel Barkhane 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11
Tiziana Terenzi Ursa 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Tiziana Terenzi Chimaera Extrait De Parfum 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
TOM FORD Ombre Leather EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Grey Vetiver 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Grey Vetiver Parfum Edition 2023 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD Beau De Jour EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Black Orchid Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD NOIR EDP 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD NOIR EXTREME EDP 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD OUD WOOD EDP Private Blend 2 ML - $11, 5 ML - $26
TOM FORD Tuscan Leather EDP Private Blend 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
TOM FORD Venetian Bergamot Private Blend Discntd. 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD COSTA AZZURRA 2021 EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD COSTA AZZURRA EDP Private Blend Discntd. 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
STERLING JUST JACK COLLECTION by ARMAF Eau De Parfum (Clones of Tom Ford fragrances):
TOBACCO LEAF (TOBACCO VANILLE Clone) 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
NEROLI (NEROLI PORTOFINO Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
HOMME NOIR (NOIR Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
NOIR ENDURANCE (NOIR EXTREME Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
BLACK IS BLACK (NOIR DE NOIR Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
OMBRE SUEDE (OMBRE LEATHER Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
FANTA FAB (THE Fuckxxing FABULOUS Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
ITALIAN LEATHER (TUSCAN LEATHER Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
Tommy Bahama Set Sail St. Barts 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Torry Burch Torry Burch 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Usher UR 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb Extreme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb Infrared 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf FlowerBomb 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
VERSACE Man Eau Fraiche 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
VERSACE DYLAN Blue 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8
VERSACE Pour Homme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE EROS EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
VERSACE EROS EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE EROS FLAME 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE Pour Homme OUD NOIR EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE Bright Crystal 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Ambre Impérial Van Cleef & Arpels 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Erba Pura 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Naxos 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Lira 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL MYSLF EDP 2023 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
YSL Y EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL L’Homme EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $9
YSL La Nuit de L’Homme EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $9
YSL L’Homme Le Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL La Nuit de L’Homme Le Parfum 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
YSL LIBRE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL Tuxedo 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL Caban 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL Trench 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL 37 rue de Bellechasse 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
ZARA Denim Couture 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Cuba Royal Cuba Paris (Clone of 1 Million Paco Rabanne) 2 ML- $2, 5 ML- $4, 10 ML- $8
Cuba Red Cuba Paris 2 ML - $2, 5 ML-$4, 10 ML-$8
4711 Original Eau de Cologne 4711 - 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
submitted by REDLINE-007 to fragranceswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 18:16 REDLINE-007 [WTS] Designer & niche fragrance brand names decants/samples (decant)

For sale fragrance decants/samples, prices are listed below in US dollars. All atomizers come in black plastic spray bottles with a lid & individually marked with labels. Shipping to Canada is $10 USD and USA $10 USD by Canada Post first class airmail with tracking. I accept PayPal G&S (please pay any associated fees to PayPal) or Interac (Canada Only, no fees), local Pickup in Vancouver, BC, Canada is also possible. Please pm/chat me if you are interested.
Feedback, Photos & Fragrantica Page:
Fragrantica Page
\**JUST ARRIVED and ready for summer**\* >>> Parfums De Marly SEDLEY, GREENLEY, ALTHAIR>MANCERA CEDRAT BOISE, CEDRAT BOISE INTENSE, HINDU KUSH, RED TOBACCO, AOUD LEMON MINT> ARMANI Acqua Di Gio EDP, Acqua Di Gio PARFUM >INITIO Narcotic Delight>TOM FORD Grey Vetiver Parfum and more...*
The Price list is in USD and updated on 05.05.2024
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO Eau de Parfum 2022 - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO PARFUM 2023 - 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - 11, 10 ML - $20
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO ABSOLU 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profondo 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profondo Lights 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profumo 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger with You 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger Intensely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger Absolutely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI City Glam 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10
ARMANI Si Fiori 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10
ARMANI Si Passione 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10
ARMANI Code Feme 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO Wanted By Night 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO The Most Wanted EDP 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO The Most Wanted PARFUM 2022 - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Atelier Cologne Ambre Nue 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $11.25
Atelier Cologne Oud Saphir 2 ML - $5.50, 5 ML - $13.50
Atelier Cologne Clementine California 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Atelier Cologne Rose Anonyme 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Atelier Cologne Bois Blonds 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Amouage Interlude Black Iris 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $16
Amouage Interlude Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Meander 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Enclave 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Lyric Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Boundless 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $16
Amouage Memoir Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Dia Man 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Jubilation XXV 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Beach Hut Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Epic Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Reflection Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Beloved Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Aedes De Venustas Grenadille d’Afrique 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Atelier des Ors Rose Omeyyade 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Intenza 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Bergamotto Di Calabria 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Chinotto Di Liguria 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA OUD EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Leather 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia MIRRA 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA FICO di AMALFI 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua di Parma Arancia di Capri 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Colonia Club 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Quercia 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Mandorlo Di Sicilia 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Mirto Di Panarea 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Essenza 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ABERCOMBIE & FITCH FIERCE 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $14
ARIANA GRANDE Cloud 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Anna Sui Flight of Fancy 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Al Haramain L’Aventure 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
Al Harmain L’Aventure Blanche 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM Parfum Version 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM Milestone 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $16
ARMAF Tres Nuit 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF Derby Club House 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
BURBERRY Mr. Burberry 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $14
BURBERRY Mr. Burberry EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $14
BURBERRY LONDON For Her EDP 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $14
Bond 9 New York Nights 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15, 10 ML - $24
BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $16
BVLGARI Mon Jasmin Noir 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $15
BENTLEY INTENSE Eau de Parfum 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
BERDOUES Collection Perfumes GRAND CRU Eau de parfum made in FRANCE:
MILLÉSIME OUD WA VANILLIA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
MAASAÏ MARA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
SOMEI YOSHINO - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
PÉNG LÁI - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
AZUR RIVERA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
Banana Republic ICON COLLECTION Eau de Parfum:
Tobacco & Tonka Bean - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Gardenia & Cardamom - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
83 Leather Reserve - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Dark Cherry & Amber - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Neroli Woods - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
17 Oud Mosaic - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
78 Vintage Green - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Peony & Peppercorn - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Linen Vetiver - 2 ML - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
90 Pure White - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
06 Black Platinum - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Cypress Cedar - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
CARNER BARCELONA Botafumeiro - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10ML - $15
CARNER BARCELONA Ambar Del Sur - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10ML - $15
CHANEL Gabrielle Essence 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport Cologne 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport Eau Extreme 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Egoiste Platinum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Pour Monsieur EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Creed Aventus 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
Creed Aventus 10th Anniversary 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Aventus Cologne 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Aventus For Her 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Viking 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Viking Cologne 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed EROLFA 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Neroli Sauvage 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Millesime Imperial 2 ML - $8, 5 ML -$20
Creed Original Vetiver 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Original Santal 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Green Irish Tweed 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Oud 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $29
Creed Himalaya 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Tabarome 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Bois du Portugal 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Virgin Island Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Silver Mountain Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Maifair 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Princess Oud 2 ML - $11, 5 ML - $27
Creed Pure White Cologne 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Creed Jardin d’Amalfi 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Creed White Amber 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Carolina Herrera Saffron Lazuli 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $24, 10 ML - $45
Carolina Herrera Bad Boy 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
CARTIER Pasha Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
CHOPARD Amber Malaki 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
COACH New York Eau De Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
COSTUME NATIONAL Soul 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $10
Calvin Klein ETERNITY 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
Calvin Klein Truth 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
Calvin Klein Truth for Her 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
COTY ASPEN 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
DIOR Fahrenheit EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
DIOR Fahrenheit Le Parfum 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR Homme 2020 EDT 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR Homme Le Parfum 2020 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
DIOR Homme ORIGINAL 2021 EDT - 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
DIOR Homme Cologne 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR SAUVAGE EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
DIOR SAUVAGE Parfum 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
DIOR Jadore EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
DIOR Addict Shine 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $16
Dolce & Gabbana The One EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
D & G The One INTENSE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
D & G Velvet Amber Sun EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Dolce & Gabbana K (KING) 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $12
Dolce & Gabbana K (KING) EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
Dolce & Gabbana INTENSO EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $16
Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue For Her 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
D & G Light Blue Eau Intense 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
D & G Light Blue Intense For Her 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
DIESEL Spirit of The Brave 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $12
Demeter Pineapple 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Elizabeth & James White Nirvana 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17.50
Etat Libre d’Orange You or Someone Else 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
English Laundry Windsor 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
English Laundry Notting Hill 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Frederic Malle Portrait of a Lady 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25, 10 ML - $50
Francis Kurkdjian L’Homme A la Rose 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Francis Kurkdjian Grand Soir 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 - 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Satin Mood EDP 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Silk Mood Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Petit Matin EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Universalis 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Vitae 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Guerlain Oud Essentiel 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Guerlain Shalimar Eau de Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Guerlain Mon Guerlain EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
GUCCI Guilty EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
GUCCI Guilty Pour Homme EDP 2020 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8
GUCCI Guilty OUD 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $14
GUCCI Guilty Love Edition 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
GUCCI Made To Measure 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
GUCCI Bloom Profumo 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $13
Geoffrey Beene Grey Flannel 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Giorgio Beverly Hills Wings 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
HERMES Terre EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
HERMES Terre Parfum 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
HERMES H24 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
HERMES TWILLY Eau De Parfum - 2 ML - $4
HERMES Rhubarbe Ecarlate - 2 ML - $4
HERMES D'Orange Verte - 2 ML - $4
HERMES Un Jardin Sur Le Toit 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10.
HUGO BOSS Bottled 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
HUGO BOSS Bottled EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Intense 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Elixir Parfum 2023 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
HUGO BOSS Bottled Infinite 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Night 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Hugo Reversed 2 ML - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS FEME 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HOLLISTER SoCal 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5 10 ML - $10
IMAGINERY AUTHORS Saint Julep 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Narcotic Delight 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Oud For Greatness 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Side Effect 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Atomic Rose 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Musk Therapy 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Rehab 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
ISSEY MIYAKE Pulse Of The Night 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6
ISSEY MIYAKE L'Eau d'Issey Noir Ambre 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
ISSEY MIYAKE L'Eau d'Issey For Man 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML -$9
Jo Malone Wood Sage & Sea Salt 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jo Malone Oud & Bergamot 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jo Malone Myrrh & Tonka 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Parfum ELIXIR 2023 ML - $5.25, 5 ML - $13
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
Jean Paul Gaultier Ultra Male 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male SnowGlobe 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
KILIAN Let's Settle in the Bedroom like Adults 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $10
KILIAN Angel's Share 2 ML - $12
LACOSTE L.12.12 EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE L.12.12 EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE Inspiration 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE Touch of Pink 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
Lattafa Oud For Glory Bade Al Oud (Initio Oud for Greatness Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Alhambra Fabulo Intense (Tom Ford Fxxing Fabulous Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Khamrah (Killian Angels Share Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Kismet Magic (Killian Angels Share Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Velvet Oud EDP (Tom Ford Ombre Leather Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Woody Oud (Tom Ford Oud Wood Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Alhambra Rose Petals EDP (Tom Ford Rose Prick Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
L'Aventure Al Haramain EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
L'Aventure Blanche Al Haramain EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
Lalique Encre Noire 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
Lalique Encre Noire A L'extreme 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LANCOME Hypnose 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LANCOME La Vie Est Belle 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Mancera Cedrat Boise 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10ML - $17
Mancera Cedrat Boise INTENSE Edition 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11.50, 10ML - $21
Mancera Red Tobacco 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 5ML - $17
Mancera Hindu Kush 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 5ML - $17
Mancera Aoud Lemon Mint 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 5ML - $17
Mancera Instant Crush 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 5ML - $17
Mancera Black Intensitive Aoud 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 5ML - $17
Maison Martin Margiela By the fireplace 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Maison Martin Margiela Sailing Day 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Maison Martin Margiela By the Lemon Trees 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
MONTBLANC Explorer 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
MONTBLANC Legend EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5
MONTBLANC Legend Night 2 ML - $2 5 ML - $5
MONTBLANC Individuel 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5
MOSCHINO Toy Boy EDP 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
MUGLER A*Men Pure Havane 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
MUGLER Cologne 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10ML - $17
Mercedes Benz Club Black 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Mercedes Benz SELECT 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Marc Jacobs DECADENCE 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Miu Miu Miu Miu 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
NISHANE ANI Extrait De Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Nasomatto Duro 2 ML - $9.50, 5 ML - $23
NAUTICA Voyage 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Narcisco Rodrigues For Her EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $11
Ormonde Jayne Tolu 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
PACO RABANNE XS 2018 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Penhaligon - The Favourite Eau De Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Althair 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Greenley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Kuhuyan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Akaster 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Percival 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Kalan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Darley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Nisean 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Habdan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Pegasus 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Pegasus Exclusif 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Layton 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Layton Exclusif 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Oajan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Sedley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Shagya 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Godolphin 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Galloway 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Carlisle 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Herod 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada Marienbad 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada Day for Night 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada L’Homme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Prada L’Homme INTENSE 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
Prada Luna Rossa Carbon 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
Prada Luna Rossa OCEAN 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
PINO Selvestre Original 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
ROCHAS Moustache EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Reyane Tradition Insurrection II Pure Extreme 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Ralph Lauren POLO BLUE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML-$15
Ralph Lauren POLO RED 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $12
Ralph Lauren Blue 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Ralph Lauren Pure Turquoise 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Revlon Charlie Red 5 ML - $2, 10 ML - $5
Revlon Charlie Gold 5 ML - $2, 10 ML - $5
Serge Lutens Ambre Sultan 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
Serge Lutens Clair de Musc 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Serge Lutens La Couche du Diable 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11
SHISEIDO Relaxing Fragrance 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Swiss Arabian Royal Mystery EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
SEAN JOHN Unforgivable 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $15
Sarah Jessica Parker Lovely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
TAUER Parfums, Andy Tauer No.2 L'Air Du Desert Marocain 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Teo Cabanel Barkhane 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11
Tiziana Terenzi Ursa 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Tiziana Terenzi Chimaera Extrait De Parfum 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
TOM FORD Ombre Leather EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Grey Vetiver 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Grey Vetiver Parfum Edition 2023 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD Beau De Jour EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Black Orchid Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD NOIR EDP 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD NOIR EXTREME EDP 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD OUD WOOD EDP Private Blend 2 ML - $11, 5 ML - $26
TOM FORD Tuscan Leather EDP Private Blend 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
TOM FORD Venetian Bergamot Private Blend Discntd. 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD COSTA AZZURRA 2021 EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD COSTA AZZURRA EDP Private Blend Discntd. 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
STERLING JUST JACK COLLECTION by ARMAF Eau De Parfum (Clones of Tom Ford fragrances):
TOBACCO LEAF (TOBACCO VANILLE Clone) 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
NEROLI (NEROLI PORTOFINO Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
HOMME NOIR (NOIR Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
NOIR ENDURANCE (NOIR EXTREME Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
BLACK IS BLACK (NOIR DE NOIR Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
OMBRE SUEDE (OMBRE LEATHER Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
FANTA FAB (THE Fuckxxing FABULOUS Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
ITALIAN LEATHER (TUSCAN LEATHER Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
Tommy Bahama Set Sail St. Barts 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Torry Burch Torry Burch 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Usher UR 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb Extreme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb Infrared 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf FlowerBomb 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
VERSACE Man Eau Fraiche 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
VERSACE DYLAN Blue 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8
VERSACE Pour Homme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE EROS EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
VERSACE EROS EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE EROS FLAME 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE Pour Homme OUD NOIR EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE Bright Crystal 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Ambre Impérial Van Cleef & Arpels 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Erba Pura 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Naxos 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Lira 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL MYSLF EDP 2023 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
YSL Y EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL L’Homme EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $9
YSL La Nuit de L’Homme EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $9
YSL L’Homme Le Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL La Nuit de L’Homme Le Parfum 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
YSL LIBRE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL Tuxedo 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL Caban 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL Trench 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL 37 rue de Bellechasse 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
ZARA Denim Couture 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Cuba Royal Cuba Paris (Clone of 1 Million Paco Rabanne) 2 ML- $2, 5 ML- $4, 10 ML- $8
Cuba Red Cuba Paris 2 ML - $2, 5 ML-$4, 10 ML-$8
4711 Original Eau de Cologne 4711 - 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
submitted by REDLINE-007 to CanadianFragranceSwap [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 14:40 Hlorpy-Flatworm-1705 The Missing Five Game

Due to technical difficulties, the suggested names of five families' newborns got deleted from Nicole the Namer's computer. Using the criteria given, help her come up with more choices to send to them.
  1. The Nicholses - Fern and Sage Nichols are expecting a little boy. Since they are forgoing a middle name, they want a hyphenated name for their son, with one of the names being related to nature, specifically botany.
  2. Lola Warwick and her boyfriend, Henry Webber, are expecting twin girls. Though she loves the name Jessica, it is already the name of her boyfriend's eldest daughter. She likes popular names from the 1980s and 1990s, while hed prefer names that embrace his Hungarian roots.
  3. Trevor is extremely picky so he and his wife, Hannah, knew theyd have to go to a naming coach when they found out about their third child. They have an older daughter, Alveoli Jayne Bennett, who goes by Allie and a son named Cisco Daniel Bennett, who goes by Coco. Trevor prefers unconventional names, and Hannah wants to honour her late grandmother, Ruth Katherine Ally.
  4. Paul and Seth Westwood are adopting for the third time. Their adopted daughter is a 5 year old who has requested to change her current name, Topanga Stephanie, since doesn't fit her and is funny to other kids in her class. The couple have three other children - twins named Oliver Cole and Altway James and a son named Corbin Dean. They want a name with the same vibe as their sons' names but also want to keep their daughter's initials the same as before.
  5. Tyler and Jenna Collins can't believe their luck. After four daughters, they are finally having their first son. Their daughters are Tessa Antoinette Rae Collins, Violeta Renee Ophelia Collins, Noella Solene Danielle Collins, and Makaila Therese Octavia Collins. Just like their daughters, they want their son to have two middle names. They really like literary and historical names, but also want the name to reflect how blessed they feel to have their son.
My responses will be in the comments. Thanks to anyone who decides to play! :)
submitted by Hlorpy-Flatworm-1705 to namenerds [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 14:53 TwentyOneDays [Zee Frags/Updated Daily] Excellently presented, promptly shipped, 100% authentic decants!!!

***LAST UPDATED 5/14/24*** I’ve received one too many messages asking if I am still active so here is a new thread. Aventus and other items have recently been restocked. Thanks for looking!
For the time being packages will be shipped same day if ordered and paid by 1PM EST on a business day (otherwise next business day). Exceptions to business days may include Saturdays, Sundays, and postal holidays
  • Buy with confidence! I take FULL RESPONSIBILITY for the delivery of your package in the United States, until tracking number says delivered!
  • Prices include USPS First Class shipping in the USA. Optionally, USPS Priority/UPS Ground is available for $5 or free over $129. UPS not available for HI, PR, PO boxes, INTL. $2 Will be deducted from the total for each additional item.
  • Ordering: Simply send me, Zee Frags: twentyonedays your order via Reddit chat/direct message - I'll reply ASAP with payment info. If you don't have a Reddit account/have issues communicating on Reddit, you can DM on Instagram (@ZeeFrags) or email at, however Reddit is quickest. Venmo, Zelle, and CashApp are accepted for US transactions. PayPal is accepted for Canadian/INTL transactions.
  • Canada/INTL: - CAN shipping is $12USD up to 30ml, $18 otherwise and usually takes 6-10 days. Other INTL is $15USD up to 30ml, $28 otherwise and may take 1-3 weeks, very possibly longer depending on the country. I take no responsibly whatsoever for non-US orders (duties, delays, loss, etc.). My INTL delivery success rate is 99%+, but again, its buyers risk. Some locations I don't ship to include UK, South America, Africa, France, Italy, Middle East, India, Russia, China, and Mexico. Forwarding services are encouraged.
  • Frequently asked questions
  • (1) "Hi, i'm new to this. I'm very interested in these fragrances but have no idea how this works. What is a decant? Are these fragrances authentic?" Yes, every drop of fragrance listed here is 100% authentic - no question or dispute. These are the same 100% authentic fragrances you buy from retailers, however they are no longer in their original bottles. Decants are 100% authentic fragrances taken from the largest manufacturer size available (Creed 500ml flacon is an excellent example), purchased in bulk, then hand-filled into smaller, more affordable sizes. This is the most efficient way to experiment with a large variety of high-end fragrances!
  • (2) "Do you have (insert fragrance) available?" This page is updated every single day. If something is listed here, it's available! If not, that indicates that I don't have it and there's no need to ask.
  • (3) "Are 5ml sizes available? Do these come with sprayers? Are they glass or plastic?" 10ml is the smallest. Yes, they have sprayers and the vials are glass.
  • (4) "Do I need to pick 1 of each brand for your qualifying 3/$62 10ml Creed, Tom Ford, and Parfums de Marly deal?" No, you can choose any combo you’d like of the 3 brands (1 of each, all Creeds, 2 TF and 1 PdM, etc.).

Creed - Aventus

  • I do not discuss Aventus batches
  • Batch F002526 available
  • 10ml $26 (applies to the 3/$62 10ml Creed/Tom Ford/Parfums de Marly deal)
  • 25ml $59
  • 50ml $110
  • 60ml $125
  • 100ml $195
“What's the difference between this Aventus and the Aventus listed below?” This is the current formula. If you have no preference and just want Aventus, this is it. The Aventus below is a 2019 formula that some prefer.

More Creed - Aventus (oldepre-reformulation)

  • Batch 19P11 and 19U01 available
  • 10ml $38 (does not apply to 3/$62 10ml Creed/Tom Ford/PdM deal)
  • 25ml $89
  • 60ml $195

Creed - Women

  • Aventus for Her
  • Royal Princess Oud
  • 10ml $26 (or add $2 for 3/$62 10ml Creed/Tom Ford/PdM deal)
  • 25ml $65
  • 60ml $145

Creed - Viking, Royal Oud

  • 10ml $26 (applies to 3/$62 10ml Creed/Tom Ford/Parfums de Marly deal)
  • 25ml $65
  • 60ml $145

Creed - Les Royales Exclusives

  • Jardin D'Amalfi
  • Spice and Wood
  • White Flowers
  • 10ml $36 (does not apply to 3/$62 10ml Creed/Tom Ford/PdM deal)
  • 25ml $85
  • 60ml $195

Creed - Main Section

  • Bois du Portugal
  • Erolfa
  • Green Irish Tweed
  • Himalaya
  • Love in Black back in stock!
  • Millesime Imperial
  • Original Santal
  • Original Vetiver back in stock!
  • Royal Water
  • Silver Mountain Water
  • Tabarome
  • Virgin Island Water
  • White Amber
  • 10ml $26 (3/$62, add more for $19 ea.)
  • 25ml $52
  • 50ml $99
  • 60ml $109
  • 100ml $168
  • Mixing Creed, Tom Ford, and Parfums de Marly 3/$62 10ml combo is fine!


  • Beach Hut Man
  • Fate Man
  • Figment Man
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  • 25ml $60

Christian Dior

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  • 25ml $55

Frederic Malle

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  • Musc Ravageur 10ml $32, 25ml $75
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  • Une Fleur de Cassie 10ml $32, 25ml $75


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  • 10ml $38
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  • 10ml $34
  • 25ml $79

Le Labo

  • Another 13
  • Bergamote 22
  • Oud 27
  • Rose 31
  • Santal 33
  • Thé Matcha 26
  • Thé Noir 29
  • 10ml $37
  • 25ml $87

Liquides Imaginaires

  • Dom Rosa
  • Fortis
  • Sancti
  • 10ml $22
  • 25ml $49

Maison Francis Kurkdjian

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  • Grand Soir
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  • 25ml $68
  • Baccarat Rouge 540 Extrait de Parfum (red bottle)
  • 10ml $40
  • 25ml $99
  • Aqua Universalis EDT
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  • Aqua Celestia EDT
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  • Petit Matin EDP
  • 10ml $24
  • 25ml $55
  • 60ml $119


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  • Hacivat
  • 10ml $27
  • 25ml $62

Ormonde Jayne

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  • 10ml $22
  • 25ml $49

Parfums de Marly

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  • 10ml $26 (3/$62, add more for $19 ea.)
  • 25ml $59
  • Mixing Creed, Tom Ford, and Parfums de Marly 3/$62 10ml combo is fine!
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  • 10ml $29 (Or add $5 each for 3/$62 Creed/Tom Ford/PDM deal)
  • 25ml $68
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  • 10ml $32 (does not qualify for 3/$62 Creed/TF/PdM deal)
  • 25ml $75

Roja Dove

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  • Elysium Pour Homme Parfum Cologne (the original)
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  • Vetiver Pour Homme Parfum Cologne
  • 10ml $34
  • 25ml $79

Tom Ford - Main Section

  • Black Orchid EDP
  • Black Orchid Parfum
  • Cafe Rose Private Blend
  • Champaca Absolute
  • Costa Azzurra EDP
  • Fleur de Portofino
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  • 10ml $26 (3/$62, add more for $19 ea.)
  • 25ml $52
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  • Mixing Creed, Tom Ford, and Parfums de Marly 3/$62 10ml combo is fine!

Other Tom Fords

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  • Ombre Leather Parfum
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  • 10ml $32 (Or add $5 each for 3/$62 Creed/Tom Ford/PDM deal)
  • 25ml $69
  • 60ml $155
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  • 10ml $36 (Or add $8 each for 3/$62 Creed/Tom Ford/PDM deal)
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  • 10ml $38
  • 25ml $89

10ML Add-on Section

Items below can be purchased as add-ons for the listed prices, or may be purchased alone for $4 shipping and packaging (no need to add another $4 after the first item)
For 25ml prices, multiply the 10ml prices below by 2.4
  • Armani - Acqua di Giò EDP ($15)
  • Armani - Acqua di Giò Absolu ($12)
  • Armani - Acqua di Giò Profondo ($15)
  • Chanel - Bleu de Chanel EDP ($20)
  • Dior - Dior Homme (2020 version/$16)
  • Dior - Dior Homme Intense ($16)
  • Dior - Fahrenheit Parfum ($20)
  • Dior - Sauvage EDP ($15)
  • Dior - Sauvage Elixir ($28)
  • Dolce and Gabbana - The One EDP ($12/men's) back in stock!
  • Dolce and Gabbana - The One Gold EDP ($8/men's)
  • Eight and Bob - Nuit de Megeve ($16)
  • Frapin - Speakeasy ($12)
  • Giardini di Toscana - Bianco Latte ($19)
  • Giardini di Toscana - Celeste ($19)
  • Hermes - Terre d’Hermes - Pure Parfum ($15)
  • Hermes - Terre d’Hermes Eau Intense Vetiver ($14)
  • Jean Paul Gaultier - Le Male Elixir ($16)
  • Maison Margiela - Replica - At the Barber ($16)
  • Maison Margiela - Replica - Autumn Vibes ($16)
  • Maison Margiela - Replica - By the Fireplace ($16)
  • Maison Margiela - Replica - Jazz Club ($16)
  • Maison Margiela - Replica - Lazy Sunday Morning ($16)
  • Maison Margiela - Replica - Whispers in the Library ($16)
  • Mancera - Aoud Lemon Mint ($15)
  • Mancera - Cedrat Boise ($15)
  • Mancera - Cedrat Boise Intense ($17)
  • Memo - Irish Leather ($19)
  • Memo - Iberian Leather ($17)
  • Mont Blanc - Explorer ($10)
  • Mont Blanc - Legend EDP ($10)
  • Prada - Luna Rosa Carbon ($14)
  • Versace - Eros EDT ($10)
  • Victor and Rolf - Flowerbomb EDP ($17) back in stock!
  • Victor and Rolf - Spicebomb ($13)
  • Victor and Rolf - Spicebomb Extreme ($17)
  • YSL - La Nuit de L'Homme ($14)
  • YSL - Supreme Bouquet ($15)
  • YSL - Y EDP ($17)
  • YSL - Y Le Parfum ($20)
For 25ml prices, multiply the 10ml prices in this section by 2.4
***LAST UPDATED 5/14/24*** This page is active and updated daily. Absolutely everything listed here is available. Please send a Reddit chat or PM to inquire - I do not respond to inquires made on this page! Thanks for looking!
submitted by TwentyOneDays to FragDecants [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 23:21 asmallsoul A (hopefully) thorough look into all of our Fallen Banner candidates.

A (hopefully) thorough look into all of our Fallen Banner candidates.
I went through the characters of the series, trying to get as many outright (and debatable, just to cover as much bases as possible) Fallen units as I could, going over what makes them fallen, their weapons / if they have a Prf., and other things I thought might be interesting to document. If I forgot anything, please let me know!
  • Lena, Nyna & Elice: The remaining of the four clerics who, alongside Maria, were to be sacrificed to Medeus. None of them had Prf. weapons, but it's worth noting that in the original Mystery of the Emblem, Nyna and Lena were given tomes instead of staves. All four clerics have both staves and tomes in New Mystery, but this could potentially be used to differentiate the group from each other, rather than all four being staff wielders.
  • Medeus: The Earth Dragon King, resurrected by Gharnef as the Shadow Dragon. This is a peculiar case; the dragon form we see of Medeus in FEH currently is his appearance as the Shadow Dragon, but everything else about him--right down to the epithet--is taken from his Earth Dragon characterization. This makes his candidacy as a Fallen unit more dubious, but I don't think it writes him out entirely.
  • Wrys: "I am Wrys, a humble hero. I have no time to spare on healing my enemies - only on burying them." A gag card, where Wrys completely forgoes the idea of being unable to fight. In this card, he is an axe user with the ability to boost an ally's attack if they're being attacked, at the cost of destroying the Wrys card. It's worth noting that while this is obviously a gag, FEH legitimately hints towards this side of Wrys in a Forging Bonds event, so maybe it's possible...?
  • Sonya: "Sonya's search for a cure for women turned into witches took her across the land. Her trail ended in a remote region, after which she was never seen again. Rumors fly, however, that shortly thereafter a new witch took up residence in Nuibaba's abode on Fear Mountain." There are two schools of thought on this ending; one argues that this means that Sonya becomes a witch in the end, while the other argues that rumors are just that: rumors, birthed from activity spawning in Nuibaba's abode once more. It should be noted, however, that should this happen, it would be the first Fallen unit to be created with no art reference to speak of.
  • Mila: The Earth Mother, her mind degenerating with age. When Rudolf confronts her, she loses all composure and is consumed by rage. We never see what Mila's decayed dragon form may have looked like, as we never fight her at all. However she's implemented would be completely unique.
  • Duma: The War Father, his mind degenerating with age. Duma is in a very similar situation as Medeus; his personality is his self before degenerating, but the dragon form is still decayed. At the very least in this case, however, we never see what Duma's dragon form may have looked like prior to this state, so it's more understandable here. While Fell Breath--his FEH weapon--takes from Ocular Beam, he has two other attacks he could use here: One is Tentacle, which is his basic attack, and the second is Oculus, a stronger version of Ocular Beam that prevents anything from damaging him other than the Falchion. I imagine he'd use Oculus, but the effect would have to be different.
  • Shade: I did actually forget a character in making this, hence why she's not on the list: Shade, from Cipher / Echoes! During her paralogue, she falls under an unknown demonic possession. There's not much to say on her here, though; she uses Nosferatu, which is bizarrely not present in FEH whatsoever, but I get the feeling they'd give her an entirely unique weapon...should she, or any Cipher characters, get in at all.
  • Rinea: A candidate I overlooked: Berkut's fiancee, sacrificed to Duma by Berkut in a fit of blind rage and despair. I overlooked her entirely due to being in Fallen Berkut's build, but as mentioned by bluecfw, Yune was in more or less a similar place with Brave Micaiah, and as we've seen, Yune was given her own base form later on. As far as how she could work, I actually think it's pretty interesting to think about; her attacking spell is Seraphim, but she also has Fortify for healing. Enfeeble is another spell she has that teleports users to her side, her Prayer Ring heals her at the start of every turn, potentially leading to a built-in Renewal, and she actually has a Prf. skill that she shares with Berkut called Wildfire, though it's a simple hit and avoid buff. Lastly, she has Miracle, which very easily could just be her special.
  • Deirdre: Sigurd's wife, her memory having been erased by Manfroy to set her up with Arvis instead. This is easily one of the most iffy options to be Fallen period; I don't think it'll happen, I'm mainly just including it in the name of being thorough. She is only seen in this state at the very end of the first generation.
  • Julius: The son of Arvis and Deirdre, known to have been a kindhearted boy before being completely overtaken by Loptous. This is another iffy candidate, as the Julius we see in FEH--and the entirety of Genealogy and Thracia--is Loptous. However, when he's defeated, Loptous goes completely mask off, speaking in a manner that makes it clear he's no longer putting on an act. I personally feel that final bit is enough leeway to give the idea credibility, though I think the more likely scenario is that Loptous gets in as a Mythic in a very similar manner to Fomortiis.
  • Draco: The deceased Eyvel, resurrected as a Deadlord. Unlike the rest of the Deadlords, who remain in the class they were known for, Eyvel actually becomes a Sniper--a nod that makes sense when you know her past. She wields the Meisterbogen like Legendary Leif, so it would probably be a dark variant. Draco has Adept, Miracle and Wrath, so Miracle could be her special or built-in to her kit.
  • Tigris: The deceased Dagdar, resurrected as a Deadlord. He wields the Master Axe, and as Dagdar has yet to be added to the game, there's no real basis to predict how he would be implemented, other than the fact that the Master Axe is a ranged Brave Axe. Tigris has no skills to speak of.
  • Porcus: The deceased Lifis, resurrected as a Deadlord. He wields the Berserk Sword--a weapon Fee also used in Genealogy, but was not given in FEH. The nature of the weapon makes it difficult to imagine how it would be implemented, and my best guess would just be something with a built-in Savage Blow. That being said, I'm assuming he'd be a dagger user instead; maybe Berserk Dagger / Berserk Knife? As far as skills go, Porcus has Steal, Vantage, Wrath and Adept.
  • Bovis: The deceased Galzus, resurrected as a Deadlord. Galzus wields multiple weapons here--the Meisterschwert, Master Axe, and Flame Sword. Given Galzus was added as a demote, it's hard to say how he'd be implemented here. Bovis has Luna and Astra, which really just points to the special he'd have.
  • Canis: The deceased Sara, resurrected as a Deadlord. As a Deadlord, Sara wields Nosferatu--a tome that, as mentioned, is frankly kind of baffling that it has not been seen in FEH whatsoever--and a Berserk staff. If I had to guess, she'd just be given a FEH-specific tome or staff instead. Canis has the same skills as Draco, just adding Paragon into the lineup.
  • Mus: The deceased Raydrik, resurrected as a Deadlord. Like Raydrik in life, he wields the Loptous Sword, which halves the enemy's Attack while boosing the user's Resistance. By the nature of having a Prf. alone, I feel it's decently possible he becomes the first Deadlord to be added, likely as a GHB. It's unfortunately still likely a ways off, however. Mus has Pavise and Wrath, so Pavise could be the special.
  • Zephiel: "Our father handed Zephiel a goblet of poisoned drink at a banquet. Later, when he leant to view Zephiel's body, Zephiel sprung from the coffin and... sword in hand..." The soon-to-be King of Bern, having just faked his death in order to assassinate his father. The second--and to my knowledge, final--design to be taken from Cipher. Unlike Ike, Chrom, and Wrys, however, this is a Cipher card that is explicitly portraying a canon event; the one that spurs forth his desire to rid the world of humans. In the card, he wields the Sword of Farewells, a sword that boosts Zephiel's attack if there are no allies in the same area as him.
  • Nergal: The Dark Druid, who lost his mind delving too deep into ancient magic. Nergal is a character who works in multiple places--whether it's a GHB, Fallen, or Mythic. No matter which place he winds up, however, he does have the Prf. tome Ereshkigal, though in Blazing Blade this has no special effects. I imagine he'd be implemented in a vein reminiscent of Limstella, damaging anyone in his viscinity to boost his power as a reference to quintessensce.
  • Nils: Ninian's brother, having fallen under the control of Nergal. This is such a minor role that it seems to have gone almost completely forgotten--likely because it's extremely brief and I don't believe Nils says a single word while like this. Nonetheless, it does happen, so it's worth listing all the same.
  • Lloyd: The deceased White Wolf of the Fang and brother to Linus, resurrected as a morph. Like all of the morphs, he does not say a word in this state, but as we've seen with Linus, that is no longer a barrier. He wields the Regal Blade, which he was given in base form, so he'd almost certainly be given the Dead-Fang Sword to pair with Linus' Dead-Fang Axe.
  • Ursula: The deceased Blue Crow of the Fang, resurrected as a morph. She has Excalibur in this form, but given we already have a Dark Excalibur, I'd assume she'd receive either a "Morph Excalibur" or maybe a Dead-Fang Tome?
  • Brendan: The deceased founder of the Black Fang, resurrected as a morph. Brendan is actually the original wielder of Basilikos--Linus just has a Silver Blade and Hand Axe--so Brendan would either receive a variant of Basilikos or just a unique weapon altogether.
  • Darin: The deceased Marquess Laus, resurrected as a morph. Darin wields the Rex Hasta, Blazing Blade's S-rank Lance. The way I see it, whether or not he receives this weapon depends entirely on whether or not Oswin gets into the game first, which feels much, much more likely, so Darin would likely be given a FEH-exclusive weapon.
  • Uhai: The deceased Soaring Hawk of the Fang, resurrected as a morph. Uhai wields Rienfleche, the S-rank Bow. Unlike Darin, however, there are very few options for characters to receive this weapon at this point, so either its his, Wil gets it as a refine, or we get a Rebecca / Louise / Lyn alt with it.
  • Kenneth: The deceased Shrike of the Fang, resurrected as a morph. Kenneth wields Luce, the S-rank Light Tome. Like the Rienfleche, however, there are only a couple options to receive this weapon: Renault, Athos (who has other options), or a Lucius / Serra alt.
  • Jerme: The deceased Death Kite of the Fang, resurrected as a morph. Jerme wields the Runesword--an otherwise ordinary weapon all things considered--so he'd likely be given either a unique sword or a unique dagger. Jerme, along with Kenneth, Uhai and (very bizarrely) Darin, is currently unvotable in CYL, so his and the above's chances of showing up are extraordinarily low.
  • Morva: Myrrh's father, slain by Lyon and reanimated as a Necrodragon. Even among the mute corpses Morva is an odd case, considering he goes completely unnamed as a boss and has no portrait; he's just the generic Necrodragon sprite. Nevertheless, the game makes it very clear that the Necrodragon boss is him, so it's worth including regardless, even if logically his appearance in FEH would just be a straight up Necrodragon at that point.
  • Greil: Ike's father, who touches Lehran's Medallion and goes berserk, killing his wife in his madness. Greil canonically wields a sword during this, and it's this moment specifically that causes him to abandon the sword and use axes instead, so it stands to reason he would use one here.
  • Rajaion: Almedha's brother and Ena's betrothed, transformed into a Feral One and used as a mount by Ashnard. It's hard to imagine how exactly Rajaion would be handled, as he is permanently in a draconic state, though you could argue it would be treated the same way Fallen Fafnir is. I'd imagine as far as voicework goes, it's typical Fallen behavior, albeit with the special voice lines being akin to Fallen Rhea.
...Is the first game to run out of Fallen candidates, unless you count the Emblems. Congratulations, Awakening! I did strongly consider Xenologue Emmeryn, but I ultimately felt she really isn't much of a Fallen unit at all, even by stretching it, and if she does show up, it'll likely be as an alt on a proper Awakening banner.
Edit: Never mind; I missed a pretty big one, as pointed out by Nachtflut and elaborated on by Tab608.
  • The Deadlord Shepherds: Deadlords found in Infinite Regalia, where they guard legendary weapons. All of these deadlords are implied to be the 36 Shepherds by Tiki and their respective children. As far as I'm aware, none of the Deadlords are tied to specific Shepherds--every character has a line they say at their first bout of combat, the child units and Tiki just so happen to have greater implications--but nonetheless, like Morva, the implication is there and extremely apparent, and that's more than enough imo.
  • Ayaha & Aversa: Tsubasa's sister, being controlled by the Mirage Aversa. To my knowledge, while Ayaha doesn't fight, herself, Aversa uses primarily magic. She does also have a singular Lance ability, but given the FE connection, magic seems the much safer bet. There are two other abilities worth noting, however: Lullaby Song, which causes sleep on all enemies (Nightmare?); and Dark Envy, which is a Defense/Hit/Evade debuff. Ayaha is really the only one of these I see having even the slightest chance at being added.
  • Barry & Draug: A trainer at Fortuna Entertainment and former rock star who was possessed by the corrupted Mirage Draug. Almost assuredly, he'd be an axe user like Mamori: the party member who uses Draug, and someone Barry cares for greatly. Worth noting Draug has effectively a Save skill built-in to his kit, so that would likely be his B skill.
  • Teru & Garrick: A comedian who becomes possessed by the Mirage Garrick. Garrick's appearance is one that actually merges with Teru himself, so you could argue he technically fights here, and while the weapon he wields is categorized as a sword, it can easily pass as an odd axe as well.
  • Chouten & Pheros: A genius musician who is manipulated by the Mirage Pheros, who he comes to believe is an idol he once worked alongside who tragically died. I believe Chouten is not fought, but Pheros is a pure magic wielder, so that's likely the direction he'd take. A skill of note is Spirit Drain, which drains MP from enemies. I'd imagine this would be just a "reduces enemy Res, gains Res" kind of ability.
  • Nobu & Gangrel: A famous photographer who is controlled by the Mirage Gangrel. Although Gangrel is a sword user here, the fact Nobu isn't personally fought and the sheer size of Gangrel in this game (you only see his top half) amusingly leads me to the idea of him being a dragon unit. Gangrel has a very interesting ability here: Shield me!. This ability is basically a reverse Save; he makes an ally take the hit for him. I don't think this would show up (nor do I think he'll show up at all), but this would be a very interesting, if not potentially detrimental, gimmick.
  • Kuen & Excellus: A drama director who is controlled by the Mirage Excellus. Kuen is not fought, but Excellus is a magic wielder.
  • Abel: A corrupted Mirage who kidnaps Riku. Oddly, despite the fact Abel has a purified appearance, Riku's CYL portrait uses specifically the corrupted one, even though Riku isn't even possessed by Abel, to my knowledge. Just captured by him. Regardless, Abel primarily has Lance attacks, but one Sword attack as well, and the ability to poison enemies.
  • Lorenz: A corrupted Mirage who Draug looked up to. He uses axe moves as a boss, and seems to be the only corrupted Mirage not tied to another character.
  • Dark Yashiro: A character I missed, pointed out to me by PathofGaydiance. A mirage, transformed into a doppelgänger of Yashiro. He believes himself to be the true Yashiro. There's not too much to say on him, mechanically; he's a Sword user through and through, using a multitude of elemental slashes. He does have clones, though I'm not sure how exactly that would pan out; maybe we'll learn whenever Emblem Lyn is added.
  • Garon: The King of Nohr, whose true form was unveiled by sitting on Hoshido's throne in Conquest. Like Grima, he has Dragonskin as a skill, and his weapon, Bölverk, is already used by Xander, who translates it's ability to boost Dodge well enough as is. He'd likely either receive an alternate Bölverk or just get a FEH-exclusive axe.
  • Kana: Corrin's child who, like Corrin, loses themselves upon first discovering their Dragon powers. To be honest, both would probably not be the most dissimilar to the Fallen Corrins we already have.
  • Scarlet: The leader of the Anti-Nohr resistance who is slain by Gunter when the group travels to Valla in Revelation, being reanimated by Anankos later on. She has no Prf. weapons, only a Steel Axe and Tomahawk, so a unique weapon is guaranteed. This could potentially reference Scarlet's Prf. skill In Extremis, which grants her Crit +30 when her health is 25% or less.
  • Gunter: Corrin's retainer, possessed by Anankos in Revelation. He has no Prf. weapons in this fight, so a unique weapon would have to be given. His Prf. skill, Forceful Partner, is directly tied to supporting Corrin, which makes it extremely unlikely to show up here as well. He does actually have Dragonskin during this fight, which could potentially be built-in to his kit?
  • Anthony: A boy who takes advantage of Corrin's naivete in Revelation, only to be turned into a Faceless. Almost guaranteed to just be a GHB unit, though the ability Immobilize could be implemented via a Gravity effect.
  • Mikoto: Corrin's mother, resurrected to serve Anankos in Revelation and Heirs of Fate. She wields Pursuer--Fates' strongest non-Fujin Yumi bow--in Revelation, which reduces your defense, resistance, and avoid in favor of boosting your own--and your enemy's--ability to make follow-up attacks.
  • Sumeragi: Corrin's father, resurrected to serve Anankos in Revelation and Heirs of Fate. He wields two swords: the Hagakure Blade and Ganglari. The Hagakure Blade is a powerful blade, but your strength is halved after using it, and Ganglari grants a slight buff to dodging, but deals damage to the user after using it. I can't imagine either of these effects would be kept if Sumeragi used either weapon, unless Ganglari has a built-in Fury effect. It's worth also noting that, while unlikely, the way Swordsmasters dual-wield in this game leads to the non-zero chance he dual wields both weapons.
  • Arete: Azura's mother, resurrected to serve Anankos in Revelation and Heirs of Fate. She has no Prf. weapons or skills in Fates, so she'd be guaranteed to get a unique weapon.
  • The Heirs of Fate Fathers: The fathers of the second generation, all slain and resurrected by Anankos. Right off the bat, the sheer number of things Heirs of Fate brought into the mix caught me way off guard. Granted, I don't think like, any of it will show up, but nonetheless that well is far from drained for Fates candidates. The only unit in this batch with a Prf. weapon is Takumi, who wields Skadi once more. This means that Ryoma would be given a FEH-exclusive weapon rather than Raijinto, as that weapon belongs to Shiro in this timeline. The only other real thing of note with this batch imo is that Azama is capable of wielding Lances in this map as he is a promoted unit, meaning that could theoretically be the direction taken here.
  • The Heirs of Fate Children: The titular Heirs of Fate: two armies who, through Anankos' illusions, see each other as malevolent forces. This is a very dubious case on whether they should be considered period, as none of these characters are actually evil, nor are they possessed; rather, Anankos has put all of them under an illusion, causing each army to see the other as Vallite soldiers. I'm including them here to be thorough, but if these were to be added as Fallen units, it would mean either the player themselves is seeing them as illusions, or the characters see everyone else as Vallite soldiers. Of note, M!Kana wields Grim Yato, F!Kana wields Blazing Yato, Shiro is a Swordsmaster wielding Raijinto, Kiragi wields Fujin Yumi, Siegbert wields Siegfried, and Forrest wields Brynhildr.
  • Fafnir: The King of Niðavellir, now reduced to a mechanical dragon by Eitri. By far the most likely of FEH's candidates, and we have a clear idea how he'd work.
  • Letizia: The leader of Embla's Curse Directive, possessed by Embla. If this form of Letizia were to be added as a Fallen unit, she would have to be given a new weapon or an alternate Körmt.
  • Bruno: The brother of Veronica and prince of Embla, possessed by the goddess herself. I would say Bruno is the third most likely FEH pick to actually show up on a Fallen banner if not just for the fact that the maskless appearance is inherently stand-out. This would also, in a way, give us "base" Bruno.
  • Veronica: Princess of Embla, possessed by the goddess herself. Like Bruno, this would technically give us "base" Veronica.
  • Heiðr: Seiðr's daughter, fated to become the Golden Serpent. This is the second most likely of FEH's Fallen candidates imo, less due to the art and more due to the completely unique sprite.
  • Byleth: The Ashen Demon, their mind overtaken by Sothis' desire. By virtue of popularity alone they'll always be high as a candidate, but the fact that F!Byleth has happened makes this more debatable imo; unlike other avatars, where the thing that sets them apart is largely the gender difference, Byleth in both forms would be completely voiced by Sothis, effectively playing the same role twice over. I don't think this is a hard disbarring by any stretch, but it definitely throws a slight wrench into things, especially considered both Byleths wield the Knight-Captain's Sword. If they were to do this, Byleth would likely be given a FEH-exclusive weapon.
  • Shez: A mercenary whose mind has become overtaken by Epimenides after recruiting Byleth. I have not played Three Hopes, but I imagine Shez, once one version gets in, will be in the same predicament as Byleth. However, in Shez's case, you at least have the inherent argument that one Shez can be a Sword unit while the other is a Dagger.
  • Miklan: Sylvain's brother, having misused the Lance of Ruin and transformed into the Black Beast. As the Black Beast, Miklan has access to the Thorns of Ruin--an ability that reduces the foe's speed--and the Crest Stone (Gautier)--a weapon that boasts a slight crit rate increase--so through these, it's possible Miklan could have a slaying weapon that also debuffs the enemy's speed.
  • Dedue: Dimitri's retainer who, in a desperate attempt to protect Dimitri, willingly gives his life to become a Demonic Beast. In this state, Dedue has Arm Press and the Lost Crest Stone (Large), both of which function generally the same as how Miklan's were described above.
  • Jeritza: The Death Knight. Mercedes' brother, formerly known as Emile. Jeritza is nigh guaranteed to get a variant of the Scythe of Sariel imo, and his Prf. skill Murderous Intent is hard to implement into FEH as it's just a hit rate increase.
  • Maurice: The eleventh Elite, erased from history for becoming a Demonic Beast. Though his weapon, Crest Stone (Beast), does not have any notable effects, he also has Heavy Strike--an attack that reduces a foe's movement to zero. A Gravity effect is possible here.
  • Aelfric: Founder of the Ashen Wolves who misuses the Chalice of Blood, becoming an Umbral Beast. Though his Prf. weapon, the Chalice of Blood, has no abilities beyond extended range, he still has a plethora of additional abilities as the Umbral Beast: Manifest Phantom, a summon ability; Enhanced Fortitude, which halves damage taken, nullifies some abilities and status effects, and prevents Aelfric from being moved; Umbral Leech, the ability to steal HP from its summoned units; and Umbral Surge, an attack that hits the entire map, dealing up to 25% of the foe's HP and teleporting both the Umbral Beast and all targets to random places on the map, though after using this, it is weakened and cannot counterattack for a turn. I imagine only Enhanced Fortitude would be implemented into his FEH kit, but I could see some potential in referencing Umbral Leech as well.
  • Epimenides: The creator of Arval, who usurps their creation's will when Shez allies with Byleth. They use Hrotti like Arval, but their unique ability, Crestological Wisdom, is worthless in FEH; all it does is allow Epimenides to use the tome without injuring themselves, something Arval already has no problem with as a Mythic. We'd likely see a Hrotti variant here.
  • Corrupted Alear: Alear, having willingly been transformed into a Corrupted to protect their friends. Alear is the most blatant example of me being purely as thorough as possible in who may or may not be a candidate. In the most "literal" sense of what we have as Fallen units, they fit perfectly--the reanimated corpse of an existing character, becoming something considered evil--however, unlike every other character on this list, they are still wholly heroic in this moment. If this shows up, it's far, far more likely to be on a proper Engage banner, not a Fallen one. On the other hand...
  • Past Alear: Alear as they were in the past; a pure Fell Dragon who serves their father, Sombron, out of fear. This is kind of an interesting contrast to the above; if you really think about it, Past Alear would be debatably the farthest stretch we've made on a Fallen unit. They aren't possessed, resurrected, reanimated, driven mad, or anything of the sort; they're just a Fell Dragon serving Sombron because they're scared to leave. Yet everyone views them as a lock to be on a Fallen banner, because it just feels right. Of course they would be. While Alear does not have a Prf. weapon at this point in time, they do have Emblem Marth on their side, meaning they could either receive a FEH-exclusive weapon or a sort of Fell Rapier / Mercurius / Falchion.
  • Veyle: The daughter of Sombron, whose alternate personality is fiercely devoted to him. Probably the single safest bet for this year's Fallen banner, she has an inherent Prf. weapon in Misericorde, retains Fell Protection, and potentially could use Dark Spirit for a Guard effect. Amusingly, Veyle has three separate looks for one Fallen form: the cloak from the early game, Veyle's ordinary outfit, and the late-game helmed look. Veyle also has a form that I would consider separate from the main game one, however: her bad ending self; a clearly aged Veyle who wields Emblem Alear. It's hard to say how she'd be implemented in this state, but my prediction would be using a Fell Lyration.
  • Morion: The King of Brodia, killed by Hyacinth and reduced to a Corrupted. Morion lacks a Prf. weapon, and I assume if he got one, it would be either a fully unique axe or a variant on the Tomahawk.
  • Hortensia: The daughter of Hyacinth and sister of Ivy, under Zephia's control. Hortensia could potentially bring in Fracture here, an offensive staff in Engage that doesn't attack, but immediately Breaks an enemy. This could potentially be reflected by a built-in Wrathful and Dazzling Staff, potentially debuffing the enemy as well. She also wields Emblem Byleth in this moment, so it's possible she could use something from them as well.
  • Hyacinth: The father of Ivy and Hortensia, sacrificed to Sombron and resurrected as a Corrupted. Hyacinth is actually a full Arts user in terms of offense, so he would likely just be given a staff. That said, he does use Emblem Leif as a Corrupted, so it's not impossible he uses something from Leif instead.
  • Lumera: Alear's adoptive mother, killed by Veyle and resurrected by Sombron. While I don't think she's as likely this year due to the Mythic, she feels like a guarantee for next year's Fallen banner. She has a built-in Prf. weapon with Wille Glanz, a two-range Sword. I imagine she would have a variant of Dragon Monarch as well.
  • The Corrupted Royals: Elyos' royals of another world, all slain by Rafal and resurrected unknowingly (with the exception of Fogado) as Corrupted. In terms of classes, there's not much to talk about with any of them...except Fogado, who not only has another class, but another attire as well, thanks to his appearance in the first chapter of the Fell Xenologue as a Wolf Knight, meaning there's a possibility they make him a Dagger unit instead of an Archer. As far as Emblem usage goes, Céline uses Emblem Edelgard, Alfred uses Emblem Hector, Alcryst uses Emblem Chrom, Diamant uses Emblem Veronica, Ivy uses Emblem Soren, Hortensia uses Emblem Hector, Timerra uses Emblem Camilla, and Fogado uses both Emblem Tiki and Emblem Veronica. It's genuinely fascinating to me how much love Fogado got during the Fell Xenologue, in hindsight. In the second tier list, I included their used Emblem weapons as options for them to pull from.
  • Rafal: The Fell Dragon responsible for the downfall of the alternate Elyos. This is specifically the Great Fell Dragon Rafal I am thinking of here, not Rafal as a whole. As the Great Fell Dragon, Rafal has several moves to pull from: Fell Assault, the basic attack (notably, Rafal's is weaker than Sombron's); Summon Vortex, which allows him to summon Corrupted; Fell Beam, the attack that makes the most sense as a visual reference and ignores Def/Res; and finally, by far the most notorious in his kit, Drain Essence and the upgraded version Devastation, a move that instantly kills all allies and foes within a set range, healing Rafal for the amount of enemies killed by the attack and, if any royals are killed, giving Rafal said royal's Prf. skill. I absolutely believe this would be referenced in his kit, though how they do so is a little harder to say.
  • The Fell Emblems: The Emblems of Elyos, awakened via incantation from a Fell Dragon. In this state, they are mute. I don't believe we'll see any of these for a long time, but as we now have Emblems as summonable Heroes, they are very much so on the table. How they play would likely be extremely similar to how they show up as their typical Emblem selves, though potentially using one of their alternate weapons instead of their final ones. Emblem Ephraim is also included here, I just could not find a good image to use there. The main point of contention here is that several of these characters already have Fallen alts, but I'm not entirely willing to write them off just for that.
  • The Dark Emblems: Emblems from another world, summoned by Sombron to fight for him. This is another case where, yeah, included in the name of being thorough. Though they're practically not characters--just being tied to nameless Corrupted and only sharing one generic model across all Emblems--nonetheless, they are titled, we know their proper appearances, and they do speak through the Corrupted in death. For the second tier list, I considered the weapons used by the Corrupted each Emblem fights alongside in the final chapter, as well as the weapon type the original character was known for in their home title. They're absolutely stretches, but they're far from impossible imo. Should these truly happen, they would mean Fallen alts for Medeus, Duma, Loptous, Veld, Idunn, Nergal, Fomortiis, Ashnard, Ashera, Grima, Anankos, and Nemesis.
All things considered, we still have quite a lot of options left on the table. Like I said at the start, if I forgot anything, please let me know! This was a large undertaking, so I wouldn't be surprised if anything slipped through the cracks.
Edited to include some of the candidates mentioned in the thread that I missed or overlooked--notably Rinea, Dark Yashiro, and the Deadlord Shepherds.
submitted by asmallsoul to FireEmblemHeroes [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 20:00 KarlosHungus36 Carrie's scream; "Do you want me to pull over?"

Carrie's scream;
First, Sarah's full maiden name is Sarah Judith Novack. P18, Cooper transports Carrie to the Palmer house but Sarah seems to not exist in that reality (flip side: she's in 'non-existence' in other scenes at the Palmer house, link to mystery caller in P2 "you're still nowhere," and the doppeltree attacks Cooper in P2 he falls through non-existence then cut to Sarah). On route P18 they stop at a Valero gas station, link to Vertigo (Hitchcock), female lead character name/alias is Judy, played by Kim Novak. Psycho (Hitchcock), Leigh's character is killed in the shower, alt/shift played by Novak? ('Judy'). Link to Carrie's scream end of P18, she's alt 'Judy' or killed by Judy? (so alt - Carrie is in the shower; Rita in MD is found by Betty in the shower at Ruth's, alt a transition point from the end of P18? Numerous links to end of P18 and Ruth's apartment in MD, more below) (note: Carrie slouched in the passenger seat on the ride into TP parallels Tammy P4, who is 'carsick'; both at around 43:45 into the parts).
Carrie's scream link to Psycho, shower scene.
"Do you want me to pull over?"
P4 the driver asks after Albert yells ("CARSICK!") at Gordon, Tammy in the front seat motions for him to keep going, link to Richard P6, decides not to stop at the intersection; if the driver is alt 'Richard,' Tammy is alt 'Linda?' Gordon had just said "faces of stone" when shown the Mt Rushmore photo, link to 'two birds with one stone,' 430 alt the time cranky Albert woke up so they could fly out at dawn that morning? Mt Rushmore link to North by Northwest (Hitchcock); Tammy as alt Linda, alt gets vertigo? (link to inner ear, Blue Velvet). Mickey P6 hitches a ride to the post office for Linda's mail alt to the pharmacy to pick medicine? [Pharmacist alt to the Fireman, alt P1 gives instructions for medication to Cooper, "I understand"]. Mt Rushmore in the final action scene North By Northwest, link to Vertigo (both involve hanging from a ledge; Novak's character name/alias is Judy; link to 'Sarah Judy Novack' and Novak alt 'Spacek' more below) (Hitch link to 'Hutch'; the driver P4 resembles Hutch (Tim Roth), 'two birds' link to P16 Chantal & Hutch a bird kept them up in the morning; Birds another Hitchcock film). Psycho - next scene P4 inside the Yankton prison evidence room, alt a bloody knife in the plastic bag (alt to the dog leg), MrC in prison alt/continuation of Ike's story, arrested after stabbing Lorraine with his spike alt knife (P5 the warden towers over MrC alt he's small), alt killed Lorraine or another brunette in the shower (scenario blends with Mulholland Dr. - Betty enters Ruth's apartment as Rita is in the shower, blond hitman Joe was given a photo of Camilla alt the photos given to Ike, alt he kills Camilla in the shower? Betty in the dream part is alt the hitman entering to Camilla or a blend [Joe + Betty = Judy? if the scenario flips or in flux, killevictim]. Psycho alt PO (post office), P7 the FBI crew passes a mail drop off at the Yankton station, alt the building is MrC himself? (the 'psycho' alt PO; sitting in seat link to the Fireman, pharmacy link). MrC in the interview room (the psycho; alt 'Judy' after a flip? {building implodes or folds in on itself?} extreme negative force ENF link to "that's enough" Bill in the interrogation room P1); alt Sissy Spacek, 3 Women visual and identity swap similar to Mulholland Dr., victim Shelly Duvall alt Rita in the shower, "Here's Judy" alt Johnny. Norma P15 said that she had been worried about spreading herself too thin, link to Lorraine ("she's a worrier") on the phone with the hitmen (Norma has a phone at her booth), 'thin' link to Duvall? (also link to Shelly Johnson, not much meat on her according to Hank), version where Norma alt is killed by employee (Spacek)? If Norma is alt Duvall (alt owns a chicken place), Walter is alt Robin Williams (Walter talks with his hands, big alt forearms Popeye) his rival is another 'Robin?' Ed alt Robin Thicke? Thick & thin get together P15, alt thin Shelly in the old story ends up with fat Bobby? 'Bobby Knox?'} (Becky rage issues P11, alt kills the boss alt Norma; Steven with Becky in convertible alt Sheen & Spacey, Badlands {alt kills boss, robs store and they flee?} {scenario flips MrC P13 becomes the boss Judy alt Johnny, returns to the station alt the old hotel (Shining, character Ullman looks like Pat Sajak link to Jeopardy alt 'Judy' and 'Alex' alt Bates; Ken Jennings alt Kenny Loggins, MrC "I'm alright"), he's alt shot by Duvall before the story starts in the office (P18 Cooper puts guns in hot oil, bullets, link to Olive Oyl; 'other waitress' alt 'Olive?' Kristi alt Spacek?); MrC smirk "in da flesh" alt "here I am" alt to "here's Johnny"; visual on chair frozen Shinning link, link to James (always cool) alt arrives P17 from a cold place; Johnny link to Horne, P10 home invasion at the Hornes link to Clockwork Orange, clock theme in P17 (frozen in time?); blend of Hitchcock and Kubrick? (Alex and Bates blend as the 'psycho' in MrC's spot in prison; link to Trebek and 'Judy'; 'host' alt 'hotel') (Mt Rushmore visual alt FBI team rushes there in P17 and link to North By Northwest ending), Frank's office also numerous visual links to 2001, Cooper alt Bowman says Bowie's line "we live inside a dream," convergence spot of Hitchcock and Kubrick?}. {MrC alt frozen in P17 contrasts beginning of P18, on fire in seat, link to time freezing, Richard P5 "make me" to the sweeper, link to Norma in the Pilot "the only time you care about is making time;" Richard is time and MrC is alt him frozen? Follows that 'Linda' is space? (link to Spacek), P18 Diane and Cooper are alt Hitchcock and Kubrick? Strong names: 'Tammy Hitchcock' and 'Stanley Cooper'? cross - Stanley from the office crosses with Tammy (in shower? Hitchcock link) so that Tammy ends up in the office (P5 in her cubicle; Tammy links to Audrey who suddenly appears in a white place in P16, has a photo of Cooper link to Tammy) and Stanley in the shower? alt Sammy; died there? (links to end of P18, Soprano link? alt whacked in the shower). Link to Sammy Jankis, Memento, Leonard Shelby in the shower, comes to (anterograde amnesia) and notices tattoos etc, link to Audrey's state in P16, confused by her surroundings; amnesia link to Rita in the shower in MD; Office Space, link to space vs time? (Audrey in S3 in present time "I am fucking Billy" "that's what I am doing"; 'in time' link to 'over time' - over time Jowday became Judy). Memento Stephen Tobolowsky plays Sammy, Hutch said he owed a Sammy money, link to Shelly, who gave Steven & Becky money, Steven "I'll pay her back"alt Hutch. Shelly alt the wife in Memento, lost her memory from an attack? Alt in the role of Sylvia (home invasion P10 like Clockwork Orange; time is broken?); P17 the scene goes dark, alt a memory fading, amnesia patient? ("do you remember everything" link); Tobolowsky also in Groundhog Day, Murray wakes up on the same day over and over, keeps memories but stuck in a time loop, alt to losing memory but moving forward in time (Leonard, Memento); MrC seems to be in a time loop but memory also resets? He seems confused in P2 alt being manipulated, no tattoos to keep memories}.
Spacek alt Becky. Rage issues P11, link to 'Carrie' who gets covered in blood alt version holding a knife after stabbing (her rival is Judy?)
MrC alt Jack (Shinning) returns to the hotel or loops back into the story (alt from being frozen to death) and is shot before the story starts.
Home invasion link to Clockwork Orange. {P10 at Sylvia's blends with P9 at Betty's, 3 enter + 1 in P10, Richard alt missing Andy}
-Carrie (1976) (novel by King), covered in pig's blood alt holding a knife; repeating 'kn's link to Novak. P18 Cooper takes Carrie to Sarah's, full maiden name is Sarah Judy Novack. (alt Sarah King, a writer?) Reality where Sarah doesn't exist (Tremond in her place), Carrie is Judy? Scream alt Novak's.
-Links between Ruth's apartment (where Rita was in the shower) and the end of P18. Ruth and Alice visual link. As Cooper and Carrie walk rhythmically up the stairs, view focuses on Cooper leaves blonde Carrie behind, alt in Ruth's bedroom, camera pans away from blonde Betty to Rita retrieving the blue box, Betty vanishes (alt Carrie vanishes P18 and Cooper is alone). Sarah is called "Aunt Sarah" by Maddy; S2E6, Maddy meets with James & Donna, Maddy - "I had a feeling that Laura was in trouble. I've always felt close to her. That's why I came here." alt to Betty: "Of course I'd rather be known as a great actress than a movie star but you know sometimes people ending being both, so that I guess you'd say is sort of why I came here." Betty continues "I'm just so excited to be here. I just came here from Deep River Ontario and now I'm in this dream place. But you can imagine how I feel." 'Feel' - Maddy -"You know, I didn't know Laura that well but I feel like I do" and twice more (above). James and Laura talked about a secret hiding place for Laura's diary, alt to Betty and Rita "let's hide it" the black purse with the money and the blue key. After the blue box is dropped, Ruth enters the bedroom and we see her POV scanning the room alt Sarah's POV scanning Laura's room:
'Aunt' Sarah vs Aunt Ruth scan bedrooms. Laura's hidden diary alt the hidden purse (with key and money).
Shower (link to end of P18 and Carrie's scream), alt meteor shower? Carrie looks up in the sky (visual with Dido). Meteor alt meter, Cooper alt a cab driver (alt takes Carrie/Betty to Havenhurst). Alt a single meteor, extinction event? Cooper & Carrie alt dinosaurs.
Cooper alt cab driver; link to MD, Betty taken to Havenhurst in a cab.
-Chris Isaak (Agent Chester Desmond) hit Wicked Game. Link to Wicked Garden, by Stone Temple Pilots. P9 Gordon on the plane gets a call from Col Davis, tells Diane about their detour, then has a word with the pilots (link to P3, Albert said the congressman got word to Chris about clues he left in his garden that prove his innocence). Chet Desmond (and Sam Stanley) alt the two pilots? (alt Sammy, flying a plane in rainstorm alt in the shower? Audrey 'inside' him after the cross?). Stone link to faces of stone; alt the FBI take a flight to Mt Rushmore (events in the hotel P14-P17 alt on the plane, then detour to SD alt ending). North By Northwest (Cooper alt Carey Grant) in Frank's office alt Mt Rushmore? Link to Wes Anderson; Albert & Frank linked ("oh boy") - 'Albert Hitchcock' & 'Frank Anderson?' (Frank P7 alt talks to brother Michael (Dr. H) via Skype? talk about Cooper, who checked in on Audrey Horne alt the Evolution of Arm (Audrey repeats the line, story about little girl etc) then he left the RR alt the hospital?) {Frank alt a park ranger, link to cowboy in MD, alt Naido found in a national park (Frank Lebowski alt); also alt the groundskeeper at the hotel, Shinning; alt Jack coming to look for her? she's held to keep her safe}.
P17 scene alt at Mt Rushmore, link to North by Northwest.
MrC's crash alt a setup like in North by Northwest. [P12 scene in lounge, alcohol and books, links to scene where they force Grant to drink; link to drunk at the station?]
submitted by KarlosHungus36 to twinpeaks [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 02:26 REDLINE-007 [WTS] Designer & niche fragrance brand names decants/samples (decant)

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06 Black Platinum - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Cypress Cedar - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
CARNER BARCELONA Botafumeiro - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10ML - $15
CARNER BARCELONA Ambar Del Sur - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10ML - $15
CHANEL Gabrielle Essence 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport Cologne 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport Eau Extreme 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Egoiste Platinum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Pour Monsieur EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Creed Aventus 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
Creed Aventus 10th Anniversary 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Aventus Cologne 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Aventus For Her 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Viking 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Viking Cologne 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed EROLFA 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Neroli Sauvage 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Millesime Imperial 2 ML - $8, 5 ML -$20
Creed Original Vetiver 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Original Santal 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Green Irish Tweed 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Oud 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $29
Creed Himalaya 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Tabarome 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Bois du Portugal 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Virgin Island Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Silver Mountain Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Maifair 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Princess Oud 2 ML - $11, 5 ML - $27
Creed Pure White Cologne 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Creed Jardin d’Amalfi 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Creed White Amber 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Carolina Herrera Saffron Lazuli 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $24, 10 ML - $45
Carolina Herrera Bad Boy 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
CARTIER Pasha Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
CHOPARD Amber Malaki 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
COACH New York Eau De Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
COSTUME NATIONAL Soul 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $10
Calvin Klein ETERNITY 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
Calvin Klein Truth 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
Calvin Klein Truth for Her 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
COTY ASPEN 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
DIOR Fahrenheit EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
DIOR Fahrenheit Le Parfum 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR Homme 2020 EDT 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR Homme Le Parfum 2020 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
DIOR Homme ORIGINAL 2021 EDT - 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
DIOR Homme Cologne 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR SAUVAGE EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
DIOR SAUVAGE Parfum 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
DIOR Jadore EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
DIOR Addict Shine 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $16
Dolce & Gabbana The One EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
D & G The One INTENSE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
D & G Velvet Amber Sun EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Dolce & Gabbana K (KING) 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $12
Dolce & Gabbana K (KING) EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
Dolce & Gabbana INTENSO EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $16
Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue For Her 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
D & G Light Blue Eau Intense 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
D & G Light Blue Intense For Her 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
DIESEL Spirit of The Brave 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $12
Demeter Pineapple 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Elizabeth & James White Nirvana 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17.50
Etat Libre d’Orange You or Someone Else 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
English Laundry Windsor 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
English Laundry Notting Hill 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Frederic Malle Portrait of a Lady 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25, 10 ML - $50
Francis Kurkdjian L’Homme A la Rose 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Francis Kurkdjian Grand Soir 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 - 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Satin Mood EDP 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Silk Mood Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Petit Matin EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Universalis 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Vitae 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Guerlain Oud Essentiel 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Guerlain Shalimar Eau de Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Guerlain Mon Guerlain EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
GUCCI Guilty EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
GUCCI Guilty Pour Homme EDP 2020 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8
GUCCI Guilty OUD 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $14
GUCCI Guilty Love Edition 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
GUCCI Made To Measure 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
GUCCI Bloom Profumo 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $13
Geoffrey Beene Grey Flannel 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Giorgio Beverly Hills Wings 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
HERMES Terre EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
HERMES Terre Parfum 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
HERMES H24 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
HERMES TWILLY Eau De Parfum - 2 ML - $4
HERMES Rhubarbe Ecarlate - 2 ML - $4
HERMES D'Orange Verte - 2 ML - $4
HERMES Un Jardin Sur Le Toit 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10.
HUGO BOSS Bottled 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
HUGO BOSS Bottled EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Intense 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Elixir Parfum 2023 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
HUGO BOSS Bottled Infinite 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Night 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Hugo Reversed 2 ML - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS FEME 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HOLLISTER SoCal 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5 10 ML - $10
IMAGINERY AUTHORS Saint Julep 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Narcotic Delight 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Oud For Greatness 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Side Effect 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Atomic Rose 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Musk Therapy 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Rehab 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
ISSEY MIYAKE Pulse Of The Night 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6
ISSEY MIYAKE L'Eau d'Issey Noir Ambre 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
ISSEY MIYAKE L'Eau d'Issey For Man 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML -$9
Jo Malone Wood Sage & Sea Salt 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jo Malone Oud & Bergamot 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jo Malone Myrrh & Tonka 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Parfum ELIXIR 2023 ML - $5.25, 5 ML - $13
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
Jean Paul Gaultier Ultra Male 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male SnowGlobe 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
KILIAN Let's Settle in the Bedroom like Adults 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $10
KILIAN Angel's Share 2 ML - $12
LACOSTE L.12.12 EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE L.12.12 EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE Inspiration 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE Touch of Pink 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
Lattafa Oud For Glory Bade Al Oud (Initio Oud for Greatness Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Alhambra Fabulo Intense (Tom Ford Fxxing Fabulous Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Khamrah (Killian Angels Share Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Kismet Magic (Killian Angels Share Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Velvet Oud EDP (Tom Ford Ombre Leather Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Woody Oud (Tom Ford Oud Wood Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Alhambra Rose Petals EDP (Tom Ford Rose Prick Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
L'Aventure Al Haramain EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
L'Aventure Blanche Al Haramain EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
Lalique Encre Noire 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
Lalique Encre Noire A L'extreme 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LANCOME Hypnose 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LANCOME La Vie Est Belle 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Mancera Cedrat Boise 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10ML - $17
Mancera Cedrat Boise INTENSE Edition 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11.50, 10ML - $21
Mancera Red Tobacco 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 5ML - $17
Mancera Hindu Kush 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 5ML - $17
Mancera Aoud Lemon Mint 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 5ML - $17
Mancera Instant Crush 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 5ML - $17
Mancera Black Intensitive Aoud 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 5ML - $17
Maison Martin Margiela By the fireplace 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Maison Martin Margiela Sailing Day 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Maison Martin Margiela By the Lemon Trees 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
MONTBLANC Explorer 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
MONTBLANC Legend EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5
MONTBLANC Legend Night 2 ML - $2 5 ML - $5
MONTBLANC Individuel 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5
MOSCHINO Toy Boy EDP 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
MUGLER A*Men Pure Havane 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
MUGLER Cologne 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10ML - $17
Mercedes Benz Club Black 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Mercedes Benz SELECT 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Marc Jacobs DECADENCE 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Miu Miu Miu Miu 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
NISHANE ANI Extrait De Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Nasomatto Duro 2 ML - $9.50, 5 ML - $23
NAUTICA Voyage 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Narcisco Rodrigues For Her EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $11
Ormonde Jayne Tolu 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
PACO RABANNE XS 2018 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Penhaligon - The Favourite Eau De Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Althair 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Greenley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Kuhuyan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Akaster 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Percival 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Kalan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Darley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Nisean 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Habdan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Pegasus 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Pegasus Exclusif 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Layton 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Layton Exclusif 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Oajan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Sedley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Shagya 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Godolphin 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Galloway 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Carlisle 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Herod 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada Marienbad 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada Day for Night 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada L’Homme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Prada L’Homme INTENSE 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
Prada Luna Rossa Carbon 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
Prada Luna Rossa OCEAN 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
PINO Selvestre Original 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
ROCHAS Moustache EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Reyane Tradition Insurrection II Pure Extreme 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Ralph Lauren POLO BLUE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML-$15
Ralph Lauren POLO RED 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $12
Ralph Lauren Blue 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Ralph Lauren Pure Turquoise 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Revlon Charlie Red 5 ML - $2, 10 ML - $5
Revlon Charlie Gold 5 ML - $2, 10 ML - $5
Serge Lutens Ambre Sultan 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
Serge Lutens Clair de Musc 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Serge Lutens La Couche du Diable 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11
SHISEIDO Relaxing Fragrance 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Swiss Arabian Royal Mystery EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
SEAN JOHN Unforgivable 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $15
Sarah Jessica Parker Lovely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
TAUER Parfums, Andy Tauer No.2 L'Air Du Desert Marocain 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Teo Cabanel Barkhane 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11
Tiziana Terenzi Ursa 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Tiziana Terenzi Chimaera Extrait De Parfum 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
TOM FORD Ombre Leather EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Grey Vetiver 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Grey Vetiver Parfum Edition 2023 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD Beau De Jour EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Black Orchid Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD NOIR EDP 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD NOIR EXTREME EDP 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD OUD WOOD EDP Private Blend 2 ML - $11, 5 ML - $26
TOM FORD Tuscan Leather EDP Private Blend 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
TOM FORD Venetian Bergamot Private Blend Discntd. 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD COSTA AZZURRA 2021 EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD COSTA AZZURRA EDP Private Blend Discntd. 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
STERLING JUST JACK COLLECTION by ARMAF Eau De Parfum (Clones of Tom Ford fragrances):
TOBACCO LEAF (TOBACCO VANILLE Clone) 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
NEROLI (NEROLI PORTOFINO Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
HOMME NOIR (NOIR Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
NOIR ENDURANCE (NOIR EXTREME Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
BLACK IS BLACK (NOIR DE NOIR Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
OMBRE SUEDE (OMBRE LEATHER Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
FANTA FAB (THE Fuckxxing FABULOUS Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
ITALIAN LEATHER (TUSCAN LEATHER Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
Tommy Bahama Set Sail St. Barts 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Torry Burch Torry Burch 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Usher UR 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb Extreme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb Infrared 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf FlowerBomb 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
VERSACE Man Eau Fraiche 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
VERSACE DYLAN Blue 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8
VERSACE Pour Homme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE EROS EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
VERSACE EROS EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE EROS FLAME 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE Pour Homme OUD NOIR EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE Bright Crystal 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Ambre Impérial Van Cleef & Arpels 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Erba Pura 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Naxos 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Lira 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL MYSLF EDP 2023 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
YSL Y EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL L’Homme EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $9
YSL La Nuit de L’Homme EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $9
YSL L’Homme Le Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL La Nuit de L’Homme Le Parfum 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
YSL LIBRE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL Tuxedo 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL Caban 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL Trench 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL 37 rue de Bellechasse 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
ZARA Denim Couture 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Cuba Royal Cuba Paris (Clone of 1 Million Paco Rabanne) 2 ML- $2, 5 ML- $4, 10 ML- $8
Cuba Red Cuba Paris 2 ML - $2, 5 ML-$4, 10 ML-$8
4711 Original Eau de Cologne 4711 - 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
submitted by REDLINE-007 to CanadianFragranceSwap [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 02:25 REDLINE-007 [WTS] Designer & niche fragrance brand names decants/samples (decant)

For sale fragrance decants/samples, prices are listed below in US dollars. All atomizers come in black plastic spray bottles with a lid & individually marked with labels. Shipping to Canada is $10 USD and USA $10 USD by Canada Post first class airmail with tracking. I accept PayPal G&S (please pay any associated fees to PayPal) or Interac (Canada Only, no fees), local Pickup in Vancouver, BC, Canada is also possible. Please pm/chat me if you are interested.
Feedback, Photos & Fragrantica Page:
Fragrantica Page
\**JUST ARRIVED and ready for summer**\** >>> Parfums De Marly SEDLEY, GREENLEY, ALTHAIR>MANCERA CEDRAT BOISE, CEDRAT BOISE INTENSE, HINDU KUSH, RED TOBACCO, AOUD LEMON MINT> ARMANI Acqua Di Gio EDP, Acqua Di Gio PARFUM >INITIO Narcotic Delight>TOM FORD Grey Vetiver Parfum and more...
The Price list is in USD and updated on 04.30.2024
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO Eau de Parfum 2022 - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO PARFUM 2023 - 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - 11, 10 ML - $20
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO ABSOLU 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profondo 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profondo Lights 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profumo 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger with You 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger Intensely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger Absolutely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI City Glam 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10
ARMANI Si Fiori 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10
ARMANI Si Passione 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10
ARMANI Code Feme 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO Wanted By Night 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO The Most Wanted EDP 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO The Most Wanted PARFUM 2022 - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Atelier Cologne Ambre Nue 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $11.25
Atelier Cologne Oud Saphir 2 ML - $5.50, 5 ML - $13.50
Atelier Cologne Clementine California 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Atelier Cologne Rose Anonyme 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Atelier Cologne Bois Blonds 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Amouage Interlude Black Iris 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $16
Amouage Interlude Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Meander 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Enclave 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Lyric Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Boundless 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $16
Amouage Memoir Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Dia Man 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Jubilation XXV 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Beach Hut Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Epic Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Reflection Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Beloved Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Aedes De Venustas Grenadille d’Afrique 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Atelier des Ors Rose Omeyyade 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Intenza 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Bergamotto Di Calabria 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Chinotto Di Liguria 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA OUD EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Leather 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia MIRRA 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA FICO di AMALFI 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua di Parma Arancia di Capri 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Colonia Club 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Quercia 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Mandorlo Di Sicilia 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Mirto Di Panarea 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Essenza 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ABERCOMBIE & FITCH FIERCE 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $14
ARIANA GRANDE Cloud 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Anna Sui Flight of Fancy 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Al Haramain L’Aventure 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
Al Harmain L’Aventure Blanche 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM Parfum Version 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM Milestone 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $16
ARMAF Tres Nuit 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF Derby Club House 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
BURBERRY Mr. Burberry 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $14
BURBERRY Mr. Burberry EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $14
BURBERRY LONDON For Her EDP 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $14
Bond 9 New York Nights 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15, 10 ML - $24
BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $16
BVLGARI Mon Jasmin Noir 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $15
BENTLEY INTENSE Eau de Parfum 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
BERDOUES Collection Perfumes GRAND CRU Eau de parfum made in FRANCE:
MILLÉSIME OUD WA VANILLIA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
MAASAÏ MARA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
SOMEI YOSHINO - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
PÉNG LÁI - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
AZUR RIVERA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
Banana Republic ICON COLLECTION Eau de Parfum:
Tobacco & Tonka Bean - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Gardenia & Cardamom - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
83 Leather Reserve - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Dark Cherry & Amber - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Neroli Woods - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
17 Oud Mosaic - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
78 Vintage Green - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Peony & Peppercorn - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Linen Vetiver - 2 ML - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
90 Pure White - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
06 Black Platinum - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Cypress Cedar - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
CARNER BARCELONA Botafumeiro - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10ML - $15
CARNER BARCELONA Ambar Del Sur - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10ML - $15
CHANEL Gabrielle Essence 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport Cologne 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport Eau Extreme 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Egoiste Platinum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Pour Monsieur EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Creed Aventus 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
Creed Aventus 10th Anniversary 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Aventus Cologne 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Aventus For Her 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Viking 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Viking Cologne 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed EROLFA 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Neroli Sauvage 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Millesime Imperial 2 ML - $8, 5 ML -$20
Creed Original Vetiver 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Original Santal 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Green Irish Tweed 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Oud 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $29
Creed Himalaya 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Tabarome 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Bois du Portugal 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Virgin Island Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Silver Mountain Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Maifair 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Princess Oud 2 ML - $11, 5 ML - $27
Creed Pure White Cologne 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Creed Jardin d’Amalfi 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Creed White Amber 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Carolina Herrera Saffron Lazuli 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $24, 10 ML - $45
Carolina Herrera Bad Boy 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
CARTIER Pasha Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
CHOPARD Amber Malaki 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
COACH New York Eau De Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
COSTUME NATIONAL Soul 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $10
Calvin Klein ETERNITY 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
Calvin Klein Truth 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
Calvin Klein Truth for Her 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
COTY ASPEN 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
DIOR Fahrenheit EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
DIOR Fahrenheit Le Parfum 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR Homme 2020 EDT 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR Homme Le Parfum 2020 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
DIOR Homme ORIGINAL 2021 EDT - 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
DIOR Homme Cologne 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR SAUVAGE EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
DIOR SAUVAGE Parfum 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
DIOR Jadore EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
DIOR Addict Shine 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $16
Dolce & Gabbana The One EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
D & G The One INTENSE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
D & G Velvet Amber Sun EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Dolce & Gabbana K (KING) 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $12
Dolce & Gabbana K (KING) EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
Dolce & Gabbana INTENSO EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $16
Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue For Her 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
D & G Light Blue Eau Intense 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
D & G Light Blue Intense For Her 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
DIESEL Spirit of The Brave 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $12
Demeter Pineapple 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Elizabeth & James White Nirvana 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17.50
Etat Libre d’Orange You or Someone Else 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
English Laundry Windsor 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
English Laundry Notting Hill 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Frederic Malle Portrait of a Lady 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25, 10 ML - $50
Francis Kurkdjian L’Homme A la Rose 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Francis Kurkdjian Grand Soir 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 - 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Satin Mood EDP 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Silk Mood Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Petit Matin EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Universalis 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Vitae 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Guerlain Oud Essentiel 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Guerlain Shalimar Eau de Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Guerlain Mon Guerlain EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
GUCCI Guilty EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
GUCCI Guilty Pour Homme EDP 2020 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8
GUCCI Guilty OUD 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $14
GUCCI Guilty Love Edition 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
GUCCI Made To Measure 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
GUCCI Bloom Profumo 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $13
Geoffrey Beene Grey Flannel 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Giorgio Beverly Hills Wings 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
HERMES Terre EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
HERMES Terre Parfum 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
HERMES H24 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
HERMES TWILLY Eau De Parfum - 2 ML - $4
HERMES Rhubarbe Ecarlate - 2 ML - $4
HERMES D'Orange Verte - 2 ML - $4
HERMES Un Jardin Sur Le Toit 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10.
HUGO BOSS Bottled 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
HUGO BOSS Bottled EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Intense 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Elixir Parfum 2023 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
HUGO BOSS Bottled Infinite 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Night 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Hugo Reversed 2 ML - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS FEME 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HOLLISTER SoCal 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5 10 ML - $10
IMAGINERY AUTHORS Saint Julep 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Narcotic Delight 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Oud For Greatness 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Side Effect 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Atomic Rose 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Musk Therapy 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Rehab 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
ISSEY MIYAKE Pulse Of The Night 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6
ISSEY MIYAKE L'Eau d'Issey Noir Ambre 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
ISSEY MIYAKE L'Eau d'Issey For Man 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML -$9
Jo Malone Wood Sage & Sea Salt 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jo Malone Oud & Bergamot 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jo Malone Myrrh & Tonka 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Parfum ELIXIR 2023 ML - $5.25, 5 ML - $13
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
Jean Paul Gaultier Ultra Male 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male SnowGlobe 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
KILIAN Let's Settle in the Bedroom like Adults 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $10
KILIAN Angel's Share 2 ML - $12
LACOSTE L.12.12 EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE L.12.12 EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE Inspiration 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE Touch of Pink 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
Lattafa Oud For Glory Bade Al Oud (Initio Oud for Greatness Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Alhambra Fabulo Intense (Tom Ford Fxxing Fabulous Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Khamrah (Killian Angels Share Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Kismet Magic (Killian Angels Share Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Velvet Oud EDP (Tom Ford Ombre Leather Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Woody Oud (Tom Ford Oud Wood Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Alhambra Rose Petals EDP (Tom Ford Rose Prick Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
L'Aventure Al Haramain EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
L'Aventure Blanche Al Haramain EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
Lalique Encre Noire 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
Lalique Encre Noire A L'extreme 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LANCOME Hypnose 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LANCOME La Vie Est Belle 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Mancera Cedrat Boise 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10ML - $17
Mancera Cedrat Boise INTENSE Edition 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11.50, 10ML - $21
Mancera Red Tobacco 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 5ML - $17
Mancera Hindu Kush 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 5ML - $17
Mancera Aoud Lemon Mint 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 5ML - $17
Mancera Instant Crush 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 5ML - $17
Mancera Black Intensitive Aoud 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 5ML - $17
Maison Martin Margiela By the fireplace 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Maison Martin Margiela Sailing Day 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Maison Martin Margiela By the Lemon Trees 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
MONTBLANC Explorer 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
MONTBLANC Legend EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5
MONTBLANC Legend Night 2 ML - $2 5 ML - $5
MONTBLANC Individuel 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5
MOSCHINO Toy Boy EDP 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
MUGLER A*Men Pure Havane 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
MUGLER Cologne 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10ML - $17
Mercedes Benz Club Black 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Mercedes Benz SELECT 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Marc Jacobs DECADENCE 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Miu Miu Miu Miu 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
NISHANE ANI Extrait De Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Nasomatto Duro 2 ML - $9.50, 5 ML - $23
NAUTICA Voyage 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Narcisco Rodrigues For Her EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $11
Ormonde Jayne Tolu 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
PACO RABANNE XS 2018 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Penhaligon - The Favourite Eau De Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Althair 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Greenley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Kuhuyan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Akaster 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Percival 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Kalan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Darley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Nisean 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Habdan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Pegasus 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Pegasus Exclusif 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Layton 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Layton Exclusif 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Oajan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Sedley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Shagya 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Godolphin 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Galloway 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Carlisle 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Herod 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada Marienbad 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada Day for Night 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada L’Homme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Prada L’Homme INTENSE 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
Prada Luna Rossa Carbon 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
Prada Luna Rossa OCEAN 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
PINO Selvestre Original 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
ROCHAS Moustache EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Reyane Tradition Insurrection II Pure Extreme 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Ralph Lauren POLO BLUE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML-$15
Ralph Lauren POLO RED 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $12
Ralph Lauren Blue 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Ralph Lauren Pure Turquoise 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Revlon Charlie Red 5 ML - $2, 10 ML - $5
Revlon Charlie Gold 5 ML - $2, 10 ML - $5
Serge Lutens Ambre Sultan 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
Serge Lutens Clair de Musc 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Serge Lutens La Couche du Diable 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11
SHISEIDO Relaxing Fragrance 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Swiss Arabian Royal Mystery EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
SEAN JOHN Unforgivable 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $15
Sarah Jessica Parker Lovely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
TAUER Parfums, Andy Tauer No.2 L'Air Du Desert Marocain 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Teo Cabanel Barkhane 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11
Tiziana Terenzi Ursa 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Tiziana Terenzi Chimaera Extrait De Parfum 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
TOM FORD Ombre Leather EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Grey Vetiver 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Grey Vetiver Parfum Edition 2023 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD Beau De Jour EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Black Orchid Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD NOIR EDP 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD NOIR EXTREME EDP 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD OUD WOOD EDP Private Blend 2 ML - $11, 5 ML - $26
TOM FORD Tuscan Leather EDP Private Blend 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
TOM FORD Venetian Bergamot Private Blend Discntd. 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD COSTA AZZURRA 2021 EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD COSTA AZZURRA EDP Private Blend Discntd. 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
STERLING JUST JACK COLLECTION by ARMAF Eau De Parfum (Clones of Tom Ford fragrances):
TOBACCO LEAF (TOBACCO VANILLE Clone) 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
NEROLI (NEROLI PORTOFINO Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
HOMME NOIR (NOIR Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
NOIR ENDURANCE (NOIR EXTREME Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
BLACK IS BLACK (NOIR DE NOIR Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
OMBRE SUEDE (OMBRE LEATHER Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
FANTA FAB (THE Fuckxxing FABULOUS Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
ITALIAN LEATHER (TUSCAN LEATHER Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
Tommy Bahama Set Sail St. Barts 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Torry Burch Torry Burch 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Usher UR 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb Extreme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb Infrared 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf FlowerBomb 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
VERSACE Man Eau Fraiche 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
VERSACE DYLAN Blue 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8
VERSACE Pour Homme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE EROS EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
VERSACE EROS EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE EROS FLAME 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE Pour Homme OUD NOIR EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE Bright Crystal 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Ambre Impérial Van Cleef & Arpels 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Erba Pura 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Naxos 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Lira 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL MYSLF EDP 2023 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
YSL Y EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL L’Homme EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $9
YSL La Nuit de L’Homme EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $9
YSL L’Homme Le Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL La Nuit de L’Homme Le Parfum 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
YSL LIBRE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL Tuxedo 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL Caban 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL Trench 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL 37 rue de Bellechasse 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
ZARA Denim Couture 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Cuba Royal Cuba Paris (Clone of 1 Million Paco Rabanne) 2 ML- $2, 5 ML- $4, 10 ML- $8
Cuba Red Cuba Paris 2 ML - $2, 5 ML-$4, 10 ML-$8
4711 Original Eau de Cologne 4711 - 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
submitted by REDLINE-007 to fragranceswap [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 20:09 No-Platform-4242 Which female islanders do you like the most, and which ones do you like the least, and why?

Further to my post yesterday about male islanders, I was wondering about which female islanders you guys would like the most, and which ones you would like the least, and why.
It is a lot to read, so buckle up.
Before we start, here is a disclaimer to people who see this: this is a post for people to provide their honest opinion on islanders, and I appreciate that your opinion may differ from mine. The post is not in any way intended to dogpile on certain islanders, hence why I included both sides of the coin, as it were.
For the most likeable:
There are probably a lot more that I really like, that I’ve missed off.
Now for my least favourites:
What are your thoughts?
EDIT: more least favourites include Emma-Jane Woodhams, Faye Winter (portraid pharsard anyone?) and more favourites include Tasha, Molly Smith, Demi Jones, Sanam, Sophie (RIP), Montana - there’s probably lots more that I’ve missed off.
submitted by No-Platform-4242 to LoveIslandTV [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 01:46 REDLINE-007 [WTS] Designer & niche fragrance brand names decants/samples (decant)

Designer & niche fragrance brand names decants/samples (decant) WTS For sale fragrance decants/samples, prices are listed below in US dollars. All atomizers come in black plastic spray bottles with a lid & individually marked with labels. Shipping to Canada is $10 USD and USA $10 USD by Canada Post first class airmail with tracking. I accept PayPal G&S (please pay any associated fees to PayPal) or Interac (Canada Only, no fees), local Pickup in Vancouver, BC, Canada is also possible. Please pm/chat me if you are interested.
Feedback, Photos & Fragrantica Page:
Fragrantica Page
The Price list is in USD and updated on 04.27.2024
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO Eau de Parfum 2022 - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO PARFUM 2023 - 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - 11, 10 ML - $20
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO ABSOLU 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profondo 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profondo Lights 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profumo 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger with You 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger Intensely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger Absolutely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI City Glam 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10
ARMANI Si Fiori 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10
ARMANI Si Passione 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10
ARMANI Code Feme 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO Wanted By Night 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO The Most Wanted EDP 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO The Most Wanted PARFUM 2022 - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Atelier Cologne Ambre Nue 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $11.25
Atelier Cologne Oud Saphir 2 ML - $5.50, 5 ML - $13.50
Atelier Cologne Clementine California 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Atelier Cologne Rose Anonyme 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Atelier Cologne Bois Blonds 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Amouage Interlude Black Iris 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $16
Amouage Interlude Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Meander 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Enclave 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Lyric Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Boundless 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $16
Amouage Memoir Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Dia Man 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Jubilation XXV 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Beach Hut Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Epic Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Reflection Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Beloved Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Aedes De Venustas Grenadille d’Afrique 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Atelier des Ors Rose Omeyyade 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Intenza 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Bergamotto Di Calabria 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Chinotto Di Liguria 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA OUD EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Leather 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia MIRRA 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA FICO di AMALFI 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua di Parma Arancia di Capri 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Colonia Club 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Quercia 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Mandorlo Di Sicilia 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Mirto Di Panarea 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Essenza 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ABERCOMBIE & FITCH FIERCE 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $14
ARIANA GRANDE Cloud 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Anna Sui Flight of Fancy 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Al Haramain L’Aventure 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
Al Harmain L’Aventure Blanche 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM Parfum Version 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM Milestone 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $16
ARMAF Tres Nuit 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF Derby Club House 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
BURBERRY Mr. Burberry 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $14
BURBERRY Mr. Burberry EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $14
BURBERRY LONDON For Her EDP 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $14
Bond 9 New York Nights 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15, 10 ML - $24
BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $16
BVLGARI Mon Jasmin Noir 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $15
BENTLEY INTENSE Eau de Parfum 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
BERDOUES Collection Perfumes GRAND CRU Eau de parfum made in FRANCE:
MILLÉSIME OUD WA VANILLIA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
MAASAÏ MARA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
SOMEI YOSHINO - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
PÉNG LÁI - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
AZUR RIVERA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
Banana Republic ICON COLLECTION Eau de Parfum:
Tobacco & Tonka Bean - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Gardenia & Cardamom - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
83 Leather Reserve - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Dark Cherry & Amber - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Neroli Woods - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
17 Oud Mosaic - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
78 Vintage Green - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Peony & Peppercorn - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Linen Vetiver - 2 ML - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
90 Pure White - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
06 Black Platinum - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Cypress Cedar - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
CARNER BARCELONA Botafumeiro - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10ML - $15
CARNER BARCELONA Ambar Del Sur - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10ML - $15
CHANEL Gabrielle Essence 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport Cologne 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport Eau Extreme 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Egoiste Platinum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Pour Monsieur EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Creed Aventus 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
Creed Aventus 10th Anniversary 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Aventus Cologne 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Aventus For Her 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Viking 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Viking Cologne 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed EROLFA 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Neroli Sauvage 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Millesime Imperial 2 ML - $8, 5 ML -$20
Creed Original Vetiver 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Original Santal 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Green Irish Tweed 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Oud 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $29
Creed Himalaya 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Tabarome 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Bois du Portugal 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Virgin Island Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Silver Mountain Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Maifair 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Princess Oud 2 ML - $11, 5 ML - $27
Creed Pure White Cologne 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Creed Jardin d’Amalfi 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Creed White Amber 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Carolina Herrera Saffron Lazuli 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $24, 10 ML - $45
Carolina Herrera Bad Boy 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
CARTIER Pasha Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
CHOPARD Amber Malaki 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
COACH New York Eau De Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
COSTUME NATIONAL Soul 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $10
Calvin Klein ETERNITY 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
Calvin Klein Truth 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
Calvin Klein Truth for Her 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
COTY ASPEN 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
DIOR Fahrenheit EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
DIOR Fahrenheit Le Parfum 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR Homme 2020 EDT 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR Homme Le Parfum 2020 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
DIOR Homme ORIGINAL 2021 EDT - 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
DIOR Homme Cologne 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR SAUVAGE EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
DIOR SAUVAGE Parfum 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
DIOR Jadore EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
DIOR Addict Shine 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $16
Dolce & Gabbana The One EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
D & G The One INTENSE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
D & G Velvet Amber Sun EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Dolce & Gabbana K (KING) 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $12
Dolce & Gabbana K (KING) EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
Dolce & Gabbana INTENSO EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $16
Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue For Her 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
D & G Light Blue Eau Intense 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
D & G Light Blue Intense For Her 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
DIESEL Spirit of The Brave 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $12
Demeter Pineapple 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Elizabeth & James White Nirvana 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17.50
Etat Libre d’Orange You or Someone Else 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
English Laundry Windsor 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
English Laundry Notting Hill 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Frederic Malle Portrait of a Lady 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25, 10 ML - $50
Francis Kurkdjian L’Homme A la Rose 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Francis Kurkdjian Grand Soir 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 - 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Satin Mood EDP 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Silk Mood Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Petit Matin EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Universalis 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Vitae 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Guerlain Oud Essentiel 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Guerlain Shalimar Eau de Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Guerlain Mon Guerlain EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
GUCCI Guilty EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
GUCCI Guilty Pour Homme EDP 2020 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8
GUCCI Guilty OUD 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $14
GUCCI Guilty Love Edition 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
GUCCI Made To Measure 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
GUCCI Bloom Profumo 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $13
Geoffrey Beene Grey Flannel 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Giorgio Beverly Hills Wings 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
HERMES Terre EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
HERMES Terre Parfum 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
HERMES H24 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
HERMES TWILLY Eau De Parfum - 2 ML - $4
HERMES Rhubarbe Ecarlate - 2 ML - $4
HERMES D'Orange Verte - 2 ML - $4
HERMES Un Jardin Sur Le Toit 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10.
HUGO BOSS Bottled 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
HUGO BOSS Bottled EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Intense 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Elixir Parfum 2023 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
HUGO BOSS Bottled Infinite 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Night 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Hugo Reversed 2 ML - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS FEME 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HOLLISTER SoCal 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5 10 ML - $10
IMAGINERY AUTHORS Saint Julep 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Narcotic Delight 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Oud For Greatness 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Side Effect 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Atomic Rose 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Musk Therapy 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Rehab 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
ISSEY MIYAKE Pulse Of The Night 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6
ISSEY MIYAKE L'Eau d'Issey Noir Ambre 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
ISSEY MIYAKE L'Eau d'Issey For Man 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML -$9
Jo Malone Wood Sage & Sea Salt 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jo Malone Oud & Bergamot 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jo Malone Myrrh & Tonka 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Parfum ELIXIR 2023 ML - $5.25, 5 ML - $13
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
Jean Paul Gaultier Ultra Male 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male SnowGlobe 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
KILIAN Let's Settle in the Bedroom like Adults 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $10
KILIAN Angel's Share 2 ML - $12
LACOSTE L.12.12 EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE L.12.12 EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE Inspiration 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE Touch of Pink 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
Lattafa Oud For Glory Bade Al Oud (Initio Oud for Greatness Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Alhambra Fabulo Intense (Tom Ford Fxxing Fabulous Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Khamrah (Killian Angels Share Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Kismet Magic (Killian Angels Share Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Velvet Oud EDP (Tom Ford Ombre Leather Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Woody Oud (Tom Ford Oud Wood Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Alhambra Rose Petals EDP (Tom Ford Rose Prick Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
L'Aventure Al Haramain EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
L'Aventure Blanche Al Haramain EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
Lalique Encre Noire 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
Lalique Encre Noire A L'extreme 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LANCOME Hypnose 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LANCOME La Vie Est Belle 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Mancera Cedrat Boise 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10ML - $17
Mancera Cedrat Boise Intense Edition 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11.50, 10ML - $21
Mancera Red Tobacco 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 5ML - $17
Mancera Hindu Kush 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 5ML - $17
Mancera Aoud Lemon Mint 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 5ML - $17
Mancera Instant Crush 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 5ML - $17
Mancera Black Intensitive Aoud 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 5ML - $17
Maison Martin Margiela By the fireplace 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Maison Martin Margiela Sailing Day 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Maison Martin Margiela By the Lemon Trees 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
MONTBLANC Explorer 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
MONTBLANC Legend EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5
MONTBLANC Legend Night 2 ML - $2 5 ML - $5
MONTBLANC Individuel 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5
MOSCHINO Toy Boy EDP 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
MUGLER A*Men Pure Havane 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
MUGLER Cologne 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10ML - $17
Mercedes Benz Club Black 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Mercedes Benz SELECT 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Marc Jacobs DECADENCE 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Miu Miu Miu Miu 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
NISHANE ANI Extrait De Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Nasomatto Duro 2 ML - $9.50, 5 ML - $23
NAUTICA Voyage 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Narcisco Rodrigues For Her EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $11
Ormonde Jayne Tolu 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
PACO RABANNE XS 2018 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Penhaligon - The Favourite Eau De Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Althair 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Greenley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Kuhuyan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Akaster 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Percival 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Kalan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Darley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Nisean 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Habdan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Pegasus 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Pegasus Exclusif 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Layton 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Layton Exclusif 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Oajan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Sedley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Shagya 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Godolphin 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Galloway 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Carlisle 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Herod 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada Marienbad 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada Day for Night 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada L’Homme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Prada L’Homme INTENSE 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
Prada Luna Rossa Carbon 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
Prada Luna Rossa OCEAN 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
PINO Selvestre Original 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
ROCHAS Moustache EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Reyane Tradition Insurrection II Pure Extreme 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Ralph Lauren POLO BLUE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML-$15
Ralph Lauren POLO RED 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $12
Ralph Lauren Blue 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Ralph Lauren Pure Turquoise 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Revlon Charlie Red 5 ML - $2, 10 ML - $5
Revlon Charlie Gold 5 ML - $2, 10 ML - $5
Serge Lutens Ambre Sultan 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
Serge Lutens Clair de Musc 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Serge Lutens La Couche du Diable 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11
SHISEIDO Relaxing Fragrance 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Swiss Arabian Royal Mystery EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
SEAN JOHN Unforgivable 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $15
Sarah Jessica Parker Lovely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
TAUER Parfums, Andy Tauer No.2 L'Air Du Desert Marocain 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Teo Cabanel Barkhane 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11
Tiziana Terenzi Ursa 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Tiziana Terenzi Chimaera Extrait De Parfum 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
TOM FORD Ombre Leather EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Grey Vetiver 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Grey Vetiver Parfum Edition 2023 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD Beau De Jour EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Black Orchid Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD NOIR EDP 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD NOIR EXTREME EDP 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD OUD WOOD EDP Private Blend 2 ML - $11, 5 ML - $26
TOM FORD Tuscan Leather EDP Private Blend 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
TOM FORD Venetian Bergamot Private Blend Discntd. 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD COSTA AZZURRA 2021 EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD COSTA AZZURRA EDP Private Blend Discntd. 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
STERLING JUST JACK COLLECTION by ARMAF Eau De Parfum (Clones of Tom Ford fragrances):
TOBACCO LEAF (TOBACCO VANILLE Clone) 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
NEROLI (NEROLI PORTOFINO Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
HOMME NOIR (NOIR Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
NOIR ENDURANCE (NOIR EXTREME Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
BLACK IS BLACK (NOIR DE NOIR Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
OMBRE SUEDE (OMBRE LEATHER Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
FANTA FAB (THE Fuckxxing FABULOUS Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
ITALIAN LEATHER (TUSCAN LEATHER Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
Tommy Bahama Set Sail St. Barts 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Torry Burch Torry Burch 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Usher UR 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb Extreme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb Infrared 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf FlowerBomb 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
VERSACE Man Eau Fraiche 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
VERSACE DYLAN Blue 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8
VERSACE Pour Homme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE EROS EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
VERSACE EROS EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE EROS FLAME 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE Pour Homme OUD NOIR EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE Bright Crystal 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Ambre Impérial Van Cleef & Arpels 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Erba Pura 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Naxos 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Lira 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL MYSLF EDP 2023 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
YSL Y EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL L’Homme EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $9
YSL La Nuit de L’Homme EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $9
YSL L’Homme Le Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL La Nuit de L’Homme Le Parfum 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
YSL LIBRE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL Tuxedo 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL Caban 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL Trench 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL 37 rue de Bellechasse 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
ZARA Denim Couture 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Cuba Royal Cuba Paris (Clone of 1 Million Paco Rabanne) 2 ML- $2, 5 ML- $4, 10 ML- $8
Cuba Red Cuba Paris 2 ML - $2, 5 ML-$4, 10 ML-$8
4711 Original Eau de Cologne 4711 - 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
submitted by REDLINE-007 to fragranceswap [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 01:45 REDLINE-007 [WTS] Designer & niche fragrance brand names decants/samples (decant)

Designer & niche fragrance brand names decants/samples (decant) WTS For sale fragrance decants/samples, prices are listed below in US dollars. All atomizers come in black plastic spray bottles with a lid & individually marked with labels. Shipping to Canada is $10 USD and USA $10 USD by Canada Post first class airmail with tracking. I accept PayPal G&S (please pay any associated fees to PayPal) or Interac (Canada Only, no fees), local Pickup in Vancouver, BC, Canada is also possible. Please pm/chat me if you are interested.
Feedback, Photos & Fragrantica Page:
Fragrantica Page
The Price list is in USD and updated on 04.27.2024
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO Eau de Parfum 2022 - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO PARFUM 2023 - 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - 11, 10 ML - $20
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO ABSOLU 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profondo 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profondo Lights 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profumo 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger with You 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger Intensely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger Absolutely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI City Glam 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10
ARMANI Si Fiori 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10
ARMANI Si Passione 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10
ARMANI Code Feme 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO Wanted By Night 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO The Most Wanted EDP 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO The Most Wanted PARFUM 2022 - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Atelier Cologne Ambre Nue 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $11.25
Atelier Cologne Oud Saphir 2 ML - $5.50, 5 ML - $13.50
Atelier Cologne Clementine California 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Atelier Cologne Rose Anonyme 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Atelier Cologne Bois Blonds 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Amouage Interlude Black Iris 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $16
Amouage Interlude Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Meander 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Enclave 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Lyric Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Boundless 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $16
Amouage Memoir Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Dia Man 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Jubilation XXV 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Beach Hut Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Epic Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Reflection Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Beloved Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Aedes De Venustas Grenadille d’Afrique 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Atelier des Ors Rose Omeyyade 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Intenza 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Bergamotto Di Calabria 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Chinotto Di Liguria 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA OUD EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Leather 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia MIRRA 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA FICO di AMALFI 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua di Parma Arancia di Capri 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Colonia Club 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Quercia 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Mandorlo Di Sicilia 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Mirto Di Panarea 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Essenza 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ABERCOMBIE & FITCH FIERCE 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $14
ARIANA GRANDE Cloud 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Anna Sui Flight of Fancy 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Al Haramain L’Aventure 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
Al Harmain L’Aventure Blanche 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM Parfum Version 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM Milestone 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $16
ARMAF Tres Nuit 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF Derby Club House 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
BURBERRY Mr. Burberry 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $14
BURBERRY Mr. Burberry EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $14
BURBERRY LONDON For Her EDP 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $14
Bond 9 New York Nights 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15, 10 ML - $24
BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $16
BVLGARI Mon Jasmin Noir 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $15
BENTLEY INTENSE Eau de Parfum 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
BERDOUES Collection Perfumes GRAND CRU Eau de parfum made in FRANCE:
MILLÉSIME OUD WA VANILLIA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
MAASAÏ MARA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
SOMEI YOSHINO - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
PÉNG LÁI - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
AZUR RIVERA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
Banana Republic ICON COLLECTION Eau de Parfum:
Tobacco & Tonka Bean - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Gardenia & Cardamom - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
83 Leather Reserve - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Dark Cherry & Amber - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Neroli Woods - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
17 Oud Mosaic - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
78 Vintage Green - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Peony & Peppercorn - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Linen Vetiver - 2 ML - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
90 Pure White - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
06 Black Platinum - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Cypress Cedar - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
CARNER BARCELONA Botafumeiro - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10ML - $15
CARNER BARCELONA Ambar Del Sur - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10ML - $15
CHANEL Gabrielle Essence 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport Cologne 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport Eau Extreme 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Egoiste Platinum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Pour Monsieur EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Creed Aventus 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
Creed Aventus 10th Anniversary 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Aventus Cologne 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Aventus For Her 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Viking 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Viking Cologne 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed EROLFA 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Neroli Sauvage 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Millesime Imperial 2 ML - $8, 5 ML -$20
Creed Original Vetiver 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Original Santal 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Green Irish Tweed 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Oud 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $29
Creed Himalaya 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Tabarome 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Bois du Portugal 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Virgin Island Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Silver Mountain Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Maifair 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Princess Oud 2 ML - $11, 5 ML - $27
Creed Pure White Cologne 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Creed Jardin d’Amalfi 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Creed White Amber 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Carolina Herrera Saffron Lazuli 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $24, 10 ML - $45
Carolina Herrera Bad Boy 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
CARTIER Pasha Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
CHOPARD Amber Malaki 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
COACH New York Eau De Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
COSTUME NATIONAL Soul 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $10
Calvin Klein ETERNITY 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
Calvin Klein Truth 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
Calvin Klein Truth for Her 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
COTY ASPEN 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
DIOR Fahrenheit EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
DIOR Fahrenheit Le Parfum 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR Homme 2020 EDT 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR Homme Le Parfum 2020 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
DIOR Homme ORIGINAL 2021 EDT - 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
DIOR Homme Cologne 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR SAUVAGE EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
DIOR SAUVAGE Parfum 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
DIOR Jadore EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
DIOR Addict Shine 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $16
Dolce & Gabbana The One EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
D & G The One INTENSE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
D & G Velvet Amber Sun EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Dolce & Gabbana K (KING) 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $12
Dolce & Gabbana K (KING) EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
Dolce & Gabbana INTENSO EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $16
Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue For Her 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
D & G Light Blue Eau Intense 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
D & G Light Blue Intense For Her 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
DIESEL Spirit of The Brave 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $12
Demeter Pineapple 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Elizabeth & James White Nirvana 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17.50
Etat Libre d’Orange You or Someone Else 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
English Laundry Windsor 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
English Laundry Notting Hill 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Frederic Malle Portrait of a Lady 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25, 10 ML - $50
Francis Kurkdjian L’Homme A la Rose 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Francis Kurkdjian Grand Soir 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 - 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Satin Mood EDP 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Silk Mood Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Petit Matin EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Universalis 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Vitae 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Guerlain Oud Essentiel 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Guerlain Shalimar Eau de Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Guerlain Mon Guerlain EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
GUCCI Guilty EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
GUCCI Guilty Pour Homme EDP 2020 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8
GUCCI Guilty OUD 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $14
GUCCI Guilty Love Edition 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
GUCCI Made To Measure 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
GUCCI Bloom Profumo 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $13
Geoffrey Beene Grey Flannel 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Giorgio Beverly Hills Wings 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
HERMES Terre EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
HERMES Terre Parfum 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
HERMES H24 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
HERMES TWILLY Eau De Parfum - 2 ML - $4
HERMES Rhubarbe Ecarlate - 2 ML - $4
HERMES D'Orange Verte - 2 ML - $4
HERMES Un Jardin Sur Le Toit 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10.
HUGO BOSS Bottled 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
HUGO BOSS Bottled EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Intense 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Elixir Parfum 2023 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
HUGO BOSS Bottled Infinite 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Night 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Hugo Reversed 2 ML - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS FEME 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HOLLISTER SoCal 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5 10 ML - $10
IMAGINERY AUTHORS Saint Julep 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Narcotic Delight 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Oud For Greatness 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Side Effect 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Atomic Rose 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Musk Therapy 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Rehab 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
ISSEY MIYAKE Pulse Of The Night 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6
ISSEY MIYAKE L'Eau d'Issey Noir Ambre 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
ISSEY MIYAKE L'Eau d'Issey For Man 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML -$9
Jo Malone Wood Sage & Sea Salt 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jo Malone Oud & Bergamot 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jo Malone Myrrh & Tonka 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Parfum ELIXIR 2023 ML - $5.25, 5 ML - $13
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
Jean Paul Gaultier Ultra Male 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male SnowGlobe 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
KILIAN Let's Settle in the Bedroom like Adults 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $10
KILIAN Angel's Share 2 ML - $12
LACOSTE L.12.12 EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE L.12.12 EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE Inspiration 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE Touch of Pink 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
Lattafa Oud For Glory Bade Al Oud (Initio Oud for Greatness Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Alhambra Fabulo Intense (Tom Ford Fxxing Fabulous Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Khamrah (Killian Angels Share Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Kismet Magic (Killian Angels Share Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Velvet Oud EDP (Tom Ford Ombre Leather Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Woody Oud (Tom Ford Oud Wood Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Alhambra Rose Petals EDP (Tom Ford Rose Prick Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
L'Aventure Al Haramain EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
L'Aventure Blanche Al Haramain EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
Lalique Encre Noire 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
Lalique Encre Noire A L'extreme 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LANCOME Hypnose 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LANCOME La Vie Est Belle 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Mancera Cedrat Boise 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10ML - $17
Mancera Cedrat Boise Intense Edition 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11.50, 10ML - $21
Mancera Red Tobacco 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 5ML - $17
Mancera Hindu Kush 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 5ML - $17
Mancera Aoud Lemon Mint 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 5ML - $17
Mancera Instant Crush 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 5ML - $17
Mancera Black Intensitive Aoud 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 5ML - $17
Maison Martin Margiela By the fireplace 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Maison Martin Margiela Sailing Day 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Maison Martin Margiela By the Lemon Trees 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
MONTBLANC Explorer 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
MONTBLANC Legend EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5
MONTBLANC Legend Night 2 ML - $2 5 ML - $5
MONTBLANC Individuel 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5
MOSCHINO Toy Boy EDP 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
MUGLER A*Men Pure Havane 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
MUGLER Cologne 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10ML - $17
Mercedes Benz Club Black 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Mercedes Benz SELECT 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Marc Jacobs DECADENCE 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Miu Miu Miu Miu 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
NISHANE ANI Extrait De Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Nasomatto Duro 2 ML - $9.50, 5 ML - $23
NAUTICA Voyage 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Narcisco Rodrigues For Her EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $11
Ormonde Jayne Tolu 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
PACO RABANNE XS 2018 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Penhaligon - The Favourite Eau De Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Althair 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Greenley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Kuhuyan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Akaster 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Percival 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Kalan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Darley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Nisean 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Habdan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Pegasus 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Pegasus Exclusif 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Layton 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Layton Exclusif 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Oajan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Sedley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Shagya 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Godolphin 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Galloway 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Carlisle 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Herod 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada Marienbad 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada Day for Night 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada L’Homme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Prada L’Homme INTENSE 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
Prada Luna Rossa Carbon 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
Prada Luna Rossa OCEAN 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
PINO Selvestre Original 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
ROCHAS Moustache EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Reyane Tradition Insurrection II Pure Extreme 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Ralph Lauren POLO BLUE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML-$15
Ralph Lauren POLO RED 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $12
Ralph Lauren Blue 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Ralph Lauren Pure Turquoise 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Revlon Charlie Red 5 ML - $2, 10 ML - $5
Revlon Charlie Gold 5 ML - $2, 10 ML - $5
Serge Lutens Ambre Sultan 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
Serge Lutens Clair de Musc 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Serge Lutens La Couche du Diable 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11
SHISEIDO Relaxing Fragrance 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Swiss Arabian Royal Mystery EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
SEAN JOHN Unforgivable 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $15
Sarah Jessica Parker Lovely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
TAUER Parfums, Andy Tauer No.2 L'Air Du Desert Marocain 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Teo Cabanel Barkhane 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11
Tiziana Terenzi Ursa 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Tiziana Terenzi Chimaera Extrait De Parfum 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
TOM FORD Ombre Leather EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Grey Vetiver 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Grey Vetiver Parfum Edition 2023 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD Beau De Jour EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Black Orchid Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD NOIR EDP 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD NOIR EXTREME EDP 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD OUD WOOD EDP Private Blend 2 ML - $11, 5 ML - $26
TOM FORD Tuscan Leather EDP Private Blend 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
TOM FORD Venetian Bergamot Private Blend Discntd. 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD COSTA AZZURRA 2021 EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD COSTA AZZURRA EDP Private Blend Discntd. 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
STERLING JUST JACK COLLECTION by ARMAF Eau De Parfum (Clones of Tom Ford fragrances):
TOBACCO LEAF (TOBACCO VANILLE Clone) 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
NEROLI (NEROLI PORTOFINO Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
HOMME NOIR (NOIR Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
NOIR ENDURANCE (NOIR EXTREME Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
BLACK IS BLACK (NOIR DE NOIR Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
OMBRE SUEDE (OMBRE LEATHER Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
FANTA FAB (THE Fuckxxing FABULOUS Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
ITALIAN LEATHER (TUSCAN LEATHER Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
Tommy Bahama Set Sail St. Barts 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Torry Burch Torry Burch 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Usher UR 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb Extreme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb Infrared 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf FlowerBomb 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
VERSACE Man Eau Fraiche 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
VERSACE DYLAN Blue 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8
VERSACE Pour Homme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE EROS EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
VERSACE EROS EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE EROS FLAME 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE Pour Homme OUD NOIR EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE Bright Crystal 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Ambre Impérial Van Cleef & Arpels 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Erba Pura 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Naxos 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Lira 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL MYSLF EDP 2023 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
YSL Y EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL L’Homme EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $9
YSL La Nuit de L’Homme EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $9
YSL L’Homme Le Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL La Nuit de L’Homme Le Parfum 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
YSL LIBRE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL Tuxedo 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL Caban 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL Trench 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL 37 rue de Bellechasse 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
ZARA Denim Couture 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Cuba Royal Cuba Paris (Clone of 1 Million Paco Rabanne) 2 ML- $2, 5 ML- $4, 10 ML- $8
Cuba Red Cuba Paris 2 ML - $2, 5 ML-$4, 10 ML-$8
4711 Original Eau de Cologne 4711 - 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
submitted by REDLINE-007 to CanadianFragranceSwap [link] [comments]